LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDSflDbEbH « ^^ •>>.c^' **^- A •• o •/ -^^/.^'--/^ V'^"^''/ V-'^""'/' .'^'•V. -.1 f ♦y V *' c^ yJJ^. ^^^ •^^^^ 0^_ * . « ^^^c^'^' .h^ o. '0.0- jp '^^ '►TTi'* o,'^' ^°-'fu. V 5>^r 4 \ ADVERTISEMENTS. A WORD TO THE COOK I^et this store supply you with your EXTRACTS SPICES \m BAKING POWDER as well as your other needs in the grocery line. The Best is None too Good for You You will always find a willingness to please and courteous service. Fowler's Large Modern Store M, Brady ®, Co. ADVERTISEMENTS BOOM The Reiisin business by teachin^^ people to eat raisins. Teach Them by using- "THE LUSCIOUS BRAND" of raisins in your recipes. Yours for pr<)si)erity and Cash in the Sweat-Box LF.Giffen&Co ADVEKIlStMENTS L D. HOWARD Contracting Painter and Paper Hanger DKAI^KK IN PAINTS, OILS, WALLPAPER AND MOULDINGS I also do advertising- of all kinds. Cor. Fifth and Merced Sts., - - Fowler, Cal THE BRUNSWICK Bowling Alley and Billiard Parlors The cmly Strictly Temperate Place of its kind in the State. NELSON BROS 1039 J Street, - - Fresno, Cal OFFICERS: Trumaii G. Hart, Pres. ; Lee L. Gray, Viee-Pres.; First ^ational Bank, Treas.: V. H. M. MacI,ymont, Sec, & Gen. MKr.;(;. F. Wyer.Asst. Mpr. DiRECXORSi Truman G. Hart, Lee L. Gray, Hector Burness, rrank H. Short, V. H. M. MacLymont. CrXY COUNTRY CAPIXAI. « 100,000 LANDS FRESNO REALTY & AGENCY CO investments 1924 TTJLARE SX rMPROVETJ UNIMPROVED Transacts a General Real Estate Business. Acts as Agent for Absentee Property Owners. Arranges Loans on Realty. Los Angeles Office 213 Grant Bldg Phone White 1591 Phone Home 1968 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA ADVERTISEMENTS Barrett-Hicks Co The best and cheapest place in the count v to hiiv vour Stoves Ranges and Utencils because we buv in car ]i)ad Kits. PAINTS SPECIALTY Barrctt-Hicks Co 1041 1 St., Fresno ADVERTISEMENTS Cooks arc Made They are not Born But any ordinary cook can make a success of anything- in whicli flour is used with SPERRY'S NO. 1 BRAND IT IS THE BKST Spcrry Flour Co N and Presno Streets, Fresno, California Scientific and Thoroughly Professional Treatment of the Scalp Bald Heads Please Apply. Advice Free HAIRDRESSING A SPECIALTY DOCTOR WILLIAMS 1905 Fresno Street, - Fresno, Cal thi Raisin Center Cook Book COMPILKD AM) ARRAKGKD BY the Towhr Improvement Jlssociation. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Chas- Nelson J. P. Duff A. C. Palmer A. K. Wagstaff Z. L. Ward T. T. Turner Fred Nelson L. A. Howard Geo. Scane Carrie POlder Miss Ha Mrs. W. E. Marden Mrs. M. E. Trowbridge Mrs. A. Mattei Mrs. C. H. Norris Mrs. Geo. Waterman Mrs. C. S. Manlev Mrs. J. W. Slater Mrs. A. Harris Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst Miss Emma Barnett rriet Stout COOK ROOK COMMITTEE We are indebted to ■' The St. t:i..iul Co.jk Hook, riie Fruit World," " 101 Sandwiches," t"\\'I.KIt KIS'SilfllS" f 'It EMM L'SRARV of CONGRESS Two Copiae Ractiivad MN 2 1904 Copyright Entry CUSS a. )^c. N ' copy 8 No. ^t A ^ >y^ TO OUR FAIR YOUMG vSISTlOR "THE COMING WOMAN" WE dedicatp: this book Her kitchen will doubtless be a chemical lab- oratory, her baking and brewing only new chem- ical combinations, and yet, with all due deference, we commend to her these tried and tested recipes of her grandmothers. u//ia/ c^oos coo^or^ moanF J^t moans tho /cnou/iod^e o/" ^T^oefoer, erne/ o/" Ci'rco, and o/" Ca/j/pso, and o/" Jifo/en, and o/" S^oboAaA, and o/ tAo Queen o/" S/ioAa/ t't means fAe Arnou>/od^e o/" a/f /ruiVs, and AerAs, and ba/ms, and spices, and o/" ai/ tAaf is Aea/iny and siveef in /"ie/ds and proves, and savory in moats/ it means care/u/ness, and inventiveness, and u/atcA- /^u/ness, and ivit/inffnoss, and readiness of app/ianco,- it means tAo economy o/" your yreatyrandmotAers, and tAo science of modern cAemists/ it tneans mucA tasting and no uiastiny/ it means dtn^tisA tAor- ouyAness, and ^rencA art, and J'traAian Aospitatity. S?usAit Preface. The Fowler Improvement Association present this book to their many friends with the hope that their effort to build a club house and extend their library may be looked upon with favor. Special attention has been o-iven to the meatless department and to fruits and raisins, the pro- ducts of the raisin center. It is hoped that it may prove a valuable assistant to man v. COPYKIGH'i', lf>(l.'!. HV Tllh; KOWr.Klt IMl'Rt)X'E>rKJN"l' A.SSOC'IA'riOlV ADVERTISEMENTS Manlcy-Burnett Co General Merchandise THE FIRM THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT Anythinu^ that can be found at anv iirst- class store can be found here at the BOTTOM MARKET PRICE We intend to stav and if rijjfht treatment and jj-ood ds will draw trade We Will Get Our Share All the inj^redirnts for the r ec i pe s in this book can be found at oiir store. Manlcy-Burnctt Co I'^<»\vler, - - - California ADVtRTbEMENTS OFFTCK OF HOWARD A. HARRIS Cor. Sixth and Merced Sts. , Powler, Cal The Ensign Fowler's Local Paper Published Saturdays AGENCY For the PACIFIC IM- PKOVFMFNT CO. in the sale of its Fo\\ ler town property. AGENCY For the two leadino- AMKR- ICAN and the two leading- FNGLISH INvSURANCK COMPANIKS. Bread Mrs. Charlhs Xiolson. "And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort yo your lu-arls; after that ye shall pass on."— Genesis 1S:5. In the iiiakiii^' of ^ood bread there is nothino" intricate or dillicult, nothing- which an}- person of average intelligence cannot understand, hut there* ,iss liQ department of cooking where so ninch de- pends upon care in little details, and where fail- ure 5^0 surely follows any deviation from certain well established principles. Good Hour, good veast, pure water and sweet milk are the first essentials to making good bread. Flour should always "be sifted before measuring and if kept in a cold pantry, it should bs warmed before using. x».Iilk and water should also be warm. There are various ways of making l)read, with milk, water, potatoes, etc., but the tvv^o points, sweetness and lightness, remain always the chief consideiati(m. If milk is used, it should be scald- ed and cooled as this i)revents its souring. Ne.xt comes the mixing or vsponging of the bread. 1'his is not a mere mixture, but an actual chemic- al combination, and as we cannot use v\'ater alone to eifect tliis, it must be supplemented by knead- ing, and thus comes our most im]:)ortant part. The excellence of bread dejjends much u])on its kneading, .First work the duugh in the pan un- til it h)ses part of its stickine-s, then Hour the II KKF.AD board thickly, flour the hands, take out the dou- in but let it cool down so the bread will not burn and let bake one hour with moderate heat. This will make three loaves. Mrs. N. J. Sloan. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Scald one quart of whole w^heat flour with one (juart of boilin«>- water, pourin^fthe water on verv gradually that no lumps be formed. When this has cooled to luke warm, add one-half cup home made yeast or one-half cake compressed veast dissolved in a little luke warm water and leave to rise, carefully covered and kept in a warm room. When the ferment is li^ht which will be shown by its beintJ- a mass of white substance like sea- foam, rather than by haviny^ jjfreatly risen; add sufticient warm sifted flour to make a verv thick batter and having beaten it well, leave it to rise a^ain. When well risen and cracked over the to]) like "crazed" china, sufficient flour to make it of the proper consistency must be added and the dou,i^h thonrnj^rhj y kneaded. When the douj^-h clin«-s too-ether and works away from l^he sides of the bowl, encmo-h flour has been added. Bread should always be kneaded as soft as it can be handled and only sufficient tl(mr added to keep it from stickintr to the board. Mtmld into loaves, I>lace in l)read ]>ans and put in a warm place to rise. When risen to nearly double their size, put in the oven and let bake from one to one and one- hallhours. When done, remove from the pan 17 BREAD and tilt on their edg'es so the air mav reach all sides and prevent sweating. When perfectly cold, wrap in a thick cloth and put into a bread tin. Mrs. Amos Harris. BROWN bre:ad 1 cupful Graham or Rve flour, 2 cupfuls corn meal (scanty), 1 cupful molasvses, 1 cupful sour milk, 1 cupful boiling- water, 2 teaspoonfuls of .soda, 1 teaspoonful of salt. Pour the boiling water on to the corn meal. Put one spoonful of soda into the sour milk and one spoonful soda into the molasses. iVfter beat- ing these thoroughly, mix with the other in- gredients. Pour into a g^reased mould and steam three hours. Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst. BOSTON BROWN BREAD 2 cupfuls Graham flour, 1 cupful white flour, 2 cupfuls corn meal, 1 cupful molasses, 1 egg, 2 teaspoonfuls soda. Mix with water. Mrs. E. G. Chaddock. BOSTON STKAM BREAD 1 pint Graham flour, 1 cupful corn meal, 1 cupful molasses, BREAD IS 1 cui)fiil sour milk, 1 cupful sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 teas]:)()()nful salt. Steam three hours. Mrs. Kdwin W. Brum ton. BOILKD BROWN BRKAD 2 cupful s cornmeal, 1 cupful (jraham Hour, 1 cupful molasses, 2 cupfuls sweet milk, 1 cupful sour milk, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful salt. Dissolve the soda in the sour milk and stir all until a smooth batter. Put in a buttered tin boiler, coyer tij^ditly and set in a covered iron kettle to boil two and one-half hours, addino- water asnec- ^^^^•ii'.v- MRvS. Edwin (^owkk. CORN BREAD 1 teacu])ful yellow corn meal, 2 teacupfuls wheat iiour. Yi jiint sweet milk. /^ teacupful sus^j-ar. 3 e^^ors. 2 oz. butter, 2 teasj)oonfuls bakin.^^ powder. Mix the meal, flour, butter and suo-ar. Put the bakino- powder into the flour first. Drop the yolks of ecro-s into this. Let the milk boil and p()ur over it slowly. Beat whites of e^'-j^^s to a slilt Add to the mixture stirrino- verv 19 BKEAD lightl}'. Bake ill quick oven. KlinoreStouT. CORN BRKAD, (soft) 1 teacupful small hominy, boil until soft. Add two teacupfuls of white corn meal and butter the size of an egg. One quart boiled milk. When cool add three well beaten eggs and three tea- spoonfuls of baking powder. Bake for one-half hour. Kmma Barnktt. CORN CAKE 2 cupfuls sour milk, 1 level teaspoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful syrujj, lj4 cupfuls corn meal, }4 cupful flour, 1 egg, a little salt, 1 tablespoonful shortening. Kmma Barnktt. GRAHAM BRKAD NO. 1 1 pint thick sour milk, 1 teaspoonful soda, 3 large cooking spoonfuls molasses, A pinch of salt, 1 quart sifted Graham flour. Stir until smooth. Bake in large bread pan for about forty minutes. Tabitha C. Harris. GRAHAM BRKAD No. 2 3^ cupful sugar, Lump of butter size of an egg, 2 cupfuls sour milk or butter milk. BREAD 20 2 teasjjoonfuls soda, 1 teaspoonfu] salt, 2 cupfiils Graham fioiir, 1 cupful wheat flour, Mix stiff with a spoon. ]\Irs. Kdwin W. Brixton. RICK BRKAD Two lari^e tablespoonfuls rice that has been thoroug-hly cooked, 1 cupful sweet milk, 2 e<^''o"s A IMe salt, Butter, half the size of an e^^, 1 cupful flour, ^2 teas])oonf ul bakino- powder, Beat the yolks and whites of the eg-gSvSeparate- ly and add the whites the last thino-. Sour milk with one-half teaspoonful soda is just as good as sweet milk and baking- powder. Pour into butter- ed tin to thickness of one inch and bake, Mrs. Norris. SIMPLE GRAHAM BREAD 1 large cupful bread dough, 2 cu])luls warm water, 1 small cupful molasses, 1 round teas])oonful soda. A little salt. l\Iix the soda with the molasses; mix all together adding sufficient (iraham flour to make a stiff bat- ter. Put into baking ])an to n-ise. Mrs. K. G. Ciiaddock. 21 BREAD SCALDKD CORN CAKK 1 pint milk, 1 cupful corn meal, 1 teaspoonful salt, 3 tablespoonfuLs of shortening, 3 egg's, (or fcmr small ones, ) yolks and whites beaten separatel3\ Scald the milk, (use double boiler. ) Then scatter in the corn meal and salt and stir until smooth. Mix in the shortening and beat up the yolks of the eggs and stir them in. Beat up the whites of the eggs to a very vstiff froth (with a little salt) and fold them into the corn meal mixture. Pour into a hot well greased pan (about one-half full) and bake in a moderately hot oven about twenty - five minutes. Kmma Barnett. STEAMED BROWN BREAD 3 cupful s Graham flour, 1 cupful corn meal, 1 cupful syrup or molasses, 3 cupfuls buttermilk, 2 level teaspoonfuls soda, 1 teaspoonful salt. Butter baking powder cans or any other cans, put holes in lids and fill two-thirds full. Steam three to five hours. Mrs. Pkici-:. SCOTCH BREAD 8 oz. flour, 1 pound butter, % pound sugar, l4 teasj)(M)nful (scant) l)aking powder. BRRAD 22 Put all on table and knead toj^'ether, j^radiially workinj;>- in butter and flour, kneadin^j^ well and keepin^iif the lump firm in both hands. When all is worked up into a stiff paste, cut into two pieces and make into round cakes about one-half inch thick, pinch the edjj^es and bake in a slow oven until a nice brown. The time depends on the thickness of the cakes, from one-fourth to one- half hour. Prick all over with a fork before putt- m^ in the oven. Mrs. Adam Wilson. EGG BREAD 3 eo;-o-s, beaten lii^-ht, 1 pint corn meal, ^ cupful flour, 1 pint luitter milk, 1 ])int sweet milk, /2 teaspoonful soda. Miss BowLKs. BAKING POWDKR BISCUIT 1 quart flour, 3 teaspoonfuls bakins^ ])()\vder, A little salt, Sift toi^ether, work in butter size of an e^i;- and add sweet milk enoui^h to make a soft douo-ji. Mrs. Ciiarlf:s WiLi.iA^rs. BREAKFAST PUFFS 1 cupful of sweet milk. 1 cu]:)ful flour, 1 teaspoonful salt. Beat to^^ether, put into iron ovni |)ans which 23 BREAD have been heated and greased, and bake in a (juiok oven. Mary J. Hallock, Madison, Wis. BATTER BREAD Small cupful scalded meal, 1 egg well beaten, yi teaspoonful sugar, A little salt, 1 teaspoonful baking powder. Butter size of an egg. Melt butter in pan and pour in the mixture. Bake in a hot oven. Mrs. Nkyins. CRACKER GRIDDLE CAKES 1 quart sweet milk, 1 egg, well beaten, A little salt, 1 cup flour. Roll fresh soda crackers enough to finish the thickening. If the crackers are fresh, the cakes will be very light, if they are not, a teaspoonful of baking powder may be added. Bake on a hot griddle. Mrs. Nf:llie Os(iOOD, Oakland. CREx\M BISCUIT 1 quart flour, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup sour milk, 3 teaspoonful s cream of tartar, 2 teaspoonful s soda, 1 teaspoonful salt. Mix flour, cream of tartar, soda and salt all to- BREAD 24 ^^ether and sift, add the milk and cream, handle the douj^rh as little as possible and bake in a hot ^^ven. Mrs. Pred Nklson. FRENCH PANCAKES 2 tablespoonfiils butter, 3 or more tablespoonfiils suo-ar. 3 e^g-s well beaten, 12 tablespoonfiils flour into which has been put two teaspoonfuls of bakin.i^- powder, 1 pint of milk. Beat butter and suj^'-ar together, adding- e^^-^^s, milk and lastly, flour. Bake for about half an hour servinof hot with any sort of sauce, jam or i;^olden syrup. Lard can be substituted for butter and water for milk. Miss Camkr()N. (tEMSNO. 1 1 teaspoonful suo-ar, 1 >2 cupfuls sweet milk, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 3 teaspoonfuls bakin^^ i)()wder. 2/''2 cups flour. Beat well, have your ^^mu jjan hot and buttered and bake in a (piick oven. Mrs. Gowkr. (;EMS no. 2 1 cupful cream, 2 cuj)fuls sifted flour. 2 teaspoonfuls bakin;^ ])owder. 25 BREAD 5^ teaspoonful salt. Beat the egg well in yovir mixing bowl, add cream, sifted flour and salt. Beat well, then add baking powder, beat a little more and bake in hot gem pans in a quick oven. Mrs. Mardkm. GRAHAM (^KMS 3 cupfuls Graham flour, 2 cupfuls sour milk, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 tablespoonful sugar, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 egg. F. J. Alsip, Fresno. . MUFFINS 1 pint sour milk, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful salt. Flour to make a thick batter. Drop from a spoon into hot greased gem pans and bake in a quick oven. Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst. MUFFINS, (Rice) 2 cupfuls cold rice, 4 cupfuls flour, 4 teaspoonfuls baking ])ow(ler, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 tablespoonful sugar, 2j4 cupfuls milk. F.J. Alsip, Fresno. BKEAD 26 PAN CAKEvS One quart sour milk; mix with flour to make a thick batter at iii^^^ht. In the morning add two heapinj^i" teaspoon! uls of .soda and one teaspoonful of salt. Beat until ver\' lig-ht and smooth and f r}'- on hot griddle. Mrs. M. L. ParkhursT. PAKKKR HOUSE ROLLS 1 yeast cake. 1 (]uart fresh milk. 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1 teas])oonful salt, Butter size of an egg. Heat butter and milk together and set awav to cool. Soak yeast cake and with flour make a light sponge as for bread, adding sugar and .salt. Set to rise over night in a warm place. In the morn- ing mix the same as for bread, kneading fifteen minutes, set to rise and when light make into rolls. Mrs. RoitKrs, Ragan, Neb. POCKET BOOKS 1 quart bread dough, 1 tablespoonful lard, 2 eggs beaten light. Work the eggs and lard into the dough, using flour enough to keep the mixture stiff. Work well and let rise. An hour before baking roll out thin, sprinkle on a tablespoonful sugar and a ver\' little soda. Work well again. Roll thin, brush the surface thoroughly with melted butter. Cut them larger than biscuits, fold over, ])ut in pansandlet rise again. Hake (piicklv. }xIks. Charijvs \ViLL[A>[S. 27 BREAD POP UPS 1 cupful tloiir, /4 cupful milk, y2 cupful water, 1 egg", A little salt. Put in smokino' hot gem pans and l)akc in a quick oven. Mrs. Pkick. POTATO PANCAKES Take six large raw potatoes. Peel, gyrate and pour off what water may be collected. Stir in two large tablespoonfuls flour, one-half spoonful of lard and two well beaten eggs. Pry in hot lard. MRvS. E. LitsiUvS, San Francisco. OUKKN OF MUFFINS '4 cu])iul of shortening" creamed, , ^^ x 1 ,- beaten together '4 cupful sugar, \ ^ Add to the creamed shortening and mix well together. Sift one and one-half cupfuls flour with two and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Add one-half teaspoonful of salt. Mix this with the egg mixture alternately with one-half cupful of milk. Beat smooth. Bake about fifteen or twenty minutes. PvMMA BarnETT. RUSK 1 pint of dough, 1 cupful sugar. 1 cupful sweet milk. 2 eggs. BREAD 28 Mix and let rise, then mould into cakes the si;je of an eg-^- and jjlace very near to^^ether on a tin. When risen aj^-ain, bake in a hot oven about fif- teen minutes. Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst. SALLY LUNN 1 teacupful sutrar, 1 teacupful butter, ] teacupful yeast, 1 pint milk, 5 ejj-j^-s. Make a thick batter and let it rise, then put on tins like biscuit and let it rise a^'ain about twenty minutes, then bake. Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst. SHKARING BUNS (A Nantucket Recipe.) Boil one pint of milk, remove from the fire and put into it four ounces of butter. When cooled to blood warm, add two-thirds of a cupful of yeast, a little salt and Hour to make a thick bat- ter. Set this to rise over ni^ht. In the morniuir work in two beaten ej^^^s, a cupful of su^^ar, a handful of currants and flour to make it stiff eni)U,i,^h to mould. Set it to rise a^-ain and when well risen, make into cakes with vour hands. Lav close tojrether in a pan and let them rise until very lijjfht. Bake to a light brown. Take from the oven and while still hot brush over the tons with a little suo-ar and milk. Seeded raisins mav be used instead of currants. Mrs. Ti'RXKR. 29 BREAD SPOON BISCUIT 2 cupful s Hour, 1 larg"e tablespoonful of lard, 1 teaspoonful salt, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder, Water enough to make a batter soft enoug'h to drop from spoon. Drop into well greavsed gem pans and l)ake in a hot oven. Do not use hands in mixing. Mrs. Charles Nklson. SOUTHERN CORN MUFFINS Yi cupful corn meal, ^ cupful l)oiled rice, Yi cu])ful flour, V2 teaspoonful salt, % cupful sugar, 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder, % cupful scalded sweet milk, 1 tablespoonful melted butter. Scald the milk and pour it on the corn meal. Then add the rice and flour (sifted with baking- powder and salt twice) the sugar and the yolks of the eggs beaten until light. Beat the batter until smooth and add the melted butter. Beat the white of ^^^ very stift' and fold in the last thing. Pour into hot well greased gem ]>ans about one-half full or in one large pan. Fmma Barnp:tt. WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS % cake com])ressed veast, V2 pint milk, BREAD 30 3 cii})fii]s whole wheat Hour, 2 eg-^^s. Dissolve the yeast in the one-half pint of milk and add a sufficient quantity of rich milk to make a pint. Stir into it the three cupful s of flour and set in a warm place to rise. When li^v-ht as foam vStir in the two e.o'c^s well beaten and turn into o^eni irons or muffin rint^-s, fflling- them only half full. Let them rise until very light and bake in a quick oven. MRvS. Amos Harris. WAFPLKS 1 i)int sour milk, 1 (juart flour, 4 tablespoonfuls melted butter. Mix the flour and sour milk and butter to^^^ether about noon, if wanted for tea. At tea time add a teas])oonful of soda, then the two es^-jj-s beaten very li|4'ht and a little salt. Cook quickly in well greased hot waffle irons. Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst. WAFFLES (Rice) ^2 i)int rice, ^4 pound butter, A little salt, lyz pints Hour, 1 (|uart milk, lioil the rice and let it get cold. Mix with it the butter and salt and stir in the flour. Beat the eggs, whites and yolks se})arately, add the volks together with the milk, lastly the well beaten whites and bake at once in waffle irons. r^lKS. (i<)Wi:iv'. Soup. Mrs. J. P. Duff. "The fiiiio'i is a homely plant, As rank as most thut, And yet it t)eats, to mix with soup, The lilv or the rose." While the meiking' of a soup is a simple erou^h process and seemint^ly requires little of either art or experience, the soups we often meet in public places teach us that not all soups are either de- sirable or palatable and to make a |)alatable, nu- tritious and healthful soup with the proper com- ming'ling" of flavors, requires some experience and no little study. The best base is always lean uncooked meat — fresh is the best — a pound of meat to a quart of water, is a good rule. For white soups veal or fowl must be used. STOCK Take four pounds of lean meat, the inferior parts are just as good, or a cracked shin bone. After washing, place in a kettle with four quarts of cold w^ater. Let it cook slowly at flrst and skim carefully just before it boils. Add salt and simmer gently for five or six hours closelv cover- ed, then set away to cool. The next da}' remove the fat which has hardened on top (save it for drippings) and after straining you will have a good rich stock from which a g^reat variety of different kinds of soup may be made according to SOUP 32 the different flavors and seasonin^^s you may choose to use. If soup is required daily, a soup stock kettle is an indispensable article and indeed every thrifty and economical house-wife will have her soup kettle at hand, for into this kettle may be put the remains of yesterday's roast, the trim- minyrs and undesirable ends of the beef steaks and the bones. We do not advise using pieces ol pork or mutton, beef alone is better — of course addinj^ water a^^ain as new material goes in. Quite often too, it will'be necessary to empty the kettle, wash clean and begin again. A plain, simple soup may have only pepper and salt for seasoning, while a very rich soup may have a dozen different savors so delicately blend- ed that no one is noticea*l)le and herein lies the art. Thvme, summersavory, mint, sweet marjo- ram, parsley, celery, cloves and tarragon are a few of the delectable savors much sought after by the experienced cook. Rice, sago, vermicelli and macaroni are all valuable in making the desir- ed varietv of soups. When either of the is used, it is advisable to partially cook it before putting into the soup as the stock you use is already cooked and requires only to be heated and then added in proper quantities to the other ingre ents. AMBER SOUP 1 gallon water. A large soup bone, A chicken, A small slice of liaiii. An onion, Vz small carrot, 14 a parsnij:). 33 SOUP A piece of celery, 3 cloves, Salt and pepper, Two eggs, the whites and shells only, A little caramel for coloring. Boil the meats slowly for five hours. Add the vegetables and cloves the last hour — having first fried the onion in a little fat. Strain the soup into an earthen dish and let remain over night. Next day remove fat from top, take oyt the jelly, scrape off any settlings that may be on the bot- tom and mix into it the beaten whites and shells of the eggs. Boil quickly for a half minute, then press through a jelly bag. When ready to serve add a large tablespoonful of caramel. MRvS. M. S. Chapman. ASPARAGUS SOUP Cut fine enough tender aspciragus to make a pint; cover with water, add a little salt and cook until very tender. When done, add one table- spoonful of flour and two of butter creamed to- gether and when it has boiled up once, add one cjuart of rich hot milk. Season to taste and serve hot. Mrs. Turnkr. BP:AN S( )UP Boil A pint of beans in two (juarts of water un- til they are very tender — three or four hours. Strain through a colander, add a pint of milk (cream is better) salt and pepper to taste and set on stove again until hot, then serve. Mrs. M. L. Parkhtrst. SOUP 34 CRKAM OF CKLKRY SOUP 1 pint milk, 1 tablespoonful butter, Larg'e slice of onion, 1 tablespoonful Hour, Small piece of mace. Boil the celery in one pint of water from thirty to forty-live minutes. Boil the milk, onion and mace toi^ether and thicken with the flour. Mash the celery in the water it is boiled in. Bring the whole to a boil, strain and serve. MRvS. Duff. CHICKEN S(.)UP Take an old chicken or you mav use the re- mains of a roast chicken. Put all in a kettle, cover with three quarts of water and Ijoil. To this you may add two spoonfuls of rice. When the chicken is well done, skim out the bones and meat, add salt and ]:)e]jper, just a taste of nutme^^ and (>nt-half cu])ful of cream. CoRNKLIA. CLAM S( )UP Take a can ol j^^'ood clams, turn off the li(juor and boil, addinj4"a tablespoonful each of butter and flour rubbed together until smooth. Stir until it boils, then add the chopped clams. Season with a little salt and j>e]>per, a little lemon juice and a taste of nutmeg. Boll over a slow fire one hour. When readv to serve, add a cupful of hot cream. M. L. P. 35 SOW DRIED PEA SOUP One-half pound of peas in three quarts of water. Boil six hours with a moderate fire, being- careful not to scorch. Twenty minutes before serving, add salt and pepper to taste and one pound of Frankfurter sausag^es. Mrs. AvSbtjry. EGG SOUP 4 eggs, 2 quarts of stock, 1 tablespO(mful flour. Beat up the flour in a teaspoonful of stock or water. Have the stock boiling- and throw in the eggs, stirring constantlv. Simmer for fifteen min- utes, then serve. Mrs. Chambers. FISH SOUP Eish stock when j)roperlv seasoned is excellent. To make it, put into a kettle a t^blespoonful of butter or drippings, a tablespoonful of chopped onion, carrot and turnip. Fry, but do not brown, then add the head of a fish and the bones and trimming-s, some pieces of celery stalk, a little thyme and parslev and a slice of onion. Cover with w^ater and simmer about one hour, long-er will do no harm. Rub together a tablespoonful each of flour and butter and add a cupful of milk or cream. This will be sufticient for one pint of fish stock. If you have a larger amount, double the cream and flour which furnish thebodv of the soup. Mrs. Di;ff. MOCK BISQUE SOUP 1 can tomatoes. SOUP 36 3 pints of milk. Put the tomatoes oil to stew. When hot, strain through a sieve. Put back on the stove and add a ])inch of soda. When throug-h foaming-, add the milk, salt and pepper to taste. When at the boiling point, addone tablepoonful of Hour mixed with one tablespoonful of butter. Boil up once and serve. HELEN L. WATERMAN. MILK TOMATO SOUP Place two quarts of milk in a double boiler and bring to a boil. Boi-1 one pint of tomatoes in a stew pan. Add half a teasi)oonful of soda and after a minute take off and strain. Pour juice into the boiling milk and add pepper, salt, and butter the size of a walnut. Mrs. L. DAHL(iREN. NOODLK SOUP Use chicken, beef or veal. Cook meat as for liny other sou]:). Season with pepper and salt. Five minutes Ijefore serving add the noodles made as follows: Add to three well beaten eggs Hour enough to make a stiff dough. Roll out very thin in two or three cakes. When dry, roll up very tight and slice very fine. Shake them a])art and boil in the soup five minutes. MRvS. IManlEY. OKRA SOUP 2 (juarts of soup stock, 1 dozen okra, 1 small potato, 1 small s< plash. 37 SOUP 1 pod of g-recn peppers. Slice the vegetables and add to the stock. Boil twenty to thirty minutes. Mrs. Jordan Young. ONION SOUP 5 or 6 medium si^ed onions, 1 tablespoonful of butter, 1 lump of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of iiour, Salt, 2 ([uarts of boiling water. Chop the onioint. Mrs. C. L. Atwo(jd. WHITK POTATO SOUP Into a cujiful of mashed potatoes work a [)intof SOUP 40 hot milk and a tablespoonful of butter. Cook to- gether a tal^lespoonfu] each of butter and flour and pour upon them a pint of rich milk When thick and smooth, pour this into the potato puree; stir until scaldino- hot, season with pepper and l)Our j^'-radually upon a beaten e^g-. Serve at once. Mrs. Turner. KGG BALLS KOR PHILADKLPmA PEPPKR POT Take the yolks of six hard boiled e^^-s and half a tablespoonful of flour. Rub them smooth with the yolks of two raw e^^-o-s and a teaspoonful of salt; mix all well together; make it into balls and drop them in the boiling- soup a few minutes be- fore takino; it up. Mrs. Tom Williams. CRKAM OF SPINACH SOUP Lake the water in which you have boiled a leg of mutton. After all the fat has been removed and about an hour before dinner time, put in a sliced onion, a bay leaf and an ounce of bacon and jHit o\-er the fire to simmer gently for half an hour; then add a quart of spinach that has been mashed and drained. Let this boil rai)idlv for ten minutes. Do not cover or the spinach will lose its color. Then press through a tine thieve and return to the kettle. Add a pint of cream and salt and pepper to taste. Moisten two table- spcxmfuls of arrow root in a little cold water; stir it into the boiling soup and it is readv to serve. This will make a delicious soup of a deli- cate green color. M. L. P. Tish. Miss Kmma Barnictt. "Mmsut, I iniirvel lidw tlie fishes live in the sea." "W h\ lis men do aland, the Kieat ones eat u]) the little ones." Peric-les. Kxceptini^" salmon, fish is much more easily di- gested than meats but not so nutritious. Fish to be good, must be fresh, the fresher the better. A fresh fish will have bright eyes and shinv vscales and when in season will boil white and curdy; but when out of season, the muscles will look trans- parent and bluish although thoroughly cooked. Do not use too much water when cleaning tish, only what water is really necessary, then drain, wipe drv and place on ice until ready to cook. Sprinkle fresh-water fish with salt and let stand several hours or over night, then rinse, drv thor- oughly and cook. Never soak fresh-water fish except wdien thev are frozen; then place them in ice water to thaw and cook immediately. Salt fish may be soaked over night in cold water. Al- wa3\s place it skin side up so that the salt may go down to the bottom of the ])an. In boiling fish, allow from five to ten minutes to the pound after putting into the boiling water. To test, pae^s a knife along the bone and if done, the fiv^h will separate easilv. When boiling fish, always add a little salt and vinegar to the water and fish will be more nutritious. Plunge fish in- to boil in p- water, then set where It will simmer FISH 42 g-ently until done. Put salmon into tc-])id water to retain its color. Fish should always be well done and should be served very hot. Serve fresh tish with squash and trreen peas; salt fish with beets and carrots; salt pork, potatoes and parsnips with either. Garnishes for fish are parsley, sliced beets, fried smelts and lobster coral. BOILED HALIBUT 3 pounds of fish, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoonful of salt, 2 tablespoonfuls of vinej^'ar. Put fish into a sauce-pan and cover it with Iresh water; add the other ing-redients, hiving the onion and carrot sliced. Cover the pan and cook about five minutes after the w^ater begins to boil. Remove the fish, drain well and serve with drawn butter-sauce. Emma Barnp:tt. HALIBUT STEAKS, BAKED ,Lay some thick halibut steaks into a baking pan and cover wnth a dressing made of one cuj)- lul of crumbs, one tablespoonful of butter, a tea- spoontul of onion juice and a teaspoonful of minced parsely with a bit of salt, pepper and ca\- enne. ^lake layer of dressing about an inch thick and cover with another steak; pour a tablesp(K)n- iul ot vinegar over it and sprinkle with salt, pep- })er and bread crumbs. Then cowv with bits of butter and haki- until wi-11 done. K.M.MA BAKv\i:'n\ 43 FiSH BAKJBD FISH, NO. 1 Split the fish down the back-bone and lay in a dripping pan; vsprinkle with salt and pepper and bits of butter and pour over it sweet milk until it nearly covers the fish. Bake three-quarters of an hour, basting" two or three times. Mrs. Amos Harris. BAKED FISH, NO. 2 Take the halibut or salmon left from yester- day's dinner. Put a laver of this shredded fish in a baking" pan and cover with a white sauce made bv boiling together one pint of milk and one quarter pound of flour. When cool, add two eggs and one-half cup of butter. Cover fish with this dressing, putting more bread crumbs on top and bake one-half hour. FISH TURBOT Four pounds olbicore or barracuda, boiled or baked; remove the bones. Cook in a double boiler one quart of milk, three vslices of onion, a little sage and salt; thicken it with four heaping table- spoonfuls of flour when it is near boiling and add two heaping teaspoonfuls of butter and two eggs well beaten. Put in an earthen baking dish a layer of iish and then a layer of fdling. Dust with cracker crumbs and lumps of butter. Bake half an hour. Mrs. Amos Harris. SALMON, BAKFD 2 slices of salmon, % pound of butter. FISH 44 3^2 teaspoonfiil of chopped parsley, Salt and pepper to taste. Lay the salmon in a baking- dish, place pieces of butter over it and the other ing^redients, rub- bing- a little of the vseasoning into the fivsh. Place in the oven and baste it frequently. When done, take it out and drain for a minute or two, lay it in a dish, pour tomato sauce over it and serve. Mrs. W. K. Marden. FRESH SALMON, BAKED Place in a baking- pan two or three thin slices of bacon, so arranged that the fish may not touch the pan. Place the fish on these pieces of bacon; sjirinkle with salt, pepper and a little flour. If about three pounds of fish is used, one-half hour will bake it in a well heated oven. Choose a tail piece if you have a choice. M. L. Parkhurst. SCALLOPED SALMON Take cold boiled salmon or one can of canned salmon; pick out all pieces of skin and bone. Ar- range nicely in a small pan and strew a few bread or cracker crumbs over the top. Cover with a good drawn luitter sauce and bake until a nice brown (m top. HiCLKN L. Watkrman. SALMON CREAMS Use one can of salmon or purchase one ])ound of fresh salmon. Remove bones and skin and then rub and pound the fish to a smooth paste. Add twelve almonds chopped fine, one teaspoonful of onion juice, one teas])oonful of salt, and half a tea- 45 FISH spoonful of white ])ep])er. Mix and add jj-radu- allv the unbeaten whites of three et^^s. Then carefully stir in a half pint of cream whipped to a stiff froth. Fill into timbale moulds; stand thevSe in a bakint{ pan of boiling- water and cook in a moderately oven for twenty minutes. Turn on a heated jilatter and serve with sauce Hollandaise, which may be made by rubbing together two tablespoonfuls of flour and two of butter. Add gradually one pint of boiling water and stir a moment over the fire. Take from the fire and add carefully another tablespoonful of butter, the yolks of four eggs and two tablespoonfuls of tarr- agon vinegar. Strain and add a tablespoonful of chopped parsley. Mrs. AmosHarkis. CRKAM SALM()N, NO. 1 1 can salmon, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls cream. Seasoning to taste. Drain salmon, sej^arate with fork removing- all bone and skin; add the eggs 1)eaten light; cream and seasoning. Mix well and put in g^reased bak- ing dish and bake twenty minutes in moderately quick oven. Serve with potato balls and cream sauce made as follows : ■()•'«; 47 FISH 3 tablespoonfuls milk, 3 tablespoonfuls salmon. Beat the yolkvS of eggs. Add the milk and the minced salmon. Cut into this the well beaten whites of the egg's. Cook until brown, double and serve. Be sure to have plent}" of butter in your pan so that you may remove without break- ing. PICKLED PISH Take fish, speckled pike is good, and cut up in thick slices. Put over fire to boil in vSalted water with a little dill to give it flavor. Boil until ten- der. Remove from fire and let stand in the li(j- uor until ready for use. Take out and serve with vinegar. MRvS. A. J. Post. PISH CHOWDKR Any kind of fish may be used, but a whitemeat- ed fish is best. Cut fish into small pieces. Prv some salt ]3ork brown and place in the bottom of a kettle, then a laver of thinly sliced onions, then a layer of fish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, then a layer of peeled sliced potatoes, then fish, and so on until all is used. Cover with water, boil one-half hour; then add small crackers and lastly a pint of milk niav be added — but it is very good without the milk. When crackers are heat- ed through, serve at once. M. L. P. DROPPED PISH BALLS 1 pint [:)owlful raw fish, 2 heaping l)<)wiruls ]Kired potatoes, 2 pcrcrs FISH 48 Butter the size of an eg'^. Pick the fish fine and measure it lightly in the bowl. Put the potatoes into a boiler and then the fish on top. Cover with boilins^^ water and boil one-half hour. Drain off the water and mash fish and potatoes toj^-ether until fine and li^ht; then i)utter, pepper and the well beaten eg'gs. Have ready a deep kettle of boilin<^ fat. Dip a large spoonful of the mixture, keeping it in as good shape as possible, and drop into the boiling fat. Cook until brown or two minutes. The spoon should go down in the fat everv time. St. Cloud. PISH PATTIES Some cold fish. Some ovsters, A little butter, Shrimp sauce, Seasoning. Flake the fish and pound it, adding the season- ing, sauce and oysters. Line some patty ])ans with good puff paste, fill with raw rice and bake. Heat all the fish and other ingredients, empty out the rice, fill the patties, scatter brown crumbs lightly over, garnish with sprigs of parsley and serve hot. Mrs. Amos Hakkms. ()YSTKR FRITTERS Select ])lump, good sized oysters, drain off' juice and to a cup of this juice add a cup of milk, a little salt, four well beaten eggs andfiour to make batter like griddle cakes. Knveloj) an oyster in a spoonful of this batter, then fry brown on both sides. Serve very hot. ^Irs. Floricxck a. C. Duff. 49 FISH OYSTER PATTIEvS Line the bottom and sidevS of pattv panv^ with rich paste. Put a cover of paste over and pinch the edges together. Bake in a quick oven about fifteen minutes or until done. Take as many oysters as you have patties, stew^ them in their own liquor, cut in pieces, thicken with teaspoon- ful flour and tablespoonful butter (to a dozen) and grating from lemon peel. Season lightly with salt, a pinch of mace, cayenne and two table- spoonfuls of cream. Mix well, open patties and put tablespoonful of mixture in each. Serve hot. F. J. Alsip, Fresno. OYSTER CHOWDKR, NO. 1 1 cjuart of oysters, 1-inch cube of salt pork, 1 teaspoonful finelv minced onion, 2 fair sized potatoes, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 tablespoonful flour, 1 cupful of new milk, 12 oyster crackers. Salt and pe])per to taste. Mrs. Amos Harris. OYSTKR CHOWDKR, NO. 2 Pry together two ounces of salt pork and one onion sliced. Parboil one pint of sliced potatoes five minutes and drain. Pour one-half cupful water over one pint of ovsters and heat to the boiling point; skim out the oysters and pour the liquor over the potatoes, add the pork and onions, and cook until tender, adding more water if necess- PISH 50 ary. Add the oysters, one pint of milk and (me- half cupful of fine bread crumbs. Season to taste with pepper and salt. MRvS. J. K. Ttrnkk. SCALLOPED OYSTERS Drain the liquor from a quart of oysters and boil and strain it. Carefully remove all bits of shell from the oysters, wash and drain them. Have ready some fine cracker crumbs. Butter a shallow baking- dish. Put in a la3"er of oysters, over this spread a layer of crumbs, season with salt and pepper and dot plentifully with bits of butter. Add another layer of oysters and crumbs and alternate the layers until the dish is full, the crumbs well dotted with bits of butter on top. Beat £'n egg until lig"ht, stir in the strained oyster liquor and enou^^h new milk to moisten all and pour over it. Bake in a hot oven twenty minutes or until well browned. Mrs. AmOvS Harris. FRIKD OYSTKRS Ovsters, Beaten Qgg, Cracker crumbs. Have e«^t)"s well beaten in small bowl and crack- er crumbs in pan ready to use. Remove oysters from liquid with fork and dip into theej^ifjj^. Then dro]) them into the cracker crumbs and shake pan until the ovsters are well covered with crumbs. Take out of the cracker crumbs and dij) aj^ain in- to the itgg and then put them back into the crack- er crumbs as before. Then drop them one at a time into verv hot fat and let brown on one side keepin^j;- pan uncovered. When brown, turn plate over the ovsters and invert the pan lettin*^" oysters 51 FISH remain on plate. Then let them slide from the plate back into the hot fat and brown the other side. Don't try to vSeparate them until well brown- ed as that tears them to pieces. MRvS. K. W. Brunton. SMOTHKRKD OYSTKRS 1 pint of oysters, Butter, pepper and salt. Put one tablespoonful of butter into a sauce pan with a pinch of vSalt and a dash of pepper. When hot, add the 03^sters carefully drained. Cover clOvSely and shake the pan to keep the oysters from sticking". Cook three or four min- utes and serve on toast. Kmma Barnktt. DKVILED CRAB 1 crab picked into small pieces, 4 crackers, rolled, Salt, pepper and butter. Mix thoroug^hlv and bake ten minutes. Serve with lemon. Mrs. Minnik Collins. CRAB STEW 2 crabs, ^ pint of cream, y2 pint of milk. Butter size of an eo^<4'. 1 heaping" tablespoonful of Hour, Salt, red and black pepper. Take milk, flour, salt and pei)per, wnth one tea- cupful of water. Cook as for drawn butter, boil five minutes, add crab and cream. Let all simmer ten minutes. Mrs. W. P. S. FlSh 52 SARDINES ^"^ eggs, A small box of sardines, 1 tablespoonful butter, y2 lemon juice, Salt and cayenne to taste. Bone the .sardines and flake them with a fork. Melt the butter, lav in the sardines until they are hot, then add the beaten eggs and when they are set, vStir in the lemon juice, salt and pepper. This receipt is good for salmon also. TOMATO SAUCK Take a quart of ripe tomatoes, put over the fire in a stew pan and slice into it one lemon and a little pepper and salt. Simmer twenty minutes then strain through a sieve. Melt in another pan a lump of butter and as it melts, stir in a table- s])(>onful of flour. When brown, add the toma- toes and it is readv for the table. Mrs. W. E. Mardp:n, OYSTER SAUCE Scald in their own juice or liquor a solid cup- ful of ovsters well washed and drained and let them cook until their edges curl. Melt a table- s]^o()nful butter, add tevblesj^oonful flour stir, until well blended; then pour in gradually the strained ovster liquor and sufficient boiling milk to make a thick sauce. Boil u]) well, season with salt and pe])per, add a teaspoonful of butter and ser\'e at (m^Ki. ]\Irs. Amos Harris. E(t(^ sauce Z tabli'spoonl'uls butter, 53 FISH 2 cupfuls of milk, 2 tablespoonfuls flour, 3 hard boiled eggs, Seasoning". Put milk in double boiler. Rub butter and flour together, then stir into boiling milk and season to taste. Slice the hard boiled eggs and drop into sauce just before serving. M. L. P. TART ARK SAUCK (for fish) Yolk of one egg, about a teacupful of oil add- ed slowly and well mixed, juice of half a lemon, three small pickles choj)ped fine, six capers. Laura Luce. HOLLANDAISK SAUCK (for fish) Rub one-half cupful butter to a cream. Add volks of two eggs, beat well; juice of one-half a lemon, salt and cayenne. When ready to serve, add one-half cup of boiling Vv^ater. Place the bowl in a pan of boiling water and cook until thick as custard. Laura Lucp:.' CRKAMKD SHRIMPS One can shrimps. The little black line that runs down the back should be removed. Cook the shrimps in a tablcvSpoonful of butter three min- utes with one-half teaspoonful of salt, a little cay- enne and a teaspoonful of lemon juice. Remove shrimp keeping them warm. Into this sauce-pan put one-half tablespoonful flour, one-half cupful cream and the yolks of two eggs Add the shrimps and flavor with lemon. Serve on toast. M. L. P. Poultry and 6dme, Mrs. a. C. Palmer "If tlie partridge had the woodcock's thigh, It would be the best bird that ever did Hy." LiicuUiis "A liird in thedish is worth a hundrcMl in the sir." Lneulliis When selecting- f()\vls for c<)()kin<4", always if possible, secure vountr ones. Select a young' hen turkey of about ten pounds. Never cook chicken over two years old. Turkeys are greatly improv- ed by steaming' an hour before roasting; a little vinegar added to the fowl when boiling makes it more tender. When dressing turkey or chicken, wash thoroughly, wipe them dry, then rub well with salt, putting some on the inside also. The garnishes for chicken or turkey are slices of orange or lemon, aj)])le sauce, parsley, thin slices ol ham or bacon and fried oysters. H()xp:d chicken Boil a chicken in as little water as possible un- til meat will fall from the bones; remove all skin, cho]) together light and dark jjarts, season with ]je]>])er and salt. Boil down liquid in which the chicken was boiled, then jjour it on meat. Place in tin, wraj) t':ght]\ in cloth and ])rc'ss with heavy weight several hours, ^^'^hen served, cut in thin slices. (;amk The coar>er kinds ol game such as geese, antl 55 l>OilLTlepper. Roast brown. Mrs. Minnik Collins. CHICKKN PIE WITH OYSTERS Prepare as for anv chicken pie, using a rich ])aste, adding raw ovsters to each laver of chicken. Pour overall the chicken gravv or broth, dredge with flour, dot bl^eralU with Imtter, add a little of the strained oyster liquor, cover and bake one hour. Eor a plain ])ie, use a nice biscuit dough. Mrs. C. H. Williams. CHICKKN STKW Take a young chicken, cut in even slices, frv brownin two tablesi)()onfulsof (lower'solive oil. 57 POULTRY AND GAIMC Put in six laro-e tomatoes or a can of 'tomatoes in a sauce-pan with some parsley, thyme, an onion stuck with cloves and a tiny piece of garlic, plenty of white pepper and salt. Cook the chicken one and one-half hours in this, then ten minutes before serving" throw in a can of sweet corn and serve with new potatoes nicely browned. MrvS. Amy Fall a. CHICKEN WITH ASPARAGUS Cut a fowl in joints and stew; when half cook- ed, season. Cook a bunch of asparag'us in the broth and when done, lay it on slices of toast. After the chickens simmer ten minutes, stir in beat- en yolks of two ej^'jJ^s w^ith a cujjful of cream. Add seiisonin-elatine in a cup of cold water, (if Cox, two hours, if Knox, ten minutes). Remove all skin from the chicken and cut the meat into dice. Cut two dozen canned mushrooms into halves and stone twelvelar^e olives. Brin^- to a boil and strain a pint of the chicken licjuor, vStir into the soaked gelatine and set aside to cool. As it begins to thicken, prepare your chicken loaf as follows. In a buttered mould lay a stratum of the chicken, sprinkle wnth pepper and salt, a few of the stoned olives and mushrooms. Then pour on some of the thickening jelly. Alternate until the mould is full. Set in a cool place for twenty-four hours be fore using. Lava warm cloth on the mould for a moment when readv to serve and turn on a chilled platter. Delicious served with lettuce and mayonnaise. Mrs. (). B. WllvBLK. PRESSED CHICKEN, N( ). 