H o »i:^% > '^ V : J^ \ o , A'» x.^'^ .-. THOMAS HARDAWAY OF CHESTERFIELD COUNTY VIRGINIA And His Descendants 'By SARAH DONELSON HUBERT Norwood, Warren County, Georgia "k ^T^ RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Whittet & Shepperson, Printers and Publishers 1906 .0' I HARDAWAY. 1685 — 1745. \ LMOST every Hardaway has heard from his ancestor the story of the kidnapped boy who was found on the ship. About 1685 a ship owned by Joseph Thomas, a Quaker, of Philadelphia, sailed from England to America. On board of that ship was a little kidnapped boy, who was dressed in green silk velvet trimmed with gilt ; the boy seemed tenderly nurtured, and was too young to give his name. Joseph Thomas, the owner of the ship, bestowed upon the boy the name of Thomas Hardaway. Mr. Thomas made affidavit of the facts, and left the suit of clothes, with the affidavit, in custody of the clerk of the court (supposed to be Henrico). The late Col. Robert A. Hardaway, of Columbus, Ga., who had collected quite a mass of information in regard to the Hardaway family, stated, in a letter to the author, that this information of the first Hardaway was authentic from public documents. Joseph Thomas, the Quaker, educated Thomas Harda- way. He married Jane Drewry, of Drewry's Bluff, Vir- ginia, and settled at Osbornis, Chesterfield county, Va. Their children intermarried with colonial families of respect, o 1 Iakdawav Genealogy. wealth and arms-bearing people. From Thomas Hardaway and his wife, Jane Drewry, I suppose all the Hardaways in America are descended. Tradition says the name was originally MacBeth, and they claim descent from that royal family. The boy was kidnapped, and held for a ransom, but his captors, perhaps getting in a close place, had put him in the hold of the out- going ship to get rid of him. Tn that day of slow travel and sparse mail it is little wonder that the boy was not recovered, but made his home in the new world. We find from Register of Bristol Parish on James River, Chesterfield county, Vu.. : "In 1/33 the vestry of Bristol Parish, jN'lay 4th, met at the house of Mr. Thomas Hardaway. near the chapel at the Ferry, and agreed to build the brick church at Well's Hill, now known as Blandford Church, in Petersburg." For more than twenty years Thomas Hardaway was a member of Blandford Church, though known then as Brick Church, and previously as Ferry Chapel, then located in Chesterfield county. Thomas Hardaway died in 1745. From Land Registry Office, Richmond, Va., we find the following*. "Thomas Hardaway, Book No. 10, page 73, 288 acres, Charles City county, May 2, 1713. "Thomas Hardaway, Book No. 11, page 207, 400 acres in Prince George, Sept. 28. 1730. "Thomas Hardaway, Book No. 14, page 33, 300 acres in Pjrnnswick comUy, Sejjt. 28, 1728. "Thoinn*; Hardaway. Book No. 13. page 526, 354 a., Hakdaway Genealogy. 7 Prince George, Sept. 28, 1730." (Copied by R. A. Brock, July 24, 1881, from MSS. of Col. R. A. Hardaway.) The children of Thomas Hardaway^ and Jane Drevvry, his wife, were seven sons and one daughter. I. John Hardaway-, born 1708; married Frances Mark- ham about 1728. II. Daniel Hardaway'^, born 171 1; married Miss Wor- sham. III. Thomas Hardaway-, born 1715; married Agnes Peterson. IV. James Hardaway", born July 10, 17 19; married ]\Iillian Standfield 1756; died 1770. V. William Hardaway-, born June 12, 1723; baptized October 13, 1723; married Miss Manson. VI. Frances Hardaway-, born April 4, 1725; baptized same year; married William Skipwith, eldest son and heir of Sir William Skipwith, Baronet. VII. Joseph Hardaway^, born March, 1728; baptized April 7, 1729; married Ann Hall. VIII. Drewry Hardaway^, born April 2, 1733; baptized same year; supposed to have died in infancy. I. John Hardaway^, son of Thomas^ and Jane (Drewry) Hardaway, was born in Virginia, 1708; married Frances Markham in 1728. Children six: ^ I. James Markham Hardaway". born January 20. 1729; baptized April 8, 1730. Probably died in infancy. ' These records were copied from Register of Bristol Parish, Va., compiled by Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne, Richmond, Va., 1898. John Hardaway" was an Episcopalian in religion, in politics a Whig. 6 Hardawav Genealogy. wealth and arms-hearing people. From Thomas Hardaway and his wife. Jane Drewry, I suppose all the Hardaways in America are descended. Tradilidn says the name was originally AlacBeth, and thev claim descent from that royal family. The boy was kidnapped, and held for a ransom, but his captors, perhaps getting in a close place, had put him in the hold of the out- going ship to get rid of him. In that day of slow travel and sparse mail it is little wonder that the boy was not recovered, but made his home in the new world. We find from Register of Bristol Parish on James River, Chesterfield county, Va. : "In 1/33 t^ic vestry of Bristol Parish. May 4th, met at the house of Mr. Thomas I Tarda way. near the chapel at the Ferry, and agreed to build the brick church at Well's Hill, now know'n as Blandford Church, in Petersburg." For more than twenty years Thomas Hardaway was a member of Blandford Church, though known then as Brick Church, and i)reviously as Ferry Chapel, then located in Chesterfield county. Thomas Hardaway died in 1745. From Land Registry Office. Richmond. Va.. w^e find the following: "Thomas Hardaway, Book No. 10, page 73, 288 acres, Charles City county, May 2, 17 13. "Thomas Hardaway, Book No. i t, page 207, 400 acres in Prince George, Sept. 28. 1730. "Thomas Hardaway, Book No. 14, page 33, 300 acres in Pirunswick county. Sept. 28. 1728. "Tlujmas Hardaway. Buok N(^. 13, page 526, 354 a., Hardaway Genealogy. 7 Prince George, Sept. 28, 1730." (Copied by R. A. Brock, July 24, 1881, from MSS. of Col. R. \. Karclaway.) The children of Thomas Hardaway^ and Jane Drewry, his wife, were seven sons and one daughter. I. John Hardaway-, born 1708; married Frances Mark- ham about 1728. II. Daniel Hardaway^, born 171 1; married Miss Wor- sham. III. Thomas Hardaway-, born 1715; married Agnes Peterson. IV. James Hardaway", born July 10, 17 19; married Millian Standfield 1756; died 1770. V. William Hardaway-, born June 12, 1723; baptized October 13, 1723; married Miss Manson. VI. Frances Hardaway-, born April 4, 1725; baptized same year; married William Skipwith, eldest son and heir of Sir William Skipwith, Baronet. VII. Joseph Hardaway-, born March, 1728; baptized April 7, 1729; married Ann Hall. VIII. Drewry Hardaway^, born April 2. 1733; baptized same year ; supposed to have died in infancy. I. John Hardaway-, son of Thomas^ and Jane (Drewry) Hardaway, was born in Virginia, 1708; married Frances Markham in 1728. Children six: ^ I. James Markham Hardaway", born January 20, 1729; baptized April 8, 1730. Probably died in infancy. ' These records were copied from Register of Bristol Parish, Va., compiled by Churchill Gibson Chamberlayne, Richmond, Va.. 1898. John Hardaway" was an Episcopalian in religion, in politics a Whig, 8 Hardaw Av Genealogy. II. Jean^. born March 21, 1731; baptized November 14, 1 73 1. Probably died in infancy. III. John^, born September 14, 1732 ; baptized November 5. 173^- IV. Thomas-', born September 20, 1734. \'. Kcrenhappiich^. born January 27, 1741 ; baptized May 30. 1 74 1. \'T. Ainsworth^, born June 30, 1742; baptized July 3, 1742. Copy of Land Grant to John Hardaway^, 1755. Gcorere the Second, bv the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of Faith, etc. To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye that for divers good Causes and Considerations, but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Shillings of good and lawful money for our use paid to our Receiver General of our Revenues in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia. We have Given, Granted and Confirmed, and by these Presents for us our Heirs and Suc- cessors, 13() give and confirm unto John Hardaway one cer- tain Tract or Grant of Land containing One hundred and seventy acres lying and l:)eing in the county of Dinwiddie, on the Lower side of Hardaway's Branch of Stoney Creek, adjoining Maynard's and Heath's Lines, and bounded as fol- loweth, to-wit : Beginning at Heath's upper corner upon the Hardaway's Branch, near the fork thereof, thence East fif- teen Degrees. South one hundred and twelve Poles along llcatli's line. Thence North two Hundred and twenty-four Hardaway Genealogy. 