%^'' ^*'\ *oV^- .0,^ ^> I'/ \''-f.^--y \•-•?^>f^V^ ■^^■.?.-N--./ ^0 .^" c>'J' ,■=. o. ■^^ ^-^ .^■^°- o » I I V / r 3^ ^ EVERY MAN HIS OWN PAINTER! OB Paints-How to Select and Use Them A PLAIN TREATISE ON fio^ESTEAD, Villa (^Cottage PAINTING, CONTAINING INFORMATION VALUABLE TO THE HOUSEHOLDER AND PRACTICAL PAINTER. BY THE AUTHOR OF HOUSE DECORATION." ETC. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY CAREY BAIRD, INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHER, No. 406 WALNUT STPEET, 1872. V' Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by H. C. BAIRD, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. f' J-z/Vz The pamphlt^t, hereto attached will show the !o tier-press of "Every Man His Own Painter »? Tliose that are ottered for sal e by tile P ibh slier at SI:') per lUO. or sint^le copies, 25 ^•ents, will be neatly bound in cli)t h. H. C. BAIRD, Industrial Publisher. PREFACE. Being in constant receipt of inquiiiesfrom city and country as to the proper colors to select for painting homesteads, cottages and villas, to obtain the best results which har- monious combinations can efEect, and, as these inquiries, when from country residents, are usually accompanied by requests for direction as to the quantity of color requisite, and its application, involving details too lengthy for written answer, I have thought it well to compile such information as seemed most appropriate, In the present handy printed form. This pamphlet has little claim to originality or thoroughness ; it consists mainly of suitable extracts taken by kind permission of my publisher from my other works, and I must refer those who desire more complete information as to the laws of harmony, com- binations of color, selection of appropriate furniture, carpets, etc., to their pages. In the advice given as to the selection of painting material, I do not profess to speak "ex cathedra," but only to express opinions which I think, without egotism, my long experience, study and opportunities entitle me to form and give. THE AUTHOR. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Although in Nahire's world all is harmony, and the eye dwells with pleasure upon the handiwork of God, fresh from llis creative and unerring hand, this regard for beauty seems to cease when human design is brought to bear upon the embellishment of our homes or structiu'es. When we remember that tlie lesson of harmoniously blended coloring is taught us at every step by an artist Divine in power and taste, we may well feel wonderment that the imitativeness of man has not made him an apter pupil when seeking to beautify the work of his own hands. In nothing does this want of harmony obtrude upon and offend the eye oftener than in house painters' ornamentation. This proceeds either from absence of taste on the part of the owner of the property, under whose direc- tion it is done, or lack of knowledge in the mechanic to whose unrestricted judgment the work is often left. To correct the evil pointed out, this pamphlet has been WTitten, in the hope that it may act as a guide to those who may be called upon to decide either for themselves or others, on matters of decoration. CHAPTER II. EXTERIOR PAINTING. Where so much depends upcm varying place, outline and surroundings, it is diflfionlt to lay down any strict or settled rule as to outside painting ; but certain it is that judi- cious selection of color is most important — since, by taste, the modest dwelling may be enhanced in beauty, while, by its want, a mansion, otherwise handsome, may be re- duced in appearance to the level of a barn. Nothing, certainly, can be worse than the choice of a dead white for outside coloring ; it is not in harmony with the sunlight, and surfaces so painted have an appearance most distressing to the eye. We have no warrant for it in the landscapes nature has spread around us. There, wherever we turn, nothing glaring or obtrusive meets us — all is blended together with soft and grate- ful coloring. Between a building and its surroundings there should undoubtedly be a contrast ; but one that is subdued, not conspicuous. A tiny flower springing up amidst the grass may present a snowy speck, but that is a far different matter from the sharp outlines of an extensive building. FoUow nature if you will, but be sure not to mis- read her teachings. Under no circumstances, therefore, should white or any distinct, cold or formal color be more than very sparingly employed for outside decoration. Let there be a gentle blending with the view around, making your house prominent if you so desire; improving its architectural points; toning down its har.sh irregularities; but let the prominence be subdued, and not thrust itself before the passer-by in conspicuous evidenci' of bad taste. The objections against employing white for outside purposes apply with equal force to other primary colors— they are all too conspicuous and formal in appearance. Yellow is the onlj^'one which can be tolerated, and even the shade of that must be care- fully selected, or better left alone. Gray also is objectionable, being cold in appearance and especially inappropriate where green is present. To the eye of taste nothing is so pleasing as a warm drab or fawn color, or what are usually known as neutral tints, the shades of which, for better guidance and illustration, we give upon the following page, taken by kind permissicL of Messrs. Harrison Brothers 6 SJLHV^^IFLE OJLI^r) "Town and Country" Ready Prepared Paints, For HOMESTEAD, COTTAGE & VILLA USE, Manufactured by HARRISON BROS. & CO., PHILADELPHIA & NEW YORK. Vo. 1. Ifo. 2. No. 3. Xo. 4. No. 6. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. No. 18. No. 19- No. 20. No. 21. No. 22. No. 23. No. 24. No. 25. No. 26. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. No. 38. No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 42. e# & Co., from their published list of " Town and Country " paints, which being generally- considered stainlard where decoration is concerned, we have thought appropriate to select. Tlie tints given may be employed with harmony and effect in a variety of combina- tions, but some of them (such as 35 and 30) are, of coui'se, not intended for exterior painting. They may also be mixed or recombined so as to produce others. For houses partially surrounded by foliage, either No. 8, 9, 10, 11 or 12 may be used with good effect for body color; they liarmonize well with green, give a warm, cheerful appearance, and accord with either a summer or winter landscape. For the trimmings, (door frames, cornices, window frames, etc.), 7, 14, 15 or 31 may be taken; and for the blinds, 8 or 9. Green may also be used with propriety and good effect for blinds when any of the yellow sliades are employed as body colors. Pleasing combinations may be arranged by using some of the oUve drabs for trimmings. For houses standing alone and conspicuous, unscreened by foliage, the gray or drab sliades should be taken, either 2, 3, i, 5, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24; say, for instance. No. 22 or 24 as the body color, 20 for trimmings, and 21 for blinds; or 5 as the body color, 15, 16 or "2 for frames and cornices, and 17 for the blinds. Or again, say 21 for body color, 5 trimmings, and 17 or 23 for blinds. Green must never be used with these tints, as the contrast would be exceedingly discordant. Where a residence does not stand alone, sameness should be avoided by the selection of colors differing from those of the house adjoining. "Wlien, as in tlie case of a farm-house, out-buildings are clustered near the principal structure, altliougli a general harmony sliould pervade the wliole, it is not expedient to employ any one sliade for all; eacli, except, perliaps, the minor buildings, sliould liave a distinctive appearance given it by the use of different shades of color, selecting tlie light- est for the main edifice, without, however, making too marlccd a contrast. ■ 'i . The shades, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 would be too ol)trusive and glaring if used as body colors for tlie exterior of residences which happen, by standing alone and un- screened by foliage, to present conspicuous objects in the landscape. They would, in such cases, be almost as undesirable as white, and should never be employed on extended lirominent surfaces. On the' other hand, as neither gray nor drab have harmony witli green, their shades sliould not be used where foliage is present in any marked quantity; nor may green be employed witli tliem for blinds. It lias hitherto been very common to use green for blinds irrespective of what the contrast may be with the body color of the house; but as nature is usually lavish with it herself, that alone is sufficient reason why it should be only sparingly handled for outside painting. We have ah-eady shown where its use is judicious and of good effect. The shades of gray Xos. 2, 3, 4, 5, should not be combined for body and trimmings as the effect is disagreeable. Tliey look better in contrast with other tints. Wliere it is not desired to make the residence conspicuous, Xos. 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 are suggested as quiet, unobtrusive shades. For window sashes white may generally be employed with good effect; but they should, at any rate, be of a shade ligliter than that used for the window frames; and when a yellow tint is taken for the body color, wliite must be avoided on the trimmings, and'a liriglit gre . substituted, especially wliere the house is not surrounded with foliage. If natural green ' "rese '". then a rich shade of brown makes handsome sash- work. For roofs, ' -LLE. . . sliould have tlie preference, not only for the sake of effect but to prevent, as fa ■^i, ', tlie leakage likely to be caused by contraction and expansion of the wood or n lae heat of the sun, also to moderate the temperature of upper rooms, Xos. 10, 11, 12, 17, 23 and 24 may be mentioned as suitable. We have not attempted to give any extended list of the combinations whi^'h may be employed for exterior painting. They can be varied according to taste by taking, if desired, some of the darker tints for body colors and tlie ligliter for trimmiii;;s and blinds, merely taking care to observe the general rule we have explained as to which are proper, 8 and tho reverse. But it must