ALL GOODS FROM THE f GENERAL OFFICES: i i^?;§\^2?AVi|.i8*C*lfilSE*S^I^VIfcCT f CHICAGO, ILL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING GOODS. Orders for Goods should be Plain and Explicit. Name the Goods first, and give your directions about them after. Never ask q^iestions on same paper as order. BY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING, DELAYS AND ERRORS MAY BE AVOIDED. WEITE YOUR NAME IN FULL, GIVING POST-OFFICE, COUNTY AND STATE, ALSO STREET AND NUMBER IN CITIES AND LARGE TOWNS ; Amount of money en- closed ; also specify if goods are to be forwarded by MAIL, EXPRESS or FREIGHT; if by MAIL, REGISTERED or not; if by EXPRESS, name of nearest office; if by FREIGHT, name of line, if possible. Under the present POSTAL LAWS, Parcels weighing Foiir Pounds, or less, mav be delivered through the Mails at the rate of one cent per ounce. NO LETTER OF INSTRUCTION OR WRITING OF ANY KIND IS ALLOWED INSIDE OF PACKAGE UNDER PENALTY OF SUBJECTING THE ENTIRE PACKAGE TO LETTER POSTAGE— TWO CENTS FOR EVERY OUNCE. The recent change in the postal laws allows the sending of SEALED PACKAGES at the rate of two cents an ounce. For packages of only a few ounces weight, we decidedly recommend this method of mailing, the slight additional expense being much more than compensated by the increased security. Packages maybe REGISTERED for Ten Cents additional, which is an almost sure guarantee against loss. We advise Registration in all cases. Always give the number of the article ordered, with the page on which it is found, and state whether we shall substitute some- thing as near as possible, or not, if the goods ordered are sold ou*'. It is best to make a first and second choice, so that in case the first is gone when the order is received, the second may be sent and thus save time. On receipt of an order which will require delay in shipment," we acknowledge it at once and state cause ; therefore, if after waiting a reasonable time, no acknowledgement is received, please notify us, enclosing a duplicate of the order, and state how your money was sent. Many packages are now carried as cheaply by Express as they can go by mail, with the additional security of having the COM- PANY responsible. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for Goods forwarded by Mail, unless the Package be Registered. The examination of packages by POST-OFFICE OFFICIALS prevents this. When forwarded by Express the COMPANY is responsible. To the majority of places west of the Mississippi River, pack- ages weighing less th.\n two podnds (2 lbs.) go cheapest by Mail ; those weighing 2 lbs. and over go cheapest by Express. By the United States Postal Laws, Glass, Liquids, Powders and Needles cannot be Mailed. They can be sent by Express only. . . If, upon receipt of order, we should be delayed, notice will be given by Postal Card. Correspondence (when necessary) will follow the day after shipment of goods. Bills, when remittance just covers goods, will not be sent ; and when return of money is necessary, the postage thereon will be charged, same as on the goods. S@^Bill9 are not allowed in packages of Goods by Mail, and it is not safe to send money so. TERMS: INVARIABLY CASH WITH THE ORDER. HOW TO SEND MONEY. In remitting Money, a Post-Office Order drawn to the order of The Home Supply Association, 315 to 321 Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI. If the original order is lost, a duplicate will be issued upon application (giving number of order ), which ensures the owner from loss. Be sure to retain Number of Order. Money may be forwarded by Registered Letter when Post- Olfice Order cannot be had ; by Draft on Chicago, or by Express Money Order, drawn to the order of The Home Supply Associa- tion, or by the new Postal Note for sums of $5.00 and less. POSTAL NOTES.— The new Postal Notes for sums under S5.00 can be procured at any Post-Office on payment of 3c. ad- ditional to the amount desired. These notes are payable at any Post-Office in the tfnited States, and are a convenience to the sender, inasmuch as stamps or silver are not required to make the necessary change. MONEY ORDERS.— For amounts of io.OO and over, Post- Office Money Orders are issued at lower rates than have hitherto existed, as follows : Fees or charges for Domestic Money Orders not exceeding $10.00, ... - gc. For Orders exceeding $10.00 and not exceeding $15.00, 10c. 15.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 30.00, 15c. 40.00, 20c. 50.00, 25c. 60.00, 30c. 70.00, 35c. 80.00, 40c. 100.00, 45c. REGISTRATION OF MERCHANDISE AND LETTERS— Is lOc additional to the regular postal rates, either for letters or packages. This is an inexpensive and sure way to send pack- ages and letters safely by mail. UTSTREGISTERED MALL.— We cannot hold ourselves re- sponsible for unregistered letters containing money or merchan- dase packages. POSTAL RATES FOR MERCHANDISE BY MAIL— Is Ic. per ounce. No writing of any description is allowable inside a mail package of merchandise, except at first-class postage rates, 2c. per ounce. The package must be securely wrapped and tied — not sealed — and must not weigh over 64 ounces. No article that would be likely to damage the contents of a mail bag can be sent through the mails. BI_i-<^2ST:^ OI5^)E]ie I^OI^nivCS a^xe ZE^-u-xrLisirLed. I^ree, ALWAYS USE THE 31. SEE LAST PAGE. -i^N- ABBREVIATED CATALOGUE OF MERCHANDISE ,/ SUPPLIED EXCLUSIVELY TO MEMBERS OF The Home Supply flssoci/iTioN AND MANUFACTURED AND FURNISHED BY THE ASSOCIATION'S AT CONFIDENTIAL COST PRICES. FOR PRICES TO MEMBERS EXAMINE THE SECRET KEY. ,.p=r3C?k_^'-- s- — -aV^ <^M [General Offices for all orders: 315 to 321 Waba = h Avenue and 38 to 48 Congress Street, CHICAGO ILL] ne;,w method of doing business. The 3<»0,()()0 Families now members and organized under the firm name "The Home Supply Association," Constitute one enormous cash customer, and as sucli wield a tremendous influence, wliich secures the very lowest Factory prices. The vast quantities of supplies thus pur- chased througliout the Association's ONP] OFFICE, andVithout the expensive handling of middlemen, makes a .nistematic distribu- tion so economic, reliable and rapid as is des- tined to eclipse the brilliant success of the great European co-operative enterprises. REFERENCE TO GUARANTEE SAFETY TO MEMBERS: First National Bank of Chicago, III., or if you are a su'oscriber, Dunn & Bradstreet s Commercial Aaencies. CONTENTS. .6>V-^ NEW FACTORIES ARE CONSTANTLY JOINING- THE ASSOCIATION. CATALOGUES OF THEIR WARES WILL BE SUPPLIED MEMBERS. All kinds of Goods not Mentioned in this Catalogue will be Furnished to Members. A CLEAR SAVING OF 10 TO 50 PER CENT. ON EVERYTHING YOU PURCHASE. PAGES. Agiifultuial Implements 1 to '6 Buggies, Carriages, etc 4 to 7 Harness, Saddles, "Whips, etc 8 to 13 Hardwai'e, Cutlery and Mechanics' Tools . . 14 to 19 Sporting Goods, Games, etc 20 to 25 Fire Arms ; 26 to 28 Bicycles 29 to 30 Sewing Machines . •. . . . 30 to 31 Type Writers 32 Furniture, Carpets, etc 33 to 37 Upholsteiy 38 to 41 Crockery, China, Glassware 42 to 48 Lamps ■. 49 to 52 Kitchen Utensils, Wooden Ware, etc 53 to 57 Stoves, Furnaces, etc 58 to Gl Clocks and Statuary 02 to 69 Silverwai'e 70 to 78 Watches 79 to 81 Je\velry 82 to 87 Optical and Surveyors' Goods 88 to 92 Clothing, Men's and Boys' Suits and Fur- nishing Goods ISO to 187 Trunks, Valises and Bags 188 to 191 Groceries and Provisions 192 to 20;2 Books, Teachers' and Family Bibles, etc. . 205 to 219 Drugs, Medicine and Toilet Goods 202 to 204 Blank Books 220 Stationery 221 to 223 Albums and Scrap Books 224 to 226 Music, Vocal and Instrumental 229 to 231 Musical Instruments, Pianos, Organs, etc. . 232 to 238 Artists' Materials and Wall Paper 179 Plush Cloaks 93 to 95 Jerseys 90 Children's Suits 97 to 100 Shawls 100 FAGES. Ladies' and Children's Night Robes l^l to 104 Chemises 105 to 106 Drawers 107 Corset Covers 108 to 109 Skirts 110 to 111 Infants' Long Slips 112 Infants' Skirts 113 Ladies' Underwear 114 Corsets, Forms and Bustles 115 to li'l Ladies' Collars and Cuffs 1 22 to 124 Gloves 1 2; to 1 26 Hosiery and Merino Lender wear 127 to 1 28 Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, etc 129 to 131 Dress Goods (Colored) and Silk 132 to 133 Black Dress Goods 14(5 Ribbons, Fringes, Furs, etc . 134 to 135 Buttons 136 Linen Goods 137 to 140 Underwear 141 to 145 Dress Linings 147 Umbrellas 148 Shoes 149 Notions 150 to 153 Laces 154 to 156 Lace Scarfs, etc 156 to 158 Neckwear 159 to 161 Ruchings and Embroideries 162 to 1,64 Torchon, Valenciennes, Medicis and Fancy Wash Laces Kio to 167 Crepe Lisse, Skirt Rufflings, Chemisettes, Lace Collars, etc 168 to 169 Table Covers 170 Toilet Cases ' 170 Qunds; wheels, axles and tire same as No. A. springs, best quality, 3 body springs and 2 end springs; painting and trimming, same as No. 3. Price No. 3. END-SPRING PIANO-BOX BUGGY. This buggy occupies a leading place among Ijuyers of stylish, easy-riding vehicles. Weight, 290 pounds; capacity, 450 pounds; wheels, A grade plain wood hub or Sarven patent' 3 feet 8 inches and 3 feet 11 inches high; anti-rattle slot fifth wheel; steel "ire. JgxS-ie inches, round edge; steel axle=.'l5-l« or lU inch: oil-tempered Swede steel springs, l^i inch, 4 plates, hung low and easy riding. The seav is our patent- "lag no ;)olnts"it is stronger, handsomer and lighter than any other seat in use. blue cloth, or colored leather. Price, veneer "Combination.'' Painting, dark color^ top, all leather. Seat is trimmed witn gr'j---:; r." rOB PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. CARRIAGES, ETC.— Continued. No. 16. EXTENSION-TOP CARIIIAGE. This Is one of the most desirable family carriages we build. The stock is excellent throughout, and the price is moderate. The wheels are wood hub, 3 feet 2 inches and 4 feet 2 inches high. The tire is steel, round edge, J^x3-16 inch. The springs are best Swede steel, oil-tempered, full elliptic; axles, standard .size, li^-inch steel, double collars. The back axle has coach beds; the front axle is fan-tailed, and is finished with a bed piece, etc. The practical advantages of a full platform gear are secured in this carriage by the " cut-under," which admits of very short turning. The large double fen- ders protect the occupants from mud and dust. The trimmings are wool-dyed English cloth, or hand-bufEed leather. The top, together with the back and quarter curtains, are made of fine hand-buffed leather. The front curtains are made of the best pebbled rubber, cloth-lined, and the cushions and front lazy-back are upholstered with long curled hair. Tlie back on the rear seat is deep and full, being built on soft springs, and upholstered with hair. The width between bows is 41 inches. At a slight additional cost we can supply reversible lazy-backs on the front seat, if wanted. This carriage is suit- able for use with either one or two horses, as its weight is but 525 lbs. We supply heavier axles, etc., on special orders only. Price, No. 7. TWO-SPRING PHAETON. This is our standard bracket-front phaeton. We offer it as being the best constructed vcliicle in every detail that can be produced for the price. Its cost is moderate, and it affords all the comfort, with a great deal of the elegance, of our phaetons of the highest class. The shape of the bracket front conforms to the natural position of the feet, and the angle of the panel underneath the seat-fall affords to the occupants an ease of position attained in no other phaeton. The top is of fine hand-ljuffed leather throughout. The trimmings are of wool-dyed English cloth, or hand-buffed leather, and the cushion and spring-back are upholstered with curled hair. The wheels are A-grade, 3 feet 6 inches and 4 feet high. The tire is steel, round-edged, %x3-16 inch. The axles arc steel, double sand collar, 15-16 inch. The springs are full elliptic, and are made of best Swede steel. Width between bows. 43 inches. Weight, 300 lbs. Price. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CARRIAGES, ETC.— Continued. In offering this handsome driving Sleigh to our trade, we wish to call attention to its many important features. In its construction ^e have com- bined artistic beauty in style, lightness, great strength, superior workmanship and finish. All parts, both wood and iron, are made over formers, and in case of breakage an exact duplicate can be obtained. The patent standards are steel plated and warranted not to break or bend. Their weight is one- third less than that of any other standard of equal strength. The seat bar is hinged, which together with the patent standards render this sleigh entirely free to twist and adapt itself to uneven roads, without injury to Itself or any of its parts, doing away with the disagreeable rumble and jar common to other sleighs. This feature also reduces the draft and makes it lighter than is possible to attain in any other sleigh. In order to give the horse extra- heel room, we have given more width across the front between the runners than can be shown in any other sleigh designed for first-class road work. The body is secured throughout by patent fasteners. The long braces are made of fine drawn steel with Norway iron ends. The paneled bottom dash is connected with the runner by iron fasteners. Shaft hangers are made of Norway iron and are hand-forged. The panels are bent in two directions, thus giving them great strength and handsome surfaces. In fact every detail of construction has received the most careful attention that skill can bestow, and our customers will bear us out in the assertion that never before has the art of sleigh building attained such perfection. AVe finish these Sleighs in com- binations of dark olive green and black, wilh moldings, suitably contrasted and relieved by fine line striping. We can also supply carmine-glazed gears. Arm and dash rails, etc., are silver plated. Trimmings are dark olive green English wool-dyed cloth. Cushions and backs are stuffed with hair. Weight, 85 lbs. Price, No. 157. GROCERS' DELIVERY WAGON. Light and convenient delivery wagon for grocers and merchants, l^jx? iron axle; wheels, 3 feet 8 inches and 4 feet 2 inches; tire, 1J4X% steel; SDrings, l?^x5 los front; l}^x5 los hind; length of body, 7 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches; depth, 10 inches; weight, 47.") lbs. ; rapacity 1 000 ".bs Price, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. HARNESS. For the convenience and benefit of Farmers and others residing in tlie country, we have arranged with some of the most celebrated manufacturers to supply them with Harness of all descriptions, together with all kinds of furnishings required where horses are kept. SPECIAL HARNESS LEADERS. Single Buggy Harness. No. 2X. Well made of good stock, traces doubled and stitched, breast collar and breeching nicely folded, with stitched lay for extra strength ; flashy bridle with nickel chain front, and nickel rosettes : gig saddle and breast collar silver trimmed. No. 3X. This is, without exception, the best seller ever ofEered the trade. The general style of this harness is simply elegant. All trimmings are the best genuine nickel, and are fine quality com- position. Or, if desired, we give the same harness with the cele- brated Davis rubber trimmings, which are now so popular, made up in better shape and of better stock than our No. 3. No. 4TX. An elegant single-strap buggy harness, in which traces, breeching, breast collar, etc. , are of single thickness, but of such fine selection of stock as to combine strength and neatness in every part. For this style of harness we defy competition. Will fur- nish either with " A 1 " nickel or Davis rubber trimmings. No. 49X. This harness, for a genuine •■drive," excels all others placed upon the market. While made in the same general style as 47X, greater care is taken in the selection of stock, and the work- manship is the best. We cannot recommend this harness too highlj% as it is all hand-made and strictly first-class in every respect. A fine track-lMi-nests, in either fine nickel or Davis rubber trimmings, that No. SOX. For an elegant business harness our No. 30 heads the list by an overwhelming majority. Hand-made throughout, finest possible selection of stock ; traces, breeching, breast collar, belly bands, etc., doubled and stitched or folded with neat lay, fancy patterns of trimmings, either best nickel or Davis rubber. This harness is at once the embodiment of elegance and durability. Double Buggy Harness. No. 102X. For a cheap, neat, light, double-driving harness this makes the best seller known to the trader' Traces are doubled and stitched, bridle made with over-head check, fancy rosettes and fronts ; fine, light collars, and everything complete ; trimmings, fine X silver ; well worth |25 00 to $30 00, but costs you only No. 105X. Will give you a fine leader in better grade of work. The general style of this harness is excellent and very pleasing. Being well made and of good stock, satisfaction is insured to the buyers. Traces are 1 inch wide, doubled and stitched, and balance of har- ness in proportion ; fine patent-leather collars to match ; trimmings, either nickel oj Davis rubber. No. IIOX. The acme of all that is desirable in an elegant, light, driving harness ; material and workmanship literally flrst-class ; hand-made throughout. General style absolutely beyond criticism ; traces 1 inch, doubled and stitched, fine box loops in hame tugs and bridle, fancy chain fronts, fine rosettes, fine patent-leather collars, trimmings either first quality nickel or celebrated Davis rubber. Heavy Draft or Farm Harness. Lack of space and time prevents us from describing separately each of the following harness, but they are all genuine bargains: No. PiiR Set. B X C. Trimmed, complete with collar, snaps, etc C " " " " " D " " extra pad, " ■' .... E " " Concord pad, " " Web Halters. A good 12-cord Web Haller, with firm rope tie. A genuine 2")c. each. Made of 13-cord Web, extra large ; fine trimmings ; heavy roin.' No. 12R. drive. No. 13X tie, at No. 60X. Strongest Web Halter ever made ; can be used for either halter or bridle, or both. All hand-made, of extra quality rein web, and besi trimmings. Greatest bargain for actual value in the market, each. No. SOX. Finest Web Halter on earth. Made of fine heavy white web. nicely faced with fancy braided cloth in assorted colors ; can be used as either bridle or halter. Leather Halters. No. 9X Made of good heavy leather, patent Excelsior 5-ring trimmings, 1 inch throughout ; good, long, leather tie or stale ; rapid seller. No. lORX. Regular 5-ring leather halter, made of best stock, 1 inch wide, good, long tie-strap or stale, No. lOX. Five-ring leather halter, extra select stock, all hand-sewed, extra good leather tie-strap or stale, BUGGY WHIPS. From our 300 styles of Whips we select our best leaders, and quote below the finest line of Scheme Whips ever offered in one lot. It is impossible to point out separately their different points of merit, but all are bona fide first-class. Java Whips, Drop Tops. No. Each. •5. 3i.i ft. stock, russet and buff, 18-inch drop, full length of whip 5 ft. , two painted buttons, loop snap U). 41^ ft. stock, black and russet, 18-inch drop, full length of whip 6 ft., two painted buttons, loop snap Straight Java Whips. 5^.< to 6^2 ft- long, fancy handles, all prices, each. Rawhide Center Whips. .5i.< to 6 ft. long, each. We also carry a large stock of Express, Team, Drove and Riding Whips, orders for which will receive prompt and careful attention. BELLS. Elegant Sleigh and Chime Bells. What is a sleigh-ride without the merry, chiming bells ? The following are all selected for "big margins " ; they lead the van. The better chimes are all perfectly attuned, giving forth a harmonious, resonant sound, de- lightful to the ear. These are the true charm of the sleigh-ride, and hence are sold at first sight. Order any here given. You cannot go astray, for all are excellent. We can supply all other kinds of Bells, as Russian chimes, in nickel and gold, at all prices In sets of three for double harness, ' Common Body Strap Sleigh Bells, each, either riveted 01 wire fastened. Plush Lap Robes, Japanese Wolf Robes, each. FOR PRICES, KXAMINK MKM liEIJiS'' SECRET KEY, HACHIITE STITCHED SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. Saddle— 3i inch, No. 180, % bearers and ^ billets. Tu.\CE8 —1 inch, doubled and stitched. Breast Collar — Folded with layers. Neck Strap— Folded with layers. Breeching — Folded with layers. We use Ortmayer's Patent Gig Saddle in all our Harness, unless old style Patent Leather is specified in orders Bridle — % inch cheek, and ^ inch flat checks. Hip Straps—^ ineh. Side Straps — % inch. Lines — % inch, russet or black. MACHINE STITCHED SINGLE EXPRESS, OR BUSINESS HARNESS. No. 180. No. isl. Traces — 1% inch with cockeyes. Saddle — i)4 i°ch, Ortmayer's patent. Back B.ands — \}^ inch. Hames — Wood, high top Hip Straps — Jg inch. Side Straps- 1 inch. Blind Bridle — % inch. Lines — 1 inch. Traces— 1).^ inch with cockeyes. Saddle — 4 inch Ortmayer patent, Back Bands — H inch. Billets— 1 inch. Hames — Wood, low top. Hip Sru.\ps — % inch. Side Straps- 1 inch. Blind Bridle — % inch. Lines — 1 inch. No Collars included. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. MACHINE STITCHED DOUBLE BUGGY EABNESS. No. 1. Coach Pads No. 3 Iron Hames — 3i pounds. Traces — 1 inch. Breast Strap — 1 inch. Lines— f inch, 1 inch Hand Parts. No. 2. Coach Pads No. 2. Iron Hames — 3i pounds. Traces — 1^ inch. Breast Straps — 1| inch. Lines — | inch, 1 inch Hnnd Parts. No. 3. Coach Pads No. 3. Wood Coach Hames. Traces — IJ inch (with Cockeyes, if desired ) Breast Straps — IJ inch. Lines — J inch, 1 inch Hand Parts. Bridles — f inch, with flat Side Reins or Over Checks. Traces — Doubled and ititched. Trace Beaberb — Doubled and stitched. Choke Straps— 1 inch. No Collars Included. MACHINE STITCHED DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS. No. 130. Traces and Tnos — IJ inch. Back Straps — 1 inch. Hip Straps— i inch. Lines— J inch, 18 feet. Bund Bridles — f inch. Breast Strap and Neck Yoke — ".J inch. No. 311. Tr.aces — IJ inch. Back Straps — 1 inch. Hip Straps — J inch. Lines — J inch, 18 feet long. Blind Bridie — I inch. Breast Strap and Neck Yoke— 1 J inch. No Collars Included. FOR PRICES, EXAMIKE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 11 No. 40— WOOD SWEAT SCRAPER. The best made. No. 39— ENGLISH CLIPPING SHEARS. English clipping shears with leather-covered bows, 7i in. long. WEB HALTERS. No. 1—13 (Jord, Rope Stales; pony and 11 cord colt. Price, either kind, per doz. also 11 cord NECE-TOKE MARTINGALES. No. 2—U in. No. 3—1 J in. No. 4—3 in. No 5 — li in. double. FIVE-RING HALTER. Halter and Hitching Strap made of black leather with loops. No. 6 — Size pg inch. No. 8 — Size Jg inch. No. 7 — Size ^i inch. No 9— Size 1 inch. No. 10 — Size II4 inches. Same with buckles instead of loops cost 90 cents additional. No. 11— Five-Ring Halters with Stales, sewed, 1 inch or 134 inch size same price; l^i inch size, 30 cents extra. No. Hi — Five-Ring Halter, riveted and mi stales; sizes, 1 inch and 1 '4' inches, same price. No. 12 — Leather Neck Halters, stales with snaps, 1 inch size; II4 inch, 15 cents extra; 1 J^ inch, 20 cents extra. CALIFORNIA SINCHES. No. 30 — 33 strand, C cord, 2 bar, white hair. No. 31 — 24 strand, 8 cord, diamond center, white hair. No. 32 — 18 strand, 6 cord, 1 bar, Angora goat, white hair. Very soft and fine. No. 33— Hair Sinches, 4 inch, plain gray. No. 31 — 5 inch size. No. 35—6 inch size. RIDING BRIDLES. Any of the following are in either russet or black leather. No. 35 — Plain bridle with martingales. No. 36 — With polished ring bit and martingales- No. 37^Flat bridle, J^ inch wide, single rein, C plated snaffle bit and buck rein, martingales to match. No. 38 — Round bridle with single cheek pieces and single rein, nickel curb or snaffle bit, mar- tingales to match. No. 41— HANDICAP HORSE CLIPPERS. With ebony handle and first quality. HORSE AND IfflULE COLLARS. BE SURE TO GIVE SIZE WANTED. Horses— 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 inches. Mules— 14, 15, 16 and 17 inches. Extra sizes cost 20 per cent. more. No. 13 — Spooner Patent Collar, wool stuffed imitation Scotch case, medium welt, all thong sewed by hand, made from heavy collar leather, kip faced, one buckle and peak. More durable than any ordinary collar made. Price each. No. 14 — Dray Collar, is a cased Collar, hair faced, made of the best stock, all hand stitched, projecting shoulders, finished with one buckle and peak. No. 15— Draft Collar, is made of best collar leather, medium heavy, made and stitched by hand throughout. All stitching is done with leather thongs or whangs. Broad welt, one buckle and peak on top. No. 16 — Draft Collar, made of hog hide, rim sewed on with thongs, thread sewed outside, finished with buckle and peak. No 17 — Duck Collar, made wholly of cotton duck, with leather pad on top and leather welt all around. No. 18 — Buggy Collar, made of plain leather. No. 19— Draft Welted Collar, kip black, split rim. Baker kersey lined. No. 20^Imitation Case Collar, wool stufled, all black, all thong stitched, made of best mate- rial, one buckle and peak on top. No. 21— Draft, Welted Leather Collar, half Sn-eeney, kip back, leather lined. No. 23— SWEAT COLLARS. Small, enam- eled cloth, for light team collar, tick lined. No. 23^Small, sheepskin, for light team col- lars, tick lined. No. 24 — Large, enameled cloth, for extra heavy collars, tick lined. No. 35 — Large, sheepskin, for extra heavy col- lars, tick lined. No. 26— COLLAR PADS. Sheepskin lined, stuffed with deer's hair, medium size. No. 26J — Same as No. 26, large size. No. 27— Sole Leather Collar Pads, for light team collars. No. 38 — Same for heavy team. No. 29 — Same for heavy truck and Scotch collars. No. 42— CLIPPING COMB. Made of German sUver, 7J^ inches long. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. NO. 14. NEVADA, FAIK. Morgan muley tree, fenders and seat in one piece, tapederos, single cincli rigged, hair cinch. Fancy stamped. No. 01. MAN'S BEST. Rose tree, raw hide covered, all russet skirting, double cinch rigged, 1}4 inch stirrup straps, two 3-inch cotton girths, sweat leather under rugs. Tie Latigoe, imitation block stirrup leather covered. No. 187. BOYS— KILGOKE, FAIR. Kilgore tree, quilted seat, bar padded, long skirts, cotton girth, wood stirrups. Fancy carved. No. 110. McCLEIiLAN, BLACK. McClellan tree, no seat or pad, short skirt, wood stirrups, single hair cinch. No. 20. MORGAN, FAIR OR BLACK. No. 31. HANNIBAL, FAIR OR BLACK. Morgan tree, bare horn and cantle, halt' seat, fenders and wood stirrups, hair cinch. Carved or stamped. Morgan hog covered tree, covered horn and cantle, fenders and tapederos, single cinch rigged, hair cinch. lOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 13 No. 233. RXJWART SIDE. No. 235. SIDE. Patent Ruwart side tree, moquette seat and Common side tree, enameled cloth, quilted roll on cantle, leaphorn, bars padded, leather scat, full padded, cotton girth, iron stirrup, surcingle and double cinch rigged, slipper stirrup. Fancy ornamented forepiece. Fanc_v .stamped forepiece. Mo. 13. TEXAS, BLACK. Morgan tree, hide covered, bare horn and cantle, open seat, fenders and tapederos, single cinch rigged, hair cinch. Fine carved. No. 10. BIO GRANDE, BLACK. California tree, bare horn and cantle, half seat, fenders and tapederos, single cinch rigged, hair cinch. Fine carved. No. 45. CHICAGO, BLACK. Spanish tree, bars padded, plain leather seat, long skirt, tapederos, single cotton girth. Fancy carved. No. 317. SIDE. Common side tree, plush seat, full padded, surcingle and cotton girth, iron shoe stirrup. Fancy stamped. 14 FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Tins department will be found to be replete with everything requisite in tliis line, and the goods being uniformly of the best quality and descrip- tion, cannot fail to give the highest satisfaction. BUILDER'S HARDWARE. Door Bolts, Mortise Door Bolts— Each. Doz. No. 284. Berlin Bronze (same as cut) 5. Gem nickel plate (ratchet) 0. ' ' br 'aze, heavy (ratchet) Barrel Bolts— "WrouBht Japanned. Berlin Bronze. 3 4 .'") 6 8 inches. 3 'd}4 inches. Frencli "Window Catches - Window Spring Bolts- No. 10. .Japanned. . 37. Wrought Tmnc d No 3250. 3251. 3252. Gross. Doz. Sargent & Co. Mortise Locks— Each. No. 01800. Size 3i.^ 4x4 Hat and Coat Hooks — INo. 7"). .lapanned or coppered . . Harness Hooks — No. 12. 8 inch heavy japanned. Doz. Gross. Each. Doz. Japanned Wrought Wire Wardrobe Hooks, made in one piece — Doz. Gross. TSTo. 50. Small No. 70. ■• Clothes Line Hooks — Each. Doz. Japanned, 4 screw holes Thumb Latches — No. 101 . Japanned, complete with screws No. 26. Japanned, very heavy, suitable for barn doors or heavy gates Brass Screw Hooks, for Bangle Boards — Size, 1, 5g % inch. per gross, per doz. Brass Cup Hooks — Size, inch. per gross. per doz. We carry in stock a most complete line of Builders' Hardware, and ■would be pleased to furnish prices on anything not in the catalogue, which for want of .space we have been obliged to omit. Axle or Window Pulleys — Size, 2 2U 2ii inch. Sash Locks — Each. No. 10. liiirslar-proof, nicely finished, bronzed iron, real bronze knob; safest sash lock made No. 0. Burglar-proof Door Bumpers or Base Knobs — Doz. Black •walnut, rubber tipped, 21.2 inch Door Pulls— Each. Ko. 502. Japanned No. 504. Japanned, extra heavy, four screw lioles Doz. Bells- No. 143J.2x403. Size, 33^^ inches, ornamental bronzed iron bell and lever, very neat No. 56x.'55. Size, 4 inches This bell takes the place of the electric bell controlled by a battery; very handsome nickel plated bell, ornamental, real bronze, push button, and can be put on by anybody, and will not get out of order. Planes — Each. No. 91^. Excelsior Block Plane, six inches in length, 1% cut- ter, bits of best steel No. 130. Adjustible Throat Block Plane, 7"^ inches in length, 1^4 inch cutter No. 3. Smooth Plane, polished wood, double iron, ebony start No. 15. Jack Plane, polished wood, double iron, ebony start, No. 21. Fore Plane, polished, double iron, ebony start No. 27. Jointer Plane, 26 inches, polished, double iron, ebony start The cutters on these planes are all of the very best cast steel. Saws — No. 60. Hand Saws. Harvey W. Peace & Co.'s extra Lon- don spring steel, highly polished blades, carved handles, five flush improved screws: 18 20 22 24 26 inches. No. 35. Rip Saw, 28 inches No. 35. Panel Saws. Harvey W. Peace & Co. Three im- proved brass rivets, beech handle, grained blade, best cast steel, warranted, from twelve to eight points to the inch: 18 20 22 24 26 inches. Disston's Saws same prices as above. Saw Sets — Each. No. 1. Jlorrill's Patent. This is without exception the best set in the market. Will set any kind of saw tooth from a 12-point up • • • • No. 3C. Patent Saw Vise. The jaws are so constructed as to prevent the vibration of the saw in filing, lessening the noise and causing a great saving in files and time; the jaws are planed to match perfectly, can be set up on any bench or table Excelsior Pencil Holder- Can be attached to any divider Peace's Nest of Compass Saws- Beech wood handle, with one compass saw, one keyhole saw and one table or pruning saw; neat, complete Harvey W. Peace & Co.'s Keyhole Saw, with Iron Pad— This is a clieap and convenient combination of a keyhole saw, saw pad and screw driver Compass Saws— Cast steel, apple handle— 10 12 12 inches. No. 101. Hand Saw, beech handle, steel blade, 26 inches, three brass rivets • • • • • No. 101. Panel Saw, beech handle, steel blade, tliree brass rivets. 18 inch. 20 inch •■ Doz 16 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, HARDWARE Inch. 6... 8... 10... NICHOLSON'S FILES. Mill Files, no handles. Doz. In:;h, 12 .. 14 .. Flat Bastard Files — Inch. Each. 4 5 6 Doz. Round Bastard Files- Inch. Each. 4 5 6 Half Bound Bastard rUes — Inch. Each. Doz. 4 6 Taper or Saw Files- Inch. 3 4. ... 5.:... 6 Each. Claw Hammers — Hartford Solid Cast-Steel Adze Eye, polished, select hickory handles, warranted. Nos. 3 Weight, 7 oz. Price, Plain Face. ;. 1 lb. Bell Face. 1 20 oz. Nos. 13 12 7 oz. 13 oz. 16oz. 11 20 oz. Each, Doz. IXL Adze Eye Nail Hammers, maple handles Tack Hammers — All iron, with claw No. 4 Tack Hammer, malleable iron, hardened face, inlaid with black walnut; strong and convenient Rules— Each. Doz. No. 68. 2 feet, 4 fold, round joint " 61. 2 " 4 " square " " 84. 2 " 4 " half-bound " 62. 2 '■ 4 " full-bound " 90. 1 " 4 " ivory, round joint " 923^. 1 " 4 " " square " " 85. 2 " 4 " •■ ' " Clark's Patent Expansive Bits- Expansive Bits have two cutters to each bit, and are expanded or con- tracted by loosening the screw and sliding the bit in or out. They cut any size between the sizes noted. Genuine Jenning Auger Bits — Sizes, U ?8 M H % K Price, German Pattern Gimlet Bits — Any size, from jV to -J-; 1 inch, each. Each. Doz. Chisels — Extra Socket Firmer, solid cast-steel, fully warranted to he perfect so far as material and workmanship is concerned; ground sharp; put up in sets in fancy wood box, twelve chisels to the set. li- H, %. Vi. %. %, K, 1, IJ^ 1^, -y%, 3 inches. Price, per set. Oilers — No. 1 3 4 5 No. is small, two inches across bottom, and holds about one-half a pint. No. .5 is 41-1 inches across bottom and holds about a pint. The others are graduated between. —Continued. Try Squares — Rosewood, brass face, graduated steel blade. 