y^^ ■^ff**-. -ji "lS'o>'H'!&*^ (W\% ^i 4 -|v^ ^i^*-. POEMS AND CANTICLES TO THE PRAISE AND GLORY OF GOD, J^^ km^^ 54 ;, "^f ^^^ ^*^f6.f?^J #2^ Pfc. J ' ^-i4^ ^ ^T " -t-y. I WE PRAISE, IiOVE, AHD ADORE THEE, FOR THY PRECIOUS BiiOODI l-U CD CD CD >■■■■■ - 4 CD -mminm -Bm :a3Aon3a Hao 3aoi o SOME SWEET POEMS AND LOYINd CANTICLES, TO THE PRAISE AND GLORY OF The King of Love. EVEN ^^ TTIHTTPI ^^ OUR Redeemer, Saviour, AND GOD. AMEN : ALLELUIA. Rev. 19 : 4. BY KEY. SILLIMAN BLAGDEN. If 4 heart, and whole being, more fully and completely to His Own Divine Self, than ever before. O Lord God Almighty, grant all this, and far more also ; and do Thou most abundantly Bless this little volume, — and which we offer Thee as a willing sacrifice of Love and Praise, — to every precious soul, created in Thine Own likeness, with Thy richest spiritual blessings and gifts; and grant that it be the means of culling very many heavenly flowers, from amongst the children of men, to grace Thy Courts Above, both enhancing Thy Glory: and increasing and adding to our own ecstatic joy, love and rapture, as by and by, we meet and greet each other around Thy Throne forevermore; for Thy Great and Dear Name's Sake: Amen. Boston: i June, 1893. CONTENTS. Nos. I. 2. 3- 4. 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. 1 1. 12. 13- 14. 15- r6. 1 8. 19. 20. 21. "JESUS "— " The Bright and Morninc Star." Praise God for the Scarlet Thread! The Perfect Safety of God's Children ! The Dove !...... "Behold, The Bridegroom Cometh!" . It Can Never Be ! Thy Will Be Done, or, " Non sicut ego volo SED SICUT Tu " ! A Guardian Angel .... A Dying Christian's Triumphant Song ! Hi:liotrope ...... Thi:re is Something of God in Ever\' Man A Farewell to a Missionary Christ Almighty Calls for Vof.unteicrs ! All I WANT, IS Jesus ! " Follow Me " " Lovest Thou Me"? ! "Peace, Be Sth.l"! "Jesus Only "! God Bless Our Land ok The Star Spangled Banner !...... Christ is God! And "The Word of God' IS "JESUS"! . Gatiii:r Round The Cross, Brethren! O Gather Round Tim'. Cross! (5) Pagh 9 19 23 27 29 31 35 39 43 45 49 51 53 57 61 63 67 11 84 Nos. Pagb 22. Another Plea for "Christian Unity"! Prayer is Sweet and Powerful ! or, Heaven's Key ! . . . . . . Sy 23. Through Christ's Precious Blood, We shall Surely Meet Above ! . . . . 89 24. O Lord Remember Me! and I'll Remember Thee! ....... 91 25. The Shadow of The Cross! . . . . 95 26. A Christmas Hymn; or, Hail The Day When Christ Was Born !..... 99 27. Still Another Plea for God- Appointed "Christian Unity"; or, Jesus is always The Same; and Loves us Eternally! . 103 28. A Poem and Prayer ; or, Christ's lambs POINT us Heavenwards, and lead to His Own Divine Self ! . . . . . 107 29. Jesus Never Comes Too Late! and Then He Always Brings You Love! . . . 115 30. My Witness Is In Heaven, and My Record Is On High ! 119 31. Surely he is now in Paradise! . . . 124 32. Safe now in Paradise! . . . . 128 33. Muse of Jesus ; that God be in all our thoughts 1 . 132 34. Behold God's Face on Calvary, and His Wondrous Love for You! . . . 137 35. Concluding Prayer 141 ILLUSTRATIONS. ■1 1st. The one on the Cover, of Angel heads around The Star of Bethlehem, was taken some thirteen years ago from The London Graphic ; and it is a fair representa- tion of one of the famous Pictures, in one of tlie great Galleries of London, or elsewhere in Europe. And we would especially call yoi'u" attention to the dear little Star of Bethlehem in the very center ; and to the wee, but exceedingly dear Town of Bethlehem itself, quietly and serenely nestling in the gentle twilight below ; all which constitute the particular feature and beauty of this picture, and which is so sweetly suggestive of JESUS ! <^26. The Crucifixion. This is my own combination of two, old and famous, Pictures. It is both Historical and Biblical, in that it presents the three Crosses, the two thieves, and the three Mar}'s. We have the whole Gospel here at a glance, so to speak, when we remember that the one thief BELIEVED, and called upon The Name of The Lord, and is in Heaven now, since our Lord answered and absolved him in the blessed words, — "Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise " ! While on the other hand, " miserabile dictu," the other thief hardened his heart, and was lost, and is in Hell now. And this is typical of the world to-day ! Some Believe, and are saved for time and I£ternity ; while others harden their hearts, and continue to disbelieve and to disobey, and are lost. If you look at it long, it will make one cry for our sins, which helped to crucify The Lord of Love and Glory: Amen. P'rontispiece ^- 3d. " Resurrexit Sicut Dixit," or, " He is risen as Pie said " ; See Matt. 28: 6. — This is intended to represent a gas illumination by small gas-jets: and has been used in churches. It tells its own story, and speaks for itself . 28 (7) 4th. "The Holy Face." A cop}' of this is to be seen in the "Cathedral of Notre Dame" in Montreal; and the original from which the copy here given is taken, is in the " Cathedral of St. Peter's" in Rome, where it has been kept with jealous care for many years ; it is said to be over 1800 years old ; many of my readers maybe familiar with all Tradition respecting it; suffice it now to say that this selfsame Picture has the sanction and prayers of the highest ecclesiastical authorities amongst our brethren in the Roman Church; and we believe their prayers prevail, accompany, and follow it, because if you look long upon it, you will be moved to tears in godly sorrow for sin, and to lox'ing repentance unto life ! And herein we find another illustration of the fact, that we should not hesitate to pluck sweet and fragrant flowers, from all ecclesiastical gardens, wherein it is our privilege to walk, and gather sweet savours- of JESUS, and which help us the better to travel our pil- grimage journey Zionwards ! And this too, is again another Plea in behalf of "Christian Unity," and that we learn by heart, remember, and veritably practice also, the truth and spirit, given us in God's own Words, " BV THIS SHALL ALL MEN KNOW THAT YE ARE MY DISCH'LES, IF YE HAVE LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER." John 13: 35 136 5th. " Christ Enthroned." This was taken from the Centur}' Magazine. Hie original is by one of the " old mas- ters." The verbal additions are my own compilation from different sources. The longer we look upon this Picture, the more you will like it, and the more power- fully it will impress you ! . . . . . .143 6th. The Author's Photograph. Some years ago, when friends continued to ask for nu' picture, I finally con- cluded to make it an " object lesson," by holding and clasping over m)^ heart, our dearest treasure, which is " The Word of God," which is also in one sense, JESUS. See Matt. 1:21.25. — John i: 1.14. — T John 1. 1. — I John 5 -.7. — Rev. 19:13. . . . Last page cover. ii JESUS 5? "THE BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR." Rev. 22, i6. A Psalm of Loving Praise to Him whose priceless Blood cleanseth us, who Believe, from all sin, so that we are " clean every whit," washed in The Blood of The Lamb. — John 13, 10; i John i, 7. ALL GLORY TO THE LAMB! Rev. 5, 6-14. Fellow-man, my l^rothcr, for whom Christ shed IIis I'RKcious Brood, Rcmcm-bcr, that he who denies or misconstrues Gon's plain and direct WcjRns to YOU, is your soul's woiiST knkmy ! "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an an^el ol light." 2 Cor. II, 14; John S, 44. ' Flee from the "\VRy\rii which is rkvI':ai.ki)," (Rom. 1, 18) Brother, and from the 1werras'1'in(; Hell, by Loving and Praising God. Wc cannot shirk it, Brother; would to God we could ! Wc can but face the FACT, and take into our hearts TlliC REMEDY, — Jesus ! Blessed Jesus ! Rev. 6, 16, 17; Mark 9, 43-50; Rev. 14, 9-12; Matt. 5, 18; Luke 16, 17. "Whoso Offereth Praise Glorifietii Me." Psalm 50, 23. And sure!)', if we L;ll O •<— » w O 3 O tf} u 3 O • >^ H (U z < c u ^ <'! < X w bjo <-! 3 <: O »-. M ■*-> w _co t^ !5 <; ■4-) c/: bjO "ca; ^ *t7i CA o W ■a-" •""> 3 Oi p O X Uh O ^ to -M D (J rt rt (J OJ 13 ^ O -M O _c >. - 03 b o E < > O E a ^! «t «t 10 «% o < X ^ '' "I*"! ^fii- I I* __L I «A> • iA (lO) Praise and Love God. I. Praise Jehovah ! Praise Jehovah ! Praise Jehovah's Holy Name ! 11. He ! our Saviour ! He ! our Saviour ! Saves us from all depths of sin ! III. Thou ! Almighty ! Thou ! Almighty ! Chief Among Ten Thousand ! Reign ! IV. Hail Redeemer! Hail Redeemer! God with us ! Immanuel ! V. My Beloved ! My Beloved ! Fairer than the sons of men ! VI. King in Beauty ! King in Beauty ! Christ in Glory ! Love ! Enthroned ! VII. O ! wc love Thee ! O ! we love Thee ! Altogether Lovely One ! VIII. Love ! The Spirit ! Love ! The Spirit ! Father ! Son ! and Holy Ghost ! IX. Dear Lamb of God ! Dear Lamb of God ! Keep us near Thy Bleeding Side ! X. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory to Jehovah's Name ! XI. Come ! Lord Jesus I Come ! Lord Jesus ! Come ! and take us I we, Thine Own ! XII. God I is coming ! God ! is coming ! Christ-born Souls ! sing LoUD AMEN. 12 May Our Heavenly r\atliei' incline your heart to "Search the Scriptures " for the following references, as you would seek hidden treasure; and may He cause them to give you Divine Love, "Joy, AND Peace in Believing," for Christ's Sake, Amen and Amen. Praise and Love God ! Ps. 107, 8, r5, 2r, 31 ; Isa. 12; Luke 2, 14; Rev. 19, 5-7; Matt. 22, 37; Mark 12, 30, 33; Puke 10, 27. Praise Jehovah ! 1 Chron,, 16, 8-36; 2 Chron. 20, 20-22; Ps. 50, 23; Ps. 67; Ps. 14S; Ps. 149; Ps. 150; ]'s. 83, 18; Ps. 47, 6, 7; Isa. 61, 10, 11; Jer. 33, 11; Luke 2, 13, 20; Luke 19, 37, 38; Heb. 13, 15; Acts 16, 25; Rom. 15, 9- II ; Luke 24, 53. He ! Our Saviour ! 2 Sam. 22, 3 ; Isa. 43, 3 ; Isa. 45, 21, 22 ; Isa. 49, 26 ; Hos. 13,4 ; Matt, i, 21 ; Luke i, 47; Acts 4, 12; Acts 10, 43; Acts 5, 31 j Acts 13, 23, 38; I Tim. 2, 3 ; Jude i, 25. Saves us from all depths of Sin ! Isa. I, 18 ; Isa. 53, 1 1 ; Isa. 54, 5 ; Isa. 63, i ; Jer. 17, 14 ; Matt. 11, 28- 30; Matt. 18, II ; Mark 2, 17 ; Mark 5, 25-34; Luke 19, 10; Luke 23, 39- 43; Jolii^ i> 29; John 3, 14-17; Joh" 6, 40; John 8, 3-11 ; John 10, 9; John II, 26; Acts 2, 21 ; Acts 10, 43; Acts 13, 39; Acts 15, 11 ; Acts 16, 25-31 ; Rom. 3,23-26; Rom. 5, 8-9; Rom. 8, i ; Rom. 10, 4, 9, 10, 13; I Cor. I, 31 ; I Cor. 6, 11, 20; i Cor. 10, 31 ; i Cor. 14, 15 ; i Cor. 15, 22, 57 ; 2 Cor. 12,9; I Tim. i, 13 ; Heb. 7, 25 ; Heb. i, 3 ; i Pet. i, 18-23 ; I Pet. 2, 24 ; I John 1,7; Jude i, 3, 24, 25 ; Rev. i, 5, 6 ; Rev. 7, 14 ; Rev. 22, 17. Thou Alniighly ! C.cn. 17, I ; Gen. 35, 11 ; Gen. 28, 3 ; (ien. 48, 3 ; Job 32, 8; Job t,t„ 4 ; Ps. 83, iS; Ps. 91, 1 ; Ps. 29, 3 ; Isaiah 9, 6 ; Ezek. i, 24 ; Ezek. 10, 4, 5 ; 2 Cor. 6, 18 ; Rev. i, 8 ; Rev. 4, 8 ; Rev. 5, 9 ; Rev. 11, 17 ; Rev. 15, 3 ; Rev. 16, 7 ; Rkv. 21, 22. Chief Among Ten Thousand, Reign ! Exodus 15, I, IT, 18; Solomon's Song, 5, 10; Ps. 146, 10; Isaiah 9, 6; Matt. 20, 27; Mark 10, 44; Luke 22, 26; I-^ph. 2, 20; i Peter 2, 6; Rev. i9> 5> 6. 13 Hail Redeemer ! Job 19, 25; Ps. 19, 14; Ps. 78, 35; Prov. 23, 11; Isa. 41, 14; Isa. 43, 14; Isa. 44, 6, 24; Isa. 47, 4; Isa. 48, 17; Isa. 49, 7, 26; Isa. 54,5,8; Isa. 59, 20; Isa. 60, 16; Jer. 50, 34; Gal. 3, 13; Gal. 4, 5; Titus 2, 14; i Peter 1, 18; Rev. 5, 9; Rev. 14, 3, 4. God with us ! Immanuel ! Isa. 7, 14; Isa. 8, S ; Matt, i, 23. My Beloved ! Solomon's Song 2, 16, and 6, 3 ; Matt. 3, 17 ; Matt. 17, 5 ; Mark i, 11 ; Mark 9, 7; Luke 3, 22; Luke 9, 35 ; 2 Peter i, 17; Matt. 12, 18; Luke 20, 13. Fairer than the Sons of Men ! Ps. 45, 2 ; 2 Cor. 4, 4 ; Heb. i, 1-4, 8; Heb. 2, 9 ; Heb. 3, i ; i Col. I, 15, 16; Deut. 5. 2, 4; Ps. 113, 4; Prov. 19, 11 ; Ezek. 43, 2 ; Ps. 62, 7; Isa. 42, 8; Isa. 48, 11 ; John 17, 24. King in Beauty ! Ps. 27, 4; Ps. 50, 2; Ps. 90, 17; Isa. 4, 2; Isa. 28,5; Isa. 33, 17; Zech. 9, 16, 17 ; Ps. 10, 16 ; Ps. 5, 2 ; Isa. 52, i ; John 17, 24 ; John 14, 3 ; I Tim. I, 17; I Tim. 6, 15, 16; i Thess. 4., 17; Rev. 17, 14; Rev. 19, 16; Rev. II, 12. Christ in Glory ! I Chr. 29, II ; Ps. 24, 7, 9; Ps. 10; Ps. 145, 11 ; Ps. 149, 5 ; Matt. 16, 27; Mark 8, 38; Matt. 24, 30; Mark 13, 26; Luke 21, 27; Luke 2, 14; Rom. 4, 20; Rom. 16, 27 ; i Tim. i, 17 ; i Cor. 2, 8 ; 2 Cor. 3, 7 ; Phil. 4, 19 ; Jam. 2, i ; Jude 25 ; Rev. 4, 1 1 ; Rev. 7, 12 ; i Chr. 16, 28 ; Ps. 115, I ; Isa, 42, 12 ; Malachi 2, 2 ; Luke 17, 18; Rev. 14, 7 ; Acts 7, 55 ; 2 Cor. 4, 6; Deut. 5, 24; Ps. 21, 5; Ps. 72, 19; Ps. 97, 6; Ps. 113, 4; Isa. 6, 3; Ezek. 43, 2 ; Habakkuk 3, 3, 18, 19; Matt. 19, 28; Luke 9, 32 ; Luke 24, 26; John I, 14; John 2, 11; John 12, 41; Rom. 9, 23; Heb. i, 23 ; i Peter 4, 13 ; Rev. 18, i ; i Cor. i, 31 ; Gal. 6, 14 ; i John 4, 8 ; i John 4, 16; 2 Chron. 