9 Poles to a corner. Thence West ten Degrees, South one hnn(h-e(l and twenty lio'ht Poles to Maynard's line, Thence South ten Degrees, West sixty light Poles along Maynard's line to his Corner. Thence West ten Degrees, South one hundred and fifteen Poles along Maynard's line to his Cor- ner upon Hardaway's Branch. Thence down Hardaway's Branch as it Meanders to the Beginning. With all woods, underwoods, Swamps, Marshes, Lowgrounds, Meadows, Feedings and his due Share of all Veins, Mines and Quar- ries, as well discovered as not discovered within the Bounds aforesaid and being Part of the Said Quantity of one hun- dred and twenty acres of land and the Rivers, W^aters and Water Courses therein containing, together with the Privi- leges of Hunting, Hawking, Fishing, Fowling and all other Profits, Commodities, Hereditaments whatsoever to the Same or any part thereof belonging or in any wise apper- taining, to have, hold, possess and enjoy the Said Tract or Parcel of land, and all other tlie before Granted Premises and every part thereof with their and every of their appur- tenances, unto the Said John Hardaway and his Heirs and assigns forever, to the only use and Behoof of him the Said John Hardaway, his Heirs and assigns forever. To be held of us our Heirs and Successors as of our Manor of East Greenuich, in the County of Kent, in free and common Soccage, and not in Capite or Knights' Service. Yielding and paying unto us our Heirs and Successors for every fifty acres of land, and so proportionately for a lessor or greater Quantity than fifty acres, the fee rent of one Shilling granted to be paid upon the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch Angel, and also cultivating and improving three acres Part of every lo IIakdawav Genealogy. fifty i>f the Tract above mentioned within three years after the Date of these Presents. Provided always that if three years of the saiil 1-\t rent shall at any time be in arrear and uni)aid. or if the Said John Ilardaway. his Heirs or assigns do not. within the sjjacc of three years next coming after date of these I'resents. cultivate and improve three acres Part of every fifty of the Tract above mentioned, then the Estate hereby Granted shall cease and be utterly determined, and thereafter it shall and may be lawful to and for us, our 1 leirs and Successors to grant the same Lands and Premises, with the appurtenances, unto such other Person or Persons as we. our Heirs and Successors shall think fit. In witness whereof we have caused these our letters Patent to be made witness our trusty and well-beloved Robert Dinwiddle. Es- (|uire. Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief of our said Colony and Dominion at ^^'illiamsburg, under the Seal of our Said Colony, the tenth day of September, one thou- .sand seven hundred and fifty-five. In the 2gth year of our reign. Robt. Dinwiddie. E.xamincd and Rec'd. Jl'illiainsbitr^, I 'a. This tract of land was given by John Hardaway" to his daughter, Kerenhapi)ucli (Hardaway'^) Young. Her eldest son, Henry Voung"' then fell heir to it. then his son, Henry Young^ owned it. The place was sold al)out 1836 or 1837. The t»riginal ([i^QtX is now in possession of John W. Young, of Jackson. .\la. The deed was written on prirchnient ruid had a seal at- tached. Hardaway Genealogy. ii III. Jolin Hardaway\ son of John" and Frances Mark- ham, his wife, born September 14. 1732; died January, 1780, Brunswick county, Va. He married Mary . Chikh'en six : 1. Frances"* Hardaway, married Caudle. 2. Markham"*. 3. Sarah"*. 4. Nancy^. 5. Hart well"*, married Choctaw woman in Mississippi. 6. Rebecca\ married John Murreh, June 11, 1797. Bruns- wick county, Va. Children two : 1. Joseph MurrelF, married Miss McVoy. Chil- dren three : (i) John W. Murrell^; (2) Dr. Wm. J.", married Miss Olmstead; (3) Virginia*', married Mr. Hatlett, of New York. 2. Marv Murrell^, daughter of John and Rebecca"* Murrell, married Del Barco. Children two: i, Mary Del Barco*^, married William Augustus Hardaway, son of Robert Standfield Hardaway. 2, ^^anuel*^, married Dorman. Hfe "children four : ( i ) Mary Maria Del Barco", died young; (2) Standfield Del Barco'; (3) Augusta", died young; (4) Dr. \Xm. A.', St. Louis, Mo., married Miss Page. Children 1^'-^^ twf): (i) Daughter^, died young; (2) Francis Page Del Barco« ^ie<3 youn,QjC3} Franr • ^-9^. y^ ^r;^^''^^^^!' The will of John Hardaway^ was probated in Brunswick rounty, Va.. January 24, 1780. i_. IIakdawav Gi:xealogy. 1\'. Thomas^ son of John- and Frances Markham. His wife was born Septenil)er JO. 1734. \\'as killed in the war of the Revulution in 1781. He was twice married. Name of first wife not known ; second wife Mary i rotter. ihey resideil in Dinwiddic county. Va. By his first wife he had one son. i. John"* Hardaway; second wife, two daughters: 2, Mason^ ; 3, Elizabeth' ; one son. 4. George Washington^ 1. John Hardaway^, son of Thomas-'^ by first wafe, was born in Dinwiddie county, Va. ; married first a Miss Mattox, of \'a., and removed with his family to Warren county, Ga., about 1795. His second wife was Nancy Rox, to wdiom he was married in Warren county. Ga. He represented War- ren county in the Legislature. Childrenby first wife: (i) Stith Hardaway^ (2) Elizabeth^; (3) Nancy^ ; (4) Re- becca^; (5) Mrs. Newsome^. (i) Stitlv' was the father of Tom Green Harda- way^, of Warren county, Ga. Tom Green*' was the father of Stith', John', and Mrs. John'^, and Charles Mathews', of Warren county. (2) Elizabetlv'''. married John English, of Warren county. Children: James" and George*^. (3) Nancy"', married David SalHs. Children: Dred", Hargrove", John", and Fannie". Dred" married . Children : John", Jerry'^, Jenny", flaughter of IKirgrove", married Albert Shomo, of Atlanta, and died there. John Sallis" moved to Atlalla county. Miss. He was a wealthy planter. Fannie Sallis" m;irried David Hodo, of Warren Hardaway Genealogy. 13 county. Children: Augustus", David", James", Jo- seph', Dyer", America", Fannie'. David Hodo" married SaHie Shehe, of Barnsville, Ga. America" married Shade Shehe. James'^ mar- ried Missouri Cody. (4) Rebecca Hardaway^, daughter of John^, mar- ried first Jehu Neal, of Warren county. Issue, one son, Samuel Her second husband was James John- son. Children : Rev. Amos Johnson*', Rev. William Johnson", Dr. Reese Johnson", Aaron", and Seaborn*^. John Hardaway's"* children by second wife : 6, Drucilla^, married John Parker^ ; 7, Martha*^, died unmarried ; 8, John^ was an early emigrant to Texas. 2. Mason Hardaway*, daughter of Thomas^, married Jesse Brown of Lunenburg county, Va., in 1795. Children: I, Edmund Brown^ ; 2, Washington Hardaway^; 3. John^ ; 4. William^' ; 5, Elizabeth^' ; 6, Nancy^ ; 7, Jane^ ; 8. Jesse^. (i) Edmund Brown^ died in Texas during the war between Texas and Mexico ; unmarried. (2) Washing^ton Hardaway Brown^ was born in Lunenburg county, Va., 1797; moved to Warren county, Ga., in 1820; married, first, Cynthia Walker, of Warren county. 1 82 1. She died 1834. Children: I, Thomas Marion"; 2, Lawrence Augustus"; 3, Ed- ward Norfieet" ; 4, Rev. Felix Persons". Second wife, Airs. Dorcas Berry, of Sumter District, S. C. Children : 5, George W. H." ; 6, Benjamin" : 7, Jesse^. Washington H. Brown'"' died in Sumter District 14 Hardaway Genealogy. March 4, 1870, ami lies buried about four miles from Snmterville. Thomas Marion Brown*^ was born in Warren county, Ga., 1822. He married, first, Mary Hall, daughter of Samuel Hall, of Warren county, in 1848. Children : Mrs. Robert Kendrick", of Sharon, Ga. ; Mrs. Roljcrt Scruggs' ; Thomas, and others. Thos. M. Brown's*^ second wife was Mrs. Fannie (Gresham) Wright. He died near Norwood, Ga., 1895. Lawrence .Xugustus Brown" was born in Warren county 1827. He graduated from Citadel Academy, in Charleston, S. C, 1852. He emigrated to Cali- fornia in 1853, and married Miss Randle, of San Francisco. Issue: One son, Alfred Peisons Brown', a lawyer of San Francisco. Lawrence A. Browai*^, a few years since, was superintendent of New Depart- ure Silver Mines, near Dillon, INIontana. He has represented Montana in the Legislature. Edward Norfleet Brown'' was born in Warren county, Ga., 1830. Fie graduated from University of Georgia, 1854, and removed to Barbour county, Ala. He married Frances Elizabeth Long, of Bar- bour county, Ala., 1858. Children: Laura M.'^, Ed- ward N., Jr.'^, Nimrod Long', Lucy', Francis', Mag- gie". Laura M.', married Charles H. Owens, and lived in Hurtsboro, Ala. Died . Ivlward N., Jr.' married Thacker Walker, of Bui- Hardaway Genealogy. 