CS 71 1902 U Ji -^ Copy 1 THE DESCENDANTS OF RICF-IARD GOULD OF CHATHAM. MASS. 1788=187 1 CHICAGO FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION 19 02 E LIB RAW ■INQTON 00 To THE Memory of My Beloved Mother-in-Law, THE late ABBIE ELDREDGE (GOULD) AMES AND TO THE DESCENDANTS OF RICHARD GOULD OF Chatham THIS Booklet is Respectfully Dedicated pretace^ The following brief record of the descendants of Richard Gould, of Chatham, Mass., is the result of the combined efforts of Mrs. Seth C. Ames (Abbie Eldredge Gould), at whose suggestion the work was undertaken, and the writer, with the kind assistance of relatives whose names appear in its pages. Another incentive to the preparation of a genealogj^ was a desire on the part of the writer to unravel the tangle of his wife's numerous "cousins,'' whom he met during his early visits to Chatham, and who form a substantial part of the population of the town. The death of Mrs. Ames in 1895 left him with incomplete data, to pursue his task alone, and at somewhat of a disadvan- tage from his residence at a distance from the sources of information. This has caused a delay in publication of the booklet, and though undertaken as a labor of love and personal recreation, it is now finished and distributed among the descendants of Richard Gould, in the hope that it may be of interest and practical use to the older members, as well as instructive to present and succeeding generations. Blank pages are inserted on which to record addi- 6 Preface. tional names, births, deaths, marriages and corrections, for the writer has not had the time to properly revise and correct much of the data that has come into his possession before putting it into type. If his work shall prove of interest to, and be in a small measure appreciated by, those into whose hands it may come, he will feel fully repaid for the time spent in its preparation. Charles A. Sawyer. Chicago, Sept. i, iqo2. ZaccbcwB Goulb (1589^1668.) Richard Gould, of Chatham, Mass., was a descen- dant, eight generations removed, of Zaccheus Gould, of Topsfield (now Ipswich) Mass., where the latter died in 1668. The ancestry of Zaccheus can be traced with cer- tainty only to Thomas Goold, of Bovingdon, England, who was born not later than 1455, and died about 1520. Zaccheus was born in 1589, in England, and resided at Hemel Hempstead and Great Missenden. He came to New England about 1638, and probably lived a short time at Weymouth, then at Lynn, finally estab- lishing himself at Topsfield. He had five children, four of whom were girls, the only son being named John. Five of John's eight children were boys, and each was the founder of a large family or tribe, the line of our ancestor, Richard, coming from John, the eldest of the five. [See "The family of Zaccheus Gould, of Topsfield," by Benjamin Apthorp Gould, 1895.] BloorapbtcaL Richard Gould, of Chatham, Mass., whose one hundred and thirty-nine descendants are enumerated in the following pages, was born in the latter part of the eighteenth century, and possessed to a marked degree the characteristics of a gentleman of the old school, peculiar to the God-fearing seafaring men of those early days, when religion was the sheet-anchor to which all ckuig tenaciously amid the trials, dangers and hardships of a life at sea. In early