5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 781 183 1 Hollinger Corp. P H8.5 LB 695 M295 Copy 1 REPORT SPECIAL COMMITTEE PRIMARY SCHOOL BOARD, PORTION OF THE REMARKS GRAMMAR MASTERS BOSTON : JOHN H. EASTBURN, CITY PRINTER. 1844. .'■ In Primary School Committee, Boston, October 8, 1844. Voted, That Messrs. Bayley, Jones, Charles Brooks, Woart, and Brown, be a Committee to consider the sup- posed allusion to the Boston Primary Schools, on the 98th and 99th pages of a pamphlet lately published by the Mas- ters of the Grammar Schools of Boston, entitled " Re- marks on the Seventh Annual Report of Horace Mann, Secretary of the Board of Education ;" to report at a fu- meetin Attest. ALVAN SIMONDS, Secretary. At a meeting of the Primary School Committee of the City of Boston, held November 8, 1844, a Report was pre- sented from a Committee appointed at a previous meeting ; which Report was unanimously adopted in the following form, and ordered to be printed and circulated under the direction of the same Committee. Attest, ALVAN SIMONDS, Secretary.