15 lock county, Ala., resides in the city of Mexico, su- perintendent of the Mexican National Railroad. Nimrod Long^ was educated at Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, Troy, N. Y. He is an accomplished civil engineer. Edward N. Brown" was a captain in the Confed- erate army, 1862 to 1865. He represented Russell county, Ala., in the Legislature, 1880-81. He now resides in Hurtsboro, Ala. His wife died 1889. Felix Persons Brown" was born in Warren county, Ga., 1832. He graduated from University of Georgia, 1855, and married Susan Kendrick, of Sharon, Ga. Children: Mary Brown', married Mr. Moore, of Atlanta. Lawrence''' (M. D.) married Miss Davidson, daughter of Dr. Arthur Davidson, of Sharon. Rev. Felix P. Brown is a member of North Georgia Conference. Has represented the senatorial district, in which he lives, in the Legislature. George Brown*^, son of \\'ashington H. Brown by second wife, married Elizabeth Kendrick, of Sharon. He resides near Sharon, Ga. Mrs. Brown died 1900. Children : Ella" married Fred C. Brown, of Hogans- ville, Ga. Jesse R.'^ married Annie Moore, of Sharon; Annie Love' married Elwin Lewis Litchfield, of Ac worth, Ga. Benjamin*' and Jesse^ ; married. (3) John Brown^, died in Alabama since civil war, unmarried. (4) William Brown^ married, first, Elizabeth Maddox, of Virginia; secondly, Elizabeth Barnett, i6 Hakoawav Genealogy. of Virj^inia. Children by first wife, four: i, Martha Brown", married T. J. Clark, of Nottoway, Va. One daughter. Anna", who married Pat. Wright, of Tyro, Miss. Have four sons^, one daughter^. 2. Thomas'^, married Herndon, of Green- brier. \'a. Two sons', three daughters'. 3. Ann", married John Williams, of Virginia. One daughter, Janie". 4. Samuel" . 5. George" by second wife; married. Children: \\'illiam Brown' and Annie". (5) Elizabeth^ married Mr. Wallace, of McFar- lands, \'a. One child living, M. Wallace", of Mc- Farlands. (6) Nancy^' and (7) Jane'"' married and had chil- dren, but their families are extinct. (8) Jesse Brown'' was born March 4, 1808; mar- ried Mary Usery, daughter of Samuel Usery, of Vir- ginia. Children: William", Samuel", John", Ann*^, May", Lucy", Rosa", Marcus Washington", Ophe- lia", Ida", Ella". Samuel" married Jessie Wallace, of Virginia, and resides in Brunswick county. Va. Two sons", and four daughters". Ann" married James Hamlett, of Brunswick county, Va. ; removed to Cotton Plant, Ark. Chil- dren : Jessie'^, James". Marcus Washington" married Helen Suggs, of Tyro, Miss. One son", two daughters". I I.\KI).\\VA^■ (jENEALOGY. ly Ada'' married a Mr. IjdIx). of I'ale county, Miss. No issue. Rlla" married Tom Ben (iarrett. of Fort vSmith, Ark. One son', two daughters'. Other cliil(h-en of Jesse^ and Mary Brown are un- married. In 1891 Jesse Brown'' was li\ ing at Tyro, Miss., eiglity-tliree years of age. 3. Ehzabeth Hardaway*, daughter of Thomas'"', by second wife, was born in Dinwiddie county, Va. ; married lier cou- sin, Francis Epps Hardaway. They moved to Warren county, Ga., alxmt 1806 or 1807, and subsequently removed to Meriwether county, Ga., where he (bed in 1848. His widow (bed in 1852. Issue, six chilcb^en : 1. Thomas Epps Hardaway'', married Nancy Hawkins. Moved to Texas. 2. Ainsworth^, married Miss Hawkins. Aloved to Texas. 3. Stith^, (bed young. 4. John Wihiam''. l)orn November 6, 1806; mar- ried hrst, Virginia King; secon(Uy, Anne Rosser. 5. James^, died a few years since at Mibier, Ga. ; left no children. 6. Nancv^, married, hrst, a Mr. Wicker; secondly. J^ Thomas Epj^s Hardaway'", l)orn in \'irginia about 1800; married Nancy Hawkins, who was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga. ; died in Texas. Issue four children ; tr 1 8 Hardavvay Genealogy. 1. Janies Markham Hardaway^, who was killed in Mexico, in the Mexican War, 1846. 2. Eppsy Ann'', married Robert H. Taylor. Issue, three children : Henry Epps Taylor", James Mark- ham", and Eppie". 3. Mary Lodusky". married Albert Pace. Issue, six children, four of whom are now living. 4. Elizabeth Sophronia*', born in Texas; married, tirst, Alfred E. Pace, in Texas. Issue, five children, two of whom died young: 1. Nancy Susan Pace", married Travis Wright Ragsdale, of Bonham, Texas, January 7, 1874. Is- sue, four daughters : ( i ) Frankie May Ragsdale^ ; (2) Eppie®, (3) Ervie Lou®, and (4) lone®. Ervie Lou® married Robert Donald, June, 1901. 2. Mary Elizabeth Pace" married Wm. F. Bennett, March 26, 1876. Issue, three children: Alfred Pace Bennett®, Elizabeth®, and Florence Ada®. Elizabeth® married Allie G. Reynolds. They have one child, Barry Reynolds^. 3. Thomas Twitty Pace", married, first, Elizabeth McDonald. No issue. Secondly, Maude Little. Is- sue, three children : Pauline Nelson Pace®, Nannie Mae®, and John Travis®. Elizabeth Sophronia Hardaway's" second hus- band was S. D. Nunellee. The descendants of Thomas Epps Hardaway re- side in Texas. 4. John Willianv', born November 6. 1806; mar- ried, first, Virginia King, of Putnam countv, Ga., Hardaway Genealogy. 19 May 16, 1833. His second wife was Anne Rosser, of Meriwether county. Ga. Children hy first wife: 1. James Andrew Hardaway'"', born July 20, 1834; married, first, Susan Watson, secondly, Mrs. Darden, her sister. They have ten children. They reside in Meriwether county, Ga. 2. Sarah E.® (died in infancy), born March 21, 1836. 3. Robert Henry*', born December 12, 1837; mar- ried Isora Burch. daughter of the late Col. Robert Burch, of Marietta, Ga. He is a merchant, of the firm of Hardaway & Hunter, Newnan, Ga. Repre- sents at present the senatorial district in which he lives in the Legislature. Children: Four daughters living, four sons dead. Hon. Robert H. Hardaway^, of Newnan, Ga. died 1905. Martha King Hardaway". married in 1890 J. H. Strickland, who died in 1892. Children: Robert H. Strickland^, Henrietta^. Virg-inia Rebecca" married ^^^ C. McBride in 1894. Children: Robert McBride^; died 1896. Isora Burch®, Corille" and Ruth". (Corille" married Thomas J. Fisher, November ist, 1905.) 4. \\'illiam Thomas'^ (M. D.). born January 15. 1840; died in Mississippi, 1862, serving the Confed- erate cause. Unmarried. 5. Georgia Virginia*', born August 3, 1842; mar- ried G. Glanton; died 1873, leaving three daughters: Louise Glanton", Cordelia", and Hope". JO Hardawav (Ikxealogy. 6. John Washington", born July 20, 1845; niar- ricd Jo;-q)hine Dukes. Resides at Hogansville, Ga. Children six: ^Martha Hardaway', married Edwin Choate, of Louisville, Ky. ; Claude' ; four other (laughters. Children of John William Hardaway'^ by second wife. .\nnc I^i^sser. 7. Benjamin Ainsworth Hardaway^, died in Troup county, Ga.. 1896, unmarried. S. Lilly'', married Anderson Glanton. Two chil- dren : Will Glanton" ; Annie^, married Dr. Hood. 9. Alice'', married Warren Ragland. Five chil- dren. Resides in Troup county, Ga. Airs. Anne (Rosser) Hardaway, died in 1900. I\'. George Washington Hardaway', youngest child of ] Thomas^ and his second wife Mary (Trotter) Hardaway, was born near Petersburg, Dinwiddie county, Va., August J 5. 1 78 1 . He was born a few weeks after his father's death, who was killed in the war of the Revokition. His mother lived only four weeks after his birth. His father left an estate, but. being badly managed, there was but little left for the little orphan boy. When he was fourteen years old. he was apprenticed to a hatter in Vir- I ginia. with whom he worked uniil he was twenty-one years of age. He then had money enough to purchase a horse, saddle and bridle, a good smt .>f clothes, and had a few dol- 1 lars left. | In iSoj he mounted his horse and bid adieu to the scenes of his youth, to seek a home in CiCMrgia. Tic resided one • r r i ' / » Hardaway Genealogy. 21 year in Washington, Wilkes county, Ga.. wlicrc lie pur- sued his trade successfully. In 1803 he moved to Warren county, Ga.. where he still worked at his trade. lie made fine fur hats and found ready sale for them. In 1804, October 9th, he married ^Sarah^Codx? o"ly ^ daughter of Edmund and Katharine (Donelson) Cody, of Warren county. This couple lived happily together for fifty- four years. After his marriage he turned his attention to farming, in which he was very successful. By his industry, economy and superior judgment he accu- mulated a fine estate. He was a man of eminent piety, a strict member of the Baptist Church. He was kind and benevolent, maintained a high character for honesty and integrity in all of his trans- actions, had the confidence of his neighbors, was the trusted adviser and friend of all who knew him. In 1828 he joined the Baptist Church at Union meeting House, was baptized by Rev. B. M. Sanders. A few years before his death, his membership was moved to the Baptist Church in Warrenton, in the communion of w^hich he died September 3, 1858, age seventy-seven years, eighteen days. George W."