LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES------ SKETCHES BY HENRY W. RUGG, D. D. SUustrcTtclt BY TWENTY-TWO PORTRAITS. >IOxGxOxOXO>;OxOxOh PROVIDENCE, R. I. J. A. & R. A. REID, PUBl '" 24 CUSTOM HOUSE STREET. COPYRIGHT, BY J. A. & R. A. REID, 1888. PREFACE. My purpose has been, in preparing these sketches, to tell the story of each President's life, directing attention to the distinguishing features of hi^s character and the more impor- tant events of his career. It will be understood that this work can only present a summary oi these movements and inci- dents, for the full narration of which many volumes would be required. My endeavor has been to be accurate in the record given, at the same time striving to make the biographies as i-eadable, symmetrical and well balanced as their condensed form would allow. In conformity with this thought, care has been taken that all data of historical statements should be re- liable; that the individuality of each biographical subject should be made conspicuous; that a proper emphasis should be placed upon the lessons naturally associated with the records of patriotic endeavor and wise statesmanship. In studying the lives of the Presidents, there is made appar- ent not onl}" the greatness of these honored men, but the I'act of the !N^ation\s progress as it has gathered to itself more and more the conditions and elements of an endurin«- strenofth. H. W. RUGG. List of Illustrations. GEORGE WASHINGTON, • JOHN ADAMS, • THOMAS JEFFERSON, JAMES MADISON, JAMES MONROE, • JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, ANDREW JACKSON, MARTIN VAN BUREN,. WILLIAM H. HARRISON, JOHN TYLER, • JAMES KNOX POLK, ZACHARY TAYLOR, • MILLARD FILLMORE, FRANKLIN PIERCE, • JAMES BUCHANAN, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, • ANDREW JOHNSON, ULYSSES S. GRANT, - RUTHERFORD B. HAYES, JAMES A. GARFIELD, • CHESTER A. ARTHUR, • GROVER CLEVELAND, i6 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 . 120 128 . 136 144 . 152 160 . 168 176 CONTENTS. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Boyhood Life and Surrouuding-s— Kesponsibilities Early Assumed— The Young Commander — Military Services During the French War— Domestic Life — American Revolution — Com- mander-in-Chief of Colonial Array— Washington as General— Close of the War— Presi- dent of the Federal Convention — President of the United States — Closing Scenes at Mount Vernon — Summary of Character, Pages 8-15 JOHN ADAMS. Birthplace and Ancestry— His Course as a Student — Teaches School in Worcester, Massachu- setts — Practices Law in Boston - Champions the Cause of Liberty— Marriage and Domes- tic Life— Connection with Independence — Commissioner to France — Vice-President under Washington — Elected President — His Administration — tteturn to guincy — Per- sonal Worth and Character, Pages lft-33 THOMAS JEFFERSON. Boyhood — A Cultured Home —Helpful Influences and Surroundings — .In Ardent Student — A Successful Advocate — Residence at Monticello — Marriage — Member of the General Congress — Author of Declaration of Independence — Governor of Virginia — Secretary of State — Vice-President — President for Eight Years — Closing Scenes — liecord for Ability and Service, Pages 24-31 JAMES MADISON. Boyhood and Studious Habits — College Life — Early Public Services — " Father of the Constitu- tion "— Marriage and Life at Montpeller — Secretary of State — President During the War of 1812— Second Term — Treaty of Peace — Quiet Life in His Virginian Home —Tranquility and Usefulness of Later Years — His Death — Tributes to His Career and Greatness, Pages 33-39 JAMES MONROE. Distinguished Ancestry —Student and Soldier — Commissioned as Colonel — In Legislature and Council — Diplomatic Career— Governor of Virginia —Eminent Positions as Secretary of War and State — Fifth President of the Republic — " Monroe Doctrine "— The Story of His Old Age — A Tribute to His Noble Character, . . . . , Pages 10-47 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Crossing the Ocean — Irregular Education in Europe — The Youthful Secretary — Return Home and Graduation at Harvard — Study and Practice of Law — Appointed by Washington Minister to The Hague— His Marriage — Important Diplomatic Services — Secretary of State Under President Monroe — Elected President — Seventeen Years' Congreasional Ser- vice— His Death at the Capitol — Illustrations of Character, . . . Pag«848-55 6 CONTENTS. ANDREW JACKSON. A Settler's Home — A Boy of Fouiieen in the KevolutioDary War — Practices Law In NashviiJe — Romantic Marriage— United States Senator — Judge of the Supreme Court— Indian Campaigns — Battle of New Orleans — President for Two Terras — His Administration — Nullification in South Carolina — Returns to Private Life — Death — His True Character, Pages 56-63 MARTIN VAN BUREN. Influence of Parents — Academy at Kinderhook — Increasinj? Law Practice— In the Senate — Governor of New York — Efficient Helpfulness in the Election of Jackson — Secretary of State - Minister to the Court of St. James — Rejection by the Senate — Elected "Vice-Pres- ident—Attains the Presidency — His Administrative Course— Pleasant Old Age — Elements of a Just Popularity, Pages 64-71 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. Influential Father — College Life and Medical Studies — Successive Promotions in the United States Army— Private Life — Services in Congress— Efficient Governor of Indiana — Victories in the Battles of Tippecanoe and the Thames —Defeat as Presidential Candidate — Election in 1840 — Brilliant Inauguration —Death of the President after an Administration of One Month — His Principles and Influence Upon National Affairs, . Pages "2-7« JOHN TYLER. Favored Surroundinga,- At College and Student in His Father's Law Office — Influential Member of Congress — Sent to the Senate — Refused to Obey State Instructions — Resigned His Office in Consequence — Vice-President — President by Reason of General Harrison's Death — Unsuccessful Administration — Unpopular Acts — Retirement from Office — Con- nected with the Confederation in the Civil War— Closing Days— A Character Full of Faults, Yet Possessing Many Redeeming Virtues, ..... Pages 80-87 JAMES KNOX POLK. Family Name — Pursuit of Knowledge — Good Habits — Legal Studies— In Congress Seven Successive Terms — Speaker of the House — Governor of Tennessee — Pleasant Home Life — Mrs. Polk — Elected President Over Henry Clay — Notable Acts in His Administration — Retirement from Office — Sickness and Sudden Death, .... Pages 88-a5 ZACHARY TAYLOR. Lite under Primitive Conditions— A Soldier from the Beginning — Lieutenant in the American Army — Conflict with the Indians — The Seminoles in Florida — Oflicial Recognition of Patriotic Services— Hero of Buena Vista— Unexpected Nomination — Elected President — One Year's Record— His Death— Honorable Place in American History, . Pages 96-103 MILLARD FILLMORE. Limited Education — Apprenticed to Learn a Trade — Helped to Study Law — Extensive Legal Practice — In Legislature and Congress — Comptroller of New York — Vice-President — Succeeded to the Presidency — Administrative Policy and Results — Later Period of Political Activity — Candidate of the "American " Party for President — Death at Buffalo, Pages 104-lU FRANKLIN PIERCE. Ancestral Inheritance — Student at Bowdoin College — Studies Law under Judge Woodbury — Enters the Field of Politics— Successful Professional Career — Services in the Mexican War — Nomination for the Presidency — Administration of the Presidential Office— Retire- ment and Home — Causes of Personal Popularity and Professional Success, Pages 112-119 CONTENTS. 7 JAMES BUCHANAN. Stiident of Nature — Wise Parents — At Dickenson College — Extensive Law Practice — Elected to the Legislature — Congressional Services— Minister to Russia — United States Senator — Secietary of State— Minister to Great Britain — Election to the Presidency— A Stormy Period — Hesitation in Otficial Action — Opinions of the President — His Abilties and Purposes' Pages 120-127 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Ancestry — Boyhood Life and Struggles— Clerk and Surveyor— Studies Law — Admission to the Bar — Elected to the Legislature— To Congress — Firm Stand against Slavery — Debates with Senator Douglas— Election to the Presidency —Administration- Emancipation Proc" lamation — Second Election — Assassination — Character and Services, . Pages 128-135 ANDREW JOHNSON. Humble Birth — Early Marriage — Popularity among His Townsmen — Chosen to Fill Several Public OflBces — Military Governor of Tennessee — Elected "Vice-President on the Ticket with Abraham Lincoln — President of the Mourning Nation — Disappointing Administration — Impeachment — liemaining Years and Duties — Unfulftlled Possibilities of an Heroic Nature, Pages 136-143 ULYSSES S. GRANT. His Ohio Birthplace — West Point Military Academy — In the Mexican War — Life on the Frontier — Farming and in the Leather Business —Honorable Record in the Far West — Many Victories —Promotion to the Rank of Major-General — President for Two Terms — His Administration — Centennial — Death after Months of Suffering — The Watchwords of His Career, .......... Pages U4- 151 RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. ■ Birthplace in Ohio — Preparatory Education — Graduates from Kenyon College — Attends Law School at Cambridge — Begins to Practice Law in Marietta — Removal to Cincinnati — Volunteers in Aid of the Union Cause — EflBcien t Service In the Army — Advancement of Military Rank — Congressional Career — Governor of Ohio — Elevation to the Presidency — Administrative Policy and Acts — Retirement from OflBce — A Private Citizen, Pages 152-159 JAMES A. GARFIELD. Distinguished Ancestry — Poverty and Struggles in Boyhood — Employed in Varions Occupa- tions — Resolute Purpose to Acquire an Education — Eminent Scholarship — A Successful Teacher — A Preacher and a Lawyer — Entrance into Politics — Military Career— A Leader in Congress — Elected President — Brief Administration — Struck Down by an Assassin — Struggle for Life — The End — A Noble and Attractive Character, . Pages 160- 1«7 CHESTER A. ARTHUR. Son of a New England Clergyman — A Humble but Inspiring Home — Supports Himself in School and College — Notable Traits of Character — Enters the Legal Profession — Cham- pions the Cause of Colored People — Political Activity — Important Services During the War — Collector of Port of New York — Vice-President — Successor of Garfield in the Presi- dential Office— The Man and His Work— Death. .... Pages 168-175 GROVER CLEVELAND. New England Ancestors — Assiduity and Energy of the Lad — A Strong Will — Lawyer and Politician — Elected Governor of New York — Biwiness Methods in Office — Personal Bear- ing and Characteristics — El'cted President — Conduct of Public Affairs — A Well-Deflned Individuality, .......... Pages 176-183 GEORGE WASHINGTON. FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. GEORGE WASHINGTON. PRESIDENT, APRIL 30, 1789 — MARCH 4, 1797. HOYIIOOD LIFK AND SURROUNDINGS RESPONSIBILITIES EARLY ASSUMED THE YOUNG COMMANDER MILITARY SERVICES DURING THE FRENCH WAR DOMESTIC LIFE AMERICAN REVOLUTION COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF COLO- NIAL ARMY AVASHINGTON AS GENERAL CLOSE OF THE "WAR PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL CONVENTION PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES CLOSING SCENES AT MOUNT VERNON SUMMARY' OF CHARACTER. THE hero, like his humbler brother, cannot choose his birthiDlace. The great man, however, may make the place of his birth what he will by virtue of its associa- tion with his genius and fame, for the most unattractive spot on earth may thus arouse a human interest more wide-spread and abiding than any sentiment inspired by mere beauty of situation or surroundings. So it is that the tract of land on Bridge's Creek, in old Virginia, has a charm for the Ameri- can, and many another, because here, in the one-story farm- house overlooking the Potomac, was born, February 22, 1732, Greorge "Washington, the fn-st President of our United States. The homestead has disappeared, but the place in Westmore- land County where the f\imous general was a " baby new to earth and sky" is still pointed out to the inquiring traveler. The family removed from this farm-house soon after the new life had been added to the circle, to another farm near Fred- ericksburg, and on higli gi-ound overlooking the waters of the lo GEORGE WASHINGTON. Happahannock River. Here and at Mount Vernon, then owned by his half brother, Lawrence "Washington, and at Belvoir, the home of WilUam Fairfax, all situated compara- tively near together and close to Fredericksburg, the lad spent his boyhood days. The youth, George Washington, was very much as other boys are, if a pure-minded, healthy, intelligent lad be a type. He lived an out-door life, had a perfect physical being, a manly frame and bearing, and added to this was a training of books and the influence of a refined home, so that the boy, while lacking some of the advantages oftered the youth of to-day, had much to help him in his preparation for xhe future, whatever that might bring. Doubtless his admira- tion for William Fairfax, and the frequency with which he vis- ited that cultured home, instilled into his heart a love for books and study, and a desire to form a literary style as correct and polished as that of his friend, who had been a comrade of Addison and a contributor to the columns of the Spectator. Washington could never have been the great man he was, had not this foundation been laid; and his coimtry and the world owe a debt of gratitude to his family and friends who trained the boyish frame and the boyish mind to meet the trials and the emergencies which great leaders are called to endure. Washington was not long allowed to remain a boy; he took upon himself responsibilities at an early age. . Lord Fairfax, owning vast lands, unexplored, in the region around the Blue Ridge Mountains, suggested that young Washington should make a survey of the district and report its condition. This was done, and he gained much knowledge concerning the country, Indian life, and many other things useful in the war- fare and campaigns which followed. Then came the time when a person was chosen to be sent on a mission to the French out- posts and among the Indians on the frontier, and Governor Dinwiddie selected George Washington, though he had but GEORGE WASHINGTON. ii recently attaiiie pressions of the British government in dealing with the Amer- ican colonies, and was ready to aid in a resistance of the mother country to the utmost of his ability. "When a law stu- THOMAS JEFFERSON. 27 dent, in 1765, he had listened to Patrick Henry's celebrated speech against the Stamj) Act, in the Virginia Ilonse of Dele- gates, and from that time he was committed heart and sonl to the canse of American independence and linked to the band of patriots in Virginia and Massachusetts, Avorking so enthusi- astically for their country's rights. His first decisive action of a public nature was taken in 17G9, when the governor dis- solved the Virginia Legishiture five days after its organiza- tion, and the members, Jefferson among them, meeting in a hall, signed their names to a document, agreeing to stand to- gether and co-operate with Massachusetts in her resistance of the Stamp Act. During the next two or three years Jeflerson was busily occupied in preparing a residence at Monticello, a beautifully situated home, afterwards a historic place, whose walls ever lield a reputation for tlie graceful and abundant hospitalities of its owner. On the first day of the year, 1772, Mr. Jeffer- son married Mrs. Martha Skelton, a beautiful, highly-accom- plished, and wealthy widow of Williamsburg, Virginia. The events that gave rise to the American Revolution fol- lowed each other in quick succession. Great Britain contin- ued her harsh measures in dealing with the colonies, and so encouraged the growing feeling of resistance in the hearts of the people. The patriotic leaders in the new world, Jefferson among the number, at first thought to avoid an actual conflict of arms with England, but when it was seen that war was inevitable, these men were soon convinced that the colonies must make a bold push for freedom. As early as 1774: Jefier- son Avas in correspondence Avith able patriots, advocating the making of a common cause by the colonies in vigorously resist- ing the i)retensions of the British CroAvn. At this time and shortly after, Avhen the crisis was still impending, he Avrote and 28 THOMAS JEFFERSON. ])iiblished several notable articles bearing upon the condition of attairs in his country. Under the intensified feeling aroused by the passage of the Boston Port Bill and the harsh enforcement of its provisions, a convention was called in Yirginia to consider and act upon the alarming situation. Jetferson, who was a member of this body, gave intelligent advice which was regarded in almost every action that was taken. He was soon after elected to the General Congress then sitthig at Philadelphia, taking his seat in June, 1775, eight days after Colonel George Washington had been chosen Commander-in-Chief of the American armies. Jefierson soon identified himself with the measures and movements in that Congress, which cuhninated in the Decla- ration of Independence. As the coercive action of England increased, the delegates in Congress, together with their con- stituents generally, felt more in favor of independence. After the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775, the common feeling became manifest that there was only one course to pursue — the Colonies must strike for complete freedom and seek to establish a nation. Congress had already passed a resolution declaring " that these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States," and soon a committee was appointed to draft a resolution in accordance therewith. This committee was composed of Thomas Jefferson, Jolm Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Living- ston. Jefferson wrote the declaration, though a few of its sentences were suggested by other members of the committee. It was adopted July 4, 1776, and received throughout the country with great rejoicing. Jefferson participated in efforts to reorganize the Govern- ment of the Confederation, and prosecute the war of independ- ence to a successful issue. He was an important factor on the American side in the long, hard contest. At the darkest THOMAS JEFFERSON. 29 period he was elected governor of Yirginia, succeeding Pat- rick Henry. Soon after Virginia suffered greatly from the English troops that, with General Tarleton in coinmand, Avere seeking to capture Governor Jefferson, at Monticello. He es- caped, but his estates at Elk Hill were seized by the enemy and left a waste. The conduct of Jefferson, as governor, was criticised in many respects, but it has been shown that he tried to act in harmony Avith Washington's policy ; and on his re- tirement, the thanks of the Assembly were voted him in ac- knowdedgment of his services while holding the gubernatorial office. In 1782, he was appointed member of a commission to ne- gotiate a treaty wnth Great Britain, but the negotiations ad- vanced so rapidly that he was not called to go abroad; he reported in Congress the next year the treaty, which was shortly afterwards ratified. During the year 1784 he visited several of the capitals of Europe, and was associated w^ith Adams and Fraiddin in attempting negotiations, efforts which Avere not at the time completely successful. In March, 1785, he succeeded Dr. Franklin at the Court of France, retaining the position till 1789, when he returned to the United States, entering, the year following, upon the duties of Secretary of State in Washington's Cabinet, a position which he held till December 31, 1793. At that time he resigned the office and retired to private fife at MonticeUo. While Secretary he an- tagonized many of the measures approved by the President, especially those originated by Mr. Jlamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, between Avhom and himself there were great differ- ences of opinion on political matters. Mr. Jefferson led the opposition to the Federal Administration, and helped form the l)arty called Republican by its friends, and Democratic by its enemies. In 179(), he Avas candidate for the presidency against John Adams; the latter was elected, and Jefferson 30 THOMAS JEFFERSON. was inaugurated as Vice-President, March 4, 1797. In 1800, Jefferson was again nominated for the presidency and, after a hotly-contested campaign, was successful; he was inaugurated at Washington as third President of the United States, March 4, 1801. He was re-elected to a second term, serving eight years in all, and conducting an administration marked by sig- nal events, and by increasing prosperity and progress through- out the country. Among the important events which illumine the adminis- tration of Jefferson are the closing of the African slave-trade, the extermination of the Algerine pirates, the exploration and development of the Western territories, and especially the pur- chase of Louisiana. President Jefferson was greatly criticised by his contemporaries for his course in buying this vast tract of land, including a region of nearly nine hundred thousand square miles, extending westward from the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains and northward from Mexico to British America. The Pi'esident may have exceeded his constitutional authority in securing this immense territory for the United States, but he showed a wise and far-seeing statesmanship in this transaction, for which he assumed the responsibility, and which now stands as the crowning achievement of his admin- istration. President Jefferson, although urged by his party and many friends to be again a candidate for re-election, refused the honor, and on March 4, 1809, after a continuous public ser^^ce of more than forty j^ears, laid aside the duties of President, and retired to his home at Monticello. He lived there for more than seventeen years as a private citizen, yet regarded as one of the most illustrious personages in the Republic. His advice was frequently sought and followed in political and other matters. Thus his usefulness to the IS'ation and the com- munity continued through these declining years of his life. THOMAS JEFFERSON. 31 Allli()u«;li President Jeftersoii luid suffered many reverses of iortnne dnring his public career, losin^^ most of his property and coming in these later years to comparative poverty, having ex[)erienced famih' sorrows in the loss of wife and daughter, and failing in many of his cherished plans and undertakings, his noble character sustamed and gave him courage, so that he was cheerful and bi'ave-hearted to the end of life. The illness of Mr. Jefferson was a brief one. He died at Monticello, July 4, 1826, his life-long friend, although some- times his political opponent and rival, John Adams, dying on the same day. This date is memorable as the fiftieth anni- versary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, in the framing of which Jefferson and Adams were both inter- ested, Jefferson di'afting the famous document and doing so much for its support. In estimating the character of Jeffer- son it may be truly said that a love of freedom and toleration sank deep into his nature, and to promote the cause of liberty he was willing to work with brain and hand, to endure opposi- tion and hardships, to hold office, or, at the call of duty, relin- quish honors, that his country might Avin in the struggle for truth and the right. A nation lives in such heroic souls as these, and, as his more enlightened countrymen of to-day pay their tributes to the hero and patriot, they think with Avonder of Jefferson's abilities as student and statesman; as philan- thropist, when the humanities were not encouraged as now; as founder of a university at Charlottesburg, Virginia, when education Avas by no means the ruling pOAver it is to-day, and realize the security and strength of the Rei)ublic as it em- bodies the life-principles of such men as these, such piHars of mighty thoughts and giant deeds. JAMES MADISON. FOURTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. JAMES MADISON. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1809 — MARCH 4, 1817. BOYHOOD AND STUDIOUS HABITS COLLEGE LIFE — EARLY PUBLIC SERVICES "FATHER OF THE CONSTITUTION" MARRIAGE AND LIFE AT MONTPEI.IER SECRETARY OF STATE PRESIDENT DURING THE WAR OF 1812 — SEC- OND TERM — TREATY OF PEACE — QUIET LIFE IN HIS VIRGINIAN HOME TRANQUILITY AND USEFULNESS OF LATER YEARS HIS DEATH TRIBUTES TO HIS CAREER AND GREATNESS. EACH human life, however much of mdividuaUty it may possess, owes something in the shaping of its thought and action to outward influences of condition or sur- roundings. What men call inherent beliefs are but the consequences of early training, of custom, or of circumstance, such important factors in the development and upbuilding of character. Born in Yirginia, March 16, 1751, at a time when the State was filled with patriotic ardor, James Madison, the fourth President of the United States, was early influenced by the atmosphere of culture and intelligent thought which sur- rounded him. Although his parents lived in Orange County, at Montpelier, his birthplace was in King George County, where, at the time of his birth, his mother was paying a visit to some of her relations. His father, a man of Avealth and distinction, owned a large estate in the region of the Blue Ridge Mountains, and was a neighbor — as persons Uving within a radius of fifty miles were neighbors in those days — of Thomas Jefferson, then residing at Monticello, twenty-five 34 JAMES MADISON. miles away. Although the lad was a member of a family con- sisting of seven children, he was never very fond of boyish sports or out-door play, but preferred study and his books to anything else, and under the direction of a private tutor, applied himself diligently to the acquisition of knowledge, becoming proficient in the ancient and some of the modern languages. During his college life at Princeton he applied himself so closely to his books that his health suffered in con- sequence, and the effects of this over-indulgence in the way of study continued throughout his whole life, for, although never a feeble man, his naturally strong constitution suffered a seri- ous and enduring loss of vigor. He graduated from Prince- ton in 1771, and after a year more of study under the able Dr. "Witherspoon, president of the college, he returned to Yir- ginia and began the study of law, combining it with research and reading in the lines of philosophy and theology. His refined home, his cultured mind, his dignified manners, his friends and associates, all these were influences leading him into the paths of a public service and contributing to his after character as statesman and able defender, by word and pen, of the principles he advocated with such ability and power. Passing rapidly over this period of the young man's career, a time when he was searching into theology and religion, and grasping the truths ever after firmly held, — a time when he was associated with Jefferson in opposing the claims of the Church of England, in demanding and striving to establish religious freedom in Virginia, the year 1776 marks his appear- ance in political affairs. He was chosen at that time delegate to the convention which was to form the constitution for the State of Virginia. His ability and learning were recognized thus early in his career; his talents, as shown in the Council of State where he served as a member under Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, the first and second governors of Yir- JAMES MADISON. 