• ^ /9/3 '^^^z:^^.'^.^^ «.,^€^^^?^z^^, .j;^^^^-*'*^^-^ / U/ y^ y^^^u-^^^cAi^ 3^y/Uy LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 009 803 922 3 Hollinger pH8.5 MiU Run F3-1957 E 513 .5 21si .D 1913 Copy 1 UJi>V| Oon^rades LJre V-/omi*cides. ROSTER 21st Massachusetts Volunteer lufantry, August 23d, 1861, to September 30, 1864. Battles Fought, Men Engaged and Losses. Copyright 1913. Nathaniel Carter Deane, 1861. filled Wounded Prisoners 13 •u — 23 35 — 4 11 1 • 7 — 38 76 26 5 — 10 35 — 13 52 1 4 •11 2 BATTLE Date Total No. Men Roanoke Island February 8. 1862 700 Newbern Mardi II. 1862 _ 675 Camden April 19. 1862 -- --- 500 Manassas 2d Bull Run August 29, .30, 1862 425 Chantilly September 1, 1862 - -.. 400 South Mountain September 14, 1862 ._ __ 225 .\ntietam September 17. 1862 150 Fredericksburg Deiember 13, 1862 200 Campaign East Tennessee 200 Battle Blue Springs September 22, 1863, — Campbell's Station to — Siege Knoxville January 1(1, 1864 _ — Wilderness May 6, 1864 -- 209 Spottsylvania May 10, 12, 18,1864 — Sandy Grove Road May 31, June 1, 1864 — Bethesda Church (Cold Harbor) June 2,1864 - — Petersburg assault June 16. 1864 - — June 17, 1864 - — BattleofMine July 30, 1864 — Siege of Petersburg June 18 to August 18, 1864 — Weldon R. R. August 19, 1864 — Poplar Springs Church September 30, 1864 - - — July 22nd, 1862. at Newport News, Va., at the formation of the 9th Army Corps we were dubbed held as reserves for supreme tests, and were lined up in battle line more than two hundred times showing losses. The siege of Knoxville. from Tuesday, Nov. 17th, to Deiember 4th I86.i. living on such horses and mules as could be spared for meat, was a continuous line up in battle line b> reliefs. Regiment took into action at the battle of the Wilderness 209 men. This number was gradually regiment was consolidated with the .i()th Massachusetts after Battle of Poplar Springs Church. Star (*1 one of the bounded. 3 7 8 5 32 <> 3 3 — 13 •21 13 2 2 — 4 25 2 7 14 3 3 14 — 3 4 — 4 10 11 '^Veteran Reserves," to be besides the engagements rations of ears of corn and recruited and reduced, and Our ranks bv disease were thinned b\ duty's strain. We niarilicn llic l';i. aiil w,- slill Iim- on lor lo Icll. "Twas at S|iottsylvanias fierce li^lil. wlicn the liatllc was on. Anil intervening; land curves separated the force. \iu\ ~li.irp-sliootcr> were sclccliii;; llii-ir \icllMi 1.. kill o IV. JOHN G. WARNER, Co. D. )CI.A345342 NATHANIEL CARTER DEANE. ■"l.;l\ l!al 111 tllf ^'riiiirMl."' lllc ( (inllliaml laiiio ili>«ii the lilli-. And hcail to Imil, hy t\\c>. \vc stretrlied iiii llic finniiicl. Jo'jii Warner in front anlloI. lliroiifih Irorii iil.-te|i lo -ole. At the top of my head came a .-hol"s (|uiek blo«. Hut John \\ arnerV fool and >hoe >ole saved my life on that battle d.i\. An tale. On many a battlefield, many times we hail loii^'ht. One by one was left behind, and John Warner this time — And many a time this question has oft times been asked. •■\Miv Comrades Are Comrades."" all their ilays lo ihi-ir last? i LIBRfiRY OF CONORfcbb III III 009 803 922 3 12 1913 ALL NAMES ON ROLLS SEPTEMBER 30th, 1864. AND TRANSFERRED TO THE 36th MASSACHUSETTS I REGIMENT. Commissioned officers on duty with regiment 3 Enlisted men ._ 49 Present but unable for duty 6 Wounded officers and men 94 Absent on leave 1 Special Service — Ambulance, Artillery, and Ouarterniaster — Commissioned officers 1 Enlisted men 85 Total all names on rolls ■ 239 War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, October 21st. 1864. SPECL^L ORDER NO. 358. (Extract) 30. Upon the receipt of this Order by the Commanding General of the 9th .\rmy Corps, the 36th Mas- sachusetts Volunteers will be consolidated with seven companies and the companies now composing the 21st Massachusetts Bat- talion will be permanently transferred thereto, to complete the regiment, the consolidated force to bear the designation of the 36th Massachusetts Volunteers. By ( >rder of the Secretary of War, E. D. TOWNSEND. Assistant Adjutant General. No longer has our country use for Massachusetts' old Number 21st— Her ranks have fought and gone, now rest in peace. When our country once more to serve Massachusetts may again call her old Number 21st, New ranks, new men, Massachusetts' sons, her best. To again raise by new files of men the flag of Massachusetts' old Number 21st. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned officers 88 Enlisted men 1137 Total ._ 1225 Commissioned officers killed or died on field 11 Enlisted men , ' ._ 141 Died of disease and in jtrisons 163 killed by sentinels (our men). 2 Killed by transportation. . - 3 Murdered 1 Drowned .... .. .._ 3 Discharged for disability . . . 354 Missing in various engagements and unaccounted 51 Discharged on account of expiration of service 69 Discharge of band by order of War Department, 1862 25 Transferred to regular army 59 Deserted . ., 39 Officers and men proiii^>lc(l aiul transfiir(