* and Sarah (Cody) Hardaway had born unto them eleven children, nine of whom lived to be grown and married. Children : I. Catharine Donelson Hardaw^ay^ was born in Warren county, Ga., July 21, 1806. She married Wm. Castleberry, of Warren county, December 8, 1825. She died at her home in Cuthbert, Ga.. Nov. TTardawav Genealogy. 21). 1 88 1. Mr. Castleberry was a man of prominence and wealth. They removed from Warren to Fort Gains, Early county, (ia. ; from thence to Clay county. He represented both Early and Clay coun- ties in the Legislature. He died at his home in Clay county, 1865. His family then removed to Cuthbert. Children : 1. George Washington Castleberry^ died 1851, unmarried. 2. Mary", married Ben. F. Burnett, a merchant of Fort Gains. Children: i, William Burnett", mar- ried Miss Maxwell, of Texas. Issue, five sons^. 2, Littlel)erry" ; 3. Jesse' ; 4. Robert^ ; 5, John" ; 6, Mary", married Mr. Holmes, of Fort Gains. Chil- dren : Mary Holmes'*, Lucy**. 3. Sarah" was twice married; first, to Dr. Alex. Jones, of Columbia county, Ga. ; second, to John Mattox, of Cuthbert, Ga., both dead. No issue. 4. Louisa", died in girlhood. 5. William Wallace", died after reaching manhood. Unmarried. 6. Emily", unmarried. Resides in Cuthbert. 7. I'Yances MarkhanV', married James Allison, a gentleman of standing and wealth, of Cuthbert. No issue. Mrs. Allison is a widow, and resides in Cuth- bert. 8. Laura", married William Ross, of Waxa- liatchee, Texas. Children: i, Kate Ross"; 2. Fan- nie" ; 3. Castleberry" ; 4. Lee" ; 5, Emily'''. (). Miniimia". married Lcilius Holmes, of Barns- Hardaway Genealogy. 23 ville, Ga. Children: t, Kate ?Tc>lmes'. married Mr. Yarborongh ; 2, Leila", died 1900; 3. Hallie'^ ; ^, Charlie". 2. Thomas Jefferson'^, born January 8. 1809, in Warren county; died June 11, 1891. He married, first, Jane Ansley, daughter of Joseph Ansley, of Warren county, April 19, 1836. She died 1861. He married, secondly, Mrs. Mary Guill, daughter of John Fuller, of Warren county, in 1867. She died in Warren county 1892. Children by first wife: 1. Baron DeKalb Hardaway^, born 1837; mar- ried Sallie Hightower, of Barnsville, Ga. Issue, one daughter, Mattie Hardaway". He died 1895 in Thomaston, Ga. His wife died in 1896. 2. Sarah*^, married William P. Bellah, of Barns- ville, Ga., and moved to Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. Bellah died 1897. He also died 1897. Children: i, Clyde Bellah", w'ho married a Mr. Hahn; 2, Lillian''', married ; 3. Hardaway'^. 3. Rev. George Washing'ton*^ is a well-educated and talented minister of the Congregational Church, Longwood, Fla. He married, first, Pallie Dooly, a granddaughter of the late Judge Dooley, of Colum- bia county, Ga. Issue, one son, Luther Hardaway'^. His second wife was Mary McDaniel. Children : Mary", .~^t->vj» 7^ _i 7 pjg resides in Longwood, Fla. 4. Mary^; 5, WhitfieW ; 6, Fannie"'; 7, Thomas*', are all unmarried. _>4 Haruawav Genealogv. 8. James", died while servino^ the Confederate cause. 9. Janie". married josepli l'\il]er, of Warren county. ChihhTii : r. John Fuller', who married Kathleen L. inisselt. of CynUiiana, Ky., June 3. 1897; 2. Joseph', unmarried. 10. Rohert .\.". a prominent merchant of \\"arren- ton. Ga.. married Rosa h'lannigan. of Auhurn, Ala. Children: i. ", died in infancy; 2, Wayman Hardaway' ; 3. Irene", died in infancy; 4, Lillian'. 1 1. Augusta", married William" Brinkley. of War- ren county. Children: i. Inez Brinklev' ; 2. Will Gibscr' : 3, Christine' ; 4, dliomas' ; 5, Kate'. They reside at Warrenton, Ga. Mr. Ih'inkley is sheriff of \\'^arren county. Ga. Children of Thomas J. Hardaway'' by second wife: 12. John Fuller IIardawa\'\ unmarried. 13. William", married Lilly llceth. Issue, one daughter, i, Mary Lee llardaway'; 2. one son, Robert'. 14. Donna .Marie'', unmarried. -All reside in Atlanta. 3. F.dmund Cody Hardaway', born in Warren county. Ga.. .M;ircii 12. iSii; married, first, Jose- phine h'leming. hVb. j^, 1841. She died leaving no cliildren. I lis second wife was Drucilla J(Uies, whom he married Deccmlier 3. i84f). She died at their Hardaway Genealogy. 25 home, in W^arrcn county, July, 1872. He died May I, 1879. He was a planter. Children: 1. William Markham Hardaway", married Eva O'Neal, of Thomson. He died at his home in War- ren county, Novemher, 1885. No issue. A planter. 2. Mary V.", married George T. McCord in 1867; died in 1872. Children: i, Eva McCord", died 1896, in young- ladyhood; 2, Lola"; 3, John', died in in- fancy; 4, Edmund H. McCord', married in 1895, Lula Neal, daughter of James Neal, of Thomson. Ga. Child : George McCord*^. 3. Dora", married Judge Wm. Gibson, of Augusta, in 1880; died January, 1886. No issue. 4. Ophelia", married John B. Neal, of Thomson, 1880. Children: i, Herbert Campbell Neal", died Jan. I, 1902; 2, J. B., Jr.' ; 3, Ophelia Marion". 4. John Madison'"*, born January 3, 1814; died 1821. ^5. Elizabeth Mason^, born Nov. 24, 1816; in Warren county; married Matthew Henry Hubert, of Warren county, October 15, 1835; died at her home in Warren county, November 6, 1886. M. H. Hu- bert died January 18, 1888. He was a planter. Chil- dren ; I. James Faunin Hubert", born August 13. 1836; ' Double Wedding. Elizabeth Mason and Martha Ann Hardaway, daughters of George W. and Sarah (Cody) Hardaway, were married October 15, 1835- It was a memorable occasion at the Hardaway home. An elabo- j6 IIakuawav Genealogy. married Josephine Barksdale. April 13, 1859. Chil- dren: I. -Mary E. Hubert'; 2, Alatt. H." ; 3, Sarah', who married jnhn C. Ferguson, Abbeville, S. C. ; 4. Terrell E." ( M.D. ) ; 5. George W. H.". died 1895 ; 6, Katharine'; 7, Susan", married, September, 1901, Hemy Walker, of Dublin. Ga. One son, Henry Hubert Walker'^. 8. Edmund : 9, Morgan Seals' ; died in childhood. On 6th of September, 1905, Dr. Terrell Eugene Hubert married Elizabeth Stith Myrick. daughter of James Myrick, of Baldwin county. Ga. 2. George \\\'\. died November 16, 1870. Un- married. 3. Benjamin F.''. married Emily Heath. 1865. He resides at Norwood. Ga. Children : I. Elizabeth Mason Hubert', married M. W. Scruggs, of Norwood. 1894. Children: Katie rate sui)per was served, many relatives, friends And neighbors were invited. Elizabeth Mason married ]\Iatthew Henry Hubert, of War- ren county. Rev. William Tucker (of the Baptist Church) officiating. Martha .Ann married l-'ranklin M. Stinson, of Early county- The attendants were Dr. Henry B. Barksdale and Miss Amanda Cody. (She afterwards married James M Wellborn, of Warrenton. ) Edmund C. Hardaway and Miss Jane Seals (who afterwards married Dr. George Crymes, of Enon, Ala.). The candle-holders were two little girls ten years of age, Mary Hardaway (sister of the bride) and Eucrctia Cody. The brides were dressed in white swiss muslin, and wrire long veils and high tortoise shell combs — hair elaborately puffed on the sides. I'^Iizabcth Mason was very fair, brown hair and eyes. Martha Ann was a tall, handsome brunette. .Mary Hardaway, one of the candle-hoIdcrs, is the only ])crson now living who attended that wedding. She is the widow of the late Major Frank M. Reese, of Atiburn. Ala., is eighty years of age. Hardaway Genealogy. 27 Scruggs*^; Ida BelP ; Sam.^; Margaret*^. Sam. and Margaret died in infancy. 2. Benjamin Hiram', married ^Ida Slater, 1893. He resides in Atlanta ; and is connected with Cokers Bank of State of Georgia. Issue : One son, Benjamin Hiram Hubert, Jr.^ ; one daughter, Elizabeth^. Mrs. Ida (Slater) Hubert ched March 29th. 1904, in Atlanta. 3. Maurice L." 4. Samuel Shields'. 5. Robert Cody", died in childhood. 6. Mary Hardaway'^. 4. Sarah Donelson Hubert*^, unmarried. Resides near Norwood, Warren county, Ga. 5. Henry Clay Hubert" ; unmarried. Resides near Norwood, Ga. 6. ^Martha Ann'^, born in Warren county October 18, 1819; married Franklin M. Stinson, October 15, 1835. He was a planter. They resided in Troup county, Ga. She died May 20, 1898. Children: I. Sarah E. Stinson^, married Hon. Seth Tatum, of Troup county. Mr. Tatum has represented the senatorial district in which he lived, in the Legisla- ture. He died September, 1904. Children: i, Frank Stinson Tatum', married Minnie \A'ilkinson, of La Grange, Ga. Children : Frank Tatum, Jr.^'* ; Sara CrawforcP. 