F A B RI KO I D AN IMPROVEMENT ON LEATHER FOR Upholstery, Mural Decoration, Tops of Carriages, Go-Carts, Automobiles, Loose Cushions, Storm Aprons and Covers, Suit Cases, Trunks,- Novelties, Shoes, Book-Binding, Etc. FABRIKOID WORKS E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Co., Owner, Wilmington, Del. \0 ^% r COPYRIGHT, 1911 E. I. DU Pont de Nemours Powder Co. WILMINGTON. DEL. ^ printed by The Lord Baltimore Press Baltimore, Md. .A300783 What Is Fabrikoid? JABRIKOID is a manufactured leather, designed for most of the uses of natural or hide leather, and for other uses for which the latter is not adapted. It was invented and first used to meet manufacturers' requirements not met by hide leather. It became quickly popular, and was soon in general use for upholstery purposes. Since then it has been adopted for a great variety of uses, and every year discovers new branches of industry in which Fabrikoid has become an important factor. It is a fact that it has a wider range of utility than any other fabric made. Hide leather, being the tanned skin of an animal, varies greatly in texture, strength, color and grain in the same hide, the hides vary in size, and waste greatly in cutting. When used in large pieces, for upholstering, the varying strength and thickness of different sections cause it to stretch in /^ spots, or break at seams. It is not sanitary, because it absorbs dampness, ^R soils, and cannot be cleaned without damage. The increasing value of j"^ j^^ cattle is steadily advancing the price of good hide leather and increasing "^ ! the amount of low grade hide leather used on work that needs the best f' material. 1 Fabrikoid leather is made in various conveniei widths up to 54 inches, in continuous rolls of 30 ! to 60 yards. It has a cloth backing and is of j uniform texture, strength, color, and grain throughout. It can be cut with a minimum of I waste. It does not stretch loose, or break at seams. It is moisture and stain-proof — therefore sanitary. The =n,, ^. .,o.,V^,;, ' best and most expensive qualities of Fabrikoid cost ROLL OF FABRIKOID. , , , 1 • J l 1 ORDINARY HIDE. MINIMUM WASTE. much Icss than hide leather. large waste in cutting.- Why Fabrikoid Is Better Than Leather In order to appreciate all the points of superiority of Fabrikoid leather over hide leather, it is necessary to understand how hide leather is used commercially. Few hides are used full thickness, except for shoe soles and harness. Most commercial hide leather has been split, its worth depending largely on which section of the hide is considered. Bu-f-fLnsr 1 J^acfline Buff 2 Machine Buff Split In the above diagram of a cross section of hide leather magnified are shown the four layers into which most hides are split for commercial uses. The top or Buffing layer is the hair-side, scraped. It is used for book-binding chiefly. No. 1 Machine Buffi is the best quality of leather for upholstery. No. 2 Machine Buffi is the medium quality for upholstery. Split, being the flesh side of the hide, is the poorest section. It cracks very easily and soon stretches out of shape, as it has very little strength. The better grades of Fabrikoid leather wear as well as the best grade of hide leather for all uses for which Fabrikoid is adapted, as described in this booklet. They keep their shape much better, are far more sanitary. Poor grades of hide leather are not comparable with good grades of Fabrikoid leather costing much less. Fabrikoid leather is tough, pliable, water-proof, washable, shape- retaining, sanitary, economical, durable, and furnished in many weights, colors and grains. It is of uniform quality and thickness, and fully guar- EMBossED FABRIKOID PILLOW. autccd by the makers for the uses recommended, on the following pages. The Best Upholstery Fabric Made For Lounges and Davenports, Fabrikoid leather is superior to hide leather for the following reasons: It can be had in widths up to 54 inches, enabling the upholsterer to cut the cover for a plain or tufted wide lounge without seams. This is not feasible with hide leather without including neck and belly sections that are weak and vary in grain and thickness from the back portion. For Turkish and Morris Chairs, Fabrikoid leather is superior to hide leather or woven fabrics because it is vermin proof, water-proof, will not peel or crack, and keeps its shape indefinitely. In most cases it will outwear the furniture it upholsters. For Dining Chairs it is unequalled because water-proof and washable. For Table Tops in dens, libraries, smoking rooms, restaurants, and for portable game or lunch tables Fabrikoid leather is unequalled. It is water-proof, washable, durable, and can be had in color and grain to harmonize with the surroundings. Fabrikoid leather pillows are comfortable and handsome These are usually made of Fabrikoid leather em- bossed in fancy or floral designs. Fabrikoid leather screens lend an artistic