Frioe 25 Cents. A SHORT SYNOPSIS OF- mtJlJ * li\^l\ A I liii ..IV, 9 _ e . ^OR- THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM -EMBRACING- A Vision of August 26, 1867, WITH SOME REMARKS OF Sir Wm. Herschell, of Merck 9, 1875, AND GALILEO, As given to the Author by his Angel Friends, from 1852 to 1880. BY DR, E. WOODRUFF. 1881. Dygert, Buff & Rice, Printers and Book Binders. 39 Canal St., Grand Rapids, Mich. A SHORT SYNOPSIS ^OF- ffftium* CL i OR- THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM •EMBRACING- A Vision of August 26, 1867, WITH SOME REMARKS OF Sir Mm. Herschell, of Merch 9, 1875, AND GALILEO, As given to the Author by his A)igel Friends, from 1852 to 1880. BY DR, E. WOODRUFF. ISSI. Dygebt, Buef & Rice, Printers and Book Binders, 39 Canal St., Grand Rapids, Mich, & ^ v > x^P .v- / would say to the reader to read and re-read this pam- phlet until he gets the philosophy of the writer into his mind as clear as he would the rules of arithmetic, then he will not find it difficult to understand and receive the philosophy with which I defy the world. DR. E. WOODRUFF. INTRODUCTION The following synopsis has been given to me in the leisure hours, away from the daily routine of professional business. I have never read a page of philosophy or as- tronomy in my life ; my experience on these subjects is from spirit-life, in the trans-condition of which I have visited four other planets besides our own. In my efforts to read works on these subjects, I have been withheld by my guardian spirits, they giving as reasons : That my mind was like a clean sheet of paper, upon which they desired to make a first, clear impression; That there was much error taught upon these subjects which they wished to overcome through me, as I had a large brain develop- ment in this direction, and it would be easier to write new philosophy than to correct old errors and false teach- ings. My education has been limited to the common district school before the age of fifteen years, the remain- der to natural instinct or intuition and surroundings. I therefore make apology to the reader for errors in ex- pression, asking criticism of the phylosophy only, rather than of the manner of expressing it. In my design to present the outlines of this philosophy, I shall necessari- ly leave many points untouched, hoping nevertheless to express myself sufficiently clear, that the mind of the reader may be able to grasp the connections and fill in the points left untouched. One Keqt^est to the Eeadek : Begin the book as you began your arithmetic — understand the primary rules and propositions first. If the reader stops and proves in his own mind every law laid down as he pro- ceeds, the whole will be clear. If not, it will seem com- plex, and thus a false charge come upon the writer, whol- ly from a want of a clear conception of the first princi- ples involved, while if they understand the first principles, they will find the whole in harmony with nature's laws. And if so found, and the reasoning true, then the world may rejoice that the road is straight and short to reach it. Truth is of God and will prevail. THE AUTHOR. CHAPTER I In reasoning from cause to effect, it is impossible to go back to the very first of all causes, and tell all about where God came from, and all the changes he has passed through, to get where I shall begin with him, for when we can do that, by the same law of reasoning we can tell where he will end with all his works and formations. Hence I claim him to be from all time in the past to all time in the future, the Once and Forever, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and filling the immensity of space, the one great principle of life, the Positive and Negative princi- ple, the all and in all. Hence there is nothing outside or beside him, the All that is. I claim the former supposed Gods of the bible, and others in history, to be spirits or angels, whose identity once inhabited the human form similar to myself and other mortals, either on this or some other planet in the stellar heavens. I will now give you the keys of the kingdom ; what are they ? 1st. The positive in nature repels. 2nd. The negative attracts. 3rd. These natural conditions produce motion. 4th. The motion of matter causes friction. 5th. The friction causes heat. 6th. Heat causes light. 7th. Light causes life. And nothing can have life without being caused by these principles. Every particle of matter is alive, and this " living " matter is what I call God, on the whole the all that is, that fills immensity of space. These keys properly applied, will form and account for the following kingdoms : THE KINGDOMS OF GOD. 1st. The earth kingdom. 2nd. The mineral kingdom. 3rd. The vegetable kingdom. 4th. The animal kingdom. 5th. The human kingdom. 6th. The spiritual kingdom. 7th. The angelic kingdom, (which is near at hand) called the Christ Kingdom, and I think will come on the 26th of January, 1889, at the time that our sun makes one revolution around its center ; then it leaves the rodiac of pisis, and enters the rodiac of ancient of days. The planets of our solar system will then be in perihelia near the sun, which circumstances combined will produce a terrible equinoxial storm in our solar system. That I saw in a vision in 1867, and published 5,000 of them at the time. The word christ means a principle of unfoldment or development. Jesus of Nazareth unfolded to or taught from that sphere of development or teachings from spir- its. Hence they have got him confounded with the prin- ciples he taught. They called Jesus the Christ, and finally Jesus Christ, from the fact of his teachings from the spirits of the fourth or Christ sphere. He called him- self the Son of Man 81 times, and devils call him the Son of God once in Mathew and twice in Luke. Still the Church calls him the Son of God, and persists in doing so, while they have the words of Jesus 81 times, against the words of devils 3 times on the contrary. This is the consistency of bible teachings. In order to explain God and his kingdom, I will now go back in the realm of space as far as I can, and come down with safety in regard to his known laws, in regard to formation of his organized kingdoms, or of world mak- ing. Hence I will assume a time back in the eternity of the past, when the eternity of space was filled with cha- otic matter, in one eternal night of darkness of the past, long before any body of matter had ever existed, and take matter as we find it there according to our micro- scopic spectacles, and see what it was doing there in chaos in this eternal night of darkness in the past. And we find it floating there in little separate particles, the small- est of all small, even when highly magnified. We find the same law there, that we find here and now, viz : That there is not a particle of matter, however small, that does not have its positive and negative polarity, forming life and action in itself, and the same inherent law con- trolling it then that controlls it now. Hence, where we examine closely, we find the immen- sity of space, all in motion, caused by the inherent life within these particles of matter, causing the positive pole of one particle. Repelling the positive pole of another particle, and the negative pole of one particle attracting the positive pole of another particle causing motion, in- herent in itself, and which always existed. And motion causes friction and friction causes heat, and heat causes light and life. Hence, all the primary elements are found there at work, or in other words, God preparing him- self to put on formation. It is also a supposable natural fact, that one particle is larger than another and in the cource of time, one large particle will come in contract with a small one, caused by its eternal motion, and the negative battery of the large one will surcharge, and draw the small one to itself, where its polar batteries will be overpowered, and swal- lowed up by the larger one, and lose its own identity, and become con-joined to the larger one, and become a part and parcel of the same, and go to swell its former power to perform the same power on other and larger particles, thus in time, by this accession of power it be- comes a great center, sending out an influence, ever in- creasing in size and power, untill eventually it becomes a great central sun with others who are doing the same thing, who have been formed by the same general law, throughout space, until the immensity is filled with great central suns, for millions of miles apart. This thins out space, of its thickest and grossest matter, leaving it less dense, and capable of transmitting rays of light, whenever certain causes may produce them. We will now leave this eternity of space, and turn our attention to one of these central suns, that have been formed by the laws above given, (and we ask the reader to investigate the above laws of attraction and repulsion and see if they are correct, in every particular), and we will see what natural, and inherent law is doing with them. We find that they now assume immense polar batteries holding each other at a proper distance, and are actively carrying out universal law. The positive repelling and 8 the negative attracting, from all space within its reach and power, to its negative pole, and sending this current through its center of this ponderous body to the positive pole, and from the positive to the negative ever the sur- face. (This is the general law of all bodies to attract at the negative pole into the center, and from the center to repel out at the positive pole, and to be attracted over the surface to the negative pole, while the positive is met on the equator by partial negative current from the south pole, in all planets which repels all the lighter matter off at the equater as far as the positive