1 Boil. a chicken until tender; take out all the bones and chop the meat very line. Season with salt, pepper and plenty of butter. Add to the liquor the chicken was boiled in, one cupful of bread crumbs made soft with hot water and to this the chopped chicken. When heated, take out and press into a basin. Serve cold. Mks. a. C. Palmkr. PRESSED CHICKICN, NO. 2 Stew slowlv two chickens cut up small, until meat drops from bones; take out and choj) line. 61 POULTRY AND (iAME Let liquor boil down to a cupful. Add to it butter the vsize of an eg'g", teaspoonful of pepper, little allspice and a beaten eg"<;^. Stir through the meat sliced hard boiled eggs. Lay in a mould and press. Serve in a dish garnished with parsley. Mrs. Amy Falla. ROAvST CHICKKN ; Dress the chicken nicelv, leaving it w^hole. For the dressing take a pint and one half of bread crumbs, moistened with water, a medium sized onion sliced thin, sage, salt, pepper and butter to taste. Stuff the fowl and lav in a self-basting pan. If an open pan is used, there must be water in it. Baste and turn often. Mrs. W. L. KKNNKin^ STKWFD CHICKKN Prepare and cook chicken in the same manner as for chicken pie. Just before chicken is quite done, pare a cjuantity of potatoes, cut them in two, lav them on top of chicken. Let them l)oil until done, then take potatoes up on plate by themselves. Turn pint of sweet cream in with the chicken, thicken with flour, wet with sweet milk, .season with pepper, salt and plent\ of butter. Sweet milk will answer in place of cream, but will recjuire more butter. Mrs. a. C. Palmkr. RAISIN STUFFING FOR TURKFY Take one pound of freshlv minced beef, a small onion, a little parslev and thvme, one })ound POULTRY AND GAME 62 of seeded raisins and a tablespoonful of butter. Mix these and cook for about ten minutes. Grate some stale bread, orpreferably crackers, and with a beaten e^^ bind the mixture. To keep it moist, add two tablespoonfuls of any «i;-ood table sauce. Salt and pepper to taste. Mrs. Amos Harris. ROAST TURKEY (New Enj^-land Fashion). Pick, singe, draw, wash and dry. After this dip turkey two seconds in boiling water and then two seconds in ice water. This makes it look plumj). Cut the neck off close to the body, leaving the skin longer, draw over and tie. Skewer the legs close to the sides after removing the first joint. Fasten the wings to the sides in the same manner, first cutting away the pinions or first joints. Put the giblets to boil in a quart of water. Allow one and three-fourths hours to roast a turkey weigh- ing ten pounds. If at all tough, boil an hour or more before roasting. Some cooks parboil even a voung turkey before baking. A little water will be needed in the ]^an. Baste with salt and water once, then cover with lumps of butter and after- wards baste with the drippings. Slices of fat bacon or fat pork may be sliced over the fowl, fastening them down with v'^mall skewers. When nearlv done, dredge with flour and baste with melted butter. Stuff with the following force- meat : five pints of bread crumbs, one-fourth ]:)()und of salt j)ork chopped, butter size of an e^g, salt, ])ep])er, savory or sage, and two eggs well beaten. Mix well before using Mrs. H()1J)i:n. 63 POULTRY AND GAME ROAST TURKEY, NO. 2 Select young turkey, remove all the feathers carefully, singe over a burning newspaper, then draw, remove the crop carefully, cut off the head and tie the neck close to the body by drawing the skin over it. Now rinse the inside of the tur- key with several waters and in the next to the last put in a teaspoonful of soda as sometimes the in- side of a fowl is very sour, especially if it is not freshly killed. The soda, tends to cleanse and sweeten the inside of the fowd. After washing, wipe the turkey dry inside and out with a clean cloth. Rub the inside with salt then stuif the breast and body with the dressing for fowls. Sew up the turkey with strong thread, tie the legs and wings to the body, rub it over with melted butter, sprinkle with pepper and salt, dredge with a little flour, put it in a dripping pan, pour on a cup of boil- ing w^ater and place in the oven to bake. Baste it often turning it around so every part will be thor- oughly baked. When pierced with a fork and the liquid runs out perfectly clear, the fowl is dore. If any part is likely to scorch, pin a thin piece of buttered paper over it. A hfteen-pound turkey requires three or four hours to bake. Serve with cranberry jelly. When vou put the turkey in the oven to roast, put the neck, heart, liver and gi;cz- ard into a stew pan with a pint of water. Boil un- til they become quite tender, then takeout of the water, chop the heeirt and gizzard, w^ash the liver and throw away the neck. Return the chopped heart, gizzard and liver to the liquor in whi«.h they were boiled, set to one side £ind when the turkey is done, it should be added, to the gravy that dripped from the turkey. Having first skim- med off the fat from the surface of the dripping- POULTKY AND GAME 64 pan, set all over the fire and boil three minutes, then thicken with Hour. It will not need brown- ed flour to thicken the g"ravy. The garnishes for turkey or chicken are fried oysters, thin slices of ham, slices of lemon, fried sausag"es and parsley. DRESSING, — For an eight or ten pound tur- key, take two quarts of baked meal, add a table- spoonful of lard, some chopped onions browned in butter and two eggs. Flavor to taste with salt, pepper, sage and thyme and stuff the turkey. Sew well around the neck so as to prevent the dress- ing from falling out. MRvS. Jordan Young. DRFSSINCx FOR TURKEY OR ROAST MEATS Mix stale bread crumbs or pounded crackers w4th butter, salt, pepper and an e^g. Add sum- mer savory or sage; if desired, chopped oysters may also be added. Mix thoroughly together add- ing a little warm water for wetting if necessarv. Mrs. a. C. Palmer. TURKEY DRESSED AVITH OYSTERS For a ten-pound turkev take two pints of bread crumbs, one-half teacupful of butter cut in bits, three tablespoonfuls of hot water, one teaspoon - ful ]:>()wdered thyme, pe]:)])er and salt to taste, one (juart ol ovsters well drained. Mix these ingred- ient^thoroughlv, except the oysters. Rub the tur- key well inside and out with salt and ])epper, then fill with a teaspoonful of the dressing, alternat- ing with the oysters until stuffed. Strain the oyster liquor and use to baste the turkey. Cook the giblets in a pan with a verv little water and cho]) them fine. Add suflicient water and brown- 65 POULTRY AND GAME ed flour for thickenin*^'. A fowl of this size will require three hours in a moderate oven. Garnish as for roast turkey. Serve with cranberry sauce and vegetables. Mrs. John Minto. PIGEON ROASTKD DrCvSs, and stuff with bread crumbs seasoned with butter, salt and a little mace, adding three o^^sters to each bird. Sew up and baste frequent- ly with melted butter. Roast one-half hour care- fully. Some prefer apple stuffing-. Pig-eons should be tender to roast. Lay them on the dish in a row. Mrs. John Minto. PIGEON PIE Prepare the pigeons; cut in four pieces and par- boil. Line a baking dish with rich paste and fill in with the pigeons, mixing with bi^ts of bacon or salt pork. Season with a little parsley and enrich with butter cut in bits. Dredge with flour and pour in the water they were parboiled in. Cover with the paste leaving an opening for the escape of steam. Bake one hour. Mrs. C. H. Wh^liams.^ QUAIL PIK Prepare and cook the same as pigeon pie. The quails may be left whole and stuffed, using the same stuffing as for any roasted fowl, Slices of hard boiled eggs added are very nice. Mrs. C. H. WiLLiAiVis. QUAIL ON TOAST Dress carefully, removing the feathers without POULTRY AND GAME 00 scaldinjj. Split down the back and put into salt water for a time, then dry. Butter carefully, sea- son with pepper and salt and broil on a grid-iron, turning frequently. When done, butter well and serve on hot buttered toast, a quail, breast up, on each slice. Serve on a hot dish. Garnish with currant jelly. Mrs. Esther Williams. ROAST WILD DUCK Parboil with an onion in each to remove the fishy flavor. Use a carrot unless there is to be onion in the dressing. Stuff with the same dress- ing as used for Mallard duck and roast until ten- der, basting first with melted butter and then with the gravy in the pan. Thicken the gravy with browned flour and stir in one tablespoonful of currant jelly. Serve separately. Mrs^ John Minto. RABBIT STEW Prepare the same as venison, boiling until ten- der and serving in the same manner. A little minc- ed onion added is very tiice. Add a little butter to the gravy if necessarv. " Mrs.W. F. Allen. RABBIT FRIED Skin, disjoint and wi])e the ral)bit perfectly dry. Frv the same as chicken, parboiling unless perfectly tender. They may be dipped in flour before frying. Mrs. J. H. JuDD. RABBITS FRICASSEED Disjoint and put in a stew pixn. seasoning with 67 POULTRY AND GAME cayenne pepper, chopped parsley and a little salt. Cover with a pint of hot water and stew slowly. When nearly done, add some bits of butter rolled in flour. Before removing from the fire pour in half a small teacupful of thin cream or rich milk. Serve the meat in a hot dish, pouring" the g"ravy over it. Mrs. Jordan Young. RABBIT ROASTED Skin, clean and lay in salt water while prepar- ing" the following dressing. Mince a slice of fat salt pork and mix with sufficient moistened bread crumbs to fill the cavity, seasoning it with salt, pepper and thyme. Stuff the rabbit with this and sew up closely. Cover with slices of salt pork bound on with cords or fastened with skewers. Pour in a cupful of water in the pan and bake an hour, basting frequently and adding a little lemon juice to the drippings. Dredg"e with flour, brown and remove from the oven. Serve on a h(jt ])latter removing the slices of pork and garnishing the edg"e of the platter with them. Thicken the strain- ed gravy with browned flour and season with but- ter, two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice or a little vineg'ar, pepper and salt to taste. Let it boil up and then serve. If pork is not used in roasting, rub the rabbit with butter well before putting in the oven and jiour melted butter over it when served, garnishing with sliced lemon and g'reens. Mrs. Jordan Young. FRIED BELGIAN HARE Take a young Belgian hare; cut it into medium sized pieces, roll in flour and fry one-half or three- quarters of an hour in beef drippings or lard and POULTRY AND GAME 68 butter mixed. Brown nicely; season with salt and pepper. If it is an old Belgian hare, cut in pieces, boil until tender, but not until it drops from the bones. Then roll in flour and brown nicely in but- ter. Season with salt and pepper. Mrs. W. L. Kennedy. RABBIT PIE Boil the rabbit until tender. Season well with butter, salt and pepper. Thicken the gravy with flour rubbed smooth in a little water. Have plenty of gravy. Put the meat and gravy in to a pudding dish. Make a rich biscuit dough, roll out the size of the dish, cut two or three places in the top for the steam to esc^ipe, then bake until the crust is done. Serve in the dish in which it is baked. Mrs. W. L. Kennedy. SMOTHKRKD BKLGIAN HARK Take a young hare, cut in pieces, roll in flour, place in a baking pan, sjjrinkle a little more flour over it, season with butter, pepper and salt, al- most cover with hot water, then place in the oven and bakt^ until done, turning often and adding water as needed. Mrs. W. h. Kennedy. TO COOK A YOUNG RABBIT Soak several hours in salt and water. Cut in suitable pieces for serving; roll each piece in flour and ])lace in a kettle containing a little hot fat and turn until nicely l)rowned. Then add a peeled to- mato, an onion, a tew slices of carrot and turnip and a green or red pepper, also a pinch of mace, 69 POULTRY AND GAME cloves, cinnamon, and salt and pepper to taste and a pint of water. Cover very closely and cook very slowly until tender. Serve on a large platter with the strained gravy poured over it. Semie Turner. SMOTHERED BIRDS Prepare and put in boiling vi^ater for ten min- utes. Remove, arrange in a baking pan and sea- son highly with pepper and salt, putting a lump of butter on each bird. Pour in the pan a little water to which has been added enough vinegar to give it a slightly sour taste. Dredge the whole slight- ly with flour; cover with another pan and bake until done. Mrs. McCully. SQUAB PIK Six squabs, four tablespoonfuls of butter, one quart of broth or water. Scald the squabs, pick, singe and draw. Cut down the back first like chickens for broiling, then cut in halves, wash and wipe dry. Rub each piece with salt and pepper, roll in fl(^ur and fry slightly in melted butter. Arrange them in a deep baking dish, pour in the broth or water and stew in the oven until ten- der. Then season the liquor and thicken slightly, if necessary. Cover with a good pie crust and l)ake twenty minutes, leaving an opening in the crust for the steam to escape. The crust should be kept well out of the liquor while baking. An inverted cup set in the center of the dish will support it. Mrs. Wm. Humphreys. SQUIRREL POTPIE Skin, clean and disjoint two or three s(juirrels POULTRY AND GAME 70 sides of a deep baking- dish with a nice crust. Lay the rabbit in the dish, pour in half the gra.vy, dredge lig'htly with flour and add a few bits of butter. Roll out the upper crust, cover carefully, bein^ sure to leave a hole in the top for the escape of steam. Bake in a quick oven one hour. Before sending^ to the table, pour in the remainder of the hot gravy. Mrs. C. H. Williams. VENISON RIB ROAST Have the bones removed from two or three ribs of venison; roll in a thin slice of salt ])ork, tie tightly in shape, season, dredge with flour and roast. Serv^e with vSpiced currants or gooseberry catsup. Mrs. C. H. Williams. VENISON STEW The most inferior cuts will do. Cut the meat in small pieces to cook. Cover with water and boil two hours, adding more boiling water if needed. Season and thicken the g-ravy with browned flour. Mrs. JoiLN WiLDKK. VENISON STEAKS Heat the grid-iron well, butter the bars and lay on the steaks which should be cut from the neck or haunch. Broil thoroughly as venison requires more cooking than beef. Save all the gravy poss- ible. Serve with currant jellv laid on each piece. Heat the plates. Mrs. C". H. Williams. Weats. Mrs. Kathryn Harden. '■'Tis not the food, but the content, That makes tlie table's ineiriment. Where trouble serves the board, we eat '!he plattt'rs there as scjon as meat. A little pipkin, with a bit Of mutton, or of veal in it, i^et on my table trouble free. More than a feast contenteth me." Herrick. To be a g^ood meat cook, one should know the parts of the animals sold in the markets and their economical uses. The piece to select for a prime roast is the first five ribs. The middle ribs are «j"ood for roasts and the next or chuck ribs are second choice. Very good steak may be cut from these ribs also. The shoulder is considered best for pot roasts, stews, soups, hash, and mince-meat; the brisket for soups or corned beef; neck for saus- ages, mince pie meat and soup. Rump makes good corned beef, stews and steaks. The round for steaks, pot roasts, boiling and stewing; shin for hashes and soups; thick flank for stews, corned and pressed beef, also a nice boiling piece; thin flank for corned beef and boiling. In pork, the leg makes roasts and smoked ham; sirloin, fine chops and roasts; foreloin, second choice roasts and chops; neck, inferior roasts and boiling pieces; the shoulder is used mostly for pickling and smoking and is also very fine for boiling, whether fresh or corned. The head is used for head cheese, puddings and the like. Jowl is nice for smoking; the feet are used for souse and for pickling. POULTRY AND GAME 72 The loin of mutton, the best end, is used for fillinjj- and roasts and makes fine chops. The rest of the loin, second choice, is used for chops and roasts; the rump end for boiling and roast- inj^; shoulder for boilinj^-, filling- and roasting; leg mostly used for chops, roasting and boiling; breast and .flank used for stews, meat pies and cheap roasts; neck for stews. Good beef is a bright red with plenty of fat. ()ld beef is a dark red and coarse grain. If the rind of pork is rough and thick and cannot easily be impressed with the finger, it is old. Measly pork is almost poisonous and may be easily de- tected, the fat being full of small kernels. " The flesh of fresh pork will look cool and smooth; when moist or clammy, it is stale. Good mutton is a bright red color and a firm grain. The fat is white and clear. The more gently meat boils, the more tender it will become. Allow twenty minutes for the boiling of each pound of meat. In boiling fresh meat, to make it rich and nutritious, it should be placed in a kettle of boiling water and skimmed well as soon as it begins to boil. The meat should be turned occasionally and kept well under the water and fresh hot water supplied, as it evapor- ates very rapidly in boiling. No salt should be added until the meat is nearly done, as it extracts the juices in boiling. Salt meat should be put on in cold water so that it may freshen in cooking. Al- low twenty minutes to the pound for fresh, and thirty-five for salt m.eats, the time to be modified, of course, by the (|uality of the meat. A pod of red pei)pers in the water will prev<.mt anv un- pleasant Oder from filling the house. Roast meats re()uir(' a brisk fire. Baste often. Twenty min- utes is rc'(juired for roasting each pound of frt-sh 73 MEATS meat. Broiled meatvS, to retain their juices, should be broiled over red hot coals, entirely free from smoke, and the coals sufficiently low enoug^h in the grate so as not to sear the meat when first plac- ed over the heat. Turn steaks and chops fre- (juently, that every part may be evenly done. Do not stick the fork in the lean part, always in the fat or outer skin. The best pieces for broiling- are the porter-house, sirloin and rump. Plow TO MAKJi: A ROUND vSTKAK TENDER Any piece from the round mav be prepared so as to be as tender as the most delicate sirloin if care be taken with it. Spread vour steak with (xower's olive oil instead of beating it to bruivse the fibres, which lets the juice run out into the fire. Let it remain an hour or so in the oil before cooking. Broil (juicklv so that each side will be thoroughly charred, then prop up your broiler so as to be a little further from the fire for the slov\ - er heating through that cooks the inside juices without losing them. Melt a bit of l)utter in two tablespoonfuls of vinegar and pour it over the steak while hot. This finishes the tendering ])ro- cess and makes appeti;cing gravy. You can sub- stitute lemon juice for the vinegar; all that is needed is an acid that will make the fibre tender. Additions can also be made to the vinegar of a little chopped onion and the yolks of one or two eggs with a very little cayenne, if vou wish to have a rich gravy. There are two methods of frving, one with a very little fat. The pan and the fat must be hot before the meat to be fried is put into it. If the pan is hot and just enough fat to keej) the meat MEATS 74 from stickino- to it, the heat bcinj? inaiiitained 80 that it will cook quickly, it will be nearly as nice as if broiled. The other method of frying con- sists of entirely immersing- the article to be cook- ed in sufficient smoking hot fat to cover it, and keepino- the fat at that de.i^^ree of heat until the food is brown. It should then be taken out with a skimmer and laid on brown paper for a moment to free it from ^rrease. BKKF ROAST Place the top round of beef in pan of very hot fat and put in a hot oven to sear quickly. Turn when the lower side is seared and let the top side rest in the fat and sear. Then place the ^rate underneath the meat so that the meat will not come in contact with the fat. Baste about every ten minutes. After it is seared, sift a little flour ov^er the meat. Cook about fifteen minutes to the pound. Have verv hot oven for the first one- quarter of an hour, then moderate oven. GRAVY, — Uvse two or three tablespoonfuls of the fat left in pan and one and one-half tablespoon- fuls of flour. Rub flour smooth in the fat; add one teaspoonful of salt and a little pepper. Cook them together until it froths. Add two cupfuls of boil- ing water. Miss Kmma Barnktt. FILLKT OF BKKF, SPANISH 4 pounds fillet of beef, % pound suet, 1 onion, 1 large tomato, 1 chili pepper, 3 cloves. 75 MEATS 1 teaspoonful each, vinegar and sug-ar, Salt and davsh of pepper. Slice the suet thinly into an iron pot and fry until melted. Then slice in the onion and fry until brown. Put in the meat and brown on all sides. Add juice of tomato, chili pepper, cloves, vineful of brown stock, (or j^'ravv or milk), 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, ':+ teaspoonful of |)epper, 3 or 4 cupfuls of mashed potatoes. Cut up the meat in one inch cubes and put in a l)uddin<4' dish. Melt the butter and cook the onion 79 MEATS in il until light brown, then add the flour. Re- move from the stov^e to stir in the flour, then put back on the stove and cook a minute or two. Add the stock, pepper and salt and stir until it boils. Pour about one-half of it over the meat, then spread the mashed potatoes over the top. Roug-h- en the top of the potatoes with a fork and bake twenty minutes in top of oven. Serve quite hot with the rest of the g-ravy strained. Mivss Barnktt. BKEF POTPIK 3 ])<>unds of round beef, ] large carrot, 1 onion, 1 turnip, Yz cupful of celery, 1 or 2 tomatoes, 2 tablCvSpoonfuls of butter, 4 tablespoonfuls of flour, 3 cupful s of hot water, 3 teaspoonfuls of salt, y2 teaspoonful of pepper, 1 tablespoonful of chopped parsley. Put the meat, cut in small pieces, in hot water and cook for about three-quarters of an hour at simmering point. Then add vegetables, cut in small dice and simmer until meat is tender. Melt butter and add flour; cook until frothy. Stir into 'the stew. Add the chopped parsley last; then you may drop in the dumpling\s and cook about twelve minutes covered tightly. Miss Kmma BARNbrrr. RICK AND MKAT CROQUETTES 1 cupful ])oile(l rice, MRATS 80 1 cupful tinclv c hupped meat, 1 teaspoonfui butter, 5^ cupful milk, Put milk on to boil, then add meat, rice and vseavsoninj^. When it boils, add the egg well beat- en. Stir one minute, cool and shape into balls. Roll in egg and cracker crumbs and fry. Maggik Darling. WASH DAY MEAT PIK Made from cold veal and chicken left over from Sundav. Chop the veal but not too tine; season with a little salt, pepper, nutmeg and also the iuice of a lemon; separate the chicken from the bones and chop it; season with half a bunch of hnelv cho])j)ed celery, and a piece of butter the size of an egg cut in small pieces. Have the chicken gravv hot and half a dozen hard boiled eggs cut in quarters. For the crust, use two cup- fuls of tiour, two tablespoonfuls of cottolene, or lard, nearly a teaspoonfui of baking ])()wder, one egg and enough milk to make a soft dough. Line the sides of a pie dish with a crust (me- cpiarter inch thick, place the veal in the bottom of the dish, then a layer of the eggs, then the cho]){)ed chicken Pour the gravy over the pie. enough to make it (piite moist. Cover with a crust one-(|uarter inch thick. Bake in a slow oven one-half hour and send to the table in the dish in which it was baked. Mrs. W. K. Falla. HAKKD HASH, SPANLSH 1 cupful cold cooked pork. SI MEATS 1 cupful cold cooked beef, 1 onion, 2 chili peppers, 1 spritr of parsley, 3}4 cupfuls bread crumbs, 1 cupful of strained tomatoes, ^2 cupful olives, % cupful butter. Sage, th3"me, salt and pepper. Chop fine the beef, pork, onion, chili, and parsley. Add the bread crumbs, tomatoes, olives, butter and the seasonings. Mix well and bake in a buttered pan until brown. Serve with tomato sauce made as follows: two cupfuls of tomatoes, one small onion, one sprig of parsley, one leaf of celery. Simmer twenty minutes, press through a sieve, then add one tablespoonful of butter. Let come to a boil and thicken with one tablespoonful of flour. Salt and pepper to taste. Mrs. W. F. Falla. A BREAKFAST DISH Take one-half pound of sliced dried beef; pull into small pieces. Have a quart of milk boiling, into which drop the beef with a good piece of butter and a little jjepper. When it comes to a boil, thicken with flour. Toast a slice of bread for each person and poach in hot water the same number of eggs. Place one on each slice of toast. Put on a large platter and pour over the dried beef dressing. Amy Falla. STUFFFD BFFFSTFAK Take a good round steak and spread on it a well seasoned forcemeat. Roll up and fasten well. MEATS 82 Roast for one-half hour, remove from the pan and serve with the gravy thickened a little and seasoned. LiZZiE Kaisrr. TO MAKE A STEAK TENDER Toug-h steak or mutton chops may be improv- ed by partly frying; then adding tomatoes and allowing meat to simmer for three-quarters of an hour. MRvS. D. Hallock. SPICED BEEP Ribs of beef, Brown sugar, Ground mace, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, ginger and salt. Take out the bcmes and rub meat well all over with sugar. Next day rub in the spices which should be well mixed. Then rub in sufficient salt to make a brine. Rub with salt and turn each day for ten davs or two weeks according to the size of the meat. Take out of brine, roll and bind tightly. Cut into cold water and boil not less than four hours. Place in a dish with weights to press it. Donotremove the binding until cold. A tongue prepared in the same wav is very good. Mrs. Thomas Nock. STUFFED VEAL WITH (;REP:N PEAS Remove the large bones from a loin of veal. Stuff the cavities thus made with a good force- meat of chopped pork, crumbs and seasoning, also a few chopped mushrooms. Cover the sides with thick sheets of greased writing paper. Put a cupful of SOU]) stock or gravv in the dripping 83 MP. A IS pan and baste well for an hour with butter and water, afterwards with the gravy. Cook twelve minutes to the pound. Take off paper during- half hour, dredge with flour, baste with butter and brown. Take up, keep hot while you skim fat from gravy. Stir into it one-half cupful of chopped mushrooms and a little browned flour. Have ready some green peas boiled and seasoned and make a circle of them about the veal when served. MRvS. Amy Palla. VKAL BALLS . Mince fine some cold veal. Add a few bread crumbs, an egg, pepper and salt. Mould into balls and fry in butter. When browned, remove from the pan and arrange neatly on a hot platter. Make a rich cream gravy of milk, flour and butter and pour over the balls, serving with parsley. Mrs. M. L. Parkhitrst. PRESSED VKAL Put about two pounds of veal in a pot with enough water to cover and boil until tender, add- ing salt to vseason. When about two-thirds done, take out and cut in small pieces. There should be about one-half pint of liquor left when the meat is done, if more, boil down, adding a little dill to flavor. Then add the liquor to the meat. Have ready a bowl lined with slices of hard boiled eggs and carefully put in the meat so as not to disturb the slices of eggs. Press by putting over it a plate with a weight on it. It will get firm with- out pressing by putting it awav in a cool place. When readv to use, turn out on a ])latter and MEATS S4 j^arnish with dill or parsley. Mrs. D. H. Parkhurst. WHITJC SAUCK FOR VP^AL SOUFFLK 4 tablespoonfuls of butter, 4 tablespoonfuls of flour, 1 teaspoonful of salt, A little paprika and pepper, 2 cupfuls of scalded milk. Melt the butter, stir in the flour off the stove until smooth, then cook until froth}-. Add the milk gradually, stirring all the time, until at boil- ing point and all the milk is added. Beat until smooth, and your sauce is ready for serving as gravy, but if you want it thicker for serving with meat, add one tablespoonful of flour extra. Fmma Barnett. VFAL SOUFFLF 2 cupfuls of linely minced veal, l^A cupfuls of thick white sauce, 10 drops of celery extract, yz teaspoonful of grated onion, % teaspoonful of paprika, ''4 teaspoonful of ])ep])er, A little parslev, 3 eggs. Mix together everything but the eggs. Cream the yolks of the eggs (don't beat them) until per- fectly smooth and mix them with the meat. Beat up the whites of the eggs to a firm froth and fold them into the meat. Pour into a well greased dish, not more than two-thirds full. Sprinkle but- tered crumbs over and bake in a moderate oven until ])uffed u]) and brown; aV)out one-half hour. 85 MEATS Serve as soon as taken from the oven with brown vsauce or tomato sauce. Kmma BarneTT. MARBLKD VKAL Boil the veal until very tender. Season to taste and pound to paste in a mortar, using melted but- ter as needed to form the paste. Skin a cold boil- ed tongue and pound to a paste with butter. Pack the veal and tongue in a mould in alternate layers. Press hard with a weight on top and let harden. Serve cold in thin slices. KaTK Mardkn. POULKTTKS Thin slice of butter, 1 large tablespoonful of Hour, 1 cupful milk or cream, 1 cupful strained tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, Salt and cavenne pepper. Melt and brown the Initter, stir in the ilourand then the milk or cream. When thick, add a cupful of tomato juice, salt, dash of cayenne pepper and a little Worcestershire sauce. Cut up sweet- breads and stir in the mixture. Serve on toavSt or in patty shells. Liver or ovsters may be used in- stead of sweet breads. Mrs. O. B. Wilbur. SCOTCH BROTH 3 pounds of lean mutton, Vl cui)ful of pearl barley, ^cupful each, onion, turnip, celerv, carrot, 3 quarts of hot water, 3 teaspoonfuls of salt. MEATS 86 %. teaspoonful of white pepper, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter, 3 tablespoonfuls flour, 1 tablespoonful chopped parsley. In making, first cut off fat, skin and bone and put the bones into a vSauce pan and cover with cold water. Brin«- to a boil slowly and cook while )^ou are preparing- the meat. Cut up the meat in small dice. Strain the water from the bones and add that and enough cold water to make three quarts to the meat. Let simmer and add the soak- ed pearl barley to the meat. Then add the chop- ped vegetables and cook slowly until the meat is tender. Now melt the butter and add the flour and cook until it froths; then stir it into the broth. Add seasoning and the finely chopped parsley. Serve hot. Emma Barnktt. MOCK DUCK Take a large pork tenderloin; cut about one- half inch thick, pound and beat it until it is thin and tender. Spread a thin layer of dressing on it, roll and bind with strips of muslin. Roast until done. At serving time remove the muslin, dust with crumbs and and brown in the oven. Nice hot or cold and served with apple sauce. Mrs. W. K. Marden. PORK CHOPS, SOUTHERN STYLE Parboil the chops, remove from the fire and dust with a little salt, pepper and sage; dip in Q'^'y, then in crumbs and put into a dripping pan with a lump of butter on each piece. Cover with another pan and cook in a moderate oven until &1 MEATS well done. Remove the pan and let them brown. Serve with cream sauce after adding to it the crumbs and dripping's found under the meat. Kate Harden. BACON SCRAMBLE Put a cupful of minced raw bacon into the fry- ing- pan and fry until the bacon is crisp. Have ready five fresh well beaten eggs with a table- spoonful of cold water. Pour the eggs into the pan on the bacon and cook until the eggs are done but not hard, stirring all the time. A nice break- fast dish. K. Marden. BACON, RIGHTLY BROILKD The only way to cook bacon — both for the matter of appearance and for digestive qualities — is to broil it, not over a bed of coals, but in a very hot ov^en. Cut the bacon in thin slices, rejecting the rind. Lay the pieces on a fine wire broiler. Place it over a dripping pan and set it in a hot oven. It requires to be turned just once. Drain the bacon on brown paper. If vou wish to serve calf's liver with this, sprinkle the liver with pep- per and salt, roll it in flour and fry brown in the bacon drippings. Serve with a curled morsel of bacon on top of each piece of liver. Mrs. a. Harris. PRIKD CALF'S LIVER, ITALIAN STYLE Chop or slice an onion and f rv in a little olive oil, (Gower's is best). Lift out the onion, roll slices of calf's liver in flour and frv until brown and quite MEATS 88 done. Take out the liver, thicken with brown Hour the oil in the f rying^ pan, adding some chopped olives to it, and pour over the liver. Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst. TONGUE IN ASPIC JELLY Arranjje a layer of hard boiled eggs sliced on a layer of as])ic chilled in a mould. On sides of the chilled mould dispose slices of cucumber pickles and slices x)f tongue adding enough aspic jelly to hold the slices together. Let stand some hours. Garnish with cress and quarters of eggs. Lizzie Kaiser. TO curp: hams and bacon Sprinkle the bottom of a barrel with salt. Rub each piece of meat with salt. Let it la}' three days, then drain. Put in the following brine for four or six weeks; then smoke five or six days with apple or oak wood, green is best, or paint with liquid smoke. BRINE,— 8 gallons of water, 12 pounds of common salt, 3 ])ounds of brown sugar, 3 ounces of salt jjetre, 3 teaspoonfuls of concentrated Ive. Boil all the ingredients together and skim. After it is cold, jjour over the meat. Mrs. S. Chambers. CURRY OF MUTTON S]irinkle one cuj^ful of rice into a large kettle ol boiling water. Boil rapidlv for twentv min- 89 MEATS utes; drain and place it in the oven to steam. Put one tablespoonful of butter in a sauce pan, add a small onion cut into thin slices. Cook for about ten minutes, then add a tablespoonful of curry powder, one tablespoonful of flour and half a pint of boiling- water. Stir constantly until boiling; then add half a teaspoonful of salt and one pound of finely chopped cold cooked mutton. Stand the mixture at the back part of the stove to heat while you arrang^e the rice in a border around the serving dish. Turn the curry into the center, sprinkle over it a tablespoonful of lemon juice and serve at once. LiZZlE Kaiser. BOILKD HAM Wash, scrape, clean, place in warm water and simmer or boil lig^htly for five or six hours. Take out and shave off the rind. Rub sugar into the whole surface of the ham, so long- as it can be made to receive it. Place the ham in a baking- dish and pour over it a bottle of champagne or prime cider. Baste occasionally with the juice and let it bake an hour in a moderate oven, or, having taken off the rind, strew bread crumbs over it and vset it in the oven until the bread is crisp and brown. Semie Turner. MEATS AND THKIR ACCOMPANIMENTS Roast beef, grated horse radish. Roast pork, apple sauce. Roast veal, tomatoes or mushrooms, Roast mutton, currant jelly. Roast chicken, currant jelly, Roast turkey, cranberry sauce, Roast goose, apple sauce. MEATi 90 Roast lamb, mint sauce, Roast duck and venison, currant jelly. Broiled mutton, caper sauce, Broiled turkey, oyster or celery sauce, Broiled chicken, celery or parsley, Broiled tongue, egg sauce, A NICE WAY TO FIX HAM After boiling, remove skin and rub all over with a beaten G:gg mixed with two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Then sprinkle with bread crumbs and set in the oven until a nice brown. M. L. P. BRAINS Take two or more cplves' brains; lay in salted water for two or three hours, then remove the outer skin and boil in salted water for ten min- utes. Take out and divide into sizable pieces for serving, roll in egg and then in cracker crumbs and fry a nice brown, turning them in the pan when one side is done until both sides are a nice brown. Don't have the pieces too large and be sure each one is thoroughly done. Serve with slices of lemon, or if preferred, you may lay each piece of the brains (without njlling in egg and cracker crumbs) on a large slice of bacon. Put in baking pan and bake one-half hour or until brown. I prefer the first method. M. L. Pakkhurst. Uegetabks. Mrs. a. E. Wagstaff. "Now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both." Shakespeare, Vegetables do not contain the food values that cereals, nuts and fruits do, yet they form a very important element in the dietary of those who still adhere to the practise of meat eating, and a cook should not only be familiar with their nu- tritive values, but should also have a correct idea of the chemical effect of heat and water and salt upon the vegetables she uses for dinner. Here are a few things for her to remember: the most nu- tritious part of potatoes, carrots, pansnips and similiar tubers, lies near to the surface, so care should be taken to scrape or pare as thinly as possible. Steam or bake vegetables whenever practicable, as their finer flavors are thus more easily retained and they suffer less diminution in food value. In boiling, use no more water than is needful ,to cook them, as the water drained off carries with it desirable food properties. Be care- ful not to burn, as the least scorch ruins the deli- cate flavor of any vegetable. If necessarv to add more water have it boiling hot. In referring to the time-table at the end of this department, use judgment and count from the moment the pot actually begins to boil. Young vegetables require less time in cooking than those more fully matured. N. P. H. ARTICHOKES Pare and cut artichokes into slices about one- VEGETABLES 92 eig-hth of an inch thick. Fry in sufficient boiling lard or olive oil (Gower's) to swim them. When a rich brown, sprinkle them with salt and serve hot. ASPARAGUS Choose fresh asparagus. Scrape off white skin from lower end. Lay in cold water until crisp. Put in boiling water which has been salted. When done, lay on slices of toast and serve with melt- ed butter. ASPARAGUS WITH CRKAM Wash asparagus, tie in bundles and plunge in- to boiling water salted, a teaspoonful for every quart of water. Boil rapidly for fifteen minutes. Take up, cut off the tender heads and put in a vessel with a cupful of milk or cream to every . quart of asparagus. Simmer ten minutes. Mix one tablespoonful of flour and butter together and stir into the milk. Add salt and pepper to taste and simmer five minutes longer. K. Marden. BEANS, SPANISH Boil one pint of dried beans in the regular way. When nearly done, let the water boil down and add one can of tomatoes. Let boil one hour and add a dash of cayenne pepper and one-half cupful of grated cheese. Mrs. D. S. Hallock. LIMA bf:ans Shell, wash and put into boiling water with a 93 VEGETABLES little salt. When boiled tender, drain, season and dress with cream or large lumps of butter and let simmer for a few moments. BEANS AND OLIVK OIL Pick over and carefully wash two cupfuls of beans. Add six cupfuls of water and set on the back of the stove t& parboil. Have at hand an earthen bean crock. Into this slice a small onion, drop in a pepper-pod with the seeds removed, a dessert spoonful of salt and three tablespoonfuls of olive oil (Gower's), also a sprinkle each of mus- tard and thyme. When the beans are swelled out and tender, but not soft, pour them into the crock adding" two cupfuls more of water. Cover, set in the oven and bake twelve hours, or until a delicate brown. Mrs. Amos Harris. STRING BEANS Choose fine young beans. Remove strings and ends. Break in two and throw into a sauce pan of boiling water, well salted. When tender, drain in a colander and put in a small piece of butter and dash of pepper. GENUINE MEXICAN BEANS AS PREPARED IN MEXICO Use pink beans which may be procured at all grocery stores. To two cupfuls of beans add six cupfuls of water and soak over night. If in a hurry one may boil beans without previous soaking, but the soaking reduces the time of cooking by one hour. Add a small onion and boil gently until beans will mash between fini^ers. Do not throw VEGETABLES 94 away liquid in which beans are boiled. Into a deep frying pan place a large cooking spoonful of fresh lard. Allow to become very hot. With perforated spoon, lay beans gently into pan. To avoid setting setting fire to lard, move to back of stove. After laying in as many as will absorb lard place pan again over hot fire and mix beans and lard thoroughly until beans appear to have a coating of lard and begin to burst. Add a cupful of the liquid in which beans were boiled and gently crush beans with cooking spoon, but do not mash. Add the remainder of liquid and allow to simmer on back of stove for one-half hour or until beans are of consistency desired, either with con- siderable liquid but thick, or quite dry. Success depends upon observing the following rules: do not add salt until beans are boiled soft. The onion is not perceptible after cooking, only giving the beans the characteristic Mexican flavor which no spice can produce. Have lard boiling. Do not boil beans in tin. Prepared spices or Mexican chili may be added after last portion of liquid is used. Repeated warmings improve taste. If very dry, add a little water and place in oven a few minutes. BRUSSKLS SPROUTS Pick, trim and wash a number of sprouts. Put into boiling water. Add a teaspoonful of salt. Boil for fifteen minutes in uncovered sauce pan. Drain when done and serve with melted butter. CABBAGK One small head of cabbage chopped fine, boil until tender, drain, add two beaten eggs, table- 95 VEGETABLES Spoonful butter, three tablespoonfuls cream, pep- per and salt to taste. Stir well and let it come to a boil. BAKKD CABBAGE Cook as for boiled cabbage. Drain and set avside until cold. Chop fine, add two beaten eggs, tablespoonful butter, three of cream, salt and pepper to taste. Stir well and bake in buttered dish until brown. CARROTS To prepare them, — If they are plunged into boiling water for five minutes, the skin can be rubbed off much more easily than by the scraping process. After cutting into thin slices, put into a sauce pan with three tablespoonfuls of butter and three of water, a little salt and pepper. Cover the dish and stev^^ for thirty minutes. Meanwhile, beat light, the yolks of two eggs, and one-half cupful of cream. When carrots are cooked tender, pour this mixture over them in sauce pan and let it remain long enough for eggs to cook. CARROTS, PRKNCH METHOD Boil until tender, then cut lengthwise. Melt some butter in hot spider. When butter bubbles, lay in carrots. Sprinkle with sugar, salt, pepper and chopped parsley. Fry until crisp and brown. CREAMED CARROTS Scrape and boil whole fortv-five minutes. Drain VEGETABLES 96 and cut into slices one-quarter inch thick. Cover with new milk. Add lump of butter rolled in flour with seasoning to taste. Serve in hot dish. LYONAISE CARROTS Lyonaise carrots are like the French method only cooking some chopped onion in the butter before putting in the carrots. CAULIFLOWER AU GRATIN Wash carefully and leave the head unbroken. Place it on a buttered bakingplate, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, then with buttered crumbs and bake until browned. Send to the table on a hot platter and surrounded by a rich white sauce. GRFFN CORN, BAKFD Grease a deep dish,,, with butter. Grate two dozen ears of corn, add a teaspoonful of salt, a tablespoonful of white sugar, one quart of milk, two eggs well beaten. Lay a piece of butter the size of an egg on top and bake four hours. Mks. Manley. CORN OYSTERS NO. 1 Eight ears of sweet corn grated, two cupfuls milk, three eggs, siilt and jjej>per, flourenough to make batter. Put tal)lesj3oonful of butter into a frying pan and drop mixture into the hot butter, one spoonful in a place. Brown on both sides. Serve hot. 97 VEGETABLES CORN OYSTI^RS NO. 2 Grate enough fresh corn to fill a pint measure. If canned corn is more convenient, press through a colander or sieve. Add the yolk of an egg beat- en light and salt and pepper to taste. Just before frying, add the beaten white of the eggs and if the mixture seems dry, add a little sweet milk. Drop in small spoonfuls into very hot butter. When a nice brown on one side, turn over. Serve while hot. E^SCALLOPED CAULIFLOWER Cook one hour in salt water. Drain and break apart. Put a layer of cauliflower in a dish, moist- en with cream sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Then another layer and so on. There should be two tablespoonfuls of grated cheese and one pint of sauce to one head of cauliflower. Cover with bread crumbs and cheese and dots of butter. Bake one-half hour in moderate oven. K. Marden. STKWED CKLERY Shred carefully. Cut in small pieces. Boil thirty minutes. Drain and add rich cream, a little flour, and butter enough to thicken cream. Dash with pepper. BAKED CORN Cut and scrape one dozen ears of corn. Add two eggs, butter, pepper sailt and one cup of milk. Bake about twenty minutes. Kate Marden. - VEGETABLES 98 CORN, (SOUTHERN STYLE) To one can of corn (or five ears of green corn cut from the cob) , add two vslightly beaten eggs, one teaspoonful of salt, a little pepper, two table- spoonfuls of butter and a pint of hot milk. Pour into a buttered dish and bake in a slow oven until firm. Mrs. Amos Harris. EGG PLANT, (A) Take two medium sized Q^g plants. Boil in water until tender. Pour off water and peel off skin. When cool, add a little salt, one-half cup- ful of milk, one beaten *igg and flour enough to make a batter that will drop from the spoon. Drop by spoonfuls into hot lard. When brown on one side, turn, and brown the other side. M. L. Parkhurst. EGG PLANT, (B) Pare and cut into slices one-half inch thick, sprinkle with salt, cover and let stand one hour. Rinse with cold water, wipe each slice dry, dip first in beaten egg, then in rolled cracker crumbs. Season with salt and pepper and frv brown in butter or lard. PARSNIPS FRU^^D Scrape and cut into long slices, lioil until tender in salted water, dredge with flour, fry in hot lard (juite brown and serve hot. SWEET POTATO CROQUETTES Take cold boiltd sweet jjotatoes. rub through L.ofC. W VEGETABLES a colander, make into flat cakes, roll in flour, dip in beaten egg and fry in hot butter. PLAIN BOILED POTATOES Thoroughly scrub the potatoes, removing- all rough spots and blemishes, having selected those of uniform size. Drop them into boiling salted water and do not allow the water to stop bub- bling until the potatoes are done, which you can tell by trying them with a fork. When done, dash over them a cupful of cold water and drain at once. Remove the cover and set on the back of the stove to dry out. The}^ should then be peeled and put on the table at once or they will become "soggy." Any left over can be made into salad for supper. (See salad recipe). CREAM POTATOES Cut cold potatoes into slices. Put milk on the stove and add enough flour mixed with water to thicken. Put in the potatoes and boil until thick. x\dd salt, pepper and butter. Carrots, turnips and parsnips may be done the same. SARATOGA CHIPS Peel good vsized potatoes, slice them and drop in cold water. Put a few at a time into a towel and shake until dry. Have ready a kettle of boil- ing lard; drop in potatoes, stir occasionally and when brown, take out with a skimmer, sprinkle with salt and serve. LofC BAKED POTATOES Thoroughly scrub and remove all blemishes. VEGETABLES 100 Pour boiling water over them, wipe dry and lay them in the coolest part of the oven that they may absorb the heat gradually for the first fif- teen minutes. Push them over to the hottest part to finish up. CURRIED POTATOES WITH SPANISH ONION Cut into dice shaped bits half a dozen cold b.oiled potatoes. Peel and slice a couple of onions and fry these with some bacon for five or ten minutes. Take out the bacon and onions, stir a teaspoonful of curry powder into the fat, put in the diced potatoes to heat through. Scatter over them chopped parsley and chopped canned Span- ish peppers. POTATO SOUFFLE, (CHAFING DISH) Mix a pint of mashed potatoes with half a cup- ful of thick cream and the whites of two eggs, beaten stiff. Put two tablespoonfuls of butter in the chafing dish and when very hot put in the potatoes in large tablespoonfuls. When brown on one side, turn, brown the other and serve im- mediately. BAKED MASHED POTATOES Take two or three cujjfuls of cold mashed po- tatoes and add one cujjful boiled rice. Then add a sufficient quantity of thickened milk gravy to make moist and l)ake one-half hour. Tabitha C. Harris. 