224 VIRGINIA. / R18 T^^^^^^^^^^ opy 1 WM« &C0'S INDEXED RAILROAD AND COUNTY MAP VIRGINIA With a k«w and Original Compilation and Index, obsignating all POST OFFICE TOWNS AND RAILROAD STATIONS, O) AND GIVING (o FULL POSTAL DIRECTIONS For Sending- Mall Matter to Every Place not a Post Office, in the State, known in ths Post Office Department as " Locals," Also, giving an Alphabetically Arrangtd Hit of th4 RAILROADS IN THE STATE, (With the name of the Express Company doing business ever eaci), O) AND OF ALL (o COUNTIES, LAKES, RIVERS, Et*>., Etc Population given according to latest Official Census. CHICAGO, U. S. A.: tm^jstid, i&cjstjlTjTjIt & co. Map Publiihxrs and Engravkbs. -$^. RAND, McNALLY & CO MAP PUBLICATIONS. Rand, McNally & Co.'s Business Atlas. Price, $15.00 in cloth; J $18.00 in half Morocco. Containing large scale maps of each State and Territory of the United States, the provinces of Canada, West India Islands, Mexico, Central America, Cuba, etc., etc., together with a complete reference map of the World, printed in colors from plates secured by letters patent, producing the clearest typographical effect of any known engraved plates, accompanied by a new and original compilation and ready reference index, showing in detail the entire Railroad System of North America, the Express Company doing business over each road, and accurately locating Counties, Parishes, Islands, Lakes, Rivers, Mountains, etc., etc., together with all Post Offi- ces, Railroad Stations, and Villages in the United States and Canada, with latest official census or estimated population of each. 480 pages. Rand, McNally & Co.'s Indexed Atlas of the World. It contains 905 pages of new maps, printed matter, and unique attractions. It includes large scale maps of every civil division of the Globe. Each map is accompanied by a ready reference index whereby any place can be instantly found and. its population ascertained, together with its mail and railway accessibility .v. The map of each State and Country is preceded by printed matter, historical, st'a tistical and descriptive, relative thereto; and the entire volume is illustrated with hundreds. of colored diagrams showing impressively the most important subjects which admit of being presented by comparative size. It is a work for the Family or Office. Sold only by subscription. Rand, McNally «& Co.'s New Indexed Atlas of the Northwestern, West- ern and Southwestern States, bound in cloth, Price, $7.50. (A part of Complete Business Atlas mentioned above.) Rand, McNally •'» INDEXED RAILROAD AND COUNTY MAP \ •OF * _ VIRGINIA With a New and Original Compilation and Index DESIGNATING ALL Post Office Towns and Railroad Stations, AND GIVING FULL POSTAL DIRECTIONS FOR SENDING MAIL MATTER TO EVERY PLACE NOT A POST OFFICE, IN THE STATE, KNOWN IN THE POST OFFICE DEPAR TMENT AS "LOCALS." Also, an Alphabetically Arranged List of all RAILROADS IN THE STATE, (With the name of the Express Company doing business over each). ALSO, OF THE \ COUNTIES, LAKES, RIVERS. Etc., Etc. Population is given according to the latest Official Census. CHICAGO, u. s. A. : RAJSTD, McNALLY &c CO., Map Publishers and Engravers. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. M— Miles. N— -North. S— South. E— East. W— West. Ry or Rys— Railway 01 Railways. * Not a Post Office, and no report received as to what Post Office mail should be addressed to reach this place. All counties, towns, cities, villages, etc., are indexed in the following manner "Brazil, Clay, G-16, (Rys 11, 69), 3530." " Black Hawk Mills, Posey, 7 m S E Mounl Vernon. B-26, mail West Frank lin, 100.' ' Brazil being in black 1ype indicates that it i« the county seat of Clay county; G-16 shows where it can be found on the map (see examp'e below); that it is a station upon each of the railways 11 and 69 (see lis v or railways, wnien are con- secutively numbered and alphabetically arranged) ; 3530 is the population of Brazil, according to the census of 1880. Black Hawk Mills is in Posey county, seven miles southeast of Mount Vernon, and that mail for this place should be sent to West Franklin Post Office; popula- tion 100, Census of 1880. The letters and figures following names (like G-16 above) refer to that point on the map at which lines drawn from marginal figures top and bottom, and letters upon either side of map, would cross each other at right angles. For example, to find --New York City, D 5;" let the diagram below represent the map. New York is seen near the crossing of lines D— D and 5—5. A B C I) E F G H 1 % \ \ 1 A B C n E F G H I Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by RAND, McNALLY & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. RAILROADS, 1 Alexandria & Fredericksburgh. See Baltimore & Potomac. 2 Alexandria &, Washington. See Baltimore & Potomac. 3 Altoona Coal & Iron. Marlins. U 15. to Altoona Mines, U 15. 4 Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio. See Norfolk & Western. 5 Baltimore & Ohio. Baltimore & Ohio Express. Staunton, N 26, to Harper's Ferry, W. Va., H 34. J^~ See Band. McNally & Co.'s West Virginia. 6 Baltimore & Potomac. Adams Express. Washington, D. O, J 38, to Quantico, L 37. 7 Bright Hope. Southern Express. Clover Hill, T 34, to Chester, T 36. 8 Chesapeake & Ohio. Adams Express. Bichmond, B 36, to Ashland, Ky., M 4. Bichmond, B 36, to Newport News, U 43. 08 Danville & New River. Danville, X 24, to Martinsville, W 21. 09 Danville, Mocksville & South-Western. Danville, X 24, to Leaks ville, N. C. 9 Elizabeth City & Norfolk. Southern Express. Norfolk, V 43, to Elizabeth City, N. C, leaving the State near Northwest, X 43. C I ove r H i 1 1 . See Bright Hope. 10 Milton & Sutherlin Narrow Gauge. Sutherlin, X 25, to Milton, N C, Y 25. Southern Express. O Norfolk & Ocean View. Adams Express. Norfolk, V 43, to Ocean View, V 43. I I Norfolk Sl Western. Adams Express. Norfolk, V 44. to Bristol, Tenn., X 7. Petersburg!!, T 36, to Citv Point, T 37. Glade Springs. W 9, to Saltville, V 9. New Biver, T 16, to Pocahontas, T 12. 12 Petersburgh. Southern Express. Petersburgh, T 36, to Weldon, N. C. leaving the State near Pleasant Hill, Y 35. 13 Piedmont Air Line. See Bichmond & Danville. 14 Pittsylvania. See Virginia Midland. Potomac. See Bichmond, Fredericksburgh & Potomac. 15 Potomac, Fredericksburgh & Piedmont. Adams Express. Fredericksburgh, N 36, to Orange Court House, N 31. Rand, McNally & CoSs Virginia Adams Express. Southern Express leaving the State near 16 Richmond Sc Mecklenburgh. Keysville, U 30, to Chase City, W 30. 17 Richmond Sc Alleghany, Williamsons, Q, 21, to Richmond, R 36. Balcony Falls, R 24, to Lexington, Q, 24. Lorraine, S 35, to Hungary, R 36. 18 Richmond & Danville. Richmond, R 36, to Greensboro, N. C Danville, X 24. 19 Richmond, Fredericksburgh Sc Potomac. Adams and Southern Expresses. Richmond, R 36, to Quantico, L 37. 20 Richmond Sc Petersburgh. Adams Express. Richmond, R 36, to Petersburgh. T 36. Halfway, T 36, to Osborn, T 36. 21 Richmond, York River Sc Chesapeake. Richmond, R 36, to West Point, R 40. Adams Express. 22 Seaboard Sc Roanoke. Southern Express. Portsmouth, W 43, to Weldon, N. C, leaving the State near Branchville, X 37. (J^™ See Rand, McNally & Co.'s North Carolina. 23 Shenandoah Valley. Adams Express. Waynesboro, O 28, to Hagerstown, Md., F 34. Waynesboro, O 28, to Big Lick, T 21. 24 Strasburg Sc Harrisonburg. See Baltimore & Ohio. 25 Virginia Midland. Adams Express. Danville, X 24, to Washington, D C, J 38. Manassas Junction, K 36, to Strasburg Junction, I 31. Warrenton Junction, L 35, to Warrenton, K 34. Elba, V 24, to Rocky Mount, V 21. Washington City, Virginia Midland Sc Great Southern. See Virginia Midland. Washington Sc Ohio. See Washington & Western. 26 Washington Sc Western. Alexandria, K 38, to Round Hill, I 34. Adams Express. COUNTIES. Sq.milesland. Pop. '80 Accomack Q-46.... 480.... 24,408 Albemarle 0-29. ... 680. .. . 32,618 Alexandria J-38.... 40.... 17,546 Alleghany Q-20.... 500.... 5,586 Amelia S-33.... 360.... 10,377 Amherst R-26.... 430.... 18,709 Appomattox S-28.... 280.... 10,080 Augusta N-26.... 900.... 35,710 Bath 0-22.... 750.... 4,482 Bedford S-23.... 840.... 31,205 Bland T-13.... 400.... 5,004 Botetourt R-22.... 550.... 14,809 Brunswick W-34.... 580.... 16,707 Buchanan T-7.... 510.... 5,694 Buckingham R-29.... 690.... 15,540 Campbell T-26.... 450.... 36,250 Caroline 0-37.... 500.... 17,243 Carroll W-16.... 540.... 13,323 Counties— continued. Pop. '8ft Charles City T-37.... 190.... 5,512 Charlotte TJ-29. ... 500. .. . 16,653 Chesterfield S-35 . . . . 500 ... . 25,082 Clarke 1-32.... 220.... 7,685 Craig R-19. . . . 300. . . . 3,794 Culpeper M-33.... 400.... 13,408 Cumberland R-31.... 280.... 10.540 Dickenson T-6 Dinwiddle U-35.... 540... Elizabeth City . . . [T-42 .... 50 . . . Essex Q-39.... 300... Fairfax K-37. . . . 440. . . Fauquier L-34. . . . 720. . . Floyd V-18.... 320.. Fluvanna Q-31.... 270... Franklin U-21. . . . 720. . Frederick H-31. . . . 380. . . Giles T-15. . . . 490. . . Gloucester S-41 .... 280. . . 32,870 10,689 11,032 16,025 22,993 13,255 10,802 25,084 17,553 8,794 11,876 tin n,(f. McNally & Co.'s Virginia. Cos.— cont'd. Sq.milesland. Pop. '80 Goochland R-33. Grayson W-13 . Greene M-29., Greenville X-36 . Halifax W-27. Hanover Q-35. . Henrico S-36 . Henry., X-21.. Highland M-23.. Isle of Wight.... V-41.. James City T-40. King and Queen.. Q-39. Kins: George N-38. . King William.... Q-38. Lancaster Q-42. . Lee X-l. Loudoun I. -35 . . Louisa P-33. Lunenburgh V-31 . Madison M-31. Matthews S-43. Mecklenhurgh . . .X-31. Middlesex R-41. Montgomery T-17. . Nansemond W-41 . . Nelson Q-28. New Kent S-39, Norfolk W-43. Northampton S-45 . . Northumberland. Q-42. . Nottoway T-32. Orange N-31., Page L-30., Patrick X-19., Pittsylvania W-24. . Powhatan S-33.. Prince Edward. . .T-30. , Prince George . . . U-37 . , Princess Anne . .W-45. . Prince William . .K-36. Pulaski U-16.. Rappahannock. . .L-32. . Richmond Q-41 . Roanoke T-20. Rockbridge Q-24 . Rockingham L-27. Russell V-7. Scott W-5., Shenandoah K-29.. Smyth V-ll. Southampton W-38 . Spottsylvania N-35 . . Stafford M-36., Surry U-39.. Sussex V-37.. Tazewell T-10. Warren K-31 . Warwick U-42. Washington W-9 . , Westmoreland . . .0^40. , Wise TJ-5.. Wythe V-13 . York T-41. Total 260. 4G0. 200 . 330. 800. 440. 280. 400. 400. 290. 150. 360. 180. 270. 110. 550. 520. 470. 400. 320. 100. 610. 150. 450. 400. 460. 210. 480. 300. 180. 300. 360. 320. 540. 900. 280. 300. 300. 380. 430. 340. 240. 140. 280. 780. 900. 540. 520. 510. 490. 610. 380. 260. 325. 400. 400. 250. 100. 490. 170. 390. 520. 70. 40,125. 10.292 13.068 5.830 8.407 33.588 18.588 82,703 16,009 5,164 10,572 5,422 10,502 6,397 8,751 6,160 15,116 23,634 18,942 11.535 10.562 7,501 24,610 6,252 16,693 15,903 16,536 5,515 58,657 9,152 7,929 11,156 13,052 9,965 12,833 52,589 7,817 14,668 10,054 9,394 9,180 8,755 9,291 7,195 13,105 20,003 29,567 13,906 17,233 18,204 12,160 18,012 14,828 7.2'1 7.391 10.062 12,861 7,399 2,258 25,203 8.846 7,772 14,318 7,349 1,512,565 ISLANDS. Assateague P-48 Chincoteague .P-48 Cobb's T-46 Fox's P-45 Smith's Tangier. Watt's.. .P-44 • Q-44 Q-45 LAKE C Drummond X-42 RIVERS. Appomattox . . . 8-34 Banister V-25 Blackwater.. W-39 Bull Run K-35 Chickahominy . S-38 Chinch W-4 Chowan X-39 Cripple Creek.W-13 Dan Y-23 Holston X-8 James T-37 James Q-29 James R-21 Little U-17 Louisa Fork S-7 McLure's Fork T-6 Mattapouy Q-38 Mayo X-20 Meherrin W-35 New Creek ...V-15 North Anna. . .0-33 North Fork Hols- ton W-6 i Nottoway.... W-38 I Pamunkev R-37 Pig . ....V-23 Potomac O-40 Powell's W-2 Rapidan M-33 l'appahannockO-39 Ravanna P-31 Roanoke Y-31 Smith's CreekW-20 South Fork Hols- ston X-10 South Fork She- nandoah M-29 Staunton V-28 Stony Creek.. U-35 York S-40 TOWNS, COUNTIES, ETC. Pop. '80. Aaron, Carroll, 4 m S E Lambs- burgh, K-16. Abbercom, Amelia, mad Amelia C.H. Abbott, Craig. S-19. Abb's Valley. Tazewell, S-ll 200 Abbyville, Mecklenburgh, X-29 100 Aberdeen, King and Queen, mail St. Stephen's Church. Abingdon, Washington, W-8, (Ry 11) 1064 Abington, Gloucester, mail White Marsh. Abington, Alexandria, mail Alexandria. Accokeek, Stafford, mail Brooke's Station. Accomack C. H., Accomack, Q-46 335 Accoman, Accomack, mail Atlantic. Accotink, Fairfax, L-38 210 Acorn Hill. Frederick, H-30 24 Acquia Creek,Stafford,mo^ Brooke's Station. Acquinton, King William, mail King William C. H. Acquinton Church, King William, mail King William C. H. Acris' Store, Hanover, mail Atlee's Station. Acton, Chesterfield, mail Manchester. Adams Grove, Southampton, 4 m E Green Plain, W-37. Aetna, Hanover, mail Frederick's Hall. Afton, Nelson, C-27, (Ry 8) 300 Af ton Depot, Albemarle, (Ry 8) mail Afton. Agner's Mills, Rockbridge, mail Buffalo Forge 30 Aiken's Summit, Henry, X-22, (Ry 08) mail Axton. Airfield, Southampton, V-38 15 Air Point, Roanoke, T-20, mail Bent Mountain. Randy McNally & Co.'s Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Airs vi lie. Amelia, mail Mattoax. Airville. Gloucester, mail Gloucester C. H. Albemarle, Sussex, mail Stony Creek Warehouse. Alchie. Halifax, V-26 24 Alden. King George, N-38 32 Merman's Shop. Carroll, mail Princeton. Aldie, Loudoun. J-35 155 Alexandria, Alexandria, K-38, (Rys 6,25,26) 13659 Alexandria and Fredericksburgh Junction. Alexandria, (Rys 6, 19) mail Alexandria. Algoma, Franklin, 5 m S W Dillon's Mills. U-20. Alleghany, Montgomery. (Ry 11) mail Shawsville. Alleghany, Alleghany, Q-19, (Ry 8) mail Alleghany Station. Alleghany Cooper Gold Mines, Lou- isa, mail Tolersville. Alleghany Spring, Montgomery, U-19 60 Alleghany Station, Alleghany, (Ry 8) see Alleghany, Q-19 75 Allen's Creek, Nelson, mail Allen's Allen's Creek, Amherst, R-27 30 Allen's Cross Roads, Warren, mail Front Eoyal. Allen's Landing. Goochland, (Ryl7) mail Goochland C. H. Allen's Store. Franklin, mail Hale's Ford. Alley, Sett. 5 m S Estillville, X-5. Allisonia, Pulaski, V-15 55 Allwood, Amherst, R-25 35 Alma, Page, L-29 53 Almond. Rockingham. Alone, Rockbridge, P-24 30 Alone Mills. Rockbridge, mail Alone. Alonzaville. Shenandoah, 4 m W Maurertown, J-30 63 Alpha, Halifax, mail Hyco. Alps, Brunswick, 2 m S W Powell- ton, W-34. Alrichs, Spottsylvania, . mail Al- rich's Crossing. Alrich's Crossing, Spottsylvania, N-35, (Ry 15). Altamaha, Pulaski, U-15. Alta Vista, Russell, mail Elk Garden. Altizer's Store, Montgomery, 4 m S E Childress Store, TJ-17. Alto, Louisa, mail Bumpass. Alton Park, Albemarle, mail Green- wood Depot. Altoona Mines, Pulaski, (Ry 3) mail Martin's Station. Alum & Iodine Springs, Bedford, mail Bedford Springs. Alum Ridge, Floyd, V-17 15 Alum Wells, Washington, W-7 40 Alum Springs, Rockbridge, mail Rockbridge Alum Springs. Ambler's Mills, Louisa, mail Good- all's. Amelia C. H., Amelia, S-33, (Ry 18) 300 Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. "80. Amelia Springs, Amelia, mail Jeters- ville. Amherst C. H., Amherst, R-26, (Ry 25) 524 Amherst Depot, Amherst, (Ry 25) mail Amherst C. H. Amherst Furnace, Amherst, mail Big Island. Amissville, Rappahannock, L-33 \ 141 Amsterdam, Botetourt, S-21 103 Anderson, Hanover, (Ry 8) mail Verdon. Anderson's Crossing, Caroline, mail Verdon. Anderson's Mills, Botetourt, mail Buchanan. Anderson's Store, Halifax, mail Mountain Road. Anderson's Store, Pittsylvania, mail Spring Garden. Anderson's View, Frederick, mail Rock Enon Springs. Andrews. Spottsylvania, 0-34 30 Angola, Cumberland, S-31. Anna, Fairfax, mail Lewinsville. Annandale, Fairfax, K-37. Annex, Augusta, 5 ruNE Staunton, 0-27 Antioch, Fluvanna, P-30 25 Antioch, Prince William, mail Thoroughfare. Antioch, Rockingham, mail Harri- sonburgh. Apperson's, Charles City, mail Wil- cox Wharf. Apple Grove, Louisa, P-33 40 Applewood, Caroline, mail Ruther Glen. Appomattox C. H., Appomattox, S-28. (Ry 11) 110 Appomattox Depot, Powhatan, (Ry 11) mail Genito. Appomattox Station, Appomattox. (Ry 11) mail Nebraska. Aquia, Stafford, 6 m E Garrisonville, M-35. Aral, Carroll, 4 m W Dug Spur, W-lo. Ararat. Patrick, X-17 55 Arbor Hill, Augusta, 0-26 87 Areola. Loudoun, J-35 95 Arlington, Alexandria, (Ry 26) 7 m N W Alexandria, K-38 324 Arlington Academy, King William, mail Mangohick. Arlington Centre, Alexandria, mail Arlington. Arlington's Crossing, Fairfax, mail Bailey's Cross Roads. Arnold's Store, Campbell, mail Otter River. Arnold's Valley, Rockbridge, mail Glenwood. Arnold's Wharf, King George, mail La Grange. Arnoldton, Campbell, mail Otter River. Arralts Cross Roads, Alleghany, mail Covington. Arrington, Nelson, Q-27, (Ry 25) ... . 150 Arritts, Alleghany, 5 m S W Blue Spring Run, R-19. Asberrys, Tazewell, U-ll. Handy Mchally dc (Jo.'x Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Asbury Academy, Wythe, mail Cedar Springs. Ashbura Farm, Loudoun,mai£ Farmwell. Ashby, Clarke, (Ry 23) mail White Post. Ashby, Cumberland, R 31 18 Ashby. Warren. (Ry 23) 3 m N E Cedarville, J -32, mail Bayard. Ash Cake. Hanover. Q-36, (Ry 8) mail Atlee's Station. Ashland, Hanover. Q-36, (Ry 19) ... . 764 Ashland Mills, Hanover, mail Ashland. Ashley Depot, Warren, mail Nineveh. Ashton Mills, Frederick, mail Collins- ville. Ashville, Fauquier, mail Delaplane. Aspen Grove, Pittslyvania, mail Dan- ville. Aspen Wall, Charlotte, U-28 60 Aspear Hill. Caroline, mail Milford. Assamoosick, Southampton. W-37.. 32 Assawonron, Accomack, mail Atlantic. Assuammon, Accomack, mail Tem- peranceville. Astrop"s Mills, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Athens, Caroline, mail Bowling Green. Athens. Rockingham, mail Melrose. Atkins, Smyth, V-12, (Ry 11) mail Atkins 1 Tank. Atkins 1 Tank, Smyth. (Ry 11) 56 Atkins* Switch, Smyth, (Ry 11) mail Atkins 1 Tank. Atlantic, Accomack, P-47 28 Atlantic City, Norfolk, mail Norfolk. Atlantic Wharf, Accomack, mail Atlantic. Atlee's Station, Hanover, R-36, (Ry 8) 35 Auburn, Fauquier, 6 m S E War- renton, K-34 20 Auburn, Montgomery, mail Chris- tiansburgh 161 Auburn Mills, Hanover, Q-35 24 Augusta. Augusta, mail "West Augusta. Augusta Lebanon White Sulphur Springs, Augusta, mail West Augusta. Augusta Springs, Augusta, mail Stribling Springs. Austin, Buckingham, mail Bucking- ham C. H. Austinville, Wythe, mail Max Meadows. Australia, Nansemond, mail Nur- neysville. Ava. Dickenson, T-5 600 Avery Farm, Rockingham, mail Rawley Springs. Avon, Nelson. 0-27 18 Axton. Pittsylvania, mail Brosville. Axton. Henry, X-22, (Ry 08). Aylett's, King William, Q-38 76 Aylett's Warehouse, King William, mail Aylett's. Ayre Hill, Fairfax, mail Vienna. Ayre's Wharf, Accomack, mail Pun- goteague. Bachelor's Hall, Pittsylvania, X-23.. 300 Back Bone, Alleghany, Q-19, (Ry 8). Back Creek, Botetourt, mail Was- key's Mills. Back Creek, Franklin, mail Naffs. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80 Back Creek. Frederick, mail Back Creek Valley. Back Creek Vallev, Frederick, 3 m S E Parishville, H-30 100 Back River, Elizabeth City, mail National Soldiers 1 Home. Bacon's Castle, Surry, U-40 112 Bailey, Lee, V-3. Bailey's Cross Roads, Fairfax, 5 m N Lincolnia, K-38 89 Bailey & Norton's Mill, Tazewell. mail Springville. Bailey's Store, Charlotte, mail Aspen Wall. Baker's Mill, Smyth, mail Town House. Baker's Mill. Rockingham, L-27 25 Balcony Falls, Rockbridge, R-24 205 Bales'Mills, Lee, X-l 30 Ballahock, Norfolk, mail Lake Drummond. Ballman, Louisa, mail Bentivoglio. Ball's Cross Roads, Fairfax, mail Arlington. Ball's Mills, Appomattox, mail Ever- green. Ball's Mills, Loudoun, mail Ever- green Mills. Ballsville, Powhatan, R-32 75 Balston. Alexandria, mail Arlington. Bancroft Gold Mine, Fauquier, mail Morrisville. Bangor, Buckingham, mail Ore Banks. Bangs, Montgomery, (Ry 4) 1 m W Christiansburgh. U-18 234 Banks 1 Garden, Tazewell, mail Burke's Garden. Banks' Mill, Madison, mail Wolf Town. Baptist Valley. Tazewell, 4 m N E Cedar Bluff, U-9 32 Barber Cross Roads, Fauquier, mail Markham Station. Barber's Cross Roads, Isle of Wight, mail Isle of Wight C. H. Barboursville, Orange, N-31, (Ry 25) 43 Barham's Mill, Southampton, mail Airfield. Barhamsville, New Kent, S-40 175 Barksdale, Halifax, V-27 24 Barksdales. Halifax, X-26, (Ry 18) mail Whitlock. Barksdale Mill, Charlotte, mail Rough Creek. Barksdale Mills, Halifax, mail Whitlock. Barksdale Store, Halifax, mail Clover Depot. Barnesville, Charlotte, W-29 250 Barne Tavern, Southampton, mail Sebrell. Barnett's Ford, Madison, mail Orange C. H. Barren Spring, Wythe, mail Reed Island. Barretts, Sussex, mail Airfield. Barrett's Mill, Fauquier mail Pine View. Barrett's Neck, Nansemond, mail Chuckatuck. Barristertown, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Barrow's Mill, Henry, W-22. Barrow's Store, Brunswick, V-33 18 8 Wind, McNally & Co.' a Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Barry's Bridge, Lunentmrgh, mail Wattsborough. Barter Brook, Augusta, 2 m N Fish- erville. 