3 5 ginia, iiiaclc liiiii a valued supporter of these ardent patriots. Sitting at the feet of the illustrious leaders who appreciated the worth of the young man, Madison doubtless gained much tliat was to help him in later years, and probably this recogni- tion from men of admitted character and standing, assisted him to more quickly attain a well-deserved position of honor and dignity. In the year 1780 Madison became a member of the Continental Congress, serving three years with conspicu- ous ability, during the period which included the closing events of the Revolution, the ensuing difficulties in the government calling for a wise guidance of the new Republic. As a delegate to the Convention of States, which adopted the Constitution, September 17, 1787, Madison labored most earnestly in debate and had more to do with moulding the form in which the provisions of the Constitution finally took shape than any other man. His work was not ended with its adoption, however; the people must accept and the states ratify it. So Madison rendered important service in its behalf, arguing its claims, explaining its features, disabusing the objec- tions arising in the public mind, finally, in 1788, uniting with Hamilton and Jay, in writing articles, celebrated then as now, discussing and defending the merits of the Constitution. These articles in collected form were Imown by the name of The Federalist, while by these Avritings and his other efforts in this direction, Madison gained the well-deserved title of Father of the Constitution. Temporarily this earnest advo- cacy alienated him from the support of the majority of the people in his State and he was defeated as a candidate for the United States Senate, but was elected from the District in which he resided, a Representative to the lower house, tak- ing his seat in the year 1789 and rendering important aid in organizing the new government. As a rule he did not favor the measures of Washington's administration, but sided with 36 JAMES MADISON. the opposition, becoming their acknowledged leader in the House of Representatives. Having met with a disappointment in his affections during his early life, it was not until he was forty-three years old that Mr. Madison again lost his heart, this time to the charming Mrs. Dolly Paine Todd, a young widoAV Avho had been the reigning belle of New York and Philadelphia. His suit was success- ful, and they were married in the year 1794. Mrs. Madison was, in beauty of person and character, well fitted for the dignity and honors of her position. She was charming in her home life, sought after as a shining light in society, was a brilliant conversationalist, contributing not only to her husband's do- mestic happiness, but to the eminence and popularity of his public career. , When Madison's term in Congress expired, in 1797, he returned to his home at Montpelier, to private life, in spite of the entreaties of his friends who urged him to be a candidate for the presidency. During the administration of Mr. Adams the " Alien and Sedition Acts " were passed and aroused dis- sensions throughout the country, causing the Kepublicans and Federalists to be more bitterly antagonistic than before. •Through the influence of Jefierson, Madison became actively interested in the opposition of these acts, drawing up res- olutions which were carried in the Virginia Legislature, and his masterly writings during this period in favor of " strict construction," served as a text-book for his party, while some thirty years after they were used by Calhoun and others in advocating the principles of nullification, although Madison, much annoyed by such perversion, had repeatedly repudiated the idea that his arguments could be used in supporting a doc- trine so opposed to his belief and judgment. In the year 1801 Jefferson was elected President and soon appointed his friend Madison as Secretary of State, a position JAMES MADISON. 37 which he held during the eight years of Jefferson's adminis- tration. Madison was eminently fitted to fill this honorable position which called for intellectual ability, the cool and fair decisions of an able diplomat. The correspondence of Madi- son as Secretary of State, shows his polished style as a writer, together with his abilities as statesman and scholar. It was after this preparation that Mr. Madison Avas elected as Presi- dent and inaugurated into his high office March 4, 1809. He followed for a time the peaceful policy of his predecessor, Thomas Jefferson, but soon became aroused by the action of Great Britain in her impressment of American sailors, so that in 1812 he signified his apj^roval of the action of Congress in declaring war against the mother country. In 1813 Mr. Madison was re-elected to his second term, and showed wise administrative abilities in the conduct of affairs, though he had not the bold, aggressive powers of leadership necessary to the carrying out of his own wise theories and plans. lie did the best of which he was capable, but the qual- ities wherein he excelled, the impartial judgment, the calm reason, the dislike he had to forcing his opinions upon others, were not the attributes to make the greatest President in time of war, though they did contribute to the renoAvn which he achieved as a statesman and constitutional authority. During the war, lasting nearly three years, the town of Washington was captured by the English, the public buildings destroyed, the President narrowly escaping cajiture by the British troops. N^one rejoiced more than Madison at the Treaty of Peace, signed at Ghent, December 24, 1814, which ended the war of 1812, made memorable by the victories won by the American navy, offsetting the numerous losses and defeats on land. The later years of Madison's administration were tranquil and pleasant ones; the country increased in prosperity, its popula- tion grew rapidly, its revenues were larger, and more than 38 JAMES MADISON. twenty-t^YO thousand immigrants arrived in 1817, an enormous number for those early days. Throughout the administration of Madison, the labors and influence of his cultivated wife played no small part. As a recent writer says : " She had the great gift of healthy beauty, and much clear common sense as well as quick wit ; but her crowning talent was her charm of manners. She had what the French term courtoisie de coeur, as well as the courtesy of form also." Speaking of Mrs. Madison at her receptions in the White House, the same writer adds : " She always moved about the rooms as a lady would in her own house, and in her own bright, natural way said something to every one, especially to those shy and nervous people, which made them glow with the pleased feeling that they were welcome and made to l3e part of her reception." At the close of his second term, 1817, Mr. Madison retired to his home at Montpelier, Yirginia, spending his closing years quietly and happily, interested in agricultural pursuits, con- sulted as an authority upon political aff*airs, entertaining his friends and neighbors and maintaining his interest in study and education. He was once again called to act in the public service by becoming a member of the State Convention of Yir- ginia, which met to revise its constitution in 1829. He also delivered several addresses and speeches in these later years, maintaining his reputation as a gifted writer, a logical thinker, to the close of life. His death took place June 28, 1836, when he had reached the age of eighty-five years. The quiet, studious boy in the home at Montpelier, the courteous, gentle youth at college, the learned counsel and impartial statesman, the dignified Secretary of State, the firm yet peaceful President of the Kepublic, the dearly-loved hus- band and friend in the quiet of his declining years, these are the pictures which the life of James Madison most vividly JAMES MADISON. 39 presents. The hints of character shown in boyhood devel- oped throngli middle life and age into a harinonions, rounded- out existence, marked by no bursts of genius, no wonderful ideas or startling actions. America has reason to be proud of producing a man so scholarly and tolerant, so conciliatory and judicial, so courteous a gentleman, although he had never vis- ited the old w^orld or hardly traveled beyond the borders of Virginia. He was criticised, perhaps justly, for his timidity, and certainly he had not the qualities of a bold leader in poli- tical opposition, yet his quiet, analytical arguments, above all, his own calmness of judgment, often convinced men and helped his cause as much as more aggressive movements might have done. Madison's married life was very happy: he was a husband, she a wife, whose examples make domestic felicity the sublime state here on earth, and teach humanity what a true marriage may mean. The dutiful son, caring so tenderly for his mother throughout her long life, could not fail to be otherwise, and the respect for old age wdiich ever characterized Madison was a striking attribute of his noble nature. As a writer he was wonderfully gifted; his literary style is excellent; his language and form of expression models in their special lines of compo- sition. These documents which he carefully prepared are val- uable studies for the statesman and political leaders of to-day, not only for their literary merits, but also for the j)i'oducts of intellect and learning wliich they embody. The great talents of Madison, his distinguished position, his long and honored life have given him a place forever in the pages of liistoiy; his manly attributes, his sterling virtues, his gracious disposi- tion, his pure, unsullied character have given him a higlier rank in the hearts of the American people. JAMES MONROE. FIFTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. JAMES MONROE. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4. 1817 — MARCH 4, 1825, DISTINGUISHED ANCESTRY STUDENT AND SOLDIKU COMMISSIONED AS COLONEL IN LEGISLATUKE AND COUNCIL DIPLOMATIC CAREER GOVERNOR OF VIR- GINIA EMINENT POSITIONS AS SECRETARY OE WAR AND STATE FIFTH PRESIDENT OF THE REPUHLIC "MONROE DOCTRINE" THE STORY OF HIS OLD AGE A TRIBUTE TO HIS NOBLE CHARACTER. THE most democratic of men must derive a certain amount of pleasure in tracing his ancestry to the distinguished leaders of a past age, to the honest, courageous souls, sometimes of noble name, ahvays of noble nature, who played important parts in shaping the destinies of nations or commu- nities. Certainly it must be admitted that biographers are prone to toucii upon the family distinctions of their subject, while readei'S are ahvays delighted to think of their hero as descended from a notable and historic line of ancestoi's. Although it is true that great men have sprung from very lowly beginnings, from obscure families of almost unknown origin, it is e(iiially a fact that, even in democratic America, the his- tory of some of her ablest leaders brings them into view as only sharing in the triumphs and distinguished careers of a race born to influence men and affairs. Thus it is that James Mom'oe, the fifth President of these United States, belonged to an honorable and somewhat influential family, one of his ancestors, Hector Monroe, being prominent among the Scottish cavaliers of the seventeenth centurv, an oflicer ardentlv devoted 42 JAMES MONROE. to the fortunes of that ill-fated monarch, Charles I. The descendants of this Scottish cavalier were prominent among the early settlers of the IS'ew World, and the Monroe family, living in Westmoreland County, Virginia, where James was born April 28, 1758, were prosperous and well-known peojDle. It is of interest to note the fact that four of the early Presi- dents of our Kepubhc, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, were born and reared in the same region, lying in the vicinity of the Blue Ridge Mountains ; Avere doubtless affected by the same influences, imbibed the common principles of patriotic zeal, and shared in a like service for their country's prosperity. James, the subject of this sketch, vfas a bright, intelligent boy, a thoughtful student, yet not so devoted to his books as to neglect the sports of boyhood or the enjoyments of out-door life. After an excellent preparation in a classical school, he entered William and Mary College when he was sixteen years of age, having already learned to appreciate the value of the best possible education, as a foundation for life-work in any direction. This was an eventful time in the history of the country. The air was filled with rumors of impending war and it was with difficulty that young- Monroe could properly attend to his work as a college student. At length his patriotic ardor so impelled him to take active service in defense of his country that he left college in 1776, ^ at once going to General Washington's headquarters in 'New York, there taking his place as a volunteer in the ranks of the American army. Monroe, after following the army in its retreat through New Jersey, taking part in several engagements, was wounded at the battle of Trenton, where he so distinguished himself that he was promoted, receiving a commission as captain. He accepted, a little later, a position on the staff of General Arm- JAMES MONROE. 43 strong, doing creditable service in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. He was regarded with favor bj General Washington, who gave hiin a commission as colo- nel, together with the authority to raise and equip a regiment of Virginia volunteers. This undertaking was for many reasons, none of them reflecting upon his ability or patriotism, however, unsuccessful, so that Colonel Monroe decided to carry out his early plan of entering the legal profession, thus ending his militar}^ career, although he volunteered, at a later period, in defense of Virginia, and stood always ready to engage in the scenes of battle, whenever his services should be required. He studied law in the office of Mi-. Jefferson, then governor of Yirginia, who probably did much towards forming the character of the young man, as well as directing his professional studies. It was but a short time alter Monroe* began the practice of law that he was called into public life, to take part in the leg- islative councils of his country. He assumed the responsibil- ities and duties of a member of the Yirginia Legislature in the year 1782, and was a little later chosen by that body as a mem- ber of the executive council. He was called to represent Yir- ginia in the Continental Congress of 1783, taking his seat as a member of that body, in time to be a witness of the memorable scene at Annapolis, Maryland, when General Washington resigned his commission to that authority which he always rec- ognized as a supreme power. In the debates of Congress, Colonel Monroe took part with ability and judgment, soon gaining a position of prominence and, young as he was, exert- ing a very considerable influence. Under a law then in force, he was ineligible for re-election, and retired from the legisla- ture at the expiration of his term of service, in the year 178G. It was during the closing year of his membership in Congress that Monroe met Miss Kortrio:ht, whom he married, after a 44 JAMES MONROE. comparatively brief courtship, and with whom he hved hap- pily throughout the half-century of their earthh^ existence. While serving in Congress, Mr. Monroe became impressed with the inadequacy of the Articles of Confederation as a form of rule for the government of the newRejmblic. He deemed these articles unsuitable to the prevailing modes of thought and life among the American people, so he favored the forma- tion of a new constitution which should augment the dignity and power of the central government. When, however, the constitution, framed in 1787, was offered for the public adop- tion, Monroe opposed its ratification, in the convention of Vir- ginia, where he was a member, because he believed that it would grant too much power to the government, and for other reasons was not what the people required. In following out this course of action, based upon his best judgment, he antag- onized the views of Mr. Madison, who had earnestly argued in behalf of the new constitution, and of many others among his associates and friends. The Virginia convention finally adopted the constitution as presented, Mr. Monroe finding himself in the minority. His opinions upon this matter did not seem to affect his popularity among his constituents, for, in 1789, he was elected a United States Senator by the Vir- ginia Legislature. He actively opposed many of the lead- ing features of Washington's administration, but that great- minded and tolerant President saw only the integrity and honest purpose of Monroe, and retained him in his confidence and friendship, notwithstanding these important differences of opinion. This is sho^vn by Washington's act in appointing Monroe as Minister to France in 1794, in the place of Gover- neur Morris, recalled in accordance with the request of the French Government. Monroe, who belonged to the party sympathizing, to a large degree, with the rulers and people of France, was welcomed in that country with great rejoicings JAMES MONROE. 4^ and eiithusiasni. His course at Paris, however, was not in conformity with President Wasliington's ideas as to the strict nentrahty which his administration on^^'ht to maintain, as between France and England, and in 179G Mr. Monroe was recalled. Tn the year 1791), he became governor of Virginia and Avas twice re-elected to that office. Soon after Jefferson's accession to the ])residency, he was again sent abroad in a diplomatic cai)acity as Envoy Extraordinary to France, there aiding JNIr. Li\ingston, minister to that country, in his negoti- ations for the ])urchase of ^ew Orleans and contiguous ter- ritory. Having concluded this special business, he })ro- ceedcd to England, acting under a comniission as minister to that country in place of Kufus King. At this time, also, his services as diplomat Avere called into requisition to aid in set- tling a controversy with Spain. This attempt was unsuccess- ful, as was also the chief purpose he had in view in his rela- tions with England, namely, that of negotiating a treaty with Great Bi'itain, which should be more fiivorable to the interests of the United States. Mr. Monroe, who refused to antagonize Madison as a can- didate for the presidency, was again elected governor of "Vir- ginia, in 1811, but hardly had he entered uj^on the duties of that office before he was invited to take the place of Secretary of State, that office haAdng been made vacant by the retirement of Robert Smith. Mr. Monroe accepted the appointment and held the office during the remainder of Mr. Madison's admin- istration. As Secretary of State he took a bold, decided stand against the encroachments of England, and advocated a policy which resulted in an open rupture with that country in 1812. After the capture of the capital, Mr. Monroe assumed the duties of the war department, in addition to those devolving upon him as Secretary of State, evincing much energy and ability in ol^taining supplies and api)lying measures requisite 46 JAMES MONROE. for a vigorous prosecution of the war. His patriotism was specially shown by pledging his private credit, as subsidiary to that of the government, to provide the needful outfit and equipment for the army defending IN^ew Orleans. By this act New Orleans was successfully defended, the British army defeated, and an honorable peace was soon brought about. Mr. Monroe was elected President in 1816, and re-elected almost unanimously four years later. His administration of the government was marked by a liberal and progressive spirit, and was generally satisfactory. Although a disciple of Jefferson and elected by the Democratic party, he yet chose a course of public action which commended him to the Federal- ists, while it did not take from him the support of his own party. At that time, however, party lines were well nigh obliterated, okl issues had lost their bitterness, and new lines of difference had not yet been marked out. It was indeed an " era of good feeling " when the President found it compara- tively easy to bring into his Cabinet prominent men represent- ing both parties, and to pursue a course of administrative action approved by a large majority of the American people. At first he was too strict in his construction of the Constitu- tion, as defining the powers of the general government, to favor a system of internal improvements, but finally he yielded his own scruples in this respect in order to advance the nation's welfare. His administration was distinguished by the acquisi- tion of Florida, obtained from Spain, in 1819, by the payment of $5,000,000, the admission of five new states, the avowal and insistence of a policy relating to foreign nations, since known as the " Monroe Doctrine," under which no European interference on this continent was to be allowed, and the pas- sage of the " Missouri Compromise," after a prolonged struggle over the admission of Missouri, during which the " era of good feeling " was disturbed by the growing hostility manifested JAMES MONROE. 47 between the Slave States and the Free States, and the strife of each section to obtain increase of power. N'otwithstand- ing the feehng thus awakened, the country greatly prospered during the eight years of President Monroe's administration, marked by many evidences of his wise, patriotic, and states- manlike career. After leaving the jorosidential office, he took up his residence at Oak Hill, Loudoun County, Virginia, where he i^assed the remainder of his years in an honorable retire- ment. His death occurred July 4, 1831, at the residence of his son-in-law, Samuel L. Goveneur, of Kew York, Avith whom he was temporarily residing as guest and ^asitor. The men who founded this Kepublic were influenced in tliought, were roused to action, by the self-same principle of patriotic devotion, impelling them to active service in behalf of their native land. "With this one motive as a basis for the formation of character each of these early leaders worked out his own personality, exercising his various talents to further the prosperity of his country along individual lines of well- defined, persistent efioi-t. President Monroe was lacking in some of the qualities wliicli distinguished the other patri- otic leaders of his time, yet he w^as a man of intelligent thought, of varied intellectual powers, of dignified bearing, a true patriot and an illustrious statesman. He was thoroughly reli- able, an honest gentleman, conducting himself as such in all the high ])ositions of public trust which he was called to fill. He was a true friend to those who enjoyed his confidence, was utterly unselfish, desired his country's good above all per- sonal considerations, and was a singularly ]nuc-minded pi-oduct of the best American civilization. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. SIXTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS PRESIDENT MARCH 4, 1825 — MARCH 4, 1829. CROSSING THE OCEAN IRREGULAR EDUCATIOX IN EUROPE THE YOUTHFUL SECRETARY RETURN HOME AND GRADUATION AT HARVARD STUDY AND PRACTICE OF LAW APPOINTED BY WASHINGTON MINISTER TO THE HAGUE HIS MARRIAGE IMPORTANT DIPLOMATIC SERVICES SECRETARY OF STATE UNDER PRESIDENT MONROE ELECTED PRESIDENT SEVENTEEN YEARS* CONGRESSIONAL SERVICE HIS DEATH AT THE CAPITOL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. EAKLY ill the inoiitli of February of the year 1778, the good ship Boston lay at anchor in Massachusetts Bay. The frigate was waiting for its distinguished passenger, America's Ambassador to France, Jolin Adams, Avho, in com- pany with his son, John Quincy, a boy of ten years, went on board the Boston one stormy winter (hiy, leaving his brave wife and little family in the shelter of his native land, Avliile he devoted himself to serving his country's interests, enduring risks and hardsliips, sacrificing all personal ambitions at the call of patriotic duty. It was this lad, born in the quiet town of Quincy, Massachusetts, July 11, 1767, separated from his mother and childhood home at so early an age, who after- wards, in the course of events, was called to fill the honored position of Chief Magistrate of this Ilei)ul)lic. Born at too late a jK'riod to take [)art in the Revolutionary War, at a time when the government of the Republic had already been founded, John Quincy Adams early acquired a love of freedom; received as a boy lasting impressions of the ^o JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. meaning of war, the principles of liberty, the resistance of oppression, and the defense of the right. He never forgot the sight he witnessed when only eight years old, the spectacle of burning Charlestown, the smoke from the battle of Bunker Hill, the sounds of war which at that time he heard. On board the Boston, also, there were British frigates encountered, and a prize taken, so that the boy quickly learned the import- ance attached to his country's welfare and the services which must be rendered in her behalf, l^aturally an intelligent lad, this life of travel and intercourse with distinguished men taught him in ways not possible to the average youth, while to offset this he lost something of the advantages connected with home training and a systematic education. When John Adams again crossed the ocean in 1779, being empowered by the President to negotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain, John Quincy accompanied his father, trav- eling Avith him from Spain to Paris, beginning on this journey to keep a diary, as a record of daily events, a practice which he continued throughout his life. The elder Adams resided for a time in Holland, so the boy was sent to school in Amster- dam, afterwards studying for a brief period in the University of Leyden. When a youth of fifteen, he accompanied Mr. Francis Dana in his unsuccessful mission to St. Petersburg, acting in the capacity of a private secretary. After the journey back to Holland, which he took alone, he joined his father, entering the best society of The Hague and profiting by an intercourse with the diplomats there assembled. When John Adams was appointed Ambassador to the Court of St. James in 1785, his son preferred to return to America, relinquishing the brilliant life in London for the student career of an Amer- ican college, as he already felt the love for his country and its institutions Avhich afterwards impelled him in his performance of all public service. He graduated from Harvard College with honor, in July, 1787. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. ^i The young law student was admitted to the bar in 1791, after having pursued his legal studies under Theophilus Par- sons, of Kewburjport, afterwards Chief Justice of Massachu- setts. He took an interest in public affairs early in life, writ- ing articles upon political subjects, showing very quickly the abilities of a rising young man. In a series of articles pub- lished about this time, Mr. Adams argued in favor of the strict neutrality which he thought it was the duty of the United States to maintain in the war impending between France and England. These ideas, in conformity with the thought and policy of President Washington, doubtless influenced him in his choice of Aml)assador to The Hague, an appointment which he gave to Adams in the year 1794. Although John Adams was Vice- President at this time, he exercised no influence in securing the appointment of his son, Washington acting in the matter with- out his counsel or even knowledge. Thus it is that we find John Quincy Adams enjoying the confidence of Washington, honorably identified in carrying out the foreign policy of the United States when only twenty-seven years of age. For two years Mr. Adams remained in Holland. At the expiration of that time, he was appointed Minister to Portugal, but while proceeding to undertake his duties there, he received a new commission, changing his destination to Berlin. His father, at that time President, felt some hesitancy in appointing him, fearing public criticism, as personal motives might be thought to influence the action. President Adams asked counsel in this matter of his friend, George Washington, then retired from public office, who replied in a letter bearing testimony to the high esteem in which he held both father and son, one of its clauses being as follows: " I give it as my decided opinion, that Mr. Adams is the most valuable pubHc character we have abroad; and that there remains no doubt in my mind, that he will prove himself to be the ablest of all our diplomatic corps." ^2 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Just before proceeding to the Court of Berlin, Mr. Adams, waiting in London for instructions from his government, mar- ried Miss Louisa Catherine Johnson, daugliter of the American Consul in that city. Mrs. John Quincy Adams would have been a notable woman in any position; as the wife of the distinguished American statesman, she received the respectful homage to which, because of her beauty, accomplishments, and intelligence, she was entitled. While serving in the capacity of Ambassador to Berlin Mr. Adams conducted negotiations with skillful diplomacy, concluding a commercial treaty with Prussia before he was recalled to this country by President Jefferson in the yeai- 1801. He returned to this country with a reputation alread}^ established for a scholarly statesmanship, while, on resuming- his law practice in Boston, he added to the renown already Avon by the judicial learning which he displayed. Soon called to public life again, he served one term in the Massachusetts Senate, afterwards, in 1803, he was elected United States Senator. Although in general sympathy with the opinions of the Federal side in politics, Mr. Adams held to more moderate political views; he separated himself almost entirely from his party in supporting the Embargo Bill, which had been recom- mended by President Jefferson. He was censured for this course by the Massachusetts Legislature, consequently he resigned his place in the Senate, and retired to private life. During the three years which followed, Mr. Adams not only attended to the duties of his profession, but also ably filled the Chair of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres at Harvard College, giving lectures which were received with approbation by the students and other scholarly men. These lectures were published, attracting favorable notice in the literary as well as the social world. Mr. Adams returned to public life soon after the accession of Mr. Madison to the presidency, receiving JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. 