and negative influ- ance can hold it. There it forms into a ring like the rings around Saturn, it can go no further nor come any nearer.) This current causes friction, and friction causes heat, and expansion in the center, and at the positive pole. And as this current escapes from the positive pole into space, it is partially attracted back over the surface to the nega- tive pole. Thus keeping up a constant surface current, straight from the north to the south pole. It is this cur- rent that controlls our magnetic needle. At the same time there is an attraction from the south, or negative pole over the surface, which meets that positive current from the north, , at the equatorial line on the equator, which is centrally located between the two poles. This contact of these two opposite forces on this line, throws off and repels all the lighter and grosser particles of this matter as far as the positive influence can repel it, and not be attracted back by the negative influence, and there it is held and can go no further, or come any near- er, thus forming a belt or ring of nebulous matter, around the center of the sun, or planet over the equator, like the rings around Saturn. This circle or belt of nebula is constantly being fed, and thickened, by this never ending current, from the planet within its embrace, where it is held a certain dis- tance from the planet by its positive and negative forces, and can go no further, nor come any nearer. These forces which are equal in power, and all matter either outside or inside of this line in a nebula condit- ion, in close proximity, is by these two forces brought in- to line and held there, by attraction and repulsion. And as time moves on, this accumalating mass of nebula, be- comes more ponderable and compact, and helps to increase the positive conditions within, and to hold back the at- tractive forces from without, next to the surface, under this belt. Hence the excessive heat from within causes great outward pressure, and the negative forces from with- out being retarded or partially held up by this thick belt of matter, is unable to keep up a balance of forces. Hence the enternal expansive power, bursts through the crust of the surface and lets out a flood of melted lava upon the surface under this ring, a belt of nebulous mat- ter, and the excessive heat going up or out, from this hot mass shooting its fiery breath through this circle far out into space, charges the "spot" in the circle over the lava, very hot and positive. This causes it to scatter and a seperation of the ring over the flood of hot lava, and charges each end of the broken ring very positive which quickly repels from each other, while the opposite side of the ring becomes equally negative and attracts. This causes the belt to roll up each way around the circle, and come togather again on the opposite side from where it broke like the rolling of a scroll, producing a nebulous planet, or moon to be born into existence, and chronicled by its parent center. This nebular planet, by inherent laws, attracts into a globular form, aud remains one side to its parent center, it does not yet move on its axis, from the fact it has none formed. After coming into globular form upon one side of its parent center, it will then be repelled further from its par- ent than where the ring was, from which it was formed, caused by its concentrated positive state, and from the in- creased heat it has accumulated in rolling together. Here it remains in a similar condition as our moon does to our earth, while another belt begins to form around in a similar condition and place as the first one. I have thus far shown by what law and how all matter is thus formed into suns, planets, moons or satellites, and by this same law all planets or suns that exist in our so- lar system and all others through the immensity of space have been formed. For further illustrating their future development I will now take our present moon to this planet, and when I ex- plain that, and its motions and growth, by the same pro- cess all other planitary bodies can be illustrated and ex- plained, 10 Our present moon is yet the first that our earth has produced, it was produced from a belt of nebula, in and by the same laws above described, and ever since has re- mained with its face toward our earth. And from the positive action of our earth upon its face, the face has be- come charged positive and in the future will become its positive pole, while the back side of the moon is equally dark and negative, and in the future will become its nega- tive or attractive pole. This is the way by which all of the polarities are first formed in all placets or moons which are thrown from their parent center. Our north pole of this planet once faced our sun, in like condition, and remained so until the next planet Venus from the sun was produced, when it was repelled further off and was made to shift its position, as at pres- ent, and to depend upon its own polarities, and its axis or rotary motion then began. And at the birth of our next planet unto our solar sys- tem from the sun (which I claim will take place on the 26th day of Jan. 1889, of which I shall speak more here- after.) Yet another moon will then be born from this planet from a belt of nebulous matter now surrounding this earth, making the second moon to this earth, and as the second moon will move in its orbit nearer to the sur- face of the earth than our present moon, it will be car- ried along by the rapid currents of our earth, whose sur- face velocity is over one thousand miles an hour, and as it passes between our earth and our present moon, it will have a repellent influence upon our moon, which will repel the positive side now toward our earth, carrying our first moon still further from this planet, as if it were weaning it from nursing at its mother's breast, where it has been ever since its birth, and causing it to move alone or to depend upon its own polarities for support. As its former ties of relationship to our mother earth is then broken, new relations must be formed, as the younger moon now has the best claim to the position, the older moon is at this time repelled further from the earth, and in its passage, it awakes from its former nursing slumbers to depend upon its own polarities. And as the side now to the earth is positive, it will be attracted naturally toward the south pole of this earth, and as the back side of the moon is negative it will at- tract to the north, or positive pole of our earth. Hence 11 in its transition it will turn and take that position rela- tive to this earth, leaving the line which has been formed, between the positive and negative side to stand as its equator does to our sun, or parent center. This change will be caused by the birth of a new planet into our solar system on Jan. 26th 1889 from a belt, or ring of nebula matter, now surrounding the sun, which is the cause of spots being seen upon the sun at various times, as this belt is thicker in some places than others, in the belt it looks like spots upon the sun, by our astron- omers, and at times is in great commotion.' This birth, or breaking of a belt around the sun will be produced at that time from still another cause, viz : It is a well known fact known by most astronomers that our sun is revolving around another central sun (Pleaides), and that as our solar system is thus being whirled through space, and about every two thousand years it passes other solar systems which belong to other centers than our own central sun, in passing, it causes a general friction up- on our solar system, which feels its magnetism from its near proximity, which charges the whole solar system to activity as it were with its elements, and at a conjunction of the planets in our solar system at that time, there will be a great pressure back upon the sun causing this belt of nebula to break, caused by the bursting of the sun's crust, and the discharge of a large amount of lava to be discharged upon its surface, near its equator, the heat going up or out from this will scatter and break this belt, forming a new planet in our solar system, upon the same law, as given above, the approximation to this event will produce more or less a Spiritual Era, on this planet both before and after this takes place to all those the most sen- sitive, both on this planet and all the rest of the solar system. This may be seen by looking back upon our own his- tory, that about every eigtheen hundred or two thousand years we have a Spiritual quickening or enlightenment of a few hundred years, then a dark or negative age, until the next two thousand come around, or until we pass an- other solar system, when the Spiritual element or age will again become quickened, as at the present time. As a natural consequence, when this belt of matter around the sun breaks and rolls together, forming another planet in our solar system, thus removing, as it were, a 12 veil betwixt us and the sun, which veil has been thick- ening up ever since the last planet in our solar system was formed, and gradually cooling off each planet in our solar system, causing them to become more negative, and as they become more negative, they attract near and still nearer the sun, as may be known by our own earth in its transit of Venus, measuring some nine millions of miles nearer the sun now than it did some seventy-five years ago. I would say that the removing of this veil or belt from the sun, will cause a great commotion on this and all other planets in our solar system. The sudden and excessive heat from the sun will cause the vapors to arise from this earth, producing a dark appearance of the sun, and the moon will look as red as blood, while the crust of the earth will tremble and shake in an awful condi- tion, while the aurora borealis from