I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS.!: • j , to j I Chap. ./V/^2 3^' ' i i Shelf. .Q * : I^UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. •p-rtnoBH sq una jnm siouj taoq am .ti| UOUIUIO.) V OHII 01 ..'tlKIIIHI.. lOOl ».\0I|1.' UBAlS HiuaiuajeiH .iin ;o juiog ..-uoBoaii Jdd ''•>1>I->I'J (KJO'UOO'WIl i)U|I|)llul( JOJ .('> HVAi lojiuoj ani AllUd.l -"•' lll'i.l •X.iiHnpiii .ii|i ;o i(|MOJ» am jo ii.ipl auiOH Bpjojjw sm,!, -oSv MJWOX XlUd.H) Itiilino aaaui v pdjopiHuo.) tiu.w uuimui A")X)t! 'Ha|)|.)|(I ooo'UOtl'UJO'." JOJ XiijuUb.) Jiuiii \.i) -iitio.i xim u| .«ou 8| ojoqx,, :p|BB poo.vij.mi! M 'O 'JK ■i<«ou|Kiii| o|)|j|a am 11) KoSuiM|.i pun III.UOJH Din lllo(|H «IIO|lH.iHl> 11) JJAlKlllI UI 'MiatiJiiui uj.M«i!;.( 01 4ai.iKnIj imn luojj OIUO.I OAltll aiUUH 01(1 JOJ tiJ|jpilplKUO,l pDKWajOUI Kill! IK^AV am U| Uoj.i oi|i an'|.»i "IMm pai«lB K| II luiiisui mg ai|i JOJ pa||ua uaaq Riiif uoii -lipiOMUV' 5)JO\ MOM ^m JO HUIIOOIU J01I10U1I 1111(1 iioii.ioiiuoo Sim ui luu.iiiiuaia Bi i| pun '.<|1J01(S 0[IUUI oq IIIM aoUBApH JOlllJIIJ II iBii) poimu|)u| K| ir auii oiij| uo(ivj SAuii •uoiiMiuiK am JO .<)ijn|iiiooJ om au|Z|ii -Sooaj 'isojaiui ujaiKO.w a>ll puii 'iioiib|.)ok -8V HJOA A^'i.M am Xq aai.vil po^uVApu Uooq OAMll uaJIJll UOKBOK MDU Oq} JO i(U|ua(Io oqi 0.1U1S 'ga|i(.>|tl unj-uiA Joj aja.vi ssiJinbui aiui aqj, nijsi ■AJiinuiif oi dn XjoAqap joj saiiiiuiiiib luuoDippu joj apiiui uaaq OAvq «aiJ|tiI)U| ajam ivqi puu 'su|>|j3a s(ajji;q WHI'!; liioqe JO laodxa joj apeuj uaaq OAini oi piHS ajii sains pun 'iqan okib uyAV adu i -ii;.i U| doja aqj, (XIO'OOO'OE isuai IB Jo iiiai -xa 01(1 01 iioiiduiiisuoa k.jboX isbi jo IJoqu lliij Ki.tt X[ddiis am jaAO ijoi ooo'OOD'd!; Xpio JO aauiiiBq t! mi.» inqi puB '000'000'Oi paooxa lou IIIAV jna.C Sim dojo aqi iBqi aiBapuj oi pojjajaj auiiaaui aqi ib uaAia siuouiaiBis am JO atuoiida uy OOO'OOO'Oo inoqB jo joao Ijai snidjns b uaaq aA^-i oi jBaddB snqi PinoAi ajaqj, -.spuBq .sJopBiaj oiu] iua.\i puB pios a.i3M OOO'OOO'OEt IBqi painduioo si ii laj -jBq aqi oi azis jo unj oSojaAB Aq paSiiBS •saiJioid OOO'OOW'OSI inoq-n sbai p(ai.< iBioi oqi jnaX isbt -puiqaq luao jad i3id JO uoiiuaAuoa v oSv auiu ijoqs v ■isnax V SI aasiHi ivHi siovji ON iaa SNorxviMixNi - snooo NV0I5IM1VV DMiA.aa a.iOHna — Nosvas siHx ao.i aaxaoaaa ciov -xuoHS i.vvaH v-sxoaasoaa a^>ID^J 'S3HniVa.< MdlS XS3M « I :XpBais puB lainl) 'viHdTaavniH.i ■a%Z B 9I-S 7. 'spuo.ws ^W-SSoS^K 'op j)0 ::>%i-B%s 'Op aoiiau ■ a*!!; 't>aii|jBio 'MonaX aauoqo ;a%E b si-c r ■oiiqM jjo iBSujuiuaa u'ainb jBSns uoi) -BiuBi.i a^i- B J-'iO 'i>oo2 oj XjButpjo :jaisn!a *3|a '-^^iSI B St -JIBJ '.ttOl 01 AJBUl'Un 'OIJl •.■ipcais aajjoo--c lOQ 'SXVa'iaci .V\aK '^IX't ..'v.. pJBpuBis ta90or< a3|iii|;i ■ieu|iuo\ IMuu 01 » s'l *a|..i »t « - iiiuoa 01 » 8 •08j»3"1 pool* O) — PIO— anBduf ' ZZt ZV 'OQO o] aoiumoo -»lpoi II » 01 ogjw.') H» ?t puows liiu|ino>{ iwis IB 3SJB WIXH — jopaioduiu) --sXanuSuij II V 51 irlJutt jaiiio paB8.unit.)\ji 8l» il 1«11U'1.I. JO ouii. 0» aaioii.T »«» l.'S wani.4 iiS» 8» 9UIJ S3» SS J0|J3iIiw 0Z» 81 POO') 91 s EloanOJi»j oi U..3 — v«oaijo..{ l«nimo>{ oaioii;') ra« IS Jiauu asuivavd ho iio 'ivoisana om osimvisoo aaaisvHYto •SJDlipOJJ I9U)0 P"« «10IH»OJJ pooji \ XsnaJO •"> ^9A\. SiiuIdtUAV JOI p»|>ii»iuniooo>l \ 'yjdVd iN3NH3UVd 3iaV1393A SI|-JH.lXOV.lIlHVn '•r •« 'OIVSSTa 'BHHOAV V 33IJ>I0 ■no «p«"o 'no »u|lloon '1V3W aNV HMvoiio '110 Q33SNOiioo JO sjovas TIV nilOA ^<»ii ./noaooaiv,. 'tifl&jppv oi0:t[Jd iDOIJl) •0^ 'SJ3)|0BJ3 i8isAo 'iinosja )il!yi! ..'aAGM |BP!1„ 'spoog Aauo|| 'sjaiBM eiijueA 's||ii|UJ03 'sieiuiiiv 'sja^eM iueq6J3 'sdeus iaSufo -e ra:i jit: vioarars y.l7 ■saoiiviia nv io aa;u ssaHJxa as isas saiJKvs -«a •stTn.T^g Ti.ior) puu pa.ioA.\i^^ •aBSng o.xn,x sopn.ijr) ^yV .^"a^ 'HSAV SX.IX Y¥ iriSIS , ^^fs^ 'll»AVS'*''«iI I I AHH / "'Sr'"" iJMiO iC[N:?n aooiy *30vnv/ <^ ;i 'dMiu laMVu aooU nviaiss^ ^j^ / lost oi euoiiBion() joj ojij^ /■^'■i'k Islanil , '. / V^t supply _ r ♦,>(!. Choice SNISIVa VNUmS NDiaaOJ AinenO 83!oq3 S)^^^^^^ s: t SN\/3a WniaBW N\liaiSnv Ai!|en030!0i|3_spw«y | ^f ^-, ::::'I5 1S — -::;;z f^'fr: " » " y^WdiTO-.)-^ ^ ^ / vJlf flr A ,Af rf/o r.-.-.-./r.'r:::;:. 7«j |. l-ii'P'»U/:*»nf\* * *• MM m w/M-^y r-.v.::-.::2«) 'a- / "" X.V3 J.V I ""l 'Maiyiii waowv* j[UJi^-;,''>r from Second I'age, MiLLBOURNE MiLLS Co. F3=Iir.xAJ3SI^g.H:T A . : I III J !