- TKBORETJOil N1TIG1TION airs I H|i ASTRONOMY. OXABK. - i ■ /oz£6,C- THEORETICAL NAVIGATION NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY. BY LEWI'S CLARK. Lieut .-Commander, U. S. N. NEW YORK: > D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 Muesat and 27 Warren Street. 18T2. \J Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by D. VAN NOSTRAND, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. INTRODUCTION The following pages have been prepared for use at the U. S. Naval Academy. Napier's and Bowditch's Rules have been used in deducing the formulae, which are generally those used in Bowd. Nav. Beferences to Trigonometry are to the treatise of Prof. Chau- venet. Not seeing any good reason for making distinctive " Sailings" while still considering the earth's surface as a plane, the author has taken the liberty of placing them together under the head of " Common Sailing." For the method of deducing the equation of "Mercator's Sailing " the thanks of the author are due to Prof. J. M. Bice, of the Naval Academy. CHAPTER I. DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION. 1. Meridians are great circles of the sphere, passing through both poles. 2. Suppose a ship to sail so that the line of her keel makes a constant angle with each successive meridian ; this line is called the ship's track or loxodromic curve. In old nautical works, the rhumb line. 3. The constant angle made by this line with each meridian is called the true course. In the following problems the word course will be understood to mean true course, and will be denoted by C. 4. The compass needle, undisturbed by local causes, points to the magnetic pole, and great circles passing through this pole are called magnetic meridians. The angle which the loxodromic curve makes with the magnetic meridians is called the magnetic or compass course. Compass course must be reduced to true course previous to the solution of nautical problems in which course is considered. 5. The portion of the loxodromic curve considered in any problem, is called the distance. It is necessarily the number of miles passed over by the vessel on the course which belongs with it. 6. Latitude is angular distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees, minutes, etc., of a great circle, denoted hjL. 7. Difference of latitude, denoted by I, is the portion of a meridian included between two parallels of latitude. 6 THEORETICAL NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY. 8. Longitude is the angular distance between any meridian and a fixed or prime meridian. The prime meridian is usually that of Greenwich. It may be considered as angle at the pole, of which the corresponding portion of the equator is a measure. It is denoted by X. 9. Difference of longitude is angle at the pole, or the cor- responding arc of the equator between any two meridians, rep- resented by D. 10. Departure is the angular distance between any two merid- ians measured on any parallel of latitude. As parallels of lati- tude vary in size, the units (degrees, etc.) become smaller. If, however, we have departure determined in angular units of its own circle, the corresponding difference of longitude would be the same. Departure is, however, found in the linear value of units of a great circle of the sphere. In order, then, to determine the corresponding difference of longitude, it will be necessary to know first the relation between the units of any parallel of latitude and the corre- sponding units of the equator. 11. To find these relations, we have in Fig.l ED = D A B =p the departure in Lat. L. D and p are similar arcs of circles, and therefore are to each other as their radii. Fig. 1. P = Dr 1R CA0 = A0JD=L -jf= cos L which substituted in above gives p = D cos L or JD =jj sec L. which give the required relations. COMMON SAILING. Having therefore the departure expressed in units of the equa- tor (in nautical miles), we find the corresponding difference of longitude by multiplying it by the secant of the latitude in which the departure is situated. COMMON SAILING. 12. For such small distances as an ordinary day's run at sea, it is customary to consider the small portion of the earth's sur- face passed over as a plane. The difference of latitude and de- parture corresponding to the course and p IG 2 distance sailed are determined by the solu- tion of a plane right angled triangle. In Fig. 2 the difference of latitude I = d cos C the departure p = d sin C p = Z tan G This is sufficientlv accurate for small distances. These equations are employed in what is called by navigators 41 working dead reckoning." Their computation is facilitated by the use of Tables I. and II. Bowd., which are tables for the so- lution of any plane right triangle, calling the distance hypothenuse, difference of latitude side adjacent, and departure side opposite. When several courses are sailed, the triangle is solved separately for each value of C, and the algebraical sum of V, I", V", etc., p', p", p'", etc., are taken for the whole difference of latitude and the whole departure. 13. The equations above are strictly true when d I = d d cos G. d p = d d sin G. d p = d I tan C. The smaller I, d, and p are taken, therefore, the nearer correct will be the result. The departure p, formed from the sum of several partial 8 THEORETICAL NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY. departures, is, of course, for different latitudes. It is customary to assume it upon the middle parallel. That is, the middle lati- tude is found (in the figure) between each extremity of I and the departure assumed upon it. The difference of longitude is found from I) = p seo. L. L being this middle latitude, L == L' + \ I. L == L'i- \ I. The difference of latitude found being applied to the latitude left, with proper sign gives latitude in. The difference of longitude applied to longitude left, with proper sign will give longitude in. 14. Several problems arise in Common Sailing which are solved on the supposition that the triangle is a plane right triangle. They are solved generally by inspection of Tables I. and II. They may be solved by logarithms, using some form of the preceding equations. The two following are selected as examples : 15. Problem 1. To rind current. The difference between the latitudes as found by observation and by " dead reckoning," is taken, and also the difference be- tween the longitudes as determined in same manner. The observed position is considered as the correct position, and any difference in the two positions may be due to current. The difference of longitude is changed to departure by p== D cos L. The course or direction of the set of the current is then deter- mined by and its amount or distance by tan C = p J sby d = . P G d=- I cos G COMMON SAILING. 9 16. Problem 2. To find the course and distance "made good." The difference between the latitude left and that arrived at (by observation) is taken. The difference between the longitudes is changed, as in pre- ceding problem, to departure. The same equations are then solved as before, C being in this case the course made good, and d the distance made good. This problem, as we shall see, is more correctly solved by Mercator's Sailing. CHAPTER II MERCATOR'S SAILING. 1. We have, in Common Sailing, considered a small portion of the earth's surface as a plane. This is sufficiently correct for small distances as an ordinary day's run. A more rigorous solu- tion of problems appertaining to the loxodromic curve is neces- sary. Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, E is a portion of the loxodromic curve. E Ea parallel of latitude passing through origin, E y a great circle of the sphere through the same point, p equals P E the co-Lat. of E. P E 0=^ C, the course. Decompose s along p and <£ 3 and we have Cot C^~- d
have a common tangent at the point E, and as d X and 3 (p denote angular velocities, they are to each other as the cor- responding radii. . •. d(f> = d X cos L, or d _(90°-Z').
The course is determined in degrees and minutes, and is meas-
ured from the meridian of L'. Attention must be paid to the
signs of and X. The distance is also found in degrees and
minutes of the great circle. Reduce to minutes for distance in
nautical miles.
