014 206 383 9 GRAND MARSHAL OF THE Idieps' dVlenumenfc Oelebi^ation, ASSEMBLY ROOMS, 73 HUDSON STREET- HOBUKEN, N. J., May 2«i, 1888. Uenekal Orders, } , No. 3. f J 1 I. The column will move iu the following order: ^ i POLICE ESCORT. J Chief Chas. A. Donovan, Conunaiuliiig. . : GRAND MARSHAL. i Colonel B. Franklin Hart. j STAFF. I Chakles Gkoss, Adjutant General, ] Joseph A. Joel, Inspector General, ' John C. Besson, Judge Advocate General, Col. G. VV. Traveks, Commissary (Tcueral of fciubsistance, " R. F. Chabert, Surgeon General, j Theophilus Butts, Paymaster General, I William F. Tobin, Chief of Cavalry, i L. Shanley Davis, Chief of Engineers, Prank McDonough, Chief of Artillery, Frank P. Clifford, Chief of Ordnance. i G. SiMMERMACHER, Cliiet Signal Officer, ; \J ^ ^ William H. Wall, Military Secretary. j nC}\Q AIDES-DE-CAMP. Louis Waefelaer, James M. Ekskine, Albert R. Leeds, Samuel A. Helfer, Charles S. Shultz, J. G. Ftsheb, John C. Cbevieb, B. F. Hart, Jr. VOLUNTEER AIDES. The German Riding Club of Hobol.en. FIRST DIVISION. Second Regiment, N. G. N. J. Colonel E. A. Ste\;ens, Commanding. Gatling Gun Battery A, N. G. K J. B't Brig.-^nfera] i Madisoja Drake, Commanding, SECOND DIVISION. Posts of the G. A. R., Department of New York and other Veteran organizations. MARSHAL, Major James B. Horner. . , AIDES, S. G. Crawford, William Armstrong, P. N. Grefe, Michael Schnepp, Fourth New Yoi-k Cavalry Veteran Association. Alexander Newburger, Commander. Phil Kearney Post No. 8. C. E. Hyatt, Commander. Robert Anderson host No. 58. R. Stackpole, Commander. Ellsworth Post No. 67. Micbael Meehan, Commander. Wadsworth Post No. 77, K. H Birmingham, Commander. Cameron Post No. 79. F. P. Lennon, Commander. Geo. Huntsman Post No. 50. Alonzo Garretsoi, Commander. John A. Rawlins Post No. 80. John J. Bowes, Commander. E. A. Kimball Post No. 100. William Meyers, Commander. Geo. Washington Post No. 103. M. F. McMahon, Commander. Dahlgren Post No. 113. William M Eutee, Connnander. Sedgwick Post No. 186. J.V.Byrne, Commander. Stem\Aehr Post No. 192. Ferdinand Levy, Commander. John A. Andrew Post No. 234. S. E. Saxton, Commander. Edwin D . Morgan Post No. 307. M. F. Hatch, Commander. Adam Goss Post No. 33 J. M. J. O'Brien, Commander. Veteran Post No. <36. C. Jl. Tiedeman, Commander, Gen. James McQuade Post No. 557. Wm. A. Delaney, Commander. Robert Marks Post No. 560. J. S. Power, Commander. Gen. J. F Meagher Post No. 567. G. W. O'Neil, Commander. Hawkins Zouave Association. Walter L. Thompson, Commander. <3Hft. 3 THIRD DIVISION. Posts of the G. A. R. Department of New Jersey, and other Veteran organizations. MAESHAL, Comrade Albert Koster. George Schwartz, John A. Larkin, John Sigler, Charles Stable, John Klein. G. Van Houten Post No. 3. John Cruch, Commander. Farragut Post No. 28. Philip Mentwick, Commander. Geo. H. Thomas Post No. 29. Edwin Sharp, Commander. Hexamer Post No. 34. Charles W. Pfaff, Commander. Zabriskie Post No. 38. A. W. Luckin, Commander. George G. Meade Post No. 7. William Kushmer, Commander. Henry Wilson Post No. 13. J. J. Armstrong, Commander. Ellsworth Post No. 4. Henry Wolff, Commander. James B. McPherson Post No. 52. Nelson Haas, Commander. Major Christian Woerner Post No. 81. Henry H. Trenor, Connuander, Jamts N. Van Buskii-k Post, No. 100. A. Van Buskirk, Commander. Gabriel R. Paul Post, No. 101. Daniel L. Lock wood, Coxnmander. Dwignt Post, No, 103. Wm. C. Davis, Commander. Edwin A. Stevens Naval Post, No. 104. Louis Richard, Connnander. Hoboken Veteran Corps. F. W. Schroeder, Connnander. FOURTH DIVISION. Posts of the Sons of Veterans, Department New Jersey: MARSHAL, John Eckstein. Charles P. Ahrens, Charles F. Koster, John Smith, William Steck. Christian Woerner Post, No. 1. L. Haefte, Commander, Ellsworth Post, No. 2. John Schlater, Conmiander. Hancock Post, No. 3. H. Smith, Commander. Custer Post, No. 6. A. M. Van Buskirk, Commander. Weston Post, No. 11. W. H. Labaugh, Commander. FIFTH DIVISION. Hoboken Fire Department and visiting companies. MARSHAL, Chief W. A. Willig. AIDES, J. E. W. KuPER, ...