Directories \^^^. BARCLAY'S 689 JSINESS DIRECTOSY LEAVENWORTH 3L8€0. Price : 50 Cents. LEAVEKWOETH. Frank F. Barclay's English, French pc-^ f'ermjyi^ Printing Establishment. ^^ 18 59. -^-- ---^ Qass Book PRESENTED BT // / vf^'-^ljl^-' A.i^ _ BARCLAY'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY LEAVENWORTH. PREFACE. This is the Directory for which I have been canvassing, to collect names and procure ad- vertisements, for the last six weeks. It was my intention to embrace in the book, much miscellaneous matter, which is not hei'e. A history of Leavenworth, — a brief descrip- tion of the other towns in the Territory, and of the agricultural and commercial advan- tages of its different parts, — many details of Leavenworth, her churches, schools, mas- onic lodges, public buildings and hotels, — are among the omitted materials. A num- ber of gentlemen, supposed to be in posses- sion of the necessary facts, have been ap- plied to for statements, regarding matters within the scope of their knowledge. Some have furnished the information sought; others have not; and it would be unjust to towns and portions of the Territory, in regard to which accurate information has not been re- ceived, to publish the accounts received of others. All must be treated alike. So much has been said about directories, for the last few months, and not one having PREFACE. yet made its appearance, that the citizens of the town seem to have little confidence in any movement toward the publication of one. This, is therefore published, now, merely as a Directory. It is at least an earnest of good faith in the premises, and will serve as a basis for a work on a larger scale. It is proper to- say that the city has only been canvassed regularly, within the bound- aries of the river, the creek. Fifth street and Miami, though the names of a number of persons, doing business outside of these lim- its, are inserted. South Leavenworth was to have had full justice done it, in a separate article, written by a promineiit and well informed citizen of that part of the city. This little beginning of a more matured end, is now submitted to the public, with many thanks to those who have favored it with their advertisements. To the indefati- gable industry of Mr. Frank F. Barclay, the publisher, it owes its earliest possible appearance, after finding one willing to risk his labor, ink and paper upon its merits. It will be found as nearly correct as could be under the circumstances. Where" men have PREFACE. changed their business places since they were canvassed, the change has been made in the book down to the very setting of the type. Omitted names will be found in one of the front pages. In a few months, my original design will be consummated, by the publication, propably in conjunction with I\Ir. Frank F. Barclay, whose assistance will add greatly to the- value of the work, of a full business Direc- tory, together with the additional matter al- ready mentioned. Two thousand copies of this has been struck off, and will be circula- ted immediately. Of our next edition sev- eral thousand copies will be printed. Allen Pierse. OF THE CITY OF LEAVENWORTH. X85 3 - O Ho D. Block.* F. Brown. Levi Houston. Phillip K(ehler. J. W. Morris. Jason Richardson. MAYOR: r. H. B. DENMAN. COUIV CILME^ : Jeremiah Clark. N. W. Cox. Elijah Hughes. N. McCracken. A. Repine. G. W. Weaver. • Elected on the 7th of February, in place of J. Hemingrav, resigned. City Aitorney : Recorder : Marshal : City Clerk : City Engineer : City Treasurer: City Auditor : Street Commissioner Wharf Master : Market Master : William Stanley. M. S. Adams. I. G. Losee. J. C. Green. George P. BueO. John McKee. J. F. Hathaway. Michael O'Rorke. J. R. Hickman. Livius Hazen. NEWSPAPERS. L<'£stafette du Kansas^ French weekly paper, issued every Saturday ; published and edi- ted by Frank F. Barclay. Subscription $2 50 per annum. Ofifice, Cherokee street, between Sec- ond and Third. LeaTeii^'ortli Zeitung, German weekly paper, issued every Saturday ; published by Fritz Braunhold. Subscription, "$2 00 per annum. — Office, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Kansas Herald^ English weekly paper, is- sued every Saturday; L. J. Eastin & W. H. Adams, proprietors. Subscription, $2 00 per an- num. Office, corner Cherokee and Second streets. Messrs. Eastin & Adams are about to issue a dai- ly in a short time. LeaTeuwortli Journal, daily and week- ly; Hutchison & Campbell, publishers. Sub- scription : daily, $6 00 per annum ; weekly, $2 00 per annum. Office, corner Delaware and Main. Ledger, daily; George W. McLane, proprie- tor. Subscription, 50 cents per month. Office, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Times, daily and weekly ; Champion Vaughan & J. K. Bartlett, proprietors. Subscription : daily, $8 00 per annum ; weekly, $2 00 per annum. Office, Delaware street, between Second and Third. This office is to be removed to corner of Delaware and Third streets. Omitted l^auies. Abeles S., main establishment on Cherokee St.; that on Delaware only a branch. Adams W. H., of the Herald. JBailey J. B., county surveyor. Bailey John R., auctioneer at A. D. Clemens & Co.'s. Cabrilliac B., Eagle exchange, Shawnee street, bet. Third and Fourth. Calvert John, of A. D. Clemens & Co. Casper A., at J. F. Richards, corner Delaware and Third. -Clemens A. D. & Co., auction and commission business, Delaware street, bet. Main and Second. Clemens W. P., should be W. B. Crancer & Hastings, instead of Cancer & Has- tings. Eastin L. J., of the Herald. Jefferson House, Sha^vnee street, bet. Third and Fourth. Kerr John, of Scott, Kerr & Co. Lipper Henry, bar keeper at Byron's saloon. Marvin & Luce, grocers, Cherokee street, bet. Main and Second. Mayer L., reporter of the Hiralci. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Abeles S. , dry goods merchant, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Also on Cherekee, between Second and Third. Abney J. C, feed and sale stable, corner Cher- okee and Third. Ackenhausen & Brother, saddle and harness manufacturers and upholsters. Second St., between Delaware and Cherokee. Adams & Gambell, attorneys at law, corner Main and Delaware. Adler M., saloon, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Akers & Co., livery stable, Shawnee street, between Second and Third. Alexander J., Theatre Exchange, Shawnee street, between Fourth and Fifth. Alexander J. M., attorney at law. Second street, three doors north St. George hotel, 10 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Allen DeWitt C, of Rees & Allen, attorney at law. ,^i«-Allen R. E., druggist, Main street, between Delaware and Shawnee. Anderson E. H., druggist, Shawnee street, be- tween Second and Third. Anderson R. C, M. D., office at the above drug store. Anderson G. T., livery stable, Main street, between Second and Third. Anthony S. J., Register of Deeds, office Cher- okee street, between Main and Second. __A.nthony D. R., agent JEtna insurance com- pany. Main street, between