6. Having found the latitudes and longitudes of as many
points of the great circle as are desired, plot them on chart, and
by hand trace through these points the curve ; owing to the
principles of construction of a Mercator's chart, this will be an
irregular curve except when coincident with the equator or a
1. Time is the hour angle of some heavenly body whose
apparent diurnal motion is taken as a measure.
The instant when any point of the celestial sphere is on the
meridian of the observer is called transit,
2. Sidereal time is the hour angle of the first point of Aries
(y). The instant of its transit is sidereal noon, h.
Eight ascension is the angular distance of a heavenly body
from the first point of Aries reckoned towards the east. Hence
when any heavenly body is on the meridian of a place its B. A.=
the sidereal time.
As the earth revolves 360° in order to bring any meridian two
successive times under (y), we can find the space passed over in
one hour by dividing 360 by 24, equals 15°. Hence when the
H. A. of y is 15° the sidereal time is 1 h. The interval between
two successive transits of y is the sidereal day. Evidently the
interval between two successive transits of any fixed point over
the same meridian would be equal in length to a sidereal day.
3. Apparent time is the hour angle of the true sun.
The true sun has motion in R. A., and therefore is not a fixed
point in the celestial sphere. Its motion is not uniform in the
ecliptic, and this of itself would tend to make apparent solar
days irregular in length. Besides, as the plane of the ecliptic is
inclined to the plane of the equator, the true sun's apparent
daily path is not perpendicular to the plane of the meridian ; in
other words, the true sun approaches the meridian at a constantly
varying angle ; this also tends to cause irregularity of apparent
time. Instruments cannot be constructed to keep apparent time,
TIME. 19
and astronomers have resorted to the following device in order
to obtain a uniform 'time.
4. Mean time is the hour angle of a mean sun (supposed)
which has for its annual path, the celestial equator. A first
mean sun is supposed to move in the ecliptic at a uniform rate,
so as to return to perigee and apogee with the true sun. This
obviates the first difficulty mentioned. The changes in longi-
tude of this mean sun are equal in equal times, but equal changes
in longitude do not give equal changes in E. A. So a second
mean sun (sometimes called simply the mean sun) is supposed to
move in the equator at the same rate that the first moves in the
ecliptic, and to return to the vernal equinox with it. The time
therefore denoted by this second mean sun, although not equal
to sidereal time, is perfectly uniform in its increase. The daily
difference will evidently be equal to the daily increase in the
right ascension of this mean sun = 3 m. 56 s. The instant of
transit of the true sun over the meridian of the observer is
called apparent noon. The instant of transit of mean sun is
mean noon.
5. The equation of time is the difference between apparent
and mean time. It is also the difference of the hour angles of
true and mean suns. It is also the difference between the right
ascensions of the true and mean suns. From what has preceded,
we know that the first mean sun's longitude, or, as it is some-
times called the true sun's mean longitude, is equal always to the
right ascension of the mean sun. Hence the equation of time is
equal to the difference between the true suns right ascension and its
mean longitude.
6. Astronomical time commences at noon or Ohrs., and is
reckoned to the westward 24 hrs. An astronomical day (apparent
or mean) is the interval between two successive transits of the
sun (apparent or mean).
7. Civil time commences at midnight 12 hrs. before the
commencement of astronomical time, and is divided into two
periods of 12 hrs. each, marked A. M. and p. m.
7. To convert civil into astronomical time.
Remember that the civil day of same date commences 12hrs-
before the astronomical day.
9. Time at different meridians.
It is evident that as any time at one meridian is the H. A. of
the heavenly body or point whose motion is considered, to find
the corresponding time at any other meridian it is only necessary
to add or subtract the angle between the two meridians. In
Nautical Astronomy it is generally necessary to convert the given
local time to the corresponding Greenwich time, in order to in-
polate quantities from the Nautical Almanac, which are com-
puted for the meridian of Greenwich.
10. Having given the local time of any meridian, to find
the corresponding Greenwich time.
To the local time add the longitude if west, and subtract if
east ; the result will be the corresponding Greenwich time of the
same kind as the given local time. Conversely, the differ-
ence between the time at two meridians (of the same kind) will
be the difference of longitude expressed in time. Remembering
that lh. = 15°, this may readily be converted to arc.
11. To convert apparent time, at a given meridian, into the
mean time, or mean into apparent.
If M = the mean time
A = the corrresponding time
E = the equation of time
we have from Art. 5
M - A = E
M=A + E
A = M- E
JE'may be + according as the apparent is greater or less than
the mean time. E is found on Page II. of the American Nautical
Almanac for Greenwich Mean Noon, and is to be interpolated to
the instant of the given Greenwich mean time. Where the given
Greenwich time is apparent time, then E must be taken from
Page I.
TIME. 21
12. To change sidereal into solar time it will be first ne-
cessary to know the relative value of their units.
In consequence of the earth's annual revolution about the
sun, there will be one less transit of the sun across any meridian
than there will be of any fixed point outside of the earth's orbit,
during the period of this revolution.
There are in one year
3662.4222 sidereal days.
365.24222 solar days.
whence we have
1 sid. day = lll'lf^l sol. day = 0.99726957 sol. day,
or 24 hrs. sid. time =23 hrs. 56 m. 4.091 s. solar time. And
1 sol. day = y^owoo sid - d& y — 1.00273791 sid. day.
or 24 h. solar time =24 h. 3 m. 56.555 s. sid. time.
From these relative values Tables II. and III. of the American
Nautical Almanac are computed. The first is for converting an
interval of sidereal time to the corresponding interval of mean
time. The second for changing an interval of mean time into
the corresponding interval of sidereal time.
It is evident that, in Table II., the corrections are nothing
more than the changes in right ascension of the mean sun during
the given intervals of sidereal time. It is this change in right
ascension which causes the different values of the units. In
Table III., the corrections are the changes in right ascension of
the mean sun in the given intervals of mean time.
13. To convert an interval of sidereal time into the cor-
responding interval of mean time.
Enter Table II. with the sidereal interval, as an argument.
Find the change in R. A. of the mean sun and subtract this change
from the given sidereal interval.
14. To convert an interval of mean time into the corre-
sponding interval of sidereal time.
Enter Table III. with the mean time interval, as an argument.
Find the change of B. A. of the mean sun, and add this change
to the given mean time 'interval.
