[ Descendants of Jacob Broniwell and Mary, see Fed. 1 A ] ROBERT LROMWELL Prob. eld. son; takes poss. of 'Cove Hall' and Fort Vent- ure' in 1769 on a decision of Court against Nic.ThomaB but sells to Jas. Colson. d 1771 (estate adm. by wid. ) leaves slaves Sam. Hagar, Atha. Amy, and Fhillis. MARY SHERWOOD b. 15 Aug.1729 dau. Edw. Mann Sherwood, (see next chart for her fath. fam. ,) files adm. bond husb. estate 1771. her will 14 Junel784, prob. Aug 16 17S4,Edw. Broniwell and David Robinson, sur. I Robert Bromwell prob. son of Robt. above: estate adm. 1784(Rev. eoldicr?) I Edward Bromwell (Jr.) Planter Talbot Co. will 2 Sep. 1794 Prob. by wid. Marg. 10 Mar. 1795; estate settled and distrib. in 1801, large property and 17 negro slaves. He took Oath of Allegi- ance in 1778; was in Talb. Co. Militia 17S1. He left lands 'Pitt's Range - . 'Taylor's Ridge,' 'Knapp's Lott.' 'Timber Neck Add,' and Lord's Gift,' to his 9 chil. Margaret legacy of neg- roes Isaac and Tom. She was alive in 1S13. Alice Bromwell unm. in l"S4.Talb. Co. bequest from moth. a :r. and sole "Gentleman." of Calvert Co. who m. benif. of husb. the widow a few days after dec. of in Apr. 1676, Rich'd, who had petitioned Court to [ by Will of compel him to disgorge estate. Rich'd.] [The plantation, "Bromell" was sold by this pair in 1679-64.] Charles Brummale beq. by father's will 1660 of a third of estate, but his name does not further ap- pear. NOTE: the foil, names occur in records quoted above:- "Bromagain," and "BramweH's Add." [later patents, by others.] Francis Douglas. Joseph Delaines, John CaasslI, Thonas Bongas, ( 4 servants of Wm. BromweH transp. at his expense into the Prov.) "jonn Boone. Joseph Dawkins. Rob't Hobbs, John Love. (Servants ment. in his Inv. and other papers) . ngsbury, Wm. Philpot, -lr. . \_:cListi>".e Herman, Mr Senscrf, (debtors to estate) John EUliard, Thor rJowdelii Thos. Tu.'-ner, Henry Mitchell, Jas. Mackall, (neighbors?) Other nanes: J. .n Abirgton, Jarriee B eauford, nits. Belcher: James, Naomi. & Wm. Berry. Thomas Blake, Sam'l Boone: Baker, Robert. Roy. Mrs., and Nich's Brooke, Mts. Buttio ,Vm. Calvert. Mts. Cannid. iy , Mts. Chaplin, Rob't Clark, Eliz. Claxton, Ed w. (or Coward?) Cowdrey: Henry Coursey, John Darnell, Dorothy Day, Wm. Dor- ane Galwith, Sam'l Graves. Griffin George, John Grammar, Jas. & Jno. Grover, Capt. Wm. Haller. Jas. Jolly; Wm. and Margaret Kild, Rich'd Ladd. Edw. Lloyn, Capt. Thos. Manning. Eliz. Norton, Sam'l & Young Parran, Richard Paston, Jno. Pott, Eliz. Potter, Mts. Pussey. Rob'tRowe, Thos. Simons, Rose Smith, Wii. Smiir--,T/ lom as & Deborah Tascher. Jno. Underwood, Jas. Veitch. Alex. Watts. Andr. Wilcox. Jaa. Wilson. DorcheBtcr Co. Families Plantcr.d. f709rwill Jan. 25; may kecrig. from the name appean in 1 I i I paBa. on the iverpocl 1C79. Planta- tions "Partnership" and "Tajlor's Promise." He bought -100 3cres in 1604. REBECCA Exr. of will of huel d 1720 Talb. Co. lcavi-e lands In Dorch.Co. a Choice;" mentions 4 chil.: Abr., Jacob, Rebecca, and Mary Andrew, and jrr.dau. Anna Andrew. I John Brummell pro b. eld. son: not of age ir 1709: inherits "I this to go to Isaac if he dies Abraham Brummell —Mary inher. pt 'Partnership | died Talb Co. 1 1727. (St. i'et.r's re Isaac Brummell nhcr. "Taylor's Promise' in Dorch. and Tali). Jacob Erummell inher. 100 acres of 'Partnership' and in 1720 'Guthrie's Choice' from mother; he may be ident- ical with Jacob of Talb. Co.. who d. 1757. (see ped. 1 A ) but land records make it doubtful. Richd (?) Andrew exr. of Rebecca Brummell's will. Abraham Brummell — Anne (Spencer ?) b. ca 1727. prob. Talb.Co. (St Tele's P' 1 ■ . Creek Neck. Mar. rec 4 July ! .' lands 'Benson's Choice' etc.. in 1 T 50 ( near ! Miles River.) Anna Andrew Abraham Brummell was in Capt. IT. Bannimr s Co. 38th Battalion Talb. Co.. and in Capt. Thos. Hrpkins' Co. 1781.(Broad Creek Com.) In 1810 had 7 in fam. inch 8 free servants and 1 slave. His adm. by widow. Eliz. March 1814. Eli-abeth ( Wh m.22 Sep.lSC4 Talb. Co. JACOB BSOMWELL Flan tcr, Talbot Co.: name first appears in records as surety for admr. of John Paul est. 1728. and later for Wm. Benncfs admr. 1737. In 1739 buy* lots in Oxf. of Wm. Coombes, and the lot next this of David Robinson in 1742: after litigation acquires "Ander- ton" of Henry Lowe, sells 'Tcpiar Hill" and "Turbut's Field," and buys '.'Cove HaU" and "Fort Venture" in 1749-52 of Jno. In 1750 his name is in list as "Annual Benefactir" of rity School, Oxf. with 25 others of Talb. Co.: this sch forerunner of an Academy. In 1756 he buys "Wintersell." 200 ac- res, of Henry Lowe, which made litigation for almost a century for the desc'nts. (W. side Island Creek.) In same year he buys the Chapel ground, Oxf. of Vincent Lowe. He d. 1757: will 15 Sep. (li. 30 B T. no. 2, pp. 412-13-14, Land Eec. Off. Annapolis.) John Sherwood Iil and Robert Bromwell sureties in sum 3.000 pounds sterling, (Test. Proc. Md. 36 p. 443.) MARY Legacy from hush. 1757 of negro servants "Sambo." "Debb" and "Lucy." She frees "Deborah" in 1782, Talbot Co.. and in 17S5, then a resident of Durch. Co. deeds negroes "Rachel" and "Peter" to her s"»n John, who, in 1790 gives them to his brother Edward: in thi3 year she frees "Levin" and "David:" in 1791 she lives in Tilb. Cj.. and makes deel of gift of negroes "Jim," and "Lucy" to her "loving grand daughter Spicie Bromwell. "(dau. of Sped- ding Bromwell.) J Robert Bromwell b. 11 Feb. 1729 n. Mary Sherwood [see Ped. 1 B] Jacob Broraw< b. 3 Oct. 17S1 m. Alice [see Ped. 1 C] av 17.)5 m. Anne — - — sej Ped. 1 D Edward Bromwell ; . 2i Apr. 1738 m. Anne see Ped. 1 E Speddir.g Bromwel b. 26 March 1741 m. Bridget Coward see Ped. 1 F I Mary Bromwe b. 3 May 1745 not ment'd in will of father. I David Bromwell b. 1 Sep. 1746 not merit, in will of father. I William Brun b. 14 Sep. 1751 m. 1st Mary For: r - 2d Beulah Hall. (see Bromwell i. for descendants.) t Descendants of Jacob Brcmwell and Mary, see Fed. 1 A ] JACOB BROMWELL Mariner and planter (2d son ) b. 3 Oct. 1731 d. ca. 1766. fam. trad. rec. that be was a Gov't pilot in Chesapeake Bay. was drowned, and body eft. ident. by his gold cuff buttons. One of the name was. Capt. of the "Humming Bird' 1756 Talb. Co. He inherits from fat h. lands 'Anderton' and 'Winter&eH, 'also negro servants 'Dibb'and 'Sarn.' ALICE h hufib. est. 1763, when she pays taxes on 'Anderton' and 'WintereeH.' (One of tr.e name has deed in 1767 of tract of land 'Maulden" on Cooke's Point Dorch. Co., from Edw. Spedden. ) She prob. remar, to a Sherwood 33 she bears thi3 name in 17S8 when Bhe joins son Jacob in deed to pt. of 'Wintersell* Sarah Matthe = let Jacob Spedding Brcmwell 2 d = Elizabeth McDaniel ( for desc'nts see Fed. 1 C no.2 ) Elizabeth Lowe 131 dau. of James, (see chart of Lowe fam. I Jeremiah Brcmwell Planter, nav'r, ship bldr., b. 5 Oct. 1765. d. 15 Aug 1807: will dat. 13th; legacy of negro 'Lucy' to wife Rosanna, frees slaves 'Is- aac* and 'Mabel.' Lands Talb. Co. Nancy Bromwell Alice Bromwell d. as 3 yrs (burned ) ■ Bromwell = Jacob Hearst lust. 1795. I nwell Gen. 1910 sc'nts. pp. 91-2) I ( Rev. ) Jacob Lowe Bromwell b. Bayside, Talb. Co.l Aug, 1792. d. Wa- verleylnd.9 Mch. 1871. (for rec. of 112 desc'nts see Bromwell Gen. pub. 1910 pp. 86-91 ( he was eldest child ) -2d Rosanna Mulli! i:, m. 15 Dec. IS . adm. hush, est.l -..; settled 24 Jul. 1: _i d. 6 Oct. 1810 Susan Bromwell Wrn. Hcpkins b. 29 Sep.'i807 (anoth. acct. says Edw. S.: mee- of this nam. rec. 11 Nov. 1824. Talb - Marianne Bromwell b. 12 Mar. 1805 I Eliza Bromwell b. 29 Sep. 1802 Samuel T. Hopkins Clerk of Circuit Court, Eastcn Talbot Co. for many years: very beautiful record books written by him; decorated title pages etc. (Test, book fr. 1831-43.) d. 1872. = Caroline Frances Lambdin dau. of Robt. &Caroline (McFarland) Lambdin William Eliza m. Ronald . Bon of Rev. Dr Anderson. Ada b. 1855 d. 1889. Pod. 1 C no. 2 t Descendants of Jacob Brotnwell and Mary, see Ped. 1 A ] SARAH MATTHEWS I at (we Ped. I C nos.3 and 4 for her deec'nts.) Elizabeth Bromwell in. William Marklsnd (tee Fed. 1 C no. 8) JACOB SPEDDING BROMWELL b. ca. 1760. d. 18 Feb.1840. planter: Talb. Co.: seems to have inherited the greater portion of hiB father's estate incl. 'Winteraell' and 'Anderton.' The last acres sold by his de- ecend'ts in 1880. His guar. dur. minority was Wm. Bromwell. prob.his uncle. In 1796 deeds to broth. Jer. "in consideration of the love he bears him." lots in Oxford. S. of Market Sq. etc. He was one of the founders of Meth- odism in Oxf.: frees slaves, mem. Talb. Mil- itia 1781 . He had much litigation over lands. Sarah Anne Bromwell m. Jesse Delahaye (see Ped. 1 C no. 4) Lucy Bromwell m. Ozment (see Ped. 1 C .no.8 ) 2d ELIZABETH McDANIEL mge. lie. Talb. Co. 8 Apr. 1804 (Rev. Dar- gan) She d. 16 Sep. 1843. 