life he was a sea captain, and operated a packet line between New York and Boston. Retiring from the sea, he returned to Chatham and turned his attention to farming ; and from that time on his life and personality have been closely identified in many ways with the history and development of the town. He was twice chosen representative for Barnstable county, and served with honor and distinction, and was always held in high esteem by his townspeople, as well as by those of the neighboring towns in the county. He was a man of fine physique, being fully six feet tall, broad shouldered, erect, weighed fully 240 pounds ; 8 Richard Gould. 9 well proportioned, fine looking and always well dressed, his general appearance giving one an impression at once of the strength and dignity of his character. In manner he was rather serious and reserved, even stern, and indulged in no idle or frivolous words, but spoke always to the point and briefly. His habits were excel- lent and his business dealings were always of a character to command the respect of all with whom he came in contact. He was well-to-do, according to the standard by which men were rated in those early days, and he made good use of such as he could spare for the bet- terment of conditions about him.. He was one of the founders of, and largest contributors to, the present Methodist Episcopal Society of Chatham ; in fact, the church edifice was built mainly through his efforts. It was dedicated Dec. 19, 1849. This, in itself, is evi- dence of his practical Christianity and devotion to the religion that had been his mainstay in earlier years. He died of pneumonia in March, 1871, at the age of eighty-three years. It is to be regretted that more details of the per- sonal history of this grand old man cannot be obtained, but his contemporaries have for the most part passed on, and no record remains save the fast-fading memo- ries and traditions cherished and handed down by a few of his direct descendants. But enough has been 10 Richard Gould. gleaned for us to realize that his fine traits of character, his religious and useful life, and his strong and dignified personality furnish an example worthy the emulation of present and future generations of his descendants. Xetter frotn a Summer IRestbeut. The following letter from a summer resident of Chatham appeared in the Chatham Monitor of August 5, 1902. It was written for the Home Week celebration of the old town, and is included here as an "apprecia- tion" of the town and its people, with its reminiscences of the old residents who have passed away : To the Editor : — Unfortunate is the individual who, like the writer, finds himself denied the pleasure of a visit to Chatham during Home Week ; but it is only another instance in his career where the old adage, "Man proposes but God disposes," has found a striking illustration. No one would enjoy being present more than he, no one appreciate any better the sentiment of the occasion, or be any more deeply touched by the sad as well as happy memories recalled in the retro- spect of a few short years in Chatham's history. The writer was "a stranger at your gates and ye took him in" back in the 80's, and the latch-string he has always found on the outside, while a genial and heartfelt welcome greeted him on all sides. Even