15. "We have now found a means of changing an interval of one
kind into an interval of another. It is frequently necessary to
find the corresponding time, having given another time. To do
this it will be necessary to be able to find the B. A. of the mean
sun at any instant. The B. A. of the mean sun is given in N. A.
for the instant of Greenwich mean noon (Page II. of the month),
marked " sid. time, or B. A. of mean sun." This being given for
the instant of Greenwich, mean noon must be interpolated to the
instant of Greenwich mean time. Hence we have
16. Given the local mean time at any meridian, to find
the corresponding sidereal time.
Convert the local mean time into Greenwich mean time, by
applying the longitude in time. Enter Table III. of the N. A.,
and find the change in B. A. of the mean sun for the elapsed
Greenwich time ; add this to the B. A. given on Page II. of the
month for the 'preceding Greenwich noon, and result will be the
correct B. A. of mean sun at the instant of time given.
Fig. 7.
Then, in Fig. 7,
y P S = R A mean sun
A P S = HA mean sun or LMT
and APy=HA of y or L ST
B.eneeAPy = APS+yPS,oi
The sidereal time is equal to
the mean time plus the R. A. of
mean sun.
17. Given the local sidereal time, at any meridian, to
find the corresponding mean time.
Convert the local sidereal time into Greenwich sidereal time,
by applying the longitude.
Enter Table II. of the N. A., and find the change in B. A. of
the mean sun for the elapsed Greenwich sidereal time. From
Page III. of the month, take the " mean time of preceding side-
real noon " (which is evidently 24 hrs. minus B. A. of mean sun
at that instant). Subtract from this the correction obtained from
Table II., and the result is the correct negative R. A. of the mean
sun at the given sidereal instant.
Then, in Fig. (7.),
APy = given L. S. T.
y P S = JR. A. of mean sun, and
AP S= the L. 31. T.
Hence APS=APy-yPS.
We have obtained y P S, however, negatively, and A P S = A
P y + the corrected negative R. A. of mean sun.
The mean time is equal to the sidereal time, minus the B. A. of
mean sun, or plus the negative B. A.
18. Given the apparent time at any meridian, to find
the corresponding sidereal time.
Change apparent to mean time (Art. 11.), and proceed as in
Art. 16, or
Apply longitude to local apparent time, giving Greenwich ap-
parent time.
Find R. A. of true sun on page I., N. A., and correct by means
of given hourly difference to the instant of Greenwich apparent
Then in the Fig. (7.)
y P S = R. A. of true sun
A P S= given L. A. T. and
The sidereal time is equal to apparent time plus the B. A. of the true
19. Given the sidereal time at any meridian, to find the
corresponding apparent time.
Proceed as in Art. 17, then change the mean time to apparent
by Art. 11.
20. Given the hour angle of a star, at any meridian, to
find the local mean time.
Find in the N. A. the R. A. of the star. To this apply the H.
A. of star plus, when west of the meridian, and minus when east.
The result is local sidereal time.
Then proceed as in Art. 17.
21. To find the hour angle of a star at a given meridian
and mean time.
Find the corresponding sidereal time by Art. 16. To this
apply the star's E. A. ; the difference is star's H. A. -f- when the
sidereal time is greater than the K. A., — when K. A. is greater
than sidereal time.
22. Given the hour angle of the moon at any meridian
to find the local mean time.
Apply the H. A. of moon to the longitude of the place, which
gives the longitude of place which has the moon on its meridian.
The N. A., page IV., of the month gives the time of moon's me-
ridian passage at Greenwich, or the angle between the moon and
sun. The hourly difference multiplied by difference in time
(lougitude), and result added to the Greenwich time of passage
when longitude is west, subtracted when east, gives the local
time of meridian passage, or the corrected angle between the
sun and moon. We now have the time at the place which has
the moon on its meridian. Applying H. A. of moon gives the
time at the given meridian.
In Fig. 8
A PM= HAoi moon
A P G + AP M=^ Long, of
meridian P. M. from Green-
Having found M P S as
stated, AP S = AP M -\-
If the Greenwich time be
given and longitude AP G required. Find R A. of moon from
N. A. and correct for Greenwich time, and proceed as in case of
star. Art. 20.
TIME. 25
23. To find the hour angle of the moon at any meridian
and time.
Proceed as in case of star. Art. 21.
24. Given the hour angle of a planet at any meridian, to
find the local mean time.
The N. A. gives the time of meridian passage of each of the
planets over the Greenwich meridian, and the local mean time
may be found as in first of Art. 22.
If Greenwich time be given and not the longitude, proceed as
in second part of Art. 22.
25. To find the hour angle of the sun at a given meridian
and time.
The hour angle of the sun is the L. A. T. Proceed as in Art.
11, for changing mean to apparent time. If the apparent time
be more than 12 hrs., subtracting it from 24 gives the negative
H. A.
26. To find the time of meridian passage of any celestial
body, the longitude of the place or Greenwich time being
It is only necessary to find from the N. A. the E. A. of the
body for the Greenwich time. This E. A. is the sidereal time of
transit, change this sidereal time to corresponding mean time
by Art. 17.
27. Eeference has been made to the American Nautical Al-
manac, and rules given for taking out some required quantities.
There are other quantities frequently required in Nautical
Astronomy, such as
Declination of sun, moon, and planets ; Equation of time,
Semi-diameter, Horizontal Parallax of moon, etc.
In general it is necessary to take out the required quantities
for the nearest Greenwich time to the given time, and interpo-
late in either direction to the given instant of Greenwich time.
Hourly differences are given to facilitate this work. As, how-
ever, the hourly differences themselves change quite materially
in some cases, it may be found necessary to use second differences.
Formulae have been given to meet each particular case. The
author has found that in general thej are of no practical assist-
ance to the student, and even, in some cases, confusing. One
thing may, however, be advantageously impressed upon the
student, and that is, that almost invariably it is necessary to first
obtain the Greenwich time before consulting the Almanac. At sea
this is found from the chronometer, and on shore either by
chronometer, or by applying to the local time of the place the
longitude. When the Greenwich time is apparent time, quantities
pertaining to the true sun must be interpolated from Page I. of the
month. When the time is mean time, then from Page II. Quantities
pertaining to other bodies are invariably given for the Greenwich
mean time, excepting the negative R. A. of mean sun, which is
given for the instant of Greenwich sidereal noon.
L = latitude
d — declination
t = hour angle
p = polar distance = 90° - d
z = true zenith distance = 90° — h
z = apparent zenith distance = 90°— h'
h = true altitude
h' = apparent altitude
Z = azimuth
A = amplitude = 90° -Z
q = position angle, or angle at the body.
