HISTORY OF SCOTT COUNTY ARKANSAS Br ffiMY GRADY MCClTTCHKa Class JF4iZ Book-Sx. CDjiyiigtitN" HISTORY OF SCOTT COUNTY ARKANSAS Copyright, 1922, by H. G. McCutchen HISTORY of Scott County Arkansas By Henry Grady McCutchen WORKS OF REFERENCE Shinn's History of Arkansas. Goodspeed's Biographical and Pictorial History of Arkansas. Harrell's Civil "War and Reconstruction in Arkansas. Publications of the Arkansas Historical Association. Publications of the Mississippi Historical Society. Hinemon's Geography of Arkansas. Journal of the Knight of Elvas. Files of the Arkansas Gazette. Allsopp's History of the Arkansas Press. Gerstaecker's Travels. Nuttall's Journal. Washburn's Reminiscences. Jewell's Methodism in Arkansas. Pope's Early Days in Arkansas. Tremayne's Table of U. S. Post Offices, 1830. Files of the Post Office Department. Files in the Office of the Adjutant General of Arkansas. Files of the U. S. Census Bureau. Report of the Secretary of State (Terrall). Myers' Compendium of the Rebellion. County Records. DEC28?2 C1A692599 1v '" > TO MY FATHER AND MOTHER PREFACE In the following pages I have endeavored to pre- sent the out-standing facts of the history of Scott County. I have been impelled to do this by several reasons. First, I confess to a measurable sentiment in the matter. The county is my home, and the men and women who made this history are my homefolk. Their history is, so to speak, my own, and, therefore, a very absorbing study to me. Again, I would hold up to the present and suc- ceeding generations, and mirror to them, the fit examples of character, civic virtues and moral leadership displayed by our pioneer forefathers in making the history of the county what it is. Further, it is a lamentable fact that almost every one is more familiar with State, national, and even foreign history than with the history of his own county or community. We know who the first President, the first Governor, or the first Roman, German or English ruler was, but we cannot tell who was the county's first sheriff or judge or clerk. It is the purpose of this booklet to enable the citi- zens of the county to know something of the early community history — and tlie makers of this history. An effort has been made to present an impartial and connected account of the leading facts of the County history. In this, I have been hampered by 6 lack of complete records. The early official papers were destroyed by fire, and what other records were accessible are fragmentary and incomplete. But the facts here given are for the most part taken from the offcial records on file in the Federal De- partments at Washington, D. C, and in the Library of Congress there. I am indebted to Mr. Dallas T. Herndon of the Arkansas History Commission for the roster of Scott men in the Civil War. Much of the atmosphere has been obtained from conversa- tions with old settlers of the county. In offering this brief account of some of the lead- ing facts of our local history, I am mindful of the fact that my readers will be mainly citizens of the County. 1 have kept this probability constantly in mind. I have also been conscious of the possible historical value of such a treatise and have en- deavored to include as part of the subject matter only well-authenicated facts. 1 have tried to put these facts into a condensed narrative, and rigidly to refrain from comment thereon, tempting as such a course has at times been. 1 trust this booklet will be accepted in the spirit in which it was prepared — a spirit of service to the people of the county. If this result is accomplished even only to a small de- gree, I shall feel that my labors have been amply repaid. H. G. M. Abbott, Arkansas, October 1, 1922. CHAPTER I. The First Inhabitants When the New World first became known to Europeans at the end of the fifteenth century, the entire country was inhabited by a barbarous people which later came to be called Indians. They lived in tribes or bands, and at intervals moved from place to place in search of game or for other reasons. They lived by hunting and fishing mainly, but practiced a rude agriculture. In some parts of the New World, notably in Mexico and Peru, they had reached a comparatively high state of civilization. These early inhabitants had spread over the whole of the territory now comprised in what is Arkansas and Scott County, where they had settled along the creeks and rivers. The numerous mounds along the small streams of the county, especially in Lewis Township, indicate the early occupancy of this re- gion by very populous tribes. On the farms now owned by WiUiam Chitwood and J. P. McCutchen no less than two scores of these prominent mounds are situated. They are circular in shape, being on an average about twenty yards in diameter, and gen- erally rise to a height of eight or ten feet. They he along the course of the Little Petit Jean creek. On the McCutchen farm is a large burial ground. It occupies the south bank of the Little Petit Jean directly across from the mound area, and was evi- 9 dently used by all the numerous peoples along this stream for many miles. It is situated on the highest point of land on that side of the stream. The soil of this burial ground is of a black, murky, greasy character, and after a rain on a hot day it gives off an offensive odor. It is filled with arrow heads, broken pottery, remains of mussel shells used in making their earthenware, skeletal fragments and other evidences of the use by the Indians of this vicinity, of this plot as a place to bury their dead. Game was abundant in this part of the counti-y during its occupancy by the Indians. Buffalo and elk abounded, as did deer and turkey. Besides, the forests teemed with wolves, bears and panthers and the lesser animals and birds. But it was principally the bufl'alo, of the animals, that helped to determine the tribal dwelling place. This animal had well de- fined trails over which it yearly migrated, and these usually led along the river courses and the higher land or the crests of ridges, where the traveling would be free of the swamps and mire in all seasons. A trail of this sort was the old Indian trail that ran from the northeastern part of the State to the south- western corner near where Texarkana now stands. Its course was almost parallel with that of the pres- ent line of the Iron Mountain Railway across the Slate. It led along the edge of the high ground that commences there and rises to the mountainous por- tions of the northwest. By these game trails the Indians settled, and they came to be his roads, as later they were to become the highways and rail- 10 ways of the white men who succeeded the savages in dominion over these reahns. In Scott County, these trails found the mountain passes through which our roads of the present day lead. There were the passes of Cedar Creek and Mill Creek and Forem through the mountains of the souUi, while Petit Jean Pass and Lookout Gap gave the game and its Indian pursuers passage to the north. And today the white man uses these selfsame passes in negotiating the mountain barriers on these two sides of the county. When De Soto pased through the county in 1541- 42, he found the region fairly thickly settled by the Indians. They lived in cities — probably on the mounds before described — and tilled the soil. The abundance of high ground in the county made it suitable for Indian occupancy and the grazing of the buffalo. And De Soto found these people well supplied with food and living comfortably. 11 CHAPTER II. The First Whites Although the New World was discovered in 1492, no exploration of the interior of North America was attempted until fifty years later. In 1539 Hernando De Soto, accompanied by six hundred nobles and warriors, landed in Tampa Bay, Fla., determined to find the fabled Eldorado. They marched north- west through the states of Alabama and Mississippi, fighting the Indians and exploring the country along the march, and at length reached the Mississippi River at a point in the vicinity of where Memphis now stands. They crossed the river in 1541 into the present state of Arkansas. Continuing in a northwesterly course, they finally crossed the Bos- ton Mountains of northwest Arkansas into the plains of southeast Kansas. Here De Soto turned back and determined to find the hot springs of which the Indians had told him. So, starting a southeasterly course he reached the Arkansas River at or near the place where Ft. Smith now stands. It was then get- ting late in the fall and winter and he decided to camp for the winter. Therefore, moving southeast about thirty or thirty-five miles, he built an en- campment and spent the winter of 1541-42. This camp must have been somewhere in the north part of Scott County, most likely in the vicini- ty of the present post offices of Lucas and lone in 12 Logan county. The account of this expedition speaks of numerous Indians hving close by his camp; and the mounds and burial ground situated in close proximity to this supposed site of De Soto's camp seem to evidence it as the location of his winter quarters. Also, on the old Bagwell farm near Lucas, it is said that about fifty years ago there were found some old Spanish coins of an early six- teenth century mintage, which are supposed to have been left by De Soto's expedition. During the winter, De Soto lost several men and more horses and his conquering host became a dispirited band by the time spring opened up and they were ready for the resumption of their journey to the hot springs. Added to these troubles, his in- terpreter died, thus rendering communication with the natives difficult if not altogether impos- sible. The southward journey was resumed in the spring and led through the Petit Jean Pass in the Poteau mountains, probably along the course of the present Ft. Smith and Waldron road. The journalist of the expedition speaks of tlie abundance of game and of dense thickets, which were no doubt located in the Fourche valley territory. The expedition passed near the site of the village of Greenridge, then to the Cedar Creek Pass in the south part of the country, striking the Ouachita River near where the town of Mt. Ida, in Montgomery County, now stands. From this point the expedition proceeded along the river to the hot springs. 