W^^^^^^y ii y- (Irawd Army of the Republic. 60MRADES, QTTENTI0N •t^^i^Stf^ Qvery Oomrade visltina i\)e Pacific 6oast, bo-l^ sho .J L - II ._j-:4..- _-P old* off. yea a b rod JOHI Private ClassificatMi J Taylor's Ctiicago Battery, and \ Chicago Mercantile Battery. y^" sar tbe pre ive 3SS >m- t, REGISTER DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA, GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC 1886. Compiled and Printed by direction and under supervision of ths GejnejraIv Committee oe NlAistAQEMEi^rr, Twentieth National Encampment. SAN FRANCISCO: JOSi. ^H L. THARF». 1886. This Eegisteb of the Department of California, G. A. R., has been compiled and printed under the direction of the General Committee Twentieth National Encampment, for distribution to visiting Comrades, to aid them in finding their old associates of army days. In addition to registers of Posts, and alphabetical index of names, it contains thennmesof all Comrades of this Department by States and organizations, an arrangement by which any one will find under State and number of regiment, the names of all his old Comrades of that regiment now living in this Depart- ment, with reference to Post, where will be found the further particulars of ser- vice and residence. Attention is invited to this feature of the Eegister. which it is believed will be found of special value and interest. All Comrades registering at the General Committee Headquarters. Chamber of Commerce, 431 California street, will be presented with a copy. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Koster of Posts General Committee of Management Sub-Committees Programme Department of California — Officers Post Registers 3-189 Appendix 190-192 Index by States and Organizations 193-245 Alphabetical Index 246 SAN FRAIN CISCO offers many advantages for Investment, owing to the fact that it is the Financial Center of the Coast. All Transportation Companies, by land or water, makes Terminii at this Point. To-Day with a Population of nearly Four Hundred Thousand People, it is reasonable to say thafc the Population will approach a Million in ten years, and for Investment, bpecula- tion or Manufactures, the City of San Francisco is the New York City of the Pacific Coast. For reliable data concerning her resources, advise with the lead- ing Heal Estate House, and Auctioneers. EASTON &, ELDRIDGE 018 Market St., 0pp. Palace Hotel. By FE3 9 19»6 ROSTER OF P Department of- California., G. A. R. Name. No. Addison J A 121 Alexander ColJWS 95 Amner Thomas 78 Anderson 21 Anderson Robert . . 66 Antietam 63 •Appomattox 50 At'anta 92 dkerColED.... 71 Barrett 62 Bartlett Frank 6 Belmont 101 Berry Gen 85 Burnside 36 CanbyGen 77 •Carson Kit 74 Cass Col 45 Champion Hill 100 Chattanooga 115 Corinth 80 CornmanWR 57 *Cushing 44 Custer 5 Do Long G W 45 Uix John A 42 Dixon Ken 122 •DolhirdTom 53 Donelson. 94 Dunham 86 . EddyMajE W 68 Ellsworth 20 •Evans (ien Geo S . 72 Fair Oaks 120 Farragut 4 Foote 89 Fredericksburg 97 •Garfield J A 34 Gaylord 125 Geary John W 113 •Gelcich. 106 Gettysburg 59 GodfreyJohnF.... 93 Grant 9 Halleck 19 Hancock 104 •Heintzelman 33 Hooker Joe 11 Island No 10 109 Kearney PhU 10 Kearsarge 119 Kehoo James 102 Keaesaw 123 Kilpatrick 38 •Lander 27 Lee Eddy 73 Locality. Page San Jacinto... 184 Globe AT ....156 Boulder Creek. 136 Firndale 189 Lompoc 122 Petaluma 118 Oakland 95 Fresno 152 Newcastle 128 Prescott AT.. 116 Los Angeles... 33 Auburn 1G3 Truckee 145 Tombstone 75 Martinez 135 Napa 131 San Francisco . 87 Plymouth 162 Nevada City... 178 MarysvOle 133 S Bernardino. .109 S Buenavent'a. 84 Carson Nev 31 Honolulu HI.. 85 San Jose 80 Quincey 185 Mendocino 102 Taylor Nev 155 Kingsburg 146 Santa Paula... 124 Santa Rosa 54 Redwood City. 129 Sacramento 18T VaUejo 29 Santa Maria. ..159 Point Arena ..149 San Francisco. 68 Upper Lake.... 188 Dixon 176 E Los Angeles.169 Tulare. . . . 'if.'fl^dij Pasadena. . .'. . .lo^' Modesto 45 Chico...r..;I.r. 53 Merced.. ~.- 267-r San Diego 65 Alameda 48 Selma 172 Virginia Nev.. 47 Ukiah 182 BisbeeAT....165 Oi*ind 186 St Helena 77 Austin Nev ... 61 FaU Riv mils. 130 Name. No. •Lincoli 1 L ol..,i^ ..iOuutain. 8S *Lyou 8 Manstield (ieu J K. 75 Matheson Rod 16 McClellan Gen G B 84 McCookRL 26 McDermit 87 McDowell Gen 90 McPherson 51 *MeadG Gen O G . . . 48 Miller Gen John F. 110 Mitchell Gen O M, . 69 Modoc 91 Monitor 112 Morey J\V 81 Morris Lou 47 Morton Gov 41 *Negley 35 Ontario 124 Ord E O C 82 •Owens J W 83 Placerville 108 Preston Col AW... 114 Ran5om Gen T E G C6 *Rawlins 23 Riverside 118 Reno Jesse L 53 Reynolds J F 98 RocisseauLH 64 Sedgwick 17 Seward AVH 65 Sheridan Phil 7 Sherman TW 96 Shiloh 60 South Mountain ... 117 Stanton 55 Starr King 52 Steedman Gen J B. 56 Steele Fred 70 -^teyensTB 103 *SiHMer 3 •Thomas.GeoH.... 2 Union 99 Uptoft: • 29 Vicksburg 61 WaUace Capt Wm . 76 •Wallace WHL... 32 *Warren 54 •Whipple Col 49 Williamsburg 116 Winchester 105 WinslowEF 73 Wright Gen Geo... Ill -Yates Gov Dick.... 107 Locality. Page San Francisco. 3 Berkeley 148 Oakland 41 Red Bluff 132 Healdsburg 50 Etna 144 Watsonville... 60 Winnemucca. .147 San Rafael.... 150 Hauford 98 San Francisco. 90 Colusa. .. 173 Reno Nev 125 Adin 151 Willows 175 Guerneville 141 Livermore 89 Galistoga 79 Tucson AT... 73 Ontario 187 LosGatos 142 Phoiuix A T...143 Placerville ....171 Winters 1T7 FlagstafleAT..123 Stockton 56 Riverside 181 HoUister Ill Santa Cruz 160 Kelseyville 119 Santa Ana 51 Woodland 120 San Jos6 38 Oroville 157 Compton 114 Loyalton 180 Los Angeles... 105 Santa Barbara.lOO Salinas 108 S Luis Obispo..l27 Elsiuore 166 Sacramento 25 San Francisco. 14 Lemoore 161 Eureka Nev.... 62 Pomona 115 Lake City 134 Santa Cruz 63 Sacramento 103 Eureka 93 Williams 179 Anderson 168 Redding 137 Visaha 174 Traver 170 "f See, also, additional names in appendix, pages 190, 191 and 192, Twentieth National Encampment. G. A. R. General Committej of Management. S. W. BACKUS, Chairman. STTJAnT Taylor, 1st Vice-Chairm\n. 0. Mason Kinne, Chas. E. Wilson, W. H. Holmes, J. W. Staples, D. M. Cashin, H. T. Hobbert, W. O.Gouia. W. H. Dimoud, H. Bartling, Secretary. Jerome DeASy, R. H. Orton, Horace Wilson, Wm. H, Wbarff, J.M. Davis, J. M.Litchaeld, A. T. EgglestOQ, T. K. Noble, 2d Vioe-Chairman. Johu Lynch R. E. Houghton, Edward 3. Salomon. S. J. Corbett, John T. Cutting, G. H. Stevens, W. B. Hooper. W. R. Sinedberg, W. W. Montague, Treasurer. Executive Committee. S. Vt. Backus, Chairman. C. Mason Kinnk, Secretary, W. H. Holmes, R. E. Houghton, W. O. Gould, J. M. Davis, E. S. Salomon, J. W. Staples, W. B. Hooper. Finance Committee. W. H. DiMOND, Chairman. W. O. Gould, Vice-Chairman. Thos. S Taylor. Ass' Gov. Geo. Stoneman, Hon. Geo. C. Perkins, J. L. Tharp, C. Kohler, D. J. Staples, J. E. Stetson, E. B. Pond, J. E. Kunkler, Chas. Lux, R. Tobin, Phil. I. Fisher, John n. Dickinson, Timothy Hopkins, A. P. Wimams, B. P. Flint, Louis Sloss, A. E. Hecht, G. W. Prescott, M. J. Keating, L. P. Holtz, A. J. Bryant, Peter Dean, J. W. Shaeffer, Geo. K. Porter, Sidney M. Smith A. W. Foster, L. L. Bakei, Ignatz Steinbart, Geo. L. Brander, David Cahn, Geo. A. Fisher, Thos. Denigan, C. L. Taylor, S. H. Seymour, D. A. Macdonald Colin M. Boyd, J. M. Litchfield, W. W. Montague, Treasurer. J. M. Litchfield, Secretary, t Secretary. H. B. Russ, Geo. C. Hickox, A.^W. Scott, W. H. L. Barnes, J. F. Kennedy, H. L. Dodge, F. A. Gibbs, R. M. Hamilton, J. B. Rider, William Dresbach,, O. F. Bassett, J. Eppinger, Joseph Elfelt, E. A. Denicke, H. W. Wieland, Columbus Waterhrogramme prepared by the Committee on Reception. THIRD DAY- WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4th. National Encampment. — 10 a. m.— Meeting of the National Encampment in legis- lative session, to continue through the day. Meeting of the National Convention of Woman's Relief Corps, at Irving Hall, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. Excursion via the San Francisco and North Pacific Railroad, to Santa Rosa and Sonoma Valley, Cal., and reception by citizens thereof. Evening. Grand Testimonial Concert at the Mechanics' Pavilion, tendered to the Com- mander-in-Chief of the G. A. R., the Governors of the several States, and other distinguished guests, together with the members of the Grand Army, and other kindred societies, with chorus of one thousand voices, assisted by one hundred musical instruments to render National airs and lyrics. " Society of the Army of the Potomac." Grand Banquet to the Society, 8 o'clock. Beoeptlon at the several Post Headquarters of G. A. R. throughout the city. FOURTH DAY— THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th. DuKiNG THE Day. Meeting of the National Encampment continued. Meeting of National Convention ot Woman's Relief Corps continued. Excursion to, and reception by the citizens of Santa Cruz, Cal. Evening. Grand Banquet. — Grand Banquet tendered to the Officers and Members of the National Encampment, to be arranged by the Committee on Grand Banquet. General Reception and Entertainment at the Mechanics' Pavilion and at the va- rious Post Headquarters. FIFTH DAY— FRIDAY, AUGUST 6th. DUEINO THE DAT. Meeting of National Encampment continued. Meeting of the National Convention of the Woman's Relief Corps continued. Excursion to Monterey, Cal., and Grand Picnic Excursion over the North Pacific Coast Railway. Evening. General Reception at the Metropolitan Temple, at 8 o'clock, tendered by the National Convention of the Woman's Relief Corps, to the National Encampment of the G. A. R.; Society of the Army of the Potomac; Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S.; and all kindred societies, with address of welcome by Sarah E. Fuller, National President Woman's Relief Corps, followed with addresses by the Governor of the State; Mayor of the City; Commander-in-Chief and Depart- ment Commander of the G. A. R., and other able representatives of the Grand Army and Relief Corps, together with a Special Musical Programme, to be pre- pared for the occasion. Reception at the several Post Headquarters. BIXTH DAY— SATURDAY, AUGUST 7th. DuKiNG THE Day. Grand excursion tendered to the Officers and Members of the National Encamp, ment, around the Bay of San Francisco. Evening. Grand Camp-Fire. — Closing exercises of the week with a Grand Camp-fire of tha combined forces at the Mechanics' Pavilion. MONDAY, AUGUST 9th. Excursion to Oakland. Grand Reception by the citizens of that city tendered to the newly-elected officers of the National Encampment, and members thereof. TUESDAY, AUGUST 10th. Excursion to San Jos^. Grand Reception by the citizens of that city, tendered to the newly elected officers of the National Fncampment, and members thereof. ■WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th and 12th. Excursion to Sacramento, via Napa Valley, reaching Sacramento Wednesday evening, August 11th, where a grand reception will be tendered to the newly- elected officers of the National Encampment, together with members thereof, and continued until the following day. List of Committees. Decorations, Printing, Invitations, Badges, Reception, Excursions, Entertainments, Parade and Review, Music, Horses, Carriages and Equipments, Police and Streets, General Management, Executive, Finance, Auditing, Progi'amme, Transportation, Hotels and Accommoda- tions, Public Halls and Places of Meetings, Mechanics' Pavilion, Press, Grand Banquet, Camp Fire, Registration, Rosters and Bulletins. Fire-works, Army of Potomac, Loyal Legion, Woman's Relief Corps, Mexican Veteran Associa- tion, Advisory Committee. By Order of the General Committee, H. BABTLING, Secretary. 8. W. BACEDS, Chairman, TJEPRRTMENT OF CHLIFDRNIH. OFFICERS. Commander W. B. Smedbeeg San Francisco Sen. Vice Com Geo. E. Gard Los Angeles. Jun. Vice Com S. F. Daniels Oakland. Medical Director N. S. Hamlin Marysville. Chaplain W. L. Stephens St. Helena. OFFICIAL STAFF. Assistant Adjutant General Thomas S. Tatlob San Francisco. Assistant Q. M. General K. H. Oeton San Francisco. Inspector R. S. Johnson Stockton. Judge Advocate , W. H. L. Babnes San Francisco. Chief Mustering Officer , L. B. EDWAEoa Oakland. Senior Aide-de-Camp Will H. Vooehees San Francisco. COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION. J. H. Barboue, Geo. L. Haeeis C. E. KOYCE, Allen T. Bibd, Fbank D. Sweetzee. PAST ©EPARTMENT COM5IANOER8. W. H. Aiken San Francisco E. Caelson San Francisco S. W. Backus San Francisco S. P. Ford San Francisco C. Mason Kinne «.. San Francisco W. A. Kobinson San Francisco J. W. Staples San Francisco J. M. Davis San Francisco R. H. Waefield Healdsburg Delegates to the National Encampment. Alteenates. STUART TAYLOR, (at large.) GEORGE BABCOCK, (at large.) W. H. L. BARNES, A. G. BENNETT, T. F. LAYCOCK, E. B. EDWARDS, N. P. CHIPI\IAN, P. H. McGREW, E. S. SALOMON, T. H. ALLEN. Speoiaii Aide-de-Camps. C. A. FuLLEB, Atlanta Post, 92 Fresno J. L. Skinner, Sumner Post, 3 Sacramento T. A. McLaughlin, Geo. H.Thomas Post, 2 San Francisco Z. N. GoLDSBY, J. F. Reynolds Post, 98 Santa Cruz Geo. W. Ficks, Sumner Post, 3 Sacramento T.J. Riley, Rod Matbeson Post, IG Healdsburg Feank T. Singer, W. R. Cornman Post, 57 San Bernardino Ed. Schwartz, J. W. Owens Post, 83 Phoenix, A. T. J. L. Lyon, Appomattox Post, 50 Oakland E. R. BIeeeiman, Jno. A. Dix Post, 42 San Jose D. W. Field, Staniou Post, 55 Los Angeles H. T. Smith, Lyon Post, 8 Oakland J. B. Fuller, Corinth Post, 80 Marysville Chas. Jansen, Geo. H. Thomas Veteran Guard San Francisco LINCOLN POST, No. 1 SAN FRANCISCO, CAX. OFFICKRS, 1886. S. J. CORBETT Commander WM. H. WHA RFF Senior Vice-Commander GEO. H. FULLER Junior Vice-Commander WILL H. VOORHEES Adjutant J. C. BOLLES Quartermaster GEO. G. GERE, M. D Surgeon M. IVIURPHY Cliaplain HUGH J. BRADY Officer of the Day W. F. RAKDALL. ' Officer of the Guard T. C. MASTELLER ..Sergeant Major H. T. HOBBERT Quartermaster Sergeant JOHN F. "WHARPF .Inside Sentinel MARTIN GOBERTZ ." Outside Sentinel D. J. KING Librarian Meeting, every Thursday, at 8 p. m., in Washington Hall, 35 Eddy Street. NAME. CO. SEKVICE. ADDRESS. Aber W. E E K K F E H F G E F E E L E H L C K A B 39th & 51st Wis.Inf 832* Harrison Aceret Jacob 103d i: 17 thPeuu.Inf 44th Mass. Inf 708 Gough 930 Folsom 68th !•}. Y. Inf 1049 Howard Aiken W H 40th & 44th Wis. Inf. Anderson Richard R. Anderson Waller B.. 4thCal.luf 4th Mich.Cav 235 Fifth 724 Pacific 131.stN. Y. Inf 927.V Post 7th Cal. Inf Arnell W. J . . . 20th Pen n. Cav Ashley Lucius W Babcock G 3'2a U. S. Inf 113 Eddy P O Box 1971. S F. 105th N. Y. Inf Backus S. W 2d Mass. Cav 2119 Buchanan Baily George W BantieldJ.H SdMaineInf 10th 111. Inf 2d Mass. Cav 322 Mason Trinity Center.Cal 1918 Union Barker U. L 2d Maine Inf 5Sth N. Y. Inf 620 Taylor 22d Ohio Inf Barnstead Thomas D Barry Robert Bartlett Joseph L. . . 2d Mass. Cav Board of Trade Batt'y 9 Rausch 21 Prospect Place 25 Chesley 132dlndlnf IjTncoln Post, No. 1. S'&ME. CO. SEBVICE. ADDRESS. Bauer Gustavus A.. . A B C I F G K L A D C B C G G H F H I K I A C E K B K F M D D A D F F C B A H G D D F D I E B B 9th L 108th Ohio Inf Lott & McAllister Baum G. A. R 2d La. Inf Fifth & Perry Baxter Wm. H 3d & D 10th N. Y. Art 5C:9 Sacramento 192d Penn. Inf Hutherford, Cal. Bell George 2d Cal. Cav Vallejo, ' bl. Bennett G. W Belts W. Y 1st Mass. Art 12th N. Y. Inf Railroad av.,S.S F. 513 Kearny Blxby A. 5th Vt. Inf 204 Leavenworth Black Wm 9th & 83d N. Y. Inf 20tb & Alabama Blackburn B. F BlaisilellH. Q 30th Ohio Inf 6th N. H. Inf 9 Liberty South'n Police Sta. Blaucbard Frank A.. 1507 Market Blesl S lOtbMo.Cav 61st N. Y. Inf 15 Page 215 Fair Oaks 4th N. Y. Inf 1027 Sutter Bolles J. C 3d & D 23d Mass. Inf Custom House Boltou W. H 27th Jlich. Inf 300 Natoma 7tbCal. Inf 8 Harriett BordwellJ. W 7th Mass. Battery 1055 Mission 30tb U. S. Inf 2123 Howard 2d Cal. Inf Kentucky nrSTaiio Brady Hugh J Bragdon C. A 2d Cal. Cav. & F 9th N. Y. Inf. . . . U. S. S. Brooklyn 624 Brannan South S. F. 18th 111. Inf 219 Battery Brewer Harry Brewer J. M 99th Ind. Inf 913 Bryant 913 Bryant 610 Sacramento 15th & E 9th Ind. Inf Brey Thomas S Brigaerts Jos 1st Maine Inf 58th 111. Inf 14 Bourbin Place U. S. Navy 435 Twenty-sec'nd XI. S. S. Hartford Brock G. H 12th Iowa Inf Brooks Samuel A. .. U. S. Navy 37 Eddy 6th Cal. Inf Bakersfleld, Cal. 129th N. Y. Inf 707 Front Brown George L Brown Thomas A . . . 350 San Jose av. 2d Cal. Inf 20 Shotwell Brush Eldeii R 196th Ohio Inf 008 Market Bryant Samuel A 8th Cal. Inf 528 Hayeg i21 Minni U.S. S Horace Beala Bursou W. J Bushnell E. W 3d Mich. Cav. . . 12th Conn. Inf Clerk Gen.P.Ov,S.F 686 Twentieth ButterfieldF. L 50th N. Y. Inf 834 Howard Buttner Henry A. . . Buxton Frank Callahan T. J Calkins Allen St 8th Bat. D. C. Rifles 515 Guerrero 20th Mass. Inf. & 12th Mass. Art. . . 16th 111. Inf. and 09th N. Y. Inf. . . . 105th 111. Inf 137 Fourth 1104 Mission Brentwood, Cal. CampbellJ. D 18th Ind. Inf 406 Tehama CampbellJ. F lC5th N. Y. Inf 3:5 Larkin Canham T. P Cappelli Antonio . . . 2d Cal. Cav 12th N. y . Cav 10 Salmon 419 Grove Carleton Jerome 1st Mass. Inf 248 Ellig Carlisle William 11th Penn. Res.Corps 707 Front Carman W. P 2d Ohio Cav 211 Chattanooga Carr B.J 3d 111. Cav 448 Sixth Oarstens Henry U. B. S. Lancaster 163i S»ncbsz Lincoln Post, No. 1. ADDRESS. Casebolt J. B Cashman C Cas.ser C CassiJy Wm Catoir Julius Ciphers D. S Clark Josejih CI rk Thomas Clarksou P. M CUudi '.nus C. M... ClineEli Clougb J.F Col;er Johu U Collins Dauitl S. . Cone James II Coney C. W. 11 ... . Conner Wesley Connolly P Conway P. J Cook Charlej M.... Cool; Jay H Corbett S. J., M. D Cottle T. C Courtenay M. R Cowen J. R Cox C Craig T. H Crane Johu Creed Jeremiah Creetlon P. H Crown John Cross R. 8 Crozet Eugene Du. Culver Lafayette . . Cummings P. \V.. . Curran Patrick. . . . Currio Arthur L. .. Curtis J Cusack Tbo3 Czeruy C. E Dalton M Davis J. M Decker Henry C. . . Decker J. II Dennison E. B Devereaux E. W.. . Devine Patrick.. .. DeWitt James C... Dibble U. C Doherty M Dohoney J Doley W. P Donahue C. J . . . Donaldson Stuart. Donlon Peter Ponnelly A.B,..., 40th 111. Inf.. 3d R.I. Art 39thN. Y.Inf ethU.S.Iuf 55th N. Y.Inf 2d Ohio Heavy Art Oth N.H. Inf U. S. S. Commodore Morris 2dCal.Cav D. S. S. Powhattan othOhio Cav U.S. Navy 36thN. Y.Inf 9thU. S. Inf 26th Conn. Inf 33d Mass. Inf. and 3d Mass. Cav. . . 38th Ind. Inf 3d R. I. Heavy Art 98th U.S. Colored Inf 15th Kansas Cav 1st U.S. Inf 2d Mass. Cav IGth U.S. Inf 3dU. S. Cav... 16thN. Y.Inf UTthPenn.Inf 84th Penn. Inf 9thU. S. Inf 4th N. Y. Inf. and 25th N. Y. Inf. . . IstCal. Cav Ist Conn. Art 8ihCal. Inf 47th N. Y.Inf 14th Mass. Cav. auk F 8th N . J. Cav 10th N. Y. Art. and 6th N. Y. An. . 52d N. Y. Inf Sid Ohio Inf 13th Mass. Inf 102d N. Y.Inf 91st Penn. Inf U. S. S. Chicopee 12th Penn. Reserves 57th Ind. Inf. and H 53d Ind. Inf. . 1st Mass. Art 1st Ohio Inf 1st Maine Cav U.S. Navy 67th N. Y.Inf 14th N. Y. Cav 12th U. S.Inf 162dN. Y. Inf oth Ky. Inf 14th N.J. Inf 32d Mass. Inf 35th N.J. Inf U. S. 8. Argosy Australia 156 Clementina 22 Brosnan Presidio, S. F. 1402 Pacific 51:9 Ellis 423 Twenty-fourth 2 Selina Place 1039 Mission 25 Stockton 13 Stockton 1623 Dolores La Grande La'ndry 210 Twenty-fourth 1811 O'Farrell 1920 Fillmore 052 Market 643 Merchant 557 Sacramento 120 Seventh 1 Fifth 311 Taylor 21 Debone 250 Tehama 118 Geary 336 O'Farrell 1532 Ellis 140 Minna 929 Battery Greenwood, Cal. 40^ Louisa 141 Page 1324 California McAllister & Lott Mission nr 29th 144 Second 514 l^ost Visalia, Cal ■.i617 Harrison 23 Sixth 17 Fremofl 8' Market 718 Market 221 Powell 120 Fourth . 2 Helen Place U.S.Apprais'r Bldg 40 Louisa 70 Brosnan 1146 Union 8th & Bryant San Lorenzo, Cal. Antloch, Cal. 231 Sixtb Lincoln Post, No. 1, NAME. CO. SEBVICE. ADDRESS, C C F I H G I H D M C " F E I G E I B K D I H E E F B A E E A A B B B H M A G B F C F E A K M 18th Ky. Inf 1744 Market Doty Newton M Douglas C. D Dudley E. H 25th Wis. Inf 2dCal.Iuf 137th 111. Inf P.O.Sta.C.Potrero 1238 Bush 19th U. S. Inf 2322 Webster 5th Cal. Inf 1324 Polk Duncan James K Gth Mass. Inf 21st Wis. lut San Mateo, Cal. 1st N. Y. Cav 2629 Sutter Dunphy Luke 2d U. S Art 2010 Polk 1st Mich. Cav 1014i Minna Dyer JM Jd Cal. Inf Ea^an E. M U. S S Colorado 11 Pearl Ebert Eckert 20th N. Y Inf 3-^3 Fifth Edsall E P 30th Ind . Inf 101 Dupont 650 Market Einst'eld Peter 28th N. Y. Inf EUinsworth Samuel. Ellis C. L 3d U. S Inf. and F 23a Penn. Inf . . 2d Cal. Cav 108 Fourth 3d N. Y. Inf 1205 Steiner IGth Conn. Inf 140 Eleventh Evans B F 4th Mass. Art 69th N. Y. Inf 5 Market Fahey Martin Fairbairu Richard. . . Falls R.J 9th Mass. Inf Haight & Gough 219 Clara 827 Folsom 43d Ind. Inf 2d Cal. Cav. and 1st Penn. Inf U. S. Navy 6 Turk Fenu J. H 91st Penn. Inf 1505 Market Ferber Charles Flcken Henry 16th N. Y. Inf 2d Cal Inf 1601 Mason Sh Erie 8th N. Y. Inf 244 Sutter Fisher H. C 7th Mass. Inf 24 Mint av. Flack David 4th Ohio Inf 316 Third 2d Mass. Cav Flick Carl 100th N Y. Inf Menlo Park, Cal. 23d 111. Inf 321 Austin 2d Mass. Inf 16*^9 West Mission Ford Fred W 0. S. S. Niagara 137i Clara Ford J. P 6th Cal. Inf 1307 Stockton Foster John C Frank Wm. J 139th ill. Inf. and I 47th 111. Inf. . . 20th Mass. Inf Salinas, Cal. Frazer Hugh 48th Mass. Inf PaciflfcRoll'g Mills Fuller George H. . . . Fuller Win. A 26tb Conn. Inf 638 Mission 4th U.S. Art Taylor & Ellis 455 Octavia 100 Hyde 834 Howara Gardiner F. I Garlatd D. H Garrett James H. . . . U. S. S. North Carolina 1st Mass. Heavy Art ,.. 8th N. Y. Inf 9th R. I. Inf GateleyT. B Gere George G., M. D. 3d Cal. Inf 1706 Hyde 120 Post Ifit Neb. Cav Gildersleeve R 4th Cal. Inf 134 Main D. S. S. Hartford Lafayette, Cal 1228 Blarket Glenn W. H 43d Mass Inf U.S. S. Tacoma 9 Geary Goethe Adolph Goetze Wm BthN. Y, Inf 2a Cal. Cav 460 Jessie iiiNcoiJT Post, No. 1. IfAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDEESS. Gorman John Goulding Charles N. A I D G A E K D K H E K B I A A I G H F H H H H C D A A G I B E I E I E B E H A A C B B H a 4th Cal.Iuf U.S. Vols 731i Clementina Brooklyn Hotel 833 Howard 51st Ind. Inf 2Uth Mass Inf 222 Fourth Greer Win. McF 871 Folsom Griffin W. W 4th U.S. Inf 1008 Alabama GriswoldE 137th 111. Inf Guggenheimer S Gumbriuger John. . . 10th Ohio Cav 613 Kearny San Josb, Cal. 435 Pine 7th N. y. Inf. and 86th N. Y. Inf. . . SthU. S. Inf HadleyA. F 43d Mass. Inf Hagler O. T , 144th 111. Inf 119 Bush Hall J. C 33d Wis. Inf 740 Pine Hamm Jacob Handley C. J Haney Benj. F Hanson Feargiis Hard David T •J6th Ind. Inf. and 33d Ind. Inf 1st Oregon Inf 1148 Sutter 7th Iowa Inf 1703 Stockton 13th Vermont Inf 213 Chattanooga Baldwin Hotel 2Gih k, Eartlctt Hardenberg J. E., Jr Harger J..„ Harlow D.T 1st Wash. Ter. Inf. & 2d Cal. Cav. . 15th Iowa Inf 8th Vt. Znf 39 Lafayette Harris E. B , M. D... U. S. Army 1413 Bush Harris Edwin W 39th Wis. Inf 1 Fifth 1st TJ. S. Cav 1G04 iJacific av. Hartley Erastus Harvt-y John Eatherly Wm Hatch J. Q 31st Ohio Inf •28 Sixteenth 9th U. S. Inf 117 Ellis 1st U. S. Engineers 5th Mass. Inf 1131 Ellis Hazard A. R 110 Sixth Healy Wm 37th N. Y. Inf Mission & 30th negan James 3d U. S. Cav 5 Bowie av. IstN.Y.Cav 10th Conn. Inf.. 3d Cal. Inf 321 Dupont COG Mission Henderson J. W 22d & Natoma Hennessey M Hickey James Hicks K. B 4th U S. Art 34 Minna U. S. Marine Corps Haight & Lyon C09 Sbotwell 12th Maine Inf Hill John J 5th Cal. Inf 435 Pine HillebraDd Albert. 20th N. Y. Inf 1019 Ivlarket U. S. Vols 764 Bryant 218 Third Hobbert H. T 471h Mass. Inf Hohn John 4th Ohio Cav 907 Folsom HoUis Thomas 20th Mass. Inf 434 Twenty- second 1510 Sanchez Holscher Frank H.. 34thN. y. Inf Holtslander J. J 13th 111. Inf Holtz L 6Cth N. Y. Inf 300 Seventeenth 6th Cal. Inf 227 San Jose av. Hood William 46th Mass. Inf 1012Twenty-foiir'h Occidental Hotel '808 Harrison Hooper William B.. Hostetter A. G 2d Cal. Cav. and U. S. Vols 32d Ohio Inf , 12th N. Y. Inf House W. E 7th Mich. Cav 930 Market Howard C. S U. S. S. Albatross 2521 California Howe W. C 1st Ohio Art 9.\ Lapidge 113 Oak Hubbard H. F Hull Clinton T llthlowalnf 12i Eleveutb tjiNCOLN Post, No. 1. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Hunt J. H Hurley Jobn Hutcbinga J. M Hatobinson Davul. luncs JobuCildti'. Iiviug Jobn A Jackson D;iniel. . . . Jaiser Charles Jebu AV.n Jenue J^cob Johnson S. S Joues li. H Jumpec George E. . Kane Hugh Earns J Keil Henry K Her David C Kelley Bernard Keuuiff J King David J Kingsbury L. W. . . Kinue C. Mason Kip JaiUfS Kuolt Win. E Knox Eeuj. F Krauk Frank X\' Kraut Charles Kreling Martin.. . . Krieger Armen Krill Henry Krone F.W Lakin J. H Landgraf Charles... Lansing J. L Larkins Patrick Lauxman Geo LawsE. R Laytou Wm. S Leachey Thomas. .. Leavitt Charles M. . LeCbevallier Frr.ncis Lee W.G Lehan Dennis Leonard Geo. D Levit Samuel Lewis Egbert Lindrob Jobn Liuquist Adolph Loesch Valeutiiie — Long Charles U LoringE. B Lovett Eugene R Lucas J. S Lull N. A Luttringer Emile... Lynch William U. S. Navy •2d Blass. Cav •2dCal.Inf i\h CA. Inf 2d Cal. Inf Ist Mass. Inf 10th N. Y. Art •. 3d N. J. Inf :idCal. Inf 211th N. Y. Int. and I 13ad N. Y. Inl l.st Mass. Art. and Gth Mass. Art... 22d Wis. Inf 7th JIaiue Inf 5th Penn. Cav 1.5.5th N. Y. Inf 6th N. Y. Inf. and G 15th N. Y. Art. TlstN. Y.Iuf 39th Penn. Inf U. S. S. Pensacola U.S. S. Wissabickon 145th N. Y. Inf. and ITCth N. Y. In: 2d Mass. Cav 2SthN. Y.Iuf LstCal.Inf 18ch Iowa Inf 1th Minn. Inf U.S. Navy 8thN. Y. Inf LSth N. Y. Inf 35th Mass . Inf 2d Cal. Cav 5th Mass. Inf N.J. Cav 4th N. Y. Heavy Art 1st U S. Art 2d N. Y. Heavy Art 52dlll.lnf N.J. Inf U. S S. Shenandoah 'Jth N. J. Inf U.S. S. Marigold 2d Cal. Inf 48;h Mass. Inf 1st Mass. Heavy Art iTthlnd. Inf 8th Iowa Inf 89th N. Y. inf .. 2d N. Y. Art 22dKy. Inf 1st Md.Inf., P. H.D 2d Cal. Cav 22d Conn. Inf 3d and 23d Mass. Inf 1st 111. Art 55tb N. Y.Inf U.S. 8, Stars and Stripes 1435 Pine 230 Langton 2521 California 725 Union 1019 Post 105 Stockton Berkeley, Cal. Ball's Ferry, Cal. 235 Stevenson i08 Fifth 810 Folsom Concoid, Cal. 51 HOif av. 2dav.&Pt.Lobo3rd 1132 Columbia 763 Howard Berkeley, Cal. 755 Folsom 16J Hoff av. 037 Eilis 1030 Howard 711 Jones 127 Kearny 1217 Paciiic 2818 Sacramento 120 Jackson Suisun, Cal. 30 Eddy 341 McAlUster 60S Powell 152 i Powell 108V Powell 16thav.,S. S. F. P.O. Station D Fort Ma'^on 207 M'ntg'm'ry r.v. 1308 Green .\ntioch, Cal. Union & Battery 1324 C.lifornia not Mission Utah »i Santa Clara 10 Mason Arroyo Grande, Cal 1221 Websier 820 Folsom 2Tth & Guerrero Maylield, Cal. 2 Quiucy Place 2824 Greenwich 1203 M.arket 226 Nineteenth 711 Minna 19 South Park 4 Erie 951 JMiBsioQ Lincoln Post, No. 1. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. B D D K A H A G E K F B H E L D D L A B A F G G H D A A K B E E E A A E H H K H I H 1st Midi. luf,, 21th & 21st Mo. Inf. U. S. Ordnance Department U. S. S. Pensacola 1114 Broadway 521 Pacific 37 Pacific Lyons Ed Mager Henry Maguire Thomas 40th N. J. Inf 7th Ohio luf Manning Nathan W. nth Ind. Inf Mauouk C 25th N. Y. Inf .. .. 142V Fourth Marrs Chas 30th Mass. Inf 57u'Howard Martin A. W lOtli K.I. luf 3d Mass. Inf 1418 Pacific Mass Peter H U.S. Navy 2207 Larkin Massie William MastellerT.C Mayer Harry Gth N. Y. Sharpsheoters UOth 111. Inf. and U. S. S. IVIissouri U.S. Navy Churchill Court 407 Leavenworth 39 Pacific Mayle Geo. D nth Ohio Inf 38 Fourtli Mavo Nathaniel G. .. 4th Mass. Heavy .\rt 1008 Stevenson McCarty John 3d N. Y. Light Art 7G7 Howard McCouucll Eobert. 150th N. Y. Inf 421 Fifth McDermott T 83d N. Y.Iuf..., 1 Everett McGrath T 69th N. Y. Inf McCirew J. M McGue Jobnl 15th Ind. Inf 16th Kansas I, if 818 Twentieth Haight & Stanyan 249 Sixteenth McKillip Daniel 21th Wis. Inf McLaughlin M. A.. . 2dCal. Cav 2d Mass. Cav R. K. & 12th av. G4G Market McNeil W. H 2d Mas.g. Cav 2211 Van Ness av. Mead Charles F 4th Mass. Cav Meagher Patrick 25th N. J. Inf Medbury W. C Medley J. P 1st Bat. Nevada Inf 214.V Sixth 1st N. Y. Cav 108 Third 50th Penn. Inf U.S. Navy 20th Wis. Inf .... 28th & Mission Met zler Theodore C. Miller C. A 1314 Ellis 406 Fourth Miller Frauli G... . . . 2d U. S. Art 411 Polk Miller Geo. A U. S. S. Louisville Miller Jerome 122d Penn. Inf Clay St. Hill R. R. Guaymas, Mexico Miller J. n 1st Bat. Wis. Art Miller William 80th N. Y. Inf Mills Luther 80th N. Y. Inf 1611 Dupont J0G4 Laguna Miltenberger Chas. . 0th U.S. Inf Mi Iz Peter lUthN. Y. Art 52d N. y. Inf. and G IGth Conn. Inf 5th U. S. Cav Moesner August 32 Second Morris C. K 178th N. Y. Inf 1807 Polk 99th N.Y. Inf 28th N. J. Inf 348 Minna Morrison Howard. . . Mosberg A Mue;ie IstCal.Cav 40th N. Y. Inf Tivoli Theatre 27lhMo. Inf Muhlner W. F ■27th Conn. Inf 3G2 Tyler 54 Shipley 112 Eddy 2549 Howard Mullen John U. S. Navy MuUins Henry B.... Murphy A. H Murphy H. H Murphy Michael Murphy Patrick 170th N. Y. Inf 91st Penn. Inf 19th Maine Inf 27 Dehone lG3d N. Y. Inf 1624 Pacific av. 16th Ind. Battery What Cheer H^ose 10 LrNCOLN Post, No, 1. Murphy Timothy.. Murray M M yer F. W Kanscawen L.V . . . . Nestell Adam Newhard James M. . > ewman Peter A. . . Nicolaysen J Noble J. D Noble T.K Noethig Wm Nolan Patrick Nolte A. F Norris Hiram J O'Connor John O'Hearn James F.. . O'Eouke J OrtonR. H Owens J.C. .' Park Wm. Jay Parker F.W Patterson John M. . Patterson Wm Paulsen Chas. A Payne A. D. L PeakeChas Pendergast J. H Pennlet William. . . Pepper Albert E. ., Peterman C , Philbrook J. M PillsburyC. E Piuney E. H PittmanH. C. . .... Piatt Charles H Pool J. W Poulson Andrew J. Powers Thomas Price CM Provost Nelson QuaTitFred J Quintan D Quinn Michael Quitzow August Eainville Joseph.. . Balston J. O Randall W.F Ramsey "W. H Raymond J. W , Reintanz Q. J Rentschler J. G Ehody A. M Richmond H Richter R Eichwine Solomon. Blegelhaupt Philip F L M F I C FM L I B D B G C E I K B D B E M D A C A E I A E K L G D KC C G A 3dR. I. Heavy Art U. S. S. Roanoke 5th N. Y. Inf 29th Wis. Inf 23dU. S. Inf 25thMo.Inf U. S. S. Mackinaw U. S.S.Roanoke 27lh Iowa Inf 128th U. S. Colored Inf 3d Mo. Inf 60th N. y. Inf IstN. Y. Cav 3d Ohio Cav 5th U.S. Cav 8th Blass. Inf. and 65th Mass. Inf. . •il5th Penn. Inf 1st Cal. Cav U. S. S.Augusta 16th Mo. Cav 5th Mass. Inf 40th Penn. Inf. and B 192 Ohio Inf 90th Penn. Inf D. S. Navy 64th Ohio Inf 153d 111. Inf 3d N. Y. Inf. and E 23th N. Y. Inf. . 2d N. Y. Inf. and H 48th N. Y. Inf. Gth Penn. Cav 9th Penn. Inf 4th Cal. Inf 16th Maine Inf •2d Mass. Cav U.S. Navy Sth Cal. Inf 10th N. Y. Art Sth Del. Inf D. S. S. Albatross U.S. Navy U S. S. Anacosta 2d Mass. Cav 3d Mass. Art. and U. S. Navy 2dU. S. Art 11th N. Y. Inf Istm. Art 1-thN. Y. Cav 14th Maine Inf 11th 111. Inf 7th Ohio Inf Sth N.J. Cav Sth Ohio Cav 28th Penn. Inf 15th 111. Inf 1st U. S. Dragoons 23d Ohio Inf 4th N. y.Inf 13 Welsh 262 Eighth 2404 Post Visalia, Oal. 4th & Stevenson 7th&Webster, Oak. Hlk Minna 116 Leidesdorff P. O. Box 2605 2200 Steiner Duncan's Mills 1203J Pacific av. Chestnut & Taylor 238 Fair Oaks 27 Church Menlo Park. Cal. 735 Brannan 419 California, r 12 410 Hayes 2008 Ellis 520 Noe 20i Oak :46 Third Pt. Bonita L'th'se 729 Pine 3 Fulton 812 Jessie Ft. Halleck, Nev. 218 Eddy 36 New M'ntg'm'ry San Luis Obispo Pacific RoU'g Mills 616 Harrison 38 Market, Oakl'd 412 Hyde 03 Tehama 1001 Market 637i Natoma 112Eddy Loring, Cal. Brentwood, Cal. 718 Howard 516 Ivy av. 969 Mission 204 Leavenworth 2343 Washington 91G Howard 1241 Gilbert 629 Broadway 1024 Mission 64 Locust 1713 Jessie 1816 Union Gridley, Cal. 516 Howard Lincoln Post, No. 1. H Roberta J. P H Eobert3 Philips.... I Roberta Richard M. . B Robinson Geo. H.. . . F Rockwood A. L E Eoskamp 11. F I) Rouse Gaylord I) Rowe August U Ruffs J Ryan William C Salisbury John D Banno W. de Satterlee Geo. A A SayreM. 8 E Schlaudeoker M Schmidt John C G BchnoorC. H Schroeder Anthony. Schroff C Schubert August I Schultz Theodore . . . K Schussler (! Seagra-ves E. F L Sebring J A Shellenberger Jos. . . E ShirkA Shute'Wm.C A Siegel Morris 1 Simon J. G U Simonds W. S 1) Sitton John Jeffrey. H Slaue Edward A A Smedley J. K Smith James H G Smith Joshua a Smith P. J G Smith W.H 1 Smith Wilson F Snyder E. P Squires William H Starr Frederick Staufter Benj. F G Stearns Wm. R K Steffens John C Sterling Hiram Stevens George K Stevens G.H K Stevens Luclan B Steward Henry D. .. A Stillwell WiUiam... H Stone W. W Stott Wm. D Stromberg B. F.... Btrozinskl Theophlle 28th Penn. Inf 51st Ohio Inf U6th N. Y. Inf 2d Cal. Cav •Ithlll.Cav .55th N. Y.Inf lOthN. Y. Art 15thN. Y.Iuf D. S. S. Vermont 99th N. Y. Inf. and 1st Md. Inf . . . . 81th 111. Inf D. S 8. New Ironsides 1st Iowa Inf 161st N. Y.Inf 111th Penn. Inf 2d Cal. Inf 9th U.S. Inf Ind. Light Art 98th Penn. Inf 6ih N. Y.Inf 2d Cal. Inf 20thN. Y.Inf 2d Mass. Cav 23d Ohio Inf 2d U.S. Art U. S.S. Magnolia 14th Maine Inf 3d R.I. Art 43d Mass. Inf 10th Vt. Inf 24th Mo. Inf 11th Kansas Cav Monitor Nantucket 104th Penn. Inf 12th Maine Inf lllhN. H. Inf 2d U. S. Art 3d Maine Inf U. S. S. Minnesota 25th N. Y Independent Battery. . . 7th Cal. Inf U.S. Navy 95th Ohio Inf 53d N. y. Inf., F 5th N. Y. (Duryea's Zouaves) and F 140th N. Y. Inf.. .. nth Vet. Reserve Corps U.S. S. Perry 4th U. S.Cav 5th Iowa Inf. & 48th U.S. CoVd Inf. 2dN. J. Inf Itilh Mich. Inf 10th Penn, Reserve Corps U. S. S. Colorado U. S. S. New Ironsides U. S. S. Pequot 3l8tN. Y.Inf Sierra & Tennessee Brentwood, Cal. 7i;7^ Folsom San Mateo 12 Montgomery South S. F. Anlloch, Cal. 5th & Bryant Clay St. R.R. Office 1212 Clay Nevada Block 20i Willow av. 8 Mason Middletown, Cal. 527 Clay 427 East St. Helena, Cal. Cal. av., nr 2'Jth 8th&San Bruno rd 19th & Howard 42G Green 5C3 Filbert P. O. Box 1935 270S Sutter 1713 Jessie, rear 503 Mason 547 Mission 1.502 Stockton lG08West Mission 26th & Dolores 833 Geary 17 Fourth 2304 Howard 632 Howard 1230 Mission 35 Eddy 1216 Pacific Bieber, Lassen Co. 51 Tehama 436 Seventh 29 First 715 Lombard 1611 Clay 826 Sutter Kentucky St.Ex.pl 17 Clementina Police Station 857 Harrison .i514.V Sutter 521 Pacific 1330 California 31 Liberty Golden Gate Park Oakland 405 Fifth 12 Lincoln Post, No. 1. NAME. CO. SEBVICE. ADDRESS. Stuart John., A K A C C I I K G E B I D E G C K A G M B G A K F G H A B E A G I E G K K E G A H M G G A AG 5th Cal. Inf 938 Pacific SuUavou Samuel 24th U. S. Colored Inf 18 Taylor Sullivan Michael 16th N. Y. Inf Sullivan Timothy. . U. S. S. Louisville 516 California Sweetland Alonzo. . . SweetserF. D Tambling V. A Taylor E. W 71st N. Y Inf. and 2d U.S.Shaip.sh's 13th U. S. Inf. and G 53d 111. Inf. . 55th 111. Inf. & 3d U. S. Colored Inf. 5'7th Penn. Inf 1523 Polk 12 Laskie 628 Montgomery 2224 Mission Thatcher E. Thomas 0. J 17th Penn Inf :)5 Eddy Thomas Edward B. . . Thorn Jacob 10th Penn. Inf 15th N. Y. Heavy Art 25^ Stockton 801 Mission TonnaPietro 48th N. Y. Inf 268 Stevenson Toohey James U. S. Navy Pt. Reyes L'thouse 1446V Minna 638 Valencia Tower Nelson Towndrow W. N 10th N. Y. Inf. and A lllh N. Y. Inf 9th D. S. Inf Townley Wm Travers W. M ethMd.Inf 4th N. Y. Art R. R. & eth av. 1621 Powell Trewin Robert Tripp Joseph 8th Cal. Inf .«31 Mission 337 Bryant 435 Grove Tuggey Wm 48th Mass. Inf Ttirner W. U 2d Mass. Inf IC07 Mission tJbhaus Ludwlg UUmer John 14thN.Y.C'iv 130 Bernard German Hospital 735 Pine Upton John 1st Cal. Inf Van de Water H 2d Cal. Inf 110 23d Vetterli Jacob Vining G. H 7thIll.Cav 603 Pine 6 Metcalfe Place VolpiUac Etienne. .. 2dCal. Cav Pinole, Cal. Volz Jacob 54th N. y. Inf 1402 Montgomery 844 Mission 1118 Alabama Voorhees Will H . . . . Wacker Gus Wall O.L 40th Penn.Inf .and A 196th Penn.Inf 9thN.H.Inf Wallace Edward L.. 57th 111. Inf 838 Mission Walsh Michael Wardlow James 21st and 22dBat. D. V. R. C 6th U. S. Inf 400 Ninth 409 Taylor 112 Alta Warren C. H 1st Cal. Cav Watson James Watts Richard Weber R.H 2d Mass. Cav 14th Mass. Inf 34th N. Y. Inf San Rafael 1432 Broadway Wedel John M 2d La. Inf Wehr Henry 8th N. y. Inf Weisheimer Charles. 31st N. Y. Inf Wells Eugene 156th 111. Inf 308 Beale Welton Walter B 2d Cal. Cav 61 Minna Wentworth N. S 53d N. Y. Inf Wenzlik R 173d N. Y. Inf . . . 113 Montgomery llthav.nr.N.S.S.F. Werner F. F 7th U. S. Inf Werner G 54th N. Y. Inf Wharff JohnF 1324 Devisadero WharS W. H 11th Maine Inf WhitcombE. K 9th Maine Inf White Joseph Whitesldes Alex .... 2d Mo. Cav 116 Chattanooga 504 Third Whitney John T.... 148Wi 111. Inf Whittemore J. B 1st Cal. Inf 535 Post Lincoln Post, No. 1, 13 Wilk'jia W.J Wilkins W. P Willscn Thomas A Wilson B Wilson J. H Wilson iohn E. . . . Wilson Kchard... Wilson W. A Wins William Wohltman Otto. . . Wornes E. C , Yeomans H. , Young J. H ZabriskieJ. H ZiPgler F. E U. S. S. Nansemond lOOthN. Y. Inf 3d D.S.ColVl lnf.& 10th Pa. R.Corps 9th N. H. Inf 2d Mass. Inf. and U. S. Navy 83d Penn. Inf 4th U.S. Art 8th Cal. Inf 4th Cal. Inf 11th N. Y. Cav 7th Cal. Inf U. S.S Portsmouth 14thN. Y. Inf 2d N. J. Inf. and D 114th N. Y. Inf. r)2d N. Y.lnf 100 Cala.. r. 17 3008 Filmore 518 Green 22G Montgomery MS Broadvay 906 Folsom 2014 Filbert 26 Minna lOOi Second 4 Tehama Monterey 219 Second 510 Stockton 70C Jones Wash'tn & Sans'm Go To J, M, Litchfield & Co, 415 MONTGOPvIERY ST., For one of those beautiful SILK BADGES. A Souvenir of the 20th national encampment, 1886. Also the best selected Stock of G, A. R. Goods on the Pacific Coast. Silk ^ Bunting Flags ^ Silk Banners a Specialty. Military and Navy Goods of all kinds, DRY GOODS! -THE- MURPHYBUILDING Qor, TVlciJ'H®^ ^^^ Jones Streets. J. J. O'BRIEN & CO. Proprietors. It is pleasant to recall the success wnich has attended the efforts of J. J. (VBrien as a business man. He opened a small store on Third street, in 1868, when he was 21 yearsof age and, in a short time his business outgrew the place. Foreseeing the future of Market street, he leased the Arcade building adjoining the Baldwin Hotel, a location then considered out of Town, his growing trade soor. assumed such enormous proportions as necessitated his rem(.>val to more extensive premises. The Murphy Block. This monster institution occupies a total area of 24,000 square feet, and is the best lighted, best appointed, and one of the largest Retail Dry Goods Stores in the United States. Noticable among its advantages is its perfect ventilation, a pleasing change from the suffocating atmosphere of Dry Goods Stores generally. Its counters laid in a continuous line would measure over a quarter of a mile in length and are capable of accommodating a patronage of several thousands. A visit to the ladies' reception rooms, impresses one with the preparations made for the comfort of its patrons. The architecture and decorations are of Moorish design and surpass in elegance and Artistic effect, the famous waiting room of the IJon March! in Paris. Its tables are supplied with Journals, Magazines and Writing materials for the convenience of lady visitors. Adjoining this are the ladies toilet and dressing rooms, in charge of a lady attendant. An idea of the immense volume of business transacted in this model establishment, may be gained by a visit during business hours. In the several departments can be found the choicest products of the most celebrated European manufacturers as well as the cheapest grades of Domestic goods, it being the business principle of the House tocater to the requirements of all classes. Another feature, is the uniforni courtesy and anxiety to please, manifested on all occasions, in exchanging goods or refunding money for pur- chases made when the goods do not give satisfaction. In fact, it maybe said, that the institution is in every waywoTiliy of Saa Francisco, and an instance of what enterprise, conducted on true business pridples may accomplish. (^Ee. 6. ^HREVE fy 60., JEWELERS .N] Silversmiths, HavB a. CamplBts RssDrtment af JJiamaiidSj UlatchEs, jEU/slry, Silvsr and PlatEd II/arB, Brass Rrt Onnds, BranzEs, LlEcnratEd China j I vary and Fancy LEathar Go ads, Carriaga and Mantal Clacks, Fans, Cpara Classas, Ecc. /! Fine RssoTtmEnt of Gald-h Earing Quartz JbwbIti], of aur au/n ManufacturB, will bE of SpEcial IntErBst to I/isitars. fHontaomery and gutter ^ts., ^an nrancisco. GEORGE H. THOMAS POST, No. 2. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. CHARLES E. WILSON Commander H. B ARTLING Senior Vice-Commander W. W. MAGARY Junior Vice-Commander GEO. M. Mccarty Adjutant CHARLES H. BLINN Quartermaster C. A. KIRKPATRICK Surgeon KEV. J. MATTHEWS Chaplain CHARLES JANSEN Officer of the Day H. S. DEARBORN Officer of the Guard P. T. M. WATE Sergeant Major F. R. MORTON Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, every Tuesday, In Ruby Hall, Red Men's Building, 320 Post street. Abrams Robert Adams C. W Adim3 E. F Adams Zeb. B Agar Loren J Ager Mark Alberti G.Vf Allen E. T Ames K. C. . Ammerman J.B .. Anthony Albert. . . . Arnold Geo. H Babcock M. S. .. . Bacon A. P Bacou Francis H. . . Bacon Martin Bagley P. H., Jr. ... Bailey E.F Bailey Wilson S.... Baird A. M Baldwin George E., Balz A Banks Chas. W Barnard J. Howard Barnard L. H Marine Art 12th Kansas Inf 41st Ohio Inf 2d and 5th Mass Cav 10th N. Y. Art 20thN. Y. Cav 2Gth and A 46th Penn. Inf 7th R. I. Inf 41st Wis. Inf 7th N. Y. State Militia 9th Mo. and H 5'Jth 111. Inf 22d N. Y. State Mi litia U. S. S. Grand Gulf 13th Mass. Inf. and F 4th U.S.Vol.s U.S. Navy Ist. Bat. 111. (Yates") Sharpshooters 1st Mass. Inf 1st West Va. Art 185th Ohio Inf 113th 111. Inf 2d Mass. Cav 6th U.S. Inf 131st N. Y.Inf 13th U. S. Colored Heavy Art. . . Ist Mo. Inf Baldwin Theatre 110 Taylor 329 Sansome 12 Pine Sufiol, Cal. 1007 24th 416 Market Butte City, Blon. 329 Sansome 114 Sutter Baldwin Hotel Ilanford, Cal. S. F. Gaslight Co. 313 Ellis Alameda 433 Golden Gateav 709 McAllister 20 Alvarado 1211 Mission 1525 Califoruia 444 Twentieth Wells, Fargo &C0 10 Beaver 402 Front U 16 George H. Thomas Post, "^o. 2. Barnes W. H. L Baruett George A.. . . Barnett G. P BarrJ.D Bartholow W. E. B . , Bartlingn Bateraan C. A., Eev. Beach C. W BehanChas.T Bendel Herman Bennett G.J Bent J. T Bigelow 0. li Billings George A... Blackmon P. S Blake Chas. E.,M. D BlakoC. M Blinn Charles H Boalt J. H Bolton Thomas Bonestell C. A Bonte J. H.C.Kev. Boone J. L Boyd Abraham Bramhall B. M Bramhall W. M Bridges L Briody Philip Britz A. J Bromwell li. L Brooke Charles Brooks Elisha , Brown A. M Brown George Brown L. L Brown Nathaniel B. Brown Richard Brown Wm Browne J. A i Biimsted E. H Burdell Earvey Burke Hugh M Byrnes W. A Camp T. B Carels John H Carlson Edward Carmody A. F Carpenter F. H Carroll C.E Casey John Cawley John Cazeaii Charles Obadwick A. J 7th N. T. State Militia 122d N. Y. Inf 10th Kansas Inf lG2dN. Y. Inf 8th Mo. Inf. and K 3nth 111. Inf . . . . 2d III. Cav. and 8th U. S. Art Sth Mo. Cav 2d "Wis. Cav 129th N. Y. Inf. and 10th Vet. Vols, 2d and 31th Mo. Inf 7th Iowa Inf 1st Mass. Inf 4th Maine Bat'y & G 16th Maine Inf, 44th Mass. Inf 63d Ind. Inf 40th U. S. Colored Inf 1.3th Mo. Inf 1st Vt. Cav 11th Ohio Cav 27th Mass. Inf SthN.Y.Inf 43d Ohio Inf 20th Ohio and 1st Oregon Inf 129th Ohio Inf 13th Mass. and K 44th U. S. Inf 9th N.Y.State Militia&Cth N.Y.Ba'y 19th 111. Inf.. 111. Light Art. and U. S. Vols 69th N. Y. State Militia 197th Ohio Inf U.S. Navy : 5th Mich. Cav 8th Cal. Inf 15th U.S. Inf 1st Wis. Cav 8thN. Y. Cav 5Gth N.Y.Inf.fc 7th N.Y.Ind't Bafry 1st Wash. Ter. Inf 3d and I 4th N. Y. Cav 177th N. Y. Inf.. 11th N. Y. Bat. and 5th N. Y. Heavy Art 2dN. Y.Cav 2d and 83th Ohio Inf. and 22d Ohio Light Battery 4th Iowa Inf U. S. S. Spierea 8th Penn. Inf. and 52d Penn. Inf.. 82d Penn. Inf 4th and 8th Cal. Inf 11th N. Y. Inf 17th Conn. Int 5th Mass. Inf, 8th Conn. Inf 3d Union League Reg't and Navy. 8th N. Y.Cav 13th Vt. Inf 426 California Santa Kosa Wells, Nev, 1214 Mason 504 Stockton 24 Glen Park ave 107 Ash ave 2101 Devisadero 101 Montgomery S.W.cr Clay & Bat. U. S. Mint .'28 Golden Gate av Mission & Frem'nt 1155 Howard 511 Hayes 200 Stockton 427 Geary 1527 Post 438 California 805 Howard 211 Geary Berkeley, Cal. 320 California Stockton, Cal. Hill nr. Valencia 121 Market 37 Nevada Block 1C47 Mission 1925 Larkin 318 California 717 Market 1725 Sutter Grand Hotel 2C29J Mission 2253 Mission 2308 Po.st 209 Sansome 438 Seventh Brooklyn Hotel 18 Hawthorne Ft. Eeyes, Cal. Florence House 1939 Stevenson 320 Sansome 634 Sutter ."85 Market C. P. R. E. Co. 373 10th, Oakland 942 Twenty-second 1129 Folsom 609 Lombard 206 Nineteenth U3S California George H. Thomas Post, No. 2. IS Chandler L.M H K Cheever M. R Chever E. E Clark A. D G H E Clark Z. P G n Clarke Geo. E Clement L. H Cobb W, B K H Coghlan J. B Coleman H. G Collier W. B A C Collin3 Benj., Jr Collins R. U Connolly John Cooley E. K Q H Corwln G. B A Cowen William A.... Cox M. 8 K D G Crary B. r.,Rev.... Creary W. E F Cressy E. P Crocker John H CrowellM.L Crwden Albert Culver M. L A E G Cummings F Currey S.T G K A Curtis J. B D CushingH.C Cutler A. D B Cutting J. T B Dakin E. A H Dalton Edward Dane H. C F F Darby G. AV I Davidson R. P Davis George A Deacon "William Dearborn H. S Dee W F G F Denicke E. A De Puy Anson A DeRemie A. M Dewing James Dimond W. H Donnelly E., M. D. .. Donobue Michael.. . . Dorman R. G Dorr L. L., M. D . . . Douty F. 8 Downer E G A B 52d Mass. Inf., 1st La. Cav. and V. S. S Ohio 13th N. Y. Heavy Art 4thVt.Iuf 89th 111. Inf OthU.S.Inf 1st Wis. Inf IstR. I. Cav 4th Vt. Inf U. S. 8. Kansas U.S. Navy VthCal. Inf 1st Bat. Penn. Inf 6thCal.Inf U. S. 8. Tejuca and Suwanee U. S. Navy U. 8. 8. Albatross 122d 111. Inf 10th N. Y. Cav 41st and F 110th Ohio Inf 40thlowalnf 13thN. Y. Inf 3d Alinn. Inf 3d Mich. Inf. and "Vet. Res 3dU. 8. Cav 13th Mass. Inf 8th Conn. Inf U.S. Navy 8th N.H.Inf 5th Mass. Inf 46th 111. Inf OthN. Y. Inf 17th Conn. Inf 4th U.S. Art 6th Mass. Inf , . . Chicago Light Art 1st Conn. Art C9th and E 71st N. Y. State MiUtia., 41st Mass. Inf 13th N.Y. State Militia 3dCal. Inf fiOth Mass. and F 17th Vt. Inf U.S. Navy 17th Mass. Inf U. 8. Navy. 10th N. Y. Inf. and Signal Corps. . , 2dCal.Iuf 15th Wis. Inf. and 1 16th N. Y. Cav 18th Conn. luf A. A. G. U. «.Vol3 2d Penn. Res. and 2d Penn. Cav. . . U.S. Navy 1st N.Y. Cav 13th Mass. Inf U. 8. S. Constitution 117th and 48th N. Y. Inf 1001 Folsom 6i7 Jessie 1401 7 th av., E.Oak 6 Montgomery Wm. Tell House 210 Sansome i27 Fair Oaks Bella Vista Hotel Palace Hotel Navy Pay Office Salinas City, Cal. cor. Pine & Taylor 309 Clay 2502 Leavenworth Baldwin Hotel 15thav,. S. S. F. 234 Bush 925 Market 232 Jessie Wright's Station 1041 Market Cheyenne, Wyo. T. 009 Folsom 1103 Bush Wells, Fargo & Co. 1024 Montgomery 218 ShotwtU 1722 Sutter 1007 Powell 652 Market 735 Market Baltimore, Md. 613 Eddy 25 California 320 Sansome 12 Elizabeth 120 Sutter 510 Clay 1001 Sutter Tulare, Cal. 811 Twentieth 10 Stevenson G47 Jessie 539 California 401 Sixth 203 Sacramento 420 Bush 202 Market 832 Howard P. M. 8. 8. Grenada West Berkeley, Cal 118 Dupont 0. P. R. R. Co. Greaterville, Ar. 17 Oeobge H. Thomas Post, No. 2. NAME. CO. , 8KBVICK. ADBBESS. A B I G D E B E K B A F G G A E l&B I G C E A K K E I A A B E E A A B B I 12th Vt. Inf OfSce R.M S.,P Drahms A., Kev Dudley James S Durkee E. H 17th 111 Cav 2dU.S.Art 3'Jth Wis. Inf 2229 Jackson 120 Ellis Ealnn C. P 1st U.S. Art Fort Canby, W. T, 529 Blarket Earle H H 19th Blaine Inf 2d and A 30th Ohio Inf Angel Island 216 liush Eastman G. W Eckart W. R 1st Bat. Cal. Mountaineers U.S. Navy Eckler Robert 130th 111 Inf 17C9.i Jessie Edgerly Samuel A. .. Eggleston A. T EUeau H 24th Mass. Inf 2 1 6 Montgom 'ry av 124 Post 137thN.y.Inf nth N. y.Inf. (Ellsworth Zouavesl 12th N. Y. Inf 208 Sutter EllinwoodC.N.,M.D. 74th 111. Inf 1723 Pine Elliott W.L U. S. Mounted Rifles and U. S. Cav 1920 Franklin Ellis D U. S. S. Savannah U.S. Vols cr.O'Farrell& Polk 22dN. Y. State Militia 109 Fifth 122d N. Y. Inf Unit'd Carriage Co Fay M. U. S. S. Mount Vernon Fenn Thos. W. . :. .. 23d N. y. Inf 423 California Field C.L 23d and A 30th Maine Inf 329 O'Farrell Fields J. L Fish M. W., M. D. . 25th and 32d Maine Inf. 11th Mo. In! 18 19} Lyon East Oakland Fisher George A . . . Fisher Joseph Fisher PI 23d M:\S3. Inf. and Signal Corps. . . 