1. Latitude is the angular distance of a place on the surface of
the earth, north or south of the equator.
As the celestial equator is in the same plane as the equator,
and celestial meridians in the same planes with corresponding
terrestrial meridians, it is evident that the zenith of an observer
is the same angular distance from the celestial equator that his
place is from the terrestrial equator. Distance north or south
from the celestial equator is called declination. Hence the
declination of an observer's zenith is equal to his Latitude.
2. To find the latitude from the altitude of any heavenly-
body on the meridian, the Greenwich time of the obser-
vation being known.
The observed altitude must be changed to true altitude, by
applying errors of instrument, semi-diameter (if limb of body be
observed), dip. parallax, and refraction. This is necessary in
all observations, and, hereafter, when altitude is mentioned, it is
to be considered as true altitude.
In Fig. 9, let Z H N Q be a projection on the plane of the
meridian of observer.
E Q its intersection with plane of equator.
I H its intersection with plane of true horizon.
P P' the prolongation of the axis of the earth.
For the body X on the meridian, we have
EZ=L=ZX + JEX=Z+d = 90°-h + d
for the body X'
EZ = L=ZX' -EX' = Z - d = dO°-h-d.
These are the two cases where d is north and south, or -f-
ancl — , and less than the latitude,
For the body X",
L = d-Z=d- (90° -/i)
for the body X",
3. Practical Navigators, in order that they may find the lati-
tude instantly upon observation of the sun upon the meridian,
make use of the following forms :
1st. When latitude and dec. are of same name, we have
L = 90° - h + d and h = h' + corr.
£ = 90°-(/i'-f-corr) +d
L= (90°+ d - corr)- A 7
The portion within parentheses can be computed before the
observation. All that remains to be done is to subtract observed
altitudes, which may be done mentally.
2c?. When lat. and dec. are of different names
L = 90°-h — d
L = 90° -(/i' + corr) - d
L= (90° -d- corr) - h'
In same way the portion within parentheses may be computed
previous to the observation.
4. To find the latitude from an observed altitude of any-
heavenly body, at any time, the Greenwich time of the
observation being given.
The declination of the body is found from the Greenwich
time. The altitude corrected
and hour angle of the body
found, we then have,
ZM=Z=dO° -h and
MP Z=t = houx angle given,
to find
PZ=90° - L
Let fall the perpendicular M
X, and Z=90°- (0 -f 0') and
if 0"=9O° — 0, <{>"= the decli-
nation of foot of perpendicular,
and as perpendicular may fall
without the triangle
L = $" + '
Cos t = tan d cot 0"
Tan 0" = tan d sec t
Sin d : sin h = sin 0" : cos 0'
sin 6" sin h
Cos 0'
sin d
which afford the solution. ' when the perpendicular falls with-
in the triangle is negative.
5. When the body is on the prime vertical, the perpendicular
will fall near Z and 0' = nearly. "When, therefore, the body
is near the prime vertical, 0' becomes very small, and cannot be
determined accurately by its cosine.
0" is marked N or S like the declination, and is in same quad-
rant as t, as the sign of its tangent in (1) is dependent upon that
of sec. t. When t > 6h, 0" > 90°.
When the body has no declination, the perpendicular falls at
0, and >" = 0, L = >'. When d is nearly 0, (1) approaches
the undeterminate form. There are two values of L in the equa-
Zr = 0" -{- 0', but unless 0'
be very small, the one may be selected which coincides most
nearly to the supposed latitude. When 0' is less than 12 hrs.
use 7 — place tables.
6. To find the effect of an error in the altitude we have
Cq S 0' = sin 0" sin ft (2 .
r sin d v '
■ a.' j jl» sin 0)" cos ft 7 7
— sin a = r = — a ft.
sin a
7 ,. sin 0" cos ft 7 , / v
d 0' = - V^ <2 ft (a. )
sin a sin 0'
From (2)
cos 0' sin 0"
sin ft sin d
which substituted in (a) gives
d 0' =— cot ft cot 0' tZ ft.
In triangle Z M x of figure we have
cos Z= tan 0' tan ft
sec Z= - cot 0' cot ft
d c/)==d h . sec ^,
substituting small finite differences.
A 0' = A ft sec Z, nearly.
d 0' is the error of 0' due to an error of ft.
The correction to 0' for error of ft would be
A 0' = - A ft sec ^
When the body is on the meridian Z=0, and numerically
A 0' = A ft.
The nearer Z is to 90° the greater will be A 0'.
7. To find the effect of an error in the time, or hour angle.
We have
Sin h — sin L sin d -\- cos L cos d cos t
= cos L d L sin d — sin L d L cos d cos £ - cos P cos d sin £ d t
j T cos Pcos d sin £ d £ * \
cos 1/ sin =*— (si „ £_)-- (*•)
Let A h = h—li\ the difference between the meridian and
observed altitudes.
And as A h and t are small
sin \ A h = \ A h sin 1"
sin \ t = \ t X 15 sin 1''
(to express t in seconds of arc) substituting these in (a).
.7 cos L cos <2 (J £ X 1*5 s i u l") s
A/i =
sin 1" =
sin (L—
112 . 5 sin 1" cos £
d e
sin (Zr
'.000545 cos
L cos d
t 2
sin (L — d)
In this formula £ is expressed in seconds, t is, however, usually
expressed in minutes, and we must put (60 ty for t 2 and our
equation becomes
A , 1".96349 cos L cos d ., .
Ah = ^—j — j, 1 2
sin (L — a)
When t = l m
1.96349 cos L cos d
A'/i =
sin {L—d)
This equation may be computed for each value of L and d.
Table XXXII., Bowd., contains the value of A' h for each 1° of
declination from 0° to 24°, and each 1° of latitude from 0° to
70°, except when (L-d)<. 4°.
We have
A h = t- A'h
h Q = h -f- A h, the meridian altitude.
h and h' = the true altitudes.
T and T, the corresponding hour angles in minutes of time.
t = T' - T, the difference of hour angles,
T = \ (T' + T) the middle hour angle.
h = h -f A' h T
h = h' + A'h T'<
The mean of these equations is
ft. = !(* + *-) + !(*•■ +**)** (*•)
which, substituted in (b), gives
} h== i(h + h') + (lt>+T >)&'h (c.)
The difference of equations (a) is
h-h' = (T' 2 - T 2 ) &'h = 2 T Q t A' /i,
_ , (ft - fr ) _ j(h-h' )
2 M'/i — i M'/i
substituting this in (c), we have
Hence the mean of the two altitudes, plus the square of one-
half the interval between the observations multiplied by the
change of altitude in one minute from noon (Table XXXII.,
Bowd.), plus the square of one-fourth the difference of altitude,
divided by the first correction, is equal to the meridian altitude.