0-27. Bartonsville, Frederick, mail Stephens City. Basham, Floyd, 4 m S Pilot, U-18. Batesville, Albemarle, P-28 175 Batesville, Powhatan, mail Genito. Bath, Bath, mail Warm Springs. Bath Alum, Bath, 0-22 54 Bath Alum Springs, Bath, mail Bath Alum. Battersea. Dinwiddie, mail Petersburgh. Battery, Matthews, mail Hicks 1 Wharf. Battletown, Clarke, mail Berryville. Battysville, Powhatan, mail Ballsville. Baugh, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Bauingardner's Carding Machine, Lee, mail Pridemore. Bawler Springs, Highland, mail Cleek's Mills. Bayard, Warren, 3 m W Milldale.I-32. Baynesville. Westmoreland, 0-39 ... 60 Bay Port. Middlesex, Q-41 40 Bayside, Princess Anue, mail Kemps- ville. Bay View, Northampton, T-45 56 Beach Grove, Grayson, mail Carson- ville. Beacon Hall. Prince William, mail Hay Market. Beales* Mill, Westmoreland, mail Machodoc. Bealeton. Fauquier, L-34, (Ry 25) . . 250 Bear Garden, Buckingham, mail New Canton. Bear Island, Hanover, mail Taylors- ville. Bear Quarter, Norfolk, mail Lake Drummond. Bear Skin, Pittsylvania, mail Bur- well ville. Bear Spring, Giles, T-16 35 Beartown, Russell, mail Rosedale. Bear Wallow, Buchanan, T-9 22 Beatty, Smyth, mail Town House. Beaver Creek, Campbell, mail Ivy Hill. Beaver Creek, Rockingham, mail Ottobine. Beaver Dam, Caroline, mail Freder- icksburgh. Beaver Dam, Goochland, (Ry 17) mail Issequena. Beaver Dam, Hanover, P-35, (Ry 8) mail Beaver Dam Depot 54 Beaver Dam Depot, Hanover, (Ry 8) see Beaver Dam. P-35 100 Beaver Dam Mills, Hanover, P-34. Beaver Pond, Amelia, S-33 30 Beckettsville, Charlotte, mail Wes- tonville. Bedford's Mill, Bedford, mail Lisbon. Bedford Springs, Campbell, S-25.... 198 Beech Springs, Lee, W-l 45 Bee Mill, Henrico, mail Richmond. Beesville, Buckingham, Q-29 20 Belfast Mills, Russell, U-9 36 Belfield, Greenville, W-36, (Ry 12) mail Hicksf ord. Bellefield, Loudoun, mail Upperville. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. "80. Belief ont, Nottoway, 6 m S E Notto- way C. H., T-32, (Ry 11) mail Blacks and Whites 150 Bellefonte, Rockingham, mail Clover Hill. Belle Grove, King George, mail Port Conway. Belle Haven, Alexandria, mail Alex- andria. Belle Haven, Accomack, R-46 225 Belle Haven Institute, Alexandria, mail Alexandria. Belle Hill, Spottsylvania, mail Fred- ericksburgh. Belle Isle, Henrico, (Rys 18, 19) mail Richmond. Belle Isle Junction, Chesterfield, mail Manchester. Bellemeade, Powhatan, mail Pow- hatan C. H. Belle Point. Giles, mail Narrows. Belle Roy, Gloucester, mail Cappahosic. Belle's Store, Northumberland, mail Lottsburgh. Belleview, Alexandria, mail Alex- andria. Belleville, Henry, mail Danville. Belleville, Nansemond, V-42 75 Belle vue, Bedford, S-24, (Ry 11) . . . . 75 Bellew's, Shenandoah, K-29, (Ry 5) mail Hawkinstown. Bellfair Mills. Stafford, L-36 25 Bellfield, Wythe, mail Kent's Mills. Bellona Arsenal, Chesterfield, mail Midlothian. Bells. Bedford, 6 m W Loving Creek, T-24. Bell's Cross Roads, Louisa, P-32 .. . 35 Bell Spring, Pulaski, 6 m S Bear Spring, T-16. Bell's" Valley, Rockbridge, 0-24, (Rv 8) 55 Bell vue, Fairfax, mail Prospect Hill. Belmead, Goochland, mail Powhatan C. H. Belmont, Loudoun, mail Farmwell. Belmont, Stafford, mail Falmouth. Belmont. Warren, mail Front Royal. Belona. Powhatan. 4 m W Macon, R-33. Belsches, Sussex, 3 m N Hawkinsville, V-37. Belt's Store, Northumberland, mail Coan W T harf. Bendover, Goochland, mail Sabbot Island. Benford's Fork, Mecklenburgh, mail Forksville. Benhams, Washington, 7 m W Wal- laces, X-8. Benham's Mills, Washington, mail Wallace's Switch. Ben Lomond Plantation, Goochland, mail West View. Bennett's Creek, Nansemond, mail Cartwright's Wharf. Bennett's Mill, Montgomery, S-18. . . 35 Bennett's Pasture, Nansemond, mail Belleville. Benn's Church, Isle of Wright, mail Smithfield. Rand, McNally Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. 'SO. Bent Creek, Appomattox. R-28 55 Bentivoglio. Albemarle, 3 ni N E Cobham. 0-31 45 Bentleyville. Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Bent Mountain, Roanoke, T-20 25 Benton. Brunswick, mail Hicksford. Bentonville. Warren, K-31, (Ry23).. 175 Berger's Store. Pittsylvania, V-24. .. 25 Berge's Gap, Wise. U-4 25 Berkely. Charles City, mail Wilcox Wharf. Berkley. Norfolk, W-43, (Ry 9) mail Norfolk. Berlin, Southampton, V-39 75 Bermuda Hundreds, Chesterfield, 3 m N City Point, T-37 139 Bernardsburgh, Fluvanna, mail Union Mills. Berry Hill, Halifax, mail South Bos- ton Depot. Berry Hill, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Berry Plains, King George, mail Port Conway. Berry's Mills, Rappahannock, mail Boston. Benyville, Clarke, H-33. (Ry23)..1225 Bersch's Store, Appomattox, mail New Store. Bess, Alleghany, 5 m N W Potts Creek, R-19. Besley's Mills, Fairfax, mail Pros- pect Hill. Bestland, King and Queen, mail Bestland. Bestland. Essex, P-39 60 Bethel, Albemarle, (Ry 25) mail Proffit, Bethel, Amherst, mail Salt Creek. Bethel, Loudoun, mail Goresville. Bethel, York, mail Hampton. Bethel Academy, Fauquier, K-34 30 Bethel Mines, Wythe, mail Allisonia. Bethel Store, Fauquier, mail Bethel Academy. Beulah, Prince William, 3 m S E Independence Hill, L-35, mail Independence Hill. Beulahville, King William, Q-37. ... 50 Beverly Manor, Augusta, mail Staun- ton. Beverly's Mills, Wise, mail Guest's Station. Beverlys, Fauquier, K-34, (Ry 25) mail Broad Run Station. Bibb, Louisa. 3 m N W Mansfield, 0-33. Bibb*s Store, Louisa, mail Louisa C. H. Bickley's Mills, Russell, V-6 60 Bigber's Shop, Campbell, mail Boonsborough. Big Branch. Scott, W-5 435 Bigelows, York, mail Williamsburgh. Big Engine Mills, York, mail Wil- liamsburgh. Big Glades, Russell, mail Lebanon. Big Island, Amherst, mail Big Island. Big Island, Bedford, R-24 215 Big Lick. Roanoke, mail Roanoke. . 669 Big Lick. Buchanan, mail Grundy. Big Meadows. Grayson, mail Grant. & Go. 1 8 Virginia. i) Towns, etc —continued. Pop. '80. Big River, Augusta, V-20, mail Craigs- ville. Big Rock, Buchanan, R-7 45 Big Spring, Montgomery, T-19,(Ry 11) mail Big Spring Depot. Big Spring, Rockingham, mail Lacey Spring. Big Spring Depot, Montgomery, (Ry 11) see Big Spring, T-19 225 Big Stone Gap, Wise. V-4 35 Big Stony Creek, Giles, mail Kini- ballton Big Tunnel, Montgomery, T-18.(Ry 11) mail Montgomery Springs. Bindurant's Gold Mine, Buckingham, mail New Store. Birch Creek, Halifax, mail Whitlock. Birch Creek, Pittsylvania, mail Laurel Grove. Birch Creek Foundry, Pittsylvania, mail Laurel Grove. Bird Island, Henrico, mail Richmond. Bird Mill, Bland, mail Point Pleasant. Bird's Nest, Northampton, mail Marionville. Bird's Nest, Washington, mail Alum Wells. Blackface, Nottoway, mail Fork- land. Black Ground Lane, Westmoreland, mail Montross. Black Heath, Chesterfield, mail Mid- lothian. Black Hill, King William, mail Etna Mills. Blackingtown, Buckingham, mail New Store. Black Lick, Wythe, U-13, mail Rural Retreat 125 Black Rock. Rappahannock, mail Flint Hill. Blacks, Mecklenburgh, mail Macon N. C. Blacksburgh, Montgomery, T-17 688 Blacksford, Russell, mail Rosedale. Black's Ridge, Mecklenburgh, X-33. Blacks and Whites, Nottoway, U-33, (Ry ID • Black Walnut, Halifax, X-27 150 Black Water, Lee, X-2 30 Black Water, Princess Anne, mail Land of Promise. Black Water, Sussex, mail Waverly Station. Black Water River, Southampton, mail Franklin. Blackwell's Wharf, Northumberland, mail Burgess' Store. Blairs, Prince George, T-38. Blair's Wharf, Prince George, mail Blair's Bland C.H., Bland, U-13 229 Blandford, Dinwiddie, mail Peters- burgh. Blandford Church, Dinwiddie, mail Petersburgh. Bland's Farm, Gloucester, mail Cap- pahosic. Blanton's, Caroline, 0-35. Blessville, Albermarle, mail Stony Point. 10 Randy Mc Nolly & Go.\h Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Bliss, Fauquier, K-33. Blizard Mine, Fauquier, mail Pine View. . Block House, Scott, mail Holston Bridge. Bloomfield, Albemarle, mail Ivy Depot. Bloomfield, Loudoun, 3mE Trapp, 1-33 ! 63 Bloomfield, Rappahannock, mail Boston. Bloomsburgh, Halifax, mail Turbe- ville. Blossom Hill, Princess Anne, X-44 . . 40 Blowing Cove, Bath, mail Millborough Springs. Blue Ridge, Botetourt. S-21, (Ry 11) . 35 Blue Ridge, Augusta, 1 m S W Waynesboro, 0-27, (Ry 8) mail Waynes I ioro. Blue Ridge Springs, Botetourt, S-22, (Ryll) 150 Blue Spring, Smyth, mail Sugar Grove. Blue Sprino- Run, Alleghany, Q.-20 . . 30 Blue Stone, Tazewell, T-12 25 Blue Stone Camp Ground, Tazewell, mail Blue Stone. Blue Wiug, Stafford, mail Richland. Blundon's Store, Northumberland, mail Burgess' Store. Blunt's Depot, Southampton, mail Delaware's. Bobtown, Accomack, mail Pun- goteague. Bocock, Campbell, 5 m S E Lyuch- burgh, S-25. Bocock's Tavern. Albemarle, mail Charlottesville. Body Camp. Bedford, 4 m S Bunker Hill, S-23. Boggsville, Accomack, mail' Boggs' Wharf. Boggs' Wharf, Accomack, R-46 35 Bohannan, Essex, mail Dunnsville. Boiling Springs, Shenandoah, mail Quicksburgh. ■ Bolar, Bath, 6 m S Wilsonville, N-22. Bolden, Powhatan, mail Genito. Boler Spring, Bath, mail Cleek's Mills 100 Bolington. Loudoun, 2 m S Lovetts- ville, H-35 25 Bolivar Mills, Rockbridge, mail Lex- ington 25 Bollingbroke, Fauquier, mail Upper- ville. Boiling's Hall, Goochland, mail North- side. Boiling's Island, Goochland, mail West View. Boiling's Landing, Buckingham, mail Paynes 20 Boiling's Retreat, Goochland, mail West View. Bonair, Chesterfield, (Ry 18) 3 m N E Robious, R-35. Bonbrook, Franklin, U-21 76 Bond's Mills, Wise, U-4. Bond Store, King William, mail King William C. H. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Bonham's Crossing, Smyth, mail Marion. Bonsacks. Roanoke, S-21, (Ry 11) . . 225 Bonyer's Shop, Botetourt, mail Fin- Boone's Mill, Franklin, U-21 45 Boonesville, Albemarle, N-29. Boonsborough, Bedford, S-25 30 Boon's Path, Lee, W-l 50 Booten's Tan Yard, Madison, mail Twyraan's Mill. Booth's Mill, Floyd, V-18. Booze's Mills, Botetourt, mail Buchanan. Borden, Shenandoah/5 m N E Tira- berville, L-28. Bordensville, Shenandoah, mail Quicksburgh. Boscobel, Goochland, (Ry 17) mail Dover Mines. Boscole Quarry, Henrico, mail West- hampton. Bosher's, Goochland, (Ry 17) mail Westham Locks. Boston, Culpeper, L-32 130 Boston, Halifax, W-27, (Ry 18) mail South Boston Depot. Boswells, Cumberland, 4 in N W Flanagan's Mills, R-31. Boswell's, Fluvanna, mail Bremo Bluff 40 Boswell's Landing, Fluvanna, mail Bremo Bluff. Botetourt Springs, Roanoke, T-20. . . 55 Bothwick, Dinwiddie, mail San Marino. Boulton, Henrico, R-36, (Ry 19) mail Richmond. Bowenville, Fauquier, mail Rappa- hannock Station. Bowers, Southampton, W-39 150 Bowers' Hill, Norfolk, W-42, (Ry 22) 35 Bowers' Store, Hanover, mail Hano- ver C. H. Bowies, Loudoun, mail Clark's Gap. Bowler's Landing, Essex, mail Bow- ler's Wharf. Bowler Springs, Highland, mail Cleek's Mills. Bowlersville, Fluvanna, mail Kent's Store. Bowler's Wharf, Essex, 5 m N Cen- tre Cross, Q.-41 60 Bowlesville, Albemarle, O-30 40 Bowling Green, Caroline, 0-37. . . 426 Bowling Hill, Charlotte, mail Red House. Bowling's Landing, Buckingham, mail Paynes. Bowlin's Store, Scott, mail Pattons- ville. Bowman's Mill, Rockingham, mail Broadway. Bowman's School House, Shenan- doah, mail Woodstock. Boyce, Clarke, see Boyceville, J-32. Boyceville, Clarke, 1-32, (Ry 23) mail Boyce 42 Boyd's Hole, King George, mail Hampstead. Boyd's Mill, Mecklenburgh, mail Shaw's Store. Rand, McNally & Co.'s Virginia. 11 Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. '80. Boyd's Tavern, Albemarle, P-31 .... 15 Boydton, Mecklenburgh. X-31 1382 Boykins, Southampton, X-37, (Ry 22) mail Boykin's Depot 175 Boykin's Depot. Southampton, see Boykin's. X-37. Bradley, Prince William, mail Ma- nassas. Bradley's Store, Charles City, S-38. . . 30 Bradshaw, Roanoke, 5 m N E Mc- Donald's Mill, T-19. Bradshaw's Creek, Roanoke, mail La Fayette. Brady's Forge, Rockbridge, mail Buffalo Forge. Bragtown, Frederick, mail Welltown. Brambleton. Norfolk, mail Norfolk. 538 Brampton, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Branchland, Albemarle, mail Char- lottesville. Branchville, Southampton, Y-37, (Ry 22) 125 Brand Neck, . King William, mail King William, C. H. Brandon, Halifax, mail Delila. Brandon, Prince George, T-39. Brandon Church, Prince George, 4 m N Newville, T-38 75 Brandon Farm, Middlesex, mail Har- mony Village. Brandon Mill, Prince George, mail Brandon Church. Brandon Mills, Halifax, mail Whit- lock. Brandon Point, Prince George, mail Brandon. Brandy, Culpeper, L-33, (Ry 25) mail Brandy Station. Brandy Station, Culpeper, (Ry 25) see Brandy, L-33 201 Brandywine, Fauquier, mail War- renton. Brandywine, King William, mail Enfield. Branscomb's Mill, Carroll, mail Cold Spring. Brasville. Pittsylvania, X-23, mail Mount Cross. Henry, mail Mount Vernon. Bremo Bluff, Fluvanna, Q-31, (Ry 17) 65 Brentsville, Prince William, L-35. 203 Briar Hill, Patrick, mail Penn's Store. Briarly Mill, Clarke, mail White Post. Brick House Landing, King George, mail Hampstead. Brickland, Lunenburgh, V-32 30 Brick Store, Lee, V-3 24 Bridgeforth's Mills, Amelia, mail Beaver Pond. Bridgeport, Frederick, mail Parkins Mill. Bridgetown, Northampton, S-45 38 Bridgewater, Rockingham, 3 m S W Dayton. N-27 390 Bridle Creek, Grayson, X-13 100 Briery, Prince Edward, 5 m W Meher- rin, U-31. Bright Hope Station, Chesterfield, mail Winterpock. Breckenridge Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Brighton, King William, mail Av- letts. J Bristersburgh, Fauquier. L-35 15 Bristoe,Prince William, K-35, (Rv 25) 75 Briston Mills, Dinwiddie, mail Din- widdie C. H. Broadford, Smyth, 6 m N Saltville, V-10 35 Broadlands, Prince William, mail Bristoe. Broadnax Mills, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Broad Road, Smyth, U-10, mail Broadford. Broad Run, Fauquier, K-34, (Ry 25) mail Broad Run Station. Broad Run, Loudoun, mail Loudoun. Broad Run Station, Fauquier, (Ry25) see Broad Run, K-34 75 Broad Shoals, Floyd, V-17. Broadway, Rockingham, L-28,(Ry5) 303 Brock's Gap. Rockingham, mail Coote's Store. Brock's Road, Spottsylvania, mail Brockville. Brockville, Spottsylvania, N-35, (Ry 15). Brokenburgh, Spottsylvania, 0-35.. 50 Brompton, Spottsylvania, mail Fred- ericksburgh. Brooke's Bank, Essex, mail Loretto Brooke's Station, Stafford, M-36 „ (Ryi9) ; 100 Brookneld, King William, mail En- field. Brookfield, Prince Edward, mail Green Bay. Brook Hill, Henrico, mail Richmond Brookland, Frederick, mail Win- chester. Brookland. Loudoun, mail Farm well Brooklyn, Princess Anne, mail Pleas- ant Ridge. Brooklyn, Halifax, X-25 . . -fT.. . 35 Brook Neal, Campbell, U-27 ... " 160 Brook's Mill, Franklin, mail Hale's Ford. Brooksville, Albemarle, mail Afton Brookvale, Prince William, mail Oc- coquan. Brookville, Campbell, mail Lynch- burgh. Brookville, Nottoway, mail Burke- ville. Broomfield, Hanover, mail Beaver Dam Depot. Broomfield, Charles City, mail Wil- cox Wharf. Broomsage Hill, Prince William mail Independent Hill. Brosville, Pittsylvania. X-23 80 Browder's, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Browne Hill, Wythe, V-14, mail Van Liew 125 Browning's Mills.Russelli mail Rose- dale. Brownsburgh. Rockbridge, P-25.... 220 Brown's Church, Cumberland, mail Cottontown. 12 Hand, McNally Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Brown's Cove. Albemarle, N-28. Brown's Landing, Albemarle, mail Warren. Brown's Landing, Buckingham, mail Howardsville. Brown's Mill, Fairfax, mail Colvin Run. Brown's Mills, Wythe, mail Wytke- ville. Brown's Shops, Pittsylvania, mail Brosville. Brown's Store, Franklin, mail Dick- inson's. Brown's Store, Northumberland, Q-42 24 Brown's Store, Culpeper, mail Cul- peper. Browntown, Warren, K-31 142 Brownsville, Albemarle, mail Yan- cey's Mills. Bruceland, Albemarle, mail Nortonsville. Brucetown, Frederick, 2 m N W Wadesville, H-32 198 Brugh's Mill. Botetourt, S-21 30 Bruington. King and Queen, Q-39 . . 32 Brumley Gap, Washington, W-8. Buohanan, Botetourt, R-22 414 Buckhorn, Nanseniond, W-40, (Ry 22) 100 Buckingham C. H . , Buckingham, R-29 375 Buckingham Mines, Buckingham, R-30, mail Buckingham C. H. . . 28 Buckingham Springs. Buckingham, mail New Stoi - e. Buckingham White Sulphur Spring, Buckingham, mail New Store. Buckland, Prince William 81 Buckner's Station, Louisa, P-34, (Ry8) 35 Buck Shoal. Halifax, X-28 10 Buckton. Warren, J-31. (Ry 25) 9 Bucktown, York, mail Yorktown. Buena Vista, King and Queen, mail Shaklefords. Buena Vista, Washington, mail Salt- ville. Buena Vista Furnace, Rockbridge, mail Lexington. Buer's Church, Amelia, mail Deatonsville. Buffalo, Rockbridge, mail Rapp's Mills. Buffalo Ford, Smyth, mail Saltville. Buffalo Forge, Rockbridge, R-24.... 125 Buffalo Gap, Augusta, N-25, (Ry 8) . 57 Buffalo Lithia Springs, Mecklen- burgh, X-29 . .'.' 114 Buffalo Mills, Rockbridge, Q-24 105 Buffalo Pond. Washington, mail Wallace's Switch. Buffalo Ridge, Patrick, W-19 32 Buffalo Spring, Amherst, mail Forks of Buffalo. Buffalo Spring, Mecklenburgh, mail Buffalo LithiaSprings. Bufords, Bedford, S-22, (Ry 11) mail Bufordville. Buford's Trestle, Pittsylvania, X-23, (Ry 08) mail Bachelor's Hall. Bufordville, Bedford, (Ry 11) see Buford's. S-22 125 & Co.'s T iryinia. Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. m Bugg's Lock, Fluvanna, mail Seven Islands. Bula. Goochland, Q-32 30 Bulah, Louisa, mail Cuckoo. Bullfield, Hanover, mail Junction. Bull Run, Accomack, mail Locustville. Bull Run, Fairfax, K-36. Bumpass, Louisa. P-34. (Ry 8) 45 Bunderskoff's Mill, Fauquier, mail Pine View. Bunker Hill. Amelia, mail Deatonsville. Bunker Hill, Bedford, S-23. Bunker Hill, Loudoun, mail Snick- ersville. Bunker Hill, Page, mail Grove Hill. Bunker Hill, Spottsylvania, mail Fredericksburgh. Burchfield, Wise, mail Crane's Nest. Burfords, Amherst, S-26, (Ry 25) mail Harris Creek. Burford's Summit, Amherst, mail Harris Creek. Burgess, Dinwiddie, T-36. Burgess' Mill, Northumberland, mail Burgess' Store. Burgess' Store, Northumberland, P-42 200 Burgundy, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Burkes, Fairfax, K-37, (Ry 25) mail Burke's Station 20 Burke's Cross Roads, Culpeper, mail Boston. Burke's Fork, Carroll, mail Princeton. Burke's Garden, Tazewell, U-12 110 Burke's Mills, Augusta, 2 m N W Wyer's Cave, N-27 120 Burke's Station.. Fairfax, (Ry 25) see Burke's, K -37. Burketown/Augusta, mazZBurke's Mills. Burkeville, Nottoway, T-32,(Rys 11, 18).' 237 Burk's Fork, Floyd, W-17. BKrmingham Iron and Coal Com- / pany, Campbell, mail Mount Athos . ''Burner's White Sulphur Spring, Shenandoah, mail Seven Fountains . Burnt Chimneys, Henry, W-22, (Ry 08) mail Stockton. Burnt Ordinary, King William, mail King William C. H. Burnt Ordinary, James City, S-40, (Ry 8) .\ 100 Burnt Quarters,' Dinwiddie, \mai£ Petersburgb. Burntville, Brunswick, mail Wal thall's Store. Burrell's Store, Westmoreland, mail Machodoc. Burr Hill, Orange, 5 m N W Locust Grove, N-34. Burroughs, Carroll, 3 m W Hilla- ville, W-16. Burton's Creek, Campbell, 6 m- S Lynchburgh, T-26 1. 12 Burwell's Bay, Isle of Wight, mau Fergusson's Wharf. Burwellville, Pittsylvania, 5 m W Chatham , W-24 / 200 Busey Glen, Roanoke, T-21, mail Big Lick. L "\ Rand, MbNally & Co.'* I irginia. 13 -continued. !'