101 VEGETABLES ESCALIvOPKD POTATOES Use cold boiled or baked potatoes cut in squares. Put in a spider and cover with sweet milk. Rub together one spoonful of flour and one spoonful butter, stir into milk. Sprinkle with salt. Place in a baking" dish and put into oven to brown. POTATO BALLS Beat six boiled potatoes until fine and mealy, then add a little butter, salt, teaspoonful of chop- ped parsley, teaspoonful of minced onion and one well beaten egg. Work into small balls, dip into egg and cracker dust. Fry in hot butter. Mrs. Manley. CREAMKD BAKED POTATOES Bake enough nice smooth potatoes to serve your family. When thoroughly baked, remove from oven, cut a piece off from one end large enough to insert a spoon. Remove all the inside and mash, then add butter, salt, pepper and cream to taste. Beat thoroughly until light, then return to the potato shells and bake until a delicate brown. Serve hot in the shells. Helen L. Waterman. BAKED PEPPERS Take six large peppers; cut off end and take out seeds. Break one whole egg in each, season with salt, pepper and butter. Bake until tender. Have buttered toast ready and place each pepper on toast and cover with sauce made of stewed to- matoes, run through a sieve, seasoned and thick- ened with flour. Mrs. T. A. Ho AG. VEGETABLES 102 SARATOGA POTATOES Pare and cut in very thin slices one-half dozen new potatoes, Let stand in cold water until crisp. Dry thoroughly in a napkin, separating slices. Drop into a skillet of boiling lard. Stir until a light brown color. Take out with wire spoon. Sprinkle with salt. Serve immediately. POTATOES, FRIED WHOLE Peel small sized potatoes. Steam or boil until nearly done, lift out and put quickly into a stew- pan with hot butter, meat fryings, beef drippings or any nicely flavored cooking fat. Shake them occasionally to prevent burning, until they are brown and crisp, then drain them from the fat. It will be an improvement if they are floured and dipped in the yolk of an egg, then rolled in finely sifted bread crumbs. This is a French method. Mrs. Z. L. Ward. SUCCOTASH Ten ears of green corn and one pint of lima beans. Cut corn from cob and stew gently with beans until tender. Use as little water as possible. Season with buttejr, salt and pepper. Add cupful of cream just before taking up. STUFFED TOMATOES Remove the seeds and pulp from the tomatoes by cutting a round from the stem end. Save this round to be used as a cover when the tomato is stufi"ed. Fill with minced chicken mixed with half its quantity of hard boiled egg yolks, a few bits Wi VEGETABLES of chopped green pepper and moisten with a very little melted butter and onion juice. Add needed salt. RHUBARB Rhubarb, when properly prepared, is very re- freshing and wholesome, but few people know the best way of cooking it. The fragrant stalks are especially succulent and need no addition of water to make the cooked sauce sufficientl}- juicy. Peel and cut them in inch-long pieces, put them in the upper part of a double boiler with a little sugar and steam until they are tender. The juice will be a rich, delicate syrup, tinged with a deep pink color. TOMATOES A LA CRKME Pare and slice ripe tomatoes, one quart of fresh ones or a one-pound can. Stew until smooth. Season with salt, pepper and butter. Just before taking from fire, stir in a cupful of cream with a tablespoonful of flour stirred smoothh^ in a part of it. Do not let it boil after the flour has been put in. Serve in a dish garnished with small pieces of toast. KIDNEY POTATOES Select small smooth potatoes. Boil with their skins on, then skin, roll in flour and put into the baking pan with the roast meat for the last ten minutes. INDIAN SUCCOTASH Take a pint of fresh beans, the small shell » VEGtTAliLES 104 beans taken fresh from the vine, and boil in a quart of water one hour, then add the corn cut from six ears of fresh sweet corn. Be careful in cutting corn not to cut too close to cob. It is better to cut the kernels in the center and scrape the remainder ofF. Season with salt and pepper and cook twenty minutes after adding corn. Be careful not to scorch. M. L. P. TIME-TABLK FOR COOKING VEGETABLES Asparagus, 30 to 45 minutes. String beans, 1 to 2 hours, Shell beans, 2K hours, Young beets, 45 minutes, Cabbage, 45 minutes to 2 hours. Carrots, 20 to 40 minutes, Cauliflower, 20 to 40 minutes. Celery, 20 to 30 minutes. Corn, 12 to 20 minutes, Egg plant, 30 minutes. Onions, 30 minutes to 1 hour, Parsnips, 30 to 45 minutes. Potatoes, boiled, 30 minutes, Potatoes, baked, 45 minutes. Sweet potatoes, boiled, 30 minutes, Sweet potatoes, baked, 30 minutes, Peas, 20 minutes. Spinach, 20 to 30 minutes. Summer squash, 25 minutes, Turnips, 30 minutes. Tomatoes, stewed, 30 minutes. Salads. Mrs. G. S. Waterman. "Cheerf\il looks make every dish a feast, And 'tis tliat crowns a welcome." In making salads, it is necessary to have all the ingredients cold and all the vegetables fresh and crisp. If for any reason lettuce and celery and cabbage are not perfectly fresh, they can be made to seem so by putting them in water and setting them in a cold place for several hours. A little lemon juice added to the water in which celery is standing will help to blanch it — and it must be remembered that the appearance of the salad is fully as important as the taste. Almost an3^thing that is fresh and crisp and pretty may be used to garnish a salad, radishes cut in thin slices or fancy shapes, beets cut in dice, lettuce hearts, hard- boiled eggs, parsley, slices of tomato, olives, aspic or tomato jelly cut in cubes, nasturtium leaves and flowers. BOILKD SALAD DRESSING 3 teavSpoonfuls mustard, 2 teaspoonfuls sugar, 1 teaspoonful salt, I teaspoonful flour, Yolks of three eggs, 3 tablespoonfuls olive oil (Gower's), 7 tablespoonfuls vinegar, II tablespoonfuls milk. SALADS 106 Boil slowly until it thickens and set avva\' to cool. This dressing will keep indlienitely if put in a bottle and corked and it is useful for meats as well as salads. Mrs. R. H. MactILL. COOKED SALAD DRESSING, NO. 1 Yolks of 4 egg's, 4 tablespoonfuls milk, 2 teaspoonfuls sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls butter melted in ^ cupful vinegar and Yi cupful water, 2 teaspoonfuls salt, 1 teaspoonful Colman's mustard. Mix salt, vsugar and mustard with well beaten yolks. Stir into hot vinegar and butter which has been placed in double boiler. Stir frequentlv until it thickens. Mrs. E. G. Chaddock. COOKED SALAD DRESSING, NO. 2 Vi tablespoonful sugar, 1 teaspoonful dry mustard, A little cayenne and paprika, 2 eggs, 44 cupful sweet cream, V^ cupful vinegar, 2/4 tablespoonfuls butter. V2 tablespoonful salt. Mix the dry ingredients. I^eat up the eggs lightlv and mix the cream with them. Add these and the butter melted to the dry ingredients, in a double boiler and mix thoroughlv. Then add the vinegar very slowly. If vinegar is verv acid, use two- thirds vinegar and one-third water. When vinegar is thoroughly mixed in. ])lace the l)oiler on the stove and stir constantly until thick. Miss Kath WyiiTTAKKK. 107 SALADS FRKNCH DRESSING 1 teaspoonful salt, % teaspoonful white pepper, A little paprika, 4 tablespoonfuls vinegar, 8 tablespoonfuls Gower's olive oil. Mix all the ingredients and pour into a bottle. Shake for a few minutes and you will have a per- fect mixture. This dressing- is useful for all veg- etable salads and for a marinade for chicken sal- ad where a mayonnaise is used for the top only. Miss Kate Whittaker. BOILED DRESSING FOR VEGETABLE SALADS 2 eggs, beaten light, 1% teaspoonfuls salt, 1 teaspoonful sugar. 1 teaspoonful mustard, A little pepper, 1 tablespoonful Gower's olive oil, 34 cofFeecupful vinegar, 34 cofFeecupful milk. Mix these and stir until it boils; then remove from stove and beat a little with the egg beater. Reba Gorham Lynes. UNCOOKED SALAD DRESSING 1 teaspoonful of sugar, }4 teaspoonful of mustard, ^2 teaspoonful of salt, A little pepper, ^ cupful of vinegar, }4 cupful cream, sour or sweet. SALADS 108 Mix all the dry ingredients. Add the vinegar and mix well. Then beat up the cream very light and add to the mixture. It is better to use sour cream if vou have it, as sweet cream wnll some- times curdle. This dressing is especially nice for potato salad. MRvS. G. S. Watkrman. SALAD DRESSING 3 teaspoonfuls mustard, 3 teaspoonfuls sugar, iy2 teaspoonfuls salt, 3 tablespoon f uls Gower 'ft olive oil, 9 tablespoonfuls milk, 9 tablespoonfuls vinegar. Add mustard, pepper and salt to yolk of eggs. Stir well. Add olive oil, one teaspoonful at a time, then add milk and lastly vinegar. P^oil in double boiler ten minutes or until it thickens a little, let cool, then add the whites of the eg^s. Mrs. Prich. SALAD SAUCK Boil two eggs three minutes. Mix with a mus- tardsp(.onful of prepared mustard a little pepi>er and salt, six tablespoonfuls of drawn butter or salad oil. six tal)lespoonfuls of catsup. This is excellent for <'old meat, salads or fish. Mrs. KT.H:iCBi'R(ii:R. CRKAM SAUCK FOR LETTUCP: OR cabp>a(;k Into a bowl put two tablespoonfuls of sugar, a saltspoonful of salt and pepper, a dash of cay- iuy SALADS enne. Mix and add six tablespoonfuls of thick cream. Stir and add four tablespoonfuls of vin- egar, more or less. Mrs. Turner. SALAD DRESSING 1 cupful vinegar, 2 eggs, 3 teaspoonfuls made mustard, 1 teaspoonful salt, 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1 pinch cayenne pepper, 54 cupful of Gower's olive oil, 1 tablespoonful flour, V2 cupful sweet milk. Beat the eggs well, make the flour smooth in the milk, add to eggs with other ingredients, beat well and stir into the boiling vinegar. Re- move when as thick as you wish. Kate Marden. BOILED SALAD DRESSING, NO. 2 Cream together a heaping teaspoonful butter, stir in one o:^^ beaten light, a teaspoonful of white sugar, one-half teaspoonful each of pepper and mustard and four tablespoonfuls of vinegar. Put all in a saucepan and cook slow^ly stirring all the time. When the sauce is very thick take from the fire, salt to taste and put in a cool place. Just before using, thin with cream or milk to the consistency of double cream. Good for potato salad. Mrs. Turner. CREAM SALAD DRESSING 7 hard boiled eggs, SALADS 110 ^2 pint cream, ] dessertspoonful of made mustard, Vinegar, pepper and salt to taste. Cream yolks of eg^g-s, add pepper and salt, then the whites of the egg's chopped fine. Mrs. E. Nason. MAYONNAISE DRESSING Put the yolks of one or more raw eggs into a bowl; add a pinch of salt, pepper and dry mus- tard; then take a Dover egg beater and beat until thick, add two or three drops of Gower's olive oil, beat again, then a few drops of oil, beat again continuing thus until so thick as to clog the beater, then thin with a teaspoonful of lemon juice or vinegar, beat well; then add olive oil again, then lemon juice, continuing thus until you have used a pint of oil or as much as desired. When through beating it should be thick like whipped cream, and after being thoroughly chill- ed on the ice will be stiff like jelly. Will keep finely. In making this dressing the eggs, oil, vine- gar and bowl should be as cold as possible, and it should be made in a cold room. It takes but fif- teen minutes to make a pint. The old wav of making it with a fork would take from two to four hours for this amount. Mrs. Amos Harris. For those who do not like so much oil in a mayonnaise, whip one-half cupful cream and fold it in, or beat up the whites of tv^'o eggi^ and fold in. Miss Kate Whittaker. DRESSING FOR COLD SLAW Beat up tw«) tablespoon fuls of sugar, a j)ieceor m SALADS butter the size of half an eg-g, a teaspoonful of mustard, a little pepper and lastly a teacupful of vineg^ar. Put all these ingredients into a dish over the fire and cook like a soft custard. Some think it is improved by adding half a cupful of thick sweet cream to this dressing. In that case, use less vinegar. Kither wav is very fine. Mrs. George Clark. SALAD GREAM 4 tablespoonfuls of butter, or 2 of butter and two of Gower's olive oil, 1 teaspoonful of flour, 1 teaspoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 teaspoonful of mustard, 1 cupful of milk, 3 eggs, A speck of red pepper. Let butter and oil get hot. Add flour and stir until it is smooth, being careful not to brown. Beat eggs, salt and mustard. Add half a cupful of vinegar and stir into the boiling mixture. Con- tinue until thick. Mrs. ManlEY. WALDORF-ASTORIA SALAD Take equal parts of beets, apples and celery. Cut in small pieces and serve with maN^onnaise. Reba Gorham Lynes. GRAPE FRUIT SALAD Two cupfuls of grape fruit cut in small pieces. Serve with mayonnaise. Reba G ok ham Lynes. SALADS H2 WALNUT SALAD Take one cupful each of chopped walnuts, either the native or ICnglish walnuts, celery and apples. Combine and sprinkle over two table- spoonfuls of sugar. Let thcvse stand ten or fifteen minutes. Immediately before serving, add the dressing. Spread whipped cream over the dish and garnish with perfect half meats. A cream dressing is preferable to one made with oil for this salad. Mrs. Louis H. Gould. PEANUT SALAD Romove hulls and skins from one pound of freshly roasted peanuts. Wash and crisp one head of fine lettuce; vselect thelighest andcrispest leaves and arrange for individual serving. Halve the nuts, place in the lettuce cups and dress with French dressing or with any salad dressing pre- ferred. Mrs. Louis H. Gould. CUCUMBER AND TOMATO SALAD Take tomatoes of equal size, cut oif the top and remove the inside. Sprinkle a little salt inside and turn the tomatoes upside down to drain. Pare some cucumbers and cut up fine. Mix equal parts of the cucumber and the tomato pulp, a tiny bit of chopped green peppers and onion. Mix with a, little cooked dressing and fill the tomato shells with the mixture. Serve on a bed of lettuce with a teaspoonful of mavonnaise on top. Mrs. R. H. Magill. COLD SLAW 2 cu])iuls finelv ch«)pj)ed cabbage, JI3 SALADS 1 cupful finely chopped celery, 1 cupful finely chopped apples. Mix with a cooked drevSsing" and serve. MrvS. John C. Hagler. APPLE, NUTS AND CKLKRY SALAD 1 cupful celery cut up fine, 1 cupful apples cut up fine, H cupful nut meats chopped a little, (wal- nuts or peanuts are the best) 3 tablespoonfuls of French dressing", A little salt. Mix all tog^ether. Scoop out the inside of some rosy cheeked apples and fill with the salad. Put on the top of each, one teaspoonful mayonnaise or cooked dressing". Serve on bed of lettuce. Mrs. G. S. Waterman. DAISY SALAD Put some shredded lettuce on a plate and pour over a little French dressing. Have ready some hard boiled eggs. Cut them in two leng"thwise and remove the yolks. Cut the whites in leng"th- wise strips and arrang"e like the petals of a daisy on the lettuce. Mash the yolks and mix wnth a little cooked dressing" and place for the center of the daisy. MRvS. G. S. Waterman. K(;g salad Take the yolks from four hard boiled eg"g"s;rub to a paste and season with salt and pepper. Cho]j the whites of the eggs and a little onion together and scatter over nice fresh lettuce leaves. Put the SALADS 114 yolk paste in the center and pour over it a French or some other of the nice dressings mentioned in this department. CUCU]\1BKR AND ONION SALAD Pare cucumbers and lay in cold water one hour; do same with onions in another bowl. Then slice them in the proportion of one onion to three large cucumbers. Arrange in a salad bowl and season with vinegar, pepper and salt. Miss Kate Whittaker. A LITTLK GROUP OF SALADS Six pitted olives, Yt cupful blanched almonds chopped fine, ^ cupful tender, finely cut celery. Mix with dressing and serve on lettuce. 3 cupfuls of vSpinach finely minced, 3 finely cut onions, 3 sprigs of parsley and thyme, Serve with French dressing. 1 cui)ful lettuce, 1 cupful spinach. '4 cupful potatoes, '4^ cupful carrots, 2 or 3 small onicms, 1 cucumber, cut fine. Mix all together and pour French dressing over it. Mrs. Amos Harris. FISH SALAD 2 heads of chicory cut uj) a little, 115 SALADS A few slices of tomato, A little onion, garlic and green peppers cut up fine, 3 or 4 slices of smoked salmon, cut up fine, 1 box sardines, mashed. Garnish with lettuce leaves and serve with French dressing. Mrs. R. H. Magill. CUCUMBER SALAD Pick out nice even cucumbers. Keep them on ice long enough to get chilled through. Cut them in two lengthwise and with a small potato digger scoop out the inside, being careful not to break the outside skin or shells. Fill these shells with the little balls and a few Fnglish walnuts chop- ped fine. Place each one on a lettuce leaf and pour a nice salad dressing over. Serve as cold as poss- ible. Mrs. G. D. Van Vranken, Michigan. POTATO SALAD NO. 1 3 hard boiled eggs, 1 medium sized slice of bacon, 1 small onion, yi pint of cream, sweet or sour, Vinegar, pepper and salt to taste. Cream yolks of eggs; add vinegar, pepper and salt; add onion chopped fine, then bacon chopped fine, then whites of e^gs, also chopped fine. Boil six medium sized potatoes, slice and add a la} er of potatoes and a layer of dressing until all is us- ed. Mrs. F. Nason. POTATO SALAD, NO. 2 3 hard l)()iled eggs, SALADS 116 Salt and pepper, 1 tablespoonful vinegar, Six potatoes. Slice the eggs and potatoes. Miss Bowles. POTATO SALAD NO. 3 1 quart of cooked potatoes, chopped fine, 1 teaspoonfitl of black pepper, 1 tablespoonful of celery and enough raw onion to season nicely, if desired. DRESSING,— 6 hard boiled eggs, 1 small teacupful of vinegar, 1 tablespoonful of prepared mustard, 3 tablespoonfuls of butter. Mix well together, then add two tablespoonfuls of Gower's olive oil. Add the vinegar last and salt to taste. Mix well with the potatoes and garnish with the whites of the cold boiled eggs. Mrs. Fred Nelson. CRKAM SALMON SALAD Upon a bed of lettuce leaves place the follow- ing mixture: 4 sliced cold ])otatoes, 1 cupful of cut celerv. 1 can b(>neless salmon, 2 hard boiled eggs cut fine, dkessinc;,— 1 cupful rich cream, 2% tablesjjoonfuls vinegar, 1 teaspoonful mustard, A pinch of salt and red pepper. Pour dressing over salad and garnish with hard 117 SALADS boiled eggs and celery tops. Mrs. Dahlgren. SHRIMP SALAD NO. 1 1 larg"e can of shrimps, Best part of one head of celer}', A few lettuce leaves. Chop all fine and put in a dish garnished with lettuce leaves and cover wnth dressing made as follows: 1 or ^2 cupfuls of sugar according to taste, Yolks of two eggs, Butter size of walnut, l4 cupful of cream, (milk may be used) Beat all together, bring to a boil, then add slowly one-half cupful of vinegar. Mrs. T. a. Hoag. SHRIMP SALAD, NO. 2 1 can dr}' shrimps chopped fine, 1 head of celery chopped fine. When each is sufficiently chopped, mix together w^th salt, pepper and dry mustard to taste. Then add one-half cupful of vinegar and two table- spoonfuls of Mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce leaves with a teaspoonful of mayonnaise on top. George M. Kohler, City Bakery. NUT SALAD 6 olives, stoned and chopped, % cupful almonds, blanched and chopped, % cupful chopped celery. Mix with salad dressing and serve on lettuce leaf. Mrs. M. L. Park hurst. SALADS 118 FRUIT SALAD NO. 1 4 apples chopped, 2 orang-es quartered and sliced, 2 bananas, 1 small bunch of celery, 1 cupful or less of English walnuts, DRESSING;— Three tablespoonfuls vinegar. Yolks of 3 eggs. Cool until it thickens, stirring constantl3\ Add one pint thick cream, sugar, salt and ca)'enne to taste. Mrs. Kleebruger. PRUIT SALAD. NO. 2 One dozen oranges, sliced and soaked in sugar over night. Make one quart of jelly with gelatine according to directions on package and put the oranges in the jelly when just ready to set. When thoroughly cold, serve with whipped cream. Cocoanut and pineapple may be added if desired. Mrs. Jordan Young. FRUIT SALAD NO. 3 Oranges cut in pieces as large as the end of your thumb. Let the juice drain from them. Add one-half or one-third the quantity again of pine- apple (canned will do but candied is better) cut in quite large pieces. If you can obtain candied cherries, use them also, but it is very nice with just oranges and pineapple. Put on a large spoon- ful of the following dressing and keep as cool as possible: 1 tablespoonful vinegar, 2 tablespoonfuls water. 119 ISALAUi 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, Yolks of three eg"g"s well beaten. Put together, set on stove and stir constantly until it thickens. After this is cold and just be- fore using, add sweet whipped cream in any quan- tity desired. Mrs. K. V. KellEY. FRUIT SALAD DRESSING Beat the yolks of four eggs until light and grad- ually beat in one cupful of powdered sugar. Add one-half teaspoonful of salt. Beat until sugar is dissolved then add the juice of two lemons. This sauce may be added to the salad and kept on ice for an hour before serving. Mrs. G. S. Waterman. POTATO SALAD, NO. 4 Slice cold boiled potatoes enough to fill a quart dish; siilt and pepper to taste. Chop two small onions very fine and add to potatoes. Put half a cupful of vinegar and one teaspoonful of butter in a pan and let heat gradually. Beat the yolks of two eggs well, pour in a cup, and fill the cup with thick sweet cream. Beat well together and stir in hot vinegar. Stir constantly until it reaches the boiling point, then pour it immediately over the potatoes and mix thoroughly. Mrs. Roy Palmer. HEAVENLY HASH Chop or cut up fine, bananas, oranges and pine- apple. Place in glass dish in layers, sprinkling with powdered vSUgar to taste. Mix one glass sherry with pineapple syrup and pour over dish of fruit. Improved if placed on ice before serving. SALADS \2i) Serve angel cake with it. This recipe may be varied, using fresh fruits in season. Apricots and pineapple combine well. Mrs. J. P. MORGAN. CREAM SLAW One-half head of cabbage cut fine. Sprinkle over it dry mustard, salt and pepper very spar- ingly. DRESSING,— 14 to 1 cupful sugar, Yolks of 2 eggs. Butter size of an walnut, ^4 cupful sweet cream. Beat these well together. Take one cupful good cider vinegar; let it come to a boil and stir in slowly the beaten sugar, eggs and other ingredi- ents. Let boil. Pour over cabbage while hot and cover. If wanted more moist, add one-half cupful milk to the cream. Mrs. Chestina Hutchinson Wooster. CORNED BEEF SALAD Cut cold corned beef into small pieces and sprinkle lightly with freshl}^ grated horseradish. Mix with about one-third the quantity of cold potato cut into cubes and cover with a French dressing. Serve on lettuce leaves. Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst. LOBSTER SALAD 1 can lobster, 6 large potatoes, 3 good sized stalks of celery. Chop all fine, season with salt and mix with 121 SAUDS mayonnaise dressing. Mrs. D. S. Hallock. SALMON AND CUCUMBKR SALAD After boiling, while salmon is still hot, flake in- to small bits, sprinkle over lemon juice, onion juice, pepper and salt. Set away to cool. When ready to serve, put the salmon with thin slices of cu- cumber on lettuce leaves. Cover with tartare sauce. Chopped green peppers may be added. Mrs. M. L. Parkhurst. chicke:n salad Boil three chickens until tender, salting to taste. When cold, cut in small pieces and add twice the quantity of celery cut up with a knife, but not chopped, and four cold hard boiled eggs thoroughh^ mixed with the other ingredients. For the dressing, put on the stove, a sauce pan with a pint of vinegar and butter the size of an egg. Beat two eggs with a tablespoonful of mustard, one of black pepper, two of sugarand ateaspoon- ful of salt, and when thoroughly beaten together pour slowly into the vinegar until it thickens. Be careful not to cook too long or the egg will curdle. Remove, and when cold, pour over salad. This may be prepared the day before, adding the dressing just before using. Add lemon juice to improve the 'flavor and garnish the top w4th slices of lemon. Mrs. Thomas Aten. SALMON SALAD NO. 1 Set a can of salmon in a kettle of boiling water. Let boil twenty minutes. Take out of the can SALADS 12 2 and pour off the juice or oil; put a few cloves in and around it. Sprinkle salt and pepper over, cover with cold vinegar and let stand a day. Take from the vinegar nnd la}' it on a platter. Prepare a dressing made as follows: beat the ^^olks of two raw eggs w4th the yolks of two hard boiled eggs mashed as fine as possible. Add gradually a table- spoonful of mustard, three of melted butter, or the best of sah^d oil, a little salt and pepper and vinegar to taste. Beat the mixture a long time, cover the salmon thickly w^ith a part of the dress- ing. Tear into small bits the crisp inside leaves of lettuce. Mix w4th the remainder of the dress- ing and pour over the salmon. Mrs. Thomas Atrn. SALMON SALAD NO. 2 Break up salmon with a fork. Cut celery in rather small pieces, using one-third fish and two-thirds celery. Cover with the following dressing: 1 tablespoonful vinegar, 2 tablespoonfuls water, 1 tablespoonful sugar, 3 volks of eggs well beaten. Put together, set on stove and stir constantly until it thickens but do not let it boil ; then add one- half tablespoonful butter and one-half tablespoon- ful mustard. Mrs. K. V. KkllKY. €ggs. Mrs. Z. L. Ward. Kggs are regarded by some as a g^reat delicac}- by others as a prime article of food, but in either case, the mode of cooking- has much to do with the healthfulness and satisfaction of eating. The yolk is considered much more nutritious than the white. The quality of eggs vary considerably according to the food upon which the fowls are fed. Certain foods communicate distinct flavors. Powls that get plenty of grain produce the best and heaviest eggs; the yolks are darker and the whole egg is stronger than those produced from grass and fruit. It is said that dark shelled eggs are much richer in flavor and have larger yolks than white shelled eggs. There are several ways to test eggs. A good way is to drop them into a bucket of water. A fresh egg will go quickly to the bottom and rest on its side. An older one will stand on the little end and as they get older and lighter, will rest farther and farther from the bottom. A bad egg always floats. This is an infallible rule to distin- guish a good egg from a bad one. E^ggs should be kept in a cool, dry place and handled with care as rough treatment may cause the yolks to mingle with the whites bv rupturing the membrane which separates them; then the egg spoils quickly. TO PREvSKRVK EGGS NO. 1 Fill a five-gallon keg with fresh eggs; pour EGGS 124 over them strong- lime water in which has been dissolved a teacupful of salt; put a light w^eig-ht on top, al\va3^s takingcare that the eg-gs are com- pletely covered; as the water evaporates, add more. No proportions are neceSvSary in prepar- ing the liquid as only a certain amount of lime can be absorbed by water. The thicker the mixture, the more inconvenient it is to remove the eggs. All eggs that crack will be unfit for use. TO PRESERVE EGGS, NO. 2 Take a colander full of fresh laid eggs and pour a teakettleful of boiling water over them. The heat of the water cooks the white of the e^g sufficiently to keep out the air. TO PRESERVE EGGS, NO. 3 Dip each Qgg in gum arable water, melted grease, or a vsolution of water and plaster paris. In either case, a coating is formed on the shell, making it air tight. Take good fresh eggs and wrap each one in vsoft paper (soft newspaper will do) the same as lemons and pack them in a box with the small end down always, never allowing the shell of one egg to touch the shell of another. Put in a dark cool place and you will be surpris- ed to see how long they keep good. HOW TO ECONOMIZE WITH EGGS Left over yolks of eggs put at once into a glass of cold water will keep fresh and soft for several days, while if put into a dry cup and covered, the volks would be unlit for use the second day. Drop 125 EGGS them in a tin of hot water and cook, then they can be used in salads, as a garnish, or in soups. Left over whites can be used for meringues, or made into macaroons or kisses, (see candies). Where hard boiled yolks are wanted, it is much better to carefully separate the yolks from the whites and drop the yolks into water that is boil- ing hot; cook vslowl y twent}^ minutes. In this way the yvhites are saved for another purpose. Left over soft boiled eggs may be boiled again and laid aside to be used cold in a salad, sauce, or as a garnish or sandwich. To boil a slightly crack- ed eg^ without having the contents burst out of the crack, carefulh^ pierce the shell at the big end. The unwhipped white of eggs makes a good paste for pasteing paper over the top of jelly tumblers. To beat the whites of eggs stiff, means to have them stiff enough to remain in the bowl or dish if it were turned upside down. To beat eggs lightly, stop beating before they foam. Ten common eggs weigh a pound. BOILK.D WKrS Give a fresh laid otg^ one-half minute longer to boil. Place the eggs in a pan or small kettle and pour boiling water over them to cover well and set on the back of the stove where they will keep hot but not boil for five minutes. Three minutes cooks the whites about right for soft boiled eggs. MRvS. J. A. TURNKR. BAKED PX;GS Take a hc^t platter. Break on it as manv eggs as you need for your meal. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and lumps of butter. Set in the oven and EGGS I2fi in about live minutes the whites will be set and eg-gs sufficiently cooked. This is a handy way on wash or ironing- da\' when the stove is all in use. Another way is to butter vSome g^em irons and break an egg in each one. Pepper and salt. Put a small lump of butter on each one and set in the oven. Will cook in a very short time. The irons should be hot when the eg-gs are broken into them. BAKKD EGGS IN TOMATO CUPS Choose larg;e round tomatoes; cut off the tops (do not skin them), scoop out the pulp, dust with salt and pepper; put small lump of butter in each one; place them in a pan and bake for ten min- utes. An odd but toothsome luncheon. If you wish, sprinkle them lightly with cracker crumbs before putting- them in the oven. Mrs. Z. L. Ward. SCRAMBLED EGGS Put a tablespoonful of butter into a frying pan. When hot, put in the desired number of ej^^g-s beaten lightly. Pepper and salt them and add half a cupful of milk or cream to a dozen eggs. Stir constantly and as socm as they begin to set, take them off and jxmr out. They must not be hard. POACHED ECxGS Place some muffin rings in boiling water. Break an e^^ in each ring and it will take the form of the ring and be much more pleasing in a])pear- ance than the ordinary way. When ])oaching eggs for children, use beef broth or milk occa- 127 EGGS sionally. They will appreciate the change. Sea- son with salt only. When poaching eggs in water always use a teaspoonful of vinegar or lemon juice to one pint of water to set the whites of eggs. FRIED KGGS Put a teaspoonful of butter and one-half tea- spoonful of lard in the frying pan and let it get hot; then break in the eggs and fry quickly. When about done enough to suit the taste, baste them over the top with a spoonful or two of hot grease, or turn them over and take up quick. Kggs to be good, must be fried quickly and not in too much fat and taken up the moment they are done. To cook eggs in gem irons, put the irons on top of the stove to get hot; put in a small piece of butter and cook either on top of stove or in the oven. FRIED EGGS WITH HAM Fry the ham in its own fat, 'then fry the eggs afterward in the same. Dish up on the same platter. EGGS WITH BROILED HAM OR BEEF STEAK Broil thin slices of ham or steak. When done, put a bit of butter on each slice (if beef, jx-pper and salt). Poach the eggs in hot water and lay one neatly on each slice. POACHED EGGS IN TOMATOES Boil one pint stewed tomatoes; slip in gently EGGS 128 one-half dozen e^^gs. Keep the tomatoes just be- low the boiling point until the eggs are done. Serve on toast, or if preferred, break both yolks and whites with a fork when half done. Season with pepper, butter and salt. BUTTERKD EGGS OR KGG TOAST Beat well together the whites and 3'olks of four fresh laid eggs. Put one and a half tablespoonfuls butter in a basin and stand it in hot water, stir- ing it all the time until it is melted. Pour the butter and eggs into a lined sauce-pan, hold it over a gentle fire and as the mixture begins to warm, pour it two or three times into the basin and back again that the two ingredients may be well mixed. Keep stirring the eggs and butter one way in the sauce-pan until they are hot without boiling. Send to the table on a warm flat dish with some slices of hard boiled eggs on the top, or spread very thick on buttered toast. In either way they must be served very hot. CURRIFvD KGGS 6 eggs, 2 onions, 1 tablespo(mful of curry i)o\vdcr, 1 pint broth, 1 cupful cream. Arrowroot, Butter. Slice onions and fry in butter a light brown, add currv powder and mix with the broth, allow- ing to simmer until tender; then put in cream and thicken with arrowroot; simmer for five minutes, then add six hard boiled eggs cut in slices. J29 EGGS cre:amkd eggs, no. i Boil four or five eggs hard. Cut them length- wise and pour over them a white sauce which is made by rubbing together a tablespoonful butter and a tablespoonful flour. Stir this into a large cup of boiling milk. ASd a little salt and pour over the eggs, or you may poach the eggs, put them in a deep dish, grate over them a little mild cheese, pour the white sauce over and place in the oven for five minutes. cre:amkd eggs, no. 2 Creamed eggs are made by poaching eggs in boiling water, one tablCvSpoonful of vinegar to set the whites and one teaspoonf ul of salt to one pint of water. Simmer from three to four minutes(no longer); take up and have some warmed cream, butter, pepper and salt to pour over them. Serve hot or make a mock cream of one pint of boiling milk, two tablespoonfuls sugar, a little butter, two even tablespoonfuls of corn-starch rubbed smooth in cold milk; bring to a boil, stirring con- stantly. Then pour the hot mixture over the well beaten white of (me e^^, beating thoroughly all the while. Cook to the consistencv of cream. MRvS. K. E. Krllogg, Battle Creek, Mich. EGGS A LA CREAM, NO. 1 Boil twelve eggs fifteen minutes. Line a dish with very thin slices of bread and fill with a layer of eggs cut in slices, strewing them with a little bread; pepper and salt. Rub together a quarter of a pound of butter with two tablespoonfuls of flour. Put it in a sauce-pan with a tables])oonful EGGS J30 of chopped parsley, a little onion grated, pepper, salt and half a pint of hot milk or cream. When hot, pour over the eggs, cover the top with grat- ed bread crumbs and put in oven. Let it heat thoroughly and brown. EGGS A LA CREME, NO. 2 6 eggs, 1 tablespoonful Hour, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 half pint of milk, Salt and pepper to taste. Boil the eggs slowly fifteen minutes, remove the shells and cut them in half crosswise. Slice a little off the ends to make them stand. Put the butter in a frying pan to melt, then add the flour. Mix until smooth, add the milk and stir contin- ually until it boils, add salt and pepper. Stand the eggs on a heated platter, pour the sauce over and around them; serve hot. EGGS IN CREAM Put a half cupful or more of cream into a shal- low earthen dish and place in a pan of boiling water. When the cream is hot, break in as many eggs as the bottom of the dish will hold. Cook until well set, basting them over the top with the hot cream— or put a spoonful or two of cream into individual or vegetable dishes, break an i^^^ in each and cook in the oven, or in a steamer over bailing water. JosKPHINK MiTCHKL. creamp:d e(;gs no. 3 Boil six eggs twenty minutes. Make one pint 131 EGGS of cream sauce. Have six slices of toast on a hot dish. Put a layer of sauce on each one, then a part of the whites of the egg's, cut in thin strips, then a layer of yolks rubbed through a sieve. Re- peat and finish w^ith a third layer of sauce. Place in the oven about three minutes. Garnish w^ith parsley and serve. K. Marden. EGGS WITH CRKAMKD BKEF OR COD FISH Just before dishing the beef or fish, poach as many eggs as there are persons to be served and place in the dish, pour the hot creamed meat over them and serve. Another way is to drop the eggs into the pan with the meat and let them cook un- til done. Care must be used not to break the eggs in transferring from the pan to the dish. EGGS WITH CRKAMKD POTATOES Peel some small potatoes or three or four good sized ones; cut them in pieces about one and one- half inches thick; cook in stew kettle with three pints of hot water; when nearly done, add salt, pepper, tablespoonful of butter, teaspoonful of flour and a cupful of heated milk or cream. Break four or five eggs in the liquid on top of the pota- toes and poach until sufiiciently cooked. Lift the eggs out with a tablespoon on a warm plate and put on some butter, pepper and salt; take up the potatoes and serve an egg with each spoonful of potatoes or slip the eggs on top of the potato dish and serve. Mrs. Z. L Ward. EGGS WITH FRIED POTATOES Fry the potatoes nicely and break over the top EGGS 132 two or three eggs and stir into the potatoes while hot enough to cook the eggs. Abetter way is to break the eggs into a cup, pour in a spoonful of hot water and give them a whip or two with a fork, just enough to break them; the water keeps them from being string}^ EGGS WITH ONIONS Cut an onion in small pieces like dice, fry it lightly in a tablespoonful of butter then dash in a teaspoonful of vinegar. Butter a shallow^ dish, sprinkle the onions over it and break in five eggs. Be careful not to break the yolks. Bake in a hot oven until the whites become a delicate film. Dust with salt and pepper and sprinkle all over with bread crumbs fried delicately brown in butter. Garnish with water cress or parsley. KG(; CHOWDER Frv some pork; peel and slice vsome onions in the hot fat; slice some potatoes on top and let cook; season with pepper and salt. Stir to keep from burning and just before taking off break in as many eggs as there are persons to serve and let boil up sufficiently to cook them through; season with ]3epper and salt. If there is not enough fat, use some butter. Be careful not to put in too man V potatoes. One large onion and two common sized potatoes is about right. Mrs. Z. L. Ward. EGG BALLS Yolks of four hard boiled eggs mashed fine with the yolk of one raw^ ^^J^i '^ teaspoonful of 133 EGGS flour, salt and pepper to taste and a sprinkle of parsley. Make into balls half the size of a thimble and boil in clear water slightly salted for two minutes. To be added to soup when ready to serve. DKVILKD EGGS, NO. 1 Put the required number of eggs into a kettle, pour cold water over them and allow it to come to a boil and boil steadily for ten minutes. Re- move the shells and cut the eggs in half the round way. Take out the yolks and clip off each round- ed end so the}'- will stand like little cups. Then mash the yolk, add salt and vinegar sufficient to make a very smooth stiff paste. If desired, chow- chow or finely minced ham, either is good, may be added. After the whites have been refilled with the mixture, sprinkle a little black pepper over the top of each one. These are nice served with salad. Emma Barnett. DEVILED EGGS, NO. 2 Boil a dozen eggs full twenty minutes; drop in cold water and remove the shell. With a sharp knife cut in halves lengthwise; take out the yolks carefully and rub fine; season with pepper, salt, a little cayenne, a tablespoonful of prepared mus- tard, and three tablespoonfuls of melted butter. Mix all thoroughly together and fill the eggs with the mixture. Put the hi* Ives together and tie with a thread. If for picnic, tie with very narrow ribbon. DAISY M. EvEKAULL. STUFFED EGGS Cut a piece off of verv hard boiled eggs. For EGOS 134 stuffinjj', use the yolks made very fine and some very finely chopped ham or veal, orbits of beef or dried beef, salt, pepper, a little dash of cayenne or ])epper sauce, butter and cheese. A few drops of onion juice or bottled mustard is ^ood. Any or all of these make verv good stuffing for eggs if properly mixed together. Stuff and fasten the end piece on with tooth -picks cut in two. If stuff- ed eggs or deviled eggs are to be served hot, dip in beaten egg, roll in cracker dust and fry in hot lard or put them on a tin j^late with some butter; put in what is left of the stuffing, sprinkle crack- er dust over and bake. Boneless sardines with the skin removed, minced fine, also oysters make good stuffing when mixed with the yolks. PICKLKD KGGS, NO. 1 Boil eggs verv hard and remove the shell; take one teaspoonful each of cinnamon, allspice and mace, put in a little muslin bag in cold water, boil well and if it boils away, add enough to make one-half pint when the spices are taken out. Add one pint of strong vinegar; pour over the eggs. If you want them colored, put in a little beet juice. Another wav is to boil -six beets until ten- der using a little sugar in the water to cause them to keep their sweetness. Do not break the skin or thev will lose both their color and sweet- ness. When done, remove skins and slice. Boil one dozen eggs, remove vshells and add to the beets; while beets and eggs are still warm cover with good vinegar. Mrs. M. A. Marston. PICKLED p:g(;s, no. 2 Put ;■ (]uart ol" strong vinegar in a stew-pan 135 EGGS with one-half ounce black pepper, one-half ounce Jamaica pepper, one-half ounce ginger and let simmer fifteen minutes. Boil sixteen fresh eggs twenty minutes; dip in cold water and shell; put in a jar and pour over the vinegar boiling hot. When cold, tie a bladder over the top to exclude the air, or a paper dipped in the unbeaten white of an egg and newspaper on top. Z. L. Ward. EGG (^EMS To one cupful of finely chopped meat add one cupful of bread-crumbs, one spoonful of finely chopped onion; season with pepper and salt and a spoonful of melted butter. Add enough milk to bind together. Have large gem pans well greased and nearl}^ fill with the mixture. Break an egg carefully on top of each one. Dust with salt and bake eight minutes. E(;GvS gn foam Break six or eight eggs; be careful not to break the yolks and beat the whites to a stiif froth; place them on a baking pan in a cone shape; make holes in the beaten whites and place the yolk in them. Sprinkle each yolk with white pepper, salt and bits of butter, put in slow oven a few minutes and serve hot. The whites should be beaten thoroughlv stiff. Hasten into the oven or the volks will sink into the whites too deep. Mrs. Z. L. Ward. vSNOW KGGS Eggs, EGGS 136 1 quart milk, Lemon rind or vanilla. Put the milk into a sauce-pan with rind of half a lemon and .sug^ar to sweeten nicely. Steep and bring- to the boiling' point. Beat the whites to a very stiff froth, adding a little salt and drop from spoon into the hot milk. Keep turning- each spoonful until cooked; place them on a glass dish add just a little more sugar and vanilla, pour the hot milk in the well beaten yolks, place this dish in a sauce-pan of boiling- water and stir it one way until the mixture thickens. Do not allow it to boil or it will curdle. Pour this custard over the whites; they should rise to the top. To be eaten cold or warm. Norma Ward Baker, Salem, Ore. SNOW BC^GS AND CUSTARD Break eight eggs, leaving out the whites of four; add to them when well beaten, one quart of milk and five ounces of vSUgar. Have a shallow pan of hot water in the oven, set the dish into it and bake until the custard is thick, then set away to cool. When cold, beat the remaining four whites to a stiff froth, add half a pound or coffee cupful of sugar and teaspoonful of lemon juice and lay the whites over the top in heaps but do not let them touch. HEN'S NKST Take the number of eggs you wish and make a hole in one end with a pin. Take out all the white and volk, fill the shells with a li(|uid blanc mange, stand each shell in a cup and put away to cool. Put some orange marmalade on a dish; 137 EGGS when the blanc manj^-e ivS hardened, break off the v'ihells and stand the eggs whole in the center of the orange marmalade. This looks like a nest of eggs and is quite pretty on a supper table. TO COLOR KGGS FOR KASTER Wind strips of bright colored calico around them and then boil in lye, You will find them gayly colored. To color eggs yellow, boil them with onion vskins. i:ggs a la SUISSE 4 eggs, 1 tablespoonful butter, 2 tablespoonfuls grated cheese. Buttered toast, ^2 cupful cream, Salt and paprika. Melt the butter, add cream and when hot. slip the eggs gently in. When they are just set, sea- son, sprinkle with the cheese, and lay each e^g on a piece of toast. Pour the cream over and serve at once. Omelettes, Comparativelv few of our houskeepers dare attempt to make an omelet, but there is nothing difficult about it. The chief cause of failure is in not having the spider or skillet hot enough or in making an omelet too large for the pan. Tin pans or frying pans should not be used as they are too thin and the omelet is liable to burn in spots. The spider should always be hot enough EGOS 138 for the fat to instantly hiss. If butter is used for the pan, always use less salt in the omelet. The common rule is one egg for each person and nearl}" one teaspoonful of liquid to each egg; milk is generally used, cream is much better, or a few spoonfuls of hot water in case milk is jiot handy makes the omelet very tender. Never use more than four or five e«"^s for one omelet; if more is needed, better make two or more omelets; if too thin in the pan they are not good. The skillet or omelet pan should always be very smooth. PLAIN OMKLET Beat the yolks of four eggs to a cream; add three or four tablespoonfuls of cream or milk, one tablespoon ful of flour, just level full, one- fourth teaspoonful of salt, pepper to suit the taste. Beat the whites to a stiff froth and fold or beat (do not stir) them gently in. Have the skillet smoking hot; put in a tablespoonful of butter and then the mixture. Do not stir after it goes in. Cook over a moderate fire and do not allow it to scorch on the bottom, better set on top of lid if the stove be hot enough. As soon as set, cut in the middle and lay the two soft sides together or set in the oven on the grate two minutes to finish cooking. Serve hot. An- other way is to beat the whites and yolks of five eggs together thoroughly, add one tablespoonful of cream or milk and a little pe])per and salt. Pour the mixture in a hot buttered skillet and as soon as the omelet begins to thicken well, begin to roll it up from one side like a jelly roll and if there is any moisture in it, let it run down to the side or lower end and keep rolling until it is all rolled up; set skillet off, cover for five minutes. 