6T//J PRESTON SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY DISPERSAL SALE REGISTERED AYRSHIRES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1919 STATE FAIR GROUNDS SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE 50 Registered Ayrshire Cows, Heifers, and Bulls OWNED BY Preston School of Industry lone, California SALE WILL BE HELD AT California State Fair Grounds Sacramento, California Tuesday, September 16, 1919 AUCTIONEER : Col. Ben A. Rhoades, Los Angeles MANAGEMENT : California Breeders Sales and Pedigree Company J. M. HENDERSON, PrcfiUlcHt C. L. HUGHES, ^^nles Mnnafjcr 211-212 OcHSNER Bldg., Sacramento. Calif. CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE SACRAMENTO 19 19 .?7 TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 'I'lic terms of this sale aic rasli. Sftlleiiu'iit must bo made witli ck'rk boforc leaving: sale grouuds and no stock will i)e released until settled for. It is a fonditiou of this sale that the buyer a?;rees to make any and all complaints in writiut; to the l*resident of Califoruia Breeders Sales and I'edigree Company, Sacramento. California, within thirty (30) days of the sale; that the President will aiipoint a committee of three to investigate and adjust the complaint, and that the decision and ad.instment by this committee shall be final with both buyer and seller. All animals will be at purchaser's risk at fall of auctioneer's hammer. Every animal is guaranteed to be a breeder. All animals over six months of age tuberculin-tested by a deputy State Veterinarian. Certificates of registration and transfer will be furnished purchasers free of cliargo. All statements in tliis catalog are believed to be correct, but any errors discovered will be announced at sale. ]>uyers are therefore cautioned to pay strict attention to any announcements, which will take i)recedence over matter in the catalog. All services not in catalog will be announced when animal is sold, but under no circum- stances do the owners guarantee animals to l)e in calf. The owners guarantee every animal to be exactly as represented. Purchasers are cautioned against shipping cows in milk or heavy in calf without a man in charge. A charge of •$."> each will be made for crates for large animals, or !f3.50 each for crates for small calves when necessary to make them for shipment by express. The stock will be on exhibition at place of sale, California State Fair Grounds, Sacramento, several days prior to sale, and the public is cordially invited to inspect them before sale day. Bids by mail or wire may be sent to California Breeders Sales and Pedigree Company and they will be faithfully executed. The sale will start promptly at 10 a.m. Tuesday. September IG, 1919. California Breeders Sales and Pedigree Company. ©; of li* SEP 29 1919 Siru: GlL'iilmrst Tons Mayor I- 2077() -l f Lessnessock Omet Imp. Lot 1. PRESTON PREMIER. Bull. Doin June 30, 1917. Died by R. It. Ness, Oimstown, guebec, Cmada. TLessnessock Killarney LLessnt'SSOck Betty 2d TTorrs Mayor iTorrs Oony 2d fNethercraig Silver Crest Uiup. Toirs Cony 3d Dam: Cedar Hill Nullic Osborne 4G784 flmu. Stoiichouse Copyright Nellie Csborne Sth of Elm L Shade LHobsland Pansy Imp. Wee MeGregor of Elmshade Nellie Osborne 5th of Elm- shade Lot 2. STEYBRAE MASTERPIECE. Bull. Born August 1, 1916. Bred by Davis T. Ness. Howick, Quebec, Canada. Sire: Hillhurst Perfection 303S6 f rHillliouse Sir Gillies 749S rHobsland Masterpiece Imp- <. 