the moaning of the whistling buoy seemed to take on a more joyful sound on his arrival, and equally mournful 11 12 Richard Gould. on the eve of his departure. At intervals, as if to restrain him in the intoxication incident to out-door life at Chatham, the considerate fog-bank has never failed to interpose its protecting mantle, necessitating more moderation, if not actual change of dates. He is not unfamiliar with the grasp of the tax collector's hand, nor with the tracts he is wont to distribute once a year to his large circle of acquaintances. But Chatham has changed in many ways since the advent of the Branch Road. The stage from Harwich to Chatham did very well in the early days, at the same time serving to make Chatham more exclusive, or se- questered, and on that account particularly interesting to the writer, to say nothing of the attractions of the town itself and the immediate vicinity. The scenery, the ver- dure-clad hills and vales, ihe blending of shore, sea and sky, with the musical accompaniment of old ocean as a setting, formed a picture which became so indelibly fixed in his mind at that time that it can never be dimmed or effaced. The ever-changing panorama of sails on a wide expanse of blue, on a clear summer afternoon, has often served to fascinate the writer for hours, to the end not only of driving dull care away, but uncon- sciously bringing him into close and silent communion with the Architect of the Universe, through a calm con- templation of the vastness and grandeur of his works. Richard Gould. 13 Have your readers ever stopped to realize how much of Chatham has gone out forever, with the lives of many of its townsmen, during the past ten years ? They w^ere old residents, and a part of the town itself, connecting the present generations with the past by links of tradition as fresh in their minds as events of yesterday. But few of us had the time, or took the time, to listen to their stories of the dead past, or had the interest for history's sake alone ; and now we real- ize that the opportunity is perhaps lost as to much that would be interesting in and about Chatham. Among those referred to and known to the writer were Hiram Harding, Levi C. Wing, Leander Gould, Levi Atwood, Leander F. Gould, Richard B. Harding, Marcellus Eldredge, Gains Mullett, George Eldredge, George Godfrey, Charles Ward, Amon Hammond, and many others, including wives, mothers, sisters and widows of residents, as well as some non-resident natives of Chatham, — a goodly company, and possibly their places will never be filled. The growth in popularity of Chatham in recent years as a summer resort all must concede, and that the coming generations may appreciate and enjoy its restful hospitality, health-giving atmosphere and in- spiring scenery, as the writer has in the past, is the earnest wish of A Summer Resident. Note — The number at the left of each name is the family or group number of such descendant, under which number his or her children are enumerated in succeeding pages. Illustration : The family of Leander (2), p. 15, is found on p. 17, and the family of his son, Leander Franklin (17), p. 17, is found on p. 23, each under its proper number. 