^ Eugene Pahud, Theo, W. Goerig, Owen E. Duff, Edward O'Brien, Joseph Kemp, J. C. Prentiss, Michael Conners, Michael Maker. Newton Steam Fire Engine Co., Newton, N. J. f Hoboken Engine Co. No. 1, Hoboken, N. J. Bayonne H. & L. Co., Bayonne, N. J. Washington H. & L. No. 1, Hoboken, N. J. Osceola Hose Co. No. 1, Elizabeth, N. J. Oceana Hose Co. No. 1, Hoboken, N. J. Liberty Hose Co. No. 2, Hoboken, N. J. Volunteer Exempt and Veteran Firemen's Sons of New York. Meadow Engine Co. No. 3, Hoboken, N. J, New York Volunteer Firemen's Association. Fire Zouaves of New York. Empire H. & L. Co. No. 2, Hoboken, N. J. Emi)ire Engine Co. No, 8, West Hoboken, N. J. Stevens Hose Co. No. 3, Hoboken. N. J. Elysian '-Engine Co. No. 4, Hoboken, N. J. Baldwin Hose Co. Weehawken, N. J. SIXTH DIVISION. SOCIETIKS. MARSHAL, Major Chaeles Aoffmann. Rudolph Freou, L. Johnson, J. KoELiscH, Henry Dean, Peter Wise. Sixth Battalion Germania Schuetzen Bund. A. Paul, Captain. Hoboken Schuetzen Corps. Louis Finke, Captain. Hoboken Independent Schuetzen Corps. August Bewig, Captain. Union Hill Scliuefzon Corps. John E. Wichman, Captain. Italian Union Brotherhcod. Joseph Gilardoni, Commander. Seventh Battalion Germania Schuetzen Bund. Major John Hotfhie, Commanding. First Battalion Germania Schuetzen Bund. Major Frommken, Commanding German Kreiger Bund. Captain F. Treiber, Commanding. II. Cohinianders upon the arrival of the several organizations at the street designated in General Orders No. 1, for the formation of their Division, will halt and report their com- mand to the Division JVIarshal, who will place such organization under the direction of one of his Aides, who will conduct it to its place in the Division column. Division Marshals will have the formation of their Divisions perfected, take Post at the right of their column, and await the signal to march, at 2:15 o'clock. The following distances will be preserved during thd march : Between Divisions, fifty feet; between Division Marshals and their Aides, nine feet; between organizations comprising a Division, twenty feet. All commanding officers will salute the reviewing officer, color-bearers will at the same time droop the colors of their organ- izations. The formation of Divisions will be for G. A. R.. Posts in single rank, platoons of twelve men front, marching at half distance. III. So much of General Orders No. 1 as relates to the line of march will be changed as follows : The line of march will be down Washington street to Ferry, to Garden, to Tenth, to Hudson, to the Monument, where the cere- monies of the unveiling will take place. Division Marshals will mass their commands around the Monument, in accordance with instructions to be given hereafter. Visiting organizations will be passed free over the Hoboken Ferry from New York. IV. The honors of a marching salute will be rendered to His Excellency Robert S. Grefn, Governor of New Jersey; Comrade, GeneialW. T. Sherman; IJansom Post No. 131, Department of Missouii; General Horatio C. King, Hon. August Giassmaun, Mayor, ai d the Common Council of the City of Hoboken, at the City Hall. A marching salute will be rendered to the Grand Marshal at Hudson and Seventh streets. Should the name of any organization be omitted in this order, the com- mander of such organization will report to the Division Marshal in whose Division he properly belongs. The Staff of the Grand Marshal will assemble at Hexamer's Riding Acadeniy at one o'clock p. m., mounted. By command of Grand Marshal B. FRANKLIN HART. Adjutant General e) U11 zuo ^oo 9 014 206 383 9 014 206 383 9