Delaware and Shawnee. Applegaie J. P., of Myers & Applegate. Arnold B. & Co., ready made clothing, Chero- kee street, between Main and Second. Atwood& Yates, conveyancers and land agents, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. B Bailey W. H., jewelry and fancy goods, Dela- ware street, near Third. —Bailey D. H., attorney at law, corner Cherokee and Main. Balbridge Rev. B. L., united Presbyterian church. Rooms, Shawnee street, between Main and Second. OF LEAVENWORTH. M. J. FOGARTY, (Successor to Fogarty, Robbins & Pindell.) City Undertaker, And Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Cliairs, Upholstery, &c,, METALIC BURIAL CASES Of all Sizes. Keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of Wood Coffins, Shrouds and Coffin Trimmings. Parti- cular attention given to Funerals, and all necessaries furnished on short notice, with an Elegant Hoarse and Carriages always in readiness. f^" Furniture delivered in all parts of the City free of charge. ]?I. J. FOC^ARTY, North-west corner of Fourth and Cherokee streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. 12 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Free Hacks to and from the Boats. Attentive Servants. MANSION HOUSE, KISER & INSLEY, Proprietors, Corner ShaAvnee and Fifth streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. PATRICK DOYLE'S BOWLING SALOON, Shaiviiee Street, Between Third and Fourth Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Keeps always on hand the best of Winea. Liquors and Cegars. OF LEAVENWORTH. 13 Barclay F. F., English, French and German printing establishment, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Barker H. J., ambrotypist, Delaware street, between Main and Second. Bassford S. & Brother, billiard saloon, corner Shawnee and Main. Bastian S., boot and shoemaker, Cherokee street, between Fourth and Fifth. Baum J. & Brother, young hoosier clothing store, corner Cherokee and Second. Baum J., jewelry and fancy store, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Beckers & Miller, Gambrinushall, Main street, between Shawnee and Delaware. Beebe, boAvling saloon, Main street, second door above Shawnee. Berens & Muel, family groceries and bakery, Delaware street, bet. Third and Fourth. Bittman G. M. & Co., groceries and crockery, Delaware street, bet. Third and Fourth. Block D., soda manufacturer, Second street, between Ottowa and Kickapoo. Bloomingdale B., shoe store, DelaAvare street, between Main and Second. Blous U., barber, Delaware street, between Third and Fourth. Bob P., groceries and provisions, Cherokee street, near the Creek. 14 BARCLAVS DIRECTORY Bodine J. M., M. D., Main street, between the post office and Shawnee. Bonaparte House and lager beer saloon, Dela- ware street, between Fourth and Fifth. Borngesser, saloon, Levee street, between Del- aware and Cherokee. Borng-esser G. T., w^holesale liquor dealer, Shawnee street, between Third and Fourth. Borngesser J., lager beer hall, Seneca street, between Third and Fourth. Brace C. B., insurance and real estate agent, Office in the banking house of Johnson & Co.; residence corner Marshall and Third avenue. South Leavenworth. Braecklein O., drug store. Second street, bet. Delaware and Shawnee. Brandt & Gehrman, Post Office Exchange, Main street, bet, Delaware and Shawnee. Bransfield & Co., stone cutters, corner Choctaw and Third. Braunhold F. W. H., publisher of Leavenworth Zeiiung, Cherokee st., b. Second & Third. Breck & Campbell, builders, corner Main and Potawatomie. Brogan H., shoemaker, at Weeborg and Kluss- man's. Brogan P., saloon, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Brown & Longgood, saw mill. Main street, be- low Three Mile Creek. OF LEAVENWORTH. 15 0. A. WHITTEMORE & CO, REAL ESTATE AND NOTARIES PUBLIC AND LEAVENWORTH AND LECOMPTON, K. T. Buj and sell City and Country Property. Buy liand IVarraiit^, and i§eli for cash or on time, And transact any business before the District Land Offices. Pay Taxes and make Collections, and remit on day of payment. Office in Leavenworth, on Shawnee Street, Between Main and Second. > 16 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Russell, Majors & Waddell, MAIN STREET AND LEVEE, Between Delaware and Shawnee Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PLAIN AND FANCY Dry Groods CLOTHING, BOOTS AJSTD SHOES, HARDIVARE & GROCERIES. Special attention paid to Outfitting, and a largo stock of Goods for that purpose always on hand. OF LEAVENWORTH. 17 • Brown N. W., daguerrian, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Bnown J., livery stable, corner Choctaw and Third. Brucker S., boot and shoemaker, Shawnee street, between Third and Fourth. Buhler P., boarding house, corner Seneca and Second. Bull W. D., M. D., Cherokee street, between Main and Second. Burklin C. H., confectioner. Third street, be- tween Shawnee and Seneca. Burton J. A., deputy clerk United States dis* trict court. Byer Ch., head clerk at Russell, Majors &. Waddell's, Main street. Byer C. & Co., blacksmiths and wagon makers, Shawnee street, between Third and Fourth. Byron R. J., Byron's saloon. Levee street, be- tween Delaware and Shawnee. Callahan A. F., attorney at law, corner ChtrT- okee and Main. Camp H. R., Magnolia billiard saloon, corner Cherokee and Main. Camp Mrs., dressmaker, Delaware street, be- tween Second and Third. Cancer & Hastings, dealers in stoves,* Dela- ware street, between Fourth and Fifch- 18 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Carney, Pfisey & Co., wholesale grocers, cor- ner Levee and Cherokee. Carr E. T., architect and builder, Osage street, between Second and Third. Casal J., saloon, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Catterson & Campbell, M. D's., Main street, between Delaware and Cherokee. Charlie Carli, National Exchange, under the National Theatre, Shawnee street. Chivers, military and citizen's tailor and reno- vator of clothing, Shawnee street, between Main and Second. XJlark, Gruber & Co., bankers, Merk's build- ing, corner Third and Delaware. Clark M. E., > of the above firm, residence, Clark 4.. M., ) corne^r Miami and Third. Clark M. E. & Co., dealers in groceries, Cher- okee street, between Second and Third. Clark A. M., of the above firm. Clark T. R., blacksmith, corner Choctaw and Third. Clayton G. W., dealer in boots, shoes and trunks, Main street, between Cherokee and Delaware. Clemens W. P. & Brother, news agents anci book sellers, Main street, between Shaw- nee and Delaware. Clerk's office ner Cherokee and Main. OF LEAVENWORTH. 19 RENIGK HOUSE Corner Main and Seneca Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Proprietors. This new and commodious Hotel has been fitted up in good style for the reception of guests. Post Office in same Building. A beautiful view of the City, River and Esplanade from the Veranda. :;;0 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY J^ArfiUEIi COCHRAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FLOUR, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Bacon, Nails, Queens ware, &c., Coi'uer of Shawnee and Third Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Particular attention given to consignments. PHILIP ROTHSCHILD, Wholesale and Retail OXjiOTia:i3E3n. And Dealer in Gents' Furnishing Goods, CHEROKEE STREET, ^elodeon Hall Building, LEAVENWORTH, K. T, OF LEAVENWORTH. 