5^ an appointment, in 1809, as United States Minister to Kussia. He soon gained the confidence of the Russian Emperor, a valuable influence of good at the time when war broke out between England and the United States, for, as a result of this confidence, Kussia oifered her mediation to both belligerent nations. Thus it was that, though England declined this offer of mediation, she was led to signify her willingness to deal directly with the United States, and so peace was brought about. Mr. Adams was at the head of the commission which, after six months of negotiation, came to an agreement with the English Connnissioners, the treaty of ])eace being signed at Ghent, December 24, 1814. Shortly after this date Mr. Adams was promoted to fill the office of Minister to England, well performing the duties of this important diplomatic posi- tion until he was recalled to his native land in the year 1817 to assume the responsible place of Secretary of State under Pres- ident Monroe. He acted in this capacity for eight years, helping to shai)e the foreign policy of Mr. Monroe's adminis- tration"^ and deserving credit for many of the measures which distinguished that period. The candidates for the presidency to succeed President Monroe were Andrew Jackson, William Henry Crawford, Henry Clay, and John Quincy Adams. There was no choice made by the electoral college, so the election was by the House of Representatives, voting by states, Mr. Adams being elected as a result of the first ballot. The administraticm of President Adams was decidedly unpopular, especially among the friends of General Jackson, whose increased popularity resulted in his election as President over Adams in the campaign of 1828. John Quincy Adams seems to have inherited something of the austerity, coupled with the cold maimers, which characterized his father, so that his personality drew towards him few personal or party ^4 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. friends. The younger Adams was not an intense partisan; followed his individual thought to whatever distances it might lead away from his political party, but he was always true to liis own best convictions as to his country's interests and wel- fare. During his administration there was great material pro- o-ress throughout the country, the President being foremost to promote all national improvements. When General Harrison was inaugurated in March of the year 1829, Mr. Adams retired to his home in Quincy, thinking to spend his remaining years on earth quietly as a country gentleman, enjoying the competency aiforded him by his fathers fortune in addition to his own. But Massachusetts needed his services; he was elected from his district to Con- o-ress, and kept there by repeated re-elections until the time of his death. In Congress he maintained his independent posi- tion, holding aloof from both parties to a great extent. He was scholarly, judicial, and able, possessing rare acquisitions for congressional leadership. He struggled persistently for the " right of petition," and witnessed, in 1845, the abolition of the " gag rule," restricting the right to petition Congress on the subject of slavery. It was when the " old man eloquent " was gaining more and more of his associates' respect and love that he was stricken down, while in the Hall of Representatives, with a paralytic attack, February 21, 1848. He was carried to the Speaker's room in the Capitol, where, under the roof which had echoed with his ringing speeches in behalf of human rights, he breathed the last feeble words, so consistent with the whole tenor of his life, " This is the end of earth ; I am content." There are two or thi'ee notable pictures in the career of this distinguished patriot that come into the mind whenever his name is mentioned. One is of the youthful traveler and JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. J^ associate of celebrated men, early trained into the forms of cultivated society, yet never accommodating himself to the ceremonies foreign to his nature, nor assuming those graceful manners which might have been expected from his education so cosmopolitan in its surroundings. The second picture is that of the man advanced in life, who, with blazing eyes and a heart beating so warmly in defense of what he thought Avas the right, stood up in the House of Kepresentatives, making that grand speech whicli silenced all antagonisms, as he argued in behalf of the petition, objected to by the House, because several of its signatures were those of women. Again another picture presents itself as the pages of his- tory are reviewed. When, in the reorganization of the Twenty-sixth Congi-ess, December, 1839, the disputed seats of 'New Jersey occasioned trouble in the choice of speaker, it was John Quincy Adams, who in response to repeated calls, rose, and made a speech advocating decisive action in the matter. When it was asked how the question should be put, as the clerk refused to act, amid tumultuous applause, Mr. Adams replied, " I will put the question myself" Mr. Wise, of Virginia, in commending this speech said, "If, when you are gathered to your fathers, I were asked to select the words whicli in my judgment are the best calculated to give at once the character of the man, I would inscribe upon your tomb this sentence, 'I will put the question myself.'" The world has accepted this epitaph as expressing the force of character possessed by John Quincy Adams, which showed itself, not only in that one memorable act, but in the whole course of his long and useful public career. ANDREW JACKSON. SEVENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITEO STATES. ANDREW JACKSON. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1829 — MARCH 4, 1837. A SKTTLERS HOME A BOY OF FOURTEEN IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR PRAC- TICES LAW IN NASHVILLE ROMANTIC MARRIAGE UNITED STATES SENA- TOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT INDIAN CAMPAIGNS — BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS PRESIDENT FOR TWO TERMS — HIS ADMINISTRATION NUL- LIFICATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA RETURNS TO PRIVATE LIFE DEATH HIS TRUE CHARACTER. EVERY man OAves somctliing* to his fatherland. A nation has no favoritism to bestow; she gives to all her chil- dren the same virgin soil, out of which grow the weeds, or the useful plant, as individuality asserts itself in the devel- oi)inent of character. Men may be trained in lines divergent as the poles, yet they will still possess certain characteristics common to all their countrymen; there is a vein of similarity running through every child of the same nationality, however it may be concealed in the expansion of individual life. It is this thought which is forcibly presented as the life of Andrew Jackson is reviewed. He represents a type of the American character, widely differing from the earlier Presidents of the Republic, presenting a specially marked contrast to his imme- diate predecessor in office, John (^uincy Adams. Andrew Jackson was born amid the humblest surroundings, in a log- cabin, of a Carolina settlement, enduring ])i-ivation and want, early thrown upon his own resources; while Adams had all the advantages of foreign culture, together with a college education, the iuHuences of a refined home and intelligent ^8 ANDREW JACKSON. friends. Both men inherited something in common from their mother country, enal)Hng- them to serve her equally well, though aided by such different resources and possessing capa- bilities of so opposite a nature. The life of the seventh President of the United States began on March 15, 1767. His family was numbered among the early settlers of Waxham, situated near the line which divides ]N^orth from South Carolina. They had a hard struggle to obtain the necessities of life, and the fiitlier, bi'oken down by overwork and privation, died in the year 1767. The widow abandoned the desolate log-cabin, and, with her two sons, was sheltered in the family of her married sister, living near l)y, until after the birth of Andrew, which occurred amid the sur- roundings of destitution and sorrow. Removing at a little later period to the home of another relative, Mrs. Jackson worked early and late to maintain her boys in respectable cir- cumstances. Andrew was sent to the rough school in the set- tlement, where he obtained the little education which he received. He was not an attractive boy; one could hardly expect him to be, subjected as he was to rough usage, and the influences which surrounded that hard frontier life. He was undisciplined, quick to resent a supposed injury, i)assionate in speech and action, showing, however, one redeeming virtue in his love for the mother who sought in her humble way for his welfare, laying the foundation of that filial devotion and re- spect, which continued until her death, and gave rise, pro])ably, to his well-known chivalric opinions in regard to woman. The courageous lad of fourteen years bore a slight part in the Revolution, fighting gallantly the Tories and troojjs under General Tarleton, who had invaded the Carolinas. His brother Hugh, when only eighteen years old, had lost his life at the battle of Stono; while Robert and Andrew Jackson, taken prisoners by a party of dragoons in 1781, suftered cruel ANDREW JACKSON. ^9 treatment from tlicir captors, the effects of which caused the death of Eobert, while Andrew's hfe was only saved by the extraordinary strenofh of his constitution. After his recovery he studied law at Salisbury, North Carolina, being admitted to the l)ar, and beoinning a law practice in IS'ashville, Tennes- see, where he afterwards made his home. In this vicinity, then on the borders of civilization, he made many friends, and gained reputation as a lawyer. Here he met Mrs. Rachel Robards, whom he married in the year 1791, both parties sup- posing that her divoi-ce from Louis Robards had been granted. Through some technicality it was not legal, and they were re-married in tlu^ year 1791. Mr. Jackson was always sensi- tive on this subject, thinking so highly of his wife that he resented any imputation upon her character. Their married life was exceedingly happy, though Mrs. Jackson's position Avas made painful at times, and her husband annoyed, by their union becoming a cause for public discussion and scandal. Mr. Jackson began his public career in 1797, when he was appointed to fill a vacancy in the United States Senate, where he served during the winter session of 1797-8. It was at this time, in the year 1798, that he was elected Judge of the Su- l)reme Court of Tennessee, holdmg this position for a period of six years. During the next seven or eight years we find Judge Jackson enjoying a quiet home-life in his residence, the "Hermitage," situated near :N'ashville. Here he found opportunities to engage in business transactions, combining them with his pursuit of fjirming. It was during this time that he became involved in many disputes by reason of his quick temper and hasty judgment in the difhculties arising from the conditions of society as it then existed. He fought several duels, mortally wounding his antagonist, Charles Dickenson, in one of them, and receiving severe injuries himself in another entMHintc'r. 6o ANDREW JACKSON. "When the War of 1812 bi-oke out, General Jackson, who had ah'eady acquired some mihtary skill and experience, offered his services to President Madison, pledging himself to raise a supporting force of twenty-five hundred volunteers. His offer was accepted; he became a skillful military leader, manifest- ing early in the campaign those qualities of endurance, strength, and will power, which earned for him the suggestive title of "Old Hickory." His attributes made him a specially success- ful commander in the campaigns against the Indians — the powerful Creek and other tribes, who, under their famous chief, Tecumseh, had been won over as British allies. Jackson's .troops gained decisive victories, so that the power of these formidable tribes was forever broken. General Jackson was appointed major-general in the reg- ular army of the United States, May 31, 1814, and was im- mediately ordei'ed to the defense of 'New Orleans, where the British were then concentrating their forces. Acting under his new commission, Jackson's first move was one of peace. He succeeded in making a treaty with the Indians of Alabama and vicinity, so that they should not enter into an alliance with the enemy. It was as early as November of the year 1814, that he captured Pensacola, used by the British as a base of operations, and only a few months later, January 8, 1815, he fought and won the memorable battle of New Or- leans. The defeat of the well-disciplined English troops,' whose experienced commander, General Pakenham, Avas killed on the field of battle, was a signal victory for Jackson, made more apparent when, ver}^ quickly after the battle, the British were forced to evacuate New Orleans. The country was wild in its rejoicings over this event, and General Jack- son became the Nation's hero. Idleness was not possible to General Jackson, so in the year 1818-19 he was active in the Seminole War, fighting the ANDREW JACKSON. 6i Indians and entering upon Spani!?li territory, an act for which he was much criticised. The purchase of Florida, however, put an end to the diplomatic questions suggested by the course of this impulsive commander. In the year 1821 he was appointed governor of Florida, but soon after resigned this office, not approving of the powers with which he was vested. Again, General Jackson took his seat in the United States Senate, in 1823. The year following he was a candidate for the presidency, receiving the largest number of votes from the electoral college. There was, however, no choice, and the House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams, Feb- ruary 9, 1825. General Jackson firmly believed this to be the result of collusion between Henry Clay, one of the candidates, and Mr. Adams; this thought Avas confirmed by the fact that Mr. Clay afterwards held office in the Cabinet of President Adams. General Jackson wrote and said many harsh, bitter Avords at this time, his hasty judgment leading him to utter- ances characteristic of his impetuous temperament — utterances made with little regard for the consequences which might ensue. One of his letters, concerning the matter, contains the following sentence : " I have been informed that Mr. Clay has ijeen offered the office of Secretary of State, and that he will accept it; so you see the Judas of the West has closed the contract and will receive the thirty pieces of silver." In the fall of 1825 General Jackson resigned his seat in the Senate of the United States, returning to his home near Nash- ville, where he lived as a private citizen until he was elected to the presidency in 1828. The political campaign of that year was carried on in a bitterly personal manner. General Jackson was assailed with unsparing severity, but triumph- antly elected, the vote in the electoral college being one hun- dred and seventy-eight for him, against seventy-eight for Mr. Adams. In 1832 he was re-elected by a large majority over 62 ANDREW JACKSON. Hemy Clay, his chief competitor for the place, and served until March 4, 1837 — eight years in all. The administration of General Jackson, extending over a period when political strife was most violent, was of a notable character in many respects. It was characterized by some important acts which met with popular favor. The general conduct of foreign affairs was conunended, and measures, such as the removal of Indian tribes to the more distant terri- tories, and the settlement of the French spoliation claims, were received with a good degree of public approval. Other meas- ures, however, were unsparingly denounced by one party, al- though enthusiastically commended by the other. Thus it was in regard to his course respecting the establishment and re- chartering of the United States Bank, and other matters relat- ing to the financial policy, while much the same divided judg- ment was passed by the people on his appointments to and removals from office. President Jackson's prompt resistance of nullification, when South Carohna in 1832 proposed to withdraw from the Union, merits special recognition. He declared the United States to be a I^ation, and that no state had the right to secede from the Union, and sent General Scott to South Carolina with troops and vessels of war to repress any movement of secession. His firmness and patriotism thus manifested soon brought about acquiescence to the law on the part of the dissatisfied people of South Carolina, and the danger that had appeared so threatening, was, for a time, averted. Better now than then can the American people appreciate the bold stand taken by President Jackson in this matter, and the emphasis which he put upon the words, " The Union, it must and shall be pre- served." Wlien public opinion puts an estimate upon character it sometimes seems that many noble qualities are left entirely out ANDREW JACKSON. 63 ol' accouiil, just because they lead to actions not in liai-inony with the prevaiUng thought. History presents a broader view A\itli tlie progress of civihzation, and men Hke Andrew Jack- son are more wisely judged, as their petty differences of opinion, their minor faults, their lack of culture or attainments sink into oblivion, while the enduring record of the positive attri- butes which made their influence felt upon the destiny of the Nation, grows brighter with each succeeding year. It is good for us to remember Andrew Jackson for his honesty of purpose and life, the integrity of his nature, which betrayed itself amid the rough surroundings of the new world settlers, in the camp of the American Army, as well as during his eight years of service as the honored President of the United States. That the rough soldier, the stern leader, the passionate opponent, had yet another, more gentle side to his nature, those of his contemporaries who knew him best bore ti'stimony. He was nevei' too busy to entertain or watch over a little child, never too careless of another's suffering to leave a beggar in distress, never Avilling to listen to any adverse crit- icism of a woman, while he always reverenced the memorv of his devoted mother, and gave to his wife the whole affection of his noble, warm heart. Quick to resent an injury, he would turn aside from an}' i)ursuit in order to confer a favor upon one of his many friends wliom his personal magnetism drew towards him in an enduring association. This is a tyj^e of manliood that Amei-ica does well to lionoi- in these days Avhen the simple repul)lican vii-tues are sonietimes forgotten as men celebrate the scholar and the distini>uished statesman. MARTIN VAN BUREN. EIGHTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. MARTIN VAN BUREN. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1837— MARCH 4, 1841 INFLUENCE OF PARENTS ACADEMY AT KINDERHOOK INCREASING LAW PRAC- TICE IN THE SENATE GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK EFFICIENT HELPFUL- NESS IN THE ELECTION OF JACKSON — SECRETARY OF STATE MINISTER TO THE COURT OF ST. JAMES REJECTION BY THE SENATE ELECTED VK E- PRESIDENT ATTAINS THE PRESIDENCY HIS ADMINISTRATIVE COURSE PLEASANT OLD AGE ELEMENTS OF A JUST POPULARITY. I^N" the story of the Presidents of the United States thei-e occur several chapters which record fewer stirring events or memoi-able issues than are found in the other, perliaps more intei'esting pages. These lives, less notable in their attainments, influence, however, the progress of nations, just as the constant dropping of a tiny, noiseless stream eventually wears away the rock which the volcanic eruption had left un- touched in its path of destruction. So a nation needs the quiet lives to weave into its history; the men of earnest con- victions and wise statesmanship Avho impress their individuahty upon epochs, just as much as it requires its dashing, n^ilitary heroes, who appeal more strongly to the admiration of the gen- eral pubUc. Thus the life of Martin Yan Buren, eighth Pres- ident of this Republic, atfords little material for the graphic writer to indulge in romantic, sensational biography, if he seeks truthfully to depict the career of one who most distinguished himself in intellectual and political achievements. Ml*. Yan Buren, Martin's father, kept the village tavern in the old town of Ivuiderhook, on the banks of the Hudson 66 MARTIN VAN BUREN. River, and made that inn a popular resort of the traveler because of the hearty good-humor displayed by the genial projDrietor, whose ancestors were numbered among the earliest settlers of the region, the well-to-do families from Holland who made their homes on the shores of that noble stream. The mother of the future President was also of Dutch origin, hav- ing an intelligent, well-trained mind — a superior woman for those early tunes. The boy, Martin, born December 5, 1782, was educated amid these influences, and inherited, doubtless, a love for mental acquirements, as well as that imperturbable good humor which characterized the father and descended to the son, although, perhaps, in a more refined form. There Avas a basis of character inherited, good habits early incul- cated, and all liking for study encouraged, so that Martin Yan Buren early developed a quick perception, a ready wit, schol- arly tendencies, and a genial, pleasant manner. He attended the academy of Kinderhook, making such rapid progress while there that he was fitted to enter college, in an* advanced class, at an unusually early age. He decided not to do this, however, but devote himself entirely to his law studies and enter upon the profession which he had chosen. At first he studied in a law office at Kinderhook; afterwards he went to ISTew York City, where he continued his student life under the direction of William P. Yan ]!^ess, until the year 1803, when he returned to his native town, l)eginning there his practice in the legal profession. Although as a lawyer Mr. Yan Buren was energetic, jjrompt, and suave, soon gaining the reputation as an able advocate which he highly prized, he was a natural politician, having political instincts and likings from the first. The tav- ern-keeper of Kinderhook had been an ardent Republican, so that the son imbibed a strong attachment to Jefiers(m, to the political principles and policy of that great leader, together MARTIN VAN BUREN. 67 with the feeling" that every true man must hold opinions aiul be actively interested in whatever pertains to the good of his country. The intelligent knowledge thus acquired upon the great questions of the day, while not interfering with the pur- suits of his profession, prepared him for the career of public service which he was soon destined to undertake. His growing reputation as a lawyer led him to seek larger opportunities for the use of his talents, so he removed, in the year 1809, to Hudson, the shire-toAvn of his county. In this 3^ear he had assumed the responsibilities of a married man, his talented wife contributing much to his happiness during the twelve years longer allotted her on earth. Hci- death, of consumption, after this comi)aratively brief period of married life, was a great blow to Mr. Van Buren, and the unusual buoyancy of his earlier nature failed to entirely reassert itself. During the period of his life in Hudson, certainly a happy time for the young husband and successful lawyei', Mr. Van ihu'cn won many friends, attracted to him by his talents, his intellectual abilities, his courteous, affable manners. In 1812 his public career may be said to have had its beginning in an election to the State Senate. He Avas ap- pointed Attorney-General in 1815, soon after moving his residence to Albany, a more central location for the perform- ance of the duties incident to that honorable position. While undertaking these serAiices of public trust, Mr. Yan Buren was actively interested in political affairs, exerting upon them a somewhat powerful influence. He was not a strict adherent to party, and received, in consequence, the accusation of inconstancy. He was, however, always true to his ardent demo- cratic principles, which sometimes carried liim away from his |)Mrty associates, and what appeared to be the popular feeling. Thus he warmly ftivored " restricted suffrage," maintaining that, Nvhile the privilege of voting should be open foi* the acquire- 68 MARTIN VAN BUREN. ment of every citizen, there ought, however, to be pre-requisite quahties of intelhgence, morahty, and the possession of, at least, a small amount of property. A division of the Demo- cratic party occurred in 1818, and Mr. Van Buren became a leader of the majority section, often designated as the " Albany Kegency," which was a controlling force in ISTew York polities for a quarter of a century. When, in the year 1821, Mr. Yan Buren was elected United States Senator, his abilities as a statesman brought him speedy recognition among the foremost leaders of political affairs. He was unrelenting in opposition to the administration, in favor of " state rights," as antagonistic to the federal views entertained by President Adams. Mr. "Van Buren showed himself a wise legislator, possessed of a sound judicial mind, throughout his services in the Senate, being re-elected to that body in 1827. He resigned his seat soon after, in the year 1828, to assume his duties as governor of 'New York, having been elected to fill that responsible position. In the presidential contest of 1828, the name of Yan Buren had prominent place. He was influential in forming and carrying out plans to defeat President Adams, giving all the force of his attainments and talents to aid in the election of General Jackson. IsTone were more instrumental in pressing the claims of " Old Hickory," as opjjosed to the so-called " eflfeminate " John Quincy Adams, than Mr. Yan Buren; none were able to render more intelligent, well-defined assistance. Greneral Jackson, appreciating the value of these services, invited his warm adherent to accept the position of Secretary of State. During the administration of President Jackson the pow- erful influence of Mr. Yan Buren made itself felt. The Sec- retary of State was affable to friend and foe alike, capable of quickly grasping the bearings of any measure, or understand- MARTIN VAN BUREN. 