2, Mary Kate", died 1903; 3, Sledge", civil engineer, also represented Troup county in the j8 Hakdawav Genealogy. Legislature in 1894-95; 4, Mike^ ; 5, Mattie^ ; 6, George Hamlet', married Edith Crenshaw, of Green- ville, Ala., 1900, where he now resides. He is cashier of one of the Greenville banks. They have one daughter, Sarah Edward Tatunr"^. 2. Caroline Mason^', married William L. Potts in 1864; died May 15, 1866; left one son, George Ma- son Potts', who died in 1884. 3. George W.'' was killed at Frederick City, Md., July 9, 1864. 4. Mary Bell*', married William R. Anderson, of Chambers county, Ala., Octo'ber 13, 1870; died 1892. Children: i, John Frank Anderson'^, died 1892; 2, « Robert Emmett' ; 3, William' : 4, Charlie' , died in childhood. 5. Michael^, married Sallie Evans, of La Grange, Ga., 1868; died in Birming'ham, Ala., 1890. Chil- dren: T, Carrie Mason Stinson", married George Lee Scandrett, of Cordele, Ga. ; 2, Julia', married Amos Ward, died in Texas, 1905; 3, Belle", married Hor- ace, J. Clapp; 4, Fannie W.'', married Claude B. Bur- riss; 5, Annie Gray'^ ; 6, Fletcher Evans^. 6. Bucna Vista", died t86o. in girlhood. 7. John", died in infancy. 8. Ella'', married James F. 0"-letree, of Meri- wether county. Mr. Ogletree died T900. Children: I. I'hil. Ogletree', married Ira Stokes; 2, Frank', married h^lla Crowder; 3, Mattie', died 1893; 4' Car- rie", married I'^rank Bell, of Atlanta; one daughter, Lura liell''; 5. (icorgc'. died 1896; 6, Paul". Hardaway Genealogy. 29 9. William'', married Cornelia Hudson, of Troup county. Children: 1, Leila Rates Stinson" ; 2, Frank Hudson^ ; 3, Bessie". 7. Frances Markham^ was born in Warren county, Ga., March 7, 1822. She married Hon. Marshall H. Wellborn. August 12, 1841. and died at her home in Warrenton, September 11, 1899. M. H. Wellborn was a merchant and planter. Hon. M. H. Wellborn represented AA'arren county in the Legislature several terms, and also represented the senatorial district in which he lived. He died at his home in W'arrenton, January 14, 1879. Children: i, Mary Wellborn'^, died in childhood; 2, Sarah Virginia*^, married Chas. H. Card, of Providence. R. I., September 5, 1883; 3, Katharine'^, died in childhood. 8. Mary Trotter^, born in Warren county, Ga., July 15, 1825; married Frank M. Reese, law^yer and planter, June 23, 1846. He was the son of Hon. David A. Reese, of Monticello, Ga., who represented the Athens district in Congress for several years be- fore the Civil War. Frank M. Reese, after marriage, removed to Auburn, Ala. He o-raduated from Uni- versity of Va. He was a man of many strong, good and noble qualities, and held many positions of trust and honor. He died at his home in Auburn, Ala.. May, 1893, beloved by all who knew him. Children : I, Annie Reese^, died in childhood; 2. Mary", mar- ried Wm. B. Frazer, of Auburn, Ala. Children : ( i ) Frank Reese Frazer'. (2) Alex."^, (3) George Hard- away'. Mrs. Frazer is a distinguished dialect reader and elocutionist. 9. James Lafayette'*, born in Warren county, Oct. 15, 1828; married, first. Martha E. Reid, of Craw- fordville, Ga.. December 14, 1852. She died Decem- ber, 1867, leaving six children. He married, sec- ondly, Mrs. Emily Ellington, mother of Hon. Clar- ence H. Ellington, August 3, 1869. She died March, 1893, leaving three children. James L. Hardaway^, died at his home, in Thom- son, Ga., February 3, 1895. Children by first wife: 1. William Washington Hardaway*', born 1854; married Sallie Mapp, of White Plains, Ga. They re- sided in Macon, Ga. She died 1900. Children: i, HarokF ; 2, ' . 2. Mary Sinai^, married John Hall, of Greens- boro. Children: i, Mabel Hall"; 2, John'; 3, Car- lisle' ; 4, Hardaway". 3. Matt. Reid'', married Walter Curtis, of Thom- son. Children: i. Ruth Curtis', married Joseph Richards. One daughter. Ruth Richards^ ; 2, James', married Miss Clark: 3. Sara', died May, 1900; 4, Edith'. 4. Charles S.'"'. and 5. John Franklin''', are unmar- ried. 6. Anna", married Benjamin O'Neal, a wealthy and j)nimincnt citizen of Cordele. Ga. Children: I. l'".riii I iardaway O'Neal" ; 2. Gladys" ; 3, Ben.. Jr." Children by second wife: Hardaway Genealogy. 31 7. Sallie Cody Hardaway*', died May, 1897, in young ladyhood. 8. Rosa", married Will Scott, 1902. 9. James Lafayette, Jr.**, mimarried. 10. Saralv"^, born February 14, 1831 ; died infancy. 11. Sinai America^, born August 3, 1832, in War- ren county, Ga. ; married Wm. Henry Buford, a prominent merchant of Augusta, Ga., May 7, 1850. He died of consumption at Chalybeate Springs, Meriwether county, Ga., July 15, 1853. Mrs. Bu- ford died in Warren county, June 12, 1854. Issue: One daughter, Lulah Buford*', who married Hon. Clarence H. Ellington, of Thomson, Ga. She died November, 1881, leaving one son, Karl Henry El- lington". Hon. Clarence H. Ellington represented the sena- torial district in which he lives in i890-'9i, and has been ordinary of McDuffie county, Ga., for several years. Karl Henry Ellington" married , and has one daughter, Buford Ellington^. V. Kerenhappuch", daughter of John- and Frances (A'larkham) Hardaway, born in Dinwiddle county, Va., January 27. 1741 ; baptized May 30, 1741. She married Edward Young, a planter and slave-holder; religion, an Episcopalian ; politics, a Whig. Children, six : I. Henry Young^, married Winnefred Tucker Goodwyn. 3-' Hardaway Geneal()(;y. 2. Hardaway"', married Angeline Goodwyn. 3. \\'illiam\ married . 4. I'rances^, married Williamson. Two daugiiters : Sophy Williamson'' and Hardaway^'. 5. Xancy\ married Joel Sturdevant. 6. Edward^, married Fannie Dabney. Children, six: Re- becca Yoiing^, Jane^, William^, , Edward^, Benjamin^ John F.^ I. llenr\- ^'onny'^. married Winnefred Tucker Goodwvn. \\t was a Whig-, land and slave-holder, and ian Episcopalian in religion. He was a captain in the Revolutionary War. (See Magazine of History, Vol. VIL, p. 29.) He is also mentioned in Hirtman's Historical Register. Children, three : 1. James Goodwyn Young^, born in Dinwiddie county, Va., March 30, 1790; died in Wilcox county, Ala., December 28, 1875. 2. Henry^, born in Dinwiddie county. Va., May 23, 1792; died in Rehoboth, Wilcox county, Ala., March 27, 1861. 3. Jnditlr'"', born in Dinwiddie county, Va., mar- ried Jacob Mitchell. I . James Goodwyn Young''"' and family moved from Dinwiddie county, Va., to Dallas county, .Via.. by private conveyance; left Virginia on the 20th of August, 1836: arrived in Dallas county, October 4, 1836. He owned 892 acres of land lying in Dinwid- die county, surveyed by J. E. Ffargrove, S. W.'D. C. James G. "N^jung was ])n)])rietor of the tavern at J)in\\iddie Courthouse a number of vears, and was Hardaway Genealogy. 33 also a planter and slave-holder. He was in the War of 1812. All of his children were unmarried when he came to Alal)ama, 'except his eldest daiighter, Elizabeth Ann. He died in Wilcox county, Ala., December 28, 1875. He and wife are buried in the family grave- yard, at his old home, Gees Bend, Wilcox county, Ala. James Goodwyn Young"^, married, first, Elizabeth Ann Dean ; secondly, Catharine Brewer ; thirdly, Elizabeth Clements Young, his first cousin, and daughter of Hardaway Young^. She was born Aug. 19, 1797, in Dinwiddle county, Va. Children by second wife : I. Elizabeth Ann Young*\ born in Dinwiddle county, September i, 1813; married Stith Harda- way, son of Thomas Goodwyn Hardaw^ay, who mar- ried Holly Goo'dwAm. Thomas G. was the only child of Stith, Sr., and Sallie — ■■ . Elizabeth A. Young'^ and Stith Hardaway were married by Rev. Isham Hargrove in Dinwiddle county; moved to Dallas county. Ala., 1836. Their children were nine: i, James Thomas Hardaway^, born in Dinwiddle county, Va. ; married Elizabeth Fourd. Children three: i. Thomas Hardaway^; 2, Willie^ married Marvin Disher ; 3, Walter^ 2. 'Elizabeth Clements', born in Dallas county, Ala., married James L. \^aughan. Children, two: I, Thomas Stith Vaughan^ died young; 2. Annie 34 Hardawav Genealogy. Peterson\ married Albert Howard. One child, Vaughan Howard^. 3. Sallie Ann', born in Dallas county, Ala. 4. Algernon Sydney', born in Dallas county, Ala. Killed in Confederate service. 5. William Henry', died young. 6. Virginia Angeiine", born in Dallas county, Ala. ; married James H. Young. He served in the Confederate war. One child, Francis Robert Young^. 7. Harriett Catharine', born in Dallas county, Ala. 8. Lucy Osborn", born in Dallas county, Ala.; married James F. Lumsden. He served in the Con- federate war. Children: i. Maud Lumsden^, mar- ried Laury Brown. One child, Laury Brown*'. 2, Charley^ ; 3. Loula'" ; 4, Laura^. 