74th Ohio Inf 109 California U.S. Mint • 7th N. Y. State Militia 14 Battery 317 Stockton Fitton W H 5th Penn. Cav Flack G. D Ist Wis. Cav 73d Ind. Inf 2909 Folsom FletterF J 214 California Forbes F. M 7th Ohio Inf Ford F. C U. S. Vols 1008 Bush Ford S. P 5th Cal. Inf 620 Filbert Forsyth Alex. Fortier S W r28th Ohio Inf 215 Bush U.S. S.Ohio Oakland Foster Geo. H 44th Mass. Inf 313 California Frank J. J 41st N. Y.Inf Box 1540, P. 0. French H. C, M. D.. 17th Mich. Inf 2512 Mission 15th Conn. Inf. 109 California French T. J 19th in. Inf Fried A Cth N. Y. S. M. and A 66th N. Y. Inf 4th U. S. Art 1836 Sutter Presidio Barracks Gage A. H 1422 Market Gamble G.H Gardner I. G... Garratt R. BI 1st 111. Art., 8 Ill.Cav.and 9 U.S.Cav. Ulth N. Y. & K 20th U. S. Col'd Inf. 96th 111. and 14th and 41th U. S. Colored Inf . Saucelito 401 California Alameda 21st N.J. Inf 4ip California 2121 Bush Geary \V. L 28th Penn. Inf 6th and 13th Mo. Cav 1720Gold'nGateaT GiddingsB. F Giesting J. G Gillespie A. M JJilmore A.N 17th Vt. Inf 215 Bush 108th Ohio Inf 1928 Pine 43d Wis. Inf EUeusburg, Or. 1206 Market U. S. S. State of Georgia George H. Thomas Post, No. ^. iS Gilmore i. H Gimpel M. C Glass W. C GoddardO. M Goe S. E Golding Thomas. . Goodman T. H Gordon C.W , Gordon J. A Gorman O , Gould W.O Graham Adam S Gregory S. O Gregg V. A Grimmer C. A Grismer J. E Griswold N. W Guptill H. M Hageman George.. . Hall D. S Hallett Chas. O.... Hamilton T.J Hamlin Chaa. H Harmon Collins B. . Harris George F. . . Harris George L Hart W. H. H Hartshorn E. F Harvey L. S Hausman J Haveley W. T Hawes Alexander G HawesW. H Hawks A. D Hawley W. G Hayes Jolm J HealyW Heath J. A Henderson Geo. . . . Herrmann Chas. L. Hertwick C. F Hinkley 8. S Hobartn. F Hoffman Sam'l Holloway A.E Holmes Walter H.. Hood Gfo. J Hooker n. B Hopp& Adolph Hosley Geo. A Houghton R. E HoveyS. D Howard H.Z Howard M. B , tLoyfKiYolnoj ethCal.Inf 8thN. Y.Inf Ist Mass. Heavy Art 1st N. y. Cav 8th Ohio Cav U. S. S. Susquehanna 2d Cal.Cav 4thCal.luf 4th Mich. Inf 37thN. Y.Inf 5th and 14th Kansas Cav 53d Mass. Inf 9th and 29th lud. luf 25th Iowa Inf. and Vet. Kes 18id Ohio luf l'J2d N. Y. Inf 30th Mass. and 75th U. 8. Col'd Inf. Uth Mass. Light Battery 41st N. Y. Inf 4th Ohio Inf 2d & 5th Mass. Inf . & 103d U.S.Vt.Vls 22d 111. Inf 9th N.n.Inf 24th Wis. Inf 5th Mass. Inf U. S. 8. Vaiuna Hinckley's Scouts and F 44th Iowa Inf 9th N. Y. State Militia 11th Maine and 28th Mass. Inf 4th U.S. Art 12th Ohio Inf 9th and 149th 111. Inf U. S. Kavy 28th Wis. Inf 28th Wis, Inf U. 8. Marine Corps. 4th N. y. Heavy Art 35th Mass. Inf 3dMd. Inf 9th 111. Cav , IstU.S. Light Art.. 13th Mass. Inf 28th Maine Inf 67th Penn. Inf 61st Mass. Inf 8th N. Y. 8. M . and B 170th N. Y. Inf 10th Ohio Cav 4thCaLInf 5th N. Y.Inf U.S. 8. Princeton... .... 2d Mass. Inf , 19th and K Slst Mass. Inf U.S. 8. Savannah 29th and I Gist Mass. Inf 304 Montgomery 2G37 Market 204 Sacramento 33 Market 23J Post 607 Turk C. P. R. R. Co. 320 Sansome 1025 Hyde 813 Jessie 418 California 809 Leavenworth Alma.Sa'ta ClaraCo San Luis Obispo U.S. Mint Baldwin Theatre 1223Gold'nGateav PortLudlow, W.T. "23 Bush 1004 McAllister 119 Pine 64 Minna 577 Market Haywarda U. 8. Mint 1917 Baker New York City 1013 Market 7 Howard Court 123 Powell 220 Sansome P.M.S.S. San Jose 1822 Hyde Hanford, Cal. 129 Third 044 Natoma Walnut Creek, Cal. 1153 Mkt. Oakland 36 New Mont'gy Alameda 46 Market 18 Bartlett Grove & Gough :i22 ShotweU 221 Sansome Saucelito, Cal. Alameda Ferry 1715 Sacramento 21 Derby Place 315 California 430 California Oc'nc 8. S. Co, Whf 432 Valley 12tbMasB.ini JlilBoseaT. 19 George H. Thomas Post, No. i. Howe Thomas H F HowellJ W K Huggins Johu C F HiiRhes J. E H Hundernier Hermnn Jb' Hunter Nathaniel. L Hutching C. B.,M.D. 2d Ohio Inf 10th and F r.th Cal. luf Colfax 1st Vi'ig Inf K, 9th and 10th Latham H 4th U S. Engineers 2Hih Mass. Inf 9th and L Butte, Montana Uth N. Y. Art 8th U. S. Inf Gait Ist N. Y. Mounted Rifles i;03 K street LiuuellH.H th Wis. Inf 1232 street 1st Ohio Light Art :3d Mo Inf 76lh Penn. Inf Martin H. P. 12 id N. Y. Inf Mailock A.R . . 148th Ind. Inf lied Bluff MaydwellW.i.. B.... i:j4th 111. Inf id U S. Art McCoy N. A 7th Cal. Inf 24th, Hand I 4th U. S. Art McKtlvy U. A Medley John C Megerlee L. U Meserve J. O MesIerT. J 3 jtb Iowa Inf 6th Cal Inf 9ihandL 915 14th street ■2d Cal. Cav 4th and L I'Jth Wis. Inf G'lusa Lodg'g Jse Red Bluff Miller Frank ■2d Wis. Inf 1st Mo. Inf 12, tb N. Y Inf 831 N street lOlband N Moore I. S . . Moriis J. S. T 2d Cal. Cav 217 M street (Utb 111. Inf Nokes R :4ih Mass. Inf l.'iOS J street O'Brien Pat 14. h N. U. Inf... I3th and F Olmsier.d W Osgood G.N P.dnter J. S rjih Ind. Inf 014 10th street 12th Mich. Inf I8r8 P street ' Parker John S 1st Cal. Cav Gait 27th Mass. Inf 63 J I street l()Oih Ohio inf 1222 F street U.S. Vols 721 F street RigsdaleE S IGth Iowa Inf 1808 M street 4ihCaI.Inf Q & R, 22d & 23d lOlh Iowa Inf 1123 ]3ih street 127th 111. Inf RidgevaySB.. Robertson G. C 7ih Cal. Inf Colfax nth Mo. Inf Willows Robertson J. II Robinson T. G 1st Iowa Cav 9th 111. Cav , Lincoln 1010 N street Robin-son Wm Roe James ScrlbnerH. H 9tblll. Cav Ist Cal. Inf.. 8th D, S. V. V. laf Ophir RockLn Central House is Spmnee Post, No. 3. Shaw Ira C Shaw Oliver Sheehan Jno. F.,. Sheehau T. W. ... ShirlandE. D Silva Anton Singer Wm Skinner J. L Slack F.H Smith C. Freeman Smith Frank A.. .. Spangler J. M Stephenson C. H. Stewart S. C , Thomas A. J Thorpe D. N TozerL Tufts A.C Tully James Dnderwood E. N. . Valentine D. A Valentine J. H. . . . Vanderhoof D Warner Geo. A . . . . Waterbury James. Webber F. H.L.... Webster Noah Wentworth B. F. Wentworth Chas.. White J. B WhiteT. H Wilson Japhet Winkleman Wm. . Wise Geo WiseM.L Wise P. V Woerner B Woods John L 29th Mass.Inf 59th 111. Inf 25th Maine Inf 24th Maine Inf IstCal.Cav U.S. S.Pawnee 1st Cal. Cav ■J7th Mass. Inf 2d N. Y.Cav 28th Maine Inf 14th Vt. Inf 7th Iowa Cav 4th Independent Ohio Cav. 2d U.S. Cav 2dCal. Cav 03dm. Inf 4th Mai ne Light Art 8th Mass Inf 14GthIll. Inf 13th Tenn. Cav 4")th Iowa Inf loth Iowa Inf 1st Nevada Inf 2dCal. Cav 9Cth 111. Inf DthCal.Inf 4th Mich. Inf 93th Penn. Inf loth Penn. Reserves 5th N. Y.Cav 10th Vt. Inf 2dCal.Cav 2d Ohio Cav 15th Vt.Inf 38th Ohio Inf 31st U.S Inf 43d 111. Inf 4th Cal. Inf 314 N street Gait San Francisco 21st, UandV 605 14th street Folsom Sacramento Grand Hotel Sacramento li-23 H street 1230 H street 1030 N street Elk Grove Sacramento 901 8th street 5th -.nd K Sacramento Clarksburg Jacinto Oakland Gait 1215 7th street Clarksburg 1217 L street Sacramento 1721 M street Alturas, Modoc Co, 1206 Q street Shingle Springs Sicramento 506 K street 1129 H street 605 13th street 420 L street -il7 K street Sacramento "LLER! First* Glass Restaurant,?^ fiv)e Billiard fables, -^Cadies' Department. JUNCTION Market. Turk and Mason Sis., SAN FRANCISCO. K. KAHRia, Proprietor. Beamish's Shirts S^EXCELL ALL OTHERS. "^2 Manufacturer and Importer UNDERWEAR, SOCKS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Szc KiNE OoODS! Low Prices I LargEst /IssartmBnt in the Sta te, llarket St., Cor. ot Third, SAN PRANCISCO. Wm. T. Coleman & Co. hipping and Conssion Merolianls, San Francisco, Cal., i2i Market Street. Los Angeles, Cal. Chicago, 91 Michigan Avenue. New York, 71 Hudson Street. London, 4 Bishopsgate St., within E, C, Liverpool, 54 Drury Buildings. Astoria Oregon, Flavel's Wharf, California Products A Specialty. California Wines Sz. Brandies, California Canned Fruits, California Dried Fruits, California Raisins, California Oranges. Columbia and Sacramento-River And all Pacific Coast Products Suited to Eastern Trade, CONSIGNMENTS SOLICtTED. I^Our F^9iliti^§ ^r^ Unrivaled ."^^ FARRAGUT POST, No. 4. VALLEJO. CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. D. McCOOL Commander JOHXREDDAN' Senior Vice-Commander JAMES J. BERGIX Junior Vice-Commander CHARLES DALY Adjutant GEORGE L. VOORHEES Quartermaster JONAS F. LOXG Surgeon WM. H. TAYLOR Chaplain L. J. CROVVELL Officer of the Day A. J. POWERS Oificer of the Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting Second and Fourth Thursday. Bergin James J — Blessingtou James Boylo K. B Boyd W. S Brown Thomcis.. .. Bruce Henry Buchanan J Buckles A. J Buxtou Geo. A Chandler Robert. . Churchill Geo. H.. CiilyJ. W Clark W. H . Cleveland B. S Coakley Timothy.. Collins N. W , Costello James. . . . , Crowell L. J Craig Hugh Craig Robert Cully W. S , CushiugF. W Daly Charles Donnelly George A Puncan JobnE 1st Conn. Art. •23d Penn. Inf. .■^dKv. Cav. OUth 111. Inf IstlU. Cav. .... , U. S. S. Saranac U. S.S. Ranger 19th Ind. Inf SthCal. Inf 2dN.Y. Vet. Vols 47th "Wis. Inf 4th Cal.Iuf 31st Ohio Heavy Art... 1st Wis. Cav 10:Jd 111. Inf 8th Mass. Inf Ith Cal. Inf 12th B.I. Inf 108th N. Y. Inf U.S. S. Old Ironsides. D. S. Marine Corps.... 13th 111. Inf 1st Wash. Ter. Inf U. S. S. Bienville 22d Iowa Inf 39 U. S. S. Ranger Vallejo U. S. S. Ranger Suisun Vallejo San Francisco Vallejo Beniila Vallejo Custom H., S. V. Vallejo Dallas, Texa« 50 FARRAGtTT PoST, No. 4. NAUE. CO. SERVICE. ADDBESS. Farwell Fred F E D A B H B H F K L E D A G B I A D V 5th N. H. Inf Oakland Ford John H 20th Mass. Inf 2'2d Penn. Inf Vallejo G8th Penn. Inf 108th Penn. Inf Griffin Francis M 3d Penn. Int i< Handlin Joseph J Purnell Legion, Md ta Hanly William U. S. S. Wabash It 8th Cal.Inf t< Josephs William . . . Kearna John V. S. S. Sabine i< 27th N. y. Inf Navy Yard, Mare 1. Sutter St.R R S F. Long Jonas F. . Lyon George A 7th Penn. Cav 22d Con. Heavy Art McCool D. M U. S. S. Sabine Vallejo McDermott Robert.. 1st Oregon Inf McKean AV. D U. S. Navy Miller Henry U.S. Navy Navy yard. Mare I. Vallejo 83th N. y. Inf..... 3d Maine Inf. .. .... Reddan John G2d N. Y. Inf Vallejo U. S. S. Ranger Vallejo ReedH, W Roney James U. S. S. Ranger 2d Penn. Art Rutherford David... 19th 111. Inf Staples Henry U. S. Marine Corps <( Sullivfin W. D Tavlor Wm. H D. S. Rec'g Ship Independence U. S. S. Saranao Id VanKirk Walter B.. . 40th Wis. Inf to Voorhees Geo.L ... 22d Wis. luf It Voorhees Jasper C. . . 22d Wis. Inf tt Williams R. A U.S. S. Hartford ^'^ /-/V/Z/VG/OOG', — the: Wilson Dining Saloon, 114, 116, 118 and X20 Post Street. A. W. WILSON & CO. SAN FRANCISCO. The Largest and Best Appointed Restaurant for Ladies and Gents in the City. J. D. PLITT, PROP. PARK m MIIERAL SPROOS TDREE MILES FRO?! OAKIAID. Dinners au 11th Maine inf « Wilcox Geo. A 3l8t Mass. Inf •WithereUO.A 16th Mich. Inf 2d Mich. Cav Zabriskle E. B lat Bat. Nevada Vols Easton & Eldridge, EEAL ESTATE ADEHTS AND General Auctioneers. House and Insurance Brokers, RBNTS COLIvECTED. 6ia Market St. 15 and 16 Post St. Opposite Palace Hotel. Most Complete OflSce on the Pacific Coast. We assume charge of property, hold power of attorney for absentees, collect rents, attend to taxes, insurance, street work^ improvements and building. Real Estate in all parts of the City, business and residence property, blocks and fifty-vara lots sub-divided and sold at auc- tion or private sale. Personal attention given to the sale of Farming Lands, Stocks, Vessels, Personal Property, Furniture and Art. Careful appraisements and sales made at public or private sale for Courts, Administrators, Executors, Commissioners, Re- ceivers, Mortgagees and Trustees, faithfully complying with legal forms. Regular Sale Day, Tuesday, ^^VURUmiRfl^i^ The Largest FURNITURE Establishment in the Country. R S. CH4DB0URNE & CO. 741-743-745 Market Street San Francisco, WITH BRANCHES AT PORTLAND, OREGON, and SEATTLE, WASH. TER. HOTEL FURNISHING R SPECIMLTY! Furnished the Hotel Del Monte at Monterey and aU the Leading Hotels on ine Coast. FRANK BARTLETT POST, No. 6. LOS AXGELE3, CAL. OFFICE ;;3, IPS'j. HORACE BELL Commander J. G. DETURK V;aior Vice-Coraman(k>r L. S. BUTLER Junior Vice-Commander SAM. KUTZ Adjutant J. S. BUSKIRK. Quartermaster M. HAGAN Sargoon THOS. J. SHREVE .Chaplain W. J. BROWN Offioer of the Day WM. D. BARNUM Officer of the Guard CHAS. M. FAIRBANKS Sergeant Major F. J. RIBBLE Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting every Tuesday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Adams Henry Armstrong Kobt C I C D A M B B D B F F G D E E A F A H H 8th Cal. Inf Los Angeles 3d Ohio Inf d Peuu. C.iY 10th U. S. Inf Los Angeles Ballou 0. J IstCol. C.iv 1st Wash. Ter Inf <• • • 1st N. Y. Engineers 2d U. S. Inf .1 ■ r 14Gth 111. Inf 11 Bennett M 1st Cal Nalive Cav It ■2dLa.Cav loth N Y. Inf • 1 Binkley DH Bont Joseph HaganM., M. D 51st and 161st Ohio Inf 4th Ky. Cav It SallTbomasS 92dN,¥,Inf i« Frank Babtlett Post, No. 6. 35 NAME. CO. SEBVICH. ADDRESS. Hall W. A H H A M D F E F H B G I A G C A K F F H E A I C F I D B C H F D F D K A a A H D F C H G I B 7th Vt. Inf Compton JjOS Augelea Ham George P 2d Cal. Cav 01st 111. Inf nth Ind. Cav ■1 Hammond N. W 11th Iowa Inf •1 Hanratti John 3d U. S. Art « 1st Col. Cav t( Harrison L. R Haskin W. A 27th Mich. Inf Wash.Ter.Inf " Hawloy A. D HiwverH. W 2d Cal. Inf Newhall 121stN. Y. luf Los Augeleq. 1.5th N. Y. Heavy Art HillS.J 6th Maine Inf ■ t Biller H 132d 111. Inf << 12thN.J.Inf >< 2d Cal. Cav ■ < 1st Cal. Inf i< 9th Mass. Inf « Howe E. R 44tli Mass. Inf Howe Wm 4th Cal. Inf 27th Penn. Inf Los Angele* 2d Mass. Cav Johnson R. D 121st N. Y. Inf i< Van Steinberg J. A. . ^Vacke^ly Wm Walker .J F 81th 111. Inf 9th Minn. Inf Walsh M. J 2d and 4tb Cal. Inf II Warreu C. F Weed E. A .■Jth Wis. Lt. Art 4th Conn. Inf. and 1st Con. Art. ... 3d Mo. and S2d 111. luf 1st Ark. Inf ,j Weid I. A Wetherman C. D ^^ Williams P. S. . . 5th Wis. Lt. Art i< Wilinott L. A 2d Cal. Cav Wilmington Wise K. D 91st lud. Inf WitticJa H. A Wolfe Geo. W ■golfer Peter 2GthIll. Inf. and97lh Penn. Inf... Utb III. Cav 7th N. Y. Art Wonderly W. H 5th Penn. Cav 4th Mo. S. M Wright James D 14th U. S. Inf Los Angeles 1st Cal. Inf Young C. M 8th N. Y.Cav PHIL SHERIDAN POST, No. 7. SAN JOSE, CAIi. OFFICERS. 1886. HENRY T.WELCH ^ Commander DANIEL McGINLEY Senior Vice-Commander J. T. BOYNTON J unior Vice-Commander L. W. DENAN Adjutant L. FINNIGAN Quartermaster DR. A. H. COCHRANE Surgeon REV. JAS. M. NEWELL Chaplain J. J. PEARD Officer of the Day FRED. BRANDT Officer of the Guard ROBERT CAROTHERS Sergeant Major O. W. HANSON Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting every Thursaay. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Anderson H. H H G G I B I G I F G K K C A A G B A D H D B 34th Ohio Inf Bagley E. M U. S. S. Mohaska Balling Anthony 3dCal. Inf « Bassett G. P 1st Wis. Heavy Art i< Bower N 4th Mo. Inf <■ Bowman Alex 156th 111. Inf. Gilroy Boynton J. T 3d Maine Inf 14th Maine Inf Brandt Fred 3Jd Maine Inf 35th Mass. Inf J, Brady Terence 2dU. S. Cav i< BrlmsonT. W 106th N. Y. luf Gilroy Brown Luis 22d Mich. Inf Burgess M. D 7th Cal. Inf Burnham John I Butler F. S 7th Independent Ohio Cav 8th Iowa Inf " Cameron Phil 1st Vt. Heavy Art Milpitas Campbell F. W 12th 111. Inf Carothers Robert.... 163d Ohio Inf 187th Ohio Inf Chapln John A. . . . . Cheney C. R 104thN.Y.Inf 15th 111. Inf....; Oakland Clendenin L. W.. .. IstCal. Inf Close Sam'lL. 18th Ohio Inf Cochrane A. H 15th N. Y. Eng's and U. S. Army . . Phil Sheridan Post, l^o. 7. 39 NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Cole ■Wallace D L F F B B F H M F B D I A D I C I A E G G F H F H A H U G H H B F F E K D F K B C C H I F I E D H A B Gth N. Y. Heavy Art Couant Timothy Costello M 1th Minn. Inf aa U. S. Cav. and U. S. S. Brooklyn, loth Minn. Inf <• Craw J. P • • 2d Mass. Cav i< 3d U. 8. Cav Elliot James I'Jth N. Y. Cav <• Ellis W. F Watsonville Eustice George Everhart 13. E 7th Wis. Inf Gilroy 42d Mo. Inf Finigan L Foote H S feoth Ohio Inf nth Ind. Inf • • 39th Ind. Inf Gourley James Grant Geo. W IstCal.Inf << lOth Kan. Inf II 17th Mich. Inf ■ < 15th Ohio Inf <■ 20th Mich. Inf >• Hanson Geo. W Haitmau Chas. H. .. 13th N.H.Inf. & U.S.S.QuakerCity. 12th Mo. luf ■• Harvey A. W Haskell D?.nN Hayes J. C D. S. S. Fahker >. 137th Ohio Inf . G 2d Mo. Inf 8th 111. Inf Redding 11th 111. Inf Hayford Edw. F.... Heagney A. J Hesser H K 12th Vt. Inf 11 loth Iowa Inf I, Soquel Watsonville Hibbard M. J 7th Maine luf Hite M 108th 111. Inf 27th Conn I'f Hull B. D 23d Conn. luf Ingham John Inman Henry Jahle August Judd Charles H 8th Iowa Inf 11 4t)th 111. Inf ■ I 2d U. S. Light Art 2d Mo. Light Art Ist Bat. Nevada Cav ;; Kelly James Lashbrooka Eli M.. Lauck George 18th Mich. Inf •< 2d Wis. Cav 12th 111 luf West Oakland McClintock E. A.... 5l3t Ind. luf McGinley Daniel. . . . U. S. Navy 52d and 04th Ohio Inf. & U. S. Vols B G H B I U. S. S. Unadilla and Mohongo. . . . 11th N. Y. Battery 1471 Fifth North TeiLescal Schauer Henrv 35th Mass. Inf GU Eist 12th 9th Ohio Inf 48J Orchard Scott Elliott F 1st Nevada Inf Shea Daniel U.S. Navy '.. 821 Sixteenth Simon Joseph Smith Chas. H 2d Mo. Inf 1525 Broadway 5CG East 18th "thK. I. Inf Smith Chas. AV 6th Minn. Inf Smith Henry T femith H S 20th 111. Inf 1401 Broadway 918 Fifth 3d Mass. Heavy Art Smith James 40th N.y. Inf Emeryville 1114 Webster Spencer E. W 1st Wis. Heavy Art Stewart G. W 2:jdlll.lnf 517 Ninth Stiles H.K 47th N. Y. Inf Stufflebean Geo. W.. 2 5th Mo. Inf Tusher Fred ISthlll.Inf 953 Willow .'JSth 111.. luf 116G Seventh 802 Henry Vaughan Silas B Wells Henry C ■West F. M 18th Ohio Battery 1204 Adeline West RoUin A 1st Minn. Heavy Art Wilcox Chas. H 35th N. Y. Inf 380 Tenth U. S. 8. Constitution Wilson Harvey M. . . Winchester Alberts. 30th Maine Inf 1210 Franklin 36th Ohio Inf 39th Ohio Inf Girard House 955i Washington 612 Fourth Winkler Jacob 21st N. J. Inf Woolsey E. H.,M. D. Wright Geo. H Wythe Jo3.H.,M.D.. YorkK.B.S 33dN.Y.Inf Woolsey Hospital 222 Helen 11th Mich. Inf U.S. Vols 965 West 148th Ind. Inf Hall of Kecords THE; FrEdErickBliurQ BrEwing Cn. •San Jose, California. General Depot, 539 California Street. BREWERS MNE BOTTLERS DF — r^Fnr Expnrt and Draught. FANIILIKS SUPRIvIED Car. MarkEt, PowbU and Ellis Sts. The best location in the City. The best arranged Family and Tran- sient Hotel in the World. All modern improvements. Eight lines of Street Cars pass the doors, making all parts of the City easy of access, as well as Golden Gate Park and Cliff House by the Cable lines. Especial accommodations to families and large parties, as all rooms on each floor can be connected if necessary. Prices the Same as Other First-Class Houses. KRHOED ^ PG?LRS0n, Props. Geo. H. Arnold, Formerly of the Occidental, H. H. Pearson, .jFormerly of the CosmopoUtaJif GRANT POST, No. 9. MODESTO, CAL. OFFICERS, 188a W. H. THORN BURG ^ .- Commander RICHARD YOUNG Senior Vice-Commander D. C. COLEMAJf Junior Vice-Commander I. S. LOVENTHAL Adjutant W. R. PIPER Quartermaster JAY H/VRRISON Surgeon W. H. ARMENT Chaplain — Officer of the Day JOHN BRAIDS Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Tuesday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDKESS. Abbott C. H. . . . H F K B B M A B E I A F B B G A G D A K A O.idlll. Inf Turlock •21st Iowa Inf Oakdale 2iith Penn. Cav Arnold W. H Gtb Iowa Inf 142d U. S. Colored Inf Gray.son Turlock Modesto Beesley Thos Blanchard A.C i:ithin.Inf 1st Maine Inf U. S. S. Anacostii SthMo. Giv TltblU. Inf Christmau Henry KUblll.Inf CunniuRham L Fuller M. A .5:JdIll.Iuf :iltblll. luf U. S. S.Cumberland 8:ia III. Inf Turlock Givens W. J Harrison Jay Howard W. A OSthlU. Inf 59tb Iowa Inf :; IthCal.Iuf I( Keeley Conrad Liiidon D. B Mead's Cav tstb Iowa Inf 18tb Ind. Inf Oakdale Modesto 17!st Peun. Inf Hills Ferry Mann Wesley 8 McCreedy II. C McCumber Tlioa. 0.. 53d Ind. Inf 2dCal. Inf 53d Wis. Inf « 4S 46 Grant Post, No. 9. Mitchell Q Myers Jacob Palmer W. D Phillips R. O Piper W. R Prentiss J. W Richards H. W Roberts Michael. . . . Sawyer Frederick A Smith W.J Thornburg W. H... Trammell J. J Vosburg Isaac "Wilson B. B Wilson Chas. S Wood A. A Toung Richard 10th lowainf 55th Ohio Inf 10th Mich. Inf 60th 111. Inf 9th Mich.Cav 26th Conn. Inf.... 13th Conn. luf 13th Tenn. Cav... 17th Maine Inf 1st Mo. Engineers 27th Iowa Inf 1st Ark. Cav..;... N. Y. Heavy Art... 96th 111. Inf 42dlll.lnf , 19th Iowa Inf U. S. S. Mackinaw Modesto Turlock Modesto Oakdale Modesto Hills Ferry Modesto PHIL. KEARNEY POST, No. 10. VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA. OFFICERS, 18S6. J. A ROBERTSON. Commander A. H. WARD , Senior Vice-Commander P. G. KING Junior Vice-Commander C. H. GALUSHA Adjutant B. ARMBRUST Quartermaster P. T. KIRBY Surgeon \V. H. ORMROD Cliaplain F. A ST. JOHN Officer of the Day W. J. HILL Officer of the Guard H.8CHIRLEY Sergeant Major V. RITCHIE. Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First Monday. Ambru3t B Bailey A. B Bondshu Charles A. . Burbank J. P Clark Thoa Dodero Domingo Donnelly T.S Dresser F. S Ebner Conrad Eckerman J. B Folsom P. E GalushaC. H Harris E. B Hill W.J Kennedy Thos King P. G Kirby P. T Libby T. C LordF. C McCullough J. S Orujrod W. H Parker Wm. H Ritchie V Robertson J. A Robinson L. W Schlrley Henry Shaw H. G St. John F. A Sullivan Edward Turman B. I Ward A. H Williams Philemon. ith Mo. Cav 9thN. Y.S. M loth D. S. Inf 8thN. H. Inf 12th U.S. Inf 2dCal.Cav U.S. Navy 47th Wis. Inf 4th Ohio Battery 139th Pcnn.Inf 20th Maine Inf. & Griffin's Battery, Gth Mich. Heavy Art U.S. Vols 7th Cal. Lnf 11th Vt. Inf 2d Pann. Reserve Corps 19th Ohio lnf 1st Maine Battery 13th N. Y.Cav CCth Ohioluf 129th Penn. luf 3d Cal. Inf 10th N. Y.Inf 24th Mass. luf nth Ind. Inf 9th Wis. Inf 125th Ohio Inf U. S. S. Brooklyn 4th U. S. Art 8th Cal. Inf 2d Maine Inf 12th N. Y. Cav Virginia City Oregon Virginia City Candolaria Gold Hill Virginia City Gold Hill S:m Francisco Virginia City Gold Hill Virginia City Carson, Nev. Dayton Virginia City i7 JOE HOOKER POST, No. 11. ALAMEDA, CAL. OFFICERS, 1S86. JOHN ELLSWORTH Commander E. B. DUNmXG Senior Vice-Commauder H. W. COTTON Junior Vice-Commanaer O. L. METZGER Adjutant JAMES COOK Quartermaster W. O. TAYLOR Surgeon E. F. BI. HURLBUT Chaplain WILLIAM SEYMOUR Officer of the Day JOHN M YER Officer of the Guard E. HAMLIN Sergeant Major " — — Quaxtermaster Sergeant Meeting, First Friday, Masonic HaU, Cor. Park and Santa Clara Ave. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDEESS. Anderson George. .. Bakker R A I B H B A B D G D L E B C K_ I D K U. S. Navy U. S. S, Wm. L. Marcy Boehse Charles 1st N. Y. Art .1 Brown M. L 117th Ind.Inf 11 Cole L. L 11th Mich. Inf 1. 2d Penn. Inf 11 191st Penn, Inf Cotton H. W i< Deane 0. T 12thN. Y. Art 8th OhioCav San Francisco DeNice J. H Dunning E. B Ellsworth John 25th Conn. Inf 11 Hamlin Grin E Hamlin Adrian R 45th 111. Inf. and A 1st Cal. Inf.. . . IstCal. Cav " Hart John U. S. Navy II Hurlbut E. F. M.... Hutton E. L 24th N. Y. Battery loth Ohiolni Santa Rosa, CaL Kruger H 5thU. S. Cav 140th 111. Inf Kuster H. C Li nderman J. C 1st Ohio Light Art McGown Harvey . . . 71st Ohio Inf McMahon J. S U. S.Navy a< Metzger C. L 138th and 155th Ind. Inf i< Miller G.B 11th Penn. Inf ■ 1 Myer JoIiq r22dN. Y.Inf << ^ Joe Hooker, Post, No. 11. 49 NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Poindexter F. H B G B K B .\ B D G K H G 2Cth Ohio Inf Portland, Or. I'orter B B lOthN. Y.C.XV I'rindlo li ¥ Reynolds J. M Richardsou J See K. J 10th N. V. Cav SthCal.Inf l!)th Ohio Inf " l(!5th Ohio Inf Seymour William. . . Tavlor D. B 2d Mo. Inf • < ■Ust Jtass. Inf U.S. Vols >• Tavlo:- W.O (■ .58th N. Y. Inf Todil U. H 2d N. J. Inf. and I 8th N. J. Inf. . . . 00th N. Y. Inf Ward .\. II Welch Denis 4th N. J. Inf K ROD MATHESON POST, NO. 16. HEALDSBTJEG, CAI,. OFFICERS, 1886. JOHN FAVOUR Commander LESTER STEVENS Senior Vice-Commander J. W. SYLVESTER Junior Vice-Commander E. B. METZGER Adjutant THOS. J. RILEY Quartermaster W. H. BARNES Surgeon MILES MORRIS Chaplain GEO. SLOCU.M Officer of tho Day D. G. BOWSHER Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major FRANK PASCHAL Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second Friday. Babcock J. H Baker J. C Barnea TV. H Blackmore N. L.. . Bowsher D. G Conger C. O Cook Chaa DeatonG. M Favour John Franklin J. W Frazler Wm Gibson Thos. J... . Heath H. A Ink Walters Jahn Ferdinand. . . Joy W.H Keith A. D Metzger A. V Metzger E. B Morris Miles Moulton W, M.... Nichols C. A Paschal Frank.. .. Ragsdale J. W RemmelChaa Riley Thomas J. .. Boesch Frank Rosa J. B Eowe N Scott Julius SkellengerD. A... Slocum Geo Smith WmN Stevens Lester. . . . Sylvester J. W VanClief J. H WarfleldR. H Warner A. L Wiedemeyer S. J. . I G F G E I C F I G I C G G B C F G O H K D K D G B A&I O D U. S. S. Ossippe ■10th Iowa Inf 72dMo.Inf U. S. S. Valley City 73d Ohio Inf 8th Cal. Inf 4th Cal. Inf 23dlnd. Inf 2d Cal. Cav ... 1st Cal. Bat. Mountaineers 1st Mo. Inf Gth Ind. Cav 7th N. H. Inf a5th Ohio Inf 7th Cal. Inf 11th Minn. Inf 2d Col. Cav 155th Ind. Inf 1st Cal. Cav 7th Kansas Cav 9th N.Y. Heavy Art 67th Ohio Inf 7th Cal. Inf 13th Iowa Inf 42d Wis. Inf 2d Iowa Inf 4th Wis. Cav 84th III. Inf 31at N. J. Inf. and K 4l8t Mo. Inf.. U. S. S. Wabash 18th Wis. Inf 30th Penn. Inf. and 143d Penn. Inf 13th Onio Inf 5th Wis. Inf. and 16th Wis. Inf . . . . 44th Mass. Inf 13th N. Y. Inf. and 38th N. Y. Inf . . 50th N. Y Engineers 105th 111. Inf llt hMo.Inf to Healdaburg Cloverdale Healdaburg Cloverdale Healdaburg Cloverdalo Healdaburg Cloverdale Healdsburg Cloverdale Healdaburg Santa Rosa Clairville Healdsburg Cloverdale Healdabui-g ORIGINAL ''SW)ivlil'S BAKERS" ESTABLISHED 1856. 213 SuTTKR St. Restaur ant with. Full Bill of Fare. OYSTERS. ICE CREAM, Ac. ^^=^ Everything of the Best Qnality.*=^|f R. R. SWAIN, Prop'r. Lebenbaum Bros. WHOLESALE AXD EETAIL I 215 and 217 Sutter St., above Kearny, and Polk St., Cor. California. Bsst UintagBS of Califarnia Red and UlhitE lUinBs, ErandiES and ChampagnE. Choicest California Preserved and Evaporated Fruits. Our Establishment being the most centrally loeatecl in the City, Tourists will find here a complete assortment for their Lunch Basket, At very Low Prices. FHemLers of tlje Q[. 0. R., Qttentl onl Special Arrangements for your Entertainment liave been made by Instantaneous portraits. Views of pacific coast scenery. TINE ART WORRi f50RTRAlTS FRO tit LIFE OR: COPY. Opposite '- , - ' - - ..^. ■■-' ' -'• Palace Hotel ^j»°MasonicTempIe, SAXERAXCISCO, CAL Yau avB hBartily Invited to Inspect my VIEW DEPARTMENT, U/herBin jjaii nan see all the beautiful Scenery of Califarnia as in a Mirror. THE PORTRAIT GALLERY Cnntains the Likenesses of Prominent Men of Califnrnia and of all Nations, Photographed by me. M Portrait of yourself, or Uiews cf this City and State a re the best Souvenirs yau can have, far yourself and your friends, of your visit to San Francisco, Gold Medal " World'.s Fair," New Orleans, :SS5. Highest Award, Southern Exposition, Louisville, 1SS4, and the same again in 1SS5. Many more at other places, and earlier dates. SEDGWICK POST, No. 17. SANTA ANA, CAL. OFFICERS, 1S86. C. E. BERRY Commander G. M. DOYLK Senior Vice-Commander E. C. JONES Junior Vice-Commauder W. H. DRIPS Adjutant R. CUMMINGS Quartermaster H. G. KERNODLE Smgeon W. A. INSLE Y Cliaplain I. N. J EFFERSON Officer of the Day GEORGE W. HAWKINS Officer of the Guard GEORGE J. MOSB ATJGH Serscant Major L. BELL Quartermaster Sergeant Moetins, Second and Fourth Monday. NAME. CO. SEKVICE. ADDKESS. Abbott E. J C B E H B I U A A F E G B D P B A B F B D F H 12th Iowa Inf . 47th 111. luf 4'2d Mass. Inf B-'.lcom B. G BellL 3Gth Mass. Inf .1 Berry C. E ■2d Ark. Inf (1 4(;th Miss. Inf.. Buck O.J Oijth 111. Inf Burgess R. F •21st Mich. Inf <> Chaso A ■ • Clark J. G 10th Iowa Inf Colby L.J 24th Wis. Inf Conway C. N Cuiuiuiufis R DovleG.M 4:3dlnd.lnf 7th Penn. Cav 8th Mo. Inf Orange Sauia Ana Diips %V. H i;th Ohio Inf 147ih 111. Inf 6th Iowa Inf << Eddy E. 11 Edwards E. E. Everett S. B French C. E 4th 111. Cav 9th Maine Inf (iardeu Grove Friend Taylor B 1st M;iino Cav Orango Los Angelee Santa Ana Gardner J. W 21st Mich. Inf Halladay M. D Hannah J. Q 4th Mich. Inf Mo. State Cav Pawkina G. W IstCoLInf <( 6J 62 Sedgwick Post, No. 17. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESa. D E E A F B B B G F D G L D D Q D C K B A I F B A G G M A 29th Iowa Inf Antelope Insley W. A Irish J. M ^■>^l inj Inf 8th lud. Inf 15Cth Peun. luf t< DSth 111 luf ,, Kernodle H. G 17th Ind. Inf I. 110;h Ind Inf KingR :i9th Wis. Inf « Logging H. B Look P. H 2a Va Inf << 12th Maine Inf If 8th Wis. Inf ■ > MattesonS. H 13 J Wia . Inf <■ 3d Ky. Cav Orange Moabaugb George J. Patterson W. A.. 133d Ind Inf 39th 111 Inf Purcell T. M (iih Gal Int.. .; Reynerson J Keckwell L. D Sexton F. L 16th Iowa luf 7th 111 Inf 27th III. Int Newport Sheffer F. D 10th Ind. Inf Smith F. M 35th Mo. Inf Smith H.E 13th Kansas Inf <■ Stackpole J. E Lathrop Santa Ana Sutton S. W Van Allen B.D 24th Iowa Inf Vanderlip F Weber J 20th Ind. Cav Pasadena Oi-ango Wests. B 8th Iowa Cav White J. A 10th Ind. Inf Young H. A 81st 111. Inf HALLECK POST, No. 19. CHICO. CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. I. M. TERILL '. Commander H. T. BATCHELDER Senior Vice- Commander O. S. JEWETT Junior Vice-Commander JAMES DAVISON^ Adjutant W. R. WILLIAMS Quartermaster PHILLIP OIIAIR Surgeon J Mc(.!. STILSON Chaplain GEORGE S. SNOOK Oflicer of tlie Day WM. REMLEY Officer of tlie Guard DANIEL WINDERS Sergeant Major MORRIS RUSSELL Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, every Fourth Wednesday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Batchelder H. T A B H C B E D B G B A B I A K H A F G A G B K D G G A A H K E F H D E B 12a Maine Inf Chlco Benale y Edwin Biigby S 119th 111. Inf 27tb Mich. Inf I< 4th Cal. Inf ■ < Dibble J. S •22dlll.lnt 3d D.S.Cav 115th 111. Inf • t <• Goree M. R Griffith Jonafhan... Healey John S Hunter J. H 1st U.S. Cav 12th 111. Inf..' Orland Chico iCOthPeun. Inf 2a Cal. Cav 7th Mich. Inf IlligCirl Powelton Chico Kelly Joseph M 2d Cal. Cav 8ih Cal. Inf i( 45th Ohio Inf c< Lortou James i>2A N. Y. Inf and D U. S. Eng ... 1st III. Light Art ^^ 52d N. Y. Inf 12th Wis. Inf < <> Felton.fohn A Fitzgerald E. J nth N. H. Inf 8th Mass. Inf 8th 111. Cav •< Fogg William 9th Maine Inf ■ I •< Foster B. F Ist Cal. Cav « Fry Edward S « 1st Wis. Inf X Gayotte James GUabert Joseph Giles Geo. W 4th Minn. Inf >■ U.S. Navy •< 5th Cal. luf • < 21st Ohio Inf 4< U. 8. Navy ■< Hall Frank E 24th Mass. Inf <• 37th Mass. Inf « Harris Benjamin Hartt Lionel B., M D 10th R.I. Inf • • 24th Mich. Inf l< Hatch F. R 16th N. Y. Heavy Art GthCal. Inf X Heek Victor V. . . • < Henery Samuel Hickox Gay lord Higgins John Hitchcock C. N U. 8. Navy <> 90th N. Y. Bat 2d U S. Art • < 48th U. S. Colored Inf II U. 8. Navy II Holly F S M Holman H. C. . 7th Cal. Inf ■ 1 Holt Levi B 6th Cal. Inf San Joaquin Co. Hopkins R.W Houghton L. E Hudson A. S., M. D.. 14th N. Y, Heavy Art 7th Cal. Inf 34th 111. Inf Hudson A. T. M. D. 26th Iowa Inf II Hughes A. P. 8 HuUO. H 31st Mo. Inf Lathrop 12th Wis. Inf Hurd Charles E 23d Maine Inf Hyde Joseph HydeW. 125th N. Y. Inf .< 125thN.Y.Inf 8th Mo. Inf <■ i« 1st Cal. Cav It Kea^le C H 20th Iowa Inf .< Kelly Thos. J Ketchum Thos. E. .. 5th 111. Cav 11 3d Cal. Inf i< Klncaide Fred. H . . . 38th Iowa Inf If Knowlton F L.. 14th Maine Inf la 43d Wis. Inf « 22d Maine Inf 11 Lehe Eugene 9th U.S. Inf ■ I 77th N. Y. Inf i< Jijnderwood Thoa. 9. 22dWis.Cav <» Kawxins Post, No. 23. KAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Llssenden Geo M E C C I K B E H E H C A K D D B I I C E C F G C A C I B C M F D H B H H F H I K F G F H, G M H Ist 111. Art Logan J. V. B Lonnlgan Geo. TV. .. Lonnigan Thomas.. . .5th Gal. Inf 17th Ind. Inf (< 50th Ind. Inf It 10th Wis. Inf << •21st Iowa Inf ( Rolerson B. F ,( RuhlFred. A 6th N. Y. Inf .< Ryan Thomas H.. , 9th Conn. Inf « Sampson Geo 11th Ind. Cav 9th Iowa Inf ,j Schroeder J. G 18th U. S. Inf Cressey Scott Ed ward 8th Cal. Inf Scott W. J 68th 111. Inf Severens J. D << Shackleford Samuel . 1st Cal. Cav « Shine John U 153d 111. Inf 1, Shoemaker J.J loth Wig. Inf Simons A Merrill's Vet. Horse, 2d Mo. Cav.. Kith Kansas Cav ,, Smith JohnW Gait SperryJ.A 25th Mich. Inf Starkhouse W. R 10th N. Y. Heavy Art ,< Steacy R. E 30th Maine Inf ■I Sto we Alonzo W 5th Cal. Inf .. Sullivan C U. S. S. Powhattan « Sutherland Henry. . . Swlnford Elijah 14th Kansas Inf „ 2d Colorado Inf „ TeeploW. D 7th Cal, Inf , «< Kawlins Post, No. 23. 69 NAME. CO. SEBVICE. ADDRESS. C H H C D K A I B A K G D B A H C 96th Penn. Inf Stoc Tripp D.X) 41st Mass. Inf Vaughn W. W 8th Cal.Inf W'allam W. B 1st Ohio Art Walsh Eiohartl I'lth Maine Inf. ... • Warden R. T 3d 111. Inf Waterman S. D 3d Mass. Inf ' Weaver H. W 13th 111. Inf 1st Nevada Inf ' West F. M 13th Mass. Inf ' Wetzell Thos. C 14th lowainf Whitaker D. E 35th Wis. Inf Whitney Henry. ... Williams Henry U.-S. S. Wabash 2d Conn. Inf ' Williams Samuel A.. 8th Mo. Cav • Wines J. P 13th Wis. BatterJ' . ' 23d 111. Inf Wisdom W.J 1st Cal. Cav ' Wood JohnE 1st Wis. Inf Woods W. P 11th Kansas Inf ' R. L. MCCOOK POST, NO.26. WATSONVILLE. CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. B. A. OSBORN Commander K. W. EATON. Senior Vice-Commander C. W. BENJAMIN Junior Vice-Commander A.R. ALEXAJ^DER Adjutant A N. JUDD Quartermaster J. A BURTON Surgeon J. S. KIDDER Chaplain A. A. MOREY Officer of the Day M. VALENTINE Officer of the Guard J. RENFRO Sergeant Major L TRIMBLE Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Monday. Benjamin O. W... Bickmore T Burton J. A CallH Chapman J. S... . Clark F.O Cleveland G. 8... CoxO. P Crocker Geo De Hart Wm Eaton R.W Fadden James Fantry Geo Oilman Joseph O. Hagerman Wm . . . HalleckR HatchI Hogue J. D JuddA. N Kidder J. S Linscott J. A Lummia J McCarty James.. . McGune J Monroe E. R Morey A. A Nelson O.H Osborn B. A Benfro J Service W. H Stephens Arthur., Trimble Is^o. .. . Valentine la ISthlll. Inf 8th Cal. Inf 25th Wis. Inf 4th Cal. Inf 4th Cal. Inf 1st V. S. Engineers 2d Maine Cav 72dlll. Inf 157th N. T. Inf 1st U. S. Marine 9th Kansas Cav. . . . . 10th Minn. Inf Ist U. S. Cav 11th Maine Inf 7thN. Y.S.M 50th Wig. Inf 8th Cal. Inf 138th 111. Inf 6th Iowa Cav 8th Cal. Inf 2d Maine Cav 25th m. Inf 11th Conn. Inf 30th III. Inf 42d Wis. Inf 137th 111. Inf 3d Ohio Inf 1st Maine Cav 6th Cal. Inf , 6th Ohio Inf 14th Penn. Cav 2d Cal. Inf , 8th Cal. Inf eo Watsonville Monterey, Cal. Watsonville Monterey, Cal. Watsonville Corralitos, Cal . Watsonville E. B. fliNCKLEt, J. Spiers. D, E. EtAYES. FULTON IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED IN 1S5B. Hinckley, Spiers i WOBKS: Fremont, Howard and Beale Sts. OFFICE: 220 Fremont St SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Jwla.ritafaietu.rera of Engines and Boilers, Stamps, Ore and Water Buckets, Milling Machinery, Pans, Ore Gates, Mining Machinery, Settlers, Car Wheels and Axles, Hoisting Works, Retorts, Water Wheels, Smelting Furnaces, Hoisting Cages, with Llewellyn Filter Heater, Boasting Furnaces, safety attachments. Shaftings, Pulleys, Ore Cans, Hangers and Boxes. We-construct and deliver in Complete Eunning Order, in any Locality, Mills, Concentration Wokks, Water Jacket Smelting Fur- naces, Hoisting Works, Pumping Machinery, Etc., |^"of any Desired Capacity."^! Sole Slanafactarers on the Pacific Coast, of The Tustin Eotary Pulverizing Mills. The Babcock & Wilson Boiler (over 300,000 horse-power in daily use). The Frue Ore Concentrator. The Prescott Patent Direct Acting Steam Feed Works for Saw Mills. SF'ECI>5>.LTIES. Compound Marine Engines, Boilers and Corliss Engines. Asents for tbc Pacific Coast for the Deane Steam Pmup. LANDER POST, No 27. AUSTIN, NEVADA. OFFICERS, 1886. J. A. MILLER Commander I. C. HOOVER Senior Vice-Commander E. F. STEPHENS Junior Vice-Commander W. A. CLIFFORD Adjutant L. RICHARDSON Quartermaster M. SOUTHARD Surgeon E. B. HEFLIN Cliaplain W. B. NEWELL Officer of the Day Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Surgeon Meeting, Second and Fourth Wednesday. NAME. CO. SBBVICE. ADDHESS. Clififord W. A B I G B M A F I A B E B A B E B D M D F 8th Mich.Inf 7th Cal. Inf Gillman A. D 31st Iowa Inf II 19th Iowa Cav ■ ■ HefliuE. B 9th Mo. Cav II Hickock J. A 5th Iowa Cav 3d Cal. Inf " Lyng Jehu F Mctilew W. J 104th Penn. Inf 84th Penn j^ Miller J. A 5th N. Y. Inf i< Newell W. B 7th Mich. Inf • > 10th N. Y Baker City, Or. Pellia Napoleon 2d La. Inf 3d Cal. Inf Ross R. E 12th 111. Cav 45th 111. Inf li Scott Robert II Southard M 9th Maine Inf ■1 Stephens E. F Thompson John I. . . Vincent 0. B 44th Mo. Inf •I 5th Wis 148th Ohio Inf UPTON POST, No. 29. EUREKA, NEVADA. , , „ OFFICERS, 1886. S. J. BEEBE ' MATT SHATZLEIN '„' Commanded H. COLE Senior Vice-Commander BENJ. O. LEVY.. Junior Vice-Commander J. S. BURLING AME.'.V.V.V.V.V Adjutant G. H. THOMA. Quartermaster T. J. BIRD Surgeon W. H. TYLER Chaplain CASPAR PIEL.. Officer of the Day ' Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Fourth Saturday. Alexander F. E BeebeS. J.. . Bidwell C.B... '.'."' Bird T.J BroyC. L Burlingame J. S.... Burns E.J Col» H ." Davidson Eb Dowling Michael..! Greenup George . . . Hoadley H. T Johnson Chas Jones E. C KehlerW. H ."" Leonard Thomas Levy Benj. C Enlisted as Benja- min Constant. .. Longley A. S Martin J. T Mathews W. H .. McCuJIum E.!w. .... McFarl^ndChas..... MuUerFred Piel Caspar " Rose E. H ShatzleinMatt.'.".".' Sherman E. L Strawdberg J. \v " ' Taylor W.L Thoma G. H., M. D Tyler W.H 44th Iowa Inf ii'„„„i 2dMas3.Cav |Eureka 7thN. H. Inf.. 2dCal. Cav 6th West Va. Cav..*.'.".".".".!;' 1st Maine Heavy Art . 2d Col. Cav 16th U. S. Inf 4th Wis. Cav.... 77th N.T.inf 2d Col. Cav !!! 15th Conn. Inf... 1st Col. Cav !!..!!!!.' 4th Iowa Cav 191st Penn. luf 101st Penn Inf. . . ! UthU.S.Inf Lake Geneva, Wis, Eureka Saa Francisco, Cal Eureka 4th Wis. Cav 37th Ind. Inf. 88th Ohio Inf. 4th U.S. Art.. 13th Mo. Cav 118th Ohio Inf 54th N. Y. Inf, 25th 111. Inf... 28th Jlich. Inf. mh'iV?nf" r"^-^'!^ 1th Wf"c°i Douglas is., Alaska Geneva Lake, Wis. Eureka Saa Anton Eureka Bay Horse, Idaho 3oth Ohio Inf. . .■ -. f^'^!'^ Hill 2d N. y. Heavy Art. f ?■ 56th Mass. Inf .■ 6a W. H. L. WALLACE POST, NO. 32. SANTA CRUZ, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. Commander A. L. WEKK3. '.'.".'.".".".'...'.'.'.'.'. . . . .Senior Vice-Commander C. T. SUTPHEI* Junior Vice-Commander M. CAMPBELL ^ Adjutant S. HOHMANN Quartermaster GEO. L HOLT S^^^^^ U.S. NICHOLS.. •••■ • (.j^^pi^,^ CHESMAN GOULD Officer of the Day WM. BLACK ....Officer of the Guard O.D.LOUCKS.... Sergeant Major ,",?S'SSTi:.::;:::::::::;::;::::::: ::::::::::::«««•«'"•»'•''*-.». Meeting. Second and Fourth "Wednesday. AbarrJ. B Aegeter Solomon. Armstrong Wm . . Bachelder J. A... Barber L.N Bean W. H Black William ... Butcher John n.. Campbell Murdock.. Carroll George H... Carroll M Chapel Edwin Coats R.M Comstock Harvey. . Craighill Charles... Crosby George Delehanty John Diusmore Wm Fleckuer Wm George T. C German J . A Glas.s John Gould Chesman Green L. K Bart Albert SthMo.Inf 77ihN. Y. Inf 16th Wis. Inf 7th Maine Inf 23d Mich. Inf 21at Blaine Inf 27th Penn. luf 11th Ind. Inf 24th Penn. Inf 8th Mass. Inf 108th III. Inf 9th Iowa Inf 4thCal.Inf 12th Wis. Art 34th Iowa Inf 5th Mass. Art 2dKy. Inf 4th U. S. Art 18th U.S. Inf 7th Kansas Inf 13Gth N. Y.Inf.... O. S. S. Sangamon. 4th Maine luf U. S. S. Sangamon. 65th Penn. Inf Felton Santa Cruz Soquel Santa Cruz Felton Santa Ciuz Soquel Santa Cruz Felton Santa Cruz Soquel ^.3 64 W. H. L. Wallace Post, No, 32. Hastings Scott HobsonG. H. ... Hohinann S. . Holt Geo. I Hopkins Wm. V Johnson L Krider F. L Latchford Wm .... Loucks G. D Lumbeck J. W Lunt Amos, Jr Blandell Jacob Marinan M. D Martindale A Maynard S McAdams J. Y. McCalla J. Vf. ...'..'. Meyer August Mills W. F Molalt Geo. W [ Montgomery Joseph Morris Peter Mulligan Dennis Nichols U. S O'Connor H. A. C..! Patterson M. S Peoples Charles Phillips John Pickerell Wm. W Pilger John Plant Wm Price Ed Salsbury J. SchofieldGeo. W.".' Sherman W. H ShraderM. D Stevenson David. . . Stofer J. H StoweL. W Sutphen Chas. T . . . Sylvester Wm. H. . . Waldo B. F. . . Waldo H. K.... Walker C. H Weeks A. L Wenger John West Geo. O W'est James E White James , A A K K B K L C K D H D C A I C G F K H B A D G F E C L C A D B I K G A A E t, C "i-, ^ouavea s^^t^ Cruz 21st Ind. Batterj . . .. 94th 111. Inf 2d Mass. Cav 76th N. Y. Inf.... fo^i'S'^- ^^r, ".■.■::::::;::;Feuon 127th Penn. Inf Santi Crn-r ist u. s. Art ,:;.;;:::: p'*"** ^^^^ 9th Kansas Oav << 5 1 h 1 1 1 . Ca v .■.';;;; ' Soq ue I ^«*^^xt' V'J^V ("naltached • Iganta Cruz 4bth N. Y. Inf " ycth Iowa Inf. v.'. : : : : : : ; : : : ; ; soquei i^hnT'''J.°^ Santa Cruz Idth Ohio Cav •• 1st Ohio Art .' .■ 10' V'?'?' ^-''*' -■..".■.'.■..■.■.■.';.■ 'soquel rM?n-T°/ ISantaCruz fiH V V^^ ,Soquel 8th N. Y. Cav | r. 15th Iowa Inf 77th N.Y. Inf 148th U. S. Inf .... 97thN.Y.Iuf 24th Wis. Inf 6th Ohio Cav 1st N. H. Battery 23d N.Y. Inf 7th Iowa Inf 9th Ohio Inf [', 4th Wis. Cav 2dCal. Cav 141st Penn. Inf SthCal. Inf 2d Minn. Inf 70th 111. Inf 26th Ind. Art 7th Iowa Inf 1st Minn. Cav Henshaw's 111 Bat.& 3d N!c!ilt. inf 3d Mass. Heavy Art 16th Vt. Inf 3d Vt. Battery .'.■.■■ 1st Maine Cav... iFelton 26th Mass. Inf .' .' .' Santa Cruz 1st Iowa Cav 11th Maine Inf ".' 6th Maine Inf !!!!.'!! 6th Iowa Cav Santa Cruz Soquel Santa Cruz Glenwood Felton Santa Cruz Soquel Santa Cruz Glenwood Santa Cruz Soquel Santa Cruz G. A. R. *^^' VETERANS! l^ Ml h< ATTENTION! We intend to give you all a cordial inritation to visit and inspect our elegant establish- ment. As a Souvenir of your visit to this Coast a set of our elegant C'alifuruia made Carvers, guaranteed the finest in the World, would be most suitable. 818 Market St., Phelan Building. Manufacturers and Dealers in Cutlery of every description, and Tourists' Requisites. K^eHLER & PR0HLING, Grau/ers and Uealers in Califnrnia WioEB end Brandy! (established 1854.) Superior Family Wines Well Matured and Absolutely Pure. 626 Montgomery Street, and Basement Cor. Sutter and Dupont Streets, San Francisco. Eastern Branch, No. 6 Barclay Street, New Tork City. as. CROCKER & CO, IMPORTING STATIONERS PAPER DEALERS Nos. 215, 217 & 219 BUSH ST. San Francisco. Headquarters for G. A. R. Cards, HEINTZELMAN POST, NO. 33. SAX DIEGO, CAIi. OFFICERS, 1886. D. F. JOXES Commander R. M. POWERS Senior Vice-Commander J. D. WORKS Junior Vice-Commander J. B. BOYD Adjutant B. HE ALT Quartermaster T. L. MAGEE Surgeon L L. PALMER Chaplain W. P. HENDERSON OflScer of the Day A.E. AREY Officer of the Guard M. T. GILMORE Sergeant Major K. O. LYON Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Thursday. NAME. CO. 8EBVICE. ADDBESa. Amlck D. B E B A F I F D E E F C K K D B B A D E H G F 1 3d Penn. Heavy Art San Diego Arey A. R U. S. S. Niphon Blaclimer E. T 37th Mass. Inf San Diego Poway San Diego BlaisdellS. G Bowers W. W 12thN.H. Inf 1st Wis. Cav Bowne W. 8 Bovd J. B i:»thiU. Inf 11 BreedloveR. D 8th Mo. Cav Bear Valley San Diego National City San Diego BurbeckL. D 7th Mass. luf Burgesa Wm . . 203d Penn. Inf Burke CM Carpenter S. H 7th Penn. Cav 7th Cal. Inf Chaney O. F 1st Vt. Cav ,, Comstock John 45th 111. Inf I, ConklinN. H 2d Ky. Inf ,1 Cook Joseph 8th 111. luf ,( Crarath I. B 32d Iowa Inf. and U. S. Vols ethlnd.Inf ,, Crittenden T. T „ Dampf L 7th N. Y. luf 1, DannalsG. M 54th N. Y. luf ,, 43(1 Ppnn. Tnf, , , . 4, Emery H. E 4th Cal. Inf „ Emery H. U „ Farley Joseph 30th Iowa Inf u 6S 66 Heintzelman Post, No. 33. NAME. CO. SRRVICE. ADDRESS. Fletcher B. F A B A A G B D C A E I C H L K H B E D H G A C A K A E E K L F E D G G C C D A A A B D M E A F E L £ 16th Maine Inf San Diego National City San Diego Freeman C. H Gilmore M. T U. S. S. Rhode Island 15th Maine Inf Graham P. A JOth Penn. Inf Grant G. W 0. S. Navy National City San Diego Sth Cal. Inf Hamilton M. D i7th lud. Inf Harrall W. H 27th Ind.Inf Hartley J. M Hartzel T. B Healy B 14th Iowa Inf 3d Iowa Cav Sth U.S. Inf 28th Wis. Inf , San Diego Poway San Diego Fall Brook Hebbard A. W Henderson Wm. P. Herrick A. P Hicks J. V 12thlll.lnf 1st U. S. Cav 7th Mich. Cav San Diego Gampo Fall Brook Bear Valley San Dieg Arizona Bear Valley San Diego Hooker J. B 2d Minn. Inf 16th N. Y. Inf. k H 13th N. Y. Cav. Seth Wis. Inf.. Huntington C Jacobs L. C James AY. F. C Jones D. F 63d Ohio Inf 201h Maine Inf Jones J. P t( KingG. V- 13th N. y. Heavy Art Los Angeles San Diego Knowles A. P 8th Cal. Inf 152 Penn. Inf Langdon J. W Leonard Wm. J 95th 111. Inf (1 2d N. J. Inf II Lockwood N. S 2d Ind. Inf i< Luce M. A 4th Mich. Inf . .. t( Lyon E. C 2d U. S. Cav „ MageeT. L., M. D... Mandeville F. H 51st 111. Inf ,1 23d N. Y. Inf (t McAuliff Thomas... . 2d Cal. Inf It Meriam G. F Miles J. F 3dN. Y.Inf 35th 111. Inf 2d Cal. Cav Sth Cal. Inf " Mussey A. W Noble John Cajon NultonS. D 21st Mo. Inf Ober Wm 93d Penn. Inf Ogden Tully Orcutt H. C 2d Cal. Inf San Diego 6th Vt. Inf ... Paine J. O. W Uth Maine Inf 36th Ohio Inf " Pearson M. K 4th Ind. Inf c. 151st Penn. Inf 7th U. S. Inf .... ,, Pierce C. O „ Pollocks. S 14th Penn. Cav -yal piatz Milwaukee ^xport 'y^iener ^eer.-< Elmer Casper 181th Ohio Inf .< 1st Wis. luf « 1st Cal. C.iv ,i Eraser Robert 2'Jth Mass. Art „ 8th Mich luf Gibson Henry Haight Ira G HallD. D 1st Cal. Inf 10th Ohio luf Tucson 21th N. Y. Cav << Hand Geo. O 1st Cal. Cav .■ Hickock S. B 7th Iowa luf .1 HornChas. H 1st Or. Cav ■ 1 Hughes L C lolst Peuu. Inf « Hugbea Thomas 17th Kaus. Inf ■< Ketchum Myrin. ... Kimball F. E 11th 1)1. Inf « i< 15thN. Y. Art 73 74 Negley Post, No. 35. NAME. CO. BEE VICE. ADOBES8. Martin F. W G B F C I D G H E F B F I L F B IstCal, Inf Marti Q Geo. T •2d Cal. Cav MoCafferty Joseph . . Meeker E. I 18th Ohio Battery 3d "Wis. Inf.. ist U. S. Cav Parker B. C SdMich.Inf 40th III. Inf IstCal. luf Biordan D. M l:!4th 111. Inf Kondepierre Laurent Sampson A. B 32d Mass. Inf IstCal. Cav 17th U S. Inf Smith H B 1st Cal. Cav •2d Cal. Cav Speedy James 1st Cal. Cav Wenk Leopold Wilkin Ales ilst N. Y Inf 1st Mass. Art .5th Cal. Inf.. BURNSIDE POST, No. 36. TOMBSTOISrE, A. T. OFFICERS. 1886. CHAS. D. REPPy Commander JOHN P. RAFFERTY Senior Vice-Commander ED. A. CLARK Junior Vice-Commander GEO. R. WATT Adjutant THOS. GREGORY Quartermaster I. R. BALDWIN burgeon T. A. ATCHISON Chaplain C. E. BARTHOLOMEW Officer of the Day A. E. HARTMAN Officer of the Guard O. S. BLOOMER Sergeant Major G. S. BR ADSHAW Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Saturday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Atchison T. A H G K B E B H A G D O E A B C B B E F E B 157th Ohio Inf Tombstone Charleston, A, T. Tombstone Baker G. S loth Mich. Inf Bildwin I. R 87tb Ohio Inf. a- d A, 13th Kan.Cav. Bclk John C 5lh Mo. Cav 17th lud. Inf Bills William 2d Ohio Cav. 6th Vt. Inf Bloomer O. B ICth U. S. Art Bradley W. F Bradshaw G. S IstCal. Inf 7th Wis. luf 3d Kan. Inf 27th Mo. Inf Brigham 8 D 15th Mass. Inf 22d Ohio Art Bryants. H Brysmt S. S 33d Ind. Inf 33d Ind. Inf 11th Mich. Cav Campbell J. H Carter D. J Ist La. Cav 4th Cal. Inf.. 121h Ohio Cav Clark Ed A 8th Wis. Inf Clark R B 1st Col. Cav Coaversa M. A 7th Mich. Inf. and 10th Mich. Cav. 75 76 BuKNSiDE Post, Ko. 36. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDBESS. Crowley Daniel B E H A A U D B H G D C B A B C A A K H A I C M H H I D B H I C G A C H B D I D I D G M I F 2d Cal. Cav 1st Mich. Inf Douglass Wilson Dyer J D 2d N. Y. Inf 4> U. B. Navy Bisbee, A. T. Earle F. S 1th Mich. Inf. and U. S. Vols 2d Kv. Cav !43dind. Inf Tombstone Elkins James Fleming W.S 6th Mass. Inf « VMh 111. Cav <• Gage D.miel W Gilbert J D 4th Cal. Inf << II 59th Mass, Inf ■ 1 Gregory Thos 115th N. Y. Inf II U. S. Navy II HartS.L 10th Wis. Int. and D 4l8t Wis. Inf.. 7th N. y. Inf " Hatch R. 8 3d Maine Inf 102d Ohio Inf >i Hayes F. W Howe H G • 1 15lh Mass. Imf 1. 