1 TEST EXAMINATIONS SSOTJS3BX- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. ^ LB 30 SI Chap. Copyright No. Shelf_.ildX4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/testexaminationsOOhous TEST EXAMINATIONS AND A METHOD OF INTRODUCTING THEM FOR USE IN THE COMMON SCHOOLS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO GRADED WORK FRANK B. HOUSEL SYRACUSE, N. Y. C. W. BARDEEN, PUBLISHER 1900 Copyright, 1899. by F. B. Housel 63854 jjL itocawi y of Coauirese OCT 17 1900 Copyright «itry SECOND COPY. Ofctiverrf to GHOtS DIVISION, LacT ir iqoo PREFACE The method explained and outlined in this writing is especially designed for teachers who are beginning the graded work. Yet the test examinations are so composed that they may be used in schools previously graded with many beneficial results, and with promotion to the general educational advantages and interests of both pupil and teacher. The principles of the system are so arranged and systematized that any teacher may readily become acquainted with its methods, which will eventually involve the whole work of the school. The questions are all practical, and many pupils of country schools who expect to follow some other occupation than teaching, will be- come accustomed to the habit of doing good use- ful work. A presentation of the principles fol- lowed is given in the introduction. (5) CONTENTS PAET I THE PLAN PAGE Introduction 9 How to Introduce the Graded Work 10 Test Examinations 1& PAET II The Series of Test Examinations Cover- ing the First Term's Work. The First of the series, 5th Week of School IT The Second of the Series, 10th Week.. 42 The Third of the Series, 15th Week.... 67 PAET III The Series of Test Examinations Cover- ing the Second Term's Work. The First of the Series, 5th Week of 2nd Term 92 The Second of the Series, 10th Week... 117 The Third of the Series, 15th Week.... 142 PART I THE PLAN Introduction. —It is my candid opinion, after several years experience in teaching, that every school, large or small, ought to be graded. But few teachers realize this fact, not knowing the importance, the necessity, and the benefit ob- tained by introducing this method of teaching in their schools. It is my object in this writing, to impress on the minds of the teachers that they could not only advance the civilization of this vast area of country by promoting the inter- ests of education, but also, that they could improve their methods of teaching, advance the interests of their schools, and gain a far more superior reputation as a teacher by pursuing this line of study. The reasons for these improved conditions are evident. First: As aforesaid, the teacher will improve his methods of teaching. The basis on which this claim is founded is this: The pupil will know what his work for the whole term will be, allowing him to prepare his lessons as far ahead, beforehand, as he wishes, thus securing almost constant review, and also, the teacher (9) 10 GRADE EXAMINATIONS will know what part to prepare. Second : The teacher will advance the interests of his school. By this method employed, the pupils, knowing that they will take the commissioner's examina- tions, and that if they succeed in them, will get a certificate for the term's work in their respec- tive grades, and advancing them to the next term's work, will naturally with a very little encouragement from the teacher take a decided start in learning, which secures interest and order in your school. Third: The teacher will gain a far more superior reputation. Having now interest in your school, government which might have been an irksome task, will now be- come a pleasant duty. Other tasks of the teacher, which tend to worry and thus depreciate in value any instructor in education, will be of a more desirable nature. The teacher, now becoming of that frame of mind which all pupils appreciate, will soon gain in love and esteem; pupils will always be ready to speak a good word for you ; parents will soon see that their children are no longer spending their time without advancement, but are steadily acquiring beneficial knowledge, which is a truthful assurance of success on your part. How to introduce the graded work. — At the be- ginning of the first term of school the teacher should announce to the pupils that it is his inten- THE PLAN 11 tion to introduce the graded work into the school ; at the same time explaining the full mean- ing of the work, and drawing as much attention to its importance as possible. If you have a thought that your important duties will come later on, reviewing for examinations, etc., let it drop ; your important duties are now, and should be done now, as the work must be started right to secure successful results. During the first few weeks of school the teacher should divide his pupils into the grades he thinks they are competent of taking. This act requires the utmost consideration; some pupils will seem to be farther advanced in some subjects than in others of the same grade ; and a great mistake of many instructors in introduc- ing this work is to allow pupils in this condition of advancement to continue on in this uneven stage of learning. The pupil will be taking some subjects in one grade and some in another; his mind is not wholly attached to any particular part, and per- haps he will not receive a certificate for the term's work, even though he has passed each subject he studied. Get your pupils all even in their respective grades, if you do not want con- fusion and discouragement to follow. And re- member that no pupil should be allowed to take the examinations in more than one grade during 12 GRADE EXAMINATIONS one year, even though he has studied some sub- jects in a higher grade and feels confident of pass- ing them. The pupil will advance to these sub- jects in due time ; the class will all be even, and it will not be necessary for the teacher to give his attention to any particular one of the class. It would be recommended in dividing the pupils into grades, that each one be given a com- missioner's examination in the grade next lower than the teacher has decided he should be put. If he passes this examination, it is apparently safe to let him commence work in the grade in which he was placed, unless you think that his standings recommend him a trial examination in a higher grade ; if he does not pass, or does not secure a standing good enough to warrant success in the grade decided for him, then it would be necessary to examine him in lower grades until the proper one is found, and then transfer him to that grade. Having now arranged your pupils in their respective grades, you should proceed at once with the work outlined in the manual for the term. (If the district should not have a manual, one may be secured by writing your school commissioner. ) Give all the encouragement possible; see that attendance is regular; and above all, do not, under any cir- cumstances, let interest in your new method flag. But the great secret of success in this method of THE PLAN 13 teaching is a system of test examinations regu- larly given. Test examinations. — These examinations should be given every fifth week of school from the beginning of each term. They should be made out by the teacher, as he knows better than anyone else what part of the subject the pupil needs the most help on. Commence on this work at once and carry it out by securing some good practical questions each day; yet remem- bering that all questions must be based on the parts outlined in the manual, as the commision- er's examinations will refer chiefly to these special parts. / A very good way to compose these examinations is this: During recitation, seeing that some pupil does not fully comprehend the meaning of a part of this work, select that part, and then and there so emphatically explain its meaning that the whole class will obtain a clear and correct idea of the problem. At the close of school at night, add to your list a ques- tion referring to the emphasized work. By pur- suing this way, the pupils will readily see that the questions in the tests refer chiefly to the parts which are fully explained ; then remember and also express emphasis on the parts most fre- quently used in the commissioner's examinations, and the results, when these examinations are taken, will be crowned with success. 14 GRADE EXAMINATIONS It would be recommended that teachers, in composing the third test, use the questions missed in the first and second tests, making this examination a general review of the whole term's work. The use of note-books is of great value to the pupils, as they may, in the rapid recitation, take notes of some explained problems, which will serve to refresh their memory at some future time; and also, each pupil should have a book in which the whole recitation could be written day after day, or two or three times a week, as the teacher thinks best. These written recitations will make a deep im- pression on the mind, besides serving as a guide in review, and they will so accustom the pupil that he will be in a more competent condition to take the final examination. It is not expected that teachers will have classs in all the different grades at any on time ; no common school should have more than twenty classes, and rarely that, requiring test examina- tions. They are not specially needed below the fourth grade. For the benefit of the teachers introducing this work, that they may fully understand the mode of composing and conducting the tests, and that their duties in this line may be lessened, an out- line of the work will be given, and the questions for the test examinations for the year's work THE PLAN 15 selected. These questions could be used several successive terms, or even until the pupil has passed the final year's work; but if you think that your pupils are becoming too familiar with the questions, examinations may be composed materially changing their form. The work is designated for one year only. That the pupils may become familiar with the time when the different subjects occur, thus giv- ing them time for an especial review, it is recom- mended that teachers in giving their tests, carry out the programme give for commissioner's ex- aminations. This programme is usually as fol- lows: Thursday, A. M., arithmetic; Thursday, P. M., geography, writing, and drawing; Fri- day, A. M., grammar and language, reading and civil government; Friday, P. M., physiology, history, and spelling. PART II The "first " of the series of test examinations covering the first term's work. To be held on Thursday and Friday of the fifth week of school. AEITHMETIC ' FOURTH YEAR 1. Write in figures (a) nine million twenty- seven thousand six hundred eighty-four; (b) twenty-seven million sixty-three. 2. Express in words (a) 2,981,671; (b) 273,- 772,911. 3. Write in the Eoman notation (a) 21; (b) 13; '(c) 57. 4. A man owed $225 ; he pays $45, $85, $20, $15 and $35 at different times; how much does he still owe ? 5. A boy earned $117 in 9 months, how much did he receive per month ? 6. Find the total weight of 4 loads of hay weighing as follows: 1,870 lbs., 1,964 lbs. 2,041 lbs. and 1,175 lbs. 7. Sold 16 sheep at $4 each and 32 calves at $8 each; how much more did I receive for the calves than the sheep ? (17) 18 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 8. Write in figures (a) sixteen dollars forty- five cents ; (6) twenty-five dollars four cents ; (c) one hundred eighteen dollars seven cents. 9. In one apple how many halves ? thirds ? fifths? sevenths? 10. Fred having a whole apple gave a quarter to each of his two sisters ; what part had he left ? FIFTH YEAR 1. (a) Write all the prime numbers from 1 to 50 ; (b) all the composite numbers. 2. Find the greatest common divisor of 18, 24, 30, 36, 42. 3. What is the least common multiple of 7, 35, 98 ? 4. (a) How many sets of factors in the num- ber 24 ? (b) What are they ? 5. If a boy spends 20 cents a week for candy and 40 cents for tobacco, how much will he spend in two years ? 6. Find the cost of 98 tubs of butter, each weighing 256 pounds, at 24 cents per pound. 7. A field is 48 rods long; what is its length in feet ? 8. I have three bales of cotton weighing as follows: 221 i lbs., 243f lbs., and 334| lbs.; what is the weight of all ? 9. Find the amount of the following bill: 18 lbs. sugar @ $ .06 12 lbs. tea @ .26 ARITHMETIC 19 14 lbs. coffee @ .60 26 lbs. rice @ .04 10. Define (a) prime number; (6) composite number ; (c) least common multiple ; (d) greatest common divisor. SIXTH YEAR 1. Find a common factor of (a) 63 and 81; (6) 52 and 91. 2. A man walked in three days 8^ miles, 11-^g- miles and 18-ff miles respectively; how far did he traVel in all ? 3. I exchanged 56 J pounds of butter, worth 20 cents a pound, and 48 dozen eggs, worth 17| cents a dozen, for sugar, at 5f cents a pound; how many pounds of sugar should I receive ? 4. What is the value of f f 6 * . 61f less 24f 5. A person owing -^^ of a factory, sold at different times / F , gV and -g^; how much did he still own ? 6. Write the following decimals: seven hun- dred sixty-three milhonths, two hundred twenty and fifty-six thousandths. 7. Eeduce (a) ^toa decimal; (6) .00375 to a fraction. 8. A person bought land as follows: twenty- six and eighteen thousandths acres ; seventy- six hundredths acres ; three hundred fifty and fifty- 20 GRADE EXAMINATIONS six ten-thousandths acres ; how much did he pur- chase in all ? 9. A man owning f of a farm, sold J of his share ; what decimal part of the whole farm did he still own ? 10. Define (a) fraction ; (b) mixed number ; (c) terms; (d) decimal. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Write a bill for the following items, using your own and your classmate's name: 6 yds. ribbon @ $ .14 12 yds. cashmere @ 1.25 16 yds. silk @ 1.35 6 doz. buttons @ .25 2. At $65 per ton, how many pounds of rail- road iron can be bought for $117,715 ? 3. What will it cost to carpet a room 28 ft. long, 20 feet wide, with carpet a yard wide, worth 75 cents a yard, the strips to run length- wise ? 4. Find the cost of digging a cellar 30 feet long, 24 feet wide, and 12 feet deep, at 25 cents a cubic yard. 5. Find the cost of plastering the walls and ceiling of a room 20 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 10 feet high, at 25 cents per square yard, allow- ing 148 square feet for doors and windows. 6. How many times will the wheel of a locomotive 19 feet in circumference turn around in going 9 J miles ? ARITHMETIC 21 7. (a) How many gallons would a cistern 9 feet by 7 feet contain ; (b) how many bushels in a bin of the same size ? 8. (a) How many cords of wood in a pile 96 feet high ? (b) How many cords in a pile 80 feet long 7 feet high and 6 feet wide ? 9. How many stones each 2 feet square would be required to lay a walk a mile long ? 10. Define (a) reduction ascending; (b) reduc- tion descending; (c) give the fundamental rule for performing problems in each. EIGHTH YEAR 1. Make a view showing the classifications of numbers. 2. A load of hay weighing 2,280 pounds is sold for $12.25 per ton. Find the value of the load. 3. Eeduce 4 square rods 3 square feet to the fraction of an acre. 4. A broker sells stocks to the amount of $10,300 and receives $257.50; what is his rate of commission ? 5. Bought a horse for $125 and sold him for $160 ; what is my gain per cent ? 6. The expenses of a school district amount to $290; the amount of public money received is $110.75; if the assessed valuation of the dis- trict is $90,680, what would be my tax on an assessment of $4,100 ? 22 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 7. A factory, valued at $57,960, is insured for 1 year at 1} per cent for § of its value ; if de- stroyed by fire what would be the loss of (a) the owner ; (b) the company ? 8. Sold 25 barrels of apples for $69.15 and thereby gained 24 per cent; how much did they cost me per barrel ? 9. Eemitted $603.75 to my agent in Boston for the purchase of broadcloth; if my agent's commission is 5 per cent, how many yards, costing $2.50 per yard should I receive ? 10. Define (a) commission; (6) percentage; (c) bill; (d) currency. NINTH YEAR 1. The first price on a piano is $500, and trade discounts of 30^, 20^ and 10% are allowed; find net price. 2. Find the cost of (a) 28,880 feet of lumber at $15 per M; (b) 1,980 pounds of hay at 50 cents per C. 3. Which is the better investment and how much, U. S. 6's bought at 87 or Maryland 5's bought at 77 ? 4. What is the sum of f of a square rod, J of a square yard and f of a square inch ? 5. A person, after travelling eastward from New York, finds that his watch has lost 5 hours 30 minutes of time. If the longitude of New GEOGRAPHY 23 York is 74° V W., how far and which way from the meridian of Greenwich is he ? 6. An agent receives a remittance of $2,672.50 with which to purchase wheat at 90 cents a bushel; if the agent's commission is 3%, how many bushels ought the purchaser to receive ? 7. Note: — Date, January 10, 1887. Time, 5 years. Face, $650. Payment December 6, 1890, $200 ; how much is due at maturity ? 8. The interest on $180 for 1 year 2 months and 6 days is $12.78 ; what is the rate % ? 9. What is the present worth and discount of a note of $2,015, due in 2 years and 20 days, money being worth 7 per cent ? 10. Define (a) discount ; (b) interest ; (c) usury ; {d) invoice. GEOGKAPHY FOURTH YEAR Note. — Writing should be judged from the answer papers of geography. 1. If you stand facing the sun at noon, what direction is on your (a) left ; (6) right ? 2. By a drawing illustrate a peninsula. 3. Where are the following wild animals found : seal, bear, elephant, and lion ? 4. Name the five zones, (b) In which zone do you live ? 5-6. Name the five races of peoples and tell what part of the earth is inhabited by each. 24 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 7. Where does tobacco grow ? 8. What is the cause of the change of seasons ? 9. What is the climate at the equator ? 10. Tell the directions you go in coming and going home from school. FIFTH YEAR 1. What hemisphere contains the most (a) land ; (b) water ? 2. What oceans border on Asia ? 4. Draw an outline map of North America. 5. Indicate on the above map the boundary lines of the different countries. 6. Locate on the map three peninsulas. 7. Locate on the map five important cities. 8. What are the chief exports of the United States ? 9. In what part of the United States is ship- building extensively carried on ? 10. What is the cause of (a) day and night; (b) change of seasons ? SIXTH YEAR 1. Of what three races of people are most of the inhabitants of the United States ? 2. What is the most northern point ever reached by the vertical rays of the sun ? 3. What States border on the Atlantic ocean ? 4. Of what States does the Ohio river form partial boundaries ? GEOGRAPHY 25 5. Name in order the five largest cities in the United States. 6. Name the countries which border on Lake Ontario. 7. Describe the following rivers: Mackenzie, Yukon, Eio Grande. 8. Name four cities located on the Mississippi. 9. Name a State which produces large quan- tities of (a)corn ; (b) wheat ; (c) tobacco ; (d) rice ; (e) cotton. 10. In what State are the most coal and iron found ? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Draw an outline map of South America. 2. Locate on the map four capes. 3. Name the capital city and the form of gov- ernment of each country of South America. 5. Draw to represent the Amazon river sys- tem, the rivers to flow in their natural directions. 6. Name four islands which are detached por- tions of the mainland of South America. 