.0 o « » . 0* 0,0' ^^' .* "1 « ^S^^ill-^i' >1^,C V, ."1 c:. .^' ..V .^: "^ \ ' ft ^ ,_ 1 ' -\ ' '^ ^.^-^ !.'•__ . .'■.-::t'^ ■J ■^^^d* • '■I ^«i 5^' ".^.^ r«-' ^^' '-^s.^^^^ 'V^^X^/ «.?■' Ci^ ^/^^ I'.X^ .^" /^1^<' "^.. ^•^■^ yJr^\\^ >° /^^% °^.. vi"^ yjr£^^ n^ o - o . "*>> .t, '^^^:' A O ^°-% L^O 0°"°" -TT* A i5°^ .•iq. y :^!(fB>; s '. ■?. .^ z,-^." ^0^ o%. CHESTER COUNTY AND ITS PEOPLE <^%(,6> Of all the things which man can do or make here below, by far the most momentous, wonderful and worthy are the things we call books — THOMAS CARLYLE ^^ EDITED BY wf W. THOMSON ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO AND NEW YORK;.'.:, , THE UNION HISTORY COMPANY 1898 ^ y^U^'% PRCPACe. THE Publishers herewith present to their friends in Chester County this fine volume of local history. Upon examination it will be found full of interesting matter concerning the county, and will be accepted as a standard contribution to the history of the State. The Pub- lishers have drawn freely from every available source, giving due credit therefor, and gratefully acknowledge their indebt- edness to the press throughout the count}' and to the owners of private libraries and rare and valuable documents. In a work of this character, more or less hurriedly prepared, it has been found impracticable to avoid mistakes; but the Publishers, as is their custom, stand ready to correct, after notification, all errors by special errata sheet to be sent to every subscriber to be pasted in the book. We cordially thank our friends and patrons for their encouragement and support, THE pu^i^ianma. ILLUSTRATIONS. "^ Octagonal School-house 65-66 « View of Coatesville i ig-120 '^ William Wayne 137-138 V Josiah Hoopes 173-174 . H. H. GiLKYSON 209-210 V Bayard Taylor 227-228 V Wayne MacVeagh 227-228 -i Anthony Wayne 227-228 V Galusha Pennypacker 227-228 T. Buchanan Read 227-228 V Unveiling of Paoli Monument 245-246 i General Lafayette 263-264 J Main Building, Normal School 281-282 V Group of Buildings, Lincoln University 299-300 j P. M. Sharfless 317-318 i A. P. Reid 335-336 J G. M. Philips 371-372 / A. Gibbons 389-390 < Roxborough Home for Women 407-408 ■! Charlton Lewis 425-426 i H. A. Beale 443-444 -I J. A. M. Passmore 461-462 : M. S. Way 479-480 V Charles Huston 497-498 ; G. G. Groff : 515-516 ,; J. S. FuTHEY 533-534 / Joseph B. Jacobs 587-588 / J. B. Everhart 605-606 n/ Gilbert Cope 670-671 /Jesse C. Green 702-703 ■/ Birmingham Meeting-house 766-767 n' L. G. McCauley 878-879 III TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTEK I. PAGE. Situation of the Coimty 51 Area and Boundary 52 Appearance of the Country, Early 52 Varieties of Trees 53 Early Events on the Atlantic Coast 54-57 Attempts on the Delaware, Swedes' 58 Eilorts of the Dutch 60 The English Colonists 61 Special Court Held at New Castle 61 First Eoad Law 62 Upland and Chester Counties 62-63 Arrival of William Penn 63 Three Counties Formed 63-6-1 Original Extent of Chester County 64-65 First County-seat and Courts 64-65 The Dutch Again Take Possession 68 Final English xiscendency 68 First Legislative Assembly • 69 Extinguishment of the Indian Title 69 Settlers of the County, Their Nationality 69 The Quakers, the Welsh, etc 70 Oldest House Kemoved 70 Assimilation of Early Names 71 Drainage of Chester County 71-73 Sketch of the Boundary Controversy 73-80 Mason and Dixon's Line 82-89 IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. v PAGE. The Circular Bouudary Line 89-95 Delaware County Formed 96 CHAPTER II. The Indians ; 99 The Original People, Lenni-Lenape 99 Name Delaware Given Them 99 Their Trails, Villages and Customs 100-111 Other Tribes Residing Here 100 Warrant of Survey 103 The Famous Treaty of William Penn 101-105 Facts More or Less Obscure 106 Earliest Deeds to Penn lOG-110 Location of Indian Villages and Trails Ill Indian Implements and Utensils 113-111 Forts and Other Earthworks Ill An Indian Alarm 115 Status of the Delawares 116 Claims of the Indians 117 Proceedings of the Assembly 118-127 The Newlin Claim Settled 127 The Last of the Indians 128-129 CHAPTER IIL Geology 133 Primary Stratified Rocks 133 Silurian-Cambrian Limestones 134 Potsdam Sandstone 131 VI TABLE OF.CONTENTS. PAT.E. South Valley Hill Rocks 134-135 The Five Geological Sections 130 The Southern Gneiss Region 13G The Mica Slates 141 The Valley Region Ill The Northern Gneisses 113 The Red Sandstone Region Ill The Mesozoic Boundary 115 Ancient Features and Markings 116 Minerals of the County 147-157 CHAPTER IV. Welsh and Other Settlers 161 Early Prominence of the Welsh 161-162 The Welsh Warrant 162-63 Purchases of Tliat People 164-66 Settlers of Merion Township 167 Struggle to Maintain the Barony 168 Sales to Other Settlers 170 Settlement of the Townships Considered 167 Names of Prominent Families 175-80 Lffititia Penn Manor 179 Sales Therefrom 183 Boundary of the Welsh Tract 186 The Indenture of Servants 187 CHAPTER V. The Revolutionary War 193 The French War of 1744 193 TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii PAGE. Organization of the Associators 194 Events Preceding the Eevolution 194-98 Circular Issued Calling People Together 199 Action of the Meeting at Chester 199 Meeting of the Committees 200 Proceedings of Congress 201 Other Meetings and Conventions 202 Military Exercises Practiced 203 Committee of Safety 204 Officers Chosen and Arms Provided 204-G Powder and Lead 206 Military Laws and Eegulations 207 Provincial Army Formed 208 Chester County Troops 208 Hardships Endured 211 Cannon Cast in This Vicinity 212 Number Capable of Bearing Arms 212 Substitutes Hired 213 Battle of Brandywine 214-19 Fight at Birmingham Meeting-house 219 Lafayette Wounded 220 Other Engagements 222 Grey's Attack Upon Wayne 223 The Paoli Massacre 225 Howe Occupies Philadelphia 225 Depredations of the British Troops 226-32 Action Against the Tories 231 Sufferings at Valley Forge 233-35 Germantown 233 Severe Measures for Relief 234 " Washington's Opinion of the Soldiers 236 The Various Hospitals 236 Incidents of Local Interest 238 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Military Status of the County 239 British Ravages in Chester County 240 Surrender of Cornwallis 241 Patriots, Tories and Neutrals '. 242 Subsequent Action of the Patriots 243-47 List of Fines and Forfeitures 248-49 List of Militia Officers 249-51 The Tory's Position Considered 251-54 First Monument at Paoli 254-55 The Monument of 1877 255-57 The Whisky Insurrection 257-61 lleoeption of General Lafayette 261-66 The Lafayette Monument 266-68 The McClellan Monument 268 CHAPTER VL War of 1812 and Mexican War 271 First Chester County Volunteers 271 The Ninety-seventh Regiment 271 Its Commissioned Officers 271-72 Encampment at Kennett Square 272 The Assemblage at Marcus Hook 272 General Officers from this County 273 The Companies and Their Captains 273 The Mexican War 274 The Quota from Pennsylvania 274 Names of Several from this County 274 CHAPTER VII. The Great Rebellion 277 Preliminary Facts and Dates 277-78 TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix PAGE. News of the Fall of Fort Sumter 278 First Great War Meetings 278 The Earliest V^olunteers 278-79 Companies Organized and Officered 279 The Entire County Aroused 279-80 Numerous Companies Organized 280-84 Phffinixville Iron Works .284 Location of Camp Wayne 284 Efforts to Eaise the Ninety-seventh Eegiment 285-86 Its Departure and Engagements 286-87 Central and Other Aid Societies 287-88 New Calls for Volunteers 289 Continued Enlistments 290 The Enrollment and Draft 291-92 Conscientious Scruples Against War 291-92 Invasion of Pennsylvania Threatened 291-92 Drafted Men and Substitutes 292-93 A Colored Squad Raised Here 294 Union Leagues Organized 294-95 Military Keceptions 295 Lee's Invasion of the State 296 Companies Formed in this Emergency 296-97 Three Months' Men Called for 297 Wounded at Gettysburg Cared for 298 County and Other bounty 298-801 Veteranization 301 Another Invasion Threatened 301-02 Continued Eecruiting to Fill Calls 302 News of the Fall of Richmond 302 Surrender of General Lee 303 The Glad Tidings Celebrated 302-03 Gloom Over Lincoln's Assassination 303 Soldiers Furnished by the County 304 Several Distinguished Officers 305 X TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. PAGE. The Spanish-American War 311 Cause of the War 311-12 Its Formal Declaration 312 The Quota of Pennsylvania 312 Departure of CoruwelFs Company 312 The Company's Roster 312-13 Company I of the Sixth 313 Company D from Phoenixville 314 Copies of the Muster Rolls 313-17 Company L, Colored 31G Other Squads and Companies 319-22 Soldiers' Aid Societies 320 Battery C, National Guard 321 Major-General Galusha Pennypacker 322-24 CHAPTER IX. Slavery 327 Its Early Existence in this State 327 The Enslavement of Indians 327 Law Prohibiting the Latter 327-28 Misgivings of the Indians 328 Significance of Their Wampum Belts 328-29 First Negro Slaves 330 Mennonites and Quakers Against Slavery 330 The Anti-slavery Law of 1780 330-31 Motives in Freeing the Slaves 331-34 Slaves Registered 334-40 Slavery Ceased to Exist in the County 339 Slaveholders in the County 334-40 Welsh and Quakers thus Compared 340 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xi PAGE. Colonization Societies Formed Here 340-41 Kedemptioners and Indentured Servants 341-42 Form of Apprentice's Indenture 343 Kidnapping 344 The Underground Kailroad 345-48 Eespectability of the Colored People 349 CHAPTER X. Education 355 Inducements Held Out to Settlers 356 The First Schoolmaster 356-57 Traveling Teachers 357 First Teaching in Chester County 358 Friends Were Pioneers in Education 358-59 Extract from the "Great Law" 359 Compulsory Act of the Second Assembly 359 Early Schools Started Here 360-61 Recommendations of the Yearly Meeting 361 Fagg's Manor Classical School 361-64 New London Academy 364 Nottingham Academy 364 Brandy wine Academy 365 Upper Octoraro Classical School 365 Other Schools 365-67 Birmingham Classical School 366 The Friends' Boarding School 367-78 West Chester Academy 379 West Chester State Normal School 380 Its Faculty 383 George M. Philips 384 xu TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Other Good Schools 385 Mrs. Phelps' Young Ladies' School 386-87 Villa Maria Academy 387 Kimber's School 387-88 Miscellaneous Schools 388-96 Ashmun Institute 396 Ercildoun Seminarv 398 Penn High School 400 First Common Schools 401-02 Early Laws on Education 403 Poor Children Provided for 403-04 Law of 1834 404-05 Position of this County 406-09 Non-accepting Districts in 1848 409-10 Laws of 1849, 1854, 1855 and 1857 410-12 County Superintendents 412 Statistics in the '60's 413 High and Graded Schools 414-15 Temperance and Directors' Associations 415 Teachers' Associations. 416-17 Circulating Library 418 The Massachusetts System 419 Miss Susan Gorgas 421-22 CHAPTEE XL Politics 427 Form of Penn's Government 427 Assembly Met in this County 427 Composition of the Assembly 427-28 Chester County Representation 428 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xiii PAGE. Members of the Legislature 428-42 First and Second Congresses 442 Congressional Kepresentation 442-51 The Congressional Districts 445-4ft John Morton, the Signer 446-48 United States Senator 448 Prominent Politicians 451-58 Form of Government Changed 458 The Powers of the Councils 458-59 The Kevolutionary Convention 459 The Provincial Conference 460 Constitution of 1776 460 Chester County Members of Council 460 Members During the Revolution . 463 Terms of Service in the Assembly 463 Members of the State Senate 464 County Offices 465 Prothonotary 465 Registers of Wills 466 Recorders of Deeds 467-68 Clerks of Court 469-70 Sheriffs 470-73 Coroners 473-74 Commissioners 474-78 County Treasurers 478-81 Prohibition Convention 481-82 Republican Convention 482-83 Population of the County, 1890 483-86 XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. PAGE. Roads 489 Indian Trails Were the First 489 Passage Ways Ordered Built 489 Overseers of Roads 490 Petitions for Many Roads 490-95 Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike 495-96 Other Turnpikes 496 Plank and Macadamized Roads 499-500 Railroads 500 Old Style Teaming 501 The First Railroad • 502 The Canal Projected 503 Early Railway Experiments 503 Completion of the Columbia Road 503-04 Proceedings at West Chester in 1830 504 Rush for the Stock 505 The Road in Operation 505-06 Railway Improvement and Manipulation 507-08 The Second Road Projected 508-09 Its Eventual Completion 509-10 The Pennsylvania Railroad 510-13 Brandywine and Waynesburg Railroad 513 Wilmington and Northern Railroad 513 Other Roads 512-19 Philadelphia and Delaware Railroad 514 Pickering Vallej' Railroad 514 Perkiomen Railroad 514-15 Philadelphia and Chester Valley Railroad 517 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad 517 Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad 517-18 TS'est Chester Street Railway 518 Philadelphia, Castle Rock and West Chester Railway 519 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xv CHAPTER XIII. PAGE. The Courts 523 First Court after Penn's Arrival 523 Tlie Tribune of Peacemakers 523 Several Interesting Early Cases 524-25 First Court of Equity 525 First Orphans' Court 525 Jails and Court-houses 52(> Judicial Districts in 1790 526 The State Eedistricted 527 The Elective System 527 Judge Futhey 527-28-32 Court of Oyer and Terminer 528-29 Distinguished Members of the Bar 529-40 Deputy Attorneys-General 540-41 Punishment of Crime 542-45 The Goss-Udderzook Murder Case 544-45 Other Eminent Lawyers 545-58 Admissions to the County Bar , 558-60 Law Librarv Association 566-67 CHAPTER XIV. Mining and Manufacturing 573 First Lead and Silver Mined 573 Bogus Coins Manufactured 573-75 Iron Ore Early Mined , 576 The Furnaces and Forges 576-77 The Restrictive Law of 1750 577 Slitting and Rolling-mills ■ 577 Other Iron and Steel Mines 578-80 XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Famous Valley Forge 580 Cast-steel Made 581 Many Iron and Steel Mills Named 581-84 Location of the Best Ore-banks 584-90 Lead and Copper Ore Located 590 Marble and Limestone 592 Graphite, Chrome and Corundum 593 Clocks Manufactured 594 Saw and Grist-mills 595 Carding, Spinning and Weaving 596-97 Miscellaneous Industries 596-98 The Platinum Works 598-99 Other Iron and Steel Works 594-99 Boiler Works 599-604 Other Manufacturing Enterprises 604-25 Abraham Gibbons 625 CHAPTEK XV. The Press and Literature 629 The First Weekly Newspaper 629 Other Early Ventures 629 The First Editors and Publishers 630-31 Characteristics of the First Papers 629-31 Later Newspapers and Editors 632-34 Politics of the Newspapers 629-40 Failures and Successes 629-35 Successors to the First Papers 636 Contests of the Partisan Weeklies 630-39 Newspapers of Recent Dates 639-56 Other Periodicals 630-56 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xvii PAGE. Literary Ability of the Editors 630-56 The Local News 653 Literature in Chester County 656 Writers, Early and Late 656-78 CHAPTER XVI. The Medical Profession 681 First Society in the County 681 Its Officers and By-Laws 681-82 Fee-bill Adopted 682 Meetings and Proceedings 682-83 The Society in Later Years 683-84 Sketches of the Early Practitioners 684 Their Scientific and Professional Attainments 684 The Various Schools Represented 685 Physicians of a Later Date 690-711 Tlieir Membership in Societies 685-708 Influence of the Local Organizations 686-711 Dentistry 704-11 Its Eminent Practitioners 704-11 Dental Societies 710 Homeopathic Society 711 CHAPTER XVII. Banking and Insurance 715 National Bank of Chester County 715 Acts of the Assembly 715 2 XVIII TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Veto of the Governor 716 Stock Subscribed 716 Form of Early Bank-note 717 Statistics of the Bank 718-19 Its Officers 719-20 Metliods of Transacting Business 720 First National Bank 721-22 Private Banking 722-21 Other National Banks 724-26 Other Private Bankers 721-26 Savings Institutions 727 Other Banking Houses 728-31 Insurance 732 The Various Local Companies 732-35 Their Officers and Methods 732-35 CHAPTER XVIII. Religion 739 Churches Were Very Early Established 739 Names of the First Ministers 739-40 First Meetiug-houses 740-41 The Society of Friends 741-61 Their Congregations and Doctrines 742-44 Importance of Their Work 745-60 Their Monthly Meetings, Where Held 746-60 Their Meeting-houses 745-60 The Rise of the Hicksites 756-59 The Catholics 761-67 Their First Church in the State 761 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xix PAGE. Antagonism to Tliem 761-62 Chester County Catholics 762 Their Later Churches, Schools, etc 763-67 The Presbyterians 767-82 Oldest Church in the County 768-82 The Various Congregations 768-82 Their Pastors and Buildings 769-82 The Baptists 783-801 Churches of the Associations 783-801 Early Pastors and Meeting-houses 784-85 Later Organizations and Statistics 786-90 Other Baptists 798-801 The Methodists 802-28 Their Buildings and Congregations 802-28 The Pastors, Statistics 804-28 The Circuits 806-08 The Episcopalians 829-45 The Sectors and Their Followers 830-45 Eev. Mr. Ussher 839-45 The Lutheran Churches 845 Their Statistics 847-53 The Reformed Churches 854 The Mennonites 858 Disciples of Christ 858 Christian Church 859 CHAPTER XIX. Towns and Townships 863 Birmingham Township 863 Bradford Township .864 XX TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Brandywine Township 865 Charlestown Township 865 Tlie Manor of Bilton 867 Cain Township 867 DoAvnington 869 The Coveutries 871 Easttown Township 871 Goshen Township 872 West Chester 873-90-1: Marshall S. Way 893 The Jacobs Family 894 Chester County Hospital 897-901 Masonic Lodges 901-03 J. C. Smith Memorial Home 903-01 The Epileptic Hospital and Colony Farm 904-05 Tallowfield Township 905 Honeybrook and Other Townships 906 Borough of Honeybrook 906-07 Hamorton 907 Kennett Township 907 Kennett Square 908 Bayard Taylor Memorial Library 910 London Britain Township 910 Londonderry and Londongrove Townships 911 West Grove Borough 912-13 Avondale Borough 913-14 Marlborough Township 914 Nantmeal Township 915 New London Township 915 New Garden Township 916 Newlin Township 917-18 Nottingham Township 919-20 Oxford Borough and Township 920-21 TABLE OF CONTENTS. xxi PAGE. Pocopsou Township 922-23 Peuu ami PeDusburv Towusliips 923-24 Pikelaud Towuship 924-26 Sadsbiiry Towuship 926 Atgleu 927-28 Parkersburg 928-29 Coatesville 929-35 Schuylkill Township 935 Phosnixville 936-43 Thornbury Township 943 Tredyffrin Township 943 Uwchlan Township 944-45 Valley Township 946 Vincent Towuship 946-48 Wallace Township 948 Warwick Township 948-49 Westtown Township 949 Willistown Township 950 Whiteland Township 950 Vallev Forue 951-53 CHAPTEK XX. Agriculture 957 Importance of the Subject Admitted 957 Extract from Message to the Council 957-58 Place of Agriculture 958 Early Size of Farms 958 The Soil and Crops * 959 A Eeapiug Incident 959-60 The Baily Mowing-machine 960-61 XXII TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. The Copo-Hoopes Mowing-machine OGO-fil Hay-ralies Inyented 9G1 Sickles and Cradles 962 Threshing-machines Invented 962-63 Important Agricultural Exhibits 964 The Agricultural Society 965 Exhibitions, Premiums, etc 966 Ground Bought by the Society 966 Officers of the Society 966-68 Model and Experimental Farm 967 Patrons of Husbandry 968-69 Dairy Interests of the County 969 The Shipping of Milk 970 Creameries 970-71 Butter-making 971-72 The Milling Business 972-73 Decay of Industries 973-74 The Growing of Carnations 974-75 County Best Fitted for What? 975 The Rearing of Stock 975-76 John A. M. Passmore 976 Nurseries and Green-houses 976-77 Fruit Trees and Shrubbery 977 Botanical Gardens 977-79 Work of Humphrey Marshall 979 Excellence of the County Products 979 Other Advantages Enjoyed Here 980 Statistics of 1890 981 THE BRANDYWINE. By lion. James B. Everhart. How beautifully glides the Braudywine! On and forever from dawn to decline — Under tlie bridges and arches of trees. Gilding the landscape and cooling the breeze, Parting the pastures and swelling their stores, Flowering, perfuming the sinuous shores, Glossing the squirrel disporting above, Sweetening the tanager's carol of love. How beautifully flows the Brandywine! Laving the limbs of the indolent kine. Kissing the sedges aud smoothing the stones, Charming the air with its murmuring tones, Bord'ring the cottage ensconced in the vale, Whitening the wheat for the garner and flail. Shaking the mill with its slumberous sounds. And feeding the forge as it smokes and pounds. How beautifully streams the Brandywine! Slowly or swift with its silvery shine, Under the clifl:s* where traditional fame Pictures the plunge of the desperate dame, Rounding the hollowt where suubeams illume With changeable gleams the arboreous gloom, Neariug the lodge of the Indian Maid.i Lingering alone where her fathers strayed. How solemnly surges the Brandywine! Armies of nations contesting its line. Foreigners fording its turbulent flood. Signal guns distantly pealing their thud — Column on column, heroic with zeal. Waving their pennants and flashing their steel. Trampling the rushes and climbing the bank, Startling their foemeu, assailing their flank. How solemnly surges the Bradywlue! Marking with crimson its course serpentine- Forces reserved closing in from afar, Scallug with fury the ridges of war. Cannon exploding with terrible roar, Dark'uing the heavens and rocking the shore. Squadrons of troopers o'ersweeping the plain, Regiments recoiling, retreating or slain. XXIII XXIV THE BBAKBYWIXE. How solemnly surges the Brandywiuel Teeming with many a sorrowful sign — Heroes and horses, distorted and torn. Bloated and dead, on its surface upborne. ATounded ones writhing and wailing for aid. Fragments and missiles o'er hillock and glade. Havoc and horror, disaster and night Palling the scenery and quenching the fight. How exultingly leaps the Brandywine! Welcoming Peace with her features divine. Bearing the olive, and pourmg her horn Over the region so smitten and shorn. Causing the barrens to bloom as the rose. Soothing the passions of rage to reposa Blessing the labors of genius and art. Rearing the altar and crowding the mart. How complacently pours the Brandywinel Voicing its sounds in songs crystalline — Orders abolished and merit secure, Fortune unfolding her gates to the poor, Science displaying the secrets of time, Yolving the forces of nature sublime, Progress and weal with the country allied. And Glory adorning her banner of pride. How beautifully rolls the Brandywine! Hasfning to mingle itself in the brine, AVater fowls dijjping their wings in its crest, Swimmers fomenting its waves into yest, Holiday barks sailing gaily along. Freighted with frolic and graces and song. Fishermen watching the tremulous line. And dreamers in quest of the Muses' shrine, In the haunted dells of the Brandywine. ''Deb< rail's Rock is so called, says the story, from a disappointed girl of that name, who destroyed herself by leaping from it. tDungeon Hollow is the name of a picturesque turn of the stream near Paint- er's Bridge. ilndian Hannah was the last of the Lenape tribe. She lived in a hut near the Brandywine long after her people had disappeared. CHAPTER I. PHYSICAL FEATURES. Chester County and Its People. CHAPTER I. LOCATION AND AREA TIMBER AND DRAINAGE THE ROYAL CHARTERS EXPLORATIONS AND DISCOVERIES THE FIRST SETTLERS COLONI- ZATION COMPANIES LAND CONTROVERSIES COUNTIES OR- GANIZED ORIGINAL EXTENT OF THE COUNTY COUNTY SEAT THE SWEDES, WELSH AND QUAKERS THE BOUNDARY CONTROVERSY. CHESTER COUNTY, Penusylvauia, is situated in the south- eastern part of the State. It is in the form of an irregular oblong, with its gi'eatest leng-th, from northeast to southwest, aud with no boundary corresponding to the cardinal directions, except tht> southern, which runs nearly east aud we.st, separating it from Maryland aud being the famous Mason aud Dixon's line. A por- tion of the southeast boundary is the section of a circle, separating the county from the State of Delaware, and the other portion of the southeast bouudaiy is Delaware County, Pennsylvania, which was once a part of Chester County. Montgomeiy County bounds it on the uorthoast, the two counties being separated from each other by the Schuylkill River. On the uorthwest it is bounded by Berks Couuty aud Lancaster County, the latter extending from Berks County down to the State of Maryland. The county lies between 39 degrees 42 minutes and 40- degrees 30 minutes north latitude, and bet\yeen 75 degrees 15 minutes and 7G degrees 15 minutes west longitude from Greenwich, Eug- 51 52 CHESTER COUNTY land, and between 55 minutes and 1 degree -40 minutes east longi- tude from the Capitol building at Washington, District of Colum- bia. In Maryland the counties which border it are Newcastle, Delaware and Cecil. The line of the Peunsylvauia IJailroad pass- ing through the county from east to west is thirty miles long. The extreme length of the county from north to south is thirty- six miles; its northern boundary is fifteen miles long; its nortli- eastern twenty-one miles long; its southeastern, eighteen miles; its southern, thirty miles, and its western border line twenty- eight miles, so that its entire periphery is 112 miles in length. The area of the county is equal to 763 squai'e miles, or 488,320 acres. It has a gently rolling surface, there being within its limits no considerable elevations, the highest point on any railroad pass- ing through it being 750 feet above the level of the sea, and its greatest depression 200 feet above the same level. Originally this county was covered with timber, the principal varieties being the oak, hickory, walnut, sycamore and poplar. The condition of the forests when first visited by white men can hardly be conceived. The woods were quite free from underbrush and the ground was covered with a short, thick, nutritious grass. The trees were some distance apart, the lower limbs were high above the ground, and it was a comparatively easy matter to ride on horseback anywhere through the woods. The forests were simply magnificent, and many men would no doubt ride to-day a hundred miles on horseback to see such a sight. This condition of things would probably have lasted many years had not the Englishman come in to occupy the land; for the Swedes, who took the country as they found it, occupied the meadow and open lauds along the rivers, never attempting to clear the woods of trees. Sidney George Fisher says: "In nothing is the diftei^ence in nationality so distinctly shown. The Dutchman builds trading posts and lies in his ship to collect the furs. The gentle Swede settles on the soft, rich meadow lands; his cattle wax fat and his barns are full of hay. The AJ^D ITS PEOPLE. 53 Freuch enter the forests, sympathize with their inhabitants, and turn half savage to please them. All alike bow before the wilder- ness and accept it as a fixed fact. But the Englishman destroys it. There is even something significant in the; way his old charters gave him the land straight across America from sea to sea. He grasped at the continent from the beginning, and but for him the oak and the pine would have triumphed and the prairies still been in possession of the Indian and the buffalo." The various kinds of trees that grew here in the early day, when the forest was in its primeval state, are mentioned by William Penn, in a letter dated January 9, 1GS3, to the Duke of Ormond, then Viceroy of Ireland. Penn said: "The land is generally good, well watered and not so thick of wood as I imagined. There are also many open places that have been old Indian fields. The trees that grow here are the mulberry (white and red), walnut (black and gray), hickoiy, pop- lar, cedar, cypress, chestnut, ash, sassafras, gum, pine, spruce, oak (black, white, rod, Spanish, chestnut and swamp), which latter has a leaf like a willow and is most lasting." That some of these trees grew to great size is shown by the fact that previous to December 31, 1897, on which day it was blown down in a storm, there was an ash tree growing on the farm of John B. Ralston in 'West Vincent Township which was one of the largest in its section of the county. It was twelve feet in circumference at the base, was clear of limbs for fifty-nine feet, and just below the first fork was seven feet in circumference. To the next limb above this it was thirty-five feet, making a straight shaft of ninety-three feet with but one limb. In 1895 this tree was photographed by Charies S. Bradford, of West Chester, for the Pennsylvania Forestry Association, and was then thought to be the finest tree in the county. Early events in the settlement of the Atlantic coast are hero briefly related for the purpose of comparison of dates, in order that the reader may prc^perly place the first settlement of what later 54 CHESTER COUNTY became Chester County among other movements of the kind. The tirst settlement in Virginia was made at Jamestown in 1607, and in 1609 the famous navigator, Henrv Hudson, an Englishman in the service of the Dutch East India Company, discovered the great river which has, for most of the time since then, borne his name, and which at other times has been, or rather was called, th<; North River, the present Delaware Eiver being called, to distin- guish it, the "South Iviver." The bay into which the Delaware IJiver flows was discovered by Henry Hudson on August 28, 1609, when he was in latitude 39 degrees 5 minutes noi-th. This bay was in 1610 visited by Lord De la A^'arc, and named Delaware Bay in honor of that nobleman. Inasmuch as Henry Hudson was in the service of the Dutch, that nation laid claim to the territory on either side of the Hudson River and to that on either side of both Delaware Bay and Dela- ware River, thus claiming an extensive territory nhmg the Atlantic coast for a considerable distance north and south. The Delaware: River, one of the noblest of those flowing directly into the Atlantic Ocean, was known in the eaiiy history of the coimtry by various names, particularly among the Indians, who called it "Pautaxat," ^'Mariskitton," "Makerish-kiskeu," and "Lenape-Whittuck." By the Dutch it was named the "Zuyt," or South River, Nassaii River, Prince Hendrick River and Charles River. By the Swedes it Avas known as New Swedeland stream; by Ileylin, in liis "Cosmog- raphy,'' it was called "Arastapha," and finally by the English it was named the Delaware River; and as the English finally tri- umphed over their enemies or livals in the settlement of the Atlan- tic coast, the name given by them to this fine sti'eam has been retained. Delaware Bay had at least two names api)lied to it before its Ijresent name became the permanent one, these two names being Newport Me.y and Godyn's Bay. The States General of Holland, on March 27, 1611, granted a AND ITS PEOPLE. 55 general charter securinji- "the exclusive privileges of trade during four voyages to the discoverers of any new courses, havens, coun- tries or places, under which charter the merchants of Amsterdam fitted out five vessels, one of which was named the "Fortune." It belonged to the city of Hoorn, was commanded by Captain Corneli.s Jacobson Mey, and arrived at the mouth of Delaware Bay. Its capes were named after himself, Comelis and Mey. Another vessel commanded by Captain Adrian Block was burned at the mouth of "Manhattan River," and immediately afterward Captain Block built a small vessel, sometimes called a yacht, which was 44 J feet long and 11^ feet wide, which he named the "Unrest," or Restless, this being the first vessel built by Europeans in North America. In this small vessel Captain Cornells, Hendricksou made further explorations and expeditions up the Delaware River, and even went as far up it, it has been said, as the mouth of the Schuyl- kill. But whetlier this statement is correct or not, tJie extent and value of the discoveries made by Captain Hendrickson may be judged to some degree by the report he made to the States Gen- eral, which report will be found of special interest, as it throws a gi'eat deal of light upon the condition of the counti-y in this immediate vicinity at the time of his visit. This report is as fol- lows : "Report of Captain Cornells Hendrickson of Meunickendam to the High and Mighty Lords States General of the free United Netherland Provinces, made the XVIIIth August, Ad. 1616, of the country, bay and three rivers, situated in latitude from 38 to 40 degrees, by him discovei'ed and found for and to the behoof of his owners and directors of New Netherlands, by name, Gerrit Jacob Witzen, burgomaster at Aurit, Jonas Witzen, Lambreht Van Tweenhuysen, Palas Pelgrom and others of their company. "First, he hath discovered for his aforesaid Masters and Direct- ors, certain lands, a bay aud three rivers, situated betnx-en 38 and 40 degrees. 56 CHESTER COUNTY "And did there ti'ade with tlie iubabitants; that trade con- sisting of sables, furs, robes and other skins. "He hath found the said couutrj' full of trees, to wit.: oaks, hickory and pines, which trees were in some places covered with vines. "He hath seen in said country bucks aud does, turkeys and partridges. "He hath found the climate of said country- very temperate, judging it to be as temperate as this country (Holland). "He also traded for and bought from the Inhabitants, the Minguas, three persons, being people belonging to this company, which three persons w^ere employed in the service of the Mohawks and Machicans, giving for them kettles, beads and merchandise. "Read, August 19, 1G16." Dr. Smith, in his History of Delaware County, observes that it cannot be inferred from this report that Captain Hendrickson had discovered the Schuylkill, but he does not attempt to determine what three rivers were discovered by the Captain. He adds that if any knowledge of tlie Schuylkill Eiver, or even of the Delaware River, was obtained it was probably from the tJiree Indians pur- chased, or from the Indian tribes in general, which supposition appeal's to be strengthened by the fact that the States General refused to grant, or at least did not grant, the trading privileges to these applicants; and tlie trade to New' Netherland, which was regarded by the Dutch as extending beyond the Delaware, was thrown open in a measure to individual competition. There are writers, however, a\ ho do not agree with Dr. Smith on this point, Sydney George Fisher, in his "Making of Pennsyl- vania," says: "The first person who conquered the shoals and really explored the river was a Dutchman, Captain Hendrickson. In the year 1616 he penetrated as far as the Schuylkill, just below the present site of Philadelphia. He had a small yacht, the 'Unrest,' or 'Restless,' only forty-five feet long, which had been built at AND ITS PEOPLE. 57 New York after tlie loss of his lar<;er ship. lu iising this boat he may have been influenced by Jiiet's* warning that it would require a vessel of light draft to explore thoroughly that great bay." Up to this time it would appear that discoveries for the pur- poses of colonization had not been thought of by the Dutch, and that their attention was engrossed wholly by the extension of trade. But now a proposition was made which, in its execution, changed the current of history. This proposition was made by t the Directors of the New Xetherland Trading Company, for the emigration to America of a certain English preacher versed in tlie language of the Dutch, then residing at Leyden, together witli more than four hundred families from both Holland and England, whom he had assured the petitioners he could induce to accompany him. These petitioners also asked that tn-o ships of war might be dispatched "for the preserA^ation of the counti'y's rights, and that the aforesaid minister and the four hundred families might be taken under the protection of the government; alleging that His Majesty of Great Britain would be disposed to people the afore- said lands with the English nation." This petition did not meet with a favorable reception. Bur tlie preacher referred to, the Eev. Mr. Eobinsou, and a portion of tlie four hundred families, did embark for America — started from Delft in the Mayflower and Speedwell, July IG, 1620, and as is well known, though they were destined for the Hudson Elver, yet they lauded at Plymouth, Mass., and became the pioneers of the reuoAvued Pilgrim Fathers. The Dutch West India Company, though incorporated in l(i2l, did not go into operation until 1G23. Then, having taken posses- * This was Robert Juet, Hemy ITuilson's mate, wlio was with him iu his explorations of the Hudson and Delaware Kivers, and also Hudson's Bay, and was also one of the mutineers, who put Hudson and his son on a boat, leaving: them to their fate. 5d.\n and Samuel Blomaert, to ptirchase a large tract of laud at the motith of the bay, which purchase was confirmed July Hi, ItiSO. A suuill colony on Lewes Creek was cut off by Indians, and a colony of Englisli from Connecticut attempted in 1G35 to settle on the DelaAvare, but were taken ])risoners by the Dtitcli and sent to Manhattan. A Swedish West India Company was organized as early as 1630, for the purpose of colonization and commerce; but owing to the death, in lfi32, of Gustavus Adolphus, nothing was accom- plished until KiST, when a settlement was made, or rather pro- jected, ou tlie Delaware Kiver. Two ships, named the "Kalmar Nyckel" and the "Gripen," or, in other Avords, the "Key to Kalmar'' ;md the "Griffin," were placed under the command of Peter Minuit, who will be remembered as a former director, or governor, of Man- hattan Island, in the service of the Dutch, and witli these two ves- sels he sailed from Gotteuburg late in the year 1G37. Some time during the following March Minuit ptirchased land ou tlie west side of the Delaware River from the Indians, these lands lying on what these Indians called the Minquas IJiver, to which river Minuit gave the name Christina, in honor of the Queen of Sweden, and upon these lands he erected a fort, which he nauiwl Fort Christina, AN/) rrs I'l'.orLE. 59 aboiil two and ii lialf miles aliovc ilic inoiitli of (ho rivei" of tho saiiic name. While these i(r(»cee(liii;;s oT the Swedes were not ])leas- hv^ ((I the Diilrli, Ihev did no inofe than to i)i'otest nfjaiiist them, and, accordinL; to Acrelins, llie Swedes pni'chased lands of the Indians alon^ the weslein bank of t lie Delawari', as far n]i as tin; present site of the cil v of Trenton. Upon the JHdaware Minnit left twenty-three men under the command of Mans Klinj; and Ilenriek lluyehens, the former bein<;- the military and the latter the civil jiovernor of the colony. The "Knimar Nyckid," in Kilt), brought out reinforcenienis foi- the colony, and in Kill the sann- vessel brought out a third ex])edilion, bcim; I his tinu' a(((nnpanied by the "Charitas." Many of the colonists coming al this linu' were Finns. By i)ermission of the Sweilish j;()vernnH'nt, a colony of Hollanders was established below Christina. In 1<)42 a further expediticm sailed from the old countiy in two vessels, the "Sfoork" and the "J{enown," under command of John I'lintz, who, thinkini; that Fort Christina did not snlliciently commainl the riser, erected a new lortress on the island of 'i'eniU'conU, or as it has been known for many years, Tinicum, this island at jiresent, beini; within the limits of Delaware County, but being a part of Chester C(junty when this county Avas first established. It is separated from the mainland by Darby Creek. This lorli-ess on Tenneconk Island was named Xew (lotten- biiri;, and in addition lo the fort, (iovernor Priutz erected a line mansion for himscdf and his family, which he named "I'rintz ITall," ii very handsome and convenient home, which, after standing for about one humlred and sixty years, was accidentally destroyed by lire within I he limits of Die present century. Within eight mtrnths from the time of his arrival (iovernor I'rintK erected another fori, w liirh he named Fort Elsiid)org, upon which he mounted eight 12- ponnd brass cannon. It will thus be seen (hat when Covernor I'rintz arrived there 6o CHESTER .COUNTY were a few persons at Fort Nassau, a few at the Swedish colony at Christina, now Wilmington, Del., and also a few at the Dutcn col- ony a short distance below Christina. Governor Printz brought out with him his wife and one daughter, a lieutenant-governor and secretary, a chaplain and a surgeon, twenty-four regular soldiers, and officers enough for a considerably larger force. The two vessels iie commanded were well filled with stores and provisions, mer- chandise suitable for traffic with the Indians, and also a few set- tlers. This colony established by Govei'nor Printz was the first one within the limits of Pennsylvania, and, of course, the first within the earlier limits of Chester County, that was successful. The Swedes made such rai)id progress in the settlement of the lower Delaware, in the State subsequently bearing the name of Delaware, and also in Pennsylvania, that the Dutch became some- what alarmed lest they shovild lose tlie trade of the Indians. The extent and importance of this trade is indicated by the fact that in 1044 they had loaded two vessels, the "Kalmar Nyckel'' and the "Fame," Avith cargoes including 2,127 packages of beaver skins and 70,421 pounds of tobacco. During the year 1646 they erected a church at Tinicum, which they dedicated on October 4, dedicating also at the same time the burying-ground in which the first body deposited was that of Catherine Hanson, daughter of AndreAV Han- son, which was laid to rest October 28, 1646. " During and on account of the controvei'sies betA\-een the Swedes and the Dutch over the possession of this fertile territory. Governor Stuyvesant of New Amsterdam caused the erection of a fort at the present site of New Castle, Delaware, to which he gave the name of Foil; Casimir. To the erection of this fort Governor Printz, although he protested against it for a time, ultimately became reconciled. But his successor, John Eysingh, who arrived and began his administration in 1(!54, captured the Dutch fort, Casimir, on Trinity Sunday, and called it, in honor of that day, Trefalldiglieet. The Dutch in the vicinity of this fort then took the AND ITS PEOPLE. 6i oath of allegiance to the Swedish government. This capture of Fort Casimir, as might have been expected, aroused the anger of the Dutch to such a degree that on September 5, 1055, Governor Stuyvesant, with seven men of war, and some 600 or 700 armed soldiers, sent over from Holland for the purpose, arrived in the Delaware Eiver. The next day Fort Trefalldigheet surrendered to Governor Stuyvesant, and For-t Christina followed soon after- ward, without bloodshed in either case, or a battle of any kind, the name of the former then becoming New Amstel, which name it retained until it came into possession of the English, who called it Newcastle, as it lias since remained. The capture of these two forts terminated Swedish authority on the Delaware, which had ex- tended up into Pennsylvania, their most northern settlements reaching to the present limits of Philadelphia. But the Dutch did not long remain in possession of the terri- tory they had conquered from the Swedes. Charles II having been restored to the throne of Great Britain, granted to his brother James, Duke of York, the territory embracing the whole of the States of New York and New Jersey, and afterward the State of Delaware. Articles were drawn up between the Dutch and Eng- lish, which were signed by eight persons of each nationality, and approved by Colonel Eichard Nicolls, Deputy Governor of New York, by the terms of which the Dutch surrendered to the Eng- lish all their rights in New Netherlands, including the settlements on the Delaware, the date of the affixing of these signatures being August 27, 1GG4, old style. Soon aften^'ard the English took posses- sion of the Delaware, which they continued to hold with the excep- tion of a short period in 1673 and 1674. Passing over several important events of general importance, but which may be considered of minor interest as pertaining to the histoiT of Chester County, it may be mentioned that in May, 1675, Governor Andros of New York visited the settlements on the Dela- ware, and on the 13tli and 14th of that month held a special court 62 Cni'JSTER COUNTY at New Castle, at AAiiicli it was ordered that "higliAvays should be cleared from place to place within the precincts of the govern- ment." It was also ordered that the chnrch in the toAvn should be regulated by tlie court, aud tliat the meeting at Crane Hfteck should continue as previously; and also that the church at Tinicum Island should serve for Upland and the adjoining portions of that section of the country. The magistrates of Upland were ordered to have a church built at Wiokegkoo, which should serve for the inhabitants of Passayuuk aud those higher up the river, and these magistrates were empowered to levy a tax for this purpose and to maintain a minister. " This is the eai'liest record of the proceedings of auy court on the Delaware River, and the order with reference to the clearing of the roads from place to place was the first step taken for the estab- lishment of roads in the States of Delaware and Pennsylvania, or in other words, was the first road law in either State. By the Swedes the territory which afterward, in a somewhat remarkable manner, became Chester County, was organized, if it may be said to have been organized, as Upland County. The name was changed to Chester County by William Penn,or,in better words, William Penn permitted his friend, Tlinmas Pearson, so to name it in honor of the city of Clu^ster, the county seat of Cheshire County, in the west of England. In this connection it may be interesting to note that the names of many towns in England have this word, Chester, as a part of their composition, as Chichester, for example, and that these places were originally Roman camps. The Roman Avord castra and the Saxon word ceaster, became in time the Eng- lish word Chester. From Dr. Smith's "History of Delaware County," published iu 1862, the following paragraph is quoted with reference to this change of name: "He (Penn) landed at Upland, but the place was to bear that familiar name no more forever. Without refiection Penn determined that the name of this place should be changed. Turning AND IT^ PEOPLE. 65 round to liis Mend Pearson, one of his own society, wlio luvd ncconi- panied him in the shijt "Welcome, he said: 'Providence has bron^lit us here safe. Thou hast been the companion of my perils. Wliut would thou that I should call this place?' Pearson said: 'Chester, iu remembrance (»f that city from whence we came.' William Pena replied that it sliouhl be called Chester, and that when he divided the land into counties, one of then should be called by the same name Thus, from a mere whim, the name of the oldest town; the name of the one settled part of the province; the name which would naturally have a place in the affections of a large majority of the inhabitants of the new province, was effaced, to gratify the caprice or vanity of a friend! All great men occasionally do little things." Eeviewing briefly what has been presented above as to the gov- ernments which at different times held swaj' over the west bank of the Delaware IJiver, it will be seen that Avhat was afterward formed into (Chester County was a part of the folloAving colonies from time to time: Xew Netherlands, from KIOO to 1G38; Xew Sweden, from 1638 to 1055; New Netherlands, from 1(!55 to 1(>5G; New Amstel, from l(i5(! to lOGl; New York, from l(i(U to KITS; New Netherlands, from 1()73 to Kill ; and New York, from lOTl to 1G82. This was the year iu which William Penn arrived, took jjosses- sion of his grant and divided his province into three counties: Chester, Bucks and Philadelphia. The precise date when this di- vision into counties was made is not definitely known, but accord- ing to tradition it was November 25, the province having been granted to Penn by royal charter dated March 4, 1G81. The three counties above named were located on the right or west bank of the Delaware Kiver, and extended indefinitely to tlie west^-ard. The western boundary of Chester County was definitely established by the erection of Lancaster County, May 10, 1729, and the north- ern boundary was fixed by the erection of Berks County, March 11 , 1752. Philadelphia Couuty formed the northeast and east bound- 64 CHESTER COUNTY aries of the original Chester County until Montgomery County was established, September 10, 1784, and Delaware County was estab- lished September 26, 1789. The southern limits of the county were determined by the section of a circle of a radius of twelve miles and having for its center the court-house at New Castle, so far as the State of Delaware was concerned, and by the famous Mason and Dixon's line, so far as Maryland was concerned, which line is in latitude 30 degrees 43 minutes 2G.3 seconds north. The history of tliis famous line may be found elsewhere in this volume. The original extent of Chester County may be inferred, from the fact that twenty-five counties have been taken either directly or indirectly- fi'om its territory as at first organized. Lancaster and Delaware were taken from it directly at the dates above given, and the following have since been taken from it indirectly: York, from Lancaster, August 19, 1749; Cumberland, from Lancaster, January 27, 1750. Bedford, from Cumberland, March 9, 1771; Westmoreland, from ]'>edford, February 6, 1773; Washington, from Be>'antmeal ToAvuship, flows southward across the valley at Downingtown station, and then past what was once Oopesville, Sagersville, opposite Lenape station, and Chadd's Ford, and then passes on into Delaware and enters the Delaware Kiver near Wilmington. It is joined by the west branch about midway between North Brook postoffice and Lenape postoffice. Valley Creek flows west along the valley to near Garland, turns south and unites with the Brandywine about a mile above Oopes- ville. Broad Uun flows west into Valley Creek near Harmony. Taylor's liuu flows west into Blackhorse Run, which latter flows west into the Brandywine near Copesville. Plum Bun rises in West Chester borough and flows southwest into the Brandj^wine at Sagersville, as also does Radley Run, except that this stream flows into the Brandywine one-half mile further south. Brandywine River, west branch, rises in the extreme north- western part of the county, flows across the valley and then south- southeast ten miles to the east branch, which it joins between Copesville and Sagersville. Pocopsou Ci-eek flows east into the Brandywine one mile below Sagersville. Ring's Ruu flows from the west into the Brandywine at Chadd's Ford. Red Clay Creek, east and west branches, drains most of the county west of the Brandywine and flows south into the State of Delaware. White Clay Creek, east branch, rises at and west of Upland and flows south past Avondale. While Clay Creek, middle branch, rises at Londonderry and flows south-south- east eight miles, when it joins the west branch, and then two miles further down this enlarged stream joins the east branch at the State line of Delaware. White Clay Creek, west branch, rises at Kelton and flows south and then east. Elk Creek rises in the vicinity of Eussellville and the Lincoln AND ITS PEOPLE. 73 TJuiversity, and flows southeast into MarTland. Little Elk Creek rises at New Prospect and Oxford Borough, and flows east and south into Maryland. Northeast Creek rises at Nottingham post- office, and flows southeast and then south into Maryland. Octoraro Creek bounds tlie county on the west from near Christiana, and flows southwest to the Maryland state line and on into the Sus quehanna. Buck llun and Doe liun drain Highland Township and parts of several other townships, and flows eastward into the Brandy- wine six, miles below Coatesville. Muddy Eun rises near Cochrau- ville and flows seven miles into the Octoraro below Hellbank bridge. French Creek rises at the Berks County line and flows soutlieast, entering the Schuylkill at Phn>nixville. Pickering Creek, with its branches, Pine IJuu and Pigeon Run, flows east into the Schuylkill, about a mile beloAV Phoanixville. Pigeon Creek flows into the Schuylkill four miles below Pottstown. Stony Ivun enters the Schuylkill just below Phoenixville. The fall of the Schuylkill Elver from Douglasville, four and a half miles above Pottstown, down to Philadelphia, is from 161 feet t o 28 feet above sea level, or 133 feet. The nature of the rocks through which these several streams flo\\', together with some remarks as to the amount of erosion some of them have caused, will be treated of under the geological de- scrix)tion of the county. The history of th(- soutlicrn boundary of Chester County is of e()ual interest with that of the southern boundaiy of the State of Pennsylvania, for the history of the one is substantially that of the other. In order to correctly understand this historj' it is neces- sary to begin with the grants to the original English proprietors. The proprietary charter of Pennsj'lvania was drawn in 1(!S1, and, as was supposed, in plain and simple terms. Prior thereto William Penn ^^•as flnancially interested in the Jerseys, but that interest gradually dwindled until it became of little iH-actical importance. 74 CHESTER COUNTY But it was liis experience in the Jerseys that led him to choose Pennsylvania, as it came afterward to be known, as the field for his "holy experiments," the results of which have long been known to the world. To the father of William Penn, Admiral Penn, the English government was indebted for services to tlie extent of £16,000, which the Admiral had attempted in vain to collect, either in the form of money or in a grant of laud, and he therefore suggested to his son, William, that he, if possible, should secure the grant, which, upon the Admiral's death, William immediately set himself about. On June 1, 1680, he presented a petition to the King out- lining the extent of the grant desired in lieu of tlie £16,000, men- tioning, however, only pecuniary considerations. At length, after long deliberation, and after the Privy Council had held several meetings, at which the counsellor for the Duke of York and the agents for Lord Baltimore played important parts, Penn obtained his desire on March 4, 1681, O. S., and a royal letter was sent to the inhabitants April 2, 1681, commanding due obedi- ence to the proprietaiy, his heirs and assigns; and the Duke of York was kind enough to execute a quit-claim deed to all the region in- cluded in Pennsylvania, though his grant did not extend to tlio westward of the Delaware River. This grant of laud to William Penn embraced all that section of country bounded on the east by the Delaware River from a point twelve miles from New Castle to the 43d degree of north lati- tude if the river extended that far, but if it did not, then by a meridian line from the head of the river to the 13d degree, and this region extended westward through 5 degrees of longitude a.s. computed from the eastern bounds. This region was to be bounded on the uorth by the beginning of the 43d degree, on the south by a circle drawn twelve miles distant from New Castle, northward and westward to the begiuuing of the 40th degree of north latitude, and by a straight line drawn thence westward to the limit of longitude. AND ITS PEOPLE. yy Befoi'e proceeding further with the history of the difficulty that existed between Lord Baltimore and William Penn, or, as it perhaps would be better to say, between Maryland and Pennsyl- vania, with regard to the dividing line between them, it is neces- sary to quote from the charter gi'anted to Lord Baltimore in 1G32, which was nearly fifty years before the grant was made to William Penn. This grant to Loi'd Baltimore reads in part as follows: ''AH that part of the ijeninsula, or Chersouese, lying in the- borders of America, between the ocean on the east and the bay of Chesapeake on the west, divided from the residue thereof by a line drawn from the promontory or headland, called Watkin's Point, situated on the bay aforesaid and near the river, ^Vighco (Wicom- ico), on the west unto the main ocean on the east, and between that boundary on the south and that part of Delaware Bay on the nortli which lieth under the 40t.h degree of latitude, where New England terminates." The difficulty about the southern boundary of Pennsylvania was primarily caused by the use of the term "beginning of the iOth degree." Lord Baltimore claimed that his lands extended through- out the lOth degree, that is, from what is ahvays understood as thc^ 39tli parallel to -v^hat is ahvays understood as the 40th parallel, and that no part of the 40th degree, or the belt of country between these two parallels, was excluded from the grant. The Penns claimed tliat the beginning of the 40th degree had reference to the entire space between the 39th and 40th parallels,, and thus it will be seen that the claim of the Penns, if allowed, would make the 39th parallel the southeni limit of Pennsylvania;, but that this could not really have been intended is proven by the charter, which stated that the beginning should be twelve miles from New Castle. But Avhen this place of beginning was first chosen it was supposed that the beginning of tlie 40th degree was twelve miles north of New Castle. The original intention was that Lord Baltimore should liave two degrees in width of latitude, a de- 76 CHESTER COUNTY gree at that time being sixty miles, and that Penu's grant should include three degrees of latitude, from the beginning of the 40th degree to the beginning of the 43d degree. Had the claims of Lord Baltimore been allowed all the lands on the western side of the Delaware Kiver, from the site of the city of Philadelphia to the capes, would have been given to Mary- hintl, and the Penns would have been deprived of several valuable seaports. Hence it is not surprising that Penn should resist the claim of Lord Baltimore. Had the claims of Penn been conceded the southern limit of Pennsylvania would have extended south to the 89th pai'allel, and Lord Baltimore would have had a strip of hind not much more than sixty miles in width at its eastern end. In order to settle the matter satisfactorily, all that was needed to be conceded was the fact that the charter itself expressh^ states that the beginning of the 43d degree and the 43d degree were pre- cisely the same, for it states that the province shall be bounded on the east by the Delaware Kiver fi'om the point twelve miles north of Xew Castle to tlie 43d degree, and that on the north it should be bounded by the 43 degree, or, in other words, those who wrote the charter understood the same thing by the beginning of i\ degree and the degree itself. The difficulties, it will be seen, Avere caused by the ambiguities and uncertainties, if not contradictions, of the language used in the grants. Both sides were laid before the King in 1GS4, and in 1G83 an order in council was issued, which said in substance that as the lands granted to Lord Baltimore were originally designed to be only sncli as were then inhabited by savages, the said Lord was not entitled to the land lying between the river and bay of Delaware and the Eastern sea on the one hand and Chesapeake Bay on the other; but still they decided that this tract of land should be dividcil into two iMjual parts by a line from the latitude of Cape Henlopen to the 40th degree of north latitude, the southern hoinidiny of I'ennsvlvania by charter, and that one-half thereof A2iD ITS PKOl'LE. yj should belong to his majesty and tlie other half should remain to Lord Baltimore, as comprised in his charter. There was much difficulty afterward in the survey of the par- allel from Cape Heulopeu to Chesapeake Bay, the precise middle of which was to be the starting point for the line to run north- ward to the said 10th parallel, but here it can only be stated that finally, on May 15,1750, Lord Chancellor Hardwicke pronounced his decree, according to which the survey began November 12, tlie same year. According to this decree the circle about which there had been so much discussion should have its center at the center (if the town of New Castle, and that its radius should be twelve miles. Immediately, however, a curious difficulty arose as to the method of measuring the radii of this circle, the commissioners from Maryland claiming that they should he measured according to tlie inequalities of the ground, that is, superficially, which would of course make the circle smaller than if the horizontal or geomet- rical method were pursued, which was the claim of the Penns. The latter, however, finally won their case and the circle was so drawn that all parts of the circumference were, or were supposed to be, equally distant from the center. This being settled, the survey of the base line from Cape Heu- lopeu to Chesapeake Bay was begun, both sides agreeing that a point should be selected 139 rods due east from a stone already fixed on the northern part of Fenwick's Island, near the former Cape Henlopeu, and should nm across the peninsula to Chesa- peake Bay. The surveyors established the east and west line as far as Slaughter's Creek, when the Maryland commissioners insisted that the line should go no further, and that its length should be 06 miles aud 248^ rods, while the Pennsylvania commissioners declared that it should be extended to the shore of Chesapeake Bay, aud should be 69 miles 298 rods in length. The deadlock over this question lasted from April, 1751, Avhen the survey com- menced, until November, 1754, and the question was afterward in 78 CHESTER COUNTY the courts until 1760, when Lord Baltimore succumbed to the cou- tentions of the Penns, the base line was made 69 miles 298 rods long, and its exact middle was 34 miles 309 rods from the fixed point on Fenwick's Island. Thus it will be seen that the loss to Maiwland and the gain to Delaware by the success of the Penns was a strip of land 1 mile 184f rods in width, the lengtli of the north and south line from the base line to the northern boundary of Maryland, or rather to the twelve mile circle. And thus it will also be seen the peculiarly shaped point that runs down from the south part of Chester- County between the twelve mile circle and the eastern boundary of Marj'land was correspondingly affected. This north and south line from the middle of the base line was required to be run northward up the said peninsula until it should touch the circle above mentioned so as to make a tangent thereto, and there the said straight line should end. Then at the northern point or end of the said straight line, a line was to begin and run due north above tlie said peninsula, but so far only until it should come into the same latitude as a line running east and west through a point which was fifteen English statute miles due south of the most southern jjoint of the city of Philadelphia. Then a due east and west line was to be run in the manner following: It should begin at the northern point of the due north and south lino and should thence run due west across the Susquehanna Kiver to the utmost western extent of the Province of Pennsylvania, that is, through five degrees of longitude from its eastern boundary on the Delaware River. The running of the temporary southern boundary of the Prov- ince of Pennsylvania was an important episode of the histoi'y of Chester County, that is, that part of it aside from the drawing of the twelve mile circle, and hence it is treated of briefly in this work. An order in council dated May 25, 1738, provided for the running of this temporary line. On December 5, 1738, the commissioners, on AXD ITS PEOPLE. 79 the part of Maryland, Colonel Levin Gale and Samuel Cliamber- laine, met the commissioners on the part of Pennsylvania, Richard Peters and Lawrence Growdon, on Society Hill, the mayor of Phil- adelphia being- present, as well as several of the aldermen and prominent gentlemen of Philadelphia, and the most southern point in the city of Philadelphia was ascertained. The commissioners then adjourned to the house of John Postlethwaite, where it was unanimously agreed to settle the vai'iation of the compass by fixing a meridian line by an observation to be made when the Pole Star and the first star in the tail of the Great Bear under the Pole should be in the same vertical circle, or in a perpendicular line, one above the other. But on account of the cloudiness of the weather no observation could be made until the evening of the 8th, and then the meridian line was fixed according to the rule aforesaid. A theodolite in the x>ossession of Benjamin Eastburn, sur- veyor for Pennsylvania, was tried and the variation of the needle was found to be 5 degrees 25 minutes to the west, and then a civ- comferenter in the possession of John Warner was tried, and the A'ariation of its needle was found to be 5 degrees 30 minutes to the west. The variation of the needle of the theodolite was accepted as that by which to run the temporary line. On the 11th of December about two miles of tlie line were run, but wintry weather coming on it was decided to adjourn until April 5, 1739. But it Avas not until April 11, 1739, that Avork on this survey Avas found to be :') degrees 25 minutes to the west, and then a circum- Eastburn's theodolite was precisely the same as before. On April 23 the commissioners proceeded on a line to an old field belonging to John Xewlin, Avithin the Society land, on or near its north line, at a distance of about thirty-one miles due Avest from Philadelphia, Avhere it was agreed that the line had been run far enough to the Avest for avoiding the large Avaters of the Brandywine and Chris- tina Creeks, and that the surveyors should begin to set off the 8o CHESTER COZ'XTY south line of iiftoeu miles aud a quarter, this distance from the east and west line from the southernmost point of the city of Philadel- ])hia having been agreed upon instead of fifteen miles, between Lord Baltimore aud the Penns, by which the latter gained a strip one-fourth of a mile in width as far west as the Susquehanna Eiver, but to the west of the Susquehanna IJiver, the distance be- tween this base line of survey was to be only fourteen and thi'co- fourths miles. It was not long after beginning this survey of the south line before a dispute arose as to whether the superficial or horizontal method of measuring this loi mile line should be employed, the Marylaud commissioners of course insisting on the superficial meth- od and the Pennsylvania commissioners insisting on the horizontal method. The result of the discussion over this nmtter was that the Maryland commissioners yielded to the extent of allowing twenty-five perches over the fifteen and a quarter miles superficial measxire for the difference between the two methods. On April 24 the two parties, after coming to this agreement, surveyed two miles of the line, and left off on the ground of Mr. Wickersham in East Marlboro Township. On the 25th they set off the twenty-five perches and surveyed seven statute miles, getting to the south line of the road leading to New Castle, in New Garden Town- ship. On the next day they completed the survey, and drove into the ground a stake at the distance of twenty perches from the road leading to Charles Tennent's Meeting House, in Mill Creek Hundred, New Castle County, Del., and on April 27. they began the west line at the aforesaid stake. Before reciting the history of the west line, just mentioned, it will be of interest to note an instance or two connected with the survey of the first thirty-oue miles of the line running west from the most southern point of Philadelphia, from which the distance of fifteen and a quarter miles was laid off to the south. It will be remembered that the survey of tliis base line began on AXD ITS PEOPLE. 8i tJie lltli of April. While it was beinii- surveYed, ou the IStli of April, Ikiehard Peters, one of the conimissionei's for Peun.syl- vauia, reported to Governor Thomas that in the Avork they had found "a number of Attractions in runnino- the line, so many as to make it a doubt whether the Attractions Avere not stronger in the spring than in the fall of the year; sometimes the needle will be five- degrees to the southward and sometimes to the northward, within a station or two, that is to say, in other terms, the variation will be ten degrees westerly at one time and in an hour or two after that the variation will be lialf a degree east, or, perhaps, no variation ar all. We are got as far as one Weslow Parnell's in Edgemont Town- ship, about IG miles west of Philadelphia, and in this distance we have crossed the forcer lines, that have been run, several times; and now we are something to the south of the line run by John Taylor, and more to the south of the line run by the Jersey commissioners, and if Ben. Eastburn says truly we shall gain still more and more upon the last line, so as to come xevy near Elislia Gatchell's plan- tation. The surveyors go on amicably yet, but Col. Gale is much disturbed to lind the line jirove so as it does, and as he is disai»- poiuted by John Lad, he comes to town to procure another sur- veyor." On the 20th of the mouth Mr. Peters again Avrote to Governor Thomas, saying: "He" (Col. Gale) "has been extremely uneasy on account of the line continuing to gain on them, and it being apprehended tJiat the needle in Mr. Eastburn's theodolite might have been altered by some accident in its direction, we this morn- ing compared their theodolite and their two needles with ours, as we had done before on Society Hill, and the variation in all the three needles agreed most exactly with what it was then and now." And Col. Gale being then satisfied that the survey was going on rightly, came to the conclusion that the line they were then run- ning differed from the Jersey line, either because the Jersey com- missioners had got into an Attraction that carried them too far S2 CHESTER COUNTY north, Aviliout their being .lAvare of it, or that they had not been careful to fix the index bv which the variation was rightly regu- lated. The diflimlty ^vith reference to tlie method of surveying the fifteen and a quarter miles has been already mentioned; but there was a peculiar feature of it that does not appear to have been touched upon by writers on local history. After the agreement had been reached on April 25, that an allowance of twenty-five perches should be made in favor of the Pennsylvania claim, or, in other words, added to the length of the fifteen and a quarter miles line, Mr Eastburn, the suiTeyor for the Pennsylvania com- missioners, ascertained that the allowance of twenty-five perches would fully cover the difference between the methods of survey- ing the line, and, iu fact, Mr. Eastburn was satisfied that the dif- ference would not exceed twenty perches. Jtli*. Peters thereupon wrote to Governor Thomas, "humbly desiring your Honor to keep it private that this is the difference, lest they should come to the knowledge of it." >So that by this supei'ior knoAvledge and skill of her surveyor Pennsylvania was getting five perches in the length of the fifteen and a quarter mile line more than she was in reality entitled to. Or, in other words, Pennsylvania thus gained a strip of land along the southern border of the province eighty-two and a half feet iu Avidth for the entire five degrees of longitude, provided the temporary line had become permanent. It now remains to give a brief account of the sui'vey of the southern boundaiy line of the State, which is the southern bound- ary line of Chester County, from the peculiarly formed triangle, or point, so far as Chester County extends to the westward, and which is noAV famous in history as Mason and Dixon's line. The commissioners appointed under the deed of ITGO ad- dressed themselves to the work of completing the survey, but their progress was slow. Hence, on August 4, 17G.3, Thomas and Richard Penn and Lord Baltimore, all of whom were then in - AND ITS PEG PI. E. 85 Londou, made an agreement with Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, two mathematicians and snrveyors, "to mark, rnn out, set- tle, fix and determine all the parts of the circle, marks of lines and boundaries as were mentioned in the several articles and commissions and were not yet completed." Mason and Dixon landed at Thiladelphia November 15, 1763, and at once began their work with more perfect instruments than had been previously used in these surveys. They adopted the twelve-mile radius of their predecessors, and also their tangent point, as suflSciently ac- curate, and adjourned to Philadelphia to find its southern limit, on Cedar (now South) Street, on which street they erected an observ- atory that they might ascertain the latitude of this southern limit, this observatory being the first in America used for taking observa- tions of the stars. According to their observations this southern limit was in latitude 39 degrees 56 minutes 29 seconds. They then extended this latitude to the west sufficiently far to be due north of the tangent point, this being accomplished in Januaiy, 1764, and the distance run to the westward being thirtj^-one miles, to the forks of the Brandywine, where they planted a quartzose stone, which was long known in the vicinity as the "star-gazers' stone," which stood on Joel Harlin's land, in Xewlin Township, a short distance west of the Chester County almshouse, six miles 264 perches west of the meridian of the West Chester court-house and 446i perches south of the parallel of the West Chester court-house. Fi-om this "star-gazers' stone" they ran a line south to the lati- tude of the great due west line, fifteen miles, and there planted a post, from which they ran the due west line a short distance. Then going to the tangent point they ran a line due north to the latitude of the due west line, and at the intersection of the two lines, in a deep ravine, near a spring, they established the corner stone, which thenceforward was to be at the beginning of the due west line, the southern boundary of Pennsylvania, the northern bound- ary of Maryland, the famous Mason and Dixon's line. 6 86 CHESTER COUNTY This stoue whicli thns stands at the nortlieast oorner of Mary- land was ascertained bv Mason and Dixon to be in latitude 30 de- grees 43 minutes 18 seconds, but was afterward ascertained to be in latitude 39 degrees 43 minutes 26.3 seconds. During the sum- mer of 17(!4 they ran and marked the north and south line, or tlii- tangent line, which separates Max"yland from Dehxware, and then started for the stone at the northeast corner of Maryland. Early in the spring of 17G5 they returned to their work, and described that portion of the circle surrounding New Castle which fell to tJie westward of the meridian line, joining the tangent point with the stone at the northeast corner of Mai'yland, whicli meridian line cut off a segment of the circle which is about a mile and a half long and 116 feet wide in the widest part, which segment of the circle, according to the agreement, belongs to New Castle County, Delaware. From the point where this meridian line crosses the circle to the eastward, Mason and Dixon did not survey the circle, as Lord Baltimore had no interest in its location. But this point, which is at tlie meeting of three States, was carefully marked. From this point north to the northeast corner of Mai'yland is about three miles and a half, and the distance from the northeast corner of Maryland to the circle in a line running due east is about three- fourths of a mile. These were the distances established by Mason and Dixon, but recent controversies over the circular boundary between Delaware and Pennsylvania have changed the measure- ments somewhat. These controversies will be treated of briefly later on in this article. By June 17, 1765, the surveyors had carried the due west line to the Susquehanna Eiver, and received instructions to cari"y it as far west as Mainland and Pennsylvania were settled and inhabited. By the 27th of October they had reached the North (Cove or Kit- tatinny) Mountains, ninety-five miles west of the Susquehanna, where the temporary line, run in 1739, terminated. Early in 1766 AWD ITS PEOPLE. 87 they again began the survey, and by June 4 they liad reached the Little Alleghany Mountains, about 160 miles from the beginning. In 1767 they extended the line to a distance of 230 miles 18 chains and 21 links from the northeast coraer of Maryland, or 277 miles 38 chains and 36 links from the River Delaware, near to an Indian war path, on the borders of Dunkard Creek. But trouble now began with the original inhabitants of the soil, that is, with the Six Nations, whose consent had to be obtained to the further survey of the line, and soon afterward, with an escort of fourteen stroud-clad warriors, an interpreter and a Mohawk chief, deputed by the Iroquois council, they pushed on from the summit of the Alleghany Mountains down into the valley of the Ohio, whose tributaries they soon crossed. Coming to the western limit of Maryland they still pushed on, resolved to reach the utmost limits of Peun's five degi'ees of longitude from the Delaware. By August 21 they came to the crossing of Braddock's Ford, and the escort became restless. The Mohawk chief and his nephew left the party, and the Shawnees and Delawares, who then occupied the territory into which the surveying part^- Avas penetrating, be- gan to grow hostile, and on September 27, at the distance of 233 miles from the Delaware, twenty-six of the laboring men deserted, leaving only fifteen ax-men with the surveyors, who, however, pushed on, regardless of the danger, until they came to a point a little to the west of Mount Morris, in Greene County, when their Indian escort said to them that they had been instructed by their chiefs not to let the line be run westward of the Avar path at which they had then arrived — the old Catawba war path. The instruments used by Mason and Dixon Avere an ordinary surveyor's compass, to find their bearings in a general way; a quad- rant and a four-foot zenith sector, which they brought from Eng- land for absolute accuracy. The needle could not be relied upon because of the ferruginous character of the soil over which they 88 _ CHESTER COIXTY had to mark the line. The sector enabled them to be guided by the heavenly bodies, which changed their positions very slowly. The "visto," as they called it, that is, the opening cut through the woods as they went along, was twenty-four feet in width, and throughout this width they had cut dowu all the trees and bushes, leaving them to rot upon the ground. Along the middle of this "visto," in the true parallel, monuments were erected at the dis- tance of five miles, eacli monument consisting of a stone bearing the coats of arms of AYilliam Penn on the side toward Pennsylva- nia, and those of Lord Baltimore on the side toward Maryland, most of these stones having been brought from England. This mode of demarkation was used as far the eastern base of the Side- ling Hill Mountain, 132 miles from the northeast corner of Mary- land, and from this point to the great Alleghany Mountains the line was denoted by conical heaps of dirt and stones six or seven feet high on the tops of ridges and mountiiins, and still further to the west as far as they went similar marks were erected at the end of every mile. As to the length of a degree of longitude on Mason and Dixon's line, it may be said that they made it ec^ual to 53 miles 157.1 perches, hence Penn's five degrees of longitude would extend from the Dela- ware Eiver westward to a distance of 267.4:54:0 miles. The length of a degree of longitude on the Mason and Dixon arc of the parallel, for which the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey takes the latitude of 39 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds, is, according to Clarke's spheroid, 53.277 miles, and hence the five degrees of longi- tude eqiml 200.385 statute miles. Hence Mason and Dixon made an error in their measurement of these five degrees of 1.090 statute miles. Auothcn" point of interest connected with tlie lines run by Mason and Dixon is their determination of the length of a degree of latitude, in 17G4, on the line separating Delaware from Mary- land, known as tlie taugent line. They made the length of a degree AXD ITS PEOPLE. 89 ou this line 363,7G3 feet, or 68,894 statute miles,* for mean latitude 39 degrees 12 minutes, measuring the whole line with deal rods, triangulation, which was brought into use in 1617, being inapplica- ble in this case. But according to Clarke's spheroid the true length of a meridianal degree at this latitude, 39 degrees 12 minutes, is 68.983 miles, or 469.92 feet in excess of the length as ascertained by Mason and Dixon.f The circular boundary line is one of interest as to its history and of importance as to tlie effect its location has had upon the people living in its vicinity. When it was first located it was merely tlie division line between two counties, but later it came into controversy between two States. The first mention of it is made in the records of Upland Court, November 12, 1678, as fol- lows : "The limits and divisions between this (Upland) and New Cas- tle County were this day agreed upon and settled by the Court and Mr. John Moll, President of New Castle Court, to be as followeth, viz. : 'This county of Upland to begin from the north side of Oele Francens Creeke, othen\'ays called Steenkill, lying in the voght above the Yerdrietege hoeck, and from the said creek oner to the Singletree Point on the east syde of this river.' " "Steenkill," otherwise Stony Creek, is now known as Quarry Creek. "It crosses the Philadelphia, AVilmington & Baltimore rail- *It has sometimes been said that this weasuremeut of a degree of latitude by Mason and Dixon was the first ever measured on the surface of the ground; but this is not exactly correct, for, according to the Encyclopedia Brilaunica, the Caliph Almamoum, in 814 A. D., fl^ed upon a spot in the plains of Mesopotamia, sent one company of astiouomers north^^ard and another southward, measuring the journey by rods until each fouud the altitude of the Pole Star to have changed one degree, the northern party mailing a degree 56 miles and the southern party 50 2-3 miles. Again, about the year 1500, a Frenchman named Pernel measured a distance in the direction of the meridian near Paris by counting the number of revolutions of the wheel of his carriage as he traveled. fThese precise figures, according to Clariie's spheroid, were suppUed upon request by Henry .S. Pritchett, superintendent United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. 90 CHESTER COUNTY road about three and tliree-qiiarters miles below the mouth of Naa- mau's Creek, in Brandywine Hundred, New Castle County." ■'Verdrietege hoeck," also called Trinity Hook, lay between Stony Creek and Shellpot Creek; and Singletree Point is now known as Old Man's Point of the New Jersey shore, one mile below the mouth of Old Man's Ci'eek. Stony Creek is there on the dividing line, as at first located, and so remained until the grant to Penu fixed the boundaiw of his tract "on the south by a circle drawn at a distance of twelve miles from New Castle northward and westward. Later Naaman's Creek was recognized as the boundary line, and was so laid down by Thomas Holme, surveyor-general of the province, but still the boundarj^ line between the two counties was not fixed, and some of the inhabitants of Chester County petitioned for a division line between their county and that of New Castle. Therefore on the 9th of August, 1G93, it was resolved by the Council that the boundary of New Castle County should begin at the mouth of Naaman's Greek and upward along the southwest side of the northmost branch (excluding the townships of Concord and Bethel), and not to extend baekA\ ard of the said northmost branch above the said two townships. Still this arrangemeni did not prove satisfactory, and as there appeared to be danger of the three lower coiinties separating from the province, a conference was lield and a warrant issued dated 28th of the Sth mo., 1701, directed to Isaac Taylor of Chester County, and Th(»mas Pierson of New Castle County, authoi'izing them to accompauj' the magistrates of the two counties interested, and in tlieir presence to "admeasure and survey from the town of New Castle tlie distance of twelve miles, in a right line," up the River DelaAvare, "and from said distance, according to the King's letters patent and deeds from the Duke," to survey the said circular line and mark it well two-thirds of the length of a semicircle. The magistrates agreed upon and established the center of the AXD ITS PEOPLE. 91 circle "at llie eud of the bor.se dyke uext to the towu of New Castle," aud tiie survey was accordiuglA' made. It may be interesting- to note the method nsed in 1701 by Messrs. Taylor and Pierson in surveying this t^\e]ve-mile circular boundary line, and hence the following quotation from their report: "We did begin in the presence of said justices at the said end of the horse dyke and measured due north twelve miles to a white oak marked with twelve notches, standing on the west bank of the Brandywine Creek on the land of Israel Helm, and from the sais which inn into the said Susquehanna," to say nothing of those on the west side of the river, because they do not concern this history, and this is believed to be the last Indian deal made that in any way does con- cern this work. The lands thus sold may or may not have come within the present limits of Chester County; but they were certainly within the original limits, and to a considerable extent. With reference to the mode of life and the places in Chester County frequented or occupied by tlie Indians, the following exti-act from a paper written by Philip P. Shariiless, of AVest Chester, who has given much thought to the habits of a race of men now lost to this eastern country, and who in his eighty-ninth year is now living in West Chester, is here presented as being authoritative and concise: "In selecting a suitable place for his winter quarters, the Indian preferred a south laying land, near to a spring of good water, surrounded and sheltered by wood, and easily accessible to friendly neighbors by a common path. "Such was the situation where A^'est Chester now stands. On the south side of the town, within one or two hundred yards, ran the great path which left their hunting grounds on the Susque- hanna at Peach bottom crossed over to the rapids of the Delaware. Near and on both sides of it are the sites of many of their villages. The Susquehanna was visited early in the spring by whole tribes on arriving of fish from southern waters, as was common at that season of the year; returning to the Delaware as the season ad- vanced. "The great path, which is still visible in some places, com- mences, so far as I know it, and is still well marked at that point, in a piece of woods on lands of the late Abraham Williams, for- merly known as the southeast corner of the eighty acres. Passing nearly directly west, it enters the small woods formerly of Joshua Darlington, now (1888) belonging to William Smith, where it may 112 CHESTER COUNTY still be traced. Continuing- west through the south side of the Friends' Burial Company's Grounds, thence it passes between the residences of Smedley and John Darlington. Continuing its west- erly course, it now crosses over the hill onto the land of W. T. Ingram, then to about fifty feet south of the gateway leading to the dwelling of the late Emmor Davis, crossing the Birmingham road north of Sconneltowu school-house, it runs through the farm of Paschal Hacker, thence onto the laud of William Eeid, still con- tinuing the same course its i-oute was iip the road on Dr. Price's farm in front of his greenhouses, and so on through Greorge Little's woods to the Brandy wine, being nearly- a straight line from where it enters the land of Abraham Williams, until it reaches the creek about one-half mile above the forks. "On the sides of this great highway I can locate the sites of at least twenty- old camping grounds that have been occupied by the Indians, not one of which is more than three miles from West Ches- ter. To find these locations they must be looked for after the ground lias been recently plowed or harrowed, whilst it is still free from vegetation, and soon after a rain. When a field is in corn or after it has been cut, it affords the best opportunity to ascertain tlie location of an Indian camp, but an amateur, when in the midsi of a town site, will be often disappointed, because of his impatience and his want of knowledge. He will look for arrow or spear points, when these may have all disappeared, having been gathered and sent away, while the s])alls under his feet, the hammer, the knife, or pieces of basin or other worked stone may surround without attracting notice. "A little itractice with an expert will soon enable him to over- come this diiticulty, if he have patience, and of this he will need a good store, as it may be years before grass lands may be turned into fallow grounds, and until this is done his labor will be in vain, as juost of the objects he is in search of are buried beneath the sod, whilst the farmer has removed those that lay on the surface and sent them a^^•ay to help macadamize some road. AND ITS PEOPLE. 113 "There are four well-marked cainpiuf!,' sites AAithin the borough of West Chester. The first is in the southwest part, about one hun- dred yards west of the Philadelphia and West Chester railroad, whei'e it crosses the borough line. The hill faces to the southeast, and the camp extends from top to foot of the same, covering about four acres. "It is located near a spring of good water. On this ground I have found sixty or seventy arrow and spear points, and many of them have been carried away bj^ others. Among those in my pos- session is one of black jasper, nearly perfect, made by a good work- man, a hammer, several knives, one-half of a banner stone, and those used for heating in the fire to do their cooking with, besides the usual amount of spalls found around an old camp. "The second camp is on a streami in the soutii part of the bor- ough, between Uarlington Street, extended, and New Street, and where it is proposed in the future to lay Nields Street, on the line between the lands of George Fitzsimmous, Albert Hall and others. On these lots I have picked up a broken red stone liammer, a broken pestle,_an axe, a few aiTow and spear points, and the usual amoimt of burned stone and spalls. Others ha^e found here a part of a stone basin, a pestle, several stone ornaments, an axe, tomahawk, and other implements. Most of the ornaments have ])assed into the collection of Charles H. Pennypacker. "Number three is on the same stream in the southwest corner of the borough, on the farm of Dr. Jacob Price, near the fine spring which he now uses for dairy purposes. "Tlie new house west of his barn is near the center of the camping ground. In the field I have found many reliques similar to those already described, and this camp, I think, must have exceeded either of the others in size or contained a greater number of inmates tlian they did. "James A. Ingram, a former occupant of this farm, collected many fine specimens here, and still retains them in his cabinet. 114 CHESTER COUNTY This plot of ground is at present in grass. Between numbers two and three are several places that have been tempoi*arily occupied by the Indians, where their marks are not so distinct as in those named. "To the north of number three in a lot belonging to M. B. Hickman, between Wayne and Brandywine Streets, and north of Price, around an excellent spring, have been found many good arrow points; but a more thorough examination will be required to ascertain how they came there. If a village stood there at any time, it must have been a small one. "Number four is on the lands of Hoopes Bros. & Thomas, east of the old borough waterworks. It is undoubtedly the spring from which the savages obtained their supply of water. The center of their camp must have been near where the barn of the company now stands situated northwest of the road leading to the residence of William P. Marshall, and about two hundred yards northeast of the public park. On these gToimds was found one of the most perfect stone axes I have ever seen, a hammer of red sandstone, many arrow points and the usual chert chips that mark the site of a camp. These grounds have long been under cultivation, and most of their treasures have been caiTied away; but there remains sufHcieut of waste material to mark it as a favorite dwelling jjlace." Alfred Sharpless, brothm- of Philip P. Sharpless, in a paper read before the Chester County Historical Society, November 19, 1897, mentions and describes an old Indian fort, which he says was located "less than half a mile above the forks of the Brandywine, on the west bank of the east branch'" thereof. This old fort con- sists of a collection of rocks "at the brow of a sharp hill about eighty feet above the level of the creek, and not more than one hun- dred and fifty feet from it at the nearest point. * * * The old fort is formed by two or three large rocks that project from the hill- side, covering a space about fifteen by twenty feet. Under these is a cave or space, varying in height from five feet to less than a AND ITS PEOPLE. 115 foot, and extending back some twelve or fourteen feet. * * * Xd doubt this old fort was often a resting place and a shelter for parties of nomads as they passed to and fro between the Delaware and Susquehanna Elvers, as it could not have been far from their great pathway, and having convenient fording places in the vicinity. It may have been the site of many a sanguinary battle, of which we have no record, as the approach to it must always have been very difficult and dan-gerous to a storming part}."' "The only tradition in relation to the fort that we have been able to obtain, comes down to us through one of the old inhabitants of the neighborhood. He states that an alarm came one morning and spread rapidly around among the neighbors that a party of Indians on the war path were coming down the creek road and soon was heard what appeared to be the screaming and yelling of a large party of savages. The neighbors hurriedly assembled with guns and pitchforks at the old fort, as the best place for defense. Later the cause of alarm proved to have come from a farmer's ox cart that was coming down the valley hills making a great screeching, the farmer having failed to grease the axle before starting in the morning. This is said to have been the last Indian scare in Chester County." While the Delaware or Lenni-Lenape Indians were the only native occupants of the eastern part of Pennsylvania when the white men first settled upon it, yet there were other Indians that occasionally came into this region, sometimes making trouble not only for the Delawares but also for the whites. These were the confederated nations, known as the Five Nations, whose domain extended from Vermont to Lake Erie, and from Lake Ontario to the headwaters of the Delaware, Susquehanna and Alleghany Elvers. By the Delawares these Five Nations were called the Minguas or Mingoes; and by the French they were called the Iro- quois. They were composed of the Onoudagas, Cayugas, Oneidas, Senecas and Mohawks. In 1712 the Tuscaroras being expelled ii6 CHESTER COUNTY from North Carolina were adopted into the family of the Five Na- tions, the confederation being thereafter called the Six Nations. At some remote period the Lenni-Lenape Indians had been conquered by the Five Nations, had been reduced to a stiite of vassalage, had been compelled to acknowledge a condition of fealty to their conquerors, which enabled them to hold their lands only by permission, and which prevented them from engaging in war. This was their status among other Indian tribes. when the white people first visited them. And although they were the permanent occupiers of the soil on the shoi'es of the Delaware, they were frequently siibject to intrusion on the part of the Five Nations, who occupied portions of the country at their own pleasure. When, therefore, these predatory incursions were indulged in, there was always more or less apprehension on the part of the Lenni-Lenapes and the whites. The Indians with whom Penn made his first and most famous treaty of friendship, were the peace- ful Lenni-Lenapes, but in 1701 he made a treaty with the chiefs of the Five Nations, and with the Indians from the Susquehanna and the Potomac, and also with the chiefs of the Shawnese. In course of time the Delawares Avere able to throw off the yoke that had so long galled them, and at a treaty of 1756 their great chief, Tedyus- cung, compelled the chiefs of the Six Nations to acknowledge their independence. The Indians that lived latest in Chester County were removed therefrom in 1757 to the valleys of the Wyoming and the Wyalus- ing, on the Susquehanna. At the great treaty of St. Mary's in 1S20 there were present about twenty chiefs of the Nanticokes, one of whom was nearly ninety jears old. It is usually the great men of a tribe or nation that make its history. One of the great chiefs of the Delawares was Tedyuscung, who frequently visited Philadelphia and eastern Pennsylvania from 1750 to 1700. Another great man among them was Isaac Stille, who had a good education, had much good sense, was of good AND ITS PEOPLE. n- morals and was a professing CJinstiau. He had traveled all ovei.' the West and the Kockj^ Mountain region and had seen the "White Indians,"' Avho are said to liave lived in the southwestern part of this country. In 1771 lie moved into Buckingham County, where he collected together the scattered remnants of his tribe, and in 1775 led them far away to the Wabash country, where he said they would be free "from war and rum." The Shawnese Indians came to Pennsylvania about 1698, desir- ing to settle among the Indians and whites of this province as strangers, the Conestoga Indians becoming secui'ity for their good behavior. They were also under the protection of the Five Nations, who had set Shakallamy over them as their chief. The Indians claimed that after they had sold all tlieir lands to William Penn, that is, all in Chester County, that he re-conveyed to them a tract one mile in width on each side of the Brandywine from its mouth up the west branch to its head — but that the writing was accidentally destroyed by the bui'ning of a cabin. In 1706 at the request of the white inhabitants on the Brandywine, the com- missioners of property purchased from the Indians their claim to these lauds from the mouth of the creek up to a certain rock in the west branch, for the consideration of £100. The rock mentioned was in the line of Abraham Marshall's land, and also in the line of the Society tract purchased by Nathaniel Newlin. Mr. Xewlin soon afterward began disposing of his lauds, and within six months had sold off about uiue parcels, varying in size from 150 to 300 acres. Some of these parcels were located on the creek. The Indians immediately complained that Newlin was sell- ing their lands; for they were still the owners of the land one mile in width on each side of the creek from the rock mentioned to the head of the creek. As no attention appears to have been paid to the claims of the Indians they carried their cause to the Provincial Assembly in the summer of 1725, and the account of the proceed- ings before the Assembly is so interesting that it is worth quoting entire: I IS CHESTER COUXTY "13th of 6 mo. 1725. The petition of divers inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia, setting forth that the Proprietai'j' having pur- chased of the natives all the lands within certain bounds; and that the proprietary did afterward release back to some of the said natives a certain tract of land on the Bi*andywine, which said land is lately talcen up and settled, to the great disturbance of said natives, 'and praying that this House would take the same into consideration; was read and ordered to be considered this after- noon. "Then this House was given to understand that the Heads of the said Indian complainants desire to attend the House in person, to set forth their grievances. Ordered, that they wait on the House at three o'clock this afternoon with their interpreters. "3 p. m., the House met. "The Indians ordered to attend this afternoon, waited at the door desiring to be heard. Then chairs were placed for them, they were called in, and the Speaker, on behalf of the House, said: 'The House has had information that you have been with the Governor and Commissioners already. Have you received satisfaction?" "Indians (by interpreter) — 'We have not.' "Speaker — 'What it is, then, that you have to offer to the House?' "Indians — 'When William Penn came to this country, he set- tled a iierpetual friendship with us, and after we sold him our country, he re-conveyed back a certain tract of land upon the Brandywine, for a mile on each side of said creek, which writing was, by the burning of a cabin, desti'oyed; but we all remember very well the contents thereof: That AVilliam Penn promised that we should not be molested whilst one Indian lived, grew old, and blind and died, — so another, to the third generation; and now it is not half the age of an old man since, and we are molested, and our lands surveyed out and settled before we can reap our coi*n off; and to our great injury, Brandywine Creek is so obstructed with AND i7VS' PEOPLE. 121 dams, that the fish cannot come np to our habitations. We desire you to take notice that we are a poor people, and want the benefit of the fish, for when we are out hunting, our children with their bows and arrows, used to get fish for their sustenance, therefore, we desire that those dams be removed, that the fish may have their natural course.' "Speaker — 'How did you understand that writing to be? That you should enjoy that land forever?' "Indians — 'Not only we, but all the Indians understood it to be theirs as long as the waters ran down the creek.' "Speaker — 'Have you anything more to say?' "Indians — -'No; but if you hear us not we shall be obliged to come again next spring.' "Speaker — 'The House is inclined to do you all the favor that lies in their power.' "Indians — 'We hope we are all friends, and desire to continue so, as long as we draw breath.' "Then the Indians withdrew, and after some debate it was ordered that Francis Kawle, John Kearsley, and John Swift, go to James Logan, one of the commissioners of property, and inform him of the substance of said petition, and matter complained of by the Indians; who being returned report that the said commissioner shows a very hearty inclination to accommodate the affair with the Indians, and although their right does not appear so clear, yet they ai-e possessed of such strong notions of it, that there is no divesting them of it; and, therefore, he is ready to do what he can to quiet their complaints, by granting the person who possesses the said lands other lands in the stead thereof. "Ordered that Francis Kawle and John Kearsley draw up an address to the Governor, on behalf of the Indians. Adjourned. "6th mo. 14th day, 1725. The House met, etc. "Then the members appointed yesterday in the afternoon, to draw up an address to the Governor, on behalf of the Indians, 8 122 CHESTER COUNTY brought in the same, which was read aud agreed to. Ordered, That the same be transcribed, and tlien the House adjourned to two, p. m. "Two o'cloclv, p. in. The House met, etc. "The address to the Governor, on behalf of the Indians, accord- ing to order, being transcribed, is as follows, viz.: 'The Address of the Eepresentatives of the said Province, in General Assembly met: May it please the Governor, as next to Divine Providence, the peace, happiness, and quietness which this Pi'ovince first enjoyed, was owing to the wise conduct of the Hon. William Penn, our Proprietary and Governor, by procuring a good friendship betwixt him and the native Indians at his first arrival here, so by diligent care in cultivating and preserving the like friendship, the great happiness of peace hath been hitherto enjoyed among us, when divers of the neighboring colonies have been obnoxious to the in- sults of the barbarous Indians, to the great damage of their coun- tries; and as the Governor's care and indefatigable pains upon all occasions, has been very conspicuous to that good end, this House do address themselves on an unhappy dissatisfaction some Indians are under (who have always lived very peaceable with the inhabi- tants of tills province) fi'om an opinion that they are likely to be dispossessed of some lauds they had long enjoyed on the river Brandywine, as also for being depri'\ed of the benefit of fishing on tlie said river; all which they have by personal complaint laid before this House. And the House having taken into serious consideration the fatal consequences it may be to the peace of this Province, represented the same to James Logan, one of the Commissioners of Property, who has given the Hoiise ample satis- faction of his intentions to accommodate the difference with the said Indians. And we are fully satisfied (were it not for a purchase made of some part of these lands by Nathaniel Newlin, and his too wilful resolution to hold and settle the same), this part of this difference relating to the pretended encroachments on their AKD ITS PEOPLE. 123 lands would be immediately silenced. And notwithstanding this obstacle, we have reason to believe that Nathaniel Newlin will, in a very short time, become sensible that it will be as much to his o^\u private interest as to the Province in general, to be more conde- scending in this affair. " 'But, whereas there are dams or wares which do obstruct the passage up of fish to the place where the said Indians are settled, without the verge of this government, this House doth humbly request the Governor, that he will be pleased to exert his authority, in such manner as he shall think propel", for quieting and satisfying the said Indians, and preserving the ancient friendship between them and the inhabitants of this Province; and herein we also have that confidence as to hope that the Government of New Castle, Kent and Sussex, will so far think it conducive to their peace and quiet, that they will not fail to do what is necessary on their part, for the full settling and composing this dissatisfaction. " 'August 14, 1725. Signed by the order of the House. " 'WILLIAM BILES, Speaker.' "Ordered, That Thomas Chandler and Elisha Gatchell present the same to the Governor; who return and report that they had delivered the said address according to order, and that the Gov- ernor perused the same, and said he was entirely of the opinion of the House, and that he and bis Council would use their utmost endeavors to satisfy these Indians, and that he was going down to New Castle, where he would order the persons concerned to move those dams complained of, wliich, if they did not do, he would give orders to the King's attorney, to prosecute them, and oblige them thereunto by process of law.'' The claims of the Indians not being adjusted to their satisfac- tion they again sought an interview in the spring of 1726, and the following proceedings were had : "3d month 31st, 172G. The House met, etc. "The Indians (who claim certain rights on Brandywine Creek) 124 CHESTER COUNTY came to wait upon the House, and by a member sent in a paper they received from James Logan, and likewise a message that they were not satisfied therewith, and thei'efore made further application to this House for redress, which paper being read, the House went into a debate thereon, and after some time referred the further con- sideration thereof until to-morrow, and th^^^n the House adjourned until to-morroAV morning at nine o'clock. "J:th month Ist, 1720, 9 a. m. The House met, etc. "The House proceeded further on the consideration of the affair relative to the Indians. "Ordered, That Evan Owen go to the commissioners of property and desire some of them to attend, in order to infonn the House what progress hath been made with Nathaniel Newlin toward an accommodation; who returned and reported that he spoke with James Logan, one of the commissioners of property, according to order, and that he was ready to attend the House in order to acquaint them with what had been done in that affair; who, being- called in, i^roduced an Indian deed, dated 1685, signed by thirteen Indian kings, which conveys all the lands from Duck Creek to Up- land Creek, alias Chester Creek, and as far back as a man could ride on horseback in two days, and says he finds no footsteps of any re-conveyance, neither in the land office nor upon record, bui that in 1705 the Indians laid claim to all the lands from the moutli of Brandywine up the west branch to the head, in breadth a mile on each side of that branch; and afterward the commissioners of property purchased of the Indians all tlie lands from the mouth of Brandywine Creek up to a certain rock by Abraham Marshall's land for the sum of one hundred pounds, seventy -three pounds and eight shillings of which was then paid to their chiefs, and the remainder they paid yesterday, and the chiefs of the Indians signed a release, but said they wanted some iastrument given to them that they might know what was theirs and be secure in it. But the commissioners told them it was not at this time in their power AXD IT^ PEOPLE. 125 to make them any grant of the said lands, but that they should not be disturbed in their quiet possession thereof, neither by Nathaniel Newlin, nor by any other person. That the commis- sioners had told Nathaniel Newlin that it was in vain for him to pretend to that land, let the disappointment be what it would, so long as the Indians laid claim to the same and would continue upon it; tJiat after the Indians came up last year and made the complaint, and a re-conveyance was generally reported to have been given to the Indians, he went down to Chester and took certificates of all those who were reported to have seen and knoAvn of such a writing; Avliich certificates being produced and read in the House, none of which did amount to any certainty as to what that writing did contain; but since the Indians had an iraiierfect idea of it, and a strong resolution to hold it, the commissioners used such means as they thought most likely to satisfy them and continue them in the quiet possession of their claims, and for that end said they had agreed and accommodated the matter with Nathaniel Newlin as far as was in their power to do at present, and then withdrew. "Then the House, after some debate, Avas of the opinion that Nathaniel Newlin be sent for to give some further assurance that what is done by the paper delivered yesterday, that he will not mo- lest the said Indians in their claims. "Ordered, That John Wright send a letter that the House re- quire his attendance to-morrow morning, and then the House ad- journed till 3 p. m. "4t]i mo., 2d. — Tiie House met, etc., adjourned to 3 p. m. "3 p. m. — The House met, Nathaniel Newlin not attend- ing, according to the expectation of the House, after some debate a motion was made and the question put that if Nathaniel Newliu come not to toAvn tliis evening he be sent for by the sergeant-at- arms, and that an order be forthwith issued under the Speaker's hand, and the sergeant be dispatched therewith this evening. Car- ried in the attirmative. Adjourned till 9 a. m. 126 CHESTER COUNTY "4th mo., 3d, 9 a. m.— The House met. The sergeant-at-arms reports that Nathaniel Newlin came to town last evening and will attend the House this morning. "The House being informed that Nathaniel Newlin attended, he was called in, and said that he expected the value, and not the quantity only of land, in lieu of that the Indians claimed of his; and that he was to meet the commissioners of property this after- noon, and then doubted not that they should settle that affair to the satisfaction of the House, and withdrew, and then the House adjourned till 3 o'clock this afternoon. "3 p. m. — The House met, etc. Nathaniel Newlin attended, and being called in delivered on the table a paper subscribed with his hand, doth declare and promise that neither he nor his heirs will, by any means, disturb or molest the Indians in their posses- sions or claims. Then, after some debate thereon, it was "Kesolved, That the Indians be sent for and the contents of the said paper be explained to them and inquiry made whether it be satisfactory to them. "Ordered, That John Wright and Samuel Ilolliugsworth ac- quaint them thereof, that they may attend forthwith; who return and report that they have been with the Indians, and that they are now attending with their interpreters, who, being called in, the said pai^er was explained to them by their interpreters, and they de- clai'ed that they were well satisfied therewith, and they desired that the said paper might remain among the records of this House and a copy thex'eof be given to them. "Ordered, That a copy be made out accordingh^ and delivered to them, and the original lodged in the House, which was done ac- cording]}'. "And the Indians further said that they had been very much disturbed in their minds, but that now they Avere perfectly easy, since they found that this House would stand by them and see them righted. AND IT^ PEOPLE. 127 "Then Nathaniel Xewliu was called in and acknowledged the said writing to them; so they shook hands together and parted fnllv reconciled, and then the House adjourned." From this time on until 1729 peace appears to have hovered over the Brandy wine; but in the latter year difficulties broke out again, and the Indian chief, Checochinican, under date of June 2i, wrote to Patrick Gordon, Governor of Pennsylvania at that time, the following letter: June 24, 1729. Honoured Governeur: It is with regret of mind that I take this opportunity of laying our great grievances before your consideration, hoping that you will be pleased to take care and protect us from any wrongs and injuries done me and our people, whom in the behalf of I now w^rite. In time past we sold our interest to William Penn (our brother); he was pleased to grant us a wrighting for the creek of Brandy wine, up to the head thereof, which said wrighting by some accident was lost, with all the land a mile wide of the creek on each side, which afterward we disposed of so far up as to a certain known i-ock in the said creek, it being in the line of the land be- longing to one Abraham Marshall, and of late to the great preju- dice and disquiet of us, a people that has done and still desires to do, to continue in peace and love and be as one heart and soul with William Penn and his people, the land has been unjustly sold, whereby we are reduced to great wants and hardships, notwith- standing in the year 1726 application was made to the assembly for relief in that case, and a wrighting was given by Nathaniel Newlin that neither the said Nathaniel Newlin, to whom some of the land was sold, nor his heirs Avould anyways disturb or molest us in the free and peaceable enjoyment thereof, but contrary to the same it has been sold, and greatly disquieted us; nay, we have been so much interrupted that we have been forbid so much as to make use of timber growing thereon for the convenience of building some 128 CHESTER CnrXTY cabins, and further, that the town at the head of Brandywiue is surveyed to one James Gibbons and many more, aud now has an as- sui'ance of a conveyance of the same from the commissioners "of property, as he himself says, by James Steel, the which grievances we here take freedom to laj' before your consideration, hoping that nothing will be wanting more now to cultivate and preserve a good and lasting friendship between us aud the descendants of our bi"other, William Penn, who had shown their love and care so par- ticularly to us as to give it so principally in charge, and as nothing- has yet appeared to give us the least umbridge that our cases as before represented will b(» always neglected. We take freedom to lay it before your further consideration, aud subscribe myself your sincere friend and brother. N. B. — James Logan promised to me that James Gibbons nor anybody else should never have a confirmation thereof, nor any other person withiu our claim." Nathaniel Newlin, who seems to have given the ludians so much trouble on the Brandywine, died in 1729. The settlement of the lands weut ou without apparent interruption by or from the- comjjlaints of the Indians, and they not many years afterward re- moved from the county, when all difficulty growiug out of their claims came to an end. The location of the town "surveyed out to James Gibbons," mentioned in the letter, just quoted, is believed to have been about where the "ludiautown Schoolhouse" stands in Wallace Township. The last of the Lenni-Leuai)e Indians of Chester Count}- died in 1802, in the person of Indian Hannah. She had her wigwam for many years upon the Brandywine, and was accustomed to travel about a good deal, selling baskets, etc. On such occasions she was often followed by her dog and pigs, aud at the time of her death was nearly one hundred years old. She possessed a proud aud lofty spirit to the last, hated black people aud scarcely brooked the loAver class of whites. She often spoke emphatically of the wrongs of her AXn irs PEOPLE. 