• \l ING^ ; ,: ' BREAD FLOUR %, ^,(5 " or- THia "woxi.IjI>. HEGKER-JONES-JEWELL MILLING CO., Export omce, !!5 Broad Street, CAPACITY, 11,000 BBLS. DAILY. Light, Knickeibockcr. Gloria, Superlalive, St. Lawrence, Belle Pairle, llanc, Victorloso, Metrie England Old Cbanticleei Honest John, ?heal, Harvest Qumd Dos AntlUo^ Is, Hungarian, Prosperity, blsmarck, Relrlevc- Major, ^^sm La Favorha, Pyrenees ^^R ALWAYS SHIPPED FRESH. mCTFLODEING MILLS ON EARTH. ^ -V, narter Co., VWoku Ohio" |j*..l\lAai jlm TUB f...lU.i. ■•l.'J.iH. 1.. 1'ITE,VT > TER'S A No. 1.'"^^^ Bags Choice Quality AUSTRIftN MEDIUM BEANS > Bxs Choice Quality FOREIGN SULTANA RAISINS AT LOW PRICES. CAVANNA&EPLER, 161 Duane St. WISEMAN & WALLAC / EMAN TiOCK pANDT (\im?, 126 Sonlll FroD ■tACE. m hs mi ™.»,., All Qi-udcs I'uio Sngiii'. Flavored and Coin Syi'ui>s, W. J. SANDS & SONS' \ Gingei Snaps, Graham Wafers, Animals, Coinliills, Vanilla Wafers, \ Honey Gonds, " Tidal Wave," Milk Biscuit, Oyster Crackers, ic. t-TitiisT I'Atrroitv, I American Cotton Oil Company Qo im.o.&.xy^WA.'sr. Csl)l© AddroM. . . - ••AluootoU." Ncw York- Ai.l SRAOfS Of COTTONSEfO OIL, OILCAKE AND MEAL. /0^^/\ I'aterson Paioliment Paper Company VEGETABLE PARCHMENT PAPER. CHiltAJTEED COSTilKlKG «0 CHE8ICAL, OIL OR PIBATFIIE _A»k fw Sampla and Price Liil lor Ho. 60 Bntlor Pail Linine, =i BTJLLETIN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1894. Mn,r9X-. but UiehlKani • ?^M^. imBlpw wa-. iS. IB ..~~ : s:!a I ^ THE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE AND COMM Xlic «toccvtj ITA'aftjc. > ' Tl w!>r»-«»g^T— _ ** '* We invite the closest scrutiny, analysis and test of the qualities of IILLEOURNE FLOUR, our claim being strength, purity, whiteness and uniformity. OMMERCIAl MARKETS. Conthiued from Second Fage. tr.i.lp. iiiKl 11 wa« simply n ''"«";„"' "'' .|.)w.i iiiKl wall for Komo '1<-VL-Ioi)monl to Kiit.li' 11 clirr.Teiit plan of action. Huyi-r.s make no ilenioiistratlon R« yi-t. unci there In a ,o..tlnu..J al.H.-ncc of €llr«Ti .l.man. . IJiiniinH liav.- prevailed of Home Htoilt »ell- liii; lull Hi-.-m to be wllhoiii foumlalloM. uUhom;h tli'ie was an Imi.reHslon on Ih- si reel llial lellnt rH are ronimenelnR to fe'-l (he need of Ktoc-k. There has been »ome ill- reil arrivals to the Tnist. Ileline.l remain nominally unohanKed. There are a few orders cnverlntt Bueh odd ii,ini-l» as may he rei|ulred to preserve an :iveraKe workhiR assorlmenl. but no de- mand that even Klves a hint of annlmatlon and the market In Keneral Is Just b» dull iiM over. Prices remain as last quoted. HAW SUOAIt MimciiVBilo, IWdcU- If" Mriliu.iU'11 miKBril. RIP (ICR. tot CenlrlfilKiil. IMl (li'K H'«l I OVIKtV (K'l li. — (-HnC 111111:1: UHin. ai™ •— • • — ■■ rciinlni. il'mid. Beet qulei : Octobtr, 10« Oil ; Novem- KiK ... £<«> .... 3«» .••• qiilel: J«T». 1R« a hut We per lb. on all other grades. DomlnOB.... 6 1-lOa &M Colu'hln A... 4 3-l«a Cut loaf cruBbe-J Powdered . . C'BC Pow'd.. Granulated.. Flucgran'd. Course gran. K.\. line gran. 1 16a 5)i WlmlBor A.'. « 3-10» 6 l-l«a 6M KldgeWd A. t S-16» iH a4 15-16 PhmnlxA... 4H a . Gran. iH a4 15-18 Kmplre A. iy. a* 11-16 No. 6.. tw a-t 11-10 No. 7.. l-H a4 l:!-lfl No. 8. . 492 al 13-16 No. 9.. d« a« 15-16 No. 10 4.:5 at I.VIO ; .s ii-ioa ?ryi - 11-t DAILY CArACITV, TRADE MARK: $^M'^^''^?^^';^^% ^^ ^.Rni-ij^ YcUow Centre to every •^^^X^:;^" 13,000 BARRELS. « -«^ '^^"^ Every Taoltun-c Mai'lcccl WASHBURN, CROSBY CO. .... 3« a3 ll-l -16 No.12 » 7-16» 34(i MouTdA'.:.':* il-16a m go.l3(neti. »« a .... Diamond A.. Wi a4 11-16 No. 14 (net). 3o.l»net 3H CcnliMinlal A iH Xx'xx'powd''e™dl': B 3-16 iV;hlteStar B.. 4 3-10 '•■ulcl powdered... 4 15-10 BedStarB 4 1-10 HECKER-JONES-JEWELL MILLING CO., export Office, U5 Broad s^treel, CAPACITY, 11,000 BBLS. DAILY. MAWOrAOTBREBS OP THE W E 1. 1. - K K O W N B B A If D S • Ll^ht. Knickeibockcr, ^'?,'''*' , 'Suneriative St. Lawrence, Belle Patile, Superlative. victorioso, Merne Eng«antl , ' Old Cbanticleei Iionest John, iheal Harvest Queen Dos Antilles, is ' Hungarian, Prosperity, > Or-^ Bismarck, '^"P'*^> ThoB. Martin gallon bl'i Ui-d A I lirnier ai that 2,00" uhlpiK-d 1 Cable . . rivals - f • ImKS; dPllv-n. 1st, 111.103 baei iM-r ir\. The <;i. authorlly ments nf fiev.Tly !■ Canadian I'n' IjitP advice* mimhroum northern par Indicate that was expeetei Port Spain Julian H. A The early P dry. and tl to be felt, a In the la.