6, 18; Matt. 5, 34; Acts 17, 24; Isa. 66, i; Heb. 12, 2; Rev. 5, 6 ; Rev. 5, 13 ; Rev. 7, 10 ; Rev. 7, 1 7 ; Rev. 19, 4 ; Rev. 20, 11; Rev. 21,5; Rev. 22, 3 ; i Kings 22, 19 ; Acts 2, 20 ; Rev. 3, 21. 14 O! VVc Tx)vc Thee' Matt. 22, 37; Mark 12, 30; Luke 10, 27; John 17, 26; t John 2, 5; Solomon's Song 2, 4 ; Solomon's Song 1,7; Rom. 8, 35 ; Rom. 5, 5 ; 2 Cor. 5,14; 2 Cor. 6, 6 ; (lul. 5, 6 ; Gal. 5,22; 2 Tim. 1,7; i John 4, 16-19 i 2 'I'licss. 3, 5 ; Jiulc 21. y\ltoi;clhcr Lovely One ! Solomon's Song 5, 16; Rev. 17, 14 ; Rev. 19, 16. And here we can but add, may God shine within you "the light of the knowledge of " His own "Glory," and T,oveliness, "in the face of Jesus Christ," KOR Jiosus' Sakk. Amkn. — 2 Cor. 4, 6. Love ! The S[)iril ! ncul. 6. .|, 5 ; IXnit. 10, 12; Matt. 22, 37; Mark 12,30; Luke 10,27; John .|, 1 (). l^ither ! Son ! and 1 lo\y Ghost ! Matt. 28, 19 ; Acts 2, ^^ ; Acts 5, 30-32 ; 1 John 5, 7 ; Rev. 19, 13. l)car Lamb of (unl ! Gen. 22, 8 ; Isa. 53, 7 ; Acts 8, 32 ; Luke 10, 42 ; John i, 29 ; i Peter I, 19 ; Rev. 5, 6, 8 ; Rev. 5, 1 2, 13 ; Rev. 7, 9-17 ; Rev. 12, 11 ; Rev. 13, 8 ; Rev. 15, 3 ; Rev. 19, 7, 9; Rev. 21, 22, 23, 27; Rev. 22, i. Keep us near Th\- l^lccding Side ! Matt. 26, 28; ^^ark 14, 24; Luke 22. 20; i Cor. it, 25 ; T,ukf. 22, 44 ; John 6, 54-56; J^^''^ i9> 34; Col. i, 20; Heb. 9, 12, 14, 22; i John i, 7; I John 5, 8 ; Rev. 5, 9 ; Rev. 7, 14 ; Rkv. 12, 11; Rk.v. 19, 13 ; i Cor. 10, 16 ; l^ph. 2, 13 ; Hcb. 9, 14 ; i IVtcr i, 19; Heb„ 13, 20; Acts 20, 28; Rom. 3, 25; Rom. 5, 9; Lph. I, 7 ; Col. i, 14; Heb. 13, 12; Rev. i, 5. Halleluiah! Rev. u), I, 3-7 ; Rev. 7, 10, 12. Glor\' to Jehowib's Name I Exodus 15, 1-19; Oout. 32, 1-43; PsAi-M 50, 23; Rov. 15, 3; Rev. 14, 7. 15 Come and take iis ! Wc, Thine Own ! John 17, 6, 10, 20-26; John 13, i; Jkr. 31, 3, 6; Kph. 5, 1-3; i John 4, 19; Rev. i, 5-7 ; John 15, 19; 1 Cok. 6, 19. God ! is Cominjr ! Rev. I, 7 ; Mati-. 10, 7 ; Matt. 4, 17 ; Matt. 10, 23 ; Acts i, n ; Jude 14; Zech. 14, 5; I Thess. 5, 2; Luke 17, 20; Isa. 13, ;, — in smothered siidis ! IV. Weepin;',, l)iol;en, desolated heart ! I'iereed and \.\< eraled by the dart, 'i'he words, — VV CAN NliVl'ik l!!',, impart! Wilt thou ache, till I from ICarth depart t'! 32 V. Then WHERE shall I spend Eternity? ! Shall I hear, there 's no Heaven for mc ? ! Will Jesus say, — IT CAN NEVER BE? ! Into Hell, must I be cast, — woe's me?! VI. No ! for I look ! and my God behold ! Jesus, Crucified, of me hath hold ! In His Arms, my aching heart, doth fold ! Wraps mc in His Bosom, from all cold ! VII. Jesus soothes, and sweetly comforts me ! Takes away all pain, and makes me free ! In His Precious Blood, He cleanseth me ! From Sin, Death, and Hell, He now saves me ! VIII. Blessed Lamb of God ! I do love Thee ! Precious Saviour ! I hide in Thee ! AU my heart and life, I give to Thee ! Thus forever, SHALL IT EVER BE ! IX. My heart's delight, is to " Watch " for Thee ! Coming in the clouds ! O Christ to see ! Jesus, Bridegroom, Thou didst first love me ! 1 love Thee, and crave Thy P'acc to see ! The more of deep love I give to Thee ! Infinitely more, Thou givest me ! Soon, in Thy Bright Presence, I shall be ! Singing, — THUS IT shall forever be ! Amen. (34) *'NoN SicuT Ego Volo, Sed Sicut Tu"! OR, ' Thy Will Be Done! Matt. 26 : 36-44; T,t;kk 22 : 39-44. O Christ, my Saviour, Kiii^-, and (jod ! To Tiicc I look, I c(jrnc, I clin^! Thy Will be done. Almighty God ! The son^, I shall forever sin^^ ! Chorus. — Thy Will be done ! Thy Will be done. Almighty God ! Thy Will be done ! Thy Will be done, Almighty God ! II. By this, like Thee, I concjtier sin ! And vanquish Satan by Thy Word ! And from the World, the battle win ! Thy Will be done ! is ever heard ! Til. While thus I sing, Christ saves me from, " The jaws of Death, the gates of I lell ! " And the eddies of this Maelstrom ! Thy Will be done ! sweet word to tell ! (35) 36 TV. Suggesting dear Gcthscmanc ! Where Jesus shed great drops of blood ! Whiles l^raying in dh'e agony — 111)' Will be done ! in sweat of blood ! AVluMi Jesus prayed, Th}' Will be done ! An Angel came and strengthened I liin ! Then let us pray, Tliy Will be done ! And gain Angelic strength from llim ! VI. Reminding us of Calvar)' ! God's Wondrous Love for sinful man ! Christ's Blood ! and Crucified Body ! Thy Will be done ! diet!, the (uxl-man ! VII. O see the IMesscd Lamb of (lod ! Thorn-crowned Brow ! Bleeding ]"'eet and 1 lands ! The Broken I leart of Mighty God ! Saving the nations of all lands ! VIII. O sec His pierced, bleeding side ! From which flowed, the *' blood and water" ! By which we 're " born again " inside ! And made sons of God thereafter ! IX. And think ! O soul that never dies ! Our sins did help to nail Him there! Repent and WEKT, while yet time ilies ! Thy Will be done ! saves everywhere ! 37 X. Sec Him in the Resurrection ! Bursting the fetters of the grave ! Coming forth for our perfection ! Thy Will be done ! concjuers the grave ! XI. Sec Him in glory Ascending! Loving, and Blessing to the end ! Heaven's-hosts in joy attending ! Thy Will be done ! World without end ! XII. O " Watch " to see Him " in the clouds " ! Quickly coming ! in great Glory ! Christ'S-DEAD. in resurrection shrouds, Arising ! " Caught-up " to glory ! XIII. Then let us breathe, Thy Will be done ! In every breath, will, word, and deed ! For thus, are all Christ's battles won ! And Heaven's-Home made sure indeed ! XIV. For all is THERE, sweet harmony ! " The morning stars sang together " ! Then tune our hearts to psalmody ! And we '11 Praise His Name forever! Thy Will be done ! Thy Will be done, Almighty God ! Thy Will be done ! Thy Will be done, Almighty God ! Amen and Amen. [A true incident; — April 28th, 1886, corner Washington and Winter Streets, Boston.] A Guardian Angel. "And there appeared an Angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him." — Luke 22 : 43. On the corner of a street, Where many passed, with shuffling feet; A little crov/d was gathered, Round a man and boy, much bothered. II. The boy hovered near the man, While tears coursed down his cheeks, so wan ; Mutely he seemed to struggle. With some ill, that was a puzzle. III. Soon an officer appears, But to increase the poor boy's tears; The crowd he quickly scatters. Yet loosens not, trouble's fetters. IV. For the boy more anxiously, Seems to wrestle courageously, Against some hidden power, That would harm a cherished flower. (39) 40 V. What's the matter? T cii(|uirc; As the trouble becomes more dire; Then the Orficer repHes, — To get his Father home, he cries. VT. He 's a httle " in his cups," And his son's tender heart it cuts. To see his own dear I'^alhi-r chunk, And carried to a Prison's biuik. Vll. There was a rt)\vi':R of low:, In this boy, — gentle as a dove : Which seemed to over[)o\ver All, with " Pentecostal" shower! VIII. Would to God, I could describe, Jesus-Love, I did there imbibe: To sec this Angel travail. With the forces of the Devil. IX. As, in ilear riethsemane, Jesus wrestled, for yi)u and me, Angel came and strengtheneil Ilim; So, sure are we to win, in Him ! X. Thus Christ Almicmtv conciuiTi-d ! Through this bo)', whose soul was anchored. Upon " The Rock of Ages " ! Whence he too, drank Love, with Sages ! • Cor. 10:4. 41 XT. Vov quickly a friend a[)])cars: Sent by (iod, who saw the boy's tears; 2 Kings 20:5. -^ ' -^ ' i>.i 38: 5. Who leads the tempted leather Home, to his Heavenly l'"ather ! XII. And never shall T for<^et The mi[(hty love, that sweet boy let Shine for Jesus, work for God ! Which brou|^ht his J*"ather hc^me to (Iod! Ai.i, (ii,()kv TO Till", Lamu! And may The Tord Jesus bless all the above to you, dear reader, more abundantly than we can think or ask; for His Great and Dear Name's Sake : Anien. Dedicated to tlie Rev. Dr. '1'. DeVVitl Talmuge. A Dying Christian's Triumphant Song! " l''()r U) nie lo live is (llirisl, :uu\ to die is !';;iin." I'hil. j ; ., ,^ My race is niii ! 'I'llc hatllc; foii-lil ! The v\cU)vy won ! With joy I 'ill (Vaiii^liL ! Alleluia! II. To " kl''.sr" ill peace ! Sweel, precious word ! I'l'oni sin, !ek:ast' ! Clhrisl's Voici> is lieard ! Alleluia! 'i"o Ciod I o() ! On Ansel's win^s ! Ilit^li oVt below ! To rcli^n with KiuL^^s! Alleluia ! IV. A blood bouL'.hl child ! To I leaven comes ! Piu-c, meek and mild ! Like Jesus' ones ! Alleluia! (43) M •• 13- 44 V. To LOVE Our Lord ! Man. 22 :37. More dearly far ! Than thoughts afford ! But ghmpsc of star ! Allekiia ! "The T.ortl liis Ciod is with liiiu, ami the shout of a King is among thcni." — Num. 23:21. And ma\' The Lortl Jesus bless all the abo\-e to }'ou, dear Reader, more abundanll)' than we can think or ask; and may he ever hel[) us to " fight the good fight of faith " and to " overcome," and to hold out unto the end, as did all the Patriarchs, Trophets, Apostles, Dis- ciples and Mart}'rs; and as lie would have us do: and as He too was faithful aiul obetlit-nt unto death ; fov I lis (nwit and Dear Name's Sake, Amen. Note. — With inspiring recollections of one of the greatest Ambassadors for Christ in the 19th Century, whom we all know and love in Jesus ; and whom we would fain help with all our hearts and prayers, I affectionately dedicate this doath-conciuering ])vean to ICvangclist, Dwight L. Moody. IJkoori.vn, L. I. : July, 1SS6. ** Heliotrope." "The flowers appear on the earth." SoNU OF Solomon, 2 : 12. Ill a pleasant warden, once I rambled : — 'rhinkin<^, — in the midst of fraf,n-ant flowers ! While countless thoughts, in pure pleasure gambolled In mind, enthralled, by Edenic bowers ! When suddenly my eye was caught ! By the sweet spell, one flower wrought ! Fair Heliotrope ! II. My roving gaze, and romping brain, were fixed ; Senses charmed, and I stood still, enchanted I By a shrub, of heavenly colors, mixed ! Which, in I'2arth's bosom nestling, reflected, The starry firmament above ! So blue, so pure, so white ! I love Sweet Heliotrope ! III. O thou modest, gentle, winsome flower! Thou dost help me love all God's creation ! O'er my soul thou wieldest holy power ! Moulds me in angelic alteration ! To "Watch and Pray"; to work and wait: l''it to become my Bridegroom's-mate I Rich Heliotrope ! (45) 46 IV. V O brii^ht, j('y-t4iviiit^ and priceless flower! Thy quiet, unassuming " grace and truth," With God's divine perfume, is thy dower ! Choice floret for the bosom of a Ruth ! To show the glory of Our King ! That with his Praise, the " welkin-ring" ! Christ's Heliotrope ! V. You ever "turn" your entrancing petals. Wide-open, and upwards, towartl the sun ! Which shines upon thee from Heaven's portals, To make thee sweet ; — a savour of God's Son ! So meek and mild ; so delicious ! Thou art to my soul, aye precious ! \ Dear Heliotrope ! VI. You point me tt) the " Sun of righteousness" ! And waft niN' soul to the " rose of Sharon " ! You turn mc to " THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS Who fills with God's Love, a heart, once barren ! Who, ever now shines upon me ! That I, LIKE Him, may alwa}'s be ! Loved Heliotrope ! NoTi;. — The (lcri\ation of the word " 1 Icliotroiie " makes the al)Ove thoughts especially pertinent and intercstiiiti; ; it is derived from two Greek words, jjhog TUK Sun; and TfjiriM to turn. Hence the reflection, that the Sun shining upon this Earth, brings forth all the life, and fruits, and flowers which (lod has given us richly to enjoy, and that the lovely flower "Helio- trope," in TURNiNO toward the Sun, receives thereby, all its beauty and sweet- ness, and exquisite fragrance ! Exactly so, if we " Look to Jesus " and turn 47 our faces, and minds and hearts toward Him, so that He can shine upon and into us, — then He will likewise bring forth out of us similar beauty, fruitful- ness, and Heavenly sweetness, by the supernatural and Divine operation of The Holy Ghost : Amen. And may the Lord Jesus bless all the above to you, dear reader, as I le lias most graciously done to me, and far more abundantly than we can thinker ask; and may He ever shine within us, more and more, "the light of the knowledge of His glory," beauty, loveliness, salvation, resplendent-majesty, Divinity, and wondrous Love for us, "in the face