unuiUHtniHHi W^ CS71 .G668 1903 "-^^ • • » *b *■ o « o ' ^V ',^- ^'■ -^^ . '} A' .0 .:> \,^^ .^^^v^'. \,/ .•■^5^'-. %,^* .-^Va'. \/ 0- /.^../r^^T^f T_ k.. ,0- *- \' • • . ^>' V - ''''^'^ -> -<0 ►,fttl^-« '^ • » o V ^^-^^ V " I' "■ i?: C\ Tin-: (U)KIIAM FAMILY IX CONNECTICUT AND VEiniOXT. ]. ( Ai'iAiN .loiiN^ GouiiAM (soil of Ralph) luaiTit'd Desire Ilowlaml, ill It, 1.'). (S«<: IvKtiisTKK, (iiiic, \'o\. .')2, page ^5oy.) •2. .Iahkz- GoKHAM (./wZ/h'), born in I!arii8tablt', Mass., Aug. .'J, Ki.JC, luanied widow Haunali (Sturgis) Gray. .'J. .losK.ril' GoUHAM (Jdbez,- John^) »^v:irt born in Hrislol, H. I., Aug. 22, 1C>'.)2. He gave a receipt, at FairlicM, Comi., .June IG, 172.'>, lor a portion of bis father's estiite. (See Rkgister, ante, Vol. 54, page 168.) lie iiKuri(;*l, May 11, 171."», Abigail, daughter of Daniol Lockwood of Fair- field, Conn. " Abigail y'' wife of Joseph Gorhain, Who died laiiua'^-^ v*^" 2.'5''. 1721-.K" (Kairtiehl Inscriptions, page 16.) lb- married second, Jan. 1.'), 1720-6, Deborah Harlow. ('bildrcn by tirst wife, born in Faiiticld : i. Danikl,* I). Nov. 10. 1717. ii. .Iahk/, b. Mar. 22, 1718-'.i; in. Mary Couch, Nov. 27. 1752. iii. LocKWooi), h. .lau. 1, 1720-1. ■1. iv. 1( II \i«(>i), I), in 1722; l)ai»t. Jan. ."il. 1724-.'); lu. Sarah Barlow ; d. iu Koxl)iii\ , Conn., .Vug. 19, 1799, aged 77. Children by second wife, born in Fairfiild : V. SiuujAKL, b. Oct. 2S, 172(1; ni. Uebocca Ilurlburt, Jan. 21, 174i;-7. vi. .ViiiGAii,, b. -Vpr. 7, 1728. vii. I.>^AAC, b. Nov. 14, 173o; ni. .Vini Wakcman, July 2(^ 17.'j2. 5. vili. Joiix.b. July 4, 1732; ni. .Vbigail Wakcinan, Oct. 2, 1754. ix. Hannah, b. May 4, 17;i7. X. Mauy, 1). Dec. 25, 1739. xi. Josicpu, b. Nov. 20, 1741 ; m. Marv Gray, Nov. IG, 17G3. xii. AiuciAii., b. .Vpr. 7, 1744. " Family Hook, Green's Farms" (Fairfield). •1. It iiAHoD^ GoiuiAM {Josepli,"^ Jahezi,- John^), born in Fairlield, in 1722, baptized dau. 31, 1724-5, married in Fairfield, Feb. 2, 1748-9, Sarah, born ^lar. 28, 17^32, daughter of George Barlow. Mar. 22, 1757, he bought a farm of seventy acres iu the town of Ridgefield (ouce a part of Danbury), and sold tlie same, Apr. 21, 1767. He removed to Roxbury, Conn., where he died Aug. 19, 1799, aged 77. (See Hist, of Woodbury, Vol. o, page 627.) Children : (",. i. Daniki.,* b. iu Fairlield, Nov., 1749. 7. ii. Benjamin, bapt. iu Fairtield, Dec. 24, 1752. iii. Joseph, b. in Fairtield, Dec, 1754. iv. riiiNEAS, 1). in RidgetioUl (part of Danbury), Apr., 1757. 8. V. Sktu, b. in Danbury, Jau. 18, 1762. (This record is from his family Bible.) 5. John* Gorham [Joseph,^ Jahez,^ John})^ born in Fairfiekl( Green's Farms), July 4, 1732, married Oct. 2, I7o4, Abigail Wakemaii. John,^ of New Fairfield, bought land in Kent, Conn., April lU^ 1 781. (Land Records, Vol. 7, p. 69.) Joseph' Gorham and Timothy St. John were administrators of the estate of John* Gorham, of New Milford, Jan. 13, 180G. (Land Records, Vol. 2.) Joseph^ Gorham, of Kent, gave quit-claim to John^ and Jared,^ of Vermont, of all his right in land on east mountain left him in the will of his mother Abigail Gorham, Sept. 4, 1808. (Land Records, Vol. 2, p. 420.) John,^ of Bakersfield, Vt., sold to James, ^ of Poultney, Vt., land in Kent, Oct. 25, 1809. (Land Records, Vol. 2, p. 401.) Seth^ Gorham, of Castleton, Vt., and wife Betsey, sold land in Kent, which came from tlie estate of her father, Eleazer Thompson. (Land Records, Vol. 12, p. 80.) Seth,^ of Castleton, Vt., sold one seventh part