9. Mary Gray', Ijorn in Dallas county, Ala. 2. Hardaway Young", by third wife, born in Din- widdle county. Va., July 25, 1819; married Minerva Jones \'aughan, in Dallas county, Ala. She was born in Sussex county, Va., August 22, 1829. He died in IMobile September 21, 1897. She was a daughter of IHiomas Jones Vaughan and Martha Peter.son Rives, his wife. She was descended from Thomas Hardaway^ and Agnes Peterson, his wife. Ilardaway Young" lived in Dallas county, Ala., was captain in militia company, Confederate war, and was in the battle at Selma. Soon after the war closed be mo\cd to .Mobile, Ala., and entered into the Hardavvay Genealogy. 35 cotton and commission merchant business. He re- mained tlierc until he died, 1897. He was a Democrat and slave-holder ; in religion an Episcopalian. Child- ren two. I. Annie Matthews Young", Ijorn in Dallas county, Ala. ; married Archibald Bott Jones. He was born in Amelia county, Va., served in the Confederate war, Fourth Alahama Regiment, under General Lee. Children : (i) Roberta Young Jones^, married Walter A. Williford. Their children: i, Walter A. Williford, Jr.^ ; 2, Henry Archibald^. (2) Elizabeth Hardaway^, married Hardaway Young. One child: Annie Elizabeth Young". (3) Richard Eugene^. (4) Robert Campbell^. (5) Archie B.« 2. Elizabeth Peterson Young'^, born in Dallas county, Ala. ; married Samuel Mountain. Children : I, John Mountain^; 2, Samuel A.^ ; 3, George Layett^ ; 4, Elizabeth Young*^ ; 5, Hardaway Young^ ; 6, Minerva^ ; 7, Annette Roberta^. 3. Harriett", by third wife, born in Dinwiddie county, Va. ; married Henr}^ Young", her cousin. 4. Virginia", by third wife, born in Dinwiddie county; married Willison D. King. 5. Lucy C", by third wife, born in Dinwiddie county; married Alison Browning. 36 Hardavvay Genealogy. 6. Mary Peterson^, by third wife, born in Dinwid- die county : died unmarried. 2. Henry Voung^, sun of Henry Young'*, born in Dinuiddie county, Va., May 3, 1792; married March 2T. tSfT), Frances Vauglian, who was born in Sussex county, Va. She was a daughter of Fielding Vaughan and Frances Rives, of Sussex county. They resided in Dinwifldie county most of their hves. He was a planter and slave-holder; politics a Whig, afterwards a Democrat; in religion a Methodist.' Children, eight : 1. Mary Peterson Young-*', born in Dinwiddle county ; died at the age of ten years. 2. Henry, Jr.**, born in Dinwiddle county, Va. ; married in Wilcox county, Ala., Harriet Young. 3. Winnie Tucker Goodwyn^, born in Dinwiddle; married, in Wilcox county, Ala., Burgess Bennett. Their children are seven: i, Rhoda B. Bennett"; 2, h' ranees V.' ; 3, Mary''' ; 4, Burrell B.'' ; 5. Virginia Matthews" ; 6, Lucy" ; 7. Burgess^. 4. Elizabeth Rebecca Ann", born in Dinwiddle; married, in Wilcox county, Ala., Crreen Fisher. One son, Henry Young Fisher"^. 5. Fielding Vaughan", born in Dinwiddle; mar- ried, in Wilcox county, Ala., Annie E. Alexander. Children: i, John Alexander Young^ ; 2, Fielding (i." : 3, Henry'^ ; 4, Eucy E.'' ; 5, Tuppie'^ — all living in 'i'exas. Hardavvay Genealogy. 37 ^6. Robert James''', born in Dinwiddie connty, Va., April 18, 1830; married Annette Roberta Vanghan, daughter of Thomas Jones Vanghan and Martha Peterson Rives. One son : Thomas Henry Young^. 7. Lncy F.", 1:i()rn in Dinwidche; married James Taylor. No children. 8. Jolm W.*', born in Dallas connty. Ala., Febru- ary 4, 1835; married, first, Josephine Chapman; secondly, Maggie Greer. Fie served in the Confed- erate war. Children, twelve : (i) Joseph John Young", by first wife, born in Rehoboth, Ala.; married Susie Gardiner. Children: I, Frances Vaughan Young^ ; 2, Virginia^. (2) Robert Lee", born in Moringo connty, x*\la. ; married Lucy Tillman. (3) Henry Fielding", born in Moringo county, Ala. ; died young. (4) Marion Greer", born in Moringo, Ala.; mar- ried Willie Whitted. (5) Frank Mobley", l)orn in Mobile, Ala.; mar- ried Florence Harwell. (6) David Magruda'^ ; died unmarried. (7) Thomas Owen", born in Mobile, Ala. (8) Hardaway', born in Moringo county, Ala.; married Elizabeth Hardaway Jones. One child : An- nie Elizabeth*. ^ Robert James Young" was a captain in the Confederate war, Clayton's Brigade, Thirty-eighth Alabama Regiment. He was of the firm R. J. Young & Co., Mobile, Ala. He died March 26, 1869. 38 Hardaway Genealogy. (9) James Arlhur', born in Moringo county, Ala. ; died unmarried. (10) Roberta Pinkie", born in Moringo county, Ala. (11) Frances Pernicia'^. born in Moringo county, Ala. (12) IMaggie Virginia", born in Moringo county, Ala. Major Henry Young^ and family moved from Dinwiddle county, Va., to Rehoboth, Wilcox, Ala., in 1835, and lived there up to the time of his death, which occurred March 2"], 1861. His wife died June 6, 1886. 2. Hardaway Young^, married Angeline Goodvvyn. Children, two : 1. Elizabeth Clements Young'^, born in Dinwdd- die county, Va. ; married James Goodwyn Young^, her cousin. 2. Judith Peterson^, born in Dinwiddle ; married Hamiltdu Rives Heath. Children: G { I ) Hardaw^ay Heath**, born in Dinwdddie ; mar- ried Miss IMobley. (2) Robert'', born in Dinwiddle; married . (3) Angelina", born in Dinwiddle ccmnty, Va. ; mru-ried, in Wilcox comity. .\la., Henry Asberry Mc-- Milian. They had five children; all died in infancy except two: ( 1 ) Rebecca McMillan", died at the age of seventeen. Hardaway Genealogy. 39 (2) Henrie A.', married in 1874, Dr. J. I. Dan- A^^ sky. Children, six : , 1. Maggie Rebecca Dangfey-^, married Bruce Bev- eridge, of Ohio. 2. Tiberias Walden^. 3. Henrie AHeene^. /' 4.") GeorgefJ* born in DinwicKHe; married, first, Laura Watkins ; secondly, Mary Westbrook. No children. / 5.J Henry^, born in Dinwiddle county, Va. Was killed in the Confederate service. (^ 6.^ Emily Jane^ born in Dinwiddle; married, in Wilcox county, Ala., James Hamilton McMillan. Children : ( I ) Annie^ died in infancy. ^^ (2) Sallier, married J. G. Chambers. Children: I, Emily Chambers^*7 2, Annie"^ 3, Minnie*^ 4, Bertha^^ 5, Sallie^; 6, James^^ 7, John^°'; 8, William Lee^ (3) James^, died aged ifourteen. (4) Mattie?', married John M. Malone. Children : I, Ethel Lee Malone^*; 2. John Milton^; 3, Henry McMillani*^ 4. Emily Rosemond^^ 5, Joe Wheeler^^"; 6, K (5) Lee?, married Pearl Malone. He was a mem- ber of the Legislature in 1900. Children: i, Julia Maryi^; 2, Metha^^ 3. Linda^'^'; 4, John^^ 40 Hardawav Gexealogy. 5. Xancv Yoiing\ niarrlecl Joel Stiirdevant. ' Tlic Gatewoods, near Americns, Ga., belong to this John | line of Hardawavs. ] II. Daniel-, son of Tlu^nas^ and Jane (Drewry) Harda- | ^vay, was biirn 1711: married; Miss Worsham ; lived in ■< Nottoway county, Va. Children, three: j I. Daniel Hardaway^. II. Stith\ Stith Hardaway^, son of DanieP, died unmarried. III. Judith Archer^ I Judith Archer^, daughter of Daniel-, married Mr. I Lewis, and left one son, Stith Lewis^, and three daughters: Carol ine\ Martha-* and Judith^ The children of Judith Archer^ intermarried with the ! Cockes and Randolphs of Virginia, and now represent an . extensive connection. I. Daniel I Tarda way'* married Anne Eggleston. Left six children : 1 , Daniel^ ; 2. Martha^ ; 3, Jack Segar^* ; 4, Maria^* ; 1 5, Richard Eggleston^, an;l 6, Jane Eliza^. i I. Daniel"' ( M. D.) married Sally Jones. Left two chil- 1 dren : i, Horace Hardaway'"', and j, Anne^. . i I. Horace Hardaway"^ married his first cousin 1 Sally Anne 1 lardaway. daughter of Jack Segar i llardaway*. and 2. Anne'"', who married William Fitzgerald, of Nottoway. i Horace''"' left six children : Daniel'* Hardaway, Jack", Richard". Margaret'"', Ilarvie", and Sally". ■ TTardaway Genealogy. 41 Four are now li\ing near Blaekstone, Nottoway county, Va. 2. Martha Hardaway'*, daugliter of Daniel-'^, married, first, Edwin Harvie, who left two sons, Lewis Harvie*"', and John^ Edwin Harvie lost his life in the theatre, which burned in Richmond in 181 1. John and Lewis Harvie married sisters, the daug'hters of "Parson Blair," of Richmond, Va. Each left a large family. Martha'* married her second Inisband, William Old. Left two sons, ^^^illiam Okh"", who died without issue, and Charles'^, who married a daughter of Benjamin Watkins Leigh, and left several children, now in Powhatan county, Va. 3. Dr. Jack Segar^, son of Daniel'S married Martha Fletcher. Left two daug-hters, Jacqueline'^, \vho married Freman Eppes and Sally Anne"'', who married her cousin Horace. Several children from Jacqueline now live in Not- toway. 4. Maria"*, married Seth \\\ Jones; removed to Talla- busha countv. Miss. Left three children, now living in Mississippi. 