«t 1 ..ould contii as are comli from ni .'lO a unclayed. S12 of cocoa for lbs, ai;airiSt Mail advlc from ShanRl son of 1833-91 ea, Retriever La Favorita, Major, Pyrenees R ALWAYS SHIPPED FRESH. iDPPfip T?T nnuTun mtt 1.5 n)l TPAPTH ,,,„... ..'4 16-18 GrcenStarB 4 (iranuiitcd.;:: 4 11-18 Bluest" B.. W Flue granulated 4 11-18 >Vhlte Siiar C J in-io .1!. ItamondA. ...4 11-16 Ji^d star C. , SM confectioners' A. ... 4 !M6 V.r,^!°«?i?^ SH WhIteStarA 4M S'/'^iI'mnn SS K'e/I Rtar A 4?R NO. IS (net) '^ GrecnStarA..::::.: IX,.. KcW^nct) 3'i r.lueStarA 4 5-10 W. .1. McCiihnnbranda: „ . . _, . . o-ia Standard,gTanuUfd.4 11-16 Confectlonera' A.... 4 9-16 Fln"?gnHulBtcd....4 1i-16 Grocer.' A 4 5-16 I'owdercd 4 15-18 Vellowa Leas a-18. conimlsalon. SAI^T.— For fine domestic and Liverpool lirnnds there Is a moderate call reDortcd fo- small parcels, and with llBht «tu.r. cs values hold steady, but the market s with- out feature In coarse grades a fair bu^- - uess is report ec' and holders are nrm. Q'lOI- ,..l- 'A-;lilon's and HigKins' Kureka. $2 Wa. HI: 1 leiikin's, Cheshia. Worthinglon and other Knglish factory filled, 80 a Sue: ••BrlBjiton,' In barrels, J2 10; Liverpool ground. 50 a .i:ic, domestic line, in sacks. 77',2 a SOc; domes lo ground, Ooa.iTVJc: Turk's Island. JO a -1 Llsbon, 16c; St. Marlins, 23 a 21c. TEAS.— The line trade is somewhat Ir- rcKular but looks more promising, and It Is expected will want a pretty good general ai«orlment. .Jobbers do not as yet appear iiarlkulHrlv anxious about replenishing sup- plies, but "are looking around to some ex- tent and their movements are considered encouraging. At the public sale to-day there were some minor irregularities, but In the main the results were upon quite steady basis The sMles included l.fiOO half chest.s .la'paii. here and to arrive (more than hall 'not being due for sixty days). (Oiiouuons are on an invoice baala.) A.noy- J-l"t. 21 » 8* fommon..CarE0..11 ».. Second 17 al9 i.-„lr 1'.; a.. Cargo 11 » i-J (io,Jd'. . . . : 13a.. , roa leaf 18 « as Sunerlor Komlnal Imperial— .„ . „ Black Green Total \.. l^ast year. . The export i 830.213 lbs, £ last year. GRO The Mont! Co. sold \V< lows: Moyui Hyson. 'J a 2 liowdcr, 22c. 201) guiipowd a 17 Ir Oolong— 217 H'ii a 30'™e. Wednesda; .■\uctlon & M., within street, corn sale of te Moyune an( seasons 1894 seasons: 14fl koe. and 250 Catalogues Thursday, sell at 12 M of whom it tobacco: 17 anil Penn.» fillers. I-m1 vana cuttit logues. Friday, O J5ULLET1N, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1894. Alinonili, Tnrriiffont lOMa 11 do iTlcB , 10!«» .... Ill) itnlironiln, paper •hell • .... (Ill Krcncli, paper •hell lHHa .... ilo lullan. paorr ahell 12 a .... du ('anarv, •hellrit IV a 21 du Hlclly, •helled KIMa 17 du Valuiiela, •lirlled, new 2.t a .... do .lordan. •helled, nuw StWa 3A llrazll null, new DHa 4 Wnlnilla, Kaplua »H* ■■■■ do French • .... do (Irenulile 8Ka B do Mnrljot a V do Chill, new a 0^ KllherlK, Sicily a 6 du Nuplvi, lung * <> KIga. .Smyrna, layer, new 10 a 20 do hagii, niw f>Ha (1 Macaroni, iinllan, Ibpkge «h<^ » Taphic. Hake a 2« do medium, pearl SMa 24i do nne, p.arl nHa 2JS Sanllma, haHlioie* IJ BO alB 60 do quarU!M>oxe« « 60 al2 0" Tlio Hhlpmi'Mts of dried fruit from primary Bourci's «ro roporled as follows: atmr Si-olln-(At Deiila, Sept. 25)-3.00O bags Ix-uim. 2,0011 bills, 7,i>00 half caae.s currants. Stmr Olnilliiliis-d'ns.ied Olh. Sept. 23)— SOO baKH Sli-Uy Mlberts, 1,000 do lanary seed. Stmr Hoi'Khese— (I'nsscd Gib. Sept. 30)— 2,- 7(10 barrels. 100 half do. 200 ca.ses, 10.200 halt do oiirrants baK-H TarniKona almonds. Simr \lotorla-(r'a,>ised CJlb. Oct. 2)-34,000 boxes Valencia r.ilslns, 12,000 crates onions. Slmr Slollla— (Tarrasona. Sept. 17)— .... baj.'s Tarragano almonds. Stmr HoUvia— LI.OOO bSLgs beans. Stmr St. Oswold— 600 bags Sicily almonds. 3.0W) do (Ubcrts. ,, , Kronr Llvenwol, Sept. 20—1,600 boxes Val- encia almonds. 12,IXK1 do Sultana raisins, 1,750 cases. 4.400 bags and 300 boxes figs. Slmr Alsatla— (Valencia, Oct. 1). FOKEIGN GRRKN.