14 TRicbart) 6oul&. F/J^ST GENERATION. Richard Gould, of Chatham, b. April 25, 1788, son of Josiah and Azubah (Dexter) Gould of Chatham ; died at Chatham March 1, 1871; m. (l) Jan. 8, 1808, Sarah or Sally, dau. of Timothy and Eliza- beth Nickerson, of Harwich (b. Feb. 8, 1790; d. ■ Dec. 25, 1835); nine children; m. (2) Nov. 27, 1836, Susan Nickerson (b. Feb. 1782; d. Oct. 28, 1862) ; m. (3) Aug. 23, 1863, Cynthia Small; no children. Children by first wife, Sarah : (1) Elias Lowe, b. Feb. 14, 1811; d. March, 1888; m. Azubah Annable ; six children. (2) Leander, b. March 7, 1813; d. Jan. 30, 1893; m. Hannah Phillips ; seven children. (3) Cyrus Chamberlain, b. Jan. 22, 1815 ; d. April 10, 1878; m. Oct. 30, 1834, Charlotte Whitten Young ; seven children. (4) Abbie Eldridge, b. Sept. 15, 1817; d. March 12, 1895 ; m. Seth C. Ames, of Cotuit, Mass.; five children. (5) Lydia Ferris, b. Oct. 1, 1819; d. Nov. 30, 1873 ; m. Jan. 1, 1838, Hiram Harding, of Chatham ; eight children. (6) Mary Jane Seeley, b. Feb. 29, 1822; m. Jan. 22, 15 16 Richard Gould. 1842, Richard Bangs Harding, of Chatham, Mass ; eight children. (7) Sarah, b. May 29, 1825; d. Feb. 13, 1867; m. Amon Hammond, of Chatham ; three chil- dren. (8) Almira, b. May 16, 1827; d. Jan. 10, 1859; m. Stillman P. Harwood ; three children. (9) Cornelia Maria Whiting, b. March 1, 1830; m. April 2, 1857, Winslow Loveland ; three chil- dren. SECOND GENERATION. 1. Elias Lowe Gould, son of Richard and Sarah (Nick- erson) Gould, b. Feb. 14, 1811; d. March, 1888; m. Azubah Annable (b. Aug. 23, 1809 ; d. June, 1894); children: (10) Elias Stevens, b. 1838. (11) Azubah Mayo, b. ; m. Nelson Hamilton ; no children. (12) Theresa Wilson, b. Feb. 16, 1834; m. Stephen J. Smith, July 19, 1851 ; six children. (13) Harrison Francis, b. 1832; m. Laura Adelaide Bloomer; two children. (14) Richard, b. 1840; m. Eliza Dill, of Chatham; two children. (15) Georgiana, b. May, 1847; d. April 24, 1871; m. Freeman Ellis, of Harwich ; one child. Richard Gould. 17 2. Leander Gould, son of Richard and Sarah (Nickerson) Gould, b. March 7, 1813; d. Jan. 30, 1893; m. Hannah Phillips (d. May 22, 1892, aged 81 yrs. 9 months); seven children : (16) Josiah Albert, b. Dec. 23, 1843; m. Mary Reed Bassett, Sept. 4, 1865; five children; m. (2) Minerva Helen Hamilton (formerly White) May, 1883 ; no children. (17) Leander Franklin, b. June 12, 1837; d. March 7, 1896 ; m. Polly Harding ; one child. (18) Abbie Ames, b. Dec. 23, 1838; m. Levi Curtis Wing, Aug. 23, 1859 ; six children. (19) Clara Jane Cera, b. Jan. 22, 1846; d. Nov. 13, 1896; m. (l) George G. Nickerson June 3. 1869 ; three children ; m. (2) Nathaniel E. Kendrick, March 8, 1886 ; two children. (20) Mary Augusta, b. March 12, 1842 ; m. Selucius Morton Young, Jan. 14, 1862 ; one child. (21) Edward S., d. Jan. 5, 1851, aged 1 yr. 11 months. (22) Marcus, d. May 28, 1852, aged 10 days. 3. Cyrus Chamberlain Gould, son of Richard and Sarah (Nickerson) Gould, b. Jan. 22, 1815; d. April 10, 1878 ; m. Charlotte Whitten Young, Oct. 30, 1834 (b. Nov. 4, 1814; d. March 6, 1895); children: (23) Celestia Ann, b. June 21, 1836 ; d. June 21, 1836. (24) Cecelia Frances, b. June 21, 1836; d. June 27, 1836. 18 Richard Gould. (25) Charlotte Whitten, b. Oct. 14. 