4K 6 m 9 Sliding' Bevels — 6 8 10 inches, each. Steel Squares — Each. Doz. No. 1. Extra super quality. Spaced ^'j, ^Jj, Jg, with brace measure and y^ scale and Essex new board measure, giving feet and inches in full. Size, 18x24, 2 inches wide. Price No. 13. Spaced 3^, }£ and 1 inch Iron Squares — No. 31. Spaced one side, 1% inches wide, marked to one- eighths. Price No. 24. Spaced both sides, 3 inches wide, marked to one- eighths. Price Screw Drivers — Cast-steel, patent metallic fasteners, heavy brass ferrules. Length of blade, 3 4 5 6 8 inches. each. Braces — No. 63. Ratchet, nickel-plated and handsomely trimmed. Sweep and jaws are steel; 10-lnch sweep, price Common ball and screw braces, price Gimlets — „ Ajjple handle, double cut, best made; assorted sizes Monkey-'Wrenclies — Cole's genuine screw wrenches. Size, 6 8 10 13 15 inches, each. Post Hole Augers — Vaughan's patent hollow tube. Price Combination Tools — The handle is Cocobolo, a handsome hardwood resembling Rosewood. The tools consist of a chisel, gauge, screw- driver, tack puller, gimlet, scratch awl and four brad awls, different sizes, all solid steel; hand forged, practical sizes; can carry it in the pocket. Price Hand Axes — Powell Tool Co. extra cast steel, single bevel: nicely bronzed. Nos. 3 4 5 Size, 6x5 6J^x5},4 7x53>^ inches. Price, 1 85 each. Chalk Line Reels — Each. Doz. Beechwood , with scratch awl, price Reel, without awl Tape Lines — Brass bound, folding handle, 1^ inch, oiled tape. 35, 40. 50, 75, 100 feet. each. Bench Stop — Each. Doz. Morrill's Patent Screw Set, simplest and best made, price. . . . The Louderback Combination Tool — Each part a practical working instrument; comprising ten working tools, as follows- Adjustable Screw-Driver. Hand Vise, Wrench, Nail Puller, Large Gas Pliers, Hammer, Leather Punch, Drill Cutter, Pmcers, Small Gas Pliers. Cast steel, japanned, polished, drop forged. each. No. 53. Length, 9 inches each. No. 2. Length, 9 inches. No. 3. " 12 " No, .53. " 13 If nickel-plated, add cents to each. FOR PRICES, EXAMIKE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 17 HARDWARE— Continued. Levels — Each. No. 0. Plumb and Level, arch top plate, two side views, pol- ished, assorted lengths, 24 to 30 inches 1. Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, arch top plate, two brass tipped side views, polished, 26 to 30 inches i. Patent Adjustable Plumb and Level, triple stock, arch top plate, two ornamental brass lipped side views, polished and tipped, assorted, 26 to 30 inches, price No. 40. Pocket Levels, iron top plate, japanned No. 41. Pocket Levels, brass top plate No. No. Copper Rivets and Burs — Size 8, Copper Rivets, with Burs: Length, J^ Price, Size 10, Copper Rivets, with Burs: Length, }4, Price, % 78 1 inch, per lb. Smith & Wesson, 32-100-caliber, central fire, 3i2-inch barrel, auto- matic ejector and rebounding lock. 5-shot, blued, rubber stock, single action 5 " nickel plate, rubber stock, single action For self-cocking, $1 00 extra. 38-100-caliber, central fire, 3J:5f-inch barrel, automatic ejector and rebounding lock. 5-shot, bhied, rubber stock, single action 5 " nickel plate, rubber stock, single action For selt-cocking, .|1 00 extra. No. XL. Bull Dog, folding hammer (Hopkins & Allen, manufactur- ers), double action, self-cocking. iVo premature discharges by catc/iing the hammer while remonmj from holster or pocket. 38-caliber, rubber handles, octagon barrel, fluted cylinder, length of barrel 3 inches, entire length 7 inches, weight 16 oz., center fire, using Smith & Wesson 38-caliber cartridge No. XL Bull Dog. Same description as 38-caliber except in dimen- sions. 32-caliber, entire length 6 inches, weight6 ounces, using Smith & Wesson 33-caliber, central fire, cartridge Metropolitan Police, 33-caliber, long or short, rim fire, fluted cylin- der, octagon barrel, sliding safety lock over the end of ham- mer, locks the revolver and insures perfect safety in carrying. A very superior weapon ; double action No. U^. Blue .Jacket, 22-caliber, rim fire, long or short cartridge, found barrel, ruljber stock, full nickel plate, length of barrel 21-3 inches, entire length 6 inches, weight 9 ounces, price British Bull Dog, 44-caliber, 5-shot, extra large, self-cocking, 19 oz. weight, length of barrel 2I4 inches, entire length 6 inches. This is one of the strongest shooting revolvers in the market, the bore being so large gives it powerful effect, using 44-cali- ber Webley cartridges. Price British Bull Dog, 38-caliber, 6-shot, same style as above, using 38-cal- iber Smith & Wesson cartridges, price British Bull Dog. 32-caliber, 7-shot, central fire, using S. & W. car- tridges, price CARTRIDGES. 23-caliber, B. B. caps 250 in box, • M ■' ' ' short, rim fire 100 " M " long, ■■ 100 " "" " M ■• ' 'J-caliber, short, " 50 " M ■' long, " 50 " CARTRIDGES— Continued. 32-caliber, long, rim fire M in box, " Smith & Wesson, center fire 50 M 38-caliber, " " " 59 M 44-caliber, Webley center fire, for Bull-Dog Revolvers. .. 50 ...M RAZORS. Each. Each. Doz. No. 1367. Wade & Butcher; % inch No. 03553. Wostenholm's IXL, genuine pipe; ^^ inch This razor is hollow-ground and etched. No. 3022. Rogers' (white handle); % inch Hollow-ground, very superior. Bengal Razors, the barbers' favorite, full concaved, black handles; three sizes, ]ii, fi,% Berlin Ground Razors, lull concaved black handles; the best razor that can be produced (warranted) Swedi.?h Razor, frame back, never needs grinding, seldom honing, and not so much stropping as the ordinary hol- low-ground razor. Sizes, f-g, J.j or J'4 width of blade ' This style of razor is much used in Europe. It is tempered by a peculiar chemical process which not only insures it good quality but makes it adapt- able to any kind of beard. Each. Doz. The Ideal and Star Safety Razors By these razors shaving is made easy and pleasant. Even a child could use them without danger. Very useful for travelers and nervous people. Each razor is put up in a neat box, containing full directions for sharpening, and can be carried in the vest pocket. Razor Strops — Each. Doz. No. 11. Common Sense is a good Strop, and worth double the price. Emmerson's Pattern Strop ' ' Genuine " Climax Elastic, one of the best Strops 1 Combination Strop, four sides, double belt and screw j POCKET KNIVES. All blades are forged steel, tempered in oil, and specially well finished and durable. Each. Doz. No. 1602. Torrey, two blades, 3I4 inches, heavy 2002. Booths, " " 3i| •' ebony handle 13591. IXL, Or. Wostenholm'^ two blades, 3;'4 inches, Buckhorn 12075. IXL, G. Wostenholm, two blades, 3J^ inches, ; Buffalohorn Gentlemen's Pocket Knives — No. 15353. IXL, G. Wostenholm, three blades, 33^ inches, Buffalo handle 9135. IXL, G. Wostenholm, three blades, 3^^ inches, long. Stag handle 9186. IXL, G. Wostenholm, four blades, 3*8 inches. Stag handle 9187. IXL, G. Wostenholm, four blades, S^g inches, long Pearl handle 2035. Ivory, Buck or iJtag handle, two blades, 3% inches, name plate Pen Knives — No. 702. Henchel's, two blades. Pearl handle, tipped, 3 inches 300. Graef & Schmidt, two blades and buttonhook, i% inches 9117. IXL, Geo. Wostenholm, three blades, tipped, 3 inches This knife has genuine Tortoise Shell handle and is elegantly finished. No. 1044. G. & S" Combination, Pearl or genuine Tortoise Shell handle, 2''g inches long, curved nail scissors, nail polisher, file and one blade 18 FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY HARDWARE— Continued. SCISSORS AND SHEARS. Nickel-plated steel Shears, warranted best made, trimmer handle, for family or dressmakers' use. Size 7 7i.(, 8, 8^, 9 inches. per pair, per doz. No. 509. Scissors, silver polish, two sharp points; best maae. Size iX- 5 5I2, 6 inches. per pair. per doz. No. 309. 2% silver iiolish, one sharp point, same quality and price as No. 509. No. 9028. Highly polished steel blades, enameled handles. Size 41^, 5, 5i4, 6 inches. per pair. Folding Scissors — Blunt points, half blunt or sharp points. Small size. Large " Each. Doz. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. Clothes "Wringers — No. 33^. Novelty, will fit round or square tubs, 10-inch rolls, Each. Doz. galvanized gear, pure rubber rollers Sad Irons — Mrs. Pott's. These irons are filled with a composition which retains the heat twice as long as the common sad iron. No. 55. Highly polished, are sold in sets of two smooth irons, one pol- ishing iron, one stand and walnut detachable handle; price per set. No. 50. Same as No. 55, only nickel plated, per set. Extra wal- nut handles. cents each. Common sad irons, extra polished, 5 to 9 pounds, 3}^ cents per pound. Apple Corer and Parer — O. K. Apple Pearer and Corer. The best and cheapest ever offered the public; steel blade, black, enameled handles, with brass ferniles; price. each, per dozen. Tubular Lantern^ No. 0, improved Tubular Lantern, patent lift, full size; price each, per dozen. ^ Police or Dark Lantern — Police or Dark Lanterns, 2^-inch bull's-eye; price, cents each. The same, 3-inch bull's-eye, price, cents each. Gem Soldering Set — No 1, Gem Soldering Set. This useful article is intended for family use, also farmers, mechanics and everyone using tin, brass or copperware. The casket contains soldering copper, scraper, bar of solder, bar of soldering salts, with full directions, enclosed in neat wooden bo.x, each. No. 3, Gem Soldering Set. Same as No. 1, except that the tools arc not so nicely finished; price, each. Little Detective Scale. Weighs from },^ ounce to 25 pounds; without scoop, each; with tin scoop, with brass scoop. Kerosene Cans — Kerosene Cans. " Daisy," glass, with tin jacket, J.^ gallon, each; 1 gallon, AH tin, spout and screw''top, J^ gallon, each; 1 gallon, 3 gallon. Mouse Traps — The Delusion. Sets itself. Is very successful. Price, per dozen. Rat Traps — Little Throttle. One of the most successful traps made. It is in front of the hole, so that the animal in passing out or in must get caught; price each; per doz. Toilet Paper Cabinets — Each. Doz. No. 1, Family toilet fixtures, bronzed 2, " " " nickel 3, Hotel fixture (like cut), bronzed Family Toilet Fixture for unperforated paper, bronzed, neat and string, each; per dozen. Toilet Paper, Perforated for Nos. 1 and 3 fixtures, cents per dozen. Unperforated, one paper, full length and width, each; per dozen. Price on case lots furnished on application. Cuspadores — Nickel plated, price each, per dozen. Solid cast iron, will not break or turnover, porcelain lined, handsomely decorated, large size; price, per dozen. LiaUID GliUE. Le Page's Liquid Glue is the best adhesive known, almost anything that is broken can be repaired so as to be stronger than before. Not only articles of wood, but crockery, glass and even cast iron can be rejjaired with it so as to bear the rough handling of daily use. Is always ready for use, and does not have to be heated. No family can afEord to be without it. Put up in bottles for family use. p h Tt ' Small Family Size . . . Large " " Put up in cans for Carpenters, Carriage Builders, etc 3>.^ Pints 1 " 1 Quart 1^ Gallon 1 " MAIL OR LETTER BOX. Size, 6x13, black japanned, gold lined and raised letters " U. S. Mail," on front, and brass padlock, very neat and strong. Each, per dozen, REED'S LIGHTNING BRACE AND SCREW DRIVER. Something that every mechanic ought to have; will tarn a screw both in and out in less time than it takes to turn a .screw halt in with an ordinary screw driver. Length when closed 15 inches, open 2(i inches. 1 Screw Driver, Bit with each Brace. Price BRACKET SAWS. No. 1. New Rogers Saw, foot power, iron frame; is characterized for its compactness, strength and durability, ease of action and firmness when in oper.ation, and each machine is provided with a dust blower and an attachment for drilling. With each machine we give six saw blades, wrench, .sheet of designs and three drill points. Saw alone weighs 25 lbs., saw and box weighs 36 lbs. Price, No. 2. Hand Bracket Saw, steel frame, .sheets of designs, impression paper, brad-awl and one dozen saws, put up in neat bos. Price, complete. Extra Sorrento Saws, any size from No. 1 to 0, per aozen. FOR IMUCES, EXAMINK MEMBERS' SECRET KKT 19 T (^ /^ I /^ |_J P" O T 0-^IB,ST-CLASS MECHANICS' TOOLS— Not Toys. -To meet a growing demand from Mechanics I Vi/V>/Lai V^ I I^L^7 I ^3 and Amateurs for Chests filled with reliable Tools, we place on sale ttie following line, filled with goods of standard makers. Our chests are not crowded with cheap, showy and useless tools, but selected from our stock of regular brands. The following lists of contents give styles, quality and sizes. Any of the lower priced sets make the nucleus to build upon in future, and in supplying your boy you are pro- viding for the man. FAKMEB'S TOOL CHEST No. 3. Made from Selected Second Growth Ash, Heavy AValnut Moldings, Patent Dovetail Joints and Movable Trays. Trimmed with Bronzed Chest Handles, Steel Butts. Lock and Key complete 1 Handled C. S. Axe. 1 No. 4 C. S. Hand Axe, 5}4 inch. 1 No. 2 Phillips C. S. Shingling Hatchet, d% cut. 1 No. 1* Maydole Adz-eye Nail Hammer, wt. 1 lb. 1 No. C. 8. Plow Hammer, weight, 1 lb. 12 oz. 8 C. S. Auger Bits, 1 each )i, ^\, %, }4, %, M, % and 1 inch. 3 C. S. Augers and Handles, I each m and 2 in. 4 C. S. Gimlet Bits, assorted, 4 to ^4 inch. 4 Morse Bit Stock Iron Drills, 1 each y\, i, ^,;, and ^3 inch. 1 C. S. Screw Driver Bit. 1 No. 129 Patent Chuck Ratchet Brace, 10 sweep. 1 6inch Stanley C. S. Screw Driver. 4 Socket Firmer CLiisels, 6 in. blades, 1 each I4, lij, 1 and V4 inch. 1 C. S. Handled'Brad Awl." 1 C. S. Handled Scratch Awl. 1 No. 9 Square Hickory Mallet. Size: 35 inches long, 20 inches wide, 18 inches deep. 1 8 inch C. S. Drawing Knife. 1 pair 6-inch 0. S. Dividers. 1 No. 3 Zinc Oiler. 4 Hand Saw Taper Files and Handles, 1 each 3J^, 4, 4}.^ and 5 inch. 1 10-inch Mill File. 1 10-inch Half- Round Bastard File. 1 lOinch Round Bastard File. [Cutters. 1 pair 5inch C. S. combination Pliers and Wire 1 C, S. Spring Harness Punch. 1 pair 8 inch C. S. Carpenter's Pincers. 1 No. 3 C. S. Square Nail Set. 1 C. S. Prick Punch. 1 C. S. Center Punch. 1 C. S. Solid Punch. 1 C. S. Cold Chisel, }4 inch. 1 No. 3 N;ish Saw Set. 1 Double Smooth Plane, 8 in . 2 in. Cutter. 1 Double Jack Plane, 15 in., 334 in. Cutter. Contains 74 Tools, first quality mechanics. 1 No. 68 2-foot Boxwood Rule. 1 No. 24 Iron Square, 2-foot. 1 6-inch Stanley C. S. Try Square. 1 No. 165 Stanley Boxwood Marking Gauge. 1 13^-inch Iron Bench Screw. 1 Butcher Tanged Firmer Gouge, J^ inch. 1 Disston No. 7 26-inch Hand Saw. 1 Disston No. 7 28 inch Rip Saw. 1 Washita Oil Stone. 1 12-inch Wrought Monkey Wrench. 1 lO-inch Lathrop Brick Trowel. 1 pair No. 2 Hand Pruning Shears. 1 Carpenter's Pencil. 1 C. S. Square Reamer. 1 C. 8. Rose Head Countersink. 1 8-inch Stanley C. S. Sliding T Bevel. 2 pair lO-inch Hand Screws. 1 12-inch Disston Compass Saw. 1 Bit Angle and Square Level. 1 No. 3 C. S. Hand Axe, 4*4: inch. 1 No. 1\}4 Maydole Nail Hammer. 1 No. 43 Maydole Riveting Hammer. 1 Rosewood Handle Gimlet. 6 C. S. Auger Bits, 14 to }i inch. 6 C. S Gimlet Bits, assorted, 4 toi| inch. 2 Morse Bit Stock Iron Drills, I4 and % inch. 1 C. S. Rose Head Countersink. 1 C. S. Square Reamer. 1 C. S. Screw Driver Bit. 1 No. 112 Backus Patent Chuck Brace. 1 pair 6-inch C. S. Dividers. 4 Socket Firmer Chisels, I4' to 1^ inch. 1 Butcher Tanged Firmer Gouge, ^ inch. GENTS' TOOL CHEST No. 4. (Chest, Styleof No. 8.) Size: 30 inches long, 16 inches wide, 1.5 inches deep. Contains 61 Tools, first quality mechanics. 1 Chalk Line Reel. 1 50-foot Chalk Line. 1 Set Hollow Handle Awls and Tools. 1 No. 9 Square Hickory Mallet. 1 8inch Witherby C. S. Drawing Knife 1 5-inch Stanley C. S. Screw Driver. 3 Handsaw Taper Files and Handles. 1 8 inch Mill File. 1 lO-inch Half-Round Bastard File. 1 pair 5 C. S. Pliers. 1 pair 8 inch C. S. Carpenter's Pincers, 1 No. 3 C. S. Square Nail Set 1 Double Smooth Plane. 1 Double Jack Plane. 1 No. 91^ Bailey Patent Block Plane. 1 No. 62 Brass Bound 2-foot Boxwood Rule. 1 8-inch Stanley C. S. Sliding T Bevel. 1 71^-inch Stanley C. S. Try Square. 1 No. 165 Boxwood Marking Gauge. 1 Disston'a D 8, 22.inch Panel Saw. 1 Disston's No. 4, 10-inch Back Saw. 1 Washita Oil Stone and Oiler. 1 10-inch Wrought Monkey Wrench. 1 Carpenter's Pencil. 2 pair 8 inch Hand Screws. 1 No. 1 C. S. Scratch Awl. 1 No. 1 C. S. Iron Spoke Shave. 1 Bit Angle and Square Level. 0. 5. 1 No. 3 C. S. Shingling Hatchet. 1 No. 2 Maydole Brad Hammer, 1 Rosewood Handle Gimlet. 6 C. S. Auger Bits, }^ to 9^. 4 C. S. Gimlet Bits. 1 C. S. Rose Head Countersink. 1 C. S. Square I{eamer. 1 C. S. Screw Driver Bit. 1 No. 113 Backus Patent Chuck Brace. 1 pair 6-inch C. S. Dividers. 4 Butcher Firmer Chisels, I4' to IJ^. 1 Butcher Tanged Firmer Gouge, i^^ inch. 1 set Hollow Handle Awls and Tools. YOUTHS' TOOL CHEST No. (Chest, Style of No. 3.) Size: 27 inchei long, 13 inches wide, 10 inches deep. Contains 50 Tools, first quality mechanics. I No. 9 Square Hickory Mallet. 1 7-inch Witherby 0. S. Drawing Knife. 1 5 Stanley C. S. Screw Driver. 3 Hand Saw Taper Files and Handles. 1 8 inch Mill File. 1 pair 5 C. S. Pliers. 1 pair 8 C. S. Carpenter's Pincers. 1 No. 3 C. S. Square Nail Set. 1 No. 1 10 Stanley Block Plane. 1 Double Jack Plane. 1 No. 61 2-foot Boxwood Rule. 1 No. 7 20.inch Disston Panel Saw. 1 No. 4 lO-inch Disston Back Saw. 1 6-inch Stanley C. S. Try Square. 1 No 165 Boxwood Marking Gauge 1 Washita Oil Stone and Oiler. 1 50-foot Chalk Line. 1 Chalk Line Reel. 1 Carpenter's Pencil. 1 No. 1. C. S. Iron Spoke Shave. 1 8-inch Stanley C. S. Sliding T Bevel. I No. 1 Scratch Awl. 1 No. 10 Steel Square, 1 foot. 1 Bit Angle and Square Level. BOYS' TOOL CHEST No. 6. (Chest, Style of No. 3.) Size : 27 inches long, 13 inches wide, 10 inches deep. Contains 41 Tools, Mechanics' Quality. 1 No. 1 C. 8. Shingling Hatchet, d}^ inch cut. 1 No. 23 Maydole Adz-Eye Brad Hammer, weight 7 ounces. 4 C. S. Auger Bits, 1 each }^, y\, % and 3^ inch. 1 0. S. Rose Head Countersink. 1 C. S. Square Reamer. 1 C. S. Screw Driver Bit. 1 No. 118 Bartholomew Patent Chuck Brace, 10 inch sweep. 1 pair 6-inch C. S. Dividers. 3 Butcher Tanged Firmer Chisels, 1 each 1.4, J^ and 1 inch. 1 Butcher Tanged Firmer Gouge, }4 inch. Size : 21 inches long, 1 No. 1 Phillips C. S. Shingling Hatchet, cut M inch. 1 No. 23 Maydole Brad Hammer, weight, 7 oz. 3 Butcher Tanged Firmer Chisels, 1 each i£ and 1 inch. 1 No. 4 Round Hickory Mallet. 1 6-inch Witherby C. S. Drawing Knife. 1 C. S. Handled Brad Awl. 1 C. S. Handled Scratch Awl. 1 Chalk Line Reel. 1 Chalk Line Reel. 1 20-foot Chalk Line. 1 No. 3 Round Hickory Mallet. 1 0-inch C. S. Drawing Knife. 1 4-inch Stanley C. S. Screw Driver. 1 No. 3 Zinc Oiler. 1 4-inch Hand Saw File. 1 8-inch Mill File. I pair 4-inch C. S. Pliers. 1 pair 6inch Carpenter's Pincers. 1 No. 3 C. S. Square Nail Set. 1 No. 103 Stanley Block Plane. 1 No. 68 2-foot Boxwood Rule. BOYS' TOOL CHEST No. 7. (Chest, Style of No. 3.) 10 inches wide, 8 inches deep. Contains 30 Tools, 1 20-foot Chalk Line. 1 pair 6-inch C. S. Carpenter's Pincers. 1 4-inch Stanley C. S. Screw Driver. 1 No. 2 Zinc Oiler. 1 4inch Hand Saw Taper. 1 6-inch Mill File. 1 No. 3 C. S Square Nail Set. 1 Carpenter's Pencil. 1 No. 102 Block Plane. 1 No. 69 1 foot Bcxwood Rule. 1 Double Jack Plane, 15 inch, 2}^ inch Cuttet 1 No. 22 Iron Square, 2 foot. 1 No. 61 Beechwood Marking Gauge. 1 No 3 18 inch Brown Panel Saw. 1 Washita Oil Stone. 1 Carpenter's Pencil. 2 C. S. Gimlet Bits. 1 C. S. Handled Brad Awl. 1 C. S. Handled Scratch Awl. I Set No. 120 Hollow Handle Avrls and Tools, (20 Tools.) 1 41^-inch Stanley C. S. Try Square. 1 No. 1 C. 8. Iron Spoke Shave. Mechanics' Quality. 1 41.^-inch Stanley C. S. Try Square. 1 No. 61 Beechwood Marking Gauge. 1 No. 117 Bartholomew Patent Chuck Brace, 8-inch sweep. 2 C. S. Gimlet Bits. 2 C. S. Auger Bits, I4 and J4 inch. 1 C. S. Screw Driver Bit. 1 Washita Oil Stone. 1 No. 1 C. S. Iron Spoke Shave. 1 No. 3 16-inch Brown's Saw. 20 FOK PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. SPORTING GOODS BOXING GLOVES. HEALTH EXERCISING ELASTIC STRIK- ING AIR-BAG. We would call special atteution of those interested in tlie manly art of Self-Defense to our superior line of Boxing Gloves. Owing to tbe increased demand we have found it necessary to man- ufacture these goods on a much larger scale than ever before attempted, and we hope to be able to supply the demand with a far better article than made heretofore, and at comparatively low prices. The label on each set of Gloves will bear our Trade-Mark to insure its genuineness. BOXING GLOVES. Per Set No. A. Boys' size, chamois back, tan palms, new style " B. Same as No. A, men's size " C. White kid, tan palm, new style " D. All whitekid, newstylepalm No. 20. Men's size " 35. Men's size, chamois back, heel padded. . . . " 40. Superior quality, buckskin " 4.5. Same as No. 40, heel padded " .50. Kid glove, with tan colored leather palm. " 55. Kid glove, same as No. 50 heel padded. . . " 60. Finestwhite kid glove, with ventilated p'lm No. 65. Same as No. 60, heel padded " TO. Chandler's professional white kid glove " 75. Four ounce, hard fighting glove " 75A. Two ounce fighting glove " 80. Graham's patent safety glove " 85. " " " " heel padded THE LAFLIN ROWING MACHINE. The Smallest, Simplest, and most Practical Rowing Machine ever introduced. There can be no question whatever, but that the best results of exer- cise can nowhere be secured in such perfection as in a perfectly appointed "■ymnasium under a competent and thorough teacher. At the same time. It has been demonstrated beyond all question, that any man, woman or child may secure in the home, in the ofBce, or in the shop, by means of a simple and inexpensive device, results that vie closely with the highest success of the crymnasium. The accompanying illustration closely illustrates the exercise which may be secured by the use of the Elastic Striking Air-Bag, combining as it does, in the most simple form, all of the advantages which may be derived from the use of dumb bells, Indian clubs, ropes and rings, rowing machines, pulley weights, and even the boxing glove itself. Price, each RUBBER HEALTH PULLS, or Pocket Gymnasiums. The Spalding Flat Rubber Straps or Pocket Gymnasiums are made of a pure H rubber, and are by far the best rubber health pulls made. No. A. Smallest size, intended for children, or for young ladies No. B. Medium size, for ordinary use of gentlemen No. C. Largest size, for strong men Each. Price, cacn FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 21 SPORTING GOODS.— Continued. SPALDING'S BASE-BALLS The only official Ball of the National League. In sepa- rate box and sealed. Prices of Spalding's Base Balls. No. 1. Spalding's Official League Ball, as adopted by the National League fur 1S8S; each biiU wrapped in tinfoil and put up in a .separate box, as represented in the above illustration, and sealed in accordance with the latest League regulations. Warranted to last a full game without rip- ping, or losing its elasticity or shape No. lA. Spalding's Association Ball. Similar to the ball used Ijy the American Association; each ball wrapped in tin foil and put up in a separate box and sealed, as repre- sented in the above illustration. Warranted to last a full game without ripping or losing its shape No. IB. Spalding's Boys' League Ball. To meet the growing demand for a tirst-class ball for boys, we intro- duced last season our Boys' League, which is made ex- actly like the official League Ball, but smaller in size; each ball wrapped in tin foil and put up in a separate box, as represented in the above illustration, and sealed in accord- ance wiih the latest League regulations. Warranted to last a full game without ripping, or losing its elasticity or shape. No. 2. Spalding's Professional Dead Ball, white. The best dead ball made, covered with selected hor.sehide; every ball warranted to last a game of nine innings; each ball put \ip in a separate box, as represented in the above illu.stra- tion, and sealed with a white label, on which is shown the Spalding trade-mark To Clubs Each. ))er doz. To Clubs, Each, per doz. No. 3. Spalding's Amateur Dead Ball, white. Covered with horsehide, and especially adapted for practice games; each ball put up in a separate box, as represented in the above illustration, and sealed with a white label, on which is shown the Spalding trade-mark. Every ball warranted . No. 3R. Spalding's Amateur Dead Ball, red. Same as No. 3, only colored red, with white label, on which is shown the Spalding trade-mark in red No. XX. Spalding's Amateur Lively Ball, white. Cov- ered with horsehide; each ball put up in separate Ijox, as shown above, and sealed with label showing the Spalding trade-mark. To meet the growing demand for a good lively ball, at a medium price, we introduced this liall last season, and finding that it met with such a ready sale, will continue it this season ■ No. 5. Spalding's King of the Diamond Ball, white. Covered with horsehide, regulation .size and weight. A good ball for catching and throwiug. Each ball put up In a separate box, as shown aljove, and sealed with label showing the Spalding trade-mark No. 7. Spalding's Boys' Favorite, white. Regulation size and weight, horsehide cover. A good boys' ball. Each ball put up in a separate box and .sealed with white band showing the Spalding trademark. The best ball for the money ever offered No. 7B. Spalding's League Junior, white. To meet the demand for a good ball for boys, we have this season add- ed the " League Junior," which for price is unequaled. It is made slightly under the regulation size. Each ball is put up in a separate bo.^ and sealed with white band showing the Spalding trade-mark No. 8. Spalding's Eureka Ball, white. Regulation size and weight. The best cheap Ijall for the money on the market. Each ball is put up in a separate box and sealed with white band showing the Spalding trade-mark No. 9. Spalding's Rattler Ball, white. Size, S^g inches; weight, 41^ oz. The best and largest ten-cent ball made. Each ball is jiut up in a separate box and sealed with white baud sliowiug the Spalding trade-mark No. 10. Spalding's Boss Ball. Size, 7}^ inches; weight, 3 oz. Packed oue dozen in a box. The best juvenile two- piece five-cent ball on the market. Each ball is put up in separate box and sealed with white band showing the Spalding trade-mark SPALDING'S TRADE-MARK CATCHERS' GLOVES. No. 3 O. Spalding's Special League Catchers' Gloves, full left hand, sole leather tips No. 3 O. Spalding's Full Left Hand Catchers' Gloves, half tipped No. 1 0. Spalding's League Club Catchers' Gloves . . . No. 1. Spalding's Profes- sional Catchers' Gloves. . . E^All the above gloves are Trade -Marked and fully warranted. AMATEUR BASE-BALL GLOVES. Full left hand glove Open back, regular glove practice glove " " junior glove " " cheap glove " " cheapest glove SPALDING'S TRADE -MARKED CATCHERS' MASK. No. 2-0-Spaldiug's extra heavy spe- cial League Mask " 1-0-Spalding's regular League Mask " 1 — Spalding's boys' regular League Mask It^AU above masks are Trade Marked, and fully warranted. AMATEUR MASKS. No. A — Amateur men's Mask ' ' B — ' ' boys' Mask 22 FOR PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. SPORTING GOODS.— Continued. SPALDING'S TRADE-MARKED BATS. FNG'S SPECIAL BLACK BAND LEAGUE BAT. Made out of the choicest selected second-growth wliite ash. Each bat i-.r;n. iiill\ v. . i-lird. aud tlie weight in ounces stamped under the trade-mark; they arc l.ilhc i"i|i,. 4 bat.'s. 1 net 33x3 feet, 4 covered balls, 3 portable pole.s. 1 mallet, 1 si't guy ropes, li.iok of rules in box complete Consisting of 4 No. r> b;its witli cedar handles, 1 net 42x3 feet, 6 covered balls, 3 piirtaljlu poles. 1 mallet, 1 set guy ropes, book of rules in bo.t complete, making a very fine set , Consisting of 4 No. 6 bats with 1 net 43x3 feet, 13 covered balls, 3 port- able poles, 1 mallet, 1 set guy ropes, book of rules in handsome box complete Consisting of 4 No. 7 bats, 13 regulation balls, 1 canvas bound net 43x3 feet, 3 portable poles, 1 mallet, 1 set guy ropes, book of rules in handsfime box complete. .. , TENNIS SETS. Our line of Tennis Sets are made up with special reference to meet the requirements of our retail trade, and are the best sets for the price in the market. In addition to the styles listed, we can make sets with fancy bats in handsome box for presentation. LAWN TENNIS NETS. No. 1. 27x3 feet of 13 thread twine " 2. 33x3 " 15 " " " 3. 43x3 " 15 " " " 3A. 33x3 feet, canvas bound, 15 thread " 3A.42x3 ' 15 " " 4A. 43x3 " " " 21 " '.].. Lawn Tennis Net Forks for supporting net in center 26 FOR PniCKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. -^^ BKEECH LOADER DOTTBLE BABBEIi (SHOT.) No. 1 — Lefaucheaux system, 12 or 10 gauge, decarbonized blued steel barrels, single key, back action swivel locks, blued mountings, oiled and checked stock, plain grip, 30 and 32-inch barrels, weight 8 to 10 lbs. With polished steel barrels, f 1.25 extra. No. 2 — Same, with pistol grip, rebounding locks, double keyed, rubber butt plate, blued steel barrels. DOUBLE BARREL MUZZLE LOADER (SHOT). No. 3 — Belgian make, 12 to 14 gauge, back action locks, imitation twisted barrels, blued or bright mountings, common breech, 30 to 34-inch bar- rels, weight ■7J.< to 8}£ lbs. BAR LOCK SYSTEM (H. J. STERLING'S). No. i — Pistol grip, swivel bar locks, real laminated barrels, case hardened and nicely engraved mountings, guard and tail pipe, blued fancy ham- mers, screwed steel escutcheons, fancy thimbles, rubber butt plate, 30 to 34-inch barrels, -seight 8 to 9 lbs., 12to 14 gauge bore. THE HUNTER'S 12 GAUGE BREECH LOADING SINGLE BARREL (SHOT). No. 5— Blue barrel. Snider action, positive extractor, made strong and durable. See illustration of breech action. With pistol grip costs 75 cents extra. f & f -^ SINGLE BARREL MUZZLE LOADER. No. 6— Boys' Belgian imitation twisted barrel, with bright mountings. No. 7 — Plain U. S. army musket, warranted to give good service. FOK PRICES, EXAMIiS^E MEMBERS' SECRET KEV. FOREHAND & WADSWORTH'S SINGLE BARREL BREECH LOADER— (SHOT.) No. 1 — 13 gauge, blued steel barrel, rebounding lock, top lever action, pistol grip, patent fore end, nickel plated frame, oiled walnut stock, 30 and .3S-inch barrel, weight 6}4 to 7 lbs. No. 3— Same, 10 gauged with checked pistol grip and nickel butt plate, 33 to 34-inch barrel, weight 8}£ to 9}>^ lbs. No. 3 — 13 gauge, real twist barrel, rebounding lock, top lever action, pistol grip, patent fore end, nickel plated frame, oiled walnut stock, 30 and 33-inch barrel, weight Q^i to 7 lbs. FLOBERT RIFLE FOR TARGET SHOOTING No. 4 — Shoots BB caps only, light stock, side extractor, scroll and screw guard, bright mountings. No. 5— Remington action, shoots 32-caliber cartridges (short) or bullet caps; has polished bright mountings, oiled walnut checked stock, scroll and screw guard, weight 4 to 5 lbs. "WINCHESTER REPEATING SHOT GUN. No. 6 — Holds six shots, which can be discharged with the same rapidity as those from a double barrel gun ; has rolled blued steel barrels, plain pistol grip stock, 30 or 83 inch barrel, 13 gauge only, full choked. Each gun is carefully tested and has made a good target. Stock is 13^^ inches long and 35^ Inches drop. ^ 1 _j,!'^ WINCHESTER SIAGAZINE RIFLE. No. 7— Latest model of 1886, 8 shots, 36-inch octagon barrel, set trigger, full magazine, case hardened trimmings, fancy walnut checked pistol grip stock, six calibers — 40 to 65. No. 8 — 36-inch octagon bairel, set trigger, case hardened, 8 shot, full magazine, 40 to 65 caliber. No. 9— 36-inch round barrel, plain trigger, case hardened, 8 shot, full magazine, 38 to 56 caliber. With octagon barrel, |1.50 extra. No. 10— Model 1873, 34inch barrel (round), plain trigger, long or short cartridges, 25 shots. XL SHOT GUN. Perfectly safe, light, and a good shooting gun, that can be taken apart without tools, and put into a very small compass; it is made to shoot a long central fire shot cartridge. The 38-caliber also uses S. & W. 08 C. F. shot car- tridge. It has a rebounding lock and a vertical sliding breech block operated by the guard as a lever; when thrown down ejects shell from the chamber, and with sufficient force to carry it six or eight feet from the shooter. The barrel is fastened to the frame by a tapering screw bey, easily removed by the hand, which passes through the frame and section of the barrel laterally, keeping the barrel always in its proper position. No. 11— 38caliber, 18-inch, weight 41.2 lbs. No. 13 — 44-caliber, 24inch, weight 5 fbs. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY REVOLVERS. SMITH & WESSON'S HAMMEKLESS.