5. Richard Eggleston'*, son of BtrrttF, luarried ■Mary -iv-A Rut'herfoor'd, and left one son. Jack Seg"ar^, of Chula Depot, Amelia county, Va. Jack Segar'^ left six sons and five daughters, his sons now living in Virginia, North Carolina and Ala. 6. Jane Eliza"*, married Benjamin Lincoln Meade, of Richmond, Va., left three sons, and three daughters. 42 IIardaway Genealogy. 1. ]\larianne Old Meade*'^, married Dr. John G, Skelton. 2. Richard 1 lardaway"', married Jane C. Fontaine. 3. Eliza Jane-'"', died single. 4. Charlotte l\andoli)lr'^. married General James Henry Lane. They had four daughters : (i) Eliza Hardaway Lane^, unmarried. (2) Mary Barkwell^, married Prof. George Pe- trie. who is now connected with the A. P. I., Auburn, Ala. (3) Kate Meade^, unmarried. (4) Lottie Everard'\ unmarried. General Lane has been connected with the A. P. L, Auburn. Ala., for a number of years. His wife died in Auburn about 1888 or 1889. 5. Everard Benjamin-\ married Lucy Gilmer. 6. Hodejah^. married Mary Hardaway. Mrs. Eliza Meade was living in Richmond in 1874 with her son Richard H. Meade. She was then seventy-three years of age. She came near losing her life in the Richmond theatre 181 1. in. Thomas Hardaway^, son of Thomas^ and Jane (Drewry) Hardaway, his wife, was born in Virginia about 1713: married Agnes Peterson. He lived at Hardaway Mills, on Xottouay River, Nottoway county, Va. Left two sons and six daughters, viz. : T. John Hardaway-', major in Continental Army; mar- ried, iirst. Miss Maclin. daughter of Frederick Maclin, mem- ber of house of P.urges.ses, from Brunswick county, 1765- Hardaway Genealogy. 43 1775; secondly, Miss Stith. Left four sons and one daugh- ter : 1. William Edwards"*, Ijorn 1792; died 1858. 2. Frederick M."*, born 1795; married Mary ; died 1866. 3. Simmons'*, born 1797; married, first, Susan Lundy; second, Miss Hunt; died 1866. 4. John^, born 1801 ; died 1864. 5. Mar}\ married Thomas Rogers. Simmons Hardaway^ left two children by his first wife, Susan Lundy Hardaway'^ and Peterson^. Children by sec- ond wife, six: Samuel Hardaway^, Thomas^. Henry^, Wil- liam'^, Mary^, and Minerva Hunt^. IL Thomas'^, son of Thomas-, married , and left two sons and two daughters. He died 1804. His sons were : 1. Benjamin Hardaway^, a captain in U. S. A., 181 2. Died unmarried. 2. Thomas^, married Simmons Hardaway's daughter, Susan Lundy. 3. Julia"*, married Scott. 4. A daughter^, married Robert Pegram. HL Mrs. Manson'^*, daughter of Thomas-, mother of Peter Manson^, who was father of Dr. Manson^, of McDonough, Ga. IV. Agnes^, married Louke. V. Rebecca^, married Thomas Jones, of Lunenburg county, Va. Li 1813 they removed to Lincoln county, N. C., 44 Hardaway Genealogy. where most of the family died. They reared one son, S Thomas Hardaway Jones'*, who was born in Dinwiddie n county. \'a.. 1799. About 1827 he ('i'homas H. Jones'*) ^ came to Georgia, and married, hrst, Margaret Harriet, y daughter of Adam Hoyl, of Gwinnett county; secondly, ' Susan l^lmina. daughter of Rev. John Hoyl, of Millan U(^ county, Tenn., a brother of Adam Hoyl, both formerly of j Lincoln county, N. C. Children by first wife: 1. Adam Willie Jones^, married Sarah Pearson, of Monticello, Ga., three sons and two daughters. ' Resides in Atlanta. 2. Thomas Allcu"^, married Susan N. Mastin, of j ^Millan county, Tenn. Dead. Widow resides in Kan.sas citv. Mo. ' 3. Benjamin Franklin^, married, first, Mary Nes- bit, of Gwinnett county, Ga. ; secondly, Mary Smith, Rome, Ga. Resides in New York. i 4. Sarah Catharine Rebecca^, died in childhood. ] 5. George Hoyl^, married, first, Anna Martin Gwinnett county, Ga. ; secondly, Sarah Martin, Gwinnett county; thirdly, Lou Trammell. All dead. \ 6. Reps M.-"*, married Martha Gaml)le. Cuthbert, ] Ga. Resides in Cuthbert. 7. Peter Fite"'. married Margaret Davis, Staunton, : Va. Resides in .\tlanta. Ga. | Children bv second wife: ' 8. John Hartlaway'"', married Mrs. Ophelia Reid, 1 of Zebuliin. Ga. Resides in Atlanta. I Q. DeWitt Clinton-'"', married Anna Belle Kirk- i patrick. Cobb comity. Resides at Vinings, Ga. Hardaway Genealogy. 45 10. Hillianl Clarke'\ killed by Yankees when about twelve years of ac'c 11. Missie-"', died in childhood. 12. Mary Helena^', married George L. Bell. Re- sides in Atlanta. <% : ■ ', > 13. Homer V.'', married Mary James, of. Gum- ming, Ga.' Resides at Norcross. 7ra^\M^ 'Jk'^^^t-^ VI. Nancy^, married Daniel Pegram. of Nottoway ^i>t /^>- county, Va. They reared one son, Winchester PcgranT*, and ' .' ' /'^^ perhaps other children. Winchester lived near Gaston, Lin- coln county, N. C., and his son, Miles P. Pegranr', is now President of First National Bank of Charlotte, N. C. VII. Mrs. Harwell"'. Family in Putnam county, Ga. VIII. Martha", married Robert Rives in Viro-inia. Robert Rives was the son of William Rives, who was born July 13, 1743. The Rives family came over with Cavalier emigration i 1 649- 1 659 from Blandford, England. They settled near where Petersburg now stands, and owned manv thousand acres of land by purchase and patent. Pedigree of English branch of the family in Hutchins' History of Dorsctt, 3rd edition. Vol. IV., pp. 96, 97. Martha^ and Robert Rives had five sons and three daugh- ters: 1. Robert Rives'*, married Mary Rogers. 2. Richard'*, married Nancy Rivers. Moved to Tipton county, Tenn. ^6 IlARnAWAV Genealogy. 3. rhomas\ married, first. ; secondly, Frances Elizabeth Tlnveatt. 4. Benjaniiii\ married Rebecca Gill. Lived in Middle Tennessee. 5. Harda\vay\ died at the age of eighteen. 6. Mary^ married Robert Rogers. 7. Clara"*, married Mr. Gill. 8. Martha Peterson\ born in Dinwiddle county, Va., April 23, 1795; married Thomas Jones Vaughan, Novem- ber 2, 1814; died June 10. 1845, in Tipton county, Tenn. Thomas Jones Vaughan. born January 10,. 1791 ; died April 2. 1838, in Fayette county, Tennessee. Martha Peter- son Rives'* and Thomas Jones Vaughan were married by Rev. Charles Roper. November 2, 18 14, in Virginia. Their children were thirteen : 1. Sarah Jane Vaughan'\ born December 20, 181 5 ; died 1854. 2. Martha Ann^. lx>rn December 15, 181 7; mar- ried ]\lr. Chambers; died July 14, 1883. No chil- dren. 3. James Lawrence^, born January 19. 1821 ; died December, 1881; married, first. ; secondly, ; thirdly, Elizabeth Clements Hardaway. Two children by third wife: Thomas Stith*^, died in infancy; Annie Peterson'", married Albert How- ard. They reside in Rchoboth, Ala. Mrs. Vaughan is living wiili them. 4. Mary ICIizabcllr'', born January 19. 1821; died August 10. 1837. 5. I'^-anccs Rives-'''. Ixirn October T^, 1822; died HaRDAWAV ril'.NEALOGY. 47 March 22, 1864; married Mr. Callmun. Cliildren : Eva Virginia". Nettie'', married Oso-ood Crenshaw. Have several chiUh'cn, all living" in Tennessee. 6. Peter Alfred^, horn Ai)ril 30. 1824; died 1895; married . Left children. Mrs. Vanghan liv- ing at Howell Station, Ark. 7. Robert F.^, born August 31, 1825; died Octo- ber 29, 1825. 8. Clara Ann^, born October 9, 1826; died July 14, 1874; married, iirst, Mr. Jackson; secondly, David Crenshaw — children by second husband. 9. Minerva Jones'", born August 22, 18 19. in Sus- sex county, Va. ; died December 3, 1894, in Mobile, Ala. She married November 16, 1848, Hardaway Young. He was born July 25, 1819, in Dinwiddle county, Va., and died September 18, 1897, in Mobile, Ala. Their children were : I. Annie Mathews Young^, married Archibald Bott Jones. Children : (i) Roberta Young Jones', married Walter Adams Williford. Their children are Walter Adams Williford, Jr.^, and Henry Archibald^. They reside in Memphis, Tenn. (2) Bessie Hardaway", married Hardaway Young. One child, Annie Elizabeth Young^, living; in Mobile, Ala. (3) Richard Eugene". (4) Robert CampbelF. (5) Archie B.' ^^ ilAKUAWAV Genealogy. 10. Annette Roberta^ married, first, Robert J. Young; second. Capt. Daniel Jones; thirdly, Jasper Mixon. She is now living in Mobile, Ala. 11. Adelaide Peterson^ born 1834; died 1834. 12. John Fielding, born June 8, 1835; married : died 189-. I 7,. \'irginia Thomas-'"', married Samuel Gardiner. Living in Memphis, Tenn. Children : 1. Susie E. Gardiner"; married Joseph John Young. Their children are Frances Vaughan Young^ and Virginia Gardiner', living in Mobile, Ala. 2. \'aughan". 3. Joseph^ 4. Ethel", married Marcus Chapsky. They are living in Memphis, Tenn. 5. Edward'"', living in Memphis. 