13 Thus the members of De Soto's party were the first white people to visit the present hmits of Scott County. All along the route of the expedition, wide detours were made into the surrounding coun- try and careful search prosecuted for the precious metals. They probably explored the greater part of the central and eastern portions of the county. The country seems to have been fairly thickly settled by the Indians, who appear to have been compara- tively prosperous. The expedition had no trouble in subsisting on the countrjs for they took from the natives food and skins sufficient for their purposes. Thus sixty-six years before the English settled Jamestown, Scott County had been visited and ex- plored by the whites, although it was destined to wait nearly three hundred years longer for perma- nent settlers. 14 CHAPTER III. Traders and Hunters I. The French The French under De Tonti estabhshed a settle- ment at Arkansas Post in 1686, which not only was the first in the present state of Arkansas but also in the entire Mississippi valley. The post thrived and had an extensive trade with the Indians of the sur- rounding countr3\ These French hunters and trad- ers paddled in their frail canoes up th^ Arkansas River and the various smaller streanis^liereto,^to reach their far flung trading posts. One of the most famous of these centers of trade was Belle Point on the Arkansas, now known as Ft. Smith. It com- manded the trade of the entire country surrounding it. From such points the hunters and traders pene- trated deeply into the forests in every direction. In this manner, Scott County was visited by these early French. They also came up the Fourche from the post of Little Rock into the present limits of the county. The same was true in lesser degree of the Poteau River. These Frenchmen roamed all over the countiy, christening its rivers and mountains and prairies with French names that endure to this day. Some of these are Point Sucre, or Sugar Loaf Mountain, Mag- azine Mountain, Petit Jean River, Fourche La Fave 15 River and Poteau River. These were the landmarks that guided them through the interminable forests. From Belle Point one could see the tall spire of Point Sucre uprearing itself into the very heavens. Farther east Magazine Mountain was likewise visible to a large area. And these mountains beckoned — "Something hid behind the ranges Go and find it, go and find it." These bold and daring adventurers went and found, but did not permanently settle the county. 2. Anglo-Saxons The frontier of the Anglo-Saxons was constantly being pushed westward. The hardy class of ad- venturous hunters was ever penetrating deeper into the forests to the west in seach of better hunting grounds, or for pure adventure. They were a rug- ged type who chafed under the restraints and con- ventions of civilization, and found contentment in the wild free life of the frontier. They moved over the land in covered wagons with very little personal or family effects, and "squatted" wherever they found conditions suited to their purposes. They usually followed the retreating habitat of the game, now steadily being pushed westward by the advanc- ing tide of civilization. When game became scarce, these irresponsible folk simply moved to a new lo- cation where it could be found in abundance. The territory now comprehended in Scott County began to receive some of these squatters as early 16 as 1820, although it, had doubtless been visited by hunters from the settlements at Ft. Smith, Dwight, Little Rock, and other points along the Arkansas River several years before. Some of the squatters were turned back from their westward course in 1820 by the conclusion of a treaty with the Choctaw Indians. This treaty provided that in ex- change for their lands east of the Mississippi River, they would be given lands lying south of the Arkan- sas River and west of a line drawn from a point on the Arkansas about where Dardanelle now is, to the Red River near the present site of Texarkana. Scott County lay within this area. The Indians be- gan to arrive from the east soon thereafter, and it was not long before trouble arose between them and the few families of whites resident within the limits of these Indian lands. The dissatisfaction with this treaty among the whites rapidly assumed state wide proportions, and representations were made to the national government to have the In- dians given lands farther west instead of the tract in question. Accordingly, in 1825 the Secretary of War concluded a second treaty, by which the west- ern boundary of the State was fixed substantially as it is today, the Inidans being pushed west of the Po- teau and Kiamichi rivers where they have since resided. When the new line was drawn, it was found that about two hundred families were living west of it, most of whom were near the Red River around Ft. Towson. Major Bradford, who commanded the 17 garrison at Ft. Smith at this time, was ordered to remove these settlers. This was done, and they were given lands farther east. It is thought that perhaps some of these were located in Scott County, but no records are available to establish the fact. It is very likely, however. These would be the first permanent white settlers of the county. 3. Nuttall's Expedition Thomas Nuttall, scientist of Philadelphia, Pa., in 1819 ascended the Arkansas River to Ft. Smith, care- fully noting the topography and fauna and flora of the country through which he passed. In his ac- count of the journey, he speaks of the abundance of game in the Fourche and Petit Jean valleys, and saw only a few scattered bands of Indians in the whole territory. This is a strange phenomenon. When De Soto visited the county two hundred and fifty years before, the entire country was thickly settled by the natives. Whether they emigrated or were visited by plague is not known; the fact remains that their numbers were greatly reduced during this period of time. Further up the river he saw the peak of Maga- zine Mountain and made a drawing of it. Arriving at Ft. Smith, he found it to consist of the fort and barracks for the garrison of seventy-five men. Ma- jor Bradford was in command. There was only one small log house. Leaving Ft. Smith, he made an overland trip to Ft. Towson on Red River, over much the same course the old military road sub- 18 Map Showing Early Explorations of Scott County IS sequently took. He speaks of seeing deer feeding in daytime on the prairie four or iSve miles from Ft. Smith, and when ten miles south of Ft. Smith, he camped in clear view of Point Sucre, twenty-five miles to the south. Another day's journey brought his party to the base of the mountain where he camped and noted the Cavianol Mountains to the northwest. The Indians had a tradition that the immense pile of stone on the summit of this moun- tain had been built by their predecessors as a bea- con for the tribes of the whole surrounding country. Moving on southwest, Nuttall at length crossed the Poteau in the vicinity of Howe or Heavener, and continued in this direction to his destination. About where the Poteau enters Scott County, he saw immense herds of bison, which would usually stampede at the approach of his party. Wolves, deer, bears and panthers were numerous, besides all the native lesser animals. He tells the story of one of his men coming upon the carcass of a fawn lying at the root of a large tree, and beside it was the dead body of a wolf. Looking up into the tree the man saw the huge panther that had evidently done the dual killing. It was presumed that the wolf had attempted to feed upon the dead carcass when he was set upon and killed by the watching panther. This scientist carefully noted the Poteau Moun- tains and ascertained the fact that they form the 20 crest of the divide that separates a wide stretch of country on either side. There were no settlers in the vicinity of Scott County on the west. 21 CHAPTER IV. The Formation of the County 1. Early Political History Arkansas was a part of the Louisiana territory purchased from France in 1803. In 1812 this im- mense domain was divided into the territor}^ of Louisiana and the district of New Madrid. In 1819 Arkansas was detached from the Missouri territory and made a separate territor>% with the seat of government at Arkansas Post, James Miller was ap- pointed governor. Scott County was at first a part of Pulaski County, and later successively a part of Crawford and Pope counties. In 1833, Scott County was formed, being named for Judge Andrew Scott. In addition to the region now included in the county, it also covered the town- ships of Boon, Washburn and Reveille, which have since (1875) been cut off" and made a part of Logan County. The seat of justice was established at or near the present town of Booneville and was known as Cauthron. The county officers appointed were Elijah Baker, County Judge; S. B. Walker. Clerk; James Riley, Sheriff, and J. R. Choate, Coroner. These officials held office for a term of two years. They were succeeded in 1835 by James Logan, Coun- ty Judge; Gilbert Marshall, Clerk; Charles Hum- phrey, Sheriff, and Walter Cauthron, Coroner. In 22 1836, the state government became effective by the admission of Arkansas territory as a state of the Federal Union. 