of Jesus " crucified; for His Great and Dear Name's sake : Amen. WAsmNGTON, 25th A])ril, 1887. Dedicated to the authoress of " Fauklkss Flowers," — Miss Edith Richardson," of J.ondon, England. There is Something of God in Every Man! "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him ; male and female created he them," — Gen. 1:27. Go all around the habitable earth ; Yea, from East to West, and from Pole to Pole ; See all people, where'er there is a hearth ; Look in " nooks and corners," and every hole ; But still, we shall always scan, There is something of God, in every man ! II. Ffom grand palace, to the humble cottage; From Hospital, Asylum, and to Jail ; From President, and King, to lowest page ; From Christian, and saint, to the one most frail ; But still, we shall always scan. There is something of God, in every man ! in. From the high, to the lowest of the low; From the Christ-like, to what is most debased ; E'en so, — let all vile creatures make a show; Who have not yet all mortal-life effaced ; But still, we shall always scan. There is something of God, in every man ! (49) 50 IV. Take courage then, O Christ's Ambassador ! And sow the Gospel-seed on every side ; The Holy Ghost will open wide the door ! And kindle sparks-divine, that will abide ! And in " The Last Day," we '11 scan. There is much of God, in man}' a man ! All Glory to The Lamb ! Amen: Alleuta! And may Almighty God bless this to you, dear reader, mors abundantly than we can think or ask : for Jesus' sake : Amen. Note. — With more gratitude than I can express, for the generous space, that Eminent Editor, has often given me in his grand Missionary and Gospel Paper, the " Episcopal Methodist " ; and from the highest esteem of him, as a dear Brother in Christ, and as a faithful lover, and guardian of little- children, — Christ's-lambs, — I affectionately dedicate this to the Rev. Dr. Wm. K. Boyle. July, 1887. A Farewell to a Missionary. Dedicated to Rev. B. W. Waters,' who is about to go as a Mis- sionary TO J.apan. (He is now in Japan.) . " Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." — Psa. 2 : 8. Good-bye, Dear Friend, good-bye ! May Heaven's blessing, o'er your way and life attend. While over land and sea, you ever journey on : Toward our Home on High, where Christian footsteps tend ; And whither, by God's grace, we '11 press together on ! Good-bye, Dear Friend, good-bye ! II. Farewell, Brother, farewell ! And may Jehovah speed you to your Mission's end ; Cause you to preach with power ; " give you souls for hire " ; From Satan's doom, benighted minds, forever rend ; And work " till Jesus conies," IN JOY THAT KNOWS NO TIRE ! P'arewell, Brother, farewell ! III. " Well done," Brother, " well done " ! We can almost now, hear our King and Saviour say ! What you did " TO THE LEAST OF THESE," you did " to Me " ! Into my eternal-joy, enter now you may ! And in the bliss of My Presence, forever be ! " Well done," Brother, " well done " ! (50 52 IV. " Well done," Brother, " well done " ; With what unutterable-joy, you will behold, ' Many precious souls arise in the "Judgment Day " ; Call you blessed, and be numbered in Jesus'-Fold ! To reign in Paradise, where darkness hath no ray ! " Well done," Brother, " well done " ! Adieu, Dear Friend, adieu ! And may our Blessed God, sweetly o'ershadow you With consciousness divine, of Jcsus'-love for YOU; And keep your faith, as bright and pure, as morning dew; Till we meet amidst the glories of Heaven's-hue ! Adieu, Dear Friend, adieu ! I am yours, in the Faith and Love of The Son of God : Amen. Boston, Sept. 3, 1S87. Christ Almighty Calls for Volunteers. "And his banner over me was love." — Sol. Song 2 : 4. "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." — Mark 16 : 15. By God's supernatural grace, We '11 fight the battles of The Lord ! Then "rest" in His Divine embrace ! While passing thro' deep Jordan's Ford ! jer. 12:5. II. And by Jehovah's faith divine, Carry Jesus to every land ! Give thirsty souls the Gospel-wine, And save the heathen by God's-hand ! Ps. 44 : ITT. Yea, by Christ-Almighty's power, We '11 hold-up Jesus from the earth ; The Lamb ! Heaven's choicest flower ! Whom Angels praise in holy mirth ! IV. Whom to see, is Life eternal I Whom to know, is God's own wisdom ! Whom to love, is joy all vernal ! Whom to follow, is God's freedom ! (53) 54 V. Wliom to praise, is bliss ecstatic ! Whom to glorify, is divine ! Whom we preach, in Christ's didactic ! Saving souls, which in darkness pine ! VI. Arise ! O Church of God ! Arise ! Go to the lost in foreign lands ! Preach and pray, till the heathen rise In Christ-born Faith, to clasp our hands I VII. Days Pentecostal, may be ours ! And in a day, a Nation born ! isa.66 : s. Saved from eternal Hell, in hoin\s ! Sol. Song 2 : 4- Whosc flag is Love, Blood-stained and torn ! VIII. Little faith, in a Mighty God ! Matt. ^^ The promised blessing will bring down ! The Holy Ghost will strike the chord Of music, under savage frown ! IX. And in a twinkling, every soul Will catch the sympathetic note ; Waft the Gospel, in mighty roll, Till the unsaved, be but a mote ! X. The time is short ! Our Lord draws nigh ! As our faith, the " reward " will be ! Then up ! and lift our Banner high ! Till all, our Glorious King, shall see ! 55 " Hosanna to the son of David " ! Yea ! Hosanna to the Son of God ! All glory to tlie Lamb ! Amen : Alleluia ! In the name of God, and in llie I'^ailh and T.ove of Jesus, I lovingly address these words, to all who have "ears to hear." Millions in China, Japan, Africa, India and in all creation call for You ! NoTK. — The above is affectionately dedicated to tlie Ar(:hi)isho]) of Can- terbury, Bishop Benson ; and to Rev. Chas. H. Spurgcon, of Jxjndon. ]jOSTon, Sept. C, 1887. All I Want is Jesus. "My beloved is mine, and I am his.", — Song of Sol. 2 : i6. "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God." — Ps. 42 : i, "Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. "Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory." — Ps. 73: 23, 24. O thrice precious and immortal soul ! Can you say, all I want is Jesus? Does from your heart, in sweet anthem roll Angel's song, — all I want is Jesus? ! 11. O does Jesus reign, enshrined, enthroned In your whole being, Great King of Love? Has He all power of sin dethroned? Lovest thou Him, as the hosts Above? ! III. O does your eye of faith behold Him, In God's beauty, glory, crucified?! Beats your heart in love desiring Him? And like Him, would you be deified? ! IV. O bless His Great, and thrice Holy Name ! I can sing, — all I want is Jesus ! On my wedding ring, I grave my flame, — His Name ! for all I want is Jesus. C57) 58 Verily, I 'm married to The Lord ! For Him, all my gold I truly hoard ! All my strength I give to Him adored ! All the love and praise, God will afford ! VT. Hosanna ! All I want is Jesus ! Know His pleasant ways, and do His will ! Tell others, all they want is Jesus ! Till their dying souls. His love shall fill ! VII. I 've caught a glimmer of His glory ! I 'm conscious of His mighty power ! I taste the sweetness of Love's story ! I know the " savour " of God's flower ! VIII. I see the beauty of our Bridegroom ! I hear the rich music of His Voice ! I love Tlie Holy Ghost, God's heirloom ! I live in the rapture of Christ's choice ! IX. I 've seen the world : been " behind the scene " Well I know, that " ALL IS VANITY " ! Naught gives " perfect peace ", and love serene But Jehovah, in His entirety ! X. Then come with me, from the world away ! Live ! and say, — all I want is Jesus ! Heaven on earth, you will know alway. While singing. All I WANT IS Jesus ! 59 " Hosanna to the son of David " Yea ! Hosanna to the Son of God ! All Glory to The Lamb! Amen: Alleluia! ps. 50:23. And may Tlic Lord bless the above to you, dear reader, with His richest blessinj^s : for His Name's sake : Amen. Note. — In sweet and precious memories of the Christ-like life and labors, of that ardent lover of "little children," who is also one of the most indefatigable of faithful, and God-blessed evangelists, I affectionately dedi- cate this love-song, to my dear Brother in Our Beloved, — Rev. Edward Payson Hammond. Boston: 10 Sept. '87. ■^Follow Me"! Matt. 9:9. "The voice of my beloved " ! * * * "Let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice ; for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely." — Song of Sol. 2 : 8, 14. I hear a voice, down the ages rolling Sweet and tender, strong and mighty Like distant chimes, in Cathedral tolling ! Ringing music day and nightly! Calling ! sweetly calling, " L^ollow Mc " ! II. Lo ! 't is the Voice of Christ Jesus speaking ! " As the sound of many waters " ! Thro' the ancient centuries echoing, Sweetest Love, that never falters ! Calling, fondly calling, " I^'oHow Me " ! III. the melody of that Kingly Voice ! Rich and gentle, firm and winning ! "The voice of my beloved " ! and my choice ! Ever keeps me from all sinning! Calling ! dearly calling, " Follow Me " ! IV. Thinking of Thee, in sad Gethseman^ ! And nailed on Calvary, dying ! 1 see the DEBT OF woE Thou paid for me ! O 't is then, I hear Thee calling, Sinner ! Blood-bought sinner, " Follow Me " ! (61) 62 V. Fain would I wash Thy sacred Feet with tears ! And break the " alabaster box ", Of ointment precious, kept for many years, On Thy Dear Head, and lovely locks ! Calling ! sweetly calling, " Follow Me" ! VI. Forsaking all, I take Thy yoke and cross ! In that same Joy, God gave to Thee ! I follow Lord ! and count earth's gain but dross, Since Thou, O Love ! dost look on me ! Calling ! sweetly calling, " Follow Me" ! VII. O shout for joy my fellow-man, and sing Love's praises to our Saviour-King ! Till " unbelief", from sinners'-lost, takes wing; Then hear God's- Voice in rapture ring ! Calling ! sweetly calling, " Follow Me " ! " My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour" ! Amen : Alleluia. And may the Lord Jesus bless all the above to you, dear reader, as He has most graciously done to me ; and even more abundantly than we can think or ask; for His Great and Dear Name's sake. Amen. Note. — In the heavenly enjoyment of spiritual fruits, gleaned from Christ's-blessings in sweet Communions at " St. Paul's," and under his ministry, I affectionately dedicate this little love-offering to the Rev. Dr. Frederick Courtney, now Bishop of Nova Scotia. Boston, i6 Oct. 18S7. ^^LovEST Thou Me"? John 21 : 17. " Draw me, we will run after thee : * * * the upright love thee. * * * Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm ; for love is strong as death : * * * Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it." — Song of Sol. i : 4 : 8 : 6, 7. _ "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous." — r John ^ ; ^. I love the holy-men of olden time; Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles all ! God's TYPES OF Christ, in every age and clime; Who gladly heard Jehovah's yearning call. My son, " Lovest thou me "? 71. I love the called, and great triumvirate ! " Peter, James, and John " : loved and honored three ! Who on the Mount, saw Christ at Glory's Gate, •' Trai^sfigured " : heard the Voice of " One in Three " Who said, " Lovest thou me "? III. I love Saint Peter, great ; yet weak as we ! Denied Our Lord, but wept; then dearly loved ! On whom, Christ built His Church, for you and me ! Matt..6: ,j I too can hear, " The voice of my beloved " ! Saying, " Lovest thou me "? (63) 64 IV. I love Thy glorious Voice, O IMessed Lord ! Which long ago I heard, and hear to-day ! Thnnigh all Thy Word, in music's sweetest chord. Chiming Love ; shedding Light, in rain-bow ray ! Sa}'ing, " Lovest thou me"? I love to think of Thee, who died for me ! Saving from death, and everlasting Hell I Bearing my sins upon the cruel tree ! Giving Internal life to know, and tell ! Saying, " Lovest thou me "? VI. I love to think of Heaven, bought for mc, By Thy Righteousness, and most precious l^lood ! Where Thee O God, in raptiu'c I shall see ! And Where Thy Light, the Universe doth flood ! Who said, " Lovest thou me "? VII. I love, O m)' Ikdoved, ALL LIKE TlIKK ! From holy Adam, to "THE LEAST OF these", By The Holy Ghost, Thou hast given me ! "Thou KNOWEST that I love thee", and will please ! Who said, " Lovest thou me"? VIII. How can I but love Thee, O Christ Divine? ! " Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God " ! " The everlasting Father", — " the true vine " ! "The Prince of Peace," my Saviour and m\- T>ord ! Who said, " Lovest thou me " ? 