<»■.. '80. \ Bush Hill, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Bush Park, Cumberland, 5 m S E Flanagan's Mills, R-31. Bushy. Middlesex, 5 ui S E Harmon v Village. R-41. Butcher's Fork. Wise, U-4. Butler's Farm. Elizabeth City, mail Hampton. Butler's School House. Elizabeth City, mail National Soldiers' Home. p Buzzards Hill. Accomack, mail Ac- comack C. H. -— Cabbage Farm Mecklenburgh, X-32 50 Cabell. Carroll. X-16. Cabinet Hall, Richmond, mail Mil- ton Wharf. Cabin Hill, Shenandoah. K-29 59 Cabin Point, Surry, T-39 35 Cady Mills, Hanover, mail Hanover C. H. Cady's Tunnel, Bath, mail Millboro Depot. Ca ara, Cumberland, S-31, mail McRae's 50 Caledonia, Goochland, Q-32, mail Bula. Calfus' Ferry, Pulaski, mail Allisonia. Calico Rock, Franklin, V-21 200 California Furnace, Rockbridge, mail Denmark. Callaghan's, Alleghany, Q-20, (Ry 8) 60 Callands, Pittsylvania, W-23 120 Callaville, Brunswick, 4 m E Smokj r Ordinary, W-34. Callaway's, Franklin. IT -20 50 Callaway's Mill, Franklin, mail Callaway's. Callie Furnace, Alleghany, mail Iron Gate. Calvary, Shenandoah, 3 m W Wood- stock, J-30. Camden, Caroline, mail Port Royal. Camden, Pittsylvania, mail Danville. Cameron, Fairfax, (Ry 25) mail Alexandria. Cameron, King George, mail Shiloh. Cameron, Scott, 9 m W Estillville, X-5. Cameron Mills, Fairfax, mail Alexan- dria. Cameron Run, Fairfax, mail Alex- andria. Camp, Smyth, W-12. Campbell, Albemarle, 0-31, (Rys 8. 25) mail Cobham. Campbell, Campbell, mail Rustburgh. Campbell Station, Campbell, mail Otter River. Campbell's Switch, Albemarle, mail Cobham. Camp Casey, Alexandria, mail Ar- lington. Camp Creek, Floyd, 5 m N Floyd C. H., V-18 45 Camp Ground. Campbell, mail Yel- low Branch. Camp Mills, Floyd, mail Camp Creek. Canaan, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Cane Creek, Lee, mail Zion's Mills. Cany Hollow. Lee, W-l. Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. '80. Cannady's Gap, Floyd, mail Turtle Rock. Cannicello, Rockbridge, mail Steele's Tavern. Canning, King George, mail Port Conway. Cannon, Charles City, mail Sturgeon Point. Cannon's Wharf, Charles City, mail Sturgeon Point. Canoe House Landing, Middlesex. mail Bay Port. Canton. King William, mail King William C. H. Capbinger's Store, Rockingham, mail Dovesville. Cape Charles, Northampton, mail Capeville. Capeville, Northampton. T-45 100 Capon Road, Shenandoah, J-31, (Ry 5) mail Capon Road Depot. Capon Road Depot, Shenandoah, (Ry 5) see Capon Road, J-31 .' 50 Cappahosic, Gloucester, S-41 100 Capper's Spring, Frederick, mail Rock Enon Springs. Carbon Hill, Henrico, mail Richmond. Carlin's Springs, Fairfax, K-38, mail Bailey's Cross Roads. Carlin's Station, Fairfax, (Ry 26) mail Bailey's Cross Road. Carlotta, Page, L-30, mail Kimball . . 150 Carlton. Albemarle, mail Charlottesville. Carlton's Store, King and Queen, Q-39 28 earner's Hall, Loudoun, mail Mountville. Carolina, Botetourt, 3 m S W Lick Run Bridge, Q 22. Caroline Furnace, Shenandoah, mail Edith. Carrington. Buckingham. 5 m N E Diana Mills, Q-30, mail Bucking- ham C. H. Carrington Mills, Charlotte, mail Keysville. Carroll's Mills, Campbell, mail Rust- burgh. Carrollton, King George, mail Shiloh. Carrollton, Isle of Wight, V-41. Carrow Furnace, Franklin, mail Waidsboro. Carrsville, Isle of Wight, W-40, (Ry 22) 250 - Carsley, Surry, 7 m S Spring Grove, U-39. Carsley's Church, Surry, mail Waverly Station. Carson's Mills, Appomattox, mail Oakville. Carson ville, Grayson, W-14 100 Carter Hall, Clarke, mail Millwood. Carter's Bridge, Albemarle, 3 m S E Hardware, P-29 22 Cartersburgh, Pittsylvania, mail Fall Creek Depot. Carter's Creek, Lancaster. R-42. ... 150 Carter's Grove Wharf, James City, mail Williamsburgh. Carter's Island, Bedford, mail Good View. 14 Hand,. McNally & Co.'* Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Carter's Mills, Patrick, X-7 mail Ararat 25 Carterstown, Scott, mail Rye Cove. Cartersville, Cumberland, Q-32 143 Carter's Wharf. Richmond, 0-39. ... 53 Cartwright's Wharf, Nansemond. W-41 40 Carvin's Cove. Botetourt, mail Clo- verdale. Carys, Southampton, 5 m W Assa- moosick, W-37. Cary's Brook, Fluvanna, mail Col- umbia. Casanova. Fauquier. (Ry 25), 6 m S E Warrenton, K-34 100 Cascade, Pittsylvania, X-22 (Ry 08). . 158 Cashville, Accomack, mail Onancock. Castle Craig, Campbell, T-25 20 Castle Hill. Albemarle, mail Cobham. Castleman's Ferry, Clarke. H-33.... 55 Castleton. Rappahannock, L-32 30 Castlewood. Russell, mail Bickley's Mill. Castville. Accomack, mail Onancock. Catawba, Halifax, mail Barksdale. Catawba, Roanoke, S-19 55 Catawba Furnace, Botetourt, mail Haymakertown. Catharpin, Prince William, K-35 40 Catlett, Fauquier, L-34, (Ry 25) 150 Cave Depot. Augusta, mail Weyer's Cave. Cave of Fountain, Augusta, mail Weyer's Cave. Cave Spring, Roanoke, T-20 125 Cave Station, Augusta, mail Weyer's Cave. Cavyswood, Campbell, mail Evington. Cecil's Chapel, Pulaski, mail Snowville. Ceciltown, Pulaski, mail Snowville. Cedar Bluff. Tazewell, T-9 100 Cedar Creek. Frederick, 1-31, (Ry5) mail Marlborough. Cedar Creek, Essex, mail Montague. Cedar Creek Mills, Shenandoah, mail Gravel Spring. Cedar Creek Mills, Bath, mail Healing Springs. Cedar Fork, Caroline, mail Chilesburgh. Cedar Fork, Essex, mail Dunnsville. Cedar Grove, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Cedar Grove, Frederick. H-31. Cedar Grove, Patrick, mail Russell Creek. Cedar Grove Mills. King George, mail Fredericksburgh. Cedar Grove Mills, Franklin, 2 m S W Gogginsville, U-21, mail Hick- man 12 Cedar Grove Mills, Rockbridge, mail Rockbridge Baths. Cedar Hill. Middlesex, mail Freeshade. Cedar Hill, Pittsylvania, 8 m N E Chatham, W-24. Cedar Hill, Sussex, mail Stony Creek Warehouse. Cedar Hill, Wythe, mail Kent's Mills. Cedar Lawn, Lunenburgh. mail Lochleven. Cedar Mount, Sussex, mail Jarratt's. Cedar Mountain, Culpeper. mail Mitchell's Station. Cedar Point, Goochland, (Ry 17) mail Cedar Point Landing. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Cedar Point, Page, K-30 105 Cedar Point Landing, Goochland, 3 m W Goochland C. H.. R-34. ... 30 Cedar Run Furnace, Wythe, mail Graham's Forge. Cedar Springs, Smyth, V-12 30 Cedar View, Sussex, W-37 75 Cedarville, Warren, J-32, (Ry 23) . . . 50 Cedarville, Washington, mail Meadow View. Celerys, Elizabeth City, mail Hampton. Cement Mills, Rockbridge, mail Balcony Falls. Centenary, Buckingham, mail Well Water. Center Mills, Montgomery, U-17. Center View, Charlotte, W-29, mail Westonville 21 Centerville, Augusta, mail Milnesville. Centerville, Bedford, mail Liberty. Centerville, Louisa, mail Louisa C. H. Centerville, New Kent, mail Bar- hamsville. Centerville, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Centerville, James City, mail Wil- liamsburgh. Centerville, Norfolk, W-44, (Ry 9) mail North Landing. Central, Gloucester, mail Woods' Cross Roads. Central, Montgomery, U-17, (Ry 11) mail Lovely Mount 350 Central Depot. Pulaski, mail New River Depot. Centralia, Chesterfield, (Ry 20) 4 m E Chesterfield, R-35. Central Plains, Fluvanna, Q-31 78 Central Point, Caroline, P-38 15 Central Virginia Cooper Mines. Louisa, mail Tolersville. Centre Cross, Essex, Q-40 150 Centre Hill, Fluvanna, mail Hun- ter's Lodge. Centreville, Fairfax, K-36 96 Centreville, Accomack, mai£Metompkin. Centreville, King and Queen, mail Shakleford's 147 Centreville, Powhatan, mail Jeffersoa. Ceres, Bland. Chafftown, Augusta, mail Laurel Hill. Chalk Level, Pittsylvania, V-25 50 Chaltin's Landing, Giles, mail Pearisburgh. Chambers' Mills, Buckingham, mail Well Water. Chambers' Valley, Carroll, mail St. Paul. Chambersville, Frederick, H-31. Chamblissburgh. Bedford, T-22 50 Chancellor's Mills. Westmoreland. mail Potomac Mills. Chancellorsville, Spottsylvania. N-35, mail Alrich's Crossing;. Chandler's Mill, Hanover, mail Han- over C. H. Chaneysbury, Pittsylvania, mail Laurel Grove. Chautilly. Fairfax. J-36 55 Chapel Hill, Fluvanna, mad Kent's Store. Rand, MeJVally & Co.'s Virginia. 15 Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Chapel Grove, Essex, mail Dunnsville. Chapel Hill, King and Queen, mail St. Stephen's Church. Chapel Mills, Southampton, mail Boykin's Depot. Chapin, Augusta, (Ry 8) 2 in N E Ferrol, N-24. mail Ferrol. Chapman's Mill, Amelia, mail Deatonsville. Charity, Patrick, mail Elamsville. Charlemont, Bedford. S-24 75 Charles City C. H., Charles City, S-38. mail Wilcox Wharf 105 Charlestown, Accomack, mail Guilford. Charleton Hall, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Charlie Hope, Brunswick, W-33. Charlotte, Charlotte, mail Smithville. Charlottesville, Albemarle, O-30, (Rys8. 25) 2676 Chase City, Mecklenburgh, W-30, (Ry 16) 251 Chases, Lancaster, mail Chase's Wharf. Chase's Wharf. Lancaster. R-42. Chatham, Pittsylvania, W-24, (Ry 25) 543 Chatham, Fluvanna, mail Wilmington. Chatham, Stafford, mail Fredericks- burgh. Chatham Hill, Smyth, U-ll 153 Chatterton, King George, mail Lew- isville. Chellow Mills, Buckingham, mail Thruston. Chelsea, Stafford, mail Richland. Chelsea Farm, King William, mail West Point, Chericoke, Hanover, mail Old Church. Cherry Grove,Grayson. mail Old Town. Cherry Grove, Richmond, mail Naylor's. Cherry Grove, Southampton, mail Franklin. Cherry Grove, Rockingham, M-27. .. 25 Cherry Hill, Dinwiddie, mail Stony Creek Warehouse. Cherry Hill, Kiug George, mail Shiloh. Cherry Hill, Prince William, (Ry 6) mail Freestone. Cherry Lane, King William, mail Sweet Hall. Cherry Point, King George, mail Port Conway. Cherry Point, Northumberland, mail Lottsburgh. Cherry Stone, Accomack, mail Cherry Stone. Cherrystone, Northampton, T-45 ... 45 Chesapeake City. Elizabeth City, mail Hampton. Chesonessex, Accomack, mail Onancock. Chester, Chesterfield, S-36, (Rys 7,201 194 Chesterfield, Chesterfield, R-35, (Ry 20) 75 Chesterfield, Caroline, mail Ruther Glen. Chesterfield Depot, Caroline, mail Ruther Gleu. Chester Hill, Chesterfield, mail Drew- ry's Bluff. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Chester's Gap. Warren, mail Front Royal. Chester Station, Caroline, mail Ruther Glen. Chestnut, Franklin, mail Sydnorsville. Chestnut Fork. Bedford, T-24 50 Chestnut Grove, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Chestnut Grove, Pittsylvania, mail Whitmell. Chestnut Grove, Westmoreland, mail Oak Grove. Chestnut Grove Church, Buckingham, mail New Store. Chestnut Hill. Bedford, mail Wades. Chestnut Hill. King George, mail Edge Hill. Chestnut Hill, Orange, mail Nason's. Chestnut Level. Pittsylvania, 5 m E Dry Fork, W-24 200 Chewingo Ferry, Lancaster, mail Millenbeck. Chickahomine, Hanover, mail Ashland. Chickahomine- River, New Kent, mail Providence Forge. Chickentown, Charlotte, mail Madi- , sonville. Childress' Store, Montgomery, U-17, 35 Chilesburgh. Caroline. P-35 50 Chilhowie Springs. Smyth, V-10, mail Glade Springs. Chilton's, Westmoreland, 2 m N Mon- tross, O-40. China Dale, Patrick, mail Penn*s Store. Chinchtown, Accomack, mail Horn- town. Chincoteagne. Accomack, mail Atlantic. Chincoteague Island. Accomack, P-48 1668 Chintztown, Accomack, mail Horntown. Chitwood Mills. Franklin, mail Villa. Chrisman, Rockingham, 4 m N Mount Clinton, M-28. Christiausbui-gh, Montgomery, U-18, (Ry 11) 766 Christiansburgn's Depot, Montgomery, (Ry 11) mml Bangs. Christian's Store, Caroline, mail Fred- ericksburgn. Christianvilte Mecklenburgh, mail Chase City. Chuckatuck, Nansemond, W-41 200 Chuckatuck Wharf, Nansemond, W-41, mail Chuckatuck. Chula Depot, Amelia, S-33, (Ry 18) . 125 Church Hill, Henrico, mail Richmond. Churchland, Norfolk, V-41 60 Church Pasture, Prince George, mail Brandon. ChurchRoad,Dinwiddie,T-35,(Ryll) 25 Churchtown, Accomack, mail Horn- town. Church View, King and Queen, mail Church View. Church View, Middlesex, R-41 50 Churchville, Augusta, N-26 245 Churchville. Kiug and Queen, mail Newtown. Churchville. King William, mail West Point. 16 Rand, McNally & Vo.'s Virginia. Towns, etc. -continued. mail Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Churchville. Northampton, Franktown. Circleville, Loudoun, mail North Fork. City Point, Prince George, T-37, (Ry 11) 484 City view, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. City Water Works, Henrico, 3 m E Richmond, mail Richmond. Claremont Farm, Surry, mail Clare- mont Wharf. Claremont Mills, Surry, mail Clare- mont Wharf. Claremont Wharf, Surry, 7 m N Spring Grove, V-39 150 Clarens, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Claresville. Greenville, X-36. Clarks, Pulaski. U-15, (Ry 11), mail Martin's Station. Clark's Ferry. Giles, mail Narrows. Clark's Gap, Loudoun, H-35, (Ry 26). Clark's Mills, Washington, mail Lodi. Clarksville, Mecklenburgh, Y -29 .... 582 Clarksville, King and Queen, mail St Stephen's Church. Clay Bank, Gloucester S-41 ....... .. 50 Clay Hill Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Clav Hill,' Clarke, mail Millwood. Clays, Bedford, (Ry 11) mail Forest Station. .. Clay's Crossing, Bedford, mail Lynchburgh. Clay's Mills, Halifax, W-28. Clayton's Mills, Augusta, mail Mar- ble Valley. . . Clayton's Store, Louisa, mail Louisa O. n. Claytor's Mills, Bedford, mail Otter Hill. Clear Branch, Washington, mail Montgomery. Clear Fork, Bland, T-13 35 Clear View, Stafford, mail Fred- ericksburgh. Cleave, King George, mail Port Conway. Cleek's Mills, Bath, N-22. Cleeksville, Bath, mail Cleek's Mills. Clemensville, Sussex, mail Stony Creek Warehouse. Clemmentown, Amelia, mail Morven. Clemmontown Mills, Amelia, mail Morven. Clem's Branch, Grayson, X-12 35 Cleveland, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Cleft Mills, Fauquier, mail Warrenton. Cleopus, Nansemond. Clifton, Mecklenburgh, Y-31 200 Clifton, Fairfax, K-36, (Ry 25) mail Clifton Station 94 Clifton, King George, mail Frede- ricksburgh. Clifton, Russell, mail Rosedale. Clifton College, Fauquier, mail Markham Station. Clifton Forge, Alleghany, Q-21, (Ry 8) 100 Clifton Landing, King and Queens, mail Little Plvmouth. Clifton Station, Fairfax, (Ry 25) see Clifton, K-36. Clinch, Scott, 3 m W Osborn's Ford, V-5. Clinch River, Scott, X-3. Clinch River, Russell, mail Rosedale. Cline's Mills, Augusta, mail Mill Brook Depot. Clinton, Henry, mail Danville. Clinton, Cumberland, R-32 53 Clintwood, Dickenson, see Holly Creek, T-5. Cloud Lawn, King William, mail Aylett's. Clover, Halifax, W-28, (Ry 18) mail Clover Depot 150 Clover Creek, Highland, N-23 35 Cloverdale, Bath, mail Green Valley. Cloverdale, Botetourt, T-21 55 Cloverdale, Frederick, mail Opequon. Clover Dale Hotel, Bath, mail Green Valley. Clover Depot, Halifax, (Ry 18) see Clover, W-28 150 Cloverfield, Chesterfield, mail Mid- lothian. Clover Fields, Albemarle, mail Kes- wick Depot. Clover Green, Spottsylvania, 0-35, mail Post Oak 28 Clover Hill, Rockingham, M-26 25 Clover Hill, Appomattox, mail Appo- mattox C. H. Clover Hill, Chesterfield. S-34, (Ry 7) mail Winterpock 1011 Cluster Spring, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Clux, Bland, mail Holly Brook. Coal Chester, Prince William, mail Wood Bridge. Coal Field, Chesterfield, R-35, (Ry 18) mail Midlothian. Coal Hill, Culpeper, mail Stevensburgh. Coal Hill, Goochland, mail Tre- vilians. Coal Hill, Henrico, R-35 38 *Coal Kiln, Accomack. Coal Landing,Staff ord,mail Stafford C. H. Coalman's Mill, Appomattox, mail Oakville. Coal Mines, Chesterfield, mail Winterpock. Coalpits, Chesterfield, mail Winterpock. Coan, Northumberland, mail Coan Wharf. Coan Wharf, Northumberland, P-42. 45 Cobb's Creek, Matthews, S-42 100 Cobb's Island, Northampton, T-46, mail Cherrystone. Cobbsville, Southampton, mail Franklin 15 Cobham, Albemarle. 0-31, (Rys 8, 25) 75 Cobham's Store, Albemarle, mail Cobham. CockeralTs Creek, Northumberland, mail Fair Port. Cockletown, York, mail Grafton. Cock's Mills, Prince George, mail Garysville. Cock's Pit Point, Prince William, mail Dumfries. Cody, Halifax, 4 m N W Republican Grove, V-26. Cody's Houses, Halifax, V-26, mail Cody 25 Hand, McNally & (Jo:s Virginia. 17 Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Coffee's Shop, Bedford, mail Perrowville. Coffinantown, Shenandoah, mail Woodstock. Coghill, Caroline, 13 S Bowling Green, 0-37. Cohoke, King William, (Ry 21) 3 m W Sweet Hall, R-39. Cold Harbor, Hanover, mail Richmond. Cold Spring, Carroll, X-15. Cold Sulphur Springs, Augusta, mail Goshen Bridge. Coleman's Falls, Bedford, R-24. Coleman ville, Cumberland, R-31 20 Cole's Depot, Albemarle, mail North Garden. Cole's Ferry. Charlotte, U-28 100 Cole's Hill, Culpeper, mail Brandy Station. Cole's Mills, Washington, mail Lodi. College Hill, Prince Edward, mail Hampden Sidney College. Collierstown, Rockbridge, Q-23 300 Collingwood, Fairfax, K-38. Collins' Mill, Graysou, X-14. Collinsville, Frederick, H-31. Columbia, Fluvanna, Q-31, (Ry 17).. 239 Columbia Furnace, Shenandoah, K-29 30 Columbian Grove, Lunenburgh, W-32 50 Colvin Run, Fairfax, 3mNE Thorn- ton, J-36. Colvin's Tavern, Culpeper, mail Cul- peper. Coman's Well, Sussex, V-37 50 Comer's Rock, Grayson, W-12 30 Comorn, King George, N-37 52 Compiler, Loundon, 3 m S E Lees- burgh, 1-35, mail Leesburgh. Comptition, Pittsylvania, mail Chatham. Compton, Prince William, mail Bristoe. Compton's Mills, Tazewell, mail Blue Stone. Concord, Campbell, S-27, (Ry 11) mail Concord Depot. Concord, Northampton, mail Con- cord Wharf. Concord Academy, Caroline, mail Woodford. Concord Church, Buckingham, mail New Store. Concord Depot, Campbell, (Ry 11) see Concord, S-27 161 Concord Wharf, Northampton, R-45 100 Cone Creek, Lee, mail Turkey Cove. Confluence, Warren, mail Riverton. Connelly's Mills, Charlotte, mail As- pen Wall. Connors' Mills, Floyd, mail Graysville. Connville. Essex, mail Miller's Tavern. Conrad's Ferry, Loudoun, mail Lees- burgh. Conrad's Mills, Middlesex, 2 m N E Wilton, R-42. Conrad's Store, Rockingham, M-29, mail Roadside. Constoel, Pittsylvania, 4m S W Ken- tucky, S-25. Cook's Mills, Pittsylvania, mail Pullen'si Cool Spring. Loudoun, mail Leesburgh. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80 Cool Spring Farm, Chesterfield, mail Chester. Cool Water, Hanover, mail Verdon. Cool Well, Amherst, 5 m S Amherst C. H., S-26 55 Coonsville, Bedford, S-22. Cooper's, Franklin, mail Red Plains. Coopersville, Sussex, U-38. Coote's Store, Rockingham, L-28 45 Copper Hill, Floyd, U-19 100 Copper Spring, Frederick, mail Rock Enon Springs. Copper Valley, Floyd, U-17. Coral Marble Quarry, Augusta, mail Craigsville. Corben Hall, Middlesex, mail Urbana. Corbin's Store, Caroline, mail Guiney's. Corbin's Store, Accomack, mail Sanfordville. Cordova, Culpeper, 4 m S Eggborns- ville, M-32. Corinth, Lee, 3 m E Graham, W-2. Cornsville, Scott, W-5 25 Cornville, Essex, mail Dunnsville. Costenbader's Mills, Westmoreland, mail Potomac Mills. Cotland, Fauquier, 5 m N E Rector- town, J-33. Cottage Green, Fluvanna, mail Co lumbia. Cottage Lawn, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Cottage Wharf, King George, mail Lewisville. Cottontown, Cumberland, S-31. Cottontown, Shenandoah, mail Le- banon Church. Cottrell's Bridge, Henrico, mail West- ham Locks. Counce's Mills, Wise, mail Guest's Station. County Line Cross Roads, Charlotte. T-29 40 County Line Mills, Henry, mail Prunty's .20 County Line Mills, Pittsylvania, mail Chatham. Courtland, Spottsylvania, mail Spottsylvania C. H. Cousin's Store, Pittsylvania, mail Callands. Cove Creek, Tazewell, T-12 45 Coventry, Spottsylvania, mail Spott- sylvania C. H. Covesville, Albemarle, P-28, (Ry 25) 100 Covington, Alleghany, Q-20, (Ry 8)436 Cowans, Rockingham, M-28, . (Ry 5) mail Cowan's Depot. Cowan's Depot, Rockingham, (Ry 5) see Cowans, M-28 30 Cowan's Mills, Montgomery, T-17 15 Cowart's Wharf, Northumberland, mail Coan Wharf. Cow Neck, Matthews, mail Cricket Hill. Cowpasture Bridge, Alleghany, mail Long Dale. Cowper's Store, Southampton, mail Worrell's. Coyner's Springs, Roanoke, mail Bonsack's. 18 Rand y McNally & Co.'s Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Crab Bottom, Highland, 1 m E New Hampden, M-23. Crab Bottom Mills, Highland, mail New Hampden. Crab Neck, York, mail Yorktown. Crab Orchard, Bland, mail Bland C. H. Crab Orchard, Wise, mail Guest's Station. Crab Orchard, Lee, V-3 725 Craddocksville, Accomack, mail Davis' Wharf. Craft, Scott, 5 m S Rye Cove, W-4, Crafts, Pittsylvania, mail Pullens. Craftsville, Tazewell, mail Burke's Garden. Craig's Creek. Craig, R-20. Craig's Mills, Washington, 5 m N W Wallace's W-7. Craigsville, Augusta, 0-24, (Ry 8).. 