7. Give the chief exports of (a) Brazil; (b) Argentine Kepublic ; (c) Guiana ; (d) Chili. 8. Give a brief description of the natural features of South America. 9. What names are applied to the plains of the Amazon, Orinoco and La Plata rivers ? 10. Give a general description of the climate of South America. 26 GRADE EXAMINATIONS EIGHTH YEAR No examinations in geography will be given for this year. It is expected that pupils having ample time will review the preceding work. NINTH YEAR 1. When do the sun's rays fall vertically upon the (a) tropic of Capricorn; (6) tropic of can- cer ; (c) equator ? 2. (a) Name the four divisions of standard time, (b) What meridian governs each division ? 3. What are the natural sources of wealth of Alaska ? 4. Describe the following rivers: Penobscot, Orange, Obi, Ganges. 5. (a) What are tides; (b) how caused; (c) why do the tides rise to such a great height in the Bay of Fundy ? 6. Name all the natural boundaries of the United States. 7. Name four modifications of climate. 8. Name two republics of (a) North America; (6) South America ; (c) Europe. 9. State the chief export of (a) Java; (b) Sandwich Islands; (c) China. 10. Define (a) promontory; (6) isthmus; (c) volcano; (d) peninsula. DEAWING FOURTH YEAR 1. Name (a) the six standard colors; (b) the twelve intermediate hues. DRAWING 27 2. How many (a) faces ; (6) edges has the cube? 3. A slate is 14 inches long and 10 inches wide; draw an outline of it, scale \" to 1". 4. Draw (a) a right angle ; (b) an acute angle. 5. Draw the plan and elevation of a square prism. FIFTH YEAR 1. (a) What is dominant harmony ? (6) Name three colors which when properly combined might produce dominant harmony. 2. Draw a horizontal line 6" long and bisect it, using the compass. 3. Draw the pattern of a block of wood 18" long, 12" wide and 12" thick, scale \" to 1". 4. Draw the plan and elevation of a square prism. Dimensions optional. 5. Sketch within an outline 10" by 4", a strip of common border, using some flower in repeti- tion which you have previously practiced on. SIXTH YEAR 1. Which of the six positive spectrum colors are classed as (a) primary ; (b) secondary ? 2. Conventionalize some simple blossom, as the daisy or pear. 3. Draw the plan and elevation of an equilat- eral triangular prism. 4. Draw the pattern for a cover of a book 8" long, 6" wide, 2" thick, scale \" to 1". 5. (a) Sketch a cube, and (b) modify to repre- 28 GRADE EXAMINATIONS sent a square basket filled with apples, and shade same. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Name the color complementary to each of the six positive spectrum colors. 2. (a) What is an angle ? (b) Name and draw two kinds of angles. 3. Draw the front, top and bottom view of a hemisphere. 4. Draw the pattern of a basket 3" long, 2" wide. The handle may be drawn separately. 5. (a) Sketch an ellipsoid, and (b) modify to represent a lemon and shade. EIGHTH YEAR 1. (a) Name the color complementary to violet ; (b) name three warm and three cool colors. 2. Make a working drawing of a cone, altitude 2", diameter of base 1". 3. Inscribe within a circle (a) a square ; (b) an equilateral triangle. 4. (a) Draw the pattern of a triangular prism. (b) Modify a triangular prism to represent a water trough. 5. Make a sketch of a hen-house with fowls going out and in, and shade. NINTH YEAR 1. (a) Name four kinds of harmony, and (b) explain two of them. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 29 2. Inscribe a circle within an isosceles triangle, the base of which is 2", altitude 2J". 3. Draw (a) the horizontal, and (b) the vertical cross- sections of a spool. 4. Define botanical drawing. 5. Make a working drawing of a 2"' cube with a hole through the centre, the diameter of which is £". GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE • FOURTH YEAR 1. Write a sentence using two of your school- mates' names. 2. Write a sentence asking a question. 3. Write a letter to your mother. Give proper attention to form. 4. Form the plurals of the following words : boy, man, calf, horse. 5-10. Write a composition of not less than 100 words on any one of the following subjects: base ball ; a thunderstorm ; my pet. FIFTH YEAR 1. Write sentences showing the difference be- tween the meaning of right and write. ■ 2. Form the plurals of the following words: tooth, knife, board, life, foot. 3. Upon the stem gent build two Engish words and define them. 30 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 4. In the sentence " The little child fell upon the hard sharp stones," tell all the adjectives. 5. Tell the subject and predicate of the sen- tence used in question 4. 6-10. Write a description of your home, giv- ing its location, and telling about the house, barn, etc. SIXTH YEAR 1. (a) Write a sentence containing two clauses, and (b) give the subject and predicate of each. 2. (a) What is comparison? (6) Name and define the three degrees of comparison. 3. Write sentences illustrating the proper use of rise and raise. 4. Upon the stems cede and ceed, build two English words and define each of them. 5. Write a sentence with a compound subject and compound predicate. 6. Give the principal parts of (a) see; (b) run. 7-10. Write a composition of at least 150 words on one of the following subjects: our Arbor Day exercises ; a fishing trip. SEVENTH YEAR The loafer seems to be created for no other pur- pose than keeping up the ancient order of idle- ness. — Irving. The first five questions refer to the above selection. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 31 1. Select all the phrases. 2. Select all the nouns, verbs and adjectives. 3. Give the principal parts of (a) seems; (6) be; (c) keep. 4. Select (a) an infinitive ; (b) sl participle. 5.. Classify the sentence as to form and use. 6. Name three kinds of verbs and define each. 7. Define and illustrate (a) root; (b) prefix; (c) suffix. 8. Give four common rules for the use of cap- ital letters and illustrate each. 9-10. Make a view showing the classification of nouns and pronouns, and all their properties except case. EIGHTH YEAR Don't waste your life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duies will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that follow it. — Emerson. Questions 1 to 7 inclusive refer to the above selection. 1. Classify the clauses. 2. Classify all verbs as (a) transitive or intransi- tive; (6) active or passive. 3. Give the syntax of life, doubts, duties, that. 4. Select the adjectives and compare all that admit of comparison. 32 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 5. Select all the connectives and tell what each connects. 6. Give the principal parts of spend, be, fol- low, waste. 7. Classify the sentence as to form and use. 8. Decline the pronouns Zand he. 9-10. Conjugate the verb go in the active voice, through all the moods and tenses. NINTH YEAR A nation may establish itself in a country either by imigration in a body, or by sending forth a colony ; and when a nation takes posses- sion of a vacant country, and settles a colony there, that country naturally becomes a part of the principal establishment, or mother country. Questions 1 to 6 inclusive refer to the above selection. 1. Classify all the clauses. 2. Select and classify all the connectives. 3. Parse may establish, naturally, establish- ment. 4. Give the syntax of nation, body, itself, colony, possession. 5-6. Analyze by diagram or otherwise the fore- going selection. 7. Upon the roots con and quent, form three English words and define each. 8. When has the pronoun what a double con- struction in regard to case ? Illustrate. READING — CIVIL GOVERNMENT 33 9. When is a modifier classed as (a) adjective; (6) adverbial ? 10. Write sentences using the infinitive as the (a) subject; (6) predicate. BEADING The teacher should make a selection at the time of holding each test examination of some piece with which the pupils are not familiar, equal in difficulty to that which is given for the term. In regard to marking the standings at- tained, position, pronunciation, enunciation, fluency and expression should be the basis on which credits are given. CIVIL GOVEKNMENT NINTH YEAR 1. Name five town officers and give a duty of each. 2. Name five different kinds of districts into which this State is divided, and define each. 3. (a) Name the officers of a school district. (b) Which one receives pay ? 4. (a) How are the officers of a school district elected ? (b) What are the qualifications of a voter at school meeting ? (c) How may vacancies in school district offices be filled ? 5. Give three duties of (a) sheriff; (b) surro- gate ; (c) district attorney. 34 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 6. Give (a) the term, (b) the salary, and (c) three duties of the school commissioner. 7. What is the chief officer of a city called? 8. Define (a) law; (b) civil rights. 9-10. Make a view showing the officers acting under each of the three departments of govern- ment in (a) district ; (b) town ; (c) county. PHYSIOLOGY FOURTH YEAR 1. What is our natural drink ? 2. What are the evil effects of wearing tight shoes ? 3. Name three foods which are healthful. 4. Why should we exercise in the open air ? 5. Why should we bathe frequently ? 6. Should children use tea and coffee ? Why ? 7. What is the skeleton ? 8. How will cigarette smoking effect a boy in his classes ? 9. What is the skin ? 10. Of what use are the bones ? FIFTH YEAR 1. State the uses of the skin. 2. What is the spine and what is its function ? 3. Locate (a) femur; (b) humerus. 4. Give the three principal uses of the bones. 5. What is the difference between the bones of children and of aged people ? PHYSIOLOGY 35 6. What kind of a joint is found at the shoulder ? 7. About how many muscles in the body ? 8. Where is the blood purified? 9. Through what passages does the air get to the lungs ? 10. What is the effect of beer-drinking ? SIXTH YEAR 1. What is the epidermis ? 2. Why is it harmful to breathe air the second time? 3. What is the function of (a) the veins; (6) the arteries ? 4. Name a food specially adapted to making muscles. 5. Describe the spinal column and give its use. 6. Make a list of eight bones found in the limbs. 7. Name three foods which contain starch. 8. What is the organ of digestion? 9. How may the stomach be injured ? 10. Cigarette smoking has what effect on the Mood? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Define (a) function; (6) organ. 2. How is voice produced ? 3. Give causes of poor circulation. 4. Name and locate the long bones of the body. 5. Give an example of (a) a voluntary muscle; (b) an involuntary muscle. 36 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 6. What and where is the spinal cord? 7. What is the perspiration ? 8. Name the organs of (a) circulation; (b) respiration and voice. 9. Why are certain bones hollow ? 10. What is the effect of the use of tobacco on the organs of circulation ? EIGHTH YEAR 1. Name the organs of voice. 2. What organ secretes the bile ? 3. Name five substances needed in our food. 4-5. Beginning at the left auricle, tell each organ the blood passes through until it reaches the left auricle again. 6. Of what does the nervous system consist ? 7. What is the portal vein and what is its use ? 8. (a) How is the peristaltic movement of the stomach produced ? (b) What is the use of this movement ? 9. What is the difference between voice and speech ? 10. Why is the use of tobacco hurtful, especi- ally to boys ? NINTH YEAR 1. Name the three membranes surrounding the brain and give the function of each. 2. What is reflex action ? Illustrate. 3. Name the three pairs of salivary glands and locate each. HISTORY 37 4. Describe the structure of the stomach. 5. Define (a) iris; (b) cornea; (c) retina. 6. What is the pylorus and what is its use? 7. What are the organs of absorption in the stomach ? 8. Give three evil effects of rapid eating. 9. What is the function of the (a) motory nerves ; (b) sensory nerves ? 10. What is the effect of alcohol on the nerv- ous system ? HISTOEY EIGHTH YEAR 1. Give an account of the first introduction of slaves into this country. 2. (a) Who were the Northmen, and (b) what traces are left of their having been in America ? 3. Name and give the dates of three inter- colonial wars. 4. What was the result of the French and Indian war ? 5. Name the thirteen original colonies. 6. Name three Spanish explorers and tell where each explored. 7. By whose explorations did the French lay claim to Louisiana ? 8. For how long was New York a Dutch colony? 9. Who was the founder of Pennsylvania ? 10. Write a description of the manner of liv- ing of the American Indians. 38 GRADE EXAMINATIONS NINTH YEAR 1. Describe the condition of the United States at the close of the war of 1812. 2. What was the (a) Monroe doctrine; (6) Missouri compromise ? 3. To what political party did each of the fol- lowing men belong: (a) James Madison; (b) Henry Clay; (c) Andrew Jackson; (d) John Tyler ? 4. Describe (a) Dorr's rebellion ; (b) Clayborne's rebellion. 5. (a) What two disputes arose over boundary lines between 1835-50 ? (b) How was each settled ? 6. (a) Name six battles of the Mexican war, and (b) describe two of them. 7. What was the Wilmot proviso ? 8. What was the great political topic of Tay- lor and Fillmore's administration ? 9. Describe (a) the Dred Scott decision; (b) Kansas- Nebraska bill. 10. Write an account of the election in the fall of 1860. SPELLING 39 SPELLING FOURTH AND FIFTH YEARS 1. book, 2. sheep, 3. winter, 4. dinner, 5. valley, 6. apple, 7. door, 8. our, ' 9. house, 10. Albany, 11. geography, 12. eyes, 13. some, 14. write, 15. where, 16. soon, IT. people, 18. clover, 19. older, 20. evening, 21. eighteen, 22. moon, 23. hear, 24. chair, 25. Christmas, 26. flock, 27. Germany, 28. goose, 29. forbid, 30. flower, 31. bird, 32. brush, 33. seashore, 34. contented,, 35. creek, 36. potato, 37. tomato, 38. stones, 39. lumber, 40. staves, 41. barrel, 42. lazy, 43. berry, 44. named, 45. itself, 46. thirteen, 47. New York, 48. lasting, 49. grapes, 50. hardness. 40 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SIXTH AND SEVENTH YEARS 1. arithmetic, 2. fully, 3. chimney, 4. excused, 5. participle, 6. Onondaga, 7. seething, 8. length, 9. confused, 10. secreted, 11. quickly, 12. continue, 13. sliding, 14. serious, 15. include, 16. Indians, IT. single, 18. prose, 19. poetry, 20. Thursday, 21. hygiene, 22. nineteen, 23. calves, 24. decimal, 25. easier, 26. adjective, 27. wherefore, 28. picture, 29. vinegar, 30. vegetable, 31. cities, 32. lettuce, 33. precious, 34. acre, 35. condition, 36. measles, 37. system, 38. method, 39. nervous, 40. eighth, 41. certain, 42. otherwise, 43. rapidity, 44. Missouri, 45. canteen, 46. soldier, 47. settled, 48. section, 49. Genesee, 50. final. SPELLING 41 EIGHTH AND NINTH YEARS 1. idea, 2. aquatic, 3. secluded 4. adequate, 5. hyphen, 6. icicle, 7. kerosene, 8. ignorance, 9. humorist, 10. heiress, 11. supposition, 12. independent, 13. quinine, 14. externally, 15. bees- wax, 16. February, IT. delirious, 18. christen, 19. reservoir, 20. chronometer, 21. equalize, 22. chivalry, 23. porcelain, 24. topioca, 25. Minnesota, 26. diamond, 27. bouquet, 28. maintain, 29. physiology, 30. macaroni, 31. islet, 32. mortise, 33. cornice, 34. eligibility, 35. embezzlement, 36. polygon, 37. incendiary, 38. isothermal, 39. celebrated, 40. confluence, 41. scalene, 42. ability, 43. restaurant, 44. necessary, 45. masculine, 46. isthmus, 47. sachem, 48. victuals, 49. zenith, 50. camera. The " second" of the series of test examinations covering the first term?s work. To be held on Thursday and Friday of the tenth week of school. AEITHMETIC FOURTH YEAR 1. Write in figures (a) six million seventeen thousand two hundred four; (6) twenty-six mil- lion twenty- six thousand twenty- one. 2. Express in words (a) 26,003,079; (6) 211,364,070. 3. Write in the Eoman notation (a) 56; (b) 67; (c) 79. 4. Gave $2.25 for a hat, $16.50 for a suit of clothes, $3.50 for a pair of shoes; if I gave the store-keeper a $20 bill and a $5 bill, how much ought he to return ? 5. Change (a) $56 to cents; (b) 2,225 cents to dollars. 6. Bought 24 crocks of butter, each contain- ing 10 pounds, at 18 cents per pound. Find cost. 7. A person bought 14 yards of cloth for what did it cost per yard ? 8. Give the table for United States money. (42) ARITHMETIC 43 9. Lucy having f of an orange, gave f of it to her sister ; what part had she left ? 10. Find the amount of the following bill: 12 lbs. sugar @ 1 i .06 8 lbs. rice @ .04 11 doz. buttons @ .09 16 yds, , cloth @ .10 FIFTH YEAR 1. Write (a) all the even, (6) all the odd num- bers between 50 and 100. 2. Define (a) an abstract, (b) a concrete num- ber, and (c) give an example of each. 3. A man earns $2,000 a year. If he buys a piano worth $500, and pays $40 a month for liv- ing, how much does he save in the year ? 4. Two boys started from the same point and ran in opposite directions; after one had run 20§ miles and the other 24f miles, how far apart were they ? 5. A lady went shopping and bought articles costing as follows: $4|, $20f, $19J, $2|; what was the cost of all ? 6. What will 17 pounds of opium cost at 20 cents an ounce ? 7. Bought cattle at $27| per head and sold them at a loss of $2f per head; what was the selling price ? 8. The distance around a circular island is 984 rods. If a boy walks at the rate of 12 rods per 44 GRADE EXAMINATIONS minute, how long will it take him to walk around the island ? 9. From the number 1,140, select all the prime factors. 10. In the number 40, how many sets of fac- tors and what are they ? SIXTH YEAR 1. Express in words (a) 1,012,067; (b) -J-f- ; (c) 27^-V; (d) 117.6254. 2. If 6 1 pounds of sugar cost 36 J cents, how much must be paid for 19 J pounds ? 3. Simplify q x i) -s- (6| - a) f + 41 -2J 4. A man worked 14 J days, and after spend- ing f of all his wages had $16 left; how much did he receive per day ? 5. Bought 204 sheep at $1J per head of one man and 409 at $2 T V of another; afterwards sold them all at 12 per head; did I gain or lose and how much ? 6. A father left his elder son f of his estate, his younger son f , and his daughter the remain- der, which was $4,000; what was the value of the estate ? 7. From the first branch to the top of a cer- tain tree is f of its height ; the first branch is 70 feet from the ground ; how tall is the tree ? 8. If a bushel of wheat is worth 2.18 bushels ARITHMETIC 45 of corn, how many bushels of corn must be given for 14.98 bushels of wheat ? 9. Using your own and your classmate's name, make out and receipt the following bill: 26 yds. ribbon @ $ .15 19 yds. calico @ .12 29 yds. cashmere @ 1.12 J 80 doz. buttons @ .24 19 spools thread @ .06 10, Define (a) numerator; (b) denominator; (c) prime number ; (d) composite number. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Define (a) reduction; (b) compound num- ber ; (c) decimal fraction. 2. At 26 J cents a foot, how many feet of track can be bought for $530 ? 3. Find the cost of carpeting a room 26 feet long, 22 feet wide, with carpet } of a yard wide, costing 75 cents per linear yard, the strips to run lengthwise. 4. What are the dimensions of a board foot ? 5. How much inch lumber would be required to build a tight board fence 6 feet high around a field 40 rods long and 26 rods wide ? 6. How many spoons each weighing 2 oz. 15 pwt. can be made from 22 pounds of silver ? 7. At 40 cents a roll, find the cost of paper- ing the walls and ceiling of a room 20 feet long, 18 feet wide and 9 feet high, allowing 40 square 46 GRADE EXAMINATIONS feet for doors and windows, each roll being 3 feet wide and 20 feet long. 8. What would, it cost to plaster the room mentioned in question 7 at 25 cents per square yard? 9. (a) How many inches in 20 fathoms ? (b) How many feet in 70 hands ? 