- ACTION. -DOUBLE No. 32. See illustration No. 1. The latest departure in pocket fire arms, insuring absolute safety against explosion by any meains except that directed by the will of man. Center fire. Five shot, auto- matic shell ejectors. Rubber Stock. — These are finished in either nickel -plate or blued steel, as you specify. No. 1 — Has 3 or 8A inch barrel, 32 caliber. No. 2 — 3i inch barrel, 38 caliber. No. 3 — i inch barrel, 48 caliber. No. 4 — 5 inch barrel, 58 caliber. SMITH & WESSON'S REGULAR DOUBLE ACTION. With hammers, automatic shell ejectors, rubber stock. Fin- ished in nickel or blue steel, as you desire. Center fire. No. 5 — Has 3 or 3i inch barrel, 32 caliber, 5 shot. No. 6 — 8 inch barrel, 82 caliber, 5 shot. No. 7— 3i inch barrel, 38 caliber, 5 shot. No. 8 — 4 inch barrel, 38 caliber, 5 shot. No. 9 — 5 inch barrel, 38 caliber, 5 shot. No. 10 — 8 inch barrel, 38 caliber, 5 shot. No. 11 — 5 inch barrel, 44 caliber, 6 shot. No. 12 — 6 inch barrel, 44 caliber, 6 shot. COLT'S LIGHTNING DOUBLE ACTION. Case hardened, center fire, blued steel or nickel-plated mount- ings, all 6 shot, with rubber stock. No. 13 — 2i inch barrel, 38 caliber, no shell ejector. No. 14 — 3J inch barrel, 38 caliber, no ejector. No. 15 — i| inch barrel, 38 caliber, with ejector. No. 16 — Sh inch barrel, 41 caliber, no ejector. No. 1? — 4^ inch barrel, 41 caliber, with ejector. No. 18 — 4f inch barrel, 44 caliber, with ejector. No. 19 — 5| inch barrel, 44 caliber, with ejector. No. 20 — 7i inch barrel, 44 caliber, with ejector. No. 21 — 71 inch bar- rel, 45 caliber, with ejector. SINGLE ACTION COLT'S. In other particulars same as double action. No. 22 — 4f inch barrel, 41 caliber. No. 23 — 7^ inch barrel, 41 caliber. No. 24 — 4f inch barrel, 44 caliber. No. 25 — Ti inch barrel, 44 caliber. No. 26 — 4i inch barrel, 45 caliber. No. 27—71 inch barrel, 45 caliber. AMERICAN BULL DOGS.— DOUBLE ACTION. They are strictly first-class in every respect, workmanship and ma- terial being the finest used in Bull Dog makes. Especially intended to give satisfaction, and with this aim made in the most desirable size, nickel-plated mountings, with rubber handles. No. 28 — Rim or center fire, 3 inch barrel, weight, 11 oz , 5 shot, 32 caliber. No. 29— Same; 38 caliber, weight, 16 oz. No. 30 — Same; 44 caliber, weight, 18 oz. POPULAR SINGLE ACTION. iq'o. 31 — Nickel-plated mountings, rubber handles, rim fire. Good arms for low priced articles. Regular 24 inch barrel in either 22 caliben 7 shot, or 33 caliber, 5 shot. H. & R. AUTOMATIC. Using S. & W. cartridges. 32 caliber are 6 shot, 38 caliber are 5 shot. Extracts the shells automatically when revolver is opened. Forged steel barrel and cylinder. No line of automatics gives greater satisfaction to the purchaser. Rubber stocks. No. 32 has di inch barrel, 32 caliber. No. 33 — 4 inch barrel, 32 caliber. No. 34 — 5 inch barrel, 32 caliber, j^o. 35 — 3i inch barrel, 38 caliber. No. 3() — 4 inch barrel, 38 caliber. No. 87 — 5 inch barrel, 38 caliber. aUACKENBUSH'S SAFETY CARTRIDGE RIFLE. No. 38 — A capital rifle for shooting gallery, target prac- tice, or shooting game. Whole length, 33 inches. Weight, about 4i pounds. 22 caliber for regular BB. or long and short cartridges. It is an accurate shooter, safe to handle, quick to operate, and reliable in every respect. Has a rifled steel barrel, automatic shell extractor and adjustable near sight. Stock of black walnut, handsomely finished and sotastened to the barrel that the two may be easily and quickly separated, making the arm handy to carry in a trunk, valise or package. The barrel and parts are durably nickeled, except the breech-lock, which is case-hardened in colors. Each rifle is thoroughly tested before leaving the works. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. SPORTING GOODS.— Continued. THE YOUTHS' PREMIER BICYCLE. The Best Youths' and Boys' Machine Ever Made. Having advantage of all the experience of past seasons' construction of high-priced machines, A. Spalding & Bro. have designed and brought out a Youths' and Boys' Bicycle, embracingmaiiy of the features and the designs that have been found so satisfactory, and now confidently present a machine which is superior in design, workmanship, and quality of material used, to any Youths' or Boys' Bicycle at present on the market, and notwithstanding this, offer it at as low a price as any boy's bicycle now manufactured. In proof of the above assertions we invite careful study and inspection of the machine, which we guarantee to be precisely as represented in every particular. This machine contains many valuable improvements never before supplied with machines of its class, the most prominent of which are the Hammock saddle, tangent spokes, vulcanite handles, weldless backbone, and genuine enamel finish. Everything the best. PRICE LIST. Diameter of Front Foot. Length of Leg Inside Measure to Sole of Fool. Price, Standard Finish, per Specification. Price, all Parts Nickeled except Wheels. Price, Full Nickeled. including Wheels. Weight. 3-t inches. 24 inches. 26 lbs. 38 " 27 " 31 " 43 •■ 29 " 34 " 44 " 46 " 30 " 31 " 351^" 37 " 48 " 32 " 42 " .50 ■• 33 " 431^" THE PREMIER VELOCIPEDE. The Best, Handsomest and Most Popular Machine ever Offered. This is in uvery respect the fiuest velocipede on the market. It has malleable-iron frame, leather suspension saddle, adjustable bearings, and a very easy spring. STEEL WHEELS RUBBER TIRE. STEEL WHEELS, FLAT IRON TIRE. Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter No. of of Price. No. of of Price. Front Wheel. Hind Wheel. Front Wheel. Hind Wheel. 11 X. 16 in. 12 in. 111. 16 in. 12 in. 12 X. 30 " 12 " 12 1. 20 ■' 12 " 13 X. 24 " 16 " 13 1. 24 " 16 " 16 X. 26 " 20 " 16 1. 26 " 20 " 14 X. 38 " 20 '■ 141. 28 " 20 " PETITE TRICYCLE. No. 1 . Has steel wire wheel, 13 inch front and 34 inch hind " 3. " " 13 " "28 " " 3. •• ■' 12 '■ " 33 '• '■ 4. '■ " wheels with rubber tires, 12 inch front and 24 inch hind " .5. Has steel wire wheels with rubber tires, 13 inch front and 38 inch hind " 6. Has steel wire wheels with rubber tires, 13 inch front and 33 inch hind 3(> FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 13ISCOXTIVTS OTV Bicycles, Tricycles, Safetys, Etc. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON THE POPULAR WHEELS. The Association lias made peculiarly advantageous arrangements to supply members ■with the principal leading Wheels at a considerable saving of money and absolute assurance that they are Jie-w and direct from the factory, precluding all possibilities of getting a second-hand article. Biscounts on the most popular malies are in most instances given only to persons regularly employed by the Company. To enable the Association to secure the largest possible discounts for you, and to influence the manufacturers to deal most liberally to our members it has been deemed expedient and vitally important to have you send us a formal letter, similar to the " Specimen Letter" here printed, wherein you make known the essential features of the purchase. The competition among manufacturers oftentimes leads them to allow very liberal discounts in some localities, especially in districts where their Wheels are not already extensively sold. This formal letter is necessary for us to present to the manufacturers before quoting prices. No. St. Nicholas Go's. 1. National Safety. 2. National Ladies' Safety. 3. Girls' Electric Safety. 4. Electric Juvenile Safety 5. National Bicycle. 6. Centaur Bicycle. 7. Youth's Apollo Bicycle. 8. Juvenile Apollo Bicycle. 9. New Cripper Tricycle. 10. New Lever Tricycle. 11. Amazon Tricycle. 12. Acme Tricycle. The Eagle Bicycle Mfg. Co.'s. 13. The Eagle Bicycle. GormuUy & Jeffery Mfg. Co.'s. 14. American Rambler Safety. The Clarke Cycle Co.'s Importatious. 15. New Rapid Roadster. 16. New Rapid Light Roadster. 17. New Rapid Safety (R. D.) 18. Quadrant Tricycle No. 8. 19. Quadrant Tricycle No. 14. 20. Quadrant Tandem No. 15. A. G. Spalding & Bro.'s liine, Including the Overman Wheel Co.'s Victor Light Roadster Bicycle. 21. Victor Safety. 22. Victor Tricycle. 23. Victor Junior Bicycle. 24. Ladies' Ivel Bicycle. 25. Tandem Safety Bicycle. 26. Youth's Premier Bicycle. Wm. Read & Son's Mfg. 27. New Mail Light Roadster Bicycle. 28. New Mail Safety. ^ 29. Boys' Safety. 30. American Ideal Boys' Bicycle. 31. Ideal Tricycle (Boys' or Girls'.) 32. American Ideal Tandem (Two Track). The Coventry Machinist Co.'s Importations. No. m. Swift Safety. 34. Ladies' Swift Safety. 35. Swift Safety Tandem. 36. Junior's Club Tricycle. 37. King of Clubs. 38. Marlboro Club. 39. Marlboro Club (Light Roadster). 40. Marlboro Club No. 2. 41. World's Tandem Record. 42. Junior Swift Safety. 43. Boys' Own. "Western Arms & Cartridge Co.'s Line. 44. New Rapid Roadster Bicycle. 45. New Rapid Light Roadster Bicycle. 46. New Rapid Safety. 47. Quadrant Tricycle No. 8. 48. Lady's Quadrant Tricycle No. 14. 49. Quadrant Tandem No. 15. 50. Singer Apollo Bicycle. 51. Singer Safety. 52. Singer Ladies' Safety. 58. Singer Tandem. 54. Star Bicycle. 55. Star Safety. 56. Star Rover. 57. Hortou Safety. 58. Rugby Safety. 59. Dauntless Safety. 60. Girl's Electric Safety. 61. Electric Juvenile Safety. 62. American Ideal. Pope Manufacturing Co.'s. 63. Columbia Light Roadster Bicycle. 64. Expert Columbia Bicycle. 65. Volunteer Columbia Bicycle. 66. Columbia Semi-Roadster Bicycle. 6'7. Columbia Tandem. 68. Surprise Columbia Tricycle. 69. Columbia Light Roadster Safety. 70. Columbia Tandem Safety. SAMPLi! LETTER. To The Home Supply Assn. , 315-321 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. I hold a membership to your Association and request your assistance to have the factory sell me one of their Wheels. Name — Columbia Light Roadster Bicycle, 51-inch wheel, M finish, with tangent spokes (name other particulars.) I have used my best endeavors and find the lowest cash price at which I can secure it myself is $125.00. I shall be readyrto make the purchase about July 18, 1889. I pledge my honor to keep your price strictly confidential, and that my intention is to purchase this wheel for personal use, and not to seU. Enclosed find 2-cent stamp for reply. Yours truly, Name Address _ Membership Certificate No SEwme MAeriiNES. Standard ar\d I^eliable Nlal^es. DISCOUNTS OF 10 TO 60 PER CENT. According to the make, and locality in which you live. It is essential you send us a formal letter, similar to the one above, substituting the name of the sewing machine for tlie bicycle, giving the manu- facturer's style or number, the number of drawers, kind of wood in cabinet or stand, and any other particulars which may guide us. No. 1. Davis. No. 4. Remington. No. 7. Wilson. No. 2. Diamond. No. 5. Wheeler & Wilson. No. 8. White. No. 3. Domestic. No. 6. Wilcox & Gibbs. No. 9. Singer. FOIi PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 31 T^HE^ ^d^OI3E>r^ ^E^^VSTE^ie, SENT TO YOU ON TRIAL fHE MODEL SEWER Machine is equal to any of the well known makes, being similar to the White, Singer, Domestic, etc., and at the price furnished to members never fails to give satisfaction, hence the liberal ofifer made to send it on trial. "The Model Sewer" has a high arm as shown in the picture; it com- bines all the elements of the latest improvements in sewing machines, and avoids the intricacies of management frequently so troublesome to the learner and operator. The large space under the arm affords room for handling bulky goods, such as dresses, cloaks, etc.; the needle is practically self-setting, so that the most inexperienced can not set it wrong. The qual- ity of the material used in the construction of the machine is the best. The woodwork is walnut and is well and neatly constructed. The following attachments are furnished free with each machine: — 1 BuflBer and Gatherer, 1 Shirring Plate, 1 Tucker, 1 Corder, 1 Braider, 1 Binder, 1 Quilter, 1 Thread Cutter, 5 Hemmers (ig to 1 inch), 1 dozen Needles assorted, 6 Bobbins, 1 Gauge and Screw, 1 Wrench, 1 Screwdriver, 1 Oil Can, 1 Instruction Book. SENT ON TRIAL FOR 20 DAYS To show our confidence in the "Model Sewer '' we make the following offer: We will ship a machine via express on 20 days' trial, to any express office on a railroad within 400 miles of Chicago, under the following con- ditions : When a machine arrives at the express office, the person ordering it deposits with the express agent the price of the machine, together with transportation charges and the return charges on the money. The express agent is instructed on each C. 0. D. bill to hold the money 20 days. If by the expiration of 20 days the machine is not returned to him, the express agent sends us the money; but if returned he pays back every cent of the money deposited to the person who deposited it, and sends us the machine at our expense both ways. If you want the machine shipped on these terms, please be particular to say bo in your order. Please note that we do not ship machines by express upon these teruis to any point more than 400 miles from Chicago, as the charges would be too high, and it would be much better to ship by freight. Machines ordered by freight and paid for, may be returnt d if unsatis, factory, after 30 days' trial, at our expense and money will be refunded. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE Ml'MBERS' SECRET KEY GENERAL ST7FPLIES. Bibbons for Type- Writing Machines. No. 84 . — Typewriter Ribbons Nil. 8 I. — Caligraph Ribbons No. 86 — Hammond Ribbons Colors, (Record or Copying,) Black, Purf It-, Blue Green. Indelible, (Copying) for all machines. In ordering be careful to state what machine ) on are using. Carbon Paper. BEST QUALITT. No. 87.— Size 8x10 - No. G8.— Size 8x12 - Other sizes can be furnished promptly. Linen Papers. The best grade at lowest prices, manufactured expressly for typewriter work. Send for sample book. BEMINGTON, No. 2. This is the most popular Remington on the market. It writes both capitals and small letters, figures, punc- tuation marks, etc. It has 88 keys (f arh key repre- senting two characters)in addition to the "shift" key by the use of which the machine can be made to write either character of any key. mandfacturer's retail price. Machine only $95 00 Machine and cover 97 50 Machine, cover and table 100 00 Weight, with cover 30 lbs. Size 11x16x16 Will take paper S}^ ^- wide, and write a line of 7 in. CALIGBAPH No. 2. This represents a machine endorsed by the leading business houses and typewriter operators of the country as rapid, practical, reliable, very durable, and sure to prove satisfactory. It has 73 keys, writing capitals and small letters, numerals, punctuation marks, etc. This machine has a separate key for each character, thus printing any character at a single finger stroke, and without the use of "shift" keys. MANDPACTUKER'S BETATL PRICE. With case - $85 00 Weight, with case 31 lbs Size 12x14x16 in. Takes paper 9J^ in. wide, and writes a line of 7 in. HAMBEOND. The Hammond is ranked as one of the standard machines now on the market. It is widely known, and justly so, for its excellent work, perfect alignment, and interchangeable type-wheel, which can be easily and quickly changed by the operator for any style type desired. It has only 30 keys, but writes 90 characters, this being accomplished by means of two " shift " keys. MANDPACTDRBR'S REGULAR PRICE. With one extra type-wheel $100 00 Additional type-wheels, each - - 5 00 Weight - - 17}^ lbs. Size 71^x12x14 in. It handles paper of any length and width. HALL. The Hall is essentially a " one-hand " machine, only one hand being required in operating it. It has no keys, but is operated by means of a stylus or pointer, which is carried each time to the letter desired, when a slight pressure produces the letter. It writes 73 or 82 chaiacters, according to model. The type, which are inked from a pad, are of rubber, and are interchangeable. Type plates can be had in different languages. Is enclosed in walnut case and is very portable. Mandfaci'URKr's Retail Price ;— Any type, $40.00 ; extra type plates, each $1.00; weight, 6^ lbs. ; size, 4x8>^xl5 inches. Takes paper 12 in. wide, and writes a line of 714 inches. StJN. This little machine has metal type inked from a roller, writes capitals, numerals and punctuation marks For a very cheap machine it has no supi rior. ^Iakufacturer's Retail Price: Miiihine, $12 00; size, 4x6x13 inches. Takes paper 8 inches wide, and will write the same length. lakes iMpei CRANDALL. This represents the new model Crandall typewriter. Among iho good features possessed by this machine may be mentioned : interchangeable type ; the writing 13 always in sight; it has 28 keys in addition to three "shift" keys, and writes 8i characters. MANtlFACTTRER'S RETAIL. price. Machine and case $75 00 Additional sets of type,each 4 00 Weight 19 1hp. — Size 8|xl2xl4 inchcf. in \N ide, aud writes a line of li inches. WORLD. The World Typewriter has rubber type, inked from a pad, and is a neat, cheap and portable instrument. MANrFACTURER's RETAIL PRICE. Single-case machine, $10.00; double case machine, $15 00 ; leather cases, each $2.00; extra type, per set, 75c., size 3x6x13 in. Handles paper of ordinary letter size. B'Oll PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECI5ET KEY. 33 FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. In this branch of our business wc command a complete line of the most solid and reliable goods in the market, and can accommodate our members ■with all they desire in the way of Furniture on terms unobtiunable elsewhere. The space allotted for Furniture in the catalogue is to limited that we can only enumerate a few staple articles, as Upholstered Parlor Furniture, in all designs, shades and coverings. Library Furniture, in great variety. Chamber Suits, in great variety. Artistic Wood-Seated Chairs, in all the newest designs. Ladies' Writing Desks, in great variety. Office Desks, in great variety. Wardrobes, of all descriptions, to suit all classes. Fancy Parlor Tables, in all the finest designs. Rattan and Reed Chairs, all varieties. JIantel Cabinet Tops, all varieties. Dining- Room Furniture, suitable for all cla.sses. Fancy Rocking Chairs, of every conceivable design. Upholstered Easy Chairs, very large assortment. Cabinets, in great variety. Hat Racks and Hall Trees. Chiffoniers, large assortment. Book Cases, large assortment and various sizes. Folding Beds, large assortment. Mirrors and Pier Glasses, in all designs. Mattresses and Springs, great variety. Church and Lodge Chairs, great variety. Upholstered Goods, sucii as Parlor Suits. Fancy Chairs, Rockers, Easy Chairs, etc., we can supply in all the finest coverings, as IMohair Plushes, Terries, Tapestries, Silk Plushes, Brocatelles, Leather, etc., and in all the various designs and shades that even the most fastidious tastes could desire. PARLOR SUITS. We would call particular attention to our elegant Parlor Suits, which we can supply in any quantity at prices ranging from $: Frames are in all the finest woods, such as mahogany, natural color; mahogany, in dark antique finish; walnut, cherry, oak, etc. I to $400. The 34 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY CHAIRS. In the line of Chairs we command such an immense variety that it is utterly impossible to describe them in so short a space as is allotted to Furni- ture in this catalogue. We shall be happy to forward full Furniture Catalogue to intending purchasers on application. .iOll PIIICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' 8ECKET KEY. 35 CHAMBER FURNITURE. Ill this class of Furniture we have great variety in mahog any, cherry, ash, walnut and oak finished antiques. "\^ ( have very fine sets, ranging from $40 to $180, while the cheapi. ones range from $20 to $35. They are all excellent in coi struction and handsome in design. 36 FOR PRICES, KXAMINB MEMBERS' SECRET KKT Intending purchasers are requested to write us stating what they desire, when we will fur- nish them with full and complete catalogue from which to make their selections. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECREl KEY. 37 CARPETS. Velvet Carpets. Our entire line of the best Vehx-t Carpets, with borders to match, per yard. Body Brussels Carpets. A complete line of the best five-frame Body Brussels, in all the new shades of colorings and designs, botli large and small patterns, borders to match; ,per yard. Also a complete line in all new patterns and the latest styles, at per yard, borders to match. Tapestry Brussels. We are showing one of the most complete lines in our best ten-wire Tapestry Brussels in all the new shades, most of them copies from the best patterns made in Wiltons, Moquetts and Body Brussels, with borders to match, al per yard. And our line of Tapestry Brussels at cannot be equaled, both in quality and styles. We are offering to our ctistomers a complete line of good Tapestry Brussels in twenty-five different patterns, good, bright colors, at jier yard. Also a good line of Tapestry Brussels, in good styles, new patterns, at per yard. lyCaking: Carpets. We charge five cents per yard for making and pressing all carpets, both plain and borders. In ordering carpets, please state whether you prefer large or smah patterns, also the colors you prefer. Directions For Measuring. Parties sending plans by mail should follow these general directions for measuring : Draw a complete diagram of the rooms or spaces to be carpeted, as nearly correct in shape and proportions as possible. Measure with a rule or yard-stick, in preference to a tape-line, and state dimensions in feet and inches. Measure from the straight side, and give length and depth of all win- dow, door, and other recesses, jogs, etc., separately, also, extreme length and extreme breadth, to prove correctness of the shorter measures. In measuring bay windows, the diagram should be accurate, with depth, width, and length of beveled sides exactly stated. If a room be narrower at one end or side than at the other, give the two measures from opposite corners, diagonally. When several connecting rooms or spaces are to be carpeted with the same pattern, more detailed measures should be taken, and all passages and doorways fully shown. Measures for bordered carpets should be very exact. Indicate front of house on diagram of each floor, and the direction you wish pattern to run by the figure of an arrow. Measure stairs on the wall side, giving the entire length, with one-half yard added for slip. Wide steps at bottom can be measured separately. All Ingrain carpets are 36 inches wide; Brussels and Velvets, 27 inches; borders for Velvets and Brussels, 22 inches wide. From parties ordering carpets cut and sent C. O. D., we shall in all cases expect a deposit of 35 per cent to accompany the order. Ingrain Carpets. The best all-wool extra supers, , In this line we have at least eighty different patterns in bright colors, also a complete line of the new shades in l)r,)nze, olives, peacock blue, and all the .soft, delicate shades made in belter goods. A complete line of good All-Wool Carpets a line of Ingrain Carpets at '" ' Rag Carnets. Semp Carpets. 33-incli, 3G-inch, Cottage Carpets. Chelsea Carpets. 33 inches wide, small block pattern; makes excellent bedroom Carpet; oulj Venetian Stair Carpets. 18 inches wide, 22 inches wide, inches wide, Tapestry Brussels Stair Carpets. China Matting. Plain white, 38 inches wide, fancy, 36 inches wide, Crumb Cloths. Felt, each, Ingrain, each, flarpet Linings. Wadded, per yard, Red Cedar Felt Lining, per yard. All our Linings are one yard wide. Smyrna Hugs and Mats. KUGS. Each. 18x36 inch 24x48 " 26x54 " 30x60 " 36x72 " 4x7 feet DOOR M.\TS. Brussels Door Mats Smyrna " " Cocoa Mats Oil Cloth and liinoleum. Linoleum, per square yard. Complete Line of Oil Cloth at 2.5, 30 up to .50 per square yard, in ai widths. Oil Cloth Bugs. 1 yard square, from 1^4 ■• " IH " " UPHOLSTERY DEPARTMENT. Upholstery Materials. Tapestry, 52 inches wide, Raw Silk, 52 inches wid" Silk Plush, ill siiades. ) per yard, per yard. '\^indow Shades. Window Shades, self acting rollers, 36 inches wide, 2 yards long, Window Shading in all colors, 38 inches wide, " per yard. Curtain Materials. Scrim in ecru, 40 inches wide Madras in colors, 40 inches wide, in ecru and white. Bed Sets. Bed Sets in ecru and white, full size Antique Bed Sets, ■^ per yard. Imitation per yard. Curtain Net per yard. Felt and Windsor Cloth for Fancy 'Work. Felt, 72 inches wide, in all sliades, per yard. Windsor Cloth, 72 inches wide, in all shades. per v.ard. Silk Cords in plain and mixed colors for fancy work, per yard. Silk Ornaments, from each. Cotton ^;oras ana. Tassels for looping curtains, in ecru, white and mixed colors ai, per pair. Gimps for furniture and fancy work, Fringes. A complete ^Jne of Fringes for fancy work in wool and silk, at per yard. Portiers and Door Drapery. Extra heavy Portiers, 45 inclies wide, 3 yards long, per pair. Fine imported cross strii)e Portiers. fringed all round in peacocK blue, red, olive and cream, ' ' pair. Turcoman Portiers. 48 inches wide, 3 yards Inng. fringed all ro(rna"in bronze, peacock blue and red. Raw Silk Portiers, 48 inches wide, 3 yards long, large silk chenille borders, all shades, ' per pair. AIJ .';henillq curtains, 48 inches wide, 3}^ inches long, in all the new shades; per pair. 38 FOR I'RICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. In this department we carry a full line of upholstery hardware of all descriptions. Any article wanted in this line not found in the catalogue, if the customer will write and describe the article wanted we will cheerfully give them all the information possible. No. 1. Five-foot Curtain Poles, IJ^ inches thick, finished in Ebony, Walnut and Mahogany, trimmed as above, complete. each. For longer Poles add for each additional foot over 5 feet long. No. 8. Five-foot Wood Curtain Pole, finished in Ebony, Walnut and Mahogany, with brass Rings, Ends and Brackets, each. For longer Pole add per foot for each additional foot over 5 feet long. No. 3. Extension Brackets, 4 to 7 inches, Extension Brackets, 7 to 13 inches per pair, per iwir. No. 6. Brass, No. 10. Brass, a pair. Per pair. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES.-Continued. PILLOW-SHAM HOLDER. No. 8. The best made. Doe.s not fold the sham. each. 39 No. 11. Brass Drapery Chains; per pair, DRAPING CHAINS. No. 13. Brass Drapery Chains; per pair, ^^ No. 13. Drapery Chains; per pair. fte^ ^i^: tm No. 14. Brass Drapery Chains; per pair TP TV Ir^ Drapery Chains; per pair, 40 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, WIRE PICTURE CORD. Tinned — Bratoed. No. 1, per coil. No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, Twenty-four 3-ards iu each coil. MAGNETIC TACK HAMMER. No. 17 each. .No. 18. No. 19. No. 20. aping Pins; Picture Nail; white porcelain, Picture Molding Hooks, per dc2. brass rim; per doz. per doz. Xo. 21. Bissell Carpet-sweeper; each, POLISHED STEEL SCISSORS. No. 26. Scissors, Extra Quality. 3 inch, per pair 4 5 6 No. 22. The Aurora Carpet-sweeper; each. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 41 OIL-CLOTH BINDING. No. 29. METAL BINDING, AND Corners for Oil Cloth. Pat. Sept. 19, 1871. Reissued Aug. 3, 1 880. Put up one set in a box. Four pieces, four corners and tacks malie one set. ROLLER PULL NO. 23. Nickel or Gilt Kacli, ZINC. BUASS. 4-4 per set 44 per set 5-4 '■ 54 ■' 6-4 '■ 6 4 " 8-4 ■' 84 " : Split Turkey Feather Dusters. No. 27. 10 inch Each. 11 " " 12 " " 13 ■' " 14 " " 15 " " 16 " " SHADE PULL NO. 24. Nickd oi Gilt Each, SELgACTING ^OLLER^ SHADE ROLLERS. No. 23. 1 inch by 3 feet 6, for Shades up to 7 feet 6 long each, IJi • ' " " 12 " ■' ....each. FURNirURE a ALL WOODEM^-^RTTCIES. Best m IS® WftsmsM . LIQUID CEMENT. Small size, 2 oz. bottles. Large " 4 " DIRECTIONS. Apply thoroughly to both edges of art- icle to be mended; make a neat.ioint; bind and set away to dry. If chilled, place bottle in warm water to soften. If too thick add a little vinegar. Wood Stair Rods. No. 30. WOOD. 26 inch, per doz. . . 30 ■• " •• ... In Walnut or Cherry. WOOD, KICKEL OK BKASS ENDS 26 inch, per doz. 30 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. DINNER, BREAKFAST AND TEA SETS. Square and Oblong Shapes. NOTE. — The cuts of dinner sets shown below are exact duplicates of the shape and decorations of the sets we quote, having been photographed from the original pieces in every case. Our cuts give you an exact idea of the shape, and a true outline of the decoration. Our description aims to give you the true color of the decoration. ENGLISH PRINTED DINNER SETS. COVERED DISH. Napier Pattern. Brown Color Decoration. 130 pieces; square shaped tureens and platters, white body; a neat, pretty border pattern, running all around edge; small figure in center of flat pieces. Bran new pattern, made especially for us, just received from pot- teries in England. A set that will give good service, and one good enough for the President's table. Full set (extra large), 130 pieces, suitable for dinner, tea and breakfast. Price, 130 piece set Napier Pattern. Blue Color Decoration. 130 pieces, square shapes. Same elegant set as above set in brown. Price, 130 piece set See list of pieces below. Caxton Pattern. Brown, Blue and Pink Colors. 130 pieces; new, fancy shaped tureens and platters, ivory body. _ A beau- tiful decoration, flowers and sprays extending around hollow pieces and across all Hat pieces. This set is simply a beauty. The decoration is not loud and striking, but produces a neat and subdued effect that grows on one's taste. This set is new and the best ever offered for the price. ""■■" set (extra large), 130 pieces, suitable for dinner, breakfast and tea. Price, 130 piece set, brown decoration Full 130 130 blue pink " See list of pieces below. List of 130 Pieces Dinner Set. No. pes, 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 12 4 2 1 Articles. No. pes. 12 Dinner plates, 1 12 Breakfast plates, 2 12 Tea plates, 4 12 Soup plates, 3 12 Sauce plates, 2 12 Individual butters, 1 12 Tea cups and saucers, 1 6 Coffee cups and saucers, 1 4 Platters, assorted sizes, — 1 Soup tureen and cover, 130 pieces. 1 Gravy boat, Articles. 1 Pickle, 2 Open vegetable dishes, 2 Covered vegetable dishes, 1 Covered butter, 1 Sugar bowl, 1 Cream, 1 Bowl, 1 "Water pitcher. COVKKiai J>IS1I. Dresden Pattern. 101 Pieces. A beautiful, new printed pattern of imported ware, in new .shapes, oblong platters, bakers, etc. New llulfd shape covered tureens Tall shape cups and saucers. Decorations, a neat border pattern of flowers and sprays, in a true seal brown. Don't hesitate; this is a grand pattern. The number of pieces in this set is same as our regular 101 piece set (see list), except sii coflfee cups and saucers, instead of twelve pie plates. Price, 101 piece set We also can give a more complete set of 143 pieces in this pattern. Price, 143 piece set COVERED DISH, Thistle Pattern. 120 pieces; square shaped tureens; ivory colored body. The thistle- flower and leaf with the hawthorne sprig predominates in the decoration. The color is a very dark brown, or neutral tint, covering the piece com- pletely. This set presents a very handsome appearance on the table. Full- set composed of 120 pieces, suitable for dinner, breakfast and tea. Price of 120 piece set See list of pieces below. g^fa;s^v,y<}.''rig^°~'^is-x^^ COVERED DISH. Aster Pattern. This pattern can be had in two colors, one a dark rich blue, and the other a seal brown; 120 pieces; square shaped tureens; ivoi-y colored body; color of decoration, a very dark rich blue. The flowers are blue, and the background a fine figure, also blue. The decoration is very solid, com pletely covering each piece, producing a handsome effect. A great bargain. Full set composed of 120 pieces, suitable for dinner, breakfast or tea. Price of 120 piece set, in blue or brown See list of pieces below. List of 120 Piece Dinner Set. — Dresden, Thistle, Aster Patterns. No. pes. Articles. 12 Dinner plates, 12 Breakfast plates, 12 Tea plates, 13 Soup plates, 12 Sauce plates, 12 Individual butters, 12 Handled cups and saucers, 1 Soup tureen, 1 Gravy boat, 1 Pickle boat, No. pes. Articles. 2 Covered vegetable dishes, 2 Open vegetable dishes, 1 Covered butter dish, 4 Platters, assorted sizes, 1 Sugar bowl, 1 Creamer, 1 Slop bowl, 2 Cake plates, 1 Water pitcher, 120 pieces. ron PIIK'ES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 43 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT.— Continued. No. 3280. Colored Shaftesbury Pattern. "We also carry in stock a dinner set in briglit colored decoration, same shapes as the regular Shaftesbury (see cut below.) No. 3280 is printed in bright colors, red and brown; very attractive on the table. The cut gives a poor idea of the beauty of this set. Dinner set consists of 116 pieces. Price of No. 3280 Shaftesbury Dinner set, of IIG pieces 12 Dinner plates, 12 plates, 12 Tea plates, 12 Soup plates, 12 Sauce plates, 12 Individual 1 (utters, 12 Handled cups and saucers, 3 Phitters, as-icirlcd sizes, 3 Covered vegetal ilc dishes. 2 Open vegetable dishes, 1 Covered butter dish, 1 Soup tureen, 1 Gravy boat, 1 ckle dish, 1 r. 1 am, 1 Slop bowl. IH! jiieces. THE "BROWN SEASONS" WARE. A dinner set of 120 pieces for DINNER "Brown Seasons " Platter. "Brown Seasons " Plate. The " Brown Seasons" is an English printed "ware on ivor_y body. The shapes are all the new square pattern, while the decorations pertain to the four seasons, showing agricultural pursuits, hunting scenes, etc. Color of decoration, seal brown. We offer the dinner sets of " Brown Seasons," 120 pieces, for as follows: o. pes. Articles. No. pes. Articles. 12 12 Dinner plates. 1 1 Sauce Ijoat, 12 12 Breakfast plates. 1 1 Pickle dish. 12 12 Tea plates, 2 1 Square bakers. 