129 race, and feelingly of their misfortimes, and bestowed her aifections on them to the last days of her life. A certain individual, visiting her cabin on the farm of Humphre.y Marshall, thus expressed his emotion upon seeing where she had lived in her later years: "Was this the spot where Indian Hannah Was seen to linger, weary, Avorn with care? Yes — that mute cave was once the happy home Of Hannah, last of her devoted race; But she, too, now has sunk into the tomb. The briars and thistles wave above the xjlace." Her family consisted of Andrew, Sarah, Jimmy and herself, and she was the "Last of the Lenape." As she grew old she left her wigwam and lived with those who were friendly to her, and at length, on the opening of the pooi'-ho\ise of Chester County, she be- came an inmate of that institution, the only representative of New- lin Township, and there she died March 20, 1S02. CHAPTER 111. GEOLOGY. CHAPTEK III. GEOLOGY ROCKS OF THE COUNTY CLASSIFIED CHARACTERISTICS OF THE VARIOUS REGIONS THE DIP OF THE STRATA ECONOMIC ROCKS FOS- SIL PLANTS AND ANIMALS THE FIVE GEOLOGIC REGIONS THEIR FEATURES DESCRIBED THEORIES OF THE GEOLOGISTS — MINERALS — ORES LEAD COPPER ZINC ROCKS — A DESCRIP- TION OF ALL SCALE OF HARDNESS. IN this work there is uo attempt made to treat of the geology of Chester County in an exhaustive manner. Such a thing could not be done for want of space, and, besides, it is only the profes- sional geologist that can do such a work in a creditable and sat- isfactory manner. All, therefore, that will be attempted is to summarize the leading facts and features of this interesting topic in such a manner as may lead those who may read this chapter, and who have not given much thought to the geology of their county, to turn their attention in that direction and thus become more par- ticularly informed. Chester County lies principally withiu what is known as the Atlantic slope district, which lies between the tide waters of the Delaware River and the Susquehauna Kiver and the southeast base of the range of hills known as South Mountain. All of this county which lies south of the valley, comprising more than half of its area, is composed of rocks belonging to the primary stratified group. These rocks consist chiefly of gneiss, but there is a belt of mica and talc-slate conueoted with the limestone of the valley, which belt bounds the gneiss on the north and west. 134 CHESTER COUNTY This limestone vallej^ is the most I'emarkable feature of the geology of the county, and as it divides the county into two al- most equal portions, it will first be treated. It is a perfectly straight valley, running nearly east and west through the county, but is inclined slightly toward the northeast and south- west, the divergence being about IS degrees. This valley is two miles wide at the Schuylkill River, on the Montgomery County line, which width it practically maintains toward the westward about half across the county, and then tapers to about one mile in width at the Lancaster County line. This valley separates the northern from the southern townships. The sti'ata which occupy this Chester County, or Downingtown Valley, are what some geologists have named the Siluro-Oambrian Limestones, and they dip generally from 30 degrees to 50 degrees southward; but small anticlinal rolls run diagonally across their general strike, and the white marble strata, which are confined to the southern edge of the valley, stand almost perfectly vertical. There are other areas of this limestone, lying mainly to the south of this principal valley, in West Marlborough and London Grove Townships. The North Valley Hill is made by the Potsdam sandstone, No. 1, rising northward from beneath the lowest limestones and spi'eading in sheets and patches over a considerable gneiss re- gion, embracing Honeybrook, East and West Nantmeal, West Vincent, East and West Pikeland, Charlestown, Upper Uwchlan, East and West Brandywine, and parts of West Cain and Sands- bury Townships; and it is plain that the fundamental gneiss area now exposed was formerly entirely covered hy the Potsdam quartzite and the overljdng limestone. The South Valley Hill, on the contrary, is the edge of a low tableland, composed (1) of a belt of magnesian-mica slate; also vertical or dipping at the liighest angle southwai'd, apparently in contact and conformity with and over the marble beds of the south AND ITS PEOPLE. 135 edge of the valley, but possibly overturned and beneath the mar- ble, in which latter case tJie valley is a synclinal trough, and the slates south of it are equivalent to the quartzite north of it, or else a fault runs along the south edge of the valley. The belt of South Valley Hill slate is only two miles wide at the Schuylkill end, widens westward to tJiree miles at West Chester, four and a half miles at the Avest branch of the Brandywine, and then spreads over East and ^'\'est Fallowtield, Highland, Londonderry, Upper and Lower Oxford, and East and West Nottingham Townships inta Lancaster County. (2) A belt of older and newer gneisses and mica-schists occupy all the townships to the south and east. Slight areas of limestone, however, occur in this belt near West Chester, Doe IJun, Keunett Square, Avondale, Landenburg, etc.; and Potsdam quartzite seems to be observed around London Grove and at points on the Delaware State line. A long range of ser- pentine sepai'ates the two belts in East Goshen and Willistown Townships, and another still more extensive serpentine belt ranges along the Maryland line into Lancaster County and car- ries deposits of chrome iron sand. A trap dyke enters from Dela- ware County at tlie soutli edge of the slate belt, and extensive out- spreads of trap boulders occur along the Berks County boundary in the north, other local exposures of trap being numerous in vari- ous parts of tiie county. Between the Schuylkill River and French Creek the counti^ is wholly of mesozoic foi'mations, sandstone and shale, and in the tunnel at Phoenixville through these rocks a large collection of fossil plants and reptiles was made by Dr. C. iL "\'\'heatley. Cop])er, lead and zinc veins have long been mined to a small extent along the contact line of the mesozoic and gneissie rocks. The large magnetic iron mines of Warwick connect witli both trap and new red sandstone rocks, but really belonging to th" underlying azoic lioor, are still worked. vSmall quantities of brown liematite ore have also been obtained from the valley limestones. The wliite marble (juarries are numerous, but are none of them large. 136 CHESTER COUNTY Tlie above is a brief summary of tlie geology of the county by Prof. J. P. Lesley, who, together with Dr. Persifor Frazer, is the best authority on this subject. They must both be consulted by any on • who would become tolerably familiar with the scientific and useful features of the geology of the county without them- selves making original iuvestigations. For purposes of convenience of description and a clearer un- derstanding of this important subject it is customary to divide the county into five sections, as follows: 1. The Southern Gneiss region. 2. The Mica-slate region. o. The Downingtown Valley region. 4. The Js^orthern Gneiss region. 5. The New Ked Sandstone region. The Southern Gueiss region has a general elevation above the level of the sea of about 400 feet, below which general elevation its streams have cut many valleys and ravines to a depth of from 100 to 200 feet, which valleys and ravines are often bounded by steep and rocky slopes. The northern boundary of this southern gneiss region is a line nearly straight, extending east-northeast and passing by West Chester. To the north of this line is a belt of hydro-mica-schist, and south of it spreads a country of syenite rocks, feldspar-porphyrj^ rocks, horneblendic gneiss, micaceous schists, chlorite-schists and quartzite beds. Over this region are to be found patches of seiiDentine and crystalline limestone, beds of impure limestone, pure kaolin, and often an abundance of corun- dum. Accoi'ding to Prof. Frazer these rocks were originally sedi- ments of mud, sand and gravel, their real stratification being visi- ble wherever they are quarried. "Infinitely numerous and rapid variations of constituent char- acter, texture, hue and ciystalline contents make the study of these rocks extremel.y difficult in a sti'uctural sense. There are no key rocks to mark geological horizons, and so large a iiortion of ■■- -*j^'-.^~riucipal exhibitions of trap are for some reason pei'haps not yet known to geologists, confined to the areas occupied by Mesozoic rocks. "In the midst of the open rolling countiy of red shale and sandstone rise high, isolated hills of trap, the eroded outcrops of outbursts of igneous rocks aloug cracks which go down to great depths beneath the floor of older rocks to some profounder reservoir of lava now extinct, but similar to that which at the present time underspreads the western j^art of the United States, feeding active volcanoes and geysers, and producing earthquakes and fractures of the ci'ust of the earth. Ancient volcanoes and geysers do not seem to have existed on the Atlantic border, but outbursts of lava took place through and between the layers of Mesozoic strata, and these now constitute the trap hills of the Mesozoic region." Another remark is appropriate in this connection, and that is that the trap rocks are of insignificant size in the Gneiss region. This is explained by the fact that the gneiss country afforded no facilitv for wide fissures, while the Mesozoic strata could be lifted AJ^D ITS PEOPLE. 147 like tliP lid of a box, and -would thus allow of any amount of out- flow. But inasmuch as some of these Mesozoic traps are fre- quently overflows, they nmst have occurred after lower deposit* had been made, and then the upper Mesozoic strata were deposited upon the trap, MINERALOCiY. Tt would be a difficult matter to present a better outline of the minerals to be found within the lists of Chester County than that prepared by Dr. George G. Grofl', a graduate of the West Chester State Normal School, first president of the Alumni Association of that school, later Professor of Natural Science in the same institu- tion, and at present Professor of Organic Science in Bucknell Uni- versity, Lewisburg, Pa., and which was published in Futhey i^; Cope's History of Chester County in 1881. That outline or list is,, therefore, incorporated in this work. It is as follows: THE MOST COMMON :\IINERALS. ORES AND KOCKS OF CHESTER. COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. MINERALS. Quartz. — Hardness, 7; white, red, blue, yellow; luster, glassy; brittle; form, six-sided crystals and massive; breaks irregularly; composition, silica (SiO); common in all parts of the countj-; cuts glass readily; infusible; the most common of all our minerals. Chalcedony. — Hardness, 7; all colors; luster, waxy; tough;, form, massive, no crystals; has a curved fractui^e; composition, silica; a variety of quartz, often translucent, and in beautiful forms; common on serijentine ban-ens, and in Warwick. Jasper. — Hardness, 7; red, yellow; luster, earthy; tough; form, massive; has a curved fracture; composition, silica and clay; a variety of quartz, made impure by presence of clay; common oti barrens. West Goshen. Calcite. — Hardness, 3; white, all colors; luster, glassy, pearl; 148 CnEHTETi COUNTY brittle; form, cnstalfs, rhombs, prisms; cleaves iuto crystiiLs; com- positicm, earbouite of lime; this is limestone purified and crystal- lized, same as marble; common in mines and limestone quarries. Dolomite. — Hardness, 4; Avhite, yellow, red; luster, glassy, jpcai-ly; brittle, form, crystal, rhombs, massive; cleaves into crys- tals; composition, carbonate of lime and magnesia; calcite and magnesia; both effervesce in acids; common in mines and lime- stone south of Great Valley. Serpentine. — Hardness, 3-5; shade of green; luster, feeble; brittle; form, massive, no crystals, breaks irregularly; composition, silica, magnesia, water, distinguished by its green color and soft, grassy feel; found in liarrens in the southern and western parts of the county. Talc.^ — Hardness, 1; white, green; luster, pearly, greasy; flexi- ble; form, in scales and plates; splits into thin leaves; composition, ,silica, magnesia, water, distinguished from mica by its greasy feel; is not so elastic as mica; common with serpentine. Hornblend. — Hardness, ."»-(>; brown, black; lust<-r, ])early, glassy; tough; form, crystals, blades, scales; cleaves in smooth blades; composition, silica, magnesia, iron; the dark mineral in our gneiss and hornblend or trap rocks; found in gneiss rocks and at Knauertown. Toui-maline. — Hardness, 7; brown, black, i-ed ; luster, glassy; brittk^; form, long, tliree-sided, striated crystals, breaks irregu- larly; composition, silica, lime, magnesia, iron; often resembles hornblend, but usually in long, free, radiating crystals; common in all the southern and western parts of the county. Mica. — Hardness, 2; whitish; luster, pearly; elastic; form, in plates and scales, splits into tliin leaves; composition, silica, potas- sium, al. fe.; many varieties, but all are in thin plates, elastic, and not greasy; common in the southern and western portions of the <:ounty. Feldspars. — Hardness, (i; white, all colors; luster, glassy, AND ITS PEOPLE. 149 pearly; brittle; form, usually massive; splits readily in plates; composition, silica, potiissium, al.; many varieties; the light-col- ored constituents of our gneiss rocks; found in gneiss rocks and in tlie south(>ru and western parts of the county. Asbestos.— Hardness, 1-i; white, gray, luster, dull, silky; tough; form, in fibers, like linen or wool; splits into fibers; compo- sition, silica, magnesia, lime, etc.; its fibrous nature marks it; common with serpentine. Its value is increasing. Garnet. — Hardness, 7; all colors; luster, glassy, resinous; brittle; form, lound crystals and dodecahedrons; breaks uneven: composition, silica, fe., ca. mti.; always in crj^stals, which are never elongated; common in gneiss or mica schist. Cyanite. — Hardness, 4-7; blue, green, white, yellow; luster, glassy, pearly; tough; form, in long, flat blades; splits readily one way; composition, silica, aluminum, iron, it is distinguished by its long-bladed crystals and bright blue colors; found in the southern and western parts of the county. Tremolite. — Hardness, (!; graA', green, w^hite; luster, glassy; brittle; form, massive, fibrous, spliits iiTegfularly; composition, silica, lime, magnesia; bladed or fibrous crystals, gray or white color; fimnd in southern part of the county. Actinolite. — Hardness, 5-0; bright green; luster glassy; brit- tle; form, crystals, columnar, fibrous; smooth and even; composi- tion, silica, magnesia, lime, iron, bladed or acicular crystals, and bright green or yellow colors; found in southern part of the county. Magnesite. — Hardness, 4-5; white, yellow; luster, glassy, dull; sectile; form, cn'stals, granular, massive; even, smooth; composi- tion, magnesia, carbonic acid; radiated crystals on serpentine; foams in acids; found in sei'pentine quarries. Apatite. — Hardness, 5; green, all colors, luster, glassy, all colors, brittle; form, crystals, massive; even, good; composition, phosphate of lime; in abundance this mineral would be vei*j' valu- able for its phosphoric acid; found in limestone in southern part of the county-. 1 50 CHESTER COUNTY Graphite. — Hardness, 1; iron-black; luster, metallic; sectile; form, scales, massive; into scales; composition, pure carbon; soils "vvhite paper; is infusible; a valuable mineral, found in gneiss in Uwchlan, Cliarlestown, Pikeland. Corundum. — Hardness, S; blue, j^raj, brown; luster, glassy; tough; form, crystals, massive; good in crystals; composition, pure alumina; next to the diamond in hardness; vei*y valuable; found in granular albite in Xewliu. Epidote. — Hardness, 0-7; green, yellow; luster, glassj'; brit- tle; form, ci'ystals massive; even, good; composition, silica, lime, iron and magnesia; distinguished by its peculiar yellow green color; found in central parts of the country on hornblend. Aragonite. — Hardness, 4; white, yellow, red; luster, glassy; brittle; form, crystals, massive; even, good; composition, carbonate of lime; same as calite, but liarder; in six-sided crystals; effervesces in acids; found iu quarries and mines throughout the county. Scapolite. — Hardness, 5-0; gray, all light colors; luster, greasy, glassy; tough; form, ci'j'stals, massive; even in crystals; composi- tion, silica, alumina, lime; lieavier and more fusible than feldspars; with acids gelatinizes; found in New Garden, Kennett, Marlbo- rough. Jefferisite. — Hardness, 1-5; brown, yellow; luster, pearly; brit- tle; form, plates and scales; into thin plates; composition, silica, alumina, iron, magnesia and water; swells up in flame; found iu Westtown and Newlin, ^\•ith serpentine. Named after William W. Jefferis, of West Chester, Pennsylvania. Deweylite. — Hardness, 2-5; yellow, brown; luster, resinous; brittle; form, massive,, granular; into cuiwed grains; composition, silica, magnesia, water; known by its peculiar resinous appearance; found witli serpentine in West G'osheu and West Nottingham. Fluorite. — Hardness, 4; purple, white; luster, glassy; brittle; from, crystals, massive; even, regular; composition, fluoride of lime; AND ITS PEOPLE. 151 commouly of a beautiful purple color, aud on limestoue or culiute, and found in Pho?nixville, Newliu aud Tredyffriu. Beryl. — Hardness, 7-8; green; luster, glassy; brittle; form, in hexagonal crystals and massive; breaks unevenly; composition, sil- ica, glucinum, altiminum; is distinguished by its color aud its hexagonal crystals; found in Xewlin, East Nottingham and West- town. Staurolite. — Hardness, 7-8; brown, black; luster, glassy; brit- tle; form, in ciystals, which are never slender; uneven; composition, silica, lime, alumintim, iron; named from crystals which are often cross-shaped, but never slender; found in West Bradford, West Goshen and West Marlborough. Zoisite. — Hardness, 6-7; green, gray; luster, glassy; pearly; brittle; form, long, fluted crystals; splits smoothly; composition, silica, iron, lime, aluminum; green color and crystals fluted, longi- tudinally marked; found on hornblend rocks near West Chester and Kennett. Ziricon. — Hardness, 7-8; all colors except black; luster, ada- mantine; brittle; form, crystals and grains; curved fracture; com- position, silica and zirconia; hyacinthe, a variety of zoisite; found in South Coventry, West Pikelaud, East Bradford, and Unionville. Kaolin. — Hardness, 1; white; luster, dull; sectile; form, mas- sive; even, earthy; composition, silica, alumium, water; formed by the decomposition of gneiss and feldspar; valuable; found in New- lin, East Nottingham, and Kennett. Margarite. — Hardness, 4-5; white, gray; luster, pearly; sectile; form, plates, scales; splits into thin scales; composition, silica, aluminum, iron; a micaceous-like mineral, pearlj' luster implanted on corundum; found in Newlin with corundum. Chesterlite. — Hardness, 5-G; white, yellowish; luster, glassy; pearly; brittle; form, crystals, very jjerfect; even, good; composi- tion, aluminum, silica; named from Chester County, aud found in poorhouse quarry and Baily's, East Marlborough. 1 52 CHESTER COUNTY ORES. Pyrites. — Hardness, 6-7; pale brass yellow; sti'eak, black, brit- tle; form, iu cubes, tnstals, massive; breaks irregularly; compo- sition, iron and sulphur; yellow color and striking fire with knife distinguish it; found in most parts of the county. Limouite. — Hardness, 2-(); brown, yellow; streak, yellow, yel- lowish-brown; brittle; form, massive, columnar; fracture curved; composition, iron, oxygen, water; marked by a brown or yellow- color and yellow streak; this is the common iron ore of the county. Hematite. — Hardness, 6-7; gray, black, red; streak, relsh Tract granted by the general warrant by which the said tract was laid out, and such lands as hath been laid out by war- rants duly executed within the same, and first of the old Eugland jiurchasers: 1 66 CHESTER COUNTY "Charles Llojd and Margaret Davis, 5,000 acres; Richard Davis, 5,000 acres; William Jenldns, 1,000; John Poy, 750; John Burge, 750; William Mordant, 500; William Powell, 1,250; Lewis David, 3,000; Mon-is Llewlin, 500; Thomas Simons, 500; John Bevau, 2,000; Edward Prichard, 2,500; John ap John and Thomas Wynu, 5,000; Edward Joanes and John Thomas, 5,000; Richard Davis, 1,250; Richard ap Thomas, 5,000; Mordicia Moore, in right of ^, 500; Jolin Millinton, 500; Henry Right, 500; Daniel Medlecot, 200; Thomas Ellis, 1,000; Thomas Ellis for B. Roulles, 250; Thomas Ellis on acconnt of Humphrey Thomas, 100; David Powell, 1,000; John Kinsy, 200; David Meredith, 250; David Davis, 200; Thomas John Evan, 250; John Evans, 100; Jolin Jormon, 50; David Kinsy, 200; Evan Oliver, 100; Samuel Mills, 100; Thomas Joanes, 50; David Joanes, 100; John Kinsy, 100; Daniel Hurry, 300; Henry Joanes, 400; John Fish, 300; John Day, 300; Burke and Simson, 1,000; the whole complement, 50,000 acres." Among the above names is that of John ap John, Avho, accord- ing to Thomas Allen Glenn, author of "Merion in tlie Welsli Tract," from which book numerous facts are taken to complete tliis brief outline of the Welsh in Chester County, purchased Ids lands September 15, 1681,. but who never came to tliis county. Of the lands thus purchased John ap John sold as follows to dif- ferent persons: To Thomas Taylor, 500 acres; to John Roberts, 500 acres; to Treial Reider, 400 acres; to Maiy Fouk, 200 acres; to Richard Da vies, 250 acres; to Owen Parry, 150 acres; reserving for himself, 500 acres; but he rebought the 400 acres sold to Treial Reider, so that he had at last 900 acres reserved for him- self, which, however, he never saw. Besides John ap John and Thomas Wynne, the principal patentees to these lands, that is, those who bought for others in the capacity of trustees, were as follows: Charles Lloyd and Mar- garet Davis, who bought 5,000 acres; John Bevan, 2,000 acres; AND ITS PEOPLE. 167 Johu Thomas and Dr. Edward Bala, 5,000; Richard ap Thomas, 5,000; Eichai'd Davies, 5,000, aud Lewis David, 3,000. There was considerable land taken up by individuals on their own account, and outside of the 4:0,000-acre tract there were 10,000 acres taken up by Welshmen, or so reported, previous to IGS-i. Some of these lands were in Goshen, and some of it as far south as in what is now Delaware. The first settlement in the township of Mei'ion was made by Dr. Edward Jones, Edward Reese, William ap Edward, and a fe\v others in the latter part of August, 16S2, a short time previous to the arrival of William Penn, they having come from near Bala, Merionethshire, Wales. The Haverford and Radnor purchasers came later, those in the former township coming prior to March '2, 1683, and those in the latter township about the same time. As the country became more aud more settled by these Welsh immigrants their troubles increased, they suffeiing not only from the difficulties necessarily incident to the settlement of a new countrv', but tliey were discouraged by their failure to establish their barony, as they had confidently expected to do. Other set- tlers encroached upon their tract, as in the case of the Englisli immigrants, for Avhom Charles Ashcombe, a deputy surveyor', had laid out lauds within the limits of the 40,000 acres; but in this case the Welsh successfully resisted the encroachment, aud for a time afterward maintained intact the territory they had pur- chased. Afterward tliere arose a dispute over the Chester County line. On March 25, 1689, Thomas Lloyd appeared before the Council and said that he understood something had been moved about adding the Welsh Tract to the County of Chester, and also said that if anything of the kind were contemplated he desired to speak. To this Governor Blackwell replied that nothing of the kind was yet brought before them; but that if anything should be wherein it were necessarv to hear him, he should be notified thereof. 1 68 CHESTER COUNTY The fact, however, was that the justices of Chester County had already prepared the petition for adding the townships of Eadnor and Haverford to Chester County, the purpose being to cut off from Philadelpliia County some sixty Welshmen, who, if left in that county, would elect jiersons to the Council who would oppose the poliry 'ere opposed to separation from the mother country, and that the proportion was as great in the colonies not enumerated. But notwithstanding such arguments, there were manj^ people who fully believed that reconciliation was impossible, and these AXD /7',s' pjjoru:. 197 people were represented in the public prints by able writers, who presented such arguments as the following: Governments should always be considered as matters of convenience, not of right. The Scripture institutes no regular form of government, but it enters a protest against the monarchical foi*m; and a negation of one thing where two things only are offered and one of them must be chosen, amounts to an affirmative as to the other. Mon- archical government was first set up by the heathens, and the Almighty peimiitted it to the Jews as a punishment. "I gave them a King in mine anger," was quoted (but the Avriter omitted the last part of the same sentence: "I took him away in my wrath.") A republican form of government is pointed out by nature, and a Kingly government by an inequality of power. In republican governments the leaders of the people if improper are remov- able by vote; Kings only by arms. An unsuccessful vote in the first case leaves the voter safe; but an unsuccessful attempt in the latter, death. Strange! that what is our right in one should be our ruin in the other — from which reflection follows this maxim — that that mode of government in which our right becomes our ruin can- not be the right form of government. A republican form of gov- ernment has more true grandeur in it than a Kingly government; on the part of the public it is more consistent with freemen to appoint their rulers than to have them born, and on the part of those who preside it is far nobler to be a ruler by choice of the people than a King by the chance of birth. Every honest dele- gate is more than a monarch. If the history of the creation and the history of Kings be compared the result will be this: That God made the world and Kings have robbed him of it. While these movements were taking place in the American colonies and wJiile such arguments were being used for and against independence, England was making her preparations for a recon- ciliation very different from the kind desired even by those whose ties bound tliem strongest to the mother countrj-. On February 198 CHESTER COUXTY 27, 177(1, :i messenger arrived at St. James's bearing some very im- portant aispatches from the Regency of Hanover, and on the 1st of March he was sent over with several packets for the lords of that electorate. At that time the following forces were agreed to in council to be sent to America: Hessians, 12,000; Bruns- wickers, 4,000; Waldeckers, 2,000; British, 37,000; total, 55,000. The treaty with tlie Duke of Brunswick was signed by Colonel William I'awcitt on the Dtli of January, 177G. By that treaty 3,9(i-i men were taken into the pay of Great Britain, and also 33(j light cavalry, dismounted, while half of them were to be ready to march on the 15th of February and to arrive at the place of em- barkation on the 25th of the same month, the other half to be ready to march the last Aveek of March. Levy money to be paid to the Duke of Brunswick was thirty crowns for each man, at the rate of Is. O^d. to the crown, and the King was to pay the Duke a subsidy of 01,500 Gennan crowns a year while in pay, and double that for two years after the troops returned. The treaty with the Landgrave of Hesse was signed at Cassel on the 15th of January and by it 12,000 Hessians were hired, a part of whom Avere to begin their marcli on the 27th of February, and the remainder within four Aveeks thereafter, twenty pounds banco to be paid for levy money for each man, the subsidy to be 45,000 crowns banco per annum at 4s. 9fd., the treaty to continue one year after the troops arrived back in the Kingdom of Hesse. The treaty with the Count of Hanau was signed February 5 for (W)S infantry, to begin to march on the 20th of March, levy money to be 30 croAvus, and the annual subsidy to be 35,000 crowns. Thus arrayed before the world were the three parties to the coming contest, Avhich lias proved so momentous in the history of the world — the patriots, the loyalists and the British nation. And it is now time to turn attention to such events in Chester County that Avere the natural result of greater movements in the outside world. Immediately after the closing of the port of Bos- .l.\7) ITS I'EOl'IJL 199 ton, as narrated above, meetings were held iu Philadelphia, and the committee of correspondence for this city sent ont a circular to the principal citizens of each of the several counties in the prov- ince, in which tliey say: "'ilie Governor declining to call the assembly renders it necessary to take the sentiments of the in- habitants; and for that purpose it is agreed to call a meeting of the inhabitants of this city and the county at the State House on AVednesday the IHth instant. And as we would wish to have the sentiments and concurrence of our brethren in the several coun- ties, who are equally interested with us in the general cause, we earnestly desire you to call together the principal inhabitants of jour county and take their sentiments. We shall forward to you by every occasion any matters of consequence tha!t come to our knowledge and we should be glad you would choose and appoint a committee to correspond with us." This circular was sent to the following persons in Chester County: Francis Eichardson, Elisha Price and Henry Hayes. These three gentlemen as a committee, on the 4th of July, 1774, issued a call for a meeting of the freeholders and others, inhabit- ants of the County of Chester, qualified by law to vote for repre- sentatives in the general assembly, to meet at the court-house in Chester on July 13 folloA\iug, wliicli meeting was accordingly held, and of which Fraincis Pichardson was selected chairman and Francis Johnston secretary-. A long series of resolutions was adopted afiirniing "Allegiance to our lawful and rightful sovereign lord, George III, King of Great Britain," etc., but at the same time condemning the act of Parliament closing the port of Bos- ton as unconstitutional, oppressive and dangerous to the liberties of the British colonies; favoring a Congress of Deputies from the colonies, and expressing the opinion that it would be highly con- ducive to the liberties of America "should the colonies enter into a solemn agi'eement not to purchase any goods, wares or mer- chandise imported from Great Britain under such restrictions as 200 CHESTER COUNTY be agreed upon by the colonies. We, for our part, sensible of the great advantages which must arise from jaromotiug economy and manufacturing among ourselves are determined to use as little foreign manufactures of what kind or quality soever as our neces- sities will permit until the several acts of the British Parliament injurious to American interests be repealed." The meeting then appointed the following committee to meet with other similar committees from other counties in the province to unite them in such measures as should be deemed advisable and expedient: Francis Eichardson, Elisha Price, John Hart, Anthony Wayne, John Sellers, Hugh Lloyd, Francis Johnston, Richard Ililey, William Montgomery, William Barker, Thomas Hockley, Eobert Mendeuhall and John Fleming, the first eight of whom were present at Philadelphia on the 1.5th of that month. At this meeting so held a series of sixteen resolutions were unanimously adopted, in which they again expressed their allegiance to the King of Great Britain, condemned the Parlia- ment and urged that a Congress of Deputies from the several colonies be immediately assembled, which should take siich meas- ures as would procure relief for their gi'ievauces and restore harmony between Great Britain and her colonies. John Dickin- son was chairman of the committee which presented the resolu- tions and was the author of the resolutions. This committee was to give instructions to the assembly, which met the week after- ward, and request them to appoint a proper number of repre- sentatives to attend the Congress of Deputies from the several colonies, which should meet at some convenient time and place to carry out the purposes of those having the interests of the colonies at heart. Chester County's member of the committee presenting these resolutions was Elisha Price. The assembly, which met as expected, appointed as member* of the Congress of Deputies: Joseph Galloway, Daniel Ehoads, Thomas MifiHin, John Morton, Charles Humphreys, George Eoss^ AM) /7'.S' PEOPLE. 201 Edward Biddle, and later, John Dickinson, John Morton and Cliarles riumphreys being from Cliester County. The congress was composed of fifty-five delegates, and met in Philadelphia on September 5 On December 20, 1774, another meeting was h^d at the coiirt- honse in Chester County for the purpose of choosing a committee to carry into execution the association of the Continental Con- gress, the committee selected for this purpose being as follows: Anthony AA'ayue, Francis Johnston, Eichard Kiley, Evan Evans, James Moore, Hugh Lloyd, Thomas Hockley, David Cowpland, John Hart, Sketchley Morton, Samuel Fairlamb, Isaac Eyre, John Crosby, >Jicholas Diehl, Jesse Bonsall, Aaron Oakford, Benjamin Branuan, John Talbot, Joseph Brown, Samuel Price, John Craw- ford, John Taylor, Lewis Cronow, Edward Humphreys, Henry Lawrence, Bichard Thomas, William Montgomery, Persifor Frazer, Thomas Taylor, John Foulke, Eobett Mendenhall, Joseph Penuell, George Pierce, Nicholas Fairlamb, Samuel Trimble, Charles Dil- worth, Jf>hu Hannum, George Hoops, Joel Bailey, John Gilliland, Joseph Bishop, Jr., John Kerlin, Edward Bones, William Lewis, Patrick Anderson, Joshua Evans, Thomas Hartman, Dr. Bran- son Van Leer, William Evans, Thomas Cowan, Thomas Haslep, Patterson Bell, Dr. Jonathan Morris, Andrew Mitchell, Thomas Buffington, James Bennett, Joseph Musgrave, William Miller, Eichard Flower, Walter Finney, James Simpson, David Wherry, James Evans, Thomas Bishop, William Edwalrds, Jonathan Ver- non, Jr., Lewis Davis, Sr., Joseph Gibbons, Jr., and Thomas Evans. TJiis committee was authorized to continue until one month after the adjournment of the next Continental Congress, and to transact such business and to enter into such associations as to them might apear expedient. Of this committee Anthony Wayne was selected chairman and Francis Johnston secretary. The committee then unanimously resclved that anj- twelve or more of their number should be a 202 rilESTJ'JR corxTY quorum, but that uothing should be done except upon the sanc- tion of at least twelve, and that in their opinion it was neces- sary that a provincial convention should be held as soon as pos- sible. They also resolved that tAvelve persons of their committee sliiiuld be appointed to attend as delegates such a convention at sucli time and place as should be generallj' agreed upon. The ]iroposed provincial convention assembled at Philadel- pliia January 23, 1775, and remained in session until the 2Stli. Chester ('ouuty was represented therein by the following ten persons: Anthony Wayne, Hugh Lloyd, Kichard Thomas, Fran<'is Johnston, Samuel Fairlamb, Lewis Davis, William Montgomery, Joseph Musgrave, Joshua Evans and Persifor Frazer. The two members elected to attend that could not be present were Thomas Hockley aiiti Tliomas Taylor. A meeting of the Chester County committee was held March 20, 1775, at the house of Eichai'd Cheyney in East Cain, at which meeting it was ordered that Mr. Hockley, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Gronow, ilr. Idr)yd, Mr. Frazer, Mr. Moore and Mr. Taylor be ap- pointed a committee to essay a draught of a petition to i)resent to th(* general assembly of the province, with regard to the mauu- mision of slaves, especially relating to the freedom of infants hereafter- born of black women within this province, and to make report of the sajue to this committee at its next meeting. At the iirsi meeting of the Chester County committee it had been resolved that subscriptions be taken u]» for the suffering peo- ple of liostou and Massachusetts Bay, in accordance with which rcsolurion Ihc Society of Friends, acting in their meeting capacity, liberally c(mtril)uted to tlie object. Chester Monthly Meet- ing contributed £70, Darby Meeting contributed £33 and Haverford Meeting also contributed to such an amount as Avas practicable. At the meeting of the committee held iu March, above mentioned, it was on motion ordered that each, member of the committee use his utmost diligence in collecting the several AXD /7',s' PEOPLE. 203 sums of money subscribed for the use of Boston, and pay the same into the bands of Anthony Wayne, treasurer, at the next meeting of the committee. The committee hehl a meeting at Chester May 22, 1775, at which it was resolved, in order to avert the evils and calamities which threatened the country,that they would use their utmost eu- deavors to learn the militarj- exercise, that tbey would Tpaj a due regard to their officers, and that they would at all times be ready to defend their lives, liberties and property against all attemjjt.s to deprive them of them. On the 2.5th of September, 1775, a meet- ing was held at tlie sign of the Turk's Head in the township of Goshen, at which it was resolved that inasmuch as certain per- sons inimical to the liberties of America had industriously cir- culated a report that the military associators in the county, in conjunction with the militaiw associators in general, intended to overturn the constitution by declaring an independency, etc., and as the report could only originate among the worst of men for the- worst of purposes, "This committee have thought proper to declare, and they do hereby declare, their abhorrence even of an idea so perniciou.s in its nature, as they ardently wish for nothing- more than a happy and speedy reconciliation on constitutional principles with that state from whom they derive their origin." On the 2ad of October, 1775, the committee, composed in part of new members, met again at the house of David Cowpland in Chester and passed a motion ordering each of its members to immediately make return of the quantity of powder he had already collected or might collect within his district, together with the prices and the name of the owner thereof, that the same might be paid for, and it v/as also resolved that Anthony Wayne, Francis Johnston, Elisha Price, Mr. Eichardson, Mr. Knowles, Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Brannan be appointed a committee of correspondence for the count}'. The assembly, on the 30th of June, 1775, appointed a com- 204 CHESTER COUNTY mittee of safety, of which the Chester County members were as follows: Anthony Wayne, Benjamin Bartholomew, Francis John- ston, and Eichard Iviley. Each county was required to furnish a certain number of firelocks, six hundred being required from Ches- ter County. These six hundred firelocks were manufactured by a Mr. Dunwicke and were ready to be tested by October G, 1775. Of the committee of safety Benjamin Franklin was made president, William Garrett clerk, and Michael Hillegas treasurer. And among the first labors of this committee of safety was the prepara- tion of articles for the government of those military' organizations known as "Associators." In October the committee of safety was reorganized, but the Chester County members were all retained^ and Nicholas Fairlamb was added to their number. The Chester County committee held a meeting on December 26, 1775, in order to secure a more perfect organization of the Associators, and it was resolved that Anthony "Wayne, James Moore, Francis Johnston, Dr. Samuel Kennedy, Caleb Davis, William Montgomery, Persifor Frazer and Eichard Thomas, or any five or more of them, be ap- pointed to represent the county if there should be any occasion in provincial convention for the ensuing year. At its session in May previous. Congress had resolved to raise a continental army, of which the portion allotted to Pennsylvania amounted to 4,300 men, and the assembly recommended to the several counties that they i)rovi(l(' arms and accouterments for this force. At the request of Congress the committee recommended proper persons for officers in the several battalions. The com-, mittee recommended Anthony Wayne of Chester Coimty as colonel of the Fourth Pennsylvania battalion. Francis Johnston was rec- ommended as lieutenant-colonel, and Nicholas Hansecker of Lan- caster County as major. Of the three the latter was the only one that went over to the enemy, this being soon after the battle of Trenton. The Provincial Convention that met in Philadelphia, January AND IT^ PEOPLE. 205 23, 1775, recommended among other tliiugs the making of salt- l)eter, and, in accordance with this recommendation, extraordinary means were adopted to insure a proper supply. Benjamin Bran- nan, Walter Finney and John Beaton were appointed to attend the saltpeter manufactory in the city of Philadelphia, in order to perfect themselves in the art, and afterward made appointments to meet at several different houses in the county to teach and instruct all persons who might be pleased to apply at the times and places appointed. On February 7, 177G, a powder-maker by the name of Thomas Heimberger engaged to erect a powder mill in Chester County, about thirty-three miles from Philadelphia, a few miles from Yellow Springs, provided the committee advanced him £150 and kept him employed one year. On February 26, 1776, John Beaton advertised that he would be at several places at as many different times to instruct in making saltpeter, and on March 29 an order was drawn by the committee of safety in favor of the com- mittee of Chester County for £500 for the purchase of arms on account of Congress. Every necessary precaution was taken to prevent any portion of the British navy from passing up the Delaware Eiver to Phila- delphia, chevaux-de-frize being sunk in the river, and only persons specially appointed to conduct vessels through the opening in the obstruction permitted to go below Chester. Provincial troops were rapidly organized along the river, and collected in such numbers that there were not houses enough in and around Chester to accom- modate them, for which reason the committee of safety on April 13, 1776, resolved that Col. Miles procure for the use of the troops one hundred good tents on the most reasonable temis possible. On April 17, an order was drawn for £1,500 by the committee of safety in favor of the commissioners and assessors of Chester County for the payment of firelocks, etc., made in that county for the use of the province. An application was made to the com- mittee of safety for 850 pounds of powder, in addition to the 400 2o6 CHESTER COTXTY pounds on banil, and lead enough for the whole, and for 1,500 Hints to be distributed anioug the Associators, in order to supply them with twenty-three pounds per man. May 7, 1770, Eobert Towers was directed to deliver to Col. Samuel Miles, for the use of the rroviucial troops under his com- mand, 1,000 pounds of gunpowder and 2,000 pounds of lead, or a:i frreat a part thereof as is in store. At the same time 20,000 car- tridges for muskets for the use of the Associators of Chester County were directed to be conveyed to Chester, and ou the next day the commissary was directed to send down to Chester, for tlie use of the Provincial troops under Col. Miles, sixty firelocks. In June, 1776, the powder works in Chester County were as follows: That owned by Cowperthwaite & Biddle on French Creek, about four miles above Moore Hall; that of Thomas lleimberger, ou a branch of French Creek about five miles above that first men- tioned; one on Crum Creek belonging to Dr. Robert Harris, and be- sides these there was a small one in Bucks County on Swamp Creek. At this time tlie number of firearms fit for service, in Chester County, was as follows: First battalion, Col. James Moore, 380; Second battalion. Col. Thomas Hockley, 100; Third battalion. Col. Hugh Lloyd, 300 ; Fourth battalion. Col. AMlliam Montgomery, 450; Fifth battalion. Col. Eichard Thomas, 300; total, 1,830. By order of the committee of safety the commissary, Robert Towers, was ordered to deliver to the colonels of the several bat- talions of Associators in Chester County the following quantities of ammunition: To Col. James Mooi'e, 2,300 cartridges for jirovin- cial muskets; 2,070 cartridges sorted for the other bores of fire- locks, and 1,500 flints; to Col. Thomas Hockley, 2,300 of the first kind, 2,300 of the second kind, and 1,000 flints; to Col. Hugh Lloyd, 1,840 of the first kind, 1,010 of the second kind, and 1,200 flints; to Col. William Montgomery, 2,7G0 of the first kind, 2,115 of the second kind, and 1,800 flints; to Col. Richard Thomas, 1,810 of the first kind, 1,610 of the second, and 1,200 fiints. Each of these bat- talions also received lead and loose powder in the same proportion. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 207 One of the important duties of tlie eonimittee of safety was the preparation of articles govei'ning the military organizations of the province, which articles are too lengthy and of too general a nature to require introduction here; but tliey were very rigid, ^lany of the citizen soldiers refused to subscribe to them or to submit to theni, for the reason, as they claimed, that many persons claimed exemption from military service because of conscientious or religious scruples, the citizen soldiers thinking that where tiic liberties of all were in danger, all should bear their proportionare share of the risk and of the expense of defense. As a result of these objections to the performance of militan- duty on the part of those who were otherwise willing to perform them, tlie com- mittee of safety I'ecommended to the assembly that provisions be made that such persons as were opposed to becoming soldiers on account of their conscientious or religious scruples might be per- mitted to pay an equivalent in money for such services as they would otherwise have to perform. The assembly thereupon re- solved that all persons between sixteen and fifty years of age, capa- ble of bearing arms, who did not associate for the defense of the province ought to contribute an equivalent for the time spent by the Associators in acquiring military discipline, except ministers of the gospel and servants purchased bona fide. And the county commissioners were empowered to assess on those not associated the sum of £2 10s. annually in addition to the ordinary tax. July 4, 1770, was the day that the Declaration of Independence went foiiJi. On the 5th Congress resolved that the declaration be sent to the several assemblies and conventions and councils, and to the several commanders of the Continental troops, that it be read at the head of the army and in each of the United States. Letters wei-e sent out by the committee to the different colonels of the battalions of the counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester and Lancaster, requesting them to have their troops ready to march at an hour's notice. The Associators of the province, divided into 2o8 CHESTER COUNTY liftj-tliree battailous, met by delegates at Lancaster July ■!, 177(i, to elect two brigadier-generals to command the forces of Penn- sylvania, Daniel Koberdeau and James Ewing being chosen. To this convention at Lancaster, Chester County sent Major Culbert- son, Col. Montgomery, Lieut.-Col. Gibson, Captains Wallace, Scott and Gardiner, and Privates Cunningham, Dennj^, Culbertson and Fulton. On July 12, 177G, Kobert Smith, who had been chosen lieu- tenant of the county, wrote to Thomas Wharton, Jr., president of the i^rovince, that he was under the necessity of applying to him for money to enable him to fill the first class of the militia of Chester County, which had long before been ordered to march, but that only 320 had arrived, of whom 200 were substitutes, and that the class when full would contain 700 men. The musket battalion composed of 444 men was under com raand of Col. Samuel John Atlee, the captains of the several com- panies being Patrick Anderson, Peter Z. Lloyd, Francis Muncy, Abraham Marshall, Abraham Dehuff, Thomas Herbert, John Nice and Joseph Howell. On July 15, Abraham Mai'shall was per- mitted to I'esign and was succeeded by Jose^jh McClellan. This battalion, along with other troops from Chester County, was pres- ent in the campaign of New York. The fourth battalion, of Chester County, which was one of those in the New York campaign, was commanded by Col. Montgomery. One of the companies in this battalion was commanded hj Captain James McDowell, the lieu- tenants being James Thorn and Daniel Hayes, the ensign Abra- ham Smith, the sergeants Charles Ramsey, John Wallace^ Ezekiel Hopkins and John Arnell, and the drummer Neal Crossin. The number of j^rivate soldiers in this company was forty-six. Three battJilions, including that of Col. Atlee, were formed into a regi- ment under command of Col. Samuel Miles, and were in the dis- astrous battle at Flatbush, Long Island, on the 27th of August. Several of Capt. Pat. Anderson's comijany were killed, one sergeant AND ITS PEOPLE. 211 ami niue privates were missing, and the Captain himself nar- rowly escaped with his life. Colonels Miles and Atlee were taken ]»risoners, and Lieut.-Col. Caleb Perry was killed. The command of tlie regiment then devolved upon Col. Daniel Broadhead. On August 1 there were 397 men in Col. Alice's battalion, but oil Sep- tember 22, according to a letter from Capt. Anderson, there were only eighty-three men left, on account of losses in killed, wounded, prisoners and deserters. The I'eunsylvauia troops suffered severely, not only in the bat- tle of Long Island, but also in the reduction of Fort Washington, Col. Atlee's and Col. Montgomery's battalions, among several others, being taken prisoners. General Howe then threatened Philadelphia, to which city Gen. Washington sent Major-General Israel Putuam to take charge of its defense. In the absence of the rroo])s from Chester County on the expeditions mentioned above, the young women followed the plow and prepared the fallow fields for tlie fall seeding. All of the coarse blankets, clothing and stockings in the county were purchased, and the owners of stock, by order of the committee of safety, prepared to remove their stock back from the Delaware to a place of security, at least, to a distance of five miles. The salt in the possession of the committee was sent to the several counties in the province, Chester County, jcceiving eighty bushels, which was to be sold to the people at the rate of fifteen shillings per bushel. Dr. Kobert Harris received £.">S for making powder, and it was proposed by Dr. Thomas Bond that hospitals be established for the sick at Darby, Chester, Marcus Hook, Wilmington and New Castle. The battle of Trenton, won by General Washington December 25, 1770, greatly relieved the drooping spirits of the people and removed the apprehensions that had been felt by the inhabitants of Chester County of any immediate attack on the city of Phila- delphia, which city was so near to them, an,d which would bring the war so near to their homes. On the morning of the 10th of March, 13 212 CHESTER COUXTY 1777, a serious accident occurred, in the explosion of the powdcn' mill on French Creek, Avhich, however, may not have been wholly an accident, for Peter Dehaven, who had charge of the mill, wrote to the committee of safety that he suspected the mill was blown up by Mr. Peck or his men, and, as a natiiral result, Mr. Peck and his men were all taken prisoners and kept under guard until an investigation could be made. One man was so badly burned that he died next day. After the investigation had been made Mr. Peck, who was the powder-maker, and his men were set at liberty. The cannon cast at Warwick furnace during the year 177(! consisted of 23 12-pounders and 37 18-pounders, <>() in all, and those cast at Heading furnace consisted of 31 12-pounders and Gl 18-pounders, 02 in all. On the 11th of November, 1776, Daniel Joy, from Reading furnace, wrote to Daniel Ivittenhouse in Phila- delphia, that he had sent him two 9-pounder cannon, proved with eight pounds of powder, two shot and three wads, that he in- tended to cast six more of the same size, and afterward one each day, but they would be somewhat larger. On the 12th of March, 1777, the officers of -the Fifth Pennsyl- vania regiment were as follows: Francis Johnston, colonel; Persi- for Frazer, lieutenant-colonel, and Thomas Robinson, major. On April 3 a requisition for wagons was made upon Colonel Caleb Davis, Chester County; Major Evans, near Yellow Springs; Col- onel William Dewees, at Valley Forge, and Isaac Webb, Milltown, now Downingtown. On April 28, 1777, Lieut. Robert Smith wrote to President Wharton that he had used all the industry in his power in for- warding the business of the militia of Chester County, which had been divided into eight districts or battalions, that the field officers had been elected, and met that day to draw for rank, and he said that the number of persons returnable to him in the county as capable of bearing arms was upward of 5,000. On July 9 the council made a request that the justices of the AXD /T.S' PEOPLE. 213 peace should nominate proper persons to take an account of all the wheat, flour, grain and other stores in the county of Chester witJiiu twenty miles of the Delaware to the westward, and in accordance therewith the justices, namely, Isaac Davis, James Moore, Daniel Griffith, Philip Scott and Robert Smith, made a return as follows: John Wilson, Isaac Taylor, George Curry, Chai'les Dilworth, Thomas McCall, Joshua Evans, James Ewing and James Lindsey. For the purpose of providing for and feeding the poor that might be removed from the city of Philadelphia, in anticipation of an attack on that city by the British general, Howe, the foUoAving gentlemen were appointed: Benjamin Bartholomew of East Whiteland, Daniel John of Charlestown, David Thomas of Vincent, Michael Hallman of Pike- laud, Peter Crumbacker of Coventry, William James of East Xant- meal, John Brower of West Jsantmeal, Thomas Evans of Uwchlan, George Thomas of West Whiteland, James Thompson of East Cain, John Fleming of West Cain, Joseph Parker of Sadsbury, Thomas Heslip and Samuel Futhey of East and West Fallowiield, William Wilson of Oxford, William Pake of West Nottingham, and David Wherry of East Xottingham. On August 5, 1877, Lewis Grouow wrote to Timothy Matlack, stating that great dissatisfaction was expressed with the mode of hiring substitutes. The advance of such large premiums as was being made iu Philadelphia County for two months' service was unreasonable and absurd. The county had given £25 for several that had been supplied, and the news quickly reached Chester County, which made it necessary to give as much in Chester County, otherwise the men would go elsewhere to enlist; that is, men who were not under marching orders, for Avhich he said they could not be blamed. The question, therefore, was, Mr. Gronow said, whether he should pay such extravagant premiums. It was about this time that the British fleet approached Dela- 214 CHESTER COUXTY ware Bay, and it was expected that fleet would ascend the bay and river as far as XJrac'ticable, and make the attack on Philadelphia from that direction. "Washington was, therefore, directed to re- jmir with his army to Philadelphia, and the militia of Maryland, Delaware and Northern Virginia were ordered to join the Pennsyl- vania troops. Upon Washington's arrival in Philadelphia he first met Lafayette, who had then recently arrived in that city, and Lafayette at once took up his quarters with the commander-in- chief. General Howe, after entering Delaware Bay, found ap- proach to Philadelphia too diilicult by that route, so withdrew his fleet to the ocean, and entered Chesapeake Bay. August 25, the British army, consisting of 18,000 men, including a portion of the Hessians, disembarked near the head of the Elk Kiver, and on the 28th the vanguard arrived at the head of the Elk, and the day fol- lowing at Gray's Hill. Here it was joined by the rear guard under General Knyphausen, and the entire army posted itself behind the river Christiana, with Newark on the right and Pencauder on the left. In the month of September two companies of militia of Chester County embodied themselves and applied for ammunition and arms at headquarters, fearing that the enemy would invade the county; but their application was refused, it was thought, for the reason that they were unwilling to join in with the other militia and be taken under the direction of the commander-in-chief. The day be- fore the British army landed, as narrated above. General Washing- ton marched his army through Philadelphia toward the Brandy- wine, and as the means of transportation for the army baggage was inadequate, an order was issued to the justices of the peace of each county of Philadelphia and Chester for twentj^-five four-horse wagons. The headquarters were established at Wilmington, and on September 1 the militia called out in Lancaster County were ordered by him to join his forces at that place. The British army being j^ut in motion, threatened with its right AXD 77\s' PEOPLE. 215 the center of General Washington's position, and with its left ex- tended threatened to turn his right wing. Perceiving the danger, General Washington retired behind the Brandywine and took up a position at Chadd's Ford, as the most practicable of all for defense, and encamped on the rising ground extending from Chadd's Ford in the direction of northwest to southeast General Maxwell's riflemen scoured the right or west bank of the Brandywine in order to harass and retard the approach of the British army as much as possible, and the militia under General Armstrong was assigned a position on the left or east bank of the Brandj-wine, about two miles below the principal encampment of Washington, which enabled him to guard two fords, named Pyle's Ford and Corner Ford. In order to fortify the position at Chadd's Ford a line of breastworks was hastily thrown up on the bluff bordering on level ground a little to the north of the main road, and the right wing of the American army lined the banks of the Brandywine higher up, where the passages were more difficult. Having thus disposed his army Washington awaited the approach of the British, which, on the evening of September 'J, entered Chester County in tAvo divisions, one of which, under Gen- eral Knyphausen, encamped at Xev/ Garden and Kennett Square, and the other under Cornwallis, a short distance below Hockessin Meeting-house. The next day the two divisions of the army united at Kennett Square, in the evening the forces under Knyphauseji^ advancing toward Welsh's Tavern, afterward known as the Anvil, those under Cornwallis remaining on the hills north and west of Kennett Square. On this day Peter De Haven wrote to Vice-President Bryan that Doctor Kanady had requested him to spare one hundred stand of arms at the '^Yallo Spring," as there was a suspicion of the "Towrys raising." But Mr. De Haven could not spare any anus or ammunition with(.ut an order from the executive council. On the same day Mr. De Haven wrote another letter to the effect that a 2i6 CHESTER COUXTY part of "Mr. Hows armey is within four miles of Downing Town, and I believe they intend for our Magazcue, and we are in a very I>oor situation for defending it. I should be very glad if you would send a proper Gard for this place. I have Eid threw this Naber- hood to Procure Waggons but could get but 8 or 10 to move som of the Powder toward Eeddin, but to what place I am a sti'anger." By the v;i])i(l approach of "Mi\ Hows armey," Mr. De Haveu was compelled to depart and to burn the mills, removing to Hum- mel st own. Early on the morning of the 11th of September General Howe divided his army into two columns, one commanded by General Knyphausen, the other by Lord Cornwallis, the former marching direct to Chadd's Ford by the Philadelphia road, and the other, accompanied by General Howe, taking a circuitous route through the toAvnships of Kennett, East Marlborough, Xewlin, West and East Bradford, and Birmingham, on the way crossing the West Branch of the Brandywine at Trimble's Ford, and the East Branch at Jefferis' Ford, and approaching Birmingham Meeting- house from the north. While this movement was being made by Cornwallis' column, Knyphausen's column was making repeated attempts to cross the Brandywine at Chadd's Ford, merely to divert the attention of the Americans from this important flank move- ment. Bj' furious cannonading on the part of Knjphausen, alter- nate retreats and eager pursuits of the portions of Washington's army thrown across the Brandywine at Chadd's Ford, the flank movement was kept from General Washington until about noon, when General HoAve had crossed both of the upper branches of the Brandywine and was proceeding down the left bank of the main branch with the view of suddenly falling upon and crushing the right wing of the American army. Upon being advised of this movement of the British general, Washington decided on the boldest movepossible to bemade — tocross the Brandywine with his entire army, fall upon Knyphausen with terrible force and to crush .L\7> /7W i'i:(ti'Li:. 217 him before Howe could arrive upou the scene. Had this move- ment been carried out the fortunes of the day would have been with the Americans, but when in the execution of this design a second report arrived at Washington's headquarters that no such move- ment as previously reported had been made by General Howe, that he had not crossed the upper branches of the Brandywine, that he had made a feint of crossing, but that he had really marched down the right bank of the stream, instead of crossing over, and was then on tlie point of uniting his forces with those of Knyphausen; in which case, Gen. Washington knew that the British ai-my would be superior to his both in numbers and in the fact of acting on the defensive, and hence his failure to crush Knj'phausen and the loss to him of the battle of the Brandywine. In the midst of conflicting reports as to the movements of Lord Coi"nwallis' column, a citizen of Thornbury Township named Thomas Cheyney, a justice of the peace, rode up to the forces under General Sullivan, and informed that geuei-al of the true state of affairs — that Cornwallis had crossed the Brandywine and was rap- idly marching down its left bank. Being rather uncourteously received by General Sullivan, Mr. Cheyney demanded that he should be conducted to the commander-in-chief, who at first disposed to doubt the correctness of the infonnation, was at length convinced of its truth, and immediately disposed of his troops in such a nuuiner as best to meet the new and unexpected emergencj*. The right wing of the army of Washington was in command of Gen- erals Stephen, Stirling and Sullivan, and under their respective commanders the three divisions of the right wing advanced to meet the British coming down from the north. The division under command of General Anthony Wayne remained at Chadd's Vo\^\ to keep Knyphausen in check, and General (h-eene's division, accompanied by General Washington, fomied a reserve, taking a position between the right and left wings, and ready to march either to the succor of Sullivan or Wayne, as circumstances might require. 2 1 8 CHEf^TER COUNTY The coliimu of Cornwallis being now in siglit of the American forces, General Sullivan drew up his troops on the ground above Birmingham Meeting-house, his left extending toward the Braudv- wine, and his riglit toward a thick piece of woods. His artillery was advantageously planted, but his division having taken a cir- cuitous route in getting into position, the battle began before he was really ready for it, about half-past four o'clock in the after- noon. The riglit, having been formed under the enemy's fire, first gave way, exposing that flank of the remaining divisions to a gall- ing lire, and the right continuing to break all along the line, the flight became general. The vanquished soldiers fled into the woods in their rear, the victors pursuing and advancing by the great road toward Dilworth. In order to check the pursuit the Tenth Vir- ginia, under Col. Stephens, and a Pennsylvania regiment, under Col. Stewart, neither of which had participated in the battle, were advantageously posted, on the road taken by the fleeing army, and though at length dispersed by Gen. Howe's troops, j'et performed good Service in checking and putting an end to the pursuit. Gen. Greene also contributed largely to the same end, for, having placed himself at the liead of Muhlenberg's Brigade, in the rear of tlie retreating army, he kept up so destructive a fire from his artillery as to retard the enemy, and arriving at a narrow defile strongly protected on both right and left bj- woods, he immediately halted liis forces, sent forward his cannon, and formed liis troops, de- termined to dispute the pass, notwithstanding the superiority of the pursuing army. Thougli he was dislodged by IIoAve, the pur- suit was here abandoned. While the above movements were in progress General Anthony Waj'ne was at the defense of Chadd's Ford, with tliree flehl pieces and a howitzer, his army for some time standing firm; but learning that the right of their army had been defeated, and seeing some British soldiers coming out of the woods on their flank, they also retired in disorder, leaving their artillery and munitions to the -!\7.' ITS PEOI'LIJ. 219 Hes.sian geueral. lu their retreat tliey passed behind the position of General Greene, Avho still defended the position he had taken, and was the last to leave the field. Finally, after a long and obstinate conflict, darkness coming on, he also retired, and the whole American army retreated that night by different roads to Chestei'. The next day Washington's army retired to Philadelphia. The losses of the American army in this battle are stated to have been 300 killed, GOO wounded and about 400 taken prisoners. They also lost ten held pieces and a howitzer. The loss of the British was something over 500, the killed being about 100. The reason for this great disparity of loss is thought to have been that many of the muskets used by the Americans were totally unfit for service. In his report to Congress, dated at Chester, twelve o'clock at night, September 11, 1777, (xen. Washington stated that he believed his loss was uiucli less than that of the enemy. While the Amei'icau army was encamped on the Braudywiiie th? headquarters of (ien. Washington were in the dwelling of Benjamin King, a mile from Chadd's Ford, and the headquarter.'^ of Lafayette were at the dwelling of Gideon Gilpin, who was still living when Lafayette, who was wounded in the leg during the battle of the Braudywine, made his memorable visit to this country in 1824 and 1825. Other Frenchmen who participated in this battle, whose names are worthy of mention, were Baron St, Ouai'y and Captain De Fleury, the latter of whom had a horse killed under him, and the fonner being taken prisoner. Count Pulaski, a noble Pcde, was also in this battle, and displayed conspicuous bravery at the head of the light horse. "In the tight at Birmingham Meeting-house a party of tlie Americans for a time occupied a position inside the rear wall i>f the graveyard. A number of the British fell here. The killed of both arinies v.ho fell in the vicinity of the meeting-house were buried in the graveyard which partly surrounds it, their remains occupying one common grave just inside of the gate and on the 220 CHESTER COUNTY side next tp the meeting-house. The meeting-house was used as a hospital while the British army remained in the neighborhood." A few days after the battle four or five hundred of the Ameri- can wounded were taken to Ephrata, in Lancaster County, and placed in a hospital, where the camp fever set in, and this, togetlier with the wounds of the soldiers, so baffled the skill of the surgeons that one hundred and fifty of tlie soldiers died, a fearful mortality. They were principally from Pennsylvania and New England, though there were among them a few British soldiers who had deserted and joined the Americans. The place where Lafayette received his wound was on tlic high ground a little northwest of the frame public schoolhouse, and south- east of the residence afterAvard occupied by John Bennett. It was south of ^^'istar's woods, a lield which for years after the war was strewn with musket balls. In his Memoirs, General Lafayette says: "La confusion devint extreme, et c'est en ralliant les troub(,^s ! pi:()i'Li:. 221 wine. This false iuformatiou was confirmed bv Sergeant Tucker before being forwarded to Wasliiugton. This is all most remark- able, for the reason that it was in direct contradiction of Gen. Snllivan's opinion of what Gen. Howe would do as a military man, and which, in fact. Gen. Howe did do, and it was this unfortunate communication of Gen. Sullivan to Gen. Washington that led to the loss of the battle of Brandywine, and to many other misfor- tunes which folloAved in its wake. A considei'able portion of the British army remained in the vicinity of the battlefield from the 11th to the morning of the 16th, the chief portion about Dilworthtown and south of that place. On the 12th a detachment marched to Goncord Meeting-house, where it was joined on the 13th by Cornwallis with some light infantry and British grenadiers, and soon after Howe moved his anny through Chester County toward the Schuylkill Eiver, with the view of crossing that river and then taking possession of Philadelphia. One of the principal crossing places of that river was at Swede's Ford, near the present southern limits of Non-istown, and, as the water was deep lower down the Schuylkill, it was expected the British army would attempt to cross there or higher up the stream. As Washington did not want Philadelphia to fall into the hands of the British, he determined to risk another battle, and on the 15tli of September left his camp at Germantown, crossed the Schuylkill with the main body of his army, and marched up the Lancaster road, with the intention of meeting the enemy and giving him battle. The British commander, learning that Washington was advancing on the Lancaster road, resolved to make an attack upon him, and that portion of his army which had been encamped in the neighborhood of Village Green left that point on the morning of the 16th under Cornwallis, proceeding northward toward the Great Valley on the Chester road by the present villages of Glen Riddle, Lima and Howellville, and by Eocky Hill and Goshen Friends' Meeting-house. 222 CHESTER COUNTY The two armies moved to positions between the White Horse and (Joshen meeting-houses, on the high ground soutli of the valley, and began making prepai'ations for a battle. To Gen. Wayne was assigned the duty of leading and opening the battle, and skirmishing began between the advancing forces; but just at this time a sudden and violent thunderstorm came up and put an end to hostilities for the time being. Theu, after a consultation, Washington decided to retire and form on the high ground in the Great Valley east of the White Horse, north of the old Lancaster road, where he waited until four o'clock in the afternoon for the advance of the British army. The point where the above-men- tioned skirmishing occurred was one and a half miles north of Goshen Meeting-house and about a half mile a little west of south of the old "Three Tuns" tavern, where twelve American soldiers were killed, a few wounded and some taken prisoners. When Cornwallis moved northward from the Village Green or Seven Stars, the British forces that had remained in camp near the battlefield niovi-d forward under Kiiyi)haus('n by the way of Turk's Head, now ^Vest Chester, with the view of uniting with Cornwallis. A portion of this force under Brig.-Gen. Matthews proceeded from the Turk's Head by the Beading road to the Indian King tavern, and thence to the northeastern part of the farm occupied by James Dunwoody, near the Ship road, and went into camp in order to protect themselves from the rain, while the Hes- sian line took the road leading from the Turk's Head to the Boot tavern, and proceeded thence uorthAvard toward the Ship tavern. On the farm of Daniel Meredith they encountered a detachment ol' Americans, with which they had a shaqi skirmish, a few being killed on both sides, and some prisoners being taken bj* the Hes- sians. This engagement, \\hich A\as likewise interrupted by the rain, occurred about the same as the other between Cornwallis' and Washington's forces, the two skirmishes being about three miles apart. The army of 'S^'ashington retired to the Yellow Springs, AND IT>^ PEOPLE. 223 and there an iuspectiou disclosed the fact that on aeconnt of tlic wet condition of the powder there was scarcely a musket in tin- army that could be discharged. Washington therefore continued, his retreat to Warwick furnace, on the south branch of French Creek, where a supply of arms and ammunition was obtained. On the ISth of the month the two divisions of the British army, under Cornwallis and Knyphausen, united their forces and moved down the Lancaster and l?^wede's Ford road into the township of Tre dyffrin, encamping at the village of Howellville and between that village and Centerville. On the 17th Gen. Wayne, with his division of about 1,500 men, was ordered to join Gen. Smallwood, in command of the Maryland militia, in the rear of the British army, and to seize every oppor- tunity to annoy the enemy, to cut off his baggage train, and thus arrest his march to the Schuylkill until the Amei'ican armj' under Washington could cross the river higher up, pass down the east side and thus be in a position to i)revent Gen. Howe from cross- ing over. On the 18th Gen. Wayne was encamped about thi'ee hundred yards to the eastward of the present Pa(di monument, securely concealed, as he believed, from all knowledge of Gen. Howe. W^ayne thought that he had taken abundant precautions against himself being surprised, and under ordinary circumstances such would have been the case, for the British general did not knoAv the whereabouts of Wayne's forces; but there were Tories in the immediate neighborhood of Wayne's camp, who not only knew of his precise locality and the nature of the approaches, but who also conveyed all the necessary information to the British commander, who at once sent General Grey out to surprise him and cut him ofl', and Col. Musgrave with the Fortieth and Fifty-fifth regiments was moved up to the Lancaster road in order that if necessary he might aid Gen. Grey, and to intercept any of Gen. Wayne's troops who might attempt to retreat over that route. Gen. Grey marched from his encampment near Howellville 224 CHESTER COUXTY up the Swede's Ford road and massed his troops as near the camp of Gen. Wayne as practicable without permitting Wayne to know of his approach. Sevei-al of Gen. Wayne's pickets upou the ap- proach of the British fired upon them and escaped, but otliers of the pickets were silently bayoneted in the darkness, and the livsc knowledge Gen. Wayne had of the approach of the enemy was from one of the videttes whom he had sent out. Wayne directed Col. Humpton, who was second in command, to gain the road leading toward the White Horse tavern, and a part of the troops took the right road while others took the wrong one, being thus brought within the light of their own tires, giving the attacking force a most important advantage over them. The artillery had taken the right road and were retreating safely. While General Wayne was attempted to cover the retreat of the artillery and preparing to receive the enemy. Gen. Grey approached his position about one o'clock in the morning of the 21st, under cover of the darkness. The troops under Wayne fought bravely for a considerable time, giving the enemy several close and well directed fires, but were soon obliged to retire before largely superior forces. Wayne there- upcm immediately flew to the Fourth Regiment, with which he again received the enemy's charge, covering the retreat of the rest of his line, and after being again compelled to retire he rallied those of Col. Humpton's troops that had taken the right road in their re- treat about three hundred yards in the rear of the last stand, where he formed them ready to renew the conflict. Both i)arties, how- ever, withdrew without renewing the contest, and Gen. Wayne re- tired to the White Horse tavern, taking with him his artillery and ammunition, with the exception of that left upon the field, which fell into the hands of the enemy. The attack upon Wayne's men was made with the bayonet and light swords only, in a most ferocious spirit. Gen. Grey having ordered his men to remove the flints from their guns in order that not a single shot should be fired. Many were killed after they had AXD 77W PEOPLIL 225 ceased to resist, and even the wounded and sick were killed. It was this feature of the attack that has stigmatized the conduct of the British in this midnight battle as "barbarity" and "cold blooded murder," and which has given to it the title of the "Paoli massacre." The loss of the Americans was about one hundred and fifty killed and wounded, while the British report a loss of onlj- seven or eight, though it is altogether likely that their loss was considerably larger. Fifty three mangled bodies were found upon the field and decently buried by those living in the vicinity of the battlefield on the very spot where now stands the Paoli monument. Among the killed was Major Marion Lamar, who fell in the midst of the British on the retreat, and in honor of this martyr in the cause of liberty a township in Chester County Avas given his name. This attack upon Wayne's forces enabled General Howe to move his army without molestation, that general resuming his march on the morning of the 21st, down the road leading to Swede's Ford, with the intention of crossing the Schuylkill at that point, but as he discoAcred breastworks ou the opposite side of the river occupied by Washington's troops, he turned up the river on the west side witJi the view of crossing at some of the fords higher uj) (ir, as Mr. Peiiuypacker saj's in his "PlHenixville and Its Viciu- itj'," he induced Washington to suppose that was his object, or else to seize by a sudden movement the deposit of ammunition and other stores at Reading. Washington, deceived by this movement, hastened up the east bank of the river to the neighborhood of Pottsgrove, when Gen. Howe suddenly wheeled his army on the 23rd of September, marched rapidly down the river and crossed with but little opposition at what was then called Gordon's Ford, now Phcenixville, and at Fatland Ford, a short distance below, and slipped into Philadelphia almost before Washington knew how thoroughly he had been deceived, entering that city on the 26tli. It will have been seen that the army under General Howe 226 CHESTER COUNTY entered Chester Coimty ou September 9, and left it on the 23rd, having been within its then limits, includiuf;' what is now Dela- ware County, twelve days. This was the only time during the entire period of the Eevolutionary War when a Bi'itish army was in the county, though foraging parties were sent out from Phila- delphia while the British remained in possession of that city. In his "Phoenixville and Its Vicinity" Mr. Pennj'packer says with reference to the depredations committed on the people of this county by the British army during tliose two weeks: "In the course of these maneuvers, on Sunday afternoon, at four o'clock, on the 21st of September, 1777, the British army, num- bering about 14,000 men, entered Schuylkill Township and en- camped along Nutt's road from Fountain Inn to Fatland Ford. Tlie English occupied tlie upper side of the road, and upon the other side the Hessians were stationed. The headquarters of Gen. Knyphausen, commander of the Hessians, was at the house of Frederick Buzzard, which, at that time, stood about midway be- tween the Corner stores and the Morris woods. The headquarters of Gen. Howe were at the house of William Grimes, recently occu- pied by John Acre, and the first house below the Bull tavern. "No sooner were the men dismissed and ordered to encamp than they commenced depredations upon the suiTounding neigh- borhood. In a little while every house had been visited. All the provisions; clothing, straw and hay that could be found were car- ried off, and the cattle and horses were driven away. So com- pletely were the people divested of everj^thing which could be used in the camp, that they, in many instances, suffered from the want of food and clothing. The only means by which anything could be retained was by application to the commanding general for a guard. Requests of this kind were usually granted. "To the residence of Moses Coates, Jr., the Hessians came in droves as soon as the army halted, and they continued their in- eursions until the next morning, when a guard was obtained. The BAYARD TAYLOR. GEN. G. FliNNYPACKER. GEN ANTHONY WAYNE. T. BUCHANAN READ. WAYNE McVEAGH. AXD /T,s' PEOPLE. 229 garden, cellar and lai'der were emptied and the ben roosts soon made desolate. Among otJier things carried awaj^ was a large flock of geese. The last of them, an old gander, was pursued through the yard and finally caught around the neck by a huge Hessian, who held the bird aloft as he throttled it and cried exultingly to the members of his family: 'Dis bees goot for the poor Hessian mans.' One of the daughters expressed the hope that it would choke him to death, upon which he began to cur^e and departed with his prey. "The family of Patrick Anderson had been informed of their approach, and had removed and secreted as many things of value as possible. The bedding and clothing were locked up in the bureau drawers and the house was abandoned. The English, who knew that Anderson was absent in the American cause, broke open the doors of the dwelling and completely destroyed everything in it. They pushed the locks off from the bureau draw- ers and closets by thrusting their bayonets through the keyholes, and took possession of the contents. The furniture, which was in good condition, they broke into pieces and used for their fires. Mirrors were thrown upon the floor and paintings and others articles of vertu, with the single rather remarkable exception of a portrait of George Washington, which was left in its place upon the wall, were mined. The cattle and sheep were slaughtered and the meat was salted and prepared in the parlor for transporta- tion. The bloodstains remaining after this butchery could be seen upon the floors when the house was removed in 1842. "They came to the residence of Matthias Pennypacker in the night and ransacked it in the search for provisions and clothing. The grain and flour in the mill became a valuable acquisition. The mill was at that time new and in excellent order, and to prevent its future use they hacked the machineiy and cut the bolting cloth into strips. "From the Fountain Inn, where William Fussell then lived, 14 230 CHESTER COUNTY they can-ied away whatever coukl be obtained. In order to secure some bed curtains which she considered to have particular value, Mistress Fussell wrapped them about her person and covered them witli lier dress. Some Hessian women, however, who ac- companied the army, having their suspicions aroused, threw the lady unceremoniously on the floor, unwound the wrapping from about her and made it their spoil. "Lord Cornwallis came himself to the house of Benjamin Boyer after it had been thoroughly strip^jed. The beehives, for preservation, had been carried into a room in the west end of the house and covered over with sheets. Cornwallis inquired what was concealed there and was informed they were bees. Not to be deceived, however, by what he thought to be a subterfuge, with an impatient movement he removed the covering. The in- sects, already disturbed by their recent trausportiitiou, resented the interference by flying into his face and hair, and they probed him unmercifully. His lordship beat a hasty retreat. "A horse belonging to a son of Moses Coates, then quite a youth, was taken from the pasture field and it was known that the animal was among the British forces. The youug man went to the headquarters of the commanding general and, upon mak- ing inquiries of some of the attendants about that officer's per- son, received only insolent and taunting replies. He insisted, however, upon an interview with their superior and was finally shown into Howe's presence. Upon making his errand known he was treated politely and detained in conversation. The subject of the condition of the American army was adroitly introduced and every effort made to elicit information from him. At length Howe said to him that he could have his horse if he would go over the ►Schuylkill and learn as accurately as he could the num- ber of Washington's troops. The offer was rejected, and Howe increased it by saying that he would not only return his horse, but give him in addition six guineas in gold. The youth replied witli AND ITS PEOPLE. 231 iudiguatiou that he could not be bribed to perform an act so base, and when it was found that he would not answer Howe's pur- poses he was given permission to search through the camp for his horse and to take it away." Historians generally agree that one of the greatest difficulties with which General Washington had to contend during the en- tire period of the Revolutionary War was the fact that when the early enthusiasm had in some measure subsided and the war be- come a stern reality there was a large number of disaffecte'd people always ready to convey correct and valuable information to the British commanders but who made it exceedingly difficult for the American general to procure reliable information of the movements and numbers of the British forces. Had Washington known the in- tentions of General Howe in moving northwax'd on the west side of the Schuylkill on the 21st of September he might have pre- vented Howe's crossing that river, and tiius have saved Phila- delphia. In corroboration of this view of the case the following letter, taken from the Pennsylvania archives, is here introduced: "BOARD OP WAR TO PRESIDENT WHARTON, "War Office, October IS, 1777. "Sir: * =i^ * * * *■ "I am directed to communicate to you for the considera- tion of the Committee of Safety that the board have received satis- factory information that a great number of the inhabitants of Chester County conveyed intelligence and supplied provisions to the enemy during their progress through that county and without such assistance their attempt upon Philadelphia would, in all probability, not have succeeded. These persons can be considered in no other light than as traitors to this state and avowed enemies to the United States, and therefore the great principle of self- preservation requires that the most effectual measures should be forthwith pursued to put it out of tlieir power to persist in their 232 CHESTER COLXTY former mal-practices by taking from them such articles of cloth- ing and provisions, and of the former particularly shoes, stock- ings and blankets, as might serve for the comfort and subsistence of the enemy's army, and the acquisition whereof is of absolute necessity to the existence of our own. The board, therefoi'e, earnestly requests that the Council will with the utmost dispatch call forth and send to the county of Chester spirited and detenuiued militia under the command of discreet and active officers for the purpose of collecting shoes, blankets and stockings for the use of the American Army from such of the inhabitants of the said county as have not taken the oath of allegiance to the state of Pennsyl- vania and have shown their attachment to the cause of the enemy, etc. EICHAED PETERS, Sec." In accordance with the above suggestion of Richard Peters the following resolution of the Council of Safety was adopted at Lancaster, October 21, 1777: "Ordered.— That Ool. Evan Evans, Col. William Evans, Col. Thomas, Col. Gibbons Capt. Thomas Levis, Capt. William Brooks and Capt. Jacob Rudolph be authorized and required to collect without delay from such of the inhabitants of the county of Chester as have not taken the oaths of allegiance and abjuration or who have aided or assisted the enemy, arms and accoutennents, blan- kets, shoes and stockings for the use of the army, and that they ap- praise the same when taken according to their quality, allowing at the rate of £3 for a new single blanket, and give certificates of the same to the owners, etc. TIMOTHY MATLACK, Sec." On October 31, 1777, President Wharton wrote to Col. Cheney and Col. Gronow of Chester County to the effect that no time should be lost in the embodiment of light horse militia in the county, and urged the immediate formation of three or four troops of light horse, and that they be put under the command of General Potter. Having quietly taken possession of the city of Philadelphia, Gen. Howe considered it a good opportunity to move his fleet up AXD 1T!< PEOPLE. . 233 the Delaware to that eitv, aud while he was engaged at this work, capturing the fort at Billingsport, and driving awaj' the small gar- rison under Col. Bradford, Washington thought he could success- fully attack that wing of the British stationed in Germantown. The- result was the battle of Germantown, fought October 4, 1777, and, through a combination of circumstances favoring the British, was won by them, and Washington had to retire from the field. After this defeat, and after the junction of his army and that of Gen. Gates, who had compelled the surrender of Burgoyne at Sara- toga, the combined forces went into camp at Whitemarsh, in Mont- gomery County. Here Gen. Howe made several attempts to draw the American army out of camp into a battle, but failed to do so, and Washington finally decided to go into camp at Valley Forge, the sufferings of his army at that place having become most his- toric. While the army was thus encamped many of the farm houses were selected by its officers for their quarters. Col. Clement Biddle was for some time at Moore Hall; Generals Gates and Mifflin were at the house of Moses Coates, as were also Colonels Davis and Ballard. The house of Edward Lane and also that of Jacob Pennypacker were utilized in the same manner by other officers, and a company of horse soldiers was stationed at the house of Matthias Pennypacker. A number of sick soldiers was taken care of at the house of Philip Eapp, two of whom died and were buried in the woods. The house of Henry Miller was converted into a commissaiw store, and in the barn of David James delin- quents, deserters and spies were confined, and were continually Avatched by a guard. The old Varley house was converted into a hospital, and there was also a large hospital on the farm of Joest Smith, Avhere many of the soldiers had the smallpox and camp fever. But the largest hospital was erected on some high ground in a field of the Gwynn farm, and about the hospital about 1.50 men are believed to have been buried. 234 CHESTER COUNTY Many of the farmers in the vicinity were en.G;age(i in teaming for the army, most of them voluntarily, others having to be impressed. All the rails in the immediate neighborhood, and most of the timber, were biirned to keep the army warm. The head- quarters of the commanding general were at a stone house on the lower side of Valley Creek, only a few yards distant from the Read- ing Eailroad, his wife spending tlie winter with him. One very cold morning, upon starting away from his house after breakfast, Washington passed the sentry standing in front of his house, who was stamping his feet and clapping his hands in order to keep warm. Washington asked the sentry if he had had anything to eat that morning, and on receiving a negative reply, took the soldier's musket and stood guard in front of his own house while the soldier went inside and ate some breakfast, waited upon by Mrs. Wash- ington. December 10, 1777, Congress passed a resolution requesting the legislature of Pennsylvania to enact a law requiring all per- sons at the distance of seventy miles and upward from Washing- ton's headquarters and below the Blue Mountains, to thresh out their wheat and other grain within a short space of time, to be fixed by the legislature in its law, and in case of failure on the part of the farmers to comply with the law, to subject the same to seizure at the price of straw. The legislature failed to comply with this request, but the commander-in-chief, on the 29th of the month, issued the following proclamation: "By virtue of the power and direction to me especially given, I hereby enjoin and require all persons residing within seventy miles of my headquarters to thresh out half their grain by the first day of February, and the other half by the first day of March, next ensuing, on pain in case of failure of having all that shall remain in sheaves after the periods above mentioned, seized by the commissaries and quartermasters of the army and paid for as straw. A\l> ITS I'FJU'Li:. 235 "Given under my hand, at headquarters near the Valley Forge, in Philadelphia County, the 20th day of December, 1777. "GEO. WASHINGTON." There was au outpost of Valley Forge encampment in Radnor, on ]ir(»perty subsequently OAvned by Tryou Lewis, on -vvhicli prop- erty about seven acres of timber laud was cleared near the middle of a large tract of woodland, which was afterward ciiltivated and known for many years in the neighborhood as the "camp flehl." During nearly all that winter Gen. Wayne's command was eucamped at Mount Joy, in Lancaster County, and aided in securing supplies for the army at Valley Forge. The eucampment at Valley Forge was partly in Chester and partly in Montgomery County. That part of it in Chester County was iu Tredyft'rin Towushij), iu this township the headquarters of Generals Lafayette, Wayne, Knox and Woodford being located. Count DuportaiTs hcadciuartcrs were \\\t\\ (leu. Woodford. Gen- eral Washington's headquarters were near the mouth of Valley Creek, where it empties into the Schu.ylkill River, and on the south side of the creek. The winter of 1777-78, during which Washing- ton's army remained in camp at Valley Forge, was uncommonly severe, and the troops suffered intensely from lack of clothing, food aud shelter from the storms aud wintry winds. But their patience and fidelity to the cause for which they bore arms was sufficient to enable them to bear hardships almost if not quite uuparalleled iu the history of Avar. Lafayette, in his old age, said of them: "The patience aud endurance of both soldiers and officers Avas a miracle Avhich each moment seemed to reneAV." Thomas Wharton, iu the name of Pennsylvania, Avrote: "The unparalleled patience and magnanimity with which the army under your Excellency's command have endured the hardships attending their situation, unsupplied as they have been through an uucommonly severe Avinter, is an honor which will be consid- 236 CHESTER COUXTY ered as more illustrious than could have been derived to them by a victorj^ obtained by any sudden and vigorous exertion." Washington's own opinion of his soldiers was thus expressed: "Without arrogance or the smallest deviation from truth it may be said that no history now extant can furnish an instance of an army's suffering such uncommon htirdships as ours has done and bearing them with the same patience and fortitude. To see men without clothes to cover their nakedness, without blankets to lie upon, without shoes (for the want of which their marches might be traced by the blood from their feet), and almost as often without provisions as with them, marching through the frost and snow, and at Christmas taking up their winter quarters within a day's march of the enemy, without a house or hut to cover them till they could be built, and submitting without a murmur, is a proof of patience and obedience which, in my opinion, can scarce be paralleled." Before taking up other military matters and movements of interest to Chester County peojjle as being more or less directly con- nected with their history, it will be well to note the various hospi- tals used in the county for the benefit of the wounded and sick sol- diers after the battle of Brandywiue. General Lafayette was cared for by the Moravians at Bethlehem in their great Inn, called the Sun. The German Seventh-day Baptists, whigs in sentinuMit, but opposed to war, ojjened their monastic institution at Eplirata, Lan- caster County, converting {lieir entire establishment into a hospital. Joseph Downiug's barn at Downingtown was iised for hospital pur- poses, and in the vicinity forty soldiers were buried. The Uwchlan Friends' Meeting-house was used as a hospital, as was the old school-house at the intersection of the Valley and Brandywine roads at the Turk's Head tavern, and also the buildings at Yellow Springs, now named Chester Springs, where for a time Washing- ton had his headquarters. The wives of Zachariah Bice and Chris- .i:v/> iT>i PEori.E. 237 tian Hench, through their attention to sick soldiers at Yellow Springs, contracted typhus fever and died therefrom. On the farm of Herman Prizer in East Coventry Township there was a barn that was used as a hospital for sick American soldiers, and there were many churches and meeting-houses in the county which were converted into hospitals, among them being the Brandywine Meeting-house, the German Reformed Church in East Vincent Township and Zion Lutheran Church, on the Schuyl- kill road in East Pikeland Township, which were about one mile apart, and which continued to be used during the entire winter of 1777-78. Near the East Vincent Church twenty-two of the soldiers that died there were buried on grounds belonging to Henry Hippie, Sr., and in 1831 steps were taken by the military organizations of Chester County to inclose the graves of these soldiers and to erect a monument to their memory. The monu- ment as erected was a marble pyramid about eight feet high, inclosed by a strong wall and standing at the foot of the hill. Appropriate inscriirtions were engraved on each of the four sides of the monument. The wall beginning to crumble, a committee was appointed to make the necessary repairs, the grounds were conveyed to trustees, funds were collected and a substantial wall erected on three sides of the grounds, containing twelve and thirty- seven hundredths square perches, and an iron fence was built in front. On the llth of Xevember, 1777, the Council of Safety wrote from Lancaster to Robert Smith, lieutenant of Chester County, advising him to be on the watch for Mr. John James of Philadel- phia, who had lately been clandestinely sent out by General Howe to promote the views of the invaders. On January 13, 1778, Jacob Dingee and Richard Strode delivei'ed the body of Charles Dingee, late of Chester County, to the Council of Safety, to be committed to the gaol of Lancaster County until he should take tlie oath or affirmation of allegiance and give security. 2 38 CHESTER COUNTY On April 2, 1778, au order was drawu on the treasurer in favor of Stephen Cochran for the sum of £2,000, to be paid to Sam- uel Futhey of Chester County, to purchase horses with which to mount the cavalry. On the 12th of this month the following forfeited estates were noted to be sold: Of Nathaniel Vernon, late sheriff of the county; of Curtis Lewis, blacksmith, and of Eich- ard Swanwick. On April 22, Col. Andrew Boyd Avrote to President Wharton that there was a set of tory horsethieves in the county, and he also wrote that in some few instances Quakers insulted and even attempted to tire on two different giiards Col. Boyd had out collecting' fines. On May 0, 1778, commissioners were appointed for Chester County, as follows: William Evans, Thomas Cheyney, Thomas Levis, Patterson Bell and John Hannum, and on the 8th orders were issued that Henry Skyles, Thomas Bulla, David Dawson, Jacob James, Joseph Thomas, Nathaniel Vernon, Jr., and John Swanwick, all late of the county of Chester, be required to appear and abide trial for adhering to the enemy. June 15, 1778, a proclamation was issued by the Supreme' Executive Council, designating as traitors nearly 500 persons, of Avhom sixty-tive were named as then belonging -to or having of late belonged to Chester County. General Joseph Eeed, who had been elected President of the state of Pennsylvania, December 1, 1778, wrote on July 28, 1780, to Lieut. Eobert Smith, regarding the j)atriotism manifested by some of the peojile of Chester County. He said: "It has been observed that less attention has been paid by your county to furnishing vol- unteers than any other county in the state. We fear that you have not sufficiently attended to tli(> imiiortancc of this duty, as Ave cannot suppose the county Avould not exert itself if the officers would lead the way. It is unpleasant to suppose that at so critical a. season any gentleman in office Avhose exertions are important would omit them, but there has certainly been a deficiency in your county which we flatter ourselves will be made up," etc. A^'D /7'.s' PFOPLE. 239 Thus challenged by the president of the state, Lieut. Eobert Hniith, who was really a capable and patriotic officer, replied as follows, on September 4, 1780: "Sir: The particular situation of this county under the late course of the militia induces me to lay before Council the follow- ing state of facts, and to request their advice and instruction thereon : "Our justices at their session in May last rated the average prices of farm labor at |20 per dayas the standard of militia fines. This, as I was verballA* informed by the president of the court, but no certificate under their hands and seals was received. According to this rate the fines for non-attendance on days of exercise, the former part of the present year were laid, and four companies of the militia were ordered into actual service, were marched before the August sessions under the same circumstances. Upon the militia being called out they expressed great dissatis- faction at their wages being lower than those in the city and other counties; and the court, at their August sessions, rated labor at |30 per day. And in the interim between the marching of the militia and the sitting of the court, some few officers were received at the former rate, as money was much wanted for the purpose of advancing those who marched; and it is now strongly controverted whether we have the right to levy the advanced price of labor upon delinquents, as the militia were ordered out and the fines incurred before the sitting of the court. It is likewise contended by some that as the militia are discharged before the expiration of their two months, the fines noAV collected should be propor- tioned to the time of service given. I have taken the liberty to state these circumstances, and would humbly request the advice and instructions of the Honorable Council on the subject, both with respect to the fines upon delinquents and the wages of those who have marched upon the late call, in order that we may proceed in a regular and uniform line of conduct in this matter. "ROBERT SMITH." 240 CHESTER COUXTy The extent of the ravages committed by the British army in its march thi'ough Chester County Avas very great. It is not deemed necessary in this worii to present a detailed statement of the hisses of individuals, that having been done in a pretty thorougli manner by Messrs. Futhey and Cope, in their "History of Chester County;" lience only the summary of losses by townships will bo given, which is altogether likely considerably within the limit of truth, as umuy people made no return of losses in any way. That n-capituhitiou is as follows: TOWNSHIPS. PERSONS. New Garden S Oxford 1 Xew Lciiidoii 2 Londougrove 1 Kennett i East Marlborough -4 Xewliu 4 West Marlborough 5 West Bradford 5 East Bradford 1 Peunsbury 12 Birmingham 20 Thorubury tl WesttoM u 4 Goshen 20 ^^■i^isT^wu 13 Easttown 17 West Wliiteland 10 East Whiteland 18 Tredyffriu 30 Charlestown 15 Pikeland 1 AMOUNTS. £ s D 951 8 500 Hi 9 451 1 6 1,302 1 5 109 4 6 213 12 6 225 4 583 9 o 125 5 894 o 9 5,844 C 7 787 IS 1 1G9 10 2,372 13 8 636 18 4 420 7 G 1,116 14 4 1,415 14 10 9,358 13 10 1,967 3 o 252 7 6 AND /7'.S' PEOPLE. 241 East Nantmeal 1 Coventry 1 West Cain 2 Chester 31 Chichester 1 Aston 6 Concord 12 Marple 3 Newtown 3 Eidley 6 Edgemout T Haverford 22 Darby 26 Radnor 29 200 18 88 2,742 12 87 17 6 1,245 2 9 961 9 6 217 1 11 86 3 3 639 17 10 504 16 1,733 1 3 1,475 18 2 1,499 9 363 41,372 6 10 This sum was equal to .^110,326.24. Among the items of loss were 318 horses, 546 cattle, 1,480 sheep, 580 hogs, 9,062 bushels of wheat, 2,324 bushels of rye, 2,881 bushels of Indian corn, 775 bushels of buckwheat, 4,287 bushels of oats, and about 550 tons of hay. The capitulation of Cornwallis at Yorktown, October 29, 1781, not only gladdened the hearts of all patriots throughout the coun- try, but was the beginning of the end of the war. The treaty acknowledging the independence of the United .States was signed November 30, 1782, and on January 20, 1783, the preliminary treaty of peace was signed. On April 11, following. Congress issued a proclamation enjoining a cessation of hostilities, and on the 16th of the same month the Supreme Executive Council announced at the court-house the happy event. And thus at length the long strife and unhappy war were brought to an end. But not so the feelings engendered by differences of attitude, nor the difficulties and settlements that were necessarily of longer con- tinuance. 242 CHESTER COUNTY After the movement in favor of independence of the colonies was fairly launched upon the great ocean of events, there were within each of the colonies at least three classes of people, with regard to their relations to this movement. First of these classes may be enumerated the Patriots, or those who believed in, fought for and sustained, if they did not actually fight for, the move- ment; second, those who opposed independence, aiding in every Avay in their power the effort of what they considered the mother country to suppress the rebellion against her authority; and third, those who remained in motive and in action neutral, permitting the other two parties to fight the battle to the end ; that is, per- mitted the attempted suppression of the rebellion to go on with the aid of the second class, who were called tories, while the first class were called whigs. The neutral class was composed in the main of members of the Society of Friends, who could not engage in war, on account of their conscientious and religious scruples against bearing arms. The whigs, liowever, could uot in those active times distinguish between the active participants on the side of the Crown, that is, the tories, and the non-participants on eitlier side; but regarded all who did not take an active part in the establishment of independence as having been enemies, and called both the secoiid and third class tories alike, under the famous saying: He that is not for me is against me. It is not necessary now to present an analysis of the motives of the individual members of any one of these three classes of men. It is sufdcient to know and to admit that generally speaking all men of all classes were conscientious in the course they took. But the sad fact has always existed that it is possible for men to be strictly honest and conscientinus and at the same time wrong, and it is altogether probable that this will always be true. Men have always been divided on all questions — political, religious, his- torical, sociological and even scientific ones, and it appears to be correct to say that every opinion has a right to life, liberty and AM) /7W PEOPLE. 243 the pursuit of happiness, as well as men, if it can only convince the world that that right exists. Then it is perhaps true that no system of religious or political thought is entirely without some- thing that is unreasonable, and hence it follows that each and every class of men should look with charity upon what they consider the frailties of all the other classes; and first "pull the beam out of their own eyes before they attempt to pluck the- mote out of their brother's eyes.'" After the victory was won it was perfectly natural that the state of feeling toward those who had activeh' or passively opposed the patriot war should find expression, as it did in such resolutions as follow: "At a meeting of the officers and other respectable inhabitants (jf the Fifth Battalion district, Chester County Militia, at the house f)f James Miles, in East Cain Township, on the 19th of June, 1783, Lieut.-Col. John Gardner in the chair, "Resolved unanimously. That in the opinion of this com- pany it is inconsistent with reason, justice and sound policy that such persons, of every description, as have deserted their country in the time of its calamities, and distress, and joined our enemies, or who have, by a conduct inimical to the Government and laws of their country, been obliged to fly to them for refuge, should ever be permitted to return or remain amongst us, to participate- in the blessings of that Freedom and Independence, now so happily established, and which they have done all in their power to deprive- us of; "Resolved, 2ndly, That we highly approve the laudable exam- ple of the officers of the militia of the City and Liberties of Phila- delphia, and will cheerfully concur with them in carrj-ing their patriotic resolves into execution. "Resolved, Srdiy, That we will join with others of the com- munity in instructions to our Representatives in Assembly upon the subject, and in the meantime use our utmost endeavors and 244 CHESTER COUNTY iufluence to prevent the return of any of those enemies to their country'; and that we will consider all persons who connive at, harbor or entertain them as unworthy the character of Free citi- zens, and justly liable to the displeasure and resentment of all true Patriots and Friends of Liberty. "Resolved, 4thly, That the proceedings of this meeting; be communicated to the several and respective battalions of the militia in this county as soon as possible, for their concurrence, and like- wise published in the Philadelphia newspapers. "Resolved, Sthly, That a committee of five be appointed to correspond with and meet committees that may be appointed from the other battalions in this county, to draw up a set of instruc- tions to our Representatives in Assembly, on this subject. The persons chosen, Colonel John Gardner, Major John Culbertson, Mr. Samuel Cunningham, Col. Robert Smith and Mr. John Beaton. "Signed by order of the company, "JOHN GARDNER, Chairman." "At a meeting of the officei's of the Seventh Battalion of tlu' Chester County Militia, at the house of Ezekiel Webb, in the town- ship of Kennett, on Saturday, the 26th of July, 1783, Lieutenant- Colonel Isaac Taylor in the chair. "Whereas, During the late cruel and unjust war waged against these United States by the King of Great Britain, a number of persons, lost to all sense of honor and virtue, have deserted their country, joined her enemies and used every means in their power to distress and enslave us. And whereas (our struggles for liberty have beeen successful and their cruel designs frustratd), there is every reason to fear that these pe(jple Avill endeavor to insinuate themselves into these states: Therefore, to prevent this slate from being a harbor for villains of every denomination, "Resolved, unanimously, That we Avill use our utmost endeav- ors to prevent persons of the above description from settling Avithin the limits of this Battalion. And we hereby pledge our- 3 ■J > AXD ITS PEOPLE. 247 selves to each other, to unite and stand by each other, in expelling them from amongst us. And as there is reason to think that some of the aforesaid persons are harbored amongst us; Therefore, "Resolved, unanimously, That we will hereafter inquire into the chai'acter, and examine every suspicious person that comes within our knowledge, and that we will assist each other in appre- hending and securing them, that they may be brought to justice; and that we will unite in the bringing to condign punishment all persons who aid, abet or harbor any of the said persons. "Eesolved, unanimously, 3rd, That we will concur with other battalions of this county in instructing our Representatives in Assembly, agreeably to the*above resolutions; and that Colonel Isaac Taylor, Major John Craig, Peter Bell and Captains William Whiteside and Absalom Baird be appointed as a committee to meet committees which may be appointed from the other battalions in this countj', to draw up said instructions. "Resolved, 4th, That these resolutions be published in the Philadelphia newspapers. "Signed by order of the meeting, "ISAAC TAYLOR, Chairman." Col. Robert Smith, mentioned above as lieutenant of Chester County, was appointed March 12, 1777, and served until March 21, 1785. His sub-lieutenants were Lewis Gronow, Thomas Straw- bridge, Thomas Cheyney, Andrew Boyd, Robert Wilson, Thomas Wilson and Benjamin Brannan. The militia of the county was divided into eight classes, and when a class was called out many failed to respond, and it was necessary to make the deficiency good by hiring substitutes, procured by means of a bounty paid by the state, which was to be remunerated by fines imposed on delinquents and ranging from £15 to £50. Following is a statement of the amount of fines received by Col. Robert Smith and his sub-lieutenants from March 1, 1780, to April 1, 1783: 15 248 CHESTER COUXTY CONTINENTAL MONEY. STATE MONEY. SPECIE. NAMES. £ go £ S D £ s D Kobert Smith 155,336 17 7 07 8 7 1,028 10 8 Lewi.s Grouow 97,712 17 G 10 405 10 9 Andrew Boyd 27,634 15 4 Thomas Levis 89,915 14 9 110 3 6 701 7 Kobert Wilson 30,075 IC 8 6 15 18G 11 3 Thomas Cheyney 100,279 14 9 410 8 3 506,955 10 7 185 7 1 2,732 13 11 The methods of the patriots in dealing with traitors are clearly shown by the following proceedings: On August 1, 1779, an adver- tisement appeared in the Philadelphia papers to the effect that whereas the estates of Joseph Galloway, Nathaniel Vernon, Gideon Vernon, David Dawson, Eichard Swanick, William Maddock, Alex- ander Bartman, Curtis Lewis, Philip Marchiuton and Joshua Proc- tor, late of Chester Coimty, having been by due process of law for- feited and seized to the use of this State, we the subscribers, agents for the said county, do hereby give notice that the planta- tions heretofore belonging to the above-named persons, which are well watered and wooded, will be sold by public vendue on Satur- day, the 4th day of September next. Signed, THOMAS LEVIS AND JOHN HANNUM. The estate of Joseph Galloway, thus offered for sale, contained 422 acres; that of Nathaniel Vernon, 244 acres; that of George Vernon, 113 acres, all of them lying near the village of Chester; that of David Dawson, 450 acres, in the township of West Cain; that of Richard Swanick, 300 acres; that of William Maddock, 80 acres; that of Alexander Bartram, 90 acres, his place being known by the name of "Fox Chace;" that of Curtis Lewis, 403 acres, a part of which was near the Ship tavern; that of Philip Marchiuton, 400 acres, and that of Joshua Proctor, 80 acres, located in New Garden Township. AND ITS PEOPLE. ■ 249 At least oue of the above-named individuals was hanged on attainder for treason, viz.: David Dawson, who was executed on tlie commons in Philadelphia, November 25, 1780, which fact was so stated in a letter by Hon. George Bryan to Hon. James Irwin of Philadelphia, the letter being dated October 20, 1784. In a report to President Eeed, dated in 1781, sent by John Shee and Jacob Morris, it was stated that up to that time the amount of sales of forfeited estates in Chester County was £128,030 14s. 7d., the commissions on which amoimted to £3,991 2s. As supplementary to the fact of the sale of forfeited estates it should be mentioned that children were not always deprived of their inheritances because of the treason of their parents. An act was passed by the legislature of Pennsylvania, October 6, 1779, in behalf of Thomas Yeruon, Job Vernon, a captain of the Fifth Pennsylvania regiment of Continental troops; Franklin Vernon, a major of the Eighth Pennsylvania regiment of the Continental troops, and John Vernon, all of them being children of Nathaniel Vernon, late of Chester County, one of the persons attainted of high treason by the laws of I'ennsylvania, who showed by their petition that no matter how guilty their father might have been of the crime which occasioned the forfeiture of his estate, yet that the petitioners had every one of them demeaned themselves as good citizens, tAvo of them having served in the army of Penn- sylvania and having thus aided in establishing the cause of free- dom, and they therefore prayed that they might not be reduced to indigence on account of their father's crime or transgressions, and they asked that his estate subject to his debts might be vested and established in themselves. The law passed in accordance with and in answer to their petition gave to them all the estate of their father, except what had already been sold in accordance with the act of attainder, and such as was not needed to pay his just debts. The (jfficers of the several battalions of militia of Chester County, and the number of men in each battalion, were as follows: 250 CHESTER COIXTY 1st.