2. Close of Territorial Days The census of 1830 was taken while Scott County was yet comprehended in the counties of Crawford and Pope. The enumerators were James Wilson for the Crawford portion and John R. Scott for the Pope County part. Only the names of heads of families were recorded, the other members of the family being merely numbered. The population for the parts of the counties later embraced in Scott was about 500. Many of these resided in the townships of Boon, Washburn and Reveille, not now a part of this county. But the County was now rapidly filling up with people. They came up the Fourche and Petit Jean valleys. The completion of the old military road from Little Rock to Ft. Smitli in 1824 gave impetus to immigration. The settlers came over this road to Ft. Smith, then went north and south into the surrounding country and found homes. A post road was established from Little Rock to Ft. Smith during the same year, with post offices at Ft. Smith and Dardanelle. The settlers of Scott County received their mail from one of these two offices prior to 1835. The mail was delivered from the east once every two weeks. There was no post office in the county before 1835, when tlie first one was established at Boone ville with Gilbert Marshall as 23 first postmaster. The mail was delivered weekly by a post rider from Old D wight near Russell ville. David P. Logan was the first carrier. The con- tract schedule of mail delivery was as follows: From Dwight by Dardanelle to Scott court house, seventy-five miles and back once a week. Mail in the opposite direction left Scott court house every Saturday at eight o'clock in the morning and ar- rived at Dwight the following Monday at eleven in the morning. There was not a church or school in the county when the State was admitted to the Union in 1836. It is known that rehgious services and private schools were sometimes held by itinerant preachers and teachers in the homes of the settlers, but no organized church or school was in existence. The church was even better off than the schools, though, for ministers of the gospel were more numerous than teachers. Reverend G. W. Sorrels, a Methodist minister, preached over the western part of the State between the years of 1830 and 1840. He fre- quently held services in Scott County, amidst the most primitive circumstances. The following is a description of general conditions at this time: *'James F. Gaines and wife came from Fayette County, Tenn., to Scott County in 1837 and settled on Fourche River. At that time there were no pub- lic roads and few families had found their way to the valley. There was no preaching anywhere in all that region of country and Mrs. Gaines was the only 24 professor of religion in all that country. She had been converted at an early age in west Tennessee and had enjoyed the advantage of regular religious service. The wickedness of this rude population was a great trial to this devoted Christian; for such was the disregard of the Sabbath that it was the principal day for shooting, kiUing beeves, visiting and engaging in trade. Two or three times a week they would meet for a general carousal. There were children grown who did not know what a preacher was, so dense was the ignorance of the peo- ple on religious questions. At last Mrs. Gaines heard that a Methodist preacher would hold services nearby. The news was well circulated and the whole community came out to see and hear the preacher. They listened awhile, then sent their children to light their pipes and smoked while the sermon was being delivered. After this the circuit preacher, Adams, gave them a regular appointment for preaching, but very little was accomphshed until some Tennessee Methodists came out and settled in the community. About 1842, Rev. John Cowle was appointed to the Ft. Smith circuit and succeeded in estabhshing Methodism in Scott, Sebastian, and surrounding counties." Travel during this period was over roads newly cut out of the forests. There were no bridges and frequently the traveler would reach a stream, and finding it swollen from heavy rains, would be com- pelled to halt and wait for the waters to subside 25 before a crossing could be made. These incon- veniences of travel were augumented by the pres- ence in the forests and thickets of dangerous ani- mals, too frequently ready to attack the lonely traveler. What roads there were usually followed an old Indian trail, and was little more than an enlargement of it-. The western boundary of the State and County was surveyed and fixed by Joseph C. Brown in 1824, but was resurveyed again by Henry E. McKee in 1877, and a slight variation from the former line was recorded. This long strip came to be known as the "Cherokee Strip." The land survey of the county was made between the years 1830 and 1835. By this survey the land was divided into sections. Many old landmarks of this survey may still be seen in the county. 26 CHAPTER V. New Statehood, 1836-1861 Before Congress had passed the customary en abling act, authorizing preparations for statehood, the various counties elected delegates to a constitu- tional convention at Little Rock for the purpose of drafting a constitution for the state that was to be. Scott County elected Gilbert Marshall as its delegate. The convention proceeded to frame a constitution, which was duly ratified, and Arkansas was admitted to the Union on June 15, 1836. In the election that ensued thereunder, the following officials were elected : County Judge Gilbert Marshall Clerk — — Sheriff Charles Humphrey Treasurer Walter Cauthron Coroner G. R. Walker Surveyor T. J. Garner Representative .James Logan These men thus became the first elected officials of the county under the state government. They were all residents of that part of the county after- wards detached and added to Logan County. This sl''s how little influence the remainder of the county had in political affairs up to this time, which is attributable to the fact that most of the population 27 was located around Booneville. But this condition was not long to remain so; for immigrants were coming in in large numbers. The census of 1840 showed a population of 1,694. Gilbert Marshall was the enumerator. The number of people had more than doubled in a period of ten years. When the county began to be settled in the central, southern, and western parts, the location of the county seat at Booneville became inconvenient to the majority of the citizens, and in order that it might be more centrally located, it was moved to a new site on the old Glass farm about two miles northeast of where Waldron is now located. The new site was named Winfield, although the post office at that place, which had been established in 1840, was called Poteau Valley. This continued to be the seat of the county government until 1845. In that year, William G. Featherston, who was deal- ing in real estate, offered to donate ten acres for the permanent location of the county seat, on con- dition that it should be located on his farm. This was agreed to and the seat of justice was moved to its present site. The name of the town was changed to Waldron, and the name of the post office was changed to that, also. At this time, there was only one house in this vicinity, and this was the residence of WilUam G. Featherston. It was a double log house, and stood somewhere close to where the railroad station is now located. When the post of- fice was established in 1840, Featherston became 28 the first postmaster. In the same year. Parks post office was estabhshed with Fehx G. Gaines as post- master. In 1845 an office was set up at TomUnson- ville (now Boothe), with Joseph Tomlinson as postmaster. Thus the county had three post ofTices by 1845. The first post road within the present limits of the county was laid out in the year 1838. It com- menced at Booneville and ran by the sites of Wal- dron, Parks, and Zebulon, Pike County, to Wash- ington in Hempstead County, a distance of 140 miles. Mail was carried on horseback, and the schedule provided tiiat it should leave Washington each ^Wednesday at one o'clock in the afternoon and ;arrive at Booneville the following Saturday at eight p'clock in the afternoon. James F. Gaines was the jfirst contractor for this service, and his salary was $1,250.00 per annum. Trips were to be made fort- nightly. Another route was established in 1845 from Ft. Smith to Waldron by way of Chocoville (now Mans- field), with Elza Harlow as contractor. Mail ser- vice was authorized weekly. The salary was $249.00 per year. In 1850 the route from W^aldron to Mt. Ida in Montgomery County was put into operation. The distance was fifty-two miles, and William Gibson was the contractor, at an annual salary of $229.00 per year. Service was weekly. The roads over which these post routes were 29 Post Offices and Post Roads in Scott County Before 1850. authorized had been cut out a few years before by the settlers as they pushed farther into the wilder- ness. Even at this time the homes were very few and far between, as will be seen by naming the settlers along the road from the north part of the county to Waldron, about the year 1850. This was the most populous part of the county, too, at that time. This road came over Black Jack ridge about the old Watkins place. The first residence was the old Norris home. Two miles south was the Sparks farm, now owned by George Sorrels. Then came the farms of Thomas GUsson near Pleasant Grove church, and the Long place near the Narrows of Little Petit Jean. Immediately south of the Narrows, lived Andrew Tomlinson, and around Boothe was the large landed estate of Joseph Tom- linson. The Witt farm was between them. Then came the homes of the three Powels beyond the sec- ond ford of Petit Jean, now known as the Metcalf and Fuller farms. Five miles further south was the residence