the north pole will send its luried flames over the thick vapor, producing one of the most awful sights to behold that was ever wit- nessed, caused by internal heat and excessive friction through the earth center, causing earthquakes continually in its passage, while the earth is being repelled. Several millions of miles further from the sun, to the people on other planets our earth will appear like a comet, with its fiery tail of hot atmosphere in the rear. I have had a panoramic vision of the whole process shown me on the 26th of Aug., 1867, which I had published in pamphlet form, and sent five hundred of them, some to most of the nations of the earth, which, as far as I can learn, had but a slight effect upon the inhabitants. This great effect to be produced upon our solar sys- tem at that time, has long been foretold by ancient prophets and seers, but by the translation of the scrip- tures, by uninspired and interested men, (who had some selfish point to gain, it has been translated from ten to sixteen times over,) it comes to us shorn of its original clearness, and somewhat vague and uncertain in many of its main points, by so doing. Also by trying to establish the idea of a " personal god," who controlls and oversees all with his vindictiveness and cruelty, and by his special providence, according to their own ideas of what a per- sonal god should be, which I repudiate entirely, in place of the " laws in nature," which are always just and rea- sonable. I say this false translation has mixed it up, so that it has lost its original meaning, and comes to us in a ia garbled form, and entangled with a " score of doctrinal dogmas " that lead us astray from the original meaning. But suffice it to say that u the Day of Judgment," as it is falsely called, is believed in by all the nations of the earth, to come at about this time, and many days have been set for its appearance, and passed by since 1843, and yet other days have been set to come in 1881 and in 1884 or thereabouts. I have not made any calculations on the time myself, and know nothing about it, except as the date was given me by the Angel in my vision, which fixed it upon the 26th of January, 1889. The Angel claimed that it would not have been wise, had the true time been given before. Therefore I know not myself, but verily believe it will come at that time. And from various communications from my guardians, viz : Sir Wm. Herschell, Emanuel Sweedenborg, Brahma and Plato, all coroborating the statement made to me by the Angel. .Now in regard to the changes that our earth has passed through, from the time when it was a moon to the sun, or in other words, the youngest planet in the solar sys- tem. As before stated, the positive pole was toward the sun, where the most positive minerals attracted in the formation of the first land that appeared upon the sur- face. Here, after long ages had rolled their course, then appeared the mineral and vegetable kingdoms, and after that the animals in their grossest forms, among them the elephant, the mastodon and similar gross species, all en- joying a tropical climate, while their country was facing the sun ; but, alas ! for them a change must come. As the next planet was born from a nebula belt from the sun, our earth was cut loose from its nursing position to the sun, as it were to depend upon its own polarities. Hence it was repelled several millions of miles further from the sun, and then turned one quarter of the way around, that is, the side that had faced the sun was turned to the south, or negative pole to the sun, while the back or op- posite side from the sun as it had formerly been placed, being negative, was now attracted to the sun's north or positive pole. This change was detrimental to the ele- phant and mastodon, as well as all the animal kingdom, which had been born and bred in a tropical climate, for the earth to swing one quarter the way around, leaving them in an entirely different climate. Still the excessive 14 heat that must have been produced from the north pole, after the great excitement of the earth in being repelled so far from the sun, for a time kept them warm enough, but as this heat gradually cooled off, they began to suffer with cold as well as from their former plenteous growth of vegetables. As the sun went around them now, very low down in the horizon ; as ages moved on they began to conform in their natures to the change, and one gene- ration after another began to have more hair, and as the last possible chance of sustaining life from cold and hun- ger had left them, they died in the snow-drifts and ice- bergs, and left their bodies where we find them in this age, embedded in perpetual snow, with their bodies cov- ered with a long thick growth of hair, as nature was try- ing as fast as she could to conform them to these con- ditions. And various animals, in attempting to migrate to war- mer regions nearer the equator, have died on their way, and we now find their bones all over the country, even here in Michigan several have been found, which, from a scientific calculation, must have been 22 feet high, they had tusks 9J inches in diameter and nine feet and eight inches long, embedded in the ground seven feet under the surface. There is even reason to believe that the effects of this belt of matter forming around the sun and suppressing the sun's heat, is the cause of the north pole regions gradually growing colder and colder and nearer and nearer the equator every age, and our seasons are gradually chang- ing in conformity to the great fact, and will until after the birth of the next planet, when a great change will take place. The icebergs will then be melted away and a warm fertile country will then cover two thirds of the lands, which now are cold and worthless for farming pur- poses. And I make the assertion that all the earthquakes that we have any history of, have been caused by a shrink- ing of the earths crust and not by expansion. Every phenomena of earth's changes, will prove this when right- ly interpreted, according to the laws in nature. The sur- face is constantly changing, and the streams of water change in conformity with it. At one time the Missis- sippi River was over nine miles wide and from one to two hundred feet deep, along the Illinois bank, now it is 15 about 80 rods wide, 10 to 20 feet deep, with nice farms on its bottom lands, where was once a surging torrent. LakeMichigan once emptied into the Mississppi but from a north or eastern shrinkage of the earth, it changed its course, and now finds outlet through Lake Erie and down the Niagara, whose falls have worn their way back some seven miles to their present location. Grand Eiver was once a mile wide and a hundred feet deep, at Grand Rapids, Mich., but now it is only about a thousand feet wide, and can be forded easily in the dry season of the year. Still the marks of its former dimen- tions on its banks are yet too plain for dispute of its for- mer greatness. Thus all the changes are being brought about by a gradual process, and their effects are creeping along upon us by degrees. And as the earth is now becoming more clammy and cold, its productions are in like proportion. New insects as well as old ones, are constantly on the in- crease from these conditions. Among these may be mentioned, the grasshopper, potato and chinch bugs, spi- ders and flies, small and very insects, which we called anamahula of every description, producing new and more dangerous diseases from their entering our system, by the water we drink and most all kinds of food. All these causes conspire to become a national calamity, and will continue to grow worse and worse until another planet is born from the sun, causing such positive conditions on the earth, that they cannot exist. That change will puri- fy the earth of all its grossness, then the earth will bud and blossom like the rose, and earth shall rejoice in its purity and man in his healthy condition, when sickness, sorrow, pain and death shall be felt and feared no more, and the Angels our constant and visible companions. It is really the good time coming, but our priests who claim to be so full of God, and orthodoxy, have tried to turn Gods blessing into a curse by claiming a personal God, and personal devil, and a local hell filled with brim- stone on fire to burn to all eternity. This hell they say some of them is paved with the skull bones of infants, not a span long, a place where God and his mercy con- demns them to burn to all eternity, and cannot die, a place where 99 out every hundred must suffer, just because they cannot believe this jargon of nonsense to any rea- soning mind, as they preach it. If the world would spend 16 half as much time and money to investigate the laws in nature, for one year they would soon find out, that this nonsense taught by churches are whithout one real thread of truth in them. That they are the " myths " and fa- bles of the dark ages, and will not stand the light of truth and " science " for an hour, before they would all fade away like a June frost before the mid-day sun. But they think they have a fast hold on the minds of the people, and a good fat situation and salary, and they must keep up the delusion, and gain proselytes or their chance for bread and butter and yellow-legged chickens, will be gone to that place where God keeps his sulphur, and they will have to plant and hoe corn for a living, and blister their delicate hands for daily bread, for they have found out long since that God won't give it to them with- out honest toil, to produce it. Hence they live on the toil of the honest poor, who they delude into this belief, that they must believe in them or God will doom them to spend eternity amid the burning sulphur and lava-beds, which they preach and which science is fast doing away with. Now in regard to the cause of our seasons, or the rock- ing motion of our earth, in regard to its relative position to the sun : In the first place, it should be understood that our sun revolves around another sun, or center, that it takes 24000 years to form the circuit that this great central sun sends off into space, a powerful influence that holds our sun in its order, on the plan above given and that at every revolution of our earth around the sun, one half of the year our earth must be traveling, as it were up stream, against this positive current from this great center, and as two positives repel each other, our north is repelled back by this current, while the south pole being negative is attracted by this current, hence is drawn forward for six months while traveling up against this current from the great center. This causes our "Eclip- tic" or oblong circle around the sun, while the repulsion of the north pole and the attraction of the south pole at each revolution changes the position of our earth's relation to the sun, making our seasons, while it gives us our "Ecliptic" circle around the sun, and is the cause of our earth being repelled back so near the sun in the winter, and so far from the sun in the summer, when our weath- er is the warmest. 