Svaj^jztWe.t^s^ GO Homo gnd 5ch y^'^. SELECT VERSE for HOME and SCHOOL Compiled especially for use in schools from the writings of Carleton Everett Knox Published by The Knox Art Company Kansas City, Mo. ''^ Copyrighted 1919 By Carleton Everett Knox Kansas City, Mo. OCf -6 1819 f A535il9 > ^^rf^ A Morning Thought A bright new day is ushered in Each morn at rise of sun ; Our yesterdays are past and gone, A new life has begun ; So see to it our best we do Just now, nor morrow wait. For should we put it off till then We'll be one day too late. Don't worry, then, of days gone by, Or those that are to be ; The only time of which we're sure Is now — so let us see Improvement every day and hour. And at the set of sun We'll words of approbation hear, And they will be, "well done." Brotherhood I count that day well spent, when I Can hope inspire, or courage bring To one who's fighting 'gainst great odds, Who's found in life naught but the sting. When I can feel an answering throb In hand-clasp, or can catch a smile, I know I've touched his heart of hearts — He's grasped the thot that life's worth while. The inspiration I would give Comes back to me at such a time, Brings strength of purpose to my life, While common things are made sublime. In giving freely we receive The very things we fain would give, While pointing others to the road. We, too, in turn are taught to live ! This Is Life A little sun, a little rain, A little joy, a little pain, A song of praise, a dirge's strain. And this is life. Sometimes a crown, sometimes a cross, Sometimes pure gold and sometimes dross. Sometimes it's gain and sometimes loss, And this is life. Sometimes we're good and sometimes bad, Sometimes we're happy, sometimes sad, Sometimes good humored, sometimes mad. And this is life. Some poverty and then some wealth. Some days of pain and some of health, Some days of frankness, some of stealth, And this is life. A little wrong, a little right, A little day, a little night, A bit of shade, then all is light, And this is life. Whistle an Old Time Tune When blue and discouraged, when business is bad, When everything goes dead wrong. It's yourself that's to blame — just get in the game, And whistle an old-time song ! When clouds of despair seem to hover close by, If you would change midnight to noon. Just screw up your face with the best of good grace, And whistle a cheery old tune ! There are friends who'll desert you, when old age creeps on. When your feet are beginning to slip. But just you show sand, for the end will be grand, Should you die with a song on your lip ! Best Thoughts Let's have more faith in all mankind, As thru the world we go : For faith breeds hope, And hope breeds love — 'Twould Heaven make here below. Let's have a smile for tear-dimmed eyes, A hand-clasp warm and true : A kind word given now and then, Would help life's journey thru ! Let's think pure thoughts ; let's use clean words ; Face wrong with fearless eyes ! Let's stand for right, and all that's good, Our face turned toward the skies ! Face the Old World With a Grin When the problems in Hfe seem too many, And you scarcely know where to begin, Just throw back your shoulders, and swallow that sob, And face this old world with a grin ! When weary of toil and of trouble. When tired of the pleasures of sin, Turn your face toward the sun, and the battle's half won If you face this old world with a grin ! When friends of your childhood forsake you, When harmony's lost in life's din, Jnst buck up, my boy, for there's lots of keen joy. If you face this old world with a grin ! 10 Smile Face the world with a smile — Life's always worth while: To the fearless is given a crown. Keep out the past — Disappointments can't last, Success was ne'er won by a frown. The Greatest Things The greatest things in this world of ours Are the things you'd perhaps call small, But a kind word here, And a smile given there Will banish the trouble and sorrow and care Of many a weary soul! 11 Always Joy Look up, not down ! Just smile, not frown ! Our life is what we make it ! Forget the past — clouds cannot last — There's joy : if we but take it ! The Best Day of All Let's make today the best of all, Let's answer every inward call That leads to better living. Let's strive anew for what is best. Let's succor give to those opprest. Our gain is in the giving. 12 Git Up and Git Don't ever say quit, A better word's — Git ! Be a git-up-and-gitter — that's better 1 Don't ever say fail, Nor your sad lot bewail ; A git-up-and-gitter sounds better ! Don't ever say die ! A better word's — Try ! Just try and you surely will win ; Forget all your sighin', Cut out all your cryin' ! Just try, and you surely will win ! 13 Despise Not Little Things Thou, God, Who holdeth fast the universe in space ; Thou, God, Who painteth bright the tiny wild flower's face: This lesson I would learn of Thee — Despise no thing — it matters not how small it be. E'en tho my mind be filled with questions great. Mayhap of Freedom's Cause, or Rule of State, Let me not overlook the little things I find. For acts as these bind closer all mankind. 