12 12 Soup plates. 4 2 Square covered dishes. 12 12 Fruit saucers. 4 4 Platters, a.ssorted sizes, 12 12 Individual butters. 1 1 Water pitcher, 24 12 Tea cups and saucers. 2 1 Sugar bowl, 3 1 Covered butter dish, 1 1 Cream pitcher, 2 2 Square bread plates, 1 1 Bowl. a 1 Soup tureen, 120 pieces. A great bargain at per set. CUVKKEI) IIISII. Vienna Shape. Decoration No. 146. A handsome set at a low price. Gold on the edges and on all handles. Very complete set. Decoration, leaves and branch in colors, a delicate pink and brown. The latest style of decoration. Price, 101 piece Dinner set " 105 " " See list of pieces in both sets below, COViniKD PTSH. Vienna Shape. Decoration No. 158. Moss rose bud and leaves. The bud in pink and the leaves and stems In gray and buff. This is a very handsome set and looks well on any table. Price, 105 piece Dinner set See list of pieces in set below. COVEKED DISH. Empire .shape, decoration No. 1036. A slone china set, flower spray, pink and gray colors, with gold decoration on handles of covers. A strong, servicable set with neat decoration at a very small cost. Oval shapes. See list of set below. No. pes. Articles. 2 1 Soup tureen and cover, 1 1 Sauce boat, 1 1 Pickle, 2 Open vegetable dishes. No. pes. Articles. 12 12 Tea plates, 12 12 Sauce plates, 12 12 Soup plates, 12 12 Pie plates, 2 1 Covered vegetable dish, oval, 24 12 Cups and saucers, handled, 2 1 Covered vegetable dish, r'nd, 12 12 Individual butters, 3 1 Covered butter, 1 1 Water pitcher, 2 quart, 3 3 Platters, assorted sizes, 1 1 Pudding dish. 12 12 Dinner plates, 114 pieces. Price, 114 piece Dinner set LIST OF lOl PIECE DINNER SET. Articles No. pes. 12 Dinner or breakfast plates, 3 12 Tea plates, 2 12 Pie plates, 1 12 Sauce plates, 2 12 Individual butters, 2 12 Handled teacups and saucers, 1 1 Sugar bowl, 1 1 Bowl, 2 3 Platters, assorted sizes, 2 Square bakers, 1 Pickle dish, 1 Oblong covered dish, 1 Square covered dish, 1 Gravy boat, 1 Cream pitcher, 1 Teapot. 101 pieces. LIST OF 105 PIECE DINNER SET. No. pes. Articles. . 2 1 Soup tureeil^ 1 1 Sauce boat, 1 1 Pickle, .Open vegetable dishes ^ - 2 covered vegetable dishes, 1 Covered butter, 3 Platters, assorted sizes, 12 Dinner or breakfast plates, 12 Tea or dessert plates. No. pes. Articles. 12 12 Soup plates, 12 12 Sauce plates, 12 12 Individual butters, 24 12 Handled tea cups and saucers, 2 1 Sugar, 1-1 Cream, 1 Teapot. 105 pieces. FLORENTINE PATTERN. Brown Color Decoration. 128 pieces. Square-shaped tureens and platters, white body. A new and beautiful dinner service, in English goods, just received. We have imported a great number of sets to make very low price. The color of set is a delicate''brown. The decoration is composed of apple blossoms and sprigs, with wide band of great beauty and design. Our cut of plate above represents the set finely. See list of pieces below. Price, 128 piece set List.— 128 Piece Set. No. pes. Articles. No. pes. Articles. 12 i2 Dinner plates, 12 12 Breakfast plates, 12 12 Tea plates, 12 12 Soup pl:ites. 12 12 Sauce plates, 12 12 Individual butters, 24 12 Handled tea cups and saucers 12 6 Handled coffee cups and " 3 3 Platters, assorted, 2 2 Open vegetable dishes. " 1 Cov'd vegetable dish, oblong, 2 1 Cov'd vegetable dish, square, 1 1 Gravy boat. 1 1 Pickle dish, 3 1 Covered butter, 2 1 Sugar, , 1 1 Creamer, 1 1 Slop l)Owl, 2 1 Teapot. 128 pieces. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT.— Continued. APPLE BLOSSOM DINNER WARE. This is a new pattern of decorated semi-china ware that has just been put on the market. The body of the ware is strong and durable, not heavy, the color of French china, but with more durability. The shapes are all new and very pretty. Well liked generally by everybody. The decoration is a border pattern in delicate brown, with large pink flower and small blue flower, gold trimmings on all the handles. Tlis Apple Blossom pattern we will sell in pieces as loanted, and sets can be matched for years to corns. Sample of Apple Blossom dinner plate and oblong covered dish. REPACKING PRICE LIST "APPLE BLOSSOM " WARE. Per Pie plates, 5 inch festoon edge Tea plates, 6 " " " Breakfast plates, 7 inch festoon edge Dinner plates, 8 ■' " " Soup plates, 7 " " " Sauce plates, square shape Individual butters, square shape Berry saucers, festoon edge '. Tea cups and saucers handled, new shape Coffee cups and saucers handled, new shapes Soup bowls, footed, pint Soup tureen and stand, oblong shape. . . Covered dishes Covered dishes, square shape Open vegetable dish, oblong shape. . . . . Gravy tureen with ladle, square shape. . Covered butter, square shape Sauce boat, two-handle, square shape.. Dishes (platters) 8 inch, oblong shape. Dishes " 10 " " " . Dishes " 12 " " " . Dishes " 14 " " " . Dishes " 16 " " " . Pickle dish, oblong shape Teapot, square shape Sugar " " Cream " " Cake plate, square shape Slop bowl " " .... Water p'itcher, 3 pints, tall DECORATED TEA SETS, 56 PIECES. Attica Pattern. Printed Tea Sets. English ware printed on ivoiy body. A neat and taking border pattern. Colors, seal brown, olive and light brown. Fifty-six piece tea set. Englisli Printed Tea Set. 56 Pieces, Pippin Pattern. A new pattern and a fine set to retail; splendid smooth finished goods, ivory body, pippin and spraj' decoration with a narrow band on the edge. Square shaped teapot, sugar and cream, Minton shaped cup and saucer, octagon bread plate, three colors, brown, pink, blue. Price, 56 piece set Pippin. English Printed Tea Set. 56 Pieces, Alaska Pattern. Ivory colored body, elegant finish, rustic comoined with landscape decorations, fancy shapes, square teapot, sugar and cream, Minton shape cup and .saucer. A perfect beauty of a set, 3 colors, pink, blue, brown. Price, 56 piece set English Printed Tea Set. 56 Pieces, Brown Sprig Pattern. Ivory colored body, very elegant large bowl- shaped cup and saucer, seal brown color; a fine set. Price, 56 piece set English Printed Tea Set. 56 Pieces; No. 21391 Pattern. Chry.santhemum decoration, ivory colored body,. elegant finished goods, fancy shapes, conic-shaped cup and saucer, a beauty of a bread plate. Just a, daisy of a set; 3 colors, reddish brown, seal brown and gray. Price, 56 piece set English Printed Tea Set. 56 Pieces; Dado Pattern. An elegant set, just received, white body, new fancy shape teapot, sugar and cream, new shape cup and saucer; decorations, flowers, fruit and landscape, 2 col- ors, reddish brown and seal brown. Price, 56 piece set No. 683. French China Wide-Gold Tea Set. Composed of 56 pieces. This is a rattling .set at our price, a sure seller. Thin egg shell cup, beautiful and transparent. Purest china, widest gilt band. Price, 56 piece set -. .. Haviland French China Decorated, Moss Rose Tea Set. 56 Pieces. Bright rose-buds and flowers, with gold edges, not color line edges, but every piece will be traced with gold. A set to sell at all times. Price, 56 piece set No. 1. Cable Pattern French China Gold Band Tea Set. Composed of 56 pieces. These tea sets are from the celebrated manufacturers, Haviland & Co. Purest china, best gold band, will not wear oft. Price, 56 piece set No. 2. Cable Pattern French China Narrow Gold Band Tea Set, Composed of 56 pieces, same sets as above, same ware, same make, same quality, only difference, narrow line of gold. Price, 56 piece set ; Triangle Pattern French China Wide-Gold Band Tea Set. /^ Composed of 56 pieces. All made by Haviland & Co. ' These sets are the finest gold band sets ever offered. Ele- gant broad bands on each piece. Triangle shape teapot, sugar and cream, extra wide gold band on spout of teapot. Price, 56 piece set. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 46 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT DECORATED CHAMBER SETS. Richmond Pattern, Printed Chamber Set. English ware — a new pattern just received from the English potteries. Decorations, sprays of flowers with panel landscape and marine views. A handsome decoration. Supremely cheap at our price. Nothing like it in the market. We liase three colors: hr(iwn, pink and blue. You can have sets with slop jar or without. 1 slip Jar 1 p J ir \ ime your colors when ordering. " Maiden." This set is composed of large, full sized pieces, decorated one inch band in the following colors : maroon, blue or pink. 'Tis a rapid seller, and our orders continue to increase for this set. Our " MalckMi " liuinleil Chamber Set, Maiden Chamber set, 10 pieces, any color, per set , Maiden Chamber set, 10 pieces, with covered and handled slop jar per set Bengal Pattern Printed Chamber Set. An elegant set of English make, superbly decorated with large sprays of leaves and flowers. Chinese lanterns hanging from the boughs of trees. You cannot fail to sell rliamber sets, if selected from our line. We have the Bengal pattern iu three colors: I ink, blue and brown. You can have a set with slop jar or without. -Continued. Orange Pattern Printed Chamber Set, on ivory colored body. Full size set. Something new. Design of decoration very handsome and ornamental. Sprays and fruit. Cut does not do the set jus- tice. Finest set ever sold for the money. In three colors : olive, seal brown and light brown. Orange Ewer and Basin. Orange, 10 piece C^hamber Set (Covered an 1 handled Slop Jar, Scenery Pattern, English Printed Chamber Set. Very large bowl and pitcher. Landscape dec- oration in panels. Panels on both sides of piece. Oak leaf spray running round top of pieces. Beautiful basin handsomely decor- ated on inside. One of the best sets for the price ever offered. Three colors: brown, pink and green, You can buy sets with or with- out slop jars. ' piece Set ' ])icre Set, with covered jar. Clematis Pattern, English Printed Chamber Set. A fine decoration on fanc}' shapes. Sizes of ail pieces very large. The decoration is the tiiiwer Clematis, and a piece of lattice work fencing. Very neat and attractive. We have four colors : blue, pink, brown and black. You can have a set with or without slop jar. Price, 10 piece Set . . Price, 10 piece Set, with covered slop jar. Melboumo Pattern, English Printed Chamber Set. A new pattern of sets, just imported. New style. Decoration, a large fruit spray with panel of rustic and marine scenery. Decora- tion on both sides and inside bowl. Pieces are large and set is very showy. We have three colors: brown, pink or blue. You can order sets with slop jar or without. with covered slop jar Regal Pattern, Printed Chamber Set. A new pattern of chamber .set in English ware, unique shape, very large and handsome. Panel decorations, leaves and flowers on four sides. Very neat; a good set to sell rapidly. Three colors : brown, pink and blue. Set sold witli jar or without. Bamboo Pattern, English Printed Chamber Set. This is a fine set. Above the average. The decoration is bright colored, and iu numerous colors. They are assorted and represent morn- ing-glory vines, hop vines, blackberry vines, Imtterflies, etc.. on ditferent pieces and run- ning tlirough one set. The lower part of each jiiece of set is bamboo pattern. Sets sold with or without slop jar. Price, 10 jiicce set Price, 10 jiiece Set, with covered slop jar WHITE GRANITE WARE. REPACKING PRICES FOR J. & G. MEAKINS' "CROWN." English Ware. The best selling line of tjueensware in this country. Oval Bakers. Out. Meas. Each Perdoz, Baker's size, 3 inch 5}^^ inch 4 " 6i| inch 5 " 7 inch. Bakers size, 6 inch 8 inch, " 7 " 9 inch, " 8 " 10 inch. " 9 " IOJ4' inch, " 10 " 12 inch. Bowls. Each. Per d< z. Bowls Size, ;24s, (Quart) " Size, 30s, (Pint) ■' Size, 36s, (Half Pint) footed Size, 4s, Size, 6s, Oj'ster, footed, 24s, " 30s, Brush Vases. Vases and Trays, Covered Butters. Butters, covered, and Drainer 5 inch, " " " 6 inch, Uncovered fast, " .5 inch. Individual Oval Covered Dishes. Size. C'livered Dishes 7 inch 8 inch " 9 inch ' 10 inch Round Covered Dishes. Size. . Covered, 7 inch 8 inch • 9 inch 10 inch FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CHAMBERS. Chambers covered, size 6s, large, each, , per doz Chambers civered, size 9s, me- dium, each. , per doz. . . . Chambers imcovered, size 9s, me- each, per doz COFFEES. Coffees unbundled, per set (6 cups and 6 saucers) Coffees handled, per set (6 cups and 6 saucers) COMPORTS. For fruit, sauce, etc. ' Comports on foot, size 8 in., each Comports on foot, size 7 in., each CREAMERS. I Cream pitchers, size 24s, each, I per doz Cream pitchers, size 30s, each, per doz CROCKERY DEPARTMENT.— Continued PITCHERS. alien. CUSTARDS. Custards, handled, each, per doz. PLATTERS. Out. meas. Per doz Platters, size 3 inch 6 inch. 4 " • 6M 5 " . 8 6 •' . 8K 7 " . 9 8 " .10 9 " 11 10 " .12 11 '■ .131^ 13 " •14K 14 " .17 16 " .18«4 18 " .30M.V EGG CUPS. Egg cups, single, per doz. " double, " EWERS AND BASINS. Ewers and basins, 6s, large, per pair " " " 9s, medium, " ICE CREAMS. ^ ■^Ice creams, size 4 inch, per Ice creams, size 43^ inch, per doz PITCHERS. Pitchers, size 4.s, 1'^ each, per doz l^Pitchers, size 6s, gallon, each, per doz Pitchers, size 13s, J^ gallon, each, per doz Pitchers, size 34s, quart, each, per d'-z. " ■" 30s, pint, each, per doz. . " " 86s, J^ pint, each, per doz MUGS. Mugs, size 30, each, per i dozen Mugs, size 36, each, per ^^ dozen NAPPIES. Nappies, scolloped, 5 in., out- side measure 6 in. , each, per doz Nappies, scolloped, 6 in., outside measure 7in., each, per doz Nappies, scolloped, 7 in., outside measure 8 in., each, per doz Nappies, scolloped, 8 in., outside measure 9 in. , each, per doz Nappies, scolloped, 9 in., outside measure 9?^ in.,. .each, per doz Nappies, scolloped, 10 in., outside measure lOJ^ in., each, per doz PLATES. Plates, flat, .5 in., outside meas- ure Oij in., per doz Plates, flat, 6 in., outside meas- ure 7?4^ in., per doz Plates, flat, 7 in., outside meas- ure 9 in,, per doz Plates, flat, 8 in., outside measure 9?4 in., per doz , Plates, .sauce,- 4 in., outside measure 4}^ in., per doz Plates, deep, 4 in., outside measure 5 in., per doz Plates, deep, 7 in , outside measure 9 in., per doz Plates, deep, 8 in., outside measure 9^4' in., per doz PICKLES. ^g55^ Pickle dishes, each, per doz SAUCE BOATS. Sauce boats, each, per dozen TUREENS. Sauce tureens, complete, with stand and ladle, each Soup tureens, with stand and ladle, 8 inch, holds 2 quarts, each Soup tureens, with stand and ladle, 9 inch, holds 3 quarts, each Soup tureens, with stand and ladle, 10 inch, holds 4 quarts, each SOAPS. <^^^^> Soaps, covered and drainers, ^ I ^ each, per doz - Soaps, uncovered, fast drainers, each, per doz V Soaps, blocks, drainers, each, per doz . . SUGARS. Sugars and covers, size 24s, each, per doz Sugars and covers, size 30s, each, per doz SLOP JABS. Slop jars and covers, each. TEA POTS. Tea pots, size 24s, each, per doz TEAS. Unhandled teas, per set, 6 cups and 6 saucers Handled teas, per set, 6 cups and 6 saucers YELLOW WARE. Repacking Prices. M pint, 1 1 quart, II4 " \% " 2 " 3 "■ 4 " BOWLS. each, per doz. OBLONG BAKERS. Bakers, oblong, 6 inch, each, per doz BED PANS. Bed pan No. 1, large, each, perdoz. CHAMBERS COVERED. Chambers covered, 12s, 7 iu., children's, each, per doz Chambers covered, 9s, 8 inch, small. each, per doz .,„ \ Chambers covered, 6s, 9 inch, medium, each, per doz Chambers covered, 4s, 10 inch, large, each, per doz CHAMBERS UNCOVERED. Chambers uncovered, l2s, 7 inch, children's, each, per doz Chambers uncovered, 9s, 8 inch, small, each, per doz Cliambers uncovered, 6s, 9 inch, medium, . each, per doz Cuambers uncovered, 4s. 10 inch, large, each, per doz Chambers uncovered, toy, each, per doz PIE PLATES. 7 in., out. meas. 8}^ in., each, per doz. 8 " 914 " 9 " •' lOK " 10 •• " llj^ " FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 47 CROCKERY DEPARTMENT.— Continued BROWN or ROCKINGHAM WARE. No. 36's— ij' pinl. No. 30's— 1 •■ No. 'H's — 1 quart, No, 13's— 3 •• No, G's— 3 " No. 4's— 4 " PITCHERS. Oval shape. each . . , , NAPPIES (Round dishes.) 6 inch, actual measure, 7J^ in, Sfi " 9I4 • 10 " 11 " 133,^ " 13V4 " BED PANS. No. 1 bed pans, large, each PIE PLATES. p 7 inch, actual measurement, 8J^ inches, each 3 inch, actual measurement, 91^ inches, each 9 inch, actual measurement, lOJ^ inches, each 10 inch, actual measurement, llj^ inches, each BAKERS OBLONG. P 7 inch, actual measurement, 7J^ inches, each 8 inch, actual measurement, SJ^ inches, each 9 inch, actual measurement, 93^ inches, each 10 inch, actual measurement, lOJ^ inches, each C. C. WARE. Repacking Prices. TEAS. TJnhandled Teas. Handled " . PLATES. Per doz. Plates, 5 inch, actual measurement, 6^ in . ■• 6 " " " 7?^' •' . .. 7 '. •• '■ 9 " . „ 8 .. ,. .. 93^' .. . SOTTP BOWLS. Per doz. Soup Bowls, 13s, 3 quart, each 9s, 3 ■' " 6s. 4 '■ " 4s; 6 BOWLS. Per doz. Bowls 34's— 1 quart, each " 30's— 1 pint, " " 36's-K " BED PANS. Per doz. Bed Pans, No. 1, each SOAPS. Per doz. Soap slabs, each COVERED CHAMBERS. Chambers, covered, 9s, medium. each. " " 6s, large, each UNCOVERED CHAMBERS. Per doz. ■Chambers, uncovered, 13s, children's, each • ■ Chambers, uncovered, 9s, medium, each Chambers, uncovered, 6s, large, each. Damascus Pattern. English Printed Breakfast prate. Exact size, 8J^ in. Color of decoration, a seal brown. This article re- presents a large quantity that we have imported to secure the low price. Per dozen Damascus Pattern. English Printed Handle Tea Cup and Saucer. E.xtra large size. Dec- or;itii>ii a seal brown. JIatches breakfast plate above. Per doz.... SAXONY CHINA. A New Line of Plain White Ware. These goods are of a quality that meets a grow- ing demand. The ware is lighter and more graceful than iron-stone China, and while not near as expensive as French China, they look just as good and wear better. Some people have grown tired of decorated goods, and while not willing to pay (he price of French China, they want dishes better than common ware. Here is a make of really fine white goods. Transparent, highly glazed, n(W shapes, handsome and novel. We carry these goods in open stock. Orders filled for any quantity. Send us a trial order. SaUARE BAKERS. (Or open vegetable dishes.) Out. measui'e, doz. Baker's size, 3 inch, for individual use, each 5}^ in. Baker's size, 6 inch, for individual use. each 7}4' in, Baker's size, 7 inch, for individual use, each 9 in. Baker's size, 8 inch, for individual use, each 9}.2 in, BOWLS. Soup Bowls, footed, capacity, , 1 pint, each fOat Meal Bowls, flat, not footed, 5*4 pint, each . . Oyster Bowls, flat, not footed, 1 pint, eacli COVERED BUTTER— Square. ^tedium size, with drainer, each Butter, Individual, 3 inch, square shape, each.. Butter, Individual, 3 inch, round shape each . . . COVERED DISHES— Oblong. Oblong covered dish, size 7 inch, each Oblong covered dish, size 8 inch, each CO'VTERED DISHES— Squaie. Square covered dish, 7 inch, each |/ Square covered dish, 8 inch, each COFFEES. Conic handled coffees, new flaring shape (12 cups and 13 saucers) ^_'■luare handled coffees, new U w shape (13 cups and 12 saucers CREAM PITCHERS. Por doz. Cream pitcher, square, // holds J^ pint, each.' PLATTERS. Out. measure. Size 8 inches, 11 in., each I Size 10 in., 13 in., each Size 12 in., 15 in., each Size 14 in., 17J^ in., each ^ BONE DISHES. j/Cre.scent shape, size 6}^ inches, each PLATES. Out. measure. Plates, 5 in., pie 7 in. 6 " tea 8 " 7 " breakfast 9 " " 8 " dinner. 10 ' 7 " soup. . ..8 " SAUCE PLATES. Sauce plate, 4 inch, square shape. " " 4 " round " . PICKLE DISHES. SAUCE OR GRAVY BOATS. Sauce or Gravy Boats, •each TUREENS. Gravy Tureens,oblong, complete with stand and ladle Soup Tureen, 8 inch, square complete, with stand and ladle, holds 3 pints Soup Tureen, 10 inch, oblong, complete, with stand and ladle, holds 3 quarts SALADS. Per doz. Square shape, medium size, each SUGARS. Square shape, each. M TEA POTS. Square shape, each. ' TEAS. Conic handled teas, new, flar- ing shape (12 cups and 3 saucers) Square handled teas, new, low shape (12 cups and 12 saucers) 48 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, CROCKERY DEPARTMENT.— Continued. No. oO. LiitlKU'ii in lic^iilii size, 5 colors blue, red, black, green and bro^ n Price, each, per doz No. 60. Rustic earlheuware. Regu lar size. Rustic finish. Ver}' showy. Price, each, per doz No. 6.5. Earthenware. Kegular size, linglit vermillion. Red finish. Gold flower-.. V'cry showy, and quick seller. Price, each, per doz ... "To. 70. Eartlienware. Regular size. j3asket pattern aud brown color in finish. Price, each, per doz No. 62. Earthenware. Regular size. Two colors, red and brown, bright flowers. Price, each, per doz REAT BIG BARGAIN, Full size nickel cuspador. This elegant nickel cuspador is as fine as can be made. It is full size, elegantly finished, has a large wide base, and is Ijeautiful in design. In case lots of two dozen we will sell them for per dozen. la less than case lots, each, per doz OUR "MAJOLICA" CUSPADORES. Almost too beautiful for a spittoon, is an elegant and useful parlor ornar ment, and at our price within the reach of all. Price each, in 3 assorted colors, per dozen. |[[y We also have these fine cuspadores packed in three dozen assorted in a barrel, and will sell them in these original packages at per dozen. See cut. Buy them in the original packages and save per dozen. REPACKED GLASSWARE. Here we give you the privilege of buying first quality flint glassware from " open stock." You can get any quantity you wish of the goods, and we want you to understand that all of these goods are the very best quality. We do not deal in seconds or job lots ; and our glassware ]s all of the high grade of table ware that i's wanted, while our prices are always the lowest. Mail us your orders and you will be safe Our " Oak Leaf" Pattern. One of the newest and prettiest designs in a figured crystal glassware. The pieces are large and showy, the pattern being very brilliant, while the prict'S will be found very popular, making the pattern a "quick-selling" lot. The "Oak Leaf" Glass Set. A beautiful set of 4 pieces, sugar bowl, milk pitcher, butter dish with patent four-sided flanges and spoonholder, a very fine set. Price, per set, per dozen, less than barrel Oak Leaf Butter Dish. A fine, large piece with four handles; this will add the usefulness of the article. A bargain, each, per doz Oak Leaf Sugar Bowl. Same bowl as in set, large size and brilliant in appearance, looks worth double the money, each, per doz Oak Leaf Cream Pitcher. Same cream as in set, tall and graceful in appearance, and the best families in the land would use it. In big demand. Each, per doz Oak Leaf High Covered Bowls. A very fine staple article in 3 sizes, as follows: 6 2 i"ch high covered bowls, very pretty for sweetmeats, each, per doz TJj inch high covered bowls, an elegant large piece for preserves, sauces, etc., each, per doz inch high covered bowls, a great big beauty, the staple size for families, each, per doz Oak Leaf High Open Bowls. Good style deep bowls, very fine crystal aniJ very cheap. 7J^ high open bowl, a beauty and cheap, per doz 8J^ inch high open bowl, very large, heavy and showy goods, elegant, each, per doz 105^ incla high open bowl, a great big fellow for the average family. each, pi 1 doz We have unavoidably been compelled to curcail this list very much from the original. Vv'e carry everything in this line, many of them RARE BARGAINS. FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 4» AUTOMATIC LIBRARY LAMPS. Solid Brass Metal. Rich Gold Finish. No. 030—14 inch, with Auto- matic Spring Extension, rich gold finish, complete, Duplex Burner, and Chimney, plain dome shade, cut glass drops as in cut. Each No. 021— Patent drip fount. Du- plex burner, 14 inch plain cone shade, cut glass prisms on shade ring. Length, closed, 32 inches, extended, 83 inches, complete. Each No. 023—14 inch, with Auto- matic Spring Extension, drip fount rich gold finish, complete. Duplex burner, chimney, plain dome shade, two crystal jew- els on the harp. Length, closed, 32 inches, extended, 82 inches. Each No. 023—14 inch, with Auto- matic Spring Extension, fancy glass drip fotmt, old gold color, rich gold, complete, Du- plex burner, chimney, plain dome shade, prisms and two. new and elegant brass and col- ored glass ornaments suspended from harp. Length, closed, 34 inches, extended, 71 inches. Each No. 024—14 inch, with Auto- matic Spring Extension, drip fount rich gold tinish,complete. Duplex (two wick) burner, chimney, plain dome shade with cut glass drops on lower band only. Each No. 0241^— Same as No.024,with all the prisms as in cut. Each ^!W^' ^.# «ir >1^ No. 02.5 — Brass foimt holder richly embossed, 36 prisms. Duplex burner, 14 inch plain dome shade. Length, closed, 34 inches, extended, 84 inches, complete as in cut. A new and beautiful lamp. Each ! . . . No. 026—14 inch, with Auto- matic Spring Extension, fancy glass drip fount, old gold col- or, rich gold finish, cut glass colored jewels in harp, com- plete. Duplex burner, chimney, plain dome shade, prisms and two square painted porcelain ornaments in brass frames sus- pended from harp. Length, closed, 84 inches, extended 85 inches. Each No. 027 — Hammered brass fount holder, glass fount. Duplex burner, 14 inch plain dome shade. 36 prisms. Length, clo.sed, 32 inches, extended, 82 inches. A very fine lamp. Complete as in cut. Each 60 FOE PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. LAMPS.— Continued. No. 028 — 14 inch with Automatic Spring Extension, fancy glass drip fount, old gold color, rich gold finish, an elegant row of cut glass colored jewels in the band, complete, duplex burner, chimney, plain dome shade, prisms and two new and ele- gant brass and colored glass ornaments suspended from the harp. Length, closed, 3S inches, extended, 87 inches. Each No. 039— Automatic Spring Ex- tension, decorated china fount holder, solid metal fount, large No. 3 collar, duplex burner, 36 prisms. Length, closed, 36 inches, extended, 86 inches, complete as in cut. Each No. 030 — Hammered brass fomit holder, with silver relief deco- rations, solid brass fount, large No. 3 collar, 14 i nch plain dome shade, 30 prisms. Length, closed, 36 inches, extended, 86 inches, complete, as in cu?. Each No. 031—14 inch, with Auto- matic Spring Extension, Ruby glass fount holder, solid metal fount. Length, closed, S4ins., extended, 84 ins., complete, duplex burner and chimney, elegant ruby dome shade to match ruby fount liolder, cut glass drops on the lower band only. Each No. 0311^— Same as No. 031, with all the cut glass drops as in cut each No 032 — Beautifully etched brass fount liolder, fancy brass harp, containing 4 rich colored jew- els, solid brass fount holder, large No. 3 collar, 36 prisms on shade ring, also prisms on theevener. Length, closed, 34 inches, crtended, 84 inches, complete as in cut. Each No. 033—14 inch with Auto- matic Spring Extension, liam- mered metal fount holder, rich gold, colored glass jewels in harp, complete, duplex burner, chimney, 14 inch rich gold brass shade with colored glass jewels, and cut drops. Length, closed, 33 ins., extended, 82 inches, ca. . No. 034—14 inch with Auto- matic Spring Extension, em- bossed metal vase, colored glass jewels, rich gold finish, com- plete. No. 3 reg. burner with extinguisher chimney, plain dome shade, cut glass drops. Length, closed, 38 inches, ex- tended, 88 inches. Each Five per cent discount from above prices for orders of 12 or more. "Newest Styles." Solid Goods. Decorated Sfiadesfor above Lumps 3S to 50 cents each, additional. Lowest Prices. No charge for cartage. i FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. LAMPS. -Continued. The No. 11 "Star" Elec- tric Table Lamp fitted to a dec- orated china stand. This lamp gives a light equal to sixty-five eandles. Fitted complete, with 10-inch plain dome shade. An elegant bargain at our low price. Price, '■Iiongf Branch" Parlor Lamp. Stands 24 inches high. Decorated china vase, var- iegated colored ground, colors pink, blue and yel- low. Flower and leaf spray in natural color, brassmountings, solid foot, fancy shape brass oil cup, duplex burner, 10 inch dome shade, decorated to match vase of lamp. This is a very choice lamp, and they retail from each . Price, all complete, as in The Little Wonder. Diamond Reflector Lamp. It is all metal. Safe nickel-plated that will not break if it falls ; ISJ^ inches high to top of chimney. Holds one-half pint of oil. The burner is of Argand principle, taking a regular wick and chim- ne)', to be found anywhere. The light is concentrated by a nickel metal reflector, which surrounds the flame, except that to which thelightis to be reflected. The re- flector is adjusted, and can be in- stantly turned iu any direction de sired, throwing a strong, brilliant light upon all objects in view. An elegant reading lamp; a fine of- fice lamp, or a good hand lamp. Price, complete. Jewel Table Lamp. A great seller. Very showy and orna- mental. Gold bronze metal stand, ghtss oil bowl, in as-sorted colors — blue, amber, green, and canary. Row of cut glass drops around base of oil bowl. A beauti- ful lamp for a table ornament. Height of lamp, complete as in cut, 17}^ inches. Prices : Lamp with No. 3 burner, each Lamp trimmed complete, with radiator student lamp shade, cut glass prisms, as iu cut packed Ja dozen in barrel. Bar- rels, each. New Assortment (K). (With Duplex "Double Wick" Burners.) Elegant china vase lamps, beautifully painted by hand, and the finest lamp for the money ever shown. We have selectc3 in. No. lO.^i- 1 1 ^ m. No. 166— Gafvanized Iron ll^i in. MUFFIN RINGS. tUPililli No. 167— 3J<^ in. No. 168—3 in. J^^^^ No. 168K-.-"'-- -33^in. ^MM^ STOVEPIPE RINGS. No. 194— Plain tin. -.5 in. No. 195 5J^in. No. 196 6 in. No. 197 - 7in. BISCUIT CUTTER. No. 169-2}^ in. No. 170.-3 in. POLISHED IRON LIPPED FRY-PAN. No. 171— 814'in. No. 173— 8?^ in. No.l73— 9^in No. 174— lOM in. No. 175—12 in BASTING SPOON. With strong thread handle. No. 198 lOinch. No. 199 13 inch. No. 300 Uinch. No. 301. 16 inch. No. 303.- 18 inch. No. 303 20 inch. No. 204. WIRE MELON LADLE. Tinned, with wood handle. MILK CANS. The best made— iron bound. No. 305 5 gallon. No. 206 8 gallon. No. 307 10 gallon. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 55 NATIONAL .REVERSIBLE BBOILEBS. No. 416. — Small, medium and large sizes. No. 417. — Wire Oyster Broilers. No. 418. — Henis Broilers, with Gravy Catcher. No. 419. — Wire Vegetable Boiler, Bucket shape. AMERICAN WAFFLE IRONS. No. 421. — The best made. Sizes, small, medium, large. CLIMAX COAL SHOVEL. No. 441. — 43^x7 inches, Japan finish. No. 442.— Gem Coal Shovel. 4^^x7^4x16 inches, Japanned. No. 443. — 5x8x23 inches. Japanned. WROUGHT IRON POKER. No. 444. — Bent at end with ring handle. No. 445 — With spear point and ring handle. No. 445 — Wooa handle, bent point. No. 456 — Wood handle, spear point. No. 447.- GRIDDLE LIFTER. -Cast Iron, hollow handle, coppered. COAL HODS. No. 1. — Plain black, open top. Small, medium, large sizes. No. 3. — Plain black with funnel top. Small, medium, large sizes. No. '^. — Galvanized iron, open top. .SiiiuU, medium, large sizes. No. 4. — Galvanized iron, funnel top. Small, medium, large sizes. ENAMELED MASLIN KETTLE. No. 422—3 quart. No. 423—5 quart. No. 424—8 quart. No. 426—12 quart. No. 426—20 quart. BUFFALO SIEVE. No. 414 —Tinned Wire. No. 415. — Eclipse Sieve. Measure shape, working with a crank stirrer, and the best in the market. DOVER EGG BEATER. No. 420. — As represented in illustration BUFFALO ZINC STOVE BOARDS. No. 483.— Embossed and polished, paper lined, 24 inches square. No. 484—28 inch. No. 435-33 inch. No. 436—36 inch. No. 437— Round pattern, 24 Inches diameter. No. 438—30 inch. No. 439—38 inch. CHAMBER PAILS. No 430.-Handsomely decorated ,jg^ q^ COFFEE STRAINER. Tm, 8 quarts. No, 431—12 quarts. No. 432—16 quarts No. 440.— Wire, Spuut Attachmp-* CUSPIDORS. No. 427. — Tin, Japanned, assorted colo Plain gilt band. No. 438. — Handsomely decorated. No. 429.