lass l)()()K £aax .^•^^ ^'X i^RESi:.\Ti:i) VA The Forrest Monument Its History and Dedication A Memorial in Art, Oratory and Literature / G-ENERAL N. B. FORREST 1875 THE Forrest Monument ^ ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION ^ A MEMORIAL IN ART, ORATORY AND LITERATURE — ) £> ' t' ClL* i(\» «*D OUU'^A* itrertorg ^f % ffnrrwt Mmtxmtnt AfiBOtiatuitt INCORPORATED NOVEMBER 20, J 89 J, S. T. CARNES, President. G. W. GORDON, Vice-President. JAMES E. BEASLEY, Treasurer. J. P. YOXJNG, Secretary. SAM. A. PEPPER, H. M. NEELY, W. F. TAYLOR, I. F. PETERS, W. A. COLLIER, J. W. CLAPP, W. P. ECKLES, G. W. MACRAE, W. B. MALLORY, J. M. GOODBAR, HUNSDON CARY, T. B. TURLEY, A. R. TAYLOR. In publishing this booklet, the Forrest Monument Associa- tion had chiefly in view two purposes : First, to disseminate in a more permanent and extensive form a history of the monument erected in honor of the memory and military genius of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, together with an account of his career and achievements as a soldier in the field, and as set forth in the addresses and proceedings during the dedication ceremonies; and, secondly, to preserve in a more durable form the "Roll of Honor," and thereby to express more emphatically the gratitude of the Association to all who con- tributed, whether in large or small sums, to the monument fund, and also thereby to give the public an opportunity to recognize the generosity, the patriotism and the energy that finally accom- plished the enterprise. S. T. Carnes, A. R. Taylor, Geo. W. Gordon. Commiltee on Publication, Memphis, Tenn., May 18, 1905. FORREST MONUMENT &tzf of the Munnmmt Height of Monument, 21 feet 6 inches Height of Equestrian, 12 feet Height of Pedestal, 7 feet Height of Terrace, 2 feet 6 inches Total Cost of the Monument, $32,359.53. ^^v tt^^ ^5^ 3tt0rrt|itiiittB [On South Front, In large, raised letters] NATHAN BEDFORD FORREST 1821-1877 [On West Front] 1904 ERECTED BY HIS COUNTRYMEN IN HONOR OF THE MILITARY GENIUS OF LIEUTENANT-GENERAL NATHAN BEDFORD FORREST CONFEDERATE STATES ARMY 1861 — 1865 [On East Front— Written by Mrs. Virginia Frazer Boyle] Those hoof beats die not upon fame's crimsoned sod, But will ring through her song and her story; He fought like a Titan and struck like a god. And his dust is our ashes of glory. Inu^iltttg ani i^btrattnn nf ilnmtm^nt From the Commercial Appeal, May 17, 1905.] OLD MEMORIES REVIVED. In the presence of surviving comrades and thousands of animated spectators the veil was yesterday afternoon removed from the Niehaus statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest. There was no ele- ment of discord in either service or celebration. As the parting flags revealed the heroic figure of the wizard of the saddle, a vast crowd gave voice to loud cheers. It was an event of historic in- terest. The South 's great hero received from the hands of a grateful public loyal honors well and honestly earned. The scene at Forrest Park at the time of unveiling was one of tremendous interest. Citizens from seven States applauded little Miss Kathleen Bradley as she removed the Confederate colors which veiled the statue. In behalf of the Forrest Memo- rial Association Senator Thomas B. Turley presented the statue to the city of Memphis, and in behalf of the citizens of Memphis Mayor Williams, in a few well-chosen remarks, accepted it. The incident will be recorded among the important events in the his- tory of the city. The history of the statue, the noble work of the Forrest Memorial Association, the detailed account of the celebration, and a full report of the splendid oratorical efforts will be found below. There was nothing lacking to make the affair a complete and pro- nounced success. 14 THE FORREST MONUMENT. It was an ideal afternoon for the unveiling. Forrest Park was full of steady, slanting sunshine and half defined flower scents. The air was soft and throaty and Southern, with sus- pended cadences and unexpected chords coming from the trees and wind. Between 25,000 and 30,000 people filled the park in- closure. The crowd was vivid in color and restless in action. The streets on each of the four sides of the park were blocked with vehicles. Windows of all adjacent buildings were filled with spectators. About the statue the crowd was closely packed and it was impossible to penetrate to the speakers' stand with- out police assistance. Cars on every street car line coming within a block of the park were crowded. The haul was the heaviest in the history of the company for a single event. Stran- gers from neighboring States poured into the city during the morning and added to the solid proportions of loyal Memphis people who were proud to have them, and proud of the worthy occasion which made such a commingling possible. Many people remained up town until the line of march had formed and until the parade had passed certain given points, but after this the patience and possibilities of the street car peo- ple were taxed to transport the crowd to and from Forrest Park. The cars at the intersection of Madison and Main streets were filled with the systematic throb of a pendulum, and at the con- clusion of the memorial services there was a mad rush for the cars again. It was never believed in the most sanguine predic- tions of the committee that there would be such an assemblage. It was a fitting and brilliant tribute to Gen. Forrest and will be so chronicled when the history of his eventful career is revised. The gathered guard in gray stood bare-headed in the pres- ence of the statue, so life-like, so real and so impressive is the work of the sculptor. To his former comrades it seemed but yesterday when the firm-set lips opened to conunand. The dark ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 15 day when he was gathered into the greater glory of another world was a memory fresh in the hearts of the men who fought with him. The historian of the present time will review many important and significant lives. He will lay the laurel upon many a storied tomb ; but he will honor no genius more loved and revered than the one who rests beneath the heroic statue in For- rest Park. The present presses hard upon the past, and while yesterday was a day of brilliant eulogy, to the comrades of the late Gen. Forrest there came a feeling— a sense of loss. His career and fame were linked and identified with so many daring achieve- ments that this unveiling of his statue awakened many minds to the sense of the mutability and decline of today. Standing about the statue only a remnant of the brilliant band of the great commander could be counted. They are vanishing one by one. New men and new ideas and new interests are thrusting aside the broken fragments of the past. The shadows darken about the survivors of Forrest. A little later and these survivors will become shadows themselves, but the great bronze statue of Gen. Forrest will stand for all time to come a vindication of a nation's hero; a tribute to a great man's greater achievements; a figure of supreme interest; a record of an epoch in the experi- ence of a generation, during a period of awful stress and vicissi- tude ; an illustration that the memory of daring deeds well done can never die. One veteran, old and stooped, stood before the statue, as the crowd crept by, and looking up into the eyes of bronze, wept a tribute of tears. The face was a parchment upon which time had written some terrible lessons, but he was moved as though he stood in the presence of the wizard of the saddle. It was but one of the many touching incidents which linked the master and the man. 16 THE FORREST MONUMENT. Owing to the vastness of the crowd it was not possible for every one to hear the efforts of the distinguished speakers and there was a certain restlessness which animated the outskirts of the throng. All were anxious to see the statue stripped of its gossamer of Confederate colors. An impatient wind seemed de- termined to release the flags which concealed the outline of the statue and the crowd seemed to wish that it might do so. There was a triumphant cheer when the little great-granddaughter of Gen. Forrest, Miss Kathleen Bradley, stepped forward to release the flaunting white and red. The crowd was hushed. Tranquil- lity lay upon the scene like a caress. Every one was silent. Little Miss Bradley seemed to realize the honor of her great- grandparent. Her lips fluttered with a smile like the red petals- of a jacqueminot rose, gently blown, and her eyes danced as she released the cords and allowed the wind to carry off in tri- umph the shielding bunting. Synchronously an involuntary movement stirred the crowd about the statue, and a real rebel yell split the silence into a resounding roar. It was another trib- ute to Forrest. To his family, to his surviving comrades, to the people of the South the unveiling of the statue yesterday means much. The memory of the man was honored in tributes of tears, in tributes of gratitude and in a triumph of love and loyalty. In bronze in the fairest of Memphis parks, with head bared and in- trepid eyes directed to the land he loved so well, Gen. Forrest commands today as he did in the days of struggle and strife, when his words were law and his commands were as binding as bands of steel. He sits the more supreme in the saddle to exer- cise an unconscious influence among the people who so honored him yesterday. It was 2 :30 when the ceremonies at the park began. ^'" ' . , ' , ^.«' \iA A* ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 17 OLD GUARD IN PARADE. STREETS WERE CROWDED WITH EAGER xVND EXPECTANT SPECTATORS AS THEY PASSED. When the time came for the parade the sidewalks and even the streets were crowded with eager and expectant spectators, awaiting the moving of troops, old veterans and floats filled with ladies and children. Police were stationed along the streets to keep the crowd back in order to allow the parade to form, and in many instances the mounted assistant marshals were compelled to force the large crowd back by driving their steeds almost over them. It was announced that the formation would be completed and the march vrould begin at 1 o'clock, but it was some time after that hour before the command, ' ' Forward, March ! ' ' was given. At 12 o'clock sharp mounted Confederate veterans were lined up on Second street below Madison in readiness for the parade, and the lady associations gathered on time at the place allotted to them. The line was formed between Monroe and Poplar streets on Second, and various organizations, military bands, veterans and militia troops formed in order on the intersecting streets. When the last veteran had been given his place the parade moved northward on Second street to Poplar, and then counter- marched back to Monroe street, the organizations and troops lined along the wall fell in their places, and the general march to the park was on. The officers of the Memphis police force, including George T. 'Haver, two captains, two sergeants and sixteen mounted po- 18 THE FORREST MONUMENT. licemen, led the procession, followed by Col. W. F. Taylor, Chief Marshal, seated on a magnificent steed. Following Col. Taylor was a party of distinguished visitors mounted on horseback, among them Capt. John W. Morton, Secretary of State. Col. W. F. Taylor, the Chief Marshal, was escorted by a number of assist- ant marshals. Following the visitors came the carriage that contained the family of Capt. William M. Forrest and several other vehicles with other members of the immediate family and descendants of the great hero. In the front carriage rode Capt. "Billie" For- rest, his son, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and grandchild of Gen. Forrest and other members of the family. In the second car- riage little Kathleen Bradley, who was to drop the veil that cov- ered the statue, sat with her parents. THE OLD GUARD IN GRAY. Forrest's old escort on foot followed the carriages, and next in order came Col. D. C. Kelley and the surviving members of Forrest's staff, among them Maj. Charles Anderson, Dr. James B. Cowan and Maj. George Dashiell. Hardly had the cheering of the crowd for the Forrest family subsided, when it was re- newed with force as the old guard in gray passed by. Headed by Arnold's band, playing "Dixie" and other mar- tial airs dear to the hearts of the Southland, came the old ' ' Yets ' ' on foot under the command of Col. Ed Bourne. The manner in which the old warriors of the dim past marched might recall to the imagination of the younger lads the intrepid and even gait in which they marched to battle, and they were cheered loudly as they filed past keeping the military step. IMiss Edna Kobb, the daughter of Company A, walked beside Capt. G. B. ]Malone at the head of the soldiers on foot. The veterans were followed by the State militia, under the command of Col. J. W. Canada, and the orderly and soldierly ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. jg manner in which they marched in the parade evinced very fa- vorable comment. A great many of them are sons and grand- sons of veterans and felt great pride in marching behind their seniors. The ladies of the Confederate Memorial Association, and other lady associations, followed in tally-hos and escorted by a number of mounted veterans. Mounted sons of Confederate Veterans and a staff of assist- ant marshals brought up the rear. This was the end of the parade. Along the route the sidewalks were filled with specta- tors, and people hung out of the windows to see the parade as it passed. The line of march was as follows : North on Second to Poplar, thence counter-marching back south to Monroe, east on Monroe to Marshall avenue, thence on Union street to Forrest Park. When the advance guard reached the park the street was congested with people, but when the parade entered the south end of the park on its way to the grand stand, everybody gave back and let the procession enter without breaking line. The parade had ended and the unveiling and dedication was the next order of the programme. Over the grand stand was unfurled the Stars and Stripes and the Stars and Bars, and thrown over the monument was a thin veil of bunting suspended by a string from pole to pole just ready to be drawn aside. THE FORREST MOmJMENT. DEDICATION. May 16, 1005. The dedication of the statue of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest took place in accordance with the following programme: The ceremonies began at 2 p.m. Tuesday, May 16, 1905. Hon. J. P.Young, a private in Forrent's command, presiding. Invocation by the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor. Address- "History and Description of the Monument," by Gen. S. T. Carnes, President of the Monument Association. Unveiling of the monument by little Kathleen Bradley, a great-granddaughter of Gen. Forrest. Dedication address by Gen. George W. Gordon. Address by Col. C. A. Stanton, an ex-Federal soldier. Benediction, Rev. D. C. Kelley, who commanded a brigade in Forrest's Corps. The master of ceremonies. Judge J. P. Young, at 2 p.m., called the assembled multitude to order and announced that the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, Bishop of the Diocese of Tennessee, would invoke divine favor upon the proceedings about to begin. INVOCATION BY BISHOP GAILOR. Oh, Almighty God, our Sovereign Lord and King: Who f ashionest the hearts of men. The God of the spirits of all flesh ; in whose care all men live, in whatsoever world or condition they may be. We yield thee high praise and hearty thanks for the good examples of all those thy servants, who, having finished their course in faith, do now rest from their labors. We implore Thy blessing upon this, our undertaking ; and in thy name we dedicate this monument to the memory of our great, our honored dead, praying that it may be a witness, to ourselves ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 21 and to our children, of the invincible courage, unselfish heroism aiid the exalted patriotism which made him a leader of his peo- ple — splendid in war, unshaken in adversity, and faithful to his duty in private life. Thou knowest his dwelling place and his every need. Some- where in Thy universe he lives today. And we beseech Thee to vouchsafe unto him light and rest, peace and refreshment, joy and consolation, in the spacious fields of eternity, in the com- panionship of saints, and in the presence of Christ. For ourselves, O gracious Lord and Father, and for our children, we pray that that great unselfishness, which Thou didst put into his heart, may inspire us to truer love and wider hope for our native land. Thou, God, the God of our fathers, hast brought good out of evil, peace from the heart of discord, and hast given to our people beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Send out then Thy light and Thy truth, that they may lead us in our genera- tion. Defend our liberties, preserve our nation, save us from all lawlessness, dishonesty and violence, from strife and confu- sion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Continue, we beseech Thee, Thine omnipotent protection to our country and hasten the time when war shall forever cease and peace shall reign in every nation and in every heart, by the grace and power of Thy dear Son, our Lord, who hast taught us and in whose name we say : Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temp- tation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. 