of Dotson Huie, and another mile brought one to where Daniel Boultinghouse lived. Three miles farther was the Turman place, then that of Reed, now the Leming farm, at Waldron. In going from where Mansfield now is to Hon through the Lookout Gap in the same year, one would first pass the residence of Mark Holbert. Two miles farther on was the Henley place. No other house would be passed until one reached the double log house of Jackson Hon on the other side of the 31 mountain. The intervening distance was an un- broken wilderness. Roads had been opened up down the Poteau by 1850 and also southwest to Blansett. Fourche val- ley had several roads by this time, one going to Danville in Yell County. But none of these were roads in the modern sense of the term. The road was like nature left it, except that the trees and logs were cut out of the way. Bridges were unknown. In 1850 there were eight townships in the county as follows: Hickman Mountain La Fayette Tomlinson Park Boon La Fave Washburn The townships of Boon and Washburn have since been detached and added to Logan County. The pop- ulation according to the census of 1850, as enumerat- ed by E. H. Featherston, was 2,937. This of course included the people of Boon and Washburn town- ships. By the census of 1860, the population was given as about 4,500. John A. Fry was the enume- rator. These figures indicate that there was almost a hundred per centum increase in the population during each decennial period. The schools and churches of the county had a similar growth. In 1840 there was not a single school within the present limits of the county. About 1847 the common school law was enacted. 32 It provided that the sixteenth section of the pubhc land should be applied to the support of the public schools. School districts were set apart, and in 1850 the county had six such schools. The following were the teachers: James M. Vance Hickman Township William W. Sorrels Hickman Township Franklin Bates Hickman Township John H. McLeod Hickman Township William H. Thornton Mountain Township Luther F. Pollard Tomlinson Township In 1860 there were ten pubMc schools, presided over by the following teachers: B. F. Scaggs Boon Township C. M. Trammel Boon Township T. F. Hitchcock Boon Township Geo. W. Duncan Reveille Township Mary Lewis Tomlinson Township C. I. Stovall Tomlinson Township Thos. I. Price Tomlinson Township I. W. Colwell Hickman Township John Barnett Hickman Township R. B. L. Speaks Hickman Township F. A. Taff Hickman Township In the above list, it will be noted that the name of one woman, Mary Lewis, appears. She taught school at Lewis Prairie as early as 1855. In view of the modern feminist movement and the conse- quent increasingly large share that woman is play- ing in the public life of the country, the name of this 33 woman teacher stands out prominent. Mary Lewis was the county's first pubUc woman. By 1860 churches had been estabhshed in nearly every community. The itinerant preacher had yield- ed to the circuit-riding pastor. The pastor usually held services once a month in every church in his circuit. The Methodists seem to have been first in the county. They established a church on Fourche as early as 1842. The other denominations soon followed. The services were usually held in the district school house, but afterwards log churches were erected. The resident ministers of the gospel in 1850 were as follows: Jno. S. Robertson Hickman Township Washington Sorrels.—. Hickman Township J. W. Taylor Hickman Township E. T. Walker Tomlinson Township J. V. Whitford Boon Township D. F. Anderson Reveille Township In addition to these, other noted ministers preached occasionally in the county. Some of these names are: Geo. W. Sorrels 1836 A. R. Winfield 1852 Elijah Smoot 1851 Jesse Griffin 1857 H, W. Balsh 1843 J. B. Sheffield 1850 34 B. T. Benefield 1858 Jacob Whitesides 1840 The following lawyers practiced their profession in the county prior to 1860: J. K. Raymond Hickman Township J. H. Thompson Hickman Township G. W. Featherston Hickman Township I. C. Read ...Tomlinson Township C. H. Hawthorne began the practice of law in Tomlinson Township a few years later. The merchants of this period were: G. W. Featherston Hickman Township G. W. Bird Hickman Township G. W. Gains Hickman Township E. C. Moon Tomlinson Township The Bates brothers entered the mercantile busi- ness at Waldron a few years later, and their enter- prise is still in operation. These early merchants did a general mercantile business. In addition to the usual stock in trade many of them sold liquor also. They "freighted" their goods from Ft. Smith or Ozark in wagons. It consisted mostly of flour, coffee, sugar, dry goods, ammunition and farming implements. Except for these necessaries, nearly every farm was economically self-sustaining. The physicians of the county before 1860 were: E. H. Barnard Mountain Township William DuVal Tomlinson Township P. C. Bush Tomlinson Township 35 0. C. Mitchell Boon Township Stephen H. Chism Boon Township W. E. Elkins Boon Township 1. C. Field Parks Township G. R. Stanfield La Fave Township W. A. Linthicum Boon Township I. D. Carlton Reveille Township E. H. Dunman Tomlinson Township James H. Smith Hickman Township 36 CHAPTER VI. Period of the Great Civil War 1860-1874 1. Secession ^ Slavery did not exist to any. extent in Scott Coun- ty, and for this reason the national agitation of this question, which had been rocking the country for over a quarter of a century and threatening to dis- rupt the Union, was not of a personal character with the people of the county. They did not begin to think strongly on the subject until confronted with the reality of disunion and war. Their sym- pathies were for the union of the states, and when it came to electing delegates to the state convention to determine the attitude and policy of Arkansas in the matter, they elected a Union man, E. T. Walker, as the delegate from Scott County. This was early in 1861. The delegates from all the counties of the State met at Little Rock and, after deliberating for a short while, adjourned without action other than to authorize the president thereof to call the con- vention together again if conditions warranted. This was done and the convention met in second session about the first of May, 1861. The question of union or disunion was paramount. On May 6, an ordinance of secession was adopted. The county's delegate voted for secession, and his action in doing so under the circumstances met with the approval 37 of the people. They naturally sympathized with the South, when the issue became sharply drawn. 2. Military Events As soon as the call for volunteers had been issued, the people of the county turned to the grim duties of war. A company of seventy-five men was organ- ized in early summer. Its ott'icers were G. W. Featherston, Captain; J. C. Gibson, First Lieutenant; W. F. Patterson, Second Lieutenant, and John Raw- lings, Third Lieutenant. This company took part in the battle of Oak Hill, after which it was dis- banded and its members united with other units. It was known as Company D, First Regiment, of Arkansas Volunteers. Another company under Captain William Patter- son was organized in December, 1861, and a third under Captain G. W. Featherston in February, 1862. This latter was merged with the 19th Arkansas under Col. Dawson, and saw extensive service east of the Mississippi River. Gangs of bushwhackers and marauding bands early began terrorizing the county. In September, 1863, the Federal forces, consisting of the 14th Kan- sas cavalry, arrived in the county and marched on Waldron. Major Featherston and Captain Isaac Bag- well were in command at that place with a small guard. In a surprise attack on September 11, the Federals captured the Confederate forces and held the town. The losses on the Union side were one 38 Map Showing Federal Activities in Scott County, 1863-64. 39 killed and two wounded. The Confederate losses are not known, although Major Featherston was seriously wounded. Scouting parties were then sent out by the Federals. The first of these went down Dutch Creek on December 9, and another went from Waldron to Dallas in Polk County on Dec. 11, 1863. Still another proceeded from Wal- dron to Baker Springs in Howard County through the celebrated Forem Gap in January, 1864. This last party lost one man killed and one man wounded on its journey. Another skirmish occurred at Wal- dron on February 1, in which one man was wound- ed. After this battle the Federals evacuated Wal- dron on Feb, 4, 1864. The Federal forces were com- manded by Lieut. Col. Ov^^en A. Bassett, and later by Lieut. Col. Searl of Col. James Johnson's Regi- ment of First Arkansas Infantry, organized at Fay- etteville in March, 1863. Man3'^ citizens of the county enlisted with the Union forces after the Federals had taken possession of the country. Another battle took place at Waldron on Dec. 29, 1864, in which two men were killed and six wounded. When the Union forces evacuated Waldron, they set fire to every house in town except those of Wil- liam G. Featherston and Elijah Leming. Feather- ston's residence had been the Union headquarters, and Leming was thought to be a Federal sympa- thizer. His residence was burned after the troops had departed, supposedly by Confederate agents. On April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered, and the war 40 was soon over. The men of local companies were disbanded, and those who had been in service in the east at length returned to their homes. Peace, with its healing processes, was at hand, when the blight- ing curse of the war's aftermatli, reconstruction, fell upon the people. It was worse for them than the war, terrible as that had been, 3. Women of the War Period Most all of the able-bodied men