21 Clerk of Probate court and board of county su- pervisors, Cherokee street* between Main and Second. Cline W. S,, blacksmith at Frames, corner Seneca and Second. Clive J., St. Nicholas saloon and restaurant, Shawnee street, bet. Second ane Third. Cochran S., dealer in groceries and provisions, corner Shawnee and Third. Cody Mrs., millinery and fancy store, Shawnee street, between Second and Third. Cogen Mrs. M. C, dressmaker, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Cohen A. & Co., clothing store, corner Chero- kee and Main. Collins, painter, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Collins F., restaurant, fruit and pastry store, Cherokee street, bet. Main and Second. Cook R. E., Burnet house, Shawnee street, be- tween Third and Fourth. Cook & Martin, city iron works, Choctaw street, between Fourth and Fifth. Cozzens E,, dealer in wines, liquors and ce- g-ars. Third street, between Shawnee and Delaware. Cressman W. H., Young America restaurant, Shawnee street, bet. Second and Third. Croswell C. M., of G. A. Eddy & Co. 22 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Cuenin J., Eat^le Exchange, Shawnee street, between Third and Fourth. Curran J., restaurant and saloon, Cherokee street, near the creek. D Dahlem J., lager beer saloon. Main street, be- iween Cherokee and Choctaw. Davidson W., watchmaker, Delaware street, near Second.. Davis & Lutes, dealers in furniture, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Davis J. B., dealer in furniture, Cherokee St., between Third and Fourth. Day J. H., M. D., office Cherokee street, bet. Main and Second. Residence, corner Osage and Fifth. Deckelman Brothers, watchmakers, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Delahay & Schrebly, attornies at law, Dela- ware street, between Second and Third. Dengler C. T., boot and shoemaker, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Dexter Mrs., private boarding house, corner Seneca and Second. Dodsworth, book binder. Third street, between Shawnee and Seneca. Doharty M., dry goods and clothing, Shawnee street, between Third and Fourth. OF LEAVENWORTH. 23 Maison, Wiilson & Co,, WESTERN FOUNDRY Paclihie ^hoj), LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Mamifacture and Repair ALL KINDS OF STEAM ENGINES, SAW & GRiST MILLS, ^licet Ii'oii and €oi>iier Work. Orders respectfully solicitcL 24 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY On the Levee, Between Delaware and Shawnee Streets, next door to Hensley, Russel & Co.^s, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. R. J. BYRON (formerly of St. -Louis), Proprietor. Allsopp's Pale Ale always on hand. The finest choice of Liquors, warranted pure, and without the least adulteration. H. I.. VOIOT'S PACIFIC BAKERY, Third Street, Between Shawnee and Seneca Street}^, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. xMways on hand, -Fresh Bread, Crackers and Cakes. Particular attention paid to Hotels, Boarding: Houses and Steamboats. Will sell cheaper than the cheapest , for tash. OF LEAVENWORTH. 25 Dotter J., Philadelphia house and bakery, Cherokee street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Doyle P., bowling saloon, Shawnee street, be- tween Third and Fourth. Douglas & McCahon, attornies at law, Dela- ware street, between Second and Third. Duffy J., harness maker, Delaware street, be- tween Third and Fourth. E Earle & Bunting, Metropolis flour mill, corner Main street and Central Avenue. Easson L. W., boot and shoemaker. Main St., second door below Cherokee. Eaton J. E., agent, secretary and treasurer for stage companies, office in the basement of Planter's hotel. Eddy G. A. & Co., druggists, Delaware street, between Third and Fourth. Ellis S. S., feed, sale and livery stable, Shaw- nee street, between Third and Fourth. Engelsman F. & W., dealers in groceries, pro- visions and liquors. Levee, between Dela- ware and Cherokee. Enich Mrs., private boarding house, corner Seneca and Sixth. Evans Jeremiah, dealer in fruit and confec- tionery. Main srreet, between Cherokee and Delaware. BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Ewing & Denman, dealers in real estate, Main street, between Shawnee and Delaware. f V — Ewing, Sherman & McCook, attorneys at law, S^ same place. * «». Ewing T. Jr., of the above firms. Residence, corner Third and Potawatomie. F Field M., chief clerk in the Post Office. Fields H. C, clerk Probate court and board of supervisors. Fisher Rev. H. D., pastor Methodist Episcopal church, north. Fisher A., saloon and restaurant, Delaware St., between Second and Third. Fitzsimmon J., saloon and boarding, Levee, between Shawnee and Delaware. Flatt J. M., shoemaker at S. Bruckers. Fletcher C, shoemaker at Weelborg & Kluss- man's. Flinn H., Erin Go Braugh house, Shawnee street, near Seventh. — Fogarty M. J., dealer in furniture, &c., Chero- kee street, between Fourth and Fifth. Ford B. F., family groceries, Delaware street, second door west of Main. Ford F. R., Eureka house, Delaware street, between Main and Second. Frames H. T., blacksmith, corner Seneca and Second. OF LEAVENWORTH. JOHN PURLEY, WATGHIMEER AND J- ES "ViT £3 Xj Xa £3 E=L, DELAWARE ST., NEAR MAIN, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. M. S. Adams. W. P. GambelK ADAMS & GAMBELL, <3ltt0rttei)s ani Counselors ot l^atu^ Office : Corner Delaware and Mainst. , LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Every department of Law Business attended to in any part of the Territory. Tliey will also attend to the obtaining and locating Land Warrants, buying, selling and renting Real Estate, loaning money, pay- ing Taxes for non-residents, &c., on reasonable terms. NOTARIES PUBLIC and COMMISSIONERS for all the States. references (by permission) : G. C. & M. Gibbs, Att's, &c., No. 6 Wall st., N. Y. T. W.Mider,V.Pres. Fulton co. Bank, Gloversville,NY. A. Whitney,Esq., Cashier, Citizenbank, Leavenworth. Hon. A. J. Parker, LL. D., Albany, N. Y. 11. Bacon & Co., Chicago, 111. Ex- Gov. Wm. L. Greenly, Adrian, Mich. BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY UNION SHOE STORE! Fashionable Shoemaker, AND Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BOOTS & SHOES, HAT8 AI\» CAPS, LEATHER AND FINDINGS, CHEROKEE STREET, between Second and Third, J^orth Side, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. OF LEAVENWORTH. 2U Frank B., ready made clothing, Cherokee st., between Second and Third. 