of undivided land in Kent, Jan. 23, 1810. (Land Records, Vol. 12, p. 84.) The will of Abigail Gorham, of Kent, dated Oct. 2, 1805, and probated Jan. 24, 1811, at New Milford, Conn., gave to her daughters Deborah, Abigail, and Lucy, all her household furniture, and to her sons John, James, Seth, Jeremiah, AVakoman, Hezekiah, and Joseph, all licr landed estate of every descri})ti()u lying in Kent, or elsewhere. Mrs. Ella Comstock Peckham, of Utica, N. Y., a descendant of John'' Gorham and his wife Al)igail Wakeman, lias sent the writer the following list of the children of John* Gorham. The baptisms of the first two, Deborah^ and John,'* are at Green's Farms. The will of the mother, Al)igail Gorham, mentions the seventh child as Jeremiah. The Kent land records, under date of Se})t. 4, 1808 (Vol. 2, p. 420), calls tint same man Jared, of Vermont. Mrs. Peckham's Bible list of children calls him Jared, and the History of Poultney, Vt., calls him Jared. There were but seven sons. Children : i. Dkijorah,* bapt. Apr. 27, ITo."); m. Timothy St. John. ii. John, bapt. June 20, 1756. iii. James, bapt. May 28, 1758. iv. Sktii, bapt. June 8, 1700; m. Betsy Thompson. v. Jaked, m. Asenath Morgan. vi. Wakkman, settled in Chittenden, Vt. ; m. Polly . vii. Abigail. viii. Abigail, b. July 13, 1770; m. Solomon Comstock, June l(i, 1788. ix. Hezekiah. X. Lucy. xi. Joseph, b. in 17S0; m. Lucy Beeclier; removed to Pennsylvania. G. Daniel'' Gouiiam ( Tdiahod,'^ Joseph^ Jahez^ Jnhii^), born in Fairfield, Nov., 1749, died in Roxbury, Conn., Jan. 25, 183G, in which year his estate was settled. (Woodbury, Conn., Probate Records.) Mary, wife of Daniel Gorham, died in Roxbury, Conn., Jan. 31, 1817, aged 01. - Daniel Gorham appears among the Litchfield County pensioners, placed on the pension roll May 15, 1833, age 83. (This agrees with the record of his birth.) There is on record at New Milford, Conn., an agreement between DanieP and his son Daniel,® which gives the farm to the son, subject to the life right of the father. It has been claimed that DanieP was the son of Joseph,* who died in Norwalk in 17G0, and his Avife Abigail Lovell, but that Joseph's family returned, immediately after his death. to R:irii-lieil a fac- tory in Newmarket, Canada, in 180!l. His son Churhs,'' b. Feb. 2, "lMl8, m. May 20, l8.'>2, Helen Durtide Milne; and tlieir son, .lud;;*; Thomas" A. (Jorliam of Milton. Ontario, Canada, b. Nov. 2. 18.')4, m. Annal)ella Villiers. Nov. 2:!. IsH.i. The writer is indcbteil to .ludfje (Jorliam for some of tlie Koxbury. Conn., notes. V. .TosKi-ii, b. Dec. ">, 1788; d. Oct. 13, l83'.i; ni. Lydia Hai.u'lit. vi. Maky, m. IJotsford. vii. Sakaii, m. lieimett. viii. HiitAM, d. July ."51, 182(1; m. Hannah i'eck. 7. Bi;n.i.v.min° (Joi:ii.\m [Icluihini,* Joseph,^ Jahezr J'l^m'^), born in I'\nir- lieM. Dec. 21, 17o'J. marrie. 11. William, 1). in Danburv, Jan. ;], 177!); d. in Oneonta, N. V.: m. at Kid.iielleld, Mar. 12, l"s00, Polly Weed, b. July 1, 17S4, d. An-,'. M, 1850. Children, all t)orn in Danburv: 1. liintnn,'' h. Dec. 23, 1800. 2. SaUij, b. Dec. 30, 1804. 'd.' Gcnnio S., b. Oct. 4, 1807. 4. Chnrlcs 7'., b. May 2'.», 1812; m. April' lo, 183!), Charlotte K. llart. He was .Vmbassador to Holland, (hiring: the administration \^ of I'rcsiilent Crant, and held many other important oftlccs. For many years he was President of the Marshall, .Miehiiian, Bank. He d. in Marshall. March, l!tol. (He employed .Miss Louise Tracey, of New Haven. Coiul, to trace his line of ancestry, and some of her notes, as well as some Kent, Conn., records, have been used by the -writer.) .'». Ihv. Barlow M'., b. June 24, 1814. iii. Rktsy. iv. Sally. V. Mai:y. vi. KKUKLX'A. vii. David. viii. Latua. i.