10. Using your own and your classmate's name, make out and receipt the following bill: 7 J lbs. beefsteak @ $ .12 10 lbs sirloin @ .Hi 24 lbs. fish @ .14 19 lbs. pork @ .07J EIGHTH YEAR 1. Express decimally 4 %, 43 %, 112 % and 19 J % ; fractionally 12 %, 116 % and \ %. 2. A person bought 2,000 barrels of apples, and afterwards on inspecting them found that 180 barrels had spoiled; what per cent did he lose? 3. Find the interest on a note of $220, given August 1, 1880, and due January 10, 1884. Eate 7i%. 4. The interest on a note is $40 ; rate 7 % ; time 2 J years ; what is the principal ? 5. The time on a note of $200 is 3 years 4 months ; the interest $40 ; what is the rate ? 6. A man buys 120 dozen eggs at 12 cents per dozen, and after losing 8 dozen by breakage, sells ARITHMETIC 47 the remainder at 14 cents per dozen ; what is his gain per cent ? 7. Reduce 1 barrel 3 quarts 1 gill to the frac- tion of a hogshead. 8. What is the value of .1625825 of a month? 9. An agent sells goods to the amount of $5,784.96 on Z\% commission; how much should he receive ? 10. The amount of tax to be raised for a cer- tain city is $28,290; what would be my tax on property assessed at $29,860, if the assessed valuation of the city is $118,891,200 ? NINTH YEAR 1. Define (a) ratio; (b) proportion; (c) power; (d) factor. 2. When it is noon at Greenwich, what is the time at New York, 74° V west? 3. Three men agree to do a certain piece of work for $180; the first works 24 J days, the second 21^ days and the third 32 J days; what amount should each receive ? 4. Successive trade discounts of 20$, 18$ and 10 % are equal to what one single discount ? 5. If 8 men, working 10 hours a day for 19 days, can build 10 rods of single railroad track, how many rods of double track can 40 men, working 8 J hours a day for 90 days build ? (Solve by proportion.) 6. Two persons, Henry and John, start from 48 GRADE EXAMINATIONS cities 187 J miles apart and travel towards each other until they meet ; if Henry travels | faster than John, how far will he get from his starting place ? 7. Bought 56 shares of railroad stock at 94; sold f of it at 107 and the remainder at 80; did I gain or lose and how much per cent ? 8. What is the difference between the true and bank discount of a note of $850, given for 2 years 9 months and 12 days, money being worth 7^? 9. What will be the cost in Albany of a draft on Buffalo for $618, payable 30 days^after sight, exchange being at \\% premium ? 10. Extract the square root of 17.375. Cor- rect to 4 decimal places. OEOGEAPHY FOURTH YEAR 1. Define (a) mountain; (b) hill; (c) valley. 2. Name four occupations of the people in your vicinity. 3. What is a cape ? Illustrate by a drawing. 4. Define (a) island; (b) river; (c) lake. 5. What part of the United States produces large quantities of cotton ? 6. Name five wild animals and tell where each is found. 7. Name the grand divisions of (a) the eastern, (b) the western continent. GEOGRAPHY 49 8. How many motions has the earth ? What are they ? 9. What is climate ? 10. What is the cause of day and night ? FIFTH YEAR 1. Name the five races of people and give the color of each. 2. What country of Europe is (a) the largest ; (b) the most powerful ? 3. What is the approximate distance across the United States from east to west ? 4. (a) What is commerce ? (b) Name two kinds of commerce. 5. What are the chief exports of Europe ? 6. Draw an outline map of South America. 7. Locate on the above map five countries by writing the name of each country in the place it is located. 8. Locate on the map three important rivers. 9. Locate on the map five important cities. 10. Define (a) isthmus; (6) strait; (c) moun- tain system. SIXTH YEAR 1. Name the principal rivers of which the Mis- sissippi river system is composed. 2. Between what States do each of the follow- ing rivers flow: (a) Missouri; (b) Columbia; (c) Colorado ? 50 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 3. Name the States bordering on (a) Gulf of Mexico; (b) Pacific ocean. 4. (a) What group, of large islands southeast of the United States ? (b) Give names of the four principal islands. 5. What parallel forms the northern boundary of the United States ? 6. Name in order the five largest cities in the State. 7. Describe the following rivers : (a) Lena; (b) Amoor; (c) Tiber. 8. What three great railroads cross the Kocky mountains ? 9. (a) Where is the Great Basin ? (6) Describe it. 10. (a) What State now produces the most sugar ? (b) Where is the greatest cotton market in the world ? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Draw an outline map of Europe. 2. Locate on the above map the boundary lines of each country. 3. Locate on the map the five largest cities. 4. Name six seas, gulfs or bays which indent the coast of Europe. 5. What and where are each of the following: Ural, Etna, Tiber, Crete, Genoa, Dover. 6. Name the capital city and the form of gov- ernment of each country of Europe. GEOGRAPHY 51 7. Name and describe six important rivers of Europe. 8. What mountains form the great water-shed of Europe ? 9. Name an export of (a) England; (b) Eussia; (c) Spain; (d) Greece. 10. Name three things which modify the cli- mate of Europe. NINTH YEAR 1. What influence has the Gulf Stream on the climate of the western coast of Europe ? 2. Name two countries of Europe the govern- ments of which are absolute monarchies. 3. (a) What is an earthquake ? (b) How caused ? (c) Why do they generally occur near the coast ? 4. Locate the following cities: Vienna, Mad- ras, Edinburgh, Hamburg, Marseilles. 5. Name the chief characteristics of the three great river plains of South America. 6. Name four European cities connected with New York by steamship lines. 7. (a) Name two canals in this State, and (b) tell what waters each connect. 8. What and where are each of the following: Hecla, Athens, Abyssinia, Tchad, Anticosti ? 9. Upon what is civilization based ? 10. Name in order the bodies of water tra- versed on a voyage from Hamburg to Calcutta. 52 GRADE EXAMINATIONS DRAWING FOURTH YEAR 1. Of the six positive spectrum colors name (a) the warm, (b) the cool colors. 2. Draw the pattern of a box 12" long, S fr wide and 6" thick. 3. Draw the plan and elevation of the box named in question 2. 4. Draw the front face of a square prism 6 /A by 3", scale J" to 1". 5. Draw to represent a table and a chair, and shade. FIFTH YEAR 1. How may (a) a shade, (6) a tint of a color be produced ? 2. Draw a foot ruler, making inches and half- inches, scale \" to V . 3. Draw the plan and elevation of a triangular prism. 4. Draw the pattern of a cubical box with a hinged lid attaced. 5. Sketch to represent in perspective a box in the form of a square prism, placed horizontally and filled with vegetables, and shade. SIXTH YEAR 1. (a) What is a complementary harmony ? (b) Name the color complementary to orange. DRAWING 53 2. Draw an outline of a yard ruler, marking feet and half feet, scale \" to V . 3. Draw the pattern of a square pyramid, base 2", altitude 4", scale §" tc 1". 4. Draw (a) a right angled triangle; (b) an isosceles triangle. 5. Sketch to represent a sunset scene on the ocean, taking the view from the mountains. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Name and define three kinds of harmonies. 2. Conventionalize some simple blossom. 3. Compare the square pyramid and cone as to (a) number, shape and kinds of faces; (b) number of corners and edges. 4. Draw between parallel lines 2 inches apart a border composed of right-angled triangles. 5. Sketch a cylinder with a cube on one side and a sphere on the other, and shade. EIGHTH YEAR 1. (a) How many and what colors cannot be produced by mixing other colors ? (b) What name is applied to these colors ? 2. Make a working drawing of a spool, using dotted lines to show the connection of parts. 3. Draw an oblong 4" by 2", using a scale of (a) \" to 1"; (b) 1J" to 1". 4. Conventionalize a small bunch of apple blossoms. 54 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 5. Draw a cube in (a) angular, (b) parallel perspective. NINTH YEAR 1. (a) State a simple experiment of finding a color complementary to a given color, (b) Name the color complementary to orange. 2. Draw the pattern of a small toy-house, the base of which is an oblong. 3. Draw angles whose inclination is (a) 30° ; (6)45°; (c) 60°. 4. Conventionalize some simple plant. 5. Circumscribe a circle about a scalene tri- angle whose sides are 3J" and 2J" and \\" respectively. GKAMMAR AND LANGUAGE FOURTH YEAR 1. Write sentences properly using the words lie and lay. 2. Change the following question to a sen- tence : Did General Washington ever falter ? 3. Abbreviate (a) forenoon; (b) mountains; (c) United States. 4-6. Write a letter to your cousin in the city, telling him of your pet rabbits. Use at least 75 words. 7-10. Write a story of at least 100 words about one of the following: the bravery of a dog ; a bird's nest. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 55 FIFTH YEAR 1. Write a sentence using two common ad- jectives. 2. Write a sentence containing a quotation. 3. Write sentences properly using the wods to and two. 4. (a) In the word several, tell the stem, and (b) upon this stem build two other English words. 5. Write (a) the possessive singular of men; (b) the possessive plural of lamb. 6-7. Write a letter to a friend, inviting him to spend a holiday with you. 8-10. Write a story of at least 100 words on one of the following subjects: a bicycle race; my pet kitten ; a picnic. SIXTH YEAR 1 . (a) Write a sentence containing two phrases, and (6) tell the principal word of each. 2. Compare the following adjectives : tall, bad, sweet, nice, far. 3. Define and illustrate (a) prefix; (b) stem; (c) suffix. 4. Write a sentence using a personal and a relative pronoun. 5. Give the principal parts of the verbs sit and set. 6. Write the heading, introduction and con- clusion of a letter which is addressed to Henry Porter, Buffalo, N. Y. 56 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 7-10. Write a description of some important article recently published in the newspaper; as the president's message; the building of new war vessels. Use at least 150 words. SEVENTH YEAR These very men, with whom you recently travelled, are now found guilty of murder. Questions 1 to 5 inclusive refer to the above selection. 1. Select and classify each clause. 2. Analyze by diagram or otherwise the fore- going selection. 3. Tell the part of speech of each word. 4. Select (a) a regular verb; (b) an irregular verb. 5. Classify the sentence as to form and use. 6. Define and illustrate the four genders. 7. Compare the following adjectives: many, little, few, hard, ill. 8. Write sentences illustrating (a) regular and irregular verbs; (b) transitive and intransitive verbs. 9-10. Make a view showing all the classes and properties of adjectives. EIGHTH YEAR The battle of Bunker Hill, which occurred on June 17, 1775, and whose fame is now read by all civilized nations, was gained by the Ameri- GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 57 cans only through the calmness and bravery of their gallant commander. Questions 1 to 7 inclusive refer to the above selection. 1. Classify each clause. 2. Select all phrases and classify as adjective or adverbial. 3. Parse (a) battle ; (b) occurred; (c) through. 4. Give the principal parts of all the verbs. 5. What pronouns are used as connectives ? 6. Conjugate the verb read in the past perfect tense of all the moods. 7. Diagram the selection. 8. Write a sentence using a clause as the (a) subject; (b) object. 9. Make a list of ten adjectives sometimes used as pronouns (adjective pronouns). 10. Write a sentence containing an attribute. NINTH YEAR Over the hillsides the wild knell is tolling, From their far hamlets the yeomanry come ; As through the storm-cloud and thunder burst rolling Circles the beat of the mustering drum. — 0. W. Holmes. The first seven questions refer to the foregoing selection. 1. Name the principal clauses. 58 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. Classify the sentence as to form and use. 3. Parse (a) knell; (b) come; (c) circles. 4. Give the modifiers of (a) come; (b) beat; (c) circles. 5. Give the syntax of (a) their; (b) storm- cloud; (c) drum. 6. Classify all phrases as adjective or adverbial. 7. Select the infinitives and participles if any are used. 8. Give a synopsis of the verb swim in the second person plural, through the indicative and subjunctives moods. 9. Write sentences illustrating (a) active and passive voice ; (b) two substantives governed by one preposition. 10. Write a sentence using as the subject (a) a clause; (b) a participle; (c) an infinitive. CIVIL GOVEKNMENT NINTH YEAR 1. Name the eight divisions of government in the United States. 2. (a) What is a jury ? (b) Name three kinds of juries and state the purpose of each. 3. Give (a) the term, (b) the salary, (c) the qualifications of the governor. 4. How many members in the (a) State assembly; (b) State senate? (c) For how long are the members of each elected ? PHYSIOLOGY 59 5. Give three duties of the superintendent of public instruction. (>. (a) For what cause may an officer be im- peached ? (6) Describe the action taken in a case of impeachment. 7. State the full process of making a law in this State. 8. Name five courts found within the State and give the jurisdiction of each. 9-10. Make a view showing the officers acting under each of the three dopartents of govern- ment ina (a) city; (/>) State; (c) territory. PHYSIOLOGY FOURTH YEAR 1. How many bones in the body ? 2. Of what two kinds of matter are the bones composed ? 3. Give three reasons why we eat. 4. Name three fatty foods. 5. What are corns ? How are they caused ? (>. Why should a young girl never wear her dresses tight V 7. Tell how we should take care of the teeth. 8. What organ causes the blood to flow ? 9. Name three kinds of exercise which are beneficial. 10. Why should your schoolroom be thoroughly ventilated ? 60 GRADE EXAMINATIONS FIFTH YEAR 1. Describe the skin. 2. Give three rules for the care of the teeth . 3. When is the best time for exercise ? 4. What is the effect of exercise on the circulation ? 5. What bones are located in the lower arm ? 6. What is the use of the hair ? 7. When and how often should we bathe ? 8. Write a description of the lungs. 9. Why is the air in a room generally impure ? 10. Why is the use of tobacco injurious, especi- ally to boys ? SIXTH YEAR 1. What organ causes the blood to circulate ? 2. Physical exercise has what effect on the blood? 3. What is digestion ? 4. What membrane encloses the heart ? 5. What is the use of valves in the organs of circulation ? 6. Name the bones of the ear. 7. What kind of blood is carried by the (a) arteries; (b) veins? 8. How are the bones nourished ? 9. Why is judicious bathing beneficial ? 10. What is the effect of alcoholic drinks on the heart ? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Name the four kinds of teeth. PHYSIOLOGY 61 2. Name the two kinds of nerve tissue. 3. Define (a) epidermis ; (b) ligament ; (c) pores. 4. What is the cause of squinting ? 5. When is the best time for bathing ? 6. What and where are the cilia ? 7. Describe the diaphragm. 8. What is the effect of re- breathing ? 9. What causes coagulation of the blood ? 10. What is the effect of the continued use of alcoholic drinks on the lungs ? EIGHTH YEAR 1. Define (a) bronchi ; (6) bronchial tubes; (c) ossification. 2. (a) Of what does the atmosphere consist ? (6) What is its vital element ? 3. Name the three divisions of the brain. 4. Name three organs which act as filters to the body. 5. Describe the composition of the blood. 6. What and where is the pericardium ? 7. Locate (a) mitral, (b) tricuspid, (c) semi- lunar valves. 8. Where do the principal changes in the com- position of the blood take place ? 9. Compare the walls of the arteries and veins as to (a) composition; (6) strength. 10. What is the effect of the use of alcohol on the liver ? 62 GRADE EXAMINATIONS NINTH YEAR 1. Describe the structure of the teeth. 2. How do we hear ? 3. What is the use of the Eustachian tube ? 4. Write a description of the labyrinth. 5. Name the three membranes of the eye and give the function of each. 6. What is the use of the crystalline lens ? 7. Describe how a sick-room should be. 8. In what position should a light be when reading ? 9. What is the lymph and where is it found ? 10. What is the general effect of alcoholic drinks on the five senses ? HISTORY EIGHTH YEAR 1. Name two Jesuit missionaries and tell the section explored by each. 2. What treaty ended (a) King William's, (b) Queen Anne's, (c) French and Indian war ? 3. When and by whom was Georgia settled ? 4. Arrange the following colonies in order of settlement : Massachusetts, New York, Pennsyl- vania, Georgia, Delaware. 5. How did Washington help the colonies in their efforts for liberty previous to the revolution ? 6. Name three English explorers and tell where each explored. HISTORY 63 7. Name four settlements which were made within the present limits of the United States before 1621. 8. What Indian girl of Virginia rendered her- self famous by saving John Smith's life ? 9. When and by whom was Massachusetts settled ? 10. Give an account of Braddock's defeat. NINTH YEAR 1-2. Name all the presidents between Wash- ington and Lincoln and tell to what political party each belonged. 3. Name six States which were admitted to the union between 1790 and 1850. 4. Compare the people of the North and South at the breaking out of the civil war as to (a) pursuits; (b) character and habits. 5. Give an account of the condition of the country at the beginning of Lincoln's admin- istration. 6. Name five battles of the civil war and tell in what State each was fought. 7. Describe the Trent affair. 8. (a) In what year was Vicksburg captured ? (b) What was the effect of this capture ? 9. Name an eminent American (a) poet; (6) inventor ; (c) editor, and give a work of each. 10. AVhat public office was held by each of the following persons : (a) Alexander Hamilton ; (6) Benjamin Franklin; (c) George Clinton ? 64 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SPELLING FOURTH AND FIFTH YEARS 1. ache, 2. scatter, 3. among, 4. fourteen, 5. ink-stand, 6. Laura, 7. where, 8. suppose, 9. quinsy, 10. tight, 11. frozen, 12. blossom, 13. arithmetic, 14. pencil, 15. black-board, 16. rabbit, 17. frolic, 18. Eome, 19. Yates, 20. yesterday, 21. spice, 22. root, 23. cling, 24. storm, 25. air. 26. waves, 27. guess, 28. knife, 29. cabbage, 30. chicken, 31. fasten, 32. curtain, 33. caught, 34. ruler, 35. only, 36. cause, 37. remove, 38. comfort, 39. money, 40. claim, 41. Kings, 42. Jacob, 43. been, 44. looked, 45. front, 46. valley, 47. order, 48. swamp, 49. succeed, 50. during. SPELLING 65 SIXTH AND SEVENTH YEARS 1. water, 2. weight, 3. being, 4. history, 5. type, 6. animal, 7. nature, 8. mineral, 9. geography, 10. telegraph, 11. diameter, 12. through, 13. contained, 14. catalogue, 15. police, 16. amend, 17. visitor, 18. distance, 19. measurement, 20. physical, 21. phrase, 22. Indies, 23. Matthew, 24. diagram, 25. sardine, 26. measles, 27. isthmus, 28. mortgage, 29. cedar, 30. lupine, 31. bazaar, 32. cancerous, 33. migrate, 34. recipe, 35. prairie, 36. college, 37. raisins, 38. cinnamon, 39. benzine, 40. pigeon, 41. immense, 42. souchong, 43. cipher, 44. orphan, 45. tongue, 46. Alabama, 47. Colorado, 48. Pyrenees, 49. contract, 50. syntax. GRADE EXAMINATIONS EIGHTH AND NINTH YEARS 1. fraction, 2. addition, 3. eighteen, 4. fortification, 5. lowest, 6. hundred, 7. improper, 8. figures, 9. reduce, 10. altar, 11. multiply, 12. confederate, 13. general, 14. equal, 15. moccasin, 16. dahlia, IT. victories, 18. massacre, 19. exact, 20. trustee, 21. standard, 22. question, 23. instructor, 24. yearly, 25. farthing, 26. gratitude, 27. product, 28. potatoes, 29. groceries, 30. grizzly, 31. transaction, 32. immortal, 33. simple, 34. decimal, 35. merchant, 36. calico, 37. chocolate, 38. broadcloth, 39. family, 40. bough, 41. Manchester, 42* Marseilles, 43. Capricorn, 44. equator, 45. Utah, 46. Pres., 47. Lieut., 48. Me., 49. P. M., 50. MS. The ' ' third ' ' of the series of test examinations covering the first term's work. To be held on Thursday and Friday of the fifteenth week of school. ARITHMETIC FOURTH YEAR 1. Write in figures (a) forty-one million two hundred four ; (b) one hundred eighty-nine million seventy- seven thousand two hundred twenty- four. 2. Write in letters (a) 69 ; (b) 87 ; (c) 93. 