65 TX. Fairer art Thou than the children of men ! " The chiefcst among ten thousand " great men ! " The fairest among women,", of Eden ! One " altogether lovely ", beyond ken ! Saying, " Lovest thou me " ? X. jEIIOVAir ! " TlIOU KNOWEST THAT I LOVE THEE " ! And I hear Thee say, — " hY>cd my lambs," and " slicep " ! Christ's Voice shall speak thro' me, o'er land and sea ! Till Jesus comes again, or till I sleep, — Dear soul, "Lovest thou me"? " Make haste my beloved." " Amen. I^vcn so, come. Lord Jesus." And I pray Almighty God to bless this to you, dear reader, in divine and heavenly power, now and forever; FOR Jesus' SAKE: Amen, No'iK. — In ha])py and grateful memories of my Brother in Christ, whose buoyant spirituality, ever reminds me of dear King David's words, — " At,i, MY si'RiNos ARE IN 'JHEE " J — I affectionately dedicate this throb of love to Rev. T. S. Wynkoop, of Washington, D. C. Boston : 2 Nov. '87. "Peace Be Still". Mark 4 r 39. " PiC slill, nnd know that T ain Cod". — T's. 46 : 10. Once on the fair, blue "sea of Clalilee ", Our Saviour slumbered in a ship of old ; When up rose the storm, and a ragin1'1 ol Olll" hll'SSl'd (lod," I SCO such ^rcat prosperity that ni\' heart is soU, And from my souh ht-cU-wed willi leais, sprin!.;s lo\i-'s pra\er to (uxl, () thrice HK'SS ouiown dear nalixi- Land, O Blessed Li)rd ! And i;ianl us, ol" lliidi ili'.ut'n's I'eai'e, .dl Thoii canst alVortl ! 11. As thi-onidi the town's idi'an and pleasant stret-ts, I daily walk, And si'i.; new stoics and houses ol tMitcr[)risin<.; men ; Aiul hear ol' much thrill and pri)!.;i-<.;ss from the luiu-ral talk, f pray that to this piawi', all will say, cU-vont Amen, — ( ) thiiee IMess our o\\ n dear nali\a' 1 .<\\\i.\, ( ) HK-ssed 1 .ord ! yXnd viaiit ns, of I liidi I L'ax'en's IV-aci-, all riion eansl alford ! As I sei- the hrii;"ht t^riMips of happ\' men and wonuMi, Ami thosi- precious \\[[\c swi-ets, - *. 'hiist's lambs, — at i hildlike pla}' 1 note that " touch of natni'c, wlTudi makt-s tin- whole woild kin," I mark Tlu' I land of l)ount\', which stiis u\c up to pra)', — () thrice Hless our own tlear nati\'c Land, O Blessed Lortl ! And ;4rant us, of I ligh-I leaven's Peace, allThou canst afford 1 (71) 75 IV. Where'er I 'm called to labor in our United States, In palace car, public inn, or Christian home I rest; Still I see. Thy sniilint^ licnediction sweetly mates With this Nation's people, — Thou art their abiding Nest ! O thrice Bless our own dear native Land, O Blessed Lord ! And grant us, of Iligh-Heaven's Peace, all Thou canst afford ! V. When Cav from the city's sights, I travel rural lanes, I see nice farms, good homes, and churches of Jesus Christ; Well-fed cattle, woolly sheep, horses with flowing manes, h'ine orchards, and barns filled full with the great gifts of Christ ! O thrice Bless our own dear native Land, O Blessed Lord ! And grant us, of High-Heaven's Peace, all Thou canst afford ! VI. When I see the stately buildings of our (iovernment; Eleemosynary homes, hospitals, and good schools ; With public comforts, conducive to kind contentment. Spontaneously I pray to Him, Who ever rules, — O thrice Bless our own dear native Land, O Blessed Lord ! And grant us of High-Heaven's Peace, all Thou canst afford ! VII. As I see the clans of every race, creed, and color Flocking to oiu" shores, to seek heaven's asylum here ; Taste Christ's Spirit of sweet Liberty, as our neighbor; Behold ! Our Land a saviour of the world ! Great God hear, — O thrice l^ess our own dear native Land, O Blessed Lord ! And grant us of High-Heaven's Peace, all Thou canst afford ! VIII. Pray ! — when you see our dear old Flag, floating in the air; The stars suggestive of the Sky, and the blood-red stripes Reminding Christians of Him, who died to make us heir To His eternal-life and Kingdom, through His own "stripes," — O thrice Bless our own dear native Land, O Blessed Lord ! And grant us of High-Heaven's Peace, all Thou canst afford ! Amen and Amen: Aleeluia. 76 And may God bless all of the above to you, dear reader, as to Him seemeth best; causing you to love, obey, and defend both the letter and the spirit of our "Constitution of the United States"; nurture, nourish, and maintain our unsectarian "Public Schools"; foster, cherish, and forever vindicate civil and religious Liberty; quickly and cheerfully follow and support all the just laws and praise- worthy institutions of our own, clear, and God-given Government ; and thus love and glorify our King, even " Jesus, Blessed Jesus ! " and thereby also cultivate and develop an ever-increasing love for our glorious Country, Flag, Home, Family and Children, " for of such is the kingdom of heaven " ; may He grant all this, and more also, FOR Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. Note. — With the highest appreciation of, and with the most profound respect, admiration, and veneration for General and President George Washington; and for all our Presidents since then, I gratefully and affec- tionately dedicate the spirit of these humble and earnest words, to the memory of all the Presidents of Our United States, that have been, and that ever shall be, similarly God-appointed rulers, chosen by the voice of the people, and in the name of Christ Almighty. Amen. Washington, D. C, 13th Dec, 1SS8. ^^i©(yj© i'^'^^^ Christ Is God AND ''The Word of God" is Jesus. John i : i. — i John i : i. — Rev. 19 : 13. John 1 : 14. "Not my will, but thine be done." — Luke 22 : 42. "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood; and his name is called The Word of God." — Rev. 19:13. FABER." " I worship Thee, sweet will of God, And all Thy ways adore, And every day I live, I seem To love Thee, more and more ! " BLAGDEN. I love Thee, wondrous " Word OF GoD," More than my tongue can tell I Thou art Christ, the Incarnate Word, Who wields o'er me Love's spell ! II. I worship Thee, sweet " WORD OF GoD," My Saviour and my King ! And by Thy words, I '11 grow like Thee, And of Thee, Love, I '11 sing ! (77) 78 III. I follow Thee, dear "Word of God,* In Jesus' footsteps tread ! And onward press to Paradise, To crown Thy Blessed Head ! IV. I fight for Thee, great " Word of God," With Jesus — Spirit's sword ! And by Thy precious Blood o'ercome, And win Thee, glory, Lord ! I bless Thee, gracious " Word of God," And clasp Thee to my heart ! I '11 feed my soul on Thy rich sweets, Till breath and body part ! VI. I Thee adore, O " WORD OF GoD," And press Thee to my lips ! Pray Thee give Thy Holy Spirit, Luice n : 13 Till Sun forever dips ! This poem was in a measure suggested by receiving requests to pray for two dear friends, — sweet Christians, and fellow heirs with our " King of Kings," — who are very seriously sick. See, James 5 : 13, 14. Boston, 22 June, '89. amen: alleluia! Rev. 19 : 4. 79 And may Jehovah bless this to you, dear reader, in Faith, in Peace, in Joy, in Wisdom, in sweet Revelation - Repentance, in " Grace and Truth," in Love, in Obedience, and Power in The Holy Ghost; causing you to fondly cherish, and passionately love " TllE Word of God," which is in one sense jESUS ; for the sake of the glorious Righteousness and most precious Blood of His only begotten and beloved Son, jESUS CllRlST, our Redeemer, Saviour, King and God. Amen. Note. — In loving remembrance of, and from unspeakable gratitude to, our dear Brother in Christ, across the sea, in whose Church originated the "lUBLE AND PRAYER UNION"; and who has so successfully, faithfully, and gloriously managed and advanced it, for the wide-spread diffusion of "The Word of God" all over the world; and for singularly and providentially creating a wonderhil love for God's Word, and a daily searching of the Scriptures in connection therewith, I very cordially and most affectionately dedicate the above, to Rev. Thomas Richardson, of London, England. (82) Another Plea for Christian Unity. "If a man say, I love God, and hatclh liis ])r()tlicr, lie is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? "And this commandment have we from him, 'I'hat he who loveth God love his brother also." — i John 4 : 20, 21. LuKK 23 : 32—49. " P.ut we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; "But unto them which are called, both Jews and (irecks, C^hrist the power of (jod, and the wisdom of God." — i Cor. i : 23, 24. (83) Gather Round the Cross, Brethren, O Gather Round the Cross ! " P)Ut God forbid that T slionld glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." * * * — C.al. 6 : 14. " For I determined not to know any thinjj; among yon, save Jesus C'hrist, and him crucified." — 1 C"or. 2 : 2. When amidst the storms and trials, Of life's tempestuous days, Our sad hearts grow faint and weary, y\ttinied to moin-nful lays ! When hope and courage seem to fail. At disappointments sore, And ouv hearts' bitterness coultl wail. And all our sins deplore ! Then gather round the Cross, Brethren, O gather round the Cross ! II. When health and strength begin to wane, And soul and spirit siid<, While all our efforts seem so vain ; A bitter cup to drink ! When sleep forsakes the tired mind. And anxious fears torment, When Sataii with his lies would blind Our faith's clear firmament ! Then gather round the Cross, Brethren, O gather round the Cross ! (84) 85 III. And when " palc-dcath " stalks thro' our homes; Takes away our darhn^s ! Or when direful pestileijcc roams: Causing fearful wailings ! When disasters, most appalling, Sweep thousands to quick death ! When we, on God, should be calling; Faith staggers, — holds its breath ! Then gather round the Cross, Brethren, O <7ather round the Cross ! IV. When our own time has come to die; While Jesus tarries still ; Life's panorama passes by ! " Come," " whosoever will " ! Would wc conquer like our Saviour, And " overcome " by faith. See God's beatific vision. Escape sins' woful wraith ! Then gather round the Cross, l-5rethreu, O trather round the Cross ! V. Would we see The Lamb's l^ride revived, " Terrible with banners " ! Conquering powers of darkness. Winning loud hosannas ! Would we see countless heathen saved. Snatched from Eternal Doom ! Garnered into the harvest home, Ere yet another moon ! Then gather round the Cross, Brethren, O gather round the Cross ! 86 VI. Yea, would we safe and happy be ; Grow mightily in grace ; Preach the Gospel from sea to sea, Win the heavenly race ! Yea, would we mount on wings and fly, As eagle through the sk}', Toward our Father's Home on High ! To reign with Jesus, aye I Gather round the Cross, Dear Brethren, O gather round the Cross ! Amen: And may all the People say, Amen: Allelul\. And may Jehovah bless these words to you, dear reader, in ever- increasing, ever-abiding, and in everlasting power; causing you to find }'our eternal-life, peace, joy, love and might, in the glorious Cross of Christ ; granting also, that we all love, work, and pray for " Chrlstian Unity," more and more ; binding us all up together in the bundle of life with His own Divine Self; and for the sake of Christ Almighty : Amen. Note. — In grateful recollection and acknowledgment, of the true brotherly, and genuine Christian lovingkindness, of one of our Lord's most faithful Am- bassadors ; whom I shall always remember as so sweet-spirited and gentle, as to suggest the words of the Psalmist, — "thy gentleness hath made me GREAT ; " I very affectionately dedicate these verses, and the Christ-like faith, love, and spirit, of which they would fain be the exponent, to Rev. Dr. A. J. Cordon. Boston, ii July, '89. Another Plea for Christian Unity. I John 4 : 20, 21. Prayer is Sweet and Powerful; or, Heaven's Key. " But thou when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." — Matt. 6 : 6. * * * "Men ought always to pray, and not to faint." — Luke 18 : i. " Pray without ceasing." — i Thess. 