E 457 .7 .U592 Copy 2 Lincoln Class _ £_l i 7 Book JIaSA^ f ''''!!.!i„f|ii|i 66th Congress, 2d Session. HOUSE OF EEPRESENTATIVES. Eeport No. 682. 'YO DECLARE LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY A LEGAL HOLIDAY. February 27, 1920. — Refcrrod to tlie House (^aleudar and ordered to be printed. Mr. IIusTED, from tho Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the folloMdnp; REPORT. [To aecompany^H. R. 12724.] The Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred the bill H. R. 12724, a bill to declare Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday, having had the same under consideration, report the same back with the recommendation that it do pass. ♦ The effect of the passage of this measure would be the observance of Lincoln's Inrthday as a legal holiday in the District of Columbia in the same manner as is now provided ^or t'he observance of Washing- ton's Birthday. Up to the present time tlie legislatures of 26 States in this Union have passed laws making Lincoln's birthday a legal holiday, as shown by the following list: Oalifornia. Deering's General Laws, 1915, page 564 (act 1470). Colorado. Mill's Annotated St%tutes, 1912, article 3367. Connecticut. General Statutes, 1918, section 6719. Delaware. Revised Code, 1915, section 2841. Illinois. Hurd's Revised Statutes, 1917, chapter 98, section 17. Indiana. Burn's Annotated Statutes, 1914, section 908G. Iowa. Sflpplement to Code 1913, section 3053. Kansas. Mcintosh General Statute^, 1915, section 5079. Kentucky. Carroll Statutes, 1918 Supplement, section 2089e. Massachusetts. General Statutes Suj^plement, 1908, page 8. Special exercises in public schools. Michigan. Compiled Laws, 1915, section 6233. Minnesota. General Statutes, 1913, section 9412. * Missouri. Laws 1915, i)age 301. Nebraska. Laws 1915, chapter 98. Nevada. Laws 1913, chapter 73. New Jersey. Compiled Laws 1910, page 3091. article 5. New York. Birdseye & ('ummins (,'onsolidated Laws 1917, chapter 27, article 25. North Dakota. Compiled Laws 1913, page 1691, article 7297. New Mexico. Statutes 1915, section 4862.* Oregon. General Laws 1913, page 158, chai)ter 94. Pennsylvania. Purdon's Digest" 1903, i)ag" 1838. 2 TO DECLARE LINCOLN S BIRTHDAY A LEGAL HOLIDAY. South Dakota. Revised Code 1919, section 21. Utah. Compiled Laws 1917, section 2896. Washington. Remington's Code 1916, section 63. West Virginia. Hogg's Code 1913, section 712. Wisconsin. Statutes 1917, section 2577. Special exercises in schools for half day. Wyoming. Compiled Statutes 1910, section 3581. The Lincoln Memorial, wliicli has been under construction in the Capital City, is nearing completion, and in the near future will be dedicated. It has very properly been suggested that the enact- ment of this measure into law prior to such dedicatory ceremonies would be most desirous and fitting. In view of the fact that Congress holds the same position toward the District of Columbia that a State Legislature holds in respect to its Commonwealth, the inhabitants of the District of Columbia, who desire to show their patriotism as much as the people of any of the individual States in the observance of the memory of Lincoln, have come to Congress (their law-making body) and requested them to pass the necessary legislation to permit such observance. The report of the committee was unanimous in favor of the adop- tion of this measure. o III D^ of ^'e MAK 15 1920 iiiiiliiliwiii'l 'Hi