22 THE FORREST MONUSIENT. JUDGE young's introduction. ''Before introducing to you the first speaker of the day, I will pause to say that it is indeed a proud moment in the life of one of Forrest's troopers to witness this triumph of his genius after forty years, in the homage of his people, and this towering tribute in bronze, "Of that genius and his great achievements, you will be presently told in glowing words by Gen. Gordon and others. But no one who did not ride with Forrest can have so keen an appreciation of the personal qualities of the man as those who were actually under his direct command, and who, from daily, hourly observation, witnessed his fertility of resource, his ve- hemence in battle, and his soulful tenderness toward the stricken soldier, whether friend or foe. y^ "But it was no holiday parade. It cost something to ride with Forrest, and it taxed the metal of the young troopers to the I limit of their powers. It meant days and nights of sleepless toil j and motion. It meant countless miles under a burning sun in I the choking dust of the highway. It meant limitless leagues I across icy wastes, with a blanket of snow at night for a cover- i ing. It meant to run down and destroy miles of freighted supply trains, to burn depots of stores, to scale the parapets of redoubts 1 and to plunge, mounted, into the seeming vortex of hell, lighted ( with the fires of a myriad of rifles and scores of belching guns. It i meant to meet death face to face, like a drill master; to look \ into his dread eyes, to toy with the horrid trappings of his trade, \ to scorn the deadly chill of his breath, and to turn away un- / scathed, or sink into the oblivion of his eternal embrace, y'' ' ' It meant — but how can I tell you all that it meant to ride with Forrest? Suffice it to say that we, the survivors of his corps, recall with pardonable pride that we took part with him in those martial dramas, which resulted in the evolution of his ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 23 mighty genius and made possible this monument and its un- veiling before this great concourse of his loving, loyal friends." [Introducing Gen. Carnes.] "You Avill now hear from one who has labored long and earnestly to accomplish the great purpose of our organization. Gen. S. T. Carnes, our President, will tell you the story of the building of the monument." ADDRESS OF GENERAL CARNES, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is most gratifying to the members of the Forrest Monu- ment Association, of which I am the honored President, to an- nounce the completion of this monument, and I hope it will be as satisfying to many of you who have so liberally contributed to it, for the purpose of perpetuating the name and fame of Gen. Natljan Bedford Forrest, that incomparable soldier and military genius. I shall not attempt a eulogy of this great wizard of the South because that duty is assigned to another— to a gallant and gifted soldier of the Lost Cause who is far more competent to do justice to the subject. It is my purpose to give you only a brief history of this association and an account of our steward- ship in carrying out the object assigned to us, viz., the erection of this monument. In 1887, ten years after the death of Gen. Forrest, Mr. James E. Beasley, Col. W. F. Taylor and Mr. W. W. Schoo'lfield made a canvass for subscriptions to a statue to be erected to Gen. Forrest; $55 in cash and signed pledges which were paid some fifteen years later, amounting to $1,900, were obtained. It was thought and suggested by many at that time that the occasion was not just ripe for the accomplishment of this work, so it was suspended for a while and no further effort was made until No- 24 THE FORREST MONUMENT. vember, 1891, when Mr. W. S. Hansel, of New Orleans ; Mr. W. P. Eckles, and Gen. A. R. Taylor, of Memphis, revived the mat- ter on the lines and methods used so successfully in New Orleans by the R. E. Lee Association and at the solicitation of Gen. Tay- lor, Mr. W. B. Edrington prepared and procured a charter known as the Forrest Monumental Association, and an organi- zation was effected thereunder, of which your humble servant was President; Gen. George "W. Gordon, First Vice-President; Col. W. A. Collier, Second Vice-President; Mr. James E. Beas- ley, Treasurer, and George H. Cunningham, Secretary. Immediately following this organization a benefit was given by the Old Lyceum Theater Company from which $190 was raised. Other small subscriptions followed during the years 1892 and 1893. In 1894 at the suggestion of I\Ir. James E. Beasley, a number of Confederate veterans organized into a company under command of Capt. W. W. Carnes and challenged the old Chickasaw Guards for a competitive drill, they to drill by Hardee's tactics and the Chickasaws by Upton's, and the proceeds of the drill to go to the monument fund. The chal- lenge was accepted and the drill took place in the baseball park. Companies A and B of the National Guard of the State were pres- ent and gave an exhibition drill; $1,927.45 was realized from this drill, increasing the cash on hand to about $4,500. This money was loaned at interest and the work of the association was kept up quietly but persistently until by January, 1900, our cash and signed pledges amounted to about $14,000, when a commit- tee was appointed with Gen. George W. Gordon as chairman, to correspond with the sculptors of this country for designs for a bronze equestrian statue, with estimates of cost. In June, 1900, the ladies became interested in this work and a meeting at the Peabody Hotel was held by them, resulting in the organization of a Woman's Auxiliary Association, and Mrs. T. J, Latham, ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 25 Mrs. Charles M. Drew, Mrs. J. Harvey Mathes, Mrs. W. J. Saunders, Mrs. Harry Miller and Mrs. S. J. Berry became very prominent workers for the good cause and deserve special men- tion and great praise for the work done in this organization, for in October, 1904, they turned into the treasury of this associa- tion $2,955.51 in cash. Without disparagement to the others, I think j\Irs. Latham was the most active worker of them all, and the most effective. In the fall of 1900 enough money was thought to be in sight to justify contracting for the monument. Letters of invitation were sent to the various sculptors to submit models and prices. This was done by some of the most eminent sculptors of the world, and after a careful inspection of the dif- ferent models the contract was awarded Mr. Charles Henry Niehaus, of New York City. During the reunion of Confederate veterans in 1901 the cor- ner-stone was laid here in this park, and the Rev. Dr. Kelley, who as Lieutenant Colonel commanded Forrest's old regiment, de- livered the address. In November, 1901, the charter of the Forrest Monumental Association having by limitation expired, a new charter was ob- tained in the name of the Forrest Monument Association, with Gen. George W. Gordon, Gen. A. R. Taylor, Hon. Josiah Pat- terson, Judge J. P. Young, Mr, James E. Beasley, Col. John Overton, Maj. G. W. Macrae, Mr. A. B. Pickett, Mr. W. P. Eckles, ]\Ir. J. W. Clapp, Mr. J. M. Goodbar, Col. I. F. Peters, Mr. W. A. Collier, Capt. W. B. Mallory, Mr. Hunsdon Gary and S. T. Carnes as directors. The officers remained the same as before, with the exception that Judge J. P. Young succeeded Mr. George H. Cunningham as secretary. In August, 1901, Mr. Charles H. Niehaus visited Memphis, locating at the Messick home, near Germantown, when, after a thorough inspection of a number of photographs and paintings 26 THE FORREST MONUMENT. of Gen. Forrest and a study of the size and style of his horse, "King Philip," a model was produced and submitted to a committee composed of Gen, George W. Gordon, Gen. A. R. Tay- lor and Judge J, P. Young, who were authorized to accept same if satisfactory. The committee was well pleased with the model, but suggested that Mr. Niehaus submit a life-size head of Gen. Forrest. This was done, and a few weeks later the work of Mr. Niehaus was inspected by the directors and accepted. The death of Messrs. Overton, Pickett and Patterson created vacan- cies in the board of directors which were filled by Hon. Thomas B. Turley, Col. W. F. Taylor and Capt. H. M. Neely. In 1894 Gen. A. R. Taylor was made chairman of the Finance Committee, when a systematic canvass for subscriptions was begun. To Gen. Taylor more than to any one else is due the credit of our great success. His unbounded admiration for Gen. Forrest, his eloquent accounts of the intrepid and indefat- igable dash of that great genius were so enthusiastically and so graphically related on every occasion that offered, that many subscriptions were freely and promptly made by his auditors which otherwise would not have been obtained. In this he was ably and earnestly assisted by Gen. Gordon, and to their joint persistent and personal canvass the committee owes its success in raising the full amount required; so that this splendid work cast in bronze, of more than heroic size, being one and one-half life size, weighing 9,500 pounds, and costing $33,000, is finally finished and fully paid for. It was cast in Paris, France, at the well-known foundry of E. Gruet Jeune. The model was made in this country and shipped to Paris, the sculptor going over and working on it for several months, seeing that it went into the mold without blemish. Frederick MacMonnies, Andrew O'Connor and E. W. Keyser, American sculptors in Paris, overlooked the casting and ap- ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 27 proved it when completed. It took three years for the modeling of the statue and nearly nine months for the casting. It was shipped down the river Seine to the sea, thence by steamer to New York, and again to Savannah, and from there by rail to Memphis, arriving here April 8. Henry Bacon, one of the best architects in the country, designed the architectural features of the monument. The marble work was done by the Boss Marble Company, of Knoxville, and is of Tennessee marble. It was erected under the direction of Mr. B. C. Alsup, our local archi- tect, who took much interest in the work and charged nothing for his services. This association, believing that the most appropriate place for the remains of Gen. Forrest should be beneath the foundation of this splendid statue, which has been erected by his fellow- countrymen, obtained the consent of his son, Capt. Wm. Forrest, to remove the remains, so the body of the General and his wife now rest under this marble slab. This is the brief history of our stewardship, and that you may determine whether or not it has been well performed, the monument will be now unveiled for your inspection. At the conclusion of his address Gen. Carnes announced that "the statue will now be unveiled." Whereupon the enveloping drapery, composed of the Confederate colors— red, white and red —by a signal from little Kathleen Bradley, eight years of age, parted, and the statue came into full view of the expectant mul- titude (estimated at 30,000), which, by the clapping of hands, waving of hats and handkerchiefs, shouts and by other manifes- tations, expressed its interest and approval, while the band played "Dixie" and other Southern airs. [Introducing Gen. Gordon.] "Among the young men who rushed from the ranks of civil life into the ranks of war in the early sixties there was none 28 THE FORREST MONUMENT. braver, truer, more chivalrous or more successful in warfare than he whom we have chosen as our orator to make the address of dedication today. At an age— twenty-eight years— when most j^oung men are first beginning to consider life seriously, he had already won a brigadier's stars. In the walks of peace he has been no less strong. I now present to you Gen. George W. Gor- don." DEDICATION AND MEMORIAL ADDRESS By Gen. George IV. Gordon. Ladies, Comrades and Countrymen: We have not assembled here today to glorify war, that de- plorable institution of violence, blood and death. Sed canimus arma virumque* No. We are not here to exalt the direful art and sanguin- ary science of human carnage, but to salute and accentuate the name, and to commemorate in language, in bronze and in marble, the masterful prowess and martial genius of Tennessee's, if not America's, greatest, most original and dazzling soldier. Yes, we meet to dedicate this enduring monument to the honor and glory of an illustrious patriot and "mighty man of valor" — Lieutenant- General Nathan Bedford Forrest, who for four stirring and thrilling years did brilliant battle for Southern freedom and in- dependence, in what he esteemed and we still regard as an un- avoidable and defensive war. We are also here to attest in verbal, visible and perma- nent form the eminent esteem and increasing appreciation in which the noble and heroic services of this anomalous man in the greatest crisis of his country's history, are held by his country- men, nearly half a century after the passing of the dramatic epoch in which he lived, thought and acted. And although we *But we do sing arms and a hero. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 29 may appear to be late in making this acknowledgment, we now declare this durable testimonial, so imposing, so impressive and so expressive of the character and career of the man, to be the permanent proclamation of our veneration for his memory, our gratitude for his services and sacrifices, and our admiration for his valor and genius. A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. Before proceeding to discuss the military career of our great captain, a brief biographical sketch may not be uninteresting to his surviving comrades and admiring countrymen. Nathan Bedford Forrest was the eldest son of William and Miriam Forrest (nee Miriam Beck), and was born on the 15th day of July, 1821, near the present site of a small village, not then in existence, now known as Chapel Hill, in what was then Bed- ford, but now Marshall County, in Middle Tennessee. It might almost be said of him, as it has been of a Tennessee President of the United States, that he was born in a habitation so humble, that "while his little feet were on the puncheon floor, his tiny hands could touch the rafters." Under conditions and surroundings so lowly, little was it then dreamed that the baby cottager was destined to astound the world with the efficiency of his prowess, tte resources of his genius and the wonders of his achievements, and thereby enroll his name among the immortals of the earth. It is usually the case that opportunities and circumstances determine the destinies of men. But this was not so in the case of our hero. His opportunities, both educational and social, were very limited and his circumstances narrow and exacting. Like many other celebrities, his earliest heritage was poverty, toil and responsibility ; but with these came courage, energy and determi- nation. 