117 Cranberry Plains, Carroll, W-15, mail Hillsyille 75 Crane's. Bath, P-22, (Ry 8) mail Millboro Depot. Crane's Nest, Wise, U-5. Craney's Island, Norfolk, mail Churchland. Crank's Gap, Lee, mail Jonesville. Crawford Springs, Augusta, mail Pond's Gap. Creasy's Store, Pittsylvania, mail Hill Grove. Credville, Loudoun, mail Upperville. Creed's Bridge. Princess Anne, mail Blossom Hill. Creek Mills, Hanover, mail Ashland. Creighton's Store, Brunswick, mail Petersburgh. Cremona, Cumberland, 4 m S Colum- bia, Q-31. Creswell, Russell, V-7 30 Crews, Pittsylvania, 3 m E Ward's Spring, V-24, mall Ray. Crichton's Store, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Crickett Hill, Matthews, S-43 . 150 Criders, Rockingham, 4 m W Doves- ville, K-27. Criglersville, Madison, M-31 77 Crimea, Dinwiddie, mail Petersburgh. Crimora, Augusta, (Ry23) 7 m N Waynesboro, 0-27, mail Waynesboro. Cripple Creek, Wythe, mail Cedar Springs. Cripple Creek Camp Ground, Wythe, mail Cedar Springs. Crittendens, Nansemond, V-42 30 Crockett Depot, Wy the, V-13, (Ry 11) 75 Crockett's Cove, Tazewell, mail Tazewell C. H. Crockett's Forge, Pulaski, mail Allisonia. Crocketsville, Southampton, mail Delaware's. Croom Station, Albemarle, mail Hardware. Cross Corner, King George, mail King George C. H. Crossings ville, Grayson, mail Car- sonville. Cross Junction, Frederick, 4 m N W Gainesboiougb, 11-31 30 Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. '80. Cross Keys, Rockingham, 3 m S Keezletown, M-28 62 Cross Locks, Southampton, mail Boykin's Depot. Cross Roads, Accomack, mail Onancock. Cross Roads, Amelia, mail Morven. Cross Roads, Bedford, mail Stew- artsville. Cross Roads, Rockingham, mail Keezletown. Cross Roads, Halifax, V-28 45 Cross Roads. Wythe, mail Brown Hill. Crowder's Store, Northumberland, mail Burgess' Store. Crow's, Alleghany. Q-19 50 Crow Spring, Chesterfield. R-35. Crozet, Albemarle, 0-28, (Ry 8) 15 Cruise, Patrick, 5 m N E Meadows of Dan, W-18. Crystal Hill, Halifax, V-27 25 Cub Creek, Charlotte, U-28 25 Cub Run, Fairfax, mail Pleasant Valley. Cuckoo, Louisa, P-33 50 Culpeper, Culpeper, M-33, (Ry 25) 1613 Culpeper Mine, Culpeper, mail Rich- ardsville. Cumberland, New Kent, mail New Kent C. H. Cumberland C. H., Cumberland, R-31 125 Cumbow, Lee, 4 m W Beech Springs, W-l. Cumnor, King and Queen, 3 m S W Carlton's Store. Q-39 55 Curdsville, Buckinffham, S-29 75 Curl's Wharf, Henrico, S-37 50 Currigman's Wharf, Westmoreland, mail Montross. Curtis' Shop, Spottsylvania. mail Summit. Cuscowilla, Mecklenburgh, Y-30. Cut Banks, Buckingham, mail New Store. Cypress Chapel, Nansemond, X-41.. 100 Dabneys, Louisa, Q,-34 35 Dabney's Mills, King William, mail Enfield. Dabney's Mills, Louisa, mail Spring Level. Daggers, Botetourt, mail Gala. Dagger's Springs, Botetourt, Q-22, mail Locust Bottom 40 Dagger's Store, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Dale Enterprise, Rockingham, 3 m N W Harrisonburgh, M-28 25 Dale Township, Chesterfield, mail Chesterfield. Daleville, Botetourt, S-21 60 Damon, Albemarle, 2 m S Coves- ville, P-28. Daniel, Orange, 4 m E Thornhill, N-32. Danielsville, Campbell, mail Lynch- burgh. Danielsville, Spottsylvania, mail Aldrich's Crossing. Dan River,Patrick, mail Meadows of Dan. Rand, McNally & CoSs Virginia* 19 Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. '80. Dan ton, Rockingham, 2 m S W Kee- zletown, M-28, mail Cross Keys. Danville. Pittsylvania, Y-24, (Rys 08, 09, 18, 25) 7526 Danville. Mocksville and South- western Junction, Pittsylvania, (Ry 08) mail Cascade. Danville & New River Junction, Pittsylvania, Y-24, (Ry 08) mail Danville. Darifleg, Cumberland, 2 m S E Colum- bia, Q-31, mail Island. Darlington Heights, Prince Edward, T-29 35 Darvills, Dinwiddie, U-34. Dashaway, Page, mail Kimball. Davenport, Buchanan, 13 ni N W Pat's Store, U-7. Davidia, Augusta, (Ry 8) 3 m S E Waynesboro ugh, 0-27, mail Waynesborough. Davidson's Mills, Rockbridge, mail South River. Davis, Louisa, mail Tolersville. Davis' Creek, Nelson, mail Lovington. Davis 1 Mill, Wise, mail Crane's Nest. Davis 1 Mills, B'auquier, mail Vernon Mills. Davis 1 Mills, Bedford, T-23 35 Davis 1 Store. Bedford, mail Otterville. Davis 1 Wharf, Accomack, R-45 50 Dawson, Hanover, P-34, (Ry 8) mail Tyler's. Dawsonville, Greene, M-30 30 Daysville, Loudoun, 1-36 20 Dayton, Rockingham, M-27 258 Deacon Hall. Prince William, mail Hay Market. Deanville, Nottoway, mail Notto- way C. H. Dearington, Campbell, mail Lynchburgh Deatonsville, Amelia, S-32 105 Decapolis, Madison, mail Gordonsville. Deep Bottom, Henrico, mail Curl's Wharf. Deep Creek, Accomack, mail Onancock. Deep Creek, Norfolk, W-43 273 Deep Well, Buckingham, mail Well Water. Deerfleld, Augusta, N-24 55 Defiance. Northumberland, mail Heathsville. DeHart's Mills, Patrick, mail Mead- ows of Dan. Delaplane, Fauquier. (Ry 25) 4 m E Markham, J -33, 75 Delaporte, Fauquier, J-33, (Ry 25) mail Delaplane. Delaware's, Southampton, (Ry 22) 2 m N E Handsome, X-39 50 Delila, Halifax, Y-26 200 Delphi, Lee, 5 m N E Jonesville, X-2. Delwood, Chesterfield, mail Manchester. Denby Church, Warwick, mail War- wick C. H. Denmark, Rockbridge, see McKenny's Mill, P-23. Dennisville. Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Design, Pittsylvania, 3 m S Fall Creek, X-24. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Dettengens, Prince William, mail Brehtsville. Dewberry. Hanover, mail Hewlett's. Dever's Mill, Franklin, mail Syd- norsville. Dey's Mills, Fairfax, mail Clifton Station. Diamond Grove, Brunswick, mail Charlie Hope. Diamond Hill, Appomattox, mail Tower Hill. Diana Mills, Buckingham. Q-30 100 Diascond. James City, 5 m W Burnt Ordinary, S-40. Diacon's Bridge, New Kent, mail Barhamsvilie. Dickenson's Store, Franklin, mail Dickinson's. Dickensonville, Russell, V-7 55 Dickerson's Mills, Floyd, mail Floyd C. H. Dickinson's, Franklin, V-22 50 Dickinson's Mills, Bedford, mail Robertson's. Dickinson's Store, Bedford, mail Robertson's. Dick's Creek, Tazewell, mail Sayersville. Difficult Creek, Fairfax, mail Pros- pect Hill. Difficult Run, Fairfax, mail Great Falls. Diggs, Mathews, 3 m E Port Hay- wood, S-3. Dillard's Springs. Pittsylvania, mail Ward's Springs. Dillard's Wharf, Surry, T-40. Dilliard's, Nelson, mail Tye River Depot. Dillon's Mills, Franklin, U-20 50 Dillwyn, Buckingham, 7 m N E Buck- ingham, S-29. DilrelFs Springs, Botetourt, mail Locust Bottom. Dinwiddie C.H., Dinwiddie, U-35. 93 Dinwiddie Tanyard, Campbell, mail Rustburgh. Dispatch, New Kent, R-37, (Ry 21). 38 Disputanta, Prince George, U-37, (Ry 11) 58 Diston, Dinwiddie, 8 m W Stony Creek, V-36. Dividing Creek. Northumberland, mau Rehoboth Church. Dixie, Brunswick, 4 m W Pleasant Shade, W-34, mail Totaro. Dixie Depot, Pittsylvania, mail Pullens. Doe Hill, Highland, M-24 105 Doque, King George, mail Port Conway. Dora Gold Mines, Augusta, mail Mount Solon. Dorset, Powhatan. Double Bridge, Lunenburgh, U-31 . . 50 Double Toll Gate, Clarke, mail Parkin's Mill. Douglas, Lee, 4 m W White Shoals, X-l. Dover, Goochland, (Ry 17) mail Sab- bot Island. Dover, Loudoun, J-35 100 Dover Mills, Goochland, mail Sab- bot Island. Dover Mines, Goochland, R-34 36 20 Rand, McNally & Co.'s Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. 'SO. Dovesville, Rockingham, K-27 50 Dowdalls, Spottsylvania, mail Chan- cellorsville. Dowdy Shop. Montgomery, mail Bennett's Mill, Downey's Mill, Loudoun, mail Tay- lorstown. Downing's Wharl, Northampton, mail Bay View. Doylesville. Alhemarle. mail Moor- man's River. Dragon Ordinary, Gloucester, mail Glenn's. Dragonville, King and Queen, Q-40.. 25 Drangool Store, Brunswick, mail South Gaston N. C Drake's Branch, Chanotte, U-29, (Ry 18) 87 Dranesville, Fairfax, J-36 125 Draper's Store, Henry, mail Martinsville. Draper's Valley, Pulaski, TJ-15 25 Drapersville, Mecklenburgh. W-31 . . 30 Drewry's Bluff, Chesterfield, S-36, (Ry20). Drewryville, Southampton, X-37 35 Driver, Nansemond, 4 m E Cart- wright's Wharf, W-42. Driver's Store, Nansemond, mail Belleville. Djummundsburgh, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Drummond's Mill, Accomack, mail Wiseville. Drummondtown, Accomack, mail Accomack C. H. Dry Branch, Lee, mail Graham. Dryburgh. Halifax, W-28 25 Dryden, Lee, W-3. Dry Fork, Wise, V-6, (Ry 25) mail Guest's Station. Dry Fork. Pittsylvania, (Ry 25) mail Dry Fork Depot. Dry Fork. Tazewell, mail Sayersville. Dry Fork Depot. Pittsylvania, (Ry 25) 4 m S Chatham, V-24 60 Dry River, Rockingham, mail Clover Hill. Dry Run, Montgomery, mail Blacks- burgh. Dry Run, Shenandoah, mail Seven Fountains. Dry Valley, Montgomery, mail Cen- tre Mills, Dublin, Pulaski, U-16, (Ry 11) 285 Dublin Depot, Giles, mail Narrows. Duck Race, Frederick, 3 m S E Shockeysville, H-31. Dudley Hall, Campbell, mail Lynch- burgh. Dudley's Ferry, King and Queen, mail West Point. Dug Spur, Carroll, V-16 40 Dulinsville, Madison, M-31 50 Dunbar, Albemarle, mail Char- lottesville. Dumfries, Prince William, L-36 132 Dump's Creek, Russell, U-6. Duncan's, Floyd. V-17. Duncan's Mills, Scott, 5 m S W Fort Blackimore, W-5 30 Dundee, Hanover, mail Hanover C. H. Towns, etc —qontinued. Pop 80 Dundee, Bedford, 7 m N W White Rock, U-24. Dundee. Pittsylvania, mail Danville. Dunkirk, Accomack, mail Locust Mount. Dunkirk, King and Queen, mail St. Stephen's Church. Dunlap's C'-eek, Alleghany, mail Callaghan's. Dunlap's Mills, Frederick, mail Rock Enon Springs. Dunlora, Albemarle, mail Charlottes- ville. Dunmore, Charles City, mail Brandon. Dunmore, Prince George, mail Brandon. Dunmore Wharf, Prince George,mail Brandon. Dunn's Store, Essex, mail Dunnsville. Dunn's Store, Caroline. P-37, mail Sparta 15 Dunnsville, Essex, P-40 150 Duprees, Charlotte, 4 ; Mechanicsville, Hanover, mail Atlee's Station. Mechanicsville, Henrico, mail Rich- mond. Mechanicsville, Louisa, mail Benti- voglio. Mechanicsville, Rockbridge, mail Buf- falo Forge. Mechanicsville. Loudoun, H-34. Mechanicsville Tunnel, Hanover, mail Atlee"s Station. Medium's River, Albemarle, 0-28, (Ry 8) 500 Meherrin, Lunenburgh, U-31. (Ryl8) 63 Meherrin Junction, Greenville, mail Claresville. Meherrin Depot, Prince Edward, (Ry 18) mail Meherrin 51 Melbourne, Prince William, mail Gainesville. Melrose. Fauquier, L-34, (Ry 25) mail Casanova. Melrose. Rockingham, M-28 22 Meltons. Louisa, N-31, (Ry 8) 12 Melville Mines, Orange, mail Wilder- ness. Melville Mines, Spottsylvania, mail Wilderness. Menchville, Warwick, mail Hampton. Menitio, Buckingham, mail Sycamore. Mercerville, Louisa, mail Glenora. Meredithville, Brunswick, W-33 .... 50 Meritania, Dinwiddie, U-36. mail Reams Station. Merriman's Shop, Prince Edward, mail Pamplin City. Merrills, Caroline, mail Merrill's Store. Merrill's Shop, Nelson, mail Lovington. Merrill's Store, Caroline, 6 m S E Chilesburgh, P-35 54 Merryfleld, Fairfax, mail Falls Church. Merry Point, Lancaster, Q.-41 44 Merry's Mills, Albemarle, mail Cobham. Messongo, Accomack, P-47 38 Messongo Bridge, Accomack, mail Messongo. Messongo Creek, Accomack, mail Messongo. Metompkin, Accomack, Q-47 56 Meyerhoeffer's Store, Rockingham, 4 m N Weyer's Cave, N-27 15 Michaux Ferry, Powhatan. 1 m S W Goochland C. H., R-38 37 Michaux's Mill, Powhatan, mail Michaux Ferry. Michies' Mill, Albemarle, mail Cobham. Middlebrook, Augusta, 0-25 274 Middleburgh, Loudoun, J-34 419 Middle Crab Orchard, Lee, mail Crab Orchard. Middle Creek Wharf, Middlesex, mail Freeshade. Middle Fox Creek, Grayson, mail Clem's Branch. Middle Mountain, Craig, R-19 136 Middlesex, Accomack, mail Belle Haven. Middleton's Mills, Fluvanna, mail Seven Islands 500 Middleton's Wharf, Richmond, mail Sharp's Wharf. Middletown, Frederick, 1-31, (Ry5). 372 Towns, etc. — continual. Pop. "80. 26 Midland, Fauquier. L-34, (Ry 25) . . Midlothian. Chesterfield, 2 m S W Robious. R-35., (Ry 18) 362 Midlothian Mines, Chesterfield, mail Midlothian. Mid Mountains. Tazewell, mail Shawver's Mills. Midway, Craig, mail Simmonsville. Midway, Augusta, mail Steele's Tavern 76 Midway, Essex, mail Miller's Tavern. Midway, King George, mail Port Conway. Midway, Lancaster, mail Monaskon. Midway, Rockbridge, mail Steele's Tavern. Midway, Rockingham, mail Inglewood. Midway, Washington, mail Meadow View. Midway, Halifax, W-28 25 Midway Inn. Prince Edward, mail County Line Cross Roads. Midway Mills, Augusta, mail Steele's Tavern. Midway Mills, Nelson, 4 m S W Sycamore. S-29 35 Milan, King and Queen, mail Stev- ensville. Milbourne, Lee, mail Jonesville. Milbourne Mills, Lee, mail Jonesville. Miles' Wharf. Northampton, mail Belle Haven. Milford, Page. (Ry 23) mail Cedar Point. Milford, Caroline, 0-36, (Ry 19) 137 Milford, Warren, (Ry 23) 3 m S W Bentonville, K-31, mail Bentonville. Milford Haven, Matthews, mail Matthews. Mill Bank, King George, mail Port Conway. Mill Bank, Rockingham, 2 m W Roadside, M-29 17 Millborough Depot, Bath, P-22, (Ry8) 200 Millborough Mills, Bath, mail Millbor- ough Springs. Millborough Springs. Bath, P-22 .... 300 Mill Brook, Augusta, N-26, (Ry 8) mail Staunton. Mill Brook, Prince Edward, mail Farmville. Mill Brook, Fairfax, mail Bailey's Cross Roads. Mill Brook Depot, Augusta, (Ry 8) mail Staunton 150 Mill Creek, Elizabeth City, mail National Soldiers' Home. Mill Creek, Middlesex, mail Freeshade. Mill Creek, Montgomery, mail Ben- nett's Mill. Mill Creek. Wythe, mail Max Meadow. Milldale, Warren, 1-32 148 Millenbeck, Lancaster, R-41 113 Miller Manual Labor School, Albe- marle, mail Batesville. Millers, Essex, mail Miller's Tavern. Miller School, Albemarle, mail Batesville. Miller's Landing, Rockbridge, mail Buffalo Forge. Miller's Mill, Bath, mail Healing Springs. 38 Hand, McNally & Co.'s Virginia. Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. m Miller's Tavern, Essex, 6 m S E Bestland, Q-39 125 Miller's Wharf, Matthews, mail Mat- thews. Mill Farm. Albemarle, mail Warren. Millford Mills, Prince William, mail Bristoe. Mill Gap. Highland. N-22 27 Mill Grove. Charlotte, mail Keysville. Mill Hole. Charles City, mail Wilcox Wharf. Milliken's Bend, Essex, mail TJrbana. Millington, Albemarle. 0-29 32 Mill Park, Prince William, mail Hay Market. Mills' Cross Roads. Fairfax, mail Falls Church. Mills 1 Ridge, Floyd, mail Booth's Mill. Mill Stone Landing, Middlesex, mail Church View. Mill Store, Brunswick, V-33 27 Mill Swamp, Isle of Wight, mail Smithfield. Mill View, Fauquier, mail Bealeton. Millville, Loudoun, mail Upperville. Millville, Westmoreland, mail Alden, Millwood, Clarke, 1-32 350 Milner's Store, Amherst, mail Allwood. Milnerstown, Isle of Wight, mail Windsor Station. Mi m j s, Page, see Shenandoah Iron Works, M-29. Milnesville, Augusta, N-26 48 Milton, Albemarle, mail Shadwell . . 69 Milton. Richmond, mail Sharp's Wharf 58 Milton Hall, Richmond, mail Sharp's Wharf. Milton Place, Henrico, mail Richmond. Milton Wharf, Richmond, Q-40, mail Sharp's Wharf 106 Mine. Culpeper, mail Richardsville. Mineral, Appomattox, S-27 7 Mineral Mills, Goochland, mail Col- umbia. Mineral Springs, Rockingham, mail McGaheysville. Mine Road, Spottsylvania, (Ry 15) mail Fredericksburgh. Mine Run, Orange, N-34, (Ry 15) ... 22 Mine Run Furnace, Shenandoah, J -30 80 Mingo, Halifax, mail Omega. Minneola, Pittsylvania, 5 m E Sago. V-23 27 Minnetta.Warwick, mai£ Newport News. Mint Spring. Augusta, 0-26. Mira Fork, Floyd. V-17. Missouri Mills, Prince William, mail Bellfair Mills. Mitchell's Mine, Spottsylvania, mail Wilderness. Mitchell's Station, Culpeper, M-32, (Ry25) 40 Mitchell's Store, Halifax, mail Alchie. Mitchell's Store, Essex, maiZDunnsville. Mitchell's Store, Pittsylvania, mail Callands. Mivongo Bridge, Accomack, mail Messongo. Moab, Washington, 7mE Abingdon, W-8. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. "80. Moccasin Gap. Scott, mail Estillville. Mock's Mills, Washington. X-9 27 Modest Town. Accomack, Q-47 128 Moffatt's Creek. Augusta, P-25. ..... 35 Mohegan, Amelia, mail Deatonsville. Mole Hill, Rockingham, mail Dale Enterprise. Molton Hall. Culpeper, mail Mit chell's Station. Monaskon. Lancaster. Q-41 100 Monmouth, Rockbridge, Q-24. .. 109 Monmouth Factory, Rockbridge, mail Monmouth. Montague, Essex, Q-40 57 Mont Clair Farm. Orange, mail Nasons. Montebello, Nelson, 7 m N W Mas- sie's Mills, Q-26. Monteithville. Stafford, N-36. Monterey Highland, M-23 154 Monte Verde, Essex, mail Centre Cross. Montevideo, Rockingham. M-28 150 Montezuma, Nelson, mail Norwood. Montezuma, Rockingham, mail Bridge Water. Montgomery. Hanover, mail Verdon. Montgomery, Washington, W-8, (Ryll) 50 Montgomery Springs, Montgomery, T-18 20 Montgomery Sulphur Springs, Mont- gomery, mail Montgomery Springs. Montgomery White Sulphur Springs. Montgomery, mail Montgomery Springs. Monticello, Albemarle, mail Char- lottesville. Monticello, Charlotte, mail Drake's Branch. Mont Morenci, Fauquier, mail Upper- ville. Montpelier, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Montpeliei 1 , Hanover, Q-35 125 Montreal, Nelson, Q-28, (Ry 25) 138 Montross, Westmoreland, O-40 200 Mooddell Springs, Augusta, mail Mount Solon. Moon's Mill, Albemarle, mail Bates- ville. Moor, Fairfax, K-38, mail Garfield. Moore. Campbell, mail Spout Springs. Mooreland, Fauquier, mail Marshall. Moores, Albemarle, mail Red Hill. Moore's Gate, Northampton, mail Eastville. Moore's Ordinary, Prince Edward, mail Meherrin. Moore's Store, Shenandoah. K-28 75 Mooresville, Campbell, mail Concord Depot. Mooreville, Appomattox, mail Spanish Oaks. Moormans, Pittsylvania, mail Callands. Moorman's Mill, Campbell, mail Yellow Branch. Moorman's River, Albemarle, 5 m S E Brown's Cove, N-28 14 Moray Farm, Fairfax, mail Bailey's Cross Roads. Morehead's Mills, Fauquier, mail Vernon Mills. Band, McNally & Co.'s Virginia. ::9 Towns, etc continued. Mills. Prince Pop. '80. William, Morehead's mail Gainesville Morgansburgh, Fauquier, mail Bealeton. Morgan's Cross Roans. Halifax, mail Cross Roads. Morgan's Mill, Campbell, mail Pigeon Run. Morgan's Store. Lee. mail Jonesville. Morgansville. Nottoway, mail Bellefout. Mormon's River, Albemarle, mail Moorman's River. Morris. Hanover, Q-34 37 Morris" Church. Campbell. T-27 31 Morris 1 Hill, Alleghanv, mail Coving- ton 24 Morrison's Hill, Accomack, mail Pun- goteague. Morrisonville. I.ondoun, 3 m S Neers- ville. H-34 54 Morrisville, Fauquier, M-35 72 Morse's Point. Princess Anne, mail Blossom Hill. Morven, Amelia, S-32 57 Morven, Loudoun, mail Leesburgh. Moscow. Augusta, 5 m S E Mount Solon, M-26. Moseley's Store. Mecklenburgb, mail Cabbage Farm. Mosell's Mill. Washington, mail Meadow View. Mosquito Creek, Lancaster, mail White Stone. Mossing Ford, Charlotte, V-29, (Ry 18) 50 Moss' Neck, Caroline. N-37 24 Moss' Store. Powhatan, mail Hu- guenot. Mossy Creek. Augusta, 5 m N E Mount Solon, M-26. Mossy Creek Paper Mill, Augusta, mail Mount Solon. Motleys. Pittsylvania. TJ-24, (Ry 25) mail Motley's Depot 26 Motley's Depot, Pittsylvania, (Ry 25) see Motlevs, U-24. Mountain Falls, Frederick, 1-30 27 Mountain Gap, Loudoun, mail Lees- burgh , 27 Mountain Grove, Bath, 0-21 50 Mountain Home, Bath, mail Warm Springs. Mountain Home. Botetourt, mail Blue Ridge Springs. Mountain Lake, Giles. S-16 29 Mountain Road. Halifax, W-27 34 Mountain Valley, Henry, 3 m N W Mount Vernon, W-22 26 Mountain View, Stafford. M-35 27 Mount Airy, Pittsylvania, V-25 71 Mount Airy, Wythe, mail Rural Retreat. Mount Athos, Campbell, S-26 49 Mount Calvary, Shenandoah, mail Woodstock. Mount Carmel, Halifax, Y-26. Mount Clifton, Shenandoah, K-28... 71 Mount Clinton, Rockingham, M-27. . 200 Mount Crawford, Rockingham, M-27, (Ry5) 392 Mount Cross. Pittsylvania, X-23 54 Mount Edgecomb, Loudoun, mail Paxson Mount Gilead, Loudoun, 1-35 125 Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. 