1837; m. Samuel Freeman Hardy, Aug. 6, 1863 (lost at sea May 3, 1866); one child. (26) Esther Helen, b. Aug. 3, 1841 ; d. July 31, 1886 ; m. Charles H. Rockwell, April, 1861 ; six children. (27) George Erastin, b. March 18, 1843; d. Nov. 24, 1879 ; m. Abbie L. Lambert, Feb., 1867 ; two children. (28) Cyrus Otis, b. March 14, 1846 ; d. July 11, 1849. (29) Augusta Damrell, b. Oct. 2, 1852 ; d. Feb. 23, 1858. 4. Abbie Eldredge, dau. of Richard and Sarah (Nicker- son) Gould, b. Sept. 15, 1817; d. March 12, 1895 ; m. Seth Coleman Ames, of Cotuit, Mass., Oct. 9, 1838, at Chatham (b. Feb. 14, 1817; d. April 17, 1895); children: (30) Isadora Fratonia, b. in Barnstable, Mass., May 12, 1840 ; m. Aug. 25, 1859, George Lunt (b. Oct. 24, 1835); one child. (31) Ashley La Forest, b. in Lowell, Mass. Sept. 26, 1844; d. Aug. 24, 1847. (32) Ardella Lavon, b. ; d. . (33) Lola Montez, b. ; d. - — -. (34) Florence Clifton, b. Oct. 12, 1856; m. Charles Adrian Sawyer, of Chicago, 111., Dec. 3, 1879 ; six children. Richard Gould. 19 5. Lydia Ferris, dan. of Richard and Sarah (Nickerson) Gould, b. Oct. 1, 1819 ; d. Nov. 30, 1873 ; m. Jan. 1, 1838, Hiram Harding, of Chatham ; children : (35) Lydia F., b. May 7, 1843; d. Nov. 6, 1843. (36) Hiram, Jr., b. Sept. 24, 1844; m. Nov. 16, 1864, Josephine B. Young, dau. Capt. Joseph Young ; one child. (37) Joseph F., b. July 19, 1846. (38) Maria G., b. Nov. 12, 1850 ; d. April 27, 1868. (39) George H., b. Feb. 13, 1853. (40) Mariana, b. April 5, 1855. (41) Sarah G., b. Feb. 14, 1857; d. May 17, 1872. (42) Emma F., b. Sept. 12, 1860; d. Jan. 10, 1861. 6. Mary Jane Seeley, dau. of Richard and Sarah (Nick- erson) Gould, b. Feb. 29, 1822; m. Jan. 22, 1842, Richard Bangs Harding ; (d. Jan 30, 1893); chil- dren: (43) Richard Bangs, b. Dec. 2, 1843 ; m. Rebecca A. Armstrong, of Lubec, Me., March 29, 1866; two children. (44) Mary Abbie, b. May 8, 1847 ; m. April 7, 1870, Joshua Baker Taylor ; one child. (45) Walter Benjamin, b. April 7, 1850; d. Oct. 5, 1868. (46) Seymour Whiting, b. Sept. 6, 1852 ; m. Kate Leavitt, of Exeter, N. H.. May 24, 1877 ; two children. 20 Richard Gould. (47) Arlissa,b. Nov. 25, 1854; m. April 30, 1874, John J. Howes ; three children. (48) Infant, b. March 6, 1857; d. June 9, 1857. (49) Infant, b. May 10, 1859; d. Sept. 15, 1859. (50) Cora Johnson, b. April 28, 1861. 7. vSarah, dan. of Richard and Sarah (Nickerson) Gould, b. May 29, 1825; d. Feb. 13, 1867; m. Amon Hammond (d. Jan. 22, 1889, aged 69 years, 11 months and 22 days); children : (51) Almira, d. March 14, 1864, aged 5 years, 7 months and 14 days. (52) Amon Fletcher; b. ; m. Leonora Smith, Nov. 2, 1874 ; seven children. 8. Almira, dau. of Richard and Sarah (Nickerson) Gould, b. May 16, 1827; d. Jan. 10, 1859; m. Stillman P. Harwood, Aug. 12, 1850; three children: (53) Adelaide M.,b. Oct. 14, 1851 ; m. Anson H. Hardy Sept. 2, 1874. (54) Ella L., b. June 26, 1853; m. Dec. 20, 1893, Ev- erett L. Cole. (55) Franklin Angelo, b. Sept. 10, 1858. 9. Cornelia Maria Whiting, dau. of Richard and Sarah (Nickerson) Gould; b. March 1, 1830; m. April Richard Gould. 21 2, 1857, Winslow Loveland (b. May 7, 1826); chil- dren : (56) Herbert Winslow, b. March 6, 1859 ; m. June 6, 1891, Helen Harding; two children. (57) Joseph Whitney, b. Oct. 1, 1861 ; m. June 9, 1887, Irene Osborn Atkins ; one child. (58) Minnie, b. Oct. 20, 1869; d. July 17, 1870. THIRD GENERATION. 