30 THE FORREST MONUMENT. CAME OF A LARGE FAMILY. He was the eldest of a large number of brothers and sisters, and at an early age was called to assist his father in the support of his family. Educational facilities in the then primitive state of the country were very limited; besides, with his home duties, Bedford could avail himself of these only in a fragmentary way — attending school for short periods at long intervals. His father, who was a blacksmith by occupation, not prospering where he was, sought, to improve his fortunes by removing from Middle Tennessee to North Mississippi, near the village of Salem, where for three years no better success attended his efforts, and where educational opportunities for his children were not more available. His father dying about this time, Bedford, not yet sixteen years of age, became the head of a family consisting of his wid- owed mother, seven brothers and three sisters. With courage, energy and industry, he assumed the responsibility, and under his administration, assisted by a mother of strong natural pow- ers, both mental and physical, the family gradually prospered and in fewer than five years had achieved an easy pecuniary in- dependence which enabled him to give to some of his younger brothers and sisters a measure of education that severer circum- stances and graver responsibilities had denied to himself. He thus arrived at manhood practically unlettered, but in the pos- session of fine capacity (power to receive) and great ability (power to execute). His native endowments, both mental and physical, were extraordinary. DEVOTION TO HIS MOTHER. In his boyish, as in his maturer years, he nobly stood by his mother, whom he always loved and honored, and from whom he is said to have chiefly derived those qualities of courage, energy, imperious will and invincible determination that illustrated his ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 31 career through life. She is said to have possessed remarkable natural powers — athletic size, masculine courage, great energy, wealth of common sense and a power of will that vanquished all opposition. These characteristics were reproduced and empha- sized in Nathan Bedford, her famous son. In firmness of cour- age and force of character she resembled the Roman Cornelia, the illustrious mother of the valiant Gracchi, Great mothers make great men. Removing from Salem to Hernando, Miss., our coming chief- tain actively engaged in live stock trading and mercantile pur- suits, and by 1852, had not only secured the financial independ- ence of his mother and her family, but had acquired a consider- able fortune for himself. At this time he removed to Memphis, which ever thereafter became his fixed and final home. Here he successfully established himself as a dealer in live stock and real estate, and continued in this vocation till 1859, when he aban- doned it and engaged in cotton planting on a large scale in Coa- homa County, Miss., and when the war came on in 1861, was growing a thousand bales of cotton per annum upon his recently acquired plantations, still retaining his home in the city of Memphis. A CHARACTERISTIC INCIDENT. But to go back a moment. At the age of twenty-five a casual incident, tinged with a little romance, directed the course of his domestic life. Riding along a country road one Sunday morning, he came upon a carriage stalled in a mudhole. As he approached it, he saw that it contained two ladies and that the horses were unable to move it. He also observed, to his disgust, two men quietly sitting on their horses near by and making no offer to assist the unfortunate women. He dismounted, hitched his horse and waded through the mud and water to the carriage and asked the ladies if they would allow him to carry them from the vehicle 32 THE FORREST MOmTMENT. across the mud, which they did. Then putting his shoukler to the wheel, with the assistance of the driver, the carriage was extricated. His indignation at the two men, so wanting in gal- lantry as not to offer their services before he arrived, was such that he failed to assist the ladies back to their vehicle, but turned upon the men with the remark that he did- not see why they had not offered to help the ladies in their distress, adding, in a tone charged w4th anger, that if they did not leave at once, he would give them both a thrashing that they would never forget. They took his advice and left immediately. (Cited by Jordan.) romance's pretty end. The ladies thanked him graciously for the kindness he had done them and were in the act of driving away, when Forrest introduced himself and asked the honor of calling and making their acquaintance. His request, so gallantly made, was gra- ciously granted. And the result was a repetition of the old, old story. He won the heart and hand of JMary JMontgomery, his new acquaintance, a lady of excellent lineage, refined and amiable. Those gentler qualities, that true men always admire in Avomen, tended to soften the austerity and smooth the asperity of his more adamantine and rugged nature. Harmony and hap- piness attended their union all the days of their lives. As side by side they fought life's gentler battle, so side by side they rest in peace at the southern base of this monument, and in the shade of our hero's statue. Peace to their spirits, honor to their memories ! Previous to the war a number of incidents occurred in the career of Forrest, in which he exhibited that unquailing personal courage, that quickness to meet emergencies and that determina- tion to accomplish his purpose, which he later displayed upon the field of battle. He had a nimiber of personal encounters, but none of his own seeking, with desperate men, in all of which he proved the victor. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. RESCUES A MURDERER. One incident will suffice to illustrate his dauntless courage, determined will and commanding power over other men. In 1857 a man by the name of Able killed another named Everson. Surrendering himself to the authorities, Able was lodged in prison. But the news of his deed was soon spread abroad through the city of Memphis. Recent acts of similar vio- lence had occurred in the city and the perpetrators had not been punished. Recollecting this and coupling it with the previous lawless record of Able, men soon became excited and began to congregate at the Worsham House, the scene of the murder. As the crowd increased it became more angry, and a cry began for the lynching of Able. Among those attracted to the spot was Bedford Forrest, who remained free from the popular excite- ment and faithful to the claims of law and order. After counsel- ing with the Mayor and other prominent citizens, he appeared on the balcony of the hotel and addressed the angry throng in behalf of calmness and moderation, at the same time announc- ing that a mass meeting was called for the next evening at the Exchange building, to consider what should be done for the public welfare and for the punishment of these acts of violence and mur- der. This speech had the desired effect and the people quietly dispersed to their homes. At the time appointed for the meeting a large crowd assem- bled at the Exchange building, the place of the meeting, and of which Forrest was one of the vice-presidents. The people be- coming more angry and excited, however, than on the previous day, some one shouted, ' ' Let 's go and hang the murderer ! ' ' This became the general cry, and every effort of the officers to quiet and restrain the assembly proved futile, and there was a general rush for the jail, where Able was taken from the jailer. With a rope around his neck, he was hurried to the Navy Yard, the 34 THE FORREST MONUMENT. most convenient place for hanging him. There was some delay in the preparation for his execution. Forrest, hearing of this, resolved to extricate Able from the hands of the mob and redeliver him to the custody of the law. He hastened to the scene, pressed his way through the mob and into the presence of the prisoner, who, amid the piteous and tear- ful appeals of his mother and sister to the mob, was addressing the crowd, protesting against its impending violence and demanding a fair and legal trial, at the same time displaying a calmness and courage that seemed to confirm Forrest in his purpose to rescue him. The rope was around the prisoner's neck and in the hands of maddened men, while the multitude shouted "Hang him!" ' ' Hang him ! " " Hang him ! ' ' Ah ! "What a man it required to meet such an emergency! But he was there! HE was there." (pointing to the statue.) SLASHED THE ROPE, With a sudden sweep of his knife he cut the rope, seized the prisoner by the arm with one hand and with his knife in the other, he started toward the jail. The crowd at first gave way before him, but soon closed in behind him and rushed on after him. Seemingly about to be overwhelmed with numbers, he stooped with his charge behind a pile of lumber. The angry mass, of more than a thousand, swept on and in the confusion bore the ringleaders beyond their intended victim and his res- cuer. Seeing his opportunity, with the eye of intuition, Forrest then made a direct dash for the jail, which he reached, and re- stored the prisoner to his cell. On came the maddened mob and surrounded the jail, still clamoring for the life of the prisoner. "We'll hang him!" "We'll hang him!" "We'll hang him!" "Open the jail or we will break down the door ! ' ' ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 35 At this crisis Forrest appeared upon the steps of the jail, drew his pistol and commanded the mob to desist, saying: "I will kill the first man who approaches this door!" The mob quailed, the clamor ceased, the crowd dispersed, order was re- stored and the law maintained — all by the intrepidity, the impe- rious will and the dauntless courage of a single man. It requires a phenomenal man to meet and defeat the unreasoning and murderous fury of an irresponsible and remorseless mob. " He 's a tower of strength in the time of trouble, " as we learned, in this instance, in later years. A PERSONAL DESCRIPTION. Physically, our hero possessed all the attributes of an athlete and a champion. He was six feet two inches in height, with broad shoulders and muscular limbs, with an active step and bearing erect, and withal, a natural dignity of character that al- ways commanded attention and respect. His hair was dark. His eyes were a dark gray and singularly vivid, searching and pierc- ing. He wore a mustache and beard on the chin, as you see in this statue. His usual weight was one hundred and eighty-five pounds. "With these attributes, his appearance was striking and engaging. In civic life he was a conspicuous and impressive per- sonage — a knightly and a gladiatorial figure in the arena of war. HIS MILITARY CAREER. /*j «-*- "We now come to the stirring times of 1861, when the war cry is heard in our land, ' ' To your tents, Oh Israel, to your tents ! ' ' How well we remember those wild, fascinating and thrilling days. The drum and the fife were heard upon almost every hill and in every dale, upon every mountain and in every vale, from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Pa- cific, calling the people to arms! Two mighty hostile hosts are now preparing for a conflict that is to convulse the continent and astound the world. A new flag is unfurled upon the land, a new 36 THE FORREST MONUMENT. pennant now floats on the sea. A flag, that, though destined to fall, yet led armies to victories over such preponderating num- bers and developed commanders of such masterful powers as to astonish the age and cast a fadeless luster upon human history. ENLISTS AS A PRIVATE SOLDIER. At the call of his country, like Cincinnatus, the Eoman pa- triot, he dropped the implements of peace in the fields of indus- try, seized the weapons of war and rushed to the fields of battle. In 1861, under the call of Isham G. Harris, Governor of Ten- nessee, Forrest enlisted in the military service of the State as a private in the "Tennessee Mounted Rifles," and was soon after- ward commissioned by the Governor to raise and equip a regiment of cavalry, which he did and was made Colonel of the same. He was subsequently transferred with all other State troops from the military service of Tennessee to that of the Confederate States, in which he continued with increasing distinction till the close of the war in 1865, having risen from the rank of private and been successively promoted to the grades of Colonel, Briga- dier, Major and Lieutenant General. He was a spontaneous soldier, and sprang into the work of war, as did the fabled goddess of old from the brain of a deity, fully qualified, armed and equipped for broil and battle. He was an intuitive general and adopted in his first battle at Sacra- mento, Ky., the same tactics that he virtually practiced through- out the war, namely, when he gave battle to strike the enemy in front, on the flanks and in the rear at the same time. This was one of his minor but brilliant affairs, with only a fragment of his regiment, in which he fought with his men at close quarters, three of the enemy going down under his personal prowess. Like the great Macedoniafti leader, he not only commanded, but often aided his men in the execution of his own orders. And it is amazing that he should have been personally so daring and have ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 37 engaged in so many conflicts at close range, and yet not have been slain. Twenty-seven horses are said to have been shot un- der him, and that not fewer than thirty of the enemy fell beneath his individual prowess during the four years of war. If there could be such a thing, it would seem that he was a providential man. He distinguished himself by his fighting at Fort Donelson in February, 1862, and when he ascertained that the Confederate commanders contemplated a surrender of their troops at that place to Gen. Grant, he vigorously remonstrated against the sur- render, and urgently advised a withdrawal of the troops from their position during the night. Being answered that they were too closely invested by the enemy to make escape practicable, he maintained upon the report of his own scouts that such was not the case, and proved the correctness of his information by act- ually withdrawing his entire regiment, without any molestation by the enemy, before the negotiations for surrender were begun. He determined not to surrender in any event, and if he found it necessary, to fight his way out. From this time till the close of the war his feats as a soldier and commander were enterpris- ing and brilliant, displaying great energy of character, splendid courage and precipitate dash— at the same time being guided by a masterly "common sense" that, perhaps, has not been sur- passed in American history, unless it be by that of Andrew Jack- son, in many respects a similar type of mar. HIS COMMAND NOT CAVALRY, BUT MOUNTED INFANTRY. Early in the contest he observed that the topography of the country in which the war was being waged, with its dense forests, rugged surface and other natural obstructions, rendered cavalry fighting, strictly as such, practically futile. He therefore changed the existing tactics and used his horses chiefly as a means of rapid transportation, and when he encountered the enemy„dis- 38 THE FORREST MONUMENT. mounted his men and fought them on foot. And this fact some- times struck terror to his adversaries who believed they were fighting well-trained infantry and were bewildered as to how in- fantry could so suddenly and unexpectedly appear in their midst. Under favorable conditions and in certain emergencies, and more especially in the pursuit of a routed enemy, he fought his soldiers on horseback and with fearful and telling effect. He was tena- cious and relentless in the pursuit of a beaten enemy, with his mounted infantry. His battles were often won by the swiftness of his move- ments and the daring impetuosity with which he struck the first blow and the desperate energy with which he followed it up. He is reported to have said early in the war that in his personal com- bats before the war, if he could deliver the first blow and then follow it up rapidly with others, he could always master his ad- versary, and that he could not see why this was not good policy in battle. It was good policy as demonstrated in his own battles. It has been said that his victories were won by fortunate rash- ness and unreasoning pugnacity, but that is not true. His plans were the result of his large "common sense" and remarkable in- tuitions, and were executed with a wise and judicious audacity; and in no emergency did he ever lose his presence of mind or fail in the affluence of ready resource. Like Themistocles, the great Athenian general, he had a genius for meeting emergencies. HIS CAMPAIGNS AND EXPLOITS. The following are some of his most notable and important achievements : The capture of the Federal garrison at Murf rees- boro, Tenn., in July, 1862, with 1,800 prisoners, 600 head of horses and mules, 40 wagons, 6 ambulances, 4 pieces of artillery and 1,200 stands of small arms. This was done with a force about equal in number to the force captured. The military stores taken by him in this affair were valued at $1,000,000. His ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 39 campaign in West Tennessee, from December 15 to December 31, 1862, or a period of two weeks, during which he fought three well-contested battles near Lexington, at Kenton and Parker's Cross Roads, besides daily skirmishes, destroyed about 50 small bridges on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad and made it useless to the Federals during the remainder of the war, captured and burned 20 stockades, killed and captured 2,500 of the enemy, cap- tured 10 pieces of artillery, 50 wagons and ambulances with their teams, 10,000 stand of excellent small arms, 1,000,000 rounds of ammunition, 1,800 blankets and knapsacks, and re- crossed to the east side of the Tennessee River, thoroughly armed and equipped by his captures with a surplus of 500 Enfield rifles and with recruits sufficient to cover all his losses in men — all this during the brief expedition of a fortnight. OTHER GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS. Forrest's sagacity and courage and the action of his brigade, contributed largely to Gen. Van Dorn's capture of 2,200 of the enemy at or near Thompson's Station, Tenn., in March, 1863. His pursuit and capture of Col. Streight and his entire com- mand, 1,700 strong, near Rome, Ga., in May, 1863, with a force of fewer than 500, is one of the cleverest feats of its species to be found in military annals. He distinguished himself and command by his intrepid fighting at the battle of Chickamauga in September, 1863, and contributed materially to Gen. Bragg 's victory on that field. After this dearly-bought victory, Forrest