91st N Y Inf .1 Kelso J. W 3d Col. Inf >. Kitt George B Knight R S 7th lud. Inf Nogales, A. T. Tombstone 28th Penn. Inf lC9th Ohio Inf II 20th Mass. Inf 11 Maher Wm Maynard Ben Cth Ky. Cav 15th iowa Inf " 7tli Cal. Inf Fairbank, A. T. Wis. Vet. Inf MoMahon J. M 27th Mich. Inf 69ih N y. luf II Miller Edw 4Gth N. Y Inf II Oaks George W RaffertyJ.P Reppy Charles D RitterA.J 1st Cal. Inf II 1st N. Y.Cav 40th Wis. Inf " 21st Ind. Inf II Shankland D B 12th 111. Inf II Siegler J. F .... Spencer W. E StebbinsA H. 8th Cal. Inf II 19th Ohio Inf II 44th Mass. Inf .1 Tennelly Vi'ia Tuttle J. H 78th Ohio Inf II li.'ilh Ohio Inf 11 "Ward J L.. Ward well D. K .. l.st Wis. Cav 5ih and 38th Mass. Inf Phoenix, A. T. Watt George R Williams George lOOth Penn. Inf.. . .' 1st Ky. Art • 1 Wittig Edw 1st Mo. Cav 11 Wood S. W 8th 111. Cav Fairbank. A. T. Wa P^H.s PI 5c; — n -J a " s rt-— *j'o O U! OJ r- o d •O Cfi ? O <" ^ :s «j 3 ^ a i §S a t« if IIS lie ^ a SI'S •a V i« ® a M a fit B A ••* s (9 I aclfic Ooast ^teamspip STEAMERS of this Company will sail from Broadway Wharf, San Francisco, for ports in California, Oregon, Washington and Idaho Territories, British Columbia and Alaska, as follows : CALIFORNIA SOUTHERN COAST ROUTE Steamers will sail about every second day a. m. for the following ports (except- ing San Diesro, ever fifth day), viz : Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Simeon, Cayucos, Port Harford, San Luis Obispo, Gaviota, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Huencme, Sau Pedro, Los Angeles and San Diego. BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALASKA ROUTE Steamship Idaho, carrying U. S. mails, sails for Portland, Oregon, on or about the last of each month, for Port Tovvusend, W. T., Victoria and Nanaimo, B. C, Fort Wrangle, Sitka and Harrisburg, Alaska, connecting at PortTowusend with Victoria and Puget Sound. Steamer leaving San Francisco on or about the first of the same month. VICTORIA AND PUGET SOUND ROUTE The steamers 6^f'o. J l-^. Elder and Qtieen of the Pacific, carrymz Her Brittanic Majesty's and United States mails, sail from Broadway Wharf, San Francisco, at 9 a. m. every Friday for Victoria, B. C, Port Townsend, Seattle, Tacoma, Steilacoora and Olympia, making close connection with steamboats, etc., for Skagit River and Cassiar Mines, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Yale, Sitka, and all other important points. Returning, leave Seattle Friday, at i p. m.. Port Townsend Friday p. m., and Victoria every Saturday, at 2 p. m. PORTLAND, OREGON ROUTE Steamships of the O. R. & N. Co. and P. C. S. S. Co. will sail as follows : Leave Spear-street Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 a. ra, for Astoria and Portland, Oregon. Columbia, on the 3d and iSth of each month ; Oregon, on the 8th and 23d of each month; State of California, on the 13th and 28th of each month. Leave Port- ' land, Oregon, at 12 p. m., for Astoria and San Francisco — Slate of California, on the 4th and 19th of each month ; Columbia, on the 9th and 24th of each month ; Oregon, on the 14th and 29th of each month. EUREKA AND HUMBOLDT BAY ROUTE Steamer ^ncoM sails from San Francisco for Eureka, Areata, Hookton (Hum- boldt Bay), every Wednesday at 9 a. m. POINT ARENA AND MENDOCINO ROUTE Steamer Yaquima sails from Broadway Wharf, San Francisco, at 3 p. m., every Monday for Point Arenas, Cuffey's Cove, Little River and Mendocino. 4®" Members of the Grand Army of the Republic, are entitled to travel over this Company's lines (excepting the Alaska Route), during the encampment oa this coast, at two-thirds regular rates. Ticket Office, ^\/-^ NIontgomery St., (Opposite the Russ House) GOOD ALL, PERKINS & CO., Gcnl Agts. No. 10 Market Street, San Francisco. KILPATRICK POST, NO. 38. ST. HELENA, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. J. 8. HAT Oommander A. B. SWARTOUT Senior Vice-Commander HENRY RAHN Junior Vice-Commander M. F. INMAN Adjutant W. T. SIMMONS Quartermaster DR. ISAAC TABER Surgeon REV. W.L. STEPHENS Chaplain J. E. L AWSON Officer of the Day E. L. STANDIFORD Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major '■ Quartermaster Sergeant ADAM KOCH..... Color Bearer Meeting, Second and Fourth WedaeEday. NAME. CO. BEBVICE. ADDBESS. Anderson Gustaff . . . E M D G L C C M M G C C A \ C D F H 10th Mich. Cav St. Helena 15th Kan. Cav Barry James Beardsley George D . CarrB 5th U. S. Art 15th Iowa Inf Napa City St. Helenay Koch Adam 2d Cal. Cav UawsoB. James E. . . . y3d N. y. Inf 77 78 KiLPATKiCK Post, No. 38. SERVICE. Lewis A. M Logan Wm Maguire A. K Medina Theodore Nelson D. W Parsons A. C Payne M. H Prouty Calvin R.. Rahn H , Reeves E. J Ritchie Wm Saulsbury H. P. . Scheffler Wm , Simmons E. P Simmons W. T.... Simpson J. H Standiford E. L.. Steichelnian W. P Stephens W. L. . . Sterling Fred M. . Swartout A. B.. . ., Tabor I., M.D Thomas D.F Vanderlip Frank. . Waller A. W WentzellChas "White Wm WoodE. P Wood George H . . , 32d Maine Inf 9th Penn.lnf 21st Maine luf ;Jd Cal. Inf IstCal. Cav 21st Wis. Inf ... nth Kan. Cav 2d Cal. Cav 7th N. H. Inf 0. S. Navy 2d Cal. Cav 15th Kan. Cav U. S. Vols '81st 111. Inf 11th Mo. Inf U. S. Vols 12th WestVa. Inf 22dN. Y. Inf 24th Iowa Inf U.S. Navy 20th Iowa Inf Ft. Monroe Medical Dept. 41st Mass. Inf 2dInd.Cav 120th 111. Inf • U. S. Navy U.S. Navy 17th 111. Inf 57th Mass. Inf Napa City Veterans' Home St. Helena Veterans' Home St. Helena West Oakland St. Helena San Francisco St. Helena "Windsor St. Helena GOV. MORTON POST, No. 41, CALISTOGA, CAL. OFFICERS, ISSS. S. W. COLLINS Commander C. W. LANE Senior Vice-Commander NEWTON CONNER Junior Vice-Commander G. W. JOHNSON Adjutant AV. H. E ASLEY. Quartermaster W. D. SMITH Surgeon C. W. WILLIAMS Chaplain W. M. CHERRY Officer of the Day W. H. REED Officer of the Guard D. M. BENTLE Y Sergeant Major CHAS. TAYLOR Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting. First Saturday, in Odd Fellows' HalL NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS, Bentley D. M Cherry W M Collins S.W M I 6th Iowa Inf Calistoga 14th 111. Inf lothKan.Inf 20th lud. Inf " Doe C. H 9th Kan. Inf Easley W. H 2d Col. Inf Flynn Henry Hunt W. T :W U. S. Art 40th Ind. Inf LaueC. W 2d Minn. Inf 184th N. Y. Inf Reed W. H 4th Mo. Inf Scott Alva D SthCal. Inf Smith W. D 3d Minn. Inf Strattoa W E. ... To wle Augustus VealeT. F 18th Masa. Inf 99th 111 Inf Wcller H. I 110th N. y. Inf Williams C. W 124th Ohio Inf 79 JOHN A. DiX POST, No. 42. SAN JOSE, CAI*. OFFICERS 1886. 0. W. OAUSLINE Commander ISAAC N. VAN DOREN Senior Vice-Commander C. M. CITRTI3 Junior Vice-Commander S.B. ANDERSON Adjutant N. R. CARSON Quartermaster J. O. STOUT Surgeon 8. A. P ARKER Chaplain M. C. CLOSE Officer of the Day G. W. LEE Officer of the Guard "W. H. THORNHILL Sergeant Major W. D. FARLEY Quartermaster Sergeant J. W. RAINEY Organist J. P. WILBURN Inside Guard A. V. STOCKWELL Outside Guard Meeting, every Monda/. NAME. CO. BEBVICE. ADDEKSS. Abies 0. K B D B G B B D E G L C A B I I B B F I Agan George W Allen Charlea H.... 89th Ohio luf 40th Wis. Inf i< 3d N. Y. Cav << Allen 8 R 76th N. Y. Inf << Anderson S. B 7th Mich. Inf 41st 111. Inf. and G. 63d 111. Inf.. . . Ist N. Y. Cav and C, C3d N. Y. Inf. G5th N. Y. Inf " Arthur James Q Mountain View Badger John W Bailey George N 1st N. H. Heavy Art lat N. H.Cav 8th Cal. Inf << Bangs Isaac F Barbour J. H 7th Mass. Light Art I. 9tb Mich.Iiif and 16th U.S.Col'd Inf . 10th Minn. Inf ... 58th Penn Inf 25th Ind. Inf " Beatty George W Bell John R San Diego Bellingall Charles. . . Bennett A. G Bennett D. A Bergin John 90th 111. Inf San Joss 81st N Y.Inf.and SlSt U.S.Col'd Inf. 11th Mich.Inf.fe 16th U..§.Col'd Inf. 69th N.y.8.M.iG,4th N.Y.H'vy Art. Mountain View 80 JoH-^j A. Dix Post, No. 42. 81 NAME. CO. SERVICE. .ADDBESS. Bissell L. K C H H F D E F G L E Q D B A B I K C K F A&K K I E G M GC G n E F H E E H F G E B G E D H E K A A 17th Iowa Inf BodellL. F 3d Cal. Inf. : nd 8th Cal. Inf ■.iOth Ill.Inf.i: yuuboat Forest Rose 44th Iowa Inf ■ I Borton W. F ■ ( Bowman George M . BreyfogleC. W • 1 9th Ohio Cav 4th Penn. Inf " Britton Robert U. S. Marines ■ • 1st Wis. Art Bucbele Philip Burn? B. E 9th U. S. Inf 13th N. Y. Cav Burt Robert 7th N. H. Inf U. S. Army ChapinS. r.,M.D... 1st Penn. Res. and 139th Penn. Inf. 15th 111. luf " Close Myron G Coffin F.S SthCal.Inf ,1 6th Maine Inf .& 2d U.S.Sharpsh't'rs 142d Penn. Inf < Daggett George A Darcey James Davidson R. M 7th Mo. Cav 30th N. J. Inf. & B 75th N. Y. Inf.. 145th 111. Inf San Jose Davis D. D 15th Iowa Inf •1 Drexler H. O :iTth N. Y. Inf !• Fancher M. J 8th 111. Cav <• Farley J. R St Col. Cav 1st Col. Cav « Farley W. D • < Franlilin Wm. H loth N. J. and C 20th Penn. Inf 4th Minn. Inf ,, Fricke Geo. 7th N. Y. Inf ■ < Fuson Jephta Gausline C. W 9th Iowa Cav « 2d Penn. Art l< Georgfi T. C 4 th Iowa Inf f« German Daniel Graham Alexander . . Green T. H 100th Ind. Inf 19th N. Y. Inf. and 4th Cal. Inf. . . . 1st Minn. Inf. and B, 57th U. S. Inf 27th Mo. Inf. and M, 3d Iowa Cav.. 17th Mass. Inf., 2d N. C. Inf. and 25th N. Y. Cav •;; Gunter H •< Haley W.D.. , 1^ Hall Sydney Hall W. B 21 St N. Y. luf. and 22d N. Y. Cav.. seth N. Y. Inf San Francisco Hanley Michael Hanson H W. . 5th Penn. Cav llthlowainf Harris J. T Gist Mo. Inf „ Hartman Westley . . . Hartzoke John Haverty John Hawley Wm 13th Iowa Inf 3d Mo. luf. and I, 40th Mo. Inf.... U. S. 8. Constellation San Jose National Rifles and 4th V. S. Cav .. 7th Maine Inf San Jose Eajmes A. J 62 John A. Dix Post, No. 42. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. A I K I A K A B K I I M D E E F C A C E K B B C C H K K A F K A I H B K F G C E H C I A F E F B K D E I D K A 43d Ohio Inf (( 1st N. y. Inf ■ > 9th U. S. Inf ■ I Kelly Thomas Kettman B 41st 111. Inf • 1 11th Iowa Inf ■ • Kivett A. A 117th Ohio Inf ■2oth Ohio Inf 138th 111. Inf 53dlnd. luf It Lee George W LeeG. W 2d Mass. Cav ,( 186th N. Y. Inf i< LiebS. F 159th Ohio luf II Long J. P Longdon B. C Maynaid A. B McCIellanT. W McDermott W J 58th Ind. Inf <> 30th 111. Tuf II »5th Ohio Inf .1 IGth Ind. Inf. and Un'u Lt. Guards 51st 111. Inf Uth U. S. Inf 7th N. Y. Inf 51st Ind. Inf Mills W. E 7th Conn. Inf 3d N. Y. Lt. Art. and 12th U. S. Inf. 9th Mass. Inf Montgomery F. P.. Murphy J. P Needham W. C 134th 111. Inf Oeckle Charles 25th Ohio Inf. and Invalid Corps . . 3d N. Y. Light Art Parkers. A 40thN.Y.Inf 8th Hancock Veterans 25th 111. Inf Perci val Nicholas . . . 59th 111. Inf Wrights 1st R.I. Art Phipps J. M 132d Ind. Inf Potter J. H 3d Minn. Inf i< 41st Ohio Inf ■ 1 ■prescott B. W Purdy T. V 1st Iowa Inf. and 11th Iowa Inf . .. 1st Mich. Sharpshooters ,, 95th 111. Inf II Ehodes B. J 8th Cal. Inf II 45th Wis. Inf •I 5th N. Y.Inf i< RolisouL. T Roper Spencer 30lh Penn. Inf & 15th N.Y.Engin'rs 37«h 111. Inf " 99th 111. Inf • I Russell J. H Scully John 39th Ill.Inf.& F, 38th U.S.Col'dlnf. 2d N. Y. Inf. and B, 2d N. Y. Cav.. 77th 111. Inf " Secord J. K II Seeber George W Slgley Henry Slaughter L. R 3d Mo. Cav 11 7th Minn. Inf II 126th 111. Inf • I 10th Iowa Inf II Smith Wm.H Spencer Theodore. . . Statler J.S Stewart J.J 2d Kan. Cav. & B, 113 U.S. Col'd Inf 63a 111. Inf. & G, 128th 111. Inf 14th Iowa & D, G2d U. S. Col'd Inf. 6l8t Mo. Inf Gilroy San Jose ToiTN A. Dix Post, No. 42. 83 NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. H I A C 1) B F K E K C II I M E D K C F K I 2d Cal. Cav Stout J. C 9Xst III. Inf 1st N. H. Art f< Thompson Geo W.. Tbornkill W. H 25th Iowa Inf .and A,45th Iowa Inf. 188th Ohio Inf " Tufts John •:6th Blass. luf .1 Turner A. P Umbarger A. F ValpeyC. C 21th Mich. Inf. and Vet. Res. Corps :i4th 111. Inf , 2dCal.Cav Warm Sjjrings Watson D. L 0th Mass. luf Wheeler J. M 11th N. Y. Heavy Art i, Whitney J. D Wilburu J. P Williams B. F Wilmarth P. B 1th Vt. Inf <• 2d Mass. Cav. and 1st Cal. Bat 8th Mass. Inf. and U. S. Navy 4Sth N. y. Inf. and 117th N. Y. Inf. 58th Penn. Inf Firebaughs Ferry Winter W. S 10th Ohio Cav WolcottW. J Wright T. F 7th Mich. Cav 1st Vt. Cav ^1 Yonng FrankC 44th Mass. Inf ** GUSHING POST, No. 44. SAN BUENAVENTURA, CAi. OFFICERS,- 188G. WM-VANDEVER ^ Commander O. R. BEALE Senior Vice-Commander J. D. MORGAN Junior Vice-Commander NATHAN H. SHAW Adjutant IRVIN BARNARD Quartermaster 8. L. STUART Surgeon STEPHEN BOWERS Chaplain JOSIAHKEENE Officer of the Day J. B. CHERRY Officer of the Guard- JUAN DE LA GUERRA Sergeant Major r. S. S. BUCKMAN. Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First and Third Friday. ABM OF SERVICE. Ashley L. W Bard C. L Barnard Irvln BealeC. R Blackburn D. S Bowers Stephen Buckman F. S. S Buker Al'pha BuLluch Thos. J — Cherry J. B De la Guerra Juau. . . Dudley Benj. W Kane J. H Keene Josiah Linn Wm.S Logue O. R Morgan J. D Notten John W Ormsby L. W Shaw Jesse A Shaw Nathan H Shepherd Wm. E.... Sparks Royal G Spencer B. F Stow John T Stuart S. L Townsend C. H TruesdaleGeo. K — Vandever Wm Wagner Wm Warner Ed. P Webster L. F F A I B F I F A I C C H C A H F B 2d Cal. Cav 12Cth Penn. Inf 91th 111. Inf Ind'p't Bat., Minn. Cav 21st in. Inf 67th Ind. Inf 65th N. Y. luf ■tth Maine Inf , U. S. S. Narraganset*^ 23tblll.lnf Ist Batt. Cal. Native Cav 1st Wis. Cav U. S. Ship Cyane 2d Minn. Inf Cth Iowa Inf 103d Penn. Inf , C2dlll.lnf 20th Mich. Inf Tth Cal. Inf U. S. Vols 16th Ind. Inf 3d Iowa Inf 101st 111. Inf 16th 111. Inf 21st N. Y. Inf 4th Maine Inf 171h Mass. Inf 81st Ohio Inf 'Jth Iowa Inf and U. S. Vols. 3d Wis. Cav 147tbN. Y.Iuf 2d Wis. Inf Los Angeles San Buenaventura Hueneme San Buenaventura Springvilla San Buenaventura Santa Paula Nordhoff San Buenaventura San Luis Obispo San Buenaventura 8* NEW YOEKERS WHO HAVE COME TO STAY. Permaneut Eucampment. Oue Thousand Strong. EEMINGTON POST, G. A. E. Department of Califorxia, Grand Army of Eemingtons. 38 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. G. G. WiCKSON, Commander. THIS ENCAMPMENT lias become so strong and its menibershii is so rapiilly increasing that it is now represented in almost every en- terprising business firm and legal office in the city, while additional hundreds of its members are doing most valuable service in similar capacity throughout the state. In fact, so popular has this branch of the service become, that applications for membership aie being received faster than it is possi- ble to equip volunteers, and strenuous efforts are being made to still further increase the supjily of these most successful arms. The effectiveness of the field pieces used by this Post, and by them alone, is now greatly increased by the adoption by many of the mem- bers, of a most servicable little instrument called the "The Steno- graph," and which greatly facilitates feeding the ammunition to the regular transcribing batteries, having also the advantage of feeding it mechanicall}^ and hence more accurately than the old methods of per- forming the work by hand. Further and complete information regarding this eucampment, as also a practical demonstration of its peculiar advantages will be cheer fullj'- given all who call at the address as given above, or mailed to ap plicauts. Meetings, all week days excepting Holidays. We are the acknowledged Headquarters for LABOR AND TIME SAVING MACHINERY AND DEVICES! And among others, we represent the popiilar Standard of the ^%orld. KEMINGTON TVPE WKITEK! Without a Rival. I^Tlie Stenograph Sliort-Haiul Writing Machinej^^EU Simple, Eapid, Accurate. Ea.sy to Learn. Delightful to Operate. The Improved Shannon I The Rapid Roller 1 Genuine Type-Writer Letter and Document | Damp-Leaf Copier, I Supplies in Variety. Filiii;,' Cabinet. I Copies Instantly. | Paper a Specialty. G. G. WICKSON & CO., 88 California St., S. F. GEO. W. DE LONG POST, No. 45. HONOLrLU, H. I. OFFICERS, 1886. R. TV. LAIN E Commander S AM'L MoK E AGUE Senior "Vice-Commander WjSI. II. PLACE Junior Vice-Commander JAMES F. NOBLE Adjutant R. JAY GREEX Quartermaster JOHNS. McOREW Surgeon THEO. H. BOEHME Chaplain VOLNEY V. ASHFORD Officer of the Day J. D. CONN ; Officer of the Guard J. D. ARNOLD Sergeant Major , Quartermaster Sergeant L. ADLER Sentry Meeting, Secoad Tuesday. SERVICE. AdlerL Arnold O.N Arnold J. D As'iford Volney V. . . .\ustin Jouath;;u . . . . Eoehino Theo. II ... . Campbell Thos C.irey Tlioinas Clarlie F. L Coim J. D Cruz.i,n J. A Daly John F Dickey Chailes EldridgoC. H Emerson >. B Goodale TV'arren Green R. Jiiy James C. P LaineR. W Lawrence W. R.. . . I.,ees Geoi-ge C Lovejoy Joseph F McAllister W. B McCandles W. M... UcGrew Jno. S.,M.D Gth Cal. Inf 11th Penn. Vet. Res. Corps 11th Penn. Vet. Res. Corps 21st N. Y. Cav 78th N. Y. Inf 5th U. S. Res. Corps U. S. Navy ICthlll. Inf 99thN. Y.Inf U. S. Navy 3d Iowa Inf 25th and 91st N. Y. Inf 4th 111. Cav 12th Mass. Inf 1st Mass. Inf 114U.S.Col'dInf.,llthM.iss.Lt Art. 2Cth Conn. Inf 58th Penn. Inf U. S. S. Lancaster and Pens~.cola. . 88th 111. Inf. and 1st U.S. Engineers 17th Conn. Inf U.S. Navy 5th Maine Inf 2d Iowa Cav 83dOhioInf 85 Honolulu Hilo Hawaii Brisbane, Qu'nsl'd Honolulu Huelo Maui Honolulu Mcikawao Maui Honolulu Haraakuapoko Honolulu Gr.o. W. Dk Long Post, No. 48. McKeague Samuel. Mevritt W. C Noble James F. . . . Overend R Perry W. H , Place Will. H Putnam J. H Ross John Schreibor Rudoli)h Simonson J. V. . . Smith George W . Smith W.E WebbE. E.,M;.D.. WhitoJamesT. ... Wilder W.C ■Wilkinson W. H. Williams George C Williams W. F. ... Wright John N. . . . YarrickG. W 38th Penn. Inf 2d 111. Light Art 1st Mas.s. Heavy Art , . ■idMo. Cav •25'Lhand 154th 111. Inf U. S. S. Yeoman and Gyane :Jlst Ohio Inf U. S. S. Ossipee leth N. Y.Inf 18th N. Y. Cav 5ih N. Y.Iuf 84th N. Y. Inf , 24th N. Y.Inf lat Ohio Art 111. Inf 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles. . . 4th Gal. Inf Sth Cil.Iuf 22d N. Y. Cav 19th Wia. Inf Honokaa Kohala Hawaii Honolulu U.S. Con. Honolulu Honolulu Kahului Maui Honolulu San Francisco, Cal. Honolulu Canada Honolulu Ookala Hawaii Kahului Maui Honolulu Ookala Hawaii Wailuku Maui COL, CASS POST, NO. 46. SAN rHAIfCISCO, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. W. A. WALKEE.... Commander JAMES O'CONNELL Senior Vice-Commander M. BURN'S Junior Vice-Commander H. L, CHAMBERS Adjutant JOHN GANEY Quartermaster J. H.RILEY Surgeon BERNARD KENXEY Chaplain T CURRAN Officer of the Day JOHN HAND Officer of the Guard P. B. WHITMARSH Sergeant Major JA3. D.BYRNE Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First and Third Wednesday. Washington Hall, 35 Eddy St. Birdsall S. T Bouncy Joseph , Burke M Butler James Byrne James D Chambers H. L Claffey John Clifford T Cole George Curran T Deasy Jerome Donovan Jeremiah J DowdallR. E Dunn T. D , Eddy David Ford Wm , Ganey John Gartland John Garvey Patrick , Hand John Hart J. J Healey Wm Holmes Bartlett R.. Jackson William.... Jagoe R. H , 27th Conn. Inf U. S. Marine Corps. 12th U. S. Inf 9th Mass. Inf d Mass. Inf 51th Ind. Inf ■2d Mass. Inf 9th Mass. Inf 5(h Wis. Int 3d Mass. Cav 70ib N. Y. Inf 25th N.Y. Inf 88thN. Y. Inf 12th R.I. Inf 9th Mass. Inf 2d U.S. Art 9th N. H. Inf 12th R. I. Inf 10th U.S. Inf 37th N.Y. Inf l.J8th N.Y. Inf U. S. S. Nasheau.... 8thCal. Inf 148th 111. Inf U. S. S. Colorado... 87 402 Montgomery 414 Clementina 821 Vallejo IIG Twenty-Sixth 534 Sixteenth 35 Battery 529 Bryant 114 Twenty-Sixth Willow ave. 1118 Church 730 Market 4 Elliott Park 324 Eighteenth ICOoi Mason 915 Post Fifth and Howard 131 Lily ave. 247 Clementina 592 Stevenson 532 Howard 112 Shipley 1413 Hyde 10 Verona Placa 137 Lily Ave. San Quentin 88 Col. Cass Post, No. 46. Johnson Edward Jones Thomas.. . EelleyE '\enuey Buruaid Kerrigan l''r.^nk. "Kramer Jo.scph. . Louergau James Massey John McGratli M Moyle Owen J.. . Murray J. E Nichuols O. M. . O'Connell James O'Connor E O'Dounell John. O'DoyleT Eeid Wm Reynolds E Eiley James n. . Sullivan Daniel.. Van der ZwaogF Wakeley John.. Walker "\V. A . . . . Ward P. J Whitmi^rsh P. B. 9th Mass. Inf •2d Gal. Inf' U.S. Navy id Mass. Inf Ist Mass. Cav , livh K?.usa3 Cav 1st Nev. Inf i7th N. Y. Inf 0. S. S. Peoria 52d Penn. Inf ■id N. Y. Inf 02d Penn. Inf 2Sih Mass. luf 1st 111. Art ■20 ih Mass. B.-itiery Heavy Art. 18;hCoun.Inf 1st U.S. Cav 9th U. S. Inf U. S. S. Connecticut U. S. Marine Corps , ethCal.Int 15th Kansas Cav 102a Penn. Inf U. S. S. North Carolina ICth Mass. Light Battery 1507 Market Oakland '■iS Howard 220 Jackson 5(10 Bartlett 220 Jackson 7 Sheridan Mare Isl. N. Yard 21 Sherwood Place 1308 Greenwich ICO Shipley lO'ohh Folsom 16 Fair Oaks 123 Market 500 Bartlett 927V Folsom H32 Folsom Golden Gate Ho'se 55(5 Stevenson 25 San some 31 Louisa 526 Kearny 12 Sherwood Place 509 Sansome LOU MORRIS POST, No 47. LIVERMORE, CAL. OFFICERS. 1883. O. W. BRADSH AW Commander CH ARLE i MA30X Ssuior Vice-Commander A. J. PALMER Junior Vice-Commander a. W. L AN( ; AN Adjutant DAN. McC AW Quartermaster B O. BELLAMY Surgeon W. W. COLESTOCK Chaplain P. B. W.VSHBtJRN Officer of tho Day S. A. JOHNSON Officer of tha Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First Friday. NAME. CO. SEBVICE. ADDBES8. Barikansky J Bellamy B. C G H G F G E C M F K I A L B I A G K H B I B F C H B A G C D C C B 5-tth N. Y. Inf 18th Iowa Inf liSihlU. Inf Bradsbaw B. R iOthlU. Inf L!8th Ind. Inf 24th Mass. Inf ,, Campbell John T... ■2d Mas.s. Cav 4(h Ohio C.\Y CarnduffF. P Clark AliJha 7th N. Y. Art San Francisco Livenmore Colestock W. W lOth Mich. Inf Connor D. M 12th Penn. Inf • 4 Cutler L. H ;32d Ind. Inf << French E. B 4th Penn. Cav • < Gayotti John Grattau Christopher. Jacker J.T. H 2d Penn. Art << I3th Penn. Cav Pleasanton 91h Ohio Inf Livermore 95th 111. Inf LanclB. F 104th Penn. Inf Oakland Langan G. W ICth U.S. Inf 12Cth 111. Inf East Oakland LowW. S 01st Mass. Inf Livermore 1st Cal. Cav 88th Ind. Inf • < 4th Cal. Inf Pleasanton 17th U. S.Inf Livermore Overacker H. T 9th Iowa Inf 2d Wis. Cav X PuUen Clark J nth N.J. Inf Pleasanton 8th Cal. Inf Livermore Wiiltenbaufh P. C. . . Washburn P. B 134th Penn. Inf 18th Mass. Inf « 1.5th Iowa Inf •• Tlst Penn. Inf Pleasanton 89 dEN'LG. G.MEADE POST, No. 48, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. M. L G. O'BRIEN Commander Senior Vice Commander PETER BURK Junior Vice-Commander F. C. MULLER Adjutant L. C. STILLET Quartermaster C. A. BAILEY Surgeon WM. J. MALLADY Cliaplain JAMES DANIELS Officer of the Day EDWARD BURK Officer of the Guard JOSEPH HANNAN Sergeant Major GEORGE BEATTY Quartermaster Sergeant A. L. OXTON luside Sentinel TH03. M. FRISBEE Outside Sentinel Meeting, First and Third Tuesday, in AJcazar Building, 114 O'FarreU. Allison Edwin 0. Arents Edward... Bailey C. A BarbeeO.P Beatty Charles . . . Beatty George — Belton P. M Bennett Wm ... Bernard Walter. Blackburn M. S.. Blankeuberger A Britton John Bruger Carl Burk Edward Burk Peter Cahill Thoa. J..., Carolien C Carrahan Patrick Cashin D. M Cline Thoa Cochrane R. W.. Coffin C.W Colby Francia... 3d N.J. Cav CthConn.Inf •3d Conn. Inf 12th Ohio Inf 188th Penn.Inf -'IstN. Y. Cav 37th N. Y. Inf Gist N.Y. Inf ithN. Y. Inf .5th Ohio Cav 15th N. Y. Heavy Art. '22d Mass. Inf 5Uh N.Y. Inf U.S. S.Ohio U. S.S. Ohio Stroud's Penn. Cav. . . 1st N.Y. Light Art... U. S. S. Banshee 1st Conn. Art U. S. S. Arkansas 36th Ind. Inf 7ih Ind. Cav 5Cth Mass. Inf 90 2229 Filbert GIG Ciliforuia 286 Stevenson 3.i Larkin 1221 Folsom IlO.i Sixth 2G27 Harri.son 7G2 Howard 308 Kearny 521.V O'Farrell 1774 Folsom 440 Brannan 86 Brady G07 Clay 225 Fourth Pt. Bonita Light 640 Howard 111 Liberty 432 Minna 535 Stevenson 18 Sherman 4tb St. Bridge GfM*L G. G. Meade Post, No. 48. 91 NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDBESS. B I G E A E H F K I E A E F K E E B H G G H G A G K B A K A D I F A A G H D. S. S. Narragansett Vallejo & Front 221 Moultrie 2Gth Ohio Inf Cousins F. W 1 3th Maryland Inf 36 New Montg'y 512 Linden av. •2dCal.Cav 1st Cal. Cav 662 Harrison David L N 18th Penn. Inf cor. Bush & Masou 27^ Fourth 25th Mass. Inf Deutsch Jacob UthN. Y. Inf 1513 Geary 17 Kitch Dolau William G9th N. Y. Inf Duffy Chas M Eachua F. J 1st Mo. Inf '2d Penn. Inf 1228 Market Egan E. J 21th Conn. Inf 306 Kearny 35 Moss Elgton George Falconer C. D U. S. S. Narragansett 63d 111. mf Finch Philetus Oth U.S. Art 417 Fourth Finley Charles Fisher D. F 3d U.S. Art 64 New Montg'y U. S.S.Ohio Fitzgibbons Patrick. FitzpatrickT. B. N.. Flood John 5th Ohio Independent Battery 5th Mass. Inf Harbor View 20 Laugton 823 Folsom 2d Mass. Cav Foley Michael a, S. 8. Home 20 Tehama FrisbeeThos. M 7th Cal. Inf 119 Powell Gesell John L 4th U.S. Art Gilroy Thomas 9th U. S. Inf 134 Fourth Goetsoh Ferdinand. Graham Robert OQthN.Y.Inf 0th Cal. Inf 200 Mission Grass 0. B •213th Penn. Inf Pigeon Pt. Light Siegfried's Hotel Griener Henry Hagman Charles G . . 8th Ohio Independent Battery Haley Morris 17th Mass. Inf Hannan Joseph 11th Ky. Cav Hardee Thomas F. . . 1st Oregon Inf McAU'tr & Brod'rk Harding W.T Horton William U. S. S. North Carolina 2d Cal. Inf Oceanic 8. 8. Co. New City Hall Hughes John 3d U.S. Inf Jenkins A. J 8th 111. Inf Jenkins E. S 12t'i Mass. Inf 408 Fourth Johnson W. H U. S.S.Navy 48 Fourth Jordan William U. S. S. Colorado 703 i Davis Kascha William •22d Conn. Inf 38 Hofl av. Eeenan Frank 15th Penn. Inf Kittle William U. S. S. Philadelphia 311 Fourth KnowlesS. W 22d Maine Inf 1326 Mission Eohler John 10th Mo. Inf 1841 Markei Lane Michael U.S. S.Sabine 326 Davis Lane W. W U. S. Navy 504 Davis Lapsley Thomas 20th Penn. Inf Latham Edward (Uh N. Y.Inf 425 Pacific Lauffer J. G G7thPenn.Inf Leavitt A. E 2Cth Mass Inf. 2217 Howard Lewis Nelson U. S. S. Niagara Madigan James 17th Wis. Inf Magee John Virginia City.Ner. Maherin John 10th N. Y.Inf Mallady Wm. J Mallon Thomas 50th Penn. Inf CthU.S.Inf 733 Mission 1637 Ellis Gen'l G. Ci. Meade Post, No. i^. NAME. CO. SEBVICE. ADDRESS. I H A F G- G D D B E M E G K I D B C G G F D F E A E A B C A K C A G D U. S. S. Gem of the Sea 48 Zoe Manning Lawrence.. 164th N. Y. Inf 15th N. Y.Inf 924 Natoma McCaan P C.Oth N. Y. Inf 2724 Folsom McCleeryJ. F. B.... 2d Col. Inf 349* Minna Miller E. L r)th N. Y. Heavy Art 355 Eleventh MontellF. W U. S. S. Bienville 12th N. H.Inf 16* De Boom MullerF. C Mulvaney Frank O'Brien M L G. ;inth N. Y. Independent Battery. . . 10th N. Y.Inf 1708 Stevenson 53d N. Y.Inf 432Montgomr'yR7 111 Sansome O'Grady Patrick O'NeilJobu IstCal. Inf 10th N. Y. Cav Potrero, S. F U. S. S. North Carolina 317 Pacific Oxton A. L 20th Maine Inf 1635 Eddy Patten Win. P 15th 111. Inf Prouty Charles 13th Vt. Inf 1526 California 10th N. Y. luf 1006 Washington Keighley J. B 13th N. J. Inf 123 Ridley 3013 Mission 25th Maine Inf RncUlick W.J- 2d Col. Cav 909 Minna Savage Patrick Schander Adolph Schmidt Henry 11th Mass. Inf 433 Clementina a.S.Navy. 1st Cal. Inf Angel Island 835 Cedar, Oakland U. S. S Resacca 420 Bush ijth Cal. Inf 333 Twenty-sev'th 210 Chattanooga Small W S .... 19th Maine Inf Stilley L. C 414 Clay Subers R. S 114th Penu. Inf 109 Van Ness av. Thompson C. H Thorner J. F 17th Maine Inf fith U. S. Cav 105 Stockton 1830 Filbert Tiernan P. J R 9 Montgom'ry bl Toothaker W F ■24th Maine Inf 709 Nineteenth Townsend Joseph. . . U. S. Navy 4 Bryant 6th N. Y. Inf 52 Natoma Walsh Daniel 9th Blass Inf 133 Seventh Walsh Edward 8th U S Inf Geary and Lyon 133 Ninth WandellN.L 9th Vt. Inf 5th N. Y. Inf 263 Jersey Woerz Henry Wosche Benj Zissig Charles 1st N. J. Art 5 Hardie Place 2d U. S. Art Alaska 8th Cal Inf 1611 Baker N, W, ?P/\ULDING Saw (o. :M.\NUFACTrRERS OF SPAULDING'S Inserted Tooth and Cliisel Bit Circular Saws, Nos. 17 and 19 FREMONT St., near Market, San Francisco, Cal. ^J0V,28,I882 WR.I^-ISSH, Our S-HW CHISe;l bit saw never clogs or chokes in the cut. It is a free and easy cutter. Frees itself per- fectly in all kinds of timber. The bits never work loose. It requires no skill to keep it in order. It is the best and most economical Saw in use. Sonic of the salient points of excellence in cur new CHISEIv BIT SAW as compared with other Saws: isl— 1 he savinjj of power to do a given amount of work. zd— The saving- of time and expense in keeping the Saws in working order. 3d— The stability of the bits and their fastenings. IK 4th— The cost at which lumber may be cut per thousand. 5th — The protection "^~-- a.Tordcd the saw- - -*'^, plate from the wear ■ »i^^ of the saw dust. fbe {Reading Paper of the paeife Goast! * lf?!E S/m FRAIH!GISG0 * c ^ 5<^s ^^^ Ccif^^st Gi'^c^^^^^ion. Dailj' Circulation, Averaging Weekly Chronicle, Sunday Chronicle, 45,000 26,000 50,000 M:. M. deT^OTJNG, Proprietor. IB. T. ^^HiILjIBISr, 416 Market Street, San Francisco, CaL Fire Arms, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Sportsmen's Goods, Gymnasium Outfits, Roller Skates, LePage's Glues. "^ COL. WHIPPLE POST, NO. 49. EUKEKA, CAIi. OFFICERS, 18S6. J. H. G. WEAVER Commander JOHN QUIXN Senior Vice-Commander N. D. HULSE Junior Vice-Commander W. G. BOXXER Adjutaat C. W. LOXG Quartermaster Surgeon REV. R D. CLARK Chaplain C. W. RICHARDSOX Officer of the Day ARCHIBALD JIcDONALD Officer of the Guard N.N. BROWN Sergeant Major GEO. C. CARLTON Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Fourth Monday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. B G G D B E H A H A K K K A E K A I M I F A I D 39th N. J. Inf Armstrong John W.. 2d Cal. Inf . . 2d Penn. Reserve Corps Inf 18th Mich. Inf Barber James B Hydesvllle Trinidad Beach Charles E 1st Bat. Cal. Mountaineers l:J8th Ind. Inf ". . ... Bitterly Oscar A Bonner W. G lOGth N. y. Inf 17th Mich. Inf 2dCfll. Inf <( Bulson H. E Campbell Daniel Camptou Thomas J.. 1st Mich. Cav 2d Minn. Inf 12th Ohio Inf Cth Kans-is Cav Eui 2d West Va. Cav Clark R. D 2d Mich. Inf Cole Brackett 22d Maine Inf 2d U. S. Art Fiebig Charles Flannigau Patrick. . . 89th N. Y.Inf 4th 0.8. Cav TthOhioInf 47th N. Y. Inf Gler Knyphausen A. HuUeN. D let Bat. Cal. Mountaineers Ist N. Y. Mounted Inf 98 Bear River 94 Col. Whipplk Post, No. 49. Herrlck R. F Hetherinston John. Hopkins George W.. lumaii Charles J Kelly Edward Leddy Barney Leppowitz Max Lluglier John Long Charles W Lowry J. B McDonald A McGonegal John .... Murphy E. B Murphy Wm Noddinl. J Owen James I Paddock W. C Parker B. P Pratt Wm. H Purser Spencer Quinn John Eae Thomas Beich Samuel ...... KtchardsonC. W ... Eoberta Charles F. . . Kyau James Schroeder Chris. F.. Schuetiart Philip. . . . SnowH. O Stanton Edward Stevens Wm Stringfield M. W Stuart Alonzo R Taylor Charles G.... Taylor Joshua Thomson James Thurston Charles E. Vanwormer Frelaud WalkerC. H Weaver J. H. Q 1st Bat. Cal. Mountaineers... 21st Mass. Inf 48lh Mo. Int 3d Vt.Inf 3d Cal. Inf 7th Mo. Inf Uth U.S. Inf 5th Tenn.Cav 1st Bat. Cal. Mountaineers . . . KlOth Ohio Inf.. ..• Lemmou Leon W Lucao N. B " •27th N. Y. Battery .< Morrill W.H JIuzzall H. W id Minn. Cav ntlilnd. Inf ... :; IGOth Ohio Inf ,. Norton Geo. A .... .^th Mass. and U. S. Vols Pry J. C lUOth Penn. Inf 8''thlll.Inf I. GthCal.Inf II Seeley S. S 38th Iowa Inf Senteney F. M Sheffield E.S Sboup A. L Smith C. T COth 111. Inf )5th Iowa Inf. and 7th Iowa Cav. . 7th 111. Cav Santa Barbara .4 Smith E. D 8th Vt. Inf It Smith W.C 1st Iowa Inf .1 Southwick G.W ,M.D 19th and 85th 111. Inf .< SquierOliver P Stadler John Staples Joseph Slauffer Henry W.... Sloddarcl Henry StorkoC. A 14th 111. Inf 1. 7th Wis. Inf 6th Minn. Inf <» 120th Otiio Inf 11 131st Ohio Inf l> 31 th Wis, Inf If Van Winkle H.W.... 39th Mass. Inf.& 1st U. S. Col'd Inf 77th 111. Inf " Walker G. H 2d 111. Cav • < Wallington Wm Williams H. L 3d Iowa Cav • < 19th Ohio Inf l> Wyatt Geo. H 17th 111. Cav ■ • TOM DOLLARD POST, No. 53. MENDOCINO CITY, CAIi. OFFICERS, 1886. M. J. BYIiNES... Commander W. P. SQUIRE Senior Vice-Commander M. O'BRIAN Junior Vics-Commander R. HILY^\JID Adjutant C. H. JOY Quartermaster W. II. SOM.MERS Surgeon W. L. BITLEY Chaplain A. McILREE Officer of the Day J. LANE Officer of tho Guard PHILIP ACHEY Sergeant Major W. A. CO ALSON ^. , Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second Saturday. HAilB. CO. BEBVICE. ADDEESS. Acbey Pliilip D K G E E B E C K E B A A A C B •2d Col. Cav Porno 38tb Iowa Inf Mendocino Bi.ley W L 37th Iowa luf Fort Bragg Mendocino Byrnes M. J Coaliion W A, 1st Bat. Mouut'K Cal & 19th N. Y. Inf 3dCal Inf Hilyard Rouben •17th Peun. Inf Millers TNIills Joy C. H Kell Charles M 9thN. H.Inf 1st Cal. Inf Mendocino Lane Joseph 37th Wia. Inf ICth Iowa luf ,^ 97th 111. Inf lugTenook Mendociuo O'Briau Michael I st Maine Cav , 5;3d 111. Inf << Squire W. P Tracy Samuel W TuttleJ. T It Whit' shore 13tli Maine luf 102 B LOUVRE DEPOT OF THE EKNOWNED UDWEISKR BEK Of the Anheiiser Biisch Brewing- Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo. DEPOT OF THE CELEBRATED — Gerjvian Beers — Salvator-Braeu, Kaiser-Braeu, Pilsner, Culmbacl^er. attached RESTAURANT attached And all the Delicacies of the Season to be had. /Se^-rCXTRA. ENXRANCE KOR FA.rvHLIE:S.-=53a Cor. (»'Farr<'ll an-221 KEARNY :STREET-4- ^he l^est Go^^®^ and launch in the Qitif AT MODERN PRICES, 10 cents. BRANCH AT 623 KEARNY STREET, COR. COMMERCIAL. Pv4. JOHNSON, Proprietor. TlVOkl ©I^ERA iTlOtySE! EDDY STREET, NEAR MARKET. The Oldest Opera House on the Pacific Coast. Opsra EvEry EvEning — Popular PricES. KI^ELING BROS., - Proprietors. Southern Gcilifomia CUCAMONGO FRUIT LANDS Beautiful Location! Deliglitful Scenery! Unsurpassed Climate! CHEAP LANDS! PURE WATER! PERFECT TITLE! Educational Facilities Rarely Equaled. 3IJFa;^TED 0N 5FJ1E gea^FpE^ pacific ^^IIiW^YI Ttie L. A. & S. G. V. E. R. soon to Pass Throniti tHe Tract. Pure Mountain Water for Irrigation and Domestic Use, Distributed from Storage Reservoirs in Iron Pipes under Pressure. PRIOE KOR A. LIMITED PERIOD ONLY WITH WATER DELIVERED ON THE LAND. Easy Terms and Lo^w Rates of Interesx. Por further particulars apply to or address, J. C, LYNCH, M. L. WICKS, Ohio Block, Ontario, CaL Rooma 1 & 4, P. O. Block, Los Angeles, CaL U. E. nODGKIN.S, E. T. WRIGHT, Ouc&mongo, Cal. Booms 3 4 4. Downey Block, Los Angeles, CaJ, WARREN POST. NO. 54. SACRAMENTO, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. 0. M. McLEMORE Commander C. W. WALLACE Senior Vice-Commander RUDOLPH PEDLAR Junior Vice-Commauder E. B. OSLER Adjutant J. N. MOORE Quartermaster CH AS. E. PINKH AM Surgeon J. E. D. BALDWIN Chaplain C. E. PERKINS • Officer of the Day HARVEY MOORE Officer of the Guard G. L. PARKER Sergeant Major J. J. TRARBACH Quartermaster Sergeant N. S. MELLUS Inside Sentinel M. H. CATLETT Outside Sentinel Meeting, Second and Fourth Thursday. Ames Everett Bachline John Baldwin J. E. D. . Bartcll J. J Bowsher Amos L. Brown C. C Carroll J. F Catlett Milton H. Copper W. H Crowell W. H Doau Wallace Doaigberty Philip Douglas John. . . . EastaLrook J. S. . Finney Jas Gerichten Louis. Girard F. R. Harrington John. Uarty Alfred Houghton W. A... Humphrey W. O . HurlbutS. O Jor4on Elmer 0... 2dCal. Cav leyth N. Y. Inf th Kansas Cav 17th Kansas Inf G3d Ohio Inf. and B 1st U. S. Cav. ■id Wis. Inf ■21st Mo. Inf 8th lud. Art nth Mo. Inf 02d 111. Inf 5th Cul. Inf 30th Mas-i U. S. Navv MTthlll.Inf »th Minn. Inf .id Mo. Inf Ordnance Department U.S. A. Gth Ind.Cav :fflthlll. Inf ITthN. Y.Inf 103d Ohio Inf 2dCal. Cav 7th Conn. Inf 103 Telegraph House G14L 4?1J 1220 Third 1615 Seventh 802 K Seventh bet. D&E Thirteenth and J G319 O Riverside Road 15th bet. N and O St. George Build'g 1908 M Uth bet. J and K 1105 B'way.OakI'd Colusa House New York City Lewiston, Trinity IIUD 104 Warren Post, No. 54. SERVICE. Koester Frederick. . Landers Wm Lipowitz Jlax Lyous Harvey Madden Wm. J McCarthy J. M McDonald D.H McKearney L McLemore C. N McMahon Williana . Mead James A Measuro J. H Melius N.S Miller Enoch Mollo John Moore Barvey Moore John N O'Grady Blartin. .. . Osier E. B Parker G. L, Pedlar Rudolph Pennock John Perkins C. E Pierrepout J. B Pinkham Chas. E Pogue James Kheim Charles "Eichards W. H Ruhl John Smith M.J Spickert Jacob Thorne Wm. S , Traibach J. J Tronson Ole Vaughn Edward Vogelgesang Geo... Von EleycrhofC Chrs Walker G. A Wallace C.W Wallace J. M Ward Phillip Wheeler FL Williams John Winchell H. P 2d Minn. Inf 9th Kansas Cav 14th U.S. Inf 15th U.S. Inf 1st U. S. Cav. and B 5th U.S. Cav.. 43d Ohio Inf IstOhioCav 10th U. S. Cav. and D 71st Penn. Inf Slhlll. Cav 13th N. H. Inf Hist 111. Inf 28th Blich.Int 15th U.S.Sappera & Bliu's & U. S. N'y 48thN. Y. Inf 1st Cal. Cav 23d Ohio Inf 19th Maine Inf 1st Mich. Engineers Penn. 100-day Cav 8th Conn. Inf. and K 1st Conn. Cav 4th Cal. Inf 77thlll.lnf 2d R.I. Inf 10th Conn. Inf 1st Maine Cav 1st Mich. Lancers U. S. S. Saginaw 80th Ohio Inf 9th U.S. Inf 9Gth Ohio Inf 37th Ohio Inf U.S. Navy 9th Ohio Inf U.S. Navy 3d N. Y. Inf 12th Iowa Inf 2d Cal. Inf 10th U.S. Inf 93d N.Y. Inf 7thlnd. Inf U. S. Gunboat Pembrina 2d Cal. Cav 6th N.H.Inf UlstlU. Inf 719 K Seventh and L Sacramento 608 Q 722 L 1315 Fifth 821 K 501 O Washington, Yolo St. George Huild'g Grand Isl., Sac. Co 1223 J 212G J 719 K 328 J 914 Sixth Walsh Station 1010 K 820 Eighth Arcade Building Mechanics' Exch. 1809 J 03 Sixth 1015 Fourteenth 718E Fifth and V 308 M 831 Nineteenth Washington, Yolo 1709 J 1122 J L bet. 8th and 9th Odd Fellows Tem. 728 K Seventh and G Dixon, Solano Co. 1321 Seventh BST'.A.BX-ISmED less. C. CURTIN, ffi^Mt ©If ffiiito ©lili^ 911 Sc 913 MARKET STREET. Importer and Dealer in lbs, ^atlns, A elvets, Dress ta[ooas, liosiery, >GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS,< - Blanksts, Quilts, Table LiuEns and Napkins. ^-i^^^<^5«£^-^ Ofifers better laducemeuts to Purchasers than any other House- in San Francisco, having Cheaper Eent and Smaller Expenses, the Largest Stock and Best Assortment, and Selling at Closer Prices. COUNTKY OKDEPtS carefnllj' and promptly filled SAMPLES SENT on application. GOOLS sent C. O. D., or on receipt pf Post Office Order, to all parts. C. CURTIN, 911 & 918 Market St., San Francisco. ^he Popular E-srening Ksv/spaper of tiie Pa;-ifi3 Coast HAS GAINED NEARLY 5000 SUBSCRIBERS SINCE JANUARY, 1886 By far the Largest Circulation, and. the Brightest and Ivlosst IDntertaining Delivered by Carriers or sent by Mail, at 50 Cts. per Month ^l|c ^cckln Post The best Weekly an the Pacific Coast Price >edi(ced to $1.50 per year 500 MONTGOMERY STREET Comer Sacramento Sax Francisco BONESTELL & CO. PAPER Vw^A^RE HOUSE Jobbers of all Icinds of Printing and Wrapping F*apers 401 and 403 SANSOME STREET Comer Sacramento SAN FRANCISCO FOR CALIFORNIA Strangers who wish to know more about the mild sunset land of the Pacific Slope, its rare products and wonderful resources and climate, will do well to send 50 cents for a map and 12 sample copies (worth $1.25), of the (illustrated) Pacific Rural Press, the largest and best agricultural weekly in the West, and one of the freshest and most original home farm papers in the world. Established Jan. 1,1870. Address — Pacific Rural Press, 252 Market St., San Francisco. STANTON POST, NO. 55. LOS AXGELES, CAL. OFFICERS, 1S36. J. M. GUINN' Commander A. M. THORXTON Seuior ViceCommanaer E. P. JOHXSOX Junior Vice-Commamler SAML C. SYilOXDS Adjutant A. W. BARRETT Quartermaster F. D. BIOKXELL Surgeon EDWIN BAXTER Chaplain J. C. OLIVER Officer of the Day DANIEL JOXES Officer of the Guard L. T. PIERCE Sergeant Major J, C. BYRAM. Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Friday. KAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRKSS. F K H G K D C E A K K K I A I H G B A D 18th Ind. luf 72d Ind. Inf Los Angeles Adams W. H. H Allen A. J. E 4th Minn. Inf Baker J. S Barlow G. H lith N. Y. Art Barrett A. M 3d Iowa Inf Berry M. F Independent Minn. C.iv •23d Wis. Inf Bicknell F. D Bixby H. II : 121stN. Y. Inf Blind Philip Bonebrake Geo. H... Bourcey Nap'u Bout"u E 8th 111. Inf G9thlnd.lnf 12th Vt. Inf Los Angeles U. S Vols Boyce H. H 45th 111. Inf 8th Minn. Inf Brunsoa Esty ButterfieldS. H 83d 111. Inf 193d Penn. Inf 36th Ind. Inf Carter J. M 4th Mich. Inf Case CO 8th Maine Inf Casterline W. M loth Ind. Inf 11th 111. Inf ObunockObaa 6th Wis. Inf 106 id6 Stanton Post, No. 55. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Clark F. B Cochrau W. G Collins A. D K K I D G G G K H B I F G L A K A I D C G A A G A H E K H D B H K G H F F A G F K G G 21st Conn Inf UOthlU Inf 85tb 111. Inf ,, Covey E H « Cox E E '20th lud. Inf Crow Geo. B Culver F. B "JOth Ohio Inf • • lJ3dOhioIuf 26.h 111. Inf Duttou J B iith Iowa Inf • I Exrl C N .... 2d Minn. Battery Field D W 27th Conn. luf Fish L E 20th Ind. Battery 39th Mass. Inf • • Fitzmier D 9th Mich. Inf • < 15th 111. Civ • 4th N. Y. Art • < G Ibert H 2Jth Mo. luf • t Gove B F llth 111. lof i< GrianoldL. r> Guiuu J. M Hammett U H 9th N. Y. Cav 7th Ohio Inf 1* 183d Penu. Inf • 1 105th Penn. luf 11 Hawthorn I. N 8th Minn. Inf Ttjth 111. Inf „ Hoffman A. P Hymer Stewart 132d 111. Inf 13th lud. Inf 90th Ohio Inf :: OSthInd Inf •• 13th Mich Inf X Jones E. W 19th Conn, luf " 124th Ind. Inf Nrw Mexico Kelley John Kiltredge Wlllard... Kit'redge W.T Kughen D. A Lawrence C. W Lawton D W llth N. H. Inf Los Angelea 3dCal. Inf 4th Minn. Inf . . . . ; • < llth 111. Cav >« 22d Blich . Inf <• 7th Cal. Inf .< 74th Ohio Inf >> Little Geo. H llth Minn. Inf 2d Mich. Inf Pasadena, Cal, Los Angeles 83d 111. Inf U. S. Vols <> Martin J. H 1st Vt. Cav 2d Ark. Inf • • Maynard H. H McBratney W. C... McClure M D • < 193d Peuu. Inf << 20th Ohio Inf " >< Merrill L • 4 Mills J W • • More Ira 33d III. luf •• Stantox Post, No. 55. 107 NA.ME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. MosherL. E B C E H A K A B G D G B L H B C C D K I I G C G B G I B I G G C 9th Kansas Inf 89th Ohio Inf Oliver J. C Osborne H. F li)2d N Y. Inf ., OtisH.G ■23d Ohio Inf 1. Philips T. r Pierce L. T 19th Iowa Inf •ofith Mass. Inf ' 9th N.J. Inf ., Reed J W H\h 111 Inf San Gabriel Eeese John W EeyDoUls A. F Rhodes W. A. E. . . . .50th 111. Inf Los Angeles Cth Iowa Inf Eice Geo.S 8th 111. Inf Los Angeles Eico Oscar F Eichards D. S 1st Vt. Battery 19th Maine Inf Eobbins J. S Eoberts Wni. C IstCil. Cav ■2dIll.Cav _^ 25th Iowa Inf Schooley E. L Scott Wm. H. 9Gth 111. Inf Los Angeles 7th Ohioinf Shafer A. C 92d Ohioinf Smith Geo. C Spiucer J. C. M Stevens F. D 1st Minn. Cav 1st Mich. Inf 12lh Penn. Inf U. S. Navy '•' Svruouds S. C TairChas. M Tavlor \V. U •2d District of Columbia Inf lOOih Ohioinf SdMd.Inf Thomas W. H 4(3th 111. luf Los Angeles Thornton A. M ■yd Ohio Inf Towner II. C lltb Kansas luf Van Slvl■ GEN. JAS. B. STEEDMAN POST, No. 56. SALINAS. CAL. OFFICERS, 1886w JOHN G. JOY Commander HOSEA BREESE Senior Vice-Commander J. A. McINTYRE Junior Vioe-Commander E. K. ABBOTT Adjutant J. B. SCOTT Quartermaster ELIAS STINEBAUGH Surgeon W. R. ELLIS Chaplain A. W. ANDERSON Officer of the Day D. K. McDOUGALL Officer of the Guard • Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Last Saturday. Abbott E. K And ftrsou A. W Breo-3 Hosea Burrows William. . . Cayer Ovila Chamberlin Chas. G CLark W.H Coffey James Currier Geo.M Eagan Frederick . . . Ellis W. R Fleming W. F Frasier J. A Full Michael Holtou Chester Hyler Charles Joy John G Kopmann Frank... Mantner A McDoiigall D. K Mclutire John A... Meller Isaac Poole Joseph M Scott J. B Soberanes M. G Stinebaiigh Elias.. Trope F. H Tuttle Hiram C... gthUl.Cav 144th N. Y.Inf 64th N. Y.Inf .' 124th 111. Inf 14th U.S. Inf 49th Wis. Inf 92dN. Y.Inf 14th U.S. Inf GthCal. Inf 1st Wash. Ter. Inf 2(>thN. Y.Inf 135th Ind. Inf 8th N. Y Art 14th N. Y. Heavy Art 9th Vt. Inf 4th Cal. Inf 2d Maine Inf. and L 31st Maine Inf 3d Mo. Inf. and G 43d 111. Inf 4th U.S. Art 2d Mass, Cav 8th Cal. Inf 24th Iowa Inf 1st Mass. Inf 144th N. Y. luf Gth Cal. Inf 116th Ind. Inf 20th N. Y. Inf 8th Iowa Inf Salinas Chualar Salinas Jolon Monterey Salinas Castroville Salinas Parkfield Salinas Soledad Salinas 108 ASSURANCE CORPORATION Ou^i=n?-^^ G A L L E R Y^^-<' lu the World. Flaglor's instantaneous Photographs ■ — — A-RE PERFECT PICTURES. The most elegant Gallery in the City, and the only one in which it is possible to make a perfect picture, at any hour of the day and at all seasons of the year. Market Street, Cor. of Ninth, AT JUNCTION OK Four Cable roads, five minutes ride from the Palace, Lick, Russ and Grand Hotels. A. P. FLAGLOR, r ropnetop nlaalor s riew r l^otoaraplj (li^allery. W. R. CORNMAN POST, No. 57. SAX BERXARDINO, CAL. OFFICERS, 1S86. E. C. SEYMOUR Commander W. H. WRIGHT Senior Vice-Commander TRUIIAX REEVES Junior Vice-Commander JAMES E. MACK Adjutant JOHX FEUDGE Quartermaster Surgeon E. A. SMITH Chaplain F. T. SINGER Officer of the Day E. L AXDOX Officer of the Guard T. H. PALMER Sergeant Major W. C. CLARK Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First ami Third Friday. KAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDUEiS. Ackerman Ilerman. . Allison H. J C K .A. (! K F K E I B G K K G H G I H U B I K 2d Cal.Inf ll.">th 111. Inf Sau Bernardino «< Barnard F. U fi,h Misa. Inf. and A l.st Mass. C.iv 13ihOhio luf 1 Gth Penu. Inf :10th Mo. Inf CoKoQ Black Sara W Brr.udonl)e'>j W M.. San Bernardino Brickeit C. 11 7th N. H. Inf . Callihan Bt-u. F. Carter Luther CUrkAVardE IJth Ind.Inf 2i-.tb N. Y. Inf 11th N. H. Inf Coltou Clrk AV C lltli Jlinu. Inf 12>Uh 111. Inf DArlintou C. A l!>th III. luf :iGth Mass. luf nth Wis. Inf gothiu.iuf ■tth Mich. Inf Istandinth Tenn. Inf 2d R. I. Hfcavy Art Drew Walter Elmer Elliott Feudge John G-rner W. B Gee Myron. . . Gill U G SCth 111. luf U. S. S. Vandalia 3:id 111. Inf ItUCal. Inf Guernsey H. A 27thIowallif 109 110 W. K. CoRNMAN Post. Ko. 57. NAME. CO. SEKVICE. ADDBESS. Hackney John Hagena Henry H.irgraYe Joseph P. . HanlngtouP Hartley Chas. T Hughes H.L C C F D H G 1) B F A G K E A B I E A D H B A B F G C D B E B F F I A I A B C c E K 2d Cal. Cav 5th Md. Inf lat Cal. Inf II 16th Mass. Inf 22d Iowa Inf 5th Cal. Inf 195th Penn. Inf Kelley Joseph Kendall T. C U. S. S. Black Hawk 21st N.J.Inf. & 46th Vet. Res. Corps 6th Cal. Inf 12th Mich. Inf • 1 51st Ohio Inf Colton Littlepage E. F 12th Ky. Cav. and 10th Ind. Civ... . 14th Mass. Inf San BerDardino Mannen W. P 9th Kansas Cav i< 65th Ohio Inf i< 31st Iowa Inf II <■ Osborn John 14th Wis. Inf 1st Cal. Cav „ OtisG.E 6th Mass. Inf .< Palmer T. H 1st 111. Light Art ■< Pierce E. R . 32d Wis. Inf Riverside Pierce W.H. .. 12th Mich. Inf Potter John D 2d Mo. Battery Price M. F., M. D 1st Penn. Light Art 6th Ohio Cav Remington C. H Roberts O. P 9th 111. Cav 17th Kansas Inf • < 10th Kansas Inf II Rockefeller G. W 108th N. y. Inf Colton Sampson Wm Seymour E. Simms W. J 9thN. Y. Cav 76th Penn. Inf San Bernardino 99th Ind. Inf Riverside Singer F. T 2dN.Y.Cav San Bemajcdlno Smith E. A Smith Ed. H 2d Kansas Battery 4th Cal. Inf !• Staples W. P Stevens J. W 98th 111. Inf « i< Stone CM 48thN. Y. Inf 2d Col. Cav '... 86th 111 Inf « Stone M.J <• << 132d N. Y. Inf. . Riverside Thompson John Thornton P T 5th Conn. Inf San Bernardino 4th Cal. Inf Waldroa W. R Whitney J.J Williams Geo 7th Mo. Inf. and B 33d Mo Inf. . . . 5th N. Y. Heavy Art ' 4th Cal. Inf < EeblJohn 5fh Wis. Inf „ Kenney W. H 30th Mass. Inf •1 111 112 Jesse L. Ee:to Post, No 58. NAME. CO. SEKVICE. .M)nRESS. B B E L F K I M D G F H H I G D D A A McCobb Wilbur Mollroy R. H 1st Maine Inf Noble F. M 1th Iowa Cav I4th Maine Inf 9th 111. Inf nth 111. Cav 2d C;'.l. Inf . .... Oliver F. W Purvianco W. H RobrbackG. W Salter F. F Gilroy Priest Valley HoUibter Sanford D. K Series Q. V. K Shirley Theodore Suibley Henry Spader J. W 40th Wis. Inf. and E 2^th Wis. Inf. 2dCal.Cav 9th Wis. luf Sargent 17th 111. Cav 9th N. J. luf Stephens W.J Taylor J I 2d 111. Art "tith Ohio Inf Emmet White Nathaniel... Yost Thos 22d Maine luf 2l8tlll. Inf Hoili, GETTYSBURG POST, No. 59. TULARE, CAL. OFFICERS, ISSa A . P. M ERR! TT Cftmraaniler J F. FAUST Senior Vice-Commaniler J \S IIUXDKL Junior Vice-Comroander KNO.S CU URCHILL Adjutant W.M S \V DERS tjuartermaster A. W . T i' i . S [ 1 8 n rge o n F. H. WALES . . . Chaplain L. II OWEN Officer of the Day GEORGE MURilAV Officer of tho tJuaid Sergeant Major t iuartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First and Third Friday. NAME. CO. .SEUVICE. ADDRESS. B C F F C B I K &B G D D E C B K C •E L B B F B H E L U K I F D Hlfh 111. Inf Tulai e Cily B.dgerP. G Biueh John F 44th Ind. Inf 5Cth N. Y. Inf. Churchhill Enos Davis B. A . . U! hill. Inf 12th 510. Inf Dunning Curtis 41st Ohio Inf 18id Ohio Inf I'Jd Ohio Inf OthWis.Inf Hth U. S. Inf Hatflfia Wm.R llillF UOihlU.Inf .... 