139 EGGS PLAIN AND FANCY 0ME:LKTS When well made, omelets are a fine dish for breakfast or luncheon, a delicate lig^ht something that satisfies the appetite by its savoriness. Often broken bits of food remain, not enoug^h for a dish and yet too good to throw I'way. Here is where the omelet finds important uses. Bits of meat may be finely minced or sliced very thin, warmed two minutes in a little thin cream, bits of butter and a teaspoonful of flour then poured over the omelet either before or after folding it up. OMKLKT WITH ASPARAGUS TIPS Omelet with asparagus tips is made by cook- ing two cupfuls of asparagus tips in boiling water and a little salt; cook tender, drain and add a tablespooonful of sweet thick cream and minced parsley. Prepare and cook the omelet and pour the mixture over one half, then cut or turn the other half over it; take up the omelet and pour the balance of asparagus on and around it. VKGKTABLK OMELETS Young sweet peas make a delicate omelet. To- matoes, mushrooms, sweet corn and cheese may be added. Sweet corn is grated from the cob and cooked ten minutes in enough cream or milk to make it creamy. Cheese is grated and sprinkled over the top before serving. TOMATO OMELET Tomatoes thickened with bread crumbs, sea- EGOS 140 soned with salt, pepper, chopped parsley and sug-ar. Add one e^g to ever}" pint of this mixture. Sprinkle bread crumbs over the top and bake forty minutes. A nice dinner dish. Another way is to beat up six eg"g"s, mix two tablespoon- fuls of flour with a little milk and add pepper and salt to taste. Peel and chop fine four toma- toes; stir all tog-ether and fry in butter. Oyster omelet may be made in the same way using 03^sters instead of tomatoes. OYSTKR OMELKT, NO. 1 Proceed as in plain omelet and just before fold- ing over, cover one-half with well drained oysters, season with salt and pepper and pour over them a tablevSpoonf ul of melted butter. Fold the omelet and set in the oven for two or three minutes un- til the oysters are cooked through. OYSTER OMKLKT, NO. 2 Stew one dozen oysters in their own liquor if possible, if not, use a very little water. Roll two or more lumps of butter si;:e of walnuts in flour; put in and let come to a boil; season well with pepper and salt. Takeout the oysters, chop them and if necessary to thicken, add a little flour to the sauce. Put back the ovsters and set .on the back part of the stove. Beat four eggs very light and add two tables])oonfuls of milk or cream. Fry in a well buttered frying pan. When done, remove to a hot platter or deep plate and pour the oyster sauce over them. Serve hot. SHRIMP ()melp:t Prepare the shrimps and stew in a little butter Ml EGGS for five minutes. Make an omelet with six or eight eggs and one half a cupful of cream; season with one spoonful of finely chopped parsely, salt and pepper. When done lay the shrimps on and fold over. Garnish with parsely. HAM OMKLKT 3 eggs, 4 tablespoonfuls butter, 2 tablespoonfuls minced lean ham, Pinch of pepper. Fry the ham two minutes in a little butter. Then mix the other ing-redients all toge'ther and proceed as with a plain omelet. Serve very hot. Lean bacon or tongue will answer the same pur- pose and should be cooked slightly before mixing. OMELET WITH HKRBS Six eggs, }4 tablespoonful chopped parsley. Beat eggs in a bowl four minutes. Add one- quarter of a cupful of cream and again beat. Melt one-half of an ounce of butter in an omelet pan and when hot add the eggs. When they begin to thicken, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper and spread the herbs over the vsurf ace. Fold and serve. BACHELOR'S OMELET Take one-third teacupful of milk — cream is better — add a tablespoonful of flour; mix well. Break four eggs, put the whites into a bowl, drop the yolks into the cup of flour and milk, add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat them stiff; beat the yolks and milk a little, then empty the EGOS 142 cup into the bowl; beat a little. Put a tablespoon- ful of butter into the skillet; have it smoking hot; pour in the mixture; sprinkle with pepper. As soon as it is set enoug-h, turn it over or roll it up, let cook five or six seconds long^er and serve. If eg"u^s are scarce, use more milk and flour, but the more milk and flour used, the nearer the omelet gets to a pan-cake. A Bachelor. OMELET WITH CHEESE 4 ecrcTs, ^ cupful milk, 1 teaspoonful flour, A little parsley, Yz teacupful j^rated cheese. Pepper and salt, 1 teaspoonful butter. Beat the eggs very light and then add the other ingredients. Beat all well together and pour into a pan in which a large tablespocmful of butter is heated; let cook until light brown, then fold it over and dish for the table. Shake the pan while the omelet is cooking. Must be eaten as soon as removed from the stove. Miss WiSTER. RICE OMELET Beat half a cu])ful of boiled rice and a cui)ful of milk to a smooth paste and add two eggs well beaten. Salt and pepper to taste. Fry until brown, double, cover with sugar and serve at once. SWEET OMELETS WITH FRUITS These are excellent for lunch or dessert. For M3 EGGS raspberry omelets, make a syrup of one cupful of water and one-half cupful of .sujj-ar; boil ten min- utevS. When the omelet (from which pepper has been omitted) is ready, add to the hot syrup two cupfuls of ripe raspberries and a tablCvSpoonful of lemon juice; add half to the omelet, fold or roll up like a jelly cake, vslip on a platter and pour the rest of the mixture about it. Strawberries, black- berries. Loganberries, sliced bananas, oranges, grated pineapple or peaches, cut up, may be pre- pared satisfactorily in this way. JAM omkle:t Jam alone, or mixed with whipped sweet cream may be spread over the omelet, or dust the omelet with sugar and pour about it a portion of marma- lade sauce. This is made by heating a cupful of marmalade, a tablespoonful of lemon juice and a tablespoonful of any kind of liquor preferred. ORANCtE OMEIvKT Beat the yolks of six eggs with one teaspoon- ful of powdered vsugar. Whip the whites to a stiff froth and pour the egg and sugar mixture over them. Mix lightlv, at the same time adding the juice and grated rind of a large orange. Melt a tablespoonful of butter in a frving-pan and tilt it about until the bottom and sides are well greas- ed. Pour in the omelet and cook slowly. When firm and nicely browned, set in a hot oven for two minutes, then fold it together; place on a heated dish and serve at once. Entrees, Breakfast and Luncheon Dishes. BANANA FRITTERS l^i cui)fiils of flour, 2 teaspoonfiils of baking- powder, 1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar, % teaspoonful of salt, % cupful of sweet milk; 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful of lemon juice, 3 bananas. The bananas should be skinned, chopped and rubbed through a sieve. Sift the dry ingredients together; beat the egg and mix with milk; add this . to the dry ingredients, banana pulp and lemon juice. Have fat at temperature of 360 de- grees Fahrenheit. Use two teaspoons in putting the batter into the fat, keeping one hot all the time so that the batter will not stick. Let brown and remove from the fat. Mkss Kmma Baknktt. CRKAM FRITTP:RS 1 ])int milk, \ oiks ot () eggs. Whites of 2 egg^, V2 j)int of flour, 2 tai)k'S])oonfuls sugar, 3 heaping tabl('si)oonfu1s butter. 145 ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES Yz teaspoonful salt, A little lemon or other flavoring. Put half the milk in a double boiler. Mix flour to a smooth paste with the other half; stir this into boiling milk; cook five minutes, stirring con- stantly, then add butter, sugar, salt and flavor- ing; beaten eggs next, stir in and cook one min- ute. Butter a shallow cake pan and pour mixture in. It should be about one-half inch thick in the pan. Set away to cool. When cold, cut in small vsquares. Dip these in beaten ^^^ and cracker crumbs and drop in boiling fat. Sprinkle with sugar and serve hot. MrvS. John J. Doren, "St. Cloud." CHEKSE BUNS 1 pint of flour, 1 heaping teaspoonful of lard, 1^ teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Make a biscuit dough; mix with enough milk to roll out about one-half inch thickness of dough, then quickly spread with meat, chicken or cheese chopped fine, roll up and cut into half-inch thick- ness as for jelly cake. Cut slices one and one-half inches wide and bake in a quick oven. When done, have a bowl of gravv of whatever you have your dough spread with and pour over each in sauce dishes on the table. If cheese, boil your grated cheese with milk for gravv and season. CHKKSK BALLS 1 and ^2 cu])fuls of grated cheese, 1 tablespoonful of flour, ^ teaspoonful of salt. ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES I46 % teaspoonful of mUvStard, A few grains of cayenne. Mix together; beat whites of three eg'gs and add to this mixture. Shape into balls the size of Kng-lish walnuts. Roll in cracker crumbs, fry in deep fat and drain on brown paper. Garnish with parsley. COTTAGE CHKKSK Scald a pan of thick sour milk until it begins to separate into curds and whe}'. Pour into a thin muslin bag and let it drain for one hour or until it ceases to drip. Place the curds in an earthen dish, add a little salt and pepper and one-half cupful rich cream or two tablespoonfuls of feutter. Mix together thoroughly and it is ready to serve, or if you like it more solid, let it drain four or five hours, then add the cream and salt. It will then be more solid and you can mould it with your hands into soft balls and vserve. M. L. P. CHKKSK FONDA 1 tablespoonful Initter, 1 cupful milk, 1 cupful stale bread-cruml)s(inside of loaf), 2 cupfuls cheese(y2 i)ound), 2 eggs. Melt butter, add milk and bread, then cheese. Stir until cheese is melted. Beat eggs well and put in last; season with salt, cayenne and a little mustard. BABY OMKLETS 1 tables])oonful Hour, 147 ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES A little milk, Pinch of salt, 1 cupful warm milk. Beat the eg"g"vS, yolks and whites separately; to the yolks add the flour, stir in a little milk and a pinch of salt, also the warm milk, then the whites. Bake in gem pans and serve wnth cream dressing. CHEESE STRAWS 1 cupful flour, ^ cupful grated cheese, Yz cupful butter, Yolk of 1 egg, ^ teaspoonful baking powder, Salt, pepper and lemon juice. Rub the butter lightly into the flour, into which the baking powder has been lightly sifted. Add the cheese, salt and pepper; mix to a light paste with yolk of ^%'g and lemon juice. Roll out on a floured board, cut into strips the length and width of the little finger. Bake ten minutes in a hot oven. Serve with cheese or salads. CLAM BROTH Scrub two do7ven clams thoroughly and place them on the stove in a kettle with one quart of cold water. When the shells open, remove them and allow the broth to settle. Reheat and season with a little red pepper and lemon juice and thicken with one heaping tablespoonful of flour rubbed into an equal amount of butter. Serve hot with a heaping teaspoonful of whipped cream on the top of each plate of soup. Divide Boston crackers and toast their broken surfaces in the oven, after buttering and serve warm. ENTREES. BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 148 COLD POTATOES Cold mashed potatoes can be made as g-ood as when fresh cooked by placing- them in a double boiler with a very little milk and thoroughly heating them, stirring- well. CORNKD BEEF, HASHED A dish which may be made either relivshable or wholly unfit to offer is corned beef hash. Use equal quantities of the cold baked or boiled po- tato and chopped beef, removing the gristle; over this, grate half of a moderate sized onion and vseason with pepper and salt. Put in the frying pan a tablespoonful of butter and when it com- mences to bubble, add the hash. Moisten with beef stock and let simmer from ten to fifteen minutes. Fold in omelet shape, place poached eggs over the mound of hash and garnish with parsley. CROQUETTES, CHICKEN Take the remnants of a cold l)()iled or roasted chicken and if there is not enough, add chopped mushrooms, cold cooked veal, sweetbreads or calf brains. Bind with one or two eggs and 'season to taste. Shape into croquettes, dip in egg and crumbs, frv in deep fat and serv^e with any pre- ferred sauce. This makes a nice dish for lunch- eon. UizziK Kaiskk. CR( )OUETTES. HOMINY Into a jjint of rapidly boiling salted water sprinkle slowlv half a cupful of hominy. As the 149 ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES water boils away, add half a cupful of rich milk. When the hominy is thoroughly cooked, set aside to cool and when firm, form into small pyramids. Roll in beaten eg-g and cover with very fine bread- crumbs. Fry in deep hot lard and serve as a veg- etable. CROQUETTES, MEAT Chop fine any kind of meat; take one cupful, sprinkle it with one teaspoonful each of lemon juice and chopped parsley, add one-half teaspoon- lul celery salt with pepper and salt to suit. Melt two teaspoonfuls of corn starch, add to one-half cupful cream and boil until thick. Pour this over the chopped seasoned meat and let it cook until thick. Spread on a platter to cool. After this, you may form into egg shaped pieces and fry in iiot lard. Lou Nasburg, Oregon. CROQUETTES, MUSHROOM Wash half a pound of nice, fresh mushrooms, peel them and cut off the stems; cut the flaps into dice and put the skins and stems in a sauce-pan with a cupful of water and cook for ten minutes. While these are cooking, put a heaping table- spoonful of butter in a spider, when hot, add the mushroom dice and let them cook until tender, then add a desertspoonful of flour and when it is cooked, add the water the stems were boiled in and salt and pepper to taste. If the sauce is too thick, add a little more water. Stir in at the last a teaspoonful of finely minced parsley, a few drops of lemon juice and the well beaten yolk of one egg. Stir well, remove from the fire, fill the shells, sprinkle bread crumbs over the tops and a ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 150 little melted butter. Put in the oven for an in- vStant to brown. CURRIED LOBSTER 1 can lobster, 1 teaspoonful lemon juice, % teaspoonful curry powder, 1 tablespoonful butter, yi tablevspoonful liour, Yi cupful scalded milk, Y cupful cracker crumbs, Yi teaspoonful extract of beef. Cream butter and flour; add scalded milk, then the lemon juice, curr\' powder, salt and pepper. Add the lobster to the sauce, cover with butter- ed crumbs and bake until the crumbs are brown. MRvS. Roy R. Giffen. EGG MILK TOAST Take nice fresh bread; slice and toast. Make the usual thickened milk or cream gravy. Boil one egg hard remove the white and rub through a sieve into the hot gravy, then pour it over the toavst and sprinkle over it the grated yolk. HAMBURG STEAK 1 pound Hamburg steak, Y2 onion, chopped line, Y2 teaspoonful salt, % teaspoonful thyme, Y teaspoonful pepper, Y teaspoonful sage, 1 cupful bread crumbs. 151 ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES Mix thoroug-hly, roll into small balLs and dust with flour. SAUCK, —Put one-half kitchenspoonf ul lard in- to a sauce-pan; when hot, add a little onion chopped fine and a little piece of garlic; let brown, then stir in one tablespoonful of flour. When browned, add a quart of boiling" water. Season with salt, pepper, thyme, sage and two bay leaves. Let boil fifteen minutes, then drop in meat balls. Put on vslow fire and let boil two hours. DUMPLING 2 cupfuls flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful of baking powder, 1 teaspoonful salt. Sweet milk enough to make a stiff batter. Drop from a spoon into any meat or chicken broth; boil for fifteen minutes. Sour milk and soda may be used instead of sweet milk and bak- ing powder. Mrs. Hardaway. MKAT POTPIK Cut meat in small pieces; cook until tender in water to cover; add pepper, salt and onion if not distasteful. Twenty-five minutes before serving, take one pint of flour, one heaping teaspoonful of baking powder, a little salt and mix to a stiff batter with sweet milk. Drop over meat in spoon- fuls and put on tight cover. OYSTKR COCKTAIL NO. 1 1 drop tobasco sauce, 2 teaspoonfuls Worcestershire sauce. ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 152 1 teaspoonful lemon juice, 2 teaspoonfuls tomato catsui). This is for each glass. Cut the o\^sters fine; place in glass and sprinkle with salt. Serve in small glasses. One pint oysters will serve six persons. OYSTKR COCKTAIL NO. 2 1% cupfuls tomato catsup, 1 tablesjDoonful vinegar, 4 drops tobasco sauce, Juice of one lemon, Pe])per and salt to taste. UvSe small oysters, the smaller the better, allow- ing six for each person and put at least a table- spoonful of the dressing over the oysters. Serve in sherbert glasses with a little chipped ice. This will serve ten persons. OYSTERETTES Drain the liquor from a small can of cove ovsters. Roll fiv^e or six .soda crackers fine; add one egg, the oysters, a teaspoonful of salt, a dash of ])epper and one teaspoonful of baking powder. Stir all together and add enough of the liquor to make it the proper consistency for fry- ing. Drop in tablespoonfuls in hot lard and fry a nice brown on both sides. Mrs. E. Maguire. SWEET POTATO BALLS Take cold boiled sweet potatoes; removi' the skins, rub the potatoes through a colander, make into fiat cakes, dij) into Hour and frv in hot flut- ter. 153 ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES POTATOES WITH CHKESK Mince fine cold boiled potatoes; put in a shal- low pan with a cupful of cream or milk. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and g-rate cheese thickly over the top. Bake twenty minutes. POTATO SURPRISE Take vSome cold mashed potato and shape into biscuit shaped balls. Take out the center of the balls with a spoon. Take a little cold meat minced and seasoned with pepper, salt and onion. Add a little of the gravy then fill the little cups with this mixture. Put the potato that was re- moved over it, brush with milk or eg"g" and put a few bread-crumbs over the top. Bake in a hot oven until brown. Miss Kmma Barnktt. POTATOES, CREAMED Cold boiled potatoes, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 tablespoonful flour, 1 cupful milk. Cream butter and flour; cook together until they bubble; add milk and season with salt and pepper. To this, add one and one-half cupfuls of chopped potatoes. Put into a buttered dish and bake twenty minutes._ Mrs. Roy R. Giffen. POT POURRI Brown a pint of stale bread in a frying- pan. Take one-half cupful nuts g^rated, one-half cupful cheese dried and one-third cupful milk. Mix the nuts and cheese together. Place a layer of bread ENTREES. BREAKt'AST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 154 in a bakiiiiJ; pan, then a layer of the mixture and so on alternately until all is used. Pour the milk over all and bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Roy R. Giffkn. STRING BEANS Take three tablespoonfuls of melted fat to a quart of string beans after they are prepared. Heat fat, add beans and cover; cook about ten minutes stirring occasionally, then add a little water and simmer one hour, adding water when needed; season with pepper and salt. Mrs. Mattki. STUFFED PEPPERS 1 cupful bread-crumbs, ' 1 cupful milk, 1 cupful minced cooked meat, ^<^ teaspoonful pepper, 1 teas])oonful salt, 1 teaspoonful onion juice, ^{^ teaspoonful ])u])rika, 1 teaspoonful minced parslev, 1 e<>"o- A few buttered crumbs, A few drops of celery extract. Parboil the peppers for five minutes. Mix all the ino-redients too^ether except the buttered crumbs. Fill pei>pers with inj^'redients and place in a pan with a little boiling water. Sprinkle the tops of the peppers with the buttered crumbs and bake about twenty minutes. Miss Emma Barnktt. 55 ENTKEtS. BKEAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES SWEET-BREADS, FRIED Remove from sweet-breads all skin and fat and shape into suitable pieces to fry. Plunge into boilinjj' water for about two minutes. Remove from water, drain and dry with a cloth. Dip each piece in beaten eg"g'. roll in g"rated bread-crumbs, sprinkle v^^ith salt and pepper and fry in butter. Serve wath mushrooms cooked in cream or with g-reen peas, or plain with a few^ pieces of lemon. Mrs. L. H. Garrius, in "Crumbs from Evervbody's Table." SWEET POTATO PUDDING 1 cupful sweet potatoes, 1 cupful su^ar, Yi cupful molasses, A pinch of salt, A little jj"rated orange peel. Mash the potatoes smooth with a silver fork. Stir with it the beaten yolks, the sug^ar and mo- lasses, salt, orange peel and milk enough to make a stiff batter. Bake, stirring in the first crust that forms. Itlushrooms. The wild varietv is much superior to the culti- vated and less dangerous. It is not difficult to distinguish between a good mUvShroom and a poisonous toadstool if one uses reasonable care. A good mushroom is a dirty white color on top and pink or salmon underneath when they first spring up; after twenty-four hours, whether gathered or ENTREES. BREAKhAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 156 not, the pink curns to brown. The poivsonous kinds are of many colors, some of them very beautiful, but like many other beautiful thinj^s, very danj^-erous. Those of a dead white al)ove and below are especially to be avoided. The skin can also be easilv peeled from the ed^es of a real mushroom which is not the case with the false. If you are still in doubt, stir them while cooking with a silver spoon, and if it turns black, you will be on the safe side if you throw them away. STB^VVKD MUSHROOMS Stewed mushrooms make a delicious little entree at breakfast or dinner. Place a quart of peeled mushrooms, stems and all, in a stew pan with a very little cold water, and cook for fifteen minutes; mix a tablespoonful of flour with three of cream and stir into the boilinj^^ vej4"etable; add butter the size of an e^cr^ and salt to taste. BAKED MUSHROOMS Mushrooms of the larger size are nice for bak- ing. Lay them toi)s down upon a baking dish; seas(.n with salt and pepper and place a bit of but- ter in each inverted cup. Bake in a hot oven twenty minutes, basting severaltimes with butter and water. If they are at all dry, pour a little melted butter over them when going to the table and in any case, squeeze on a few drops of lemon juice. The larger-sized ones mav be broiled on an oyster gridiron. Score the to])s, dij) them in melt- ed butter, season w-ell and broil over a clear fire. About two minutes 4 PICKLE SANDWICHES Cut small pickles in thin slices len^fthwise. Slice cold roast chicken, veal or pork in very thin slices. Cut bread in thin slices and spread one-half the slices with creamed butter. Put the slices of pickle on this and then the meat on the pickle. Spread mustard on the other pieces of bread and put them together pressino^ edjjfes together closely. SHRIMP SANDWICHES Chop shrimps fine and V)eat to a paste, usinjj- oil or melted butter to moisten. Season with Worcestershire sauce, cayenne and celery vSalt. Spread between buttered crackers — salt crackers are best. TOMATO SANDWICHES Cut white bread in thin slices and with a cir- cular cutter cut them in rounds; spread delicate- ly with butter. Pare and chill round tomatoes, cut in thin slices and lav on the round pieces of bread. Dust with pepper, salt and a little lemcm juice. Cover with another round piece of bread. WALNUT sandwichf:s, no. 1 Make a custard of the volks of four e*4«4s and one cupful of milk. Cream one cuj)ful butter and when the custard is cold, carefully mix with the butter. Then add a pint of 5;»"r()und walnuts. Sea- son with salt and pei)per and a dash of cayenne. If too thick, add a little cream. Spread between thin slices of bread. vSkmik TlRNKK. 165 ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES WALNUT SANDWICHES, NO. 2 Butter the bread lightly and spread over each slice a la3^er of melted cheese about one-eighth of an inch thick, then a thick layer of English wal- nuts. Sprinkle lightly with salt. CRKAM DRESSING 1 cupful mayonnaise, Yz cupful whipped cream. This mixed with finely chopped nuts, either almonds, pecans or walnuts, and spread on thin slices of bread without butter, will be found de- licious. TONGUE WITH SPANISH SAUCE (From "Crumbs from Everybody's Table.") One fresh beef tongue, one bottle of olives, two dozen large, clean, bright, dry Chili peppers, one teacupful (ordinary size) of best vinegar, or, better still, vSqueeze the juice of two lemons into the cup and fill with vinegar, one teaspoonful of powdered summer savory, two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped onion (should be small green onions, but dry will do), salt and olive oil as you like it. Some may, or will, try to make it with- out the oil. Do not wrste your time, for the oil is the secret of this delicious dish. Dissolve half a teacupful of vsalt in enough boiling water to cover the tongue, cook until done, and only done, or you will have rags. When cool, remove the skin and cut into very thin slices, and the tongue is ready for the sauce. Cut open the peppers the long way, take out every seed and vein, cut off the stem end, drop the skins into an agate kettle of boiling salted water (half cupful of salt). Press ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 166 the skins under the water and keep at boiling heat for two hours, but the water must not even sim- mer, or 3'ou will find both taste and color g-one. Skim into chopping bowl — be sure all the water is pressed out — chop until you have a glowing mass of red pulp; press through a sieve to remove skins, and your sauce is read}^ to vseason. Do not put in all the salt needed, as the/ olives will add salt. Add oil and vinegar by the spoonful; no danger of curdling. Put olives in last. Dip each slice of tongue into the sauce, pile the slices into a deep dish and pour over them the remaining sauce; serve the next day on white platter and decorate with the small blanched stems of celery, which is exceedingly pretty against the red sauce. The sauce should be red and will be if your pep- pers grew the same year you make the sauce. It is delicious with roast turkey, cold ham, fried oysters, or with simpl)^ good bread. Mrs. U. Hartnell. ENCHILADAS (From "Crumbs from Everybody's Table.") To make the tortillas(orcakes)take three tea- cupf uls fiour, one cupful cold w^ater and a teaspoon- ful salt; mix into stiff dough, roll verv thin the size of a pie tin and bake on top of stove; pile one on top of another on a plate and cover with a nap- kin to keep soft. Take about one dozen dried Chili peppers, cut open and take out seeds and veins, put into agate kettle of boiling water, keep at boiling heat until peppers are soft. Press out water, and chop fine in a chopping bowl, then press through a sieve to remove skins. Put two liea])ing tal)les|)0()nfuls of lard in a frying pan; when hot, put salt, two cloves garlic cut fine and 167 ENTREES. BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES mashed, one heaping tablespoonful flour fried brown, then add Chilis and sufficient boiling water to make thick sauce. Into this sauce while hot, dip one tortilla(or cake)at a time(they are better fried first in hot lard, but it is not necessary), place open on a large plate, spread on thick layer of grated cheese, a teaspoonful onion chopped fine, and strength taken out by soaking in hot water for a few moments, a layer of hard boiled eggs cut into slices, and four or five olives. Cover this with Chili sauce, roll, and put on a large platter. After all the enchiladas have been made, pour over them any remaining sauce, set platter into the oven and serve very warm. Mrs. L. H. Garrigus. TAMALES (From "Crumbs from Everybody's Table.") 6 lbs. beef flank, 1 lb. dried Chili peppers, 5 lbs. white dried corn, 2 teacupfuls of olives, 1 teacupful of raisins, 2 medium sized onions, 8 cloves garlic, 1 teaspoonful of summer savory. Boil meat in warm water seasoned wdth salt only until soft, too much boiling renders it taste- less; when done, cut in very small pieces and put into a kettle. Keep broth in which meat was boiled. Prepare Chili as for enchiladas, mash the garlic and put into Chili. Take two table- spoonfuls lard, w4ien very hot, fr}^ onions, add two tablespoonfuls flour, then fry brown and add Chili, salt and two teacupfuls of the gravy in which the meat was boiled; pour this into kettle ENTREES, BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES 158 of stew, then the savory well powdered, pepper, olives and raisins. If stew is not rich enough, add more gravy or hot water. Do not cook stew more than ten minutes. Put corn into kettle of cold water with one tablespoonful of lime. Taste water and if it bites the tong-ue it is strong enough ; boil until hull begins to peel; cool, then rinse in several waters rubbing between the hands until hull and kernel separate. Grind onametate, then put it into a pan, add salt and about one teacup- ful of very hot drippings, also remaining gravy. Wash corn husks and dry with a cloth; then on each husk spread about one tablespoonful of corn, fill with stew, cover with another husk spread with corn, tie on both ends and middle with small strips of the husks; trim off the ends. Cover bottom of a kettle with husks (to prevent tamales from burning) put tamales into it and pour over two quarts of hot water. Cover tight and steam about one hour; serve hot. The above measure will make about seven dozen tamales. If chicken is substituted for beef count on one chick- en for one and a half dozen tamales, but the chick- en should not be boiled. If a metate cannot be pro- cured a mortar can be used for grinding the corn. Mrs. p. Zabala. SPANISH SAUCE (From "Crumbs from Everybody's Table.") Take out seeds and veins of peppers just after they have turned red and before they ha\^e become dr}-. Put the cleaned peppers into a porcelain or granite kettle. Cover with boiling water and add ()ne-half cupful of salt. Let the peppers remain in this at boiling heat on back of stove until ten- m ENTREES. BREAKFAST AND LUNCHEON DISHES der. Then drain, and chop until they are a fine pulp, press through sieve and put into a dish (not metal). Put back on stove, add vinegar and salt to taste, and allow to boil thoroug-hly. This should be of the consistency of catsup, so if it is too thick some water may be added. Bottle and seal while still hot. This makes an excellent sauce for cold meats; especially tongue. Before using mix with the sauce the juice of one lemon and a tablespoonful of olive oil. Pour this over the meat, which has been cut in thin slices, then add olives. MRvS. H. Samuels. 6rdvks and Sauces. MKvS. J. S. Manlkv. Pew cooks understand that there are particular kinds of j^Tavies which go with particular kinds of meats, and that the rule which decides w^hat shall go with what is one to be strictly observed. With roast beef, for instance, there is but one permissible gravy, and that is made from the juices of the joint itself which come out of it in roastinj^. When the beef is taken from the oven remove all floating fat from the dripping pan, then add boiling water to the remainder, taking care not to dilute it too much, and allow it to l)oil up well. Serve hot in a gravy boat. For a pot roast a brown thickened gravy is in order, as also for roasted veal and pork. For roast lamb mint sauce is the right accompaniment. With game of different kinds jellies are usually served, as they are also with roast mutton. Red currant jelly goes with mutton, pork and turkey, and black currant jelly with hare or rabbit. Grape jelly may be substituted for the former if more convenient, and cranberry sauce or jelly with turkey and apple sauce with goovse is always the right accompaniment. Gravies for roast fowl of any kind should be brown and thick and rich, the giblets of the bird being cooked separately and the water in which thev are boiled forming the foundation of the gravv. For boiled veal and fowl Note,— Fur convenience, .some of the sauces belonging to this depart- ment have been placed in other parts of the book — the fish sauces with the fish, and pudding sauces in some instances. foHowing the puddings for which they are best suited. 171 GRAVIES AND SAUCES a white vSauce — made of the stock in which the meat has been cooked with milk, flour and butter added — ^is the proper accompaniment. For fish, all vsorts of sauces are in order, the variety being almost as great as that of the dishes to be seasoned. The favorite is probably a tartare sauce, but oyster, shrimp, and anchovy sauces are all popular, and are equally in good form. The rule for gravies is always to serve them hot. A cold gravy is to the epicure nothing but an abomination. DRAWN BUTTER. Melted butter is the foundation of most of the common sauces. Have lined porcelain saucepan or a double boiler for this purpose. Take a quarter of a pound of fresh butter, cut it up and mix with it about one tablespoonful of flour. When it is thoroughly mixed, put it into a double boiler and add to it half a teacupful of hot water. Shake it around continually, till it is entirely melted and begins to vsimmer; then let it rest till it boils up. If y(m set on too hot fire it will be oily; if butter and flour are not well mixed it will be lumpy; if you put it in too much water it will be thin and poor. All these defects are to be carefully avoided. In melting butter for sweet or pudding sauce you mav use milk instead of water. CAPKR SAUCE. (For lioiled mutton. ) One pint of white sauce (made with stock), one tablespoonful of lemon juice, and three table- spotmfuls of capers; cook together and serve. For stock use that from the boiled mutton. Marion HarTvAnd. GRAVIES AND SAUCES »72 cranbe:rry sauce. One quart of cranberries, two cupfuls of vsu^ar and one pint of water. Wash the berries, then put them on the fire with the water in a covered saucepan. Let them simmer until each cranberry bursts open ; then remove the cover of the vsauce- pan, add the sugar and let them all boil for twenty minutes without the cover. Do not stir them after they are placed on the fire. MRvS. K. K. Gatcomb. GRAVY FOR ROAST MEATS. When the meat is done, remove the roast from the i^anand pour off the fat, leaving only three or four tablespoonfuls in the pan; then stir in a heaping tablespoonful of flour and add gradually cold water or cold milk, stirring constantly. Add vsalt and pepper and cook a few minutes. A SIMPLE BROWN SAUCE. Put into a sauce})an one tablespoonful of minced onion and a little butter; when it has taken color, sprinkle in one heaping teaspoonful of flour; stir well and when brown, add one-half pint ot stock; cook a few minutes and strain. Now, by adding one cu])ful claret, two cloves, a sprig of parslev, a s])rig of thyme, a bay leaf, and pepper and salt, and boiling two or three minutes and straining, one has sauce ])oi\rade. If, instead ot" the claret, one should add to the poivrade sauce one tablespoonful each of minced cucumber pickles, vinegar and ca])ers, one has ' 'sauce pi(|uante, " '. Bv adding one teaspoonful of made mustanl. 173 GRAVIES AND SAUCES the juice one-half a lemon and a little vinej;^ar to the poivrade instead of the claret, one has the sauce Robert. "Crumbs from Everybody's Table." MINT SAUCE. 4 tablevSpoonfuls chopped mint, 2 tablespoonfuls sug-ar, ^4- pint of vinegar. Put it into a sauce-boat and let it remain an hour or two before dinner, that the vinegar may become impregnated with the mint. "Crumbs from Everybody's Table." CREAM SAUCE FOR CROQUETTES. 1 pint of cream or milk, 2 even tablespoonfuls butter, 4 heaping tablespoonfuls of flour, V2 tablespoonful salt, 1 spoonful pepper, ^/2 teaspoonful celery salt, A little cayenne. Melt the buiter, and when bubbling add flour, but do not cook; stir until well mixed. Add milk very slowly, stirring all the time to prevent lump- ing. The sauce should be very thick, almost like drop batter. Add seasoning and mix while hot with meat or fish and form in balls. Mrs. Manley. CELERY SAUCE. Cut up'd large Intnch of celery into small pieces; use only that which is blanched. Put it into a pint of water and boil until it is tender; then add GKAVIES ANO SAUCES 174 a teav'^]:)()()nful of llour and a luni]) of butter the .size of an a^^', mix well to«"ether, .season with salt and pepj^er, and stir constantl}^ until taken from fire. Verv nice with boiled pcmltry. Mrs. Manlf.y. MUSHROOiM vSAUCE. One-half pint of mushrooms wiped carefull}- and cut in small pieces, put in cupful of boiling water and tablespoonful of butter; pepper and salt to taste. Let simmer very g"ently for ten minutes, then thicken it with a tablespoonful of flour and butter mixed; add the juice of one-half a lemon. Serve with roast meats. Mrs. Frank Gilrrrt. ONION SAUCE. (For warmed over meats). 1 pint of stock, 1 cupful of choi)]3ed onions, % cupful of chopped lean ham, 3 tablespoonfuls of butter, 1 heapinjj;' tablesi)oonful of flour, /4 tablespoonful lemon juice, 1 level teaspoonful of sugar. Pry the onions and ham in the butter, then blend in the flour and add the stock and other in- gredients. Mark)N Harland. TOMATO SAUCK. Cook one slice oi onion, a bit of l)av leaf, a small piece of green ])epper with half a can of tomatoes fifteen minutes; then strain through a colander. Add two tablespoonfuls of butter and '75 OKAVIES AND SAUCES two of flour; cook together with a little salt and pepper. If tomatoes are very acid add a little soda. To be served with breaded meat, chops, omelets, cold chopped lamb or mutton. PRKNCH HOLLANDAISK SAUCE. 4 tablespoonfuls good vinegar, 4 egg yolks, % cupful butter, Nutmeg, pepper and salt to taste. Divide butter in three parts ; put vinegar, yolks of eggs and one-third of the butter into a double boiler. Stir constantly, add the second third of butter, and as soon as it thickens add the last third. Remove from fire and add seasoning. MrvS. Thomas Jackson, Illinois. TARTARE SAUCE, NO. 1. To a good mayonnaise dressing add a table- spoonful of finely chopped Gherkins pickles. TARTARS SAUCE, NO. 2. To the yolks of four eggs add salt and mustard to taste and a pinch of powdered sugar. Stir in drop by drop four tablespoonfuls of olive oil (Gower's); in the same way add an equal quantity of tarragon vinegar. Add a button onion minced and mashed, a little pickled cucumber cut fine, also pepper. OYSTER SAUCE. Make a drawn butter sauce, add a few small oysters drained from their liquor and a few drops of vinesrar or lemon; let come to aboil and serve. GRAVIES ANU SAUCES J76 BECHAMKL SAUCE. Melt a tablespoonful of butter in a saucepan and when melted stir in an equal quantity of flour, cook thoroug^hly, being careful not to scorch; add one-half pint each of rich cream and veal siock; season with pepper, salt and nutmeg to taste; add three ounces of grated Parmesan cheese and the yolks of three eggs well beaten; stir until hot but do not let it boil. EGG SAUCE. Add the chopped yolks of two or three eggs to a good drawn butter sauce to make eg^ sauce. PARSLEY SAUCE. 2 tablespoonfuls !)utter, 2 tablespoonfuls flour, 2 tablespoonfuls parsley, 1 cupful milk, Seasoning, 1 teaspoonful lemon juice. Wash the j)arsley, dry it thoroughly and re- mov^e all stalks; then cop flnelv and wash again (placing parsley in the corner of an old cloth for the purpose). Then blend flour and butter in a saucepan until of the color and consistency of honey. Add the milk a little at a time, stirring constantly. When thoroughly cooked add season- ing and lemon juice. Just before serving stir in parsley. Pudding Sauces. SPANISH SAUCE. 1 tablespoonful corn starch dissolved in 177 GRAVIES AND SAUCES y2 teacupfiil of boiling" water, Add 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 teacupful vSUg^ar, CARAMEL. Put one c,upful sugar in small pan and stir on fire until brown (do not scorch). Add one cupful boiling" water and simmer fifteen minutes — set away to cool. CIDKR SAUCE. 1 teacupful sugar. Yi teacupful butter. Cream tog^ether and add 2 teacupfuls boiling water and 1 tablespoonful corn starch dissolved in cold water. Boil and while boiling- add one-half teacupful boiled cider wnth flavoring- to suit. MAPLE SAUCE. ( )ne-lialf pint maple sugar dissolved in one tea- cupful of water; to this add one-half teacupful of butter mixed with one tablespoonful of flour. Flavor to taste and boil. Okcs. MrvS. C. H. Norris. "With weights and measures just and true, Oven of even heat, Well buttered tins and quiet nerves, Suoeess will he complete." HARTFORD ELECTION CAKE. 1/4 cupfuls of butter, 2 cupfuls of sugar, % cupful of milk, 3 eis^gs. 1 V2 pints of Hour, lYz tablespoonfuls baking powder, 2 cupfuls of raisins, 1 cupful of currants, ^A cupful citron chopped, f/2 cupful lemon peel, % cupful almonds shredded, 20 drops of extract of vanilla, 20 drops of extract of almonds, % cupful of sherry, '4 cupful of brandy. Rub butter and sugar to a light cream, add the yolks of eggs and milk; mix fruit, almonds and candied peel, and sift over them half the Hour and mix well. Next add to the mixture the other half of the Hour and baking powder; then add the fruit, then the extracts and wine; lastly the whites of eggs well beaten. Mrs. Margarkt Uritx^k. 179 CAKES bride:'s cakk. 4 pounds raisins, 2 pounds of currants after washed and dried, 1 pound citron, '4 ])ounds each of candied orang'e and lemon peel, 1 pound English walnuts, V2 pint sweet cream, V2 pint brand V, 2 tablespoonfuls each cinnamon, cloves, allspice and mace soaked in brandy, 2 nutmegs grated, 13/4 pounds butter, 2 pounds granulated sug^ar, 3^ pounds flour, 1 teaspoonful each salt and soda, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 10 eg-g^s. Cream butter and sugar, add well beaten volks then the cream and soaked spices. Sift powder into flour and add a little at a time; add whites beaten stifle. Dredge fruit with a little flour, add last. Dissolve soda in a little water and add with the fruit; mix thoroughly. Bake five hours, keep covered with a pan while baking-. This makes one loaf in six quart pan. Mrs. William HoRvSFall, Oregfon. WKDDING CAKE. 9 cupfuls of butter, 5 pints of sugar, 4 quarts of flour, 5 dozen eggs, 7 pounds of currants, CAKES 180 3'/2 pounds of citron, 4 pounds of blanched almonds, 7 })ounds of raisins, 1 '/4 pints of brandv, 2 ounces of mace. Bake in moderate oven for two hours or more. This will make eijJi'ht loaves, which will keep for years. Mrs. John Young. WHITK FRUIT CAKK. 1 cupful of butter, 2 cuj)fuls of su«^"ar, 3 cu])fuls flour. The whites of S e,i4'«.is, \4 wine <;iflass white wine, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, Vj pound of chopped almonds. Mix sugar and almonds, add wine. }*eat eg"gs to stiff froth, stir in butter and sugar; add the flour, with which the baking powder has been well mixed; lastly, add fruit. Bake in two loaves for forty minute.s- in a moderate oven. Mrs. J^)HX YorN(i. FRUIT CAKF. 1 pound flour, 1 pound butter, 1 ])ound sugar, 1 ])ouu(l currants, 1 ])ound citron, 2 pounds raisins, 1 dozen eggs, 1 glass wine, 1 glass rose water, 1 glass brandv, I Si CAKLS y2 pint sour cream, One-half pint of molasses with a teaspoon ful of soda stirred thoroughly into it. A teaspoon ful each of cloves, mace, allspice, cinnamon and nut- meo". Sprinkle flour over fruit and stir fifteen minutes. Mrs. W, A Poolk. TUMBLKR FRUIT CAKE. 1 tumblerful of egg's, 1 tumblerful of molasvses, 2 tumblerfuls of sugar, 1^ tumblerfuls of butter, 4 tumblerfuls of flour, 2 tumblerfuls of currants, 2 tumblerfuls of raisins, ^4 tumblerful of citron, 1 tumblerful of brandy, 1 tablespoonful of cloves, 1 tablespoonful cinnamon, 3 tablespoonfuls nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful baking' soda. Mrs. T. a. Hoag, MEASURE FRUIT CAKE. 2 scant teacupfuls butter, 3 cupfuls brown sugar, 6 eg"g"s, whites beaten separately, 1 pound raisins. 