5:17. " While I breathe, I pray." — Old Hymn. Hooded monk in cloistered cell, Wields a power few can tell ; When he prays to God most High, For His blessing from the sky; When he travails long in prayer, Wrestling with God's Angel fair, Seeking with all heart and mind, Heaven's priceless pearl to find ! II. When he calls on Jesus' Name, Pleads His Blood of wondrous fame, And forgives his bitter foes ; Loving Christ in all life's woes ; When he cries till blessing comes, Like the honey bee, that hums, O'er Edcnic blossoms sweet; Till he 's filled with Spirit's meat ! (87) 88 III. So all souls, whatc'cr their creed, Seeking Jesus, Whom we need ; Praying morning, noon and night, Always gain the hardest fight; And the Spirit's power win, Gaining conquest over sin ; Love of God and man obtain In one harmonious strain ! IV. Praying Jacobs, God doth bless, Whether monk, or saint, or less ; Just so long as pray we will, Till the Blood-cleansed heart He fill; Then Jehovah bids us go. And the blessed Gospel sow. With The Holy Ghost sent down. Quelling sin and Satan's fi'own ! V. Then let's pray till Jesus comes. Lay up treasure in great sums; Thus earth's benediction be, Souls-saved fi-om perdition see ; Among the "wise virgins" found. When Gabriel's Trump shall sound ; Full of Faith, Love and Spirit, " Caught up " in that great minute ! Amen: Alleluia. The above is affectionately dedicated to that faithful Ambassador for Christ, and patriarchal "Man of God" of remarkable faith, the Rew George Miiller, of Bristol, luigland. Boston, October, 1889. Through Christ's Precious Blood We Shall Surely Meet Above! John 10:28; Rkv. 7: 9, 14. "And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye sliall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away." — i Peter 5 : 4. * * * " To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." — Revelation 2:7. O how joyous we shall be, When in Paradise we meet; Then from sin forever free, Loving Jesus, — grandest treat ! By and by, so sweet to greet. 11. how full of love we'll be. When in Heaven we shall meet; And shall join in Angel's glee, Circling round Immanuel's Seat ! By and by, so sweet to greet. III. () how gladsome we shall be. When in Mansions High we meet ; Kings and priests to God we '11 be ; Eating " hidden manna " meat ! By and by, so sweet to greet. (89) 90 IV. O how blissful we shall be, In that " holy city" meet; Winning rapture from life's " tree," Crowning Jesus, — greatest feat ! By and by, so sweet to greet. O how happy we shall be, When in Glory we shall meet; And our Lord and Saviour see. Resting at Mis blessed feet ! By and by, Alleluia. Amen. BOSI'ON, Oct. II, 1SS9. O Lord Remember Me, and I 'll Remember Thee. "We love him, because he first loved us." — i John 4 : 19. "Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life ; and I will raise him up at the last day." — John 6 : 54. * * * "This do in remembrance of me." — Luke 22 : 19, 20; i Cor. II : 25, 26. Oft woidd mind and heart go wandering back, To that sweet time when Jesus came to earth ; See shepherds with their flocks, by field and stack. And hear Angelic hosts proclaim his birth. Dear Lord I will remember Thee ; Calvary and Gcthscmane ! ir. Oft think and ponder on His works and words, So lovely, miraculous, and Divine ; See crowds around Him gathering in herds, To get His comfort, better than old wine. Dear Lord I will remember Thee ; Calvary and Gcthsemanc ! III. Behold Him heal the sick, and raise the dead ! Forgive the sinner, and absolve the lost. Bringing Light and Life from Heaven's Godhead, He saves believers at His own Blood's cost. Dear Lord T will remember Thee; Calvary and Gethsemanc ! C9O 92 IV. Now amidst our daily cares and crosses, When heavy sorrow makes the sad heart ache ; Grieving sore o'er all our trying losses, Still loving Thee, we follow in Thy wake ; Dear Lord I will remember Thee ; Calvary and Gethsemane ! When now we come to feed our souls on Thee, Thou who hast bought us with Thy precious Blood ; Thee we see, bearing our sins on the Tree, Washing us clean in Calvary's rich flood. Dear Lord I will remember Thee ; Calvary and Gethsemane 1 VI. By faith we eat Thy Flesh and drink Thy Blood, In bread and wine, emblems ordained by Thee, " Receive " thereby sweet increments of Love ; Saviour in Spirit " manifest," we see, john 14 : 21. Dear Lord I will remember Thee ; Calvary and Gethseman6 ! VII. O glorious Feast ! O blessed Banquet ! Full of God's deep Love, and Eternal Life ; How oft herein, O Christ, with Thee we 've met, Been sealed, until Thou comest for Thy Wife. Dear Lord I will remember Thee ; Calvary and Gethsemane ! 93 VTII. While thus we " often " know and meet with Thee, We 're " ready" for whate'er may soon betide ; Matt. 24:44. Death, or Thy coming in^the clouds to see ; Then for us, Heaven's Gate will open wide. Dear Lord I will remember Thee ; Calvary and Gethsemane ! Amen: Alleluia, This Poem shows the tremendous importance of, and the divine blessing in Holy Communion ; and that we take it both in remem- brance of Jesus, and believing that we are signally blessed of God with a Baptism of His Love in The Holy Ghost, in the very act: Amen.— John 6: 53-58. In glad memories of sweet "times of refreshing " ; and of that faithful Ambassador for Christ, known among many of his parishioners as "that GRAND OLD MAN"; we Very affectionately dedicate the above to Rev. John Wesley Wolfe ; and which we offer to him, so to speak, as a eouquet of ever- living "forget-me-nots ! " Boston, December 2, 1889. The Shadow of the Cross! * * * "Thy love is better than wine." — Song of Sol. i : 2. 'Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." — Matt. 16 : 24. " For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." — Matt. 11 : 30. One bright and sunny day, I looked From out my casement window, Upon a convent opposite, And on the broad street below; When lo, there I saw reflected, In bold relief and beauty, Distinct and clear for all to see. The lightest thing, yet weighty, — The Shadow of The Cross I II. I watched it long and thoughtfully, Thinking much in moments few. Scanning time, and the Cross Christ knew; God distilled my thoughts as dew, And taught mc what I '11 ne'er forget ; What 's hard, and yet sweet to learn ; Which is a question all should ask, — Casts my life at every turn, The Shadow of The Cross ! (95) 96 III. Am T a " savour" of Jesus? Arc my words and deeds like His? What 111}' thoui^iils and aspirations? All, 't is well that thus we quiz I Do T make my friends and neighbors Think of" The Man of Sorrows?" Have I that sweet, m\'stic something;-, l''ull of jo>-s, }-et full of woes, — The Sh.idow of The Cross? ! IV. O l^rethren let us search and look, I'or the mark our lives have made, Whether the\' be like Christ's, or no? IV'fore soon our da)-s shall fade ; That every where, and to all men, We be " sweet sa\H>urs" of Him, Epistles known and read of all ; Cast exceeding strouL^, not dim, — The Shadow of The Cross V. O Blessed Toril ! () Kini;- of Kinos ! We '11 follow in Thy footsteps ; We i)liL;ht anew our troth to Thee ; Armed with Salvation helmets. O Bridegroom Fair ! O l>elo\'('d ! We '11 love Thee more than ever. And keep Tli\' words, and do Thy wa\'s Till in Til}' time, Tluni sever, — The Shadow of The Cross ! 97 VI. Then Hij^h Above on Angel- wing, Wc '11 take seraphic journey, Into the I'rcscnce of our King; Where all's Liglit and melody, Where God's bliss and rajjture mingle In His everlasting joy ; His Love gives ecstatic tingle To all souls, who knew as joy, — The Shadow of The Cross ! Amen, Alleluia. NoTK. — See John 13:35. We affectionately dedicate the above to the memory of that galaxy of three Spiritual Stars, who were in life and death, so remarkably and gloriously Christ-like : Bishop Ryle, who died at his post of duty in China ; and to Bishop Hannington, who was called to suffer martyr- dom in Africa; and to Father Damien, who laid down his life for the cast-a- way lepers, — " Unum corpus sumus in Christo ! " And these men were "as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land." — Isaiah 32 : 2. And may our Lord Jesus Christ help us by His grace, to love, serve, and glorify Him, more and more faithfully, still forever, "until the daybreak, and the shadows flee away," for His Great and Dear Name's Sake : Amen. Boston, Dec. 19, 18S9. " Fur unto ns a child is born, unto us a son is given : and tlic government shall be upon his shoulder : and his name shall be called Wonderful, Coun- sellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." — Isa. 9 : 6. " Sing, O daughter of Zion ; shoujt, () Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem." "The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in Ids love, he will joy over thee ■with singing." — Zeph. 3 : 14, 17. "HOSANNA TO THE SoN OF DaVID " ! A CHRISTMAS HYMN. "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift." — 2 Cor. 9 : 15. HoSANNA TO THE SoN OF GoD HoSANNA IN THE HiGHEST ! HosANNA TO Christ-Almighty All Glory to the Lamb! Alleluia! (99) * * * " My soul doth magnify the Lord. " Anci my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." — Luke i : 46, 47. Hail the Day when Christ Was Born ! "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, " Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." — Luke 2 : 13, 14. " Some say, that ever 'gainst that season comes Wherein our Saviour's birth is celebrated, The bird of dawning singeth all night long; And then, they say, no spirit can walk abroad ; The nights are wholesome ; then no planets strike. No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm. So hallow'd and so gracious is the time." Shaks., Ha]\i., Act L, Sce. i. JESUS, Babe of Bethlehem ! Take away our sin, Wash us in Thy precious Blood ; Make us pure within ! II. JESUS, King of Christmas-tide ! Holy Spirit, come ; Now, our hearts we open wide; Hail ! more than welcome ! (100) lOI IIT. JESUS, O Immanucl I Hosannas to Thcc ! Our God, Kin^-, and l^ride.<;rooni be ! Now we '11 sup w ilh Thee ! Rev. 3 .- 20. IV. JI'LSUS, God, and J July Ghost! Blessed Trinity ! Hail son;^ of Heavenly Host! Christ's Nativity ! V. JESUS, Christmas Gift and Feast ! Lamb of Calvary ! Thou IMornini;' Star of the East 1 i^ev. 22 ■ 16. Lead us to (jlory ! Amen: AlUluia. Uev. 19 .- 4. NoTA Rr.NF.. — 'Hie above Christmas-hymn is affectionately dedicated to all lovers of The Lord, and to every Blood-bought heir of Christ-Almighty in all creation. And may The Lord Jesus give you all a heavenly conseious- ncss of His Divine and Loving Presence, at this most auspicious and blessed season of the whole year, for His Great and Dear Name's Sake : Amen. And we heartily salute, and cordially greet all Christ- born saints of The Most High, with "a holy kiss" of spiritual-love in Our Beloved. Alleluia. See Rom. 16 : 16; i Cor. 16 : 20; 2 Cor. 13 : 12; i Thess. 5 : 26 ; I Peter 5 : 14. Boston : 20 Dec. '90. "Deus, Deus meus/' "DiLIGAM TE, DOMINE." "In TE, DOMINE, SPERAVJ." " Memento, Domine." (102) STILL ANOTHER PLEA FOR GOD-APPOINTED "CHRISTIAN UNITY; " Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity ! " It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard : that went down to the skirts of his garments ; " As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion : for there the Lord commanded the blessing even life for evermore." — Ps. 133. " Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. " Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." — Eph. 4 : 3, I3- "* * * And there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." — John 10 : 16, etc. C103) Jesus is Always the Same; AND Loves Us Eternally ! * * * "Meddle not with them that are given to change." — Prov. 24 : 21. " The thmg that hath been, it is that which shall be ; and that which is done is that which shall be done ; and there is no new thing under the Sun." — Ecc. I : g. " For I am the Lord, I change not." — Mai. 3 : 6. " Every good and perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." — James 1:17. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." — Heb. 13 : 8. * * * "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee." — Jer. 31:3. Amidst the work, and cares, and daily din Of earthly life tumultuous ; When man-made creeds are changing, and faith wanes ; *Luke 10 : 18: And Satan's* doubts come over us ; Heb 3 : 18, 19; Heb. 4 : ii; 'T Is good and helpful then to be alone, 2 Thess. 