urged the Con- federate commander to follow up his advantage and especially to permit him to go into Chattanooga and drive the enemy across the Tennessee River, if he were not already across. Un- fortunately, as we believe, his advice was not taken; otherwise it is probable that the Confederate disaster on Missionary Ridge in November following, and Sherman's vastly important cam- ^ 40 THE FORREST MONUMENT. paign during the ensuing spring and summer would never have occurred. It is believed that the success of this campaign de- termined the result of the Presidential election in the United States in 1864, and, if so, decided the result of the war, as a tri- umph of the "peace party" at the North at that time would doubtless have ended the struggle. The opposition at the North to the continuance of the war in the spring of 1864, after the bat- tles of the "Wilderness, Spottsylvania and Cold Harbor between Grant and Lee, in which Grant's losses were simply appalling, constituted the most perilous crisis in the Union cause that oc- curred during the struggle. Sherman's success in Georgia re- vived courage and confidence at the North, and McClellan was defeated for President, though he received an immense popular vote. OPERATIONS IN MISSISSIPPI, WEST POINT AND OKOLONA. Forrest's defeat and rout of Grierson February, 1864, was a brilliant achievement. The Federal generals had about 7,000 men and Forrest about half that number and composed of raw recruits, which he had collected and organized after being re- lieved of his command and detached from Bragg 's army in the latter part of 1863. Gen. W. S. Smith, of Grierson 's command, left Collierville, Tenn., on the 11th of February, 1864, on an anxious hunt for Forrest, whom he said he "would pitch into wherever he found him." He did find him near West Point, Miss., and after a brisk skirmish only, began a retreat. It Avas now Forrest's time to hunt him. His rear was soon found, attacked and routed. He reformed, but was successively driven from each position taken, as far as and through Okolona. In the second day's fighting near this place, Col. Jeffrey E. Forrest, the General's favorite and youngest brother, while charging a naturally strong position, strengthened by hastily con- ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 41 structed breastworks, was instantly killed at the head of his brigade, by a Minie ball passing through his neck. When the General saw him fall, he rushed to the spot, dismounted, took him in his arms, while tears streamed over cheeks that all the thunders and terrors of battle had never bleached. In a few minutes he gently laid him down, kissed his forehead, and asking his faith- ful adjutant general, Maj. Strange, to take charge of his brother's remains, he mounted his horse to continue the discharge of his higher obligations to his country. While this occurrence had practically caused a cessation of the fighting by his fallen brother's brigade, the troops on the right and left of them had continued the fight. In the meantime a portion of Gen. Bell's brigade had arrived on the field. Gen. Forrest then ordered his brother's brigade, now under command of Col. W. L. Duckworth, to remount and ride around the left and on to the flank and rear of the enemy, and almost simultaneously with this order, and before it could be executed, he ordered the entire command present to mount (they had been fighting on foot), and to prepare to advance. Then waving his sword wildly above his head, he ordered his bugler to sound the charge, and shouted to his men to follow him. Observing his apparent rashness, Maj. Strange feared that his commander had been rendered desperate by the death of his brother and wild with despair at such a misfortune, was rushing headlong in the hope of a like fate. (Wyeth.) The Federal line gave way before the desperate charge For- rest was making, and he charged on at the head of his escort and a few of the Forrest brigade. In about a mile the retreating forces were impeded by a blockade in the road by a piece of ar- tillery, some caissons and wagons, and here the Federal com- mander had rallied and thrown about five hundred of his men 42 THE FORREST MONUMENT. across the road. Into these Forrest madly dashed with his lit- tle command of fewer than a hundred, and here occurred one of the bloodiest hand-to-hand engagements of the war. Dr. J, B. Cowan, chief surgeon of Forrest's corps, says, as cited by Wyeth : "I had just reached the spot where Col. Jeffrey Forrest was lying dead, when Maj. Strange said to me as I rode up : ' Doctor, hurry after the General ; I am afraid he will be killed.' Putting spurs to my horse, I rode rapidly to the front, and in about a mile, as I rounded a short turn in the road, I came upon a scene that made my blood run cold. Here in the road was Gen. Forrest with his escort and a few of the advance guard of the Forrest brigade, in a hand-to-hand fight to the death, with Federals enough, it seemed to me, to have pulled them from their horses. Horrified at the situation I turned back down the road to see if help was at hand, and as good for- tune would have it, tYie head of McCulloeh's brigade was com- ing toward me. McCulloeh's brigade dashed into the fight and it was soon ended by the flight of the enemy. It is said that three of his adversaries went down in the encounter, under the personal prowess of Gen. Forrest. MORE CLOSE FIGHTING. The Union troops were vigorously pursued, but their rear guard soon made another stand. Gen. Forrest was at the head of his command, and as he approached their position they opened fire upon him and a shot from a battery killed his horse beneath him. He mounted the horse of one of his escort, and in a very short time his entire command was ordered forward and another short, sharp fight occurred, in which the General's second horse was shot down, after which he had the famous old charger ' ' King Philip," brought up and he rode him to the close of the con- flict, and he, too, received a slight wound in the neck on this trying and tragic day. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 43 From this time the Federals made no further resistance, but hastened toward Memphis with all possible speed to escape cap- ture. At the close of the two days' fight both armies were well nigh exhausted. Col. Waring, who commanded a Federal bri- gade in this series of battles, says: "The retreat to Memphis was a weary, disheartening and almost panic-stricken flight, in the greatest disorder and confusion and through a most difficult country. The First Brigade reached its camping ground five days after the engagement, with the loss of all its heart and spirit and nearly 1,500 fine cavalry horses. The expedition filled every man connected with it with burning shame, and it gave Forrest the most glorious achievement of his career." FORT PILLOW INCIDENT. /f\ «!^- Forrest's storming and capture of Fort Pillow, Tenn., in April, 1864, was one of his daring and desperate minor feats. It has been charged that after the garrison, which refused to sur- render on Gen. Forrest's demand, had been taken, the troops therein, composed largely of negroes, were given no quarter. But upon investigation of the facts, the charge cannot be sus- tained. When the Confederates scaled the fort, the garrison fled, fighting, toward the Mississippi River close by, for protec- tion from the Federal gunboat. New Era, as had previously been agreed upon by the commanders of the fort and the captain of the gunboat in the event that troops were compelled to leave the fort. Capt. Marshal, commanding the gunboat, in his evidence touching this affair, says: "Maj. Bradford signaled to me that we were whipped. We had agreed on a signal that if they had to leave the fort they would drop down under the bank and I would give the rebels canister." (Rebel Records, Vol. VIII., Document 1, page 55.) Besides, there was no offer to surrender after the fort was taken, the fighting retreat toward the gunboat was in 44 THE FORREST MONUMENT. progress as had been agreed upon by the commanders of the fort and the gunboat, and the Federal flag was left flying in the fort. TISHOMINGO CREEK. ^ >*^ At the battle of Tishomingo Creek, or Brice 's Crossroads, in Mississippi, from June 10 to 13, 1864, Forrest displayed his usual courage and personal intrepidity, but if possible, more than his usual energy and strategy. He fought a splendidly equipped and gallant army under command of Gen. Sturgis, numbering between 8,000 and 9,000 men and 22 pieces of artillery, with a force of about 5,000. On the morning of June 10, the day of the great battle. Gen. Forrest said to Col. Rucker, commanding one of his brigades, as cited by Wyeth: "I know the enemy greatly outnumbers the troops I have at hand, but the road along which they will march is narrow and muddy and they will make slow progress. The country is densely wooded and the undergro\\1;h so heavy that when we strike them they will not know how few men we have. ' ' Here we incidentally remark that it was a part of Forrest's strategy in all his campaigns to impress the enemy with a greatly exaggerated idea of the magnitude of his force. Continuing the conversation with Gen. Rucker, Forrest said : * ' Their caval- ry will move out ahead of their infantry, and should reach the crossroads three hours in advance. We can whip their cavalry in that time. As soon as the fight opens they will send back to have the infantry hurried up. It is going to be as hot as hell, and coming on a run for five or six miles over such roads, their infantry will be so tired out, we will ride right over them. I want everything to move up as fast as possible. I will go ahead with Lyon and my escort and open the fight." Here was a well-devised plan of battle, refuting the idea that Forrest had no plans of action, but just rushed at his adver- sary and fought at random, merely through a passion for fighting. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. > 45 No commander, perhaps, ever knew better when to fight and when not to fight than Forrest. The latter is scarcely less im- portant than the former. Gens, Buford, Rucker and Capt. Morton were present, but the artillery, twelve pieces in all, was eighteen miles away and the roads very muddy and heavy. Gen. Bell, with his command, was seven miles distant to the north and Col. Lyon twelve miles away to the south. Forrest had everything on the move by 4 o'clock on the morning of the 10th, but the Federals were still in camp. Up to this time the Federal commander had a vague idea of Forrest's whereabouts or the strength of his command. But his cavalry, under Col. Waring, moved forward at 5 :30 and en- countered Forrest's pickets near Brice's Crossroads. His in- fantry had taken a leisurely breakfast at 7 o'clock, and nine miles away. About 9 :30 Col. Lyon arrived with his brigade and by the time he had thrown forward his skirmishers, Gen. Forrest arrived, took command and with Lyon's brigade and his escort, opened the famous battle of Brice's Crossroads, in Lee county, JNIiss., and which ended in one of the most brilliant, signal and complete victories of the war, considering the numbers engaged. Gen. Grierson dismounted his two brigades of cavalry, 3,200 strong, confronted by Forrest with now only Lyon 's brigade, 800, and his escort of 85, without any of his artillery, which was still eight miles away, but coming as fast as heavy roads would per- mit. Forrest's situation now was extremely dangerous and if his adversary had known his real strength present, could and doubtless would have overwhelmed him with numbers. But Forrest was essentially an aggressive fighter, and in this situation it was especially important to assume the offensive and place his adversary on the defensive. And this was what he did, dis- mounting his men behind a fence, strengthened hastily with brush and logs and opening fire upon the enemy therefrom, at one time 46 ,.-•'' THE FORREST MONUMENT. making a sally from the fence at the edge of the woods into the open field to make a show of his force. About this time Gen. Rucker arrived with his brigade of 700. Forrest dismounted it and placed it in line and made an- other forward movement, chiefly as a feint and a show of force and then retired to his original position, and from there con- tinued the fight at long range. Col, Johnson, with his command of 500, arrived about this time, and were dismounted and placed in line, Forrest now determined to make no more feints, but a fierce assault with his whole force. At the blast of the bugle his dismounted men sprang from the edge of the timber across the open field and after some desperate hand-to-hand fighting on parts of the line, the Federals were forced to retire after mak- ing a most gallant defense of their position, MADE FEARFUL ASSAULT. Col, Waring, in command of the Federal cavalry, says of Forrest 's attacks upon his line : ' ' They were exceedingly fierce. The first assault was repulsed. The second one after a hand-to- hand fight was successful, and forced my right back. After fall- ing back a short distance, I succeeded in forming another line, which was held till the infantry came up to relieve my com- mand, the men being much fatigued and out of ammunition," It was now 12 :30 o 'clock, and Forrest had accomplished the first part of his plan, namely, to whip the enemy 's cavalry before his infantry could arrive. In the meantime, Forrest had dispatched one of his staff, Maj, Anderson, here present today, to meet Gen, Bell and tell him to move up rapidly and to bring all he had, and for Morton, also present here, to bring the artillery at a gallop. Not forget- ting the value of his former flank movements, he had directed Gen. Buford, who was coming to his assistance, to order Col, Bar- ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 47 teau with his regiment to strike across the country and come up in the enemy's rear, and attack it in co-operation with him in front. By the time the enemy's infantry had been formed for bat- tle, Martin had arrived after a run of eighteen miles to join For- rest, and Gens. Bell and Buford, with their fresh commands, after a rapid ride of twenty-five miles that day, arrived also. All of Forrest's available forces were now up, and Forrest deter- mined to renew the attack upon the Federal infantry, now form- ing in his front, as quickly as his own lines could be arranged for action. FIRING FROM REAR. Forrest soon ordered a general charge, and about the time the fighting had become furious, Barteau's guns were heard in the enemy's rear. He had come upon them, had deployed his command to make as great a show as possible, and then opened and continued a vigorous fire till the rout of the enemy was evi- dent. Forrest felt that the crisis of the day had now come, and although his men had been fighting hard for more than two hours, since the arrival of Buford, Bell and Morton, he hurried along his line encouraging the men by telling them that Barteau had engaged the enemy in the rear and that they were giving away. Coming near to where Morton was engaged, that officer ventured to tell the General that it was too dangerous a place for him and suggested that he should go to the rear. Being almost exhausted with the terrible heat, hard work and anxieties of the day, he did so and laid down by a tree to rest but for a little while, say- ing that he would order a final charge along his entire line in ten minutes. (Cited by Wyeth.) This he did, at the same time directing a portion of Gen, Bell's command, when the firing became general, to charge around the enemy's right flank and into their rear, rush in and engage them at pistol range. Forrest was now using his famous 48 THE FORREST MONUMENT. tactics— a furious assault from the front with a charge upon both flanks and the enemy's rear by a few daring and desperate horsemen. Under these instructions, the charge was made, and after a gallant resistance, the enemy was swept from the field and the rout became general. Forrest pursued with his usual relentless tenacity. It was now 4 o'clock p.m. The pursuit continued till 3 o'clock the next morning. The Federal loss was frightful. Forrest's men, who had been detailed as horse- holders, were comparatively fresh. These were hurried to the front and under the personal leadership of Forrest and Buford went forward upon the retreating heels of the routed army. FEDERAL SOLDIERS' COMMENT. Col. Waring, of the Federal army, says : ' ' The retreat was but fairly well begun when we came upon our train of two hundred wagons piled pell-mell in a small field and blocked in beyond the possibility of removal." Maj. Hanson, of the same army, says: "All through the night the beaten army kept on their way, reaching Ripley, twenty- two miles from the battlefield, on the morning of June 11. Dur- ing the retreat the enemy captured fourteen pieces of our artil- lery, our entire wagon train of two hundred and fifty wagons and ten days' rations. * * * The bitter humiliation of the dis- aster rankles after a quarter of a century. If there was another engagement like this during