12. Theresa Wilson, dau. of Elias Lowe and Azubah (Annable) Gould, b. Feb. 16, 1834 ; m. Stephen J. Smith, July 19, 1851 (d. Jan. 15, 1896); children : (59) Edson La Forrest, b. 1852 ; d. by accident, 1863. (60) Charlie Stephens, b. 1854; d. 1858. (61) Mary Stephens, b. May 29, 1857 ; d. May 11, 1900; m. John H. Mallowes July 2, 1874 ; three children. (62) Nellie Frances, b. Sept. 25, 1862; m. Carl W. Sherman, of N. Lebanon, Me., July 2, 1896. (63) Charlie Edson, b. Aug. 17, 1866. (64) Philip Jackson, b. April 3, 1871. 13. Harrison Francis Gould, son of Elias Lowe and Azubah (Annable) Gould, b. 1832 ; m. Laura Ade- laide Bloomer, dau. of Wm. and Hannah Bloomer, of Chatham, Mass ; children: 22 Richard Gould. (65) William Harrison, b. Nov. 9, 1873. (66) George La Forrest, b. May 13, 1875. 14. Richard Gould, son of Elias Lowe and Azubah (An- nable) Gould, b. 1840 ; d. ; m. Eliza Dill, of Chatham ; children : (67) Sabina Lawrence, b. ; d. . (68) Ernest, b. . 15. Georgiana, dau. of Elias Lowe and Azubah (Annable) Gould, b. May, 1847 ; d. April 24, 1871 ; m. Free- man Ellis, of Chatham (d. April, 1899); child: (69) George Henry ElHs, b, ; m. . 16. JosiAH Albert Gould, son of Leander and Hannah (Phillips) Gould, b. Dec. 23, 1843 ; m. (l) Mary Reed Bassett, Sept. 4, 1865 (b. Oct. 28, 1844 ; d. April 1, 1881) ; five children ; m. (2) Minerva Hel- en Hamilton (formerly White), May, 1883 (b. March 4, 1842); no children. Children by Mary Reed Bassett : (70) Harriet May, b. Sept. 11, 1867. (71) Mary Howes Abbott, b. Oct. 6, 1871; m. John Hayes Wheeler, ; two children, twins. (72) Sarah Foster, b. Jan. 23, 1875; d. Feb. 18, 1880. (73) Albert Franklin, b. Nov. 4, 1879; d. Aug. 24, 1880. Richard Gould. 23 17. Leander Franklin Gould, son of Leander and Han- nah (Phillips) Gould, b. June 12, 1837; d. March 7, 1896; m. Polly Harding; one child: (74) Ella Franklin, d. June 20, 1858, aged 4 months, 18 days. 18. Abbie Ames, dau. of Leander and Hannah (Phillips) Gould, b. Dec. 23, 1838 ; m. Levi Curtis Wing Aug. 23, 1859 (d. March 6, 1895); children : (75) Curtis Ames, b. Sept. 17, 1860 ; m. Sarah L. Har- ding, March 17, 1885; two children. (76) Clarence Morton, b. Nov. 24, 1862 ; d. Sept. 10, 1899. (77) Polly Franklin, b. Jan. 4,1867; m. Leonard W. Doane, Jan. 8, 1888 ; no children. (78) Abbie Clifton, b. June 27, 1868; m. George F. Nickerson, August 20, 1888 ; one child. (79) Grace Lillian, b. Dec. 18, 1872; m. Oct. 9, 1901, Waldon Wade Cushman. (80) Carrie Annis, b. Jan. 1, 1876 ; m. George Taylor Hammond, June 23, 1896 ; two children. 19. Clara Jane Cera, dau. of Leander and Hannah (Phil- lips) Gould, b. Jan. 22, 1846 ; d. Nov. 13, 1896 ; m. (l) George G. Nickerson, June 3, 1869 (d. Sept. 1, 1884); three children; m. (2) Nathaniel E. Ken- drick, March 8, 1886; two children. 24 Richard Gould. Children by George G. Nickerson : (81) Maria Harding, b. Jan. 4, 1871 ; m. Howard Ger- wood Rand ; three children. (82) Georgia Russell, b. Aug. 11, 1877. (83) Grover Cleveland, b. Jan. 22, 1885. Child re7i by A^athaniel E. Keiidrick : (84) Grace Hazel, b. Feb. 1, 1887 ; d. April 20, 1890. (85) Leo Elliott, b. Aug. 2, 1892. 20. Mary Augusta, dau. of Leander and Hannah (Phillips) Gould, b. March 12, 1842; m. Selucius Morton Young, Jan. 14, 1862 (d. July 10, 1867); one child : (86) Avis Augusta Morton, b. Jan. 4, 1867 ; m. Silmon Grant Chase, Oct. 1, 1889. 