D 570 .15 .L4 Copy 1 Make Wip |9oung America Time has come for thy revenge BY NICHOLAS Le petit All rights reserved .L4 By Transfftr APR 6 1917 I. THE ONLY WAY II. WAKE UP, YOUNG AMERICA Be France's Ally. III. TIME HAS COME FOR THY REVENGE THE ONLY WAY To promote the cause of universal peace on earth and advocate the liherty and freedom of America as well as neutral countries, we must uprise against Prussianism and militarism that prepared this cyclonic war in Europe. As a free civilized country, it is the duty of America to enable France to crush both Prussian militarism and Turks' Mohammed- dan Holy Wars forever and avenge the outrages committed upon helpless women and children by the German, Austrian and Turkish pirates and barbarians of the twentieth century. We all feel that the killing of man by man in battle is barbaric and negatives our claim of American civilization, but when the sacred rights of America and Plumanity are involved, it is the duty of every well born young American to take up arms and knock down ferocious and inhumane beings who try to destroy modern civilization by brutal force, thus making treaties, which represent the honor of civilized nations: A SCRAP OF PAPER. We need to be aroused to our duty and banish Prussianism from the earth. Every intelligent American, not the hyphenated one, feels that the civilized world will not, cannot, long tolerate the killing of man by man as a means of settling its international disputes, and that civilized men will not, cannot, long enter a profession which binds them to go forth and kill their fellow-men as ordered. The time has come, brethren, to fight those outlaws of Europe, who murdered in cold-blood our citizens, without mercy, by sink- ing without warning, alike thieves, the Liisitania, the Arabic, the Ancona and the Persia: Four unforgivable and unforgotten ca- tastrophes in modern history of America and an insult to our honor and sacred rights, not accounting the Gitlfiight and Hesperian inci- dents, and lately the dreadful massacre of Santa Izabel paid for by Von Papen's spies or friends in order to avenge his recall, and that is my opinion. Let us show those pirates that we now are ready to make them obey international law, by force, if necessary, and respect our sa- cred right of free travel on the seas whenever and wherever we like to. 5 This outlawry we wish to banish from the face of the earth for- ever, and to do so we should modify our Monroe Doctrine for such an obligation and a necessity. We must uprise against Von Tir- pitz piracy and fight on the side of France, the light of Liberty and Freedom, to whom we owe our own liberty, we acquired by the devouement of her sons who fought our great Revolution. That is why I am appealing to you, young America of 1916, and to our Representatives in Congress to introduce an amendment for the revision of the principles of the Monroe Doctrine in order to enable us to prepare for AN ENTENTE CORDIALE WmT FRANCE, without harming the technicality of the said principles of said Mon- roe Doctrine, for without such an entente Avith France we may be unable to crush the military cast not only of Prussia but also of the powers who stood and will stand by her piracy, and to make Turks' Holy Wars and massacres of Christians and Armenians an impossibility in future. There is no difference between the two great sister Republics : France anrl the United States of America. France is fighting for the success of a world moral and revolu- tionary movement against Prussianism for the liberty of small na- tions, as well as great and of the weak and the oppressed, for the triumph of Justice. The United States is trying to get the free- dom of the seas without firing a single shot of their eft'ective pow- der by simply asking the Central Powers to abandon their piracy ; but such a diplomatic weapon is not strong enough to bring to their senses iIk- brutes of Prussia, unless we come out and make them taste our American medical powder from the big guns of our mighty navy. I'oth countries are working for a sublime purpose toward the bringing and establishment of a lasting universal ])eace and liberty based upon the sacred respect of treaties and Humanity rights. That's why luigland, France, Russia and Italy lately were forced to unite to be strong enough to crush together and strangle Prus- sianism for good, thus freeing Euroi)e from such a formidable plague. Tliis greatest enterprise they are rushing vigorously and hope they will succeed soon and by next Spring. 6 WAKE UP, YOUNG AMERICA BE FRANCE'S ALLY When this greatest cyclonic war ends and Germany is crushed, we shall hear England proclaiming disarmament first and France, Russia and Italy coming next, and the United States with remain- ing powers following; thus each civilized nation would have acted and gone forth toward a lasting peace and liberty and begun a true European civilization combined with the American's. Note this : that when this disgraceful conflict above imagination is over and the treaty of peace drawn up, that treaty will contain but one main article, that of a general disarmament and the estab- lishment of a Universal Police. It is the existence of Prussian militarism that brought war abroad and undermined our safety here, as for instance the fomenting of strikes and the blowing up of some of our ammunition plants, paid for by German dirty spy money. To hold peace meetings during this war in the United States and other neutral countries is the most childish work that will bring no result, unless Germany is completely crushed and financially cracked. I hope that Mr. Ford's Peace Ship Party will soon return home as quick as they will know of the German blackhand and secret in- trigues which brought the Santa Izabel cold-blooded murder in Mexico. Let us stand by our wise President Wilson and firm-headed Mr. Lansing, who will not lose the opportunity of sending an ultimatum to the German, Austrian, and Turkish governments of pirates, when, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for us to act so for the safety and honor of our country and Humanity. Let us now ask our officials of the Navy and Army to have our effective powder, and plenty of it, ready for use, when the hour of revenge will strike. Let us prescribe to Von Tirpitz followers and bandits some of our American medicinal gun powder in order to cure their bloody ' hearts and savage brains from the love of militarism and piracy forever. Let us teach those Prussians that American civilization and rights mean not A SCRAP OF PAPER. 