83 of her des- cendants are shown in nos. S, 6. 7. Jno. McDaniel Mary Ellen 1. 17 Oct. 1805 b 7 Mar. 1808 U Apr.1808. Alice Anne b.23 Sep. 1809 d. 12 Jul 1834 I Jno. McDaniel 2d b. 22 Nov. 1812. omig. west, (see Ped. 1 C no.6) Jeremiah Rebecca Maria Susanna Jas. Edw. Wm. Henry Jacob Thos. b. 2Apr.l814. d. Sep. 1863 b.9 Oct. 1816. b.20 Apr. 1818 b.9JuU820 b. 10 Feb. 1822 m. Mary Anne emig. west(eee m. Henrietta Bowdle (see Ped. 1C no. 7) Markland. Ped. 1C no. 8) I Sami Wesley b. 15 Apr. 1824 d. 1839. (the mother's fa- vorite: called "Benjamin" Ped. 1 C no. 3 (From inf. contrib. by fam.) [ Descendants of Jacob Bromwell and Mary, see Ped. 1 A ] ELIZABETH BROMWELL = WILLIAM MARKLAND Eldest ch. of Jacob S. B. anj Sarah; mge He. gr. 14 Jan. 1819. Talb. Co. (Rev. WllUams) d. 1S40; lands near Town Creek Oxf . broth, of Chita. H. (the Marklands once owned large «alt house in Oxf.) LUCY BROMWELL 3d child of Jacob S. B. and Sarah m. 15 Sep. 1S09. by Rev. Markland. and is said to have had but 1 ch. JONATHAN OZMENX Talbot Co. Sarah Ellen Ozment = Thomas Clark William Thoma6 Markland Lived in Bait. Ann Jane Phelps Sarah Elizabeth Markland d. unm. Margaret Anne Markland = Edward J. Stevens b. 27 Nov. 18240xford. son of Peter and Mary: a 2d coue. of Gov. Stevens of Md. Mary Stevens m. Gny Kelley Peter Stevens Sarah Stevens Margaret Stevens m. Maggie Councilman m. Smith m. Parsons Ida Stevens Teacher: Oxford. Nellie Stevens Teacher; Oxford Sarah Eliz. Markland Chas. Henry Markland Marg. Emma Markland m. Wm. J. Parker Mary A Markland Wm. Thos. Markland Franklin D. Markland Ped. 1 C no. 4 ( Dates from Delahaye old family Bible.) Descendants of Jacob Bromv.cll and Mary, (tec Ped. 1 A) Mary Bromwell = James Delahaye el. to her parentage.) d. 14 May 1808. Talb. Co.; cne of t! name took Oath of Fidelity here 17 1 Nancy Delahaye b. 6 June 1793 Jacob Delahaye b. 4 April 1785 SARAH ANNE BROMWELL 2d ch. of Jacob S. B. and Sa- rah: ohe d. 22 Feb. 1338 (m. by Ilev. Warficld) I JESSE DELAHAYE b. 17. Jan 1799: m. 29 March 1821. (mee. notice in Eajton Ga- zette, old files.) Inher. pater- nal eBt. on Island Creek. Talb- ot Co. where he is buried: he m. 2d (no chiDMarg. Watts. Mary Delahaye b. 9 Fob. 1802 1 1 Mary Elizabeth James Henry 1 Jacob Br jmwell 1 Thos. Spedden 1 JcFse Sher-*o*i 1 Sarah Aire 1 1 1 Wm. Edward Jeremiah Francis Asbury 1 Rich'd Alexander b. 11 Jan. 1822 b. 11 May 1823 b. 22 Sep. 1824 b. 19 Feb. 1826 h. li Jan. 1827 m. Jno. He !:.■ b. 17 Sep. 1830 b. 24 Sep 1833 b. 1 Mar. 1835 b. 30Fl1 . m. Jonath. Le- d 9 Apr. 1883 d. 15 Mar m. Arianne d. 1 May 1310. of Baltimore. d. 23 Aug. 1376 d. 10 Jun 1902 m. Sarah Nor- m. Stella J n = onard: no sur- m Josephine m. Eliz. Allo- Porter. m. Mary Tay- res. Bait. m. Henrietta ris of Ann Ar- of St Mai. i l vivlng chil. Meeks (W.Va.) way of Bait. 6 chil. lor. 4 chil. tarncs, 1864. undel Co. Co. Josephine Mary William 1 Hamilton Wm. Delahaye 1 Margaret 1 Jacob Norris Cora m. let cous. Chas. m. A. B Brown, d.B.p. 1912 Bait. b. Talb. Co, n>. Mary Todd & m. StewL. t BromwelHsee Ped. atty. Wash.D. C. Charles 2 Ella Bromwell Mary Prise ilia 2 Jesse Addison had Edw.N.& Wm. G. 8 chil. 1 C nos. 6 and 8) m. Arth. Norrish merchant, Oxford. 2 Anne 2 Thomasine Quay Sarah mfr. now of Ex- George B. b. 1 June 1867 m. in m. Sidney Cooper m. George, son of eter Eng. chil. 1889 Anna J. Bridges. had Russell D. Joseph Escaville. Henrietta Geo. & Louie. Anna 3 Harriet Gr. Sec. I.O.O.F. of Md. Margaret Ped. 1 C no. 5 ( Datee from family. ) Descendants of Jacob Bromwell and Mary, (see Ped. 1 A) JOHN McDANlEL BROMWELL (8th child of Jacrb S. B. and Elizabeth) b. Talb. Co. Md. 22 Nov. 1812. d. in the West; lived in Quincy Ills, and in Iowa. REBECCA MILNOR m. 28 Dec. 1843. (by Rev. L. A. Strong.) Mary E. Bromwell = W. R. Edgington b. 3 Sep. 1844 m. 24 Dec. 1864 ree. Garfield Wash. Dora B. Edging-ton b. Oct. 1870 Jno. Clarence Edging-ton b. 10 Feb. 1877 JanieE E. Bromwell b. 12 March 1847. m. Zi March 1876. rcB. Mr. V urnon S. D. Mabel Edgington b. 11 Feb. 1882 Susan C. Bromwell b. Uan. 1852. m. 9 Apr. 1877. Alva A. Walsh Sarah J. Bromwell = Reuben W. Hu-'hc res. Sioux City la. b. 29 Aug. 1854 1 res. Grand Forks 128 Floyd River Rd. m. 25 Dec. 1887 B. C. Leora Hughes b. 20 March 1892. Ada Ethelyn Walsh b. 21 Jun. 1878 Bertha Walsh b. 23 Sep. 1879 Lawrence Walsh b. 13 Sep. 1881 Robert Walsh b. 22 July 1886 Nellie. G. Walsh b.3Nov. 1884(?) I Edw. Olin Bromwell b. 3 July 1876; Post Master, Mt. Vernon S. Dae. Wm. C. Bromwell Alice Gertr. Bromwell Lora M. Bromwell b. 17 Feb. 1878; m. b. 14 Oct. 1881 b. 9 May 1884. 18 May 1907, Ruby m.5 Aug. 1903 m. 5 Dec. 1906 C. Allen. ( res. Wm. J. Jack- Clyde H. Jen- Alpena S. Dae.) eon. (Rapid City.) nings. Myrtle E. Bromwell b. 29 June 1836. Ralph W. Bromwell b. 21 Aug. 1888. Mary G. Bromwell b. 18 Dec. 1890. Oral F. Bromwell b. 6 Nov. 1892 Vera A. Brom- >1 b. 24 Feb. 1893 James E. Bromwell b. 19 Aug. 1910 Joyce W. Jackson b.U May 1906. Alice Fern Jackson b. 19 Hay 1908. ( Dates from family. ) Descendants of Jacob Bromwell and Mary. (& CATHERINE GRAY let b. in Ky. 1826, dr.u. of Thomas Gray. m. i:i Linn Co. Iowa 26 August 1841. d. 1853 Iowa. 4 chit. JAMKS E. BROMWELL (12t'.i ch. of Jacob S. B. b. Talb. Co. Md. Apr. 1818; (4th son) rem. to la. 1839; d. Linn Co. 3 May 1900. Mem. I o ge nc .ij A .i .A.M. In. Wm. H. Bromwell b. Marion la. 22 May 1843: m. 24 Dec. 1864. Mary Whit- neck. 4 ch. Ke is vet- eran of the War of 1863; was in 22 battles. (Co.K 9th la. 1st Div. 2d Brig- 16th Army Corps. Army of the Tennesee) Res. Milford Neb. Caroline Cromwell 1. Murray W. Kepler Leon. Hamlin Bromwell b. Linn Co, la. m. Ma- ry E. Lathrop. res. la. I 'hnmaa Gray Bromwell b. la. m. Ella Bailey; res. Cedar Rapids la. Maud m. Dr. Alf . Byron King. relyn -Sharpe I Harley E. m. 4 ch. (Neb.) I James A. (has fam. Neb.) Caroline Flora m. Geo. Wheeler (R3ven MARY E BUNNELL ;:; I .; ry Pa. 1831: ares, of -n Ta. 1912. James E. Bromwell (Hon, J. E.,Atty at law) b. Linn Co. la.; res. Marion, m. Theo- dora, dau." of Judge Stearnes; no chil. A. A.S.R. I Addie B. Bromwell m. Vincent G. Shumack, n t Marion Ia.(d.) no chil.; an dau. Irma who d. 1912. chant, - : '-{ ted Nina m. Cenj. Hamblin. Elsie Bromwell m.— Horn. 1 dau. Thos. D. Bromwell m. — McConr.a, whose moth.was a Huddleston, and gr. moth, a Payne. Wm. Edgar Bromwell b. 1873, d.Greenburg Ind. 1876. Everett Delia f Fioyd Grace Lucille 1 Leone d. in inf. 1912 Pod. 1 C nos. 6 and 8 ntb ■ f Jacob Bromwell -u:>l Mar: JEREMIAH EEOMWELL 9th ch., 3d son of JacobS. B., b. 2 Apr. 1814. d. 5 Oct. 1853 Talbot Co. His grave stone stands alme, the last survivor in the old plantation burying ground at "Wintersell." He had lands near Trappe cr-lled "Sandy Kill," "Chance." "Eoz- man's Add." and "True Forest" which he sold in 18E5 to Jacob T. He cared for his aged parents: was a fine, noble claracter. MARY ANNE BOWDLE b. ca. 1822, m.5Jan. 1843, Talbnt Co. (Rev. Hazel) She d. in youth leaving 5 little orphans who wore rearel in Delahaye family: her will pr. 22 Jan. 18>;; netrri maid Alice" left as leracy to chil., she never to be taken outride State oT Md., and to be free at age of Siyrs. Henrietta Karklanil 1st ^ JACOB TEOS. BKOJSWELL m. 24 Feb. 1846.( Tal- 11th ch. of Jacob S. B. and Fliz bot mge lie.) b. 10 Feb. 1S:'2: res. near Trappe_ and in 1350 was of Easton; chil, b in Talb Co. Jas. Salisbury Bromwell H. Muunt St. Bait. b. ca.:i850. Ella Bromwell mm.; res. with Jacob T. 2d SUSaN v;liEN JAN? SAL'SBURY. Talbot Cr.. i dau.of Ja„. W.; m. 19 Mai. 1840 by Rev. Quiglcy. Lydia of Bait Jacob T. Br • res.LanvaL Bait. Louisa Bromwell Julius T. Bromwell William Addison Bromwell b. 6 Nov.. 1843, d. 21 Jan. 1846. Nicholas Edwin Bromwell b. 8 Oct. 184B. d. 10 Oct. 1867 re 22 yrs. He was a student and teacher in Easton at an early age: was great loss to family. d.s.p. Elizabeth Ella Bromwell b. 18 Mar. 1848. d. Nov. 1852 I Julia Bromwell Teacher of music. Oxford. She erect- ed a memorial win- dow in Meth. Ch. to her foster moth. Mrs. Margaret E. (WattB) Delahaye. Charles Henry Bromwell In U. S. Postal Service. Bait. Chae. Henry Bromwell Bait. b. 13 July 1880 Josephine M. Delaha., ■ a 1st coub. of huji . - a gr. dau. of Sara! e. . Bromwell and l Delahaye. and grt fei . dau. of Mary Ercmv.tii and Jas. Delahaye. i Geo. Eowdle Bromwe'l b. June 1882. m.Marg.J. Graham 1907. idap.ts of J ..: J I.T..i->. JOHN BROMWELL ANNE Plaster, of 'Bromwcll's Adventure' Tobacco Stick Relii William and Jacob in : Bay, Dorch. Co.. sells pt. of this estate 1794, having her rights of dower in 'Bromweli's Adventure' s Id int. in 'Anderton* and *WinterBeH t ' Talb. Ce. txj neph. 1785. In 1778 took Oath of Allegiance. Henrietta Bromwell Jacob Bromwell - 1st William Bromwell = Maria Johns John Eromwell=Roee Anna Robw i poes. dau. (?) one of Eldest (?)was a res. of Bait. aft. 1S10; 2d Eliz. Anne Good* n merchant of Bait. Planter, Dorch .Co. this name frees ne- d. 5 Se p. 1S29; builder, many houses m.21 Oct. 1320 (Bait. (see ped. 1 D n >. 