2:3: ^ '■ Mark 13: 33, 37. And hold sweet converse with our Lord; Muse and reflect, — old ocean still rolls on. And all the stars and planets shine, While "The Word of God" is true and sure, Eternally ! (104) I05 II. Earth shall burn, stars fall, heavens pass away, And evcr-chan^^int; man nuist die ; False religions fail, having had their day; E'en all things seem to be awry ! But still Christ's heirs are happy, safe, and blest For Time and for h^ternity ! And when life's dizzy days are done, we 'II " rest" ; For all God's truth is Verity ! While "The Word of Gon" is firm and sure, Eternally ! HI. And who can sing, or tell, His wondrous Love? 1 Far surpassing all thought and ken ! Which in His Spirit, like His gentle dove. Fain would rest, as His sweet token. Upon the heads of all His Blood-bought flock, That His own, arc we, forever! Whom, in His loving arms, He would fast lock ; Hold us in His Love, thus ever ! While " The Word of God " is Truth and Love, Eternally ! Amen: Alleluia. Rev. 19 : 4. A poem dedicated to the unchangeable, irrevocable, unalterable, infinite, and eternal Verities of Christ Almighty, contained in " The Word of God," from Genesis to Revelation. — See, John i : i.. Rev. 19 : 13, I John i : i. — And beloved Brethren in our Beloved around this beacon Light, and Holy Ghost "Camp-Fire," — so to speak, and most reverentially, — we can all harmoniously gather, with united hearts and hands, in universal work and fight, against io6 the common enemy, — sin, "the world, the flesh, and the devil!" And upon this Ancient "Rock of Ages" we can all lovingly stand together, if we only will ! So making possible, immediate and organic union ; and thus consummating Christ-commanded " Chris- tian Unity." John 13 : 35, and all references. And may the Lord God Almighty grant it, and more also, for the sake of His glorious Righteousness and precious Blood : Amen. " He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true. For whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God : for God givcth not the Spirit by measure unto him." — John 3 : 33, 34- Since Christ Almighty so humbled Himself as to come into this world to make a full atonement for all sin, for all who love and obey His Gospel ; and to fulfill God's laws to the letter, and TO SEEK AND TO SAVE THE LOST; and to show us the way, the truth, and the life; therefore His Bride, which is Jehovah's Church, must " STOOP TO CONQUER " ; and pray and work for " CHRISTIAN Unity " ; whose ban- ner of Love will ever herald the spirit of the motto, — " In essentials, Unity; in non-essentials, Liberty; and in all things. Charity!" MIL- LIONS OF UNCONVERTED AND CHRIST-LESS SOULS, IN MANY HEATHEN LANDS, DEMAND, AND CRY OUT TO HiGH-HeAVEN FOR IT ! Finally ; our God Himself exhorts us, through His beloved disciple, and in His own inspired and infallible words, — "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." — John 13 : 35. May the Lord help you to say to this, from the very heart, — Amen. Boston, 29 Jan. '90. A POEM AND PRAYER FROM LOVE OF JESUS," AND TO THE GLORY OF HIS HOLY NAME. " O Lord, thou knowcst : remember me, and visit me." * * * " Thy words were found, and I did eat them ; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts." — Jer. 15 : 15, 16. " For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." — Isa. 57: 15. " For thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord ; but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word." — Isa. 66 : 1,2. " For how great is his goodness, and how great is his beauty ! " * * * — Zech. 9:17. " Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off." — Isa. 33 : 17. " HiGGAION. SELAH." Ps. 9: 16. Ps. 19: 14. Ps. 92: 3. (107) Christ's Lambs Point Us Heaven- wards, AND Lead to His Own Divine Self! * * * "And a little child shall lead them." — Isa. ii : 6. * * * "For of such is the Kingdom of God." — Luke i8 : i6. Matt. i8 : 3-5. Mark 10 : 15. " And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them," "And said. Verily I say unto you. Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. — Matt. 18 : 2, 3. " But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." — Matt. 18 : 6. "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you. That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of ray Father which is in heaven." — Matt. 18 : 10. Lord Jesus, of Thy beaut'ous Glory mild, A sweet and lovely semblance I have seen. In a baptized, and precious little child ; Whose heavcnliness, cast Thine own dear sheen ! O Christ, this angelic little darling, Thine own Blood-bought, wee-lamb, O gracious Lord ! Hast brought Thee, God, right before me, dying, — And for me, that I may cross Jordan's Ford ! J^i- " ■ s- For a little child shall lead them To the dear Babe of Bethlehem ! C108) I09 IT. Lord, when I sec this precious httle sweet; So lovely, holy, ineffably meet To grace Thy Courts Above, where angels greet, — Then think, — my sins helped Thee to pierce, — I weep ! P"or I see Thy I^eauty novv^ reflected. In this heavenly child of love and truth ; Innocently sweet in grace perfected ; Which revives my own spiritual youth ! And a little child shall lead them To the sweet Babe of Bethlehem ! III. Which brings Thee, precious Saviour, near to me ; Draws me closer to Thy dear Bleeding Side ; Chides my fond heart in mellow love to Thee ; Bows my adoring knee to Thee, my Guide ! O bless Thy precious little lambs, dear Lord, Throughout the wide world, and in every home; And like them, help us to become, O God ! Till soon we meet them in Jehovah's Home ! For a little child shall lead them To the Star-Babe of Bethlehem ! IV. For more potent far than mountain torrents. To break the heart in deep repentant love. Are baptized children of Christian parents, Who bring The Holy Ghost, like Heaven's Dove ! We praise Thee, and we bless Thee for Thy lambs ! We worship, and we glorify Thy Name, For these precious little sweets, Heaven's lambs ; Leading to Mansions of Heavenly fame ! And a little child shall lead them To the Christ-Babe of Bethlehem ! no O Glorious Saviour, \vc adore Thcc ! O Heavenly King of Kings, we thank Thcc ! O Rcdeemcr-God, \vc would fain love Thee ! O Christ Almighty, we would fain kiss Thee ! Ps. 2 : 12. That we have but to take Thy bright Kingdom, As a dear little child, when we enter ! And of Thy vast realms, win Heaven's freedom ! If" humble," then near Thy Divine Centre ! Matt, js .- 4, 5- And a little child shall lead them To the God-Babe of Bethlehem ! Amen: Alleluia. Rev. 19 : 4. Note. — The above poem was suggested by an unusually bright, graceful, and Christ-like little one ; Providentially placed before me of late ; which reminds us again, that Christ's lambs are indeed the very sweetest and loveliest things on earth ; for they are surely little lumps of Love and Truth ; and " the latest things " from Heaven, so to speak ! And I can now better understand than ever before, how and why, " the wise-men of the East," were involuntarily moved, to spontaneously fall down and lovingly adore, and joyously worship. The God-Babe of Bethlehem ! Would that we might have been among them then, and so have kissed those precious, blessed, and Divine Infant Feet ! Our gracious and glorious Redeemer, Saviour, King, and God ! Amen : Alleluia. Of course there is a difference in children ; and some are more winsome and winning than others ; but we love them all, and especially the iui'Tizf.d CHILDREN OF CHRISTIAN PARENTS ; bccausc we know by the inspired, infal- lible, supernatural, and Divine Lights of the whole "Word of God," that SUCH ARE THE CHILDREN OF THE COVENANT ; AND OUR ChrIST, IS A CoVE- nant-Keeping Jehovah! Amen. (See especially, Exodus 20: 5, 6. Dcut. 7 : 9. Nehemiah i : 5. Neh. 9 : 32. Dan. 9 : 4.) And by "The Word of Ill God " we also know, that all children dying in infancy, (and even those born out of holy wed-lock,) go at once to Paradise; for God, who is "no respecter of persons," gave such babes the breath of life, and souls ; (See also. Judges ii : 1-40. Joshua 2 : 1-22. Jos. 6 : 25. Heb. 11 : 31. Luke 8 : 2. Luke 23 : 40-43.) Still it is His eternal truth, and consequently a divine fact, that His especial blessing) smile and favor, both for time and ETERNITY, rests upon, and follows, and goes before, the baptized chil- dren OK Christian parents; (i Sam. i : 24-28) ; — therefore make great haste, dear friends, to be baptized yourselves ; and then (quickly carry your own precious little sweets, — Christ's lambs, — to the "Baptismal Fount," the very first moment possible. " And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water, only in the name of a disciple, verily, I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." And may Christ Almighty help you so to do, and more also, for His Great and Dear Name's Sake : Amen. Boston: 8. Jany. 1891. A PRAYER. By Rf,v. .Silliman Blagdrn. " He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." — Ps. 91 : i. " As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby." — i Peter 2 : 2. Heavenly Father, we place our hands by faith, through The Holy Ghost, upon Christ's Dear Head, our Atoning Sacrifice, (Lev. 16: 21 ; Isaiah 53:6); confessing all our sins, (i John 1:9); asking Thy forgiveness for Thy Great and Dear Name's Sake (i John i : /) ; en- treating Thee, to cause us to be converted, and become as little chil- dren, and that we remain as such for-ever, (Matt. 18: 1-5; Luke 18: 17) ; praying that Thou wilt keep us always sitting at Christ's Dear Feet, like Mary, as humble children, that we maybe among the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, (Luke 10:42; Matt. 18:4); that Thou wilt keep us leaning our tired heads upon Jesus' Precious Bosom, like St. John, as weaned children (John 13 : 23 ; Ps. 131 : 2) ; Yea, that Thou wilt keep us, forever and forever, resting our wearied, and sometimes aching heads, upon That Divine Bosom, by faith, which heaved in such awful agony and bloody sweat, and in unutter- able Love for us, in Gethsemane and upon Calvary ; thereby reviving and quickening us by Thy Almighty Grace ; that Thou wilt keep us always following Thee as " dear children," " walking in love," ( i Kings 3 : 7 ; i Kings 3 : 1 1-14; 2 Chron. i : 7-13 ; Eph. 5 : 1-2) ; "Children in malice," but MEN IN UNDERSTANDING" " TllE WORD OF God," (i Cor. 14: 20; Rev. 19: 13); that Thou wilt anoint us (112) 113 with Tlic Holy Ghost and with FIRE; that all sin, and the carnal mind, may be forever annihilated ; (Matt. 3 : 1 i — 12) ; and that Thou wilt then baptize us with The Holy Ghost and with Power, (Luke 24:49; Joel 2 : 28 ; John 14: 16-26; John 15:26; John 16:7; Acts 1:4; Acts 2:1); and give us many souls for hire ; that shall be stars in our crown of rejoicing, when Jesus comes to make up His Jewels ; and that Thou wilt ever keep us, like the wise virgins, (Matt. 25 : 1-13), watching for, and loving the reappearing of our Beloved, and "quickly" coming Bridegroom, (2 Tim. 4 : 8; Mark 13:37; Rev. 22 : 12) ; Almighty God, Thou Great Jehovah, grant all this, and more also, for the sake of the glorious Ri(;il TKOUSNESS, and Precious Blood of JICSUS: Amen! and Amen ! NoTK. — " By looking up all the above references, you will find that in this simple prayer, lies the suhlimest wisdom; for Solomon, whom our Lord de- clares to have been the wisest man that ever lived, says among other things, in his wonderful prayer recorded in i Kings 3 : 5-14, * * * "and 1 am rut A LIITLE child: I KNOW NOT HOW TO GO OUT OR COME IN." * * * "GIVE THEREFORE THY SERVANT AN UNDERSTANDING HEART." * * * The ONLY AND MOST PERFECT SALVATION ; the most heavenly peace, and perfect love ; eter- nal safety ; everlasting and everabiding happiness ; and our passport before the Great White Throne, in the last, and awful, yet glorious Day, which will entitle us to hear the blessed commendation of Jehovah, in His Words, — Well done, thou good and faithful servant ; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." — Matt. 25 : 21. Amen : Alleluia. Washington, D. C, i< "Jesus Never Comes Too Late"! AND Then He Always Brings You Love. " For thus saith the Lord, * * * I will visit you, and perform my good word toward you. * * * "lor I know the thoughts that I have toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. "Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray, unto me, and I will hearken unto you. "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when yc shall search for me with all your heart. "And I will be found of you, saith the T-ord ; * * *" — Jer. 29 : 10-14. " I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you." — ^John 14 : 18. "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners : of whom I am chief." — i Tim. 1:15. " Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." — Heb. 7 : 25- " Come unto me, all yc that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." — Matt. 1 1 : 28. Into the dim and distant Past, O Brethren, look far back ! See Prophets in God's imafje cast, Who no good thing did lack ! Because they truly served The Lord, And glorified His Name ! Who always conquered with His sword, — His Word, — and won Him fame ! Witness all to ancient date, — "Jesus never comes too late " I (115) ii6 II. Then glance along the centuries, At all men and women, Knowing life's sad extremities ; People, priest, and laymen ; And behold, they who sought The Lord In persevering prayer. Invariably found our God ! And with Praise, filled the air ! Witness all from ancient date, — " Jesus never comes too late " I III. O see all wretched human-kind, Plock to our dearest Lord, When He came, His lost sheep to find ! Behold Him ope Love's gourd, And pour upon them all, His Grace ! Blessing them every one, isa.4s:"- Who would but " look" at His Dear P^ace ! John ^ : 14, 15. Matt. 14: 36. And " touch " The Holy One ! Angels sing from Heaven's Gate,- — "Jesus never comes too late" ! IV. Behold the cripple, deaf, dumb, l)lind. Widow, and poor leper. The publican, and out-ofniind, Gathered round Him ever; And worst of all, the sinners great, — See Mm. :6: 12, 13. Dear Mary Magdalen, The d\'ing thief, so very late ! All Blessed by Him, e'en then ! Saints do cry from Heaven's Gate, "Jesus never comes too late" ! 