— Lieut.-Col., Thomas Bull; Major, Peter Hartman; uuni- ber of men, 672. 2ncl.— Lieut.-Col., John Bartholomew; IMajor, Cromwell Pearce; number of men, 873. 3r(l,_Lieut.-Col., George Pierce; Major, Edward Vernon; num- ber of men, 510. 4th.— Lieut.-Col., Richard Willing-; Major, William Brooke; number of men, 670. 5th.— Lieut-Col., John Gardner; Major, John Culbertson; num- ber of men, 623. 6th. — Lieut.-Col., David McKey; Major, Samuel Evans; number of men, 484. 7th. — Lient.-Col., Isaac Taylor; Major, John Craig. 8th. — Lieut.-Col., Joseph Speer; Major, John Boyd; number of men, 570. The captains who served at different times in the above bat- talions were as follows: Thomas Carpenter, Joseph Mendenhall, William Whiteside, Joseph Luckey, Hugh Eeed, John Boyd, John Bryan, David Curry, Robert Curry, Thomas Taylor, Joseph John- ston, Sampson Thomas, Jonathan Rowland, Evan Anderson, Wil- liam Harris, Isaac Thomas, Alexander Lockart, John Craig, Thomas Levis, John Flower, Jonathan Veimon, John Lindsey, Edward Vernon, John Pitts, Mordecai Morgan, Joseph Bogg, John Fleming, and others whose Christian names are not at hand, as follows: Cypher, Wilson, Hister, Boylan, Morrell, Moore, Smith, Cochran, Henry, Marsh, McCloskey, Quin, Kirk, Price, Kemp, Pierce, Huston, Dunning, Allen, Graham, Denny, Barker, Elton, Scott, Beatty, Griffith, Carroll, Hollman, Brumback, Barber, Sny- der, Evry, Cummings, Jenkins, Kincaid, Corby, Hays, Williamson, Blackburne, Colby, Ramsay, McKee, Fulton, Evans, Black, Ram- age and Strode.* On July 1, 1776, there was a meeting held at the house of Rich- ard Cheyney, in Dowuingtown, of the Chester County committee, at AM) ITS PEOPLE. 251 wiiicli the following appointments were made of officers in the battalion of Chester County Flying Camp: Captains. — Joseph Gardner, Samiiel Wallace, Samuel Culbin- son, James Boyline, John McDowell, John Shaw, Matthew Boyd and John Beaton. First Lieutenants. — William Henry, Andrew Dunwoody, Thomas Henry, Benjamin Culbiuson, Samuel Lindsay, Allen Cun- ningham, Joseph Strawbridge and Joseph Bartholomew. Second Lieutenants. — Robert Filsou, William Lockard, Thomas Davis, Samuel Hamill, Jeremiah Cloud, Joseph Wherry, David Curry and Alexander McCarragher. Ensigns. — William Cunningham, John Grardtrencher, John Filling, Andrew Curry, Thomas James, Lazarus Finney, Archibald Desart and John Llewellyn. That there were in Chester County, as in other counties in all of the colonies, men who were opposed to the war for independence, can neither be denied nor doubted, and hence it may be permiss- ible to briefly discuss the question as to why thej- maintained the position which they did. This position was the same as that which for a long time was maintained by the several conventions, assemblies and legislatures of the colonies, and even by the Con- gress itself, down to the time of the Declaration of Independence, they all apparently preferring and hoping for an honorable adjust- ment of the difficulties then existing between the colonies and Great Britain, a redress of grievances, the difference being that those who are now, and have ever since been, called "Tories," adhered to that position all through the war, while the patriots became convinced that there could be no redress of grievances while they remained loyal to the crown. The tories feared that no government could be established in this country that would ever be sufficiently strong to preserve order, to protect the citizens against mobs and anarchy. That all parties were equally honest and conscientious in their convictions is now almost universally 2 52 CHESTER COUXTY conceded. But it is altogether likely that the tory part of the popnlatiou, in addition to their hesitancy to taking up arms against Great Britain for the reason above given, also feared any move- ment looking toward independence would certainly be crushed out by the arms of the mother country; while the i^atriots were willing to take the risk of success in war. No one could with any degree of certainty foresee the end. That the issue was for years doubtful is of course well known, and this fact must ever be a partial justification for the hesitancy of the tory in attempting to expel Bi'itish power from the country. The situation of the tory after the war he had opposed had been brought to a successful termination was anything but an enviable one. The accounts of the meetings of the militia of Ches- ter Count}', and the proceedings of the courts in the conviction of individuals of treason, their execution and the confiscation of their estates, proves this fact abundantly. The state of doubt in the mind of the tory as to what was best for him to do in the face of persecution, to which he was frequently subjected for years after the war had closed, is well expressed in the following parody on Hamlet's soliloquy, doubtless written by some patriot poet of the times: THE TORY'S SOLILOQUY. "To go or not to go?" that is the question! Whether 'tis best to trust the inclement Ksky, That scowls indignant o'er the dreary Bay Of Fundy, and Cape Sable's rock and shoals, And seek our new domains in Scotia's wilds, Barren and bare; — or stay among the Kebelsl And, by our stay, raise up their keenest rage, That, bursting o'er our now defenseless heads, Will crush us for the countless wrongs we've done them. Hard choice; »Stay, let me think, T'explore our Avay Through raging seas to Scotia's rocky coast, .l.\V> /7'N I'I'JU'IJ:. 253 At this dire season of this direful year Where scarce the sun affords a cheerful rav, Or stay and cringe to the rude, surly whigs, Whose wounds, yet fresh, may urge their desperate hand To s]»urn us Avliile we sue — perhaps consign us To the Icind care of some outrageous mob, Who, for their si>ort, our persons may adorn In all the majesty of tar and feathers; Perhaps our necks, to keep their humor warm, May grace a rebel halter! There's the sting! This peoijles the bleak clime — for who can brook A rebel's frown; or bear his children's stare When in tlie streets they point, and lisp, "A Tory," etc.* But now, while looking upon the entire question in a calmer and more philosophical spirit than was then possible for any one, and while we cheerfully grant honesty and conscientious con- viction to all, including the poor, despised tory, yet we must ourselves have convictions as to the merits of the positions assumed by each of the several parties to the contest, as well as of those Avho refused to range themselves on either side. The patriots established for themselves, for their immediate descendants, and it is to be hoped for all generations to come, a f(n"m of government under which a resort to arms for the purpose of securing a redress of grievances has been so far, is now and must continue to be so long as that form of government shall remain, not only unneces- sary, but even wicked and criminal in the highest degree. While it may be true, as we are occasionally told, that sometimes in all places, and perhaps at all times in some places, a portion of the people suffer from grievances equal to or even greater than any of which in 17T(! the patriots complained, yet under the form of gov- ernment they established, the people can, if a majority of them so * Published in November, 1783. 2 54 CHESTER COUNTY desire, quietly remove those grievances, by the simple process of resorting to an election, which shall come at the end of a campaign carried on in a reasonable manner, during which the people may become convinced that they do really suffer from the grievances of which perhaps only a few at first complained, and by which election the majority place in power in the municipality, or county, or state, or nation, men of the same views and convictions with themselves. All that is required on the part of the people is a clear knowledge of what they themselves complain, and of the proper remedy to be applied; and in addition to this knowledge, virtue, intelligence, sound judgment, cultivated reason and self control. The institutions of government which, in order that they may be operated successfully, require such qualities of heart and mind as here enumerated, are most admirably calculated to develop in man the Ycry qualities themselves, and it is this that makes so conspicuous the wisdom of the Fathers of the Revolutionary times, who founded and established the most perfect republican form of government that has so far been established in the world. September 20, 1817, the Republican Artillerists of Chester County, aided by their fellow-citizens, erected a monument over the remains of those killed at Paoli, September 20, 1777, by the British soldiers under Gen. Grey. On that occasion an address was delivered by Major Isaac D. Barnard, and an account of the massacre was given by Rev. David Jones, who was chaplain of Gen. Wayne's ill-fated army at the time of the massacre, and who at the time of the erection of the monument was in his eighty-, second year. Col. Isaac Wayne, son of Gen. Wayne, was present at the time. This monument stood in Willistown Township, less than half a mile southwest of Malvern. On the one hundredth anniversay of the massacre a new monument was erected at this place, the old one having become injured and defaced to a great extent. On this occasion there were present from 8,000 to 10,000 persons, one of the largest gatherings AXD 77'N PEOPLE. 255 ever known in the history of the county. On this occasion Capt. William Wayne, a great-grandson of Gen. Anthony Wayne, was I^resent, the captain having been an officer in the Union army dur- ing the Eebellion. This new monument is of Quincy granite, twenty-two and a half feet high, and a well-proportioned, chaste and beautiful obelisk. The jiolished die bears on its four sides appropriate inscriptions, those on the west, north and south sides having been written by Dr. William Darlington, the master spirit in the erection of the first monument in 1817, as Dr. Wood was in the erection of this in 1ST7, he being the principal mover in the entire enterprise, including the raising of the money. On the occasion of the dedication of the new monument in 1877, Governor John F. Hartranft and his staff were in-esent. The meeting was organized by Dr. J. B. Wood of Westchester, at 12 o'clock, who named as president, Hon. Washington Townsend, and numerous vice-presidents and secretaries. The exercises were then conducted in the following order: 1. Delivery of the monument by Mr. Yan Gunden, on behalf of Messrs. Van Gunden, Young & Drumm, of Philadelphia, the con- tractors for the construction of the monument, to the committee. 2. Eecejition of the monument on behalf of the committee by Capt. Eobert T. Cornwell. 3. Presentation of the monument by Dr. Wood on behalf of the committee to the president, Hon. Washington Townsend, for dedication. 4. Dedicatory address of the president. 5. Unveiling of the monument by Dr. Wood. G. National salute of thirty-eight guns by the Griffen battery. 7. Prayer by Rev. Joseph S. Evans. 8. Historical address by J. Smith Futhey. 9. Oration by Hon. Wayne MacYeagh. 10. Benediction by Rev. Mr. Elliott. The military and citizens then formed in line and marched 2 56 CIIEfiTEli COrXTY round the monument to the solemn musie of the bands and the low roll of the muffled drums, which completed the exercises of the day, a day long to be remembered by those who participated in the <-eremonies. The inscriptions on the Pour sides of this monument are as fol- lows: West Side: North Side: South Side: "Sacred to the memory of the PATRIOTS Avlio on this spot fell a sacrifice to British barbarity during the struggle for AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE on the night of the 20tli of September, 1777." "THE ATROCIOUS MASSACRE which this stone commemorates was perpetrated by British troops under the immediate command of MAJOR GENERAL GREY." "Here repose the remains of fifty-three AMERICAN SOLDIERS, who were the victims of cold-blooded cruelty in the well-known 'MASSACRE AT PAOLI,' .l.\7> /7'.s' PEOPLE. 257 while under c-ommand of GENERAL ANTHONY WAYNE, an oflficer whose military conduct, bravery and humanity were equally conspicuous throughoiit the REVOLUTIONARY WAR." East Side: "Erected by the citizens of Chester and Delaware Counties, September 20, 1877, being THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY of the Paoli Massacre." "The other inscriptions on this monument are copied from the memorial stone formerly standing here, which was erected by the Republican artillerists, and other citizens of Chester County, September 20, 1817." THE WHISKY INSURRECTION. What is known as the "Whisky Insurrection" broke out in 1791, in the western part of Pennsylvania, while Washington, was President of the United States. It was confined to the coun- ties of Fayette, Washington, Allegheny and Westmoreland. Tur- bulent proceedings continued in these counties for several years prior to 1791, in which year measures were taken both by the state of Pennsylvania and the government of the tlnited States to restore peace. Governor Thomas Mifflin, on the 6th of August, 2 58 CHESTER COUNTY appointed Chief Justice M'Kean and General William Irvine to proceed immediately to these western counties to ascertain the facts relative to the riots that had then lately taken place, and on the next day President Washington issued a proclamation of warning, commanding all insurgents, on or before the 1st day nf September to disperse and retire peaceably to their respective homes. By this proclaiuation the President also directed the laising of troops, which were to be held in readiness to march at a moment's warning. The quotas of the states from which troops were called out, were as follows: STATES. INFANTRY. '^''IJt^,^' '^^T'^' TOTAL. Pennsylvania 4,500 500 200 5,200 New Jer.sey 1,500 500 100 2,100 Maryland 2,000 200 150 2,350 Virginia 3,000 300 ... 3,300 11,000 1,500 150 12,950 On the same day Governor Mifflin issued a proclamation similar to that issued by the President of the United States, direct- ing the quota of the State to be armed and equipjjed as soon as possible. Of the 5,200 troops reqiiired of the State, Chester County was required to furnish 378, to be drawn from the First Brigade of the Third Division of the militia. The entire body of state ti'oops was to be under the command of Major-General William Irvine, and was to be divided into three brigades, the first brigade to be under the command of Brig.-Gen. Thomas Proctor, and to include the Chester County troops. When the command to secure these troops had been given, the Governor himself paid a visit to West Chester to aid in raising them, his intiueuce being imme- diately felt, and the county's quota was quickly raised. At that time Joseph McClellan was sheriff of the county. He had been a captain of infantry during the greater jjovtion of the Eevolution- AND rn, rendezvoused at New London cross roads by order of Bi'igadier- General John W. Cunningham, went to Elkton, Md., and was dis- charged May 21, 1813. The officers of this regiment were as fol- lows: Colonel, Andrew Thompson; lieutenant-colonel, George W. Thompson; major, Washington Parke; paymaster, Robert Futhey; quartermaster, David Parke; Captains, Thomas Stewart, John Holmes, Robert Ralston, John Wright, J. Skyles, James Alex- ander, William Steele and John Naglee. There were several men from Chester County in Captain Stewart's company, among whom were Reaziu Terry, Samuel Black, Robert Futhey, Archibald 271 -/- CHESTER COUNTY Thomas, George W. Parke, Peter Rambo, Jolin Wallace, James Stewart, Israel Hamill, Levi McCormick, Silas Wilson, James Eamsey and Enos Hughes. After the burning of the Capitol building at Washington by General Eoss grave fears were entertained that an attempt was designed upon several Atlantic cities, among them Baltimore and Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania bore an honorable part in the preparations made to prevent such a disaster. The Governor of the State, under date of August 27, 1814, issued a proclamation in order to guard against a surprise and to have ready a force sufficient to meet all emergencies that might arise, ordering and directing the militia within the counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, M(mt- gomery, Delaware, Chester, Lancaster, Daiiphiu, Lebanon, Berks, Schuylkill, Lehigh, Northampton and Pike to be held in readiness to march at a moment's notice to such place as might be designated in subsequent orders, which were to be issued in case of necessity. An encampment was formed at Kennett Square called "Camp Bloomfield," the troops there to serve under Colonel Berry, this being on or before September 3. September 10 Governor Snyder reported that General Bloomlield had suggested a camp at Marcus Hook, and on September 12 General Thomas Cadwallader was assigned to the command of the militia at Kennett Square, which were to be formed into one brigade. The next day General Bloom- field oi'dered that all the troops from Chester and neighboring counties should assemble at Marcus Hook, completely equipped for the field. On September 17 the Governor of tlie State ordered that an election should be held for officers and that the volunteer troops should be organized into regiments. Isaac Wayne of Chester County was elected colonel of the Second Regiment of volunteer light infantry, but this honor he declined on the ground of previous and sacred engagements with volunteer cavalry. Early in October several regiments of militia marched to "Camp Marcus Hook," then under the command of Major-General Isaac .LY7) ITS PEOPLE. 27.5 Worrell, who had command of the First Division of Penusyl- Tania militia. Chester County furnished the following general officers: Major-General Cromwell Pearce of the Third Division; Major-Geu- eral James Steel, same division; Brigadier-General William Harris, same division, Second Brigade; Brigadier-General John W. Cun- ningham, same division. First Brigade; Brigade Inspector James Park, same division. First Brigade; James Ealston, caiDtaiu of cav- alry. The companies from Chester County were as follows: The "American Greys," Captain Titus Taylor, with ten non-commis- sioned officers and forty-one private soldiers; Captain John G. Worsler's company, with seven non-commissioned officers and forty-one private soldiers; Captain Jacob Campbell's company, with nine non-commissioned officers and ninety-two private soldiers; Captain Benjamin W^therby's company, with eight non-commis- sioned officers and and one hundred and five private soldiers; Cap- tain James Lackey's company, with eight non-commissioned offi- cers and one hundred and ten private soldiers; Captain George Hartman's company, with eleven non-commissioned officers and one hundred private soldiers; Captain Beerbower's company, Peter Smith as first lieutenant and fifty-one voting members as private soldiers; Captain John Harris' company, with David Bees. as first lieutenant and forty-four voting members as private sol- diers; Captain Christopher Wigton's company, with nine non-com- missioned officers and forty-seven private soldiers; Captain Rob- ert Wilson's company, with nine non-commissioned officers and eighty-three private soldiers; Captain William Stuart's company^ with five non-commissioned officers and twenty-seven private sol- diers; Captain William Steele's company, with nine non-commis- sioned officers and sixty-five private soldiers; and Captain John Holmes' company, with nine non-commissioned officers and fifty- nine private soldiei*s. Captain D. B. Keim's company of volun- teer militia had in it Samuel Shaffer and Thomas Baird as voters. 274 CHESTER COUNTY THE MEXICAN WAR. On May 13, 1840, Congre.ss aunounced that by the act of Mexico a state of war existed between that country and the United States, and authorized the President to employ the militia and the military and naval forces of the United States in order to bring it to a speedy close. He was authorized to accept the serv- ices of 50,000 volunteers. Pennsylvania was asked to furnish six regiments to serve for twelve months, or to the end of the war. Within thirty days ninety companies offered themselves, quite a number of individuals being from the county of Chester, but no <;-omijan3' or organization of any kind. The names of a portion of those who went are here appended, it being understood that the list would be much longer could the names of others be ascertained. Levi P. Kuerr served as a lieutenant tlirougli the war; William S. Mendenhall, though born at Chadd's Ftu'd, Delaware County, volunteered from West Chester in 184(i, he being at the time six- teen years of age, and served two years, taking part in most of the important battles that occurred during that time. He Avas slightly wounded in the foot in one battle and in the head in another battle, and returned to West Chester when eighteen years of age. Thomas King and John Yocum also went to the Mexican war, and Lieu- tenant Columbus I'enn Evans served in the Eleventh United States infantry was breveted captain and was presented with a sword by the Legislature of the State of Delaware for meritorious conduct in several battles of the war. Ir\in Parke was a jirivate soldier in Captain Samuel Hyams" company of the Sixth Louisana Eegimeut, commanded by Colonel Payton, and J Robert Taylor of West Chester was also a private soldier in that war. CHAPTER VII. THE REBELLION. CHAPTEK VII. THE GREAT REBELLION — ITS ORIGIN — FALL OF SUMTER PROMPT WAR MEAS- URES THE FIRST VOLUNTEERS — THEIR DEPARTURE FOR THE FIELD CARE FOR THEIR FAMILIES — THE ENTIRE COUNTY AT WORK OFFICERS AND COMPANIES RECRUITING — SERVICE OF THE REGI- MENTS — AID SOCIETIES CONTINUED ENLISTMENTS THE DRAFT INVASION OF THE STATE — THE UNION LEAGUE THE SECOND DRAFT THE VETERANS — THE SURRENDER OF LEE AND THE ASSASSINATION OF LINCOLN — ESTIMATE OF MEN FUR- NISHED BY THE COUNTY SPECIAL MENTION OF DISTINGUISHED OFFICERS. THE causes of the War of the Kebellion are well known to all and are fully recorded in general history and in many well written biographical works on the great men of that time, both North and South. A few dates of important events immediately pertaining to the beginning of actual hostilities are therefoi'e all that will be represented here in relation to general history, to serve as a mere introduction to the brief narrative given of Chester County's part in that great conflict. Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States November G, 1S60, and was inaugurated March 4, 1861. In the meantime South Carolina passed an ordinance of secession De- cember 20, 1860, other Southern States following with similar ordi- nances on different dates, until eleven of them had seceded, as they thought, from the Union. Fort Sumter surrendered to the Seces- sionists April 13, 1861, and on April 15 President Lincoln issued his first proclamation calling for militia from the several States under the act of Congress of February 25, 1795, to the number of 75,000 men, to serve for three months. The number of troops 277 278 CHESTER COUXTY Pennsylvania was asked to raise was fourteen regiments; but so strong was the feeling throughout the State in favor of main- taining the Union that instead of fourteen regiments enough men offered their services to organize twenty-five regiments al- most immediately after the call was made. Out of the excess of men above the fourteen regiments Governor Curtin organized the famous Pennsylvania Ifeserve Corps, which was the only well or- ganized and well disciplined coiiJS in the Union Army at the time of the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. So far as Chester County is concerned it is proper to state that no county in the country was more patriotic or prompt to offer soldiers and to equip them for the war, and no county was more prompt to see that the families of the soldiers that went to the front should be provided Avith the necessai'ies of life while those soldiers were fighting the battles of their country. The reception of the news of the bombardment of Fort Sum- ter, which was on Sunday, April l-t, aroused the people of the county to a most remai'kable degree. Before night of the next day measures were taken to raise troops for the support of the Government. An immense meeting was held at the court-house, at which Dr. Wilmer Worthington presided, and at which addresses were made by Major Wyck, F. P. Smith, Kev. Mr. Xewtou, Hon. Townsend Haines, Uriah V. Penuypacker, Hon. .John Hickman, Wayne MacVeagh and Captain James Givin. A roll for a company of riflemen was opened, quite a number of young men put down their names and a committee was appointed to raise funds witli which to equip the company. On Tuesday evening a meeting was held in Horticultural Hall at which an election was held, resulting as follows: Captain, James Givin; first lieutenant, Benjamin H. Sweney; second lieu- tenant, Thomas S. Bell, Jr.; third lieutenant, John H. Babb; or- derly sergeant, Walter Hibbard, Jr.; .quartermaster, George F. Smith. The services of this company were at once accepted by Governor Curtin and left for Harrisburg on April 23. AXn ITS PEOPLE. 279 On Wednesday, April 17, the National Guards held a meeting at the armory, at which, upon motion of Henry W. Carnthers, the services of the company (A) were offered to the Government. The officers of this company were: Captain, Henry R. Guss; first lien- tenant, Francis M. Guss; second lieutenant, Richard D. Town- send, and quartermaster, Galusha A. Penuypacker. Company B of tlie National Guards was officered as follows: Captain, James F. Andress; first lieutenant, 1). W. Clinton Lewis; second lieuten- ant, William M. Hinksdu. And Company C had the following offi- cers: Captain, t^amuel Hufty, Jr.; first lieutenant, David Jones; second lieutenant, Joseph T. Barnett. These three companies be- came parts of the Ninth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantn, winch will be mentioned later on. A comjjany of soldiers was organized on Saturday evening, April 20, which on that evening elected Henry Mclntyre captain, John W. Nields first lieutenant and C. B. Lamborn second lieuten- ant. This company was named the Braudywine Guards. At Downington Colonel Ringwalt, Dr. Leech and others made efforts to raise a company of soldiers, and from Valley Forge a number of young men unable to Avait for the formation of a cora- ]iany in their immediate neighborhood went down to Philadelphia to join volunteer companies forming there. On April IS a num- ber of j'oung men of Howellville enlisted with the company then forming at Norristown, and a number left their homes in Oxford for Philadelphia, where thej' united witli regiments forming for the war. At Oxford a meeting was held at Nichols' Hotel, of which \Squire Sloan was president, at which meeting a committee was aj)pointed consisting of C. S. Riding, E. Newman, J. T. Massey, F. B(jwnian J. B. Whitcraft, P. F. Ash, Joseph Showalter and H. H. Grubb, for the purpose of collecting money with which to pur- chase a flag to be raised over the railroad depot. At Phoenixville David Reeves, president of the Phoenix Iron Works, gave notice that of any of his employes enlisted in the 28o CHESTER COUNTY armv thev should have the houses they lived iu, owned bj' the company, free of rent during their absence in the service of their Government. In a few hours a subscription of |4,000 was raised for the support of the families of such as should enlist. On the 19th of April a meeting of the citizens of West Chester was held an the court-house for the purpose of raising funds for the support of the families of such as should go to the war, of which meeting- Joseph Hemphill was the president, A committee was appointed consisting of William Darlington, Edwin Otley, John Marshall, Rev. W. E. Moore, John G. Robison, Eev. John F. Pendergast, Lewis W. i^hields. Dr. J. B. Wood and Captain Apple, to solicit and re- ceive the funds contributed for this purpose. A company was raised at West Chester called the Reserve Guards, composed of men under forty years of age and armed with Sharp's rifles, of which the officei's were: Captain, E. L. Christmau; first lieutenant, Charles B. Lee; second lieutenant, William Lynch. Another company, raised within the limits of the county, was called the Union Guards, which had the following officers: Cap- tain, John W. Newlin; first lieutenant, George Silvers, and second lieutenant, William Bailey. This company was named the Ander- son Light Artillery. On April 20 a company was fully organized at Kennett Square containing sixty members. This district was inhabited largely by members of the Society of Friends, and the company was named the Kennett Rifles, or the "Quaker Company." Its officers were: Captain, C. F. Taylor; first lieutenant, Chandler Hall, and second lieutenant, Evan P. Dixon. They were equipped with blankets, etc., by the people of their section of the county, .|4,000 being quickly raised for this purpose on the day they were organized. On the 30th of the month a company of home guards was raised at Milltown, of which Jesse Matlack was the captain, William B. Hoopes first lieutenant and Eli S. Moore second lieutenant. A company was raised at Kennett Square called the Kennett - X t' u s v: f J If i h' ti t i' /^^ ' '■ k 2: 2 1 — 1 Q J i — 1 '—1 ^ 2 1 — 1 ^ < AND ITH PEOPLE. 283 Square Home Guards, to which a large cannon was presented by Bayard Taylor, to protect the town from invasion. At Coatesville two companies were raised, one of infantry and one of cavalry, the officers of the infantrv' being J. T. Minster, cap- tain; Samuel Greenwood, first lieutenant, and Eobert Kussell, second lieutenant. On the 22d of April there was a meeting at Unionville, in the hall, at which were present many citizens of East and West Marlborough, Pocopson and Xewlin townships, for the purpose of forming a company of home guards. One hundred and fifty men enrolled their names and elected William S. Collier captain and D. M. Taylor lieutenant. On this same day there was a meeting at Amity schoolhouse to form a volunteer rifle corps. The Phffinixville artillerists about the same time offered their services to the Government, their officers being captain, J. E. Dobson; first lieutenant, Joseph T. McCord, and second lieutenant, Joseph Taggart. A company called the Wayne Guards was raised hj Captain P. J. Phillips. At West Chester there was organ- ized a home guard company of men over forty-five years of age, to protect Chester County from being ovemin by marauders. This company held a meeting April 22, and elected officers as follows: Captain, William Apple; first lieutenant. Maris Frame, and second lieutenant, Eichard Townsend. At East Fallowfield a meeting was held April 23 for the purpose of raising a company of home guards, and more than fifty men united with the company, which was named the Fallowfield Guards. A home guard company was formed at Parkesburg, one at Kimbleville, and one at Pennington- ville. One of the features of the times, even at that early day, the latter part of April, was the arrival of refugees from the seceding states, many coming into and some passing through Chester County. On April 27 a meeting was held at the house of James Beale, at which a company was raised and officered, called the Exton Guards. Its officers were as follows: Captain, William Beale; 17 284 CIIEtiTER COUXTY first lieiitenant, Charles Jacobs, and second lieutenant, William H. Gunkle. A company of cavalry Avas organized between Ches- ter and Delaware Counties, called the Chester and Delawaro cavalry company, of which Samuel Davis was chosen captain. The New London home guard company was officered as follows: Captain, James M. McDowell; first lieutenant, Lewis Gause, and second lieutenant, Charles Cornell. A company was organized called the Oxford company, with Charles K. McDonald captain. The Phoenixville Iron Works during the month of April or early in May, 1861, made a number of wrought-iron cannon fm- the government, six and twelve pounders, for Philadelphia, and turned out several thousand s(did 12-pound balls and shells. It was thus in all parts of the county, everyone talking about and preparing for war. The Phoniixville field ])iece was known as the Griffen gun, the patentee being John Griffen, superintendent of the works at that time. By the military authorities of the State it was early resolved to establish a military encampment at West Chester, and the managers of the Agricultural Society offered the use of the Fair Grounds for that purpose. The camp here Avas named "Camp Wayne,'' in honor of Gen. Anthony AYayne. On Friday evening, May 3, the Ninth Eegiment arrived from Harrisburg in a special train, the number of men in the regiment being about SOO. The next day brought the Eleventh Eegiment, and on that day the two regiments went into camp, although the preparations were far from complete. On Sunday, the 5th, Eev. William E. Moore, by request, held religious services at the camp. The colonel of the Ninth Eegiment was Longnecker, the lieutenant-col- onel, W. H. E. Hangen, and the adjutant, Thomas S. Bell of West Chester. The colonel of the Eleventh Eegiment was Phalen Jar- rett, and lieutenant-colonel, Eichard Coulter. The Ninth Eegi- ment joined Gen. Patterson's army in June, and through it was attached to the Fourth Brigade of the First Division, and served AXD ;7'»S' PEOPLE. 285 between Maitiusburg aud Wiuchester, Va. It was mustered out July 24. The Second Pennsylvania volunteer infantry was hastily re- cruited and organized April 21, 18G1, at Harrisburg. Captain James (Jivin's company, mentioned above, became Company G of this regiment, and he became major of the regiment. The regiment left Harrisburg for Washington on April 21, but was ordered to halt at York, Pa., where it remained until June 1, when it moved to Chambersburg. Here it was assigned to the second Brigade of the Second Division, and on June 16 went to Funks- town, Md., crossing the Potomac July 2, with Gen. Patterson's army, advancing to Martinsburg and thence to Bunker Hill. It was mustered out Julj- 20. During the month of July, 1861, a general movement took place in many parts of the county to raise a i*egiment for three years, Henry R. Guss, who had been a captain in the three months' service, being authorized by the Secretary of War to recruit such a regiment. Seven companies of this regiment were raised in Chester County, while three i-ompanies, D, G and I, were princi- pally from Delaware County. The several companies rendez- voused at Camp ^Vayne, after the departure therefrom of the First and Seventh Kegiments of Pennsylvania Reserves. Col. Henry R. Guss was at that time proprietor of the Green Tree Hotel, West Chester, and verj^ popular in the county. His regi- ment was the Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, aud had the following officers: Colonel, Henry R. Guss; lieutenant- colonel, Augustus P. Duer; major, Galusha A. Pennypacker; Com- pany A, captain, Francis M. Guss; first lieutenant, Lewis Y. Evans, and second lieutenant, William Peace; Company B, captain, Will- iam B. McCoy; first lieutenant, Jonas M. G. Savage; second lieu- tenant, James Hughes; Company C, captain, Isaiah Pnce; first lieutenant, Emmor G. Griffith; second lieutenant, William Gardi- ner; Company D, captain, William S. Mendenhall; first lieutenant, 286 CHESTER COCXTY George W. Williams, and second lientenant, Israel Fawkes; Com- pany E, captain, William McConnell; first lieutenant, John II. Babb, and second lieutenant, John McGrath; Company F, cap- tain, De Witt Clinton Lewis; first lieutenant, Joseph T. Burnett, and second lieutenant, Oliver B. Strickland; Company G, captain, Jesse L. Cummins; first lieutenant, Caleb Iloopes, and second lieutenant, Joshua M. BuiTell; Company H, captain, Charles Mc- Ilvaine; first lieutenant, Thomas S. Taylor, and second lieutenant, Elwood P. Baldwin; Company I, captain, George W. Hawkins; first lieutenant, Sketchley Morton, Jr., and second lieutenant, Annesley L. Morton; Company K, captain, William Wayne; first lieutenant, John J. Barber, and second lieutenant, . Attached to this regiment there was an excellent band of twenty-two members. While the regiment was in Camp Wayne it was visited by Governor Curtin and his staff, November 12, and on the 15th of that month received marching orders, leaving West Chester on the 16th, marching from camp through the principal streets of West Chester, partaking of a lunch of coffee and sand- wiches on Church Street, and leaving the depot on the train for Washington at 11:20 a. m. On December 1, they were encamped about two miles from Fortress Monroe, Va., and from the time they took the field made a most brilliant and honorable recoi'd for themselves and for the county which sent them forth to the war. Soon after reaching Fortress Monroe this regiment went to Port Eoyal, S. C, to Warsaw Sound, and to Florida and Georgia. It participated in the South Carolina campaign and under Gen. Gill- more took part in the assault on Fort Wagner. After«\ard it garrisoned the fort at Fei-nandina and the works at Fort Clinch, Florida. On April 23, 1864, it was ordered to Fortress Monroe to join the Army of the James under Gen. Benjamin F. Butlei", under whom it marched on Richmond, and was engaged in severe fight- ing in front of Petersburg. In the assault on the rebel Fort Gil- more this regiment particularly distinguished itself, Col. Penny- AM) ITS PEOriJJ. 287 packer being iu command of a brigade, wliicli he le ITS I'EOl'LIL 289 beeu commissioned to raise a regiment of cavalry, the committee of presentation being Owen Hamilton, Elwood McFarlan and William D. Pruin. It was about this time that Bayai'd Taylor was appointed Secretary of Legation to St. Petersburg, one of the reasons being that he was unusually well versed in the modern languages. When news reached Chester County that Col. Guss's regiment, the Ninety-seventh, had had a severe battle at or near Charleston, South Carolina, the ladies began immediately to prepare articles for the wounded soldiers, and to collect and fonvard a large quan- tity of hospital stores, the list of articles filling half a column in the Village Keeord. It was at this battle in June, 1SG2, that a remarkable incident occuri-ed in connection with this regiment, lliat their nnnierous liairbreadth escapes are "to be accounted for only by the fact that our fire was so rapid and tlie smoke in con- sequence so dense as partially to hide our men from view." President Lincoln, on July 20, made a call for troops, and on the 21st Gov. Curtin issued a proclamation calling for volunteers for nine months and for twelve months, the nine months' volun- teers to aid in filling up old regiments, and the twelve months' men to be organized into new regiments. According to the sched- ule published the quota of Chester County was six companies under this call. In aid of this movement there was a meeting hehl at tlie court-house on .July 23, Wednesday evening, at which Townsend Haines presided; Capt. William Apple and John T. Worthington were vice-presidents, and Dr. Frank Taylor and John ^larshall secretaries. At this meeting it was agreed unanimously that to each and every enlisted man upon his being mustered into the service, a bounty of f-lO should be given, and in order to raise the money a committee of seventy gentlemen was appointed from West Chester and vicinit}'. Meetings were also held in other por- tions of the county to encourage enlistments. James Whitcraft ay an equivalent for personal serv- ices.'' But each person claiming exemption under this provision of the constitution was required to be sworn or affirmed that he was conscientiously opposed to bearing arms.* Francis C. Hooton, commissioner of the draft for Chester County, appointed the following places for the hearing and deter- mining of excuses of persons who had been enrolled hy the mar- shals and who claimed exemption from military duty: West Chester, Phoenixville, Buck Tavern, Marshallton, Chatham and Oxford, On September 10, the danger of invasion by tbe rebel army having become imminent. Governor Curtin issued a general order calling on all able-bodied men to enroll immediately for the de- fense of the State and on the 12th of the month, at 8 o'clock a. m.,, an enthusiastic meeting was held at the court-house in ^Yest Chester, at which it was announced that the Governor had called for 50,000 men. Captain Hannum announced that his company * The constitution of 1874 provides that ''The General Assembly exempt from military service persons having consciention scruples against beai-ing- arms." 292 CHESTER COUNTY would be ready to move at the call of the Governor. Three volun- teer companies Avere also announced as ready to move, each com- pany containing eighty men. Under this call of the Governor Chester County was among the first to send forward her soldiers to the rescue by t^eptember IG, three companies having already left West Chester, one of tliem going on Sunday morning, Septem- ber li. One company, with William llanua as captain, formed for the emergency, Joel 1'. ( "ouard being tirst lieutenant and John Davis second. At Chatham a c ITS PEOPLE. 295 house on Wednesday evening, March 25, 1863, for the purpose of forming such a league. This meeting was largely attended and ably addressed by B. F. Brewster of Philadelphia, Governor Cannon of Delaware, Colonel Wilmer of Delaware and Rev. Mr. Jackson of the Methodist Conference, then in session in West Chester. All were in favor of maintaining the Union at whatever cost, no matter what might become of slavery. The result of the meeting Avas the organization of the West Chester Union League, which adopted a constitution and by-laws, the condition of mem- bership in the league being unqualified loyalty to the government and unwavering support of that government in its efforts to sup- press the Eebellion. There was also formed a Union League of ^Vesttown and Thornbury, a meeting for the purpose of organiza- tion being held at the house of David H. Taylor, April 25, 1863, at the call of Robert H. Miller, John Q. Taylor, Charles E. Heister, Joseph H. Briuton, Caleb II. Cox and many others. In May, 1863, the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Pennsyl- vania militia, nine months' men, returned home, receiving a warm welcome. The marshal of the day upon which they arrived, Mon- day, May 18, was Captain William Apple, and the committee of ar- rangements for the reception of the returning soldiers was com- posed of Colonel R. Maris Frame, Bentley Worth and S. S. Heed from the borough council of West Chester, and H. S. Evans, Cap- tain William Apple, Colonel T. Hyatt, William F. Wyers, Maris T. Chandler and W. E. Burlin of the Union League. The regi- ment reached West Chester at 2 p. m. and almost immediately partook of a hearty collation prepared by the patriotic ladies of West Chester and vicinity in the market house and were wel- comed home in a neat and eloquent address by Judge Butler. It was an occasion long to be remembered by those present. Tlie Delaware companies remained in West Chester until next day, when they went to Media and had a warm reception in Everett Grove.. 296 CHESTER COIXTY « Preparatory to another draft Captain E. L. Christman, provost marshal of Chester Couuty, appointed eni'olling officers for each township and borough in the county and made Lieutenant William D. Christman of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, liis brother, one of his deputies and George W. Downing and P. W. Ash clerks. It was not long after this before the entire country wa^s alarmed by General Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, in anticipation of which Governor Curtin, on June 12, called out the entire militi;i of the State. On the 15th he sent a telegram to Colonel Joseph W. Hawley to "(Jo to work at oncel Call out the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment," &c. Lee was then invading Pennsyl- vania and on the 16th there was a grand rally of the people ol Chester County. The bells on the court-house and churches rang out the alarm, the streets were soon filled with people, farmers came into West Chester direct from the fields of peaceful labor and an impromptu meeting was held at the court-house, at which Judge Butler and Messrs. Darlington, MacVeagh, Everhart, Towns- end and others made brief but eloquent appeals to the people to rush to arms, for it was thought General Lee would cross Chester County on his way to take and sack Philadelphia. Arrangements were at once made to enlist and send forward all the troops possi- ble, the captains of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment, just mustered out of service, endeavoring to collect and organize their former comrades. Early on Wednesday morning, June 17, men came into town in squads of various sizes from all parts of the county with tlieir knapsacks on their backs. They kept coming in all day, and at 5 p. m. several companies left their quarters, marched to the depot and took the train for Harrisburg, their numbers being augmented at Downingtown, Coatesville, Parkes- burg and Penningtonville. At 5 o'clock next morning they arrived at Harrisburg. The captains of companies formerh- belonging to the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment that went out at this emergency call were C. W. Roberts, W. M. ffinkson, E. F. AXD /7",s' PEOPLE. 297 James aud W. T\'. Scott, and besides them there were Captains C. W. Thomas of the Second Pennsylvania militia, Wayne MacVea^ 1. MARY DOD BROWN CHAPEL. 2. LINCOLN HALL. 3. CRESSON HALL. 4. HOUSTON HALL. 5. UNIVERSITY HALL. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 301 uuder this call became entitled to a count}- bounty of |350, this policy being determined on by the county commissioners imme- diately after the President's call. One hundred dollars of the money was paid in cash, and |250 was given in county bonds. If anyone preferred a'll cash, be was paid .f337.50 in that way, a dis- count of five per cent, being charged for the payment of the |250. The entire amount of the bounty paid reached somewhere between P50,000 and |400,000. Quite a number of colored men joined the ranks under this call, and were highly pleased at the receipt of the "Greenbacks," so large a pile of which they had never before seen. The commissioners said, after experimenting with tliis method of I'aisiug the county's quota, "Chester County is the first in the State to fill her quota," and of course it was said with no little satisfac- tion and pride. As is well remembered, the winter of 1864-65 was the one dur- ing which the men at the front re-enlisted, or veteranized, as many of them preferred to call it. This has been hinted at above. The Ninety-seventh Eegiment came home to veteranize in April, 1864, reaching West Chester April 9. They were heartily welcomed by the citizens, the address of welcome being delivered by Rev. W. E. Moore. After a month spent at home on furlough those who had re- enlisted left West Chester for the field on May 9. The Brandywine Guards, Co. A of the First Pennsylvania Reserves, reached West Chester from the field June 8, being welcomed in a neat and eloquent speech by Dr. Wilmer Worthington and being afterward addressed by General McCall, who complimented them highly on their services to the government. The ladies of the borough gave them a dinner at the Noi'mal School. In July, 1864, the rebels made an invasion into Maryland, causing great excitement throughout the State of Pennsylvania. Governor Curtin called for 12,000 men for one hundred days on July 5, and on the 10th of the month a large meeting was held at the court-house, at which a committee was appointed to raise 18 302 CHE.^TER COUXTY about 700 men for Chester County, this committee consisting' of William Darlington, General George A. McCall, Dr. Wilmer Worthington, Henry K. Guss, George F. Smith, Colonel Francis C. Hooton, Galusha Pennypacker, Enoch E. Lewis, Mott Hooton, William McConnell, Washington Townsend, William B. Waddell, Townsinid Haines, and Daniel McConkey. Colonel Hooton called on his old regiment, the One Hundred and Seventy-flfth, and Major Everhart made a similar call on the One Hundred and Twenty- fourth, Colonel Henry K. Guss endeavored to rally his battery, and Mr. Beugless was authorized to raise a regiment of colored men, and in order to do this a meeting was held at the court-house July 14, at which Rev. John Brown (colored) presided. A company of one hundred days' men left West Chester July 22, uniting at camp Cadwallader with a companj- from Delaware County. On July 18, 18(34, the President made a call for 300,000 men, and by October 4, nearly all of the to\A'nships in Chester County had their quotas full, only eighty-four men being still required. Under the call of December 19, 18(54, for 300,000 men, Chester and Delaware Counties were required to furnish 1,121 raen^ the propor-tion from Chester County being 740. This quota was never filled, for after the surrender of Lee on April 0, orders were issued from Washington to discontinue the draft and to stop enlistments, as it was known the war was then practically at an end. There was great rejoicing throughout Chester County on April 3 and 4, the news having reached there that Ivichmond had fallen. The court-house bell and the church bells rang out the glad tidings, which spread with great rapidity throughout the county, cannon boomed, flags wei'e thrown to the breeze, farmers rushed into the county seat, to learn the particulars, and crowds surrounded the telegraph office to learn the latest reports from the seat of war. Speeches were made to suit the occasion by Colonel Hooton, Wayne McVeagh, Dr. Worthington, Dr. Taylor and others. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 303 and ou Tuesday night, April 4, tiie private aud public buildings were illuminated in honor of the event. On April 10, upon receipt of the news of the surrender of Lee, the provost marshal fired a salute of 200 guns, and Colonel Hyatt's battery, one of 100 guns. The band marched all through the town playing patriotic airs, and everj-one was full of gladness. The news of Lee's surrender was brought to West Chester on Monday morning in advance of telegraphic reports, by two colored men, Samuel J. Williams and Alexander Gladman, who left Philadel- phia at 2 o'clock in the morning, and William Darlington, chief burgess of the borough, allowed these colored men to first ring the court-house bell, announcing the news to the people. Ou April 14, the last day of the draft in Chester and Delaware Counties, four men were drafted in Darby, eighteen in Elk, four in New Garden and eight in West Brandywine. Then came the news of the assassination of Lincoln, which spread the deepest gloom over a triumphant aud happy land. Commenting on this great crime the Village Eecord said: "In this sudden death of President Lincoln we are forced to the conviction that it is the hand of Providence. By God were the Pilgrim Fath- ers guided to the shores of America — by God were they protected from savage foes — by Him were they made a great nation, and by Him slavei'y has now almost been blotted out. Abraham Lincoln was but His instrument. He is now been taken and another great man, Andrew Johnson, takes up the work yet to be done!" The war was over. Chester County had done her duty nobly during the ordeal through which the country had passed. While there was a large number of persons in the county who were con- scientiously opposed to bearing arms, yet most of them without any other thought than the jireservation of the Union from dis- ruption, took up arms in its defense, and fought as hard as any, many of them laying down their lives during the conflict. Their zeal aud courage were equal to the bravest in the ranks or in com- 304 . CHESTER C0UX7T mission, and all are to-daj- proud of the record that they in com- mon with other citizens of the county- made. Under the last call of the President the proportion of the county to be drafted was less than that of any other county in the State. There had been at work throughout the war about forty aid societies, through which the people had contributed clothing, food, nurses, etc., without complaint and without stint, to the sick and wounded in the hospi- tal and in the field. It is a record of which all will always be proud so long as history shall be read, and so long as men are will- ing to die for the preservation of their country and the rights and liberties which it confers upon them and protects them in enjoying. "While it is impracticable to give the precise number of soldiers furnished to the army during the war of the Eebellion, yet it may be stated that, making due allowance for re-enlistments and recounts, the number of names which appear on the several mus- ter rolls is 6,73G. vSome of these enlisted twice, some three times, and some perhaps more than three times, taking into consideration the numerous emergency cases that arose in Pennsylvania more than in any other Northern State, occasioned by the invasion of the State by the rebel armies, and several threatened invasions where no actual invasion occuiTed. Then in case of promotions the same soldier's name necessarily occurs at least twice, in the same company or regiment, and in such instances the tendency in counting the names would lead to an excess greater than that due to re-enlistments. Therefore it may perhaps be stated that the probable number of different soldiers belonging to Chester County in the war was not far from (5,000. This number cannot seem extravagant, for in the Ninety-sev- enth Eegiment alone there were in the aggregate 2,034 men, includ- ing volunteers, drafted men and substitutes. Of these sixty-nine were killed, and sixty-eight died of wounds. One hundred and sixty-six died of disease, and finally 701 were mustered out It would seem eminently proper in tJiis connection to make AXD ITS PEOPLE. 305 brief mention of a few of the men tliat made Chester County fa- mous in the war. Of these, Brev. Major-General Henry R. Guss, first colonel of the Mnety-Seventh Regiment, may well be mentioned first, as he was one of the first to be prominently connected with the movement to raise troops in Cliester County. He raised a com- pany of men almost immediatelj' after the President's first call for militia, and became its captain. This was Company A, Ninth Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, three months' men. Upon return- ing from this service he raised the Ninety-seventh Regiment, hav- ing been commissioned colonel in July, and leading his regiment to the field in November, 1861. He was ordered to the Department of the South and was brigaded under Gen. Wright, and com- manded his regiment in the expedition resulting in the capture of Fernandina, Florida, and other important points on the coast of that state. He served through the James Island campaign with marked ability until July, 1862, when he was assigned to the com- mand of Hilton Head, retaining this command until October, when he returned to the command of his own regiment. In April, 1863, Col. Guss was assigned to the command of the First Brigade, Tei*ry's Division, Tenth Army Corps, in the expedition against Charleston, and afterward he was assigned successively to the posts of Edisto, Botany Bay and St. Helena Islands, and later, when the assault on Fort Wagner was ordered, Col. Guss was selected to command the advance storming party, containing 300 men of his own regiment and 300 of the Third New Hamp- shire regiment. The following October the Ninety-seventh was ordered to Fernandina, Florida, and its colonel to the command of the forces at that place, and there he remained until April, 1864, and then received leave of absence to accompany the veterans home on furlough. Rejoining his regiment at Bermuda Hundred in May, he was assigned to the First brigade. Third division. Tenth Army Corps, retaining this position during active operations on the south side of the James. He was then relieved of his command 3o6 CHESTER COIXTY for alleged disobedience of oi'ders, which was never proved and was not true, but on account of this injustice he resigned his com- missiou and returned to his homo, liis resignation bearing date June 2, 1804. Charles Frederick Taylor, brother of Bayard Taylor, was an- other brave soldier from Chester County. Immediately after the attack on Fort Sumter young Taylor raised a company of young men of the vicinity of Kennett Square, who elected him cap- tain, took the company to Harrisburg, and had it incorporated into tlie famous l?u the bar in 1859. Mandi 11, 18.j8, he was commissioned aid-de-camp to the major-general of the Third Division of the uniformed militia of Chester and Delaware Coun- ties, and was appointed paymaster of the same division with the rank of major, October 3, 1859. When the war of the Rebellion broke out he was among the first to respond to his country's call, and was made adjutant of the Ninth Pennsylvania three months' men. Later he was commis- sioned by the governor of the State lieutenant-colonel of the Fifty- first Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, and at Roanoke Island had command of a portion of the regiment. At Newbera he had com- mand of the regiment, and being ordered to charge the enemies' batteries, captured the first battery and was the first man to mount it. At Camden he had command of the brigade to which his regi- ment belonged, the brigade leading the charge. At Antietam he was killed after the capture of the stone bridge, September 17, 1SC2. His loss was deeply felt, for he was not only a brave soldier, but he had endeared himself to all whose acquaintance he had formed, not only those inferior to him in i^osition, but also to those of superior rank. His remains were brought to West Chester, and 3o8 CHESTER COUNTY lie buried in Oaljland Cemetery, where it was his wish to be laid. Col. Augustus P. Duer entered West Point military academy July 1, 1837, and after leaving that institution aided, as a civil engi- neer, in laying out the railroad from West Chester to Philadelphia by way of Media. When the war of the Eebellion broke out ho promptly responded to the call of duty, and was appointed Lieut.- Colouel of the Xiuety-seveuth Peuusylvauia volunteers, October 7, 1861. He was in command of tlie regiment a portion of the time while it was in Camp Wayne; at Hilton Head, South Carolina, in September, 1862; at Seabrook Island in Maj, 1863; and at St. Helena, South Carolina, from June 20, 1863, to September 20, fol- lowing. He was honorably discharged April 3, 1864, from which time to his death, March 29, 1898, he lived quietly at Atglen, Ches- ter County. CHAPTER Vlll. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR. CHAPTER VIII. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR CAUSE OK THE WAR CALL FOR TROOPS — COM- PANY I OF THE SIXTH — ROSTER OF THE COMPANY RECRUITS — COM- PANY D OF PHCENIXVILLE THE NEW COMPANY COLORED RE- CRUITS OTHER VOLUNTEERS EFFORTS OF THE WOMEN BATTERY C GENERAL PENNYPACKER. WHEN the war broke out betweeu the United States au])]e miglit be reduced to slavery, as Avill be seen. William Dalbo of Gloucester County informed the Governor that a belt of wampum had come from Mahquahotoni to Couestoga, that there was a tomahawk in red in the belt, and that the French with Five Nations of Indians Avere designed for war and jilanned to fail on some of the plantations. This information was laid by the Governor before the Council on April 14, together with a letter from Mr. Yeates, Caleb Pusey, and Thomas Powell, the letter stat- ing that on the next day, A^jril 15, there would be a great concourse of Indians, those of Conestoga and those of New Jersey, and that in their opinion it would be a seasonable opportunity for the Governor to visit them, as the meeting would be the greatest that had been lield in twentv vears. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 329 It was the opinion of the board that the Governor with some of the Council should attend, with as many others as could be induced to go, and inquire further about the belt of wampum, and about whatever else might be thought necessary. But if the Governor attended this great meeting there seems to be no record of such visit. On the 29th of April more alarming news was brought to the Council as to the intentions of the Indians, and upon its receipt the Governor proceeded to Conestoga to meet the red men. Thej- appeared to be inclined to the English, but complained of aggresssions committed upon them by the white man. Upon returning from Conestoga the Governor sent Colonel French and Henry Wesley to the Indians in order to ascertain more fully their desires, and on the IGth of June these two gentlemen returned with eight belts of wampum, each belt having a special significance. The import of three of these belts is here given, as bearing some- what upon the question of slavery of the Indians, now under dis- cussion. The first of the three belts was from the old women, and sig- nified that they implored the friendship of Christians and Indians, that without danger they might fetch wood and water. The second belt was sent from their children, born and in the womb, requesting that room to sport and play be granted without danger of slavery. The third belt was from their young men, fit to hunt, that the privilege to leave their towns and seek provisions for their aged might be granted to them without fear of death or slavery. Without much research it would be difficult to state just how such Indians as were slaves in Chester County became slaves, and hence it will be stated only that seventy years after the occurrences above narrated, when the registration under the gradual emanci- pation act of 1780 was made, there were at least two Indian slaves in the county. Slavery having been abolished in this country and having 330 CHESTER COUNTY become universallj considered a crime against mankind, it is but natural that different classes of people should strive to fasten on others the original guilt of bringing the first slaves to America; but history seems to have clearly established the fact that in 1020 the Dutch brcnight a cargo of negroes from the coast of (luinea and sold a part of their cargo to the tobacco planters of Virginia at Jamestown. This was the beginning of slavery in British America. In 1790, when the first United States Census was taken, there were in Virginia 200,000 negroes. It apijears also that the Dutcdi and Swedes were the first to introduce slaves into Pennsylvania, bringing them in before tlie coming of William Penn. But in 1712 the Colonial Assembly of Pennsylvania passed an act to prevent the further importation of negroes into the province, which some time afterward was vetoed by the home government. Subsequently another act was passed with the same object in view, which was also repealed by the Crown. As a general thing the slaves brought into Pennsylvania came from the West Indies, after having undergone a process of seasoning, or gradual acclimation. The history of the movement for the abolition of slavery belongs more to general history than to this work; but it is eminently proper to give credit to the Friends or (Quakers for their efforts, which were among the first made for establishment of freedom for all men in this country, and were preceded only by those of the Mennonites. It is only proper here to give the result of the continued agitation of the subject of abolition of slavery by Friends and other large-minded and just men, which came in 1780, in the form of a law for the gradual abolition of slavery within the limits of Pennsylvania. This law provided tliat all negroes and mulattos born within Pennsylvania after its passage, which was on March 1, that year, should not be deemed or considered slaves for life, and that all servitude for life should be entirely extinguished, taken away and abolished, except that chihlren born within the State after the passage of the AND ITS PEOPLE. 33 1 act, wlio would have been, in case the act had not been passed, shives for life, should be slaves until they became twentv-eijiht years of age, and should be held in the same manner as were servants then held as bound out for a term of four years. On the 1st of November, following the approval of the act, every owner of a slave was required by this law to register his slave or slaves in the office of the clerk of the peace of the cininty; that is, all that \\ ere shn>'s for life or for thirty-one years, accord- ing to laws as they then existed, and that all slaves who were not registered were to be free by the failure of the owner to register them on or before November 1. All children born of slaves were required to be registered before thej* were six months old, and they oul^- were to be slaves until twenty-eight years of age. Subse- quently a penalty was provided for forcibly or fraudulently carry- ing away any negro or mulatto out of the State with the design of selling him or her or to keep him a slave for a term of years. Inasmuch as in recent years it has been frequently stated by eminent orators and writers that the motive leading to the aboli- tion of slavery in the Eastern and Middle States was wholly selfish and mercenary, the climate and soil of those States not being adapted to that species of civilization; and inasmuch as many thousands of people have charged it upon the people of these States that they first sold off their slaves to the Southern States and then immediately favored the abolition of slavery in the South- ern States, it is deemed eminently projjer in this History of Chester County and Its People, inasmuch as the sentiment against the crime of slavery was to a great extent awakened and strengthened by the Friends of this county as well as of other portions of tlie Pro^■ince and State after it became a State, to set fortli in tlii,? connection the ti'ue motives that did actuate the people of the whole State in the giving of freedom to the enslaved. This can be done in no more forcible manner than in the quoting of the pream- ble to the act of March 1, 1780, which presents the reasons for the 332 CHESTER COUNTY act itself, uud bears the strongest possible internal evidence of the sincerity and honesty of those engaged in this most meritorious work. That pi'eamble is as follows: "When we contemplate onr abhorrence of that condition to which the arms and tyranny of Great Britain Avere exerted to reduce us, when we look back on the variety of dangers to which we have been exposed and how miraculously our wants in many instances have been supplied and our deliverance wrought, when even hope and human fortitude have become unequal to the con- flict, we are unavoidably led to a serious and grateful sense of the manifest blessings which we have undeserA'edly received from the hand of that Being from whom cometh every good and perfect gift. Impressed with these ideas we conceive it to be our duty, and we rejoice that it is within our power to extend a portion of tliat freedom to others which hath been extended to us, and release from that state of thraldom to which we were ourselves diabol- ically doomed, and from which we have now every prospect of heing delivered. It is not for us to inquire why in the creation of mankind the inhabitants of the several parts of the earth were distinguished by a difference of feature or complexion. It is svif- ficient for us to know that all are the work of an almighty hand. Vi'e line! in the distributiou of tlie human species that the most fertile as well as the most barren portions of the earth are inhab- ited by men of complexions different from ours and from each other, from whence we may reasonably as well as religiously infer that Ue who i>laced them in their various situations hatli extended equally His care and i)rotection to all, and that it becom- eth nut us to counteract ITis purposes. We esteem it a peculiar blessing granted to us that we are enabled this day to add one more step to universal civilization, by removing as much as possible the sorrows of those who have lived in undeserved bondage and from which, by the assumed aiithority of the Kings of Great Britain, no effectual legal relief could be obtained. Weaned by AND ITS PEOPLE. 333 a long course of experience from those narrow prejudices and par- tialities we had imbibed, we find our hearts enlarged with kindness and benevolence toward man of all conditions and nations; and we conceive ourselves at tliis particular period extraordinarily called upon by the blessings which we have received to manifest the sincerity of our profession and to give substantial proof of our gratitude."' It would appear impossible to read this statement of the rea- sons for the euactmeut of the law to which it is the preamble with- out being profoundly impressed with a lively sense of the sincerity of its authors. They did actually and in a most effectual manner manifest to the world the sincerity of their profession and give substantial pi'oof of their gratitude, if such a thing were ever done in the history of the world. If they were not sincere it would seem impossible to believe any man or body of men ever to have been sincere or to be sincere at any time or place or under any conditions. The authors of this preamble were the legislators of and for the peo^jle of the State, and it is only fair to infer that the people were as much in favor of granting freedom to the slave as were their representatives in the Assembly. Then, too, all of the slaves living at the time of the passage of the act were, according to its provisions, to remain slaves for life, hence no motive of gain could actuate their owners to sell them to prevent loss. Those who were born slaves after the passage of the act were to so remain until twenty-eight years of age, and a penalty was provided by law for anyone taking out of the State any slave to sell him or to hold him in slavery for life. If there were individuals that did this, and it is probably true that there were, sucli an act cannot be made to reflect upon the body of the people who had specially provided for its punishment; and hence it would seem certain that the verdict of history must always be to the effect that at least in Pennsylvania the emancipation of The slaves was wholly commendable and just and wise, not only in the matter itself but also in the manner. 334 CHESTER COUNTY As has been stated above, .every owner of a slave in Pennsyl- vania was required by the act of March 1, 1780, to register his slaves on or before November 1, that year, and in case he failed to so register any slave, that slave was by such failure made free. In a book provided for such registry in the office of the court of Quarter Sessions of Chester County, the name, age, sex and time of service of every slave was recorded. This book of record, however, aijpears to have been destroyed A\ithin recent years, as it cannot now be found. What is here presented in regard to this registry is therefore taken mainly from the excellent History of Chester County by Judge J. Smith Futhey and Mr. Gilbert Cope, who prac- tically exhausted the subject. The entries in tJiis registn' were in the following form: "Thomas Potts of Coventry Township returns: "1. A negro man named Cudge, aged fifty-eight years, a slave i'or life. "2. A negro man named Ben, aged twenty-four years, a slave for life. "3. A negro boy named Peter, aged seventeen years, a slave for life. "4. A negro child named (ieorge, aged nine months, a slave for life. "5. A negro woman named Moll, aged thirty-four years, a slave for life. "6. A negro woman named Sail, aged nineteen years, a slave for life." "Evans Evans of London, Britain Township, returns: "1. A negro woman named Kachel, aged thirty-eight years, a slave for life. "2. A mulatto boy named Ca>sar, aged sixteen years, a slave for life. "3. A negro girl named Sue, aged thirteen years, a slave for life. AXD /7\S' PEOPLE. 337 "4. A negro hoy named Samp, aged nine years, a slave for life. "5. A negro boy named Frank, aged seven years, a slave for life. "G. A mulatto female child named Sal, aged four years, a slave for life." "Abel Hodgson of East Xottiugbam returns: "1. An Indian servant man, till be attains tbe age of thirty- one years, named Jam, aged twenty-eight years. "2. An Indian girl named Sarah, aged twenty-four years, a slave for life. "3. A negro man named Csar, aged twenty-five years, a slave for life." "Samuel Futbey of West Fallowtield Township returns: "1. A mulatto woman named Jince, aged twenty years, a slave for life. "2. A mulatto girl named Dinah, aged one year and nine months, a slave for life. "3. A mulatto girl named Sail, a slave until she attains the age of thirty-one years." At tbe time of this registration Delaware County was stiU a part of Chester County. In Chester County there were 205 slave- holders who made returns, and of these 140 resided in what is now Chester County. According to Dr. Smith, author of the "History of Delaware County," there were in the several townships which afterward were set off into Delaware County tbe following num- bers of slaves registered on or before November 1, 1780: SLAVES FOR SLA\'ES FOR A TOWNSHIP. LIFE. TERM OF YEARS. Aston 13 1 Bethel Birmingham Chester 16 1 Chichester (Upper) 20 338 CnESTER CQUXTY Chichester (Lower) 12 1 Concord ._. 7 Darby (Upper) 2 Darby 2 Edgmont 5 Haverford 24 2 Marple 2 Middletown T 1 Newtown 1 Providence (Upper) Providence (Lower) Ridley 34 3 Kaduor Springfield 10 5 Thornbury 3 Tiuicnm 8 2 14G 16 Dr. Smith says that, judging from such records as were access- ible to liim, there were in what is now Delaware County not less than 300 slaves at the breaking out of the Eevolutionary War. Th(? Friends had, between the beginning of the war and the time of the gradual emancipation act, liberated a large number of slaves, but the number so liberated cannot be accurately stated. According to Judge Futhej^ and Mr. Cope there were in the entire county of Chester, as then constituted, 495 slaves; hence in what is now Chester County there were 333; but as Futhey and Cope state that therei were 335, someone has made a mistake of two slaves. Of the total number of 495, 472 were slaves for life, and 23 until they arrived at the age of thirty-one years. The negroes numbered 410, mulattos 83, and Indians 2. Of the 472 held for life the males numbered 243 and the females 229; and of those held for a term of years the males numbered 13 and the AXD lT>i PEOPLE. 339 females 10. Of the whole number there were 207 over eighteen years of age, and 228 under eighteen. William Moore of Charles- town (now Schuylkill) Township, owned the oldest male slave, George, who was seventy-five years of age; and John Evans of London, Britain Township, owned Nanny, the oldest female slave, her age being seventy-eight. John Bowen of Goshen Township owned Tom, one month old, the youngest registered slave. There were nine slaves under one year of age and thirteen upward of sixty. William Moore was the largest slaveholder in the county, owning ten. Only eleven of the slaves registered had surnames, the rest being registered only by one name. A registi'y of those born after the passage of the act was also made, the number being 85, of whom 47 were males and 38 females. The last return made was by Eev. Levi Bull, of East Nantmeal, afterward Warwick, who returned his negro boy, Andrew, born December 23, 1820. It is not known when slavery ceased to exist in Chester County, but as there was one slave registered November 1, 1780, that was only one month old, that slave might have lived to 75 or 80 years old, or even older; and as the same thing probably occurred in other counties of the State, there may have been a few slaves in the State and even in Chester County, down to the breaking out of the Kebel- liou, but there probably were none after about 1810. The number of slaves in Pennsylvania was estimated at 10,000 in the year 1776; and according to the United States census for the different years was in 1790, 3,737; 1800, 1,706; 1810, 795; 1820, 211; 1840, 64. Following is a list of the townships in what is now Chester County with the number of slaves in each: Birmingham, 0; East Bradford, 0; West Bradford, 0; Coventry, 9; Charlestown, 24; East Cain, 4; West Cain, 5; Easttown, 1; East Fallowfield, 7; West Fallowlield, 12; Goshen, 13; New Garden, 1; Kennett, 3; New London, 30; London Britain, 19; Londonderry, 20; Londongrove, 4; West Marlborough, 2; East Marlborough, 0; 340 ClIEtiTER COiXTY Newlin, 0; East ^'autmeal, 14; West Nantmeal, 19; East Notting- ham, 26; West Nottiugham, 6; Oxford, 28; Pennsbury, 0; Pikeland, 9; Sadsbury, 13; Tredyftrin, 23; Thornbury, 2; Uwchlan, 7; Vincent, 0; East Whiteland, 8; West Whiteland, 11; Westtown, 1; Willis- town, 1. Besides these there vrere 13 other slaves registered, the resi- dences of whose owners wei'e not given. From the above list i{ appears that the townships settled principally by the Welsh, as Charlestown, East and West Nantmeal and Tredj'ifriu, and those largely settled by Scotch-Irish, New London, Londonderry, Oxfora and East Nottingham, had the largest numbers of slaves; while the townships largely inhabited by Friends, the more central townships, had the smallest numbers of them. Of the children of slaves for life I'egistered as servants until they should become twenty-eight years of age, the returns from the several townships were as follows: Charlestown, 2; Coventry, 1; East Fallowfield, 1; West Fallowfleld, 4; Goshen, 1; East Cain, 1; West Cain, 5; New London, 9; West Marlborough, 1; Londonderry, 2; Oxford, 23; East Nantmeal, 1; West Nantmeal, 11; London Britain, 1; East Notingham, G; Londongrove, 2; Sadsbury, 2; Tre- dyffrin, 3; East Whiteland, 2; total, 83. The Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, the Kelief of Free Negroes Unlawfully Held in Bondage, and for Improving the Condition of the African Itace, was oi'gan- ized April 14, 1775, was reorganized in 1784, and incorporated by an act of the Assembly December 8, 1789, with nearly three hun- dred members. The American Colonization Society was organized about 181G, and the Pennsylvania Colonization Society in 182G. County societies, auxiliary to the State society, were formed to the number of nine within a year, one of which was in Chester County. In December, 1827, Simeon Siegfried of West Chester published an eight-page pamphlet containing the constitution and address of the managers of the Chester County Auxiliary Colonization Society, the officers being at that time as follows: AXD IT>< PEOPLE. 34 1 President, William Darlingtou; vice-presidents, Jesse Kersey and Rev. Eobert Graham; secretary, Thomas Williamson; treas- urer, David Townsend; managers, William H. Dillingham, Towns- end Haines, Thomas S. Bell, Jonathan Jones, Gen. John W. Cuning- ham, Eev. William Hodgson, Dr. Samuel McClean, George Hart- man, Jr., Rev. Ebenezer Dickey, Rev. Simeon Siegfried, William Everhart and Jonathan Gause. In colonial days there were other servants besides slaves, who were known by the names of servants and redemptioners. The master owned the time of the servant for a definite period. In the early settlement of the country, servants were in great demand, and to supplj' this demand people of more or less wealth who were emigrating to the new country from Europe would bring over with them cargoes of laboring people, such as could not pay their own passage over the sea, and were willing to be bound out for a term of years in order to repay the expense of their transportation and support while (lu the way over, and dispose of them upon arriving in this province. The indentures were prepared usually in the country whence the emigration took place, binding the servant to serve for a number of years, rarely less than four, after his ari'ival in Pennsylvania, in consideration of his passage, cloth- ing and provisions. Even mechanics sold their services for a cer- tain length of time. Orphan children were also bound out by the court as servants, the process by which this was accomplished being called "judging" them or "adjudging." At the October court, 1693, Maurice Trent brought into the country eight boys who were called up to be judged, they being according, to the opinion of Dr._Smith, negroes. The boys were adjudged to serve their respective masters until they were twenty-one years of age. In 1695 Maurice Trent brought in another set of boys to be judged, their periods of servitude being fixed by the court. In 1697 there Avere as many as thirty-three orphans who were indentured as servants for different lengths of time. Following are a few sam- ples of entries on the records in connection with cases of this kind: 342 CHEi^TER COUXTY "Francis Cliadsey brought a boy whose name was Alexander Stewart, who was adjudgecl to serve eight years from the 14th of September last past, to be taught to read and write, or else to serve but seven years; also he had a servant maid whose name is Ann Beam, who was adjudged to serve five years from this court, to said Francis Chadsey or his assigns." "William Cope brought a boy whose name is Thomas Harper, who was adjudged to serve five years and three-quarters, if he be taught to read and Avrite, or else to serve but five years to him or his assigns." "Elizabeth Withers brought a servant girl whose name is Mar- garet Mongey, who was adjudged to be eleven years of age and to serve ten years to Thomas W^ithers or his assigns." "Elinor Clayton, an orphan of the age of fourteen years, was ordered by the court to serve Daniel Hoopes for the term of seven years, on condition that he should teach her to read, knit and sew, and pay £12 according to the order of the court." In the early part of the eighteenth century captains of vessels brought over persons, selling their time in this country to pay for their passage. These were called redemptioners, and such cases occurred even down into the nineteenth century. Those who im- ported servants were accustomed to take them in companies through the country and dispose of them to farmers, in some of which cases the masters were outwitted by the servants they were attempting to sell. An anecdote is told of a certain master who had disposed of all but one of his drove, and this one getting up first in the morning sold his master to the landlord of the tavern where the two had remained over night, giving the master an ex- cellent character, except in one respect, that he was in the habit of lying, and that when he should arise he would be apt to try to pass himself off as the master. Following is the form of an indenture of apprenticeship, in which there is nothing peculiar except the compensation in live stock: AXD /7'.S' PEOPLE. 343 "This Indenture Witnesseth that Elizabeth Hastings, Daugh- ter of Henry Hastings of West Bradford in the County of Chester and Province of Pennsilvania, Yeoman, hath put herself, and by these presents doth voluntarily put herself and of her own free will and accord and with the Consent of her Parents put herself Apprentice to Phebe Buffington of West Bradford afforesaid and after the manner of an apprentice to serve her from the day of the date hereof for and During the Term of Five Years Eight Months next ensuing the date hereof. During all which term the said ap- prentice her said Mistress faithfully shall serve, her secrets keep, her Lawful Commands everywhere gladly obej^ She shall do no damage to her said mistress' goods nor lend them unlawfully to any. She shall do no damage to her said Mistress nor see it to be done by others without letting or giving notice thereof to her said Mistress. She shall not commit fornication nor contract matri- mony within the said term. At Cards, Dice, or any other unlawful Game she shall not play whereby her Mistress maj- have damage. With her own goods nor with the goods of others, without License from her said Mistress she shall neither buy nor sell. She shall not absent herself Day nor Xight from her Mistress' service without her leave, nor haunt Ale-Houses, Taverns or Play Houses, but in all things behave herself as a faithful aj)prentice ought to do, Dur- ing the said Term. And in Consideration of the said Term the said Mistress shall procure and provide for her said apprentice Sufficient meat. Drink, Apparel, Lodging and Washing fitting for an apprentice both in health and sickness during the said Term, Together with Two Cows and two calves. Each Cow and calf to be worth Four pounds of Current monej' of Pennsilvania in the following manner — One Cow and Calf to be delivered unto the above named Henry Hastings for the use of said apprentice in the year ITiC and the other Cow and Calf in the spring of the year of our Loi"d 1748. And the said mistress shall learn her said ap- prentice to Sew and Knitt so as to know how to make a man's Shirt 344 CHESTER COUNTY and Knitt Stocking and to give ber one month's scliooling in Read- ing and Writing within the said Term, and at the expiration of said Term said Mistress shall procure for her said apprentice One full Suit of new Apparel besides her working apparel. And for the true performance of all and every the said Covenants and agree- ments either of said parties bind themselves unto the other by these presents. In Witness whereof they have interchangeably put their hands and seals this ninth day of Ai^ril, One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty and three. 1743. "PHEBE BUFFINGTON. (Seal) "Signed seald and Delivered in the presence of John Buflfing- ton, Amy Bate, John McCarty." While it is true that many of the people of the United States at the time of the adoption of the Constitution in 1789 were opposed to the continuance of slavery, and that though thus opposed to it they yielded their opposition to it in order that the Constitution might be adopted, hoping that with the prohibition of the slave trade after 1808 the sentiment would steadily increase among the people and become so strong that the institution could not exist in its presence, yet they did not for years take any active measures to secure its abolition. But in 1804 cases of kidnapping of free ne- groes occurred at Columbia, Pennsylvania, which fully aroused this latent anti-slavery feeling among the people in that vicinity, who were mostly Friends, and incited them to do what they could to protect slaves Avho were attempting by flight to secure the liberty to which nature and nature's God entitled them. One of the most active in this movement was William Wright of C/olumbia, who assisted all who came to him, and did all in his power both inside and outside of court to aid the fleeing negro to escape. These escaping negroes invariably desii'ed to reach Canada, where there was no fugitive slave law in force, and hence all along the road or route to the British dominion there Avere agencies estab- AXD 1T8 PEOPLE. 345 lished wherever such agencies could be made of service to the cause. The priucipal route throu<;h this i)art of the country lay- through the counties of Yorlc, Lancaster, Chester, Montgomery, Berks and Bucks, to Pha-nixville, Norristown, Quakertown, Bead- ing, Philadelphia, and other cities and towns. The principal agents iu Lancaster County were Daniel Gibbons, Thomas Whitson, Lind- ley Coates, Dr. Eshleman, James Moore, Caleb C. Hood and Jere- miah Moore. Those who were most active on this line in Chester County were James Fulton, Gideon Peirce, Thomas Bonsall, Thomas Vickers, John Vickers, Esther Lewis and daughters, Dr. Edwin Fussell, William Fussell, Xorris Maris, Emmor Kimber, Elijah F. Pennypacker and Lewis Peart. In Norristown those most active iu secreting and forwardiug the fugitive were Rev. Samuel Aaron, Isaac Boberts, John Boberts, Dr. William Corson, Dr. Jacob L. Paxou and Daniel Boss (colored), and there were also others. The gentlemen as above mentioned as being active in Lan- caster and Chester Counties and in Norristown, were the agents along the northern route through Chester Country; but later in the history of this movement the more traveled routes lay through the central and southern parts of the county. It was on these routes that many lively incidents occurred, as they lay, particularly tlie more southern one, along the boundary of the slave States of Mary- land and Delaware. Bo great was the travel along the southern route that it became necessary to have several branches, and these branch routes interlaced the more northern lines in several places, this being especially the case at tlie Peirces and Fultons in Ercil- doun; Esther Lewis' iu Vincent; John Vickers' near Lionville, and Elijah F. Pennypacker's near Phoenixville. From Pennypacker's place many negroes were sent over into Montgomery County — • many of them to Norristown. There was a route from Havre de Grace through Penn Township to Ercildoun, by waj^ of Eli, Thomas and Chai'les Hambleton's, and thence to John Vickers' place, and that of Esther Lewis'. 346 CHESTER COUNTY Generally speaking the negroes were guided when traveling at night (and this Avas absolutely necessary in many cases in order to elude their pursuers) by the Polar Star, which they knew lay in the direction of liberty, and following this guiding star many of them on the main route from Wilmington passed through the townships of Kennett, East Marlborough, Pocopson, Newlin, and so on to the north. In Kennett they found assistants in the ])ersons of Allen and Maria Agnew, Isaac and Dinah Mendenhall, and Dr. Bartholo- mew Fussell in Kennett; John and Hannah Cox, Simon and Sarah D. Barnard in East Marlborough; William and Mary Barnhard, Eusebeus and Sarali Marsh Barnhard, in Pocopson; Isaac and Thamsine Meredith, Mordecia and Esther Hayes, in Newlin; James Fulton, Jr., and Gideon Peirce, in Ercildoun; Zebulon Thomas and daugliters, in Downingtown; Micajah and William Speakman, in Uwchlan; John Tickers and Charles Moore, in Lionville; Estlier Lewis and her daughters, Marian, Elizabeth and Graceanna, Wil- liam Fussell, Dr. Edwin Fussell and Norris Maris, in West Vin- cent; Emmor Kimber, at Kimbertou, and Elijah F. Pennypacker, at Phoenixville. There was still another branch which passed through Kennett Township, the station here being at ("handler Darlington's; East Bradford, the agent being Benjamin Price; to West Cliester, where the agents Avere the Darlington sisters and Abram D. Shadd (col- ored). At West Chester there were two forks to this branch, one leading to John A'ickers', on the middle route, and the other to Nathan Evans' place in ^ViIlistown, wlio was a sterling old Friend, and stood almost alone in the work in his neighborhood. Davis Garrett, of the same township, however, frequently aided Mr. Evans. James Lewis of Marple Township, Delaware County, was also an efficient Avorker on this line, and James T. Dannaker, Avho lived with Mr. Lewis, was made a conductor on the line. The great central station at which the Chester County and -other southern routes converged was at the anti-slavery headquar- AND ITS PEOPLE. 347 ters in Philadelphia, which was in charge of J. Miller McKini, assisted by several persons, among whom was William Still, a, former slave. In the early part of this combined movement to aid the slave to escape it was very difficult for the master and others in i)ursuit of the fugitives to trace them beyond Columbia. AVheu the pursuers arrived there all trace of the fleeing slaves was as completely lost as if they had dropped down into the earth, and those in pursuit were accustomed to say, "There must be an underground railroad somewhere," and it was this saying that gave name to the route by which the slaves made their escajte. This "Underground Railroad" had many branches in all parts of the Free States, even as far West as Kansas and Iowa, during the later years of the existence of the "peculiar institution." AA'est Chester was really one of the main stations on one of these routes, and one of those who distinguished himself in the service of the fugitives in this city was George Maris, who, as a lad, drew many a map of the road from there to Elijah F. Penny- packer's place, Mr. Pennypacker having a two-horse wagon iu which he used to carry the slaves onward to friends in Montgomery County, or to Daniel Ross's at Norristown. At one time there was an exciting chase of a slave woman in West Chester, she having lived there for some years in a little home on W^est Miner street. Her master offered a large reward for her apprehension, which tempted one of the citizens of that place to divulge her where- abouts, and when the master, with a constable, had arrested her and carried her into court, before Judge Thomas S. Bell, whose office was at the southeast corner of South Church and Miner Streets, she, by a ruse, got outside the office into the back yard, ran and jumped over a fence, which is said to have been seven feet high, and then running through alleys and streets, finally success- fully hid herself, and could not be found by anyone searching for her, though she remained in the town for some days. She at length made her escape in safety and got away to Canada. There were 348 CHESTER COUNTY many incidents of escape from the clutches of the mastei" and the law which would make interesting reading, which would be in- serted in this work but for the fact that there is so much recent history that has not yet been put in book form, to which the pub- lishers feel in dutj' bound to give attention; hence only one instance of this kiud will be here inserted, merely to show that lawyers were then to be found who were as keen in their lookout for technicalities as any of the present day, and who would labor like many good phj'sicians and other good Samaritans, without the hope of pecu- niary reward. About 1838 Eobert Purvis, a resident of Philadelphia, and well remembered even now to many citizens of Chester County, had in his employ a colored man named Basil Dorsey, who was an escaped slave, and who was betrayed to his former owner by a brother-in- law of his wife. This former master, together with a noted slave- catcher, found Doi'sey plowing in a field ou Mr. Purvis' farm. They caught him, handcuffed him aud took him to Bristol, whei"e they had him locked up in the prison cell. Mr. Pui'vis immediately followed them aud next morning, before the case was brought before Judge Fox at Doylestown, had enlisted the sympathies of the entire crowd. Thomas Ross was employed as counsel, and in order to put up the best possible defense when the case should come to trial, succeeded iu having it postponed a couple of weeks. Dorsey remained in jail, and the colored population made prepara- tions to rescue him by force in case Mr. Purvis should lose. Mr. Purvis secured as counsel for the defense David Paul Brown, then the most noted criminal lawyer in Philadelphia, who would not accept any fee. The counsel for the claimant, named Griffith, made a clear statement of the claim, pi*esenting the bill of sale and other evidence of ownership, and alsort of schools. In writing the biography of an individual it is often ueces- .sary to a correct understanding of the career of that individual to trace, at least briefly, the antecedent members of the family. So in writing of Fagg's Manor Classical School it is at least useful to mention its ancestor in the line of events, the famous "Log Col- lege." This college was established by the Rev. William Tennent, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in the forks of the Neshaminy, or near there, in 1726; but the land on which stood the building- hereafter described, and to which the above name was given, was purchased by Mr. Tennent September 11, 1735, of Mr. John White, of Philadelphia, for £110, the school having been kept at some other location, doubtless near this place, up to that time. Ilev. George Whitefield, while on a visit to this country in 1739, was 362 CHESTER COUNTY with Mr. Tennent at this log school-house November 22, 1739, and upon his arrival at the academy, where he was expected to preach, "found about three thousand people gathered together in the meeting-house j^ard," Mr. Whitefield in his journal says: "The place wherein the young men study is, in contempt, called* a Col- lege." The purpose of Mr. Tennent in the establishment of his acad- emy was to prepare young men for the ministry of the Presbyte- rian Church, education then being the handmaid of religion almost exclusively. The log building in which he taught was about twenty feet square, or nearly square, and in this small building- were educated many young men who afterward became distin- guished in the ministry. Rev. Mr. Tennent had four sons — Gilbert, William, John and Charles — all of whom, like their father, were born in Ireland, and all of whom became distinguished ministers of the Gospel, and it is the latter's meeting-house that is mentioned in what is said in previous pages about the survey of the north and south line from the Philadelphia parallel down to the southern parallel of Pennsylvania. Rev. Charles Tennent was installed at White Clay Creek Chapel, or meeting-house, in Delaware, in 1737, and remained there as minister until 17G2. Among the distinguished graduates, or perhaps it would be better to say alumni, of "Log College" was the Rev. Samuel Blair, who was born in Ireland June 14, 1712, came early to this country, and was a pupil of Mr. Tennent probably from 1730 to 1735. It was he that established, in 1739, in New Londonderry, or on Fagg's Manor, as it was often called, a school similar to that at the forks of the Xeshaminy, his alma mater, for the education of young men for the ministry; and it was in this school thus established by Mr. Blair that many who afterward became distinguished as scholars and divines received their early educational discipline. This school was called Fagg's Manor Classical School, and was the first AND ITS PEOPLE. 363 classical institution within the limits of Chester County, as those limits run to-daj-. Rev. Mr. Blair was considered by his biog- rapher, Dr. Miller, not only one of the most able and learned, but also one of the most pious and excellent men that ever adorned the American church. This school at Fagg's Manor was of a high order, the pupils being trained in it to a great familiarity with the ancient languages and the doctrines of the Christian faith. While they had fewer books than have students of the present day, yet they mastered those tliey had, carrying out in their study the motto, Multum, non multa. ICev. Samuel Davies, educated at Mr. Blair's school, was licensed to preach in 1745, and was chosen by the Synod of New York to accompany the Kev. Gilbert Tennent to England and Ireland for the purpose of soliciting funds for the College of New Jersey, noAV Princeton, of which institution he was elected president to suc- ceed Rev. Jonathan Edwards soon after the latter's death, which, occurred in 1759. Rev. Mr. Davies died in 1761, when nearly thirty-seven years of age. Rev. Samuel Blair remained at the head of Fagg's Manor School until 1751, when he died, being then a little more than thirty-nine years of age. Soon afterward he was succeeded by his brother. Rev. John Blair, who took charge of both sciiool and church at that place, and at the school prepared many young men for the ministry by instructing them in the languages, philosophy and theology. After remaining at the head of this school about nine years he was called to a professorshij) of divinity in tlie Col- lege of New Jersey, and was elected to the vice-presidenc/ of the institution, in which position he performed the duties of president after the death of Doctor Finley and until the arrival of Doctor Witherspoon, who was elected president. Among the distinguished men who acquired their education at Fagg's Manor Classical School were Rev. Alexander Cummings, Rev. John Rodgers, D. D.; Rev. James Finley, Rev. Hugh Henry, 364 CHESTER COUNTY Bex. Eobert Suiitli, D. D., a noted teaolier; Eev. John McMillan, D. D., fonnder of Jefferson College; Rev. John Woodhull, D. D.; Eev. Hugh McAden, Rev. James F. Armstrong, Eev. James Dun- lap, Rev. Nathaniel Irwin, and Rev. John Ross, the latter being one of the first professors of Dirldnson College, a noted teacher of the classics, and antlior of a Latin and Greek grammar. The next institution of this kind established in Chester County Avas what was known as New Loudon Academy. Founded in 174:3, this school became a famous institution. Rev. Francis Aliscm was tlie founder of the scho(d, Avhich furnished many men of distinction to both church and State. Among these noted men were Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress; Dr. John Ewing, provost of the University of Pennsylvania; Dr. David Ramsey, the historian; Dr. Hugh Williamson, Rev. James Latta, D. D.; llev. Matthew Wilson, D. D., and three of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas McKean, George Reed and James Smith. In 1752 Dr. Alison removed to Philadel- phia, and was succeeded in the priucipalship of this school by Alexander McDowell, who removed the academy to Newark, Del- aware, where it afterward became the basis upon which was founded Delaware College. In 1828 another school, by the name of the New London Acad- emy, was established, and was for many years a prosperous insti- tuti(m. Some of its ablest principals were James Magraw, T. Marshall Boggs, William S. Graham, W. S. F. Graliam, William F. Wyers, George Dullield and Edward 1). Porter. Next after the early New Loudon Academy came the Notting- ham Academy, established in 1744 by the Rev. Samuel Finley, D. D. At this institution were educated some of the ablest men who figured in the early history of the country. Among them may be mentioned Dr. Benjamin Rush, famous all over the civil- ized world for his scientific attainments; Judge Jacob Rush, his brother; Governor ^lartin, (»f North Carolina; Governor McWhor- AXD ITS PEOPLE. 365 ter, of Xew Jersey; Governor Henry, of Maryland; Ebenezer Haz- ard, Colonel John Bayard, William M. Tennent, D. D.; Eev. Joseph Smith, D. D.; Eev. James Waddell, D. D., the blind preacher, who is enlogized for his eloquence by William Wirt in his "British Spy." Dr. Samuel Finley, according to Dr. Benjamin Rush, was one of the wisest and best of men. His j;chool was broken up by bis removal to Princeton, New Jersey, to take the presidency of the college at that place; but its place was some time afterward well supplied by the West Kottingham Academy, which was es- tablislied in 1S12 through the instrumentality of Rev. Dr. James Magraw and located in Maryland. From 1793 to 181G there was in existence an institution of learning called the Brandy wine Academy, near the Manor meet- ing-house, in what is now West Brandywine Township. Here the classics and the higher branches of science were taught. At dif- ferent times this institution was under the direction of Rev. M. McPherson, Matthew G. Wallace, John Ralson, John F. Grier and Rev. John W. Grier. Rev. Nathan Grier was in the early day a prominent educator, his students being principally theological. From 1792 to 1814 he prepared twenty young men for the ministry, among them being Rev. David McConoughey, who was at one time president of Wasli- ington College, Pennsylvania; Rev. John H. Grier, Levi Bull and John N. C. Grier. From 1779 to about 1783 a school was in existence at Upper Octoraro, called the Upper Octoraro Classical School. It was es- tablished by Rev. William Foster, and came to an end with the death of its founder. From 1750 to the end of the Eighteenth century the Friends had in operation numerous schools in Chester County. One was established at Birmingham meeting-house in 1753. Several were established within the limits of Kennett Monthly Meeting, the one near Marlborough meeting-house having tAvo acres of ground, 366 CHESTER COUNTY a residence for the teacher, and a fund which in 1886, according to Wickersham, amounted to |3,000. But there was one school iu existence long before any of these, that in Willistown Town- the Friends having purchased ground for which as early as 1713, At an early day there were school-houses connected with the meeting-houses at New Garden, Marshallton, Grove and West Grove and others. In 1779 Goshen, Bradford and Birmingham meetings jointly purchased four acres of ground and erected a school-house thereon one-half mile west of West Chester, and Bradford, New Garden and Kennett Monthly Meetings jointly es- tablished a school iu 1781. In 1703 Kennett Preparative Meeting purchased a piece of land for a school about two and a half miles west of Kennett meeting-house, alongside the road leading to Not- tingham. But perhaps the most famous of the schools above referred to was that established in 1753 at Birmingham meeting-house by the Friends on the site of the battle of the Brandywine. For many years this school was in charge of John ^''orsjthe, one of the best :iud most famous of the early teachers of Chester County. One of the most distinguished of the pupils of this school was Dr. Wil- liam Darlington, who enjoyed a world-wide fame as a botanist. John Forsythe came from Ireland to this country in 1773, when he was nineteen years of age, and on his mother's side of the family was a descendant of the vStuarts. He was a good Presbyterian when he reached this County, was well educated, was a fashionable young mau, and a line performer of the violin. After coming to Chester County he became a Quaker, and for many years was at the head of the Birmingham Classical School. He exerted a powerful influence upon all the young people with whom he came in contact in favor of education, to the great gratification of many a head of a family. For a short time he presided over the destinies of the Westtowu Boarding School, a history of which is hereafter introduced, and then he retired to his farm in East Bradford. In AXD ITS PEOPLE. 3^7 ISll be presided over the first meeting held to promote the estab- lishment of West Chester Academy-, was one of the most liberal con- tributors to that enterprise, which at lenght developed into the present West Chester State Normal School. Before leaving these early schools of the Friends it is due to the Frieuds and to the schools they established in this early day to record the fact that they were not merely the elementary institu- tions that many might suppose. Notwithstanding that they were located in the rural districts, their masters frequently taught the higher branches of learning, such as Algebra, Geometry, Men- suration and Surveying. They also taught, but less frequently. History, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, and still less fre- quently Latin and Greek. About 1790 a prominent Friend named George Churchman established in East Nottingham, Chester County, a boarding school in Chester County; but as the day for this class of schools the higher branches being introduced. This was the first normal school in Chester County: but as the day for this class of schools had not yet arrived, it did not long survive. It is altogether likely that it was about 1790 that some of the leading Friends began to consider the propriety of establishing a larger and better institution of learning than any they had so far had, for at the yearly meeting held in Philadelphia for Pennsyl- vania, New Jersey, DelaAvare, and the eastern parts of Maryland and Virginia, the matter respecting the establishment of a board- ing school, which had been brought up from the Philadelphia Quarter in the year 1792, was entered upon and considered. At this meeting a committee of fifty-four Friends was appointed which on October 3, 1794, brought in a report to the effect that inasmuch as many of the Friends had taken into consideration the many advantages to the Society to be derived from one or more such institutions in a suitable place or suitable places within the limits and under the care of the yearly meeting, the use and benefit 368 CHESTER COUXTY whereof were to be coutined to the children of Friends, etc., they were unanimously agreed in sentiment that an institution of the kind proposed, if managed witli religious care and circumspection, might tend to the prosperity of truth by promoting the real good of the rising generation: and they therefore recommended the said proposal to the yearly meeting, and proposed that a com- mittee be appointed to consider and digest the plan and rules for the government and management of the house, school and other parts of the economy, etc. This report was signed on behalf of the committee of fifty-four by Joseph Potts, Thomas Gaskill, Dan- iel Smith and Eobert Kirkbride. The following committee was then appointed to carry into effect the several matters contained in the report and to submit a full and clear statement of their proceedings at the next yearly meeting: Henry Drinker, Owen Biddle, John Drinker, Thomas Fisher, Jesse Foulke, William Jackson, Humphrey Marshall, Joshua E. Piisey, Warner Mifflin, Jonathan Evans, Jr., ^Nicholas Wain, George Churchman, John Hoskins, and there were thirty- three others added to the committee on October 2, 1795, among whom were Phillip Price, Jr., James Emlen, William Savery and Eli Yarnall. Plans having been sufficiently matured, it was determined to name two Friends in each of the quarterly meetings to receive the voluntary contributions and subscriptions of the members of the society. For the Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting Thomas Fisher and Joseph Sansom were appointed, and two others in each of the other quarterly meetings, of which there were nine. Thomas Fisher is believed to have been the first treasurer of the committee. Some of the Friends who were interested jiroposed to the consider- ation of the meeting as a suitable situation for the boarding school a tract of land called Langhorne Park, in Bucks County, twenty miles out from Philadelphia, bounded on one side by the Xesham- iny Creek, and containing 450 acres. Humphrey Marshall, Jona- .l.\7) ]TS PEOPLE. 369- tliau Evans, Owen Biddle and eleven others Avere named to view this spot and to i-ejxn-t at the next meeting, they being- also author- ized to view any other places that might be thought more likely to answer the purpose. On December 17, 1794, the Friends above named reported that all of them but three had been to Langliorne Park, but, still having one or more places they desired to view, they wished fur- ther time. Eight other Friends were then added to the commit- tee, and at a meeting held on December 10 a sub-committee laid before the committee a description of several tracts of land which they had viewed, and it was ascertained that the general senti- ment was in favor of the farm of James Gibbons, in Westtown, Chester County, containing 595 acres of laud. Then Humphrey Marshall, John Pierce, Thomas Fisher and Samuel Canby were named to treat with Mr. (ribbons and to confirm the bargain with him if the terms and title should prove satisfactory. In this case the deed was to be made in trust to -Jonathan Evans, Joseph Sausom, Thomas Morris, Thomas Stewardson, .John Field and John Wistar. On the 29th of the same month articles of agreement were signed by James ( Hbbons and his wife, Eleanor, and on the 12th of the 1st month, 1795, the above-named commit- tee was continued to perfect the bargain, with the addition to it of Henry Drinker, John Morton and Roger Dicks. This James Gibbons was one of the remarkable men of early ('hester County history. He was a stanch Friend, a non-combat- ant, and retired from all public service upon the breaking out of the Revolutionary War. He was a tine scholar, especially well versed in ancient and modern languages, and at his residence opened a school for instruction in Latin, French and Greek. He was a competent surveyor, and was also competent to make deeds and wills. His judgment was so universally respected that hiis neighbors often submitted their disputes to him, and almost al- ways abided by his decision, feeling satisfied that they had ob- tained justice as nearly as it was possible for them to obtain it 370 CU ESTER COUNTY The aggregate price be received for his farm was £G,083 6s 8d. lu regard to the account in Futhey and Cope's History of Chester County of the attempt of the chairman of the committee that went to visit him to make a sharp bargain for his farm by trying to beat him down £1 per acre, a certain writer in "The Friend," No. 25, Yo\. LV, states that there was no Englishman on the committee, all being natives of this country', ami that it was not the custom of the Friends to conduct business through a chairman. The four Friends that made the bargain with Mr. Gibbons for this farm were John Pierce, of Tliornbury, Delaware County; Samuel Canby, Wilmington, Delaware; Humphrey Marshall, of Marshallton, Chester County, and Thomas Fisher, and to the perfecting of the bargain three others were added, viz.: Drinker, Morton and Dicks, as stated above. On March, 23, 1795, Thomas Stewardson, Benjamin Sweet, John Drinker and Owen Biddle were desired to attend at James Gibbons' house, on the first of the next month, to get the deed exe- cuted. Then, having attended to the arbitration of water rights on Chester Creek with Eobert Green and William Ashbridge, the details of which would require too much space for introduction here, it may be next stated that the committee were informed, probably in the fifth month, 1795, that John Elliott, of London, from a desire to promote the institution, had authorized Henry Drinker to draw on him for £100 to be applied for its benefit. A milldam and a mill were then erected northwest of Walnut Hill, not far from the northern boundary of the farm and south of Ches- ter Creek. A meeting of the boarding school committee was held at the farm on August 17, 1795, those present being John Shoe- maker, Owen Biddle, John Wistar, Jonathan Evans and eight others, who "viewed the eminence north of the old mansion, re- markable for the fine i:)rospect it affords." On the 18th of the same month the committee of women Friends were invited to pro- cure feather beds, pillows, mattresses, etc., for the accommodation GEORGE M. PHILIPS. AXD /7W PEOPLE. 