2 m. 12 Oct. 1801 ( see groes 'Kate' and'An in early day in Bait., among thorn a mge. lie. ) adm. husb. for descendants) Bromwell Genealogy na' in 17S8, Dorch . row on Gay St. bet. Atquith and Mott estate 1S20; d. 19 Apr. pub. 1910 for descend- Co. on right side going towards Mott St. (mem. of gr. dau.) dates of chil. from fam. Bible. 1843 £8 52. (Methodist) ants, p. 82) Susanna Bromwell = Charles Thompson b. 3 Oct. 1809 m. 11 Oct. II by Rev. Roberts (Bait. mge. li ( let wife's child.) merchuiit of Bait, d. 3 Apr. : I William Bromwell Bait. b. 1 Feb. 1811 d. 21 Jan.lSS9, unm. was 1st wife's child. Alfred Tho mas Bromwell (6ee ped. 1 D no. 3 for his descendants. John Henry Bromwell b. 2 Jan. 1S24. Rachel Anne = William Carter I Elizabeth A. = William Mc Donald b. ca 1835, d. in Paris France 1890 se 5S jtb. She I inherited 'Guilford' fine estate near Bait., by will of is said to have been a beauty; after death of fath. Gen. Wm. Mc Donald in 1S44. He bred fine 1st husb. she m. 2d a French nobleman. Count i horses; owned famous racer "Flora Temple." John De Speyr; chil. by 1st husb. (Abel fam. owned Guilford aft.) I Samuel W. adm. papers filed, Bait. 24 Oct . 1864; est. $86,000; Eliz' A Mc Donald adm. and Wm. Pinckney Whyte but. d.s.p. I Mary = 1st Raleigh Thomas A beauty like her moth. b. ca 1850, will dat. 28 I a bro. of Douglas H. Thomas. Jan. 1897. pr. 23 May 1900 Bait. chil. by 1st husb. aft. whose death she m. 2d Wm. Pinckney Whyte Ex U.S. Senator and Ex Gov. of Maryland. Mary Mc Donald Raleigh Colston I Annie Campbell Gorden Dorchester Co. Famii JOHN BROMWELL Posb. Bon of Jacob of Talb. Co.,who d. 1767 (ped. 1 A) and whose eon John had wife Anne and moved to Dorch. Co. One of this name took Oath of Fidelity there in 1778. The foil. chil. names are from Psh. Reg., tame Co. Leah Bromwell b. 1 May 1758-9 Rittee Bromwell b. 20 June 1761 William Bromwell b. 11 March 1763 Betsey Br b. 20 Nov. 1764 Margaret Bromwell d. 25 Jan. 1767 Anne Bromwell b. 16 March 1767C Pcd. 1 D no. 2 [see preceding chart.] [ Descendants of Jacob Bromwctl and Miiry. Bee Fed. 1 A ] WILLIAM BROMWELL Prob. b. at 'Cromwell's Adventure' Tobacco Stick Bay, Dorch. Co., ca. 1783, bur. 12-5 1863. Bait- Cem. m. 19 Nov. 1814. (by Rev. Roberts; Bait. mgo. lie.) Merchant of Bait. Captured by British 1814. MARIA JOHN;? Hosea J. Bw.nwell Eldest (?) was a merchant of Bait. b. 29 Dec. 1815. d. 28 July 1878. Educated in Paris France. Louisa Hammond b. 2 Mar. 1816. d. 11 Jan. 1886. (?)Jo6eph Bronv.vell : Maria Brcmwell 14 Dec. 1842. Robert E. Hardcastle Planter, of Castle Hall .Caro- line Co. (a fine house, standing far back behind avenue almost a mile long, of great cedars.) He lef t a curious inventory. William J. Bromwi (?) Corinne m. Charles, son of Gov. Cochran of Delaware. Robert Emmet res. of Phila. His J. rcmar. to Wm. I I Margaret Marian 3. Middleton Del. .Thomas Cochran = Franklin d. in N.Y. Maltch, Mayor of Bait. son of Gov. of Del. Estelle=Dr. Pearson J Olga^Jas' War Latrobe Bromwell Augusta Bromwell Civil War Vet. unm. twin of Latrobe Wash. D.C. (eldest?) Wm. Worthington Bromw d. bur.Mt. Olivet Bait. John H. Bromwell b.ca. 1S55 d.16 Sep.1882 Richard Emmet Bromwell V. Pres. Bait. Life Ins. Co. m. no chil. Catherine Bromwell m. 1st Estleigh Raleurh 2d Chas. Brooks Ted. 1 D no. 3 [e [ Descendants of Jacob Bromwcll and Mary. ALFRED THOMAS BROMWELL b. 23 Feb. 1622 in Bait, where he d. so 73 yre. He lost his fath. in childhood, and early in life cared for his moth. On Asquith St. and Gay was a beau- tiful farm where he boarded when a young man. SAEAH JANE SMITH b. 5 March 1813 rn.13. Nov. 1640. dau. of George Smith, tobacco exporter, partner of Gen. Wra. Mc Donald, (see Smith Fam. Chart) I Elizabeth Anne called 'lda,'furn. rec. of her fath. fam. m. Nat' I Haywood; no ch. Amanda m. Alb. Whit ley.= 6 chil. 1 Ida May b.l2 0ct.l867 m. Frank Peacock 2 Albert, b. 8 Apr. 1S70 m. Lottie Ward 3 William m. Lottie Morrow 4 Mary b. 10 Feb. 1873 m. Dr. Wm. Otto 5 Edward b. 11 Sep. 1878 m. Kate Lowe 6 George m. Kate— I John Henry b. 9 Oct. 1847 m.Emraa = Cloeker, I He d. 18S6 8 chil. Marian m. Joseph Whit- ley 13 Jul. 1857 d. 8 Feb. 1868 I William L. b.20 Aug. 1S50 = Mary Ray- I bine. 5 ch. b.4Sep. 1851 =— Dudro Eliz. McDonald Samuel Milton Mary Martha Fn b .23 Dec 1853,d.l879 b.17 Jun.1854 m.Anna— b. 1859 b. 7 m.— Stoles = K. Cooke no ch.He was d.1861 d.i; He d.l;;■ prop, seems to have d. near 1818, tho" there is confus. of ident. ANNE the name appears in land and oth. rec. has sisters Mary and Margaret. (Markla J Charles M. Prob, eon of Edw. above; living in 1834. had "Oldham's Discov- ery:" one of this name m. Pa- melia F. McGinny. Talb. Co. 13 Nov. 1821; his widow seems to be Mary C. who rellnq. rights of dower, in 1849; she owned lots 71-72 in Oxf.. her home on lot 72. In 1822 Chas. M. B. own. d Oxf. loU 38-39 -40-41-59-60, and windmill. Kitty ? under age in 1S20; may be dau. of Edw. above. Anne ? m. Jas. Benson. ? (prob. dau. of Edw.) I Mary rec. beq. from Aunt (Mary Markland of Oxf.) hi 1806: will 3 Dec. Margaret rec. similar beq. from Mary Markland. Ped. 1 F [including COWARD far [DescmOantu of Jacob r.romwell i i . of consort.] RICHARD COWARD = SYBILLA "Late of City of Bristol England, Gentleman." Will Talb.Co. Exrx. of Will 11 June 1722. leaving "Plinhimmon" the home plantation, to of husb. 1722. son John. This place remains in the fam. until 1789 when the gr. bon sclU it to Matth. Tiighman for £4.000. (see illus.) I (Capt.) John Coward Mariner and planter, about whom the romance of "Perdita" is told. His shio "Integrity" bro't 94 indent, btrv'ts to Md. in 2 115 Palatines. He had bro't the "Rachel" in ge 1748: was Justice 1736: vestryman. White Marsh Ch.. later. Will rec. 6 Oct. 1778. leaves '•Plinhimmon" to son Thomas if he pay to the oth. 3 sons £1.000 each. He is ment. with gift, in will of Robert Morris of Oxford Md .1749. Bridget Kenney m. 15 Sep.1742. (Talbot Co. Mure. Lie.) Legacy from husb. of car- a id horses. Her will da. ;. to Margaret Markland, Man- Goldsborough the young- er, and to fam. I Mary Coward m. 25 July 1722 Charles Markland. (Wh. Mah. Ch. Rec.) Anna Coward l. 25 Feb.17.-J0 Joseph Prt i (Wh. Msh. Ch. Rec.) SPEDDING BROMWELL 5th son of Jacob and Mary: b. 26 Mar. 1741: d. & will rec. 1803. Made Oath of Fidelity, Talb.Co. 1778. Mem. old Ma- sonic Ledge, (now extinct) Fell's Point, Bait. 1780. In 1782 he bought land for ship- yard in Oxford. A planter. BRIDGET COWARD Living in 1803. [Eld- est dau. ?] I Thomas Coward Inherits "Plinhim- mon" 171 name m. Eliz. dau. Nic. Gildbborough. I I I I I I William Coward Richard Coward Hannah Coward Anne Coward Penelope Coward ? Jo ( Capt.) is said (Capt.) ment i to have comm. will -if moth, pri /ateer dur. Exr. Rev. war. 4 ch. ment. by moth. I m. Capt. Jame3 Thomas of An- napolis James Cunningham Coward Thomas Henry Coward Nicholas Coward Bromwell a dau. m. James Hubbard. Mary Bromwell I Spicie Bromwell In 1794 has gift from gr. moth. Bromwell of negro servants "Jim" and "Lucy." I I John Coward Elizabeth Coward legacy of negro legacy of negroes "Plato" by will "Bina" and "Jim", gr. moth. 3alt. Co. Fa:pi!i. Hi-: WIWELL GEORGE BRAMWELL Scrivener: will 24 Sep. and 24 Doc. 1770. Pub. records show that he had lands "Add. to Friendship." 26 acres, a part of "Benjamin's Goodwill." 96 acres, pt of "Flag Meadows." 230 acres, and "Poor Scrivener's Folly" 600 acres. (Patent p. 442, li. B C & G L no. 27) No inf. rel. to his parentage. SUSANNA FORTT m. 7 Mar. 1750. (Rec. S t Thomas.' Epis- copal Ch. Bait.) V/idow. 1770; has legacy from hueb. of negroes "Ruth" and "Jac- ob." 'to wait on her.' Henry Bramwell b. 11 July 1751 (St Thomas' Reg. Bait.) Inherits 'Poor Scrivener's Folly,' parts of which he sells, the last trans, being in 1826. He had other lands, 'Lane's Delight,' 83 acres, 'Green's Goodwill.' 66 acres, 'Williams' Re-survey,' 92 acres, lot 159 Barnet Alley: also 'Diggs' Discover;,'.' 