— The demand for lemons continues slow and unsatisfactory, though a similar condition of affairs Is usually witnessed at this perloil of the year. New Malaga will probably arrive by the 17th Inst and a revival of interest Is then anticipated; new Sicily are expected about the 2r)th Inst, Jamaica oranges are In de- mand. The steamer due to-morrow (Thurs- day) Is expected to have a liberal quantity, and no further scarcity Is antlcloated. Pines are about out of market for the time. Bananas are In better demand and firmer. Ginger Is dull at $0. Onions now offer at SO a 90c for best grades. CWfoanuts rre maintained at iK 00 a 47 30. with a good job- bing demand experienced. Lemons, choice Sicily, SOOa 2 60 t 2 76 ilo extra, choice Sicily, 300a :! 00 a 3 25 do fancv Sicily, 300« 3 76 a 1 00 do extra fancy SIcIlT, 300a 4 60 a 4 76 do choice Sicily. 3aoa 175 a 2 00 do extra choice Sicily, saoa « 2 26 do fancy Sicily, 300« a 3 00 do extra fancy Sicily, 360a 3 26 a 3 60 do common to fair 160 a CO Sorrento, SOOs, choice a 3 75 do do 3008, fancy 4 60 a 6 60 do Malorl, choice, 300a a 3 75 do do fancy, 300a 4 60 n 6 60 Oranges, Sicily, l(«)s a .... do do 2iXn a do do 3008 a do do HOOr a do Sorrento, 300« " a do do 200a a ... do do leoa ,1 .... do RodI,200B K .... do do lOOa a .... do .Tamnica, original, per bbl 00 a do HAvnDH, original a — Bannuaa, Asplnwall. ursta, per bunch 100 a do do Boconas 70 a — do Jamaica, first run 80 a 1 10 do do scrunds 46 a 60 do do thirds 30 a 45 do Port LIraon, nrst run 1 00 a 1 10 do do seconde 60 a 66 do Baraooa, firsts a — do do aeconds a — do do thirds a do Banes, firsts 7S a 90 do do seconds 46 a 60 do do thirds SO a .... rineapplei!, Havana, sugar loaf, per 100. .. 6 00 alO 00 do do strawberry. . I a Cocoanuta. Porto Klco, porM Nono do P>arncoa a do Si. Andreas a .... do SanUlas 45 00 a47 60 do Jamaica a — do Carthagena None Limes, Jamaica, per hill 1 00 a 3 00 Ginger, .lamalca. green, per bbl a 00 onions, Valoniia. per crate 80 a I'll The following s'lipments comprise the green fruit now In transit to this and other ports: Stmr Gladiolus— (Passed Gib. Sept. 23)— 3,000 boxes Messina leiTions. 2.500 do Palermo. Stmr Alesla— (Passed Gib. Sept. 24)— About 1.500 boxes SorrerJio lemons. Stmr Kronprlnz l-'riedrlch Wllhelm— (Passed Gib. Oct. 1). Stmr Tarifa— (Naples, Sept. 24). Slmr St. Oswald— (Palerom, Sept. 27)— SOU boxes Messina lemons. Slmr BorKhetili^( Passed Gib. Sept. 30)— lO.liOi) Iwrrels AJmerla grapes. Stmr San GIf rgio— (I'assod Gib. Oct. 1 for New Orleans)/ -2 000 boxes Palermo lemons. I^Yom Liveypool Sept. 29—800 boxea Paler- mo lemons. ' ' TRADE NOTES. such ii.-iilirs are or ever have boon mem- bers of the ICxchange, and on investigation by the SuperliiKiidenl of the Kxchange no such pnrtien are located at 32 Desbiosses street, that building being occupied by a Western Union Telegraph office and a cigar store, but aftei considerable Innulry the party In charge of the cigar store admit- ted that somebody calling themselves King & Co. had their mall directed there and called for It once or twice a week. O. S. Durllng & Co. recelvecrly iced and taken care of while in transit the fruit woulil have kept well and brought extreme prices. The peaohes were .shipped in large round bushel baskel.s. THE FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS ARH FOB WHOLESALE BUSINESS FROM FIRST HANDS. BRANS AND IKAS.-Recelpts to-day, 33G bbis beans. New marrow have fallen to $2 fiO under a continued dull trade, and old are nominal at $2 :!5 a 2 40. New medium not very plenty and generally held at $1 S5. but pea dull and not exceeding |1 80. Red kidney In small supply and held about the same In price. Lima continues firm. For- eign beans quiet and ea-sy. Green peas are slow. Beans, marrow, 1894, choice a 2 50 do marrow, 1838, choice S 86 « 2 40 do marrow, fair to good 2 00 a 2 26 du medium, 1894, choice 1 90 a I 95 do medium, choice, 1893 176 a 1 80 do pctt, 18W, choice a 1 80 do medium and pea, fair to good 1 40 a 1 00 do morrow foreign, 1893 a .... do medium, foreign 1 35 a 1 45 do pen. foreign 160 a 1 00 do white kidney, 189.1, choice a .... do red kidney, 189.1, choice 2 20 a 2 26 do rod kidney, 1894. choice a 2 50 do Black Turtle soup, 1893 1 95 a 2 00 do Yellow Eye, 1893, choice a .... do Lima. Cal.. 1893 (BO-lbs.) 2 75 a J 80 Green peas, bbls, per br.8h al 10 do bags, per uush do Scotch, bags.. BKESWAX.— Pure wax quiet, but is held steadily at 26H a 27c, occasionally 27V2C, per pound. ICGGS.