373 of such members of the committee, meu or women, us might occa- sionally attend to the dnties of their appointment at that place. This is the first mention of women in connection with the pro- ceedings, and at the meeting of September 16 three of the seven women Friends named by the yearly meeting were in attendance. A road was opened on the east side of the farm to connect with Marlboro Street road and Goshen Township road, and a building committee was appointed consisting of Jonathan Evans, Owen Biddle, Thomas Morris, Thomas Stewardson and Joseph Sansom, the building to stand on the eminence mentioned above, north of the old mansion. The size of the building finally deter- mined upon was 100 feet front, 56 feet deep, and three stories in height. A notable donation was offered to this school about the first of February, 1790, by John Dawson Coates, a Friend, and then a late banker of Dublin, Ireland, the donation amounting to |500, Irish currency, which was accepted by the committee, Henry Drinker, Thomas Fisher and three others being appointed to re- ceive it. John Pemberton in his will left 22| pistoles annually to the institution after his widow's death, the annual amount be- ing $80.10. Henry Drinker also made a donation of a tract of land containing 4,9S9f} acres in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Bar- tholomew Wistar, in his will, left £150 to the school, and James Emleu, in his will, £100. Samuel Walles gave 802^ acres of land in Luzerne County, and on February 15, 1799, Richard and Cath- arine Hartshorne offered to take charge of the family of the board- ing school "without any view to pecuniary satisfaction, which it is stated they cannot agree to receive." This offer was accepted by the committee. The school was finally opened on May 6, 1799, and on July 19, at the request of the teachers in the school, the following visiting committee was appointed: Benjamin Sweet, Philip Price, Jr., Henry Drinker and Eli Yarnall. On November 15, the number of 22 374 CHEl^TEE COUNTY applicants for admission to the school had reached 300, and it was decided to discontinue entering names. About this time Kichard Hartshorne desiring to retire from the position of superintendent of the institution, Jonathan Evans, Eli Yarnall, Philip Pi-ice, Jr., Abraham Sharpless, Catharine Wistar, Rachel Malin and Mar- garet Marshall took upon themselves the charge of attending to the wants of the family. Philip Price is thought to have been superintendent temporarily until January i, 1800, when Joshua Sharpless took charge, receiving for his services £100 per year. About this time or soon afterward it was deemed necessary, in order to meet the expenses of the institution, to raise the price of board and tuition to £30 per year for boys and £25 10s. for girls. At Ihe opening of the school there were three teachers em- ployed, the principal being John Forsythe, who has heretofore been mentioned as tlie popular teacher of the Birmingham school. On the 19th of the 9th month, 1800, at a meeting at which were present twenty-one men and ten women, it was agreed to erect a two-story stone house, 18x28 feet in size, for the accommodation of a teacher. And it w^as also decided to erect a building for an infirmary on the east side of the plantation, G4x27 feet in size. The original cost of the farm and buildings was about .|4G,000, but there have been many additions and improvements since that time, and it is altogether likely that the expenditures on the prop- erty now exceed .^300,000. On January 21, 1811, a stone house having been erected op- posite the lane east of the schoolhouse, which it was'believed was designed for a store, with which it was apprehended it would be difficult to prevent improper communications on the part of the scholars, it was determined to purchase the property, which in- cluded one and one-half acres of land, the price asked being .f 1,300. About the same time it was decided to make the salary of the superintendent of the school |500 per year. One of the most difficult matters with which the management AXD ITS PEOPLE. 375 had to contend was that of making- the income meet the expendi- tures. The price of tuition and board was often changed to meec changed conditions, but if it were placed high enough to meet the cost then students fell off, and the aggregate income was reduced. If the price were placed low enough to attract plenty of students, then the aggregate cost of board and tuition was so increased that the income was too small. When the charge for board and tuition was placed at floO jjer year, the cost of such board and tuition was more than |200, so that there was a deficiency on each pupil's payments to the extent of more than .fSO per year. Another diffi- culty was that teachers would remain in the school only long- enough to find other positions at better pay, and hence as early as 1834 it was suggested that the only way to secure the services of competent teachers was to establish a permanent fund, the in- terest of which should be applied so far as it would go to the pay- ment of salaries to the best teachers that could be obtained by the payment of adequate salaries. Such a fund was afterward estab- lished. In 1844 the farm was carefully surveyed, and found to con- tain 599 acres, 2 rods and 34 perches. Early in the history of the institution a library was added to the other educational features, comprising- a considerable variety of woi'ks on history, biography, science and general literature. Extensive philosophical and chemical apparatus was introduced, and the regular course of study was so arranged and selected as to confer the greatest possible benefit upon the students. This school was established with the view mainly of instructing the young in the doctrines of the Friends, first educating the mind in such a way and to such a degree that it could readily comprehend tliem and perceive their beauty. This idea was well expressed by William Evans in his journal in 1853, when he said: "There is something- of importance that money cannot purchase. It is that Friends should be preserved under a right exercise that the insti- 376 CHESTER COrXTY tiitiou may be couducted in such a manner as to support the primi- tive doctrines and testimonies of the Friends, and educate the chil- dren in them. This was the original couceru, and that has been blessed," and Mr. Evans expressed his belief that as Friends kept to this ground a blessing would continue to rest upon the school. From the beginning of this school both sexes have been ad- mitted to its benefits, communication between them being judi- ciouslv regulated. Since the division that occurred in the Society of Frinds in 1S27, this school has been continuously in the hands of the orthodox branch, and none but children of members of that branch are admitted to its privileges. The school is now heavily endowed, and the cost of board and tuition is much lower than in the earlier days. Many are boarded and instructed entirely without expense. Up to 1872 the number of students that had at- tended the school was 4,215 boys and 5,39G girls. There has been a very large number of teachers connected with the faculty of this school, and some of them unusually prominent in their re- spective callings. Among them may be named John Comly, author of Comly 's Gi*ammar; Enoch Lewis, author of several works on mathematical subjects; John Gummere, author of Gummere's Surveying, Astronomy, etc.; Joseph Foulke, Samuel Alsop, Emmor Kimber, Joshua Hoopes, at one time principal of a boarding school at West Chester, and a distinguished authority on botanical sub- jects; Jonathan Gause, a. noted Pennsjdvania teacher, and Joseph C. Strode, one of the most famous mathematicians in the United States. The original buildings have been several times added to and enlarged. The main building was 175 feet long and four stories high, and in 1S(>9 a building was erected G8x54 feet in size. In addition to the school and farm buildings there is a gristmill on the place. This school has very largely contributed to the diffu- sion of knowledge among mankind, and especially among Friends, and many of the private seminaries conducted by Friends may be traced directly or indirectly to this famous institution. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 377 Since 1799 the total uumber of boys that have entered this school has been 5,350, and the total number of girls G,425, or a total enrollment of 11,775. Besides these there have been a few children of married teachers in attendance as "day scholars." At the present time (February, 1898), owing to the hard times of the past few years, there are but 90 boys and 70 girls in attendance. The highest aA'erage attendance ever reached was in 1810, when it was 241, and in 18G7, when it was 243. The lowest average attendance was in 1830, when it was down to 103. From the beginning down to 1896 the leading officer was al- ways called the superintendent, but in that year the office of prin- cipal was created. Other noted teachers, besides those named .above, have been Samuel Alsop, Jr., afterward well known at Haverford College; Joseph G. Harlan, also afterward of Haver- ford; Sarah Bailey, leading teacher of the older girls for thirty- five years; Isaac Sharpless, now president of Haverford College; J. Henrv' Bartlett, now principal of the Friends' school at Six- teenth and Cherry Streets, Philadelphia, and Thomas K. Brown, still at the school and author of a text book on Algebra. William F. Wickersham was appointed in 189(5 the first principal to fill the office then created, a position which he still occupies. During the year ending March 15, 1897, the expenses of the school were |48,S27.G5, while the income from the various funds was as follows: From board and tuition, |30,910; from merchan- dise, 1368.85; from farm, $706.94; from income of fund for paying, salaries, |734.88; from income of invested fund for general pur- poses, |G,825.11; from amount appropriated for use of school from income of Teachers' and Educational funds, $5,145.98, leaving the amount against the institution, |4,135.89. With reference to the course of study pursued at this insti- tution the following extract from the .catalogue of 189G will be sufficiently specific: "To suit the requirements of the long and short terms, most 378 CHESTER COUNTY of the subjects are arranged to be completed in three, six, or nine months, the latter time being the whole school year. Three months' work in any subject is technically known as one study. Four studies are generally taken at once and twelve studies constitute a year's work. Three years' work, or thirty-six studies, selected as hereafter explained, will entitle the pupil to the diploma of the school. "The subjects in the prescribed course are divided into seven sections. Section I embraces English and Histoi*y; Section II, Science; Section III, Mathematics; Section IV, Latin; Section V, German; Section VI, Greek, and Section VII, French. "A student may graduate Avhen any three of the first six sec- tions have been completed, and enough additional work has been taken from the other sections to make the whole number of studies amount to thirtj^-six. Certain subjects, however, are re- quired of all students, and must be included within the three sections taken, or in the additional work. These are marked * in the following list." Then follows the "Prescribed Course" for three years, which it is not considered incumbent on this work to present; but in order to show the limit of the course the studies for the senior class, or third year, are here appended, with the studies marked * as above mentioned: "Third Year. Senior Class. "Section I. English.— Moral Philosophy* (1). Rhetoric* (1). English Literature* (1). Political Economy (1). Psychology (1). "Section II. Science. — Astronomy (1). Geology (1). "Section III. Mathematics. — Analytical Geometry (1). Ana- lytical Geometry or Arithmetic (1). "Section IV. Latin.— Horace (2). Elective Work in Ca?sar, Vergil or Cicero (1). "Section V. German. — William Tell, die Harzreise, etc. Eapid Eeading. Narration. Sight Reading. AXIJ ITS PIX)I'LE. 379 "Section VI. Greek. — Herodotus. Homer. Plato's Apul- ■ooy." The first successful movemeut looking to the establishment of an institution of learning in West Chester was made in 1811, in ■wliicli year the West Chester Academy was incorporated. It was one of the leading schools of its class for fifty j-ears. The academy was established for the reason that the Chester County Academy, which had then been recently endowed by the State Legislature with |2,000, did not suit many of the citizens of West Chester as to its location. Under the lead of William Hemphill nearly |8,000 was promptly subscribed by the citizens of West Chester and vicinity for the establishment of this institution in their midst. An acre of land was purchased on which, in 1812, a building was erected, and the institution duly launched upon its career. But the war with England which broke out in 1812 prevented the academy from receiving the attention it would otherwise have received at the beginning, and its growth was consequently checked to some extent thereby. The first teachers in the school were Dr. John Gemniil and Jonathan Cause, the former having charge of the classical department, and the latter of the mathe- matical. Dr. Gemmil died in 1814, and soon afterward Mr. Gause became the principal teacher, holding the position most of the time until 1829, when he resigned to establish a private school. During the time Mr. Gause was principal the academy flourished, in the meantime receiving in 1817 a grant of |1,000. Many men who afterward became distinguished were educated at West Chester Academy while Mr. Gause was in charge, among them jSlmrod Strickland, Washington Townsend, John Hickman, Jo- seph Hemphill, Dr. Wilmer Worthington, William W. Jefferis, James B. Everhart and Dr. George Smith, the latter of whom served in the Legislature of the State, and wrote what is still the best "History of Delaware County.'' From 1829 to 1831 the academy had several different princi- 38o , CHESTER COLXTY pals, but in this latter year a noted individual, Jean Antoine Bruniu de Bolniar, a native of France, became principal, and re- mained in charge until 1840. Mr. Bolmar was one of the most energetic of teachers, and is still remembered with great respect. Under his direction the school reached the zenith of its fame and usefulness, being crowded with pupils. From 1840 to 1854 this academy was in charge of James Oowell, and from 1854 to 1800 William F. Wyers was the principal. During this latter period it became necessary to erect new buildings in order to accommo- date the scholars, and when Mr. Wyers wi-thdrew in 1800 he was succeeded by J. Hunter Worrall and Eugene Paulin, they remain- ing in charge until 1809, when the institution was closed as a separate and distinct school, and merged into the W^est Chester State Normal School. This change came about through a proposition made in 1809 by the trustees of the W^est Chester Academy to the citizens of West Chester, to the effect that the change be made. The citizens responded in a most liberal manner, raising more than |40,000 for the purpose. At the same time the trustees of the Chester County Cabinet of Natural Sciences, which was founded in 1820, merged their property and valuable collections into the enterprise. Alto- gether there was raised |75,000, and much valuable property in the shape of libraries, museums, etc., was contributed. Ten acres of ground in the southern part of the borough of West Chester were purchased from the Hon. Wayne MacVeagh, and upon this land in 1870-71, the original building, comprising about one-third of the present main building, a cut of which as it now appears is here introduced, was erected. This building was opened in the fall of 1S71, with Ezekiel H. Cook, a graduate of Bowdoin College, as principal, and a strong faculty' of teachers. There were about 100 students in attendance during the first year, but from various causes the first year's work was not Avholly a success, and at its close the Principal and scv- AXD ITS PEOPLE. 381 oral members of the faculty resij;iied. The secoud year opeued with Dr. William A. Chandler, a ^^radnate of the University of Michigan, as principal, and with a decreased attendance. Dr. Chandler resigned at the beginning of the spring term of 1873, having served as Principal about six months. He was immedi- ately succeeded by Professor (ieorge L. Maris, also a graduate of the University of Michigan, and who had just completed his terra as Superintendent of Public Schools of Chester County. Pro- fessor Maris found the school greatly reduced in numbers, and for more than eight yeai's labored diligently and successfully in build- ing up and maintaining the school. The first addition to the original main building was erected in 1878-79, being the north wing of the building as it is to-day. The first class graduated under Professor Maris' administration in 1874, and he resigned in 1881 to accept a professorship in Swarthmore College as well as the Superinteudency -of the Friends' schools connected with the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Professor Maris was succeeded by Dr. George Morris Philips, the present Principal of the school. Dr. Philips had previously been connected with the scho(d as professor of higher mathematics frona the close of Professor Chandler's principalship in the spring of 1873 until the summer of 1878, when he became professor of mathematics and astronomy at his alma mater, the University at Lewisburg, Pennsj'lvania, now Bucknell University. This posi- tion he resigned in 1881 when he succeeded Professor Maris in the principalship of the Normal school. Upon the accession of Dr. Philips to this i^osition the school at once entered upon a period of growth and prosperity, which has caused it to be geu- erally recognized as the foremost Normal School in the State, ami (-ne of the foremost in the entire country. Its students ha^e nearly, if not quite, quadrupled during this period, and its faculty has grown in the same proportion and has been greatly strength- ened, until it is now scarcely equaled for scholarship and experi- ence in teaching by that of any other normal school in the country. 382 CHESTER COUNTY ' The south wing of the main building was begun during the first year of Dr. Philips' incumbency, and it was soon followed by the laundry and boiler building in 1885, the dining-room, chapel and Sanitary towers in 1880-87, the gymnasium in 1890, the Principal's residence and infirmary in 1891-92, the recitation liall in 1892-93, tlie kitchen and storeroom in 1893. Four acres were added to the original Mac^'eagh lot in 1889, to the northward; five acres were purchased and also a site for the infirmary in 1891; the grounds of the Chester County Agricultural Society in 1895, and a piece adjoining the latter tract in 1898, increasing the original ten acres 1ucknell University, and in 1890 was tendered by Gov. Beaver the State Superintendency of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania, both of which, in addition to various other tempting positions, he de- clined. He is a Son of the Revolution, being a great-grandson of Lieut. John Philips of the Bevolutiouary Army. In 1877 he was married to Elizabeth M. Pyle, daughter of William H. Pyle, of Chester County, and has two children, Willie P. and Sarah E. After retiring from the principalship of A^'est Chester Acad- emy in 1829 Jonathan Cause opened a private school, Avhich he named "The West Chester Boarding School for Young Men aud Boys." This institution he conducted until 1832, when he was succeeded by Cheyney Hannum. Then, retiring to his farm in West Bradford Township, he opened "The Greenwood Dell Board- ing School," which became very popular and^was continued until 1839, when Mr. Gause became principal of the Unionville Academy, which he conducted until 1847, when he reopened the Greenwood Dell Boarding School and was its principal until 1865 Then, hav- ing been a teacher for more than fifty-seven years, he retired to a well-earned private life. Joshua Hoopes established "The Downingtown Boarding School for Boys'" in 1817, and continued it until 1834, when he removed to West Chester, aud there opened "Hoopes' Boarding School for Boys," which he continued until 18G2, when, on account of advanc- ing age, he ceased to teach. Edward Sparks in 1816 established "The East Bradford Board- ing School for Boys," and was succeeded in the principalship thereof in 1818 by Joseph C. Strode, who remained its principal, with an occasional interval, until 1846. Lewis Levis then became t))e principal and conducted the school until 18.57, when Mr. Levis closed the school and became a teacher in the school being con- ducted by Mr. Bolmar. 386 CHESTER COUNTY Mrs. Phelps' Young Ladies' Boarding School was established in 1838, by a joint stock company, the company erecting an elegant edifice in West Chester for the accommodation of young ladies. This school was in charge of Mrs. Almira IT. Lincoln Phelps, an accomplished lady, and well known as the author of a work ou botany. Townsend Eachus was the principal mover in the estab- lishment of this schodl, wliicli flourished abundantly while in charge of Mrs. Phelps. However, at length the comjiany failed, and the property was sold bj- the sheriff, being purchased in 1840 by Anthony Bolmar, who is often referred to as the Napoleon ijf teachers. Mr. Bolmar converted the school into a boarding school for young men and boys, and it became widely known, attracted numerous pupils even from the Southern States and West Indies, and was, in fact, one of the most floiirishing institutions of the kind in tlie land. The school was noted for its thoroughly systematic and exact discipline, and its principal was too watchful ever to be outwitted by any of his pupils. He was the author of several edu- cational works for the instruction of pupils in French. He re- mained at the head of the institution until 1859, when business re- quired his presence in France, and during his absence from this country the school was closed. Upon his return he made an at- tempt to reopen it, but his health was too badly shattered, and he died February 27, 1861, at the age of sixty-four years, leaving a widow and six children. From 1862 to 1865 the property was occupied by the Pennsyl- vania Military Academy, under the presidency of Col. Theodore Hyatt, in the latter year being removed to Chester. The property was then purchased by another of Chester County's noted teachers, William F. Wyers, who in 1866 opened a school therein, called by him "Wyers' Scientific and Classical Institute for Boys." This school Mr. Wyers conducted until his death in 1871. Mr. Wyers was succeeded by Robert M. McGlellan, who conducted the school for two years, when the property was purchased for the Catholic AND ITti PEOPLE. 387 Convent of the Immaculate Heart, and a school establisheil thereiu entitled "Villa Maria Academy for Young Ladies," which has since been conducted by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart. Under their efficient management the original property has more than trebled in value, and several spacious additions have been made to the buildings, among them an exquisite building of Avondale stone containing chapel and commencement hall. A fifth story lias been addeil to the entire main building, and an extensive north wing, for the use of the community, raised to an equal height. Villa Maria has an attendance of about one hundred ami twenty resident pupils, and the course of study is arranged on a modern basis, conducive to a most thorough training. The de- partments are four in number, viz.: primary, intermediate, senior and academic. The instniction includes a systematic course in English, mathematics, elementary sciences, Latin, German, French, history, bookkeeping, drawing and music, the latter in all its branches. In December, 1894, a purchase of four acres was annexed to the convent property upon which, in September, 1895, a boarding school for small boys was opened under the title of St. Aloysius Academy, the present number of pupils here being twenty-seven, and the lads are laying a first-class foundation for a future busi^ ness or college course. Mr. McClellan, above mentioned, moved his school to the Evans school property, on West Union Street, which is now partly occupied by the Reformed Episcopal Church, where he continued to teach .a few years longer. Emmor Kiniber in 1817 established the French Creek Board- ing School for Girls, the name of which was changed to the Kim- berton Boarding School when a postoffice was established there, named Kimberton, .January 15, 1820, Mr. Kimber being made the first postmaster. This school was conducted on principles quite different from those usually in operation in such schools, there 388 CHEtiTER COUNT y being no rules iu operation, the entire plan of government being based on tlie Golden Kule. In the management and teaching of the pupils attending this school, Mr. Kimber was aided hy his accomplished daughters, and all of them, father and daughters, had the faculty of maintaining an invisibLe government, which was none the less effective because it was based entirely upon the sense of honor of the pupils, who came not onl}^ from other States, but also from the West Indies. Mr. Kimber died in 1850, and the school was closed after a most useful career of thirty-three years. Afterward a school was conducted at the same place by the Kev. J. K. Dimm. George Pierce established the Brandywine Boarding School iu ISIG, and conducted it until 1823, when it was closed. Rev. Francis Alison Latta established Moscow Academy, a classical and literary institution, in Sadsbury Township, in 182G, and it was a successful institution for some years, though under different principals. It closed its career in 1840. Rev. Mr. Latta was a tine scholar, especially in the classics and theology, and was a Presbyterian minister. He died April 21, 1834. Rev. James Latta in 1830 opened Mantua Female Seminary, a sort of companicn school to Moscow Academy, and located only a short distance from it. For several years it had a successful career. LTuionville Academy was established in 1834 by the liberalitj' of citizens in the vicinitj', who donated the land and erected the buildings. It was for many years one of the best known and most successful private schools iu the county. Among its principals were such men as Milton White, Gaylord L. More, Cheyney Hau- num, James Fling, Jonathan Gause, Milton Durnall, Henry S. Kent, Jacob W. Harvej', A. A. Meader, and among its illustrious pupils were Bayard Taylor and James P. Wickersham. Evan Pugh opened a school for young men in 1847 in East Nottingham Township, which was known as Jordan Bank Acad- ..-/^^^^^^^^vj' A^'D /r^S' PEOPLE. 391 t'iny. This school he coudueted iintil 1853, when he went to Europe, graduated at the Uuiversity of Heidelberg, Avhich con- ferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Physical Science, and upon his return home in 1859 he at once became president of the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania. At Kockville in Houeybrook Township there was established in 1848 a school by the name of Howard Academy, under the principalship of Prof. James McClune, LL. D., and the same school was aftei'ward conducted by Rev. S. Ogdeu, A. Kirkland, and others, until 1862. Benjamin Price conducted a school in East Bradford from about 1842 to 1847, which was known by the name of Prospect Hill Boarding School. Philip and Eachel Price in 1830 opened Price's Boarding School for Girls in West Chester, and this school was conducted by their daughter, Mrs. Hannah P. Davis, until 1852, when it was purchased by Miss P. C. Evans and her sisters. The school then became the West Chester Female Seminary, and was conducted in the same building until 1872, which in that year was purchased by Pobert M. McClellan, who established therein McClellan's In- stitute for Boys, which was discontinued some years later. Mary B. Thomas and her sistere in 1839 opened a boarding- school for girls, in Downingtown, which they conducted for many years. Carl Heins had a similar institution in the same town for boys, which he conducted from 1800 to his death, in 1865. F. Donleavy Long in 1871 opened in Downingtown the Chester A'alley Academy for Boys, which he conducted for many years. Alexander Moore opened the Downingtown Academy for Boys in 1872, and conducted it for some years. Moses Coates conducted a boarding school in Coatesville from 1834 to 1838, and a select school was carried on there for some years, beginning in 1871, by Francis Parke and Benjamin I. Miller. 23 392 CHESTER COUNTY The Coatesville Academy, under several different principals, was in operation at Coatesville from 1S53 to 18GS. The Eaton Institute for Girls was established in 1843 at Keu- nett Square, and this school was for a long time an excellent insti- tution. It was afterward under the principalship of Evan T. Swayne. Joseph B. Phillips had a noted school for some years at Kennett Square, having among his pupils such men as Bayard Taylor, Dr. Howard Pugh, Dr. Elisha Gatchell and Dr. John B. Phillips. Dr. Franklin Taylor, Dr. Elwood Harvey and Prof. Pordyce A. Allen in 1852 opened a normal school in West Chester, Professor Allen soon afterward becoming sole proprietor, and opening in 1860 a female institute in connection therewith. These schools Avere continued until 1864. Dr. Franklin Taylor in 1875 opened Kennett Academy, and conducted it for some years. Dr. Taylor had previously had charge of the Young Ladies' Academy, in West Chester, from 1867 to 1870, a school Avhich, under the name of the Young Ladies' Select School, was established in 18C0 by Miss Lamboru and Miss Worrall, and it was conducted by them until 1867. The Oxford Female Seminary was established by Rev. J. M. Dickey about 1835, always had a large number of students from Maryland and Delaware, received the State appropriation in 183S, and for many years was an excellent institution of learning. Rev. Alfred Hamilton in 1847 established at Fagg's Manor an institution which, in honor of the old school of the Blairs at that place, he named "Blair's Hall."' It Avas iu operation about eight years. A school for females was in operation at Parkesburg from 1853 for some years, and was in charge of Miss Hannah Cooper, and later of the Misses Kelley and Johnson. Benjamin Swayne established Londongrove Boarding School for Young Men and Boys in 1849, and it was successfully con- AND ITS PEOPLE. 393 In the same place Eebecca B. Pugli's Boardinji- and Day School for Children was opened in 1848, removed to West Chester in 1854, condncted there until 1874, when it was discontinued. Thomas H. Harvey had a school for young men in Penn Town- ship from 1S40 to 1855, and sent out into the world many well- educated young men, among them the celebrated Isaac I. Hayes, Arctic explorer. Thomas Berry, for some years prior to 1835, conducted a school near Fairville, named Harmony Hill Boarding School for Girls. Jesse D. Sharpless established Fairville Institute, for pupils of both sexes, in 1854, and it was in operation until 1868, as many as ninety students being sometimes in attendance. "■• Fremont Academy in East Nantmeal Township was con- ducted from 1847 to 1858 by Jesse E. Phillips. Oakdale Academy was conducted fi'om 1855 to 1875 by David Phillips, and then by J. C. Guilden, being located at Pughtown. Ivy Institute for Girls, at Pughtown, was under the charge of Jesse Hawley and his daughters there from 1856 to 1870, in the latter year being removed to Phoenixville. Eev. J. E. Bradley was in charge of the Grovemont school at Phoenixville from 1856 to 186G. The Ividge Koad Academj was in operation from 1S52 to 1853. The Springville Academy from 1858 to 1872; Johnson's School at Guthrieville from 1870 until a few years ago. Malvern Boarding School, for both sexes, under Jane M. Eldridge, was established in 1860. Thomas Conard and Thomas P. Conard were success- ively principals of West Grove Boarding School for Girls from 1853 to 1869. Henry S. Kent had a boarding school in Beun Town- ship from 1860 to 1863. Hannah M. Cope's Toughkenamon Board- ing School was established in 1867. Abraham Fetters established Edgefield Institute in Upper UAVchlan in 1867. Cheyney Hannum taught a school in West Chester from 1832 to 1838. Mrs. Sarah Fales also had a school there from 1838 to 1842. Miss Sarah Ed 394 CHESTER COUNTY munds bad one in the same city fioui 1842 to 1850. J. W. Pinker- ton taught a school for girls, and Thomas B. Jacobs one for boys, in West Cliester for some years. James M. Hughes had a school for girls there from 1854 to 1858. Miss Barclay's sele<-t school was located at No. 96 West Miner Street. Miss Emma Dennis' primary school was at (!4 West Gay Street. Miss Hannah Embree's pri- mary school was at the northeast corner of Church and Barnard Streets. Miss Mary C. Pratt's day school for young ladies was in the rear of the Chester County Cabinet. Miss E. W. llichards' Young Ladies' Boarding School was at No. 96 East Gay Street. The Student's Home, kept by Isabella B. Butler and Sarah Hughes, was at the northeast corner of Market and High Streets, where is now the Turk's Head Hotel. Edward E. Orvis conducted a female seminary for two or three years in New London called the New London Female Semi- nary, beginning May 16, 1853. J. William Thorne began his boarding school in Sadsbury Township, four miles north of Parkersburg, in the summer of 1856, and there taught the Latin and French languages and lectured on English classics, historj' and astronomy. This school was discon- tinued in 1866. In 1857 the citizens of Parkesburg and its vicinity had deter- mined to establish an academy- at the; village named, and organ- ized a board of seven trustees for the purpose. Three acres of ground immediately north of the Pennsylvania railroad shops were purchased, and the school A\as opened in November, 1857, in the basement of the Baptist Church, by W. ^^'. Woodruff, a grad- uate of Oberlin College, Ohio, he being the only teacher. In the summer of 1858 a large building Avas erected suitable for a board- ing school, costing, together with the grounds, about |7,000, to which the schoolwas transferred. In this new building Mr. Wood- ruff taught until the spring of 1860, having an average attendance of about thirty-live students, all boys. Professor Woodruff, being AND ITS PEOPLE. 395 a friend of the co-educatiou of the sexes, proposed to lease the academy property for five years, provided he were permitted to receive both sexes into his school; but his proposition being de- clined by the trustees, he removed to West Chester, and was soon after elected Superintendent of Schools for the county. Several attempts were subsequently made to revive the academy, but with- only partial success, the property being finally sold and a private school for both sexes established and kept up for a few years. The property then passed into the hands of a private citizen, and is now occupied as a dwelling. In Professor Woodruff's academy were taught algebra, geometry, trigonometry, Latin, Greek and French. Those who succeeded Professor Woodruff in the man- agement of this school were Kev. David X. Juukin, J. Morgan Raw- lins, Eev. J. Landis, William W. Rupert and Milton R. Alexander. In 1854 an institution was incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, under the name of tlie Aslimun Institute, for the education of young men of negro parentage, in response to a reso- lution ])assed by the New Castle Presbytery, October 5, 1853. This resolution, introduced and advocated by the I{ev. Dr. John Miller Dickey, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Oxford, Pennsyl- vania, was as follows: "Considering the many Christian congregations of colored people in this country which are unable to secure educated minis- ters of their own color; considering the communities of such peo- ple in many parts who need educated men amongst them to fill the places of teachers and other responsible situations; consider- ing the wants of Liberia and the importance to its present and future welfare of having suitably qualified men to fill its offices and posts of authority, instruction and influence; considering the vast missionary work yet to be done in Africa, and to be mainly done by persons of African descent; considering how extremelj' dilficult it is for coloi^ed youth to obtain a liberal education in this land, arising from want of schools for that purpose, and their ex- 396 CHESTER COUNTY elusion from all regular institutions of learning of a higher grade; considering the strong recommendation to that effect from oiir board of education and its full indorsement by the General As- sembly of our Church, and considering the favorable indications of Providence at this time apparently calling us to such a work: ^'This Presbytery, trusting in God, and under Him, depending on the Christian liberality of the friends of the African race throughout our country, do determine as follows: "1. That there shall be established Avithin our bounds and under our supervision an institution to be called the Ashmun In- stitute,* for the scientific, classical and theological education of colored youth of the male sex." Doctor Dickey was in reality the founder and the animating spirit of the euterimse, and continued to be so until his death, which occurred in March, 1S7S. From the day of the inception of the institute he continued to labor for its success with abiding faith. When it was in need of funds, and there was no other way 10 raise them, he mortgaged his own property to secure the nec- essary resources. Ashmun Institute existed as such for ten years, during which period it did good work without a fixed curriculum or a graded course of study. Theology was taught with the classics and other studies, and about thirty joung men whom it had instructed were sent out into the field, twelve of whom became ministers, and two of whom went as ministers to Africa. At the close of the year, 1865, when nearly 4,000,000 slaves were suddenly freed and thrown upon the compassion of the church and the coimtry with almost no education, with few schools, few churches, few teachers and few preachers, it was at once evident that Ashmun Institute was wholly inadequate to the work needed to be done, and the charter secured in 1854 was so amended as to grant new and enlarged * Named after Jehudi Ashmun, well knuwn for his labors in Liberia. AND ITS PEOPLE. 397 powers to the board of trustees and faculty, increasing their right to hold property, and authorizing them to confer degrees. The name was changed to that of the "Lincoln University," to indicate the broader scope it had acquired and to honor the great Emanci- pator. In 1S70, when the two branches of the Presbyterian Church, "Old and New school," were reunited. New Castle Presbytery, which up to that time had had control of this institution, was de- prived of all ecclesiastical control north of Mason and Dixon's line, another change in the charter became necessary, and by this change the control of theological instruction was transferred to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States, this relation between the institution and the General As- sembly still continuing. The Theological Department, which pro- vides a full three years' course, has been from the first the heart of the university's work, but in 1871 it was rearranged and en- larged. In connection with this course there is a more limited one, in English only. In 1871 tAvo other courses or departments were organized, Medicine and Law, which in 1874 were discon- tinued on account of the financial depression then existing. The catalogue of 1897 states that more than 500 young men had then been sent out from the Preparatory Department and the lower classes in the Collegiate Department, and that from the Col- legiate Department 551 had been graduated, after a course of in- struction extending over four years, and in many cases over seven years, including the preparatory and the regular collegiate course. Most of these graduates are engaged in educational and profession- al labors in the Southern States. Two hundred and thirty-five of the students had received ordination as ministers of Evangelical Protestant denominations, and thirteen had gone to Africa as missionaries. This university has eighty acres of land in Lower Oxford, Chester County, and its buildings consist of a Chapel, the Yail 398 CHESTER COUXTY Memorial Library buildino;, University Hall, a builfliuft- for general purposes; Livingston Hall, for commencement assemblies and ca])- able of seating 1,000 persons; the Harriet Watson Jones Hospital; Ashmim Hall, Lincoln Hall, Cresson Hall, and Houston Hall, the four containing dormitories for students, and there are besides, nine residences for the professors. The value of the entire property of the university is now f 250, 000; the professorship fund bearing- interest is fl40,000, and the fund for scholarship is .foO,000. At the present time the corps of professors numbers ten, though through the death of Rev. Gilbert T. Woodhull, February 11, 1898, one chair became vacant. The nine professors remaining are as follows: Eev. Isaac N. Eendall, D. D., president and professor of logic, psychology and ethics since 1855; Eev. John B. Kendall, A. M., professor of Latin since 1871; J. Craig Miller, M. D., professor of natural science; Eev. E. L. Stewart, D. D., i)rofessor of pastoral theology, evidences of Christianity and Biblical antiquities; Eev. J. Aspinwall Hodge, D. D., professor of Biblical instruction; Wal- ter L. Wright, Jr., A. M., professor of mathematics; Eev. William Deas Kerswill, B. D., professor of Hebrew and history; Rev. George B. Carr, D. D., professor of rhetoric; Eev. William E. Bingham, D. D., instructor in systematic theology. Eev. Edward Webb, financial secretary of this institution from 1873 until his death, was born in Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, December 15, 1819, and was at different times pastor of Pres- byterian Churches at Darby, Glasgow, Delaware, Andover and the Ashmun Church at Lincoln University. His death occurred sud- denly' from heart disease just after he had taken the train at Oxford, Chester County, his place of residence, for Philadelphia, on the morning of April 6, 3898. Ercildoun Seminary is noted in part for having been destroyed by a tornado or whirlwind July 1, 1877. This institution of learn- ing was established in 1851 by Smedley Darlington, as a boys' academy, but in 1854 it was changed to a school for girls. The AXD /TaS? people. 399 buikling- was a four-story structure and capable of accommodatinji- about fifty pupils. It was conducted by its founder as a girls' school for about seven years, and then it passed into the hands of Richard Darlington, brother of Smedlej'. Richard Darlington, after viewing the ruins of liis property caused by the storm, araountiug to |9,500, decided that it Avould be best to change the locution of his school, and purchased a valuable property, contain- ing twenty-six acres of land, in the vicinity of West Chester, twelve miles east of its former location. Upon this property he erected buildings of the most approved character, and had more room for pupils than before. It was also believed that other advantages besides additional room would accrue to it, from its being more easy of access, and because of its being near to such a beautiful and well-situated town. The grounds embrace twenty-seven acres of land, lying about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the court-house in West Chester, and are surrounded by a line privet hedge. The build- ings are four in number — one of stone, two of brick and one frame building containing the gymnasium. They are all connected by interior halls. The main school building is 45x60 feet in size and three stories high. The second building contains the dining-room, capable of seating frcmi sixty to seventy pupils. The stone build- ing contains the double parlors and office of the seminary, and the fourth or frame building, as statecj, the gymnasium. The build- ings, which are altogether ISO feet long, were expected expressly for school purposes, and contain all necessary modern improve- ments. They are all supplied with pure spring water by means of a windmill, which tills a tank in the upper part of the buildings. Excellent spring water is also forced up by a hydraulic ram to all the buildings. The course of instruction comprises a thorough P^ugiish educa- tion, together with the Latin, (J reek, German and French lan- guages. Music, drawing, crayoniug, painting, in oil and water 400 CHESTER COUXTY colors, are all tanglit. The Fuller Literary Society holds its meet- iugs every week, and there is an excellent library of about 1,000 volumes, to which all students have access. The electric railway (Lenape Branch) passes the grounds on the south, and has a station near and on purpose for the seminary. Richard Darlington, Ph. D., is the Principal of the school, and is assisted by nine other teachers, seven of whom are ladies. The number of graduates since 1888 has been as follows: 1888, (!; 1889, 7; 1890, 10; 1891, 3; 1892, 10; 1893, (i; 1894, G; 1895, 7; 1890, 10; 1897, 7. The entire number of pupils that have attended this well- known institution since it was founded is about 2,500, some of whom have attained a wide reputation in the professions of teach- ing, medicine, law and literature, and they are living in nearly every State of the Union. The value of the sx-hool buildings, grounds and private dwellings on the property is more than |35,- 000. This school has prepared a large number of pupils for admis- sion to some of the leading colleges of the country, such as Wel- lesley, Vassar, Bryu Mawr, Swarthmore and others. It has all the features of a home school, yet its numbers give it the advantage of a large seminaiy. Pegular courses of lectures are given on scientific and literary subjects, which are well attended and valu- able. This is one of the oldest private institutions of its kind in Eastern Pennsylvania, a section widely known for its excellent pri- vate schools. In 1865 William E. Buck of New Hampshire opened an acad- emy at Atglen under the name of the Penn High School, which he conducted with constantly increasing success and efficiency for about five years. At first this school was kept in the basement of the Presbyterian Church, but, outgrowing its accommodations, it was found necessary by Mr. Buck to purchase adjoining grounds, which he did, and upon which he erected a two-story building, which gave ample room for his school during the remainder of AND TTS PEOPLE. 401 his stay. Mi*. Buck was an excellent scholar nutl a fine teacher and disciplinarian, and many yonng people for miles around were educated by him. After the death of his wife he s'^^'e up the school and returned to his native state, and has been for many ■years and is now the efficient superintendent of the city schools of Manchester, New Hampshire. For a short time his school at Atglen was owned and con- ducted by a Mr. McClellan, who sold the property to the school directors of the village, and recently a new and modern-graded school building and school has taken the place of the former academy. Still anotlier private school was maintained at Penningion- ville for many years by the late John M. Philips, father of Dr. Philips of the Normal School at West Chester. There being no public school in or near the village he erected a building at his own expense, and for a number of years engaged and paid a teacher for his own and for his neighbors' children. This school has been superseded also by public schools of more recent date. The history of the public schools in Chester County must be brieriy traced. Some of these common schools were at first kept in the session-houses of the churches, but at a later period houses were built on purpose for their accommodation. These early dis- trict school-houses were either of logs or stone, and sometimes they were in octagonal form, and then were called eight-square school- houses. The desks were placed around the outside of the interior of the building, the children sitting with their faces to the walls. Benches without backs were placed in the middle of the room for the smaller pupils, there was a desk for the teacher, a large stove in the middle of the room, and there was a "pass," which was a small paddle with the words "in" on one side, and "out" on the other. The early teachers were often characters in their way- One of them named Abel AVickersham was the proprietor of a remarkable book, called "Sjnopsis Mathematica Universalis," or 402 CHESTER COUNTY "Brief System of Mathematics for Young Students." It included cliajitei's on Arithmetic, Geometry, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Dialling, ("hronometry. Geography, Optics, Catoptrics, Dioptrics and Statics. It was printed in London, England, in 1729. There were in these early public schools no female teachers, young women scarcely considering it respectable to teach school, or at least they avoided, the profession, in part possibly because of the difficulty of governing the boys in those earlier days. Tlie teachers were then paid by the parents and guardians of the pupils, the schools being conducted upon the subscription plan. The earliest schools of tliis kind were established by the Friends. In lT5o they purchased an acre of ground in Willistown for school purposes, and there was a school set up by the Bradford, New Garden and Kennett Monthly Meetings, jointly, sometime before 1781. There was also a joint school established about the, same time by Goshen, Bradford and Birmingham meetings, these meetings purchasing four acres of ground one-half mile west of West Chester, where the walls still stood until recently, to mark the spot where the school-house was erected more than one hun- dred years ago. There was also a house for a public school of this kind erected on the northwest corner of the property belonging to the Branilywine Manor Presbyterian church, which Avas 28x18 feet in size, liad two doors in front, which faced the south, and was divided by a swinging jjartition. One division of the room was used for the common school and the other for the classical school. It stood within three liundred yards of where three town- ships joined, these three townships constituting the eighth elec- tion district, and elections Avere held therein from 1798 to 1811. This Avas the first stone school-house built in that part of Chester County, most school-houses being built of logs. While the history of the efforts of the State to establish com- mon schools supported out of the State Treasury is exceedingly interesting, yet it cannot be traced in this Avork, except vei'v AXD n\S PEOPLE. 403 briefly, and, in fact, can be scarcel.y more than referred to for want of propriety and space. The constitution of 1790 contains the fol- lowing section: "The Legishiture sliall, as soon as conveniently may be, pro- vide by law for the establishment of schools thronghout the State, in such a manner that the poor may be taught gratis.'' This section was incorporated into the constitution of 1838, and is the basis of the common school system of the State. The first law imder this provisicm of the constitution was enacted in 1802, but it was soon found inadequate to the requirements of a system of public education, and another act was passed in 1804. This act was but little better than the former, and in ISO!) another act was passed, which Avas more carefully drawn, and found to work out better results. This act required "the assessors in each and every township, ward and district to receive from the parents the names of all children between the ages of five and twelve years, who reside therein, and whose parents are un- able to pay for their schooling." These names were to be jjlaced on the township transcripts, and the lists, after revision, were returned to the assessors, whose duty it was to notify the pareuts of the children to what schools they should be sent. The townships which are here named reported jjoor children in 1810: Brandy wine, 3; East Bradford, 15; West Bradford, 2; London Britain, 4; East Cain, (i; Charlestown, 39; Coventry, .">; Londonderry, 6; West Chester, 7; East Fallowfield, 8; Goshen, l.j; Londongrove, 3; New Garden, 5; Honeybrook, 12; Newlin, 5; East Marlborough, 10; East Nottingham, 3; Upper Oxford, 7; Lower Oxford, 21; Pennsbury, 1; Sadsbury, 3; Easttown, 4; Westtown, 11; East Whiteland, (1; West Whiteland, 20. The following re- ported in 1811 as follows: Birmingham, 1; West Marlborough, 3; Thornbury, 3; Tredyffrin, 10; Uwchlan, 3, and WillistOAvn, 2. In 1812: West Cain, 3; New London, 18; East Nantmeal, 12; West Nantmeal, 7, and West Nottingham, 2. In 1813: West Fallow- 404 CHESTER COUNTY field reported 3 aud Kennett 8. In 1811 East and West Vincent reported 8, and in 1812, East and West Pikelaud reported 4. The total number thus reported in the county was 304. The law under which such reports as the abpve were required to be made was unpopular, as it compelled the parents to publicly record their poverty and to send their children to "pauper schools.'' Even public schools, to whidi all the children were permitted lo be sent, have thus been branded, while the people were prejudiced against them. And it is altogether likely this act of 1809, together with those enacted previous!}', tended to increase the prejudice against public education than otherwise. At any rate the struggle for and again.st such a system was maintained with vigor for many years, aud it was }iot until 1834 that an act was passed that had in it the elemeuts of success. It is not unreasonable to attribute a jjart of the opposition to a system of public education to the various religious denominations that were in those days sustaining schools in which children were being taught at the least possible expense. These semi-public schools were maintained in large part for the purpose of inculcating certain religious tenets i-n the minds of the young, and i* was clear to many of those who desired their children to be brought up Friends, or Presbyterians, or Baptists, or Episcopalians, or Methodists, that in a public school, where children of parents of various denominations were collected together, that no one particular system of religion or faith could be taught to the exclusion of others; for this would be unjust to those who entertained the other system of belief, and it would be equally impracticable to teach all systems, for that would be to divert the entire school system from an educational force to a religious one, and would result in the greatest possible confusion even in this field of instruction. The only possible course, there- fore, with reference to religious instruction, would be to exclude everything of a sectarian or denominational nature, which would render the schools non-religious, to say the least, aud it miglit render them even irreligious. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 405 But as time passed on it became more and more evident to the most intelligent of the citizens that a public school system was a real necessity. Free schools were in the public mind, and they must be established. In 1833-34 therefore the State took more active measures than before to put such a system into opera- tion. At the commencement of the session of those years, on motion of Samuel Breck of Philadelphia a joint committee was appointed, which was charged with the duty of framing a general system of education for the commonwealth. Dr. Wilmer Worth- ingtou was the Ciiester County member of this committee from the lower house, and at the same time Elijah J. Pennypacker was a member of the Legislature from Chester County. The act framed by this joint committee was passed by the Legislature, and was entitled, "An Act to Establish a General System of Education by Common Schools." It was approved April 1, 1834, but it did not get into operation without long and bitter opposition. The details of this struggle cannot be here traced, but it may be stated further with reference to the opposition with which it met that different classes of the people fought it for widely different "rea- sons, and what is perhaps what is most remarkable is that those needed free schools the most fought it with the greatest bitterness. At that time there were 987 school districts in the State, and when the question of accepting the law was submitted to a vote, of these 987 districts 502 accepted it, 264 rejected it, 57 were not represented and 1G4 made no return. Chester County Avas then divided into forty-four districts, of which seventeen accepted the law and twentj'-seven rejected it. But the Governor of the State, George Wolf, was a firm and steadfast friend of the law, and did much in aid of its proper enforcement. During the succeeding session of the Legislature petitions went up from all over the State for the repeal of the law, and for its modification, as well as many remonstrances against its repeal or modification. Chester County was on both sides of this 4o6 CHESTER COUNTY question, as might naturally be expected; but it was found by careful count that in the entire Commonwealth about 32,000 per- sons petitioned for repeal, and 2,084 for some modification of the law. It was also found and given out as a curious fact that "not more than five names in every hundred were written in English," and most of those signed to the petitions for repeal were very illegibly written. Chester County sent up forty petitions, contain- ing 2,261 names, asking for repeal, but the final result was that a bill was passed strengthening the act of 1834, anil from that time on there was never any doubt as to the attitude of Pennsyl- vania on the free school question. It was a great, even a mag- nificent, victory that was won for free schools, for the intelligence of the people at large, instead of for the education of classes, and it appears to be generally conceded that to no man is more credit due than to Thaddeus Stevens, then a member of the lower house of the Legislature, who theu for the first time gave an exhibition of his masterly strength. This is the opinion of Elijah J. Penny- packer, mentioned before as one of the members from Chester County, who was himself also a steadfast friend of free education in the State. The following paragraph pi'esents the number of children reported in each township in Chester County in 183.5, and the year in which each township adopted the free school law: East Cain, 68, 1830; Schuylkill, 43, 1836; West Bradford, 37, 1837; East Fallowfield, 68, 1837; West Cain, 71, 1837; West Nant- meal, 51, 1837; in 1838, AVest Chester 115, Honeybrook 80, East Marlborough 50, East Whiteland 30, West Marlborough 59, Willis- town 49, West Nottingham 31, West Fallowfield 76, West ^'lu- cent 22; in 1839, Goshen 101, Londongrove 21, NeM^ Garden 87, East Nottingham 108, Uwchlan 45, East Nantmeal 126; in 1840, London Britain 22, Coventry 92, Thornbury 9, Tredyffrin 87, East Vincent 36; in 1841, Brandywine 111, Charlestown 48, Londonderry 26, Newlin 37,- Upper Oxford 74, Lower Oxford 51, Pennsbury 51, Sadsbury 110, A^'est Whiteland io, Birmingham 16, New London AND ITS PEOPLE. 409 84, Kennett 45, Penu 45, East Pikeland and West Pikeland 45; in 1843, East Bradford 79, Westtown 31, Easttown 48. From the time of its snccessful (establishment on through the years public sentiment steadily and even rapidly grew and strengthened in its favor; and it was further seen, or at least thought, that the State could afford to aid higher institutions of learning. In this movement Chester County was not behind other counties in the State. Her representative, William H. Dil- lingham, introduced a bill in the house, as did also Thaddeus Stevens of Adams County, making a liberal appropriation for ten years to incorporate colleges and academies, that is, such as were able to comply with certain easy conditions. Chester County was the birthplace of Townsend Haines, who was secretai'y of the Commonwealth, and Superintendent of Com- mon Schools during the latter portion of the term of Governor Johnston. As Superintendent of Common Schools Mr. Haines made two reports, in which he objected to the short terms of the district schools, then less than five months in the year; and to the low salaries paid teachers, male teachers receiving then on the aver- age $17.27 per month, and females .flO.25 per month. He sug- gested for the e^'ils then existing an iuci'eased school tax, and to cure tlie apathy of the people he suggested periodical conven- tions of teachers in the several counties. In his second report he complained among other things of the incapacity of the teach- ers, and of the improper selection of school books, of the want of funds, and of the absence of some direct and intelligible com- munication between the school directors and the State Superiu- .tendent of Schools. To remedy these defects he suggested the establishment of the county superintendency of schools, and the normal school connected with central high schools. But, notwithstanding all the work that had been done up to 1848, and the widespread public sentiment that had by that time gro-nn up in favor of the system, yet there were still in Chester 24 4IO CHESTER COUNTY County a few districts that had not accepted it. These disti'icts ■wei"e East Bradford, North Coventry, Kennett, Westtown and West Vincent. In this year, a provision of the law making ap- propriations, repealed all laws concerning non-accepting school districts, and made the common school law applicable to every school district in the State. Afterward one by one of the nearly two hundred non-accepting school districts put-schools into opera- tion within their limits, and by 1868 there were only twenty-three districts in the State, with about 6,000 school children, that had no common schools in operation. The law of 1849, while it marked no new departure with refer- ence to educational affairs, was yet a step in advance, as it pro- hibited teachers from teaching without a certificate enumerating the branches they had been found capable of teaching, the cer- tificate to be signed by a majority of the board of directors con- ducting the examination; and it increased the minimum length of time during which schools should be kept open from three to four months. It also fixed the school age as being from five years to twenty-one. This bill was introduced into the House by Henry S. Evans of Chester County. "In 1855 an act of Assembly was passed establishing a teach- ers' institute in Chester County, requiring one to be held each year at the county seat, and appropriating from the coimty treasury annually two liundred dollars for that purpose. This was a step in advance of any other county, and has rendei'ed the institutes more efficient than they otherwise would have been." * From the beginning of the public school system the Secretary of State was the Superintendent of Common Schools for the State up to 1857, on the ISth of April of which year an act was approved which provided for the separation of the two offices, and for the appointment of a Superintendent of Common Schools, Avho should hold his office for three years. ' Futhey and Cope's History of Chester County. AND ITS PEOPLE. 411 Previously to this time it became apparent tliat more efficient county superintendency was required, if the people were to re- ceive the full benefits of the system in the thorough education of the young, and as a consequence an act was approved May 8, 1851, "For the regulation and continuance of a System of Education by Common Schools," Section 37 of wliich is as follows: "Section 37. That there shall be chosen in the manner here- after directed an officer for each count}', to be called the County Superintendent, It shall be his duty to visit as often as practica- ble the several schools of the county, and to note the course and method of instruction and branches taught, and to give such di- rections in the art of teaching and the method thereof in each school as to him, together with the directors or controllers, shall be deemed expedient and necessary; so that each school shall be equal to the grade for which it was established, and that there may be, as far as practicable, uniformity in the course of study of the several grades respectively.'' Section 38 provided tliat it should be the duty of each county superintendent to see that in every district there were taught orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, geography and arithmetic, "as well as such other branches as the board of di- rectors or controllers may require." Section 39 provided that the school directors of each county should meet in convention at the seat of justice of their respective counties on the first Monday (5th) of June, 1851, and on the first of May (in 186G changed to the first Tuesday of May), in each third year thereafter, and select viva voce, by a majority vote of those present, one person of literary and scientific acquirements and of skill and experience in the art of teaching as County Superin- tendent for three successive school years. The school directors by a majority vote in such convention were also authorized to fix the salary of the superintendent. Section 11 made it the duty of the County Superintendent to 412 CHESTER COUNTY examine all the candidates for tlie profession of teaching, in the presence of the board of directors, should they desire to be present, and to give each person found qualified a certificate setting forth the branches said candidate was found capable of teaching. Under this law the following gentlemen have been County Superintendents of Schools in Chester County: E. Agnew Futhey, 1854 to 1857; Dr. Franklin Taylor, 1857 to 1860; W. W. Woodruff, 1860 to 1869; George L. Maris, 1869 to 1872; Hiram F. Pierce, 1872 to January, 1877, when he died; Jacob W. Harvey, appointed February 1, 1877, and served until 1887; Joseph S. Walton, 1887 to September, 1896, Avhen he resigned and F. P. Bye was appointed and has served ever since. As in the case of the C-ommon School System itself, when it was first proposed, it was strongly j)pposed, so in case of the county superintendency, it likewise met with lively opposition. It would appear that in the economy of human nature, all innova- tions have to demonstrate their fitness before they become ac- ceptable to mankind. Those who opposed the county superin- tendency were divisible into two classes — First, those who con- sidered themselves fully competent to examine the teachers, and who were jealous of the new officer; and second, those who thought the office useless and that the salaiw of the new official should be added to the school fund. Through the judicious conduct of the first County Superin- intendent the opposition gradually subsided. He gradually sur- mounted all the difficulties that he encountered, held the first county institutes and left the ground comparatively clear for Dr. Taylor, his immediate successor. Mr. Futhey held seven teachers' institutes, each lasting a week. There were then in the county sixty-two school districts, and 292 schools. So far as the County Supei'intendents are concerned it would appear that Dr. Taylor held the first special Normal School in the county, opening it on Monday, May 3, 1858, in connection with AND ITS PEOPLE. 413 F. A. Allen and Dr. E. Harvey, in the borough of West Chester. This normal school lasted twenty weeks, and there were forty-six teachers in attendance. In 1860 there were still twenty-four private schools in exist- ence, attended by 1,250 students. Phoenixville that year com- pleted two very superior school buildings, capable of accommodat- ing 800 pupils. In 1861 two graded schools were established, one at West Chester, the other at Phoenixville. In 1862 there were in the county 172 male teachers, the number in 1859 having been 174; and in 1862 there were 223 female teachers, the number in 1859 having been 175. In 1863 two school-houses in the county were heated from below, the stoves being placed in the cellar and sur- rounded by non-conducting substances. During this year there were engaged only 152 male teachers, on account of so many of them having gone off to the war, and there were 243 female teach- ers. In the year 1868, besides the two graded schools mentioned above, there were such schools in Coatesville, Downingtown, Ken- nett Square, and Oxford, and there were schools partially graded in Marshallton, Sugartown, Unionville and Waynesburg. In Oc- tober, 1867, the most useful institute so far held was held in the county. During the nine years of Professor Woodruff's incumbency of the office of County Superintendent tliere were erected 100 new school buildings, at a cost of about |150,000; during that period the number of schools increased from 304 to 335; the pupils in- creased from 16,032 to 17,628; tJie length of the school year in- creased from 7.41 months to 8 months, and the average salary of the male teachers increased from |26.22 to |36.50 per month, while that of tbe female teachers increased from |22.09 to $33.04 per month. The highest salary paid any teacher in the county in 1800 was $80 per month, while in 1869 the highest salary paid any male teacher was fill. 11. The highest salary paid any female teacher in 1800 Avas |30 per month, while in 1809 it had increased to |110. 414 CHESTER COUNTY During the school year 1869-70 there were erected eleven new school-houses in the county, the finest one of the eleven being at Kennett Square. This was a two-story structure, with four large assembly rooms and the same number of convenient class-rooms. The yard contained two and a half acres of gently-sloping land, and according to Mr. Maris, then superintendent, the building was better suited to its purposes tliau any other in the county. The entire property was Avorth |10,000. Of the eleven erected that year the one at Waynesburg came next, woi'th |5,100. The high school at West Chester in June, 1869, graduated a class of seven members, the course of study embracing Latin, German, French, algebra, geometi'y, botany, physiology, and nat- iiral philosophy. This event marked a new era in the educational history of Chester County. Phojuixville, Coatesville and Oxford had adopted similar coui'ses of study. A teachers' institute was held in West Chester in October, 1869, at which there were pres- ent 492 teachers, and there were present as instructors, amoug other distinguished men, Theodore Tilton, Wayne MacVeagh, and Dr. Isaac I. Hayes. The schools of Honeybrooli, West Nantmeal and Sadsbury were graded during the year ending June 5, 1871. The annual institute for that year was held in October, 1870, and among tlie distinguished instructors and lecturers present were Hon. E. E. White of Oliio, Prof. Lewis B. Monroe and Prof. E. D. Cope. There Avere numerous local institutes held, at which among other dis- tinguished men were present Prof. James McCosh, Bayard Taylor, M, Brosius, W. W. Woodruff and T. Clarkson Taylor. During the winter of 1873-74 there was opened a night school for the factory children of Boudsville, Fisherville and the vicinity, in the Chestnut Dell school, of Cain District, ladies and gentlemen of the neighborhood volunteering their services as teachers. About 1883 the question of teaching temperance in the public schools began to attract attention, and has since then been con- AXD ITS PEOPLE. 41 S tinned. There were then 380 pnblic schools in the county, and forty-eight private schools having an attendance of 1,900 students. During the year 1887-88 originated the formation of directors' as- sociations, and the attemi)t was made to form a teachers' organiza- tion by dividing the county into thirteen districts, and the thor- ough introduction of a graded course of study in the rural schools. The school directors effected a permanent organization, which Avas to meet semi-annually, the first chairman being William W. Parker, and the first secretary being Edwin J. Durnall. It had an execu- tive committee of nine, the principal of the Normal School and the county superintendent being members ex-officio. By 1889 seven of the rural districts had adopted the graded course of study. The Berwyn School-house, built this year, was considered the model school-house of the county. By 1890 fifty-two of the sixty-eight school districts in the county furnished the text books free of cost, and all but three or four of the remainder furnished them at not more than one-half or two-thirds cost. By 1891 manual train- ing had been introduced into eleven of the schools, mostly in the counti'y districts. By 1893 Tredyft'rin had established a township grammar school, and had given the local supervision of the schools in the township to the principal, Kichard S. Macnamee, who holds the position at the present time. Easttown has done the same thing, and at the present time J. Alexander Clarke of Berwyn is the dis- trict superintendent. The West Chester Public Schools are in charge of a superintendent, at present Addison Jones, and the Ph(]enixville Public Schools are managed in the same manner by H. F. Leister. The rest of tlie borough schools in the county ava conducted by supervising principals. The graded school system during the past tAventy years has been slowly but steadily gaining ground, and at the present time the demand for systematizing the work is stronger than ever be- fore. A general outline ijrepared under the direction of the 4i6 CHESTER COUNTY County Directors' Association is used over the greater part, of the county. Eacli townsliip makes such modifications in the general plan as are necessary' to adapt it to its special needs. Graduates in the elementary course are given diplomas which are uniform tlirougliout the county, the examinations sent out from the office of the County Superintendent having been satisfactorily passed. A feature of the woi'k lately introduced which is giving general satisfaction is the requirement of some specific work in English. Besides -a general knowledge of American and English literature each candidate is required to be familiar with certain English classics announced at the beginning of the year. The Chester County Teachers' Association is a purely repre- sentative body, its work being to direct the operations of the dis- trict association throughout the county. Of these there are thir- teen, each of which reports annually to the general association. This organization has in it great possibilities, wliich are being de- veloped and appreciated more and more as time goes on. The Chester County School Directors' Association was organ- ized in February, 1888, Isaac A. Cleaver of Berwyn being the first president and Edwin J. Durnall the first secretary. This is an exceedingly strong organization, and is a powerful instrument in the worlc of unifying and advancing the schools of the county. It is one of the most efficient associations in the State, and has re- ceived special mention by the State Superintendent of Common Schools. The two meetings held each year are well attended, all parts of the county being represented. The efficiency of the pres- ent officers. President Isaac Richards of New Garden and Secre- tary John L. Balderston of Kennett Township, is sufficiently at- tested by the fact that they are now serving a third term. Several years ago a few of the principals of the county held a meeting to discuss methods of school supei-vision, as it had been felt for years that the local and county institutes did not reach the duties of the principal. It was thought, too, that all would AND ITS PEOPLE. 4U be benefited by an interchange of views regarding tlie courses of study, methods of teaching, means of supervision and discipline. As a I'esult of the meeting mentioned there is now the organization known as the Principals' Association of Chester County, which meets at stated intervals during the year, at which subjects of interest are discussed. Someone is appointed to open the discus- sion with a short paper, and the members make reports or ask questions as they see fit. A prominent feature of all the meetings is the absence of set speeches, while the topics placed before the association are such as to prompt nearly all the members to take part in the discussion. All the principals of the county are eligible to membership. The Chester County Teachers' Association, at its annual meet- ing during the Institute week in the autumn of 1896, organized the Teachers' Professional Society for the improvement of its mem- bers, and through their improvement the improvement of the county schools. Although many of the teachers of tie county take Saturday work at schools in West Chester and Philadelphia, and under tutors, yet there are many to whom these means of self- improvement are not available, and to those who cannot reach the professional school the school has been taken. A committee of leading local educators conducts a correspondence course in pro- fessional study, in which the tuition fee is but twenty-five cents per year, and each teacher taking the course invests in two or three good books bearing on the work of the course taken. Dur- ing the school year 1898-99 the County Institute and the Profes- sional Society will be merged along the same lines of work, thus turning the entire coi-ps of teachers in the county, four huudi-ed and fifty in number, into a great professional society. In other words the themes of the Institute lectures will follow lines laid down by the society, and the. society, on the other hand, will am- plify and re-enforce the work of the County Institute. Four courses will be open to the teachers from which they may select 41 8 CHESTER COUNTY their professional line of work. Subjects for themes will be an- nounced by the instructors who will examine the papers prepared by the teachers. The preparation of these themes will form a part of the work of the society. At the end of each year the so- ciety faculty issues a certificate setting forth the work done by the holder thereof. The Circulating Library is the result of an agitation carried on of late years within the county, but there was no general move- ment looking toward a solution of the problem until the summer of 1897. A plan was evolved by the present County Superin- tendent, Frank P. Bye, which combines a maximum of circulation with a minimum of cost. At a meeting in the office of the super- intendent in West Chester, representatives from nearly all parts of the county being present, an organization was effected under the name of the Public School Circulating Libraiy of Chester County and Superintendent Bye's plan adopted. The fundamental principle on which it is based is that of co-operation in the pur- chase or use of books. David C. Windle of West Chester was made president; Watson W. Dewees of Westtown, treasurer, and Superintendent Frank P. Bye, secretary and librarian. The head- quarters are in the Supei'intendenfs oflice in the court-house, where books may be obtained or exchanged at any time. The reading itself is to a considerable extent directed from this office. This library system has met with general approval and has been endorsed unanimously by the Directors' Association. From the annual report of the County Superintendent of Schools for 1897, the following statistics are obtained: Whole number of schools, 436; average number of months taught, 8.59; number of male teachers, 63; number of female teachers, 396; average salary of male teachers, |54.48; average salary of female teachers, |39.42; number of male scholars, 9,191; number of female scholars, 8,767; average number attending school, 12,549; average per cent, of attendance, 86; cost per month of educating each AND ITS PEOPLE. 419 pupil, 11.37; total amount of taxes levied for school and building purposes, $181,736.25; receipts fi-om State appropriation, |S9,- 977.77; receipts from taxes and all other sources aside from State appropriation, |250,507.90; total receipts, $340,185.67; teachers' salaries, |169,339.58; total expenses, |320,337.84. In 1895 what is known as the "Massachusetts Sj'stem" of con- solidating country schools and transportating pupils to a central school at public expense, was introduced into Tredvffrin Town- ship. The system has for its purpose the closing and abandoning of one-teacher-country schools, and supplying in theii place large, well-equipped buildings, in which thoroughly graded and classified consolidated schools may be established, to the end that rural edu- cation may be broadened, the usefulness of country schools greatly increased, and many of the educational advantages now enjoyed almost exclusively by towns and cities may be extended to rural sections. This movement had its origin in the generally recognized fact that the demand upon ungraded country schools are increasing more rapidly than it is possible to meet them in the old way; that the small, ungraded school is an expensive one, and that there is not only economy in "centralization," but that it furnishes the only means by which sufficient numbers can be brought together in the country to make pi'oper grading and thorough classification of pupils possible. The circumstances leading to its adoption by Tredyffrin Town- ship were as follows: An increasing population in the neighbor- hood or vicinity of Devon led to the establishment of a new public school in a private dwelling; but in 1893 a new double school building was erected at Strafford on the site of the old Eagle school, which had then recently been destroyed by fire. The Devon school and the old Eagle school were then consolidated in this new double building, and the school was henceforth called 420 CHESTER COUNTY "Strafford School." But on account of the distance of this school from Devon, and of the fact that there was a suiiicient number of children in that vicinity to support a school, the school board was asked, two years later, to re-establish a school at or near Devon. The friends of consolidation advocated the enlarging of the Strafford school building instead, and tlie establishment of the free ti'ansportation of the Devon pupils, in order that bj- the em- ployment of another teacher and the establishment of another division in the Strafford school, the advantages to be derived there- from might be enjoyed by both sections. The directors, fully im- pressed with the merits of the latter plan, adopted it, and during the first week in September, 1895, the transportation of the pupils from the Devon distTict was begun. It is worthy of note that while the entire school board was suflficiently imbued with the spirit of progi'ess to favor this important step in the educational affairs of that townsliip, yet it was due largely to the intelligent advocacy of the plan by the secretary of the board, S. C. Weadley, that sufficient sentiment was molded to carry the system into suc- cessful operation. Three years' experience with the system in that township has confirmed the wisdom of those directors in its adoption ; for it has not only proved itself to be practicable, and shown that in point of economy, grading, classification and teaching facilities it pos- sesses the merits claimed for it by its friends, but it indicates the way to a satisfactory solution of the great problem of improved rural school facilities, which problem is forcing itself more and more persistently, year by year, upon the minds of those who have the interests and welfare of the country school districts at heart, and upon whom the responsibility of their continued and increas- ing usefulness rests.* *This article of Transportation was prepared for this work by Professor R. S. Macnamee, of Straflford. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 421 Miss Susan Gorjras, born in Wilmington, Delaware, April 23, 1845, is a member of a family long noted for their philanthropic and charitable deeds. Her father, John Gorgas, was born May 11, 1804, and her mother, Ann (Wills) Gorgas, December 17, 1807, The latter died August G, 1818, and the former, July 30, 18G0. Both lie buried in Brandywine Cemetery, Wilmington, Delaware. Samuel Gorgas, grandfather of Miss Susan Gorgas, died October 2, 1857, and her grandmother, Susanna Gorgas, died April 18, 1845. iler uncle, Samuel Gorgas, Jr., died April 3, 18G8, at the age of fifty-seven years, and her aunt, Margaret Gorgas, died July 30, 1884, in her seventy-seventh year. Her uncle, Matthias Gorgas, died January 3, 1885, and her aunt, Susan Gorgas, died March 29, 1892. Mr. John Gorgas removed from Wilmington to West Chester in 18G4. His daughter, Susan, attended the school of Miss W. Anna Hoopes, at 1409 Locust street, Philadelphia, and remained there six years, returning to West Chester in 18G4. In 1874-75 she made a tour of Euroj)e, visiting the British Isles, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Miss Gorgas has lived mostly with her aunt. Miss Sarah W. Wills, at No. 100 South High street, West Chester, Miss Wills being eighty-one years old July 4, 1898. It is not an uncommon thing to find generous and large- hearted women, who, blessed. with abundant means, take delight in helping those who are needy. Miss Gorgas lives an unostenta- tious and quiet life, devoting herself to the service of others. The ancient home at Koxborough has been occupied by four genera- tions of her family, and is still owned by her. It is a beautiful and romantic spot, full of Kevolutionary memories, fragrant with Philadelphia and Germaoitown associations. In this home Miss Gorgas spends a portion of every summer, where the Wissahickou waters her fruitful lands. The stone house in which her maternal great-grandfather, Andrew Wood, once lived still stands in Box- 422 CHESTER COUNTT borough, and the barn attached thereto was occupied by the British soldiers during tlieir sojourn in Philadelphia. Samuel and Margaret Gorgas (brother and sister), uncle and aunt of Miss Susan Gorgas, gave an endowment fund of $160,000 to the Roxborough Home for Indigent Women, and which was erected in 1887. To the erection of this building Miss Gorgas gave 115,000, aud has always taken a deep interest in its success. Seventeen women, mostly residents of the neighborhood, find therein a comfortable and secure retreat in their declining years. The Home occupies a beautiful site upon Levering Avenue, over- looking the waters of the Wissahickon. Miss Gorgas is the presi- dent of the Board of Managers. Miss Gorgas also takes a warm interest in the work of Lin- coln University, and secured the erection of Livingston Hall. In this hall commencements are held, and it has been a most useful adjunct to the school. The Home for Incurables, aud the Epis- copal Hospital, in the city of Philadelphia, have each a bed en- dowed by Miss Gorgas. Gorgas Park on Kidge Avenue, Eoxborough, containing about five acre.s of ground, was presented by her in 1893 to the City of Philadelphia. This park has since been enlarged by the addition thereto of adjoining properties. Miss Gorgas is a member of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, West Chester, and has ever been a generous patron of its charities and has contributed largely to its building fund. CHAPTER XI. POLITICS. CHARLTON LEWIS. Ai\D IT 8 PEOPLE. ' 427 CHAPTER XI. POLITICS — GOVERNMENT UNDER PENN — THE COLONIAL ASSElir.LV — THE SEVERAL CONSTITUTIONS — MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY — THE EARLV CONGRESSES REPRESENTATION OF CHESTER COUNTY MEMBERS OF CONGRESS — JOHN MORTON — SENATORS PROMINENT POLITICIANS OF THE COUNTY ELECTORS POLITICAL CHANGES CONVENTIONS — MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL COUNTY OFFICERS — RECENT CON- VENTIONS POPULATION OF THE COUNTY. THE form of government prepared by William Peun for the government of his Province was somewhat unique, especially as compared with the forms of government now in existence in the several States and in the United States itself. Under Penn's form of government there was to be but one legislative body, which was called the Assembly, and the executive branch con- sisted of a Governor and a Council. The Assembly was to consist of not less than 200 nor more than 500 persons. The first Assem- bly elected under writs issued by William Penu to the sheriffs of the several counties convened at Chester, December 4, 1682, and this is the only meeting of the Assembly within the ancient limits of Chester County. The second Assembly, which convened at Philadelphia, March 12, 1683, consisted of nine members from each county, in the writ calling for the election of members of this Assembly, Penn having directed the election of twelve members of the Council. Each county, however, sent twelve persons, requesting that nine of them might serve in the Assembly and three in the Council. During the 25 428 CHESTER COiXTY session of this second Assembly a new frame of govevument was prepared, according to whicli the Assembly was to consist of not less than thirty-six persons, six from each connty, nor more than two hnndred, and that it shonld meet annually on May 10. From this time to 1703 the number of members from Chester County in the Assembly varied from three to six, and from 1703 to 1776 the number was usually eight. Under the constitution adopted in 1776 the number of members from each county for the years 1776, 1777 and 1778 was six, and afterward according to the population, to be determined by the Assembly itself. In 1779 the number was increased to eight, so remaining until 1786, when it was again reduced to six, and in 1789, on the creation of Delaware County, Chester County had four members, while Delaware County had two. A new constitution was adopted in 1790, which provided that within three years after the first meeting of the General Assembly there should be an enumeration of the taxable inhabitants of each county, and that the members of the two houses created by that constitution should be apportioned according to the number of taxables. This enumeration and apportionment were to be made every seven years thereafter, the number of members from each county to remain the same until the first enumeration and appor- tionment were made. Chester County therefore had four members in the Assembly until 1895, and under the first apportionment she had five. In 1822 the number was reduced to four; in 1813 it was reduced to three, and in 1S71 to two. In 1S74 the number again became four. The members from Chester County in the Assembly, so far as can be ascertained, have been as follows from 1682 to tl\e present time: 1682. — John Simcock, Thomas Brassey, Ralph Withers, Thomas Usher. 1683. — John Hastings, Robert Wade, George Wood, JohBJ Bluns- AXD JTS PEOPLE. 429 ton, Dennis Eochford, Thomas Brassey, John Bezer, John Harding, Joseph Phipps. 1684. — Joshua Hastings, Robert Wade, John Blunston, George Maris, Thomas Usher, Henry Maddock. 1685. — John Blunston, George Maris, John Harding, Thomas Usher, Francis Stanfield, Josiah Fearn. 1686. — Eobert Wade, John Blunston, George Maris, Bartholomew Coppook, Samuel Lewis, Caleb Pusey. 1687. — John Blunston, George Maris, Bartholomew Coppock, Caleb Pusey, Edward Bezer, Randall Vernon. 1688. — John Blunston, James Sandelands, George Maris, Robert Pyle, Edward Carter, Thomas Coeburn. 1689. — James Sandelands, Samuel Levis, John Bartram, Robert Pyle, Michael Blunston, Jonathan Hayes. I' 1690. — John Bristow, William Jenkin, Robert Pyle, Joshua Fearn, George Maris, Caleb Pusey. 1692. — Philip Roman, George Maris, Bartholomew Coppock, Robert Pyle, Caleb Pusey, Thomas Withers. 1693. — John Simcock, George Maris, David Lloyd. 1694. — David Lloyd, Caleb Pusey, Samuel Levis. 1695. — John Blunston, Bartholomew Coppock, William Jenkin, Robert Pyle, Walter Forest, Philip Roman. 1696. — John Simcock (Speaker), .John Blunston, Caleb Pusey. 1697. — John Blunston (Speaker), Bartholomew Coppock, Thomas Worth, Jonathan Hayes. 1698. — Caleb Pusey, Samuel Levis, Nathaniel Newlin, Robert Carter. 1699.— John Blunston (Speaker), Robert Pyle, John Worrilow, Robert Carter. 1700.— John Blunston (Speaker), Robert Pyle, Richard Ormes, John Hood, Samuel Levis, Henry Lewis. 1700.— Elected October 14: Joseph Baker, Samuel Levis, Na- thaniel Newlin, Nicholas Pyle. 430 CHESTER COUNTY 1701.— John Blunston, Kobert Pyle, Nathaniel Newlin, Audrew Job. 1703. — Nicholas Pyle, John Bennett, Andrew Job, David Lewis, Nathaniel Newlin, Joseph Baker, Robert Carter, Robert Wood. 1704. — Nicholas Pyle, John Bennett, Nicholas Fairiarab, Joseph Coebourn, John Hood, Richard Hayes, Joseph Wood, Isaac Taylor. 1705. — Robert Pyle, Richard Webb, Caleb Pusey, Nicholas Fair- lamb, John Bennett, Isaac Taylor, Nathaniel Newlin, Joseph Coebourn. 1706.— Samuel Levis, Richard Hayes, Francis Chadds, Joseph Baker, Evan Lewis, John Hood, George Pearce, William Garrett. 1707. — Francis Chadds, William Smith, Samuel Levis, Richard Hayes, John Hood, William. Garrett, John Bethell, Evan Lewis. 1708. — Daniel Williamson, Samuel Levis, Henry Lewis, Richard Hayes, John Hood, Thomas Pearson, William Bartram, Daniel Hoopes. 1709. — Samuel Levis, John Maris, John Hood, Henry Lewis, Daniel Williamson, Daniel Hoopes, Richard Hayes, William Smith. 1710. — Nicholas Pyle, Joseph Pyle, Willijvm Lewis, John Wood, Nathaniel Newlin, Ephraim Jackson, Caleb Pusey, Isaac Taylor. 1711. — Francis Yarnall, John Bezer, Caleb Pusey, Nicholas Pyle, Nathaniel Newlin, Joseph Baker, Nicholas Fairlamb, David Llewelin. 1712. — Caleb Pusey, David Lloyd, William Davis, Nicholas Fair- lamb, John Wood, George Harlan, Isaac Taylor, John Maris. 1713. — David Lloyd, William Davis, Joseph Baker, Nathaniel New- AXD /7'»S' PEOPLE. 431 lin, Nicholas Fairlamb, Richard Hayes, William Brinton, John Blunston, Jr. 1714. — David Lloyd (Speaker), Nathaniel Newlin, Nicholas Pyle, Evan Lewis, John Miller (died and was succeeded by Gayen Miller), Benjamin Meudeuhall, Samuel Garrett, Richard Maris. 1715. — David Lloyd, Samuel Garrett, Henry Lewis, Henry Hayes, William Pyle, Edward Bezer, Philip Taylor, David Lewis. 1716. — David Lloyd, John Blunston, Jr., Henry Hayes, Joseph Pen- nock, David Harry, John Maris, John Worrall, Henry Oborn. 1717. — David Lloyd, Nathaniel Newlin, Richard Hayes, Samuel Garrett, James Gibbons, John Wood, George Maris, Henry Miller. 1718. — David Lloyd, Richard Hayes, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wright, James Gibbons, Henry Lewis, William Lewis, Henry Oborn. 1719. — Isaac Taylor, Joseph Pennock, Moses Key, John Bezer, Na- thaniel Newlin, John Maris, James Gibbons, Evan Lewis. 1720. — Joseph Pennock, Samuel Levis, Jr., Isaac Taylor, Israel Taylor, John Maris, Ralph Pyle, Daniel Williamson, David Lewis. 1721. — Samuel Levis, Jr., William Pyle, Daniel Williamson, Isaac Taylor, David Lewis, Henry Oborn, Nathaniel Newlin, Israel Taylor. 1722. — Samuel Levis, Jr., Joseph Pennock, David Lewis, William Pyle, Daniel Williamson, Israel Taylor, Nathaniel New- lin, Isaac Taylor. 1723. — Thomas Chandler, Samuel Levis, Jr., Samuel Nutt, John Crosby, Moses Key, William Webb, Joseph Pennock, David Lloyd. 1724. — Moses Key, Joseph Pennock, William Webb, AVilliam Pyle, 432 CHESTER COUNTY Thomas Chandler, Elisha Gatchell, John Parry, John Crosby. 1725. — David Lloyd (Speaker), Thomas Chandler, William Webb, John Wright, Samuel HoUingsworth, William Pusey, George Ashton, William Paschall. 1726. — David Lloyd (Speaker), Samuel Nutt, Samuel HoUings- worth, John Wright, Richard Hayes, Joseph Pennoek, Thomas Chandler, William Pusey. 1727. — John Parry, Samuel HoUingsworth, Da^id Lloyd. Thomas Chandler, John Carter, Daniel Williamson (died and was succeeded by Philip Taylor), Simon Meredith, William Webb. 1728. — David Lloyd (Speaker), Thomas Chandler, Samuel HoUings- worth, John Parry, William Webb, Philip Taylor, -John Carter, Henry Hayes. 1729. — Caleb Cowpland, Richard Hayes, Joseph Brinton, Thomas Chandler, William AVebb, Samuel Gilpin, James James, Joseph Pennoek. 1730. — Henry Pierce, John Taylor, Samuel Lewis, John Parry, Thomas Chandler, Samuel Gilpin, William Webb, Henry Hayes. 1731. — Joseph Harvey, John Parry, Samuel Lewis, Caleb Cowp- land, John Taylor, Joseph Brinton, Henry Pierce, Evan Lewis. 1732. — Caleb Cowpland, Joseph Harvey, Joseph Brinton, Thomas Thomas, William Webb, Joseph Pennoek, John Davis, William Hughes. 1733. — Caleb Cowpland, Joseph Harvey, Joseph Brinton, John Davis, Thomas Thomas, Joseph Pennoek, John Owen, William Moore. 1734. — Joseph Harvey, Joseph Brinton, Caleb Cowpland, John Evans, William Moore, William Webb, John Owen, Joseph Pennoek. AND ITS PEOPLE. 433 1735. — Joseph Harvey, William Moore, Joseph Penuock, Caleb Cowpland, John Evans, John Parry, Joseph Brinton, Thomas Cummings. 1736. — Joseph Harvey, Thomas Cummings, John Evans, Caleb Cowpland, William Webb, William Moore, Thomas Chandler, .John Parry. 1737. — Thomas Chandler, Jcsejih Harvey, John Evans, Thomas Cummings, William Moore, James Gibbons, William Hughes, Eichard Hayes. 1738. — William Moore, James Gibbons, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Harvey, John Owen, Thomas Tatnall, William Hughes, Jeremiah Starr. 1739. — James Gibbous, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Harvey, William Hughes, Jeremiah Starr, William Moore, Samuel Lewis, John Owen. 1740. — Thomas Chandler, Joseph Harvey, James Gibbons, William Hughes, Samuel Levis, .John Owen, .Jeremiah Starr, Thomas Tatnall. 1741. — Joseph Harvey, Thomas Chandler, .James Gibbous, .John Owen, Thomas Tatnall, Samuel Levis, William Hughes, Jeremiah Starr. 1742. — James Gibbons, .Johu Owen, Samuel Levis, Jeremiah Starr, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Harvey, William Hughes, Thomas Tatnall. 1743. — Jeremiah Starr, James Gibbons, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Harvey, Samuel Levis, Joseph Penuock, George Ash- bridge, Jr., Francis Yarnall. 1744. — George Ashbridge, Francis Yarnall, Joseph Pennock, Samuel Levis, James Gibbons, Joseph Harvey, Thomas Cummings, Thomas Chandler. 1745. — Joseph Pennock, Thomas Cummings, George Ashbridge, Francis Yarnall, Joseph Harvey, Samuel Levis, Kobert Lewis, Thomas Chandler. 434 CHESTER COUNTY 1746. — Francis Yarnall, George Ashbridge, Robert Lewis, Thomas Worth, Samuel Levis, Peter Dicks, Thomas Chandler, John Owen. 1747. — Samuel Levis, Francis Yarnall, George Ashbridge, Thomas Worth, Peter Dicks, John Owen, John Davis, Thomas Chandler. 1748. — Thomas Worth, George Ashbridge, Francis Yarnall, John Davis, John Owen, Joseph .James, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Gibbons. 1749. — Joseph Gibbous, George Ashbridge, Henry Hockley, Thomas Chandler, Nathaniel Grubb, Nathaniel Pennock, Roger Hunt, Thomas Cummings. 1750. — Joseph Gibbons, George Ashbridge, Thomas Cummings, Henry Hockley, Thomas Chandler, Nathaniel Grubb, Na- thaniel Pennock, Peter Dicks. 1751. — Joseph Gibbous, Thomas Cummings, George Ashbridge, Nathaniel Grubb, Peter Dicks, Nathaniel Pennock, Henry Hockley, Thomas Chandler. 1752. — Joseph Gibbons, Thomas Cummings, Nathaniel Pennock, George Ashbridge, Peter Dicks, Nathaniel Grubb, Wil- liam Peters, Jacob Howell. 1753. — Thomas Cummings, Nathaniel Pennock, George Ashbridge, Joseph Gibbons, Nathaniel Grubb, William Peters, Peter Dicks, Joseph James. 1754. — George Ashbridge, Joseph Gibbous, Thomas Cummings, Peter Dicks, Nathaniel Pennock, Nathaniel Grubb, Joseph James, William Peters. 1755. — Thomas Cummings, George Ashbridge, Nathaniel Pennock, Joseph .James, .Joseph Gibbons, Nathaniel Grubb, Wil- liam Peters (resigned and was succeeded by John Morton), Nathaniel Grubb. 1756. — Joseph Gibbons, John Morton, Roger Hunt, George Ash- bridge, Hugh Trimble, Nathaniel Grubb, Peter Dicks, AND ITS PEOPLE. 435 ^Nathaniel Pennock (the latter two resigning and being succeeded by Isaac Wayne and Ralph Pyle). 1757. — Joseph Gibbons, George Ashbridge, John Morton, Roger Hunt, Isaac Wayne, Nathaniel Grubb, Hugh Trimble, Joshua Ash. 1758. — Joseph Gibbons, John Morton, George Ashbridge, Roger Hunt, Hugh Trimble, Joshua Ash, Nathaniel Grubb, Isaac Wayne. 1759. — John Morton, George Ashbridge, Joshua Ash, Joseph Gib- bons, Hugh Trimble, Roger Hunt, Peter Dicks, Isaac Wayne. 1760. — George Ashbridge, John Morton, Roger Hunt, Joshua Ash, Joseph Gibbons, Nathaniel Pennock, William Boyd, Isaac Wayne. 1761. — Joseph Gibbons, George Ashbridge, Nathaniel Pennock, Joshua Ash, John Morton, Isaac Pearson, Roger Hunt, Isaac Wayne. 1762. — Nathaniel Pennock, George Ashbridge, Joshua Ash, Isaac Pearson, John Morton, Joseph Gibbons, John Jacobs, Isaac Wayne. 1763. — George Ashbridge, Joshua Ash, Isaac Pearson, .John Mor- ton, Nathaniel Pennock, John .Jacobs, Charles Hum- phreys, Isaac Wayne. 1764. — George Ashbridge, Nathaniel Pennock, John Morton, Joshua Ash, Isaac Pearson, Charles Humphreys, John Jacobs, John Fairlamb. 1765. — George Ashbridge, John Morton, John Jacobs, Nathaniel Pennock, John Fairlamb, (died and was succeeded by John Minshall), Charles Humphreys, Isaac Pearson, Joshua Ash. 1766. — George Ashbridge, Nathaniel Pennock, John Jacobs, Charles Humphreys, Isaac Pearson, Joshua Ash, John Minshall, John Morton (accepted the office of sheriff and Jonas Preston took his place). 436 CHESTER COUNTY 1767. — Isaac Pearson, Charles Humphreys, George Ashbridge, John Minshall, Jonas Preston, John Jacobs, John Sellers, Nathaniel Pennock. 1768. — John Jacobs, Nathaniel Pennock, George Ashbridge, Charles Humphreys, John Sellers, John Minshall, John Crosby, Isaac Pearson. 1769. — George Ashbridge, Charles Humphreys, Isaac Pearson, John Sellers, John Jacobs, John Minshall, John Crosby, John Morton. 1770. — Charles Humphreys, Isaac Pearsou, John Minshall, John Morton, John Jacobs, John Crosby, John Sellers, George Ashbridge. 1771. — John Morton, John Jacobs, John Sellers, John Minshall, John Crosby, Charles Humphreys, Isaac Pearson, George Ashbridge. 1772. — Chai'les Humphreys, Isaac Pearson, John Morton, John Jacobs, John Minshall, James Hockley, Geoi'ge Ash- bridge, Benjamin Bartholomew. 1773. — Isaac Pearson, Benjamin Bartholomew, John Jacobs, Charles Humphreys, John Morton, James Gibbs, John Minshall, Joseph Pennock. 1774. — Benjamin Bartholomew, John Jacobs, Joseph Pennock, James Gibbons, Isaac Pearson, Charles Humphreys, John Morton, Anthony Wayne. 1775. — John Morton (Speaker), Benjamin Bartholomew, James Gibbons, Isaac Pearson, John Jacobs, Charles Hum- phreys, Joseph Pennock, Joseph Pyle. 1776. — John Jacobs, Caleb Davis, Joseph Gardner, John Fulton, Samuel Cunningham, John Sellers. 1777. — Joseph Gardner, John Fulton, Samuel Cunningham, John Culbertson, Lewis Gi'onow, Stephen Cochran. 1778. — Joseph Gardner, John Fulton, John Culbertson, Stephen Cochran, John Fleming, Patrick Anderson. AND ITS PEOPLE. 437 1779. — John Fulton, David Thomas, Henry Haves, James Boyd, Patrick Anderson, Joseph Park, William Harris, Sketch- ley Morton. 1780. — David Thomas, Henry Hayes, Joseph Park, AVilliam Har ris, James Boyd, Patrick Anderson, John Culbertson Evan Evans. 1781. — John Culbertson, Evan Evans, James Moore, Persifor Fra zer, Thomas Maffat, Patrick Anderson, John Hannuni John Lindsay. 1782. — Persifor Frazer, James Boyd, Evan Evans, Thomas Straw bridge, Benjamin Branuan, David Thomas, John Lind say, Thomas Maffat. 1783. — David Thomas, Evan Evans, John Hannum, Joseph Park, Eichard Willing, Thomas Potts, Thomas Bull, Edward Jones. 1784.— Richard Willing, Anthony Wayne, Edward Jones, Robert Ralston, James Moore, Thomas Potts, Persifor Frazer, Joseph Strawbridge, Charles Humphreys. 1785. — Anthony Wayne, Robert Ralston, James Moore, Thomas Bull, John Hannum, Robert Smith, Samuel Evans, Jona- than Morris. 1786.— Robert Ralston, Richard Willing, James Moore, Samuel Evans, Richard Thomas, Townsend Whelen, and in 1787 the same members. 1788. — Richard Thomas, James Moore, Mark Wilcox, John Mc- Dowell, Caleb James, Richard Downing, Jr. 1789._Eichard Thomas, John McDowell, Caleb James, Richard Downing, Jr. 1790._Kichard Downing, Caleb James, John McDowell, James Boyd. 1791. — Richard Downing, Caleb James, James Boyd, Samuel Evans. 1792. — Dennis Whelen, Charles Dilworth, John Hannum, Samuel Sharp. 438 CHESTER COUNTY 1793. — Dennis Whelen, Thomas Bull, John Ross, Joseph Pierce. 1794. — Thomas Bull, John Boss, Eobert Frazer, Roger Kirk. 1795. — Thomas Bull, Robert Frazer, Roger Kirk, Joseph Pierce, Abiah Taylor. 1796. — Thomas Bull, Robert Frazer, Roger Kirk, Abiah Taylor, James Hannum. 1797. — Thomas Bull, Roger Kirk, Abiah Taylor, James Hannum, Joseph Hemphill, 1798 and 1799.— The same as in 1797. 1800. — Thomas Bull, Roger Kirk, Abiah Taylor, Isaac Wayne. 1801. — Thomas Bull, John McDowell, Abiah Taylor (died and was succeeded by Isaac Anderson), Isaac Wayne, William Gibbons. 1802. — Joseph Park, James Fulton, Edward Darlington, Thomas Taylor, Methuselah Davis. 1803. — James Fulton, Edward Darlington, Methuselah Davis, John Boyd, Hezekiah Davis. 1804. — The same members. 1805. — John Boyd, Methuselah Davis, James Kelton, Francis Gardner, John G. Bull. 1806. — Same members re-elected. 1807. — Joseph Park, James Kelton, William Worthington, Isaac Darlington, George Evans. 1808. — James Kelton, John G. Bull, Isaac Darlington, George Evans, Abraham Baily. 1809. — James Steele, John W. Cunningham, John Ramsay, Jacob Clemmons, Roger Davis. 1810. — James Steele, John W. Cunningham, John Ramsay, Jacob Clemmons, William Harris. 1811. — Edward Darlington, Jacob Clemmons, William Harris, John Reed, James Brooks. 1812. — John G. Bull, Abraham Baily, John Menough, 2sathan Pen- nypacker. Lea Pusey. AND ITS PEOPLE. 439 1813. — Edward Darlington, John Harris, Jolin Reed, James Brooks, James Hindman. 1814.^ — Nathan Pennypacker, John Menough, Lea Pusey, Jacob Humplirey, James Roberts. 1815. — John Menough, Jacob Humphrey, James Roberts, Joseph Sharp, John Jones (died and was succeeded by Isaac Dar- lington). 1816-17. — John Menough, Thomas Ashbridge, Evan Evans, Joseph Sharp, Samuel Cochran. 1818. — Thomas Ashbridge, Wallace Boyd, John G. Parke, Joseph Sharp, Joshua Hunt. 1819. — James Kelton, Thomas Ashbridge, Joshua Hunt, Abraham Baily, Thomas Baird. 1820. — James Kelton, Joshua Hunt, Thomas Baird, Stephen Webb, Joshua Evans. 1821. — Wallace Boyd, Timothy Kirk, Jonathan Jones, Elijah Lewis, Stephen Webb. 1822. — Wallace Boyd, Timothy Kirk, Elijah Lewis, Jonathan Jones. 1823. — Elijah Lewis, Joshua Hunt, David Potts, Jr., John Chand- ler. 1824. — Joshua Hunt, David Potts, Jr., John Chandler, William Thompson. 1825.— Same. 1826. — William Thompson, Townsend Haines, Robert Miller, Mat- thias Pennypacker. 1827. — Same members re-elected. 1828. — Robert Miller, John Morgan, Isaac Trimble, Dr. Samuel McCleane. 1829. — Joshua McMinn, Jesse James, Jesse Pugh, Gen. Matthew Stanley. 1830. — Thomas Ashbridge, Matthias Pennypacker, Arthur An- drews, Dr. Benjamin Griffith. 440 CHESTER COUXTY 1831. — Thomas Ashbridge, Arthur Andrews, Dr. Benjamin Grif- fith, Elijah F. Pennvpacker. 1832. — Same members. 1833.— Oliver Alison, Dr. Samuel McCleane, Dr. Wilmer Worthing- tou, Dr. Thomas I. . 1834. — Elijah F. Pennypacker, Charles Brooke, John Hutchinson, John Parker. 1835. — Same members re-elected. 1836. — John Parker, Abraham K. Mcllvaine, Maurice Richardson, Isaac Downing. 1837. — Abraham II. Mcllvaine, Maurice Richardson, William H. Dillingham, Benjamin J. Passmore. 1838. — Maurice Richardson, Richard M. Barnard, William K. Cor- rey, Beynard Way. 1839. — Joseph Baily, Joshua ITartshorne, John Morgan, Joel Swayne. 1840.— John D. Steele, Robert Futhey, William K. Correy, Dr. John B. Chrisman. 1841.— William K. Correy, Robert Futhey, Emmor Elton, Robert Laverty. 1842. — Emmor Elton, Robert Parke, Jesse C. Dickey, John Beidler. 1843. — Robert Parke, Jesse C. Dickey, Joseph Whitaker. 1844. — Robert Parke, Jesse C. Dickey, William Price. 1845. — William Price, William D. Thomas, George Ladley. 1846-47. — George Ladley, Henry S. Evans, Thomas K. Bull. 1848.— Henry S. Evans, Thomas K. Bull, David J. Bent. 1849. — David J. Bent, John S. Bowen, John Acker. 1850. — David J. Bent, John S. Evans, James M. Dorian, 1851. — John Acker, William Chandler, Jesse James. 1852. — William Chandler, Jesse James, Dr. Joseph Hickman. 1853. — Robert E. Monaghan, Henry T. Evans, William Wheeler. 1854. — Dr. Matthias J. Pennypacker, Mark A. Hodgson, William R. Downing. AND ITS PEOPLE. 44 1 1855. — Andrew Buchanan, Joseph Dowdall, Kobert Irwin. 1856. — Dr. Ebeuezer V. Dickey, James Penrose, Paxon Vickers. 1857.— John Hodgson, Eber W. Sharpe, Morton Garrett. 1858. — Isaac Acker, William T. Shafer, Caleb Pierce. 1859 and 1860.— The same. 1861-62-63.— P. Frazer Smith, William Wiudle, Robert L. McClel- lan. 1864-65-66.— William B. Waddell, Nathan J. Sharpless, Dr. Nathan A. Pennypacker. 1867. — John Hickman, James M. Phillips, Dr. Stephen M. Meredith, 1868. — James M. Phillips, Dr. Stephen M. Meredith, Archimedes Kobb. 1869. — James C. Roberts, Joseph C. Keech, Abel Darlington. 1870. — Joseph C. Keech, Levi Prizer, Samuel H. Hoopes. 1871. — Joseph C. Keech, Levi Prizer. 1872.— Levi Prizer, Dr. E. W. Baily. 1873. — The same two members re-elected. 1874.— Dr. E. W. Bailey, Peter G. Carey, John P. Edge, George F. Smith. 1876.— Samuel Butler, William T. Fulton, Jesse Matlack, John P. Edge. 1878. — Samuel Butler, William T. Fulton, Jesse Matlack, John A. Reynolds. 1880.— John A. Reynolds, Theodore K. Stubbs, John T. Potts, William Wayne. 1882.— John T. Potts, Theodore K. Stubbs, William Wayne, Levi Fetters. 1884.— Theodore K. Stubbs, William Wayne, Levi Fetters, Levi B, Kaler. 1886. — Lewis K. Evans, W. W. McConnell, John W. Hickman, D. Smith Talbot. 1887. — William Evans. 1888. — Lewis H. Evans, John W. Hickman, W. W. McConnell, D, Smith Talbot. 442 CHESTER COUNTY 1S90. — David H. Branson, William P. Snyder, Dr. J. G. West. 1892.— D. Smith Talbot, J. H. Marshall, T. J. Phillips, D. F. Moore. 1894.— D. Smith Talbot, J. H. Marshall, T. J. Phillips, D. F. Moore. 1896.— J. H. Marshall, T. J. Phillips, D. F. Moore, Phimmer E. Jefferies. On the first Tuesday of October, 1765, the first American Con- gress convened in the city of New York, composed of delegates from nine of the colonies, and originating in a call by the Legis- lature of Massachusetts to take into consideration the oppressive measures of the British Parliament, The result of the delibera- tions of this Congress was a declaration of rights, a memorial to Parliament, and a petition to the king, in which they objected to being taxed except by their own representatives. Their proceed- ings were approved by the assemblies of the several colonies, and thus for the first time a semblance of a federal union was formed or at least prefigured. In this first Congress Chester County was represented by John Morton, who resided in what is now Delaware County, and who afterward signed the Declaration of Indepen- dence. In the second Congress, usually known in history as the "First Continental Congress," which met September 5, 1774, in Carpen- ter's Hall, Philadelphia, Chester County was represented by John Morton and Charles Humphreys, and eight of the fifty-five mem- bers were from Pennsylvania. In the next Continental Congress, usually known as the Second, Chester County was represented by the same two membei-s, and this was also the case in the next Congress, which met in 1776. In this Congress, when the vote was taken on the adoption of the Declaration, John Morton voted in its favor, and Charles Humphreys against it. Only two other mem- bers from Pennsylvania voted against the Declaration, John Dick- inson, its ablest opponent, Thomas Willing of Philadelphia County, and these three gentlemen were succeeded in the Congress by AND ITS PEOPLE. 445 Colonels George Ross and James Smith, Dr. Benjamin Rush, George Clymer, and George Taylor, all of whom signed the Declara- tion of Independence as they had opportunity. Chester County was represented in Congress from 1777 to 1779 by William Clingan of West Cain Township, and in 1784 and 1785 by Dr. Joseph Gardner, who resided near Sadsburyville. Previous to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States members of Congress were elected by the legislatures of the several states, and at the first election for members of Congress held under that Constitution they were elected on a general ticket, the votes cast in Chester County for delegates to the fii'st Congress under the Con- stitution being ai5 follows: Henry Wynkoop, 901; Thomas Hai'tley, 903; Frederick A. Muhlenberg, 901; Thomas Fitzsimmons, 900; John Allison, 896; Thomas Scott, 895; George Clymer, 890; Stephen Chambers, 890. When the State was divided into congressional districts by act of March 16, 1791, Chester and Montgomery Counties became the Third district, and at the election held in October following, Israel Jacobs of Montgomerj- County was elected to represent it in Congress. On April 7, 1792, an act was passed providing for elec- tion of congressmen on a general ticket, and under this arrange- ment the candidates for Congress in the State who were elected and the votes cast for them in Cbester County were as follows: Frederick A. Muhlenberg, 2,031; William Irvine, 2,011; Daniel Heister, 2,009; William Findley, 2,003; John Wilkes Kittera, 1,999; Thomas Hartley, 1,973; Thomas Fitzsimmons, 1,843; Henry Wyn- koop, 1,801; Thomas Scott, 1,787, and Samuel Sitgreaves, 1,721. The State was divided into twelve congressional districts by an act passed April 22, 1794, Chester and Delaware Counties forming the Third district, and this arrangement lasted until 1802, in which year the State was, as it has been in every tenth year since then, districted according to the number of members to which it was entitled under the several censuses of the United 26 446 CHESTER COUNTY States. Since 1802 the districts to which Chester County has be- longed, and the r^umber of members of Congress t]i(> district has been entitled to, have been as follows: 1802. — Third district, Chester, Berks and Lancaster, three members. 1812. — Second district, Chester and Montgomery, two mem- bers. 1822. — Fourth district, Chester, Delaware and Lancaster, three members. 1832. — Four-th district, Chester, Delaware and Lancaster, three members. 1842. — Seventh district, Chester County, one member. 1852. — Sixtli district, Chester and Delaware, one member. 1862. — Seventh distinct, Chester and Delaware, one member. 1872. — The same, and 1882, the Sixth, as it still remains. When the vote on the Declaration of Independence was first taken, the colonies, aside from Pennsylvania, were equally divided, and the vote of Pennsylvania was itself divided equally' in the absence of one of Chester County's representatives in the Congress. John Morton, coming into the hall, turned the tide in favor of the Declaration, for, with his vote in favor of it, Pennsylvania was ranged on its side, and thus there was a majority in the colonial vote. At least this is the way this important point of history has usually been written and understood. And it is for the reason that John Morton was of such importance at a most ci'itical junc- ture that an exception is made in his case, and a full sketch of his life here introduced. The first mention of the name of Morton in the history of ancient Chester County is in the list of names attached to the oath of allegiance of the Swedes to the Dutch in 1655, where it was spelled Martin Martens. In an old book of service at Harrisburg, dated 1675, may be found the following: "Laid out for John Cor- nells and Martou Marteson (Morton Mortonson) one piece or parcel AND ITS PEOPLE. .447 of land where they now dwell, situate, lying and being on the west side of the Delaware Eiver, and on a creek which cometh out of said river, said creek commonly known and called Amsland, or Mill Kill," etc. Morton Mortonson as early as 1655 lived on his plantation at Ammeslaad in Eidley Township, old Chester (now Delaware) County. He is always spoken of as "of Ammesland." There was a Morton Mortonson of "Calking Hook," whose will is dated November 1, 1718. Whether these two Morton Mortonsons were one and the same individual, or whether there were two indi- viduals of the same name, appears not yet to have been settled by local historians. But the Morton Mortonson of "Calking Hook" had children as follows: David, Andrew, John, Matthias, Katha- rine and Margaret. John Morton, the third of the above-named children, married Mary Archer, daughter of John Archer of Eidley, by whom he had but one son, also named John, born after his father's death, early in the year 1725. The widow married John Sketchley, an English- man, yeoman, who came from England in 1718, and settled in Eid- ley Township in 1724, and died in 1753 without children. His step- son, John Morton, in remembrance of his kindness, named one of his sons Sketchley, who became a major in the Eevolutionary army, and a man of note in his day. John Morton, the signer, married Ann .Justis, by whom he had three sons and five daughters. He was a member of the Provincial Assembly for eleven years from 1756; was a justice of the peace for Chester County in 1757; was sheriff in 1767 and 1768; was a member of the Congress that sat in New York in 1765; and was re- elected in 1771 and again reelected in 1776; was a member of the first convention to frame a constitution for the State of Pennsyl- vania in 1776. He was appointed associate judge of the Supreme Provincial Court of Pennsylvania, and was the last appointment to that court under the old order of things. He died in December, 1777, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. 