3. Express in words (a) 967,000,621; (b) 77,690,004. 4. How many halters 5 feet in length can be cut from 4 ropes each 20 feet long ? 5. Bought 22 sheep at $4.50 apiece and sold them at $5.25 apiece; what was my gain ? 6. A man bought a house for $2,660.75, and after paying out $439.25 for repairs, sold it for $3,000; what was his loss ? 7. Bought a bushel of potatoes for $1|; a bar- rel of flour for $6 J ; and some pork for $1 J ; what was the cost of all ? 8. If there are 32 pounds in one bushel of oats, how many bushels in 416 pounds ? (67) 68 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 9. How many (a) halves in four ? (b) quarters in six ? (c) thirds in two ? 10. Tell the numerator and denominator in the fraction f . FIFTH YEAR 1. Write in the Eoman notation (a) 1,280; (b) 1,899; (c) 1,211; (d) 1,555. 2. Define (a) like and unlike numbers; (b) simple and compound numbers. 3. (a) What is a factor; (b) a multiple? (c) Give a factor and a multiple of 15. 4. Find the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor of the nine digits. 5. Find the cost of the following: 19 doz. eggs @ $ .20 214 lbs. butter @ .22 184 bu. potatoes @ .40 18 bu. onions @ 1.25 6. A father having $1,050, gave each of his three sons $225.50 and divided the remainder between his two daughters; what amount did each daughter receive ? 7. How many eighteenths in (a) f ; (b) -| ; (c) f ? 8. Bought 6 J dozen eggs of one man and 8f dozen of another at 15 cents per dozen; after- wards sold them at 1J cents apiece; what was my gain ? • 9. Bought 4 bushels of clover seed for ARITHMETIC 69 and sold it so as to gain 50 cents per bushel; what was the selling price ? 10. How many pounds in a bushel of (a) wheat ; (6) beans; (c) oats; (d) barley; (e)corn; (/)rye? SIXTH YEAR 1. Express in words (a) 9.99; (b) 9-^5 (p) MDCCCXCIX; (d) .00002007. 2. Make lists of all the prime and composite numbers between 1 and 60. 3. In the number 100, how many sets of fac- tors and what are they ? 4. How many turns will the driving wheel of a locomotive 20J feet in circumference make in going one mile ? 5. A man travelled 26.45 miles by steam-car; 47.96 by trolley car; 191J- by sail, and 21.8 by stage ; if his average fare was 3 cents per m ile, what did it cost him ? 6. Tf it required 4 J days for the man to make the journey mentioned in question 5, what was the average distance travelled per day ? 7. In 16 bushels of oats how many (a) pounds; (b) pints; (c) quarts ? 8. Eeduce J, i-J, y 7 ^, ^ T to a common denom- inator. 9. Bought a quantity of fish for 1180 j and of pork for $206 ff; sold the fish for $200J and the pork for $220| ; what was my gain ? 10. A man having a certain sum of money, 70 GRADE EXAMINATIONS spent T V of it, gave his son § of what was left, and with the remainder bnilt a honse which cost 11,280; how much money had he at first ? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Express in words (a) DCXCIX ; (b) T 7 T ; (c) 102-if; (d) 199.804; (e) 110,010,011. 2. Write the tables for square and cubic measures. 3. Find the cost of a farm 124 rods square at $60. 75 per acre. 4. How many (a) shingles in a bunch; (6) bunches in a thousand ; (c) feet in a square ? 5. Find the cost of shingling a barn 60 feet long, each of the two sides of the roof being 20 feet wide, shingles costing $4.50 per M. 6. Find the cost of laying a wall 200 feet long, 9 feet high and 3 feet thick at $1.12 J a perch. 7. What is the value of the grain in a bin 16 feet long, 10 feet wide and 9 feet deep, at 70 cents per bushel ? 8. A salesman started on a journey February 7 and returned, home on Christmas of the same year; if his income during this time was $6 per day and his expenses $2.12, how much did he save ? 9. How much time will a person gain in 20 years by rising 20 minutes earlier every morning? 10. Find the cost of laying the floor in a barn ARITHMETIC 71 120 feet long, 50 feet wide, with plank 2 inches thick, worth $18 per M. EIGHTH YEAR 1. Express both decimally and fractionally \%, if, 12%, isi%, liHfc 2. The assessed valuation of a man's property is $8,100, and he pays .002$ State tax, .004|$ county tax and .0035 % town tax; what will be the total amount of his tax ? 3. C owed E $1,000; he paid at one time 38 \ % of the debt; afterwards he paid 20$ of the remainder; and at another time 16f % of what he still owed ; how much of the debt was due after the third payment ? 4. Find the cost of the following bill : 19, 825 bricks @ $4. 12 J per M. 10,200 ft. lumber @ 18.50 per M. 9,850 ft. scantling @ 4.80 per M. 12,964 ft. lath @ .95 per C. 5. Eeduce .985 of a mile to lower denomina- tions. 6. Find the amount of a note of $180.50, given for 1 yr., 2 mo., 18 da., at 7 %. 7. The principal of a note is $200; rate 7 %\ interest $60 ; find time. 8. Note.— Date, Jan. 17, 1896; time 3 yrs. 8 mo. ; principal $800 ; rate 6 %. Payments, June 17, 1896, $200; Aug. 20, 1897, $150; how much is due at maturity ? 72 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 9. A man has his property insured for f of its value, at \\% premium; he pays $6.15 annually ; what is the value of the property ? 10. Bought 180 dozen oranges at 25 cents per dozen; if T V of them spoil, at what price must I sell the remainder to realize a profit of 12 % on the investment ? NINTH YEAR 1. Define (a) square root; (b) involution; (c) evolution; (d) dividend. 2. (a) If the antecedent is 19 J and the conse- quent 26|, what is the ratio ? (b) If the ratio is f and the consequent T 9 ¥ , what is the antecedent ? 3. Divide $19,860 into three parts that will be to one another as J : } : f . 4. Three men bought a house for $1,764, and after allowing $117.25 for repairs, and $90.50 for painting, they rented it for $540 per year; if A furnished f of the capital, B twice as much as A, and C the remainder, how much ought each to receive at the end of the first year ? 5. A ladder 40 feet long is so placed that it will reach a window 33 feet high; how far is the foot of the ladder from the building ? 6. What is the area of a triangular field the base of which is 20 rods, and the perpendicular distance from the base to the vertex 28 rods? 7. Successive trade discounts of 33 %, 20 %, GEOGRAPHY 73 and 10 % amount to $250 ; what was the list price ? 8. At what rate per cnt must $1,000 be loaned for 3 years, 3 months and 29 days, to gain $183.18? 9. A man invested $10,550 in U. S. 4's; if the bonds were purchased at 87, what is his income ? 10. If I seU $20,000 of Maryland 5's at 80, and invest a sufficient amount of the proceeds in U. S. 6's at 90 to yield a semi-annual dividend of $400, and start into business with the re- mainder, what amount of capital would I have in my business ? GEOGBAPHY FOURTH YEAR 1. Define (a) strait; (b) gulf; (c) isthmus. 2. Within an outline 10 inches square, draw to represent a river system. 3. What are the directions on a map ? 4. (a) Name the five oceans. (6) Which is the largest ? 5. As we pass north or south from the equator what difference in climate do we find ? 6. What and where is the largest island in the world ? 7. What large sea between Europe and Africa ? 8. What is meant by occupation ? 74 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 9. What part of the United States produces (a) corn; (b) rice; (c) wheat; (d) sugar? 10. Which zone is the widest ? FIFTH YEAR 1. Name a product of each of the following countries: (a) France; (b) England; (c) China. 2. Describe the following rivers: Danube, Rhine, Thames. 3. What is (a) latitude ; (b) longitude? 4. If a man travels directly east, does he change his latitude or his longitude ? 5. Draw an outline map of Africa. 6. Locate on the above map four rivers. 7. Locate on the map three mountain chains. 8. (a) What natural division of land is Africa? (b) How has it been rendered an island ? 9. Name four capes on the eastern coast of the United States. 10. Give three proofs that the earth is round. SIXTH YEAR 1. At what times of the year do the sun's rays fall^vertically upon the equator ? 2. Of t what use are latitude and longitude ? 3. Name the States bordering on the west side of the Mississippi. 4. State the chief product of each of the fol- io wng States: Kansas, Kentucky, California, Texas, Louisiana. GEOGRAPHY 75 5. Name in order the five largest cities in the world. 6. What part of the people of the Southern States are colored ? 7. Compare the people of the New England States with the people of the Southern States as to (a) occupation; (b) education. 8. Locate the following counties : Chautauqua, Broome, Onondaga, Franklin. 9-10. Name the counties of New York State. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Draw an outline map of Asia. 2. Locate on the above map six important rivers. 3. Locate on the map four peninsulas, and write the name of each. 4. Name six minerals found in Asia, and tell the part in which each is found. 5. Name the five grand divisions in order of (a) size; (b) population. 6. (a) What are the prevailing religions of Asia ? (/;) What different races of mankind inhabit Asia ? 7. (a) What empire of Asia is composed of islands ? (6) Name the principal cities of this empire. 8. Name a steamship line between the south- ern ports of Asia and (a) San Francisco; (b) New York. 76 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 9. What is the form of government of (a) Persia ; (6) India ; (c) China ; (d) Siberia ? 10. Where is the chief water -shed of Asia, and of what is it formed ? NINTH YEAR 1. State (a) the circumference, (b) the diameter of the earth, (c) What is the difference in miles between the polar and equatorial diameters ? 2. Draw an outline map of New York State. 3-4. Locate on the above map ten lakes, ten cities, five rivers and three mountain ranges. 5. Which grand division is crossed by the equator and both tropics ? 6. What country of Europe is in the same latitude as (a) New York; (b) Maryland ? 7. (a) What is the cause of ocean currents ? (b) What influence have ocean currents on climate ? 8. Locate the following counties : Kichmond, Kings, Orange, Allegany, Erie, Yates. 9. Name the countries of Africa which border on the Mediterranean sea, and give the capital of each. 10. Name the five races of mankind and give the chief characteristics of each. DBA WING FOURTH YEAR 1. What is (a) a shade, (b) a tint of a color ? GEOGRAPHY 77 2. Draw (a) an acute angle ; (b) an obtuse angle. 3. Draw the pattern of a 2" cubical box. 4. Draw the plan and elevation of the box named in question 3. 5. Sketch to represent in perspective a square dish filled with apples, and shade. FIFTH YEAR 1. Name in order the eighteen hues found in the spectrum. 2. Draw to represent a house and barn with a path between. 3. Make a working drawing of a cube. 4. Draw the pattern of a coverless tin box 3" long, \\" wide and 1" high. 5. Sketch in a group a sphere, a cube, and a square prism, and shade. SIXTH YEAR 1. (a) What is a broken color ? (b) Name two neutrals. 2. Conventionalize as nearly as possible from memory, a wild rose. 3. Draw the plan, front and side elevations of a box 3" long, 2 J" wide and 2" high. 4. Draw an angle inclined (a) 30° ; (b) 60°. 5. Name (a) six kinds of lines; (b) three kinds of angles ; (c) four kinds of triangles. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Name the twelve intermediate hues found in the spectrum. 78 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. Define and illustrate by a drawing (a) axis ; (b) radius. 3. Draw the plan, front and side elevations of a square pyramid. 4. Sketch a square pyramid, and shade. 5. Modify the square pyramid to represent a mountain in the distance. EIGHTH YEAR 1. (a) How may a broken color be produced ? (b) Name two hues of violet found in the spectrum. 2. Draw the plan, front and side elevations of an ink bottle. 3. Inscribe within a circle (a) a square; (b) a regular octagon. 4. (a) Construct a triangle having a 3" base, and the other two sides each 2", and (6) circum- scribe a circle about this triangle. 5. Sketch a chair showing convergence of re- ceding edges. NINTH YEAR 1. What harmony will any spectrum color placed in juxtaposition with the grey of the atmosphere produce ? 2. Draw the plan, front and side elevations of a class-bell used in the schoolroom. 3. (a) Draw a leaf of the elm or maple, and (b) enlarge it J times. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 79 4. Within a circle having a radius of 1J", in- scribe a regular hexagon. 5. Sketch a farm-house, with horses in front and trees in the background, and shade. GRAMMAK AND LANGUAGE FOURTH YEAR 1. Write sentences properly using the words sit and set. 2. Form the plurals of (a) desk; (b) foot; (c) leaf. 3. Write the abbreviation for (a) Doctor; (b) President; (c) afternoon. 4. Change the following sentence to a ques- tion: " The Mississippi rises in the far north." 5-10. Write a composition of at least 100 words on one of the following subjects: my Christmas vacation ; what I have learned at school. FIFTH YEAR 1. Write sentences illustrating the proper uses of the words new and knew. 2. Write a sentence using a common adjec- tive, a common noun and a proper noun. 3. Upon the stem cur, build two English words and define each. 4. Write the abbreviations for the following words : last month, April, ounces, namely. 80 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 5. In the sentence, " The fierce wind will blow still harder," tell the subject and predicate. 6-7. Write a letter to your family physician, asking him to call immediately. Give special attention to punctuation and form of letter. 8-10. Write a description of the Spanish- American war, telling the causes and result, and also mentioning some of the prominent men engaged. Use at least 125 words. SIXTH YEAR 1. (a) Write a sentence containing one princi- pal and one subordinate clause, and (6) tell the subject and predicate of each. 2. Write sentences illustrating the proper uses of the words rain and reign. 3. (a) Make a list of the stems used in the following words: concede, occur, depend, in- flate, surprised, and (b) build another English word upon each. 4. Write a letter to your uncle, telling him you are coming to make a visit. Give special attention to punctuation and language used. 5. In how many different ways may adjectives be compared ? Illustrate. 6. Write a sentence using one proper and two common adjectives. 7-10. Write a composition of at least 150 words on one of the following subjects: Gover- nor BoosevelVs political life; the actions of GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 81 congress. Some important article recently pub- lished in the newspapers may be supplied in place of the above named subjects if desired. SEVENTH YEAR If these remedies are applied and the patient improves, we will rely on your judgment. Questions 1 to 5 inclusive refer to the forego- ing selection. 1. Select the clauses and give the unmodified subject and predicate of each. 2. Analyze the sentence. 3. Tell the part of speech of each word. 4. Give the principal parts of all verbs used. 5. What does the conjunction and connect ? 6. Name and define (a) three kinds of pro- nouns ; (b) two kinds of conjunctions. 7. (a) What is voice ? (6) Name and define each kind. 8. What is a collective noun ? Illustrate. 9. (a) What is number ? (b) Name three ways of forming plurals. 10. Make a view showing the classification of verbs. EIGHTH YEAR Northwestern America is divided from the other portions of the continent by a chain of lofty mountains, which extend from the Pacific ocean to the Arctic. 82 GRADE EXAMINATIONS Questions 1 to 7 inclusive refer to the forego- ing selection. 1.. Classify each clause. 2. Classify the sentence as to form and use. 3. Parse (a) divided; (b) chain; (c) which. 4. Select all phrases and classify as adjective or adverbial. 5. Tell the part of speech of each word. 6. Select (a) an active, (6) a passive verb. 7. Select the adjectives and compare all that admit of comparison. 8. Decline the personal pronoun of the second person. 9. In the declension of nouns and pronouns when and where should we use the apostrophe ? 10. Write a sentence using as the subject (a) a participal ; (b) an infinitive. NINTH YEAR Keen were his pangs, but keener far to feel, He nursed the pinion which impelled the steel ; While the same plumage that had warmed his nest Drank the last life-drop of his bleeding breast. — Byron. Questions 1 to 7 inclusive refer to the forego- ing selection. 1. Classify the sentence as to form and use. 2. Classify the clauses. CIVIL GOVERNMENT 83 3. Give two modifiers of (a) plumage; (6) life- drop ; (c) breast. 4. Congugate the verb drank through the mood in which it is used in the selection. 5. Give the syntax of (a) pangs; (6) lie; (c) which; (d) breast. 6. Classify all verbs as active or passive. 7. Give a reason for each punctuation mark used. 8. Give the syntactic rule for same case. 9. What is (a) an adjunct; (b) an attribute? (c) Illustrate each in a sentence. 10. Define (a) simple, (6) interrogative, (c) compound, (d) complex sentences, and give an example of each. CIVIL GOVEENMENT 1. (a) What is a constitution ? (b) What pro- vision for its own revision is made by the con- stitution of this State ? 2. Name five powers of congress. 3. State the qualifications of the president. 4. (a) Name the eight auxiliary executive de- partments of the national government, and (b) tell who stands at the head of each. 5 . Give the qualifications of a voter in this State. 6-7. State fully the method of electing the president and vice-president. 8. Name (a) five State officers who are elected directly by the people ; (b) five who are appointed 84 GRADE EXAMINATIONS by the governor and senate, (c) Name three commissioners appointed by the governor and senate. 9. In what is the judicial department of the national government vested ? 10. Give the term of office of (a*) U. S. sena- tors; (6) representatives; (c) judges of the su- preme court. PHYSIOLOGY FOURTH YEAR 1. How may a person have pure blood ? 2. Name three kinds of sweet foods. 3. Why do children need plenty of exercise ? 4. What is the use of the nails ? 5. What is the effect of the use of tobacco on young boys ? 6. Why should children avoid the use of tea and coffee ? 7. What are muscles ? 8. How should we eat ? 9. Should we ever crack nuts or bite hard sub- stances with our teeth ? Why ? 10. Name three poisonous drinks. FIFTH YEAR 1. What is the use of the lungs ? 2. Describe the heart. 3. Of what kind of substance is the lungs composed ? PHYSIOLOGY 85 4. What names are applied to the tube-like canals which carry the blood ? 5. Why do we eat ? 