'Bucks' Park,' 'Hail's Adventure,' 54 acres, and 'Eliz- abeth's Fancy.' In 1810 one of this name dwelt in 'Soldier's Delight Hund,' was a magistrate for Bait. City 1819, aud in 1820 contrib. to bldg. of St John's Episc. Ch. had 10 in fam. and 20 slaves. I Mary Bramwell b. May 1757 (St Thomas Reg.) Is nwnt. in will of father, with legacy of negroes Rachel and Ruth. Bait. Co. Families, BRAMWELL GEORGE BRAMWELL b. Md. 1S12: (name in land records) no inf. rel. to .arentage. Ree. aft. 1850. Bait, with fam. MARIANNA- b. 1817. William Bramwell b. 1840. George Bramweil b. 1843. Bramwell 1850. HAYWARD JONAS HUTCHINSON HAYWARD A founder of firm Bartlett, Hayward & Co., wealthy and influential citizen of Bait.: came from N. H. 1S37; d. 1865. MARY A. BROMWELL b. 5 Nov. 1819; was a teacher in schools of Bait. m. 16 March 1841. (Bait. Mge. Lie.) d. 12 Apr. 1883. No inf. rel. to her parentage, but is Baid to have been a relative of Susan (Bromwell) Thompson. Josephine L. Hayward b. 22 Feb. 1846 Bait, d. 3 June 1863. I Thomas JonaB Hayward b. 5 June 1847: d. Bait. 23 Oct. 1909; bur. Greenmount Cem. ed. Conn.; Mem. Md. Hist. Soc. Pres. Bartlett. Hayward & Co. (Iron Mfrs.) res. 1890. N.E. cor. Monument and Howard, and la- ter. 4 E. Eager St. Portrait in Bait. American. ( Oct. 24 1909 p. 9.) Blanche A. Roberts dau. of Samuel Rob- erts of Bait. Charles B. Hayward b. 13 Feb. 1849. d. 18 July 1S60. Thomas Bertram Hayward Res. Bait.; partner in firm of fath. I Edward Bartlett Hayward Res. 12 E. Chase St. Bait.; part. etc. Clara M. Hayward b. 7 Sep. 1850.m. Sam- uel Kinnemon HarriB of N.Y. I (?) Eleanora Hayward m. Jno. Francis Gibbons Samuel Hayward Harris Nora Mabel Hayward m. Dwight Fred'k Boyden. Ella Blanche Hayward m. Maxwell. Charles Co. and St Ma r THOMAS BEAMHALL Was in 1712 of Charles Co. MJ.; had the 3chil. shown below: he may be same Thomas Bromhall who emig.fim. Eng. in 1673 to St Marie's Co.; he and John Hungerford each hav- ing grant of 60 acres of land which they transferred to Jno. Pollard of Dorch. Co.; if not same this may be fath. of Tho- mas above. (Mrs.) Da on . Bramliall binds t.lso with his own son V/m. his "sin in law" James Daw3on, a; 'J yrs IS Nov. 1712. "unto Richd Estas. he obliging himself to take the same care to interest him to read as of his own chil- ren." ( p. 160 liber E no. 3. Court Rec. Port Tobacco. Chos. Co. ) Anne Bramhall b. ca. 1706; is bound in 1712. by her fath.. to Wm. and Mary Haggones. Charles Co.. until age of 21 yrs. ( She is se 6 yrs. ) William Bramhall b. 7 Dec. 1708. bound same date as sis- ter Anne, to Richard Estes. Bame Co. I Thomas Bramhall b. ca. May 1711. bound. 11th Nov. 1712 to Mary Haggones and Wm. her Bon. CharleB Co. Families WILLIAM BRAMMALE Son-in-law ment. in will of Thomas Leach. One of this name (spelled "Bramhall') is with those of Charles Co. who made the Oath of Fidelity to Md.: 1778. Thomas Brammale Legacy from maternal gr. fath. of slave girl "Celie" 1809. Mary Leach dau. of Thomas, by whose will, dated 13 April 1809. she haB legacy of negro girl "Minty." Anne Brammale Legacy of negro girl "Marina" by will of gr. fath. Lands ment. in will quoted above; "Zeal's Camp" "Scott's Hopewell" "Scott's Add. to Trust" Ewing's Continuance" Pr. Geo. Co. Families. BRAMWELL ZACHARIAH BRAMWELL = PARTHENIA- name appears in records of this Co. in 1773 etc. I Margaret Bramwell b. 15 Aug. 1773. (Rec. of St. John, or Piscataway Parish.) Note: one Zachariah Bramhall's name appears in records of Charles Co. 1778. (Benedict H = ndfed.) G->r.;i Cj. Famili< JAMES BRAMEL Planter, Pr. Geo. Co, Md.: had lands called "Golden Rod" and 'The Refuse." Will 4 Oct. 1728. leaves all negroes and lands to wife and 2 chil. shown below. (Name also spel- led Bramhall andBromile.) of husb. Est. in 17:23; renounces rights of dower me; she inherits estate of son James in 17J1-5. I Mary Bramel = JameB Petis b. 29 July 1709. (St. John's Parish Rec.) She is not ment. in will of fath. who had deed- ed to her on 29th June 1726, 'in consideration of the love, good will and affection which I bear to her, that parcel of land call- ed Add. to Golden Rod, near Hensoa's Branch, 109 acres. " Planter. Pr. Geo. Co. I James Bramel b. 9 March 1711; (Rec. of St. John's Parish ) d. 1735; Will 16 March 1734 leaving IandB "Golden Rod" and "The Refuse "to mother Mary Bramel. Rebecca Bramel Legacy from fath. in 1723 of "Add. Golden Rod." Dorch. Co. Familii JOHN BRAMBLE Inventory of Eat. filed by Jacob Bramble his Admr. 1735 -6 with names of chil. as shown below. He had landB "Bramsted," also "Bramble's Inclosure," and prob. others, as "Bramble's Hope." "Bramble's Range," "Add. to Turkey's Ridge." and "Batchelor's Ridge" were all patented by one ■■»£ this name, who made his first demand for rights to land in 1680. [p. 242 li. A M no. 1, and p. 197 li. W C 5. p 303 li. B Y and G G N etc.] ELIZABETH One of this name dec'd prev. to 1750, and anoth. in 1757: Ja- cob Bramble being Admr. in both cases, (poss. his moth, and 6ister. ) Thomas Bramble ment. in adm. fath. estate 1735, and wit. to will of brother Jno. 1741. I Jacob Bramble Admr. of fath. est 1735: in 1741 r 3 c. beq. from brother Jno. of hlf. int. in this e9t.(see) also "Bramble's Delight' on Worcester Crk. in Blackwater. I John Bramble Will 1741: beq. landa "Bram3ted," "Bram- ble's Inclosure," and "Par's Dwelling" to bros. Jacob and Jno. m. Mary John Bramble ment. in will of fath. I Lewis Bramble beq. by will of bro. John; (see) also 'Waxseed.' (land) abeth Bramble ;. in father's at Rachel Bramble ment. in adm. of Abraham Bramble ment, in adm. of fath. and has beq. frm broth. Jno. 1741 of "Bramble's Range" and "Batchelor's Kidge." Dorch. Co. Familit LT.OMWELL Mary Anne Elliot m. June 1828 d. 2 Nov. 1848. JAMES BROMWELL b. Tobacco Stick 25 Feb. 1805. d. Bait. 1 Dec. 1878. No inf. rel. to his par- entage; hiB fath. is said to have d. in Bait. dur. boyhood of James. Harriet Keene . 11 Dec. 1867 se 50 yrs. Helen Nettie b. 1869: m. Jos. Mills; ch sons and dau. Bessie. Mary AnneMeekins Living, 1912. Chas. Amiss b. 1870; mariner: v capt. of the 'Chas. Wi Ier.' m. Nellie M.. dn of Geo. & Kate Sande. Harriet Anne d. in inf. Susan Emily m. Louis Lattier. Benj. Keene d. in inf. James Edward b. 2 Nov. 1897. Charles Amiss Mary Cath. Susan Emily b. 1899. (named for a b. 1902. b. 8 Nov. 1306. Pres. Eld. of M.E. Ch.) Thos. Jas. John Edw. b. 27 May 1827. b.17 Dec. 1828 (see foil. cht. a) (chart a.) Wm. Wesley Levin Lake Sarah Eliz. Susanne Jacob Alfred Alvin Lewis b. 18 Oct. 1830. b. 17 Jan. 1833. b. 30 Nov. 1835. b. 1839. b. 1840. b. Mch. 1841. (chart b) chart c. chart c. d. in inf. d. 1840. chart d Francis Asbury Rob't Emory b. 2 Dec. 1843. b. 1846. d. unm. 1906. chart d Josiah b. 1841 . chart d Dorch. Co. Families BROMWELL [Descendants cf Jarr THOMAS JAMES BROMWELL b. Dorch. Co. 27 May 1827: eld- est son of James and Mary A. = Sarah Priseilla Craig I m. 2 Jan. 1S55. She was a dau. of Samuel and Mary Craig. Thomas Walter Dec. 1865; = Susan Helen Sanders. Eldora rd Percival. i of Thos. Vinton. Eugenia b.1889. ThoB. Walter Laird H. Ethel Kirchenbauer. Wm. Riley Tall b. 1857. unm. Bait. I Olivia Mary b. 1858. m. Geo. Edw. Thompson of Bait. I Margaret Hester b. 1860. d. 1897. m. Wm. Alfred Bell. I I Sarah Emma Helen A. m. Wm. A. Thom- b. 1864. as. of Talb. Co. d. 1868. Edna Olivia Percy Bromwell Maud Bromwell Wm. E. Geo. Alfred JCLN EDWARD BROMWELL b. 17 Dec. 1828. Removed to Bait, where he m. 27 Nov. 1854; (Rev. Nichols) He d. 13 Aug. 1882. [2d 6on of James and Mary AnneJ Hester Anne Tall dau. of Wm. R. and Margaret, b. 16 Jan. 1835 d. 3 Feb. 1S99. Minnie J. m. Alf. Ghent. res. Bait. Florence C. b. 1870. d. 1871. John E. b. 1872. Florence E b. 1875. m. Benj.T. Lam- bert of Bait. Camilla Mary Mildred Hester Lillie Marie Irma Dorch. Co. Faroilii BROMW EI.L (b) Tts of James and Mary A.] [3d son] WILLIAM WESLEY BROMWELL b. 18 Oct. 1830 Dorch. Co.. d. Bait. 8 Nov. 1S99. m. 20 Jan. 1853. ELIZAhETH JANE HARRINGTON b. 1330 Dorch. Co.. dau. of John and Eliz. She d. 1012. (see chart of Harrington fam. foil.) Mary Elizabeth b. 25 Feb. 1854: m. 29 Oct. 1873. Charles Christian Bier, who d. 1900. Bait. William Rufus b. 20 Feb. 1857. d. 25 Sep. 1858. John Wesley b. 28 March 1861; d. 22 Sep. 1908; mgr. for Southern Cot- ton Oil Co. Bait. m. Rebecca Brannon. I Josephine Harrington b. Ealt. 4 Msrch 1865: ,m. Samuel Johnson 4 March Bait. | I I I John Vernon Helen Eliz. Wm. Webster b. 8 May 1893; res. Bait. b. 1S86; m. 18 June 1907. b. 1893. Wm. Hildebrande, Bait. Columbus Harrington b. 1 Oct. 1868: m. 27 June 1894 Carrie V. Mitchell. Bait. Arthur Columbus b. 29 May 1896. Chas. Albert Jennie Milton Columbus Lottie Alice Wm. Sam'l 7 Dec. 1874. b. 27 Aug. 1878. b. 1880. d. b. 1880;m.Harv- b. 1882. ey Van Horten. I I Nellie M. Luther John b. 1887. d. b. 18 Feb. 1892. Wm. Johnson b. 1909. Dorch. Co. Families. HAKRINGTON JOHN HARRINGTON ELIZABETH JONES b. 7 Aug. 1794. d. 6 Aug. 1864; b. 27 Mch. 1797. bur. in old plantation cem. of m. 30 Oct. 1816. Harrington fam. (prob. on, or d. 18 July 1850. near "Bromwell'B Adventure.") i i ii 1 1 1 Peter b. 27 May 1818 (Judge Harring- ton) father of Dr. Oliver Harrington. Sarah A. b. 27 Dec. 1820 m. Francis Lin- thicum. She d. John E. i. 11 May 1823 Stewart b. 31 Oct. 1827 d. 1 Oct. 1872. Elizabeth Jane b. 1830. d. 1912; m. Wm. Wes- ley Bromwell. (see und. fam. Jas. Bromwell.) Columbus 24 Nov. 1832 Sam'l F. b. 11 Mar. 1835 d. in inf. Sam'l F. b. 17 July 1839 d. 26 Aug. 1878. Dorch. Co. Familii BROMWELL (c) (Descendants of Ja LEVIN LAKE BROMWELI (4thEon)b. 17 Jan. 1833 Dorch Co. m. 6 Oct. 1-54, K.