16920 iHillhouse Cherry 10th 19551 Dam: Edgcwood Lady Verbena ■{ 42090 Barcheskie Verbena Imp. L 34436 fBarcheskie May King 5665 ■\ Verljena 1st of Aucheubrack L 14.576 Lot 3. LADY DOUGLAS OF STEYBRAE. Cow. Born November 1, 1915. Bred by J. W. Clise. Redmond. Washington. I'Beauchan Peter Pan I 21 A. R. daughters, with Sire: Willowmoor Peter Pan 2Sth 4 records to over 17.000 lbs. 1S048 and 600 lbs. fat. LWillomoor Heathflower Imp. Morton Mains Queechy 26 A. R. daughters Dam: Willowmoor -Jean Douglas <( lean Douglas of Burnside 29484 At 2i years: Butterfat. 299.09 lbs. Milk, 723S lbs. By the same sire as Stone- house Minnie Butterfat, 615.09 lbs. Milk. 16,209 lbs. fDuke of Wigtown ■<, Morton Mains Young Bonnie I Jean r Morton Mains Queechy •{ 26 A. R. daughters LBareheskie Heathflower ("Morton Mains Radiant fBarcheskie Kings Own 1 1 A. R. ] Morton Mains Emathla ■ Kings Ow daughters L.Jea ■Jean .3d of Hctlierhall Bred June 11, 1919, to Preston Premier. Lot 4. PRESTON PETER PAN. Bull. Born May 18, 1919. Sire: Steybrae Masterpiece 20367. Dam: Lady Douglas of Steybrae, 4 — Lot 5. PRESTON BESSIE 2D. Cow. Born Augu.st 1'4. 1911 Sire: Glenhurst Terrs Mayor 20776 Dam: 0"<1ar Hill Bp.ssie 6-1700 Bred by James T. Elder. Gleaelni. Quebec, Canada. fLessnessock Killarney 'L9.ssnessock Omet Imp. Jmp. Torr.s Cony 3d f Sunnysido Sir Douglas u, .s.«ie of St. Louis iLessnessock Betty 2d ("Torrs Mayor iTorrs Oony 2d rNetherhall Sir Douglas lAuiihenbrain Lottie [Ralph Connor ol Sprinfihill Loanada's Pride Lot 6. MILLIE PRESTON. Cow. Born November 11, 1!»17. Bred by E. B. McFarland. San Mateo, California. rMeQuittson Secretary J Netherland Brownie 9th 1 Milk. 18,110 lbs. L Bntterfat. 820.9 lbs. 'Willowmoor Robinhood Sire: Willowmoor Robinhood 32d - 16031 Dam: C"dar Hil Millie 2d 4iVii)6 3Villowmoor May Mitchell fSiinnyside Sir Donsrlas fHoehouse White King Iwoodside May jNetherhall Sir Douglas t.Aui'honlirain Lottie Klondike of Ste. Anne's Lady Ethel Lot 7. PRESTON PRINCESS. Cow. Born April 25, 191S. Bred by E. B. McFarland, San Mateo, California. Sire: Willowmoor Robinhood 32d 16031 Dam: Cedar Hill Princess 4G7G5 'Willowmoor Robinhood .Willowmoor May Mitchell fSunnyside Sir Douglas .Bessie of St. Louis fMcQuittson Secretary J Netherland Brownie 9th 1 Milk. 18,110 lbs. I Butterfat. 820.9 lbs. fHolehouse White King Woodside Mav ("Netherland Sir Douglas iNetherhall Good Time Imp. Jfialph Connor of Springfield '-Canada's Pride Lot 8. PRESTON NELLIE OSBORN. Cow. Born April 26, 1918. Bred by E. B. McFarland. San Mateo, California. Sire: WilJowinoor Robinhood S2d 16031 Dam: Cedar Hill Nellie Osborne 46784 fWillowmoor Robinhood ^Willowmoor May Mitchell 'Imp. Stonehouse Copyright McQuittson Secretary Netherland Brownie 9th Milk. 18,110 lbs. Butterfat. 