6. Give the evil effects of rapid eating. 7. Give three rules for the care of the eyes. 8. Where should exercise be taken ? 9. What name is given to the bones of the fingers ? 10. What drink causes many crimes ? SIXTH YEAR 1. Write a description of the heart. 2. How is the blood made (a) pure ; (b) impure ? 3. What keeps the blood from flowing back ? 4. What part of our time should be given to sleep ? 5. Name two kinds of muscles and describe each. 6. How may the muscles be made strong ? 7. What membrane covers the bones ? 8-10. Make a view showing the names and number of bones in the (a) limbs ; (b) trunk. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Define (a) auricles ; (b) ventricles. 2. What is the (a) glottis; (b) epiglottis; (c) larynx ; (d) oesophagus ? 3. What is the mucous membrane ? 4. When do the permanent teeth appear ? 5. What are pores ? 86 GKADK EXAMINATIONS (J. With what are the Lungs (a) covered; (b) lined ? 7. Of what is the blood composed ? s. What is the aorta? {>. Why are the walls of the arteries made stronger than the walls of the veins ? 10. What is t he effect of tobacco on the hones ? EIGHTH YEAR 1. (a) What is the pulse? (b) What is the average number of its heats per minute ? 2. Describe the capillaries. ;>. What is the natural temperature of the body? 4. What is the thoracic duct ? 5, Write a description of the lacteals. (>. Describe fully the process of digestion. 7. Why is the skull shaped as it is ? 8. jN T ame three minerals needed in the nourish- ment o\' the body. W What is the use o\' the saliva ? 10. What is vascular enlargement? NINTH YEAR 1. How is sight produced? :_. Name the organ of (a) hearing; (6) tasting; (c) seeing; (d) smelling. 3. What are ganglions ? -t. What is (a) chyme; (6) chyle? 5, Define (a) peritoneum; (6) pleura. 6, Describe the pancreas. HISTORY 87 7. What is the alimentary canal ? ' 8. How is the temperature of the body regu- lated ? 9. Describe the greater circulation. 10. What organs are sometimes called the scavengers of the body ? HISTORY EIGHTH YEAR 1. How did the names of the following colo- nies originate: Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maryland? 2. Name two battles of the French and Indian war and tell the commander of each. 3. What was the general cause of the inter- colonial wars ? 4. What was Eoger Williams's idea of religious toleration ? 5. Name the four Dutch governors. 6. Tell about Penn's treaty with the Indians. 7. Name three (a) French, (b) English, (c) Spanish explorers. 8. Describe the " Charter Oak " affair. 9. W 7 hat strange delusion produced intense excitement in Massachusetts about 1690 ? 10. Arrange the colonies in order of settlement. NINTH YEAR 1. When was (a) the first railroad constructed, (b) the first canal dug in the United States ? 88 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. What historic event is connected with each of the following places : Valley Forge, Oriskany, Stonington ? 3. How long was New York (a) a Dutch, (b) an English colony ? 4. What historic events does each of the foT lowing dates denote: (a) 1732 ; (b) 1619; (c) 1789 ? 5. Write a short biography of Benjamin Franklin's life. 6. Describe the following battles : (a) Chancel- lorsville; (6) Chattanooga; (c) New Orleans. 7. Give a brief account of Perry's victory. 8. (a) Name the principal American com- manders in the war with Mexico. (6) What were the results of this war ? 9-10. Write an account showing the full his- tory of slavery, touching especially on the fol- lowing: Introduction, Texas, Wilmot Proviso, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Bill, Dred Scott decision, Fugi- tive slave law, and abolishment. SPELLING SPELLING FOURTH AND FIFTH YEARS 1. June, 2. against, 3. tablet, 4. teacher, 5. paper, 6. ache, 7. scholars, 8. chart, 9. chalk, 10. manner, 11. cabin, 12. answer, 13. peaches, 14. cousin, 15. sister, 16. chisel, IT. lantern, 18. laugh, 19. marble, 20. mamma, 21. forehead, 22. fingers, 23. afternoon, 24. March, 25. Henry, 26. pound, 27. where, 28. which, 29. street, 30. cents, 31. almost, 32. halter, 33. maple, 34. elm, 35. lily, 36. air, 37. yellow, 38. saucer, 39. kitchen, 40. lemon, 41. feather, 42. north-east, 43. penny, 44. else, 45. kettle, 46. metals, 47. ready, 48. leather, 49. Mrs., 50. Gov. 90 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SIXTH AND SEVENTH YEARS 1, creditor, 2, swallow, 3, weather, 1. echo, 5. ache, (>. which, 7. pickerel, 8. sardine, 9. Eugene, 10. mercy, 11. cipher, L2, twilight, 13. niece, 14. receipt, 15. squirrel, 16. merchant, 17. salad, 18. baptized, 19. resign, 20. abide, 21. perspire, 22. conceit, 2 3. endure, 24. celery, 25. violet, 26. raisins, 27. pickles, 28. knees, 21). sirloin, 30. editor, 31. English, 32. dissolve, 33. division, 34. marriage, 35. example, 30. lettuce, 37. jasmine, 38. heather, 39. musician, 40. grocer, 41. American, 12. wolves, 13. acre, 44. knuckles, 45, social, 10. divorce, 47. ostrich, 48. bureau, 49. Ga., 50. acct. SPELLING 91 EIGHTH AND NINTH YEARS 1. opossum, 2. Virginia, 3. Edinburgh, 4. pineapples, 5. longitude, 6. sarsaparilla, 7. flourish, 8. quinine, 9. fifteenth, 10. gorgeous, 11. almanac, 12. chemistry, 13. irrigate, 14. etiquette, 15. adieu, 16. hyacinth, IT. parasol, 18. crochet, 19. Egyptian, 20. Caucasus, 21. mortise, 22. cornice, 23. Rhode Island, 24. petroleum, 25. cataract, 26. geometric, 27. tyrannical, 28. substitute, 29. astonish, 30. breadth, 31. patience, 32. business, 33. national, 34. welfare, 35. tranquillity, 36. qualifications, 37. vacancies, 38. immediately, 39. recreation, 40. legislature, 41. indictment, 42. kerosene, 43. hostility, 44. tedious, 45. foreign, 46. plurality, 47. citizen, 48. chasms, 49. opportunity, 50. disadvantage. PART III The "first" of the series of test examinations covering the second term's work. To be held on Thursday and Friday of the fifth week of the second term of school. AEITHMETIC FOURTH YEAR 1. Write in figures (a) two hundred seven million nine hundred ten thousand six hundred seven; (b) five hundred sixty- six million six hun- dred sixty-six thousand six hundred six. 2. Express in letters (a) 967; (b) 294. 3. I exchange 20 bushels of wheat, worth 87 cents a bushel, for flour at 15.80 per barrel; how many barrels should I receive ? 4. What will 594 pounds of butter cost at 21 cents per pound ? 5. Paid $6f for a coat, and $3} for a hat ; what was the cost of both ? 6. How many bags will 10, 125 pounds of wheat fill, allowing 125 pounds to the bag ? 7. Change (a) $506 to cents; (b) 56,000 cents to dollars. (92) ARITHMETIC .93 8. In 8 rods, how many feet ? 9. Gave T %- of a bushel of apples to each of my three brothers ; if I had two bushels at first, how many would I have left ? 10. Tell what the numerator and denominator in the following fraction show : T 9 ¥ . FIFTH YEAR 1. Make out the following bill in proper form: On January 3, 1898, James Johnson of Buffalo sold Henry Granger 18 pairs of boots at $2.50 per pair, and 27 pairs of shoes at $3.10 per pair. 2. Change f to (a) 24ths; (b) 40ths; (c) 56ths. 3. Find the cost of building a fence 284 rods long, at $11 per rod. 4. If 2 gills of alcohol cost 10 cents, what would be the cost of 4 pints ? 5. Give the prime factors of (a) 24; (b) 35. 6. A boy having $3, spent 117 cents; how much had he left ? 7. If I buy a barrel of flour for $6§ and sell it for $8 T 8 T , what do I gain ? 8. A milkmau supplied a customer for four days with 6 J, 8 J 1J, 6} quarts respectively; if he charges his customer 4 cents per pint, what are his receipts? 9. How many times will a carriage wheel 8 feet in circumference turn round in going a mile ? 10. Define (a) prime number ; (b) prime factor. 94 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SIXTH YEAR ' 1. Define (a) reduction ; (b) compound number. 2. What will 12-, 348 pine apples cost at $12} per C ? 3. If a man's expenses be $3.70 per day, and his income $2,500 per year, what will he save during the three winter months ? 4. For what purpose is each of the following weights used : avoirdupois, toy, apothecaries ? 5. A man gave f of his money to his son, T 4 T to his daughter, and had $2,600 left; how much had he at first ? 6. How many rods of fence will be required to inclose a farm 2 miles square ? 7. Eeduce (a) T V of a day to seconds; (6) -f- of a rod to inches. 8. A field is 90} rods long and 56J rods wide; how many acres does it contain ? 9. What decimal part of a hogshead is 2 gal., 2 qt., 2 pt. and 2 gi.? 10. Find the cost of (a) 2 tons, 7 cwt., 60 lb. of hay at $8.50 per ton; (b) 9 tons, 24 cwt., 86 lbs. of pork at 6 J cents per pound. SEVENTH YEAR 1. A tower is 90 feet high and 58 feet in cir- cumference ; what will it cost to plaster its sides at 25 cents per square yard ? 2. How many common bricks, laid flat-wise, ARITHMETIC 95 will be required for a sidewalk 1,204 inches long and 48 inches wide ? 3. What will it cost to lath and plaster the walls and ceiling of a room 40 feet long, 30 feet wide, 18 feet high, deducting 58 square feet for doors and windows, at 40 cents per square yard ? 4. What would it cost to fill a bin 30 feet long, 28 feet wide and 6 feet deep with coal, worth $6.25 per ton, assuming that one ton would oc- cupy 35 cubic feet of space ? 5. How many cubic yards of earth would be required to raise the grade of a street 16 inches, if the street is 280 feet long and 50 feet wide ? 6. How many bunches, of 250 shingles each, will cover a roof, each of the two sides being 56 J feet long and 25 feet wide ? 7. How many bushels in a bin 12 feet long, 8 J feet wide and 7 feet 8 inches deep ? 8. Find the cost of excavating a cellar 40 feet long, 38 feet wide and 12 feet deep, at 27 cents per cubic yard. 9. What would be the cost of laying a wall 3 feet thick around the cellar mentioned in ques- tion 8, at 58 cents a perch ? 10. What would it cost to lay the floor in a barn 40 feet long, 28 feet wide, with boards 1J inches thick, worth $17 per M.? EIGHTH YEAR 1. Define (a) base ; (6) per cent ; (c) percentage. 96 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. The longitude of Constantinople is 30° 19' E., and of Boston 70° 56' W. ; what is the difference in time ? 3. (a) 4 of an inch is what part of a mile ? (b) | of a mile is how many inches ? 4. A merchant bought an article at 12 % less than the market value, and received 5 % off for cash; he sold it at an advance of 15 % above market value ; what was his gain ? 5. Find the bank discount on a note for $450, dated Jan. 1, given for six months, and dis- counted April 20, at 4 J per cent. 6. How many shares of stock can be pur- chased for $2337.75 at 129}, brokerage \ % ? 7. A road between two places 8 miles apart, is 5 rods wide ; what is the value at $62 per acre ? 8. If the total tax on a certain city is $34,- 558.20, and the tax on one dollar is 2.19 mills, what is the assessed valuation ? 9. A note for $1,000, dated April 1, 1890, and given for 5 years, is indorsed as follows: May 10, 1892, $200; July 21, 1892, $15; Aug. 1, 1894, $500 ; how much is due at maturity, interest at 6 per cent ? 10. A man insured his buildings, valued at $6,000, for $4,000, at \\%\ if they were injured by fire to the amount of $3,000, what would be the net loss of (a) the owner; (b) the company ? ARITHMETIC 97 NINTH YEAR 1. Define (a) ratio; (b) proportion; (c) root; (d) involution. 2. The first price on a piano is $720 ; and trade discounts of 35 % and 20 % are allowed. Find net price and discount. 3. Find the cost of 7,500 feet of plank at $10.50 per M., and 1,818 pounds of coal at $5.80 per ton. 4. $2,000 put at interest for 9 years and 26 days amounted to $3,980 ; what was the rate per cent ? ' 5. Bought 60 shares of railroad stock at 138 J, brokerage \ % ; after it had advanced to 142|, I sold it, paying $18.50 brokerage; what was my net gain ? 6. Which is the better investment, Ohio bonds at 86, yielding 4% or Baltimore E.K. stock at 105, yielding 6 %? 7. Find the interest on $240 from Jan. 10 to Nov. 27, using the exact interest method. 8. When it is 2 o'clock, P. M., Friday, at St. Petersburg, 30° 16' E., what is the time at Honolulu, 157° 53' W.? 9. $500. Cincinnati, Jan. 3, 1897'. Three months after date, I promise to pay to the order of Henry Selby Five Hundred Dollars at the Newport bank, value received, with in- terest. Silas Morgan. 98 GRADE EXAMINATIONS If this note was discounted at a bank, at 5 %. on Jan. 20, what would be the proceeds ? 10. A man in Norfolk purchased a draft on New York for $625, payable 30 days after sight ; what did it cost him, the rate of exchange being \\ per cent discount ? GEOGKAPHY FOURTH YEAR 1. What is the capital of your country ? 2. Name six rivers found within the United States. 3. What is (a) commerce; (6) manufacturing? 4. A narrow passage of water connects larger portions of water, and separates portions of land. What is it called ? 5. Name the five zones. 6. (a) For what are cotton and wool used ? (b) Where is each obtained ? 7. What will produce a luxuriant vegetation ? 8. For what product are the islands off the coast of Georgia noted ? 9. Locate (a) Philadelphia; (b) Boston; (c) Washington. 10. How do we know that the earth is round ? FIFTH YEAR 1. In what zones is North America ? 2. Name a product of (a) China; (b) Japan. 3. What countries compose the British Isles ? GEOGRAPHY 99 4. What is the difference between (a) a hill and a mountain ; (b) a lake and a sea ? 5 . Name five cities found in the Southern States. 6. Describe three important rivers of Asia. 7. Of what race of mankind are most of the people of Africa ? 8. Locate the following cities : (a) Newark; (6) Eichmond ; (c) San Francisco ; (d) Paris. 9. (a) Who settled the New England States ? (6) From what country did the settlers come ? 10. How is rubber obtained ? SIXTH YEAR 1. Name five lakes in central New York. 2. Give (a) three Atlantic, (6) three Pacific ports of North America. 3. Give four proofs that the earth is spherical in shape. 4. What is the difference between (a) a hill and a mountain; (6) a lake and a sea ? 5-6. Draw an outline map of New York State, and on it locate five rivers, ten cities, two canals. 7. (a) What is the principal railroad of this State ? (b) Name five cities through which it passes. 8. Give a brief account of the educational ad- vantages of this State. 9. Name five rivers of this State which form a part of the St. Lawrence river system. Lore. 100 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 10. How do steamers pass from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario ? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Draw an outline map of Africa. 2. Locate on the above map four mountain chains. 3. Locate on the map six important cities. 4. Locate on the map all the principal rivers and lakes. 5. Name the countries of Africa which border on the Mediterranean Sea, and tell the capital of each. 6. Why is Africa in such a poor state of civ- ilization ? 7. Name four countries which hold possessions in different parts of Africa. 8. (a) What are the chief products of Egypt ? (b) Account for the wonderful fertility of the soil of the Nile Valley. 9. What is the prevailing religion of (a) Egypt ; (b) Abyssinia; (c) Cape Colony; (d) Barbary States ? 10. Compare Africa and South America as to (a) size; (b) population; (c) government; (d) civilization; (e) climate. NINTH YEAR 1. What two motions has the earth, and what is the result of each ? GEOGRAPHY — DRAWING 101 2. Give an export of (a) Baltimore; (b) New Orleans ; (c) Rio Janeiro. 3. (a) What name is applied to each of the three great river plains of South America ? (b) Describe each. 4. Name and locate four volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean or near its shores. 5. State two products of each of the follow- ing counties: (a) Argentine Republic ; (b) Brazil; (c) Spain; (d) Siberia. 6. Compare North and South America as to (a) size; (b) climate; (c) population ; (d) govern- ment. 7. Name two localities in this State where grapes are extensively grown. 8. Tell two places where each of the following minerals are found : (a) coal; (b) iron; (c) gold; (d) tin; (e) lead. 9. Name (a) four rivers of Europe which rise in the Alps ; (b) two countries of Europe which are republics. 10. What is the cause of (a) winds ; (b) rain? (c) What is heat-lightning ? DRAWING FOURTH YEAR 1 . Of the six positive spectrum colors, which are warm and which are cool colors ? 102 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. Draw the pattern of a square pyramid, base 1", altitude 2". 3. Draw the plan and front elevations of the same solid. 4. Name and draw three different kinds of angles. 5. Sketch a box and state where convergence is shown. FIFTH YEAR 1. What colors when mixed in equal propor- tions will produce (a) orange ; (b) green ; (c) violet ? 2. Draw the pattern of a dinner pail without cover. Dimensions optional. 3. Between parallel lines 2" apart, draw to represent a border, using two flowers in repetition. 4. Draw the plan and elevation of a block of a block of wood 3 /r long, 2" wide and 2" high. 5. Sketch several lengths of fence five rails high, and shade. SIXTH YEAR 1. (a) What colors are known as neutrals ? (b) What is a broken color ? 2. Draw the pattern of a cone, altitude 4", base 2", scale J" to \" . 3. (a) Draw an oblique angle, and (b) trisect it. 4. Describe the following figures: rhomboid, rectangle, trapezoid. 5. Within an oblong 2"x 4 r sketch a landscape at sunset, showing buildings in the foreground DRAWING 103 and distant mountains against the sky. Desig- nate where lights and shades and shadows come. SEVENTH YEAR 1. How do objects show color ? 2. By drawings illustrate (a) apex; (b) ver- tex; '(c) axis. 3. Combine the square and triangular prisms, giving the form of a house. Draw doors and windows, and shade. 4. Describe the term " botanical drawing". 5. Sketch some plant, paying especial atten- tion to> leading lines and balance. EIGHTH YEAR 1. Name three colors which when combined would produce analogous harmony. 2. On a base line of 2", construct a square, obtaining the right angles by the geometric process. 3. (a) With a radius of 2" describe a circle. (b) Divide it into quadrants, and (c) bisect one of them. 4. Draw the plan and front elevations of a cylindrical lead pencil. Connect the projections to show the relation of parts. 5. Define and illustrate (a) arc; (6) apex; (c) angle. NINTH YEAR 1 . Name the color complementary to (a) orange; 104 GRADE EXAMINATIONS (b) green; (c) violet, (d) How may pink be pro- duced ? 2. Draw the pattern of a conical ink-bottle, cir- cumference of bottom 6", top 2", scale \" tol". 3. Make a working drawing of a hollow square prism, altitude 4", base 2", diameter of hol- low 1". 4. Conventionalize some simple blossom pre- viously studied. 5. (a) Sketch a chair, and (/>) place it in per- spective. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE FOURTH YEAR 1 . Abbreviate (a) United States ; (b) January ; (c) Tuesday. 2. Write a sentence asking a question. 3. Form the plurals of fence, tooth, man and mouse. 4. Write sentences properly using the words is and are. 5-10. Write a letter to your mother, telling something about one of the following: A visit to the city ; a surprise party. FIFTH YEAR 1. Write a sentence containing three adjectives and underscore them. 2. Form the plurals of (a) leaf; (/>) tax; (c) tack; (d) child. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 105 3. Abbreviate (a) president; (b) George; (c) Pennsylvania; (d) Sunday. 