be always remcmberpd that liarmony is attainable by contrast, as well as by analosy ; that is to say, not by the employment only of colors which are of kindred nature, but the grouping also of those which are dissimilar, provided the latter are really such as barmouize when combined. CHAPTER m. INTERIOR PAISTINQ. It must not be supposed that a well arranged and pleasing home need be peculiar to the wealthy only. It duos not depend so much upon the cost of the furniture. Who is it that has not entered rooms richly equipped, which, from their stiff, cold look, made tho visitor feel utterly uncomfortable? while, on the other hand, many a modest home, by simple taste and the touch of a woman's hand, has an air of comfort and beauty im- parted which no mure wealth could give. To produce these chaste results, walls, furni- ture and carpets should be decorated and chosen of colors which will harmonize. To aid those whose eye or education may not have been cultivated, it is our purpose to give some requisito hints. The primary colors, red, blue and yellow, from their brightness, should not be brought into conspicuous prominence; neither should sombre colors predominate to the exclusion of all that is cheerful. The true use of either showy or neutral colors consists in moderation; both are well in their places, and re(iuire only judicious combinations for the eye to be pleased and an air of real comfort produced. It is difficult to lay down any formal rules which shall apply to general decora- tion, because that which would be harmonious and proper in one case, and under certain circumstances mi.sht be most inharmonious in another where the conditions varied. If it is desired to paint the walls, some of the light, cheerful shades, given on our card of tints, are very pleasing, while contrast may be made by other colors upon panels, mouldings, etc. The tone of color should be fixed by the furniture, and this ought to have par- ticular reference to the aspect; because the furniture of a room maybe considered, in regard to coloring, in the same light as a key-note in music, or as the principal figures in a picture; and the general tone must, therefore, depend ujiun the colors of which it is composed ; for instance, if the prevailing color be blue, gray, cool green or lilac, the general tone must be cool ; but if, on the other hand, it be red, orange, brown, yellow, or a warm tint of green, the tone must be warm. But, as stated before, there can be no pleasing combinations of colors without variety. This, by judicious management, may be given without in the least interfering with the tone, for it is merely the general color of the furniture which ought to fix the tone, and there may be tho most decided contrasts in its parts, which, by the introduction of proper medial hues through- out the room, can be reconciled and united. Apartments lighted from the south and west, particularly in a summer residence, should be cool in their coloring ; but the apart- ments of a town house ought all to approach towards a warm tone, as also such apart- ments as are lighted from the north and east of a country residence. CHAPTER rV. *i SELECTION OP MATERIAL. It will be obvious to all our readers, whether professional painters or not, that no suggestions or advice which we can give for their guidance in matters of decoration will avail to produce good effect unless proper material be employed to carry out the work. This portion of our task, advice as to selection of material, is therefore most difficult and important, as we must decide impartially and without favor between many contending claimants. 9 To illustrate our difficulty in this respect we may say that probably in no article of commerce is adulteration carried to a greater extent than in paints. In the case of almost any other manufactured article there is a chance of obtaining something at least approaching that which we ostensiljly buy ; but this is by no means certain where pig- ments are concerned. It is well known to the initiated that hundreds of tons of so-called white lead, etc., are sold annually tliat do not contain one particle of what their labels profess. In large cities such as Pliiladelphia and New York, this is well understood, and goods of the class referred to do comparatively little mischief, because all but those produced by well-known and reputable houses are avoided ; but large quantities find their way into the country districts, forced into notoriety by wholesale puffing, and generally displaying a showiness of label which increases in proportion to the vileness of the mixture. We would especially caution our readers against these. How important this question of adulteration is will be seen from the following example. In a future chapter we shall give some directions as to the quantity of paint requisite for a given surface. Kow our rule will be based upon strictly pure and standard material, and it is obvious that if tlie same rule is applied to an article containing from fifty to seventy- five per cent, of adulteration and useless matter, the calculation will be valueless and disappointment certainly result ; for this reason, and on the score of