820.9 lbs. fHolehouse White King Iwoodside May jNethercraig: Silver Crest >-Hobsland Pansay Imp. Nellie Osborne 8th of Elm- Jwee McGregor of Elmshade L shade 1 Nellie Osborne 5th of Elm- *- shade Lot 9. CEDAR HILL QUEEN 53302. Cow. Born September 2, lyi.'S. Bred by P. D. McArthur, Howick. Quebec, Canada. 'Anchenbrain Albert C. R. of P. 14 (1 qualified progeny Sire: White Chieftain of Cottage -f Buttercup Hill 196S9 C. R. of P. test: Milk. 10,628 lbs. ButtTfat. 383 lbs. Dam: Cherrj' Bank Queen 46797 rNetherhall Milkman Little Gem of Elmshade ■{ C. R. of P. test: Milk. 5286 lbs. I Butterfat. 379 lbs. Bred June 6. 1919, to Steybrae Masterpiece. Lot 10. STEYBRAE RUBY 47431. Cow. Born Mart'li 24. 1916. Bred by James T. Elder, Glenelm, Quebec, Canada fLessnessock Killarney iLcssnessoek Betty 2d jTorrs Mayor I 'I 'Lessnessock Omet Imp. Sire: Glenhurst Torrs Mayor 20776 Lxorr s Cony .3d Imp. Dam: Ruby of Kelso 4G77G Lessnessock Scottish Thistle Imp. Torrs Cony 2d fCastlemains Thistledown Loastlemains Minnie 2d Wexford Chief of St. Anne'i Edith McNab of Elmshade Bred January 17, 1919, to Steybrae Masterpiece. Edith McNab 2d of Elmshade — 6 — Lot 11. CEDAR HILL JEAN 2D 46807. Cow. Boin August 22. ]9in. Bled by James T. Elder, Glenelm, Quebec, Canada. fHillhouse Marquis Sire: 0?dar Hill Captain 20052 Dam: Maple Leaf Jaan 46S06 C. R. of P test 830 Milk. 8540 lbs. Butterfat, .310 1))S. fLophfergrus Young Marquise . I Imp. iHillhouse Snowdrop 6th I fstill Another of Wynholm limp. Chapmanton Soucie 2d "j Ichapmanton Soucie rHohsland Bonnie T?ov Tmp. Loohfergus Jenny Imp. O. R. of P. test: Milk. 9464 lbs. fHillhouse Bonnie Scotland Hobsland Betty TBergeaoch Scotland Yet I Butterfat. 349 lbs. ICarapbelton Jenny Bred July 15, 1919. to Preston Premier. Lot 46. PRESTON TORRS MAYOR. Bull. liiini May 27. UH'i. Sire: Pre.'^toii Fieniier. Lot 12. CEDAR HILL ROSEBUD 45697. Cow. Boin March 12, I'll.'). Bred by James T. Elder, Glenelm, Quebec, Canada. etherhall Sir Robert etherhall Brownie 16th Sire: Sunnyside Sir Douglas Ills'*? Dam: Springbrook Mossy 4!)686 O. R. of P. test 782 Milk. 10.09.5 lbs. Butterfat. 373 lbs. ',\ fNetherhall Sir Douglas Imp. ^.\uehenbrain Lottie iNe fNetherhall Gc i 9 A. R. dar *- Auehenltrain Goodtime lughters ^Auehenbrain Hattie 5th CMonkland Guarantee .Vuehenbrain Good Gift Imp. -^ Auchenbrain Favourite I Beauty ^Springbrook Marjory fLessnessook Crown Prince H Imp. l-Peggoty Lot 13. CEDAR HILL PET 45699. Cow. Born April 4, i;»ir>. Bied by P. D. IMcArthur. Howie, Quebec, Canada. fMonkland G\iarantee Sire: White Chieftain of Cottage Hill 196S9 "* 'Auchenbrain Albert Imp. C. R. of P. 14 6 qualified progeny Buttercup C. R. of P. test: Milk, 10,623 lbs. Butterfat. .383 lbs. Dam: Pet of Hickory Hill 4.51.50 C. R. of P. test 152 Milk. 1.3,191 lbs. Butterfat. 512 lbs. fDairvman of Glenora C. R. of P. 1 -{ 7 qualified progeny i^Auehenbrain Mayflower 2d fSultan of the Willows I Primrose 9th rComrade of Garlaff Imp. ■s Mayflower 2d of Drumsuie L Imp. LPlower of Hickory Hill Bred April 17, 1919, to Preston Premier. f Drummond l-rio of Hickory Hill 7 — fNethorhall .Sir Douglas Lot 14. CEDAR HILL KATE 46791. Cow. Born March 25, 1915. Bred by James T. Elder. Glenelni, Quebec, Canada. Netherhall Sir Robert Netherhall Brownie 16th jNMherhall