-lf. d. 1 Feb. ISI 3 [Trin. Ch. Rec.) bur Trin. Ch. near Madison. VALERIA J. McGU! b. 2 Mar. 1834, d. 19 Aug. 1 05. (Trin. Ch. Rec.) William P. . 23 Feb. 1853. SARAE ELIZABETH CROMWELL ' "'■• *ild) b. 30 Ndv. !' : ", :•■.. 2 Apr. ' Le Rec.) WM. TALBOT CRAIG Mary A. 13 Much IS55. Martina S. b. 27 Se, . L357. Julia ] b. 21 Oct. Sarah Virginia Martha Pophronia Cora Estelle Mary Ida b. 1 July 1856. d. 20 m. Benj. W. Hub- b. I8S1 d. Cam- m. John Hors- June 1837. m. Wm. bard. bribze, 1910. m. man: no ch. Evane. | — Fitzhugh. Andew Percy Ernest Jennie Valeria Fred'k Lent, James Levin b. 1866. m. Mary M. Jones. Jas. Woolen i i i i Agnes James Orville Edna Mary Ida b. Jan. 1891 b. June 1893 b. Sep. 1896 Doreh. Co, FamilicE SWELL (d) •'iants of James and Mary A.] ALVIN LEV.'IS BROMWELL 6th sen of James and Mr.ry A. b. 2S Mar. 13-11. m. by Rev. J. J. Sargent. Bait. d. Anna P. B. Brooks ROB'T EMORY BKOMWELL = Malinda Woolf ord Tt'i bto, b. Apr. I I4S. b. : v H. JCSIAH BROMWELL 8ta son, b. 17 Oct Mariner: drowned, Chop- tank Ri--. 17 Sep. 1893; is bur. Meth. Cem. Madison. Sarah E. E ! r. of Golden i '!. b. 24 Feb. l-."2 m. 19 Oct. 1 5 d. 24 Jan. 1105 . Augustus : res. Bait. Robert Emory . Feb. 1881; res. Bait. i. Mrs. Emma ne Btep-chi'.d I Sarah Ellen b. Sei'. 1888. m George Dunyas I in 1312 Beaufort N. C. I Helen Elizabeth Dorothy b. 4 May 1912 Dcrch.Co. I Joseph Oscar b. 11 O ct. 1376. Capt. of tug "Neptune" in Bait. Harbor: became Capt. at age 21 yrs. m. Am- elia Lambert. I I William Alfred b. 15 Oct. 1378; d. Bilt. 6 Jan. 1899. as 21 yrs. unm. I Eenry Lee b. 15 Mar. 1879. d. 20 Sep. 1908. bur. Bait. Cemetery, m. Myrtle Young. Emma E. i inf. 18 July 1885. Gertrnde b. 22 Aug. 18S0. m. Jefferson Langville: no chil. John Edward b. 1889, d. ss 2 yrs 22 Feb.1691. Francis Alton b. 4 Jan. 1906. Margery Gertrude b. Nov. (Thanksgiving eve,)l Irving Lee b. 1903. Talbot Co. Families. RICIIE - -DELAHAYE WILLIAM RICHE Planter, of "Taylor's Ridge" and Island Creek, d. 1685. ALICE (widow) PADDISON Will 15 May-- 15 Nov. 1692, ment. 5 chil. and "son-in-law" John Paddison <6tep-son ?) whose chil. Francis. John. El- iza, and Anne. rec. beq. THOMAS DELAHAYE plin^r. of "Tay'.w a ?tidye"T albot Co. [aft. called "Dslahaye's Fort- une," head of Mi!es Riv. inher. frm. moth.-in-law.] He d. 29 Jan. IS 39. Will 4 April 1697 and 10 Feb. 1699 leaves all hooks to Mr. James And- erson of N. Shields Eng. "if he slid, come into the Province." [will 11. 6 H f . 330: dates of m. and b. of chil. frm. end of li. B R no. 2 Land Rec] Will ment. god-son Wm Hardinge; Wit: Dan'l Murray. John Gardner, Edward Thomas. 5VE RICKE Wid. and exr. 1099. d. in 1724. m. 9 July 1081. I Sarah Delahaye b. 21 Apr. 1682: has beq. to her heirs by will of gr. moth. I William Riche Exr. (with widow)of will Thos. Delahaye 1599. He inh. part of "Taylor's Ridge" frm moth. 1692. Sarah Riche m*nt. in will of moth. unm. in 1692. I Anne Wife of Peter Watts; ment. in will of moth. [She and the dan. foil, could be chil. of prev- ious mar. of moth.] l dau. Wife of FranciB Har- rison: has son John, ment. in will of Thos. Delahaye as 'god-son.' Mary Delahaye b. 21 Apr. 1684; beq. to her heirs from gr. moth. Thomas Delahaye b. 23 Oct. 1689; inher. home plantation. "Taylor's Ridge" and is sai^ to have m. Jane, dau. of John Mullikin, an atty. who owned "Readley" plantation, Eastern Shore in 1717. James Delahaye b. 4 Sep. 1694: inher. int. in est. of fath. Delahaye b. 16 Dec. 1697 (dau.) Delahaye b. 16 Dec. 1697 (son) Elizabeth Delahaye bap. 1 Sep. 1700 by Rev. Nabbs Dorch. Co. Familis LINTH1CUM RICKARD LINTHICUM . Ann Arundtl Co. 1750 (Fam. Rec.) m. in 1770. . Dorch. Co. 1817. MARY LEE Her moth, was (fam. trad.) a Willoughby. end her father's moth, a Ball or Hall. I Richard b. 12 May 1780. m. Charlotte Se- ward (b. 1790.) Hie prop. val. at $20,000 1850. Planter. (Capt.)William b. Oct. 1781. m. Mary Bromwell: was Capt. 3d Co. 2d Bat., Reg. 48. Dorch. Co. Militia. 1813: rem. Bait, early. Elizabeth b. 22 Jl m. Wm.Pattison b. 14 Dec. 1785 m. Jo3aph Stewart b. 19 Oct. 1787 m.— Jones I Thorn rv? [ar. 1700 m. Nancy Har- rington, (see chart this fam.) I Samuel b. 12 Sep. 1732, d. 26 Dorch. Co. m. Alafaire. dau. of Jno. Breerwood. Mary b. 19 Oct. 1794 m. C. Jones dau. b. 1797 n. H. Busiec Rich'd Linthicum b. 1809. ? Merchant. Joseph Linthicum b. 1822 ••ah Lin 182! Susan AdelaMi I b. 1811. Zachariah Washington 1 b. 20 March 1822; d. 31 tl m. Sarah E. dau. Henderson Col- lins (of Milferd Del.) by wife Re- becca, dau. of Benj. Yoe. xster Ar. a. Jame Rich'd L. Linthicu b.- Apr. 1861 Fernando R. Linth b. Jan. 186-1 Rebecca Collins Linthicum b. 12 Sep. 1858: d. 15 Aug. 1908. m. in Bait. Dr. John D. Fiake. I Samuel Linthicum b. 25 JunelS60 m. Eliz. Graham 1888. Daniel Linthicum b.18 Feb. 1SS2: m. 7 May 1890, Annie E.. dau. Norm- an H. Storey of Bait. Talbot Co. Families. SHERWOOD DANIEL SHERWOOD =- of Second Creek; [arrangement from St Michael's Parish Regr.; no rec. of this Pshe after 1704 until date much later.] [see no. 6.] Thomas Sherwood b. 8 April 1699 Margaret Sherwood b. 5 Jan. 1701-2 Mary Sherwood b. 25 May 1704 Talbot Co. Families CAPT. JOHN SHERWOOD Peter's Parish Res.) BETH a. 15 Nc .- Elizabeth Sherwood b. 12 March IT 3. Frances S b. 21 Jan. 1. 7. ep. 1710. . 1713. CAPT. JOHN SHERWOOD [ may be 2d nige and i one above.] St, Peter's Par. Reg. PENELOPE ■ Jo] b. 24 June 1719. Philemon Sherwood b. 22 Feb. 1721. Margaret Sherwood b. 30 Nov. 1725. Sarah Sherwood b. SO Nov. 1725 Elizabeth Sherwood b.28 June 1727. d. 25 Sep. 1729. Daniel b. 1 Dec. 1731. Talbot Co. Families. SHERWOOD (3) I I I PHILIP SHERWOOD Daniel Sherwood Catherine Sherwood will 14 Jan. 1717. "Sher- mentd. in will. wife of Ralph Rice: wood's Neck" to wife. mentd. in will. I I Daniel Sherwood Philip Sherwood Talbot Co. Families. SHEKWOOD (4) FRANCIS SHERWOOD Planter; will 1730 ( li. 21 p. 813) One of this name came into the Province 1662. (li. 6 p. 268 Land Warrants.) I John over 21 yrs. in 1730: beq. of pt. "Sherwood's Isl- and." Francis inher. part of "Sher- wood's Island" etc. Hugh not of age in i7S0. I Philip beq. from father of "The Downs" Dorch. Co. Elizabeth beq. of negro ela Talbot Co. Families. SHERWOOD DANIEL SHERWOOD Will 21 May 1733. Francis Sherwood Gave windmill to broth. Daniel; (may be broth, of Daniel of chart 4.) I Hugh has beq. of plan. "Daniel and Mary" and a windmill. I Daniel beq. of "Auckle" in Neck, & rights to a school house. I Margaret beq. of "Pt. Change" near Jno. Ball's land Horn's Creek. I Mary m. Auld. Inher. lots in Oxf. for her 2 chil. I Lucy inher. pt. of " Eason" & pt. of'Thc Advent" Dorch. Co. Elizabeth m.Tenblt;(?) haB 400 acres Dorch. Co. "Eason." beq. of pt. "The Advent." I Dorothy m. Elliot. Inher. part of "The Ad- vent. Talbot Co. Familii SHERWOOD EDWARD MANN SHERWOOD (St.) MARY SK1LL1NGTON Will 1740 (li. D D 1 p. 252) He was mem. vestry, St Peters m. 19 Oct. 1722. (St. Peter's Psh. Reg.) Exrx. of Ch. 1730. He had suit over lands, snd reed judgment husband's will 1740. Her will Nov. 1755, leaves of £2.562. He left lands called "Hi-field" and "Ken- her ehare dee'd son's estate (Edward Mann Sher- ohun,"with negroes. (Wit: Elijah Skillington. Phile- wood Jr.) to her dau. Mary, wife of Rob't Brom- mon Sherwood Jno. Bryan.) well. 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Penelope Sherwood b. 22 Nov. 17;3. Has beq. of "Hyfield" in 1740 by will of fath. John Sherwood b. 9 July 1726. Edw. Mann Sherwood b. 15 Aug. 1729. d. ca. 1755; adm. bond filed 19 Feb. in this yr. by Jno. Sherwood 111. Mary Sherwood b. 15 Aug. 1729. m. Rob't Bromwell ( see under this Fara. Ped. 1 B) Thos.(?) Sherwood beq. of "Kenohun' on Turkey Crk. Lucy Sherwood named in will. of fath. Frances Sherwood named in fath, will, beq. frm moth. 1755 of slave Pompey. Rachel Sherwo named in fath. Talbot Co. Families. .SHERWOOD JOHN SHERWOOD Gentleman: will 22 Jan. 1745. [ li. 24 D D 3 p. 268 ] Leaves plantations 'Allenlyn'e Field,' hie present dwelling. 'Skillington'e Rights.' and pt. of 'Rich- ardson's Folly;' the last. 450 acres, in Dorch. Co. I John Sherwood inher. 