— Receipts to-day, 180 bbls and 9,144 cases. The arrivals continue quite heavy, evidently attracted by the higher prices of last week, and with a very slow demand, stocks largely accumulating and consider- able pressure to realize, the market shows further weakness and has settled to 19c for finest Northwestern, and good marks of far Northwestern and Central Western ob- tainable at 18',^c. and lots ithat show a mix- ture of held eggs sitill cheaper. Ice-house eggs are in liberal supply, very dull and weak. Limed eggs have very little call. Inferior fresh by the case are selling slowly, though held about the same. Sales on 'Change under the Call included 50 cases Northern Ohio at 19',4c; 100 do Western Iowa, 100 do a known mark and !iO do Northern Indiana, free delivery, all at 19c. Further receipts of Canadia eggs are here, including a car yesterday and a car to-day. Holders ask 1S^/2C, but denn.and very slow and that price Impossible to reach. Newlald, fancy (nearby), at mark 21 a 22 " ■■ "■ ■ fresh gathered, firsts.. 19Ha 20 iz a 19 State and f - ('aniulrt. choice, piT c Michigan, Ac fancy Western and Xorthweel;ern, average best. . . Western and Southwestern, good to prime.. 18)ia 19 17 a 18 lfl« Western & S'western, fair to good,percase.. 3 60 a4 60 Western & S'western, Inferior, per case 2 50 a3 25 Western seconds, per esse 2 60 a3 50 Western, limed, per doz . 16> 7 .10 do common 4)^ 6 Bavarian, new (to arrive) 22 ft24- Bohemlan. do do 23 a2A Altinarks, do do 18 aSO LIVE POULTRY.— Receipts to-day, 15 car- loads of Western. The Jews were out In force after their New Year holiday, and notwithstanding the heavy supply market ruled firm and higher. Fowls advanced to 10V2 a lie. with some extra heavy even higher, and chickens ranged from 9 a 10c as to size and condition. Old roosters firm, with most sales at GVtc per lb. Turkeys had a good outlet for prime old, and choice ducks and geese are a shade firmer. Pigeons we»k. Spring chickens, prime local, per lb 9Hft 10 Rjirlng chickens, West'n & S'th'rn, per lb. 9 ft 10 Fowls, local, tier lb 10«ft 11 do Western, per lb lOjift 11 do Southern, per lb lOitn .... Roosters, per lb 6 a OH Turkeys, old, per lb 9 ft 11 do young, per lb 8ft 9 Ducks, local, per pair 60 a 80 do Western, per pair 60' a 70 do Southern, per pair 40 ft 60 Geese, local, per pair 125 ft 1 60 do Western, per pair 1 12 ft I 37 do Sonthern & S'western, per pair. . . 1 00 a 1 in Pigeons, per pair 20 ft £5 DRESSED POULTRY.— "The receipts con- tinue large and Invoices for balance of the week liberal, while there is still a consider- able accumulation of fowls and chickens from previous arrivals, and with very little improvement in the demand as yet prices are not a particle better, though it is hoped with the natural Increase of demand toward the close of the week, that the bottom has been reached for choice fowls or chickens. Dry picked fowls and scalded chickens are freely offered at £c for best lots, and It is extreme for chickens, and plenty of stock of both fowls and chickens that have lost theii' fresh appearance are offering lower. Scalded fowls rarely possible above 8Uc, while dry picked chickens continue to show Irregular quality and a wide range. Spring turkeys very dull and weak. Long Island and Eastern spring d/"ks in light supply and firm. Eastern geese urchanged. Choice squabs about steady. FBBSn nRESBXD POULTBT— ICED FAOKSD. Turkeys, spring, dry picked, per lb 8 a 9 do bpring, scalded, per lb ft 8 do spring, Inferior, per lb 3 a 6 ^prlngchlckcns, Phil., fancy, per lb 18 a 20 do Phil, fair to good .....1... 14 a 16 do W'n, dry pkd, av'gomlx'd-w'H. 9 a 10 do W'n.scalded, av'gonilxedf w'ta.. 8}i» 9 do West'n common J. 7 ft 8 Spring ducks, L. I ./. 15 a 16 do Boston ,1 15 ft JO do Western J 8 a Jo Spring geese. Bnst.on and L. I / 1:4 a 18 Fowls, state and Penn J „' a 9 do Western, dry picked, prlmeL... 4 a 9 do do scalded, prime !,,#-. ft 8J»,', do do falrtogccC ....J.'. ,7X« 8 Old roosters, per lb I ,» 5^ Squabs, tame, white, per doz i 2 60 ftS,".' * do do iTtKed lots, per doz 2'''' ; do do darlC.and poor, per doz C, 13 HI ^m?T?nm v^ nnDTwn WTTTQ nu TAPTTI T Amoy— 1 Citnmion. „„ Knir i' THE )01R\AL/^' COMMERCE AND COMH „, . , „ ,, = /■ ji^ a^lA.. BtTLLETIN. THURSDAY, 00T6BER 4, 1894. £l)e Souiiuil of iSoiniiKrcc nnfi ifliimmcinnl Bnllttm :^ SAUERBECK'S CHA»^oF_^^^^jg^p^^^^^ ( of Average Prices of General Co pinodities in England (Average of 1867-77 being 100) Compilcil by AUGUSTUS IsiOERBEOK, F. s. B.. London. % PBIOiS or OOHUODIIIIS IN EHOLAIID. ^1, I When you sco Ihe handsome new clothes in and around us this Fall think of this : "Hand- some is as handsome does," and if your suits don't "do" as handsome as they loolv we want to give you your money back. Are you sure you understand JiUttatlinis ^mautcfl., , ~ "V- _1 1 - 1 1 r ^^ \ ^' 1 / ° \ 1 1 5 i 1 ' ;:'iE; I 1 -■^: i ._. ^ > - < H [2_ i " 1^ ,_ s y -- A ■ w-^ r ^' 1 1 / ! 