Goodtime lAuphenbrain Hatti? .')th filencairn 3d of St. Anne's Firefly fUncle Sam of Trout River LLadv Isobsl of Brockhill Bred January 16, 1919, to Preston Premier. Sir": Sunnyside Sir Douglas 106* Dam: Constance 221N'? C. R. of P. test 31S Milk. 8648 lbs. Butt'jrfat, 332 lbs. l.Auehpnbrain Lottie f Klondike of St. Anne's i iDinah Lot 15. BEAVER IVIEADOW LASSIE 46786. Cow. Born February l'.», 1014. Sire: Springburn Hopeful Hugo 20046 Bred by W. C. TuUy, Athelstan, Quebec, Canada. fBargenoch Baron Master ,Ruby of Bargenoeh fBargenoch Victor Hugo Imp.-; I Lrssnessock Hopeful Rosie f Auchenbrain Hope Again I Imp. Dam: Mary of Sunnyside 46785 Sir George LBertha of .Sunnyside Bred January 18. 1919, to Steybrae IVIasterpiece tLe.«snessock Juniper Royal Rose fHareourt of B. iBell of Burnside {Jock of Sunnyside Rosy of Sunnyside Lot 16. CEDAR HILL DANDY 45698. Cow. Born March 10. 1015. Bred by James T. Elder, Glenelm, Quebec, Canada. fNetherland Sir Robert Sire: Sunnyside Sir Douglas 196Sv7 Dam: Butter.-up 4')^'67 fNeth»rland Sir Douglas .\uelienbrain Lottie f Rattler of Elm Shade ^Maude of Chateaugay LNetherland Brownie 16th fNetherland Goodtime LAuehenbrain Hattie 5th rwee McGregor of Elmshade iQueen of Burnbrae fDuke Clarence of Barcheskie iLady Roberts Lot 17. TERRANCE BANK GAY LASS 45691. Cow. Born December 14, 1912. Bred by James Picken, Torrs Kirkandbright, Scotland. fHowies Conductor rCarsjgowan Massive King Sire: Smyrton Commander WO!) ■{ Icarsegowan Mirlie White Dam: Broomberry Gay Lass 29523 Glenshamrock Sir Henry JHo iNet [Glenshamrock Gay Lass Bred January 28, 1919, to Preston Premier therland Kate 17th fCarsegowan Majestic ICarsegowan Lady White rKnockterrs Morrettas LKnockterra Jeannie 2d fHowies Chamberlain iGlenshamrock Rigg 4th Lot 18. CEDAR HILL MAYFLOWER 46798. Cow. Born March 30. 11I15. Bred by .James T. Elder. Glenelm. Quebec, Canada. rMorton Mains Epicarmus Sir?: Netherhall Sir Douglas 14551 Dam: Winnie of Elm Bank 46794 N-'therliall Sir Rol)ert [Nethe rhall Bonnie 16th White Prince of Lancaster ^Flossie of Georgetown IbcII of Wynholm Netherhall Up-to-tlme Netherhall Brownie 5th rPrince Darling of Glenora LfIossIb of Elmshade TBell Boy LMendora of Park Hill Lot 19. CEDAR HILL VIOLA 45694. Cow. IJorn November lit. 1013. Bred by John W. Logan, Howie, Quebec. Canada. fMorton Mains Epicarmus ,.{ Sire: Netherhall Sir Douglas Imp 14551 I In Netherhall Sir Robert etherhall Brownie 16th IbcII of Wynholm TNetherhall Up-to-timc iNetherhall Brownie 5th Dam: Viola 4.5675 ^Glencairn's Style of Ste. Anne's Ispringbrook Mary Bred January 24. 1919, to Steybrae IVIasterpiece. Lot 20. CEDAR HILL PRINCESS 46795. Cow. Born September 6, 1915. Bred by James T. Elder, Glenelm, Quebec. Canada. rNetherhall Sir Robert iNetherhall Brownie 16th fNetherhall Good Time Imp. Auchenbrain Hattie 5th ri/essnessoek King of Beauty Iwee Maggie jEdward of England Iprineess Bred June 28, 1919, to Preston Premier. rNetherhall Sir Douglas Sire: Sunnyside Sir Douglas 19687 -{ LNetherhall Good Time Imp. -i U fRalph Connor of Springfield Dam: Bessie of St. Louis 46789 ■{ LOanada's Pride Lot 21. PRESTON PRINCESS 2D. Cow. Born May 23, 1919. Sire: Steybrae Masterpiece 20367. Dam: Cedar Hill Princess 46795. Lot 22. CEDAR HILL IV1ILLIE 45692. Cow. Born May 19, 1913. Bred by McMillan & Leggat, Trout River, Quebec, Canada. rBargenock Durward Lely VBargenock Fleekie 2d fLessnessock Marshall Oyama Irinlayston Kate 1st {Glencairn 3d Firefly [Uncle Sam of Trout River I Heather Queen Bred February 11, 1919, to Steybrae Masterpiece. Sire: Finlayston San Toy Imp 16093 Dam: Miss Millie 33327 Milk, 9052 lbs. Butterfat. 