'Skillington's Rights' and pt. of 'Richardson's Folly. I Daniel Sherwood inher. home planta- tion of fath. Talb. Co. I a dau. ? m. Jae. Berry 1 ment. in will as eon-in-law;guar. of Eliz., mJDor. Margaret Sherwood m. Jno. Pattison. Sarah Sherwood m. Philemon Hamb- leton. Sherwood , in 1745. Elizabeth Sherwood a minor in 1745. Wit: Penelope Sherwood Talbot Co. Families SHERWOOD DANIEL SHERWOOD Will 1767. ( li. 36 W D 1 201 ) He had "Cozzin" Marg:. Rice. [Wit: Dan'l Hall. Dan'l Brid- ges. Thos. Weyroan.] ELIZABETH named in will of hush. 1767. Daniel Sherwood beq. of all lands etc. Hugh Sherwood beq. of slave "Jerry.' Mary Sherwood beq. of slave "Cab." SHERWOOD Margaret Sherwood m. Phillips; beq. of 1 phil. JOHN SHERWOOD = KATHERINE Will Mch. 1770. ( li. 37 p. 497 ) named in will of husb. He mentions the 8 chil. below. [Wit: Chae. Downs. Richard Gordon. Lucy Carroll] T - i i i i i i Wm. Cooper Sherwood Jon'thn Sherwood Philip Sherwood Samuel Sherwood John Sherwood Lydia Sherwood Mary Shim . Talbot Co. Fatr.ili( SHEKWOOD (10) JOHN SHERWOOD Planter; will 26 Oct. 1773, prob. 9 Nov.: leaves plantations, his present, dwelling, and 'Lord's Gift,' part of 'Pitt's Range,' and 'Exchange,' wth negroes. Ment. 10 ch. last 4 prob. young. f Hugh Inher.home plan- tation of father, a half int. in the schooner 'South Sun' and lands 'Exchange.' I Edward Inher. pt. of 'Pitt's Range' nr. Wro. Har- ris' land. Robert Part of 'Pitt's Range.' which he sells to Edw. Bromwell. [del- iv'd to John R. Bromwell 1794.] I Peter d. before 1794. He had 'Lord's Giff and pt. of 'Pitt's Range.' I Jesse Mann Sells int. in'Pitt's Range' and 'Lord's Gift'to Edw. Brom- well. 1794. m. Edw land. Lucy m. Solomon Merrick. ? Moses Party to land trans. 1794. 1 Levi Conveys land 173-: [Wit: Jno. Stevens. Jno. Mullikin, Jno. Bigg.] Talbot Co. Fa SHEKWOOD -SHERWOOD = PRUDENCE Will 1776. prob. 11 Apr. 1777. ( li. 41 W F 2 396 ) In 1775 haB beq. from son John of negro Bervant "Priscilla." Wit: Anne Skilllington, Anne Harwood. (Gr. ch. ment.: Eliz. Sherwood, and Jno. Adry.) I William Sherwood Has beq. frra broth. Jno. 1775 of negroes 'Daniel,' 'George,' and by will of moth, legacy of negro 'Tom.' I John Sherwood Will 1775, makes beq. to wife Rebecca of negroes 'Isaac' and 'Nan;' negro 'Priscilla* aft. d. of his moth, a legacy to broth. Wm Sherwood. He ment. hie unborn child wth legacy of negroes 'George.' 'Bon,' 'Bet,' and 'James.' Nicholas Sherwood legacy frm broth. Jno. of negro 'Perry.' I Anne Sherwood Exrx. wth BiBt. Eliz. ment. in will of moth, with lega- cy of negro 'Sidney.' Elizabeth Sherwood Has legacy of negro girl 'Jenny.' Talbot Co. Families. SHERWOOD (12) SHERWOOD [Note: the 4 dsus. named by wid. prob. Sherwood. ? 3 ANNE Will 17 Oct. 1775 mentions chil. shown below. (40 W F 1 723) Wit: Job. & Wm. Rothell, Wra, W. Taylour. Susanna i. Down Elizabeth Matthews Anne m. Thoe. Hendrix (Exr. of will.) Mary Kirkman Joseph Sherwood Wm. Sherwood Ellet Sherwood Benefic. by will of gr. moth, in 1775. BROMWELL GEORGE BROMWELL Very little record found, and no inf. rel. to parentage, etc. m. IS Apr. 17S5. (Talb. Co. ree.) In 1800 (Census) his fam. consists of 1 male and 2 fem. bet. ages of 13 and 26yrs, 2 males and 2 fem. bet. ases of 25 and 45 yrs, 1 fem. over 45, and 5 negro slaves. In 1804 he buys necio "Horace" of Robert Spedden, (Peter Denny, wit:) and was surety for Charles Gully, a kinsman of Goldsborough fam., in sum of 300 pounds. In 1805 he buys furniture etc. of Wm. Haynes of EaBton. He d. prob. 1308, as adm. papers were filed by David Kerr Jr.. admr., with security of £5.000. Will pr. 17 Apr.: personalty, £1450; no chil. ment.: wife Fanny sole heir. Job Mason ment. with small beq. Wit: Thomas Sullen. Thomas W. Meeds. FANNY LEWIS Widow in 1S0S and rec. all est. In foil. yr. one of name "Frances" buys chattels of Mrs. Rachel Armstrong, in Talb it Oo. Talbot Co. Families BROMWELL THOMAS S. BROMWELL This name first appears in Land Records of 1804 when he buys tract in "Alexander's Chance." In 1815 he buys pt. of "Kingsale" (near main road leading from Isl. Crk. to the Trappe) In 1822 he is gTantee in sale of chattels. Ferry Neck. He sells and makes asBignm't of all in 1828 to Jas. D. Bromwell his trustee, after his failure in business. (Jno. Stevens. Robert Spedden. wit.) [No information rel. to parentage or descen'ts.] (?) ANNE WARNER One of this name m. Thomas Bromwell, Talbot Co. [lie. srr. 28 Sep. 1802] Her name does not appear with his name in later ree'ds. Talbot Co. Famili. JOKN ABEL 'as living 1779, for he rec, beq. by son's wil "broadcloth coat, and jacket of a red color.' Jonathan Abel Will, 30 Sep. 1770, Talb. Co. Legac. to fath. 2 chil. andlneph. (li. 1 p. S3. Wills) _ . Margar e t beq. of negroes "Harry " "James," and wench "Lucy" by will of husb. Philemon Hamilton Abel = Margaret Brormvcll beq. from fath. of 6 negroes: "Ra- dau. of Edw. son of chel," "Mary," "Hannah", "Isa- Rob't.Csee Ped. 1 B) bel," "Nan," and "Ned." Edward Abel ment. in will of fath. Ignatius Abel ment. in will of uncle above. One of this name was Capt. of State Militia, St. Marie'd Co., 1778. Talbot Co. Familii BROMWELL M.\(tY E. McNHAL m. 27 Feb. 1827. (by Rev. Scull) : (Capt.) JAMES D. BROMWELL b. ca. 1804. (Census) d. Trappe aft. I860. He was a teacher in Eaeton during youth, (mem. of hie pupil, Jno. F Mullikin of Trappe) He was Capt. of the "Independent Eagle" and had land, rrd in 1830 owned 9 slaves. He m. 3 times. No inf. rel. to his parentage. EMEL1NE J. SMITH 2d dau. of Capt. Smith of Trapp 1831. (byRev.Hazel.) I Robert Bromwell b. ca. 1832. d. in boyhood. I Wm. J. Bromwell b. Trappe. 22 May 1834. d. 22 Aug. 1874 in Chelsea Eng. whither he had rem. after fall of the Confederacy, with Judah P. Benjamin, its officer of State, whose secretary he had been . He All. dau. of Capt. Sarah Ellen Bromwell b. 26 Sep. 1836. (for her portrait and desc'nts see Bromwell Gen. Pub. 1910 p. 96.) O. H. Berryman, U.S. Navy, [see p. 93 Bromwell Gen. pub. 1910.] I Alfred Bromwell b. ca. 1842. He was employed by the Confed. Gov't at Richmond, and made trip to Eng. for it. Ke was later in Span. Am, War. Arianna Bromwell lit Thos. Neighbors, 2d Geo. Callahan, I Robert Franklin m. Ida White. 3 chil: Howard, James, Rob- ert; res. Wilm. Del. John , m 16 yra. Mary E. Dixon b. i834, d .1867: bur. in Friend's Cem. Tred Avon: dau. Wm. Dixon, of weal- thy old Quaker fam. — 1st James Thomas Bromwell 2d = b. ca. 18 !0, d. Mile B River Neck 7 Oct. 1902. m.3 times. In 1870 was an agricultural implement maker in Easton. (Census) I Sarah Ellen m. Perry Daffin. 10 chil. Eliz.. (m. Fairbanks) Von, Perry. Nellie. Anna, Carroll, Arthur, Carl, Helen. Emily. Jane (Cochran) Barnet " Her chil. b. Easton. I James Delahay Bromwell . ca. 1869: rea. Wilm. Del. Sadie Kilmon. Chas. Edw. Bromwell = Cath. Hague b. Apr. 1873: res. Phila. I m.9 Sep. 1896. Helen Dorothy Bromwell Ethel Clementine Bromwell Talbot Co. Famili. BROMWELL 1st WILLIAM BROMWELL 2d = b. ca. 1800. (Census) d. 1850: will 12 May. pr. 3 Aug-. He was a plan- ter in St Michael's dist. He left a place "Ball's Re-survey," and names chil. shown below. He is re- membered as an honorable man, a Methodist, and opposed to slavery. No inf, rel. to his parentage. LUCRETIA BALL h. 17S5; m.8 Jan. 1825; was living 1860 with son Robert, in St Michael's dist. She was 'much esteemed fcr refine- ment and hospitality. Mary Martha m. Jno. Francis Burkert. Mary Jane unm. Bait. son Jefferson. Wm. Henry (Capt.) Bait. Cornelius Edw. d. unm. 14 Sep. 1909, S3 69 yrs. Thomas Price : . 2d Suten v.. Rob't, & St Edward im. Bait. Rob't Perry Bait. n William Henry b. ca. 1827, m. Su an, dan. cf Tri i. ind Henrietta (St )fcall. CI: Robert b. ca. 1827: d. 14 Feb. [PC'2: m. Susan A. Coo- ler, who was b. ca. liSO. Martha Etta Alf. & LouisalHam- bleton)Harrison. ch: Edw.& Hambleton. Sam'l Clifton ' m. Alice Ferguson Wm. Rich'd b. ca. 1859 Sam'l J. b. ca. 1861 Mary Caroline m. Thos. M. Jones. 1 dau. Flossie. I Edward b. Talb., but lived in Perch. Co. m. Mary Jane, dau. Levin Se- ward, of Dorch. Co. Susan Anne m. Sutton Hunt. m. Cath. Wheatley Sam'l G. unm. Belle David D. Ball Suaan . Rob't Jump Mary B. Levin Ed v m. Lewis Wool ford no chil. Sutton m.Joru'S Alberta — Clark Geo. Washington d. 1910. Flora N. b. 1897. Nettie V. b. 1899. Talbot Co. Families. JAMES LOWE Estate distrib. 1802: lands ment'd. "Rick Rack Neck" and "HaddowayB." James Lowe Wrigrhtson Lowe m. 30 Nov. 1801. Susanna H add away. Elizabeth Lowe m. Jeremian Brom- well. [ See under DeBc'ts of Jacob and Mary Bromwell; ped. 1 C] Catherine Lowe Anne Lowe m. Lambdin Mary Lowe m. Wrightaon. Sarah Lowe m. Tocker. Virginia Families. 