The meridian altitude obtained may be proceeded with as
10. To find the latitude from several altitudes taken near
the meridian, the apparent times of observation being
See Bowd., page 202.
This method is commonly called the method of circum-meridian
Let h' t h", h ! ", etc., be the several altitudes (observed)
t\ t", t'" s etc., the corresponding hour angles.
We have for each reduction to the meridian from Art. 9,
A x h = i! % A' h .'. h = h' -f A x h
A 2 h = t m A' h :. h = h" -f A, ft
etc., etc.
*i + A 2
h-\- AJi
2 + t
" 2 + p :
■ A' h.
n °— n
*, = *' + *"+»- - +
n '
Hence the meridian altitude is equal to the mean of all the alti-
tudes, plus the mean of the squares of the hour angles multiplied
by the change of altitude in one minute from noon.
Table XXXIII., Bowd., contains the squares of hour angles
up to 13m., and Table XXXII. the change in altitude in one
minute from noon. When the heavenly body passes through or
near the zenith, the change of altitude is too rapid for the
h =h"+A'hT 2
h« = K'"+A'h(T+xy
Subtracting the half sum of first and third equations from second,
we deduce
A> x * = h"-\{h'-\-ir) (a.)
The difference of first and third gives
A' h T= K
which substituted in second equation, gives
Substituting in this the value of A / h x 1 from (a)
which affords solution by giving h 0i the meridian altitude.
12. To find the latitude by the rate of change of altitude on
prime vertical. (Prestel's Method.)
sin h = sin L sin d -|-cos L cos d cos t
cos h d h =— cos L cos dsintdt
■j 7 cos L cos d sin t d £ , N
&h=- , ■ (a.)
cos A '
From the astronomical triangle we have
cos d ; cos 7i = sin Z [ sin t
. „ cos tf sin t
cos A
which substituted in (a) gives
d h= — cos .L sin Z dt.
Multiplying the second member by 15 to reduce to arc, changing
sign for correction and transposing, we have
15 cosi> sinZ
If now T' and T are respectively the hour angles of the alti-
tudes h and A', we have for a small interval of time and small
change of altitude
15 cos L sin Z
cosL = -— — cosec Z (b.)
lb t
and when body is on prime vertical Z=90° and
cos L =
To use this observe two altitudes and note the times carefully.
A very good approximate latitude may be obtained when the
body is within 2 Q or 3° of the prime vertical, (b) may be used
when Z is approximately known.
13. To find the latitude by an altitude of the Pole Star,
the longitude of the place and local mean time being given.
In figure 11 let fall the perpen-
dicular 31 x, then in triangle M x P
cos t = cos p tan -j- d>) -
1 ' COS >
but as p and are small, and their cosines nearly equal to 1, we
Sin h = sin (L -f- >)
L = h-<1>
When £ is more than 6 hrs. and less than 18 hrs., cos t will be
negative, and > will be negative in (a), and numerically,
L = h-\- + #' ~ h') sin j (D - H'+h')
^ cos H' cos h
for cosine
cos i Z= / CQS i ( H> + U + D) cos j{H' + h-D)
* cos H' cos h'
If is in the true horizon, or its measured altitude equals the
dip, the right triangle MHO' gives
cos z = cos H / = cos D sec H?
2, thus determined after sextant measurement, may be applied
as before to the computed azimuth of M t to obtain the azimuth
of the terrestrial object.
1. When a raj of light passes obliquely from one medium to
another of different density, it is bent or refracted from a recti-
linear course. The ray before it enters the second medium is
called the incident ray, afterwards the refracted ray. The differ-
ence between the directions of these two rays is the refraction.
The angle which the incident ray makes with a normal to the
surface of the refracting medium, when the incident ray meets
it, is called the angle of incidence. The angle which the refracted
ray makes with the normal is the angle of refraction. The differ-
ence between these two angles is therefore the refraction.
Fig. 33.
In the figure (33), if S A is an incident ray upon the surface
B B' of a refracting medium, A G the refracted ray, and M N A
normal to the surface at A, S A 31 is the angle of incidence, C
A N or S' A M is the angle of refraction, and 8 A S' the re-
fraction. An observer situated anywhere along the line A C will
receive the ray as if it had come directly to his eye without re-
fraction from S'. S' A C is called the apparent direction of the
2. It is shown in works upon optics, that refraction take place
according to the following general laws :
1st. When a ray of light falls upon a surface of any form,
which separates two media of different densities, the incident ray,
refracted ray, and normal to that surface at the point of inci-
dence, are in one plane.
2d. When a ray passes from a rarer to a denser medium, it is
refracted towards the normal ; and when a ray passes from a
denser to a rarer medium it is refracted from the normal.
3d. When the densities of the two media are constant, there
is a constant ratio between the sine of the angle of incidence
and the sine of the angle of refraction. If a ray passes from a
vacuum into a given medium, the number expressing this con-
stant ratio is called the index of refraction for that medium.
This index is always an improper fraction, being equal to the
sine of the angle of incidence divided by the sine of the angle
of refraction.
4dh. When a ray passes from one medium into another, the
sines of the angles of incidence and refraction are reciprocally
proportional to the indices of refraction of the two media.
3. Astronomical Refraction. — The rajs of light from a heaven-
ly body in coming to the observer must pass through our atmos-
phere. If the space between the star and the upper limit of the
atmosphere be regarded as a vacuum, or as filled with a medium
which exerts no sensible effect upon the direction of a ray of
light, the path of the ray until it reaches the atmosphere, will
be a straight line ; but upon entering the atmosphere will be
refracted toivards the normal to the surface of the atmosphere
at the point of incidence. The atmosphere not being of uniform
density, the ray is continually passing from a rarer to a denser
medium, so that its path becomes a curve concave towards the
The apparent direction of the ray will be that of a tangent to
the curve at the point where it reaches the eye. The difference
in direction of this tangent and the ray before it reaches the
atmosphere is called the astronomical refraction.
The ray (Fig. 34) from the star S entering the earth's atmos-
phere at B is bent into the curve A B.
Fig. 34.
The observer at A sees it in the direction of the tangent A S'.
From the first law given, the vertical plane of the observer which
contains the tangent A S' must also contain the normal E C and
the incident ray B S. Hence refraction increases the altitude
of a heavenly body without changing its azimuth.