'Freeman D., blacksmith, corner Fifth and Del- aware. Fries G., clerk at Rothchild's. O Gambell W. P. , of Adams & Gambell. Garden 4l. D., clerk in the Post Office. Gardiner, Judge Probate Court. Gates A., saloon, Second street, between Cher- okee and Delaware. Gehrmann J. A. & Co., cegarand tobacco dea- lers, corner Delaware and Second. Gelstin P., lumber yard, Choctaw street, west of Third. Getz W., of Getz &, Cressman. Getz & Cressman, Young America restaurant, Shawnee street, bet. Second and Third. Gobillard M., fruit store, Cherokee street, be- tween Second and Third. Goldbaum M., boarding house, Main street, between Cherokee and Delaware. Goldsmith A. &H., clothing store. Main street, between Delaware and Cherokee. Golez P., saloon, Cherokee street, between Main and Second. Gordon W. & Brother, grocers, Shawnee street between Second and Third. 30 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Goodrich A., blacksmith and carriage maker, Shawnee strael, bet. Fourth and Fifth.' Gosling &t Middleton, house and sign painters, and paper hangers, Delaware street, near Third. Graham & McDowell, land agents, Shawnee street, between Main and Second. Graham T. J., of the above firm. Grant F. P., family groceries, corner Shawnee and Fifth. Grant & Co., the same firm, Third street, be- tween Shawnee and Delaware. Graser F. &. Brother, confectioners, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Gray J. M., dentist, corner Seneca and Sec- ond. Grebe J., shoemaker, in shop of Brucker. Green J. C, city clerk, Mayor's office. Greer S. W., Superintendent Public Schools for the Territory. Office, Delaware st,, between Fourth and Fifth. Gronhein & Carlin, saloon, Delaware street, between Second and Third. -Gruber E. H., of Clark, Gruber & Co. Guiraud L. & Co., dealer in French dry goods, liquors and groceries, ground floor, Stock- ton's hall, corner Delaware and Fourth. Guiterman & Co., clothing store, Cherokee St., near Second. I OF LEAVENWORTH. 31 B. liOEB <& CO., Wholesale Dealers and Importers of all kinds of Iranbi), DineB, liijuors, Cigars, Tobacco and Sardines, Cherokee, between Second and Third Sts., LEAVENWORTH, K. T. S. \V. Johnston, S, A. Stinson, E. F. Havens. J0l)ttst0n, Siimon & ^amns^ AT LAW, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Office on Delaware Street, over Scott, Kerr and Co. 's Banking House, 32 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY JOHN P. SLOUGH, .iSk. T 2Lj .A. ^^7V^, SOLICITOR m CHANCERY, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office, North- West cor, Shawnee & Main Sts., LEAVENWORTH, K. T. JAMES B. DAVIS, (Successor to Davis & Lutes) MAIVrFACTlJRER AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Chairs, Looking-Glasses, Mattrasses, &c. Wareroom in Brick Row, on Northside oi Delaware st., between Second and Third. LEAVENWORTH, K. T. OF LEAVENWORTH. '33 H Haag & Huesgen, groceries and provisions. corner Second and Potawatomie. Haas & Brother, tobacco and cegar shop, Cher- okee street, between Main and Second. Haas & Brother, dealers in cegars, tobacco and snuff, JVIain street, near the Post Of- fice. Halderman & Stanley, attornies at law, corner Shawnee and Second. Harney P., dry goods. Second street, between Shawnee and Delaware. Harris J. W., of J. C. Stone & Co. Hatterscheidt & Haas, architects and builders, Choctaw street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Hawkins S. P. & Co., livery, sale and feed stable, Shawnee street, between Third and Fourth. Heav^enrich S., ready made clothing, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Helm C. W., attorney at law, over Smoot & Russell's bank. Hemingray & Co., bankers and land agents, Main street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware. Hemingray & Tarr, attornies at law, office in banking house of J. C. Hemingray & Co. Henry & Garrett, groceries and liquors, corner Third and Cherokee. 34 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Henry & Henry, attornies at law, over Smoot &. Russell's bank. Hershfield R. N., dealer in watches, clocks and jewelry, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Higginbotham A. A., township treasurer, Del- aware street, between Second and Third. Hill, painter, Delaware street, between Sec- ond and Third. Hill & Atkinson, restaurant, Cherokee street, between Main and Second. Hofiman M., domestic and foreign wines and liquors, Delaware street, near Third, also Second street, bet. Cherokee and Dela- ware. Hoge A. B., clerk in the Post Office. Hogeboom G. W., M. D., corner Main and Delaware. Holman O. B., attorney at law, Delaware St., between Second and Third. Hook H. M., auction and commission business, corner Second and Delaware. Hosphal, city and county, Cherokee street, near the creek. House L., M. D., Second street, between Shaw- nee and Delaware. Hunter & Dickson, blacksmiths, Cherokee st,, near the creek. Hupfer S., boot and shoemaker, Second street, between Cherokee and Delaware. OF LEAVENWORTH. BUMET HOUSE, Shawnee Street, bet. 3d and 4:th, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. 11 QE. (!L00h, ... - pr0pnet0r. Guests promptly attended to at all hours. Strict care taken of Baggage, and every effort made to give satisfaction. Wholesale & Retail Dealer in BeaH JHak Cl0tl)ittg, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Boys' Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, NOTIONS, JEWELRY, &C. Delaware St., between 2claJid^d, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. 3G BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY WILLIAMS & MOORE, BOOKNELLER8 AND DEALERS IN STATIONARY, MUSIC, BLANK BOOKS Wrapping Paper, Paper Hangings, &., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SCHOOL BOOK DEPOT. Delaware st., between Second and Third. LEAVENWORTH, K. T. SHAWNEE HOUSE. SHAWNEE STREET, between Main and Second Sis., LEAVENWORTH, K. T. C. WRIGHT, - PROPRIETOR. Baggage taken to and from the River Free of Charge. OF LEAVENWORTH. Hurd G. H., dentist, Third street, between Delaware akid Shawnee. Hutchison W. B., Evening Journal office. I Ide H. W., attorney at law, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Immenschuk P., Western lager beer depot, corner Delaware and Second. Insley, of the Mansion House. Iraskenski A., Alexander house, Cherokee st., between Second and Third. Isler C. B., shoemaker, in the shop of S. Brucker. J Jacobs E. C, attorney at law, over Scott, Kerr & Co.'s banking house. Jamieson & Duncan, saloon, Main street, bet. Cherokee and Choctaw. Johnson & Co., Star saloon. Main street, bet. Delaware and Cherokee. Johnson & Mathias, attornies at law, up stairs, corner Shawnee and Main. Johnson D. J., of the above firm. Johnson J. C, M. D., over Woolman^s store, Delaware street. Johnson, Stinson & Havens, attornies at law, over Scott, Kerr & Co.'s bank. Johnson S. F. & Co., bankers, Delaware street, between Second and Third. 