— Oast Iron, Self Rigli -iig-, *nth white enameled inside, with Japauiii>J outside of maroon, vermilion or dark irtva. FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBEBS' SECRET KEY. OVAL TIN "WASH- BOIIiEB. Pit or flat copper bottom, good quality. No. 208—7 in. No. 209— Sin. No. 210-9 it). Extra planished all cop- per oblong, flat bottom. No. 212—7 in. Nn. 213-S Oval pit or flat bottom. No. 214—7 in. Nn. 215— i in. No. 213—9 in. I in. No. 216—9 in. No. 220—6 in. TEA KETTLE. Pit or flat copper bot- tom, Buffalo spout, plain handle. No. 217—7 in. No. 218 —8 in. No. 219—9 in. All copper spun tea ket- tle, extra fine quality. No. 221—7 in. PUDDING PANS. Plain and extra deep. No. 223— I qt. No. 223— 1 qt. No. 224—2 qt. No. 225—8 qt. No. 226 -4 qt. No. 227—5 qt. No. 228— 6 qt. EXTBA DEEP TUBED CAKE PANS. Retinned. No. 229—2 qt. No. 230— 3 qt. No, 231—4 qt. No. 232—5 qt. BINSING PAN. Not Wired. No. 233— 15ix4| in. No. 234 — 17ix4f in. No. 235— 18fx5i in. Heavy Retinned. No. 236— 15ix4| in. No. 237-17^x41 in. No. 238— 18|x5+ in. Wired in and Extra Heavy — Retinned. No. 339— 14ix4i in. No. 240— 16x5 1-16 in. No. 241— 17|x5* in. No. 242—19^x5 9-16 in. LIPPED PRESERVING KETTLE. Extra Heavily Retinned. No. 243—2 qt. No. 244— 3 qt. No. 245—4 qt. No. 346— 5 qt. No. 247— 6 qt. MILK PAN. Plain, Good Quality. No. 24S— i qt. No. 240- 1 qt. No. 230—2 qt. No, 251—3 qt. No. 252— 4 qt. No. 253—5 qt. No. 254— S qt. No. 256—8 qt. No. 257—9 qt. No. 258—11 qt. No. 259—12 qt No. 255—7 qt. No. 258—10 qt. PIE PLATES. No. 260—6 in. No. 261— ^HP 7 in. No. 262—8 in. No. 63—9 in. No. 264—10 in. SCALLOPED PIE PLATES. No. 265 TUBED, SCALLOPED CAKE PANS. No. 266 No. 267 SHALLOW MUFFIN PANS, No. 268, 8 cups, 3x} in. No. 269, 13 cups, 3xf in. CORN OAKE PANS. No. 270, 8 cups, 3 in. No. 371, 13 i ups, 3 in. SaUARE PIE PLATES. No. 272 8xllf in. BUSOUIT PANS. No. 273—7x11 in. No. 274—9x13 in. No. 275—11x1,7 in. SaUARE BREAD PANS. No. 276— 9i4Jx2i in. No. 277— 9ix5Jx3 in. No. 278— 10ix6ix3s in. No. 279-13^x8x31 in. DRIPPING PANS. Made of tbe Best Smooth Finished Iron. Small sizes— No. 280— 7x8x8i in., to 9x14x15^ Medium sizes — No. 281 — 10x12x15^ in., 12x17x25 in. Large Sizes— No. 282—18x19x34^ in. FLAT HANDLE LADLE. Fine Retinned. to No. 283— 3i in. No. 284—41 in. No. 285— 5i in. FLAT SKIMMER. With Flat Handle. Extra Heavily Tinned. No. 286— 4J in. No. 287— 5i in. No. 288— 6i in. "WOOD HANDLE SOUP LADLE. Retmtn-d. No. 2S9, 3| in. No. 390, 4 in. WATER DIPPER. No. 291—* qt. No. 393— 1 ((t. No, 29.3—3 qt. No. 394 —3 qt. No. 29o— 3 qt., with copper bottom. WATER DIPPER. Extra Heavily Retinned. No. 291)— iqt. No. 297— + qt. No. 298—1 qt. No, 299 —2 qt. No. 300—3 qt. No. 305—5 qt. LIPPED SAUCE PAN Heavily Retinned. No. 301— f qt. No. 302- 1 qt. No. 303—2 qt. No. 804—3 qt. No. 305—4 qt. 307—6 qt. Extra Heavy. No. 308-1 qt. No. 309—1 qt. No. 310—2 qt. No. 311—3 qt. No. 312—4 qt. No. 313-5 qt. No. 314— 6 q*. MILK or RICE BOILER. Retinned. H qt. - 2 qt. 3 qt. No. 318. MILK SKIMMER. Size, - - 6 in WOOD HANDLE STRAINER. Tinned and with Enameled Handle. No. 319— 2i in, No. 320-3^ in. THREADED HANDLE CAKE TURNER. No. 321— 3x8i in. No, 322— 3ix4i in. FOLDING LUNCH BOX. Japanned Tin Finish, Extra Fine Quality. No. 708— 3ix3ix7i in. No. 709^4x9 in. No. 710 — Same as 709, with coffee can attached. POLISHED SAD IRONS. No. 1, 5 lbs. weight. No. 3, lbs. weight. No. 3, 8 lbs. weight. No. 4, 9 lbs. weig-bt. No. 5, 3^ lbs. weight, with nickel plating. TROY POLISHING IRON. No. 101— plain face. No. 102 — indented face. No. 103 — rough face. TAILORING IRONS. No. 104—16 lbs. weight. No. 105—22 lbs. weight, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 67 BISSELL CARPET SWEEPER CO. Largest Sweeper Maniifaetiirers in the World. CARPET SWEEPERS ONLY. THE LIGHT-RUNNING, Four- Wheeled. THE GRAND RAPIDS.-This Sweeper. with an existence of little more tliau two years, has reached the largest sale of any sweeper ever put upon the market. With four wheels ex posed entirely self-adjusting, it is so constructed that a child can repair it, has rubber baud to pn- vent marring furniture, is handsomely hand decor- ated, and will last for years. It is superior to any- thing of its kind in the world. Price, THE BISSELL SWEEPERS are sold in every state of the Union and in every civilized country on earth. OVER ONE MILLION of these sweepers have been sold, and hundreds of thousands of families in this and other countries will attest their superiority and merit. IT PAYS TO BXnr THE BEST. Manufacturing three-fourths of all the sweep- ers .sold; owning and controling over fifty valua- ble patents, many of which cover devices absolu- tely indispensable in a good sweeper. Among these is THE CELEBRATED BROOM MOVEMENT which ingenious feature makes the sweeper per- fectly self-adjusting to any carpet or to light and heavy sweeping at the pleasure of the opetator. The courts have lately granted this company a decree sustaining their exclusive rights to this invaluable device. THE WELL-KNOWN, Time-Tested. Oval Price, BISSELL, No. 5. ir Round Pans. Emptying at the top. THESE SWEEPERS are all constructed with special machin- ery by expert workmen, who take the utmost pains to make every part as dur- able as possible. No other sweepers made can equal them in beauty of tinish, and durability of construction. EVERY SWEEPER Guaranteed. BIBS ELL'S GRAND.— Combining the double features of utility and ecimoniy. While it is of a size large enough for .sweep- ing halls, hotel corridors, etc., it is not unwieldy or cumbersome for home use. There is no better sweeper manufactured than the above, and no more convenient spring dump has ever been invented. Price CROWN JEWEL No. 1.— This is offered as a durable, 4-whccl((l SweeiHT, and for solidity and general effectiveness it cannot be excelled. Price CROWN JEWEL No 2.— Same as No. 1, with uddilidii of rubber lianil around case to pre- vent marring furniture. Price CROWN J." vVEl.. i. V. o.— Same construction as Crown t, vol Nos. 1 and 2, but is handsomely hand-di'i oriiifd, and also has rubber hand to pre- vent marriog furniture. 1-rice 58 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. liSWSh,^^^^^ GOOD NEWS B— For Coal or Wood. Nos. 18 8-20 8-33 9-33. Size of oven, inches 18 20 23 28 The Good News B is a first-class Range, made with low clostt, upper closet, upper shelf and reservoir. Teakettle shelves with plain Ranges. Large ash pan, double top and front oven plates with flues, making the only perfect system of oven ventilation extant. Sifting grates complete in every Range. LIGHTHOUSE RANGE— For any Kind of Fuel. Made with six cooking holes and in one size — No. 8. Shipping weight, Lighthouse single oven, 3(J5 lbs.; low closet, 375 lbs.; single oven and reservoir, 340 lbs.; low closet and reservoir, 410 lbs. Size of oven, 18J^x 17}^x 11 in. The Lighthouse is a very good low price Range, with patent duplex grate, large copper reservoir, nickel panels. COAIi liATTREI/. No. 8. No. 9. Size of oven 22x23 22x32 Shipping weight, lbs. 300 300 do reservoir, etc. 375 375 Length of fire box.-. 23 23 The Lnurel is a first class Coal and Wood Cook S.ove, with four cook- ing holes, large oven, large fire cham- ber, nickel panels, and a beautiful base. The reservoir is large with a beautiful japanned top and covers. HENRIETTA— For Coal or Wood. Has sectional fire back, cut long centers, outside oven shelf. Best stove- for the money in the market. Nos. 8, 81 and 9. Shipping weights, 200,. 230 and 235 lbs.; do. reservoir stove, 250, 290 and 295 lbs. Size of oven— GOLDEN SUNSHINE— Wrought Steel Range— For Abj Kind of Fuel. Numbers 27 278 28 28!i Sizeofovens IS-tUVr 18xl9>^ 20x21 20x21 OTHELLO RANGE.— For Coal or Wood. Numbers... .7 80 8 9 Size of oven. .16x18 16x18 18x20 20x20 Shipping weight, Ik 308 330 380 450 do. Res. Store. 350 850 480 500 The Othello is a very good heavy Range, with large oven, parent duplex grate, patent pedal oven door opener, automatic oven shelf, extended fir© chamber for wood, copper or gray enameled reservoir. First-class baker. FOK PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 59 WOOD LAUREL— For Wood Only. WITH RESERVOIR AND CLOSET. No. No. 8 9 Shipping Weight 406 416 Size of Oven 23x23 82x33 Length of Fire Chamber _ 24 24 The Wood Laurel is the most beautifully designed stove on the market, is large, well-made and a fine worker. Large fire chamber, nickel outside oven shelf, towel rail, tea kettle holder, and oven door panels. C^ut long center. This cut is exactly one-fourteenth of the actual size of the No. 30 Stove. SUNSHINE SaUABE— For Hard Coal. PARLOR STOVE AND DOUBLE HEATER. Three Sizes— Nos. 28, 30, 32. This pattern has been in the market since the fall of 1886, and while hundreds have been sold and used for three full seasons, we have not heard of a single case where a fire-pot or grate has been burned out. This is the best recommendation we can give as to its durability. The design is hand- some, and as a HEATER both up and down stairs, there never was a better one made. Any one that buys this stove will get the worth of the money paid for it. No. 16 18 OAK HENRIETTA FOR ALL KIND OF PDEL. Diameter of Weight Weight Fire Pot. Height. Wood Stove. Coal Stove. 16 in. 53 in. 175 lbs. 200 lbs. 18 57 215 240 The Oak Henrietta is the finest oak stove made, it is beautiful in design and ornamentation, it has a very nice base, a large square ash pit, with large square ash pan. The wrought steel body bolts to a frame that bolts to the fire pot; this makes it very desirable over all others iu putting in a new fire pot. All other stoves made have the body riveted to the fire pot making it almost impossible to repair a burnt-out fire pot without buying the fire pot and body. It has beautiful nickeled side and frout foot rails, nickeled name plate and urn. It is first class in every respect. SUNSHINE— B Series. The Sunshine (B Series) is a tip top Parlor Stove for a small price, neat, durable, and works like a charm, with shaking draw center grate. It is exceedingly artistic in design, and will cer- tainly command a large sale. With bronze figure on top, tile setting in dome, nickeled plate shde top, jog cover, foot rail, foot rail brackets, feet skirt shaker, name plate, hinge pins and turnkeys. NEW IRIS -For Hard Coal. No. No. No. No. Ill Shipping Weight 250 lbs. Diameter of Fire Pot 11 in. Height of Stove 50 in. No. 112 800 lbs. 12 in. 53 in. Weight ■-.. 326 lbs. 136 lbs. 153 lbs. 183 lbs. Size of Fire Pot 9 in. 10 in. 11 in. 12 in. A very cheap and durable straight draft base- burner, simple in construction and a very efficient heater. 60 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. ALMA HEATER AND STOVE. FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. A very superior heater in every respect, with cast iron fire pot. It is a surface burner, not being provided with a magazine, cast iron outside body, and very heavy inside sheet steel body. It will heat a room up stairs equally as well as any furnace, in addition to heating the room in which it stands. If you wish it for stores, oflBce and hotels there is nothing better. Nos 12 14 Shipping weight, pounds 220 280 In ordering, be sure and state if you wish it to heat a room up stairs. OAK LEAF COTTAGE. POn WOOD OR COAL. Three sizes Nos. 21 23 25 Shipping weight, pounds 108 135 150 Height, inches 44 46 48 Length of Fire box for wood, in. 21 23 25 The Oak Leaf is a very beautiful cottage stove, with two cooking holes, swing top, with nickel plated urn, nickel foot rail and panels, a bargain for the price. PRIDE OF HOME. WOOD ONLY. Pour sizes-. Nos. 7 8 8-20 9 SMppuig weight of Sqnar6 8to?e, lbs. 158 208 246 246 " Bes. Stote, " 280 327 327 Size of ovens, inches ..14x16 16x18 18x20 18x20 Length of fire cham., in. 20 22 24 24 Pride of Home is a cheap but well made wood cook, with copper reservoir. HENRIETTA. FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. Four Sizes— Revertible Flue. Nos. 12, 14, 16 and 20, A. new revertible flue surface burner, with Russia-iron boay, shaking draw center grate, cast-iron revertible flue on the outside of the stove, thus giving a very much larger fire space to a given size of stove over the old style of con- struction. This flue stands clear of the stove, except at the upper and lower ends, allowing a greater radiation of heat from both the body of the stove and the cast iron column that forms the flue. We respectfully ask an impartial examin- ation and test of this stove, as we believe it will fill the requirements of our patrons. INSIDE DIAMETER OF FIRE POTB. No. 12 10 inch I No. 14 12 inch No. 16 14 inch | No. 20 18 inch Shipping weight, pounds, 200 255 300 The No. 20 is mounted two sheets high, making it a very desirable heater for bar-rooms, hotels, stores, etc. BRIGHT LIGHT. Four Sizes— Nos. 12, 14, 16, 18. The best and cheapest Open Fire Stove made, large fire chambers, new design, and can not fail to please. One of the features of this stove i» that the cast-iron blower can be used to close the draft below the grate, or to close draft from the top of the fire. This arrangement of an inter- changable blower is very desirable. Nos 12 14 Shipping weight, pounds 120 140 Height, inches 32 33 Width of fire chamber, inches 12 14 Depth " " " " m 12 EVERY STOVE WARRANTED. 16 18 185 210 34 3& 16 18 18i 13 This cut is exactly one-fourteenth of the actual size of the No. 22 Stove. SYLVAN. for wood or coal. Three Sizes— Nos. 19, 22, 25. With end door and portion of the top swinging to the side, which provides a large opening to admit wood. Sliding hearth-plate with foot rail attached. For burning coal it is provided with shaking and dumping grate and cast or brick linings. Nos 19 22 25 Shipping weight, pounds 103 140 1«0 Length of fire box, inches 19 22 26 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. NEW iETNA. HARD OR SOFT COAL. Four sizes Nos. 1 2 3 Shipping weight, pounds 61 67 73 Height of stove, inches 37^ 28^ 29i Diameter of globe, inches 11 111 12| New ^tna is a small, cheap, but very good cannon stove for the money. 4 90 30i 14 ELMWOOD COTTAGE. FOR WOOD ONLY. This cut ie exactly one-fourteenth of the actual size of the No. 22 Stove. Cast or Sheet Iron body. Three sizes Nos. 19 22 25 Weight, pounds 87 105 134 Height, inches 45 47 49 Length of fire pot, inches 19 22 25 A tip top cast body wood stove as shown above, or mounted with sheet iron body, with two cook- ing holes, swing top and nickel foot rail. NEW SATtTHN. FOR BITUMINOUS OR ANTHRACITE COAL. The New Saturn is a first-class heavy cast iron stove, adapted for depots, stores, school houses and factories, with immense heating capacity, with clinkerless grate, large ash pan, and many other desirable points of advantage. Nos 16 18 20 Shipping weight, pounds 280 300 350 Size of fire pot, inches .16 18 20 Height of stove, inches 47 49 53 SPBINGSIDE BOX STOVE. FOR WOOD. Four sizes Nos. 22 26 32 38 Weight, pounds 66 105 148 242 Length of fire chamber in. 22 26 32 38 The Springside is a very good and durable box stove, well made, and low price. POPULAB. FOR HARD OR SOFT COAL. A neat and good all cast cylinder stove, nickel rails, urn and name plate. Nos 11 13 Shipping weight, pounds 140 170 AGRICULTTTBAL FURNACE & BOILER. FOR WOOD AND COAL. We invite attention to the new pattern Agri- cultural Furnace, and can assure our customers that there is none better made. We believe it safe in saying that it will not require more than one- third of the amount of fuel to do the same work in these furnaces as it does in the old way, using the ordinary farmer's kettle. The prices are very low. Four sizes .Nos. 15 Capacity of boiler, gall 15 Length of fire chamb., in. 18 Weight, wood, pounds, 154 Weight, coal, " 175 22 30 45 22 30 45 22 30 45 187 255 315 213 283 350 LIGHTHOUSE PARLOR. STRAIGHT DRAFT— HARD COAL. 11 12 Nos. 10 Shipping weight, pounds — Straight draft 216 Do. Base Heater.. Size of fire pot, inches 12 The Lighthouse Parlor is a very fine and pow- erful heater, self-feeding stove, with patet^t du- plex grate, large ash pit, and large nickel foot rail, panels and urn. 232 13 250 IF YOU WANT A Furnace or Tire Place HEATER, Write for Circular of same. Every Stove Warranted. «2 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. ANSONIA OFFICE CLOCKS. DKOP OCTAGON, B. C. Bight Day, Strike; List, Members " •' Time; Eight Day Time, Calendar; List, Members. Dial, 13 inches. Height, 24 inches REGULATOR A. Blaclc AValnut or Ash. Eieht Day, Time; List, Meml)ers, .' •■ •■ Calendar; List, bers, Ei'^htDav, Strike; List JNIembers, ?. ••■ ■• Calendar; List, Mom bers, Dial, 12 inches. Height, 32 inches. SANTA FE. Finished in BlacU Walnut or Ash, Mahogany, or >Iahogany and Ash. Bight Day, "Weight, Time; List. Members, Dial. 10 inches. lloisrht, 52 inches. FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. ANSONIA BLACK WALNUT CLOCKS. «a ALASKA. Eijrbt Day, Strike; ilight Duy, Strike, Alarm; Dial. 6 inches. Height, 21 inches. ARABIA. Eight Day, Strike; Eight Day, Strike, Alarm; Dial. 6 inches. Height. 21 inches. EaUAL. Eight Day, Strike; List, Eight Day, Strike, Alarm; Dial, 6 inches. Height, 21'.^ inches. TRIUMPH. Silver Cupids, Plate Glass Mirrors, Bronze Ornaments. .Eight Day, Strike; " " Alarm; Dial, 6 inches. Height, 24J< iucliL". MOBILE. Black Walnut or Ash. Eight Day, Strike: ' " Alarm; Dial, 6 inches. Height, 20 iucWs. C4 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, ANSONIA BRONZE FIGURES. No. 1020. Height, 18 inches. COHINTHIAN. No. 1020. Height, 18 inches. CORINTErtAU. FLORENTINE, No. 4. Silver or Brass Antique Finish, Plush, with Gold Trimmings. Eit'htDay, Gong, Half-Hour Strike; "Dial, ')}4 inches. Height, 15 inches; No. 1009. Height, 18 inches. MUSIC. No. 1009. Height, 18 inches. rOETRY. FLORENTINE, No. 6. Plush, with Gold Trimmings. Eight Da}', Gong, Half-Hour Strike; Dial, 6% inches. Height, 16 inches. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 65 ANSONIA ENAMELED IRON CLOCKS. TTNiaXJE. Eight Da,y, Half-Hour, Cathedral Gone. Strike: VIENNA. Eight Day, Half-Hour, Cathedral Gong, Strike; ROSALIND. Eight Day, Half Hour, Cathedral Gong, Strike; LA DTJCHESSE. Eight Day, Half-Hour, Cathedral Gong, Strike; LA FBANCE. Eight Day, Half-Hour, Cathedral Gong, Strike; 66 FOE PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. Ansonia Enameled Iron Clocks and Bronze Figures. TIMBREL. Day, Half-Hour Cathedral Gong, Strike, List, |21 00; Members, $10 50. No. 1010. Height, 11 inches. List, $8 00; Members, $4 00, MERCtJKT. No. 1084. Height, llj^ inches. List, $8 60; Members, |4 2.5. INDUSTRY. NILE. With Ukn. Eight Day, Half-Hour Cathedral Gong, Strike; List, $24 50; Members, $13 25. i , FOR PBIClflS, EXAMINE MEMBEK8' SECRET KEY. er Ansonia Enameled Iron Clocks and Bronze Figures. IMOGENE. Eight Day, Half-Hour, Cathedral Gong. Strike. List. $18 50; Members. !?9 2."). EGYPT. Eight Day, Half-Hour, Cathedral Gong, Strike. List, $23 50; Members. ^11 75. ST. CLAIR. Eight Day. Half-Hour, Cathedral Gong, Sirikc. List, $20 25; siembers, $10 13. This cut shows Gold Dial. No. 1004. Height, 6}4 inches. List, $2 00; Members, $1 00. No. 1002. Height, 7% inches. List, $4 00; Memt)ers,$2 00. BCHOOL-GIKL. No. 1044. Height, 10 inches. List, $9 00; MenAiers, $4 50. PHILOSOPUEK. No. 1008. Height, 7J^ inches. List, ,$5 00; Members, $2 50. 68 FOK PRICES, EXAMIXE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY ANSONIA NICKEL CLOCKS. PRINCESS. One Da/ Time; Dial, 4 and 6 inches. Ei^rht Day Time; Dial, 5 inches. BEE. One Day Time; Dial, 2 inches. Winds without Key. OCTAGON PRINCESS. One Day Time; Dial, 4 inches. PIRATE. One D.ay Time, Alarm; Dial. 4 inches. OCTAGON PEEP-O'-DAY. One Day Time, Alarm; Dial, 4 inches. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET: KEY. OJ) No. 15. THE aUEEN'S PLUSH TOILET CLOCK Case covered ia either garnet or blue pkish, itrtislicully dtcorated in floral design; a perfect one-day time keeper, dial 2^ inches; stands 9 inches high, handsomely decorated with two beveled mirrors, and is fitted with a model jewel case with secure fastenincs. No. 16. THE COTTAGE. Covered in rich garnet or blue silk plush, designed with jewel drawer at base, beveled mirror on either side, with shelf for toilet bottle, height lOj-^ inches; the dial measures 2J^ inches, over which is a semi-circular pattern of blossoms. The one day movement is of the beat make, No. 17. THE aUEEN'S ALARM. The same as No. 15, with additional advantage of a reliable bell alarm which will give warning at an hour as set; as useful and ornamental a clock as ever made for the price. No. 18. NICKEL TOURIST. With the famous Crescent movement, without an e((ual in the small clock line; a perfect and easily regulated alarm with "setter," "silent switch off," and winder securely fastened to the back. This is the model compacted clock, 7 inches high, with a 2}^ inch dial ; bright nickel case nicelj' chased and pivot handle. 70 FOR PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. SILVER PLATED WARE. No. 188. Triple Silver Plated Napkin Ring, No. 189. Triple Silver Plated Napkin No. 190 Triple Silver Plated Napkin Ring, Ring, No. 191. Triple Silver Plated Spoon Cup, No. 192. Silver Plated Cup, chased, gilt, chased, The same, gilt, No. 193. Triple Silver Plated Cup, engraved, gold lined, Coffee, No. 194. Triple Silver Plated Tea Set, satin, bright cut, gold lined, Tea, si.\ lialf pints. Sugar, Cream, gold lined, Slop, gold lined, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KKY. 71 No. 195. Triple Silver l^lated No. 19G. Silver Plated Pickle Pickle Caster, colored glass, Ca.ster, With colored glass, <&&&^i ^^^, No. 197. Triple Silver Plated Caster, rubine glass bottles, No. 198. Triple Silver Plaled Cii.'i'er. 6 liottles, S:'nv, Ti l)otl'c«, No. 199. Triple Silver Plated Tilting Ire Pitcher, satin, goblet and slop, n;old lined. 72 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, SILVER PLATED WARE. No. 300. Triple Silver Pliitcd BuUer Dish, satin, Same, satin engraved, No. 201 Tuple sihti Plated Syrup Cup, satin, llutcd, No. 203. Triple Silver Plated Butler Dish, chased, No. 204. Triple Silver plated Spoon Cup, chased gilt. No. 20.5. Triple Silver Plated Creamer chased gilt, No. 207. Triple Silver Plated Berry Dish, colored glass. No. 203. Triple Silver Plated Caster, 4 bottles, aliased. Same, plain, No. 206. Triple Silver Plated Sugar Bowl, chased, No. 208. Triple Silver Plated Berry Dish, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET, SILVER PLATED WARE. No. 209. Triple Silver Plated Crumb Tray, engraved satiu, gold inlaid: each, Crumb Knife; each. No. 210. Triple Silver Plated Cake Basket, chafed, 311. " " " " " plain, No. 213. Triple Silver Plated Fruit Dish, colored glass. No. 213. Triple Silver Plated Cake Basket, plain, 214. " " " " " chased, 74 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. No. 215. Berry Spoon, in plush case, Without ease, Extra for Gilt Bowl, No. 216. Child's Knife, Fork and Spoon, in plush case. ROGERS' SILVER PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. PRICES PER DOZEN. TIPPED PATTERN SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. No. 217. Tea Spoons . . . . 218. Dessert Spoons 219. Table Spoons . 220. Dessert Forks. . 221. Medium " .. 222. Child's " .. 223. Pickle " .. 224. Salt Spoons . . . . No. 225. Mustard Spoons 226. Sugar Shells 227. Butter Knives, spoon handle . . . 228. Cream Ladles, silver style bowl 229. Gravy 230. Oyster 231. Soup PRICES PER DOZEN. ASSYRIAN PATTERN. ASSYRIAN PATTERN SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. No. 233. Tea Spoons 233. Coffee Spoons ". 234. Dessert Spoons and Furks 235. Table Spoons 236. Medium Forks 237. Child's " 238. Pickle " 239. " " twist, long handle. 240. Salt Spoons 241. Mustard Spoons 242. Sugar Shells 243. " Tongs, large 244. •■ •• small No. 245. Nut Picks 246. Butter Knives, flat handle 247. " ■■ twi-st •■ 248. Tea Knives, flat 249. Child's Knives, flat 250 Cream Ladles, silver style bowl 251. Gravy " " " 252. Oyster " " " 253. Soup " " " large 254. Fish Knives T. . 255. Cake " 256. Pie " engraved 257. Crumb " FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 75 ORIOLE PATTERN. No. 358. Oriole Teaspoons per doz., B. & B. SPOONS AND FORKS. Silver Plated on Albata. No. 2.59. Oriole Tablespoons per doz., No. 360. Oriole Table Forks per doz., "BOGEKS BBOS., 1847," STANDABD STEEL KNIVES. No. 261. Solid Steel, Plain Medium Knife Per doz. 362. " " Dessert " 363. Sheffield Steel Medium Knives, nickel plated and heavy .silver plated 364. '■ " Forks, " " " " No. 265. Solid Steel Arabecque Swaged IModiuni Knife, triple silver plated Per doz. 266. " •■ ■' •• Fork, • ■ " 267. " " " Dessert Knife, " " Nc. 268. Solid Steel Fruit Knife, triple silver plated, 1 dozen or Jj dozen in handsome paper case Per doz. No. 269. Solid Steel Nut Picks, triple silver pl.ated, 1 dozen or J^' dozen in handsome paper case Per doz., No. 270. Solid Steel Fruit Knife, old silver finish, large sizsj triple silver plated Per doz. '■'71. 1, dfizrn in fire plnsh case No. 269. 1 dozen in tine plusa case FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. No. 87. The French tipped pattern of the celebrated Vfm. Rogers' silver plated spoons made in the same factory for nearly 30 years. Best grade. No. 88 with less silver. No. 89. Plain tipped American pattern, same as No. 87. No. 90 same as No. piiili^^ " ' &■ ROGERS'' '■>' , ^ ' \\^ HARTFORD, CONN. \!^ -l- 'i- No. 91. Embossed medium sized knife vrith hollov? nickel silver handle, the very best grade of electro-plating. Dessert size knife same as No. 91 same price ; forks to match, either size, and same price as knives. No. 93. Same as No. 91, medium and dessert sizes; forks to match. ''' '> ROGERS'''' >/', „' '' ■""''"''" \l/ HARTFORD, CONN. »,J/- - '-' No. 93. Fluted handle design, hollow inside, and flrstrclass throughout, supplied in either medium or dessert size at same cost. Forks to match same price as knives. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBP^RS' SECRET KEY, 77 SILVER TEA SET. No. 43. Silver Tea Set of five pieces as illustrated, engraved and satin fin- ished throughout. The plating is the very best quadruple electro covering and warranted to wear. Nothing but the best white metal is used for the frames, and a specially hard metal bottom. SILVER TEA SET. No. 41. This Silver Plated Tea Service 13 of the best plate (quadruple) and the same as No. 43, excepting the engraver's design. It is used by the manufacturers as a "leader to the trade," hence the remarkably low price. FOIl PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KBT. 79 coin silver, silverine and GOLD-FILLED WATCHES. These Cases Warranted by Special Certificate to wear twenty years. No. 35. Gents' size, 14k. gold-filled, open face, No. 36. Gents' size, 14k. gold-filled, hunting. No. 37. Gents' size, 14k. gold-filled, hunting, screw back and bezel, Elgin watch, stem wind; Elgin watch, stem wind; 11 jewels, nickel Waltbam watch, "P S. Bartlett;" full jeweled. 7 jewels, expansion balance, engraved. . movement, engraved stem wind, patent regulator, engraved . . Assorted styles engraving. Assorted styl s engraving. or silver or silver or silver No. 38. Gents' size, 13k. gold-filled, hunting, No. 39. Gents' size, Boss' 14k. gold-fllled, hunt- Elgin watch, "G. M. Wheeler;" full jeweled, ing, Louis XIV. style, Elgin watch, " II. H. stem wind, patent regulator, engraved. Taylor;" full jeweled, adjusted, stem wind, No. 381^. Same, oix-n face P'^t--"! regulator, engraved ^ Assorted styles engraving. Assorted styles engraving. No. 40. Gents' size. Boss' 14k. gold-filled, hunt- ing, Waltbam watch; full jeweled, nickel, ad- justed, stem wind No. 40J^. Same, open face 80 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, SOLID GOLD WATCHES. No. 41. A strong, solid gold ease, with 14k. wearing surface, and inner surface of lower quality gold, practically as good as a 14k. case. Gents' size, hunting, with Waltham nickel movement; full jeweled, adjusted, stem wind, patent regulator No. 42. Same watch, open face No. 43. Case same quality as No. 41, but Louis No. 45. Case same quality as No. 41. Gents' size XIV style. Gents'' size, hunting, with Wal- tham nickel movement; full jeweled, stem wind, patent regulator No. 44. Same pattern case, but solid 8k. gold, with Waltham movement; 7 jewels, e.\pan.sion balance hunting, with Elgin, 16-size movement; 11 jew- els, expansion balance, stem wind No. 46. Same case, open face, with Elcin 16- size movement; 7 jewels, stem wind No. 47. Gents' size, solid l-lk. gold hunting, Waltham, " Wm. Ellery," stem wind . . No. 48. Gents .size, Uk. solid gold, Louis XIV. style, hunting, AYallham, "Appleton, Tracy & Co."; nickel^ full jeweled, adjusted, pajtent regulator, richly engraved No. 49. Gents' sizr, 14k. solid gold, hunting, Elgin, 16-size; 13 jewels, stem wind, richly en graved FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 81 Ladies' Gold-Filled and Solid Gold Watches. No. 50. Ladies' size, ■■■uld-iillea, hunting, Elgin No. 51. Ladies' size, gnld-filled, hunting, Elgin No. 52. Ladies' size, Boss' gold-filied, hunting, watch; 7 jewels, stem wind, Same, 14k., No. 83. Gents' Solid Gold Vest Chain, 10k., Same, 14k., No. 83. Gents' Solid Gold Vest Chain, 10k., Same, 14k., No. 84. Gents' Rolled Plate Vest Chain, No. 86. Gents' liolled Plate Ves' (Jhain, . ^^ ■ >. ,^ - - "-iLl -^ ^ET^*^,^ No. 88. Gents' Rolled Plate Vest Chain, No. 89. Gents' Rolled Plate Vest Chain, cjold front ennraved links, No, 90. Gents' Rolled Plate Vest Chain, 3 strands, gold front tips and slide. " 91. ' 1 ' uo slide, No. 93. Gents' Rolled Plate Vest Chain, 3 strands, gold front tips and slide, " 93. " " ■' ' " 1 strand, " " " no slide. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. No. 94. Ladies' Chain, No. 9.j. Ladies' Chain, No. 96. Ladies' Chain, No. 97. Ladies' Chain, No. 98. Ladies' Chain, No. 99. Ladies' Chain, BoUd gold, 10k., solid gold, 10k., solid gold, 14k., solid gold, 14k., solid gold, 10k., solid gold, braided, 10k., Same, 14k . Same, 14k.. Same, 14k., No. 100. Ladies' Chain, No. 101. Ladies' Chain, No. 103. Ladies' Chain, No. lOS. Ladies' Chain, No. 104. Ladies' Chain, No. 105. Ladies'Chain. rollerl plate, with pin, rolled plate, rolled plate, Roman color, rolled plate, rolled plate, rolled plate, with pin. 84 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. No. 59. Ladies' No. 60. Rolled No. 61. Rolled No. 02. Rolled No. 63. Solid No. 64. Ladies' No. Ori. Ladies Chain, rolled plate, Plate Necklace, Plate Necklace, Plate Necklace, Gold Necklace, Chain, rolled plate, Chain, rolled plate Roman color,- Roman, No. 66. Gold En- ameled Locket, No. or. Gold, No. 08. Gold blue - enameled Locket, Roman col- Locket, or. No. 09. Gold No. 70. Gold Front Locket, en- Front Locket en- graved, graved, No. 71. Gold No. 70. Gold Front Locket, en- Front Locket, en- graved, graved. No. 73. Rolled No. 74. Rolled No. 75. Rolled No. 70. Gold No. 77. Rolled No. 78. Rolled No. 79. Rolled Plate Locket, stone Plate Locket, stone Plate Locket, Front Locket, en- Plate Locket, Plate Locket, .stone Plate Locket, stone backs, backs, chased, graved, chased, backs, cameo. backs, intaglio, FOK PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 85 SOLID GOLD AND ROLLED PLATE CHARMS. No. 106. Eolled Plate Cornet Charm, each, No. 107. No. 108. No. 109. No. 110. Rolled Plate LanternXharm, Rolled Plate Charm, real Rolled Plate Charm Compass, Rolled Plate Charm Revolver brilliant center, stone intaglio, pearl handle, ' No. 111. Rolled Plate Charm, Rolled Plate Charm, each, No. 11?. Rolled Plate Charm, stone center, each, Rolled Plate Charm, each. Rolled Plate Charm, pearl center, each. No. 116. No. 117. Rolled Plate K. P. Charm, Rolled Plate Knisht Templar pierced, Charm, enameled. Same in Ma.sonic, I. O. 0. F. or K. of L. Rolled Plate LocUet, engraved. (Same in Masonic.) No. 119. No. 120. Real Onyx Keystone, rolled Rolled Plate G. A. R. Charm, plate mounting, enameled. No. 131. No. 123. No. 123. No. 12.5. Antique Cameo Charm, red Solid Gold Knights Pythias Solid Gold Engraved Mason- Solid Gold Knight Temnlar Intaglio LoclvCt, gold mount- ony.K, gold mounting, Charm, enameled, ic Charm, ' Charm, enameled, ing. No. 124. Same, with 3 links attached, 86 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. SOLID GOLD RINGS. No. 128. No. la No. 130. No. 131. No. 133. No. 127. Solid Gold Engraved Solid Gold Engraved Solid Gold Engraved Solid Gold Plain Ring, Solid Gold Engraved Solid Gold Engraved Ring, Ring, misse^' size, Rins, misses' size. Ring, King, each, each, each, " each, each, each, No. 133. Missesj' Solid Gold Ring, cat's-eye stone, No. 134. Misses' Solid Gold Garnet Ring, each. Solid Gold Ring, in- taglio stone. Solid Gold Ring, topaz stone No. 137. Solid Gold Ring, garnets and pearls, No. 138. Solid Gold Ring, opal stone Solid Gold Ring, 2 opals, 2 rubies, No. 140. Solid Gold Chased Ring, genuine diamond. ''^'1^^ Solid Gold Ring, genu- ine diamond, Solid Gold Ring, 3 genuine diamonds, Solid Gold Ring, genu- Solid Gold Ring, 2genu- ine diamond, 1}^ carat, ine diamonds and opal, ^-ViVx No. 145. No. 146. Solid Gold Imitation Solid Gold, onyx, gold Diamond Ring, inlaid Ring, each. No. 147. Solid Gold, onyx, raised letter, 6 dia- monds; any initial. No. 148. No. 149. Solid Gold Seal Ring, Solid Gold Seal, Ring, pink sard antique intaglio, cameo, No. 150. Solid Gold, imitation rubies and diamond Ring, each. SOLID GOLD LACE PINS v\\l//. No. 151. Lace Pin, 3 diamonds, % carat. No. 152. Lace Pin, diamond, J^ carat. No. 153. Lace Pin, diamond, J^ carat, Pace Lin, solid gold, engraved, Roman color, each , No. 155. Lace Pin, solid gold, imitation diamonds, each, Lace Pin, solid gold, engraved, Roman color; each. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 87 No. 157. Rolled Plate Pin. chased, imi- tation diamond ; eacli No. 158. Rolled Plate Pin, with attach chain, imitation diamond; each, No. 1.59 Rolled Plate Pin, witli attach chaiD engraved; each, No. 160, Rolled Plate Pin. -nitli attach chain, imitation diamond; each. ^^ No. 101 Gold Front Pin, engraved; each, No. 162. Gold Front Pin, imitation diamond; each, No. 163. Gold Front Pin, engraved; each, No. 164. Rolled Plate Ear Drops, enameled ; per pair, Rolled Plate Ear Drops, imi- tation diamonds; per pair, No. 166. Rolled Plate Ear Drops, engraved ; per pair. No. 167. Rolled Plate Ear Drops; per pair No. 108. Solid Gold Ear Drops, engraved; per pair. No. 109. Solid Gold Ear Drops, imi- tation diamonds ; per pair. No. 170. Gold Front Engraved Sleeve and Collar Button, with cuil pins and chains; per set, No. 171. Gold Front Engraved Sleeve Buttons, witircuff pins and chains; per pair. No. 173. Rolled Plate Sleeve Buttons, with eufl pins and chains; per pair, No. 173. Gold Front Entrraved Sleeve But- ton.vind Collar Button ; per set. But- nn. in. iiii. 1I.J. No. 176. iiu. 111. ii". '"J. -■• -• Rolled plate Sleeve Gold Front Engraved Rolled Plate Sleeve Rolled Plate Sleeve Gold Front Engraved Solid Gold sl.' 13 Plain Photograph- ic Slides. '■ American Civil War." 13 Colored Movable Comic Slides. 