6NTtlEBANK5'OFTnE MYfTIC^ANMI^rORIC FESTIVAL- 1630-1696- MEDrORD-M/lJJ/lC+lUJEm -^ L^Xliii" %♦ » H ''^'- >>/. »»^/^^ • • m^'r . SHIP LAUNCH. 'r^isai^^i^gra.*: Medford Historical Society Incorporated May, 1896 President William Gushing Wait Vice-Presidents Will C. Eddv, Lorin L. Dame, Mks. Loiise G. DeT-ong, Miss Helen T. Wild Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Allston p. Joyce Miss Eliza M. Gill Librarian and Curator Miss Mary E. Sargent Treasurer Charles H. Lodmis Allen, Edward F. Andrews, G. F. Atherton, Lily B. Black, E. Adelaide Barstow, Rev. John Blancliard, Sarah J. Bean, James W. Bird, Charles H. Bemis, Fannie E. Boynton, Hon. E. Brown, David H. Brown, Mrs. Abby D. Brown, Amelia E. Brooks, Henry Brooks, Frederick Bridge, Henry S. Biirbank, Ella L. Burbank, Mrs. Alice Burbank, Ida E. Cordis, Adelaide E. Clancy, Rev. J. V. Coffin, Freeman C. Gushing, Walter F. Gushing, Walter H. Cleaves, James E. Cleaves, Mrs. Emma N. Croudis, Mrs. Mabel H. Croudis, George A. Clark, Mary S. Clark, Sarah L. Craig, William C. Dame, Lorin L, Dame, Mrs. Isabel A. DeLong, Mrs. Louise G. Delano, George S. Dennison, Edward B. Duriham, Charles B. Davenport, Geo. E. Durgin, Annie E. Deane, John W. Eddy, Will C. Eddy, Mrs. Rosalie S. Evans, Allston H. Foster, Geo. O. CHARTER MEMBERS Fenton, Benj. F. Gill, Eliza M. Gill, Emma F. Goodwin, James O. Goodwin, Mrs. Emma W. Grimes, Mark M. Guild, Gustavus F. Gibbs, Mary Gunn, J. Newton Green, Charles M. Hall, George S. Hall, Horace D. Hallowell, N. P. Harlow, Catherine E. Hatch, Frank E. Hayes, Edward W. Hervey, James A. Hollis, Benj. P. Howard, Daniel N. Hodges, Gilbert Hinckley, Ella S. Hillman, Charles H. Jacobs, Charles W. Joyce, Allston P. Jones, James E. Jones, Amy W. Johnson, Cleopas Kakas, E. F. Kidder, Fred. H. Kingman, William F. Law, Asa *Lawrence, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Hon. Samuel C. Lawrence, Mrs. Carrie R. Loomis, Charles H. Loomis, Mrs. Mary B. Litchfield, Parker R. Lincoln, Agnes W. Leary, Mrs. T. F. Levering, Lewis H. Lovering, F. H. Leonard, Benj. C. Larkin, Charles E. Langell, Everard *Life member. R. Martin, William P. Morrison, Benj. F. Means, George B. Moore, Ernest B. Maxwell, William Macomber, W. M. Montague, F. W. Miller, J. C, Jr. Mansfield, D. G. Morss, C. H. Nottage, Henry B. Nye, Charles E. Ober, J. E. Oldfield, John Parker, Charles H. Peak, Irvin E. Papkee, J. Alfred Page, Mrs. Annie M. Randall, Edward S. Richmond, George F. Russell, Mrs. Cora L. Swan, Charles H. Swift, Caroline E. Stone, Katherine H. Sampson, Ellen R. Stetson, George W. Sargent, Mary E. Thompson, William A. Wait, William Gushing Wait, Hettie F. Wait, Sarah H. Wait, Francis H. Wade, Mrs. E. P. Wade, John F. Wilber, Nahum E. Wilber, Mortimer E. Wild, Helen T. WooUey, Fred H. C. Woolley, Winslow W. Withington, Henry Wheeler, Joseph H. Wright, Walter C. Whittle, D. A. Young, J. Edson FRANCIS HOUSE. Birthplace of Lydia Maria (Francis) Child, Feb. II, 1802. Home of The Medford Historical Society, 1896. Committees of the Historical Society Membership William C. Wait. Benj. F. Morrison. Henry B. Nottage. Mrs. Abby D. Brown. Miss F. E. Bemis. Publication R. B. Lawrence. W. C. Wait. Mrs. L. G. DeLong. Miss Eliza M. Gill. Papers and Addresses David H. Brown. G. E. Daxeni'ort. James A. Hervev. John Ward De..\n. Historical Sites L. L. Dame. W. P. Martin. Miss E. L. Buruank. Will C. Eddy. Genealogy Allston p. Joyce. Miss E. A. Black. Miss E. S. Hinckley. Charles E. Larkin. J. Newton Gunn. Heraldry Benj. P. Hollis. J. Edson Young. F. H. C. Wihu.lev. Charles B. Dunham. William F. K.ingman. Library and Collections Miss Mary E. Sargent. J. H. Wheeler. Henry Brooks. Miss Catherine H. Stone. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. HON. SAMUEL C. LAWRENCE. First Mayor of Medford, 1893 and 1894. The City Charter was Adopted by the Citizens in October, 1892. City Government Organized Jan. 2, 1093. I UN RESIDENCE OF MR. HARRY DUTTON, FOREST ST. TCT" EDFORD was called a pecitliar town because the major part / 1 of its territory was owned by one man, and he a resident of London. Ballots in early times were corn and beans. Corn,/^w; beans, nay. The first Post Office in Medford was established in 1797. Lafayette came to Medford Aug. 28, 1824. Tufts College was opened for the admission of students in August, 1855. To Medford belongs the introduction of the celebrated Baldwin apple. Medford was the first town in the United States to rescue a fugi- tive slave. Medford was one of the first towns in the state to establish a high school and a public library, and it has ever maintained its place among the foremost for the liberality of its expenditures for the cause of public education. You are cordially invited to become a member of the MEDFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Houghton 4* & Dutton, tlremont an& ffieacon Streets, . . . Importers and Retailers of . . . Dry and Fancy Goods, Cloaks, Silks and Underwear. Upholstery, Fabrics, Lace Curtains, ^\ ^ (0) ^ Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Pictures, Groceries, Proprietary Medicines, China, Glass, Silver and Crockery Ware of all Kinds. Kitchen Goods of All Descriptions. Low Prices. Prompt Delivery. Courteous Treatment. Ibouobton & Button, Tremont and Beacon Streets, - - ° Pinkham Press, Boston. Mass. iLSS. °'' CONGRESS PUHfi 014 078 802 8 < The Seal of the Society consists of a Shield and Crest within a circle, on the border of -which is the legend, ''Medford Historical Society." On the upper half of the Shield is a Sheaf of Wheat, that being a part of the arms of the Royall Family. On the lower half is the Seal of Medf ord — a Ship on the Stocks. The Crest, a Muzzled Bear, is the Crest of the Cradock Family. In the exergue appears the motto, "Venerate the Historic.*'