69 ing any situation of affairs, so that his services were of great vahie to the government. His extraordinary talents and energy displayed at this time, made evident his fitness for the office of President, and the idea of his candidacy became probable. Mr. Jackson, as a matter of course, urged the claims of his friend Yan Buren, who had so aroused, however, the enmity of Mr. Calhoun and others, that when he was appointed l)y the President in 1831, Minister to England, the Senate refused to ratify the nomination. Before this Mr. Yan Buren had pro- ceeded to England and had been received there mth much en- thusiasm. After his rejection he returned to his native land and became a candidate for the office of Yice-President, to which office he was elected at the time President Jackson was chosen for a second term. Thus he was soon called to preside over the Senate which had refused to confirm his ap- pointment as Minister to England. In 183G Mr. Yan Buren received the Democratic nominji- tion for President, and was elected by a considerable majority. His inauguration, on the dth of March, 1837, specially brilhant in its various features, was witnessed by an immense concourse of people. His inaugural address, which gave general satis- faction, was particularly pleasing to the friends of the retiring President, as it indicated the purpose of Mr. Yan Buren to continue the fine of policy marked out by his immediate pre- decessor. The whole country had confidence in the conspicu- ous aljilities of President Yan Buren, whose experience and acquisitions made him so eminently fitted for the duties he was called to discharge. But times of trial and peril were at hand, for soon there swept over the land a financial storm of unprec- edented severity. There was a revulsion of national prosper- ity, and a dark and tln-eatening condition of affairs. Foreio-n complications, Indian wars, the growing excitement in regard to the slavery question, added to the depression of business, 70 MARTIN VAN BUREN. the suspension of specie payments by the banks, and the clamors of the extremely poor then ont of employment, created a feel- ing of dismay throughout the countr}^ President Yan Buren, called to fill the presidential office at a time beset by so many and such great difficulties, was unable to make his administra- tion fruitful in the ways he desired. He was a candidate for re-election; but public sentiment grew strong against him, and his rival, William Henry Harrison, was chosen in the ear- nest campaign of 1840. Four years later the many friends of Mr. Yan Buren pressed his name upon the Democratic nom- inating convention, but Mr. Polk bore off the honor. In 1848 the " Free-Soil " party placed him in nomination, and he received a considerable popular support in the Northern States. His life was that of a private citizen, however, from the time of his retirement from the presidency, but not by any means unduly limited or unpleasant. He died at Lindenwald, July 24, 1862. While serving in the capacity of Minister to the Court of St. James, Mr. Yan Buren was presented with a silver gilt dessert service, which was afterAvards used in administering the hospitality of the White House. This President of the Kepublic was often criticised because of his liking for lux- urious appointments, and his Avell-known fondness for the refinements of cultured society. One of the men whom he frequently entertained at the Executive Mansion, joined in the attacks, laying great stress in his speeches against the President, uj)on the " gold spoons." Some one asked Mr. Yan Buren if he really used, as had been alleged by the speaker, " gold spoons." " He ought to know," was the answer, '^ for he has often had them in his mouth." Another incident, connected with Mr. Yan Buren's Minis- try to England, illustrates his calm, urbane bearing, which no calamity, reverse of fortune, or unexpected defeat, could change. MARTIN VAN BUREN. 71 When the news reached him that the United States Senate had refused to ratify his appointment, he was enjoying the social pleasures of a large gathering in one of the prominent London homes. He showed no traces of the disappointment he nuist have felt at such a proof of enmity, or at least disapproval of his political views, but moved through the rooms witli his usual gracious manner, his friendly words for all, his tact in selecting topics of conversation, always betraying his wonted self-possession. Popularity is gained when one assumes or feels an interest in the affairs of all human beings. Mr. Van Buren had that suave manner, as he listened to the most uninteresting details. that spoke of sympathy in whatever was being said, so that each man felt himself honoi-ed by pei-sonal regard and concei-n. Another element entered into the popnlarity which distin- guished this illustrious man: it was that ti-ait of joyousncs.s which, descending from the genial tavern-keeper of Kinder- hook to his eldest born, clung to his life throughout all its changing scenes of joy or sorrow. The world always admii-es this happy nature, one of heaven's greatest gifts. As a mod- ern poet truly writes : " Laucfli, and the world laughs with you, Weep, and you weep alone." There is nuicli that is agreeable to linger over in a con- templation of this statesman who occupied the presidential chair, but it must not be forgotten that these outward gifts which made charming a personality, had a foundation oi" u])- pright character, good habits, a pure life, an active intelli- gence, and talents of a high order. Without this basis of real worth. President Yan Buren would never have occupied the high office as President, oi- commanded the respect which his name inspires. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. NINTH PRESIDENT CF THE UNITED STATES. William Henry Harrison. PRESIDENT, A1ARCH 4, 1841 — APRIL 4, 1841. INFLUENTIAL FATHER COLLEGE LIFE AND MEDICAL STUDIES SUCCESSIVE PRO- MOTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY PRIVATE LIFE SERVICES IN CON- GRESS EFFICIENT GOVERNOR OF INDIANA VICTORIES IN THE BATILES OF TIPPECANOE AND THE THAMES DEFEAT AS PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ELECTION IN 1840 BRILLIANT INAUGURATION DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT AFTER AN ADMINISTRATION OF ONE MONTH HIS PRINCIPLES AND INFLUENCE UPON NATIONAL AFFAIRS. T HE State of Virginia has often formed a picturesque back- ground for important events in the history of the American nation. The reader of colonial records quickly learns to associate this region with sonic of the most striking episodes connected with the progress of this republic, while the truth becomes apparent that many of the scenes connected Avith the founding of the nation were laid among the Blue Kidge Mountains or in the fertile valleys of Tirginia. The subject of this sketch, William Henrj' Harrison, althougli elected from Ohio to fill the office of ninth President of the United States, was born at Berkeley, Charles County, in Virginia, February 9, 1773. His father was one of the grouj) of intelligent and thoughtfid men who were leaders in the patriotic struggles of those early days; men distinguished for ability and culture, who were proiiiinent in the best society of Virginia at that period. To this little circle, so influential in i-evolutionary times, belonged General Washington, with Avhoni Benjamin Harrison enjoyed a confidential friendship. The elder Mr. Harrison was Governor of Virginia for several terms, and his « 74 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. signature was affixed to the Declaration of Independence. Thus the boy, William Henry, inherited a love for country and Avas early taught in the principles which ever afterwards were inseparable from his nature. The residence of the Harrison family was a Yirginia home- stead, whose interior was brightened by all the evidences of a refined taste. There was the good cooking and skillful man- agement of the numerous servants that prevailed in the best Yirginia households of that day, while the exercise of a generous hospitality made the group, gathered about the blazing back logs, always a large one. William Henry Har- rison was a favorite among his young associates as well as among his teachers and the older family friends. He had, as a boy, an active, enquiring mind, which gave him a fondness for books and a desire for wide information concerning men and things. He had acquired the basis of a thorough education when he entered Hampden Sidney College, where he devoted himself closely to his studies, graduating therefrom when nine- teen years old. During the time of his college life his father had died, so the young man, thrown somewhat upon his own responsibilities, decided to go to Philadelphia, where he could pursue to best advantage the study of medicine. Several of his father's fi-iends took an interest in the youthful medical student, among them his instructor. Dr. Rush, who had been an associate of the elder Harrison in signing the Declaration of Independence. At this time, during the Presidency of AYashington, the Indians on the frontier were committing the greatest outrages, and frightening by their depredations the settlers throughout the northwestern territory. These Indian tribes were power- ful because of numbers and the abundant supplies and mun- itions of war furnished them by the British provincial officials. Young Harrison felt the patriotic ardor running through his WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 7^ veins as he learned of one and another of the atrocities which had been committed along tlie frontier, so that he abandoned his medical studies and gladly accepted the commission of ensign oifcrcd him by President Washington, who was then engaged in organizing an army against these hostile tribes. Harrison soon reported for duty to the officer in command. General St. Clair, at Fort Washington, on the Ohio River, and was at once actively engaged in the fortunes of the campaign. He speedily developed the traits of a good soldier, showed physical endur- ance unlooked for in so slight a frame, and won renown for courage and military skill unusual in so 3'oung a man. He received special commendation from General St. Clair, who recogiiized the soldierly characteristics of the youthful ensign. It was thus early in his military career that Mr. Harrison took a strong position in favoi- of the principles of temperance, adopting for himself the rule of total abstinence from all strong drink, a habit Avhich he maintained to the end of his life. It M as no easy matter for a young man to keep from drinking in those days of army service, when intemperance was the rule among the soldiers, and temptations were offered on every side; but Mr. Harrison was true to his own convictions of right, and could not be turned aside by any allurement which might be offered. The services of this faithful soldier merited and soon re- ceived recognition by a promotion in the army, and, under General Wayne, Lieutenant Harrison fought efficiently in the bloody battles which followed one another during the Indian warfare. As aide-de-camp to General Wayne, he gave proof of courage, coolness and military skill, as displayed on I lie Held of battle. He was again ])romoted in 1797 to the rank of ca})tain, and it was about this time that he became interested in and married the daughter of one of the earliest settlers on the banks of the Maumee River. 76 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. Captain Hari'ison resigned his commission in the army in 1797, and was appointed secretaiy of the northwest terri- tory, rendering important services to the people of that newly- organized district, who elected him, in 1799, to represent them as delegate in Congress. When, in 1801, the northwest territory was divided, Mr. Harrison was appointed governor of the section organized nnder the name of Indiana, which then included the present States of Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois. For a period of twelve years Governor Harrison dis- charged the duties of his office with notable ability and zeal. He was specially successful in his treatment of the Indians, his campaign on the frontier having given him valuable knowl- edge on the subject of the methods and habits of savage life. He was able to obtain for his Government vast areas of land, about sixty millions of acres, ceded in the various important treaties which he concluded with the Indians. When, in 1811, hostilities again broke out. Captain Harrison took command of the troops and was eminently successful in the memorable battle of Tippecanoe, where his army gained a signal victory over the Indians who attacked them in greatly superior forces. After this military success he was commissioned by President Madison, in 1813, as Major-General and Commander of the l^orthwestern Army. Again he conducted his troops to vic- tory, winning the battle of the Thames over the British forces and their savage allies, Tecumseh, the great Indian warrior,' being killed during the encounter. In the year 1816, General Harrison was elected to Congress as Representative from the State of Ohio. He was known as an able, active, influential member; his speeches were eflective and logical, while his energy gave him a well-deserved reputa- tion for diligence in the conduct of those afiairs that claimed his official attention. While in Congress he supported the res- olutions censurinof General Jackson for his course in the Sem- WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 77 inole wiir. This somewhat reckless military leader had pur- sued his own policy with but little regard for law or courts, and, in consequence of his action in the matter, he was cen- sured by many persons in the expression of public opinion. General Harrison, in ajjproving of the resolutions, paid a high tribute to General Jackson's gallantry, at the same time giving utterance to his opinion that the action of the famous military commander in disregai-ding civil laws ought to be disapproved. In the year 1824 General Harrison served as one of the Presidential Electors from Ohio, casting his vote for Henry Clay, and that same year he was elected United States Sena- ator. It was four years later, in 1828, when he was appointed Minister to the Republic of Columbia by President John C^iincy Adams. Only for a brief period was he contimied in this diplomatic station, for he was recalled soon after the inau- guration of President Jackson. While it may not be affirmed that this action of the newly elected President was altogether due to a feeling aroused by Harrison's support in Congress of the resolutions censuring General Jackson it is a flict that the friendly relations of the two men were never quite the same after the incident, and it seems but natural that something of personal feeling should have entered into the quick, positive call to re- turn Avhich President Jackson issued. After this period of public service General Harrison re- turned to his comfortable home at North Bend, Ohio, where he passed a few yeai-s in the quiet pursuits which he enjoyed so nuich, indulging in the pleasant duties of a farmer and country gentleman. But his abilities as statesman and patriot were too generally known to allow of a private life, so that in 183G he became candidate of the Whig party for the Presidency. He ran against Martin Yan Buren, who was successful in the contest, but in 1840 Mr. Hari-ison was elected over the same candidate by an overwhelming majority. The canvass was a 78 WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. memorable one. The candidate of the Whig party was from Ohio, then a region of the Far West, and the log cabin, which became the emblem of his party, signified the prevailing thought concerning Western civilization. The campaign was most lively. With General Harrison was associated, as can- didate for Vice-President, John Tyler of Virginia, so the political songs rang with the refrain of " Tippecanoe and Tyler, too," while the hard cider, the appropriate beverage, was drank enthusiastically to the success of the " hero of Tippecanoe." The inauguration of President Harrison was a brilliant pageant, and was witnessed by immense throngs of the American people. The inaugural address of the President was permeated with that spirit of moderation which ruled his entire life, which controlled his actions, and which he desired his countrymen to exercise in the administration of the nation's affairs. Judging by his former attainments and his success- ful statesmanship, this policy would have been carried out by President Harrison in a manner to reflect honor upon himself as upon his beloved country; but this great and good man did not long live to enjoy the exalted position to which he Avas called. It was only a month after his inauguration that the death of President Harrison occurred ; the echoes of the ani- mated campaign and the exultant chorus of the triumphant party still sounded through the country, and the Whigs' I'ejoicing over a long-deferred victory was turned into mourn- ing, not only for the able head of their party, but for the political situation sure to ensue. The death of President Harrison, April 4, 1841, was a great blow to the American nation, and his funeral awakened intense ihterest throughout the country, following, as it did, so soon after the imposing ceremonies connected with his inauguration. There was a simple dignity in the character and life of President Harrison that endears his memory to every true WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. 79 heart wherever virtue and honest worth are acknowledged as sovereign factors in the elevation of humanity to the achieve- ment of its highest ideals. America comes more and more to realize what great men have been a part of her history, what a debt of gratitude she owes to those who, in differing degrees, have rendered such service to establish her upon the solid foundation whicli to-day she occupies. These men who have stood for something in their day, compare favorably with the leaders and statesmen of other lands and times; viewed from an impartial position each has played well his part in the drama of America's establishment. The different talents, the varied acquirements have been used to make the ISTation what it is, and, though men do not judge alike to-day or ever, they are more willing in this nineteenth century, as it seems, to value whatever is good, whatever makes for the prosperity of a peo- \)\e, even though the qualities displayed may not be in accord- ance with their own thought or judgment. So the just esti- mate of President Harrison makes prominent those principles of moderation, that temperance in all things, that well-balanced mind, those quahties of a successful military leader which were sufficient to distinguish this man above his fellows and render him capable of valuable service in behalf of his coun- try's advancement. His was a consistent, manly career, a life overflowing with benevolence and justice towards all, a respect for the rights of every human being, however degraded its condition. He was American to the centre of his personality; i-ejoiced in all her prosperity, advocating no reckless measures while he advised that moderation which the impetuous sons of the new Republic were sometimes slow to heed. Such men as William Henry Harrison leave better records for future gen- erations to admire than the more brilliant heroes of popular fancy, whose reputation, easily gained, is as easily forgotten in the progress of time. JOHN TYLER. TENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. JOHN TYLER. PRESIDENT, APRIL 4, 1841— MARCH 4, 184?, FAVOHKP SURROUNDINGS AT COLLEGE AND STUDKNT IN HIS FATHER'S LAW OFFICE INFLUENTIAL MEMBER OF CONGRESS SENT TO THE SENATE REFUSED TO OBEV STATE INSTRUCTIONS RESIGNED HIS OFFICE IN CONSE- QUENCE VICE-PRESIDENT PRESIDENT BY REASON OF GENERAL HARRISON'S DEATH UNSUCCESSFUL ADMINISTRATION RETIREMENT FROM OFFICE CONNECTED WITH THE CIVIL WAR CLOSING DAYS A CHARACTER FULL OF FAULTS, YET POSSESSING MANY REDEEMING VIRTUES. IT is good for the American people to remember that their leaders have frequently been men of lowly origin, that the log cabin fitly represents the humble birth-place of some heroic ones destined to fill highest offices and win their country- men's respectful homage. This truth has been so much dwelt upon that many doubt the genius of a man, unless his early sui- roundings were those of homespun inheritance, if not of actual poverty. While paying all honor to any who have made for themselves a name, coming from obscurity into the full light of a national reputation, there is nuich to commemorate in other prominent lives which have been developed by the influences of a cultured home, surrounded by the advantages of wealth and refinement. Some of the presidents of the United States were thus " born to the i)urple/' tracing their ancestry to distinguished men, and belonging to fiimilies of high social position. One of these favored ones was John Tyler, born March 29, 1790, at Greenway, in Charles City, County of Virginia. 82 JOHN TYLER. The tenth Chief Magistrate of the nation was a precocious lad, devoting himself so assiduously to his studies that he entered William and Mary College well prepared, at an early age, gi-aduating from that institution when but seventeen years old. He studied law for a time under Edmund Randolph, and afterwards with his father, both of whom were dis- tinguished advocates, well known and highly esteemed throughout Virginia. Pie rapidly acquired distinction in the profession, and also gained a reputation for his knowledge of political matters, so that when he had but just attained his majority he was elected a member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Mr. Tyler, in December of the year 1811, took his seat in the legislature, where his abilities as a ready debater and eloquent speaker were quickly recognized. He served in this body for five successive years to the satisfaction of his constituents, who retained him in his seat by large majorities at each election. The military services of Mr. Tyler were not of great importance, although, at the time when British forces were threatening Norfolk and Kichmond, he raised a company of soldiers, of which he was placed in command, and with which he subsequently served in the Fifty-Second Regiment, stationed at Williamsburg. When but twenty-six years old, in 1816, Mr. Tyler was elected to Congress, soon becoming conspicuous for his skill in debate, as well as for his familiarity with the important questions discussed. He won distinction during his several terms of service; he was an intense worker, applied himself diligently to master the subjects of legislation, that he might best discharge the duties which devolved upon him. By close attention to official labors his health became affected, forcing him to resign his place in Congress. He returned to his home in Charles City County, and, rapidly regaining his usual JOHN TYLER. 8^ health, entered with renewed ardor upon the practice of his profession. Soon after he again accepted an election to the legislature, exerting in that body a most pronounced influence. Mr. Tyler was elected Governor of Yirginia in 1825, and re-elected the following year, almost unanimously. His ad- ministration of this im]>ortant office was generally acceptable. He showed rare skill in composing sectional ditterences and assuaging the bitterness of party animosity, while he sought to stimulate the growth and development of his native state. At this time, when his popularity was greatest, he was elected to the United States Senate, succeeding Mr. John Randolph, the regular candidate of the Democratic party for re-election. Governor Tyler's victory, under these circumstances, was indeed a proof of the general esteem in which he was then held by the people of Yirginia. On the third of December, 1827, Mr. Tyler assumed the duties of Senator, at once allying himself with the opposers of President Adams' administration, notwithstanding the support he had received in the Yirginia Legislature from its friends. He was a strict constructionist of the Constitution, disposed to limit the powers of the general government, and to sustam the doctrine of state rights. He voted against the tarifi" bill of 1828, and most of the measures for internal improvements which came under consideration about this time. When Genei-al Jackson succeeded to the presidency. Senator Tyler gave the new administration his support, although often pur- siung an independent, not to say erratic course. He was in sympathy with Mr. Calhoun and the nullifiers of South Carolina, justifying their course on the extreme ground of state rights, while he was antagonistic to the efficient and patriotic course of President Jackson in seeking to compel the people of South Carolina to obey the laws. He gave vigorous opposition to the force bill, designed to provide for the collec- 84 JOHN TYLER. tion of the revenue in the disaffected region, and vesting extraordinary powers in the President. At a later period, however, he used his influence in favor of the compromise and pacification measures introduced into the Senate by his personal friend, Mi-. Clay. Senator Tyler was re-elected to the Senate for six years, dating from March 4, 1833. Though nominally identified with, and owing his election to the Democratic party, he severed himself from such party affiliation by voting to sustain the res- olutions introduced by Mr. Clay in 1834, censuring President Jackson for the removal of the public deposits, holding that he had exceeded his rightful authority in so doing. The Vir- ginia legislature instructed the senators from that State, in Feb- ruary 1836, to vote in favor of expunging from the Senate journal the resolutions censuring President Jackson. Sena- tor Tyler refused to obey these instructions, but held that it was not right for him to retain his seat after so refusing; therefore, he resigned his senatorship, three years only of his term having expired. His conduct in this matter was gener- ally commended and he lost nothing of reputation by making his action in this respect conform with his previous record. After his retirement to private life, in February, 1836, he again resumed the practice of law in Williamsburg, where he had removed his family two or three years previously. In the presidential campaign of 1836, the name of Mr. Tylei- was associated with that of General Harrison on the ticket sup- ported by the Whig party in some of the states; but Maryland was the only State which voted for Harrison that also gave its electoral vote to Mr. Tyler for Yice-President. He received, however, other votes from the state rights party of the South and West, which opposed Mr. Van Buren, so that in all he obtained forty-seven electoral votes for the office named. At a convention of the Whig party held in 1839 at Harris- JOHN TYLER. 8^ bur«", Pennsylvania, to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President, Mr. Tyler, delegate irom Virginia, zealonsly snpported Mr. Clay for the first place. General Harrison, however, was nominated; then, as a sort of propitiation to the friends of the defeated candidate, Mr. Tyler was selected as candidate for the office of' Vice-President. This position was not thought to be specially important, no President having died in office; the idea of Mr. Tyler's ever suGceding to the presidency was not taken into account. Had it been, the choice of the convention would probably have fallen on some one more thoroughly committed to the policy of the Whig party, one on whom a greater confidence could be placed for his reli- ability. The exciting campaign of 1840 has elsewhere been referred to; it is sufficient in this connection to state that it resulted in the triumphant election of General Harrison as President and Mr. Tyler as Vice-President. President Harrison died one month after his inauguration; Mr. Tyler, in accordance Avith the provisions of the constitution, succeeded to the presi- dency, Api-il 4, 1841. Two days later he took the oath of office as President and entered upon the responsible duties of that position. His course during the three years and eleven months of his presidential service greatly disappointed the political leaders of the country and almost completely estranged him from his former friends. It has well been said ot him that *' he lost the respect of the party by which he was elected without gaining that of their political opponents." He vetoed various measures supported by the party to which he owed his election and for the most part declined to act with the major- ity in Congress. His successive vetoes of bills to incorporate a national bank caused great indignation. He was accused of bad faith, of working for a re-nomination which he thought he might secure from the opposition, with whom he was most in 86 JOHN TYLER. sympathy, though he was not much liked or greatly trusted by them. His administration was characterized by sevei-al impor- tant acts and measures, one of them being the settlement of the difficulties with Great Britain, by the adjustment of the northeastern boundary between Canada and the United States. Another important negotiation was the treaty with China, Avhile the annexation of the republic of Texas awakened bitter opposition, partly because of the expenditure of money called for in assuming the Texas debt of $7,500,000, partly on account of the j^revailing idea at the ^orth that the new acquisition of territory was "to uphold the interests of slavery, extend its influence, and secure its permanent duration." It was probably a great relief to President Tyler, whose administration had been so generally unacceptable to the coun- try, when he could retire from office and enjoy his pleasant home at Shei'wood Forest, Charles City County, Virginia, where he passed the years of his age in comfort, until the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. Then his old ideas of state rights and his advocacy of Mr. Calhoun's doctrines led him to join the Confederates. He was afterwards chosen a member of the Confederate Congress, but his death occurred at Richmond, January 18, 1862, and he never served in that body. President Tyler was twice married, first to Miss Letitia Christian, who died in 1842, and was an invalid through much of her life. During his presidency, Mr. Tyler married Miss Gardiner of [N'ew York, whose father was killed by an explo- sion which occurred on the steamer Princeton, when Commo- dore Stockton was giving an entertainment to the government officials, the President being on board at the time, and two members of his Cabinet losing their lives by the disaster. The second Mrs. Tyler was a woman of distinguished appearance, who assumed more of the outward dignities of her position than any of her predecessors in the White House. JOHN TYLER. 