448 CHESTER COUNTY His children were Aaron, Sketchley, John, Mary, Sarah, Lydia, Ann and Elizabeth. Major Sketchley Morton married Rebecca Taylor of Tinicum, and had children as follows) Charles, Rebecca, Ann, Aaron Taylor, and John S., the latter of whom was born February 21, 1780. He married Susannah Crosby, June 30, 1S03, and had the following children: Ann Crosby, Rebecca Taylor, Susan Crosby, Sketchley, John Crosby, Ellen Elizabeth, Crosby Peirce, Franklin H., and Catharine Plummei*. Of these Sketchley Morton was born October 12, 1810, and maiTied Annesley Newlin, by whom he had John S., Benjamin N., Elizabetli N., Sketchley, Annesley, Susan, Mary, Crosby and Hattie, the latter two twins. That patriotism is inherent in the family is shown by the fact that Sketchley Morton, Jr., son of Judge Sketchley Morton of Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, enlisted in the Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania volunteers, becoming first lieutenant of a company, and serving until his death by yellow fever Novem- ber 12, 1862, at the age of twenty-one years. Upon his death a poem was written as has been thought by Rev. John Pleasanton du Hamel, at one time rector of the Church of the Redemption, Phila- delphia. The poem in part is as follows : "A noble youth, a noble lineage. Descent of man whose patriot deed Gave Independence to our glorious Union; Aye, set his State, the Keystone Of this loved temple of our Liberties. "The name of Morton — when the Nation's fate Poised in dubious scale of destiny, (Who doubts may read) the balance shook, and to The side of Freedom sent the quivering beam," etc. Chester County has been represented in the Senate of the United States by one of her distinguished citizens, viz., Gen. Isaac AND ITS PEOPLE. 449 D. Barnard, who was elected to that high office in 1828, took his seat March 4, 1829, and served until 1831, when he resigned on account of failing health. He died at West Chester in 1834. Gen- eral Barnard was born in 1791 at Che.ster, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar at West Chester in 181fi. He had been a gal- lant soldier and officer in the war of 1812, being under the command of Winder at Sackett's Harbor. He was promoted to the rank of major in the year 1813, and descended the Saint Lawrence Eiver with Wilkinson and heard the firing at Chrysler Farm, unable to be present on account of illness. He greatly distinguished himself for bravery at the battle of Lyons' Ci'eek, conducting the charge and driving the enemy from their ground. After the conclusion of the war he applied himself to the practice of the law in West Chester, becoming unusually popular on account of his courage and high character. In 1820 he was elected to the State Senate from the district composed of Chester and Delaware Counties, and in 1824 he was elected major-general of the Third district of the militia, in which capacity he aided largely in the hospitalities extended to the Marquis de Lafayette on his visit to Chester County. In 1826 he was appointed Secre- tary of the Commonwealth, aud in 1828 he was elected to the Sen- ate of the United States, as above stated. In 1829 his friends made the attempt to nominate him for Governor of the State, but on ac- count of a factional fight in Chester County, the attempt was not successful. As a lawyer he Avas eminently successful, notwith- standing the many interruptions in his practice, by his engage- ments in niilitai7 and political life, and the many able competitors then practicing at the Chester County bar. On October 19, 1854, his remains were removed from the Friends' graveyard on High Street, to the Oaklands Cemetery, where a monument to him had already been erected, Dr. William Darlington delivering an ora- tion on this occasion, which was made a very imposing military pageant, the procession reaching from the court-house to the cem- etery. 450 CHESTER COUNTY Following is a list of tlie members of Congress from Chester Connty, together with the number of the Congress in which they severally served, ami the year in which they were elected, since 1794: 1794-96-98.— IVth, Vth and Vlth congresses, Eichard Thomas, West Whiteland. 1800.— VII, Joseph Hemphill, West Chester. 1802-04. — VIII and IX, Isaac Anderson, Charlestown. 1806.— X, John Heister, Coventry. 1808.— XI, Daniel Heister, West Chester. 1810.— XII, Dr. Eoger Davis, Charlestown. 1812.— XIII, the same. 1814.— XIV, Dr. William Darlington, West Chester. 1816.— XV, Isaac Darlington, West Chester. 1818-20.— XVI and XVII, Dr. William Darlington. West Chester. 1822.— XVII, Col. Isaac Wayne, Easttown. 1824-26.— XIX and XX, Charles Miner, West Chester, 1828-30.— XXI and XXII, Joshua Evans, TredyfCrin. 1830-32-34-36.— XXII, XXIII, XXIV and XXV, David Potts, Jr., East Nautmeal. 1838-40.— XX^'I, XX^'II, Francis James, West Chester. 1843-44-46.— XXVIII, XXIX and XXX, Abraham K. Mcll- vaine. West Nantmeal. 1848.— XXXI, Jesse C. Dickey, New London. 1850.— XXXII, Dr. John A. Morrison, West Fallowfield. 1852.— XXXIII, William Everhart, West Chester. 1854-56-58-60.— XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI and XXXVII, John Hickman, West Chester. 1862-64-66.— XXXVIII, XXXIX and XL, John M. Broomall, Delaware County. 1868-70-72-74.— XLI, XLII, XLIII and XLIV, Washington Townsend, West Chester. AND ITS PEOPLE. 451 1876-78-80.— XL^', XLVI and XLYII, ^Villiam Ward, Dela- ware County. 1882-84.— XL VIII and XLIX, James B. Everhart. 188G-88.— L and LI, Smedley Darlington. 1890-92-94.— LII, LIII and LIV, .John B. Robinson, Delaware County. 189G.— L^', 1 honias S. Butler. Hon. John Hickman, elected four times to Congress from Chester County, was one of the historic personages of his times. While he was a youth he was noted for his uncommon intellectual ability, and it was this that led his parents to secure for him the best education obtainable. Having read law with the Hon. Town- send Haines, he was admitted to the bar in 1832, and being a good speaker he soon wou a prominent position in the Democrat party of Chester County. In 1844 he Avas a delegate to the National Convention that nominated James K. Polk for President, but was himself in favor of AndrcAv Jackson. In that year he was nomi- nated by the Democrats of his district for Congress, but was de- feated by Hon. Abraliam II. ilclhaiue. In 184.5 he was appointed district attorney, and was again appointed to the same office about the first of tlie year 1847. In 18.54 he was again nominated for Congress by the Democracy, and was elected by a majority of 2,656, securing the vote of the Know Nothings, ''through some influences" which have neA^er been satisfactorily explained." In Congress Mr. Hickman was an opponent of slaver^-, notwithstand- ing which he was again elected to Congress in 1856 by the Democ- racy of his district. Though he supported Mr. Buchanan for Presi- dent that year, yet in a speech delivered in the House on .January 28, 1858, he declared that the President had broken faith with the party in his Kansas policy, and he could no longer support him. In 1858 he was again elected to Congress by a large majority over both the regular Republican and Democi'atic nominees, and aided the Republicans to break the deadlock in the famous contest of 452 CHESTER COUNTY Speaker of the House, the result of which was the election of Mr. Pennington. During the two years that followed Mr. Hickmau made for himself a world-wide reputation by his able and sarcastic speeches against slavery. In reply to the threat of disunion, he said that the North wotild never tolerate a division of territory, because "eighteen millions, reared in industi'y, with habits of the right kind, will always be able to cope successfully, .if need be, with eight millions of men with these appliances" of art. In 1860, when Mr. Lincoln was nominated for the Presidency, Mr. Hickman confidently anticipated the nomination for Vice- President; but failing in this he was again elected to Congress, and at the end of this term declined re-election. He gave his dis- trict a national reputation, and Avas much in advance of the times in regard to the freeing of the slaves, the right of the President to confiscate all kinds of property of the rebels in arms, including slaves, and the arming of the blacks as soldiers in the Union army, his views at length being acted upon. It is presumed that all know how Presidential electors are chosen, hence all that is deemed necessary to do in this connection is to present a list of the Pennsylvania Presidential electors that have been residents of Chester County. Though it is proper to state that the electors who voted for General Washington when he was first elected President of the United States were appointed by the Legislature of the State. Following is the list since 1792, including two from Delaware County, representing the Congres- sional district: 1792, Washington's second election, Thomas Bull; 179(), John Adams" election, James Boyd; 1801, Thomas Jefferson's second election, James Boyd; 1808, James Madison's first election, Georg-e Hartman; 1812, Madison's second election, James Fulton; 1816, James Monroe's first election, Isaac Anderson; 1820, Monroe's sec- ond election, William Clingan; 1824, John Quincy Adams' election, AND ITS PEOPLE. 453 Cromwell Pearce; 1828, Andrew Jackson's first election, John W. Ounningham ; 1832, Jackson's second election, Oliver Alison ; ISSC, Martin Van Buren's election, Oliver Alison; 1840, William Henry Harrison's election, A. R. Mellvaine; 1844, James K. Polk's elec- tion, Jesse Sharp; 1848, Zachai-y Taylor's election, John D. Steele; 1852, Franklin Pierce's election, N. Strickland; 1856, James Bu- chanan's election, John H. Brinton; 18G0, Abraham Lincoln's first election, J. M. Broomall; 1864, Lincoln's second election, Robert Parke; 1868, \J. S. Grant's first election, Francis C. Hooton; 1872, Grant's second election, John M. Broomall; 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes' election, Joseph W. Barnard; 1880, James A. Garfield's elec- tion, David F. Houston ; 1884, Grover Cleveland's election, Horace A. Beale; 1888, Benjamin Harrison's election, Joseph R. T. Coates. Delaware County: 1892, Grover Cleveland's second election. Max- well Glower; 1896, William McKinley's election, Joseph H. Huddell. Gen. Anthony Wayne, one of the most famous soldiers of the Revolutionary War and in the Indians wars in the West, whose rapid movements and fearless courage led to his being styled "Mad Anthony Wayne," was born in Easttown, Chester County, Pa., January 1, 1745. Having received a good academic education he began life as a professional surveyor at the age of eighteen years, and when he was twenty years old he was sent to Nova Scotia to locate lands for a company. After a two years' residence there he returned to Chester County, married, and resumed the business of a surveyor. In 1773 he was elected to the Assembly, and in 1775 he was appointed to a command in the Continental Army, proceeding to Canada with General Thomas, and remaining there one year. He was then promoted to brigadier-general, and w^as actively engaged with General Washington in the battles of the Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth. In 1779 he made a determined attack by night on Stony Point on the Hudson, making the entire garrison prisoners. After conquering the Western In- dians in 1794, he died at Presque Isle, now Erie, Pennsylvania, 454 CHESTER COUNTY December 14, 1796, and his remains were there buried; but they were removed in 1809 to the family lot in the cemetery connected with St. David's Church, Delaware County, where they now repose. Washington Townsend, formerly a member of Congress from Chester County, was born in Chester County, January 13, 1813. He was a son of David and Eebecca (Sharpless) Townsend, and was educated by such old-time teachers as Jonathan Cause and Joseph Strode at West Chester Academy. While occupying the position of teller in the IJank of Chester County he began the study of the law, reading with William Darlington, and was admitted to the bar May 7, 1844. From tliat time until his death he was success- fully engaged in the practice of his profession, though he served from 1848 to 1857 as cashier of the bank, resigning this position in the latter year in order that he might devote himself more closely to the law. He served as prosecuting attorney from October, 184S, to April, 1849; was a delegate to tUe National Whig Convention of 1852 and to the National llepublican Convention of 1800, which nominated Abraham Lincoln for the Presidency of the United States. He served in Congress from 1868 to 1876, during which time he warmly advocated a tariff for the protection of American industries, the national banking system, the appropriation of the public lands for educational purposes, and an improved policy with reference to the Indian Avars of the nation. Succeeding John H. Ketcham as chairman of the Committee on Public Lands, he was also a member of the committee on education, the com- mittee on Freedmen's affairs and of the committee on finance and commerce. He strenuously opix>sed the bill, by the passage of which tlie members of Congress voted themselves back pay to the amount of •'!!2,500 to each man, and after the bill became a law he refused to accept the sum to which, under its provisions, he was entitled. Returning to Chester County from Congress he was elected president of the National Bank of Chester County, filling the office until his death, March 18, 1894. AND ITS! PEOPLE. 455 Hon. James Bowen Everhart, a man of rare ability, highly distinguished for his public services, was the third son of Hon. William and Hannah (Matlack) Everhart. He was born in West Whiteland Julj 26, 1821, and received his education at Anthony Bolmar's Academy and at Princeton College, graduating from the latter institution in 1812. He was admitted to the bar in 181."), and took special law courses in the universities of Edinburgh and Berlin. Keturning to the United States, he practiced his profession until 1861, and then served bravely and faithfully in the army of the Union. He was a popular Republican leader in Chester County, and served as a member of the State Senate from 1876 to 1882, during which time he pronounced eulogies on Bayard Taylor, Wil- liam Penu and Anthony Wayne, which have been pronounced the finest memorials ever heard in the State. Having in 1882 been elected to the Forty-eighth Congress, he I'esigned his seat iu the State Senate, and was re-elected to Congress in 1881. He was a noted author, and his "Miscellanies," his "Poems," "The Fox Chase," and his "Speeches," are volumes of great usefulness and interest. He died August 23, 1888, honored and mourned by all that knew him. Hon. Wayne MacVeagh was bom in Phoenixville iu 1833, and is a son of Major and Margaret (Lincoln) MacVeagh. He was educated at Freeland's Seminary in Montgomery County and at Yale College, graduating from the latter institution iu 18.53, the class of that year being rendered famous by many of its afterward distinguished members, among whom, besides Mr. MacVeagh, were Chauncey M. Depew, Andrew I). White, Charlton T. Lewis and Isaac Bromley of the Xew York Tribune. Mr. MacVeagh read law with Hon. Joseph J. Lewis of West Chester and was admitted to the bar in 1856. He was made district attorney iu 1859, and was chair- man of the Eepublican State Committee in 1863, in which Gov- ernor Curtin was elected to the office of Governor the second time. During the Civil ^^'ar he served on the staff of General Couch, with 456 CHESTER COUNTY the rank of major, was appointed by President Grant Ambassador to Tui'key, and in the constitutional convention of 1872-73, and was appointed by President Hayes as a member of the Louisiana Commission, which decided in favor of seating Governor Nichols as against Packard, some of the other members of that commission being ex-Gov. Joseph Brown of Georgia and Joseph Hawley of Connecticut. He Avas solicitor for the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany for a number of years, and was made Attorney-General of the United States under President Garfield. By President Cleveland he was appointed in 1894 Ambassador to Italy, and is now engaged in the practice of tJie law in Washington the winters, and resides on his farm at Bryn Mawr in summer seasons. Mr. MacVeagh is noted for scholarship, and is in great demand as an orator on public celebrations, as at college commencements and other educational occasiops. For years he has been president of the Pennsylvania Civil Service Reform Association, and in poli- tics, though acting most of his life with the Republican party, is in favor of the Democratic doctrine of tariff for revenue only. His first wife was a daughter of Joseph J. Lewis, and his sec- ond wife a daughter of Gen. Simon Cameron. By his first wife he has two sons living, one of whom is practicing law in New York City, and the other residing in Pliiladelphia. By his second wife he had two children, a son and daughter, the former of whom is dead, but the second, Margarretta, is living. Major Levi G. McCauley, auditor-general of tlie State of Penn- sylvania, was born in Chester County, September 2, 1837, and is a son of John and Lydia (Gheen) McCauley. He was educated in the i)ublic schools and at Abiugtou Center and at Wyoming Semi- nary. Prior to the late Civil War he was a practical mechanical engineer. He was the eldest of four brothers who joined a battalion of 200 men raised by their father in Susquehanna County in the latter pai-t of April, 1861, and as the father was refused a commis- sion on account of his age, by Governor Curtin, Levi left the bat- AND ITS PEOPLE. 457 talion and joined a company of soldiers at Wilkesbarre, com- manded by Col. E. B. Harvey, this company afterward becoming Company F, Seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, and going into camp at Camp Wayne, West Chester, as a private soldier. He was promoted to first sergeant at Camp Wayne, and to first lieu- tenant in November, 1862. At the battle of Charles City Cross Roads Mr. McCauley was severely wounded, in consequence of which his right arm had to be amputated. Taken prisoner by the rebels, he was taken to the famous Libby prison, where he was confined seventy days, and being at length paroled he was taken to David's Island Hospital, Xew York, remaining there until the following November, when he was ordered to Harrisburg for duty in the recruiting service. Notwithstanding his maimed condition he re- joined his I'egiment in January, 1863, and in Februai'y, 1864, he was promoted to cajttain of his company and performed his duty with his regiment until the next December, when he was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps. He was breveted major in 1865 for gallant and meritorious services, and on January 30, 1866, was dis- charged because his services were no longer needed by the Gov- ernment. Ever since the close of the war Major McCauley has been an active leader in the Republican party. He was elected register of wills in the fall of 1869; was chairman of the Republican com- mittee from 1866 to 1890, and has been a delegate to numerous county, state and national Republican conventions. He was nomi- nated by the Republican State Convention in August, 1897, for auditor-general of the State of Pennsylvania, and in November following was elected by a vote of 412,652 as against 268,341 given to his Democratic opponent. His majority over all opponents was 79,456, and he led his ticket by a vote of 40,214. He was elected a delegate to the Republican State Convention in the spring of 1898. Major McCiauley was married October 6, 1870, to Miss Isabel 458 CHESTER COUXTY Darlington, daughter of the late Hon. AYilliaiii and Catherine P, Darlington. For more than one hundred years, or from 1681 to 1790, the frame of government under which the Province of Pennsylvania prospered provided for a Governor, a Council and an Assembly, the Council being a portion of the time appointed by the Governor and a part of the time elected by the people of the several counties. But all of this time it was a portion of the executive branch of the government, instead of being as the Senate has been since 1790, a part of the legislative branch. It has often been a matter of uncertainty as to where those constitution builders of Tennessee, in 1796, found a form of government after which to pattern, who attempted to provide the then new State with a legislative body, consisting of but one branch, or part; but they may have had the frame of government in vogue in Pennsylvania for the then past one hundred years in mind. At first, in the Province of Pennsylvania, it was directed that the freemen on the 20th of the twelfth month (February) should elect seventy-two persons as councilors, one-third for three years, one-third for two years and one-third for one year, next ensuing, and that on the 20th of the twelfth year afterward twenty- four persons, instead of seventy-two, should be so elected. The first election for counciloi's was therefore held on the 20th of February, 1682, and the Council elected met on the 10th of the next month, the sheriffs making their returns and presenting petitions from the inhabitants on that day. Thomas Usher pre- sented a petition from Chester County, to William Penn, proprie- tary and governor of the Province, to the effect that the freeholders of Chester County had chosen twelve persons for delegates to serve in the Provincial Council, and asking that, in consideration of the fact that there were but few people in the county acquainted with public business, and of the further fact that the county was unable to support greater elections and assemblies, three of the AND ITS PEOPLE. 459 twelve elected might serve as oouncilorsj, aud that the other nine might serve in the Assembly. This ari-angement was agreed to, the three men selected for the Council by the votei*s of Chester County being John Simcock, for three years; Ealph Withers, for two years, and AVilliam Clayton, for one year. By a new frame of government the number of councilors was reduced to three from each county, which number was subject to changes by the Governor, Council or Assembly, but was never to exceed the limita- tions of the charter. Governor Fletcher of New York, being placed in charge of the Province in 1693, chose his own Council of twelve persons, who served two years. Under Governor Markham the plan of electing the Council Avas resumed, but in the next year, 1796, the Governor selected his own Council. In this latter year a new frame of gov- ernment went into operation, under which there were two council- lors from each county, who served for one year. In 1700 the number of councillors from each county again became three, but the charter was suii'endered in May of that year, and a new one granted, under which the councillors were appointed by the pro- prietary or his lieutenant. In 1702 John Finney, sou of Capt. Samuel Finney, was selected as the member from Chester County, to serve in the Council, and from this time on until the Revolutionary War there were but few members chosen from Chester County. In January, 1775, the Revolutionary convention appointed a "Council of Safety," as did the convention of 1776, the latter con- vention finding it necessary for them to usurp the entire govern- ment, and to form a constitution, which went into immediate effect without having been submitted to a vote of the people, a high- handed proceeding, which would not be submitted to at the present time, and only justified by the overpowering necessities of the time. The members of Chester County to this convention were Benjamin Bartholomew, John Jacobs, Thomas Strawbridge, Albert Smith, Samuel Cunningham, John Hart, John Mackey and John Fleming. 46o CHESTER COUNTY This constitutional convention originated in an assembly called a "Provincial Conference," convened in pursuance of a resolution of Congress, recommending a change in the form of State Govern- ments. Of this provincial conference, which met at Philadelphia, June 18, 1776, the members from Chester County being Col. Rich- ard Thomas, Maj. William Evans, Col. Thomas Hockley, Maj. Caleb Davis, Elisha Price, Samuel Fairlamb, Col. William Montgomery, Col. Hugh Lloyd, Kichard Itiley, Col. Evan Evans, Col. Lewis Greno, Maj. Sketchley Morton and Capt. Thomas Levis. Under this constitution the power of legislation was vested in a general assembly of one house, and the supreme executive power in a council of twelve persons, elected in fours for a term of three years, and the council and assembly elected a president annually by joint ballot. This constitution remained in force until 1790. Following is as complete a list as could be made of the mem- bers of the Council from Chester County: 1681. — Kobert Wade, James Sandelands, William Wootlman- see, William Clayton. 1683. — William Clayton, Ralph Withers, John Simcock. 1684.— William Qayton, William Wood, Christopher Taylor. 1685. — Nicholas Newlin. 1686. — John Simcock, Francis Harrison. 1687. — John Bristow. 1688. — Bartholomew Coppock. 1689. — John Blunston, declined to serve, and William Howell fleeted in his place. 1689.— John Simcock. 1690. — John Blunston, declined to serve, and William Howell elected in his place. 1691.— John Bristow. 1692. — Samuel Levis, John Simcock. 1693-94. — George Foreman. 1695. — George Maris, one year; Caleb Pusey, two years, and David Lloyd, three years. 'J^Slk. WSfk: K MIL ^/ry^cy-^ AXD ITS PEOPLE. 463 1G96. — Jasper Yutes. 1697. — John Simcock, Caleb Piisey. 1G9S. — Joliu Simcock, David Lloyd. 1699.— Caleb Pusey, David Lloyd. 1700. — David Lloyd, three years; Caleb Pusey, two years, and John Simcock, one year. After the Surrender of the Charter. 1700. — Caleb Pusey, continued until 1715. 1702. — John Finney. Committee of Safety. 1775. — Anthony- Wayne, Benjamin Bartholpmew, Francis Johnston, Richard Riley, and after October, the same, with Nicholas Fairlamb added. 1776. — Council of Safety, Benjamin Bartholomew. Supreme Executive Council. 1777. — John Evans and John Mackey, from November 21. 1779. — Dr. Joseph Gardner; 1782, Dr. John McDowell; 1785, Evan Evans; 17SS, Col. Richard Willing. lu 1789 Dr. Thomas Huston was elected, by 1,586 votes, but his claim to a seat was rejected. In 1790 the Legislature was for the first time in this State made to consist of two bodies, a Senate and a House of Repre- sentatives, and by the Constitution under which this form of gov- ernment was established, the Senate was to consist of not less than one-fourth nor more than one-third of the House. Upon its organization the Senate was composed of eighteen members; but in ISOl the number was increased to 25, in 1808 to 31, in 1822 to 33, and in 1874 to 50. Under the Constitution of 1790 the term of service was four years; under that of 1838, three years, aud under that of 1871, four years. In the division of the State into districts, Chester County, from 1790 to 1808, was a district in itself, and had one 27 464 CHESTER COUNTY member: in 1808 it was' united with Delaware County in one dis- trict, wliich was allowed two members; in 1830 Montgomery County was added to the district, which had three members; in 1843 Mont- gomery County was placed in auother district, and Chester and Delaware were allowed one member; in 1861 Montgomery County was again added and the district was allowed two members, and in 1871 Delaware and Chester again became a district, with one member. Following is a list of the members of the senate from Chester County : 1790. — Richard Thomas, elected for four years. 1791. — Dennis A^^helen, three years. 1797. — Joseph McClellan, one year. 1798. — Dennis Whelen, four years. 1802. — John Reister, four years. 1806. — Isaac Wayne, four years. 1810. — Isaac Wayne, one year. 1811. — John Gemmill, three years. 1814. — Abraham Baily, four years. 1818. — Samuel Cochran, four years. 1820. — Isaac D. Barnard, four years. 1822. — James Kelton, four years. 1826. — Joshua Hunt, four years. 1830. — William Jackson, four years. 1834. — Francis James, four years. 1838.— Nathaniel BrtK)ke, four years. 1842. — Joseph Baily, three years. 1845. — William Williamson, three years. 1851. — Henry S. Evans, three years. 1857.— Thomas S. Bull, three years. 1863. — Dr. Wilmer Worthing- ton, 3 years. 1866. — Dr. Wilmer Worthing- tou, three years. 1870. — Henry S. Evans, served until his death in February, 1872. 1872.— William B. Waddell, for balauce of term. 1874. — Robert L. McClellan, two years. 1876. — James B. Everhart, four years. 1880. — James B. Everhart, four years. 1884. — A. D. Harlan, six years. 1892. — S. E. Neviu, sensed one day. 1892.'— William P. Snyder, four vears. AND ITS PEOPLE. 465 COUNTY OFFICES. The county offices, those of the Prothonotary, Register of Wills, Kecorder of Deeds, Clerk of the Orphan's Court, Cleric of the Court of Quarter Sessions and Clerk of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, were, under the Provincial Government, filled by appointment by the proprietarj' government. Under the Consti- tution of 1776 these appointments were made by the Supreme Executive Council and General Assembly. Under the Constitu- tion of 1790 they were made by the Governor, and under the Constitution of 1838 they became elective. From 1777 to 1821 the offices of prothonotary and clerk of the Orphans' Court and of the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer were filled by the same persons, and from 1821 to 1824 one person was prothonotary and clerk of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and one person was cleric of the Court of Quarteii Sessions and of the Orphans' Court. From 1777 to 1824 the same person held the offices of register of wills and re- corder of deeds. From 1824 to 1836 the same persons held the offices of prothonotary and clerk of the Courts of Quarter Ses- sions and Oyer and Terminer, and from 1824 to 1828 the same person held the offices of clerk of the Orphans' Court and register of wills. From 1828 to 1836 the office of clerk of the Orphan' Court was separate from any other office. From 1824 to the present time the office of recorder of deeds has been separate from other offices, and the same is true of the office of register of wills since 1828. From 1836 to the pres- ent time the office of prothonotary has been separate from others, and the offices of clerk of the Orphans' Court and of the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer have been filled by the same person. PROTHONOTARY. Previous to 1777 the prothonotary was generally the clerk of the Quarter Sessions and of the Oi-plians' Court. Robert Asshe- 456 CHESTER COUNTY ton was commissioned protlionotary in 1712; Joseph Parker, pro- thonotary and cleric of the peace, in 1733, and Ilenrj- Hale Graham, prothonotarj-, clerk of the Courts and recorder, in 1770. Since 1777 the prothonotary has been as follows: Benjamin Jacobs, March 22, 1777, to April 4, 1777; Caleb Davis, appointed June 20, 1777; William Gibbons, appointed in 1791; Daniel Heister, January 6, 1800; Jesse John, February 1, 1809; John G. Wersler, March 25, 1818; Thomas Davis, February 29, 1821; William Williamson, Januai-y 17, 1821; David Town- send, August 3, 1827; Dr. William Darlington, August 17, 1827; John W. Cunningham, February 15, 1830; Benjamin I. Miller, January 26, 1836; Samuel Pinkerton, appointed February 2, 1839, elected under Constitution of 1838, and commissioned November 4, 1839; Abner M. Chamberlain, November 12, 1812; James Davis, November 17, 1845; Samuel B. Thomas, November 25, 1848; Wil- liam Wollerton, November 22, 1851; James Bayard Jefferis, No- vember 10, 1854; Jacob Gillough, November 10, 1857; Emmor B. Lamborn, November 19, 1860; Franklin Haines,- November 16, 1863; Alfred Kupert, November 10, 1866; Seneca G. Willauer, No- vember 20, 1869; John A. Rupert, November 19, 1872; Hannum Baldwin, December 28, 1875; James Lynch, December 28, 1878; Davis K. Loomis, in 1881; Jeremiah T. Carpenter, in 1884; William P. Snyder, in 1887; David C. Windle in 1890; Elisha G. Cloud, in 1893, and E. D. Baldwin, the present incumbent, in 1896. REGISTERS OP WILLS. Previous to 1714 all wills made in Chester County were taken to the office of the register-general in Philadelphia and there filed. In 1712 an act of assembly directed the appointment of deputies in each county; but even such appointments were made many wills from Chester County, especially from the northeastern part, continued to be taken to Philadelphia, almost down to the time of the Revolution. Following are the names of the deputy-register.s for Chester County for the times given: AXD ]TS PEOPLE. 467 John Simcork, from 1714 to May, 1716. Joseph Parker, August 14, 1716, to Jauuarj- 12, 1759. Henry Hale Graham, March 5, 1759, to February 13, 1777. Following is a list of the Kegisters of Wills from March '2~>, 1777, to the present time, together with the dates of their several commissions: Thomas Taylor, MarcJi 25, 1777. John Beaton, Ajn'il 6, 1782. Persifor Frazer, April 8, 178)5. Stephen Jloylau, April 7, 1792. John Hannum, Dec. 13, 1793. Richard M. Hannum, December 6, 1798. John Christie, January 6, 1800. James Bones, Feb. 22, 1804. John Smith, January' 12, 1806. Charles Kenny, Jan. 12, 1809. Jesse Sharp, March 25, 1818. Daniel Heister, Feb. 28, 1821. Joseph Pearce, Jan. 17, 1824. Alexander Leslie, November 22, 1851. Hickman James, November 10, 1854. Araariah Strickland, November 10, 1857. Dr. Charles L. Seal, November 10, 1860. George C. M. Eicholts, Novem- ber 17, 1S63. Hampton S. Thomas, November 14, 1866. Levi G. McCauley, Nov. 20, 1869. Eber Worthingtou, April 23, Lewis H. Evans, Nov. 19, 1872. 1828. George H. Paxton, December Robert Ralston, Feb. 15, 1830. ' 28, 1875. Nimrod Strickland, April 20, William S. Underwood, Decem- 1833. ber 30, 1878. James Walker, Jan. 26, 1836. 1881, B. Frank Widdicombe. Jesse Coulson, Feb. 2, 1839. B. Tevis Hoopes, in 1884. George W. Parke, November Nathan J. W^aitneight, in 1887. 12, 1842. Frank A. Thomas, in 1890. Henry Buckwalter, November Jesse J. Hickman, in 1893, and 17, 1845. William Eachus, the present William Baker, Nov. 25, 1848. incumbent, in 1896. RECORDERS OP DEEDS. The first deed recorded in Chester County was a grant from Urin Keen for a lot on which stood Chester ileeting-honse, the date of the deed being March 1, 1688, and "Inrooled" on the 10th of the same month. There were but few documents recorded pre- vious to July 1, 1688. Following is a list of those who ha-e held the office of recorder of deeds from 1688 to 1898: 468 CHESTER COUNTY John Bi'istow, about March 10, Joshua Fearne, March 25, 1691.. IfiSS. John Chikle, January 3, l(i95. Robert Eyre, March 26, 1693. Teter Erans, April 17, 1706. Henry Holling.sworth, October 10,' 1700. John Simcock, January 28, 1707, and on the 24th of Febru- ary, 1707-08, his commission was read in open court. At the ses- sion of the assembly of 1714-15 an act was passed, making the prothonotary or county clerk of Chester County the recorder of deeds until he should be removed by the Court of Quarter Ses- sions, his bond being fixed at £200. At this time John Bimcock, who, it will have been seen, filled at one time or another most of the offices in the county, was still recorder of deeds, and it is thought he was succeeded in 1716 by George Yeates, he being clerk of the courts in 1717. Eichard Marsden, who was employed in the office as clerk as early as 1716, was either clerk or deputy clerk from 1719 to 1723, and in 1724 Joseph Parker became clerk and continued in office until 1766, when he died. Henry Hale Graham then became recorder and held the office until 1777. Since then the following persons have held the office, the dates of their commissions being given in connection with their names: Thomas Taylor, March 25, 1777. Persifor Frazer, April 8, 1786. John Haunum, Dec. 13, 1793. John Beaton, April 6, 1782. Stephen Moylau, April 7, 1792. Richard M. Hannum, December 6, 1798. John Christie, January 6, 1800. James Bones, Feb. 22, 1804. John Smith, January 12, 1806. Charles Kenny, Jan. 12, 1809. Jesse Sharp, March 25, 1818. Daniel Hiester, Feb. 28, 1821. Kimrod Strickland, February 15. 1830. Robert Ralston, April 29, 1833. Stephen Marshall, Jan. 17, 1831. Edwai-d Bartholomew, January 26, 1836. George Hartman, Feb. 2, 1839. Abner Williams, Xov. 12, 1842. ^\'illiam McCullough, Novem- ber 17, 1845. Edward H. Hibbard, Nov. 25, 1848. Thomas Walter, Nov. 22, 1851. Robert F. Hoopes, Nov. 10, 1854. Thomas S. Taylor, Nov. 10, 1857. Jonas G. Bossart, Nov. 19, 1860. David Andrews, Nov. 17, 1863. Dilwyn Parker, Nov. 14, 1866. John A. Groff, Nov. 20, 1869. C. Burleigh Hambleton, Novem- ber 19, 1872. "^AND ITS PEOPLE. 469 Edwin Bateman, Dec. 22, 1875." Hugh Kenwortliy, Jr., iu 1880, Franklin P. Ash, Dec. 18, 1877. and Harry Sloyer, Dee. 13, 1880. Samuel Ivison, Jr., in 1892. Kichard H. Plank, in 1883. Thomas D. Grover, the present Sharpless M. Paxson, in 188G. incumbent, in 1895. CLERK OF COURTS. The tirst sitting of the Upland Court, f)f which there is any record, was held November 4, 167G, and at this time it was ordered that Mr. William Tom, the former "clarke," should deliver unth Pearce, Orphans" Court, Decem- ber 21, 1826; David Towusend, Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions, August 3, 1827; Dr. William Darlington, Oyer and Ter- miner and Quarter Sessions, August 17, 1827; Simeon Siegfried, 470 CHESTER COUNTY Orphans' Coui't, April 23, 1828; John W. Cunningham, Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions, February 15, 1830; George Fisher, Orphans' Court, Februai-y 15, 1830; John W. Cunningham, Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions, April 29, 1833; George Fisher, Orphans" Court, April 29, 1833; P. Frazer Smith, Orphans' Court, May 2, 1835; Horatio G. AVon-all, of all the courts, January 26, 183G; James M. Kinnard, of all the courts, Febi'uary 2, 1839; James M. Kinnard, elected and commissioned November 14, 1839; Oheyney Nields, commissioned November 12, 1812; Alexander Marshall, November 17, 1845; Thomas P. William, November 25, 1848; James Sweney, November 22, 1851; Thomas W. Parker, November 10, 1854; Addis M. Ayars, November 10, 1857; Thomas P. Evans, November 19, 1860; Thomas H. Windle, November 17, 1863; James E. McFarlan, November 16, 1866; William H. Guie, November 20, 1869; James H. Wyun, November 19, 1872, died October 31, 1874; William W. Scott, appointed to the vacancy, February 17, 1875; William W. Scott, elected in November, 1875, commissioned December 22, 1875; Pierce Hoopes, Jr., December 30, 1878; Edvrard Paist, in 1881; Davis O. Taylor, in 1884; Thomas W. Taylor, in 1887; H. Morgan Kuth, in 1889; Elias Pair, in 1893, and E. Jones Patrick, the present clerk, in 1896. SHERIFFS. The Dutch, while they exercised jurisdiction on the Delaware, had an officer which they called a "schuut," who performed offices similar to those of a sheriff under the English system of govern- ment. And Governor Lovelace granted a commission to Hennan Frederickson as schout at the Hoare-Kill, and notwithstanding that at a council held at Fort James May 17, 1672, it was agreed that the office*of schout should be converted into that of a sheriif for the corporation, and that the sheriff should be chosen annually, yet the name was not dropped, for on August 1, 1672, Governor Lovelace signed the following order: AXD ITS PEOPLE. 4/1 "Upon the return of a double number from the inhabitants at the Whorekill, in Delaware Bay, for Schout and Comisary, I do approve of Hermans Frederick Wilbank to be Schout, and of Ottho Wolgast, William Claessen, and Isaac Savo to be Comisarys for the space of one year ensuing, after Avhich time they are to make a new return." And as Edmond Cautwell was one of the two persons returned to the Governor of whom to choose the high sheriff, Mr. Cantwell was chosen for that office, and appointed to be high sheriff in place of the schout, and he was to enjoy all the perquisities and priv- ileges of a schout. This appointment was made August 2, 1672. Captain Cantwell was also authorized to receive the arrears of rents, in the place of William Tom, who had been commissioned receiver of quit-rents August 10, 1669, but had resigned. The Dutch having resumed control on the Delaware in 1673, Peter Alrichs Avas appointed schout; but this arrangement did not last more than a year before the English again became rulers on the Delaware and Captain Cantwell was appointed sheriff, serving from 1676 to 1681, when Governor Markham arrived and John Test became sheriff, and served until the arrival of William Penn. Under the "Charter of Privileges," granted by Penn in 1701, each county was authorized to present two persons to the proprie- tary for the office of sheriff, one of whom he was to commission for three years, which arrangement continued until the adoption of the Constitution of 1776, which provided that in each county two per- sons should be annually elected, one of whom should be commis- sioned by the President of the State. Under the constitution the commission to the sheriff was issued by the Governor for three years. Under the amended Constitution of 1838 one person was elected in each county. Following is a list of the sheriffs of Chester Countj', believed to be nearly correct, from 1676 to the present time: 4/2 CHESTER COUNTY Capt. Edmund Cantwell, 1670. John Test, lGSl-82. Thomas Usher, l(i82-83. Thomas Witliers, Dec, 1«jS3-S4. Thomas Usher, June, 108(5, to April, 1687. George Foreman, 1689 to W9'2. Joseph ^Vood, 1093 to 1697. John Hoskins, 1701 to 1708. John Hoskins, 1709. Nicholas Fairlamb, 1717 to 1719. John Tavlor, 1721 to 1728. John Parry, 1732 to 1734. John Parry, 1738 to 1739 John Ov.en, 1743 vo 174.j. John Owen, 1749 to 1751. John Fairlamb, 1755 to 1758. John Fairlamb, 1762 to 1703. John Morton, 170<) to 1768. Henry Hayes, 1772 to 1733. Ivobert Smith, 1777. Robert Smith, Xov. 21, 1778. John Gardner, October 19, 1780. Ezekiel Leonard, Oct. 13, 1786. Joseph McClellan, Oct. 13, 17D2. "\Mlliam Worthiugton, October 13, 1798. James Kelton, October 21, 1801. Titus Taylor, October 22, 1807. Jesse Good, October 22, 1813. Samson Babb, October 21, 1819. Jonathan Jones, Oct. 29, 1825. Peter Osborne, Oct. 28, 1831. Jo.seph Taylor, Oct. 24, 1837. Nathan Frame, Nov. 1, 1843. James Bayard Wood, November 7, 1844. David Bishop, Oct. 30, 1850. David McNutt, Oct. 20, 1856. Kees Welsh, Navember 7,- 1SG2. De Witt Clinton Lewis, Novem- ber 2, 1868. William B. Morrison, Jauuarv 2, 1875. George E. Hoopes, Dec. 30, 1880. Benjamin Irey, in 1886; killed on his tirst day's work. William Gallagher, in 1887. Jeremy Collett, 1684-85. Joshua Fearne, 1687 to 1689. Caleb Pusey, 1692 to 1()93. Andrew Job, 1697 to iVirx. •John Simcock, 1708. Henry Worley, 1715. John Crosby, 1720. John Owen," 1729 to 1731. John Owen, 1735 to 1737. Benjamin Davis, 1740 to 1742. Benjamin Davis, 1746 to 1748. Isaac Pears(m, 17.52 to 1754. Benjamin Davis, 1759 to 1761. Philip Ford, 1764 to 1766. Jesse Maris, 1769 to 1771. Nathaniel Vernon, 1774 to 1775. ( 'harles Dilworth, Oct. 17, 1778. David Mackey, October 16, 1779. ^\'illiam Giblbons, Oct. 20, 1783. Charles Dilworth, Oct. 17, 1789. Ezekiel Leonard, Oct. 17, 1793. James Bones, April 17, 1801. Jesse John, October 16, 1704. George Hartman, Oct. 25, 1810. Cromwell Pearce, Oct. 19, 1816. Jesse Sharp, (October 15, 1822. Oliver Alison, October 30, 1828. Pobert Irwin, October 25, 1834. ^^'illiam Bogers, Nov. 9, 1840. Clinton Frame, March 20, 1844. Brinton Darlington, October 21, 1847. Lewis Heffelfiuger, November 4, 1853. Jacob Heffeltinger, November 5, 1859. Pusey J. Nichols, Nov. 3, 1865. Davis Gill, November 1, 1871. James E. McFarlau, December 31, 1877. William Baker, in 1883. A^'D ITS PEOPLE. 473 George E. Hoopes, appointed iu Alexauder H. Ingram, in 1898. 1887. Robert L. Hayes, the present in- James G. Parker, in 1S90. cumbeut, in 189G. The several coroners, or, as they were sometimes called in early days, the '"crowners," so far as has been ascertained, have been as follows since 1684: CORONERS. James Keuela, 1G81. Henry Worley, 1710. Robert Barber, October 1, 1721. Robert Parke, October 3, 1728. John Wharton, October 3, 1730. John Wharton, October i, 1734. Aubrey Bevau, October 4, 1738. Joshua Thomson, Oct. 3, 1751. Joshua Thomson, Oct. 3, 1753. Davis Bevau, October 4, 17G3. John Trapnall, May 27, 1760. John Crosby, Jr., Oct. 5, 1771. David Denny, Nov. 21, 1778. Benjamin Rue, October 12, 1782. Isaac Thomson, Oct. 14, 1785. John Underwood, Oct. 15, 1787. James Bones, Dec. 19, 1794. Jacob Righter, Nov. 4, 1800. Ephraim Buffiugtou, October 31, 1805. Joseph Pearce, Dec. 2, 1811. Joel C. Bailey, October 23, 1817. Emmor Bradley, Nov. 25. 1823. Davis Brooke, Nov. 5, 1829. Thomas Ervin, Nov. 6, 1835. Hezekiah Jackson, in 1841. Thomas Walker, iu 1847. Hashabiah Cleuious, in 1853. Benjamin F. Smith, iu 1859. William H. Turner, in 1869. Joseph B. Smith, in 1872. Barclay Lear, in 1878. Ernest" White, in 1884 and 1887. C. G. Troutman, the present in- cumbent, in 1896. Jacob Simcock, 1696. Henry Holliugsworth, 1707. Jonas Saudelands, commission dated October 3, 1717. John Meudeuhall, Oct. 4, 1726. Abraham Darlington, October 4, 1729. Anthony Shaw, October 8, 1732. Stephen Hoskins, Oct. 4, 1737. Isaac Lee, October 4, 1746. Joliu Kerlin, October 4, 1752. Philip Ford, May 22, 1761. Abel Jauuey, October 4, 1765. Joseph Gibbons, Jr., October I, 1768. Johu Bryau, October 4, 1773. Allen Cuuuiugham, October 19, 1780. Johu Harper, October 20, 1783. Johu Harjjer, October 18, 1786. Xatliau Scholtield, O.ctober 17, 1789. Josliua Weaver, Julv 16, 1798. L'obert Miller, October 27, 1803. Jacob Righter, Dec. 8, 1808. Jesse McCall, Dec. 15, 1814. Emmor Bradley, Nov. 9, 1820. Authouy W. Olwine, 1826. Bvmjamiu J. Passmore, Novem- ber 3, 1833. William Taggart. Oct. 30, 1S3S. 474 CHESTER COUNTY Daniel Kields, in 1844. William V. Eambo, 1875. David Williams, in 1850. William Mercer, in 1881. Robert McNeely, in 1856. J. Jones McFadger, in 1890 and Joseph W. Barnard, appointed 1898. in 1862, and elected in 1863 and in 1866. Of the above-named coroners it is proper to note that John Harper was in olHce when the county-seat was removed from Chester to West Chestei", an account of which is presented in another portion of this Avork, and that he M'as opposed to the removal, because he had property in Chester and natural!}' pre- ferred to remain there. It is also said that he had command of the belligerent forces that came over to the Turk's Head, with the view of demolishing the county buildings then in course of erection. Afterward he removed to West Chester, and for some time kept the famous Turk's Head Hotel. COMMISSIONERS. It is probable that the officers called "commissioners," in the early history of the county, performed duties somewhat different from those performed by the county commissioners of the present time. The earliest legislation found regarding commissioners was an act passed February 28, 1710-11, entitled "An act empowering commissioners to compel the collection of all arrearages of former taxes, of which the following language is a part: "Be it enacted by the honorable Charles Gookin, Esquire, by the Queen's Royal approval Lieutenant-Governor under the hon- orable William Penn, Esquire, absolute proprietary and governor- in-chief of the Province of Pennsylvania, etc., and by and with the advice and consent of the freemen of the said Province in general assembly met, and by the authority of the same, that in each re- spective county. of this Province the persons hereafter named shall be commissioners for putting this act into execution: That is to say * * * for the county of Chester, Nathaniel Xewlin, Rich- AND ITS PEOPLE. 475 ard Webb and Isaac Taylor, who are hereby empowered and required to meet together on the 13th day of the month of March, 1710, at the place where the respective courts of the county are held," that is, at the county seat, and they were empowered to call before them all collectors and receivers and all other officers and persons whatsoever who had been employed in the assessing, levy- ing and gathering the rates and assessments aforesaid, and to cause them and every one of them to make and give a true and perfect account of all and every the aforesaid rates and assess- ments, etc. On the same day an act was passed entitled, "An act for rais- ing a supply of two pence per pound and eight shillings per head," under which for Chester County Jasper Yeates, Caleb Pusey, Nicholas Pile and Henry Peirce, or any two of them, were ap- pointed to put the act into execution. An act was passed February 22, 1717-18, entitled, "An act for the more eilectual raising of the county rates and levies," ap- parently never submitted to the consideration of the crown, under which for the County of Chester, David Lloyd, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wood and Henry Miller were appointed commissioners to put the act into execution; and still later an act was passed, March 20, 1721-25, which was apparently not considered by the Crown, entitled, "An act for raising the county rates," which pro- vided "that the present commissioners for putting the said act into execution together with the assessors of the respective counties of Philadelphia, Chester and Bucks, now in being, shall continue in their several places and execute the powers and authorities given and required of them by the same acts for and during all the time they were respectively appointed to serve according to the direc- tion of those acts." The duties of commissioners in the first place was probably the same as those performed by justices and the grand jury, and later by the grand jury and assessors. It is also probable that 476 CHESTER COUXTY four comiiiissiouers were elected ter settlements on the Brandywiue. In 1716 a petition Avas presented for a road leading from the -west side of William Fleming's laud to Cain Mill, and thence to William Brinton's in Birmingham, and James Gibbons, Bichard Woodward, John Yearsley, Kichard Thomas, Thomas James and David Davis were appointed to view. In 1717 a road was laid out from Ellis Lewis' mill southeast to the county line. And the same year a road was laid out from the land of Grittith Owen on King's Road from Goshen to Edgemont and Che.ster, 8. 60 E. 80; east a little south through Owen and George Ashbrldge, 440 perches to mill; thence through Ashbridge, William Hudson, in Willis- AXD ITS PEOPLE. 491 town, Thomas Garrett, east and east by north, 352 perches to road from mill to Chester, and across to corner of Thomas Garrett's laud and Samuel LeAvis' land, 00 perches E. ^ N., between Lewis and Thomas James, and through James and Thomas Mary, 220; east somewhat southerly to road from Chester to Valley, 100 perches to end of road formerly laid out from Newtown to Phihi- delphia. Also in the same year a road was laid out from Joseph Pennock's to west end of Marlborough Street, and aloug the same 1,120 perches, and then north 52 east, along Thomas Wicker- sham's and Moses Key's land 132 perches to road running from Henry Hayes' to Brandywiue Creek. lu 1717-18 a road was laid out from John Mendenhall's in th<' valley to the forks of the Brandywine, by way of Edward Clayton, George Carter, Abraham Marshall, Thomas Buflington, William Buffington, William Baldwin and Jacob Taylor. In 1719 a road was laid out from Goshen to I'hiladelphia, commencing at the intersection of the Goshen Mill IJoad with the Pro\ idence Boad, this road passing by what had been know u as the "Old Square," in Newtown Township, and a short distance be3'ond that point it entered the great road leading to Philadel- phia. In 1736 a road was laid out from the Susquehanna, near the house of John Hari'is, and falling into Conestoga Old Eoad near Edward Kinnison's in Whiteland, passing near Uwchlan Meeting- house, and was about GS| miles in length. According to S. W. Pennypacker, in his "Phoenixville and Vicinity," "An early road entered the township at the French Creek Bridge, and pursued a southeasterly course until it reached the trail," this trail extending from the Indian village near the mouth of Pickering Ci-eek, to a large and permanent settlement •called Indiantown. In the other direction it passed over Green Hill, reaching the Schuylkill at the old fording place near Perk- iomen Junction. "It remained the only thoroughfare in that direc- 493 CHESTER COUNTY tidu until a jury in 1735 opened a road on a line between the prop- erties of Coates and Starr. From the active participation of Sam- uel Nutt in obtaining and locating this road, it received and has since borne his name. "The road leading from the village of Chai'lestowu to the Fountain Inn and Starr's Ford, was opened in August, 1731, and at one time was called the 'Egypt Road,' because it connected two settlements, one in Chester County, the other in Philadelphia County, respectively honored with the suggestive names of Upper and Lower Egypt. "The White Horse Road, southward from tlie Ijong Ford, in the direction of Cedar Hollow, was laid out in the early days of the settlement to accommodate the residents of the valley on their way to the Schuylkill fisheries. "The road leadjng from Phoenixville northward to the Black Rock Bridge, was opened about the year 1730." On February 25, 1762, the county was divided into fifty-one districts, each township to be one road district. The following extract from a communication of Ziba Darling- ton to the Jeffersonian furnishes some interesting history con- nected with the laying out of the Street Road. "William Penn laid out a public road in Marlborough Town- ship, and named it Marlborough Street. It ran nearly, if not quite, straight its whole distance, a stretch of some live miles, beginning in the Pennsbury line, east of the present Red Line Tavern, and ending at Marlborough Friends' Meeting-house. The highway from the end of Market Street, Philadelphia, was laid out in sections, as settlements extended westward in the colony. It was not known as the Street Road. Long after these old colonial times and ways, in 1815, the Legislature of Penn- sylvania authorized a State road to be laid out from Market Street Bridge, Philadelphia, to McCall's Ferry on the Susquehanna River, (xovemor Snyder appointed John Thompson of Delaware AXD ITS PEOPLE. 493 County, Edward Darlington of Chester County, and Samuel Au- krim of Lancaster County, commissioners for sucii purpose. They, with their corps of target-bearer, chain-carriers, axnien and assistants, began the work at Market Street Bridge, but madv no change in the existing road thence to Marlborough Friends' Meeting-house. From thence to McCall's Fern- tjhe road laid out was pretty much a new one. Burr, a noted bridge-builder, had got the heavy timbers for the bridge at McCall's Ferrs- i-eady, and during the winter of 1815 moved them on the Ice to their position. The floor was not laid when the commissioners arrived there, and the target-bearer recollects walking out on the timbers over the Susquehanna Elver. The commissioners would have cut off an angle in the road at the Marlborough Meeting-house premises had it not been for an old burial ground; so the right angle turn there yet remains. "The Street Koad is the name applied to the highway from Market Street Bridge to McCall's Ferry, and got it from the old Marlborough Street of Penn." The above survey was made in 1815, John Thompson acting as surveyor, and Ziba Darlington of Chester County as target- bearer. At an early period a public road was laid out from Philadel- phia to Lancaster, which was known as the "Old Lancaster,'' or "Provincial" Eoad. In Chester County it passed the present Eagle Station on the Pennsylvania Railway, Paoli, Admiral Warren, White Horse, Moore's Mill, Ship, Cain Friends' Meeting-house, Wagon and Mariner's Compass. A portion of the bed of this roadis now occupied by the Lancaster Turnpike, but the greater portion is still used as an ordinary i^ublic road. The Swede's Ford Eoad ran from a fording over the Schuyl- kill just below Norristown, westward joining the old Lancaster Road in East Whiteland Township. The road known as the "Boot Road" ran from the ferry at Philadelphia by way of the "Boot 494 CHESTER COUNTY Tavern,'* in Goslieu, to Moore's Mill (Downingtown). The Great Chester Road, running north from Chester, intersected this road at the "Boot," and is said to have been laid out on an old Indian trail. A road ran from Moore's Mill westward, a continuation of the Boot Eoad, crossed the west branch of the Brandywine near Coatesville, and Buck IJuu at Pomeroy, and running north- ward of the valley to the Gap. The Strasburg Koad dates from 1794 and was laid out at different times. Part of the original road is what is now known as "Goshen Street," forming the northern line of the borough of West Chester, and in its westward coiirse it unites with the pres- ent Strasburg Eoad at the foot of Black Horse Hill, in East Brad- ford, passing eastwardly by the residence of William P. Marshall and Fern Hill Station on the railway leading from West Chester to Frazer. The road from Wilmington to Beading, passing through West Chester, is a very old one, and there was a road running from Downingtown, by way of Waynesburg, to the Conestoga settle- ments. On the bed of this last mentioned road runs for a portion of its length the "Horseshoe Turnpike." The road from Philadel- phia by way of Concord, Chadd's Ford, Hamorton, Kenuett Square and New Loudon, and on to Baltimore, is also an old one, and was long a leading stage route between Philadelphia and the Southern States. There was also a road from Wilmington to the Pequea Valley, by the way of Hamorton, Unionville, Doe Bun, Ercildoun, Humphreyville and Sadsburyville. This last men- tioned road was intersected at Humphreyville by another road which led past Upper Octorara Church and the old Black Horse Tavern northward. The "Gap and Newport Koad" led from the "Gap" in Lancaster County to Newport, Delaware, and was long a leading road from Lancaster to Wilmington. There was a road leading from West Chester in a southwest direction, crossing the Brandywine at Jefferis Ford, Avhich was AXD /7'.s' PEOPLE. 495 known as the "Oil-mill Eoad," fpom an oil-mill which stood on a farm lately owned by EdA\iu James. This road was superseded by a State road laid out in 1830 from New Hope, on the Delaware River, through Doylestown, Norristown, West Chester, Unionville, White Horse and Oxford to the Maryland line. The "Limestone Eoad," in the western part of the county, which passes through Oxford, was at one time an old Indian trail. The Valley or Mc- Call's Ferry Koad, which runs from Parkesburg to McCall's Ferry, on the Susquehanna River, was authorized in 1809 by an act of the Assembly of the State. Much might be written on the history of early staging on all of these roads did space and time permit. A brief sketch of the first turnpike in the United States is here introduced. The Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road was the first of its kind constructed in America, and hence is worthy of special mention. It was in 1790 or 1791 that it was agreed in the Assembly of the State to cause a survey to be made between Philadelphia and Lancaster, with the view of ascertaining the most eligible route for a turnpike road between the two cities. A company was incorporated under the name of the "Philadelphia and Lan- caster Turnpike Road Company," April 9, 1792, and the eager- ness of people to subscribe for stock in this company was remark- able, it being necessary to resort to the drawing of lots in order to determine who should first subscribe. This road as it was constructed has a length in Chester County of thirty-six miles, nearly seventeen miles along the Great Valley. It was a very expensive undertaking, on account of the inexperience of the engi- neers. The entire length of the road is sixty-tAvo miles, and it was formed of three highways between its terminal points, the King's Highway of Lancaster County being extended to join the two lower sections. It was opened to travel in 1795 and immediately became the leading thoroughfare between Philadelphia and the West. The road was made of hard stones broken small, the pavement 496 CHESTER COUNTY being twenty-four feet wide, eighteen inches thick in the middle and twelve inches thick at the sides. The cutting down of hills to the limits of four degrees elevation and the leveling of the platform was very expensive, the total cost of the road, including the construction of the bridges and aqueducts, being |465,000, or $7,500 per mile. For the first twenty-five or thirty years the cor- poration had at its head Mr. Ellison Perot, of Philadelphia. For many years the travel upon it was enormous, which is one of the strongest evidences of the value to the community of good roads. It was lined with public houses, these houses being in some parts of its course through Chester County not more than one mile apart. At night the yards of these public houses or taverns were filled with teams, the horses standing on each side of the wagon- tongue, on which a trough was placed for their feed. The team- sters spread their beds, which they carried with them, on the barroom floors or on the floors of other rooms. These taverns were usually conducted by their owners and were remarkable for their good order. But the glory of this great route of travel and of its hotels were doomed to disappear, for when the Pennsylvania Railroad went into operation about forty years after its construction, it took away the travel and the transportation of merchandise over this turnpike, and its income from tolls diminished and the number of its hotels as gradually, or perhaps it would be better to say as rapidly, decreased, until at the present time the use of the road is only local, and the traveler may pass over many a mile of it without seeing a single sign inviting him to refreshment or to rest. Other early turnpikes were as follows: The Downingtown, Eph- rata and Harrisburg, otherwise known as the Horseshoe Pike, char- tered March 24, 1803; the Gap and Newport, taking the place to a great extent of the old Gap and Newport Road, chartered April 7, 1807; the Little Conestoga, running from the Philadelphia and Lan- ^S^^M^, AND ITS PEOPLi:. 499 caster Tiu'Ditike, near the Warren Tavern, to a point in Berks ConutT, Avliere the Reading Road intersects the Morgantown Road, chartered March Ifi, 1809. In 1811 a survey was made for a turnjjilce from the Phihidel- ]ihia and Lancaster Turnpike at or near the twenty-sixth milestone through Westchester to Wilmington, laws being passed by both Pennsylvania and Delaware authorizing the work; but the people of Delaware declined to take stock in the enterprise and the people of Pennsylvania then felt justified in abandoning the project. The people of Delaware then constructed a turniiike from Wilmington to the State line, a distance of about six miles, in the direction of West Chester. The West Chester and Wilmington Plank Road Company was organized in 1854 and a plank road constructed from West Chester to Dilworthtown, and in 1858 this road was converted into a macadamized road. ]Much of this information on early roads, with the exception of what is presented on the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road, has been derived from Judge Futhey's excellent "History of Chester County," due credit for which is thus given. In the early day there were the following stage routes ex- tending out of West Chester: One leading to Reading, over which a stage coach was run from West Chester every Tuesday, Tliursday and Saturday, and leaving Reading every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by way of Oakland, Lionville, Eagle, Wallace, Loags, Morgantowni, Joanna Furnace and Beckersville, the fare to Reading being |2. Of this line John G. Dunwoody was proprietor in 1857. One to Cochran ville, leaving West Chester on the same days, and Cochranville also on the same days as the above, the fare to Cochranville being |1. Of this line Francis Conway was the ])ro- prietor in 1857. One to New Holland, lea\iug West Chester on the opposite 29 500 CHESTER COUNTY clays from the above, as well as New Holland, passiufi' Dowuiiig- towu, Gallagliei'ville, Brick, Brandywine Manor, Kockville and Waynesburg-, the fare each way being |1.87|, and the proprietor of the line being IJ. Fox. One to Wilmington, leaving both West Chester on every Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, the fare to Wilmington being $1, the liro])rietor of this route being George Court, in 1S57. ()ue to Philadelphia, leaving ^A'est Chester every morning, and leaving Philadelphia everj- afternoon, the fare each way being G2^ cents, and the proprietor being Stackhouse & Co., in 1S5T. RAILROADS. Chester County is well supplied with railroads. The Penn- sylvania Railroad passes through the county from east to west; the Wilmington and Northern Railroad, crosses it from north to south, passing down the valley of the Brandj'wiue; the 'West Ches- ter and Philadelphia. Railroad connects West Chester with Phila- del}diia, and the West Chester Railroad connects the latter rail- road with the Pennsylvania Railroad at Frazer. The Pennsyl- vania and Delaware Railroad runs from the Pennsylvania Rail- road at Pomeroy Station with Delaware City; the East Brandy- wine and Waj'nesburg Railroad runs from Downingtown nortii- westerly to Waynesbxirg; the Chester Valley Railroad runs from Downingtown eastAvard to Norristown; the Pickering Valley Rail- road runs from Uwchlan to Pho^nixville; the Wilmington and \V'estern Railroad connects Wilmington with the Pennsylvania and Delaware Railroad at Liindeuburg; the Reading Railroad passes along the eastern boundary of the county, and the Perkio- meu Railroad connects with the Reading Railroad between Phoenixville and Valley Forge. Previous to the introduction of the railroad in Chester County, travel and transportation across the county and the country were AND IT^ PEOPLE. 50 1 principally by stages and wagons. Passengers and freight were carried from Philadelphia to Pittsburg and from Pittsburg to Philadelphia by means of these vehicles drawn by four or six horse teams, all owned by farmers of Chester and adjoining coun- ties. The wagons Avere large and high, on high wheels, strongly built, and covered over with canvas, supported by hickory hoops or bows. In this J^tate these vehicles were known as Conestoga wagons, while farther to the west they were frequently called Pennsylvania wagons, and are still thus referred to, though, as things of the past. .V half dozen or more teams were in those early days frequently seen traveling in company along the Lan- caster Pike, on which a line of four-horse stages was run, which became quite popular Avitli the traveling public and profitable to their owners. Tliis pike was almost invariably taken in fine weather when the roads were good; otherwise both stages and wagons would take the Strasburg Koad passing through West tliester. In addition to these two roads there were numerous others passing through West Chester. In addition to these two roads there were numerous others passing in different directions through the county, and at their intersections villages greAV up and postoflices were established. The trip from Philadelphia to Pittsburg and return usually occupied from four to six weeks, the average value of a trip one Avay was one hundred dollars, and in case a load was found from Pittsburg back to the east it was 1150. About 1S23 the public mind began to be exercised over tlie question of railroads, but the ideas entertained as to what a rail- road was Avere not ahvays clear. From that time until 1828 sev- eral attempts were made to organize a company to build a rail- road to connect with the canals of the State, by Avhich means it was expected to form a through line for both passengers and freight from Philadelphia to Pittsburg; bnt capitalists, being like the rest of the world, ignorant of what a railroad Avas, were sIoav 502 CHESTER COUNTY to invest, as they always have been and always will be in a new thinji-. Each of these attempts therefore came to nan.cht. But at length, in 1828, the Legislature of the State passed an act providing for the construction of a railroad from Philadelphia to Columbia, in Lancaster County, to be styled the "Pennsylvania Railroad," and directed that twenty miles at each end of the road be built at once. Soon after this the i)eople of "West Chester began to take up the question of building a railroad and to discuss the question of hoAV much more a horse could draw on such a road than on a common dirt road; for the idea of steam being used as a motive power on such a road had tben entered the minds of but few peoi>le, at least in the United States. In this connection it may be proper to state that according to Dr. George Smith, in his History of Delaware County, the first railroad constructed in this country was in what was once a por- tion of Chester County — in IJidley Township, Delaware County, in 180(;. This railroad was built by Thomas Leiper, who had seen a road of the kind in either England or Scotland, and before buikl- ing his road in Delaware County he had constructe'i for him an experimental road on a vacant lot in the Northern I>iberties in Philadelphia, at a grade of one and a half inches to tht yard, which on the day of trial proved to be a great success. This rail road in Delaware County was constructed by Mr. Leiper for the purpose of transporting stone from his quarry on Crum Creek to his landing on Kidley Creek, a distance of about one mile, the ascent being a graded incline plane, and the superstructure being made of white oak, with cross-ties and str-ing-pieces. The wheels of his cars wei"e made of cast-iron, and had flanges to keep them on the rails. This short railroad was afterward superseded by the Leiper Canal, built in 1828 by Hon. George G. Leiper, son of the builder of the railroad, the canal being in use until 1852. The great event which startled the country from one end to the other, and which really determined the merchants of Phila- AXD ITS PEOPLE. . 503 delphia and the people of Pennsylvania to build the railroad to rolumbia, was the completion of the Erie Canal in 182(). They were quick to perceive that unless something- were done to prevent it their previously obtained and profitable Western trade, which had up to that time been carried bj- means of the great Conestoga wagons, would go by way of the Erie ("anal to the city of New York; hence the passage of the act above referred to, to build the railroad from Philadelphia to Columbia. Thence it was thought travel could go b}' canal to Hollidaysburg, whence a railroad would pass over the mountains, and from Johnstown a canal would extend to Pittsburg. By such a route it was thought practicable to compete with the Erie Canal, as there would be a gain of time over the two stretches of railroad which this plan contemplated. In the construction of this first railroad from Philadelphia to Columbia many experiments were made in order to ascertain what kind of rail Avould be suitable. From the head of the inclined plane at Philadelphia to AVhite Hall a heavy stone sill was laid, with a flat bar of iron spiked upon it; but this proved a failure. Then flat bars of iron were laid, which were two and a half inches wide by one-half an inch thick; but these proved too light. They would draw loose, and in one or two cases the bars curled up at the end and pierced the bottom of the car. Then even these rails had to be imported from England at a great expense, and were very poor, there being then no American mills in operation. American mills came later on. The Columbia Road was completed into Philadelphia in 1833, entering the city at Vine Street, whence a city track laid on stone sills was extended down Broad, Market and Third to the foot of Dock. Upon the completion of this road, although it would not by any means compare with railroads of the present day, the competition of the Conestoga wagon was soon extinguished, and the drivers and their horses were transferred to the railroad. The first cars for passengers which, as intimated, were for a time 504 CHESTER COUNTY drawn by horses, were four-wheeled vehicles, the body being- sim- ilar to but much larger than that of a Troy coach. It is now time to turn attention to the construction of the fii'st railroad that entered West Chester. It was in 1830 that this matter was taken up in earnest, the question being, or rather, per- haps, one question being, at Avhat point should a railroad from West Chester connect with the Columbia IJaili-oad, then well under way. A 2:)ublic meeting was held December 11, at the Turk's Head Hotel, at which a committee was appointed to con- fer with Major John Wilson, and as a result of this conference, with the consent of the canal commissioners. Major Wilson sent a corps of engineers to make a preliminary survey, tlie Major himself making an estimate of the probable cost. A second meet- ing was held December 22, at which a general town meeting was called for December 24, to take further and definite action. Dr. William Darlington of the committee made a report which was accepted, and the following resolutions adopted: "Kesolved, That it is expedient to construct a railroad from the borough of West Chester to intersect the Pennsylvania Eail- way at such point as shall be found most eligible. "Resolved, That Dr. Vv'illiam Darlington, William 11. Dilling- ham, Thomas Williamson, Ezra Cope, David Towusend, Thomas S. Bell and John II. Bradley, Esq., be a committee whose duty it shall be to take the necessary steps to obtain a law authorizing the incorijoration of a company to construct the said railway."' Major Wilson reported on January 8, 1831, that he had located a satisfactory route and submitted an estimate of the cost of the road, which he had placed at $S8,021.2!J. The charter was granted July 18 following, with all the privileges and concessions asked for by the petitioners. Anticipating the granting of the chartei' subscription books were opened in Philadelphia at the Merchants' Coffee House, at West Chester, at the Paoli Tavern and at the Washington House, AXD ITS! PEOPLE. 505 on March 22, 1831. There was a grand rush made by those who wished to subscribe to the stock of the company, and in a very slioi-t time more than donble the amount of stock autliorized liad been subscribed; but this amount was later reduced, as provided for in the chai'ter. Tlie first board of directors, elected March 28, was comijosed of the following gentlemen: Dr. William Darling- ton, Ziba Pyle, William Williamson, IS. C. Jefferis, Jonathan Jones. Joseph Hemphill and Elihu Chauncy, Esq. On May 3, 1831, Major John Wilson was appointed chief engineer, and John P. Bailey, assistant, and on May 2(5, the grading of tlie line was let out in one mile sections, and the work pushed rapidly to completion. A meeting of the board of directors was held September 18, 1832, at which it Avas announced that John P. Bailey had complclcl the construction of the entire line in sixteen months. The traik laid at that time consisted of chestnut cross tics, sup]iorting yel- low pine string pieces, on which were laid liat iron bars two and a half inches wide by one half an inch thick, and the road was so ballasted between the rails as to make a good iiathway for lioises. The first superintendent of the road was .1. Lacey Darlington, M ho Mas i»aid a salary of one dollar per day, when he was engaged in the service of the company, and the first general agent, Hickman -James, received for his services -fSOO per year. The second annual meeting of the Board of Directors was held January 23, 1833, and it was then announced that the road had been opened pro forma September 13, 1832, and horses placed on the road, making ])ar- tial trips for the accommodation and entertainment of t!ie friends of the enterprise. On the 18th of October, 1833, tlie Canal Com- missioners had conjpleted a line of rails to the head of the inclined idanes, and the cars of the West Chester Bailway Company were at once run to that point, m hence passengers were conveyed into IMiiladelphia in stages and omnibuses, a drive of about four miles down the west side of the Schuylkill Kiver. On January 1, 1831, the company declared the first dividend 5o6 CHESTER COUNTY aud the stockholders were made happj' with tlie ])rosi>ei'0]>erty. Soon afterward adjoining lots were purcliase<1 on the southeast corner of Broad aud Kace Streets, upon which lots was built a large warehouse suitable for a forwarding and commission house, and from this house the freighting to West Chester was done for several years. About this time the railroad boom that had so excited the entire country subsided, times becoming hard, and there was but little done for some years. Tlie times continuing hard it became difficult for people to meet their obligations, and tlie West Chester Hallway Company Avas no exception to the general rule. There was no relief until after the passage of the tariff act of 1842. In order to meet the difficulties of the situation the company Avas compelled to raise the fare from one dollar to one dollar and twenty-live cents for the single trip. Then, too, the road had ene- mies, and an opposition company put four-horse coaches on the road to comjiete with the railroad, carrying passengers at reduced rates, and getting the carrying of the United States mails at about half Avhat had been formerly paid to the railway company. Be- AXD /7\s' I'EOI'LE. 507 sides all this the Canal ("oinuiissioners were eudeavorinp; to induce the State Lefjislatiire to apiiropriate money in order to enable them to go down ihe Chester A'alley from I)owningtown,thus avoid- ing the inclined planes, as it had been discovered that these phines Avere a great obstruction to travel, and must be avoideil. Had the Canal Commisioners accomjilished their object the West Ches- ter Kailwaj- Company would have been left high and dry at Mal- vern, but the State was in debt to the extent of some |40,000,()l»0 and the Canal Commissioners failed of their object. At the annual meeting held January 15, 1844, the following gentlemen were elected directors: Joseph J. Lewis, Isaac Thomas, Philip P. Sharpless, Edward Hoopes, James Martin, George Camp- bell and William M. Spencer. Philip Sharpless and Isaac Thomas became members of the executive committee and at once determined that if possible they would lift tlie road out of its difficulties. One of these difficulties was the exorbitant charge made by the Canal Commissioners in the shape of tolls over their road, and it was resolved that because of tliese excessive charges they would, in case they could not secure a reduction of these tolls within three months, suspend the running of all cars, and call a meeting of the stockholders to consult upon the best means of disposing of their property. In a few weeks, however, tlie demands for a reduction of tolls were conceded and the fare to Philadelphia Avas reduced to seventy-five cents. Efforts had been made at various times to induce the State authorities to furnish steam power to iiaul the company's cars, and on .lanuary 31, 1844, the executive committee reported that they had api)ointed Samuel M. Painter, superintendent, and that an agreement had been made with the Canal Commissioners by Avliich th<' company's cars were to be hauled from the head of the inclined planes to the intersection at the rate of fifteen dollars per (hiy for each train. This agree- ment Avent into operation May 25, 1844, at which time two second- hand eight- wheeled passenger cars ^vere purchased for the service. 5o8 ( 'U ESTER ( OUXTY Aftenvarcl two new passenger cars were ordered bnilt, which had a compartment for baggage nuderneath the body of Ihc cars, to save wheel toll on the baggage car. These were for a time the best equipped and the most highly ornamental cars ou tlie road. Previously only horse cars had been nsed, and liorse cars were still to be used from the inclined ])lanes to tlie city and on the AVest Chester Eailroad. On May 26, 1845, the Canal ( "oiinnission- ers agTeed to haul tlie cars of the company from the inclined jdanes into the city of West Chester for .|C,000 per annum, and horses were continued to haul the cars into tlie city of Philadel- phia from the foot of the inclined planes. In 1846, a turntable was constructed at West Chester, and the fare, which had been raised to fl to Philadelphia, was again reduced to seventy-five cents. Although the locomotives used ;it this time were very light, yet they Avere too heavy for the light irons on the road, and it was determined to lay a heavy T-rail as early as possible. Money was raised and the road rebuilt more permauently in 1847. About this time the Canal Commissioners were liaving a great deal of difficulty with the properties under their management. Tliey were confronted with a deficit every year, and appeared de- termined to prevent the railroad now under consideration from making any better showing. And the ()flicers of the railroad began to consider the question of a new route to Philadelphia by which it would be possible to avoid the 8fate works altogether. An engi- neer, with a small corps in charge, was sent out to find a new route and to make a rough survey of such route when found. It was found tliat the cost of a railroad over this route would be about •fl, 000, 000, and it was decided that the interest on this sum could not be earned if the road were built. Then some of the ablest professional men of West Chester, together with a few sound busi- ness men of DelaM'are County, determined to make a trial survey of a route through the northern end of Delaware Countv, and AXD ITS PEOPLE. 509 engaged Edward F. Gay to make the suvvey and estimate the cost. His estimate footed np $708,829.03, which -nas too high for the gentlemen coutemphiting the enterprise. T. G. Sickles was therefore engaged to make an estimate, and, seeing where the dif ficnlty lay, and knowing that none of those by whom he was em- ployed knew anything about railroading brought in an estimate about 1100,000 less than that of Mr. Gay. This estimate was satis- factory, and a public meeting was at once called for the purpose of organizing a company to build what became aften\-ard known as the West Chester and Philadelphia Eailroad. Of this com- pany John S. Bowen, a lawyer of West Chester, was elected presi- dent; T. C. Sickles was the engineer-in-chief, and work Avas com- menced to locate the road. This was in 1851. About this time the old West Chester Eailroad Company made an exchange of their Broad Street Depot in Philadelphia for a lot at the southwest corner of Eighteenth aud Market Streets, upon which they erected a passenger and freight depot, and in the mean- time earnest efforts were made to effect a union between the old road and the direct West Chester road. But the owners of the old road, finding that their property Avas steadily increasing in value and promised dividends in the near future, rejected all overtures, advising all people to take warning by the exi^erience they had had. However, after a fierce newspaper war, the West Chester Direct succeeded in getting a single track laid down to Glen Mills, where, for a time, the company was stranded. West Chester, by a popular vote, had invested to the amount of .f20,000 in the stock, which was sold a few years afterward for |4,000, and some of the original stock sold as low as $1 per share. But at length, in 1858, a great effort brought the road through to West Chester, it having been chartered about ten years before. The road, having thus been completed, was transferred by the trustees, J. and I. T. Thomas, to the company, it having at the time .fl,000,000 worth of bonds outstanding and all stock sunk. The road had cost about 5IO CHESTER COUNTY $2,000,000, and several of the origiual projectors had been ruined and had pas.sed out of the management. In the meantime the old West Chester Company had been improving and strengthening their road and reserving their income for the contest with the new- road for the business of West Chester, which they realized must come. The Pennsylvania Ifailroad Company was chartered April 13, 1S4(). This company was authorized to construct a railroad from Harrisburg to Pittsburg, a distance of 248 miles. The work of construction began at Harrisburg in July, 1847, and the division from Harrisburg to the junction with the Portage llailroad (then a State work) at Hollidaysburg at the eastern base of the moun- tains, being opened September l.j, 1850. The western division, from the we.stern end of the Portage Railroad to Pittsburg, was opened September 10, 1852; the mountain division, and with it the whole line, being opened February 15, 1854. From Harrisburg to Philadelphia, a distance of 105 miles, the road was made up of the old Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad (originally a State work), and the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster Railroad, chartered in 1832, opened in 1838, and leased in 1849. The Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad was purchased in 1857, with the main line of a system of public Avorks in the State. This system of public works was iuaugunated iu 1826, and contemplated the canals along the leading water courses. In this year the Legislature passed an act providing for a canal to be constructed at the expense of the State, and to be styled the Pennsylvania Canal. This canal was to extend from the Swatara River, at or near Middletown, where the Union Canal commenced, to the mouth of the Juniata, and from Pittsburg to the mouth of the Kiskiminetas and the Allegheny River. The design appears to have been to make the Juniata and the Kiski- minetas navigable by slackwater, and to u.se the Union Canal as the eastern end of the line, connecting with Philadelphia. AND 7rArofession in West Chester, though that practice extends into the adjoining counties and thus brings him in contact with the ablest legal minds in the State. Possessed of a fair, logical and judicial mind, his argu- ments are always of weight with the court and his influence is felt by all the judges on the bench. Outside of his regular profession Mr. Eeid has given much time to banking, and is recognized as an able financier. He has been president and vice-president of sev- eral diiJerent banks, among them the First National Bank of West Chester, to the presidency of which he was elected soon after AND ITS PEOPLE. 557 the death of President Wollerton. By hiss abilitj', energy and in- tegrity he has won for himself a distinguished position in the pro- fession of the law and also in the financial world. Col. Hamilton H. Gilkyson, of Phoenixville, one of the most successful members of the Chester County bar, is a son of James and Anna (Henry) Gillvyson, and was born in December, 1S4S, at Doylestowu, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. James Gilkyson, his father, was of Irish ancestry, and was for many years a prominent practitioner at the bar of Bucks County, and served for a number of years as district attorney of that county. Hamilton H. Gillvyson received his education at private schools in Doylestowu and at Pennington Seminary in New Jer- sey, graduating from the latter institution in 1804. For several years afterAvard he was engaged n the West as a teacher and in business as a merchant. Eeturning to Pennsjdvania he read law in the office of his father in Doylestowu, being admitted to the bar in 1872. He immediately afterward established himself in prac- tice in Pho'nixville and has there been successfull.y engaged ever since, pi'acticing in the courts of Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties, and is well known in all three counties as a careful, painstaking and able attorney, always thoroughly preparing him- self for the trial of cases before going into court. During the early history of Chester County, or say prior to 1750, there were but few attorneys at law within its limits. The method of bringing cases into court also seems to have been dif- ferent from what it is at the present time, the parties interested being permitted to make their presentations in person or through a friend. In June, 1(;77, it was ordered in the Upland Court that all declarations must be entered at least the day before the court, and that no person be admitted to plead for any other person as an attorney in court without first having his admittance of the court or a warrant of attorney for so doing from his client. While many persons appeared in behalf of others, those ap- 558 CHESTER COUXTY peariug not being familiar with the law, yet there were the follow- ing who were admitted to practice or who practiced in the conrts of the county prior to 1750: In 1683, John White and Abraham Mann; in 1698, John Moore and David Lloyd; in 1726, Ralph Asshe- ton, John Kinsey, Peter Evans, Francis Sherrard and Joseph Growdon, Jr.; in 1730, Alexander Keith; in 1734, William Eawle; 1735, John Eoss, James Hamilton, John Eobinson, Thomas Hop- kinson; 1736, Alexander Piercey, James Keating and Andrew Ham- ilton; 1738, William Assheton; 1739, WMlliam Peters; 1740, John Webb; 1741, Tench Francis, Edmund Ackworth, Neil Harris; 1742, Eobert Hartshorne, Eichard Peters, John Mather and James Eead; 1743, John Moland and Townsend White; 1744, David Ed- wards; 1745, Benjamin Price; 1747, John Lawrence; 1748, Edward Shippen, Jr.; 1749, Joseph Galloway and John Evans. Following is a list of those admitted from 1750 to 1776: 17.52, David Finney; 1753, Thomas Otway, John Price, Will- iam Morris, Jr.; 1754, Benjamin Chew; 1755, Samuel Johnson, Thomas McKean, David Henderson, William Whitebred; 1756, George Eoss, John Armond; 1760, Jcdm Morris; 1763, Nicholas Wain, James Tilghman; 1764, Hugh Hughes, John Currie, Elisha Price, Lindsay Coates; 1765, Andrew Allen, Alexander Porter, Nicholas Vandyke, Alexander Wilcocks, Joshua Yeates,' Stephen Porter, Eichard Peters, Jr., James Biddle, James Allen, Henry Elwes, James Loyre; 1766, Isaac Hunt, David Thompson, James Vandyke; 1767, William Hicks, James Wilson; 1769, Jacob Eush, Miers Fisher, Daniel Clymer, John Euley, Stephen Watts; 1770, Abel Evans, Thomas Good, James Lukens; 1773, Joseph Eead, George Noarth, Jacob Bankson, Francis Johnson, Asheton Hum- phreys; 1772, Eichard Tilghman, John Lawrence, Peter Zacliary Lloyd; 1773, Christian Hook, William L. Blair, Phineas Bond, John Stedman, John McPherson, William Lewis; 1774, Edward Tilgh- man, Gunning Bedford; 1775, Andrew Eobeson, John Vannost; 1776, William Prince Gibbs, Collinson Eead. AND ITS PEOPLE. 559 Of those above named Beujamin Chew was one of the most prominent. In 1755 he became attorney-general of the Province and he was president judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Phila- delphia. From 1774 to 177G he was chief justice of the Supreme Court of the Province, and from 1790 to ISOG he was president of the High Court of Errors and Appeals, this court being abolished in 1806, upon the reorganization of the judiciary department. Another prominent man whose name is in the above list was Thomas McKean. He was born in New London Township, Ches- ter County, March 19, 1734, and in 1757 was elected to the Assem- bly of the Province. From 1762 to 1769 he was a member of the Assembly from New Castle County, In 1765 assisting in framing the address of the colonies to the House of Commons of England. He was elected a delegate to the first Provincial, or "Stamp Act,*' Congress, which was dissolved October 24, 1765. In 1774 he was elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was annually re-elected until 1783. In 1778 he was a member of the convention which framed the Articles of Confederation, and in 1781 he was president of Congress. He Avas a member of the Pennsylvania convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States. He had signed the Declaration of Independence and had served during a part of the War of the Revolution under Washington, in command of a battalion. He was Governor of Pennsylvania from 1798 to 1808, and was distinguished as one of the ablest men of his time. His death occurred June 24, 1817. One more of the above-named attorneys was an unusually able man, Hon. James Wilson, and was distinguished as being both a great lawyer and a great orator. He was a signer of the Declara- tion of Independence, was a member of the convention which framed the Constitution of the United States, and in 1789 he was appointed by President Washington an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, holding the office until his death in 1798. One of his sons, Eev. Bird Wilson, LL. D., D. D., was one of the most prominent lawyers and divines of the early 56o CH ESTER COUXTV day. He was born in 1777, and in 1806 was appointed by Gov- ernor McKean president jndsje of tlie judicial district composed of Chester, Delaware, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, holding the office until 1818, when he became a clergyman of the Episcopal Church. Ordained deacon by Bishop William White, D. D., March 12, 1810, he became a priest in 1820. After about a year's rector- .ship of the Episcopal Church at Norristown he became a professor in tlie Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in NeAV York, and occupied this position twenty-nine years. He died April 14, 1859, aged eight^'-two years. Following is a list of the attorneys admitted to the bar of Chester County from 1776 to 1800, some of Avhom it will be seen were readmitted after the Eevolutionary War, none being permit- ted to practice law except those who supported the order of things brought about by that war: 1777. — John Morris, Andrew liobeson, ^VilliaIll Lewis, Will- iam L. Blair, John Kaley. 1778. — George Boss, Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, Jacob Bush, Elisha Price, Alexander Wilcocks, Gunning Bedford, John Pancoast. 1779. — Edward Burd, Francis Johnston, Henry Osborne, CJeorge Campbell, Jacob Baukson, Jared Ingersoll, William Brad- ford, Jr. 1780. — Moses Levy. 1781. — Nicholas Vandyke, John Coxe, William Moore Smith, John Lawrence, Nathaniel Potts. 1782.— Joseph Eeed, John F. Mifflin, Daniel Clymer, John ^^in- ing. 1783. — John Wilkes Kittera, Henry H. Graham, William Kawle. 1781. — William Ewing. 1785. — Peter Zachary Lloyd, Jacob E. Howell, Thomas Eoss, James Hanna, John Andra Hanna, Joseph B. McKean, .John Todd. AND ITS PEOPLE. 561 1786. — Eobert Hodson, Charles Smith, John Young', Benjamin Chew, Jr., B. II. Morgan, .Jr., Bichard Wharton, Thomas Mem- mi nger. 1787. — David Smith, James Wade, John Joseph Henry, Will- iam E. Atlee, W. Montgomery, Sampson Levy, James Hopkins, Samuel Roberts, Samuel Bayard, Matthias Baldwin, James A. Bayard. 1788. — Thomas Armstrong, Peter S. Duponceau, Jasper Yeates, Peter Hoofnagle, Joseph Hubley, William Graham. 1789. — John Hallowell, Joseph Thomas, Robert Porter, Charles Healty, Anthony Morris, John Craig Wells, John Cadwallader, John Moore. 1790. — Thomas B. Dick, Abraham Chapman, .John Thompson, Marks John Biddle, David Moore, Isaac Telfair. 1791. — Robert Henry Dnrkin, Seth Chapman. 1792. — Miles Merion, Robert Frazer, John Price. 1793. — Thomas W. Tallman, John H. Brinton, Evan Rice Evans, Joseph Hemphill, Michael Kepple, John Shippen, Henry Kelmuth, A. W. Foster. 1794. — Jacob Richards, Joseph B. Hopkinson, William Martin. 1795. — J. Harvey Hurst, James Hunter, Jr., James Milner, James Lattimer, Jr., John Cloyd, Joseph Reid, Isaac Wayne. 1797. — W. Lee Hannum. 1798.— C. Chauncey, Jr. 1799.— Jonathan T. Haight, John Taylor, William Hemphill. Jacob Rush, mentioned above as having been admitted in 1778, was a brother of Dr. Benjamin Rush. He was president judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, of the Court of Errors and Appeals, and also of the Supreme Court. John Lawrence and John Coxe were judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadel- phia, and Moses Levy was president of the District Court of I'hila- delphia. Jonathan D. Sergeant was a member of the Provincial Congress, and was attorney-general of the State from 1777 to 1780. 562 CHESTER COUNTY William Bradford, after whom Bradford County was named, be- came attorneY-general in 1780, and was one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the State from 1791 to 1794, becoming in the lat- ter year attorney-general of the United States by appointment by President Washington. Jared Ingersoll, admitted to the Chester County bar in 1779, was twice attorney-general of Pennsylvania, and was president judge of the District Court of Philadelphia at the time of his death. Joseph B. McKean, a son of Governor McKean, succeeded Jared Ingersoll as attornej'-general, and also served as president of the District Court of Philadelphia. Jasper Yeates became one of the judges of the Supreme Court of the State, and Seth Chajjmau became a district judge. Following is a list of the attorneys admitted to the bar of Chester County from 1800 to the breaking out of the War of the l^bellion in ISGl: 1800. — Jonathan W. Condy, John Sergeant, T. Barton Zantzin- ger and William Dewees. ISOl. — Isaac Darlington. 1803. — James D. Barnard, Thomas Sergeant, Samuel Jacobs, John Ewing Porter. 1804.— John Duer. 1806.— John Edwards, Charles W. Humphrey. 1807.— Eeuben Eachus. 1808.- Ziba Pyle. 1809. — Jefferis Moore, Matthias Morris and Daniel Addis. 1810.— Blaithwaite J. Shober, Archibald T. Dick. 1811.— Philip S. Markley, Michael W. Ash, 1813. — Benjamin Tilghman, Thomas Breintnall. 1814. — James Madison Porter, William B. Smith, Clement B. Buckley, Henry Shii^pen, John Kerlin, Benjamin Evans. 1815. — George B. Porter, Samuel Edwards. 1816.— George C. Willing, William H. Dillingham, Isaac D. Barnard, Thomas Kittera, Thomas A. Maybin. AND ITS PEOPLE. 563 ISIS. — Towusend Haines. 1S19. — Jesse Conard. 1820.— William WilliamsoD. 1821.— William S. Haines, David Paul Brown, Thomas S. Bell, Edward Darlington, Henry II. Van Ami'inge, John Freedley and Samuel Parke. 1822.- Abraham Marshall. 1821.— Daniel Buekwalter, John D. Pettit. 182.5. — Matthias Pennypacker, Francis James, .Joseph J. Lewis, Lewis G. Pearce, Owen Stover. 182G. — Benjamin Bartholomew, William Darlington, James M. Kinnard, Davis H. Hoopes. 1827.— John K. Zellin, Levi B. Smith. 1828.- William McK. Ball, John H. Bradley, Kobert B. Dod- son, James A. Hemphill, .James S. Tongue. 1829.— Mark Denny, Joseph Hemphill, Kichard Bailey, P. Fra- zer Smith. 1830.— Lea Bennett, John Butter. 1831. — Volney Lee Maxwell, Uriah V. Pennypacker. 1832.— John H. Briuton. 1833. — .John Hickman. 1831. — Horatio G. Worrall. 1835. — Addison May. 1836.— William Wheeler. 1839.— Ferdinand E. Hayes. 1840.— William Penn Miner, James H. Bull, B. Franklin Pyle. 1812.— John S. Bowen, George W. Pearce, Matthew A. Stanley. 1813.— J. Smith Futhey, James Davis, Joseph B. Townsend, William M. Bull, Howard Darlington. 1811.— John M. Broomall, Isaac D. Pyle, Washingtcm Town- send, John P. Baily, Edward H. Williamson, Samuel B. Thomas, Thomas H. Speakman. 1815.— James B. Everhart, Joseph P. Wilson, James A. Gil- 564 CHESTER COUXTY more, William G. Smith, William Parker Foulke, William Butler. 1846.— William E. Barber, William Nicholson, Thomas P. Potts, W. Eoss Cunuiugham, Henry C. Townsend. 1847. — James P. Fleming, Paschall Woodward. 1848. — Robert E. Monaghan, Joseph R. Morris, Samuel Rush, Robert Frazer, James M. Meredith, James L. Jones. 1849. — Ezra Lewis, Edward Shippen, Jesse Landis, John F. Roberts, Charles H. Garber. 1850. — Franklin Pennington, Clinton Auge. 1851. — Francis Darlington, A. Herr Smith. 1852.— William Bell Waddell, William L. Marshall, Jesse Bishop, Levi Kimes. 1853.— EdAvard J. Lewis, Charles D. Manley, AYilliam H. Dar- lington. 1854. — B. Markley Boyer, James Merrill Linn. 1855. — W. Arthur Jackson. 1856. — Wayne MacVeagh. 1857. — James J. Creigh, Egbert K. Nichols, George W. Conar roe, Samuel M. Du Bois, Francis C. Hooton. 1858.— George M. Roberts, Cheyney W. Xeilds, Henry M. Mc- Intire. 1859. — Thomas S. Bell, Jr., George M. Rupert. I860.— William T. Haines, Henry W. Carruthers, John J. Pink- erton, W. M. Hinkson, Gardner Furness, George W. Wollaston and J. C. Price. Following is a list of the attorneys admitted to the bar since 1860: 1861.— William T. Fulton. 1862. — Oliver Sidwell, Henry C. Bergstresser. 1863. — John J. Pyle, Abraham Wagner, Elbridge Meconkey, David Ruth. 1864. — Rees Davis, Joseph Hemphill, George F. Smith, Will- iam W. Hayes, John A. McCaughey. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 565 1865.— Joseph Beale, William J. Gibsou, William H. White- head, James Alien Morris. 1866.— Augustus J. Feather, Nimrod Strickland, Jr., Alfred P. Keid, liobert T. Cornwell. 1867.— William T. McPhail, Joseph W. Barnard. 1869. — Charles H. Pennypacker. 1870.— Joseph T. Perdue, D. Smith Talbot. 1871. — Abner Pjle, Thomas W. Pierce, Samuel D. Ramsey, William S. Windle. 1872.— Andrew C. Fulton, William B. Keid, Henry H. Gilky- son, Charles Wesley Talbot, Francis Windle, B. F. McAtee. 1873. — George L. Maris, Kobert J. Monaghan, Isaac Newton Wynu, Frederick S. Dickson, John B. Kinnard. 1871. — William E. Dingee, Curtis H. Hannum. 1875.- Theodore K. Stubbs, Thomas B. Taylor. 1876. — Ezra Evans, John A. Groff, William T. Barber. 1877.— Thomas S. Butler, Archibald D. Thomas, H. T. Fair- lamb. 1878. — John Jay Gheen, J. Newton Huston, Edward D. Bing- ham. 1879. — James Monaghan, William N. Needles, Jr. 1880. — Samuel H. Holding, George B. Johnson, Wilmer W. MacElree. 1881. — John Austin Purcell, Benjamin Miller, Leonard R. Thomas. 1882.— William Rhoads Murphy. 1883.— J. Frank E. Hause, Thomas W. Baldwin. 1884.— Archibald McCall Holding, Arthur T. Parke. 1885.— Robert Scott Waddell, Wallace Scott Harlan, William Butler, Jr., Barton Darlington, N. Warren Talbot. 1886.— Henry P. Waitueight. 1887.— S. Duffield Mitchell, William S. Harris. 1888.— R. E. M. Strickland, William W. Montgomery, Wilbur S. Yearsley. 566 CHESTER COUNTY \ 1889. — Gibbons Gray Cornwell, Joseph H. Baldwin. 1890.— Joseph McClellan Bell. 1891. — Thomas Lack, John Russell Hayes. 1892.— J. Carroll Hayes. 1893.— John Noble Guss, Hector Lee Ball. 1897. — Isabel Darlington, Carroll Brinton Jacobs. 1898.— George S. Dewees. The Chester County I^aw and Miscellaneous Library Associa- tion was organized December 1, 1861, by the members of the Chester County bar. The first meeting of the association was held at the office of Joseph J. Lewis, who presided over the meeting, and William B. Waddell was the secretary. After the adoption of the constitution Joseph J. Lewis was chosen president of the association, and George M. Iiupert, secretary, treasurer and libra- rian. The first executive committee was composed of J. Smith Futhey, William B. AVaddell and TS'ashington Townsend. January 22, 1877, at an annual meeting Joseph J. Lewis, William Darlington and William B. Waddell were appointed to secure the grand jury room for the use of the association, report- ing to the association on the 25th of the same month at a special meeting that an arrangement had been effected with the com- missioners of the county for the use of the room. This room was in the northwest corner of the old court-house, and is now used for the cotirts of Judges Hemphill and Butler. At an annual meeting of the association held June 5, 1891, a motion carried in favor of the enlargement, the initial movement having this object in view, and on January 4, 1892, the committee on enlargement reported that the plans had been completed and the erection of the addition or annex begun. May 13, 1893, at a special meeting, William B. Waddell announced that the room as- signed to the library association, which is in the south end of the annex, was ready for occupation, and the books were soon after- ward removed thereto. AND ITS PEOPLE. 567 The libraiT- at the present time contains the following classes of books: The statutes of the State of Pennsylvania from the earl- iest times clown to the present; all the Pennsylvania State reports, and most of the side bar reports from the earliest times; all the British common law and equity reports commencing with Lord Coke in 1562 and coming down to the present time; the reports of the States of New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts; re- ports of the courts of various other States; a complete series of the reports of the Supreme Court of the United States; numerous editions of general reports covering the entire jurisdiction of the United States and Great Britain; and editions of text books cov- ering all branches of the law. This also contains numerous curi- osities of legal literature in the form of old black letter volumes setting forth the functions of justices of the peace, etc., as they were defined in the earliest times, obtained by Judge Hemphill from the British Museum. There are also bound volumes of the American Republican from its earliest issues down to the war of the Rebellion, and numerous miscellaneous works. The number of volumes of all kinds now in the library is 6,745. The officers of the association at the present time are as fol- lows: William M. Hayes, president; Thomas Lack, secretary and treasurer, and A. M. Holding, librarian. The executive com- mittee consists of A. P. Reid, J. J. Pinkerton and J. Frank E. Hause. J^X^^, Thomas llutter establishing the industry at Pool Forge, three miles above Potts- town. In 1718 Samuel Nutt took out patents for 400 acres of land in one place and 800 acres in another, on French Creek. The 400 acres here mentioned is believed to be the property now owned by I. J. Brower and Dr. Z. Taylor Chrisman. In 1719 there were surveyed 650 acres at Warwick Furnace; in 1720 there was laid out 300 acres in Coventry, and in 1721 Mr. Nutt purchased 300 acres in Coventry. There were in operation at this early day several forges and furnaces in the northern part of the countyj as the Pool Forge and Warwick Furnace above mentioned. On French Creek there was a forge in operation before 1720, which was assessed in 1722 in Nantmeal, and in 1721 in Coventry, so that it must have been on the line or very near it. Nutt's road was laid out in 1726 from the iron-works on St. Vincent River in tlie township of Coventry leading to Uwchlan Meeting-house, beginning at the forge and passing over Mt. Austrie at the distance of four miles. In 1736 Mr. Samuel Nutt and W. Branson agreed with John Potts to carry on Redding Furnace, then recently built near Coventry. Soon afterward the widow Nutt and her daughter built War- wick Furnace. Another furnace was built one and a half miles further up the creek, and the interests of all parties were consoli- dated by Rutter & Potts, of the Warwick Furnace, which consoli- dation lasted from 1778 to 1783. An iron-works was established on Crum Creek, in wliat is now Delaware County, but in what was then Chester County, in 1712, by John Crosby and Peter Dicks, and as one of the consequences Thomas Dell complained that the dam overflowed his land. Sarum Forg« on Chester Creek was owned by John Taylor and ^as worked from 1745 to 1751, at least. In 1748 the Swedish naturalist, Peter AND ITS PEOPLE. ^77 Kalm, passed through the lower part of Chester County, spend- ing some time at Chichester, "a borough on the Delaware, where travellers pass the river in a ferry, and where they build every year a number of small ships for sale, and froin an iron-work Avhich lies higher up in the country they carry iron bars to this place and ship them. About two English miles behind Chester I passed an iron forge, which was to the right hand by the road- side. It belonged to two brothers, as I am told. The ore, how- ever, is not dug here, but thirty or forty miles hence, where it is first melted in an oven and then carried to this place." This must have been the forge on Crum Creek, mentioned above, and the ore must have been dug in what is now Chester County. A most remarkable fact connected with the early iron indus- tries of this and other counties in Pennsylvania and the other counties must be mentioned here, James Hamilton was then Deputy Governor, serving fi'om 1748 to 1754, and in pursuance of an act of Parliament having for its object the restriction of the manufacture of iron in the colonies. Governor Hamilton issued his proclamation requiring the sheriffs of the several counties to make a return to him of "every mill or engine for slitting or rolling iron, every plating forge to work with a tilt hammer, and every furnace for making steel which were erected within their several and respective counties," the date of this proclamation being June 24, 1750. In response to this proclamation John Owen, then sheriff of Chester County, certified "that there is but one mill or engine for slitting and rolling iron within the county aforesaid, which is situate in Thornbury Township, and was erected in the year 1746 by John Taylor, the present proprietor thereof, who, with his servants and workmen, has ever since the 24th day of June last used and occupied the same." Sheriff Owen also certified that there was not any plating forge to work with a tilt-hammer nor any furnace for making steel within the county of Chester. 578 CHESTER COUNTY What had become of the iron-works ■nitliin two English miles of Chester, as seen by Peter Kalm, above mentioned, can only be guessed at. They must have gone into disuse, for Peter Kalm was too careful an observer to make a mistake in such a simple and important mattei', and Sheriff Owen was too honest to certify to a misstatement. The partnership between Branson and Anna Ntitt, widow of Samuel Nutt, who died about the close of the year 1737, and Mrs. Kutt's nephew was continued as if Mr. Xutt had not died, for several years, terminating jjrobably aboiit 1740, after Avhich the Warwick and Reading estates were conducted independently of each other. Warwick Furnace was built on land devised to Mrs. Anna Nutt by her husband for that purpose, and the property remained in the possession of her descendants, by the name of Potts, except that in 1771 a half interest was purchased therein by Thomas Eutter. William Branson erected a second furnace in what is now Warwick Township, about a mile and a half above Warwick Furnace, which, according to tradition, melted ore before the Heading Furnace. William Branson obtained a warrant for 2,000 acres of land on French Creek near the iron-works on July 12, 1733, and on November 29, 1736, he obtained another warrant for 1,500 acres in the township of Nantmeal, near French Creek. William Branson died in 1760 and his grandchildren, fifteen in number, inherited his property. The interests of all these heirs were purchased by Eutter «& Potts, by several conveyances, from 1778 to 1783, as stated above. In his "History of New Sweden" (1759) Acrelius writes of iron-Avorks in Chester County as follows: "Friends' (French) Creek, in Chester County, near the Schuyl- kill. The mine is rich and baundant, from ten to twelve feet deep, commencing on the surface. Its discoverer is Mr. Nutt, who after- ward took Mr. Branz (Branson) into partnership. They both AND /TO PEOPLE. 579 went to England, brought workmen back with them and continued together. Eacli lias his own furnace — Branz at head- ing, Xutt in Warwick. Each also has his own forges — Branz in \^'indsor. Nutt supplies four forges besides his own in Chester County. "Sarum belongs to Taylor's heirs; has three stacks, and is in full blast. "C'rum Creek belongs to Peter Dicks; has two stacks, is worked sluggishly, and has ruined Crosby's family. "Two others are in the Great Valley. "At French Creek, or Branz's works, there is a steel furnace, built with a drauglit-hole, and called an 'air-oven." In this iron bars are set at the distance of an inch apart. Between them are scattered horn, coal-dust, ashes, etc. The iron bars are thus covered with blisters, and this is called 'blister-steel.' It serves as the best steel to put upon edge-tools. These steel works are now said to be out of operation." It will also be of interest to note that on January IS, 1745, John Taylor, mentioned above as the owner of 8arum Forge, made an agreement with Thomas Wills, forgeman and liner, who was to work in the forge two years, making anconies at 22s. (id. per ton, and with Bees Jones on June 10, 1710, to coal 200 cords of wood in Middletown for lis. 8d. per 100 bushels. In 1851 John Taylor sent an invoice of bar-iron to Mr. Plumsted of Philadel- phia, for shipment to Boston, asking for the returns to be made in oil, loaf-sugar and rum. After its purchase by Butter & Potts, Beading Furnace was permitted to fall into decay and was replaced by a forge, which in 17SS was owned by Captain Samuel Van Leer, a grandson of William Branson, the forge being carried on successfully f(tr many years by Captain Van Leer ^.- Sons, but at length it had its fall and decline. Mordecai Peirsol, about 17G4, built Bebecca Furnace, which 5 So CHESTER COUNTY was supplied Avith ore from Jones' mines. In 1793 this furnace was owned by Jacob Vinance, Thomas Tvutter, Sarah May and Samuel Potts, but in 1794 it was discontinued because farmers refused longer to sell wood for charcoal. In 1786 Jesse Potts was assessed in Coventry for a steel fur- nace, which in 1787 appears to have been operated by Ellis .Jones 6 Co., and in 1788 by North & Evans. In 178G David Moore had a forge in West Nantmeal, whicli in 1788 appears to have belonged to James Moore, together with 5»>1 acres of land. At Warwick Furnace, during the year 177(>, sixty cannon were cast, of twelve and eighteen-pound caliber. Vincent Forge existed during the later years of the last cen- tury, and was owned by John Young, who in his will March 2, 1781, devised it to his son, John, upon his becoming of age. In 1788 it appears to have been operated by James Templin. Valley Forge was built originally about five-eighths of a mile from the mouth of Valley Creek, in Chester County. From the spring of 1757 it was operated by members of the Potts family until its destruction by the British, in 1777, about two months before the American army encamped at this historic place. Col. William Dewees, a son of Sheriff William Dewees of Philadelphia, became associated with the Pottses in 1771, and probably pur- chased an interest in 1773. Warwick Furnace furnished the iron for this forge. After the close of the Revolutionary War a slit- ting mill was erected in Chester County by Isaac and David Potts, brothers. In 1786 this mill and a forge across the Schuylkill, in Montgomery County, were operated by Isaac Potts & Company, the "Company" consisting of David Potts and his son .James. In 1814 these works were sold to John Rogers and Joshua Malin, the latter being a cousin of the former, and the manager of the works. On April 1, 1816, Rogers bought iLalin's half interest in the property, and in the following autumn James Woods became a partner of Rogers and manager of the works. Wood com- AXD ITS PEOPLE. 