122d Ind. Inf •20th Peun. Cav Jones Erastus X). . . Keims F. O 4,hTenn.Inf 2dCal.Cav • Kerr John 32a N. Y. Inf Miin Wni H McCoy John A Merritt Alfred P. . . l«th U. S. Inf 10th Iowa Inf ' Murray George Neff A. D Oweu L. H :ld Mass. Inf ' llGih N. Y. Inf 14th Ind. Inf ' Phillips Christop'r C Rund.a J. N 27th Mo. luf U. S. Navy S:ndcrs Wm. M Shcppard Wm Smith W.S. P Thurber Chester 3Jd Mo. Inf 2dC.il.Cav G9lh III. Inf. and B lJ2d 111. Inf . . . 2d N. Y. Cav Tyler A W IstOhioCav Waga'rF 2d N. Y. Rifles Wales Frederick II . . Wilson Deles E . ... 12d Mass. Inf 10, h Wis. Inf Wilson Richard W. . . 1st Mass. Heavy Art 113 SHILOH POST, NO. 60. COMPTON. CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. MELVINMXrDGE Commandor MARTIN ELFTMAX Senior Vice-Commander S. M. BISE Junior Vice Commander C. MEALEY Adjutant JOHN U. IIANN Quartermaster JOSIAH II. SKILLING Surgeon DAVID S.UITH 7 Chaplain HE>f RY C. KE LSEA Officer of the Day JOSEPH S-V:NT0NGUE Officer of the Guard GEO. W. LAZENBY Sergeant Major FRANCIS E. BARRON ^ Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, every Friday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. L H H K I A I I G A A E C F E I I 2d Mass. Cav Compton Biso S. M 39th Mo. Inf 3ytn Mo. Inf < IstCal. Inf Wilmington Compton Rolfe Geo. W 20th Mich. Inf San tongue Joseph. . . Skilling J. H., M. D.. Smith David 3d Wis. Cav loth 111. Cav Los Angeles Compton 3dCal.Inf 28th Iowa Inf Tripp Wm. H 176th Ohio Inf « lU VICKSBURG POST, No. 81, POMONA. CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. H. END Commander C. HOWE Seuior Vice-Commander L. W. COWL bis Junior ViceCommauder E. B. SMIT H Adjutant J E. McCOMAS Quartermaster M. NEIERBURG Surgeon L.P.CRAWFORD Chaplain T. C. THOM.\S Officer of the Day H. H. WILLIAMS Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major ■ — Quartermaster Sergea.it Meeting, First Saturday after Full Moon, and each two weeks thereafter. N.4ME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Bissau H. L K A I A A E H G L II D E G C B H E C I E M D G E C H D F I F I C H C A O U. S. S. Isaic Smith and Sattellite . . 57th 111. luf Bloomer A. C Bodeuhamer W. J. . . Boutell C. H Gth Mo. Cav Marine Art " H2d Ohio Inf f< Clair L. L >< Cochran R. R 1st N. H. Art ., Coi d T. A Uth Ohio Inf i< Corder L. T 01st 111. Inf >• Cowles Lnman. . . . 81 h Mass. Inf • < Cowles Lyman Crawford L. P tth Mass. Cav 105th 111. Inf Crowell J. R 154th N. Y. Inf Eccles Jas. S Uth Ohio luf Eccles W. H Uth Ohio Inf Englehardt H.D.... EuoH 83d lud. luf 8ih Mo. luf Fuller Wm 18th Kansas Cav 35Lh N. Y. Inf Germond T. M ITthOhioInf 15th Conn. Inf ,. Howe Edwin 9th Minn. Inf << Hughes P. W 8th Mich. Cav X 8th U.S. Cav Cncamonga Milea E. C •24th Iowa Inf 2d Iowa Inf Miller J. T .1 Millers. J MuUally Geo. S Neierburg M 1st Mo. Cav Tth Ohio Cav 12(h 111. Inf .Mosta Pomona 2d U.S. Art << 5th Kansas Inf ,t Sheldon M. M 142d N. Y. Inf ■• Smith E. B 85thN.Y.Int .4 Smith John 4th Cal. Inf .1 Thomas Henry Thomas T. C 2d U.S. Cav Gth Wis. Inf " Williams H. H 14th Iowa Inf " 115 BARRETT POST, No. 62. PRESCOTT, A. T. OFFICERS. 188G. GEO. H. TINKER ^, Commander A. G. RANDAL Senior Vice-Commander CH AS. H. ALLABACH Junior Vice-Commanaer J.J.GOSPER Adjutu,ut GEO. \V. SINES Quartermaster GEO. D. KENDALL Suiscon N. L. GUTHRIE Chaplain R. GRIGSBY Officer of the Day J AME -J BUTLER Officer of the Guard J. \V. CLAY Sergeant Major JAS. A. GUILD Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and last Tuesday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDEESS. AlL.bacb Cbaa H ... E K F E G A L G C C E C E H C A E A I B K K D .>4th Penn. luf Atkinson B 69th N. Y. Inf Berry Geo. E Bisbee E. T Ist CaLInf « 29ih Maine Inf... Capelli Carlo 104th Penn. Inf 11 8th 111. Inf Clay J. W Oth Mo. Cav Crapo B B ... 17th Conn. Inf . .. Skull Valley 12th Wis. Inf D'.keC. P oth Mich. Inf •5i;th Penn. Inf. DeWitt V,'m Whipple Banaclio A.sh Fork 18Gth N. Y. Inf Dugau Michael 10th U.S. Inf IthB. I. Inf U. S. Marine Corps 8H1 Ohio Inf Agua Fria EbbettGeo Fell Timothy Ferguson Wm. H Fisher Chas. F Ford Patrick Fosdick Chas. H. . . . Verde 4th Cal. Inf Prescott fjSth Mass. Inf 3d U.S. Inf 18Gth N. Y. Inf 29th Iowa Inf •< 116 Barrett Post, No. 62. 117 NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Gonzales Reyes Gosper J. J F I A F A F I B D K B D B I E I G A G M I G C G C 8 h 111. Cav 10th 111. C.IV 11 Guild James A Gnthrio N.Ii 1st IMaH*. Heavy Art ' HUIJ.L 5th V. S. liif [5uilt on i^asy {^erms Real Estate in all parts of the City and County, Business and Residence Property subdivided and Sold at Auction or Private Sale. Loans Negotiated at Low Rates SAN FRAIN CISCO offers many advantages for Investment, owing to the fact that it is the Financial Center of the Coast. All Transportation Companies, by land or water, makes Terminii at this Point. To-Day with a Population of nearly Four Hundred Thousand People, it is reasonable to say thafc the Population will approach a Million in ten years, and for Investment, Specula- tion or Manufactures, the City of San Francisco is the New York City of the Pacific Coast. For reliable data concerning her resources, advise with the lead* ing Eeal Estate House, and Auctioneers. EASTON & ELDRIDGE U18 Market St., 0pp. Palace Hotel. ANTIETAM POST, No. 63. PETALUMA. CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. 0. M ARTIX DRYDEN Commander HENRY P. BRAINERD Senior Vice- Commander ROBERT P. JOHNSON Junior Vice-Commander JOSEPH B FULMER Adjutant CHARLES HETTRICH Quartermaster • Surgeon JAMES C. HARVEY Chaplain BENJ. HAYS Officer of the Day JOHN W, WILLIARD Officer of the Guard EDWARD B. LELDS Sergeant Major ... Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Saturday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. E D D I I D C D F E E M F E C D A D I E E D 12th HI. Cav 31st Mass. Inf Corbett R. S t< Dryden CM EnselJ 22d Penn. Cav II 8th 111. Inf II Fulmer J. B O.h U. S. Inf .1 Graves S. F U. S. Navy II Hardin Parley 7th Ohio Inf 1. 2d Maine Inf II Hays B 9th Mass. Inf II Hettrich Chas.. 12th N Y. Inf II Johnson R F ISlhMass. Inf 1st Mich. Cav fr9th Ohio Inf 3d Md. Civ " Leeds E. B II Murphy A.J Schleicher Fred Seiters Henry. Sloper David Smith D. A II 35th N. Y. Inf 15th Ohio Inf " Uth Iowa Inf II 20th 111. Inf 4th Cal Inf ... II Tally H 3d and 5th Penn. Cav 58ih 111. Inf 100th lud. Inf II Williard J. W Wiuans J. L ^^ L. H. ROUSSEAU POST, NO 64. KEIiSEYVILLE, CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. JOHN S. MATHER Commander JAUrES A. HARRIS Senior Vice-Commanaer IR A. M. Cx\JlPENTER Junior Vice-Commander W. G. YOUNG Adjutant ALBION DICKINSON Quartermaster R. G. REYNOLDS Surgeon L. W. SIMMONS Chaplain J. A. WILSON Officer of the Day T. J. SAGERTY Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Saturday on or after Full of the Moon. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. H H F B G G A E B I K F B B A E K G B C D F F H 27th Ohio Inf Kelseyville Carpenter Ira M Christie Wm 2d Vt. Inf U. S Navy ". Upper Lake Cuinmings John 23d 111. Inf U. S. S. Sabine Kelseyville Duffy Henry W Evans Liilve Gillett Charles 7th Cal. Inf 22dN. Y.Cav tstOhioInf Lower Lake Hanipson H. A Harding Charles S . . 67th Ohio Inf 2n3d Penn Inf Kelseyville 40th Iowa Inf Mather J. S 9f h Iowa Inf Kelseyville 76th Ohio Inf Nutter S. O 2dN. H. Inf 3d Wis. Inf .3d Cal. Inf Kelseyville Porter Fr.-.nk H Reynolds C. I93d Penn. Inf Upper Lake Kelseyville Lakeport Kelseyville Sagerty T. J 11th U.S. Inf 80th 111. Inf Seeley David T 2d Cal.Cav .53d 111. Inf SweetserG. W Hth and 11th Mass. Inf Kelseyville Vickerv W. K 4th Minn. Inf Lakeport Kelseyville ■Wallen Ezra 2d Cal. Inf Wayno G. W 9th Ky. Cav Wilson .f. A 57th 111. Inf Kelseyville Young "W. G 27th 111 Inf % e4 THE FAMOUS ifKiUMd^'mfiinm^mm The most wonderful Cur- ative Agent in the world. Full Power Belt, for Lady or Gentleman, piiee >io. Cures without the aid of Medicine General Debility, Nervous Prnstratinu, Rheumatism Neuralgia, AMI IfBBBIA Disease of Sciatica, |"fll IfllnlEl' the Liver, Paralysis, |l U fl M U l« I E B ^^^■(^"'-'y oi" ConslipationM IT !■ f IE B 1 I U Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Dyspepsia, Female Weakness, Sick Headache, Insipient Catarrh, Insipient Con- sumption, Lame Back, and many other diseases. ■^ H I BB For particulars and Circulars address |JL| I PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Ij tT I I SOLE PROPRIETORS. W H k I 330 Sutter St., San Francisco- Patented February 9th, 1886 T PACIFIC ELECTRIC PAD TIJH GRHATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGEI Patented Ian. lo. iSS:. Best Retainer In Existence! Gives perfect H^B^ case and comfort in all positions. Does not interfere IB jBf wiih work or business. We guarantee a perfect cure HpST of Rupture in all cases wliich we accept and treat, H ^Bl both ofadults and children. Now, reader, if you are B ^^ruptured, this is worthy of your invest- igation. We especially those dilTicult to retain and ble. If other treatment see us. EVIDENCE Our Terms: NO Cukes Rupture i Single Truss with solution, $to desire all extreme cases, those considered incura- has failed you, come and UNEIMITEDI CURE, NO PAY. FROM &> ^t^ TO 90 Days. Double u nrmatLon and circulars. Oihce We Guarantee TO Retain any PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. SOLE rftoPRIETORS, No. 330 Sutter Street, San Francisco. Cal. tW Catarrh Cured. One bottle of our Holerook's Electric Catarrh and Asthma Cure will %ure the worst case. Indestructible by use, agreeable, convenient of application, prompt in its action. A wonderful medicine. Ask your druggist for it, or sent on receipt of one dollar, postage paid, by addressing PAC/FIG ELEOTRIG GO., Sole Proprietors 330 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Cal. WM. H. SEWARD POST, NO. 65. WOODLAND, CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. W. H WINNE Commander L. W. HILLIKER Senior Vice-Commauder J. T. WALLIN Junior Vice-Commander ALLEN T. BIRD Adjutant L. G. STONE Quartermaster A. C. KEATING . . .Surgeon W. C. DOUGLAS Chaplain W. D. C. HARNISH Officer of the Day GEO. W. MYRICK Officer of the Guard S. M. MONTGOMERY Sergeant Major JOHN L. SPONG Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First and Third Saturday, NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Bird Allen T E H F C K F C c F A c K K B F A H C C C D C G lllst 111. Inf. and I. 11th 111. Cxv . . 4th N. Y.Inf Woodland Card W. D 128th N.Y.lnf .& 2d Bat.Vet.R.Corps U. S S. Cowslip i< it Condon Elijah Douglas Wm. C FarnhamE. S Gaynor Patrick it 39thMo. Inf 12th Mich. Inf 2«th Mass. Inf. l SlthOliioIuf i< Harnish W D C . 11th 111. Cav » Henagin David Henagin John Hevel Christopher.. 100th N. Y Inf t< 9Jd N. Y. Inf << 8th 111. Inf l(!th Mich. Im Holloway John K Keating A. C KiehlJohnP Mantaney Henry 13-lth Ind.Inf 1st Mich. Sharpshooters. . 28th Penn. Inf " 3d Wis. Inf << 58th M. Y. Inf 27th m. inf. and 9th 111. Inf >. Mayo Hugh L Yolo Montgomery Sam'I M Myers Daniel Myrick Geo. W Nalli Caspar,..,,..,, 8th Cal.Inf 3Cth Iowa Inf t> 13th Maine Inf .( 84th III. Inf " 120 Wm. H. Seward Post, No. 65. 121 NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDEESS. Palmer Perry Patterson ^Y. M G H F E A D A A E K H I B H F H B E A 30th 111. Inf 25th Wis. Inf Capay Woodland Pearson J. B 1st Wash.Ter.Inf.& A2dMass.H.Art 43d Mass. Inf Sebastian R. M 7th Kansas Cav 11 Spencer W. F Spong John L Stone L. G 8thC.ll. Inf II 1st Md. Inf .< 9th Kansas Cav 11 Stott Samuel 76th Penn. Inf 4th U. S. Vet. Res. . Tully Stephen AValliu JohuT Ward J. M 90th Ohio Inf 7th Iowa Inf fith Mich. Inf Welch Wm. Thomas . 2d 111. Light Art « Whittum Stephen C. Wilcox S.J SthCal.Inf <• 1st Nevada Cav i< 3d Wis. Inf .1 Winne Wm. H Wood Wm. E 32d N. Y. Inf., C 1.5th N. Y. Engi- neers and B Guard Bat. NY. Harbor ■2.5th 111. Inf ** Woolridge C. C 107th 111. Inf Napa ROBERT ANDERSON POST, No. 66. LOMPOC, CAL. OFFICERS, 18S6. C. J. YOUN'G Commander W. H. PECK Senior Vice-Commander GEO. INGAMELLS Junior Vice-Commander GEO.S. ELSEMORE Adjutaat JOHN JOHNSON Quartermaster J. W. SAUNDERS Surgeon J. B. HIBBETS Chaplain H. C McCABE Officer of the Day I. N. DILLE Officer of the Guard JOHNT. STEWART Sergeant Major JOHN SARGENT Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Thursday on or before Full Moon. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDUKSS. Dillo I.N D A K Q G F H I G A I B E K H I D G 192d Ohio Inf, and I. 4th 111. Cav. . 9th Maine Inf Lompoc Gray W. B Harris J. S 14th Iowa Inf i< • :5th Iowa Inf .( Harris J W <■ Henning D. F Hibbets J. B 76th Ohio Int <> 82d Ohio Inf <> Ingamells Geo Jackson Wm Johnson John Kelley EC •^7th Iowa Inf Santa Rifa 3d Mo. Cav 1st Cal. Cav 125th Ohio Inf Lompoc Mannsell G. W U. S. S. Roanoke « McCabe H. 26th Mich. Inf i< 24th Iowa Inf .< Nichols M. S Peck W. H 97thN.Y.Inf " Perry Thomas Sargent John U. S. Navy ■< 193d Ohio Inf 3d Iowa Inf " 49th Mo. Inf i< Warwick H. C 32d Iowa Inf 5th Mich. Cav j^ 122 CEN. T. E. G. RANSOM POST, No. 67. FLAGSTAFF. A. T. OFFICERS, 1886. LOUIS BURX3 Commander D. F. HART Senior Vice-Commander JOSEPH R. LOCKETT Junior Vice-Commander WILLIAM GARDXER Adjutant GEORGE HOXWORTH Quartermaster Surgeon JAMES W. SPAFFORD Chaplain JOHXROSEXBAUGH Officer of tlie Day Officer of the Guard ROBERT GREER Sergeant Major WM. A. DYER Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and last Saturday. NAME. CO. SEKVICB. ADDRESS. Burns George I D S I A F G I A G B E I C F E '■id Mass. Heavy Art Flagstaff Uth lU.Inf ■■i2a Ind.Inf Hackbeiry Flagstaff Dyer Vi'm. A Ith Peun.Cav 102d Peun. luf Greer Robert Hart D.F 'Jthlll.Cav 17th 111. Inf ■j:kl Mo. luf << i'5th OhioInf << Lockett Jos. R '21st Mo. Inf << Marvin Henry McDouaUl E.G. .. Noo an Palrlcli K . . Rosborough James . . lilst 111. Inf (.Qth N. Y.Inf ■i7th Penn. luf 1st Ohio Light Art 3dCol.CLiv Hackberry Flagstaff Hackberry Flagiitaff SmitU J. 1; IstN.y. Cav 'ith Iowa luf 1st Mich. Light Art 28th Wis. Inf Spafford Jainea W.. . Taft William Wilkersou Horace... Hackberry Flagstaff 123 MAJ. E. W. EDDY POST, No. 68. SAXTA PAULA, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. JOHN B. SALTMARSH Commander CYRUS KENNE Y Senior Vice-Commander HUGH COMFORT Jmiior Vice-Commander LEONARD SKIXIfER Adjutant ELIJAH BOOR Quartermaster M. M. McCULLEY Surgeon J. R. D. SAY Chaplain M. ATMORE Officer of the Day W. T. SCOTT Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major — Quartermaster S.rgeant Meeting, Thursday on or before Full Moon. Atmore M Bolton J. A Boor Elijah Comfort H. B.. . Dull W. W Jepson I.C Keuney Cyrus.. . . McCuUeyM. M... Rice Lewis Rowell George W. Saltmarsh John B Say J. R.D Scott Wm. T Skinner L Warren James R. . •2dCal.Cav 2dCal. Inf 120th Ohio Inf.... UthCal. Inf U. S. Lancei's. . . . 14th Penu. Inf... 64th 111. Inf 4th Penn. Cav. . . 43d Penn. Inf.... 22d Maine Inf.... 4th Cal.Inf 105th Penn. Inf. . 7th Mo. Inf 9th West Va. Inf. 13th Kansas Inf. Santa Paula Alma Santa Paula 12i Byron Hot Springs. Visitors to California who are suffering from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Asthma, Catarrh, or any form of blood or skin diseases, should not lose the opportunity of being cured or benefited by using these waters. Hot Salt, Hot Sulphur, Magnesia and Iron Springs and Baths; also, hot Mud Baths, the best known. The.se waters in curative properties are equal to the famous Arkansas Hot Springs, and are only three hours by rail from San Francisco. Take 9:30 A. m. or 3:30 p. m. train foot of Market street. Hotel carriage meets everj- train. Hotel accommodations, table, etc., equal to the best in the State. For Descriptive Circular address: MLanager Byron Springs, BYRON, GAL. HoMiEOPATHio Pharmacy, 234 SUTTER STREET, Above Kearny, SAN FKANCISCO HAMMAM BATHS! FINEST TURKISH AND RU S 81 AN BATHS , FOR LADIES AND GEIMTLEMEM. 11 &, 13 DLipont St., near Market, San Francisco. Price One Dollar! Open All Night! TSCHURR & CO ISON DOREE, 217 KEARNY STREET. Private Parlors, fop Entertainments and Banquets, Up Stairs. Dinners, Balls, Soirees and luiifks Supplied in the Best Style. GEN. 0. M. MITCHELL POST, NO. 69. RENO, NEVADA. OFFICERS, 1886. T. F. LAYCOCK Commander A. A. EVAK3 Senior Vico-Commander Junior Vice-Commander N. P. J AQUES Adjutant A. FLETCHER Quartermaster H. H. HOGAN Surgeon WM. LUCAS Chaplain D. D. BUTTERFIELD Officer of the Day J. C. HAYNES. . .■ Officer of the Guard WM. LONG-FIELD Sergeant Major C. F. POWELL .' Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second Saturday. Bastian T. H , Bechtel W.L Bemis E. P., M. D. BennetJobnE ... Blair J. J . ButterfieldD. D... Clark Chas. W Cole Wallace W Evans A. A Fisher J. J Fletcher A Fortimer Theodore Ginnety James. . . . Hamlin 8. A Haynes Wm. H Hogan H. H., M. D Hudson Pliny Hussey J. H Hymers John Jaques N. P Jeffrey A. B Johnson Charles.. Keating Patrick... Kemp 8. R Laycock T, F 97th Penn. Inf 21stPena.Cav I'ith Iowa Inf. and 8th Iowa Inf 22d Ohio luf 3dCal.Inf 11th Ohio Inf. and I 61st Ohio Inf. 119th 111. luf 3d R.I. Inf 38th Ohio Inf 2d U.S. Art 2yth Me. Inf .& E 28th Vet. U.Corps 12'Jth Ind. Inf 17th Wis. Inf 5th N. H. Luf. and G. 1st N. H. Inf. 2d Maine Inf l-12d N. Y. Inf 9thIll.Cav IClh Maine Inf 141th N. Y. Inf laih Maine Inf 50thIH.Inf 2Gth Iowa Inf IstN. Y.Inf 17th Mass. Inf U. S. Navy 12$ Wads worth Reno Qulncy, Cal. Merrillville, Cal. Reno Greenville, Cal, Reno Greenville, Cal. Boca, Cal. Reno Greenville, OaL Reno Pyramid Reno St. Clair Reno 126 Gen. O. M. Mitchell Post, No. 69. SERVICE. Libbey George Lindsay Fulion Lindsey W. E Lougfield Wm. M. Lucas Wm., Rev. . Mussey N. D Palmer W. S Powell C. F Rogers Wm. W.. . . Rood Oliver Runyon B. W Sproul James Stevens Henry Welch Alex West Peter Williams W. H. H. Wilson H.C Wormley H. P 50th Mass. Inf 1st Cal.Cav 46th 111. Inf 1st Wis.Cav 71st Penn.Iuf 5th Mich. luf 28th Maine Inf 7th Penn Cav 137th Ohio Inf 8th Vt. Inf ., 46th 111. Inf 1st Cal. Cav 187th Penn. Inf 153d 111. luf 7th Iowa Cav 19th Iowa Inf. and 7th Iowa Cav. 18th Mo. Inf 23d N. y. Inf. and G 8th Oal. Inf Wadsworth Reno Elko Reno Eagleville, CaL Reno Lovelocks Reno Quiucy, Cal. FRED. STEELE POST, NO. 70. SAN LUIS OBISPO, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. R. B. TREAT Commander J. T. WALKER Senior Vice-Commander F E. DARKE Junior Vice-Commander JOHN HAMLIN Adjutant JOHN L ANDELL Quartermastei J. H. SEATON Surgeon R. E. JACK '. Chaplain S. D. BALLOU Officer of the Day Officer of the Guard WM. GINGERY Sergeant Major FRANK CONLEE..., Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Third Saturday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Abbott S. H E H C D I G H I D A B H C C D A I H G E A B A A II G F , I 1st Mich. Light Art Arroyo Grande Ballon S.D Canon W S 4Uth N Y Inf 40th Ohio luf Coulee Frank G5th 111. Inf lUhN.H.Inf 57th Penn. Inf Creston San Miguel Ferguson Jame.s.... 12th 111. Inf Arroyo Grande 9th Mo . Cav Cayucos Paso Robles 11th 111. Inf Gingery W. M Hall H. H ■28th Iowa Inf Sau Luis Obispo 23d Iowa Inf (I Ide B. C 24th Mich. Inf Arroyo Grande Jack B. E ."iCth N. Y. Inf . Kuhl Wm 5th Mo. Inf 198th Penn. Inf •1 24th Iowa Inf Arroyo Grande 5Cth Penn luf Ohms Jos. J Orr R. D 46lh N. Y. luf 10th Mich. Cav 1st Cal. Native Cav Cambria San Luis Obispo Rackliffe Levi Ransom John Seatou J. H., M. D.. Stainford G. B 19th Maine Inf UthN. Y. Cav 21st Mo. Inf 23d N. Y. luf Treat R. B 4(h Ohio Inf Walker J. T 25th 111. Inf 21st Mo. Inf loth N. Y. Art San Luis Obispo Wood Geo P 29th Mo. Inf Arroyo Grande 127 COL. E. D. BAKER POST, No. 71, NEWCASTLE, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. M. D. LININGER Commander GEO. D. KELLOGG Senior Vice-Commander WM. P. PAYNE .Junior Vice-Commatider JOHN ADAMS Adjutant GEO. B. HE WES Quartermaster W. S. PATE Surseon A. L. JOKES Chaplain A. O. ABBOTT Officer of the Day BENJ. ALLSPAUGH. Officer of the Guard WM. H. SCOTT Sergeant Major T. S. NASH. Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Monthly. Ni&MS. CO. 8EEVICE. ADDEESS. Abbott A. G K G D D E A E F L L A A E C A H D G G E F F C £ 14th Wis. Inf Adams John 45th Ohio Xnf Allspaugh Benj 3d Mich. Inf Ayera MarcelUs loth Mo. Cav Ophlr FentonH. W 76th Penn. Inf Fithlan Amoa 4thCal. Inf Ophir Guthrie James 3d Iowa Inf Hewes Geo. B 8th 111. Cav Ophir Johnson Ezra 3d Ohio Cav 1st Maine Cav Penryn Jones J. F 8th Maine Inf Kellogg Geo. D 23d Wis. Inf LiningerM. D 28thIowaInf Malone Robert P. . . . 42am. Inf Martin H. V 10th N. Y. Inf Alta Nash T.S Pate W. 8 1st U. S. Sharpshooters 35th 111. Inf Aubxirn Ophir Payne Wm. F 2d N. J. Inf Philbrick J. S 4th Ohio Inf Plantz W. A 46th 111. Inf Opbir Penryn Ophlr Scott Wm. H 22d Mich. Inf Sweezy Henry Taylor H. H 86th Ohio Inf „ -. 15th Mo. Inf White Robert 128 GEN. GEO. 8. EVANS POST, No. 72. REDWOOD CITY. CAL. OFFICERS, 18S6 B. A. RANKIN' Commander J. H. HALLETT Senior Vioe-Commamler JOHN POOLE Junior Vice-Commauder E. O. RHODES Adjutant P. P. CHAMBERLAIN Quai-termaster C. B. SEARS Surgeon W. H PASCOE Chaplain E. W. THOMPSON Officer of tlie Day L. L. STEVENS Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Third Friday. KAME. CO. BKBVIOE. .\DDRESS. dlhoun J. A Chamberlain p.p... lilkina Geo E A I B A I D D A A K D A I 136th iDd.Inf, & M 1st Ind.Hea'y Art 3d Minn. Inf 15th U. S. Colored Inf San Francisco Redwood City Hallett Joseph H Johnson David M. . . Kelly J ihn U. S. S. Kingfisher W'oodside 50th 111. Inf Spanishtown 17th U.S. Inf.. Li Honda Ist Mo. Inf S n Mateo McNulty R.J O NeillJohn 0th Ind.Inf Woodside 1st U. S. Art Menlo Park Pascoe W H U. 8. S. Niagara Redwood City 15th 111. Cav 3dN.H.Inf IstCal. Cav Randall Chaa. D ,, Rhodes Elbert O U. S. S Hunchback <• Stevens L. L Thompson E.W Waeder Ludwig Walker Henry Woolf Martin 2Gth Maine Inf 4thC^l. Inf „ 75th N.Y.Inf iSth 111. Inf " 101th Ohio Inf <■ EDDY LEE POST, No. 73. FALL RIVER MILLS, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. N. SCHOFIELD , Commauder JAMES I LANSING Senior Vice-Commander A. J. OPDYK Junior Vice-Commander ED. W. LANSING Adjutant J. M. MOSS Quartermaster A. J. WILSON Surgeon F. BENNETT Chaplain J. H. McNAMER Officer of the Day M. O. MOOERS Officer of the Guard JAMES RAY Sergeant Major — Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First Saturday. NAME. CO. SEEVICE. ADDRESS. G G F F D D B E A E C F E B I B Bennett F 4vh Iowa Int' 43d 111. Inf BiietelH Barney Valley J3d 111. Inf Lansing Ed. W Lansing J. I McNamer J H. GhN. Y.Cav iJth N. Y.Cav Fall River Mills Pittville Mooers M. O •22a M.iiue Inf 16th Mo.Cav 1st Ark. Inf Burgettvillo Pittville Fall River Mills Opdvk A. J 85lh 111. luf ■29th Iowa luf Cayfon Valley Fall River Mills Schofield N 25th Mich. Inf 47th lil.Inf Goose Valley Fall River Mills ■\Vorley T J joun'^ T B.. 'J7th 111. Inf Pittville J3Q KIT CARSON POST, NO. 74. NAPA CITY. CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. G. M. FRANCIS Commander W. A. SMITH Senior Vice-Commander W. E. HARRINGTON Junior Vice-Commander O. R. COGHLAN Adjutant L. T. H AYM AN Quartermaster SAML R, SPENCE Surgeon ISAAC G. HERRON Chaplain PHILIP PLASS Officer of the Day J. F. GARWOOD Officer of the Guard E. S. GRIDLEY Sergeant Major JACOB JAEKLE '. Quartermaster Sergeant JAMES W. HOOVER Inside Sentinel H. H. MOFFATT Outside Sentinel Meeting, Second and Fourth Friday. NAME. CO. SEBVICK. ADDEESS. I H C E G I G A C D F F C C A I I D B U E I C 20th Mass. Inf Napa City Co'hlau OR. . . '29th SIo. Inf Derry Thomas 3a Wis. Inf t( 25th Wis. Inf ■• 82d Ohio Inf <■ Gridley E. S 11th Mich. Cav 9th Ind. Inf << Harrington W. E Harris F W fi 12th Iowa Inf 9th Mo. S. M.Cav 78th Ohio Inf ■ a Hayman L. T ,^ Hill E. D 4th Ind. Battery i< Holden S. E 16th N. H. Inf ■ < Hoover Jas. W Independent Peun. Light Art 23d Conn. Inf " King E H 15th Iowa Inf ( Chitienden 0. C 8th Vt. Inf 82d 111. Inf Corning Red Bluff Gth Wis. Inf 22d Iowa Inf Cooper D. M Davenport John S. . . Decker Chas. F 2d Cal. Cav 2d Wis. Cav 50th 111. Inf 5th Maine Inf I'^Sth Ohio Inf Dodd A N Emmons F. M Fields Anthony Galliher Henry Glines W. J 7th Mo. Cav 4th Maine Inf 46th Ohio Inf 63d 111. Inf 4th Vt. Inf 10th Wis. Inf 19th Maine Inf 8th Mich. Inf Hufl John C 27th Mich. Inf 183 J. K ilANSFiELD Post, No. 75. 13^ NAME. CO. SEBVICE. ABDBESa. Kump Albert Knight Joseph Loring Abraham I. G U F H F K D H K A D C H G D K F 1st c.ii. aiv 10th Maine Inf. & G 29th Maine Inf ■tlth III. luf Red BVnff 531h Ind. Inf Minott Edwin M 25t h Mass . Inf Osman James M Phillips Joseph L .. Plymire Jas. A. . . . Purdy O. W Rathja Henry F. 8th 111, Cav 34th Mass. Inf 8th Peim. Res 18lh Wis. Inf 2dCal. Inf 4th Maine Inf << Ryan Andrew Sawyer T. J Stone Charles Strattou H. L 1st Cal. Inf 2d Kansas Inf 13th III. Inf 7th Cal. Inf Corning Van Gelder Tobias . . 22d N. y. Civ Red Bluff Weston Henry Whaley A. G U. S. S. Dakota 2d Cal. Inf Yager Myron 12l3t N. Y.Inf 7th N. Y. Inf CAPT. WM. WALLACE POST, NO. 76. LAKE CITY, CAL. OFFICEES, 1886. A M. HAMLEN Commander HORACE WOODS Senior Vice Commander GEO. H. PHILEROOK Junior Vice Commander A. W, CHURCH Adjutant HUGH BARCLAY Quartermaster J. W. POOR Surgeon JULES RUDO Chaplain E. SPENCER Officer of the Day SAM'L HOOPER Officer of the Guard O. A. WILSON Sergeant Major S AM'L SEGAR Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First and Third Saturday. Barclay Hugh Calderwood J. E., Church A. W Hamlen A. M Hooper Samuel . . . . Johnson G. W Lohrenge Charle.s Miller Sam'l Peters W. H Philbrook Geo. H. Poor J. W Eudo JuIps Segar Sam'l Spencer E Welcome J. C Wilson O. A Woods Horace 5th Iowa Cav 2d Cal.Cav 2d Gal. Cav IGth Maine Inf 10th Mich. Inf 3d Iowa Cav 65th N. Y. Inf 5th Iowa Inf 1st 111. Light Art... 5th N. Y. Heavy Art 1st Maine Cav 51st 111 Inf 23dPenn. Inf 20th Mich. Inf 73d 111. Inf 2d N. Y. Heavy Art. 2dCaL Cav 13A Lake City Fort BidweU Lake City Reno, Nevada Fort Bidwell Lake City Burgettville Lake City Fort BidweU Lake City Fort BidweU Lake City GEN. CANBY POST, NO. 77. MARTINEZ, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. G. W. BOWIE Commander M. H. BAILHAGHli Senior Vice-Commander O. L. MARSH Junior Vicb-Commander A. L. GARTLEY Adjutant L. D. MESSIC Quartermaster H. BURXETT Suigeon H. HEINZ . . . .' Chaplain J. B. SMITH Officer of the Day ED. HAL L Officer of tlie Guard A. WILLIAMS Sergeant Major D. GRIFFIN Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First Sati'rday. Bailhache M. H.. . Bennett H , M. D. Bowie G. W . Brogdou Ed., M. D Doyle U.N Garlley A. L Griffith D Hall Ed Heinz H Marsh O. L Messic L. D. Smith J. B Tarwater G Wellington G. W. . Williams A 9th 111. Inf U. S. S. Mount Vernon. othCal. In; ■2"th Miine Inf 8th Mich Inf llth Ohio luf 27th Maine Inf id Cal. Inf •27th Iowa Inf 105th Ohio luf 12th N. J. Inf 2d Cal. Inf :«d Mo. Inf U. S. Navy 15th N. Y. Inf Concord Martinez Walniit Creek m THOMAS AMNER POST, NO. 78. BOULDER CREEK, CAL. OFFICERS. 1885. J. R. HO AG Commander S. H. RAMBO Senior Vice-Commander GEO, BRUCE Junior Vice-Commander H. HESSE Adjutant "W. S RANDALL Quartermaster ANDREW ANDERSON Surgeon J. P. STAPLES Chaplain G. J. WARD Officer of the Day SLMEON RISSONETTE Officer of the Guard J. M. JOLLETT Sergeant Major JASON CROCKETT Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Saturday. NAME. CO. ABM OF 8EBTICE. ADDRESS. Anderson Andrew... E H D H K G G A K H F I D C G I E A E 2d Minn. Inf Bruce George ClaflfyJohn 2d East Tenn. Inf 16th Mass. luf •2d Cal. Inf Cunningham James. Ellwood Michael 15th Maine Inf. and 1st La. Inf Hth 111. Inf Hesse H 31st Ohio Inf Hoag J. R •16th N. Y. Inf Tth Cal. Inf Jollett J. M 34th Iowa Inf Newell F. W . . . 2d Cal. Inf 11th Kansas Cav 1st Maine Cav Randall W.S Reed Robert Rissonette Simeon. 2dMJ. Inf 25th 111. Inf Staples J. P USthN.y.Inf 1st Cal. Inf Swain R V. 8. Navy Walker C. H. Ward G. J 4th Mich. Inf 13§ E. F. WIN8L0W POST, No. 79. REDDING, GAL OFFICERS, 1886. LYMAN HOTALING Commander JOHN SPELLMAN Senior Vice-Commauder JOHN FARHNER J unior Vice-Commander G. W. HARBINSON Adjutant D. N. HONN Quartermaster T. B. SMITH Surgeon J. H. MILLER Chaplain J. P. SMITH J Officer of the Day H. G. BAKER .* Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Third Friday. Balier G. H U F P B G H E I G K B E H C B G F C D A A U C I H F E ICth Maine Inf .. Redding Millville BellJ. H 13thOhioInf Butler D.L 7th Vt.lnf Bedding Castle A. S 96tU 111. Inf Cecil J. M 2d Teun. Inf • < Conant J. W 8th Mo. Inf .< Crosby R. P « 4th Mo. Inf ,< Dirking A. H Edge George Ellis A. C 2d Mo. Cav i< 36th N Y. Inf It 5ih Minn. Inf .'iSth 111. Inf j^ Finlcy W. B SthCul. Inf ■ 1 Flake J. R 2vHh Iowa Inf X Green John F 78th 111. Inf ,. 1st N. Y. Light Art ., Hoiin D.N 93d 111. Inf • ■ Hotaling L 4th Iowa Inf 179th N. Y. Inf • > Hunter J. H • I Kumlser H. H Lawry J. B -.. H2d Penn. Inf 5th Iowa Inf „ Lee W. W 2d Cal.Cav <• Miller J. H 22d Mich. Inf • 4 Palmer G. W 71st 111. luf la Paul C. C 2d Minn. Inf 41.st III. Inf << Sandy Wm Smith J.P 8m:thT. B X 49ih Penn. Inf 7th Cal. Inf.. Shasta Spetlman John Redding Thomas Henry Thompson D. S 3d Ohio Inf 10th Ohio Inf <■ Tilson J. R 11th Mo Cav. ... ■< Woodman H. 2d Cal. Cav •1 137 CORINTH POST, No. 80. MARYSyiLLE. CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. W. T. McLEAN Commander J. B. FULLER Senior Vice- Commander CHARLES E. COBB Junior Vice-Commander W. L. CAMPBELL Adjutant J. K. HARE Quartermaster N. S. HAMLIN Surgeon J. P. SWIFT Chaplain JOHN COLFORD Officer of the Day W. A. McHENRY Officer of the Guard J. W. HICKS Sergeant Major J. C. KINGSBURY Quartermaster Sergeant PETER ERICKSON Inside Sentinel J. M. TAYLOR Outside Sentinel Meeting, every Tuesday. Albert James W Bailey George W. . . Beesley Thomas ... Bennett James .... Berkenmeyer Alois. Berry James K Boomer Herman K . Bossart John Bradford Caleb Braiuard David H. . Brockleman Ernest Brown Asber P Brown C. C Brown William Bruce Horace Burns James Byers John Campbell W.L Carters. J Chambers E. W Christine A Clay Henry S Cobb Charles E...., Colebaker Samuel. . Colford John Colville J. Cook H. H Cooley Allen Cotter Patrick Courtney Martin L. thCal.Inf Fremont's Scouts 17th Iowa Inf 193d Ohio Inf lOJdN. Y. Inf I25thlnd. Inf 51st 111. Inf. and A 8th 111. Cav. ... Istm. Cav 2d Cal. Cav 40th Mass. Inf 72dN. Y. Inf 26th Conn. Inf 7th Cal. Inf 7th Cal. Inf 3dN. Y. Art 2d Cal. Inf 96th 111. Inf 54th Ind. Inf. and G 139th Ind.Inf. 2d Cal. Cav- 7th Cal. Inf 7th Cal. Inf 6.dU. S. Cord Inf 1st N.Y.Mtd.Rifles& C8th N.Y.Cav. 7th Ind. Battery U. S. S. Nipsic and Hope and U. S. Submarine Corps 7th E. Tenn.Inf 2d Penn. Inf 3d Blass. Cav 11th Conn. Inf 1st Nev. Cav 138 Brownsville Yuba City Marys vi lie Moore's Station Wheatland Marysville Wheatland Yuba City Meridian Smartsville Yuba City Gridley Y'uba City Smartsville Marysville Yuba City Marysville Corinth Post, No. 80. 139 Cudderback D. C Davis E. A Day Henry Dean Thomas Doman Alex S Doty Jacob Duston CM Earl John A Ellington Ed. E English S. C Erlck J. H Erickson Peter Field Charles W.... Finley J. B Fogelman Fritz Fuller J. B Gardner John Gilbert John Hamlin N. S., M. D.. Hankins A. J HanleyT. M Hare J. K Haynes James Heintzen George. . . . Hendricks E. J Hendrickson W. M. . Hicks J. W Hilliard J. P Hoard Luther Hoffman Josiah Holland W. W HolIenEd Hopkins T. B Hughes W. D Humphrey Arthur.. Ingersoll Albert T Jasper K. L Jones Charles F Jones Joshua H Jones Thomas C Kelser Chris Kingsberry J. C Larsen Michael Lewis A. W Liening John H Little Davids Luke Isaiah Mangles Peter Martindale KelloggB McClanahan Allen C. McHenry W. A ^cKenney George 12th 111. Cav 27thN. Y. Inf 1st Iowa Battery 1st Cal. Cav 157th Penn. Inf U. S. Sharpshooters ICth N. Y. Inf., B 25th N. Y. Inf. & 6th Yet. Res. Corps M.TSS. Independent Cav. Bat U3d 111. Inf 4■lth^Vis. luf 2d Cal. Cav 5th Md. Inf 9th Maine Inf 121h Mo. Cav 71st 111. Inf 1st Mich. Battery, 4th Mich. Bat- tery and D 1st Mich. Res. Art 7thN. Y. Inf 7th Mo. Inf 18th Mo. Inf 15th Maine Inf 8th 111. Cav 8th Cal. Inf -Ohio Heavy Art 4th Mich. Inf 67th N. Y.Inf 4thN. Y. Art 29th Iowa Inf 136th 111. Inf Nevada Inf 1st Cal. Cav 22d Penn. Cav 50th Penn. Inf 107th N. Y.Inf 1st Nevada Cav 27th N. Y. Inf IstOhioArt 9th Mo. Cav 19th Maine Inf 36th Iowa Inf 7th Cal. Inf 23d Ohio Inf th Cal. Inf 15th Wis. Inf 7thCal.Iuf 1st Cal. Cav 23d Iowa Inf 8th Iowa Cav 9th 111. Inf th Mich. Cav th Cal. Inf Penn. 100-day Inf., Capt. J. K. "Wea- ver's Indep't Mt. Penn. Inf. and D 135th Penn. Inf 4th Ohio Independent Battery .... Marysvlile Yuba City Marysville Meridian Gridley Marysville Yuba City Gridley Marysville West Butte Marysville Live Oak Marysville Brownsville Marysville Yuba City Browns Valley Live Oak Wheatland Yuba Ci!y Wheatland Marysville Sheridan Marysville South Butte Marysville Wheatland Oregon IIouBe,Cal, Marysville Nicolaus Wheatland Marysville Colusa Wheatland Marysville Camptonville Gridley Tehama Marysville 140 CoEiNTH Post, No, 80. McLean W. T Morris Francis Mumby William Nellis William H.... Nye George W O vermeyer E. H Owens Henry Palmer John W Parker Daniel S Parks W. H Peck W. F Pegg Henry R Perry Fred M Keilly J. J Richardson A. M RiggaS. B Ripholt Thomas Ripley Charles J Robinson J. C Robinson N Roche Thomas Rumery Thomas J . . Schenck Andrew Searle E. J Shaefer Eusebius . . . Siebert J Skidmore T. B Slatterly Patrick Smallwood John W. Smith Hardin Somers Obediah Sowell William C. .. Spinner William Sutliffo George W. . Swift J. P Taber L. H Taylor James Taylor J. M Taylor R. E Thorpe Arnold Thurman Elijah Trunnell John W. .. Tucker W. E . Van Buskirk George Van Buskirk James. Vaughn James H Waistell Robinson . . Wakefield Ray Welsh Barney White A. W White J. C WisselH. Woods W. B Young George H. . . . 8th N.Y.State M11.& 4th N. Y.In't B'y 3d Vt. Battery 35th Wis. Inf 11th Iowa Inf 8th Cal. Inf 7th Cal. Inf 128th Ind. Inf eth Cal. Inf Ist Frontier Cav. (or 26th N.Y.Cav.) and 11th Mass. Battery Provost Marshal Northern Cal 33d Mass. Inf ITlhlnd.Inf U. S. Gunboat Silver Cloud 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles 30th Mich. Inf 8th Penn. Inf . . 1st N. Y. Light Art 12th N. Y. Inf.. 12th 111. Cav 118th 111. Inf 8th Cal. Inf 7th Cal. Inf 8GthIll. Inf 148th 111. Inf 24th 111. Inf 8th Cal. Inf 5th 111. Cav 98th N. Y.Inf 21st Mo. Inf 23d Iowa Inf 18th U. S. Colored Inf 78th 111. Inf 73d Ind. Inf 76th Ohio Inf 6thN. H.Inf 9th Ind. Inf 12th Ind. Cav 7th Cal. Inf 23d Maine Inf 34th Ky. Inf 21st Mo. Inf 21si Mo. Inf 1st N. Y. Engineers 6th Ohio Inf 27th Ohio Inf 7th Cal. Inf 6th Cal. Inf 16th Iowa Inf. and 8th Cal. Inf. . . 27th Iowa Inf 2d Maine Inf Slh Cal. Inf 105th Penn. Inf 30th 111. Inf 13th Maine Inf. & H 30th Maine Inf Marysville Pike City, Cal. Gridlcy Marysville Yuba City Marysville Yuba City Marysville Yuba City Marysville Moore's Station Meridian Marysville Yuba City Camptonville Brownsville Yuba City Marysville Browns VaUey Marysville Live Oak Marysville Wheatland Marysville Wheatland Marysville Marysville Gridley Yuba City Nicolaus Biggs South Butte Marysville Smarts vi He Marysville Meridian Marysville Yuba City Marysville Wheatland South Butte J. W. MORFY POST, No. 81, GUERNEVILLE, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. SAMUEL VARNER Commander DAVID HETZEL Senior Vice-Commander G. L. COBB Junior Vice-Commander G. DIETZ Adjutant W. V. CARR Quartermaster J. J. ANTHONT Surgeon JOSEPH SMITH ' Chaplain J. J. KEATON Officer of the Day J. A. CROSBY Officer of the Guard JAMES NEAL Sergeant Major W. V. COLE ^..... Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Krst Monday NAME. CO. SRKVICE. ADDBESS. Anthony Matthew J . BigelowZ. M K H C K L I H G F E B C D F H M I F 8th Cal. Inf 15th Mich. Inf Burke J. M 29th N. Y. Inf Carr W. M 2d Mass. Inf Cobb G. L 1st Wis. Inf ColeM. V 3S(h Iowa Inf 5th U.S. Inf Crosby J. A Hetzel D Sthlll.Cav 74th N.T.Inf. & K 7th U. S. Vet. Inf 21st Maine Inf HullZ. F " UlatlU.Inf Keaton John J Lawler Ph. G 16th lud. Mounted Inf 21st Maine Inf Smitli Joseph Springer David Squibb Samuel Sthlll.Cav 11th 111. Inf 7th Ind.Inf Stoffel Phil 27th Ohio Inf Thompson E G. C. .. Varner Samuel 1st West Va. Inf Wallace Charles 192d Penn. Inf Whitney Chester V.. Wood J. K 3d Wis. Inf 6th Minn. Inf 141 E. 0. G. ORD POST No 82 LOS GATOS, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. EBEN C. FARLEY Commander JACOB C. MANSUE Senior Vice-Commander OWEN E. GAFF ANY Junior Vice-Commander GAIUS WEBSTER Adjutant JAMES H. LYNDON Quartermaster JOHN F. TOBLN ' Surgeon DANIEL PARKS Chaplain SAMUEL NOTT Officer of the Day A. C. COVERT Officer of the Guard — Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Friday. NAME. CO. SERVICE, ADDRESS. Coffey H. E H H C A B A I C H K A A A B C F A A F 132dlll. Inf Covert A. C 88th Ind. Inf 124th 111. Inf • < Deno William Farley Eben C 98th N. Y.Inf 8thCal. Inf jj U. S. Navy Saratoga Gaffany Owen E 2d Vt. Art 8Gth Ohio Inf Hinman K. W 2d 111. Light Art 132d 111. Inf j^ ,e 21st Mass. Inf i< 10th Vt. Inf 11 U8th N. Y. Inf ■ i 123d N. Y.Inf • I Schrepfer Fred 22d 111. Inf • ■ 7th Cal. Inf t; 1st Wis. Inf .1 Tobin John F 2Cth Ind Inf It Ulth N. Y. Inf a 15th Maine Inf << 42d Ohio Inf (1 142 (^)\)e Llarnest Pacific boast Insurance Oompany. inn JFtmtciscOf ^nllftxtntn* Assets $2,000,000 Loans Paid 6,500.000 D. J. STAPLES, President. ALPHEUS BULL, Vice Pres't. WM. J. BUTTON, Secretary. E. W. CARPEXTEK, Ass't Sec'y. THE F^CIFIC (mutm^ll tLfirii fli!ii«i!m!^®(i mm mURAE'E On aU Approved Plans. Its Policies are Just, Liberal, Equitable. ORGANIZED A. D. 1867. Assets more Ibaii - .< Goodrich Henry M. . Lander Joseph Leavitt Levi Llddle Joseph 2d Mass. Cav <<> 10th Vt. Inf <• 3d 111. Cav 15th 111. Inf Ward Taylor 106th N. Y. Inf 3d N. Y. Art ■< Montgomery Rob't. . 1st Mo. Inf u 22d Wis. Inf ■< Pulsipher A. 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles 1( 140th N. Y Inf Shimp T. E.. 4Gth Penn. Inf Taylor Ward Sillyman Thos. H... Snyder Samuel 48th Penn. Inf 75th 111. Inf 28th Wis. Inf Taylor Thomson Joseph ... . Travis George Watson Allison R. .. 16th Wis. Inf 10th Wis. Inf Ward 2d Col. Cav Ely Taylor Williams Geo. W 195th Ohio Inf Williams Rodham . . 31st Ohio Inf 166 COL J. W. S. ALEXANDER POST, No. 95. GLOBF, A, T. OFFICERS. 1886. HAMPTON ELLIS Commander JOHN H. EATON Senior Yice-Commander B. F. PASCOE Junior Vice-Commander GEO. A. ALLEN Adjutant ALEX. A. LOVE Quartermaster Surgeon WM. H. BEAM) Chaplain W. H. HAKRELL Officer of the Day GEO. C. STRONG Officer of the Guard JAMES WELEY Sergeant Major CLARENCE WEST. Quartermaster Seiseant Meeting, Second and Fourth Saturday. NAME. CO. SEBVICE. ADDBESS. A E A D K B G I B E F 76th N. Y. Inf Globe Beard Wm. H 111th 111. Inf Colvig Clarli S 2l8tlll. Inf 196th Ohio Inf ' Armer Globe Elli3 Hampton Harrell W. H 8th Ind. Inf 27th Ind. Inf 2d Col. Cav Montgomery F. C, . . Pascoe B. F 2dN.Y Cav....' IstCal. Cav. , Bchulze Charles 1st KansMB Tnf , , , , , , , , , , Bhanley Patrick Strong George 0.... 2dU. S. Inf 9th Ohio Inf 11 Taylor Jonathan 4th Tenn. Inf ■< m CHAMPION HILL POST, NO. 100. PLYMOUTH, CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. W. T. JONES Commander Senior Vice-Commander JOHN MILLER Jmiior Vice-Commander E. W. THOMAS Adjutant WALTER H. SARGENT Quartermaster Siirgeon ELI WITHROW Chaplain B. A. DOWNEY Officer of the Day PHILLIP KHERKS Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major , .^ Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Tuesday. Corrilla Bisentc. Downey B. A ElliaF.H Jones W.T Kheres Phillip... McMiUin W. M.. Miller John Moon H. B Phelpa George... Phillips John Sargent Walter H Thomas E.W Way Wm. G Withrow EU 2d Cal. Cav 6th Cal. Inf.... 2d Mounted Rif 173d Penn. Inf. 3dU. S. inf 2lst Mo.Inf 1st Cal. Cav.... 7th Cal. Inf.... 1st Cal. Inf 105th Ohio Inf.. 35th Mass. Inf.. 77th Penn. Inf.. 3d Cal. Inf 15th Iowa Inf.. Plymouth Amador City Plymouth J.63 BELMONT POST, NO 101, AUBURN. CAIi. 0FFICEE3, 1886. J. W. McOULLOUGH. . , Commander LOUIS RABE Senior Vice-Commander W. H. CURTIS Junior Vice-Commander L. S. NEWCOMB Adjutant A. S. LOWER Quartermaster T. M. TODD Surgeon H. H. RICHMOND Chaplain W. J. ROBINSON Officer of the Day JOHN McCOY Officer of the Guard F. J. FOLSOM. Sergeant Major J. BL EITTINGER Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First Friday on or before Full Moon. NAMB. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. E H A B H K K I I F G D L D I I D A A D E K 19th Wis. Inf 5l8tlll. Inf Ash burn Joseph Atkins E. 8 4th Cal. Inf Cisco 61 St 111 Inf 4th Cal. Inf Iowa Hill 2d Bat. U.S. Inf Beecher B. B 193d Penn . Inf Blrce F. A 2d Maine Inf Towlea Station Blalsdell A.G 4th Cal. mf Gold Run 1st Cal. Inf Iowa Hill Copelln George Curtis W. H 6th Kansas Inf CUpper Gap 11th Ind. Inf Davis Walters 22d Mass. Inf Dean J S 24th Ind. Inf Earsklne A. E 12th Maine Inf Towles Station IstCal. Inf Haines G. W Ist Md. Inf « Hateky Frederick Hawkins F.S 1st Mass. Inf Iowa Hill 19th Maine Inf Higgius Chas. 1st Nevada Inf Blue Canyon Hill Frank W 3d N. Y. Art Logan Samuel LowerO.S 5th Cal. Inf <« 4th Cal. Inf Newcastle 163 164 Belmont Post, No. 101. KAMI. oo. BKBVICK. ABDBESS. Lyman Walter Mallory Ogden Martin P. J I D G D L G H M K E D B E L A A G I D I L 42d Wis. Inf 133d Ohio Inf 7th Oal. Inf. . , New Knff. Mllla Yankee Jim 18th U.S. Inf McOullough J. W.... Myer John M Newcomb L. 8 Ogle D. W IJlst Ohio Inf. and 20th Ohio Inf. . 27th Mich. Inf Auburn 3d N.7.Art.& 24th Ind'tN.Y.Battery 39th in. Inf „ 72d Ind. Inf < « ^ .^' m HANCOCK POST, No. 104. MERCED. OAIi. OFFICERS. 1886. GEO. B. COOK Commander CLARK R ALSTON Senior Vice-Commander W. J. QUIGLEY Junior Vice-Commander J. O. BLACKBURN Adjutant E. A. P AC KER Quartermaster GEO. P LEE Surgeon A. L. WELLM.\N Chaplain VV. W. GRAY Officer of the Day L. A. MANCHESTER, Officer of the Guard A. N. AMES Sergeant Major H. N. MARTIN Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Wednesday. Abhott W. \X F C F D M K E G H E A A E F 171h Mass. Inf l:ith Maine Inf. and K 30th Me. Inf U. S. 8. Avenger Blackburn J. •26th Mains Inf 4th Conn. Inf. and 1st Conn. Art. . IstCil. Cav 'Jlst Maine Inf Eastabrooks A French H. W Gray W. W Lee Geo. P Manchester L. A Marks Chas. H '2d Mass. Cav 8iith Ind. Inf Martin H N 100th N. Y. Inf •26th Conu. Inf Packer E. A Quisley W. J Ralston Clark 23d Penn. Inf 12.nth 111. Inf Smith H. A 4th CaL Inf Wellman A. L 48th HI. Inf 167 WINCHESTER POST, No. 105. AKDERSON, CAX. OFFICERS. 1886. J. H. BEECHER Commander CHAS. M. PALMER Senior Vice-Commander THEODORE PLEISCH Junior Vice-Commander R. B. K:EELEY Adjutant P. H. COLE Quartermaster H. C. WALKER Surgeon JOS. CROGHAN Chaplain E. K. BRIGHTMAN Officer of the Day J L. DAVIS Officer of the Guard W. I. DAVIS Sergeant Major GEO. O. ENGLISH Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Tuesday on or before the full moon. AKM OF SERVICE. Beecher Jas. H. . . Brightman E. K.. Cole Peter H Croglian Jos Davis John L Davis Wash I English Geo. O... Himes W. H Keeley Richard B Palmer CM Pleisch Theodore Walker Henry C. . 129th Ind.Inf 126th 111. Iiif 1st Mich. Cav 44th Ind.Inf .5thCal.Inf 10th 111. Inf 1st Battery Kansas Art 3d Iowa Cav 2d Iowa Inf . .. 1st 111. Cav 60th Ind.Inf SthN. Y. Cav 16ii Anderson GELCICH POST, No. 106. EAST LOS ANGELES, OAIi. OFFICEES, 1886, W. H. McKEAO Commander F. W. TYLER Senior Vice-Commander A. SAUITDERS Junior VIc«-Commander WINSLOW MALY. Adjutant STLVANTTS SMITH Quartermaster O. A MOORE Surgeon J. 0. MILLER. Chaplain W. H. HARRISON. Officer of the Day E. W. RUSSELL Officer of the Guard 0. R. STEAVENS Sergeant Major W. S. HURLBUT Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting. First and Third Friday. MAMB. CO. SEBVIOB. ASDBESS. Barroclough H. O... . Ells Charles C D E B E E I H B a A H F H K E I B Eaat Los Angeles 8th Minn. Inf Hamilton E. M 1st Minn. Inf Harrison W. H Hurlbut W. S 51st 111. Inf V. 8. Signal Corps Maley "Winslow .... McKeag W. H Miller J. Independent Bat. Minn. Cav 25th N. J. Inf. and A 3d N. J. Cav.. 7th 111. Cav. and G 115th 111. Inf. . . Kicliardi D. S 19th Maine Inf Bobb Charles Russell E. W 97th N. Y. Inf. and A 79th N. Y. Inf 4th Minn. Inf 17th Maine Inf Smith Sylvanus Bteavena 0. B 12th N. H. Inf Tvler F. W 52d 111. Inf Vogan J. D 100th Penn. Inf. 49th Mass. Inf Vosburgh Herman.. White J. J 33dN. J.Inf 169. GOV. DICK YATES POST, NO. 107. TRAVEK, OAL. OFFICEES, 1886. ROBERT L. FREEMAN Commander E. W. HOLMES Senior Vioe-Commander T. L. REED Junior Vice-Commander P. Y. BAKER Adjutant THOS. HOUSE Qviartermaster D. TURNER Surgeon L. S. SPROAT Chaplain J. A. ELLERT Officer of the Day THOMAS PHILLIPS Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major W. D. HAYNES Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting. First and Third Saturday. Baker P. Y Bates John T E Brush Peter E Campbell Nathan M Clark Thomas N K Ellert John A B Freeman Robert L.. K Havnes W.D E Holmes E.W D House Thomas D K MetcaK Geo. N D Phillips Thomas (i Reed T. L A Boss William E F a H Vose Warren E 2d Cal. Inf 7th Ky. Inf 7thKy. Cav 12thMo.Cav 23d Mo. Inf 1st Bat. Cal. Moui;talneer 1st Iowa Cav lith Ohio Inf 14th Iowa Inf 2d Mo. Cav 32dN. Y.Inf 2d Mo. Cav 4thN. Y. Cav 66th Ohio Inf 10th Ind.Cav 28th III. Inf 1st Cal. Inf 3d Cal. Inf 170 Traver King's River Traver 'At N. W. Cor. Eddy and Powell Sts. JULIUS GREEN &, MAX VOGELSANG, Props. B DEPOT OF THE RENOWNED -^| ^ UDWKISKR BBKIV" Of theAnheuser Busch Brewing Ass'n, St. I ;79 SOUTH MOUNTAIN POST, No. 117. LOTALTON. OAIi. OFPIOERS. 1886. EDWABD J. WOOD Commander JARED BATES Senior Vice- Commander ROSCOE G. HAMLIN Junior Vice-Commander FRANCIS H. CAMPBELL ».... Adjutant SHELDEN T. BURTON Quartermaster THOS. F. WEST Surgeon LEWIS CLYMER Chaplain H. P. ROBBINS Officer of tlie Day FRANK HAAG Officer of the Guard ALBERT HUBBARD Sergeant Major -^ Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, last Saturday. NAMK. CO. BEBVIOS. ADDKESS. I K K K D I E I D E 4th Maine Art Loyalton Sierra Valley, Cal. Beckwith, Cal. 8tn Cal. Inf Campbell Francis H. Clymor Lewis 7th Cal. Inf 7th Cal. Inf Loyalton Minn. Inf. Rangers & 2d Minu.Oav. 2d U. 8. Sharpshooters ■ < Houghton James. . . . 28th Maine Inf >■ 2d Cal. Cav Sierraville Laughton Lee N Palmer Martin V 5th Maine Inf Beckwith Loyalton Bobbins H. P 2l8t Maino luf West Thomas V ■ < Wood Edward J 7th Cal. Cav Beckwlt^ im RIVERSIDE POST, NO. 118. ElVEESroE, OAL. OFFICERS, 1886. 0. J. OIL L Commander M. M. DAVIS Senior Vice-Commander J. H. ROE Junior Vice-Commander C. C. MILLER Adjutant e. T. RIOE Quartermaster H. W. ROBINSON Surgeon REV. CHA3. BUTTON Chaplain E. W. HOLMES Officerof thaDay V. S. RUNNELS Officerof the Guard FRANK COOLIDGE Sergeant Major J. P. MITCHELL. Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, every Saturday. Aberdeen John Alkiro A. L Brant D. S Button Charles, Rev. Cady Charles L Carr William Coolidge Frank Cottrell J. O Cutter John E Davis M. M Dyer Otis T Edmiston Joseph . . . Frost David. Gill C.J Grico L Hart Edwin Hinckley S. B Holmes E W Joh nson Robert Kingsley N. H Miller C.C Mitchell J P Mooro Homer P Patch ner Frank RioeC. T Robinson H W Roe J. H Runnels V. S Rustin Nelson Skinner G. M Smith Henry M Sprague A. H Twogood A.J Van Fleet M. B Wall W. S Wilson W. S Woodard J. H 42dlll.lnf 18th Ind. Inf nthlll. Cav 20th lU. Inf 1st Bat. Cal. Mountaineers 34th Mass. Inf 1.3th Mass. Inf 3d Ind. Battery 23d Maine Inf 5th Mass. Inf 33a 111. Inf. and A 137th 111. Inf.. . . Burgess Sharpshooters 31st Wis. Inf 33d 111. Inf 1st Neb. Inf 6th Iowa Inf 3a Mass .Inf 35th Mass. Inf 111. Chicago Board of Trade Battery 27th Mass. Inf 40th Wis. Inf 29th 111. Inf 7th Minn. Inf 1st Col. Inf 16th Maine Inf 4th U. S. Veterans 134(hlll.lnf 136th Ohio Inf 42a 111. Inf 58th Mass. Inf 3d Wis. luf 4th Mass. Inf Cth Iowa Cav 100th Ohio Inf 7th Mo. Inf 2Cth Mich. Inf 10th N. H. Inf m Riverside KEARSARGE POST, NO. 119. UKIAH, CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. HENRY L. NORTON Commander E. B. HAGANS Senior Vice Commander SAMUEL L. RYAN Junior Vice Commander E. W. WELLS Adjutant C. E. NUTTER Quartermaster G. W. GRANT Surgeon A. S, BAILEY Chaplain JOHN MEWHENEY Officer of the Day E. J. YOUNG Officer of the Guard J. D. CURTIS...., Sergeant Major A- D. DEAJN Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Second and Fourth Saturday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDEESS. Bailey A. S B I C A C I D G E A A A K F H 15th Ohio Inf .