1 pound currants, '/2 ])ound citron, ^2 cup molasses, V2 cup sour milk. Stir butter and sugar to cream. Add to that one-half grated nutmeg, one tablespoonful cin- namon, one teaspoonful clo\es, one teas]>oonful CAKES 182 mace, then molasses and sour milk, then yolks of eg^s, and wine glass brandy. Stir all thoroughly. Add f our cupf uls of sifted flour alternately with the beaten whites of egg's; then dissolve a level teaspoonful of soda. Mix the fruit together, stir into it two heaping tablespoonfuls of flour, then stir it into the cake. Bake two hours in a moder- ate oven. When baked let cool in pan. Mrs. a. K. Norrks. SCRIPTURE CAKE. I. Kings, IV chapter, 22d verse, 4^ cups, Judges, V chapter, 25th verse, 1 cup, Jeremiah, VI chapter, 20th verse, 2 cups, I. Samuel, XXX chapter, 12th verse, 2 cups, Nahum, III chapter, 12th verse, 2 cups, Numbers, XVII chapter, 8th verse, 2 cups, I. Samuel, XIV chapter, 2Sth verse, 2 teaspoon f uls, Leviticus, II chapter, 13th verse, 1 pinch, Jeremiah, XVII chapter, 11th verse, 6, Judges, IV chapter, 19th verse, (last clause) Yz cupful, Amos, IV chapter, 5th verse, 2 teas])oon- fuls, II Chronicles, IX chapter; 9th verse, taste. Lkna Poolk. NO EGG FRUIT CAKE. ^ package Nonesuch mince meat, Vi pound Chaddock's seeded raisins, J/2 p(nind citron, 1 cupful butter, 1 cu])ful milk. Cook these together, add when hot add one 183 CAKES cupful molasses, twocuptulssug'ar; spice to taste; two teaspoonfuls baking powder; flour to make right consistency. Mrs. K. Nklson. HARRISON CAKE. 2 cupfuls sugar, 2 cupfuls molasses, ^2 cupful butter, 1 cupful milk, 4 eggs, 6 cupfuls flour, 2 teaspoonfuls cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful allspice, 1 pound currants, ^ pound citron, 1 pound Chaddock's seeded raisins. Mrs E. Nason. WEDDING FRUIT CAKE. 10 eggs, 5 level cupfuls brown sugar, ^ pint molasses, 3 cupfuls of soft butter, 1 lemon, 1 pound of figs, 1 pound of citrcm, 2 pounds of currants, 3)^ pounds of raisins, 1 heaping tablespoonful cinnamon, 1 heaping tablespoonful cloves, 1 heaping tablespoonful mace, 1 grated nutmeg, Vi teaspoonful soda, 1 quart flour. This rule makes two lar^e cakes. Bake in a CAKES 184 moderate oven two or three hours. Mrs. Ross. RAISIN CAKK. 2 cu]:>fuls sujj-ar, 1 cupful butter, 1 cupful sour milk, without whey, 2 cupfuls Chaddock's seeded raisins chop- ped. 1 teaspoonful saleratus, ^2 teaspoonful each bakinj^ powder and salt, % teaspoonful each cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract, 3 ejj^jjs beaten separately. Mrs. J. Hacker, Oreo;on. FIG CAKE. 1 cupful suj^ar, 1 cupful raisins, 1 cupful fiu-s, 1 '/2 cupfuls flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful soda disvsolved in one cuj^ful boiling water, 1 teaspoonful each cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. Chop raisins and tigs line and pour the cup of boiling water over them and let stand till cold. Mrs. J. S. Paintrr, Pacific Grove. RAISIN LOAF CAKF. A piece of raised light dough, % cupful butter, 185 CAKES 1 cupful sugar, 3 eg-gs well beaten, 1 cupful walnuts, chopped, 1 pint raisins, 1 tablespoonful cinnamon. Mix it well and let rise until light; bake in mould. A RICH CAKE. 1^ pounds of flour, dry and sift, 1^4 pounds loaf sugar, break and sift, 1^ pounds currants, wash and dr)', 2 ounces each of citron and candied lemon peel. Prepare these ingredients the day before mix- ing the cake. Next morning cream with your hands one and three-fourth pounds fresh butter; break in, one at a time, fifteen eggs, working- well; add gradually sugar, currants and peel; work flour in slowly; lastly add one glassful good spirits. Line a deep pan with buttered paper, extending a finger's length above the pan, and after putting cake in bake slowly until done. Frost while warm. The longer this cake is kept the better it is. Mrs. G. Fuller WilliaMvS, Oregon. SCOTCPI POUND CAKF. 1 cupful butter, creamed, 1^ cupfuls sugar, 4 eggs, yolks, 1 teaspoonful lemon or vanilla, ^2 cupful milk, /'2 cupful cornstarch, ^^A cupful pastry flour. 1 teasj)oonful cream tartar, CAKES 186 ^2 teaspoonful soda, Whites of 2 eggs. Mix in order given; bake in two shallow pans in a moderate oven. Mrs. A. E. NoRRKS. SPONCiK CAKK. Beat four eggs very light, yolks and whites together, then beatm two cupfuls of white sugar; then one cup of sifted flour, a little at a time; then another cupful of flour, into which two teaspoonfuls of baking powder have been mixed; lastly, a teacupful of water, almost boiling hot, put in a little at a time. When making this for the first time one is almost certain to put in a little more flour, it is so thin; don't do it or your cake will be spoiled. Flavor with lemon. This makes two long tins. Mrs. p. G. Adams. SOUR CRKAM CAKE. 1 cupful sour cream, 1 cupful sugar, 2 cupfuls flour, 2 eggs, ]4 teaspoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful baking powder. Flavor to suit. Mrs. Gauntlett, Oregon. AMFS CAKE. 1 large cupful butter, 2 cupfuls sugar, 3 cu])fuls pastry flour, 1 small cup milk. 187 CAKES Yolks of 5 e^gs, Whites of three eggs, 1 teaspoonful cream tartar, ^ teaspoonful soda, or 1^ teaspoonfuls baking powder. This makes two loaves. Mrs. O. p. Kenyon. RAILROAD CAKE. 2 cupfuls sugar, 2 cupfuls liour, 6 tablespoonfuls butter, 2 tablespoonfuls milk, 6 eggs, 1 tablespoonful soda, 2 tablespoonfuls cream tartar. Lemon peel. Bake in shallow pans in a quick oven. Mrs. J. A. Young. SPRKCKLKS CAKE. Seven eggs beaten separately, one-half pound sugar stirred into yolks and beaten well, grated rind of a lemon, one-half teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful cloves, one-half teaspoonful baking powder, grate one-half pound of almonds, not blanched, then stirw^hites of eggs and almond meal alternately into the mixture. No flour. Mrs. G. S. Waterman. COCOANUT OR PLAIN CAKE. 2 cupfuls sugar 1 cui)ful milk. CAKES \&& % cupful butter, 3 cupfuls Hour, 2 teaspoonfuls cream tartar, 1 teaspoonful vsoda. This cau be used for a plain cake or for cocoa- nut. If for the latter, reserve three whites of eggs for frosting and one-half cupful of cocoanut soaked in one-half cupful of milk. Mrs. a. E. Norris. CLOVE CAKE. 1 cupful sugar, ^ cupful butter, 1 cupful milk or water, 1 cupful molasses, 1 cupful raisins, chopped, 1 teaspoonful soda, 2 teaspoonfuls cloves. 2 eggs, Mrs. a. E. Norris. TIP TOP CAKE. 2 eggs, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1% cupfuls sugar, iy2 cu])fuls flour, l^A cu])fuls milk, 1 teaspoonful cream tartar, ^2 teaspoonful soda. Very old recipe. CITRON LOAF CAKE. 1 tables])oonful l)utter, 1 scant cupful sugar, 189 CAKES 3 eggs beaten separately, 1 scant cupful milk, Rather less than 2 cupfuls flour, 1^ teaspoonfuls baking powder (if very strong use 1). Cream butter and sugar; add yolks of eggs, milk, flour with the baking powder sifted into it and the beaten whites of the eggs. Flavor and add sliced citron. Pour into a loaf pan and bake in a moderate oven nearly an hour. Iviiss Applegath. POTATO CAKE. 1 cupful butter, 2 cupfuls flour, 1 cupful chocolate, ^ cupful milk, 2 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful mashed potato, 1 cupful chopped walnuts, 4 eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1 teaspoonful each of cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix potatoes w4th milk. Mrs. R. G. Storie. BLACK CHOCOLATE CAKE. 1 % cupfuls granulated sugar, ^2 cupful butter, 2 eggs, 1% cupful flour, salt, 1 teaspoonful vanilla, ^/2 cupful sour milk with 1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in it, CAKES 190 % cupful chocolate dissolved in % cup- fulv^ l')<)iling" water. Soft white frostiiifj;-, Mrs. (). P. Krnyon. DELICATE CAKE. 1}4 cu})fuls o-ranulated su^ar, ]4 cupful l)utter, 2}4 cupfuls flour, ^ cupful milk, Pinch of salt, Whites of five ej^'g's, 2 level teaspoonfuls l)akinj^ powder, A few drops of lemon extract. Cream sugar and butter, add milk slowly, beat- ing all the time, then add two cupfuls of the flour; i)eat ten minutes. Sift the remainder of the flour and baking pow^der together and stir in lightly. Lastly add the eggs beaten to a very sti5 froth. Mrs. J. W. Slater. GOOD PLAIN CAKE. 2 eggs, 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful cream, 2 cupfuls flour, 1 teaspoonful baking ]:)owder. Pinch of salt. Mrs. Ed. Pr.\tt. WHITE MOUNTAIN CAKE, NO. 1. 3 eggs, 2 cuj)fuls sugar, }4 cupful butter. 191 CAKtS 3 cupfuls Hour, 1 cupful milk, 1 teaspooiiful soda, 2 teaspoonfuls cream tartar. Beat butter and sugar together, then add yolks beaten very light, milk with soda, flour with cream tartar, then whites beaten very light. Mrs. O. p. Kenyon. WHITE MOUNTAIN CAKE NO. 2. 6 eggs, 1 ])ound sugar, 1 pound flour, l4 pound butter, % cupful of milk, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Mix butter and sugar till light; beat the whites and 3^olks of eggs separately; add the eggs with butter and sugar; then milk; then flour; lemon extract to taste. Bake in slow oven. Mrs. T. a. Hoacx. QUEEN'S CAKE. 2 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful milk, 1 cupful butter, 4 cupfuls flour, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 6 eggs beaten separately. Flav(>r with lemon. Mrs. J. M. Poole, RICE CAKE. 1 cupful l)utter, CAKES lyii 2j^ CLipiuls rice tloiir, 2 cupfiils sug-ar, 6 eggs, Juice and rind of a lemon. Beat butter to a cream and gradually beat in sugar; add lemon. Beat eggs separately and add to the mixture; then add rice flour. Bake in a shallow pan to the depth of about two inches. Bake from 35 to 40 minutes in a moderate oven. Mrs. John A. Young. IMITATION POUND CAKE. 1^/2 cupfuls sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls wine, 2 cupfuls flour. Yi teaspoon ful soda, V2 cupful butter (large), /^cupful milk, 5 eifi/s, 1 teaspoonful cream tartar. Mrs. a. N, Wood. WHITK CAKE NO. 1. 1 '2 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful milk, 4 tal)les])oonfuls melted butter, V>% cui)fuls Hour, Whites of 4 eggs, 2 teasjjoonfuls baking ]:><)wder. Flavoring. Mrs. Tahitha C. Harris. I^AKSTOW CAKE. Stir oiir cii]) ot sugar, butter size of a walnut 193 CAKES and yolks of two e^g"s to a cream. Add two- thirds of a cupful of cold water and two cupfuls of sifted flour, to which add the beaten whites of two eggs and flavor. Bake in a loaf or layers. Miss Julia Dahlgren. KMPRBSS CAKE. 1 cupful butter, 2 cupfuls sugar, Yi cupful corn-starch, 1 cupful milk, 2V2 cupfuls flour. Beat all together. Lastly, add the whites of eight eggs beaten to a stiff froth; two teaspoon- fuls of baking powder. Miss Lena Poole. ve:lvet cake. Whites of 4 eggs, well beaten, 1 cupful sugar, y2 cupful butter, y2 cupful milk, 1 cupful flour, V2 cupful corn-starch, ] teaspoon ful baking powder. Beat butter and sugar to a cream; add milk, then flour and corn-starch with baking powder, then the eggs; flavor. Mrs. a. N. Wood. WHITE CAKE, NO. 2. Whites of 8 eggs well whipped, 3 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful butter. CAKES 194 1 cupful milk, 4 cupfuls sifted flour with 1 teaspoonful cream tartar, Yi teaspoonful soda dissolved in milk, Juice of 1 lemon. Bake one hour in a moderate oven. Mrs. J. M. Pugh. FKATHKR CAKE. 1 cupful sut^ar, 1 teaspoonful melted butter, 1 e^j^f % cupful milk, 2 cupfuls flour, 2 even teaspoonfuls cream tartar, 1 teaspoonful soda, Flavor with lemon. Mks. J. M. Pi (iH. WHITK CAKE, NO. 3. Whites of S et^jj-s, well l)eaten, 2 cu])fuls su«jar, 1 cu)>ful butter, melted, 1 teaspoonful bakinj^ ])owder in 1 i-upful milk, 3 cupfuls flour sifted three times. Flavor with anv flavorinj^" preferred. Mks. J. R. Williams. OERMAN COFFEE CAKE. 1 (|uart flour, 2 teaspoonfuls bakinj^' ))owdcr. Salt, 2 tablespix.nluls su^^ar. 195 CAKES Piece of butter size of walnut, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon. Mix well together; add enough flour to make a soft dough. Roll into two sheets and bake in two medium sized pie tins, allowing the mixture to come a little way up the sides. Moisten the top with egg or sweet milk. "" Miss Margaret Simpson. GOLD CAKK. Yolks of 8 eggs, % cupful butter, 1% cupfuls flour, 1 cupful sugar, }4 cupful milk, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, Flavor with lemon. Bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Kdwin W. Brunton. SILVER CAKE. 1 cupful sugar, y2 cupful butter, Whites of 3 eggs, % cupful cornstarch dissolved in nearly ^2 cupful milk, 1% cupfuls flour, ^teaspoonful cream tartar, % teaspoonful soda. Vanilla or almond flavor. Beat butter to a cream and' gradually beat in sugar; add flavor. Mix flour, cream tartar and soda together and sift twice. Beat white of eggs to a stiff froth; add cornstarch and milk to sugar and butter, then eggs and flour. Bake in a mod- CAKES 196 erate oven for half an hour. A chocolate frost- ing- is nice for this cake. Mrs. John A. Young. DELICIOUS CAKE. 2 cupful s sugfar, 1 cupful butter, 1 cupful milk, 3 cupfuls flour, 3 eggs, Vi teaspponful soda, 1 teasooonful cream tartar^ Beat butter and sugar together; add the yolks of eggs, then the beaten whites. Dissolve soda in the milk and mix cream tartar with the flour. Flavor with lemon or vanilla, Mrs. O. p. Ken yon. LADY CAKE. 1 Vz cupfuls sugar, y^2 cupful butter, or a little more, 3 eggs, 2 cupfuls flour, Vz cupful milk, 1 teaspoonful cream tartar, Vi teaspoonful soda. Add spices and raisins if vou like. Mrs. a. N. Wood. WHIST CAKE. 1 cupful butter, creamed with 2 cui)fuls sugar, 4 eggs l)rok(-n into mixture one at a time, % cupful milk'. 197 CAKES 23^ cupfuls flour, sifted in it 2 level tea- spoonfuls baking powder, yi teaspoonful vanilla, % teaspoonful lemon. Add flour and milk alternately and beat until very light. Bake about 20 minutes. F. KFvNYOn. PLAIN CAKE. 1 pound flour, 6 ounces lard, butter or drippings, 6 ounces sugar, ^ pound raisins, 1 teacupful buttermilk or sour milk, 1 level teaspoonful soda, 3- eggs, Flavor to taste. Sift the soda and flour together, stir in sugar, rub in shortening with fingers; add raisins, stir in the buttermilk, then the eggs, yolks and whites beaten together. Bake, not too quickly, one and one-half hours. Mrs. Thomas Nock. VFLVET CAKF, NO. 2. Whites of 5 eggs, 2 cupfuls sugar, ^ cupfuls butter, 2% cupfuls flour, }/i cupfuls cornstarch, 1 cupful milk, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Mrs. a. J. Y. COLD WATER CAKE. 2 cupfuls sugar, CAKES 198 1 cupful butter, Yolks of four eggs, IV2 cupfuls water, 1 tablespoonful soda, 1 tablespoonful cinnamon, 1 tablespoonful cloves, 1 tablespoonful allspice, 1 tablespoonful vanilla, 1 tablespoonful nutmeg", 2 cupfuls seeded raisins, 4 cupfuls flour. Whites of 4 eggs. Mix the cake just as it reads. For the icing mix one cupful sugar, one-half cupful milk and butter the size of an egg. Boil fifteen minutes and spread on top. DUMP CAKE. Dump into a dish together all the following articles: 1 cupfuls butter, 2 cupfuls sugar, 4 cupfuls flour, 1 i)ound chopped raisins, 1 teas]:>oonful soda in a cup of cold water, 1^4 teaspoonfuls cream tartar, Any spice vou choose. Mix well. Bake in two deep pans. Mrs. a. K. Norris. brp:ad cake. Set sponge in evening with one cake Magic yeast. In the morning add flour and four (piarts water to make consistencv of ])ancake batter. 199 CAKES Let rise, and in the evening wori^ in ilour to make sticky thick (not stiff enough to mould as for bread). Add dates or prunes cut fine, raisins, nuts, currants or other dried fruit; three cupfuls brown sugar, 1 cupful very strong coffee, to color; cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Mrs. D. O. Kelly. CAKK WITHOUT KGGS. 1^ cupfuls sugar, ^4. cupful molasses, ^4 cupful butter, 1 % cupfuls milk, 3 cupfuls flour, 2 cupfuls raisins or 1 each of raisins and nuts. 1 teaspoonful soda, 2 teaspoonful s cream tartar. Cloves, nutmeg and cinnaman. This makes two large square loaves. Mrs. a. E. Norris. BUTTERMILK CAKK. 1 cupful buttermilk, 1 cupful sugar. Butter, half the size of an egg, 4 cupfuls flour, Small teaspoonful soda. Fruit and spices if you like. Mrs. a. E. Norris. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. 1 cupful flour, % cupful milk. CAKES 200 1 teaspootiful baking- powder, 1 tablespoonful melted butter, 1 eo-jT, Add a tablespoonful sugar if desired. Add to the berries a small quantity of butter and sug-ar and set away; when cake is baked, split and butter, then add cream or the beaten w^hite of an egg to the berries. Spread between layers and serv^e. MRvS. Tabitha C. Harris. FIVE CENT CAKE, NO. 1. 2 cupfuls brown sugar. Two cupfuls fruit syrup or thin molasses, 1 cupful black coffee, 1'4 teaspoonful each of cloves and nutmeg. Sift a little flour in and drop in one-half pound or more raisins, currants, or dates (cut from the stone); flour enough to make consistency of cake dough, or a little stiff er. Add baking powder last. Bake in cake tins. Sift a little sugar on top before baking. Mrs. D. O. Kklly. FIVE CENT CAKE, NO. 2. Same as above, but instead of fruit juice, use pint of sour milk and ])inch of soda. Proceed as in No. 1. WATER SPONGE CAKE. 1 cupful sugar, A pinch of salt, 2 eggs well beaten together, 1 rounding cu])ful sifted flour with one 201 CAKES Teaspooiiful baking" powder, 1 teaspoonful lemon essence. Add last half a cupful of boiling water, stir quickly and bake in moderate oven. Mrs. Gillogly. CRI^AM SPONGE CAKK. Break two eggs in a cup, fill the cup with cream; add one cupful sugar, vanilla to taste. Beat all with egg beater. Add one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful baking powder. This is a neverfailing recipe and is especially good baked in muffin pans. Mrs. J. K. Johnston. MRS. DEWEY'S SPONGE CAKE. 3 eggs, beat five minutes, 1 cupful sugar, beat two minutes, 1 cupful flour, beat 1 minute, yi cupful water. Pinch of salt, Flavoring, One more cupful of flour with two even tea- spoonfuls of baking powder; beat two minutes and pour into greased pans. Bake twenty min- utes in a quick oven. Mrs. Amos Harris. SPONGE CAKE. 1 cupful flour, 1 cupful sugar, 2 eggs beaten separately, 4 tablespoonfuls cold water, 1 teaspoonful baking powder. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. CAKF.S '^02 Bake twenty miiiiites in a hot oven. Mrs. Mary A. Bbnnet. an(;kl cakk. Whites of eleven e^g-s beaten stiff with one and one-half cups of vsuo^ar (sifted); one teaspoon- ful cream tartar; one cupful flour, sifted five times with the cream tartar; one teaspoonful vanilla. Bake in a slow oven forty minutes. Miss Lena Poole. SPONGE CAKK OUR GRANDA.IOTHKRS USED TO MAKE. Yolks of 6 e<4"i4"s, 1 cupful sug"ar, 1 cu})fu} sifted flour, 1^2 tablespoon fuls lemon juice. Rind of % lemon. Beat yolks and suj^ar until a light lemon color. Add lemon juice and rind. Beat whiles of e^^f^s and fold into mixture. Sift the flour crradually over and fold it in. Bake in a moderate oven. Miss Emma Barnett. WALNUT CAKE. 1 ' 2 cupiuls butter, 5 cuplrils Hour. /2 cupful brand V, 1 nutnuj^, b cti-j^-.^. .■^ ciipiuls su.ii'ar, 1 cupful milk, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 2'< l)ounds English walnuts. 203 CAKES 2 pounds raisins, Mrs. Shannon. HICKORY NUT CAKE. 2 coffee cupfuls sugar, V2 coffee cupful butter, 1 coffee cupful milk, 2 coffee cupful flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar, Vi teaspoonful soda, 1 quart of i hickory nuts before they are cracked. Mrs. O. P. Kenyon. CHOCOLATE NUT CAKE. 2 cupfuls sugar, 5 eggs, 4 sticks chocolate, grated, 3 very large tablespoonfuls each of brandy and syrup, 1 teaspoonful each of cloves, allspice and cinnamon, 2^ cupfuls flour, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, 1 cupful blanched almonds, halved. Bake in long shallovv- tins. Mrs. Roy R. Giffen. OLD-FASHIONED CAKE. 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful of flour before sifting, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, A little salt. Sift all together; break three eggs into it and CAKES 204 stir five minutes; add half cupful of melted but- ter, stir five minutes; lastly, half a cupful of water; stir thoroughly. Set in a brisk oven and be careful not to jar. Use any flavorino;. Mrs. S. F. Brkrd, Shardon, Cal. Eaper Cakes. BANANA CAKK. Beat two e^^s, put them in a cup and lill it with cold clear water and melted butter, using equal quantities of each, this being- done by put- ting a tablespoonful of water and butter alter- nately until cup is filled; one cupful sugar, one and a half cupfuls of flour, and three teaspoon- fuls baking powder. Bake in la3'ers; spread each layer with frosting and slice bananas over the frosting. CARAMKL CAKK. ^4 cu])fu] butler, 2 cu])fu]s sugar. 1 cupful milk. -I- eggs (whites), 2^ cupfuls flour, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, Bake in loaf or three layers. FROSTING.— 2 cupfuls brown sugar, '4 cu])ful cream and ^.4 cu])ful butter, or 1 cupful cream. Cook until it begins to harden. Jp:nnik (iArdmok. 205 CAKES RIBBON CAKK. 1 cupful butter, 2 cu]:)fuls suj^'ar, 1 cupful milk, 4 eggs( yolks and whites beaten separately), 3% cupfuls pastry flour, ^/2 teaspoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful cream tartar. Bake two parts of dough as plain cake. To the third part add ^4 cupful raisins, stoned and chopped, 1 cupful currants, % pound sliced citron, 2 teaspoonfuls molasses, 2 teaspoonfuls wine or brandy, 1 teaspoonful mixed mace and cinnamon. Bake and put this cake between layers of plain cake wiih jelly. Press lightly in putting to- gether. Frost. Mrs. Lincoln's Cook Book. LAYER CAKE. 2 cupfuls sugar, 34 cupful butter, creamed, 1 cupful sweet milk, 2 cupfuls flour, }4 cupful corn-starch, 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Whites of 6 eggs the last thing. Sift corn-starch, flour and baking powder many times together that the mixing of these three articles may be thorough. . CREAM FILLING, NO. 1,— 2 coffee cupfuls granulated sugar, 1 cupful new milk. CAKES 206 Butter size of walnut. Boil until, when dropped in cold water, it forms a soft ball. Remove from fire and stir till cold. FILLING, NO. 2,— One pint cream whipped stiff and sweetened and flavored to taste. Mrs. Turner. NICE LAYER CAKE. 1 cupful sug-ar, % cupful butter, 4 e54"g"s (whites), Vz cupful milk, 1^2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 13^^ cupfuls flour. Vanilla flavoring. ; Bake in three or four layers, adding chocolate to one or two la^^ers. Put together with cus- tard made with 2 yolks of eggs, % cupful sugar, 1 cu[)ful milk. Small lump butter, 1 tablespoonful corn-starch. Flavor and cook until thick. ICING,^ 1 cupful sugar, 4 tablespoonfuls water, Boil and add to the beaten whites of two eggs; add chocolate or cocoa. Mrs. a. H. Wood. CREAM CAKE. 3 eggs, 1 cupful sugar, 3 tables])oonfuls milk, 207 CAKES 1 cupful Hour, 1 teaspoonful baking powder. Bake in two cakes and split them for filling. FILLING.— IV2 cupfuls milk, 1 large tablespoonful corn-starch, Scant ^2 cupful sugar. Boil milk and sugar; thicken withcorn-sitarch; add small piece of butter, then flavor. Beat until nearly cool and spread between layers, Mrs. a. H. Wood. AUTUMN CAKE. Cream two cupfuls sugar with one-half cupful butter; add one cupful cold water, three cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder and, lastl\% the stifiiy beaten whites of five eggs; bake in three large layers. Make a soft icing with the whites of two eggs; in one-half put cocoanut, in the other half chocolate. On the bottom layer spread the cocoanut, on the next layer jelly, and on the top chocolate, letting each filling run down the sides of the cake. Bake the day before using. Very nice. . Mrs. W. F. FalVa. MINNFHAHA CAKF. ^2 cupful l)utter, 1 }4 cupfuls sugar, Whites of 6, or 3 whole eggs, 1 cupful sweet milk, 2l4 cupfuls flour, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. FILLING,— 1 cupful sugar. CAKES 208 4 tal)lcsp()unfuls water. Boil till clear then stir into it the beaten white of one e^cr-, add one-half cupful v'^eeded raisins, chopped; one-half cupful nuts. This rule is ^ood for either layer or loaf cake. F. J. Alsip, JKLLY ROLLS. 1 cupful suoar, 1 cu])ful Hour, 3 eu-^-s, 1 teaspoonful bakinj^;- powder. Stir well; spread thin in a long dripping pan and bake quickl}^ Turn out on a cloth, cutting off the edges; spread with jelly and roll. Mrs. Daisey Barnks. RAISIN CAKK. Break two eggs in a teacup, lill u{) with sweet cream, beat well together, then add one cupful sugar; one and two-thirds cupfuls flour with two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Flavor with lemon; bake in lavers. FILLING, - ( )ne cupful sugar dissolved with three table- spoonfuls water: boil five minutes, and while hot [)onr on the beaten whites of two eggs and stir till cool. Add one pint seeded and chopped rais- ins; spread between layers. Mrs. Tt'rnkr. (IFRMAN PASTRY, l4 pound flour, '4 pound sugar. 209 CAKES % pound butter, 1 teavSpoonful baking powder. Rub the butter into the flour with the fingers; moisten with one egg and mix until the paste is quite smooth; if too stiff, add a very little milk. Roll out thin and cut in rounds the size of a tea- plate. Spread with raspberry jam, cov^er with paste and bake in a rather quick oven. Mrs. Thomas Nock. MOCHA CAKE. 1 cupful sugar, scant, Y2 cupful butter, Whites of 3 eggs, 2 cupfuls flour, ^ cupful milk, 1 teaspoonful baking powder. FILLING.— 1 slice ^ inch thick of unsalted butter, 1 cupful powdered sugar. Cream until the sugar cannot be tasted; beat yolks of two eggs and put with above; then add slowly one-quarter cup, scant, of coffee extract, boiling hot, a little at a time to the above. If not convenient to use coffee extract, one-quarter of a cup of fresh strong coffee will do as well. Mrs. L. C. Sanford. FRENCH CREAM CAKE. 4 eggs, 2 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful sweet milk, 3 cupfuls flour, 1 tablespoonful butter, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. CAKES 2IU Bake in layers. Between layers put the follow- ing cream: 1 pint sweet milk, 1 cupful sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls corn-starch, Lemon to suit taste. Boil these together and add one (tg^ well beaten after taking from the fire. WHITE FRUIT LAYER CAKE. 1 cupful butter, 2 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful milk, 2 cupfuls flour, 6 eggs (whites only) beaten stiff, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake in five layers, and while still hot |)ut to- gether with the following: PILLING,— One-quarter pound each finely chopped figs, vseeded raisins, citron, preserved ginger and blanched almonds. Stir them into the beaten whites of three eggs; one cupful powdered sugar and the juice of a lemon. Frost the tap with the white of an egg, a cupful of powdered sugar and the juice of a lemon. Lot- Nasburg, Oregon. WALNUT CAKE, NO. L 2 cu])fuls sugar, 1 cu|)ful butter, Whites of b eggs, Yolks of 2 eggs, 1 cupful milk, 3 '<2 cupfuls Hour. 21! CAKES Flavor with vanilla, 3% teaspoonfuLs baking' powder. FILLING,— Boil one cupful granulated sugar with four tahlespoonfuls water five minutCvS, or until it threads when dropped from the end of the spoon. With the left hand pour the boiling syrup in a small stream into the beaten white of an eg*g, while beating- hard with the right hand. Then add a cupful chopped walnuts and flavor with vanilla. Put halves of walnuts on the top of cake. Mrs. Ruth Parkhurst. WALNUT CAKE, NO. 2. 1 cupful butter, 2y2 cu]jfuls sugar, 8 eg-gs (whites), 3 teaspoonfuls baking- powder, 2 cupfuls chopped walnuts. FROSTING,— 2 cupfuls sugar, ^^i cupfuls milk. Butter size of an egg. Boil these fifteen minutes then pour in a dish and stir until it thickens. Add white of egg well beaten and one tablespoonful vanilla. Mrs. J. M. Pugh. NUT CAKE. Beat the yolks of ten egg's very light with one pound sugar; one small cupful cracker flour; one teaspoonful baking powder; one pound ground nuts; then add the beaten whites of the eggs and bake one hour in a slow oven. When perfectly cold slice in two and fill and cover with whipped CAKES 212 cream, to which a few <4round nuts and sugar to taste have been added. M. L. S. WORLD'S FAIR CAKE. 1^ cupfuls sugar, V2 cupful butter, V2 cupful milk, \V2 cupfuls tiour before sifting, 3 eggs beaten separately. 1 large teaspoonful baking powder, 6 large tablespoonfuls grated chocolate, 3 large tablespoonfuls sugar in 2 large tablespoonfuls scalding milk. Add to the cake and bake in a scjuare pan. ICING,— 2 cupfuls sugar, y^ cupful milk, Butter size of an ^^'^, Flavor. Boil hard fifteen minutes; remove from tire and stand until cool enough to spread. Miss Makv Mott. CHOCOLATE NOUGAT CAKE. Cream one-quarter cupful butter, add slowly one and one-half cupfuls sugar; one ^%^, well beaten. Mix three teaspoonfuls baking powder with two cupfuls flour; add this alternately with two-thirds cupful milk to the first mixture. Melt two squares Baker's chocolate, add three teaspoonfuls sugar, one-third cupful milk. When cool add to the cake. Flavor with one teaspoon- ful vanilla. Frost to[), then cover with shredded almonds. Mks. O. P. KiONYr)N. 213 CAKES DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE, NO. 1. PART 1,— 1 cupful brown sugfar, Vi cupful butter, 1 cupful sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful soda, 2 cupfuls flour, PART 2,— 1 cupful brown sug^ar, 1 cupful grated chocolate, ^ cupful sweet milk, Flavor with vanilla. Put part 2 on the stove, using a double boiler, and let it come to a boil, then cool and mix with part 1. Bake in layers and put the following^ icino- between. ICING,— 6 rounded tablespoonfuls grated chocolate, 1/^ cupfuls powdered sugar, 3 eggs (whites). Beat whites ver}' little, then stir in chocolate. Add the sugar gradually, beating well, then set on stove and let it boll a short time. Allow cake to get thoroughly cool before removing from the tins, which will prevent crumbling. Mrs. L. C. Sanford. DEVIL \S FOOD CAKE, NO. 2. 2 cupfuls brown sugar, Vt cupful butter, 2 eggs, V2 cupful chocolate, y2 cupful sour milk, y^ cupful boiling water, 1 pinch salt, CAKES 214 1 teaspoon till sotla, 3 cupfiils flour sifted. Beat sug"ar, butter and eggs together; add the chocolate dissolved in hot water, and the soda in the milk; lastly, the flour. Bake in layers. FILLING,— V2 cupful cream, 2 cupful s brown sugar, % cupful butter. Cook until it hairs from spoon; add one tea- spoonful vanilla. (Excellent. ) Mrs. J. W. Slater. DKVIL'S POOD CAKE. NO. 3. Yolks of 2 eggs, 2 squares chocolate, grated, 1 cupful milk, 1 cupful sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls melted butter, 1 ^4 cupfuls flour, 1 teaspoonful soda and 1 teas]30onful cream tartar, or two tea- spoonfuls baking powder, 1 teaspoonful vanilla. Co.)k chocolate with one-half of the milk and the beaten yolks of the eggs until it thickens; let cool. Rub sugar and butter together, then add other ingredients. Bake in three layers or in a loaf. Mrs. Howard. LEMON CAKE. 2 cui)Fuls sugar, ' 2 cupful l)utter, 1 cupful uiill<. 215 CAKES 3 cupfuls Hour, 3 lev^el teaspoonfuls baking" powder. Bake in layers. For the jelly use the Grated rind and juice of 2 lemons, 1 cupful sugar, V2 cupful cold water, 1 tablespoonf ul flour mixed in a little water. Boil until it thickens and spread between layers of cake. ORANGE CAKE. 2 cupfuls sugar, ^ 1 cupful milk, 3 cupfuls flour, 5 yolks eggs, 4 whites eggs, Butter size of walnut, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Juice 1 orange and grated rind. Bake in: layers. Between the layers use this icing: The white of one ^g^ beaten to a stiff froth: add the juice and grated rind of one lemon and powdered sugar suflicient to make right con- sistency to spread nicely. M. L. P. GOLD MEDAL FRENCH CREAM CAKE. 1 cupful white sugar, 3 eggs, 1 Vz cupfuls flour, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, 2 tablespoonfuls thick sweet cream, 1 teaspoonful lemon or vanilla. Bake as a jelly cake. For the mock cream: 1 tablespoonful flour, CAKfcS 2I(' 1 eg-^-, Yz teacupful white sugar, 1 tablespoonful butter, V2 pint sweet milk (cream is preferred). Stir the flour in a little cold milk, add the'eg'g well beaten, the sugar; then add the butter to this. Add the milk or cream and boil the whole until it thickens. Flavor with lemon. If used in cake while warm spread between cake. The cake is much improved if baked a dav or two before using. This cake was first baked for Louis Na- poleon for the Paris Exposition at Paris, for which a gold medal was granted; afterwards for the Centennial at Philadelphia, 1876. PLAIN FR()STIN(;. White ol" 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful lemon juice, 1 vScant cupful powdered sugar. Put egg and lemon juice in a bowl, stirrings in sugar gradually. Beat, not stir, all together five minutes. Mrs. a. M. Lynks. l^OILKD IC1N(;. 1 cupful g-ranulated sugar, '3 cupful boiling water. White of one egg, 1 saltspoonful cream tartar. Boil sugar and water without stirring until the syrup, when taken up on a skewer, will "thread" or "rope." When nearly at that point beat the egg stiff: add the cream tartar, and ])our the syrup ov.' ■ the egg in a fine stream, beating well. When it thickens and is perfect! \' smooth pour it 217 CAKhS over the cake. It hardens quickly and should be put on the cake before it stiffens enough to drop. Mrs. Lincoln's Cook Book. GOLDEN FROSTING. Beat yolks of eg'jj's and stir in powdered su^ar till stiff enough to spread, not to run. Flavor with vanilla or wine. Mrs. A. F. NoRRls. ORANGF FROSTING. Mix together the yolk of one egg, one table- spoonful orange juice, one-half teaspoonful or- ange extract and confectioner's sugar, to make it thick enough to spread. Mrs. Gtllogly. CHOCOLATF ICING. Yolks of two eggs beaten; add (jne cupful sugar boiled to consistency of candy. Beat until rather thick then add three-quarters cupful chocolate. Flavor with vanilla. Sarah Cot.eman. COLORED ICING. Several green coffee beans left to soak in the unbeaten white of an egg will color cake icing a delicate green. The beans shouldbe removed and the egg whipped and used for the icing. CHOCOLATE FROSTINC^. Whites of 2 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls cold water to each egg; (stir well), CAKES 218 1 teasponful vanilla, 2 squares chocolate. Melt chocolate, add water, then sug"ar, guess- ing at quantity of sugar. Mrs. O. p. Kk^jyon. MILK FROSTING. 1)4 cupfuls sugar, , 1 teaspoonful butter, yi cupful milk, Yi teaspoonful vanilla. Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add sugar and milk. Boil gently without stirring for thir- teen minutes. Beat until stiff enough to spread, then add flavoring and spread over cake. MAPLK CARAMKL FILLING. 1 /^ cupfuls maple sugar, 1 tablespoonful butter, % cupful milk. Boil until it spins a heavy thread; cool a little and stir. ALM(3ND CUSTARD. (For Filling.) '2 ])int cream, 3 eggs, 1 teas])()onful corn-starch, 1 tablespoonful powdered sugar. Add 1 cupful chopped almonds to custard; cook a few minutes. Flavor with two or three drops almond combined with a little vanilla. 219 CAKES PIG FILLING. 1 cupful sugar, 4 tablespoonfuls water, White of 1 eg-g beaten stiff, 12 figs soaked % hour in warm water, then chopped. Boil sugar and water until sugar threads; stir slowly into white of egg, then chopped figs. I^nough for two layers. KGGLKSS CAKE. 1% cupfuls sugar, l4 cupful of butter, 1 cupful sour milk, % teaspoonful soda, ^4 teaspoonful cinnamon, ]4 nutmeg (grated), 3 level cupfuls sifted flour, 1}4 cupfuls seeded raisins chopped and well floured in part of these 3 cupfuls. A tutti frutti filling for layer cake is made by mixing chopped raisins and a small quantit\^ of lemon, orange and citron peel, currants and nuts with soft icing. It m.ust be ver}- thoroughly mixed, so that no one ingredient shall predom- inate. TreAvSurer New and Old. ADVEKTISEMENTS GIFFEN'S PHARMACY APOTHECARY AND DRUGGIST Stationery and Fancy Novelties Perfumery Spices, Flavoring Extracts Confectioners' Sugar Fresh Choice Candies Ice Cream in Season FOWLER - - CALIFORNIA R. W. WILLIAMS C. H. WILLIAMS Fowler Carriage & Agricultural Works R. W. WILLIAMS & BRO.. Proprietors General Blacksmiths And Wagonmakers... Fowler, - - - California Poulson & Edwards i)i<:.\li-:ks in Choice Fresh Meats Of All Kinds Fowler - - California ADVERTISEMENTS (^haddock & Qo (Incorporated) We are the packers of Diamond Our Best Morning Star Corona Victor a,id Raisin City Brands of Seeded Raisins and Arrow Brands Dried Fruits Enough Said P R K S N ( ) AND F () W L K R CALIFORNIA Cookies, Doughnuts and Small Cakes. Mrs. M. K. Trowbkmik;^:. ALMOND CAKKS. 1 pound sifted iioiir, Yx pound butter, ^4- pound sut>-ar, 2 eggs, % teaspoonful each lemon and almond ex- tract, 2 teaspoonfuls ground ginger. One teaspoonful ground cinnamon, 4 ounces of almonds blanched and chopped ver)' fine, 2 ounces of raisins finely cho])ped. Mix all the dry ingredients together; then rub in the butter, add eggs and essence last of all; rollout half an inch thick; cut in fancy shapes and bake in a slow oven. These are excellent. L. C. Landis. l^>()()P>IKvS. ^ ^ ^ ^^ ' ' 2' J cupl'uls ilour, 1 cuj)f"ul sugar, •^4 cupful bill U'r, 221 COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 1 small wineg-lass brandy or whisk}^ 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, Lemon flavoring. Rub, flour, butter and sugar together; add the other ingredients and enough milk to mix like cookies. Roll out and spread the brtoby filling over the top. Roll up like jelly cake; slice off with a sharp knife and bake. BOOBY FILLING,— 1 cupful seeded raisins, 1 cupful currants, Yz pound each of citron, walnuts, blanched almonds, 1 teaspoonful each of cloves, cinnamon and allspice, 5 pulverized ginger snaps. Mix and chop fine. Autograph Cook Book. COOKIKS, NO. 1. 2 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful butter, 4 cupfuls flour, 2 teaspoonfuls soda, 4 teaspoonfuls cream tartar, 6 eggs. Rub the flour, cream tartar, soda and butter together. Miss Sarah Parrow, Selma, Cal. COOKIES, NO. 2. 2 teacupfuls sugar, 1 teacupful butter, 2 pcrcrs; ^4 cupful sweet milk. COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 222 1 teaspoonful bakitijj;' powder, Nutmeg-. Mix as soft as possible; roll thin and bake in a quick oven. Mrs. J. .S. Paintrr, Pacific Grove, Cal. COOKIES, NO. 3. 2 cupfuls suLTar, - e^ji-s, -A, cu}>ful butter, 1 cupful milk, Yz teaspoonful salt, 2 teaspoonfuls baking- i)o\vder, Knough flour to roll nicelv. Cream sugar and butter, then add the eggs. Mrs. G. W. Clarkk, Columbus, O. COOKIES, NO. 4. 1 cu])ful sugar, 1 cu])ful butter, 4 eggs, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Enough flful butter, 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful honev, 1 cupful water (boiling), 1 tablespoonful ginger, 2 teaspoonfuls soda. Flour sufficient to roll out thin. Mrs. J. Arernathy. COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES lit ROLLKD OAT COOKIES. 1 cupful su^ar, 1 cupful butter and lard mixed and melted, 2 cupfuls flour, 2 cupfuls rolled oats, 1 cupful raisins or currants, ^ teaspoonful soda, dissolved in a little warm water, 1 teaspoonful mixed spices, 4 tablespoonfuls of -sweet milk, 2 e^^ijs, Mix to<)()nJ"uls sweet milk, 1 tablespoonfiil flour, ^4 pound orated cocoanut. Beat white of et>:«^ until stiff, add su^ar, milk and flour; work in the cocoanut, mould into cones and bake on buttered tins. Mrs. E. V. Kkllky. COCOANUT PYRAMIDS. Beat the whites of two eggs until light and stiff; mix with two cupfuls of grated cocoanut, one cupful powdered sugar, ten tablespoon fuls flour. Make into pyramids and bake brown. A. E. N. CRULLERS, NO. L 2 coffee cupfuls sugar, 3/^ cupful sweet milk, 3 eggs, 1 tablespoonful butter, Yz nutmeg. 1 teaspoon ful baking powder. Plour enough to mould in shape and fry in hot fat. Mrs. R. D. Jones, Fresno. CRULLERS, NO. 2. 1 cujiful sugar, ^^ eggs, ^ cupful milk, 4 tablespoon fuls melted lard, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, Pinch of salt. Flour to make the dough stiff enough to roll. Cut into the shaj^e vou prefer and fry in hot lard. M. L. Parkhtrst. 229 COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES DOUGHNUTS, NO. 1. 2 beaten eg"g"s, 1 cupful sugar, 4 tablespoon fuLs melted Tard, 1 cupful sweet milk, 2 even teaspoonfuls baking- powder, A little salt, Flavoring- to taste. Flour to make a soft doug-h and fry in hot lard. Mrs. Daisey Barnks. DOUGHNUTS. NO. 2. 4 eg-gs, 2 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful sour cream, 1 teaspoonful soda. Mix soft and drop into hot lard. Mrs. a. Eldkr. DOUGHNUTS, NO. 3. 1 rounding coffee cupful light brown sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls melted butter, 2 eggs, 5^ cupful sour milk, /^ teaspoonful soda, V2 teaspoonful baking powder. The dough must be mixed as soft as possible to handle. Tf mixed stiff the doughnuts are ruined. The fat in which the}" are fried must be smoking hot, but not boiling. Mrs. J. S. Painter, Pacific Grove. DOUGHNUTS, NO. 4. 1 cupful sugar. COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 230 1 pint buttermilk, 2 tablespoonfuLs molasses, 1 tablespoonful soda, Butter size of an e^g. Nutmegs to taste. Mix all together with tiour enough to mould into shape. Put in a little salt, pepper and lard, to take away the fatty smell. M. E. TROWBRID(iE. (ilNGER DROPS. 1 t' *->' <•'■ 1 cupful sugar, 5 cupfuls flour, 1 tablespoonful ginger and cinnamon in flour, 3/}^ cupfuls butter, 2 cupfuls molasses (Orleans), 1 tablespoonful soda, ^4 cupful water. Have thicker than cake mixture; drop from spoon. Bake them in dripping pans and have them just stiff enough so thev will not be all in one cake. (;in(tKK snaps. Take two cupluls of boiled New Orleans mo- lasses after it is cooled, one cupful lard and butter mixed, one teaspoonful of salt, soda and ginger. Mix them together with a cjuarter of a cupful of milk, adding enough flour to make a stiff dough. Any flavor may be added. Mrs. H. Ramsay. 231 COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKhS SOFT GINGKR BRE^AD, NO. 1. 1 cupful butter, stir to a cream, 3^ cupful brown sug-ar, 2 cupfuls cooking molaSvSes, 1 cupful sweet milk, 1 tablespoonful ginger, 1 tablespoonful cinnamon, 3 eggs, whites andyolks beaten separately. Beat all these ingredients together; add two cupfuls flour, one teaspoonful soda, dissolved in water, and, lastl3^ two cupfuls more of flour. Butter and paper two common sized bread pans; divide the mixture, putting half in each. Bake in a moderate oven from forty to sixty minutes. If sour milk is used the cake is much lighter; but either sweet or sour, it is excellent. Mrs. (tKoror Clark. SOFT GINGKR BREAD, NO. 2. 1 cupful butter and lard mixed, 1 cupful sour milk, 1 cupful molasses, 1 tablespoonful soda beaten in the molasses until it foams, 3 eggs, 1 tablespoonful ginger, Flour consistency of cake batter. Mrs. Fdwin W. Brunton. SOUR MILK GINGER BREAD. 1 cupful molasses, 1 cupful thick sour milk, 1^4 teaspoonfuls soda, ^ 3 teaspoonfuls ginger, COOKIES. DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 232 ^/^ teas[)(>onfiil cloves, Yz teaspoon fill cinnamon, Vi teaspoon in 1 salt, 1 pcrtv Yz cupful melted butter, 2'^'4 cupfuls flour. Sift all the drv ing-redients tog;ether two or three times. Mix toi^ether the milk and molasses and add this j^radually to tlie flour; add the beaten egj^ and melted butter last. . Put in well- creased pan and bake twent^^-five or thirty min- utes. OATMKAL AND RAISIN GINGKR BRKAD. Warm one pound molasses with one-quarter pound butter, lard or drippinj^'s and one-quarter ])ound brown su^ar. 1/4 pounds fine oatmeal, V^ pound flour, 1 teaspoonful liakinjj- powder, 1 tablespoonful <4"round g'inj^'er, Yz teas])oonful mixed spices, 1 ounce candied peel, cut tine, 1 ])ound seeded raisins, chopped. Pour the molasses, etc., over the drv inj^ii^red- .ients and mix well. Pour into a buttered tin and bake. (;INGKR CAKK. 1 '/2 pounds flour, 'l^^ pound butter, 1 ]K)und molasses, '4 ]:)ound brown sui^ar, 1 ounce jj^ini^X'r, Y2 ounce spi*'e. 233 COOKIES. DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKtS 1 nutmeg", 3 eggs, 1 pound seeded raisins, A little lemon peel. Mix the flour, sugar, ginger and spices to- gether; warm the butter and molasses and add to the other ingredients. Dissolve a teaspoonful of soda in small half cupful warm milk, to which add the eggs well beaten. Mix all thorovighly, pour into a buttered cake tin and bake in a mod- erate oven one hour. GINGER CAKES. . 1 cupful brown sugar, ^ cupful molasses, 4 tablespoofuls melted butter, 1^4 cupfuls flour, yi cupful sour milk, not very old, 2 eggs, one will do, 1 level teaspoonful soda, 1 heaping teaspoonful ginger, 1 level teaspoonful cinnamon. Mix in the order given; put into gem pans and bake in a slow oven. MACARCK )NS. To the whites of two eggs well beaten add one coffee cupful of granulated sugar, one-half pound almonds blanched and chopped fine. Place little balls of the mixture on buttered papers in tins and bake in a cool oven till light brown. In case the mixture is not stiff enough add more sugar. Kmtly Dah1v<;rkx. COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 234 SPANISH MACAROONS. Pound ei^ht ounces of blanched almonds and the same quantity of pulverized sug-ar, and three ounces rice flour; then the yolks of three ejJ'g's and beat until cream}^; add the whites beaten stiff and stir all well. Flavor with almond or vanilla. Drop on white paper of the desired size and sprinkle with chopped nuts and coarse sug"ar. Bake at once in a moderate oven. ^ Mrs. V. A. Lewis, Santa Barbara. MOONSHINERS. Beat one egg, with a pinch of salt, then stir in enough sifted flour to make a stiff dough. Break off little pieces and shape into marbles; then roll out each one as thin as possible. Fry in hot lard just an instant, until lig"ht brown; cool. When needed put a teaspoonful of nice firm jelly in center of each. Verv pretty and dainty. Mrs. G. S. Waterman. TANGLE FOOT CAKES. 5 eg"g"s beaten separately, 1 tablespoonful sugar to each egg, 1 tablespoonful sweet cream to each eg'g', 2 teaspoon fuls baking powder, Flavor with vanilla. Flour enough to make a soft dough. Cut. twist and frv in hot olive oil (Gower's). Mrs. Tt rner. ^ MOLASSES CAKE. Mix WL'll one cupful sugar with three tablespoonful s butter; add one cupful molasses 235 COOKIES. DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES and two of thick sour milk; then two teaspoon- fuls baking- soda dissolved in a little water. Sift in enough flour to make a stiff batter; flavor to taste with ground ginger. Agnes E. Streeter. CHOCOLATK MACAROONS. 