581 pleted certain improvements began by Maliu and converted it into a saw factory mainly, but also manufactured shovels, spades, files and other implements of industry. At the rolling-mill boiler- plate, sheet-iron and band-iron were made. A portion of this output .was slit for the nail-mill at Phoenixville, at which place there were no such facilities. The iron used by Wood was obtained from Laurel Forge, Coventi^y Forge and Springton Forge. Not long after ISIS, several experiments having been made, cast-steel was successfully made here by Wood, clay for crucibles being brought from Terth Amboy. Early in 1821 Brooke Evans, of Sheffield, England, leased the property from Rogers, converted the gun factory and rolling-mill into gun factories, raised the roof of the rolling-mill and added two stories to it, and at Valley Forge made 20,000 muskets. Subsequently this building was destroyed hj a freshet, but the building on the Montgomerj' County side, after serving its purpose as a gun factory, was en- larged and converted into a cotton and woolen factory. Mary Ann Forge was built in 1785 and was located on the north branch of the Brandywine, two miles north of Downing- towu. Springton Forge was built in 1766 and was five miles north of Mary Ann Forge, on the same stream. Hiberuia Forge was built in 1793 on West Brandywine Creek, four miles north of (.'oatesville. A small rolling-mill was added in 1837, and both were abandoned in 1880. Kokeby Eolling-mill was built in 1795 on Buck Run, foui- miles south of Coatesville, and Brandywine Kolliug-mill was built at Coatesville in 1810. Sadsbury Forges were built in 1800 and 1802 on Octoraro Creek, near Christiana. Kingwood Forge, also near Christiana, was built in 1810, was in operation as late as 1856, since which time it has been abandoned. Pine Grove Forge on Octoraro Creek, was built in 1800, and in 1841 a small rolling-mill was added on the Chester County side of the line, but these enterprises have been abandoned. Pleasant Garden Forge was built about 1806 and was about two miles south- 582 CHESTER COl'lsTY west of New London, and a small rolling-mill was built about 1845, both of them being abandoned soon after this later date. Eentgen's Works, which obtained considerable celebrity from the attempts made there to manufacture German steel, were sit- uated in Pikeland Township. They were established in 1793, and in Swank's history of iron manufacture it is stated that Ifentgeu, on November 17, 1790, obtained a patent for forging round-iron, and that on June 27, 1810, he obtained a patent for rolling-iron in round shapes. The Pha^nix Iron ANorks were started some time late in the Eighteenth Century for the manufacture of nails. In 1828 they were bought at sheriff's sale by Eee-^es & Whitaker, the partners being Benjamin and David Keeves and James and Joseph Whitaker. Reeves & Whitaker greatly enlarged and improved the works and added new machinery, building a new and improved rolling-mill and introducing self-heading nail machinery, thus more than quad- rupling the product of the establishment. They also erected a charcoal blast-furnace, which they ran until wood could no longer be obtained, and in 1845 they began the erection of two anthracite coal blast-furnaces, and in 1846 the erection of a rolling-mill for the manufacture of railroad iron. This rolling-mill was at the time it first v\-ent into operation at least equal to any other rolling- mill in this country, and the quality of its output was equal to that of any similar mill in England, i^till later another and larger blast-furnace was erected, the mills again enlarged, and the ma- chine shop also increased in capacity, so that not only the qualit}' of the mills was improved, but the quantity was considerably increased. Up to the close of the Mar railroad rails were a large part of the product of these mills, but since then attention has been given more to the manufacture of higher and finer qualities of iron. The manufacture of nails was transferred from these works to other works owned by the same firm at Bridgeton, New Jersey, in 1848, the nail-mill being at that time burned down at Phoenix ville. AND ITS PEOPLE. 5^3 Since 1828 the owners of the works have been Reeves it Whit- aker, Keeves, Buck & Co., and the Plioenix Iron Company, the Messrs. Keeves being from 1828 to 1881 the largest owners. The new mill, erected some time previous to 1881, was fire-proof, having an iron frame, iron sides and slate roof. It was in the last named vear the largest single mill in the country. At these works are manufactured all kinds of structural iron, such as is used by architects, engineers, bridge builders, fancy iron workers, including iron beams and joists used in buildings, and the ribs and decks of iron ships. These works rolled out most of the iron used for ribs and decks of ships built on the Delaware River, includ- ing iron steamers running in the interest of the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company to Liverpool, and those built at Chester for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. They also made for the govern- ment large numbers of wrought-iron guns during the war of the Rebellion, these guns being an invention of Mr. John Griffeu, gen- eral superintendent of the company for twenty-five or thirty years, dying in 1881. The number supplied was about 500, and they were the most efficient field guns in the service. The presidents of this company have been as follows: David Reeves, Samuel J. Reeves and David Reeves. Secretaries— James Milliken, Robert B. Aertsen and George G. White. Treasurers — Samuel J. Reeves, and James O. Pease. The Phoenix Bridge Company is practically the same as the Phoenix Iron Company, taking contracts for the construction of bridges and then making contracts for the materials Avith tlu> latter company. As above narrated, iron mining began at a very early day. It is now of interest to note where it has been mined in more re- cent times. According to Professor H. D. Rodgers, there were iu 1853 several excavations for iron ore iu the narrow limestoue vallev south of Bethel Hill, two of these excavations being east 584 CHESTER COUNTY of the gorge by Avliicli Gulf Ci'eek passes through that hill. At that time one group of pits was about a mile southwest of this hill, and about 150 yards south of the road running along the north side of the valley. The ore was smelted in Merlon furnace. An 1)1(1 pit, near the fork of the road at the Baptist meeting- house, had a shaft seventy-six feet deep, the ore from which was of a superior quality, and there was another opening further east on the southwest side of the road. For some time there had been an ore-bank of considerable size, not far from the marble quarry owned by a Mr. Henderson of Upper Merion, which up to about 1854, yielded excellent ore, but which at length became unprofitable to mine. About 1,250 feet northeast of this bank there was another bank, then mined by George Fisher, and which contained good ore, the ore being used by the Phoenixville Iron Works. The average amount of dirt in this bank was about three to one of ore. Thomas Wid- dart's bank, Milliton's bank. Otto's bank, and Hughes & Jones' banks were all in this vicinity, and all yielded tolerably good ore. Ore was also mined in Tredyffrin Township, south of the vil- lage of Howellville, and there was a small ore-bank northwest of Howellville, on the Swede's Ford Road. Woodman's ore-bank was about 500 yards west of the Valley Forge Road, where tiie ore was in the proportion of two to one of dirt. Nathaniel Jones, Charles Beaver, and Buck & King had ore mines about half a mile from Centerville, and Samuel Beaver had one about half a mile from the head of "S'alley Forge dam, which was of consid- erable size, and yielded good ore. Holland's Bank, the ore from which was smelted at Phoenixville, was located about one and a half miles northwest of Howellville. Then, too, to the westward of the meridian of Paoli, there was another district of ore mines, in which were located William Buchanan's Ore-bank, about 400 yards north of Oakland Hotel, the ore from which was taken to Jones" Furnace on the Schuyl A.YZ> ITS PEOPLE. 585 kill; (jr. W. Jacob's bank, between the North Valley and the Columbia Kailroad, about two miles east of Oakland, and two other banks belonging to the same party, about one-fourth of a mile of Ship Tavern; Maguire's bank, about one mile north of the Ship Tavern, was of considerable size and furnished good ore. A Mr. Evans had a bank three-fourths of a mile east of Ship Tavern, which yielded good ore, and was a large deposit; Frederick Neal had ore-banks in the vicinity which also yielded good ore, and about a mile northwest of Downingtown there was an ore mine near the foot of North Valley Hill, which had not been extensively opened, and which was not very promising. West of Coatesville there had been two or three openings for ore toward the southern side of the valley, between the west branch of Brandywine and Buck llun. Two extensive excavations developed large deposits of iron ore about a half mile northeast of Yellow Springs, one of which was formerly known as the Fegley mine, the valley in which these excavations occur being separated from the valley con- taining the Lewis mine by a narrow belt of gueissic hills, the main body of the ore being in loose earth. The principal excava- tion at Fegley's Mine in 1853 was about 200 feet long, 100 feet wide and 50 feet deep, the irregular ore bed itself being only about 40 feet wide. A short distance to the northeast of Fegley's Mine there was one still larger, where the ore dipped to the southeast and reposing against a slanting wall of altered (Mesozoic) red sandstone. The ore here Avas about twelve feet thick at the bot- tom of the bed. About the time mentioned Fegley's Mim- was yielding 2,400 tons of ore per annum, which was taken by tlie Phwnix Iron Works. The other mine in the near proximity was yielding 2,000 tons per annum. The Latschaw Mine was situated about three-fourths of a mile southwest of Yellow Spriugs, and there was antither mine owned by Keeves, Buck & Co., of Phtenixville, known as the Stite- 586 CHESTER C0V2\TY ler Mine, or Ore-bank, which was about three-fourths of a mile further to the southwest of Yellow Spdjigs. It was situated five-eighths of a mile from the West Vincent line, was about 300 yards long- hy 200 yards wide, and at one time yielded from 5,000 to 8,000 tons of ore per annum. It has been abandoned for many years. Jones' Mine was near the Latschaw Mine, or, as it was otherwise called, the Harvej' Mine, upon another rupture of the strata. Iron ore occurred also on the West Chester and Pottsgrove State Eoad, one-fourth of a mile north of Little Eagle Tavern, in Uwchlan Township. Similar iron ore was also found on the farm of Morgan Hoffman, and there was a small ore pit on the farm owned by William Parker. In 1853 the principal ore-banks being operated were the Stauft'er, seven-eighths of a mile southeast of Pughtown, which was leased in October, 1880, by the Phoenix Iron Company, and afterward abandoned, they exhausting the ore when they had taken out about 4,000 tons; the Morris Kussell Mine, one mile jiorth of Chester Spi'ings, in West Pikeland Town- ship, and owned by the Pha?nix Iron Company; the Jones Mine, one-half mile northwest of Chester Springs, in West Pikeland Township, and worked by James Harvey; the Old Prizer Mine, one-fourth of a mile north of Chester Springs railway depot, and one-eighth of a mile off the line of the railway to the north- west, leased in July, 18(i5, by thePhienix Iron Company, and later by the Monocacy Furnace ('(unpany, which took out a large quantity of ore, but abandoned it because the ore extended to too great a depth; the Isaac Tustin Mine, a quarter of a mile south of Chestei' Springs, first explored in 1851, and leased to the Monocacy P'urnace Company, and in 18(il to the Phoenix Iron Company, which took several hundred tons of surface ore from it, and tlnm abandoned it, because the ore did not extend to any dejtth. The Kaby Mine was owned by IJev. Mr. Kaby, and situated ^^ni:^/i^/d.J^c^ - AND ITS PEOPLE. 589 one mile southwest of the Kiiubertuii raihvay stiitiou, and was worked in 1882, several hundred tons of ore going to the S. Til- ton's Plvmouth Furnace at Conshohocken. The Orner-farm Mine lay one-half a mile due west of the old Fegley Mine, and Avas owned by the PIkpuIx Iron Company. The Acker Mine, one- fourth of a mile due west from the Harvey Mine, was worked for some years by the Phoenix Iron Company, under a lease dated January 1, 1863, but in 1883 it was being worked by Mr. Acker for the Monocacy Furnace Compauy. The John Mosteller Mine of brown hematite iron ore, about one-eighth of a mile south of the Eagle and Kimberton Koad, was in 1883 being worked by the Phoenix Iron Company, and was yielding about fifteen tons of surface ore per day. The Hopewell Middle Mine, in Warwick Township, was one of the most famous in the county. It was originally owned aud run by Mr. HoiJewell and by him worked by the open-cut method of mining, until the workings became too deep for this method. He then sank a shaft, and after the mine passed to the possession of the Pottstown Iron Compauy in 1873, that compauy sank an- other shaft, which passed down through the ore at the depth of 150 feet, where the vein averaged from twelve to fourteen feet in thickness. In 1882 the miners were robbing the pillars, and cutting away about thirty tons per day. St. Mary's Mines, in 1882, were being worked by the E. & G. Brooke Iron Company, the mining being done by shafts, and the yield being about twenty tons of magnetic iron ore per day. Steel's Iron Ore-pits were about one-half mile north of St. Mary's village in Warwick Township, but it had not been worked for many years. The Leighton Iron Ore-mine was a little to the south of the village of St. Mary's, from which, before its abandonment, more than 20,000 tons of ore had been taken. Knauertown Iron- mine lay a little to the north of Kuauertown, the iron found here being very similar to that of the Warwick Mine, but there waa 34 590 CHESTER COUNTY not enough ore to encourage mining to any considerable extent. Crossley's Iron Ore-pits were worked at one time, but were aban- doned previous to 1854, their location being about one mile north of Knauertown. Lead and copper ore come next in point of value to iron ore in the minerals of Chester County, but are far less extensively found. The Wheatley and Brookdale Lode in the Pickering Creek district is the best known and most valuable. This lode cuts at least three of the trap dykes of that region, and the metallifer- ous lodes which extend from the Perkiomen Mines in Montgomery County to the Charlestown Mines of Chester County are situated not far from the boundary line which separates the gneissic rocks of this region from the Middle Secondary formation of the red shale and sandstone, some of them lying on one side of this boundary line and some on the other; and some are partly within the gneiss and partly within the shale. Then, too, it is a curious fact that as a general thing those veins which are confined en- tirely or mainly to the gneiss bear lead principally, while those veins that are confined entirely within the red shale forma- tion contain principally the ores of copper. But the zinc ores, as zinc-blende or calamite, prevail in both sets of veins, though perhaps to a relatively larger amount in the copper-bearing lodes of the red shale. The Perkiomen and Ecton Lode, the United Mine Lode, the Shannonville South Lode, the small French Creek Lode, the Port Kennedy Lode, and the Morris Lode, near Phoenixville, are genuine copper veins, and with no single exception are within the red-shale formation; while on the other hand the Wheatley and Brookdale Lode, the Chester County Lode, the Montgomery Lode and the Charlestown Lode all lie within the gneissic forma- tions and are all genuine lead veins. The following paragraph from Prof. Kodgers shows the rich- ness of these lodes and the variety of minerals which they contain: "Selecting the Wheatley Lode as presenting, perhaps, the AND /r.S' PEOPLE. 591 greatest diversity of species, and as that which has received alto- gether the closest study, we find the mineralogy of these veins I'epresented by the following large and interesting catalogue: Sulphate of lead, carbonate of lead, phosphate of lead, arseniate of lead, molybdate of lead, chromate of lead, arsenio-phosphate of lead, sulphuret of lead, antimonial sulphuret of lead and silver, sulphuret of zinc, carbonate of zinc, silicate of zinc, sulphuret of copper, green malachite, blue malachite, black oxide of copper, native copper, oxide of manganese, native sulphur, native silver, quartz, cellular quartz, oxide of iron containing silver, haematite iron, brown spar, sulphate of barytes, iron pyrites, and two or three other species." The Brookdale Lode, an extension of the Wheatley Lode, was a remarkably regular silver lead vein. On May 1, 1853, there had been wrought a total length of 1,111 feet, and between the Wheatley and Brookdale engine shafts there was a further open- ing by an adit level of 456 feet, and there was but little if any doubt that the vein was much more extensive than its openings showed. In width the vein varied from one foot to two and a half feet and it was very productive. In the Wheatley vein the aver- age width was about eighteen inches, while in the Brookdale vein it was about two feet. The latter vein was rather fuller of quartz than the former. The main shaft at the Wheatley Mine was, in 1853, 234 feet deep, and the lode was very productive in ore, as was also the Brookdale end. The Elizabeth Copper Mine was at one time a noted one. It was situated on the Knauertown Copper Lode, not far from Cross- ley's ore-pits, previously mentioned. The vein, according to Prof. Eodgers, consists largely of crystallized calcareous spar, in which occur crystallized oxide of iron, many brilliant octahedral crystals of sulphuret of iron, and some copper pyrites. The width of this vein or bed was about forty-five feet, an engine shaft descended 140 feet, and there 'was an interior underlay shaft descending 592 CHESTER COUNTY, from the bottom of the main shaft forty-five feet deeper. Active work was suspended there in May, 1854. Sulphurets of copper and iron were found in the French Creek Magnetic Ore-mines, situated half a mile south of Harmonyville, where there were in 1854 two shafts about 250 feet deep, with hoisting and pumping engines at both, and the capacity of the mines was about 15,000 tons per annum. They were then worked by the E. & G. Brooke Iron Company. Valuable marble is found in various parts of the county. About three and a half miles east of Downingtown, just south of the Valley Turnpike, is an extensive quarry of superior marble, which for years supplied Philadelphia with the beautiful white marble of Avhich so many of her public and private buildings were constructed. The beds of this quarry were slightly con- torted, the portion worked for marble separating into two beds. These beds were massive, mainly white, sometimes with a bluish tinge, and were quarried with ease and great facility. It was much used in the construction of Girard College and other public buildings in Philadelphia and neighboring towns. There have been opened extensive quarries of marble or lime- stone in the vicinity of the Valley Church, where the limestone is very similar to that quaiTied two or three miles below Valley Forge, and on the road from Glassley to Valley Forge, near the county line, there is a small hill over the east end of which the road passes, which hill is composed of slaty talcose calcareous rock. Near Valley Forge there is a stratum of feldspathic rock exposed in the creek and occasionally appears overlying the primal white sandstone at the foot of North Valley Hill. Near the White Horse Tavern the limestone is talcote and slaty, but near the Steamboat Tavern the limestone is of the more usual gran- ular structure. The limestone at Downingtown is compact and of a light color, several quarries of compact and granular lime- stone having been opened in the vicinity of this place. AND ITS PEOPLE. 593 A blue limestone quarry- near Downingtown was opened in 1831, the rock being stratified, with regular jointing and fine texture. It was used for building, lime burning and ballast. It was used in building Villanova CJollege, Villanova railway station, railway bridge, abutments and piers. At Bell's Quarry, Midway, the limestone is of a light color, and in the vicinity of Buck's Run and Parkesburg it becomes darker and more slaty. Graphite and chrome are both extensively mined in Chester County, the latter mineral being found in considerable quantities in the southwest part of the county in both rock and sand. Dug and shipped to Europe it commands a high price. For many years the trade in chrome was under the exclusive control of Isaac Tyson of Baltimore, who procured from the farmers the right to dig and remove the mineral found on their farms. In this manner Mr. Tyson amassed a considerable fortune, and it doubtless was a profitable proceeding for the farmers, as the lands where this mineral is found are comparatively valueless for agricultural pur- poses. Graphite or plumbago of a superior quality is found apparently in inexhaustible quantities in Upper Uwchlau and adjoining town- ships, near the line of the Pickering Valley Railroad. Corundum has been mined for many years, esi)ecially in New- lin Townshii), and formerly in numerous quantities. This ma- terial existed in a narrow vein of hard white albite. An attempt to mine it regularly, made some years ago by D. Lewis Williams, Avas not persisted in. But loose blocks of corundum rocks were at one time collected to the amount of six or seven tons and exported to Europe. By geologists corundum is said to be a metamor- phose of the gneiss composed more largely of alumina tluin the rest of the same rock, and while it is seldom found pure in nature, yet where found pure it is pure alumina. In the spring of 1806 John Leslie took up about five tons of corundum, which he sold at |(jO per ton. 594 CHESTER COUNTY It is remarkable that during tlie last century there were sev- eral persons within the county who were engaged in the manu- facture of clocliS. The brass worlvs were probably brought across the sea, and fitted together in the county, the cases being gen- erally made where the clock was needed. Among the earlier work- men in this line Avere the Chandlees, of jVottingham, Benjamin Chandlee being the pioneer, and removing from the neighborhood in 1741. His son, Benjamin, manufactured not only clocks, but also compasses and a general line of mathematical instruments. His son, Ellis, also carried on the same lines of manufacture, and is said to have been the most ingenious of the family. Isaac Thomas of Willistown made clocks during tlie later years of the Eighteenth Century, his residence being on the Boot Koad, near Crujiib Creek. Caleb Hibberd, living a mile east of Sugartown, in the same township, made clocks during the early part of the present century. Isaac Jackson of NeAV Garden is remembered as a man of ingenuity, working in the finer ma- terials, and being a maker of clocks. Benjamin Garrett began to make clocks about the year 1800, importing the castings, and his work was carried on quite extensively for twelve of fifteen years. Joseph Cave, of West Chester, made clocks and watches from about 1824 to 1834, his cases being made by Thomas Ogden. Others can-ied on the work until about 1835, when the Yankee clocks began to be introduced, and the home-made clocks were from that time on gradually su])erseded. The Thorndale Iron Works were erected in 1847, J. iV: J. Forsythe & Sons erecting the mill and sixteen dwelling houses. Soon afterward Horace A. Beale pui'chased the establishment, and he in turn sold them to J. B. Moore of Philadeli)hia, from whom they jiassed into the hands of William L. Bailey in 1808. Mr. Bailey, in connection with J. B. Hayes, ran the works about eight years, under the firm name of William L. Bailey & Co., iuid still later they passed into the hands of a stock company, of which AXD /7\S' PEOPLE. 595 Charles L. Bailey of HaiTisbiirg was president; Abraham t^. Pat- terson, of the same citj, vice-president; and William L. Bailey, treasurer. They manufactured plate-iron, such as is used in the construction of locomotives, boilers, bridges, ships, and tanks, in 1880 turning out 6,495,777 pounds of finished iron. These works ceased to operate several years ago. It has been stated that the first mill in Pennsylvania was located on Cobb's Creek, near the Blue Bell Tavern, erected about 1643. In 1683 the "Chester Mills" were erected on Chester Creek, not far above the present manufacturing village of Upland, in Delaware County. Richard Townseud about 1730 set up a mill on Chester Creek, "which served for grinding corn aud sawing boards," he being a tenth owner in the mill. t^ome of the earliest mills in Chester County, as at present bounded, were as follows: In Birmingham, Francis Chadds', in Tredyffrin, Thomas Jerman's, both mentioned as early as 1710; at Avondale, John Miller's, in 1714; in Kennett, Gayen Steven- son's in 1715; at Downington, Thomas Moore's 1716; in Goshen, George Ashbridge and others in 1717; in Kennett, Ellis Lewis' same years; in Birmingham, James Huston's 1719; in Bradford, Abiah Taylor's, in 1719; in Coventry, Thomas Miller's, in the .same year; in Sadsbury, John Jones' 1721; in East Bradford, Carter, Hcott and Willis', 1721; in Pocopson, Joseph Taylor's, 1724; in New London, Abraham Emmit's, on Big Elk Creek, and Henry Ilollingsworth's on Little Elk Creek, in 1724; in London- grove, William Pusey's, 1730; in Sadsburj-, James Hamor's, in 1722; in Whiteland, "Vale Koyal" Mill, Bichard Thomas, Sam- uel Phipps, William Williams and Magdalen Howell, in 1730; Jones' Mill, where afterward was erected Sager's Mill, on the Brandywine, in 1744. In West Nantmeal, in the west branch of the Brandywine, there was a mill erected in 1840, a title above Beaver Dam. This mill went to decay after the erection of Mackekluff's Mill, this 596 CHESTER COUNTY beino in 1762, there not being water enough for both. Mordecai Piersol built a mill in 17G2, and in 1760 there Avas a mill built at Glen Moore. In 1770 Aokland's Mill was built, and White's Mill near Cupola Station, was erected in 1811. In this same year there was a mill on Naaman's Creek, owned by John Bellach, who "paid the highest price for grain," and Benjamin Jeffries owned a mill neAr Kennett Square. Pennypacker's Mill was located in Pikeland Township, at least as early as 1812, this being for carding, spinning and weav- ing. The prices were as follows: Carding into "roles," 10 cents per pound; spinning, 12 cuts to the pound or less, 1-^- cents per cut; all over 12 cuts to the pound, 2 cents per cut. This mill was owned bj' Harman Pennypacker and William Stidham. Levi John and William McFarlan, in April, 1813, erected "a jiair of machines for carding wool," at the mill, then lately occu- pied as a clover-mill in Vincent Township, near William Reed's Mill. ^Vool-carding was also cai'ried on by John Woodward, at the mill of William Woodward iu East Bradford, by Mordecai Thomas at his own mill in Willistown, and by Joseph H. Down- ing in Downingtown. At this same time John Taylor had a grist- mill in East Bradford, run by water from Braudywine Creek. In 1817 James Hance built a mill in West AVhiteland, which mill, iu 18i>l, was purchased by George Hoopes, aud later became the property of his son, Robert F. Hoopes. The Charlestown Woolen Mill was owned by Hood & Sandham, Avho maniifactured both broad and narrow cloth, cassimeres, satinets, flannels, lin- sey and plaid, as well as broad and narrow blankets, carded aud and wove woolen goods, and purchased wool. In West Chester, in 1818, Joseph Jones began the making of chairs, fancy, Windsor and rush-bottom, carrying on the business for several years. The Bloomfield Factory, located near Kennett Square, was operated by John P. Chambers, who manufactured woolen cloths at the following prices: Blankets, 1 yard wide, 8 cuts to the AiYD ITS PEOPLE. 597 pound, 55 cents; flannels, 1 yard wide, 12 cuts to the ])ouud, 75 cents; thick flannels, f of a yard wide, 12 cuts to the pound, !»() cents; cloth, ^ of a yard wide, 12 cuts to the pound, fl; cloth I of a yard wide, 16 cuts to the pound, |1.25; cardinji coniniou wool into rolls, 10 cents; spinning, from 8 to 12 cuts per pound, 20 cents per dozen; from 12 to 20 cuts per pound, 24 cents per dozen; all under 8 cuts, 10 cents per pound. There was a Union Woolen Manufactory in Sadsbury, Town- ship, manufacturing wotd into broad and narrow (loth, cassi- meres, cassinettes, coarse and fine flannel, etc. Andrew Wilson carried on the carding and fulling business "at the stand formerly occupied by Calvin Cooper, deceased," in West Bradford Town- ship. Seneca Warner carried on wool carding at J. Buffington's Tilt-mill in East Bradford Township, and himself owned a grist- mill in East Marlborough Township. The fulling business was also carried in by Elisha Davis, in West Bradford, on the road leading from Downingtown to the Center House. Jei'emiah Bailey made fans, wire screens, rolling screens, etc., at his mill near Ken- nett Square. And that there was brick-making earh^ in the his- tory of the county is shown by the fact that in 1818 Jose])li Townsend of West Chester offered 50,000 bri(dvS for sale, and also some draining tile. For several, if not for many years, William Work carried on coach-making in West Chester, commencing about 1821, and he had for sale the "highly approved patent C springs." The Doe Kuu Woolen Factory, located in West Nautmeal Township, was owned by Abel I. Thomas, and the Downington pottery, which, in 1824, was managed by Eber James, was pre- viously owned and managed by Jesse Kersey. Caleb Jackson ar this time carried on coach and Dearborn-wagon making about half a mile west of Kennett Square, at the place then lately oc- cupied by Isaac Philips. In 1825 Samuel Bellerjeau carried on cabinet-making in 598 CHESTER COUNTY Downingtown, as did Thomas Ogden in West Cliester, and Jona- tlian Kowlaud was a wool carder at Lai)p's mill, near the Fox Chase Tavern in Ti*edyffrin Township. Townsend Eachns carried on wool-carding at his chiver-mill in West Goshen Township, abont one and three-quai-ter miles from West Chester, as also did Josepli Painter in East Bradford. George S. Downing had a tan-yard in East Cain Township, three miles west of Downingtown, and in 182G liobert and Canby Steel manufactured hats in West Chester. This year John Tweddle managed the Downingtown Brewex'y, at which he brewed porter, ale and small beer. The Platinum Works of J. Bishoj) & Co. are located at Sugar- town, in Willistown Township, six miles east of West Chester and three miles south of Malvern, on the main line of the Penn- sylvania Ivailroad. The founder of these works was born in Portugal in 180G, where his father, an Englishman, was tempo- rarily residing, and where he was director of the Royal Fabrics. Joaquin Bishop, the founder, came to the United States witli his parents in 1810, settled in Philadelphia in 1811, and was there ai)i)reuticed to a jeweler in 182G. In 1832 he became instrument maker and assistant chemist of the University of Pennsylvania, under Dr. Eobert Hare, and in 1831) he began to work in platinum, in 1812 establishing Avhat is now the fii'ui of J. Bishop «& Co. In 1845 he drew first premium at Franklin Institute for platinum work. In 1858 he removed his business to Radnor, and in 18G5 to its present location. In 187(i he received first premium and dipkima from the Centennial Commission, and in 1881 he asso- ciated witli himself in partnership Edwin T. Cox, under tlie firm name of J. Bisliop & Co. After a life of activity and usefulness he died August 1, 1880, leaving his interest in the business to his grandson, Joaquin B. Matlack. Mr. Matlack and Mr. Cox have since then carried on tlie business under the old firm name. Their work consists of refining and melting platinum ore or scraps, and manufacturing said metal into assaying apparatus vessels AXD ITS PEOPLE. 599 and tubes of all decriptions, and all kiuds of experimental instru- ments in use by analytical chemists, and in short anything made of platinum. For these goods a market is found in the labora- tories of universities, colleges, steel and iron manufactories, and among all kinds of professional and scientific men in the country, in Canada, Mexico, and to some slight extent in Europe. The Lukens Iron and Steel Compauy was originally estab- lished in 1790, though not under its present name. In that year Isaac Pennock, great-grandfather of Mr. A. F. Huston, present president of the company, built a mill and began the manufacture of iron at a place called Eokeby, on Buck Ilun, Chester County, about four miles south of Coatesville. This mill was called the "Federal Slitting Mill," charcoal slabs being heated in an open c-harcoal fire, rolled out into plates, and then slit up into rods for general blacksmith use. In ISIO he bought a saw-mill property on the Brandywine, at Coatesville, which he converted into an iron- mill. This mill was called Brandywine, and afterward developed into the large plant now in operation, covering many acres of ground and furnishing employment to a large number of men. Eebecca W. Pennock, daughter of Isaac Pennock, married Dr. Charles Lukens, the latter leasing Brandywine of his father- in-law in 1816 and carrying on the business of iron-making until his death in 1825. It was between 1816 and 1825 that steam boilers first came into use, and the first boiler plates produced in this country were made in this mill by Dr. Lukens. After the death of Dr. Lukens, his widow, in accordance with his request, continued to carry on the business, greatly increased the plant and continued successfully for many years, and it was as a tribute to her memory that the name of the w^orks, after her death, was changed to the "Lukens Eolling-mills." The works have been continuously operated by the family from 1810 to the present year, 1898. After the death of Mrs. Lukens the business was conducted 6oo CHESTER COUNTY by lier sous-in-laAv, Abraham Gibbons and Dr. Charles Huston. In 1855 Mr. Gibbous retired after a short but prosperous and honorable biisiness career. The works then remained in Dr. Charles Huston's hauls, who, together with his partner, Mr. Charles reurosi', who joined him a few years later, oaiTied on the manufacture of iron until the death of Mr. Penrose, in 1881; in the meantime Dr. Huston's two sons, A. F. and O. L. Huston, upon their graduation from college, in 1872 and 1875, having joined the company. The company was known from this time until 1890 as "Charles Huston & Sons." In this latter year a stock company was formed and chartered under the title of "The Lukens Iron and Steel Company," the officers of which were as follows: Dr. Charles Huston, president; A. F. Huston, vice presi- dent; Charles L. Huston, general manager; R. B. Haines, secretary, and Joseph Humptou, treasurer. Xot long after^'ard Mr. Haines resigned the position of secretary, and Mr. Humpton was ap- pointed to this position, since then filling both offices of secretary and treasurer. Upon the death of Dr. Charles Huston, in 189V, A. F. Huston succeeded to the presidency and Charles L. Hustan became vice-president. Originally the boilers plates were made from single charcoal blooms, the blooms being made in the old-fashioned forge fire, then reheated over an ordinary grate fire and rolled into plates. These plates were shipped without being sheared. Later shears were introduced and the shearings were cut into nails. After- ward a reverbatory heating furnace was introduced, enabling the scrap to be worked up. The plate-rolls at this time were from sixteen to eighteen inches in diameter, and from three to four feet long between the housings, and were driven by an overshot water- wheel. Many a time, when it looked as ifithe mill would stall, the workmen would rush to the water-wheel, climb upon its rim, and by their weight help the pass through the rolls. In this way ;i "sticker" was often prevented, which, whenever it < auie, meant fire-cracked rolls and later on broken ones. AND ITS PEOPLE. 60 1 Owing to the constant increase of business the oversliot water-wheel was superseded by the breast-wheel, so geared as to convey more power to the rolls, and in addition, a heavy fly- wheel was introduced, geared to a high speed for the storage of power. The use of larger rolls was thus permitted, those now introduced being twenty-one inches in diameter and sixty-six inches long. In 1870 a modern steam plate-mill was erected with chilled rolls twenty-five by eighty-four inches, the old mill be- coming a puddling mill. At length there was put in position a three-high mill, with solid chilled rolls, 34 inches in diameter by 120 inches hmg, weighing eighteen tons each. At that time this was the largest mill of its kind ever erected in the United States. The capital (and surplus) employed in the business is over $1,000,000, the capacity of the works being 75,000 tons per year. The number of men on the pay roll is 500, and the amount of money paid out annually to employes is |250,000. The plant covers nearly fifty acres of ground, and the quantity of freight, both in and out of the works, is 175,000 tons per year. Connected with the plant at the present time are six open-hearth furnaces— in three of which is used the basic process, and in the other three the acid process. The heating furnaces number nine and the trains of rolls three. A machine-shop, a fitting-shop, a carpenter- shop, a blacksmith-shop, a turning department, a supply building and an electric apparatus constitute portions of the equipment. An electric charging machine performs the work of several men, and two small locomotives move material from place to place. Hydraulic handling cranes are placed wherever they can be used to advantage, the largest lifting eighteen tons. Four hydraulic cranes in the shipping house, which is 240 feet long, are each ca- pable of lifting five tons. Two large flanging machines, capable of turning the largest sized boiler heads, machines for making flue holes in boiler heads, one of them a hydraulic machine with 6o2 CHESTER COUNTY a cylinder 48 iaches in diameter, and macliines for manufactur- ing patent steel boiler braces, of which latter Mr. A. F. Huston is the patentee, are in position. One of the engines is 60x3( inches, having an indicated horse power of 2,000, and another engine is 48x28 inches. The twenty-live large gas producers sup ply the steel plant and the i)late mills, the four reverbei'atory fur naces using coal. The mill across the Brandywine has four fur naces. The officers of this company at the present time are A. F. Huston, president; C. L. Huston, vice-president, and Joseph Hump- ton, secretary' and treasurer. This history of the Lukens Iron and Steel Company cannot well be closed without at least brief reference to the man to whose efforts, since the death of Mrs. Lukens, its success and present standing in the industrial world are mainly due. Dr. Charles Huston was born in Philadelphia in 1822, graduated at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania in 1840, finished a three years' course in medicine at the Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia in 1843, and supplemented this coui'se in medical study by an eighteen months' special course in Europe. He began the practice of his profession in Philadelphia, married Miss Isabella Lukens of Coatesville, and settled down to the laborious life of a practicing physician. In LS48 he moved to the country, and in 1849 became engaged in the iron business, which he continuously followed un- til his death in Januarj', 1897. Iq 1875, when the government of the United States began requiring that plates used in the con- struction of steamboat boilers should be stamped with their tensile strength. Dr. Huston promptly purchased a testing ma- chine, and began investigating the properties of iron and steel, and in 1877, when the manufacturers of boiler plates were re- quested by the Treasury Department of the United States gov- ernment to send a committee to Washington to advise with the Board of Supervising Steamboat Inspectors in framing a proper AND ITS PEOPLE. 603 standard of tests, Dr. Hustou was chosen chairman of the com- mittee, and because of his practical knowledge of the character of metal and his experience in testing, his recommendations were adopted by the Board of Inspectors. In later years his conn eel was frequently sought by tlie Government of the United States, and liis views were also sought and followed by tlie leading steam boiler inspectors and insurance companies in this country. Dr. Huston was one of the leading authorities in the United States upon the iron and steel industry, and in 1878-79 he published revised articles in the journal of the Franklin Institute upon the behavior of iron and steel under varying conditions of heat and stress. These articles attracted the attention of engineers abroad years afterward, when they began this line of investigation. In 1895 Dr. Huston was selected by Chauncey M. Depew as the man best qualified by ability and experience to write the article on the iron and steel industrj' in his comprehensive history of "One Hundred Years of American Commerce." The natural ability of Dr. Huston and his scientific acquirements permeated every department of the Lukens Works, and the influence of his high personal character was always felt, not only throughout these works, but also throughout the community in which he lived. The Coatesville Boiler Works were started in 1886 by Fred- erick Potter, A. J. George, H. C. Smith and Cyrus Shank, who rented the old planing-mill property of William T. Hunt's estate, and began making boilers under the firm name of Setter, George & Co. The entire amount of capital invested in the business at first was less than $700, but each member of the firm was a skilled mechanic, and by turning out first-class work at moderate prices they gradually built up the business w'hich amounted the first year to $11 ,000. In 1887 Messrs. Smith and Shank withdrew from the part- nership, and were succeeded by Frederic and George E. Eeif, 6o4 CHESTER COUNTY Frederic Eeif selling his interest in 1890 to Charles Edgerton, a mechanical engineer of Philadelphia. This year the firm pur- chased the oM round-house property of the Wilmington and North- ern Railroad Company, and erected their present shops. The main building is 60x160 feet, with additional buildings for the en- gine and tool rooms, and an annex for the flanging department. September 15, 1891, the Coatesville Boiler Works were in- corporated, with a capital stock of |50,000, and since the enter- prise has grown to its present large proportions. The machinery in this plant cost $20,000, and among the most important pieces is a pair of bending rolls IS feet 6 inches between housings, with double engines attached, capable of bending plates 18 feet wide to a circle of 38 inches. These rolls cost |6,000 and weigh thirty- five tons. There are also large machines punching five-inch holes in g-inch plates with perfect ease. There is also other necessary machinery, which it is not necessary to describe. The products of these works consist of boilers of various sizes, smoke-stacks, stand-pipes, all kinds of tanks, including congealing tanks for ice plants, as well as other articles of iron. The num- ber of men employed is about sixty, the annual pay roll amount- ing to more than .|20,000. The volume of business amounts to something over |125,000 per year, and the business has been so prosperous that the stock of the company is usually at a premium. The officers of the company at present are as follows: F. Softer, president; Charles Edgerton, vice-president, and A. J. George, secretary and treasurer. Ridgway's Foundry of Coatesville, manufacturing water- wheels and cranes, was established in 1863, the main business for many years being that of keeping in repair the rolling-mills of the town and neighborhood, and the manufacture of the old Tyler water-wheel. In 1879 William H. Ridgway was admitted to partnership with Mr. Craig Ridgway, and soon improved the Tyler wheel, bringing out the now celebrated Perfection water-wheel. /u^/^^ AXD ITH PEOPLIJ. 607 •which was a success from the start, and which is iu use in Asia, Africa and all parts of Europe, as well as iu the United States. In 1888 Mr. Eidgway produced, in the invention of his Balanced Steam Crane, one of the most notable inventions of the day. This is one of the most successful enterprises of its iiind in the country. The Coatesville Casket Company was organized at a stock- liolders' meeting held February 20, 189G, the directors elected then being Joseph N. AVoodward, L. B. Henson, Charles W. Ash, John W. Thompson, W. P. Moore, O. A. Boyle, W. S. Young, J. L. Xiovett, and .J. H. C. McClure, and these directors elected J. N. Woodward president, John W. Thompson treasurer and H. 0. McClure secretary. The company was incorporated in March, 1896, with a capital of $25,000, at Avhich it still remains. They purchased an old shoe factory building at the corner of Main Street and Sixth Avenue, to which they made some improvements and additions, and which they still use. The product of the fac- tory consists of all kinds of caskets, the specialty being those made of oak and mahogany. The first year's output was worth about .f 10,000, the capacity of the works being about $50,000 worth of products. The officers of the company at the present time are the same as those mentioned above. The Viaduct Iron Works were purchased at sheriff's sale about 1853 by Hugh E. Steel and S. B. Worth, under the firm name of Steel & Worth. They were then known as the Tridelphi Iron Works, but the name was changed by the new owners to the Viaduct Iron Works, they being situated in the borough of Coates- ville, directly underneath the high Pennsylvania railway bridge spanning the Brandywine. At this time the mill consisted of two small trains of rolls, driven by water. Steel & Worth immedi- ately increased in size both sets of rolls, using all the water power to drive one set, and introducing a steam engine to drive the other. In 1861 they erected another steam mill, and in 1868 still another and larger mill was erected. Since 1872 all the rolls have 35 6o8 CHESTER COUNTY been operated by steam. In 1874, owing to the death of !^. B. Worth, the firm was dissolved, and later the works were continued by Hugh E. Steel and the heirs of S. B. Worth, under the name of Steel & Worth Company, the same being incorporated. In 1880 the Worths withdrew from the corporation, and the name was changed to the Coatesville Ii'on Company. In 1888 the works. were purchased by J. S. & AV. P. Woi"th, who have since continued it under the firm name of the Coatesville Boiling Mill Company. The present capacity of the works is about 15,000 tons annually. The Brandywine Rolling Mills was erected in 1880 by Worth Brothers (J. Sharpless and William P.). Upon its commencement the product of the mills was about 3,000 tons of finished plates annually, and this capacity was increased from time to time, as occasion demanded. In 1895 the firm was iucorj^orated as Worth Brothers Company, the Worths being the principal stockholders, the capital stock being placed at |250,000. Radical improve- ments were made and the works generally enlarged. An open- hearth steel plant and a large three-high plate-mill, including rolls eleven feet wide (the largest in Pennsylvania), were estab lished. These works are located in East Fallowfleld Township, about one-half a mile from the borough line of Coatesville, and contiguous to the Wilmington & Northern Railway. The busi- ness consists mainly in the manufacture of open-hearth steel- plates and sheets. Steel is manufactured by both the basic aud the acid process, and all the improvements in the methods or pro- cesses of making steel are here in use. The mills have a capacity of about 40,000 tons of finished steel per year, and this capacity is being increased by the addition of more furnaces. Hoopes Bros. «& Darlington, manufacturers of wheels of all kinds, established themselves in business in West Chester in 1868, though, at the beginning, only William and Thomas Hoopes were in the firm. Shortly afterward Stephen P. Darlington became a member of the firm, and the name given above was adopted. AND ITS PEOPLE. 609 The business at first consisted of tlie manufacture of spolies, but in 1870 tiie manufacture of bent rims was added, and in 1872 the manufacture of Avheels. From that time on the manufacture of spolves gradually was discontinued, as the timber fit for such purposes diminished in quantity, and the manufactui'e of wheels as gradually increased, until, at the present time, it is almost ex- clusively the business of the company. All kinds of wheels are made, from those on the lightest wagons up to those on wagons which carry twenty-five tons. The market for the product of this establishment, which is located on Market Street, just east of the railroad, is confined mainly to a radius of three hundred miles, but still a portion of the product is shipped to England and other European countries. The floor space of the buildings is equal to about two acres; the capital employed is about |200,000; the force ranges from 140 to 175 men, and the product of the works ranges from 12.50,000 to |300,000 per year. The members of the firm at the present time are William and Thomas Hoopes and Edwin S. Darlington, the two brothers having been continuously in the com- pany. The Sharpless Separator Works were established in 1885 by Philip M. Sharpless in a building where the stocking factory now is located, with five men and less than .f200 capital, the success with which he has met being attributable to the mechanical knowledge acquired in various manufactories of steam engines and other factories of a similar nature and to industi*y and de- termination to succeed. The business which Mr. Sharpless owns and manages has grown in sixteen years to be one of the most successful in the country, turning out a product that goes ex- tensively into every dairy country of the earth. Many carloads of machinery were shipped in 1897 to Australia, New Zealand, Africa, South America, Europe, and other foreign countries. The special product is the Cream Separator, an implement which, within the last few years, has revolutionized the dairying 6io CHESTER COUNTY business of the country. Thousands of machines are annually put into the hands of dairymen and farmers, who, though not skilled in the handling of machinery, yet have no difficulty in man- aging a separator which makes 25,000 revolutions per minute, day after day, with an expense that is merely trifling, with rarely a breakdown and never a life endangered. The buildings are located in the immediate vicinity of the Villa Maria Academy, on the railroad, thus possessing every needed shipping facility. The works spend |20,000 per year in advertising, and in connec- tion with its branch houses at Dubuque, Omaha, and at Elgin, employ about 300 people, and over half a million dollars of capital, and on January 1, 1898, there was not a dollar outstanding against them anywhere. The success of Mr. Sharpless in build- ing up and conducting this business has been most remarkable, and is a valuable object lesson to those who may feel that they have within them the enterprising spirit necessary to success, but yet hesitate to put it into practical operation. The Edison Electric Ilhaminating Company of West Chester was organized in 1885, and erected in that place the third plant of the kind in the State of Pennsylvania. The directors of the company at first were K. T. Cornwell, H. C. Baldwin, E. H. Hemp- hill, T. Brown, Dr. Isaac Massey, A. Hoopes, K. E. Monaghan, W. Hoopes and F. P. Darlington. The officers of this company from its organizatiou to the present time have been and are as follows: K. T. Cornwell, president; John A. Eupert, secretary, and D. M. McFarland, treasurer. The object for which this company was organized was tht. Bernard, published in the successive numbers of a magazine;. Poems, London, 1852; Poems, Philadelphia, 1853; The New Pas- toral, A Poem, 3855; The House by the Sea, 1856; Sylvia, or the Lost Shepherd 1857; Eural Poems, London, 1857; The Wagoner of the Alleghenies, a Poem of the Days of Seventy-Six, 1802; A Summer Story, Sheridan's Ride, etc., 1865; Poems, New and En- larged Edition, 1865; and Good Samaritans, a Poem, published in Cincinnati. 664 CHESTER COUNTY Ell K. Price was a prolific writer, among his works being the following: Memoir of Philip and Rachel Price; Memorial of Our Daughter; Discourse on the Family as an Element of Govern- ment; Discourse of Trial by Jury; Of the Limitations of Actions and Liens Against Ileal Estate in Pennsylvania; The Act for the Sale of lieal Estate; and the History of the Consolidation of the City of Philadelphia. James P. Wickershain ^^'rote several works, among them: School Economy; Methods of Instruction, and The Common School Laws of Pennsylvania, and Decisions of the Superintendent, with Explanations, Forms, etc. Edward H. AVilliamson wrote several volumes, among them being: The Scout, a Storj- of the Revolution; The Quaker Par- tisans, a Story of the Revolution; Philip ]Morton; The Book of Deeds, and The List of Notaries. Daniel G. Erinton, M. D., wrote: The Floridian Peninsula; The Shawnees and Their Migrations; The M^^ths of the Xew World; A Guide Book of Florida and the South; The National Legend of the Chahta-Muskokee Tribes; The Phonetic Alphabet of Yucatan; Grammar of the Choctaw Language; The Arawack Language of Guiana in its Linguistic and Ethnological Relations;; Contributions to a Grammar of the Chahta-Muskokee Language; The Religious Sentiment, Its Source and Aim; and the Brinton Family. Gen. George A. McCall wrote a series of Letters from the Frontier, covering a period of thirty years' service in the army. Isaac I. Hayes, M. D., tlie great Arctic explorer, wrote: An Arctic Boat Journey in the Autumn of 1854; The Open Polar Sea; The Land of Desolation; and Cast Away in the Cold. J. Smith Futhey wrote: History of the Upper Octorara Pres- byterian Church; History of Educational Institutions in Chester County; and an Address on the One Hundreth Anniversary of the Paoli Massacre. Judge Futhey and Gilbert Cope wrote a History of Chester County, which Avas published in 1881. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 665 Major Isaiah Price wrote a history of the Xinetj-seventh Eegi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, during the war of the Rebellion. Samuel W. Peuuypacker was the author of the Annals of Phoenixville and Its Vicinity; The Pennypacker Reunion; Abra- ham and Dirck Op Den Graeff, and the Settlement of Germantown. Charlton T. Lewis, son of Joseph J. Lewis, in company with Marvin E. Vincent, professor in Troy University, translated John Albert Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament; and Mr. Lewis wrote A History of Germany from the Earliest Times, and Har- per's Latin Dictionary, witli the exception of the first 21(5 pages. Mrs. Mary D. K. Boyd has written largely in the line of Svm- day-school literature; Fannie H. Bent is also a writer of literature designed for the use of Sunday-schools. Isaac D. Johnson, M. D., of Kennett Square, has written a Therapeutic Key, and a Guide to Homeopathic Practice. Joseph T. Eothrock, M. D., has written a Sketch of the Flora of Alaska; a Work on Botany; the sixth volume of the United States Geographical Surveys West of the One Hundredth Merid- ian; A Catalogue of Trees and Shrubs, Native and Introduced in the Horticultural Gardens Adjacent to Horticultural Hall, Fair- mount Park, Philadelphia, and a work called Medical Botany of America. John Russell Young, at present Librarian of Congress, has written Around the World with General Grant. George L. Maris, A. M., is the author of a work entitled The Normal English Grammar. Prof. George G. Groff, M. D., has written on the Common Min- erals, Ores and Rocks of Chester County; The Common Minerals and Ores of Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware and Maryland; The Chemical Elements; Geological Chart; Plant Description; Ele- ments of Animal Physiology; Elements of Mineralogy; Elements of Agricultural Chemistry; and A Manual of Accidents and Emer- gencies. 666 CHESTER COUNTY Francis C. Hooton is the antlior of a work on The General and Special Pennsylvania Road Laws, and The Supervisor's Guide. Hon. P. Frazer Smith wrote a work on the Forms of Pro- cedure in the Courts of Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania State Eeports, comprising cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania from 18G5 to 1876. Thomas Louis Ogier is the author of two books, one a pamphlet of 26 pages on Capital Punishment, and the other a Life of the Hon. James Bowen Everhart, of 156 pages, published in 1889. George M. Philips, Ph. D., in connection with President Isaac Sharpless of Haverford College, wrote an Elementary Astronomy and an Elementary Natural Philosophy, and also a key to the latter, published in a separate volume. Dr. Philips also wrote a work on the Civil Governmeut of Pennsylvania, and a Supple- ment to Mowry's Civil Govei'ument. He also wrote a work on the Geography of Pennsylvania which was published as a supple- ment to Kand & McNally's Grammar School Geography. Professor James McClune wrote a History of the Brandywine Manor Presbyterian Church; A Comprehensive Calendar, a Cal- endar for all time indexed for two hundred and fifty years; a Eeport on the Solar Eclipse of August 7, 1869; a Biography of the Chiss of 1825, Princeton College, compiled by four of the class, including himself. Howard M. Jenkins wrote an address on William Penn, his character and career, and prepared Historical Collections relatiug to Gwynedd Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, settled in 1698 by the Welsh, together with data referring to the adjoining- township in the same county. Frank M. Stauffer wrote a work entitled The Queer, the Quaint, the Quizzical, a Cabinet for the Curious, 367 pages, pub- lished in 1882. Col. Isaiah Price wrote an account of the Reunion of the Nine- ty-seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, October 29, 1881,. on the old camp ground at Camp Wayne. AXD ITS PEOPLE. 667 Thomas D. Ingram, M. D., wrote a work on Representative Oovernment, * * » » Ti^g Civil Evil and its Eemedy. Pennock Hney wrote A True History of the Charge of the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry at Chancellorsvile. Benjamin Moran wrote The Footpath and Highway, or Wan- derings of an American in Great Britain in 1851 and 1852. t^amuel W. Penuypacker wrote a choice woi*k entitled Histor- ical and Biographical Sketches, published in 1883. James Grier Ralston wrote an Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Norristown, Pennsylvania, with Biograph- ical Sketches of its Ministers, etc., and a work entitled Solar Hiero- glyphics. James Monaghan prepared The Chester County Reports, cases decided by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and the several courts of the Commonwealth, arising chiefly in the courts of Chester County, and also Pennsylvania County Court Reports, cases decided in the courts of the several counties of the Com- monwealth. Horatio McLean Jones compiled Missouri State Reports, vol- umes 21 to 30, published 1856 to 1861. George L. Maris and Annie M, Maris prepared a volume on The Maris Family of the United States; a Record of the Descend- ants of George and Alice Maris, 1683-1885. Edwin Atlee Barber prepared a Genealogical Record of the Atlee Family : The Descendants of Judge William Augustus Atlee and Colonel Samuel John Atlee, of Lancaster County. Thomas Maxwell Potts wrote a Bi-Centennial Memorial of Jeremiah Carter, who came to the Province of Pennsylvania in 1682, published in 1883. Edward H. Williamson wrote in addition to the works men- tioned above several other works, some of them as follows: Ances- tral Brief: A Brief of Lineage of the Descendants of William 668 CHESTER COUNTY Williamson of Thornbury Township, Chester County; The Clip- ping of the Osprey's Wings, and other Tales of Battle and Adven- ture on Sea and Land; After Work Hours; State Laws llelating to Wills; and The Scout, a Legend of Old Thornbury Township. Cyrus Stern wrote a work entitled Our Kindred — The McFar- len and Stern Families. Mrs. Sarah Louisa Oberholtzer wrote Violet Lee and Other Poems; Come for Arbutus; Daisies of Verse, and Hope's Heart Bells. Frances Lavinia Michener wrote Prose and Poetical Works, octavo, 386 pages, published in 1SS4, third edition in 1888. Ann Preston wrote Cousin Ann's Stories, a book of poems for children. Mrs. Levi G. McCauley wrote Stories for Little Ones, 1886. Thomas Elwood Garrett wrote the Masque of the Muses. Mrs. Isabella P. Huston wrote Superficial Glimpses of Travel, published in 1888. Fenelon Darlington wrote A Short History of Great Inven- tions and Discoveries, and A Token of Esteem and IJemembrance for My Young Friends at School. Eev. James Koberts, D. D., wi'ote a Memorial of the Rev. James W. Dale, D. D., for private circulation. Eev. William H. H. Marsh wrote The Modern Sunday-school, and Two Theories of the Visible Church. Rev. Francis J. Collier, D. D., wrote Quarter Century Reunion of Jefferson College, and Temperance Truth for Young and Old. Eev. Samuel Fulton wrote Golden Promises Selected from God's Word ; Compend of Chronology, and A Family Manual, Seven Don'ts. Eev. Robert P. Dubois wrote a Sketch of the Life and Char- acter of the Eev. James Latta, D. D. Eev. David Evans wrote The Minister of Christ and the Duties of His Flock. AND ITS PEOPLE. 669 Key. John Duer wrote a Memorial of Kev. John Duer, his^ father. Kev. J. W. Ilood wrote The Negro in the Christian Pulpit, or the Two Characters and the Two Destinies. Tiev. Mathias Sheeleigh, D. D., wrote numerous works, the principal ones being as follows: Outlines of Old Testament His- tory, for Youth; Outlines of New Testament History, for Youth; Brief Life of Martin Luther, the Great Reformer; The delation of the Sunday-school to the Church; and the Conservation of Our Church's History. Thomas K. Brown wrote an Academic Algebra, designed as an Advanced Algebra for High Schools. Esther J. Trimble wrote a Handbook of English and American Literature, Historical and Critical. William M. Rupert wrote a Guide to the study of History and the Constitution of the United States. William Vogdes, A. M., wrote a United States Arithmetic, designed for Schools and Academies, a Ke.y to the same and a Treatise on Mensuration. Joshua Jones wrote an English Grammar, founded on tlie natural principles of speech, and a Lecture on English Grammar. David M. Sensenig, M. S., wrote a work entitled Xumbors Symbolized: An Elementary Algebra. Elijah W. Beans wrote a Manual of Practical Surveyors. SaiQuel Sloan wrote the Model Architect: a Guide for the Builder and Carpenter; City and Suburban Architecture; Home- stead Architecture; Constructive Architecture; and Architectural Review and Builders' Journal. Marie Hansen Taylor and Horace E. Scudder wrote the Life and Letters of Bayard TayloV, two volumes, 18S4. T. B. Read wrote Paul Redding, a Tale of the Braudywine. Alfred L. Elwyu, M. D., compiled a Glossary of Supposed Americanisms. 670 CHESTER COUNTY George Lipjiard wrote an Original Revolntionary Clironicle and tlie White Banner. IJev. Edwin McMinn wrote Eambles in Mineral Fields. Stephen P. Sharpless wrote a work entitled The Woods of the United States. William Mc(?lay wrote Sketches of Debate in the First Sen- ate of the United States, most interesting reading. William Mo- Clay was born in Chester Connty, was educated in the famous school of Eev. John Blair at Fagg's Manor, and was a Senator in Congress from Pennsylvania, and it has been often stated that he. and not Jefferson, was the father of the Democratic party. Benjamin M. Everhart has written much for the Journal of Mycology, or the Science of the Fungi. Mr. Everhart has given much time to the study of botany, and is at the present time one of the foremost authorities on this department in the world. Edwin Atlee Barber wrote a Genealogical Eecord of the At- lee Family, 1884; a Genealogy of the Barber Family, 1890, and The Pottery and Porcelain of the United States, 1893. John Vanderslice Avrote Around the World, Sketches of Travel Through Many Lands and Over Many Seas, 1876. William Whitehead wrote Etoile and Other Poems, 1872. Brinton W. Woodward wrote Old Wine in New Bottles, 1890. Dr. J. T. Eothrook wrote Vacation Cruising in Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, and has also written a large number of sci- entific articles, which have been embodied in government reports, mainly on forestry. Judge Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker wrote Annals of Pha- nixville and Vicinity; Historical and Biographical Sketches, 1883; Pennsylvania Supreme Courts, four volumes, 1882 to 1886; Weelcly Notes of Cases argued and deternfiued in the Supi'eme Court of Pennsylvania, 1875 to 1891; and the Descent of Samuel Whitaker Pennypacker, 1898. • Dr. William Darlington compiled a Directory of West Ches- ^ m^ F-GuUfyuii Cd GILBERT COPE. AND ITS PEOPLE. 671 ter in 1857, iu wliicli he publislied a short History of West Chester lip to that (late. Gilbert Cope is also author of the following works: Gene- alogy of the Shai^Dless Family, descended from John and Jane Sharpless, settlers near Chester, Pennsylvania, 1682; together with some account of the English aucestiT of the family, includ- ing the results of researches by Henry Fishwick, F. H. S., and the late Joseph Lemuel Chester, LL. D.; and a full report of the Bi-Centennial Keunion of 1S82. Compiled by Gilbert Cope of West Chester, Pa. Published for the Family, under the auspices of the Bi-Ceutounial Committee. Philadelphia, 1887. pp. xvi., 1333. This contains the names of over 19,000 descendants of John and Jane Sharpless, with several thousand otliers connected with the family by marriage. The Grubb Family of Pennsylvania and Delaware, 1893. This is a pamphlet of twelve double-column pages, reprinted from the Daily Local News; Ancestral Chart. This is a blank for filling up with the names of all a person's ancestors covering eight generations; first published in 1875, with a second edition in 1879. This is much in. demand by those iater- ested in their ancestry; Genealogical Records of the ancestry of William Hood Dunwoody, of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Now iu press; Darlington Genealogy, nearly ready for the press, and to be published this year (1898); Smedley Genealogy, in preparation — a large work, which will probably appear in 1899. Thomas Buchanan Read was born about four miles from Downingtown, Chester County, on March 12, 1822, and died in New York City, May 11, 1872. His mother, a widow, apprenticed him to a ta.ilor, but he ran away, learned in Philadelphia the trade of cigar-making, and iu 1837 made his way to Cincinnati, where he found a home with the sculptor, Shobal V. Clevenger. He learned the trade of a sign painter, and attended school at intervals. Not succeeding in Cincinnati, he went to Dayton, and 39 672 CHESTER COUNTY obtained an engagement in the theater. Returning to Cincin- nati in about a year, he was enabled by the liberality of Nicholas Longworth to open a studio as a. portrait-painter. lie did not long remain in Cincinnati, but wandered from town to town paint- ing signs when he could find no sitters, sometimes giving public entertainments, and reverting to cigar-making when other re- sources failed. In 1841 he removed to New York City, and withiu a year to Boston. While there he made his first essays as a poet, publishing in the Courier several lyric poems in 1843-44. Tie settled in Philadelphia in 1S4G, and visited Europe in 1850. In 1853 he went again to Europe and devoted himself to the stud^- and practice of art in Florence and Rome until 1858. He after- ward spent much time in Philadelphia and Cincinnati, but in the last years of his life made Rome his principal residence. While in the United States during the Civil War he gave public read- ings for the benefit of the soldiers, and recited his war songs in the camps of the National army. He died while making a visit to the United States. His paintings, most of which deal with allegorical and mytho- logical subjects, are full of poetic and graceful fancies, but the technical treatment is careless and unskillful, betraying his lack of early training. The best known are The Spirit of the \Vater- fall. Undine, The Lost Pleiad, The Star of Bethlehem, Longfel- low's Children, Cleopatra and her Barge, and Sheridan's Ride. He painted portraits of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the ex-queen of Naples, George M. Dallas, Henry W. Longfellow, Leigh Hunt, Tennyson, and others. His group of Longfellow's daughters was popular in photographs. He turned his hand occasionally fo sculpture, producing one work, a bust of Sheridan, that attracted much attention. He possessed a much more thorough mastery of the means of expression in the art of poetry than in painting. His poems are marked by a fervent spirit of patriotism and by artistic power and fidelity in the description of American scenery AXD ITS PEOPLE. 673 and rural life. His first volume of Poems (Philadelphia, 181T> was followed by Lays and Ballads (1848). He next made a col- lection of extracts and specimens from the Female Poets of America (1848), containing also biographical notices and portrait (IraAvn by himself. An edition of his lyrics, with illustrations by Kenny Meadows, appeared in London in 1852, and 1853 a new and enlarged edition was published in Philadelphia. A prose romance, entitled The Pilgrims of the Great St. Bernard, was pub- lishe- scribed. The bill provided for a capital stock of 4,500 shares at f oO per share, and as soon as the subscription books were closed the stock was immediately in demand. The charter was obtained August 2, 1814, and at a meeting of the stockholders held Se]>tember 8, 1814, thirteen directors were chosen, as follows: Jesse Mercer, Jesse John, Joseph Taylor, Charles Kogers, Daniel Hiester, Josejjh McClellan, James Ketou, Dr. William Darlington, John W. Townsend, Jesse Good, Isaac Dai'lington, Joshua Weaver and James Jefferis. The next day Joseph McClellan was chosen president and Daniel Hiester, cashier. Mr. Hiester then resigned as director of the bank, and AND ITS PEOPLE. 717 Thomas Hoopes was appointed in his stead, liooms over tlie county ofiSces at the northwest corner of Market and High Streets were obtained, which were opened for business November 11, 1811. On November 21, 1811, the second board of directors was chosen as follows: Joseph McClellan, Jesse Mercer, Jesse John, Dr. William Darlington, Charles Rogers, David Dickey, Isaac Darling- ton, Jesse Good, Thomas Hoopes, Joseph Taylor, John W. Town- send, Thomas "N^'orth and David Towusend. At that time on account of the fact that West Chester was not widely known the directors thought it wise to state on the face of the circulating notes that the bank Avas "between Philadelphia and Lancaster,'' in order that holders might know where the bauk was located. The following is the form of the note first issued: THE ^ANK OF CHESTER COUNTS, TSetween Philadelphia and Lancaster, 5 tq Promises to pay to bearer on demand § I FIVE DOLLARS. ^ IVest Chester, Penna. ^ DANIEL HIESTER, JOSEPH McCLELLAN, S! Cashur. President. On January 6, 1818, it was resolved to erect a banking-house and a committee previously appointed to select a site for the pro- posed building was directed to olfer William Towusend |500 for a lot forty feet front on Gay Street at the coi'uer of 'Walnut, asking for a positive answer within a week. On January 20, 1818, it was resolved to purchase a lot thirty feet front on High Street for |500, and on the 23d the committee produced a deed for the lot therein described, but for some reason the project was not carried out. On March 17, I8I8, it was ordered that the house and lot on High Street opposite the Court-house, belonging to Nathan H. Sharpless, be purchased for the use of the bank for |5,250, and the banking-house was fitted up at a cost of |1,12G.19, and Joseph McClellan, presi- 71 8 CHESTER COUNTY dent of the bank, was allowed |250 for his wages for the year then closing. The bank was re-chartered March 22, 1824, and during the next few years the business of the institution was exceptionally good. So rapid indeed did the business increase that it became necessary to erect a new building, which was done about 183G, the funds for its erection coming out of the profits of the.^bank, whicli would otherwise under the law have been turned over to the State, as a dividend of more than six per cent, could not be declared. This building is a large and substantial one, built of Chester County marble, and having a noble Doric portico in front, there being four large fluted columns, four feet in diameter at the base and tapering to three feet at the top, and being twenty-five in height. The architect of this building was Thomas U. Walter of Philadelphia, one of the most noted architects so far produced by the United States. The cost of the building was about |30,000. To this build- ing the business of the bank was transferred in 1837. On May 30, 1843, the capital stock of the bank, which had then increased to $300,000, was reduced to |22.5,000, and the par value Aif the shares became |2.5. This reduction was made by deducting from the capital stock the following loans: Union Canal Loans, $25,000; Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Loans, $25,000; Susque- hanna & Tide-water Canal Loans, $35,000; Loans to individuals, $23,548.50; Loans to the State, $26,451.50; total, $135,000. On October 11, 18G4, Avhen it was in contemplation to change to a National bahk, Joel Hawley, Joseph Dowdall, and P. G. Carey, not holding suflicient stock to warrant them in retaining their positions as directors, resigned. And on October 14, 1864, a series of resolutions was adopted providing for the surrender of the State charter, which had been renewed in 1837 for fifteen years and in 1852 for the same length of time, and organizing under the National Banking Law of 1863. The name of the bank then became the National Bank of Chester County, and the capital stock of the bank was fixed at $225,000, with authority to increase it to any AND ITS PEOPLE. 719 amcmut uot to exceed |-l:50,000. The number of this bank among the Xational banks is 552, the certificate of authorization bearing tliis number being signed by Hugh McCulJough, October 25, 18()4. On November 1, following, P. P. Sharpless, Joseph DoAvdall, Will- iam Darlington and M. B. Hickman were appointed to fill vacan- cies in the board of directors occasioned by the resignations of others. The other membei's of the first board of directors of this as a National bank were as follows: John Marshall, Thomas S. Cox, Brinton Darlington, ^Yalter Hibbard, Samuel H. Hoopes, Eusebius FI. To^nsend, Dr. Isaac Thomas, Dr. George Thomas and William B. Waddell. Among the prominent men who were directors of the old Ches- ter County Bank were the following: William Darlington, who was the last survivor of the original board at the time of his death, April 23, 1863; Isaac Darlington, Joshua Weaver, William Wil- liamson, Isaac D. Barnard, W. H. Dillingham, Joseph Hemphill, Enoch Harlan and John Smith Futhey. The other members of the board of directors since the organi- zation of this as a Xational bank have been as follows: Lorenzo Beck, Henry P. Sharpless, Charles Fairlamb, Washington Town- send, Milton Conard, Kobert Neely, Francis .J. Darlington, H. T. Fairlamb, James Smith, M. Shaner Chrisman, William P. Marshall, J. Preston Thomas, Edwin James, TS'illiam F. Dowdall, Joshua E. Hibbard, William B. Sharpless, Thomas W. Marshall, G. Morris Phillips, D. M. McFarland, Thomas S. Chambers and Thomas Hoopes, the last eleven of whom constitute the boai'd at the present time, the number of directors having been reduced October 5, 1897, from thirteen to eleven. In 1871 the interior of the bank was entirely remodeled and ijew vaults put in, all at a cost of |10,048.73. In 1889 safety deposit vaults were put in at a cost of |15,223.G2, and in 1898 a new floor ^\as laid, of iron joists and iron lining, in order to render the build- ing entirely fire-proof. 42 720 CHESTER COUNTY The presidents of this bauli since its organization have been as follows: Joseph McClellan, September 0, 1814, to November 25, 181 G, and from November 24, 1817, to November 22, 1819; James M. Gjb- bous. November 25, 1816, to November 24, 1817; Eiehard Thomas, Jr., November 22, 1819, until his death in Febrnary, 1830; Dr. William Darlington, Febrnary 23, 1830, until his death April 23. 18G3; John Marshall, May 1, 1863, until his death June 22, 1873; Walter Hibbard, June 27, 1873, to his death July 31, 1879; Wash- ington Townsend, August 5, 1879, to his death March 18, 1894, and William P. Marshall, March 27, 1894, to the present time. The cashiers of the bank have been as follows: Daniel Hiester, September 9, 1814, to October 1, 1817; David Townsend, October 1, 1817, to April 10, 1849; Washington Town- send, April 10, 1849, to October 30, 1857; William W. Jefferis, Octo- ber 30, 1857, to June 12, 1883; Paul F. Whitehead, July 1, 1883, until his deatb, October 14, 1884, and I. Gary Oarver from Novem- ber 1, 1884, to the present time. The present charter of this bank will expire October 12, 1904. Methods of transacting banking business were in the early days quite different from those now in vogue. The directors of this bank, thirteeen in number, were selected in such manner as to give each part of the county a representation on the board, and these directors in coming from their homes to West Chester were entrusted with the money which their neighbors desired to deposit in the bank. When a depositor desired to use money in the trans- action of his business it was customary for him to withdraw it in specie or paper and pay it out direct to his creditor. The great advantages of the check system had not then dawned upon the minds of the people, whereas now from ninety to ninety-five pti cent of the transfers fi'om debtor to creditor, including the payment of foreign bills, that is, debts in Philadelphia, New York and other distant places, are paid by the debtor sending his personal check AXD ITS PEOPLE. 721 on his own bank. The deposits of this bank have steadily in creased, ther being in 1850 from .|215,000 to |250,0()0; in ISOO from 1175,000 to 1247,000; in 1870 frcmi 1300,000 to |COO,0(IO; in 1800 from 1430,000 to |645,000, and in 1898 from |750,000 to |950,000. Semi-annnal dividends have been declared by this bank as follows: From 1850 to 18G0, 5 to G per cent; 18G0 to 1890, G to 8 per cent and from 1890 to 1898, from 6 to 7 per cent. The First National Bank of West Chester had its origin in the following manner: On November 13, 18G3, the following-named gentlemen met in the banking-house of Brinton & Wilson in West Chester, to consider the expediency of establishing a national bank in said borough, viz.: George Brinton, David Woelffer, Joseph Hemphill, William WoUerton, Wellington Hickman, John Smith Futhey, and William S. Kirk. The following resolution was adopted : " Kesolved, That we associate ourselves together for the imr- pose of carrying on the business of banking under the act of Con- gress entitled: "An Act to provide a National Currency secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circula- tion and redemption tliereof," approved February 25, 18G3." The name adopted for this new financial in.stitution was tlie First National Bank of West Chester, and the capital stock was fixed at 150,000, each share to be flOO. Articles of association were entered into November 13, 18G3, and on November 17, 18G3, an election for directors was held, resulting in the election of the above named seven gentlemen. At the fii'st annual election the same gentlemen were re-elected, and George Brinton was chosen president and William S. Kirk cashier. On November 17, 18(>3, Joseph Hemphill, William Wollerton and John Smith Futhey were appointed a committee to procure a building in which to carry on the business of banking, and on December 11 reported in favor of the house then owned by David Meconkey, which stood im- mediately north of the Bank of Chester County, which was leased 722 CIIEtiTER COUXTY for five years. December IG the capital stock of tJie bank was in- creased to flOO,000, and on January 2, 1804, tlie business of bank- ing was regularly coiumeuced. On January 9 the number of direc- tors was increased to nine, and the following gentlemen were elected: George Brinton, William Chalfant, John Smith Futhey, Joseph Hemphill, Wellington Hickman, Andrew Mitchell, Robert Parke, David Woelffer and William Wollerton. On May 24, 18(54, it was i-esolved to erect a building for the use of the bank, and a lot was purchased of James D. McClellan, on which the present bank building stands, and the building was erected at a cost of |25,000. Into this building the bank moved March 15, 18G5. On August 9, 18G4, the capital of tJie bank was increased to 1200,000. The presidents of this bank have been as follows: George Brinton, from the organization as given above to Januar^^ 15, 18G9; William Wollerton, Januaiy 15, 18G9, until his death, April 29, 1898; Alfred P. Reid elected president May 21, 1898. The cashiers have been as follows: William S. Kirk, from the organization until April 16, 1867; James G. McCollin, April 1<>, 1807, to Februai-y 14, 1808; Thomas W. Marshall, February 14, 18(58, to December 17, 1872; Enos E. Thatcher, December 17, 1872, to January, 1887; F. W. Wollerton, from January, 1887, to the present time. In 1897 the interior of the building was remodeled and im- proved, safety deposit vaults being put iu containing 300 private boxes, the capacity of the vaults being upward of 000, the entire cost being about .f 11,000. These private boxes rent for from .fS to |12 per year, making it one of the most convenient banking rooms in the county. The Firet National Bank of Honeybrook was organized Jan- uai*y 1, 1868, Avith the following directors: Joshua Kames, E. I). White, R. W. Morton, Thomas Millard, William Gorbit, Joseph C. Davis, Samuel Lemmon, James C Roberts, and Thomas S. Ingram. AyD ITS PEOPLE. 7^3 Josliiui Kaiiies was the first president and l\ii-hard D. Wells first cashier. The bank was opened for business at Honeybrook Feb- ruary 8, 1868, and on April 9, 1808, both the president and cashier resigned their iiositions. E. D. White then became president and R. W. Mottou, cashier. January 11, 1877, Samuel Lemmon became president, serA-injj until his death in Februan-, 1892. Then he was succeeded by John S. Gait, who has seized ever since. Mr. Morton served as cashier until January, 1892, when he died and was succeeded by John E. Tinger, who has served ever since. The capital of this bank was at first |100,000, at which it re- mains. Tlie present directors are John S. Gait, Theodore M. 8toob, Jacob Hertzler, John A. Lemmon, Thonms Millard, William Mar- tin, John Stauffer, Jacob Hartz. E. D. Haines & Co., private bankers of West Chester, began business in 18()8. The members of tlie firm at the beginning of and up to 1883, wlien Mr. Haines died, were E. D. Haines and J. T. Murtagh, their place of business being No. 19 North High Sti'eet. Pyle & Brown (Abner Pyle and Thomas B. Brown), private bankers of West Chester, began business in February, 1871, each of them having been in business separately in West Chester for two years. They moved into their present building in 1872, Nos. Ill and 113 North High Street. The business is of the nature of general banking, loan, real estate and insurance. D. M. McFarland, banker of Wester Chester, has been engaged in this business since 18(18. It was established in 1820 by a Mr. Warren, who was succeeded therein by Thomas Williamson, and he was succeeded in 1834 by David Meconkey. The latter gentle- man carried on the business until 1868, when Mr. McFarland took charge. The business includes in addition to banking, conveyanc- ing, and the drawing u]) of legal papers of all kinds, and Mr. Mc- Farland has acted as administrator for many estates. The office of the bank is on North High Street, opposite the Court-house. 724 CHESTER COUNTY The Dowuingtowu Bauk was organized as a State institution Septembers, 1800, beginning business May 16, 18G1, with a capital of 150,000, which in 1863 was increased to .*100,000. It was changed to a National bank December 30, 1864, under the name of the Downingtown National Bank of Pennsylvania, with the follow- ing directors: William Edge, Jonathan C. Bald-nin, Samuel Eing- walt, Peter Dampman, David Shelmire, Dr. John P. Edge, Leonard F. Roberts, William Kogers, Jacob Edge, Samuel P. Millei", and Jonathan P. Butler. The presidents of this bank have been as follows: Charles Downing, November 23, 1860, until his death, May 3, 1863; David Shelmire, June 1, 1863, to November 3, 1863; William Trimble, No- vember 23, 1863, to his death, December 18, 1863; William Edge, December 28, 1863, to May 29, 1865; Jacob Edge, May 29, 1865, to March 13, 1889; Joseph R. Downing, April 4, 1889, to the present time. The cashiers have been : Mordecai T. Euth, from the organiza- tion until December 1, 1863; Joseph E. Downing, December 1, 1863, until April 4, 1889; Thomas W. Downing, April 11, 1889, to the present time. The Parkesburg National Bank. On April 14, 1869, Parke, Smith & Co., a private firm, established themselves in the banking business, with a capital of 150,000, and a board of directors consist- ing of Robert Parke, Robert Baldwin, Robert Fairlamb, John N. Chalfant, John A. Parke, and Ezekiel R. Young. Robert Parke was l>resident, and Samuel R. Parke, cashier. The name of this pri- vate in.stitution was the Parkesburg Bank. On April 22, 1873, Robert Parke resigned as president. Samel R. Parke becoming- president, and Robert Agnew Futhey, cashier. On March 30, 1880, this institution became a National bank, under the name at the head of this article, Avith the same president and cashier, and the following directors: Samuel R. Parke, Robert Parke, Robert Fair- lamb, John A. Mon'ison, M. D., John Y. Latta, and James B. Ken- AXI) ITH PEOPLE. 725 uedy. At the present time tlie directors of this bank are as fol- lows: John A. Morrison, John Y. Latta, James B. Kennedy, Robert Futhey, John A. Parke, and A. T. Parke, the officers being Samuel R. Parke, president, and M. F. Hamill, cashier. The National Bank of Chester Valley, at Coatesville, was or- ganized hrst as a State bank. May 1, 1857, with the following board of directors: Abraham Gibbons, Nathan Eambo, Enoch S. McCaughey, William Dripps, Henry G. Thomas, Caleb Pierce, Lewis Maxton, Hugh E. Steele, Isaac Hayes, Charles Downing, John W. Wagoner, Samuel Slokum and James King Grier. Abra- liam Gibbons was the president and Francis F. Davis cashier. On November 17, ISO-i, it became a National bank, the same of- ficers remaining in charge until 1882, when Mr. Gibbons i-esigned and was succeeded by William Mode. Cashier Davis died in 1883 and Avas succeeded by John \\. Thompson. In 1893 Mr. Mode re- signed the presidency and was succeeded by Mr. Thompson, H. J. Branson becoming cashier. The first directors of this bank when it changed to a National bank were the following: Abraham Gib- bons, Samuel Slokoni, James Penrose, Hugh W. Robinson, Alex- ander Moore, Jr., Joseph .Davis, Levis Pennock, Jr., James King Grier and Dr. Charles Huston. The present board of directors is as follows: H. Preston Baker, William H. Gibbous, Lewis B. Hen- son, A. F. Huston, Alexander Mode, Jesse Shallcross, J. H. Schrack, Brinton Walker and J. W. Thompson. In 1895 the building was enlarged and improved, and a large fire and burglar ]n'oof vault was put in, containing 210 small safes of various sizes, which are rented at a merely nominal cost. The Octoraro Bank at Oxford «'as cliartered by the State in 1857 and organized in July, 1858. The first board of directors of this bank was as follows: Samuel Dickej', John M. Keiton, John B. Harlan, Dr. D. \\. Hutchinson, J. C. Taylor, G. W. Lefevre, A. F. Eves, David Hayes and Daniel Stubbs. Dr. E. V. Dickey, the first president, died soon after his election, and was succeeded by 726 CHESTER COUXTY Eev. Samuel Dickey, who remained president until his death, Janu- ary 14, 1884, when he was succeeded by S. 1\. Dickey. ,__^ On Februaiy 19, 18G5, the State charter was surrendered and the bank was opened as a National institution under the name of "The National Bank of Oxford," with the following directors: Samuel Dickey, John M. Kelton, J. C. Taylor, K. H. Kirk, A. F. Eves, Alexander Turner, D. W. Hutchison, Newtou I. Nichols, P. W. Housekeeper, James K. Eamsey, James A. Strawbridge, Will- iam E. Bingham and Daniel Stubbs. The present directors are: S. K. Dickey, William R. Bingham, William T. Fulton, 0. D. Arm- strong, R. B. Patterson, Edgar F. Fulton, T. J. Foulk, J. M. 0. Car- hart and J. E. Kamsey. The capital of the bank, which at first was 1100,000, is now |125,000, the surplus fund is |25,000 and the un- divided profits 125,000, and the total amount of dividends paid since it became a National bank is f27G,000. Dr. James H. Cunningham was cashier of the Octoraro bank and of the National bank until May, 1866, when he was succeeded by John Janvier, who died in July, 1878, and was succeeded by by James E. Ramsey, who is still cashier. The Farmers' National Bank of Oxford was established in 1868 as a private bank by Kirk, MacVeagh & Co. In 1870 it became a State bank under the name of the Oxford Banking Company, was incorporated Mai-ch 11, 1872, and was chartered as a National bank in 1883. The president of the Oxford Banking Company was James Wood, president, aiud David M. Taylor, cashier. The of- ficers at the present time are as follows: President, D. M. Tay- lor ,and cashier, R. A. Walker. The board of directors is as follows: H. A. Menough, J. Dickey Smith, J. D. Nelsou, Eber Hestou, M. D., C. Blackburn, Ainos K. Bradley, Levi B. Kirk, D. M. Taylor and Henry Cope. The capital stock is |75,000; deposits, .5!170,672.1.5 ;. discounts, .f20o,4G0.32, and the surplus fund and undivided profits, $32,000. J. A. Watt & Co., bankers at Oxford, began business here in AND ITS PEOPLE. 727 1873, aud carry ou a general baukiug business in all its branches. J. A. Watt is s.ole proprietor of the business aud C. N. Lawrie is the cashier. The Dime Savings Bank of Chester County, located in the As- sembly Building, at West Chester, was incorporated April 22, 1890. The purposes of the bank are indicated by the act under which it was organized, which was approved May 20, 1889. It receives deposits from all classes in any amount, from ten cents to f 5,000, and allows interest at the rate of three per cent, per annum ou all deposits aggregating two dollars remaining on deposit three calendar months or more. The net earnings of the bank are also divided among the depositors. The officers of this bank at present are Alfred P. Reid, president; William P. Marshall, vice-president;, Thomas E. Parke, second vice-president; Joseph S. Evans, secre- tary, and John A. Rupert, cashier. The following statement shows the condition of this bank at the close of business May 14, 1898: Mortgages, |195,675; munic- ipal bonds and premiums on same, |;j5,944.75, and money in bank and cash on hand .f4,194.;)9. Total resources, |255,814.74; liabili- ties, to depositors, 1250,344.89, and undivided profits, |5,4C9.85. This bank has issued altogether 6,75G bank books, aud at the present time there are 4,500 open accounts. The board of trustees of this bauk are as follows: R. T. Cornwell, kS. D. Ramsey, Henry C. Baldwin, L. J. Brower, Wallace S. Harlan, J. Frank E. Hause, Davis W. Entriken, :Marsliall H. Matlack, Joseph S. Evans, Lewis C. Moses, Alfred P. Reid, Geo. Morris Philips, J. Preston Thomas, Plummer E. Jefferis, Addison Jones, William P. Marshall, Michael J. Murphy, Elislia G. Cloud, J. Comly Hall, Thos. E. Parke, M. D. Evan T. Pennock. The National Bank of West Grove was organized in 1882, with a capital of 150,000. The officers have been as follows: President, Samuel K. Chambers; cashier, Walter W. BroAvn; vice-presidents^ 728 CHESTER COUNTY Samuel C. Kent, 1882-94; Menander Wood, 1804-97; Robert L. Tyle, 1897 to the present time. The first board of directors was as fol- lows: Samuel K. Chambers, KSamuel C. Kent, Henry Cope, Charles Diugee, David IMercer, Ivobert T>. Pylc, 'William 11. I'yle, Mordecai y. Taylor and Menander Wood. The present board is as foUous: Samuel K. (lluDubeJ's, Henry Cope, Alfred F. Couard, Joel P. Conard, Alouzo B. Criswell, William B. Harvey, David Mercer, Robert L. Pyle and Emmor B. Wood. The bank is located on Exchange Place, owns its building, and rents rooms to the postottice authorities and to private parties. The capital remains as at first, tlie surplus is |22,000, deposits, 1125,000, and with the exception of the first six months, a dividend of three per cent, has been declared semi-annually. The National Bank of Avcmdale was established June 25, 1891, with the same officers as at present, except the vice-president, viz.: Samuel Wickersham, president; M. B. Kent, vice-president, and E. Pusey Passmore, cashier, then the youngest cashier in the State. The vice-president since 1891 has been W. J. Pusey. The first board of directors was as follows: S. Wickersham, S. John Pyle, W. J. Pusey, M. B. Kent, Edwin C. Cloud, Augustus Brosius, Will- iam \A'illard, Harry C. Taylor, 1. Frank Chandler, A\'. F. \'ernou iind Z. Lamborn. The present board is as follows: S. Wickersham, W. J. Pusey, S. John Pyle, Augustus Brosius, B. H. Chambers, Samuel Sharp- less, William Willard, Tliomas H. Marvel, M. G. Brosius, John T. Alexander, and Solomon J. Pusey. The bank building, one of the most neat and elegant little buildings in the county, stands on Pennsylvania, No. 116. It is of Avondale limestone, and cost |13,000. There is in it a safety deposit vault of uKidern construction, whicji contains seventy-two boxers which rent from .|2.50 to |G per annum. The business was trans- ferred to this new building, ^\ liicli is heated by a water heater, in October, 189G. The capital of this bank is as at first, 150,000, the AXD /7W PEOPLE. 729 surplus ou May 5, 1898, was |15,000, the deposits then amounted to 1127,000, and beginning in 1891, it has declared a dividend of two and a half per oent. semi-amiually. Tlie Farmers' National Bank of West Chester was organized December 5, 18S2, and was chartered January 11, 1883, with a capi- tal of .$100,000. It commenced business in a rented room in the building standing on the southwest corner of Market and High .Streets, West Chester, but purchased the building January 1, 1897. Its presidents have been as folhiws: Samuel Butler, H. B. Buckwal- ter and A. P. Hall, and its casliier has been and is William Dowlin. The directors at the present time are J. M. Baker, A. P. Hall, 11. F. Hooi)es, Levi G. McCauley, Thomas W. Baldwin, Jesse Darlington, John E. Huey, H. P. Worth and Samuel R. Downing. The capital remains as at the beginning and the sui'plus is now f 15,350. The National Bank of Keuuett Square was authorized to begin the business of banking by certificate dated May 16, 1881. The first board of directors was Jolin Marshall, Tliomas Marshall, George B. Sharpe, J. Mitchell Baker, Elbvood Micheuer, Thomas J. Webb, Ezra L. Baily and William Press. The first president was John Marsliall, and the first cashier D. Duer Philips. On May 23, 1885, John Marshall died, and uas succeeded by Edward B. Darlington, who is still president. The capital stock of the bank has been increased to |100,000, the deposits amount to from $210,- 000 to $250,000, and the bank is in an uuusually prosperous con- dition. Tile National Bank of Coatesville was established March 0, 1889, and began business on the 25th of the same month with a capital of .flOO,000. Ou April 1, 1889, the erection of the present handsome brownstone structure occupied by tliis bank and the postoffice was begun, and by October 1 of the same year it was ready for occupancy. The first board of trustees of tliis bank was as follows: Samuel Greenwood, president, W. P. Worth, James B. W^right, J. S. Worth, J. W. Boyle, K. W. Schrack, Joseph 730 CHESTER COUNTY Beale, Joliu Gillillau, and O. A. Boyle. The cashier has been M. W. Powuall since the establishment of the institution. The National Bank of Spring City was organized Jnly 23, 1872, with directors as follows: Casper S. Francis, Charles Peters, Ben- jamin Prizer, Jacob Chrismau, John Stanffer, Benjamin Bambo, A. D. Ilunsicker, John X. Miller, and Charles Tyson. The first president of this bank was Casper S. Francis, and the first cashier, John T. Eachns. The capital originally was |100,000, but in 1873 it was increased to |150,000. The second president of the bank was Daniel Latshaw, and the third and present one, A. P. Fritz. The second and present cashier was W. J. Wagoner. The directors of this bank at tlie present time are A. P. Fritx, Davis Kuauer, Dr. W. Brower, Daniel B. Latshaw, Edward Browuback, Miltcm Lat- shaw, Franklin March and P. W. BroAvuback. The Farmers' and Meclianics' National Bank of PlKenixville was incorporated February 5, 1872, with a capital of |50,000, which in 1871 was increased to |150,000. The first board of directors was composed of Elias Oberholtzer, Newton Evans, Matthias C. Penny- packer, Hyram H. Stover, Abraham Grater, Andrew Tyson, J. D. Wismer, and Jesse Gabel. The first president was Elias Ober- holtzer, who died December 17, 1S7(). John Kennedy succeeded him and died September 4, 1877. Aaron H. Stover then became president and held the office until February, 1887; John Detwiler was president until 1889; J. Thomas F. Hunter until 1801, and tlie present president, I. J. Brower, was elected January \7t, 1891. The first cashier was J. Newton Evans, who was succeeded in the office July 1, 1875, by J. Theodore F. Hunter who held the office until 1887; George K. Poberts, until 1890; I). W. Brower, uutil 1892, and H. A. Jenks, the present cashier, was elected January 11, 1892. Harry W. Brower is now teller in the bank. This bank was re-organized in 1891, placed under new management and since then it has had a very successful career. The present board of directors is as follows: I. J. Brower, Mahlon Miller, Isaac Detwiler, AND IT^ PEOPLE. t^si Hiram Biukwalter, J. G. Detwiler, E. L. Bmkwalter, J. II. Jolm- son, H. F. Ralston and Amos G. Gotwals. The National Bank of Pbd'uixville. The tirst attempt to estab- lish a bank in Ph(euixA-ille was in 1852, when Messrs. Peunypacker, xSherwood, Kreamer, Bonner, AVbeatley, Xicliolas Bean and Joseph ^^'hitake^ organized themselves into sneh an institution; but the Legislature refused to grant a charter, and the attempt was aban- doned. The next attempt was made in 1S5(>, which resulted in the organization of the Bank of Phoenixville March 12, 1859, the first board of directors being Joseph J. Tustin, William M. Taylor, Nicholas Bean, Daniel Latshaw, Nathan T. MacVeagh, Jolm Mor- gan, Levi B. Kaler, N. M. Ellis, Benjamin Prizer, William ]M. Stephens, Isaac Chrisman and Daniel Bucher. The first president was Samuel Buckwalter, and the first cashier, Jacob B. Morgan, who resigned in 1890, and was succeeded by Horace Lloyd, who has held the office ever since. This bank on December 30, 18G4, organized as the National Bank of Phcenixville, with the following directors: Samuel Buck- waiter, John Morgan, Samuel Kreamer, Samuel Moses, Jacob B. Landis, Henry Fink, Casper S. Francis, Joel Fink, Levi Prizer, and C. B. Heebner. The first president of the bank, Samuel Buck- waiter, held the position until his death, his successor, Henry Loucks, being elected March 18, 1869, and holding the office until January, 1890, and was succeeded by P. G. Carey who held the office until his death, in June, 1897, and then L. B. Kaler, the pres- ent official, succeeded him. The capital of this bank was originally |100,000, but it was in- creased from time to time until it became $200,000. At first the business was conducted in a dwelling-house, but a commodious banking-house was afterward erected, which has all the modern appliances for convenience and safety. This bank has a surplus of 150,000, and for many j'ears has paid its stockholders a semi- annual dividend of four per cent. 732 CHESTER COUNTY The Phcpnix Mutual Fire Insiirauce Company was incorporat- ed Xovember 8, 1875, its tirst president being W. W. Waitneight and first secretary, George M. Bishop. The business of the com- pany has always been conducted in a careful and conservative man- ner, and has in consequence been eminently successful. It has paid losses by fire aggregating |151,120, and has averaged only one assessment a year. The officers at the present time are as follows: George M. Bishop, president; P. Strode Brown, secretary, and G. C. Browubaclv, treasurer. Tlie directors are as follows: George M. Bishop, Plujenixville; A. E. Eachus, Pha'nixvilie; Daniel Eixstine, Phoenixville; L. R. Walters, Phoenixville; Abraham Det- wiler, Pbcenixville; H. Pratt, Coatesville; Gideon S. Moore, Mil- foi'd Mills; John Eees, Aldham; Daniel Schlipp, 8t. Peters; John White, Honeybrook; Jcdin T. Comly Jenkintown; E. Kranser, Nor- ristown; L. P. G. Fegley, Boyertown, Pa. The Phoenix Mutual Storm Insurance Company of Phoenix- ville was chartered July 30, 188G, for the purpose of insuring property against losses by wind, hail and lightning; and also cro|)s in the field, glass in houses and hothouses against loss by hail. Many people are protecting their property against losses of this nature by insuring in this company. Its officers and directors are as follows: Hon. D. F. Moore, president; P. Strode BroAvu sec- retary, and Abraham Detwiler, treasurer. The directors are: Hon. D. F. Moore, Phoenixville; Daniel Rixstine, Phoenix ville; Abraham Detwiler, Phoenixville; P. Strode Brown, Phoenixville; Harry Pratt, Coatesville; Jacob Emery, Chester Springs; John White, East Earl; L. P. G. Fegley, BoyertoAvn; Joseph Kelso, Douglass- ville; Heni'y Wamsher, Mcmocacy; Daniel Schlipp, Smedley; John Comly, Jenkintown; Jonathan Bees, Aldham. The Penn Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester County was incorporated August 14, 18(57, and its first policy was issued January 1, 1868. The first board of directors was as follows: Will- iam P. Towuseud, William Darlington, Washing-ton Townsend, AND ITS PEOPLE. 733 Elijah F. Pcunypaoker, Isaac Hayes, William AViiulle, Levi U. Croiise, John D. Worth, E. Haines Passmore, Jonathau Koberts, Pennock E. Marshall, and George C. M. Eioholtz. The first of- ficers were William P. Townsend, president; Elijah F. Penny- packer, vice-president; and Enoch Harlan, secretary and treasurer. The succeeding presidents have been as follows: William Windle, January, 1870, to January, 1877; J. Smith Fut.hey, until February, 1879; Elijah F. Pennypacker, until 1887; Edwin James, until 1892; and Alfred P. Keid, from 1892 until the present time. Enoch Harlan remained secretary and treasurer until his death in the summer of 1872, when he was succeeded by his son, Thomas W. Harlan, who resigned in July, 1873. He was succeeded by George M. Eupert, who held the office until 1884, and was then succeeded by Barclay Lear, the present secretary, the two offices being separated in 1884, William P. Sharpless becoming treasurer and serving until 1891, when Plummer E. Jefferis was elected and still holds the position. The Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chester County, lo- cated in Coatesville, was incorporated April 21, 1810, and \\'as or- ganized on May 16 followiug, at the public house of Hayes Clark in Doe Eun village. Joseph M. Thompson was elected its first presi- dent; Amos Fredd, treasurer, and Enoch Harlan, secretary. On October 5, 1810, business was commenced with fire risks to the amount of .f;iOO,000, but the company was without a permanent office until 18(30, the directors in the meantime meeting in various places throughout the county. During the summer of 1800 a building was erected in Coatesville, at which place the business of the company has since been conducted. This building was iised until 189(5, when the present commodious structure was erected. Commencing with policies to the amount of |100,000 the com- pany had policies out January 1, 1898, to the amount of |31,070,211, and the total amount of losses paid by the company up to the same date was .|1,C55,610.11, while the amount received for assess- 734 CHESTER COUNTY ments was -f 1,800,559.87. Xo extra assessment has ever been made. The Storm Department of the company was organized in 1890, and on December, 1896, it had in force insurance to the amount of 11,708,542. The following oflficers have served the company since its or- ganization: PRESIDENTS. Jos. M. Thompson, Morris Cope, Solomon Lukens, Moses Whitson, Charles Downing, Smedley Darlington to fill unexpired term of Chas. Downing, dec'd. Enoch Harlan, to April, 1864 Jacob Edge, from April, 1864 to 1868 from 1840 to 1844 « 1844 " 1848 a 1848 " 1850 n 1850 " 1853 (I 1853 " 1863 Wm. W. Eachus, 1808 a 1869 Archimides Eobb, 1869 a 1876 Levis Peunock, Jr., 1876 a 1880 Abraham Gibbons, 1880 a 1894 John P. Edge, 1894 a date. SECRETARIES. Enoch Harlan, from 1840 to 1863 Caleb H. Bradley, (I 1863 (( 1880 Isaac Spackman, t( 1880 a 1895 Briutou Cooper, Ass't, a 1880 a 1895 B. P. Cooper, Sec'y, (C 1895 it date. Thos. Speckman, Ass't Sec'y, a 1895 it date TREASURERS. Amos Fredd, from 1840 to 1841 Morris Cope, a 1841 a 1844 AND ITS PEOPLE. 735 Jos. M. Thompson, Henry G. Thomas, John A. Eeynolds, Dr. fTiarles Huston, Levis Pennock, Jr., Alexander Mode, Wm. H. Ridgway, John M. Lindsay, of Bryn Mawr, appointed a receiver in 1857, and surveyor in 1862, still holds both positions, having served for a longer term than any other of the present officers. Moses Rambo was elected manager in 1869, and still holds the office. PEOPLE. <( 1844 (( 1854 ct 1854 « 1867 tt 1867 « 1874 (I 1874 a 1881 « 1881 i< 1887 « 1887 i< 1894 u 1894 u date. 43 CHAPTER XVIll. RELIGION. CHAPTER XVIII. RELIGION — THE EARLIEST CHURCHES — NAMES OF PASTORS — THEIR METHODS OF INSTRUCTION — THE FRIENDS — THEIR VARIOUS SOCIETIES — DIVISION IN THEIR RANKS — THE CATHOLICS — THEIR GROWTH AND PRESENT STRENGTH — THE PRESBYTERIANS — BAPTISTS — METHODISTS — EPISCOPALIANS — REV. MR. USSHER — LUTHERANS — OTHER DENOMINATIONS — SUNDAY-SCHOOLS — CHARACTER OF PASTORS — BUILDINGS AND STATISTICS. IN writing the history of religion in Chester County it is not deemed necessarj' to go fui-ther back into the history of the Prov- ince of PenDS.Alvania than about the time when WiJliam Penn landed upon the Delaware, in 1082. Tben tliere were churches at Christina, New Castle, Wicaco and Tinicum. The church at Chris- tina was built soon after the arrival of Minuit, the date of which has already- been given. Kev. lieorus Torkillus was the first min- ister to begin the performance of his duties, probably in 1040. A handsome frame church building was erected on Tinicum Island by Governor Printz, which was deck, Iie\'. Israel Holgh, and j>erhaps a few otliei-s, came from Kweden. Dominie Loock had charge of two congregations, that at Christina and that at Tinicum. Kev. Petrus Laurentii Hjort and Rev. Mathias Nico- lai Nertimius came over with Governor Kisingh in 1054, but left with him The next year. Rev. Evai^lus \\'elius, a Dutch minister, 739 740 CHESTER COUNTY iu 1657 came to New Castle and relieved Pieterseu of bis pastoral duties. Pietersen remained thereafter simply "fore-singer, zieken- trooster, and deacon." For some years the necessity for religious instruction was greatly felt as those who had come over from Europe, as mentioned above, grew old and sick, unable to perform their usual duties, and for some time thei*e was not one active Swedish clergyman in the province, none but lay readers. At Tinicum Church Anders Beng-tson, an old man, sat and read postils, and at Christina, Charles Springer, a Swede who had been a slave in A'^irgiuia, read to the congregation. But at length under Charles XI., King of Sweden, missionaries and books were supplied at the expense of the government, and aftei'T\'ard, between 1G96 and 1786, not less than twenty-four miuisters were sent out by Sweden to the settlers on the Delaware. Rev. John Campanius was pastor at Tinicum from 1612 to 1648, spent much time in missionary work among the Delaware In- dians, and according to his own account converted many of them to Christianity. He studied Indian languages, and framed a vocabuhuy of the Delaware language, into which he translated for the benefit of that nation Luther's Shorter Catechism. Dr. Smith in his History of DelaAvare County says: "This year'' (1668) "a Swedish church was erected at Crane Hook, at Avhich Mr. Loock officiated, as well as at the church at Tinicum." This has reference to the church built, as stated above, in 1667. Cn April 13, 1671, according to the same authority, a. pass was granted "to the Magister Jacobus Fabritius, pastor of the Lutheran confession," to go to New Castle. Mr. Fabritius became the first pastor at Wicaco. In 1675 Itev. William Edmundson, a minister of the Society of Friends, traveled through this new country and found Robert Wade settled at Upland, and at Mr. Wade's house, a few other Friends having been collected, Mr. Edmundson held a meeting, AND ITS PEOPLE. .741 after wLich they weut in a boat to Salem, where they met with John Fenwick and a few Friends, who that year had come from England with John Feuwiclc. These names are especially note- , worthy, for Robert Wade and John Fenwick, who, together with other Friends who in 1675 came from England, were the first mem- bers of the Society of Friends that settled within the limits of ancient Chester County, or even within the limits of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, and this meeting at Eobert Wade's house was the first meeting of Friends within the county or common- wealth. And, of course, the Eev. William Edmundson was the fii'st minister of that Society to hold a meeting within the county. Eobert Wade was a purchaser of land from John Fenwick. While there were doubtless several other meetings within the county earlier than 1681, yet there is no record of any such meeting in Pennsylvania before that year, the first minute being as follows: "The 10th day of the 11th month, 1681. A monthly meeting of Friends belonging to Marcus-hook, alias Chester and Upland, held at the house of Eobert Wade." Meetings were held alteraately at the places above mentioned and were but one monthly meeting; but later the meeting at Eobert Wade's became Chester Monthly Meeting, and that at Mar- cus Hook, though at first calld the Chichester Monthly Meeting, became at length merged in the Concord Meeting. )/(^H^UJ-(fe^(According to Dr. Smith the only Friends or Qimkers who were heads of families settled at Chester and Marcus Hook, at the time of the arrival of the first vessel sent out by ^^'illiam Penn, were as follows: Eobert Wade, Eoger Pedrick, Morgan Drewet, William Woodmanson, Michael Izzard, Thomas Eevel, Henry Hastings, William Oxley, James Browne, Henry Eeynolds and Thomas Nos- siter. But it would be scarcely proper to pass over the Eev. William Edmundson without further mention. He is spoken of as an "emi- nent minister of the Friends," and in 1675-77 made a missionary' 742 CHESTER COVNTTi tour along the Atlantic coast from Ehode Island to the Caro- linas, stopping on the way at several places, holding meetings with the Friends and taking part in several controversies upon religious doctrines with ministers and others of other denomina- tions, according as he was moved "by the Spirit of the Lord." Inasmuch as the central idea, thought or principle of the religion of the Friends has had a most powerful effect upon the civilization of Pennsylvania, and other colonies and later States,. and so upon the entire country, in its educational, religious and civil history, it is not only proper but actually necessary to present in as clear light as possible that central thought or doctrine in this connection. And it will doubtless be more entertainingly and in- sti'uctively presented in the language of this eminent minister of the Friends as he was holding an argument with a certain minister of another religious society. After describing his expulsion from a "Worship-House" and his removal under guard to the "Guard Firelocks upon the Hill," in New Hertford, Connecticut, he says: "So that the officer who had me in charge first complained of the sharpness of the weather, and askt me, How I could endure the Gold? For he was very cold. I told him It was the Entertain- ment, that their great Professors of Religion in New England, af- forded a stranger, and yet professed the Scriptures to be their rule, which commanded to entertain strangers, and besides they had drawn my blood, &c. * * * Then he took me to an Inn, and presently the room was filled with Professors, much discourse we had, and the Lord strengthened me, and by his Spirit brought many passages of Scripture to my Eemembrance; so that Truth's Testimony was over them. As one company went away, another came. "When they were foiled a Preacher amongst the Baptists took up the argument against Tinitli, charging Friends with holding a great error, (Avhich was) That every Man had a Measure of the AND ITS PEOPLE. 745 Spirit of Clirist, and would know if I held tlie same Error? I told him, that was no Error, for tlie Scriptures witnessed to it plenti- fully: he said, he denied that the World had received a Measure of the Spirit, but Believers had received it. I told him, that the Apostle said, a Manifestation of the Spirit was given to every owe,, to profit with all; he said, that was meant to every one of the Be- lievers. I told him, Christ had enlightened every one that came into tlie World, with the Light of his Spirit; he said, that was^ every one (►f the Believers that came into the World: and as I brought him Scriptures, he still applied them to the Believers,, saying, there was the Ground of our Error, in applying that to every Man, which properly belonged to Believers. Then the Lord by his good Spirit brought to my mind the Promise of our Saviour, (when he told his Disciples of his going away,) that he would send the Comforter, the Spirit of Tiiith, that should con- vince the World of Siu, and should guide his Disciples into all Truth; thus the same Spirit of Trath, that leads Believers intc^ all Truth, convinces the World of Sin. So thou must grant, that all have received it, or else show from the Scriptures a SELECT Number of Believers, and besides them a WOKLD of Believers,, that hath the Spirit, also another WORLD of Unbelievers, that hath no Measure of the Spirit to convince them of Sin. "Here the Ijord's Testimony came over him, so that he was stopped, and many sober Profesvsors, who staid to see tlie end, acquiesced therewith, and said, indeed Mr. Rogers, the Man is iu the right; for you must find a SELECT Number of Believers, be- sides a WORLD that hath a Measure of the Spirit, that convinces^ them of Siu, and a WORLD that hath not the Spirit, so not con- vinced of Sin. This thou must do or grant the argument. "He was silent and the people generally satisfied in that mat- ter, their Understandings being opened : so they took their Leave of me very lovingly, it being late in the Night."* *The passage of Scripture on which the Friends rely to sustain this doctrine of the Light of the Spirit, or the Inner Light, is as follows: " That was the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world." John 1, 9. 744 CHESTER COUXTY Tliis doctrine of the luuer Light is still entertained by and is still the fundamental doctrine of the Friends. In an address delivered in West Chester, Februarv 1, 1898, John J. Cornell of Baltimore, a leading Friend, said that he had heard the silent nxouitor within address him im the "First day morning last, the vommand being 'Go to West Chester on Second day." " And as he made it a rule to obey this voice he had come, and the passage of Scripture suggesting itself to him was "What shall I do to be saved?" In answer to this (question he said that obedience to the inner voice to the highest expression of what is right, is that which will bring salvation. He said that a man needs not so much a pardon at the close of life for errors committed while he lived a.s he does guardianship during life that will keep him from error. To keep him from error is the mission of the inner light, and if a man be preserved from sin in the present life he will have no sin to atone for at the end of life. This is the sub- stance of Mr. Corneirs remarks on the Inner Light. William Penn's idea as to religious liberty is clearly expressed in the fol- lowing paragraph from his "Frame of (xovernmenf: "That all persons living in this Province, who confe.ss and acknowledge the one almighty and eternal God to be the creator, upholder and ruler of the world, and that hold themselves obliged in conscience to live peaceably and justly in civil society, shall in no ways be molested or prejudiced for their religious persuasion or practice in matters of faith and worship, nor shall they he com- pelled at any time to frequent or maintain any religious worship, place or ministry whatever." While this for the times in which it was promulgated was very broad and liberal, much more so than were the laws laid down for the government of religious matters in most of the other colonies, yet it is, as will be noticed, not without qualification. And it was the doctrine of the Friends regarding religious liberty and peace on earth and good-will toward men that drew so large a AXD ITS PEOPLE. 