38 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Jones J. B., dry goods, boots and shoes, Shaw- nee street, between Second and Third. Jones Ryland, tailor, Delaware street, between Main and Second. Jones S. W., M. D., Delaware street, near Second. Jordan M., saloon, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. K Kastor J. H. & Brother, furnishing goods and clothing, Shaw^nee street, corner of Third. Kellogg J., attorney at law and notary public, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Kelly & Bird, dry goods, corner Delaware and Main. Kempf, notary public, Second street, between Shawnee and DelaAvare. Kingsley G., private boarding, Choctaw street, between Third and Fourth. Kiser & Insley, proprietors of Mansion house, corner Shawnee and Fifth. Kiskadden & Trowbridge, commission and for- warding and grocers, corner Main and Delaware, and Levee. Klussman G. H., of Weelborg & Klussman. Knier J., variety store, corner Levee and Choctaw streets. Kob C. F., M. D., Delaware street, between Second and Third. OF LEAVENWORTH. 30 DR. R. C. ANDERSON, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN, Takes great pleasure in relieving diseases prompt- ly and in making his cures radical or permanent b\ using the best and safest Medicines from all the approved systems of Medicines. Office : Shawnee Street, second block west of Main Street. Residence in South Lea- venworth, on Second Street, corner of Centre Avenue. N. B. — For Admittance and Terms of Cure in the Leavenworth Infirmary, apply to Dr. Anderson. Extra attention will be given to diseases of the Eye and Ear. LEAVENWORTH, K. T. E. H. ANDERSON, General Dealer in DRUGS, PAINTS, MEDICINES, Varnishes, Oils & Dye Stuffs, Perfumery and Fancy Articles, Pure Wines & Brandies for Medical Purposes. SHAWNEE STREET, SECOND BLOCK WEST OF MAIN LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours of the day or nigiit. 49 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY GOSLING & MIDDLETON, |0use ^ Sign pointers, Grainers & Paper-Hangers, DEALERS IJV WALL PAPER, Paints, Oils, Glass & Brushes, Artist Colors and Picture Frames. Delaware St., near Third, (North Side,) LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Feed & Sale Stable. Shawnee Street, between Third and Fourth. LEAVENWORTH, K. T. S. S. ELLIS, - PROPRIETOR. Horses, Buggies and Carriages always ready at the shortest notice. Jt^ Hay, Corn and Oats for Sale. ^^T I OF LEAVENWORTH. 41 Koehler & Co., stoves and tin ware, Delaware street, between Third and Fourth. Kohn G., family groceries and provisions, Shawnee street, opposite market house. Kohn S., fancy and staple dry goods and cloth- ing, Delaware St., bet. Second aud Third. Kopf M. S., M. D., Delaware street, between Fourth and Fifth. Kraft W., Choctaw saloon, corner Choctaw and Fifth. Laighton S., notary public, at J. C. Hemingray & Co. 's bank. Lamasters H., eating house. Third street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware. Landes J. & Co., bakery and confectionery and wholesale dealers in crackers, Delaware street, between main and Second; also, on the Levee, bet. Delaware and Cherokee. Langeheineken E., confectionery, fruit, toys, &c., Delaware street, bet. Second and Main. ■Larimer J. M. M., banker, corner Main and Delaware. Leas & Harsh, dealers in exchange and real estate, Shawnee street, near corner of Second. Lehmann A., boarding house and saloon, Levee, between Cherokee and Choctaw. 42 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Leibbrand J., Delaware exchang^e, Second St., between Delaware and Cherokee. Leiver J., gunsmith, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Little J. W., barber, Cherokee street, between Second and Main. Lobenstein W. C, leather, findings and hair corner Cherokee and Third. Lockwood E. C. & Co., lumber merchants, cor ner Cherokee and Fifth. Loeb B. & Co., dealers in liquors, cegars, &c. Cherokee street, bet. Second and Third. Logan T. J., attorney at law, Cherokee street between Main and Second. Logan C, M. D., Main street, between Shaw- nee and Delaware, Lowry" J., livery stable and stock yard, Seneca street, betw^een Second and Third. Lucas, Moore & Co., staple and fancy goods, Main street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware. Luce J. J., of Marvin & Luce, Lueders G., shoemaker, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Lutes Phillip, of Davis & Lutes, m Macauly Auley, attorney at law, office Chero- kee street, up stairs, first entrance west of Main. Residence, corner Broadway and Kiowa sts., Day & Macauley's addition. OP LEAVENWORTH. 43 D, R. ANTHONY, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Office, Main Street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. vEtna Insurance Co., Cash assets, $1,867,920,08 Home " " " 1,077,990,40 Phoenix " '' '' 349,157,14 City Fire « " " 308,231,48 Charter Oak " " 342,277,92 Manhattan Life Ins. Co.," 1,000,000,00 Mutual " " " " 5,000,000,00 I represent none but the best Companies. All losses sustained through my agency, nearly $40,- 000, have been proaiptly settled and paid. By strict care and attention to a legitimate Insurance business, I hope to merit the public favor. Appli- cations solicited and policies issued without de- lay, by D. R. ANTHONY, Agent. W. M. KISKADDEN. C. B. TROWBRIDGE. KISKADDEN & TROWBRIDGE, STORAGE, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, and WHOLESALE GROCERS, Corner Main and Delaware streets, and Levee, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Highest Cash price paid for Corn, Oats and Bacon. 44, BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY EMPORIUM OF FASHION. SIMON ABELES, IMPORTER And Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Foreign & Domestic DRY OOODS, Clothing, BOOTS & SHOES, India Rubber Goods, Blankets, Hosiery, JEWELRY AND ¥AN&E£ NOTIOIVS, Cherokee Street, between Second and Third, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Outfitting in every variety, and country mer- chants, traders and pedlers supplied on better terms than at any establishment in the West. A large and well selected stock always on hand, at prices to suit the most fastidious. OF LEAVENWORTH. 45 Madden H. & Co., variety store and patent medicine depot, Main street, second door below Delaware. Maher P., wholesale dealer in liquors, Second street, between Shawnee and Delaware. Maison, Wilson & Co., Western foundry and machine shop, Choctaw street, between Second, and Third. Malony J., blacksmith, at Webster's shop. Manheimer J., boarding house, Cherokee St., between Fourth and Fifth. Mansion House, Kiser & Insley, proprietors, corner Shawnee and Fifth. Market House, Shawnee st., east side of Fifth. Markson H., of A. Cohen & Co. Marshall S. A., dentist, Delaware street, bet. Third and Fourth. Marshall S. P., confectionery and fancy gro- ceries, Delaware street, between Third and Fourth. Mathews M. B., Star saloon. Mathias W. G., of Johnson & Mathias, attor- ney at law, Mayer L., dealer in groceries, liquors and ce- gars. Levee, between Cherokee and Dela- ware streets. McCahon J., attorney at law, of Douglas & McCahon. McCarthy J., civil engineer, Delaware street, between Second and Third. 