effect to any living room, library, or bed room. When Fabrikoid leather is used for fitted covers on chairs, lounges, tables, etc., the usual finish is leather gimp fastened with leather nails to match. SETTEE COVERED WITH FABRIKOID LEATHER A Flexible Water-proof Top for Vehicles Fabrikoid leather is an ideal top material for carriages, buggies, baby carriages, and go-carts. It is light in weight, flexible, water-proof, and will wear as long as any top material made. Fabrikoid leather also makes the best carriage boot or rain apron, storm curtains, and water-proof horse coat. Carriage cushions made of Fabrikoid leather are much better than cloth upholstering, because more durable, vermin-proof, and not dust-absorbing. They can be washed with hose or sponge. Carriage and harness trimmings are most economical when made of Fabrikoid leather. Special Mohairs and Mackintoshed Goods for Automobile Tops The Fabrikoid Works is one of the largest producers of fine > mohair double-texture water-proof top materials for automobiles. These fabrics consist of two separate cloths of fine wool, united with a water-proof flexible interlining. Beau- tifully finished in a popular range of patterns. Double , -^ ^S^^^ texture, tough, pliable and water-proof. Will not fade, separate or leak. For Covering and Lining Trunks and Suit Cases Manufacturers of the best grade of traveller's equipment use large quantities of Fabrikoid leather in place of hide leather, because of lighter weight, fine appearance and lower cost. It also has the great advantage of being water-proof and stain-proof. Satchels made of Fabrikoid alligator, walrus, seal, pigskin, etc., are nobby, neat, and light in weight. The latter point makes a strong appeal to the experienced traveller. For Gun Cases, Golf Club and Tennis Racquet Cases Fabrikoid leather is excellent for these uses. It protects the guns and racquets from moisture, and makes a light, strong carrying case for all kinds of sporting accessories. Add to these the ad- vantage of low cost, as compared with hide leather or other materials, SUITCASE and its superi- COVERED AND LINED WITH FABRIKOID LEATHER Ority IS apparCUt. MADE OF FABRIKOID LEATHER SHOT-GUN CASE For Pocketbooks and Novelties One of the most important uses of Fabrikoid is in the manufacture of the class of goods known as novelties. This includes pocketbooks or purses, pocket memorandum books, diaries, hand bags, bill folds, women's and children's belts, hat bands, card cases, etc. Fabrikoid leather not only has the appearance and utility of hide leather for these purposes, but is much cheaper, can be obtained in all colors and can be cut and handled in the factory much more economically than hide leather. Even where cases are made with hide leather outsides, Fabrikoid makes an excellent lining and considerably reduces the manufacturer's cost and retail selling price. For Theatrical Costuming Fabrikoid Leather is splendidly adapted for the great variety of stage uses that formerly called for hide leather, such as soldiers' dress boots, leggings, caps and capes, ladies' riding boots .ind fancy slippers, cowboys' "chaps," hunters' coats, etc. Its low cost, light weight, fine appearance and variety of colors are points that count. Its low price, durability and sanitary cleanliness make it an ideal seating material for theatres, churches and convention halls of all kinds. LIVING ROOM WITH WALLS COVERED WITH EMBOSSED FABRIKOID SPECIMENS, COLORS, FINISHES, ETC., OF FABRIKOID LEATHER ALL DEALERS HAVE COMPLETE LINE OF SAMPLES QUALITY, 4000 GRAIN, A ^ ^z'-i j-'->^' :;£S^>feaf?^;?"S§>^ COLOR, 01 FINISH, B QUALITY, GRAIN, P QUALITY, 700 GRAIN, SKIVER COLOR, 5i FINISH, HARD QUALITY, 700 GRAIN, SKIVER COLOR, 33 FINISH, SOFT QUALITY, 8000 GRAIN, LINE COLOR, 96 FINISH, REGULAR SPECIMENS, COLORS, FINISHES, ETC., OF FABRIKOID LEATHER ALL DEALERS HAVE COMPLETE LINE OF SAMPLES QUALITY, 4000 COLOR, 62 GRAIN,? FINISH, MACHINE SPANISH QUALITY, 700 COLOR, E GRAIN, BABY ALLIGATOR FINISH, SPANISH COLOR, 68 FINISH, MACHINE SPANIsX QUALITY, 700 GRAIN, SKIVER COLOR, 85} FINISH, SOFT QUALITY, 4000 COLOR, 103 GRAIN, N FINISH, MACHINE SPANISH QUALITY, 4000 COLOR, 01 GRAIN, E58 FINISH, B-FANCY EMBOSSED HOUSE AND EVENING SLIPPERS MADE FROM FABRIKOID Makes Sumptuous Book-Bindings at Low Cost FABRIKOID LEATHER , SCREEN ' Ever since books were first made, leather binding has been recognized as the most durable and best means of preserving printed matter. This is true, however, only of the very best grades of leather binding. A good cloth binding is much more durable than the average cheap leather binding. Very few book buyers are willing to pay the price of the outside or buffing layer of hide which is used for high class book work, and the lower grades of split leather soon stretch out of shape and the book falls to pieces. The grades of Fabrikoid suitable for book binding are far superior to the grades of