4. (a) What is the stem in the word bisect, and what is its meaning ? (6) Build two other English words upon the same stem. 5. In the following sentence tell the subject and predicate : ' ' The sly fox ran swiftly. ' ' 6-10. Write a composition of at least 100 words on one of the following subjects : A boat ride; a trip to the lake; sunshine; my school- mates. Pay special attention to punctuation, spelling and division into paragraphs. SIXTH YEAR 1. Write a sentence containing a compound prepositional phrase. 2. Upon each of the following stems build one English word and give its meaning: script, port, lect. 3. Define (a) a regular, (b) an irregular verb, and give an example of each. 4. Compare little, small, bad, regular. 5. Write sentences illustrating the proper uses of to and too. 6. (a) Name all the parts of speech, and (b) define six of them. 7. Give the principal parts of run, sit, eat, go, see. 8-10. Write a composition of not less than 100 words on any one of the following subjects: my 106 GRADE EXAMINATIONS pets I George Washington ; the Erie canal. Give special attention to spelling and the use of capi- tal letters. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Write a sentence containing (a) a passive and (b) an intransitive verb. 2. Decline (a) thou; (b) conscience. 3. Define and give an example of each kind of case. 4. Give the principal parts of walk, light, am, see, slay. 5. Define (a) adjective, (b) adverbial modifier. (c) What is an adjunct ? 6. Name and define five kinds of nouns. 7. Analyze: u The breaking waves dashed high on the old ship's sides, but she stood the gale. ' ' 8. Parse (a) breaking; (b) sides 5 (c) stood (question 7). 9. Tell each part of speech represented in the selection of question 7 and give the correspond- ing words. 10. Write a sentence containing a participle used as the (a) subject of a sentence; (b) princi- pal word of a prepositional phrase. EIGHTH YEAR We are in a world of trouble. Sometimes these troubles are very deep, and we are in need GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 107 of the comfort that goes as deep as the trouble, and is just as real. The first six questions refer to the above selection. 1. Classify the following clauses: (a) We are (line 1); (b) troubles are; (c) that goes. 2. Give the syntax of (a) world; (b) need; (c) we (line 2). 3. Parse (a) these; (6) goes; (c) real. 4. Select and classify all the phrases. 5. Select and classify all words used as con- nectives. 6. Analyze the selection by diagram or other- wise. 7-8. Conjugate the verb give through the tenses of all the moods. 9. Give the principal parts of ten irregular verbs. 10. In what properties must (a) a pronoun agree with its antecedent ; (b) a finite verb agree with its subject ? NINTH YEAR Curious human, why disturb me, And with smooth words seek to curb me ? In the ages without number I was born of Night and Slumber. The first six questions refer to the foregoing passage. 1. Select and classify all clauses. 108 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. Classify the sentence as to form and use. 3. What does and (line 2) connect ? 4. Give the principal parts of all irregular verbs. 5. Parse (a) disturb; (b) ages; (c) seek. 6. Select (a) three adjective modifiers; (b) all the adverbial modifiers. 7. Give a synopsis of the verb meet third per- son, singular, through indicative mood. 8. "What is (a) a participle; (6) an infinitive ? (c) Give an example of each used as the subject of a sentence. 9-10. Make a view showing all the classes, forms, principal parts and properties of verbs. CIVIL GOVEKNMENT 1. Distinguish between majority and plurality. 2. Name five town officers and give a duty of each. 3. What are the qualifications of a voter in this State ? 4. Explain the meaing of the term ' ' Electoral college". 5. What is meant by (a) original, (b) appellate jurisdiction ? 6. When is the time for holding the town meeting as required by statute law ? 7. What is the basis of representation in the (a) house of representatives ; (b) State senate ? PHYSIOLOGY 109 8. Define (a) bill of attainder; (b) writ of habeas corpus. 9. Give the enacting clause used by the legis- lative body of this State. 10. What is arbitration ? PHYSIOLOGY FOURTH YEAR 1. What is the only thing that will quench thirst ? 2. What forms the framework of the body ? 3. Why should we keep our feet dry ? 4. Give two good rules in regard to eating. 5. Why should we have plenty of exercise? 6. Give two causes of children having impure blood. 7. How should we sit at a desk ? 8. What is the use of the stomach ? 9. Name the four divisions of the heart. 10. What is the effect of the use of alcoholic drinks on the heart and blood ? FIFTH YEAR 1. Describe the heart. 2. Name an important tissue-making food. 3. Name the five senses. 4. Name three healthful drinks. 5. Of what use to the body are fatty foods ? 6. Give three good rules for the care of the hair. 110 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 7. Can warm air be pure air ? 8. Where is the sense of feeling located ? 9. Name some of the various textures of which the blood is composed. 10. What danger attends the moderate use of weak stimulants ? SIXTH YEAR 1. What name is applied to each of the two layers of the skin ? 2. Describe the structure of the muscles. 3. How is the eye moistened ? 4. What is the alimentary canal ? 5. Where does digestion commence ? 6. Name two causes of poor digestion. 7. Define (a) pancreas ; (b) bile ; (c) diaphragm. 8-9. Name and number the bones of the trunk. 10. What effect on the nervous system has alcohol ? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Name the divisions of the brain. 2. What is the use of the spinal cord ? 3. Describe ihe structure of the organs of the nervous system. 4. Name the membranes surrounding the brain. 5. What is the medulla oblongata ? 0. What name is applied to the nerves which (a) carry the impression to the muscles; (/;) bring back the reply ? PHYSIOLOGY 111 7. Mention three beneficial effects of exercise. 8. What is cartilage and what is its use ? 9. Name the three pairs of salivary glands. 10. Beer drinking has what effect on the nerv- ous system ? EIGHTH YEAR 1. Name the organs of circulation. 2. Describe the composition of the blood. 3. What are the capillaries ? 4. What carries the blood from the (a) heart to the lungs; (6) lungs to the heart ? 5. Name the four stages in the process of digestion. 6. Describe briefly how beer is made. 7. What membrane surrounds the (a) heart; (b) lungs; (c) brain ? 8. What gives the blood its color ? 9. Describe the structure of the lungs. 10. What dangers attend the use of opium ? NINTH YEAR 1 . What beneficial effects result from juducious bathing ? 2. Describe the larynx. 3. What and where are the vocal cords ? 4. Describe the actions taken in (a) inspira- tion; (6) expiration. 5. Name the two movements of the heart. 6. Describe the auricles and give their use. 7. What are the lymphatics ? 112 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 8. Name three mineral matters needed in our food. 9. What is the structure of the stomach ? 10. Explain the fact that many men use alco- holic drinks all their lives, yet live to an extreme old age. HISTORY EIGHTH YEAR 1. Name an English, a French, a Spanish, and a Dutch explorer, and describe the section ex- plored by each. 2. Give the chief characteristics of the Ameri- can Indians. 3. How did Franklin aid the cause of Ameri- can independence ? 4. What was the direct cause of the Revolu- tionary war ? 5. Describe (a) Boston tea party ; (b) stamp act. 6. Give a brief account of Pontiac's war. 7. For what is each of the following places noted : Bunker Hill, Yorktown, Valley Forge ? 8. What important acquisition of territory was made during Jefferson's administration ? 9. Name the thirteen original colonies and tell what nation settled each. 10. What form of government existed* in" 8 the O fid colonies during the revolution ? HISTORY 113 NINTH YEAR 1. Account for the names (a) America; (b) Indians ; (c) Delaware ; (d) Maryland. 2. Name and give the dates of five battles of the Revolutionary war. 3. Who discovered (a) the Pacific ocean; (b) the Mississippi river ; (c) Labrador ? 4. (a) Name the oldest city in the United States, (b) When and by whom was it settled ? 5. Name one thing which hindered and one thing which helped the growth of Virginia. 6. (a) What makes the Wyoming Valley his- toric ? (b) Where is this place ? 7. Why was the continental money so depreci- ated during the latter part of the Eevolutionary war ? 8. Name four battles of the Mexican war. 9. What resulted from the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill ? 10. Who was appointed to succeed General Gates after the battle of Camden ? 114 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SPELLING FOURTH, AND FIFTH YEARS 1. raise, 2. after, 3. sunny, 4. oblige, 5. Sunday, 6. fourth, 7. value, 8. charge, 9. which, 10. iron, 11. ache, 12. soothing, 13. field, 14. cousin, 15. arrive, 16. sour, 17. growth, 18. alcohol, 19. building, 20. studied, 21. improve, 22. pupil, 23. easy, 24. claim, 25. somewhere, 26. depart, 27. closet, 28. market, 29. sail, 30. eyes, 31. America, 32. Christmas, 33. spring, 34. demand, 35. shovel, 36. deny, 37. canal, 38. about, 39. blend, 40. certain, 41. rare, 42. swiftly, 43. frame, 44. group, 45. sending, 46. globe, 47. broke, 48. greedy, 49. afraid, 50. often. SPELLING 115 SIXTH AND SEVENTH YEARS 1. arranged, 26. telegraph, 2. somewhat, 27. soap-stone, 3. . coffee, 28. candid, 4. cushion, 29. darken, 5. sausage, 30. balsam, 6. receive, 31. twentieth, 7. sardine, 32. marked, 8. knuckles, 33. vagabond, 9. bureau, 34. preposition, 10. wholly, 35. shrewd, 11. seclude, 36. cucumber, 12. college, 37. cruel, 13. their, 38. govern, 14. office, 39. theatre, 15. coffin, 40. cubic, 16. area, 41. factory, IT. acre, 42. oriole, 18. suppose, 43. fully, 19. salute, 44. conscience, 20. chagrin, 45. amend, 21. vacate, 46. Arkansas, 22. emblem, 47. N. B., 23. eraser, 48. 8 vo., 24. register, 49. M.D., 25. partner, 50. Pres. 116 GRADE EXAMINATIONS EIGHTH AND NINTH YEARS 1. wholesome, - 2. amused, 3. conflicting, 4. participate, 5. eradicate, 6. civilization, 7. mensuration, 8. recommendation, 9. circumference, 10. adequate, 11. currency, 12. addition, 13. physiology, 14. dahlia, 15. hereditary, 16. hyphen, 17. identify, 18. certificate, 19. ignorant, 20. suspended, 21. aristocrat, 22. jurisdiction, 23. immovable, 24. enterprise, 25. modifier. 26. druggist, 27. emancipate, 28. niece, 29. potential, 30. auxiliary, 31. separate, 32. chimneys, 33. capillary, 34. pavilion, 35. complimentary, 36. mortise, 37. itinerant, 38. aching, 39. erysipelas, 40. Niagara, 41. fictitious, 42. parallel, 43. accurate, 44. simultaneous, 45. athletic, 46. scoundrel, 47. serious, 48. cordial, 49. Louisiana, 50. Yosemite. The ' ' second ' ' of the series of test examina- tions covering the second term's work. To be held on Thursday and Friday of the tenth week of the second term of school. AEITHMETIC FOURTH YEAR 1. Write in figures (a) nine hundred million six hiindred thousand five hundred eleven ; (6) two hundred six million seven hundred forty - two thousand six hundred fifty- six. 2. Express in words (a) 656,981,724 ; (6) 19,600,221. 3. What will 2,987 bushels of wheat cost at 75 cents per bushel ? 4. How many acres of land will 1122,500 buy at $50 per acre ? 5. Find the cost of the following bill: 26 lbs. sugar @ $ .06 42 lbs. coffee @ .50 70 lbs. tea @ .65 180 lbs. rice @ .04 6. Write in Roman notation from 700 to 740. 7. Write the sign of (a) addition; (b) subtrac- tion; (c) division; (d) equality. (117) 118 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 8. If a man buys a house for $6,742.50 and sells it for $7,111.85, what does he gain ? 9. Keduce to bushels (a) 2,652 pounds of oats; (6) 560,112 pounds of corn. 10. Mod the sum of the following fractions : 13 2 7 9 _4_ JL 6. "8 5 8 05 8 05 80 5 8 FIFTH YEAR 1. Write in Eoman notation (a) 987; (b) 2. Of the following numbers tell which are prime and which are composite: 7, 18, 19, 23, 27, 49, 17, 131. 3. How many days from the 18th of April to the 27th of August ? 4. A man buys oats at 32 cents per bushel ; if he feeds a pint twice a day, what is the expense per week? 5. A person owning a farm of 640| acres sold \ of it ; how many acres had he left ? 6. Bought 96 eggs at \\ cents a piece and sold them for 18 cents per dozen ; what was my gain ? 7. Find the cost of 18} yards of carpet at 70 ceDts per yard. 8. How many times can a bottle holding \\ pints be filled from a tub holding 6 gallons ? 9. If a man travels 67 T 4 T miles one day; ^^ the next, and 56 T 2 ¥ the next, how far does he travel in all ? 10. How many cabbages would there be in 2 ARITHMETIC 119 tons, allowing an average weight of 5 pounds each? SIXTH YEAR 1. Define (a) common fraction; (b) decimal fraction; (c) concrete number. 2. Find the cost of a farm 180 rods long, 56 rods wide, at $60.50 per acre. 3. Using your own and your classmate's name, make out and receipt the following bill : 560 lbs. tobacco @ $ .35 941 lbs. candy @ .44 579 doz. oranges @ .38 4. A metre is equal to 39.37 inches. How many metres in a mile ? 5. If 10,000 pennies were divided into 16 equal parts, how many dollars would there be in each portion ? 6. How is the denominator of a decimal de- termined ? 7. Eeduce (a) 27 inches to the fraction of a mile; (b) 1,700 cubic inches to the fraction of a cubic yard. 8. A man having -f Jf of a bushel of walnuts, sold 10 quarts of them ; what fractional part of a bushel had he left ? 9. A father gave J of his property to one son, J to another, J to a third, and the remainder which was $2,500 to his daughter; what was the value of the estate ? 120 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 10. Simplify (tV x |) ( T V - f )' SEVENTH YEAR 1. Give (a) three multiples of 17; (b) three prime factors of 42. 2. Express decimally the following : 6^,218^, 16* fc ifc 219* £ 3. Bought a horse for $210, and sold him so as to gain 16 %\ what was the selling price ? 4. If the clouds move at the rate of one statute mile in two minutes, how long would it take them to move 71° ? 5. I sell 40 yards of cloth for $85, and lose 15 %\ at how much per yard ought I to sell it to gain 22 % ? 6. Change 267,429 cents to (a) dollars; (b) sovereigns. 7. Eeduce .578125 of a bushel to lower de- nominations. 8. An agent receives a remittance of $46,708, with which to purchase grain at a commission of 2 J % ; what will be the amount of the purchase ? 9. Bought butter for 19 cents per pound, and sold it for 21 cents ; what was my gain per cent ? 10. A cargo of 8,500 bushels of corn, worth 45 cents per bushel, is insured at 2|^, on f of its value ; if the cargo is lost, what will be the loss of the (a) owner; (b) company ? ARITHMETIC 121 EIGHTH YEAR 1. Define (a) promissory note ; (b) bank note. 2. What sum of money put at interest for 6 years, 4 months, at 7 %, will amount to $2,692 ? 3. A, owning | of a factory, sold J of his share to B ; after working two years, B found that he had made a clear profit of 30 %, and then had $2,000 ; what was the value of the whole factory ? 4. Find the present worth and discount of a note for $224, given for 2 years, 6 months, at 7 % ? 5. A man invested $26,667 in stocks at 107 J, brokerage \ % ; how many shares did he buy ? 6. The difference in time between two places is 7 hr. 26 min. 40 sec. ; what is the difference in longitude ? 7. A sells 9, 000 lbs. of pork at 6 cents per pound on S% commission; B receives $650 to invest after deducting his commission of 2 % ; does A, or B earn more money ? 8. I invested $7,819.20 in stock at 108; if the stock pays me $506.80 annually, what rate per cent do I receive on my investment ? 9. Find the capacity in barrels of a tank 18 ft. 8 in. long, 5 ft. 3 in. wide, and 3 ft. 6 in. high. 10. What would it cost to build a- walk 110 feet long, 4 feet wide, using plank 2 inches thick, worth $18.50 per M. board feet ? 122 GRADE EXAMINATIONS NINTH YEAR 1. Define (a) extreme; (b) cube root; (c) hy- pothenuse ; (d) perfect power. 2. What ratio is expressed by the following : 3 : 7 4 : 13? 7 : 2 3. If 4 men, in 2 J days, mow 6§ acres of grass, by working 8 | hours a day, how many acres will 15 men mow in 3} days, working 9 hours per day ? (Solve by proportion). 4. Three persons traded together; A put in $460 for 6 months; B $520 for 5 months; and C $600 for 4 months; if they gained $890, what would be each man's share of the profits ? 5. A grocer has teas worth 60 cents, 68 cents and 80 cents per pound; in what proportion may he mix them to form a quality worth 70 cents per pound ? 6. Eaise the number 27.5 to the third power and extract the square root of the power. 7. If the base of a triangle is 20 feet and the perpendicular is 45 feet, what would be the length of the hypothenuse ? 8. A cubical box contains 84,604,519 solid inches ; what is the area of one side ? 9. Reduce (a) 487 rods to metres ; (b) 14 pounds avoirdupois to grammes. 10. Find (a) the diameter of a circle whose GEOGRAPHY 123 circumference is 50 feet; (b) the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 50 feet. GEOGKAPHY FOURTH YEAR 1. Define (a) peninsula; (b) plain; (c) plateau. 2. Name the New England States. 3. Name four capes on the eastern coast of the United States. 4. What are the chief pursuits of the people of the Southern States ? 5 . In what State are (a) Adirondack mountains ; (b) Alleghany mountains ; (c) White mountains ? 6. Name (a) five oceans; (6) two gulfs; (c) four islands. 7. Where are tobacco and sugar cane largely grown ? 8. By what is Europe bounded on the south ? 9. For what is Cuba noted ? 10. By what are the laws made (a) in this State; (6) in the United States ? FIFTH YEAR 1. Locate (a) Arctic circle; (b) tropic of cancer; (c) tropic of Capricorn. 2. Name three peninsulas in Asia. 3. Describe three important rivers "of Africa. 4. Name and locate a mountain chain of (a) Europe; (6) Africa; (c) South America. 124 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 5. Name the countries of South America bor- dering on the Atlantic. 6. What large island south-east of Africa ? 7. (a) Where is Alaska ? (6) Why have so many people recently gone there ? 8. (a) What large desert in Africa ? (b) What is the cause of the deserts ? 9. Name a product of (a) Italy; (6) India; (c) Philippine Islands. 10. What territorial possessions has the United States recently acquired ? SIXTH -YEAR 1. Give four rivers of New York which belong to different river systems, and name the systems. 2. Name two counties of this State in which salt is found. 3. (a) Name the towns of the county in which you live, (b) What is the capital of your county ? 4. What river is the outlet of the group of lakes in central New York ? 5. Name and locate three river systems west of the Eocky mountains. 6. Name a State in which each of the follow- ing minerals are extensively mined : coal, gold, iron, lead, copper. 7. What parts of this State produce large quantities of excellent apples ? 8. Name the two motions of the earth and give the result of each. GEOGRAPHY 125 9-10. Name the counties of this State. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Draw an outline map of Australia and five of the large islands near it. 2. Locate on the above map three important cities. 3. Locate on the map all the important rivers and lakes. 4. Name (a) ten islands; (b) five groups of islands of Oceanica. 5. State the chief export of (a) Java; (b) Borneo; (c) Australia. 6. What country holds extensive possessions in the East Indies ? 7. What islands of Oceanica are under British rule ? 8. (a) AVhich is the largest of the Sandwich islands ? (6) What is the capital of this group ? 