1 Colored Revolving Chromatropeof Washing- ton's Portrait, in center. 1 Colored Revolving Chromatrope. " Good Night" in center. 1 Combination Slide Carrier. for complete outfit. No. 5. The Duplex Magic Lantern. For the Parlor, Sunday-School, Xodge-Koom or School-House. Our Duplex Magic Lantern comljincs good quality and simplicity in construction, yet mod- erate "in price. It is made of metal, japanned case. 0x8 inches square on a neat walnut Uase, 7x14 inches, with an improved duplex lamp for kerosene oil. and one first quality :!i_,-inch plano- convex condensing lens. One first ([iiality double- convex object glass will admit any of the standard size slides listed in this catalogue, and will enlarge the slides to 5 feet diameter. each, without views. DUPLEX OUTFITS. No. 6. Duplex Magic Lantern, No. .5, with 30 uncolored slides; " Life of Christ," with Lecture; complete. No. 7. Duplex Magic Lantern, No. .'5, with 17 uncolored slides; " Baron Munchausen," 7 un- colored slides; "Little Red Riding-Hood "; complete. No. 8. Duplex Magic Lantern, No. 5, with 20 uncolored slides; "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 12 un- colored slides; "Joseph and His Brethren," 8 uncolored slides; " Seven Stages of Man "; complete. No. 5. The Duplex Magic Lantern. No. 9 — The Home Lantern. Metal body, handsomely japanned, twelve col- ored slides, each .slide having four views, each. No. 10. Home Lantern, with slide 3i^ inches wide, magnifying picture to about 3J< feet in diameter, each. No. 11. Same as above but slide, S}4 inches, magnifying picture 4 feet in diameter each. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. Hi} OPTICAL DEPARTMENT. The Bijou Magic Lantern. Metal body, handsomely japanued, with twelve slides. No 12. Bijou Lantern, with slides IJ^ inches wide, magnifying picture to about l'^ feet in diameter; each. No. 13. Same lantern, slide lijiuch wide., magnifying picture 1}^ feet in dian.eter, each. No. 14. Same lantern, slide 1^4 -inch wide, magnifying about 2 feet ; each. TOY MAGIC LANTERN SLIDES. Nursery Tales, Mother Goose Fables and As- sorted Humorous. Per doz. No. 15A, Slide to fit lantern No. 12, U^-in. wide " 15B, Slide to fit lantern No. 13, IJ^-in. wide ■ " 16. Slide to fit lantern No. 14, 1'^^-in. wide ■' 17. Slidetofit lantern No. 10, 3ig-in wide " 18. Slide to fit lantern No. 11, 4-iu. wide. COMIC MOVABLE LANTERN SLIDES. Colored, Assorted Desigis No. 19. Width, inches ly, V'.^ 3}i 4 Each Per doz MOVABLE LANDSCAPES. No. 20. Width, inches l-'^ Sij 4 Each Per doz No. 21. GEOMETRICAL CHROMATROPE SLIDE. Consists of two varicolored wheels, revolving in opposite directions by means of rruikand belt, producing very brilliant efTecl-'. Width, iuche Each OPTICAL DEPARTMENT. FIELD OR MARINE GLASSES. With Finest Achromatic Lenses. (The term lines refers to the size of object glasses — 11 lines to the inch.) ^ Each. No. 22. Field or Marine Glass, black mo- rocco stitched, japanned cross-bars and slides; in strong moroccocase. with shoul- der strap; range. 6 miles; 24 lines ^o. 22. No. 23. Same as No. 22; range, 7 miles; 26 lines No. 24. Field or Marine Glass, black mo- rocco stitched, japanned cross-bars and slides ; in strong morocco cases, with .shoulder strap; range, 8 miles; 24 lines. No. 2.5. Same as No. 24. Range, 9 miles; 26 lines No. 26. Field or Marine Glass, United States Signal, black morocco, o.xydized cross-bars and slides ; in strong sole- leather case, with shoulder strap; range, 10 miles; 24 lines No. 27. Same as above; 11 miles range, 26 lines SPY GLASSES. All Have Fine Achromatic Lenses. 28. lig inches in diameter; when open, 13''4 inches long; 10 line, leather cov- ered, foursections; range, 5 miles 29. Spy Glasses, size when closed, 6I4 inches long; IJ2 inches in diameter; when open, I6I4 inches long ; 14 line, leather cover, 4 sections; range, 6 miles 30. Spy Glasses, size when closed 9^a inches long, 2I4 inches in diameter; when open, 31 J < inches long: 19 line, 4 sections, leather covered; range, 8 miles 31. Spy Glass, size when closed, 11 Jig inches long, 2''4 inches in diameter; w'hen open, 30 inches long; 22 line, 5 sections, morocco covered ; range, 11 miles 32. Spy Glass, size when closed, 12 inches long, 2^4 inches in diameter; when open, 38 inches long; 2.5 line, 4 sections and brass extension hood; lialf-leather covered, with loop for shoulder strap, range, 13 miles POCKET MAGNIFYING GLASSES. No. 33. Magnifying Glass, rubber case, single lens, ?4 inch diameter. Each, doz., No^ 34. Magnifying Glass, oxidized metal case, single lens, II4 inch diameter. Each, iloz.. No. 35. Magnifying Glass, rubber case, single lens, 2 inches diameter. Each. doz., No. 33. No. 36. Magnifying Glass, rubber case, 2 lenses, Sg in. diameter, each, No. 37. Magnifying Glass, lenses, I4 in. diameter, each No. 31. Magnifying Glass, lenses, 1 in. diameter, each, doz., o.xidized case, doz. , rvibber case, doz.. No. 39. Magnifying Glass, rubber case., 3 lenses, II4 in. diameter, each, doz., No. 40. Magnifying Glass, rubber case, 2 lenses, P4 in. diameter, each, doz., CODDINGTON MAGNIFYING GLASSES. For Examining Ores, etc. No. 41. Coddington ^Magnifier, brass frame and handle, ■*, in. diiunetir, rarh. doz.. No. 42. Coddington 1 Magi.itier, nickel folding frame, ^g in. diameter, each, uuz., No. 43. Same ,as 42; P4 in. diameter, each, doz., No. 44. Same as 42; 1 in. diameter, each, doz., READING GLASSES. Are Used to llaKnify Print Pictures, etc., also as a Sun Glass. No. 45. Reading, nickel fn handle, 2t^ in. diameter, each, d wood 90 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. No. 46. Reading Glass, nickel frame, wood handle, 2% in. diameter, each, doz., No. 47. Reading Glass, nickel handle, 3J^ in. diameter, each, MICROSCOPES. No. 48. Triple Mi- croscope, especially adapted to close exami- nation of ores, leaves, grasses, etc. The focus is adjustable to fit any eye. Brass frame and legs. Each Per doz No. 49. Amateur's Micro- scope, designed for use of young persons who wish something beyond the powers yielded hy a simple micro- scope. Tlie lenses are accu- rately ground, and the entire instrument substantially made, with a vertical brass body six inches high, mirror beneath stage for illumination of transparent objects, one eye piece, one objective, giv- ing a power of 40 diameters (1,600 areas), neatly packed in Frencli polished case, with two ghiss slips, one prepared object, one pair brass forceps. Each Extra by mail No. 50. Student's Com- pound Microscope, stands seven inches high when inclined as in cut, ten inches when drawn out; has bronzed base, witli hinge, allowing instru- ment to be used at any convenient angle, body of finely polished brass, large and firm stage, with brass springs for holding object; beneath .stage is mirror with universal motion for illuminating transparent objects. We furnish each instrument witli llie fol- lowing accessorie.'^: two I crown glass olijeotives, af- j fording magnifying jiow- 'ers of every range from 30 to 75 diameters {.lOOto?,- ,500 areas), one glass slip ■with cell for holding liquids or insects, one pro- pared object, in a neat box. Each No. 51. Student's Compound Microscope, same as No. 50, but has triplet objcctiv;, separable, giving three powers, from 30 to 125, or from 500 to 10,000 areas, and condensing lens for illumi- nating opaque objects. Each OPERA GLASSES. Best Achromatic Lenses. No. 52. Opera Glass, 15 lines, black leather covered, black enameled slides and bars, morocco case. No. 53. OperaGlass, black leather cover, black cross bars and slides, morocco case. 15 lines, No. 54. Same as 53, 17 lines. No. 55. Opera Glass, colore;9 inches; each, perdoz.. No. 132. V. S. Standard Box- T\-ood Storm Glass and Ther- mometer, same size as No. 121, each. LACTOMETER. For Testing the Quality of Milk. No. 125. This iuoirument has proved of great value to dairymen and farmers as a means of determining the lehitivc qual- ity of cows by testing their milU; also showing the clfects produced by changes in the animals' food — different articles of diet produce milk (_ t different den.sit_y. It is used as folli)Ws: Fjll ;i, jar with milk, allowing it to cool to the temperat\ire of 00 degrees, then immerse the Lactometer and notice marks opposite surface of milk. The nuirks signify as follows: P — Pure milk. ^_^ — 3 parts niillc and 1 part water. 1.^ — 2 parts milk and 2 parts water. i^ — 1 ]iart milk and 3 parts water. W — AW water. Any intermediate value can be determined by the decimal scale on the opposite side, zero being water, and 100 pure milk. Have made the price very low, anticipat- ing large sales on this instrument. Each, doz.. No. 126. Can furnish Hydrometers for any of the following purposes. (Give name and number when ordering.) 1. Acid. 2. Alkali. 3. Sugar and Syrup. 4. Vinegar. 5. Salt, O 25. 6. Salt, O 50. 7. Salt, O 100. 8. Chlorine. 9. Cider. 10. Shellac. 11. Spirit — plain. 12. Glycerine. 13. Bark (for tanners). 14. Liquids heavier than water. 15. Liquids lighter than water. 16. Saccharometers. Price for any of above, each SELF-REGISTERING THERMOMETERS. STANDARD BOXWOOD THERMOM- ETERS. No. 119. Standard Bo.xwood Thermometer, 8 inches long, each. No. 120. Standard Boxwood Thermometer, 10 inches long, each, BAROMETERS. No. 123. Sixs' Thermometer, boxwood scale, 40' to 50° below zero, black japanned case, 8 inches long, each, No. 124. Same as No. 123, with boxwood case, each. No. 127. Aneroid Barometer, nickel plated case, card dial; diameter 2H inches, each. No. 138. Aneroid Baroiiieter,. nickel plated case., with card dial, diameter, 4^^ inches, each. No. 139. Aneroid Barometer, iron case, ja- panned, painted metal dial, diameter 5^^ inches, each. No. 180. Aneroid Barometer, lacquered brass case, enameled card dial with thermometer, 5 inches diameter. No. 131. Pocket Aneroid Barometer, for meas- uring heights as well as foretelling weather, watch size, 1 Jg inches diameter, nickel case, metal dial, reading to 10,000 feet, each. No. 132. Mercurial Barometer, in polished wal- nut, satin or rosewood case, 36 inches long, opal, glass scales, each. SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES. To lit the eyes accurately, it will be necessary to send us a sample of the smallest print that can be read with the naked eyes, at inches from the eyes. distance of 15 No. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. Solid Gold Spectacles, Straight or Hook Temples, with best French Crystal Lenses. Coin Silver " " " " " " " " Steel " " " " " " " " " . " " " Temples " good " " " EYE GLASSES. Light. Medium. Heavy. Solid Gold Eye Gla.sses, best French Crystal Lenses, Steel ' '" ' R\ibber " " good " Pebbles set in any of above, instead of the Crystal Lenses Solid Gold Eye Glass Chains, with Pin Best Roll Plate Eye Glass Chains, with Pin FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 93 PLUSH GARMENTS. _ In this branch of our department we show but a few cuts, as we consider it unnecessary to show more. Most plushes look alike in cuts, especially coats, so that it would be impossible to distinguish a cheap from a line article; but we wish it to be understood that we will give better value than can be procured elsewhere. We keep a full line of the following fine garments made up and finished by the best artists in the most approved manner. Elegance of style and fit guaranteed. Lister's elegant Silk Seal Plush Coats, Jackets. Newmarkets, Rairlans, genuine London Dre with real seal loops, extra quality fine quilted satin linings, chamois pockets, from |13 00 to sflOO 00. Special prices, $1.5 00, $20 00, $2.") 00, |30 00, $Hr, 00. Money to be refunded in any case of dis- satisfaction. Lister's superb Silk Seal Plush AVraps in an iufiuit_y of styles too numerous to quote, whli handsome quilted satin linings, with and witliout seal or ball plu-ili trimmings, or trimmed in the latest styles of "fashionable furs at prices whieli range from |12 00 to $100 00. ASTRACHAN WRAPS AND SACQUES. Wq have a very extensive and well assorted selection of these fashionable and useful garments made up in the latest styles at prices which defy competili')ri. They are very stylish looking, very warm, and thoroughly durable. Our line comprises Jackets, Sacques, Wraps, Newmarkets and. Raglans. Prices from §6 00 to $50 00. No. 1000. Very stylish Jacket in check or stripe, all wool cloth, pretty gathered satin lined hood. Price Sizes 33 to 38. No. 600. All wool cloth Jacket in checks and stripes, satin lined hoods, tailor made. Price from No. 619. All wool cloth Jacket in checks and stripes, fine .satin fac- ings. Price No. 606. All wool imported Astra- chan cloth Jacket in black or brown, silk binding, satin facings, tailor made, very stylish. Price mm No. 426. Plush Wrap, made of Lister's fine silk seal plush, beau- tiful qiulted satin lining, three seal loops down front, handsome plush fringe across tabs. Price , No. 428. Fine silk seal London dye Lister plush Wrap, satin (juilt- ed lining, three real seal loops on front, trimmed all around with fine tliree-ball ]ilush fringe. Price No. ")14. SilU brocade velvet Wrap, trimmed black Russian Hare fur, tine quilted .satin lining, tails on tabs. Price No. .518. Fine iniporteil Aslrachan Wrap, in black or brown, trimmed all around with Astrachan ball trimmings, fine quilted satin lin- ing, three loops of Astrachan and silk. Price f rohi FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, PLUSH GARMENTS-Continued. No. 735. Iscloth Newmarket, double breasted, Rever collar, tailor made, satin tinislied, bound with silk braid. We have this gar- ment in all wool Chinchilla, Eiderdown and Astrachan cloth; colors black, brown, blue and gray. Sizes 32 to 44. Price No. 728. All wool, plain Beaver Newmarket with triple cape, silk braid bindings, satin facings in black or brown, seams bound, satin or silk. Sizes 32 to 44. Price No. 125. Lister Seal Plush Coat, 45 inches long, genuine London d}'e, edged down both fronts, collar and cuffs with line beaver, real seal loops, quilted satin lining, chamois pockets, wortli Price No. 715. : in fancy , satin finished. Price ket, udde. No. 727. Stylish all wool imported cloth Rag- lan, in _ fancy stripes and plaids, open bound, silk or satin tinished seams. Price from No. 400. Is a Lister fine silk seal Sacque, London dye, four real seal loops, chamois pockets, handsome quilted satin lining. Price, 40 inches long rOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 96 PLUSH GARMENTS-Continued. Harriet. A very stylish Newmarket, in checks or stripes, with belt, satin-lined hood, finished with handsome silk cords and ornaments; handsome plaited backs. Price, No. 11. Virginia. All-wool Newmarket, in chocks or stripes; double cape, with ball trim- ming; satin-lined hood with ornament; bell-shaped sleeve, gathered with cords; plaited back. Price, No. 14. Harmony. Stylish Plush AVrap, with long fronts; very handsome- ]}• trimmed with heavy jets; jet ornaments and fur. Price. Adelheide. Newmarket, in imported Kersey cloth; lapel shoulders, satin-lined triple cape with ornament on epaulette; plain plaited back; in black, drab, brown, or blue. Price. Toulon Raglan. In checks or stripes, satin- lined hood, with tassel; gathered bell sleeves; a very stylish garment. Price, 96 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, No. 1003. Stylish Misses' Ke-mnarket, with triple cape, tai- lor made, bound tine braid, belt round waist, finished with clasp or tassel, in all wool checks or stripes. frizes 13 years.. 14 years. .16 years Prices Ladies' Newmarket in all wool checks or stripes, open or closed plaited back, finished top with a strap, check or stripe, satin lined hood at better qualities Sizes, 33 to 43. No. 1004. Misses" Useful Coat, in all wool checks, revere fronts with belt, satin lined hood, plaited skirt. Sizes 4 y'rs. .6 y'rs. .8y'rs. .10 y'rs. .13y'rs Prices No. 1003. Handsome Ladies' Newmarket in large all wool check, cape to elbows, fastened at neck with strap and button, bell shape cuffs, tailor made, bound with heavy braid. Sizes, 33 to 43. Price >(o. luoi. All wool cloth Newmarket in stripe tailor made, standing collar, with revere fronts forming col- lar, round shoulders, sleeve finished with strap of cloth and button. Sizes. 33 to 43. Price, Better C]uality, No. 1005. Astrachan Jacket, handsome bright curl, satin lined. A most useful and stylish garment. Sizes, 34 to 40. Price. Better quali- ties at No. 1006. Fashionable Newmarket for a, in all wool checks, with triple cape, and striped sotin lined hood, belt round waist. Sizes 13 years. .14 years. .16 years Prices FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 97 JERSEY DEPARTMENT. We carry a very large and varied line in these goods, comprising every conceivable style, color and shape in which these useful gannents are made. We have all the fashionable jersies, braided, jetted, or plain, in all wool or cashmere, at prices which defy competition. Not being able to procure electro- types on account of the strike now progressing, we must endeavor to describe them as plainly as possible. 1. Black Cashmere Jersey with vest front, short on hips, postilion shape, all sizes from 33 to 44. 3. Black Norfolk Jersej', plaited back and front, with wide plaits and belt, all sizes from 33 to 44. 3. Black Breton Jersey with tucks from neck to bust, buttons on each side, rolling collar and cuffs, postilion shape, short on hips, and 3 50, all sizes, 33 to 34. 4. Handsomely braided Jersey, postilion shape, short hips, braided down front, back and collar, colors black, brown, navy, all sizes from 33 to 34. 5. Cashmere Jersey, braided down and across front and collar with tine Hercules braid, double bo.x plaited, coat back, short hips, all sizes from 33 to 44. J. Black Cashmere Jersey, handsomely trimmed with heavy cut jets, in different styles, coat back, short hips, and upward, sizes 33 to 44. 7. Black Cashmere Jersey, heavily braided down front, collar and cuffs, and all around bottom with two rows Hercules braid, stylish coat back, sizes 33 to 44. 8. Black Jersey, with or without vest, plaits in back, standing colhir, cuffs, 33 to 38 inch, 9. Worsted Jersey (all wool), vest front, box plait in back, standing collar, cuffs, navy blue, garnet, brown, green and cardinal, 33 to 43 inch, in black 33 to 44 inch, ^0. \7orsted (all wool), vest front, box plaits in back, standing collar, cuffs, black, navy blue, garnet, brown, green and cardinal, 33 to 43 inch, l'. Cashmere finish, Breton vest, front of small tucks from neck to bust, short on hips, postilion back, standing collar, cuffs, black, navy blue, garnet, brown, green and cardinal, 33 to 43 inch, 13. Cashmere finish Jersey, vest front, box plaits in back, medium length, standing collar, cuffs, black, brown, navy blue, garnet, green and cardinal, 33 to 44 inch, 13. Cashmere finish, small plaid of snuff brown and navy blue, plain front, short on hips, box plaits in back, standing collar, cuffs, 33 to 38 inch, 14. Cashmere finish Jersey, of striped Jersey cloth, vest front, box plait in back, standing collar, cuffs, brown and ecru, navy and light blue, 15. Cashmere finish, plain front, postilion back, short on hips, standing collar, cuffs, black, 33 to 43 inch, 16. Cashmere finish, vest front, short on hips, postilion back, standing collar, cuffs, black, navy blue, garnet, brown, green and cardinal, 33 to 44 inch, same style in cream, 33 to 44 inch, 17. Cashmere finish Jersey, vest front, postilion back. sTiort on hips, stand- ing collar, cuffs, cream color and light blue, 13. Cashmei'c finish, vest front, postilion back, short ou hips, standing collar, cuffs, black, 33 to 43 inch, 19. Cashmere finish, vest of striped Jersey clotli, two rows of buttons, short on hips, postilion back, standing collar, cuffs, black, navy blue, brown, 32 to 43 inch. 30. Cashmere finish, with vest front, scalloped, with narrow braid finish, box plaits in back, rolling collar, sleeves buttoned at wrist, brown, cardinal, navy blue, green, black, 33 to 43 inch, ; same style in cream Jersey, 33 to 43 inch, 31. Cashmere finish Jersey, revers of moire antique silk down front, short on hips, postilion back, standing collar, cuffs of moire silk, black, navy blue, brown, 83 to 43 inch, 33. Cashmere finish Jersey, with vest of contrasting color, trimmed with braid to match, running perpendicularly, short on hips, postilion back, standing collar, with revers, cuffs, black with wliite vest, black with red vest, black wth black vest, blue with white vest, brown with white vest, brown with brown vest, blue with blue vest, blue with red vest, 33 to 43 inch, 33. Cashmere finish, plain front, postilion back, short on hips, standing collar, sleeves finished with buttons and button holes at wrist, en- tire Jersey bound with black silk braid, tailor, 33 to 43 inch, 34. Cashmere finish Jerse.y, plain front, short ou hips, coat back, standing collar, sleeves finished with buttons and button holes at wrist, en- tire Jersey bound with white silk braid, cream color only, 33 to 43 inch, 35. Cashmere finish Jer.sey, postilion back, short on hips, Breton vest, small tucks from neck to bust, standing collar, cuffs, cream color, 33 to 43 inch, 36. Cashmere finish, black and white, surah silk Fedora, laced in front to form corsage, short on hips, cascade back, standing collar, plain sleeves, black onlj', 33 to 43 inch, 37. Cashmere finish, surah silk front, laced to form corsage, short on hips, cascade back, standing collar, plain sleeves, silk to match Jersey, navy blue, black, brown, 83 to 43 inch, ; in brown, light blue, navy blue 33 to 40 inch, ; in cream color, 33 to 42 inch, 38. Cashmere finish, trimmed with two rows of black braid, braid down front and around bottom, short on hips, postilion back, standing collar, cuffs, cardinal trimmed with black, black trimmed with black, 33 to 43 inch, 39. Caslmiere finish Jersey, double breasted, fancy vest front, trimmed with braid, short on hips, postilion back, brown, with ecru vest, brown with brown vest, navy blue trimmed with black braid, navy blue trimmed with navy blue, all black, black trimmed with car- dinal, cardinal trimmed with black, 33 to 40 inches, 30. Striped Jersey, plain front, short on hips, postilion back, standing collar, sleeves finished with buttons and button holes at wrist, en- tire Jersey bound with silk braid to match, tailor made, 31. Cashmere Jersey with vest of silk braid forming plaits up front, sleeves finished to correspond, black with cherry vest, black with black vest, black with blue vest, brown with ecru vest, brown with brown vest, cardinal with black vest, 33 to 40 inch, 33. Silk finish Jersey, plain front with dart, short on hips, box plaits in back, standing collar, cufls, black only, 33 to 43 inch, 33. Black Silk finish Jersey, vest front, box plaits in back, medium length, rolling collar, cuffs, 33 to 43 inch, 34. French Silk Jersey, yoke back and front, jersey plaited into j'oke, front yoke extending down each side of buttons, handsome belt and buckle, something quite stylish and jaunty, ; same style, cashmere finish, navy blue and black. 98 FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CHILDREN'S SUITS, NEWMARKETS, ETC, No. 615. This Child's Ise'mnarket'svith triple cape and belt iu fine quality checli material, superior malie. Age, 4 years, Price " " " " 8 " ■' ■' 10 " " " 12 " " 1 No. 570. This Misses' Newmarket in handsome checks and striped cloths, hood and epaulet effect, rever front with belt, tailor-made and bound heavy heavy braid. Stylish garment. Age, 12 vears, Price " U' " " "16 " '■ No. 583. This very stylish Misses' and Children's Coat of Imported Kersey cloth, with heavily braided slashed ends, forming jacket, satin lined hood with satin facings and full gathered skirt. Age. 4 years, Price '•' 6' " " " 8 " " "10 " " "12 " " ^ n This Child's Gittchcn Cc it in handsome striped cloth, galbciLd sluit \\ith cord and tassel, new hood, epaukltc effects ie\er fiout, cardinal facings, very supenor workmanship. Age, 4 years, Price " 6 " " " 8 " ■' " 10 " " " 12 " " ^ '^^^"^ { ^^^ No. 308. Stylish tailor-made garment, bound with braid, made of checks, stripes or plain colors. Age, 10 years, Price " 12" " " " 14 " " " 16 " " " 18 " " No. 047. This very elegant Child's Dress, Grctchen style, in soft all-wool checks, with yoke-puffed shoulders and cuffs of cardinal, prettily braided with plaits from yoke to waist, ribbon belt and bow. Age, 3 vears, price " 3" " " 4 " " 5 " Ar;: f "I Muslin, square yoke of wheel embroidery, neck and sleeves trimmed with edge to match. Price, No. 2200. Fine Muslin, six rows of fine embroidery inser- tion, wide edge, above separated by fine feather-stitcli beading; neck, sleevesaud yoke finished to match. Price, (b) Muslin, plain band, insertion front piece, edged round neck and sleeves with Hamburg embroidery. Price, No. 323. Muslin, pointed yoke, three rows Hamburg inser- tion between tucks, neck, sleeves and front edged witli Hamburg embroidery. Price, Round yoke, four clusters fine tucks, separated by three rows of insertion, cambric ruffle on neck and sleeves. Price, 106 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CHEMISES— Continued. No. 7010. Cambric, :Medicis lace Pompadour yoke, edged with feather-braid, neck and sleeves finished with iledicis lace. Price, No. 403. Good Muslin, corded band and sleeves. No. 321. Price, Good Muslin, deep pointed yoke, three rows insertion between four clu.sters fine tucks; front, neck and sleeves trimmed with cam- bric ruffle. Price, No. 50. Plain corded baud, good muslin, extra size; 46, 48, oO-iuch bauds. Price, No. 104 B. Muslin, pointed yoke insertion and tucks, neck and sleeves trimmed with embroidery edging. Price, No. 148. Square front yoke of embroidery and tucks, neck and sleeves to match. Price, Muslin, with deep pointed yoke of fine tucks, corded band and sleeves. Price, No. 112. Fine Muslin, deep yoke of all-over embroidery, double rufHe of embroidery on front, neck and sleeves with Hamburg edging. Price, No. 95 L. Cambric, square Pompadour yoke of fine Tor- chon lace, finislied with ribbon; neck and sleeves with Torchon lace edging. Price, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 107 DRAWERS. 4. ^.v^-— ••■■-■.■V .-.i:^|ii;il4 No. 1164. (a) Cambric, two clusters of four fine tucks sep- arated by three wider tucks edged with deep Torchon lace. Price, No. 198. muslin, deep hem with wide and narrow tucks above. Price, No. 1400. (b) Muslin, deep hem, two clusters of eight fine tucks above. Price, No. 1424. Muslin, deep wheel embroidery ruf- fle at bottom , headed by two clus- ters of fine tucks above. Price, No. 1151. Muslin, two clusters of fine tucks with two half-inch tucks be- tween, edged with wide em- broidery ruffle. Price, No. 1142. Fine Muslin, with deep embroidery ruffle, witli three clusters of fine tucks divided by two wider tucks. Price, No. 1408. Muslin, cambric ruffle with three tucks, five fine tucks above. Price, Good Muslin, three inch Hamburg ruffle, with cluster tucks above. Price, No. 27 Fine Muslin, deep eml)roidery ruf- fles, with two clusters of fine tucks above. Price, No. 273. Fine Muslin, wide embroidery ruf- fle, with cluster of fine tucks above. Price, No. 275. Muslin, wide Hamburg insertion between two clusters tucks; deep Hamburg ruffle on edge. Price, 108 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY CORSET COVERS. No. 1566. (a) Cambric, square front of fine Swiss insertion, neck trimmed with edging to match. Price, ISuslin, high neck, trimmed with embroidery. Price, No. 593. Cambric, higli square neck, three rows Hamburg insertions and tucks, neck and front trimmed with fine embroidery edge. Price, No. 1533. Cambric, V shape of Hamburg embroidery. Price, No. 1593. Fine Cambric, square back and front of Ham- burg insertion and edging, finished with feather-stitched braid. Price, No. 967. (b) Cambric, high square neck, embroidery edge, finished with feather-stitch beading. Price, No. 10: Cambric, V back and front of fine embroidery, finished in beading and ribbon. Price, Cambric, liigh neck, yoke of four rows Hamburg insertion, separated by si.x clusters of fine tucks, neck and front with Hamburg edge. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY 109 CORSET COVERS— Continued. No. 591. Cambric, high neck front, with four clusters of four fine tucks, neck trimmed with Hamburg edging. Price, , No. 530. Cambric, low square neck of Hamburg insertion, Hamburg edge round neck and sleeves. Price, No. 1514. Fine Cambric, high square neck of Medicis lace, edged with lace and feather-stitch braid. Price, No. 978. Cambric, high square neck, embroidery all over front, embroidery edge round neck. Price, No. 500. Cambric, high neck, embroidery edge on neck. Price, No. 1502. Cambric, square front, V back, of fine Hamburg embroidery with tucked front, edged with feather-stitch braid. Price No. 150:). Cambric, V riwk of tinecmljroiderv. Price, 110 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. SKIRTS. No. 1351. (a) Muslin, with ten-inch cambric tiounce, two and a half inch hem with tifteen French tucks above, finished with seven fine tucks above. Price, No. 1365. Muslin, with six-inch Hamburg ruffle and clus- ter of five tucks, above. Price, No. 461. Muslin, deep cambric flounce with wide hem, two clusters of four tucks with wide tuck- between, three clusters of five fine tucks sep- arated by two wide tucks above flounce. Price, r!\ \ No. 1353. Fine Muslin, ten-inch cambric flounce with fine Hamburg insertion between two clusters of fine tucks, Hamburg embroidery on edge of flounce, wide and narrow tucks above flounce. Price, No. 1370. Muslin, ten-inch Hamburg embroidery flounce, with cluster fine tucks above. Price, No. 376. Combination Corset Cover and Skirt. Good Muslin, liigh neck, hem and tucks on skirt, neck and .sleeves trimmed with Hamburg embroidery. Price, No. 404. (b) Muslin, five-inch cambric ruflie, five tucks above. Price, Muslin, deep cambric flounce, three-inch hem, eight fine tucks above, with cluster of nine fine tucks above. Price, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. Ill WALKING SKIRTS. No. 304. Huslin, tucked cambric flounce with two clus ters of fine tucks above. Price, No. 301. Miislin, live-inch embroiderj' flounce with two clusler.'j tucks above. Price, No 1885. Fine Muslin, wide Hamburg flounce with ten tucks above. Price, No. :J0."