& C Baf y W.Va.Lt. Art 111th 111. Inf Ukiah Grain S Curtis J. D 201h Ind. Inf. & A 53d Ind. Inf IGOth Ohio Inf. & G 198th Ohio Inf. 4th U. S. Inf. & C Ist Nev. Cav 14th Iowa Inf 11 Dean A. D 11 11 Grant G. W Hopland Potter Valley Willits Mewheney John Norton Henry L Nutter C. E 2d Cal. Cav 2d Mich . Inf 14th N H. Inf Ukiah Paxton S. D 30th 111. Inf Kyan Samuel L Spuhold T 2d 111. Light Art ■ 1 U. S. S. St. Mary and Farrallones.. 9th U. S. Inf 8ih 111 Cav Potter Valley Ukiah Potter Valley Ukiah Stayner C. R Welden Dayton E. Wells E. W 33d 111. Inf 4th Miinelnf m PURE OLD TENNESSEE WHITE RYE WHISKY b b < (!) <1 ; ^.FElSTTTHAUSElSr & CO. 414 Front Street, San Francisco, Cal >«®- SAMPLE BOTTLES FREE I "^ YOSEMITE! NEW ROUTE FOR SEASON OF 1886. THS comple;tion of th^ New Railway Line ^^asmadeagrreat^redu^c^t^^^^^^^ Tourists' Stage Route AND MAKES THE NEW ROUTE VIA RpPplVnA The Shortest, Quickest and Cheapest It takes the tourist by the new all-rail line direct to the foot-hills, avoiding the heretofore most disagreeable part of the stage ride across the hot and dusty plains of the San Joaquin Valley, and will make the through time possible in about twenty-four hours between SAN FRANCISCO AND YOSEMITE. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars "^ ^' "'Veteef "^^ ''''°"^ San Francisco via Berenda and Terminus. THE GEYSERS! The roads to this favorite resort are now open to travel. Excellent Stages, careful drivers and fast time are assured. Tickets via Calistoga and also via Cloverdale, on sale. Tickets can be bought allowing an inward trip via Calis- toga and an outward via Cloverdale; or vice versa if desired. The famous Napa Soda Springs are now ready for reception of visitors. FOR PARTICULARS AND TICKETS, CALL ON . SAM. MILLER, Tourist and Ticket Agent, 613 Market Street, under the Grand Hotel, San Francisco, Cal. FAIR OAKS POST, No. 120. SACRAMENTO. CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. J. N. LARKIN Commander GEO. W. FICKS .'. Senior Vice-Commander H. P. WINCHELL Junior Vice-Command i3r E. B. OSLER Adjutant J. J. TRARKACH Quartermaster C. E. PINKHAM Surgeon E. C. JORDA>f Chaplain J. B. PIERREPONT Officer of the Day J S. T. MORRIS Officer of the Guard Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, First and Third Thursday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDKESS. Ficks George 'W.... K E D M K H n A F E a F 50th Penn. Inf 7ih Couu. Inf , Larkin J. N Morris J. S. T Osier E.B Pierrepont J. B Pinkh&m Charles E.. Richards W. H Tebow Jiimes O Thorne W. S 13th N. Y.Inf 2d Penn. Art Indepeudeut Penn. C';iV 10, h Conn. Inf 1st Maine Cav 8Uth Ohio Inf 3.-th Iowa Inf U. S. Gunboat Ko. 1 0th Ohio Inf 12th Iowa luf 10th U. S. Inf Trarbach J. J Vogelgesang George. Walker George A WinchellH. P. .. . Ulst 111. Inf 183 J. A. ADDISON POST, No. 121, SAN JACINTO, CAIi. OFFICERS, 1886. MILTON MITCHELL Commander DAVID HERROD Senior Vice-Commander JOHN T. KERR Junior Vice-Commander JOEL SPOHN Adjutant P. FRET Quartermaster JOHN BRYAN. Surgeon Chaplain L. DURETT Officer of the Day JOHN ROBINETT ^ Officer of the Guard R. C. DYER r. Sergeant Major Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Every Wednesday. NAME. CO. SEE VICE. ADDEESS. F K I I B E A H E I B A E 27th Mich. Inf Dyer R. E 5th Cal. Inf Frey P 33aind. Inf Gaston John Halleck H. T 17th 111. Inf.& D 125th U.S.Col'd Inf 21st Iowa Inf 26th Ohio Inf Kerr J. T Lee C. H nth Mich. Inf Mitchell Milton 29th Ind. Inf Morgan Thomas . . •. . 28th Iowa Inf 8th 111. Inf . . .. 55th Ohio Inf Bpohn Joel 25th Ohio Inf IM REN DIXON POST, No. 122. QUINOY. CAL. OFFICERS, 188& JAMES H. WHITLOCK Commander H. 3. PORTER Senior Vice-Commander B. R. FOSS Junior Vice-Commander WM. H. GREVES Adjutant M. S. LIGHT Quartermaster WILLARD W. SAVERCOOL Surgeon A. W. DREW Chaplain W. H. WADE Officer of the Day ROBERT GAMBLE Officer of the Guard CHARLES RTJPPERT Sergeant Major J. JACQUEL Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Fourth Saturday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. I B K K A a F M I F 33d Wis. Inf Quincy 10th Iowa Inf Foss 13. R Gamble Robert Grevea William H. . . Jacquel Julien Light M. 6 7th Cil.Inf 9th Kansas Cav 4t,th Ohio Inf 2dCal. Cav 103d Peun. Inf Porter H.S 157th Ohio Inf Ruppert Chas SavercoolW W M D IstCal. Inf id Wis Cav Wade W. H 98th 111. Inf Whltlock James H. . . 5th Cal. Inf m KENE8AW POST, No. 123. ORLAND, CAL. OFFICERS. 1886. MICHAEL OHAIR Commander ABBOTT MERRILL Senior Vice-Commander MOSES M. BOON Junior Vice-Commander T. B. BIRCH Adjutant ISAAC KEIDEFFER Quartermaster ALBERT PAPST Surgeon THOMAS E. CROWN Chaplain JOHN H. HICICS OfiBcer of tlie Day J. GRIFFITH Officer of the Guard T. M. THOMPSON Sergeant Major F. WINNE Quartermaster S rgeant Meeting, Wednesday. NAME. CO. SERVICE. ADDRESS. Birch TheoB F ly F ? F A K K E A C G 2dCal.Cav SithlU. Inf Orland ■2dNeb. Cav Green John V 111th 111. Inf 1st U.S. Cav 1st Mich. Light Art Merrill Abbott 13th 111. Inf 6C(h lud. Inf 7th Iowa Cav 7th Iowa Cav Pap.st Albert 10th Mich. Inf G6th Ind.Inf Thompson T. M Wlnne F l-th Ohio Inf 33d Wis. Inf 18fi ONTARIO POST. No. 124. ONTARIO, CAL. OFFICERS, 1886. L. D. GRAVES Commander B. 3. DENISON Senior Vice-Commander M. L. HOMER Junior Vicb-Commander R. B. MORTON Adjutant 8. WEAVER Quartermaster C. D. WATSON Surgeon W. F. WHEELER Chaplain R. R. STAPLES Officer of the Day JAMES laXG Officer of the Guard L W. WHITTAKER Sergeant Major W. J. BODENHAMER Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Saturday. NAMK. CO. SKRVIC)^. ADDRESS. Applegate James K E A A A B A I E A Q 1st Oregon Inf Ontario 8th Mo. Cav Denison B. S 47th Ohio Inf (ith Ohio Inf Homer M. L 191h Ohio Inf King Jame.s. Morton R.B 2d Kansas Inf. & G 11th Kansas Inf 9th Ohio Inf Staples R.R 7th Cal. Inf Watson Cha3.D.,M.D. Watson William T... N. Y. Independent Light Art 51 st Mass. Inf Weavers. P 3;idlll. Inf Whittaker Isaac W . . 2ith Blaine Inf 187 GAYLORD POST, No. 125. TJPPER LAKE, CAIi. OFFICERS. 1886. GODWIN SCUDAMORE Commander EMERY BURK Senior Vice-Commander WILEY M. SHIMER Junior Vice-Commander ROBERT G. REYNOLDS Adjutant WILLIAM WOODARD Quartermaster WILLIAM TRAVIS Surgeon PETER R. YATES Chaplain WILLIAM CHRISTIE Officer of tlie Day CALEB ANDERSON Officer of the Guard JOHN W. CARSON Sergeant Major ^—— Quartermaster Sergeant Meeting, Tuesday on or before Full Moon. NAME. CO. 8EHVICE. ADDBESS. E G A A E B C E Upper Lake 10th Kansas Xnf ,< Christie William Reynolds Robert G.. U. S. S. Vermont and Wabash 188th Penn. Inf • ' 80th 111. Inf Lakeport Upper Lake 8th Ohio Cav Travis Wm. .' 2dCal. Cav 8th Ohio Cav Woodard \Vm Batchelor Yatea Peter R 3dlnd. Cav Upper Lake ANDERSON POST, No. 21, FERNDALE, CAL, OFFICERS. 1886. 0. M. SMITH „ Commander D. F. WILSON Senior Vice-Commander J. B. DAVIS Junior Vice-Commander W. H. MOORE Adjutant E. C. DAMON Quartermaster H. B. CHASE Surgeon 0. B HART Chaplain J. N. ADAMS Officer of tlieDay J. W. BLAKEMORE Officer of the Guard P. F. HART Sergeant Major H. H. NIEBUa. ^^ Quartermaster Sergeaut Meeting, Second Tuesday. NAME. CO. 8EBVICS. ADDBESS. H F K E H C F E G H D G K I K B K 60th Mass. Inf FirrrlnlB Benedict G.L Blakemore J. W Bryant D. M 27th N. Y Inf. & F Vet.Rea.Cor.Bat 4th Iowa Inf. & 20th Iowa Inf 5th U. S. Inf & C 5th D. S. Cav. . . . 40th Iowa Inf Chase H. B 3d Kans. Inf. & D 10th Kana. Inf . . 3d Wis. Inf Davis J. B Fike J. A 9th 111. Inf HallH. F IGthVtInf HartC. B Hart P. F 5th N. H. Inf. & A24th Vet.Res.Cor 6th Mich. Cav Moore W. H 6th Iowa Inf Nifcbur H. H 2d Cal. Inf. & E 1st Oregon Inf 7th 111. Inf. «sC 64th 111. Inf 6th Mich. Heav. Art NickilsonW. G Smith C. M. Stevens R. W 26th Ohio luf Capetown Stewart Z.P Van Dyke H. E Wilson D. F 2d Minn. Inf 18th E . I. Inf. & K 3d N. H. Inf. . . . fple, 49, Eureka. Appomattox, No. 50, Oakland. Tom Bollard, No, 53, Mendocino City, 192 Appendix. Bedell Edmund . . A Bishop 'William . . Bryan Robert Lyons Harvey Sefton A. W ThompsonW.H H Clayton F.M CorryT.B Leo John A Martin A. L. S.. . Symes A Jewel James Carter J. C CookW. T DeakinW. W.... Dwyer Thomas.. . Ooodeuougb W.H Kennedy W.W.. Neil Henry C Nelson D.W Sweetland Seth.. Boyle Thomas — BreckinridgeW.M Drynan Robert. . . Baisley George H. Carlisle E.S Day Isaac Duhem Constant. GurneaOeo. H... Tibbitt James M. Vandusen H. V. . 4th Iowa Inf 1st Ohio Heavy Art ist'lY.'s! Inf .'.".' .'.".'.' 8th 111. Inf 15th 111. Cav 39th Ul. Inf IstN. T. Arr 30th Ind. Inf 47th 111. Inf IstN. Y.Inf 47th HI. Inf 116th 111. Inf 2d "Wis. Cav 14th Iowa Inf 2aN. J.Inf 1st Vt. Cav 35th Mo. Inf 16th Penn. Cav 1st Cal. Cav 3d Maine Inf 3d Wis. Lt. Alt.... 3d Colorado Cav... 7th Cal. Inf 76th 111. Inf 186th N.,Y. Inf.... 69th Iowa Inf 5th Cal. Inf 91st lU.Inf 25th Iowa Inf 11th U.S. Inf Sacramento. Ophir Pescadero. Napa City. Monticello.. Napa City.. Monticello.. Napa City.. Phoenix, A. T.... East Los Angeles Warren, No. 54, Sacramento. Col. E. D, Baker, No. 71, Newcastle. Gen. Geo. S. Evans. No. 72, Redwood City Kit Carson, No. 74, Nana. J. W. Owens, No. 83^ Phoenix, A. T. Gelcich, No. 106, East Los Angeles. INDEX BY STATES AND ORGANIZATIONS. ALABAMA. Post Cav. 1 Hornbeck J. H.. „ 20 Stuait A. B 20 AEKANSAS. Cav. 1 DoTigherty Joseph T 92 MosaJ.M 73 TrammellJ. J 9 Inf. 1 Calmes M. B 95 Wetherman C. D 6 2 Berry C.E 17 Maynard H. H 55 CALIFORNIA. Cav. 1 Barnes W. R 23 Bliss W. -Y 95 Chandler W.G 38 CredonP.H 1 Daniels James 48 Davis W.J 95 Dean Thomas 80 DeLancieR 95 DysartJohu 3 Eastabrooks A 104 Farley W. D 42 Foster B. F 23 Foster Geo. F 35 GiiiradoJ.F 6 Hamlin Adrian R 11 Hand Geo. 35 Hobbs Walter 109 Hoffman Josiah 80 Humphrey W. H 95 Johnson John 66 Johnson R. S 23 Kamp Albert 75 KunklerJ.E 2 LaBoeufF 8 Liening John H 80 Liening John H 110 Lindsey Fulton 69 Marcovich John 95 Markey Frank 84 Mason Charles 47 Mathewson H. B 84 Maxon John 95 McCleave Wm 88 McUroy R. H 53 Metzger E. B 16 Miller John 100 Molle John 54 MoiTison Howard 1 CALIFORNIA. Posi Cav. 1 Mullin John 8! Nelson D.W 38 Orton R. H 1 OaterhoutJ. D 5' Ousley Geo. W 1 Parker John S ! Pascoe B. F 9i PurcellH.C lOi Rankin B. A T. Robbina J. 8 5i Royal Ben 10! Sampson A. B 31 Savage Wm. R 5( Sherrer JohnH 3'. ShirlandE. D ! Singer Wra ', Smith H. B 3i Sproul James 6i Tickner H. L i Warren C.H... Wartamont J.N 3J Williams David 91 Wisdom W.J 2; 2 AdamsC.E I Ames Everett 5- Ashley L. W 4- Atmore M 61 Beard John 11: Bell George Birch Theo. B 12! Bird T.J 21 Blincoe Thomas 5: Bradford Caleb 8( BradyH.J : Brown Albert 3- Burnett H. A ; Calderwood J. E 7i Calmes F.J IK CanhamT. P : Carlow W. H ; Carter E.J 8i Chapman Joseph lOi Chapman N 10: Chase E.C 9! Church A. W 7' Clarkson P. M ,; Coons W. W Cooper D.M 7 Corilla Bisento 10 Cowan John 9 Coyle Charles 4 CrallGeo.A 3 Crowley Daniel 3 193 i9i Index by States and Organizations. CALIFORNIA. Post Cav. 2 Dailey James R Ill Dean S. C 108 Dodero Domingo 10 Dodge O.P 3 EdwardsN.B 23 Elli.^C. L 1 Erick J.H 80 FallsR.J 1 Favour John 10 FonckJ.L 6 Goetze Wm 1 Goodman T. H 2 Hackney John 57 Ham George P 6 Hardenberg J. R., Jr 1 Hessler Ch^s 3i HogueG. W 34 Hooper Wm. B 1 Hoover D 6 Hubbard Albert 117 HurlbutS. O 54 llligCarl 19 Jacquel Julien 122 Junkins Henry 6 Keims F. O 59 Kelly Joseph M 19 Knepper Hugh 92 Koch Adam 38 Krone F. W 1 Lee W.W 79 Loring E. B 1 Martin Geo. T 35 Martin J.H 95 McLaughlin M. A. 1 McMurtry J. F 34 MegeileeL.H 3 MerrianiA.B 34 Mewheney John 119 Miller Henry K 2 Moore I.S 3 Mussey A. W 33 Nordyke A.T 19 O'Keefe Michael liiS Orr B. F. 6 Osgood Hosea 2 Palmer Joseph C Ill Patton John 34 Price Ed 32 Prouty Calvin K 38 Rhoades Andrew J 99 Ritchie Wm 38 Robinson George H 1 Rooney Charles L 34 Rowe Geo. W 6 Seeley David T 64 SerlesQ. V. R 58 Shackleford Samuel 23 gheppard Wm 59 CALIFORNIA. Post Cav. 2 Speedy James 35 Stanley Frederick 34 Stanley James A 34 Stockwell A.V 42 Thomas A.J 3 Thomas J. L 2 Thorndvke D. W 85 Travis Wm 125 Truworthy H. E 92 ValpeyC.C 42 Volpillac Etienue 1 Warner Geo. A 3 Weatherwax Chas. H 108 Welton Walter B 1 Wheeler F. L 54 WilderF.A 2 WilmottL. A 6 Wilson Japhet 3 Winters Nathaniel F 89 Woodman E. M 96 Woodman H. C 79 Woods Horace 76 Yoder Enoch E 101 NativeCav. l.Bat Bennett M 6 De la Guerra Juan 44 GoodmanE.F C Pico Beuigno 6 Pico Jose R 70 Ramirez A. M 8 RedonaJose 6 Rivera J. M 6 Robarts John 6 Inf. 1 Berry Geo. E C2 lionham S 101 Bradley W. F t;6 Clendenia L. W 7 Dresher Valentine 3 Fitzpatnck W 6 Gattiker John 101 Gibson Henry 35 Gorley H. A 90 GourleyJamea 7 Hamann August 60 Hamlin Orin E 11 Hargrave Joseph P 57 Hohn JohuM 34 Hosmer F 6 Kelt Charles M .53 Kellogg C.V 3 KuoitWm.E 1 Lowther R. J 102 Mar.in F. W 35 McGrath Daniel 2 McNuliy James M 2 O'Grady Patrick 48 O.aksGeo. W 38 Overton James W 35 Owen James 1 49 Index by Statks and Organizations. 195 CALIFORNIA. Fost laf . 1 Oman Wm CO Plielps George 100 Pomeroy Edgar 7 Kainbow J. P. M 33 Koe James 3 Kuppert Chas 122 Kyan Andrew 75 Sackett James H 87 Schmidt Henry 48 Sterrett James 78 Vet. Stocking Clark B 2 Inf. 1 Taylor Griffith 62 Turner D Iu7 Upton John 1 VestalD.C 7 ■Whittemore J. B 1 YagerM 6 2 Ackerman Herman 57 Alber John 34 Armstrong John W 49 Baker P. Y 107 Bayly Henry 8 Bolton J. A 68 Bown«3 George 1 Brown James B 49 Brown Thomas A 1 Burns Jamea 80 Cleveland L. J 58 Crockett Jasou 78 De Puy Anson A 2 DouglasC.D 1 Dyer M 1 iricken Henry 1 Fisher George ^Y 114 GourleyK. T 52 Grant Jas. A 3 HallEd 77 HawleyA.D 6 Horton William *. ... 48 Hutchings J. M 1 Innes John Calder 1 Jones Thomas 46 Kearny Fred. J 2 Klaus Moses 6 Lee W.G 1 McAuliil Thomas 33 McCreedyH.C 9 Murphy Wm 49 NieburH. H 21 Newell F. W 78 Ogden Tully 33 Parker 8. M 2 Kathift Henry F 75 aaltfci' F. F 58 Schindler W. F. U 02 Schmidt John C 1 Schultz Theo 1 Bbepheaid J. J 2 C.\LIFOKNIA. Post Inf. 2 Smith J. B 77 Trinible Isaac 26 VandeWaterU 1 Van Meyerhoii Chas 54 Wallen Ezra 04 "WalshBI.J 6 Whaley A. Q 75 3 Balling Anthony 7 Blair J. J 09 BodellL. F 42 Cahen Solomon 35 CoalsOQ W. A 53 CoburnJndO 8 Condy Robert 23 CoudyWm 23 Davidson R. P 2 Dibble Samuel C 91 DoddsWm. H 51 GatelyT. B 1 Henderson J. W 1 Hoover 10 27 JehuW. H 1 Kelly Edward 49 Ketchum Thos. E 23 Kirkpatrick C. A 2 Kittredge Willard 55 Medina Theodore 38 Moore J. B 5 Parker Wm. H 10 EeidE. K 23 Reynolds 0.0 64 Richardson L 27 Richardson W. H 101 SeatonWm 8 Smith David 60 Sovey Leon 84 Vose Warren 107 Way Wm. G 100 i Anderson Richard R 1 Ashburn Joseph 101 Austin James 101 Blaisdell A. G 101 CallH 26 Carlson Edward 2 Carter D.J 36 Chapman J. S "26 CillyJ. W 4 Coats R. M 32 Connor Joseph 114 Cook Chas 16 Corson S. M 42 Costello James 4 Davison James 19 Eitel George Ill Emery H.E 33 Evans J. L 3 Ferguson Wm. H 62 Fithiam Amos 71 196 'Hdzx by States and OEGANiZAriosrg. CALIFORNIA. Post Inf. 4 Gage Daniel W 30 Geran Anthony, 1st 2 Gildersleeve K 1 Girard Chas 57 Gordon C. W 2 Gorman John 1 Graham Alexander 42 Grant A. S 34 Hooker H.B 2 Howe Wm G Huebschmau J B 3 Hutchinson David 1 Hyler Charles 56 Johnson Chas. W 9 KingP 62 Longley A. S 29 Loomis Salmon H 80 Lower O. S 101 McCaw Daniel 47 McCoy Harrison 23 Nason R. P 23 Parlihurst Daniel W 2 PaulWm 6 Pease R.W 62 Pedlar Rudolph 54 Phi 1 brook J. M 1 Randal A. G 62 Rawls Brown . 3 Saltmarsh John B. 68 ShangW. B 6 ShermanM 33 Smith Ed.H 57 Smith James 104 Smith John 01 Somerville P 63 Southwick W. 34 Thomi^son E. AV 72 Thornton P. T. 57 "Walsh M.J 6 Williams Geo 57 Williams George C 45 WingWm 1 Woods D. H 19 Woods John L 3 Blosser W. H 58 Bowie G. W 77 Brower H. J 8 Burrows David J 35 Byrne Thomas 34 Dana J. B 6 Davis John L 105 Doan Wallace 54 Duhem Victor 1 Dyer B. E 121 Ford S. P 2 Giles Geo. W 23 Herring M. F 102 HillJohnJ 1 CALIFORNIA. Posi Inf. 5 Hughes H.L 57 Logan J. V. B 23 Logan Samuel 101 Magee James 116 Noble John 33 Plass P 74 Stocking Clark B 2 Stuart John 1 TidballT. T 2 Tyler Frank A 113 Voorhees James 2 WebberF.H.L 3 Whitlock James H 122 Wright Andrew 95 Zabriskie James A 35 6 AdlerL 45 Bovver Robt.L 3 Bradley John 3 Brower Celsus 1 CohnS. B 34 Collins Benj., Jr 2 Comfort HB 68 Currier Geo. M 56 Downey B. A 100 Dryer John H 3 Edwards John 95 Ford J. P 1 Gibbs David 95 Gignac A. A 108 GilmoreJ. H 2 Graham Robert 48 HanfordW. T 5 Heck Victory 23 Higgins Jas 88 Holt Levi B 23 Homer James L 1 Hurlburt Isaiah 112 KilbornA 3 La Niece James 57 Medley John C 3 Myer August 32 MinnettGeo.C 8 Palmer John W 80 PurcellT. M 17 BenfroJ 26 Rowe Benj. S 52 Simon Isadore 48 SmithF 2 Soberaues M. G 56 Tackaberry Ben. F 85 VanderZwaagF 46 Vaughn Geo 2 Waistell Robinson 80 7 Albert James W 80 ApgarRM 1 Ashman Wm. D 115 Benson Berkley D 23 BixbyLeviR 8 Index by States and Orgaxizations. 197 CALIFORNIA. Post Inf. 7 BomfleUlJamea T 1 Brown C.C 80 Brown William SO Burgess M. B 7 Calderwood M. H 83 Campbell Francis H 117 CarpenterS.H 33 Cashman Wm .'iS Chambers E. W 80 Christine A 80 Clj'mer Lewis 117 ColemanH.G 2 CokerW.H 3 CulverO.B 88 Dufty Henry W Gl Duncan Noel... 20 Emery W. E 98 Faruhara A. Gr 27 Fellows W. H. H 108 Fitch Oscar 5:) FossB. R 122 Frisbie Thos M. 48 GardGeo. E 6 Gates M. E 3 Gay wood James 8 GoudyG. M 89 Grant J. W 102 Hancock W. A 83 HeathLeonD 34 Henenger T. J 3 Hill W.J 10 HolmauH.C 23 Hossack D.; 78 Houghton L. E 23 Hurst Henry 115 Jahn Ferdinand 16 Jones Thomas C 80 Kendall Geo. D 62 Kingsberry J. 80 Lawtou D. W 55 Lewis A. W 80 LowFrank 23 Martin P. J 101 McCann J.J 36 McClanahan Allen C 80 McCoyN.A 3 McGregor W. H 108 McMartin John 102 Mongaltz Chas 8 MoonH.B 100 Moore J. L 102 Ormsby L. W 4-t Overmeyer E. H 80 Paschal Frank 1(3 Payne John W 23 Peterson C.H 2 RidgewayS. B 3 RittingerJ.H 101 CALIFORNIA. Post Inf. 7 Rumery Thomas J 80 Shannon Thomas 82 ShawF. A. T 33 Smith T.B 79 Staples R.R 12f Stark Luke 1 Stratton H. L 75 Taylor J. M 80 Teeple W. D 23 Temple R. A 20 Vaughn James H 80 Voorhees William 95 AVemmerW. R 51 Wood Edward J 117 Woods W. T 83 Wornes E. C 1 Worth John H 113 Worth Thos. G 108 8 Acton Will 20 Adams Henry 6 Anthony Matthew J 81 Baker Simeon 42 Bickmore T 26 BodellL. F 42 Brooks Elisha 2 Bruce George 108 Bryant Samuel A 1 Burton Sheldeu T 117 Buxton Geo. A 4 Carlson Edward 2 Chapin A. B 34 Close Myron C 42 CongerC. C 16 CookC. W 58 Crocker J. R 115 Cross K. S 1 Davison D.C 50 Farley Eben.C 82 Finley W. B 79 Fresham J. T 98 Green J. A 33 Griffin J. W G Hare J. K 80 Hatch 1 26 Henderson O. L 4 Holmes Bartlett R 46 Hughes J. E 2 Kidder J. S 2G Kirkpatrick C. A 2 Knowles A. P 33 Knowlton Joseph Jr 2 LabishOtto 19 Mel ntire John A 56 Montgomery Sam'l M 65 Newton Wm. G 92 Nye George W 8(» Payne W. H 23 PlattChas.H 1 198 Index by States and Okganizations. CALIFOENIA. Post Inf. 8 EhodesB. J 23 Khodes B.J 42 Bichardsou J 11 Boche Thomas bO Schofield Geo. W 32 Scott AlvaD 41 Scott Edward 23 Shoemako Drury 97 Siebert J 80 Siegler J. F 86 Spencer W. F 65 Tower L. N 2 Trewin Bobert 1 Tnrman B.I 10 Turman H. B 108 Turner Daniel 47 Valentine M 26 Vaughn W. W 23 Wakefield Bay 80 "White J. C 86 Whittum Stephen 65 Williams W. F 45 Wilson W. A 1 Wormley H. B 69 Zissig Charles 48 Monnfeers, 1st Bat. Beach Chas. E. 49 Byrnes Mf J 53 Cady Chas. L. . .^ 118 Eastman G. W 2 Ellert John A 107 Franklin J. W 16 Gier linyphausen A 49 Graham Richard 34 HerrlckE.F 49 Hughes Wm 34 Hurst William 53 Knighton W. A 62 Long Charles W 49 Pratt Wm. H 49 Stringfield M. W 49 Whipple Stephen G 2 Provost Marshal Parks W. H 80 COLOEADO. 1 Ind't Art. Banning Granville W . .116 Cav.l Ballou C. J 6 Clark E.B 36 Farley J. K 42 Goold Horace 68 Happs Wm 6 Harpham JohnH.. 110 Hubbard Wm 68 Johnson Chas 29 Shearer T. M 102 Swift W. A 19 2 Achey Philip 53 j Burns E. J. COLOEADO. Cav. 2 Greenup George 29 Keith A.D '..'.'.'.'. 16 Lentz Henry 34 Love A. E ] 95 Euddick W.J ' 43 Stone M.J 57 Watson Allison E 94 3 Martin T. E 50 Eosenbaugh John .'. 67 Inf. 1 Hawkins G. W .' 17 Patcbner Frank 118 Swift W. A y. 19 Wharton J. E 83 2 Adams J. E 8 Easley W. H 41 McCleery J. F. B 48 Swinford Elijah 23 3 Kelso J. W 36 CONNECTICUT. 1 Lt. Bat. Abies O. H 42 Art. 1 Bergin James I ] 4 Cashin D. M 43 Cook Geo. B 104 Cronin John 1 Dakiu E. A 2 Dickinson F. M 38 Erb Eugene W g Gilnack Walter 3 HolcombB 33 Hubbard H. F .,'. 1 Hunter Nathaniel 2 MagiU James 34 Nylaud H .' 50 Wallace Uriah . 2 •■ WeedE. A '. 6 Cav.l B:irtholemew C. E 36 Parker G. L 54 Sebrey Frank 50 Wells Henry G 8 Inf. 1 Barraclough H. A 106 Curtis L. C 6 Stewart Wm 34 2 Smith John 89 Williams Henry 23 3 Bailey C. A 48 Fiunegass Henry ,34 Newman Leon 34 4 Cook Geo. B 104 WeedE. A ' 6 5 CoveyE.H 55 KeelerJ. M 2 PrindleH.F 11 Thompson John 57 6 Arents Edward 48 Manco E 6 7 Jordan Elmer C . . . 120 Index bt States and Organizations. 199 CONNECTICUT. Post Inf. 7 Lardner H. F 34 Mills W. E 42 8 Casey Johu 2 CrowellM. L 2 Parker G. L 54 Sammis Wm. H 34 Weaver E.M 7 Cahill James 8 Eyan Thomas H 23 Hein Adam 1 Pierreijont J. B 120 Bullivant Thomas B 3 Cotter Patrick 80 Hamilton James 3 McCarty James 26 Schoenhcrr A 2 BiishnellE. W 1 TildenA.H 6 Emmerich B 1 McCaun William 83 Richards H. W 9 Sprague Homer B 2 Sorensen Audiew. 34 ElserFred 6 Field F. F 89 French John D 2 HoadleyH.T 29 Howe Con CI Marvin J. B 2 Moesner August 1 Carpenter F. H 2 Crapo B. B 62 Curtis J. B 2 Lees George C 45 Dewing James 2 O'DoyleT 40 Jones E. W .'i.j Miller Frank 92 Trumbull James R 114 Clark F. B 65 Van Auken A 74 Burns T. R 50 Kasche William 34 Lovett Eugene R 1 Lvon George A 4 HuUB.D 7 Jackie J 74 EgauE. J 48 Ellsworth John 11 Brown Asher P 80 Cone James H 1 Fuller George H 1 Green R. Jay 45 Packer E. A 104 Prentiss J. W 9 BirdsallS. T 46 Field D.W , 55 Holcom Charles F 7 MuhlnerW. F 1 9 10 11 12 13 DELAWARE. Post Art. 1 Bat. Megilllgan W. B 2 Inf. 1 KarsnerJ. H 95 4 Frick Christian 88 7 Davis J. W 20 8 PoulsonA. J 1 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Cav. 1 Bickford W. F 88 Rhein James 6 Thurston Charles E 49 Inf. 1 Walker C.H 49 2 Symonds S. C 55 National Rifles Smedberg W. R 2 Hawley Wm 42 8th Bat. Rifles Buttner Henry A.. . . 1 Wash'u Clay Bat. Staijles D. J 2 ILLINOIS. Art. 1 GamWeG.H 2 Lissenden Geo 23 Lull N.A 1 O'Connor E 46 Rainville Jos 1 Scupham J. R 2 2 Allaire Frank 52 Buck Theodore 83 Dorsett G. H 34 Smith Henry 34 Stephens W.J 58 Lt. Art. 1 Brown John P 3 Lowell Geo. A 19 Palmer T. H 57 Peters W. H 76 2 Butz William A Ill Hinman R. W 82 Merritt W. C 45 Ry..n Samuel L 119 Welch Wm. Thomas 65 Bridges L 2 Chic. Lt. Art. Lester A. W 2 Catting J. T...'. 2 Chic. Bat' V. Bowne W. S 33 Chic. Bd. of Trade Bat. Johnson R.118 Coggswell's Bat. Beckwith C. J 51 Heushaw's Bat. Sulpheu Chas. T. . . 32 Art. 8 Fltiehe August 52 Cav. 1 Andrews Jas. H 52 Bossart John 80 Brown Thomas 4 Palmer CM 105 2 EartlingU 2 Rhodes John 6 Roberts Wm. C 55 Walker G. U 52 3 CarrB. J 1 CarrB.0 38 Leavitt Levi 94 Index by States and Organizations. ILLINOIS. Post Cay. 3 McConkeyE 8 4 Dickey Charles 45 Dillel. N GG Everett S. B 17 EayburnG.AV 7 Eockwood A . L 1 Tvliite Harrison Ill 5 KellyThos. J 23 Lumbeck J. ^Y 32 SkidmoreT. B 80 Smith Josex;li SI 7 Bruliu Chas. A 5 Miller J.C IGG Sboup A. li .52 Vctterli Jacob 1 "West Tbomas 113 Wiley Blorris B 112 8 Crosby J. A.. 81 Fletcher Johu 23 Gamble G.H 2 Garden L.C 110 Gosper J. J (J2 Hauley T. M 80 Hewcs Geo. B 71 McLemoro C. N 51 Osman James INI 75 Welden Dayton E . . .119 Wood S. W oG 9 Abbott E. K 5G Greer Kobert 07 Herman Charles L 2 Pliny Hudson 69 Remington C. H 57 Eiley Edward 110 Eobinson T. G 3 Eobinsoa AVm 3 10 CrowderH. U 116 Grig.sby R 62 Kotcham Levi 97 Skilling J. H 00 11 Bird Allen T 05 BrantD.S 118 Harnish iV. D. C 05 Kughen I). A 55 AYalterC. L 92 12 Adams Alfred 03 Cudderback D. C 80 Eobinson J.C fcO EossR E 27 13 Frv Heniy 36 U Alien Ethan 97 Wolfe Geo. W 6 15 Ford Wrn 05 Poole John 72 Wilder W.C 45 16 Fuller Henry II 91 Kuhn George 34 17 Prahms A 2 ILLINOIS. Post Cav. 17 Rohrback G. W 53 Snibley Henry 58 Whitbeck W. fl 108 Wyatt Geo. H 52 Inf. 2 Brown C. C 93 3 Warden R. T 23 5 Haycock M. S. B 95 6 Griffin Asa T Ill 7 Campbell W. W 103 Kickilson \V. G 21 Kockwell L. D 17 Tharp J. L 2 8 Chandler Isaac. . 02 Cook Joseph 33 Engel J 03 rancher M.J 42 Hayes J.C 7 Hevel Christopher 05 Jenkins A.J 48 Lee S. L. 5 Face Geo. S 55 Eobinett John 121 Eobinson J. A 8 Sancho Stephen 5 Scur Richard A 7 Sievens N 20 9 Br.ilhache M. H 77 Fike J. A 21 Hawes Alex. G 2 Lawson Geo 92 Mangles Peter 80 Mayo Hugh L C5 Purviance H. H 58 Schirmeier Fred. 34 10 BanfieldJ.H 1 Coleman David C 9 DaVi3 Wash. 1 105 KerchivalJ. H 8 Williamson John V 20 WilungJohnE 112 11 Burns Louis 67 Chambers J. S 55 Frick Franklin 70 GovoB. F 55 Hayes J.C 7 EamseyW. H 1 Springer David 81 12 Campbell F. W 7 Edmonds C. II 6 Ferguson James 70 Healey John S 19 Henderson Wm. P 33 Howard M.E 3 Lauck George 7 Neierburt? M 01 Shankland D. B 30 13 Beesley Thomas 9 Benjamin C. W 26 ixDEX BY States and Ouganizatioxs. 201 ILLINOIS. Post Inf. 10 Chitienaeu Win. I ^o Chnn-ijiU Ijios :,'j CusliingF. W i DcuuisJobn 02 Holtslinder J. J i La Forge Petei' 5 Merrill Abbott I'JIJ Noedham A. T 23 Santeo Miltou o Stoue Charles 75 Weaver H. W 2:s 14 Cherry W. M ' 41 Ellwood Michael 78 JeriiuoE. B 8 Eliuo Louis 1C2 JIcFarlaad Andrew uO JJomler S. T 113 PeckL. B 1,j3 Sqiiier Oliver P ;"2 15 CheneyC.r. -; 7 Chri.sionseu U 42 Kle'it J uliiis 52 Liddle Joseph 01 PaKeu Vi'm. P 48 KcdingiouC. U 8 EichmoudH 1 Tiisher Fred 8 IG Allaire Frauk rj. Barnhardt G. Vv o i Eonfc Joscjph (i Callahan T. J 1 Carey Thomas 45 Spencer B.F 44 17 C.vunon E. JI 50 Cxaston John IJX Grab;'.m J. M :j3 Wood E. P ;;s 18 Br.nvnA 1 Flyuu Timothy ro BucdW.E... « 19 Bridge:5L 2 Darliutou C. A 07 French T. J 2 McDowell Sam'I II Si Uutlieriord L'.ivid 4 Souihwick G. W. .52 2'J Borliu W.F 42 Butt in Charles 118 MarshC.C 8 SMiih 1). A fij S;ni th Henrv T 8 TvlcrE. M UJ Tyler E. .At 1 21 Blackburn L», S 44 Colvig Clark S Oo Yost Thos r,8 22 Dibble J. S 10 Hamilton T. J 2 ILLINOIS. - , „o ^ , Post luf. 22 Pchrepfer Fred vi 28 Cumruingg John C4 Foley John 1 Hass.u-d Richard 8 Mooiicy IJ. P • 6 Stewart rt.W '..... 8 Wiiiser Oscar 23 Wollnor .lacob B.. . ;m 24 MullcrJohnO " 8 Perry W. A 45 Salomon Edward S at Sbaefer Eusebiu.s 80 23 Cherry J. B 44 Luminis j 2G Peckham J 42 Fd.ssouetfe Simeon 78 Sherman E. L 29 Walker J. T 70 Wood Wm. E 05 2G Castle A. S .'.■.; 79 Davis James il 55 Edmonds C. H 6 Linsley Chas. E 20 Wiitichll. A 6 27 Beurdsley Geo. D 38 Kirsch Geo f, Mayo HugliL.. C5 KileyG. W 05 Sexiou F. L 17 Yonng W. G C4 23 OwnlyT. P 7 Sproat L. S 107 Walker Henry 72 23 aiitchell J. P ...118 ;.0 B.irtholow W. E. B 2 Covin John 02 Longdon B. C i2 McCiuno J 2G McQuilling A. K 08 Orana John 2 Palmer Perry 05 Pixlon S. D." 119 Woods W. B SO :)1 Marvin Henrv C7 32 Burneit Wm."T ,51 Phif or Jacob J 7 S3 Dyer Otis T '.Ua Fczler Geo. B uys Gill C.J US Gill U. G 57 Moore Ira 55 Pc '.rco 'J'. J no Scranion Ed fiO AVc;iver S. P 124 Wells E. W 119 34 Fuller :,I. A 9 Hudson A. S 23 Umbarger A. F 42 202 Index by States and Organizations. ILLINOIS. Post Inf. 35 Miles J. F 33 Pate W. S 71 36 Bradshaw P.. K 47 Charles E.W 115 Gale C. H 23 Jenks Albert 2 Milea H. C G 37 Kent J. D 3 Keed J. AV 55 Roper Spencer 42 39 Bow3 John 110 Harty Alfred 54 Ogle D. W. 101 Patterson W. A 17 Eussell J. H 42 40 Casebolt J. B 1 Patterson J. L 35 41 Archibald J 42 Jones J. T 3 KellyThomas 42 Sandy AVm 7U 42 Aberdeen Joha 118 Malone Robert P 71 Pettyjohn. G Eustin Nelson 118 Wilson Chas. S 9 43 BuetelH 73 Carmichael M . A 73 Kopmaun Frank 56 Schroeder Chas. F 49 ■Woerner B 3 44 Ketchum Myron = = .. 35 Loring Abraham 75 Parker James 8 45 BeanmontH.E 23 BoyceH. H 55 Comstock John 33 Hamlin Orin E 11 Scott Robert 27 46 Boyer George 8(> Butz M. Chris Ill CurreyS. T 2 lumau Henry 7 Lindsev W. E G9 Plants W. A 71 Runyon B. W C9 Thomas W. H 55 47 Avas John 17 Buuu Andrew 23 Foster John C 1 HartD. F C7 Robinson Chas. H 1C9 Van Slyke D S5 Wilson A. J 73 48 WellmanA. F 104 49 Charles E. W 115 60 Davis Bradley S 23 Decker Chas. F 75 ILLINOIS. Post Inf. 50 Jeffrey A. R «J Johnson David M 72 Reese John W 55 Remley Wm 19 51 Arnold Isaac 101 Boomer Herman K >-0 Harrison W. H lOG WaseeT. L 33 McDermott W. J 42 Rndo Jules 76 52 LawsE. R 1 Thompson T.H 50 Tyler F. W 106 53 Archibald J 42 CondellB. M 23 Cunningham L 9 Simmons L. W (U Sommers W. H 53 TambUngV. A 1 54 Boon Moses M Ii3 55 Coois Wm. E 20 Dixon Wm. H 1l8 Fryer D. F 95 Taylor R.W 1 56 Dennis John 92 Ga;uer AV. B 57 57 Bloomer E. C 61 Cole Jesse G Friend W. P 51 Hay man Al 52 Mahoney^Hichael 92 Wallace iidward L 1 Wilson J. A (14 Xoungberg John E 2 58 Aiken John J 3 Brigaerts Joseph 1 ■ Farhner J. G 7'.) Harrison Jay 9 Van Arnam H. M 8 Wil iard J. W G;i 59 Anihony Albert 2 Percival Nicholas 42 Rea Francis 86 Shaw Oliver 3 CO Phillips R. 9 Sentertey F. M 52 CI Atkins E. S 101 Corder L. T 01 Loos Thomas F .... Ill 62 Lambert John C 8 Mills W. F 32 Morgan J. D 44 G3 Falconer CD 43 Glines W.J 75 Merrifleld Wm 95 Spencer Theodore 42 64 Hardy I. B 52 Keuney Cyrus 63 Index by States and Organizations. 203 ILLXNOIS. Post Inf. 64 Murray J. C 3 Nickilson W. G 21 Schelliug Jacob 103 C5 Cl-.uk A. 8 Coulee I'rnuk 70 SiuithC.F 6 G6 Alleu \Y. ^V 8 Boycl'W.S i C7 Ward Vcruon T 02 C3 Scott W, J 23 ((9 Bonebrake Geo. H 05 Smith W.S.F oi) 70 Sbiadei- M. D ."2 71 Fog^'lmau Fritz 80 Jeromo E. B 8 Palmer G.W 70 72 Cox C.P 20 GladdinsjC 3 73 Welcomo J. C 70 74 Olu'istraan Henry , 9 EHinwood C. N 2 75 Griffin W.H fi Suy der Samuel 04 7tj Edwards Johu Ill Heuier.son J. A 55 77 Peunook John 54 Sccord J. K 42 Walcott John 52 78 Grainger llobert 90 Green John F 70 Sowcll WiLiam C 80 Verrjon M. R 55 80 Deck J. W C Sciidamore Godwin 125 Summers A. H 57 81 Harri.s AVilliam 02 Simmons E. P 38 Youug n. A 17 82 Clements John 75 Salomon Edward S 34 Schmidt John L 34 Weid I. A C 83 Branson Esty 55 Gordon Aaron 9 Gieen W. S C :\Iannoii Geo .55 81 Earfholomew Levi 50 Feldmau Charles 102 Nalk Casper 05 Eoss J. B •. 1(! Salisbury John 1 Stone Philander 110 Van Steinberg J. A 85 Collins A. D C5 Opdvk A. J 73 Southwick G.W .52 80 H.irringcou John f2 Schenck Andrew 80 89 ILLINOIS. Post Inf. 86 Turner E 93 88 Adams David M Ill Batten W.R 88 Karminsky Jacob 34 Lawrence W. K 45 KOS.-3 Charles 52 Stevens Wm 49 CheverE. E 2 Lacey David M Ill Bellingali Charles 42 Hambrook Thomas 6 KutzSam 6 Sherman Wm. P 19 Stout J. C 42 Crowell W. H 54 ForbesJ M 52 Libb'ng Henry H 2 McKenuey H. M 2 Abbott C.n 9 Honn D. N 79 Thorpe D.N 3 Barnard Irvin 44 Hohmann S 32 DrewS. H 6 HouckF. L 98 Johnson S. A 47 LangdonJ. W 33 Eector Edwin 42 Smith John W 92 Buck O.J 17 Byers John 80 D:ew Walter 57 GarraltR. M 2 Schooley E. L 55 Waterbury James 3 Wilson B.B 9 Nicholson James W 53 YouugT. B 73 Jones E. G 17 Staples W. P 57 Wade W.H 122 Norris Wm. E 50 Ross Marcellus 42 Veale T. F 41 Jenksl. S 112 Perry Royals 7 Sparks Royal G 44 Rikert Thbs. Bl 20 Coakley Timothy 4 Moore Simon 23 Hempstead W'm. C. F 8 NattlngerL. E 7 Russell E.0 2 Calkins Allen St '. 1 Crawford L. P 61 Daniels S. F 8 Thomas W.R 50 Tirtlot W. M 2 100 101 102 103 204 Index by States and Oeganizations. Inf. 105 107 108 111 113 115 llfl 118 I'-O 120 122 125 126 128 120 130 134 136 ILLINOIS. post Warner A. L 1« Miller Jucob 23 Woolridtje C. C G5 Carroll H 32 HiteM 7 Beard ^Ym. H 95 Grains 11'.) Green John V 123 Bey Undo 1t)1i 51 Baird A. Bl". 2 Chapman A. P 8 Piankin A. L 2 Allisonn. J. .. 57 GorceM. E 19 Miller J. C li;0 BoswellJ. II 20 Conner Jacob 81 Robinson N (0 Bcnsley Edwin 19 Clark Cbas. W €9 DamrouC. N .57 Waller A. W^ 38 Coon iJavid 2 WeberE.0 2 Wilkinson T.J 05 Cartwrightli. J 83 Curry James E 23 Norviel Levi 6 Brown Conrad 88 Burrows Wm !jo Crano Levi 82 WestovcrA. E 50 Ealston Clark lOi Bridge M G Brigiitmau E. K l!i5 London John 47 Martin J. T 29 Slaughter L. R 42 TbarpJ.L 2 Watson J.N I'J Ilerrick Ezra A 52 HerrickE.L r,-2 Eenwick T 3 Turn bull Chas 6 Spencer Theodore 12 CoUina Thomas C HawlevL.C 51 Eckler Robert 2 Cofley II. 11 82 Hillcr H C Hoffman A. P 55 Miller Charles N 90 Stuart Irwin 82 Maydwell Wm. B 3 Needham W. G 42 Riordan D. M 35 Roe J. H lis IIiUio.rd J. P 80 ILLINOIS. Post Inf.137 Austin G. W C8 Dudley E^n 1 Dyer 0;isT 118 Griswold E 1 Morey A. A 2!! 133 Bradshaw Cbas. W 47 Hogue J. D 2ij Knickerbocker L 42 139 Boyd J. B 33 Foster John C 1 140 Hatfield Wm. R .TO MastellerT.C 1 SwinefordC.N 2 141 Aublo C.C 91 Aublo Montgomery 91 Bird AUeuT 65 Jewell Andrew 81 Mead James A 54 Wild W'illiam E Ill Winchell H. P 120 142 preamer Jos. B 83 143 DodgaS. M 20 Ellington Ed. E 80 144 HaglerO. T 1 W'endt Albert 7 145 Davidson E. M 42 Smith David 113 140 Balis Dan 75 Bayloss Wm G Cochran W. G 5i Gushing A. D 8 Tully James 3 - 147 Easiabrook J. S 54 EcldyE.H 17 Eletcber J. E G McCormick JII 5 148 Jackson William 40 . Saarle E.J 80 WhitneyJohuT 1 150 Barrett J E 50 Van Doren Wm. U 20 l.'Sl BarringerWm .50 152 Clark John 1 11 Smith W. S.F b'J 153 Peake Charles 1 Perry E. D 08 Shine John H 23 Welch Alex 69 151 Perry W. H 15 155 Clark John Ill 1.0 Bowman Alex 7 Widls Eugene 1 Wilder Iloiace 19 157 Leech Wm 95 Sturgess Rifles Glassford J. R 34 Yates Sharpshooters Bacon Martin. 2 Zouaves Hastings Scott 32 Index by States and Organizations, 20o INDIANA. Post Heavy Art. 1 Calhoun Josejjh A. . . . 7'2 Lt. Art. Schrooder Antliony 1 3 Battery CoitrellJ. O llrf iBattery Hill E. D 74 7 liat(e;y Colobaker Samuel irO 8 Battery Catlett Milton H 54 IG Battery Muiphy Patrick 1 lihiuier-son G. 'SV 20 20 Battery Fish I... E 55 Schoenbeit Otto 7 21 Battery Uobson G. H .'2 2C Battery SteveusouDavitl 32 Cav. 2 Vanderlip Frauk 2S 3 Marsli J. H. A C2 Yates Peter R 125 4 Coou Oscar E 99 Moultou D. S 2 5 Veatcb H. C 98 6 GibsoaTbos.J 13 Harrington John 54 7 Bishop Charles 02 ColfiuCAV 48 9 GadciisJos. H 20 Gavati M"m '-'S 10 Liltlepsgo E. F 57 Koso \Vm. E 107 ^Vorl•:3 J,D 3;! 11 namilioiiJ. A 6 Uiltou Wm. M 88 Sam psou George 23 12 Fislier G. W 38 Taylor James 80 14 Coon O. E 51 15 Spear Chas. J 34 Inf. 2 LockwoodN.S :i3 3 Cotton H. W 11 4 Pearson M. B 33 (5 Crittenden T. T 33 MoCl.iin M. O 50 7 Eivt George B 36 Squibb Samuel 81 AVallaco J. M 54 8 Ellis Uaraptou 95 Irish J. M 17 Ehinicrson G. W 20 AVay Jesse 50 9 BrewerJ.M 1 Duiiu Thos. S 6 Gregory S. O 2 Harrington "W. E 74 McXul-.y U. J 72 Schenck C. W 2 Tabcr L. H fcO "Wilson Camrlng 20 10 ShefferF. D 17 Slessingcr L 2 AVoodward J. H 2 11 Butcher John H 32 INDIANA. Post Inf. 11 Curtis W. H lol FooteH. S 7 Knipp Charles II 83 Lemmon Eeon W 52 Manning Nathan W 1 MoultonO.S 2 Robinson L.W 10 12 CalliUauBenF 57 Grable Henry 83 Newaome Thos. F 112 Osgood G.N 3 Snook Geo. S 19 13 Hymer Stewart 55 14 OwenL.H 59 15 Brewer J. M 1 Casterliuo W. H 53 Colo A. B 88 McGrcwJ.M I Sharp M. B 92 16 Keatou John J 81 McCloUan T. Vr 42 Shaw Nat haa U 44 17 Bauta Henry. 92 Berner \Y. J 30 DutiouG. F 6 Hamilton ]\I. D 33 Kernodle H. G 17 Lonnigau Geo. W 23 McLaughlin C. W 8 Muzzall H. W ,52 Owens James JI 61 Pegg Henry R 80 ■\Vilsou Jos. W 20 18 Adams D. E 65 Akiro A.L 118 Campbell J. D 1 Kempt A. N 115 Loventhal i. S.. 9 TiiVauy L. H 83 19 Buckles A.J 4 Huljbard John X 85 20 Conner Newton 41 Cox E.E 65. Curtis J. D .119 H'.nu John R CO Vanderlip F 17 21 Ritter A.J 8G 22 Westovcr J. W 2 23 Deatou G. M IG 24 Dean J. S lol Zeiglcr AV. C 50 25 Bell John R 42 Lane Felix 52 28 Hamm Jacob 1 Tobin John F 82 27 Harrell W. U 95 28 15rauuau B. F 47 29 Bishop Charles 62 Inbex by States and Organizations. INDIANA. Post '.29 Brainard Gilbert 3 Gregory S. O 2 Mitchell Milton 121 EomansT. D 6 30 Edsall E. P 1 Riggle S. L 50 31 Combs Eli '.(2 32 Conrad Adam G7 Cunning F. A 58 Cutter L. H 47 83 Barcus W. J. F 93 Bryant S. H 36 Bryants. S 36 Frey P 121 Hamm Jacob 1 36 Byram J. C 55 Cochrane R. W 48 Kinley Isaac 6 37 Carpenter Oliver 3 McCullum Edw 20 38 Conner Wesley 1 Daily Edw 52 SnivelyJ. B 2 39 FooteH.S 7 "Ward S. t, 33 40 Hurt W 41 Owens Ephraim 51 White J. A 17 43 Conway B.N 17 Fairteairn Richard 1 MackeyJohn 2 44 Banta Fred 92 BolgerP. G 59 Croghan Joseph 105 Smith S. E 2 46 Johnson L 32 Osbourne S 2 47 Deal George 50 48 Moozaha Lewis 23 49 Fitts Joseph W 20 McCauleyT. B 2 60 Lonnigan Thomas 23 Miller A. H 6 51 Denny Harvey N Ill Green George M 1 McClintock E. A 7 Messersmith J. G 42 52 EodibaughD. M 7 53 Curtis J. D 119 Decker Henry C 1 Eastlick W. W 84 Knickerbocker M. J 42 Mann Wesley S 9 54 Campbell W.L, 80 Chambers H.L 46 Fry Obadiah 58 MackeyJohn 2 67 Decker Henry 1 Inf. 57 08 59 60 C3 65 C6 115 116 117 122 124 125 128 133 INDIANA. Post Moseley Thomas P 5 Long J. P 42 Millburn Joseph M 75 Kane A. H 98 Pleisch Theodore 105 BlackmanD. S 2 Osborue John W 20 Little James W 20 Neideffer Isaac 123 Smith John A 123 Bowers Stephen 44 Burke Bart 98 Johnson E. P 55 Adam3A¥. H. H 55 Edwards John G 8 Edwards L. B 8 Insley W. A 17 Ogle John .101 Brown L.P 6 FletierF. J 2 Spinner William 89 McBrideE. J.. 113 Sco veil Ira 6 HayeaE.C 50 Winders Daniel 19 MolifereJ. W 2 Halbert Joel 92 Marks Charles H 104 Englehardt H. D 61 Willits Charles M 20 AllJohn 109 DeTurkJ.G 6 Grover J. M 98 Levit Samuel 1 Covert A. C 82 McBi'ido John 47 WiseK. D 6 Courvoisier F. L 8 Brewer Hirry 1 Powell W. V 89 Simma Ti'. J 57 German Daniel 42 Winans J. L 63 MackeyJohn 2 Kernodle H. G 17 Stinebaiigh Elias 56 Brown M. L 11 HillF 59 Kelleher D 55 Berry James R 80 Carter J. F 3 Owens Henry 80 Beecher Jas. H 105 Fortimer Theodore 69 Bart lett Joseph L 1 Phipps J.M 42 Prilchard B. F 50 MosbaugUG.J 17 Index by States and Organizations. 207 INDIANA. Post luf . 13i Hayman John E 110 Holloway Johu K 65 135 Fleming W. F 5G 130 Calhoun J. A 72 138 Bennet Jobu F 49 Metzger C. L 11 139 Campbell W. L 80 143 Fickas B. A 36 148 MatlockA.R 3 York E.B. S 8 149 Corcoran Thomas 34 150 DiUe E. K 3 154 Wert Frank A 7 155 Metzger A.V 10 Metzger C. L 11 IOWA. 1 Battery Day Henry 80 Smith Joel 57 3 Battery Kelly Michael 2 Main Wm. H 59 Cav. 1 Coats G. F 83 Delbridge John C 86 Fort JohnB 23 Freeman Robert L 107 Kuigbt K. S 36 KiucaidO. D 89 Morgan R. F 51 Morgan W 51 Paris C.E 6 Robertson J. H 3 Thompson J. D 2 WengerJohn 32 2 McCandles W. M 41 Steavens C. R 106 Wharton J. E 83 3 Baker J. S 55 Fitch Ezra 55 Gage A. H 2 Guuter H 42 Haney Benj. F 1 HartzelT. B 33 Himes W. H 105 Johnson G.W 41 Johnson G. W 76 Johnson R. D 6 Maley John 96 MizeF. D .. 20 Stevens N.J 02 WalliugtonWrn 52 4 CoUierJohn 6 Jones E.O 29 NobleF.M 53 True George 115 White n. C 5 6 Barclay Hugh 76 DumbaugbE 20 IOWA. Post Cav.5 ClarkAlpha 47 Hickock J. A 27 Van Horn O. H 109 WestF.M 8 6 DoddA.N 75 Judd A. N 26 Twogood A.J 118 White James 32 7 Carpenter Jerome 50 KnappJ.M 97 O'Hair John 123 O'Hair Michael 123 Shaw Samuel J 108 Sheffield E.S 62 SpanglerJ.M 3 West Peter 69 Williams W. H. H 69 8 Luke Isaiah 80 Newman Thos 50 Eaney Henry 20 Thompson J. D 2 West S. B 17 9 Baldwin Julius A 108 EUisJohn 93 FusonJephta 42 Reynolds J. A 98 Inf. 1 Prescott B. W 42 Satterlee Geo. A 1 Skelton J. F 84 Smith W. C 52 2 Brown David 50 Keeley Richard B 105 Miller J. T 61 Riley Thos. J 16 WhittierGeo. G 101 3 BarrettA.M 55 BaylesS. W 108 Cruzan J. A . . .45 Guthrie James 71 Heckert Wm 96 Saunders J. W 66 Sheppard Wm. E 44 WatsonC.C 33 4 BennettF 73 Blakemore J. W 21 Burke Hugh M 2 Henry Thoa.F 99 HotalingI 79 Moore William 51 Pennebaker W. G Ill Smith C.T 52 5 Banbury J 3 Lawry J.R 79 Miller Samuel 76 Osborn Joseph S 23 Spafford James W 67 StevensG.H 1 6 ArnoldW.H 9 208 Index by States and Organizations. IOWA. Post Inf. 6 BentleyD. M 41 Edwards E. E 17 Fales Warren M 108 Fulton H 6 Hart Edwin 118 LinnWm. S 44 Moore W. H 21 Rhodes W. A. E 55 7 Bennett G. J 2 Gable George 96 Hanson Feargus 1 HesserH.R 7 HickockS. B 35 Kirkbride B. K 116 Lazenby Geo. W. _ GO McGone£;alJohn 49 Pickerell Wm. W 32 StotferJ. H 32 WallenJohnT 65 8 Bemis E. P 69 ButlerF.S 7 Craven A. F 8 Ingham John 7 Lewis Egbert 1 Koons George B 50 Tuttle Hiram C 56 Walling Julius M 115 9 Blackman E. S 42 Chapel Edwi n C2 Cress Thomas 96 Ingels W. B 58 Mather J. S 04 OverackerH. T 47 Sawyer Charles M 23 Steward Joshua 114 Vande ver William 44 10 ClarkJ.G 17 Drew Aaron W 122 Ferrel Marion 92 McCalla J. W 32 Mcllree Alex 53 Mitchell G 9 Nowlin T. W 2 Smelser John 42 Sprague Wm. T 99 11 Hammond N.W 6 Hanson H. W.... 42 Hull Clinton T 1 KettmanB ■. 42 Nellis William H 80 Prescott B. W 42 12 Abbott E. J 17 Bcmis E. P .. C9 Brock G.H 1 Harris F. W 74 Vogelgesang George 120 13 DonohooBI.J 92 Hartman Westley 42 IOWA. Pest Inf. 13 Ragsdale J. W 16 Whitson Jacob E 109 Wilson G.H 51 Wood A. E 102 14 CorbettR.S 63 Edgar Thos 52 Grant G. W 119 Gray W. B 66 Gruwell H. 1 103 Holmes E. W 107 Piper John A. F 23 Rogers W. H 8 Sioper David.. 63 Statler J. S 42 Wetzell Thos. C 23 Williams H. H 61 15 Davis D. D 42 Fry Edward S 23 Gilbert J. D 36 Harger J 1 Harger John 34 Heagney A. J 7 KingE.H 74 KingE. H 38 Maynard Ben 36 MoPherson A. S 55 Montgomery Joseph 32 Sheffield E. S 52 WinuingE.A 47 Withrow Eli. 100 16 Merritt Alfred P 59 RagsdaleE S 3 Reynerson J 17 Schlicht A. E. G 51 AVakefield Ray bO 17 Beesley Thomas 80 BissellL. R 42 Lighthill Michael 84 18 Bellamy B. C 47 EnoxBenj.F 1 19 Harter Daniel 27 Philips T. F 55 Reeves J. W 3 Smith T.J 85 Williams W. H. H 69 Wood A. A 9 20 KeagleC.H 23 SwartoutA. B 38 21 Acker Hudson H 9 GrannisD.D 87 Halleck H. T 121 Loriraier W. H 23 Worley T. J 73 22 AUum LeroyW 8 Collamer Geo. W 75 Dodds J. V 51 Duncan John K i Fyke J. D 6 Index by States and Organizations. 209 IOWA. Post Inf. 22. Hartley Chas. T , 57 23 Tarns worth S 3 Hamliu Johu 70 Harlow L^oyd iiO Littlo-Davicl S .«0 Smith Hardin 80 Woodbury F.J 'J3 24 BiviusB.'F 35 Donahoo AVm 92 Button J. B 55 Lane Wm i 70 Meller Isaac 5G Miles E. C Ci Murray H CO Stephens W. L 38 Sutton S.W 17 25 AtwoodT. A 3 Gregg V. A 2 Neal James H 81 Qulnn David P 34 Robinson N. D 55 Thompson Geo. W 42 26 BlakemoreJ. W 21 Brown John A 80 Hudson A. T 23 Johnson Charles C9 Stoll Hall C 27 Cole E. A 20 Guernsej' H. A 57 Heinz H 77 Ingamells Geo 00 Noble J. D 1 Smith L. F I'J Stoddard Trum in 2 Thoruburg W. H 9 Welsh Baruev 80 28 Dates R.H..' r,0 Gingery W. M 70 Lininger M. D 71 Morgan Thomas 121 Stevens Anson 00 29 Flake J. It 79 GiUenwater A. P 02 Hicks J. W 80 Huntington S 17 Madden Liberty T 92 Ray James 73 West 11. S 5) 30 Farley Joseph 33 McCanna J.H 103 31 GillmanA.D 27 Martin Robert J 57 Woods B. F 87 32 Crarath I. B 33 Kent Jos. A 20 Rockwell Myron 113 Warwick H.C 00 31 Cniighill Charles 32 IOWA. Post Inf. 34 Eller Jacob 84 JoUett J. M 78 Martindale A 32 35 Anson P. F 34 Fay Hamilton 98 Harris J. S 66 Harris J. W 66 McKelveyH.A 3 Tebow James O 120 Waters W. G 34 36 AmosWm.H 113 Chaney H.J 68 Gray D. F 58 Jones Joshua H 80 Marinan M. D 32 McChesney Robert W 34 Mvei's Daniel 65 37 Bi"tley W. L 63 Virgin Thomas 64 38 Beard James 53 ColeM.V 81 Kincaide Fred. H 23 Kurkup Edwin 90 Seeley S. S 52 39 JacksonJ.W 87 Moffat H.H 74 40 Baker J. C 16 Chase H.B 21 Cox M. S 2 Harris James A 64 44 Alexander F. E 29 Bowman Geo. M 42 Briugham F. J 96 Hart W. H. H 2 Hartley J. M 33 45 Collier William 103 George T.C 42 McCashC. A 91 Thompson George W 42 Valentine D. A 3 Valentine J.H 3 WhiteRobert 71 WoodheadC. B 55 47 ElseyMclCeeT 5 England W. S 98 Frost Andrew J 96 Bliller Charles 65 Osgood S. R 50 48 Laudon D. B 9 Renfrew Erastus 92 59 Howard W. A 9 KANSAS. Art. 1 Bat. English George 105 Bat. 2 Carson John W 125 Smith E. A.. 57 Tenuey's Eat. Anderson George R..11JI 210 Index by States and Oroanizations. KANSAS. Post Cav. 1 Spinning George L 2 Wiser John 36 2 Smith Wm.H 42 YelkensE 89 5 Baldwin J. E. D 54 Crosby R. P 79 Gould W.O.... 2 McComas Asbury , 60 McComas J. K CI Peck W. H 65 6 Carlton George A 49 Clay J. W 62 Fann James N 23 Hunting W. H 92 Maloney Phil 102 SanfordH.P 6 7 Campbell H. M 58 Chase A 17 Morris Miles 16 Sebastian K. M 05 8 MauerhanM 00 UllmerJohn 1 9 KatonR. W 26 FixJosbua 20 Gamble Robert Iil2 Landers Wni 54 LoucUsG.D 32 MannenW. P 57 McAllister W. F 2 Rice Benjamin A 103 Richards K. B 96 SteveusJ.W 57 Stone L. G 65 10 HillEobertM.C 99 11 Payne M. H 38 Peters "\y;s 23 Rambo S. H 78 Slane Edward A 1 13 Baldwinl.R 36 14 Anderson Caleb 123 ClarkvAsa 6 Foster David 89 Gould W.O 2 Kramer Joseph 46 15 Bacon Luther 38 Cook Charles M 1 Elli3l.>f 96 Saulsbury H. P 38 Wakeley John 46 Warren 8. P 2 16 Ahrberg Wm. A. F 3 SmithJohnW 23 18 FullerWm CI Andrews C.F 1 Inf. 1 EavesM.T 23 Lucas N.B 52 Schulze Charles 95 Weatzel Frank 50 KANSAS. Post Inf. 2 Berry C. E 17 King James 124 Sawyer T. J 75 Walker J. F 6 3 Branch Wm 36 Damon E.C 21 5 DyliesWm.R 51 Seaver Nelson 61 6 Ball Samuel 51 Copelin George 101 Vanwormer Freland 49 7 George T.C 32 KimballF.E 35 WallC.L 1 8 CorkerJ.R 55 EUisD.0 2 Palmer Martin V 117 9 Doe C. H 41 Mosher L. E 55 10 BarnettG. P 2 BemisH.A 3 BroenerJohnA 23 Burk Emery 125 Carman W. E ....112 Damon E. C 21 Dykes Wm.R 51 Grant Geo. W 7 Haizlip John 60 Rochat Louis 57 11 Gilchrist J. D 93 King James 124 Kline James S Ill Soars Thomas 87 Towner H. G *') Woods W. P 'J9 12 Adams C.W 2 Childs S.M 75 13 Smith H.E 17 Warren James R 68 14 Sutherland Henry 23 15 Collins S. W 41 16 McGueJohnI 1 17 BarteUJ.J 54 Howard W. A 113 Hughes Thos 35 Roberts O.P 57 KENTUCKY. Art. 1 Williams George 36 Cav. 2 Elkins James 36 3 Bogle R. B i Meacham A 17 4 HaggJohn 6 6 Maher Wm . . 36 7 Brush Peter 107 11 Hannan Joseph 48 12 Littlepage E. F PJ Index by States and Organizations. 211 KENTUCKY. Post Inf. 1 Graham George 110 2 ConklinN.H 33 Delebanty John 32 Hussey Amos 92 5 Doley W. P 1 7 BatesJohaT 107 9 Wayne G. W 64 11 DemoabronW. L 109 Dobb3 E. W 35 10 Davis Henry 60 18 Doner \\m 1 19 Matthews J 2 22 Loescli Valentine 1 34 Thorpe Arnold 80 Capitol Guards 1 Dobbs John D.... 35 LOCISIANA. Cav. 1 Campbell J. H 36 Chandler L. jNI 2 McCana William 83 Kobinsou Harri 34 2 Bell Horace 6 Inf. 2 BaumG.A.K 1 Keljie Charles 2 Pellin Napoleon 27 Stock man Joseph 34 WedelJobuM 1 11 Sprague Homer B 2 JIAINE. Art. 1 Bean William 34 Blauchard Franii A 1 Brown N. N 49 Burliugamo J. S 29 Fred.son A. H 53 OlmsteadO. W 3 Richardson C. W 49 Bobbins J. B 101 Squire W. P 53 Mills J. K 83 Bat.l LibbyT.C , 10 NorgroToJohn 2 2 BeedleW.H 90 PerryAlvinA 96 3 Lesor Lewis 7 Murphy E. B 49 4 Bates Jared 117 BigelowC.L 2 Patten Henry 96 TozerL 3 6 Sweetland Alonzo 1 7 Huencko R 42 Cav. 1 BickfordW. F 88 Devereaux E. W 1 French John S 1 Priend Taylor B 17 MAINE. Post Cav. 1 Frost E. S 93 Jones A. L 71 McCobb Austin 58 McCobb Wilbur 58 Merrill L. 55 O'Brien Michael 53 Osborn B. A 20 Peaks J. B 1)8 Pillsbury E. S 2 Pinkham Charles E 120 Poor J. W 76 Eaudall W. S 78 WalkerC.H 78 Walker C. H 32 Welch Henry T 7 WharffJohnF 1 Wilson Horace 2 2 ClevelandG.S 26 Linscott J. A 26 Lovett W. B 8 Mclntyre H. A 23 Pierce Warren H 115 Norton E. G 102 Wilson Charles E 2 Inf. 1 BlauchardA. C... 9 BreyThomasS 1 Keehn Harry 52 Lemont Geo. W 1 Moore A. H 58 Taylor Charles G 49 Thompson E. G. C 81 Wadsworth Frank 34 2 BarkerH.L 1 BirceF. A 101 Casey Patrick 115 Graves O.F 54 HarveyJ.C 63 Haynes Wm. H 69 Hogan Michael 115 Joy John G 50 Harden E. D 2 Martin Leonard P 2 McMasterC. H 113 Morris F. N 115 Norwood Wm. H 8S Roberts Charles F 49 Eobinsou C. R 2 Salmon W. B 6 Ward A. H 10 White A. W 80 Wilson A. P 2 3 AUcnT.S 34 Bailey Geo. W 1 Bean Wm 34 BoyutouJ.T 7 Hatch R. S 36 Newcom bo Jonathan 4 Smith Wilson 1. 