2 eggs, whites, beaten stiff, ^ pound sugar, A little vanilla, J/2 pound unsweetened chocolate, grated. Stir fifteen minutes; bake ver}^ carefully in not too hot oven. No time, use paper not buttered. Mrs. C. B. Stone. NUT KISSES. 2 pounds powdered sugar or sifted gran- ulated, 12 eggs (whites only) beaten very light. Beat eggs first very stiff then add sugar. 2 teaspoonfuls vanilla, 6 even tablespoonfuls flour, 2 teaspoonfuls lemon, 1 pound nut crumbs. Only mix in nuts as 3'ou bake; drop from spoon in small mounds. Bake in pan not greased, in a very slow oven until a delicate brown. MARGUERITES. Whites of 2 eggs well beaten, 1 cupful granulated sugar. After well beaten together add 1 cupful wal- nuts, chopped fine; flavor w4th vanilla. Spread on salted crackers and brown in the oven. Miss Sarah Coleman. COOKIES. DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 236 NUT CRISPS. 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 cupful su^ar, 1 teaspoonful vanilla, 2e^gs, 2/^ cupfuls rolled oats (dr\'), 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, ^ teaspoonful salt mixed with the oats. Drop b}" small spoonfuls and bake in very slow oven. Mrs. K. Y. Garrette. NOTHINGS. Yi cuj)ful butter, 1 cupful flour. Rub too-ether, moisten with sweet cream, pinch of salt, roll very thin and cut out with a douo"hnut cutter. Dip in the beaten white of an eg'g', then in blanched almonds chopped fine, and pulverized sucj^ar. Bake in a quick oven, like cookies. NUT CAKKS BAKKD IN GEM PANS. 2 ej<^s, 2 cupfuls brown suiJ;ar, 2 cupfuls flour, 1 teas])oonful bakinj^" ])owder, 2 tablespoonful s water, 2 cupfuls nut-meats. PEPPKR NUTS. 4eo-o-s, Grated peeis 3 lemons, 1 pound j^^ranulntccl sut^nr. 237 COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 4 ounces citron chopped fine, 1 teaspoonful ground cloves, 1 teaspoonful allspice, ground, 3 teaspoonfuls g-round cinnamon, 1 even teaspoonful ground pepper, 1 even teaspoonful soda, Flour enough to roll out stiff. Cut them the size of a silver quarter, about one-half inch thick. Spread on the baking board and leave them until next morning, then bake in a slow oven. Much improved when a few weeks old. Mrs. W. A. Robertson. ROCKS. iy2 cupfuls brown sugar, 3 eggs beaten separately, 1 cupful butter, iy2 pounds walnuts chopped, 2)4 cupfuls flour, 1 pound seeded raisins, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful soda, Pinch of salt, Make in balls and bake a dark brown. Mrs. Kleeburger. ROCK CAKES. 1 pound flour, ^ pound sugar, Yz p(Hind currants, y2 pound butter, %. pound citron, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 3 eggs, y2 cupful milk, Bake in small tins. Mrs. Ruth Albrbcht. COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 238 vSHRKWvSBURY CAKES. 2 cupful s butter, 1 pint of sutrar. 3 pints Hour, W teaspoonful mace. Roll thin and cut into small cakes and bake in a cjuick oven. No more flour'than what is giv- en above must be used. The cakes should be made in a cool room and cannot be made in warm weather. They can be kept a lon,iJ- time and are delicious. Mrs. John A. Young. SCOTCH SCONES. Sift one quart flour, two heaping- teaspoonfuls baking powder, tablespoonful sugar and a little salt; add milk enough to make soft paste; turn onto well-fioured board and roll out until one-half inch thick. Cut out the scones with large or small round cutter and bake on a hot griddle. When brown on one side, turn. When done, place on clean towel and cover to keep soft. If butter- milk is used take soda instead of baking powder. Margaret Darling. SCOTCH SHORTBREAD. 1 ])ound flour, Vj pound butter, ^'4 pound sugar. Small teaspoonful baking powder. Knead sugar into butter then gradually knead in Hour until all is used up. Shape into two flat cakes three-quarters of an inch thick and bake in moderate oven until a light brown or about 239 COOKIES. DOUOMNUTS AND SMALL CAKES twenty or thirty minutes. Bake in flat, papered tins. Margaret Darling. SNIPPDOODLES. 1 cupful sug-ar, 1 tablespoonful butter, Yi cupful sweet milk, 1 egg, 1 cupful flour, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon. Cream the butter; add the sugar, then the ^^^ well beaten. Sift flour, baking powder and cin- namon together; then add the milk. Spread very thin on a tin and bake. When nearly done sprinkle with sugar; when brown remove from the oven and cut into squares and remove quickly with a knife. They should be thin and crispy. MRvS. NAvSON. te:xas jumbles. 1^ pounds flour, 1 pound sugar, Va, pound butter, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 small cupful milk. This receipt has been tried for thirty-four years and has never failed. Mrs. Thomas Hirst, Oregon. CHOCOLATK WAFERS. 1 cupful brown sugar, 1 cupful white sugar, COOKIES. DOUGHNUTS AND SMALL CAKES 240 1 cupful grated chocolate, Yz cupful water, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, Plour to make stiff. Roll ver}' thin and bake in a quick oven. WALNUT CAKES. 2 eggs well beaten, 1 cupful brown sugar, 1 tablespoonful molasses, 1 cupful walnuts, y2 teaspoonful salt. Spice or ginger, 1 cupful flour. Drop by teaspoonfulson buttered pans and bake in quick oven. Mrs. A. M. Lynes. WALNUT WAFERS. Beat two eggs till light, add one cupful brown sugar and beat again. Beat in one cupful chopped walnuts and three tablespoonfuls sifted flour. Drop on buttered tins about the size of a half dollar and far apart. Bake in a moderate oven. Remove from tins when cold. Keep in a tightly covered tin box. Mrs. DAHL(iRRN, Easton. Puddings. Mrs. J. K. Turner. Fuddlngs hot ai)d puddings cold, Made by methods nftw and old, Partake, kind friends, quite moderately, I,est strange visions yon may see. In making- puddings the moulds or dishes in which they are cooked should be well buttered. Boiled puddings should be put in into boiling water and the water kept boiling steadily all the time; adding hot water, as the water in which the pudding is cooked evaporates. Not only the mould, but the kettle also must be closely cov- ered. If a bag is used, wring it out of hot water and flour it well; and when the pudding is done dip it into cold water, and it will come out easily; the same may be done with a mould. It takes nearly twice as long again to boil or steam as it does to bake. Raisins should be well dried lest the pudding be heavy; and for a quickly cooked pudding we think the raisins should be previously cooked. CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING, NO. 1. 1 cupful suet, finely chopped, 2 cupfuls bread crumbs, 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful raisins, seeded, 1 cupful currants, 1 cupful nuts, chopped well, PUDDINGS 242 ^7. cupful citron, 1 cupful sour milk, 1 teaspoonful soda, dissolved in the milk, 1 teaspoonful cloves, 2 teaspoonfuls cinnamon, ^ of a grated nutmeg", 4 egfgs, well beaten, Flour 3^our fruit well from one pint of flour and add the rest to the pudding. Boil or steam four hours. Kate PraTT. CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING, NO. 2. 1 pound of flour, 1 pound bread crumbs, 2 pounds chopped suet, 1^ pounds currants, 1 pound sugar, Yz pound mixed candied peel, ^ pound almonds, /^ teaspoonful nutmeg. Rind and juice of 1 lemon, 6 eggs, ^ bottle Guiness Stout, 1 tea cupful brandy. Chop suet fine: add flour and bread crumbs, and almonds blanched and chopped, sugar, peel, lemon, spice, eggs, and lastly, the stout and brandy. Boil in pudding mould seven hours. Margaret Darling. CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING, NO. 3. 3 cuofuls sifted flour, 1 cupful seeded raisins, ^A cupful thinly sliced citron, 1 cupful sugar. 243 PUDDINGS 1 cupful chopped walnuts, 2 tablespoonsful oliv^e oil (Gower'vs), /^ teaspoonful each of cinnamon, cloves. nutmeg- and grated lemon peel, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful salt, 4 eggs, thoroughlv beaten, Sour milk to make a thick batter. Steam four hours. Serve with lemon sauce, made with one cupful of sugar dissolved in one pint of hot water. When the water comes to a boil, stir slowly into it a tablespoonful of whole wheat flour, rubbed smooth in one-half cupful of cold water. Let boil ten minutes; stir in a lump of butter, a sprinkle of nutmeg, and pour it over a thinly sliced lemon. Set to cool. Mrs. Amos Harris. PLUM PUDDING. 1 pound suet, shredded and chopped, 1 pound sugar, % pound stale bread crumbs, % pound flour, % pint brandy, 5 etJ'^j's 2 pounds stoned raisins, 1 pound currants, 1 pound mixed citron, 2 teaspoonfuls cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful allspice, cloves, nutmeg and salt. Candied orange and lemon peel. Boil in well floured cloth or coarse mould five hours. This can be made a month in advance, boiling two hours on the day of using. The Queen of England, a few years ago, offered a {)ri/:e for PUDDINGS 244 the best plum pudding- recipe obtainable in her kino^dom. Five hundred recipes were submitted, the one g^iven above receiving the prize. AgnKS R. Srxgstacken, Oregon.' PLUM PUDDING WITHOUT EGGS. Add one teaspoonful soda, dissolved in one tablespoonful hot water, to one cupful molavSses and beat until light. To this add — 1 cupful sweet milk, ^4. cupful chopped suet, 1 teasjjoonful cinnamon, ^ teaspoonful nutmeg, ^^ teaspoonful cloves, 3 cupfuls whole wheat flour, 2 or more cupfuls chopped raisins, 1 whole candied orange peel, chopped, 1 cupful chopped citron. Steam in a buttered mould three to five hours. Serve hot with a hot. sweet sauce. If any of the pudding is left it can be sliced, the slices placed on a plate and reheated in a steamer. Mrs. K. J. Durham. SPICED mp:at puddin(;. 3 cupfuls flour, 1 teaspoonful each soda, salt and ginger, y? teaspoonful each of cinnamon, nutmeg and clov^es. Sift all together. Add one cupful finely chopped suet, 1 cupful molasses, one cu]:)ful sour milk, (mixed together), one cuj)ful seeded raisins. Mix all together and boil two hours in double boiler. Miss Emma Rarxktt. 245 PUDDINGS EXCELLENT SUET PUDDINCx. 1 quart flour, • 1 cupful seeded raisins, chopped, 1 cupful suet, Yi cupful molasses, the cup filled up with sugar, 2 cupfuls sweet milk, 1 teaspoonful soda, Salt and spices to taste. Steam three hours. Mrs. Daisey Barnes. SUET PUDDING, NO. 1. 1 cupful suet, chopped fine, 1 cupful raisins, seeded and chopped, 1 cupful molasses, 1 cupful sweet milk. 3 cupfuls flour, 1 teaspoonful each cinnamon, cloves and soda. Boil in cloth two and one-half hours. Serve with sweet sauce. Mrs. William Dodson. SUET PUDDING, NO. 2. 1 cupful finely chopped suet, 1 cupful brown sugar, 1 cupful hot Vk'ater, 1 cupful raisins, chopped, 2 cupfuls flour, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1 teaspoonful each cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Steam from two to five hours; the longer the better. Serve with lemon sauce. Mrs. Angie Turner. PUDDINGS 246 BLACK PUDDING, NO. 1. 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful molasses or s\'rup, 1 cupful sweet milk, lYi cupfuls flour, 6 ej^gs, 1 teaspoonful allspice, 2 teaspoonfuls cinnamon, 1^ teaspoonful cloves, 1 teaspoonful nutmeg", 1 teaspoonful soda. Steam one hour. SAUCE,— 1 large cupful sugar, 1 scant cupful butter, 1 ^^^-i well beaten. Heat on back of stove. Mrs. Ella Dodson. BLACK PUDDING, NO. 2. 1 cupful molasses, 1 teaspoonful ginger, Yolks of 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful soda in cupful water, 2 cupfuls flour. Steam one and one-half hours. SAUCK,— V2 cupful butter, 1 cupful powdered sugar. Flavor with vanilla. Whites of 2 eggs beaten stiff and added last of all. Mrs. J. R. SHR[^^f. CABINET PUDDINC;. Use a plain, smooth mould with straight sides; 247 PUDDINGS butter it thickly with cold butter. Stick all . around it on the sides and bottom small slices of French candied fruit, if wished; very rich; or Sul- tana raisins and currants for a plainer puddino". They may be placed in anv fancy shape. One- half pound is sufficient for a three-pint mould. Place slices of cake (spong-e cake is best) on the layer of fruit; then fill the mould with alternate layers of fruit and cake. Pour ov^er all a custard made oi six eg"^s, one pint of milk, four table- spoonfuls sugar. Steam the pudding either in. a kettle of water over the fire, allowing the water to come half v^^ay up the sides, or in a pan of water set in the oven. Cook about fortv-five min- utes. Test by running a knife down the center; if no liquid adheres it is done. Bread may be used instead of cake. Serve with jellv sauce made of two tablespoonfuls sugar, one teaspoonful corn starch, ove tablespoonful jelly, one pint water. Cook a few minutes. Mrs. L. P. Ward. RAISIN PUFFS. 2 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 4 tables]joonfu]s butter, 1 cupful sweet milk, 3 tablespoonfuls baking powder, 2 cupful s flour, 1 cupful raisins, seeded. Steam one hour. To be eaten wliile hot vv^ith sauce. K. M.^RDKN. STFAMFD PUDDINC;. 2 cuptuls graham Hour, 2 cu])fuls seeded raisins. PUUDINUS 248 1 cupful sour milk, 1 egg, 1 nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful soda, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, Yz teaspoonful cloves, 1 cupful molasses. Steam 3^2 hours. SAUCK,— 1 cupful sugar, % cupful butter. Add a teaspoonful Hour to the sugar; beat until it creams; add boiling water and let boil two or three minutes. NanniE S. GiFB^EN. PUDDING, JOHN'S DELIGHT. 2 cupfuls bread crumbs, V2 cupful finely chopped suet, Yi cupful mola.sses, 1 cupful sweet milk. 1 cupful raisins; ^ teavSpoonful cloves, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon. Pinch of salt, 1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in the milk. Boil two hours. Serve with sauce made as follows: Beat one-half cupful butter and three- fourths cupful sugar to a cream. Just before serving pour into it one cupful boiling water and the well beaten whites of two eggs. This is suf- ficient for six persons. N. J. Sloan. BRKAD PUDDINC;, BOILE^R. Soak aV)<)ut a (|uart of pieces of dried bread in warm water until soft; add three well beaten 249 PUDDINGS eg.^s, one cupful sugar, one cupful raisins. Mix well. Boil in a bag or pudding mould an hour or two. F. J. Alsip, Fresno. GRAHAM PUDDING. NO. 1. 2 eggs, 1 scant cupful milk, 1 heaping cupful graham flour, 1 cupful chopped raisins, % cupful molasses, I teaspoonful soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Steam three hours. SAUCK,— 1 cupful sugar, 1 beaten egg, }4 cupful butter stirred to a cream with sugar, Grated rind of 1 lemon, Juice of l4 lemon. Beat thoroughly with sugar and butter, and add five tablespoonfuls hot water, one at a time. Keep hot but do not let boil. Mrs. E). G. Chaddock. GRAHAM PUDDING, NO. 2. 1 cupful creamy milk, 1 cupful molasses, 5^ cupful flour, 1^4 cupfuls graham flour, 1 cupful raisins, % cupful currants, 1 teaspoonful soda, ^4 teaspoonful each cinnamon and cloves. Steam two or three hours; serve with this PUDDINGS 250 sauce: Mix two tablespoonfuls Hour with one- half cupful cold water; add one pint boiling water and g'rated rind of one lemon. Stir till it boils, then add one-half cupful or more of vSUgar, one tablespoonful butter, the juice of one lemon and a little nutmeg. BLANCHE TURNER. GRAHAM PUDDING, NO. 3. IV2 cupfuls graham flour, 1 cupful seeded and chopped raisins, 1 cupful milk, ^3 cupful molasses, % teaspoonful each of cinnamon, cloves and allspice, 1 teaspoonful soda. Steam three hours. SAUCK,— 1 Vi cupfuls sugar, ]4 cupful butter, ^4 cupful water. 2^ eggs. Grated rind and juice of lemon. Heat in a double boiler but do not boil. Harriet L. Nye, Oakland. (xRAHAM FRUIT PUDDING. 1 J/2 cupfuls graham flour, 1 egg, V2 cupful m'olasses. 1 cu])ful sweet milk, V4. cuj)ful butter, 1 teaspoonful soda stirred in molasses. Salt to taste, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, V2 teaspoonful cloves, nutmeg and allspice. 251 PUDDINGS 1 teacupful seeded raisins. Put in covered dish and steam three hours. SAUCE,— 1 cupful sug'ar, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, 1 tablespoonful corn starch, 1 pint boiling- water. Cook until clear and flavor with salt and nut- meg- to the taste. The pudding is good steamed over and will keep well. Mrs. E. L. Bruce, Kansas City. BATTER PUDDING. 1 cupful milk, 1 heaping tablespoonful butter, V2 cupful flour, sift twice, 3 eggs. Put the milk in a double boiler. When hot, add the butter. Let the mixture boil, then stir in the flour slowly and beat hard with a spoon, until it leaves the sides of the pan; then remove from the fire and stir in g-radually the eggs, which have been well beaten — the volks and whites to- gether; add a pinch of salt. Continue to bieat the batter until it is no longer stringv. The batter may be left to stand awhile now, if it is neces- sary. Turn into a warmed and greased dish and baked in moderate oven 30 to 35 minutes. Should puff up like pancakes. Serve with hard sauce. Mrs. Charles B. Stone, San iTrancisco. CORN MEAL PUDDING. Scald a cjuart of milk in a double boiler; stir in slowlv one and one-half cu])fuls corn meal; rover PUDDINGS 252 and let steam a few minutes; now beat in a table- spoonful olive oil (Gower's), a handful chopped nuts, a pint cold milk, a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of nutmeg". Bake three or four hours in a covered dish set in water. Mrs. Amos Harris. THE BANNOCK. (A Nantucket Recipe.) Scald a quart of fresh milk in a double boiler, and turn gradually over one cupful corn meal, stirvrell to avoid lumps; put over the fire again and boil, stirring all the time until well thickened. Remove and cool to blood warmth, then add five well beaten eggs, two tablespoonfuls sugar and a teaspoonful salt. Bake about three-quarters of an hour in a buttered pudding dish. It will rise in the dish and the top be a crisp brown when done. Fine with cream. A. E. Turner. fk; puddinc;. 2 breakfast cupfuls of bread crumbs, Yi pound figs, % pound suet, 1 breakfast cupful milk, 1 teacu])ful fiour. 2 eggs, ^4^ pound sugar, Nutmeg. Chop the figs rather fine and put them in a saucepan with the milk to stew for one-quarter cf an hour. Put into a basin the bread, flour and >.iet chopi^ed fine; also the sugar and a verv little -iSS PUDDINGS nutmeg- and mix them well. Add the figs and milk, then the eggs well beaten and whisk all thoroughly with a fork. Butter a basin or mould, pour the pudding in; place in a saucepan contain- ing a little boiling water and steam for one and one-half hours. Serve with sweet sauce. Margaret Darling. FIG PUDDING, NO. 2. ^ pound suet, chop])ed fine, ^ pound bread crumbs, % pound sugar, 2 pounds dried figs, chopped ver}^ fine, 4 pcrcrc ' '^ ^> f-. • - ' 1 cupful milk. 1 cupful brandy, Nutmeg, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, 2 tablespoonfuls flour. Steam four hours in a a mould. Serve with hard sauce flavored with vanilla and brandy. Kx- cellent. Half the recipe is sufficient for six per- sons. F. J. Alsip. DRIED FK; PUDDINCi. 1 cupful l)read crumbs, % teaspoonful cloves, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, H cupful chopped figs (slightlv floured). % cupful sugar. Mix; beat three eggs; add to them one-half cupful milk and put with fig mixture; then add two tablespoonfuls melted butter, one-half cup- ful flour and one teaspoonful b?Jving powder. Steam in cups one-half hour. PUDDINGS 254 HARD SAUCE, - ^ cupful hiittor, % cupful milk, 1 cupful powdered su^ar. Cream i)utter with hand; add suj^-ar slowly, then the milk very vslowlv. Flavor with nutme.ii^. Mrs. W. D. Wilson. DRIKD APRICOT ROLLY POLLY PUDDING. To one quart of flour add three teaspoon fuls best bakings powder, aLso a pinch of salt; sift flour: add a little lard and milk or water to make a soft dou<^h. In a porcelain pan on the stove have two quarts of boiling water; add two or three cupfuls sujj^ar, ])inch salt, butter the size of an G^^ and one teaspoonful orated nutmeg. Divide the (lough into three parts, roll out thin and spread fruit, much or little as you like; roll up and pinch together and lay in pan of boiling sauce. Place the pan in hot oven and bake rolls till done. DEKP PEACH PUDDING. 2 cujifuls Hour, 2 tablespoonfuls baking powder, 2 tablespoonfuls lard or butter, 1 teaspoonful salt. Mix flour, baking powder, salt and lard, and add water for a soft batter. Fill a deep pudding dish with cut peaches and pour the batter over the top. Cook for half an hour on the top of the stove then for half an hour in the oven. Other fresh fruit may be used in the same way. A. APPLK(iARTH. 255 PUDDINGS 1 cupful sorghum molasses, 1 teaspoonfui soda, Butter size of an egg, Spices to taste, 4 cupfuls flour. Bake slowly, till when pierced with a sliver it will come out clean. Serve with sweet sauce. Mrs. Laura Wildey. BUTTKRMILK PUDDING. ^2 cupful sugar, l4 cupful butter, 1 egg, 1 cupful buttermilk, 1 small teaspoonfui soda, Flour to make as stiff as cake batter. Add raisins or any kind of fruit and steam in greased mould two hours. Serve with sauce made as follows: 1 cupful sugar, }4 cupful butter, 1 tables])oonful flour mixed with a little water. Stir all together and pour one pint of boiling water over it and stir until it thickens, Mrs. Charles Nelson. APPLE AND BROWN BRKAD PUDDING. Take a pint of brown bread crumbs, a pint of cho])ped apples; mix; add two-thirds of a cupful of finely chopped suet; a cupful raisins, one egg, one tablespoonful flour, one-half teaspoonfui salt. Mix with one-half pint milk and boil in buttered mould about two hours. Serve with lemon sauce. Mrs. a. J. Mttchel. PUDDINGS 256 DATE PUDDING. 1 cupful chopped suet, 1 pound dates cut in three pieces, -yi cupful sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls yeast powder, 2 cupfuls Hour, /^ teaspoon lul salt, 1 cupful milk. The water must be boiling' when pudding is put in. Boil two and one-half hours. R. S. J. APPLE PUDDING. Fill a baking dish with sliced apples and pour over the top a batter made of one tablespoonful butter, one-half cupful sugar, one egg, one-half cupful sweet milk, one cupful flour, in which has been sifted one teaspoonful baking powder. Bake in moderate oven until browii. SAUCE,— 1 cupful butter, 1 cupful powdered sugar, % cupful milk, ^A nutmeg. Beatl)utter toacream; add the sugar gradually; when it becomes light add the egg. Pour grad- ually into it one-half cupful hot milk and beat well. Serve at once. Mrs. Geo. W. Clark. CARROT PUDDINC;. 1 cupful each grated carrots and i)()tatoes, 1 cu])ful seeded raisins, ^57 PLDDINOb. ONK, TYvO, THRKK FOUR PUDDING. 1 cupful butter, 2 cupfuLs su^air, 3 cupfuls flour, 1 cupful sour milk. Bake in pan and serve with butter sauce — 1 cupful butter, 2 cupfuls sug"ar. Beat to a cream, add two beaten eggs and thin with boiling water. Mrs. Ward. POTPOURRI. 1 pint stale bread crumbs, ^ cupful nuts, ^2 cupful dried cheese, ^ cupful milk. Brown the bread crumbs. Mix nuts and cheese after grating each together. Place a layer of the bread in a baking pan, then a layer of the mix- ture, alternating until all is used. Pour over this the milk. Bake at once in a moderate oven. QUEEN PUDDING. 1 quart milk, 1 pint finelv grated breadcrumbs. 1 cupful sugar, Yolks of 4 eggs, beaten. Grated rind of one lemon, Butter size of an egg, Bake until done; not watery. Spread over pudding a layer of jelly, or nice jam. Beat the whites of the four eggs stiff; slowly beat in one cupful of sugar, to v^^hich has been added the juice PUDDINGS 258 of out; lemon; pour this over the jam and return to the oven to brown slij^htly. To be eaten cold without sauce. Mrs. 2,. L. Ward. QUEEN PUDDING, NO. 2. Mix the volks of two ej^ca and cook a -few minutes, stirring all the time, then pour into a pudding dish. Beat the whites of the eggs, add a little sugar, spread on to]) ot ])U(lding; add a sprinkle of cocoanut and -^61 PUDDINGS brown delicately in the ov^en. Mrs. J. E. Turnkr. CALIFORNIA SNOW. Soak a teacupful pearl tapioca in just emmgh water to be absorbed. Cook in one quart milk. Shortl}'- before it is done add one-half cupful suj^^ar and pinch of salt. It should be white and creamy. Season delicately. Serve in flat sauce dishes and place a half pear (canned) on each dish and fill cavity with whipped cream. A. E. T. KISS PUDDING. Add three tablespoonfuls corn starch, mixed with three-fourths cupful cold milk to one quart boiling" milk; boil five minutes, then whip in one- half cupful su^ar and beaten yolks of four or five ejj^g"s, one teaspoonful butter and flavor with vanilla or lemon, or both. Pour into a bake pud- ding dish, then beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth; beat into them twothirds cupful of sugar and pour over the pudding. Put in the oven until lightly browned. If wanted very nice, saye a little of the frosting to moisten the top of the pudding and sprinkle cocoanut over the top to make it look like snow. Mrs. Z. L. Ward. BREAD PUDDING. 1 quart milk, 2 cupfuls fine bread crumbs, 2 tablespoonfuls melted butter, y^ teaspoonful soda in two teaspoonfuls PUDDINGS 262 boiling water, Four eggs, whites and 3^olks beaten sep- arately. Heat milk and bread crumbs on stove, then add soda and yolks, putting whites in last. SAUCE,— 2 cupfuls sugar, ^2 cupful butter beaten to a cream. Add two- third cupful boiling water and just before serving, one e^g. Mrs. Norris. OLD FASHIONED RICE PUDDING. To one quart of rich milk add two tablespoon- fuls well cleaned rice, two tablespoonfuls sugar, a grating of nutmeg and one-quarter cupful seeded raisins. Stand pudding dish in oven, cook slowly, stirring down the crust for the first two hours, then allow a paper like crust to form. Serve cold. Mrs. Turner. CREAM RICE PUDDING. Boil gently till quite soft three ounces rice, one quart milk. When sufficiently cooked remove from lire, add one-quarter pound sugar, one pint cold milk; flavor with vanilla and a little nutmeg. Pour the pudding into a large pudding dish or in several small ones, and place in a moderate oven until a light brown on top. FLOATING ISLAND. Beat the yolks of three eggs until verv light, sweeten and flavor to taste; stir into a quart of l)oiling milk. Cook until it thickens. When cool pour into a low glass dish, whipthe whites of the 263 PUDDINGS eggs to a vStiff froth, sweeten and set over a dish of boiling water to cook. Take a tablespoon and drop the whites on top of the cream, far enough apart so that the "little white islands" will not touch each other. By dropping little specks of jelly on each island a pleasing effect will be pro- duced. CHOCOLATK PUDDING, NO. 1. Stir four tablespoonfuls grated chocolate and three-quarters cupful sugar into a quart boiling milk. When it is beaten smooth add the yolks of five eggs and two tablespoonfuls of corn starch dissolved in a little milk. Stir until it thickens and flavor with vanilla. Pour the mixture in a pudding dish and bake until well set. Beat the whites of five eggs very light, add five table- spoonfuls vSUgar and spread over the top. Bake to a delicate brown; also good cold. Mary J. HallECK, Madison, Wis. CHOCOLATE SOUFFLE. One cupful milk, brought to boiling point; mix two tablespoonfuls Imtter with one-half cupful flour. Stir this into the boiling milk; takeoff the stove and stir in three tablespoonfuls chocolate and the yolks of five eggs. Beat the whites verv stiff and add mixture. Grease a pan with butter and pour it in. Set in another ])an of hot water and bake in a moderate oven half an hour. Fat with cream or custard sauce. CHOCOLATE PUDDING, NO. 2. 2 l)reakfast cupfnls milk, PUDDINGS 264 % breakfast cupfuls bread crumbs, 1 breakfast cupful sugar, 5 eggs (yolks and whites beaten separateh), 4 tablespoonfuls grated chocolate. Heat milk, sugar and bread crumbs in a sauce- pan and when hot add the yolks of the eggs and the chocolate. When scalded take from the fire and stir in the whites of the eggs. Put in a pudding dish and bake. A. Applegarth. CHOCOLATE CRKAM PUDDING. Put two ounces of chocolate into a double boiler. When melted add pint hot milk and one- half cupful sugar; stir until thoroughly mixed, then add teaspoonful vanilla. Moisten two table- spoonfuls corn starch, add to the milk; cook until smooth and thick. Now stir in the well beaten yolks of four eggs; turn this into the serv- ing dish. Beat the whites of the eggs until the\' are light; add four tablespoonfuls powdered sugar and beat until stiff and light; place over the pudding, dust thickly with powdered sugar and stand the dish on a board in the oven until it is a golden brown. Mrs. RorER. LKMON DUMPLINGS. 1 ])int fiour, l^ teas])UDDIN0S 272 water possible. Stone; rub through a colander. One scant cupful powdered sugar, whites of three eggs, one teaspoonful cream tartar. This may also be browned in the oven if one prefers. "Make a sauce of one and one-half pints milk, yolks three eggs, four tablespoonfuls sugar; flavor with vanilla. This pudding is very nice served with cream. Mrs. Norrts. PRUNE PUDDING, NO. 3. Stew prunes and pit them. Chop walnuts and currants, as much of both together as of prunes. Add juice of one-half lemon. To three cupfuls of mixture add the beaten white of one egg. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Dahlgren. SAGO AND FRUIT. ^2 pound rhul)arl), 6 ounces sugar, % pound sago, 2 teacupfuls water. Peel and cut the rhubarb in very small pieces and put it to boil with a teacupful water for ten minutes. Wash the sago and soak it for ten min- utes in a teacupful warm water, then add it and the sugar to the rhubarb; allow it to boil ten minutes longer, stirring occasionally and pour it into a mould which has been wet with cold water. Turn out when cold and serve with cream. Margaret Darling. DELICATE PUDDING. 1 cupful water, 273 PUDDINGS 1 cupful fruit juice, . Sug-ar to taste, A little salt, 3tablespoonfuls corn starch. Boil water and fruit juice. Wet cornstarch in a little cold water and stir into the boiling syrup and cook ten minutes. Add the sugar and salt. Beat whites of egg's and stir into the mixture. Turn out into a mould. Serve with a boiled custard made with the yolks of eg'gs. Mrs. C. H. Norris. SNOW PUDDING. 1 quart boiling milk, % cupful sugar, 2 heaping- tablespoonfulscorn starch moist- ened with a little cold milk. Add to hot milk and cook a few minutes in double boiler; add whites of three eggs. Pour into mould. Serve cold with sauce made of yolks three eggs, one pint milk and sug-ar; flavor to taste. S. A. Tttrnkr. CORN STARCH CUSTARD. To one quart milk heated in double boiler, add two tablespoonfuls corn starch moistened with cold milk; add to that the yolks of six eggs^ flavor and mould. Serve with the whites of the eg-g-s beaten stiff, sweetened to taste, and three cupfuls apple sauce whipped together. Mrs. Yost. COLD CHOCOLATE PUDDING. Soak one ])ackage gelatine in one cupful milk PUDDINGS 274 one-half hour; mix one cupful grated chocolate with 1 14 cupf uls milk and heat, and add the g^el- atine before removing- from the fire, then strain and let g-et cool. Then stir in the yolks of six eo^t^s well beaten with one cupful sug"ar and lastly the whites beaten stiff. Put on ice or make the nitrht before. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Kate Harden. CHOCOLATK BLANC MANGE. 1 quart milk, using" part water if neces- sary. 2 large talilespoonfuls sugar, 4 large tablespoonfuls corn starch, 3 tablespoonfuls ground chocolate. Moisten the corn starch and chocolate with cold water and add the milk when boiling. Stir constantly until it forms a custard. Flavor and pour in a mould. Serve with cream. Tabitha C. HarrIvS. ANNA COFFIN'S PUDDING. Pound or roll twenty crackers fine; pour over them three pints scalding milk; when the mixture is cool add one-half pound sugar, or one cupful, and one cupful butter creamed together; add a little salt and nutmeg and two cupf uls cooked seedless raisins. Lastly, add ten well beaten eggs. Pour into a buttered dish and bake about one hour and a cpiarter. Serve with a sweet sauce, hard or liquid. A. E. Turner. brp:ad pudding. 275 PUDDINGS 1 cupful sugar, » 3 cupf uls milk, 1 cupful seedless raisins, 1 cupful bread crumbs. Bake and serve cold with whipped cream. Mrs. S. a. Yost. FRUIT PUDDING. Three-fourths box Cox's gelatine dissolved in one-half pint cold water. Let it stand two hours, then add one pint boiling water, juice two lemons, two cupfuls sugar, one cupful wine or juice of some fruit; strain; and when beginning to harden, stir in the following fruits cut in small pieces: 2 oranges, 2 bananas, 6 figs, 9 dates, 10 English walnuts. Pour into moulds. Serve with whipped cream, flavored. Mrs. J. R. Shrum. SEA FOAM. Boil a pint of water, add two tablespoonfuls corn starch dissolved in a little cold water and cook until clear. Stir into it the beaten whites of four eggs; flavor, and when cold, serve with whipped cream, sweetened. Mrs. W. E. Marden. PINEAPPLE SPONGE. 3>}4 cupfuls scalded milk, }4 cupful cold milk. PUDDINGS 276 yi cupful corn starch, ^ teavSpoonful salt, % cupful sugar, yi teaspoonful lemon juice, 1 can grated pineapple, or 1^ cupfuls, Whites of 3 or 4 eggs. Mix sugar, corn starch and salt in bowl; mix smooth with cold milk. Stir this into the scalded milk and cook about ten minutes. Then add lemon juice and grated pineapple. Beat whites of eggs to a firm froth and fold them into the pudding. Pour into moulds or cups, and when cold turn out and serve with custard sauce. (With other fruit use water instead of milk and two teaspoonfuls of lemon juice.) Miss Kmma Barnet. KASY LKMON SPONGE. 2 tablespoonfuls corn starch, 1 cupful sugar, 2 lemons, 2 cupfuls boiling water, 2 or 3 eggs. Take two tablespoonfuls corn starch and two cupfuls sugar; moisten with cold water, then stir in two teacupfuls boiling water and boil a few minutes in double boiler. Add the juice of two lemons. Beat the whites of two eggs (or three) to a stiff froth, then beat into mixture in pan, re- moving it from the fire. When well beaten pour into mould. Turn out next day and serve with cream, or thin custard made with the 3^olks of eggs. Margaret Darling. ORANGK CREAM. Yolks 4 eggs. 277 PUDDINGS 1 tablespoonful water, 1 cupful sugar, Juice 3 oranges. Let boil till it thickens. Beat the whites to a stiff meringue, adding a tablespoonful of sugar, and add half to the cream and put the rest on top. Set in the oven for a few minutes and serve cold. This is a fine filling for pie or cake. K. Harden. RUSSIAN CREAM. One-half box gelatine; pour over it cold water and soak fifteen minutes; one quart milk; beat yolks four eggs and cupful sugar together, add a little salt. Mix with milk and put with gelatine; boil ten minutes, until it separates, stirring con- stantly. Stand twenty minutes, when add beaten whites. Mrs. C. H. Norris. DANISH PUDDING. ^4- cupfuls pearl tapioca (soaked), 1% pints boiling water, % cupful s;ugar, ^ glassful currant jelly. Salt. Put tapioca in double boiler with boiling water and cook one hour or until soft and transparent, stirring often. Add the j^Wy, sugar and salt and stir until jelly is dissolved. Pour into a glass dish and serve ver)^ cold with sugar and cream. Half a cupful lemon juice or any acid fruit juice, or one cupful canned fruit may be used instead of jelly. In summer use one ])irit ripe berries. Mrs. C. H. Norrls. PUDDINGS 278 PUDDING. 4 eggs, 4 tablespoonfuls sugar, 2 tablespoonsful boiling water, 1 lemon, juice and rind. To the beaten yolks add the other ingre- dients; let it simmer on stove until it thickens. Add beaten whites last. Miss Murray. MARSHMKLLOW CREAM. First dissolve one tablespoonful of gelatine into one cupful boiling water; when dissolved pour very slowly over the stiff beaten whites of four eggs; then one cupful sugar, one teaspoonful lemon extract and beat hard about thirty min- utes. Mrs. Waterman. AMBROSIA. Peel three juicy oranges, remove seeds and slice. Fill a glass dish with alternate layers of oranges, peaches and bananas. Sprinkle each layer well with sugar. Beat the whites of four eggs stiff; add a scant half cupful of sugar and pour over the top. It is well to prepare this about an hour before serving. TUTTI FRUTTI. Make thin sponge cake, and when cool spread canned peaches or fresh strawberries over. Sprinkle with sugar, and a half hour before serv- ing cover with whipped cream. Mary C. Polhemus, Oregon. 279 PUDDINGS ORANGE BLANC MANGE. 1 quart milk, 3 eggs, /^ cupful sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls corn starch, 6 oranges. Cook in a double boiler the milk, sugar and corn starch, rubbing the latter into a little water until smooth. Peel, seed and slice the six oranges, put them in a deep glass dish; pour the custard when stiff and clear onto them. Whip the three whites of the eggs, add a tablespoonf ul fine sugar and spread over the top. Set in a cool place to chill. M. L. P. ORANGE QUARTERS. Peel and quarter oranges and remove the seeds. Make a syrup of a pound of sugar to a pint of water; let boil to a cand3dng point. Dip the or- anges in the syrup, put on a seive to dry, then heap on a dish. LEMON PUDDING. Dissolve four tablespoonfuls corn starch in a little cold water and pour over it two cupfuls boiling water. Let it cook five minutes; remove from the fire; stir into it two cupfuls sugar, a tablespoonf ul butter, juice two lemons with a little grated peel andtheyolksof two well beaten eggs. Pour into pudding dish; bake fifteen min- utes, then cover top with beaten whites mixed with two tablespoonfuls vsugar, and brown. PUDDINGS 280 ORANGE CUPS. Take as man)' orang^es of medium size as are needed to serve for one meal. Make a small open- ing in the stem end and scoop out the center. Make an orange jelly out of the contents, not quite as firm as you would make it for moulding-. Place these orange cups in cool place, also the orange jelly. When ready to serve, fill the cups with the jelly, place a large spoonful of whipped cream on each. These cups can also be filled with cubes of pineapple, candied cherries, chopped Eng^lish walnuts or any fruit desired, always adding- the whipped cream. ICED RICE PUDDING. 3^2 cupful rice, 1 pint cold water, 2 cupfuls milk, 3 well beaten eg-gs, Yi cupful sug-ar, 1 pint cream. Pour the cold water over the rice with a pinch of salt and cook steadilv for thirty minutes after it begins to boil. When all the water has boiled away add the milk; cook in a double boiler until very soft. When no milk remains rub through a seive, put back in the boiler; thicken with three well beaten eggs, Y^ cupful sug^ar, flavor with vanilla and set in a cool place. Whip a pint of cream, add to thepuddinor and freeze as you would ice cream. Lor Nasburci, Oregf)n. PEACH PUDDING. Rub two cupfuls canned ]>eaches through a col- 281 PUDDINGS ander and cook for three minutes in a syrup made by boiling- a cupful of the peach syrup and a cup- ful of sugar tog-ether. Place the pan containing peaches and syrup into another of boiling water and add half package of gelatine that has been dissolved in half cupful cold water. Stir for five minutes till gelatine is thoroughly dissolved. Take from fire and add whites of four eggs that have been whipped to a stiff froth. Beat till it commences to harden. Set on ice. Mrs. Roy R. Giffen. TAPIOCA JKLLY. One cupful best tapioca put to soak with a pint cold water; when soft put in a saucepan with one cupful sugar, the rind and juice of one lemon, a little salt, one pint more water; stir until it boils; turn in a mould; set to cool; add one glass- ful wine if desired. May use orange instead of lemon. Arrow root or sago may be used in the same way. WHIPPED CREAM. One pint sweet cream sweetened to taste, one teaspoonful vanilla or other flavoring. Put the cream in a bowl and beat with a wheel egg beater until thick, then sweeten and flavor. The cream will beat better if cold. The whites of two or three eggs beaten to a stiff froth may be added. This makes a delicious dessert. Different jellies or fruit may be served wnth it. FRUIT JELLY. 1]4 cupfuls sugar, PUDDINGS 282 1 small can pineapple, 3 lemons, % teaspoonfulOri cupfuls sug-ar, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls flour, Pinch salt, Sprinkle each nutmeg and cinnamon. Braize the flour and milk; add the well beaten eggs, sugar and spices and strain into a thickly buttered pie tin. Bake in a moderate oven until the custard is set and slightl}' brown on top. Antionette p. Harris. CRANBERRY AND RAISIN PIE. 1 cupful cranberries, I cupful raisins, chopped together, 1 cupful sugar, >2 cupful water, 1 tablespoonful flour, 1 teaspoonful vanilla, Pinch of salt. Mrs. O. p. Kenyon. Rhode Island. LEMON CHEESE CAKES. 1 pound sugar, % pound butter, 6 egg"s, leave out whites of 2. Peel of 2 lemons, juice of 3. Put all in a double boiler and stir until dis- solved and begins to look like hone3\ It will keep for weeks if put in a an air-tight jar. Line small tins with rich pastry and fill with this mixture. Half the quantity of eggs will make it very good. Mrs. Robert E. Goode. CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE. Beat to a cream half a cupful butter and one 287 PASTRY and one-quarter cupfuls powdered sugar; add two Well beaten eg^gs, two tablespoonfuls wine, half cupful milk and one and one-half cupfuls sifted flour, with which has been mixed one and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake this in four well buttered deep tin plates for about fif- teen minutes in moderate oven. Put half pint milk in a double boiler on the fire; beat together the yolks of two eggs, three tablespoonfuls powdered sugar and a level tablespoonful flour; stir this mixture into the boiling milk, beating well; add one-sixth teaspoonful salt and cook fifteen min- utes, stirring often. When cooked flavor with one-half teaspoonful vanilla. Put two of the cakes on two large plates, spread the cream over them and lay the other two cakes on top. Beat the whites of two eggs; beat into them one cupful powdered sugar, one teaspoonful vanilla. Shave one ounce chocolate and put it in a small pan with two tablespoonfuls sugar and one spoonful boiling water. Stir over a hot fire until smooth and glossy; now add three tablespoonfuls cream or milk and stir into the beaten eggs and sugar. Spread on the pies and set away for a few hours. Mrs. Helen A. Wulfp, Colusa. WHIPPED CREAM PIE. Line a pie tin with a rich crust and bake quickly in a hot oven. When done spread with a thin layer of jelly or jam, then whip one cupful rich sweet cream until it is as light as possible. Sweeten with powdered sugar to taste and flavor with vanilla. Spread cream over the jelly or jam and set in a cool place till time to serve. Helen A. Wulpf, Colusa. PASTRY 2S8 CHOCOLATE PIK, NO. 1. 4 tahlespoonfuls grated chocolate. 1 pint cold water, Yolks 2 e^4 rhubarb; drain off the water after four or five minutes and mix with rhubarb ateacupful sug^ar, the yolks two eg^s, a piece of butter and a table- spoonful flour; moisten the whole with three tablespoonfuls water. Bake with a lower crust only; make a mering-ue of the whites of the eggs and three tablespoonfuls sugar; spread over the top of the pie and return to the oven to brown. Mrs. E. G. Hoag. RAISIN PIE. NO. 1. Beat 1 ^gg, ll4 cupfuls thick sour milk. 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful raisins, 2 teaspoonfuls cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful cloves. Bake in two crusts. This recipe makes two pies. RAISIN AND CRANBERRY PIE. 1 cupful cranberries cut in halves length- wise and seeds washed out, ^2 cupful seeded raisins chopped fine, 1 tablespoonful flour mixed in 1 cupful sugar. Mix together and pour on one-half cupful boil- ing water, one teaspoonful vanilla. RAISIN PIE, NO. 2. 2 cupfuls raisins, 2 cupfuls butter milk, 1 cupful sugar. 1 ejjfy:. 295 PASTRY 2 tablespoonfuls vinejj;'ar, 1 teaspoonful ground spice, 1 teaspoonful each of nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves, 3^ teaspoonful vanilla, V2 teaspoonful lemon, A pinch of salt and dash of pepper. Bake with two crusts. Makes three small pies or two large ones. Mrs. J. P. Boyd. RAISIN PIE, NO. 3. 1 cupful raisins, seeded and chopped, 1 cupful fresh sour cream, 1 cupful sugar. Bake with two crusts. RASPBERRY PIE. Line a pie tin with rich crust; mix one-half cupful sugar with a heaping tablespoonful flour; put in pan equally distributed; fill with berries and bake slowly until done. Use but one crust and when cold spread with whipped cream. Any berries can be used in the same way. Mrs. J. W. Slater. Beverages. COFFEE FOR ONE HUNDRED. Take five pounds roasted coffee, grind and mix with six eg"gs. Make small muslin sacks, and each place a pint of coffee, leaving room for it to swell. Put five gallons boiling water in a large coffee urn or boiler having a faucet at the bottom; put in part of the sacks and boil two hours. Five or ten minutes before serving raise the lid and add on^or two more sacks, and if you continue serv- ing several times add fresh sacks at regular inter- vals, taking out from time to time those first put in and filling up with boiling water as needed. In this wa}^ the full strength of the coffee is secured and the fresh supplies impart that delicious flavor consequent on a few moments' boiling. To make coffee for twenty persons UvSe one and a half pints ground coffee and one gallon water. FIG COFFEE. Into two ful cold water, FROZEN DAINTIES 338 3 cupfuls su^ar. Soak iTelatine in water, mash and squeeze the grapes through butter cloth till all juice is ex- tracted; add the sugar dissolved in one pint of boiling water to grape juice and gelatine; cool and freeze. Mrs. a. Mattel CURRANT ICE. 4 cupfuls of water, 1-j; cupfuls sugar, 2% cupfuls currant juice. Boil water and sugar ten minutes; add currant juice, cool and freeze. Serve in tall glasses; garnish with red and white currants. LEMON ICE. For every quart of ice desired take two small teaspoonf uls of corn starch, place in cold water and boil slowly till all taste and smell of the starch has been removed, taking care to prevent burning on the bottom by stirring frequently. To this add, while hot, the juice of two medium sized (or one and one-half large) lemons for each quart. If the sliced rind of one or more lemons is added to the whole the qualit}' is for many palates, much improved; strain the material through a fairly fine colander, and while it is still warm add sufficient sugar to sweeten to taste; remembering, however, that lemon be- comes more acid in cooling and the material should therefore, when warm, be somewhat over sweet. Freeze and serve precisely as with ice cream. (It should be remembered that very much of the delicacy of the ice depends upon the 339 FROZEN DAINTIES vsuccess with which all trace of the starch is dis- pelled in boiling-.) Rev. William Higgs. ORANGE WATER ICK. 1 pint orang'e juice, 1 pint of sug-ar, 1 quart of water. Put the sugar and water on to boil; chip the yellow rinds from three oranges; add the syrup, boil five minutes, and stand away to cool; add orange juice to the syrup, strain through a wire seive and freeze. This will serve six. Mrs. a. Mattel STRAWBERRY ICE, NO. 1. 