> Huslin, wide Hamburg embroidery flounce, with two clusters of fine tucks divided by two wider tucks, three-inch cambric ruflie on un- derskirt. Price, No. 317. Muslin, twelve-inch embroiderj' flounce, fifteen fine tucks above, cambric ruttle on under- skirt. Price, 113 FOR PRICES, EXAMIXE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. INFANTS' LONG SLIPS. No. 2045. No. 2189. No. 2034. Cambric, neck and sleeves edged witli embroid- Cambric, Mother Hubbard, all-over embroidery. Cambric, two clusters of tine tucks entire length ery. ' Price, yoke, neck and sleeves edged with embroid- of slip, divided witli Hamburg insertion, ery, tucks above hem. Price, edged with fine embroidery, Hamburg em- broidery on neck and sleeves. Price, No. 1123 No. 2088. No. 2185. Cambric, two clusters of ten fine tucks, with fine Child's Short Dress. Cambric, Mother Hubbard Cambric, deep pointed yoke of fine Swiss em- embroidery between, tucked sleeves, neck and yoke, solid embroidery, plaited back, two and broidery, neck and sleeves trimmed to match. sleeves finished with fine Hamburg edge. a half inch hem with tucks above. Price, Price, " ''"''■ INFANTS' LONG SKIRTS. No. 1745. No. 1730. Cambric, three-inch hem with two clusters of four Nainsoob, wide Swiss embroidery ruffle, four Cambric, three-inch hem with five fine tucks tucks divided by a wider tuck. Price, clusters of fine tucks above. Price, above. Price, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 113 INFANTS' SHORT SKIRTS. No. 1955. Long waists, full skirt, three-inch hem with four tucks above. Price, No. 1956. Same style as No. 1955, with two and a half inch ruffle. Price, INFANTS' LONG CLOAKS. No. 408. Long cloak, eider-down cloth with cape neck, fin- ished with plaited ribbon and lace. Price, No. 398. Fine French Cashmere, handsomely embroidered on bottom, deep cape with silk embroidery and laced with silk cord and tassels, neck fin- ished with narrow collar to match. Price, No. 392. Fine French Cashmere, embroidered on bottom, deep cape with emljroidery, finished at neck with narrow collar of silk embroidery. Price, SHORT CLOAKS FOR CHILDREN FROM 1 TO 2 YEARS OLD. Xu. tii. Cloth, lined with flannel, Gretchen waist, full plaited skirt with belt, pointed hood with cardinal silklininiT. Colors, brown and gray. Price, No. 819. Plaid flannel, Gretchen waist, full skirt lined with Canton flannel, bishop sleeve. Price, No. 823. Corduroy, Gretchen waist, full gath- ered" skirt, deep collar, finished at waist with silk girdle to match. Price, No. 832. Gretchen waist, full skirt, pointed- hood, of Eider-down cloth, waist trimmed with silk girdle. Col- ors, tan and white. Price, 114 FOK PRICES, EXAMIXE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY LADIES' UNDERWEAR. LADIES' NIGHT DRESSES. In addition to the Niglit Dresses illustrated, we carry a very large assortment of choice and durable garments which limited space prevents us from illustrating. Sizes: 13, 14, 15 and 16 inches neck; length. .50 to 54 inches; bust, 34, 86, 88, 40 and 43 inches — extra, 44-46 inches. Postage ranges from 13 to 15 cents each. No. 1. Night Dress, tucked yoke, cambric ruffles. Price, No. 2. Night Dress, tucked yoke, embroidery ruffles. Price, No. 3. Night Dress, tucks and insertion yoke, trimmed with embroidery. Price, No. 4. Night Dress, tucks and insertion front, plain back, embroidery ruffle. Price, No. 5. Night Dress, all-over embroidery yoke, trimmed with embroidery. Price, No. 6. Night Dress, tucks and embroidery, insertion yoke. Price, No. 7. Night Dress, solid tucked yokes, trimmed with embroidery. Prices, No. 8. Night Dress, line quality insertion and tucks, with feather braid finish, embroidery on neck and sleeves. Price, No. 9. Night Dress, with five rows insertion and tucks. Price, No. 10. Night Dress, with tucks and Torchon lace insertion. Price, No. 11. Night Dress, tucks, wide insertion and embroidery. Price, No. 13. Night Dress, cambric, fine tucks. Torchon lace. Price, No. 13. Night Dress, fine muslin, wide Medi- cis lace insertion, with fine tucks Medicis lace, V shaped in neck. Price, No. 14. Night Dress, alternate rows of Swiss embroidery and Medicis lace insertion yoke, neck and sleeves with Medicis lace. Price, No. 15. Night Dress, cambric, yoke of fine tucks and Platte Valenciennes insertion, ruflBes of lace, neck and sleeves. Price, liADIES' CHEMISES. Sizes, 36, 38, 40, 43, 44 and 46, band measure. No. 1. Chemise, with plain band. Price, No. 2. Chemise, tucked and insertion front, embroidery edge. Price, No. 3. Chemise, with plain band center-piece and sleeves with embroidery edge. Price, No. 4. Chemise, pointed tucked yoke, corded band. Price, No. 5. Chemise, with square front, Torchon lace. Price, No. 6. Chemise, with square front insertion and tucks. Price, No. 7. Chemise, with square front, solid em- broidery neck and sleeves, with embroidery edge. Price, No. 8. Chemise, with pointed yoke, all-over embroidery. Price, No. 9. Chemise, cambric. Torchon lace front. Price, No. 10. Chemise, cambric, Medicis kice front. Price, No. 11. Chemise, cambric, Medicis lace front. Price. No. 13. Chemise, cambric, Medicis lace front. Price, No. 13. Chemise.cambric, Platte Valenciennes lace front. Price, No. 14. Chemise, cambric, blind embroidery. Price, No. 15. Chemise, long, with tuckod skirts. Prices No. 16. Chemise, e.xtra size, plain corded band. Price, No. 17. Chemise, extra size, pointed, tucked front, embroidery edge. Price, No. 18. Chemise, extra size, square front em- •broidery, with edge. Price, Bust meas- ure, 44 to 46 inches. In ordering Chemises, send bust or shoulder measure. LADIES' DRAWERS. No. 1. Plain Drawers, with hem and tucks. Price, No. 2. Plain hem and ten cluster tucks. Price, No. 8. Tucked cambric ruflle and tucks above. Price, No. 4. Two clusters fine tucks, plain hem, fine muslin. Price, No. 5. Tucks and embroidery ruffle. Price, No. 6. Ladies' Drawers, with tucks and deep embroidery rslHe. Price, No. 7. Drawers., with ten fine tucks, fine embroidery ruffle. Price, No. 8. Drawers, fine muslin, trimmed in fine embroiderj'. Prices, No. 9. Drawers, fine muslin, trimmed in Tor- chon lace. Prices, No. 10. Cambric Drawers, Medicis lace. Prices, In ordering Drawers, give length from hips, which usually run 25, 37, 39. CORSET COVERS. Sizes for Corset Covers are bust measures: 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 43. Corset Covers, muslin, plain, high square neck. Price, Corset Covers, muslin, high neck, embroidery on neck. Price, Corset Covers, camriric, plain, high square neck. Price, Corset Covers, camone, square neck, with edge. Price, Corset Covers, cambric, V shape, fine embroid- ery. Price, Corset Covers, half low back and front inser- tion and edging. Price, Corset Covers, square front, Medicis lace. Price, Corset Covers, square front, all over embroid- ery. Price, Corset Covers, half low front and back, fine embroidery and edging. Price, Corset Covers, V shape back^square front, em- broidery and tucks. Price, Corset Covers, V shape back, square front, fine Torchon lace. Price, Finer Covers from BRIDAL SETS. Three pieces: Night Dress, Chemise and Draw- ers, trimmed with embroidery. Prices, Also trimmed with Torchon and Medicis laces. Prices, With lace and embroidery. Prices, In ordering set, send bust measure. ■WALKING SKIRTS. Lengths, 36, 38 and 40 inches. Walking Skirt, with cambric ruffle and tucks above. Price, AValking Skirt, embroidery ruffle and tucks. Price, Walking Skirt, tucked cambric flounce and tucks. Price. Walking Skirt, embroidery flounce and tucks. Price, Walking Skirt, tucked cambric flounce and tucks. Price, Walking Skirt, tucked cambric flounce, with embroidery edge. Price, Walking Skirt, deep ruffle of embroidery and tucks. Prices, Walking Skirt, deep tucked flounce, two deep clusters tucks above. Walkin'jT Skirl, rs, white and drab; sizes, 18 to 30. I'ricc. The Gage Downs' Self- Adjusting Corset, made of extra heavy jean, full-boned bust; colors, white and drab; sizes, IS to 30. Price, No. 412. ' J. B." Corset, in black and red, spoon busk, pure whalebone, extra heavy bows on the side; very nice for stout ladies; sizes, 18 to 30. Price, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 117 CORSETS— Continued. Ko. 19. Downs' Self-Adjusting Abdominal Corset; lacea on the hips: has the elastic gore made of extra heavy jean; colors, white and drab; sizes, 19 to 36. Price, No. 20. Downs' Self-Adjusting Corset. The elastic sec- tion in this Corset is the same as that in each of the better grades; colors, white and drab; sizes, 18 to 30. Price, No. 300. Jean Corset Waist, well corded, good shape; white and drab; sizes, 20 to 30 inches. Price, Dr. Ball's Circle Hip Corset. This Corset is adapted for ladles with large hips. Price, No. 332. Dr. Ball's Nursing Corset has a coiled wire sec- tion and is the most comfortable nursing Corset made. It is stiffened with Kabo. Price, with shoulder strap, without shoulder strap. No. 333. Dr. Ball's Abdominal Corset, extra long silk elas tic gore; warranted unbreakable. Price, No. 384. Dr. Ball's Style " A" Sateen Corset; black, blue, red, white and dr.ib. Price. No. 33.5. Dr. Ball's Health Corset, with woven wire spring on .sides; grent fivnrifc. Price in jean, Dr. Ball's Misses' Corsets, having coiled wire back, shoulder straps; colors, white r,nd drab. Price. 118 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, CORSETS— Continued. No. 337. Kabo Coeset. This Corset is stiffened 'with kaio, a new boning mate- rial, and is ■warranted not to break or roll up with one year's loear. If it does, the money paid for the Corset will be refunded. See that "Kabo" is stamped on Corset. Price, Dr. Ball's Kabo Corset; warranted not to break or roll up on the hips with one year's wear; colors, wJiite, drabj cream, black, blue and red; made in French sateen. Price, No. 403. 'P. D." Corset, in drab and white, extra long, 5 hooks; sizes, 18 to 30. Price, No. 404. 'P. D." Corset, made of the finest sateen, 13 inches; in white, black, red, blue, pink, cream and drab. Price, No. 405. 'P. D.," extra length, made of the imported French sateen, handsomely embroidered top and bottom, double side steels; in white, black, blue, red, pink, drab and cream; sizes, 18 to 30. Price, No. 406. 'P- D." Corset, French hand-made, 11 inch steel; adapted for stout, shnrt-waisted ladies; made in sateen, white, drab, red and black: s!z— . T^, 13, ISJ^. No. 726. Children's Child's fancy ; price, sizes, 13, 12K, 13, 13J^. Children's No. 356. No. 308. Sizes, 12 to 15 ; price, Children's sizes, 12 to 15 ; price, sizes, 12, 12}4, 13, 133^. sizes, 13, 131^, 13, 13J^. No. 723. nhilrlrpn'd Child's Hamburg ; price, ^ dren's sfzes, 13, 12>^, 13, 13i|. Chil- No. 614. :H I LDS SAILOR COLLAR^ Sizes, 12 to 15 ; price. Children's Child's sailor ; price Children's sizes, 12, n},i, 13, 13^- sizes, 12, 12i^, 13, 13^. No. 373. Banded Cape Collar, KOII PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEV. 123 LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS— Continued. ^ A DORSEY No. GTl. Black stripL-1 c.ip ■ mll.i Xo. CiOf). Fine quality ; sizes price, No. C83. Fine quality ; sizes ; price, No. 189. Fine qualit}' ; sizes ; price, No. 354. Entirely of linen. No. 330. Cliemisettes, with difteri'iit collars ; sizes, No. COO. Mourning cape ; sizes, ; price, . . . wmm::::=:m CUFFS, mmmmmmim. These range in size as follows: 7, Ik, 8, 8i. c2)^m^^^^^^^C^ No. 804. Jersey Cuff, width, 3 inches. tS'^^^^\\[^ Q NO 822 J WIDTH 3 INCHES No. 822. Mouruiui; Cuff. 124 FOIl PRICFS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECKET Kl V LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS.— Continued. LIBERTY liRAXD. No. 501. 11 to 15 inches. No. 707 12 to 14 inches. No. 731. 13 to 14 inches. No. 736. 13 to 14 inches. No. 805. No. 1377. No. 810. No 1234. No. 1300. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 12c GLOVES. Our Glove Department, with its complete assortment of Gloves of all kinds, styles, sizes, colors, etc., is unique and unexcelled by any glove estab- lishment in the West. The postage on Gloves is so trifling that customers from any distance can avail themselves of our vast stock in making their selections, and need seldom or never fear of being unable to match colors in any size or length. In ordering, please be careful to state size, color and number of hooks or buttons. The following list of Gloves, having been selected from the very best brands of the world, may be relied upon for their superior quiility. Ladies' Plain Kid Gloves. *.5 button Stella, plain back 4 " Junot, " (real kid) .. . •t " Aldine, " (band-made) Courvoisier, " " black Ladies' Embroidered Kid Gloves. •5 button StellM embroidered back 5 •• JIanha, 4 " Our Own, " 4 " Junot, '' 4 " Milton, 4 " Aldine, " 4 " Courvoisier,' black only. * Having sold the Stella kid g-loves' for years witli perfect satisfaction con- vinces us that they are the best low-priced trl'ive in the market. Foster Lacing Kid Gloves. 5 hook, Foster, lacing, plain colors . 5 . .. 7 7 5 7 best black colors ' ' best black embroidered back, best quality. Housquetaire Suede. (Undressed Kid.) Colors: black, white, tan and operas. Mousquetaire Kid. 8 Imtton lenuith, colors and black Suede Gloves. (Undressed Kid.) 4 button, plain 6 " " 4 ' ' embroidered .... 4 " " best . Ladies' Driving Gloves. 4 button Castor, best Gauntlet Dogskin . . . Children's Kid Gloves. 3 button, plain (good) 4 " " best 4 " embroidered, good 4 " " best 3 " boy's embroidered. Pique In ordering children's gloves state age and number of inches around hand, or draw diagram of hand. Men's Kid Gloves. ton, plain embroidered back (light weight. . . " Dogskin " " Pique ' •' " " best quality. ' " " (undressed) ' " " Castor Men's Heavy Gloves. era Men's Cashmere Gloves. Ring wood " Scotch Astrachan back Gloves . . Camel's hair " Buck " lined ' wool lined and tops Sheep," " " Men's Kid, Lined Glove. Men's Kid, plush lined wool " " " fur top, plush lined . . " " ' ■ wool " " " lamb lined Elastic and spring fastenings. 126 Foil PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, GLOVES— Continued. Men's Mittens. Men's Buck, wool tops " Oil tan Buck, wool top " Sheep, " Kid, plusli lined . . . " fur top, plusli lined " " T^OOl " " lamb " . Men's Wool Mittens. Cashmere yarn . Double " (silk)... Single " ... Ladies' Silk Mitts. 12-inch Jersey . 16 " " . 20 " " . 24 " " . 30 " " . ■RErKUGKADE" SEAM I'AIKNILI Ladies' SUk Mittens. Plain, single Hand design, single Plain, doable Hand design, double Children's'hand design, double. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves. 6 button length Jerseys 6 " " " embroidered. Ladies' "Wool Mittens. Cashmere yarn, plain " " fancy back . Saxony " plain " " fancy back . Sa.xony, double, plain, fancy back . . , Children's Wool Mittens. Cashmere yarn, plain. Saxony " Saxony, double, plain . , " " fancj'. . Boy, " coarse . Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves. Plain tops. Fur " . Ladies' Lined Kid Mittens. Plain top. Fur " . . Ladies' Rubber Gloves. Button Hooks. Medallion attachment. Children's Leather Gloves and Mittens. Boys' Scotch Gloves Buck lined " " " Mittens. ' ' Kid lined Gloves . . . '• " " Mittens.. The above represents only a portion of what we carry in this department, the space allotted to us being so limited that we could only quote and describe a few of the lead- ing articles. Members wishing for a more complete list of these goods are requested to write for full catalogue. All such communications will receive careful and prompt attention. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 127 LADIES' HOSIERY AND MERINO UNDERWEAR. LADIES' HOSIERY. COTTON. Mixed sizes 8 to 10. Brown and white Black and gray Black and gray, heavy Black — sizes, 8 to 10. Plain Extra widths Plain colors — sizes, 8 to 10. Navy blue Navy blue, extra widths. Cardinal Seal brown, extra width Garnet . Dark green Mode Fancy colors — sizes, 8 to 9J^^. Circular stripes in red, navy blue, garnet and seal brown or dark unbleached ground Fancy colors — sizes, 8 to 9}^. Printed on unbleached ground Printed on medium and dark ground . . . LISLE THREAD. Unbleached — sizes, 8 to 10. Plain, extra lengths Plain, extra widths Black— sizes, 8 to 10. Plain ■ With white soles With open work instep, sizes 8 to 9 J'g • • Black, extra size MERINO UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Light Weight Vests and Drawers. MERINO GAUZE. Low neck and ribbed arms. Vest, 26 to 38 in Drawers, 26 to 38 in High neck and ribbed arms. Vest, 26 to 38 in Drawers, 26 to 88 in High neck and long sleeves. Vest, 26 to 38 in Drawers, 26 to 40 in SILK GAUZE. High neck and ribbed arms. all sizes, rise each size Low neck and ribbed arms. Vest, 26 to 40, Drawers, 26 to 40 in High neck and long sleeve%., 26 to 40 in., Drawers, 26 to 40 in., v3 THREADS. Low neck and ribbed arms. Vest, 26 to 40 in.. Drawers, 26 to 40 in. , 4 THREADS. Lew nock and ribbed arms. each. Vest, 26 to 40 in.. Drawers, 26 to 40 in., CAMEL'S HAIR. Vests and Drawers. 18 ga. handsomely trimmed, LADIES' SCARLET CASHMERE VESTS AND PANTS. Size 28 to 40 in., Same handsomely trimmed ])earl button, well finished ladies' white cashmere vests and pants, all sizes. Pull, regular made, CHILDREN'S FALL & WINTER UNDERWEAR. WHITE MERINO. Vests, drawers and pantalets ; sizes, 16 to 34, WHITE WOOL. Vests, drawers, and pantalets ; sizes, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 to 34, SCARLET. Vests, drawers and nantalets ; sizes. 16 to 34, 20c. each ; rise of Better quality ; size, 16 to 34, each size. LISLE THREAD. Plain colors with white feet, size, 8 tolO. Navy blue Seal brown Garnet Gray Mode SILK. Black plaited silk face and cotton back, sizes, 8 to 9^, Opera sizes, 8 to 9i^, Spun silk — sizes, 8 to 10. With black foot With white sole Pure silk — sizes, 8 to 10. Plain '' Plain colors — sizes, 8 to 9J^. ' Plaited silk garnet, cardinal, dark blue, tan shades, modes, slates, Pure silk. Shrimp pink, pink, pale pink, new Venetian pink, Austrian lilac, pale lilac, ivory white, pale blue, sky blue, navy blue, lemon, cardi- nal, bright sultan, burjgundy, mahogany, brown, lace front, CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. COTTON. PER PAIR. Black — sizes, 4}^ and 5 " " 5 and 5^ Plain colors — cardinal, navy blue, seal brown, garnet — sizes, 4)^, sizes 5, 5J^, Ribbed with white feet, per pair. Size 5li. 6 ". 6i.<. 7 ". 8 . 8i.<. 9 Plain colors with white feet (English), navy blue and seal brown. Size 5 '■' r::::::::::::.vv.v..v.v.-.v.v::::: " 61^ 7K. 8 ". 8K. LISLE THREAD. Black, with feet half white (German). Size 5 " 51^ ^H- Black ribbed, with white heel and toe (French). Size 51^ " 6 " 61^ " 7 " " 71^ " 8 " 8M Plain colors with white half soles (German). SILK. Black (Engli-sh) spun silk, plain. Size 5 " 5^4 •' 6 " Size 7 Black (English) spun silk, plain. Spun silk ribbed stockings (German). Size .5 5i.< 6 " GH 7 " Size 5 S'A Spun silk ribbed stockings (French). Size 6 6K 7 7K Spun silk ribbed stockings (English). 5 5U IH- 128 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. E73 HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. We intend to largely increase our already exten- sive business in this line, during the coming season, and have made arrangements to attain this end by making the goods and prices speak for themselves. All mail orders will receive special attention, and in every instance sterling value is guaranteed. In ordering hosiery give the length of the foot in inches, or the size of the shoe worn, and the color you would prefer. 681. 678. 673. 133. 546. 430. 116. 156. 770. 776. 97. DESCRIPTION OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. Ladies' fancy ribbed lisle, in black and dark colors, with Grecian stripes, in contrasting colors. Ladies' new mode shade lisle, with -vertical blocks, in con- trasting colors, Ladies' fancy ribbed lisle, in black and dark colors, with boot in blocks of contrasting colors, Ladies' extra heavy lisle in dark colors, with boot of con- trasting colors, Ladies' French lisle, in mode, tan, slate, navy, seal, wine and black grounds,, with blocks of contrasting colors. Ladies' black and dark colors, with vertical braided stripe, boot and tops of braided blocks iu contrasting colors, Ladies' black and dark colors with vertical braided stripes and contrasting colors in circular shapes, Ladies' German cotton, dark and unbleached, boot patterns, with contrasting stripes, and dark and unbleached tops, Ladies' French lisle boot patterns, silk embroidered, tops of contrasting colors. Ladies' fancy ribbed lisle, in new dark shades, striped boot patterns of contrasting colors, Ladies' German cotton, drop stitch, unbleached ground with cardinal, navy, seal and slate stripes. Ladies' German cotton, in dark, mode and unbleached grounds; with contrasting stripes. Gents' fancy striped English Bierino, Gents' plain English merino, Gents' English cotton half hose in tan, slate, drab, fawn, navy, seal and cardinal, with or without silk clock. 210. Gents' English cotton half hose, same colors as No. 97, with contrasting stripes, von IMIICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 129 LADIES' LISLE THREAD FASCINATORS, WINDSOR TIES, MUFFLERS, Etc. No. 1. Square Lisle Thread Fichu (Fascinator) interwoveu with Tinsel of various shades. Comes in four different sizes, and in all desirable colors; very attractive, new and cheap. Prices each. No. 4. Ladies' MuiBer, all silk; colors wliite, cream, and all colors; different patterns and qualities. Prices from No. 2. No. 3. Nos. 2 and 3. Windsor Ties, all silk and in twenty different patterns; Plaid, Stripes, Polka Dots and plain Twill. Come in all shades and very fashionable. Sizes, 5x36 inches for Ladies' wear. Price, Size, 4x36 inches for Boys' wear Price, Antique tidies. Oblong aniiaue tidies, Fancy tidies, Nottingham tidies Applique tidies. Imitation Russian tidies, Real Russian tidies. No 5. No. 6. 130 FOK PRICES, EXAMIXE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY MUFFLERS AND HANDKERCHIEFS. Pricb Each. No. 5.5. " 56. Cream Brocade Silk Muffler Handsome Design Sills Muffler, all colors. No. 59. Price Each. No. 57. Cream Brocade Silk Muffler . . . . '■ 58. Hand.some -Striped Satin Muffler . Cream Brocaee Jluffler, price, each, HANDKERCHIEFS. See Illustrations on next page. Price Each. No. 1. Ladies' fancy printed, hemstitched, linen. ,. 2 " " " " " " 3'. ■' " " " " ■ " 4. Clear lawn 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22 33'. 34. Embroidered Ladies' linen camhric, embroidered revere stitch . Ladies' clear lawn, embroidered, revere stitch. Scalloped and embroidered Ladies' fancy hemstiched, embroidered, clear lawn. . . Scalloped, embroidered, mourning, clear lawn Colored embroidered, fancy striped Ladies' clear lawn, scalloped and embroidered, white . Ladies' clear lawn, embroidered and scalloped, white. Fancy . Mourning Embroidered, fancy, colored. 28. Fancy border and scalloped. Ladies' scalloped, revere and embroidered, white. Linen fancy, hemstitched, embroidered 39. Child's Kate Greenway handkerchief 40. Ladies' clear lawn, fancy hemstitched initial handkerchief. No. 41. " 42. " 43. " 44. " 45. Linen cambric Gents' laundried, hemstitched Initial Japanese silk, belt handkerchiefs, all colors. " " colored borders " Hemstiched, % hem, 30 inches 24 " 2 inch hem, 20 inches , " 22 " . " 24 " ., Silk brocade, fancy, all colors . . . Gents' linen cambric handkerchief, embroidered. Hemstitched, }^ inch hem, colored border Printed border, hemstitched, linen 57. Cambric Embroidered horse shoe, in white and colors Ladies' hemstitched, initial " Clear li.aen, tucked and embroidered initial Gents' unlaundried hemstiched initial " Laundried. Ladies' clear lawn, black, hemstitched Embroidered Embroidered in white, black and colors Fancy revere, hemstitched Ladies' and children's motto handkerchiefs, for hotidfiys Ladies' and children's fancy border, }4 doz., in handsome bo.x, postage 4c. extra per bo.x. Gents' colored border, hemstiched, H doz. in a box, post- ageextra per box, 260A. Ladies' or gents' initial, }4 "Jo^- '" ^'^'^ " • • 365 AA. Children's fancy handkerchiefs " " " 1^ doz. in box., postage extra. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 260. FOR PIMCES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 131 HANDKERCHIEFS.— Continued. See Description and Price on preceding page. 54 55 § ||sa j .nr p I. .. J.... : ^ <5»> «» W^ ^ 65 67 I 66 6a mMM^m 58 d?s60 '•*< n ',# * y^« tl^^' W^ li/4Z ^^ r 132 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECllET KI.Y COLORED DRESS GOODS. All colors and shades. No. 1. 36 inches, 2. 36 " Cashmere — All wool, all colors and shades. No. 3. 86 inches wide, per 4. 40 ■• 5. 40 " 6. 48 " 7. 48 " yard . Knickerbocker — Silk and wool, all shades and tints. No. 8. 38 inches wide, per yard. Tricot — No. 9. 30 inches, all wool, per yard 10. .52 " 11. 52 " 11. 53 " 12. 50 •■ Serges - Every style, make, color and tint. No. 13. 36 inches, all wool. 14. 43 " 15. 43 16. 48 " ■; Soleil Kaye — All wool. No. 17. 42 inches wide, per yard. Reversible Henrietta — AU wi)o', .-dl colors and tints. No. 18. 43 inches wide, per yard. Heavy Wale Serge — All wool, full line of colors. No. 19. 42 inches wide, per yard. Sanglier — This is a new German make of goods, war- ranted all wool. It comes in mixtures and is very fashionable. No. 30. 42 inches wide, per yard. DRESS GOODS NOVELTIES. In full lines, consisting of stripes, checkis, plaids, etc., etc. DRESS GOODS NOVELTIES — Continued. No. 22. 200 varieties tu choose from. Prices from No. 23. Our stock of Dress Robes is very elegant, and comprises the latest combinations of inijiorted and domestic manufacturing. Brown Astrachan — No. 24. At Black Astracban — No. 25. At wide. Brown Diagonals in Worsteds — No. 26. wide. 54 inches Black Imperial Worsteds — No. 27. 54 inches wide. Black Mattelasse — No. 28. 54 inches wide. "Union Cloth. — All colors and combinations. No. 29. 27 inches wide. All W-cl Cassimeres — No. 30. 27 inches wide. Beavers — Gray, black and brown. No. 31. 54 inches wide. Astrachan — Gray. No. 32. 54 inches wide. Red Astrachan — No. 33. 11^ yards wide. Navy Blue and Green Astrachan — No. 34. vard. 54 inches in diameter. DRESS GOODS NOVELTIES — Continued. Eawn Colored Astrachan — No. 35. 54 inches CLOAKINGS. Striped — All colors. No. 36. 54 inches wide. No. 37. Same kind of goods. IJ^ yards wide. Plain Cloakings — No. 38. 54 inches wide. PLUSHES. No. 39. Seal brown, 54 inches wide. No. 40. Green plush, 1}{ yards wide. No. 41. Gray plush, IJ^ yards wide, Boucle Cloths — Of almost every shade and color. No. 42. Comprising blue brown, green, tUn and black, 1}£ yards wide. CORDUROY. No. 43. Wide corded, in blue, brown, tan, gray, drab and green; 27 inches wide; Scarlet and Garnet Corduroy — No. 44. 27 inches wide. Corduroy — Narrow cords, in blue, myrtle, green and brown. No. 45. 27 inches wide. Corduroy No. Cream and white. 27 inches wide Narrow Corded Corduroy — No. 47. In grey and brown. No. 48. 49 styles of the celebrated ^4 James- town fabrics, sold everywhere No. 49. Silk and wool stripe skirling, skirt width, in one and two-inch stripes; colors— gold and green, gold and olive, green and red, brown and red mode and brown. GOODS FOR EVENING WEAR. Batiste, embroidered, in 25 different styles, 30 inches wide, Batiste, printed, in;dl the latest styles, 31 inches wide, Alpaca, cream and white, 27 inches wide, Gloria Cloth, in all the delicate tints of blue, brown, green, olive, garnet, gendarme, heliotrope and terra cotta, 42 inches wide, Henrietta Clotli, in same shades as above, 40 inches wide, Serge or Diagonal, cream, 45 inches wide, Dentelle, fancy striped, cream, 37;^ inches wide, Dentelle, fancy figured, cream, 373^ inches wide, Boucle, fancy striped, cream, 3^}4 inches wide. Canvas, fancy striped, cream, 37)^ inches wide. C'amel's-hair Cloth, cream, 44 inches wide, Snowflakeand Clairette, cream, 49 inches wide, Cashmere, in different shades of blue, cream, pink, yellow, buff, lavender, purple, orange, rose, green, amber, shrimp and sulphur, 34 to 45 inches wide. Cashmere, printed, cream, 38 inches wide. Cashmere, all wool, in three or four shades of blue, brown, green, olive, garnet, gendarme, heliotrope and terra cotta, also a large assortment of grays and tans. 34 to 46 inches wide Cashmere, embroidered on one edge, 2i.< to 5 inches wide. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 133 BLACK SILKS. We have much pleasure in calling the attention of our patrons to the exceedingly fine line of Black Silks which we carry, feeling positive that they cannot be excelled for wear and appearance. We have devoted much time and care to selection in this branch of our business, and feel confident that it cannot be surpassed. GIRAUD'S EDGE. 24 inches wide, per yard AMERICAN. 18 inches per yard 19 " "" 20 '• " 21 " " MOIRE. ALL SILK. 20 inches wide, per yard 21 " " " 22 " •■ " 23 " pr. yd., NOVELTY MOIRE. 24 inches wide, per yard TRICOTINE OR JERSEY SILK. 22 inches wide, per yard SURAH. This Silk is very popular. 22 inches wide, per yard 24 " " " " RHADZIMER BARRE. 22 inches wide, per yard COLORED GROS GRAIN SILKS. 18 inches wide, per yard 19 " " "" 20 " " •' 22 " " " EXTRA HEAVY. 22 inches wide, per yard COLORED FAILLE. 21 inches wide, per yard 22 " extra heavy, per yard. COLORED MOIRE. All Pure Silk. 22 inches wide, per yard FAILLE STRIPES. Two Toned. 22 inches wide, per yard SMALL FIGURED BROCADES. Two Toned. 22 inches wide, per yard BROCADES. Evening Shades in Brocade, all Silk. SS inches wide, per yard ROYAL ARMURE. 211^ inches wide, per yard FAILLE FRANCAISE. A Round Cord. 19J^ inches wide, per yard. 21 " " "" . 221^ " OTTOMAN. Has a heavier Cord than the above. 23 inches wide per yard, SATIN FACE RHADAME. 19 inches wide, per yard. 20 " BLACK SATIN MERVEILLEU.X COLORED SILK. SATIN RHADAME. White ivory (two shades), turquoise blue, light blue, salmon pink, terra-cotta, tobac, pink to garnct,sapphire to yellow, yellow to deep orange, lilac to violet, and all staple colors. 21 inches wide, per yard. . . All the dark and fashionable shades: 20 inches wide, per yard 21 ' SURAH. White ivory (two shades of cream), turquois blue, light blue, salmon pink, terra-cotta, pink to garnet, sapphire to yellow, yellow to deep orange, lilac to violet. 21 inches wide, per yard 24 " " " 1 lot 22 inch cream surah, per yard BLACK SATINS. 19 in. wide, pr. yd., COLORED SATINS. 18 inches wide, in all colors, good quality, per yard 19 inches wide, in all colors, good quality, .per yard 21 inches wide, in all colors, good quality, per yard BLACK SILK FACE LYONS VELVETS. These are a particularly fine class of good.s, and are bound to give the greatest satisfaction. 18 inches wide, per yard 19 " " pr. yd COLORED VELVETS. 18 inches wide, silk face, per yard... . . 19 " 24 inches wide, all silk, Lyons dress velvet, per yard These goods are excellent value, Demg worth nearlj' double the price. COLORED VELVETEEN. English Dress Velvets. 24 inches wide, all colors, per yard BLACK SILK FACE LYONS VELVETS. Unexcelled in Quality. 18 inches wide, per yard 19 in. wide, pr. yd.. COLORED PLUSHES. 19 inches wide, all colors and shades, ,per yard 24 inches wide, all colors yard CLOAKING PLUSHES. 24 inches wide, in seal and black, per yard. FANCY PLUSHES AND VELVETS. Fancy Brocade Satin, ground and fancy checked and striped velvets, from We are unable to describe them in our catalogue, as new styles are being constantly received. We will be pleased to furnish samples on applica- tion with imr lowest prices, knowing they cannot fail to please. 134 FOR PRICKS, EXAMIJi^E MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. RIBBONS, FRINGES, TRIMMINGS, FURS, ETC. RIBBONS. Satin aud Gros Grain Bibbons. These Ribbons art of the finest quality and come in the following colors: Black, white, scarlet, cherry rose, pink, dark blue, light blue, drab and slate. They are put up by the manufacturers in pieces of 10 yards. In ordering give width, quantity aud color wanted. per piece of 10 yds. 10 ■ No. \% Width )i4: ifcl"' per yd., or m 2 3 .5 7 9 13 16 23 Gros Gi'ain. per yd., oi per piece of 10 yds. 10 " 10 " per bolt. Black Gros Grain, Loop Edge and Crown. per yd. , or per bolt. Gros Grain Sash Kibbon. 6)4 inches wide, Black Sash, per yard. Colored Satin Sashes. 7 inches wide, Satin, per yard. Moire Sashes, Black and Colored. 9Ji< inches wide. Crown edges, per yard. 11 " No. 3 2i« Black Moire, ' per yard. Black Velvet Ribbon, Cotton. Back. per yd., nr .^ per bolt. No. 9 " 13 ■' 16 Satin and Velvet Ribbons, Colored and Black. per yd., or per bolt. Loop Edge, Colored and Black. per yd., or per bolt. No. 7 " 9 " 13 " 16 Novelty Velvets, per bolt. Colored and Black Moire. No. 5 per yd. , or per bolt. " 7 " 9 " 13 " 16 Ribbon Patches in pM(V;iiu(<:, and per piu-fjagc. FRINGES. Black Chenille Fringes. Zli inches deep, beaded, per yard. 5 Colored Chenille Fring^es. 5 inches deep, per yard Black Fringes, Beaded Sets. up to $16 00 per set. Colored Beaded Sets, per set. Black SUk Sets. per set. Black Beaded Panels, each. Black Silk Marabouts. Z},^ inches deep, per yard. 4 5 " " up to $3 50 each. Colored Marabouts. 31^ inches deep, 90c. per yard. Black Mourning Fringes. inches deep, per yard. Black Knotted Fringes. 3W inches deep, per yard. fi :; :: G Black All Beaded Fringes. 41^ inches deep, per yard. Feather Trimmings, Woven, 41.2 inches deep, in all colors, per yard. i)1 '■ finest cjuality, aud i>e." yard. Black Silk Loops. - eacli. Colored Silk Loops, each. Seal Loops, each. Black Bead Drops, Handsomely Cut Beads. 3 inches Ion 3 5, a dozen. ■' Black Bead Edge. per yard. Cut Bead Edge. per yard. Colored Bead Edges ^y■y ya'd. all colors. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET TvKY 135 RIBBONS, FRINGES, TRIIVIIVIINGS, FURS, ETC.— Continued. Black Silk Acorns. per gross. Moumiiig Gimps. per yari" 3}4 inches in depth, 4 2J^ yards long, 8J2 y!""tls long, 37 inches v ide. each. per yard. per yard. 1 inch, 1^4 inches 2^ •• 2U " 5 inches long, each. 6 up to Black Girdles. each. Colored Girdles. Black Bead Nets. a yard. Black Grenadines. Swansdown. Silk Tassels. per yard. 21^ inches long, 6 " 2)>< inches deep, 43 J Plush Fringes. per yard. per yard. Black Fur Fringes. per yard. per yard. Black Russian Hare Mufifs. Black Coney Muffs. French Seal Muffs. Black Hare Boas. 3 yards long, each. FRINGES, TRIMMINGS, ETC. Cotton Trimmings. In designs Bead Edge Passementerie; black, all colors, Cord Passementerie, Without Beads, Moss Trimmings in Colors. Black Trimmings. Bead Net Plastrons. Panels. drarniture for Dress Waists. Crepe Trimmings Braid — Black. Chenille. per yard. Black. per yard. Xieich Finished with Crochet. Ball FURS. Black French Coney. 3 inches, 4 " per yard, per yard. Black Russian Hare. 3 inches, 6 per yard. Raccoon. 4}y^ inches. per yard. Opossum. 3 inches. per yard. Beaver. 2 inches, 3 " per yard. inches, per yard. 3 inches, per yard. % inch, 2}4 inches, 5 up to per yard, per yard. Lynx. Gray Coney. Black Opossum. 2 inches, per y 3 •• ard. Bead Gimns. 3 inches, in- 1 yard. JP^' 4'^ " P'jr yard. Bead Galloons. 2}.^ inches, per yard. 4 " per yard. 4}2 " Black Bead Ornaments. 31 :i inches long, f :: each. each. 6 9 12 each. Black Silk Gimps. 3 inches -wide, f^ :: per .j'ard. per j'ard. Black Silk Ornaments. 6 inches long, each. Colored Bead Gimps. S}{ inches wide. per yaiil. Colored Bead Galloons. 3;| inches, per yard. White Pearl Gimps. 4 inches wide. ])er yard. 136 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, BUTTONS. Our stock of Buttons for this season has been excellently selected, the most popular styles of last season being retained, -(vhile many new and beau- tiful designs have been added. Those in metal and steel are made of material of the very best quality and can be had in all the most desirable shades, such as green, navy blue, seal brown, olive, plum, garnet, gray and black, and in all full and evening shades. When ordering Buttons to match dress goods, a sample of the material should be sent that we may match it as near as possible to the color desired. A request for samples of buttons must be accompanied by a remittance of 25 cents, except in cases where customers are known to us. This 25 cents will be refunded if buttons are returned within twenty-one days. Description of Buttons illustrated below : No. 3346. Colored Steel Button, lilagree center with 3 points, every shade. 