745 number of ijeople from opj^ression in Europe, who entertained such a great variety of opinion on religious matters, to this province, and this great variety of opinion would have made religious tolera- tion a necessity, even had there been any disf»osition on the part of the government or of any one denomination to interfere. The Friends, however, remained in the majority as to numbers up to the time of the IJevolutionary War, yet there were many repre- sentatives of the German sects, as Mennoniter«, Bunkers, Amish, etc., and also Episcopalians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptist.s, Catholics, etc. It is with these various denominations that this histarty publicly declared their unbelief in the Di- vine authority of the Scriptures, discarded the doctrine of the atonement of Christ and attempte«l t(» abolish the comely order of the discijdine long established among the Friends. This brief narrative is here presented, in order to show that although Elias Hicks, after whom the independent branch of the Societj- of Friends has since been named may have been origi- nal in his thinking, was not in point of fact the originator of the views that now for the most part distinguish those who are looked upon as his followers. The views taken of several of the orthodox doctrines by Elias Hicks have sometimes been denomi- nated the liicksian or Kationalistic system. The main differences between the Orthodox and Hicksite Friends may be stated as follows: The former affirm and the latter deny the following propositions: The miraculous birth of Christ; the divine Sonship and Mediatorship of Christ; His atoning sacrifice on the cross; the existence of such places as Heaven and Hell; that the Scrip- tures were given by the special inspiration of the Deity; but the latter do not insist upon uniformity of opinion cm these points as ■essential. 758 CHESTER COUNTY Both branches alike dispense with the sacraments and with a regular ordained ministry. Both believe in the doctrine of the inner light, and both practice the patient waiting upon God in silence. During Elias Hicks' ministry and travels he was several times in Chester County and the counties adjoining, and it is not to be wondered at that several of those adhering to orthodox views should attempt to show to him the error of his ways, ac- cording to their way of thinking. Among those who thus la- bored with him was "an ancient and venei'able Friend, Willia7n Jackson, a minister, of London Grove, in Pennsylvania." William Jackson was greatly astonished at the expression of such senti- ments as those entertained by Elias Hicks, such as that Christ suffered as a martyr, that he was the son of Joseph and Mary, that Spirit could only beget spirit, and that the account we have of the creation is the account of Moses, oiily, and is allegorical. Upon this declaration it is reported that William Jackson left him with a heavy heart. William Jackson was of the thii*d gen- eration from Isaac Jackson, the original emigrant of this family from Ireland, in 1725. But it was impossible to check the movement which resulted in the division of the Society into two bodies. In the winter of 1826-27 Elias Hicks made a visit to Philadelphia, and the appre- hensions of many members of the Society were then fully con- firmed, as his presence there tended to animate his adherents in the pursuit of those measures which I'esulted a few months later in the separation. Among those who labored zealously for the separation was John Comly, a minister of Byberry, near Phila- delphia. It was at the Select Yearly Meeting, held on the 14th of the 4th month, 1827, that after careful consideration, William Jackson suggested that a committee be appointed to visit the Select Quarterly and Preparative meetings and endeavor to ex- tend such advice and assistance as might conduce to the health AND ITS PEOPLE. 759- of the body and the welfare of individuals. This su; ' < ^-; X iSir 1* - , -. ■ H. »«:>«. -»k:;^. ■■'■> >: h-H -a; " Cci M AND ITS PEOPLE. 7^7 fiue bell is in the tower of the church, which is much admired for its sweetness of tone. It is the gift of Michael Murphy of Milford Mills, Chester County. There are two out missions attached to St. Joseph's parish — St. Mary's, at Glenloch, and St. Thomas', at Reilly's Banks. Father O'Reilly is ai^sisted by the Rev. Father Martin Gorman. The Church of St, Francis de Sales at Landenburg was es- tablished in 1893, the building being erected the same year, a frame on a stone foundation, which will seat 250 people, and which cost 13,300. The church was erected by Rev. James F. Kelly and it was dedicated October 21, 1893. Then Father Kelly was suc- ceeded by Rev. John O'Donnell of Kennett Square, who has had charge of both parishes ever since. The membership consists of about twenty-five families. West Grove Catholic Church building stands on Evergreen Street at the head of Prospect Street. It is 60x41 feet in size, in the clear, and two stories high, including the basement It is of brick and cost .$11,000. In 1897 a tower was erected at a cost of $750, and a bell was placed in this tower in July, 1898, anc* conse- crated by Archbishop Ryan of Philadelphia on Sunday, July 3, 1898. The membership of this church is now 400. Oxford Catholic Church is merely a mission from the West Grove Church. The building at Oxford is of brick, 70x28 feet in size, and cost |3,500. It was erected in 1877. The membership is now 150. Tlie Presbyterians of Chester County are in reality the descen- dants of the early Scotch-Irish settlers, who were animated by the same spirit which led to the American Revolution. Unable to bear the oppressions of their English King, they sought by a change of residence to find a field of greater liberty. Hence they sought Pennsylvania, where they were welcomed by the Friends, who were then the most liberal in their views upon religious sub- jects of any of those professing Christian sentiments. 45 768 CHESTER COUNTY The oldest Presbyterian Ohurcli iu Chester County is the Great Valley Presbyterian (liiircli, located in Tredyffrin Township, which was reonlarly organized in 1714. The membership was made np of Welsh and Scotch-Irish, and the tirst minister was Rev. Malachi Jones, who preached for this church until 1720, when he was succeeded by Eev. David Evans, who was pastor of the church for about twenty years. In 1720 a church buildinc; was erected which stood for more than seventy years. Succeeding Eev. Mr. Evans in the pulpit of this church came Eev. John Eowland, to whom there was strong opposition, which resulted in his being- debarred from preaching in the church by the "Old Side" members, a majority' of the membership being of the opinions known as "old side" by the religionists of that day. However, Eev. Mr. Eowland preached to the minority of the congregation in barns and such other places as could be utilized for the purpose, until a new church building could be erected for them. The foundations of this church were laid in 1713, on a lot given by Job Harvey, a Friend. The next preacher of the Great Valley Presbyterian Church was Eev. Samuel Evans, a son of Eev. David Evans, who was in- stalled in 1712, and who remained until 1717. Eev. John Kiu- kead was installed pastor in 1753, and Eev. John Simonton in 1761, he remaining until 1791. The church established by Eev. John Eowland, called the Charlestown Presbyterian Church, in 1743, maintained a separate existence until 1791, having had as pastors Eevs. John Campbell, John Griffith, Benjamin Chestnut, John Cannichael and Daniel McCalla, returned at this latter date to the Great Valley Church, the reunion being effected by Eev. John Gummel, who remained with the church until 1798. Where Eev. William Latta was pastor of the Great Valley, in 1799, a new church building was erected in 1793, and the Eev. Mr. Latta remained with this church until his death, which occurred in 1847. The next pastor was Eev. AND ITS PEOPLE. 769 William E. Bingham, from February 28, 1848, imtil Jamiary :'., 1859. Then came Rev. Robert M. Patterson, installed August 2", 1859, and remaining until 18(*)7; Rev. Edward P. Hebert.on, ti-din April 13, 18G8 until October 11, 1871; Rev. Samuel Fulton, in- stalled October 18, 1872, and remaining until 1881; Rev. Robert M. Patterson, D. D., LL. D., 1885 to the present time. The present membership of this church is 108. The Cliarlestown again separated from the Great Valley upon the resignation of Rev. Mr. Bingham, and in 1859 united with the Phoenixville Presbyterian Church. Aften\ard it united with the East Whiteland Presbyterian Church during the pastorate of Rev. John Cylde, again uniting with the Phoenixville Church. Upper Octorara Presbyterian Church, one mile north of Parkesburg, was organized in 1720, and for four years was served by Revs. David Evans and David Magill. The first regular pastor was Rev. Adam Boyd, who came to the church in 1721, being in- stalled October 13. In 1711 this church, like others in this county, was divided into two branches by the "Old Side" and "New Side" controversy, a new church being organized by the New Siders, named the Second Congregation of Upper Octorara, of which latter church Rev. Andrew Sterling was pastor from 1747 to 1765. Rev. Mr. Boyd remained with the old church during the di- vision, which was terminated in 1708, the two churches then be- coming one again, and Rev. Mr. Boyd remained pastor of the re- united body until his death, November 23, 1768. A son of his, Col. Andrew Boyd, was a lieutenant of Chester County during the Revolutionary War. Rev. William Foster became pastor of this church almost im- mediately after the death of Mr. Boyd, and remained until his death, September 30, 1780. Rev. Alexander Mitchell succeeded him, and remained until 1796, dying December 6, 1812. In 1810 Rev. James Latta was installed pastor and remained until 1850, the present church edifice being erected during his pa^itorate. 770 CHESTER COUNTY Siuoe tlien the following have beeu pastors: Revs. James M. Crowell, Alexander Reed, John Jay Pomeroy, William B. Reed; James A. Marshall, Maj 29, 1897, to August 31, 1886; Matthew C. Woods, December 19, 1887, to January 20, 1889, and Thomas R. McDowell, May 22, 1889, to the present time. On September 11, 1870, this church celebrated its sesqui-ceu- tennial anniversary, on which occasion J. Smith Futhey delivered an historial address, from which much of the matter here pre- sented was taken. On September 1, 1895, the church celebrated its oue hundred and seventy-fifth anuiversai-y, at which there were present about 2,500 people. The membership of the church at the present time is 460, and of the Sunday-school 175, the church property being valued at -f 40,000. Fagg's Manor Tresbyterian Church, at first called New Lon- donderry Presbyterian Church, was established in 1730, the build inii" standing on the northwest corner of what was known as Sir John Fagg's Manor. The first pastor was Rev. Samuel Blair, from 1740 to his death, June 5, 1751. He was succeeded by his brother, Rev. John Blair, who remained until 1767, after which time the ■church had no regular pastor until 1781, when Rev. John Evans Fiuley was installed. He remained until 1793, and was suc- ceeded by Rev. Patrick Davidson. The next pastor was Rev. Rob- ert White, who was installed in 1809, and remained until his death, September 20, 1835. Rev. Alfred Hamilton came next, remaining from March, 1836, until May, 1859, the present church edifice be- ing erected during his incumbency. Since his removal to the West the pastors have beeu : Revs. J. T. Umsted, William B. Noble, .John K. Andrews, 1881-83; Joseph L. Polk, Ph. D., 1885 to the present time. The present membership of this church is 389 and of the Sundaj'-school, includiug officers and teachers, 603. Rock Presbyterian Church, first kuowu as Elk ICiver Pres- byterian Church, was organized in 1720, its first house of wor- ship being erected at what is known as the "Stone Graveyard," in AXD ITS PEOPLE. 771 Lewlsville, Elk Towusliip. The secoud building was erected by the "New Side" people in 1741, at "Stump's Graveyard," at Fair Hill, Cecil County, Maryland. Its third chiuch was erected at Us present location in Cecil County, Maryland. Xew London Presbyterian Church was organized March 20, 1728, it having separated from the Rock Church in 1726. The first pastor was Kev. Samuel Gelster, who preached for a short time after September, 1728. Next came Eev. Francis Alison, installed about 173G, and removed to Philadelphia about 1752. The second church edifice was erected about 1744, but from the time of the re- tirement of Eev. Mr. Alison, there was no regular pastor until ( >c- tober 15, 1771, .when Eev. James AYilson was installed, and served until October 27, 1778. Next came Rev. Eobert Graham, installed December 13, 1809, and succeeded by Eev. Eovert Patterson Du Bois, who was installed November 20, 183(i, and remained until November 1, 187G. Ik'ev. B. F. Meyers became pastor April 24, 1877, and remained until April 8, 1879, being succeeded by Eev. Daniel E. Workman, October 23, 1879, who remained until 1883; Rev. James B. Clark, 1884-86; Eev. William Hayes Moore, 1889-90; Eev. Daniel E. Jenkins, 1891-96; Eev. Henry E. Jackson, 1897, and Eev Charles E. Williamson, 1898. The present church membership is 180, and of tlie Sunday-school, inclndiug officers and teachers, 124. Doe Eun Presbyterian Church was organized in 1740, and its building was erected tlie same year in East Fallowfield Township on the Strasburg Eoad. This organization belonged to the "New Side" Presbyterian branch. For the first seven years of its exist- ence it had no regular pastor, the supplies being sent from the New Side Presbytery^ of New Castle, but in 1747 Eev. Andrew Sterling became pa.stor, and remained pastor of this and the Sec- ond Congregation of Upper Octoraro about eighteen years. In 1768 Eev. Mr. Foster became pastor of the two churches, giving Doe Euu about one-fourth of his time. In 1785 Eev. Alexander Mitchell came to this church, dividing his time as his predecessors had done 772 CHESTER COUNTY between the two, and reniainerl until 179G with the Octoraro Church and with Doe Kun until 1809. Eev. Samuel Henderson be- came pastor in 1813, remaining about one vear, and Eev. Elkanah Kelsej' Dare was then pastor from May 13, 1817, until August 26, 1826. Since then the pastors have been Revs. Alexander G. Morri- son, John Wynne Martin, D. D., .John V. Clarke, Thomas Thompson, Eobert E. Flickiuger, Samuel Philips, and Van Derveer V. Nicho- las, 1893-97. The membership of the church is 119 and of the Sun- day-school 144. Braudywine Manor Presbyterian Church was organized as a separate congregation in 1735, the first pastor being the Eev. Sam- uel Bljvck, who was installed November 10, 1736, and remained until May, 1741. In this year the churcli became divided into an "Okl Side" and a "Xew Side" branch, the latter branch erecting for themselves a new house of worship. Eev. Adam Boyd was pastor of the former branch until about 1743, Avhen he was succeeded by Eev. William Dean, who remained until 1760, wlien the two branches reunited and Eev. John Carmichael became pastor, being installed April 21, 1761, and remaining until his death November 15, 1785. The cliurch was int'orporated September 1, 1786, and Eev. Nathan drier became pastor August 22, 1787, and he remained until his death, March 30, 1814, being then succeeded by his son, Eev. John Nathan Caldwell Grier, who remained from 1814 until April 14, 1869. The pastorate of his father and himself extended over a period of eighty-two years. Since tlien the ijastors have been Eevs. W. W. Heberton, John McCall, and Hector A. McLean, tlie present pastor. The membership of this church is now 300, and of the Sunday-school, including officers and teachers, 329. The church building erected in 1761 was bunaed down and re- built in 1786, and in 1839 tlie house was rebuilt and remodeled. In 1875 the old building was taken down, and in 1876 a new one erected, at the time being the most complete and convenient of any. Presbyterian Church in Chestei- County. It was dedicated Decem- AXD TTS PEOPLE. 771 ber 14, ISTO, and s'tands ou liij;li oToimd, si^'ii.U' an excellent view of the surronnding- country. The Oxford Presbyterian Chnrcli was established at the time of the union of the Associate Kefornied Church with the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in 1822, as is related in the sketch of the Oxford United Presbyterian Church. Rev. Ebenezer Dickey connected himself with General Assembly of the Presbyte- rian Church, and remained pastor of it until 1832. He was suc- ceeded by his son. Rev. John Miller Dickey, in May of the latter year, who remained pastor until 185(5. Rev. James R. Reardon came next as a supply, the next regular pastor being Rev. Casper W. Hodge, who remained until 18(?0, being succeeded then by Rev. William R. Bingham, who remained imtil the summer of 1802. Rev. F. B. Hodge was installcKl in the spring of 18(i3 and remained until the fall of 1868, and it was during his pastorate that a new church building was erected on the old site at a cost of .|35,00U. Rev. Orr Lawson became x>astor in March, 1870, and was succeeded by Rev. M. W. Jacobus, and he by the Rev. Hugh L. Hodge. The membership of this church is about 600, and of the 8unday-school 300, and the church ])roperty is worth about |30,000. Xottingham Presbyterian Church was organized with mem- bers formerly belonging to the Lower Nottingham Presbyterian Chui'ch in .Cecil County, Maryland, these members withdrawing because of a change in the location of the church building in which they had been accustomed to worship. Upon withdrawing they formed the Up])er West Xottingham Church, and erected a build- ing in 1802, which was enlarged in 1810. Dr. Samuel Magraw was pastor of this churcli until 1821, after which time it was supplied until 1826, when it was connected witli the Oxford Church, this connection remaining in force until the summer of 1862, when it be- came a separate church. The pastors since then have been Revs. William F. P. Xoble, Robert. Gamble, S. M. Pierce, Lindley C. Rut- ter, Jr., who was installed in 1872. In 1878-79 a new church build- 774 CHESTER COUNTY ing was erected at Nottingham Station, and the name of the church organization changed to the Nottingham Presbyterian Church about 1880. Since then the pastors have been as follows: Edward W. Russell, Kent M. Bull, and John M. Jenkins. The church mem- bership is now 102, and that of the Sunday-school 100. Oxford United Presbyterian Church was organized in 1735, though not as a unit of the present connection. A small house of worship had been erected in this part of Chester County as early as 1739, *and this house was in use for many years before there was any organized body to occupy it. This church was organized in connection with the Associate Presbyterian Synod of Edinburgli, being one of the first of that brancli of the Presbyterian Church in the colonies. This synod in 1753 sent out two ministers, Kev. Alexander Gellatley and Ilev. Andrew Aruott, who left Scotland soon after receiving their ai^pointment, the latter returning to Scotland in 1755, and the former remaining in this country. While both were in this counti"}' they organized, as they had been in- structed to do, the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania, the prin- cipal' settlements of its adherents being at Octorai'o and at Oxford. From these two churches Eev. Mr. Gellatlej' received a call to be- come their pastor, and accepting the call he was pastor of both a short time, and of the Octoraro Church until his death in 1761. The next pastor of the Oxford Church, Rev. Matthew Henderson, came from Scotland, in 1758, and remained until 1775. The next regular pastor, Eev. Ebenezer Dickey, was installed in 1796, a union having in the meantime been effected between the Associate Presbyterian Church of Pennsylvania and the Reformed Presbyterian Church, the united bodies calling themselves the Associate Reformed Church, the union being effected June 13, 1782. The Oxford Church remained in this connection fortj' years. Rev. Mr. Dickey continued to preach for this church until 1822, when at a small meeting of the General Synod of the As- sociate Reformed Church, a iirojected union with the General As- AND ITS PEOPLE. 77S' sembly of the Presbyterian Church was declared cousumiuated, and the Associate Reformed >;>ynod dissolved. This was on May 21, 1822. Several of the members of the Oxford Church declined to enter this uuiou thus effected, aud uniting with a number of others who in 1782 had stood out against the union they were re- ceived with the congregation of Octoraro, into the Associate Pres-^ byterj' of Philadkphia, and again taking the name of Associate^ Avhich they continued to bear until the union, May 2G, 1858, of the Associate and Associate Reformed Churches, when entering that union they took the name of the United Presbyterian Church, Thus this church, while it has beeu known under several different names, has always maintained the same principles. Succeeding Kev. Mr. Henderson the Rev. John Smith was pas- tor of this church from 1783 to 1791; Rev. Ebenezer Dickey from 1796 to 1822; Rev. William Easton, D. D., from 1827 to 1851; Rev, J. H. Andrew from 1855 to 1863; Rev. E. T. .JefCers, D. D., from 1865 to 1872; Rev. G. A. B. Robinson from 1873 to 1876; Rev. R. T. Wylie, from 1877 to 1880; Rev. A. H. Crosbie, from 1881 to 1887; Rev. W. M. Story, 1888 to 1891; Rev J. Leyda Vance, 1891 to 1892; Rev. A. P. Hutchson, 1892 to 1895; Rev. J. L. Hervey, 1896 (o 1897, and Rev. McEhvee Ross, June 4, 1898, to the present time. The present brick church building was erected in Oxford in 1851, and in the spring of 3 869 it was determined to build a parson- age, which together with a stable was erected for $3,900 and in 1889 the congregation became entirely free from debt. The church property now consists of one acre of land in a growing part of the town, a good brick church, 10x00 feet, and a two-story brick par- sonage, 32x32 feet, the whole being worth |8,875. The membership of the church is now 95. The First Presbj-terian Church of West Chester was organized January 11, 1834, the field having been previously cultivated bv the Rev. William A. Steveus, and a house of worship was erected on the corner of Miner and Darlington Streets, which was opened for 7/6 CHESTER COUNTY wortship in January, 1834. After the deatli of Rev. Mr. Stevens, wliieli occurred October 3, 1834, Kev. James J. Graff became pas- tor, being installed April 29, 1836, and the succeeding; pastors have been IJev. John Crowell, 1840 to 1850; Rev. William E. Moore, 1850 to 1872; Kev. Benjamin T. Jones, January 15, 1873, to April 11, 1883; Rev. John C. Cakhvell, October 10, 1883, to August 15, 1891; and Rev. Washington R. Laird, November 17, 1892, to pres- ent time. On the division of the Presbj'terian Church into the Old au. Drysdale, Oeorge Foote, Mr. Jones, John McLeod, A. M. Stewart, Thomas J. Aiken, John C. Clyde, William C. Stull, installed October 28, 1879, and remained nntil 1880; Rev. Villeroy D. Reed, D. D., 1887-81); Rev. Yates Dickey, 1890-92; Rev. Alford Kelly, 1891 to the present time. The present church edifice was erected in 1877, and the property of the church is now worth .f 5,000. The present member- ship is 105, and of the Sunday-school 55. Phrf*nix^ille Presbyterian Church was organized April Ki, 1818, in the Mennonite Meeting-house. A handsome church edi- fice was erected on Main Street, south of \Yashingtou Avenue, and •dedicated September 30, 1850. The pastors of this church have been as follows: Revs. Jacob Bellisle, John Thomas, Joseph F. Jennison, Joseph W. Porter, George H. S. Campbell, 1876-80; Nathaniel P. Crause, 1881-9G, and William Mudge, 1897-98. The church membership is 210, and that of the Sunday-school 239. The Central Presbyterian Church, of Downington, was or- ganized July 17, 1861, and had for its first preacher Rev. John L. With row, he being at that time a student at Princeton College. The first regular pastor was Rev. Matthew Newkirk, Jr., installed May 21, 1862, and remaining until 1868. Rev. John Rea was pastor until 1872, and was succeeded by Rev. Francis J. Collier, installed October 9, 1872, and remained imtil September 18, 1888; Rev. Charles E. Craven, from January 17, 1889, to December 12, 1894; the pulpit was then vacant about a year, and Rev. John S. Helm came and remained about a year, leaving in August, 1896, and was followed February 11, 1897, by the present pa.stor, Rev. William P. Patterson. The church membership is 165, and that of the Sunday- school 151. A parsonage was erected in 1889. The Trinity Presbyterian Church, of Reeseville (Berwyn), was organized April 29, 1862, the church building being dedicated De- -So CHESTER COUNTY cember 30, 1S()2. The pastors of this cliiirfh have been TJevs. John MfLeod, A. M. Stewart, Tliomas J. Aiken, William M. Rice, D. D., Dr. Ilartniail, Alj^ernon Marccllns, installed October IT, 1879, and remained until 1SS5; Kev. Thomas J. Aiken, 1S80 to the present time. Tlie membership of this chincli is now 252, and of the Snn- daT-school 292. Kennett Square I'resbvterian Church was oroanized November 1, 1802, Rev. John S. Gilmor becoming its first pastor, he being in- stalled May 15, 1803, and remaining until 1872. lie was succeeded by Rev. James Frazer, installed May 22, 1872, and remained until 1883; Rev. D. W. Moore, 1883-80; supplies until 1890; Rev. R. A. Hunter, 1890-98. The presenl membership of the church is 139, and of the Sunday-school 100. In 1889 a Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor was organized, and in 1892 a junior society of the same order. In October of this year a Circle of the King's Daughters was formed, and there is also a Presbyterian Union which has aided the church largely in a financial way. There i.s also a AV'oman's Foreign Missionary Society and the Anemone Band. The Presbyterian Church of Avondale was organized Decem- ber 9, 1870, with Rev. -lohn S. Gilmor as pastor. In May, 1872, Rev. .lames Frazer succeeded, remaining until April 9, 1873. Rev. William R. Bingham then became stated supply and remained in that relation until 1870, and since then the pastors have been Rev. Charles H. Whitaker, Rev. George B. Carr and Rev. J. Calvin Krause. The church membership is 74, and that of the Sunday- school 70. The church building was erected in 1873 and dedicated -lanu- ■ ary 17, 1871. There was a Presbj'terian Chapel erected in Tough- kenamon in 1877, ajid in 1878 the building which had belonged to the Episcopalians was purchased, repaired and fitted up as a Pres- byterian Chapel. The pastors here since 1890 have been as follows: Rev. Malcolm J. McLeod, 1890-92; Rev. George B. CaiT, 1895; Rev. AND ITS PEOPLE. 7S1 Charles C. Walker, ISOO, aud Kev. J. Marshall Kutlierford, 1S97-!IS. The mebership of this churcli is 3it, and that of the Sunday-schiJdl 100. There was a Presbyterian Church at Lincoln University, ^ir- ganized in ISOT, and known as the Ashmiin Church. The Second Presbyterian Church of West Chester (colored), was organized May 2, 1887, with twenty members. A Sunday- school was organized some time previously. At the present time the church is without a pastor, but the membership is kept up to about fifty, and that of the Sunday-school to about the same num- ber. Westminster Presbyterian Church of West Chester v.as or- ganized May 25, 1892, with 103 members, 100 of whom were from the First Presbyterian Church. The Suhday-sthoo] was organized May 29, 1892. A lot was purchased on the corner of Church and Barnard Streets, for •'J9,000, and a chapel erected thereon at a cost of 18,110.43. Eev. B. Canfield Jones was pastor from 1892 to 189.j. Rev. Alexander Esler has been the pastor of this church since June 1, 1890, aud the membership is 396. The Sunday-school has 51(> membei's, that at Goshenville has 75 members and that at Cope- land 65, total number of Sunday-school scholars, 510. The Second Presbyterian Church of Oxford (colored) was es- tablished in 1881, and is the strongest church organization among the colored people at this place. First pastor was Kev. F. L. Logan, who remained until 1880; Kev. E. F. Eggleston from 1886 to 1887; Kev. W. A. H. Albony as a supply from 1891 to 1892, then Kev. Samuel W. Johnson from 1892 t(j the present. The church was erected in 1881, aud is worth |1,700. The membership is 13, aud of the Sundaj'-school 66. The Presbyterian Church of Peuningtonville (now Atgleu), was regularly constituted by a committee of New Castle Presbytery, in 1851. In 1852 the present building was erected, and during the same vear the church was dedicated. A unanimous call was ex- 7S2 CHESTER COUNTY tended to Kev. James Latta, wlui had been pastor of Upper Octo- raro Presbyterian Chiircli for a period of forty years, and in 1857, the tillage of Oliristiana, in Lancaster County, having no place of worship, erected a church in connection witli that of Atgleu. The pastors have been as folloAvs: Rev. James Latta, 1852 to 1862; Rev. J. W. Edie, 18f)2 to 1868; Rev. W. F. P. Noble, 1869 to 1872; Rev. W. R. Halbert, 1872 to 1878; Rev. C. D. Wilson, 1880 to 1883; Rev. A. Marcellus, 1884 to 1887; Rev. J. D. Randolph, 1887 until near the time of his death, May 21, 1898, and Rev. J. B. Rendall, Jr., from October, 1897, to the present time. The membership of this church at the present time is 90, and of the Sunday-school, 50. West Grove Presbyterian Church was the result of the estab- lishment of a Sunday-school by Edward P. Capp, in August, 1860. In 1871 the Sunday-school'moved to a hall. Dr. R. B. Ewing being then the superintendent. In 1876 Dr. W. R. Bingham became pas- tor, and services continued to be held in the hall until it became necessary to erect a church building. For this purpose money was raised in 1883, and in 1884 a building committee was appointed, consisting of S. K. Chambers, James Mendenhall, and Isaac Conard, who held the title to the property until the organization of the church. The cornerstone of the new building was laid October 3, 1884, Dr. Bingham, Rev. B. T. Jones and Prof. John B. Rendall officiating. The church was organized May 27, 1886, and Dr. Bing- ham continued as stated supply until 1890, when Rev. Charles H. Whitaker became pastor in connection with Avondale, remaining until October 17, 1893, when he resigned. On October 9, 1893, the relations existing between West Grove and Avondale Presbyterian Churches were severed, and West Grove and Unionville were united, at a congregational meeting held July 18, 1894. October 24, 1894, Rev. J. Calvin Ki'ause was installed pastor of the two churches, and so remained until March 27, 1895, and he was called to West Grove exclusively April 23, 1895. At an adjourned meet- ing of the Presbytery held at Oxford September 19, 1895, a call was AND ITS PEOPLE. 783 extended from the Avoudale Church to the Eev. J. Calvin Krause, wliich tall he accepted and he has since been pastor of the two churches. The church building in West Grove stands on Evergi"een Street, and v^'ill seat 250 people The church membership is now 118, and that of the Sunday-school is 203. The first Baptist Church in Pennsylvania was established at Cold Spring', in 1684, Eev. Thomas Dungan of Rhode Island being the pastor. Tliis church Avas dissolved in 1702. About two years after the organization of this Cold Spring Church a young man by the name of Elias Keech arrived from England, dressed like a min- ister, and began to preach, but in his first sermon while he pro- gressed fairly well for a time, he at length became confused and confessed that he was an impostor, becoming greatly distressed. Hearing of the church at Cold Spring he sought the i^astor' of it, .sought his counsel and was by this pastor baptized and ordained. In 1688 Jie organized tlie Pennypack or Lower Dublin Baptist Church, which is now the oldest Baptist Church in the State. Four years later liev. Mr. Keech returned to England. In Chester County the Baptist Churches, classified according to the associations to which tliey belong are as follows: Philadelphia Association.^ — Great Valley, organized in 1711; Brandy wine, 1715; Bethesda, 1812. Central Union Association. — Vincent, 1771; Beulah, 1823; Hephzibah, 1810; Goshen, 1827; Phrenixville, 1830; Glen Run, 1832; Windsor, 1833; West Chestei*, 1831; East Nantmeal, 1812; East Brandywine, 1843; Pughtown, 1856, and Coatesville, 1867; Lawrenceville, 1858; Oxford, 1881, and Green Valley, a branch of Hephzibah. North Philadelphia Association. — Willistown, 1833; West Cain, 1842; Berean, 1878. Other Churches. — London Tract, 1780. The Great Valley Baptist Church was constituted April 22, 1711, Hugh Davis being chosen minister; Alexander Owen and 46 784 CHESTER COUNTY William Eees, elders. The fonuer officiated uutil Febniary, 1812,. when Griffith Jones from IJydwilim, Wales, arrived in the foiinty, and was appointed to the station. The meetings of this congrega- tion were for the most part held at the lionse of Richard Miles in Radnor, until 1722, a log church building being erected in the mean- time in Tredvffrin Township, 28 feet square. This little log church stood on high ground by the highway, near a small stream, called Nant yr Ewig. There was also a branch church at Yellow S^pring* and also a school-house, and in 1770 both churches had a member- ship of ninety-two families. Of these two churches Rev. Hugh Davis was the minister until his death, which occurred October 13, 1753. He was succeeded by Rev. John Davis, who had been for some time assistant to Rev. Hugh Davis, and who from 1753 until 1775 had sole charge of the church, and remained pastor until his death in 1778. In 1775 Rev. David Jones became assistant to Rev. John Davis, but during the Revolutionaiy War he was absent much of the time as chaplain in the American Army. In 1805 a new meeting-house was erected and in 1810 a new parsonage. In 1820 the privilege of voting on all (juestious that might arise was conferred upon the women members of the congre- gation on equal tenns with the men. In 1821 tlie pastor. Rev. Thomas Roberts, and Isaac Cleaver, John Farrier, Elizabeth Rob- erts, Elizabeth Jones and Rachel Cleaver, were dismissed for the purpose of forming a mission among the Indians in Tennessee, Evan Jones also accompanying them to the mission ground, where his son, Rev. John B. Jones, was born, and where he became a translator of the Bible into the Cherokee language. This church also planted otlier churches in its own immediate vicinity, as the Seventh Day Baptist Church, at French Creek, in 172G; Vincent Baptist Church, 1771; Phtenixville Baptist Church, in 1830; Xorristown Baptist Church, in 1832; West Ches- ter Baptist Church, in 1834; Willistown Baptist Church, in 1833, and Radnor Baptist Church, in 1841. AXD ITS PEOPLE. J^S Following is a list of the pastors of the Great Valley Baptist Church from the beginning of its history: Hugh Davis, 1711-53; John Davis, 1732-78; David Jones, 177."'.- 76, 1792-1820; Thomas Jones, 1776-83; Nicholas Cox, 1783; John Boggs, 1791-1801; Jenkin David, 1795-98; Thomas Roberts, 1811- 21; Thomas J. Kitts, 1822; John >?. Jenkins, 1823-27; Thomns Brown, 1828-31; Leonard Fletcher, 1832-10; Charles B. Keyes, 1841-45; James F. Brown, 1846-54; George Spratt, 1854-58; Will- iam M. Whitehead, 1858-61; James E. Wilson, 1863-65; B. C. Morse, 1867-70; James H. Hyatt, 1870 to 1874; George Pierce, 1874 to 1883; J. M. Guthrie, 1883 to 1886; H. B. Garner, 1887 to 1893; J. G. Booker, 1893 to 1896; E. M. Levy, D. D.Jsupply), January- to September, 1897; and James Craighead, from November, 1897, to the present time. Isaac A. Cleaver has been clerk of this church since 1875. In the latter part of the year 1886, a chapel was opened at Berwyn in Tredyffrin Township, for public worship. The cost of the ground and the building furnished was .|7,000. July 26, 1895, the interior of this chapel was seriously damaged by fire. Having been repaired and improved it was reopened December 15, 1895, the cost of the repairs and other improvements having been .f3,000. The parsonage farm of fifty acres was sold in 1892 for |10,000, and the proceeds invested in first mortgage on Chester County real estate. The present value of church and chapel properties is |15,- 000, and the investments of the church society amount to .'S10,800. The present membership is 130. There are two Sunday-schools, the superintendents being Isaac A. Cleaver and Dr. W. B. Farley, and the officers, teachers and scholars number 200. During the latter part of the year 1896, fifty members of this church severed their membership therewith and formed the First Baptist Church of Berwyn. Goshen Baptist Church is situated in West Gosheu Townshix>, at the junction of the old Philadelphia and Strasburg Koads. A 786 CHESTER COUNTY few Baptists living iu tlie vicinity of tliis place worshiped in an old frame school-honse for some years before a church building- was erected, which was in 1809, and in which any evangelical min- ister might preach, the understanding being that whenever the Baptists were strong enough to establish a church the property should be transferred to tliem. The building was opened for wor- ship on Saturday and Sunday, December 16 and 17, 1826. Early in the year 1827, nine persons were dismissed from the Brandywine Church to form this church, and the^' were constituted a church on January 20, 1827. From that time until August they were without a pastor, and then Eev. Simeon Seigfried was called, remaining with them until Febniary 20, 1830, when he resigned, and was dis- missed to Bethesda Church. After a couple of years of supplies Bev. Robert Comptou became pastor January 14, 1832, serving two years. Rev. Mr. Seigfried then returned and served from April, 1834, until July, 1835, when Rev. Mr. Compton again became pastor, remaining this time six months. Rev. Charles E Moore then be- came pastor July 16, 1836, and remained until September, 1838; Rev. Enos Barker served from September, 1838, until 1839, and then Rev. Mr. Moore returned and served six months. Rev. Mr. Compton then returned and served until Januai-y, 1841, and iu 1842 Rev. Thomas Griflith was tlie pastor. Rev. George W. Mitch- ell became pastor in 1846, and preached two years. Rev. F. Jasin- sky served from April 1, 1848, until January 20, 1851, when Rev. Mr. Compton returned once more and remained until 1856. Rev. John Reece served from 1857 until 1860, in which latter year Rev. J. W. WarAvick became pastor aud served until April 1, 1861. Joseph S. Evans was licensed to preach November 17, 1860, and was ordained jjastor of this church November 4, 1861, serviug the church from this time until the present In Februaiw, 1874, the church building was badly damaged by tire, and a new one was erected on the old site, the new one being dedicated November 25, 1S74. In 1894 a two-story stone annex AND ITS PEOPLE. 1^7 was added to the obiircli for the uses of the Suudaj-school. Tlie total value of the church property is now |G,000, aud the member- ship of the church is 24:5, that of the Sunday-school being 130. Tlie Brandywine Baptist Church was estxiblished June 14, 1715, at tlie house of John I*owell of Pi'ovidence, the first name given to it being the Baptized Church of Jesus Christ. It had four- teen original members, seven men iind seven women. It was origi- nally in Birmingham Township, Delaware County, and the meet- ings were held for a time at the house of John Powell in Upper Providence. In 1717 the meetings were removed to Birmingham. A division occurred in this church, but at what precise time does not appear, over the question of the Sabbath day, thovse preferring Sunday to Saturday fonning the Brandywine Church. In 1741 a new meeting appeared to be necessary in Newlin Township, and a building was erected on land given for that purpose by Jeffrey Bentley. In 1770 there were about twenty-six families in the two branches. Kev. William Butcher was the first pastor, remaining until 1721, and from that on until 1761 there was no regular pas- tor, l\ev. Abel Grrifliths coming in that year and remaining until 17G7. The church at Birmingham was erected in 1718 on land given by Eduiuud Butcher, one of the original members of the church. The Hephzibah Baptist Church, though not organized so early as 1710, was yet in a certain sense in existence then, and has since been a power for good. The people of religious instincts in the neighborhood of its locatiou were ministered to until in the early day by Eev. Owen Thomas, who settled in Vincent in 1707, and was the first regular Baptist minister in ^'ewlin Township. On Janu- ary 7, 1747-48, Richard Buffington of Bradford in his will gave £5 to IJev. O-^en Thomas, minister of ' the Anabaptist Society, which then held its meetings at John Bentley's house, in ^'ewlin, and to the societv itself he gave £20. After the death of Joha 788 CHESTER COUXTY Bentley, the meetings were held at the house of his son, Jef frey Bentley, who in 1752 gave a piece of land upon which with the assistance of others he erected a meeting-house. Rev. Owen Thomas, who first preached for this church, continued to do so until 1759, when he was succeeded by Rev. Abel Griffith, who remained until 17«i7, and who came again in 1775, remaining this second time until 1791, when he was succeeded by Rev. Joshua Vaughau, who remained until 1808. During his pastorate the meeting-house became too small and a new (me was erected where the Hephzibah Church now stands. It was finished by May, 1793, and was dedicated on the 18th of tliat month by Rev. David Jones. At the death of Rev. Mr. ^'auglian, August 2, 1808, the number of members of this church was 140. For a short time afterward Rev. Jethro Johnson supplied the pulpit, and in March, 1810, Brandywine Church granted a letter of dismissal to its members living in East Fallowfield in order that they might form a separate organization, the result of which was that on May 20, 1810, the Hephzibah was constituted, the first busi- ness meeting of this new chui'ch being held on Saturday, June 16, 1810. In 182.3 about twenty members were dismissed to form Beulah Baptist Cliurch, for which Rev. Jethro Johnson preached as well as at Hephzibah, until his death, July 15, 1838. Rev. Silas C. James was ordained pastor December 3, 1S38, re- maining until April 1, 1840. Rev. .John S. Jenkins became pastor in June, 1840, and remained until February, 1842, when twenty- six members were dismissed to form the West Cain Baptist Church. Rev. D. A. Nichols supplied the pulpit from April, 1844, until April, 184G, and Rev. George H. Mitchell from April 8, 1S4G, until September, 1852. During the latter pastorate the present church edifice was erected, being finished and ready for worship In January, 1848. Rev. Leonard Frescoln became pastor in January, 1855, and remained until April, 1857, when Rev. David W. Hunter began his pastorate in May, 1857, remaining until June, 1872. AXD ITii PEOPLE. 789 Betliesda Baptist Church is situated in the northwest part (if the county, about half a mile from the Berlcs County line. It was organized December 8, 1827, and the first pastor, Rev. Simeon Seig- fried, served it from that time until about 1830. The other pastors of this church have been Rev. John Booth, Rev. Andrew Collins, Rev. Enoch M. Barker, Rev. Dieres A. Nichols, Rev. Leonard Freshcoln, Rev. William H. H. Marsh, Rev. John G. Peri'y, Rev. John Eberle, Rev. William Barrows. Glen Run Baptist Church was established in 1832, being con- stituted December 8, that year. The name was derived from a small stream which has its rise in the immediate vicinity of the church building first erected. The original membership consisted of nine persons, from the Ilephzibah Church, they being gathered together through the labors of Rev. Enos M. Philips, who was then performing missionary labors in tlie west part of Chester County. Almost immediately after the organization eleven more united Avith the nine, and the church building was dedicated December 9, 1832. Before tlie end of that month forty more joined, and when the Rev. Mr. Philips resigned his pastorate in 1810 the membership wasilS. In January-, 1811, Rev. Robert Comptou accepted the call to the pastorate, and remained until 1812, when the Rev. Mr. Philips returned, and in 1813 sixteen members were dismissed to form the Coleraine Baptist Church in Lancaster County. In 1810 a church building was erected in Parkesburg, services being held in both houses for some time. Rev. Mr. Philips remained until 1810, when he resigned to go to Wisconsin as a missionary for the Home Missionary Society. Rev. Allen J. Hires, pastor of the Vincent Church, became pastor of this church in 1850, and in 1853 twenty- eight of the members were dismissed to fonn a new church organi- zation at Parkesburg, Rev. Mr. Hires filling both pulpits until 1855, when he resigned. In this latter year Rev. Joseph CuiTan became pastor, and remained until 185(i, about which time most of the mem- bers of the I'arlvesburg Church returued to the Glen Run Church. 790 CHESTER COUNTY The location of the church building having? now become nnsat- isfactoi-y, a new building was erected at Penningtonville, in 1858, the basement of which was ready for occupancy next year, in which year Hev. Leonard Fletcher became the pastor, serving from April 1 to August IG, when he died. Hex. William T. Bunker be- came pastor in November, 1800, and remained until 1802, the new church building being completed and dedicated in the meantime. In 1803 Rev. A. H. Bliss became pastor, resigned in August, 1804, to enter the Union Anny as a private soldier, and was succeeded in the church by Eev. Joseph Sharp, who remained until 1800, when he was followed by Rev. W. W. Dalbey, who remained from 1870 until September, 1871. In 1872 he was followed by Rev. James Walden, wlio remained until 1877, and in September of that year Rev. T. S. Snow became and remained until 1885, when he was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Whitmarsh, wlio remained until 1887. Rev. J. B. Soule was pastor from 1887 to 1890; Rev. Y. S. Marsh from 1890 to 1802; Rev. F. H. Buffum from 1892 to 1894; and Rev. R. J. Holmes from 1895 to 1898. The present membership of the church is 150, and of the Sunday-school, 90; the cliurch prop- erty being valued at .1«10,000. Vincent Baptist Church was organized in 1737 as a branch of the Great Valley Baptist Church, which built a church edifice within 200 yards of the present church building. The new organi- zation was supplied for some years by the Rev. William Davis and the Rev. John Davis, the latter being pastor of the Great Valley Church. In 1748, Vincent Cliurch was granted by the Great Val- ley Church independent action. Rev. Owen Thomas was minister " here some time, and died November 12, 1700. For about ten years afterward Vincent Church was supplied more or less by the Great Valley Church pastors, but on October 12, 1771, the Vincent brethren were constituted a separate and independent church, forty-eight members of the Great Vallej' being dismissed to aid in forming the new organization. On April 0, 1791, it was incor- AND ITS PEOPLE. 79 r porated by the Legislature. At this time Rev. John Blaelcwell was the minister, and was succeeded by the Rev. Abel Gi-iffith, and he by Rev. Thomas Fleeson, these three ministers serving- up to ISOO. Since then the pastors have been Revs. Joshua Vaughan, H. G. Jones, Daniel James, Charles Moore, the latter resigning in 1842, having been pastor twenty -two years and eight months; J. Y. Allison, A. J. Hires, J. N. Tucker, J. W. Griffith, A. J. Hay, George Sleeper, S. F. Forgues, J. S. L. Sagebeer, D. W. Shepperd, A. J. Grej', C. D. Parker, D. M. Lennox, and the present pa.stor, W. C. Leinback. The membership of this church is now 190, and the property is valued at |15,000. The Sunday-school was opened in May, 1829, a tract society was formed in 1833, a missionary society was organized the same year, and in February of this year, thirty-nine members were dis- missed to form Windsor Chui'ch. In May, 1833, the Vincent Church became a member of the Central Baptist Association. The property of the church contains 7.79 acres which was deeded to the society August 23, 1797. This is one of the endowed churches of the county, the Legislature about 1780 authorizing the sale of a farm which in 1775 had been so left in his will by Daniel Evans that two-thirds of its income should go toward the support of the pastor, and after sale two-thirds of the proceeds thereof were put at interest, the interest to go toward paying the annual salary of the pastor. The share of the church in the property amounted to |4,39(3.9L In May, 1862, Phebe Christman died, leaving a bequest of .f 300, the interest of which is to go to the same end. Beulah Baptist Church was constituted June 3, 1823, with nineteen members. The meeting-house was built that year, and Rev. Jethro Johnson was the iirst pastor, remaining in this rela- tion, and also of Hephzibah Church, until his death, July 15, 1838. The next pastor was Rev. Enos M. Philips, who was succeeded by Rev. Robert Compton. Rev. William Rudy became pas- tor April 23, 1842, remaining until March, 1845, when 792 CHESTER COUNTY Rev. Mr. Compton returned, remaining this time until 18-19. IJev. William M. Wliitehead was pastor eighteen mouths from October 17, 1850, aud was succeeded By Rev. J. Perry Hall, who remained iiutil 185!). The pastors subse- quent to this have been: Revs. M. K. Williams, J. M. Perry, J. D. R. Strayer, J. M. Lyons, James P. Hunter, J. M. Lyons again, Samuel Godshall, W. R. McNeil. Windsor Baptist Church Avas organized April 12, 1833, the first meetings for worship being held in the house of Rev. Josiah Philips. During that summer a church building was erected and in the fall liev. Thomas C. Teasdale agi*eed to preach for them once each month during the year for $100. October 11, 1831, Rev. Enos M. Philips made a similar agreement. From this time on until 1835 there was preaching also by Rev. Josiah Philips, Rev. William Stedman and Rev. O. I. Miles. Rev. T. S. (jrithth, who preacheil once each month from 1837 to 1840, began in this latter year to give his whole time to the church and remained until January 1. 1815, when he was succeeded by Rev. H. S. Haven, who died December 28, that year. Rev. J. M. Ivichards came next, remaining until Oc- tober 1, 1850. The pastors who have since preached for this church have been as follows: Revs. J. »^. Eisenbray, Uriah Coffmau, J. W. Griffith, Jacob Lawrence, E. A'. King, John Owen, during whose pastorate a union with East Nantmeal Church was effected and Rev. D. J. R. Strayor became pastor; then followed Rev. J. M, Guthrie, who remained pastor some years and resigned to become pastor of the Berean Baptist Church in West Chester, in 187!l. Since then the pastors have been as follows: Ivevs. William Bai-- rows, E. B. Waltz, R. R. Albin, and J. E. Keylor, the present pastor. Repairs have been recently made to the property which add much to its appearance. The church building is valued at |5,000 and the parsonage at |2,000. The membership of the church is now 121, and that of the Sunday-school 00. The First Baptist Church of West Chester was organized in AND ITS PEOPLE. 793 1834, meetings having been lielil for some time previonsl^y at tlie lionse of Kobert Ferguson to talie into consideration the question of effecting such an organization. On January 23, 1834, this church was constituted with twenty five members, Rev. Thoma.s C. Teas- dale being the first pastor. A lot was purchased on Church Street, between Market and Miuer Streets, for -1400, and a new building erected thereon by Samuel Bart, at a cost of |l,065,Uhe cupola cost- ing f 100. In 1842 the tower and steeple were added at a cost cf J)f575, including the belfry. The church was chartered by the Legi: lature in 1844, and in 1855 the property was sold to George Fitz- simmous for |1,800, a. lot having been purchased on South Hign Street upon which a new building was aftei'ward erected, the cor- ner-stone being laid JuIa' 4, 1854, the lecture room being occupied for the first time January 7, 1855, and the completed building dedi- cated August 28 and 29, 1857. This church, including the lot on which it stands, cost 110,81 l.r»7. Tlie pastors of this churcli, since the retirement of Rev. ^Ir. Teasdale, been as follows: Rev. George I. Miles, Lemuel Covell, H. R. Green, Silas W. Palmer, Emerson Andrews, Thomas S. (Jriffith, ^Yilliam A. Roy, Alfred S. I'attou, Levi Parmley, Ivobert Lowrey, AVilliam E. Watkin- son, James Trickett, Alfred Harris, William E. Cornwell, George H. Trapp, William E. Needham, J. H. Chambers, Joshua E. Wills. The church property is wortli iiS12,000, seating capacity of church being 600. The buildiug was re-modeled in 188G, chairs taking the place of pews. A new pipe organ Avas put in in 1897, at a cost of |1,500, -and was heard for the first time on Thursday evening, November 25, Thanksgiving evening. The church membership is now 413, and the Sunday-school has a membership of about 303. The pres- ent pastor. Rev. Joshua E. Wills, came to West Chester from Swarthmore, Delaware County. He is a literary gentleman as well -as pastor, having published several books, among his most recent 794 CHESTER COUNTY ones being a pamphlet entitled "Satan," in which he argues in fa- vor of the doctrine of the personality- of the arch adversary of man. Phoenixville Baptist Church was organized May 28, 1830, witli eight members, public services being held next day in the Metho- dist Church. A church edifice was erected in 1833, which was su- perseded in 1853 by a commodious structure at the corner of Church and Gay Streets, and was dedicated in July, 1834. The pastors here have been Eevs. Jonathan G. Collon, William Smith, Thomas Larcombe, Dyer A. Nichols, Andrew Collins, William S. Hall, John P. Hall, Joseph Currin, William S. Hall, Joel E. Brad- ley, I. I). King, G. G. Craft, William H. Stenger, Jonathan Nichols, J. Madison Hare, and A. J. Hughes, the present pastor. The mem- bership of this church is 512, and the church property is valued at $23,500. East Nantmeal Baptist Church was organized November 5, 1811, with twenty-six members. Meetings were held for a couple of years in a school-house, but in 1813 a church building was dedi- cated, which cost 1800. In 1880 a neAV chiirch building was erected wliich cost .|3,500. Tlie pastors here have been Kevs. A. Collins, D. A. Nichols, John Duer, William H. Ellis, F. Wilson, J. W. Plannett, C. H. Mellotte, and A\'alter Whitley, the present pastor. The mem- bership of the church is 1G3, and the property is valued at $5,000. East BrandyAvine Baptist Church was organized February 21, 1843, with fifty-three members, a church building having been erected the previous year. This building was burned down in 185G, and rebuilt the same year. The church was incorporated Aiigust 0, 1804, and the parsonage, which was purchased in 1870, is sit- uated in Guthrieville. The pastors of this church have been Eevs. Thomas S. Griffith, H. S. Haven, William J. Nice, John S. Christine,', John M. Richards, George H. Mitchell, Jesse B. Williams, B. H. Fish, George H. Mitchell, S. Livermore, E. W. Eing, C. E. Young, T. G. Guessford, Maris Gibson, T. A. Lloyd, William Marlow, James AND ITS PEOPLE. 795 JM. Guthi'ie, Morris Gibson, A. M. McCurdy, Walter Mayo, F. ^^'. Eandall and G. W. Rensliaw, tlie present pastor. The membersliip of the church is twenty-five, and the property is valued at .|4,500. Pughtown Baptist Church wasi organized January* 10, 185G, with twenty-five members. Two days previousl.y it was resolved to abstain from the use of intoxicants for sacramental purposes. The pastors of this church have been as follows: Eevs. Theophilus Jones, John Perry, John Entriken, J. G. Walker, E. P. Barker, S. Belsey, William Barrows, David Landis, J. H. Hyatt, AV. O. Owen, and is now supi:»lied by Kev. William T. Johnscm. The membei*shiii of the church is now eighty-one, and the property is valued at f2,S00. The First Baptist Church of Coatesville was organized Sep- tember 3, 1867, Avith forty-nine members, a building having been secured on April 3, pre^ iously, from the school board, and then fitted up for a place of worship. In 1869 most of this building was torn do-nn and a new one erected in its place on the southwest cor- ner of Third Avenue and Main Street, w.hich was opened for wor- ship Januaiw 1, 1870, and dedicated November 10, following. The liastors of this church have been as follows: Eevs. A. C. Whear, <\ M. Deitz, E. Wildman, E. Edwards, from December 5, 1880, to July 9, 1882; E. E. Jones, November 1, 1882, to April 1, 1887; Joseph L. Sagebeer, September 1, 1887, until his death in 1890; Benjamin C. Needham, October 1, 1890, to 1896, when owing to fail- ing healtii he ^^as compelled to cease from labor and was suc- ceeded by Eev. William E. Needham. The membership of the church is about -150, and the church property is valued at |25,000. Willistown Baptist Church was organized in 1833, as a branch of the Great Valley Baptist Church. A church building was erected in 1875 at Malvern to take the place of the old building and the parsonage was erected in 1877. In 1881 the membership was 319, Kev. E. W. Bliss being pastor at that time. Since then there has been but one pastor, Rev. W. W. Dalbey, who came to the 796 CHESTER COUNTY church June, 1893, the Rev. Mr. Bliss having ck)sed his pastorate December 2, 1892. The church buikling is now valued at |15,000, and the parsonage at |1,000, total $19,000. The church society i:-; entirely free from debt. The church membership is now 281, and that of the Sunday-school, 150. t^ince 1880 a fine double shed ca- Ijable of holding 28 teams has been erected, and a bell has been put on the church weighing 700 pounds. West Cain Baptist Church was organized as a branch of the Hephzibah Baptist Church in 1842 with twenty-six members, their petition for a separate church organization being granted upon condition that they pay all arrearages due the Hephzibah Church. Rev. Mr. Jenkins was permitted to devote one-fourth of his time to the new church. Subsequent to his pastorate the following have been the pastors of this chuixh: Rev. David Jefferis, Rev. George H. Mitchell, liev. A. G. Compton, Rev. W. H. H. Marsh, and Rev. George Coulter. At the present time no stated meetings are held by this church, which as an organization has ceased to exist, but preaching is supfjlied occasionally from Coatesville, as the pastors there may arrange. Lawrenceville Baptist Church was organized April 14, 1858, and the church building erected that year was dedicated December 12, 1858, the cost of the building having been |1,700. The pastors of this church have been as follows: Revs. W. H. H. Marsh, John M. Perry, A. B. Still, Robert Dunlap, David Philips, A. H. Emmons, J. W. Griffith, C. W. O. Nyce, J. B. Soule, and the present pastor, Rev. W. T. Johnson. The membershii) of this church, now named Parkerford instead of Lawrenceville, is 186, and the property is valued at |5,000. The Berean Baptist Church of West Chester was organized as the Mount Olive Baptist Church of West Chester, February 10, 1874. On April 2, the name Avas changed to the West Chester Baptist Church, and on the 10th of the same month the name was again changed to the Berean Baptist Church. The first sermon was AyO JTS PEOPLE. 797 preached by I{ev. W. li. McNeil. November 2, 1874, the corner- stone of a church biiihling was hiid by tlie Kev. Edward McMiiin. pastor, on a lot ou the west side of Walnut Street, between Miner and Barnard Streets, the building being completed and dedicated in 1875. The pastors of this church have been as follows: Rev. Edward McMinu, William K. McNeil, T. A. Lloyd, James M. Guthrie, and David II. Laudis, the last pastor. In 1889 this church property was ]nirchased by H. .J. Clouser, who lives adjoining it on the south, and in 1892 he sold it to the Second Presbyterian Church (colored), which has since occupied it. The building was erected in 1874. The Loudon Tract Baptist Church, so named because it was located on a tract of land purchased by the London Company, in Chester County, Avas made an independent church November 21, 1780. Previous to tJiis date its history is involved in that of the Welsh Tract, which etends back tO' the beginning of the Eight- eenth century. At the time of the organization of this church there were dismissed from the Welsh Tract church eighteen per- sons to aid in its formation. The Evans family were among the most prominent of the original members, and the church building stood upon their land. The first pastor appears to have been Ilev. Thomas Fleeson, appointed November 22, 1780. In 1808, Kev. Jethro Johnson Avas pastor, preaching two vSundays each month, one at BrandyAvine and one at Hephzibah. Kev. Thomas Barton was pastor of this church for a period of fifty years, dying March 23, 1870. Bev. George W. Stator became pastor in March, 1873, and was succeeded by Bev. Joseph L. Stator in March, 1880. Early in the histoi";^' of this organization a new stone building was erected Avith the entrance on the south side; but in 1863, when this building Avas remodeled, the entrance was placed on the east side. The only pastor since the retirement of Bev. Joseph L. Stator, who died in 1892, has been Elder A. B. Francis. The membership of the church is noAV ten, and the property is worth |3,000. There is 798 CHESTER COUNTY no Sunday-school connected with this cliurcli, as the members do not believe in them or in missions. This is an old-school Baptist Church, and thej firmly believe in the doctrine that only the elect will be saved, hence Sunday-schools and missions are useless. In their view tlie Lord does all, and as a consequence of this belief their church seems doomed to continued decay and early extinc- tion. Green Valley Baptist Church was organized June 19, 1834, when a considerable number of members was dismissed from Hephzibah Church for that purpose. But it does not appear that a church building was erected for them until 1868, the question as to ^\hether a building was needed in Newlin being investigated in 180(1 by J. G. Powell, John Y. Woodwai'd, and Job Keech from Hephzibah Churcli. In August, 1867, a "harvest home" was held in Daniel Pennock's woods, which brought in |320, and in June, 1868, a location was selected for the meeting-house, the corner- stone of which was laid July 30 that year. Tlie basement of the building was opened for worshii) December 3, 1S69, the sermon be- ing preached by llev. D. W. Hunter, and on October 9, 1870, the main audience room was opened for worshij), the building being dedicated September 9 and 10, 1871. The sermon on this occasion was preached by the venerable Simeon Seigfried, and there was one preached also by the Rev. James Trickett. The Oxford Baptist Cliurch was constituted May 12, 1881, services having been held in that place then about two years by Eev. William R. McNeil. Rev. William Barrows is pastor at the present time. At first Brinton's Hall was used as a place of worship, but in 1886 the so- ciety purchased tlie church building which had been formerly used by the Methodists and still own the building. The Seventh Day Baptists of Pennsylvania first became known in the Province in 1697, when Abel Noble, who is claimed to have been the first Seventh Day Baptist to come to the Province (in 1684), AND ITS' PEOPLE. 799 baptized Thomas Martin, a frieud, in IJidley Creek. Aftenvard Mr. Martin baptized otlier Quakers imtil nineteen had left their own society to become Baptists. On October 12, 1C07, they were incor- porated into a church with Thomas Martin as their minister. From tliat day no other Keithian Qiialcers were baptized. In 1700 a dif- ference of opinion arose among them as to the Sabbatli day, some claiming it to be Saturday, others, to be Sunday, and this differ- ence of opinion broke up the church, those adhering to the Seventh day remaining together in Xewtown. This Newtown societj^ held its meetings at the house of David Thomas, and after Thomas Martin had for ministers two named Buckingham and Budd. After the death of these two the society did not flourish to any great extent. The dead members of the church lie buried in the cemeterj' now owned by the Newtown Bap- tist Church. Another society of Seventh Day Baptists was organized at Not- tingham, Chester County, their meetings being held sometimes at the liouse of Abigail Price, but chiefly at the house of Samuel Bond of Cecil County, Maryland. The}' originated witli the Keithians in Upper Providence, but, having no minister, .they could not expect to grow. There was still another society of this denomination at French Creek in Ea.st Nantmeal Township, which originated in 1726, a few members withdraAving from the Great ^'alley Baptist Church in Chester Countj-. They had a meeting-house built in 1672 on a lot containing one acre of ground. There were six families belonging to this society, which had no regular minister. Their meeting- house, a frame one, was destroyed many years ago. The German Baptists, or Dunkers, living in Coventiy Town- ship, organized themselves into a church in 1724, with the assist- ance of Bishop Peter Becker of Germantown. They celebrated a "love feast" and the Lord's Supper for the first time November 7, 1721, with eight communicants. Martin Umer was their first min- 47 800 CHESTER COUNTY ister, he beiug forniiill.y ordaiued in 1729 aud serving- the eluin-li until his death, in 1755. Mr. Urner's assistant, Casper Ingles, served also until Mr. Urner's death. The next regular minister was Martin Trner, a nephew of the tii'st, who was ordained in 1750. Cp to this time they had met in private houses, but under the super- vision of I{ev. John Price, familiarly known as "Johnny Price, the boy pastor," the present church building, known as "Price's Meeting-house," was erected. The Sunday-school was organized with about 110 members, some little time after the establishment of the church. Other noted ministers of the church, besides those already mentioned, have been Eev. George Price, the first bishop), and Rev. John Baugh. It has been found impracticable to secure later data in connection with this structure. The Parkesburg Baptist Church was organized in 1888 with 48 members, after having been a branch of Glen Run Church for manyiyears. In 1873 a lot was purchased on Rumford Street, near Gay, and a church building erected that year, whicdi has a seating- capacity of about 200, the cost of the building being |1,400. The pastors have been as follows: Revs. O. O. Owen, S. Y. Marsh, F. H. Buffum, Harrjf S. Allen of Philadelphia, for about a year aud a half; supplies then from Crozier; S. McGinnis about sixteen montlisj and at the present time William C. Stiver, who has been supplying the pulpit since December 1, 1897. The present mem- bership of the church is 50, and of the Sunday-school 30. The church property is valued at about |1,200. Olivet Baptist Church of West Chester was organized April 1, 1897, with 113 members, of whom 112 were regularly dismissed by letter from the First Baptist Church. Rev. J. H. Chambers, who had been for several years pastor of the First Baptist Church, became pastor of the new organization. The Sunday-school Avas organized Ai^ril 1, 1897, with 111 members. For some time the congregation occupied the Opera House and later the Armory, but at lengtli a lot was i^urchased on the corner of Union and New AND ITS PEOPLE. 80 1 Streets, on which a comiii odious chapel was erected earl}' in 1808 at a cost of ii^S.OOO, the lot haviug cost |2,000. This chapel is con- structed of blue stone, and contains COO sittings. A church edifice is hereafter to be erected on Union Street front. The location of this church building- is in a new and thriving part of West Chester, and it has made rapid strides in progress and prosperity. The pastor, Ixev. J. H. Chambers, is an alumnus of Bucknell University and of Crozier Theological Seminary, and is an active, earnest man. St. Paul's Baptist Church (colored) of West Chester, was organ- ized in 1888, and a church building erected between Miner and Barnard Streets and between Penn aud Adams Streets. Rev. Asbury Smallwood was the first pastoi', remaining until 1893, when he was succeeded by the present pastor. Rev. J. C. King. The building belonging to this organization was destroyed by fire on Sunday, February 6, 1898, while church services were in progress in the other churches, St. Paul's congregation being driven out by the fire. They, however, immediately rented Sisters' Hall aud continued their seiTices therein while the old building was still burning. The building destroyed was worth about .'jf.jOO, on which there was no insui'ance, and the contents of the building, which were destroyed, were worth about |200. A new building is now (July, 1898) in process of erection, the cornerstone to be laid August 7. When completed, the new building will be worth .|3,000, and as the lots owned by the con- gregation cost fSOO, the entire property, including the furniture and organ, will be worth |4,000. The First Baptist Church of Kennett Square was organized December 20, 1882, at a council held for the purpose, seventeen churches being represented in the council. The first meeting held with this object in view was at the house of D. Duer Philips, and was under the direction of Rev. W. C. Naylor. Then came the evangelist, E. C. Romine, aud after the organization of the church Eev. J. M. Lyons was sent as pastor, remaining from January o, 8o2 CHESTER COUNTY 1S83, to January 24, 1884. Kev. Clarence Larkin became pastor October 12, 1884, and remained until June, 1898. A lot at the comer of South Union and Cypress Streets was purchased October 22, 1883, and ou May 12, 1885, ground was broken for the erection of a church. October 4, 1885, the building was opened for public services, llev. W. H. Conard of Philadelphia preaching the sermon. Up to this time tbe -services had been held in the second story of Taylor's Hall. The total cost of the new church was |5,649.25, and it was improved in 1892 at a cost of 1280. On October 4, 1894, it was dedicated free from debt. The membership of the church is 160, and of the Snnday-school, 150. A mission of tliis church was organized at Unionville in March, 1897. Since the dedication of the church a lot has been pui-chased on the north for |1,100 and an annex built thereon at a cost (.f |1,300. There are several societies connected with the church, all of which are doing good work. The present pastor of this church, Eev. J. Kyland Murdoch, entered upon his duties on Sunday, July 3, 1898. Metliodism was introduced into Chester County, it is believed, by Eev. Isaac Eollins about 1772, he reacliing the center of the county in 1773. Shortly afterward Francis Asbury came iuto the county, as, according to liis journal, he reached Marlborough, where there was "a large congregation waiting," March 21, 1773. Isaac Eollins preached there that night aud on the 23d Asbury was at \Yoodward's, on the Brandywine. In 1783, when not far from Yellow Springs, Isaac Eollins was thrown from his horse and killed on the spot. Between these dates, 1773 and 1783, there was preaching at several places in Avhat is now Chester County. In 1774 Daniel Euff and William Watters preached in this county, and it is thought that Eev Joseph Pilmore, one of the first Meth- odist missionaries to America, preached in the township of Uwch- lan in 1772. In 1774 an appointment was made by several preachers in Uwchlan, near the Little Eagle Tavern, where Ben- AND ITS PEOPLE. 803 sou's Chapel was built iu 1781, -where Beujauiiu Abbott preached in 1780. From this meeting came Hopewell Methodist Church, and the lot on which it stood, still having on it a few graves, is still in possession of the Methodists. Grove Methodist Church was founded in 1774, and is at the present time the oldest Metho, when the present pastor, Kev. Alden W. Quimby, became pastor. The mem- bership of the churcli is now seventy, and the value of the clnuch property, including tlie parsonage, is |13,000. The Pomeroy Methodist Church has had the fidlowing pas- tors: Eev. J. T. Gray, 1884-86; «ev. E. Devine, 1887-88; Rev. J. M. Wheeler, 1889-90; Kev. B. F Miller, 1891-92; Rev. Matthias Barn- hill, 1893-94 Rev. Delaplain Gollie, 1895-96; Revs. J. W. Williams and Albert Clegg, 1897, and Rev. J. W. Miles, 1898. Under the pastorate of Rev. B. F. Miller, the church building was remodeled and greatly improved, and the church itself is now h separate charge. Oxford Methodist Church was established about 1828, services being conducted from that year to 1851 in Hopewill Mill. In the latter year a church edifice was erected and dedicated bj- Revs, Francis Hodgson and Andrew Manship. The delay in erecting a church building here was in the opposition to Methodism, which led everyone to refuse to sell ground upon which to erect a church. At length this difficulty was overcome by a stranger purchasing the land on which the present Baptist Church building stands. The first parsonage was built in 1877 or 1878, and the present one in 1886. The pastors here have been as follows: 1828 (Strasburg Cir- cuit), George Woolley, John Nicholson; 1829, George Woolley, Thomas McCarroU; 1830 (Port Deposit Circuit), George Woolley, AVilliam Bloomer; 1831 (Cecil Circuit), William Torbert, James Nichols; 1832, William Torbert, William Spry; 1833, Eliphalet Reed, George M. Yard; 1834, Levi Stork, Edward Kennard, John A. Roach; 1835 (Northeast Circuit), Peunell Coombe, C. J. Crouch; 1836 (West Nottingham), William Ryder, C. J. Crouch; 1837-38 (Nottingham), Samuel Grace, John S. Inskip; 1839, William AXD ITS PEOPLE. 823 Torbert, M. D. Kurtz; 1S40, William Torbert, Charles Scboek; 1841, William C. Thomas, H. S. Atmore; 1842, Edward Kenmird, James McCarter; 1843, George Bartou, D. L. Patterson; 1844, George Bar- ton, A. Freed; 1845, Eliphalet Eeed, H. B. Manger; 1840, Leeds K. Beuidge, Thomas Miller; 1847, John D. Long, J. A. Whitaker; 1848, Charles Schoek, "William Kobb; 1849, Charles Schock; 1850, Jonas Bissey; 1851 (Oxford Circuit), Jonas Bissej^ John Thomp- son; 1852, John F. Boone, Reuben Owen; 1853, John Cummins, Abel Howard; 1854, John Cummins, John Dyson; 1855, John Edwards; 1856, T. B. Miller, E. T. Kenney; 1857, T. B. Miller, Henry H. Bodiue; 1858, John B. Dennison, Nathan B. Durell; 1859, John B. Dennison, Thomas F. Plummer; 1860, Joseph Car- lisle; 1861, James Hand; 1863-64, Thomas Sumption; 1865-66, Francis B. Harvey; 1867, IL B. Manger, W. M. Gilbert; 1868, made a separate station, and since then the ministers have been: John Stringer, A. M. Wiggins, Levi B. Hoffman, Samuel G. Hare, Benja- min T. Strong, George A. Wolfe, Matthew Sorin, James C. W^ood, Bichard Kaines, 1880-83; W. Bamford, 1884-87; A. G. Kynett, 1888; T. Kelly, 1889; J. P. Miller, 1890-91; W. W. Cookman, 1892-94; George Cummins, 1895; D. S. Sherry, 1896; W. J. Mills and A. D. Mink, 1897-98. The membership of the church is 400; Sabbath-school, 250; value of property, |20,000. Kennett Square Methodist Church appears first as a mission in 1853, and in 1854 there were eighteen members and forty-five probationers. The pastors have been as follows: 1854 (Mount Salem and Kennett Square Mission), Thomas W. Simpers, William M. Dalrymple; 1855-56 (Kennett Square Mission), Francis B. Har- vey; 1857-58, John Dyson; 1859, L. Chambers; 1860, Joseph Cook; 1861 (with Marshallton and Union ville), Joseph Cook; 1862-63 (Marshalltou and Kennett Square), Samuel W. Kurtz; 18()4, William H. Fries; 186.5, Alfred A. Fisher; 1866, John Edwards; 1867 (Kennett Square and Union ville), John Edwards; 1868 (Ken- 8-4 CUESTER COUNTY nett Square), 1809-70 (Chatham and Keunett Square), Francis B. Harvey-, William W. Barlow; and since then at Kennett Square, Kobert C. Wood, George Alcorn, A. L. Hood, E. C. Yerkes, E. J. McKeever, Elim Kirk, W. F. Sheppard, S. T. Horner, H. E. Robin- son, J. S. McKinlay, 1884; J. E. Grauley, 1885-8G; H. C. Boudwin, 1887; A. F. Taylor, 1888-89; O. C. Burt, 1890-91; George Alcorn, 1892-94 ; T. N. Hyde, 1896, and J. H. Earp, 1897-98. In 1854 a frame church building was erected, which lasted until 1884, when it was superseded by a substantial brick edifice erected on the same site, which was dedicated in 1885, free of debt. Since then a neat par- sonage has been erected. In 1891 an Epworth League was organ- ized in connection with the church. St. JamcKs' Methodist Chiirch was organized first as a class at Cedarville in 1871. In 1872 John EdAvards was pastor, and in 1873-74 Joseph J. Sleeper. During the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Sleeper George Wagner gave the organization a piece of ground on which to erect a churcli, which was 37x60 feet in size, and the basement of which was dedicated June 27, 3874, and the main audience room dedicated in 1877. The pastors here have been Revs. Thomas A. Feruley, Joseph J. Sleeper, H. W. Sebring, George W. Lybrand, J. Bamford, and Curtis T. Turner being the supply at the present time. The Parkesburg Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1875, but there had previously been services there by Methodist ministers. A stone church building erected by the Baptists, but afterward owned by the Episcopalians, became their place of worship, they renting it until 1879, when they purchased it. This building was occupied until 1890, when it was sold to the Odd Fellows, and a fine new brick church building erected on Main Street, at a cost of |8,000. This new building involved the society in financial difficulties, but under the i^astorate of Rev. J. W. Jack- son the debt was reduced to •1f2,400; and during the pastorate of Rev. F. A. Gacks this indebtedness was paid, and the church is now free AND ITfi PEOPLE. 825 from debt. The church was connected with Atglen Circuit until 1882, when it became a separate charge. The present membership is 235, with a membership in the Sunday-school of 250. The ministers have been as follows: Ephraim Polk, I. M. Gable, William P. Howell, David Shields, H. N. Sebring, John F. Oray, Edward Devine, John M. Wheeler, J. W. Jackson, J. E. Diverty and F. A. Gacks, the latter of whom came to the church in March, 1896, and is pastor at the present time. Hamt)rton Methodist Church was started in 1872, when a h.i was donated on which to erect a building, and on which a near, frame building was erected in 1873 at a cost of $3,000. Tlie pan- tors have been the same as those at Kennett Square, up to 1881 ; since then they have been as follows: J. S. McKinlay, J. E. Grau ley, H. C. Boudwin, A. F. Taylor, O. C. Burt, George Alcorn, T. X. Hyde and J. P. Earp. Thorndale Methodist Church was started in 1875, by Kev. George S. Broadbent, while he was pastor at DoAvingt()wn. The services were continued through 1875 and 1877 by hiin, and by liev. John Stringer tlirough 1878-79-80, and during this latter year a ueat chapel Avas erected and dedicated. In 1881 it was associ- ated with Hibernia and Sadsbury Methodist Churches, Rev. S. O. Garrison being the pastor. Since then the pastors have been as follows: W. Powick, 1882-83; John Bell, 1S81-8G; I. C. Kirk, 1888; A. F. Greenig, 1890; L. B. McCliutock, 1891-96; John Boehm, 1897, and J. W. Fryer, 1898. Avondale Methodist Church had its origin during the summer of 1868, a meeting being held at the house of J. B. Steward, Oc- tober 28, seven persons being present. The Sunday-school was or- ganized May 23, 1869, and on June 7, 1869, the hall of Tiba Lam- born was used for the first time, the attendance having largely in- creased. In 1870 a two-story building was erected for church pur- poses at a cost of .f 1,100.90. This building was destoyed by fire iu 1880, and in 1881 a new one was erected at a cost of |2,000 and 826 CHESTER COUNTY St. Paul's African Methodist Episcopal Chnrcli, at Coatesville, located at the corner of Seventh Avenue and Merchant Street, was presented to the church society by Trinity Episcopal Church, an,000. St Paul's Episcopal Church, West Whiteland, was organized Februarj' 23, 1828, the church edifice being erected the same year and consecrated May 28, 1829. The rectors of this church have been as follows: Kev. Samuel C Brinkle, through whose efforts the members were gathered together; Revs. R. N. Morgan, Cyrus Tl. Jacobs, William Hilton, William Henry Rees, William IT. Wood- ward, William L. Suddards, H. Hastings Weld, Tliomas W. ^^■in- chester, Thomas L. Green, Samuel Hazlehurst, Joseph W. Cook, A. E. Tortat, Robert F. Innes, (1. Livingston Bishop, De Witt C. Loup, Thomas J. Taylor, and Henry J. W. Allen, who assumed charge of this church in 1882. The communicants number fifty, and the Sun- day-school 25. The church property is valued at $12,000. The Episcopalians have the following churches in Chester County as it is to-day: St. John's in West Cain, St. Peter's in East "S^'hiteland, St. John's in Penn, St. Mary's in Warwick, St. Andrew's in West Vincent, St. Peter's in Phcenixville, St. Mai'k's in Honey- brook, St. Paul's in W'est Whiteland, St. James' in Downingtown, Trinitj' at Coatesville, The Church of the Good Samaritan in Paoli, and the Churc h of the Holy Trinity in West Chester. There were, of course. Episcopal churches in what is now Dela- ware Countj' before any of the above-named were established. It is claimed that St. Paul's at Chester and St. Martin's at ilarcus A.VD IT^ PEOPLE. 831 Hook were built iu 1702. St. John's at Coucord was built iu 1722, and >St. David's Episcopal Church, which is about one and a half miles southw est of IJadnor Station on the Pennsylvania Eailroad, at the junction of NeAvtown Township, Delaware County, and East- town Township, Chester County, was established by a. colony of Welshmen about 1685. While but little is known as to the early his- tory of this church yet it appears clear that services were held from 1700 to 1704 at the house of William Davis, by Eev! Evan Evans, who preached in Welsh once a fort- night for four years. In 1714 John Chubb was formally appointed as missionary to this church at Oxford, and subscriptions had been raised for the building of a stone church. On May 9, 1715, the foundations of Radnor Episcopal Church were laid. After Mr. Chubb's death in December, 1715, Rev. Evan Evans was appointed missionary to Radnor and Oxford, remaining from^he summer of 1710 to 1718. The next rector was Rev. John Humphrey, who supplied the pulpit until the appoint- ment of Rev. Robert Weyraan, who began his duties here in De- cember, 1710, and remained until 1731. Rev. John Hughes was rec- tor from 1733 until 1737. Re^'. ^Villiam Currie, the last missionary to Radnor. During tJie Revolutionary War this church was closed to religious services, for the reason that Rev. Mr. Currie remained loyal to England. In 1783 Mr. Currie again took charge of the church and was succeeded in 1788 by Rev. Slaytor Clay, who was the first American minister of the church. The church was incor- porated in 1792. In 181S Rev. Samuel C. Briukle began preaching here once in each two weeks, continuing until Rev. Mr. Clay's death, when he became the regular pastor. Since then the pastors to this time have been as follows: Revs. Simon Wilmer, William Heniy Rees, William Peck, William W. Spear, Breed Batchelor, Thomas G. Allen, John A. Childs, Henry G. Brown, Richardson Graham, Thomas G. Clemson, William F. Halsey, and Rev. George A. Keller, the present rector, Avho assumed charge in 1883. 49 832 CHESTER COUNTY Various repairs were made to tlie old cbureli building, and in 1830 a new vestrj- room was built, and in 1871 the present churcli was erected on and beyond the site of the former house. The pres- ent parsonage was built in 1841. About 189.5 the old church was restored and it is uow as it was of old. In the cemetery belonging to this church lies the body of General Antliony Wayne. St. John's Pequra Episcopal Church in the village of Compass- ville is one of the oldest churches of this denomination in Pennsyl- vania. The first buildiug here was erected in 1720. Kev. Kichard Backhouse conducted services here on the first Tuesday of each month for ten years, at the expiration of which time^ in 1739, Eev. John Blackhall became rector. Rev. Mr. Backhouse returned to this church in a short time after leaving it and remained until his death in 1750. In 1751 Eev. George Craig began to ofiiciate here, being with the church at least eight Sundays each year, and was succeeded in 1759 by Rev. Thomas Barton, who remained until 1776. During the Revolutionary War there was no regular rector, but in 1784 Rev. J. Fred Illing, of the Lutheran Church, became rector, remain- ing until 1788. Rev. Elisha, Biggs was installed this year and re- mained until 1793, when came Rev. Levi Heath. Rev. Joseph Clarkson came in 1799 and remained until his death, in 1830. Eev. Richard Umstead Morgan became rector iu 1831, remaining three years. Eev. Edward Young Buchanan was rector from 1835 to 1845; Eev. Henry Tullidge from 1846 to 1854; Eev. E. P. Wright from 1854 to 1856; Eev. George G. Hepburn from 1856 to 1860; Eev. Henry E. Smith from 1862 to 1872; Rev. Thomas Mee from 1874 to 1875; Eev. Henry E. Tullidge from 1875 to 188 , and since then tlie rectors have been as follows: Eev. J. W. Geiger about one year, and Eev. S. K. Boyer, who has been rector about thirteen years. A new rectory was built in 1891 the value of tlie property is |6,000, the church membership 284, and the Sunday-school has about 150 members. AND ITS PEOPLE. 833 The present clmroh building was erected in 1830, a stone struc- ture 40x55 feet in size and a very imposing bouse. Tlie Churcb of tbe Good Samaritan was establisbed about 1848, at Paoli, Cbester County. From tbat time to 1877 services were held from time to time in the Paoli Inn, and for several years prior to 1877 the church and Sunday-school met in Masonic Hall. On October 31, 1876, the cornerstone of a church building, named the Church of the Good Samaritan, was laid by the Rt. Kev. William Bacon Stevens, bishop of the diocese, addresses being made by the bishop, by the Eev. Dr. Currie, of St. Luke'.s, Philadelphia; by the Eev. Dr. Frost, of Trinity Church, Wilmington, Delaware; by the Eev. Dr. Hay; by the Eev G. L. Bishop; by the Eev. Dr. Eumney, and the Eev. B. E. Phelps. The unfinished church edifice was oc- cupied for the first time for divine service on Sunday, July 15, 1877, the Eev. G. L. Bishop, rector of St. Paul's, West Whitelaml, ta,king charge of the new enterprise at the request of the bishop and the desire of Edmund G. Dutille, by whom, with the assistance of a few friends, the church was built in memorv of Mrs. E. S. Dutille. The new building was presented to the bishop for consecration September 28, 1877, the semion being j^reached by the bishop. Numerous notable ministers of the Protestant Episcopal Church were present, the Holy Communion being celebrated by the bishop, assisted by the Eev. G. L. Bishop. Since 1880 the rectors have been as follows: Eev. M. J. Meigs, Eev. James C. Craven, Eev. Thomas J. Taylor, Eev. H. P. Hay, Eev. George A. Keller, Eev. Charles A. Eicksecker, Eev. G. Livingston Bishop, and Eev. Edward T. Mab- ley, who by request furnished the data for this brief sketch of the church. Since 1880 there has been built a large rectory, the inte- rior of the church has been improved, and a beautiful memorial window of cathedral glass has been put in. The present value of the property is about .$5,000, the membership of the church is twen- ty-nine families, and of the Sunday-school sixty-five scholars. 834 CHESTER COUNTY Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, of West Chester, was organ- ized November 23, 1835, Rev. George W. Cole being chosen rector. The church was incorporated April 28, 1838, and the church edi- fice was erected on the north side of Gay Street. This Gay Street edifice was used for many years as a chapel and Sunday-school after it ceased to be used as a church, which was about 186S. The cornerstone of the present church building was laid July 3, 18GS, by Kev. Heniy J. Morton, the building standing at the northwest corner of South High and Union Streets. The property here is valued at .f 70,000, and consists of the church, parish house, rectory and Sunday-school. The rectors of this church have been Revs. Edward W. Willbank, Richard Newton, Rt. Rev. G. T. Bedell, John B. Clemson, Lewis P. Balch, William Newton, John Bolton, who came to West Chester in 1803, and remained rector until January 1, 1891, when he resigned, and was succeeded by the Rev. G. Heathcote Hills. Rev. Mr. Bolton secured the erection of the fine buildings referred to above, and died in Philadelphia May 18, 1898. He was rector emeritus from the time of his resignation until his death. Rev. Mr. Hills, on May IS, 1898, resigned as rector, the resignation to take effect October 1, 1898. The membership of this church at the present time is about 500, and of the Sunday-school, 275. The parochial societies are the Vested Choir, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, ^^'oman^s Auxiliary, Girls" Friendly Society, Mothers' Meeting, Sewing School, Working Guild, St. Ursula's Guild, Altar Society, and Junior Auxiliary. St Peter's Episcopal Church, ot Pha-uixville, was organized in 1838, the present church edifice being erected in 1810 on land given by Reeves, Buck & Co. The cornerstone was laid by Rt. Rev. Bishop Onderdouk, D. D., April 25, 1810, the building being com- pleted in December, 1852, when it was dedicated by Rt. Rev. Bishop Alonzo Potter, D. D., LL. D. The rectors of this church have been as follows: Revs. Oliver C. ShaAV, Marmaduke Hirst, I. P. Nash, Samuel Durburrow, Thomas W. Winchester, W. R. Stockton, who AXD ITS PEOPLE. 835 remained until 1894, and was succeeded by the present rector, Eev. Edgar Campbell. Improvements have recently been made to the property to the extent of |1,S00, and the church property is worth about 120,000. The communicants number 130, and the member- ship of the Ir^unday-school is 125. St. James' Episco])al ("luircli, Downingtown, was organized in 1842 through the instrumentality of Rev. G. T. Bedell, services be- ing held for some time at- the house of Dr. Andrew Wills. After- ward they were held in the Masonic Hall, which was later pur- chased and converted into a chapel. The cornerstone of the pres- ent church building was laid June 20, 184.3, and the church was dedicated by Bishop Onderdonk, October 26, the same year. The name St. James' was given to it for the reason that St. James' Church in Philadelphia offered |400 per year for two years toward the support of a resident minister. Kev. William A. White, of Boston was the first rector, beginning here in November, 1843, re- maining until 1845. He has been followed by Revs. Samuel Hazle- hurst, II. Hastings Weld, William P. Ray T. Browne Morrison John B. Henry, Benjamin A. Rogers, Jesse Y. Burk. William White Montgomery, Robert F. Innes, W. G. Ware, H. Allen Grif- fith, John C. Fair, whose rectorship came to a close June 1, 1897. The church membership at present is 125, and of the Sunday- school, 140, and the value of the church property is now |15,000. During the rectorship of Rev. Mr. Innes, which lasted from 1871 to 1880, a parish building was erected for Sunday-school and other purposes, and an addition was made to the rectory. The seating capacity of the church is 250. The Church of the Trinity, at Coatesville, was organized in 1868, though Episcopal services had been held there as early as 1859. In 1871 a lot on Main Street was presented to the congre- gation by Benjamin Miller, and on it a spacious chapel was erected. Rev. George G. Field was the first rector, and has been followed by the following: Rev. Thomas T. Garland, in 1894; and Rev. 836 CHESTER COUNTY Arthur Wilson Wilde, in 189S; Eev. Mr. Field being made rector emeritus in 1894, and still being in that relation. A handsome stone chiirch has recently been erected, the property is worth about 1-12,000; the membership is 145, and that of the Sunday-school about 100. St. Mary's Episcopal Church, at Warwick, was founded about 1804, by Kev. Levi Bull, D. D., who remained rector thereof for about forty years. The house of worship was built in 1806, and re- built and enlarged in 1843. It was repaired in 1880 by using the sum of f 1,000 left for that purpose by Eev. John Starrett in his will. St. Mark's Episcopal Church, at Honeybrook, was organized in 1835. The rectors during recent years have been Rev. Francis E. Arnold, during whose rectorship three acres were added to the cemetery; Rev. Wiufield S. Baer, lay reader for a year, 1889, dur- ing which time a rectory was built worth |2,S00 and labor; Rev. L. R. F. Davis, Rev. Edward F. Mabley and Rev. John Henry Bur- ton. In 1891 the church Avas greatly improved inside and stained windows put in. The property is now valued at |8,000, and the endoAvment fund is #203. The baptized membei's number 100, and the communicants 53. The Sunday-school has a membership of 50. St. Mary's Episcopal Church, since 1880, has had the same rec- tors as St, Mark's. The property is now valued at |6,000, and the endowment fund is at present |2,450. The number of baptized members is 85, and the communicants number 25. The Sunday- school has a membership of 70. In 1880 extensive repairs were made to the church, both inside and outside; in 1888 a Avail A\'as built about the cemetery and a shed built; and in 1892 the old public school-house was I'epaired for use as a rectory. The Church of the Advent Avas chartered during the winter of 1881-82, and the coi'uerstone of the church building was laid with impressive ceremonies May 17, 1885, by Rt. Rev. William Bacon Stevens, bishop of the diocese of Philadelphia. In 1880 Iiev. John AND ITS PEOPLE. 837 Long began holding services here as a missionary, remaining two years, and was succeeded by Kev. J. H. McElroy, and he by the Rev. J. n. Ileysinger. During the missionary services of these three clergymen funds were collected for the pui'chase of a lot on Broad Street, upon which the present neat Gothic church edifice was erected. Within one year after 1he laying of the cornerstone as above narrated, the building was completed, and it was con- secrated according to the established form May 14, 1886, by the Et. Eev. William Bacon Stevens. At that time tlie rector in charge was Rev. G. Livingston Bishop. In the address of. Bishop Stevens he alluded to the beautiful memorial window of Bayard Taylor, the funds for which were collected by Mrs. William J. Baird, of New York City, and contributed to by such eminent men as the A'ery Rev. Deau Farrar, George W. Childs, J. G. Whittier, Bishop Brooks, George W. Curtis, James Russell Lowell, O. W. Holmes, Mrs. James Fields, Hon. G. H. Boker, Hon. S. L. Clemens, Will Carleton, Mrs. M. Mapes Dodge, and others, literary friends of Bay- ard Taylor. Following Rev. G. L. Bishop came Rev. Thomas Bur- rows, in 1888; Rev. Thomas Dickinson, Rev. Guy L. Wallis, in 1895; Rev. William Wirt Mills, 189(;, and the present rector, Eev. Stan- ley F. W. Symonds, in 1897. In 1895 a new high altar was added. It is finished in white and gold, is of wood, and has all the proper appointments. The number of communicants is now 16, and the number of the baptized communicants 27. The present Episcopal Mission, in Parkesburg, was established in 1890 as the successor of a similar mission started in 1870, under the name of Grace Mission, which was continued until the death of Rev. Henry E. Smith, about 1872. The present mission, named Ascension, was started by Rev. Mr. Boyer, present rector of St. John's Church, at Compassville. In 1,892 it became a mission of Trinity Church, at Coatesville, and up to January 1, 1898, it was served by various ministers, and since then up to June 1, 1898, by Eev. Mr. Mabley, of the Church of the Good Samaritan. It is now 838 CHESTER COUNTY iu charge of the Kev. Mr. Bullitt, The membership is about 35, and of the Sunday-school 15. It is held iu a routed buildiug ou Maiu Street, near Gay. A lot for the ei*ection of a new church building was purchased in 1897 on Gay Street, near Highland Avenue. The Church of the Sure Foundation, Rev. Sydney Neville Us- sher, B. D., rector, is an old-f«shioued Evangelical Episcopal Church. It is located on Union Street, between South High and South Church Streets, West Chester. As stated by the Assistant Bishop of Kentucky, Rev. George David Cummins, D. D., "It is the old and true Protestant Episcopal Church of the days immediately succeeding the American Revolution.'' The founder of the present parish was the scholarly and dis- tinguished divine and hymnologist, Rev. William Newton, D. D., a brother of the celebrated Rev. Richard Newton, D. D., and uncle of Rev. Heber Newton, of NeAv York. The Rev. Di-. William Newton, D. D., was for many years rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, of West Chester, and of the Church of the Nativity, Philadelphia. The Church of the Sure Foundation was the gift of Miss Pal- mera C. Evans, and her sister, Mrs. Sarah E. Newton. It was or- ganized April 15, 1884, with seventeen charter members, and was incorporated under the laws of Pennsylvania. The first service wa» held May 13, ISSl. The Sunday-school was organized and held its first meeting June 10, 1881, with but four scholars. Dr. Newton labored long and faithfully in spite of failing health and eyesight. He was the autlior and publisher of "Lectures on the Book of Daniel," "The Morning Star," "Gleanings froiii a Busy Life," and a number of well-known hymns. Dr. Newton died February IG, 1893, and his devoted wife, Sarah Evans Newton, died February 17, 1897. A remarkable coincidence as to date, both being intei-red in Oakland Cemetery, February 20, 1893 and 1897, respectively. The Church of the Sure Foundation has had but two rectors, the successor to the Rev. AYilliam Newton, D. D., being the Rev. Sydney Neville Ussher, B. D., under whose administration the A^'D ITS PEOPLE. 839 church has greatly prospered. The present rector was called to this parish Jime 29, 1S93, having at the time five calls from as many other parishes; but he decided to accept the Church of the Sure Foundation be<'ause, though the weakest of all, it was ap- parently the most spiritual. The Kev. Mr. Ussher, in ISOS, celebrated his fifth anniversary. Since his advent the parish, which is his first charge, has become for the first time self-sustaining. Its membershi]) has increased from 30 to 123, and the membership of the Sunday-school from 20 to 175. The income has increased from fl50 to -11,500 per- annum. The church building, both the main auditorium and the Sunday-school room, have been remodeled and enlarged. The church building, property and grounds are valued at $10,000. The present rector, Eev. Sydney Neville Ussher, B. D., is the eldest son of the l^ight Rev. B. B. Ussher, M. D., Bishop of the Ke- foi'med EpiscoiJal Church in tlie Dominion of Canada and Island of Newfoundland, and was born in the city of Aurora, Illinois, November 27, IStiS, where his father was licensed as a candidate for orders under Bishop Whitehouse. His parents early removed to Canada, residing in Toronto and Montreal. In the latter city Mr. Ussher received his education in the public schools, graduating with high honors one of the senior four of the Boys' High School. He became Associate in Arts at Magill University, after which he engaged for six years in mercantile pursuits, in which he rose step by step. IJeraoving with his parents to Kansas City, success was his and he was tinallj' made a traveling salesman for the lax-gest wholesale dry goods house outside of Chicago, west of the Missis- sippi River, Messrs. Burnham, Hanna, Munger & Co., of Kansas City. A consecrated business life was his ideal, but he was divine- ly called to the ministry, without any previous love for the ])rofes- sion; and the way opening a four years' course of study was en- tered upon in the Divinity School, West Philadelphia. For three years from June to September, Mr. Ussher spent his vacations a;i summer clerk in the Central National Bank, Philadelphia. S40 CHESTER COUNTY From the seminai*y Mr. Ussher was called to the West Chester Church, and has resided there for the past five years, an honored and respected citizen, beloved by his parish. In addition to his parochial work he is pursuing his studies, a post-graduate in the University of Pennsylvania. The Kev. Sydney Neville Ussher, B. D., is a direct descendant of a long line of distinguished ancestors on both his father's and mother's side, his ancestry being one of the few tracing their genealogy back without a break for six hundred years. The family name was originally Neville. The Nevilles (vide Burke's Extinct Peerage, and W. Ball Wright, M. A., "Genealogical Memoirs of the Ussher Families in Ireland," page E), were descended from Gil- bert de Neville, Admiral of William the Conqueror's fleet, in 1000, and the Nevilles of Baby Castle, Yorkshire, marked this by a galley in their arms. The above works, to which the writer has had ac- cess, show that Eev. Mr. Ussher's family- is descended from Richard Neville, the great Earl of Warwick, known in history as the "King Maker," one of whose descendants, for political reasons, took the name of the oifice which he bore, viz: Ussher of the Black Rod, thus retaining his influential and lucrative position when the name of Neville had become unpopular and the King Maker's influence had waned. To distinguish the family name from the office, the second letter, "S," was added manj- years ago. The first recorded as bearing the name in Ireland was Arlantor or Arland Uscher, or Ussher, who appears to have been settled in Dublin as a leading merchant in and before 1439, and who was bailiff of that city in 1101, mayor in 1409, and died in 1479. A tradition as old as Archbishop James Ussher's time states that Arland Ussher was descended from a John Nevil of the Northern Nevils, who accompanied Prince John, in 1185, to Ireland as usher of the court, and adopted the surname of Usher or Ussher from his oifice. Many of Mr. Ussher's ancestors have distinguished themselves in AND ITS PEOPLE. 841 Church, Law, and Court, as well as Army and Navy. His great- great-grandfather was Adam Ussher, archdeacon of Clonfert and rector of the parish of Clontarf near Dublin. This parish was held in the family from father to son for over 150 years. Arland Ussher, founder of the Ussher family in Ireland, above mentioned, was the father of Thomas Ussher, whose eldest daughter was wife to John Garvey, Archbishop of Armagh, Thomas Ussher, his son, was father of Henrj- Ussher, Archdeacon of Dublin, who procured the charter and was made first Fellow of Ti'inity College, Dublin, by Queen Elizabeth. His youngest son, Robert Ussher, was provost of Trinity College and Bishop of Kildare. Henry Ussher, on account of his connection with Trinity Col- lege, was made archbishop of Armagh, in 1613. James Ussher, a celebrated Homan Catholic priest in Kensington, died in 1771, author of "Clio, an Essay on Taste," was a famous schoolmaster and partner with John Walker, author of the Pronouncing Diction- ary. Arland Ussher, third of the name, was father of James Ussher, according to records in Trinity College, Dublin, Trinity's first student, Ireland's greatest scholar, antiquary, and divine, the most wonderful genius in the Episcopal Church since the Eeformation, equally holy, humble, and innocent, as he was of commanding intellect and almost miraculous attainments. He was successively Professor of Divinity in Dublin University, Bishop of Meath, and Archbishop of Armagh. Appointed by Charles I. to hold the Bishopric of Carlisle, Author of Ussher's Chronology, the basis of all present chronologies, he lies buried in Henry VII. chapel in Westminster Abbey. Christopher Ussher, son of the first Arland, who married into the great feudal family of Fitzwilliams, now represented by Earl Fitzwilliams and by the Earl of Pembroke, was father of John Ussher, alderman and collector of customs, Dublin. In his house, Bridgefoot, Dublin, was printed, at his expense, the first book in the Irish language. His son, Sir William Ussher, married §42 CHESTER COUNTY the daughter of Archbishop Loftus and was clerk of Privy Council from 1593 to the fall of Charles I. In his house and at his ex- pense was printed the first version of the Irish New Testament. His daughter, Mary Ussher, married Henry Colley of Castle Carbery, whose son, Richard Colley, assumed the name of Wesley, and was created Baron Mornington. His son. Garret, Earl of Morning- ton, married Anne, daughter of Arthur, Lord Dunganuon, and was father of Eichard, Marquis Wellesley; William, Baron Mary- borough, the Earl of Mornington; Arthur Wellesley, the great Duke of Wellington, called the "Iron Duke;" and Very Rev. Gerakl Valerian Wellesley, D. D., Dean of Windsor. Mr. Ussher's great-great-grandfather, Archdeacon Ussher, rec- tor of Cloutarf, previously mentioned, was father of Rev. John Uss- her, afterward first Astronomer Royal of Ireland, and the last of the family to hold the incumbency. 8ir William Ussher, mentioned above, was father of Rev. Henry Ussher, D. D., Astronomer Royal of Ireland, and held the Andrews Professorship of Astronomy in Trinity College. His sons were Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Ussher, K. C. B., K. C. II., wlio entered the Royal Navy January 27, 1791, as midshipman. His naval career and exploits are detailed in O'Byrne's Naval Biographical Dictionary, 1849. On the evening of April 28, 1811, he embarked tlie first Napoleon on H. M. S. Undaunted, and landed him at 8 p. m., April 30, at Porto Ferajo, in Elba. King William the IV. was a warm friend of Sir Tiiomas Ussher, having served under him as a. midshipman. He died naval commander-in-chief, at Cork, Ireland, 18G2, and lies buried in one of the vaults of Monkstown Church, County Dublin. Another interesting fact is that '"three hundred years ago two brothers of name of Ussher were driven from Ireland during one of the troubles, and settled in the neighborhood of Melrcse iu Scotland, wliere they acquired considerable lands, and among them the property of Huntley-burn, one of the most celebrated siJots on the borders." "The grandfather of the present Thomas AND ITS PEOPLE. 843 Ussher of Edinburgh, for seventeen vears secretary of the Boi"- ders' County Association for the Advancement of Education, out of which arose the celebration of tlie Centenary of Sir Walter Scott, sold to Sir Walter Scott the chief part of the estate of Abbotsford (vide Lockhart's Life of AYalter Scott)." By un- broken tradition this branch claims kinship with Archbishop Ussher, and the liev. W. Neville Ussher, cousin of the above- named Thomas Ussher, is a canon of the Cathedral in Edinburgh. On his mother's side the Kev. Sydney N. Ussher's family is even more interesting, leading back on the male side to tlie famous Thomas Carter, who took so active a part in the Irish Revolution, ending with the Battle of the Boyne, 1G90. In the family tree appear the Countess of Roscommon, widow of Weut- worth Dillon, the poet, who was publicly buried in Westminster Abbey; Dr. Philip Twysden, bishop of Raphoe and son of Sir William Twysden, baronet of Royden Hall, Kent; George Bussey, fourth Earl of Jersey, first cousin to Anna Maria Carter, Mr. Ussher's great-grandmother, whose eldest son was George, fifth Earl of Jersey, and whose daughters became Ladies William Rus- sell, Ann Lambton, Sarah Bailey, Lady Ponsonby, Lady Hen- rietta, who married the Bishop of Oxford, and Lady Auglesea, wife of the Marquis Wellesley, the hero of Waterloo, and for her second husband the Duke of Argyle, which Duchess of Argyle was cousin germaiu to Mrs. Skiffington Thompson, Mrs. Ussher's paternal grandmother. The Right Honorable Thomas Carter's second daughter, Susan, married Thomas Carter of Duleek Park and Castle, County Louth, and her granddaughter, Elizabeth, became Marchioness of Thomond by entering the family of William O'Bryen, decendant from Brien Boroimbe, King of Ireland, and whose line was con- tinued by the King of Munster and of Thomond, to the reign of Henry VIIL, King of England (vide Sharpe's Peerage). On the female side Mrs. Ussher's grandmother was Elizabeth Margaret, 844 CHESTER COUNTY eldest daughter of the Eev. Joshua D'Arcy, TJector of Laca, County Kildare. The D'Arcy family came to Ireland, settlinji- in Flatten, County Meath, in the Fourteenth century. In a book written by the present Duke of Leinster, when Marquis of Kil- dare, called "Maynooth Castle," page 5, we read: "Sir John D'Arcy, Lord Justice of Ireland, married the Countess Johanna de Burgh, daughter to the lied Earl of Ulster, and sister to Ellen, wife of Eobert Bruce, King of Scotland. They had a son, William, born at Maynooth, in 1330, from whom the present family of D'Arcy are lineally descended and are represented by George James Norman D'Arcy of Hyde Park, County Westmeath (vide Burke's London Gentry, also Walford's County Families)," the worthy head of both English and Irish families and representatives of twenty-eight peerages of Great Britain. It is quite impossible in this sketch to give a full history of a family dating back to tJieir ancient seat in Arques, in Normandy, when they came to England withWilliam the Conqueror, into whose family they had previously married, then settled in Lincolnshire and given in extenso in Burke's Extinct Peerages. The ancestry of Mr. Ussher's grandmother, on his father's side, Henrietta Boileau, can be traced back without a break for more than 600 years. The present Baron Boileau de Castleneau being the seventeeutli in descent from Etienne Boileau, appointed by Louis IX., in the year 1255, Grand Provost of Paris, at that period the highest office of state. Another interesting fact is that "Eichard Ussher of Cappagh, with Elizabeth Ussher, his mother, and his wife, Mjirtha, and all his sisters, joined the Society of Friends, who carried on an intense religious movement in the South of Ireland, the church being then in a very dead state. Three editions of memoirs of Elizabeth Ussher the elder, and also letters of Elizabeth, Lucy, Judith, and Susanna Ussher of the Society of Friends, were published in 1812, 1815, in Dublin, and the third, 1845, in London, by J. Jones, South Great Georges AND ITS PEOPLE. 845 Street, Dublin. Richard Usslier, who was chief magistrate of County Waterford, though he did not conform to the Society of Friends, imbibed their conscientious objections to taking or ad- ministering oaths, and accordingly ceased to act as a magistrate." He died at Cappagh, M. 2, 25, 1854. The Rev. Sydnej' N. Ussher is a facile and forceful writer, and has earned the reputationj of being an eloquent speaker. His alma mater recently conferred upon him the degree of bachelor of divinity, in recogniti()n of his scholarly attainments. Mr. Us- sher has four brothers and one sister, his second brother. Rev. Clarence D. Ussher, M. D., having just been appointed professor in Euphrates College, Harpoot, Turkey, in Asia, under the A. B. C. F. M., whither he has gone as medical missionary. Zion Lutheran Church was establshed about 1770, its church building being begun in 1771 and completed in 1774. It was used as a hospital while Washington's forces were at Chester Springs. The church was incorporated September 30, 1789, under the name of "The German Lutheran congregation, worshiping at the church called Zion, in Pikeland Township." While this church is in Pikeland TownshiiJ, the line of the propertj- joins the Vin- cent Township line. Previous to the erection of the church building the German Lutherans and the Reformed Calvinists jointly obtained about ten aci*es of ground, and each society had its own minister, the first Lutheran minister being Rev. Henry Muhlenberg, Sr., of Philadelphia. When the question arose as to the erection of a new house the members could not agree upon a location, some wanting it nearer French Creek, but those who would not agree to this satisfied the others for their share. Those who desired it uearer French Creek subsequently erected St. Peter's Church. The Reformed members also erected a new church. Their present building, Avhich was then erected, front- ing on the Schuylkill Road, composed of red sandstone, about two miles from the French Creek bridge and a half mile from 846 CHESTER COUNTY the general pike. The site commands a view of a considerable portion of Berks and Montgomery Counties. In 1787 this church and St. Peter's jointly purchased a place for the minister to reside at in their midst, a lot containing fifty acres, a mile above Zion Church. For some time before these two churches were erected the preacher was Ludwik Voigt, and after Lis death the IJev. Mr. Revenach preached a short time, and was followed by Uev. Frederick Jasinsky, who preached for both churches and was very much liked. During his life he occupied the parsonage, and a new stone house and barn were erected by the congregations. Next came Eevs. Frederick Geisenheimer, father and son, and Jacob Wampole, and during the time of the Geisenheimers preaching in English in the afternoon in both churches was admitted. In 183G Eev. Mr. Kuthrauff .became the preacher, having possession of the jiarsonage; but in 1842 he was dismissed by the Vincent Consistory and ordered to leave the par- sonage removing then near to Lionville and retaining the St. Peter's and Lionville congregations and also St. Matthew's on the Conestoga Pike, which was a new church a mile above that at what was formerly Ludwig's Tavern. Next came Eev. Joseph Miller, and still later Eev. Mr. Weldon, who became the regular preacher at Zion's and St. Paul's, using the German language in the morning and English in the afternoon. Eev. Mr. Weldon pur- chased the parsonage. St. Peter's Church originated in the manner related in the sketch of Zion Lutheran Church. A lot was purchased contain- ing about one and a half acres of ground for a church and ceme- tery, deeded to the church May IG, 1771. The church was completed and consecrated in November, 1772, Eev. Henry Muhl- enberg, the pioneer of Lutheranism in this vicinity, being invited by tlie pastor, Ludwig, to preach on the occasion. Services began on Sunday, November 8, 1772, and continued until the evening of the following Tuesday. During this time Mr. Muhlenberg AXD ITS PEOPLE. S47 spoke iu Germau, and IJev. Mr. (Toeransson, the Swedish minister, in English. Tlie first buikling, built of logs, was used by both congregations, Zion and St. Peter's, until 1811, when it was de- termined to build a new one, the cornerstone of which was laid August 13, and the completed edifice, which cost .f2,836.45|, was dedicated under the name of St. Peter's Church, October 1, 1812. There was put into it a pipe organ, and the building was used on alternate Sundays by the Lutheran and Reformed congrega- tions until January 20, 1835, when it was destroyed by fire. The cornerstone of a new edifice was laid April 24, 1835, and this building was dedicated April 12, 1830. By this time the demand for preaching in English had become so strong that it took the place of German altogether. When the East Pennsylvania Synod was formed, this church united therewith, and thereupon some of the members, dissatisfied because the English language prevailed, withdrew and formed a separate church, erecting a new church edifice at the opposite end of the cemetery. The Sunday-school was organized September 28, 1828. The pastors here have been as follows: From 1811 to 1815, J^udwig Voigt, J. F. Weinland, Frederick Plitt, J. Rowenauch, Frederick W. Jasinsky; 1815-19, F. W. Geisenheimer, Sr., sei'ving with his son of the same name, 1819-23; Jacob Wampole, 1827-36; Frederick Ruthrauff, 1836-43; John McCi-on, 1843-47; Daniel Mil- ler, 1847-49; Peter Raby, 1849-58; Samuel Aughey, 1858-59; Cor- nelius Reimensnyder, 1859-63; X. H. Cornell, 1863-74; S. S. Palmer, 1874-75; J. F. Hartman, 1876-80; J. R. Dimm, 1880-82; J. A. Hack- enberg, 1882-92; Rev. J. W. Henderson, 1892-98. The cornerstone of the present church building was laid August 27, 1889, and the church was dedicated free from debt May 7, 1890, having cost about |7,000. St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Chui'ch, located in Pikeland Township, was established by members of St. Peter's Church, the history of which is given briefly above. From twelve to fifteen 50 848 • CHESTER COUNTY members of St. Peter's Chnreh withdrew therefrom and erected a new building for themselves, about the year 1840, on act'ouut of the introduction of certain new measures into the old church. Of this new church the cornerstone was laid May, 1843, the services on the occasion being in both German and English. The reasons given for the formation of this new church were substantially that the members forming it had been deprived of their rights and privileges of membership in the old church by the pastor and vestry therof, because they ailhered steadfastly to the doc- trines of the Evangelical Church, as thej' had been taught them by their fathers and former pastors. And they solemnly en- joined and made it incumbent on their successors forever to main- tain the doctrines and usages of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as set forth in the Augsburg Confession of Faith, to preserve pure doctrine and undefiled religion against all influences and changes of the times and manners of the world; and that so long as the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania shall continue in its atlherence to the Augsburg Confession and remain an independent body as then constituted, "that you aud your pastors be and ever remain in connection therewith." The church edifice was dedicated October 4, 1843. The pas- tors have been as follows: 1842-50, C. F. Weldon; 1850-54, J. C. Miller; 1855-64, William Weaver; 1864-74, H. S. Miller; 1875, B. C. Snyder. The two Liitheran Churches constituting the Lionville charge are St. Matthew's and St Paul's, and the direct outgrowth of Zion's and St. Peter's congregations. St. Matthew's Church, lo- cated in Upper Uwchlan Township, was organized in 1833, by Rev. Jacob Wampole. A piece of ground was purchased on the Conestoga Pike for $50, upon which a two-story stone church, 35x45 feet in size, with galleries on three sides, was erected at a cost of $1,700. This church became a pai't of Zion's charge. Eev. Mr. Wampole remained as pastor until 1836, when he was AND ITS PEOPLE. 