«5 C * , & r. ° N °* ^, •J* " ►* ■ <"> V v* "£ V Si *bv* ,** ^ V * . ■& A ^ 4 o^ % Hannah, born May 12 1600; married 1st Daniel Abbot; 2nd Mr. Bartholomew. Sarah, born Oct 8,1693; • ri I January 12, 1713, Joseph Wright. 3 4— Ensign John Chandler (3 John, 2 Thomas, l William). Born March 14, 1G80, in Andover, Mass. ; married June 4, 1701, Hannah J-'rvc, of Andover, who died Aug. 1, 1727; ho was a farmer owning a large tract of land, was surveyor, overseer of the poor, selectman, and town moderator ; powerful physically, a wrestler. He died May 3, 1711, in Andover, Mass. His Children : — 1. John, born May, 1702, in Andover, Mass.; married Jan. -V 1727. Tabitha Abbot, of Andover, Mass. 2. Joshua, born 1705; married Feb. 18, 1729, Sarah Chandler. :;. Nathan, born January SI, 1708; married May 14, 1721), Priscilla Unit.. 4. Hannah, born 1700 ; married June 4, 1729, Timothy Ballard. 5. Mary, born May. 1712 ; died December 2,S, 172s. 6. Phebe, born Jan. 2, 1715 ; married Jan. 1, 1735, Henry Lovcjoy, jr. 7. AKicl, born Nov. 14, 1717 ; married March 1«, 1712, Rebecca Abbot. 8. Samuel, born Nov. 14, 1717 (a twin); died Dec. 17, 1717. 9. Lydia, born Aug. 10, 1720; married November 30, 1711, Deacon Hezekiafa Ballard. 10. Samuel, born Aug. 2, 1723 ; died Sept. 29, 1723. 11. Isaac, bom Feb. 22, 1725; died March 10, 1725. 12 Dorcas, born July 18, 1727 ; died Auf:. 2. 1727. 5-— Capt. John Chandler (1 John, 3 John, 2 Thomas, 1 William). Born May, 1702, at Andover, Mass. ; married Jan. 3, 1727, Tahitha Ahhot, of Concord (N.H ), he heing one of the original proprietors of that town ; was surveyor of Penna- cook (N.IL), moderator, selectman, treasurer ; in 1745 he was chief of scouts in the French and Indian war, also was in command of garrisons, and of a company ; was Game Warden of the Province, a Judge in land controversies, and in 1748 was elected member of the General Assembly for Rumford (now Concord), N.H. But three men in the Parish were rated higher. Died July 26, 1774. His Children : — 1. Hannah, born— ; died Aug. 4, 1728. 2. John, lmm Aug. 15, 1730 ; married 1751, Mary Carter. o. Timothy, born Aug. 15, 1733 ; married Elizabeth Copp. I. Daniel, horn Feb. 15, 173"i ; married 1st Barah Eastman; 2nd Sarah Merrill. 5. Joshua, born June 9, 1710; published April 10, 1768, and married Irene Copp, both of Concord. G Hannah, horn Sept. :$. 1744; married 1st Jacob Worthen ; 2nd Mr" Austin. 6 Joshua Chandler (5 John, 4 John, 8 John, 2 Thomas, 1 William). Born Juno 9, 1710, in Concord (N H.) ; marriage published Ann! 10, 1708, Irene Copp, of Concord (N.H.) ; she died Dec. 7, 1 -S 1 ( ) ; both buried in cemetery at north cud of Main Street. He was a tailor. Died Dec. 3, 1816. His children : — I. Daniel, horn Sept. 1, 1768, in Concord (N.H); married Feb. 3, 1794, Mehitable Arlin. ' Ruth, horn Feb. 20, 1770; married March 24, 1791, George Arlin. 3 Ruhamah, born May I, 1772; married Feb. It;, 1824, John Simpson. I. Sarah, horn Feb. 12, 1774; married 1792, George Arlin. '>. Josiah, horn 177ti ; died in infancy. 6. Hannah, born April 2, 1770; unmarried; died Sept. is, 1806. 