117 V. O then, dear soul, whoe'er you be, Look-up, and remember, — Though by sin, far aw'ay at sea, And near to " go under"; Pained and troubled on every side, With anxious fears within ; Remorse for crimes you cannot hide From Wrath so withering, — See I Kings 19 .-12. Whispcrs God from Heaven's Gate, — " Jesus never comes too late " ! VI. Yea verily, to such as seek, And persevere and pray ; Who watch and wait, through day and week For Him, with tearful lay; Who weep o'er sin, but trust in Him, And call on His Dear Name ; Though He tarry, and hope grows dim. His Love is still the same I Witness All from Heaven's Gate, — "Jesus never comes too late" ! Amen and Amen; Alleluia. Note. With tender recollections of many lovingkindnesses, we affec- tionately dedicate the above simple plea and paean, in behalf of the en- couragement and salvation of precious and never-dying souls, to Dr. Chades CuUis, who is so pre-eminently a man of Faith and Prayer ; and who has been so signally blessed of God ; and through whose instrumentaUty very many can indeed arise and say, with exultant joy, — "Jesus never comes too late"! Yea verily; "Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness. * « * " — Isa. 64 : 5. ii8 Addendum : — This poem was suggested by an experience years ago with a poor, wretched, and sinful wayfarer, whom by God's grace and through Christ strengthening me, I was instrumental in helping back again into the "straight and narrow road"; but who would occasionally " back-slide ", overcome and carried away by his besetting sin, — drink; and upon one such sad and deplorable occasion, he came to me in awful despair ; and when finally, after having done all in my power to aid him Heavenwards, and he seemed nearly wild with anxious apprehension, I suddenly thought of, and gave him the comforting words, — "Jesus never comes too late"! — then it was very pitiful, as well as deeply touching, to see how this poor, weak, and agonized soul jumped at, and clutched this gospel-promise, just as a drowning man would frantically grasp at a straw ! And he found, for the time at least, peace and rest, in these sweet words : — "Jesus never comes too late " ! All Glory to The Lamb ! So likewise now, may The Lord Jesus Bless them most abundantly to every one who shall ever see, read, or hear them ; and far more so, than we can possibly think or ask ; for His Great and Dear Name's Sake : Amen. Boston, 21 July, 1S91. My Witness is in Heaven, AND My Record is on High! "Also now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and my record is on high." — Job i6 : 19. " Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you ; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven." — Luke 10 : 20. "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God ; and the books were opened ; and another book was opened, which is the book of life ; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." — Rev. 20 : 12. " And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie ; but they which are writ- ten in the Lamb's book of life." — Rev. 21 : 27. " And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." — Rev. 20 : 15. I. O what care I for scoffs and sneers Of unbelieving men ; and leers Of all the devil's ribald crew, Which to God's-hosts compared, are few? I Yea, what care I for kicks and cuffs, From that same, old-time, class of " roughs," Which crucified our Blessed Lord, Reviling thus, — Almighty God? ! My witness is in Heaven, And my record is on High ! (119) I20 II. Long years ago to Christ I came, His Righteousness and Blood to claim, By Faith, remission of all sin. Whereby Eternal Life we win ! I found The Lord, and He found me ! Gave me The Holy Ghost to see ! Aye, blessed me more than tongue can tell ! Gives me of Bliss to drink, — a well ! My witness is in Heaven, And my record is on High ! III. But for the unbelieving, — lost, — We care ; and save at any cost ! We mourn and grieve o'er sinful men, And strive to pluck them from the fen, Where Satan binds and damns his own ; In Hell forever hear them moan ! Yea, for the lost, we work and pray, That they with us, may truly say, — My witness is in Heaven, And my record is on High ! IV. O Christian sing, and Praise The Lord, Yea shout, and jump for joy to God ! That He has bought you with His Blood, And washed you clean in Calvary's Flood ! That in His Book on High, your name Is Writ by Angel's pen of flame ! That now you breathe, that priceless breath Of Life Eternal, which now saith, — My witness is in Heaven, And my record is on High ! 121 V. O sinner, lost, — make haste to come To Jesus now, and find Welcome, — Sweeter far, than sweetest, dearest Earthly treasure, — though the greatest ! Quickly take His Free Salvation ; Be enrolled in God's great Nation ! O can you say, — your name is llierc, — In The Lamb's Book of Life, — declare My witness is in Heaven, And my record is on High? ! VI. Make haste to come, dear sinner. Haste ! No longer. Life Eternal, waste ! But grasp by faith God's Wounded Hand, Which leads you to the " Promised Land ! " From Whence He " quickly" comes again. To gather all who here remain ; — His Blood-bought heirs, without delay. Who " Watch " and Pray, and surely say, — My witness is in Heaven, And my record is on High ! Amen and Amen; Alleluia. Note. With ever increasing gratitude for many Christ-like kindnesses, the above poem is affectionately dedicated to our dear Brother in Jesus, who is the faithful and loving Shepherd of St. Paul's Church in Washington, D. C., the Rev. Alfred Harding, — and who is greatly beloved by his dis- cerning People, and known and appreciated as a sweet savour of our Beloved. Boston: 28 July, 1891. 122 And may Almighty God Bless all the above and foregoing to you, dear reader, far more abundantly than we can possibly think or ask ; and may He grant that we so really love Him, as indeed to have our names written in " The Lamb's Book of Life" ; and so, surely meet each other " in the sweet by and by," in Christ's quickly coming and Glorious Realms of Everlasting Love, Peace, Jcy, and Rapture ; — Yea, may He grant all this, and more also, for the sake of the immac- ulate Righteousness, and most precious Blood of Jesus : Amen. IN MEMORIAM. " And Enoch walked with God ; and he was not ; for God took him." — Gen. 5 : 24. * * * << And Ehsha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. And he said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee ; but if not, it shall not be so. " And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder ; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. " And Elisha saw it, and he cried. My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more ; " * * * — 2 Kings 2 : 9-12. May The Lord Jesus most abundantly bless, and as to Him seemeth best, the accompanying Poem ; granting that it cheer, gladden, and rejoice the minds and hearts of God's children, quicken and revive them, and powerfully build them up in their most holy faith; and may He likewise through its instrumentality, turn many to righteous- ness ; and win and keep many precious, never-dying souls, to His own Divine Self, for ever and for aye ; and for His Great and Dear Name's Sake ; yea, for the sake of His glorious Righteousness, and most precious Blood : Amen. And to God The Father, and to God The Son, and to God The Holy Ghost, we joyously and lovingly ascribe all the Praise and Glory for ever and ever; Hosanna : Alleluia. iJ23) Surely he is Now in Paradise! "And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. " And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise." — Luke 23 : 42, 43. " For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." — 2 Cor. 5:1. "I knew a man in Christ * * * How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. — 2 Cor. 12 : 2-4. He has fought a long fight, and fought it well ; Rev. 6: 8. Through Christ, he has triumphed o'er Death and Hell ! Rev. 20: 14, 15. Now in PARADISE rests, in blissful calm, Victorious ! through The Blood of The Lamb ! Glory to God ! Alleluia ! II. Treasure in Heaven, He laid up while here; Glad voices of " dear ones " he must now hear ! For his converts, many, have gone before. Who now, but augment Heaven's joy, the more ! Glory to God ! Alleluia ! III. Far better still, now The Lord he must see ! For " the pure in heart shall see God ", as he ! Exodus 6: 3. j A king and priest to JEHOVAH is he. In rapture and bliss for ETERNITY I Glory to God ! Alleluia ! (124) 125 In Memoriani, Rev. Dr. Leo. Rosser. " Hequiescat in pace." (I wished to tell of him in such few words, that the poem would be ELOQUENT in what it DOES NOT SAY ! — S. B.) Bro. Rosser was an aged and distinguished Mission preacher all his long life in the Ministry, and even up to the time of his death at the age of Jj, last January. Great and powerful revivals of true. Biblical, and Christ-like Religion followed his preaching; he was a singularly spiritually minded man, and wonderfully illumined by The Holy Ghost. An old-time, Apostolic preacher indeed ! It would seem as if his head was always in Heaven, so to speak, while his faithful feet traveled the .straight and narrow Christian pilgrimage journey Home, — Sweet Home! Washington, 26 Jany. '92. " Here is the patience of the saints ; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. " And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them". — Rev. 14: 12, 13. IN MEMORIAM. " Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection : on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years." Rev. 20: 6. " Here is the patience of the saints ; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. " And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me. Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them." — Rev. 14: 12, 13. May Christ Almighty so Bless the accompanying Poem to you, dear reader, in true Repentance unto life, and in love for and obedience to His glorious Gospel, that you may indeed ever ex- perience sweet "joy and peace in believing", which is the " one thing needful " ; and consequently " fear your grave as little as your bed " ; and be able to joyously and exultantly exclaim with the Apostle St. Paul, — "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain"; yea, may He grant all this, and far more also, even more abundantly than we can possibly think or ask, for His Great and Dear Name's Sake : Amen. (127) Safe Now In Paradise. Luke 23 : 42, 43. "I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death ; O death, I will be thy plagues ; O grave, I will be thy destruc- tion ; * * * " — Hosea 13 : 14. u * * * J gjiy unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven." — Matt. 18 : 10. " * * * Death is swallowed up in victory. "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? "The sting of death is sin ; and the strength of sin is the law. " But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."