25. Charlotte Written, dau. of Cyrus Chamberlain and Charlotte Whitten (Young) Gould, b. Oct. 14, 1837 ; m. Sarnuel Freeman Hardy, Aug. 6, 1863 ; he was lost at sea, May 3, 1866; child : (87) Lottie Freeman, b. July 26, 1866; m. William Herbert James, of Brookline, Mass., Sept. 30, 1890; two children. 26. Esther Helen, dau. of Cyrus Chamberlain and Char- lotte Whitten (Young) Gould ; b. Aug. 3, 1841 ; d. July 31, 1886; m. Capt. Charles H. Rockwell, Richard Gould. 25 April, 1861 (1902 Rear Admiral U. S. N., retired); six children : (88) Cyrus Otis, b. March 8, 1863; m. Mary Louise Havens, of New Jersey, Aug., 1900. (89) George Pierce, b. June 2, 1866; m. Rosa Sebas- tian, of Covington, Ky., March, 1890. (90) Mary Howes, b. July 3, 1868; m. (l) James F. Keeney, Surgeon in U. S. N., Sept. 16, 1891 (d; Feb. 10, 1894); m. (2) Allan Stuart, physi- cian in U. S. N. (91) Charles Bangs, b. July 11, 1870. (92) Helen Mason, b. March 26, 1876; m. Maj. Henry Clay Haines, U. S. N., March, 1897 ; one child. (93) Evelyn Beardslee, b. Dec. 16, 1882. 27 George Erastin Gould, son of Cyrus Chamberlain and Charlotte Whitten (Young) Gould b. March 18, 1843 ; d. Nov. 24, 1879 ; m. Abbie L. Lambert Feb. 1867 (d. Jan., 1884); children : (94) Emana Augusta, b. Nov. 28, 1868 ; m. James W. Eldredge, of South Chatham, Nov. 28, 1889 ; one child. (95) George Merrill, b. Oct. 11, 1874. 30. Isadora Fratonia, dau. of Abbie Eldridge Gould, of Chatham, and Seth Coleman Ames, M. D., of Co- tuit, Mass., b. in Barnstable, Mass., May 12, 1840 ; 26 Richard Gould. m. Aug. 25, 1859, Capt. George Lunt (b. Oct. 24, 1835); child : (96) Harry C, b. and d. Feb., 1863. 34. Florence Clifton, dau. of Abbie Eldredge Gould, of Chatham, and Seth Coleman Ames, of Cotuit, Mass.; b. Oct. 12, 1856; m. Dec. 3, 1879, Charles Adrian Sawyer, of Chicago, 111. (graduate Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, 1876 ; member Illinois Bar, July, 1879); children : (97) Charles Coleman, b. and d. Oct. 17, 1880. (98) Charles Adrian, b. Aug. 19, 1881. ^ (99) Abbie Elizabeth, b. Dec. 17, 1883 ; d. May, 1884. (100) Clifton Ames, b. May 9, 1885. (101) Emerson Gould, b. Sept. 23, 1895. (102) Harold Turner, b. June 8, 1900. 36. Hiram Harding, son of Lydia Ferris Gould and Capt. Hiram Harding, of Chatham, b. Sept. 24, 1844 ; m. Nov. 16, 1864, Josephine B. Young, dau. of Capt. Joseph Young, Jr., (b. Nov. 30, 1843 ; d. June 2, 1901); one child: (103) Nellie Goodwin, b. June 13,1865; d. Oct. 18, 1868. 43. Richard Bangs Harding, son of Mary Jane Seeley Gould and Richard Bangs Harding, b. Dec. 2, y Richard Gould. 2 7 1843; m. Rebecca A. Armstrong, of Lubec, Ale., March 29, 1866 ; two children. (104) Richard Francis, b. Jan. 5, 1867; d. . (105) William Seymour, b. July 7, 1868. 44. Mary Abbie, dau. of Mary Jane Seeley Gould and Richard Bangs Harding, b. May 8, 1847 ; m. Joshua Baker Taylor, April 7, 1870 (d. Dec. 19, 1889); one child : (106) Joshua, b. March 4, 1877. 46. Seymour Whiting Harding, son of Mary Jane Seeley Gould and Richard Bangs Harding, b. Sept. 6, 1852 ; m. Kate Leavitt, of Exeter, N. H., May 24, 1877 ; children : (107) Seymour Whiting, b. Feb., 1878; d. March, 1878. (108) Infant, b. Dec, 1878; d. March, 1879. 