1 quart of sour berries, 1 pound sugar, 1 quart water, Juice of two lemons. Add the sugar and lemon juice to the straw- berries; mash them and stand aside one hour; add the water; freeze. Mrs. D. S. Hallock. STRAWBERRY ICE, NO. 2. Boil and skim three cupfuls of sugar and one quart of water, and before taking off add one tablespoonful of gelatine dissolved in cold water. When this mixture cools add to it the juice and pulp of three boxes of strawberries (rubbed through butter cloth), the juice of three lemons and three oranges and enough water to make two quarts. When half frozen add the well FROZEN DAINTIES 340 beaten whites of two eggs. MRvS. G. C. Grimes, Fresno. BLOOD ORANGK SHERBET. Make a syrup by boiUng four cupfuls water and two cupfuls sugar together 20 minutes; cool; add two cupfuls orange juice; one-fourth cupful lemon juice and grated rind of two oranges. Strain and freeze. Use blood oranges or color with fruit coloring. LEMON SHERBE)T. One quart milk, three cupfuls of sugar; put in a freezer and w^hen nearly frozen add a coffee cupful of strained lemon juice. This is white, smooth and delicious. MIXED FRUIT SHERBET. Three shredded oranges, the juice of three lemons, two or three bananas finely sliced, three cupfuls of sugar dissolved in three cupfuls of boiling water and allowed to cool. Mix all together and pour into freezer; when nearly frozen add the beaten whites of four eggs. Mrs. a. Harris. STRAWBERRY SHERBET. 1 quart strawberries, 2 lemons, 1 pound granulated sugar, 1 quart water. Wash the strawberries and mash fine; add juice of lemons and sugar; let stand in a cool 341 fROZEN DAINTIES place one hour, add the water and freeze. M. L. Parkhurst. pine:applk sherbet. One can pineapple, soaked in one quart cold water for three hours, one pint boiling" water, two and one-half cupfuls sugar, and two lemons boiled together five minutes. Let it cool; then mix in pineapple water and juice of two more lemons; freeze. Very good. Mrs. D. S. Hallock. COFFEE FRAPPE. Four tablespoonfuls fineh^ ground coffee; pour over it one quart boiling water; add one gill of good cream and enough sugar to make it over- sweet, When cool, turn into ice cream freezer and turn slowly until it is frozen. You can make it without a particle of cream or milk, but in that case turn rapidly while freezing. M. Iv. Parkhurst. WHITE yELVET SHERBET. 6 lemons, 3 cupfuls sugar, 3 pints milk. Mix lemon juice and sugar and add milk grad- ually. Freeze. Miss Jennie Stanyan, San Francisco. STRAWBERRY MOUSSE. 1 pint cream, 1 box strawberries, FKOZEN DAINTIES 342 1% cupfuls sugar. Whip the cream to a stiff froth, add sugar and strained juice of berries; freeze in a pail or mould without stirring. Mrs. Parkhurst. MOUSSE. % box gelatine, 1 quart cream, 1 pint fine pineapple, ^/2 cupful cold water, 1 cupful boiling water Soak the gelatine in cold water; add the boil- ing water and cook a little. Whip the cream and add the sugar and pineapple. Pack in ice and salt; let stand five hours. FROZKN PUDDING. 1 pint cream, 1 ^ dozen macaroons, 3 tablespoon fuls powdered sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls ground chocolate. Whip the cream, add the sugar and divide in three parts. To one portion add chocolate which has been moistened with very little water and stirred until smooth. Add enough pink coloring to second portion to give a delicate pink. Flavor third portion with vanilla. Roll macaroons, not too fine, and divide into three parts. Take a small lard can and put in first the pink cream and over it one portion of macaroons, next white cream and then second layer of macaroons, then add chocolate cream. Cover can and pack well with ice and salt, as for ice cream. Let stand four hours. When readv to serve turn out and 343 t^ROZEN DAINTIES cover top with third portion of macaroons. It will turn out more easily if you wrap a hot cloth around the can for a very short time. Mrs. G. C. GrimEvS, Fresno. QUEKN PUDDING, NO. 2. Line a melon mould about two inches deep with vanilla ice cream, or if preferred, use strawberry water ice, having ready a pint of chilled peaches. Fill these in the center, cover with cream or ice, bind edg-es with strip of buttered cloth; pack in ice and salt tw^o hours. Whenready to serve wipe mould with warm towel, turn out on large dish. Dust with grated macaroons and servem imedi- ately- FIG PUDDING. 1 pint cream, 2 pints milk, 1 cupful sugar, 1 pound dried figs, 1 wineglassful curacoa. Chop figs fine and pour the curacoa over them. Let them stand until the cream is ready. Mix sugar and milk; add cream after it is slightly beaten; freeze; when nearly done add figs. ORANGF, OR STRAWBERRY CHARLOTTE. 2 tablespoonfuls granulated gelatine, 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful fruit juice and pulp, V^ cupful cold water, 5^ cupfu] boiling water, PKOZEN DAINTIES 344 3 teaspoonfuls lemon juice, Whites 3 e^gs, ^2 pint whipped cream. Soak gelatine in cold water, then dissolve in boiling water; add sugar, lemon juice, fruit juice and pulp. When cold whisk until frothy, then add whites of eggs beaten stiffly and fold in cream. Line a mould with sections of orange and fresh ripe strawberries; turn in the mixture and chill. MARASCHINO FROZEN PUNCH. 2 tablespoonf uls liquor of Maraschino cher- ries, Juice 2 lemons and 5 oranges, Pulp 3 Japanese persimmons. Pulp 2 bananas, 1 pint canned apricots, 3^ cupfuls granulated sugar, 5 cupfuls water. Strain all through a coarse cloth and freeze. Serve after the meat course in stem champagne glasses with the cherries as a garnishment. Mrs. F. F. Cook, Fresno. ROMAN PUNCH. 1^2 pints strong sweet lemonade, % pint champagne, 1 small wineglassful best Jamaica rum, Juice 2 oranges. Mix, and when partly frozen add whites of two eggs, beaten stiff. Mrs. A. Mattel CANTFLOUP FROZEN. Choose one which is ripe and luscious. Cut 345 fKOZEN DAINTIES pulp into tiny cubes and sprinkle with little sugar and a little pinch salt; let it stand in freezer one hour. Serve heaped on a pretty dish. Mrs. C. L. Pioda. FROZEN APRICOTS. 1 quart can apricots, 2 tablespoonfuls gelatine, 2 cupfuls vsugar, 1 pint cream. Drain the apricots, cut them into pieces with silver spoon; measure the syrup and add sufficient water to make one and one-half pints; add the sugar. Cover the gelatine with a little cold water and soak one-half hour. Boil the sugar, syrup and water together for five minutes; skim carefully; add the gelatine, stir until dissolved; add apri- cots and stand aside to cool. When cold, freeze, stirring slowl3^ When frozen, remove the dasher and add the cream, whipped. Re-pack, cover and stand aside for two hours. Mrs. Marden. FROZEN STRAWBERRIES. 1 pint strawberries, 2 cupfuls sugar, 1 quart water. Juice 2 lemons. To the berries add the lemon juice and sugar; let them stand an hour, then mash the berries, add the water and stir until sugar is dissolved. When nearly frozen add the white of one egg, beaten; freeze slowly. Mrs. Eddy. FROZEN DAINTIES 346 PINEAPPLK CREAM. Yi cupful sugar, 1 cupful water, 1 can grated pineapple, Yz box gelatine, 1 cupful cream. Boil sugar, water and pineapple together ten minutes; dissolve gelatine in one-half cupful cold water and beat into pineapple. When cool beat in one cupful whipped cream. Set on ice. Serve with whipped cream. Mrs. Sidney J. Parsons. Candif, Miss Harriet M. Stout. Miss Carrie Elder. A perpetual feast of nectared sweets. ALMOND CANDY. To each cupful of sliced almonds add one cup- ful granulated sug-ar. Butter skillet well. Put in sug'ar first and then almonds. As soon as the sugar begins to dissolve, stir the above with well buttered spoon and continue stirring slowly until a light brown, then pour on a buttered platter and spread with a spoon. Mrs. Thomas Harris. frp:nch crkams, no. i. (Cooked. ) Put into a granite ware sauce pan one cupful wate-, two cupfuls granulated sugar and a pinch cream of tartar. Stir until the sugar is nearly melted; then place on the fire and heat slowly, but do not stir. Watch carefully and note whed it begins to boil. When the sugar has been boiling for ten minutes take a little of it and drop in ice water. If it hardens enough to form a soft ball when rolled between finger and thumb CANDY -^48 it is cooked enough. Remove saucepiin from the tire and when the syrup stops boiling pour into a large platter and set in a cool place. When the syrup is so cool that the finger can be held in it comfortably, stir with a wooden spoon or ])addle until it becomes thick and white. When it begins to look hard and a little dry, remove spoon and knead with hands until the cream is smooth and soft. Work the flavoring in a little at a time. If the candy becomes hard and crumbly, it means that it has been cooked too long. Dampen the candy with a very little water and knead as be- fore. By combining this fondant with figs, prunes or citron a variety of creams may be made. Harriet M. Stout. FRENCH CRKAMS, NO. 2. (Without Cooking). 2 pounds confectioners' sugar, XXX, rolled and sifted. Beat whites of two eggs and put in a tumbler (mark the quantity), pour in a dish and add the same amount of cold water as you had eg^ in the tumbler, and a scant tablespoonful vanilla. Stir well together and add slowly the two pounds of sugar. Stir with a silver spoon until well mixed. This is the foundation for all cream candies. Miss A. CampbelTv. CHOCOLATK CREAMS. Take some of the fendent and mould into cone shaped forms. Lay these aside for a few hours in a cool place to harden. Put two ounces of un- sweetened chocolate in a cup and stand the cup in a saucepan of boiling water until the chocolate 34V CANDY is melted. Take the cones of cream one at a time on a silver fork and dip them into the chocolate until well coated, then slip them from the fork onto waxed paper and set aside to dr}-. Harriet M. Stout. COCOANUT CREAMS. Knead into the cream fondant shredded cocoa- nut. After the two are thoroughly mixed break off small pieces and roll into balls. Dip the balls into white of egg and roll in the shredded cocoa- nut. The egg is used to make the cocoanut ad- here to the outside- Harriet M. Stout. CREAM DATES. For these select large perfect dates and with a sharp knife make a slit and remove the stones. Eorm some French cream into oval shapes, re- sembling the dates themselves, but not so large. Insert the piece of cream in the side of the date where the stone was removed, not. of course, concealing the cream altogether. Harriet M. Stout. brittlp:. % cupful Sultana raisins, % cupful figs, % cupful Brazilian nuts sliced, % cupful cocoanut. Grease tin plates and scatter nuts and fruit over them. Then boil till good and brittle the following: 2 cupfuls sugar. CANDY 350 1 tablespoonful butter, % cupful vinegar, yi cupful water. Pour into plates containing fruit. Break in pieces when cold. Emily Dahlgren. BUTTERSCOTCH, NO. 1. 2 cupfuls brown sugar, 1 cupful water, % cupful butter. Cook until it is brittle when dropped into cold water. For caramels, when almost done add one- fourth cupful grated chocolate. MiSvS Murray BUTTERSCOTCH, NO. 2. Put into a pan one-half pound brown sugar, a gill of water, one teaspoonful vinegar and one- half ounce butter. Boil all together for twenty minutes, then pour into buttered tins; mark it out as it cools with the back of a knife. Flavor to taste as you pour it into the tins. D. CREAM CANDY, NO. 1. 4 cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful cold water. Stir well before putting on stove, but do not move while boiling. Keep covered about three minutes, then put five drops lemon juice in. When it hairs turn into a fiat dish to remain per- fectly still until you can bear your finger in it, then beat w^ith a knife until it becomes cream}'. Then knead and cut into any shape. MyrttvR Chapman. 351 CANDY CREAM CANDY, NO, 2. 2 cupfuls granulated sugar, Enoug'h cream to dissolve it, Small piece butter. Boil until it hairs from the spoon; add tea- spoonful vanilla and take from stove and beat until it creams. Pour on buttered plate. It is much nicer if put away and kept for ten days. Beatrice Gracey. CREAM TAFFY. 1 pound white sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls vinegar, 1 teaspoonful lemon extract, 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar, 1 tablespoonful butter, Add little water to moisten sugar. Boil until brittle. Put in extract and turn out on buttered plates. When cool, pull until white and cut into squares. Do not stir while cooking. FUNICE GORDEN. CREAM CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. 3^2 pint white sugar, 1 pint brown sugar, y^ pint thick cream, 1 generous tablespoonful butter, 4 ounces chocolate. Mix together in a granite ware saucepan; place on the fire and stir until the mixture boils. Cook until a few drops of it will harden if dropped into cold water, and pour into well buttered pan, having mixture about three inches deep. When early cold make intosquares. It will take almost CANDY m an hour to boil this in a g^ranite ware pan. Eunice Gordon. WALNUT CARAMELS. 2 cupfuls molasses, 2 cupfuls brown sug^ar, 1 cupful milk, 1 tablespoonful grlycerine. Boil rapidly for about thirty minutes, then add one cupful grated chocolate and piece of butter the size of an egg; boil twenty minutes longer. If then a little of the mixture hardens when dropped in cold water, remove pan from fire, add the nuts and pour into buttered tins; when nearly cold mark into squares. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. 1 cupful sugar, 1 cupful good molasses, not syrup. Piece of butter size of an egg, 1 cupful cream or milk, 2 ounces of grated unsweetened chocolate. Put these ingredients in an enameled saucepan and boil them together, stirring constant!}', for twenty minutes. If the mixture forms into a ball when dropped into cold water, it is done. Remove from fire; pour into well buttered tins and, when cool enough, mark into squares. PUDGE, NO. 1. 2 cu]>fuls sugar, 1 cupful milk, 2 squares chocolate. Butter size of an egg. 353 CANDY Boil ten minutes or more, or until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Take from fire and stir. Mrs. Parrymore. FUDGE, NO. 2. 2 cupfuls sug-ar, % cupful sorg-hum, ^ cupful milk, 1 tablespoonful butter, 3 squares chocolate, 1 pint nuts. Cook all but nuts until a little dropped in cold water can be moulded between thumb and finger. Add nuts and flavoring- and beat until cool. Maude Turner. FUDGE, NO. 3. 3 cupfuls su^ar, 1 cupful milk, 1 teaspoonful butter. Cook; when sug-ar is melted, add four or five tablespoonfuls cocoa; stir and boil nine or ten minutes. Take from fire and add one teaspoonful vanilla. Stir until creamy ; pour on buttered plates and cut into squares. Mrs. James Turner, Clovis. MAPLE CREAM. Take three cupfuls brown sugar and just enough water to dissolve, butter the size of an eg-g. Boil until it hairs from the spoon, then put in a tablespoonful vanilla. Take from the stove and beat until it is like cream, then pour into a large greased platter and cool until hard enough CANDY 354 to cut. It is much nicer when nuts or cocoanut is stirred in. BEATRICE Gracey. PANOCHE, NO. 1. 2 cupfuls sug"ar, Yi cupful mill^, Yi cupi'ul butter, Yi cupful walnuts. Cook until waxe3\ When done beat until creamy. Mrs. ParrymorE. PANOCHK, NO. 2. 2 cupfuls brown sugar, 2 cupfuls white sugar, 1 cupful milk, 1 tablepoonful butter, 1 pound English walnuts, chopped fine. Boil fifteen minutes, or until it hardens in cold water. Just before taking off stove flavor with vanilla and put in nuts, and pohr on buttered plate. Carrie Elder. PERSIAN DELKtHT. 1 pound English walnuts, 1 pound dates, 1 pound figs. Chop very fine and mix with all the confec- tionery sugar it will take. Add a little vanilla; then roll it out on the board, using sugar to keep it from sticking, and cut it in squares. Jennie Crowley, Providence, R. I. PRAULINES. 2 cupfuls granulated sugar, 355 CANDY ^ cupful water, }^ cupful vinegar, Butter size walnut. Boil until it ropes from the spoon, then stir in one quart peanuts and stir until white. Mrs. K. F. Hawkins. MOLASSKS CANDY, NO. 1. 2 cupfuls molasses, 1 cupful brown sugar, Butter size of walnut. Boil twenty minutes then add two teaspoon- fuls cream of tartar, one teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful vinegar. Turn into buttered pan un- til cool enough to pull. LoTTiE Clark, Courtesy of "Crumbs from Everybody's Table." MOLASSKS CANDY, NO. 2. 1 quart molasses, 1 pint white sugar, 1 dessertspoonful butter, 1 teaspoonful vanilla, 1 tablespoonful vinegar, 1 teaspoonful soda. Let molasses, vinegar and sugar boil until brit- tle when tested in cold water. When nearly done add butter, and when entirely done add vanilla and soda. Cool in well greased tins; then pull. Mrs. W. G. Wanzer. MOLASSKS TAFFY. 1 pint genuine molasses, best quality, % pound sugar, % teaspoonful vinegar, CANDY 356 1 ounce butter. Stir all this over the fire until it comes to the "crack;" that is, until a piece being dropped into cold water it sets at once and falls to the bottom of the dish with a tinkle like glass; then pour it out into well-buttered tins. When cool enough to handle turn in edges and make it all into a ball; pull until a light tan color and cut in pieces with scissors. D. ICE CRKAM TAFFY. 2 pounds granulated sugar, ^ pint of water, ye pint vinegar, Butter the size of an ^gg, 1 tablespoonful glycerine. Boil together without stirring from twenty minutes to half an hour; when, on dropping a little of this into cold water, it hardens at once, add to it a small teaspoonful cream tartar; pour it all onto well-buttered plates to cool, and pour two teaspoonfuls of essence of vanilla over the top. Let it cool; pull it until it becomes beauti- fully white and cut it with scissors into sticks. POP CORN BALLS. Pop the corn and reject all that is not nicely opened. Place a half bushel on a table or drip- ping pan. Put a little water in a suitable kettle with one pound of sugar and boil until it becomes quite waxy in cold water. Remove from fire and dip into it six or seven tablespoonfuls of gum solution made as thick as molasses by pouring boiling water on gum arabic and letting stand over night. Pour mixture over corn, putting a 357 CANDY stick or handvS under the corn, lifting- it up and mixing until it is all saturated; let stand a few moments, then flour the hands slightly and press into balls. This amount will make one hundred pop corn balls, such as the street peddlers sell, but for home eating omit the gum solution and use a half pint of stiff taffy made as above, for one peck of popped corn. This will make twenty rich balls. CHOCOLATE PKPPKRMINTS. 2 pounds confectioners' sugar (XXXX), % pound bakers' chocolate. Add enough water to the sugar to make it the right consistency to roll into balls; flavor with peppermint and roll out on wax paper with the rolling pin; cut out the peppermints; melt the chocolates and dip the peppermints, holding them on the end of a fork; set on wax paper to cool. Tood for Invalids. Mrs. L,. D. Howard. Kndeavor to tempt the appetite of the patient by attention to little things. Give the distaste- ful food the resemblance of something- that is particularh^ palatable. Cover the tra}' in a dainty manner with the freshest of cloth; render it bright with a vase of flowers. Do not set a plate before an invalid containing the exact quantity of meat, fish or anything you wish him to eat. Serve everything on small dishes and allow the patient to help himself. Very often the effort to lift the head, even if the person is not dangerously ill, disinclines them to take refreshing or nourishing drink. Do not disturb such sufferers by propping them up with pillows and making them lift their heads and change their position. Secure a bent glass tube and the patient need not be disturbed, in a sick headache or extreme fatigue, but can take the beverage provided without a change of position. As the system feels the need of the very thing that the taste demands, satisfy that desire as far as possible; but the greatest care is neces- sarv with regard to food; therefore, give no new article of diet without the express permission of the physician. 359 _ FOOD POR INVALIDS CONCENTRATED FOOD FOR INVALIDS. Bartholow's Food, first made by Dr. Bartho- low, of Philadelphia, ivS better known to nurses than to others. It is a very concentrated food, useful in nourishing a patient who is on a liquid diet. SAGO FOR INVALIDS. 1 cupful beef tea, 2 level tablespoonfuls sago, 1 yolk of egg-, 1 cupful sweet milk, Salt to suit. The sago is given for the starch it contains, arrowroot and sago being the most easily' digested form of starch. In making the food, first put the sago in the milk; heat until the grains swell and thicken the milk; stir frequently, and if possible cook in a double boiler. Do not scorch. When cooked, it vshould look clear; take from the fire, stir in the cup of beef tea, beat in the yolk of the egg, salt to taste, and serve. Do not give more than one-fourth cupful at one time. When wanted heat in a jar of hot water. DRINKS FOR THK SICK. Applk Tea — Roast eight fine apples in the oven or before the fire; put them in a jug with two spoonfuls of sugar, pour over them one quart of boiling water; let the whole stand one hour near the fire. Orange Whey — Juice of one orange to one pint sweet milk; heat slowly until curd forms; strain and cool. FOOD F-OR INVALIDS Rennet Whey — One quart of milk, almots boiling-, two tablespoonfuls of prepared rennet, off a piece that has been soaked in water; sugar to taste; stir the rennet into the milk; let stand until cool, then strain. Kgg Lemonade — White of one egg, one table- spoonful sugar, juice one lemon, one glassful water. Beat together. Good for inflamation of lungs,, stomach or bowels. Gum Arabic Water — One teaspoonful gum arable, one goblet cold water; let stand until it dissolves and flavor to suit with any fruit juice. Oat Meal Tea — Two tablespoonfuls oat meal to one quart cold water; let stand two hours in cool place, then drain off as it is wanted. Good for convalesents. Toast Water — ^Toast slowly a thin piece of bread until it is extremely browm and hard, but not black; put in a bowl of cold water and cover tighth'. Let stand one hour before using. Sago Milk — Three tablespoonfuls sago soaked in a cupful cold water one hour; add three cup- fuls boiling milk; simmer slowly half an hour; eat warm. Tapioca milk is made the same way. Flax Seed Lemonade — Two tablespoonfuls whole flax seed to one pint boiling water. Let stand until cool; strain; add juice two lemons, two tablespoonfuls honey. Beef Tea — ^One pound lean beef, cut into small pieces; put into a bottle without a drop of water; heat gradually to a boil and continue boiling steadil}' for four hours. When the meat is rags the juice is outj salt to taste. Beef tea 361 FOOD FOR INVALIDS does not afford as much nutrition as people have been led to believe. It is readil}" taken up by ab- sorption and is desirable where a mild stimulant is required. Notwithstanding- it has been repeat- edly shown that beef tea is not a food, the laity, and to a considerable extent, the profession, are slow to be convinced. That patients fed on beef tea slowly starve, is a fact which the analysis only too conclusively proves and which is sus- tained by accurate clinical observation. Beef tea, most carefully prepared, says Dr. Neal in a medical journal (Nov. 1881), does not contain, in- cluding alkaline salts, more than from 1.5 to 2,25 per cent solid matter. Asa stimulant, beef tea may be and often is highl}^ serviceable, but as a means of support during- the exhausting- drain of a long illness, it does not compare in nutritive value to milk. Dr. Lander Brunton raises the question whether beef tea, a product of muscular waste, may not, under some circum- stances, be actually poisonous. Medical News. Corn Tea — Parch common corn until browned through; grind and pour boiling water over; drink with or without cream. Fine for cases of vomiting and diarrhoea. Corn Meal Gruel — One tablespoonful finely sifted corn meal wet m cold water. Have one quart boiling water in a pan; dip a spoonful of this cold batter into the water; stir; let it boil up and add another spoonful and so on until the gruel is of the right consistency. Let boil briskly twenty minutes or more. Salt to taste. Graham gruel is made the same wav. Milk Porridge — One and one- half table- FOOD FOR INVALIDS 362 Spoonfuls flour wet to a paste, stirred into a quart of boilinsJ' milk; salt to taste. Baked Milk — Put one-half gallon milk in a jar and tie over it writing paper. Let stand in a moderate oven eight or ten hours. It will then be like cream and is good for consumptives. Chicken Broth — In one quart of water boil the dark meat of one-half chicken with one table- spoonful rice or barley. Skim off the fat. Use as vsoon as the rice is well done. Serve few narrow strips toast with it. Mrs. Z. L. Ward. PANADA. Take a slice of wheat bread, toast to a nice brown; break into fragments; sprinkle over it one teaspoonful ground cinnamon or nutmeg. Pour over enough boiling water to cover it; add sugar to taste. Some add a flavor of wine or brandy, but it is just as well without. TOAST. Brown a slice of wheat bread before the fire on both sides; put in a platter; pour boiling water over it to make soft; butter; put in oven until butter is melted; remove and put rich whipped cream over; serve while hot. GRUEL. Mix two tablespoonfuls corn meal and one of flour with cold water, to make a thick batter; if licked thick, stir it into one pint boiling water (if wanted thinner, add more water or milk); season with salt and pepper to taste; boil eight 363 FOOf) f OK INVALIDS or ten minutes; take from fire; add a piece of butter size of a walnut, pour over toast or serve in cuj). RICK CAKE. Beat the ^-olks of fifteen egtrs for one-half hour; mix well with ten ounces of fine sifted sugar; one-half pound rice, ground; orange fiower water; rind two lemons grated; add whites seven eggs. Stir well, put in a hoop; bake one-half hour in a quick oven. RICE OMELET. 2 cupfuls boiled rice, 1 cupful sweet milk, 2 eggs. Stir together with e^g beater; put into a but- tered skillet; cook slowly ten minutes, stirring frequently. RICE AND RAISINS. 3 cupfuls boiling- water, 1 cupful sweet milk, 1 cupful rice, ^2 cupful raisins. Mix and cook in double boiler. TO COOK EGGS IN THE SHELL. An egg should never be boiled; place in boiling water, set on back of stove for ten minutes; it will cook to perfection. FOOD FOR INVALIDS 364 CHICKEN PANADA. Cut up a chicken; boil slowlv in water until done; remove skin; cut off white meat (remove fat, if an}'); pound it to a smooth paste with the water it was boiled in. When quite smooth, salt to taste, add a little lemon peel, boil gently for a few minutes; add water that it was cooked in to get the right consistency. Stir all the time. BEEF TOAST. Cut one-half pound of lean, juicv beef in slices one-half inch thick; lay them on a very hot fr}-- ing pan, free from grease. When they are heated through squeeze juice from them with a lemon vsqueezer; pour over toast and serve while hot. Do not butter toast. EGG BROTH. 1 egg well beaten, % teasponful white sugar, 1 pint boiling water. Salt to suit. Beat egg and sugar together; pour boiling v^ater in, stirring to prevent curdling; add salt and serve hot. Good in extreme exhaustion. ORANGE FOOL. 3 oranges, 3 eggs. Sugar to suit, 1 pint cream. Mix all together; heat but do not boil; allow to become thick. Serv^e cold. 365 FOOD FOR INVALIDS KAW BKEF JUICK. Take one pound sirloin beef; warm it in a broiler before a quick fire; cut into cubes of about one-fourth of an inch; place in a lemon squeezer, pressing the juice out; remove the fat that arises to the surface after cooling. Never cook the meat. junki:t. Treat a pint of milk as in preparing whey. Serve the curd with cream and sugar. Add spices if wanted. LIME WATER. Take a piece of unslacked lime the size of a walnut in two quarts of filtered water in a stone vessel; stir well; allow to settle. Use onl}- from top. BARLEY JELLY. Put two teaspoonfuls washed pearl barley into a quart saucepan with one and one-half pints water; boil slowly down to one pint; strain and allow liquid to set into a jellv. Season to taste. MILK RELISH. Yi pint milk, Salt, The white of ^^^ beaten to a foam; add milk and flavor to suit. hOOD hOk INVALIDS 366 WHKY. Heat one pint of milk as hot as can be borne in the mouth; add, with gentle stirring, two tea- spoonfuls of Fairchild's essence of pepsin; let stand until coagulated; beat with a fork, dividing curd; strain. FLOUR BALL. Take one ])ound wheat flour, tie it up ver\' tightl}^ in bag and place in a saucepan of water; boil ten hours; when cool remove cloth and cut away soft outer covering dough; grate the inter- ior for use. To prepare, stir into milk or other liquid gradually while boiling. GRAPK JUICE. Stem the grapes; with just enough water to prevent scorching; heat through; stir often; strain through bag and squeeze. To three cup- fuls juice add one cupful water, one cupful vSUgar and boil five minutes; bottle immediately. Use new corks. ORANGEADE. 1 orange, lYi teasjioonful sugar. Cold water. Scjueeze juice of orange into a tumbler, add sugar; fill tumbler with water and ice. MILK FOOD. 3^ pintfreshlv made whey. 367 fOOD l-OK INVALIDS 2 tablespoonfuls fresh cream, Yi teaspoonful sug-ar of milk. Warm whey a very little above blood heat; add cream and sugar; stir until sug'ar is dis- solved. Fine for babies. Can be given from a nursingf bottle. 't* MINCED CHICKEN. The breast of a chicken stewed; minced fine with one-half cupful broth, one-half cupful cream mixed. Heat and use as desired, Fine poured over toast or crackers; good for fever patient. SNOW CREAM.. The pulp of six stewed apples; beat. When cold, add the whites of six eggs. Beat to a froth; four ounces sugar; beat all together until it be- comes stiff. Serve. BROWNED RICE. Spread a cupful rice on a shallow baking pan and put into a moderately hot oven to brown. It will need to be stirred frequently to prevent burning and to secure a uniform color. Each rice kernel, when sufficiently browned, should be of a yellowish brown, about the color of ripe wheat. The rice should be well washed and dried tol- erably dry before going into the oven to brown. Use one and one-half cupfuls of water to each cupful browned rice (never stir rice after it has boiled, as it breaks the grain and makes it mushy.) Use browned rice the same as unbrowned; it cooks easier; is good boiled or steamed, served w4th cream or butter, and is nice in soups; makes POOD POR INVALIDS K68 a dainty dish for a sick person and is more easy digested than the imbrovvned. A panful may be browned and put avvav for use. Mrs. Z. L. Ward. CRACKER AND WINK. 1 soda cracker, toasted, Turn over it two-thirds teacupful boiling water, two tablespoonfuls sweet wine. Sweeten to taste. This can sometimes be retained on the stomach when nothing else can. meals Without meat. Mrs. Amos Harris. No tloeks that range the valley tree, To slauKhter I condemn; Taiighi by the power that pities me, I leaiii to pity them ; But from the mountain's grassy side A guilllesh feast I bring; A scrip with herbs and fruits supplied, And waler from the spring. —Goldsmith My all that is sai^red in our hopes for the humnii race, 1 conjure those who love happiness and truth togiw a fair trial to the vegetable system.— Shelly. *' * * * The growth of Vegetarianism in the United States is gradual, but persistent. " — Ex. And The Raisin Center Cook Book would not be up to modern requirements without a de- partment devoted to meatless dishes. Meat is not a necessity, so it is not necessary to have anything to take its place; but since we are in the habit of thinking that a meal is incomplete with- out meat, we find it easier to drop into "the bet- ter way," if the platter is filled with something that looks like meat. So 3'ou will find in this de- partment a few recipes for something to fill the platter which should be accompanied by soup, vegetables, side dishes, relishes and daint}' des- serts, usualU" served with a meat dinner, the recipes for which will be found in the other de- partments of the cookbook. But do not discard MfcALS WITHOUT MEAT 370 meat and attenrpt to live on white bread, butter, tea and crackers. If you do you will soon find 3'ourself all run down and think, at once, that you must ^o back to a meat diet to reg-ain your strength. If, on the contrary, you desire to give it a fair trial, go about it understandingly and have 3'our store closet tilled with such things as will supplv the needs of the body. It has been conclusively proved bv actual experiment that the same food values can be obtained from nuts and fruits as from a meat diet, as astud)^ of the table of food values will show. Professor Atwater, in his report to the Agricultural Department, says: "There is a general awakening to the needs of dietarv improvement, but in order to bring this about experts are required. These should not be mere cooks, or even chefs, but persons of thorough scientific and practical training. The calling is especially adapted to women who have the natural gifts and opportunities to secure the necessary education." Kach house mother, then, must be her own judge; whether she will stick to the old ways, with their burden of work, worry and ill health, or open her eyes to modern scientific discoveries. Something for the Platter, Here is a formula which can be varied indefi- nitely, using apples or vegetables in place of nuts: NUT CROQUETTES. 1 cupful thinly sliced walnut meats (or any nuts preferred). 371 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 1 cupful bread crumbs, 1 cupful milk, 1 egg, 1 spoonful butter, 1 spoonful olive oil (Gower's), yi spoonful whole wheat flour, Vi teaspoonful sugar. Salt and pepper to taste. Put butter and oil in the saucepan, stir in the flour and cook until slightly brown; then add the bread crumbs, with sugar, salt and pepper; then the milk, stirring constantly. Remove from the stove; add the nuts and last, the well beaten ^^^, mixing all thoroughly together. Make into balls of an}'^ desired size or shape, dip in ^^^ batter, roll in bread crumbs and fry in hot olive oil (Gower's). Have two or three bananas peeled and cut in thirds, or apples cut in eighths, dip in batter and fry in the same oil. Arrange on hot platter with croquettes in center and bananas or apples around the edge. Klizabkth. WALNUT ROAST, MUSHROOM SAUCK. 1 cupful finely minced walnuts, 1 cupful strained tomatoes, 1 cupful whole wheat breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoonful finely minced onions, ^ teaspoonful majorum or thyme. Salt to taste- Thoroughly blend; add one well beaten ^^^. Bake forty minutes in buttered pan; basting with melted butter and hot water. MUSHROOM SAUCE,— Take a half dozen mushrooms, wash, peel and cut off stems as far as frill (or use the French canned); put them in a saucepan with two table- MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 372 Spoonfuls butter; salt and pepper. Let them sim- mer for ten minutes then stir in a tablespoonf ul flower and add slowly two cupfuls boiling" milk or milk and water; cook 10 minutes; serve with roast. APPLE SNOW. Grate three nice, mellow eating- apples; beat the whites of three eggs, adding- three table- spoonfuls sugar; whip all together. Serve in individual glasses, with candied fruit on top. Grace A. Kierstead. VKGKTABLK POT PIE. (For a Family of Six.) Put a good sized lumj) of butter or two table- spoonfuls Gower's olive oil into the pot; when it is hot put in a finely minced onion and let it fry for fifteen or twenty minutes; don't let it scorch the least bit, but just turn a delicate brown; pour in three pints of boiling water; add salt and pepper to taste. Have ready two carrots cut in quarters lengthwivse, three parsnips cut in quar- ters lengthwise and six potatoes cut into pieces crosswise. Put in vour carrots first, then your parsnips; when they have boiled fifteen minutes, add your potatoes, and on top of all vour dump- lings. (Recipe for Dumplings^ — -Two cupfuls flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder and a good pinch salt, sifted together, wet with sufficient milk to make a stiff dough.) Cover closely and keep the pot boiling for half an hour; then it will be ready to dish up on the platter (have the platter hot so as not to sodden the dumplings). Take out the dumplings carefully with fork and spoon, and around them arrange the vegetables. To the water in the pot add a heaping table- 373 McALS WiTHOUr MEAT spoonful flour rubbed smooth m a cupful of milk, and stir until it boils up; now put in another lump of butter and your g-ravy is ready to dish. VEGETABLE ROAST. 1 cujjful whole wheat flour, % cupful olive oiUGower's), 2 cupfuls water, 1 carrot, 2 parsnips, 1 potato, all previously cooked. Mix oil and flour; place over the fire and stir until well browned; add water; stir until smooth and well cooked. Remove from the fire; add salt and pepper to taste and your chopped vegetables with a little grated onion. This mixture should be the consistency of stiif mush. Put two-thirds of this mixture m a baking dish, and with a spoon spread it over the bottom and half way up the sides; have ready a dressing of bread crumbs, vsuch as you UvSe for turkey or meat roast; pour this into your baking dish and cover by spread- ing the other third of the mixture over top, mak- ing it meet neatly the under part. Bake forty-five minutes. Baste with browned flour and water and butter. GRAVY FOR ROAST,— Put one spoonful of butter and two of olive oil in a skillet; when hot add a heaping tablespoon- ful flour; stir until it becomes a golden brown, then add one and one-half pints boiling water; stir continually and boil five minutes. Season with salt, pepper and a little onion juice. NUT LOAF. To two cupfuls drv bread crumb ; dd a table- MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 374 spoonful minced parsley, teaspoonful salt, one- half teaspoonful crumbled sage leaves, one-fourth teaspoonful black pepper, sprinkle of red pepper, little summer savor3% one-half pint finely cut celery, one sour apple cut fine; then melt one- third pound of butter in saucepan and fry in this until slightly brown a tablespoonful finely minced onion; pour this over the crumbs and mix well. Now beat three eggs into a pint of milk and pour over the buttered crumbs and let stand ten minutes. Prepare two cupfuls nuts of such varie- ties as you have, put them through the grinder and add them to the bread crumbs. Now mix thoroughly and form into a loaf; put into a but- tered dripping pan and bake for an hour and a half in a moderate oven, basting frequently with hot water and butter. When done it should be an even delicate brown. Make a gravy as for meat roast in the dripping pan after the loaf is removed. loNE Brown. VEGETARIAN THANKSGIVING DINNER. Celery Soup Nut Butter Sandwiches Olives Salted Almonds Lentil Cutlets, with Tomato Sauce Rice Croquettes, with Currant Jelly Vegetable Turkey, Brown Gravy Cranberry Jell}^ Nuttose Timbales, Mushroom Sauce Mashed Potatoes Baked Squash Grape Sherbet Fruit Salad Granose Biscuit Almond Butter Pumpkin Pudding Lemon Pie White Fruit Cake Nuts Fruit Coffee 375 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT VKGKTABLK TURKEY, NO. 1. Boil one pound chestnuts until tender, remove the shells, add a teaspoonful salt and a pinch thyme, and mix thoroughly. Boil together a large turnip, one carrot, two large potatoes, two stalks celer)^ three pepper corns and two cloves. When the vegetables are tender, drain through a colander; add chestnuts; mash all together, add- ing two tablespoonfuls each of butter and cream. Salt to taste, place in a buttered mould, in a hot oven; heat thoroughly and serve on a meat plat- ter, garnished with slices of lemon and sprigs of parsley. VEGETABLE TURKEY, NO. 2. Boil a large egg plant until tender; peel it, mash it smooth, season with salt and pepper, add a tablespoonful butter and a pound of chestnuts prepared as above, also two hard boiled eggs chopped fine, half an onion chopped, and a cup- ful fine bread crumbs. Mix well, pack closely in a buttered dish; heat thoroughly in a hot oven and serve on a platter garnished with sliced to- matoes. LENTIL CUTLETS. Soak a cupful lentils over night in cold water. In the morning drain off this water and let the lentils cook ver}' slowly till tender; drain through colander; add pint chestnuts prepared as for the turkey, but without the thyme. Add three table- spoonfuls of butter, half a cupful milk and salt and pepper to taste. Mix well and pour .into in- dividual serving dishes. Serve hot, with a little MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 376 whipped white of an egg on top. In making- vege- tarian substitutes for meats chestnuts should always be used, since they have a divStinctly meat}^ flavor in conjunction with vegetables. NUTTOSE TIMBALES. Boil large-sized macaroni in salted water until tender. When cold cut it into inch bits and mix ■^ith prepared chestnuts, then with a sauce made of one tablespoonful each of butter and flour, half a cupful of milk, and salt and pepper to taste. Just before removing the sauce from the fire, add three well beaten eggs. Mix with the prepared nuttose and pour into a well buttered mould. Place this in a pan of hot water and let it stand in a slow oven for twenty minutes. Serve the timbales on a round dish garnished wnth cress and mushrooms. NUT BUTTER. Take half a pound of roasted peanuts, ground or chopped, one ounce of blanched and dried almonds, half a pound of pecans, andhalf a pound pine nuts. Add six ripe bananas, sliced; pack closely into a mould and let steam for one hour. Allow the mixture to cool before turning it out of the mould. It is delicious spread between sand- wiches, or served in slices with mayonaise dress- ing. Mrs. E. Turner. RAISINA PASTE. Equal parts seeded raisins and dried figs. Carefully wash the dried figs, and with the scis- sors clip off the stem end; run them through the 377 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT handmill, alternating a handful of figs with a handful of raisins, which is an easy way of mix- ing them together. Now roll into a ball and from the mass, with a wet spoon, cut out pieces one- half size of a walnut, roll them in almond crumbs and dry on plates in the sun for half a day and they are ready to store in jars for every day use. This paste can be varied by using dried apples in- stead of figs and bread crumbs instead of almonds. CROUTONS. Cut stale bread into one-half inch dice and dry in oven. When wanted for use pour in hot butter or olive oil (Gower's). TO PREPARE BRKAD CRUMBS. Put the broken pieces, heels, etc. into dripping pan, put in dr\'ing oven and leave until thorough- ly dry and slightly brown. (This turns the flour into wheat farina, giving it a nutty flavor and making it more digestible.) Now run through the "grinder" and store away in covered jars for future use, TO BLANCH ALMONDS. Shell, pour boiling water over them, cover and let stand five minutes; pour off the hot water and dash on cold, drain and you will have no trouble in removing the skin by rubbing between the thumb and finger. ALMONDS FRIED IN OLIVE OIL. Shell, but do not blanch the almonds, put two tablespoonfuls oHve oil (Gower's) into your fry- MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 378 mg pan; when it is hot put in a cupful almonds. You must be very careful about burning as the least scorch will destroy the delicate flavor. Stir constantly for five or seven minutes, then while hot drain ofF the oil and sprinkle with salt. The oil drained off can be used in soups or stews. Almond crumbs can be made by grinding fried almonds. Jl Word JIbout Soups Without Itleat. Soup without meat requires far less time for cooking. It can be added to the dinner at only a few minutes notice, and when rightly made is so delicious as to become its own excuse for being. Here is a formula for SOUP STOCK WITHOUT MEAT. Put in a frying pan one tablespoonful butter and one tablespoonful olive oil (Gower's); when warm add two tablespoonfuls finel}' minced on- ion; when the onion is cooked until slightly yel- low stir in one spoonful of flour, continue to stir and cook for five minutes, then add slowly a pint boiling water; now to this add your prepared tomatoes, celery, split pea or whatever you may have planned. When sufficiently cooked put all through a fine seive, return to the fire, add boil- ing milk or cream. Serve hot with freshly panned croutons or crackers. medicinal Properties of Vegetables, Diet instead of drugs is becoming a more and more popular method of medication as we become 379 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT more aware of the beneficial effects of the various plants and fruit on the system, and it is certainly far more agreeable to eat a fine ripe orang^e or peach than to take a dose of blue mass or fill our system with calomel. A late issue of "What to Kat" says that if people understood the medici- nal values of the foods they would use them more for physical ills and the doctors would have to ^o to something" else for a living. Por instance, spin- ach and dandelion are good for kidney trouble; celery is good for rheumatism, nervous diseases and dyspepsia; lettuce and cucumbers cool the system, and the former is good for insomnia. Asparagus — If you want to prespire freely, to relieve the system of impurities, try asparagus. Onion — There is nothing, medicinally speak- ing, so useful as the poor and humble onion. They are almost the best nervine known and may be used in coughs, colds and grippe, in con- sumption, scurvy and kindred diseases. White onions overcome sleeplessness, while red ones are an excellent diuretic. -Katen every day they soon have a whitening effect on the complexion. Cranberries — For malaria and erysipelas nothing is better than cranberries. Carrots, etc. — Presh carrots and yellow turnips are good for scurvy. Carrots for asthma, watermelon for epilepsy and yellow fever, lem- ons for feverish thirst in biliousness, low fevers, rheumatism, coughs colds and liver complaints. Kggs — Eggs beaten up raw with sugar are used to clear and strengthen the voice, while with lemon and sugar the beaten white of an egg may be used to relieve hoarseness. Exchange. MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 380 Popped Corn — A diet of popped corn and fruit is said to be a panacea for many bodily ills. Rice — It is claimed that a diet of rice for one month will cure Bright's disease. Jl Valuable treatise necessarily^ Omitted, We have a short treatise on ' 'The Nutrative Values of Fruits and Nuts," kindly prepared for this department by Prof. Joffa, Assistant Pro- fessor of Agriculture, Univ^ersity of California, but which we are obliged to omit for lack of space. About the time it was received we were notified by our publishers that the copy on hand already exceeded the contract number of pages for Cook Book. We still had several departments to provide for, which must be condensed into the smallest possible space, and as the department of "Meals Without Meat" came last the cut fell heaviest upon it, much to the regret of the com- mittee. We have found space, however, for a few extracts from this valuable paper: "In the Veg- etable Kingdom there are foods rich in the differ- ent ingredients requisite for the proper nourish- ment of the body, among are fruits and nuts." In the nine dietary studies, and thirty-one digestive experiments carried on at the Universi- t3% fruit and nuts constituted all or almost all the diet. "The result of these investigations. " says Prof. Joffa, "emphasize the fact that both fruit and nuts should be considered as TRUE FOODS, rather than food ascessories, a fact commonly overlooked." Por full information regarding these Dietary Studies Prof. Joffa refers us to U. S. Dept. Agr., Office Ex. Stas. Buls. 21-29-31-35- 37-38-39-40; Farmers' Bui. 142; Cal. Sta. Bui. 110. 