the war, it is unknown to the writer ; and in its immediate results, there was no success among the many won by Forrest comparable to that of Guntown." Forrest's men, w^ho had done the fighting on foot, were al- lowed to rest till 1 o'clock a.m., while the horse-holders fiercely continued the pursuit of the fleeing enemy. Four miles from Ripley on the forenoon of the 11th Grierson rallied a forlorn hope, but with his escort and the Seventh Tennessee regiment, commanded by Col. W. F. Taylor, here present, Forrest, leading 49 ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. the charge in person attacked them, and after a feeble res stane scattered them precipitately. All through the day and unt nightfall of the 11th the pursuit was relentlessly continued and only ceased when near Salem, in sight of the home of his boy- hood Forrest, completely exhausted, here fell in a f amtmg speL from his horse, and remained unconscious for an hour. On the 12th Gen. Grierson was at CollierviUe after a run of forty-eight hours with scarcely a halt, and on the morning of the 13th a fragment of his fleeing command was at White's Station, six miles from Memphis. It had taken his army nine days to march from this point to Brice's Crossroads, but their return trip was made in sixty-four hours. The Federal General Washburn says : "The expedition left the railroad terminus on June 1, and reached Brice's Crossroads on June 10. The force that escaped returned to this point m one day and two nights." ^x,- f n. The Confederate loss was severe in this fight. Chief bur- geon Dr. J. B. Cowan reported 493 killed and wounded. The Federal loss in killed, wounded and captured was 2,612. Forrest captured 250 wagons and ambulances, 18 pieces of artillery 5,000 stands of small arms, 500,000 rounds of small arm ammunition and all of the enemy's baggage and supplie^ This victory was complete, and the pursuit was terrible. FORREST A HANNIBAL. # Hannibal, the Carthaginian tiger, leaping the Appenines and the Alps, and springing at the throat of Rome and hanging for twelve years upon the flanks of her bravest armies, was not more desperate than Forrest in pursuit of a beaten enemy. He seemed to realize that victories without a pursuit of the van- quished were usually without important or decisive results. At least our own observation and our reading of history tells us that this is true. Instance Shiloh. Johnston fell amid the shouts of -/ '\ THE FORREST MONUMENT. a conquering army and in the midst of his advancing fla^^s But his successor stopped the pursuit when the victory was won and in turn was beaten the next day by the arrival of reinforce- ments for the enemy. Instance Chickamauga, a great battle and a dearly bought victory for the Confederates, but fruitless in re- sults, as we believe, because the victory was not followed up as Forrest earnestly advised should be done! The plunc^inc. pur suit of a beaten enemy was a great and distinctive charact^eristic o± Forrest's generalship. His flank and rear movements were another. He was one of I three commanders developed by the great American conflict who / seemed to appreciate the momentous fact that one man in the' rear / of the enemy is worth ten in his front. Lee and Jackson were / the other two. At the battle of Chancellorsville Lee, with 44 000 , men, confronted Hooker with 90,000. Lee sent Jackson with 30,000 of his 44,000 to Hooker's rear, while he sharply en^a^ed him m front with his attenuated line of 14,000, makinc. an ''ex- aggerated show of his strength, while Jackson was making his way to his rear, which he reached, attacked and routed, and Hooker's ''grandest army on the planet" was ingloriously beaten with half his number. HIS MEMPHIS RAID. Forrest's raid into Memphis, strongly garrisoned, in August 1864, resulting in the capture of 600 prisoners and a large num- ber of horses, was one of his dashing and daring minor afl'airs His men rode into the heart of the city and into its leading hotel on the very bank of the great river, supposed to be bristling with gunboats. The Federal commander at Memphis came so near being captured by this surprise that he made his escape from his quarters in his nocturnal habiliments, leaving his uniform which was captured by Forrest. Gen. Hurlburt, who had been superseded by Gen. Washburn in command at Memphis, is said ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 51 to have satirically remarked that they removed him because he could not keep Forrest out of West Tennessee, and that Gen. "Washburn couldn 't keep him out of his bedroom. Amusing accounts by those who were here are still told of the panic caused in the Federal camps by this raid, but it would be too tedious to relate them. Forrest's reputation for fierce fighting was such that his very name had become a terror and was worth ten thousand men. And when it was reported that he was coming or was already in their midst, the very atmosphere seemed to quiver with consternation about the enemy's camps, the long roll sounded the alarm and there was hurrying and hus- tling to get into their defenses, for his movements were so ec- centric and surprising that they could not anticipate when, how or where this wily, winged wizard would next swoop down upon them. An army of dragoons could scarcely have inspired more terror than Forrest and his men. Forrest's destruction of three Federal gunboats, eleven transports, sixteen barges, large magazines and vast quantities of quartermaster and commissary stores at Johnsonville in No- vember, 1864, was a most remarkable and unprecedented feat. Gen. Sherman, in his ''Memoirs," says of this affair: "I con- fess it was a feat of arms that excites my admiration. ' ' FORREST AT FRANKLIN. Forrest performed an important part at the bloody battle of Franklin, Tenn., and is reported to have advised Gen. Hood, the commander of the Confederate army, not to attempt to carry the fortified Federal position by a direct assault, but to allow him to lead a movement to flank the enemy out of his position and en- deavor to strike him before he could reach Nashville. He distinguished himself by his masterly movements and desperate fighting in covering Gen. Hood's retreat in returning from his ill-fated campaign to Middle Tennessee, in December, 1864. 52 THE FORREST MONUMENT. In May, 1865, after the armies of Lee and Johnston had sur- rendered, Forrest, with a greatly reduced command, was over- whelmed by Gen. Wilson with a largely preponderating force, and surrendered his command to that officer at Gainesville, Ala., on the 9th of that month. And thus closed the military career of the most remarkable soldier, all things considered, of whom American history gives an account — accomplishing more with the resources at his com- mand than any chieftain developed by our great interstate war. For four booming and blazing years life and death rode madly and wildly together, under the plunging leadership of that mar- velous man. PROCLAIMED AMERICAN MARS. To this multitude, to mankind and to posterity, we proclaim the unlettered son of the blacksmith the American Mars to this date. Pie was a soldier born to conquer. Practically unlettered, he was without the knowledge of history and hence unschooled in the so-called science of war. But he had a science of his own, which he used with telling effect. It is related that one of Forrest's officers said to him after one of his great victories that he would have been a military prodigy if he had been educated at West Point. He replied: * ' Nonsense ! Show me a man who fights by note and I will whip him before he can sing his first tune." In a military conversa- tion with a Federal officer after the war, among other things, he said : "I wouldn 't give fifteen minutes of bulge for a week of tactics." Gen. Joseph E. Johnston is reported to have said that if Forrest had possessed a military education no other man would have been heard of as a commander. But such is the veriest speculation. Nature, and not military schools (although they have great value), makes the truly great soldier. If not, why did so few of the many "West Pointers" rise above mediocrity? ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. The great disadvantage at whicli Forrest was plaeed by the want of a military education was that his government did not have the same confidence in its amateur as in its professional soldiers, j^ and thereby failed to recognize the full measure of his genius > and generalship until it was too late to provide him with a com- mand commensurate with his ability. KNEW HIS ENEMIES. Another striking feature of Forrest's generalship was that he -reatly appreciated the advantage of knowing all about the enemy that was possible to be known without allowing him to know anything of himself. Hence, no commander, perhaps, ever valued the services of brave and reliable scouts more than he, and none, perhaps, was ever more efficiently served by his scouts Through these, information was received that enabled him to act with more intelligence, confidence and daring, and to create sur- prises when he was not expected. His policy was always to do that which the enemy least expected him to do, and especially to ! strike his rear, when least anticipated. None seemed to know I so well the demoralizing effect of a rear stroke simultaneously with one in front. Such tactics will shake the morale, at least temporarily, of the steadiest and bravest army ever mar- shaled We veterans know from experience the enervatmg effect of a credible rumor that the enemy is in the rear when we know that he is also in front. It is embarrassing to say the least of it. Like Stonewall Jackson, Forrest sought to mystify and ter- rify his adversary before, when, and after he struck him. This was an effective part of his strategy. NO OPPORTUNITY TO COMMAND A LAEGE ARMY. As his reliance on rapid movements, startling surprises and upon throwing his whole force upon the enemy at the critical moment, was his general policy in giving battle, there is a diver- sity of opinion as to whether Gen. Forrest would have been pro- THE FORREST MONUMENT. portionately as successful with an army of 50,000 to 100,000 men as with one of 5,000 to 10,000. Of course, we know that large armies cannot be moved as rapidly and systematically as small ones, cannot be as readily brought into action and cannot have in the same degree the inspiring influence of the individual presence, daring example, and personal prowess of their com- mander-in-chief. However, this is a matter of speculation and as no opportunity to command a large army was ever offered to Gen. Forrest, the question remains undetermined. Nevertheless, it is the opinion of many of those who knew him best, who served with him and thus had opportunities to judge of his ability, that he was capable of commanding as large an army as could have been successfully wielded by any commander produced by the war, and this opinion is growing in popular favor as his cam- paigns are being studied and better understood. ,.:^'"' TBtlS^ S^AREWELL address. ^^ \ After surrendering, as before stated. Gen. Forrest issued a farewell address to his soldiers, in which he spoke feelingly of the separation now to take place, referred to their fidelity and devotion to him, commended their arduous and heroic services to their country, and recognized his obligation for the distinction that their victories had conferred upon him. He advised them to now be as good citizens as they had been soldiers and to renew their loyalty to the victorious flag, saying that as he had never asked them to go where he was not willing to lead, so now he would not give them advice that he was not willing to follow. Many of the soldiers thus addressed, forty years ago, are here today— Col. D. C. Kelley, one of his brigade commanders; Col. W. F. Taylor, Maj. C. W. Anderson, Capt. John W. Morton, Maj. George Dashiell; his son, Capt. William Forrest, of his staff; Col. Baxter Smith, and many others. J ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 55 SUMMARY. As Hallam says of Cromwell, Forrest was an original, but uneducated force. His natural endowments both physical and mental, were ex- traordinary. He began his military career at the age of forty, the same age at which Cffisar began his conquest of the nations, and like the great Roman, he never lost a battle. In no emergency or excitement, however great, did he ever lose his presence of mind. He was impetuous as Alexander, self- possessed as Cassar and strategical as Hannibal. He was one of the world's few connnanders, who could personally engage in the combat and at the same time direct the action of his men. He was one of the few, too, who fully appreciated the momentous moral advantage of striking the enemy from every possible quar- ter at the same time, and also, one of the few who fully realized that victories were scarcely half won when there was no pursuit of the vanquished. No commander ever esteemed more highly the value of minutes, and none was ever bolder in dividing a nu- merically inferior force in the presence of a superior one, in order to reach the adversary 's flank or rear. HIS GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Finally, he accomplished more with the resources at his command than any commander developed by the war — at the same time displaying greater personal prowess than any; and thereby, with all, establishing a greater claim than any to be called ' ' The American Mars. ' ' HIS DEATH, After the war he engaged in railroad building and other in- dustrial pursuits with varying success for ten years. His health failing, he died in the city of I\Iemphis on the 29th day of Octo- ber, 1877, And thus passed from the view of mankind one of the most masterful and marvelous men that ever figured in 56 THE FORREST MONUMENT. the world's great history. At the time of his death and for several years before, he was an affiliating member of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church, and departed this life in the hope of a better one beyond. We now honor his remains, sepulchered in this monument, salute his spirit beyond the stars, and bid him a fraternal fare- well! "The tempests may howl and the loud thiinders rattle, He heeds not, he hears not, he's free from all pain; He sleeps his last sleep, he has fought his last battle. No sound can awake him to glory again." The following poem was prepared especially for the dedica- tion occasion and was read by Gen. Gordon during the delivery of his address : THE WIZARD OF THE SADDLE. BY VIRGINIA FRAZER BOYLE. 'Twas out of the South tliat the lion heart came, From the ranks of the Gray like the flashing of flame; A juggler with fortune, a master with fame, The rugged heart born to command. As he rode by the star of an unconquered will, And he struck with the might of an vmdaunted skill; Unschooled, but as firm as the granite flanked hill. As true and as tried as steel. Though the Gray were outnumbered, he counted no odd. But fought like a demon and struck like a god; Disclaiming defeat on the blood-curdled sod. As he pledged to the South that he loved. 'Twas saddle and spur, or on foot in the field, Unguided by tactics that knew how to yield; Stripped of all, save his honor, but rich in that shield. Full armored by nature's own hand. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 57 Like the rush of the storm as he swept on the foe. It was "Come!" to his legion, he never said "Go!" And with sinews unbending, how could the world know That he rallied a starving host? And the wondering ranks of the foe were like clay To these men of flint in the molten day; And the hell hounds of war howled afar for their prey, When the arm of a Forrest led. For devil or angel, life stirred when he spoke, And the current of courage, if slumbering, woke At the yell of the leader, for never was broke The record men wondering read. With a hundred he charged like a thousand men, And the hoof beats of one seemed the tattoo of ten; What heed were burned bridges or flooded fords, when The wizard of battles was there? But his pity could bend to a fallen foe, The mailed hand soothe a brother's woe; There was time to be human, for tears to flow — For the heart of the man to thrill. Then "On!" as though never a halt befell, With a swinging blade and the Rebell Yell, Through the song of the bullets and plowshares of hell — The hero, half iron, half soul ! Swing, rustless blade, in the daimtless hand, Ride, soul of a god, through the deathless band, Through the low green mounds, or the breadth of the land. Wherever your legions dwell! Swing, Rebel blade, through the halls of fame. Where courage and justice have left your name; By the torches of glory your deeds shall flame. With the reckoning of Time! (f 58 THE FORREST MONUMENT. [Introducing Maj. Stanton.] "Ladies and Gentlemen: ^-? "In every war, as you know, there must be two sides — two great contending armies. And so in our great war there were likewise two great contending bodies of cavalry in the West. Gen. Gordon has told you of the marvelous achievements of our own Forrest and the men who followed his lead in battle. It now remains for you to hear, from a soldier on the Union side, what it meant to face Forrest in combat and to interpose such barriers to the tremendous onsets of that Spirit of "Wrath and Genius of War, as only an American soldier could do. Among the stanch officers who fearlessly measured swords with the great Southern cavalry leader, I will now present one who survived and is to- day a splendid type of the American volunteer soldier in peace. He will give you his impressions of what it meant to fight with Forrest. I introduce you to Maj. C. A. Stanton, of the famous Third Iowa Cavalry." [The spectacle of an officer who had fought in the Federal army delivering an address at the unveiling of a monument to a Confederate soldier was an interesting one, and when Col. C. A. Stanton was introduced the applause was tremendous. — Ed.] FEDERAL SOLDIER LAUDS GEN. FORREST, BRILLIANT ORATORICAL EFFORT OF COL. C. A. STANTON THIS AFTERNOON. 