212 Index by States and Organizations. MAINE. Post Inf. i Buker Alpha H Fields Anthony 75 Gould Chesman 32 McKenuey J. T 2 Kobinson John A 75 Stuarts. L 41 Young E. J ll'J 5 Bry;intE.J 8 Dennis Amos 75 Laughtou Lee N 117 McAllister W. B 45 McPhee Francis 51 6 BraggA.L 3 Walsh Richard 23 ColBn F. S, 42 Drew C. N 97 FarwellF.M 50 Hayes Albert 51 HillS.J G McDonald A 49 Morey Henry S 108 West Jarues E- 32 Wilson G.I 97 7 Eachelder J. A 32 Condon Elijah 65 Curti.s John 50 Folsom F.J 101 Hayuea A.J 42 HibhardM.J 7 Jumper George E 1 True Geo. H 5li 8 CaseC. C 55 Duuton M. B 94 Jones J. F 71 Keene Asa H 96 Kimball Ami 3 Weed Abuer 85 9 Dodge Philander 3 Elsemore Geo. S 66 Field Cbas.W 80 Fogg Wm 23 French C.E 17 Hay J.S 38 LeavlttA.H 2 Smith Bradley 7 Southard M 27 Whitconib K. K 1 10 Knight Joseph 75 Lane S 2 OdellA.J 6 Stone Fred. W 112 11 Bunker Edward S . 23 By rues J ohn B 50 Gilman Joseph G 26 Harvey L.S 2 HayfordG.0 3 Latian Pierce 85 Scott N, B 96 MAINE. Post Inf. 11 Small I. H 2 Stuart Alonzo R 49 Thaxter Geo. C 5 West Geo. 32 Wharff W. H 1 Worth John H 113 12 Earskine A. E 101 Hicks R.B 1 Look P. H 17 Marden E. D 2 Smith Joshua 1 Wilson Horace 2 Wilson J.K.. 2 13 Ames A. N 104 Myrick Geo. W 65 Tuttle J.T 53 Young George H 80 14 Bodge S.N 3 Boynton J. T 7 Eberle Joseph 34 Knowlton F. L 23 Oliver F. W 58 PaineJ.O.W 33 Rand.iU W. F 1 Rolerson B. F 23 Shute Wm. C 1 15 Cunningham James 78 Gilmore M. T 33 Hallett Albert H 115 Hawkins A. J 80 Mahoney Cornelius 8 Wilson James H . 82 16 BakerG.H 79 BigelowC. L 2 Fletcher B. F 33 Hamlen A. M 76 Hussey J. H 69 Martin Leonard P 2 PillsburyC. E 1 KicoC. T 118 17 Garland Charles J 34 Hayes Charles H. . . ^ 34 Oakes George P 57 Saunders A lOG Sawyer Frederick A 9 Thompson C. H 48 18 M.Iutyre H. A 23 Salsbury W. H 2 19 EarleH.H 2 Hawkins F. S 101 Hendeisonl. M 75 Jaques N. P 09 Jones Charles F 80 McCorvie Frank 6 Murphy H.H 1 Racklifi'eLevi 70 Richards D. S 55 Richards D. S 106 Index by States and Organizatioxs. 213 MAINE. Post Inf. 19 Small W. S 48 Tucker J. W 50 20 Dickinson A. S 3 Folsom P. F 10 Jones D. F 33 Norton Thos. A 7 Oxtou A. L 48 Parker B. P J'J 21 Bean W. H : .... ;i2 French H. W hi HuUZ. F 81 LawlerPh.G 81 Lincoln O. J 98 MaguireA.K 38 Pierce Warren H 115 Eobbins H. P 117 22 Batchelder H. T 19 Douglas Herman L 49 Knowlea S. W 48 Lawrence D. L 23 McPheeters Dan 85 Mooera M. 73 Noddinl. J 49 Eowell Georgo W GS Wbite Nathaniel 58 23 Cutter John E 118 Field C.L 2 Hurd Charles E 23 Litchfield J. M 2 Taylor K. E.. 8lJ 24 Hayes Charles H 34 SheehanT. W 3 Toothaker W. F 4S Whlttaker Isaac W 124 25 Fields J, L 2 Pines Charles H 48 Sheehan John P 3 26 Conant Sumner F...'. 104 DurneyJ. N 85 Norwood W. E 2 Steveus L. L 72 27 Brogdon Ed 77 Griffith D 77 Kidder G.E 2 28 HobartB. F 2 Houghton James 117 Palmer W.S G9 Smith C. Freeman 3 29 Bisbee E. T 62 Fletcher A 09 Knight Joseph 75 Parriit L. S 50 30 Ames A. N 104 Field C.L 2 Stowe AlonzoW 23 "Wilson Harvey M 8 Young George H 80 31 ColeBrackett 49 MAINE. Post Inf. 31 Greeley O. M 112 Joy John G 56 32 BovntonJ. T 7 Fields J. L 2 Lewis A. M 38 Litchfield J. M 2 Pes. Corps 2 Bat. Turner J. C 96 Sharpshooters 1 Bat. Barton C. H.. 85 MARYLAND. G..Y. 3 Murphy A. J 65 Inf. 1 li i.ics G. W lul Holler ,\nibony o4 Long Ch.ales H 1 Kyan "\Vm 1 Spong John L 65 2 Peed Robert 78 3 Henderson Geo 2 Taylor W. H 55 5 Hagens Henry 57 Towuley \Vm 1 9 O'Dounell Patrick 87 13 Cole Nicholas 87 Cousins F. W 48 Puruell Legion Haudlin Joseph. J.. 4 MASSACHUSETTS. Alt. 1 Bennett G. W 1 Bradford Alonzo 8 Decker J. H 1 Garland D. H 1 Glass W. C 2 Heruau B 42 Hill Frank W 101 Johnson S. S 1 Leonard Geo. D 1 Lovejoy Geo. W 34 Magee John 48 Noble James F 45 Koundy J. L 8 Wilkin Alex 35 Wilson Richard W 59 2 Barber H. D 113 Colby Edward L 88 Graham Thomas 34 Guild Jaines A 62 Kent Horatio J 93 Pear.son J. B 65 3 Benjamin F. W 95 Burns George 67 Davis P. A 23 Diedrick W. H 109 Quiulan D 1 Smith H.S 8 Sylvester Wm. H 32 i Evans B.F 1 214 Index, by States and Organizations. MASSACHUSETTS. Post Art. 4 Mayo Nathaniel C 1 Eeid Ed 6 Lt. Bat. White Russell 2 1 Bat. KelseyD. N 89 2 Bat. RealJ. F 6 Russell E. K 50 SwaueyF. H 6 5 Bat. Crosby George 32 Hathaway Wm 110 6 liat. Johnson S.S 1 Rus^til E. K 60 7 Bat. Bang.s Isaac F 42 BordwellJ. W 1 11 Bat. Goodale Warren 45 Parker Daniel S 80 12 Bat. Buxton Frank 1 14 Bat. GuptillH. M 2 KiBat. Whitmarsh P. B 46 Cav. 1 Barnard F. H 57 Brown Geo. L 1 Haberlin James 34 Kehoe Wil liam 33 Kerrigan Frank 4G Knight Benjamin 98 Stackpole J. E 17 Stone Frank F 2 Sullivan J. F 98 Triijp JoseiJh 1 2 Acton M. J 83 Adams Zeh. B 2 Backus S. W 1 Baldwin George E 2 Bard James 1 Barnstead Thomaa D 1 Barron Francis E 60 BeebeS. J 29 Burn.s John 6 Campbell John T 47 CorbettS. J 1 DenanL. W 7 Fletcher John 1 Flood Jolm 4S Goodrich Henry M 94 HayfordJ.B 3 Holt George 1 32 Hurley John 1 Hussey W. H. H 8 Jenkins C. M 6 Kinne C. Mason 1 Lee George W 42 l-oud F. F 2 Mallory A. F 34 Manchester L. A 104 McDougall D. K 56 McEwen Warren L 2 Mcintosh J. B 2 McLean A. A 1 McNeilW.H 1 MASSACHUSETTS. Post Cav. 2 McNiffJohnM 7 Pinney E. H 1 Quant Fred J I Robinson W. A 2 Seagraves E.F 1 Smith Leonard F 2 Smith Samuel 85 Watson James 1 Wilburn J.P 42 Withrow A. A 7 3 Coney C. W. H 1 Cooley Allen 80 CurranT 46 Nolle Herman 34 4 Cowles Lyman 61 Culver Lafayette 1 Mead Chas. P 1 5 Adams Zeb.B 2 Indijt. Cav. Bat. Earl John A 80 Inf. 1 Alexxnder B. D 23 BagleyP. H.Jr 2 Bent J. T 2 Carlcton Jerome 1 Coffey J. J 34 Emerson N. B 45 Hateky Frederick 101 Irving John A 1 Martin G. W 50 Poole Joseph M , 56 Searles W. A 2 Towle A 101 Wilder W. P 2 2 CarrW. M 81 Clafiey John 46 De la Fontaine Victor 1 HallettChas. 2 Houghton B. E 2 McDermott John 34 Sparhawk Jared 101 Turner W.H 1 Wilson J. H 1 3 BoUesJ.0 1 Farrell Domnick 90 Hinckley S. B 118 3 Kenney Barnard 46 Lucas J. S 1 Luut Amos, Jr 32 Martin Thomas 1 Murray George 59 Waterman S. D 23 4 GentWm.C 3 Sprftgue A. H 118 5 Barry J. E 50 Carroll C. E 2 Chesley W. E 2 CummingsT 2 Davis M. M 118 Fitzpatrick T. B. N iS Index by States and Organizatiojjs. 216 MASSACHOSETTS. Post Inf. 5 Hallett Chas. 2 Harris George P 2 Hatch J. Q . 1 Moore Benjamin 2 Norton Geo. A: 52 Parker F.W 1 Ward well D. K iifl Young C. G 2 6 Barnard F. H 57 Cutler A. D 2 Duncan James K 1 Dunne M. II 23 Fleming W. S 36 Greenlaw C. E 3 Harkin D 8 Lakiu J. H 1 Otis G. E 57 Parmenter Chas. H 8 Watson D. L 42 7 BurbeckL.D 33 Fisher H.C 1 Melville Dean 50 8 Carroll George H 32 Clarrage E. D 8 Coo John T 8 Collins N. W 4 Cowle.^ Luman CI Fitzgerald E.J 23 O'Hearn James F 1 Swaney F. H 6 SweetserG.W 6i Tufts A. C 3 Williams B. F 42 9 Butler James 40 CUffordT JO Clynes John 34 Eddy David 40 Fahey Martin 1 HaysB 63 Howard Geo. H 6 Johnson Edward 46 Murphy J. P .- 42 Soars Thomas 87 Walsh Daniel 48 11 Dean Harry O 90 Lewis D. C 108 Savage Patrick 48 Sweetsor G. W 64 12 Eldridge C. H 45 Howard Voluey 2 Jenkins E. S 48 ParkC. 50 Twitchell W. A VJ 13 BaconA.P 2 BramhallB. M 2 Coolidgo Frank 118 Crocker Jokn H 2 CurtisJ 1 MASSACHUSETTS. Post Inf. 13 DorrL. L 2 Ford Geo. F 5 Hinkley S. S 2 Johnson R.F 63 West F. M 23 14 MackJas. E 57 Roundy J. L 8 Watts Eichard 1 15 Brigham S. D 3G Dana A. W 20 Hatch Frank E 34 HoweH. G 36 16 Claffy John 78 Harrington P .'j7 Wright J. B 7 17 Abbott W. W Itl4 Dearborn H. S 2 Haley Morris 48 Haley W. D , 42 KempS. R 69 Mayo R. G 2 Qulnn John E 2 Towuseud C. H 44 18 Tow le Augustus 41 Washburn P. B 47 19 HoveyBD 2 Lord James H 115 20 Backus E.H 74 Bartlett William 34 Ford John H 4 Frank William J 1 Green John E 1 HoUis Thomas 1 Leonard John 36 MesserN.T 2 Shaw G. N 6 21 Alvord Edwin 35 Hetheringvon John 49 Lyndon James H : 82 22 Britton John 48 Davis Walter S 101 23 EoUesJ. C 1 Cleale J. A 52 Fisher George A 2 Glazier J. E 06 Lucas J. S 1 Taylor Joshua 49 24 Brown J. N 47 Edgerly Samuel A 2 Hall Frank E 23 Rincke John 8 Robertson J. A 10 ViuiugA. J 2 25 Doaves Alonzo 48 Minott Edwin M 75 Peck N. F 74 Williams G. W , 2 26 LeavittA. E *8 216 Index by States and Organizations. MASSACHUSETTS. Post Inf. 26 Steaiiis C. W 83 Weeks A. L 32 27 Bolton Thomas 2 Glover G. J C Kiagsley N. H 118 Parson.s A. E ^ 3 Skinner J. L * 3 28 Gayuor Patrick Oo Harvey L. S 2 Lehman A. S 3 O'Counell James 4G 29 Eraser Robert 3rj Gripp H Hovi'arclM.B 2 James William D Ill Jessou Fritz (5-2 Segesser Ulrich o4 Shaw Ira C 3 30 GriswoldN. W 2 Kenney W. H 58 Marrs Chas 1 Miller C.S 8 Seamans W. H 2 31 BraiuerdH. P 03 Hovey S. D 2 Taylor D. B 11 Wilcox Geo. A 5 32 Donaldson Stuart 1 Jansen Charles. 2 Morse J. M 20 QuinnJohuE 2 Kondepierre Laurent 35 Taylor James 7 33 Coney C.W.H 1 Keyser F. R. H . . ..v . . 34 Peck W. F SO 34 Carr William 118 NokesR 3 Phillips Joseph L 7-j TobyEdwiuL 3i 35 Bixby Levis 8 Brandt Fred 7 Heath J. A 2 Holmes E. W ;.118 Ktill Henry 1 Mason A. J 6 Sargent Walter H 100 i^chauer Henry 8 Wells Ivory 2 36 BellL 17 Davidson A. S 57 PippevE. W 34 TuftsJohn 42 37 BlackmerE.T 33 Hall John A : 23 38 Littlefield C. G 2 Wardwell D. K 30 89 Dougherty Philip 54 MASSACHUSETTS. POot Inf. 39 Fisk John E 55 Van Winkle H. \\' 5.! 40 Brainard David H sO 41 DaneH. C 2 Thomas D. F 38 Tripp D. D 23 42 BalcomB. G 17 Wales Frederick II 59 43 Collins Geo U 50 Dill A. F 34 Glenn W.H 1 Hadley A. F 1 Power's John W 05 Simon J. G 1 44 Achorn Albion G 1 Billings George A 2 Foster Geo. H. 2 HoweE. R ... Newell J. T 2 Stebbins A. H _ 36 Sylvester J. W ' 16 Young Frank C 42 Young G.W 2 45 Hammond John T 113 Kiven Peter .'. .. 23 Stone Frank F 2 46 BowleyJ. D 17 Hood Wm 1 47 Barker Fred. J 52 Hobbert H. T 1 McGivney Thos. J 8 48 Frazer Hugh 1 Lehan Dennis 1 Tuggey Wm 1 49 Vosburgh Herman 1C6 60 Libbey George 09 51 Dixon Wm. H 8 Watson Wm. T 124 52 Bell Geo.H 5 Chandler L. BI 2 53 Graham Adam S 2 54 Cezar G.G 6 Pease G. M . . , 2 50 Colby Francis. 7 48 Nelson Jacob 34 Pierce L. T 55 Tyler W. H 29 57 Wood Geo. H 38 58 Fisher Chas. F 02 Skinner G. M 118 59 Clancey Peter 90 Giveus Michael 30 00 Adams J. M 21 Davis Geo. A 2 McGivern J. W 8 Powers Geo. H 2 01 Drown W. H 23 HoUoway A. E 2 Index by States and Organization"?. 217 MASSACHUSETTS. Post Inf. a HowarflM. B 2 Low W. S 47 Maboney Denuis . . : 31 62 Kj'roc James D 40 65 O'Hearu James F 1 Signal Corps Boscber E. S 2a SUCniGAN. Heavy Art. 1 Galusha C. H 10 Halbert Dauiel 20 Pariish Lewis 97 Smith C. M 21 Light.Art.l Abboit S. H 70 Hicks John H 123 Taft WiUiam 67 1 C-it. Fullei'J.B 80 i Fuller J. B 80 Res. Art. I Fuller J. B 80 Cav. 1 Bulsou H.li 49 Cole I^eter H 10.) Dwelle James H 1 Kubuie J C3 2 McDermid John C 80 Shipman Ei M C TainterS. B 2 WithcrellG. A r, 3 Bursou "\V. J 1 Thompsou U. R.. Ill 4 Audersou Walter B 1 Babcock A. N 114 Lommou John Gc 8 .5 Brooke Charles 2 Geigerich G G Young G.J 0() 6 Hart P. F 21 McCoUisier H. H 2 7 Hicks J. V 33 House W. E 1 Mariindalo Kellogg B 8'.) Wolcott W.J 42 8 Hughes P. W 01 9 Piper W.K 9 10 Anderson GustafI ■i8 Beutloy S. .\ 3 Couverso JM. A 30 ItsellA.J 2 Orr K. D 70 11 CalhouuM.L 3G GridleyE. S 74 Liacers 1 Pogue James 5i Engineers 1 Baxter Ed win 5'> Curtis C. M 42 Mason L.D 7 MosherR 74 O'Grady Martin 54 Todd David Byron 2 VanDorenl. N 42 jnCHIGAN. Post Int.l BennettH 3 Diehl William 36 Emlay Oliver 8 Judd Edward D 2 Lyon J, J 1 Spencer J. C. M 55 2 Clark R. D 49 Clino Samuel A 80 DuPuyT. J Jlaltman J. S 55 Norlon Henry L 119 StoneGeorgeM .33 Van De Eogirt Henry .112 3 Allspaugh Ben j ,1 Altliouse James W ... 51 Aulthouse James 99 Creary W. E 2 Miller John 20 Parker B.C 35 i Carter J. M 55 Caurture S. S 23 Coleman Levi B 8 EirleF. S 36 Elmer Elliott 57 Gordon J. A 2 Halladay M. D 17 Heintzen George 80 Luce M. A 33 Ward G. J 78 W'ebster Noah 3 5 DakoC. P 62 Mussey N. D 09 6 Halbei't Daniel 20 Judd Edward D 2 Lemunyan C 102 Plummer Charles E 113 Ward J. M 05 WcUsG.C 2 7 Anderson S. B 42 Armstrong Henry 3 Armstrong H 116 Bockstiinz Charles 113 Converse M. A .. 30 Jeweit Oscar S 19 Newell W. B 27 8 Bobu J. H 50 ClilXord W. A 27 Doyle R. N 77 Gausou Theodore 35 Hickman Clement 75 Kurrle Fred 6 Long J. H 102 9 Barbour J. H 42 Fitzmier D 55 Phelps George M 7 10 BakerG.S 30 Cofiln George (i Hooper Samuel . > 76 218 Index by States and Organizations. IVnCHIGAN. Post Inf. 10 Palmer W.D 9 P.xpst Albert 123 Perry William 101 .11 Bennett D. A 42 ColeL. L 11 Fox Jiilius H 93 JordonJ.C 92 LeeG. H 121 McNeil Aiex 2 Mudgo Melvin CO Weaver J . H. G 49 Wright George H 8 12 Farnham E. S G5 Graham John A 38 Landon E 57 Painter J. H. 3 Pierce W. H 57 13 lones Daniel 55 Love Frank P 92 TeunvsonD. D 7 14 MagillA.E 2 15 Bigelov? Z. M 81 16 Colestock W. W 47 Dicy Levi 8 Hilliker Loroa W G5 Steward Henry D 1 WitUerell C. A 5 17 Bonner W. G 49 French Hayea C 2 Greenfield Mile 7 ToddChas. D 2 18 Kelly J;imes 7 Patterson Thos , 50 Strong Nathan 2:3 Young George 55 19 Bells. D 3 Dopp Daniel E 20 Harvey William 92 O'Boyle Daniel 02 20 Hailstone John B 7 NottenJohnW 44 Kolfe Geo. W CO Spencer E 7tj 21 Burgess R. F 17 Gardner J. W 17 22 Armstrong H 116 Brown Luis 7 Lawrence C. W , 55 Miller J. H 79 Rainey J. W. . , . , 7 Scott \Vm. H 71 23 Barber L.N 32 Rea John 101 Sumner W 2 24 Hart Lionel B.. 23 IdeB. C 70 Tm-ner A. P 42 5!5 Scholield N , 7-'' MICHIGAN. Post Inf. 25 SperryJ.A 23 26 Chamberlain S. C 96 McCabeH. 66 Mooney Aaron 99 Wilson W. S 118 27 Bolton W. H 1 Bugby S 19 Durett Lewis 121 Harrison L. R 6 Huff John U 75 McMahon J. M 36 MyerJohnM 101 28 Measure J. H 54 Pratt Daniel Ill Straudberg J. W 29 30 Richardson A. M 80 Sharpshooters 1 Keating A. C 65 PurdyT. V 42 MINNESOTA. Art.l EllisW.F 7 WestRollinA 8 1 Bat. Tracy Samuel W 53 2 EarlC. N 55 Cav. 1 Robinson Marshall 5 Smith George C 55 StoweL. W 32 — Berry M.F 55 2 HaagFrank 117 Morrill W. H 52 Hatch's Cav. Clair L.L 61 lud't Battalion Beale C. R 44 M\ley Winslow 1()6 Inf. 1 Atkinson George 8 Green T. H 42 Hamilton E. M 106 Terilll. M 19 Wallingford J. N 74 WhitcombM. S 55 2 Campbell Daniel 49 Hooker J. B 33 Keene Josiah 44 Koester Frederick 54 LaneC. W 41 OlsenR 8 PaulC.C 79 Sherman W. H 32 Van Dyke H. E 21 3 Chamberlain P. P 72 Crary B. F 2 Hummason Lewis A Ill Lewis A. H 96 Mfcdley C 6,1 Potter J. H 42 Smith W. D 41 4 Allen A. J. E 5> Couant Timothy. 7 Index bv Estates and dRGANiZATioNS. 'IiQ MINNESOTA. Post inf. i Tredenbiirg J 4'2 Gayotte James 23 Hiiut Chas. n'i Kittredgo V,'. T .'■.5 Krank Frank W 1 Nass Andrew 2 EussellK. AV 106 Vickery W. K (SI 6 Ellis A.O TJ 6 OlseuK y Smith Chas. W 8 Staples Joseph 52 Tyler J. H 33 Wood J. K 81 7 Moore Homer P 113 Sigley lienry 42 8 Atkiusou George 8 Brown Cbas. A 55 Ella Charles C lUG Finney Jas 5t Ha-vthorn I.N 55 Mitchell J. K 51 9 BuUardG. W 75 Howe Edwin CI McCrimmonJ 5 AVackei ly Wm WhitfordM 8'J 10 Barker Silas 42 Craw J. P 7 Fadden James 20 11 Clark V>'.C 5? JoyW.H le Litile Geo. H 55 Rangers Kaag Frank 117 Slu.p.ihooters 2 FitzslmmousUhas.. 'J8 jnssouKi. Art. 1 Perkins ■William 87 2 Kramer Fred 02 Jahlo August 7 Potter John D 57 Shrevo Thos. J Nngfcuts Battery Van Allen B. IJ.. . 17 Cav. 1 McClanahan Chas lOU Millers. J CI WittigEdw E(i 2 DirkingA.H 79 Endicott 1\ A 20 Herman Michael C2 House Thos 107 Leiste Joocph G Maddox J. A 97 Metcalf Geo. N 107 Overend K 45 Tallmau W. M 114 Simons A 23 Whitesides Ales 1 MISSOURI. Post Cav. 3 Bushey Jos C Campbell J. T 20 East Thomas Ill Killebrew Thos 112 Jackson Wm GG Scoville Royal W 20 Seeber George W 42 Stevenson Joseph A 19 i Ambrnst B 10 Kerr J.T 121 Mannarick Frank 34 6 Belk JohuC 36 CullerM.P 6 WesseU Henry 34 6 Bodeuh.imer W. J 61 Cook James O C2 Geiselman AV 2 George J. B 110 Mason AVm. F 112 7 Daggett George A 42 Emmons F. M 75 Gilbert W. H Marr A 116 McCoUum D. B 110 8 Bateman C. A . . 2 Bodenhamer W.J 12t BreedloveE. D 39 Case J. J 9 Williams Samuel A 23 9 Baldwin A. K 114 Dibble P.K 20 Fowler James D 70 Hayman L. T 74 HetlinE. I! 27 Jasper K.J 80 Nichols Ivy 92 10 BlesiS 1 11 Cardwell William '..... 92 EndicottD. A 20 Ewiug James A 92 Santee Milton G Tilsou J.R 79 Wharton Jame;5 F 92 12 CampbellNatbau lo7 Finley J.B 60 GoldsbyZ. N, 98 13 Geiselman W 2 Ivory John A 2 Maddox D.L 97 Piel Caspar 29 14 CooperA.B 110 Philliber Clinton 91 15 Ayers Marcellis 71 Brown C. C 3 16 Freeman W. H 114 Moss J. J 73 Park Wm. Jay, 1 WilliamsP.A 62 s^o Index et States and Organ izatioks. MISSOURI. Tost Cass Co , Home Guards Keffer S 110 i'lcmont's Scouis Bailey Oeo. W. .. 80 Eugiueers 1 Combe L. 1) 42 Greer ^\'m. Mc F 1 KocbJohuM 3 ScupbamJ. R 2 Smitb W. J 9 luf. 1 Barnard L.H 2 UulTy Chrs. H i-^ Frazier Wdi K! Lancaster Cbas. E 2 Maese L. D 72 Mobr JL, -J Monigomciy Robert '.U Stuart Z. r 21 LordC.R 88 2 Beudel Hiiman 2 BoydT. E 114 Dohrman Julins 23 GaleS. M «> Haskell Dan N 7 Seymour William 11 Simon Joseph 8 3 BieleekAdam 31 Gerichten Louis 54 Hartzoke Johii 10 Houck Louis :j8 Kopmaun Frank :',u MarkwartH 3 McFheisoii B. It 2 Noei hi g William 1 Woid I. A (i i Bower N 7 Deakins William 79 Eeed W. H 41 Woodin Anson f! 5 AbarrJ.B C2 Brierly M. M 23 Dumbaugb E 20 Fittbogen Paul 50 Kubl \\illiam 70 Todd Ibzan 112 6 Duprey A. F 113 Lawson Burd 20 7 Carso Levi 6 Be Witt Elisha '. . Si Gilbert John 80 Lcddy Barney 49 Scott William T C8 W'aldron W. R 57 Wall W. S 118 8 Bartholow W. E. B 2 Couant J. W 79 Boyle G. M 17 Eno H CI Halstead Samuel H 98 Jacobs Emil 23 9 Anthony Albert 2 MISSOURI. Post Inf. 10 Daily Michael 3 Stuart A. B 20 11 Copper W. H .H Fish M. W 2 MastiuS. A..., 23 Robertson G. C 3 ShreveThos.J 6 Simmons W. 'r :;8 . Wiedemeyer S. J IG 12 Davis B. A 59 Hariman Cha.s. H 7 13 Blake CM 2 Carteron Ed 8 14 SmiibW. J. A (j 15 Albrecht Zillian 3 16 Siilwell W \V 89 17 Sternberg L , 2 18 Hamlin N. S bo Kaler George- 90 WiLsoa H.C 09 21 Carroll J. F 54 Hobmau Otto -M Lockeit Jos.R (M Lyon J.J 1 McMiUiu W. M. lOJ Jleyer B. P 6 Nuiton S. D 33 SealonJ.H 70 Smallwood Jolui W 8 ) Thurman Elijah 8J Trunnell John W 80 Webb Marcus L. D 70 23 Clark Thomas N .".10/ Cox Francis ?.I BC Francis J. W„. 5J Hill Leouidas G7 24- Lyon J. J i Meyer B. F (j Sitvou John J ^.-. .>.... 1 25 Frey Reinhold : .. .,34 Gilbert Ii f5 Newhard Jamej M 1 StulHebean Geo. V»' 8 2G Maloney M 112 27 Drjinnon /■'. M. oU Brummeit Wealthy 75 Gnnter H 42 Muehe C 1 Phillips Chris. upher'ie 59 29 CoghlmO.R 74 Wood Geo. P 70 30 Braudenberg W. i.1 67- 31 Green H. L 3 Hughes A. P. S -3 32 Oan-pbellJ. T 20 Sanders Wm. M. 59 33 TarwaterG .7 Waldrou W. R 5/ Index by States and Organizations, 221 MISSOCRI. Post. Inf. U Bendcl Herman '2 35 SmitbF.M 17 39 Ayers \V. W 8S> Biso S. M 60 Bowser Lewis W CO Doui-!las NYm. C 05 40 Hp.rlzoke Jobn 42 Kohlor John -18 41 RowoN ]C. 42 Everhart B. F 7 Piidiam J. K 112 43 Shar^1^Y.^ 33 44 Scott C. F 110 Stephens E. F 27 Thompsou J. A. C 113 45 Harris Wm.H 'Jl Shal;elfora E. A 20 Taylor II. H 71 47 Meyers Geo. U 5 48 Hopkins Geo. \V 49 Sides Marion 109 Smi th Amos C 51 49 MaxwellJamesC (2 Stewart John T Gfi 61 Harris J. T 4'2 Stewart J. J 42 Benton Cadets Stills y L. C 48 Res. Cor. 5 Cur.schmaun George 87 Halleck's Guards Sayers J. R 2 NEBRASKA. Inf. 1 GricoL 118 2 Mills J. W 55 Cav. 1 Gero George G 1 Ivory John A . 2 Reeves George J 92 2 Brown Thomas E 123 Diiscoll John S 91 NEVADA. Cav. 1st Battalion Bonney J. A 23 Cook Samuel C 38 Courtney Martin L 80 Crocker' J. R 115 Dunning E. B 11 Dunning E. 113 Emery H. U 33 Hagaus E. B 119 Hughes W. D SO Isernian Fred W 34 Judd Charles H 7 LeeB. J 103 Marcus John 91 McGonaglo Joseph B 87 Sackett James H 87 Staunton Michael B 87 Vance James' M 8 NEVADA. Post Cav. 1st Battalion Wilcox S. J 65 ZabriskieE. B 5 Inf. 1st Battalion Alexander W. S.. 23 CoquiUar J 38 Higgins Charles C 101 Hoard Luther 80 Loaergan James 46 Medley J. P 1 Sanborn J. H 34 Scott Elliott F 8 Vanderhoof Daniel 3 Weaver L. B 23 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Art. 1 Badger John W 42 Bedell A. M 97 Cochran R. R 61 Gilmore C. 2 Jones Clinton 2 ShattuckC. C 2 ShatluckJ.H 2 Taber Orrin. 42 1 Battery Peoples Charles 32 Cav. 1 Biilcy George N 42 Cilley John S 5 Inf. 1 Bradford A. S 8 Cobb Jesse T 103 Hamlin S. A 09 2 Manning C.R 23 Martin James 6 Nutter S. 04 Robinson R. W. E 2 Sanborn W. K 6 Stevens John B 7 3 OrelupJ.K 8 Randall Chaa. D 72 WilsonD. F. 21 4 Estey J. C 50 5 Farwell Fred 4 Hamlin S. A ... 69 Hart C. B 21 Kelsea Henry C 60 Pike E. P 8 Shatiuck C. C 2 BlaisdcllH. B 1 Clark Joseph 1 Swift J. P 80 Williams John 54 7 BidwellC.B 29 Brickett C. H 57 Burt Robert 42 Heath H. A 10 Rahu H 38 8 Burbank J. P 10 Culver M. L 2 Nichols D. E 92 9 Ganey John 46 Hamlin Charles H 2 222 Index by States and Okganizations. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Post Inf. 9 JoyC. H 53 Little L. B 115 Wacker Gus 1 "WilsonB 1 10 GaleA.Y 5 Swett Frank H 20 Woodard J. H 1'8 11 Clark Ward E 57 Currier J. C. 7i' Felton John A 23 Smith P.J 1 12 BlaisdellS. G 33 Moorea John 48 Smith Sy) v.iuuj 1L6 13 HausonGen. W 7 Mcilahon "William 51 14 KelleyJohu 55 Nutte'r C. E 119 O'Brien Pat 3 15 Fogg Geo J 30 16 HoldeuS. E 74 18 Abbott A. F 8 NEW JERSEY. Art. 1 Bat. Carroll Patrick 34 Dickenbach Jacob 34 GoettigJohn .. 34 Werner John 2 Woerz Henry 48 Cav. — Coyle J.J 5S Culver Lafayette 1 Landgraf Charles 1 KeintauzQ.J 1 Cav. 1 Batemau Wm. T. BI 3 Eggeling Charles 34 Schultz Otto 34 2 EushJolin 2 3 Allison Edward C 48 McKeagW. H 106 Naiighton Edward 34 Inf. 1 EdelLewis 58 2 Leonard Wm. J 33 LogaaH. C 2 Malpas Alfred 2 Mansfield I Le Roy OC. Payne William F 71 Stevens Lucian 1 Todd H. H 11 Zabriskie J. H 1 3 Jalser Charles 1 4 Welch Denis 11 6 White George L 62 7 Marx Martin 84 8 BartineH. F 5 Pond Henry 2 ToddH. H 11 9 Leavy Charles M 1 NEW JERSEY. Post luf. 9 Plondke Julius 55 10 Franklin Wm. H 42 11 Meyer M 6 Pullen Clark J 47 12 Hood Benj 6 Mes«icL. i> 77 13 Keighley J. B 48 14 Donahue C. J 1 17 Cohn George 23 21 Garretson Samuel W 2 Kendall T. C 57 Winkler Jacob 8 22 Carrlngton J. H. 3 Ely John B 5 25 Eunis Albert 34 McKeag W. H 106 Meagher Patrick 1 Polhamua David 88 28 Morris Thomas 1 2.) Spader J. W 58 30 Darcey James 42 SebringD. W... 50 31 Laucas i,er Charles E 2 Rowe N 16 33 Oilman Henry... 6 White J. J 108 34 Wagner Theodore 2 35 Donlon Peter 1 37 Jack.soa J . Ros.? 2 39 Alexander Wm. 11 49 Burkle F 6 Williams W. R 19 40 Maguire Thomas 1 Maltry John lOJ NEW MEXICO. Cav. 1 Bake Oliver 36 Strong George C 95 luf. 1 Gonzales Keyes 62 Miller Sam'l J 62 NEW YORK. Heavy Art. Full Michael 50 Voslnirg Isaac 9 Wiley James 95 Art. 1 Boehse Charles 11 Long Andrew 20 2 Hecox B. F 34 Lauxman Geo 1 Linquist Adoljih 1 Peacock H. F 51 Peard John J .• 7 ThomaG. H 29 Wilson O. A 76 3 Baxter Wm. H 1 Bruce Horace 80 Index by States and Organizations. 223 NEW YORK Post ArL 3 Kelley Andrew 101 Mee James 94 Newcomb L. S 101 4 BergJQ John 42 Furrey A.J 6 FurreyW.0 55 Healy 'Vrm '2 HenaricVson W. M 80 Jacobs W. W 50 Lansing J. L 1 Lee H.T G Meade John H 23 Patterson A. K 8 Travels W. M 1 5 Browne J. A 2 Hartwell James G 115 Miller E. L 48 Monaghan Hugh 2 Neitzke E 6 Parmater John B 7 Philbrook George H 76 Whitney J. J 57 6 Cole Wallace D 7 Cummings P. W 1 Garrity Pat 6 Waterbury Charles S 2 7 Carnduli F. F 47 Eiison James H 50 Wolfer Peter ti 8 Frasier J. A BC, Rawlings Benjamin W 7 y Kirwagen John C2 Moiilton W. M 16 Koyce Frank L 8 10 AgerLoreuJ 2 Cummings P. W 1 Jackson Daniel 1 Pool J. W 1 Rouse Gaylord 1 Sanborn W.H 2 Silsbee John R 83 Starkhouse W. R 23 Webster George 70 12 BeaueC.T 11 13 Bailey Charles H 34 Chapman O 2 KingG. V 33 14 Barlow G. H 55 Hopkins B. W 23 Ingerson Charles A 8 Lencioni P. L 3 Ryan J ames 2 Wheeler J. M 42 15 Blankeuberger A 48 Herzog Fred Keil Henry 1 Mahalz Oscar 35 Porzelt Christopher 31 Art. 3 10 2 Bat. 3 Bat. 4 Bat. 6 Bat. 7 Bat. 11 Bat, 24 Bat, 25 Bat. 27 Bat. 30 Bat. Cav. 1 NEW YORK. Post Thorn Jacob 1 Baxter Wm. H 1 Churchill J. B 6 Hatch F.R 23 Milz Peter i Robinson Da,n'l L 34 . 1 CarolienC 48 Harbinson G. W 79 Keller Charles 34 NorgroveJohn 2 Ripholt Thomas 80 Watson Chas. D 124 McCartyJohu 1 Montgomery F. P 42 Owens J. H..., 42 Piatt Jesse 6 Jahn Herman 2 Banholzer Fred 3 McLean W. T 80 BramhallW. M 2 Miller John 20 Brown N. B 2 Brown J. A 2 Burkhalter Denis 85 Saddlemeyer D. C 8 Hurlbut E. F. M 11 Newcomb L. S 101 Squires Wm 1 Bloore P. L 62 Muller F.C 48 Arthur James G 42 Cruse Ferdintind ,. 34 Dorman R. G 2 Dunn Michael C 1 Goddard O. M 2 HegenianF.., 1 NolteA.F 1 Norton Harvey 2 Rafferty J. P 36 Schwartzenberg J 6 Smith J.B 67 Thomas R.P 2 Wells G. WilPy 55 BumstedE. H 2 GatesH.0 6 Montgomery F.C 95 Scully John 42 Singer F.T 57 Slack F.H 3 Thomas Henrv 61 Thurber Ches'te • 59 Williams John i". 92 Allen Francis M 42 Brown Wm 2 Gilsou J. H 92 Robinson W. J 101 Brown William 2 Paruell W. U 2 224 Index by States and Organizations. NEW YOEK. Post Cav. 4 Phillips Thomas 107 RobertsS.H 2 Smith Charles B 34 5 Bishop Walter N 92 PriuzEwald 2 Unwiu Edward 2 White J. B 3 6 Lansing Ed W 73 Lansing J. 1 73 Smith Gilbert 88 7 Hartwell James G 115 ScriptureH.D 2 8 lirowuL.L 2 Cazeau Charles 2 Cobb Charles E 80 Molatt George W 32 Walker Henry C 105 Young CM 6 9 Griswold L. D 55 Sampson Wm 57 Schwartz Edward 83 10 CorwinG.B 2 O'NeilJohn 48 Porter B. B 11 Eeynolds J. M 11 11 McAlpinA. C 8 WohUman Otto 1 12 Capelli Antonio 1 Conterno O. D 42 EUio fct James 7 Ralston J. O 1 Williams Philemon 10 13 BurnsB.E: 42 HuntingtonC 33 LordF. C 10 LovellF. M 2 McLaughUnT. A 2 14 Andres J. A 50 BuckC.P.H 8 DibbleH.C 1 PageJ.H 2 Eansom John 70 Ubhaus Ludwig 1 15 Foster Johns. M 92 IG DeKemfeeA. M 2 EsteaL. W 3 18 King Charles K 8 Simonsou J. V 45 19(lstDrag'ns)BurlinghamN.D.108 Clute George W 51 20 Ager Mark 2 Ayer Henry 88 21 Ashf ord Volney V 45 Beatty George 48 Rainsbury John 2 22 Allen Truman H 50 Evans Luke 64 Hall Sydney 43 NEW YORK. Post Cav. 22 Kingm'Mi George W 83 Van Gelder Tobias 75 Wright John N 45 23 Kichter H 110 24 HallD.D 35 25 Binder Charles A 34 Haley W. D 42 McDonald James 23 Ne wlan L. J 93 26 Parker Daniel S 80 Mtd. Rifles 1 Cobb Charles E 80 Lindner Fred 3 Murray G. W 62 Pulsipher A. C 94 Roberts S.H 2 Wilkinson W.H 45 2 Hope John 34 Olmsttad L. F 6 Reilly J.J 80 Engineers 1 BartleyJas 6 Denton N. N 3 Douglas N. E 50 Newman Philip 34 Tucker W. E 80 15 Cochrane A. H 7 Roleson L. T 42 Vanderhoof M. H 20 Winne Wm. H 65 Young John 50 50 Champlin Lester 75 Moulton Floyd 8 Warfield R. H 16 If n. 1 Jensen Hans 42 Keating Patrick 69 Pinkson H 2 Kiker J. D 50 2 Chandler Robert 4 Douglass Wilson 36 Murray J. E 46 Pennlet Wm 1 Scully John..... 42 S. M. 2 SmithG.J 2 Inf. 3 Avery D.W 5 Elsus Christie 1 Kingman Geo. W S3 JVJeriam G. F 33 Pendergast J. H 1 Vaughn Edward 54 West Clarence 95 4 Bogle Joseph H 1 Brinkham H 65 Creed Jeremiah 1 FrazeeR.S 3 Eiegelhaupt Philip 1 6 BonestellC. A 2 Brown Charles 23 ClarkE.R 3 . Hoppe Adolph 2 Index by States and Organizations. 22^ XEW YORK. Post Inf. 5 Miller J. A 1>7 Myer F. W 1 KockJohn i'2 Smith George W 45 Stearns W. R I Waunemaclier G.V,' 48 .6 Keil Henry 1 Latham Edward 4t5 RuhlFredA 23 Schubert August 1 Van Ness James 48 S. M. 6 Fried A 2 Inf. 7 Anderson John 34 Bernard Walier 48 BuckC. P. H 8 Dampf L 33 Fricke George C 42 Gardner John 80 Gumbringer John 1 Hartman A. E 36 Hundermer Herman 2 Krueger Lonis 34 Miisgrave Joseph 2 Zimmerman B 75 S. M. 7 AmermanJ.B 2 BaruesW. H. L 2 F..irbanks C. M 6 Fisher P. I '. 2 Hagerman William 20 MagaryW. W 2 Merriman E. K 42 Osborn C. H 2 Simonson JosexV 1 Roberts Richard M 1 StearnaWm.R 1 Thompson Richard. 34 Warner Ed. P 44 Kott Samuel 82 Ostrander AV. W 2 Lamp H., Jr 2 McConnell Robert 1 SoperB. J 7 Babcock Sanford P 8 BallantineChas. M 110 Booth J. G 85 Crowell J.E 61 Mosher Geo... 50 Earns J 1 Crooker Geo 26 Harrison Henry 90 Hart J. J 46 Potter A. E 110 Spoor G. L 101 SayreM. S 1 Barr J. D 2 Dohoney J 1 Murphy Michael 1 KochWm 62 Manning Lawrence 48 Sullivan James 34 Campbell J. F 1 LowrieW. H 2 Phillips I. H 2 White Andrew 2 Anderson Thomas 8 Bachline John 64 De St. Maurice E 110 Holmea Walter H 2 Mullins Henry B 1 Wenzlik R 1 Kingsbury L. W 1 Browne J. A 2 Morris C.R 1 Hunter J. n , 79 Lasher A. E 74 Leary J 41 Don.Idson Chas. E 62 Fosdick Chas. H 62 LeeG.W 42 Tyler Levi 101 King John 83 NEW YORK. Post Inf. 189 Tracey J. E 33 l'J2 GrismerJ. R 2 Osborne U. F 55 Sharpshooters 6 Massie William . .. 1 Mt. Inf. 1 Hulse N. D 49 Rifles 2 GennetJohn 58 Wagner.F 59 Guard Bat. N.Y. Harbor WinueW.H 65 NORTH CAROLINA. Inf. 2 HalevW.D 42 Mt. Inf. 3 Sutphen Chas. T 32 OHIO. Art. 1 Brodmer Charles 51 HowoW. C 1 IngersoU Albert T 80 Jewett J. R 108 Lauck Joseph B 90 McAdams J.Y 32 Wallam W. B 23 WatkinsR.0 108 White James T 45 2 Campbell Geo. A 91 Ciphers D. S 1 Powers R. M 33 Spurgeon Felix 23 lit. Art. 1 Dalmas Wm. W 34 Linderman J. C 11 Madden M 3 Rosborough James 67 2 Bat. Anderson Cenj. C Ill Guthrie N. L 62 4 Bat. Ebner Conrad 10 McKenney George 80 5 Bat. Fitzgibbons Patrick 48 8 Bat. Griener Henry 48 11 Bat. McArthurJ. A 2 12 Bat. Banning W. W 110 18 Bat. McCafferty Joseph 35 Vaughan Silas B 8 22Bat. BrunnerL.F 36 Burdell Harvey 2 2t Bat. Pennington A. R 115 Heavy Art. Clark W. H 4 Haynes James 80 NewportW.C 51 Cav. 1 Fouts D. P 92 McDonaldD.H 54 Shepard William 74 Tyler A. W 59 2 Bills William 36 Carman W. P 1 InwallJohnH 8 Kennedy George B 38 Winkleman William 3 230 Index by States and OEOAiazATiONS. OHIO. Post Cav. 2 WordenChas. H 7 3 Johnson Ezra 71 Norris Hiram J 1 ^ ByerJohn 58 CarmichaelD.L.. 47 HohnJohn 1 Lindsey James W 8 Stephenson C. H 3 ToDoaseck Joseph 50 6 BLxckburn M. S 48 ClinaEli 1 McFaddenSam 6 Thayer A.N 20 6 Patterson M. S 32 Reeves Truman 57 7 BellJ.K 8 Burnham John 1 7 Mullallv George S Gl 8 DoNice'j.H 11 GoeS.E 2 RentschlerF 2 Eentschler J. G 1 Shimer Wiley 125 Woodard 'William 125 9 * Breyfoglo C. W 42 10 Guggenheimer Simon 1 Haynie J. W 5 Hood George J 2 ■Winter W.S 42 11 BoaltJ.H 2 Sebastian G 6 12 Barbeaii John 3 Clark Adam 36 13 Mfcynard S 32 McFaddenSam 6 Inf. 1 Cunningham Alfred S 99 Dennison E. B 1 GillettCharles 64 Hill James 8 Robinson J. H 2 Statler 8 33 2 Burdell Harvey 2 Earnest C. A 2 Randall John 51 S Armstrong Robt 6 Fowler Laman D 86 Nelson C.H 96 Thomas Henry 79 i Flack David 1 HallD.S 2 PhilbrickJ.S 71 Treat R. B 70 5 KistT.J 84 Youngclaug John 93 6 Drips W.H .^. 17 FrillmanH. "W 34 Holdridge A 124 Service W.H 26 OHIO Post Inf. 6 Van Buskirk George 80 7 Butler L.S 6 Forbear. M 2 Fresher Thomas 49 Guiun J. M 65 Hardin Parley 63 Manley Frank 1 NewtonE. C 2 Raymond J. W. 1 Scott Wm. H 65 9 Bauer Gustavus A 1 Jacker J.T.H 47 Morton R.B 124 Pilger John 32 Schneider Richard 8 StolzPeter 99 Trarbach J. J 120 10 BIcHugh Felix 2 Sonday John 2 Thompson D. S 79 11 Buttertield D. D 69 French Asa F 50 GartleyA.L 77 Mayle George D 1 12 BarbeoC. P 48 Camfitou Thomas J 49 Chanuell John D 115 HaveleyW.T 2 13 Bell J. H 79 BennerJ. F 57 LemenO. T 2 Hathaway Frank 20 Smith Wm.N 16 14 Bockstanz Charles 113 Cord T. A 61 Eccles James S 61 Eccles "W. H 61 Haynes W. D 107 Reynolds Myrick 23 SmithL.P 2 15 Bailey A. S 119 Haberdier Oliver 7 HuttonE.L 11 PettitS. S 60 Seiters Henry 63 17 Creed John M 88 GouffJ.N 20 McGrewP.H.., 8 Montgomery D. C 89 18 Close Samuel L 7 Davis Wm.B 3 Roberts Ii. L 33 Thompson T. M 123 ■WaltsGeorgeW 2 19 Haight Ira G 35 Homer M.L 124 Kirby P. T » 10 Myers Frank E 34 Index by States and Oeganizations. 231 OHIO. Post Inf. 19 See R.J 11 Spencer W. E 36 "Williams H. L 52 20 Boone J. L 2 Jackson J. A 2 McClure M. D. .♦. 55 McCullough J.W 101 21 Greer Nathan 23 HornbeckJ. H 20 22 Barnes H. L 1 Bennet Jobn E 69 23 ChannellJohn D 115 Conners Tho^ 34 Hubbard C. H 3 Kelser Chris 80 Moore Harvey 54 OtisH. G 55 Kichwiue Solomon 1 Eitter M. V 2 Kosecrans W. S 2 Sebring J 1 24 Hurlburt G. M 23 25 Banning W. W 110 Cooper W. H 42 Klink John 42 Deckle Chas 42 Sp2hn Joel liil 26 Costello John 48 Herrod David 121 Jenks G. W 3 Poindexter F. H... 11 Stevens R. W 21 Watson Samuel 91 27 Badgerow Weston 64 Stofiel Phil 81 Van Buskirk James 80 28 Kotcbwitz E 6 Mork J. H 34 Parker G.L 113 Strover Lewis 96 80 Blackburn B. F 1 Earnest C. A 2 31 Case Walter G 85 Hartley Erastus 1 Hesse H 78 Putnam J. H 45 Williams Rodham 94 32 HostetterA.G 1 34 AndersonH. H 7 Bingham Ohas. F 51 Hark George 5 36 AdneyR.C.J 8 Palmer!. L 33 Winchester AUiert S 8 37 Spickert Jacob 54 88 Decker Wm 6 Evans A. A 69 Wise M.Ii 3 Inf. 39 42 46 OHIO. Post Drais Lemuel K 8 Faust John F 69 Woodard James L 82 BonteJ. H. C 2 Hume A. J 42 McCartyJ.M 54 Craig D N 20 Adams John 71 Lemen O. T 2 Long R.J 19 Maynard A. B 42 Brittingham F. M 3 Galliher Henry 75 Greves Wm. H 122 HavuieJ. W 5 EeesH. C 62 Graves L.D 61 Graves L. D 124 JudcUB 50 Canon W. S 70 Prentiss A. T 50 Ragon Oliver 115 Finigan L 7 Frew J. M 55 Hagan M 6 Lawson S. S 57 Roberts Philips 1 McMahouA 7 Wagner John 2 Harris Euf us B Ill Myers Jacob 9 Ryan John 121 Pegg Elias N 6 Bryan Charles M 51 EwingAlfredB 34 Pennington A. R 115 Butterfield D. D 69 Nelson V. H 87 Bowsher Amos L 54 James W. F. C S3 McMahon A 7 PayneA. D.L 1 Allison John W 90 Hoxworth George 67 Markel Peter .57 Taylor W. L 29 McCullough J. S 10 ReedT.L 107 Dike Latimer N 103 Hampson H. A 64 Smith L. P 2 Whitten Wallace 7 Lemmon W. B Ill McGown Harvey 11 Bowsher D. G 16 Thornton A. M 55 Lenox A. J 65 EvanaR.T 68 232 Index by States and Oeganizations. Inf. 76 96 100 101 lt)2 OHIO. Post McCoUoughE 6 Winchester Albert S 8 AUin LTiuan 93 Adama E. F 2 Bailor JohnD 86 Co wen Win. A 2 Dunning Curtis 59 Potter John 42 Reeve W. N 8 Henning D. F 66 McElroy Wm 64 Spencer W. A 6 Sutli£fe George W 80 Taylor J. 1 58 Herron I. G 74 McCusker Thomas 34 Tennelly Wm 36 Eeese John 62 Richards W. H I'iO Graham John T 34 Lioventhal Theodore 51 RuseL. W 87 Truesdale Geo. K 44 Carpenter L. W 61 Fell Timothy 62 Garwood J. F 74, HibbetsJ.B 66 Currie Arthur L 1 McGrew Jno. S 45 Campbell B. F 3 Giddinga Claude J Ill Haines Jacob C5 ReardenT.H. 2 Burdell Harvey 2 Ink Walters 16 Nichols C. A 16 Westwater R 2 Eamilton L. E 82 Sweezy Henry 71 Baldwin I. R 36 Decker Wm 6 McFarland Chas 29 Agau George W 42 Leeds E. B 63 Oliver J. C 55 Crow Geo. R 55 James Walter 55 Tally Stephen 65 Shafer A. C 55 Armstrong J. B.. 20 Durham John A 51 Stauller Benj. F 1 Smiih M. J 54 Kelly D.O 92 Lowrv J. B 49 Van fleet M. B 118 Pounstone A. L 8 Black Geo. A S3 omo. Post Inf. 105 Marsh O. L 77 Hayes F. W. 36 103 GeeM.C... 50 Humphrey W. 54 RootM.S 33 Shrier Frank 6 104 ShawS. F 113 Woolf Martin 72 Osborne Wm. H 2 Philips John 100 See R.J 11 108 Bauer Gustavus A 1 GiestingJ.G 2 109 TarrChas.M 55 110 Cowen Wm. A 2 114 Hawk E. L 3 Lynch John 2 115 Hathaway Frank 20 Newell James M 7 116 GrlffinChas.E 8 117 Kivett A. A 42 118 EoseE.H 29 120 Boor Elijah 68 Stauffer Henry W 52 121 McCuUough J. W 101 EileyL.K 2 122 GuthrieJohn 6 Kerlin Quinter 3 123 Culver F. B 55 Shawhan F. K 2 124 HallO.D 50 Williams C. W 41 125 KelleyE. C 66 Shaw H. G 10 Tuttle J. H 36 128 Doane Scott 75 Forsyth Alex. O 2 129 Boyd Abraham 2 131 Stoddard Henry 52 133 Mallory Ogden 101 136 Runnels V. S 118 137 HaskellDanN 7 Rogers Wm. W 69 Westwater R 2 144 Lamb Samuel J 8 148 Ball J. W 114 Vincent O.B 27 150 Dunton George 3 157 Atchison T. A 36 Porter U.S 122 159 Lleb S. F 42 160 Dean A. D 119 Poorman D 3 161 Hagan M 6 1G3 Carothers Robert 7 169 LeeHoward 36 Myers Samuel 52 176 Tripp Wm. H 60 llTDSX Bt StAMS AND OsGAiOZAtlONS. m omo. , Poat Inf. 178 Earnhardt CM 20 StengerW. H 33 182 Faust G. A. W 59 183 GiimmerC. A 2 . 18i ElmerCasper 35 185 Bailey Wilson S 2 Bodle F. S 50 Lamb SamuelJ 8 186 Wilson James lU 187 Carothers Robert 7 CrislerW.H 5 Curry James 108 188 ThornbillW.H 42 192 Dillel.N 66 Patterson John M 1 193 BennettJames 80 Sargent John 66 195 Williams George W 94 196 Eaton John n 95 197 BritzA.J 2 198 Brush Elden R 1 DeanA.D 119 Hark George 5 OREGON. Cav.l Adams Benjamin 73 Cain-Edward 34 Hancock W. A 83 Horn Charles H 35 McGuire Patrick 48 ParletJ. S 88 Reynolds A. F 55 Way mi re J. A 2 Inf. 1 Applegate James 124 Atchley George W 90 Boone J. L 2 Fisher Georf?e S 3 HandleyC.J 1 Hardee Thomas F 48 Jewett David 82 McCallister H.O 2 JIcDermott Robert 4 McNamer J. H 73 Niebur H. U 21 PENNSYLVANIA. Art. 2 Gayettl John 47 GaualineC. W 42 Morris J. S. T 120 Roney James 4 3 Amick D. B 33 Jones Da vid D 51 McJunkin Hugh K 2 Lt. Art. 1 Price M. F 57 HallH.H 70 2Bat. SpenceS.K 74 PENNSYLVANIA. Post Lt. Art. 1 Ind't Hoover James W. .. 74 Todd T. M 101 CaT. 1 Dunkleberger I. B 6 Twining M.J 61 3 Bachman H 6 Donnelly E 2 3 TallyH 63 Tiernan P. J 48 4 Dyer Wm. A 67 French E. B 47 McCulley M. M 68 Wood Reuben E 116 6 Fitton W. H 2 Hanley Michael 42 Hohfeld Edward 50 Kane Hugh 1 Roll Francis 34 Schumacher 0. F 6 TallyH 63 Wonderly W. H 6 6 Currey Thomas 90 Hazel E. J 3 KetlerC.A 6 Pepper Albert E 1 7 BurkeC.M 33 Cummings R 17 Long Jonas F 4 Powell 0. F 69 8 Thomas Benj.F 115 9 Clemens Geo. W 20 Mateer R. W 2 12 Felton Martin 20 Johnson Adelbert 34 Jones Leon E 2 Ott James M 2 13 Ashdown Edwin 67 Grattan Christopher 47 14 DuffeyThos 20 Pollock S. S 33 Stephens Arthur 26 15 Aiken P. J 114 Spencer Geo. W 2 16 Langenecker G. H 95 17 Reiuliold B. R 114 19 MorphyT. R 7 20 Arment W. H 9 ArnellW.J .' 1 Jackson James 59 21 Bechtel W. L 69 Turpin F. L 2 22 Dryden C. M 63 Holland W. W 80 Stroud's Cav. Cahill Thos. J 48 100 Day Cav. Osier E. B 120 Inf. 1 Battalion Collier W. B 2 Inf. 1 Falls R.J 1 Schuehart Philip 49 2 Cook H.H 80 m htDYX Tit Stages Airo QnaAmiATidifii. Inf. 2 3 12 PENNSYIiVANU. Post Cook James 11 Eachua F.J 48 Cauley Wm 34 Griffiu Francis M 4 MooneyGeo.W 1 BrittonJohn 42 Cooley F.M 8 HoUopeter Joseph 34 Rise H. G 34 CampT. B 2 Riggs S.B 80 Logan Wm 38 Kirkpatrick J. C 6 Thomas Edward B 1 BellB.F 89 MillerG.B 11 VanhornB. F 7 Connor D. M. 47 Stevens F. D 55 Greenway Thos ... 34 Jepsonl.C 68 MackleyFred 50 Schwartz S.F 7 Thomas C.J 1 Wiegand Eugene 2 David L.N 48 Stun.p Irwin C 2 Irelan Geo. W 34 Lapsley Thomas 48 Meyer C 5 Fraser James P 4 Young G. P 97 Blessingtou James 4 EUingsworth Samuel 1 Purser Spencer 49 QuigleyW. J 104 Seg ir Samuel 7G Campbell Murdock 32 Gal vin James 50 AlbertiG. W 2 Kelly B.J 50 Levy Aaron 6 Black William 32 Jacoby H 6 Noonan Patrick K 67 Geary W. L 2 Kiehl John P 85 Laughlin D 36 RbodyA. M 1 Roberts J. P 1 Irelan Geo. W 34 Irelan Wm 34 RolisonL. T 42 Slocum Geo 16 Henry Wm. B 34 Logan H.C 2 McKeague Samuel 45 Patterson John M 1 Inf. 40 43 PENNSYLVANIA. Post Voorheeg WillH.... 1 DonovauJ.W 33 Rice Lewis 68 Skivington J. F 2 Keenan Frank iS Roemer Henry 92 AlbertiG. W 2 Duncan James F 102 S^impT. E 94 Guth Martin 6 Eilyard Reuben 53 Weber J 17 Sillyman Thomas H 94 Irelan George VV 34 KnoxS. B. P 52 Smith J. P 79 Starr M. A 2 Fick3 George W 120 GuUiverT.C 1 ■« HoUenEd 80 Miillady Wm. J 48 Meserth L 1 BumbaughC.M. 20 Buskirk J.S 6 Wilson Horace 2 CampT.B 2 Moyle Owen J 46 RappJohnA 2 Barrett Henry 3 Allabach Chas. H C2 Dannaker Wm. A 8 Hart Albert 32 Kschieschang A 83 Marshall Samuel W .... 8 Dewitt Wm G2 Martin Charles 70 Darke F. E 70 Thatcher E.C 1 Whitney W. J 33 Beatty George W 42 James C. P 45 Wilson James 42 CauleyWilliam 50 Evans John 115 Hoffman Samuel 2 LaufferJ. G 48 Fraser James P 4 Lucas Wm 69 McKearneyL 54 Wise John 47 Korn Christopher 8 Brobeck Joseph 52 Wiegand Eugene 2 FentonH. W 71 Maroney S. 3 MoyerJ. W 6 Seymour E.C 67 Stott Samuel 65 Index bt States and Organizations. 235 PENNSYLVANIA. Post Inf. 77 McCandless J. N 62 Thomas E. W 100 79 Hambriglit John J 50 McBrUe John S 115 Tetermau C 1 82 CaielgJohuH 2 Elkius Lewis 116 83 Wilson John E 1 84 CraigT.H 1 McGIew W. J 27 Walsh Patrick F 2 85 Jordan Isaiah 50 AVatkins James M 108 90 Graham P. A 33 Patterson Wm 1 91 By water Wilfred 23 CzernyC. E 1 FennJ.H 1 LeutzD.U 5 Murphy A. H 1 92 Nichuals O. M 40 93 OberWm 33 Risen. G 34 SeibertJ. M 2 96 Thomas David 23 97 Basiian T. U 69 WitiichH. A 6 98 Meyer C 5 Pearson Henry 51 SchroffC 1 Sieinbrunn Jacob 6 Wentworth B. F 3 99 Kelley Bernard 1 100 Crawford J.J 108 Hunter J. H 19 Pry J. C 52 Vogau J. D 100 WattGeorgeR 36 101 Fetferman L. T 102 Hughes L. C 35 Leonard Thomas 29 102 BantaFred 92 Gardner William 67 Walker W. A 46 103 Aceret Jacob 1 Kelley Geo. W 2 Light M.S 122 LogueO. K 44 104 Capelli Carlo 62 LaudB. F 47 LyugJohnF 27 Smiih James H 1 Walliizz E. A 2 105 HaskinsC. H 55 Say J. R. D 08 WisselH. G 80 106 BlackSam.W 57 Reilly James 34 PENNSYLVANIA. Post Inf. 107 Landis Henry 34 Reinoehl Alfred W 8 111 Elmers Theodore 113 Schlaudecker Mathew 1 114 SubersR. S 48 118 LaBlaucJ 2 LoganH.C 2 122 Sliller Jerome 1 125 ReedW. E 6 126 Bard C. L 44 127 FeathersO.J 6 Krider F. L 32 128 DuBoisL.P 52 129 FreyAIpheus 34 Miller Isaac 110 Ormrod W. H 10 134 Waltenbaugh P. C 47 135 McHeury W. A 80 136 Burrows A. H 84 139 ChapinS.F 42 Eckerman J. B 10 140 StevensJ.W 74 141 Loring Wm. E 20 Salsbury J 32 142 Asay Jacob L Ill Coleman J. W 42 Howell J. W 2 Kumiser H. H 79 143 Bunnell Wesley 93 Slocum Geo 16 145 CoUomJ. H 3 Jessup Henry C 34 147 Cox C 1 1-18 TurpinF.L 2 119 BartronH. 89 151 McKelveyC. W 6 Perigo Wm 33 152 Kookeu J. A 33 153 Rush John 2 154 Oswald Adam 7 156 Jefferson I. N 17 157 BomanAlex.S 80 171 LundyWm 9 173 Jones W. T 100 175 Aceret Jacob 1 183 HammettR. H 55 NaylorBenj.F 7 187 Stevens Henry 69 188 Beatty Charles 48 l'.)l Cook James 11 192 BeerstetcherF 1 Dasher Samuel 23 Wallace Charles 81 193 Beecher E. B 101 Butte-field S. H 55 Gast Frederick 88 McBratneyW. C 65 Reynolds R. G 6^ 236 Index bt States and Organizations. PENNSYLVANIA. Post .. 20 Inf. 194 Clemens Geo. W 195 Corrigan John S 8 Kane John 57 196 Norris T. U 34 VoorheesWillH 1 197 Hambright John J 50 MarkleyJohnE 2 198 Ash Ferdinand... 8 Fraser James P i Laudell John 70 Reynolds Robert G 125 200 Speise Frederick Ill 202 Page Charles 34 203 Burgess Wm 33 Harding Charles S 64 208 Asay Jacob L Ill 213 GrassC.B 48 Keehn Harrv 52 Meahin N . . " 6 214 SinesGeorgeW 62 215 EbiugerL G O'Rouke J 1 Ees. Corps 1 Chapin S. F 42 2 Axe Fred 49 Donnelly E 2 King P.G 10 4 Bournes Richard 97 5 Little J. R 8 7 Wagner Michael 23 8 Plymire James A 75 9 VeilCharlesH 83 10 Stillwell William 1 '' Wentworth Charles 3 Willson Thomas A. ... .... 1 11 Arnold C. N 45 Arnold J. D 45 CarlisliWm 1 McMurray Samuel 7 12 DavisJ.M 1 Biicktaila Morton L. K 89 Capt. J. K. Weaver's Mt. Inf.— McHenry W. A 80 100-day Inf. McHenry W. A 80 RHODE ISLAND. Art. 1 ChesleyW.E 2 ConlluOwenT 34 Percival Richard 42 2 Frederick A 5 3 Cashman C Connolly P Murphy Timothy... Siegel Morris Wade Charles A 62 Pay. 1 Bauer George 34 Clarke Geo. E . 2 pbelpsE. D,..., ,.... 3 RHODE ISLAND. Peat Inf.— Wilson D. F , 21 1 Craudall S. T. B 34 Shattuck C. 2 a Bruno N 6 Chambers Thomas 51 Fuller C. A 92 Kearney Patrick G 34 Perkins C. E 54 SloouraW. P 6 3 Barry Charles L 34 Cole Wallace W 69 Irwin D 2 4 Duprez Jos 62 MulveyJohn 50 7 Allen E. T 2 Smith Chas. H 8 9 Garrick Michael 1 10 Harris Benjamin 23 Martin A. W 1 11 Barry Chas. L 34 Shaw H. B 2 12 Crowell L.J 4 Dunn T. D 4G Gartland John 46 TENNESSEE. Cav. 5 LingherJohn 49 9 Dyke Hugh D 116 13 Roberts Michael 9 Underwood E. N 3 16 Strickland S. E 2 Inf. 1 Feudge John 57 Woods W. A 62 2 Bruce George 78 Cecil J. M 79 4 Jones Erastus D 59 Taylor Jonathan 99 6 PettittJames 7 7 Colville J. 80 Shipe John H 51 10 Feudge John 57 UNITED STATES ARMY. Art. 1 Cohn Joseph 8 EakinO. P 2 Fitzmaurice John 8 Hertwick C. F 2 Kraft Geo. H 8 Larkina Patrick 1 Latchford Wm 32 O'.Neil John 72 a David Benj 6 Dudley James S 2 Dunphy Luke 1 Ederllne Edward 49 fish^rJ. J 6^ Index by States and Organizations. 23? UNITED STATES ARMY. Post Art.2 FordWm 46 HigginsJoha 23 Jahle August 7 McAndevson J 3 MillerFraukG 1 O'Ueilly J.J 90 Qiiiun Michael 1 Sauuders Chas 02 Scan Ion M 61 Shellenbeiger Jo3 1 Slater Jaiues 20 Smith W. 11 1 ■U'cscho Beui 48 8 Finley Chariea 48 Flyun II 41 Hanra'.tl John 6 HarmonR.E 8 Leist Charles 8 McElroy W 2 Reany \VilIiam 8 Eobluson Jamea A 87 Winder W. A 33 4 Birch Patrick 34 CushiugU.C 2 Dinsmore Wm 32 GnflSn's Bat. D Folsoin P. E 10 i Fuger F 2 FullorWm.A 1 GescUJobuL 48 Hausman J 2 Heunesacy M 1 Mautuer A 56 Martin J aiuea 6 McGoiildrick J 3 MuUer Fred 29 Otto T 62 Sullivan Edward 10 Wilson KicUard 1 6 Barry J ines 38 Fitzpatrick Peter 8 Flaeho August 52 O'HareMike 5 6 Finch Philetus 48 8 Bartliug H 2 — BloomerO.B 36 — Thomson James 49 Cav. 1 Bowsher Amos E 54 Fanfry George 26 Griffith Jonathan 123 GrifBtli Jonathan 19 Hart Henry 1 Herric.k A. P 33 Madden Wm. J 64 Mattiiigly Joseph 60 Morgan William 35 Raid William 46 Self William N 112 VeilObarleaH 8P ' UNITED STATES ARIVIT. , ^ Post Cav. 1 WaymireJ. A 2 Dragoons 1 Bergman J . .. 33 Richter K j Mtd. Rifles 1 Elliott W.L 2 Pond Henry 2 Eancers Dull W. AV 68 Cav. 2 Brady Terence .'. 7 Lyon E. C 33 Stewarts. C 3 Trimble J. G 2 Dragoons 2 Straltou W. E 41 Cav. 3 Courtenay JI. R i CostelloM 7 Oressy E. P 2 Deuan L. W 7 Eagan James 19 Hegan James 1 Lane Wm. B 2 Morphy T. R 7 Ryan James 49 Sohenck Henry 20 i Flannigan Patrick 49 HawleyWm 42 Stevens George 1 Strickland S. E ...'. 2 5 Bryant D. M 21 Butler Geo. F 34 Curtin M 6 Kruger H H Madden Wm. J 64 MoiT.n Bernard 1 O'Connor John 1 Schneider John 6 Sitile Casper 6 6 Mitchell W. B 7 ThornerJ.F 48 8 LevingJ.D 61 9 GambleG.H 2 10 McKearnyL 54 Engineers Bui ler John D t6 Clark F.C 26 Hatherly Wm 1 LarneyN.S 34 Latham H 3 Lawrence \V. B, 45 Lorton James 19 Melius N.S 54 Whitten Robert 2 Inf . 1 CookJayH 1 2 Bayer Jos 6 Buller James 62 Shanley Patrick 95 3 DayTimothy 90 EUingsworlh Samuel. 1 Ford Patrick 62 Huf hes John 48 Kheres Phillip 100 BelubacbCbag....^ S3 m Index by States and ORGANiZA-fiOJTS. UNITED STATES ARJIY. Post Inf. 3 Wallis Geo. H. "W 2 i Grillia W. W 1 Hagaus E. B 119 6 BiyantD.M 21 Cook George 81 Hackmeier A 1 HallJ. L 62 6 Balz A 2 Cassidy Wm 1 Jlallou Thomas 48 ■Wardlow James 1 7 Klipstein E. W 2 Pierce CO 33 Stewart J. W 7 Weruer F. F 1 8 Beechner Ernest 50 HealyB 33 Lewis S. A 3 "Walsh Edward 48 Wilhelm Thomas 2 9 Alpers Johu 31 Buchele Philip 42 Clark A.D 2 Colli us Daniel S 1 Crane John 1 Fulmer J. B 63 Ganzert Jacob 34 Gilroy Thomas 48 HarveyJohn 1 Johnson James 42 LambL.M 2 Lehe Eugene 23 Miltenberger Chas 1 Palmer F.L 88 Reynolds E 46 Eoth Fred 6 Enhl Johu 54 SchuoorC.H 1 Smith F 2 StaynerC. E 119 Towndrow W. N 1 Underwood Wm. B 6 10 BakerE.L 6 Boudshu Charles A 10 Diigan Michael 62 Garvey Patrick 46 Meyer C 34 WalkerG.A 120 11 CooleyF. M 8 SagertyT. J 64 12 Burke M 46 Byrnes Thos 3 ClarkThos 10 Doherty M 1 Montgomery F. P 42 Pond It. H 2 Rae Thomas 49 13 O'HairPhiUp 19 UNITED STATES ARMY. Post Inf. 13 Russell Ezra M 86 SuowH.C 49 TambliugV. A 1 Zuder Levi iQl 14 CayerOvilla 56 Cotiey James 56 Coustant Beuj 29 Doulau Thos 6 Leppowitz Max 49 Lipowitz Mas 54 Levy Beuj. C 29 MerkelJohn 42 Rico H. B 33 Tinker Geo. H 62 Toohey 2 Wright James D 6 2 Bat. Baker Ira D 101 Inf. 15 AtwoodJ.L 3 Brosvu A. M 2 Lyons Harvey 54 16 Blackburn John 62 Cole 11 29 CooleyF. M 8 CotlleT.C 1 Erno Abram 8t Langau G. W 47 Thompson J. H 34 17 Laes Charles 72 1 Bat. Merrill Fi-ank H 2 17 Morgan Winfield S 8 O'Brien James 47 Skinner Wm 35 18 Fleckner Wm 32 Harmon Chris 59 McCoy JohuA 59 McCoy John 101 SchroederJ. G 23 WandsA.H 2 19 Dugan John 1 Ordnance Dept Girard F. R 54 Lyons Ed 1 Viuing G. H 1 R. R. Service Bortree David E 50 Sharpshooters 1 Butler E. M 51 Doty Jacob 80 Holly F. S 23 Mathews Harvev 2 NashT. S '. 71 2 CofanF.S 42 Hamlin Roscoe G 117 Sweetser F. D 1 Signal Corps Aiken P. J 114 Bell H.C 95 Brayton Elijah 6 Denicke E. A 2 Hurlbut W. S IC6 Levy Aaron 6 Nicewonger L. H. n 23 Index by States and OrganizaTioks. 2^9 UNITED STATES ARMY. Post Vet. R. Corps Art., 3 Bat. Card "W.D. e5 21 and 22 Bat. Walsh Michael 1 Vet. R. Corps Inf. 2 Fairchild J. H. 8 3 Burnham S. S 1 4 Robinson H. W 118 Thomas SibinR G5 5 Boehme Theodore H 45 Sonday John 2 6 Dut-tonC. M 80 8 Parsons \Vm 42 ScrlbnerH.H 3 9 Parker James 8 10 Wands A. H 2 11 MooreO.A 106 Steffens John 1 24 HartO.B 21 28 Fletcher A 69 45 Orana John 2 46 Kendall T.0 67 103 Hallett Charles O 2 159 Trumbull James R 114 — Morton L. K 89 — SeverensJ.D 23 — Spencer W. A 6 — TurnerA.P 42 Col. Art. 4 Wagner Theodore 2 11 Burns Hillary R 8 13 Barnard J. Howard 2 Colored Inf. 1 Van Winkle H. W. . . 