40 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY McCauslin A. W., attorney at law, Delaware street, between Second and Third. McCracken N., groceries, forwarding and com- mission merchant, Delaware street, bet. * Second and Third. McDowell J. H., of J. C. Stone & Co. McDowell W. at law, Main street, second door below Shawnee. McDowell J. L., of Graham & McDowell. McEnnis G. A., of Grant & Co. Residence, Seneca street, near Fourth. McGahey & Co., groceries and provisions, Shawnee street, bet. Second and Third. McHale M., family groceries, corner Seneca and Third. McKee S. F., attorney at law, in the building of Johnson & Co., bankers. McKenzie D., St. Louis bakery, near corner Fourth and Seneca. McLanathan H. L. S., dry goods and groceries, Delaware street, bet. Main and Second. McLaughlin C. H., foreman in Daily Ledger. Menger B. O., St. George hotel, Second street, between Delaware and Shawnee. Merk F. R., dealer in hardware, stoves, and manufacturers of tin ware, &c., corner Second and Delaware. Meyer C, barber, Second street, bet. Chero- kee and Delaware. OF LEAVENWORTH. 47 D. E. ANTHONY, DEALER IN Exchange, L.aiids, L.aiid Warrants, And a general Agency Business Transacted. Main Street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware, LEAVENAVORTH, K. T. references: J. B. Bennett, Esq., Gen'l Ag't iEtna Insurance Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. A. F. Wilmarth, Vice Pres'dtHome Ins. Co., N. Y. Anson Lapham, 30 Ferry Street, N. Y. Hon. James Dixon, U. S. S., Hartford, Conn. D. S.Read, Vice Pres'dt Oanajoharie Bank, N. Y. Aaron Erickson, Pres. Union Bank Rochester, N. Y. Hon N. Allen, Toledo, Ohio. A. F. Dickinson, Esq., Chicago, 111. 0. King, Esq., St. Paul, Minnesota. Smoot, Russell & Co., bankers, Leavenworth, K. T. Russell, Majors & Waddell, government contrac- tors, Leavenworth, K. T. ReceiTing, For^warding AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND Office, Corner Delaware Street and Levee, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. 48 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY RYLAND JONES, HAS ALWAYS ON HAND AN ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS, CASSIMEHS, SILK & VELVET AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, DELAWARE ST., BET. MAIN AND SECOND, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Pioneer Naddler. PAUL ROHR, SADDLE, BRIDDLE, HARNESS & TRUNK MANUFACTURER, Delawrre Street, between Second and Third, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Fireman's Caps luade to order. Repairing promptly and well done at moderate rates. OF LEAVENWORTH. 49 Miles A. H., confectioner and fruit store, Cherokee St., between Main and Second. Miller B., bakery and confectionery. Third St., between Delaware and Shawnee. Minerd Elwin, barber, Shawnee street, bet. Third and Fourth. Mitchell J., groceries and provisions, corner Cherokee and Fourth. Mitchell N. & Co., watches, clocks, jewelry and cutlery, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Mittelbach C, merchant tailor. Second street, between Shawnee and Delaware. Moore H. Miles, attorney at law, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Res- idence, corner Main and Miami, on the Esplanade. Moore J. J., attorney at law, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Morgan T., house, sign and ornamental pain- ter. Second street, between Shawnee and Delaware. Myers & Applegate, dealers in stoves, and manufacturers of tin and sheet iron, Del- aware street, bet. Second and Third. Nabors J. I., Gem saloon and restaurant. Main street, bet. Delaware and Cherokee. I^felles G. W. & Co., commission and forward- ing merchant, cor. Delaware and Levee. 50 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Neuman E., dealer in tobacco, cegars, &c., Delaware street, bet. Second and Third, Newman Mrs. J. B., private boarding house, Fourth St., bet. Delaware and Cherokee. Newhard Mrs. E., private boarding house, Seneca street, bet. Second and Main. Nichols J. L., saw mill in lower town. Office over Smoot & Russell's bank. Norton J., feed and sale stable, Cherokee st., between Third and Fourth. Norton S., M. D., city drug store, and deposi- tory of American Bible Society, Delaware street, between Main and Second. O O'Brien F., house and sign painter, Second St., bet. Delaware and Cherokee. O'Brien J., M. D., corner Delaw^are and Third streets. Otto F. W., boots and shoes, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Ovren A. T., family groceries and provisions, Shawnee street, bet. Second and Third. Park G. J., M. D., dealer in drugs and medi- cines, corner Third and Delaware. Parker Rev. R. P., Pastor Congregational church. South Leavenw^orth. OF LEAVENWORTH. M AUGUSTUS GATES' SA.LOO]Nr, SECOND STREET, Between Delaware and Cherokee, LEAVENWORTH, K. T., Where the Best Liquors in town can always be found. Irugs ^ JHeMfiues. B. E. ALLEN, Main street, between Delaiuare and Shawnee, LEAVENWORTH, K. T., ^Vholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS AND MEDICINES, MEDICINE CHESTS, Old Wines and Brandies, And a General Stock of Outfit Drugs for the Plains. 52 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY STAR SALOON AXD n.ESJSTj^XJOEl.-AJKrT, MAIN STREET, Between Delaware and Cherokee Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. JOHrVSON & Ca.5 Proprietors. Meals at all hours, and tlie best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always on hand. JOHN DODSWORTH, Book Bixicier AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER THIRD STREET, Between Shawnee and Seneca Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Blank Books ruled and bound to any pattern. Bill Heads ruled to any pattern. OF LEAVENWORTH. 5.^ Pasewark & Haulser, shoemakers,Cherokee St., between Second and Third. Patterson F. G., boots and shoes, Second St., between Delaware and Cherokee. Pavillard L., Galez soloon, Cherokee St., bet. Main and Second. Paynter Rees, attorney at law, Main street, over Kelly & Bird's store. Perry & Lowe, attornies at law, in building of Smoot & Russell's bank, corner Main and Shawnee. Pierce Allen, attorney at law, corner Main and Cherokee. Pierce & Swoyer, attornies at law, Shawnee street, bet. Main and Second. Piper W.. H., attorney at law. Second st., bet. Delaware and Cherokee. Pitzer Rev. A. W., Paster First Presbyterian church ; rooms up stairs, Cherokee street, first entrance west of Main. Planter's hotel, Shawnee street, corner Main and Levee. Pleas, livery and feed stable, Seneca St., bet. Main and Second. Praybytowinz M., Columbus house, Cherokee street, bet. Second and Third. Preston W. J., notary public, in Smoot, Rus- sell & Co.'s building. Pritchett Rev. J. H., Pastor Methodist church, Choctaw street, bet. Second and Third. 