14 Love's Harvest This little thot I give to you — If to yourself you would be true, If love you wish, of love bestow, And love you'll find, where'er you go. For we shall reap of what we sow — Of joy and gladness, pain or woe — Let's sow of love : our harvest's sure, If thoughts be right, and motives pure! 15 A Friend The most wonderful thing in this world is to have A friend, who you know understands, Who shows it in eyes and who lists it in voice, Who throbs it in grasp of his hand. Who sees all the good, who is blind to the bad, Who shares in your sorrow or joy. It matters not what, he judges you not. Keeps the gold and forgets the alloy. Who shares of his portion and asks not return, Be it wealth, be it love, be it power, Such a friend has a worth beyond wealth of this earth — A solace in life's darkest hour. Who don't have to tell you in words he's your friend. It shows in each act he bestows. Let come then what will, blow the wind good or ill. He never misjudges — he knows. 16 If If you had but one day to live, I wonder how you'd live it ? Would you still scramble after power, And wealth pursue in your last hour ? I wonder how you'd live it ? If you had but one loaf to share, I wonder would you share it With one who hungered all alone, Or would you offer such a stone ? I wonder would you share it? If you had but one wish to make, I wonder would you make it A selfish one, meant all for you. Or would you wish for my good, too ? I wonder what you'd make it ? 17 The Secret of Happiness A little kindness shown each day To one less fortunate, Will bring into your life a joy That Wealth nor Place nor Power could buy. E'en tho it be a litle thing Unnoticed by the world, 'Twill make for Peace/twill make for Worth, 'Twill herald to this world a Birth Of Happiness Divine. 18 When One Loves When one loves no service seems too hard, For, in doing unto others we receive of our reward. Love lightens every burden; turns darkness into day ; Love leads us upwards, bids us hope; Love guards our lives alway. Charity Charity means not alone The adding gold unto one's purse Who needs of food and shelter warm. Unto my mind, he needs it worse Whose name's assailed by friend or foe Who takes snap judgment on an act Of which he does not know. 19 Truth Today the world is seeking truth ; Not mere belief will satisfy the hungry soul ; And truth is found in proving Whether thing be right or wrong. Today we're not content in knowing but a part ; We seek the whole. Alms So much Selfishness, so much Greed, Such little time we give, such little heed To those less fortunate than we ; God, soften hearts and loose the close purse strings, Help us to know the Joy, the Wealth, That giving always brings. 20 Hope Keep Hope abloom and every wish Your hungering heart desires, Will come and be a part of you When warmed by Hope's bright fires. Eternal Youth, the love of Man, The knowledge of a well spent Life, Will all be yours to have and to hold, And peace be yours instead of strife. Inspiration There's something stirs within this breast of mine Whene'er I hear the rhythm of marching feet : A something that would bid me do my part In bringing 'bout a victory complete. For when I hear the bugle's thrilling notes. Or see Old Glory waving in the sky. There's something stirs within this breast of mine, A something that would bid me do or die. 21 The Heart of a Friend Some people find pleasure in hoarding up gold, While others find joy in the spending of it ; But they'll find at the end of life's long, winding trail That the hoarding or spending didn't matter one bit. The big thing in life is in helping mankind, The joy that stays with us, that lasts till the end Will be ours. And a peace outweighing all else Will be found at life's close in the heart of a friend. 22 A Friendly Hand Methinks 'twill little matter at the end of life's long day How much of gold we've gathered here below. No matter how we've striven and no matter what we've won, Unless we've shown some kindness to the poor and weary one, We'll find at close of life it didn't pay. I think I'd rather find just then the touch of friendly hand, Of one I'd succor given here below; I'd rather look into his eyes and hear his word of cheer Than hold the wealth of Midas mine, aye, all the wealth down here, I'd give it all for touch of friendly hand. 23 The Rainbow's End What will we find at the close of Time, At the distant rainbow's end? The pot of gold we. had long dreamed of, Or love in the heart of a friend? Will place and position be given us. Will our ears ring with plaudits wild ? Or will heart beat warm with a new found joy At the merry laugh of a child? It is little thot we'll give these things : Gold and position and land, We'd give it all and count it gain For the touch of Mother's hand. 24 Grin Did you ever stop and ponder What a cheery grin would do, Not only to the other chap, But likewise unto you ? I'd liken it unto a glass Reflecting back to view. The smile or frown you gave to it — It's strictly up to you. A cheery "Howdy" helps a lot To stranger in far land, It sort o' cheers him on his way As touch of outstretched hand ; For lonesomeness is not alone Found far from haunts of men. But in the city's hurrying throng I've felt its presence then. It doesn't cost a single cent To pucker up and grin. And somehow I can't help but think It more or less a sin To never give a cheery smile. Nor bid a "Howdy-do" To one who's lonesome-like and sad ; So grin — 'twill help you, too. 25 Success Success is won if we do our part With a steadfast eye and a fearless heart, With never a thot of failure's share, But with purpose bold to do and dare. With eyes turned ever toward shining sun, We'll finish each task ere another's begun ; With never a whimper, with never a fear. But with voice attuned to manly cheer. A smile is an ally of true success, While a frown will a weary soul oppress ; A cheery word will your task beguile. Success is achieved thru work and thru smile. 