£457 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDD0t.l4404H •^0 HO / \/^\/ v^-/' v^\/ :-mi: %.*' :^^: \./ :-Mk: \.^' -M lO-/ ^O >*/% • 5, '<»•** A <* *-v7i* .0 P^.O^. c~ . - • • • \'^ '^ ** • • ^O -ov^' f ■^tf" • :. ^r' ^ V .«. ^^r>^ ■; '^^Q-? ^^iim^.\ ^^.-y . • N O ^^ *Tr. * .^^ «• -^^ ^•n C^^ *'^%f/h^. «<. A^ ♦fS^^ ^<^. A^ /. ' ^^c^"^" * ^°-n*.. V "(SK V '>y «i. . • \.** •' ^^ cv -. o,. ♦•- .,♦ / ■% '>W' .** "^^ • •e^ A* ♦^S^'. >„ .*"* .' '^..♦" ; ' • A^^ V '^^ -% • ♦ AV *^ • 1809 1910 OBSERVANCE OF THE 1 1 St Anniversary of the Birth of ABRAHAM LINCOLN Under the Auspices of ihe Department of the Potomac Grand Army of the Republic First Congregational Church G>rner 10th and G Streets Northwest WASHINGTON, D. C. Friday, February 11, 1910 At 8 O'clock P. At. Admission to Church until 8 P. M. by ticket only. No seats reserved after 8 P. M- Af ter.8 P. M. unoccupied seats will be openedlto the public. 4S PROGRAM ( Soyiata ----- Thayer 1. Organ I Marche Fun eh re et ( Chant Seraphique - - Guihnant Mr. William Wall Whiddit, Organist and Choirmaster 2. Call to Order - - - Edwin H. Holbrook, Commander Dept. of the Potomac, G A. K. 3. Presentation of Department Colors By Henry A. Johnson, Senior Vice Commander Hazard V¥heeler, Color Sergeant 4. '^ Star Spa7igled Banner'' '* - - - Jitys Choir and Congregation 5. Introduction of Justice Joh Barnard^ Presiding Officer 6. Invocation - - liev. W. P. Thirkield, D. D., President Howard University , 7. ''^Inflaminatus^ . . . . . Rossini Mrs. B. H. Smart and Choir 8. Address - - - Hon. Joseph V. Graff, Member of Congress (Illinois) 9. ''A Sonq of Liberty'' - - Mrs. II. II. Beach Choir 10. Senator Shelby M. Cullom (Dlinois) A personal friend and associa of Lincoln 11. Lincoln's Getty shurg Address Col. John Tweedale, U. S. A. 12. ^^ Soldiers' Chorus^' - - - - Gounod Choir 13. Address - - - Hon. David J. Foster, Member of Congress (Vermont) 14. ^''America" - . Choir and Congregation 15. Benediction - Rev. Samuel'^H. Woodrow, D. D. , Pdstor First Conjrreofational Church Source uiikaowtt FEB 12 19ie ^ !■*■ The aiullence i^ request od to join in the xjlioiivs. THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. "i)h : say, can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming— Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight. O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming : And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our Hag was still there. Chorus. Oh ! say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet v»'ave O'er the lanri of the free and the home of the brave ! Oh : thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation. Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land aise the power that hath ma,de and preserved ■us a nation. Then conquer we must, for our cause it is just. And this be our motto— "In God is our trust. '^ Chorus, And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave O'er th'e laed of the free and the home of the brave I AMERICA. My country, 'tis of thee. Sweet land of liberty. Of thee I sing ; Land where our fathiers died. Land of the pilgrims' pride, From every mountain side Let freedom ring. Our fathers' God to thee, Author of liberty, To thee we sing ; Ivong may our land be bright With freedom's holy light ; Protect us by thy might, Great God, our Kin^r. Department Officers: EfDWiN H. HOLBROOK Department Commander HENRY A. JOHNSON S. V. Commander GEO. C. ROSS J. V. Commander Rev. J. D. BLOODGOOD Chaplain Dr. THOMAS CALVER — Medical Director O. H. OLDROYD Assistant Adjutant General FRANCIS L. McKENNA Assistant Qr. Mr. General GEORGE P, DAVIS Judge Advocate GEO. M. RO WE ^ Chief Mustering Officer C. S. WILDER Inspector A. S. PERHAM Patriotic Instructor J. W. ANDREWS ...Chief of Staff General Committee on the Observance of the 101st Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln: ' A. S. Perham Chairman- HOSEA B. Moui.TON Vice Chairman William W. Anderson Charles L. Douglas Bernard T. Janney Robert Armour B. »'. Entriken M.M.Lewis James W. Bradford Briscoe Goodhart Nelson W. Miller W. T. Brenizer R. D. Goodman L. W. Patterson Alonzo B. Chatfield George C. Harris Edward W. Whittaker B. C. Dougherty Committee on Speakers and Invitations: HosEA B. MoULTON Chairman B. H. Warner Vice Chairman Henry N. Copp John Joy Edson L. P. Williams Reception Committee: George CROSS Chairman Edward A. Keeler Samuel R. Stratton Lemuel Warner Thomas H. McKee John S. Walker Committee on Music: George C. Potwin Chairman George Newton ViceChairman Committee on Allotment of Seats: Robert Armour ChairmaB Alonzo B. Chatfield Bernard T. Janney Committee on Decorations: Jerome F. Johnson Chairman Stuart C. Johnson O. H. Oldroyd Committee on Press: J. Walter Mitchell Chairman Thomas Atkins John McElroy J. Lynn Yeagle Albert F. Ferguson Charles M. Willoughby George C. Harris in Charge of Seating Audience Committee on Seating Audience: Members of Lincoln and Gushing Camps, Sons of Veterans. E. K. DePuy Chairman M. W. Drennan Vice Chairman GURNON R. Scott ViceChairman V. L. Garrigus Channing W. Porter Charles A. Sidman A. B. Goodrich Silas E. Robb Everett F. Warner Emil A. Lange W. C. Robbins Joseph H. Wood F. T. F. Johnson O. A. C. Oehmler W60 •^v^-^^ « ^^, c°V>^'>_.. .<.^:',V yy^i^'S^ ...•^^.:^ *• A^Mk%.. /^^^ .co^^a-^. .^v*a_ « .5 i-^*' •*Lr^^% ^ % p. ,<> ♦ o if, 'i V .*y "• V* » ^^ <^- ^^ .. ft. v^\^i;^^*-. ^0-7!,. r^i^^^y^r/ ^*io^ .. ^•/ *^,*^^\/ 'o^'^^-/ V*^"^> •*^^'^' .' .^•^-. O^ 'o , » * A <5v'' ^ o »* o ^ %j.^ <> *'T: O^ 'o • * * A WERT BOOKBINDING Crantville Pa March i.pfi' ^^4^. V