349 lbs. fFinlayston Dan Patch LPinlayston Kate 2d /"Klondike of Ste. Anne's iLady Ethel Lot 23. CEDAR HILL NELLIE OSBQRNE 46784. Cow. Born October 4, 1913. Bred by Wm. Wylie, Howick, Quebec, Canada. f Auchenbrain Lord Osborn Sire: Imp. Stonehouse Copyright 20O45 rNethercraig Silver Crest ^Hobsland Pansy Imp. 'Wee McGregor of Elmshade Dam: Nellie Osbonie Sth of Elm , Shade 46783 | Nellie Osborne Sth of ide I Nellie Osb I Elmshac LNvthereraig Forest Queen fMonkland Zom-sal iMonkland Snowflake rUncle Sam of Trout River Iwhite Glen of Holehouse riXike of Clarence of s Bacheskie LNellie Osborne of Burnside — 10 — Lot 24. CEDAR HILL DORRIS 2D 46803. Cow. Born September 16, 1915. Bred by James T. Elder. Glenelm, Quebec, Canada. 'Nttherhall Sir Robert rNetherhall Sir DouKla.s Sire: Snnnyside Sir Douglas 19a^7 Dam: C"dar Hiil Doris 4(>S()2 L.^uci .'Vuclienbrain Lottie f Spriiigbrook Wintoii U,. riDfe'lirook Mossy Netherhall Brownie 16th ("Nttherhall Goodtime ■| 9 A. R. daughters LAuc'henbrain Hattie fith Tatehurst General VVinton Hill Topsy Gift ory fAuchenbrain Good ISpringbrook Marjo Lot 25. WHITE PRINCE OF PRESTON. Bull. Boin .July 11, l!ti:i. .Sire: I're.ston Premier. Dam: Cedar Hill Dori.s 2d 4fiS03. Lot 26. QUEEN OF STEYBRAE 39708. Cow. Born May 22, 1914. Bred by E. B. McFarland, San Mateo, California. ("Lad of Tatehurst Sire: Springbrook Rob Roy 1499S Dam: Jane of Steybrae 37378 'Hero of Tatehurst Lfielle Monde fSaladin Imp. Queen of Kelso LLady Ethel Clvord Haichinbrooke LFlossy of Riverside rimp. Silver King Vlmp. Doc«y fLessi ■< Im Limp. 'ssnessock Scottish Thistle Imp. Queen of Burnbrae Lot 27. RAVENSDALE DOREEN 46800. Cow. Born September 20, 1915. Bred by W. F. Kay, Philipsburg, Quebec, Canada. fNethorhall Robin Hood Sire: Auchenbraln Sja Foam Imp. 19430 Dam: Sheila of Ravendale 42155 rLcssnessoek Good Gift L.\uchenbrain Buntie 18th (North Star of Ravensdale N'therhall Kate 13th TMonkland Guarantee iBunty 9th of Auchenbrain fBright Star of Glenora J R. O. P. 9 j Heatherbell of Glenora I R. O. P. 299 JLessnessoek Royal Warvalet Imp. I Ravensdale Countess iLady Eileen of Glenora Bred March 20. 1919, to Preston Premier. 11 Lot 28. CEDAR HILL DEW DROP 45695. Cow. Born November 15, 1914. Bred by John Brown, Howick, Quebec, Canada. 'Rattle of Elm Shade ^Maggie of Sprfngbrook fNetherhall Milkman I Lady Primrose fPrince Darling of Glenora 'White Princp of Lanca.ster Sire: Dandy Boy 19683 fMajor Perry of Springbrook Hether Belle of Rapids Dam: Dew Drop of Elm Bank 45684 ^Olara of Elm Bank lFlos.sie of Elm Shade Harold of Elmbank Martha Lot 29. BEAUTY OF STEYBRAE 43270. Cow. Born January 22, 1916. Bred by J. W. Clise, Redmond, Washington. tor Pan 26tli -{ Beauelian Peter Pan oung Bonnie Sire: Willowmoor Pe 16048 Dam: Willowmoor White Beauty 3d 37064 Lv, llowmoor Hethnrflower r Willowmoor Sentinel ! 