17 This breaking of the next belt being on the 26th of January, 1889, will bring our earth at nearly its nearest point to the sun. CAUSE OF LIFE IN NEBULA PLANETS. Nature always provides bountifully in all her works for the production of all her species. As we have before said, that there was inherent life in every particle of matter, how- ever small, still law governs every part of nature, in the birth of planets, as in the birth of animals, everything is fur- nished in nature according to its present and future needs. Before a planet is born, the parent from which it is born being surrounded by the belt of nebula, by suppres- sing the sun's rays, causing an impure surface, as in the case of our earth at the present time. It developes on its surface every kind of monas, mould, and gross animel life in its primary stage to exist in great abun- dance. This at the time of removal of this earth by the power of heat on the planet within, which is then pro- duced. It is thrown up in the atmosphere and carried by the positive and negative currents to the equator where it is impregnated with the two batteries, and is repelled from the earth to the belt of nebula over the equator which goes to form the coming planet from this earth and produce all the life germs, which will eventually de- velop, on this its child, all the various kinds of life to be found on the mother planet up to human life. Hence wisdom is seen, as necessarily producing our sick- ly atmosphere, as at present, for the benefit of that which is to follow in the next planet, thus all the inherent quali- ties of the first planet are transmitted from one planet to another down the parental line, causing all to bring forth the same fruit eventually through its several kingdoms. Although for a time there may be a difference owing to its peculiar stage of development still the general result will be the same. Thus all the primary elements are trans- mitted, infusing life, in and through all, for all time to come in all planets, and all germs will lay dorment until the various stages of development will call them forth in their regular order, one after another in the different ages to follow. Perhaps I have not explained sufficient plain to some minds the cause of the axle motion of planets, as planets are repelled further off, at the birth of the 2nd planet, 18 and have to depend upon their own polarities, they then begin their axle or rotary motion, by the parent center, shining upon one side which makes that side positive for the time- being and the dark side equally negative. Now the central planet around which they are to revolve, re- pels the positive side, while at the same time it attracts the negative side, thus alternately it keeps the planet rolling and cannot stop, the positive side as soon as it gets in the shade becomes negative, and visa versa with the negative side, this forms a perpetual moiion as seen in the motions of all planets around their various centers. CAUSE OF SPOTS UPON THE SUN, MAGNETIC STOEMS, PRO- DUCING THE AUEOEA BOREALIS, OR NOETHEEN LIGHTS. In regard to the above subjects I would give my opin- ion in accordance with the teachings I receive from my teachers from the other world. This belt of nebula which now surrounds the sun, moves along around the sun, and is carried along by its currents, but how fast I cannot say, perhaps one or two million miles an hour. As I have before said, there is some places in this belt much thinner, for the time being, than at other places. The matter composing this belt being in a nebula or cloudy form, and is easily disturbed, by any disturbance of the suns surface. In the few years last past, as our solar system is nearing another solar sys- tem, which belongs to another grand system, other than ours, and small eruptions begin to appear on the suns' surface, as yet small, and not being large enough to break the whole belt, still they occasion a commotion in the circle and produce openings through which the sun sends rays with great force, striking our earth. These are called magnetic storms, the effect of which are well under- stood on earth's surface, viz: That whenever they occur, simulataneous with them there is an Arora Borealis or northern lights, that is, when these rays from the sun strike our earth they are caught up in an instant and carried by earths currents in at the south pole, and through the cen- ter of the earth, and out at the north pole, probably in one or two minutes they make the entire circuit. The friction that they engender in passing through the earth causes a corresponding heat and light to appear at the 19 north pole, and proves my theory of these earth currents, as before stated. It is this electric current over the earth that governs the magnetic needle, and the clashing of these currents in coming together at the equator is what causes the nee- dle to vary and swing in all directions until you sail past it. In regard to these subjects, philosophers and astrono- mers have much more to forget than to learn. For the truth is easy and simple with the above key to explain it with, it is easy to learn, and there need be no confusion of ideas. But the trouble with them will be to forget the former errors, as taught by popular authors, to which they hold in dear reverence and esteem, while they choke and strangle at every step in trying to swallow their theo- ries because they have not the boldness or mechanism to invent and publish a better one. As I only propose here to give a short synopsis of the main facts, I connot be expected now to go into details of a thousand other subjects which bear heavily upon my mind, of which I hope soon to write out in detail somewhat, showing that every known motion in all the heavenly bodies of our solar system and all phenomena of every name or nature. In regard to any and all productions of the earth, and the order in which they come through all the different kingdoms and of every fact known to exist in regard to them, can all be reason- ably explained upon this hypothesis of God in Nature. It is truly the " keys to the kingdoms " and I defy all the teachers in theology, philosophy and astronomy to break down a single inch of it. I will now give the vision before spoken of, it was given in conformity to the foregoing philosophy and hy- pothesis. VISION OF AUGUST 26, 1867. % As given to Dr. E. Woodruff. On Aug. 26, 1867, at half past two in the morning, while I lay in my bed, at the back part of my office in a calm wakeful state, an Angel appeared to me who said he wished to show me things shortly to come to pass, and give me the precise time when they should come, I was to all appearance caught up many miles above the sur- face of the earth. He says, behold and observe well what I am about to show you, write it down and proclaim it unto the people. I looked and I beheld the last days, when our present system of time should end, and a new system of time be- gin, it seemed that my vision covered the whole earth at one glance. , It seemed that a new planet (from a belt of nebula mat- ter which now surrounds the sun) had been born into our solar system from the sun, and that the extreme heat from the rays of the sun, (now unobstructed), had charged the earth very positive, and that our earth was being re- pelled much farther from the sun, in common with the whole solar system, and that the starry heavens was fast fleeing away, no more to be seen as at present. As our earth passed away and left them, the positive state of our earth threw up into the air, its vapors, which pro- duced a very thick murky atmosphere, so much so, that the sun was darkened and the moon looked as red as blood. I stood speachless in his presence as the awful panorama passed before my eyes. An awful trembling shook the earth, from center to circumference, earthquakes rent the earth in diverse places, almost continually. The atmosphere was in a blaze caused by the aurora borelias from the north pole, bursting volcanos spouted high in the air, with melted lava from the bowels of the earth, while the ashes from their craters filled the air, 21 sweeping tornadoes passed over the earth in diverse places filling the air with huge fragments of debris matter. Many buildings fell to the ground and many large bodies of water changed their location, caused by the upheaval of the earth where they were. And the iceburgs of the north pole melted away, causing terrible floods in some places. An immense volume of lava was poured out of the earth in Australia flowing westward a part upon the sea and a part upon the