— i Cor. 15 : 54, 57- u * * * Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ ; which is far better." — Phil, i 123. When dismal, dreadful, direful death, Sweeps swiftly down upon our homes; We remember what Jesus saith, Of a soul that in Heaven roams ! To die in Me, is to find Rest ! To die in Me, is to be Blest ! To die in Me, then be my guest ! Find my Home, your eternal nest; Safe now in Paradise ! II. When cruel, chilly, condign death Comes, — the sure penalty of sin; We remember what Jesus saith, That we His Promises may win, (128) 129 Believe in Me, and never die ! Believe in Me, and live for aye ! Believe in Me, and cast-the-die Which makes your throne with Me on High ! Safe now in Paradise ! III. So death strikes, and our loved ones die, — But to fall asleep in Jesus ! His sheep again shall never sigh; All His lambs shall surely meet us. Though death has done its dreary work, Still we rejoice with angel hosts, That for our precious dead, can lurk No breath of harm, amidst God's-Hosts ! Safe now in Paradise ! IV. O the pain, heart aching sorrow. When death claims Christ's lambs — our darlings! Earthly grief comes with the morrow ; Heaven's joy, to these dear starlings ! Be Comforted, and Praise The Lord, Whose precious Blood atones for sin, Brings harmony out of discord, Victory in death ; wings to Him ! Safe now in Paradise ! But O ! how bitter-sad to think, They are gone from earth forever ! Our darlings' eyes in laughter wink, We ne'er shall see, till death sever The silver cord which binds us here, And we " go sweeping through the Gates," To meet them with our Lord, and hear Forevermore His Voice, and theirs Safe now in Paradise ! I30 VI. But O reflect and remember, They are in blissful Rest, and free From all earth's ills, woes, and danger; — Troubles, trials, toils ne'er shall see ! Life's irksomeness past forever ! Satan and sin now overcome ! Enraptured in every member ! They see God's Face ! and are welcome, Safe now in Paradise ! In Memoriam, — One of Christ's bright and precious lambs, Emily Silli man Mathewson, aged 13 years; whom our Lord suddenly permitted to go up Higher, May 31st, 1892. She was one of those inexpressibly dear little sweets, who like some one of the apparently little stars in the firmament, SHINE OUT and shine on so silently, quietly, and yet so beautifully for all who have eyes to see : this darling whom our Lord has permitted to enter into her Rest, wonderfully exhibited the supernatural and divine reflection of The Loving Spirit of Jesus in her every day life, from the first to the last. A most unusually quiet, unobtrusive, modest, and precious little child ; AND YET SHINING FOR JESUS ALL THE TLME ! She was indeed a sweet-savour of Jesus ! May we take and keep the kingdom of God, (Mark 10:15), as she did! Surely Christ's lambs point us Heavenwards; and lead to His own Divine Self. Amen. Dedicated to Rev. Dr. R. S. Storrs. "PEACE BE UNTO YOU" JOHN 20 : 19, 21, 26. (131) Muse of Jesus, THAT God Be In All Our Thoughts! " Wait on the Lord : be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." — Ps. 27 : 14. "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him." — Ps. 62 : 5. When the day's wearisome work is done, And the setting Sun foreshadows Sweet, peaceful, restful Eve, soon to come ; And the herd now returning, lows ; When soft twilight deepens into night, And the bright stars come out and shine, When gentle quiet comes, as by right, O then, at such auspicious time, I love to sit alone And think of God ! II. When up in the grand old Mountains high, Away from town's busy bustle. When the evening's shadows spread and lie So still, mute, without a rustle ! And when the landscape all is tinted With golden hues, of grand Sun-set; When mountain tops in height ne'er stinted, Gleam in light of rising planet; I love to sit alone And commune with God ! (132) ^33 III. When by old Ocean's fair, pleasant shore, The shades of coming night o'er spread, And the sea-birds, on high pinion soar ; When full-moon lightens darkness dread, - Casts silvery sheen o'er white-cap wave. Which tumble on the beach with roarl When twinkling stars the firmament pave. And all speaks peace to the heart's core ; I love to sit alone And pray to God ! IV. When on the wide, far, outstretching Plain, Passing day ushers in the night ; The fowls in quick flight, make haste to gain A roosting-place whereon to light ; On downy sod, on my back I lie. Feast my eyes upon the heavens ; Watch the brilliant constellations hie Their bright march in mystic sevens ! I love to be alone And muse of God ! V. Thus where'er I go, where'er I be, On plain, mountain, or by sea shore : Whatever my eye perchance shall see : Fall on ear, sounds of nature's lore : Or whate'er may occupy my mind. Still there are precious musing times, For which the heart oft seeks to find Place and opportunity betimes, To be alone and pray, And wait on God ! 134 And may Christ Almighty Bless this to you, dear reader and hearer, in perfect Peace, and in perfect Love, and in Joy and Right- eousness in The Holy Ghost; yea, in ever-increasing, ever-abiding, Pentecostal, and Divine Power: for His Great and Dear Name's Sake: Amen. Boston: July 23d, 1892. This copy of an old and renowned picture is herewith reproduced, in order to give the eye and mind an " object lesson ", as a point from which the imagination can begin to think of Christ Almighty, as He hung upon the Cross: and as He may teach us by His Infallible Word and Holy Ghost, so to meditate; for the soul's present good and Eternal welfare. ECCE! "JESUS HOMINUM SALVATOR ". " As many were astonied at thee ; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men ". — Isa. 52 : 14. " But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniq- uities : the chastisement of our peace was upon him ; and with his stripes we are healed". '< * * * and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all". "He was oppressed and he was afflicted, * * *" "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him : he hath put him to grief : * * *" « * * * for he shall bear their iniquities". " * * * he hath poured out his soul unto death ; and he was numbered with the transgressors ; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors ". — Isa. 53 : 5-12. "SIC DEUS DILEXIT MUNDUM"! (136) Behold God's Face on Calvary, 'AND His Wondrous Love for You! " Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth : for I am God, and there is none else." — Lsa. 45 : 22. " And there were also two other, malefactors, led with him to be put to death." " And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou ccmest into thy kingdom, " And Jesus said unto him. Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." — Luke 23 : 32, 42, 43. " And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up : "That whosoever believethin him should not perish, but have eternal life." — John 3 : 14, 15. See also, Sol. Song 5 : 9-16. Rev. i : 12-1S. O Great Saviour, sweet and winsome, Majestic, precious and Divine : Thy beauty and thy loveliness Prevail, and are to me sublime ! O Mighty King, and Blessed Lord. Thou, " fairer than the sons of men " ; Thy sweetness and thy gentleness Transcend in glory, mortal ken ! Behold God's face on Calvary ! And His Great Love for sinful-me. Sacrificed on accursed Tree ! O Bleeding Saviour set us free ! (137) 138 11. O Bridegroom strong and loveable, Thou, " the fairest among women," Thy royal grace, and touch, and Voice Make for me on earth, a heaven ! O JESUS, Shepherd, Priest and GOD, Thou, " chiefest among ten thousand," Thy heavenly and perfect Form, Win, and draw me to Canaan's-land ! Behold God's Face on Calvary ! And His Great Love for sinful-mc. Sacrificed on accursed Tree ! O Bleeding Saviour set us free ! III. O Christ-Beloved, King of Love, Thou, " altogether lovely" One, Thy thorn-crowned Head and Bleeding Heart, O'ercome, and tell Thy Vic'try won I Thy Vic'try won o'er sin and death, And Hell, and my poor sinful heart ! And now I see Thy Holy Face, And Side, once pierced with cruel dart ! Behold God's Face on Calvary ! And His Great Love for sinful-me. Sacrificed on accursed Tree ! O Bleeding Saviour set us free ! IV. By faith we see Thy Holy Face, isa. 52 : 14. All marred and scarred and agonized, Thine Eyes with tears and Blood bedewed, Sol. Song 5 : i6- J Xhv " Mouth most sweet ", how tantalized ! John 19 : 29. i -' Thy Brow ! O that Majestic Brow ! Wrenched with pain excruciating, 139 Sorrowing Agony untold, Bespeak unutterable woe ! Behold God's Face on Calvary ! And His Great Love for sinful-me, Sacrificed on^ accursed Tree ! O Bleeding Saviour set us free ! V. O my God ! my heart is broken ! By Thy Love I am overwhelmed ! Thou hast won my heart a captive, As my will in Thine betokens ! Now all my being yields to Thee, Ex. 21 : 6. Thy willing, loving, faithful slave ! 'T is my delight to work for Thee, Dan. 12 : 3. And shiuc, as stars the heavens pave ! Behold God's Face on Calvary ! And His Great Love for sinful-me, Sacrificed on accursed Tree ! We love, adore, and worship Thee ! Amen : Alleluia. Rev. 19 : 4. O Lord God Almighty, Bless this song of deep and loving Repent- ance unto Life, to every precious and never-dying soul that shall ever see, read, and hear it, in all Thy Divine might and power most abun- dantly ; to the Praise and Glory of Thy Holy Name ; and for the sake of Thine own glorious Righteousness and precious Blood : Amen. Boston, "Good FRroAv"; 31 Mch. 1893, NoTA Bene ; — In behalf of " Christian Unity " ; and because we love all, who also and likewise love our Beloved in sincerity and in truth ; and be- cause "it is written", — "he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen ? " ( 1 John 4 : 20), — this Poem is affectionately dedicated to Cardinal Gibbons. " VIA, ET VERITAS, ET VITA ". " Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteous- ness ; by whose stripes ye were healed. " For ye were as sheep going astray ; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls." — i Peter 2 : 24, 25. " That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ : " Whom having not seen, ye love : in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory ". — i Peter i : 7, 8. " * * * be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life". — Rev. 2 : 10. " And, behold, I come quickly ; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be ". — Rev. 22 : 12. 4( VENITE ADOREMUS DOMINUM". (140) Concluding Prayer. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, Thou Great Jehovah, again we beseech Thee to Bless every word and picture in this little volume in Divine Power, and in Heavenly Love and Joy in The Holy Spirit, to every precious and immortal soul that shall ever see, read and hear its contents ; and make it in very truth, a "sweet savour" of Jesus, and a winsome "means of grace" to all; and cause, what is our first and greatest desire, that it turn many to righteousness, and win very many to Jesus as God and Saviour; and through its Instrumentality shine within every one, more and more, the Light of the knowledge of Thy Beauty, Glory, Majesty, Love- liness, Loveableness, Grace, Truth, and Resplendent Divinity, shining in The Face of Jesus crucified, and now glorified, and "quickly" coming again in the clouds to take to Thine Own Self, Thy Bride, even The Church of The Loving SPIRIT of The Living God; and grant that we all be found ready and Watching, like the "wise virgins," and full of Faith, Love, and The Holy Ghost, when sooner or later. Thou shalt come to make up Thy jewels ; and so by Thine Almighty Grace, grant that we shall all meet, to greet each other again around Thy Glorious Throne, and in Thy Rapt- urous Presence, Where there is fulness of joy and pleasures forevermore ; and Where, we being pure in heart, shall know ecstatic bliss and rapture throughout the endless cycles of ETERNITY in beholding JESUS, and the "Beatific Vision"; and Where we shall be ever thrilled with Thy Infi- nite Love, In joyous and loving service and worship to Thee, our Mighty "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS"; O grant all this, and far more also, for the SAKE OF Thine own glorious Righteousness and most PRECIOUS Blood, in Thine Adorable Person of Christ Almighty : Amen. Boston: 30 May, 1893. (141) ii Umn CORPUS suMus m Christo " ! X ex CSC cu U4 V5 CD CO o U4 CO X CD m tn m <3 CI? ?; /FRA AXGEUCOA CHRIST ENTHRONED. "DOlHIitllS REGflflVlT." "OEDS, DEUS MEDS." " DIIjIGfilB TE, DOMIJiE." ALFRED MUDGE & SON, PRINTERS, 24 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass., U. S. A., July, 1893. ■^t aiiiiiif 1 016 115 725 9 y. ^ ?5»^g^i-