1 1 1 o >l '~~"t 1 ^-i- n ! .'■ 1 1 Tl^i 1 1- 1 M ' A f ' Mi' i f\ 1 i " 1 M 1 f j . 1 . 1 i 1 : ' II ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1 : 1 1 . 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 : ; 1 3SgSS.-:i'««*aSs*S obATnoitiiE iiulaitfr 1 1 THE .lOliRNAL/OF COMMERCE AND COM v2:i)c JJournnl of (Scimmcicc nub (Ecimnurcial Cullclin, yj i:i;a\kk siui;i:t and ci nusv ht. liiiiiii, \vc- iin-miit ii clliirt t-liiiuiiiK llm loiirtM" of inUi-s ill Grnil Jtriliiiii from llu- ynir ISIM to ]!*•;!, iiu-lii- bivi'. Tin- ••xliiliit is i-oiiiiiIUhI by ilr. A. SSiimrlMTk, mi riiiiimit Krvli>li sliitisliciiiii, nuf iLiiiimiisou \>y "iniloi iiuinl«-i»." Wlmt lliat iiifthoil is, tup conipilcr i'.\iiliiins iu ii fout iiotf tu his rbnrt. Tho cumimriuoii i» luiiJe uiiou ii Bi-.ir.ber of sclrrli'd arlii'lt-s. wliioh miroscut tlio loiidiug ipduslrii'8 aiiil cover u lurK<' proporliou (jn'rhiips SO piT cent) of the en- tire viihio nnd bulk of marketed eouiiuodi- ties; it beiug iissuiueil that the prices of the omitte awu ,gfi2 117 isns lOl ISGl. Ave 'K R yr IIKI lor. a gciienil iiusellleiiient of intornalional n liitioiis and iiincli reillHlribution of uatiiiiiaU territory, n-snlliiig uolably in wm- hrt w n-i/, I'niisiii and Aiisiria and l.ilwmi Italy aiul .\nslria. In this i-oiinlry, oci'urri'd the i;n-atcsl luililary sIriiKgle of tli.- century- The firsl effift of war nimn eon nierce Is to cheek business ami eonse'|Uelitly to moiueil- tarily deiiress prices; the next result is to coniracl ]iroilueiioii by witlidniwing i>io- iliicers from the field and the factory into the army or navy nnd to criiile a large de- mand for certain articles of war conitinip- lioii. Both thi'so effects of war conduce directly to relative srarcity and therefore to the enhaiicenn-nt of prices. I'rom these causes il les to pass that, of llie last seven decjidi^,— excepting only that of isa.>- 2!),— this one (l.StKMiiM has been distin- guished by a ver>- high range of prii.'cs. The year I.StiO sliowe.O0O miles to our system of roads. During these years, prices averagi'd respectively SS, .85, 84 and 8"J. This over-doiug developed its consequences in the panic of 1884, when prices fell to 76; from which point, with some slight oscillations, thej have declined to G8 in 18'.)-' and 1.S83. The most si ggcstive feature in Saner- beck's chart is the almost unbroken descent in prices for the last t^venty years. The fall is so pei-sistent, so unusual iu extent, 1 ..*t».^.i. /s»-ni- oni^h n lor-' oeriofl. as 'o SAUERBECK'S CH. Course of Average Prices of General ■-Ld ,cr Compiled by AUGV \HVZ \ri 1K73 HC lK7-< I't Avpr*|E 5 9'ra.i ii;; 1K7S ill M: iT'K S J r«.. •g a > ra., IWIII 1 N 1, \» . r'aiaiyri'J.'. A< t r'lir'i' »»■;.■.; 18.V6 JHft? ti7 IKs;! Nil l.HfH v:i .\ver'K 5 > m.. 77 INN« 7;. l(f8U 7H Aver'ir S yra.. IKIK) T^ IWl 7J imc' UH l»tl!l OH Aver'HT*! yra..., 7U lun 'i'hi- iionipnrinuli boitiiiB with llu> ilcciiili* IM-tlirj, wliirli, n.niiily owiuK •<' Hn' long rliwk iiiioii iiniiliiflioii nlU'iullui; tlio gronl wHm of tlui lu'riy pari uf I In- icutury nnd mI«ii to II j-iKiiniisly (•x('li:i>ivi> fori'iBU coin- iiiiTCiiil pi.liny, TiiiH n jicrioil of iimiRiially IiIkIi lirifi'n; tl»> hvitiiko f"r ISlil) bciiiK rcpriixoiittil by lliu iiuli'X inmibor 11- ami for ISlTi by 117, while for tlio wliolc t(>n years llui iivi>rnK»' was UK!. Attor tlii.s, I'inii' a (iifjulo of Bliaily roiunn'ivlal rc- irovcry duriiii; wliicli llii' aTcrago of prices fell lo 'M, or a points bi-low wliat SaiUT- \>ti-k vtxnriU iih it uoriual sveraK''. UuHiik th.- .l.^■a(ll< l.s|(l.4!», ojiiiio tli.