land, destroying about ninety thousand inhabitants. The immense heat which assended from this lake of fire scattered and broke a belt of nebula matter, which now surrounds the earth, which has been collecting since our present moon was formed and the hot and fiery ends of this belt being positive, were quickly repelled from each other and rolled apart around this circle and came together again on the opposite side of where they broke, which was negative to it, causing a great noise, and it formed another moon to this planet, and our present moon was repelled further off from this planet, caused by its positive condition and only looked about half as large, as usually and its brightness was increased twofold. And as the younger moon passed between it and this earth, the strong currents of the elements set it (the older moon) into a rolling motion and its positive face now to this earth, was attractedto the south, and the backside to the north, as it took its relative position to this earth. The inhabitants of the earth were frantic, and pros- trated upon the earth, screaming and praying, and call- ing upon God to save them from the awful wrath of his judgment ; terrible blackness covered the earth, andhor- ible despair, beyond all description, enshrouded every countenance, many died of fright, and many from falling buildings, some from tornadoes, and many more drowned from the changing waters. But another portion was bet- ter prepared for this awful day, and stood as it were calmly waiting for it to pass by. Having had foreknowl- edge of this great event and of its effects upon the earth, their smiling faces were turned heavenward, and praised the angels for giving them strength for this awful hour. I shuddered as I beheld, and made efforts to speak. The angel then turned to me and said, now for the first time on this planet shall the true time be given for this great and terrible day of the Lord to appear, for it hath not 22 been wise, that this revelation should have been made before. And it shall begin in twenty-one years and five months from this day, (on the twenty-sixth day of Janu- ary, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, (1889) and it shall last twenty-one days, of terrible, yea, most terrible excitement. Then the heavens shall begin to clear, and your atmosphere become purer, until in a short time the new heavens and the new and renovated earth shall appear, purified and fitted for the celestial reign, when Christ's new government shall descend from heaven and reign triumphantly upon the earth, as it shall pre- viously be given through chosen vessels. But before all this a great change shall come over the inhabitants of your earth. Governments and kingdoms shall fall to rise no more, while new and better governments shall arise in their places. Famine, pestilence and wars shall sweep over the earth, and remove many. Many new and most terrible diseases shall appear, caused by the gross state of your atmosphere. Agitation after agitation shall stir up the people, preparatory for the great change, which must soon come to all nations, kindred and tongues upon your planet. All these things with their effects swiftly flitted before my vision, and made a deep impression upon my inner soul. I appeared to see the new condition of things as they existed, and the great and glorious change which had taken place, with a new system of time as then con- structed. I was fully awake to outer consciousness, but could not speak. As the vision closed to my external sight, he said to me, now haste to your desk and write it down as you have been made to understand it, and in a short time I will come to you again, and give it to you in a still clearer and in a broader sense. Immediately I left my bed and went to my desk in my office and hastily sketched the awful vision, while he stood by me to witness each word, and to correct my er- rors as I hurriedly wrote the contents of what he had shown me, he then departed, and I then went to my room to ponder the awfulness of this terrible scene which I had witnessed and how my vision and thought had so rapidly extended over so much scenery in so short a time, I looked at my watch and it was not yet three o'clock in the morning. Dr. Elmer Woodruff. 23 As I have before said the vision of the 26th of August, 1867 was published in a pamphlet and five thousand scat- tered over the world. Mr. B. T. Bailey of Oswego, N. J., whom I have never seen, obtained one of them and submitted it to Sir Wm. Herschell the grand astronomer, through a medium to get Mr. HerschelPs opinion on the subject as to the fact of the occurrence and the time set for it to come, and the following is his reply of which Mr. Baily kindly furnished me a copy. SIR WM. HERSHELl/s REPLY OF MARCH 19TH, 1875. My beloved associate in the pilgrimage of inevitable destiny and expansion of divine and immaculate faculties. I welcome you to the halls of spiritual investigation and observation which we, your heavenly friends have long before you enjoyed, and desired to proffer and open to you, as our willing pupil of those solar phenomena? which you have often desired to study with scientific accuracy and certain effect for that supreme use which you con- template, and which you are amply endowed to entertain and exercise. I am your friend indeed, and desire to declare in your favor to assist you whenever you seek my aid, instruction, or influence. I have been the companion of whoever has desired my friendship and advantages since I left the world of my earlier investigations, and the gentleman al- so of whom you inquire. I will give you a few lines which I should be willing you should send to time, on authority as your friend and his companion in those solar stellar studies. I can give you an outline sketch only in the brevity you solicit of the movement of the sun toward the purification of a new world and its attendant suffering and purification. In the first place let me advise you that the being in whom, and ot whom are all things of this particular solar company, of which we are human members and co-partner associates, are about to preside at a feast whose invited guests are not members of this system only, but will be gathered in to witness and to participate in the shooting forth of the new fruit from parental stem, unto the vast field of light and summer heat, prepared to involve and receive and nourish in its advent from the most distant points of acquaintance and relationship. 24 He will not be alone in the awful undertaking which will precipitate so much of terror unto the very souls of those who are not prepared for so unlocked for an oc- currence, notwithstanding all the admonitions advanced long years ago to urge every willing listener to be ready to welcome it. In that hour, when all things are ready, for so vast an ingathering and so holy and royal a supper, the pow- ers of the heaven will be shaken by those well able to say thus far, and no farther, and in all the grandure of the most scientific exactitude, embodied in the very bosom of that heart, so august and so worthy. The event will take place without one atom of dissention or one error of evolution. And the young world will be ushered into its orbit, from the midst of the accompanying sons of heaven, who are its parentage, its gods and demigods, amid the hussahs and exclamations of that numerous assemblage, gathered to witness and assist in the midwifery of the heavenly mother's son from which your earth was similar- ly born and chronicled. This sun is but a nucleous of souls in their brightness and their majesty, who have long desired and contemplated both the conception, gestation and birth of this new and more magnificent orb, as well as a participation in the glorious re-union of the universe over an occasion of so great a rejoicing that the most glorious conceivable beings even hasten to the cele- bration of a new born world, with joy, assistance and thanksgiving. You, my friend, are one of those invited guests, and will be well prepared to participate in its wonderful de- velopment, and manifestations of talent and hilarity. Not very many from your earth are yet ready to receive the tidings, or administer a return of joy at the summons. We have been sent not indeed against our will, to stir within your breast a refulgent interest in this natal anni- versary, and a glad reply to the well-timed notes of the Hierarchs of humanity, multiplied to all those who are willing to be present. The birth itself is a necessity of the divine mind, for another place of exhibition, for another bud from the great tree, put forth to blossom in the arms of the centu- ries, and the warmth of the encompassing angels; an event of so much juy to us, is indeed deplorable to a large ma- 25 jority of the denizens of your and similarly conditioned earths. They are not ready, they give no welcome, but already do they cast up a great cloud of despair and ter- ror from the womb of hell, at the coming of the " Son of Man." But a people so derelict and so uncharitable can have no human interest or satisfaction in an event which gath- ers them to one place, where they cannot disturb the fes- tivities of millions of congregated saviors, and can no more interfere with the progress and fruitfulness of your own and other earths. Then indeed wUl the wilderness burst forth into flowers, and the re-united fraternities of the higher worlds looking down upon you, and waiting with eager- ness to taste the realities, and the regenerated atmos- phere and materials of your acrid earth, will join in a new magnificence and outgrowth long before heralded, and as long unknown to your sin beladen earth. The place and position assigned to those who from your w T orld at this day are destined to bear a part in the enormous outlay of power and exhibition of glory and