8 A. R. daughters TDuke of Wigtown A Morton Mains Yo L .lean TMorton Main.s Queechy LBarcheskie Heathflower (Monkland Bar None Gerranton Dora 3d Willowmoor White Beauty fHolehouse White King I At 3 years: 19 A. R. daughters Butterfat. 316.64 lbs. -i L Milk. 8457.00 lbs. iRidgeside Beauty Bred July 3, 1919, to Preston Premier. Lot 30. PRESTON SENTINEL. Bull. Boin May 21, 1919. Sire: Steybrae Ma.sterpiece 20.3(57. Dam: Beauty of Steybi'ae 4.'?270. Lot 31. SONCY MAID OF STEYBRAE 43266. Cow. Born September 25, 1915. Bred by J. W. Clise, Redmond, Wa.shington. rDuke of Wigtown Sire: Willowmoor Peter Pan 2Cth 16048 rBeauchan Peter Pan ' Willowmoor Heathflower At 3 -years: Butterfat. .3.56.93 lbs. L Milk. 8938.00 lbs. ] Morton Maine Young Bonnie L Jean fMorton Mains Queechy Dam: Willowmoor Soncy Maid 2d .35&40 LBarehskie Heathflower TMonkland Bar None Loerranton Dora 2d fHolehouse White King l-Sonoy of Barclay Bred August 10, 1919, to Preston Premier. Willowmoor Sentinel LWillowmoor Sonoy Maid 12 Lot 32. PRESTON SONCY MAID. Cow. Born May 28. 1919. Sire Steybrae Masterpiece 20367. Dam Soncy Maid i>f Steybrae 43266. Lot 33. JEAN DOUGLAS OF STEYBRAE 43267. Cow. Boi-n October 28, 1915. Bred by J. W. Clise, Redmond. Washington. rMcQuittston Secretary i Netherhall Brownie 9th Imp. Butterfat. 820.91 lbs. Milk. 18,110 lbs. 'Imp. Willowmoor Bobinhood 19 A. R. daughters Sire: Willowmoor Brownie's Robin Hood 15358 Willowmoor Brownie At 4 years: Butterfat, 592.13 lbs. Milk, 14.089.00 lbs. At maturate: Butterfat. 583.57 lbs. Milk. 13,573.00 lbs. 'Beauchan Peter Pan Dam: Willowmoor Jean Douglas 4th 35841 Holehouse White King Netherhall Brownie 9th Butterfat. 820.91 lbs. L Milk. 18,110 lbs. TDuke of Wigtown 1 Morton Mains Young Bonnie L Jean .Jean Douglas of Burnside By same sire as Stonehouse J Minnie ] fBarcheskie Kings Own Jean 3d of Hetherhall Bred July 16, 1919, to Preston Premier. Lot 34. CEDAR HILL JEAN 48178. Cow. Born May 29, 1918. Bred by Preston School of Industry. lone, California. fAuchenbrain Ctown Prince Sire: Terrace Bank Star 20593 Dam: Maple Leaf Jean 46800 fNether Oraig Durbar LBrae Violet Imp. rHobsland Bonnie Boy Imp. Xochfergus Jenny Imp. LChapelton Pearl fBankend Real Mackay l-Bankend Miss Roger fHillhouse Bonnie Scotland LHobsland Betty jBarenoch Scotland Yet >-OamplJclton Jenny Lot 35. CEDAR HILL LADY MAY 45693. Cow. Born September 11, 1913. Bred by D. J. McEwen. St. Louis Station, Quebec. Canada. TBorrowmoss Swell Sire: Imp. Marquis of Hillview 19679 Dam: Whiteside Star 4.5671 CHillhouse Marquis iLochfergus Cherry rscotch Lad LLady Wonder Again iHillhouse Daisy Bell 3d Beauchan Peter Pan Beauchan Cherry .3d Peter Tatehurst Stonehouse Snow King I.ady Wonder rSpringbrook LMaude of Ta 13 Lot 36. PRESTON DANDY. Cow. Born Aiig-ust ;t, 1918. Bred by Pi-eston School of Industry, lone, California. {WillowDioor Robinhood Willowmoor May Mitchell fSouthwiek Best of All f Willowmoor Robinhood 32d Sire: Steybrae Highland Lad 2OT90 Dnni: Cedar Hill Dandy 4.'Vi98 LSouthwick Kirsty 7th