The angle Z A S is the apparent zenith distance of the heavenly
body. The angle E B S is, the angle of refraction, and Z A S,
the apparent zenith distance, is the angle of refraction. If we
represent the refraction by r, we have
r = EB S - ED 8'
and from the third law
sin E B S
a constant ratio for a given condition of the atmosphere and a
given position of A.
4. To find the refraction r.
In the figure, let
z = Z A S', the apparent zenith distance,
r = E B S - E I) S', the refraction,
u = Z C E,
EDS'=ADC=ZAS' — Z CE = z- u
EB S=Z -u-\-r
sin E B S sin (z — u 4- r)
= : ! £- = m
sin Z A S' sin Z
sin [z — u — r)] = m sin z.
sin [z — (it — r) ] -|- sin z m -|- 1
sin [z — (u — r)] — sin 2; m - 1
which by (109) Plane Trigonometry becomes
tan \ [z — (w — r) -|- z] m -f- 1
tan ^ [z — (u - r) — z] m — 1
which reduces to
tan [z — J (u — r)~\ m -\- 1
tan ^ — (u — r) m — 1
tan i (u — r) = ^-^ — tan [z — 4 (w< — r)] * '
In this u and r are both unknown, but are both small angles,
being when the zenith distance is 0, and increasing with the
zenith distance. Assuming that they vary proportionately, and
* = q
and substituting in (a) we have
tan i (q - 1) r = 1^- tan J [z - J fa - 1) r]
as J (g — 1) r is very small we may put
tan J (q — 1) r = | (g — 1) r sin 1"
and have
i (q - 1) r sin 1" = —25 tan [z - J (? -1) r]
r = . ~ m tan [z - \ (q - 1) r]
? - 1 sm 1" l-\-m z
2 1 - m
we have
(5 — 1) sin 1" 1-f-m
P = i(2-1)
r = u tan (2 — p ?*)
which is known as Bradley's Formula.
If at two given zenith distances z' and z" the refractions r' and
r" are formed by observations in a mean state of the atmosphere,
then we have the two equations
r' = n tan (2' — p r ),
r" = n tan (z n — ^) r") ;
and the two unknown quantities n and p may be found.
By comparing observations in this way at various zenith dis-
tances, the values of n and p are found to be very nearly the
same; so that the assumption made is found to be nearly
The values of n and p used in the computation of Table XII.
(Bowd.) are
n= 57".036 andp = 3
These values correspond to the height of
the barometer, b = 29.6 inches,
the thermometer, t = 50° Fahr.
5. Refraction in different conditions of the atmosphere is
nearly proportional to the density of the air ; and this density,
the temperature being constant in proportional to its elasticity ;
that is, to the height of the barometer. Then, if
A is the noted height of the barometer,
r, the refraction of Tab. XII.
A r, the barometer correction
- A r b
r — 29.6
! A &
r + Jir== -29T6 r
A b
A r
A p — 29.6
z? r = r
The correction for the barometer in Table XXXVI. (Bowd.) is
computed from the formulae.
The elastic force being constant, the densityjncreases by ¥
part for each degree of depression of the thermometer (Fahr.)
Hence, if
A / r = the correction for the thermometer,
t = the noted temperature
A'r= 50 °~ t (r+A'r)
400 v ;
400" A' r = (50° - t{ (r + A' r) ,
= 50° r+ 50° A' r - tr — Art
350-° A r' -f A' r t = 50° r — * r
50° -*
J' r
350° -M
by which the correction for thermometer, Tab. XXXYI. (Bowd.),
is computed.
7. To find the radius of curvature of the path of a ray in
the earth's atmosphere.
By the radius of curvature, is meant the radius of a circle
which most nearly coincides with the curve.
If in Fig. 35 we consider the curvature to be uniform from B
to A, the problem is reduced to finding the radius of this arc.
Let C' be the centre of the arc A B,
R' = C A y the radius of curvature,
R = G A, the radius of the earth.
S B' and S A' are tangents to the curve at the points B and A
respectively. The angle between the radii C'A and C' B is equal
to the angle made by these tangents with each other, which is
the refraction r. As A B is a very small arc, we may put
A B — R sin r
&n,d nearly
A D = A B = R' sin r
Fig. 35.
In the
triangle ADC
R / sin r
R '
~ sin (z
sm (u - r)
sin tt
sm r
and as u
and r are small
R' —
sin z
But by preceding work
— =q andp
1) = 3
3 = 7,
u — 7 r
so that
sin z
0, or the star is at the zenith,
z = 90°, or the star is in the horizon,
B'=7 B
This is for a mean condition of the atmosphere for which the
values of p and q were obtained. The curve is greatly varied for
extraordinary states of the atmosphere.
We have seen that infraction increases the apparent altitude
of a heavenly body. As a correction, therefore, to an observed
altitude, to obtain true altitudes, it is always subtractive.
8. A plane, tangent to the earth's surface, is called the true
horizon. If an observer be elevated above the plane, the visual
ray will be tangent at some other point on the earth's surface.
If it were not for the effect of refraction, the angle between the
visual ray and the true horizon would be a correction to be
applied to an observed altitude to obtain true altitudes. The
effect of refraction is to determine this angle.
Fig. 36.
In Fig. 36, the most h
distant point visible from
A is H'' where the visual
ray A H' is tangent to
the earth's surface. The
apparent direction of H"
iaAH'. EA .ff" is called
dip of the horizon. It in-
creases in apparent alti-
tude, and as a correction
is subtractive.
9. To find the dip of the horizon.
Let G be the centre of the earth
C the centre of the arc H" A
H" G C are in the same straight line, since the arcs
H" A and H" B are tangent to each other at H"
G A and C A are'perpendicular respectively to A JET and A H",
HAH'=GAG' = AH, the dip.
If 7i = the height B A afeove the sea level,
CA = B+h
C A — 7 B, the radins of curvature of the arc H" A
GG' = 6 B.
In the triangle G A G\ by Plane Trigonometry, we have
sin i A H
= y(6 B - J h) (i h)
7 B(B + h)
h is so small that it may be omitted when additive to B, and we
A if is a
small angle
\ A JTsin 1" =
_ 2 /3/1 _
sin 1" V 7 ^
'3 ft
, /
sin 1
sm ± ■ k 7 ^ sin 1' " 7ii
- — T „ J -A=r is a constant and may be computed. Its value
sm 1 V 7 B
will depend upon the value of R used. Bowditch uses the value
in Yince's Astronomy. The logarithm of the constant used by
him is 1.7712711.
log A H= 1.7712711 + i log h
h is expressed in feet, and A H found in seconds.