- sr.'at fri'i- teatlo flKilntioii, wilU tint ri-»iilt of tlirotviug thi' UritiHh iiiarkfts ojcn lo tlio clicapi'.st supplies llui worlil bad lo offer, nnd tlie ex- dni'tioii of III,, iirlilieial iiitlalioii of priees iise<|iipnt upon proteetivo dnties. This dfrndo opeiuil with a rauKe of prie^-s repni- BtmliMl by U>;{ on ibo Sauerbecli gcale of I'ompariKun, ami elo.si-d with an avcrnKo of "4, tho fall of 2!) points having been mainly eaiiio'il bj- tho eheaponinir loudonoies of the new fn-e-irado policy; the average for this (I'll years, however, was 88. I'liriiig tho snceeoling tenVyoars, 185()-*S). oienrred (he great eoninioreill ami finaneinl inUntion ineident to the go\j discoveries. Williiii that period, no less than f;55.'j,(KX),- • KHI of gold was produpiNl in this eounlry nlone; in Australia, the conteiupora neons proiluct was si.inewhat larger: and for the whole world the ontpnl was !i;i.4(J(l.(lOO,- CHHI,— a ten years' yield never I'nualed before or since. The tirst effect of this sii.lden and eiiorimins increase in the inetallie circiila- liou was to fitimulnto banking operations and, through that, to create a great eom- mereinl oiiaiision. Simultaneously, arose a gri-!it extcii.sioii of railroad building. 20.(100 miles being built in this country alonp dor ing the decade. The withdrawal of pro- ducers from their accustomed einploymenta to the mining ci>ntres had tho triplt» effect of ohecking the orilinar>- home production, of tipeniiig important new irarkets in (Cali- fornia and AiislTalia, and of causing a gem-ral rise in wages; the result of these combined causes l«'iiig a rise in prices. That advance expresseil itself in a bound from 7S in ia52 to O.'i in 1853. nnd in a furl her gradu>il ascent to 105 in IS." — the rise between l.^^'iO and^^lS." being 2S points. ■ T from 77 to 10,"i. Tn l.'Nii. came the cul- mination of this great inflation in uni- versal lianic; nnd between that year and ]8u'.> average prices fell from 105 to !»!. but recovered to iU in 1S.">;». Tho averagi- of prices for the whole of this rcm.irkablc ilccado was '.12: the low range for the pnst three years ami the decline during the two last years havimr largely offset the gi-ertt rise of the interrcning five years. The .uiit for this iileiidy det'limt in vnlui>M. But that conclusion is largely invalidalod b.v the fact that, during lliis period, tbn world has been so burlhoned by un increase in anaed forces nnd in naval and military expenditureH that the anneil peace has proved almost as effective in ar- resting piiMliielion as aitiial warfare would have bis'ii. As, by a historic coincidence, till' begimiiilg of this decline in prices dates from the period when the Latin Union countrii^R ceased lo coin silver, it will no doubt be mainlnined, by the friends of that iiielal, that (lie downward course of values is directly and niaiul.v the efftH't of what they falsel.v designate "the demonetization of silver" The misfortune of their reason- ing is. however, (hat they are unable to •how that, although the Latin I'nion nations have suspended She coinage of this metal, it is less u.sed for monetai-y purposes tlian it was Iwent.v yours ago. Although Europe has almost ceased to coin silver, yet its nilver circulation has not been on the whole dimiiiislicd. whilst the amount appropriated in this countr.v to money purposi's has largely eiceedml what Europe had been ac- customed to take for coinage. As, there- fore, there has lK. to £.">0.000,000. or at the rate of 220 per (/'lit. while their luunbers have in- creased onl.v 30 per cent during the interval. Or. to take a more recent (>xpericnce in the l'i)ite0 amounted to $.")42 per lieaij, while in 1S,S0 the average in the same cities was only ?.'!.Sr«.— an ini'rease in the ten years of 4.0 per cent; and yet. with- in the same decade, there w"as a decline in prices of 16 per cent. Rapidly rising wages -Average Prices of 10 years ending with the year named, viz: Dotted line in 1S02. SI', being Average of tile 10 years 1S43- • O O' Dotted line in 1S7;!. 102. being Average of the 10 years ISftt- Dotted line in 1M«. 71. being Average of the 10 yeajs 18S4- Thla dotted line gives the best picture of the gradual movem eiage prices of whole periods as the fluctuations from year t*>lueratt-i. -f- — i- 1 1 1 > I- /' / / \ \ 1 1 3 ^ t i > o \ i' = 1 \ s Ir - > ^ 1 ._... < > ii IL. ' / 1? S 1 y r . ^* ^ / -— ■ ><^ c y' >r ■ ...o' / ■ ...< ■)' < 1 a' f-' \ i 1 ■ ■■'- i I .. 1 1 r N^ ■' >^ 1 ! ' 1 It t ." --f- 1 / 1 1- — t i J ! U r ■ ill — 1 — 1 1 • n i 1 1 } » 1 A' K i t ■! : ■ , 1 i i I I ! ! 