Class Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT / ■ '. ^- HANDBOOK OP N A N T U C K E T, CONTAINING A BRIEF HISTORICAL SKETCH OF I THE ISLAISTD, I m ^ '<- *' - - WITH ^^' -r s A:X1:7<3rS, WmwmMhtmm ©@@€i. Ft. C3r jx. isr fS FOR SALE On the Installment Plan. ALSO PMiTOi m VII BIS? n^i, AT HIS STORE Corner of Main and Orange Streets. Hand Book of Nantucket. CLEAN SHORE NANTUCKET, MASS. Open from 6 A. M. to 9 F. M., until Octo'ber 1st. These rooms are well known as a place of Summer Resort during the warm weather, and the sub- scriber will spare no pains to keep up their well established reputation. Good comfortable rooms are provided, well lighted and warmed, and every attention will be paid to the comfort of visitors. CHARLES E. HAYDEN, Nantucket, 1875. Hand Book of Nantucket. 87 WILLIAM B. STEVENS, Main Street, five doors above the Post Office, FRUITS, NUTS, &c.. Tobacco and Cigars, Choice Brands. Families and Parties Supplied with Ice Cream ON REASONABLE TERMS. ICE COOL SODA, WITH PURE FRUIT SYRUPS. 88 Hand Book of Nantucket. OFTERS FOR SALE AT The Store next above the Pacific Nat'l Bank, Main Street, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP Miflii EMIg, losi ill SMI W@fl, IN GREAT VARIETTT. Also all Sizes of Rattan Baskets, Round and Oval, made on Board of South Slioal Liglit Ship. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. C. S. CATHCART, DEALER IN TRUNKS AND VALISES, IF-XjOOI^ OII-i CILiOTHS, AND Gents' FvirnisMng- Goods, MAIN STREET, NANTUCKET. Hand Book of Nantucket. 89 .^ ILi-A-Xea-E: -A.SSOT^T'IvIEliT'X' OI" STRAW MATTINGS, Wall Paper of all Descriptions IN GILT, SATIN AND CRIMSON. AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES, N. Coggshairs Emporium, MAIN STREET, ISTANTUCKET. [See page 12.] 90 Hand Book of Nantucket. THIS A LIVE LOCAL. PAPER, IP-ULTolisliecl Sex3:ii-"^7;7"eelsl3r, ON BY I. H. FOLGER, Editor. Office, Main Street, Nantucket, Mass. ONLY $2.00 A YEAR. Advertisements Inserted at Low Rates. The IsLAKD EEriEW is devoted to Local News and the interests of the place. Appearing as it does, twice a week, it is ONE OF THE BEST ADVEBTISING ME- DIUMS IN THE COUNTY. Subscribe for it Witliout Delay. Hand Book of Nantucket. 91 THE Inquirer and Mirror. HUSSEY & ROBINSON, PROPRIETORS AND PUBLISHERS. Main Street, Nantucket, Mass. Fraasiii AT $2.50 PER ANNUM. The circulation of the Inquirer and Mirror is equal to that of any weekly paper published in South Eastern Massachusetts. It is not only a Local Paper, but has an extensive circulation abroad, and is therefore a valuable medium for advertising. OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS & DESPATCH 92 Hand Book of Nantucket. z^Eu^n^E |srap mi pmm |: MAIN STREET, NANTUCKET, MASS. MIP ©ff@@©f l©i o^ -^XjXj :k:z^T3DS, ALWAYS ON HAND Hand Book of Nantucket. 93 DEAIiER IN Groceries and Provisions, CANNED TRUITS AND PIOKLES. Fruits and Veg-etables of all kinds in their Season. Candies and Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars of tlie finest quality constantly on hand. Also Mill MiiMiiijj lilf i©li iii liiii^ii. ALL KINDS OF FISH-HOOKS AND LINES. CORNER MAIN AND MILK STREETS, NANTUCKET, MASS. 94 Hand Book of Nantucket. l@©t aai Bkm M&k^^ Main Street, Two Doors Below the Post Office, NANTUCKET, MASS. Boots and Slices made to order in the latest style, and warranted to give good satisfaction. Eepairing Neatly Done. ATHENEUM MUSEUM! Prom all parts of the World. MAMMOTH SPERM WHALE'S JAW! Call and see this remarkable collection that our whalemen have brought home from all navigable parts of the globe. Open every day, (Sundays excepted,) from 8 a. m. to 12 m., and from 1 to 5 p. M, Admission 15 cents. Atheneum, Cor. Federal & Lower Pearl Sts. , Nantucket. Hand Book of Nantucket. 95 CHAS. H. KOBINSON ife SON, ^a,ir Street, 3iTa-3a.t-a.c33:et, IL^ass., Are prepared to furnish at short notice, Monuments, Tombstones, Mantels, Tablets, Scrolls, Figures, &c., of the following Marbles : Italian of different grades, Statuary, American, Kutland, Southerland Falls, and Eschaillon Marbles of France, which have stood the test of centuries, Of most desirable Designs, both Plain and Elaborately Carved, Which ^\ill be sold at prices to defy competition. All work will be set up in a permanent manner, without extra charge. Also, all kinds of GRANITE WORK, from common Rockport and different grades of Quincy Granite. Neat Combination Fences of plain or galvanized iron rods and granite or wooden posts put up in a substantial manner, and at the most reasonable prices. Designs of dlflPerent classes of work on hand for inspection. 96 Hand Book of Nantucket. REUBEN P. FOLG-ER, NANTUCKET, - - MASS. GOOD AIRY ROOM TEI^nSJIS 2j^OIDEI^-^TE. Letters by Mail to secure Board will receive prompt attention. Hand Book of Nantucket 97 A. S. MOWRY & CO., Proprietors. ENLAE&ED AND IMPEOVED. Terms: $2,50 per day, transient ; or from $9 to $14 per week. A. S. Mowry A: Va. Q).