10. To find the distance of an object of known height just
visible in the horizon.
In figure of previous Art.
h = B A. the height of A
d = H" A, the distance of A.
As this arc is small, we shall have
d = H" G' A sin 1" X OA = 7 B X H" C' A sin 1" (a.)
In the triangle C C A, we have
or nearly
sin \ H" C A = J hh{X +hW*
J JB" C'^sinl" = J_ h
84 R
H" G' A sin l"=y_J}L
which substituted in (a) gives
21 E
/ *
21 i*
If c?, A and i2 are expressed in feet, in geographical miles
d =
V 7/3 i* A
Table X., Bowd., is computed for d in statute miles. It would
be more useful to the Navigator if it were in geographical miles.
11. Change in direction due to change of position is called
Parallax. In astronomical observations, the observer is on the
surface of the earth. It is convenient to reduce them to the
earth's centre. The change in direction of a heavenly body, as
viewed from the earth's surface and from its centre, is called
geocentric parallax. Geocentric parallax may be denned as the
angle at the body subtended by that radius of the earth which
passes through the observer's position.
In Fig. 37, the geocentric par-
allax of the body S will be
This is regarding the earth as
a sphere, which is sufficiently
accurate for all nautical prob-
lems except the complete reduc-
tion of lunar distances, when the
spheroidal form of the earth
must be taken into consideration.
Fig. 37.
12. To find the parallax of a body in the horizon H.
Let n = the parallax, called in this case the horizontal parallax,
d, the distance of the body from the centre of the earth,
Sin 7T = —
13. To find parallax of a heavenly body for a given alti-
In the triangle C S A, letting p = the parallax, we have
R sin z
Substituting in this the value of the horizontal parallax, gives
sin p = sin tt sin z
or nearly, as n and p are small angles,
p = it sin z
p = 7T COS h
The horizontal parallax n is given in the Nautical Almanac
i'or the sun, moon, and planets. From the figure it is evidently
the semidiameter of the earth as viewed from the body. As the
equatorial semidiameter of the earth is larger than any other, so
will be the equatorial horizontal parallax. This the Nautical
Almanac gives for the moon. For refined observations this will
Jiave to be reduced for the latitude of the observer.
Tables X., A., and XIV. are computed by the above formulae.
Table XIX., Bowd., contains a quantity to be subtracted from
59' 42", the remainder being the combined corrections of parallax
and refraction for the moon's altitude.
14. The apparent semidiameter of a body is the angle sub-
tended by its radius at the place of the observer. Observations
of the sun and moon with sextant are made by bringing either
the upper or lower limb in contact with the sea horizon, or (in
using the artificial horizon) by bringing two opposite limbs of
direct and reflected limbs together. The altitude of the centre
of the body being required, the angular semidiameter of the
heavenly body must be applied plus or minus, according to the
limb observed.
15. To find the apparent semidiameter of a heavenly
Fig. 38.
In Fig. 38,
Let if be the body,
d == G M, its distance from
earth's centre,
d' = A M, its distance from A
S = MC B, its apparent semi-
diameter as viewed from C
S' = MA B' } its apparent semi-
diameter as viewed from .4
B = G A, the earth's radius
r = M B = M B', the linear
radius of the body.
For finding 8, the right triangle C B M gives
sin b = — -
Were the body 31 in the horizon of A, its distance from A and
C would be sensibly the same, so the angle S is called the hori-
zontal semidiameter.
From Art. 12, we have for the horizontal parallax
B 7 B
sm tt = — or d=
a sm 7r
which substituted in (a) gives
sin S = — - sin n
-p- is constant for any particular body, and representing it by
ra, we have
log S = log m -\- log n
The Nautical Almanac gives the semidiameters of the sun,
moon and planets.
16. To find S', the apparent semidiameter as seen from A, the
right triangle A B' M gives
sin 8- = - r - (»•)
In the triangle G MA
sin MAG d
sin M G A = ~d
h=90° - ZAM, the apparent,
A'== 90° - Z G M, the true altitude of M.
cos h d
cos A' d'
d'=d eosh '
cos /l
which substituted in (b) gives
r cos h
sin #'
6? cos h'
substituting for -y its value from (a) we have
0l • cr COS h
sin a = sm 8 —
cos /i
CY . „ cos A
COS /l'
gives an approximate value for S' t when S and A are known.
As h < h', cos ^ > cos h' and consequently S ! > S, or the semi-
diameter increases with the altitude of the body. This excess
is called the augmentation, and is only sensible in the case of
the moon.
17. To find the augmentation of the moon's semidiameter.
COS li
which by Plane Trigonometry (108) becomes
A s = ^ 2 sin i (h' -f h) sin \ (h' - h)
cos h'
ti — h = p, the parallax, and being small
2 sin \ (h' — h) = 2 sin \ p = p sin 1" = 7r cos h sin 1"
and as A S is small, we may take ^ Qi + 7i) = h,
and cos A for cos li' ; and then
A S = S 7T sin 1" sin h
and as
For the moon
A S = — - 7r 2 sin 1" sin /i.
: 0.2729: then
J S== .000001323 7T 2 sin 7i.
Using the mean value of tt = 5T 20".
^ 5 =15". 65 sin/i.
Tab. XY. (Bowd.) is computed'from a formula nearly like this.
1. The optical principle of the construction of the sextant is
the following : " If a raj of light suffers two successive reflec-
tions in the same plane by two plane mirrors, the angle between
the first and last directions of the raj is equal to twice the angle
of the two mirrors."
Fig. 39.
In Fig. 39, let M and m be the two mirrors. The direct and
reflected rajs are always found in the same plane — called the
plane of reflection. In order that the last direction of the ray
after suffering two reflections shall be in the same plane as the
first direction, the plane of reflection must be perpendicular to
both mirrors. In the diagram the plane of the paper is the
plane of reflection. The shaded lines M and m are the inter-
sections of this plane with the mirrors. Let 8 31 he the direct
raj falling upon the mirror M (lying in the direction M I). Let
M m be the direction of the ray after the first reflection, and m
E its direction after the second reflection. Draw M B parallel
to m E, M P perpendicular to M C, and M p perpendicular to
the mirror m. The angle S M B is the angle between the rays
S 31 and m E. The angle P Mp, being obviously equal to MC m,
is the angle between the mirrors. We have, then, to prove
If m, draw the perpendicular mn, Mmn = p Mm, is the angle
of incidence of the ray Mm on the mirror m ; nm E ' = p M B
is the angle of reflection of the same ray. The angle of incidence
and the angle of reflection being equal, we have
pMm = pMB = PMp-\- P MB
On the same principle we have
P Mm = P MS = S MB + P MB
Taking the difference of these two equations we have
P 31 p = SMB - P Mp
SMB = 2P Mp = 2 31 Cm.