\. Ar.KiAiL. X. Amy. 8. Setii^ Gorha.m (Ic/tabod* Joseph,^ Jabez,'- Johii^), according to his own family Bible, was born in Danbury, Jan. 18, 17()2. The inscription ni)on his monument at West Rutland, Vt., agrees with the Bible record of his age. lie married first, Amelia Dunks, born in Dan- bury, Mar. 2i>, 17G3, died Oct. 17, 1841 ; and married second, Louisa Everson, iu 1842. He died Aug. 29, 1852. Miss Charity^ Gorham, of West Rutl.and, Vt.. the owner of the family Bible, writes : " My father Chuuneey" T. Ciorham, son of Judson,'' and grandson of Seth*^ and Amelia (Dunks), remembers both Seth^ Gorhams, and says they were cousms." Children : i. Betsy,* b. Feb. 20, 1785; d. July 28, 1866. ii. Barlow, b. Feb. 21, 1787; d. Feb., 1883. iii. Deming, b. June 6, 1789; d. Nov. 14, 1861. iv. Eli, b. Sept. 8, 1791; d. Oct. 7, 1870. V. JuDSON, b. Oct. 11, 1794; d. July 30, 1877. vi. Alonzo, b. Au£:. 15, 1801 ; d. May 11, 1888. vii. Laura, b. Augr9, 1804; d. Feb. 6, 1833. 7 [Kcprinted from the New-England Illslorical and Genealogical Register for Jan., 1905.] G<.U!i\M —It having rccontiv boon stated in print that John' Gorham (rf»/c, vol V mi"e -.ioH), son of ("apt. John* an.l Drsiri- ( Mowhmdj (iorhani. acquired his'titleofLiuntenant-C'oh.nelin tl»o Militia, the wril.r desires to sIuav that li,. ^vas commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the regular forces, by Colonel IJ.niamin Church, in .March 1703-4. According to a letter of instructions Avritti-u by Lieulmaut-C.ovrrnor Stoughton. dated Boston, .Vug. 1'.'. H'.'.ti;, Cap- lolin^ Gorhain was second in command umlcr the then M.-ijor Benjamin Lieutenant-Cohuiel to .I..hn- (;..rhain. On page 2sl wctlud the names of all of the Field OlRcers and Captains, un.hr date of .Inly 4, l.ti4. Since the writer's notes were published in the Ki:l"rrlouel of the Seventh Mass. Regiment. Lpon the death of his father. Colonel ShubaeF Gorham (Feb. 20. 174.-.-r,), he was given the commission of Colonel of his father's regiment. (Usher Parsous's Life of Pep- perrell, pages 238-240.) . , o • . 1 in Dr Samuel A. Green, of the Massachusetts Historical Society, has kindly called mv attention to an interesting point, as follows : " See Paige's /fi«<»'wl, near the bottom of the page, for an instance of a Major- general being a Captain at the same time. It was the case of Samuel Green, Though he was no kinsman of miue." Fr.^xk W. Si'Kague. Brniikline, Mass. r™ J- '"- The (iurliHiii Fuiiilly. [From tho Boston Transcript. 1 ,e boine of Lbo (Jorham family in iBtable, Mans., was built before 1716. tirst owner of It wan Lieuteuiul nt'l John (2) Gorham, wbo married y Otis in 1674-5. It htunds upon the 1 that belonged tobia falber. Among ■ naiiy distinguished rtucendanta of iiant Colonel John (2) Gorbain are aiiiily of the Preaideoi of the Uniied 3B, an English nobleman and a baro- i'rcsldent lioosevelt'a wife and chil- I, with the ciception of his oldest ;bter (wbo is the ubild ot biu tir»t '.) are lieacended Irooo this family in following line: eutenant Colonel John (2) Gor- '8 Hon Slepbon (3) Gorham married ebtb Gardner of Nantucket ; tbeir 8on ain Nathaniel (4) Gorham, born io IBtable, married Mary Koley of rlestown, MaHS., JulyG. 