economy also, we cannot too emphatically urge those consulting our pages for advice, to buy, /or ^ood work, naught but good, jywe material, the production of standard well-known makers ; it will be cheaper and more satisfactory in the end, no matter how much apparently lower in price, and however speciously urged the adulterated compounds may be. It must be re- membered that the expense of painting does not consist so much in the cost of material as in that of labor, and the latter becomes considerably diminished when the paint is such that it can be applied with a proper regard for true economy. There are, of course, many purposes where, as for rough work, a cheap paint may be employed to advantage, and a pure would be comparatively thrown away, so we must not be imderstood as condemning nil such mixtures indiscriminately ; but in buying them care must be taken to ascertain that they have been prepared by some reputable manu- facturer, who, while making no pretensions to purity for the article, will make the quality follow at least in the ratio of the price to purity, aud not give all adulteration for the money paid. CHAPTER V. WHITE LEAD. Notwithstanding the great number of so-called white lead manufacturers existing, the majority of them are so in name only. Its production constitutes a most important branch of industry, but one in which, owing to the large capital requisite, and length of time before the finished article can yield return, only a few powerful firms are en- gaged. The actual corroders of lead doing business in New York, given, not in order of pre- cedence, but alphabetically, are Battelle & Kenwick, The Atlantic White Leajj Co. Hall, Bradley & Co., " Brooklyn " " " Harrison Bros. & Co., " Union " " " J. Jewett & Sons. In Philadelphia. Harrison Bros. & Co., Wethekell & BkO. John T. Lewis & Bros. 10 Boston, rittsburj;, Baltimore, St. Louis and other large cities, each contain one or two firms, who are actual corrodiTS, but all the rcnialiuUT, and their name is legion, who claim to bo manufacturers are eitlier grinders, who purchase dry lead from one or other of the corroders and mix or adulliratc it to suit themselves, or else dealers, who have brands put up for them under their own labels. All of the corroders mentioned, no doubt, grind low grades for the trade; but their own brands of ;^ yards (two coats) to the gallon, so that the pure material shows a gain not only on cost per gallon but on surface covered 15 CHAPTER VII. ORIGIK AND PRODUCTION OF PAINTS. Even amongst professional men, who daily handle the pigments in their trade, there is a very general lack of information as to the mode of production, yet the subject is full of importance, involves large business interests, chemical knowledge and scientific skill. It has, besides, a special bearing upon questions of cost, pcnnanency and quality, which should be weiglied when considei-ing what to select or to avoid. Desiring, in placing before our readers information on the subject, it should be of the best and latest which chemistry has developed, we visited one of the leading manufacturing establishments, that of Uarrison Bros. & Co., in order to confirm and in- crease our knowledge. It will be seen by reference to our lists of tlie actual corroders of white lead and manufacturers of colors doing business in New York, that only this one firm appears in the duplicate capacity, and when we add that they are also extensively engaged in the manufacture of tlie very chemicals which form the base of colors, their advantage over all others engaged in the business will be apparent. A visit to their works, in fact, comijrises everything that could be seen by taking separately a number of different establishments having only a limited specialty each. To illustrate this let us lake the article of white lead. Although there are, as we have already shown, several bom;, fide corroding firms, they have aU either to buy the acetic acid necessary, or at any rate the acetate of Ume from wliich the acid is made, but Harrison Bros. & Co. produce both upon tlieir own premises, and have hence an obvious advantage not only in cost, but in saving of transportation. Then again in colors, as no manufacturers besides themselves (ex- cept J. T. Lewis & Bros., of Philadelphia,) are at the same time corroders of lead, and as lead is a base of color, they have also tha advantage of supplying themselves with this necessary article, and also of saving costs of drying and packing, as well as trans- portation upon it. To go further, altliough there arc, as we have sliown, many manufac- turers of colors, yet all of them, not being also makers of chemicals, which latter enter largely into, and are indeed the component parts of all color, begin, so to speak, only lialf way instead of at the commencement, whereas the Messrs. Harrison themselves produce all the necessary chemical bases, such as sugars and nitrate of lead, sulphuric, acetic, nitric and muriatic acids, alum, copperas, etc., and save not only the profit upon them but even the expensive crystalization which such articles as acetate and nitrate of lead ordinarily undergo when prepared for the commercial