20 Mount Holly, Westmoreland. O-40. . Mount Hope. Page, mail Marksville. Mount Jackson, Shenandoah, K-29, (Rv5) 494 Mount Landing. Essex, P-39 29 Mount Laurel, Halifax, V-28. Mount Meridian. Augusta, 4 m S E Weyer's Cave, N-27 105 Mount Olive, Shenandoah, 2 m W Strasburgh, J-31 150 Mount Pleasant. Spottsylvania. 0-35. 29 Mount Pleasant, King George, mail Port Conway. Mount Pleasant, Norfolk,»iai£ North Landing. Mount Pleasant. Prince William, (Ry 6) mail Brentsville. Mount Pleasant, Surry, mail Dil- lard's Wharf. Mount Real, Nelson. mail Lovingston. Mount Sidney, Augusta,N-27, (Ry 5) . 244 Mount Solon, Augusta, M-26 209 Mount Tabor, Montgomery, mail Blacksburgh. Mount Tabor Church, Pittsylvania, mail Slatesville. Mount Torry, Augusta. ma«7 Waynes- borough. Mount Union. Botetourt, mail Hay- makertown. Mount Vernon. Fairfax, mail Mount Vernon-on-the-rotomac. Mount Vernon, Halifax, mail New's Ferry. Mount Vernon. Rockingham, mail Weyer's Cave. Mount Vernon, Henry, W-22 34 Mount Vernon Church. Henry, mail Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon Forge, Augusta, mail Weyer's Cave. Mount Vernon Forge, Rockingham, mail Weyer's Cave. Mount Vernon Iron Works. Rock- ingham, mail Weyer's Cave. Mount Vernon Springs, Fairf &x,mail Mount Vernon-on-the-Potomac. Mount Vernon Tannery, Frederick. mail Mountain Falls. Mount Vernon-on-the-Potomac, Fair- fax. K-38. Mount Ville, Loudoun, 1-35 34 Mount Vinco, Buckingham, R-29 ... 46 Mount Williams. Frederick, 5 m N E Mountain Falls, 1-31. Mount Willis, Accomack, mail Lo- cust Mount. Mount Zion, Augusta, mail Mount Solon. Mount Zion, Essex, mail Piscataway. Mount Zion, Campbell. J-26 38 Mouth of Buffalo, Rockbridge, mail Buffalo Forge. Mouth of Contrary Creek, Buchanan, mail Shack's Mills. Mouth of East River, Giles, T-14 ... 100 Mouth of Grassy Creek, Buchanan, mail Shack's Mills. Mouth of Indian, Tazewell, mail Cedar Bluff. 40 Rand, McNally & Co.'s Virginia. Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. m Month of North River, Rockbridge, mail Balcony Falls. Mouth of Pedler, Amherst, mail Holcomb's Rock. Mouth of Eock Lick Branch, Buchan- an, mail Shack's Mills. Mouth of South River, Rockbridge, mail South River. Mouth of Wilson, Grayson, X-12. ... 52 Mox Creek, Pulaski, mail Radford Furnace. Muddy Creek, Accomack, mail Guilford. Muddy Creek Mills, Cumberland. mail Cumberland C. H. Mud Store, Russell, mail Bickley's Mills. Mud Tavern, Spottsylvania, mail Thornburcjh. Mud Tunnel, ^Alleghany, mail Cal- laghans. Mugler, Orange. 3 m E Orange, N-31 . Mulberry Hill, King William, mail Mango hick. Mulberry Inn, Dinwiddie. mail Church Road. Mulberry Island, Richmond, mail Milton Wharf. Mullinsville, Henry, X-20 70 Mumford, Elizabeth City, 6 m S E Poquosin, LM2, mail Hampton. Munday's Point, Northumberland, mail Kinsale. Munson Hill. Fairfax, mail Bailey's Cross Roads. Murrell's Shop, Nelson, mail Elmington Muse's Store, Pittsylvania, mail C^ jj 11 f\ x\ (\ ^ Museville. Pittsylvania, V-23 34 Mushtown. Frederick, mail Cedar Grove. Music Hall. Albemarle, mail Cobham. Myler, Bedford, mail Liberty. Mvndus. Nelson, 3 in S Grape Lawn,P-27. Myrtle, Nansemond, W-41, (Ry 4) . . . 50 Naff 's, Franklin, U-20 40 Nain, Frederick, 5 m S Gainsboro, H-31. Naked Creek, Augusta, mail Burke's Mills. Namozine, Amelia, T-34 29 Nance's Shop, Charles City, S-38. ... 46 Nanzatico, King George, mail Port Conway. Narrow Gauge Junction, Pittsylvania, mail Ward's Springs. Narrow Passage, Shenandoah, mail Willow Grove. Narrows, Giles, S-15 125 Narrows of New River, Giles, mail Narrows. Nash, Nelson, 8 m S E Massie's Mills, Q.-26. Nash's Ford, Russell, mail Lebanon. Nashville, Accomack, mail Horn- town. . . 34 Nashville, Campbell, mail Morris' Church. Nasons, Orange. M-32, (Ry 15) ... . 24 Nat Hollow, Shenandoah, mail Quicksburgh. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. National Cemetery, Alexandria, mail Arlington. National Furnace, Scott, mail Pat- tonsville. National Soldiers' Home, Elizabeth City. U-43 627 Natural Bridge, Rockbridge, R-23. . . 50 Navy Hill, Henrico, mail Richmond. Naylor's, Richmond. P-40. Neabsco, PrinceWilliam, mail Neab- sco Mills. Neabsco Mills, Prince William, 2 m W Freestone, L-37 27 Nebraska, Appomattox, S-28, (Ry 4) 96 Needham, Prince 'Edward.mail Farmville Needmore, Augusta, mail Mill Brook Depot. Needmore, Shenandoah, mailW oo&stock. Needmore, Buchanan, T-8, mail Shack's Mills 29 Needwood, Caroline, mail Point Eastern Neersville, Loudoun, H-34 34 Neffstown, Frederick, mail Winchester. Neglee's Crossing, Prince William, mail Freestone. Negro Foot, Hanover, Q-35 42 Neighbor's Store, Bedford, mail Gishe's Mills. Neils' Store, Buckingham,ma^ Farmville Nelly-s Ford, Nelson, P-27 57 Nelson Depot, Nelson, mail Montreal. Nether's Mills, Madison, mail Culpeper. Nettle Ridge, Patrick, X-19 47 New Aspen Wall, Charlotte, mail As- pen Wall. NewBaltimore, Bath, mail Millborough Springs. New Baltimore, Fauquier, K-34 88 Newbern, Pulaski. U-16 212 Newbern, Fluvanna, mail Palmyra. New Bethel Church, Pittsylvania, mail Hill Grove. New Brighton, Fauquier, L-34, mail Bealeton. New Canton, Buckingham, Q-31.... 200 New Castle, Hanover, mail Hanover C.H. New Castle, Craig, S-19 182 New Church. Accomack, P-47. ...... 50 New Dale, Rockingham, mail Tenth Legion. New Design, Pittsylvania, mail Danville New Erection, Pittsylvania, mail Hill Grove. New Ferry, Albemarle, mail Warren. New Garden, Russell, U-8 69 New Glasgow, Amherst, R-27, (Ry 25) mail New Glasgow Depot 142 New Glasgow Depot, Amherst, (Ry 25) see New Glasgow, R-27 54 New Hampden, Highland, M-23 87 New Hebron, Bath, mail Williamsville. New Hope, Augusta, N-27 169 New Hope, Orange, (Ry 16) mail Golddale New Hope, Spottsylvania, mail Fred- ericksburgh. New Hope Church, Orange, mail Golddale. Newington, Gloucester, mail Glou- cester C. H. Newington, King and Queen, mail King and Queen C. H. Hand, fife Natty & CoSs Virginia. 41 Towns, etc. —continued. Pop. 'SO. New Kent C. H., New Kent, S-39. 87 New Land, Richmond, 5m N Nav- lor's, P-40 114 New London, Amelia, mail Deatonsville. New London, Caroline, 8 m N Bow- ling Green, P-37. New LondonAcademy, Bedford, mail Bedford Springs. Newman's Mill*, Hanover, mail Han- over C. II. New Market, Caroline, mail Milford. New Market, Cumberland, mail Flanagan's Mills. New Market, Elizabeth City, mail Hampton. New Market, Hanover, mail Verdon. New Market, King and Queen, mail King and Queen C. H. New Market, Middlesex, mail Sandy Bottom. New Market, Nelson, mail Norwood. New Market, Prince William, mail Manassas. New Market, Spottsylvania, mail Partlow's. New Market, Shenandoah, L-2S, (Ry 5) 662 New Plymouth, Lunenburgh, 4 m N Lunenburgh C. H., V-31 76 New Point, Matthews, T-43. Newport, Augusta, mail Moffatt's Creek 102 Newport, Page, mail Alma 68 Newport, Gifes, S-17 202 Newport News, Warwick, V-42, (Ry 6). New Prospect, Amherst, mail Pleas- ant View. New Prospect, King and Queen, mail Dragonville. New River, Pulaski, T-16, (Ry 11) mail New River Depot. New River, Lancaster, R-42, mail White Stone. New River, Grayson, mail Carsonville. New River Bridge, Pulaski, mail New River Depot. New River Depot, Pulaski, (Ry 4) see New River, T-16 192 New River White Sulphur Spring, Giles, mail Eggleston's Springs . . 40 New's Ferry, Halifax. X-26, (Ry 18).. 100 Newsom's, Southampton, X-38, (Ry 22) 225 New Store, Buckingham, S-29 212 New Store, Cumberland, mail Cum- berland C. H New Store, Nansemond, mail Cart- wright's Wharf. Newstown, Accomack, mail Me- tompkin 46 Newton, Norfolk, mail Portsmouth. Newtonfield, Frederick, mail Steph- ens City. Newtown, Frederick, 1-31, (Ry 5) mail Stephens City 479 Newtown, King and Queen, P-38. .. 89 Newtown, Louisa, mail Thompson's Cross Roads. Newtown, Rockingham, mail Tenth Legion. Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. "80. Newtown Stepbensburgh, Frederick, 1-31. mail Stephens City. New Upton, Gloucester. R-41 30 Newville, Prince George, T-38 17 Nichols, Carrol], 7 m W Dug Spur, V-16. Nicholson's, Brunswick, mail White P1 1 1 Tl ^ Nickelsvilie. Scott, W-6 80 Nimnios Church, Princess Anne, mail Princess Anne C. H. Nineveh. Warren, 1-31 85 Noble's Furnace, Wythe, mail Crockett Depot. Noels, Hanover, P-35, (Ry 8) 35 Nokesville, Prince William, K-35, (Ry25) 44 Noland's Ferry, Loudoun, mail Goresville. Nominy Ferry. Westmoreland, mail Mount Holly. Nominy Grove, Westmoreland,- O-40 46 Nominy Hall, Westmoreland, mail Oldham's. Non Intervention, Lunenburgh, 4 m N E Columbia Grove, W-32. Norfolk, Norfolk, V-43, (Rys 0, 9, 11). 21966 Norman, Culpeper, 5 m E Boston. L-32. Northam, Goochland, mail Northside. North Anna River, Caroline, mail Chilesburgh. North Ann River, Hanover, mail Spring Level. North Arlington, Alexandria, mail Arlington. North Bend, Charles City, mail Wey- anoke. North Bend, King George, mail Greenlaw's Wharf. North Bend, Mecklenburgh, mail Boydton. North Branch. Grayson, 4 m E Elk Creek, W-13 25 North Danville, Pittsylvania, Y-24, (Rys 18,25) 1200 North End. Middlesex, mail Sandy Bottom. North Fork, Lee, mail Graham 34 North Fork, Loudoun, 2 m S W Mount Gilead, 1-35 75 North Fork. Montgomery, mail Ben- nett's Mill. North Fork, Washington, mail Holston. North Garden, Albemarle, P-28, (Ry 25) 58 North Landing, Norfolk, W-44 55 North Landing. Princess Anne, mail North Landing. North Mayo, Henry, mail Taylorsburgh. North Mountain, Augusta, (Ry 8) mail Buffalo Gap. North Mountain Cross Roads, Shen- andoah, mail Woodstock. North River, Matthews, mail Hicks' Wharf. North River, Rockingham, 1 m S E Mount Crawford, M-27. (Ry 5). . . 40 Northside. Goochland, R-33, mail Goochland, C H 34 North View, Mecklenburgh, W-31 ... 29 North View, Giles, mail Narrows. 42 Rand, Mc Natty & Go's Virginia. Toivns, etc.— continued. . Pop. "80. Northwest, Norfolk, X-43, (Ry 9) mail Indian Creek. Northwest Landing, Norfolk, mail Indian Creek. Northwest Locks, Norfolk, mail Lake Drummond. Northwest River Bridge, Norfolk, mail Indian Creek. Nortonsville, Greene, N-29 54 Norwood, Nelson, R-28 137 Norwood, Bedford, mail Perrowville. Norwood, King and Queen, mail St. Stephen's Church. Norwood College, Nelson, mail Nor- wood. Norwood Cross Roads, Westmore- land, mail Montross. Norwood High School, Nelson, mail Norwood. Nottingham, Spottsylvania, mail Frederieksburgh. Nottingham Landing, Northampton, mail Bay View. Nottoway C. H., Nottoway, U-32. (Ry 11) 173 Nottoway, Southampton, X-39, (Ry 22) mail Delawares. Novelty, Franklin, mail Penhook. Novelty Mills, Pittsylvania, mail Chatham. Nowlin's Store, Campbell, mail Morris 1 Church. Nuckollsville, Grayson, mail Old Town. Number Two Furnace, Rockingham, mail Verbena. Numni's Store, Henry, mail Stockton. Nurneysville, Nansemond, X-41 54 Nuttsville, Lancaster, mail Litwalton. Oak Bank, Rockbridge, mail Fancy Hill. Oakenbrow, King George, mail Port Conway. Oakdale, Rockbridge. Q-23 37 Oak Farm, Richmond, mail Milton Wharf. Oak Flat Glen, Lee, mail Longfield. Oak Forest, Louisa, mail Bell's Cross Roads. Oak Forest, Cumberland, R-31 64 Oak Glen, Lee, X-l, mail Longfield. Oak Grove, Accomack, mail Atlantic. Oak Grove. Albemarle, mail Scottsville. Oak Grove, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Oak Grove, Buckingham, mail Buck- ingham C. H. Oak Grove, Essex, mail Tappahannock. Oak Grove, Halifax, mail South Bos- ton Depot. Oak Grove, Shenandoah, mail Capon Road Depot. Oak Grove, Westmoreland, 0-39 90 Oak Hall, Accomack, P-47 32 Oak Hill, Albemarle, mail Stouy Point. Oak Hill, Charles City, mail Wilcox Wharf. Oak Hill, Fauquier.maiZ Marshall. Oak Hill, Grayson, mail Mouth of Wilson. Oak Hill, King George, mail Hampstead. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. "80. Oak Hill, Nottoway, mail Nottoway C. H. Oak Hill, Page, mail Hope Mills. Oak Hill. Patrick, mail Penn's Store. Oak Hill, Pittsylvania. X-23, (Ry 08) mad Bachelor's Hall. Oak Land, Alleghany, mail Selma. Oakland, Albemarle, mail Warren. Oakland, Cumberland, mail Cartersville. Oakland, Dinwiddie, mail Dinwiddie C. H. Oakland, Hanover, mail Beaver Dam Depot. Oakland, Louisa, 0-32. Oakland, Loudoun, 1-35, mail Oatlands. Oakland Cottage, Norfolk, mail Norfolk. Oakland Institute, Nelson, mail Rock Fish Depot. Oaklands, Roanoke, mail Big Lick. Oak Level, Halifax, mail Vernon Hill. Oak Level, Henry, V-21 100 Oakley, Mecklenburgh. X-29 37 Oakley, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Oakley, Fauquier, mail Upperville. Oak Manor. Halifax, mail South Bos- ton Depot. Oak Park, Madison, 5 m W Madison C. H., N-31 29 Oak Point Mills, Botetourt, mail Brugh's Mills. Oak Ridge, Caroline, mail Fredericks- burgh. Oak Ridge, Nelspn, mail Montreal. Oak Row, Richmond, mail Carter's Wharf. Oaks, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Oak Shade, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Oak Shade, Culpeper, L-33 25 Oakville, Appomattox, S-28 108 Oakwood, Fauquier, mail Warrenton. Oakwood, Rockingham, 8 m N E Melrose, M-28 22 Oakwook. Orange, mail Orange C. H. Oatlands, Loudoun, 1-35 46 O'Bannon's Mill, Culpeper, mail Boston. Occoquan, Prince William, L-37 306 Occupacia, Essex. 0-39 20 Ocean View. Norfolk, V-43, (Ry 0). Octagon, Brunswick. V-34. Office Hall, King George, mail Shiloh. Oilville, Goochland, Q-34 29 Old Church, Hanover, R-37 143 Old Court House, Prince George, mail Prince George C. H. .Oldenplace, Dinwiddie, U-34. Old Forge, Frederick, mail Marlborough. Old Furnace, Frederick, mail Moun- tain Falls. Old Furnace, Page, mail Luray. Old Glade Spring, Washington, mail Glade Spring. Oldhams, Westmoreland, P-41 29 Oldham's Cross Roads, Westmore- land, mail Oldhams. Old Hickory, Botetourt, R-21 110 Old House Landing, Charles City, mail Providence Forge. Old Mount Airy, Smyth, mail Rural Retreat. Rand. McJSally & Co.'s Virginia. 43 Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Old Point, Elizabeth City, mail Fortress Monroe. Old Point Comfort, Elizabeth City. U-43, mail Fortress Monroe. . 308 Old Pole Green Church, Hanover, mail Old Church. Old Providence, Augusta, mail Green- ville. Old Town. Grayson, X-14 61 Olive, Culpeper, 5 m N W Rixey- ville. L-33. Oliver Mills, Hanover, mail Verdon. Olivet Church, New Kent, mail Provi- dence Forge. Olo, Lunenburgh, 5 m E Brickland,V-32. Olympia, Smyth, U-12 34 Omega. Halifax. X-28 29 Onan, Nelson, 3 m S Avon, 0-27. Onancock, Accomack. Q-46 600 O'Neal, Floyd, 4 m E Princeton, V-16. Oneida, Franklin, V-22. Ontario, Charlotte, mail Keysville. Openbrow, King George, mail Port Conway. Opequon, Frederick, H-31. Oral Oaks, Lunenburgh, V-32 30 Orange C. H., Orange. M-32, (Rys 15, 25) 547 Orange Spring. Orange, mail Thorn Hill. Orange Shop, Buckingham, mail New Store. Ore Banks, Buckingham, 5 m W Gilliamsville, R-31 29 Oregon Hill, Henrico, mail Richmond. Orgainsville, Mecklenburgh, X-30. Organ's Mills, Campbell, mail Pigeon Pun. Orkney Springs, Shenandoah. K-28.. 50 Orlando, Nelson, 2 m S W Rock Fish, Q-28. Orlean, Fauquier, K-33 105 Oronoco, Amherst. Q-25. Osborn. Chesterfield, S-36, (Ry 20) mail Chester. Osborne's Mill, Buckingham, mail Curdsville. Osborn's Ford, Scott, V-5 46 Osborn's Gap. Dickenson, T-5 25 Osceola, Washington, X-9 100 Osso, King George, 7 m W Hamp- etead, N-38. Otley*s, Elizabeth City, mail Hampton. Otter, Franklin, V-20, mail Long Branch. Otter Bridge, Bedford, mail Otter Hill. Otter Dale, Chesterfield, mail Mid- lothian. Otter Hill, Bedford, S-24 29 Otter Hill, Charlotte, mail Barnesville. Otter Hill, Mecklenburgh, mail Spring Hill. Otter River, Campbell, T-25, (Ry 25) 150 Otter View, Bedford, U-23. Otterville, Bedford, 6 m S Lowry, T-24 35 Ottobine, Rockingham, M-26. Overalls, Page, (Ry 23) 9 m N E Hope Mills, K-30 50 Overalls, Warren, K-31, mail Benton- ville. Towns, etc.—(Ont:nued. Pop. "8'J. Overby's Store, Charlotte, mail Moss- ing Ford. Overton, Prince Edward, mail Me- herrin. Overton. Albemarle, P-30 15 Owen Hill. Middlesex, mail Jamaica. Owen's Tank. Roanoke, mail Salem. Owl Run, Fauquier, 3 m S W Cat- lett, S-35 47 Oxford Furnace, Campbell, mail Rustburgh. Oysterman's Home,King and Queen, mail Plain View. Oyster vi lie. King and Queen, mail Plain View. Ozeana, Essex, 3 m W Centre Cross, Q-40. Paddy Knob, Highland, mail Valley Centre. Paddy's Mills, Shenandoah, l-30,mail Gravel Spring 29 Paddy Pond, Frederick, mail Opequon. Paddy Run, Shenandoah, mail Gravel Spring. Page Brook, Albemarle, mail Cob- ham. Page Brook. Clarke, mail Millwood. Paineville, Amelia. S-32, 83 Paint Bank. Craig, R-18. Painters, Fairiax, mail Fairfax C. H. Paint Lick. Tazewell, U-9 25 Palmer's Springs, Mecklenburgh, Y-31 76 Palmetto, Patrick, 5 m S W Nettle Ridge, X-19. Palmyra, Fluvanna, P-31 107 Pampatike, King William, mail Manquin. Pampilica, Hanover, mail Old Church. Pamplin City. Appomattox, S-28, (Ryll) 117 Pamurky, Hanover, 4 m S E Old Church, R-37, mail Old Church. Panama, Mecklenburgh, mail Tal- cott. Panther Gap, Rockbridge, 0-23, (Ry 8) mail Goshen Bridge. Panther Gap Furnace, Bath, mail Millborough Springs. Parham's Store, Sussex. V-37 29 Paris, Fauquier, J-33 134 Parishville, Frederick, H-30 34 Parker, Spottsylvania, (Ry 16) mail Mattapony. Parker's Store, Spottsylvania, mail Mattapony 27 Park Gate, Prince William, mail Bristoe. Parkins' Mill, Frederick, 3 m N E Stephens City, 1-31 28 Parks' Mill, Washington, mail Ab- ingdon. Parnassus, Augusta. N-26 50 Parrisville, Frederick, mail Win- chester. Parr's Mills, Fauquier, mail War- renton. Parson's Cording Machine. Lee, mail Pridemore. 44 Rand, M'.Niilly & Co.''* Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. 'SO. Parson's Landing, Goochland, mail Michaux Ferry. Parson's Mills, Grayson, mail Month of Wilson. Parson's Mills, Lee. mail Pridemore. Partlow's, Spottsylvania, 0-34 52 Passpatansy. King George, 5 m W Lewisville, N-37 27 Patrick C. H., Patrick, X-19 114 Patrick's Mill, Augusta, N-27, mall Waynesborough. Patrick"Springs, Patrick, W-19. Pat's Store, Russell, U-7. Patterson, Augusta, 3 m S E Weyers Cave, M-27, (Ry23) mail Weyers Cave Patterson's Falls, Amherst, mail Riversville. Patterson's Mill, Bedford. 3 m S W Peaksville, S-23, mail Liberty. . 45 Pattonsburgh, Botetourt, mail Bu- chanan 188 Pattonsville, Scott. X-3 76 Paullington, Rockingham, 5 m S E Melrose, M-28. Paul's Cross Roads, Essex, Q-39 10 Paul's Mill. Rockingham, mail Ot- tobine. Pax, Floyd, 4 m E Burks Fork, W-17. Paxson, Loudouu, 4 m W Silcott's Springs, 1-35. Paxton, Powhatan, mail Genito. Paxun's Store, Loudoun, mail Gores- ville. Payne's, Buckingham, Q.-30. Payne's Mills, Louisa, mail Thomp- son's Cross Roads. Payne's Shop, Lancaster, mail Mil- lenbeck. Paynesville, Culpeper, mail Culpeper. Peach Bottom, Grayson, X-14 27 Peach Grove, Fairfax, mail Lewinsville. Peach Grove, Rockingham, 3 m S Harrisonburgh, M-27 15 Peachland. Amelia, mail Deatonsville. Peakes, Hanover, Q-36, (Ry 8) mail Peake's Turn Out 100 Peake's Cross Roads, Spottsylvania, 0-34 32 Peaks of Otter, Bedford, S-23, mail Peaksville. Peake's Turn Out. Hanover, 4 m S W Hanover C. H.. Q-36. Peaksville, Bedford. S-23 27 Pea Patch. Buchanan, S-9. Pearisburgh, Giles, S-15, (Ryll) . . 285 Pear Mount, King George, mail Shiloh. Pear Tree, Accomack, mail Pungo- teague. Peatross Mill, Pittsylvania, mail Stockton. Pecan Plain, Sussex, mail Petersburgh. Pedlar Mills, Amherst, R-25 43 Peers, Goochland, R-35. Peery's Store, Tazewell, mail Shaw- ver's Mills. Peggs' Point, New Kent, mail New Kent C. H. Pegram, Surry, 3 m N W Bacon's Castle, U-40, mall High Gate 55 Pelise, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Pemberton, Goochland, Q.-32, (Ryl7). Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '8Q Pembroke, Giles. S-16 100 Pembroke Springs, Frederick, mail Mountain Falls. Pendletons, Louisa. 0-33, (Ry 8) . . . 26 Penhook. Franklin. U-22, (Ry 25) . . . 