^^ f^^ ^\t f /i--/0 '^K I y"! ■' c. c /n-^r^ ^.Jo /^i ■flA. /? u. .c ■■',-:? -c ,F7^7 The Beautiful City of Fort Wayne \. H KNUX & CO, Publishers BjO ss Bk>i m i^^=^ Copji iglit 1906, by J. TiIURRAV Jordan, i.j 8 South Penu Square, Philadelphia. ITUATED one hundred and forty-ei,s;ht miles east of Chicago. It is the county seat of Allen County and has a population of ^^,000. It is a great railroad center, seven steam roads, and four electric railroads enter the city, eighty-six passenger trains steam in and out of Fort Wavne dailv, while electric cars pass in every direction at all hours, and the city is fast becoming the metropolis of the sur- rounding territory. Fort Wayne is second in doing the largest financial business in the state of fndiana, having seventeen banks and trust companies, and all do a good business. It also is a good manufacturing city, its produce being shipped to all parts of the globe. The retail and wholesale business done in Fort Wayne is not surpassed by any city in the country of its size. Unlike most other manufacturing cities, however, it is a fine residence city, and can justly be proud of its beautiful homes and streets. There are forty-six churches in Fort Wayne of all denomina- tions, while the educational advantages are remarkable, there being sixteen school houses, where 172 teachers are employed. Fort Wayne's public buildings are worthy of being mentioned, among them are the Court House, High School, the Public Library, Post Office and Citv Hall. Fort Wayne lias five daily, six weekly, two monthly, and two Sunday papers, and is well supplied with places of amusement. The Majestic and Masonic Temple theatres secure the best attractions in the country, and during the hot summer months continuous vaude- ville is played in Robinson Park, which also contains a pavilion, summer hotel and other places of attraction. The healthfulness of the city is universally conceded. This is due to the excelleiit system of sewerage and good water supply. Fort Wayne has seven beautifull\- impnwed parks, located in different parts of the city and are a great comfort to thousands of its inhabitants. THE ALLKN COUNTY COURT HOUSE Calhoun Street between ]{ei rv and Mam hlieets -J»i.:-*a&s6 CITY HALL The home uf City Officials and the Police Department. Corner Barr and East Berry Streets % ° > =i •^ c u a w u -J > t-' Corner of Cliuton and East Washingtou Boulevard THE FIRST METHODIvST KPISCOPAL CHURCH Corner uf West Wayne Street aod Broadway WAYNE STREET AIETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH BETHEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH Curner of liast DeWaUl and Cliutoii Streets THK INDIANA SCHOOL FOR FKEBLK MINDKD YOUTHS Spy Run Avenue Car l.inr? THE ST. JOE HOSPITAL Broadway aud West Main Streets THE HOP]': HOSPITAL Kast Washington Boulevard and Barr Streets Corner uf Calhoun anil West Berry Streets THE OLD NATIONAL BANK Organized Jainian', 1885. THE WAYNK HOTEL Coliuubia Street between Calhuuii mui Harrison Streets Coiucr of West Wayne ami Webster Streets THE PUBLIC LIBRARY One of Fort Wayne's most beautiful buildings. Corner ol" Kast Lfwi-. .mj P.. in Streets THK PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL Built <,f marble and stone. One of Fort Wayne's monuments of education that any city would 1,^ jacud ...f. Corner of East Maiu and Clay Streets OLD FORT PLACE This mouument is erected on the sight of old Fort Wayne, built by General Anthony Wayne, of Revolutionary fame, and it was from this Fort that the present city derives its name. CALHOUN STREET, NORTH FROM WAYNI-: STREET Fort Wayne's principal business street. COI.UMBIA STREET, WEST FROM CALHOUN STREET A view of oue of our busy thoroughfares, showing the Randall Hotel in the background. WEST WAYNE STREET, EROM WEBSTER STREET THE RESIDENCE OF J. H. BASS, ESQ. A 'ir -.'fi LAWTON PARK AND T.AWTON MONUMENT I,ocate', the pride of Fort Wayne, is situated on Huntington Road, one-half mile west of the city limits. LAGOOX IX UXDWOOD CKMETEKY One of the prettiest burial places in northern Indiana. S27 Calhomi SlieLt S. H. KNOX cSl CO. 5 and 10 CENT STORE One of the busiest stores in Fort Wayne. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS llllil Mil III II : I I II .III |!!l 014 753 371 8 COPYRIGHT, 190e. B^ MURRAY JORD 1436 S PENN SQUAP FHILADCLPHIB