7 Joshua, born Sept. 4, 1782 ; married Aug., 1S02, Nancy Arlin. 7 —Daniel Chandler (6 Joshua, 5 John, 4 John. 3 John, 2 Thomas, 1 William). Born Sept. 1, 1768, in Concord (N.H.) ; married Feb. 3, 1794, Mehitable Arlin, of Concord (N.H.) ; he was a farmer ; was a soldier in the war of 1812-14. Died of consumption, June, 1817. His children : — 1. Sarah, died at the age of 12. 2. Nathaniel, born :5 Judith, born ; died in middle life. I. Elizabeth, born ; married 1st Moses Powell ; 2nd Jeremiah Quimby. 5. Nancy, horn — ; married Jan. 30, 1821, Jeremiah Arlin. G. Sarah, horn ; married 1st John Sleeper; 2nd Mr. Prescott. 7. Jeremiah, bom March IS, L810 ; married 1st Dec 24, 1829, Phidelia Estabrook Chase, of Concord, (N.H.) : 2nd Mercy F. Merrill: 3rd Sarah I'. Shedd. 8. Moses, born May 7, 1812; married Oct. 7, 1842, Abigail Ladd. 9. Samuel, born April, 1814; married 1st Philinda J. Ball; 2nd lluhamah Libby. 10. Benjamin, born ; married 1st ; 2nd ; 3rd Alma Wiser. 8-— Jeremiah Chandler (7 Daniel, 6 Joshua, 5 John, 1 John, ;j John, 2 Thomas, 1 William). Born March 18, 1H10, in Concord (N.H.) ; marriea 1st, Dec. 24, 1*829, Philadelia Estabrook Chase of Concord (N.H.) ; born Oct. 15, 1815, who died June 9, 1834, of consumption ; buried in Horse Hill Cemetery, Pennacook (N.H.) ; 2nd Mercy F. Merrill ; 3rd Sarah P. tfhedd. He was n deeply religious, conscientious man; anAdventist; a carpenter and contractor for manj years; was killed by a fall from a ladder, while at work on bis barn, in Concord (N.U.), March 16,1874 : buried in North Cemetery, Concord, (N.H.). His Children by 1st wife : — 1. Lydia Mehitable, born in Concord (N.H.), June 25, 1830 ; marrii d Nov. 28, 1847, A. L. Goding. 2. Lorenzo Dow, born Nov. 18, 1832 ; married Hannah Town. (For his children by the other wives, see " Chandler Genealogy.") 9. -Lydia Mehitable Chandler, (8 Jeremiah, 7 Daniel, Joshua, 5 John, 4 John, 3 John, 2 Thomas, 1 William. Born in Concord (N.H.), -lane 25, I80O ; married Alphonso' Landon Goding, of Brighton, Mass., Nov. 28, 1847, at Lexington, Mass., by Rev. Dallas. Residence, Elburn, Ills. She is the truest and best of mothers. Her Children : — 1. Flora Catherine, born May 27, 1849 ; married John YV . Wamsley. 2 Alphonso Chandler, born May 31, 18-51; unmarried. J. Octavia Josephine, born May 28, 1853; died July 8, 1854. 4. Ella Medora, born Feb. 14, 1855; married George L. Phelps; died March 7, 1893. 5. Horace Landon, born Oct. 22, 185(3 ; died Sept, 4, 1804. (). Frederic Webster, bom May 9, 1858 ; married Ella B. Phelps. 7. Oscar Winfield, born May 12, 18G0 ; married 1st Belle W. Benton; 2nd Mrs. Lillian Rose. 6 10. — Frederic Webster Goding (!) Lydia, 8 Jeremiah, 7 Daniel, (5 -Joshua, 5 John, 1 John, 3 John, 2 Thomas, I William). ^a££te» 9. Born m Hyde Park, Mass., May 9, 1858 ; graduated Doctor of Medicine, March 28, 1882, from the Medical Department of North-Western University, and I )octorof Philosophy fromBethel College. Appointed United Slates Consul for Northern New South Wales and Queensland, with headquarters at Newcastle , N.S.W.," in 1898, also Consul for Cuba 1902, and Consul for Panama, 1904, over the same Consular District. Married June 8, 1880, to Ella Blanche Phelp llis Children : — 1. Hazle Vera, bum Nov. 12, 1882 ; married HerbertB. Ames, Feb 10, 1903. _' Frederic Landon, born Feb. 9, 1886. CHASE COAT OF ARMS, AND CREST. Maternal Ancestry. ..OF.. LYDIA MEHITABLE CHANDLER. CHASE GENEALOGY. I. Thomas Chase, of Chi sham, Buckinghamshire, England. His Children:— 1. John, of Chesham. 