87 History is truth itself, but the records of nations are not history till time has separated the wheat from the chaff, until the years have weighed men's actions in an even balance, adjusting rightly those influences and currents of thought not taken into account by a hasty judgment or the sentiment of the hour. While his best friend could hardly justify President Tyler for his action in some of the important issues of the day, his greatest enemy would acknowledge the many praiseworthy characteristics of his public and private life. He was a man of the world in the best sense of the phrase ; educated, not only in books, but in the school of experience. He was a firm friend to the small circle of intimates whom he loved, while he displayed eloquence and brilliancy, both in his famihar con- versation and in his public speeches. His life was beset with many trials; he forfeited in later years the public confidence which he had held to so great a degree during his earlier politi- cal career, and he was tried in ways as unusual as they were severe. He would have been censured, whatever his course, even though it followed the best promptings of his nature, for his position, surrounded by difficulties, allowed of no popular way to overcome the murmurs and dissatisfaction incident to his administration. The world, very apt to give publicity to the failings of great men, will slowly learn to remember Pres- ident Tyler for the virtues he displayed, those excellent traits of character which ought to do something towards blotting out the record of the many errors he so prominentl}' exhibited during the later years of his public service. JAMES K. POLK. ELEVENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. JAMES KNOX POLK. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1845 — MARCH 4, 1849. l-AMILT NA.MK PURSUIT OF KNOWI.EDGK GOOD HABITS LEGAL STUDIES IN CONGRESS SEVEN SUCCESSIVE TERMS SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE — GOV- ERNOR OF TENNESSEE PLEASANT HOME LIFE MRS. POLK ELECTED PRESIDENT OVER HENRY CLAY NOTABLE ACTS IN HIS AD>nNISTRATION ItETIREMENT FROM OFFICE SICKNESS AND SUDDEN DEATH. LANGUAGE, in maintaining a continuity of existence, has merged within itself varied elements; the English tongue has assimilated words and phrases from all cor- ners of the earth. Many familiar names, common in America, are corruptions, referring back to the time of the Norman con- quest, or to the lands of the Celtic kings. Whenever the sons of this new world can trace their ancestry through many gen- erations, they may be sure that their name, perhaps in some different form, has crossed the ocean from its former European home, probably France or Great Britain. The ancestors of James Polk were of Scoto-Irish origin ; they bore the name of Pollok, easily contracted into Polk by the family that left Ire- land and settled in America some time during the eighteenth century. The father of the future President was a farmer, living in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, when James Knox Polk was born, November 2, 1795. There were ten children to be reared in this home, removed soon after the birth of the eldest son, James, to the region of the Duck river in Tennessee. Samuel Polk, though a man of 90 JAMES KNOX POLK, small resources, possessed the spirit of enteriDrise, combined with energy, in all his pursuits. He actively engaged in the work of farming, occupying himself also with the duties of a surveyor, thus being able to comfortably provide for his large family, and, in later years, to amass a considerable foi'tune. The son James gained exjDeriences connected with both these occupations, learned to endure the hardships of joiu-neys through the wilderness of that region, as well as to conform to the more prosaic discipline connected with a boy's life on a farm. He early developed a fondness for nature, was also inter- ested in his studies, while from both parents he received lessons of industry, thrift and promptness, necessary requisites foi- success in life. The lad was a bright scholar, but not being physically strong, it was thought best that he should be fitted for some trade or business; accordingly he became a clerk, although having no liking for such occupation. He was so unhaj^py during a few weeks' trial of this kind of work, that his fathei- decided to send him to Murfreesborough Academy, where he remained about two years, until prepared for the Sophomore class in college. He entered the University of North Caro- lina, on Chapel Hill, receiving high honors Avhen he graduated therefrom in the year 1818. When Mr. Polk left college his health was impaired, as. a result of the close attention he had given to his studies, rest and change being needed that he might gain physical strength. After a brief period of leisure, he resumed his studies, this time those of law, under Mr. Felix Grundy of ^N^ashville. He was admitted to the bar in 1820, and shortly afterwards began the practice of his profession in Columbia. At once success attended his efforts. His abilities, his logical powers of rea- soning, his methodical habits, helped him greatly in becoming an eminent lawyer; not more so, perhaps, than that gracious JAMES KNOX POLK. 9T oliarm of maiiiicr, that winning ])ers(>nalitj, which hkuIc him popular anioiig-liis associates in society and business circles. Mr. Polk's entrance into i)olitics dates from the year 182:), when he was cliosen to rc])i-esent his county in the state legis- lature. He identified himself with the Republican ])arty, and as a personal as well as a ])olitical friend of (ieneral Jackson, helped in tlie election of that distinguished mnii to the United States Senate. In August, 1825, Mr. Polk was chosen to i-c])- resent his district in Congi-ess, to which position lie was i-e- elected every succeeding two years until 1839. He advocated the ideas of Jefferson and Jackson, being ranked as a demo- cratic Republican of the strictest sect, holding persistentK to his oi^iiiioiis throughout all i)arty mutations. Pie opposed the administi-ation of President John Quincy Adams, while he ardently supported in Congress the i)olicy of President Jack- son during his terms of service. Mr. Polk's reputation and influence were undoubtedly great, by reason of his extraordi- nary energy, his indomitable will, his powers of close a])j)lica- tion to whatever engaged his earnest attention. His ten years' service in Congress fitted him for the ele- vated position of speaker, to which he was twice chosen by his associates, in the years 1835-7. In this important station there was o])])ortunity to display all the skill of ])olitician and statesman, j Popular with his own party, Mi-. Polk's abilities were recognized by many of his opponents; and his decisions as speaker upon questions of parliamentary law, many of them complex and difficult, were uniformly sustained. In the year 18;)9, after fouiteen years' service in Congress, during which time Mr. Polk was never absent from the sittings of the House, except on a single occasion, he declined to l)e a candidate for re-election. That same year he was elected governor of Tennessee; he served one term, but was defeated for re-election, and, on becoming a candidate, in 1843, again 92 JAMES KNOX POLK. i ailed to secure the executive chair. He now enjoyed for a little time the quiet home life in the family circle where he dis- played so many of the charming characteristics of his nature. He had married in his early manhood Miss Sarah Childers, of Tennessee, a woman of dignified personal appearance, who possessed much executive ability; was a notable housekeeper as well as an intelligent companion and admirable hostess. There were no children born to this couple, and when they occupied the White House it offered few attractions for youth- ful visitors, though it afforded cheerful surroundings for many older guests. Mr. Polk drew towards him numerous warm friends, for he possessed ready sympathies, had always a kind word of greeting, was courteous to everyone, betraying an honest interest in the well-being of his neighbors. These uneventful years of Mr. Polk's life were followed by his nomination as a candidate for the presidency, Henry Clay being the opposing candidate. Mr. Polk was elected by a majority of sixty-five electoral votes. One of the main issues of the campaign was the annexation of Texas, a measure strongly advocated by Mr. Polk, and consummated by Presi- dent Tyler just before the close of his presidential career. The new administration found itself confronted with many and serious difficulties growing out of this measure, and war with Mexico soon ensued. Mr. Polk felt the embarrassment of the situation, and much regretted the disruption of friendly rela- tions with that country which occurred shortly after his inau- guration. As a strong advocate of the annexation of Texas, he did not hesitate to join issue with Mexico in the alternative presented. He was in thorough accord with that section of the Democratic party which had done so much to bring about the result accomplished in the closing days of the administra- tion of his immediate predecessor, and he was resolute to keep and defend the acquisition thus gained at all hazards. Presi- ■ JAMES KNOX POLK. 9^ dent Polk was sustained in his war policy against Mexico by a large majority in Congress, the whole force of the United States being ])laced at his disposal to enable him to prosecute the war to a si)eedy and successfnl termination. In the Noi-thern States the Mexican war was regarded with much disfavor, and the President lost popularity from this cause. In the Southwestern States, however, a different feeling jn-e- vailed; vohuiteei'S came readily to the aid of General Taylor, who led an army of some ten thousand soldiers across the bor- der, ibught several battles and gained signal victories. At a later date. General Scott, at the head of a victorious army, entered the capital and took possession of the city of Mexico. This was on Sept. 14, 1847. Negotiations for peace resulted in the " Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo," by which Mexico ceded 'Ne^y Mexico and California to the United States and agreed that the Rio Grande river should be the boundary line between herself and Texas, thus giving up a vast territory to this couu- try. The United States government, however, by the terms of the treaty, agreed to pay to Mexico |15,000,000, besides paying all the claims of citizens of this country against Mex- ico. That President Polk was greatly elated over the results of the Mexican war cannot be doubted. lYe may well believe that he justified to himself the course pursued by this country in its aggressive dealings with Mexico, and wresting from her as the "spoils of war" such innnense grants of tei'ritory; but had he been a less ardent upholder of slaveiy he would ])r()b- ably have been somewhat less enthusiastic both as regards the annexation of Texas and the prosecution of a war which was disapproved by so many of his countrymen. Another act of his administration was of quite a different character. This was the settlement of the Oregon boundary dispute between Great Britain and the United States. Presi- di^nt Polk believed the American title to be good to tlu- wlioK- 94 JAMES KNOX POLK. territory, but favored a compromise, which was finally brought about, the boundary line being fixed at the forty-ninth degree ol' nortli latitude. In this adjustment of a long standing dif- ference between the two nations the wise and conciHatory thought of the Pi'esident was consiiicuous. While he did not actually direct the negotiations resulting in the treaty made at Washington in June, 1846, and ratified by the Senate the same month, he yet made the influence of his own good judgment, not less than his official position, felt in the determination thus reached. There were other acts belonging to the administration of President Polk that were of a most important and creditable character, and during the four years in which he held the high- est office in the gift of the American people, our conntry gained wonderfully in many of the elements which mark mate- rial pi'ogress and prosperity. Three new states, Texas, Iowa and Wisconsin, were added to the Union ; there were immense territorial acquisitions, togethei' with a gratifying increase in wealth and population ; and the influence of the President was i-ecognized as a factor in many movements that tended to advance the Nation's glory and strength. He was an ai-dent npholder of slavery, however, and his views and acts had much to do with the deepening of feeling on that question — a feel- ing which in the ISTorth became so prominent in the last year of Mr. Polk's administration as to lead to the formation of the " Free Soil '' party, out of which grew the Republican organ- ization which finally obtained control of the government. At the inauguration of President Taylor, Mr. Polk was a pi'ominent figure. After joining heartily in the celebration incident to this occasion, the ex-President left Washington, intending to reach his home in Nashville, Tennessee, by a somewhat circuitous route. During his journey through sev- ei-al of the States he received ovations from his countrymen, JAMES KNOX POLK. 9^ as they honored, witli appropriate demonstrations, the man of sterhng worth who liad <^iven the best jji'oof of his love for American institutions by renderin<^ sucli efficient aid in their l)ehalf during the long years of his public service. His mau}^ friends at !N^ashville cordially welcomed Mr. Polk and his devoted Avife, and the future seemed to hold in store for them many temporal blessings. The former Presi- dent was comj)aratively a young man, but fifty-four years of age ; with erect i rame and great intellectual powers, he seemed destined to exert a helpful influence for a long period ol" time, altliough retii'ed from the activity and anxieties attendant uj)on tile holding of public office. His death, however, occuri'cd shortly after his return to Nashville, June 15, 1849, when he sank peacefully to sleep at tlie close of several days of intense suffering. All through the Nation there was mourning for the death of so true a man; the honors paid to the distinguished dead were no empty tributes or meaningless forms, but ex- pressed a sense of personal bereavement as well as grief for the Nation's loss. The distinguishing characteristics of President Polk, shown in his student life, were as prominent during his later man- hood as in the college days, when it was said of him that he was always prompt at every recitation, and gave the best atten- tion possible to whatever was the occupation of the hour. These qualities of punctuality, promptness, and the ])ower he possessed to concentrate his attention distinguished his career as a statesman, and made possible the best results of his un- tiring, well-directed energy. He was conscientious in fulfill- ing the tasks which lay nearest him, however unimportant they might seem to the casual observer, always showing that laithfulness to duty which was a j)art of his nature, revealed in liis private life as well as during his term of service as President of the American Nation. ZACHARY TAYLOR. TWELFTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. ZACHARY TAYLOR PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1849 — JULY 9> 1850. LIFE UNDER PRIMITIVE CONDITIONS A SOLDIER FROM THE BEGINNING LIEU- TENANT IN THE AMERICAN ARMY CONFLICT WITH THE INDIANS THE SEMINOLES IN FLORIDA OFFICIAL RECOGNITION OF PATRIOTIC SERVICES HERO OF BDENA VISTA UNEXPECTED NOMINATION ELECTED PRESIDENT ONE year's record HIS DEATH HONORABLE PLACE IN AMEIMtAN HISTORY. IN looking backward to the men foremost in establishing this Kepublic, they compare favorably with those pi-omi- nent in the American history of to-day. It is only when we regard the outward conditions of this new world, then and now, that we come to realize the great progress of the Nation in all that makes for the best civilization. Men were heroes and leaders in those early days; but the material resources, now available for the service of American interests, were not theirs to command, while the story of early struggles in the wilderness indicates the great strides which comparatively few years have witnessed in the material prosperity of our cc»un- try. With a foundation into which has gone the sacrifice and work of men honored in every time, the future results could not fail to be those of successful achievement; but the rapid growth in all the advantages of civilization has far exceeded the limits prophesied of by the fathers. Up to the life time of the twelfth President of this Republic the West and South were lacking in many extrinsic aids to prosperity. Alth<>ni;h 98 ZACHARY TAYLOR. Zachary Taylor was born November 24, 1784, in Orange County, Yirginia, his parents, the year following, removed to Louisville, Kentucky, and the lad was brought up in this little settlement, the humble beginning of the prosperous city which now bears the name. This rough life, combined with the inherited tendencies from his father, a trusty soldier of the Revolution, brought out the military qualities and likings which were so soon apparent in the boyish nature. He was a soldier from the very beginning, not as all boys are Avho play with toy-drums and wear a min- iature sword, but as one who fully realized what duty to his country meant, the hardships it involved. In the training as a farmer's boy, as well as during the little school education which he received, he was decisive and quick in his actions, somewhat blunt, yet frank in speech, honest in thought and deed, impetuous, ready to encounter personal risk, yet obedi- ent, as he felt every true soldier ought to be. Colonel Taylor was as much delighted as his son Zachary, when, in 1808, the young man, then twenty-four years of age^ received a commission as Lieutenant in the United States army. There was no question in his mind as to whether or not he should accept the position ; he felt that he was fitted for a sol- diei", and applying himself diligently to the duties required, he soon came to be regarded as a capable, trustworthy officer. It was about this time that he married Miss Margaret Smith, whose home was in Maryland. The Indian attack led by the famous chief Tecumseh against Fort Harrison was an opportunity for Captain Taylor, who, in defense of the fort, gained distinction for his courage and skill. He was publicly complimented by General Hop- kins for his conduct of this afiair and was promoted to the rank of Major. His energy and coolness characterized his leader- shi]) in the various movements against the British and Indians, ZACHARY TAYLOR. 99 which were terminated by tlie restoration of peace with Great Britain, in 1815. At that time Major Taylor resigned his com- mission, his intention being- to engage in agricnltural })ursuits for a time at liis liome in Louisville. After a year spent in this wa}^ he was re-instated in tlie army, resnming his duties with renewed ai'dor, rendering such efficient service that he was promoted to the rank oC Colonel in 1832. He was ex- tremely popular among the soldiers because he cheerfully bore his part with them in any danger or hardship, and had a stock of sound common sense which they could respect. His early op})ortunities had been fcAV, but he had profited by his expe- riences; was skilled in Indian Avarfare; his habits of disci- jjline and study still aided him, and he became an intrepid, wise commander. The conduct of the Seminole war aroused much criticism in the United States because of an alleged undue harshness in dealing with that ferocious tribe of Indians. Its result, in the dispersion of the Seminoles to the west banks of the Missis- si p))i caused general satisfaction, however, and was a signal victory for Colonel Taylor, who, by reason of his military skill and services in this connection, was elevated to the rank of Brigadier-General and ap})ointed to the chief command of the army of the Southwest. During this time, while faithfully, yet in a very quiet manner, discharging his military duties, he bouglit a plantation near Baton Kouge, La., where he estab- lished his family in a comfortable, well cared for home. It was not possible, however, for a military man like Gen- eral Taylor to remain in obscurity while his country was agi- tated by the difficulties brought into prominence during the presidential campaign of 1814. Mr. Polk, a friend of slavery, and a pronounced champion of the annexation of Texas, was llie successful candidate for election as President, and in this state of affairs it became ap])arent that war with Mexico was loo ZACHARY TAYLOR. inevitable. General Taylor was directed to hold his troops in readiness for service along the frontier. He did this, but re- fused to enter upon aggressive measures to bring about a col- lision with Mexico, or to undertake any forward movements upon his own responsibility. As a good soldier he waited for instructions and obeyed orders. In March, 1846, in accordance with a command from President Polk, Genei-al Taylor ad- vanced his army to the banks of the Kio Grande, claimed as the boundary line between Texas and Mexico. The Mexican government had already ordered its troops to the same local- ity, so that it was evident a conflict must soon take place. During the months of April and May, 1846, the American army met the enemy in several severe engagements, being vic- tors in every case. In his oflScial reports concerning these battles General Taylor said: " Our victory has been decisive. A small force has overcome immense odds of the best troops that Mexico can furnish — veteran regiments perfectly equipped and appointed. Eight pieces of artillery, several colors and standards, a great number of prisoners, including fourteen officers, and a large amount of baggage and personal property have fallen into our hands. The causes of victory are doubt- less to be found in the superior quality of our officers and men." The conlluct of the commanding officer in all these engage- ments was worthy of the praise it called forth* from military men and those in authority. Congress conferred the rank of Major-General upon the successful commander, and compli- mented his bravery by appropriate resolutions. So much of confidence was felt in his abilities as a military leader that his troops were reinforced hj volunteers, money and supplies were voted him, and he was thus prepared for the encounters which quickly followed. The battle of Monterey was won by the Americans after ZACHARY TAYLOR. loi days of hard fighting, against great odds, both of position and numbers. General Ampiidia leading the defeated forces. Gen- ei-al Taylor's course in treating with the Mexicans was criti- cised on the ground that he liad allowed them too favorable terms. This occasion of dissatisfaction with him, felt at Wash- ington, together with the influence of political intrigues, per- liaps, caused the order, given to a considei-able part of General I'aylor's trooi)s, that they should join the Ibrce of General Scott, then about to attack Vera Cruz, preparatory to liis con- templated advance on the City of Mexico. General Taylor showed his patriotism, his true soldierly instincts, by obeying this order to send the best part of his troops to the support of (xeneral Scott, changing his plans so as to stand, for the time, only on the defensive. General Santa Anna saw what seemed to be his opportu- nity to crush the reduced forces imder General Taylor, and moved rapidly upon them with his large, well-disciplined army, giving battle at the pass of Buena Vista, February 22, 1847. Although this encounter did not end the war, it being left with General Scott to conduct skillful military operations until the capital of Mexico was taken and the spirit of its people broken, it was in fact the turning point of the long struggle, and prop- erly ranks as one of the most notable battles in American liis- tory. During the two days' fighting at Buena Yista, General Taylor displayed again his qualities of military leadership, showing judgment in selecting the position for his men and in directing their movements, while he inspired his troops to bravery by his own courage and his coolness in confronting the dangers to which he was constantly exposed. The counti-y, thoroughly awakened to the heroic virtues of General Taylor, now rang with his praises; "Old Rough and Ready " was transformed into the " hero of Buena Vista." His growing fame and popularity caused him to be spoken of 102 ZACHARY TAYLOR. as a candidate for the presidency. General Taylor distrusted his fitness foi- that position. He liad taken no part in political affairs, had seldom voted, and had never held public office. He was, however, nominated by the Whig Convention held in Philadelpliia, June 1, 1848, and elected President in the No- vember following, over General Lewis Cass, the Democratic candidate, and ex-Pi-esident Van Buren, candidate of the Free Soil party. President Taylor was inaugurated at Washington, Mai-ch 4, 1849, after having resigned his army commission with a record for forty years' consecutive military service. lie was greatly tried and perplexed during his administration of politi- cal affairs. His training had not been that of a statesman or political leader, but his natural shrewdness, his practical judg- ment, his insight into what was best for his country, enabled him to do excellent service as the executive head of the gov- ernment. The exciting questions of slavery were still agitated through the land, the purchase of Cuba and the admission of California caused much feeling and discussion. The President helped still the waves of dissension, won the hearts of those associated with him in administering the government, while his countrymen generally appreciated his efforts to faithfully dis- charge the duties of his position, never shirking the res]:)onsi- bilities which at times weighed heavily upon him. It was after a 3 ear of conflict, more trying to the great soldier than all his encounters on the battle field, that Presi- dent Taylor ended his mortal career, dying, after a brief ill- ness, July 9, 1850, one year, four months, and five days after his inauguration. Everywhere in the land there Avas mourn- ing for the kindly man, the gallant soldier, who had so warm a place in the affections of the American people. The story of the Mexican war, possessed of nuich roman- tic historical interest, is inseparably connected with the fame ZACHARY TAYLOR. lo^ of General Taylor, luaking evident his prowess in the condiKi of battles, and his reputation as a ])opular officer to whom liis troops were personally attached. More f i-equently is he i-cnicm- bered as the hero ol' J5uena Yista than as America's Cliii'l' Magistrate, though in the latter position he Avas far from bei!ig a nonentity or unfitted for his responsible duties. A true man is of value to his country whatever his capacities, if an honest heart beats in defense of his nation's liberty, of truth and the right. President Taylor was this and more. He was plain, simple in his tastes, possessed of little scholastic learning, yet his intellectual powers were not to be denied, his sound, i)ra(- tical wisdom not to be gainsaid. His life was not si)ent in the political arena, yet he had learned enough of statesmanshii) to skillfully grapple with the issues of the day, to shrewdly esti- mate men and aifairs, so that he was not often misled or easily influenced. His pleasant, cordial manners did not proceed from a weak desire to court favor, but expressed his sym])a- thetic feelings, which, however, did not lead him into erroi-s of judgment or to vacillating oi)inions. As a quick, bold, decis- ive commander of armies, so he was an energetic, firm Pn>i- dent,his true patriotism urging* him to every service which his country might command. Cai-ried into office by the enthusi- asm which his great generalship had aroused, he did not allow himself to be regarded simply as the popular hero of the lu»ur; he at once directed his energies to establishing his re})utati<)n as President upon something more enduring than the reflected glory of his military career; he was sincere, faithful to evei-y trust conunitted to his keeping, a man of the people, a icpre- sentative American, worthy to be enrolled among the noble few Avhose names are interwoven with the fibi-e of onr national existence. MILLARD FILLMORE. THIRTEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. MILLARD FILLMORE. PRESIDENT, JULY g, 1850 — MARCH 4, 185 LIMITED EDUCATION APPRENTICED TO LEARN A TRADE HELPED TO STUDY LAW EXTENSIVE LEGAL PRACTICE IN LEGISLATURE AND CONGRESS COMPTROLLER OF NEW YORK VICE-PRESIDENT SUCCEEDED TO THE PRESIDENCY ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY AND RESULTS LATER PERIOD OF POLITICAL ACTIVITY CANDIDATE OF THE "AMERICAN" PARTY FOR PRES- IDENT DEATH AT BUFFALO. THE public school system of America, now so firmly estab- lished, has been of gradual growth, beginning in the log cabins of the IS^ew World settlers, Avhere teachers and pupils together struggled with the " three R's," among primi- tive surroundings and with few facilities for the pursuit of learning. The architectural pretensions of the modern school buildings mark progress in the estimate placed upon the value of a free education ', but it must be remembered that in those days there were pioneers of this movement, or the log cabin school-houses would never have been builded by men forced to work early and late to keep their families from absolute want. Honor is due to those who believed in the benefits of a public school education when the thought was not popular as now ; to those among the early settlers of our country who fostered the germ which has ripened into the present broad system, capable of such glorious results. One who thus appre- ciated the advantages of education was the father of Millard Fillmore, thirteenth President of the United States. This liberal-minded man, of Massachusetts origin, removed his fam- io6 MILLARD FILLMORE. ily to what is now Summer Hill, in Cayuga County, New York, in the year 1795, and the son, Millard, was born there, January 7, 1800. This region was then but sparsely settled, the schools offered few advantages, books were expensive luxuries not to be indulged in by the farmers of that region, the most pros- perous of whom were in somewhat humble circumstances. Both the parents of Millard Fillmore, however, encouraged his liking for intellectual pursuits and his desire for knowledge, though they could do little towards placing him in a position where his intelligent mind could be developed to its full extent. When a lad of fourteen years he was sent to a mill in Living- ston County, to learn a clothier's trade. He was a diligent worker, but in his leisure hours he devoted himself to reading all the books available, specially those of travel, history, and bi- ography. He thus rapidly trained his mental powers, while he acquired much information useful to him in his after life. The lad of studious habits, quick intelligence and prepos- sessing appearance attracted the attention of Judge Wood, a man of kindly nature, who became friend and benefactor to the young clothier, taking him into his law office and giving him pecuniary aid for the pursuit of legal studies. Appreciating the advantages thus offered, Mr. Fillmore worked steadily in the way of preparation for several years under the guidance of Judge Wood, and afterwards in a law office of Buffalo, pay- ing his necessary expenses in that city by teaching school. He was admitted to practice as a lawyer in 1823, and at that time established his residence in Aurora, Erie County, where his father had removed a few years before. In 1826 Mr. Fill- more married Miss Abigail Powers, the youngest child of Rev. Lemuel Powers of that village. After a few years spent in a course of extended reading and the regular routine of a lawyer's life in a secluded village, MILLARD FILLMORE. 