62 3 TavlorR. W 1 WillsonThos.A 1 4 Livermore P. P 6 9 Royal William 2 12 Thompson C. R 2 14 Garratt R. M 2 15 BennettD. A 42 Filkius Geo. E 72 16 BarbourJ.H 42 18 Somers Obedlah 80 19 Blakeley James O Ill 20 Gardner I. G 2 21 Bennett A. G 42 Calvert Geo. D 5 23 Borton Arthur 35 McGovern Thomas 8 Nestell Adam 1 24 Sulla Tou Samuel 1 26 Marsaillea J. W 6 29 Royce C. E 2 30 Bowley Freeman 3 1 31 O'ConnorJohn 50 WiseP.V 3 32 Ashley Lucius W 1 38 Russell J. H 42 40 BlakeChas.E 2 Hitchcock C.N 23 44 BramhallB. M 2 GarrattE, M 2 UNITED STATES ARMY. Post Colored Inf. 48 Stevens G. H 1 52 Inman M. F 38 57 GreenT.H 42 Gl Walling Julilia M 115 62 ClayHenryS 80 Statler J. S 42 67 ButlerL.S 6 WhitfordM 89 75 GriswoldN.W 2 93 Schafer Herman 34 98 ConwayP.J X 113 McChesney Robt. W 34 Smith Wm. H 42 114 Goodale Warren 4S 119 SchenckW. T. y 2 125 Gaston John 121 128 NobleT.K 1 136 TainterS. B 2 142 BartchFred 9 148 Mulligan Dennis 32 U. S. MARINE CORPS. Marine Corps Barton Thos. 60 Bonney Joseph 46 Britton Robert 42 CullyW.8 4 DeHartWm 26 Ebbett Geo 62 Hayes J. J 2 Hickey James 1 Kelly Frank A 34 Kelly John 72 Livingstone R. R 2 O'KeefoJ 50 Sullivan Daniel 46 SpellmauJohn 79 Staples Henry i WetsellGeo.W 23 Sub 'Marine Corps Colford John.. . . 80 UNITED STATES NAVY. Adams Silas P 23 Ahlers W 1 Anderson Chas 34 Anderson George 11 Andrews Walter 87 Arey A. R 33 Babcock J. H 16 B.abcock M. S 3 Babcock M. 8 51 Bacon Fnncis H 3 Bagley E. M 7 Bakker Reyer 11 Batch H.G 3 Bennett H 77 BlssellH. L : 6J 340 Index bt States and ObganizaTions. UNITED STATES NAVT. Post Blackburn j. O 104 Blackmore N. L 16 Blaisdelll. L OS Borton W.F 42 Boyd Jotin E 88 Bragdon C.A 1 Braids John 9 Branch C. H 53 Brittain William 1 Brock Edward il 1 Bromwell L. L y.. 2 Brooks Samuel A.. 1 Brown Geo. R 6 Bruce Henry 4 Brundage J. H 8 Buchanan J i Bulfiuch Thos. J 44 BurkEdward 48 Burke Peter 31 Burke W. L 3 Burns John 1 Barns Michael 50 Byrnes W. A 2 Cain Thos 34 Campbell A. C. 85 Campbell Thos 45 Carrahan Patrick 48 Carstens Heiiry 1 Cawley John 2 Chandler L. M 2 OhapinR. P 02 Christian Antone 50 Christie Wm 04 Christie ■\Vmiam 125 Clapp Geo. P 8 Clark Thomas 1 Claudianus CM 1 Cline Thos 48 Clough J. F 1 Cobb W. B 2 Coghlan J. B 2 Coleman Michael is Coif ord John 80 ColUns John 114 Comfort Jos 05 Commins Job 75 Conn J. D 45 Conner Cornelius 34 Connolly John 2 Cook C. C 8 Cooley E. K 2 Costello M 7 Craig Robert 4 Orall Geo. A 34 Crichton R. B 42 Croft Thomas F 93 Cruden Albert 2 Dalton M >. 1 UNITED STATES NAVY. Post DeSanuo W 1 Deacon Wm 2 Dee W 2 Devlne Patrick 1 Dickinson Albion C4 Dill A. F 34 DoddJas 3 Donnelly A. B 1 Donnelly George A 4 Donnelly T. S 10 Donohue Michael 2 Douglas John 54 DoutyF. S 2 Downing Dennis 113 Doyle Philip A 5 Duuu J. C 60 Dyer J. D 36 Eagaa E. M 1 Eckart W. R 2 Elaton George : 48 Enos JoseiJh 50 Ei'ickson Conrad 2 Farciot Ghas. C 1 Fay M. C 2 Fisher D. F 48 Foley Michael 48 Ford Fred W 1 Fortier 8. M 2 Freeman C. U £3 Freese Cbas. J 35 French Chas. A 82 Gardiner F. 1 1 Gee Myron , 57 Gibson John 8 Gilabert Joseph 23 Gilmore A. N 2 GivensW. J 9 Gluss John 32 Gleason John 1 Gobertz Martin 1 Golding Thomas 2 GrautG.W 33 Graves S. F 63 Green L.K 32 Grow A. L 36 Haas Jerome 23 Hagman Charles G 48 Hallett Joseph H 72 Hamlin C. L 88 Hanly Wm i Hanson Geo. W 7 Hanson H.J 84 HardiugW.T 48 Harris George L 3 Harrison Joseph 8 Hart John 11 Harvey A. W 7 ^ Hayexty John (U Imdkx bt States aitd Oboakizatioks. 241 UNITED STATES NAVY. Post flawesW. H 2 Hazard A. R 1 Healey Win 46 Heffernau John Hi HillJohnB 93 Hegerup Anthony 83 Eenery Samuel 23 HoefferE 23 Hoist D 3i Hosley Geo. A 2 Howard C. S 1 Howara U.Z 2 Hunt J. H 1 Hyde Marcus D 8 Hyme Tho3. Oscar 84 Jagoe K. H 40 Johusou Geo. A 50 Johnson AV. H 48 Jones J. P 33 Jordan Franklin 65 Jordan William 48 Josephs William 4 Kauo J. n 44 Eelley E 4G Kelley Joseph C7 Kenna James 8 KenuillJ 1 Kidder G. E 2 King David J . 1 Kiltie William 48 Kraut Charles 1 Laago W. J. F 60 Lagerman Henry 34 Laine 11. W < 45 Landson Luuis 34 Lane Michael 4S Lane W. W 48 Laugh ton James 34 Laycock T. F 09 Le Chevallier Francis 1 Leachey Thomas 1 Leeds B. F 50 Lewis Nelson 48 Lifilefield G. B 93 Lordeu W. U 93 Lovejoy Joseph F 45 Lutz W. E 2 Lynch William 1 Macomljer David W 108 Mager Henry , , . 1 MalonoL. J. , . 48 MannsellG. M CO Marsilliot M. G 2 Martin John 34 Martin Michael 60 Mass Peter U 1 JIasteller T. C 1 Mathews J. H 2 UNITED STATES NAVY. Post Mafhisen O. T 20 Mayer Harry 1 McCarthy Michael 34 McCoolD. M 4 McCumisky James 20 MiDoualdT. H 60 McGinley Daniel 7 McGrath M 46 McKean W. D 4 McKelvey 0. AY 6 McMahon J. S 11 McMahon Peter 34 McNuttW.F 2 McPeak John 34 McPherson li.lt, 2 Melius N. S 54 Melrose K 2 Metzler Theodore C 2 Meyer Adolph 1 Miller Geo. A 1 Miller Henry 4 Mouahan D 48 Montasue J. P 50 Moutell F. W 48 MoreyF. C 6 Morso Obadiah 7 Mullen John 1 Murphy Daniel 34 Murray M 1 Neal Charles S 2 Newman Charles 113 Newman Peter A 1 Nicolaysen J 1 Nicoll Frederic E 2 O'Brien Wm... 50 O'Donnell James 8 U'Neil Lawrence 48 Odell Isaac 34 Osborn A. A 2 OwensJ.0 1 Pascoe W. H 72 Paulsen Chas. A 1 Paulson Henry 34 Pease G. IM 2 Penfield W. U 2 Pennell R.J 2 Perry Frtd M 80 Perry Thomas C6 PittmanH. 1 Place Wm.U 45 Poat J.J 20 Powers Thomas.. 1 Pracb t Mas 2 Price CM 1 Provost Nelson 1 Quinlan D 1 Quiuu Edward 84 QuiuQ Edward, Jr 34 242 Index by States and Oeganizations. UNITED STATES NAVY. Post Bansom S 2 Reed H.W i Reese William 34 Reeves E.J 38 Reynolds H. 2 Rhelia Charles 5i Rhodes Elbert O 72 Richardson E. H 2 Riley James H 4G Ross John 45 Rudolph August 8 Rulffs J 1 Rundal J. N 59 Ryan John 34 SaUsbury N. C 7 Schander Adolph 48 SchlesingerJacob 6 Scholz Bruno 48 Schultz Louis 34 Scott Julius 16 Scott Walter 2 Shea Daniel 8 Shirk A 1 Silva Anton 3 SmedleyJ.K 1 Smi th Henry 34 Smith W.H 2 Smitten C. H 2 Snyder E.P 1 Spuhold T 119 St. John F. A 10 StanleyJ.W 50 Starr Frederick 1 Sterling Fred. M 38 Sterling Hiram 1 Stevens L. W 55 Stone W. W 1 Stott Wm. D 1 Stromberg B. F 1 Sullivan C 23 Sullivan Daniel 97 Sullivan John H 34 Sullivan Nash J 34 Sullivan Patrick 2 Sullivan Timothy 1 Sullivan W. D 4 Swain R 78 Symmes F.J 2 Taylor W. E 2 Taylor Wm. H 4 Teanihan Michael 34 Thorne Wm. S 120 Toohey James 1 Townsend Joseph 48 Treat Flavins H 34 Tronson Ole 64 Van Wyck H. L 2 Walsh Dennis 34 \^ar4 Phillip ..,. ^ UNITED STATES NAVY. Post Ward P. J 46 Wate P. T. M 2 Waterbury Samuel A 34 Watts Joseph 2 Weeks Albert B 20 Weishar Augustus Ill Welch C. P 2 Wellington G. W 77 Wentzell Charles 38 Weston Henry 75 White Joseph 1 White Michael 34 White William 38 Whitney Henry 23 Wilkins W.J 1 Williams B. F 42 Williams Nicholas 8 Williams R. A 4 Williams W.W 2 Willis E 2 Willson James 19 Wilson Charles 34 Wilson D. P 4 Wilson Henry 34 Wilson Henry 4 Wilson J. H 1 Wilson John 75 WiskerF. G 2 Wright H.F 98 Yeomans H 1 Young Richard 9 VERMONT. Art. 1 Cameron Phil 7 1 Batt, RiceOscarF 55 2Batt. GaffanyOwenE 82 3 Batt. Chamberlin Clark J 85 Morris Francis 80 Waldo H. R 32 Cav. 1 Blinn Charles H 2 ChaneyO. F 33 Locklin Ralph 115 Martin J. H 55 White RayA 92 WrightT.F 42 Inf. 1 HopkinsA.S 3 2 Carpenter Ira M 64 Taylor Frank 50 Woodward G. W 55 3 Allen L. D 34 Inman Charles J 49 Kane Francis J 34 4 CheeverM.R 2 Clement L.H 2 Graves Oscar E 76 Whitney J. D 42 5 BixbeeA.C 1 I'airchild Judd H f Index by States and Organizations. 243 VERMONT, Post Int. 6 Blackburn Charles 36 Orcutt H. C 33 White Henry 115 7 Biuler D. L 79 HainV. A 6 Johnson Wm 20 8 Chittenden C. 75 Eaton Chas 3 Harlow D. T 1 Rood Oliver 69 Smith R. D 52 XJpham B. H 2 9 ElynnJohnD 38 Holton Chester 56 Wandell N. L 48 10 Lauder Joseph 9i Mausur Jacob C 82 SimondsW.S 1 "WhiieT.H 3 11 Calvert George D 5 Kennedy Thoinaa 10 12 Bourcey Nap'n 55 Downer P. li 2 Hayford Edw. F 7 Phelau Thomas H 6 Story H.L 33 13 ChadwickA.J 2 Fisher A. L '20 Hard David T 1 Harper Charles A 8 Proaty Charlf s 48 14 Smith Frank A 3 Waterhouse F. A 2 15 Wise George 3 Worthen George W 7 16 CargiUC. G 58 HallU F 21 TowloW.W 2» Waldo B. F 32 17 Crawford B. M 35 Davis George A 2 Giddings B. F 2 Kes. Corps 1 Meyler T. J 3 VIRGINIA. Inf. 1 Newell James M 7 2 LogginsH.B 17 WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Inf. 1 Barnum W. D 6 Biederman Louis 34 Bi own Richard 2 Daly Charles 4 Dassonville A. A 3 Eagau Frederick 56 Hardenberg J . R., Jr 1 WASHINGTON TERRITORY. Post Inf. 1 HaskinW.A 6 JudellH. L..- 2 MillsW.W 8 Pearson J. B 65 Eichit H. V 2 San tee Henry J 50 Tucker B. H--- 92 WEST VIRGINIA. Lt, Art. Bailey A. S 119 Cav. 2 Cbamberlin John N 49 6 Broy C. L 29 Eddleman G. H 102 Howell J. W 102 Inf. 1 Bailey E.F 2 Varner Samuel 81 2 BoswellBenj. D 88 4 Boswell Beoj. D 88 5 Merriman E. R 42 9 SkinnerL 68 12 Staudiford E.L 38 14 HoitEdw.M 52 WISCONSIN. Art. 1 BassettG. P 7 Browu Thos 42 Miller J. H 1 Paddock W. C 49 Spencer E. W 8 1 Batt. Kimball Chas. B 8 2 Batt Rabe Louis 101 4 Batt. NoggleD. L 2 5 Batt. Elliott B.P 6 WarrenC.F 6 Williams P. S 6 9 Batt. Toll John C 98 12 Batt. Comstock Harvey 32 NoggleD. L 2 13 Batt. Wines J. P 23 Cav. 1 Barter Geo. W 35 Bowers W. W 33 Brown George 2 Chittenden R. H 52 Cleveland R.S 4 Dudley Denj.W 44 Flack G. D 2 LambW.E 2 Lougfield Wm. M 69 ScovilleJ.J 2 Siillson J. McC 19 Ward J. L 36 2 Beach C. W 2 Cornish George F 3 Daveuport John S 75 Lashhiooks Kli M ., 7 Metcalf S. W 29 2U Index bt Statbs and Oeganizations. •WISCONSIN. Post Cav. 2 Palmer A.J 47 Prockscb Lorenz 8 Rose Jerry 91 3 Hall Albeit A 20 Santongue Joseph CO Savercool W. W. 122 Wagner Wm 44 Young J. H 58 i Eoesch Frank 16 Plant Wm 32 Davidson Eb 29 Ligbtbizer H. B 83 Hatbews W. H 29 Moore F. M 2 Inf . 1 Clark Z.P 2 CobbG. L 81 Fuller Reuben 23 Laine J. R 3 Sabin George M 5 Sutton Charles 83 Wood John E 23 Flyun Matt 35 2 Allen Franklin F 34 Hellwig Jacob 85 Hugging John C 2 Miller Frank 3 EugglesJ.D 2 Webster L.F 44 3 Brown C. C 54 Brown H. R 6 Davis J. B 21 Derry Thomas 74 Manfaney Henry 05 Meeker E. 1 35 . Porter Frank H C4 Smith Henry M 118 Titus A 33 Whitney Chester V 81 Williams David 65 4 Allen ft'm i»4 LedbetterM. H 6 SmiihJoelP 34 6 Bancroft Jerome 92 Bishop LevlT 94 Carver L.M 8 Charnock Chas 55 Cole George. 46 Culbertson A. T 108 KehlJohn 58 Kribba H. S 6 Liunell U. H 3 Stevens Lester 16 Thompson John 1 27 6 Cole John H 75 Dunn Henry G 85 McPhersonJ.K 23 Thomas T. C 61 7 Bateg Joseph 52 WISCONSIN. Port Inf. 7 Bradshavr G . 8 36 Eustice George 7 Stadler John 52 8 Clark Ed. A 36 Crvmble John 3 Ma'nsnrC. F 17 9 Flamming John .-.. 59 Shirley Henry 10 Shirley Theodore 58 10 Court Edward 23 Green Wm 75 Hart S.L 36 Herrick S. W 8 Johns J. K 8 Loomis H. B 23 ShoemakerJ.J 23 Travis George 94 Wilson DelosE 59 11 Davis M.E 57 Peterson Larry 74 Pierce Calvin 20 12 CareyL.H 50 Crellins John 62 HuUO.H 23 Leako Ed 6 Moody Horace 7 Morrison James 19 13 SmithB.G 2 Taylor Thomas 5 14 AbbottA.G 71 Elftman Martin CO Osborn John. 57 EibbleF. J 6 15 DeRemeeA. M 2 Larsen Michael 80 Madison B.J 23 16 Armstrong Wm 32 Jacobs Justin 99 Stevens Lester 16 Thomson Joseph 94 17 GlnnetyJamea C9 Madigau James 48 Rea Samuel 23 18 Connors John 85 PurdyO.W 75 Skellenger D. A 16 ToddOscar 6 Wetherb> Geo. A 34 Worcester H. B 7 19 Ackerman Truman 101 Morton F. R 2 Yarrick G W 45 20 Lamb W. E 2 MillerC.A 1 0'>ieilWm 34 21 Dunn Edward 1 Murphy Wyman 20 Parsons A. C ..., 88 Index by States and Organizations. 245 WISCONSIN. Post Iiif.21 SherwooaA.T 20 22 Graves Ales. H Iu9 Jones 11. H 1 Linderwood Thos. S 23 Moou Israel G 94 Thompson Olif 2 Vooihee3 Geo. L i Voorhees Jasper 1 23 Bell Stephens 20 BicknellF.D 55 Cardwell L C HighamE 50 Keilog!? Geo. D 71 24 Colby L.J 17 Ilarmon Collins B. . , 2 McKill.p Daniel 1 O'Connor H. A. C 32 25 Burton J. A 26 Campbell H. E 23 Doty Newton M 1 Francis G. M 74 Patterson W. M G5 Stanton Edward 49 27 ElUoksou J 102 MirsilUotM. G 2 28 HawkaA. D 2 HawleyW.G 2 Eawley W. G 61 Hebbard A. W 33 Sanford D. K 58 Somelott Carl 9-t Weaver Henry 74 Wilkerson Horace 67 29 Nanscawen L. V 1 30 Bu.bankL 50 Withrow C. W 2 31 Feathers D.H 114 Frost David 118 Livermore P. P 6 Eowe James 95 82 Pierce E. K 57 33 Allen Franklin F 34 Cameron Alex 122 Hall J. C 1 Neilson Bendix 20 Winne F 123 34 MoranThomas 89 35 Mumby WilUam 80 WISCONSIN. Post Inf. 35 WhitakerD.E 23 36 Jacobs L. C 33 StorkeC. A 62 87 I.aue Joseph 53 Np^h L. A 91 Kowe Edwin 95 38 CoyleJ.J 58 Smith W. A 74 39 AborW.E 1 Du.kee E. H 2 ll.i! :i:3 Edwin W 1 KiugK 17 Meserve J. G 3 Tyler O.E 6 40 Aiken W. II 1 Allen Charles H 42 Cutler C. W 42 Gilbert Julius L 109 Eeppy Charles D 36 EockwellA.L 2 Van Kirk Walter B 4 Watson V.C 92 Wilson Parker 2 41 AmesE. O 2 HartS.L 36 42 Lyman Walter 101 Monroe E. E 26 Eemmel Chaa 16 43 Gillespie A. M 2 Lamar Charles 23 MattesouS. H 17 44 Aiken W. H 1 Earnett J. D 20 English S. C 80 45 Eice Judson 42 46 Clark C. B 116 47 Churchill Geo. H 4 DresserF.S 10 49 Chamberlin Chas. G 56 Miller C.C 118 Sanford D.K 58 60 H.iUeck E 26 51 AberW.E 1 52 Coyle J. J 58 53 Bigelow E. R 87 McCumber Thos. C 9 McCormack Robert .mm. 36 W. &. VAiJ^DERsiiOB. Kenneth Melrose. ESTABLISHED 1858.- W. K.Vanderslice & Co. TRADE MARK Manutacturers of fl^ni^^HHn Manufacturers af W. K. V. & CO. ImpoTtera of Watc[?es and olocl?s, Diamonds, Etc. A Full Assortment '^^^^M^^^^ Novelties in G. A. R. "mBT silver BADGES, ffllll JEWELRY In Gold and Quartz, SMliLUfe n* ^„« „^^ ^„i,« ^^^^^^Ir Oiour own make, A Souvenir of the ^^M^^ ELEGANT 20th Nat. ^^^^^^ but ENCAMPMENT. M INEXPENSIVE. Geo. H. Thomas Post, No. 2, VeTERAH GUAJID. 136 gUTTER ^T.. %m FRANCISee ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Page AbarrJ. B U3 Abbott A. F 41 Abbott A. Q J28 Abbott C. " 45 AbbottE. J 51 Abbott K.K 1(J8 Abbotts. H 127 Abbott W. W 1C7 AberW.E 3 Aberdeen John 181 AblesO.K 80 Abrams Kobert 14 Aceiet Jacob 3 Achey Philip 102 Achorn A. (j 3 Acker Hudson H 45 Ackerman Herman 109 Ackerman Truman — 103 Acton M.J 148 Acton Will Ct Adam Robert 3 Adams Alfred 118 Adam3 Benj 130 Adams C. E 25 Adams C.W 14 Adams David M 1/4 Adams D. 15 105 Adams E. F 14 Adams Heurj' 33 Adams J. M 180 Adams John 1J8 Adams J. R 41 Adama Silas P 50 Adams W. H. H 105 Adams Zeb.B 14 AdlerL 85 Aduey K.C.J 41 Adolph Charles 178 Aegeter Solomon 03 Agan Geo. W 80 Ager Loren J 14 Ager Mark 14 Ahlers Wm 190 Ahrberg Wm. A. F 25 AikenJobnJ 25 Aiken P. J 177 AiktnW. H 3 AlberJohn 08 Alberger Wni. 100 Albeit James W 138 Albert! G. W 14 Albrecbt Zillian 25 Page Alexander B. D 50 Alexander F. E 02 Alexander W. F 190 Alexander Wm. 11 93 Alexander W. S 50 Alkire A. L 181 All John 172 AUabacb Chas. H 110 Allaire Frank 100 Allen A. J.E 105 Allen Chas. H 80 Allen Ethan 159 Allen E.T 14 Allen Francis M 80 Allen Franklin F 191 Allen Geo. A 156 Allen L. D 08 Allen S. R 80 Allen Truman H 95 Allen T.S 08 Allen Wm 155 Allen W. W 41 Allin Lyman 154 Allison Edwin C 90 AUi.sou H.J 109 Allison John W 150 Allsi:)augb Benj 128 Allum W. W 41 AlpersJohn 08 Althouso Jas. W 98 Alvoi'd Edwin 73 Ambrust B 47 Amerman J. B 14 Ames A. N 107 Ames Everett 103 Ames R. C 14 Amick D. B 05 Amos Wm. H 170 Anderson Andrew 136 Anderson A. W 108 Anderson Benj. C 174 Anderson Caleb 188 Anderson Chas 68 Anderson Geo 48 Anderson George R. . .174 Anderson Gustaff 77 Anderson H. H 38 Anderson John 68 Anderson R. It 3 Anderson S. B 80 Anderson Thomas 41 Anderson W. B 3 216 Pago Andres J. A 95 Andrews G. F 3 Andrews Jas. H 100 Andrews Walter 147 Anson P. F 68 Anthony A 3 Anthony Albert 14 Anthony Matthew J. ..141 Apgar R. M 3 Applegate James 187 Archibnld J 80 ArnellW. J 3 Arents Edward 90 Armeut W. H 45 Arey A. R 05 Armstrong H.. 179 Armstrong Henry 25 Armstrong J. B 54 Armstrong John W 93 Armstrong Robert 33 Armstrong Wm 63 Arnold A. W 54 Arnold C. N 85 Arnold Geo. H 14 Arnold Isaac 163 Arnold J. D 85 Arnold P. B 56 Arnold W. H 45 Arthur J. ipes G 80 Asay Jacob L 174 Ash Ferdinand 41 Ashburn Joseph 163 Ashdown Edwin 109 Ashford Voluey V 85 Ashley L. W 84 Ashley Lucius W 3 Ashman Wm. D 178 Atchison T. A 75 Atchley George W 150 Atherton Nelson 105 Atkins E.S 103 Atkinson B 116 Atkiuson George 41 Atmore M 124 Atwood J. L 25 Atwood T. A 25 Auble 0. C 151 Adble Montgomery.. . .151 Aulthouse James.. . . 161 Austin G. W Ill Austin James 163 Austin Jonathan 86 247 Alphabetical Index. Page AvasJobn 51 Avery D. W HI Axe Fred 93 Ayer Heury 148 Ayers Mnrcellis l'J8 Ayres V/. W 14'J Babbitt John H C8 Babcock A. Is' 177 Babcock G 3 Eabcock J. U 50 Babcock M.S 14 Babcock M. S S8 Babcock Sanford P 41 Bacbelder J. A GJ Eaclihofl'er A 80 Bacliline John 303 Bacliniau 11 33 Backus E. XI 101 Backus S. W 3 Bacon A. B 14 B:icon Fi-aucis H 14 Bacon Luther 77 Bacon ilartin 14 Badger John W 80 Badgerow Weston 119 BagleyE. M 38 Bagley P. U., Jr 14 Bailey A. b 47 Bailey A. S...; 182 Bailey C. A tO Bailey Chas. H C8 Bailey E. F 14 Bailey George N 80 Bailey Geo. W 3 Bailey Geo. W 138 Bailey Wilson S 14 BailhacheM. H 13o Baird A. M 14 Baird O. A 175 Baisley Geo. H 192 Bake Oliver 75 Baker E. L 33 BakerG. H 137 BakerG. S 75 Baker Ira D 1C3 BiikerJ. O £0 Baker J.S 105 Baker P. Y 170 Baker Simeon 80 BakkerK 48 Balch H. G 25 BalcomB. G 51 Baldwin A. K 177 Baldwin Geo. E 14 Baldwin I. K 75 Baldwin J. E. B 103 Baldwin Julius A 171 Balis Ban 132 BaUJ. W 177 Ball Samuel 98 Ballantine Chas. M....173 Balling Anthony 38 BallouC. J 33 Ballon S. D 127 Balz A 14 Banbury J 25 Bancroft Jerome 152 BaulieldJ. H 3 Baijgs Isaac F 80 Baubolzer Fred 25 Banks Chas. W 14 Banning Granville W..179 Banning W. W 173 Banta Fred 152 Banta Henry 152 Barbeau John 25 Barbee C. P 90 Barber H. D 176 Barber James B 93 Barber L. N 63 Barbour J. H 80 Barclay Hugh 134 Barcus W. -T. F 154 BardC. L 84 Bard James 3 BarikauskyJ 89 Barker Fred J 100 Barker 11. L 3 Barker Silas 80 Barlow G. H 10.5 Barlow James 3 Barnard F. U 109 Barnard Irvin 84 Barnard J. Howard.. .. 14 Barnard L.U 14 Barnes U. L 3 Barnes W. H Eo Barnes W.H. I, 15 Barnes W. R 66 Baruett Geo. A 15 Baruett J. D 54 Baruett G. P 15 BaruhardtC. U 54 Baruhardt G. W 154 Barnum W. D 33 Barustead Thomas D. . 3 Barr J. D 15 Barrett A. M 105 Barreit Daniel S 95 Barrett Henry 25 Barrett J. E 95 Barri uger Wm 95 Barroclough H. 169 Bairon Francis E 114 Barry Chas. L 68 Bairy James 77 Barry J. E 95 Barry Bobert 8 Pag« Bartch Fred ^. . . 45 Bartell J.J 103 Barter Geo. W 73 Bartholemew C. E 75 Bartholomew Levi.... 113 Bartholow W. E. B.... 15 Bartine H. F... 31 Bartlett J. L 3 Bartlett William 68 Bartley Jas 33 BartlingH 15 Barton C. H 145 Barton Thomas C 95 BartronU 149 Baskowitz C. J 31 Bassett G. P 38 Bastian T. H 125 Batchelder H. T 53 Bateman C. A 15 BUeman Emanuel 56 Bateman Wm. T. M. .. 25 Bates Jared 180 Bates John T 170 Bates Joseph 100 Batten Yv'. E 148 Bauer G. A 4 Bauer George 68 BaumG. A. R 4 Baxter Edwin 105 Baxter Wm. H 4 Bayer Jos 33 Bayles J. W 171 Bay less Wm 33 Bayly Henry 41 Beach Charles E 93 Beach Carmen W 15 BealeC.B - 84 Bean W.H 63 Beau Wm 68 Beard James 102 Beard John 174 Beard Wm. H 156 Beardsley George D... 77 Beatty George 90 Bcatty George W 80 Beavimont H. E 56 Bechtel W. L 126 BeckwithC. J 98 Bedell A. M 159 BeebeS. J 62 Beechej E. B 163 Beecher James H 168 Beechner Ernest 95 Beedle W. H 150 Beer Jacob 68 Beerstetcher F 4 Beesley Thomas 138 Beesley Thomas -. 46 Belian Obarles X 16 Alphabetical Index. 248 Belk JohnC 75 BellB.F 149 Bell George 4 Bell George H 31 Beim.C 157 Bell Horace 33 BellJ.H 137 BellJ.K 41 BellJohnR 80 BellL 51 BellS. D 25 Bell Stephens 54 Bellamy B. 83 BelllngaUCharlea. .. 80 Belton P. M 90 Bemis E. P 125 BemisH. A 25 Bendel llerman 15 Benedict G.L 189 Benjamin C. W CO Benjamin F. W 157 Benner J. F 109 BennetJohnE 93 Beunet John E 125 Bennett A. G 80 Bennett D. A 80 Bennett F 130 Bennett G.J 15 Bennett G.W 4 Bennett H 135 Bennett U 25 Bennett James 138 Bennett M 33 Bennett Wni 90 BeusleyEdwin 53 Benson Berkley D 50 Bent J. T 15 Bentley D. M 79 BentleyS. A 25 BergiuJamea J 29 Bergiu John.. _. 80 Bergman J G5 Berkenmeyer Alois.. .138 Berliner Solomon C8 Bernard Walter 90 Berner W.J 75 Berry C. E 01 Berry Geo. E IIG Berry James R 138 Berry John C8 Berry M. F 105 Belts W.Y 4 Bickford W. F 148 BickmoreT CO Bicknell F. D 105 BidwellC. B C2 Biederman Louis C8 Bieleck Adam 63 BiercB Jas. -^-^.^157 Bigelow C. L 15 BigelowR. U. .... 147 Bigelow Z. M 141 Billing3 Geo. A 15 Billington Isaac F 1^0 Bills Wm 75 Binder Chas. A C8 Bingham Charles F ... 98 Biukley D. U 33 Birce F. A 103 Birch Patrick C8 Birch Theo.B 186 Bird Allen T ..120 Bird T.J C2 Birdsall S. T 87 BisbeeE.T IIG Bise S. M 114 Bishop Charles 110 Bishop Levi T 155 Bisliop Walter N 152 Bishop Wm 192 Bisselin. L 115 BissellL,. U .*.... 81 Bitley W. L 102 Bitterly Oscar A 93 Bivius B. F 73 BixbyA.C 4 Bixby U. U 105 Bixby Levi R 41 Bixby Levi S 41 Black George A 154 Black Sam W 109 Black William C3 lilack William 4 Blackburn B.F 4 Blackburn Charles .... 75 BlAckbum D. S 84 Blackburn J. 107 Blackburn John llii Blackburn M.S 90 Blackman E. S 81 BlackmerE. T 05 Blackmon P. S 15 Blackmore N. L 5J Blair J. J 125 Blaisdell A. G 103 BlaisdellU. Q 4 Blaisdell I. L ICO Blaisdell S. G GJ Blako Charles E 15 Blake 0. M 15 Blakeley James O 174 Blakemore J. W 18'j Blaklcy J.0 93 Bliuchard A. G 45 Blanchard F. A 4 Blankenberger A 90 Blesi S 4 Blessiogtou James .... 29 Page Blincoe Thomas 98 Blind PhiUp 105 BlinnChas. H 15 Bliss W. Y 157 Bloomer A. C 115 Bloomer O. B 75 Blosser W.H Ill Boalt J.H 15 Boardman J. H 4 Bockstanz Charles 176 Bodell Edmund 192 BodellL. F 81 Bodenhamer W. J 115 Bodenhamer W. J 187 Bodge S. N 25 BodleF. 3 95 BoehmoTheo. H 85 Boebse Chas 48 Bogle Jos. U 4 Bogle R. B 29 Bohu J. H 95 Bolin Peter J 191 Bolger P. G 113 lioliesJ.C i Bolton J. A 124 Bol'ion Thomas 15 Boltcn W. H i BondshuChas. A 47 Bonebrake Geo. H 105 Bouesiell C. A 15 Bonhim J. S 103 Bouilield James T 4 Bouuer W. G 93 Bouney J. A '. f6 Bonuey Joseph 87 Bout Joseph 33 Bonre J. U. C 15 Bontell C.U 115 Boomer Lferm nK 138 Boon Moses M 186 BooueJ.L 15 Boor Elijah 124 Booth J. G 145 BordwellJ.W 4 Borton Arthur 73 Bortou W. F 81 Bortree David E 95 Boscher E. S 56 Bossait John 138 Boswell Benj. D 148 Boswell J. U 54 Bourcey Nap'n 105 Bourues Richard 159 Bouton E 105 Bovyer Robert L 25 Bower N 38 Bowers Stephen 84 Bowers W. W 65 Bowie G.W 13$ 249 Alphabetical Index. Page Bowley Freeman S 4 Bowley J. D 51 Bowman Alex 38 Bowman George M bl Bowne W. S G5 Bownes George 4 Bows John 173 Bowser Lewis W 114 Bowsber Amos L 103 Bowsher D. G CO BoyceH. H 105 Boyd Abraham 15 Boyd J. B 65 Biiyd JohnE H8 BoydT.E 177 BoydW.S 2!) Bo3'er George 14G Boyle Thos 192 Boynton J.T 38 BrackeuM 33 Bradford Alonzo 41 Bradford A. S 41 Bradford Caleb 138 Bradley John 25 Bradley W. F 75 Bradshaw Chas. W 89 BradshawG. S 75 Bradshaw R.K 8'J BradyUughJ 4 Brady Terence 38 Bragdon C. A. 4 Bragg A. L 25 Braids John 45 Brainard David H 133 Braiuard Gilbert 25 BrainerdH. P 118 Bramhall B. M 15 BramhallW. M 15 Branch G. H Ill Branch Wm 75 Brandenberg W. M 109 Brandt Fred 38 BranuauB. F 89 Brannon F. M 75 Braut D. S 181 Brawn A 4 Brayton Flijah 33 Breckinridge W. M....192 Breedloveli. D G5 Breese Hosea 108 Brewer Harry 4 Brewer J. IVI 4 Brey Thomas S 4 BreyfogleC. W 81 BrickettC. H 109 Bridge M 33 Bridges L 15 Brierly M. M 5G Erigaerts Joseph 4 Page BrighamS. D ,5 Brightman E. K 163 BrimsonT. W 38 Bringham F. J 157 Briniiman H .120 Briody Philip 15 Brittaiu Wm 4 Brittingham F. M 25 Brittou John 81 Britton Robert 81 Britz A.J 15 Brobeck Joseph 100 Brock Ed. M 4 Brock G. n 4 Brockleman Ernest 138 Brodmer Charles.. ... . 98 BroenerJohnA 50 Brogdon Ed 135 Bromwell L. L 15 Brooke Cliarles 15 Brooks Elisha 15 Brooks S-imuel 11 4 Brower Celsua 4 Brower H. J 41 Brown Albert OS Brown A. M 15 Brown AsherP 138 Brown C.C 154 Brown C. C 25 Brown C.C 103 Brown C. C 138 Brown Charles 56 Brown Chaa. A 105 Brown Conrad Ii8 Brown David 95 Brown George 15 Brown Geo. H 4 Brown Geo. L 4 Brown Geo. K 33 Brown II. R 33 Brown James 190 Brown James B 93 Brown J. N 89 Brown John A 146 Brown John P 25 Brown E. E 15 Brown L. P 33 Brown Luis 38 Brawn M. L 48 Brown Nathaniel B 15 Brown N.N 93 Brown Richard 15 Brown Thomas 29 Brown Thomas 81 Brown Thos. A 4 Brown Thos. E 186 Brown William 138 Brown Wm 15 Brown W. J 33 Paga Browne J". A ,. . . 15 Broy C. L 62 Bruce George 171 Bruce George 136 Bruco Henry 29 Bruce Horace 138 Bruger Carl 90 BruIinChas.A 31 Brummett Wesley 132 Brundage J. H 41 BrunnerL. F 75 Bruno N 33 Brunso a Esty 105 Brush Elden R 4 Brush Peter 170 Bryan Charles M...... 98 Bryan Robert 192 Brj'antD. M 1S9 BryantE. J 41 Brj^ant Samuel A 4 Bryants. H 75 Bryants. S 75 Buchanan J 29 Buchele Philip 81 BuckC. P. H 41 Buck E. W 41 BuckO.J 51 Buck Theodore 143 Buckles A. J 29 Buckman F. S. S 84 BuetelH 130 Bngby S 53 Buker Alpha 84 Bulfmch Thos. J 84 Bullard G. W 132 BuUivant Thos. P 26 Eulson H. R 93 Bumbaugh CM 54 BumstedE. H 15 Bundy W.L 26 Bunker Ed»-ard S 56 . Bunn Andrew 56 Bunnell Wesley 154 Burbank J.P 47 Burbank L 95 Eurbeck L. D 65 Burch JohnF 113 Burckhalter Denis 145 Burdell Harvey 15 Burgess M, D 33 Burgess R. F 51 Burgess Wm 65 Burk Edward 90 Burk Emery 188 Burk Peter 90 Burk Samuel 31 Burke Bart 160 Burke C. M 65 Burke Hugh M U Alphabetical IndSX. 250 Burke J. 51 „.... ill BiirkeJoliii 20 Burke M 87 Burke Peter 191 BurkleP 33 Burliugame J. S (J2 Burlingham N. D 171 Burnett H. A 20 Buruett Wm.T 98 Burnbam John 1 38 Burnham S.S 4 Burns E. J 62 Burns George 123 Burns Hillary R 41 Burns James 138 Burns John 33 Burns John 4 Burns Louis 123 Burns Michael 95 Burns R. E 81 Burns T.R 95 Burris Wm. H 155 Burrows A. H 144 Burrows David J 73 Burrows William.. 108 Bursoa W.J 4 Burt Robert 81 Burton J. A GO Burton Sheldeu T 180 Bushey Joseph 33 BusbnellE. W 4 Buskirk J. S 33 Butcher John H C3 Butler D.L... 137 Butler F.S 38 Butler George F G8 Butler H. M 93 Butler James 87 Butler James 116 Butler JobnD l-)6 Butler L S 34 Butterfield D. D 125 Butterfield F. L 4 Butterfield S. H 105 Buttner Henry A 4 Button Chaa 181 Buxton Frank 4 Buxton Geo. A 29 Butz M.Chris 174 Butz William A 174 Byer John Ill Byers John 138 Byram J. 105 Byrne James D 87 Byrne Thos 68 Byrnes John B 95 Byrnes M.J 102 Byrnes Thomas.. 26 Byrnes W.A 15 Page By water Wilfred 66 Cady Charles L 181 Cahen Solomon 69 Cahill James 42 CahillThos.J 90 Coin Edward 69 Cain Thomas ; 191 Calderwood J. E 134 Calderwood M. H 143 Caldwell D.V 1.02 C.ilhoun J. A 129 Calhoun M. L 75 Calkins A. S 4 C IIH 60 Callahan T.J 4 CallihanBen. F 109 Calmes F. J 173 Calmes M. B 157 Calvert Geo. D 31 Cameron Alex 185 Cameron Phil 38 Camp T. B 15 Campbell A. C 145 Campbell B. F 26 Campbell Daniel 93 Campbell Francis H ..180 Campbell F. W 38 Campbell Geo. A IRl Campbell H.M Ill Campbell H. R 56 Campbell J. D 4 Campbell J. F 4 Campbell J. H 75 Campbell John T 89 Campbell J. T 54 Campbell Murdock.. . . 63 Campbell Nathan 170 Campbell Thos 85 Campbell W. L. 138 Campbell W.W 166 Campion Thomas J.... 93 CanhamT. P 4 Canley Wm 95 Canning F. A Ill Cannon E. M 95 Canon W.S 127 Capelli Carlo 116 CappelU Antonio 4 Card W.D 120 CardwellL 34 Card well William 152 Carets John H 15 C.u-ey L. H 95 Carey Thos 85 Cirgill C.G Ill Carlclon Jerome 4 Carlisle E. S 192 Carlisle William 4 Carlow W. H.... 26 Page Carlson Edward....... 15 Carlton George A 93 Carman W. E 175 Carman W. P 4 Carmichael D. L 89 CarmichaelM. A 130 Carmody A. F 15 CarndutfF. F 89 Carolien C 90 Carothers Robert 38 Carpenter CM 65 Carpenter F. H 15 Carpenter Ira M 119 Carpenter Jerome.. . . 95 Carpenter li. W 115 Carpenter Oliver 26 Carpenters. H 65 CarrB. J 4 CarrB. O 77 Carr Edward S 190 Carr William 181 CarrW. M 141 Carrahan Patrick 90 Carrington J. H 26 Carroll C. E 15 Carroll George H 63 Carroll J. F 103 Carroll Patrick 191 Carse Levi 34 Carson John W 188 Carson N. R 81 Carstens Henry 4 Carter D. J 75 Carter E.J 138 Carter J. C 192 Carter J. P 26 Carter J. M 105 Carter Luther 109 Carteron Ed 42 Cartwright R. J 143 Carver L.M 42 CaseC. C 105 Case J.J 45 Case Walter G 145 CaseboltJ. B 5 Casey John 15 Casey Patrick 178 Cashiu D. M 90 Cashman C 5 Cashman Wm Ill Casser C 5 Cassidv Wm 5 Casterlino W. M 105 Caslie A. S 137 Catoir Julius 5 Cauley Wm 69 Caurture S.S 56 CawlcyJohu 15 Cayer Ovila ......108 Ssl ALl*fiABETlCAL tlTDfii. Page Cazeau Charlea . ♦. 15 CecilJ. M i:i7 CezarO. G 34 Chadwick A. J 15 Chamberlain P. P 129 Chamberlin Chas, G...108 Cbamberlin Clark J. . .145 Cbamberliu John N. . 93 Chamberlin S. 157 Chambers E. ^Y.• 138 Chambers U. L 87 Chambers J. S 105 Chambers Thomas.... 98 Champlin Lester 132 Chandler Isaac 116 Chandler L. M 16 Chandler Kobert 29 Chandler W.G 77 Chaney H. J Ill Chaney O. F 65 ChannellJohnD 178 Chapel Edwin 63 Chapin A. B 69 Chapiu John A 38 ChapiuN.S 81 Chapin R. P 152 Chapman A. P 42 Chaxsman Joseph 171 Chapman J. S 60 Chapman N 171 Chapman 16 Charles E. "W 178 Charnock Charles 105 Chase A 51 Chase E. C 157 Chase H. B 189 Cheever M. R 10 Cheney C. K 38 Cherry J. B 81 Cherry W. M 79 CheverE. E 16 ChildsH. M la2 CbipmanN. P 26 Chittenden C. 132 Chittenden R. U 100 Chittenden "\Vm. 1 54 Christian Antoue 95 Christie Y\'m 119 Christie "\Vm 188 Chrisiine A 138 Christman Henry 45 Christonsen C 81 Church A. W 134 Churchill Enos 113 Churchill George H... 29 Churchill J. B 34 Cilley Johns 31 Cilly J. W 29 CiphersD. S.„..^.... 5 Page Claflfey John 87 ClaflyJohn 136 Clair L.L 115 Clancey Peter 150 Clapp Geo. P 42 Clark Adam 75 Clark A. D 16 Clark Alpha 89 ClarkA. 42 Clark Asa 34 Clark C.B 179 Clark Chas.W 125 Clark Ed. A 75 Clark E. R 26 Clark F.B 106 Clark F. C 60 Clark J. G 51 Clark John 174 Clark Joseph 5 Clark R. B 75 Clark R. D 93 Clark R. N 42 Clark Thos 6 Clark Thos 47 Clark Thomas N 170 Clark Ward E 109 Clark W. C 1C9 Clark W. H 29 Clark W. H 108 Clark Z.P 16 Clarke F. L 85 Clarke Geo. E 16 ClarksonP. M 5 Clarrage E. D 42 Claudianus CM 6 Clay Henry S 138 Clay J. W 116 Clayton F.M 192 Cleale J. A 100 Clemens Geo. W 54 Clement L. II 16 Clements John 132 ClendeninL. W 3S Cleveland G. S 60 Cleveland L. J Ill Cleveland R. S 29 CliEford T..«. 87 Clifford W. A 61 ClineEli 5 Cline Samuel A 146 Cline Thomas 90 Cline William V 146 Close Myrou C 81 Close S.imuel L 38 CloughJ.F 5 Clute George W 98 Olymer Lewis 180 Clynes John 69 Coakley Timothy 29 Pag4 CoalsonW. A 102 Coats G. F 143 Coats R. M 63 Cobb Charles E 138 CobbG. L. . 141 Cobb Jesse T 166 Cobb W. B 16 Ooburn Jud C 42 Cochran R. R 115 Cochran W. G 106 Cochrane A. H 38 Cochrane R. W 90 Coe JohnT 42 Coffey H.R 142 Coffey James 108 Coffey J. J 69 Coffin O. W 90 CotfinF.S 81 Coffin George 34 Cophlau J. B 16 CoghlanO. R 131 Cohn George 56 Cohn Joseph 42 CohnS. B 69 Cohnheim Mas 69 CokerJohnR 6 CokerW. H 26 Colby Edw.Ii 148 Colby Francis 90 Colby L.J 51 Cole A. B 148 ColeBrackett 93 Cole E. A 54 Cole George 87 ColeH 62 Cole Jesse 34 Cole JohnH 132 Cole L.L 48 ColeM. V 141 Cole Nicholas 147 Cole Peter U 103 ColeWalkkceD 39 Cole Wallace W 125 Colebaker Samuel 138 Coleman David G 45 Coleman H.G 16 Coleman J. W 81 Coleman Levi B 42 Coleman Michael 91 Coleman Patrick 190 Colestock W. W 89 Colford John 138 Collamer Geo. W 132 Collier John 34 Collier W. B 16 Collier William 166 Collins A. D 106 Collins Ben., Jr 16 Collins Daniel B. ( Alfhabetical Ikdkx. 262 Page Collins Geo. H V5 Collins John 177 Collins N. W 29 ColUnsK. U 16 ColliusS. W 79 Collins Thomas 34 Collom J.H 26 Colvig Clark S 15S Colville J.C 138 Combe L. D 81 Combs tli 152 Comfort H.B 124 Comfort Jos 120 Commins Joe 132 Comstock Harvey 63 ComstockOohn 65 Conant J. W 137 Conant Koger 160 Conant Sumner F 167 Conant Timothy 39 CondellB. M 56 Condon Elijah 120 Condy Robert 56 Condy AVm 56 Cone James H 6 Coney C. W. H 5 Conger C.C 50 ConUlinN. H 65 Conlee Frank 127 ConlinOweaT 09 Conn J. D 85 Conner Jacob 144 Conner Newton 79 Conner Wesley 5 Conncrs John 145 Conners Thomas 69 Connolly John 16 Connolly P 5 Connolly T.J 31 Connor Cornelius 69 Connor D. M 89 Connor Joseph 177 Conrad Adam 123 Constant Benj 62 Conterno O. D 81 Converse M. A 75 Conway C.N 51 Conway P. J 5 Cook C. C 42 Cook Charles 60 Cook Charles M 5 CookC. W Ill Cook George 141 Cook George B 167 CookU. U 133 Cook James 43 Cook James O 116 CookJayU 5 Cook Joseph 65 Page Cook Samuel C 77 Cook W. T 192 Cooley Allen 13S Cooley K. K 16 Cooley F.M 42 CooUdRelrank 181 Coon IJavid 16 Coon O. E 9S Coon Oscar E 161 Coons W. W 26 Cooper A. B 173 Cooper D. JI 132 Cooper W. H 81 Coots Wm-F 54 Copelin George 163 Copp John 190 Copper W.H 103 Coquill: r J 77 Corbettll. S 118 CorbettS.J G Corcoran Thomas 69 Cord T. A 115 CorderL. T 115 Corker J. R 106 Cornish George F 26 C-orrigan John S 42 Corrill.i Biseulo 162 CorryT. B 192 CorsonS.M 81 CorwlnO. B 16 Costello Jamt-s 29 CostelloJohu 91 CostelloM 39 Cotter Patrick 138 Cottle T-C 6 Cotton H. W 48 Cotton L. F 191 Cottrell J.O 181 CourteuayM.il 5 Courvoisier F. L 42 Court Edward E6 Courtney Wartin L. ..138 Cousins F. W 91 Covert A. C 142 CuveyE. U U:6 Covin Johu 152 Cowan John 155 CoweuJ.ll 5 CowenWm.A 10 Cowles J.umau 115 Cowles Lvmau 115 CoxC 5 Cox Christ CO CoxC.P CO CoxE.E 100 Cox Francis M 146 CoxM. S... 10 Coy lo Charles 91 Coyle J. J Ill rage Craig D.N 54 Craig Hugh 29 Craig Robert 29 CraigT. H 5 Craighill Charles 63 Craiu S 182 CrallGeo. A C9 Cramer William 146 Grandall S. T. B 69 Crane A. C 16 Crane John 6 Crane Levi 142 CrapoB. B 116 Crarath I. B 65 Crary B. F 16 Craven A. F 42 Craw J. P 39 Crawford B. M 73 Crawford J. J 171 Crawford L. P 115 Creamar Jos. B 143 Creary W.E 16 Creed Jeremiah 5 Creed John M 148 Creadon P. II 5 Crellius John 116 Cress Thos 157 Cressy E. P 16 Crichton R. B 81 Crisler W. H 31 Crittenden T. T 65 Crocker John H 16 Crocker J. R 178 Crockett Jison 136 Croft Thomas F 154 Croghan Jos .168 Cronin John 5 Crooker Geo 60 Cro.sby George 63 Crosby J. A 141 Crosby R. P 137 Cross R. S 5 Crossct F. M 81 Crow Geo. R I(l6 Crowder H. H 179 CruwellJ. R 115 CrowellL. J 29 ClrowelllNI. L 16 Crowell W. H 103 Crowley D.iuiel 76 Crozett Eupeuo Cu.... 5 Crudcn Aluort 16 Orusse Ferdinand 69 Cru7.au J. A 85 CryrablaJohn 26 Cudderback D. C 139 Cuddy M 26 Culbertson A. T 171 Cully w.a ao 253 Alphabetical Index. Culver F. B ^ 106 Culver J. 42 Culver Lafayette 5 Culver M.L 16 CulverO. B 148 Cummings F 16 Cummings John 119 Cumminga.P. M 5 Cummings K 51 Cunningham Alfred S.lCl Cunningham James. ..lo6 Cunningham L 45 Cur ran Pa I rick 5 CurranT 87 CurreyS. T 16 Currey Thomas 150 Currie Arthur L . 5 Currie Jas 16 Currier Geo. M ...108 Currier J. C 127 Curry James 171 Curry James E 66 Curschmann George.. 147 Curtin M.. 34 CurtisC. M 81 Curtis J... 6 Curtis J. B 16 Curtis J. D 182 Curtis John 95 Curtis L.0 34 Curtis W.H 163 Curtis W.K 20 Cusack Thos 5 CushingA. D 42 Gushing F.AV 29 Gushing H.C 16 Cutler A.D 16 Cutler C. W 81 Cutler L.H 89 Cutler M. P 34 Cutlett Milton H 103 Cutter John E 181 Cutting J. T 16 Czerny C. E 5 Daggelt George A 81 Daily James K 174 Daily Edw 100 Daily Michael 20 DakeC. P IIC DakesR. H 95 Dakin E. A 16 Dalmas Wm. W 09 Dalion Edward 16 DaltonM 5 Daly Charles 29 Daly John F ^5 Damon E.C 189 Dampf L 65 DamronC.N .109 Page Dana A. W 54 Dana J. P 34 Dane H.C 16 Daniels James 91 Daniels S. F. 42 Dannaker Wm. A 42 DannalsG. M 65 Darbey G. W 16 Darcey James 81 DarkeF. E 127 Darlinton C. A 109 Dasher Samuel 56 Dassonville A. A 26 Davenport John S 132 David Benj 34 David L.N 91 Davidt^onA. S 109 Davidson Eb 62 Davidson R.M 81 Davidson R. P 16 Davis B. A. 113 Davis Bradley S 57 Davis D.D 81 Davis E. A 139 Davis Geo. A 16 Davis Henry 95 Davis J. B 189 Davis J. M 5 Davis James M 106 Davis John 34 Davis John L 168 Dav-is J. W 54 Davis M.E 109 Davis M. M 181 Davis P. A 57 Davis Wm. B 26 Davis Walters 163 Davis Wash 1 168 Davis W. J 157 Davison D.C 96 Davison James 53 Day Henry 139 Day Isaac 192 Day Timothy 150 De Hart Wm CO De la Fontaine V 6 Do la Guerra Juan 84 DeLaucie K 157 De Lappe Russell, Post No. 110 Do St. Maurice B 173 Do Nice J. H 48 De Piiy Anson A 16 DeRemee A. M 16 DeSaunoW 11 Do Turk J. G 34 DeWitt Elisha 144 De Witt James C 5 DeWitt Wm. 116 Page Deacon Wm 16 Deakin W. W 192 Deakins Wm 137 Deal George 96 Dean A. D 182 Dean Harry G 150 Dean J. S 163 Dean S. C 171 Dean Thomas 139 DeaneC.T 48 Dearborn H. S 16 Deasy Jerome 87 Deasy Thomas 42 Deaton G. M 50 Deaves Alonzo 91 Deck J. W 34 Decker Chas. F 132 Decker J. H 6 Decker Wm 34 Dee W 16 Delbridge John C 146 Delehanty John 63 Demonbion W. L 172 DenanL. W 39 Denicke E. A 16 Denison B. S 187 Dennis Amos 132 Dennis John 152 Denuison E. B 5 Denny Harvey N 174 Deuo William 142 Denton N.N 26 Derry Thomas 131 Deulsch Jacob 91 Devereaux E. W 5 Devino Patrick 5 Dewing James 16 Dibble J. S 53 Dibble H.C 5 Dibble P. K 54 Dibble Samuel C 151 bickenbach Jacob 09 Dickenson A. S 26 Dickenson Lewis 26 Dickey Charles 85 Dickinson Albion 119 Dickinson F. M 77 Dickson J. T 190 Dicy Le vi 42 Diedrick W. H 172 Diehl William 76 Dike Latimer N 166 Dill A. F 69 DilleE. R 26 DiUel.N 122 Dimond W. H 16 Dinsmore Wm 63 Dirking A. H 137 Dixou Wm. H 42 Alphabetical Index. 254 Dixon Wm. H 171 Doan Wallace 103 Doane Scott 132 DobbsE. W... 73 DobbsJohuD 73 Dodd A. N 152 Dodd James 26 Dodds J. V 98 Dodds Wm. H 98 Dodero Domingo 47 Dodge O.P 26 Dodge Philander 2(5 Dodges. M 54 Doberty M 5 Dohoney J S Dohrmau Julius 57 DoeC. H 79 Dolan William 91 Doley W. P 5 Doman Alex. S 139 Donahoo M. J 152 Donahoo Wm 152 Douabue C. J 5 Donaldson Chas. E IIG Donaldson Stuart 5 DoulanThos 34 Donlon Peter 6 Donnelly A. B 5 Donnelly E 16 Donnelly George A 29 Donnelly T. S 47 Donohue Michael 16 Donovan Jeremiah J.. 87 Donovan J. W 65 Dopp Daniel E 54 Dorman R. G 16 DorrL.L IC Dorrer Wm 6 DorsettG. H C9 Doty Jacob 139 Doty Newton 11 6 Dougherty Joseph T..152 Dougherty Philip 103 Douglas 0. D 6 Douglas Harmon L.. .. 93 Douglas John 103 Douglas N. R 90 Doughs Wm. G 120 Douglass Wilson 76 Douiy F. S 16 DowdallR. E 87 Dowliug Michael 62 Downer E 16 Downer P. R 17 Downey B.A 162 Downing Dennis 176 DoyleG.M 51 Doyle Philip A 31 Doyle R.N 135 Doyle Thos 157 Drahms A 17 DraisLemuelK 42 Dresher Valentine 26 Dresser F.S 47 Drew Aaron W 185 Drew C.N 159 DrevfS. H 34 Drew Walter 1C9 DrexlerH. 81 Drips W. H 51 DriscoU John S 151 Drown W. H 57 Dryden CM 118 Dryer John H 26 Dry nan Robert 192 DuBoisL. P 100 Du Crozet Eugene 5 DuPuy T. J 34 DudleyE.U 6 Dudley Beuj. W^ 84 Dudley James S 17 Duffey Thomas 54 Dully Chas. M 91 Duffy Henry W 119 Dugan John 6 Dugau Michael 116 Duhem Constant 192 Duhem Victor 6 Dull W. W 124 Dumbaugh E 54 Duncan James F 1C5 Duncan .fames K 6 Duncan John K 29 Duncan J. M 96 Duucan Noel 54 Dunkelbeiger I. R 34 Dunn Edward 6 Dunn Henry G 145 Dunn Israel 98 Dunn Israel 101 Dunn J. C 114 Duuu Michael C 6 Dunn T. D 87 Dunn Thos. S 34 DunnoBI. H 57 Duuuing Curtis 113 Dunning E.B 48 Dunning E. G IVO Dunjihy Luke 6 Dunton Geoige 26 Dunfon M. B 155 Duprey A. F 176 Duprez Jos 110 Durett Lewis 184 Durham John A 98 DurUee E. H 17 Durney J. N 145 DustonC. M 139 Dutton G. F 34 Dutton J. B 106 Dwelle James H 6 DwyerThos 192 DyeB.U 190 Dyer J. D 76 Dyer M 6 Dyer Otis T 181 DyerR. E 184 Dyer Wm. A 123 Dyke Hugh D 179 Dykes Wm. R 'J8 Dysart John 26 Eachus F. J 91 EaganE. J 91 EaganE. M 6 Eagan Frederick 108 Eigan James 63 Eakin C. P 17 Earl C.N 106 Earl John A 139 Earle F.S 76 EarleH. H 17 Earnest C. A 17 Earskine A. E 103 Easlcy W. H 79 East Thomas 174 Eastabrook J. S 103 Eastabrooks A 167 EastlickW. W J.44 Eastman G. W 17 Eastman Wm Ill Eaton Chas 26 Eaton John H 156 EatonR.W 60 Ebbett Geo 116 Eberle Joseph 69 Ebert Eckert 6 EbingerL 34 Ebuer Conrad. . . 47 Eccles James S 115 Eccles W. H 115 EckartW. R 17 EckermauJ.B 47 Eckler Robert 17 Eddleman G. H 165 Eddy David 87 Eddy E. H 51 Edel Lewis Ill Ederliue Edward.. 93 Edgar Thomas 100 Edge George 137 Edgerly Samuel A 17 Edmiston Joseph 181 Edmonds C. H 34 EdsallE.P 6 Edsou Benjamin 31 Edwards E. E 51 Edwards John 157 265 Alphabetical Indec^ Page Edwards John .... 1"* Edwards J ohu G 42 EdwardaL. B 42 EdwaidsN. B 57 Eggeling Charles C9 ' EgglestonA.T 17 Eimera Theodore 176 Elnifeld I'eter 6 Eltel George 174 Eldridge C, H 85 Elf tmau aUrtm 114 Elkius James 76 Elkins Lewis 179 EUeauH 17 Eller Jacob 144 EUertOoha A 170 Ellicbson J 165 tUiiigion Ed E 139 EUinsworth S 6 EllinwoodC. N 17 Elliot James 89 Elliott James 149 Elliott K.P y4 Elliott W.L 17 Ellis A. C 137 Ellis C. L 6 EllisD.0 17 EUisE. A 162 Ellis Hampton 1"6 Ellis I.N 157 Ellis John 154 Ellis W. B 108 Ellis W.F 39 Ells Charles C 169 Ellsworth John 48 Ellsworth C. W 190 EUwood Michael ICO Elmer Casper 71 Elmer Elliott 109 Elsemore George S 122 Elser fred 34 ElseyMcKeeT 31 Elstoa George 91 Elsus Christie 6 Ely John B 31 Ejuerson N. B 85 Emery U. E 65 Emery U. U 05 Emery W.E 100 Emiay O iver 42 Emmerich B 6 Emmons F. M 132 Enbanks J. J 190 Endioott D. A 54 EugelJ 118 England W. 8 160 Englehardt H. D 115 English George O 168 English 8. 0.... ......X39 Page Ennis Albert 69 EnoH 115 Enos Joseph 96 Ensign Charles H 42 Erb Eugene W 42 Erick J.H 139 Erickson Conrad.... .. 17 Erickson Peter 139 Erno Abram 144 EatesL. W 26 Estey J. C 96 Euson James H 96 Eusiice George 39 EusticeJohnH 69 Evans A. A 125 Evans B.F 6 Evans J. L 26 Evans John 17a Evans Luke 119 Evans K. T Ill EvereltS. B 51 Everhart B. F 39 Ewen Oliver 6 Ewmg Alfred B 69 Ewing James A 152 Faddeu James 60 Fahey RLartin 6 Fairbalrn Richard 6 Fairbanks C. M 34 Fairchild JuddH 42 Falconer CD 91 Fales Warren M 171 FallsR.J 6 FancherM. J 81 Fann James N 57 Fantry George 00 Farciot Charles C 6 Farhner J. G 137 Farley Eben 142 Farley Joseph to Farley J. K 81 Farley W. D 81 Farnham A. G 01 FarnhamE. S 120 FarnswoithS 26 Farnum C. A 17 Farnum O.J 17 Farrell Domnick ISO Farrell James 17 Farrell Timothy 34 Favour John 50 FarwellFred 30 FarwellF.M 90 Faust G. A. W 113 Faust John F 113 Fawcett 11. E 191 Fay Hamilton 160 FayM.C 17 Feathers D.H 177 Page Feathers O.J 34 Feldmaa Charles 166 FellTimothy 116 Fellows W.H. H 171 FeltonJohnA 57 Felton Martin 54 FennJ. H 6 FennThos. W 17 FentonH. W 128 Ferber Chas 6 Fe. guson James 127 Ferguson AVm. H 116 Ferrel Marion 152 FettermanL. T 165 Feudge John 109 FezlerGeo. K 166 FickasB.A 76 Ficken Henry 6 FicksGeo.W 183 Fiebig Charles 93 Field C.L 17 Field Charles W 139 Field 1>. W 106 Field F.F 149 Pielda Anthony 132 Fields J. L 17 Fike J.A 189 FilkinsGeo. E 129 Finch Philetus 91 Finley Charles 91 Finley J. B 139 Finley W. B 137 FinuiganL 39 Finnegass Henry 69 Finney Jas 103 Fischer Chas 6 FishL.E 106 FishM. W 17 Fisher A. L 54 Fisher Chas. F 116 Fisher D. F 91 Fisher George A 17 Fisher George fS 26 lisher George W 177 Fisher G. W 77 Fisher H.C 6 Fisher J. J 125 Fisher Joseph 17 Fisher P. 1 17 Fisher W.J 69 Fisk JohnE 106 Fitch Ezra 106 Fitch Oscar 96 Fithian Amos 128 Fittbogen Paul 96 Fitton W.H 17 Fitts Joseph W 55 Fitzgerald E. J 57 Fitzgibbons Patrick... 91 ALtfiABEtlCAL InBKX. SS6 Page Fitzmaurice John 42 FltzmierD 106 Fitzpatrick Peter 42 Fitzpatrick T. B. N.... 91 Fitzpatrick W 34 Fitzsimmons Charles.. 160 Fix Joshua 65 Flack David 6 Flack Cj.U 17 Flake J. K 137 Flannigan Patrick.. . 93 Flerkuer Wm Hi Fleming W. F 108 Fleming W. S 76 Flemming John 113 Fletcher A 125 Fletcher B. F 66 Fletcher John 67 Fletcher John 6 Fletcher J. E 34 FletterF. J 17 FlickCarl 6 Flood John 91 Fluehe August 100 Flynn Henry 79 Flynn JohnD 77 Flynn Matt 73 Flynn Timothy 96 Fogelmaa Fritz 139 Fogg Geo. J 96 Fogg Wm 57 Foley John G Foley Michael 91 Folsom F.J 103 Folsom P. E 47 Fonck J. L 34 Fontaine V, de La 6 FooteH.S 39 Forbes F. M 17 Forbes J. M 100 Ford F. 17 Ford Fred. W 6 Ford George F 31 Ford John H 30 FordJ.P 6 Ford Patrick 116 FordS.P 17 Ford V\'m 87 Ford Wm 100 Fordham M. C 106 Forsyth Alex. C 17 Fort John B 57 Fosdick Chas. H 116 FossB. R 185 Foster B. F 57 Foster David 149 Fo'ter Geo. F 73 Foster Geo. H 17 FoBterJobnO 6 Foster Johns. M 152 FortierS. M 17 Fortimer Theodore 125 Fouts D. P 152 Fowler James D 127 Fowler Laman D 146 Fowler liichard 31 Fox Julius U ICl Francis G. M 131 Francis J. W 106 Frank J. J 17 Frank W.J 6 Fraukel Moses... 191 Franklin J. W 50 Franklin Wm. H 81 Fraser Jamea P 30 FraserHobert 73 Frasier J. A 108 FrazeeR. S 26 Frazer Hugh 6 Frazier Vfra £0 Fredenburg J 81 Frederick A 109 Fredson A. H Ill Freeman 0. H 66 Freeman Robert L 170 Freeman W. H 177 Freese Chas. J 73 French Asa F 96 French C. E 51 French Chas .A 142 French E. B 89 French U. C 17 French H. W 167 French John D 17 French John S 6 French T. J 17 Fresham J.T 100 Fresher Thomas 93 Frew J . M 106 Frey Alpheus C9 Frey P 184 Frey Reinhold 191 Frick Christian 148 Frick Franklin 127 Fricke Geo. C 81 Fried A 17 Friend Taylor B 61 Friend W. P 98 Frillmau H. W C9 FrisbeeThos.M 91 Frost Andrew J 157 Frost David 181 Frost E.S 154 Frost W. K 191 Fry Edward S 67 Fry Henry 76 Fry Obadiah Ill Fryer D. F 167 Fuger F 17 Full Michael 108 Fuller C. A 152 Fuller Geo. H 6 Fuller Henry H 151 Fuller J. B 139 Fuller M. A 45 Fuller Reuben 57 Fuller W. A 6 Fuller Wm 115 Fulmer J. B 118 Fulton H 34 Furrey A. J 34 Furrey W. O 108 Fuaon Jephta 81 Fyke J. D 34 Gable George 157 Gaddis Jos. H 55 Gaffany Owen E 142 Gage A. H 17 Gage Daniel W 76 Gale A. Y 31 Gale C. H 190 GaleS.M 149 Gallither Henry 1S2 GalushaC. 11 47 Galvin James 96 GambleG.U 17 Gamble Robert 185 GaneyJohn 87 Ganaon Theodore 73 Gauzert Jacob 69 GardG^o. E 34 Garden L. B 173 Gardiner F.I 6 Gardner I. G 17 Gardner Jacob W 191 Gardner John 139 Gardner J. W 51 Gardner William 123 Garland Chas. J 69 Garland D. H 6 Garner W. B 109 Garratt R. M 17 Garretson Sam'l W 17 Garrett James 11 6 Garrick Michael 6 Garrity Pat 31 Gartland John 87 Gartley A.L 135 Garvey Patrick 87 Garwood J. F 131 Gast Frederick 148 Gaston John 184 Gateley T. B 6 Gates U. O 34 Gates M. E . 26 Gattiker John 163 GauslineO. W...^ 81 257 Page GayetliJohn. 89 Gaynor Patrick 1^" Gavotte Jixmes °' Gaywood James *- Geaudrot A. J Geary WL 1], Gee M. C ^ q Gee Myron ^"^ GeigericUG.. Geiselman W ^ GeuuettJoliu '■''■ GeutVvm.C :f° George J. B GeorgeT.C -•_6^ Alphabetical iNDtat. Ppge Ginnety James 1-^ Guard r.K.... Givecs Michael '» Givens W. J ' GladdingC ^ Glass Jotiii jg Glass W.C-.. Glassford J. 1^ ^^ Glazier J. E ^■ Gleason John Gleeson John i-*^ Glenn W.H ° Glines W. J ^f^ Glover C.J George TC...^ Gohertz Martin ^ norin Anthony ^■'r „ .n j„„,i n AT 1° Geran Anthony ■^''" Gere George G. Gerichten Louis 1"^ German Daniel °^ German J- \- ,,= GermondT.M ^\\ GesellJohnL »^ Gibbs David ^^.' Gibson Henry '•', Gibson John f" GibsonP. M.... • ^■"■ Gibson Thomas J GiddenA.P... "" GiddingsB F....----- 1] Giddings Claude J.... ■!(* GiestingJ.G ^ Gier Knyphausen «^ GignacA.A... ' Gilabart Joseph a' Gilbert H 1"° GilbertJ.D '^ Gilbert John... \-l^^ Gilbert Julius L a'- GoddardO.M Goe S. E Goethe Graham Kobcrt « Graham Thomas w Grainger Eobert Ibl GrannisD.D ^f^ Grant A.S Grant Geo. W.. Grant G.W Grant G.W.... Grant James A Grant J. W Grass C. B • • • • Grattan Christopher- Gravatt Wm. Graves Alex. U :J'^ Graves L.D iJ," Graves L.D Graves O. i)' Graves Oscar K 69 ...39 .. 66 . ..Ifi2 ... '^6 ...105 ...91 1:9 Adoiph....^...- g6 69 Gilbert W.H: ^* nili-hrist J.D ■!•»* Gilchrist J Gildersle ve R " Giles Geo. W %[ Gill C.J ^°Q Gillenvrater A.P J^|" Gillespie A. M ^ Gillett Charles i^^ Goetsch Ferdinand GoettigJohn "^ Goetze Wm Golding Thomas i» GoldsbyZ.N 160 Gonzales Beyes ^^i Goodale Warren. .... »|^ Goodenough W.H....1J^ GoodmanB. P °^ Goodman J. F Goodman John ^J^' GoodmanT. H.....--- 1» Goodrich Henry M.... 1^5 Goold Horace ^"i Gordon Aaron *^ Gordon C.W 1« Gordon J. A GoreeM.B °^ GorleyH.A ^^^ Gorman John ^^ Gorman O ...^ Gosper J. J GotischalkM «^ Goudy S. M Goutt J.N 187 69 132 Graves S.P }}^ GrayD.i!' ^'■'■ GrayW. B.... GrayAV.W... GreeleyO. M ^'" Green Geo. M. Green H. L — Green J. A Green John t. ' GreenJohnP "' Green John V 1°° Green L.K... Green Miles J '°\ Green R.Jay °^ Green UobertU 1|||^ Green T. H Green Wm ^?/^ Green W.S.... „ Greenfield Milo f^ Greenlaw C. E Greenup George t-z GreenwayTbos IJ^ Greer Nathan "' Greer Robert. '■^ (3ireerW.McJ)' ^^ Gregg V A ■•■ ^g Gregorys. U. .1'2'2 .107 .175 26 66 7 Gould Chesman - ^^^'^ .fbos^ ^ Gould W.O ■ '■ (irfives Wm. H ;°? Gillman A.D Henry ^4 Gillman Gilman Joseph o. Gilmoro A. N GilmoreC.C '■■''' fiilmoreJ.H f° Gi Imore . Gilmore M. T. Gilnack Walter Gould Goulding Chas. N... Gourley E.T Gourley James Gove B. F. Grable Henry. ..-.■ Graham Adam S... Graham Alexander. 7 .100 . »9 .106 .143 ,. 18 .. 81 173 Gilroy Thomas ^^ GilsonJ. H. l'^^ Gimpel M.C... Gingery, W. M.. Greves >>m. xi -^^ Grico L ,.., GridleyE S \ji Griener Henry -L^ Oritl.n AsaT.. -^ Griffin Chas. R... * Grilfin Francis M 3U GriffiuJ.W. f\ GviffiuW.H •^* Griffin W.W ' GriffiibD. ^"^^ . 18 .127 Graham George i'^ Graham John A '• Graham J. M..