9. What two distinct races of mankind inhabit Oceanica ? 10. What valuable minerals are found in Australia ? NINTH YEAR i. When do the sun's rays fall most vertically in (a) New York; (b) Valparaiso ? 2. Describe each of the following: Trinidad, Terra del Fuego, Orinoco, St. Eoque, Candia, Ehone. 126 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 3. Explain why we find all kinds of climate on the equator. 4. Name four provinces of the Dominion of Canada. 5. (a) What are isothermal lines ? (b) Why do they not extend parallel with the lines mark- ing latitude ? 6. Name three rivers whose mouths are (a) estuaries; (6) deltas. 7. What name is applied to the grassy plains of (a) South America; (b) Asia; (c) North America ? 8. Name three advantages which have con- tributed to the growth of Buffalo. 9. Name two rivers which form boundaries between the United States and (a) Mexico; (6) British America. 10. How would you go by water from Duluth to Cairo ? DRAWING FOURTH YEAR 1. (a) What is harmony ? (b) Name two kinds of harmony. 2. Draw the outline of an eraser 9 r/ long, 3" wide, scale \" to 1". 3. Describe the cube, telling the number and kinds of faces, corners and edges. 4. Draw the pattern of a right triangular prism. DRAWING 127 5. Draw the plan and elevation of the solid mentioned in question 4. FIFTH YEAR 1. What three colors cannot be produced by mixing other colors ? 2. Draw a window with six lights, each 12" by 6", scale i" to 1". 3. Draw some simple flower, and shade. 4. Draw the pattern of a V cubical box with hinged lid attached. 5. Sketch some object (as a table or chair) and show where convergence is illustrated. SIXTH YEAR 1. Write a table showing the six positive spec- trum colors and the complementary color of each. 2. Draw the plan, front and side elevations of a hemisphere. 3. Sketch the same solid, placed in front and below the level of the eye, and shade. 4. (a) Construct a circle whose diameter is 3". (b) Designate its radius. 5. Draw a square prism in both angular and parallel perspective. SEVENTH YEAR 1. State a method of finding whether or not your patterns are erroneous. 2. Draw the front, top and bottom views of a spool of thread placed on one end. 128 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 3. What is conventionalization ? 4. (a) Draw a leaf of the maple and tell where the principal of (b) symmetry, (c) repetition is illustrated. 5. Sketch from memory some American mon- ument or Egyptian temple, and shade. EIGHTH YEAR 1. (a) How would you form a contrasted har- mony ? (b) Name and define two other harmonies. 2. (a) Construct an isosceles triangle, base 2", altitude 4", scale \" to 1" . (6) Bisect the angle used at the apex. 3. Conventionalize some plant, paying especial attention to balance of main lines. 4. Draw the pattern of a cuff, with one rounded and one square corner. 5. Define and illustrate by drawings (a) diago- nal line; (b) vertex; (c) perimeter. NINTH YEAR 1. (a) What is fore- shortening ? (b) Name the three divisions of cross sections. 2. Draw the plan, front and side elevations of an oblate spheroid. 3. Select three points not in the same line and describe a circle through them. 4. Inscribe a square a square and a regular octagon within a circle. 5. Define and illustrate by drawings (a) axis; (6) hypothenuse; (c) transverse diameter. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 129 GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE FOURTH YEAR 1. Write a sentence and underscore the sub- ject and predicate. 2. What three words are always articles ? 3. When must a verb be (a) plural ; (b) singular ? 4. Abbreviate forenoon, captain, Monday, December. 5-10. Write a composition of at least 100 words on one of the following subjects: the different kinds of people ; gathering nuts. Give especial attention to proper use of words. FIFTH YEAR 1. Write sentences illustrating the proper uses of the words sit and set. 2. Write a sentence containing two common and two proper nouns. 3. Name two ways of forming plurals. 4-5. Write a letter to your cousin, telling him about your pets or flowers. Give special atten- tion to form of letter and language used. 6-10. Write a composition of at least 125 words on any one of the following subjects : a sleighride ; the freedom of summer; a bird's nest. Give attention to spelling, punctuation and use of capital letters. SIXTH YEAR 1. Write a sentence containing two clauses. 130 , GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. Write sentences illustrating the proper uses of the words oar and ore. 3. Name and define the three degrees of com- parison. 4. Write a sentence containing (a) a personal, (b) a relative, (c) an interrogative pronoun. 5. State the force of each of the following prefixes : ante, in, pre, post, semi. 6-7. Write a letter to a friend, giving atten- tion to the form and punctuation of the letter as well as to the contents. 8-10. Write an essay of at least 150 words on one of the following subjects : The discovery of America; slavery. Give attention to proper use of words and division into paragraphs. SEVENTH YEAR The fervid eloquence and strong will of Henry Clay admirably fitted him to take a leading part in the debates of the senate. Questions 1 to 6 inclusive refer to the above selection. 1. Analyze the sentence by diagram or other- wise. 2. Select all the phrases and classify them. 3. Select (a) a participial adjective; (b) two common adjectives. 4. Parse (a) eloquence ; (b) him ; (c) admirably. 5. Give the syntax of (a) will; (b) part; (c) senate. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 131 6. Classify the sentence as to its form and use. 7. Decline the personal pronoun of the (a) first, (b) third person. 8. Conjugate the verb be in all the tenses of the indicative mode. 9. Give three rules for the use of the comma. 10. Write a sentence illustrating (a) subject clause; (b) objective clause. EIGHTH YEAR Few teachers of to-day realize the difference between the startling experiences of the school- masters of long ago, and the many conveniences of the teachers of the present, without feeling the benefit of our present advanced educational system. Questions one to six inclusive refer to the above selection. 1. Select and classify all the clauses. 2. Select and classify all the phrases. 3. Give three modifiers of (a) system; (b) experiences. 4. Parse (a) teacher; (6) realize; (c) feeling; (d) between. 5. Select (a) seven prepositions; (b) seven ad- jectives ; (c) compare all adjectives that admit of comparison. 6. Analyze the sentence by diagram or other- wise. 7. Decline (a) he; (6) bird; (c) thou. 132 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 8. Conjugate (a) fly in the potential mode ; (b) row in the subjunctive mode. 9. Define (a) proper noun; (b) collective noun, and give an example of each. 10. Build four English words upon the stem cour, and define each of them. NINTH YEAR The new constitution met with the most violent opposition. The people were divided into two classes — the Federalists and the anti-Federalists. The former favored the constitution and sought to increase the powers of the national govern- ment ; the latter opposed it, and feared too much national power, lest a monarchy should be estab- lished. — Barnes. The first seven questions refer to the above passage. 1. Select and classify four clauses. 2. Select and classify all the connectives. 3. Give all the modifiers of (a) power; (b) feared. 4. Classify all verbs as (a) transitive or in- transitive; (6) active or passive. 5. Parse (a) met; (6) Federalists; (c) sought. 6. Give the syntax of (a) people; (b) powers; (c) government. 7. Select and classify all adjectives. 8. Give a synopsis of the verb burn, second person plural, through all the moods. CIVIL GOVERNMENT 133 9. Name three nouns which (a) have the same form for either number; (6) are always plural in form. 10, Illustrate the double construction of case in the pronoun what. CIVIL GOVERNMENT 1. What is the fundamental law of (a) the United States; (b) this State? 2. By whom and for how long are the United States senators chosen ? 3. Define (a), caucus; (b) convention; (c) bill; (d) law. 4. (a) What is a chattel mortgage ? (6) For what purpose are they given ? 5. Name five powers denied to congress. 6. What classes of people cannot hold public offices ? 7. Define (a) slander; (b) libel, and give the penalty of each. 8. State the qualifications of (a) governor; (b) member of assembly ; (c) U. S. senator. 9. Describe the actions taken in a criminal case. 10. For how long are each of the following officers elected: (a) Eegents of the University; (b) comptroller; (c) county judge; (d) school commissioner ? 134 GRADE EXAMINATIONS PHYSIOLOGY FOURTH YEAR 1. Name three foods which make pure blood. 2. Where is the blood purified ? 3. Give three rules for the care of the teeth. 4. Name the five senses. 5. What are the evil results of poor ventila- tion ? 6. Why should we not eat between meals ? 7. Why are the bones of children not as easily broken as those of aged people ? 8. Tell how the stomach may be disordered. 9. Of what are the muscles composed ? 10. Name three alcoholic drinks. FIFTH YEAR 1. Of what two layers is the skin composed ? 2. How should we eat ? 3. Of what use is an open fireplace, even if it is not used for heating purposes ? 4. Give three uses of the skin. 5. How should the eyes be cared for ? 6. What kind of drinks will make impure blood ? 7. What gives the blood its color ? 8. Name three different kinds of teeth. 9. What and where is the strongest bone in the body ? 10. Describe the brain. PHYSIOLOGY 135 SIXTH YEAR 1. Define (a) peritoneum ; (b) periosteum. 2-3. Describe fully the process of digestion. 4. What is the drum of the ear ? 5. What and where is the pylorus, and what is its function ? 6. What organ secretes (a) bile; (b) gastric juice ; (c) pancreatic juice ? 7. What bad effect may follow holding a book too near the eyes while reading ? 8. Qive three uses of the skin. 9. Name some kinds of meat which are easy to digest. 10. What effect has alcohol on the stomach and digestion ? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Define (a) larnyx ; (b) trachea; (c) bronchial tubes. 2. What is accomplished by mastication ? 3. What is the thoracic duct ? 4. How does alcohol effect the moral condition of the mind ? 5. What are ligaments ? 6-7. Name and number the bones of the head. 8. Name the three classes of nerves. 9. What is the use of the intestinal juice ? 136 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 10. Name two ways in which alcohol gets in- to the blood after taken into the stomach. EIGHTH YEAR 1. From what is a nail produced ? 2. What is the use of the hair ? 3. Define (a) myopia; (b) presbyopia. 4. What is tissue ? 5. What is the natural shape of the chest ? 6. Of what is the skull composed ? 7. What and where is the sternum ? 8. What kind of a joint is found at the (a) shoulder; (b) elbow; (c) wrist ? 9. How are the muscles arranged ? 10. Name the four stages of intoxication. NINTH YEAR 1. What two liquids are found in the interior of the eye ? 2. Describe the duodenum. 3. What are the organs of absorption in the stomach ? 4. Give three evil effects of rapid eating. 5. What is the general effect of the use of tobacco in youth ? 6. With what are the nostrils lined ? 7. Make a drawing showing the correct shape of the spine. HISTORY 137 8. What and where are the villi, and what are their functions ? 9. Define (a) papilla; (b) papillae; (c) cornea. 10. Describe the effect of alcohol on the breathing capacity. HISTOEY EIGHTH YEAR 1. What was the (a) navigation act; (6) em- bargo act ? 2. Why were the Quakers so cruelly treated by many of the other colonists ? 3. Describe the expedition against Fort Duquesne. 4. What colony was not represented in the first continental congress ? 5. Describe the following battles : Lexington, Monmouth, Brandy wine. * 6. What was the effect of Cornwallis's sur- render at Yorktown ? 7. What difficulty did we have with France during Washington's administration ? 8. Write a description of the trouble between Hamilton and Burr. 9. How was the year 1807 made memorable ? 10. What was the cause of the war of 1812 ? 138 GRADE EXAMINATIONS NINTH YEAR 1. In what wars has the United States been engaged since 1815 ? Give their dates. 2. Mention an important event of (a) Jack- son's, (b) Hayes's administration. 3. Mention a battle of the civil war fought in (a) Pennsylvania; (6) Georgia; (c) Virginia. 4. In what battle did LaFayette first fight ? 5. Name the three cities which have been the capitals of the United States. 6. Mention the important results of the (a) war of 1812; (b) civil war. 7. What territorial possessions have we ac- quired by (a) conquest; (6) purchase ? 8. WhoVas secretary of the treasury during Washington's administration ? 9-10. Make a view showing the names of all the presidents, the number and the dates of the terms each served, and the political party to which each belonged. SPELLING 139 SPELLING FOURTH AND FIFTH YEARS 1. always, 2. party, 3. scholar, 4. parrot, 5. army, 6. lumber-yard, 7. names, 8. which, 9. many, 10. clock, 11. mother, 12. saucer, 13. ink-stand, 14. each, 15. during, 16. twilight, 17. faded, 18. afterwards, 19. travel, 20. chalk, 21. equator, 22. Orleans, 23. camp, 24. mistake, 25. towel, 26. comb, 27. brain, 28. adverb, 29. goose, 30. above, 31. insure, 32. consist, 33. onion, 34. children, 35. mouse, 36. whistle, 37. invent, 38. eighth, 39. string, 40. fence, 41. abused, 42. ashamed, 43. seal, 44. river, 45. use, 46. ready, 47. chest, 48. organs, 49. nerves, 50. effect. 140 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SIXTH AND SEVENTH YEARS 1. handsome, 2. reading, 3. bought, 4. orator, 5. molasses, 6. medicine, 7. rival, 8. parcel, 9. label, 10. taught, 11. profuse, 12. elegant, 13. syllable, 14. truly, 15. hundred, 16. amused, 17. oyster, 18. oral, 19. balance, 20. amazed, 21. catarrh, 22. reign, 23. teasing, 24. contrast, 25. cause, 26. freshet, 27. artless, 28. conceit, 29. thieve, 30. enormous, 31. leather, 32. fraction, 33. oasis, 34. islands, 35. Arkansas, 36. Arabella, 37. sliver, 38. sensible, 39. unity, 40. condense, 41. gypsy, 42. depot, 43. saltpeter, 44. session, 45. mention, 46. leisure, 47. lament, 48. asst., 49. deft., 50. LL.D. SPELLING 141 EIGHTH AND NINTH YEARS 1. habitual, 2. committee, 3. dynamite, 4. mysterious, 5. valuable, 6. similarly, 7. cashier, 8. kerosene, 9. Louisiana, 10. surgeon, 11 . enamel, 12. suicide, 13. monotonous, 14. conscience, 15. explanation, 16. critical, 17. impartial, 18. attorney, 19. individually, 20. acquaintance, 21. supposition, 22. sufficient, 23. achievement, 24. hearth, 25. sacrifice, 26. exercises, 27. San Francisco, 28. cassimere, 29. belligerent, 30. revenue, 31. politician, 32. analysis, 33. succession, 34. aqueduct, 35. fertilize, 36. manufacture, 37. articulate, 38. separate, 39. consequence, 40. trustee, 41. phrase, 42. recipe, 43. plaintiff, 44. defendant, 45. stanza, 46. Russian, 47. Shakespeare, 48. emperor, 49. maj., 50. sen. The ' ' third ' ' o/ ^e series of test examinations covering the second term's work. To be held on Thursday and Friday of the fifteenth week of the second term of school. AEITHMETIC FOURTH YEAR 1. Express in words (a) DCCXCIX ; (b) CMLXIV. 2. Write in figures (a) two hundred sixty - seven million one hundred ten thousand ten ; (b) nine hundred one million seven thousand seven hundred. 3. A man bought 26 sheep at 14 per head and 42 at 13 per head ; what did he pay for all ? 4. Write the table for (a) time; (b) long measure. 5. Write the abbreviation for (a) hour; (b) minute; (b) mile; (d) feet; (e) ounces. 6. What will 19} tons of coal cost at 19.40 per ton ? 7. How many (a) inches, (b) feet in 16 rods ? 8. (8X6)-(TX4)+(6X7) equals how many? 9. A boy having f of an apple was given as much more ; how much had he them ? (142) ARITHMETIC 143 10. Tell what the numerator and denominator in the following fractions show : T 9 T . FIFTH YEAR 1. Express in words (a) MDCIX; (6) if; (c) 11,007,904. 2. A grocer sold 158 pints of beans at 5 cents per pint; if he paid $2.50 per bushel, what was his gain ? 3. A man gave a note on July 20, 1896, to be paid on October 28, 1896; how many days did the note run ? 4. Find the cost of the following bill : 16 1 lbs. ham @ $ .12 18 lbs. veal @ .14 J 20i lbs. mutton® .10 5. If 8 men can build a house in 56 days, how long will it take one man to build it ? 6. Add 647, 99 and 874; subtract 104 from this sum, and multiply the remainder by 56. 7. A man earns $1,080 per year, and during this length] of time his expenses amount to $450 ; in how many years will he save $5,040 ? 8. Bought 285 loads of wheat, each load con- taining 46 bushels, worth $1J per bushel; what was the cost ? 9. A boy spent at different times as follows: $i, H, H, H, $A; how much did he spend in aU? 10. How many feet in a (a) rod; (6) yard; (c) mile ? 144 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SIXTH YEAR 1. Define (a) a square; (6) a cube. 2. At 12 i cents a foot, what will be the cost of a cable 2,180 miles long '? 3. How many grains in 4 pounds (a) troy weight ; (b) avoirdupois weight ? 4. Write the abbreviation for (a) grains; (6) barrel; (c) quart; (d) second. 5. If $8£ will buy 3f bushels of beans, how many bushels will $26 buy ? 6. What decimal part of a ton is 480 pounds ? 7. A man bought 180 acres of land for $4,155 ; he afterward sold 60 acres of it at $33.75 per acre, and the remainder a $36.50 per acre; how much did he gain ? 8. Find the cost of carpeting a room 20 feet long and 17 feet wide, with carpet a yard wide, worth 80 cents per linear y ard, the strips to run lengthwise. 9. How many cords of wood in a pile (a) 80 feet long and 6 feet high; (b) 96 feet long, 8 feet high and 6 feet thick ? 10. How many gallons in a cistern 10 feet square and 7 feet deep ? SEVENTH YEAR 1. Define (a) premium ; (b) tax ; (c) real estate ; (d) inventory. 2. A farmer received $1.25 per bushel for 3 loads of wheat, weighing as follows: 1,867, ARITHMETIC 145 1,961, 2,007 pounds respectively; how much did he receive for all ? 3. The roof of a barn is 50 feet long and each of the two sides is 24 feet wide; how many shingles would be required to cover it, if each shingle is 5 inches wide and is laid 4J inches to the weather ? How many bunches would be required ? 4. How many (a) cubic inches in a gallon ; (b) cubic inches in a bushel ; (c) statute miles in a degree ; (d) feet in a fathom ? 5. Bought 12 sheep at $3 apiece, and after los- ing three of them by disease, sold the remainder at 15 per head ; what was my gain per cent ? 6. What would be my school tax on an assess- ment of $12, 800, if the assessed valuation of the district is $256,000; the expenses are $390; and the amount of public money received is $102 ? 7. What will it cost to insure a factory valued at $18,700, at \%\ and the contents valued at $14,400, atf ^? 8. A man owning 33 % of a mill, sold 20 % of his share; if he still owned interests to the amount of $1,600, what was the value of the whole mill ? 9 . Eeduce 1.61 leagues to lower denominations . 10. Simplify (fXA + |) _ (2f + 9j) (fXf-f) ' (9f-4f)' 146 GRADE EXAMINATIONS EIGHTH YEAR 1. Define (a) insurance; (b) commission; (c) bank discount. ' 2. Divide a tract of land 3 miles square into 24 farms of equal size. 3. When it is 1 o'clock, A. M., on the first day of December, at Eastport, Me., 67° W., what is the time at St. Petersburg, 30° 19' E.? 4. Bought 42 shares of Union Pacific railroad stock at a discount of 12 J $, and sold it at a pre- mium of 8 % ; what was my gain ? 