TS 1098 .06 C6 ll^\ mmtttaA lalbQ ItHtnnral Bmtty S pringfield, M assachusetts EXERCISES IN CONNECTION WITH THE UNVEILING OF THE DAVID AMES TABLET MAY 18, 1917 11 XtiiS SPOT THBLll IxOMES AND MILLS WBRB LGG&1S3 ' 1|1£ tAatlST 15R15CTI5U li¥ llltS -V L'LCU r YALLBV liLSTOlElDfcL $Q<3U*TY' A GIFT TO THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY FROM THE GREAT GRAND-DAUGHTER OF DAVID AMES MRS. OSCAR B. IRELAND THE HOUSE BUILT BY DAVID AMES, JR. LOCATED ON AMES HILL, MAPLE STREET AND NOW OCCUPIED BY MISS MARY AMES AND MRS. OSCAR B. IRELAND 3 TSioi? Descendants of DAVID AMES Representing Four Generations Miss Mary Ames Mrs. O. B. Ireland Gordon Ireland Frederick Ireland Elizabeth Ireland SPOT WHERE THE BOULDER WITH TABLET WILL BE LOCATED CORNER MAPLE AND MILL STREETS UNVEILING OF THE DAVID AMES TABLET FRIDAY MAY 18, 1017 at 2:30 o'clock P. M. Mahogany Room Auditorium Program Introductory Remarks By W. F. Adams, President of the Society. President of the Day Charles W. Bosworth. Invocation By Rev. A. P. Reccord, Minister of Church of Unity. Address of Welcome and thanks to the Donor on behalf of the Citizens of Springfield Hon. Frank E. Stacy, Mayor. Presentation of the Tablet to the Connecticut Valley Historical Society By Gordon Ireland of New York City, of the Fourth generation in lineal descent from David Ames. Unveiling of the Tablet By Frederick Ireland of the Fifth generation in lineal descent from David Ames. Acceptance of the Tablet in behalf of the Connecticut Valley Historical Society By Charles Goodrich Whiting. The first paper maker in the Connecticut Valley and the art of paper making in the early days and some comparisons of later days By George B. Holbrook. Ifuuorarg (Eummtttrc A. C. Hastings, Holyoke W. N. Caldwell Clifton A. Crocker Horace A. Moses Edward P. Bagg, Holyoke Gkmmtttrc an Jfumtatton Frederick Harris Miss Mary Ames Alfred Leeds Mrs. Samuel Bowles Sherman Bowles Mrs. Solomon B. Griffin (ftmsttsttttr* an Oration Stanhope E. Blunt Andrew J. Flanagan Mrs. 0. B. Ireland Charles E. Ladd (Hamxmtttz an ilaljugaug Staom, AtuMturium Henry C. Haile J. Stewart Kirkham Herbert R. Wolcott Umpfbnt dflmtmitrc Robert 0. Morris Rev. J. H. Lockwood 0. S. Greenleaf Richard Hooker Charles H. Barrows Mrs. Alfred Leeds Mrs. Edward S. Brewer, Longmeadow Mrs. A. A. Packard Mrs. D. P. Cole Charles A. Frazer E. A. Hall T. F. Dwight A. H. Watson Dr. Appleton Morgan, New York Nehemiah Hawkins, New York LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■111111111 018 455 079 9