52 Pennington's Gap, Lee, mail Graham. Pennington's Mills, Lee, mail Graham. Pennington's Store, Lee, mall Graham. Pennington's Store, Rockingham, mail Baker's Mill. Peuu's Store, Patrick, X-19 42 Pennyville, Accomack, mail Pungo- teague. Penola, Caroline, P-36, . (Rv 19) 78 Peola Mills, Madison, L-31 27 Pepper's Ferry, Pulaski, mail New River Depot. Perch Pond. Grayson, mail Carsonville. Perci vails. Brunswick, W-34, mall Lawrenceville. Perkinsville, Goochland, Q-34. Perkins' Shop, Cumberland, mail Farmville. Perkins' Store, Nelson, mall El- mington. Perlow's Store, Campbell, mall Lynchburgh. Pernello. Franklin, V-20 16 Perrins, Hanover, mall Ashland. Perrows' Store, Bedford, mail Perrow- ville. Perrowville, Bedford, S-24 41 Perry's Wharf, Essex, mall Bowlers Wharf. Petersburgh, Dinwiddle, T-36, (Rys 11,12,20) 21656 Petersburgh, Fauquier, mail Mark- ham Station. Peters' Creek, Patrick, X-18. Peters' Switch, Alleghany, mail Long Dale. Petter"s Mill, Mecklenburgh, mail Boydton. Peytonsburgh, Pittsylvania, W-25 .. . 54 Philadelphia Mines, Buckingham, mail Buckingham, C. H. Phillips, Washington, mail Craig's Mills. Phillips' Mill, Carroll, mall Cold Spring. Phillips' Store. Surry, mail Waverly Station.... 30 Phillips' Store, Sussex, mail Waverly Station. Philomont, Londoun, 1-34 175 Picket House. Fauquier, mall Upper- ville. Piedmont, Albemarle, mail Moor- man's River, Piedmont, Augusta, mall New Hope. Piedmont. Fauquier, mall Delaplane. Piedmont Copper Mines, Amherst, mall Amherst, C. H. Piedmont Mills, Campbell, mail Lynchburgh. Pierces. Goochland, mall Peers. Pierceville, Bedford, mall Bellevue. Pigeon River, Campbell, mail Pigeon Run. Pigeon Run, Campbell, T-26 72 Pig Point, Nansemond, mail Church- land. Hand, McNaUy t£ Oo.'s Virginia. 45 Town*, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Pig River, Franklin, V-20 54 Pilot. Montgomery, U-18 34 Pine. Pulaski, 4 m N W Allisonia, V-16. Pine Dale, Botetonrt, 3 m N W Eagle Rock. R-21, mail Strom. Pine Forge. Shenandoah, mail Mount Jackson. Pine Grove. Accomack, mail Davis 1 Wharf. Pine Grove, Frederick, mail White Hall. Pine Grove, Richmond, mail Farmer's Fork. Pine Grove, Shenandoah, mail Capon Road Depot. Pine Hill, Franklin, mail Long Branch. Pine Hills. Warren, mail Cedarville. Pine Run Stand, Pulaski, mail Allisonia. Pine Spring, Russell, mail Willow Spring. Pine View. Fauquier. M-34 75 Pineville, Powhatan, mail Michaux Ferry. Pine Woods. Shenandoah, mail Quicksburgh. Piney Fork. Pittsylvania, mail Chatham. Piney Fork. Floyd, mail Little River. Piney Grove, Prince George, mail Newville. Piney Grove Store, Albemarle, mail Charlottesville. Pinev Point. New Kent, mail New KentC. H. Piney Slash, Prince George, mail Newville. Piney swamp, Gloucester, mail White Marsh . Pin Hook, Tazewell, mail Blue Stone. Pinnacles of Dan, Patrick, mail Meadows of Dan. Piper's Gap, Carroll. W-15 130 Piper Tree, King William, mail King William C. H. Pipsco, Surry, mail Dillard's Wharf. Piscataway, Essex, 8 m S W Tappa- hannock, P-39 50 Pitt's Creek, Alleghany, mail Pott's Creek. Pittsville, Accomack, mail Wagram. Pittsville. Pittsylvania, 2 m E Ber- ger's Store, V-24, (Ry 25) 50 Pittsville Mine, Pittsylvania, mail Berger's Store. Pitt's Wharf, Accomack. P-4T 29 Pittsylvania, Pittsylvania, mail Chatham. Plain Dealing, Hanover, mail Ashland. Plainfield, Isle of Wight, mail Smith- field. Plains, Fauquier, (Ry 25) mail The Plains. Plain's Mill, Rockingham, mail New Market. Plain View, King and Queen. S-40. . 75 Planterstown. Buckingham, mail New Store. Plantersville. Lunenburgh. V-30 46 Plasterville. Smyth, mail Broadford. Pleasant. Amherst, mail Pleasant View. Pleasant Banks. Lancaster, mail White Stone. Towns, etc. continve* Pop Pleasant Gap, Pittsylvania. X-23 75 Pleasant Grove. Lunenburgh, U-30.. 49 Pleasant Grove. Floyd, mail Hylton. Pleasant Hill. Franklin, mail Rocky Mount. Pleasant Hill, Grayson, mail Carson- ville. Pleasant Hill, Tazewell. T-9. Pleasant Hill, Princess Anne, W-45. mail Pleasant Ridge. Pleasant Oaks, Fluvanna, mail Central Plains. Pleasant Oaks, Brunswick, X-34 27 Pleasant Ridge, Princess Anne, 5 m N Blossom Hill, X-45 105 Pleasant Shade. Greenville, W-35 45 Pleasant Valley, Fairfax, J-36 14 Pleasant Valley, Accomack, mail Guilford. Pleasant Valley, Frederick, mail Winchester. Pleasant Valley. Rockingham, M-27, mail Rockingham 100 Pleasant Valley Depot, Rockingham, (Ry 5). mail Rockingham 28 Pleasant View. Amherst, R-25. Plum Branch, Campbell, 5 m S W Spout Spring. S-27. Plymouth, King and Queen, mail Little Plymouth. Poage's Mill, Roanoke, T-20 30 Pocahontas. Chesterfield, (Ry 20) mail Petersburgh. Pocahontas Tazewell, T-12, (Ry 11.) Pocket, Lee. mail Graham. Pohick, Fairfax, mail Accotink. Poindexter's Store, Bedford, mail Perrowville. Poindexter's Store, Louisa. 0-31 50 Point Cabell, Rockbridge, mail Bal- cony Falls. Point Comfort, Matthews, mail Port Haywood. Point Eastern, Caroline. P-37 30 Point Hope. Grayson, mail Carsonville. Point of Forks, Fluvanu a, mail Columbia. Point Pleasant, Northumberland, mail Fair Port. Point Pleasant, Bland. U-14. Point Truth, Russell. V-6. Pole Cat. Caroline, mail Penola. Pole Green, Hanover, R-37 500 Pollard's Store. Bedford, mail Wades. Pomona. Loudoun, mail Lovettsville. Pond's Gap, Augusta. 0-24, (Ry 8) . . 75 Pond Marsh, New Kent, mail Bar- hamsville. Pond's Mill, Sussex, mail Wakefield Station. Pond's Shop. Southampton, mail Drewryville. Poogue, Rockbridge, mail Fancy Hill. Pop Castle, King George, mail Comorn. Pope's Store, Southampton, mail Newsoms. Poplar, Nelson, 6 m W Rock Fish Depot, Q-28. Poplar Creek, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Poplar Grove, King George, mail Port Conway. 46 Rand, Mc Nolly & CoSs Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Poplar Grove, Caroline, mail Kuther Glen Poplar Hill, Prince Edward, mall Farmville. Poplar Hill, Giles, T-15 150 Poplar Mount, Greenville, V-35. Poquoson, York, U-42, mail Grafton. Porcelain, Augusta, mail Sherando. Pore Valley, Scott, mail Estillville. Port Conway, King George, N-37 30 Port Deposit, King George, mail La Grange. Porter's Cross Roads, Wythe, mail Red Bluff. Porter's Precinct. Albemarle, 4 m N W Glendower, Q-29 40 Port Haywood, Matthews, S-43 125 Port Macoc, Essex, mail Loretto. Port Micon, Essex, mail Loretto. Porto Bello, York, mail Yorktown. Port Republic, Rockingham. N-27. .. 189 Port Republic Station, Rockingham, N-27. (Rv 23) mail Port Republic. Port Royal, Caroline, 0-37 347 Portsmouth, Norfolk, V-43, (Ry 22) 11388 Port Tobacco, Caroline, mail Bowling Green. Port Tobacco, Essex, mail Loretto. Port Walthall, Chesterfield, S-36. (Ry 20) Port Walthall Junction, Chesterfield, mail Port Walthall. Possum Nose Point, Prince William, mail Potomac. Post Oak, Spottsylvania, 4 m N E Brokenburgh, 0-35. Potato, Grayson. 5 m E Mouth of Wilson, X-12. Pot House. Loudoun, mail Unison. Potomac, Prince William, (Rys 1, 6, 19) 6 m S Freestone, L-37 250 Potomac City, Prince William, mail Potomac 119 Potomac Mills, Westmoreland, 4 m N W Baynesville, 0-39 39 Potomac River, Fairfax, mail Great Falls Potomac Run, Stafford, M-3(i,(Ry 19) mail Brooke's Station. Pottiesville, Louisa, mail Buckner's Station. Pott's Creek, Alleghany, R-19 50 Pound, Wise. U-5 40 Pound Gap, Wise, mail Pound. Pound's Store, Spottsylvania, mail Thornburgh. Powell's Corner, King William, mail Enfield. Powell's Fort, Shenandoah, mail Seven Fountains. Powell's Store, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Powell's Store, King William, mail Enfield. Powell'sValley, Wise, mail Butcher's Fork. Powell's Wharf, Accomack, mail Locust Mount. Powellton, Accomack, mail Locust Mount. Powellton, Brunswick, W-34 37 Power Mill, Wise, mail Crane's Nest. Powhatan. King George, mail Comoro. Powhatan C. H., Powhatan, R-33, 84 Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Powhatan Iron Works, Henrico, mail Westhampton. Powhatan Station. Powhatan, R-34, (Ry 18) mail Genito 24 Powhite, Chesterfield, R-36, (Ry 18) mail Granite. Powhite Creek, Chesterfield, mail Granite. Preston's Store, Bedford, mail Davis' Mills. Price's Factory, Washington, mail Greendale. Price's Forks. Montgomery, T-17 27 Price's Station, Prince Edward, mail Rice Depot. Priddy's Store, Charlotte, mail Moss- ing Ford. Pridemore, Lee, W-2 30 Pride's Church, Amelia, mail Dea- tonsville. Prillamans, Franklin, V-20 34 Prince Edward, Prince Edward, mail Worsham. Prince George C. H., Prince George, T-37 60 Princes, Southampton, Y-38, mail Newsoins. Princess Anne C. H., Princess Anne. W-44 209 Priucess Anue, Norfolk, W-43, (Ry 9) mail Princess Aune C. H. Prince's Store, Sussex, mail Cedar View. Princeton, Carroll, V-16. Printz Mills, Page, mail Stony Man. Proctor's Creek, Chesterfield, (Ry 20) mail Centralia 23 Promt, Albemarle, 7 m N Charlottes- ville, O-30. Prospect, Prince Edward,S-29, (Ry 11) 109 Prospect Hill, Fairfax, J -37. Prospect Tannery, Shenandoah, mail Van Buren Furnace. Providence, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Providence, Campbell, mail Ivy Hill. Providence, Fairfax, mail Fairfax C. H. Providence, Halifax, mail Clover Depot. Providence Camp Ground, Grayson, mail Carsonville. Providence Church, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Providence Forge, New Kent, S-38, (Ry8) 57 Pruntys, Henry, W-20 400 Pryor's Vale, Amherst, mail Pleasant View. Public Bridge, Amherst, mail Riversville. Public Landing,Accomack, mail Lee- mont. Pugh's Mills, Mecklenburgh, mail Wattsborough. Pugh's Pass, Shenandoah, mail Woodstock. Pughtown, Frederick, mail Gaines- borough. Pulaski Alum Spring, Pulaski, mail Dublin. Pullens, Pittsylvania, V-23 102 Pump Handle, Henrico, mail Erin Shades. Pungo Ferry, Princess Anne, mail Blossom Hill. Rand, McNally & (Jo's Virginia. 47 Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. '80. Pungo Landing, Princess Anne, mail Blossom Hill. Pungo Ridge, Princess Anne, mail Pleasant Ridge. Pungoteague. Accomack, R-46 147 Pungoteague Island, Accomack, mail Pungoteague. Purcell Store, Loudoun, mail Pur- cellville. Purcellville. Loudoun, H-34, (Ry 26) 98 Purchase, Scott, 5 m N W Speer's Ferry, X-4. Purvis, Nansemond, (Ry 22) mail Buckhorn. Puryear's Store, Hanover, mail Ash- land. Quaker, Carroll, 5 m S Princeton, W-16. Quantico, Prince William, L-37, (Rys 6, 19) mail Potomac. Quantico Wharf, Prince William, mail Potomac. Queen's Creek, James City, mail Yorktown. Queen's Creek, Matthews,raa££ Matthews. Queen's Creek, York, mail Yorktown. Quicksburgh, Shenandoah, L-28, (Ry 5) 57 Quillinsville, Scott, mail Big Branch. Quinton, New Kent, R-38. Rabat, Halifax, 2 m S Martin's Store, U-27. Racetburgh, Frederick, mail Cedar Grove. Raceville, Frederick, mail Opequon. Racoon Ford, Culpeper, M-33 52 Racoon Ford, Orange, mail Racoo Ford. Radford Furnace, Pulaski. U-16.... 41 Radford's Mills, Bedford, mail Per- rowville. Ragged Mountains, Albemarle, mail Charlottesville. Ragtown, Frederick, mail Parkins' Mill. Rail Road, Accomack, mail Locustville. Raine's Tavern, Cumberland, mail Farmville. Rainey's Store, Greenville, mail Hopeville. Raker*s Store, Buckingham, mail New Store. Randolph. Charlotte. Randolph Macon College, Hanover, mail Ashland. Randolph Mine, Fauquier, mail Thompson's Mill. Randolph's Store, Louisa, mail Thompson's Cross Roads. Rapidan River, Orange, mail Rapid Ann Station. Rapid Ann Station, Culpeper, M-32, (Ry 25) 150 Rappahannock, Fauquier, L-34, (Ry 25) mail Rappahannock Station. Rappahannock Academy, Caroline, N-37 37 Rappahannock Church, Essex, mail Dunnsville. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Rappahannock Station, Fauquier, (Ry 25) see Rappahannock, L-34. 102 Rapp's Mills, Rockbridge, Q-22 49 Rasco Neck, Isle of Wignt, mail Smithfield. Rat Hole, Botetourt, mail Saltpetre Cave. Raven Clift, Wythe, mail Crockett Depot. Raven Clift Furnace, Wythe, mail Crockett Depot. Raven's Nest, Washington, 5 m W Alum Wells, W-7. Ravenswood, Prince William, mail Manassas. Ravensworth, Fairfax. K-37, (Ry 25) mail Burke's Station. Ravinna Mills, Fluvanna, mail Columbia Rawley, Rockingham, mail Rawley Springs. Rawley Springs, Rockingham, M-26.. 54 Ray, Pittsylvania. Razor Poiut, Greenville, mail Totaro. Readjustee Brunswick, 2 m E Cab- bage Farm, X-32. Read Shop, Prince Edward, mail Worsham. Read's Mills, Charlotte, mail Smithville. Read's Wharf, Northampton 1 m E Concord Wharf, S-44. Ream's Station, Dinwiddie, U-36, (Ryl2) 31 Reamy's Fork, Richmond, mail New- land. Reba, Bedford, 6 m S E Smyrna, S-22. Recess, Fluvanna, mail Brerno Bluff. Rector's Cross Roads, Fauquier mail Rectortown. Rectortown, Fauquier, J-33. (Ry25). 109 Red Bank. Halifax, Y-28 50 Red Bank, Accomack, mail Sea Side. Red Bank, Northampton, mail Marion- ville. Red Banks, Shenandoah, mail Hawk- instown. Red Block, Wythe, mail Red Bluff. Red Bluff, Wythe, V-14 13 Redd's Cross Roads, Hanover, mail Hanover C. H. Redd's Shop, Prince Edward, mail Worsham. Red Hill, Accomack, mail Pungoteague. Red Hill, Albemarle. P-29, (Ry 25) . . 27 Red Hill, Wythe, mail Red Bluff. Red Hollow, Franklin, mail Hale's Ford. Red House, Charlotte, T-28 32 Red Land, Frederick, mail Acorn Hill. Red Mills, Augusta, mail New Hope. Red Mills, Buckingham, mail Gravel Hill. Red Oak, Charlotte, mail Red Oak Grove. Red Oak Grove, Charlotte, W-29 31 Red Oak, Greene, mail Nortonsville. Red Plains, Franklin, T-21. Red Sulphur Spriugs, Roanoke, mail Salem. Red Sweet Springs, Alleghany, mail Sweet Chalybeate. Red Valley, Franklin, mail Red Plains. Reed Creek, Henry, mail Ironside. Reed Creek, Wythe, mail Kent's Mil's". Reed Island, Pulaski, mail Allisonia. 48 tiand, McNally & Co.' a Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. "8J. Reed Island, Wythe, V-15 162 Reeds, Prince William. K-35. mail Wellington. Reeds, Caroline, mail Point Eastern. Reed's Switch. Prince William, (Ry 25) mail Gainesville, Reed's Wharf, Northumberland, mail Fair Port. Reedy Springs. Appomattox, S-27. Reeses, Charlotte, 3m E Cub Creek, U-28. Rehoboth, Lunenhurgh, V-31 25 Rehoboth Church, Northumberland. Q-43 37 Relaysville, Page, mail Cedar Point. Republican Grove, Halifax, V-26 125 Republican Mills, Fairfax, mail Col- vin Run. Rest. Frederick, 5 m N W Wades- ville, H-32. Retreat. Hanover, mail Old Church. Retreat, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Retreat, Franklin, "U-21 27 Rexburgh, Essex, P-39 27 Reynolds, Orange, (Ry 15) mail Verdi ervi lie. Rhoadesville, Orange. N-33, (Ry 15). 47 Rhode's Shop, Rockingham, mail Rushville. Rice Depot. Prince Edward, (Ry 11) see Rices, T-31 50 Rices, Prince Edward, T-31, (Ry 11) mail Rice Depot. Rice's Store, Westmoreland, mail Machodoc. Riceville, Pittsylvania, V-25 200 Richard's Shop, Orange, mail Granite Springs. Richardsville, Culpeper, M-35 45 Richland. Tazewell, U-9, mail Cedar Bluff Richland. Stafford, M-37. (Ry 19). Richland Improved Mills. Lee, mail White Shoals. Richland Mills. Stafford, 6 m N Brooke Station, M-37, (Ry 19) mail Richland 95 Richmond, Henrico. R-36, (Rys 8. 17. 18,19,20 -Z\ ) ...63600 Richmor, Mills, Lee, "■er. White Shoals. Rich Patch, Alleghany. Q-21. Rich Valley. Smyth, V-10 30 Ridgeway, Henry, X-21 75 Ridgway, Albemarle, mail Charlottes- ville. Rigna, Bedford, 8 m'S W Leesville, T-24. Rileysville, Page, (Rv 23) mail Cedar Point. Riner, Montgomery. 5 m N E Chil- dress Store, U-17. Ringgold, Pittsylvania. Y-25, (Ry 18). 84 Rinker's Mills, Shenandoah, mail Mount Jackson. Rinkerton, Shenandoah. 2 m S W Mount Jackson, K-29. Rio, Albemarle, mail Charlottesville. Ripley's Mills. Craig, R-19 106 Rippon Hall, James City. mail Yorktown. Rippon Hall, York, mail Yorktown. Ritchieville. Dinwiddie, V-36. Rivanna, Albemarle, 3 m S E Earleys- ville, O-30. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Rivanna Mills, Fluvanna, mail Columbia. River, Patrick, mail Penn's Store. River Bank, Rockingham, M-28, mail McGaheysville 25 River Bend, Rockbridge, mail Goshen Bridge. Riverdale, Chesterfield, mail Man- chester. River Edge, Charles City, mail Wilcox Wharf. River Hill, Fairfax, mail Prospect Hill. River Side, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Riverside, Rockbridge, 3 m N E South River, Q-24. Riverside. Madison, mail Oak Park. River Side Retreat, Shenandoah, mail Mount Jackson. River Station, Warren, (Ry 25) mail Riverton. Riversville. Amherst, R-27 197 Riverton, Warren, J-31, (Rys 23, 25) . 200 Riverton Mills. Warren, mail Riverton. River View, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. River View, Westmoreland, mail Leedstown. River View, Lancaster, mail Carter's Creek. Rives, Prince George, T-36. Rivinna Mills, Fluvanna, mail Co- lumbia. Rixeyville, Culpeper, L-33 29 Roadside, Rockingham. M-29 125 Roanoke. Charlotte, V-29, (Ry 18) mail Talcott. Roanoke, Roanoke, T-21, (Rys 11,23). Roanoke Bridge. Charlotte, mail Keysville. Roanoke College, Roanoke, mail Salem. Roanoke College, Pittsylvania, mail Danville. Roanoke Red Sulphur Springs, Ro- anoke, mail Salem. Roaring Run, Botetourt, R-22 19 Roaring Springs, Gloucester, mail Gloucester C. H. Roark, Rockingham, 3 m S E Tenth Legion, M-28. Roark's Mills, Pittsylvania, mail Hill Grove. Robbin Run, Norfolk. X-43, mail Indian Creek 48 Roberts and Fleenor's Mills, Wash- ington, mail Greendale. Robert's Mills, Nelson, mail Rock Fish Depot. Robertsons, Bedford, S-23 32 Robertson's Store, Bedford, mail Robertsons. Robertson's Store, Lancaster, mail White Stone. Robertson's Store, Pittsylvania, mail Mountain Cross. Robertson's Wharf, Northumberland. mail Brown's Store. Robey's, Spottsylvania, (Ry 16) mail Frederjcksburgh. Robinson's Store, Cumberland, mail Cumberland C. H. Rand, McNaJly & Go." a Vi/'f/i/ria. 49 Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Robinson's Switch. Nottoway. T-32, (Ry 11) mail Nottoway C. H. Robious, Chesterfield. R-35. (Ryl8). 19 Rochelle. Madison, M-31 66 Rockbridge, Rockbridge, mail Lex- ington. Rockbridge Alum Springs. Rock bridge, P-23 14 Rockbridge Baths. Rockbridge. P-24 135 Rockbridge Baths Hotel. Rock- bridge, mail Rockbridge Baths. Rock Castle, Patrick, v-19, mail Woolwine 27 Rock Castle. Goochland, (Ry 17) 3 m S E West View, Q-32. Rock Cliff. Nelson, mail Norwood. Rock Creek, Goochland, mail Loch Lomond. Rock Enon Springs. Frederick. H-30 . 27 Rocketts, Goochland, mail Gum Spring. Rocketts, Henrico, mail Richmond. Rockett's Mills, Hanover, mail Verdon. Rock Farm, Russell. V-6. mail Tyner 29 Rock Farm House, Russell, mail Rock Farm. Rockfield, Chesterfield, (Ry 18) mail Manchester. Rock Fish Depot, Nelson. Q-28, (Ry 25) 47 Rockford, Washington. X-8. Rock Grove, Smyth, W-ll. Rock House, Russell, U-6. Rockingham, Rockingham. (Ry 5) 3 m N E Mount Crawford, M-27. . . 60 Rockingham Mineral Spring, Rock- ingham, mail McGaheysville. Rock Island, Buckingham, Q-29. Rockland, Orange, mail Gordonsville. Rockland, Warren, mail Milldale. Rockland Mills. Augusta, mail Burke's Mills. Rock Lick, Buchanan, mail Big Rock. Rock Mills, Buckingham, mail New Store. Reck Mills, Rappahannock, L-32 19 Rock Spring, Patrick, X-20 . . 45 Rock Springs. Fauquier. (Ry 25) mail New Baltimore. Rock Springs. King George, mail Rollins Fork. Rock Springs, Nelson, ?nail Orlando. Rock Springs. Southampton, mail Worrell's. Rockstop, Caroline, mail Rappahan- nock Academy. Rock Store, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Rockville. Hanover, Q-35 27 Rockwood. Chesterfield, mail Chester, 31 Rocky Branch. Culpeper, mail Boston. Rocky Fork, Russell, U-7. Rocky Gap. Bland, T-13 30 Rocky Mount, Franklin, U-21, (Ry 25) 315 Rocky Point Mills, Botetourt, mail Indian Rock. Rocky Springs, Bath, mail Warm Springs. Rocky Station. Lee, W-3 78 Rodden. Halifax, 1 m W Meadville, V-26. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Rodophil, Amelia, S-31 27 Rogers' Shop,Albemarle mail Batesville. Rogers 1 Store, Orange. M-32, (Ry 15), 29 Rogersville, Frederick, mail Cross Junction 32 Rokeby, King George, mail Comorn. Rolands' Mill, Charles City, mail Wilcox Wharf. Rolla, Augusta, 2 m S Fort Defiance, M-26. Rolling Hill. Charlotte, mail Red House. Rolling Mills, Bedford, mail Lynch- burgh. Rolling Mills, Campbell. mailLynch- burgh. Rollin's Fork, King George, 4 m E Shiloh.N-38 45 Rolliston. Norfolk, mail Norfolk. Romancoke, King William, (Ry 21) mail West Point. Roney's Store. Spottsylvania, 3 m S W Spottsylvania C. H.. N-35.... 