congratulation. Multitudes will be appointed and desig- nated simultaneously as they are able to be instructed, and brought into harmony and intimacy. Our designs as instructors and promulgators of these sublime manifestations, will be unfolded to you and to others in such gradual, but sure and satisfactory meth- ods, and frequency and fulness of detail, as will enable you to rely fully upon those who are capable, even more than myself, of giving assurance of correct knowledge and ability to demonstrate the facts of this unparalleled future, as well as to perform as assistants. The inten- tions of those supreme governors who will preside at this final and faithful conjugation of the superior sphere with the sublinary planets that have so long revolved alone, reconjugated and unmindful of those divine spheres wait- ing to be celestially annexed in their solemn marriage, that they may be one, is the universal prayer of the stel- lar universe, and the spontaneous springing forth of every human inhabitant of those unnumbered habitations. The house of many mansions is now about to be filled with those invited to the mighty wedding feast. We would that none should be absent. But how can they be worthy who reject the announcement with scorn, and like 26 the five foolish virgins provide no oil of joy in their mis- erable lamps, whose wisdom and whose brightness have alike expired? But our wisdom is full, in being able to find in the hedges of obscurity, and in the highways of watchful angels, the vessels of our choice and the revered objects of our delight. With hearts surcharged and over- running with heavenly pleasure, we meet with those we can expostulate with, and attract to the lofty theme of reproductive energy, and indescribable beauty and dis- cernableness. Let my own beloved class-mate of celes- tial observation and exploration of these mighty subjects henceforth engross your attention even to the entire ex- clusion of inferior inquiries and engagements, that you may be the sooner free to move with us into those purer regions of thought and unfathomable light and love, for which you are daily preparing, and which your hourly attendants are both persuading and stimulating you to accept, as your own privilege and joy, as your own divine birthright and emolument. Be not in any wise discouraged at the immensity of these proposed appearances, as if they were not those very same realities which the sages, the seers, and the saviors of all times have foretold and declared, should some time arrive. Shrink not my friend from attaching yourself to him, who has announced himself as the wisdom, the pow- er and the glory and the same time the cause and creator of the scarcely looked for sublime effects of that eloquent hierarch who speaks to your ear so often those syllables of warning and encouragement that are no less divine than sincere and genuine, as I myself will testify before all men and will shortly demonstrate to you, from my privi- leges of observation and scientific foresight which have been so amply granted to me by the divine lawgiver and affectionate counsellor and coagutant to all the perfor- mances made known so lately to yourself to be manifes- ted in the unimaginable labyrinth of his coeval womb of fire. You may regard me as ever yours, and as now most sincerly present. Sir Wm. Herschell. A few words in regard to the natural results of these last days which must follow, as effect follows cause. While the earth is under this, its deepest shadow from 27 the sun causing such a negative condition on the earth's surface, the cause of which is as above described. The earth is becoming more and still more negative, causing impurities to gather in the atmosphere thicker and thick- er, producing diseases, yellow fever and various pestilence which will sweep over the earth in a still worse form for the next eleven years, or until after 1889. This is a natural result of these conditions it produces in earth, water and air, an anamalcular or very small living ani- mals which are all on the rapid increase, and every where we breath and drink them into our system, and eat them in our food. Man's mind is in harmony with his body, is the product of the same, and it is being rapidly acted out every day, his animal brain is being fed with them, his amitiveness, destructiveness, combativeness and his acquisitiveness and his whole back brain is con- trolling him. His intellectual and spiritual organs are becoming slaves to his animal brain under these condi- tions. It proves itself a truth every day of our lives, the devil (or positive element) is loosed for a little season, as prophesied of by ancient seers and you have only to pick up a daily paper and read from them their bill of fare which they serve up for you daily, of murders, rapes, fights, thefts and all kinds of dishoniesty, from the Presi- dent down to constable all have broken their trusts, and robbed their constituents in a most heartless manner. No man can be trusted in the church or out of it, give him an inch and he will take an ell. Deception and fraud is the motto with all, the holy church is not an exception, they are being swallowed up by pride and the fashions of the lewd dames of Prance in most every particular of both dress and actions. Thus priests are falling one after another like the tall oaks of the forest, their minds have caught the disease, they have become rotten at the butt, while their heads are green, very " green " Tell me not that these are the last days prophesied of in the bible, where it says : There shall come a falling away first; can we have a worse falling away, can we have a worse state of rotteness. We are commanded to watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. Who is there on the watch, who does not fall under temptation; none, all are asleep with the oil all out of their lamps, and they are in moral darkness, and they do not discern the signs of the times. Get ye up my people and come out from 28 among them, trim your lamps, and be ready for his com- ing. Look at the signs of the times, investigate them well, lay aside your selfish idols, be not deceived, his coming is at hand, even at the door and his prophesied signs precede him, arise ! for the sake of your own selfish souls arise ! and trim your lamps of perceptions, can you not see rottenness on every side of you, are you blind to it and its cause, if so, may God and angels have mercy on your blindness and give you light. Go back to history in any age and you cannot find it so black with the treachery as at the present. I have here explained the cause and can you not see its effects, it floats in the air and it requires a great effort to be pure. The very men you have set apart to be pure, among them are the rottenest eggs in the nest. Seek the truth, investigate closely the causes and the principles that I here lay before you. They will bear your criticisms, although written through an unlearned medium and expressed through his untutored language, yet it is the best I can do. His mind is free from pre- conceived ideas on the subject and I leave it with you to clothe these ideas with language to suit your pleas- ure, the truth is what I want to give you, investigate and follow through these pages from cause to effect and see if they are true to natural laws. Despise not the day of small things and small books,notice closely this synopsis of law and principle and you will find that they are Gods laws and in accordance with Gods principle of truth. If you find this you will see they must be true, for natures laws never contradict themselves. Galileo who fears not the world's scorn, would give his word of approval to that which is above given : Although I struggled through your world to establish the truth as then I saw it, and now I have to talk through two mediums to say what I do, in confirmation of the above philosophy, prophesy and vision, given by Sir Wm. Herschell, and hope it will reach the minds of the peo- ple, and be received more directly than my former teach- ings for the truth they contain. Galileo. APPENDIX. A Few Scattering Remarks. Man is the ultimate of the universe, and will become gods and demi-gods in his future development in the same ratio with the earth's development ; he can go no faster, nor stay behind. We are the growth of the planet, and like the trees of the forest, must obey the conditions of the planet on which we live. We are governed by laws, and to obey them we must understand them. They are Gods laws, not written in a book called the Bible, as taught to us at the present time. Yet even the Bible has a hidden or inside meaning to come forth at about this time in regard to the times in which we live. It is an inspired book but purposely written by former astrol- ogists in that blind style, so that none could understand except they were inspired. It is two-fold, written with- in and without ; only the outside is understood; see Rev. 5th. Its main and only meaning is in regard to the times and the seasons. Its main personages named in the book, mean time principally or eras, represented by symbols or personages, which the priests of the latter days try to make you believe means persons, and in this literal read- ing of the book try to harmonize as consistent, some of the most inconsistent things in the world, but they only understand the back-side of the book. But we must take a different meaning than that giveu by the theology of the age if we want to understand God. We are all look- ing too high to find God or good ; we must look at the laws manifested in nature, and study science to under • stand God, for he is a scientific God, and when we under- stand science we shall understand God, for it is the whole meaning of the term. God and the Devils are really the two great positive and negative principles in nature ; one cannot exist without the other, they are co-equal as the poles of the earth are. I have already shown you how 30 these principles have created the planets, and the planets having been created, and the different kingdoms named in their respective order, we will now give a few hints in this brief notice of some of the different laws that per- vade the different kingdoms. In the mineral kingdom I would merely say that it enters into the formation of all the kingdoms above, but more especially in the vegeta- ble and animal, and are the positive principle in each, that is, the lower minerals enter more largely into the ! lower kingdoms, while the higher minerals enter into the higher kingdoms ; they are necessary in the formation of each kingdom above them, each kingdom is made up of what is below them, or developes up out of it, and pro- duce a new kingdom. The mineral kingdom has devel- oped the vegetable kingdom. In this kingdom we can see the positive and negative principles in various ways constantly at work. We can see by the positive and neg- ative action of the moon, as governing the growth of plants and establishing their character, while the moon is bright and positive and the positive currents are run- ning downward, it establishes a similar character on all vegetation while forming a character ; for instance, in the bright of the moon, if you will plant a hill of potatoes, their growth is more in the ground and less in the top, and a good crop is the result, the downward currents es- tablishing the character or extra growth in the ground, while if planted in the dark of the moon, the opposite is the result, you will get a large growth of vines and a small crop of potatoes. If you do not believe the moon effects the earth, just look at the tides which are gov- erned exclusively by the moon. You can see what power it will take to shove up the water from 10 to 16 feet high according to the circumstances of the moon, and the breadth of water over which it passes. Its effects upon vegetation and animals are variously spoken of and no- ticed by the height of the tides, by the growth of peas, beans and potatoes, also by the effect upon pork by shrink- ing and swelling in the pot in being boiled, according to the time in the moon it was killed and by the rotting of sods, when plowed under in the right time in the moon, the sprouting trees and the dying of the leaves on them when cut or girdled, and by worms in children, monthly courses in women and a thousand other things, all point- ing to a science which if understood and acted upon in 31 harmony with the laws of God, all would work well. But man is looking too high for the laws of God, under the present teachings from his priest, he is like a wild turkey in a trap, he is always looking up too high for a place to escape, he must learn the first lesson or study the lower round in the progressive ladder, or by his mistakes he may have to roast in hell at last or suffer by his ignor- ance, all caused by his trying to take the highest lesson in his progressive career. Study up these principles and their application of the various kingdoms and you will soon see the mistakes you have made in every kingdom in the earth, mineral vege- table, animal, human and spiritual. All the laws of God have their effects upon man, and the peculiar conditions that exist at his birth and enter into his composition help to steer his course through life and go to make up the character of the man, like the shooting of an arrow, a slight variation to start with, (which fools laugh about) all tend to make a wide difference of hitting the mark, aimed at in life, just because we wont study first princi- pels more and their results. We are constantly doing things blindly every day and do not ask the reason why, or wherefore or what will be the effect of such a course of proceeding. Earth is a schoolhouse and he who learns the first lesson first will make the best scholar. Ortho- doxy is trying to learn man the top round in the progres- sive ladder first and man cannot comprehend the awful mysteries of God, hence we are constantly stumbling and falling and no progress is made. Man should study God as he did his arithmetic, commence with the primary lessons first and follow on and all will be mastered in turn until he arrives at algebra. But the priests are trying to learn algebra first and all is mystery ! mystery ! for want of understanding first principles. God governs the whole universe by law, embracing all the kingdoms and you are left to study them all and some will succeed in one kingdom better than in another, ac- cording to their make up and disposition, and you have them all spread out before you to look at and practice upon in the lap of nature. They are the laws of God and the only laws of God we have and when you have learned one, write it down, that some neighbor may learn it also. Truth is of God and to become Gods we must learn Gods truth, no matter how simple, they are all parts of one 32 stupendtious whole. This is the progressive ladder we are all trying to climb, but the whole trouble is we are all trying to step on the top round first to comprehend God and his laws, it is by degrees that we reach the top, we must comprehend the simplest first. Its little drops that forms trie rills, That trickle down the side of hills, To the rivers in whose bosom Floats the tide that forms the ocean. The priests commence at the ocean first to give lessons of God and we cannot comprehend it, but we must com- mence at the rills and follow with the current and to learn God this way, all is good and pleasant and easy to comprehend as a mechanic would say " Work with the grain, " and all is well. First understand the great posi- tive and negative principles, for this grand rule governs every lesson in all the kingdoms above. I will here prophesy that in a few years these principles will be ar- ranged in regular order, into school books and taught in our common schools, beginning at the first primary and simplest rules and rising higher and higher until they teach how worlds are made and the heavens are studded with its brilliance, side by side with Solomon of old. It is all so simple if they commence right, but at present the minds of this earth are literally crammed with false- hoods from the cradle to the grave, and it takes much longer to unlearn these first impressions than to learn the real truth in the first place. Our chances are poor in this world at present for any great improvement, yes, they are died in the wool, and are hard to bleach out, you may use all the sulpher you please, they are still on the mind and will help to hold you down a long time. As I have said before, man is the ultimate of the uni- verse and moves in his progress with the development of the planet and can go no faster. The earth revolves by circles, it requires 24 thousand years for our sun to move around, or make one circuit around its center or pleiades, this time is divided into twelve sections, or times called zodiac, commencing with the ancient of days, signified by the ram in the picture in the almanac. These two thou- sand years zodiac divided into six hundred years, when the ancients claimed a savior would be born, or a great crisis will be passed. We look eighteen hundred years ago and they claim the savior Jesus to be born, six hun- 33 dred years after Jesus, Mahomet came forth which they claim to be a savior and six hundred years after Mahomet came the Crusade Frienzy, and six hundred years later we are again feeling this Spiritualism prevailing the whole earth and religious discord everywhere. Mahometism falling, Popery falling, Protestantism is putrid with cor- ruption, while infidelity, materialism and spiritualism are now making rapid strides over Christendom, every- thing goes to show that we are about to have an Equinox- ial storm on a large scale, as the sun passes the last fish gate and enters into the ancient of days. This brings us to judgment, but every man will be his own judge, there is no personal God to victimise over him. He will find a house with many mansions, or spheres upon spheres one above another, differing in purity and beauty, from the lowest hells to the highest heavens, for I have been in them all and I can say that its lowest hells are not below this earth in their purity or wickedness, each soul rises one step higher on the rounds of the progressive ladder as he en- ters the new life. Man grows in purity with the earth, from the lowest to the highest, while here the organs of his brain is placed in three sections, viz : The ani- mal, the intellectual and the spiritual. The two former are generally understood. Of the latter, the spiritual, I would say : They too have various gifts in order, about as follows : 1st the gift of rapping, tipping, speaking, clair- auditive, clairvoyance, mechancal, pictorial, writing, per- sonating, manipulating, healing, impressional, poetical, musical, telegraphing, speaking in tongues, interpreting, developing, psycometric, prophesying and faith. This comprises the main gifts of the spiritual group of organs to be developed and used by man to help him to converse with the spirit world above him. At the coming of Christ's new governments upon the earth, or after the sun crosses the line and emerges into the next zodiac, in 1889 we shall have a new and renova- ted earth to live on, where sickness, sorrow, pain and death is feared no more. Then man will enjoy a new world truly, man will find in each sphere or world new faculties and gifts according to his progress and ability to comprehend them, eternal progress is our motto. Our earth stands a good chance with the other planets in our solar system. It developes much faster than the older, and larger planets and we are but a few thousand years 34 behind the