1 ''! ! M ■■, "1 — 1 — 1 — ' — . J ; ; ! i Ml! 1 1 - ; : ^ 1 1 ■ ■ ■ 1 -f t l- : : ; ; i VI Vj VI C) Kj *, O^ ^ <^ along with rapidly falling prices form the basis of the persistent demand for higher pay by which labor is obstrneting industry nnd thereby throwing large masses of the lower grades of workmen out of employ- ment. Reasonable meu must see that this .sort of prcfis Vxtcnt that For a 1111,^ of part fast iii^reasin g^in acer rtniAfsliij, o; iwm 4N!IU Avpr'ir B rra.. iT'»R > r».... i-r'lif ft." jrr «•"' lX?i::::::::::::: 1IN> [M Avrr*iKS>r»... ,^; 1M7:V IIM "" int;::::::;::::;: i->' iKw::::::;:::::;" 111 \\rr'tsajrm... HI HI ,;^ iNti::::;;:;;::::. "'■ IMN2 .M Vf' Aver'v B ym.,.. 74 1««« J{ 1«» "' 1SH7 m:( iiH "■' 7« Aver'tc 5 yra.... 7<> JlS{g»:::::::::::::: J«l 1«U3 101 Aver'K-l ym,,.. OS 70 1»7 'J'lii- iiompnriKou boeiiiH widi tlu> ilpcaili' 1!SJ0-1"J, wliirh, uioiiilf owiiij; to llm lung ilipck tipoii i>ni(liictiou nKt-iiiliii^ tln« Brt'iit wars of tlio «i;rly part of llio fcntory niid iilxii to a ricoriimly i'Xi-li:Kivt> foreign coiu- miToial piilioj-, waM a iirrioJ of uiiusiially liiffli priced; th(< avcriijto for ISliO boiiiK rcpDinciittxl by tlie inilf.\ iinnilior 11- ami for 1S1',"> l)>- 117, wliiit. for tlio wliole ton y»f prie^>s repro- sonted by It.),'! im the Sauerbeck sealo of i-ompariKun, ami elosetl with an average of 74, tbo fall of IS) points having been mainly canned by tlio cheapening tendcncips of the new fn'i>-trnf opening important new markets in Cali- fornia niid Australia, and of causing a KPUeral rise in wages: the result of these lombinod caiLses being a rise in prices. That advance express«l itself in a bound from 78 in ia.->2 to f>5 in tS.5.^, and in a fnrllicr gradual ascent to 105 in 1S57 — the rise between 1.'*.5rt and IS." being 23 points, or from 77 to 105. In 1.S.57. came the ciil- niinatiim of this great inflation in uni- versal l>anic: and between that year and 1850 average jirices fell from 105 to 111. but rei'rtvenil to 04 in lS."i!). The average of pricc.s for the whole of this remarkable decade was '.12: the lov.- range for tho past three years and the ileeline during tho two last yenrs having largely offset the grertt rise of ihe intervening five years. Tho su<■ci^o oKcillatiouii in priceH up to 1,S7.'>, and the last twenty yenrs of coniparalivt; ex- emption from war inlliieni'es may be suji- posed by xoine to acunt for this Ktmd.v dis'lino in vnlut^M. But that concluHion in largely invalidated by the fact that, during (his period, thu worhl haa been no burtliuned by un increase in anaed forccH and in naval and military expenditurcM tliat the axmed peace has jiroved alnio«t as elTeelive in nr- resling pnHluction as actmil warfare would have Ikh'II. As, by a historic coincidence, the bcgiiiuiilK of (his decline in prices dates from the period when tho Latin Union coiinlrieH ceased to coin silver, it will no doubt lie maintained, by the friends of that metal, that the downward course of values is directly and mainly the ofTiHit of what they falsely dcKignatc "the demonetization of silver" The misfortune of their reason- ing is, however, (hat they are unable to •how that, although the I>atin I'niim nations have su.spciided t!ie coinage of this metal, it is liss used for monetary purpoBos tluin it was Iwcnt.v years ago. Although Europe has almost cca.sod to coin Bilver, yet its silver circulation has not been on the whole diminished, whilst the amount a[r. to fake a more recent experience in the Tiiited States. — Ihe last census shows that Ihe average annual earnings of labor in sevonty-one cilies inlSOO amounted to $.542 per heaij, while in 18.S0 the average in the same citie.=! was onl.v .f.'i.SC. — an increase in Ihe ten .vears of 40 p«r ccnl : and yet, with- in the- same dec;id(\ there was a deeltne in prices of IC por cent. Rapi '^SIX /' 1 / 1 1 { 1 \ 1 1 % ■s n* > p 1 \, 1 ° 1 : .-■ \verage of 1 >^ |L. , 1 ■ 5" ' ■ 1 /' J / .^_, __T~ c '\/f >q^ ,.6 / .<)' { P Ni 1 ii ' J ! •"■' 1 1 ! J 1 . „p 1 . > 1 1 1 - 1 ^ f^\ ..? \\ 1 ■ 1 1 } ' -rf -^f e.' y \ ! \ ' M 1 - 1 — 1 — t — \ \ ' \ \ - W 1 i ! — ! ! : ^ f^OjOi^ 'M'^^viv. ^^i^t^CK along with rapidly falling prices foi-m the basis of the persistent demand for higher pay by which labor is obstrncting industry and thereby throwing large masses of the lower grade,s of workmen ont of employ- ment. Eea.sonalile men mtist see that this sort of pre^su •IX tent that v auM^rs. For of R^in accr paj'tiie\-ship ol fast iiifereasin