14 Rope Ferry, Bedford, mail Big Island. Ropersville, Princess Anne, mail North Landing. Rorer's, Pittsylvania, mail Pullens. Rose Bank, Augusta, mail Waynes- borough. Rose Bower, Appomattox, S-28 14 Rosedale, Russell, U-8 41 Rosedale, Frederick, mailB&c'k Creek Valley. Rose Hill, Warren, mail Front Royal. Rose Hill, Lee, X-l 82 Roseland, Nelson, Q-27 200 Rose Level, Mecklenburgh, mail Marengo. Roselin, Alexandria, mail Georgetown. Rose Mills, Nelson, mail Rockfish Depot. Rose Mills, Amherst, Q-27 13 Rosendale, Rockingham, mail New Market. Rosendale. Shenandoah, mail New Market. Rosery, King George, mail Shiloh. Roseville, Hanover, mail Montepelier. Rosewell, Gloucester, mail White Marsh. Rosney, Buckingham, mail Thruston. Rough and Ready. Montgomery, mail Suowville. Rough and Ready Mills, Henry, 7 m N W Martinsville. X-21. mail Martinsville. Rough Creek. Charlotte. U-'i8 65 Rough Creek Church. Charlotte, mail Rough Creek. Rough Creek Mills. Charlotte, mail Rough Creek. Round Hill, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Round Hill, Halifax, mail Mountain Road. Round Hill, Loudoun, 1-34. (Ry 26) . . 100 Round Meadows, Patrick, mail Meadows of Dan. Round Oak, Caroline, mail Fred- ericksburgh. Rourk's Gap, Tazewell, mail Gap Store. Routt's Mill, Fauquier, mail Bealeton. Rowanta, Dinwiddie, U-36 35 Rowe's Mills, Southampton, mail Newsoms. 50 Rand, McJSally & Co.'s Virginia. Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. -80. Rowe's Store, Gloucester, mail Hayes 1 Store. Roxburgh, Caroline, mail Guineys. Roxbury, Spottsylvama, mail Thorn- burgh. Roxbury Mills, Spottsylvania, mail Thornburgh. Royal Oaks, Cumberland, mail Carters vi lie. Royal Oaks, Richmond, mail Emmerton. Rubermont, Lunenburgh, U-31 25 Rucker's Mill, Bedford, mail Perrow- ville. Ruckersville, Greene. N-30 92 Ruckmansville, Highland. maWKWl Gap. Rudd's, Powhatan, mail Macon. Rudn-'s Hill, Shenandoah, mail Mount Jackson. Rudolph's Church, Shenandoah, mail Gravel Spring. Rumford Academy, King William, mail Ayletts. Running Bog, Franklin, mail Long Branch. Rural Bower, Greenville, W-35 65 Rural Home, Grayson, W-14, mail Old Town 150 Rural Point, Hanover, mail Ashland. Rural Retreat, Wythe. V-12, (Ry 11) 286 Rushville, Rockingham. M-27 50 Russell Creek, Patrick, X-19. Russell Grove. Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Russell Old, Russell, mail Littonsville. Kustburgh, Campbell, S-26 194 Rust Saw Mill, Westmoreland, mail Potomac Mills. Rutherford's Mills, Goochland, m,ail Gum Spring. Ruther Glen, Caroline, P-36. (Ry 19) 97 Rye Cove, Scott, X-4 200 Ryetown, Bath, mail Warm Springs. Rye Valley, Smyth, W-12 39 Rylands, Greenville, mail Hopeville. Ryland's Depot, Greenville, mail Hopeville 49 Sabbot Hill, Goochland, mail Dover Mines. Sabbot Island, Goochland. R-34 54 Sabin Hall. Richmond, mail Warsaw. Sabin Hill. Richmond, mail Warsaw. Safforny Cross Roads, Dinwiddie, mail Petersburgh. Sag Creek, Gloucester, mail Glou- cester C. H. Sago, Pittsylvania, V-23. Salem, Fauquier, (Ry 25) mail Mar- shall 257 Salem, Roanoke, T-20, (Ry 11) ... . 1759 Salem Fauquier, Fauquier, 4 m W The Plains, J-34 (Ry 25) m,il Marshall 325 Salem Church, Charles City, mail Wilcox Wharf. Salemsville, Gloucester, 5 m S E Glenn's, R-41, mail Glenn's. Sale's Mill, Orange, N-33, mail Union- ville. Salisbury, Chesterfield, mail Midlothian. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Salisbury, Botetourt, mail Fincastle. Salisbury Furnace, Botetourt, 3 m S W Saltpetre Cave, S-21. Salisbury Iron Works, Botetourt, mail Fincastle. Salt Creek, Amherst. S-25 29 Saltpetre Cave, Botetourt, R-21. Saltville, Washington, V-10 (Ry 11) . 185 Saltville, Smyth, mail Saltville. Saluda, Middlesex, R-41 103 Sampson's Wharf, Northumberland, Q-43. Sand Bridge, Princess Anne, W-45. Sander's Wharf, Essex, mail Loretto. Sandidges, Amherst, Q-26 45 Sand Lick, Dickenson, J-6. Sand Ridge, Wise, mail Guest's Station. Sandy, Charles City, mail Sturgeon Point. Sandy Bluff, Dinwiddie, mail Peters- burgh. Sandy Bottom, Middlesex, R-42 197 Sandy Creek, Amelia, mail Deatons- ville. Sandy Creek Church, Amelia, mail Deatonsville. Sandy Ford, Bedford, 5 m E Stew- artsville, T-22 27 Sandy Hook, Page, mail Hope Mills. Sandy Hook, Rappahannock, mail Flint Hill. Sandy Landing, Fairfax, mail Pros- pect Hill. Sandy Level, Pittsylvania, V-23. Sandy Plains, Patrick, X-18 29 S:;ndy Poiut, Charles Citj r , mail Tettington. Sandy Point, Westmoreland, mail Kinsale. Sandy River, Pittsylvania, W-23 60 Sandy River Church, Prince Edward, mail Green Bay. Sanfordville, Accomack, P-46 25 Sangerville, Augusta, M-26 113 Sang Trap, Buchanan. Sangster's Station, Fairfax, mail Clifton Station. » San Marino, Dinwiddie, V-34 50 Santa Rosa, Prince George, mail Disputanta. Santee, Caroline, mail Moss Neck. Santee, Spottsylvania, mail Freder- icksburgh. Sappony Cross Roads, Dinwiddie, mail Dinwiddie C. H 27 Sappo Springs, Mecklenburgh, mail Marengo. Saratoga, Buckingham, mail Thruston. Saumsville, Shenandoah, 3 m W Maurertown, J-30 100 Savage, Henrico, (Ry 21) mail Rich- mond. Savin Hall, Richmond, mail Warsaw. Sawville, King William, mail Mango- hick. Sayersville, Tazewell, T-10 80 Scinicut Landing, Loudoun, mail Prospect Hill. Schaersville, New Kent, mail Tun- stalls. Schumansville, King William, mail Ayletts. Hand, McNally 8. Sparia, Rockingham, mail Lacy Spring. Sparta, Caroline, 0-37 100 Spartapolis, Rockingham, mail Tenth Legion. Spattersburgh, Charlotte, mail Coun- ty Line Cross Roads. Spear, York, 8 m N Williamburgh, T-40. Speedwell, Wythe, V-13 103 Speer's Perry, Scott. X-4 75 Spellmans, King George, mail Green- law's Wharf. Spellman's Wharf, King George, mail, Greenlaw's Wharf. Spencer's Store, Henry, W-20 75 Sperryville, Rappahannock, L-31 314 Spottsville, Surry. U-39 12 Spottsylvania C H., Spottsylvania, N-35 100 Spout Spring, Appomattox, S-27 (Ry 11) 50 Sprangler Mills, Floyd, mail Floyd C. H. Spring Bank, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Spring Bank. Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Spring Brook, Henrico, mail Rich- mond. Spring Camp, Floyd, mail Meadows of Dan. Spring Creek. Rockingham, 7 m N W Weyer's Cave, N-27 109 Spring Dale, Fluvanna, mail Union Mills. Spring Dale, Loudoun, mail Snick- ersville. Spring Dale, Pulaski, mail Dublin. Springfield, Caroline, mail Ruther Glen. Springfield, Fairfax, K-38, (Ry 25) mail Burke's Station. Springfield, Fauquier, mail Broad Run Station. Springfield, King George, mail Shiloh. Springfield, Orange, mail Gordons- ville. Springfield, Page, mail Hope Mills . . 42 Springfield, Rockbridge, mail Natu- ral Bridge. Springfield Coal Mines, Henrico, mail Glen Allen. Springfield Coal Pitts, Henrico, mail Glen Allen. Spring Forest, Spottsylvania, mail Spottsylvania C. H. Spring Garden, Mecklenburgh, mail Talcott. Spring Garden, Pittsylvania, W-25 . . 200 Spring Grove, Surry, U-39 52 Spring Hill, Mecklenburgh, W-30. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Spring Hill. Augusta, mail Staunton. 132 Spring Hill, Caroline, mail Fred- erieksburgh. Spring Hill. Fairfax, mail Prospect Hill. Spring Hill. King and Queen, mail Stevensville. Spring Hill, King George, mail La Grange. Spring Level, Hanover, 4 m N E Bumpass, P-34. Spring Mills, Appomattox, T-27 50 Spring Vale, Fairfax, J-37 31 Spring Valley, Grayson, W-13 100 Springville. Tazewell. T-12. Sprmgwood. Loudoun, mail Leesburgh. Spruce Hill, Highland, mall Valley Centre. St. Andrews. Brunswick, mail Law- renceville. St. Anns, Essex, mail Lloyds. St. Anns, Prince Edward, mail Dar- lington Heights. St. Ann's Parish, Albemarle, mail Charlottesville. St. Asaph's Junction, Alexandria, (Rys 6, 25) mail Alexandria. St. Catharine, Caroline, 4 m S E Bowl- ing Green, 0-37, mail Bowling Green. St. Clair's Bottom, Smyth, W-10.... 250 St. Davids, King William, mail Ayletts. St. Georges Parish. Accomack, mail Accomack C. H. St. Julien. Spottsylvania, mail Fred- ericksburgh. St. Lukes, Shenandoah, J-29. St. Marks, Culpeper, mail Mitchell's Station. St. Martins, Hanover, mail Beaver Dam Depot. St. Margarets, Caroline, mail Mer- rill's Store. St. Paul, King George, mail Hampstead. St. Paul, Carroll, X-16. St. Pauls, Hanover, mail Hanover C. H. St. Peters, New Kent, mail Talleysville. St. Petersburgh, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. St. Stephens, Fauquier, mail Auburn. St. Stephens, King and Queen, mail St. Stephen's Church. St. Stephens, Shenandoah, mail Capon Road Depot. St. Stephen's Church. King and Queen, Q-38 105 St. Tammanys, Mecklenburgh. Y-32 105 St. Thomas, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Stack's Mines, Alleghany, mail Backbone. Stafford C. H., Stafford, M-36 25 Stafford Springs, Stafford, mail Staf- ford Store. Stafford Store, Stafford. L-35 65 Staff ordsville. Giles. T-16 57 Staley's Creek, Smyth, mail Marion. Stamping Burches, Floyd, 4 m E Burk's Fork, V-18, mail Pax. . . . 150 Stanardsvi lie, Greene, M-30 308 Stanley, Hanover, mail Old Church. Stanley, Highland, 4 m N E Wilson- viile, N-22. mail W T ilsonville. 54 Rand, McNally & Co. 's Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Stanley'6 Mill, Carroll, mall Stone Mountain. Stapleton Mills. Amherst, S-27. Starry Creek, Franklin. 2 m N Waids- borough, V-21, mail Eocky Mount. Star Tannery. Frederick, 4 m N E Gravel Spring. 1-30 100 Starvation, Gloucester, mail Cappa- hosic. State Mills. Rappahannock, mail Slate Mills. Statesville. Southampton^iaSZ Newsoms. Staunton, Augusta. 0-26. (Rys 5. 8) .6664 Staunton River. Pittsylvania, TJ-25, (Ry 25) mail Hurt's Store. Staunton River, Halifax, (Ry 18) mail Clover Depot. Staunton River Bridge, Charlotte, mail Talcott. Staunton's Precinct, Buckingham, mail Well Water. Steeles, Alleghany, Q-20, (Ry 8) mail Covington. Steele's Fork, Wise, mail Guest's Station. Steele's Tavern, Augusta, P-25 176 Stellmans, Fluvanna, mail Columbia. Stellman's Mills, Fluvanna, mail Co- lumbia. Stephens, Spottsylvania, (Ry 16) mail Brockville. Stephens City, Frederick, 1-31, (Ry 5) 264 Stephens' Grove, Culpeper, mail Ste- vensburgh. Stephenson's Depot, Frederick, H-32, (Ry5) 50 Sterling, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Stevensburgh, Culpeper, M-33 61 Stevens' Creek, Grayson, W-14 350 Stevensville, King and Queen, Q-39. 200 Stevers' Station, Nansemond, mail Magnolia. Stewartsville, Bedford, T-22 200 Stickley's Quarry, Shenandoah, mail Meadow Mills. Stickley ville, Lee, W-3 30 Stidley's School House, Shenandoah, mail Woodstock. Stillwater, Alleghany, mail Clifton Forge. Stillwater, Pulaski, mail New River Depot. Stingray Point, Middlesex, mail Sandy Bottom. Stock Creek, Scott, mail Pattons- ville. Stockton, Henry, X-22 29 Stockton's Store, Henry, mail Stock- ton. Stone Bridge, Clarke, mail White Post. Stone House, Prince William, mail Bull Run. Stone House Hotel, Prince William, mail Bull Run. Stone House Mountain, Culpeper, mail Culpeper. Stone Mountain. Carroll, W-17 125 Stoner's Store, Roanoke, mail Bon- sacks. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Stonewall, Charlotte, mail Rough Creek. Stonewall, Augusta, M-27 31 Stonewall, Washington, mail Ab- ingdon. Stonewall Mills, Amherst, mail Sta- pleton Mills. Stonewall Mills. Appomattox, mail Stapleton Mills. Stonewall Mills, Shenandoah, mail Woodstock. Stony Creek, Franklin, mail Starry Creek. Stony Creek, Scott, mail Fort Black- imore. Stony Creek, Shenandoah, mail Eden- burgh. Stony Creek, Sussex, V-36, (Ry 12) mail Stony Creek Warehouse. . . 200 Stony Creek Warehouse, Sussex, V-36, (Ryl2) 65 Stony Cross. Mecklenburgh. W-31 . . 37 Stony Hill. Richmond, mail Newland. Stony Man, Page, L-30 75 Stony Mount, Brunswick, mail Hicks- ford. Stony Point. Cumberland, mail Stony Point Mills. Stony Point, Albemarle, N-30. ...... 189 Stony Point Mills, Cumberland, S-31. Stony Run. Page, mail Honeyville. Stover's Shops, Augusta, 3 m N Churchville, N-26. Straight Stone, Pittsylvania, U-26. Strait Creek, Highland, M-24. Strasburgh, Shenandoah, 1-30, (Rys 5, 25) 647 Strasburgh Junction, Shenandoah, (Rys 5, 25) mail Strasburgh. Stratstone, Pittsylvania, mail Hill Grove. Strawberry Hill, Elizabeth City, mail Hampton. Strawberry Hill, Henrico, mail Rich- mond. Stribling Springs, Augusta, N-25. ... 40 Strode, Culpeper, man Brandy Station. Strom, Botetourt, 6 m N W Eagle Rock, R-21. Stuarts, Augusta, (Ry 8) mail Swoope's Depot. Stuart's Draft, Augusta, 0-26 32 Stuart's Wharf, King George, mail Alden Studley, Hanover, mail Old Church. Stump, Washington, 2 m S W Rock- ford, S-8. Stumptown, Loudoun, mail Goresville. Sturgeon Point, Charles City, T-39. Sturgeonville, Brunswick, V-34 41 Sturgis, Accomack, 5 m N E Bell Haven, R-46. Subletts, Powhatan, mail Sublett's Tavern. Sublett's Tavern, Powhatan, R-34. . . 64 Success, Warren, 5 in N Riverton, K-31. Sudley, Prince William, mail Sudley Springs. Sudley Mills, Prince William, mail Sudley Springs. Sudley Springs. Prince William. 2 m S E Cartharpin, K-35. Hand, McNally tfc Co. 's Virgin in. 55 Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Suffolk, Nansemond, W-41, (Rys 11,22) 1963 Sugar Grove, Smyth, W-12 72 Sugar Grove, Bath, raaiJ Warm Springs. Sugar Tree, Pittsylvania, mail Sandy River. Sulley Mills, Fairfax, mail Chantilly. Sullivan's Wharf, Lancaster, mail Merry Point. Sulphur Springs, Amelia, mail Jeters- ville. Sulphur Springs, Lee, mail Pridemore. Sulphur Springs, Tazewell, mail Tazewell C. H. Summage. Spottsylvania, mail Summit. Summeidean, Augusta, 0-25, mail Middlebrook. Summerfleld, Grayson, W-13 29 Summers, Rockbridge, 0,-23 35 Summerset. Greene, mau Gordonville. Summit. New Kent, (Ry 21) mail Providence. Summit, Spottsylvania, N-36, (Ry 19) 17 Sunny Bank, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Sunny Side, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Sunny Side. Loudoun, mail TJpperville. Sunny Side, Nelson, mail Norwood. Sunny Side, Northampton, mail Bay View. Sunny Side, Orange, mail Orange C. H. Sunny Side, Spottsylvania, mail Fred- ericksburgh. Sunny Side, Cumberland, S-32. Sun Rise, Bath, N-21 90 Surprise Hill, Northumberland, mail Burgess 1 Store. Surry C. H., Surry, TJ-40 100 Sussex C. H,, Sussex, V-37 22 Sutherland, Dinwiddie, T-35,(Ry 11) 27 Sutherlin, Halifax. Y-25, (Rys 10, 18) 109 Sutherlin's Mill,v Pittsylvania, mail Sutherlin. Swann's Gut, Pittsylvania, mail Sutherlin. Swan's Gut, Accomack, mail Horn- town. Swansonville, Pittsylvania, W-23 54 Swan's Point, Surry, mail Dillard's Wharf. Sweet Chalybeate, Alleghany, R-19. . 36 Sweet Hall, King William. R-39, (Ry 21) 38 Swift Creek, Chesterfield, S-36, (Ry •20) mail Petersburgh. Swift Run, Greene, mail Stanardsville. Swift Run, Rockingham, 3 m E Roadside, M-29. Swine Yard, Charles City, mail Wil- cox Wharf. Swoope, Augusta, see Swoope's Depot, N-25. Swoope's Depot, Augusta, N-25, (Ry 8) mail Swoope 78 Sword's Creek, Russell, TJ-8. Sycamore, Buckingham, Q-29 42 Sycamore Hall, Hanover, mail Ash- land. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. 'SO. Sycamore Station, Pittsylvania, U-24, (Ry 25) 36 Sydnorsville. Franklin, V-21 75 Sylvatus. Carroll. 5 m S E Reed Island, W-15. Tabernacle, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Tackett's Mills. Stafford, 5 m N W Garrison ville. M-35 25 Talcott. Charlotte, (Ry 18) 6 m S W Moss- ing Ford, V-29, mail Randolph ... 78 Tall Timber, Tazewell, mail Shaw- ver's Mill. Talleysville, New Kent, R-38. Talmash, Giles, T-14. Tangier, Accomack, 18 m N W Onan- cock, R-45. Tangier's Island, Accomack, mail Crisfield, Md. Tankersville, Loudoun, mail Tay- lorstown. Tanner's Creek, Norfolk, V-43, (Ry 0) . 40 Tanner's Store, Mecklenburgh, mail South Hill. Tannersville. Tazewell, U-10. Tan Yard, Henry, X-21 300 Tappahannock, Essex, P-39 574 Tarkiln, Patrick, V-19. Tarover, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Tarpon, Dickenson, T-6. Tarry's Mill, Mecklenburgh, Y-31 .... 65 Tarry's Store, Buckingham, mail Farmville. Tate Spring, Campbell, mail Lynch- burgh. Taylors, Orange, (Ry 16) , mail Orange C. H. Taylorsburgh, Henry. X-20. Taylor's Creek, Louisa, mail Locust Creek. Taylor's Ferry, Mecklenburgh, mail Boydton. Taylor's Mill. Middlesex, mail Sandy Bottom. Taylor's Mills, Scott, mail Estillville. Taylor's Store, Franklin, U-22 60 Taylor's Store, Greensville, mail Hicksford. Taylor's Town, Loudoun, H-35 187 Taylorsville, Hanover, Q-36, (Ry 19). 50 Taylorsville, Patrick, mail Patrick C. H. Taylortown, Shenandoah, mail Eden- burgh. Tazewell C. H , Tazewell, T-ll .. 50S Tebb's Cross Roads, King William, mail Idaho. Teel's Mills, Franklin, mail Helm's Store. Teelsville, Franklin, mail Helm's Store. Telegraph Road, Fairfax, mail Lor- ton Valley. Temperance, Amherst, mail Lowesville. Temperance. Nelson, mail Massie's Mills. Temperanceville, Accomack, Q-47. . . 135 Temple Hill, Russell, mail Bickley's Mills. Templeman's Cross Roads, Westmore- land, 3 m S E Montross, O--10. 56 Rand, Mc Natty & CoSs Virginia. Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. 80 Temples. Chesterfield, S-36, (Ry 20) mail Manchester. Temple Store, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Templeton, Brunswick, mail White Plains. Templeton. Prince George. U-37. Templeville, Rockingham, mail McGaheysville. Tenth Legion, Rockingham, M-28. .. 32 TerrilPs Store, Louisa, mail Louisa C. H. Terry's Creek, Floyd, U-18, mail Terry's Fork. Terry's Fork, Floyd, see Terry's Creek. U-18. Tettington. Charles City, T-39. Thacker's Shop. Hanover, mail Verdon. Thaxton's, Bedford. S-23, (Ry 11) . . . 50 Thaxton's Switch, Bedford, (Ry 11) mail Thaxtons. The Cove. Wythe, mail Wytheville. The Falls, Nottaway. 10 m S Notta- way. U-31. The Glebe, Loudoun, mail Mount Gilead. The Grove, Caroline, mail Bowling Green. The Grove, King William, mail Enfield. The Grove, Loudoun, mail Upperville. The Hollow, Patrick, X-17. The Hook, Gloucester, mail Hayes' Store. The Meadows, Bedford, mail Fancy Grove. The Neck, Essex, mmZLeedsville. The Oaks, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Theological Seminary. Fairfax, 3 m N W Alexandria, K-38 250 The Plains, Fauquier, J-34. (Ry 25) . . 138 The Plantation, Brunswick, mail White Plains. The Reeds. Caroline, mail Point Eastern. The Refuge, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. The Rowe, Charles City, mail Trees Point. The Shelter, Gloucester, mail Glou- cester C. H. Thirty-nine Mile Turnout, Sussex, (Ry 12) 3 m S W Jarratts, W-36, mail Jarratts. Thistlewood, Orange, mail Gordonsville. Thomas' Mills, Grayson, mail Grant. Thomas' Ordinary. Northumberland, mail Heathsville 19 Thompson's Cross Roads, Louisa, 3 m S W Apple Grove, P-33 40 Thompson's Landing, Rockbridge, mail Buffalo Forge. Thompson's Mill, Fauquier, 5 m E Pine View, M-34. Thompson's Store, Bedford, mail Perrowville. Thompson's Valley, Tazewell, U-ll . . 25 Thompsonville, Culpeper, mail Rixeyville. Thornhurgh, Spottsylvania, 0-35 56 Thornhill, Orange, N-32 14 Thornhill's Shop, Appomattox, mail Oakville. Thorn Spring. Pulaski, mail Dublin. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Thornton. Fairfax, J-36, (Ry 26) mail Herndon. Thornton Mills. Rappahannock, mail Woodville. Thornton Mine, Fauquier, mail Pine View. Thoroughfare, Prince William, K-35, (Ry 25) 15 Three Forks. Wise, mail Butcher's Fork. Three Mile Station, Fauquier, mail Casanova. Three Springs, Washington, mail Wallace's Switch. Three Square, Goochland; mail West View. Thruston, Buckingham, R-30, mail Curdsville. Tiffany's Store, Tazewell, mail Blue Stone. Tight Squeeze, Pittsylvania, mail Chatham. Tillmans, Brunswick, mail White T^l n J "TIC Tilson's Mills, Bland, TJ-12 30 Timber Ridge, Rockbridge, Q-24 154 Timberville, Rockingham, L-28, (Ry 5) 112 Tim's Wharf, Northumberland, mail Burgess' Store. Tinder's, Orange, (Ry 16) mail Mine Run. Tinker's Knob, Botetourt, S-20. Toano, James City, mail Burnt Ordinary. Todd's Tavern, Spottsylvania, mail Clover Green. Toga, Buckingham, 8 m N W Gary's Store, S-29. Tolersville, Louisa, 0-33, (Ry 8) 71 Tomahawk, Chesterfield, R-35, (Ry 18) mail Hallsborough. Tompkins Cross Roads, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Tom's Brook, Shenandoah, J-30, (Ry 5) 70 Toroon's Store, Accomack, mail Lo- custville. Tory Creek, Floyd, 1 m W Mayberry Creek, W-17, mail Mayberry Creek. Totaro, Brunswick, 3 m N W Pleasant Shade, W-35. Totus Key Bridge, Richmond, mail Warsaw. Tower Hill, Appomattox, R-28 50 Towle's Point, Lancaster, mail Mil- lenbeck. Town Creek, Lancaster, mail Millen- beck. Town House, Smyth, 3 m W Seven Mile Ford, V-ll 50 Townsend's Store, New Kent, mail Providence Forge. Trace Fork, Wise, mail Crane' s Nest. Tradersville, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Tradersville, Lee, mail Zion's Mills. Trammel Creek, Dickenson, T-7. Trapp, Loudoun, 1-33 36 Trappe, Caroline, mail Bowling Green. Traveller's Rest, Stafford, mail Fred- erinksburgh. Tmyloisville, Henry, W-21 22 Rand. McNally & C'o.'s Virfjinui. 