54 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Probate Court, G. W. Gardiner, Judge ; office Cherokee street, bet. Main and Second. Polasky A., wholesale and retail dealer in rea- dy made clothing, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Posey O., of Carney, Posey & Co. Pozanski & Cohen, dealers in clothing, Dela- ware street, bet. Second and Third. Pupikofer E., M. D., Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Parkins & Monroe, attornies at law, corner Main and Shawnee streets, over Smoot, Russell & Co.'s bank. Purley J., watchmaker and jeweler, Delaware street, bet. Main and Second. ft Queal W., restaurant, Shawnee street, bet. Fourth, and Fifth. Quintal F., Mechanic's saloon, Delaware st., between Third and Fourth. R Randall & Mun, grocers. Third street, between Shawnee and Delaware. Recorder's office, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Reed G. B., dealer in real estate, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. OF LEAVENWORTH, 55 PIONEER HARDWARE STORE, Corner Delaware and Third Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. loljn /. Hirljarlis, DEALER IN I HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, Carpenter and Blacksmith Tools, CIRCULAR MILL SAWS, Ru1i1)er Belting and Packing, Plows and Farming Utensils, Miners and Emigrants' Outfits. 56 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY L. MAYERS, DEALER IN Grroceries, LIQUORS, Rectifier & Manufacturer OF ALL KIXD9 OF DOMESTIC LIQUORS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 27 LEVEE, Between Cherokee and Delaware Streets^ LEAVENWORTH, K. T. OF LEAVENWORTH. Rees & Allen, attornies at law, Main street between Shawnee and Delaware. Rees R. R., of the above firm ; residence cor- ner Main and Olive streets, Clark & Rees' addition, South Leavenworth. Rees Amos, attorney at law, corner Main and Delaware. Regan & Doyle, saloon. Third street, bet. Del- aware and Shawnee. Register of deeds office, Cherokee street, bet. Main and Second. Renick O. F., M. D., corner Main and Seneca. Rensinger & Fenlon, dealers in hardware, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Renz A., cegar manufacturer, Shawnee street, between Second and Main. Repine & Paupitz, livery stable, corner Shaw- nee and Fourth. Richards & Merk, dealers in hardware, agri- cultural implements, &c., Merk's new building, corner Delaware and Third. Richards J. F., dealer in hardware, &c., Cher- okee street, bet. Second and Third. Richardson J. P., attorney at law, corner Main and Cherokee. Richardson Jason, wholesale and retail dealer in groceries and provisions. Main street, between Delaware and Cherokee. Riepen H. & Brother, boot and shoe makers, Cherokee street, bet. Second and Third. 8 oS BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Riepeii & Brother, boot and shoe makers, Shaw- nee street, bet. Second and Third. Robe Hiram, of A, McGahey & Co. Robeson J. & J. S., American House, Main street, between Cherokee and Choctaw. Rogers J., agent U. S. Express company, cor- ner Main and Shawnee streets, under Planter's house. Rogers & Brogan, saloon, Shawnee street, op- posite the Theatre. Rohlting & Wulfekuhler, grocers, wall paper, window blinds, &c,, Cherokee street, bet. Third and Fourth. Tlohr P., saddlery, trunks, &c., Delaware st., between Second and Third. Rosenfield H.. wholesale dealer in wines and liquors, Cherokee street, between Second and Third. Uoss E., lumber merchant, corner Shawnee and Fourth. Roth & Zesh, barbers, cuppers and bleeders, Third street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware. Rothschild Philip, dealer in dry goods, Chero- kee street, bet. Main and Second ; also Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Ruffner C, bookseller and stationer, Delaware street, between Main and Second. Russell, Majors & Waddell, dry goods, groce- ries, outfitting, &c., Main street and Levee, between Delaware and Shawnee. I OF LEAVEiV WORTH. h^ A. M. SAWYER, Jlttarnei) uni Counselor at 1*010, Office ou Shawnee street, between ^lain and Second, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. DR. J. G. PARK, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Orugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, P.ilNTS & PAINTERS' MATERIALS, Oils, Burning Fluid, Varnishes, Brushes, Dya Stuffs, Window Glass, Putty, Tobacco, Patent Medicines, Pure Liquors for medical pur- poses, Perfumery, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Comer Tbird and Delaware Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. Physicians'' Prescriptions 8c Family Medicines put up xvith neatness, accuracy and despafc/u 60 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY J. M. GRAY, Office and residence, cor. Second and Seneca sts.. LEAVENWORTH, K. T. May be found at all times, prepared to exe- cute work in the very best style. HENSLEY, RUSSELL & CO, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION iii:E!DEtoia:-A.3xrTs AND STEAMBOAT AOENTS. WTiolesale Dealers in FLOUR, BACON, SALT, GROCERIES, Wines, Liquors & Cigars, No. 100 Levee, bet. Delaware and Shawnee, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. OF LEAVENWORTH. 61 Russell J. W., of Hensley, Russell & Co. Ryan Matt, dealer in fresh and salt meat, also of the firm of Hensley, Russell & Co. Sands A. & Brother, dry goods, Delaware st., bet. Second and Third. Saulcy v., notary public, at Scott, Kerr & Co.'s bank, Delaware street. Sawyer A. M., attorney at law, Shawnee st., between Main and Second. Schaefer, accoucheur, Delaware street, bet. Third and Fourth. Schindler J., barber, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Schluler F., Kossuth saloon and boarding house, Main street, bet. Choctaw and Cherokee. Schmelzer J. F., gunsmith, Delaware street, bet. Third and Fourth. Schnaibel A., tin, copper and sheet iron manu- facturer, Shawnee street, bet. Third and Fourrh. Schnebly, of Delahay & Schnebly, attornies at law. Schollkopf C. E. & Co., bankers, Delaware St., between Main and Second. Schoyer S., dealer in hats and caps, Second St., bet. Delaware and Shawnee. 62 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Schuck A., restaurant, Shawnee street, bet Fourth and Fifth. Schwabacher A., clothing and furnishing goods corner Shawnee and Third. vSchweizer M., bakery, Main street, bet. Cher okee and Delaware. Scott, Kerr & Co., bankers, Delaware st., bet Second and Third. Scott & Rodolph, barbers. Main street, bel Cherokee and Delaware. Seabury H. M., fruit and confectionery, Dela ware street, bet. Main and Second. Sears A. W., dealer in boots and shoes, Dela ware street, bet. Second and Third. Sebree H., wagon and carriage maker, corner Choctaw and Fourth. Service A. M. & Co., drugs and fancy goods, Main street, bet. Cherokee and Delaware. Shepherd R., American house. Shopter & Rutledge, Globe saloon, Third St., bet. Shawnee and Seneca. Short T., Philadelphia exchange and billiard saloon, corner Main and Shawnee. Shroder J. F., Post Master. Shultz S., at E. Newman's, Delaware street, between Second and Third. Simon & Seeman, tobacconists, Delaware St., bet. Main and Second. Skinner & Co., feed stable, Second street, first building above Shawnee. OF LEAVENWORTH. 