47. Arlissa, dau. of Mary Jane Seeley Gould and Richard Bangs Harding b. Nov. 25, 1854; m. April 30, 1874, John J. Howes (b. Sept. 14, 1850) ; chil- dren : (109) Florence Estelle, b. April 20, 1875; m. George Lewis Bond ; one child. (110) Walter, b. ; d. . (111) Harry H., b. ; d. . 28 Richard Gould. 52. Amon Fletcher Hammond, son of Sarah Gould and Amon Hammond, b. ; m. Leonora Smith Nov. 2, 1874 : children: (112) Florence Gould, b. Aug. 8, 1875; d. Oct. 30, 1882. (113) Edith Russell, b. March 25, 1877. (114) Walter Smith, b. Dec. 14, 1878 ; d. April 5, 1894. (115) Laura Gould, b. June 25, 1882. (116) Russell Chester, b. March 15, 1888. (117) Frances Wardwell, b. March 19, 1892. (118) Margaret Foster, b. March 11, 1894. 56. Herbert WiNvSlow Loveland, son of Cornelia Maria Whiting Gould and Winslow Loveland, b. March 6, 1859 ; m. Helen Harding June 6, 1891 ; chil- dren : (119) Winslow Harding, b. July 27, 1892. (120) Mary Fay, b. Sept. 2, 1895. 57. Joseph Whitney Loveland, son of Cornelia Maria Whiting Gould and Winslow Loveland, b. Oct. 1, 1861 ; m. Irene Osborn Atkins June 9, 1887 ; child : (121) Osborn Whitney, b. Aug. 6, 1888. Richard Gould. 29 FOURTH GENERATION. 61. Mary Stephens, dau. of Theresa Wilson and Stephen J. Smith, b. May 29, 1857 ; m. July 2, 1874, John H. Mallowes ; d. May 11, 1900 ; children : (122) Seth, b. April 5, 1875. (123) Augusta Wilson, b. and d. 1879. (124) Edward Francis, b. June 24, 1882. 71. Mary Howes Abbott, dau. of Josiah Albert and Mary Reed (Bassett) Gould, b. Oct. 6, 1871 ; m. John Hayes Wheeler ; children : (/25) ^^^y^^'^'^^^ \ twins, b. March 30, 1898. (126) Reed Gould j 75. Curtis Ames Wing, son of Levi Curtis and Abbie Ames (Gould) Wing, b. Sept. 17, 1860 ; m. March 17, 1885, Sarah L. Harding ; children : (127) Curtis F., b. July 14, 1886. (128) Isadora Lunt, b. Feb. 28, 1889. 78. Abbie Clifton, dau. of Levi Curtis and Abbie Ames (Gould) Wing. b. June 27, 1868; m. George F. Nickerson Aug. 20, 1888 ; one child : (129) Lucelle C, b. Nov. 14. 1891. 30 Richard Gould. 80. Carrie Annis, dau. of Levi Curtis and Abbie Ames (Gould) Wing, b. Jan. 1, 1876; m. June 23, 1896, George Taylor Hammond ; children : (130) Carl Wing, b. Nov. 22, 1898. (131) Dorothy Estelle, b. Aug. 1, 1900. 81. Maria Harding, dau. of Clara Jane Cera Gould and George G. Nickerson, b. Jan. 4, 1871 ; m. Feb. 10, 1895, Howard Gerwood Rand ; children • (132) Gerwood Wilson, b. Feb. 16, 1896. (133) Cera Gladys, b. Feb. 26, 1900. (134) Avis Russell, b. Nov. 8, 1901. 87. Lottie Freeman, dau. of Charlotte Whitten Gould and Samuel Freeman Hardy, b. July 26, 1866 ; m. Sept. 30, 1890, William Herbert James, of Brookline, Mass.; children: (135) Horace Hardy, b. Feb. 3, 1894. (136) Otis Briggs, b. Dec. 16, 1898. 92. Helen Mason, dau. of Esther Helen Gould and Charles H. Rockwell, b. March 26, 1876 ; m. March, 1897, Maj. Henry Clay Haines, U. S. N.; one child : (137) Henry Rockwell, b. Dec. 13, 1898. Richard Gould. 31 94. Emana Augusta, dau. of George Erastin and Abbie (Lambert) Gould, b. Nov. 28, 1868 ; m. Nov. 28, 1889, James W. Eldredge, of South Chatham ; one child : (138) Lena, b. May, 1896. 109. Florence Estelle, dau. of Arlissa Harding and John J. Howes, b. April 20, 1875; m. Jan. 1, 1896, George Lewis Bond ; child : (139) Malcolm Howes, b. and d. Aug. 16, 1897. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS II III II I 111 I I II Hill llllllllill'i" ■"'' "" '" 018 458 966 7 f