market; also the cost of packing and transportation is saved by the use of articles in tlie works wliere made. In ready prepared "To\vn and Country" paints they have the same advantages. Paints of a similar character are made by other manufacturers, but as none of tliem are corroders of lead and some of them not even makers of colors, they have to purchase their supplies from outside sources, and are thus, of course, unalile to compete with Harrison Bros. & Co. on this speciaUty. In selecting their establishment, tlierefore, as the source of information as to the details of the origin of pigments, and in taking its products as standards for employment, we have done so in common and impartial justice, and in the interests of our readers only, without intentional slight to the nuruber of reputable but smaller manufacturers engaged in similar business. On our visit to the factories referred to we found invoices of crude raw material landing at the wharves to be gradually absorbed according to their nature through tlie various branches of the works; and after going through process after process, leaving in a hundred different and finislied forms. Nothing wasted; one product formed from another or the combination of several, all dovetailing together and turned to utility by chemical art. One vessel was unloading brimstone from Sicily for the sulphuric acid department; and otliers, with several hundred cords of wood on hoard, for tlie production of pyroligneous acid and acetates of lime, were discharging cargoes, wliile another laden partly witli pig lead was just hauling into her berth. Piled up near the wharf lay vast heaps of clay which had lately been discharged, 16 and was shortly to appear in the market iindor tlie form of alum; and near by stood larpe etoreliousos filled with Syracuse and Liverpotil salt used in prcuhicing muriatic acid. Out of these crude materials, with but few and unimportant additions, the A\'liite Lead of Commerce, Chemicals and Colors, in numerous and dissimilar forms, are all jiroduced. now they work and interlace one with another, and how, hy intermixture of tlieir jiroducts, so many diflercnt residts are attained will be bast apparent by the annexed diagram. We Iiave not space for a detailed description of the various processes involved in the production of white lead and colors, but the chart given will probably convey a clearci' idea of tlieir origin than any written explanation. The heavy line at the foot, marked 15 (base), indicates the starting point of all color bases and products. It is at this point that the manufacture is commenced at the works ■we have referred to. The double lines at top, marked A (apex), show the point at which ordinary color makers all begin to manufacture, and some idea can be formed of the number of chemicals on which they have to pay profit, cost of preparation for market, packing and transpor- tation before they can commence the production of colors. Tliis sufficiently illustrates the advantages possessed by Harrison Bros. A- Co. in beginning, as they do, at the very founda- tion, and' working from the raw material upwards, and justifies the mention which, in the Interest ol our readers, we have given their productions. CHAPTER "VTIL CONCLUSION. In closing onr treatise, let us once more emphatically repeat, that good results Cdn only be obtained by the use of good material, and that it is not the cost of this material, but of labor, which constitutes the main expense of decorating. Good material. Indeed, diminishes cost, since it effects a saving of time in addition to the durability it secures. Let those then who may buy pigments for themselves insist upon the best, even though seemingly dear in price as compr.red with lower grades, and let those who may entrust work to others stipulate for what they may wish employed,* and stand firm against being persuaded out of it, thus insuring themselves against the use of what may be inferior. One, at least, of the local dealers is likely to have all that is wanted, or can easily pro- cure it upon order if desired. Let us again, remind our readers that the cheerful comfort and soft relief which harmony of color and neat arrangement bring, arc owned by no exclusive class, are the property of none however rich, but open to the poor as well as the wealthy, the inmate of the cottage as well as of the mansion. Call in their aid, then, to enliven and make beauti- ful your homes, and by their influence reacli purer and more ennobled minds. It is not much to saj' that one half tlie e ^ — ■n rf -1 tfi ca « 2 3 ^ 3 ^ a. o o ca P. H o a (0 •^ 3 OJ "9 •o a S i >t1 -? o p 2 t^ a. ^ z w (a 7" '■ r r C 3 3 •w -2. n 2. m o ^~<: ■US &-3^ 3 r n % V ° m o i § > ^ ? " M c m 2 H o r O 3 w •3 JO Biste&o F@R sHi-EsagiaM KisEoiNiei, TAKEN FnOM SUPPLEMENT TO THE «/ ^ilh^e guilder/' Published by A. J. BICKNELL & 2 7 Warren Street, New York. CO. H 15fc / y . >« y • ' • o- > \/ « » • • ' o o~ * . . o ' ^0 r. "^-^^0^ ^i-^,-^ o •^oV* **% '•.^:.- ,-e?'"\ "^m^)';■•• /%. ■■J^S J-'S ^0- ,0-' V '■'■^- .^ °^. ''"■'' ^ ^ /^gl^, %. ./ .>; - " - o V V<7 0* ^°-^^. w i=j/s N. MANCHESTER, Va^./ INDIANA 46962 ^^«i^ I IBRARYOF CONGRESS 013 962 687 4