leather used on average leather bound books, because, in addition to the handsome leather grain or finish of exterior, Fabrikoid is built up on strong woven fabric which greatly adds to its strength as a binding material. This book is bound in Fabrikoid and it is apparent to the reader that it pro- vides the appearance, feeling and general desirability of hide leather binding at a cost that makes it feasible to use even for advertising matter. Fabrikoid leather is rapidly being taken up by book-binders, and soon it will be possible to obtain all popular authors' works in handsome Fabrikoid bindings, at the price now paid for ordinary silk, cloth or buckram bindings. In this connection we are pleased to state that in tests made by the United States government of different binding materials in order to find one that would be proof against roaches, the committee reported that Fabrikoid successfully withstood the test. Another point in its favor is that it is not afifected by perspiration or moisture, as it is water- proof, and ink stains can be removed easily. When you are having your next set of books bound, ask the book- binder to use Fabrikoid. Page 10 Q^ Growing Importance in the Shoe Industry Practical shoe men decided to first concentrate their efforts along this line in manufacturing men's and women's house and women's evening slippers, and babies' shoes. Considerable experimenting has been done and a grade of Fabrikoid leather produced which when made up in evening slippers and tested in actual use has proved quite satisfactory. This grade of Fabrikoid leather costs about one-eighth as much as hide leather used for the same purpose. On account of its uniform texture and thickness and regular shape there is no waste. Fabrikoid leather is made in any color or shade desired — it may be had in the most delicate tints as well as in many different grains. It can only be distinguished from hide leather by an expert. It can be washed with warm water and soap, and so kept fresh and clean. Perspiration will not discolor it. Even ink stains are readily removed. For house and evening slippers which are not subjected to severe use, Fabrikoid leather will undoubtedly wear as long as hide leather. The colored insert in this book is a photographic reproduction of such slippers as exhibited at the 1911 Shoe and Leather Convention at Boston, Mass. The costliness of colored leather and satin evening slippers, and the impossibility of keeping them clean enough to be presentable for more than a very few wearings, operates to place delicate evening slippers beyond the means of the average woman. The much lower cost of Fabrikoid leather makes possible a lower retail price, and the ease with which slippers made of it can be cleaned and kept dainty and beautiful until worn out, will make a strong appeal to the economic no less than to the aesthetic nature of the fair sex. The Best Covering for Instrument Cases All instrument cases are made on wood, metal or papier mache shells, over which is glued a thin layer of the covering material. It will be noted that the durability of the case depends on the shell rather than on the outside material, and inasmuch as Fabrikoid Leather when used for this purpose gives an appearance and durability equal to or superior to the cheap buffing leathers usually put on instrument cases, it is obvious that Fabrikoid makes the best cover for these purposes and enables the manufacturer to turn out a handsome Fabrikoid leather covered case for considerably less money than those covered with hide leather. Among cases of this character are cases for violins, surgical instruments, drawing instruments', cameras, spectacles and optical goods in general, flutes, clarinets and other small musical instru- ments, silverware, fine china and in fact any small merchandise of a valuable character deserving a handsome case. When instrument cases are covered with Fabrikoid, they are effectually protected against moisture, easily cleaned and their wearing surfaces are not marred by unsightly scratches or scars as easily as when covered with leather. Be sure to ask for and to buy Fabrikoid for all instruments. Ideal for Wall Coverings In interior decoration, material put upon walls plays a very important part. Wall paper is fast being relegated to the past because of the poisonous inks used in printing it, or certainty of fading and the unhealthfulness of repeated pasting on of fresh paper. Burlaps, hide leather, wood panelling, tiles, and sheet steel are all being used extensively for wall covering, but for this purpose Fabrikoid leather is superior to any of these materials. It can be obtained in various conventional embossed designs, in any color desired and to fit in any scheme of decoration. It can be applied as easily as wall paper, does not fade or change in any respect, no matter how long it is left on the wall, and can easily be washed with soap and