26 The Inspiring West There's a something about this Westland, Found in mountains and prairies broad, That lifts one's soul from the sordid earth Right up to the Gates of God. It never is found in the cities, Filled with pretense, with sham and unrest, But it's found underneath the blue arch of the sky In this wonderful, heart-throbbing West. 27 Prize is Waiting Just Ahead For You When the world is lcK)king blue, And your plans are all askew, And you hardly know which way you best had turn, Brace your shoulders, lift your chin. Smooth that frown and grin, boy, grin. Prize is waiting just ahead for you. Race is won in the last heat. And the favorite oft is beat When he slacks his pace in thinking he has won. Keep on humpin' every day. In the end you'll find 'twill pay. Prize is waiting just ahead for you. Hope's the biggest word I know, Every doubt 'twill quickly throw In wrestling match, where rules are well observed. In the fray you'll need your muscle. For 'twill be no easy tussle. But the prize is waiting just ahead for you. 28 A Toast to the Pioneer Hats off to the early pioneers, Who conquered our prairies broad ! It took a lot of stick-to-it-iveness And a heap o' faith in God. When drouth and hoppers and wind and sand Came to try out their mettle and worth. These pioneers stuck in spite of it all — Hats off to these Kings of Earth ! 29 Make each today the best you've ever known ; Tomorrow's harvest will depend on seed today you've sown. Make today's mistakes serve as stepping stones toward tomorrow's success. In each task undertaken, prove either its value or worthlessness before another is begun. I would not ask that life for you be one of ease, For 'tis in overcoming that we grow. 30 Pray not for Wealth, or Power, or Ease, But rather ask that strength and wisdom be given you Whereby you may acquire these. The truly beautiful is seen only through The eyes of love, for love glorifies all. Why waste thy life in search of sordid gold When all along thy path lie riches of far greater value, A legal tender here on earth. An open sesame thru all worlds to come ? 31 The day is finished, All tasks undone remain undone, For each succeeding day brings problems new That brain and brawn doth task Till setting of the sun. The one thing — the great thing — The thing that makes man free — Is love of God, and love of Man, And love of Liberty. Try allowing your stomach rather than your head to ring your dinner bell — you'll live longer. 32 Try making your teeth do the work you are now forcing your stomach to do — you'll save doctor bills. Try forgetting the word forgot — put remember in its place. Try letting your heart, instead of your head, handle your charities — you'll sleep sounder. Try leaving unsaid an unkind thot and you'll not need to consult the beauty doctor. 33 Try gaining love by giving love and you'll find a hundredfold increase. I would judge man's love for God by the treat- ment he affords his fellow man. He who would succeed must give the best that in him lies, if recompense of vital worth be his as just reward. A man's bigness may well be measured by the little things he is willing to do. 34 Cultivate smiling; returns are sure and their worth greater than much gold. A grin's worth while, But a smile is better, While a cheery laugh Is a business-getter. 35 Close of Day Thank God for peace that conies at close of day, When all our petty cares are laid away ; When quiet reigns, when earth is hushed in sleep, God sendeth then His messengers their watchful care to keep. And then when morning dawns and day returns again, He gives us strength to do our daily task. And balm we find to heal our every pain. 36 Other Publications BROTHERHOOD A booklet of short verses rich mith inspira- tion and brotherly love for one's fellozv man. An excellent gift booklet. LOVE'S FANCIES Verses of sentiment and affection for a loved one. Send one to HIM or to HER. KANSAS LAND To all who love the fair Siinflozvcr State this book is written and dedicated. Some verses zuliimsical, some inspirational; all are enjoyable. The above booklets are attractively bound in art paper and well printed from clear type and are furnished with an envelope to match the binding. Get them from your dealer, or send direct to us. Price each, Twenty-five Cents. Particular attention is called to the fact that practically all of the poems and mottoes published in this volume are to be had in a large motto form, suitable for schoolrooms or homes. They are at- tractively printed on the best quality paper, and many of them have specially drawn designs and borders. Each of them is an example of high- grade, artistic printing and would make a most appropriate gift. They are about 9x12 inches in size and may be had either unmounted, for framing, or mounted on high-grade mounts with hangers, ready to be placed on a wall. If your local dealer does not have them, write to us direct. Prices on these mottoes are Twenty-five Cents each, unmounted, and Thirty-five Cents each, mounted. THE KNOX ART CO. 710-12 Baltimore Avenue KANSAS CITY. MO. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS llllillillillillillliililiilii 015 938 699 5 A