of the county were away from their homes during the years of the war, in the military service. The only people left were the women, children and old men. It therefore devolved almost entirely upon the women to provide for their family needs, and to keep the homes together. This they undertook manfully to do. They planted the crops, cultivated them and harvested them. They had to go to Ozark or Ft. Smith to have the corn or wheat ground into meal or flour. They would go in crowds on these duties. As many as eleven of these women from Scott alone formed one train to Ozark, in the closing days of the war. Wagon trains of fewer members were more frequent. The women harnessed the teams, drove the wagons, and attended to the business of the journeys. Added to these hard duties, was the larger one of caring for perhaps three of four small children. These women frequently came together and hved in the house of one of their number for the better 41 protection of all concerned. The bushwhackers made them no end of trouble. They murdered and plundered voraciously and indiscriminately. They killed old men of seventy who were therefore utter- ly harmless from a military point of view. Their conduct was of the most ruthless and cruel sort; as for instance, at a home in the north part of the county, they called out a young husband and uncere- moniously shot him. Then they compelled his young wife to cook breakfast for them, with his dead body lying at the root of a tree close by. It then devolved upon the women of the neighbor- hood to bur>^ him. These maurauders, discountenanced alike by both belligerents, also, plundered the homes of the de- fenseless women and took their bread. And there was no authority to punish the perpetrators of these foul deeds. Two of the most noted of these heroic women — mothers of heroic sons away in battle — were Mrs. Ann Anthony and Mrs. Polly Graves. The former lived in the Poteau valley, while Mrs. Graves lived on Lewis Prairie in the north part of the county. They both labored unceasingly in the war services of their communities. 4. New Constotutions When the Federal forces had wrested the north- ern half of the State from the Confederacy, a pro- visional government loyal to the Union was estab- lished by groups of the citizens, and was recognized 42 by President Lincoln. A new constitution was adopted in 1864, recognizing the abolition of slavery. Scott County's delegate to this convention was Elijah Leming. This reinstatement of the State to its for- mer status in the Union is known as presidential re- construction. The mild policies of Lincoln were not to prevail, however. After his death in 1865, the radicals in Congress obtained the upper hand, and a new re- construction of the State was ordered. A new con- stitution was adopted in 1868. Charles H. Oliver was the delegate from Scott County. About 1872 the Federal soldiers who had formed the main support of the carpet bag government in the State after the war were withdrawn and self- government restored to the peoplie. Accordingly, a new constitution, based upon this wider freedom was adopted in 1874. J. W. Sorrels represented the county in this convention. This constitution is the organic law of the State today. A new one was formed in 1918, but failed of ratification by the peo- ple. The delegate to this last convention was W. A. Bates. 43 CHAPTER VII. The Scott County War, 1874-1879 The people were forgetting the horrors of the great war with its train of evils and were settling back into tlieir peaceful occupations, when the coun- ty began to take on the appearance of a lawless com- munity. For a period of about five years, commenc- ing in 1874, a condition of affairs bordering on an- archy prevailed. Murders were frequent, and the perpetrators went unpunished; property was in- secure, and there was no rehef; and the citizens vv^ere for a time helpless before the lawless elements. The first instance of this state of affairs was the killing of a negro on Lewis Prairie in 1874. Sus- picion attached itself to certain persons of the neigh- borhood, but they were never apprehended. In May, 1874, Jacob Jones was killed at Waidron. During the winter of 1874-75, C. Malone was clandestinely shot, and former sheriff, Nathan A. Floyd, was charged with being the guilty party. He was in- dicted, tried and acquitted. Malone had formerly acted with Floyd as a Repubhcan, but now a rift had appeared between them. On March 11, 1875, J. H. Nichols, a negro who resided near Waidron, was killed in the road about a half mile south of that town. Two other negroes, David and Henry 44 Carroll were arrested, charged with this crime. They were tried and acquitted. The series of murders and defeated justice aroused the county, and public sentiment demanded that this lawlessness be brought to an end. Instead of this, later in March of the same year another negro was shot and no arrests made. The sheriff, F. C. ("Buck") Gaines, seemed to be unable to cope with the situation. The whole trouble apparently had its base in a feud between two factions, viz: the Gilbreaths, Bates and Malones on one side and N. A. Floyd and his followers on the other. In the spring of 1875, Peter K. Beam, a friend of the former faction, noti- fied Floyd that he (Floyd) was to be assassinated and claimed that he had been offered a large sum of money to kiU him but had refused. He was then requested to testify as to this matter before the grand jury, but refused on the ground that he would be killed if he did so. He was killed in his field soon thereafter. Floyd's life was again threatened, as was also that of McClure, his partner. Soon after a man named Russell was killed. A short time before, he had stated that an effort had been made to induce him to kill Floyd. A few days after this statement had been made, a man approached him on the street near the courthouse and invited him to go into the courthouse to play a game of cards. He accepted and when he entered the building, he was 45 incontinently shot. There were several persons present at the time, but no evidence could be ob- tained to fix the guilt of the crime. The citizens were either aligned with one or the other of the factions, or were else afraid to reveal a knowledge of the facts. Floyd then left the county, going to Mis- souri. He had been engaged in the mercantile business since retiring from political office, and after leaving, he hired two men named Martin and Hill to prepare his effects for shipment. While engaged in this duty, they were both shot. Mean- while court convened, and Judge Joyner held the session surrounded by an armed mob. The citizenry demanded that steps be taken to re- store law and order in the county. The sherift' appealed to the governor for aid, and the adjutant general of the State, Gen. Carroll D. Wood, was sent to the county. Order was apparently restored and the trouble settled. The disorder again broke out in June, 1867, when the residence of Judge Frank Fuller was shot into by two men, and Judge Fuller wounded. In Au- gust, two men on the Floyd side were murdered. The sheriff again asked the governor for aid, and Gen. Robert C. Newton was dispatched to Waldron. He set about organizing the militia, and by the last of August, 1876, he placed a company of fifty men under Col. Hooper on duty, and the reign of terror ceased temporarily. Early in the summer of 1877, J. L. ("Shabe") 46 Davenport shot at Judge Fuller, but a bystander knocked the pistol upward and no one was killed. The August term of court was approaching, and Judge John H. Rodgers was warned not to attempt to convene court. But he persisted and held the session. J. D. McCabe was the prosecuting attorney at the time. Great excitement prevailed all over the county. The sheriff was panicky, and begged the governor to send state troops to his aid. Drs. Caruthers and Bell, T. G. Bates and the sheriff fled the county for safety. The sheriff continued his weak and persistent pleas to the governor for help. He finally came back to Parks where he established his headquarters. Meanwhile, the county had been divided into two militia districts, known as the northern district and the southern district. The militia of the north had been organized into a com- pany of one hundred men under Col. J. W. Sor- rels. His assistants were Capt. H. W. Dixon and Capt. J. M. Williams. These companies were ready for duty in August, 1877. The southern militia was organized under Col. Joshua M. Smith. His assistants were Captains A. Lunsford, William Mankin and W. R. Cox. The company consisted of seventy-five men, raised in Mountain Township and vicinity. At this juncture General Pomeroy, new State adjutant general, took up his residence at Waldron. He ordered the militia under Col. Smith to Waldron to protect the spring session of circuit court (1878). This term of court 47 adjourned without accomplishing much toward re- estabhshing peace and quiet in the county. The already tense excitement of the people was further intensified by the murder, on Feb. 6, 1878, of J. L. Davenport, better known as "Shabe" Daven- port. He was shot at Waldron, apparently from an upstairs window. He and his family were well known and prominent in the north part of the county, and his murder caused a frenzy of anger to sweep over this part of the county. The citizens resolved to take affairs into their own hands. They had waited vainly for an orderly process of the courts to establish peace and quiet, but had been disappointed. About a hundred of them formed a mob to go to Waldron to set the affairs of the county in order. They met at Lookout Gap, north of Hon, and from this rendezvous they started for Waldron, but found the Poteau River unfavorable and were forced to turn back to their homes. This was a fortunate occurrance