water. It is especially recommended for rich panel effects in dining rooms, libraries, dens and bath rooms. The color illustrations in this book show one method of using it, and many others will suggest them- selves to the architect and interior decorator as well as to the home-maker. Any architect or interior decorator can show you samples of the various patterns suitable for wall coverings and have the one selected applied without difficulty. j^ Jm^^^ M ^H m ^' '^ H 1 li^^M ij- 1 -™ ^* '^ i CORNER OF A LIVING ROOM WITH FABRIKOID WAI.I. COVfiRlNI Miscellaneous Uses of Fabrikoid In the preceding pages we have mentioned the present chief uses of Fabrikoid Every week — almost every day- — some new and valuable use is found for this most adaptable material. Beautiful art portieres are now made for libraries, smoking rooms, dens, etc., in colors and styles to harmonize with the Fabrikoid upholstered furniture, the Fabrikoid covered walls and the Fabrikoid table covers and settee cushions. A boat cushion made of Fabrikoid and filled with silk floss, is inexpensive, water-proof, and will sustain a heavy person for hours in the water, thus constituting a life-preserver as well. Hundreds of thousands of base-balls . "^ are now covered with Fabrikoid, which has proven satisfactory for this purpose. For trimming millinery and men's hats and gauntlets, for theatrical costuming and in various manufactures Fabrikoid is of increasing utility. If any manufacturer believes or even suspects that Fabrikoid will be useful to him, we will be pleased to send a representative to discuss his requirements and endeavor to meet them. FABRIKOID BOAT CUSHION AND LIFE PRESERVER How Our Guarantee Protects You Every roll of Fabrikoid bears a tag like the one shown herewith. The last line is filled in with the factory number of the quality of goods to which the tag is attached. Manufacturers who sell furniture uphol- stered with Fabrikoid, or vehicles with Fabrikoid tops, or any other articles in which Fabrikoid has been cut from the roll and applied, are provided with similar tags and are permitted to attach one of these tags to the Fabrikoid used on any such article. This guarantee ensures the consumer that the article he is buying is uphol- stered or covered with Genuine FABRIKOID A GUARANTEED PRODUCT The "Guarantee" means that every piece of Fabrikoid so marked has back of it the reputation and standing of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Company, a concern that has been in business in the United States for over 100 years, and has the highest standing and most excellent reputation in all lines of trade in which it is a factor. It also means that should any piece of Fabrikoid fail to give satisfactory service, grade and uses considered, the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Company will replace it without charge, provided the tag is returned with the goods claimed to be unsatisfactory. Hence when buying any article said to be made with Fabrikoid, look for the tag. If no tag appears on. the article, it probably is not Fabrikoid. o THIS pABiiKOlD is fully guaranteed by us against defects, either in material or workmanship. FABRIKOID WORKS E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Co. Owner Wilmington, Del. Quality No Insist on FABRIKOID Having decided to use Fabrikoid, be sure that is what you get. There are various imitations of leather and substitutes for leather of various grades and at various prices. Fabrikoid is an improvement on leather for most purposes and is fully guaranteed. Therefore the safe plan is to insist on Fabrikoid and depend on the guarantee tag to prove that it is Fabrikoid. If you buy an unguaranteed product, you do so at your ow^n risk and must take your own chances with it. Any dealer can get Fabrikoid through his jobber or wholesaler, and he will get it if you insist upon it. If he does not have it in stock and you do not insist, he will of course endeavor to sell something else. Aside from the importance of doing what you start out to do, instead of being easily swayed by interested persons, it is greatly to your advantage to encourage manufacturers of guaranteed goods by giving preference to their product, as this tends to improve the quality of goods in all lines, which is manifestly in the interest of the consumer. If you have any difficulty whatever in securing Fabrikoid in your locality, please write us at once and we will see that your wants are provided. Fabrikoid Works E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS POWDER COMPANY Wilmington, Del. NOV 28 1911 '^ir nnrtr-ii-ir-inn ifi^ r^nrtrtrir-ir-iin r- n r- n n n n nl'r 1^ r-i n r- n n n n inir-i ' nn'ns-ir-»i~r-ir-!ir- • nnnmnnnn'r : n n n n n n n r-,n o o n n n n rt n n n o n n n n n n m rr n n n n n n n\r ^'n' rj o n n n n njrt r; i r. n r- r n n I rs j O U f^ W Q ^ O Oh C^ O w Q O Oh P Q W C) w 1^ BS ly, < M ? < f Uh ■-; fe w u