5. What is the difference between the true and bank discount of a note for $980, given for 2J years, discounted on the day it was given ? 6. A broker received 164.80 for selling 24 shares of stock at 3 % commission ; what was the market value of the stock ? 7. The sum of two numbers is 567, and their difference is 60 ; what are the numbers ? 8. Name ten different classes of numbers and define each. 9. A can shear 41 sheep in a day, B 63, and C 54 ; what is the number of sheep in the small- est flock that would furnish exact days' labor for each of them shearing alone ? 10. Simplify VT I TT X 3") \/ (,T6 ~^~ "8V (6i + f- T V) (1X1)' ARITHMETIC 147 NINTH YEAR 1. Define (a) evolution; (b) prime number ; (c) negotiable note. 2. St. Petersburg is 30° 19' E., and Sitka is 132° 19'" 42" W. What is the difference in time ? 3. What is the present worth of a debt of $2,600, of which $1,600 is to be paid in 10 months, and the remainder in 1 year 6 months ? 4. How many rods of fence will be required to inclose 20 acres of land in the form of a square ? 5. ' A bin is 5 metres long, 4 metres 8 centi- metres wide, and 6 metres 3 decimetres deep; how many hectolitres will it contain ? 6. What will it cost to build a walk 4 feet wide around the two sides and one end of a building 80 feet long and 45 feet wide, the material cost- ing 16 J cents per square yard ? 7. A building is 40 feet wide and its ridge is 8 feet higher than the beams ; what would be the length of the rafters required ? 8. In 1 year 4 months $311.50 amounted to $336.42 ; what was the rate of interest ? 9. How many acres in a circular island 420 rods in circumference ? 10. Extract the cube root of 18667.060521. Correct to three decimal places. 148 GRADE EXAMINATIONS GEOGEAPHY FOURTH YEAR 1. Define (a) volcano; (6) sea; (c) mountain. 2. What great river drains the Mississippi Valley ? 3. State approximately the population of the United States. 4. Name the five great lakes. 5. Name five rivers of Europe. 6. Locate (a) Hudsons Bay ; (6) Gulf of Guinea ; (c) Mackenzie river. 7. Name the largest (a) island; (b) sea; (c) river; (d) ocean. 8. Where are (a) Eocky mountains; (b) Green mountains; (c) Ural mountains; (d) Himalaya mountains ? 9. Name four minerals found in the United States. 10. What is evaporation ? FIFTH YEAR 1 . Define (a) climate ; (&) latitude ; (c) longitude. 2. Name five places where gold is found. 3. Locate the following islands: Greenland, Hayti, Java, Ceylon. 4. Name four capes on the coast of South America. 5. Describe the following rivers: Penobscot, Connecticut, Kennebec. GEOGRAPHY 149 6. Name the States which border on the At- lantic ocean. 7. Name two countries which are mostly in- habited by (a) Mongolians ; (6) Caucasians. 8. Name a mountain chain of each of the grand divisions. 9. Draw an outline map of Africa. 10. Locate on the above map three rivers, two mountain chains, two cities. SIXTH YEAR 1. Give all the natural boundaries of this State. 2. Mention two physical features of this State which present beautiful scenery. 3. Locate ten of the largest cities in this State. 4. What parallel forms the northern boundary of (a) United States; (6) N. Temperate Zone; (c) S. Frigid Zone ? 5. Name (a) four cities of Europe; (b) two cities of Asia connected with the ports of Amer- ica by steamship lines. 6. Compare British America and the United States as to (a) size ; (b) climate ; (c) population ; (d) government. 7. What river flows between (a) Kentucky and Missouri; (b) Maine and New Brunswick; (c) Michigan and Canada ? 8. Mention all the principal river systems of the United States. 150 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 9. Make a list of all the principal mountain chains in the United States. 10. Name four modifications of climate. SEVENTH YEAR 1. Name ten rivers of (a) Europe; (6) Asia. 2. Name all the gulfs and bays indenting the coast of Asia. 3. Locate the following cities : Pekin, Genoa, Vienna, Valparaiso, Dublin, Omaha. 4. State the chief exports of (a) London, (b) Odessa; (c) Calcutta. 5. Name three lakes of each of the grand divisions. 6. What is the difference in hours between (a) Eastern and Mountain time ; (b) Pacific and Cen- tral time ? 7. What and where are each of the following: Yokohoma, Yukon, Mozambique, Hecla ? 8. Into what zones is Africa divided ? 9. Describe the chief features of the govern- ment and people of Mexico. 10. Describe three ways in which a person could travel by water from San Francisco to New York. NINTH YEAR 1. Account for the fact that we have our cold- est weather several weeks after the vertical rays of the sun fall farthest away. GEOGRAPHY — DRAWING 151 2. Name two ocean currents and tell the effect of each on the climate near it. 3. What five large rivers flow across Prussia ? 4. (a) What waters indent the coast of Holland ; (6) for what purpose are dykes built on the coast of this country ? 5. How do the rivers of Switzerland facilitate its manufacturing ? 6. Name ten seas on the coast of Asia. 7. Name the two principal islands of the Japan empire. 8. What is the prevailing religion of (a) Turkey; (6) Persia; (c) China; (d) Italy ? 9. What name is applied to the ruler of (a) Japan ; (b) Egypt ; (c) Eussia ; id) Turkey ? 10. What is the cause of (a) volcanoes; (b) earthquakes; (c) cyclones; (d) dews; (e) fogs; (/) rain; (g) hail? DEAWING FOURTH YEAR 1. How would you produce (a) a tint of green; (b) a shade of green ? 2. Sketch a branch with cherries on it, and shade. 3. Draw a wagon wheel 60 inches high, scale tV" to 1". 4. Draw the plan and elevation of a square prism. 152 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 5. (a) Sketch a chair, and shade, (b) Show where convergence is illustrated. FIFTH YEAR 1. (a) In what flower might you find dominant harmony ? (6) What colors are usually found on the leaf of the maple in the fall ? 2. (a) Draw a horizontal line 3" long; (b) bi- sect it, and (c) erect a vertical line 2" long at the point of bisection. 3. What is (a) an angle; (b) a right angled triangle ? 4. Draw the plan and elevation of an oblong shaped dish. Dimensions optional. 5. Sketch a cube, a cone and a square pyra- mid, and shade. SIXTH YEAR 1. (a) What is a hue ? (6) How would you produce a hue of green ? 2. Describe the equilateral triangular prism, telling (a) the number and shape of its faces; (b) the number and kinds of corners and edges. 3. Draw the pattern of some object in vase form, altitude 3". 4. Draw the plan, front and end elevations of a cylinder, base 2", altitude 4", scale \" to 1" . 5. Sketch a hemisphere and (b) modify to represent an earthen cup, and shade. DRAWING 153 SEVENTH YEAR 1. What is a working drawing ? 2. Define and illustrate (a) base, (b) apex; (c) radius. 3. Conventionalize some blossom. 4: Draw the pattern of a half of a square prism divided diagonally, base 2", altitude 4". 5. Sketch a square pyramid, placed on one of its sides in front and below the level of the eye, and shade. EIGHTH YEAR 1. Construct (a) a scalene triangle; (b) an ob- tuse-angled triangle ; (c) an acute angled triangle. 2. Within a circle having a diameter of 4", inscribe a regular octogon. 3. Circumscribe a circle around a regular hexagon. 4. (a) Draw an angle of 45°, and (b) bisect it. 5. (a) Within an oblong 4" by 6", sketch in the foreground a farm house with a road passing beside it, back of which is an active volcano and mountains, (b) Point out where convergence is illustrated. NINTH YEAR 1. Make lists of (a) the nine warm colors; (b) the nine cool colors ; (c) the three primary colors ; (d) the three secondary colors. 2. Draw an oblique cross -section of a hollow cylinder. Dimensions optional. 154 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 3. (a) Draw two lines which intersect, making an angle, and (b) construct another angle equal to it. 4. Inscribe an equilateral triangle and a regu- lar hexagon within a circle. 5. Make a working drawing of a square pyra- mid, base 1", altitude 2", GEAMMAE AND LANGUAGE FOURTH YEAR 1. Form the plurals of wolf, bear, orange, foot. 2 . Change the following sentences to questions : (a) Bears growl ; (b) bees buzz. 3. Write sentences using the word fly in two different meanings. 4. Correct the errors in the following sentences : (a) I be going; (6) are I going; (c) they is going. 5-10. Write a letter of 100 words to your teacher, telling him about the pleasures of your vacation. Give special attention to form of letter and punctuation. FIFTH YEAR 1. Upon the stem con build two English words and define them. 2. Abbreviate general, answer, railroad, Au^ gust. 3. Form the plurals ~of the following words: calf, light, foot, place, ox. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 155 4. Write a sentence using two common and one proper adjective. 5. How may we know whether to use a singu- lar or a plural verb ? 6-10. Write a letter, using at least 100 words, to your uncle, telling him about your Christmas gifts. Give especial attention to form of letter, the use of capitals, punctuation and spelling. SIXTH YEAR 1. Write a sentence using one principal and one subordinate clause. 2. State five rules for the use of capital letters. 3. Form the plurals of focus, iris, apex, oasis, I, ox. 4. In what three different ways may we dis- tinguish gender ? 5. When is a collective noun (a) singular; (b) plural ? Give examples. 6. Compare much, kind, able, sure, beautiful. 7. Give the principal parts of five irregular verbs. 8. Write a sentence using an adverb of (a) time; (b) manner; (c) degree. 9-10. Write a description of your nearest vil- lage or city, telling about its churches, stores, streets and people. Give especial attention to the use of capital letters, spelling and punctuation. 156 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SEVENTH YEAR Lincoln who concealed a very serious mind under the drolleries of a comic story-teller, was not without experience in national affairs. Questions 1 to 6 inclusive refer to the above selection. 1. Select and classify the clauses. 2. Parse (a) experience ; (6) mind ; (c) concealed. 3. Give (a) three modifiers of mind; (b) two modifiers of story-teller. 4. Give the syntax of (a) Lincoln; (b) affairs; (c) drolleries. 5. Select all the adjectives and compare those that admit of comparison. 6. Conjugate the verb was in all the tenses of the indicative mode. 7. State three syntactic rules for the nomina- tive case. 8. Define (a) comparison ; (b) conjugation. 9. Give three rules for the use of the semi- colon. 10. Write a sentence using an infinitive as the (a) subject; (b) object. EIGHTH YEAR The most important thing a young man ever does is to get ready. The key note lasts to the end of the tune and the foundation reaches clear to the finial. GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE 157 The first six questions refer to the above selection. 1. Classify the following clauses : (a) man does ; (b) foundation reaches. 2. Conjugate the verb is in the past perfect tense, potential mode. 3. Give the principal parts of all the verbs. 4. Parse (a) thing; (6) ever; (c) lasts. 5. Give all the modifiers of (a) thing; (b) lasts. 6. Classify each sentence of the selection as to its form and use. 7. i Give a synopsis of the verb ride, second person, singular, indicative and potential modes. 8. Write sentences illustrating some distinction in the use of the words between and among. 9. Give an example of (a) a regular, and (5) an irregular comparison of adjectives. 10. Form the plurals of index, arena, basis, focus. NINTH YEAR It may not be flattering to our pride, but it is nevertheless true, that, in the far by-gone ages, our ancestors were clothed in the skins of wild beasts, just as some savage tribes are clothed to- day. The first six questions refer to the above selec- tion. 1. Select and classify all the clauses. 158 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. Parse (a) that; (b) tribes; (c) clothed (4th line). 3. Tell the part of speech of (a) nevertheless ; (b) flattering; (c) just. 4. Give the principal parts of all the verbs. 5. Give all the modifiers of (a) tribes; (b) ages; (c) clothed (line 3). 6. What does the preposition but connect ? 7. Give the signs of the following tenses: (a) Pres. Per., Past Per., Future Per. of the indica- tive mode; (b) Present, Pres. Per., Past Per. of the potential mode. 8. What is the difference between (a) redundant and defective verbs ; (b) active and passive verbs ? 9. When does the collective noun require (a) a singular verb ; (b) a plural verb ? 10. Write a sentence with (a) a participle; (b) an infinitive (verbal nouns) used as the subject. CIVIL GOVERNMENT 1. Name, define and give examples of two kinds of taxes. 2. Name four classes of people who are exempt from military duties. 3. Compare (a) insurrection and rebellion; (b) confederacy and nation. 4. Describe fully the three ways in which a bill brought before congress may become a law. PHYSIOLOGY 159 5. Justify the act of giving congress the sole power of coining money. 6. State the mode of enacting amendments to our State constitution. 7. When and how often must congress assemble ? 8. (a) What is treason ? (b) What is necessary to convict a person of this crime in the United States ? 9. What town officers are required to give bonds ? 10 j What are the duties of the surrogate. PHYSIOLOGY FOURTH YEAR 1. Name three healthful foods. 2. What is the effect on a muscle if not used? 3. Describe the skin. 4. What is perspiration ? 5. When is the best time for bathing ? 6. Of what use are the nails ? 7. What kind of meat is best for daily use ? 8. How may water be made impure ? .9. What time is best for exercise ? 10. What is the effect on the mind of the use of tobacco ? FIFTH YEAR 1. Give two uses of the skin. 160 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 2. What is the effect of cigarette smoking on the mind ? 3. Name three, foods which contain sugar. 4. Why do we need more fatty food in winter than in summer ? 5. What is the use of the saliva ? 6. Name the organs in the chest. . 7. What tells us of pain ? 8. Give three rules for the care of the teeth. 9. Describe the spinal column. 10. Name the bones of the lower leg. SIXTH YEAR 1. Exercise and dis-use have what effect on the muscles ? 2. Describe the evil effects of re-breathing. 3. Give three rules for the care of the ears. 4. Explain the necessity of a mixed diet. 5. Why will a broken bone heal quicker in a child than in an aged person ? 6. What are the Haversian canals ? 7. How does a joint oil itself ? 8. What is the mucous membrane ? 9. How does the nourishing part of the food get into the blood ? 10. Define (a) chyme; (b) chyle. SEVENTH YEAR 1. What gives the skin its color ? 2. What is the function of the cerebellum ? PHYSIOLOGY 161 3. Why can a dog strip the flesh from a bone by simply licking it ? 4. Where is the sense of touch most acute ? 5. Describe and give the use of the sclerotic. 6. What is fermentation ? 7. How is voice produced ? 8. Name three kinds of joints and give an example of each. 9. What is injured when we receive a sprain? 10. What is the effect of the use of tobacco on the senses ? EIGHTH YEAR 1. What is the gout and how is it caused ? 2. What are freckles ? 3. From what is a hair produced ? 4. What is the structure of the mucous mem- brane ? 5. What are the uses of fat ? 6-7. Describe fully the circulation of the blood. 8. Name and number the four kinds of teeth. 9. What are the perspiratory glands ? 10. AVhy is alcohol the cause of many crimes ? NINTH YEAR 1. What nerve governs each of the senses ? 2. What is the use of taste ? 3. Describe the external ear. s 4. Name the three membranes of the eye. 5. What is the " arch of the aorta " ? 162 GRADE EXAMINATIONS 6. Describe the lacteals. 6. What is the use of the portal circulation ? 8. Name three parts of the body which con- tain neither blood nor nerves. 9. Describe and give the function of the lachre- mal gland. 10. How do we see ? HISTORY EIGHTH YEAR 1. Tell something of each of the following men : (a) Eoger Williams ; (6) Peter Stuy vesant ; (c) Alexander Hamilton. 2. For what reason was (a) Georgia, (b) Rhode Island, (c) Maryland settled ? 3. (a) Under what flag and at about what time did the Cabot s discover America ? (b) From whom did they obtain authority to sail ? 4. When, where and by what nation was slavery introduced in America ? 5. Mention five battles of the Revolutionary war and give the commanders of each. 6. Describe the flight between the constitution and the Guerriere. 7. (a) Who killed Tecumseh ? (b) What effect did his death have upon the warriors ? 8. What dispatch did Perry send to General Harrison after the battle on Lake Erie ? HISTORY 163 9. Describe the battle of New Orleans. 10. (a) Where was the treaty which closed the war of 1812 signed ? (b) How was the question of impressment left ? NINTH YEAR 1. What is meant by "impressment of the American seamen ' ' ? 2. With what victory did the Americans re- gain control of Michigan ? 3. Mention a noted historic fact connected with' each of the following men: Maj. Andre, Stephen A. Douglass, Henry Clay. 4. What was the " Nullification act " ? 5. What was the cause of Dorr's rebellion ? 6. When and by whom was the magnetic telegraph invented ? 7. Give a brief account of the capture of Yicksburg. 8. What public office was held by (a) John Jay ; (b) Daniel Webster ; (c) Aaron Burr ? 9. Name three important American authors and give a work of each. 10. Write a brief account of each of the fol- lowing: (a) Laying of the Atlantic cable; (b) presidential election in the fall of 1876. 164 GRADE EXAMINATIONS SPELLING FOURTH AND FIFTH YEARS 1. any, 2. each, 3. which, 4. freeze, 5. horseback, 6. golden, 7. water, 8. very, 9. seemed, 10. sharpened, 11. bite, 12. their, 13. seaweed, 14. railroad, 15. queer, 16. ache, 17. pain, 18. there, 19. whispered, 20. puzzle, 21. cackle, 22. upon, 23. noun, 24. article, 25. fished, 26. gnawed, 27. perpendicular, 28. circle, 29. globe, 30. digger, 31. buggy, 32. pages, 33. covers, 34. sugar, 35. marble, 36. iron, 37. teeth, 38. leaves, 39. solid, 40. cousin, 41. orchard, 42. kitchen, 43. linen, 44. hammer, 45. scarf, 46. horse-shoes, 47. steel, 48. around, 49. beauty, 50. Washington. SPELLING 165 SIXTH AND SEVENTH YEARS 1. president, 2. robber, 3. Columbus, 4. gypsy, 5. nervous, 6. icicle, 7. fever, 8. Buffalo, 9. Pittsburg, 10. Alleghany, 11. molasses, 12. machinery, 13. education, 14. religious, 15. longitude, 16. scandal, 17. parcel, 18. earthquake, 19. plateau, 20. addition, 21. division, 22. notation, 23. numerator, 24. disfigure, 25. sailor, 26. musician, 27. catarrh, 28. cornstalk, 29. raspberries, 30. cedar, 31. desert, 32. except, 33. accept, 34. celery, 35. Eunice, 36. screech, 37. judgment, 38. saucer, 39. quotient, 40. session, 41. alcohol, 42. raisins, 43. geometry, 44. shingles, 45. nephew, 46. loser, 47. inventor, 48. awful, 49. freight, 50. Pyrenees. 166 GRADE EXAMINATIONS EIGHTH AND NINTH YEARS 1. client, 2. notary- public, 3. physiognomy, 4. phaeton, 5. complexion, 6. souvenir, 7. apothecary, 8. inveterate, 9. principal, 10. accurate, 11. accept, 12. vertebrae, 13. suffix, 14. sergeant, 15. merchandise, 16. sovereign, IT. governor, 18. colonel, 19. oasis, 20. seminary, 21. mathematician, 22. auctioneer, 23. miscellaneous, 24. mischievous, 25. persuasion, 26. Wednesday, 27. towards, 28. bicycle, 29. immortal, 30. physical, 31. definite, 32. adequate, 33. competition, 34. hygiene, 35. revision, 36. pickerel, 37. geometry, 38. singeing, 39. Isaiah, 40. looser, 41. dessert, 42. cyclone, 43. plurality, 44. defective, 45. character, 46. features, 47. fermentation, 48. conventionalize, 49. A. D., 50. M. C. OCT 17 1900