1 PETER BRUMWELL ( The foil, arrangement is from the Reg. of Christ Ch. Parish, Richmond: prob. correct.) ELLINOR EDWARDS Sarah Brumwell bap .2 Nov. 1680 Elizabeth Brumwell bap. 18 July 1682 Magaret Brumwell = b. 12 April. 1685 m Edw. Harrell 20 Apr. 1707 Diana Underwood = (1st?) Thomas Brumwell 2d m. 8 July 1716. bap. 16 April 1 .4 (NOTE: one named Peter Bromwell wai from Talb. Co. Md. d. 26 June 1777.) a soldier in the American Revolution, Peter Brumwell b. 25 Dec. 1739 INDEX ABEL Edward. 49 Ignatius, 49 John, 49 Jonathan, 49 Margaret, 4-49 Marg.(Bromwell) 4-49 Philemon, 4 Phil. Hamilton. 49 ABINGTON John, 1 •ADD. TO FRIENDSHIP' (planta.) 19 'ADD. TO TJUKEY RIDGS' 2i ADRY John. 45 "ADVENT' (Plantation) 39 'AFFY' 4 'ALEXANDER'S CHANCE' 48 'ALICE' 11 ALLEN RubyC. 9 ALLOWAY Eliz. 8 ALPINA (S.Dac.) 9 AMISS John 39 Rev. Charles (Pres. Eld. M.E. Ch.) 27 Mary(Sherwood) 39 'AMY' 4 BAILEY Ella 10 ANDERSON Eliza S BALL James 33 Belle 51 (Rev. Dr.) 5 Daniel 51 Ronald 5 David D. 51 'ANDERTON' (Plantation) 3-5-6-12 Henrietta 61 John 39 ANDREW Lucretia 51 Anna 2 (Miss) 34 Mary 2 Su6an 51 Richard 2 'ANNA' 12 ANNAPOLIS 3-18 ANN ARUNDEL CO. 8-34 ARMSTRONG Rachel 47 ARMY(of the Tenn.) 10 ASQUITH ST. Bait. 12-15 'ATHA' 4 'AUCKLE' (planta.) 39 AULD Daniel 39 'BALL'S RE-SURVEY' 51 BALTIMORE 7-8-11-12-14-15 27-28-29-32-34 American (newspaper) 21 Cemetery 14 Families of. 16-19-20-21 Harbor 32 BANNING Capt. N. 2 BARNET ALLEYtBalt.) 19 BARNES Henrietta 8 BARTLETT [&IIayward Co.] 21 BATCHELORS Ridge :'(planta.) 26 BERRYMAN •BAYSIDE' Talbot Co.. (planta.) 5 Alice 50 Capt. Otmay H. 60 BEAUFORD Junes 1 "BETTY 1 4-45 BEAUFORT N. C. 82 BIER Charles Alb. 29 BECK" 4 Charles Chris. 29 BELCHER (Mr..) I Jennie 29 Lottie Alice 29 BELL Luther John 29 Marg. Hester 28 Mary Eliz. 29 Maurice 28 Milton C. 29 Percy Bromwell 28 Nellie M. 29 Wm. Alf. 28 Wm. Som'l 29 BENEDICT Hundr. 24 BIGG BENJAMIN John 44 Judah P. 50 'BINA' 18 •BENJAMIN'S GOODWILL' (Planta.) 19 BLACKWATER 26 BENNETT BLAKE Wm. S Thomas 1 BENSON BONGAS James 17 Thos. I 'Benson's Choice' (Plants.) BOONE BERRY John 1 Jas. 1-41 Samuel 1 Naomi 1 Wm. 1 'BOB' 4 'BON' 45 BOLWING Ida 16 BOWDLE Mary Anne 6-11 Thos. 1 BOYDEN Dwight Fred'k 21 'BOZMANS ADD.' 11 BRAMBLE Abraham 26 Eliz. 26 Family chart of. 26 Jacob 26 John 26 Lewis 26 Mary 26 Rachel 26 'Bramble's Delight' (Plantation) 26 'Bramble's Hope' " 'Bramble's Range' Bramble's Inclosure' " 'Bramstead' BRAMHALL Anne 22-23 George 19 Henry 19 llary 19 Susanna 19 Thomas 22-23 Zachariah 24 BR AM WELL Charts of, 19-20.24 Charles 20 George 20 Marianna 20 Marg. 24 Parthenia 24 Wm. 20 Zachariah 24 BRANNON Rebecca 29 BREERWOOD Alafaire 34 John 34 BRIDGES Anna J. 8 Daniel 42 BRISTOL. Eng. 18 BROAD CRK. NECK 2 •BROMAGAW (Planta.) 1 BROMALL (name) see Bromhall BROMILE (name) 25 BROMWELL (Incl. Bruramel etc.) Abraham 2 Ada B. 10 Agnes 31 Alberta 51 Alfred 15"50 Alfr. Thos. 12-15 Alice 3-4-5-15-51 Alice Anne 6 Alice (Berryman) 50 Alice (Ferguson) 51 Alice Gertr. 9 Alvin LewiB 27-32 Amanda 15 Anne 3-4-5-12:13-14-15-17-22 Anne Maria 14 Anna P. B' (Brooks) 32 Anne (Warner) 48 Arianne 50 Arth. Colum. 29 Augusta 14 Benj. 6 Benj. Keene 27 Bridget (Coward) 3-18 Camilla Mary 28 Carrie V. 29 Caroline 10-15 Cath. 14-15 Cath. (Gray) 10 Cath. (Hague) 50 Charles 8-15-20 Charles Alb. 15 Charles Amiss 27 Chas. Edw. 60 Chas. Henry 11 Chas. M. 17 Chas. Merion 50 Clarence 31 Clifton 15 Clyde 10 Colum. Harrington 29 Cora Estelle 31 CorneliuB Edw. 51 David 3 Diana [Brumwell] 53 Earl 15 Edna 31 Edward 3-4-17-32-44-49-61 Edw. Godfrey 16 Edw.Olin 9 Eldora 28 Elizabeth 4-5-6-53 Eliz. Anne 12-16 Eliz. Ella 11 Eliz. Jane 29 Eliz. J. [Lamb] 9 Eliz. [Lowe] 6 Eliz. McD. 5-6-9 Eliz. [McDonald] 16 Ella 11 Ella(Bailey) 10 Ellinor [Brumwell] 63 Elonia 31 Elsie 6-10 Emma 32 Emma E. 32 Emeline J. GO Ethel Clementine GO Eugenia 28 Evelyn 11 Fanny 15-47 Flora 10 Flora N. 61 Florence E. 28 Florence C. 28 Floyd 10 Frances 47 Francis Alton 22 Francia Asbury 27 George 19-20-47 Geo. Edw. 16-28 Geo. Bowdle 11 Geo. Wash. 61 Gertrude 32 Grace Lucille 10 Harley E. 10 Harriet 4 Harriet Anne £7 Harry 61 Helen A. 28 Helen Dorothy 60 Helen Eliz. 29 Halen Nattie 27 Henrietta 6-12 Henry 19 Henry Clay 15 Henry H. 15 Henry Lee 32 Hilda 16 Howard 32-60 Hosea J. 14 Ida 15-60 Irving Lee 82 Isaac [Brummel] 2 Jacob 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 11-12-13-14-15-17-18-62 Chil. of. 3 Jacob Alfr. 27 Jacob Lowe 6 Jacob Spedding 5-6-7-8 9-11 Chil. of. 6 Jacob Thos. 6-11 Chil. of, 11 James 10-25-27-28-23-30 81-32-50 Chil of, 27 Jas. A. 10 James D. 48-50 Jas. Delahay 60 Jas. Edw. 6-9-10-27 Jas. Levin 31 Jas. Orville 31 Jas. Salisbury 11 Jas. Thos. 60 Jane 60 Jeremiah 5-6-11-52 John 2-3-12,13-50 Chil. of. 12-13 John E. 27 -28 Jno. Edw. 27-28-32 Jno. H. 14-61 Jno. Henry 12-16 Jno. McDaniel 6-9 Jno. R. 44 Jno. Robinson 4 Jno. Vernon 29 Jno. Wesley 29 Joseph 14 Joseph Oscar 32 Josephine M. [Del- ahaye]8-ll Josephine [Harr- ington] 29 Josiah 27 32 Joyce 1 Judith 63 Julia 11 Julius T. 11 Kenneth 10-15 I N D 2 X Kitty 17 Latrobe 14 Laura 15 ^ah (Luke.?) 13 Leon. Hamlin 10 Leone 10 Levin Edw. 61 Levin L. 27-81 Lewis 32 Lora M. 9 Louisa 11 Louisa (Hammond) 11 Lucretia 51 Luke 1-13 Lucy 6-7 Lura 10 Lydia 11 Mabel 15 Margaret 4-15-17-2.1-53 Marg. Hester 28 Margaret J. [Graham] 11 Margery Gertrude 32 Marian 15 Marianna 5-20 ilaria [Johns] 14 Marietta 15 .1 ait ha Etta El oartha Sophronia 31 *ary 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 14-15-17-18-19-23-26-34-52 Vary A. 21 lary Alice 10 Mary B. 51 MaryC. 17 Mary Carol. 61 MaryCath. 27 Mary E. 9 Mary E. (Dixon) 60 Mary Ellen 6-10 Mary E. (McNeal) 60 Mary G. 9 Mary Ida 31 Mary J. 61 Mary Martha 15-61 Mary Olivia 23 Mary (Sherwood) 4-40 Maxwell 10 Milton 15 Milton J. 15 Minnie 15 Minnie J 28 Myrtle 9-32 Nancy 6 Nannie 61 Natl Haywood 15 Nellie M. 27 Nettie V. 61 Nicholas Edwin 11 Nina 10 Norris [Lloyd] 16 Oral P. 9 Olivia Mary 28 Parthenia 84 Peter 63 Ralph W. 6 Rebecca 2-9-26-29 Rebecca Maria 6 Richard 1 Richard Emmet 14 Rittee [?] 13 Robert 2-3-4-40-49-60-61 Rob"t Emory 27-32 Rob't Perry 61 Rosanna 5-12 Ruby C. 9 Sadie 60 Sarah 4-7-8:63 Sarah A. 6-8-11 -18 Sarah E.27-28-31-32-50 Sarah Ellen 32-50 Sarah J.9-15 Sarah Priscilla 28 Sarah Virginia 31 Samuel 15 Samuel Clifton 61 Samuel G. 61 Samuel Godfrey 15 Samuel J. 51 Samuel Wesley 4 Susan 4-5-51 BROMWELL (continued) Susan A. 61 Susan C. 9 Susan Emily 27 Susanna 12-19 Susanne 6-27 Spedding 3-18 Spicie 3-18 Thomas 22-23-48-63 Thos. D. 10 Thos. Gray 10 Thos. J,'. Thos. Price 61 Thos. S. 48 Thos. Walter 28 Thomasine (Quay) 8 Valeria 31 Vera A. 8 Vincent 10 Viola 15-60-61 Virwcil 16 William 1-3-6-12-18 14-20-22-23-32-61 Afm. Addison 11 Wm. AIT. 32 7m. Augustus 32 7m. C. 9-51 Vm. Edgar 10 ffm. B. 10 Wm. Hamilton 15 Wm. Henry 6-15-51 Wm. J 14-50 Wm. L. 16 Wm. Richard 61 Wm. R. T. 28 Wm. Ruf us 29 Wm. Webster 29 Wm. Wesley 27.29 Wm. Worthington 14 Zachariah 24 "BROMWELL 1 (Plantation) 1 'BROMV/ELLS ADDITION 1 (Planta.) I •BKOMWELLS ADVENTURE 1 (Plantati n) 12-14-17-30 "BROMWELL'S DISCOVERY 1 (Planta.) 17 BROOKE Baker 1 Robert 1 Roy 1 Mte. 1 Nicholas 1 BROOKS Anna P.B. 82 Cath. (Bromwoll) 14 Chaa. 14 BROWNE A. B 8 Mary [Delahaye] 8 BRUMMEL [see under Bromwoll] BRYAN Jno. 40 BUCK'S PARK 1 IB BUIXEN Thos. 47 UNNELL Mary E. 10 BURKHART Ida Susanne 51 Jno. Francis 61 Mary Jane 51 Mary Martha 61 BUS1EC H. 84 BUTTON Mts. 1 CALLAHAN Geo. 60 CALVERT County of. 1 INDEX ! (Thompson) 12 William 1 CAMBRIDGE MD. 31 CANNADAY Mts. 1 CAROLINE County of, 14 CARROLL Lucy 14 CARTER Rachel Ar Wm. 12 CASSELL Jno. 1 'CASSIE' 4 CASTLE HALL (Planta.) 14 CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa 10 'CELIE' 23 'CHANCE' (Planta.) 11 CHAPEL GROUND (Oxford) 3-17 CHAPLIN Mts. 1 CHARITY SCHOOL, Oxf. Annual Benefactor of, 3 CHARLES County of. 24 Families of, 22-23 CHASE ST.. Bait. 21 CHELSEA [Ene.] 60 CHESAPEAKE BAY 5 CHESSICK Alice 1 CHRIST CHURCH Parish of. Richmond Va.. 53 CHOPTANK RIVER 32 CLARK Allen 7 Anna 7 Chas. 7 Emma 7 Lucy 7 Rob't 1 Sarah Ellen 7 Thos. 7 CLAXTON Eliz. 1 COLLINS Henderson 34 Rebecca 34 CONFEDERACY fall of. etc. 60 COCHRAN Gov. of Del. 14 Charles 14 Estelle 14 ThomaB 14 COLSON Jas. 4 COOKE'S POINT 5 COOPER Anne [Delahaye] 8 Russell D. 8 Sidney 8 Susan A. 61 COOMBES Wm. 3 CORNER Amasa Robinson 4 John Bromwall 4 Sarah 4 Wm. 4 OOURSET Henry t 'COVE HALL' (Planta.) s-« COWARD chart of, 18 Anna 18 Bridget 8-18 Cart. 18 Elizabeth 18 Eliz. (Goldsborongh) 18 Hannah 18 Henry 18 John 18 Mary 18 Nicholas 18 Penelope 18 Richard 18 Capt. 18 Sybilla 18 Thomas 18 William. Capt.. 18 COWDREY Coward. [Edw. 7] 1 CRAIG Julia P. II Martina b. II Mary 28 Mary A. 81 Samuel 28 Sarah Priwcllla 28 Win. P. BI Wm. E, 81 Wro. Talbot 81 "CUB 1 42 DAFFI.M Anna 50 Arthur 60 Carroll 50 Emily 50 Helen 60 Nellie 60 Perry SO Sarah Ellen 50 "DANIEL' 46 •DANIEL & MARY' (Planta.) DARGAN Rev. Mr., e DARNELL Jno. 1 'DAVID' B DAWKTN3 Joseph 1 DAWSON James Zi DAV Dorothy 1 'DEBB' 8 DELAHAYE Delahaye s Fortune' (Plantation) 83 charts of families 8-33 Anne 8 Anna [Bridges] 8 Arianne 8 Charles 8 Cora 8 Edward N. 8 Eliz. 8-33 Ella [Bromwell] 8 Eve [Kiche] 33 Francis Asbury 8 Hamilton 8 Harriet8 Henrietta 8 Jacob 8 Jacob Bromwell 8 '•cob Norrls 8 James 8-11-33 James Henry 8 Jeremiah 8 Jeese P-8-10-11 Jesse Addison 8 Jesse Sherwood 8 Josephine 8 Josephine M. 11 Mary 8-33 Mary [Bi omwell] 8 Mary Eliz. 8 Margaret 8 Marg. E.fWattis] 11 Nancy 8 Richard Alex. 8 Sarah 4-8-33 Sarah Anne [Bromwell] 8 Thomas 4-33 Thos. Spedden 8 William 8 Wm. Edw. 8 Wm. G. 8 DELAWARE Governor of, 14 DELVINES^ Joseph 1 DENNY Peter 47 DE SPEYR Elizabeth. Countess, 12 John, Count, 12 'D1BB" 5 DIGGS" DISCOVERY' 13 DIXON Mary E. 60 Wm. 60 DORCHESTER County of. 2-3-5-12-13-14 17-22-26-27-28-29-30-81- 32 31-39-41-61 DORRINGTON Wm. 1 DOUGHADAY Anna 16 DOUGLAS Francis 1 (The) •DOWNS" (Planta.) Si DOWNS Charles 43 Susanne [Sherwood] 46 E. EAGER ST.. Bait. 21 'EASON" (Planta.) 