CSiinnyside Sir Douglas Buttercup l-Kirsty 2d of Southwiek TNetherhall Sir Douglas LAuchenbrain Lottie )f Elm Shade if Chateugay [Rattler of iMaude of Lot 37. PRESTON DORRIS 2D. Cow. Born May a>, 1918. Bred by Preston School of Industry, lone, California. C Willowmoor Robinhood Iwillowmoor May Mitchell fSouthwiek Best of All Sire: Steybrae Highland Lad 20790 Willowmoor Robinhood 32d Dam: Cedar Hill Dorris 2d 4»>S02 LSouthwick Kirsty 7th ^Springbrook Winton Uprl ingbrook Mossy iKirsty 2d of Southwiek TTatehurst General Iwinton Hill Topsy jAuehenbrain Good Gift Lspringbrook Marjory Lot 38. PRESTON MAYFLOWER. Cow. Born August 8, 1918. Bred by Preston School of Industry, lone, California. fWillowmoor Robinhood Sire: Steybrae Highland Lad 207SO Dam: Cedar Hill Dewdrop 45695 fWillowmoor Robinhood 32d I, Southwiek Kirsty 7th f Dandy Boy LDew Drop of Elm Bank Lwillowmoor May Mitchell [Southwiek Best of All l-Kirsty 2d of Southwiek [Major Perry of Sprlngbrook iHether Belle of Rapids WTiite Prince of Lancaster Clara of Elm Bank M Lot 39. PRESTON DEWDROP 3D. Cow. Born August 31, 1918. Bred by Preston School of Industry, lone. California. rWillowinoor Robinhood Sire: Steybrae Highland Lad 20790 Dam: Cedar Hill Dewdrop 45695 '90 ] fWillownioor Robinhood 32d Isouthwitk Kirsty 7th Dandy Boy Ld'jw Drop of Elm Bank Willownioor May Mitchell rSouthwick Best of All I Kirsty 2d of South wick Major Perry of Springbrook Hethi'r Belle of Rapids f White Prince of Lancaster Iciara of Elm Bank Lot 40. PRESTON DEWDROP 2D. Cow. Born October 4, 1917. Bred by James T. Elder. Glenelm. Quebec, Canada. fLessnessoek Killarney Sire: Gleuhurst Torrs Mayor 20776 Dam: Cjdar Hill Dew Drop 45095 Li'ssenessock Omet Imp. Limp. Torrs Cony Sd rDandy Boy ll>w Drop of Elm Bank tLessnessock Betty 2d Torrs Mayor Torrs Oony 2d [Major Perry of Springbrook iHethcr Belle of Rapids f White Prince of Lancaster \ Clara of Elm Bank Lot 41. MAY PRESTON. Cow. Born November 16, 1917. Bred by E. B. McFarland. San Mateo, California. rMcQuittson Secretary J Netherhall Brownie Oth 1 Milk. 18.110 lbs. L Butterfat. S20.9 lbs. rWillowmoor Robinhood Sire: Willowmoor Robinhood 32d - 16031 Dam: Cedar Hill Lady May 4.5693 fHolehousc White King Iwoodside May THillhouse Marquis iLoehfergus Cherry r Scotch Lad I Lady Wonder Again Bred April, 1919, to Preston Premier. Willowmoor May Mitchell Imp. Marquis of Hillview Whitside Star — 15 — Lot 42. PRESTON PRINCE MASTER. Bull. Born October 24, 1918. Bred by Preston School of Industry, Tone, California. Sire: Stoybrae Masterpiece 20367 fHillhurst Perfection 20366 Dam: Csdar Hill Lady May 4.5. Bred by Preston School of Industry, lone, California. rHillhurst PiTfection Sire: Stcvbrae Masterpiece 20867 ■{ fHobsland Masterpiece Imp. J 16920 tEdgewood Lady Verbena ] Bareheskie Verloena Imp. L 34436 rHillhurst Perfection 20368 f Steybrao Masterpi-ce S Edgewood Lady Verbena L 72090 D«m: Terranee Bank.'^ Oay Lass i 4y^l I Imp. Marquis of Hillview Lc-pdar Hill Lady May ^ l^Whiteside Star 48192 8-19 750, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS "■ nil mil mil nil III! 002 823 457 • r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 823 457