inhabitants of Saturn. It takes thirty and a half of our years to make one of theirs, from the fact that our earth revolves thirty and one half times faster around the sun and we develop in a similar proportion. A child on that planet one year old (by their revolution) is not progressed more than one a year old on this planet, al- though it has existed thirty and one-half times longer, they live there to an average of life to be 60 years old (of their revolution,) while we average 33 years on this planet. The first planets thrown from the sun are large and gross, while the last ones are smaller and more re- fined, while the time occupied in their formation from the nebula around the sun, to the time they produce them, is growing shorter and shorter from the first to the last, so that when the sun has finished raising his family of plan- ets, the children of the last will be equal or ahead of the children of the first. As Christ said the last shall be first and the first shall be last. It seems that the development of the races and king- doms depend upon the rotation around the sun and inas- much as the last or smaller planets rotate so much faster, they excell in like proportion and come out ahead in pro- gress at last. The planet Venus is the next younger than this earth and its inhabitants are nearer to ours in pro- gress. The sun keeps throwing off its grossest matter first and each planet is smaller and purer as it advances, and they mature much faster than the first, and there in the kingdoms of their solar system the above order exists. The law in all of them is to develop the matter in each, up to a higher state from kingdom to kingdom, from sphere to sphere, on and forever on, out and forever out, up and forever up, through all the unfoldings of nature, expanding and growing in the principles of love, purity and wisdom. As one leaf is formed above another in the forest, and as from the acorn grows the oak, so with man. Man commences here in earth's school house by learning the simplest primary laws, then a grade higher and broader and so on through spirit life, from system to system of worlds, which are older and wiser than ours, and thus spending an eternity as learner and teacher in these spheres and worlds, gathering in from above as we can develop to obtain, and giving to spheres below him, ever receiving and ever giving wisdom which does not impov- 35 erish him, but is ever growing richer in love and wisdom while he passes along this road of progress from sphere to sphere, ever receiving and ever giving wisdom, still never loses wisdom by giving it away. This is a beauti- ful philosophy, the more you give away the richer you are, as Jesus said : It is more blessed to give than to re- ceive. PLANETS ON FIRE. I hear it said that some astronomers teach of planets being on fire, and of worlds burning up, and the danger of the sun and this planet being consumed by fire, etc. To all this I would say, that it is impossible for a planet to burn up. What they see that causes their alarm, is the appearance of a planet on fire, as I have be- fore given the philosophy of the repulsion of planets from their centers when a new planet is born from a belt of nebula gathered around said center. While this had been forming it cooled off the solar system around it, con- sequently all the system of planets gradually attracted towards their sun or center, and when the belt broke and rolled together and formed another planet. This fact let out the full force 3f rays or influence of the sun's rays upon the surrounding planets and repelled them millions of miles into space, and while they w r ere making this transit, repelled by a powerful magnetic storm from their sun, the positive rays from their center were caught by the polar motion or currents from north to south, and the rays were carried into their negative or attractive poles, and through the planet and out at their positive pole, pro- ducing an aurora borealis of excessive fire, so much so, that it would not only cover the whole earth or planet, but produce a long fiery tail in the rear, as it was being repelled away through space. And as it passes another planet, the friction on the atmosphere of that planet would draw a part of the heat and light in another direc- tion, and consequently for the time being would produce two tails to the comet while passing, and while it was passing between two planets, it will, by the same laws, produce three tails for a time, all of which is but the effect of the laws in nature. The friction of atmosphere produces all the heat and light, and while doing so, our astronomers, or some of them, with advent proclivities, sound the alarm that there is a world on fire, while in 36 that apparently burning state. And the most burning shame is that such so-called astronomers do not study the cause more and print less, in place of flooding the world with the false idea that planets ignite and burn up, be- cause they can no longer see them with their diminutive telescopes when they cool off. I will bind myself to snuff up, pinch by pinch, the ashes of all worlds burned up, since the first morn of cre- ations dawning. It takes babes, fools and mediums like myself, who have never read a page of astronomy or phi- lospohy in their life to teach them their alphabet in phi- losophy in regard to what they take for burning worlds. The great positive and negative or God principle in na- ture is not such a fool as to burn his works, after being millions of years in creating them, no, no ! he will work them all up into mind and wisdom first, and if he wants to make any thing else of them he will have plenty of time to think of some better use to make of them, than to burn them up. Besides he has overcome his destructful- ness by development long since he allowed the bible to be written for the use of such would-be philosophers and astronomers who can only read the outside of the book, (Rev. 5.) So the fears I hear so much about from bible advent preachers and would-be philosophers can all be quelled, the earth is safe, it will not be burned up and destroyed, it will keep on rolling only farther from the sun and the days will be longer and the years about one- third longer and a new system of time will be introduced, and a new day will appear after the equinoxial storm is over, when the sun will pass through Pisis. Our earth has had three such wonderful throws before to pass through and will be prepared for the fourth. In 1889, January 26, I shall expect to see the heavens all in a blaze of fire from the north pole, and the center of the earth melt with fervent heat, causing the aurora borealis or internal heat through the earth as above de- scribed, but not one grain of its sand will burn up or perish. I expect it to be very warm for the time of a year, and to see the whole heavens illuminated, caused by the excessive heat through the earth, producing one of the most awful displays ever witnessed, but more peo- ple will be scared to death and pray themselves to death than will lose their lives by fire. Many will be drowned by changing waters, many die by tornadoes and falling 37 buildings, etc., etc. Earthquakes without number will occur, hail storms and high winds will play a conspicuous part. All told, it will cause the loss of life of at least one-third of earth's inhabitants. The center of the earth will melt with fervent heat, but the crust will remain sound, except by earthquakes in divers places, which will destroy many, and the earth shall be scourged as by fire, still none will be burned except by burning buildings and cities, etc. It will be awful to endure, some twenty- one days of awfulness before the heavens will begin to clear, and earth resume her former quietude. But after a time there will be such a beautiful time that there will be no more darkness, and night will dissappear forever, for our eternal day and the beauty and purity of the at- mosphere will be heavenly ; no sickness, sorrow, pain or death will mar the eternal beauty of the sphere of earth. It will appear like a brighter star than Venus after the gloom is . over, almost equal to the star of Bethlehem which is soon to appear to the earth's inhabitants. It will be due in 1887, and appear in Cassiopia's chair, and it will be accompanied by a total eclipse of the sun and moon. This star makes its appearance only every 315 years, and is so bright that it will be seen at noonday. It will precede the great event of the birth of a new planet from the sun in our solar system two years. THE MOTION OF THIS PLANET THKOUGH SPACE. There are but few people who are aware of how fast they are moving or are being whirled through space. The earth has three motions constituted in one, there is the " rotary motion, " or once around every twenty four hours and the " orbitual motion " around the sun every year, and then our sun is passing around its center (Plea- ides) which takes it twenty four thousand years to go around, and carries our solar system along with it. The following are the several distances and the time oc- cupied : We move once around the world through space which is 25,000 miles a day or 1,042 miles an hour, 173 miles a minute, or three miles a second. In a year the earth's motion is 365 times around, a distance of nine million, one hundred and twenty-five thousand miles, and one revolution around the sun is 370,000,000 miles. The earth is carried along with the sun in its revolution around 38 its center (Pleaides) 150,000,000 miles, making in all 729,1 25,000 miles a year, making for each day 200,000,000 miles and for each hour 83,383, for each minute 1,388, and for each second of time 231 miles through space that we are moving. Dr. Elmer Woodruff. w V. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS tf llfllllillillllfflllfflllllll 022 171 725 9 W ^/