63 Slough J. P., attorney at law, up stairs, in buil- ding corner Shawnee and Main. Smith, Cobb & Co., Planter's hotel, corner Shawnee and Main, and Levee. Smith & Brown, barbers, Second street, bet. Cherokee and Delaware. Smith M., dealer in queen and glassware, and family groceries. Main street, bet. Chero- kee and Delaware. Smith W. B., M. D., Osage street, bet. Seneca and Shawnee. Smith Martin, of Wagner & Smith. Smoot, Russell & Co., bankers, corner Shaw- nee and Main. Snedecor J. H., tobacconist, Delaware st., bet. Main and Second. Soyster S., restaurant and confectionery. Main street, below the Post Office. Stanley Wm., attorney at law, of Halderman & Stanley. Stanley E. L., at Rosenf eld's, Cherokee street. Stettauer & Brother, staple and fancy goods, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Stevens T. C, of Carney, Posey & Co. Stiles L. P., M. D., Renick house. Main St., next door to Post Office. Still G. W., attorney at law, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Stockton & Co., dealers in furniture, under Stockton's hall, cor. Delaware and Fourth. 64 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Stone J. C. & Co., dealers in real estate, Main street, second door below Shawnee. Stone H., Pastor of Episcopal church, South Leavenworth. Stout E. C, ice cream and confectionery, Shaw- nee street, bet. Second and Third. Streeter Mrs., Vincent house, Shawnee street, between Second and Main. Sporleder A., merchant tailor, corner Cherokee and Second. Residence, Miami st., bet. Second and Third. Summers J. B., boarding house, Second street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware. Surveyor County, J. J. Bailey, Cherokee St., bet. Main and Second. Sutherland J., shoemaker at Weelborg & Klussman's. Swoyer F., attorney at law, of Pierce & Swoyer. T Tarr J. C, lawyer, of Hemingray & Tarr. Taschetta P., saloon, Delaware street, between Third and Fourth. Taylor, game, fruit and vegetables, corner Shawnee and Third. Taylor J., attorney at law, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Residence, cor- ner Market street and Third Avenue, South Leavenworth, OF LEAVENWORTH. 05 HENRY ROSENFIELD, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Wines cfe Liquors, Preserves^ Fruits, &., Cherokee Street, between Second and Third, LEAVENWORTH, K. T„ All Orders from the Country promptly attended to. 9 r)6 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY F. R. MERK, GREAT WESTERN Stove Market, At the Old Stand Cor. Delawaroii& Second Streets, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in and Manufacturer of MINING TOOLS, C A ill PI NO APPARATUS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, TINNERS' STOCK, METALLIC CORNICES, Tin Roofs, Tin Gutters, Tin Spouts, PUMPS, &c. OF LEAVENWORTH. 07 Tholen W., county treasurer, Phoenix block, Delaware street. Thomas C, Jefferson house and lager beer sa- loon, Shawnee street, between Third and Fourth. Thomas & Phillips, M. D.'s, over Smoot, Rus- sell & Co.'s bank, corner Shawnee and Main streets. Thompson J. C, grocer, Third street, betw^een Shawnee and Delaware. Thorne T. W., Magnolia billiard saloon, corner Cherokee and Main. Thorne & Camp, proprietors of the Magnolia. Todd J. W., boot and shoemaker, Third street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware. Trocon A., restaurant and saloon, corner Sec- ond and Delaware. Tuck Mrs., milliner, Shawnee street, between Second and Main. Turners Association, hall on Delaware street, between Sixth and Seventh. President, Hugo Taf el ; Secretary, Henry Schwenk. U Ulrich J., tailor, Shawnee street, bet. Second and Third. Umfrid E., clerk at Rohlfing & Wolfekuhler's. 68 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Vaughan & Bartlett, Editors of the Times. Voigt H. L., bakery, Third street, bet. Seneca and Shawnee. W Wagner & Smith, saloon, corner Seneca and Second. Walkinshaw J. C. & J., wagon makers, Cher- okee street, bet. Seventh and Broadway. Walsh E., saloon, Seneca street, bet. Third and Fourth. Ward J. W., saloon, corner Cheroke st. and Levee. Ward, saloon. Third street, bet. Shawnee and Delaware. Watson W. H., auction and commission mer- chant, Delaware street, between Third and Fourth. Waverly dining hall, Main street, below the Post Office. Weaver & Semans, staple and fancy dry goods, PhcEnix block, Delaware street. Webster T. F., blacksmith and wagon maker, corner Cherokee and Fourth. Weed T. J., M. D., homeopathist, Shawnee street, bet. Main and Second. Weelborg& K4ussman, shoemakers, Cherokee street, bet. Second and Third. OF LEAVENWORTH. 69 JAMES AIKEN. stall No. 6, LEAVENWORTH, K. T., Dealer in all Kinds of FBESH MEATS. The highest prices paid for Fat Stock. Cits Bakerg, Levee, between Delaware and Cherokee, LEAVENWORTH, K. T. J. liAl^DES & Co,, Proprietors, Wholesale Dealers in Crackers, BREAD, CAKES, &c. 70 BARCLAY'S DIRECTORY Weelborg F., shoemaker, Cherokee street, bet. Second and Third. Weibling, livery stable and stock yard, Dela- ware street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Weisz E., dentist, Delaware street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. West S., hat and cap manufacturer, Shawnee street, near Third. Westenberger J., clerk at Rothschild's. Western saloon, Miami street, between Third and Fourth. Wetherill G., groceries and provisions, Third street, bet. Delaware and Shawnee. Wethimer J., boarding house and saloon, Cher- okee street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Whitcher F. P., Union shoe store, Cherokee street, bet. Second and Third. Whitehead J. R., clerk United States district court. Whitney E., justice of the peace, Second st., bet. Delaware and Cherokee. Whittemore O. A., dealer in real estate and money, Shawnee street, bet. Main and Second. Wilberg H., saloon, Levee, between Cherokee and Delaware. Williams S. B., justice of the peace, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Williams & Moore, booksellers and stationery. Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. OF LEAVENWORTH. 71 Wilson, Isacks & Wilson, attornies at law, over Smoot & Russell's bank. Wilson J. & Co., hardware, saddlery, &c., cor- ner Cherokee and Second. Wilson D. B., daguerrean artist, Delaware St., bet. Second and Third. Wing W. H., refreshment saloon and fruit store, Cherokee street, at the creek. Wollman J. & Co., dry goods and clothing, Delaware street, bet. Second and Third. Woods, Cox & Co., dealers in furniture, Dela- street, bet. Third and Fourth. Wright C, proprietor Shawnee house, Shaw- nee street, bet. Main and Second. Wulfekuhler H. W., of Rohlfing & Wulfekuh- ler's. Wynand J., Chocolate saloon, Sha^vnee street, between Third and Fourth. Wyrouck & Doharty, blacksmiths, Second St., between Shawnee and Seneca. Y Yates L., of Atwood & Yates. I I i\ / LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS ■^s-^ illlll 016 108 061 5 FRA:sK ¥, BARCLAY'S ENGLISH, FRENCH AND G RMAN Book and Job IrintiHg feialilistunettt, LEAVE^WORTH, K. T, ALL KIXD9 OF BOOK AND JOB PEIHTING, FROM THE Smallest Card TO A FROM A LILLIPUTIAN PAMPHLET TO THE I. ARCrS^T BOOK, Done in the finost styl., with dispatch, and at prices to defy competition.