2. This principle is applied in the sextant as follows : The
mirror Mi& attached to a bar MI, called the index bar, which
revolves upon a pivot at M in the centre of a graduated arc N.
The mirror 31 is firmly fixed at right angles to the plane of this
arc. The mirror 31 is called the index glass ; the mirror m the hori-
zon glass. Place the index bar in the position 31 so that the
two glasses are parallel. In this position an incident ray from
an object B will be reflected first to n o and then in the direc-
tion m E. The first and last directions of the ray will be paral-
lel. If, then, the object is so distant that two rays from it, B 31
and B' m, falling upon the two mirrors are sensibly parallel, the
the observer at E will receive the direct and reflected ray at the
same time, or will see two images of the same object in coinci-
dence,. Commence the graduation of the limb at 0, marking it
zero. Move the index bar to the position M 7, so that a ray
from the object /Sis reflected in the direction m E ; the observer
E sees the object B and S in coincidence, and the angle S 31 B
between the two objects is equal to twice the angle through
which the index glass has been moved.
As the centre of rotation is at M, this angle will be twice the
angle M I.
If, now, the arc N be graduated, and the marking of the
graduation doubled, we can read at once the angle SMB. The
angles are read to a nicety by means of a vernier, on the index
bar at I.
3. Let M N, Fig. 40, be a portion of the limit of a circle, C B
the arm which revolves with the index glass about the centre of
the circle. At the end of this arm, construct a b graduated into
a number of divisions which occupy the space of n 1 of the limb.
The first line a is the zero of the vernier, and the reading is to
be determined from the position of this zero on the limb M N.
If we put
x = the value of a division of the limb.
y = the value of a division of the vernier, we will have
(n — I) x = n y
n - 1
y = ■ x
J n
x — y = x
The difference x — y is called the 7eas£ count of the vernier,
which is, therefore, th of a division of the limb. If the zero
of the vernier falls between the two graduations P and P -f 1,
the whole reading is P plus the fraction from P to a. To meas-
ure this fraction, m, observe that if the ?7ith division of the ver-
nier is in coincidence with a division of the limb, the fraction is
m X ( x — y) or — x - l n the figure the vernier is divided into
ten equal parts, equal to nine divisions of the limb, and if the 4th
division is in coincidence, the whole reading is P 4- — — x ; and if
x = 10', then the whole reading is P -f- — — - . 10 = P -j- 4'. Sup-
pose that P is the division of the limb marked 35° 40', then the
reading is 35° 44'. The least count in this case is 1'. The frac-
tion is obtained in practice bj the numbers placed above (or
)elow) the divisions on the vernier.
Sextants generally read to 10" ; in other words the least count
10 '. From the above it will be seen that for this 60 divisions
>f the vernier equal 59 divisions of the limb. Verniers are
line times constructed (seldom for sextants) with the divisions
>n the vernier greater than those upon the limb. The only dif-
ference will be that the reading of the vernier will be in a direc-
ion opposite to that of the reading of the limb.
For the adjustments of the sextant see Chauvenet's Astronomy,
>p. 95 to 99, inclusive, or Bowd., pp. 133 -136. Circles of reflec-
tion and octants are similar in construction to the sextant.
4. The artificial horizon is a small basin partially filled with
mercury, over which is placed a roof consisting of two plates of
glass fitted in a frame at right angles to each other. The roof is
to protect the surface of the mercury from wind and dust. The
best form have a wooden basin fitting inside of a metallic one.
A small funnel screws into a hole at one end of the wooden basin ;
a channel underneath conveys the mercury to the centre of the
basin. The funnel acts as a strainer, retaining a greaber portion
of the oxide. If the mercury be amalgamated with tin, all impuri-
ties will float upon the surface, and may be removed by passing
lightly over the surface the edge of a piece of paper.
If, in Fig. 41, B B' be the horizontal
surface of the mercury, S A a ray of
light from a heavenly body incident
upon the surface at A, it will appear to
an observer at E in the direction S' E.
The angular depression B A S' below
the horizontal plane is equal to S A B,
the altitude above this plane. If, then,
S E is a direct ray from the heavenly
body parallel to S A, and the observer
at E with a sextant makes the direct
image S and the reflected image S'
coincide, the reading of the sextant
will be S E S' = S A S' = 2 SAB.
The surface of the mercury being in the plane of the true
horizon, the altitude obtained has only to be corrected for
parallax and refraction, and in case the limit of a body has been
observed, for semidiameter. The index correction of the sex-
tant, as is obvious, must be applied to the reading of the sextant.
Parallax and refraction to the altitude of the body, and semi-
diameter to the altitude or diameter to the reading of the sextant.
The glasses in the roof should be made of plate glass with paral-
lel faces. To eliminate any error that may arise from a pris-
matic form of the glasses, observe one half of a set of altitudes
with one end of the roof towards the observer, and one half with
the other end towards the observer. In the case of equal alti-
tudes, keep the same end towards the observer.
Naval B
Compiled and arranged as a Text-Book for the U. S. Naval Acad-
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Most of the practical riles given in the hooks on hydraulics have heen determined from ex
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The work is divided into two parts— Part I., on hydraulic motors, includes ninety-two exper.
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vent water-wheel of about two hundred and thirty horse-power.
Part II. includes seventy-four experiments made for the purpose of determining the form ot
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periments on the flow over a dam in v/hich the crest was of the same form as that built by the
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ments on the effect of observing the depths of water on a weir at different distances from tha
weir; an extensive series of experiments made for the purpose of determining rules for gaug-
ing streams of water in open canals, with tf Mes for facilitating the same ; and one hundred and
»ne experiments on the discharge of water through submerged orifices and diverging tubes, the
jphole being mlly illustrated by twenty-three double plates engraved on copper.
In 1S55 the proprietors of the Locks and Canals on Merrimack River, at whose expense most
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scientific opeiations promoted by them, consented to the publication of the first edition of this
work, which contained a selection of the most important hydraulic experiments made at Lowell
up to that time. In this second edition the principal hydraulic experiments made there, subse-
luent to 1S55, have been added, including the important series above mentioned, for determin-
ing rules for the gauging the flow of water in open canals, and the interesting series on the flo*
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D. Van Nostrantfs Publications.
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" San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 27, 1887.
'Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, XJ. S. Army:
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