7 There is but one way to bring to a successful end such a noble work, and that is by a union similar to the Quadruple Entente. It is not for a matter of conquest that England, France, Russia and Italy have united. It is for freedom and liberty. It is to free from Prussianism and barbarism, not only Europe, but the whole earth that will af- terwards be called a true, civilized world. I believe and have the strongest feelings that Universal Peace and Lilierty Avill not be the fruit of this gigantic struggle for which Prussia is to be blamed alone, unless we young Americans put our hands in and fight on the side of the Allies, who are shedding their blood freely for the Liberty of the World and the triumph of Right and Justice against German outrage. Let us vmite with France in order to keep our modern civiliza- tion from being darkened by Prussianism and piracy, always shin- ing in the light of Right and Liberty. France has done her share, let us add ours for the sake of Man- kind and the honor of our flag, thus enabling her to bring to a speedy end the downfall of Prussia and Von Tirpitz' followers. Let us make our name a great respectable one, as France's, before the eyes of the present and future generations in the history of the World. ()ur first duty is to prepare ade(|uate defence; our next duty, to unite with France, without breaking the principles of the ]\Ion- roe Doctrine in order to enable us to free the seas from piracy. W^\KE UP, YOUNG AMERICA! BE FRANCE'S ALLY TIME HAS COME FOR OUR REVENGE Meanwhile my heart sorrows for the working classes and ])oor fellow-men whenever I read in the newspa])ers that some of them having children are forced to stand in the bread-line at Paris, Lon- don, Petrograd, Rome and somewhere in Greater New York, sim- ])ly because Prussianism is the chief cause of their distress, for billions and 1)illions of dollars have been spent for years and years in the Kru])p Gun Works, and because armaments have eaten all the benefit of their hard work, for they had to invest their savings for 8^ an adequate defence in order to protect their homes against the mihtary menace of Germany. That is why my heart appeals to you in plain English only, not knowing enough versification. TO YOUNG AMERICA OF 1916 FIRST STANZA Arise, proud children of the New World, The reign of Peace and Liberty must soon come. Against war scourge and Prussianism The flag of life is hoisted. By universal agreement and without mercy Destroy all warriors and pirates ; And establish your friendship upon a lasting peace and freedom. Based on the sacred respect of treaties and Humanity rights. CHORUS Forward ! Children of Peace and Liberty, Proclaim everywhere : no more war, No more pirates on the seas. No more Prussian despots on the earth. No more Turkish outrages forever. Friends, to banish war and piracy is your destiny; And to die for Liberty, the lot of well born souls. My heart bleeds for the aged mother and father, who die from sorrow, when they learn their only support, their son, has been killed in the firing line on the field of honor on account of Prus- sianism. That is why my heart appeals to you. TO YOUNG AMERICA OF 1916 SECOND STANZA What do they want those butchers of war, t Those pirates of the twentieth century, Those ignoble drinkers of blood WHio, without heart, snatched from the motiier 9 Her only son, the father's hope? Proud American young men ! What are you waiting for? Have we not enough murder, outrage and piracy ? Isn't to hve the right of all and to travel on the free seas our sacred rights? My heart sorrows and sorrows more again each time I learn that some high-ranked fellow-men, some Prussian despots, some Pro-Germans, in Europe and America, are trying to spread mili- tarism among neutral powers by waging a campaign in favor of bigger armies and navies, for if they prepare them again for war, sooner or later they shall have war, because preparation for war brings war, unless it is the sacred duty of a country to prepare for it in order to safeguard its honor against a brutal invader of her rights as it is the case of the Allies and iicrc. That's why I appeal to you. TO YOUNG AMERICA OF 1916 THIRD STANZA What ! To be led again by such vile and mercenary hands. What ! Some sanguinary Prussian barbarians Want to command us and weaken our freedom? O Liberty ! Guardian of our souls. Guide us against those infamous rascals Who do not merit any pity nor the least forgiveness. FOURTH STANZA Let us pay homage to Lafayette and the brave Rochambeau, Who commanded the French Allies in the American Revolution, And helped us acquiring our liberty. And of France, let us be her Ally and fight for her freedom In return of her services for our's during our Revolution. 10 Honor to the valiant advocates of Peace and Liberty, Who know how to devote for the love of Right and Justice Their soul, heart and zeal, in propagating their sacred respect By fighting against Prussianism and Piracy. FIFTH STANZA We shall have fulfilled our duty And acquired the virtues of Peace and Liberty, When Prussian pirates and Mohammedan butchers On our earth will no more be, And when our glorious Franco-American flag of Liberty Will fly everywhere fraternizing all nations forever, Thus establishing a better civilized world. Based upon the sacred respect of Public Law, Liberty and the Rights of Man. WAKE UP, YOUNG AMERICA! BE FRANCE'S ALLY : TIME HAS COME FOR THY REVENGE. FORWARD ! YOUNG AMERICANS, FORWARD ! SO HELP US GOD. By Nicholas Le Petit. New York, January 25, 1916. All rights reserved. 11 .t^^y OF CONGRESS 018 465" "ST The author needs your contribution in order to cover printing expenses, thus enabh'ng him to continue his campaign against Prus- sianism and Piracy, and to bring to a successful end his propoganda for the restoration of the respect of the sacred rights of Humanity and international law by an entente cordialc with France. Any amount contributed will be received with gratitude and thankfully appreciated. Plea>se send your contributions to the Fidelity Bank, Madison Avenue, corner Seventy-fifth Street, for the account of N. Le Petit; or, by registered mail, directly to him at 8i8 Sixth Avenue, New York City. 10^ A Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 N