3Ir. Chairman, Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen: It is an honor which I cannot fitly acknowledge to be invited to take part in the exercises of this memorable day, and I thank the committee for giving me this opportunity to pay my tribute of respect to the memory of Tennessee's great soldier, I come into this presence with diffidence, because there are distinguished soldiers here who served with Gen. Forrest and ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATIOX. 59 have the most perfect understanding of his military achieve- ments; and there are great orators here who have today, and on other occasions, spoken of him in words of matchless eloquence, but honored by your invitation and encouraged by your greeting,' I shall venture to express briefly a Northern soldier's estimate of the famous Southern leader and the brave men who followed him. During the war between the States I served four years in the Federal army, and what I learned then, and also the knowl- edge of present conditions in the South which I have obtained in recent years since coming here to live, prompts what I now shall say, EXPERIENCE WITH FORREST. My knowledge of Gen. Forrest's military career was ac- quired while serving for a part of two years with the Federal forces that were directly opposed to him and his command; my regiment (the Third Iowa Cavalry) was with Gen. Grierson in 1864 at Brice's Crossroads, Ripley, Harrisburg, Old Town Creek, Tallahatchie and Hurricane Creek, and was with Gen. Wilson in 1865, at Montevallo, Ebenezer Church, Bogler's Creek, Selma, Montgomery, Columbus and :\Iacon, and these campaigns gave ui ample opportunity to learn much of Gen. Forrest's wonderful ability as a soldier. Carlyle has said that ''every genius is an impossibility until he comes," and to those who were acquainted with Forrest the business man in 1860, Forrest the great general in 1864 seemed an impossibility; at the beginning of the civil war he had no knowledge of militarj^ affairs, he had never studied the books which teach the science of modern warfare; he knew nothing of the tactics and strategy used by the great soldiers before\is time, but that which they had been obliged to learn he seemed to know intuitively; he was a natural soldier, and his marvelous military genius gave him the solution of every problem involved THE FORREST MONUMENT. in his campaigns and advanced him from obscurity and medi- ocrity to rank and fame. EVERY INCH A SOLDIER. Gen Forrest possessed the characteristic traits of the suc- cessful soldier: his personal bravery ^vas ^vithout limit: his re- sources seemed to be endless, and his decisions, like ^apoleon s were instantaneous; he was aggressive, masterful, resolute and self-reliant in the most perilous emergency: he was comprehen- sive in his grasp of every situation, supremely contident m him- self and in his men, and inspired by his presence and example his soldiers as desperately as did Hannibal's fierce cavalry at Cannae, or the trained veterans of C.sar's Tenth Legion at Pharsalia. I think the battle at Brice's CiH3ssroads m June, 1S64 was one of the best illustrations of Gen. Forrest s darmg courac^e his ability in a critical moment to decide swiftly, his relentless vi^n^r of action, and his intuitive perception of the time and place to strike fierce, stunning blows which fell like thunder- bolts upon his enemy and won for him in this battle an over- whelming victorv over an opposing force which greatly outnum- bered his command. In this connection I deem it not inappropri- ,te to .av that no truthful history of this battle can be written which does not make prominent mention of the fearless and ef- fective work of Gen. Forrest's chief of artniery, Capt. John ^V Morton who boldlv advanced his guns with the skirmish Ime and to whom much of the credit is due for Confederate success m this and other engagements. K.Os'KIX HISTORY. Impartial history has given Gen. Forrest high rank as one of the greatest cavalry leaders of modern times: no American Xorth or South now seeks to lessen the measure of his fame, and no one can speak of him without remembrance of the men who .erved with him and whose soldierly qualities made it possible ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 61 for him to win his wonderful victories; no military leader was ever supported by more faithful, gallant and daring subordinate officers than Gens. D. C. Kelley, Bell, Chalmers, Jackson, Buford, Armstrong and Lyon; Cols. W. F. Taylor, Starnes, Heiskell, Rueker, Barksdale, Barteau and Jeffrey Forrest; Maj. Strange; Capts. William and Jesse Forrest, IMorton and Rice, Walton and Thrall and all the rest of that galaxy of splendid soldiers who brought to the service of their chief, talent, energy, fidelity and courage of the highest order. Words are inadequate to do full justice to the superb bravery of the men who made up the rank and file of Gen. For- rest's command; it has been truly said that "the spirit of the cavalier which was found in the Southern armies was combined with the steadfastness of Cromwell 's Ironsides, ' ' and it is equally true that no soldiers ever met more promptly every demand made upon them ; no soldiers ever faced the enemies ' blazing guns more fearlessly or performed greater feats of valor than did the vete- rans of Forrest 's regiments in battles which were as hard fought as IMarathon or Philippi. WORK OF Forrest's men". But great as were the military achievements of Gen. For- rest's men during the civil war, they have been excelled by the records which his surviving soldiers have made since that time in civil life ; it is a fact known to all here and soon learned by those who come to live in the South, that Forrest's men are prominent and influential in every community where they now reside ; they have become prosperous planters and merchants; they manage important industrial enterprises ; they are great lawj^ers, eminent physicians, eloquent divines; they sit upon the bench of State and Federal Courts and fill high places in the administration of State and national affairs. 62 THE FORREST MONUMENT. And this grand record of achieved results has been made not by Forrest's men alone, but by all the soldiers of the South, through every year since 1865 ; I think the world has never wit- nessed a nobler example of self-respecting manliness than was afforded by the Confederate soldiers at the close of the war; they returned to their homes under circumstances inconceivably discouraging and disheartening, yet in a brave, uncomplaining, manly way, they reassumed the duties of citizenship and carried their sterling qualities into industrial life. They repaired and rebuilt the wasted and ruined towns and farms and homes; they devoted themselves to the development of the wonderful resources of the South, and the enterprise, the business sagacity and finan- cial ability of Southern men have made Southern fields and Southern industries contribute to the wealth of all the world. HONOR FOR THE LIVING. The surviving soldiers of the Southern armies still honor — as they should — their comrades, living and dead ; they still cherish — as is natural and right — a feeling of affection for the old stars and bars which they so often followed through smoke and flame of battle, but they do not now regret that their brave endeavor failed and that the government of our fathers has been preserved to us and to our children for all time ; the men who fought with N. B. Forrest and George "W. Gordon are now as ardent in their desire to uphold the honor and credit of our nation as are the men who served with Grant and Sherman, and this well known fact has been made still more apparent by the splendid service ren- dered since the civil war by Gov. Luke Wright, Gens. Gordon, Wheeler, Fitzhugh Lee, Col. Keller Anderson and many other Confederate soldiers. The men who wore the gray from 1861 to 1865 still treasure the memories of those heroic days, but through all the years since that time they have contributed their full share to the advancement and prosperity of our common country, and ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 63 today the nation has no truer friends than the ex-Confederate soldiers of the South, whose typical representatives are such men as Gen. George W. Gordon, Gen. Luke Wright, Judge J. P. Young, W. J. Crawford, J. E. Beasley, W. A. and D. W. Collier, L. B. McFarland, T. J. Taylor, R. J. Black, S. A. Pepper, W. B. Mallory, J. M. Goodbar, Luke Finlay, Senator T. B. Turley, E. B. McHenry, W. H. Carroll, Judges Greer, Beard and Galloway, C. W. Heiskell, D. M. Scales, Dr. Malone, A. D. Gwynne, Dr. Maury, J. M. Bourne, R. A. Parker, W. F. Taylor, H. M. Neely, Keller Anderson, R. B. Snowden, J. W. Buchanan, J. T. Hillsman, J. P. Jordan, J. R. Godwin, J. M. Hubbard, Capt. A. B. Hill and countless others in this community; these men, in common with all the people of the South, are striving earnestly and sincerely to find a just and wise and beneficent solution of every problem that confronts them, and every day their work and influence and example illustrate the best type of useful and patriotic citizen- ship. The war of 1861 to 1865 was a mighty conflict which stands without a parallel in the annals of time. Shiloh, Stone River, Franklin, Chickamauga and Gettysburg are names made sacred by the deeds done there, and by the dead who lie there side by side, in a common grave where the gray cloth and the blue have faded into dust alike. W^HAT THE WAR MEANT. Forty years of study and reflection over the causes of the civil war have evolved the common judgment of mankind, and it will be the verdict of history for all time that the soldiers of the South and the soldiers of the North both fought for what they be- lieved was right ; both were inspired by convictions of duty ; they were of kindred blood and they fought with the same Anglo- Saxon valor; there was bravery and sacrifice beyond comparison on both sides, but an overruling Providence had decreed that we 6-4 THE FORREST MONUMENT. should continue to be a united people and He ordered it that the blended blood and heroism of the men. who then strove against each other, *' contending for the right as God gave them to see the right, ' ' should make secure the future of the grandest nation the world has ever seen. Comrades, you have a right to look with pride upon this monument ; it reminds you of bivouac, camp fire and bugle call ; of marching columns and wa^•ing flags; of desperate battles and thrilling scenes which make up an Iliad more stately and splen- did than any that genius has immortalized. This monument is history in bronze ; it illustrates an event- ful era in our national history: it commemorates Gen, Forrest's fame and it represents all the gallant soldiers of his command ; it attests the splendid courage which won triumphant victories and did not fail when reverses came -. it stands for heroic deeds which are now the proud heritage of all American citizens. ITS PROPER PLACE. It is most appropriate that this monument should be placed here in this progressive city, which has had. and has now, its able and conspicuous representatives in every field of labor, commerce, religion, law, literature, politics, science and art : this city, which M'as Gen. Forrest's home and which has been, and is now, the home of so many other distinguished soldiers, some of whom served with the great leader whose memory we honor today. It is eminently fitting that this figure should stand here within the borders of the Volunteer State, whose soldiers have marched and fought "from valley's depth to mountain height, and from inland rivers to the sea, ' ' in ever,v war in the history of our republic, with a valor which has helped to make the name and fame of the American soldier immortal. This monument stands as a memorial to Gen. Forrest and his fearless followers, living and dead; it is the tribute of the generous people of this city to ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 65 a fighting leader and to his fighting men, to a great general whose military record is the pride of his State and to the splendid sol- diers of his command, whose deeds of heroism have not been sur- passed in any age or land. [Introducing Senator Turley.] "Senator Thomas B. Turley will now present the monument, on behalf of the association, to the city of Memphis. It is need- less for me to do more than present him to this audience, which knows him so well. In war time we knew him as the boy soldier of the old One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Tennessee Regiment." SPEECH OF SENATOR T. B. TURLEY. Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen and Old Comrades: The pleasing duty has been assigned me, Mr. Mayor, of pre- senting through you, to the city of IVIemphis, this beautiful eques- trian statue of its greatest son. It is a fact, Mr. Mayor, if Memphis should be overwhelmed by misfortune— if she should lose all her commercial greatness — in fact, if she should be blotted from the map and become a mass of ruins like INIemphis of old on the Nile, still she would be re- membered as the home of Forrest. It has been the custom among all nations, civilized and un- civilized, to commemorate and perpetuate the memory and the great deeds of their heroes, warriors and statesmen by monu- ments, statues and mausoleums. It is, therefore, in every way fit and proper that this statue of Gen. Forrest should be erected in jMemphis, where he passed his young manhood up to middle life, and amongst the people of Memphis who loved him so well, and from whose midst he went forth to his unexampled career of glory and renown. 66 THE FORREST MONUMENT. But there is, Mr. Mayor, something attached to this statue and other like Confederate monuments which pertains to no other monuments or memorials known to history. The principles of the cause for which Forrest fought are not dead, and they will live as long as there is a drop of Anglo-Saxon blood on the face of the earth. But in another sense the cause for which he fought is dead, and has been dead for nearly fifty years. It has no coun- try; it has no government with a treasury overflowing with wealth, and from which monuments and mausoleums and statues without limit can be built at the public cost. Whence, then, comes this statue? It comes partly from the loyalty and affection of those women of Memphis and of Ten- nessee who knew him in his lifetime, and who loved him so well — partly from the reverence and admiration of their children and their children's children— and largely from his old comrades and from their sons and their son 's sons. None of these has been too poor to contribute at least his mite. It comes, also, strange as it may be to say, and yet not strange, from the respect and ad- miration of many of those who fought on the other side and against him. On one occasion, when a committee of the Monument Asso- ciation was soliciting contributions in a business office in this city, they noticed a gray-haired gentleman sitting by. After hav- ing obtained a liberal contribution from the proprietor of the office, they prepared to leave, and at that moment the gray-haired gentleman arose and said : ' ' I was a Federal soldier and fought against Forrest; but I have always had the highest respect and admiration for him, and if it is permissible, I would like to add my contribution to so worthy an object." And now, Mr. Mayor, on behalf of the Forrest Monu- ment Association, and of the Southern Mothers, and of the women and children of Memphis, and of his old comrades here ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 67 and at other places through the South, and on behalf of every person who has contributed to this sacred fund, and on behalf of the lady members of the association who have labored so earnestly for the success of this object, I now present to the city of Memphis, through you, this statue. The city should guard and preserve it well. Cold it may be as stone or marble, yet it is the essence and concentration of the tenderest and most af- fectionate sentiments that animate the women of our country and of all those attributes which go to make up loyal and honest manhood. [Introducing Mayor Williams.] * ' Hon. J. J. Williams, our IMayor, will now accept the monu- ment on behalf of the city of Memphis." REMARKS OF MAYOR WILLIAMS. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Monument Associa- tion, and Fellow Citizens: The pleasant duty devolves on me as the representative of the municipal government of Memphis to accept on its behalf this im- age of the warrior, Forrest. I am sure it will be properly cared for, because there are heroes among us today, men who when the clouds of monstrous war cast their shadows over this fair South- land were inspired by the noble women of the South to face the lurid lightning of battle, to deeds of reckless daring, just as were those who now fill unknown graves on the battle fields from Penn- sylvania to Texas. 'Tis a touching fact that many of those brave and gentle women now gray and bent under the weight of years, with their daughters and granddaughters, are bringing sunshine and gladness into the lives of the old soldiers, whose footsteps are fast leading to the inevitable ''beyond." Knowing so well the history of the women of the past and the spirit of the women of the present, I feel entirely safe in promising for the women of 68 THE FORREST MONUMENT. the future, they being of the same womanhood, that they will see to it that this statue will be eared for and prized, while speaking, as it will to the coming ages, of a chivalric race, of a glorious past and of a glorious Forrest. I congratulate the men and women who have struggled so long to bring about this consummation.; their labors have been arduous and persistent. Every Southerner and every Memphian especially, should remember them with gratitude for the erection of this handsome statue, which, while it meets the storms of time, will ever face the sunny South, so loved and honored by the hero it represents. [Introducing Col. Kelley.] ''Lastly, in concluding the ceremonies, Rev. D. C. Kelley, who served with Forrest throughout his whole career, and who suc- ceeded him in command of his regiment as Lieutenant Colonel, will now deliver the benediction. ' ' BENEDICTION BY REV. D. C. KELLEY. Gen. N. B. Forrest, whose statue and monument we here unveil, did not need this tribute at our hands ; it was needed that we might in some way prove ourselves worthy to have been his comrades and co-patriots. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston had already said: "Forrest, the greatest soldier the war produced. ' ' Gen. Dabney Maury has said : * ' Forrest, the greatest soldier of this generation. ' ' Gen. W. T. Sherman, the great Federal leader, declared For- rest to be the greatest military genius the war produced. Yet we, his old comrades and fellow-citizens, needed in self- vindication to mold into imperishable form this, our form of ex- pression. It was my fortune to have been his second in com- ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 69 mand in his first regiment, to have been with him in his first bat- tle; to have surrendered with him when the war ended. The further privilege was mine to have been his messmate during the first year of the war; to have seen him bow reverently when di- vine blessing was invoked at the mess table and at daily evening prayer; to witness his acts of tenderest sympathy for suffering women and wounded comrades; his marvelous charm for little children. When, by the too great kindness of our surviving comrades, I was elected to the command of the veteran cavalry corps which bears his name today, when acknowledging the honor, the pledge was made that our work should be first to give to our generation a true history of the man ; the world knows him today. Second, to build a monument to his name. At the foot of this majestic memorial I, today, offer the thanks of his comrades for what you have done, and beg to add my resignation. For as much as God, our Father, has put it into the hearts of our fellow-citizens and comrades to erect this monument in mem- ory of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, we here dedicate it to the promotion of patriotism, chivalry and devotion to country as God gave him to see these duties. We reverently return our thanks to Almighty God for His gift to us of this man, and this inspiration to virtue of the citizens who, in the erection of the monument, prove themselves not unworthy of God's gift to the man. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost keep us in memory of past heroism and future reverent obedi- ence. Amen ! Thus closed the dedication ceremonies at 5 o'clock p.m., May 16, 1905. THE FORREST MONUMENT. From the Commercial Appeal, May 16, 1905.] lEulngg bg ir. Jnt^n A. Mxjptl| DR. JOHN A. WYETH, OF NEW YORK, EX-CONFEDERATE SOLDIER, WRITES IN BEAUTIFUL STYLE ABOUT THE HERO OF TODAY 'S MEM- ORABLE UNVEILING iVND DEDICATION EXERCISES. In answer to a request from the Commercial Appeal, Dr. John A. Wyeth, of 19 West Thirty-fifth street. New York, the great author of the life of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, sends a beautiful tribute to the memory of the dead hero. It should be clipped from the pages of today's issue and kept as a cherished gift in words by every patriotic and home-loving Southerner. A J y Eulogy. " ^ The Southern Confederacy met with two irreparable misfor- ^tunes. One was the death of Stonewall Jackson at Chancellors- ville in 1863, the other the unaccountable failure to recognize in Nathan Bedford Forrest the qualities which made of him one of the greatest military geniuses in history. This recognition came at last, but not until the cause of the South was hopelessly lost. Jefferson Davis acknowledged as much. He said: "The generals commanding in the Southwest never appreciated Forrest, and that he was misled by them." He stands in the history of our war unique in this — from a private soldier in the ranks in June, 1861, against obstacles which seemed almost insurmountable, he fought his way to a lieutenant generalship, the highest rank, but one accorded to its soldiers by the Confederacy, The scriptural adage that "a prophet is not ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION, 71 without honor save in his own country" was never more directly applicable than in the case of Forrest while the war was in progress, for it was amongst those against whom he was battling that he was first measured in the fullness of his ability. Sherman telegraphed that 10,000 lives and an enormous expenditure of means was as naught to the death of Forrest. To him the unlettered soldier stood the chief source of his anxiety, the most dreaded obstacle to his success in the great strategic game he was playing with the immortal Johnston from Dalton to Atlanta. His cry was "Keep Forrest away from me and I will cut the Confederacy in two." Sherman said that Forrest was the most remarkable man the civil war produced on either side. He had a genius for strategy which was original and to him. (Sherman) incomprehensible. Joseph E. Johnston said that Forrest was the greatest soldier of our own war, and had he had the advantages of a thorough military education and training would have been the great central figure of that struggle. Forrest possessed not only a mind of unusual power, but one capable of reasoning calmly and rapidly, no matter how serious or perplexing the problems which presented themselves. Even in moments of extreme peril, so rapid was the process by which his brain registered and analyzed every detail of the picture which flashed through it, that any action which the emergency de- manded followed as logically and as quickly as the roar of the thunder follows the lightning's flash. The ordinary mind can deal with reasonable certainty and success with the things that are expected, but to cope successfully with the unexpected is the crucial test of extraordinary ability. In war, and especially upon the battlefield, it is the unexpected which most often hap- pens, and in these great emergencies the mind is too often dazed by the rapid and kaleidoscopic changes which are occurring, or temporarily stunned by the shock of an unlooked for stroke. It 72 THE FORREST MONUMENT. is on such occasions that he who hesitates is lost, and as in nature— "Everytliing that grows Holds in perfection but a single moment," SO in the crisis of human affairs a single moment of time holds success or failure as the opportunity it brings is or is not grasped. Whether his life alone was in the balance, or whether the safety of his command was involved, the wonderful presence of mind did not fail. It has been said that taking into consideration the numbers engaged, the battle of Brice's Crossroads was the most remark- able battle, and the greatest victory of the civil war. Forrest's campaign in Mississippi and West Tennessee in 1864 should rank in its brilliant success with Stonewall Jackson's campaign in the "Valley of Virginia. It is safe to say that with the resources at hand Forrest ac- ^>^ complished more than any commander on either side of the war for Southern independence. It is to the honor of Memphis, of Tennessee, and of the South, and to the honor of all admirers of this great American soldier, whether of the North or of the South, that there should be erected to him there this fitting memorial, upon the bank of that mighty river which in its turbulent and irresistible flow may aptly suggest his aggressive and restless spirit which brooked no opposition and swept all before it. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 73 From the Commercial Appeal, May 14, 1905.] S^ittal KhhttBB of O^ptt^ral SForreat Gen. Forrest *s last speech was delivered at a reunion of the Sev- enth Cavalry at Covington, Tenn., June 26, 1876. This was the regiment in which he enlisted as a private soldier. At the reunion Gen. Forrest arose to deliver the speech, which was to be his last, and Judge J. P. Young, seated on horse- back, drew from his pocket a slip of paper and wrote rapidly a minute abbreviated long hand report of Gen. Forrest's last speech, thus preserving for posterity the last public utterances of the great military hero. Many Memphians were present and heard Gen. Forrest speak of the Lost Cause and of the bright future of the South- land, and many memories of his rough and honest words sank deep into the hearts of the old war-scarred veterans who fol- lowed their beloved chieftain, who then stood before them. Sub- joined is Judge Young 's report : Final Address. Soldiers of the Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, Ladies and Gentlemen: I name the soldiers first, because I love them best. I am ex- tremely pleased to meet you here today. I love the gallant men with whom I was so intimately connected during the late war. You can readily realize what must pass through a commander's mind when called upon to meet in reunion the brave spirits who, through four years of war and bloodshed, fought fearlessly for a cause that they thought right, and who, even when they fore- saw, as we all did, that that war must soon close in disaster, and that we must all surrender, yet did not quail, but marched to victory in many battles, and fought as boldly and persistently in their last battles as they did in their first. Nor do I forget those 74 THE FORREST MONUMENT. many gallant spirits who sleep coldly in death upon the many bloody battlefields of the late war. I love them, too, and honor their memory. I have often been called to the side, on the battle- field, of those who have been struck down, and they would put their arms around my neck, draw me down to them and kiss me and say : ' ' General, I have fought my last battle and will soon be gone. I want you to remember my wife and children and take care of them." Comrades, I have remembered their wives and little ones and have taken care of them, and I want every one of you to remember them, too, and join with me in the labor of love. Comrades, through the years of bloodshed and many marches you were tried and true soldiers. So through the years of peace you have been good citizens, and now that we are again united under the old flag, I love it as I did in the days of my youth, and I feel sure that you love it also. Yes, I love and honor that old flag as much as do those who followed it on the other side ; and I am sure that I but express your feelings when I say that, should occasion offer and our common country de- mand our services, you would as eagerly follow my lead to bat- tle under that proud banner as ever you followed me in our late great war. It has been thought by some that our social reunions were wrong, and that they would be heralded to the North as an evidence that we were again ready to break out into civil war. But I think that they are right and proper, and we will show our countrymen by our conduct and dignity that brave soldiers \ are always good citizens and law-abiding and loyal people. Sol- diers, I was afraid that I could not be with you today ; but I could not bear the thought of not meeting with you, and I will always try to meet with you in the future. I hope that you will continue to meet from year to year and bring your wives and children with you and let them and the children who may come after them en- joy with you the pleasures of your reunions. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 75 From the News- Scimitar, May 17, 1905 (Editorial) SIl|f WotrtBt Mannmtnt The Forrest statue has been unveiled. • The event proved to be the triumphant conclusion of a noble and patriotic work. The scene was perhaps the most significant and inspiring that has ever occurred in Shelby County. A great throng was present and demeaned itself in a manner that does honor to the patriotism of the people. Every one who by means or deeds contributed to the consum- mation is entitled to credit, but the work of the Forrest Monu- ment Association, whose persistent energy and zeal is responsible for the achievement, has justly earned the lasting gratitude of the public. The statue is a splendid gift to Memphis. As a work of art it will be admired by succeeding generations; but its greatest value consists in what it signifies. This splendid tribute was not required to accentuate the greatness or perpetuate the memory of Forrest's noble career. He builded his own monument, not with granite or bronze, but with deeds, and his work will live when heroic pedestal and ani- mated bust shall have crumbled into dust and nothingness. When we read the lines — Can storied urn or animated bust Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath? Can honor's voice provoke the silent dust, Or flattery soothe the cold, dull ear^of death? we realize how futile and valueless t& the dead are our tributes to greatness. ^^ 76 THE FORREST MONUMENT. Yet it was meet that this statue should have been erected, not for the good it does for the departed hero, but for the good it does for us and the good it will do for those who are to come after us. It carries its lesson of courage and faith and exalted country- love. It speaks in the language of silence and with dumb lips pro- claims that acts of heroism and self-sacrifice live forever. An example fashioned in marble, it will stand for ages as the emblem of a standard of virtue which we should endeavor to ex- ceed if we can and which we must not fall below. The future of Memphis is great, but that future has its foundation perhaps in a greater past. The city has passed through travail and adversity. The history of her triumphant progress is fraught with sad chapters which subdue the heart with reverent compassion and we dare not forget that in her graveyards are sleeping heroes whose bleeding feet led the way to her present greatness. Magnificent buildings are now climbing Olympus-like to the clouds. They are but the beginning of greater things to come. But now and henceforth no structure is a greater honor to Memphis than the Forrest monument. It is the lasting expression of the people's loyalty to the country and to truth, their admiration for courage and greatness and with unfailing fidelity points to the fact that within their own hearts exist the very virtues which they so reverently applaud. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 77 From the Commercial Appeal, May 17, 1905 (Editorial) ®lye ©rtumply of Prare Across the years full rounded to a score Since Peace advancing with her olive wand Restored the sunshine to our desolate land. Come thronging back the memories of war; Again the drums beat and the cannons roar, And patriot fires by every breeze are fanned. And pulses quicken with a purpose grand As manhood's forces swell to larger store. Again the camp, the field, the march, the strife, The joy of victory, the bitter pain Of wounds, or sore defeat; the anguish rife In tears that fall for the unnumbered slain And homes where darkened is the light of life — All these the echoing bugle brings again. Forty years after the war Memphis has appropriately honored the military genius who made this his home. This may seem to some a tardy tribute, but it is better to wait until the passions of the war have subsided and sectional animosity has grown pale, to honor the memory of those who were protagonists in the great martial drama. It is better that we build these stately monuments to war's sovereign figures in the days of peace. The philosophy of Chris- tianity is antipathetic to war. Surely it is a dreadful thing to behold thousands of men rushing into the red breach of battle, to see them mown down by the belching cannon, and to realize that military renown is built upon the nameless graves of men who fought and died for a cause. Moralize as we may, however, the military ideal will always appeal to the fancy of mankind. Perpetual warfare seems to 78 THE FORREST MONUMENT. thread the entire web and woof of nature. There is a never-end- ing struggle, in which the fittest survive. It would seem that no nation can maintain its position unless it is ready to fight for its own ; and so the military spirit is a valuable asset to any people. Eventually the time may come when all national disputes may be submitted to arbitration, and peace may not be considered syn- onymous with effeminacy. But this day is far distant, and even those who have a horror of war must admit that it is better for a nation to be warlike, better for its citizens to fight, and to as- pire to military glory than to sink into ignoble sloth and to be- come enervated with vice and sin. We may not solve the riddle of existence and know the wherefore of war; and so our little homily is rounded with a doubt. "We are so made that we cannot choose but admire the great warriors who have fought the world's decisive battles. And in the days that follow the storms of war it is but meet that we should build fitting monuments to the shining participants in the Great Game. Forrest will stand out in history as one of the world's mili- tary geniuses. He was a born soldier. He was a natural leader of men. The whole secret of military science was known to him. His career will always adorn one of the most romantic pages of history. There need be no apology for erecting this striking monument to commemorate his splendid deeds. Memphis can at last point with genuine pride to this enduring recognition of the achievements of one of her greatest citizens. The unveiling of the Forrest monument yesterday was one of the proudest triumphs of Peace. The thin gray line that marched into the park brought to mind the memories of days long dead. In a little while the Old Guard in Gray will pass over the river and rest in the shade of the trees. Fame 's eternal camp- ing ground is ready for them, and they will go silently, one by ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 79 one, as fall the autumn leaves, but their deeds will never be for- gotten, and the Forrest monument will be a perpetual reminder of them and one of their greatest leaders. Forrest Park yesterday became a permanent part of the his- tory of Memphis, and it is most fit that the dashing and intrepid warrior, who rode without pause wherever valor waved a flag, should sleep the eternal sleep upon the hill, where the Southern breezes may whisper a perpetual requiem over his grave, and the flowers may bloom round about him, and the laughing chil- dren, who gather amid those beautiful surroundings, may prove a symbol of the great peace that has come with death. The swords of brother against brother will clash no more. North and South have proved their mettle, and learned a mutual respect. The unveiling of the Forrest monument not only commemorates the deeds of a dauntless son of the South, but it is a lasting token of a reunited country, a republic "distinct like the billows, yet one like the ocean." 80 THE FORREST MONUMENT. From the Commercial Appeal, May 17, 1905.] Cliarles Henry Niehaus, A. N. A., the sculptor of the Gen. Forrest nionument, was born on January 24, 1855, in Cincinnati, 0., of parents who had both been born in the province of Hanover, Ger- many, and who had come to this country when children. His father was a stone and brick contractor, and the boy was familiar with linear drawings at a very early age. Showing the inclina- tion to draw, he was put at the McMicken School of Art in his native city when he was eleven years old, and at this school took a prize for drawing and modeling. Later he apprenticed himself to a carver in marble, and it was not long until the boy was executing cemetery statues and busts for his employer and making designs in sculpture. When he was twenty-one years of age he was sent to Munich and entered the Royal Academy of Art at that place. He quickly won prizes and honors, and at the time of leaving the academy he obtained a first prize, medal and diploma, the first prize ever given to an American by a German Art Academy. He then set out to see the sculptures of the Old World, traveling through Italy, France and England, and in the latter place executing some nine portrait busts com- missioned him, among them one of Lord Disraeli. For four years he had a studio in Rome, Italy, and for several years one in Cin- cinnati, O., but he has resided for the last twenty-five years in New York, and during that time has a long list of statues and monuments to his credit. His more important works are as follows : Statues of Hooker and Davenport, State House of Connecti- cut. ITS HISTOKY AXD DEDICATION. ^ Garfield and AUen, ]^Iorton and Ingalls, Statuary HaU, Capi- tol, Washington. D. C. Gibbon and Moses, Congressional Library, Washington, D. C. Statues of J^IcKinley, Farragut and Lincoln, Z^Iuskegon, Mich. Statue of Lincoln, Buffalo, N. Y. Statue of Garfield, Cincinnati, 0. Historical Doors of Old Trinity Church, New York, known as the Astor :Memorial Doors. Pediment, "The Triumph of the Law," Appellate Court House. New York City. Colossal Groups: "The Story of Light" and "The Story of Gold." Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo, 1901. Monument to Samuel Hahnemann, Scott Circle, Washington, Monument to Edwin Drake, "The Man Who First Struck Oil," Titusville, Pa. Colossal equestrian group, "The Apotheosis of St. Louis," Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. Among a long Ust of busts are those of Rev. Robert CoUyer, H. H. Rogers, Esq., J. Q. A. Ward, Robert Blum, Rabbi Gottheil, Hon. Charles H. Hackley and Lord DisraeU. In ideal work his best-known pieces are "Greek Athlete with a StrA'gil.""C8estus," "Echo," "Silenus" and "Homer Reciting the Iliad, ' ' the latter of which is a large Ubrary panel in the resi- dence of L. A. Ault, Esq., in Cincinnati. Mr. Niehaus has taken a number of prizes and medals, among them first prize and special medal, Royal Academy, :\Iunich; World's Fair medal, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893: gold medal, Pan-American Exposition, 1901: gold medal, Charleston, S. C, Exposition, 1903; gold medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposi- tion, St. Louis, 1904. 82 THE FORREST MONUMENT. Mr. Niehaus is an associate of the National Academy of De- sign, a member of the National Sculpture Society, of the Archi- tectural League of America, the Scenic and Historic Preserva- tion Society, and the Municipal Art Society. He also belongs to the Ohio Society of New York and the National Art Club. There is always a peculiar interest that attaches to the making of a statue, and to no one part of it more than to the models. The Gen. Forrest statue, being. an equestrian, had two models — a man and a horse. The man, although a profes- sional model, is as much sui generis as the character he simulated ; a Prussian cavalry officer, a fire-eater and a superb horseman, he fitted the part so well that it became a matter of diplomacy to keep the peace while he was posing, for he seemed to have a good American chip on his shoulder all the time. The horse that posed for the statue was the fourth selected, all the others being abandoned after a trial of months. The handsome animal who held the job, however, is a full brother of Lord Derby, and of the distinguished Mambrino Chief pedigree. He is jet black, full of spirit, and yet docile, and was easily taught to hold required positions by tips of carrots, apples and sugar. He also posed for the St. Louis, at the Louisiana Purchase Expo- sition, and is now doing duty for a statue that is to go on River- side Drive when completed. His name is ' ' Commander, ' ' and he was purchased especially for the Gen. Forrest model. Fortunately for the artist, the tailor who had made Gen. For- rest 's clothes had kept his measurements, and it not only enabled a uniform to be made accurately, but furnished accurate meas- urements that cannot always be obtained from photographs and uncertain testimony. An actual replica of his sword was made and the horse's trappings were copied from originals. ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 83 Soil 0f ^otiot The following list of donations was received through the General Committee : Austin, J. A $100.00 Alexander, L. D. jf^.^.^. . .-Were©* Alsup, B. C '. 5.00 Alsup, John H 10.00 Abston, W. J 25.00 Ashford, W. S. & Co 5.00 Albright, C. H 5.00 Allison, Alex 15.00 Allen, R. H 5.00 Armstrong Furniture Co. . . 10.00 Agee, G. M 5.00 Armstrong, D. M 10.00 Allen. T. B 5.00 Arrington, W. T 5.00 Alsup, Orvill 5.00 Alsup, Little 5.00 Alsup, Lucy 5.00 B. Bullington, R. E 10.00 Baptist, N. W 5.00 Boyle, T. R 5.00 Bates, W. H 60.00 Butts, F. L 1.00 Burbridge, W. P 50 Burry, W. B 10.00 Bowdre, S. P 25.00 Boswell, L. E 25.00 Ball, W. M 25.00 Barton, F. G. Cot. Co 25.00 Buckingham, M. S 50.00 Biggs, A. W 5.00 Buchanan, E. C. & Co 10.00 Baldwin, A. S 10.00 Battle, W. P 5.00 Bryan, C. B 5.00 Browne & Borum 10.00 Berry, L. P 5.00 Blackwell, George 5.00 Buchanan, Judge J. W 10.00 Bennett, George C 100.00 Boyd, Irby 20.00 Buckingham, Hugh 25.00 Battle, Fred 10.00 Bingham, Brown 10.00 Brown Coal Co 5.00 Bacigalupo & Sawtelle 25.00 Bacigalupo, Lee 10.00 Buckingham, H. G. 25.00 Barboro, A. S 10.00 Bailey, J. A. & Co 10.00 Bate, Gen. Wm. B 50.00 Brooks, S. H 100.00 Bruce, Cliff 25.00 Burk & Co 10.00 Bruce, H. T 25.00 Bluthenthal & Heilbronner. 15.00 Barrett, J. H 10.00 Banks, Lem 50.00 Burchart & Levy 10.00 Banks, W. L 10.00 Bickford, W. A 50.00 Bine, G. A. . 5.00 Baumgarten, Max 2.00 Brown, Joe Bivouac, per S. R. Shelton 20.00 Burton, W. K 25.00 Boyd, H. R 10.00 Boyd, A 25.00 Brown, W. P. & Co 25.00 Busby, B. L & Co 10.00 Bedford, French & Goodwin 25.00 84 THE FORREST MONUMENT. Bell, J. E 10.00 Balentine, Col. John G 100.00 Beasley, J. E 50.00 Beasley, Mrs. M. T 25.00 Beasley, James E 5.00 Beasley, John B 5.00 Beasley, Shepard T 5.00 Beasley, Minnie T 5.00 Beasley, A..C. Tread well 5.00 Brans, Mrs 11.50 C. Coleman, B. F 5.00 Chappell, Lamar 10.00 Cole, Wash 5.00 Cowan, Dr. J. B o.OO Chesbrough, W. C 5.00 Carnes, S. T 510.00 Campbell, D. A 5.00 Clapp, J. W 30.00 Caruthers, A. B 25.00 Caldwell, T. B 25.00 Chase, W. J 25.00 Carter, M. E 25.00 Collier, Chas. M 5.00 Cooper, Tim 25.00 Craft, Henry 5.00 Crofford, Dr. T. J 5.00 Crump, F. M. & Co 25.00 Collins, J. J 5.00 Cummins-Luckett Gro. Co . . 5.00 Curry, R. F 5.00 Chickasaw Iron Works .... 50.00 Canada, J. W 5.00 Clary, James E 5.00 Crump & Rehkopf 25.00 Coleman, Sol 25.00 Clark, E. H. & Bro 25.00 Carroll, H. A 10.00 Cohn, Harry 25.00 Canale, D. & Co 25.00 Central Lumber Co 20.00 Condon, W. F 5.00 Cleary, W. F 25.00 Carrington, E. J 50.00 Carbery, B. H 10.00 Capps, W. B 10.00 Cole, W. 1 50.00 Gary, Hunsdon 25.00 Commercial Appeal 250.00 Carroll, W. H 100.00 Clark, G. A 5.00 Craig, F. D 25.00 Clark, Le Vest 5.00 Cash paid J. E. Beasley . . . 500.00 D. Davis. Mrs. Jefferson 5.00 Dreyfus, Henry 5.00 Dewey, H. E 5.00 Dinkens, Capt. James 5.00 Dickinson, A. G 25.00 Dauriac, R. J 5.00 Donelson, L. R 2.00 Dillard, J. W 100.00 Duffin, Henry 100.00 Dockery & Donelson 20.00 Day & Bailey Grocery Co . . 50.00 Davidson, John Q 50.00 Davitt & Moriarty 10.00 Davant, J. S 10.00 Davis & Andrews 25.00 Dockery, D. M 5.00 Dillard, Paul 5.00 Davant, A. R 5.00 DeLoach, Dr. A. B 5.00 Darnell, R. J 25.00 Dreve, Harry 10.00 E. Edgington, W. B 5.00 Eldridge, J. W 5.00 Edmondson, F. T 5.00 Edmondson, A. S 5.00 Early, W\ C 25.00 Eaton, John 50.00 Edmonds, C. W 5.00 Edgington, T. B 25.00 Ellett, Dr. Ed C 15.00 Elliott & Burke 10.00 Ellis, A. B 1.00 Eckles, W. P 15.00 Embry, M. F 50.00 Ehrman, Kober & Halle Co. 15.00 ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. 85 F. Farabee, F. D 5.00 Finlay, Col. L. W 15.00 Fish, Sturdivant F 100.00 Faust, J. A 10.00 Fordyce, S. W 250.00 Fulmer, J, D 5.00 Fitzhugh, G. T 50.00 Farnsworth, C. F 25.00 Finnie, J. P 5.00 Frank, Godfrey 25.00 Fransioli Hotel 10.00 Flippin, J. R 10.00 Francis, Dr. E. E 5.00 Faxon, F. W. & Co 10.00 Fortune, T. F 10.00 Fowler, Mrs. J. W 5.00 Falls, J. N 100.00 Frazer, C. B 5.00 Fisher, D. A 10.00 Forsdick, H. J 10.00 Fant, R. T 10.00 Floyd, Wm 25.00 Foy, Dr. George 5.00 Farrington, Dr. P. M 10.00 Falls, Mrs. M. C 2.50 Farris, W. W 10.00 Fowler, D. W 5.00 Frey, Joe 100.00 Fontaine, N 250.00 G. Galloway, Judge J. S 25.00 Garvin, M. T 10.00 Galbreath, F. M 5.00 Goodman, Walter 30.00 Guion, H. L 5.00 Gallaway, M. C 100.00 Grove, Rivers ; . 10.00 Goodlett, James E 250.00 Gage, W. A 50.00 Goodbar, J. M 115.00 Gale, T. B 5.00 Gordon, Gen. G. W 105.00 Godwin, John R 100.00 Gensburger, Dave 20.00 Green, E. C 10.00 Gavin, M 25.00 Glascock, George 10.00 Guinee, T. C 5.00 Greer, James M 5.00 Galbreath, P 10.00 Galloway Coal Co 25.00 Goodman, Jos. & Son 10.00 Goodman Bros 25.00 Goldsmith, I. & Bro 25.00 Gaither Millinery Co 5.00 Gates, W. B 50.00 Gerber, John C 25.00 Garvey, G. M 10.00 Galloway, C. B 10.00 Gibson, A. D. & Sons. 25.00 Gayoso Hotel 25.00 Gehring, A. P 15.00 H. Harrison, N. F 10.00 Hindman, Biscoe 5.00 Heath, L. E 5.00 Houston, J. P 30.00 Harris, Isham G 100.00 Humphreys, Mrs. J. H 2.00 Harris, R. W 15.00 Hansen, W. S 5.00 Hill, Napoleon 500.00 Hanson, J. F 25.00 Hutchinson, J. E 5.00 Hutchinson, Mrs. J. E 5.00 Henning, J. G 5.00 Henderson, Ben R 100.00 Hill, Dr. J. F 100.00 Hill, A. B 2.00 Heiskell, C. W 50.00 Hirsh & Gronauer 5.00 Harpman Bros 2.00 Hart, H. B 5.00 Hoist, J. F 50.00 Hughes, Judge Allen 10.00 Herzog, A 2.00 Halle, Phil A 5.00 Harris, J. W 5.00 Hamilton, W. F 2.00 86 THE FORREST MONTJMENT. Harvey, B. B 25.00 Herbers, G. H 10.00 Hill, Malone & Co 25.00 Hook, George D 5.00 Harsh, George 10.00 Henderson, J. C 5.00 Haynes, Dr. E. E 10.00 Hoffer, Chas. B 5.00 Hayley, John A 5.00 Hanmer & Ballard 10.00 Hatchett-Books 5.00 Hill, J. M o.OO Hunter & Bilger 5.00 Houck, O. K. & Co 50.00 I. Ivey, W. S 8.50 Isele Bros 25.00 Irwin, R. C 100.00 J. Jones, W. S 5.00 Jordan, J. P 15.00 Jackson, W. H 250.00 Johnson, Walter M 30.00 Jones, N. B 5.00 Johnston, N. B 5.00 Jackson, T. H 10.00 Jones, T. B 10.00 Jenkins, J. M 5.00 James & Graham Wag. Co. 50.00 Jacobs & Garrett 10.00 Johnson, R. 5.00 Jones, Calvin 5.00 Jones, Dr. Heber 5.00 James, W. W 2.00 Jones, D. C 6.00 Jones, James C 15.00 Jones, Frank Graham 25.00 K. Kertz, Dave 5.00 Kyle, S. D 5.00 Keel, Sam 5.00 Kearney, J. R .25 Kyle, W. H 5.00 Killough, O. N 5.00 Keller, Dr. J. M 5.00 Kupferschmidt, P 25.00 L. Lenow, H. J 5.00 Lamb, S. H 5.00 Leland, C. F 5.00 LeMaster, N. F 5.00 Latham, John C 1.50.00 Ladies' Memorial Ass'n .... 25.00 Lake, A. C 100.00 Lake, L. S 10.00 Litty, H. H 10.00 LeMaster, E. B 25.00 LaCroix, Wm 10.00 Love, George C 50.00 Lowenstein, B. & Bros 100.00 Lee, James 100.00 Lundee, S 10.00 Lenow, F. C. (trustee) 25.00 Lake, B. G 10.00 Lamb, A. B 5.00 Lilly, Owen 25.00 Lee & Morton 10.00 Lake, R. P 35.00 Lewis, C. K 5.00 Leader, The 10.00 Levesque, James 5.00 Loeb, Henry & Co 20.00 Leidy, Eugene 5.00 Lemmon & Gale Co 25.00 Langstaff, A. D 5.00 Lemmon, H. S 5.00 Lake, R. H 5.00 Lang, Lewis 1.00 Lowden, J. A 5.00 Ladies' Confederate Memo- rial Association 5.00 Luchrmann, H., Jr 10.00 Larkin, Mike 10.00 Lockwood, Robert 7.50 M. ]\Iorgan, R. J 5.00 Mook, Sam 5.00 Moyston, J. M 5.00 Milville, Miss P 25.00 ITS HISTORY AND DEDICATION. Mitchell, J. R 5.00 Mason, Elliston 10.00 Moseback, Louis 5.00 Meriwether, Niles 10.00 Jklallory, B. L 5.00 Montgomery, J. M 8.00 Montgomery, F. A. (chmn). 71.50 Mardirs, T. J 2.00 Morton, Capt. J. W., from sale of pictures 5.00 Martin, Phillips & Co 50.00 Matthis, :Mr 5.00 Macrae, G. W 250.00 iloon, W. D 25.00 Mancini, Joe 15.00 Mason, Carrington 25.00 Jklallory, W. B 50.00 Malone, James H 25.00 Maury, Dr. R. B 10.00 Meredith, J. P 5.00 Metzger, 5.00 Memphis Steam Laundry . . 50.00 Manogue-Pidgeon Iron Co.. 50.00 Myers. J. W 10.00 ^Memphis Exchange 10.00 Montedonico, J. D 10.00 Myers, D. E 15.00 Memphis Queensware Co. . 50.00 Meehan, Ashler 12.45 Mitchell Bros 5.00 Metcalf, C. W 25.00 ilartin. Branch 2.00 Macon & Andrews 10.00 Miller Paving Co 100.00 Malone, Dr. G. B 10.00 Myers, Henry C 10.00 Mulholland, John J 5.00 Miller, Chas. R 10.00 Minor, Dr. J. L 25.00 Morrow, R. G 10.00 Memphis Avalanche, a sub- scription sent by A. J. P.. 5.00 Mathes, J. Harvey Chapter. 25.00 Maury, Dr. John AI 25.00 ^loore. Dr. Moore 5.00 Moore, Dr. Alfred 5.00 Mulford, J. X 15.00 Moselev, R. L 10.00 Mc. McLendon, A. J 25.00 McHenrv. E. B 30.00 AlcFarland, L. B 30.00 McClellan, John L 5.00 McXeal, A. T., Jr 5.00 McCorkle, W. L 10.00 AIcDowell, Judge W. W. . . 5.00 Mc