THE GILLETTE POULTRY HOUSES SUGAR BROOK FARM GO. CENTRAL VILLTIGE, CONNECTICUT fes St' ifi(:> Rnnk Jo^ {c Gopyright N" COPYRIGHT deposit; The GILLETTE Poultry Houses GILLETTE COLONY HOUSE Sugar Brook Farm Co. CENTRAL VILLAGE, CONNECTICUT WINDHAM COUNTY ,^ SOME OF THE GILLETTE COLONY HOUSES ON SUGAR BROOK FARM GO'S RANGE Price of these Gillette Poultry House Plans, $1.00, postage free All Orders must be accompanied by Cash or Money Order r/iese iilans oopyriglituri Jcti:,:ary, 1912. (ii, SUGAR BROOK FARM CO. Entered at StMioiiurs' Hull :CI.A305S35 NO. I GENERAL REMARKS )N building the Gillette houses we wish to caution against changes. We do not believe it wise to change one single thing. The drawings show only the frame where spaces are not marked. Openings : — All doors or windows must fit tight. We wish to call attention to the north side, which must be tight. A piece of roofing paper should be nailed under eaves, coming down about three inches on all sides. This is important. Floors are a matter of choice, also dropping boards and roosts, which are not shown in drawings. The Gillette Continuous house is built by placing the Colony houses twenty feet apart, in a straight line, and the same heighth from the ground if possible, connecting them on the north side with a tight board wall the same height as the Colony houses at eaves, and a two- foot board wall with wire above on the south side. This makes a sun parlor between the houses. Make a concrete fioor, starting on the north side, one inch above bottom of board wall with a pitch of three inches toward the south wall. This brings the floor three inches below bottom of board wall on the south side and takes care of all water. Use four to five inches of sand on concrete. On this throw your litter, using sand or gravel inside of house. You will be surprised with results if you follow these directions. The birds do not need any yards if kept for eggs only. The concrete floor prevents contamination and is a necessity. In building the Gillette open front brooder house be sure to have windows on north side tight. In building for pipe systems simply add nine feet to the length of the building, cutting doors into pit and feed room as shown in drawing. Do not leave petitions out. Use moisture in alley-way with all brooders. This is a necessity. GILLETTE OPEN FRONT BROODER HOUSE I 1 I 5^ 1 o o t ^ ^ 1 - i \> o o c^ SG-cfiorx /llleLj wdcj The Gillette Open/ Fron/t Brooder^ Ifou^se TlcLteJVo. S CopL/r/ofhte ^ ^ ■k c; p li; .^ •^ ^ < V Q ^ .^ ^ :3 9 c:^ ^ o 12 o ^ ':i) 5 CM 8 I L II / n — -1 1 o Q The Gillette Colony House Flccte JVo.5 Copyrighte d Plan Scale Va'-Z'-O" South Side. 5^ I ^ ^ o to -I ^ ■c 0^ < OJ ■<. -Q