___ Graham John 1 ^;trimiu «v." -, G»?am P. A • ■ ••■••• 59 1 (iriflith Jonathan M Graham John T ^^ Griffith Jonathan lo" Graham P. A. . ^» ' — - ^^ G-aham Richard «"» Alphabetical Index. 25d Pago GrigsbyE 117 Grimmer C. A 18 GrippU U GrisiuerJ. R 18 Griswold E 7 GriswoldL. D lOU GriswoldN. W 18 Grover J.M ICO Grow A. L 7G Grubelslein J 148 GruwellH. 1 106 Guernsey H. A 109 Guggeiiheimer S 7 Guild James A 117 Guinu J. M lOG Guirado J. !•' 3i Gulliver T. G IGfi Gumbringer John 7 Gunter U 81 Guptill H.M 18 Gurnea Geo. H 192 Guth Martiu 34 Guthrie James 128 Guthrie Job n 34 Guthrie N. L 117 Haag Frauk 180 Haas Jerome C7 Haberdier Oliver 39 Haberlin James 69 HackmeierA 7 Hackuey John 110 HadleyA.F 7 HagauM 34 HagansE. B 182 Hageraan George 18 Hageus Henry 110 Hagermau Wm 60 Hagg Johu 34 HaglerO.T 7 Hagman Charles G. . . . 91 Haight IraG 73 Hailstone John B 39 Haines G. W 103 Haines Jacob 120 Haizlip Johu 114 Halbert Daniel 55 Halbert Joel 152 HaleHeil 191 Haley Morris 91 Haley W. D 81 Hall Albert A 55 Hall CD 96 HailD. D 73 Hall D. S 18 Hall Ed 135 Hall Frank E 57 HallH.F 189 HallH. H 127 HallJohnA 57 ' Page HallJ.C 7 Hall J. L 117 Hall Sydney 81 Hall Thomas S 34 Hall W. A 35 HallAV.B 81 Halladay M. D 51 Halleck II 60 HalleckH. T 184 Hallett Albert H 178 Hallett Chas. 18 Hallett Joseph 129 Halstead Samuel H...l(i0 Ham Geo. P 35 Hamann August 96 Hambright John J 96 Hambrook Thos 35 Hamilton E.M 1C9 HaniiltoaM. D 66 Hamiltou J. A 35 Hamilton James 26 Hamilton L. E 142 Hamilton T. J 18 Hamlen A. M 134 Hamlin Adrian R 48 Hamlin Chas. H 18 Hamlin O. 1 160 Hamlin John 127 Hamlin N. S 139 Hamlin Grin E 48 Hamlin Koscoe G 180 Hamlin S. A 125 Hamm Jacob 7 HammN 191 Hammett R. H 106 Hammond John T 176 Hammond N. W 35 Hampsou H. A 119 Hancock W. A 143 Hand Geo 73 Hand John 87 Haudley 0. J 7 Handlin Joseph J 30 Haney Benj. F 7 Hanford W. T 31 Hankins A.J 139 Han ley Michael 81 Hanley T. M 139 Hanly Wn, 30 Hann JohnR 114 Hannah J . Q 51 Hannan Joseph 91 HanrattiJobu 35 Hanson Feargus 7 Hanson Geo. W 39 Hanson H. J 101 Hanson H. W 81 Happs Wm 35 Harbinsou G, W 137 Hard David T 7 Hardee Thomas F 91 Hardenberg J. R., Jr... 7 Hardin Parley 118 Harding Charles 119 Harding W.T 91 Hardy I. B 100 Hare J. K 139 Harger J 7 Harger John 69 Hargrave Joseph P.. . .110 Hark George 31 Harkin D 42 Harlow D.T 7 Harlow Lloyd 96 Harmon Chris 113 Harmon Collins B.. .. 18 Harmon R. E 42 Harnisb W. D C 120 Harper Charles A 42 Harpham John H 173 Harrall W. H 66 HarrellW. H 156 Harrington George 190 Harrington John 103 Harrington John 100 Harrington P 110 Harrington W. E 131 Harris Ben j 57 Harris Charles N 31 Harris E. B 47 HarrisE.B 7 Harris Edwin W 7 Harris F. W 131 Harris George F 18 Harris George L 18 Harris James A 119 Harris J. S 122 Harris J. T 81 Harris J. W 122 Harris Rufus R 174 Harris William 152 Harris ■William H 174 Harrison Henry 150 Harrison Jay 45 Harrison Joseph 42 Harrison L R 35 Harrison W. H 169 Hart Albert 63 Hart C. B 189 Hart D. F 123 Hart Edwin 181 Hart Henry 7 Hart J. J 87 Hart John 48 HartP, F 189 Hart S. L 76 Hart W. H. H 18 Harter Daniel 61 259 Alphabetical Index. Page Hartley Chaa. T 110 Hartley Erastus 7 Hartley J. M 60 Hartman A. E 76 Hartman Chas. H 39 Hartman Westley 81 Hartshorn E. ¥ 18 Hartt Lionel B 57 Hartwell James G 178 Harty Alfred 103 HartzelT. B 66 Hartzoke Jolin 81 Harvey A. W , 39 Harvey J. C 118 Harvey John 7 Harvey L. S 18 Harvey William 152 Haskell Dan. N 39 Haskin A 77 Haskins C. H 106 Haskins W. A 35 Eassard Klcbard 42 Hastings Scott 64 Hatch Frank E 69 HatchF.R 57 Hatch 1 60 HatchJ.Q 7 Hatch R. S 76 Hateky Frederick 163 Hatfield Wm.K 113 Hathaway Frank 55 Hathaway Wm 173 Hatherly Wm 7 EausmanJ 18 Havely W. T 18 Havens Truman 190 Haverly W. J 100 HavertyJoUn 81 HawesAlexG 18 Hawes W. H 18 Hawk E.I, 26 Hawkins F.S 163 Hawkins G. W 51 Hawks A. D 18 Hawley A. D 35 HawleyL. 98 Hawley Wm 81 Hawley AV.G 98 Hawley W. G 18 Hawthorn I. N 106 Hawver H. W 35 Hay J.S 77 Haycock M. S. B 157 Hayes Albert 98 Hayes Charles H 69 HayesE.B 90 HayesF. W 76 Hayes J. C 39 HayesJobnJ 18 Page HayfordEdw. F 39 HayfordG. 26 Hayford J. B 26 Hayman Al 100 Hayman John E 173 Hayman L. T 131 Haynes A. J 81 Haynes James lo9 Haynes W. D 170 Haynes Wm. H 125 Haynie J. W 31 HaysB 118 Hazard A. R 7 Hazel E. J 26 HeagneyA. J 39 HealeyJohn S 53 Healey Wm 87 Healy B 60 HealyW 18 Healy Wm 7 Heaney John H 191 Heath J. A 18 Heath J. A 50 Heath Leon D 69 Hebbard A. W GO Heck Victor V 57 Heokert Wm 157 Hecox B. Frank 69 Heffernan John 69 HeflinE. B 61 Hegan James 7 Het;eman F 7 Hegerup Anthony 143 Hein Adam 7 Heintzea George 139 Heinz H 135 Hell wig Jacob 145 Hempstead W. C. F. . . .190 Hempstead W.C.F.... 42 Henagin David 120 Henagin John 120 Henderson Dan D 190 Henderson Geo 18 Henderson I. M 132 Henderson J. A 106 Henderson J. W. 7 Henderson O. L 30 Henderson Wm. P 06 Hendricks E. J 139 Heudrickson W. M. . . .139 Henenger T. J 26 Heuery Samiicl 57 Henkle Jacob 117 Hennessey M 7 Henningb. F 12:' Henuing Fred 77 Henry Thos. F 101 Henry Wm. B C9 Herman Michael 117 Hernan B 82 Herrick A. P 66 Herrick Ezra A 100 Herrick K. F 94 Herrick R. L 100 Herrick S.W 42 Herring M.F 105 Herrmann Chas. L .... 18 Herrod David 184 Herronl. G 131 HertwickC. F 18 Herzog Fred 35 HesseH 136 Hesser H. R 39 Hessler Charles 191 Hetherington John ... 94 HettrichChas 118 Hetzel D 141 Hevel Christopher 120 Hewes Geo. B 128 HibbardM. J 39 Hibbets J. B 122 Hickey James 7 Hickman Clement 132 HickockJ.A 61 Hickock S. B 73 Hickox Gay lord 57 Hicks John H 186 Hicks J. W 66 Hicks J. W 139 Hicks R.B 7 HigginsChas. C 163 Higgins Jas 148 Higgins John 57 HighamE 96 HillE.D 131 Hill Frank W 103 HillF 113 Hill James 42 Hill John B 154 HillJohnJ. 7 HillLeonidas 123 Hill Rob'tM. C..:....161 Hills. J 35 Hill W. J 47 Hilieln-and Albert 7 Hiller H 35 Hilliard J. P 139 Hilliker Lorou W 120 Hiliou Wm. M 148 Hiljard Reuben 102 Himes W. H 108 Hinckley S. B 181 Einkley S. S 18 Hinds Wm 7 Hinman R. "W 142 Hitchcock C.N 57 HiteM 39 HoadleyU.T 02 Alphabetical Index. 260 Pase Hoag J. R 13G Hoaid Lutber 1;:9 Hobart D,F 18 Hobbert U. T 7 Hubba Walter 17'J Hobson G. II 64 Hocbm.nV. J OJ HoeiTer E 57 Hoeffle J lU.) Holiinan A. T ICG HolTmau Jo.^iab 1:^9 HoUmau Samuel ly HogauII. U 125 Hogau Michael 178 HogueG. W CO Hogiic J, D GO Hohfeia Edward 9G Hobman Otto 5.3 HobmrnuS Gl Hobu Jobn 7 HobuJobuM 191 HoitEdw. M 100 HolcoinCbarles F 39 HolcombB GG HoldeuS. E 131 Holdridge A 187 Hollind W. W 130 HolleuEd 139 Holler Autbony C9 HoUis Tbomas 7 Hollopeter Joseph C9 Holloway A. E 18 Holloway Jobu K 120 Holly F.S 57 Hollywood Andrew -12 Hollywood J Ohcpb. .. . 42 Holmau H.C 57 Holmes Bartlett R.... 87 Holmes E. W 17U Holmes E.W 181 Holmes Walter U 18 Holscber Frauk H 7 Hoist D G9 Holt George 1 01 Holt Levi C 57 Holtou Chester 108 Holtslauder J.J 7 HoltzL 7 Homer James L 7 Homer M. L 187 Honu D. N 137 Hood Benj 35 Hood Geo. J 18 Hood William 7 Hooker H. li 18 Hooker J. B GG Hooper Samuel 134 Hooper Wm.B 7 I Hoover D 3' Hoover I. C Gl Hoover Jas. W 131 Hope Jobu C9 Hopkins A. S 2G liopliins (ieorge W 94 Hopkins K. W 57 Hopkins T. B 139 Hopkins W'm. V G4 IJoppe Adolpb 18 UoruObas. U 73 Uornbeck J. U 55 Horlou 'William 91 Hosley Geo. A 18 Uosmer F 35 Uossack D 13G Hosletter A. G 7 IIotalingL 137 HouckF. L iro Houck Lewis 77 Hough Jobn 7 Houghtou James 180 Houghton L.E , 57 Houghtou K. E.. .. 18 Houghton W. A 103 House Thomas 99 House Tbomas 170 House W.E 7 Hovey S. D 18 Howard C. S 7 Howard Geo. H 35 Howard H. Z 18 Howard M. B 18 Howard JI. E 2C Howard Volney 18 UowudW. A 170 Howard AV. A 45 Howe Con 115 Howe Edwin 115 Howe j;. R 35 HowoH.G 7C Howe Newton B 191 Howe Thomas H 19 lloweW.C 7 Howe Wm 35 Hcwell J. W 105 Howell J. W 19 Hoxworth George 123 Hubbard Albert 180 Hubbard C. H 20 Hubbard U.F 7 Hubbard Jobn N 145 Hubbard AVm Ill Hudson A. S 57 Hudso u A. T 57 Hudson I'liny 125 Iluebschman J. B 27 Huencke 11 82 Hull JohuU 132 Huygius John 19 Page Hughes A. P. S 57 Hughes H. L 110 Hughes J. E 19 Hughes John 91 Hughes P. W 115 Hughes Thomas 73 Hughes W. D 139 Hughes Wm 191 HuUB. D 39 HuUCliatonT 7 HuUO. U 57 HullZ. F 141 HulseN. D 93 Hume A. J 82 Ilummason Lewis A. . .174 Humphrey Arthur 139 Humphrey W. H 157 Humphrcp W. O. . . . .^103 Hundermor Herman.. 19 Hunt Charles C 100 HuntJ.H 8 HuutR.O 100 Hunter J. H 53 Hunter J. H 137 Hunter Nathaniel 19 Hunting W. H 152 Huntington C 66 Huntington S 52 Hurd Charles E 57 Hurlburt Isaiah 175 Hurlburt Geo. M 190 Hurlbut E.F.M 48 Hurlbut S. O 103 Hurlbut W.S 109 Hurley John 8 Hurst Henry 178 Hurst William 102 Hurt W. T 79 Hussey Amos 152 Husscy J. H 125 Hussey W. H. H 42 Hutchings J. M 8 HutchiusC. B 19 Hutchinson David 8 HuttonE. L 48 Hyde Joseph 57 Hvdo ISIarcus D 42 Hyde W. C 57 Hy lor Charles 108 Hyme Thos. Oscar 191 Hymcr Stewart 106 Hymers John 125 IdeB. C 127 IlligCarl 63 Ingamells Geo 122 Ingels W. B Ill Ingersoll Albert T 139 lugerson Cbaa A 42 Ingham John..,. ^ 39 §61 Alphabetical Index. Ink Walters 50 Inman Charles J 94 Inman Ileury 39 lumanM. F 77 Innea J. C 8 Insley W. A 52 Inwall Jolin H 42 IrelauGeo. W 70 Irelau AVm 70 Irish J. M 52 IrvingJohnA 8 Irwia D 19 Irwiu Stuart 142 Isaacs Alfreds 70 Isermau Fred W 70 Itsell A. J 19 Ivory John A 19 Jack R. E 127 Jacker J. T. H 89 Jackie J lol Jackaou Daniel 8 Jackson James 113 Jackson J. Ross 190 Jacksoa J.W 147 Jackson William 87 Jackson V/m 122 Jacobs Emil 57 Jacobs Justin IGl Jacobs L.C G6 Jacobs Simon L 70 Jacobs W. AV 90 Jacoby H 35 Jacquel Julian 185 JagooR. U 87 Jahle August 39 Jahu Ferdinand 50 Jahn Herman 19 Jaiser Charles 8 James CP 85 James Walter lOli James W. F. C GG James William D 174 Jansen Chas 19 Jaques N. P 125 Jasper R. L 139 Jefl'erson I.N 52 Jeffrey A. R 125 Jehu W. H 8 Jenkins A.J 91 Jenkins CM 35 Jenkins E. S 91 Jenks Albert 19 Jeni.sCr. W 27 Jenks I. S 175 JeuueJacob 8 Jensen Ilans 82 Jcpson 1. C 124 Jerome E.B 42 Jesson Fritz , . 117 Page Jessup Henry C 191 Jewel James 192 Jewell Andrew 141 Jewett David 142 Jewett J. R 171 Jewett Oscar S 'CS Johns J. R 42 Johnson Adelbert 70 Joi-nson Charles 125 Johnson Chas 62 Johnson Charles W.. . , 45 Jolmson David P.I r:9 Johnson Edward 88 Johnson E. P IGG Johnson Ezra 12.S Johnson George A.. .. 9G Johnson G. W 79 Johnson G. W 134 John.sou James 82 Johnson John 122 Johnson L G4 Johnson Oscar S 99 Johnson R. D 35 Johnson R. F 118 Johnson Robert 181 Johnson R. S 57 Johnson S. A 89 Johnson S. S 8 Johnson W. H 91 Johnson Wm 55 Jollett J. M 130 Jones A. L 128 Jones Charles F 139 Jones Clinton 19 Jones Daniel 106 Jones David D 99 Jones D. F 66 Jones E.C 62 Jones E. C 52 Jones Erastus D 11:J Jones E. W 106 Jones J. F 128 Jones Joshua H 139 Jones J. P 66 Jones J. T 27 Jones Leon E 19 Jones R.H.. . 8 Jones Thomas 83 Jones Thomas C 139 Jones W. T 1G2 Jordan Elmer C 1 S3 Jordan Franklin 106 Jordan Isaiah 96 Jordan Wm 91 Jordon J. C 152 Josephs Wm 30 JoyC. H 102 Joy John G 103 Joy W.H 60 Page Joyes James 35 Judd A.N 60 Judd Charles H 39 Judd Edward D 19 Judell B 96 Judell Hermann L 19 Jumper Geo. E 8 Junkins Henry 31 Kaler George 150 Kamp Albert 1 ;3 Kane A. H IGO Kane Francis J 70 Kane Hugh 8 Kane J. H 84 Kane John 110 Karminsky Jacob 70 Kirns J 8 Karsner J. H 157 Kasche Wm 191 Kautz A. V .. 19 Kautz John D 191 KeagloC. H 57 Kearney Patrick G 70 Kearns John 30 Kearny Fred .J. 19 Keating A. C 120 Keating Patrick 12J Keatou John J 141 Keefo W.Uter 76 Keehn Harry 100 Keeler J. M.. 19 Keeley Conrad 45 Keeley Richard B 1(;8 Keenau Fra nk 91 Keene Asa H 157 Keene Josiah 81 KefferS 173 Kehl John Ill Kebler W.H 02 Kehoc Wm 6C> Keil Henry 8 Keims F. O 113 Keith A. D 00 Kell Charles M 102 Kellaher M 35 Kelleher D l.:6 Keller Charles 70 Keller David C 8 Kellcy Andrew 103 Kelley Berna d 8 Kelley E 88 Kelley E.C V22 Kelley Geo. W 19 Kelley John 106 Kelley Joseph 110 Keliogg C. V 27 Kellogg Geo. D 128 Kelly B.J 96 Kelly D. O 153 AtPHABETICAL InDEX. 262 Page Kelly Edward ... . . . . 94 Kelly Frank A 70 Kelly Jamos 3 J Kelly Jolm 120 Kelly .Joseph M 53 Kelly aftcbael I'J Kelly Thomas 82 KellyThos. J 57 Kelpe Chas I'J Kelsea Kenrv C 114 Ktlser Chris,'. Ib9 KelsuvD. N 149 Kolso"J. W 70 Kemp S. K 125 Kempf .\. N 17.S KemUllGco.D 117 Kendall T. 110 Keuua J.inies 42 Kennedy George B 77 Kennedy Thos 47 Kennedy AV. w 102 Keuuey Bernard 88 Kenney Cyrus 124 Kenney W.U Hi Kennill" J 8 Kenny C. A 19 Kent HoraUo J 154 Kent Joseiiii A S5 Kent J. D. 27 Kerchival J. H.... 42 Kerlin Quiutcr 27 Keruodle H. G 52 Kerr John 170 Kerr John 113 Kerr J. T 184 Kerrig'.u Fr:.nU 88 Kelchi'.m Levi 153 Kelchum Myrin 73 Ketchum Thos. E 57 Keiler C A.. 35 Keilniaix B 82 KtyserF. R. 11 7.) Khercs Phillip 1G2 Kidder C. W 35 KidderO. E 19 Kidder J. S GO KiehlJohu i'. 120 Kilboru A 27 Killebiew Thos 175 Kimball Ami 27 Kimball Chas. B 42 KimballF. E 73 Kincuid O.U . 149 Kincaide Fred. H 57 Kiac;Chas.K 43 King David J 8 King E. H 77 KingE.n ■ 131 KingG. V , CG Page King James 1«7 King John 143 KiugP 117 King P. G 47 KingB 52 Kingman Geo. W 143 King.sberry J.C 13 J Kingsbury L. W 8 Kiugsley N.U 181 Kiuley Esaao 35 Kinue C. Mason 8 Kip James 8 Kirby P. T 47 KirkbrideB. U 179 Kirkpatrick C. A 19 Kirk Patrick J. 0. 35 Kinsch Geo 35 Kirwagcn John 117 Kist T.J 144 Kitt George B 7G Kittle William 91 KiUredge Willard lOJ KittredgeW. T lOG Kivett.A. A 82 Klana Moses , 35 Kletfc Julius 100 Kline James S 174 Kliuo l-ouis 105 Klink John 82 K!ip-!lein A. W 19 Kniiip Charles H 143 Knapp J. M 159 Kneppcr Hugh 153 Kuic;;erbockerL 82 Knickerbocker M. J.. . 8J Knight Benjamin IGO Knight Joseph 13J KuightR. H 7u Knighton W. A 101 KuoitWm. E 8 Kuowles A. P CG KnowlesS: W 91 KnowUon 1\ L 57 Knowlton Joseph, Jr.. 19 Knox Benj. F' 8 KuoxS. B. P 101 Koch Adam 77 Koch John M 27 Kuch Wm 117 Koester Frederick 101 Kohler John 91 Kooken J. A CG Koons George B 9G Kopminu Frank 103 Koru Christopher 43 Koichwitz E 35 Kraft George H 43 Kramer Fred 153 Kramer Joseph 88 Page Krank Frank W 8 Kraiit Charles 8 Kreling Martin 8 Kribbs H. S 35 KriderF.L G4 Krieger Arinen 8 Krill Henry 8 Krofl S. W 190 Krone F.Vf 8 Kruger Louis 70 Kniger H 48 Kschieschang A 148 KugheuD. A 106 Kuhl Wm 127 Kuhu George 70 KuhnleJ 118 Kumiser H. H 137 Kunkler J.E 19 Kurkup Edwin 150 KurrlQ Fred, o5 Kusler H. C 48 Kutz Sam 35 Li Blank J 19 LaBoeuf F 43 La Forge Peter 32 La Nice James 110 Laage W. J. F 96 Labish Otlo 53 Lacey David M 174 Laes Charles 129 Laffan Pi-rce 145 Lagerman Henry 191 LainoJ. R 27 LaineR. W 85 Likin J. H 8 Lam ir Chas 57 LambL.M 19 Lamb Sanuel J 43 LambW.E 19 Lambert John C 43 Lambrecht Jacob 145 LampH. Jr 19 Lancaster Chas. E 19 LandB. F 89 LandellJohn 127 Lander Joseph 155 Landers Wm i j4 Lang.nG. \V «9 LangdouJ. W CG Laudgraf Charles 8 Landis Henry 70 Landon E 110 Landson Louis 70 Lane C. W 79 Lane Felis lol Lane Joseph 1( 2 Lane Michael 91 Lane ISathan W ... 19 Lane S 19 263 Alphabetical Index. Page Lane Wm 1 'i? Lane Wm. E 19 Lane V/. W 91 Langeuccker G. H 153 Lansing Etl. W 1 SO Lansing J. L 130 Lansing J. L 8 Lapslcy Thomas 91 Lardner n. F 70 Large Tompkins 190 LaikinJ. N 183 Larkins Patrick 8 Larney N. S 70 Larsen Michael 139 LashLrooks Eli M 39 Lasber A.E 131 Latchford Wm 04 Latham Edward. 91 LathamH 27 Lauclc Cieorge 39 Lauck Joseph B 130 Laudon D. 1} 45 LauficrJ.G 91 Langhliu D 76 Laug!iliuS. B 190 Laughton James 70 Laughton Lee N 180 Lausmo.n Geo 8 Law Wm 19 Lawlei-Ph.G 141 Lawrence C. W 100 Lawrence L). L 57 Lawrence W.E 85 LawryJ.B 137 LawsE.R 8 Lawson Burd 55 Lawson Geo 153 Lawson James E 77 Lawson S.S 110 LawtouD. W Iu6 Laycock T. F 125 LaytonW. S 8 Lazenby Georgo W 114 LeChevallierF 8 Leachey Thomas 8 Leake Ed 35 Leary J 79 Leavltt A. E 91 Leavitt A. H 19 Leavitt Levi 155 Leavy Charles M 8 LedbetterM. H 35 Leddy Barney 94 Lederer Emanuel M. . .191 Lee B.J 1C.6 Lee C. H 184 Lee George P 1G7 Lee G^o.ge W 82 LeeG. W 82 Page Lef) Howai'd.^ 73 Lee II. T 33 Lr.e John A 192 LeeS.L 32 LeeW. G 8 Lee AY. W 137 Leech Wm 158 Leeds B. F Va Leeds E.B 118 Leen George C 85 LeglerH. T 43 Lehau Dennis 8 Lelie Eugene 07 Lehman A. S 27 Leist Charles 43 Leis^e Joseph 35 Lemeu O. T 19 Lemiuou John G 43 LemmouLeou W l'.)! Lemmou W. B 174 Lemunyan C Iii5 Leucioni P. L 27 LenuoxA. J 100 Leuiz D. II 32 Leniz Henry 191 Leonard George D 8 Leonard John 76 Leonard Thomas 02 Leonard Wm. J C6 Leppowifz Slax 94 Lesor Lewis 39 Lesier A. W 19 Leving J. D 113 Levit Samuel 8 Levy Aai on 35 LovyBeuj.O C2 Levy Louis 70 Lewis A. 11 158 Lewis A. M 78 Lewis A. W 139 Lewis!). 171 Lewis Egbert 8 Lewis Ed. M 70 Lewis Nelson, 91 Lewis 8. A 27 Lewthwaite John Ct Libbey George 126 Libbiug Henry H 19 LibbyT. O 47 Liddle Joseph 155 LiebS. F 82 Liening John II 139 Light M. S 185 Lighthill Michael 144 LighthlzerH. B 143 Lincoln O.J 100 Lindermau H. II 43 LindermanJ.C 48 Linderwood Tbos. 8... 67 Pago Lindner Fred 27 Lindiob Join 8 Lindsey Ful.on 126 Lindsey James W 43 Lindsey W. E 1:6 Liagber John 94 Liniuger M. D 128 Linn wm. S 84 LinnellH. H 27 Linquist Adolph 8 Liuscoit J.A CO LiusleyChas. E 65 liipowilz Mas. , 1C4 Lisseudcu Geo 58 Litchfield J. M 19 Little Davids 139 LitileGeo. H 106 Litlle James 190 Liltle J.U 96 Little James W 55 LitileL. B 178 LittlefieldC. A 190 LitUetieiaC. G 19 LittlefieldG. B 100 Liul page E F 110 Li verniore P. P 35 Living'slone R. R 19 LockettJosR 123 Locklia Ralph 1,8 Lookwood N. S 66 Loesch V;^l^ntiu8 .... 8 Logan H.C 19 Logan J. V. B 58 Logan Samuel 103 Logan Wm 73 Loggins H. B 52 LogueO.R 84 Lobrenge Charles 134 Loudon John 89 Louergan James 88 Long Andrew 55 Long Chas. II 8 Long Charles W 94 Long Jonas F 30 Long J. H 165 Long J. P 82 *L,(>isg Porter 190 Long B. J 53 Longdon B. C 82 Louglield Wm. M 126 Loiigley A. S .. 02 Lonuigan Geo. W.'. .... 58 Look P. H 52 Loomis H. B 58 Loomis S ilnion H 1!6 Loos Thomas F 174 Lord C. R 148 Lord F. C 47 Lord Jamea U 178 ALPHASETicAii Index. 264 Paqe Lorden W. H 154 Lorimier W H 58 Loring Abraham 133 LoriDgE.E 8 Loriug Wm. E 55 Lortou James 53 Louoks G. D 6i LoudE.F 19 Love A. E 156 Love Frank P 153 Lovejoy George W 70 Lovejoy Joseph F 85 LovellF.M 19 Loveutball. S 45 Loveuthal Theodore .. 99 Lovott Eugeuo K 8 Lovett ^V.E 43 Low Frank 68 Low W S 89 Lowell Geo. A 53 Lower O.S 103 Lowrie V/. H 19 Lowry J. B t'l LowtherK. J 1C5 Lucas J. S 8 Liicaa N. B 101 Lncas Vim l'2d Luce M. A 06 LudwigE. A 19 Luke Isaiah 139 Lull N. A 8 Lumbeck J. W C4 Lummis J GO Lundy Wm 45 Lunt Amos Jr 04 Luttriuger Emile 8 Lut7, Vv'. E 19 Lyman We.lter 1G4 Lynch Dsunis 70 LjTich John 19 Lynch Wrn 8 Lyndon James H 142 Lyug Joh»i'' 01 Lyon E. C CO Lyon George A 30 Lyon J.J 9 Lyon J. L 9G Lyons ]-d 9 Lyons Harvey 104 Lyons llarvry 192 Macdonoush Joseph . . 19 MackJasE 110 Mackenzie Alex. R 191 Mackey, John 19 MacUley Fred 96 Macomber, David W. ..171 Madden Liberty T 153 Madden M 27 Madden W.J »„104 MaddoxD. L 159 Maddox J. A 159 Madigau James 91 Madison B, J 58 MaeseL. D 129 Magary W. W 20 Magee James 179 Magee John 91 Magee T. L 06 Mager Henry 9 MagillA.E 20 Magill James 70 Maguire A. K 78 Magui re Thomas 9 Mahalz Oscar 73 Maher Wm 70 Maherin John 91 Mahoney Cornelius 43 Mali onoy Dennis 70 Jlahoney Michael 153 Main Wm. H 113 Maley John 158 Maley Wiuslow 109 Mallady Wm. J 91 Mallon Thomas 91 Mallory A. F 70 Mallory Ogden 1C4 Maloue L.J 92 Malono Robert P 128 Maloney M 175 Maloaey Phil 105 Malpas Alfred 20 Maliman J. S 106 Maltry John 172 Manchester L. A 107 Manco R 33 MandcU Jacob. . . 64 Mandeville F. H 06 Jlaugles Peter 139 Manley Frank 9 Mann Wesley S. 45 , Manuarick Frank 70 Mannen W. P 110 Manning C. R 58 Manning Lawrence.. .. 92 Manning Nal ban W . . . 9 Manning Sidney 20 Mannon Geo 106 Mmouck O 9 MansellG.Tv' 122 Mansfield I Lo Roy. . . .158 Mansfield John 106 Mansur 0. F 52 Mausur Jacob G 142 Mantaney Henry 120 Mantner A 1C8 MantzJohn 120 JIarcovich John 158 Marcu.s Joliu ^ . . . .liil Harden E. D.... 20 Marinan M. D 64 Markel Peter 110 Markey Frank 144 MarkleyJohuE 20 Marks Chas. H 167 Markwart H 27 Marouey S 27 MarrA 179 Marrs Chas 9 Marsailles J. W 35 Marsh C.C 43 Marsh J. H. A 117 Marsh O.L 135 Marshall L. H 35 Marshall Sam'l W 43 Marsilliot M. G 20 Martin A. L. S 192 Martin A. W 9 Martin Charles 127 Martin F. W 74 Martin Geo. T 74 Martin G. W 96 Martin H. N 167 Martin H. P. 27 Martin H. V 128 Martin James 35 Martin J. H 158 Martin J. H 106 Martin John 70 Martin J. T. . 62 ILirtin Leonard P 190 JIartin Michael 96 Martin P. J 164 Martin Robert J 110 Martin Thomas 9 Martin T. R 96 Martindale A 64 Jlarlindalo Kellogg B..139 Marvin Henry 123 Marvin J. B 20 Marx Martin 144 Mason A.J 35 Mason Charles 89 Mason L. D 39 Mason Wm. F 175 Mass Peter U 9 Massey John 88 Massie William 9 Masteller T. O 9 Mastin S. A 58 Maiocr R. W 20 IVlather J.S 119 Mathews Harvey 20 Mathews J. H 20 Mathews W. H 62 Maihewson H. B 144 MathiseuC. T 55 MaUocliA. B.. .^>..,.. 37 265 Alphabetical Index. Page MattesonS.H..... 52 Matthews J 20 Mattingly Joseph 90 Mauerhan M OG Maydwell Wm.B...-. .. 27 Mayer Harry 9 Mayer John 159 MayleGeo.D 9 Maynarii A. B 82 Maynard Ben 7G Majnard H. H lOS Maynard S 04 Mayo Hugh L 120 Mayo Nathaniel C 9 Mayo K. G 20 Maxon John 158 Maxwell James C 117 McAdatnB J. Y. ..... I'l McAllister W. B 85 McAllister W. F 20 McAlpin A. C 43 McAnderson J 27 McArthur J. A 20 McAulift Thos 00 McBratney W. C lOG McBrideE. J 170 McBrideJohn 89 McBride John S 178 McCabe H. C 122 MoCafferty Joseph 74 McCallaJ. W 64 McCallister H. C 20 McCandles W. M 85 McCandless J. N 117 McCann J. J 70 McCaun John 92 McCann P 92 McCann Wm 143 McCanua J. H 100 McCarthy J. M 104 McCarthy Michael 70 McCarty Geo. M 20 McCarty James GO McCarty John 9 McCash C. A lot McCauley T. B 20 McCaw Daniel 89 McChesuey Robt. W. .. 70 McClainM. 90 McCJanahan Allen C . . 139 McClanahan Chas 172 McCleave Wm 148 McClcery J. F. B 92 McClellanT. W 82 McClintock E. A 39 McClureM. D 100 McCobb Austin 112 McCobb Wilber 112 McCoUiater H. H 20 McCollough E 35 McCoUumD. B 173 McComas Ashury 114 McComaG J. E 115 SIcConkeyE ■. . . 43 McConnell James 53 McConuell Robert 9 McCoolD. H 30 McCormack Robert.... 70 McCormick J. H 32 McCorvie Frank 35 McCoy Harrih^on 58 McCoy John 104 McCoy John A 113 McCoy N. A 27 McCreedy H. G 45 McC;rimraou J 02 McCuea Nelson 58 McCulley M. M 124 McCu Hough Frank .... 3 J McCuUough J. S 47 McCullough J. W 104 McCuUum Edw 02 McC umber Thos C 45 McCumisky Jam es 55 McCune J CO McCuskcr Thomas 70 McDermid John C 140 McDermott John 70 McDermott Robert. ... 30 McDermott T 9 McDermott W. J 82 McDonald A 94 McDonald D. H 104 McDonald E. G 123 McDonald James 58 McDonald T. U 90 McDougall D. K 108 McDowell Samuel H. . . 70 McElroy Wra 20 McEhoy Wm 119 BIcEwen Warren L.... 20 McFaddcn S.xm 35 McFarlaud Andrew 114 McFai laud Chas 02 McFeeley Fred P 4 J McGinley Daniel 39 McGivernJ. W 43 McGivney Thos. J 43 McGlew W.J 01 McGomgle Jos. B 147 McGouegal John 94 McGouldrick J 27 McGoveru Robert 70 McGovem Thomas 43 McGown Harvey 48 McGrath Daniel 20 McGrath M 88 McGrath T ^^,. 9 McGregor W. H 171 MoGrcwJ. M 9 McGrew Jno. S 85 McGrew P. H 43 McGue John I 9 McGuire Patrick 92 McHenry V/. A 139 McHugh Felix 20 McUreo Ale.s; 102 Mcllroy R. H 112 Mclutire John A 108 McInioahF. J 190 Mcintosh J. E 20 Mclutyre II. A 58 McJun-kin Hugh K 20 McKay VVm.T 190 McKeag W. H...., 109 McICeague Samuel 86 McKean W. D SO McKearncy L - . ^ K4 McKelvev"c. Vv 35 McKelvy'H. A 27 McKenney George 139 MeKeuuey H. M 20 McKenuey J.T 20 McKillip Daniel 9 McKoouH. U 55 McLaughlin C. W 43 McLaughhu M. A 9 McLaugliuT. A 20 McLean A. A 9 McLean W.T 140 McLemoro C. N 104 McMahou A 39 McMahon J. M 76 McMahon J. S 48 McMahou Peter 70 McMahon William ... .104 McMartin Johu 105 McMasterC. H 176 McMilliu W. M 102 McMurray S.imuel 39 McMurtryJ. F 70 McNamerJ. H. 130 McNeil Alex 20 McNeil W.H... 9 McNiff JohnM 39 BIcNulty James M 20 McNultyR. J 129 McNuttW.F 20 McPeak John 70 McPhee Francis 99 McPheeters Dan 145 McPhersou A . S 106 McPherson B. R 20 McPherson J. K 58 McQuaig John 155 McQuilling A. K 154 MeachamA ,. 53 Alphabetical Index, 266 Page Mead Charles F 'J Mead J;.mes A 101 Meade JohuU C8 Meagher Patrick 'J MeabinN 35 Jlears Fred »0 Measure J. H Iv-l Medbury ^Y. C 9 Medina Theodore 7S Medley C lU Medley John O 27 Medley J. P 9 Meo James 155 Meehan J.P 20 Meeker E. L 74 MegerleeL. H 27 Megilligau W. B :.0 Mchau dohn 7C Mellerlsa?.c 108 Melius N.S li'i Melrose K 20 Melville Dean i<0 Menges Henry 70 MeriamG. F t6 MerkelJohn 82 Merriiim A. B I'Jl Men lucid Wm 158 Merrill Abboit 180 Morrill Franlc H 20 Merrill L.O lOG Merriman F. K 82 Merritt Alfred P ila Merritt W. 8u MeserthL 9 MeserveJ.G 27 MesserK.T 20 Mfejsersmith J. tt 82 Messic L. I) i:;5 Metcalf Geo. N 170 Metc.lf S. ^V 55 Metzger A. V 50 Metzger C. L i6 Metzger E. 13 50 MjizlerTheo. C 9 Mewheaty JoliU 182 Mej-er Adoiph 20 Meyer August 01 Meyer B. F o5 Meyer C L2 Meyer C 70 Meyer M 35 Meyers Geo. II 32 MeylerT. J. 21 Miler Ilamiltoa W 20 Miles E. G 115 Miles Ji. C 35 Miles J . F 00 MiUburu Jos. M. 133 AliUerA.H 35 Page Miller C. A 9 JlillerC. 181 Miller Charles 120 Miller Charles N 150 Miller C.H 43 Miller Edw 70 Miller E. L >T2 Miller Enoch 101 Iviiller Frauk 27 Miller Frank.- 153 Miller Frank G 9 Miller Geo. A 9 Mi tier G. B 48 Miller Henry 30 Miller Henry li 20 Miller Isiuc I'r3 Miller J. A .. 01 Miller J..cob i8 Miller J. O 109 Miller Jerome 9 Miller J. H 9 Miller J. H 137 Miller John 55 Miller John IGli Miller J. T 115 Millur Siinuel 134 Millers. J 115 Miller S:.iu'lJ 117 Miller \\m 9 Mill3 J. K 143 Mills J. AV ICG MHhiLulher 9 Mill3 \.'. E 82 Mills \V. F 04 Mills W.Vt' 13 JNIiLeubeiger Chas. . . . 9 .\iilz Peter - 9 Minnett Geo. G 43 Minott EJwiu M 133 Mitchell O 40 Mitchell James 38 Mitchell J. P l«i Mitchell J. li -J9 JlitcuiU Milton 184 Miichell AV.B 39 Mize F. B 55 Moesner August 9 Moiiat U. 11 131 Mohr L 27 Molatt Geo. W 01 Moliero J. W '20 MoUo John 104 Mouahau I). M 92 Monaghau Hugh 20 Moag-ilez Cbailes 43 Moiiroo E. 11 00 Monroe Win 27 Montague J. P 90 Aloutell F. W 921 Montgomery D. C 149 Montgomery F. C 156 Montgomery F. P 82 Montgomery Jos 64 Montgomery Itobt 155 Montgomery Sam'l M.120 aioody Horace 39 Mooers M. O 130 Moon Curtis P., Post No. 110 MoonU. B 102 Moon Israel G 155 Mooney Aarou 101 Mooney D. P 35 Mooney Geo. W 190 Moore A. H 112 Moore Beuj 20 iUoore h'. M 20 .Moore Harvey 104 Moore Homer P 181 Moore I. b 27 Moore J. B 32 Jlooie J. L 163 Moore John N 1C4 Moore G. A 109 aiooreP. H 190 Moore P. L 101 Mooie Simon 58 Moore \ViUi.im 99 Moore W. H 189 Moores John 92 Moozaha Lewis 58 Morau Bernard 9 Moral! Thomas 119 More Ira 103 Morey A. A CO Morey 1-'. C 36 Morey Henry S 171 Morgan J. 1) 81 Morgan It. F 9 J Morgan Thos iMl Morgan W 'J9 Moig.;ii William 71 Mo:giu Vinueld S 43 Moik J. H 70 Morjihy T. K 3J Morriinv. H lul Morris C.K 9 Morris F. N 178 Morris Francis 140 Morris John 9 Morris J. S.T 183 Moriis Miles 50 Morris Peter 01 Moras Thomas 9 Morrison Uov.ard 9 Morrison James 53 Morso 1). A , 43 Morse J. M 55 267 Alphabetical Index. Pago Morse Obadiah.. ...... 3d Morion F. R 20 Morton L. K 141) Morton R. B 187 Mosbaugh G.J 62 Mo^berg A 9 Mpsfcley Thomas P 32 Mbsher George OG MosherL. E li 7 -MosherR 131 Moss J. J 130 Moss .J. M 130 Mott Jobii EG MoultoaD. S 20 Moultou Flovcl 43 Moulion W. JI 50 MowLler 8. T 176 Mover J. \V 3C MoVleOwen J 8S Mudge Melvin 114 Muebe C 9 Mueller JobuO J3 Mublner W. F 9 MulliUv George S....115 Mullen Jo'm.... 9 Miiller F.C 02 Mull.-r Frel 02 Mvilligan Dennis G4 Mulllu Jobu 113 Mall-ns Henry B 9 Jiulvauey Fr^nk 02 Mulvcy Jo"m 9G JIumby Willi .m 1-10 MurpbyA. 11 9 Mui'pby A. J 118 Murphy Daniel 70 Murphy E.B 94 Murphy H. II 9 Murphy 0. P 82 Murphy Mich .el 9 Murphy P.^trick 9 MuriJhy Timothy 10 Murphy V>'iUiam 191 JIurpby "Wm 9i Muri^hy Wyiii:-n 55 Murrr.y George 113 Murray G. W U7 Murray H 122 Murr.ay J. C 27 Murray J. E 88 Murray M 10 Mui-giv-ve Joseph 2,1 Mussey A. W CO MusscyN. D 12G Muzzall II. W 101 MyerF. W 10 Myor John 48 Myer John M 1G4 Myers Daniel,.... 120 Page Myers Frank E 70 Myers Jacob 4'! Myers S.im'l 101 Myrick Geo. W 120 Nalk Casper 120 Nanscawen L. V 10 Nash L. A 151 Na«h T. S 128 NasonR.P 58 Nas3 Andrew 20 Nittinger L. L 39 Nanghton Edward 70 Naylor Benj. F fiO NealChas.S 20 Neal James H 141 Needb-m A. T 58 Needham W. C, 82 Ne£f A. D 113 Neidefl'er Isaac 185 Nfcierburg M 115 Neil Henry C 192 Neilson Bendix 55 Neiizke E ;:g Nellis William H 140 Nelson C. H CO Nelson D. W l:.2 Nelson D. W 78 I'Jelson Jacob 70 Nelson V. H 147 NestcU Adam 10 Newcoinb L. S 1C4 Newcomb Saml. L 190 Newcombe Jonathan.. 30 Newell James M 39 Newell F. W 13G Newoll J.T ?0 Newell W. B 61 Newhard James M . . . . 10 N wlan L.J 1.54 Newman Charles 17G Newman Leon 70 New--' an Peter A 10 Newman Philip 70 Newman TJio.j GG Newport W. C 99 Newsome Thos. F 175 Newton E. C 190 Newton William G. . . .153 Nicewonger L. H. U.. . 58 Nichols C. A 50 Nichols D. E 153 Nichols Ivy- 153 Nichols M. S 122 Nichols U.S 04 Nicholson James AV. ..102 NichiialsO. M 83 Nickilson W.G 1G9 Xicolavsou J.... ,.. 10 NicollFreaE 20 Niebur H. H 189 Niven Peter 58 Noble F. M 112 Noble James F 86 Noble J. D 10 Noble John 66 Noble T. K 10 Noddin I.J 94 Noethig W 10 NoggleD. L 20 Nokes K 27 Nolan Patrick 10 Nolle A F .. 10 Nolte Herman 70 Noonan Patrick K 123 Nordyke A. T 53 Norgrove John 20 Norris Hiram J 10 Norris T. H 70 Norris Vv'm. E 96 Norton E. G 105 Norton Geo. A 101 Norton Harvey 20 Norton Henry L 182 Norton Thos. A 39 Norviel Levi 36 Norwood W. E 20 Norwood Wm. H 148 Nolt Samuel 142 Notten.JohuW 84 .Nowlin T. \V 21 Nulion S. D 06 Nutter C. E 182 NutterS.O 119 Nye George W 140 Nyland H 96 O'Boyle Daniel 117 O'Brian Michael 102 O'Brien Jamca 89 O'Brien M. L. G 92 O'Brien Pat 27 O'Brien William 96 O'Couuell James 88 O'Connor E 88 O'Connor H. A. C 04 O'Connor John 96 O'Connor John 10 O'Connor T. M 21 O'Dounell James 43 O'Donnell John 88 O'Donnell Pauick 147 O'Doyle T 88 O'Orady Martin 104 O'Grady Patrick 92 O'Hair.Johu 186 O'llair Micliael 186 O'Hiir Philip.. 53 O'Hare Mike 32 O'Hearn James F 10 Alphabetical Inde2. m Pago O'Keefe J % O'Kecfe Michael 171 O'VeilJobn 92 O'Neil Lawrence 92 O'NeilAVm 70 O'Neil Wm. J 117 O'Neill Jobu 129 O'Keilly J. J loO O'Rouke J 10 O'SuUi van Edward 7 J Oakes Ciooige P 110 Oiiks Goo. >\' 70 Ober Wm 6G Odell A. J ati Odell Isaac 70 Oeckle Charles 82 Ogden 'fully 00 Ogle D. W 104 Ogle John U:4 Obms Jos. J 127 Oliver F. AV 112 Oliver J. C 107 Olmstead C. W 27 OlmsleadL. F 'JO OlseuE 43 Oman Wm 114 Onsley Gso. AV 40 Opdyke A. J 130 Oraus John 21 Orcuti H.C <;0 Orelup J K 4J Ormrod W. H 4/ Ormsby L. W Hi OrrB. F 30 Orr E. D 127 OrtonR. H 10 Osborn A. A 21 OsboruB. A GO OsboruC. H 21 Osborn John 110 Osborn Joseph S 58 Osborne U. V 107 Osborne John AV 55 Osborne AV. H 21 Ofibourne S 21 Osgood G. > 27 Osgood Hosea 21 Osgood S.R 90 osier E.B I.s3 Osmau James M 133 Osterhout J. D 110 Ostraader W. W 21 Oswald Adam 40 OiiaG.E 110 OJs U. G 107 OU James M 21 OltoT ". 117 Overacker H. T 89 Overeud R 86 Page Overmeyer E. H 140 Overton James W 74 Owen James 1 94 Owen J. A 21 OwenL. H 113 Owens Epbr;'.im 99 Owens Henry 140 uweus J. C 10 Owens J. 11 82 Owens James 31 99 Owens U 00 Owens Wm 191 O.vulyX.P 40 O.>vto;i A. L 92 Packer E. A ...107 Paddock AV. C 94 Page Charles .'. 70 Pago J. H 21 Paine J. O. \V GO I'.uuter J. S 27 Palmer A. J 89 Palmare. M 108 P.-.lmcrF. L M8 Palmer G. AV 137 P.almer I. L. 00 p.'.lmer John W 140 Palmer Joseph C 171 P.ilmer Marlin V 180 I'almer Perry 121 Palmer T. H Ill) IV.lmer W. 10 Palnier AV. S 120 Pap^t Albert 180 Pj.risC. R M P.irk S. O 93 Park AV. Jay 10 Parker B. C 74 Parker ii. P. 94 Parker D.auiel S 140 P.irkerF. W 10 Parker G. L 17G Parker G. L 104 Parker James 43 Parker JoliuS 27 Parker L. A Gl Parkers. A 82 Parker S. M 21 Parker AVm. 11 47 P..rkhiirst Uaniel W. . . 21 Parka D.iuiel 142 Parks W. 11 MO Parlet J.S 14S Pnrmalcr John 15 40 Parmeater Chas. U. . . . 43 Paruell \V. R 21 Partish Lewis l.VJ Parritt L. S 90 IV.r.50U3 A. C 78 Parsons A. E 27 Parsons AVilliam 82 Paschal Frank 50 Pascoe B. F 150 Pascoe AV. H 129 Patcjuer Frank 181 Pate W.S 128 Pj.tten Henry 158 P.tten Wm. P 92 Patterson .V. K 43 P'attersou J. L 74 Patterson John M 10 Patterson M. S C4 Patterson Thos 90 Patterson AV. A 52 Patterson AVm 10 Patterson AV. il 121 Patileton R 96 Patton John 70 PaiilC.G lo7 Paul Wm 36 PauUJohn B 190 Paulsen Chas.. \ 10 Paulson Henry 71 PaxtonS. D 182 P.iyne A. 1). L 10 Payne John W 58 Payne 11. H 78 Payne Wm. F 128 P..yne AV. H .58 Peacock H. F 99 PeikeChas 10 Peaks J. B IGO Pearce T.J 96 PeardJohnJ 40 Pearson Henry 99 Pear.sou J. B 121 Pearson M. R 66 Pease G. M 21 Pease R. AV 117 PeckL. B 106 Peck N. F 131 Peck Tavlor A 65 Peck AV.'F 140 Peck AV. H 122 Peckham J 82 Pedlar Rudolph 104 Peer Abram 43 Pegg Eliaa N 30 Pegg Henry it 140 Pellin Nap jleon 01 Penderg.'.st J. H 10 Peu.ieUlAV. H 21 Peuuebaker >V. G 174 Penning ion A. R 178 PenuellR. J 21 Pennlet Wm ■. 10 Pennock John 104 Peoples Charles C4 Pepper Albert E 10 269 Alphabetical Index. Page Percival Nicholas t-2 rerciVc.l Eicliaid 8'-' Perigo Yi'm GO Perkins C. E lOi Perkins D. K 158 Perkins AVilliam 147 Perry Alviu A 158 Perry E. D ICO Ferry Fred M 140 Perry Ira C 102 Perry EoyalS 40 Perry Thomas 122 Perry W. H 86 Perry Wm 1C4 Petermau C 10 Peters W. H ,l;)4 Peters W.S 58 Peterson C. H 21 Peterson Larry 131 PeititS. S 97 Pettitt James 40 Pet y John 3(5 PHymg Geoi'ge 55 Phelau 'Ihomr-d H 30 Pheli.-sE. D 21 Phelpa Cicorgc 1(52 Phelps George M 40 Phifec Jacob J 40 Philbri.-k J.S I'^S Fhii: rook Geovgc II... 104 Philb.cok J.M lu PlnlipsT. F 10/ Fli'.Uil)er Clinton i:i Phillips C:ui3:opherC. 113 Phillips Isidore 11. .. .1!;0 PhilliiJs John 102 Phillies John CI Fhilliry Joseph L 1 3 Phillips II. U 41; Phillips T!:omas 17 J Phippj J.M 82 PickereinVm. W C4 PickncyEjbcrt S 53 Pico Beuigno 30 FicoJoscll 12i Piel Caspar G2 Pieice Calvin 55 Pierce CO CG Pierce E. R 110 Pierce L. T 107 Fierce Warren H 173 Pierce W. II 110 I'ierrepont J. 13 181 PikoE. P 43 Pilger John. C4 Pillsbury C. E 10 Pillsbuiy E. B 21 Pinkham Chaa E 183 Pinkson H 21 Page PinneyE. H 10 Piper John A. F 58 Piper W. R 40 Pipiiey E. W 71 Pit. man H. C 10 Place Wm. U f-5 Plant Yi'm. CI Pb.ntz Vi. A 128 rbske'.t Wm 158 PlassP 131 Piatt Chas H 10 Pl-.ttE. J 21 Plait Jesse 36 Pleisch Theodore 1C8 Ploeger Peter 71 Floudko Julius 107 Plummer Charles E... 176 Plymire Jas. A 133 Foat J. J 55 I'ogue James 104 Ponidexter F. H 49 Polhamus David 148 PollDckS. S CG Pomeroy Edgar 40 Poiid Henry 21 Pond li. H 21 Pool J. W 10 Poole John 12'J Poole Joseph M lOS Fo.r J. ^Y 134 Pooiinaa D 27 Porter IX B 4'J Porter F'lank H 110 Porttrll.S .185 Porzelt Christopher. . . 71 Potter A. E 173 Pocicr J. II 82 Pother John U 110 Poulson Andrew J 10 pouuKtoue A. L 43 Powell C. F 126 PoweinV. Y 149 Powers Geo. H 21 Pov/ers John Y^' 121 Powers Pv. M CO PoT.'e IS Thomas 10 Pracht JTax 21 Pratt C. W 100 Pratt Daniel 174 Pratt Wm. H 91 Prentiss A. T 97 Prentiss J. W 46 Prescott B. W 82 Price CM 10 Price Ed 04 Price M: F 1 ' Priudle H. F 4'J Prinz Ewald 21 Pritchard B. F 07 Page Proksch Lorenz 43 Proiity Calvin R 78 Prouty Cliarles 92 Provost Nelson 10 Pry J.C 101 Pullea Clark J 89 Pul.-3ipher A. C 1.55 PulvermuUer Otto 71 Puroell H. C 165 PurcellT. M 52 PurdyO. W 133 Pardy T. V 82 Purser Spencer 94 Purviance W. H 112 Puterbaugh Geo 191 Putnam G. A 27 Putnam J. E 175 Putnam J. H 86 Quant Fred. J 10 Quigley W. J 167 QuinlanD 10 Quinn David P 71 Quinn Edward 71 Quinn Edward , Jr 71 Q;iinnJohn 94 Quinn John E 21 Quinn Michael 10 Quinn Thomas 191 Quitzow August !0 R.^.be Louis 164 Rackliffe Levi 127 Rae Thomas 94 Rifferly J. P 76 Ragon Oliver 178 RagsdaleE. S 27 R gsdalc J. W 50 R.^hnU 78 Rainbow J. P. M 06 Raiuey J.W 40 Rainsbury John 21 R-iinville Joseph 10 Rilsion Clark 167 Ralston J. O 10 Ranibo S. H 136 R-mirez A. M 36 Ramsey W. H 10 Randal A. G Il7 Randall Chas. D .129 Randall John 99 Randall SamI 190 Randall W. F 10 Randall W.S 1?6 Rancy Ilenry 55 Rankin A. L 21 RankiuB. A 129 Ransom John 127 Ransom S 2l Rapp JohnA 21 Rath ja Henry F 13^ Ali^HABETICAL InDEX. 270 Page Katrey John — loS Kawlinga Benj. W 40 Raw Is Urown 1:7 Eay James 1^0 Kayburu G. VV 40 Raymouil J. W 10 Rea Francis 14(3 Rea John 104 Rea Samuel 58 Read Geo. R 101 Reader Philip 190 Real J. F 3G Reauy Wir. 43 Reardeu T. H 1:1 Eebscher J 158 Rector Edwin 82 Reddan John oO RedfieldA. N 153 RedingtonC. H 43 EedonaJose 3'J ReedH. W 30 Reed J. W 107 Reed Robert lo6 ReedT.L 170 Reed W. E 36 Reed W.U 79 Rees S. C 117 Reese John 117 Reese John W 107 Reese William 71 Keevo W. N. 43 Reeves E. J 78 Reeves George J 153 Reeves J . Yv' 27 Reeves Truman 110 Reich Samuel 92 Reich Samuel 04 Reid Ed 3G Reid R. K 58 ReidWrn 88 Reilly J ames 71 Reilly J. J 14U Reinbach Chiirles CO ReiuhoklB. R 177 Reiuoehl Alfred W 43 Reint.'.nz Q. J 10 Remington C.U 110 Remley Willi-m 53 Remmel Charles 50 Remondiuo P. C G(i Renfro Erastus 153 Reufro J €0 Rennard J. R 105 Reutschlcr F 21 Rentschler J. G 10 RenwickT 27 Rei)py Charles D 7G Eeupsch \Vm CG Eey Rudolph 99 Page Revnerson J 52 KeynoUls A. F 107 Reynolds C. C 119 Reynolds E 8S Reycolds H. C 21 RejTiolda J. A IGO Reynolds J. M 49 Reynolds Myrick 58 Reynolds E. G 119 RejTiolds Robert G 183 Rheim Charles 10 1 Rhcin James 30 Rhinierson G. W 55 Rhoads Andrew J .101 Rhodes B. J 82 Rhodes B.J 58 Rhodes Elbert O 129 Rhodes John 80 Rhodes W. A. E 107 RhodyA. JI 10 nibble F.J 30 Rice Benjamin A IGO RiceC. T 181 Rice Geo. S 107 Rice H. B CG Rice Judson 82 Rice Lewis 124 RiceO-scar F 107 Richards D. S 109 Richards D. S l!,7 Richards 11. W 40 Richards R. B ir.S Richards AV. U 183 Richardson A. M 140 Richardson C. \V 94 Richardson E. II 21 Richardson J 49 Richard.sou E. 01 Richardson W. H 104 Richit II. V 21 Richmond 11 10 Richmond H. U 104 Richter II 173 RichterR 10 Richwino Solomon.. .. 10 Ridgeway S. B 27 Ricgclhaupt Philip... 10 RiggleS. L 97 RiggsS. B 140 Righley J. B 92 Riker J. D 97 RlkertTheo. M 55 Riley Edward 173 Riley G. W 158 Riley James H 88 Riley L. K 21 Riley Thos. J 60 Rincke John 43 Rines Charles H 92 Page Riordan D. M 7i Ripholt Thomas 140 Ripley Charles J 110 Rise H. G. 71 Rissonette Simeon 136 Ritchie V 47 Ritchie AVm 78 Bitter A. J 76 Ritter M. V 21 Rittinger J. H 104 Rivera J. M S6 Roach Michael 55 Robarts John 36 Robb Charles 109 Robbinsll. 1> 180 Robbins J. B 104 Bobbins J. S ....107 Roberts Charles F 94 Roberts John U 21 Roberts J. P 11 Roberts L. L 06 Roberts Michael 46 Roberts O. P 110 Roberts Phil. S 11 Roberts Rich'd M 11 Roberts S. H 21 Roberts "\Vm. C 107 R-berlsonG.C 27 Robertson J. A 47 Robertson J. 11 27 Robinett John 1H4 Robinson Chas H 172 Robinson C. R 21 Robinson Daniel L 71 Robinson Geo. li 11 Robinson Uarri 71 Robinson H. W 181 Robinson J. A 43 Robinson James A 147 Robinson J. C 140 Robinson J. H 21 Robinson John A 133 Robinson Keeler 32 Robinson L Vv' 47 Robinson Marshall .... 32 Robinson N 140 Robinson N. D 107 r.obiusonR. W. E 21 Robinson T.G 27 Robinson W. A 21 Robinson W. J 1C4 Robins nAVm ... 27 Rochat Louis 110 Roche Thomas 14 Rock John 82 Rockefeller G. V.' 110 Rockwell A. L 21 Rockwell L. D 52 Rockwell Myroa 176 271 Alphabetical Index. Page Bockwoocl A. L 11 Eodibaugh D. >I 40 Koe James 27 Koe J. H 181 Eoemer Henry 133 Koesch Frank 50 Rogers W. H 4:i Rogers Wm. W l'.>6 EohrbaclrG W 112 RolersonB. I" 58 Rolfe Geo. W 114 RolisonL. T 82 Boll Francis 71 Romans T. D 36 Rondepierre Lavu'ent. 74 R.mey James 30 Rood Oliver 12G Rooney Charles L 191 Root M.S G6 Roper Spencer 82 Rosborough James 123 RoseE. H 62 Rose Jerry 151 Bosecrans W. S 21 Rosenbaugh John 123 Roskaiup H.F 11 Roslat John 150 Ross Charles 101 Ross J. B 50 Boss John 8G Boss Marcellus 82 EossR. E 61 Ross William E 170 Ross W. W 21 Roth Fred 36 Roundy J. L 43 Rouse Gay lord 11 Rowe August 11 Rowe Ben S lijl Rowe Edwin 158 Rowe Geo W £6 Rowe James 158 Rowe N 50 Rowell George W 124 Royal Ben 172 Royal William 21 Rovce C.E 21 RoVce Frank L 43 Ruddick W.J 92 Budo Jules 134 Rudolph August 44 RulIsJ 11 Rusgles J. D 21 Buhl Fred A 58 Ruhl John 104 Bumery Thos. J liO RundalJ.N 113 Runnels V. S 181 liunyon B. W 126 Page Ruppert Chas 185 RuseL.W 147 Rush John 100 Russell E. C 21 Russell E. K 9 Walteubaugh P. C 89 Walter C. L l.'iS Walts Geo. W 23 WandcU N. L 92 Wanda A. H 23 Waunemacher G. W. .. 9J Wauzer Horace Ifio AVard A. H 47 Ward A. H 49 WardG. J 130 Ward J. L 7G Ward J. M.... 121 Ward Philip loi Ward P.J 88 Ward S. E 07 Ward Vei non T 153 Warden R. T 59 Ward low James li Ward well D. K 76 WarSeld R. H 50 AVarner A . E 50 Warner Ed. P 84 Warner Geo. A 28 Warren C. F 37 Warren C. H 12 Warren D 191 Warren James R 124 Warren S. P 23 AVartamout J. N 74 AVarwick U. 122 AVashburnPB 8.1 AA'assermau Moses 71 Wate P. T. M 23 Page Waterbury Chas. S . . . . 23 AA'aterbury James 28 AVatcrbury Sam'l A. . . . 71 AVaterhouse F. A 23 AVaterman S. D 59 Waters AV. G 71 AA'alkins Jas. 171 AA'atkius R. 171 AVatson Allison R 155 Watson 0. C G7 AVatsou Chas. D 187 AVatson D. L 83 AA'atson James 12 Watson J. N 53 Watson Samuel 151 Watson V. C 153 AVatson AA'm . T 187 Watt George R 76 AVatts Joseph 23 AA'atis Richard 12 Way Josse 97 AA'ay AVm. G 102 AVaymire J. A 23 Wayne G. AV 119 Weatherwax Chas. H..171 Weaver E. M 40 AVcaver Uenry 131 AVeaver H. AV 59 AVeaver J. H. G 94 AVeaver L. B 59 AVeaver S. P 187 AVebbE. E 86 AVebb Marcus E. D 127 Webber F. H. L 28 AVcberE. C 23 AA'eber J 52 AVeberR. H 12 AVebster Gains 142 AVebster Geo 127 AVebster E. F 84 Webster Noah 28 AVedel John M 12 AVeed Abuer 145 AVeed E. A.. 37 WeegarE. H 191 AVeeks Albert B 55 AVeeks A. L '. 64 AVehr Henry 12 Weidl. A 37 AA'eishar Augustus 174 AVeisheimcr Charles... 12 Welch Alex 126 AVelchC. P 23 AVelch Denis 49 Welch Henry T 40 Welch AVm. Thomas. . . 121 AA'elcomo J. C 131 AVcldea Dayton E 182 Wellendorf Christ .... 71 277 Alphabetical Index. WellerH. I 7'J Wellington G. W 13J "Wellimn A. L 107 Wells C.C 23 Wells Eugene 12 Wells E. W 182 Wells G.Wiley 107 Wells Henry C 44 Wells Ivory 1-3 Welsh Barney 140 Welton Walter B 12 Wemmer W. R 99 Wendt Albert 40 Wenger John G4 Weuk Leopold 71 Wentworth B. F 2b Weutworth Charles 28 Wentworth N.S 12 Weutzel Frank 97 Wentzell Charles 78 WenzllkR 12 Werner F. F 12 WernerG 12 Werner John 2 J Wert Frank A 40 Wessell Henry 72 West Clarence luG West F. BI 44 WestF. M 59 West George O C4 West H. S 107 West James ii. Gl West Peter 12(5 WestRoUinA 41 West S. B 52 West Thomas 170 West Thomas F 180 Weston lieury 133 Westover A. E CT AVestoverJ. W 23 Westwater R 2t Wetherby Geo.A 72 Wetherman CD 37 WetsellGeo. W 190 WetzellThos. G 59 Whaley A. G 133 Wharff JohnF 12 Wharff W.H 12 Wharton James F 153 Wharton J. E 113 WheatonGeo. U 24 Wheeler F.L 1U4 Wheeler J. M 83 Wheeler W. F 187 Whipple Stephen G . . . 24 WhitakerD. E 59 Whitbeck W. n 171 Whiicomb M. S 107 WhitoombR^K iJ Page White Andrew '24 White A. \V 140 White Geo. L 117 White Geo. W 173 AVhite Harrison 174 White II. C 3J While Henry 178 White J. A 5 J White James 04 White James T 8(> Wiiito J. B L8 White J. G 140 White J. J 1C9 White Joseph '12 V.'hito Michael 72 White Nathaniel 112 White Ray A 153 White Robert 128 White Russell 24 White T.H 28 White Wm 78 WhitefieldR. E 24 Whitesides Alex 12 WhitfordM 149 Whitlock James H 185 Whitmarsh 1'. B 88 Whitney Chester v.. ..141 Whitney Henry 5J Whitney J. D 83 Whitney J. J 110 Whitney John T 12 Whitney W.J G7 Whitsou Jacob E 172 WhiUaker Isaac W....187 Whitteuiore J. B 12 Whivlen Robert 24 Whitieu Wallace 40 WhittierGeo. G 104 Whitium Stephen G. . .121 Wiedemeyer S. J 50 Wiegand Eugene 24 WilburnJ.P 83 Wilcox Chas. H 44 Wilcox Geo. A 32 Wilcox S.J 121 Wild Wm. E 174 Wilder F. A 24 Wilder Horace 53 Wilder W.C 80 Wiley James , 150 Wiley Morris B 175 Wilhelm John 72 Wilhelm Thomas 24 WUkerson Horace 123 WilkiaAlex 74 Wilkins W. J 13 Willdns W. P li Wilkinson T.J 158 Wilklnsoii W. H 80 Page WilUans A 135 Williams C. W 79 Williams B. F 83 Willi ,ms I>avid 158 Williams David 121 Williams Geo 110 Williams George 76 Williams George G 86 Williams Geo. U 24 Williams G. W 24 Williams Geo. W 155 Wil iams Henry 59 Williams H. H 115 Williams U. L 101 Williams John 104 Williams John B 1.53 AVilliams Nicholas. .. . 44 Williams P. A 117 Williams Philemon 47 Williams P. S 37 Williams R. A 30 Williania Rodham 155 Williams Sam'l A 5d Willian-3 W. F 86 Williams W.H. H 126 Williams W. R 53 Williams W. W 24 Williamson John V . . . 55 WiHiard J. W 118 Willing John E 175 Willis E 24 WlUits Chs. BI 65 Willson James 53 Willsou Thomas A 13 Wilmarth P. B 83 WilmottL. A 37 Wilson A. J 130 Wilson A. P 24 VjlsonB 13 Wilson B. B 46 Wilson Camring 65 Wilson Chas 72 Wilson Chas. S 46 Wilson Chas. E 24 Wilson DelosE 113 Wilson D. F 189 WilsonD. P 30 Wilson G. H 99 WilsonG. 1 159 Wilson Harvey M 44 Wilson H.C 126 Wilson Henry 30 Wilson Henry 72 Wilson Horace 24 Wilson J. A 119 Wilson James 177 W'ilson James 83 Wilson James H 142 Wilson Jai^het 28 Alphabetical Index. 278 Page Wilson J. H 13 Wilson J.K.. 21 Wilson John 133 Wilson John E ". . . 13 Wilson Jos. W 55 Wilson O. A 134 Wilson Parker 2i Wilson Richard 13 Wilson Richard W 113 Wilson W. A 13 Wilson W. S 181 Winans J. L 118 Winchell H. P 183 Winchester Albert S .. 44 Winder W. A 67 Winders Daniel 53 Winea J. P 59 Wing William 13 Winkleman Wm 28 Winkler Jacob 44 Winne F 186 Winno Wm. H 121 Winning E. A 89 Winser Oscar 59 Winsor Serril 11)1 Winter W.S 83 Winters Chas 72 Winters Nathaniel F..149 Wisdom W. J 59 Wise George 28 Wise John 89 Wise K. D 37 WiseJI. L 28 Wise P. V ^8 Wiser John 70 Wisker F. G 24 WisselH. C 140 Witherell C A 32 Withrow A. A 40 Withrow C. W 24 Withrow Ell 102 Witlich U. A 37 WitJigEdw 76 Woerner B 28 Woerz Henry 92 Wohltman Otto 13 Wolcott W. J 83 Wolfe George W 37 Page Wolf er Peter 37 WoUner Jacob 72 Wonderly W. H 37 Wood A. A 46 Wood A. E 165 Wood Edward J 180 WoodE. P 78 Wood George H 78 Wood George P 127 Wood J. K 141 Wood John E 59 Wood Reuben E. 179 Woods. W 76 Wood Walter 190 Wood Wm. E 121 Woodard J. U 24 Woodard J. H 181 Woodard James L 142 Woodard Wm 188 Woodbury F. J 154 WoodheadC. B 107 Woodin Anson 37 Woodman E. M 158 Woodman H. G 137 Woodward G. W 107 Woods B. F 147 Woods D. H 53 W'oods Horace 134 Woods John L 28 Woods W. B 140 Woods W. A 117 Woods Wm. P 59 Woods W. T 143 Woolf Margin 129 WooliidgeC. C 121 Woolsey E. H 44 Worcester U. B 40 Worden Charles H 40 Works J.D 67 Worley T.J 130 Wormley H. P 126 Worues R. C 13 Worrall Joseph A 24 Worth John H 17C Worth Thomas G 171 Worthcu Geo. W 40 Wosche Ben j 92 Wright Andrew 158 Page Wright Geo H 44 Wrif!ht H. F 160 Wright James D 37 Wright J. B 40 Wright John N 86 Wright T. F 83 Wright W. H 110 WuestWm. F 72 WyattGeo. H 101 Wy ckotf Charles 158 Wythe Jos. H 44 Yager M 37 Yager Myron 133 Yarrick G. W 86 Yates Peter R 188 Yelkeu R 149 Yeomans H 13 Yoder Enoch E 164 York R. B. S 44 YostThos 112 Young C. G 24 Young C.J 122 Young CM 37 Young E. J 182 Young Frank C 83 Y'oung George 107 Young George H 140 Young G.P 159 Young G. W 24 Young H. A 52 Young J. H 13 Young J. H 112 Young John 97 Young Richard 46 Young T. B 130 Young W. G 119 YoungbergJ.E 24 Y'oungclaus John. ..^..154 ZabriKkieE. B 32 Zabriskie James A 74 Zabriskie J. H 13 Zeigler W. C 97 Ziegler F. E 13 Zimmerman B 133 Zissig Charles 92 Zuver Levi 164 ;0MRADES, 0TTENTI0N -•~i>t>*<^5tfS Qvery oomrade visitlna i\)e racific ooast, sfjould send \)ome a small quantity of Pure eALipeRNiA Winbs. ^\)e Qdae Hill Vineyard oo. is located near ^t. Helena, Kapa Valley, and \)as one of tije oldest Vineyards in tl?e ^tate. rto Wines are offered by tl^is oompany under from tl^ree to five years old. (^l?ey are absolutely pure and possess a bouquet rarely acquired. Wur lowest trade prices will be aiven all oom- rades purcf^aslna fronn us. JOHN T, CUTTING & CO., Sole Agents, Nds. 23 & 25 Califarnia StrBBt, San Francisco, Cal. JOHN T. CUTTING, P. D. I. Dep't Cal. Geo. H. Thomas Post, No. a. PBTVATR-/''''^yl°'''s Chicago Battery, and •^'"^■^"^•l Chicago Mercantile Battery. DO O o CD i o o p 3 o ^ ^ H o P Q m 3 2. O z «' H o >< M Q Ul p «— » X o 3 K H H P m f >■ 1^ > 33 ^ ^ I 2 > •< ci:) O > 1 c > 2 3=» X D ' " 2 po 33 CO > < ■< Dtli NBtinnel inc: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 839 388 GRAMD ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, Adopted S^pu 23d 18S5, H. ELLfi ^