2.— John Chase (1 Thomas). His Children : — 1. Matthew, of Chesham ; married Elizabeth, daughter of Eichard Bould. 2. Ralph, uf Great Mailow. 3- - Matthew Chase (2 John, 1 Thomas). His Children : — 1. Richard, married Mary, daughter of Eoberts, of Welsden, of Middlesex. 2. Francis. 3. John. •!. Matthew. 5. Thomas, of Hundrich, Parish of Chesham. 8 4- Thomas Chase (3 Matthew, 2 John, 1 Thomas). Resided in Hundrich, Parish of Chesham, England. His Children :— I. John, baptised in Hundrich, Nov. 30, 1540. _'. Richard, of Chesham, baptised Aug. 3, 1542. ;. V"in , baptised Jan. 9, 1551. 1. William, (in the reign of Queen Mary no record.; were kept of birth, &c.) 5. Christian, ,. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 5. Richard Chase (4 Thomas, 3 Matthew, 2 John, 1 Thomas). Married Joan Bishop, April 10, 1564. His Children :— i. Ltobert, baptised Sept. 2, 1505. 2. Henry, baptised Aug. 10, 15117. 3. Lydia, baptised Oct. 4, 1573. I. Ezekiel, baptised April 23, 1570. 5. Dorcas, baptised March 2, 157s. 6. Aquila, baptised Aug. 14, 1580. 7. Jason, baptised Jan. 13, 1583. 8. Thomas, baptised July 18, 1585, '.I. Abigail, baptised Jan. 12, 1588. II). Mordecai, baptised July M, 1599. 0. Aquila Chase (-3 Richard, 1 Thomas, 3 Matthew, 2 John, 1 Thomas). Baptised Aug. 14, 1580; married Mary His Children : 1. Thomas. 2. Aquila, born IfilS. ! William. 7-— William Chase (6 Aquila, 5 Richard, -1 Thomas, 3 Matthew , 2 John, 1 Thomas). The first Chase, in America, came over in the company of Governor Winthrop, with his son William, and his wife Vlary, and settled in Yarmouth, Cape Cod, Mass. 9 His Children :— 1. William, born 1622, in England. 2. Mary, born 1037; unmarried; died 1652. 3. Benjamin, born 1639; married Thilippe, daughter of John and Sarah Sherman. 8— William Chase (7 William, 6 Aquila, 5 Richard, 4 Thomas, :; Matthew, 2 John, 1 Thomas). Born 1G22 ; married. His Children : — 1. William, born ; married 1st Hannali Sherman : 2nd Priscilla Perry, Dec. C, 1672. 2. Jacob, born ; married Mary 3. John, born -; married 1674-5, Elizabeth Baker. 4. Elizabeth, born ; married May 27, H',71. Daniel Baker. •">. Abraham, born ; married Elizabeth »;. Joseph, born ; married Feb. 28, 1694, Sarah Sherman, daughter of Sampson. 7 Benjamin, born ; married Sept. 21, 1696, Amey Borden, daughter of John. 8 Samuel, born ; married L699, Sarah Sherman, daughtei Samuel. 9.— Abraham Chase (8 William, 7 Willam, 6 Aquila, 5 Richard, 4 Thomas, 3 Matthew, 2 John, 1 Thomas). Born ; married Elizaheth His Children :— 1. Josiah, born ; married March 31, 1719, Mary Hornbrook. 2. Abraham, born 3. Phineas, born 1693 ; married July 1, 171'J, Desire Wing. 4. Henry, born ; married 1st, Jan. 17, 1735, Mary Tripp ; 2nd. Nov. 13, 1747, Sarah Durfee. ?