849 succeeded by Eev. Frederick Rnthrauff, during whose pastorate Zion's Church withdrew, on account of what were known as "new measures" in church work. At the time of this division Kev. Mr. Rutlirauff became pas- tor of three churches, St. Peter's, St. Matthew's and St. Paul's, which formed the Pikeland cliarge, and lie remained in this field until 1843, and on December 17, followinc;, he was succeeded by Eev. John McCron, D. D., who remained until 1847, when he and Kev. Daniel Miller exchanged pastorates, the latter being suc- ceeded by Eev. Peter Eaby, September 27, 1819. Eev. Mr. Eaby remained until 1858, and was followed by Eev. Samuel Aughey, who remained until 1861, when he was succeeded by Eev. Chris- tian D. Ulery, who soon aftenvard enlisted in the Union army, and died from pneumonia November 7, 1862. In 1863 Eev. S. Sent- man became pastor, remaining until 1870, and Eev. J. E. Shoffner became pastor in 1871. In 1876 he was succeeded by Eev. H. S. Cook, who remained until 1882. In this year Eev. W. F. Eentz became pastor and remained until 1888, when he was succeeded by Eev. M. S. Cresman, who remained until December 31, 1894. The present pastor, Eev. Frederick Klinefelter, assumed charge of the church February 1, 1895. The membership of St. Paul's Church is now 112, and tliat of St. Matthew's 160. The value of the former is |9,000, and of the latter |8,000. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Phoenixville, was or. ganized in 1860, but there appears to be little definite knowledge as to the pastor or people. The first pastor who was called, that kept a record, was Eev. Henry Seiple Miller, he being called to Zion's and new St. Peter's in Chester County. The same year, while residing in Phcenixville, he gathered together about half a dozen' Lutherans, and they worshipped in the Mennonite Meeting-house. Tavo years later he relinquished St. Peter's, September 29, he re- linquished Zion's, and two years later, in November, he also re- linquished St. Peter's, confining his labors to Phoenixville. The 850 CHESTER COUNTY first church edifice was erected on < 'hurch Street, between Jaclv- son and Starr Streets, in 1872-73, the cornerstone being laid in July, 1S72, and the new building being consecrated July 20, 1873, by Drs. Greenwald and Spaetli, and Eev. J. Xeff. The pastors of this church have been as follows: Rev. Henry S. Miller, 1864-75; Eev. F. C. C. Kaehler, 1875-82; Eev. E. H. Ger- hai-t, 1882-88; Eev. S. B. Stupp, 1888-89; Eev. K. L. Walters, 1889-93, and Eev. N. E. Miller, 1893-98. In 1895 the congregation, feeling the need of a new building, decided to erect a new edifice on a lot more pleasantly situated, the site selected being on the corner of Jackson and Church Streets. A spacious two-story edifice was erected, the corner- stone being laid .June 1, 1896, and the church consecrated June 20, 1897. This building is of beautiful blue stone, with a seating capacity^ of 400. This neAv edifice is one of the most imposing and beautiful in the Schuylkill Valley, and the church property is worth 140,000. The present membership is 200, and the Sunday- school has 225 children enrolled. Luther League has 75 members, the Mite Society 80 and the Ladies' Aid Society 60. St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Lionville was organized Febru- ary 9, 1838, the land on which the building Avas afterward erected being donated by Peter Stitely, and being situated near the "White School-house." The building erected here was of stone, one story high, 38x45 feet in size, and cost |1,483. The building was dedi- cated November 6 and 7, 1838. The original membership of this church was sixteen, from St. Peter's and St. Matthew's Churches, and the church became a part of Zion's charge. In 1880 the church building was remodeled at a cost of |2,300, and it was re-dedicated January 2, 1881. The Lionville pastorate has two churches, tlie ministers having been the same in each. The Centennial Lutheran Church of Kimberton Avas orgauized in 1870 by Eev. J. F. Hartman. The church purchased a Quaker meeting-house and fitted it up for a place of Avorship, dedicating it AND ITS PEOPLE. 851 in 1877, and during the suminer of 188-1: the building was frescoed and otherwise improA'ed. Since its organization this church has been connected with St. Peter's, forming the Pikeland charge. Rev. J. A. Hackenberg resigned this charge April 1, 1807, and Rev. J. ^Y. Henderson became pastor August 20, 1897. The Central Lutheran Church of Phopuixville was organized December 5, 1875, by Rev. S. S. Palmer, with eleven members. Suc- ceeding Rev. Mr. Palmer have been tJie following pastors: Rev, W. M. Bauui, .Jr., 1880 to 1883; Rev. Philip S. Hooper, 1883 to 18SG; Rev. H. C. Grossman, 1886 to 1890; Rev. John Kling, 1891-91, and Rev. George E. Faber, 1894-98. The following quotation is from a history of the church writ- ten in 1892 by Rev. -John Kling: "At a regulaj'ly called meeting held on December 25, 1875, the Mennonite congregation (being about to abandon their work in the town) unanimously agreed to convey their church property to the Lutherans upon the following conditions, viz.: That the latter should assume the indebtedness upon the property, and that they should hold the property for divine worship. These conditions were unanimously accepted by the Lutherans. In accordance with an act of the State Legislature passed in 1873, and by action of the courts of Chester County, on May 17, 1878, the church became an incorporate body. The circumstances which led to the organiza- tion were such as are common in nearly all growing towns, viz.: Lutherans were coming in from tlie surrounding country, locat- ing in the town, and going into churches of other denominations." The building, which is of stone, was erected by the Mennonites in 1789, and it was repaired by them in 1873, and again repaired, by the Lutherans, in 1890. The following historical facts with reference to this church property were supplied at the request of the compiler of this work, by Col. Hamilton H. Gilkyson: "One of the most valuable tracts of land in the borough of 852 CHESTER COUNTY Pha?nixville is without a le^al owner. Tliis tract is situated on the southwest corner of Main and Church Streets in said borough, and originally belongeil to the Society of Meunonites at Phoenix- ville, a corporation chartered by the court of common pleas of Chester County, on January 25, 1847, the charter being recorded in the IJecorder's office of Chester County, in corjjoration book No. 1, page 33. It is now occupied by the Centi-al Lutheran Church of Phoenixville. "Jacob BuckAvalter and wife, by their deed dated December 31, 1798, and recorded in the Recorder's office of Chester County, in Deed Book I\, 2, page 206, granted and conveyed to Abraham Eeiff and David BuckAvalter the above ti"act of land, and upon the same date (Deceiuber 31, 171)8) David Buckwalter and Abra- ham Eeiff executed a declaration of tiiist which will be found recorded in the Kecoi'der's office, of Chester County, in Deed Book E, 2, page 208, by which deed of trust the tract of laud is held for church purposes as therein set fortli (see record). "The Mennonite Society occupied the tract of land for many years for church purjjoses and used a portion of the ground as a place of burial, until the congregation became extinct. "On October 23, 1873, a deed was executed by Israel Beidler and IIeur\' A. Hunsicker, trustees, appointed by the court for that purpose, to Gates John for a portion of the premises above de- scribed, which deed is recorded in the Recorder's Office of Chester County in Deed Book K, 8, YiA. 182, page 322, and on July 31, 1877, a deetl of contirmation was made by Henry A. Hunsicker, surviving trustee, to Gates John, which deed of confirmation is recorded in Miscellaneous Deed Book No. 17, page 168. Shortly after the year 1877 a new stone church was erected on the remain- ing portion of the grounds, mainly fr(mi the iiroceeds of tlie sale of that portion to Gates John. "Mr. Beidler, one of the trustees, is long since dead, and Mr. Hunsicker is the only remaining trustee, and the Mennonite con- gregation has long since ceased to exist. AND ITFi PEOPLE. 853 "By a verbal agreement made with a few of the .siirviving members of the Congregation of Mennonites the Lutheran Con- gregation organized a chnn-h and toolv possession of the building and grounds, and liave continued to occupy them fur the past twenty years. "This congregation, known as the Central Lutheran Church, are neither the owners nor tlie lessees of the oi'iginal owners, and therefore have no legal title, except that which possession gives to them. "An examination of the deed of Jacob Buckwalter and wife in 1798 will, I think, disclose the fact that when the property ceased to be used by the Mennonite Society for church purposes it returns to the legal heirs of the original grantor. (This state- ment should be confirmed by examination of the deed.)" It will be noticed that in the above sketch it is stated by Col. Gilkyson that the Lutherans took possession of the property by a verbal agreement. The present pastor of the church, however, Rev. George E. Faber, states in a communication to the writer that by a written agreement made March 25, 187G, between John II. Buckwalter, Amos Detwiler and M. C. Pennypacker, on the part of the Mennonite congregation, and the trustees of the Eng- lish Lutheran congregation, the church property w'as, on almost nominal conditions, transferred to the Lutherans for church pur- jjoses, indefinitely. Tlie question as to the legal ownership of this property is one that may sometime be settled by the courts. The Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church of Coatesville w'as organized June 19, 1890. The organization was an outgroAvth of Blessing Sunday-school, a union Sunday-school, which had been started some years previous with the special view of gathering in the children of some families who did not attend any other Sun- day-school. The Blessing family and family of Mr. John S. Hope were the ])rime movers in this foundation work, which grew into 854 CHESTER COUNTY the present Lutheran Church. The organization numbered at first only seventeen communicant members. Gradually, but surely and steadily, the number grew, until now, after nearly seven years of persistent, tireless effort, the congregation numbers about one hundred and fifty communicants. The following figures and statistics, taken from the recent an- nual report of the treasurer, Mr. H. K. Kurtz, indicates in part the financial growth, and success of the entei*prise. Cost of the church property to date, .1fl3,730.9G. There has been paid of this amount before and since the dedication of the church building, Sunday, Junie 19, 1882, .f9,730.23. The pastor of this church from the time of its organization has been Rev. W. H. Steck, who has ever been faithful and eiiicient. The membership of the church is about 200, and of the Sunday-school 150. The First Reformed Church of Coventry had its origin many years ago, the earliest record bearing the date of 1743. Fifty people of this faith on April 10, 1743, issued a cfill to the Rev. Jacob Lischey to become their pastor, they having then recently heard him preach a sermon, which he had done at their request, and they were satisfied with his earnestness and his doctrines. The church was organized in Philadelphia May 19, 1743, by the signing of the discipline, and this organization remained in force until June 11, 1837. The first log church edifice was erected about 1750, it being of hewn logs, one and a half stories high, with twelve light windows in the lower story. The Rev. Chris- topher Munz was the next preacher, and the third was Rev. J, Philip Leydick. In 1784 the preacher was the Rev. Frederick Dallicker, who remained until 1799. The present church building was erected in 1800, and from the time of its dedication which must have been soon aftei*ward, Rev. Frederick Hennan was the pastor, remaining until 1821. Then came the Rev. John C. Guldin, and then followed several who remained each only a short time, as Revs. Hough, Andrew Young, J. S. Foulke, L. D. Leber- AND ITS PEOPLE. 85 5 man and David Heffelfiuger. In 1855 Eev. William Sorber ac- cepted a call, entering upon bis duties June 22. He appears to haA'e remained until his death, in 1878, when he was succeeded by his son, Eev. George S. Sorber, who remained until January 31, 188G, and was followed by Eev. J. W. Meminger, who began his labors June 1, 1886. Eemainiug but one year, he was suc- ceeded by Eev. A. D. Wolfinger, who remained until May, 1890. On March 19, 1891, Eev. H. Hilbish became pastor and was suc- ceeded by Eev. Frank N. Bleiler, who remained until 1898, when he was succeeded by Eev. Mr. Eoyer, the present pastor. "The Eeformed Congregation of A'incent Township beyond the Schuylkil," in East Vincent, was formed about 1758, llev. John Philip Leydick being the first pastor, and the first church building, a log one, being dedicated in May of that year. From 1758 to 1833 there were baptized into thisi church 735 persons. In 1781 Eev. Frederick Dallicker became pastor, and since then the following have been pastors of this church: Eevs. Frederick Herman, 1799 to 1821; John C. Guldin, 1821 to 1810; Mr. Honger, John E. Kooken and Mr. Hoffman each a short time; Alfred B. Shenkle, to October 1, 1808; Maxwell S. Eoland, from 1869 to 1881; D. W. Ebbert, 1881 to 1887; Leighton G. Kremer, 1887 to 1890; I. Calvin Fisher, 1891 to 1892; Edward Weist, 1892 to 1896, and H. H. Hartman, 1897 to the present time. St. Vincent Eeformed Church, in East Vincent Township, was organized about 1848, by members that had Avithdrawn from the Eeformed Congregation of Vincent Township, on account of certain doctrinal points of church discipline. The church edifice was erected in 1852, and was dedicated September 4, that year. The building is 42x60 feet, is two stories high, and cost |1,099.86. Following are the names of the pastors of this church: Eev. Samuel Seifert, a short time; 1853-54, Eev. E. W. Reincke; 1854-56, George D. Wolfe; 1857-58, Henry- Weisler; 1859 to 1882, Jesse B. Knipe, who Avas born in 1805 and died in 1884. Since then the 856 CHESTER COUNTY following- have officiated here: Eev. S. P. Manger, 1882 to 188fi; Key. J. A. Mertz, 1887 to 1897, and Eev. Mr. Long, who was in- stalled in June, 1898. St. Peter's (Pikeland) Reformed Church was organized in 1811, and from that time up to 1830 was served by the following pastors: Eevs. Frederick A. Herman, Jr., D. D., Jacob W. Dechant, and Casper Wach, and possibly by others. On September 30, 1830, Eev. Jesse B. Knipe was ordained jjastor of the church, and continued to preach for it until January 1, 1881, when he resigned. Since that time the following have been the pastors: Eev. S. P. Manger, 1882 to 1888; Eev. James E. Lewis, supply, 1888 to 1889; Eev. F. C. Yost, 1889 to 1890; Eev. I. Calvin Fisher, 1891 to 1892; Eev. Edward Weist, 1892 to 1893; Eev. W. A. Korn, 1893 to the present time, assisted by Eev. J. L. Fluck. St. Matthew's Eeformed Church was organized in the summer of 1833, and they, in connection with the Lutheran congregation of the same township. West Vincent, during that summer erected a church edifice which was dedicated December 23, 1833, Eev. Jesse B. Knipe being the first pastor. Both congregations con- tinued to use it for worship on alternate Sundays until the spring of 1879, when the Eeforniev lease and release of September 10 and IT, 1681, 5,000 acres of laud, as agents or trustees for themselves and othei-s. They exe- cuted deeds to the other purchasers before coming to this country. One-half of each person's share was located in Goshen Towuship, b}^ direction of a warrant for the subdivision of the Welsh Tract. John ap Thomas died in Wales in 1(183, but his children, who ar- rived in Pennsylvania in Xovember of the same year, and who bore the uame of Jones, took up half his purchase in Goshen Township. Edward Jones, Edward Eees, William a]) Edward and others arrived in 1682. Cadwalader Morgan and Hugh John sold what they owned in Goshen to John Roberts, who nmrried Gaiuor Roberts, another purchaser, and thus came into possession of 262 acres in Goshen. In 1749 Robert Roberts, the only son of John Roberts, sold 230 acres of this 262 acres to Thomas Goodwin. The Goodwin homestead remained in the family for many years, having descended to Mary Goodwin, who married Samuel R. Downing. Griffith Owen had a house in Goshen at which Friends' meetings were held as early as 1702. lu 1788 the size of the towuship was reension act, and thus the work was permitted to go on. By this act the vexed question was finally put to rest, though not until after a bitter fight had been made on both sides of the question. The removalists were naturally jubilant over their hard won victory, and expressed themselves in sundry songs and dit- ties, couched in language not the most complimentary of their vanquished foes. One of these, entitled, "Lament Over Chester's Mother," was originally published in the West Chester Directory LE\'I G. McCAULEY AIS'D ITS PEOPLE. 879 for 1857, and is reiiroduced in Fntlier and Cope's History of Ches- ter County. Its length precludes its insertion in this history. On the other hand the people of Chester were equally com- plimentaiy toward their friends in West Chester, their new town being thus described in an address to the Legislature: "That ele- gant and notorious place vulgarly called the Turk's Head (by some called West Chester), a place as unfit for the general convenience and much more so than any one spot that might be pointed out within ten miles square, of the above-described place (except to- ward the New Castle line)." The new countj' building having been completed and made ready for occupancy, an act was passed by the Assembly Sep- tember 25, 1786, authorizing the sheriff of the county, William Gibbons, to remove the prisoners from the old jail in Chester to the new jail in West Chester, or in Goshen Township, and to in- demnify him for the removal. The old public buildings at Chester were finally sold to William Kerlin on March 18, 1788; but after the organization of Delaware County, which followed as a result of this removal of the county-seat, the same public buildings were repurchased by that new county from Mr. Kerlin. The seat of justice having thus been secured, the people de- termined that Turk's Head should be dignified by a title becoming its newly acquired importance, and on March 3, 1788, the Legis- lature of the State converted a certain disti'ict of country into a county town. This town was about one and one-quarter miles square, and included six or eight small farms. The name West Chester was then given to it. The iieople of old Chester, down by the river Delaware, now themselves became dissatisfied be- cause the county-seat by its removal had become so distant from them; and, as a consequence of this dissatisfaction, the Legisla- ture, upon their petition, in which they stated their desire to be relieved of the great inconvenience of having to go so far to the county-seat, erected the borough of Chester and the southeastern 52 880 CHESTER COUNTY part of the county into a new county, the act which accomplished this purpose being passed September 26, 1789, this new county being called Delaware, and by its erection revenge had been fully wreaked on the people in the northern part of the county. While the question as to whether it was wise to so divide the ancient county of Chester in this way, it may not be improper to state that after all there was but little gained in the way of saving distance in going to the county-seat on the part, of the people of Delaware County, as a glance at the map will at once reveal; and as the county at that time had a population of only 9,483 the burdens of supporting the organization of the new county made it for a time at least somewhat of an expensive lux- ury, particularly as the people were then quite poor, not having recovered from the losses and destruction of the (then) late Rev- olutionary War. The people of West Chester, having accomplished their design of securing the county-seat, began in greater earnest than ever to improve their town, and not long afterward began to aspire to corporate privileges. On March 28, 1789, the town was erected into a borough by an act of the Legislature. From this time on. however, the place seemed to grow very slowly, perhaps because of the slow development of the surrounding country, and during the succeeding twelve years of the town's histoi'y the population increased scarcely more than a hundred. In 1800 it was 374. Following are the names of the burgesses of West Chester from the time of the first election in 1799 down to the present time: William Sharpless, elected in 1799; Jacob Ehrenzeller, in 1800; Philip Derrick, in 1801; Jacob Ehrenzeller, 1802; Richard M. Hannum, 1803; Joshua Weaver, 1804 and 1805; William Ben- nett, 1806; William Sharpless, 1807; Emmor Bradley, 1808; George Worth, 1809; Joshua Weaver, 1810; William Sharpless, 1811; Jacob Ehrenzeller, 1812 and 1813; Joseph McClellan, 1814; Daniel Hiester, 1815, 1816 and 1817; Jacob Ehrenzeller, 1818 to 1824; Ziba Pyle, 1825; Jacob Ehrenzeller, 1826; Ziba Pyle, 1827 AND ITS PEOPLE. 88 1 to 1830; Thomas S. Bell, 1831 to 1833; William Williamson, 1831 and 1835; William Everhart, 1836 and 1837; Thomas S. Bel!, 1838; Joseph J. Lewis, 1839 to 1813; William Williamson, 1811; Uriah V. Pennypacker, 1815 and 1846; William Darlini>ton, 1847; Uriah V. Peunvpacker, 1848 and 1849; Francis James, 1850; James H. Bull, 1851; Townsend Eaohus, 1852 to 1854; Joseph P. WMlsou, 1855 to 1858; William B. Waddell, 1859-60; Henry S. Evans, 1861; William Darliujiton, 18()2-65; Wayne MacVeagh, 1866; Jefferson Shaner, 1867-77; S. G. Williams, 1878; Dr. J. B. Wood, 1879-86; Marshall S. Way, 1887-97; C. Wesley Talbot, 1897. Clerks— Joshua Weaver, 1799-1801; Isaac Darlington, 1802; Nathan Sharpless, 1803-04; Emmor Bradley, 1805-07; Joshua Weaver, 1808-09; Reuben Eachus, 1810; David Townsend, Jr., 1811; John AY. Townsend, 1812; John Wooley, 1813; David Towns- end, 1814; Harper Pearson, 1815-16; Joshua Weaver, 1817-27; David Townsend, 1828-35; John Marshall, 1836-38; William Will- iamson, 1839-41; Walter Hibbard, 1842-44; E. D. Haines, 1845-51; J. B. Jeffries, 1852-54; William kS. Kirk, 1855; John J. Piukertou, 1856-61; William V. Husted, 1862-65; George M. Bupert, 1866-83; Frank P. Darlington, 1884; Charles B. Lear, 1885; Walter A. McDonald, 1886-87; William S. Underwood, 1888-98. Treasurers — Down to 1840 the clerks and treasurers appear to have been the same person; John Marshall, 1840-43; John But- ter, 1844; W. Townsend, 1845-49; J. Smith Futhey, 1850-53; A. Mar- shall, 1854; James H. Bull, 1855; Clement Darlington, 1856; Will- iam .S. Kirk, 1857-58; John J. Pinkertou, 1859-63; William V. Husted, 1864-66; George M. Rupert, 1867-84; Alfred P. Smith, 1884-87; W. D. Groff, 1887-88; William S. Underwood, 1888-98. A system of waterAvorks was established by the borough of West Chester in 1841, a repoi-t of the entire matter being made to the borough council in Jauuarj^, 1842, which showed that lots had been purchased of Anthony Bolmar and Joshua Hoopes, the former receiving .|!2,344.28, and the latter .f 200. The entire cost of 882 CHESTER COUXTY the water system was 125,019.50. The committee Diaking this report consisted of John Marshall, Isaac Thomas and William Apple. In 1843 the water committee, composed of the first two of the above-named gentlemen and W. Townsend, expressed their grati- fication at the successful introduction of water into the borough, saying that it was generally admitted by the citizens and strangers that the water was as good and pure as could be anywhere found, and that the safety from fires was much greater than had been the case befoi'e. This pumping station was in the southwest corner of Marshall Square, where the monument to the Ninety-seventh Eegiment now stands. In 1854 a pumping station was erected at Fern Hill, on the Frazer branch of the railroad, a power pump, run by a sta- tionary engine, being i)ut in, and the water pumped into the res- ervoir in Marshall Square. In 1881-82 a distributing reservoir was constructed near Fern Hill Station, having a capacity of 2,000,- 000 gallons, and at this time the reservoir in Marshall Square was abandoned, as was also the old jtumping station in the square. A new Worthington 1,000,000 gallon Cross compound engine was put in at Fern Hill at this time. The reservoir at Fern Hill Sta- tion is 102 feet above the pumping station, the distance between the two points being 31,000 feet, and the main leading from the pumping station to the reservoir being ten inches in diameter. In 1891 an extra fifty horse power boiler was put in at Fern Hill, and in 1894 a new Barr tandem compound engine, capable of rais- ing 1,500,000 gallons in tAveuty-four hours, was set up. The two reservoii's at Fern Hill are capable of holding 2,000,000 gallons of water. About one mile above Fern Hill pumping station is a dam across Chester Ci'eek, where the borough owns twenty-five acres of land, the lake caused by this dam holding about 7,000,000 gal- lons, and being for use in emergencies. It was formed in the spring of 1893. AND ITS PEOPLE. S83 The Milltowu Pumping Station, on tlie West Cliester and Phil- adelphia Eoad, is three miles east of West Chester. The settling- dam here is fed from Chester Creek, by a race 600 feet long. The pumping station is of stone, 44x67| feet in size, the double engine be- ing a high duty Corliss Cross compound, capable of raising into the reservoir, which is 13,000 feet distant and elevated above the pumping station 175 feet, 2,000,000 gallons iu twenty-four hours. This engine was put in in 1S97 to take the place of the old station about three miles above this plant on Chester Creek. The settling pond at the ililltown Station holds 3,500,000 gallons. The cost of this station, together with its equipment, was |41,000, and the main connecting this station with the reservoir, which is about fifty feet above the average level of the city of West Chester, is twelve inches in diameter, and there is a main leading directly to West Chester from the Milltown Station, fourteen inches in diam- eter. The original plan of the village of West Chester consisted of four squares, with two principal streets crossing in the center. Yet, strange as it may appear, these streets were not made to cross each other at right angles. That the streets should run at an angle with the meridian of longitude and pai'allel of latitude on which the town is located is not strange, since all the boundary lines within the original Chester County, including Delaware, run thus obliquely, the same remark applying to the boundary lines of farms and estates. This is probably to be accounted for by the fact that the Delaware Eivei*, along the front of William Penn's province of Pennsylvania, flows iu a southwesterly direction, and the lines separating the several Indian purchases, so far as they were thus separated, run back into the interior generally at nearly right angles with the river. Still, it would seem more consonant with all ideas of taste and convenience in building fences and houses to have the main streets of the village run at right angles rather than at obtuse and acute angles. S84 CHESTER COUNTY At first the houses were built close to the street, and of course those so built iu the central part of the village still remain; but in 1829 several additional streets were opened up and new squares formed, and it was then that those building houses began to set them back from the street, leaving room in front of them for front yards and lawns. This was a great imjirovement, not only to the appearance of the village itself, but also to the convenience and comfort of the inhabitants, for it gave opportunity to plf^nt trees iu such way as to shade pedestrians from the scorching rays of the summer sun, and it also furnishes opportunity to beautify the streets and lawns in front of residences, as coiild not be done before. In 1838 a second enlargement of the town plat was made from the Matlock property on the northward side, the addition amount- ing to several streets and squares. Not long afterward a similar addition was made on the eastern side of the place, on the old Turk's Head or Patton estate; and still later a fourth addition was made on the northwest side by John Rutter. In 1841 a most important improvement was made, though of a different kind. This improvement consisted in the introduction of good water, by means of steam power, through the streets of the village, from the fine old Bath Spring to the northward, and in order to secure a further supply of A\ater, works were established on Chester Creek in 1854. In the way of recapitulating early events in the history of West Chester it may be stated that the municipality, iu 1802, es- tablished a small market-house in the rear of the public offices, but it was little used, owing to the market people preferring to call upon their respective customers rather than to wait for cus- tomers to call on them. In 1831 this small market-house was su- perseded by a larger building on Market Street, which was about 100 feet long, and which was enlarged from time to time during the next twenty or twenty-five years to meet the increasing de- mands of trade. AXD ['1\S PEOPLE. 885 The first foot pavement in West Chester was put down in 1S09, in front of the property of Dr. William Darlington, rough flagstones being used, bricks not having then made their appear- ance in the borough or its vicinity. Ephraim Buffingtou imme- diately followed the example thus set, and he in turn was followed by William Hemphill, who procui'ed bricks for his pavement from abroad, and was thus the first to put down a brick foot pavement of any in the town. Mr. Hemphill's dwelling was on High Street, where afterward was erected the Bank of Chester County. Few followed these examples until the corporation, in 1823, began to build sidewalks, bricks being used generally, if not wholly. In 1S29 and 1830 the two principal streets were macadamized. Gay and Church Streets, and good crossings provided. By 1857 almost all the sidewalks were well paved with brick, and the streets greatly improved. Marshall Square. — A valuable improvement was begun in 1818, in the addition of a park to the city's attractions. This im- provement was made in pursiuxuce of the following ordinance I)assed b.y the borough autliorities: Whereas, It has been deemed expedient and proper to im- prove tlie public square, on which the upper reservoir connected with the waterworks of the borough is situated, by laying out the same in suitable walks, and introducing various oi*namental trees and shrubben'; and, whereas, it will be convenient and necessary to designate the said square by some appropriate name; and, whereas, the late Humphrey Marshall, of Chester County, was one of the most distinguished horticulturists and botanists of onr county, having established the second botanic garden in this Eepublic, and also prepared and published the first treatise on the forest trees and shrubs of the United States, and diffused a taste for botanical science, which entitles his memory to the lasting respect of his countrymen; therefore "Resolved, By the Burgesses and Assistant Burgesses of the Borough of West Chester, in council assembled, That the Public 886 CHESTER COUNTY Square, aforesaid, shall forever hereafter be desiouated aud known by the name of 'The Marshall Square,' in commemoration of the exemplary character and scientific labors of our dis- tinguished fellow-citizen, the late Humphrey Marshall, of West Bradford Township, Chester County. "Passed March 13, 1848." Marshall Square contains about five and a half acres of ground, and is well filled with ornamental trees of many kinds, around and among which are fine gravel walks and drives. It was opened to the public in 1857, and at once became a popular pleasure resort for the people of the place, and a most interesting and attractive feature of the outskirts of the town. In 18.52 a company was formed for the purpose of introducing gas into the city, and from that time on to the present time this pleasant light has been in constant use. On the northwest corner of Marshall Square stands a fine monument to the soldiers of the Ninety-seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, which was dedicated October 29, 1887. A large num- ber of persons wa.s present on this occasion, as was also a large number of military and other organizations from Chester aud surrounding counties. The monument itself is fifty feet high from the bottom of the first base stone to the top of the soldier's head. It is of Eyegate granite, from South Kj'egate, Vermont. Its construction is as follows: Bases — 1st. 12 feet square by 1 foot thick. 2nd. 10 feet 4 inches square, by 1 foot thick. 3rd. 8 feet 8 inches square, by 1 foot thick. 4th. 7 feet 2 inches square, by 1 foot thick. Plinths — 1st. feet square with molding on top, 2 feet thick. 2nd. 5 feet 4 inches square, by 1 foot thick, cut with bases to relieve the columns. The die is a polished stone 3 feet 4 inches square and 4 feet high, with columns at the four corners, and on the four sides of AND ITS PEOPLE. 887 the die are appropriate iuscriptions, the east side bearing the names of the field aud staff officers at the time of the organization of tlie regiment, as follows: Colonel, Henry E. Gnss; Lieut.-Col., Augustus P. Duer; Major, Galusha Pennvpaoker; tersous received in the hospital. In April, 1898, Kev. William L. Bull offered tO' present to the hospital a building for a nurses' home, and as a memorial to his mother, Mrs. Sarah E. Bull, deceased, who had intended to make the dona- tion herself. This generous offer was accepted, and ground was purchased bade of the property on which to erect the building. The Women's Auxiliai'y contributed to the treasury f3,624 during the year. Mrs. H. P. Xorris offered to endow a bed in memory of Miss Virginia Norwood, which offer was gratefully accepted. After the declaration of war with Spain the board of man- agers offered to the Governor of Pennsylvania the resources of the hospital for use in caring for such sick or wounded soldiers as might be in need of aid. The treasurer's report for the year ending June 15, 189S, showed that the expenses of the institution had been |18,555.42. The officers of the hospital have been from the first, Mr. R. T. Cornwell, president; Miss M. G. Townseud, secretary, and William P. Sharpless, treasui'er. This institution is one in Avhich all the people of Chester County take great pride, as it is of increasing usefulness, and i.s AND /^/VV PLOPLE. 901 well appoiuted in every respect, and most excellently managed. The one necessity remaining to be supplied is a comfortable annex or ward for those afflicted with contagious diseases, who noAV have to be taken to the county almshouse. During the year 1892-93 a Women's Hospital Auxiliary Soci- ety was formed, the membership of which extends over the county. Local branches were organized in different parts of the county, that at Kennett Square being the first of the county auxiliary. Mary Bacon Parke was the first president^ and Martha G. Thomas, first secretary. In the year 189.S-94 there were eight branches; in 1894-95, there were eleven; and in 1895-96, twelve. In connection with, the hospital is a training school for nurses, established in 1898. During the first year there were seven nurses in training, and during tJie seccmd year ten, of whom two grad- uated in 1895, viz.: Miss Lilj- North and Miss Nellie Schwarder. In 1896 there wei'e four graduates; in 1897, four, and in 1898, eight. The first Masonic lodge originally chartered in Chester County was No. 50, which was permitted to hold meetings within five miles of the sign of the "White Horse." The petition to thus hold meet- ings was granted December 6, 1790, and there were twelve charter 7n embers. There had, however, been a lodge of this fraternity pre- viously organized in Chester, but it was practically a branch of No. 11, Newtown, Bucks County, which was constituted August 17, 1768, and surrendered its charter December 24, 1781. A new war- rant was issued to branch No. , and this branch held meetings at a place called "Halfway House," Londongrove Township, Chester County, February 16, 1782. This was surrendered and renewed March 7, 1791. West Chester Lodge, No. 322, was the first chartered within the jurisdiction of lodge No. 50, after this lodge was dissolved, its charter being dated March 1, 1858. It had eight charter members, of whom four had been members of No. 50. 902 CHESTER COUNTY West Chester Lodge, No. 42, Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, was chartered September 26, 1831. On the 2Sth of March, 1832, this lodge erected a building on a lot it had purchased on Church Street, but the enterprise was not prosperous, the property was sold by the sheriff, and the lodge soon afterward was dissolved. Pocahontas Lodge, No. 316, was instituted June 19, 1848, and in 1871 this lodge purchased Cabinet Hall on Church Street, re- modeled the building, and in the third story of this building holds its meetings weekly on Thursday evenings. Canton Bi'audywiue, No. 27, Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F., meets on the first and fourth Friday's of each month. Florentina Lodge, No. 203, D. of K., I. O. O. F., meets every Friday evening in the postoffice building. General Marion Encampment, No. 91, I. O. O. F., meets alter- nate Fridays at No. 20 West Gay Street. Benjamin Banuaker Lodge, No. 14, Knights of Pythias, meets in Masonic Hall, on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Brandywine Council, No. 758, Jr. O. U. A. M., meets every Monday evening at No. Ill North High Street. Kenehha Council, No. 248, O. U. A. M., meets every Thursday evening at No. 20 East Market Street. West Chester Council, No. 632, Jr. O. U. A. M., meets every Friday evening at No. 21 North Church Street. Court No. 4, Heroines of Jericho, meets on the first Wednes- day of each month at Masonic Hall. Encampment No. 25, U. Y. L., meets over the postoffice on the first Thursday of each month. .Junior O. U. A. M., Funeral Benefit Association of (_'hester County, meets at No. 28 West Market Street. Orpheus Court of Chlanthe, No. 5, A. C. C. K. of P., meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Peace and Plenty Lodge, No. 2581, G. U. O. O. F., meets every first and third Mondavs of each month in Masonic Hall. AND ITS PEOPLE. 905 Pilgrim ('hapter, No. 11, E. A. M., meets on the last Saturday of each mouth iu Masouic- Hall. Harmony Lodge, No. 21, F. & A. M., meets on the first Satur- day iu each month iu Masonic Hall. Howell (Chapter, Xo. 202, F. i*c A. M., meets every Monday after the full moon in the Farmers' National Bank building. Stella Lodge, No. 131, K. of I*., meets every Monday evening at No. 21 North High Street. Uppowac Tribe, No. 17, I. O. II. M., meets every Wednesday evening at No. Ill AVest Market Street. Washington Camp, No. ()73, P. O. S. of A., meets iu Postottiee building every Mondaj'. West Chester Castle, No. 22(», K. 8C>, took up 200 acres of land within the original limits of the township at the mouth of Pocop- son Creek. Smith's original purchase amounted to 500 acres, and 300 acres were surveyed to him afterward at a rate of one penny per acre per annum. The settlement of this territory appears to have proceeded slowly, for in 1703 tlie following amount of land 908 CHESTER COUNTY was returned by Isaac Taylor as having been surveyed: Francis Smith, 140 acres; Heni-y Pierce, 100 acres; Robert Way, 425 acres; Thomas Hope, 310 acres; George Harian, Israel Helm, and the Chandlers, 850 aci*es; total, 2,215 acres. Afterward Isaac Taylor, in addition to the above resuiweys, made new surveys for the follow- ing persons: Peter Dicks, 554 acres; John lIoi)e, 200; George Har- lan, 500; total, 1,254 acres, in 1702; Isaac Few, 000, and William Huntley, 200, in 1703, all of which was near the Bi'andywiue. An account of Letitia's Manor, which lay in part in tliis town- ship, maj^ be found on anotlier page in this work. Kennett Square was incorporated in 1855. It is on the line of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Bailroad in the midst of an exceedingly fertile section of the country. The village which had been known as Kennett Square from before the Revolution- ary War, formed the nucleus of the borough, the name first appear- ing about 1709, when William Dixson conveyed a piece of land to Joseph Musgrave, "near a place called Kennett Square." The scene of Bayard Taylor's "Stoi'y of Kennett is laid in Kennett and adjoining townships. Kennett Lodge, No. 475, F. and A. M., liolds its meetings eacli Thursday evening on or before the full moon, in Chalfant Block. Kennett Chapter, No. 275, K. A. M., meets in Chalfant Block, on the first ^^'ednesday after the full moon. Kennett Castle, No. 243, K. G. E., meets every Tuesday night, in Unicorn Hall. Kennett Council, No. 182, U. O. A. M., meets in Unicorn Hall every Thursday evening. Kennett Conclave, No. 207, I. O. H., meets in Swayue Block, on the second and fourth Monday evenings of each month. Division No. 2, A. O. H., meets in Unicorn Hall on the second Saturday evening of each month. Kennett Grange, No. 19, Patrons of Husbandry, meets in Uni- corn Hall, on Wednesday evening on or before the full moon. AND 77',s' PEOPLE. 509 Keuuett Fii-e Company meets in the borouoh hall on tlie last Friday nijiht of each month. Kennett Square is well supplied with water, derived froin springs about a mile north of the borough. A great deal of money has been spent in procuring water, changes in the source of supply having been made from time to time, the present springs, the east branch of Ked Clay Creek, and of the west branch of Ked Clay Creek, having been at different times the source. The pumping station is half a mile north of the borough, or half way betAveen the borough and the springs which siip- ply the water, and there are two standpipes on the borough lot, which cost almost f20,000. Nearly every inhabitant in the borough takes water from the system, and the revenue that is derived by the borough treasury is about f4,000 per annum. The Kennett Electric Light, Heat and Power Company was incorporated in 1893, with W. W. Gawthrop president, John C. Yeatman treasurer, and X. P. Yeatmau secretary. The capital at first was $25,000, but it was increased to |oO,000 in 1896. The plant of this company is situated in the southwest part of the borough, and consists of a one-story brick building, 40x60 feet in size, Avith an equipment of tw(» 100-horse poAver boilers, a 150-horse power engine, and two dynamos sufficient to maintain 800 incan- descent lights each, each light of 16-candle poAver, and one dynamo of 300 incandescent lights of the same power. At present there are four arc lights on the streets, and about TO incandescent lights, Avhile in stores, churches and private lumses there are about 2,000. From this plant goes out to Toughkennamon, AA'ondale and West Grove, electricity for lighting these villages, and other vil- lages are constantly calling for the same kind of light, but as yet the company has not the means to wire these other towns. The present council of Kennett Square is as follows: George E. Bowman, president; Dr. C. S. Reynolds, John Duncannou, 9IO CHESTER COUNTY George W. Taft, F. T. MacDonald, H. D. Eutrilcen, and H. Willis Taylor. The Bavard Taylor Memorial Library was established Feb- ruary 10, 1894, several preliuiinary meetings having been previ- ously held. On the date given a board of trustees was elected, cuii- sisting of the following persons: William W. Polk, Joseph S. Heald, William F. Wiekersham, D. Duer Philips, Charles J. Pen- nock, and Edward Swayne. A lot was purchased on the corner of Broad Street and Apple Alley, upon which the building was erected, at a cost of .fGjTDl.oO, and it was dedicated September 12, 1S9G. Alice W. Swayne is the librarian, and 5,39r) persons attend the reading department during the year 1897. The success of this library is assured. London Britain Township lies in the southern part of the county, and contains the triangle which extends down between Maryland and Delaware. A considerable portion of this township was originally included in the survej" of the lands for the Lon- don Company, an east and west line crossing the township about the latitude of Kimbleville, being the southern boundary of this tract. The township was at one time enlarged bj- taking a por- tion off from the west side of New Garden. The first settlers are believed to have been Welsh Baptists, who established a church. John Evans came from Radnorshire, in Wales, about 1700, and was one of the prominent men in his day. His son, John Evans, who died in 1738, held large tracts of land, and also fulling and grist mills on White Clay Creek, and there was formerly an In- dian village on this creek, near Yeatman's Mill. A petition for the organization of the township was presented to court in 1725, which was granted, Bichard Whiting being the constable, John Devonald supervisor of highways, and John Evans and Thomas Mon-is overseers of the poor. And in 177.3 the court appointed Thomas Woodward, Levis Pennock and Joseph Musgrove to make a survey and ascertain the line of Lon- don Britain and New Garden Townships. AND ITS PEOPLE. 9" Loudonderry ToAvnsliip was set. up in 1734, beino; separated from Xottiugham, and then included the territory from London- grove to the Octoraro River. About one-third of the township, as it is at the present time, was included in Fagg's Manor, elsewhere described. In 1754: Oxford ToAvnship was taken from the west side of Londonderry, and in 1819 it was again reduced in size, by the organization of Penu Township, taken from its southern side. A small part was added to it in ISOG, taken from Londongrove and West Marlborough. The settlers came originally and mainly from Ireland, which explains its name. Londongrove Township lies west of Xew Garden and East Marlborough Townships, and was settled as early as 1714 by Francis Swain, John Smith, Joseph Pennock, William Pusey and a few others. On August 12, 1099, William Penn sold to Tobias Collet, Daniel Quare, Henry Godney and Michael Russell, all of London, England, a large tract of land and granted a warrant for the location thereof August 17, 1699. The above-named per- sons admitted others into partnership with them and formed the London Company, the number of shares reaching ultimately 8,800 and the shareholders numbering several hundred. This grant in- cluded a considerable portion of the present townships of New London, London Britain, East Nottingham, Penn and London- grove, the entire amount of land taken up by the company being 65,000 acres, 17,200 acres of which were in Chester County, the rest being in Lancaster, Delaware and Bucks Counties. The pat- ent for the 17,218 acres in Chester County was granted June 25, 1718. As in the case of lands in other townships, much of this land was leased for a term of years to early settlers, with stip- ulations that a certain number of acres should be cultivated or cleared and plowed each year. According to Joseph J. Lewis the rents usually charged were 40s. per 100 acres, but there were a few tracts of land sold by the company itself to different pur- chasers, from 1718 to 1720. The rest remained in the possession 54 912 CHESTER COUNTY of the company until about 1762, by which time the heirs of those who originally constituted the company had become so scattered, many of them being entirely unknown, that an act of Parliament was procured authorizing the sale of the land, and Dr. Fothergill,. Daniel Zachary, Thoas How, Devereaux Bowly, Luke Hinde, Kich- ard Howe, Jacob Hagan, Sylvanus Grove and William Heron were the agents appointed to superintend the sale, their attorneys in this sale being Samuel Shoemaker, Jacob Cooper and Joshua Howell, and each settler purchased the land on which he was then living. A large part of the settlers in Londongrove were members of the Society of Friends, among their names appearing the names of Allen, Chandler, Jackson, Lamborn, Lindley, Morton, Pusey, Scarlett, Starr and Underwood. In 1866 the line separating Londongrove and West Marl- borough was so altered that a small part of the northwest corner of Londongrove and the southwest corner of West Marlborough were attached to Londonderry Township, the territory thus an- nexed to the latter township including within its limits the famous old White Horse Tavern, in order that the inhabitants of the township might have a convenient place to hold elections. West Grove Avas incorporated as a borough January 29, 1894, the following oflicers being elected: Chief Burgess, John P. Chev- ney; Councilmen, John H. Turner, president; T. C. Moore, Hick- man W. Sparks, James A. Wilson, I. C. Jefferis and Isaac Martin. The secretary was John II. Strode, and treasurer, Walter W. Brown. Dr. C. F. Quimby was elected chief burgess in 1897 for three years, the secretary and treasurer being re-elected then for the same period. The council elected in 1897 was as folloAvs: John H. Turner, T. C. Moore, I. C. Jefferis, Chester Reynolds, Eber HestoUj John P. Cheyney and E. C. Austin. The streets and business houses, as also many private resi- dences, are lighted by means of the incandescent light, received AXD ITS PEOPLE. 9' 3 from Kennett .Square. On the streets there are forty lights aud iu business and private houses about 125. This light was intro- duced in 1894, the same year of the incorporation of the town. West Grove is indebted to Joseph Pyle and his father-in-law, Milton Conard, for its water system, Mr. Pyle beginning this enter- prise in 1802, when he constructed a reservoir holding (5,000 gallons of water. His second reservoir, built in 1875, had a capacity of 25,000 gallons. People gradually got into the habit of taking water from this system, and at length when new houses were erected they were so built that water was taken into them from the reservoir system. Mr. Pyle \nit in a hydraulic ram in 1878, and a second one in 1881. Later he put in two wind mills, and in 1881 he leased the water privilege on the farm adjoining that of his father-in-law on the north side of the town, bored a well 213 feet deep, from which there was a flow of twenty' gallons per minute. In 1885 he put in a Dean steam pump, which was used until February, 1897, when he put in a gasoline engine, which pumps fifty gallons per minute. At the present time eighty-five families take water from this system and seventeen business houses. The borough of Avondale was incoroprated in February, 1894, and the following officers elected: Chief Burgess, W. R. Shelniire; Councilmen, W. J. Pusey, president; Kobert K. Mackey, Morris Watson, William Miller, John L. Hood and B. H. Chambers; Sec- retary, E. Pusey Passmore, and Treasurer, Edward Pusey. In 1897 the following officers were elected: Burgess, August Brosius; Councilmen, W. J. Pusey, president; Dr. J. L. Paiste, Kobert K. Mackey, Joshua Thomas, Charles Y. Wilson, Morris Watson and Eber H. Greenfield; Secretary, Fred. Glenn, and Treasurer, E. Pusey Passmore. Avondale, like West Grove, receives its electric light from Kennett Square. This light was introduced here iu 1893, and now there are on the streets about forty lights, and in stores, 914 CHESTER COUNTY churches, private residences, etc., there are about 500 others, mak- ing nearly 550 incandescent lights in all, ranging from 16 to 32 can- dle power. In Avondale there are two societies, viz.: One of the Patriotic Order of Sons of America, and a social club, the latter organized in 1893, and which maintains a lecture coux'se. Its work is highly appreciated and forms one of the most useful and delightful feat- ures of the social life of the place. W. J. Pusey & Co., the "Co." being James C. Pusey, built their flouring mill in 1893. It stands on the railroad about 600 feet west of the railway station. The building is 76x56 feet in size and three stories high and contains machinery of the most modern pattern, the roller process being used, and tlie capacity of the mill being 150 barrels of flour in twenty-four hours. Avondale Ice aud Cold Storage Company was incorporated in 1891, its first olficers being William F. Dowdall, president; Joel B. Pusey, vice-president; H. M. Carpenter, secretary, and E. Pusey Passmore, treasurer. The same persons have held these offices ever since. The plant is located on Pennsylvania, and con- sists of an ice plant capable of manufacturing fifteen tons per day, and of a storage house with a capacity of 500 tons. This com- pany has its own electric light plant. Marlborough Township lay in the southern part of the county, north of Kennett, New Garden and Londongrove. It was named from Marlborough, Wiltshire, England. It was laid out in part in 1700, in right of jiui-chases made in England. It was organized as a township in 1704, Thomas W^ickersham being the first constable. Among the fir«t settlers were Joel Baily, Thomas Jackson, Caleb Pusey, Francis Swayne, John Smith and Henry Hayes. Joseph Pennock was one of the first in what is now West Marlborough, where he built Primitive Hall, wliich is still standing. In 1729 the toAvnship was divided into East and West Mai'lborough. In East Marlborough he obtained a patent for land which included AND ITS PEOPLE. 915 the present Peirce's Park, or Evergreen Glade, and the famed home of Bayard Taylor, Cedar Croft, is in East Marlborough, less than a mile north of Kennett Square. A farm formerly owned by William Chalfont in East Marlborough Township, near TJnionville, was named by him Clermont. In 1849 a part of this township was taken off in the formation of Pocopson, and in 1875 the line between West Marlborough on one side and Londonderry and Highland on the other was re-established by the court. Nautmeal Township lay in the northern part of the county, northeast of Houeybrook and bordering on Berks County. The name is derived from Nantmel, Radnorshire, Wales, whence came some of the early settlers, and this is the proper spelling. The meaning of the Welsh word is sweet stream, or honey brook. Surveys were made in 1717-19 at the head of the north branch of tlie Brandywiue for Tliomas Callowhill, Howell Powell, Edward Thomas, William Iddiugs, Thomas Kees, John Broomall, David Thomas, Daniel Moor, William Trego, John Moore, and Kichard and John Peirsol, and the tirst assessment was made in 1720. lu 1722 the name Nantmeal first axjpears, when it contained eighteen taxables, among them being Samuel Nutt, noted as being one of the very first ironmakers in the country. In 1710 the township was divided into East and West Nant- meal, in which year there were 83 taxables in East Xantmeal, and 123 in West Nantmeal. Originally the settlers were for the most part Welsh, but later the Scotch-Irish came up from the southern part of the county and settled in the western township. In 17S9 West Nantmeal Township was divided by the erection of Houeybrook Township, taken from the western part. In 18.'i2 it was again divided by the erection of Wallace Township, and East Nantmeal was divided in 1812 by the erection of Warwick Township. New London Township lies in the southern part of the county north of Elk, and like Londongrove and London Britain, is be- 91 6 CHESTER COUNTY lieved to have derived its name from the fact of its including a portion of the London Company's tract. In 1704 Abraham Emmitt purchased a square mile of land and had a mill on Elk Creek, one of the first in the neighborhood. Eobert Assheton had 500 acres of land to the north of Enimit's land, and Michael Harlan, in 171 i, had a tract of 900 acres surveyed. In 1720 several surveys were made in the northeastern part of this township — for Jeremiali Htarr, for Francis, Alexander, James and Patrick Moore, for S^u- sanna McCane, for William Reynolds, and for Gabriel Alexander. In 1721 there Avere surveys made for Thomas, Jolin and Samuel Steel. In the northern part of the township Avere Samuel Camp- bell, James Shaw, Robert Mackey, Robert Finney, John Morrison and others. The land owned by Susanna McCane lay on the road leading from New London to Kinibleville, near the line of Frank- lin Township. She was the grandmother of Governor Thomas Mc- Keau, a brief sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. In 1725 the township Avas divided and London Britain Town- ship erected, and in 1852 the township of Franklin was taken from New London, since which time the latter township has contained none of the land belonging to the London Company. New Garden ToAvushij) lies in the southern part of Chester County and borders on DelaAvare and is w^est of Kennett ToAvnship. It was named from New Garden County CarloA\-, Ireland. It Avas included in the survey of 30,000 acres, made in 1700, to Henry Hollingsworth, of which 30,000 acres, 15,500 acres were patented to Letitia Penn, as has been elsewhere related. The_ remainder of 14,500 acres Avas patented to William Penn, Jr., May 24, 170(!, by the commissioners of property, Edward Shippen, Griffith, Owen, and Thomas Story, and like the tract of Letitia Penn, received the name of Stenning. The boundaries of the manor liaA'e been elsewhere described, and it is (»nly necessary to say here further that the toAvnship as it was before losing a corner to London Britain, embraced that part of the manor lying north of the cir- AND /rs PEOPLE. 917 oiilar Hue, or act-ordiug to an early estimate, 8,l)lo acres. Before obtaining Lis patent William Peun, Jr., had appointed as his at- torneys, Griffith Owen, James Logan and Robert Ashton, and after a few years several families of Friends arrived from Ireland, and settled there, giving the name of New Garden to their new home in remembrance of their old home in Ireland. Among those who first settled in this township were John Lowdou, Jolin Miller, Michael Lightfoot, James Starr, William Halliday, Joseph Hutton, Thomas Jackson, and Abraham Marshall, as early as 1712, and in 1714 Thomas Garnett and Joseph Sharp. The whole amount of land purchased by the above named settlers and a few others was 5,413 acres, at the price of £20 per hundred acres, or about |1 per acre. In 1715 William Penn, Jr., sold the remainder of his manor, except 500 acres, to Colonel John Evans, from which circumstance it was frequently referred to as Colonel Evans' Manor. It is said that John Lowdon or Lowden (the name is spelled both ways by local historians), who was a noted minister in the Society of Friends, suggested New (harden as the name of the township, he having been a member of the New Garden meeting. County Car- low. Ireland. He traveled much in the service of the ministry, and died in 1714. John Miller owned the land afterward ow-ned by Mr. Ellicott, of Baltimore, and upon White Clay Creek, which passed through his farm, erected a mill, long known as the Old Mill, which did the grinding for the farmers for many miles around, even as far aw^ay as Lan( tister. This was the second mill of the kind within the limits of the county-, Towusend's Mill having been the first. The early inhabitants of this part of the county Avere in the habit of separating their farms by ditches to prevent the ravages of fire, to which they were exposed in the fall, that being the sea- son of the year when the Indians were accustomed to burn the woods in order to facilitate hunting. Newlin Township lies south of West Bradford, and was named after Nathaniel Newlin, one of the most prominent citizens of 91 8 CHESTER COUXTY the early day. On tlie 22cl and 23d of March, 1(381, William Venn granted 20,000 acres of land in Pennsylvania, and some lots in Philadelphia, to certain trustees for the Free Society of Traders, these trustees being Nicholas Moore, James Claypoole, Philip Ford, William Sharloe, Edward Pierce, John Simcock, Thomas Bracey, Thomas Barker and Edward Brooks. On September 20, 1G8S, there was surveyed unto Benjamin Chambers, president of the Free Society of Traders, for that society's use, 7,100 acres of land, in Chester County, a part of the said 20,000 acres, and on the 10th of June, 1721, the Free Society of Traders, by its ti'ustees, Charles Read, Job Goodsonn, Evan Owen, George Fitzwater, and Joseph Pidgeon, conveyed this tract of 7,100 acres to Nathaniel Newlin, in consideration of £800, current money of Pennsylvania. Tlius Nathaniel Newlin, who was an Irishman, became the owner of the tract of land which afterward became the township bearing his name. After its purchase by Mr. Newlin it Avas resurveyed and found to contain 7,700 acres, and Mr. Newlin made arrangements for the sale of portions of his purchase. Followine are the names of some of the purchasers, and the amounts of their several pur- chases, together with the prices paid: George Harlan, 169 acres, for £50 lis; Stephen Harlan, 20 J^ acres, £20 10s; Joseph English, 200 acres, £30; Mordecai Cloud, 326 acres, £97 16s; Abraham Marshall, 120 acres, £36; Joel Baily^ 228 acres, £68 8s; William Dean, 121 acres, £37 Is; George Lashly, 75 acres, £22 10s; Ralph Thompson, 75 acres, £19 9s 9d, a total of 1,337 acres for £383, or very nearly 5s 9d per acre. Nathaniel Newlin died in 1729, owning 7,813 acres of laud, of which 533 acres were in Concord Township, Delaware County, and the rest in Chester County. It was in this towusliip that a difil- culty arose with the Indians, who had beeu allotted lands therein, but as this matter is treated of in another chapter iu this work, it is merely referred to here. In the formation of Pocopson Town- ship something more than 300 acres were taken from Newlin AND ITS PEOPLE. 9i9 Township auil iuohuled tbereiu. Up to 1738 the settlers here were assessed as of Marlborough or Bradford, accordius as they were on the north or south side of the Brandywine,_but about this time the inhabitants petitioned for the formation of a new township, which petition was granted, and the toAvnship named Newlin. For some time the name was frequently written Newlintou. Nottingham Township was laid in the extreme southeastern part of the county. At a meeting of the commissioners of prop- erty, at which all were present, held January 14, 1701, Cornelius Empson, for himself and several others to the number of twenty families, proposed to make a settlement on a tract of land about halfway between the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers, or nearer to the Susquehanna, on the Octoraro Creek, provided they could have a grant of about 20,000 acres at a certain rental. To this proposition the commissioners of property agreed, and issued a warrant, in pursuance of which a tract of 18,000 acres of land was laid out in May, 1702, commencing at a point about seven and a half miles west of the northeast corner of Maryland, and extending thence to tlie Octoraro, a distance of about ten miles. The south liue of this tract corresponded with or nearly with the jn-esent southern boundary of the county, and was nearly straight, but the northern line was crooked, in order to take in good lands and leave out jioorer tract-s, and in width this tract was about three miles. A road was laid out east and west through the mid- dle of the tract, and dividing lines were run north and south at sufficient distances from each other, so as to make thirty-seven divisions, each division containing about 500 acres of laud. This large tract was c^alled Nottingham when first laid out, probably in remembrance of Nottingham County or shire in England. It was supposed to be in Pennsylvania, but when the boundary line was at last determined it was found to be largely in Maryland. In the survey, although the lines were intended to be parallel to the Maryland line, yet, owing probably to the variation of the 920 CHESTER COUNTY compass, not so well understood then as now, they run a little to the south of west as they proceed to the west. The north line of lots Nos. 5 to 10 crosses the Htate line between the fourteenrli and fifteenth milestones. Lots Nos. 11 to 16 were liouuded on the north by a straight line, which at its eastern end is a little more than three-quarters of a, mile, and at its western end less than half a mile north of the State line. Northward of these lots the territory was described as being- "back of Nottingham," but at length having been taken up by .settlers, was included in tiie townsliip of Nottingham. In ITIS both East and West Nottingham appear, and in 1731-35 London- derry was separated from Nottingliam. Previous to the erection of Lancaster ('ouuty in May, 1729, this township extended beyond Octoraro CVeek. In 1833 a portion of East Nottingham was taken off to form Oxford Borough, and in 1S53 Hopewell Borough was taken from it in part. In 1S57 it was still further reduced by the erection of Elk Township. Oxford Township lies in tlie southwestern part of the count}', north of Nottingham. It was established in 1754, being taken from the township of LondondeiTV. It is not now known whether the name was given in honor of Oxford, England, or of Oxford Township in rhi]adel])hia County, whicli is now a. part of Phila- delphia. In 17117 it was divide'as Avould be iiitt'oduced. Under this arrange- ment each gas light was eqiml to 20-candle power, whereas before each light was only 18-candle power. The Coatesville Board of Trade Avas organized about March 25, 1890, with C W. Ash, president; M. W. Pownall, secretary, and John W. Thompson, treasurer. In a very short time nearly every business man of the jjlace had become a member of the organiza- tion, and it Avas thought that a new era of prosperity had dawned upon the town. The influence of this board was soon felt in vari- ous ways. The Western Union telegraph poles were remoA-ed from Main Street, better train accommodations were secured from the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and sanitary measures received proper attention. A board of health was soon esttiblished, an agita- tion was begun for a better water supply, and various committees were appointed to look after the various interests of the place. Lewis B. Henson was elected president of the board January 12, 1891, and was later succeeded by William H. Gibbons, the lat- ter being succeeded by Hugh Kenworthy. The Youug Men's Christian Association of Coatesville was organized in the fall of 1891, with the following officers: Charles L. Huston, president; Lewis B. Henson and William H. Gibbonw, vice-presidents; William H. Eidgway, secretary, and John W. Thompson, treasurer. A site on the south side of Main Street was purchased on which a building was erected, which cost nearly |30,- 000, is three stories high, the front being of Indiana limestone, and the building itself mainly of brick. To become a member of this association it is not necessary to be either a Christian or a church member, any man of good moral character being eligible to mem- bership. The fact that Coatesville has a public libi'aiw is due to the late Mrs. Isabella Huston, who fitted up a building at her own expense ■ for its use, and purchased many books for its shelves. The first 932 CHESTER COUNTY officers of the Library Association ^^'ere as follows: Dr. Charles Huston, president; Abram Gibbons, treasurer, and John S. Hope, secretary. The first board o{ directors was as follows: Kev. G. G. Field, Mrs. Isabella Huston, Clara Huston, S. B. Worth, Eev. Dr. Eoberts, Benjamin Miller, and Mrs. Morris, and Col. Evart was the first librarian. People of wealth and liberality became interested in the cause, and the enterprise ^\as a success from the first. The ^Vashington Fire Company of Coatesville was organized June 12, 1S71, and it was incorporated August 17, 1871, the first meeting being held September 1 of that yeai'. The borough council then purchased the old Kingsessing hose carriage, a hook and lad- der truck, gum-buckets, aud 500 feet of leather hose, and pre- sented all to the new company. April 1, 1873, the company pur- chased the site of their present quarters at the corner of Chestnut Street and Third Avenue for |3,000, erected thereon a house worth |5,000, aud moved into it November 15, 1873. In December, 1875, a Clapj) & Jones steam fire engine, a hose carriage and 500 feet of rubber hose were purchased for |3,S50 by the borough, and pre- sented TO the company, and the company is now one of the best equipped and most efficient of any in any inlaud town in the State. The Coatesville Electric Light Compauy was chartered March 28, 1892, with a capital of |25,000, aud the borough entered into a contract with the new compauy to light the towu with arc lights at a cost per annum of |93.33 for each light, the contract to remain in force for five years. A substantial brick building was erected nt the corner of Fourth Avenue and liailroad Street, and on January 2, 1893, the town was redeemed from darkness by the electric light, for the first time. The incandescent system is in general use by business and private houses. The Coatesville Board of Health was organized in April, 1891, with Dr. E. V. Swing, president, and Dr. Ida Vriel, secretary, she being the first lady to ser\'e on a boai'd of health in the State. As a result of the labors of this board, Coatesville is one of the AND ITS PEOPLE. 933 liealthie.st places in the i^tate, as well as one of llie most beautiful. The Itoard holds nieetiuns once each month, and is ever ready to take notice of any matter pertainiuj; to the imprdvement of the sanitary condition of the corporation. The poi)nlatioii of Coatesville in 1870 was 2,025; in 1880, 2,7G(;; in 1890, 3,080, and at the present time (1898) is estimated at 5,000. The fraternal organizations of Coatesville are numerous an'e(lnesday evenings of each niontli in Masonic Hall Building, on Coates Street. vStar of Hope Lodge, No. 199, I. O. (). F., was established Au- gust 17, 1816, at Youngsburg. Being removed to Coatesville its place of meeting was for many years in West Coatesville, but in 1890 it sold its building and removed to the Opera House, where its meetings were held until Api-il 1, 1892, when it moved into a new building, which had been erected for its use by its trustees, on the corner of Third Avenue and Main Street, and here it hold-i 934 CHESTER COUNTY meetings each week, on Saturday evenings, and pays to those in need |4 per week. Chosen Friends Encampment, No. 88, I. O. O. V., was insti- tuted April 9, 1849, and meets on Wednesday evening of eacii week. Huklah Lodge, No. 37, Daughters of Rebecca, was instituted September 27, 1892, Avith 76 charter members. It meets on the sec- on500. One of those instruments is still in existence, but is out of date. The band has had in all six sets of in- struments, the aggregate cost has been |5,500. Since Samuel T. BeeA'es, the leaders of this band have been Lawrence S. Fox, li(tbert B. Williamson, John G. Moses, from 1855 AND ITS PEOPLE. 939 to ISTS, aud L. B. Vanderslice, nephew of Mr. Moses. Mr. Vander- sliie having been elected April 29, 1876. The professional teach- ers of the band have been James V. Giffen, Philip Nenber, and John r. Kowbothani. This organization has had three band wagons, the present one having been purchased in 1868, costing |1,100, and being now as good as when new. The band lias had three names — first the Military Brass Band of Phwnixville; sec- ond, the Phoenix Brass Band, and third, the Phoenix Military Band, being organized under this name July 27, 1867, and incorporated August 9, 1880. it has held the position since its organization of the best band in Chester County, and most of the time it has com- pared favorably with tlie leading bands in the kState. The Phceuixville Hospital was iucorpoi'ated June 12, 1898, as the Stratford Castle Hospital, and re-chartered May 25, 1895, as the Phoenixville Hospital. The first year's work under its present name, showed 433 cases treated, 317 of which were sur- gical aud 116 medical. The second year's work ending in June, 1897, showed 485 surgical cases and 245 medical, a total of 730, and a total for the two years of 1,163. Tlie dispensary work of the hospital from the first grew rapidly, and was of great benefit to the sick and afflicted who were without the necessary means to purchase needed remedies or to employ a physician. The building- occupied hj this valuable institution stands near the Cray Street Viaduct and French CVeek, but the work so rapidly increases that a new building is essential to its success, and a plot of ground on Xutts Avenue, in the southern jiart of the borougli, was purchase, a period of twenty-eight years, on which latter date suit was brought for their recovery by John Simcock, clerk of the county courts, in the name of William Penn, and a writ of execution was granted by the court August 30, 1717, imder which 407 acres of the 30,000 acres were seized and sold by the sheriff, Nicholas Faii'lamb, to David Lloj-d of Chester, for £50, and confirmed to him by deed dated February 2-1, 1717-18. In 1728 David Lloyd sohl a part uf this land, 200 acres, to John A'aughan, and tliis 200 acres after- ward became the piioperty of his son, Jonathan Vaughan, who, together with his wife, Ann, conveyed the same, together with the brick house thereon, knoAvn as the "Red Lion," to Dennis Wheleu. Dennis ^Vhelcn also jiurchased other lands adjoining, and had in contemplation the selling of lots and the building up of a town upon his lands, "where the conveniences are so large that several Hundreds of Builders or Tenants may be served with dry and wholes(mie lots. Those of them now laid (mt are GO feet wide and 250 feet deep, proposed to be lett at thi-ee dollars per annum yearly Rent, or the Value thereof, with a condition that the Tenants may purchase when they please upou ])aying 20 years' Rent. The said Town to be uamed after a place in Wales, from whence the late Judge David Lloyd came, who had been formerly owner of this place." But Mr. AV'helen's hopes and plans failed of realization, and the little village of Lionville is 946 CHESTER COUXTY now standing on the tract where it Avas fondly liopcd tliat a. hirgc? and flourishing' town would j^i-ow up under the nauic of Welsh- pool. Valley Township lies in the western part of the county be- tween Cain and Sadsbury. It Was formed in 1852 by decree of the court from parts of the townships of West Cain, AVest Brandy- wine, East Cain and Sadsbury, and it includes the village of Coatesville, which borough was established in 1867, reducing Valley Township in size, and its area was again reduced in 1868 by the erection of Cain Township. The township is now about one-half its original size. Coatesville wa.s incorporated by the ('ourt of Quarter Ses- sions in 1867, and was named in honor of the Coates family. It embraces territory on both sides of the Brandy wine. The I*enn- sylvauia Eailroad and the Wilmington liailroad both pass through this town, and contribute much to its prosperity, which, however, dei^ends more upon the manufacturing establishments located there. A village known as Midway, situated on the Pennsyl- vania Railroad west of the Brandywine, was included in the limits of Coatesville at the time of its incorporation, and is frequently referred to as West Coatesville. Vincent Township lies northwest of East and West Pikeland. On the earliest map of the Province the territory now embraced within the limits of East and West Vincent Townships is given in the names of Sir Mathias Vincent, Adrian Vrouzeu, Benjoluui Furl 03^ and Dr. Daniel Cox. French Creek, which passes through the township, was at one time called Vincent Eiver, and the tract of land was fre, in right of Richard ap Thomas of Whitford Garden, Flintshire, North Wales. From this shire it is presumed that the name Whiteland Avas derived. The house of Richard Thomas, built upon his allotment, was near the Valley Creek, and in the immediate vicinity of some Indian liuts, the reason for the selection of this location being that the dogs in the Indian village Avould be of service in keeping away wild beasts, which were then numerous in the woods. This little Indian village was named in the Indian language, Katamoonchinck, which in English means Hazel-nut gi'ove. AND ITS PEOPLE. 951 Whitelaiid Township is iu tlie uortbwest part of tlie ori,t;iual Welsh Tract of 40,000 acres, which were laid out to them in 1684, with the expectation, both on their part and on that of William Penn, that they should be a separate barony, managino- tlieir own municipal affairs in their own way. They also, of course, desired and expected to retain the use of their own lanjjuage, but subse- lace and while the ])ossession of the city of Philadelphia during the ensuing winter Avas still a nuitter of uncertainty, that A'alley Forge was selected as a place suitable for the de])ositiiig of military st(U-es, arms and ammunition and ])ro\isions belonging to the (Vrntinenlal army, the selection being made because of its secluded situation ami distance from the sup- l)osed route of the army under (jeneral HoAA'e on its march from the ('hesa])eake to foi-m a junction Avith (Jeneral Burgoyne, aa'Iio Avas on his Avay fi-oiu Canada to take ])ossession of Philadelphia. Among the inhabitants of the surrounding country were some Avho sympathized Avith British interests, jind it Avas one of those Avho piloted the detachment of British soldiers to Valley I-'orge, Avho destroyeil the buildings, the stores, arms, ammunition and pro- AND ITS PEOPLE. 953 visious wliicii bud beeu tlfpossitt'd in fancied security near the banks of the Schuylkill. Iron was then being manufactured at Valle.y Forge by a Mr. William Dewees, in connection witli some of the members of the Potts family, and Mr. Dewees, in part because of his marx'iage into this family, founded a claim against the American Government for damages and losses sustained by thf burning of the buildings at the Forge. This claim about nine years after his death was suc- cessfully prosecuted by bis widow and heirs, and it is proper here to note that tlie main reason of the burning of the Forge was that Col. Dewees was well known to be a sympathizer with and strung .sujiporter of the American cause. Following is a most interesting statement of the headquarters of the several officers in General Washington's army during the famous winter of 1777-78, together with the then owners or lessees of the places and the names of the present owners: lieadcpiarters of General Officers at Valley Forge Encamp- ment during 1777-78: 78. Officers' Names. Gi'iieral AVashiugtou. Gfiieral Knox. Conut Pulaski aud Gen- eral I'our. I.oi-d Sterling. General Huntington. General Mifflin. \ General Woodford. 'l Connt Diiportail. MnrQuis de Lafayette. • ieueral Scott. General Mclntosli. General Morgan. General Mulileuberg. General Sullivan. General Green. General Potter. General Wayne. \ General W'eedon "/ Baron De Kalb. (ieneral Varnum. General Lee. and Owner or Lessee 171 Issac Potts, Owner. Samuel Brown, Owner. Jolm Reaver's Estate. Rev. \\'illiaui Currie. /acliary Davis. Lessee of .Maurice Stepliens. A\'illiani Godfrey, Tenant, Thomas Waters, Owner. .Idbn Llavard. Samuel llavard. Owner. Samuel .Tones, Owner. .Tosejili .Mann. (Colored). Mordecai Jloore, Owner. .Tolin Moore. Owner. Thomas W'aters, Owner. Isaac Walker, Tenant. Jacob W'alker, Owner. •Joseph Walker, Owner. .Vbijah Stephens, David Stephens. L)avid llavard. Owner, 1898. Valley Forge Cen. Ass'n. Matthews. Francis Wood. Henry S. Evans. Ileston Todd. * Davier day. Since that time great progress has been made in the nature and style of thrashing machines, as well as in the motive power, horses having given way to steam, and the portable steam-engine in part to the powerful and somewhat cumbrous traction-engine. So far as can be ascertained, the better class of mowing-ma- chines, such as the Ketchum, made in Baltimore, the McCormicii, made in Chicago, the Manny, and the Buckeye, made in Akron, Ohio, were brought into Chester County from 1850 to 1865. The precise date when each or any of them first appeared here would be difficult to determine. The self-binder reaping-machine was introduced about 1883, and the steam thrashing machine came in about 1888, the steam traction-engine coming in about the same time. As showing what was thought at an early day of the possible value of the Chester County Agricultural Society to the farming community, it may be stated that a certain devout writer, in a communication to the daily press, in 1821, made use of the follow- ing language: "Had it not been for the original transgression (of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden), all knowledge necessary would have 964 CHESTER COUNTY beeu iutiiitive. Distinct professorshiiis of phj-sic, law, divinity, etc., would have beeu unkuoAvn. Knowledge now attainable by the few would then have beeu accessible to all, nor would the Ayricultiual Society, gentlemen, have been of any utility, had not this amonji many other lamentable denunciations been issued against our tirst parents: "Cursed is the ground for their sake," etc. It Avas in 1821 that John Cox, on the French Creek farm, raised a hog which was very large and which he sold for .$50. He was eight and a half feet long, seven and a half feet girth, and was estimated to weigh 800 pounds. It is believed that the first agricultural exhibition held in Chester County was that of the State Agricultural Society, at Pa- oli, October 22, 23, and 24, 1823, which was the tirst held by that society. In 1838 au agricultural society for Chester and Delaware Coun- ties was organized, which held exhibitions for several years, one of them being held at West Chester in 1845. About this time Chester County Horticultural Society was organized, and, after holding a few exhibitions, erected a hall, called horticultural hall, in 1848, for an annual disjjlay of fruits, tlowers and vegetables, and this was continued for several years, the building being afterward used for the accommodation of teach- ers' institutes, lectures and other entertainments. For the purpose of sliowing tlie si2e of sheep raised in the early days in Chester CountA^, the following facts are taken from the "Kegister of Pennsylvania,'' for March 12, 1831: John Bradley of "\Mllistown had twelve sheep in nmrket for the 22d of February of the following weights: 105, 108i, 123^, 105i, 125|, 121, 121, 110, 123, 115, 128 and 124. Joseph Gheen of Goshen had four Aveighing as follows: 125, 113|, 112 and 103. These Avere the Aveights of the carcasses dressed. John James of East Bradford sent to the I'hiladelphia market ten sheep of the folloAving weights: 153, 142, AND ITS PEOPLE. 965 Uli, 135i, 121, 117, lO^i, 1254-, llSi and 125; total, 1282, or a trifle over 128 pounds each, dressed. Jesse McCall sent to market a fine fat ox, weighing 1,125^ pounds, and T. S. Woodward of East Bradford had two slaughtered, weighing respectively 1,389 and 1,221 pounds. Samuel Worth of East Bradford slaughtered one that weighed 1,488 pounds, and T. Hickman, two, weighing 1,289 and 1,151 pounds. The Chester County Agricultural Society was organized in Horticultural Hall April 25, 1853, John J. Parker being president of the meeting, Jacob Massey and John Baldwin, vice-presidents, and James Pierce and Alexander MarshalP secretaries. A com- mittee consisting of Dr. J. E. Wajker and John S. Bowen prepared a constitution for the society, which provided for a president, four vice-i^resideuts, a corresponding secretary, two recording secre- taries and one treasurer, and also a committee of ten on agri- cultural matters, all to be elected annually. Semi-annual meetings were provided for, to be held on tlie last Mondays in April and October, and there were to be annual meetings to provide for such exhibitions as the society might determine to give. At a meeting held June 18, 1853, the following officers were *hosen : President, Isaac W. \an Leer; vice-presidents, Paschall Worth, John D. Evans, Dr. Ebenezer V. Dickey and Lewis Bi-inton; corresponding secretary, J. Lacey Darlington; recording secreta- ries, Alexander Marshall and James H. Bull, and treasurer, Dr. George Thomas. The executive committee elected was composd of the following gentlemen: Abraham R. Mcllvaine, Dr. Isaac B. Walker, Joseph Dowdall, Gen. Geoi'ge Hartman, Nathan Wal- ton, Jacob Massey, William E. Dripps, John Parker, Abner Gar- rett and John J. Monaghan. Committees wei'e appointed to report on the prevalence and in- jurious effects of the fly in wheat; on the subject of deep plowing; on the i>otato plant and the best varieties and modes of culture; on the culture of barley, and on the utility of guano as a fertilizer. 966 CHESTER COUNTY An exhibition was held September 16 and 17, 1853, which was highly successful and gave gr.eat satisfaction to the agricultural community especially, the committee of arrangements being James Powell, Emmor Elton, Oliver T. Jefferis, George D. Ashbridge and Henry D. Sharp. At a meeting held at the court-house in West Chester January 21, 1854, J. Lacey Darlington, M. B. Hickman and Benjamin J. Pass- more were appointed a committee to confer with gentlemen who purposed buying a lot, with a view of leasing it to the society for the purpose of holding annual fairs, and a committee was also appointed to procure a charter for the society. Emmor Brinton was awarded a special prize or premium of |5 for having raised 170 bushels of wheat on four and three-fourths acres of land. The officers for 1854 were as follows: Isaac Van Leer, presi- dent; corresponding secretary and treasurer, J. Lacey Darlington; recording secretaries, J. H. Bull and William Torbet Ingram. They were the same for 1855, 1856, and 1857, except that William D. Suger was one of the recording secretaries. During the year 1856, the society purchased ten acres of land in the borough of West Chester, with a view to the erection of permanent fixtures thereon, in Avhich to hold the future exhibitions of the society, and a trotting course of one-fourth of a mile in cir- cumference was laid out and graded, and included by a strong post and one-rail fence. The cost of the ground was |4,000 and the expense of fitting it up was |2,150. The officers remained the same as last given for 1858 and 1859. In 1S60 D. B. Hinmau was elected president; J. Lacey Darlington, corresi^onding secretary and treasurer, and William D. Siiger and E. H. Townsend, recording secretaries. In 1861 and 1862 the offi- cers remained the same. In 1863 Charles E. Heister was elected president; J. Lacey Darlington, corresponding secretary, and E.'H. Townsend and William Sharpless, recording secretaries. The AXD TTS PEOPLE. 967 same officers served iu 180-t and lS(io, and iu ISGG, except that C. H. Kinnard became one of the recording secretaries, in place of E. H. Townsend. In 1867 the president elected was J. Lacey Darlington; ti'eas- urer, E. H. Townsend; William Sharpless, corresi^onding secretaiy, and C. H. Kinnard and Charles Fairlamb, recording secretaries. During ISGS and 1SG9 the officers were the same as in 1SG7. In 1868 the "Model and Experimental Farm for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania" was located in Londongrove Township, Chester County, the farm of Thomas Harvey being purchased for this pur- pose for about $3,000. In 1870 Evans Rogers was elected president; George M. Ru- pert, corresponding secretary; Fred D. Reid and John F. Ingram, recording secretaries, and Thomas U. Marshall, treasurer. In 1871- Evans Rogers was again elected president; Joseph T. Murtagh, cor- responding secretary; John F. Ingram and William H. Morgan, re- cording secretaries, and Fred D. Reid, treasurer. In 1872 and 1873 the officers remained the same. In 1874 the only changes made were that Josiah Hoopes became corre.sijonding secretary and W. H. Morgan, treasurer. In 1875, 1876, 1877 they remained the same and also in 1878, except that A. M. Eachus became treasurer, and A. M. Eachus and John F. Ingram recox'ding secretaries. In 1879, 1880 and ISSl the officers remained the same, and in 1882 also, with the exception that Jefferson Shaner was elected president. There was no change then in officers until 1888, when they were as fol- lov>'s: Fred D. Reid, treasurer; Joseph Kilt, Jr., corresponding sec- retary, and A. M. Eachus and Tliomas J. Edge, recording secre- taries. In 1889 they remained as in 1888. In 1800 Henrj' Durnall became recording secretary in place of A. M. Sharpless, and J. Preston Thomas became treasurer. In 1891 Barclay Lear became recording seci'etary in place of Henry Durliall. In 1892 R. E. Monaghan became president, the other officers remaining the same. In 1893 the officers remained as in 968 CHESTER COUNTY 1S!)2. This was the case also iu 1894, except that Marshall H. Matlack became treasurer. In 1895 the changes made were in 1he recording- secretaries, Fred D. Reid and Thomas J. Edge tak- ing tlicse offices. In ISIMI Jesse J. Hickman became president, i-nccecding II. E. Monaghan, who died about July 1, 1895. In 1S97 tlie officers were Jesse J. Hitdiuian, ]iresident; Fred D. Keid, c(UTesi»onding secretary; Barclay Lear, recording secretary, and Marshall II. Matlack, treasurer. These were the last officers elected, Tor the society then be- came extinct. In the fall of 1S!»5 the last annual fair was held, for in ►September of that year under foreclosure of mortage the lu-operty passed into the hands of the West Chester State Normal {School. In 1897 the officers of the society would have held a fair, hut for the fact that the State Normal School asked |500 for the use of the old grounds, the society offering .fl50, and, as no agree- ment could be reached, no fair was held. The first grange of Patrons of llusbandry was I'ioneei' r quart, farmers made a great effort to secure profits from their dairies that could be secured in no other way; and by thus rushing to the front soon caused the price of milk to fall in jjroportion, or nearly so, with the quantit.y shipped. Among those who first sold milk in Philadelphia in the man- ner just described were the following: Edward t^eale of Birming- ham Township, Samuel Bailey and Mitchell Baker of the same townshij>, .John ('. Iluey and (leorge B. Temple of Pennsbury. As intimated above many others followed their example, until another change had to be made in the manner of disposing of dairy products. But while milk was l>eing tlius shii)ped from the ditt'erent parts of the county to Philadelphia, it was necessary for the railway companies not onlj' to put on extra cars but also to run special milk trains, so extensive did the business become, tliough as the distance into Philadelphia is so short, it was never found necessary to use refrigerator cars.. The change which next occurred in the dairy business was the establishment of creameries in which the cream was converted into butter by means of water or otlier power, thus effecting a great saving of labor. One of the first to establish a creamery was Isaac Morgan of Parkerville in 1870. He was a farmer who had a fine private trade in butter, shipping to Philadelphia and New York mainly. His milk was set in large flat Dewitt pans, the AND ITS PEOPLE. 9/1 skimiiiiug being done by baud and tbe cburuiug by water power, because that ijower was easily obtained and inexpensive. He made a remarkably fine article of butter, and obtained very high prices, from 35 to 45 cents per pound in the summer season, and as high as 65 cents in the winter season. But it should be borne in mind that then it required nearly, if not quite, one-third more milk to make a pound of butter than is now required. Others to go into the creamery business early were as follows: John I. Carter, Chatham; Milton Darlington, Doe Run; Joseph Brosius, Oxford; Pennock Sharpless, Edward Brinton in the vicinity of West Ches- ter; William Sharpless, George Faucett & Sons; John Gray of Union ville; Henry Taylor, and many others. One of the features of the creamery business, now almost extinct, was the cooperative creamery, in which each farmer selling milk to the creamery had to become a stockholder in the concern, and depend upon his profits on, the success of the business, which was managed by a board made up of a few of themselves. Among the creameries thus es- tablished and conducted were the Pikeland Creamery, the Fair- mount Creamery, and there was one at Whitford, besides about three others, only about half a dozen of them ever having been es- tablished, and all of them having now been abandoned, except the two first named. One of the alleged reasons for the failure of the co- operative creamery, as furnished the writer by men who have been engaged in the creamery business, was that, inasmuch as the farmer's profit depended altogether on the quality of milk deliv- ered to the creamery, some of the farmers were tempted to pour Avater in their milk in order to derive an unfair advantage over their more honest neighbors. These cooperatives started up from about 1876 to 1880, and gradually went out of existence for the reason named. Two methods of setting the milk were in vogue in the earlier days of butter making, and down to the introduction of the cream separator, which has, in recent years, so completely revolutionized 972 CHESTER COUNTY the making of butter. One of these methods was called the shal- low setting and the other the deep setting process. Both depended on the greater specific gravity of the milk than of the cream, by reason of which the milk settled to the bottom of the pan, the cream thus being forced to tlie top. In the deep setting method tliere was usually a means of drawing off the milk from the bottom of the can, thus leaving the cream in the can alone. When the West Chester Dairy was established it was a deep setting estab- lishment. This dairy at the present time receives the milk from about 1,300 cows, about 22,000 pounds per day. At the present time much of the milk delivered at the cream- ery is tested as to its quality, and the price paid is governed thereby. The cream separator was introduced about 1880 or perhaps a few years later. One of the first to thus introduce this revolutionary method of making butter was Mr. Edward Brinton, who established his creamery in 1882, and set up his separator in 1885. This was the Danish Weston Separator, manufactured in Philadelphia. Afterward came in the De Laval Separator, and still later the P. M. Sharpless Separator, many thousands of which are sold in all parts of the civilized world. John I. Carter was also among the first to appreciate the value of tliis new method, by which very nearly all the cream is obtained from the milk, by which means it is possible to sell butter clieaper, but yet, on account of the su- perior quality, and still more by the more uniform quality the price is, the price does not fall so much as might otherwise be the case. All the creameries in the county at the present time are in the hands of individuals but two, the Pikeland and the Fairmount, and all use the separator, and besides this many individual farmers find it profitable to own a separator, and thus remain independent of the creamery, selling their butter instead of their milk. An industry that was once extensive and profitable to those engaged therein and of use to all the inhabitants, but which has of recent years gone largely to decay, is the milling business. In AND ITS PEOPLE. 975 precediut;- pages of this chapter meution has beeu made of several grist or flouring mills, owned and operated by individuals, but it would be impracticable and unnecessary to mention and locate tliem all. According to the best opinion, there were, when tliis industry was at its height, from two to tliree of these mills in each township of the county, in which the flour was manufactured by means of buhrs, propelled by water power mainly, though occa- si(»nally a mill was fitted up with steam power. By means of these millstones flour was not ground so fine as it has been since the in- troduction of the roller process, and when this process was intro- duced extensively throughout the Western States, where wheat has long been raised in comparatively large quantities, and, as a consequence, at much less cost than has so far been f(tund prac- ticable in the Eastern States, Western flour began to take the place of Eastern flour, even in the Eastern States, and thus the milling industry in Chester Count}', as well as in other counties in this and in other states in the East, began to decline, and the mills in Chester County, many of them, gave up the grinding of wheat and contented themselves with I'unning _merely as feed mills. Other mills in Chester County determined to do what they could to keep up with the progress of events, introduced the roller pro- cess, and still continue to manufacture flour. It is now estimated that there are in existence about one-half as many mills as before Western competition began to be felt, which was about 1880. In some townships there are not more than one-third as many mills as formerly. In some cases the mill buildings have been converted into barns, aud in other cases the buildings have gone to decay or have been taken down. In The early day there were perhaps half a dozen linseed oil mills, which have also gone out of use because farmers have ceased to raise flax. The general destruction of the timber of the county caused the saw-mill industry to decline even to a larger extent than tlie 974 CHESTER COUNTY milliuy iudustry, for now there is but little timber to spare. Clover hulling has also gone to decay, for the reason that clover seed can be shipped into the county cheaper than it can be raised. One of the noted industries of Chester County is the growing of carnations for the markets of the large Eastern cities. This industry is carried on in what is known, from the nature of the flowers raised therein, as the Carnation Belt, which extends from Concord on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Eailway to the Chester County line bordering on Maryland, a distance of about twenty miles, its average width being about five miles. The carnation is a member of the pink family, which is not indigenous to Chester County, but which is iudigenous to the southern part of Europe. It has been cultivated there for many centuries, even from ancient times, for its fragrance and its beauty. In its wild state it is of a lilac purple tint, but under cultivation it has assumed a wide variety of colors, and numberless combina- tions of these colors. Florists group these varieties into three classes, viz.: bizarres, flukes and picotees. The name carnation is the common name of the Pink Diau- thus Caryophyllus, there being seven different varieties of the Dianthus. The business carried on within the limits of the belt above outlined is the growing of carnations, and other plants, and was first begun by Charles T. Starr, about one mile below Avondale, in 18G5 or 1866. Mr. Starr began in a small way, having but one greenhouse, which was only forty feet long. He continued the business until his death in 1888, at which time it had assumed very large proportions, not only in his own hands but also in the number of others therein engaged. It is now an important in- dustry, and furnishes a large amount of business to express com- panies. Mr. Starr was followed in the raising of carnations by Mr. William Swayne at Keunett Square, and by Joseph T. Philips at AXD ITS PEOPLE. 975 West Grove, Warren Shelmire at Avoudale, and Thomas F. Seale of Uuionville. From that time on others established themselves in the business, and there now are several hundreds of different establishments thus engaged. The entire output of the belt is very large, being shipjied to Xew York, Philadelphia and AYash- ingtou maiulj-. Besides carnations there are grown within this belt tomatoes and mushrooms, the latter under the benches on which the carnations and tomatoes are grown. The growing of tomatoes and mushrooms has also become a large and important industry.' The wholesale prices of carnations vary from one cent to five cents each, according to the season and the size and beauty of the flowers. Florists are continually increasing the variega- tion of color by the use of seedlings. Among those engaged in this pleasant and profitable business are the following: At Oxford, Mrs. Dickey and Mrs. McCowan; at West Grove, Benjamin Connell, Dingee & Conard, the Conard & Jones Com- pany, and Joseph T. Philii>s; at Avondale, Warren Shelmire and Search; at Toughkennamon, Chambers Bros, and Isaac Larkin; at Kennett Square, Edward Swayne, William Swayne, Theodore Peunock, William Davis, Thompson Eichards and Joshua Ladley •& Sons; at Longwood, Wesley Flowers; at Unionville, Thomas F. Seale and G. Love; at Willow Dale, Eakestraw & Pyle; at Concord, Pennock Sharpless and Styer Bros. As to the general farm crops, such as the cereals, potatoes, it can be scarcely said that any one part of the county is better adapted to their growth than another. The entire county is ex- cellently adapted to the raising of grain and to dairying. The same remark applies to the raising of potatoes, both Irish and sweet, and also to the cultivation of fruit and berries. The rais- ing of tobacco, however, was in years gone by largely can-ied on in the southern part of the county, but of late years, on account of the reduction of the price, this crop has been to a considerable "58 976 CHESTER COUNTY extent abandoned. The sheep industry has also declined to a con- siderable extent, which can hardly be said of the raising of cattle. The agricultural report of 1S9G states that the raising of horses was then entirely abandoned; but this remark cannot now truth- fully be made, for farmers say that the spring of 1898 saw more colts in Chester County than liad been seen for many a year. The farmers of Chester County prefer the fast trotting horses as a general thing to the heavy draft horse, the latter being preferred more generally by the sturdy German fanner of Lancaster County. The I'aising of flowers appears to be confined more to the southern part of the county, notably to the famous carnation belt, though this industry also flourishes in and around West Chester to a large extent. John A. M. Passmore, a native of Chester County, and a man of State as well as local reputation, was born June 30, 183(), in West jSJottingham, a sou of John W. and Deborali (Brown) Passmore. He was reared in the moral and refining influence of the Friends' So- ciety, as a farmer's boy, and at the youthful age of sixteen years, began teaching public school. His proficiency in this line of en- deavor was so encouraging as to induce him to take a four-years course in the State Normal School, at Millersville, from which he was graduated in ISGO. He subsequently taught school at Potts- ville for a number of years and became widely known as an able aiid successful educator. Since 1886, Mr. Passmore has resided in Philadelphia, having been connected with D. Appleton & Com- pany, and is at present the representative of the American Book Company. An ardent Republican in politics, he was twice nom- inated for Auditor-General of the State, but was defeated in elec- tion through no fault of his. At various other times he has been nominated and served in public positions of honor and trust, in all of which he has displayed signal fidelity and ability. He is a mem- ber of the State Historical Society, State Teachers' Association, National Teachers' Educational Association, is a Knights Templar AND ITf^ PEOPLE. 977 of the Masonic Fraternity, an Odd Fellow, a Knight of Pythias, a member of the Grand Army of the Eepublie, a member of the Union Leagne Club, of Philadelphia, and various other organiza- tions. In 18S4 he was a delegate to the National Republican Con- vention, at Chicago. Reared as a Friend, his religious convictions are in sympathy with the tenets of the Society of Friends. Mr. Passmore was married March 23, 1854, to Harriet, daughter of -James and Ann (Taylor) Woodrow, by whom he is the father of one daughter, Harriet H. An attempt was made by the writer of this work to obtain from the State Agricultural Department statistics regarding daii-jing and farming interests for some year later than 1890, but without avail, as the following letter will show: "Harrisburg, Pa., July 19, 1898. Dear Sir: — In reply to your favor of the ISth I would state that, realizing their utter unreliability, we have not for several years past collected and statistics in relation to crops; the latest that I can dii'ect you to are those of the last census. "Respectfully yours, "THOMAS J. EDGE." Josiah Hoopes, in October, 1858, first conceived the idea of a nursery and green-house business, and began with one small green- house and one acre of ground. This land and green-house were located where now stands the residence of Mr. Montgomery, ad- joining the present nursery. In 1857 Abner Hoopes, brother of Josiah, became a partner, and the firm took the name of Hoopes & Bro., and it thus remained until the close of the war of the Rebel- lion, when George B. Thomas was taken into the firm, the name of which was then changed to Hoopes, Bro. & Thomas, as it still remains. From the commencement down to the present time, the object of this firm has been to keep on hand a full assortment of 978 CHESTER COUNTY stock, both in the fruit departmeut ami the ornameutal. Formerly the business took a wide range, a large mail business being carried on, both in this country and abroad, and it gradually drifted into a wholesale trade, with traveling salesmen in all parts of the country. At the present time this firm is carrying on an extensive Southern business, having an office in Nashville, Tenn., which is in charge of a superintendent. From one acre at the beginning the firm has now in cultivation GOO acres, and special attention is given to growing fruit trees, of all kinds and qualities; but still more particular attention is given to the ornamental department, such as trees for shade and especially for lawns, and to shrubbery, to which many acres are devoted. Roses are also cultivated for the wholesale trade, and in the packing seasons, spring and fall, about 100 hands, men and boys, are employed. The Conrad & Jones Company, owning the West Grove Floral Xursery, was organized July 1, 1897, with Alfred F. Conrad, presi- dent; S. Morris Jones, secretary and treasurer, and Antoine Wint- zer, vice-president and general superintendent. Mr. Wintzer has had many years' experience in the floral business, and is thoroughly competent. Here are thirty-six acres of land, but little of which is under glass, the number of feet of glass being 25,000. The most improved facilities for growing roses are here enjoyed, the com- pany being growers of roses and the originators of a species of Amei'ican pedigree cannas. John Bartram opened the first botanical garden on the Schuyl- kill River within the present limits of the city of Philadelphia, about 1834, the next being that of Humphrey Marshall, at Mar- shalltou. The third was that of John Evans of Radnor, Delaware County, and the fourth and last was that founded by George Pierce, in the corner of East Marlborough, just south of Red Lion Tavern. This was about seventy-five years ago, or probably in 1823. Since the death of Mr. Pierce it has passed into the hands of his sister, the Avidow of Di". Sumner Stebbins, and his children. Some thirty AND ITS PEOPLE. 979 01- forty years ago it began to be called Pierce's Park, as it is still known; but the condition of the park itself has greatly changed, the park being much less beautiful than it formerly was, which is the case with all the others. Enthusiasm and a love for nature are required to keep up a place of this kind, and in all probability public parks are the only ones that will retain their beauty and freshness. The Botanic Garden at Marshallton, the first in Chester County, was established by Humphrey Marshall in 1773. Humphrey Mar- shall was the eighth child of Abraham and Mary (Hunt) Marshall, both natives of England, and was born in West Bradford, Chester County, October 10, 1722. After his marriage to Sarah Pennock, daughter of Joseph Pennock, of West Marlborough, he began to turn his attention to the acquisition of knowledge, preferring astronomy and natural history to all other branches. He also then began the collection and culture of the moi*e curious and interesting indigenous plants. In 17G4 he enlarged the dwelling in which he lived, and added thereto a green-house, which is thought to have been the first ever seen or thought of in Chester County. In 1774 he removed to a dwelling newly erected by him near the Bradford Meeting-house, and adjoining the ijresent village of Marshallton, having commenced the garden the year before. This botanical garden soon began to receive some of the most interesting trees and shrubs of the county, together with many curious exotics, as well as a numerous collection of native herba- ceous plants. In this garden Mr. Marshall planted a large num- ber of oaks, pines and magnolias, which remain standing and which are of majestic size, though the garden itself, from neglect, has become a wilderness. "For several years prior to the establishment of the Marshall- ton Garden Humphrey had been much engaged in collecting native plants and seeds and shipping them to Europe; but after that event, being aided by his nephew. Dr. Moses Marshall, he greatly extended 980 CHESTER COUNTY his operations, and directed his attention with enhanced zeal and energy to the business of exploring and making known abroad the vegetable treasures of the United States. The present generation of botanists has but an imperfect idea of the services rendered to science by the skill and laborious industry of these faithful pio- neers."* In ITSO Humphrey Marshall began to prepare an account of the forest trees and shrubs of this country, which was completed and printed in 1785, under the title of "Arbustum Americanum and the American Grove, with an Alphabetical Catalogue of Forest Trees and Shrubs, Natives of the American United States." This is believed to have been the first truly indigenous botanical essay published in the Western Hemisphere. Humphrey Marshall died August G, 1823, at the age of eighty- two, and was buried in the cemetery at Bradford Meeting-house; but as no stone marks the precise spot where his remains lie, it is difficult to be ascertained, and in process of time, if no more care shall be taken of it than has been heretofoi'e, it will become impossible. The excellent products of the farm, the dairy, the orchard and the garden in the immediate vicinity of every borough and village and hamlet in Chester County render those places most desirable for residences to wealthy business men of Philadelphia, as well as delightful places of retirement for the older and more success- ful class of farmers and others belonging to the county itself. The numerous suburban sites of West Chester, Phoinixville, Berwyn, Malvern, Downingtown and Coatesville are most attractive and are fit for the mansions of any of the wealthier citizens of the country, and for all that like the quiet and retirement of a country home. Every wayside and field are ornamented with tree, shrub, and in the summer time flower, all supported by a luxurious and fertile soil. In Chester County there is no low, swampy, marshy *From a biographical sketch of Humphrey Marshall bj' William Darlington. AND ITS PEOPLE. 981 land, but on the contrary, the surface of the county is unusually undulating, giving perfect drainage, and extensive, unrestricted and picturesque views from almost every home for miles around. But notwithstanding the county has all these advantages for suburban life within its limits, yet it would appear that so far but little determined effort has been made to utilize these advantages to the greatest possible extent. This might be done, to the benefit of all farmers, tradesmen and merchants. Even in the largest towns in the county pi'ices of real estate are remarkably low and the conveniences connected with country homes are numerous and great. Every town has excellent water, fire hydrants, and a fire department, and many of them have electric lights, gas and tele- phone exchange. No town of any size in the countj', except Oxford, is more than an hour's ride from Philadelphia, and hence the time spent in traveling to and from business, by those doing business in the city, is not great. Schools in the suburban towns are nearly, if not quite, as good as those in the city, and the superior healthfuless of the country is well known. Building is cheaper and rents are lower than in Philadeljjhia, and the streets are wider and houses further apart. Taxes are lower and water rates are lower, and the borough author- ities are constantly giving more and more attention to sanitary measures, thus increasing, as the years go by, the desirability of living in the country town. Market facilities are both numerous and excellent, much of what is consumed being produced at the very doors of the people, and hence the supplies are both fresh and good. So well supplied are many of the stores that numerous families derive from them their daily sui^plies. Creameries are scattered throughout the county, and butter is as good as can any- where be found. Vegetables and fruit of all kinds are produced in great abundance, and taken all in all, there is scarcely a better county in the entire United States for everything that constitutes desirability of a place to live. 982 CHESTER COUNTY The following statistics, taken from the United States Census of 1890, show the condition of the agricultural industry for that year: The total number of farms Avas 6,119, of which 4,4GG were cultivated by their owners; 1,094 were rented for a fixed money value and 559 were rented on shares. The number of acres in farms Avas 5,863,800. The value of farm products for 1889 was $80,683,210; of improA'ements and machinery, .$1,706,380, and of live stock, |3,S94,500. The number of sheep in the county was 11,157; the number of fleeces clipped, 6,862, and the number of pounds of wool, 38,363. The number of neat cattle was 61,311, of which there were of pure bred record, 1,502; of one-half blood, 6,948, and less than half blood, 52,801. The number of gallons of millc produced on farms Avas 10,- 945,366; pounds of butter, 1,628,235; of cheese, 6,127.*^"^ There were 19,264 horses, 1,104 mules, 7 asses, 35^77 swine. The number of dozens of eggs produced was 1,601,308; the l^ounds of honey, 15,567; bushels of barley, 190 from five acres; of buckwheat, 837 from 56 acres; of Indian corn, 1,958,962 from 45,206 acres; oats, 868,304 from 34,070 acres; rye, 19,415 from 1,158 acres; wheat, 882,383 from 42,639 acres; hay, 161,823 tons from 109,507 acres; tobacco, 679,265 pounds from 718 acres; pulse, 30 bushels; broom corn, 2,100 pounds from two acres; potatoes — Irish, 452,460 bushels from 5,545 acres; sweet, 2,587 bushels, from 31 acres. Apples, 124,919 bushels; peaches, 4,449 bushels; pears, 2,667 bushels, and of market garden products, f 25,092 worth. The assessed valuation of real estate Avas $61,378,178, and the true valuation, $67,620,336. '%,. '£ '-Ui i 5^ '$ •^ "°^ *••■<■ ■^^0^ o V S' .& •^ 4' 'O . . » •i>. 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