17»), a-id their {bter Elizebolh (5) (Jorhani (who was *ter of Hon. Nathaniel (5) Gorham of Continental Cougres-Hj, married Cap- Joiin Leiu'htoii, and tbeir -Jaugli^er abeth (6) Leigbton, born ^Sept. 22, 1(.6. ried Itenjamin Lee, in Boston, May 797. Tbey lived in Cambridge, Maws, ir daughter Kmily (7) Lee, born in bridge, Nov. 17, 1813, married Daniel :r of Norwich, Conn., May 20, 1S32. rest of this line is given In lue • moirof Benjamin Luo," Uaivard CjI- Ltbrary. lOording to liie memoir of UenJ i ntn by bis son. Bishop Alfred Leu of iware, Captain John Leigbton and bia ', Elizabeth (5) Gorham, bad a smi, banlel Gorham Leigbton, born Keb. I, , and this is contlrined by the Boston h records. Bishop Alfred Lee was cousin to the mother of Bishop Ijlps Brooks. C;olonel Hhubnel (3) ham of Barnstable bad a b-hi Joseph wbo went with him to Louisburg, in . Tbia man was in the English army more than forty years; he was made ajor general in 1790. He took part in siege of Quebec and the battle of the ns of Abrrtham. Ho also took part in capture of Havana in 1762. Hi3 dough Charlotte (5) Spry Gorham, married 13, 1797, Sir John Jackson. (See ke's Peerage (1901), page S16. iptain Slurgis (5) (.Jorham of Barn- ■ile, Mass., was the great-grandson of iteuant Colonel John (2) Gorham. ktenth child, Charlotte (6) Gorham, 'tied Thomas Leader Harman of New ?Bn8, Ln., and their daughter, Charlotte ham Harman, married Oct. 25, 1839, iry William Eaton, First Baron yiesmore, of Cheylosmore, Coventry, jland. (Burke's Peerage, page 315.) • mother, the daughter of Captain rgis (5) Gorbam, died in Bath, Eng., .821, and she died Feb. 27, 1877.- The sent Lord Cheylesmore is a gTcat- ndson of Captain Sturgia (5) Gorham Jarnstable. He married July 11, 1892, zabeth, daughter at F. O. Frenco of tt Vnr>r . Btephen (a) Uorhnm, who married Mary i White, was a sou of Captain Nathaniel (4) Gorbam and Mary Soley. His son. Dr. John (6) Gorham, married Mary Warren, in 1808. dhe was the daughter of Dr. John Warren, who was a surgeon in the Kevolutionnry Army. Dr. John (6) Gorbam was a Professor of chemis- try at Harvard College In 1816. He was born in 1733, t-nd died in 1829. His chil- dren were- Julia (7) Gorham, born 1810; Dr. John (7) Warren Gorbam, born in 1812, and died in Khodu Island in lb93; Hallowoll (7) Gardner Gorham, born in 1815; and Francis (7) Gorbam born in 1820. The latter was a Boston broker, The Bostonian Boeiety has a picture o( the "Old Tremout Club," "The Beginning of the Somerset Club," and H. Gardner Gor- bam ia one ot the group. Mercy (3) Gorham, daughter of Lieuten- ant Colonel John (2) Gorbam and Mary Otis, married, in 1717, Hon. Sylvanus Bourne, of Barnstable. Their son, Mele- tlab Bourne, m1.^ THE GORHAM FAMILY IN CONNECTICUT AND VKRMONT. ^ R D ' 5 7 M Lb Mr '09 ■^ v\* -vP '5> .'^' -^l^^^ ^ IV ^' .* ':'^' ■b i> ■» :'\ .^. 0^ /. -^ • i. -./•c, ^^-v V V ^.^■i V' .-.L'Aj^ cv ^-^..^"^ ^/ "Jy^ > ' >" '^^ -/^. '^^ V ,> 0'' ► « c- - o'^ V--i ;V, \, nJ 9^ " ^:i^ ,0' ■»■ .-# V ■e o V <* <^. • T .0 ,^^ o .1 r> o V ^-. A^ ^ 0-^ *1 o^ , \ 1 • • V ,v' ^'^ %'^'^^^V -^^ o. ■I • .(?l ,*? • '>> .«: ^^<^ <^ vP •^^0^ ♦ ■»*•;(■» - "^ .<.- 'V /• .,H^: f ^'^' o' A^' <^ .^' »;^ #.' ^'\ -♦^cj-- •**_. <'^ o •?: .HO, ■^ •<» r f. ■» o '^^ .0' •^: -0- 'c °o ....•• ^\ - w"-^^. ' * "T^^.- VJ C, vP ^C 5 °^ ^ o ^* *bV" 1^' :^ <. Vh^* ^^ c. .r. • > \ '>^* 4 4 C° . ^■^ >"i ' • • • A^ n ., « ^ ^^ * • • - , %■ "-' « • o. A^. J' DOBBSBROS. 1^ LISKAar BINOINO ^WAR 81 *''^. >r. ^ FLA. ^/k^ '^ ^X^^ ,-^- #: .^''^