57 Towns, etc. — contii Pop. 80 Tree8 Point, Charles City, T-39, mail Sturgeon Point 20 Trelow. Pittsylvania. X-23. Trenor"s Store, Craig, mail Sinking Creek Trenton Mills, Cumberland, R-31.. 27 Trevilians, Louisa, 0-32, (Ry 8) . . . . 50 Trinity, Louisa, mail Tolersville. Trinity. Montgomery, mail Blacksburgh Trinity Church, Bedford, mail Charle- mont. Trotter's Store, Brunswick, mail Bicksford. Trot Valley, Patrick, mail Howell. Trout Dale, Grayson, limN Grant, X-12. Troutsville. Botetourt. S-21 100 Truhant's Store, Amelia, mail Mattoax. Truro, Fairfax, mail Fairfax C. H. Tubbeiwille Store, Halifax, mail Mount Carmel. Tuckahoe Pitts, Henrico, (Ry IT) mail Westhampton Locks. Tuckers, Norfolk, W-42,(Ry 11) mail Deep Creek. Tucker"s Hill, Westmoreland, 4 m N E Kinsale. 0-41 27 Tudor Hall. Prince William, mail Manassas. Tuggle's Gap, Patrick, W-18. Tuggle's Tank, Prince Edward, S-30, (Ry 11) mail Farmville. Tumbling Creek, Tazewell, mail Tannersville. Tunstalls, New Kent. R-38, (Ry 21) 169 Turbeville. Halifax, Y-26 52 Turkey Cove. Lee, V-3 799 Turkey Island, Henrico, mail Curl's Wharf. Turley Town, Rockingham, mail Coote's Store. Turmon's Mills. Carroll, mail Princeton. Turn Bull, Fauquier, mail Fauquier Springs. Turner's Store, Caroline, 2 m E Penola, P-36, mail Bowling Green. Turnersville, Norfolk, mail Norfolk. Turner's Wharf. King George, mail Port Conway. Turpentine Hill, Fluvanna, mail Kent's Store. Turtle Rock, Floyd, V-19 159 Tussekiah. Lunenburgh, U-31. Twin Poplars, Nelson, mail Rock- fish Depot. Two Mile Branch, Smyth, W-ll, mail Rock i. rove. Twyman's Mill, Madison, M-31 50 Twyman's Store, Spottsylvania, 3 m S Peake's Cross Roads, 0-34 78 Tye River Depot, Nelson, C£-27, (Ry 25) 100 Tye River Lock, Nelson, mail Norwood. Tye River Warehouse, Nelson, mail Norwood. Tylers, Hanover, 3 m W Beaver Dam, P-34 500 Tyner. Russell, V-6, mail Bickley's Mills. Towns, etc. — continued. Pop. '80. Ula, Franklin, 4 m E Sontag, V-22. Union, Loudoun, mail Unison 89 Union Branch, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Union Church, Pittsylvania, mail Pullens. Union Furnace,Pa trick, ma^Elamsville. Union Grove, Fairfax, mail Prospect Hill. Uuion Hall, Surry, mail Dillard's Wharf. Union Hall, Franklin, U-22, (Ry 25) 67 Union Hill, Botetourt, mail Hay- maker town. Union Hill, Nelson, mail Norwood. Union Level, Mecklenburgh, W-31 . . 25 Union Mills, Fluvanna, P-31 100 Union Mills, Fairfax, mail Clifton Station. Union Mills, Prince William, mail Clifton Station. Union Springs, Rockingham, mail Clover Hill. Union Village, Northumberland, mail Lottsburgh. Unionville, Orange, N-33. (Ry 15) ... 260 Union Wharf, Richmond, mail Mil- ton Wharf. Unison, Loudoun, 1-34 109 University, Albemarle, mail Uni- versity of Virginia. University of Virginia, Albemarle, 1 m W Charlottesville, O-30 .... 1000 Upper Brandon, Prince George, mail Brandon. Upper Crab Orchard, Lee, mail Crab Orchard. Upper Half, Goochland.mmJ Elk Hill Mills. Upper James, Botetourt, mail Locust Bottom. Upperville, Fauquier, J-33 351 Urbana, Middlesex, R-41 163 Vallena, Fluvanna, 2 m W Seven Islands, R-30. Valley, Tazewell, mail Thompson's Valley. Valleyburgh, Page, mail Stony Man. Valley Centre, Highland, N-22. 64 Valley Home. Frederick, mail Back Creek Valley. Valley Mills, Augusta, mail Swoope. Valley Mills, Frederick, mail Win- chester. Valley Star Mills, Shenandoah, mail Woodstock. Valley View, Shenandoah, mail New 1VI Arkpf Valley View, Smyth, U-ll 50 Valley View Springs, Shenandoah, mail New Market. Van Buren Furnace, Shenandoah, 6 m S E Capon Iron Works, J-29. . 400 Vancluse Mines, Orange, mail Wil- derness. Vancluse Station, Frederick, mail Middletown. Vanderpool, Highland, N-23 12 Vandola, Pittsylvania, mail Danville. 58 Rand, McNally & CoSs Virginia. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Van Liew, Wythe, see Browne Hill, V-14. Variety Mills Nelson, 4 m N W Norwood, R-28. Variety Springs, Augusta, mail Ferrol. Varina, Henrico, S-37, mail Richmond. Vaughn, Floyd, 4 m W Burk's Forks, W-17. Veni, Montgomery, 4 m N E Broad Shoals, V-17. Venus, Warren, 12 m N E Happy Creek J-22 Verbena, Page,'(Ry 23) 1 m S Shen- andoah Iron Works, M-29. Verdierville, Orange. N-33, (Ry 15) . 38 Verdon, Hanover. Q-35. (Ry 8) 47 Vernon Hill, Halifax, W-26 89 Vernon Mills, Fauquier. K-33 40 Verona, Augusta, N-26, (Ry 5) mail Rolla 63 Vesuvius, Rockbridge, 2 m S E Steel's Tavern, P-25. Vicar, Russell, mail Dickensonville. Vickers. Montgomery. U-17, (Ry 11) mail Vickers Switch. Vicker's Switch, Montgomery, (Ry 11) see Vickers, U-17 100 Vicksville, Southampton, W-38 29 Victoria Furnace, Louisa, mail Tol- ersville. Victoria Mines, Rockbridge, mail Goshen Bridge. Vienna, Fairiax, J-37, (Ry 26) 136 Villa, Franklin, U-22 14 Villa Green, Hanover, mail Tylers. Virginia Mills, Buckingham, mail New Canton. Virgin Mills, Fluvanna, mail Seven Islands. Vue de leau, Norfolk, mail Norfolk. Wabash, Giles, T-15 27 Wabash Camp Ground, Giles, mail Wabash. Wabash Mills, Giles, mail Wabash. Wades, Bedford, T-24 97 Wade School House, Highland, mail Mill Gap. Wade's Store. Bedford, mail Wades. Wadesville, Clarke, H-32, (Ry 5) . . . . 300 Wagram, Accomack, P-47 46 Wagua, Brunswick, V-35. mail Stur- geonville. Waidsborough, Franklin, V-21. Wakefield Station, Sussex, V-39, (Ry 11) 175 Waldens, Rappahannock, mail Bos- ton 19 Walker's Bridge, Amherst, mail Riv- ersville. Walker's Church, Appomattox, mail Hixburgh. Walker's Creek, Augusta, mail Mof- fatt's Creek. Walker's Ford, Amherst, mail Riv- ers ville. Walker's Landing, Amherst, mail Riversville. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Walker's Mills, Tazewell, mail Shaw- ver's Mills. Walker's Store, Greenville, mail Hicksford. Walker's Store, Mecklenburgh, mail Shaw's Store. Walker' sTavern, Louisa, mail Cobham. Walkersville, Goochland, mail Per- kinsville. Walkerton. King and Queen, Q-38 . . 60 Wallaces, Washington. W-7, (Ry 11) mail Wallace's Switch. Wallace's Mills. Montgomery, R-18, mail Francisco. Wallace's Mills, Tazewell, mail Springville. Wallace's Mills, Augusta, mail Craigsville. Wallace's Switch, Washington, (Ry 11) see Wallaces, W-7 137 Wallaceton, Norfolk. Wallawhatoola, Bath, mail Mill- borough Springs. Wallawhatoola Springs, Bath, mail Millborough Springs. Wallens, Lee, 4 m S Jonesville, W-2, mail Jonesville. Waller's Tavern, Spottsylvania, mail Frederick Hall. Wallis, Bedford, mail Lynchburgh. Wall's Bridge, Surry, U-39 47 Wallsville. Accomack, mail Horntown. Walnut Grove, Augusta, mail Staun- ton. Walnut Grove, Bath, mail Warm Spring. Walnut Hill, Lee, X-l 25 Walnut Springs, Halifax, mail Black Walnut. Walnut Springs, Shenandoah, mail Capon Road Depot. Wal8ingham, King George, mail Port Conway. Walter's Mills, Fairfax, mail Pros- pect Hill. Walthall's Store, Brunswick, W-33. . 20 Walton, Brunswick, mail Hicksford. Walton Furnace, Wythe, mail Max Meadow. Walton Gold Mines, Louisa, man Tolersville. Walton Mills, Cumberland, mail Flanagan's Mills. Waples, Faii-fax, mail Fairfax C. H. Wapping, Warren, J-32, (Ry 25) mail Linden. Waqua, Brunswick, V-34 27 Waranancoke, King William, mail Manquin. Wardsfork Mills, Charlotte, U-28. ... 30 Ward's Mill, Carroll, W-15. Ward's Springs, Pittsylvania, V-24, (Ry25) 57 Wardtown, Northampton, R-46 60 Ward's Wharf, Essex, P-40, mail Dunnsville. Ware, Gloucester, mail Gloucester C. H. Ware Cross Roads, Louisa, mail Tolersville. Warehouse, Accomack, mail Pungo- teague. Rand, McNally & Co.'s Virginia. 59 Toivns, etc.— continued. Pop. m Warehouse, Sussex, V-36, mail Stony Creek Warehouse. Wareneck, Gloucester, mail Glouces- ter C. H 20 Ware River, Gloucester, mail Glou- cester C. H. Ware Point, Gloucester, mail Glou- cester C. H. Ware's Shop, Louisa, mail Tolersville. Waresville, Fauquier, 6 m N W Cat- lett, L-35, mail A uburn 37 Ware's Wharf, Essex, 7 m S E Tap- pahannock, P-39 25 Warminster, Nelson, Q-28 39 Warm Springs, Bath, 0-21 350 Warner Hall, Gloucester, mail White Marsh. Warnersville. Westmoreland, mail Nominy Grove. Warren, Albemarle, Q-29 100 Warren Ferry, Buckingham, mail Warren. Warrensville, Halifax, mail Barksdale. Warrenton, James City, mail Burnt Ordinary. Warrenton, Fauquier, K-34, (Ry 25) 1464 Warrenton Junction, Fauquier,L-34, (Ry 25) mail Owl Run. Warrenton Springs, Fauquier, mail Fauquier Springs. Warsaw, Richmond, P-40 115 Warwick C. H., Warwick, U-41 ... 105 Warwick, Alexandria, mail Alexandria. Warwick Farm, Goochland, mail Isse- quena. Warwick River, Warwick, mail War- wick C. H. Warwickton, Bath, mail Warm Spring. "Washington, Rappahannock, K-32. 254 Washington's Birth Place, Westmore- land, mail Potomac Mills. Washington's Spring, Washington, mail Glade Spring. Washington and Ohio Junction, Fair- fax, (Rys 6, 26) mail Alexan- dria. Waskey's Mills, Botetourt, S-21 27 Wasley Hotel, Washington, mail Holston. Watchaprague, Accomack, mail Locust Mount. Watchaprague Wharf, Accomack, mail Locust Mount. Waterfall, Prince William, K-35 .... 84 Waterfall Mills, Prince William, mail Waterfall Waterford, Loudoun, H-35 478 Watering Branch, Campbell, mail Lynchburgh. Water Lick, Warren, (Ry 25) mail Buckton. Waterloo, Culpeper, 4 m N Jeffer- sontown, L-33 6 Waterloo, New Kent, mail Tunstalls. Waterloo, Rockingham, mail Ingle- wood. Waterloo Station, Alexandria, (Ry 6) mail Alexandria. Waterman Gold Mine,Fauquier,raai£ Morrisville. 'lowns, etc. — continued. Po"- '80. Water Station, Chesterfield, mail Chester. Water View, Middlesex, 5 m S E Bay Port, Q-41. Water View, Warwick, mail War- wick C. H. Watkins' Store, Halifax, mail New's Ferry. Watkinsville, Goochland, mail Per- kinsville. Watson, Pulaski, mail Newbern. Wattsborough, Lunenburgh, V-31 ... 27 Watts' Creek, Warwick, mail War- wick C. H. Watts' School House, Tazewell, mail Shawver's Mills. Wattsville, Accomack, 3 m N Atlantic, P-47 38 Waugh's Ferry, Bedford, mail Big Island. Waverlie, Rockingham, M-29, (Ry 23) mail Verbena 42 Waverly, Sussex, U-38, mail Waverly Station 176 Waverly Station, Sussex, (Ry 11) see Waverly, U-38 250 Wayland, Scott, W-5 150 Wayland Mills, Culpeper, mail Way- landsburgh. Waylandsburgh, Culpeper, M-32 37 Waynesborough, Augusta, 0-27, (Rys 8, 23) 484 Wayside, Gloucester, 4 m N E White Marsh, T-41. Wayside, Mecklenburgh, mail Watts- borough. Weatche's Mills, Fairfax, mail Pros- pect Hill. Weavers, Rockbridge, mail Buffalo Forge. Weaver's Forge, Rockbridge, mail Lexington. Weaversville, Fauquier, mail Catlett. Weeksville, Southampton, mail Jar- ratt's. Wehoga. Northampton, mail Bay View. Weisker's Mill, Botetourt, mail Old Hickory. Weldon, Pulaski, U-16, (Ry 11) mail Mania's Station. Wellbourne, Loudoun, mail Upperville. Wellington, Prince William. Wells' Mills. Grayson, mail Grant. Wells' Siding, Prince George, 6 m S E Petersburg, T-36, (Rys 11, 12, 20) mail Petersburg. Wellsville, Henry, mail Stockton. Welltown, Frederick, H-32 100 Wellville, Nottoway, T-33, (Ry 1 1) . . . 50 Well Water, Buckingham, Q-30 20 Wenonda, Pittsylvania. West Augusta, Augusta, N-24 27 West Bend, Nansemond, mail Norfolk. West Brook, Henrico, mail Rich- mond. West Dale, Amherst, mail Amherst C. H. West End, Charlotte, mail Drake's Branch. West End, Fairfax, mail Alexandria. 31 1 Western Branch, Norfolk, mail Churchland. 60 lit nd, McNally & (Jo.'s Virginia Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. "80. West Fork. Floyd, mail Floyd, C. H. West Fork Furnace, Floyd, V-18, mail Floyd, C . H. Westham Farm. Henrico, mail West- harnpton. Westham Locks, Henrico, R-35, (Ry 17) mail Westhampton. Westhampton, Henrico, 5 m N W Richmond, R-36. West Landing, Princess Anne, mail Pleasant Ridge. Westmoreland, Westmoreland, mail Montross. West Neck Bridge. Princess Anne, mail Pleasant Ridge. Westonville, Charlotte, 1 m S Centre View, W-20. Westover. Charles City, mail Wilcox Wharf. West Point, King William, R-40. (Ry 21) .....557 West Urbana. Middlesex, mail Urbana. West View, Augusta, mail Swoope. West View, Goochland, Q-32, (Ry 17) 29 Westwood, Hanover, mail Hanover C. H. Westwoods, Henrico, mail West- hampton. Weyanoke, Charles City, T-38. Weyer's Cave, Augusta, M-27, (Ry 5) 21 Whaley's Store, Accomack, mail Guilford. Whaleysville, Nansemond, mail Suffolk. Wheatfield, Shenandoah, 5 m N Capon Road. J-31 19 Wheatland. Loudoun, 4 m W Water- ford. H-36 25 Wheatley, Fauquier, mail Bealeton. Whehoga, Accomack, Q-47, mail Guilford. Whissen's Mills, Rockingham, mail Rushville. Whistle Creek, Rockbridge, mail- Moumouth. White Bank, King William, mail King William C. H. White Chimneys. Caroline, mail Hanover C. H. White Ferry, Loudoun, mail Lees- burgh. White Flint, Craig, mail New Castle. White Gate, Giles, T-15 31 White Hall, Essex, mail Tappahannock. White Hall, Frederick. 8 m N W Wadesville. H-32 75 White Hall, King George, mail Co- morn. White Hall, Albemarle, mail Moor- man's River 45 White Hall Mine, Spottsylvania, mail Mattapony. White Hall Station, Caroline, mail Guineys. White Head's Mills, Lee, mail Hunt- er's Gap. White Head's Store, Pittsylvania, mail Hill Grove. White House, Hanover, mail Verdon. White House, Mecklenburgh, mail Buffalo Lithia Springs 25 White House, Page, mail Massauutton. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. White House, New Kent, R-39, (Ry 21). White House Creek, Lancaster, mail Millenbeck. White Marsh, Gloucester, T-41 100 White Oak, Stafford, mail Monteiths- ville. White Oak Lick, Augusta, mail Mount Solon. White Oak Mills, Westmoreland, mail Kinsale. White Oak Springs, Lee, mail White Shoals. White Plains, King George, mail Port Conway. White Plains, Brunswick. X-33 300 White Point, Westmoreland, mail Oak Grove. White Post, Clarke, 1-32, (Ry 23). . . . 244 White Ridge, Fauquier, mail Sonier- ville. White Rock. Bedford, U-24, (Ry 25). White Rock Grove, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Whites, Spottsylvania, (Ry 16) mail Fredericksburgh. White's, Caroline, 0-37 40 White Shoals, Lee, X-l 36 White's Mill, Washington, mail Abingdon. White's Store, Matthews, mail Hick"s Wharf. White Stone, Lancaster, R-42 150 Whitesville, Halifax, mail Cross Roads. White Thorn, Montgomery, mail Blacksburgh. White Top, Grayson. X-ll 200 Whitings, Elizabeth City, mail Hampton Whiting's Creek, Middlesex, mail Harmony Village. Whitlock, Henrico, mail Richmond. Whitlock, Halifax, 3 m E Sutherlin. X-25 50 Whitmell, Pittsylvania, W-23 100 Whitmore, Surry, T-39. Whittle's Depot, Pittsylvania, V-24, (Ry25) 75 Whittle's Mills, Lunenburgh, W-32. . 25 Wicker's Store, Hanover, mail Tun- stall's. Wickhams, Hanover. Q-36, (Ry 8) mail Hanover C. II . Wickliffe, Clarke, 3 m N E Castle- man's Ferry, 1-33. Wicomico Church, Northumberland, Q-43 39 Wigelsworth's Store, Caroline, mail Chilesburgh. Wiggins' Mine, Amelia, mail Beaver Pond. Wilbour, Halifax, mail South Boston Depot. Wilcox Wharf, Charles City, S-38. . . 8 Wilderness, Spottsylvania, N-34 .... 5 Wilderness Tavern, Spottsylvania, mail Wilderness. Wilkerson's Shop. Amelia, mail Mattoax Wilkins' Store, Surry, wa^Wakeheld Station. Williainsburgli, James City, T-40. (Ry 8) 1480 Rand, McNully & Co.'s Virginia. 61 Towns, etc.- continued. Pop. m Williams' Mills, Lunenburgh, 2 m N Plantersville, V-30 35 Williamsons. Alleghany, (Ry8) mail Clifton Forge 200 Williamsville. Bath, N-23 114 Williams 1 Wharf, Matthews, S-43. . 24 Willis 1 Mountain, Buckingham, mail Curdsville. Willis 1 Bridge. Floyd, mail Booth's Mill. Willis 1 River, Buckingham, mail Curds- ville. Willis 1 Wharf, Accomack, mail Belle Haven. Willoughby, James City, mail W r il- liamsburgh. Willow Bank, Buckingham, mail Warminster. Willow Bank. Nelson, mail Warminster. Willow Bend. Page, mail Hope Mills. Willow Grove. Matthews, mail Matthews. Willow Grove. Shenandoah, (Ry 5) 3 m S W T W'oodstock. J-30 20 Willow Hill. Prince George, mail Brandon. W 7 illow Shade. Frederick, mail Back Creek Valley. Willow Spout, Augusta, mail Fort Defiance. Willow Spring Hotel, Montgomery, mail Christiansburgh. Willow Springs, Montgomery,' mail Christainsburgh. Willow Spring, Russell, W-7. Will's Gap, Carroll, mail Snake Creek. Wilmington. Fluvanna, P-32 23 Wilsonia Wharf. Northampton, S-45. mail Eastville. Wilsons. Dinwiddie. T-34, (Ry 11) mail Wilson's Depot. Wilson's Depot, Dinwiddie, (Ry 11) see Wilsons,*T-34 51 Wilson's Camp Ground. Grayson, mail Grant. Wilson's Creek, Gloucester, mail White Marsh. Wilson Creek, Grayson, mail Mouth of Wilson. Wilson's Landing, Charles City, mail Sturgeon Point *. 119 Wilson's Mills. Henry, mail Mayo Forge. Wilson's Wharf. 112 in S Baltimore, Md. Wilsonville. Highland. N-22 29 Wilton, Middlesex, R-42 25 Wilton. Fairfax, mail Alexandria. Wimer's Mills. Floyd, mail La Fayette. Winbush, Halifax, mail Clover Depot. Winchester, Frederick, H-32, (Rv 5) 4958 Windsor. Isle of Wight. W-40, (Ry 11) mail Windsor Station. . . 266 Windsor, Powhatan, mail Sublett's Tavern. Windsor Shades. New Keut, S-39, (Ry 8) mail New Kent C. H. Windsor Station, Isle of Wight, (Ry 11), see Windsor, W-40 84 Windy Cove, Bath, mail Millborough Springs. Winfall, Campbell, mail Rustburgh, 29 Wingfield, Hanover, mail Hanover C. H. Towns, etc.— continued. Pop. '80. Wingfield Mill. Hanover, mail Han- over C. H. Winn's Church, Hanover, mail Ash- land. Winterham, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Winter Harbor, Matthews, mail Port Haywood 29 Winterpaw, Amelia, mail Amelia C. H. Winterpock, Chesterfield. S-34 500 Wirt's Wharf, Westmoreland, mail Oak Grove. Wise C. H., Wise. U-5 118 Wiseville, Accomack, Q-46. Witten's Mills, Tazewell, T-ll 50 Wittig's Store, Rockingham, mail Dovesville. Wolf Creek. Bland, mail Burke's Garden. Wolf Creek, Giles, mail Narrows. Wolf Glade, Carroll. W-15 25 Wolf Town, Madison, M-30 200 Wolf Trap, Halifax, W-27, (Ry 18) . . 27 Woodbine, Priuce William, L-36. mail Independent Hill. Wood Bridge, Prince William, L-37, • (Ry6) 48 Woodburn, Loudoun, 3 m W Lees- burgh, 1-36. 400 Woodfin's Landing, Powhatan, mail Michaux Ferry. W T oodford. Caroline, 0-36, (Ry 19) . 29 Woodford's Lane, Caroline, mail Woodford. Wood Grove, Hanover, mail Verdon. Wood Grove, King George, mail Shiloh. Wood Grove, Loudoun, mail Round Hill. Woodland, Halifax, mail Vernon Hill. Wood Landing, Nansemond, mad Suffolk. Woodlands. Albemarle, mail Char- lottesville. Woodlands. Brunswick, mail White Plains. Woodlawn. Accomack, mail Metomp- kin. Woodlawn, Carroll, W-15 100 Woodlawn. Essex, mail Lloyds. Woodlawn, Fairfax, mail Accotink. Woodlawn, King and Qjieen, mail Carlton's Store. Woodlawn, King GeMITTEI> STANDARD AUTHORITY on all matters pertaining to Agriculture and Kindred Productive Interests. As a FAMILY AND FIRESIDE JOURNAL, it is ,\he Fresh- est, Most Interesting and Instructive in the land. It tells you something new every week. No matter what are your likes or dislikes, it will interest you. It Amuses and Instructs both Old and Young, making a special department for the varied tastes of its readers. In all respects it is an INDISPENSABLE AND DNEXCEPTIONAL FARM AND FIRESIDE COMPANION AND HELP. Send for Sample Copy, and be Satisfied that All Said Above is True. 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