for all concerned, for the citi- zens of Waldron had been informed of the intended attack and had fortified the town strongly in a man- ner to make it impregnable. The sheriff also em- ployed the militia at that place to this end. Much bloodshed would inevitably have resulted had the march of the citizen mob not been halted. The action of the citizenry of the north in form- ing this mob served to emphasize the gravity of the situation and the necessity for a thorough investi- gation of the causes of the disorder, and punishment 48 of those responsible for it. The governor thereupon ordered a company of Frankhn County mihtia, under Col. J. P. Falconer, into Scott County to as- sure the orderly operation of the courts. The mih- tia of the county was so completely aligned with one or the other of the two factions that it could not be so employed. Attorneys H. F. Thomason and Walker were re- tained by the State to assist the prosecuting attorney to thoroughly probe the causes of the existing dis- order. Their fee was $3,000.00. Eleven prisoners, including the county clerk and other leading citi- zens, were to stand trial. The sheriff, Gaines, was also ordered to be arrested, and William Chitwood made the arrest. The trials were held before Justice Blevins at Old Cedar Grove. The court was guarded by the assembled militiamen. After a heated trial, amidst tense feelings, all the prisoners were acquit- ted, and returned to their homes. The lawlessness then gradually came to an end. Some of the leaders fled the country, some had been killed and others were ready to become again law- abiding citizens. The fundamental cause of the disorder was the deep-seated desire of the people to rid themselves of an alieii government, which had been fastened upon them during the early days of Reconstruction. Carpetbag government was distasteful and the peo- ple did not feel free until it had been overthrown. The anarchic state of aff'airs gave the county much 49 unfavorable advertisement and left the treasury de- pleted. The county has only recently recovered from its blighting effects. 50 CHAPTER VIII. Growth and Development, 1880 After the turmoil of the factional strife had ended, the people once more turned their faces toward the future in a steady internal development. No great outstanding event occurred during this period but there was symmetrical progress — progress in all lines of activity that made for the betterment of hving conditions of the poeple. I. Post Offices and Postal Routes In 1870, there were six post offices within the present boundaries of the county, located at the fol- lowing places: Black Jack Parks Boles Waldron Nebraska Olio Since that time other offices have been established until at this time there are over twenty-five in the county. These are all fourth class offices except Waldron, which is a third class office. The following table will show how the mail was delivered to these post offices: From To Length Frequency Contractor Salary Ft. Smith Waldron .% mi. Weekly .1. C. Gibson $227.00 Ft. Smith Black Jack :56 mi. Weekly J. Stephens 220.40 Danville Waldron 55 mi. Weekly J. C. Gibson 224.00 Danville Parks 65 mi. Weekly J. F. Perry 275.00 Waldron Slosson's 200 mi. Weekly John Gable 148.00 Mt. Ida Waldron 52 mi. Weekly G. Whittington 249.00 51 The first rural free delivery service in the county was established out of Abbott post office on April 1, 1908. Walter Jones was the first carrier. The sec- ond route was established out of Waldron a few years later, with W. R. Cox as the carrier. This service has been extended until a large number of the post offices are now supplied in this manner. 2. Roads and Bridges Closely allied with the establishment of the post roads of the county was the construction and main- tenance of a system of public highways. The coun- ty has not been fortunate in this matter. The roads were first cut out of the forests by the settlers with- out reference to scientific principles of road building. A road was made whenever and wherever the settler wished to go. They usually follow^ed an old Indian or buffalo trail, and were not thought of as being the foundation of a future highway system. But with the great increase in population, it be- came necessary to recognize certain lines of travel as county roads, to be maintained at public ex- pense. The maintenance of the roads took the form of the employment of free labor. A road overseer was appointed in each township to super- vise the road work in his territory. Every male be- tween the ages of twenty-one and forty-five years was required to work a certain number of days per year. By this method the roads were maintained. Recently a road tax has been levied for the definite 52 purpose of affording funds with which to hire labor and purchase materials for use on the public roads. The first bridges in the county were private enter- prises, chartered by the Slate and constructed by private capital. Toll was charged all who used the bridge. One of the earliest and most used of these was Trotter's bridge on the Ft. Smith and Waldron road near Boothe. It was built about forty years ago by W. L. Trotter, who kept it in operation until a few years ago. The first constructive road-building campaign was inaugurated by Judge A. F. Smith in 1914. Steel bridges were erected over the Petit Jean, Poteau and Fourche rivers. So much enthusiasm was aroused by these improvements that the county embarked upon a larger and more comprehensive bridge- building program. During Judge Payne's terms of orlice, 1916-1920, road bonds \vere iloated to the ex- tent of $100,000.00, the proceeds of which were to be used for improving the highways and for building bridges. These improvements were never made. But the funds are gone, and the county was plunged in debt for nearly the entire amount of the bonds. Judge Payne resigned his office and removed from the county. He has since been indicted by the grand jury. 3. Schools and Churches The number of the public schools has kept pace v/ith the growth in population. In 1860 there were only ten. Now there are nearly one hundred. The 53 crude log school house has been supplanted by the modern frame building, with good equipment and apparatus. In a large number of the districts more than one teacher is employed. Some of the earlier teachers of this period were: Philip B. Young Brawley Township James D. Bradburn Mountain Township Stephen Graves Lewis Township Prominent teachers later in this period were: G. E. Henderson, H. J. Hall, J. Y. Payton, J. W. Mc- Nutt, W. W. Lundy, J. D. Little, G. G. Ellis, Wesley Gardenhire, B. A. Thompson, Mrs. A. F. Smith, Mrs. G. Henderson, J. L. Hough, N. O. Tatf, Mattie Stone, Mrs. Etta Pledger, J. W. Black, Utie Alexander and E. Holland. Ghurches have been established in every com- munity. The Methodists, Baptists, Ghristians and Presbyterians are the leading denominations. No Gatholic or Jewish church has ever been erected within the limits of the county. 4. Newspapers The first newspaper to be published in the county was called the Beformer. Publication of this jour- nal at Waldron was begun in 1874 by W. R. Allison. It appeared for about a year, when the printing out- fit was removed to Booneville. In 1887 P. G. Stone started the Gitizen. It was Re- publican in politics. In 1890 the plant was sold to M. Keener, and A. G. Leming became editor. It 54 continued for about a year under the new manage- ment, when it was purchased by the Reporter. Another newspaper called the Vindicator ran for a short time in 1897. A paper known as the Wasp was started by H. N. Smith about 1905. It was a fiery controversial peri- odical, and under the inspiration of its able editor it became one of the leading county papers of western Arkansas. It was also purchased by the Reporter in 1908. The Sentinel was also founded by Judge Smith at Waldron in 1910. It was a paper much like the Wasp had been, its editorial opinion being largely a reflection of the political views and predilections of its editor. It was sold to W. E. Baker in 1912, who merged it with the Advance-Reporter. The Scott County Record, one of the papers now in existence at Waldron, was started in 1915 by W. E. Baker. He sold it in 1920 to A. F. Smith, who became its editor. The oldest paper in the county is the Advance- Reporter. It was started at Waldron in 1878 by S. H. Farley, and has been issued continuously since that date. Its editors have been S. H. Farley, M. M. Beavers, J. M. Harvey, Hubert J. Hall, W. E. Baker and J. B. Cox. It is now pubhshed by J. B. Cox and son. 5. Towns and Villages Waldron was incorporated in 1875. After it was burned during the factional strife, new and better 55 buildings were erected. Brick business houses took tlie places of the frame structures that were burned. The first hotel in the town and county was the old Featherston Inn near the railroad station. About 1875 the Malones erected a more modem hotel which is still in business. It played an important part in the Scott County war. Adjutant General Pomeroy in 1878-1879, made it his headquarters while in charge of the militia. It was thus referred to as "Pomeroy's Citadel." When the tow^n was burned during the Civil War, the court house and all the county records were lost. No effort was made to rebuild it until in 1904. Dur- ing the administration of Judge H. N. Smith a mod- ern building was erected with fireproof vaults for housing the official records. Mansfield on the northern boundary line is an important shipping point. When the Frisco rail- road was built in 1885, only a post office and a gen- eral store were located in this vicinity. The post office was known as Chocoville, and Marion Watts had been postmaster and merchant. Soon the town of Mansfield grew up and is now a well-constructed, incorporated town. Its growth was further in- creased by the building of the Rock Island railroad through this part of the county in 1899. The Arkan- sas Western railroad was constructed to Waldron in 1902. Villages are numerous throughout the county. 