''wmmm- n ■yKo^'ziiA^o'^ 7 \-s^ i ^^' ■■ ' y .^.i •.*Kf:\- : lt{mn n: STATK CAl'lTdL A liuTldinj; Hint is tin- piiili- of tlii' St;itc — rciniiili'ted in .l:inn:iiy, 1S8(I, at a cost ot $2.534,0l'4.4(; — Total cost of land, Imildiiit; and furniture, S3,342,550.72 Located on a iiill — sui round fd b\ beautiful grounils of w liirli lluslinell I'ark forms a part. ji -liin ll ^%' 11 '.■,^t; \l ■ .- ll i " * ■ 1 ■ J 11 If ■'h k .. likBii^.^.. L-^ .:;^ MAIN STREET, NORTH FKDM CITY HALL Sh"w ing (iniidu in> iliug sime i>ii the right. A place that has licen closed oiilv two Imuis in twcnly-tive years. KARMINGTON AVENUE CONGREGATIONAL CHIIKCH The siicccssoi ot tin- olil I'parl Street Congregational Churcli, built in a more fashionaliU' part of tin- city. PH s_' f.^et. ilivided int.i tw(. Id-fodt sidewalks and a CD-fniit roadway. Total cost of construction about $1,(11 KI.IKHi. .^- WADSWOKTH ATHENEUM Containing historical rucords and relicts, valuable paintings, and works of art. The Hartford Public Library is annexed. KOKMKK HO.MK (II'' SAMI'KL L. ll.KMENS (MAIIK TW AIN| RESIDKNCl': OI' FUANCIS C H AMHEKl.lX HESlUENt'K OK Anirs'l HOME OF THE LATE CHARLES INE L. ELLIS DIDLEY WARNER KESIUENCK (IF IKA DIMOCK ^ VANUEKBILT HILL — FAKMINCTdN AVENUE Oiiginally built by Coinelius V;iiulerbilt. ruMi llorSK — KI.IZAHKTH I'AKK This iKiik was hcrini'atlii'cl Id tile city by (iiaiifs M. I'mnl. whu ii;iiiu'd it for liis wifi-, Kli/.aln'tli - s'Jon,(iiul ai-iiiuipaiiiHcl tin' gift. A