381 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT Comparative table of Tood Values, ■^ Oj 03 ^ Oh fe. O S FRUITS— Grapes 25.0 58.0 1.0 1.2 14.4 Raisine, dried 10.0 13.1 2.3 3.0 68.5 Lemons 30.0 62.5 0.7 0.5 5.9 Oranges 27.0 63.4 0.6 0.1 8.5 Peary 10.0 76.0 0.5 0.4 12.7 Raspberries 85.8 1.0 .... 12.6 Strawberries 5.0 85.9 0.9 0.6 7.0 Apricots, dried 29.4 4.7 1.0 62.5 DateM, dried 10.0 13,8 1.9 2.5 70.6 Fias, dried 18.8 4.3 0.3 74 2 Watermelons 59.4 37.5 0.2 0.) 2.7 Tomatoes 94.3 0.9 0.4 3.9 NUTS— Almonds 45.0 2.7 11.5 30.2 9.5 Brazil Nuts 49.6 2.6 8.6 33.7 3.5 Butternuts 86.4 0.6 3.8 8.3 0.5 Filberts 52.1 1.8 7.5 31.3 6 2 Hickory Nuts 62.2 1.4 5.8 25.5 4.3 Pecans 53.2 1.4 5.2 33.3 6.2 Pinon (Penus edulis).,. 40.6 2.0 8.7 36.8 10.2 Walnuts, Black 74.1 0.6 7.2 14.6 3.0 Enjilish Walnuts..... . 58.1 1.0 6.9 26.6 6.8 GR.AINS— Whole wheat flour 11.4 13.8 1.9 71.9 (irahan) Flour 11.3 13.3 2.2 71.4 Wheat Flour, high-grade .. . 12.0 11.4 1.0 75.1 Wheat Flour, low-grade 12.0 14.0 1.9 71.2 Buckwheat Flour 13.6 6.4 1.2 77.9 Rve Flour 12.9 6.8 0.9 78.7 Con Meal l'.^;.'.].' 12.5 9.2 1.9 75.4 Wheat Breakfast Food 9.6 12.1 1.8 75.2 Oat Breakfast Food 7.7 16.7 7.3 66.2 LEGUMES— Beans, dried 12.6 22.5 1.8 59.6 Peas, dried .... 9.5 24.6 1.0 62.0 SUGARS— Molasses 70.0 Candy, plain 96.0 Honey 81.0 Sugar, granulated 100.0 Maple Svrup 71.4 MISCELLANEOUS— Chestnuts 16.0 37.8 5.2 4.5 35.4 *From Farmers' Bulletin, No. 142, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 1- u ai < "is > n 0.4 295 3.1 1265 0.4 125 0.4 150 0.4 230 0.6 220 0.6 150 2.4 1125 1.2 1275 2.4 1280 0.1 50 0.5 100 1.1 1515 2.0 1485 0.4 385 1.1 1430 0.8 1145 0.7 1465 1.7 1730 0.5 730 0.6 1250 1.0 1650 1.8 1645 0.5 1635 0.9 1640 0.9 1605 0.7 1620 1.0 1635 1.3 1680 2.1 1800 3.5 1520 2.9 1565 1225 1680 1420 1750 1250 1.1 915 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 382 Uncocked Toed, By permission, the following is taken from "Solution of the Kitchen Problem, " published by K. W. Conable, the great exponent of un- cooked food. "The second step in the race up- ward, and in the line of physical and mental un- foldment, is found in what is known as the Un- cooked Food Diet — a diet composed entirely of uncooked foods, consisting of nuts, fruits, cereals and vegetables that are suitable for consumption without being cooked, milk, butter, vegetable oils, etc." FORMULAS. The following formulas are given for each of the seven days in the week, and they contemplate only two meals each day. Those who prefer to add or continue the morning meal (this one being omitted in giving these formulas) can do so. With the large amount of general information here given, it will not be difficult to prepare any number of meals. SUNDAY— FIRST MEAL— NOON. Fruit — Oranges. Nut loaf made in this way: Take one-half cupful ground almonds, one table- spoonful English walnuts — pounded coarse — one tablespoonful rolled oats — mix the whole togeth- er and moisten with sweet milk or water; season with celery salt and just a little pepper; let stand one-half hour in the sun; garnish with fresh green parsley and serve with thin slices of lemon. 383 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT Banana Puree — Take four large bananas, mash fine; put th rough a wire sieve; mix with one pint sweet milk and one cup whipped cream. Lettuce Salad — Cut fine two cupfuls lettuce and two small onions; pour over it a dressing made by mixing one-half teaspoonful .ground mustard, just a speck of red pepper, with one- half teaspoonful lemon juice. Then mix all with one-fourth cupful Italian or California olive oil and beat two minutes. Vegetables— Green peas, young and fresh from the vines, served with sliced ripe tomatoes and seasoned with a little celery salt and pepper. SECOND MEAL. Por the second meal on the firvSt day, a nice dish of raspberries and a bowl of rolled wheat with milk or cream is ample. MONDAY— FIRST MEAL. Fruit — Purple grapevS. Nuts — Almonds, shelled. Vegetables — Cucumbers fresh from the vineSj peeled and cut in halves or quarters. Salad — Make a salad by cutting fine three cupfuls spinach, three onions and two or three sprigs of parsley and thyme. Pour over it dress- ing made as above. Dessert — Two tablespoonfuls flaked rice, one tablespoonful cream of wheat, mix together and vslice one banana finely and lay over the top. Pour over this sufficient milk or cream to suit taste. Here you have a dish that is at once wholesome MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 384 and delicious. SECOND MKAL. A bowl of rolled oats with milk or cream, with plent}^ of dates or figs. TUESDAY— FIRST MEAL. Fruit — Peaches. Nuts — English walnuts. Nut Puree — Mix one cupful ground almonds, one-half cupful ground English walnuts and one banana with one quart sweet mrlk and let stand one-half hour. Salad — One cupful lettuce, one cupful spinach, one-fourth cupful white potatoes, one-fourth cup- ful carrots, two or three small onions and one cucumber. Chop all together fine and pour over it salad dressing already given. Vegetables — Small onions and radishes. SECOND MEAL. Cracked wheat soaked one-half hour in plenty of milk and eaten wnth the milk in which it was soaked. WEDNESDAY— FIRST MEAL. Fruit — Bananas. Main Dish — One can best sliced pineapple or one fresh pineapple sliced, one cupful each al- monds and English walnuts mixed and pounded coarse, two cupfulls rolled wheat. Place in the dish first a layer of pineapple, one of wheat then 385 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT a layer of nuts and so on until the dish is filled. Salad — One cupful celery, one small onion, both chopped fine and mixed with one-half cup- ful Knglish walnuts pounded coarse. Pour over same salad dressing. Vegetables — Presh, ripe tomatoes, sliced. SECOND MKAL- FruiT — Bananas and raisins. THURSDAY— FIRST MEAL. pRUiT— Apples. Nuts — Mixed nuts, shelled. Salad — One cupful lettuce, one cupful cab- bage, one small onion, one apple, all chopped fine; season with celery salt, a tiny speck of red pepper and lemon juice. Pour over it whipped cream. Vegetables — Celery and fresh cucumbers. Dessert — Seeded raisins with whipped cream. SECOND MEAL. Flaked rice with milk and cream, and figs. FRIDAY— FIRST MEAL. Fruit— Cherries. Main Dish — Two cupfuls flaked rice, one cup- ful rolled wheat, four cupfuls dark sweet cherries pitted. Place in a dish a layer of cherries, then the mixed grain and so on until the dish is filled. Pour over it the juice from two cupfuls cherries. MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 386 Salad — One cupful asparagus, one cupful cauliflower, one cupful celery, one-half cupful to- matoes, one small onion, all chopped fine. Pour over it dressing as before. Vegetables — Sliced cucumbers and onions. Dessert — E^qual parts grated cocoanuts and flaked rice, serv^ed with milk or whipped cream. SECOND MEAL. Rolled wheat with milk or cream; bananas. SATURDAY— FIRST MEAL. Fruit — Pears. Main Dish — Sliced plums, sliced peaches, sliced pears, sliced apples. Mix all together; place in dish layer of fruit and then layer of rolled wheat, and so on until dish is filled. Salad — Take any fruit desirable, chop it fine, pour over it a dressing made of whipped cream, seasoned with lemon juice, a little celery salt and small bit of red pepper. A few raisins chopped fine and beat up with the cream adds to the deli- cacy of the flavor. Vegetables — Sliced tomatoes, cucumbers. SECOND MEAL. Equal parts rolled wheat, rolled oats and flak- ed rice, served with milk or whipped cream. The foregoing formulas serve simply as a hint to the housekeeper as to possibilities before her. This is the hour for woman to grasp her op- portunity. Her days of slavery are at an end, if she so elects. 387 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT lyealth Department '■Th^re is no excuse for invalidism, Go into training, breath deeply, eat little and well, tliink right and be well. "It is a disgrace in this enlightened age to be siclily and delicate." Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Learn the art of caring- for the hoUvSe you live in, not only the house that is built by hands, and shared with family and friends, but your soul house that is builded by thought. Think of the food you eat, not only as something that tastes good; not as something merely to gratify the ap- petite, but as something to build the body and keep it in repair. To keep these bodies in the best possible trim one must not only eat right, but breathe right, sleep right, and most impor- tant of all, THINK right and take systematic ex- ercivse. Dr. Peebles says: "All individuals are to a certain extent artists, painting their habits, thoughts and general conduct on their faces. Jealousy, envy, selfishness, dissatisfaction, an irritable disposition all print crows' feet inden- tations in the corners of the eyes, darken the vshadows, deepen the wrinkles, draw down the corners of the mouth and sharpen the features. Candor, integrity and cheerfulness exert the re- verse influences. Don't indulge in or listen to neighborhood gossip. If you have ill feelings toward a neighbor do them a kindness. The exercise of love and good will conduce to health and make earth a heaven now and here.'" BRKATHING, BATHING AND KXERCISK. Regular cold baths each morning, in pure wa- ter right from the well or hydrant — or spring is MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 388 better if you have one — with at least two hot baths at iiig-ht each week just before retiring- for cleansing purposes (always using vegetable oil soap), are necessary to health and strength and happiness. It is impossible to radiate Sunshine when the pores of the bod}' are clogged up with deca3'ing matter, struggling- to find an outlet in advance of the Sunshine. And deep breathing- is also always necessary as a nerve stimulant and tonic for every portion of the body. That we may experience the full benefits of proper breathing we should always sleep in a room with the windows wide open and where there is per- fect ventilation, always using- as little clothing as possible and that of a light nature. Light exercise — never violent — should find favor with everyone. They are necessar}' to a healthful, vigorous body and mentality. The great bulk of all exercise should consist of tensing and relax- ing the muscles. The point is to tense all the muscles of the various portions of the body to the fullest extent of the physical ability for a few seconds and then allow them to relax until they give the sensation of being perfectly limp- But first, before tensing, you must take in a deep breath and hold it until 3^ou get ready to relax, then exhale slowly. You also carry the thoughts to the center of the muscles being tensed. But of course one cannot tense ALL the muscles of the body at one and the same time. Take the legs, for instance, first. Stand erect and tense all the muscles in the ankles, the calves, the knees and thighs. Keep them tensed for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this for a half dozen times. Now stand erect with the head high up and well back and tense all the muscles of the waist, the chest and the back. Repeat six times, 389 MEALS WITHOUT MEAT relaxing fully after each tensing motion. Now throw the head clear back and tense all the mus- cles of the neck. Beautifully shaped necks can be produced by this exercise. Now stretch the arms out, close the hands tightly and tense the muscles of the hands, the fingers, the wrists and the forearms. Repeat six times. Now hold the arms out straight, bending them at the elbows until the lower arms are perpendicular, hands open— tense all the muscles of the shoulders and biceps, gradually bringing the hands over until the fingers touch the shoulders. You also tense the muscles of the chest in this exercise. Repeat six times. Just before retiring is a good time to take these exercises. "Solution of Kitchen Problems." WATER. Water is one of the three life essentials, food and air being the other two, so it holds to reason that an intelligent use of water would promote health and longevity. Dr. Paul Kdwards, than whom we have no higher authority in the care of the body, says: "How shall we drink? Well, here is my rule: 'On arising each morning, I drink about two glasses of cold or hot water, which ever I desire, then at about ten o'clock I take two glasses more. Somewhere about three p. m. I take two more glasses, then on retiring at night, which is usually between nine and ten o'clock, I take as much more. The whole two glasses need not be taken at one draught but I manage to drink about two glasses near these hours. ' Water taken at these hours finds the stomach empty, and does not retard digestion. If one's stomach is flooded with water when food is MEALS WITHOUT MEAT 3<>0 present nature partly or wholly suspends diges- tion until the water is absorbed by the stomach walls. This delay in digestion causes gas to form, the food will often vsour during its reten- tion in the stomach, and and we have an acid stomach which leads to facial neuralgia in many cases, and to other bodil}^ disturbances. Nearly every person who neglects to drink water in suf- ficient quantity is constipated, has a withered skin, poor memory, shortage of blood (anaemia) and a host of other troubles. Remember that water is one of the three life essentials and must be intelligently considered. Drink water as far from meals as possible, and never drink iced water. to Weigh Without Scaks. 2 Tablespoonfuls Butter 1 ounce 4 Tablespoonfuls Plour 1 ounce 1 Rounding Tablespoolful Sugar 1 ounce Butter Size of an 'Eigg 1 V2 ounce 1 Level Teacupful Butter ^2 pound 1 Level Teacupful Sugar % pound 2^4 Cupfuls Powdered Sugar 1 pound 1 Quart Sifted Flour . 1 pound 2% Cupfuls Brown Sugar 1 pound 9 Large Kggs 1 pound 12 Small Eggs 1 pound 1 Pint Milk or Water 1 pound Our Jfdvertisers. We heartily commend to our friends and patrons our list of advertisers — we know them to be thoroughly reliable and worthy of your patronage. Arcade Stables Fresno Wilkins & Wilkins Barrett-Hicks Co Fresno Hardware Brady & Co Fowler General Merchandise Barnett Satitarium Fresno Cearlev, C. T Fresno Book Store Chaddock & Co Fowler Packing House Chamberlain, H. L Fresno Harness and Saddles Dexter Stables Fresno J. R. McKay Donahoo, Kmmons & Co Fresno Hardware Einstein & Co., Louis Fresno Dry Goods Fancher Creek Nurseries Fresno Plants and Trees Fowler Fnsign Fowler Fowler's Local Paper Fresno Really & Agencv Co Fresno Trutnan G. Hart, Presidrnt OUR AOVEKTtSERS Fresno Agricultural Works Fresno GifFen's Pharmacy • Fowler Roy Giffen Giffen & Co., L. F Fowler Packing House Gower, E Fowler Olive Oil Gregory & Co Fresno Automobiles Holland's Fresno China and Glassware Howard, L. D Fowler Painter and Paper Hanger Hoy Lee Fowler Chinese Supplies Lyon, W. Parker Fresno Furniture Lyons & Bowles Fresno Carriages and Harness Lyman, Frank Fresno Packing House Manley-Burnett Co Fowler General Merchandise Norton & Brunton Fresno Candv and Ice Cream Pacific Coast Seeded Raisin Co Fresno Poulson & Fd wards Fowler Meat Market Restaurant Fowler (t. B. Hamilton Saier, M Fresno Jewelry San Joacjuin Drugstore Fresno Sperry Flour Co -'Ji Fresno The Brunswick — Fresno Nelson Bros The Pacific Fruit World Los Angeles OUR ADVERTISERS Valley Lumber Co Fowler A. C. Palmer, Ag"ent Walters, C. L Fresno Real Estate Williams Bros Fowler Carriage and Agricultural Works Williams, D. H Fresno Furniture Williams, Dr Fresno Scalp Treatment Specialist Young-, Jordan Fowler ProUssionaL Cook, F. F Fresno Attorney Cockrill, Dr Fresno Dentist Crawford, Dr Fowler Phyvsician Long, Dr Fresn o Physician Morrison, Dr Fowler Physician Short, Frank H Fresno Attorney Thomas, Dr Fresno Dentist Wilson, Dr Fowler Physician Wolfe, Dr Fresno Dentist INDEX. A Almond Blanched 377 Almond Cakes 220 Almond C'arudy 347 Almond Cream 337 Almond Crusted Filling 218 Almond Fried in Olive Oil... 377 Almond Sandwich 159 Almond Tee Cream 337 Amber Sonp 32 Ambrosia 274 Ames Cake 186 Ancholiv Sandwich 1.50 Apple and Brown Bread 25.5 Apple Boiled 317 Apple Canned 316 Apple Jelly 307 Apple Nut and Celery Salad.. 113 Apple Pie 283 Apple Preserved 321 Apple Pudding 256 .Vpple Snow 372 Apple Tea 359 Apricot Butter 312 Apricot Frozen 345 Apricot Ice Cream 334 Apricot Jelly 306 Apricot Marmalade 312 Artichokes 91 Artichokes Stuffed 158 Asparagas 92 Asparagas Soup 33 Asparagas Cream 92 .\utnmu Cake 207 S Bacon, broiled lightly 87 Bacon, to cure 88 Bacon, scrambled 87 Baby Omelete 146 Bacheldors Omelete 141 Ball Flour 366 Balls Veal 83 Baked Cabbage 95 Baked C'orn 97 Baked Eggs 125 Baked Eggs in tomato cupi. . .126 Baked Hash .Spanish, 80 Baked Ice Cream 337 Baked Milk 362 Baked Potatoes 100 and 101 Baked Peppers 101 Baked Raisin Pudding 269 Baking Powder Biscuit 22 Banana Fritters 144 ]5arbery Tarts 284 Banana Cup 301 Barley Jelly 365 X eans and Olive Oil 93 Beans, Lima 92 Beans, Spanish 92 Beans. String 93 Beans, Mexican 93 Bean Soup 33 Bisque 336 Blackberry Jam 309 Blackberry Jeily 304 Blackberry Spiced 328 Pdack Pudding I 246 Black Pudding II 246 Pdood Orange Sherbut 340 Breakfast Puffs 22 Broth, Scotch 85 Broth. Chicken .362 Broth, Egg 364 lirussels Sprouts 94 jiraius 90 Buns, Shearing "28 Butter Scotch I 350 Butter Scotch IT .350 Bererages 296 BREAD— T^oston Brown 17 T^oston Steam 17 I^oiled Brown 18 Brown 17 Corn 18 Corn Bread, soft 19 Corn Cake 19 Good light 13 Graham No. I 19 Graham No. IT 19 Graham Yeast Bread .... 14 INDEX Kgg 22 Raisin 14 Eice 20 Salt Rising 14 Salt, light 15 Stotch 21 Scalded 21 Simple Graham 20 Steamed Brown 21 Whole Wheat 13 Batter Bread 23 Belgian Hare (smothered) ... 68 Bel;;ian Hare (fried) (57 Bird (smothered) 69 Biscuit (s])oon ) 29 BEEF— a la mode 75 <'roqiiette Eice and Meat. 79 Beef Pie (cottage) 78 Fillet of (Spanisli) 74 Loaf 76 Minced 77 Omelet 78 Pot Pie 79 Steak Stuffed 81 To make tender 82 Toast 364 Tea 360 Spiced 82 Raw Juice 365 C (!abhage 94 Cabbage (baked) 95 CAKES 178 Ames 186 Angel 202 Barstow 192 Black Chocolate 189 Bread 198 Bride's 179 Buttermilk 199 Cake without eggs 199 Chocolate Nut 203 Citron Loaf 188 Clove 188 Cocoanut ] 87 Cold Water 197 Cream Sponge 201 Delicate . . /. 190 Delicious , r , • , 196 Dump 198 Empress 193 Feather 193 Fig 184 Five Cent No. 1 200 Five Cent No. 2 200 German Coffee Coke .... 193 Gold 195 Good Plain Cake 190 Harrison Cake . . •. 183 Hartford Election 178 Hickory Nut 203 Imitaiion Pound 192 Lady Cake 196 Measure Fruit 181 Mrs. Dewey 's Sponge Cake 201 No Egg Fruit Cake 182 Old Fashioned Cake 203 Plain Cake 197 Potato Cake 189 Queen 's Cake 191 Railroad Cake 187 Raisin Cake 184 Eaisin Loaf 18^ Rice 191 Rich 185 Scotch Pound Cake 185 Scripture l-'^'S Silver 195 Sour Cream Cake 18f Sponge Cake No. 1 186 Sponge Cake No. 2 201 Sponge Cake Our Grand- mothers used to make . . 202 Spreckles 187 Strawberry Short Cake .'.199 Tip Top .". 188 Tumbler Fruit Cake 181 Velvet Cake No. 1 193 Velvet Cake No. 2 197 Walnut 202 Water Sponge 200 Wedding 179 Wedding Fruit 183 Whist 196 White Cake No. 1 192 White Cake No. 2 193 White Cake No. 3 193 White Fruit Cake 180 White Mountain No. 2 191 White Mountain No. 1 ... 190 INDEX LAYER CAKES— Autiinin 207 Hanann 204 (Jarmcl 204 Chocolate Nougat 212 Cream 206 Devil's Food No. 1 2ir Devil's J'ood No. 2 218 Devil's Food No. 3 214 Eggless Cake 219 French Cream Cake 209 German Pastry 208 Gold Medal French Cream 21.'5 Jelly Rolls 208 Layer Cake 205 Lemon 214 Minnehaha 207 Mocha 20r Nice Layer Cake . 20(i Nut Cake 2' ' Orange 21.' Eaisin Cake 20 Ribbon 20o Walnut No. 1 210 Walnut No. 2 211 White Fruit Layer 21 ( World 's Fair Cake 21-^ Tanglefoot Cakes 234 Rice Cake 3f53 ICING— Boiled Icing 216 Chocolate No. 1 217 Cho'^olate No. 2 217 Colored 217 Golden Frosting 217 Milk Frosting 218 Orange Frostijig 217 Plain Frosting 216 PILLING- Almond Custard Filling.. 218 Fig Filling 219 Maple Caramel Filling . . .218 CANDY 347 Almond 347 Brittle 349 Butter Scotch No. 1 ....350 . Butter Scotch No. 2 350 Chocolate Creams 348 ('hocolate Caramels 352 Chocolate Peppermints ..357 Cocoanut Creams 349 Cream Candy No. 1 350 Cream Candy No. 2 35] ( ream Chocolate Crramels 351 Cream Dates 349 Cream TaflPy 351 French Cream No. 1 (cooked) 347 French Cream No. 2 (uncooked) 348 Fudge No. 1 352 Fudge No. 2 :j;)3 Fudge No. 3 3.53 Ice Cream Candy 356 Maple Cream . ." 353 Molasses Candy No. 1 . . . 355 Molasses Candy No. 2 . . .355 Molasses Taffy 35,5 Panoche No. 1 354 Panoche No. 2 3.54 Persian Delight 3.54 Popcorn Balls 356 Praulines 354 Walnut Caramels 3.52 Candied Orange Peel 324 < 'anned Apples 3i(; ( anned Pie Plant 316 Caned Pine Apple 318 Canned Plums 317 (,'anned Pumpkin 316 Canned Quinces 3] 6 (!anned Raspberries 315 Canned Strawberries 315 Canned Tomatoes 317 C;(nning 314 Cantalouj)e Frozen 344 Caper Sauce 171 Caramel Sauce Carrots 9.5 Carrots, Creamed 95 Carrots, French method <' (Carrots Lyonaise 96 Carrots, Pickled 325 Carrot Pudding 256 Catsup, Grape Catsup, Tomato 328 Cauliflower, Au Gratin 96 (.'auliflower, f^scalloped 97 Celery, Stewed 97 INDEX Charlotte, Orange or Straw- herry 343 ( !hcese, buns 145 Cheese, bnns 145 Cheese, Cottage 146 Cheese, 'Fonda 146 Cheese, Straws 147 Chess Pie 284 CHICKEN— With Asparagus 51 Boned 54 Broth 362 Cream of 55 Fricasseed 59 Fried Spring 59 Italian 56 Jelled 60 Minced 367 With Oysters 56 Panada 364 Pie No. I 57 Pie No. II 58 Pot Pie No. I 5; Pot Pie No. 2 5P Pressed No. I 60 Pressed No. II 6(' Eoast 61 Eoast with green peas ... 56 Stew 56 Stewed 6 Chips, Pear 324 CHOCOLATE— Blanch Mange 274 Cream 2Q4 Pie 286 Drop Cakes 227 Pie No. I 288 Pie No. 11 288 Pudding, cold 273 Chutney, Plum 327 Cider Sauce 177 Citron Loaf 188 Clam Broth 147 Cocoanut Kisses 227 Cocoanut Pyramids 228 COFFEE 296 Fig 296 Frappe 333 and 341 Iced 300 Ice Cream 335 (old Jam 310 Cold Slaw 112 ( 'omparative Table of Food Values 381 Concentrated Food 359 COOKIES— No. I 221 No. IT 221 No. in 222 No. IV 222 No. V 222 No. VI 223 Chocolate 224 Citron 223 Cream 224 Fruit 224 Ginger No. 1 225 Ginger No. TI 225 Honey 225 Pvolled Oats 226 Walnut No. i 226 Walnut No. TI 226 CORN— Baked 97 Southern style 98 Southern Green 96 Beef, Hash 148 Bread 18 Bread, soft 19 Cake 19 Cake, scalded 21 Meal Gruel 361 Oysters 96 and 97 Starch Custard 273 Tea 361 Cottage Pie 78 Crabapple Preserves 321 Crackers and Wine 368 (Cranberry Sauce 171 Cream Baked Potatoes .... CREAM— Biscuit 23 Fritters 144 Pineapple 346 Puffs 285 Rice Pudding 262 Sago Pudding 259 Slaw ■ 120 INDEX . oda 30C Snow 36 Of Spinage 40 Taffy 351 CROQUETTES— Chicken 148 Beef 79 Hominy 148 Meat " 149 Mushrooins 149 Nuts 370 Rice 374 Rice and Meat 149 Salmon 46 Croutons 377 Crullers No. I 228 Crullers No. II 228 Cucumber Pieklos, rij)e 325 Cucumber in oil 329 Curried Eggs 128 Curried Lobster 150 Curried Potatoes 100 Currant Ice 338 Currant preserved 319 Currant spiced 327 Custard Pie 285 Custard Tartlets 284 Cutlets, Lintel 375 D Dressing for Cold Slaw 110 Drink (A Delicious Summer) .298 Dressing (A Cream) ]65 Duck, Wild, Roasted 66 Duck, Mallard, Mock 86 Dumpling 151 Daisy Salad 113 Dandelion Wine 298 Deviled Eggs 133 Devil's Food No. 1 213 Devil's Food No. 2 213 Devil's Food No. 3 214 Deviled Crabs 51 Doughnuts No. 1 229 Doughnuts No. 2 229 Doughnuts No. 3 229 Doughnuts No. 4 229 Drawn Butter Gravy 171 Dried Pea Soup 35 Drink for sick 359 Dried Fruit to Cook 330 Dried Peaches to Peel 3.30 Droftped Fish Balls 47 Dressing for Turkey and Roast Meats *. 64 E EGGS— A la Cream, No. 1 129 A la Cream, No. 2 130 A la Swisse 137 Balls 40 Balls 132 Bread 22 Broth 364 Baked 125 Boiled 125 Baked in Tomato Cuj)s . . .126 Chowder 132 Creamed, No. 1 129 Creamed, No. 2 129 Creamed, No. 3 130 Curried 128 Deviled, No. 1 133 Deviled, No. 2 133 Fried 127 Fried, with Ham 127 Gems 135 Hen's Nest 136 How to Economize 124 on Foam 135 Plant 98 Sandwich, Nos 1, 2, 3, 160-161 Sauce 176 Sauce for Fish 52 Salad 113 Snow 135 Snow and Custard 136 Soup 35 Toast 128 rOnchiladas 166 Escalloped Cauliflower 97 Escalloped Potatoes 101 Lemonade No. 1 297 Lemonade No. 2 298 Lemonade No. 3 360 Milk Toast 150 Poached 126 Poached in Tomatoes ... .127 Pickled No. 1 134 Pickled No. 2 134 Preserved No. 1 122 I'reserve.l No. 2 124 INDEX Preserved No. 3 124 Stuffed 13? Scrambled 126 To Color for Easter 137 With Creamed Beef or Codfish 131 With Creamed Potatoes. .13] With Fried Potatoes 131 With Onions 132 F FIG— Marmalade No. 1 312 Marmalade No. 2 322 Coffee 296 Filling for Cake 219 Pudding No. 1 252 Pudding No. 2 353 Pudding No. 3 343 Figs Preserved 322 FISH— Baked Fish No. 1 43 Baked Fish No. 2 43 Fish Chowder 47 Droped Fish Balls 47 Halibut, Boiled 42 Halibut Steaks, Baked ... 42 Fish Patties 48 Fish Pickled 47 Salmon, Baked 44 Salmon, Baked, fresh .... 44 Salmon, Croquettes 46 Salmon Creams 44 Salmon Cream No. 1 45 Salmon Cream No. 2 45 Salmon Escalloped 44 Salmon Loaf 46 Omelette 46 Turbot 43 Fruit (timetable for cooking). 315 Fruit Punch 299 FROZEN— Pudding 342 Punch (Marashino) 344 Cantelope 344 Apricots 345 Strawberries 345 Flaxseed Lemonade 360 Flour Balls 366 Food for Invalids 358 Food Values (Table) 381 Frappe Coffee 'Ml Food Milk . ..; 366 Fool Orange 364 Frappe Coffee 341 French Pancakes 24 French Hollandaise 175 FRITTERS— Banana 144 Cream 144 Oyster 48 G Grape Fruit Salad Ill Grape Catsup Grapes, Preserved Isabella ..317 Grape Puice Punch 299 Grape Jellv No. 1 305 Grape Jelly No. 2 305 Grape Jelly No. 3 306 Grape Jelly No. 4 306 Gravy for Roasted Meats . . . 172 Graham Yeast Bread 14 Graham Light Bread No. 1 . . ir Graham Light Bread No. 2 . . 19 Graham Gems 25 Ginger Drops 230 Ginger Ale Julep 301 Ginger Snaps 230 Gingered Peaches 329 Good Light Bread 13 Grape Water Ice 337 Grape Isabelle 317 Grape Juice Punch 299 Grape Juice 366 Grape Jellv 305 Grape Butter 322 Game 54 Gems No. 1 24 Gems No. 2 24 Genuine Mexican Beans 93 Gim Gam 323 Ginger Bread, soft. No. 1 231 Ginger Bread, soft, No. 2 231 Ginger Bread, sour milk 231 Ginger Oatmeal and Raisins.. 232 Ginger Cake 1 232 Ginger Cake 233 Granits 333 Green Corn, baked 96 Gruel 362 INDEX Gruel Corn Meal 361 (imn Arabic Water 3li() H Ham, A Way to Fix 90 Ham Sandwiclies 161 Ham, boiled 89 Hamburg Steak 150 Hamburger Roast 76 Plalibut Stake, baked 42 Halibut, Boned 42 Harlequin Pie 281 Hash, baked Spanish 8' Hash, Heavenly 119 Hash, Corn Beef 14.'- Health Department 387 Hen's Nest 13( Honey, Quiuce 323 Hot Chocolate Sauce 336 Hallandaise Sauce for fish ... 53 How to Economize with eggs .124 How to Make a Round Stake tender 73 How to Peel Dried Peaches. . 330 Hot Weather Yeast 12 I ICE CREAM— Peach 335 Philadelphia 333 Almond 337 Baked or Alaska 337 Xeopolitan 333 No. 1 334 No. 2 334 Apricot 334 Coffee 335 One Gallon 33." Lemon 335 Taffy 35(' ICE— Grape Water 337 Currant 338 Lemon 338 Orange Water 339 Strawberry No. 1 339 Strawberry No-. 2 339 Teed Coffee . .". 300 Indian Succotash 103 Isabella Grapes 31' Ice Water 33 J. JAM— Blackberry 309 Cranberry 309 Cold . . .' 31( Pineapple 310 Raspberry 310 Strawberry 310 JELLY— Apple 307 Apricot 306 Blackberry 304 Crabapple No. 1 307 Crabapple i\o. 2 307 Currant 305 Lemon 30^ Peach 309 Plum 306 Quince No. 1 308 Quince No. 2 308 .Jellied Chicken 60 Grape No. 1 305 Grape No. 2 306 Green Grape 305 Ripe Grape 306 Peach with Geletin 309 Orange 308 Barley 365 Junket 365 .John's Delight Pudding 248 .Julep Ginger Ale 301 .Juice Grape 366 .Tumbles (Texas) 239 .Tuice Raw Beef 365 L LEMON— Pie No. 1 289 Pie No. 2 290 Ice 338 Roll 265 Puddings 258 Dumpling 264 Cheese Cakes 286 Sherbet 340 .Telly 304 Lime Water 365 LEMONADE 297 1-^gg No. 1 297 Egg No. 2 298 INDEX Egg No. 3 360 Flaxseed 360 Pineapple 297 Lentils Cutlets 375 Lime Water No. 1 365 Lime Water No. 2 365 Lima Beans 92 Liver Frio, Italano 87 Lobster Salad 120 Lobster, Curried 150 Loquat Pie 290 Lyonase Carrots 96 M Muffins, Southern Corn 29 Muffins, Whole Wheat 29 MUSHROOMS 155 Baked 156 Croquettes 149 Sauce 174 Stewed 15' Mutton Curry 88 Mutton, To Cure 88 Macaroons 233 Macaroons, Chocolate 235 Maple Cream Candy 35.^ Maple Caramel Filling 218 Maple Sauce 177 Marguerites 235 Marischino Frozen Punch . . . .34 MARMALADE— Apricot 31' Fig 312 Orange 311 Pineapple 312 Marshmallow Cream Pudding 344 Mayonnaise Dressing IIC Meats Without Meat 369 MEAT 7] Balls 7\ Croquettes 71 Loaf 7( Omelet 78 Pie 7! Pot Pie 151 Potted 78 Meats and Their Accompani- ments 89 Medicinal Properties of Vege- tables 378' Mexican Beans 93 MILK— Baked 36L Food 366 Frosting 218 Porridge 361 Eelish 365 Sago 360 Mince Meat 291 Mince Meat, English 392 Minced Meat 77 Mince Pie 291 Mince Pie, Mock 290 Minced Oysters 157 Molasses Candy No. 1 355 Molasses Candy No. 2 355 Molasses Taffy 355 Moonshiners 234 Mousse 342 Mousse and Strawberry 341 Muffins 2: Muffins, Eice 21 N Neapolitan Ice Cream 333 Noodle Soup 36 Nothings 236 NUT— Butter 376 Butter Sandwiches 161 Cheese Sandwiches 162 Cake 211 Cakes 236 Crisps 236 Croquettes 370 Kisses 235 Loaf 373 Salad 117 Sandwiches, No. 1, 2 .161-162 Sandwiches with Fruit But- ter 163 Nuttose Timbales 376 Nuts, Pepper 236 OYSTER— Oysterretts 152 Chowder, No. 1 and 2. . . . 49 Cocktail No. 1 151 INDEX Cocktail No. 2 152 Corn No. 1 96 Corn No. 2 97 Escalloped 50 Fried 50 Fritters 48 Minced 157 Poiilettes 158 Patties 49 Sandwich 163 (Smothered) 51 (Sauce) 'y~ OMELET— Sweet V ith Berries 142 Tomato 139 Vegetable 139 With Asparagus Tips . . . .139 With Herbs 141 Onion Soup 37 ORANGE— Blanc Mange 279 Cups 280 Cream 2V6 Charlotte 343 Fool 364 Jelly 308 Marmalade No. 1, 2, 3 . . .311 Orangeade 336 Orange Pie No. 1, 2 292 Punch 302 Peel (Candied) 324 Quarters 279 Water Ice 339 Whey 359 Oatmeal Tea 360 Okra 36 Oil Pickle 325 Old Time Syllabul) 297 Omelet 137 OMELETTES— Bachelos 141 Baby 146 Cheese 142 Ham 141 Jam •. 143 Meat 78 Orange 143 Oyster No. 1, 2 140 Plain 138 Plain or Fancy 139 Rice No. 1 142 Rice No. 2 363 Salmon 46 Shrimp 140 Sweet Potatoes 155 Suet No. 1 and 2 245 Tapioca Cream 260 Custard 260 Fruit 260 Jelly 281 The Bannock 252 Transparent 266 Pancakes 2ti Pancakes, French 24 Pancakes^ Potato 27 Parinda 362 Panada 3(i2 Panada, Chicken 364 Panoche No. 1 3.14 Panoche No. 2 354 Parker House Rolls 26 Parsnip (fried) OS Paste Raisin . . .376 Pepper Nuts 23() Patties, Oyster 49 Persian Delight 3." t Peach cobbler 293 Peach gingerer 329 Peach Jelly and Ceiatiue 309 Pear Chips 324 Peppers, baked 101 Peppers, stuffed 154 Philadelphia Ice Cream 333 Pineapple Cream 346 Pineapple Jam 310 Pineapple Lemonade 297 Pineapple Marmalade 312 Piccalilly 328 PICKLED— Eggs No. 1 and 2 134 Fish 47 Carrots 325 Cucuniibers, ripe 325 Cucumbers, sweet 325 Peaches 325 Pineapple 327 Tomatoes 326 Tomatoes, whole 328 Tomatoes, green 324 Tomatoes, sweet 326 Pigeon Roast 65 INDEX PIE— Apple 283 Raisin and Cranberry ....280 Whip Cream 287 Chocolate No.| 1 and 2....28S Coeoanut 288 ( 'ream 28'.) Harlequin 289 Lemon No. 1 28!) Lemon No. 2 2!)0 Lo Inst 290 Mince 291 Mock Mince 290 Orange 292 Peach 293 Pumpkin 293 Rhubarb 293 Raisin No. 1, 3, 3 294, 295 Rai.?in and Cranberry .... 294 Raspberry 294 Wash Day SO Cottage 78 Cheese 284 Pie Plant Sauce 323 Pimento Morrenos 157 Plain Frosting 210 PLUM— Butter 312 Canned Chutnev 327 Jelly .' 300 Pocket Book 20 Pop Corn Balls . 350 Popups 27 Porridge Milk 301 Porkchop, Southern style .... 80 Poulenes 85 Praulines 354 P POTATOES— Balls 101 Sweet Potato Balls 152 Baked, mashed. . .100 and 101 Boiled, plain 99 Cold 148 Cream 99 Creamed 153 Cake 189 Curried 100 Escalloped 101 Fried whole 102 Kidney 103 Yeast No. 1 and 2. .11 and 12 Pancakes 27 Souffle 100 Surprise 153 Sweet Croquettes 98 Sweet Balls 152 With Cheese 153 PRESERVES— Apple 320 Crabapple 321 Currants 319 Figs 322 Grapes 322 Oranges 319 Pears 318 Peaches 319 Plums 318 Quinces 321 Tomato, ripe 320 Strawberry 319 Watermelon 320 Pressed Veal 83 PUNCH— Grape Juice 299 Fruit 299 Marnschim Frozen 344 Orange 302 Roman 344 Prune Drink 290 Puflfs, Breakfast 22 Puree of Peas 38 PUDDING 278 Ambrosia 278 Anna Coffins 274 Apple 256 Apple and Brown Bread. .255 Batter 251 Boiled Ginger 267 Black No. 1 and 2 246 Bread Boiled 248 Bread No. 1 261 Bread No. 2 274 Buttermilk 255 Christmas Plum No. 1 241 Christmas Plum No. 2 242 Christmas Plum No. 3 242 INDEX Cabinet 246 California Snow 261 Carrot 256 Caramel 271 Chocolate No. 1 and 2 . . . .263 Chocolate Cream 264 Chocolate Cokl 273 Chocolate Souffle 263 Chocolate Blanc Mange. . .274 Cocoanut 268 Cornmeal 251 Corn Starch Custard ....273 Cream Eice 262 Cream Sago 259 Date 256 Danish 277 Delicate 272 Deep Peach 254 Dried Fig 253 Dried Apricot Roly Poly. .254 Easy Lemon Sponge 276 Excellent Suit 245 Fig No. 1 252 Eig No. 2 253 Fig No. 3 343 Frozen 242 Fruit 275 Floating Island 262 Fruit Jelly 281 Graham No. 1 249 Graham No. 2 249 Graham No. 3 250 Ginger Boiled 267 Graham Fruit 250 Iced Rice 280 John 's Delight 248 Kiss 261 Lemon Poll 265 Lemon Dumplings 264 Lemon No. 1 258 Lemon No. 2 279 Minute 269 Mother Eves 266 Marshmallow Cream 278 One, Two, Three, Four . . .257 Orange 258 Old Fashioned Rice 262 Orange Cream 276 Orange Cup 280 Orange Quarters 279 Orange Blanc Mange . . . .279 Peach 280 Pineapple Sponge 275 Plum 243 Plum, no eggs 244 Pot Pourri 257 Prune No. 1 269 Prune No. 2 270 Prune No. 3 272 Prune Whip 271 Queen No. 1 257 Queen No. 2 258 Raisin Baked 269 Puffs 247 Custard 268 Rice 265 Russian Cream 277 Sago : 259 Sago and Fruit 272 Sea Foam 275 Snow Pudding 273 Spiced Meat 244 Steam 247 Steamed 247 Strawberry Puffs 271 Strawberry 265 Stuffed Apples 267 Quail on Toast 65 Quail Pie 65 Queen Muffins 27 Queen Pudding No. 1 ^57 Queen Pudding No. 2 258 Queen Pudding No. 2 (frozen) 343 Quince Honey 323 Quince Jelly No. 1 . .^ 323 Quince Jelly No. 2 323 Rennet Whey 360 Rhubard Pie 293 Rhubard 103 Rice, Browned 367 Raisin 363 Bread 20 Croquetts 374 Cake 191 and 3(i:; Meat Croquetts 79 Omelet 363 Muffins 25 Waffers 30 Relish Milk 365 Rockies 237 Rock Cakes 237 Roast Walnut 371 INDEX Roman Punch 344 Eoast Vegetables 373 Rusk 27 Railroad Cake 187 R RABBIT— To Cook Young 68 Fried 66 Fricaseed 66 Pie 68 Roasted 67 Stew 66 RAISIN— And Cranberry Pie 294 Rice . .' 265 Bread 14 Custard Pudding 268 Cake and Cake Loar . . . .184 Cake, layer 208 Puff 247 And Rice 265 Porridge 38 Paste 376 Pie No. 1 294 Pie No. 2 294 Pie No. 3 295 RASPBERRY— Pie 295 Shurbut 299 Vinegar 300 Jam 310 Canned 315 S SANDWICHES— Almond 159 Anchovy 159 Cheese No. 1 159 Cheese No. 2 160 Corned Beef 160 Cream Dressing 165 Egg No. 1 160 Egg No. 2 160 Egg No. 3 160 Fruit 161 Ham 161 Nut and Chicken 161 Nut Butter Dressing 162 Nut No. 1 161 Nut No. 2 162 Nut and Cheese ]62 Nut and Fruit 16.S Oyster 163 Olive No. 1 163 Olive No. 2 163 Peanut 163 Pickle 16^' Shrimp 164 Tomato 16 Walnut No. 1 164 Walnut No. 2 165 SAUCES— A simple brown 172 Capre Bechamel 176 Caramel 177 Celery 173 Cream Sauce for Cro- quettes 173 Cranberry 172 Cider 177 Egg 176 French Hollandaiso 175 Hollandaise 53 Mint 173 Mushroom 174 Maple Sauce 177 Ovster 175 Parsley 176 Sauce "for Souffle 84 Spanish 168 Spanish Sauce (pudding).. 176 Tartare No. 1 . .175 Tartare No. 2 175 Tartare for fish 53 Tartare Tomato 174 Onion 174 SALADS— Apple, Nut and Celery . . 113 Chicken 121 Corned Beef 120 Cream Salmon 116 Cucumber and Onion . . . .114 Cucumber and Tomato . . .112 Cold Slaw 112 Cream Slaw 120 Daisy 113 INDEX Egg 113 Fish 114 Fruit No. 1 118 Fruit No. 2 118 Fruit No. 3 118 (irape Fruit Ill Heavenly Hash 119 Lobster* 120 Nut 117 Peanut 112 Potato No. 1 115 Potato No. 2 115 Potato No. 3 116 I'otato No. 3 116 I'olato No. 4 119 Salmon No. 1 121 Salmon No. 2 122 Salmon and Cucumber . . .121 Shrimp No. 1 117 Shrimp No. 1 117 Shrimp No. 2 117 Waldorf Astoria Ill Walnut 112 SALAD DRESSINGS 107 Boiled, No. 1 105 Boiled No. 2 100 Boiled, for Vegetable Sal- ads 108 Cooked No. 1 106 Cooked No. 2 106 Cream 109 Cream Sauee for Lettuce or Cabbage 108 Dressing for Cold Slaw. . .110 French Dressing 108 Fruit '. 119 Croop of Salads Ill Mayonaisc 110 Cream Salad Ill Salad Dressing No. 1 . . . .107 Salad Dressing No. 2 108 Salad Sauce 107 Uncooked Salad Dre.ssing 108 SALMON— Baked No. 1 43 Baked No. 2 44 Cream 44 Creamed No. 1 45 Creamed No. 2 45 Croquette 46 Escalloped 44 Loaf 46 Omelet 46 Sally Bunn 28 Sago for Invalids 359 Sago Milk , 360 SCOTCH— Broth 85 Bread 21 Tomato Scones 159 Scornes 238 Short Bread 238 Shearing Buns 28 Sardines 52 SHERBET— Blood Orange 340 Lemon 340 Mixed Fruit 340 Pineapple 341 Strawberry 340 White Velvet 341 Shrimp, Creamed 53 Shrimp Croquettes 157 Snip Doodles 239 Snow Apple 372 Snow Cream 367 Snow Eggs 135 Snow Eggs and Custard l.")6 Soda Cream 300 Sorbet 33X, Southern Corn Muffins 29 SPANISH DISHES— Enshilades 1 66 Tomales 167 Tongue and Spanish Sauce 165 Spanish Sauce 168 Spanish Sauce (Pudding) 176 STRAWBERRY— Frozen 345 Syrup 302 Ice No. 1 339 Ice No. 2 339 Canned 310 Jam 310 Preserve 319 Squab Pie 69 INDEX >S(juirrel Pot I'ic; 69 String Beans 93 String Beans (excellent) 154 Snceatash 102 Bweet Breads, fried 15f SOUP— Amiier 32 Asparagus 33 Bean \ 33 Ch'eam of CJelery 34 (!ream of Spinach 40 Chicken 34 Clam 34 Dried Pea 35 Egg 35 Egg Balls No. 2 U Fish 35 Mock Bisque 35 Milk Tomato 36 Noodle 36 Okra 36 Onion 37 Philapelphia Pepper Pot. 37 Pouree of Peas .38 Eaisin Porridge 38 Tomato '. 38 Vegetable 39 White Almond 39 White Potato 39 T To Cook Eggs in Shell 363 To Prepare Bread Crumbs . . . .377 To Weigh Without Scales 390 Time Table for Cooking Vege- tables 104 Tomales 167 Tomatoes a la Creme 103 Tomatoes, Canned 317 TOMATO— Catsup 328 Omelet 139 Pickle 326 Pickle (green) 324 Pickle (Sweet) 326 Tomatoes Preserved (Ripe) . . .320 Tomato Sauce 52 Tomato Soup 38 Tomatoes Stuffed 102 Tomatoes Whole 328 Tongue in Aspic Jelly No. 1.. 88 Tongue in Aspic Jelly No. 2. . 88 Tongue with Spanish Sauce ..165 TURKEY— Koast, New England style o2 Roast No. 2 63 Dressing with Oyster .... 64 Dressing for 64 Raisin Stuffing 61 Vegetables No. 1 375 Vegetables No. 2 375 Turbot Fish , 43 Tutti Fruitti 278 Tanglefoot Cakes 2.34 Taffy Ice Cream 356 Taffy Molasses 355 TAPIOCA— Cream 260 Custard 260 Fruit , 260 Jelly 281 Tartlet Custard 284 Tartare Sauce (for fish) 53 TEA— Apple 359 Beef 360 Corn 36] Oatmeal 360 Texa- Jund)lcs 239 Toast 362 Beef 364 Water 360 V VEAL— Balls 83 IMarbled 85 Souffle 84 Souffle (Sauce lor) 84 Pressed 83 Stuffed with green peas . . 82 Wash Day Pie 80 A^enison Stew 70 Venison Steak 70 Venison Eib Roasted 70 INDEX VEGETABLE— Pot Pie 372 Roast with Gravy 373 Soup 39 Vegetables 91 Vinegar Easpberry 201 Vegetable Turkey- No. 1 375 Vegetable Turkey No. 2 375 W Waffles 30 Waffles (Rioc) 30 \\'afers (C'hoeolate) 230 Wafers (Walnut) 240 WALNUT— Sandwich Xo. 1 1G4 Walnut Sandwieh Xo. 2 . .165 Cakes 210 Roast with Mushroom Sauce 371 Caramels 352 Salad 112 Roast 371 Waldorf Astoria Salad Ill Wash Day Meat Pie 80 WATER— nCi-li W'itliout Scales 390 Ice '. 333 Currant 301 Melon Preserved 320 How to Drink 389 Gum Arabic 300 Lime 36;" Toast 360 What Shall We Drink 83 Whey 366 Whey Rennet 360 Whey Orange 359 Whipped Cream 281 Whipped Cream Pie •. .287 White Potato Soup 39 White Velvet Sherbet 341 White Almond Soup 39 \\hite Sau':'e \'eal SoutHe .... S4 Whole Wheat Bread Xo. 1 13 Whole Wheat Bread Xo. 2. , . Ki Whole Wheat Muffins 2w Whole Tomato for Winter . .328 Wild Duck (Roasted) 66 Wine and Cracker 368 Wine Dandelion 298 Y YEAST— Potato Yeast No. 1 11 Potato Yeast No. 2 12 Hot Weather Yeast 12 Yorkshire Pudding 75 ADVERTISEMENTS Rocding & Gowcr's Brand of OLIVE OIL Is conceded by ]>arties knowing what olive oil .should be, to be superior to all other makes. Tf you want to be sure of gettini;^ a Pure, Wholesome Oil ask your o^rocer for Roedin<^ & Gower's Brand. We are als(^ the larg'est firm in Cen 1 ral Calif o r n i a ]>uttin«^ up Ripe and Green Pickled Olives. For further ])articu- lars address l^ocding & Gowcr Fresno and Fowler California ADVERTISEMENTS Arcade Stables WILKINS & WILKINS, Proprietors First -Class Livery Feed and Sale Stables HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD Telephone John 311 8^6 I Streej Fresno, - - - California ADVERTISEMENTS ADAM D. WILSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fowler - ... - Cal We carry everything in the line of FURNITURE D. H. WILLIAMS Fresno .. .,.,,.- - California FRANK H. SMORT Attorncy-at-Law Fresno National Bank Building', Fresno, Cal M. SAIER The Jeweler of Fresno Cut (ila-^s and Silverware, also (rold Headed Canes and Silk Umbrellas. 1*>17 Mariposa Street. ADVERTISEMENTS Office Hours Until 9 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 6 to 8 p. m. DR. WILLIAM T. CRAWFORD Diseases of the Stomach a Specialty Office Opposite Postoffice. Residence North Sixth Street. Fowler - California M. V. Hartranft Geo. F. Hall Manag-ing Fditor Associate Fditor The Pacific Fruit World $1.00 per year. One every week. Main Office, Times Building, Los Angeles. DR. G. L. LONG Fiske Block, Cor. Mariposa and J Streets Phone James 211 F resno C. L WALTER Real Estate 1119 J Street, - - Fresno. Cal ADVEKTIbEMENTS The Sufferer From Poor Harness is not the horse only. His owner also suffers financially. Cheapness and inferioritj^ do not a Iwaj's g-o together. Our prices are not hig-h, yet we sell excellent HARNESS. Found that by so doing we made more friends and moi'e uToney. By selling' reliable g'oods at moderate prices we have won the confidence and the trade of this section. These things won't g'all the horse nor the pocket. We also carry the larg-est assortment of buggies and wag^ons in San Joaquin vallej'. LYONS-BOLES CO 1142-48 I street Fresno, Cal M. A. MORRISON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Residence North Sixth Street — Phone Main 73 Office Walter Block — Phone Main 71 Fowler. California The l\eliabie Lyman's Blue Brand Raisins Packed h\ FRANK LYMAN CO BUYKRS, PACKERS AND SHIPPERS Packingr-house, vSouth I Street, FRESNO, CALIFORNIA ADVERTISEMENTS FRESNO'S Big, Busy Drug Store SAN JOAQUIN DRUG CO Phone Main 135. 1933 Mariposa Street, Opposite Gratid Central Hotel. Fresno, California MAIL 0RDERJ> FILLED PROMPTLY F. E. COOK Lawyer Fresno National FRKSNO Bank Building: ^ CAL Office Hours: Office Phone Blue 12 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. Res. Phone Rlack 758 DR. R. B. COCKRILL Dentist CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK A SPRCIALTY Office with Drs. Maupin FRESNO Rooms 5 and 6, Patterson Block CAIv Subscriptions taken for any NEWSPAPER or MAGAZINE published in the world at Publishers rates. All the Late Novels Carried in Stock 1113 J street n J (Tporlpv Fresno, California Vx. i • \_'V,al iK^y ADVERTISEMENTS Louis Einstein & Co Fresno, - - California The Great Mail Order House of Central California fTHE BEST ASSORTMENT Always UHE BEST FACILITIES i THE LOWEST PRICE Pierce Motorettes Knox Mobiles Olds Mobiles Toledo Touring- Cars Auto Cars Repairs for all makes of Gregory & Co ^^ ^^^^^L^^- H. L CHAMBERLAIN 1923 Tulare St., Fresno Harness and Saddles Carriage Trimming. R^epairing. Prices l^easonable Phone Blue S82 ADVERTISEMENTS HOLLAND'S Marisposa and K Sts., Fresno Want you as a customer. You are always welcome. Best Prices. Best Service. WE : WANT : YOUR : EGGS I^' BARNETT SANATORIUM A First-Class Private Hospital Cor. Fresno and S. Sts. Tel. James 251 Fresno, Cal The List of Dainties enumerated in this book are many, but you will not be happy unless you have some of NORTON & BRUNTON'S Tee Cream or Candy to serve with them. Call Phone Main 64. 1139 J St., Fresno ADVERTISEMENTS DEXTER STABLES J. R. McKAY. Proprietor Livery and Feed Stable Special Attention Given U) Transient. Telephone Main 32 ttv /^^ i I and Kern Streets -b reSttO, Ual Hoy Lee Furnisher of Chinese Labor p. (). Bcix 101. - Fowler, Cal Jordan Young THE MAN OF ALL WORK Will act as caterer, till vour orders iOr all kinds ol fresh vej4"etal)les in sea- son; also lor fruits, nuts, etc. All Work Done in a Reliable Manner ADVERThEMENTS 44 BALDY" The Popular Caterer CO 2 a. 3 o ^ 3 O 3 (G. B. HAMILTON) RESTAURANT Seventh St.. ()pi)()site tlu Lniiiher Yard MEALS AT ALL MOURS i ADVERTISEMENTS Fancher Creek Nurseries (inc.) Our reputation for sending out GOOD STOCK, true to label, is well established. Our stock of everything in the FRUIT TREK LINE is complete. We are the largest growers in the state of Grape Vines, Ornamental Plants and Field Grown Roses. Geo. C. Roeding, Pres. and Mgr 1215 J St. (Main Office) Fresno, Cal Donahoo, Emmons & Co The Supply House at Fresno in Hardware Stoves Plumbing Bicycles Receipt for Lemon Pie By W. PARKER LYON, of Fresno Sit on a hot stove and stir constantly — just as if one could sit on a hot stove without stirring constantly. Sofas like mother used to use at W. Parker Lyon's ADVERTISEMENTS Hours 9 to 5 Phone Blue 36 DR. FRANK D. WOLFE Dentist 1935 Mariposa Street With Dr. Montg-omery Thomas Fresno, Cal HEADQUARTERS FOR Agricultural Implements Bu^ggies and Wagons Pumping Plants FRESNO AGRICULTURAL WORKS Fresno, - Califoi^nia Hours 9 to 5 Tel. Blue 36 DR. MONTGOMERY THOMAS Dentist 1935 Mariposa Street Fresno, Cal ' ,'*■ i " f / -<.<• V-^l-v^ .i'i't\P?9^M ,^ \r\-V..'; :vpm:i^'r^r \s^ /< v'-.'\ \ ^^s ^^"\ '^/ /\ %W*" ^^'""^^ .^' • 1 ^^ s 7 ^3 *?XV A < 'o. *.t;T» /v ^oV" \r\^ ':p<,' HECKMAN BINDERY INC. ^ APR 89 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962