56 Some have high schools and others have very good graded schools. 6. Definition of County Boundaries Scott County was formed on November 5, 1833, by act of the territorial legislature. The boundaries were first defined on October 24, 1835. On Decem- ber 16, 1838, the boundary between Scott and Craw- ford was defined. The townships of Boon, Wash- burn and Reveille were added to Logan County March 21, 1873. By act of the legislature in 1903, a further annexation was made to Logan County. 57 APPENDICES 59 APPENDIX I. Heads of Families in Scott County in 1830. Jesse Southern Thomas Hixon John B. Walker William Kenner Gilbert Marshall William Hicklin John Titsworth Arthur Hix John G. Oliver Charles Wolf A. Mitchell Margaret Fort Isaac Mitchell George Caulk Henry Davis Robert Scott Joshua Hudson Edward Davis William Wood John Price Rebecca Wells George Grounds William Scott David Fort David Titsworth Nancy Kuykendall Jesse Noakes Ann McLean Elijah Edwards Jacob Reader Spear Titsworth Nancy Williams John Sexton Is Baker John Clem John Moore Nancy Featherston William Featherston William Sinclair Thomas Sinclair Thomas C. Sinclair Webster McCastlin John St. Clear Dryden Wilkins Jesse Barnett BoUy Williams William Caughron Thomas Humphreys Hugh Gilbreath Jacob Hale John Hale Jacob Ring George Frazer Henry Frazer John Fisher George Gold William Anthony Charles D. Humphrey John Piles Sam Lemons George Williams Thomas Piles James Long E. G. Haines K. Tomlinson James Tomlinson Cyrus Parks William Rose John Plemmons David Castleberry Peter Tomlinson H. Tidwell Esom Tidwell Isaac Lindsey John J. Hammond Celia Mayes John Palmer Enos Hughes 60 Robert Mayes Sam W'^>-land Hartwell Howard Wesley Garrett Charles Atkins Jonathan Logan James Hodges William Rhoads Matthew Mayes James Riley Bartley McEmmelly William Moad John Ross James Matthews James Standefer Isaac Miers Joseph A. Meal John Gofford John Davis Stephen Gofford Issac Barnett 61 APPENDIX II. Heads of Families in Scott County in 1840. John Sexton John Riley William Garner D. M. Morrison William Patterson Charles Hodges James Anderson William Ellington A. H. Kuykendall Charles Logan Josiah Buckner Calvin Jackson Grieff Chambles Aaron Chambles Jesse Gravson E. W. Davis B. Dailey Joel Williams William Hunt William Tidwell Jefferson Rhoen William Boylin R. Lamb J. R. Choate George Carroll Joseph Tomlinson James Sorrels Russel Easton Isaiah Harper William Anthony William G. Featherston Aaron Harlan Daniel Boultinghouse James Boultinghouse Harrison Huie J. H. Dupree Levi Brawley Finis Farmer J. H. Davis Dennis Boultinghouse Henry Frazer Jackson Hon Jesse Anthony W. D. Whitmeyer John Barnett Wesley P. Teat James Stewart Richard Hines William Hull J. P. Moore Elizabeth Grayson Catharine Grayson R. J. Cooks Marcus Stafford N. Hixon O. L. Davis Isaiah Barnett Allen Thompson J. G. Thompson William Miller Enos Haines Pleasant Robinson John Herren J. D. Harris Jeff Gofford William Spillers Jonathan Parker H. Dailey Mih Bilbreath James Taylor Solomon Baker John W. Cannon Jeff George Wkilter Haney Elijah Garner James Spillers Jacob Ring John Hunt 62 William Burns Daniel Hunt William Hunt Thomas Williams David Williams J. H. Morris Walter Terrell James Bonegler V, Stewart Chris Griffith J. H. Taylor James Johnson T. F. Taylor Joseph Griffith E. Arnold James Dennis William Stewart William Riley John W^eaver Wesley Wheat J. G. Garrett H. Copeland Wiley Tomlinson Bazlen Underwood Joseph Fisher Jesse Fisher John Marshall John Ivey James A. Hendrick H. Arrington George Williams James Long Robert R. Duncan E. King Thomas Glisson Ezekiel Williams Elias Phipps John Doyle H. A. Patterson Mack Wilmeth Thomas Kamplain Gilbert Marshall Robert Petitt Silas Hart Jonathan Logan John Newman Thomas Brown 63 Andrew Scagg Edward Riley Joseph Patterson Robert Hammond William Kenner J. P. Click J. A. Morrison W. C. May Walter Cauthron F. E. Anthony J. F. Gaines William H. Shelton John Wood C. Davis Edward Lamb Z. Garner James Miller Cyrus Park James Hall Sam Snowden Gil Cribby J. O. Logan Wiley Davis Jacob Pierson B. McAnnally Sarah Swainey Jsaiah Hickerson Theo P. Sadler John Lee William Stewart Miles Ladd William Scott Hester Ladd D. Choate D. Burns Benjamin McDaniel H. Dailey William Cornelius Absalom Cornelius A. Reese Joseph Gault James Jackson Edmund Brewer Robert Jackson James Biggs W. K. Davis Henry Stobuck L. Hopper D. Wallis Gilmore Hopper J. B. Biggs William Poor Ann McLean Nancy Blagg John Wilson John Sharp William Graham William Underwood E. Underwood Elizabeth Britt Doctor Cribbs D. C. W. James George Wilson J. T. Sadler Signal Hoover Rebecca Bateman John Williams Reuben Hettall Martha McMurry Isaac Riley J. P. Hoover John Riley G. Jackson John Scott James Logan, Sr. James Logan, Jr. William Meads William Rhoads William Lewis 64 APPENDIX III. Roster of Company D, First Regiment of Arkansas Volunteers. Raised in Scott County, 1861. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS G. W. Featherston, Capt. W. F. Patterson, 2nd Lieut. J. C. Gibson, 1st Lieut. John Rawlings, 3rd Lieut. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS P. N. Lewis, 1st Sergt. Isaac Patterson, 1st Corp. Harrison Glass, 2nd Sergt. S. L. Easters, 3rd Sergt. A. E. Frizzell, 4th Sergt. .foel F. Smith, 2nd Corp. John B. Graves, 3rd Corp. Robert Hall, 4th Corp. PRIVATES B. E. Brasher Dennis Boultinghouse Daniel Baxter S. B. Baxter William M. Blythe T. D. Bowers James Boultinghouse James Caviness James Davis Francis Dalton Henry J. Fry James M. Head Jackson P. Head Felix G. Hawkins Francis P. Holly James Newman Robert N. Johns Hiram Jones Thomas B. Jones James Kincaid Mark McMullin Sam W. Perkins James McMullins Hobert P. Park Thomas Parks B. F. Smith John W. Salley William P. McCauley Jackson Chandler William Ford Junis G. Whittington Wilev A. Tomlinson (;. A.^Torbett John C. Wood Jesse F. Wall Jesse R. Skinner Ox-ew T. Wisdom Isaac Lucas Sam W. Johnson Samuel Dark Mark Graves B. W. Holston James A. Chitwood William H. Crawford D. C. Cameron James Vandigriff James Brasher (ieorge Smith (iilbert M. Shelby William A. Walls John Dollins F. M. Featherston E. H. Dunman Beverly Young William Young William Rowland William Garrison William Colman Leon Glass William Richey John Tanner L. H. Marrs 65 APPENDIX IV. Names of Scott County Men Who Participated in the World War. Sidney Lee King Herbert Stewart Guy G. May Sam Jones George A. Phillips Roy D. Payne Harry Earl Oxford Jesse Martin Bell William I. Watts Grover M. Wiles Charlie M. Calor James W. Sorrels Charley I. Nix Henry E. Oliver Samuel J. Vaughn Dennis T. Huddleston Charles W. Webb William B. Maxwell Lee Wesley Crawl Jesse Lee Higgins John Sherman Osborn Granville G. Coplan Walter C. Maxfield Allen Roscoe Gentry Reuben D. Caskey Ray Dailey Henry H. Tolleson Robert Deming Herschel M. Upchurch William W. Lynch George Syler George Newton Miller John Coplan Malcom C. Bird Newton Boyett Jesse B. Tucker Floyd W. Powell M. C. Ross Jay T. Floyd Dewitt T. Lancaster Frank D. Caler Henry Dobbs WilliaTn M. Ayers Arthur L. Sherrill Henry Stephen Hale Robert W. Blackman William L. Hawthorne Victor L. Williams Henry C. McNutt Cole Y. Ellis James Stephen Rose Jesse Frank Phillips George A. Miller Add Roper James L. Mitchell Albert B. Stewart Lowell Owens Ernest W. Reed Thomas F. Mays Cheves F. Barnes Andrew Callahan James A. Hancock Hallie Hartwell James F. Ferguson Earl S. Boyer Bailus J. Rowland Lonza Rhodes Grover J. Williams William Rigley Columbus C. Bruton Riley F. Bennett James E. McCafferty Ben F. Jones James H. Aynes Sherman B. Atwood Oscar Elmer Mize Oscar Warren John J. Hedgepath Joe L. Vise Jim Bell Bud HoUiman William T. Boyett Leo A. Ferry James W. Davis Robert DeFoor Andrew J. Sherrill Edward B. Plummer Lee Patterson Charles R. Martin Isaac Rains James E. Hayes Leslie S. Tomlinson Hugh Gaines Tom B. Hawkins Jim Speaks Elmer G. Pitts James L. Robson Alvin W. Epperson Zelmar S. Watts Regland Greer John L Watson Omer Cheek Lynn L. May George P. Nolan Charles Preston Allen Martin L. Bond Otto Strickland Jess D. Langston Gen. Grant Blackwell Robert D. Limbocker Harvey C. Goodman William W. Cross Andrew L. Hunt Luther H. Curtis James A. Parson Car Brown James H. Pearson Ben F. Ford David H. Bacon C. W. Edward McClure Miles H. Hill John P. Wiles R. D. Rose 67 John W. Gwin Fred H. Millard Fred Dunn Idis Lee Dunn Howell Shores Ottie Waldo Hunt Boyd P. Nored John H. McClain Richard E. Duffy James F. Jett John Brasher Grady B. Pitts Will Campbell James E. Ridgway S. Wallace Pitts Albert F. Foster Sterling Lacefield George H. Page Elmer F. Bond Jeff Jett James W. Epperson George Scroggins Otis P. Rowland William A. Brixey Richard M. Jones Carman Bethel John J. Holleman Jacob R. Huckaby Addius Black Charles B. Bickle James W. Dedman Auxie H. Hunter Albert F. Abbott John Dee Alley Robert L. Neely O. C. Richmond Arthur Franklin Cleaver N. Harrison Murphy C. Maddox Hubert S. Sanford Heeda D. Coker Bratcher E. Park Orville M. Strickland Basil S. Drewery Clarence Logan Greene B. Hawthorne James E. Lewis Harrison E. Ellis Columbus Nichols Johnson Rennick Lester Stewart Joe Henry McGlain Raymond C. Frazier Lamar J. Higgins George Sparks Hobart Richmond Robert L. xMcCafferty Newton Foster Tie Kemp Elmer N. Wilson Aud Plummer Clyde H. Davis Martin A. Dedman William M. Dozier George S. Booker William E. Mankin William H. Billings Roy D. Ford Roy Beatty Clifton Scott Robert A. Beasley Columbus C. Titsworth Virgil R. Piles Bryant Denton Ben L. Ayers Granville Richmond Noah E. Rainwater Sherman M. Rupe George Walker Anderson Oglesby Joseph M. Davenport Roy Mackenzie Marvin E. Goff Andrew F. Buland Andrew Smith Samuel T. Lewis Grady Cole William F. Bennett Elmer F. Bowden William S. Piles Thomas L. Powell Bernard Robertson William C. Rowton Chester J. Brown James V. Basinger Ester Hunt Andrew FF. Buland George Cockrell William Condry James Cockrell Charles H. Payton Henry G. McCutchen Louis E. Payton Claud Smith N. O. Taff Oscar Abbott Parks Jones Horace Looper Lyndon L. Casey Earl Graves Clive Harger John Pennington 68 APPENDIX V. County Officers. 