107 Mr. Fillmore returned to Buffalo and entered into partnership with two distinguished members of the bar in that city. Al- though his early education had been restricted, he partially made up for the defect by his diligence in the preparation of later years, so that, as opportunities were offered, he rapidly acquired a reputation for talents of a high order, for industry us well as ability in his profession. During this period of his life Mr. Fillmore became actively interested in politics, having been chosen in 1829 a member of the State Legislature from Erie County. The Whig party, to which he belonged, was then in the minority in ^ew York, nevertheless he exerted considerable influence, and was the principal mover in helping to secure the passage of the law abolishing imprisonment for debt, his speeches on the subject winning admiration for their clear, logical presentation of the matter. He continued to ably serve his constituents in the House of Assembly until 1832, when, in the autumn of that year, he was elected to Congress. In this capacity his abili- ties were more widely recognized, as there were greater oppor- tunities foi- the display of intellectual gifts and political ac- quirements. But in this body, as in the State Legislature, Mr. Fillmore, being in the minority, was unable to render any large service, or make himself specially conspicuous, though he performed all his Congressional duties with characteristic faithfulness. With the ex])iration of his term of office he resumed the practice of law in Buff'alo, continuing it for two years. In 1836 he again consented to be a candidate, and was re-elected to Congress, being kept in that office by successive elections until 1842, when he declined further service. During these later years of his Congressional career, he held a foremost position as one of the leaders of his party, was popular througli- out the State, and acquired a national i-eputation. He was pains- io8 MILLARD FILLMORE. taking and industrious in performing the duties incident to his position; he was skilled in debate, the solid basis of legal knowl- edge which he possessed enabling him to discuss public inter- ests without special preparation. He was called to responsi- ble labors as chairman of the Committee on "Ways and Means, an office which required all the intellectual resources, the quick per- ceptions, the constant attention which he devoted to its service. During his several terms in office he was identified with many notable measures. He held pronounced views in the matter of protection, and was influential in securing many of thepro- \'isions incorporated into the tariff of 1842. ^N^aturally con- servative in feeling, he yet favored the restriction of slavery in the District of Columbia, the abolition of the slave trade between the States, and stood with John Quincy Adams in support of the rights of all persons, including women and slaves, to petition Congress. He left his place in the House of Representatives with an honorable record for his work in behalf of his country's interests, while his retirement from office was deplored by his party and constituents. For a brief period only was Mr. Fillmore relieved from an active participation in political affairs, for in 1844 he wasnom- inated^by the Whig party as candidate for Governor of !N'ew York. He was defeated, however, after an exciting canvass, by the opposing candidate, Mr. Silas "Wright; but he drew tq his support the full strength of his party. In 1847 he was elected State Comptroller. He resigned his lucrative profes- sional practice in Buffalo to assume this position, removing to Albany shortly after his election, that he might better dis- charge the labors which devolved upon the incumbent of that important public trust. Mr. Fillmore at this period was popular with his party, both in New York and beyond its limits. He had made an excel- lent record, and shown many statesmanlike qualities. His gen- MILLARD FILLMORE. 109 eral reputation was that of a wise and skillful political leader, Avho well deserved to be called to a higher place than any he had yet filled. When the Whig Convention met at Harris- burg, Pennsylvania, in June, 1848, to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President, it selected for the first office General Zachary Taylor, famous as a soldier, but untrained in civil matters, and greatly deficient in knowledge of political aflPairs. In view of this selection it was thought best to asso- ciate with the popidar soldier a man versed in government matters and more of a statesman, and therefore Millard Fill- more, holding the esteem of his party, was its choice as candi- date for Vice-President. The election of 1848 resulted in the success of the Whig ticket, General Taylor and Mr. Fillmore being inaugurated in their respective positions March 4, 1849. As the presiding officer of the Senate, Vice-President Fill- more showed marked ability, was dignified, firm, and always maintained order and decorum in debate. The exciting ques- tion of slavery aroused great interest on both sides. Party feeling was intense, the whole country was in a fevered condi- tion; there were strong men in the Senate, and to preside over its deliberations called for more than ordinary mental equip- ment, but Mr. Fillmore was able to meet all the requirements which the position demanded. After this preparation there was soon to ensue a more responsible and trying charge. President Taylor died July 9, 1850, and Mr. Fillmore was his constitutional successor in office. Thus unexpectedly called to assume the arduous duties of this exalted station, it yet seemed that Mr. Fillmore had special fitness for the discharge of the duties thus devolved upon him. He encountered many difficulties during the nearly three years of his career as Chief Magistrate, one obstacle being that the party in opposition was in the majority in both Houses of Congress for the greater part of this time. President Fillmore no MILLARD FILLMORE. did not win the entire approbation of his party associates, much less of the people of the country. He disappointed the expectations of the ^orth by approving the Fugitive Slave Law, and issuing a proclamation calling upon government offi- cials to enforce its provisions. The various compromise meas- ures regarding slavery adopted during his administration were by no means successful in conciliating the South, while they intensified the anti-slavery opinions of the !N^orth and resulted in the disruption of the Whig party. Among the pleasant features which were notably associ- ated with the nearly three years in which President Fillmore was at the head of the government, were the reception of the Hungarian patriot, Kossuth, the sending of an embassy, under Commodore Perry, to Japan, the passage of an act securing cheaper rates of postage for the American people. In recall- ing the history of this administration, not altogether a suc- cessful one, the discretion, faithfulness and ability of the Pres- ident are now admitted, however much of adverse criticism some of his acts may seem to deserve. In the clearer judg- ment of to-day more allowance is made for the mistakes he committed, while it is seen that these mistakes are offset by the earnest efforts he made to promote good feeling between the different sections of the country and to advance its interests. It is now generally conceded that he was " always honest, capable, and faithful to the constitution." Just before the expiration of his term of office Mrs. Fill- more died. The President, accompanied by his son and daughter, left Washington soon after the inauguration of his successor, and again entered upon the life of a private citizen in Buffalo. In 1858 he married Mrs. Carolina M'Intosh, of Albany, and not afterwards taking an active part in public affairs, he was able to enjoy his home and follow the quiet pur- suits in which he took so much delight. MILLARD FILLMORE. 1 1 1 His views upon the questions of national interest were often sought, and sometimes freely given. On several^ occa- sions after his retirement from the Presidency he. was called upon for public addresses, in which he avowed his opinions in a way to command attention. In one of these addresses he exjjressed a wish that both Canada and Mexico might be an- nexed to the United States. At one time he was prominent in the ^N^ative American party, and was named as its candidate for President. When the storm of Civil War broke upon the land Mr. Fillmore kept silence. ]S"either then, nor afterward during the four years' struggle, did he speak the approving word which would have been most encouraging to patriotic heai'ts at a time when the American Union was in direst peril. The ex-President died March 8, 1874, in Buffalo, New York, that city having been his residence for much the greater part of his life. He was held in high esteem by those who stood nearest to him — his neighbors, associates and personal friends. Whatever differmg regard there may be as to some acts of his public career, this approving estimate is greatly to his credit. There can be no question as to the uprightness which marked his private life, nor the conscientious devotion with which he applied himself to the discharge of all official trusts. His plain, simple manners were never altered by the honors which he received, and his dignified, courteous bearing was the same throughout his long life, in the various conditions and circumstances by which he was influenced. To a man of this stamp there is due a meed of praise because of his intelli- gent labors, however much of criticism may attach to his plans of work, ideas of public policy, and some of his official acts. FRANKLIN PIERCE. FOURTEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. FRANKLIN PIERCE. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1853 — MARCH 4, 1857. ANCESTRAL INHERITANCE STUDENT AT BOWDOIN COLLEGE STUDIES LAW UNDER JUDGE WOODBURY ENTERS THE FIELD OF POLITICS SUCCESSFUL PROFESSIONAL CAREER SERVICES IN THE MEXICAN WAR — NOMINATION FOR THE PRESIDENCY ADJONISTRATION OF THE PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE — RETIREMENT AND HOME CAUSES OF PERSONAL POPULARITY AND PROFES- SIONAL SUCCESS. IN this land of ours, where the distinctions between the rich and poor are not so marked as in the older nations, the home life of all its families has much in common. From these homes arises a bond of union, linking together lives which share the domestic atmosphere surrounding alike the fireside groups in the mansion of the millionaire, and those in the poor man's humble cottage. The early American settlers did more than eke out , a scanty existence on the shores of the N^ew World; they founded homes whose influence has extended until the present day, a means of strength and blessing to the Nation. That this common sympathy exists is proved by the interest shown in the private life of distinguished citizens, as well as by the fact that biography deals more and more largely with the surroundings, conditions, the birthplace and home life of its subject, instead of closely confining itself to public events or the incidents contributing to a national i-eputation. 114 FRANKLIN PIERCE. Among the happy homes situated among the hills of ^N'ew England four score years ago, was that of General Pierce, a soldier in the Revoluti m, afterwards an energetic citizen who had acquired some littl _' property, had made for his family a comfortable dwelling-place, and was honored by several respon- sible public positions, among them that of Grovernoi* of his State, just tributes to his intelligence and worth. His wife helped in the establishment of that home, was true-hearted, prudent and refined, a faithful companion, a loving, wise, and devoted mother. Here, in Hillsborough, New Hampshire, November 23, 1804, was born Franklin Pierce, the fourteenth President of the United States. This boy, one of a family of eight children, was a bright and promising lad, entering Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, when sixteen years old. During the four years spent in college he was noted for his agreeable, courteous manners, which attracted to him many friends among the students and those connected with the institution. Two of the acquaint- ances made thus early in his career were the poet Longfellow and the gifted writer Hawthorne, who, associated with him in college days, continued to be his life-long friends. After his graduation from Bowdoin, in 1824, he studied law under the direction of Judge Woodbury, of Portsmouth, aftei-wards with Judge Parker, of Amherst, his admission to the bar occurring in the year 1827. In addition to his profes- sional interests, Mr. Pierce was early inclined to take active part in politics. An ardent Democrat, he warmly supported the general principles of his party, and earnestly advocated, by speech and with his pen, the election of General Jackson to the presidency. Mr. Pierce's official political labors dated from his entrance into the State Legislature, in 1829. He served in this capacity for several terms, being chosen speaker of that body in the year 1832, an office for which he was FRANKLIN PIERCE. iij specially qualified by reason of his gifts, and which he filled to the general acceptance. Elected in 1838 to Congress, he gained little influence and did not attract much attention for his services in this direction. He was, however, popular throughout his State, as was shown by his election to the United States Senate in 1837. While there he gained no con- spicuous rank, though he was able in debate, and conscientious in his performance of all official duties. In the year following his election as Senator Mr. Pierce married Miss Jane Means Appleton, and enjoyed establishing, with her aid, a pleasant home at Concord, the capital of his native State. He resigned his position as Senator in the year 1842, engaging in the jDractice of his j^i'ofession, achieving more than ordinary success. He declined at this time the offer of a position in the Cabinet of President Polk, also refusing the proffered nomination as candidate for Governor of New York. He now devoted thought and energies to his large law practice, evincing an excellent quality of mind, as well as the possession of many legal accomplishments, in caring for his clients' interests. He achieved wonderful success as a lawyer, his popularity doubtless depending not only u23on the mental powers and intellectual training which he displayed, but also upon his gracious, urbane manners; his great personal magnet- ism influencing juries as it influenced all his associates. Never was a man more courteous in his treatment of friends and foes; he was always calm, moderate, and even-tempered, however trying the occasion or vexatious the circumstances. At the beginning of the Mexican War, Mr. Pierce joined the army of volunteers, enlisting in a company raised in Con- cord. Soon commissioned Colonel of the Ninth Regiment, another promotion to the rank of Brigadier-General followed quickly in his mihtary career, as his leadership gave evidence of skill, resolution and bravery. He took part in the battles ii6 FRANKLIN PIERCE. of Contreras and Molino del Rey, accompanying General Scott to the City of Mexico, the capture of which virtually ended the war. General Pierce returned to his home during December of 1847, after these services in defense of his country, entering again upon the professional duties which were waiting his attention. In 1850, he occupied a prominent position as pre- siding officer in the convention called to revise the constitu- tion of N^ew Hampshire. Two years later he was made the standard bearer of the Democratic party, and elected President by a large majority, only four States casting their electoral votes against him. Sorrow quickly followed upon the election of President Pierce, his only son, a boy of twelve years, being killed in a railway accident, the mother witnessing the horrible disaster^ yet powerless to aid her beloved boy. The blow of sudden bereavement fell upon Mr. Pierce with a terrible severity, while it almost crushed his sorrowing wife. From that time forward she carried a saddened, weary heart, and though she tried to cast off the gloom which encircled her life, she was yet greatly changed by this event, which touched the hearts of all who knew its details, and brought into expression a tender sympa- thy for the parents thus sorely afflicted. Mr. Pierce entered upon the office of President March 4^ 1853, under conditions which seemed to indicate a pleasant and successful administration. He had been elected by an un- usually large majority. The party which supported him was strong and confident, while the opposite was divided and dispirited. The material prosperity of the country excelled that of any former period. For a brief time the excitement regarding the distm'bing questions of slavery was lessened. It was thought by many that the compromise measures would FRANKLIN PIERCE. 117 ensure a permanent settlement of these questions. An era of internal peace and mutual good feeling between the North and the South was confidently antici23ated. There was not to be, however, a full realization of such expectations. President Pierce, by the terms of his inaugural address, left no doubt as to his purpose to support slavery in the United States, while he announced his resolve that the Fugitive Slave Act should be strictly enforced. Thus President Pierce sounded forth the key-note of his administration, the result being a renewal of agitation, an increase of hostile feeling between the IN^orth and the South, giving indications of a struggle that was close at hand. The repeal of the Missouri Compromise, the attempt to establish slavery in Kansas and to strengthen it elsewhere, augmented the feeling between the two sections. The Presi- dent acted upon the policy that everythmg must be done to conciliate the South and thus avert consequences so much to be dreaded. Thus he went to the extreme in sanctioning the irregular measures by which slavery was nominally established in Kansas. The people of that territory resisted the imposi- tion, however, and the slave-holding interest was finally de- feated, although not without a great cost of suffering and hatred. In nearly all the acts of his administration, as related to the subject of slavery, Pi'esident Pierce went contrary to the general feeling of the North, pursuing a policy of conciliation to the South that was not altogether satisfactory to many of his o^\Ti party. His course in dealing with these questions, together with the legislation of that period respecting slavery, stimulated the growth of the Pepublican party, which, at the expiration of his term of office, became clothed with the ele- ments of an abiding political power. It is pleasant, however, to consider in this connection other acts of President Pierce's ii8 FRANKLIN PIERCE. administration which stand very much to his credit. His con- duct of foreign affairs, William L. Marcy being Secretary of State, merited and received general commendation. The firm- ness shown by the American government in the case of Martin Kosta was much praised, and the action taken in securing a treaty with Japan was regarded in the same favorable light. The purchase of the vast regions of Arizona and l^ew Mex- ico has been justified in what has since been shown of the needs and progress of our country, while the price, $10,000,000, was but a small sum to pay for 45,000 square miles of terri- tory. President Pierce failed to receive the nomination of his party for re-election, Mr. Buchanan being selected as the Democratic candidate, and elected after an exciting canvass. The retiring President left Washington on the inauguration of his successor, and soon after traveled extensively through Europe. Returning from his protracted journeying, he settled at his home in Concord, ]^ew Hampshire, where he passed the remainder of his mortal life, taking no active part in political affairs. He died October 8, 1869. One of President Pierce's distinguishing characteristics Avas the steadfastness which he showed in his friendships. He attached himself very deeply to those whom he thought merited his confidence, believing in them so strongly that he was will- ing to hear no criticism of their actions from others, though perhaps he admitted to himself that it was deserved. Refer- ence has been made to his notable friendship with Longfellow and Hawthorne; he held also the kindest relations with many of his official associates, Senator Benton specially winning his esteem, though at one time political differences of opinion threatened estrangement. President Pierce's actions in behalf of the Senator, however, gave proof that his friendly feeling FRANKLIN PIERCE. 119 always remained the same, for as Mr. Benton said: "It is Pierce's head that is wrong — his heart is always right.'' The cheerful, social qualities of this representative man were best sho^vn in his personal life, where he delighted in the meeting of congenial acquaintances and exercised a most cordial hospitality. There was something attractive in his bearing which caused even strangers to feel the warmth of his personality and be induced to linger in his presence. As a law- yer his popularity was wonderful ; men liked to hear his words upon any subject, and unconsciously were influenced by that charm which pervaded his being. These amiable graces which he exercised were more powerful to win for him success, than more striking qualities of greatness would have been; they ap- pealed directly to the hearts of men, and did not shock them, as genius sometimes does, into a forced appreciation of its greatness. While not underrating President Pierce's intellect- ual abilities, it may be justly said that in his human sympathies, his warm heart, his courteous demeanor, was hidden the se- cret of his success in life; the sweetness of disposition which entered into his manly, upright nature, would have made him a noticeable character, even had he not been exalted to the high rank of a political leader, and called upon to assume the lielm of national affairs. JAMES BUCHANAN. FIFTEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. JAMES BUCHANAN. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1857 — MARCH 4, 1861. STUDENT OF NATURE WISE PARENTS AT DICKENSON COLLEGE EXTENSIVE LAW PRACTICE ELECTED TO THE LEGISLATURE CONGRESSIONAL SER- VICES MINISTER TO RUSSIA UNITED STATES SENATOR SECRETARY OF STATE MINISTER TO GREAT BRITAIN ELECTION TO THE PRESIDENCY A STORMY PERIOD HESITATION IN OFFICIAL ACTION OPINIONS OF THE PRESIDENT HIS ABILITIES AND PURPOSES. NATURE pleases us most when she fui-nishes a back- ground for historical or biographical incidents ; when there is associated with the grandeur of her mountains or the quiet loveliness of her valleys, some human interest, leading to that " proper study of mankind," as connected with the gracious influences of the outward world. When the boy- hood of James Buchanan, fifteenth President of the United States, is recalled, there arises a thought of the lofty Alle- ghany Mountains, whose peaks overshadowed the secluded fiirm-house, situated in a little settlement of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, where he was born April 23, 1791. As soon as he was allowed to explore the wooded region near his home he spent much of his time out of doors, learning in his childhood days to appreciate the beauties which Nature so lavishlj^ dis- plays for her admirers. His mother, having an artistic nature, an inherent love for the beautiful, encouraged and educated her son's taste for the refinements of life, although in that sim- ple frontier home it Avas not easy to acquire luxui-ies or receive 122 JAMES BUCHANAN. the benefits of books and cultured society. About the year 1800 these thoughtful parents removed then- family to the town of Mercersburg, that they might secure more of educa- tional and social advantages for their son, an intelligent, inter- esting, somewhat precocious lad. Thus early separated from his beloved mountains and the forests where the settler's axe had but recently resounded, he never forgot, during the varied experiences of his after life, the surroundings of his early home, the intercourse with ^N'ature which distinguished his boy- hood days. Having made rapid progress in his studies, James Buchanan entered Dickenson College, at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and graduated with honor from that institution when he was eighteen years old. At once he began the study of law, was admitted to the bar in 1812, and established his legal practice in the city of Lancaster, rapidly gaining reputation as an able advocate, in S23ite of his youth and inexperience. Important cases were entrusted to his care, and his treatment of them more than justified expectation. " At the age of thirty years,'' says one of his biographers, " it was generally admitted that he stood at the head of the bar, and there was no lawyer in the State who had a more extensive or lucrative practice." "When, in 1820, he entered Congress, where he remained for five successive terms, he was obliged to relinquish a large proportion of his practice in order to perform the services devolving upon his official position. As a member of the State Legislature, in 1814, he had urged the vigorous prosecution of the war of 1812, and while originally a Federalist, his opin- ions changed somewhat, so that he came to advocate the Jeff er- sonian idea of a strict construction of the powers granted the general government. JSTaturally he allied himself with the Kepublican, afterwards the Democratic party, taking ground against a protective tariff, and in opposition to the general JAMES BUCHANAN. 