2. Elizabeth Peterson", married Samuel A. Moun- tain. Jr. Children: i, John Mountain" ; 2, Samuel A." ; 3, George"^ ; 4, Bessie Young" ; 5, Hardaway Young" ; 6, IMinerva" ; 7, Annette Roberta". Mrs. Mountain and family are living in Mobile, Ala. IV. James-, son of Thomas and Jane (Drewry) Harda- way, born July 19, 1719; married Millian Standfield, daughter, of Baronet Standfield, of the Northern Neck of Virginia, in 1756; died about J 770, in Dinwiddle county, Va. Children : Three sons, four daughters. Hardaway Genealogy. 49 I. Robert Hardaway'', born Marcb, 1758; married Sarah Hicks, December 19, 1783; died Noveml)er 19, 1807. Brunswick county, Va. Issue : Three sons and one daugh- ter. 1. James Hicks Hardaway^, born in Virginia, October 15, 1785; married Elizabeth Raines. Moved to Georgia about 1824; died near Macon, Ga., August 27, i860. He was the father of Robert H. Hardaway^, of Thomasville, Ga., and of Samuel G.^, of Fannin's Battalion, Texas, 1836. Samuel G. died in Montgomery, Ala., 1873. Mrs. Robert Carver^, Mrs. Wm. Bailey'* were daughters of James Hicks Hardaway^. 2. George'*, born July 26, 1787; married Margaret Drummond ; was sheriff of Brunswick county, Va. ; was a colonel 18 1 2. No issue. 3. Elizabeth Hicks'*, married, first, Daniel Walker, who died January 25, 1828; secondly, John Coleman, of Bruns- wick county, Va. Her daughter, Sallie Walker^, married, first, John Taylor; secondly, Dr. Devereux J. Claiborne, of Brunswick county, Va. 4. Robert Standfield*, born in Brunswick county, Va., March 2j. I797- He removed to Georgia, 1824, and to Alabama in 1838. Returned to Georgia 1842, and died in Columbus, Ga., April 20, 1875. Robert S. Hardaway was President of M. & G. R. R., Alabama, i850-'53, and State Senator from Barbour and Russell counties, in Alabama, 1843- 1846. He married, first, Maria E. Drummond, in Brunswick county, Va. She left one son, William Augustus Hardaway^ who married Mary Del Barco. He died in St. Louis, Mo., 1869. 50 Hariiaway Genealogy. Robert Staiultield Hardaway's-* second wife was Martha Bibb Jarrett, daughter of Archelaus Jarrett, of Elbert county. Ga. She was born November 3. 1805; married May 8. 1828: died in Chattahoochee county, Ga., Septem- ber -'5. 1859. Archelaus Jarrett represented Elbert county in the Georg-ia Legislature. He was a son of Deveaux Jarrett, of Wilkes county, Ga., who represented that county in the first rebel Assembly, and was overthrown by Royal Governor Wright in May, 1780. Robert Standfield Hardaway* by his second wife reared seven children. I. Robert Archelaus Hardaway'^, born in Morgan county, Ga., February 2, 1829; died in Columbus, Ga., 1900. He was graduated at Emory College, Oxford, Ga., Judge A. B. Longstreet, President, in 1847. He was adjutant of the Fiftieth Battalion of Infantry Volunteers in the war with Mexico in 1847 and 1848, Alabama Volunteers. He was chief engineer and superintendent of the Mobile & Girard Railroad up to 1857. In 1862 he was captain of ar- tillery in the Army of Virginia ; was major and lieu- tenant colonel commanding a battalion of light artil- lery in the Second Corps (Jackson's), of Lee's Army, and surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse April 9, 1865. He was chief engineer and superintendent of East Alabama Railroad 1870 and 1871 ; was professor of engineering and commandant of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama from 1873 to 1882; PIardaway Genealogy. 51 was division cn.q-inecr of Mexican Central Railroad in 1883. He was professor of civil engineering in the University of Alabama, 1884 to 1897. He married Rebecca Hurt, of Columbus, Ga., in 1857; she died in 1887. They reared two sons, Robert Early Hardaway^ and Benjamin Hurt", both civil engineers. Robert Early*' married Lillie Dainwood. Two sons, Robert Early Hardaway" and George Dain- wood'. Benjamin Hurt*"', married Rebecca Money, of Mis- sissippi. Two children : Rebecca Money Hardaway"^ and Benjamin Hurt^. 2. Sarah^, wife of Abner H. Flewellen ; died. 3. George S.^ (M. D.), died unmarried, 1859. 4. Martha Bibb'^, wife of James T. Reading; died. 5. Virginia M.^, wife of Calvin E. Johnston. 6. Mary L.^, wife of John B. Wright. 7. James J.^ (M. D.). died unmarried. 1877. n. Standfield Hardaway"' was born December 13. 1765; married Mrs. Elizabeth (Boisseau) Ross, January 8, 1807. Resided on Butterwood Creek, Dinwiddie county, Va. Died October 31, 1823. He left four children. 1. Mary B. Hardaway^ born June 14, 1808; married William D. Abernathy, December 24, 1823. She died near Pulaski, Tenn., 1873. 2. James Robert"*, born February 26, 181 1 ; married Jane H., daughter of Thomas Thweatt, of Dinwiddie; removed to Todd county, Ky. 5 J Hardaway Genealogy. ^V Martha B.\ born December 19, 1817; married Maj(ir Samuel K. Lucy, of Brunswick county, Va., December 17, 1839. She died Fe])ruary 11. 1S58. Left six children: i, Virginia lowa^, married \Vm. T. Jolly; 2. Ashalina Stand- field"'', married William A. Short: 3, Cornelia Ann^. mar- ried George R. Blick; 4, Ophelia Elizabeth-''', married Rich- ard T. Short: 5, Effie^ ; 6, Mattie SamueP. 4. John S. Hardaway*, born October 18, 1820; died 1852, unmarried. 111. Miilian Hardaway^, who married Williamson Cole- man, of Dinwiddie, had seven sons and six daughters: 1. Williamson*. 2. James*. 3. Standfield*. 4. John*. 5. Austin^. 6. Edwin*. 7. Thomas*. 8. One daughter*, married Eason, of Halifax county, Va. 9. Another*, married Thweatt, of Halifax. The only child of this marriage was Henry^, who married his cousin, Amy Boisseau. He was a Methodist minister, re- siding in Tennessee. At one time he was president of a college in Louisiana. 10. Martha Coleman*, married Major Baker Pegram. I I. Mildred*, married William Boisseau. I-'. Harriet, married, first. Col. Johnson; secondly. Cap- tain (iregory. 13. I )ionicia. died unmarried. Hardaway Genealogy. 53 IV. Jane^, married Henry Thweatt, of Dinwiddle. Six children. Family lived in Todd county, Ky. V. Liicy^, married Thomas Masterson, of Dinwiddle county. VI. Lydia'"^, married John Booth. Three sons: James*, John'*, Gil ham'*. James Booth"* married a daughter of Lucy Masterson, and moved to Kentucky. John"* was a dentist and Methodist preacher at Mobile, Ala., in 1848. Gllham* was massacred by Weatherford at Fort Mims, on Tenser, Ala. VII. Newman^, died unmarried. V. William Hardaway^, son of Thomas' and Jane (Drewry) Hardaway, was born June 12, 1723; baptized October 13th, same year; married Miss Manson. He was the father of Dr. Peter Manson Hardaway^ and~M-FSr-geii= niston?.. or Pennington, whose daughter"* married Dr. Smith, of Newnan. Ga. They reared two sons. Dr. Luther M. ^f^ Smith^, former president of Emory College, and -i^^etec— Smith^, of Atlanta, Ga. Both dead. y^Y'"^ '^/T VI. Frances^, daughter of Thomas* and Jane (Drewry) Hardaway, was born April 4, 1725; baptized same year; 54 Hardawav Genealogy. married William Skipwith, eldest son of Sir William Skip- witli. Frances and husband both died in London, he in 1750. Frances was taken to London by her husband to con- sult a surgeon, where she died. William Ski])with was eldest S(^n and heir of Baronet William Skipwith. Sir William Skipwith was succeeded by his second son, Peyton. VII. Joseph-, son nf Thomas' and Jane (Drewry) Hard- awav. was born ]\Iarch. 1728; baptized April 7, 1729; mar- ried Ann Hall (or Hull). Children: Lucy^, born May 25, 1755. Drury^, born August 13. 1756. Mason^, born Feb- ruary 6, 1758. Ann-^, born September 24, 1759. John^ ; Josejih^ ; Durham^ ; Martha^ ; Frances^ ; Jane^. The family of Joseph^ moved to Meade county, Ky., in 181 3. Joseph'' went to Springfield, Robertson county, Tenn. Mrs. Ann (Hardaway) Kisterson'*, daughter of Joseph^ (widow of a Methodist minister), in 1892 resided in Mem- phis, Tenn.. being then probably the oldest living Hardaway, was over ninety years of age. Her father once resided in Mecklenburg county. Va.. but removed to Tennessee. He was a wealthy farmer and raiser of stock. Benjamin Stith"* was son of Drewry'' aivl Ann his wife. Born December 30. 1791 ; baptized July 8. 1792. Lieutenant V,. V. Hardaway*', of Company "H," Seven- teenth United .States Inf.'uitry. was a s(M1 of Ben. A.'^, of William Henry*, of Drewry'', of Joseph'-. He served in the Spanish- American War. Hardaway Genealogy. 55 VIII. Dreury-, son of Tliomas and Jane (Drewry) Hardaway, born April 2, 1733; baptized same year. Sup- posed to iiave died in infancy. t ' ■ ci'^ f^^e^ ^^x/'^-vvo/ AAA/VU^ JA^y^--. > y^ 6» < ^"-^^^ . ♦ ->. ^0" •l'."' "> -^^ ^t>' *\e.^.', ^^ «,' V .V a5°^ - o_ * 9^. * • - '^^ ^ 0_ J ^ "=^0 ._- /"% "^yi%W ^^^'% \^^/ J'''% ^yd tr* aV ♦^ t 5'^^^. •• * A V •$» ,-«► . -^^-0^ 0° / CONGRESS