Addresses in Honor of Prof. Francis A. March, LL.D., L.H.D, LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, October 24TH, 1895. FRANCIS A. MARCH, LL.D., L.H D. ADDRESSES DELIVERED AT A CELEBRATION IN HONOR OF Prof. Francis A. March, LLD., L.H.D. I^AFAYEmrK COI^I^BGB, OCTOBER 24th, 1895. EASTON, PA.: LAFAYETTE PRESS. 1895. .^' By Tr~/ 5-fAf - > .9 CONTENT'S. Preface 5 Biographical Note. Prof. Francis A. March, Jr., Ph.D 11 Introductory Remarks - Ex-President Wm. C. Cattell, D.D., lyly.D. 21 Professor March's Work for Ivafayette Prof. Wm. B. Owen, Ph.D. 23 The Standard of Pronunciation. (Abstract. ) Prof. Thos. R. Lounsbury, LL.D., L.H.D. 37 Professor March's Contributions to English Scholarship Prof. James W. Bright, Ph.D. 43 After Dinner Speeches : Professor March's Response. 67 Alma Mater (Amherst) Rev. Wm. Hayes Ward, D.D., I^I^.D. 69 The Teacher of Philosophy Rev. John Fox, D.D. 75 The Philologist . .~ Rev. S. G. Barnes, Ph.D., Litt.D. 81 The Spelling Reformer .-Pres. Samuel A. Martin, D.D. 87 The Teacher Rev. James C. MacKenzie, Ph.D. 91 The Beloved Professor • Rev. John R. Davies, D.D. 103 Bibliography of Professor March's Writings. 107 PRBKACE. This little volume is intended to be a record of the celebration in honor of Professor Francis A. March, I^L.D., I^.H.D., held at I^afayette College on October 24th, 1895, It is customary to observe the Wednesday nearest the 20th of October of each year as ' ' Founders Day," in memory of the founders of the College and those who have aided in its growth and development. As the usual day was very near the date of the seven- tieth anniversary of the birth of Dr. March, it was de- cided to set apart Founders Day this year for the recog- nition of the long and efficient service of that beloved professor. The program which follows, was prepared for the occasion, but the response of the community to the plan was so general and so spontaneous that the formal program, ample as it was, proved but a part of the day's exercises. The day was one of the most beautiful of October days, and lovely I^afayette was glorious in all the beauty of autumnal leafage and sun- shine. The citizens of Easton asked to be allowed to testify their esteem for Dr. March, and to the number of about one thousand formed at the Centre Square and marched in procession to College Hill at 10 o'clock. The order of march was as follows : Platoon of Police. Delegation of City Firemen. !Easton Band. Mayor Field and Other City Officials. Members of Select Council. Members of Common Council. Members of the Board of Trade. Business Men. Resident Alumni of Lafayette College. Representatives of Brainerd-Union Church. Members of Evangelical Alliance. Citizens of Easton. Members of the Board of Control. Superintendent and Teachers of the Easton Public Schools. Members of the Teachers' Institute. The long column passed through North Third street, up the winding path, past the monument, to South Col- lege. There the police and firemen formed imtuediately in front of the main entrance. All the windows were occupied by people watching the interesting scenes. The Mayor then presented Dr. March with the free- dom of the City, a committee of the Board of Trade, the local Alumni, and the School Board with compli- mentary resolutions, the Evangelical Alliance with an expression of appreciation of his long usefulness as a Christian teacher, and the Brainerd-Union Church with a handsomely inscribed Bible. The procession of Trustees, Faculty, students, alumni and guests then formed at South College and marched to Pardee Hall, where the exercises of the morning were held according to the following program : PROGRAIVI. THE AUDITORlUn OF PARDEE HALL. II A. M. Invocation, - - Prof. Thos. C. Porter, D.D., IvI,.D., '40. Introduction of President of the Day, President l^thelbert D. Warfield, I,I,.D. Response, - - Ex-President Wm. C. Cattell, D.D.,I/I/.D. Address, - - - Prof. Wm. Baxter Owen, Ph.D., '71. '* Professor March and His Work for Lafayette." Address, - - - Prof. Thos. R. I^ounsbury, lyl/.D., Yale University. " The Standard of Pronunciation." Address, - - - Prof. James W. Bright, Ph.D., '77, Johns Hopkins University. "Professor March's Contribution to English Scholarship." Benediction, - Rev. Robert Russell Booth, D.D., IvIv.D., Moderator of the General Assembly. Immediately after the exercises in Pardee Hall a Dinnbb was given by the Ladies of Easton to the alumni and invited guests in The Gymnasium, at which the blessing of God was asked by President Seip, of Muhlen- berg College. AFTER DINNER SPEECHES. RESPONSE BY Professor March. ALMA Mater, - Rev. Wm. Hayes Ward, D.D., IvI^.D., Amherst College 's6, and Trustee. The Eminent Citizen, .... Wm. Hackett, Ksq. The Teacher OF Philosophy, - Rev. John Fox, D.D., '72. The Philologist, - Rev. Stephen G. Barnes, Ph.D., '73. The Spelling-Reformer, Pres't Sam'l A. Martin, D.D., '77. The Pedagogue, - Rev. James C. MacKenzie, Ph.D., '78. The Beloved Professor, Rev. John R. Davies, D.D., '81. The Benediction was pronounced by Rev. Robert Httnter, D.D., Stated Clerk of the Synod of Penna. The American Philological Association, the Modem lyanguage Association of America, Spelling Reform As- sociation, the Synod of Pennsylvania and the I