12^ policy of President John Qniney Adams, while he warmly espoused the measures advocated by General Jackson, At the completion of his fifth term he retired from Congress, having earned a reputation for a sound judgment, a wisely-directed activity, made apparent in all labors for the State or IS'ation which he had been called upon to perform. Appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to St. Petersburg, in the year 1832, Mr. Buchanan was able to negotiate, in his rep- resentative capacity, a commercial treaty, securing to the United States important privileges in the Baltic and the Black Sea. On his return to this country the Pennsylvania Legisla- ture elected him to a seat in the United States Senate. Among such representative men as "Webster, Clay, Calhoun and Wright, his influence was yet felt, and he gained a position well to the front, among the foremost leaders of his party. In matters where the interests of slavery Avere involved he was generally inclined to favor the demands of the South, although it is to be remembered to his credit that he supported Presi- dent Jackson in his course against nullification. Mr. Buchanan took the position that Congress had no power to legislate on slavery, but evidently he was willing to perpetuate and extend the system, and to bring Congressional influence to bear upon such extension. At the period of President Yan Buren's administration, Mr. Buchanan gave his earnest advocacy to the measures pro- posed by the [N'ational Executive, notably, that important action respecting the establishment of an independent treasury. In 1845, he accepted the invitation of President Polk to enter his Cabinet, where, as Secretary of State, his abilities found ample and congenial scope. With the retirement of Mr. Polk from the Presidency there came to Mr. Buchanan a welcome relief from official duties and the activities of political interests. After enjoying for several years the life of a private citizen, 124 JAMES BUCHANAN. he was summoned therefrom by President Pierce, who ap- pointed him Minister to Great Britain. While abroad in the fulfilhnent of his mission, he joined Messrs. Mason and Sonle, Ministers respectively to France and SjDain, in a conference at Ostend, which resulted in the issue of a manifesto, proposing the acquisition of Cuba, by purchase or otherwise. This Os- tend Manifesto, which caused great excitement in the United States and Europe, reflected but little honor upon Mr. Bu- chanan, the originator of the movement. Upon returning to his native land, in 1856, Mr. Buchanan became the candidate of the Democratic party for the Presi- dency. He was elected over ex-President Fillmore, candidate of the American party, and John C. Fremont, supported by the newly formed Republican organization, to which were attached man^^ members of the Whig and Free Soil parties. In many respects President Buchanan was eminently fitted for the high position to which he was called by the Amer- ican people. He had native and acquired ability, a large and varied experience, and was familiar with all departments of the public service. He was confronted, however, by unusual difiiculties, so that he was tested to an extreme degree. His administration was unique and eventful from its beginning to its exciting close. A condition of affairs amounting almost to war existed for the greater part of the time, and new perils were constantly appearing. There was an inheritance of {he Kansas-Nebraska imbroglio, with other questions of a trouble- some character. Soon followed the Dred Scott Decision, which greatly intensified the anti-slavery feeling by declaring the right of slave-holders to take their slaves into any State and hold them there as such, despite any local law to the con- trary. This decision, regarded as changing slavery from a local to a national institution, acted as a new stimulus to the agitation which President Buchanan vainly hoped to quiet. JAMES BUCHANAN. 12^ The famous raid of John Brown, in 1859, produced the greatest excitement throughout the country. The leader was a brave, conscientious man, of noble impulses, but fiinatical to the extreme regarding slavery. His ambition was to be a liberator, and his raid at Harper's Ferry was designed to force the issue and bring on a general uprising of the slaves. It was impossible that such a movement as that which he inau- gurated should succeed. He and his associates were soon capt- ured by a United States military force, and the brave leader paid the penalty of his mistaken ardor with his life. The move- ment, however, and all that went with it and followed, tended to widen the breach between the I^orth and the South, and aug- ment the difficulties of Mr. Buchanan, who was seeking to do a work of pacification, for which the time had passed. There were other troubles with which the President had to deal, besides those directly relating to slavery. The Walker filibustering expeditions gave him much annoyance; but these movements terminated with the capture of Walker, who was tried and executed by the military authorities of Honduras. There w^ere likewise old questions of a complicated natui*e per- taining to foreign aff*airs; and, in his dealing with these issues. President Buchanan Avas remarkably fortunate. He caused the English government to abandon its alleged right to search American ships — a claim, the attempted enforcement of which caused the war of 1812. This was a most satisfactoiy settle- ment of a question that had been one of frequent irritation between the two countries. As the administration of President Buchanan approached its close, the aspect of affairs grew more threatening, the South being determined to withdraw from the Union and establish a separate government. When the Presidential election of 18G0, which resulted in the choice of Mr. Lincoln, was decided, there was no longer hesitancy in going forward with the move- 126 JAMES BUCHANAN. ments of secession. Forts were seized, public property appro- priated, and various measures instituted and actively entered upon which were intended to result in the disruption of the Union. The President was halting and irresolute at this crit- ical juncture. He was neither bold nor prompt enough in his action to meet the emergency. He hesitated, and counseled inactivity when he should have moved forward to check the attempted movement of disunion. President Buchanan declared in his address to Congress, of December, 1860, that no State had the right to secede from the Union ; but he doubted his own powers to coerce a sovereign State, though he thought he could protect the Federal forts and prevent their capture. He tried to do this at the last, but was unable to keep Forts Sumter and Moultrie in Charleston Har- bor from passing into Confederate hands. He did not believe that the Constitution gave him the power which he would like to use against secession. He was not cast in heroic mould, and could not deal with the impending crisis as a bolder man, one not carrying so great a weight of years, and by nature less conservative, would have done. He did not wish to bring on civil war, albeit the very course he took may have tended to that result. IS^o doubt he misapprehended the situation and showed a lack of firmness, but there is no proof that he was at heart unpatriotic, or that consciously he wrought in aid ^of secession. After the organization of the Confederacy he still hoped that it might prove a " rope of sand," and the way to an honorable compromise would open. The retiring President remained in Washington to witness the inauguration of his successor in office, Abraham Lincoln, shortly afterwards going to his home in Wheatland, Pennsyl- vania, where he passed the uneventful years until the time of his death, June 1, 1868. During this period he prepared and published a defense of his administration, an interesting JAMES BUCHANAN. 127 work, throwing much light upon the question at issue and the motives by which his actions were guided. This defense con- firmed the estimate now so generally placed upon his charac- ter, that he was not unpatriotic in feeling or purpose, and that he was opposed to the principles of secession. The judgment hastily given concerning President Buchanan during his hfe- time, seems more harsh than is warranted by the facts pre- sented in the clearer light of dispassionate, historical record to-day. His mistakes and errors were many, but his surround- ings called for exceptional qualities rarely combined in the individual life, and few men, situated as he was, would have been equal to the demand. Among the many offices of public trust that Mr. Buchanan filled, he served perhaps the most acceptably in his diplomatic relations with foreign countries. He was distinguished in his bearing, had much grace and tact in his intercourse with the representative men from different nations, and was more firm in negotiation when representing his country's interests abroad than in his policy to preserve the American Union. Although criticised so widely, his moral character was never assailed, amid all the bitterness of denunciation which attacked his public career. ' He was never married, but he had an underlying vein of tenderness in his nature, possessed a kindly, genial disposition, was most interesting in conversa- tion, a pleasant acquaintance, a true friend. Called to the Presidency at a most trying time in the IS'ation's history, he ought not to be judged apart from the environments of his position, which should serve as excuses for some of his errors, while throwing into greater prominence the virtues of his un- sullied character, his acknoAvledged integrity, his abiUties and activities. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. SIXTEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1861 — APRIL 15, 1865. ANCESTRY — BOYHOOD LIFE AND STRUGGLES CLERK AND SURVEYOR STUDIES LAW ADMISSION TO THE BAR ELECTED TO THE LEGISLATURE TO CON- GRESS FIRM STAND AGAINST SLAVERY DEBATES VTITH SENATOR DOUG- LAS ELECTION TO THE PRESIDENCY ADMINISTRATION EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION — SECOND ELECTION ASSASSINATION CHARACTER AND SERVICES. BETTER than written description is that statue standing in Lincoln Park, Chicago, to indicate the trne expres- sion of a hfe, iamihar in its details to the American people, yet a character whose depths w^ere never sounded in any study of its many-sided development. The bronze figure of Abraham Lincoln not only reproduces his physical attri- butes, but the artist has brought out, in a right conception of what the statue should reveal, the greatness of the man, sug- gesting, by the expression and the attitude, that personality which a biography sometimes fails to present. In the sympa- thetic treatment of so difficult a subject, the sculptor has pro- duced an instantaneous picture, a composite representation, embodying the uncouth lad, tlie diligent surveyor, the useful lawyer, the skilled leader of debate, the ^N'ation's Chief Magis- trate, and its martyred hero, — while above all shines the glory of simple, honest virtues, the goodness as well as the great- ness that was his. Thus the statue emphasizes the biographi- cal teachings of an individuality, potential not only by reason of its opportunities, but from its inherent moral balance ; that 130 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. wonderful spirit, enveloped in so rough an exterior, which ex- panded, in dignity and simplicity, among all the rude and unfriendly influences to which the life of Lincoln was sub- jected. Diligent search has revealed but httle concerning the life of Thomas Lincoln, the father of Abraham, the fragments of biography, however, being sufficient to indicate the toil and suffering by which his life was bounded. Li the midst of the dense forest on Nolin Creek, of what is now La Rue County, Kentuclry, Thomas Lincoln and his young wife built a home, a rude log cabin, where their son Abraham was born February 12, 1809. The boyhood of Lincoln offers an inviting field, but it must not be enlarged upon within the limits of this sketch. It in- cluded an early childhood spent in the backwoods; an immi- gration with his family to Indiana; the loss of a dearly-loved mother; the advent of a step-mother who was truly a parent to the neglected children ; a limited education in books, but the using of every opportunity for study, so that he learned to read and write ; another removal of the family to Illinois, and the rough, laboring life of a new frontier settlement. Mrs. Lincoln's testimony that " Abe " was a good boy, was in har- mony with the general tribute paid to his generous, amiable qualities, his defense of weaker, down-trodden humanity, of cruelly-used animals, his straightforwardness, his determined will, and his energy as displayed in those boyhood years passed in poverty and hard work. Having attained his majority and aided in the establish- ment of a new home for his parents, the young man went forth to seek occupation and begin the shaping of a career which in its progress was to be invested with a marvellous power and attractiveness. He first engaged himself as a laborer to work on a farm near his father's residence. There he was employed ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 131 a part of his time in building fences, so that in the poUtical cam- paigns of late years he was frequently designated as the " rail- splitter "of Illinois. Then he went to Springfield, the shire town of Sangamon County, and since made the capital of Illi- nois, where he wrought in the construction of a large flat- boat, which he helped to guide down the Sangamon, Illinois, and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans. Returning from this trip, he worked in a country store at New Salem, Illinois, gain- ing the confidence of the people, who quickly discerned his abilities and manly work. In 1832, at the breaking out of the Black Hawk War, young Lincoln promptly volunteered, and was chosen to be captain of the companies raised in Sangamon County. While he did not participate in any battle, he yet bore the hardships of the three months' campaign in so brave and uncomjilaining a way that he returned to New Salem with his popularity deservedly augmented. At this period, besides performing the duties devolving upon him, he was studying surveying, becoming so well fitted for this work that in 1838 he was appointed a deputy of the county surveyor. Mr. Lincoln's political career may be said to date from the year 1831:, when he was elected to the Illinois Legislature. He belonged to the Henry Clay school of politics, and was in sympathy with the general policy of the Whig party. His legislative course, which lasted through four successive terms, was marked by energy and ability, united with an earnest pur- pose to maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed, and do exact justice to all classes. About the time of his first elec- tion, Mr. Lincoln began to pursue a course of reading, with a view of entering the legal profession. He was admitted to the bar in 1836, and the next year removed to Springfield, where he was associated with his friend and adviser, Mr. John T. Stuart, in a practice that soon became extensive and lucrative. Mr. Lincoln achieved success in the practice of law, especially 1^2 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. in his conduct of cases before juries. He was eloquent and persuasive in speech, logical and convincing, yet noted for his fairness in the treatment of an opponent. His integrity was never questioned. His entire faithfulness to a cause or princi- ple which he had espoused was always conceded. He won his way sloAvly, but surely, to a prominent place, being ranked as an upright, hard-working, capable lawyer, in whose hands the most important interests might be safely reposed. Al- though giving the most of his time to his law practice, he still retained an active interest in local politics. In 1846 he was elected to Congress and served one term. The abrogation of the Missouri Compromise in 1854 deeply affected Mr. Lincoln, and from that time forward he made frequent and strong expressions of his views on the sub- ject of slavery. He became identified with the Republican party at its formation, taking, as of right, a place among its foremost leaders. In 1858, when the senatorial term of Mr. Douglas was near its close, Mr. Lincoln was put forward for the succession. In accordance with a general feeling, the two candidates arranged for a public discussion, which excited great attention throughout the country, and did much to enhance the reputation of Mr. Lincoln. He did not succeed in obtaining the senatorship, although a majority of the pop- ular vote was in his favor, but he attained distinction by his method of treating the slavery question, going to the very heart of this disturbing issue, and dealing with the moral element. He was not an abolitionist; he was not inclined to disturb slavery in any rights that it might have under the Con- stitution in the States where it existed, but he boldly opposed its further encroachments. He had the clear vision to see what the issue would be. Thus he declared in one of his addresses in 1858 : " A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this Government cannot endure permanently half slave ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 133 and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided." As the time drew near for the holding of the RejDublican Convention to nominate candidates respectively for the offices of President and Vice-President, the name of Mr. Lincoln Avas sometimes mentioned for one or the other place. The skill which he had shown in his debates with Senator Douglas was generally conceded, and yet he was not regarded with that measure of general favor accorded to Mr. Seward and others who had been largely instrumental in the formation of the Kepublican party. In the early part of 1860 Mr. Lincoln visited the East, speaking in New York and elsewhere with so much of intellectual and moral force as to command special attention. Thenceforth he became more widely known, and a much higher estimate was put upon his powers. It was hardly thought possible, however, that he could secure the nomination for the Presidency at the hands of the Convention which met in Chicago May 16, 1860 ; but on the third ballot he received more votes than were given for all his distinguished competitors, and under the pressure of an intense feeling of enthusiasm his nomination was made unanimous. Then followed a bitter j^olitical contest, resulting in the election of Mr. Lincoln, who received 180 electoral votes, the remaining 123 being diAdded among the opposing candidates. During all the heated canvass, and the threatening days fol- lowing his election, Mr. Lincoln bore himself with composure, making expression, however, not infrequently, of the resolute fibre of which his nature was formed. His letters, written at the time, show how far-seeing his vision was, and how quick and strong his impulses of patriotic devotion. Possessed of a deeply religious nature, he had a firm reliance upon Divine Providence, and believed that thus he was to be led and upheld 1^4 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. in the arduous path of official duty. Preserved from dang-ers of one sort and another, Mr. Lincoln was duly inaugurated as the Chief Magistrate of the Nation. His inaugural address, while it declared " the Union perpetual and all acts of seces- sion void," was moderate in tone — even conciliatory towards the seceding States. But the South would not be propitiated; the bombardment and capture of Fort Sumter quickly followed Mr. Lincoln's accession to power, and in a few weeks from the time of his inauguration he found himself involved in all the hard, trying conditions of a civil war — a terrible and pro- longed contest, which extended over the whole of the first term of his administration, and tested him as rarely any other man was ever tried in the place of exalted leadership. As the war progressed he had to pass upon perplexing questions connected with slavery. It seemed to some of his friends that he was over-cautious, and did not quickly enough seize the opportunity of profiting by the help of the enslaved population of the seceding States. He would not allow his commanders in the field to issue proclamations declaring free- dom to the slaves. He was disposed at the first to compen- sate the States Avhich would adopt a plan for the gradual and voluntary abolition of slavery; but he was watchful of events and of public opinion, and at the right time he issued the proc- lamation of emancipation, which, being sustained by the force of arms and subsequent legislation, resulted in the removal of slavery from the Kepublic. The unexpected prolongation of the war, the vast expense of treasure and life by which it was carried on, together with political complications and clashing material interests, caused much criticism of the President and his administration. He was very patient under the burden of care and responsibility, and the added load of harsh, mistaken judgment often laid upon him. The great majority of the loyal people were in sympa- ABRAHAM LINCOLN. 13^ thy with him and rallied to his support, so that he was tri- umphantly elected to a second term, upon which he entered just as the war was drawing to a close. General Lee surren- dered to General Grant April 9, 1865, and this was practically the end of the war. 'Now that victory was assured to the national government, the hope of Pi-esident Lincoln was to do a blessed work of reconstruction, building anew the shattered fabrics of seceding States and so causing the restored Union to stand fair and strong. His was the great heart to do this work " with malice toward none, with charity for all ." This pur- pose he was not to realize. His mortal mission was accom- plished. He died April 15, 1865, from the efiects of an assas- sin's bullet, honored and mourned by the great body of the American people. And so this noble, true soul, this strong-minded, great- hearted man passed hence to his reward. His place is assured among the illustrious leaders of the Republic. He represents democracy in its finest instincts. He is a grand, attractive model for individual character and for national life. It is a suggestive picture of the honored, martyred Lincoln whicli Mr. Lowell draws : " I have seen the wisest statesman and most pregnant speaker of the generation, a man of humble birth and ungainly manners, of little culture beyond what his own genius supplied, become more absolute in power than any mon- arch of modern times, through the reverence of his country- men for his honesty, his wisdom, his sincerity, his faith in God and man, and the nobly humane simplicity of his character." ANDREW JOHNSON. SEVENTEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. ANDREW JOHNSON. PRESIDENT, APRIL 15, 1865 — MARCH 4, 1869. HUMBLE BIRTH EARLY MARRIAGE POPULARITY AMONG HIS TOWNSMEN CHOSEN TO FILL SEVERAL PUBLIC OFFICES MILITARY GOVERNOR OF TEN- NESSEE ELECTED VICE-PRESIDENT ON THE TICKET WITH ABRAHAM LIN- COLN PRESIDENT OF THE MOURNING NATION DISAPPOINTING ADMINIS- TRATION IMPEACHMENT REMAINING TEARS AND DUTIES UNFULFILLED POSSIBILITIES OF AN HEROIC NATURE. ASSOCIATED together in the political campaign of 18G4: were the names of Lincoln and Johnson, nominated for the respective offices of President and Yicc-Presi- dent. The former was the well-tried leader and statesman, named by the Republican party for a second term in the high office whose duties he had ably discharged; the latter, less known and experienced, a representative of the Southern States, who had given an unwavering support to the Union, and shown a general sympathy with the principles of the party that placed him in nomination. The tragic event which fol- lowed so soon the induction of these men into the offices to which they had been elected, was not foreseen. Had it been, perhaps the nominating convention would have hesitated in selecting Andrew Johnson as candidate for Yice-President, from which position, a few weeks after his inauguration, in consequence of the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, he was ad- Tanced as the constitutional successor of the Chief Executive, 138 ANDREW JOHNSON. and thus became the seventeenth President of the United States. Born in Raleigh, l!^orth Carohna, December 29, 1808, lie shared the common poverty and iihteracy of that district in the beginning of the nineteenth century. The dull monotony of his boyhood was only relieved by the force with which he applied himself to every pursuit, his ardent attention giving a flavor of interest to the daily round of severe tasks imposed by conditions and surroundings. His early marriage bright- ened his existence, not only by appealing to his aifections, but also by awakening his intellectual powers, as the young wife became a teacher, instructing her husband how to wi'ite and cipher, he already having learned to read by his own diligent, persevering efforts, unaided by personal instruction. With this rudimentary education, Andrew Johnson, then living in Greenville, Tennessee, working at his trade, that of a tailor, began to feel an interest in public affairs, and to take somewhat prominent position in local political matters. He identified himself with a workingmen's party which helped in his election, first, as an alderman, and afterwards mayor of the small town where he lived. He was chosen in 1835 a member of the State Legislature, Avas elected State Senator in 1841, and the year 1843 entered Congress, where he served by successive elections a period of ten years. After fulfilling these important duties he was twice elected Governor of Ten- nessee, in 1853 and 1855, doing excellent service for his State while occupying the gubernatorial chair. His election to the United States Senate occurred in 1857. Although he gave his support to the general policy of the Democi-atic party, agreeing with many of the Southern politicians that Congress had no authority to limit the territorial extension of slavery, he opposed the idea of secession, and expressed, in all his speeches in the Senate, an unfaltering support of the Union. ANDREW JOHNSON. 139 Upon his return to Tennessee Mr. Johnson endeavored to estabhsh a Union party in the State in accordance with the principles he had advocated, arousing great feeling and many threats against him from the adherents of secession. In the year 1862 President Lincoln made the appointment of Andrew Johnson as Military Governor of Tennessee, a position re- quiring executive ability, cool judgment and prompt action. Beginning his labors in Nashville, soon a besieged city. Gov- ernor Johnson's course in dealing with the disheartened Union- ists and the desperate secessionists won for him an enviable reputation in the North, and probably led to his nomination for the office of Vice-President. His bold, determined course against secession and its producing cause, now allied him to the Pepublican party, though he had supported Breckenbridge, the Democratic candidate for the presidency, in the election of 1860, which had resulted in the defeat of that candidate and the iDreferment of President Lincoln. The personal hard- ships endured so bravely by Governor Johnson, while in Nash- ville, his forced separation from family and friends, his hostil- ity to slavery, openly declared, his devotion to his country's interests, gave him prominence as one of the leaders in the Republican party, and showed him to be a strong man for any public position. Liaugurated as Vice-President, March 4, 1865, it was only a few weeks later that he was called to fill the high office as Chief Magistrate of a people mourning for the hero cruelly murdered by the hand of an assassin. It was about two and one-half hours after the death of President Lincoln that Mr. Johnson took the oath of office, administered to him by Chief Justice Chase, and entered upon the duties of President of the United States. A sorely-stricken and greatly-bereaved people, just emerging from a long and terrible, but now suc- cessful war, looked to him in confidence, believing that he I40 ANDREW JOHNSON. « would prove a worthy successor to the martyred Lincoln, whose wisdom and patriotism were now set before their vision in clearest lines. A few days after he had assumed the duties of his new position, while the body of the dead President was yet unburied, Mr. Johnson, in response to a delegation fi*om Dlinois that called upon him, made a vigorous denunciation of treason as a " crime that must be punished," and intimated his purpose to use strong, if not severe, measures in dealing with all enemies of the government. The sentiments thus avowed were received with marked favor by the loyal people of the land, who felt that their interests were quite safe in the hands of a man cherishing such sentiments. He seemed to represent a quality of manhood that was specially required in dealing with the perplexing questions of reconstruction, and with other problems presented as an inheritance of the long and terrible Civil War. There was hardly a doubt but that President Johnson would be in harmony with a Republican Congress as to the course to be pursued in dealing with the States lately in secession, and all collateral matters related to the policy of the government. To the surprise of Congress and the people, however, President Johnson soon made a manifestation of some of the idiosyncracies of his nature, revealing the fact that he was self-willed and opinionated, stubborn to a fault, and reckless of consequences, however honest he might be. at heart. The picture that is presented of President Johnson at this period, when he stood in opposition to the party to which he owed his election — a Republican Congress, and the great mass of loyal people — is not altogether pleasant to look upon, and yet there are some lines of light let in upon the view. The President might show a sudden and mysterious change of opinion in the matter of dealing with the Southern States; he might approve of measures favored by those who had been ANDREW JOHNSON. 