1833-35 County Judge Elijah Baker Clerk S. B. Walker SheriflF James Riley Coroner J. R. Choate 1835-36 County Judge James Logan Clerk Gilbert Marshall Sheriff Charles Humphrey Coroner W. Cauthron 1836-38 County Judge Gilbert Marshall Clerk — — Sheriff Charles Humphrey- Treasurer W. Cauthron Coroner G. R. Walker Surveyor T. J. Gamer Representative James Logan 1838-40 County Judge — — Clerk W. Kenner Sheriff Charles Humphrey Treasurer W. Cauthron Coroner J. R. Choate Surveyor T. J Garner Representative Gilbert Marshall 1840-42 County Judge — — Clerk S. H. Chism Sheriff Wm. Garner Treasurer Jesse Perkins Coroner H. A. Patterson Surveyor T. J Garner Representative J- ^- ^*^^^^ *^ S. Humphrey 1842-44 County Judge Levi Bradley Clerk E. H. Featherstoii Sheriff J. B. Garrett Treasurer — — Coroner Geo. Carroll Surveyor W, Wheat Representative ^ F- Gaines A. Thompson 1844-46 County Judge Wm. Kenner Clerk John Baxter Sheriff A. Harland Treasurer G. W^ Read Coroner James Stewart Surveyor J. Anthony Representative — — 1846-48 County Judge Elijah Arnold Clerk Wm. Kenner Sheriff J. B. Garrett Treasurer G. W. Read Coroner James Stewart Surveyor J. Anthony Representative ...E. H Featherston 1848-50 Comity Judge M. H. Blue Clerk J. B. Garrett Sheriff J. R. Baxter Treasurer J. M. Swinney Coroner W. Hodge Surveyor Charles Cauthron Representative M. Gilbreath 1850-52 County Judge J. H. Tliompson ("lerk W^m. Kenner Sheriff J. R. Baxter Treasurer J. M .Swinnev Coroner W. B. Carr Surveyor E. H. Featherston Representative— .Charles Cauthron 1852-54 County Judge J. R. RavmoncJ Clerk Wm. Kenner Sheriff R. C. Reed Treasurer J. M. Swinney Coroner A. Kuykendall Surveyor S. H. Powell Representative M. Gilbreath 1854-56 County Judge W. E. Elkins Clerk E. H. Featherston Sheriff R. C. Reed Treasurer T. I. Gates Coroner Drew Choate Surveyor W. T. Dollins Representative James Logan 69 1856-58 County Judge J. H. ForLet Clerk J. C. Gibson Sheriff Wm. Gibson Treasurer J. C. Moles Coroner John Pace Surveyor W. T. Dollins Representative J. F. Lee 1858-60 County Judge H. Hine Clerk J. C. Gibson Sheriff Wm. Gibson Treasurer J. C. Moles Coroner J. E. More Surveyor J. H. Johnson Representative J. F, Forbet 1860-62 County Judge J. H, Smith Clerk Stephen Graves Sheriff Wm. Gibson Treasurer J. C. Moles Coroner A. Ross Surveyor J. H. Johnson Representative J. F. Lee 1862-64 County Judge Wm. Oliver Clerk L. D. Gilbreath Sheriff C. C. Lewis Treasurer J. W. Evatt Coroner R. H. Holley Surveyor C. L. Hough Representative E. Leming 1864-65 County Judge J. T. Harrison Clerk F. M. Scott Sheriff G. Kincannon Treasurer J. W. Evatt Coroner C. L. Hough Surveyor — — Representative (Confd) E. Leming 1865-66 Comity Judge N. Ellington Clerk C. H. Oliver Sheriff J. W. Barnett Treasurer — — Coroner C. L. Hough Surveyor — . — Representative E. Leming 70 1866-72 county Judge ]S;S!^f}r Clerk L. D. Gilbreath Sheriff N. A. Floyd Treasurer J. W. Evatt Coroner W. D. Riley Assessor C. Malone iJ. Bethel Surveyor > D. P. Davis ) C. A. Bird Representatives — With Polk, Montgomery and Hot Spring. J. V. Harrison J. H. Denby J. F. Lane J. J. Sumpter Jas. Bethel Elected, but not admitted — C. K. Kymes R. Bollen N. Ellington 1872-74 County Judge... Board Supervisors Clerk W. B. Turman Sheriff F. C. Gaines Treasurer N. Johnson Coroner Wm. Chitwood Assessor T. Suddith Surveyor C. L. Hough Representatives — With Polk, Montgomery, Hot Spring and Grant. L. D. Gilbreath J. J. Sumpter G. W. Latta H. H. Barton 1874-76 County Judge L. D. Pendery Clerk J. C. Gilbreath Sheriff F. C. Gaines Treasurer W. D. Looper Coroner G. W. Smith Assessor W. H. Highfill Surveyor C. L. Hough Representative L. H. Fuller 1876-78 Comity Judge S. Harrell Clerk J. C, Gilbreath Sheriff F. C. Gaines Treasurer W. D. Looper Coroner G. W. Rea Assessor C. M. Vise Surveyor C. L. Hough Representative J. H. Smith 1878-80 County Judge J, H Payne Clerk J. C. Gilbreath SheriflF Sam Leming Treasurer E. McCray Coroner T. F. Smith Assessor C. M. Vise Surveyor G. W Blair Representative A. G. Washburn 1880-82 County Judge J. H. Brown Clerk J. C, Gilbreath Sheriff John Rawlings Treasurer A. D. Peace Coroner T. F. Smith Assessor P. H. Young Surveyor G. W Blair Representative F. C. Gaines 1882-84 County Judge J. H. Brown Clerk J. C. Gilbreath Sheriff C, M. Vise Treasurer A. D. Peace Coroner c. H. Bell Assessor P. H. Young Surveyor .W. T. Brown Representative G. E. James 1884-86 County Judge J. H. Brown Clerk J. Cj Gilbreath Sheriff c. M. Vise Treasurer T. M. Evatt Coroner J, L. Baker Assessor p. H. Young Surveyor W. T. Brown Representative A. G. Washburn 1886-88 Coimty Judge Roland Chiles Clerk T. M. Duncan Sheriff C, M. Vise Treasurer T. M. Evatt Coroner F. G. Thomas Assessor E. B. Yoimg Surveyor w. J. King Representative A. G. Washburn 1888-90 County Judge Daniel Hon Clerk T. M. Duncan Sheriff i W. T Brown ■ } Free Malone Treasurer T. M. Bottoms Coroner w. L. Tolleson Assessor e. N. McCray Surveyor w. J. King Representative W. G. Houck 71 1890-92 County Judge J. M. Harvey Clerk T. M. Duncan Sheriff L. P. Fuller Treasurer D. A. Edwards Coroner T. H. Johnson Assessor E. N. McCray Surveyor W. J. King Representative J. W. McNutt 1892-94 County Judge E. D. Yandell Clerk T. M. Duncan Sheriff L. P. Fuller Treasurer D. A. Edwards Coroner J. C. Oliver Assessor J. D. Benson Surveyor W. J. King Representative R, E. Sessions 1894-96 County Judge J. W. Combs Clerk T. M. Duncan Sheriff G. M. Grandstaff Treasurer C. A. Finley Coroner D. C. Bevill Assessor G. W. Cornelius Surveyor J. B. Cox Representative .W. A, Houck 1896-98 County Judge J. W. Combs Clerk T. M. Duncan Sheriff G. M. Grandstaff Treasurer W. A. Evatt Coroner D. C. Bevill Assessor G. W. Cornelius Surveyor W. J. King Representative Jacob W. Rogers 1898-1900 County Judge S. K. Duncan Clerk L. P. Fuller Sheriff T. J. Center Treasurer W. A. Evatt Coroner D. C. Bevill Assessor W. F. Abbott Surveyor W. J. King Representative J. O. Sullivan 1900-02 County Judge G. W. Cornelius Clerk L. P. Fuller Sheriff G. M. Grandstaff Treasurer p. M Gilpin Coroner L. D. Duncan Assessor W. F. Abbott Surveyor w. J. King Representative. ..Sam W. Simpson 1902-04 County Judge H. N. Smith Clerk T. M, Duncan Sheriff G. M. Grandstaff Treasurer P. M Gilpin Coroner L. D. Duncan Assessor R. F. Payne Surveyor W. J. King Representative Cheves Beviil 1904-06 County Judge H. N. Smith Clerk T. M. Duncan SherifiF G. M. Grandstafl Treasurer J. M. Martin Coroner L. D. Duncan Assessor R. F. Payne Surveyor W. C. Wood Representative J. M. Hough 1906-08 ("ounty Judge W. A. Bates Clerk S. K Duncan Sheriff T. J, Center Treasurer T. M. Evatt Coroner C. A. Atkins Assessor J. H. Oliver Surveyor W. J. King Representative W. F. Faulkner 1908-10 County Judge W. A. Bates Clerk S. K Duncan Sheriff . ..T. J. Center Treasurer J. M. Martin Coroner L. D. Dimcan Assessor J. H. Oliver Surveyor W. J. King Representative— -Sam W. Simpson 1910-12 County Judge T. W Stone Clerk S. K Duncan Sheriff R. F. Payne Treasurer J. M. Martin Coroner I. K. Leming Assessor G. E. Crowley Surveyor W. J. King Representative Tom Payne 1912-14 County Judge A. F. Smith Clerk J. M. Martin Sheriff R. F. Payne Treasurer Earnest Holland Coroner J. H. Harvey Assessor G, E. Crowley Surveyor W. J. King Representative H. R. Cantrell 1914-16 County Judge A. F. Smith Clerk J. M. Martin Sheriff R. L. Sherill Treasurer E. Holland Coroner J. H. Harvey Assessor Luney Black Surveyor J. B. Nance Representative J. MM. Millard 1916-18 County Judge Tom Payne Clerk T. O, Abbott Sheriff R. L. Sherill Treasurer T. M. Evatt Coroner J. H. Harvey Assessor Luney Black Surveyor J. B. Nance Representative J. M. Millard 1918-20 County Judge Tom Payne Clerk Lee Piles Sheriff O. S Bird Treasurer T. M. Evatt Coroner J. H. Harvey Assessor W. O. Smith Surveyor M. R. Cruce Representative J. H. Oliver 72 APPENDIX VI. Members of Ihe State Senate From the Scott County District. SCOTT AND CRAWFORD COUNTIES R. C. S. Brown 1836-40 J. A. Scott 1840-44 SCOTT AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES J. F. Gaines 1844-48 S. H. Chism 1848-52 ,/csse Miller 1852-56 SCOTT AND SEBASTIAN COUNTIES G. J. Clark 1856-64 Charles Milor 1864-66 H. L. Holliman 1866-68 SCOTT, POLK, MONTGOMERY AND HOT SPRING COUNTIES 1). P. Beldin 1868-74 SCOTT AND SEBASTIAN COUNTIES .1. F. Wheeler 1874-76 H. T. Kerr 1876-80 J. P. Hall 1880-84 R. H. McConnell 1884-88 A. G. Washburn 1888-92 J. F. Weaver 1892-96 H. J. Hall 1896-1900 George Sengel 1900-04 SCOTT AND POLK COUNTIES George Legate 1904-08 John P. Logan 1908-12 E. J. Lundy 1912-16 Ren H. Johnston 1916- 73 APPENDIX Vn. Circuit Judges Twelfth Judicial District. P. C. Dooley 1873 E. E. Bryant 1890-94 P. B. Rutherford 1882 S. T. Rowe 1898-1906 John S. Little 1886 Daniel Hon 1906-14 J. H. Rogers 1887 Paul Littla 1914-19 T. C. Humphrey 1890 John iBrizzolara 1919- Prosecuting Attorneys Twelfth Judicial District. D. D. Leach 1873 Ben Cravens 1900-04 J. S. Little 1877 A. A. McDonald 1904-08 A. C. Lewis 1884-86 Paul Little 1908-12 J. B. McDonough 1886-92 L S. Simmons 1912-14 T. N. Sanford 1892-96 Earl U. Hardin 1914-20 Jo Johnson 1896-1900 Sam Wood 1920- Chancellors Tenth Chancery District. J. V. Bourland 1903-13 W. A. Falconer 1913-19 J. V. Bourland 1919- 74