39 EASTON. Talbot Co. 5-11-47-60 Clerk of Court, 5 Friends" Cem., 50 Gazette, old fileB. 8 EASTERN SHORE Md. 16-33 EDGINGTON Dora B. 9 Jno. Clarence 9 Mabel 9 Mary E. 9 W.R. 9 EDWARDS Ellinor 53 "ELIZABETH'S FANCY" (Planta.) 19 ELLIOTT Dorothy (Sherwood) 19 Mary Anne 27-28-29-31-32 EMPSON Jas. 1 ENGLAND 1-2-18 ESCAVILLE George 8 Joseph 8 ThomasineQ.(Delahaye , 8 ESTAS Richard 22 1 V D K X EVANS Sarah Virginia 31 William SI 'EWING'S CONTINUANTS' [Planta.] 23 - EXCHANGE[Planta.] 44 EXETER. ENG. 8 VMKS Elizabeth SO John 17 FARROW Richard 1 FELLS POINT. Bait. Old Masonic Lodge of, 18 FERGUSON Alice 61 "FERRY NECK' 48 FISKE Dr. Jno. D. 84 Rebecca (Linthicum) 34 FITZHUGH Cora Eatelle 31 Ernest 31 Jennie 31 Milton 31 Rath 81 'FLAG MEADOWS' (Plants.) 19 "FLORA' 4 "FLORA TEMPLE.' (famous racer) 12 FLOYD RIVER ROAD 9 FORSTER Mary 3 'FORT VENTURE' (Planta.) 3-4 FORTT Susanna 19 FRANCIS Wm. 1 FRANK Jacob 15 FREEMAN Edward 15 Marg. (Bromwell) 15 GALWITH Jane 1 Jno. 1 GARDNE R Jno. 1 GARFIELD Wash. 9 GAY (Street. Bait.] 12-15 'GEORGE' 45 GEORGE Griffin 1 GERHARDT Ch. 15 GHENT Alfred 28 Minnie J. 28 Sarah Edith 23 GIBBONS Jno. Francis 21 •GOLDEN ROD' (Planta.) 25 GOLDS BOROUGH fam. of. 47 Elizabeth 18 Mary 18 Nicholas 18 GOODEN Eliz. Anne 12 GOODRIDGE Timotny 1 GORDEN Richard 43 INDEX GRAHAM Elizabeth 34 Margaret J. 11 GRAMME!. Jno. 1 GRAND FORKS. B.C. 9 GRAVES Samuel 1 GRAY Cath. 10 Thos. 10 GREENBURG. Ind. 10 GREENMOUNT (the cem. Bait. 21 'GREEN'S GOODWILL [Planta.] 19 GROVER Jas. 1 Jno. 1 'GUILFORD' (Planta.) 12 GULLY Charles 47 •GUTHRIE'S CHOICE' [Plants.] 2 HADDAWAY Susanna 52 'HADDAWAY'S' (Planta.) 62 'HAGAR' 4 HAGGONES Mary 22 Wm. 22 ■HAIL'S ADVENTURE' (Planta.) 19 HALL Beulah 3 Daniel 42 (Miss) 34 HALLER Capt. Wm. 1 HAMBLETON Alfred 51 Jas. H. 51 Louisa 51 Philemon H. 41 Sarah [Sherwood] 41 HAMMOND Louisa 14 'HANNAH' 49 HARDCASTLE AnneM. [BrcroweU] 14 Corinne 14 Franklin 14 Marseret 14 Marian 14 Preston 14 Rob't Emmet 14 Sarah 14 HARD1NGE Wm. 33 HARRELL Edward 53 Margaret 53 HARRINGTON fam. chart of. 29-30 Colum. £0 Eliz. 29-30 Eliz. J. 29-30 Jno. 29-30 Jno. E. SO Judge 30 Dr. Oliver 30 Peter 30 Samuel F. 80 Sarah A. 30 HARRIS Samuel Hayward 21 Samuel Kinneman 21 Wm. 44 HARRISON N D E X HARRISON (continued) Edward 61 Francis 33 Hambleton 51 Martha Etta 51 'HARRY- 4-49 HARWOOD Anne 45 HAYNES Wro. 47 HAYWARD Blanche A. 21 Edw. Bart let i 21 Eila Blanche 21 Charl. Clar.i Eleanora 21 - Hutchinson 21 Josephine L. 21 Nora Mabel 21 Mary A.lBromwell] 21 Thomas Bertram 21 Thomas Jonas 21 HAYWOOD Eli*. Anna IS Ida 15 Nathaniel 15 HAZEL Rev. 11-50 HEARST (or Hurst Anne [BromweJIJ 3 Jacob 5 'RIX Annt ISherwood] jf, HENSON-S BRANCH 2C :.iN I ^tme 1 Hlt-DSaRANDE Helen Eli*. 29 Wm. 29 HILLIARD Jno. 1 HOBBS Robert 1 HOLT Penelope (Coward) 18 HOLTON Anna 8 Geo. B. 8 Jno. 8 Miry Priscilla S Sarah Anne (Delahaye) w ra. Delahaye 8 HOPKINS' Ada 5 Edw.S. 5 Eliza 5 Samuel T. .', Thos. 2 Maria: Wm. 6 "HORACE- 47 clue U HOHN-S CRBEK 39 HOWARD Street in Bait. 21 HUBBARD Andrew 31 Benj. VV. 31 Calvin 31 James 18 Mary 3i Percy 81 HUDDLESTON Miss 10 HUGHES Leora 9 Reuben W. 9 Sarah J. [Bromwell] 9 'HUMMING BIRD'(ship) 6 HUNGERFORD John 22 HUNT Belle 51 Susan 51 Susan Anne 61 Sutton 61 HUNTING CREEK. Calvert Co. 1 'HUPP MARY' (Ship) 2 "HYFIELD' (Plants.) 40 "INDEPENDENT EAGLE' (Boat) 60 'INTEGRITY' (Ship) 18 I. O. O. F. of Md. Gr. Sec'y of. 8 'ISAAC 4-5-45 'ISABEL' 49 ISLAND CREEK 1-8-83-48 JACKSON Alice Fern 9 Alice Gertr. [Bromwell] 9 Joyce W. 9 Wm. J. 9 'JACOB' 4-19 'JAMES' 45-49 JEFFERSON Ida Susanne 61 Jno. 51 Leonidae Dodeon 61 Louis 51 Mary 51 Wm. 51 JENNINGS Clyde H. 9 Lora M. [Bromwell] 9 'JENNY' 4-45 'JERRY' 42 'JIM' 8-4-18 JOHNS Maria 12- 14 JOHNSON Josephine Harrington 29 Wm. Samuel 29 JOLLY JameB 1 JONES Elizabeth 80 Flossie 51 Frances (Linthicum 1 Mary Caroline 51 Mary [ Linthicum] 34 Mary M. 31 Stella 8 Thos. M. 61 JUMP Robert 51 KEENE Harriet 27 KENTUCKY 10 KEPLER Caroline [Bromwell] 10 Evelyn 10 Jessie 10 Maud 10 Murray W. 10 KELLY Guy 7 Mary (Stevens) 7 KENNEY Bridget 18 'KENOHUN' (Planta.) 40 KERR David 47 KIDD Margaret I Wm. 1 KING Alf. Byron 10 Maud (Keplar) ]n KINGSALE' (Planta.) 48 KINGSBURY Hob't 1 KIRKMAN Mary (Sherwood) 46 KIRCHENBAUER Ethel 28 "KMAPPS LOTT (Planta.) 4 LADD Richard 1 LAMB EUx. J. LAMBDIN Anne ILowaJ O Carubna fit Carolina Prances 8 Rob't 6 LAMBERT Amelia 32 . Benj. T. 2S ce E. 28 Irma 28 Ullie Maria 28 Mildred Hester 28 •LANE'S DELIGHT' [Planta. I 19 LANGV1LLE le 82 Jeffa LATHROP Mary E. 10 LAT1ERE Susan Emily 27 LEACH Mary US ThoB. 28 LENT Blanche 81 Frederic 81 Gertrude 81 Herbert 81 Valeria 81 LEON ARD Jonathan 8 Mary Eliz. (Delahaye) 'LEVIN' 3 LEWIS Fanny 47 LINN CO. la. 10 L1NTH1CUM Alafaire 84 Annie E. Story 84 ' (SewardJ 34 Daniel 34 Elisabeth 84 • '■am 34 Eliz. Jane 30 '■'>' R. 34 Frances 34 Francis 80 Hmter Anne 84 Joseph 34 Mary 34 Mary [Bromvall] 84 Mary (Lee) 14 Nancy 84 Rachel 84 Rebecca M Richard 84 Richard L. 84 Samuel 84 Sarah A. 30 Sarah E. [Collins] 34 Stewart 40 Susan Adelaide 34 Thos. 34 (Capt.) Wm. S4 Zachariah 34 Zachariah Washington S4 LIVERPOOL. Eng. t LOVE J no. 1 'LORD'S GIFT' (Plants.) 4-44 LOWE Anne 52 Catherine 52 EL'zabeth 6-52 Henry 3 * Je... 5-52 John 62 Kate 15 Mary 52 Sarah 52 Susanna Vincent 3 on 52 SAMBLE' (Planta.) 17 'LUCY' 8-5-18-49 LLOYD Edward 1 N >rri« 15 McCO McDANIEL t. 5-G NALD A 12 -■lary 12 W. 12 i'cPARLAND •-' C. 6 MeGtNNY Pemelia P. 17 McGUIRE Valeria J. 81 McNeal Mary E. 50 MACKALL fames 1 EL 1 5 MADISON Md. 31-82 MALTCB Wm. 14 '.IN'G Capt. Thos. 1 MARION, la. 10 [Sherwood] 44 re) t? *=".ry 7 cidward maa 1 ■ t \ - - I 3 ' i •' •' I Plant*. ) 2 'TAYLOR'S RIDGE' i Plants.) 4-3S TAYLOR Mary 8 Dr. Milton IB William 46 TEVtTI.T Eli: pood) 39 THOMAS Annie Campbell 12 Douglas H . 12 Edward 33 Geo. Alf. 28 Capt. James 18 Hannah [Coward] 18 James Cunningham Coward 18 Mary (McDonald) 12 Maud Bromwell 28 Minnie L. 28 Nicholas 4 Raleigh 12 Reginald C. 12 Raleigh Colston 12 Sarah Emma [Bromwell] 28 Wm. A. 28 V.m. E. 28 THOMPSON Charles 12 Eina Olivia 28 Edward 28 Eliz. A. 12 Olivia Mary 28 Rachel Anne 12 Susanne [Bromwell] 12-21 TILGHMAN Matthew 18 'TIMBER NECK ADD. 1 [Plant*. 4 TOBACCO STICK. [Dorch. Co.] 27 " Bay. 12-14 TODD Mary 8 'TOM' 4-46 TOWN CREEK, Oxf. 7 TRAPPE MD. 11-48-50 TRED AVON RIVER 60 TRIN. CHURCH, Dorch. Co. 31 'TRUE FOREST' (PluU.) 11 TUCKER Sarah (Lowe) 62 TJRBOrr'j FIELDS' (Planta.) 3 TURKEY CREEK 40 TURNER Joyce (Bramwell) 1 Thomas 1 William 1 UNDERWOOD Diana 63 John 1 VAN HORTEN Harvey 29 Lottie Alice 29 VEITCH James 1 VINTON Edw. Percival 28 Eldora 28 Ethel 28 Eva 28 Lnird H. 28 The*. 28 VIRGINIA a Brummel fam. of. 63 VYNES Samuel 1 WALSH Alva A. 9 Bertha 9 Ada Ethelyn 9 Lawrence 9 Nellie G. 9 Robert 9 Susan C. Bromwell 9 WARD Louie 16 WARF1ELD Sir. 8 WARREN Humphrey 1 WA3H. D .C. 14 WAITS Alex. 1 Anne 83 Margaret 8 Mar*. E. 11 Pttir 88 •WAXBEED' [Planta.] 26 WEYMAN Thomas 42 WHARTON B1U. t WHEATLEY Cath. 51 WHEELER Caroline [Bromwell] 10 Delia 10 Edith 10 Everett 10 George 10 Ruth 10 Thomas 10 WHITE Ida 50 WHITE MARSH CHURCH 18 WHITLEY Albert 15 Edward 15 George 16 Ida May 16 Joseph It Kate 15 Kate (Lowe) 15 Lottie (Morrow) 16 Lottie (Ward) II Mary 16 William li WHITNECK Mary 10 WilYTE Miry ! McDonald 12 Wm. Pinckney. (Gov. of Md.) 12 WILCOX Aodrew 1 'WILL' 4 WILLEN John 1 WILLIAMS Rev. 7 WILLIAMS' RE-SURVEY' 19 W1LLOUQHBY Mies 14 WILMINGTON DEL. 60 WILSON James 1 ■WINTERSELL' (Plaota.) »-5-«-ll-lt WOODEN Sadie 16 WOOLEN Carvns 81 Elonia 11 James II Marvin 81 WOOT.FORD WRIGHT YOE Anne(Coward) 18 Benj. 34 WRIGHTSON RebCCCa 34 " 32 Mary (Lowe) 52 YO ' WORCESTER CREEK 26 WEST VA 8 ' A - 8 S CAMP'