141 supposed to sympathize more or less with secession ; he might pursue a hne of public pohcy regarded as most detrimental to the country's interests; yet there he stood, a brave, capable, not unpatriotic man, who Avould both avow and maintain his ideas at any cost. He compels a measure of respect for the position he took, however mistaken it was, and much to be deplored as was the antagonism that grew up between the President and Congress, resulting at last in a movement for his impeachment. It is not required, nor does it come within the scope of a biographical sketch, that these causes of dissension should be noted in their order, or any opinion j^assed upon the opposing theories of reconstruction. The fact, bi'iefly stated, is this: President Johnson held that the Southern States were never legally out of the Union, their ordinances of secession being void, and therefore he thought they were entitled to resume at once their former relations to the government. Congress held otherwise, taking the ground that, Avhile the acts of secession were void, the States which had sought to break away from the Union should be required to legislate in a certain manner and offer certain guarantees before being allowed to enter again upon the enjoyment of all their privileges and have represen- tation in the councils of the Nation. Just here was the vital point of antagonism. The President vetoed bill after bill passed by Congress in relation to reconstruction matters, but gener- ally these measures were enacted into laws by a constitutional majority over the vetoes. In the elections of 1866, the policy of Congress was ap- proved by the votes of the people, and henceforth the Presi- dent was placed at a greater disadvantage; but he would not yield. Congress made an effort to limit the functions of his authority in the matter of removing officers. Refusing to con- foi-m to the provisions of such a Congressional enactment, and 142 ANDREW JOHNSON. making an attempt to remove Secretary Stanton after the Sen- ate had refused to approve, President Johnson precipitated a crisis which tested again the strength and stabiHt}^ of Ameri- can institutions. The House of Representatives, on February 24, 1868, passed a resokition impeaching him for high crimes and misdemeanors. He was tried by the Senate, as the Con- stitution provides, on the charges thus preferred; but, as less than two-thirds of the members of that body voted to sustain the charges, he was acquitted, and continued to serve as Pres- ident until the end of his term. The administration of President Johnson was characterized by many important events attesting the progress of national life and influence. Nebraska, formed out of the Louisiana purchase, and concerning the territorial condition of which there had been so much of political dispute, was admitted as a State in 1867, and during the same year the vast region of AUiska was purchased from Russia at a cost of more than seven million dolhirs. On March 4, 1869, President Johnson retired from his official responsibilities and duties at the White House, taking up his residence as a private citizen at Greenville, Tennessee. He did not cease, however, to manifest an interest in public aflairs, and he was still a somewhat influential factor in politi- cal matters of State concern. In January, 1875, the legisla- ture of Tennessee elected him to the Senate of the United States, and he was about to re-enter public life when the sum- mons came to him to pass on and join the silent majority. He died July 31, 1875. Called to fill the Executive chair at so trying a time in the history of the Kation, succeeding the honored Lincoln whose assassination had wounded every true-hearted citizen the world over, President Johnson bore himself with a degree of cour- age, with a reliance upon his right convictions that cannot fail ANDREW JOHNSON. 14^ to awaken something of admiration for his inherent strength of character. Personally, his features were commonplace, his bearing unostentatious; he was always inclined to bring into prominence the fact of his plebeian origin, yet he had a native force of character which gave dignity to his presence, and he impressed the ])eholder as an heroic exponent of whatever should appeal to his best judgment. He had sparse opportu- nities to cultivate friendships, for his entire life was a struggle, with few quiet periods or untroubled hours. The White House sheltered Mrs. Johnson but for a brief time, and, though her daughters were graceful and liberal in their hospitalities, it was not the scene of social amenities or friendly pleasures under the administration of President Johnson. He had the possibilities of a more sympathetic nature than he ever dis- played, but the calls for courage and the sterner virtues were so urofent that there was little time for the cultivation of more graceful, attractive, personal qualities. The right estimate to be placed upon one Avho has been severely criticised, and who certainly made many lapses in the way which he undeviatingly pursued, is suggested by a sentence from a modern writer, giv- ing an account of a personal interview with Mr. Johnson: " I left him Avith the conviction that, how^ever impolitic or mis- guided might be his course, a more honest-hearted man did not exist; nor could I believe that the indomitable courage and persistency in behalf of principle which had characterized his conduct before the war, and had made the country ring with the name of 'Andy Johnson,' had become debased by truckling to the sycophancy of disloyal Southern politicians." ULYSSES S. GRANT. EIGHTEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. ULYSSES S. GRANT. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1869 — MARCH 4, 1877. HIS OHIO BIRTHPLACE WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY IN THE MEXICAN WAR LIFE ON THE FRONTIER FARMING, AND IN THE LEATHER BUSINESS HONORABLE RECORD IN THE CIVIL WAR MANY VICTORIES PROMO- TION TO THE RANK OF MAJOR-GENERAL PRESIDENT FOR TWO TERMS HIS ADMINISTRATION — CENTENNIAL DEATH AFTER MONTHS OF SUFFERING THK WATCHWORDS OF HIS CAREER. THE marginal notes in a printed volume are often neces- sary to make the text complete and convey the infor- mation intended by the writer in his conception of the work. So, in the narrative of a notable career, the side issues, the minor incidents of the life ought at least to be suggested, otherwise a biography, emphasizing only the one heroic act or successful achievement, but inadequately presents the individ- ual, the development of personal qualities and distinguishing characteristics. It is no easy task for the biographer to avoid simply eulogistic writing, to withstand the temptation of dwelling upon well-known events in the human history which he is considering, to clearly bring out the less important details which contributed, however, to the shaping of a career and the moulding of personal qualities. To condense, in a brief sketch, the record of one prominent and useful as Ulysses S. Grant, eighteenth President of the United States, is difficult, indeed, and a limited space almost entirely precludes allusion to the interesting marginal notes, interspersed throughout a life so pregnant with honor and activity. 146 ULYSSES S. GRANT. On tlie borderland of the great IN'orthwest, in one of Ohio's undeveloped settlements, Point Pleasant, Clei-mont County, AjDril 27, 1822, a son was born to Jesse Root Grant and his wife, Hannah Simpson. Hiram Ulysses Grant was the name given the boy, but on his entrance to West Point, the official documents, by some mistake, christened him Ulysses Sydney Gnint, afterwards changed to Ulysses Simpson, which Avas adopted by the lad, who was commonly designated " Uncle Sam " by his boyish associates. His father's occuj^ation, that of a tanner, was not congenial to Ulysses, who after strenuous efforts on the part of his friends, secured an appointment to West Point United States Militar}^ Academy, where he was an earnest student, but displayed no brilliant mental qualities in any branch of learning which he pursued. His rank on gi-nduating in 1843 was twenty-one in a class of thirty-nine, and his assignment to the Fourth Regiment, then stationed in Missouri, was as second lieutenant in the infantry. He ac- compained this regiment to Louisiana, where it was sent in anticipation of troubles arising from this proposed annexation of Texas, and at a little later period took active part in the Mexican War. Serving under General Taylor, and afterwards under General Winfield Scott, Lieutenant Grant was always obedient to his superior officers, prompt to fulfill all duties, never murmured at the hardships of army life, and endured its discipline in the spirit of a true soldier. He was twice pro- moted for gallantry on the field of battle, and, at the close of the war, he held a Captain's commission. On his return from Mexico, in 1818, he was married to Miss Julia Dent, of St. Louis, and with his wife he spent nearly four years at various ports and garrisons where he was assigned for duty. He was then sent to the Pacific Coast, Mrs. Grant being unable to accompany her husband in his transfer to this distant post of duty. While stationed at Fort Vancouver he was appointed ULYSSES S. GRANT. 147 to a captaincy and given another assignment; but he declined further service in the army, resigned his commission in July, 1854, and returned to St. Louis, where his wife and children were then residing. Captain Grant was now thirty-five years of age, a strong, resolute man, showing some marked peculiarities of mind and character. He had gained large experience by events and associations, and was seemingly fitted for a more prominent career than that which he entered upon when he left the army and settled down to a farmer's life near St. Louis. He applied hunself diligentl}^ to the pursuits of agriculture, but he was not successful in his new avocation. Then he tried a real estate and collection business, for which he had no liking, and from which he soon withdrew. After experimenting with several other occupations he removed to Galena, Illinois, where he became associated with his father and brothers in the leather business. This was in the early part of the year 1860. Here he lived a quiet, uneventful life until the breaking out of the Civil War. He attended to the commonplace duties which claimed his attention, held himself a good deal in reserve, formed few acquaintances, took no active part in political affairs, and was comparatively unknown in the community. The war for the Union opened a new career for this quiet man; it gave opportunity for the real quality of his nature to declare itself, and brought into expression hitherto hid- den traits of character. With the breaking out of hostilities Grant felt that he had no choice but to offer his services to the National Government. He had received a military training; he was in the full maturity of his strength ; he was moved in all the earnestness of a noble nature to contribute some help for the preservation of the Union, and therefore he promptly tendered his services to the authorities, proposing " to act until the close of the war in such capacity as may be offered." 148 ULYSSES S. GRANT. He was first assigned to the work of organizing some of the Elinois volunteers, and afterwards, for a brief period, was con- nected with the Adjutant-General's office in Springfield, of that State. Grant wanted a place of activity in the field, how- ever, and on June 16, 1861, he was commissioned as Colonel of the Twenty-first Illinois infantry. At once he secured the confidence of officers and men. He showed military capacity by soon bringing his regiment up to a notable condition of discipline and efficiency. He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, being honored with a commission dated May 17, 1861. General Grant was now called to one and another position of importance, where he was subjected to various trials and tests, under which he made ample proof of energy and military skill. General Grant's capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in February, 1862, added greatly ta his reputation, while the plan of the movement gave proof of the fact that he had a wise and far-seeing vision as to strate- gic positions and the various combinations essential to an aggressive warfare. General Grant, after the successes noted, was advanced in rank, being commissioned by President Lincoln as Major-Gen- eral. After this preferment, however, he was subjected to harsh criticisms, and for a time was without a command. Only for a brief period, however, was he held to inactivity, fory, being restored to his place, he was soon displaying his charac- teristic energy in organizing and moving his troops for an impending conflict. Whether or not the terrible assault upon the Union army at Shiloh was in any sense a surprise to Gen- eral Grant, is not made clear ; but there can be no question of the fact that this battle was one of the great engagements of the war, with most important issues depending on its result. During the two days' engagement the generalship of Grant was conspicuous. He handled his troops skilfully, he infused ULYSSES S. GRANT. 149 confidence into officers and men, he never lost heart himself as to the result. Following the battle of Shiloh, the capture of Corinth, and other movements by the army of the Tennessee, General Grant advanced upon Yicksburg, then regai-ded as " the Gibraltar of the Mississippi." After a protracted siege, this Confederate stronghold was surrendered to General Grant on July 4, 186.3. It was a signal victory, leading to important results. General Pemberton surrendered an army of about thirty-two thousand men, with one hundred and seventy-two cannon and thousands of small arms. The surrender of Fort Hudson followed in a few days, and thenceforth, as President Lincoln said, "the Mississippi went un vexed to the sea." The fall of Vicksburg caused rejoicing in all the loyal States, while the hearts of the people were moved in sympathetic, grateful accord toward the successful commander whose operations against the fortified city have often been compared to the brilliant movements of Napoleon at Ulm. Advanced to the rank of Major-Gen- eralin the regular army and placed in command of the newly created Division of the Mississippi, General Grant soon gave additional proof of his possession of the attributes of success- ful military leadership. He massed his forces at vital points, forced the blockade at Chattanooga, directed several move- ments in such a way as to secure the desired results, and fought and won the notable battle of Missionary Ridge. It does not seem surprising, after the brilliant results attending his military campaign in the West, that General Grant should have been called to Washington a few months later and placed in command of all the armies of the United States. His merits were now generally recognized. Congress had revived the grade of Lieutenant-General — a rank held only by Washington and Scott — for the purpose of confei'ring upon him a superior mark of distinction, and thus grandly i^o ULYSSES S. GRANT. augmenting his power. Thenceforth his hand guided the great forces of the war until a successful issue was reached. He led the army of the Potomac against General Lee, fought many hard battles, pushed the enemy from one point to another, at last compelled the evacuation of Petersburg and Kichmond, which brought about the surrender of General Lee, an event that j^rac- tically ended the war. General Grant's magnanimous course in dealing with a brave and conquered foe, at the time of the surrender at Appomattox, April 9, 1865, reveals a breadth of mind and a generosity of feeling which were alike conspicuous elements in his nature. The close of the war, followed all so quickly and sadly by the assassination of President Lincoln, brought many new duties to the hands of General Grant, who, in the rehabilita- tion of the regular army, was placed at its head, to the general satisfaction of the soldiers and the people. He gave wise and energetic attention to all matters thus placed in his charge, holding himself aloof, so far as possible, from the political complications that characterized President Johnson's adminis- tration. He showed due respect to the President, but he was too keen, self-reliant and patriotic to take any step in opposi- tion to the will of the people as expressed by Congress. General Grant's prudent course during this trying period, no less than his military popularity, led to his being placed in nomination, in 1868, by the Kepublican party, as its candidate for President. He was elected by a large majority, his inau- guration, March 4, 1869, commanding more than* ordinary in- terest. On that occasion he said: "I shall on all subjects have a policy to recommend, but none to enforce against the will of the people." Li 1872 General Grant was elected for a second term, thus giving to him an administration of eight years. His conduct of public affairs was in the main com- mendable, his honesty of purpose was freely admitted by those ULYSSES S. GRANT. 151 who at times were his unsparing critics. He had not the training of a statesman; he kicked some of the elements es- sential to a perfect character, and requisite to the largest public service; but as he was, and as he revealed himself in the eight years of his holding the office of President, he gave abundant proof of ability and good sense, united with sincere devotion to his country's interests. His administration was characterized by many striking events — among others those attending the Centennial observances of 1876, especially the noteworthy exposition at Philadelphia, opened by the Presi- dent, and continued from May to JN^ovember of the year named. Upon his retirement from the office of President, General Grant spent some two years in a journey around the woi-ld, visiting Europe, India, China, Japan, and other important countries, where he was received with great honor and dis- tinction. On his return to the United States he entered into business, in which he was not successful, in New York City. In 1881 a cancerous disease developed which did not admit of any surgical operation for its mitigation or removal. Under this disease he suffered and languished until death came to his relief. He died at McGregor, N^ew York, July 25, 1885. The teachings of such a life, imperial in its influence, can- not be overestimated. Biographers have dwelt upon its heroic expression, its brilliant successes, its great powers for the leadership of men ; there is also another, the " everlasting," side of character, to be extolled. Early in his manhood General Grant nailed upon the door of his heart that thesis embodied in the words, obedience and work. Quietly, yet continuously, he followed the path where they guided his steps, never for- getting the allegiance Avhich they demanded in the perform- ance of the most humble act, as well as in the great deeds, of a life filled with honorable service. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. NINETEENTH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. PRESIDENT, MARCH 4, 1877 — MARCH 4, 1881. BIRTHPLACE IN OHIO PREPARATOKY EDUCATION GRADUATES FROM KENYON COLLEGE ATTENDS LAW SCHOOL AT CAMBRIDGE BEGINS TO PRACTICE LAW IN MARIETTA REMOVAL TO CINCINNATI — VOLUNTEERS IN AID OF THE UNION CAUSE EFFICIENT SERVICE IN THE ARMY CONGRESSIONAL CAREER GOVERNOR OF OHIO ELEVATION TO THE PRKSIDKNCY ADMIN- ISTRATIVE POLICY AND ACTS RETIREMENT FROM OFFICE A PRIVATE CITIZEN. AMONG the twenty -two eminent men called to fill the chief place in the Government of the American Xation since its formation, a century and more ago, only two are now living, the present incumbent in office, and ex-Presi- dent Rutherford Birchard Hayes. The life of Mr. Hayes, though less eventful and conspicuous than were the careers of some of his predecessors in the office of President, has in it many points of interest, and well deserves the attention of his countrymen. It has a suggestive attractiveness, not only because of its connection with public affairs, but likewise for the reason that it presents so clear an expression of attributes fostered by the culture and civilization native to the soil of a prospei'ous i-epublic. The nineteenth President of the United States was born at Delaware, Ohio, October 4, 1822. In his boyhood he was sub- jected to many of the limitations of a frontier settlement, especially in the matter of books and schools. Ohio, however, had already inaugurated a movement for common schools, and 11 1^4 RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. laid the foundation of institutions of learning of a higher grade, so that the lad of whom we write found better means and facilities for satisfying his active, enquiring mind, than would have been the case had his life begun in the same local- ity a quarter of a century earlier. He first attended the schools in the vicinity of his home with a view of preparing himself for an advanced course of instruction. The death of his father seemed likely to frustrate the boy's desire in this respect, but an uncle, Sardis Birchard, becoming interested in the youth, furnished the means to enable him to continue his studies and acquire a liberal education. After attending an academy at JN^orwalk, Ohio, and a preparatory school at Mid- dletown. Conn., he entered Kenyon College at Gambler, Ohio, graduating therefrom in 1842, some months before the comple- tion of his twentieth year. Having decided that he would enter the legal profession, he became a student in the Law School of Harvard College, at Cambridge, Mass., where he made a good record for ability and industry, besides indicating that he had a strong and steady purpose of mind which would most likely bear him well to the front in any path he might enter upon. After graduating at Cambridge he returned to Ohio, being admitted to the bar in 1845, and commencing the practice of his profession at Marietta. The professional career of Mr. Hayes was attended by. a notable degree of success. His natural and acquired compe- tency was quickly recognized, and his careful attention to the interests of his clients did not pass unnoticed. His law j)rac- tice increased and his reputation grew accordingly. In the year 1850 he removed to Cincinnati, where, in a broader field, with still greater responsibilities given into his hands, he ac- quired more of prominence as a lawyer, besides gaining in a remarkable degree the esteem and respect of the community. For several years he filled acceptably the important ofiice of RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. i^^ City Solicitor, evincing, in the discharge of the duties of that position, a carefuhiess and zeal greatly to his credit. In this service, as in the performance of other like trusts, he made expression of many of those qualities which belong to the upper range of human natui-e, and are always the sign of a strong and attractive individuality. In 1861, when the Civil War broke out, Mr. Hayes is pre- sented to view as a strong, well-matured man, who had profited by the culture of books and schools, and not less by the expe- riences of an active professional and public career. If he had not acquired signal distinction, or become widely known, he was yet regarded in the community where he lived and among a constantly increasing circle of appreciative friends, as a pru- dent and safe man, intelligent and thoughtful, whose counsels might well be followed in the matters of public concern. Thus his influence was felt on the side of the National Gov- ernment when all so promptly he offered his services in behalf of the Union. He was first commissioned as Major in the Twenty-third Ohio Infantry, the regiment being assigned to duty in West Virginia. During the first year of the war he saw considerable service, endured many hardships, and gave ample proof that he had in his composition the essential ele- ments of a true soldier. Advanced to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel, he led his regiment in several engagements, and showed such qualities of military skill as to win another pro- motion, when he was placed in charge of a brigade. He was made Brigadier-General in 186J:, for " gallant and distinguished services " at the battle of Cedar Creek. While it may not be claimed tha't General Hayes is entitled, either by his militaiy ability or achievements, to rank with the few great command- ei-s of the war, it may yet be said he deserves a place of honor with them, both on account of his patriotic devotion and his o:allant deeds. He served until the close of the war with 1^6 RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. a true, unwavering determination to do his full duty, partici- pated in several hard-fought engagements, and was wounded four times. At the close of the war General Hayes entered upon his Congressional duties, giving close attention, not only to the special interests of his constituents, but to other more general questions, which, at that critical period, assumed an excep- tional importance. He was re-elected to Congress in 1866, and the year following was chosen Governor of Ohio. While discharging the duties of the last named office, he showed a rare degree of administrative capacity, and so conducted the affairs of the State as to merit and receive a large measure of approval. He Avas re-elected to a second term in 1869, making a continuous service of four years — from 1867 to 1871- — in the Gubernatorial office. At the close of the second term, having declined to be again a candidate, he resumed the place and duties of a private citizen, taking up once more many of the lines of professional interest which for a time had fallen from his hands. Four years later he was again induced to allow his name to be placed at the head of the Republican State ticket, and at the election in October, 1875, he was chosen Governor of Ohio for a third term. In the year 1876, memorable as the Centennial year of the Kepublic, there came a season of more than usual political excitement. Both of the great parties were considerably agi- tated within their own lines as to men and measures. When the Republican ]!^ational Convention assembled at Cincinnati, in June of that year, to nominate candidates for President and Vice-President, a wide divergence of opinion was found to exist as to the name that should be placed at the head of the ticket. When the convention entered upon its session Gov- ernor Hayes was hardly mentioned as a candidate, and no effort had been made to secure support in his behalf. When, RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. 1^7 however, several ballots had been taken, resulting in no choice, his nomination was strongly urged, and, by a combination of" delegates opposed to Mr. Blaine, such a result was effected on the seventh ballot. Senator William A. Wheeler, of !N"ew York, was named for the Vice-Presidency, this ticket being opposed, in the exciting political campaign that followed, by the Democrats, who put in nomination Samuel J. Tilden, of New York, and Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana. When the election took place, in ]!*