>. Elizabeth, born ; married Mr. Chisson, probably Chilson. 6. Mary, born ; married April 1G, 1741, Ammi Chase, grandson of Benjamin Chase. 7. Tabitha, born ; married James Pettey. 8. Johanna, born ; married Mr. Otis. '.). Experience, born ; married Feb. 13, 1744, Thomas Smith. 10. Malisent, born ; married Mr. Crandall. 10 10. -Henry Chase (9 Abraham, 8 William, 7 William, 6 Aquila, 5 Richard, 1 Thomas, 3 Matthew, 2 John. 1 Thomas). Born- ; married 1st, Jan. 17, 17:55. Mary Tripp; 2nd. Nov. 13, 1747, Sarah Duri His Children (by 2nd wife) : — I. Moses, born about 17-">('> ; married Lydia Kimball (I have been unable to obtain the names of the other children, of which there were n numbei i II.— Moses Chase (10 Henry, 9 Abraham, 8 William, 7 William, G Aquila, 5 Richard, 1 Thomas, 3 Matthew, 2 John, I Thomas). Bom about 1756; married Lydia Kimball ; a farmer, living in Pennycook (N.H.), where both arc buried. Ho was killed early in 1834, by the collap e of a shed; his grand- child, Lydia, first finding the body. Lydia Kimball was fatally injured in a runaway, about two years after her husband's death, near Horse Hill, dying about two weeks after. His Children :— 1. Eliza, born ; married Joseph Hardy. 2. Lydia, born ; married John Ordway. 3. Moses, born Feb. 21, 1805; married Louisn Wells; died Oct. 24, 1878 ). Catherine, born ; married Jonathan Burbank. Reuben, born Sept. 3, 1S00; married Harriet Hardy ; died Sept 3,1871. '"' Clari ;a, born ; married Samuel Urann. 7. Baruch, born Dec. 1808 ; married Lydia ; died Dec 1". 1885. Phidelia, born Oct. I ">. 1815: married Jeremiah Chandler; died ■hi i. i 13 I. 9. Timothy Wyman, born April . 1819; married Lucinda Severance ; I Oct. •"., 188 l. 11 12.— Phidelia Chase (11 Moses, 10 Henry, 9 Abraham, 8 William, 7 William, 6 Aquila, 5 Richard, 4 Thomas, 3 Matthew, 2 John, 1 Thomas). Born Oct. 15, 1815: married Jeremiah Chandler, Dec. 24, 1>29: died of consumption, June 9, 1S34 ; buried in Horse Hill Cemetery, Pennacook (X.H.). Her Children : — 1. Lydia Mehitable, born June 25, 1830; married Nov. 28, 1847, to A. L. ( ! 2. Lorenzo Dow, born Nov. 18, 1832 ; married Hannah Town ; he and family were lost at .^ea. (For Lydia's children see Pa«, r e 5). NOTE.— Any corrections or additions will be appreciated if sent to Mrs. L. M. Goding. LOFC. P £L r+ to B I „ S>^ hh^ s • p s a P P- 3 3 <1rc -t p* >-i ^o* 8 >-* • . P : rfft 3 ^ — — • — . O.P ffiSP B 52^^^§ ^ • <-t- rc 9 P %Z o 00 CO i- 1 to to h- 1 l_i t _iM»- t l- l l- l l- l M X CO K CO (X OCX X ^ co co co oo to to to o « m w k x wi i: tn CitiOOto^ss 5 H tl -" • — • O O i-" i- 1 "-" o o X >-f o a- CO p B W p 3 co P co OO °O2.5o •— '*■—'• ia *> ?r &i "-" I-* a>tf>pp!--^cocfl p p ^ ' S?B'B' o o o O CO 03 > Crq P CO P co O 3 o en CO cr cr o O O P rc o CO a co G0<-h T3 rc p^u rc p 1 p M M rc " P ~ M r (/J < J-t- bd tr 1 o p td 1/3 P p o p — — * Cu i <■< c+ 3 rD rD to GO -J P S2 Oto 2i^ COS ^ • N P3 rc 5 53 O 33 P D W W z M O Aug. Sept. Aug. go rc >d ! S> m 00 : *M M M M : =■ 0C : S Ci : • ^ 849. 850. 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