3al0. " " " cut edge " " 7 3349_ " " " plain edge, with star flower, 9 points, every shade. 3304. Colored Steel Button, plain edge, braided center, 9 points, every shade. 3283. Colored Jletal Button, saucer shape, engraved steel leaf, 1 point, every shade. 718. Colored Jletal Buttoi., engraved edge, leaf center, 1 point, every shade. 673. Colored Metal Button, Persian colors, Maltese center, 1 point, every shade. 3311. Colored Jletal Button, cut edge, 5 maple leaves center, 1 point, every shade. 3285. Colored lletal Button, beautifully engraved and extrafine, round and oval steel points, every shade. 3427. Colored Steel Button, cut edge, square effect, oval and round points, ever}- shade. 3424. Colored IMetal Button, cut edge, branch center, 1 point. 3392. Colored jMctal and Pearl Button, steel leaves, cut pearl center, 1 point, every shade. 3342. Colored Metal and Pearl Button, cut edge, check center, 9 points, every shade. 8365. Colored Metal and Pearl Button, square, with cut edge and fig- ured center, 5 points, every shade. Ko. 718. ^o. 3311. No. 3424. No. 3392. No. 3304. No. 3310. No. 3346. No. 8842. No. 3285. Sjjecial line ofhuttons very cheap and of good qitality and designs, Doz. Gj-oss Lot 1. Line 4, cut jet " 41^ " "5 " . ... " oM •' Lot 2. Line 4 , cut steel . ;; 4M ;: • " 51^ " '■ Metal ground, steel center, per doz Fancy steel, all colors, " Fancy metal, steel rim " Metal ground, steel center " Fancy metal, steel point " .... Cut metal, very neat " .... Steel rim, cut steel center " Steel ground and center flower design, with cut steel points, per doz Metal ground, celluloid center, per doz. Fine cut steel, raised center " Metal ground, raised center, with steel points, per doz Steel rim, fine cut center, per doz Fine cut steel and metal " Very fine cut steel, all colors " Steel rim, colored, cut steel points in center, per doz Open work metal ground flower design with cut steel points, per doz Engraved metal, raised center, per doz. Metal and steel, fancy center " All-cut steel, very fine " Lot 3. Line 4, engraved metal, pearl center, per dozen " 4i.< " " " " " 5 " " " " " " 51.^ " '■ " " Lot 4. Line 4, fine quality engraved metal, all new colors, per doz. . . " ■' 4y^ ■' " ■' ;■ '■ ... " 5 " " 5K " " " " " ■•• Metal and steel, raised center, per doz. Steel rim, cut steel points, per doz. . . . Flat cut jet, per doz Mourning jet, raised, per doz Cut jet, bright, same in mourning, per doz Half ball, dull or bright, per doz Cut ball, jet in black " Crochet and cut jet beads " Fancy ball crochet, black " Fancy ball crochet with beads, per doz. Black horn, diagonal, per doz Plain and fancy metal " All colors, cut steel, fine " Raised center, in fancy metal, per doz. Fancy metal, per doz Steel rim, c\it metal center, per doz. . . Half ball fancy metal, steel point in center, per doz Plain ground with flower design, per doz. Same design for jackets, per doz. .... Fancy ground, steel point in center, per doz 40. Same as 38, for jackets, per doz 41. Fancy metal, very neat " 42. Jacket size, same design " We also have a full line of black and colored crochets in fancy and plain, per dozen. A full line of black jet per doz. A full line of dull jet, in flat and round, for mourning, per doz. Crepe stone in ball and flat, per doz. White and rose pearl, full ball and flat, per doz. We also have a full line of ball and flat buttons for ulsters and jackets, in horn and ivory, per doz. Plain and fancy ivories, per doz. Black bone buttons, per doz. Black velvet, ball and flat, per doz. Colored ball, velvet, per doz. Colored ball jets to match trimming, each A full line of shirt buttons. per doz. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 137 LINEN DEPARTMENT. This department is complete in all its details. Most of the goods oflfered being our own direct importatiou, we are enabled to guarantee them to be as described. TABLE LINENS. Bleached Damask — No. 1. CO inches wide, 2. G4 •• 3. (JS ■' 4. Ti ■■ Cream Damask — No. 1. 56 inches wide, 3. 60 •• 3. 64 '• per }-d. per yd. The above damasks have been carefully se- lected, not only as to the quality, but also as to the design. Many of the patterns are new this season and exclusive with us. We also have napkins to match all our finer grades of goods. DAMASK TABLINGS. Turkey Red and White — A good qualit}- at aud No. 1. yard. No. 3. Same, 60 inches wide, fast colors, per yard. Cardinal — No. 1. All red or with black or white bor- ders, CO inches wide, per yard. Fancy Checks — No. 1. Roman Stripes, 60 inches wide, and per yard. TABLE CLOTHS. Turkey Red and White — Fringed Cloths, fast colors. No 1. Size, 1 vard square 3. " Vi " iH " V'< " 3.x3i.< long. a.\-3 ' ■• .. CARDINAL CLOTHS. Black or White Borders or all Red - ACTUAL MEASUREMENT. No. 1. 1 yard square. 2. 114 3. Hi " 4. 1% 5. 2 6. 3x21^ long 7. 2.x3 LUNCH AND TEA CLOTHS. German Half Bleached Linen, Red Borders with Fringe — No. 1. 60 inches wide, 2 yards long, each No. 3. 60 Inches wide, Sirf yards long, each, 10. No. 3. 60 inches wide, 3 yards long, each. No. 4. 70 Inches wide, 3 yards long, each. No. 5. 70 Inches wide, 2J2 3'ards long, each. No. 6. 70 inches wide, 3 yards long, each. A large variety of Damask and Momie Cloth Sets with Broche" Borders, Open Work Borders, Hemstitched, etc., etc., with plain and knotted Fringes, from 3 to 4 yards long, from per set. NAPKINS. Damask, Bleached and Unbleached, Cardinal, Old Gold and White, and in colors. No. 1. =3 (18 inches), per dozen. No. 2. Sg (20 inches), 3 .50 per dozen. No. 3. ^^ (33 inches), per dozen. No. 4. 34 (24 inches), per dozen. D'Oyleys, or Tea Napkins — All white or with red borders. No. 1. 14 inches, per dozen. No. 2. 16 inches, per doz. No. 3. 18 inches, per dozen. D'Oyleys — No. 2. Oval, round and square, for cake bas- kets, etc., all sizes, each, and upwards. TOWELS. IIuclv towels (soft finish), superior quality. No. 1. Size, 17x25 inches, per doz 2. " 17x30 " " 3. '■ 18x33 " " 4. " 18x38 " " .... 5. " 3Lx44 " " 6. " 24x48 " " 7. " 23x43 " " A good Damask towel for Damask — No. 1. 14x24, per dozen 3. 18x36, " 3. 30.X40, " 4. 24.X45, " Single towels at same rates. Our Damask Towel, with plain or knotted fringe, is always the best value to be found in the market. Crape Towels — ■ Blue or red line borders. No 1. 18X.33. per doz 2. 18.\36, " 3 34x43, " 4, 34.\48, " We show a fine assortment of towels with fancy borders, open-work borders, and knotted fringes. No. 1. Turkish Towels — Brown with colored stripes. No. 1. 3. Same, bleached. No. '6. A large line of fancy Turkish Tidies, in high colors aud elaborate designs, and Sheeting Linens — No. 1. Irish Linen, 36 inches wide, 25c, 30, a yard. Interlining Linen — No. 1. Butcher Linens — No. 1. 40 inches wide, cream color per yard. Glass Towelings — All linen. No. 1. 18 inches wide, per yard 2. 20 '■ " i>eryard. 3. 24 " " per yard. Crash Towelings — Brown (all linen). No. 1. 15 inches 3. 16 " 3. 30 " 4. 18 " Brown Twill. 5. 18 " Bleached " 6. 30 " " " 7. 18 " German Damask.. .. 8. 16 '■ Huck Toweling.... 9. IS " " '■ Cotton Diapers — 10 yards to piece. No. 1. 18-incb, 30-inch, 32-inch, 24-inch, 2T-iucU, per piece. Linen Diapers — 10 yards to piece. No. 1. 16 inches, per piece 3. 18 " 3. 20 " 4. 24 " Crochet Bed Spreads — Full size. No. 1. each. Marseilles Guilts — Full size. No. 1. Exhibition ftuilts — Pink and blr.c. No. 1. From Empress ftuilts — No 1. These are very handsome and durable, hand printed in floral designs, at each. Tahle Covers — Raw silk fringed. No. 1. li.i' yards square, each. 2. 2 " " " each. Embroidered Cloth Covers — No. 1. 11^ yards square, each. No. 3. 3 yards square, each. Piano Covers — Embroidered cloth, wine shades. No. :. each. Felt Table Scarfs — Enils richly embroidered. No. 1. each. 138 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. LINEN AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Our efforts in this department to sliow one of the tinest and most complete stocks of linen goods ever offered in this market have been in the highest degree successful. Heavy and frequent purchases of the best German, Scotch and Irish manufactures combine to make our assortment exceedingly- attractive and valuable, and particularly in table cloths, napkins, tea cloths, fancy towels, etc., of which we have an immense stock, bought in the best markets, on the lowest terms, and consequently can supply our members on much more reasonable terms than it would be possible for them to obtain elsewhere. No. 170. Bleached Fringed Damask Cloths. Price, 3 yards square, 2x3 yards, 16-inch Jvapkins to match, per dozen. No. 420. Bleached Fringed Damask Cloths (extra fine). Price, 2 yards square 371.^; 2x21^ yards, 2x3 yards, 18-iuch Nap- kins to match, per dozen. No. 1270. Cream Fringed Damask Cloths, with red borders. Two yards square, 2x21.^ yards, 2x3 yards, Bleached Damask Doyley, oval shape, for cake baskets, etc , from each, according to size. No. 11. Linen Momie Tablecloth. Heavy knotted fringe, with openwork border, with 30-iQch Napkins to match, one dozen to each cloth; per , set, 2x21^ yards, 2x3 yards. No. Ex. Fringed Damask Cloths, plain, white, or red border. IJixli^' yards 13^xl>^ " l%xlM " 3 x2 " 2 x2i^ " 2 x3 " " 16-inch Napkius, per dozen 18-inch " " No. 9. Bleached Damask Doyley, round or square, according to size. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 139 LINEN AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODS.-Continued. Qualit.v 14. Cloths and Napkins. Cloths 2 yards wide. Patterns: Arabesque, Palms, Chestnut, and Ferns. 2}4 yards long 3 " " Breakfast Napkins. Dinner " Quality 600. Bleached Damask Pattern Cloths. 2 yards square, each 2x3^2 yards, each 2x3 yards, eacli Quality 12. Cloths and Napkins. Patterns: Duke of Leinster, Queen's Household, Large Spot, etc., 70 inches wide. 2% yards long 3 " " 21 inch Napkins, per dozen 25-inch " " Quality 13. Cloths and Napkins. Patterns: Mistletoe, Wild Cherry, and Lily of Valley. Cloths 2 yards wide. 2}4 yards long 3 '■ ■' % Napkins, per dozen ?^ " " Quality 15. Cloths and Napkins. Cloths 2 jards wide. Patterns: Roses, Ferns, Shamrock, Flax Flower, etc. 2}^ yards long 3 " " Breakfast Napkins Dinner " No. 10. Washed Huck Towels. 140 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, LINEN AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODS.— Continued. Xo. 130. Bleached Damask Dojieys, with red borders, and up; all white, Extra Heavy Barnsley Huck Towel ; per dozen, or each. Splendid value. No. 151^. Bleached Huck Towels, with red, blue, buff, or white borders, and knotted fringe; each. A great bargain. Bleached Damask Towels, with blue or red borders, with knotted fringe; each. Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Stoves, etc. No. 65. Extra fine Bleached Damask Doyleys, .$2 40 per dozen; 2 yards square, cloths to match, 2x2j2 yards, 2x3 yards See pages 57 to 61. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 141 Ladies' and Children's Fine Hand^Knit Goods. The superiority of our FINE HANS MADE GOODS has long been known. We shall continue to sell the best goods that can be made, embracing INFANTS' FINE ZEPHYH HOODS, INFANTS' ZEPHYR AND SILK KNIT HOODS, INFANTS' FINE ZEPHYR SACftTJES, INFANTS' FINE KNIT SOCKS, LADIES' AND MISSES' ZEPHYR HOODS, TOBOGGANS, TAM O'SHANTER CAPS, FASCINATORS, LEGGINGS, ETC., ETC. Mactiine^Knit Goods. Our specialty for this season is JERSEY RIBBED UNDERWEAR, ("Peautendu," Trade Mark). We claim to have the handsomest line of Ladies' and Children's Fine Cashmere and Silk and Cashmere Ribbed Underwear ever produced in this country. Ladies' Fine Cardigan Jackets, witli or without sleeves, from cheap Woolen Goods to Fine, Fashioned Cashmere Waists for best City Trade. Children's and Ladies' Leggings in Wool, Worsted and Cashmere. Scarfs, Shawls, Hoods, Toboggans, etc., etc. Our Leading styles of Jersey Ribbed Underwear are indicated in the following Descriptive List : Engraving 12. Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Silk and Wool "Vest, High Neck and Long Sleeves; Colors: Blue and White, Pink and White, Lavender and White; all sizes. Price, or with Short Sleeves, Style V. V-Shaped Neck, No Sleeves, Hand Crochet Finish. Sizes, 13 3 4 62V, 1-1 Rib, Shaped, Cashmere 7XV, 2-2 Rib, Plain 72V, 2-2 Rib, Fiicured and Shaped 81V, 2-2 Plain, Silk and Cashmere 81V, 2-2 Figured and Shaped, Silk and Cash- mere Colors: White, Scarlet, Blue, Pink, Ecru, Heliotrope, Blue and White, Pink and White, Ecru and White. Ladies' Ribbed Jersey Silk Vests, High Neck, Short Sleeves; Colors: White, Pink, Blue and Ecru; Sizes, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Prices. Ladies' Ribbed Jersey Silk Vests, High Neck and Long Sleeves; Colors: Pink, Blue, Bengal Lavender, Chaire Salmon and Scarlet; all sizes. Price, Ladies' Jersey Silk Vests, in all the latest designs and fancy combina- tions, in Black, Green, Lavender, Old Gold and >Iaroon, Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, All Wool, fine im- ported garments, in White, Pink, Blue, Chaire Maize, Salmon and Cardinal. Price, Long Sleevgs, Short Sleeves, We have a large assortment of finest Imported Goods, in all colors, in Loni and Sliort Sleeves, from 142 Fi)U PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. KNIT GOODS.— Continued. Engraving 1. Engn-aving: 2. «! 1 1 I [ 1, i No. 39K. CHILDREN'S. Size, 1 390, Fine Cashmere, 2-2 Plain Rib, Crochet Neck, with Ribbon without Buttons (Neck Finish as 41o .) 39K, Same, with Pearl Buttons (As Engraving.) No. 410. 1 Engravini: 5. iMzes, 410, Fine Cashmere, 2-2 Rib, Figured. Crochet Neck, with Ribbon, without Buttons (See Cut.) 41K, Same as 41o , but with Pearl Buttons (See Cut.) Colors for children's goods: "White, Scarlet, Light Blue, Pink, Ecru, Heliotrope, Blue and White, Pink and "White. Style 62A. I.ADIES' riNE CASHMERE. High Neck, Long Sleeves. 62A, Plain, 1-1 Rib-Shaped, Flexible, Braid Neck, Satin Lappel, Pearl Buttons. Colors: "White, Scarlet, Blue, Pink, Ecru, Heliotrope, Blue and "White, ."Pink and White, Ecru and "White. Engrraviug' 3. ill,,™ ill No. 51L. CHILDREN'S SILK AND "WOOL. -rt* Sizes, 1 2 490 , Plain 2-2 Rib, Crochet Finish, no Buttons (See Engravings 1 and 2.) 49L , Plain 2-2 Rib, Satin Lappel, Pearl Buttons (As Engravings.) 510 , 2-2 Rib, Figured, Crochet Finish, (See Engraving 2.) 51L , Same as 51°, but -with Satin Lap- pel, Pearl Buttons (See Engraving 3.) 53L, All Silk, Style 49l FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 143 KNIT GOODS.-Continued. Ensraving- 4. Engraving 7. Style 61A. LADIES' FINE CASHMERE. Size, 13 3 4 61A, Plain 1-1 Rib, Sluiped, Crochet Finish, Ribbon at Necli, Pearl Buttons Colors; White, Scarlet, Light Blue, Pink, Ecru, Blue and White, Pink and White. Engravin. 6. Styles 72A and 82A High Neck, Long Sleeves. Sizes, 12 3 4 72A, Fine Cashmere, 2-3 Rib, Figured, Flexible Braid Neck, Satin Lap- pel, Pearl Buttons 82A, Silk and Cashmere, same style as72A Colors : White, Scarlet. Blue, Pink, Ecru, Heliotrope, Blue and White, Pink and White, Ecru and White. Engraving 8< Styles 71A and 81A High Neck, Long Sleeves. 71A, Ladies' Fine Cashmere. Plain 3-2 Rib, Flexible Braid Neck, Satin Lappel, Pearl Buttons. BIA, Same style. Silk and Cashmere. ••Jolors: While, Scarlet. Blue. Pink. Ecru. Heliotrope, Blue and White, Pink and White, Ecru and White, Style B. High Neck, Long Sleeves, Flexible Braid Finish. Sizes, 13 3 4 62B, M Rib, Shaped, Cashmere 71B, 3-2 Rib, Plain Cashmere 72B, 3-2 Rib, Figured and Shaped Colors: White. Scarlet, Blue, Pink, Ecru. Heliotrope, Blue .and White, Pink and White, Ecru and White. 144 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. KNIT GOODS.-Continued. Engraving 9. Engraving' 11. Style C. Low Neck, no Sleeves, Braid Finish. Sizes, 13 3 4 62C, 1-1 Rib-Shaped Cashmere 71C, 2-3 Rib, Plain Cashmere 72C, 2-3 Fig. and Shaped Cashmere Colors: "White, Scarlet, Blue, Pink, Ecru, Heliotrope, Blue and "White, Pink and "White, Ecru and "White. Engraving: 10. Style D. Square Low Neck, no Sleeve?, Hand Crochet Finish. Sizes, 12 3 4 62D, 1-1 Rib, Shaped Cashmere VID, 2-3 Plain, Cashmere 72D, 2-2 Rib, Fig. and Shaped 81D, 2-2 Kib, Plain Silk and Cashmere 82D, 3 3 Rib, Figured and Shaped, Silk and Cashmere Colors: AVhite, Scarlet, Blue, Pink, Ecru, Heliotrope, Blue and "White, Pink and "White, Ecru and "V\'li)le. Style E. Low Neck, No Sleeves, Hand Crochet Finish. Sizes, 12 3 4 62E, 1-1 Rib, Shaped Cashmere 71E, 3-3 Rib, Plain 72E, 2-3 Rib, Ficcured and Shaped 81E, 2-3 Plain, Silk and Cashmere 82E, 2-3 Figured and Shaped, Silk and Cash- mere Colors; White, Scarlet, Blue, Pink, Heliotrope, Ecru, Blue and White, Pink and "White, Ecru and "White. KNIT GOODS. Bootees for infants, in combination colors; colors, white, pink and light blue. Prices, Saciijies for infants, in white and colors. Prices, Sacques for child, 1 and 3 years. Price, Knee Leggings, white, light blue, cardinal and garnet; 6 months to 3 years old. Price, Drawer Leggings, 6 months to 2 years old. Price, machine knit, ; hand knit, and per pair. Colors, white, cardinal, garnet and seal brown. I^Iisses' and Children's Leggings-, colors, seal and black; 4 years and up- ward. Prices, In ordering these goods, send" age oi child. Ladies' and Misses' Leggings; colors, seal brown' and black. Prices, Fascinators ; colors, white^ light blue, pink, cardinal and black. Prices, Infants' Hoods, cream white. Price, Infants' Hoods, cream, pink and light blue. Price, Angora Hoods for children, 1 and 3 years, white and gray, 'fine quality Price, Angora Hoods for girls, 4 to 6 years, white and gray. Price, • FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 145 FLANNEL SKIRTS. No. 150. Fine Melton in gray mixed, blue, brown and wine, e.xtra large, made with French yoke, 50 inch waist. Same style can bo had in felt, cloth and flannel, each. No. 154. Same colors, size and yoke as 150, made in every material. Braid running bias on band, each. Heavy all wool striped flannel, pretty combina- tions yoke band, each. No. 357. Fine repellant cloth finished, braid on plaiting in gmy, blue and brown; same size and make as 150, can be had in every material, each. Made same in every respect as 257, Fine tweed in gray, blue and brown mixed, made same as 150 in every material. 6 rows braid on band, each. No. 455. All wool flannel in blue, scarlet and gray, made in every respect as 150. With loops of braid, each. 056. French yoke, Canton lined 056. No yoke. Canton lined 657. Italian, Canton lined 658. Alpaca, Canton lined 659. Same 708. All .'intin in all colors In fast black, alpaca all weol Italian, and all colors in satins, made as 150, each. 663. Italian with flounce . . . " " without flounce. 660. Alpaca, no flounce. . . . " " with flounce. . No. 724. Fine Fanners satin top. Satin quilting 13 inches deep, made^also in all satin skirts with and without flounces, ' e.ich . (Quilted bottom.) 724. Satin bottom, with Italian top, with- out flounce 721. All satin, with flounce, all colors 744. All satin, 15 inch fancy quilted, all colors, ^ Samples will be sent on application of the above leading styles for Fall Season and also of others. 146 FOE PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Our stock of BLACK AND MOURNING GOODS is complete iu qualities, styles aud variety. The prices are all based upon the proper value in the goods named. On our shelves will be found only the makes of reliable houses, and those we carry iu every case we recommend and guarantee. We itnport directly and in large quantities. The constant output of this department is so large we are obliged to add daily to its stock. So with the continual arrival of new dress fabrics and novelties you can ever find an assortment that is unsurpassed in every detail. B. PRIESTLY & CO.'S. Koue Geuuine uniess rolled on the "VAKNISHED BOARD." Standard Silk Warp Henrietta — All 40 inches wide. No. 1. yard. Black Cashmere — All 40 inches wide. No. 2. per yard. Melrose Cloth — All 40 inches wide, all wool. No. 3. per yard. Drap d' Alma — per Venetian Cloth. - Koue Genuine unleBB rolled on th** "VARNISHETl BOARD." 40 inches wide, all wool. None Genuine uulebb rolled on the "VARNISHED BOARD." All wool, 4G inches wide. No. 5. per yard. No. 4. 40 inches, all wool. No. U). per yard. Serges — Our line is very complete and comprises all weaves and textures. 40 inches wide, all wool. No. 11. per yard. Nun's Serg-es - 40 inches, all wool. a yard. None Goiiiiine r..Ued < "VAKNISnED BOARD." 40 inches wide, all wool. No. 6. per yard. No. 7. Biarritz cord, reversible cord, checks and serges, all wool, 40 inches wide, yard. Sebastapool — All wool. 40 inches wide. per No. y. Camelette - a yard. 40 inches wide, all wool. No. 0, 't yard. Nun's Serges — Black and white, 40 inches wide. No. 13. Samuels, Courtland & Co.'s Black English Crape — 6-4 wide. No. 14. per yard. Nun's Veiling — None Genuine unless rolled on the "VARNISnED BOARD." No. 15. Complete line of silk warp and all wool bordered nun's veiling, Tricots — 5'2-iiich Tricots, all wool, 52 inches w-ide. No. 16. a yard. Ladies' Cloth — ri2 inches wide, all wool. No. 17. a yard. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 147 DRESS LININGS. Gilbert's Crescent Silesia, in twelve shades, 36 inches wide, per 3"a!d. Gilbert's Girard Silesia, in all the leading shades, 36 inches wide, . per yard. Gilbert's Improved Royal, extra heavy, all common shades, 36 inches wide, per yard. Gilbert's Cableine, all shades, 36 inches wide, . per yard. Gilbert's Plain Satin finish, light shades, 36 inches wide, per yard. Gilbert's Satin Classicque, in all shades, 36 inches wide, .per yard. Gilbert's extra fine Satin Marvellieux, in ten shades, 40 inches wide, per yard. Gilbert's Past Blacks, 40 inches wide, per yard. Cambric, best quality and finish, in 76 shades, for skirt lining and facing, 34 inches wide, per yard. Paper muslin, 36 inches wide, 8c. per per yard. Drilling in black, brown and slate, 37 inches wide, and per yard. Drilling, white, ' per yard. Corset Jean, extra heavy, all colors, 37 inches wide, per yard. American Bilesia, 60 shades, 36 inches wide, per yard. American Silesia, 80 shades, 36 inches wide, per yard. American Silesia, 55 shades, 36 inches wide, per yard. Il.iavy English Silesia, all common colors, 36 inches wide, per yard. Fine French Silesia, all common colors, 36 inches wide, per yard. Pine Sateen Silesia, 35 shades, 40inchi's wide, per yard. Holland or Linen waist lining in bhuk, slate, cream and natural colors, 36 inches wide, per yard. Plain Percaline. with embossed finish, black face and white back, 24 inches wide, and .per yard. Plain Percaline, with embossed finish, black face and white back, 36 inches wide, per yard. Twilled Percaline, 36 inches wide, and per yard. Pancy back Percaline, black face, with black and fancy colored checks and set figures on light ground, 36 inches wide, per yard. Brocade waist linings, solid colors, with damask stripe and figures woven in like table linen, 36 and 40 inclics wide, per yard. Fancy waist linings for tailor-made dresses, silesias and sateens in white, cream and colored grounds, on which are plain and fancy stripes, checks, cross-bars and small set figures of bright contrasting colors, 40 inches wide, per yard. Silk linings for waists, wraps, coats, coat sleeves, and ladies' vests in all plain colors and a great variety of stripes. Black, 20 to 31 inches wide, , pgy yard. White, 30 to 31 inches wide, per yard. Plain colors, 10 shades, 18 inches wide, per yard. Plain colors, 13 shades, 21 inches wide, . per yard. Plain colors, satin finish, 13 shades, 18 inches wide, per yard. Pancy stripes, 80 styles, 31 inches wide, . per yard. White Italian cloth, with colored silk stripes, 40 inches wide, per yard. Dark colored Italian cloth with wide silk stripes, 40 inches wide, per yard. French canvas facing, or electric duck, all linen, in black, white, cream, brown, slate and natural colors, 35 inches wide, per yard. Crinoline, or leno, for lining skirt folds and ruffles, also for facing, in black, white, plain slate and brown, 31 inches wide, per yard. Cross-bars, 31 inches wide, _ per yard. Embossed finish, 36 inches wide, . per yard. Embossed finish, very fine, 31 inches wi'de, per yard. StifE facings in black, white and slate, plain. 36 inches wide, per yard. Parisian facing, twilled, 36 inches wide, per yard. C'osbans herring bone, twilled, 36 inches wide, per yard. rSuckram, for belt linings, very stiff, 36 inches wide, per yard. Hair cloth, for facing, also used for bustles and stiff underskirts, black and white mixed, 16 inches wide, per yard ; black, 16 inches wide, per yard ; white, 18 inches wide, per yard. ^loreen, a very elastic all woolen skirting, with watered finish colors, 23 inches wide per yard ; 34 inches wide, per yard. White, 22 inches wide per yard ; 24 inches wide, per yard. Italian cloth, or farmers' satin, black, 37 inches wide, per yard ; black, 31 inches ■^ide, per yara"; 6/ack, 54 inches wide, Italian serges, black, 31 inches vpide, ' per yard ; dark colors, 31 inches wide. per 3'ard. Quilted Italian cloth, all colors, in 7 distinct .patterns (85 colors and pat- terns), black, 27 inches wide, per yard ; black, 31 inches wide, per yard ; all colors, 27 inches wide, per yard. Pine French cambric, 38 shades, 36 inches wide. per yard. 10 shades, 36 Batiste, finest apd lightest waist lining made, fast color inches wide. per yard. Heavy gray linen canvas, for facing trousers, interlining coats and making ladies' hand-satchels, 27 inches wide, per yard. 148 rOK PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY UMBRELLAS.— Continued. ALPACAS. Sizes— 26. No. 340. Eight ribbed solid, No. 15, alpaca carved hooks, -svood stick " 855. " " " paragon, Xo. 25, alpaca, hooks aud sticks carved " 400. " " " regina iuiitatiou pimento aud orange , " 450. " " " paragon, No. 1, satin border, English alpaca, myrtles and olives , ■ ' 467. " " " " "88, mohair, wood sticks ■ ■ ■ 28, 30, 32 SILK. No. 560. " 559. •' 570. " 580. •■ 590. " 595. " GOO. " 657. " 605. ■' 679. ■' 650, " 660. " 670. " 675. " 680. " 685. " 690. " 695. " 750. " 768. " 795. " 805. " 810. . Paragon umbria, Tvood sticks , " " Sinch gold cap " " claw handle " " silver hooks " " short gold caps " " bell, pear, and 1}^ in. gold caps " " 2J^ in. gold caps " " our standard double twilled ebony and coquilla hooks and sticks. " " gold hooks " " Cornelian balls double twilled, our standard bamboo roots and olive paragon, double twilled, our standard oaks Weichscl " " " " silver caps, 6-8 aud Jg " our standard silver hooks aud nail ball " " " bell and ^g gold caps " " " bell, pear and 1}.£ in. gold caps . " " " 3 in. gold caps " " " gold hooks " " " Puritan spiral bulbs " " " rubber handle " " " buckhorn, silver " " " bell and f^ gold caps " '• " bee-hive, double head, gold ball and gold caps Sizes— 20, 28, 30, 32 In addition we carry a large collection of hand-carved, old silver, and imported novelty handles which are second to none in this country. We intend to make this department headquarters for canes and umbrellas in all grades. A special line of Martin's and Duncan's English umbrellas, for birth- day, wedding or holiday gifts, from §6 75 to $20 00. Our selections may be relied on. We will engrave initials free of charge on all umbrellas and canes over $5 00. All our silk umbrellas are of standard mak s. and made with improved paragon frames. No. 1. Black and green twilled silk, genuine sterling silver-tipped handle, 26 inch 2. Similar handle, better silk ' 3. Choice Weichsel, wood handle, extra good twilled silk, black aud brown; 26 inch, 28 inch 4. Extra good black silk, natural buckhorn haudle; 26 inch, 28 inch ' 5. Polished silver handle, in various elaborate raised, ham- mered designs, English twilled black silk, 26 inch ' 6. Burnt liand-carved ivory handle, fine Spitalflelds, black or brown silk; we recommend this asan extra good value and a very hand.some umbrella; 26 inch ' 7. Extra line English silk, natural wood handles with silver tips; a very nobby umbrella; 26 inch ' 8. French novelty umbrella, various designs of hand-carved ivory and combination of Japanese bamboo; 26 inch ' 9. Late English novelty, human, dog and lizard heads in burnt carved ivory, with heavy band of sterling Repousse silver for name plate, genuine Hamyania stick from India, best black silk, 28 inch • 10. English two-toned silk umbrellas, black, with iusicie of wine, dark blue and green; the silk is double twilled and one that we can recommend for its wear-resisting qualities; 26 inch No. 11. "Wear Resister," of Gloria silk; two-thirds silk, one-third linen — an umbrella that will not crack in the fplds; 26 inch, better cjuality, 28 inch, better quality Our assortment of umbrellas contains an immense variety of natural sticks in silk umbrellas in 26 inch 12. Children's alpaca school umbrellas, 22 inch, 24 inch . 13. Alpaca umbrellas, 26 inch, 28 inch, 14. Gingham umbrellas, 26 inch, 28 inch, 30 inch, 32 inch 15. ^Mohair, 26 and 28 inches 16. Gloria gold cap, paragon frame, 26 and 28 inches 17. D twilled silk in silver, gold and natural stick, 26 and 28 inches; price 18. Oiled twilled silk, in silver and crook handle, 26 and 28 inches 19. Silk and wool mi.\ed, large gold ball, 26 and 28 inches 20. Oxford silk, natural stick, scented wood, 26 and 28 inches, with gold cri'ok FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 149 SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies' French Kid Machine-Sewed — Button. Improved Flexible Soles of Walking "Weight. TWO STYLES— New York, with modcnik-ly lo-sv heels, and tasty, but seusible toes ; or the Spanish Arch, with a heel a little higher and more curved under the instep, and a rounder toe. Price, Sizes and half sizes from 1 to 8. Seven different fittings of each size and half-size, as follows : Aaa, Aa, A, B, C, D, E. State, in ordering, which style is wanted. THIS FRENCH KID COOT is light, pliable and comfortable ; acknowl- edged by former wearers to be a standard of excellence. Unlike most French Kid, it grows soft with wear, and does not crack, keeping its luster a great length of time. A noticeable and advantageous feature is the improved method in the construction of the sole, called Extra Flexible. While of regular walking weight, they insure freedom and ease to the wearer. All the uncomfortable effects of new shoes are overcome, as they adjust themselves from the start to the foot, being made on lasts that follow the natural form of the foot, and at the same time retain a very fashionable shape. Notice.— Special sizes on hand for ladies with extra small or extra large feet. State which style of last is wanted. Ladies' Walking Boot— Pebble Goat. Machine-Sew^ed. Ladies who wear extra large sizes can obtain a neat 13t in this shoe. GENTEEL in shape, made on a comfortable, easy-wearing last, with low heels and rounded toes. A reliable, strong boot for hard wear ; workman- ship guaranteed. Made from the best selection of pebble goatskin, and the soles one half double. For all walking purposes this shoe will give entire satisfaction. Notice particularly the variety of widths of each size. You can get a shoe as neatly fitting and as shapely on the foot as in our finest kid. This house sells no shoes that do not fit comfortably and look well on the foot, even though intended for hard service. Price Sizes and half sizes from 2 to 8. Seven different fittings of each size, as follows : Aaa, Aa, A, 13, C, D, E. Owing to the recently improved facilities for the public to shop by mail, and the lower rates of postage and express, any one living at a remote dis- tance, can trade with this house with the same safety and satisfaction as if here in the store. THE REFORM. A Spring-Heel Shoe for Ladies. Hygienic footwear for comfort, tender feet, weak ankles and lame backs. We have them in STRAIGHT GOAT or CURSO KID at Be sure to state, in ordering, which is wanted. Price Sizes 2^ to 7. Seven different fittings of each size, as follows : Aaa, Aa. A, B, C, D, E. Price $3 GO. The Same Style in Pebble Goat. Very tasty and very strong in vsrear, SPRING-HEEL Shoes for ladies, as well as misses who wear ladies' sizes, are suited to the various movements of the joints and muscles of the feet, and, when rightly constructed, benefit many who are troubled by lame back and weak ankles. The lasts on which these shoes are made, allow the foot to rest squarely on the ground, as nature intended, correcting all tendency to toe in, which is often caused by weakness in ankles and limbs. They remove all pressure from the forward part of the shoe, which largely assists in curing sensitive joints and corns. There is a fast growing demand for them, as they tend to improve health. JIany ladies would not be without them. Ladies' Machine-Sewed Straight Goat Button. Walking Weight, with Improved Flexible Soles, Suitable for all purposes where a neat walking boot is required. The material in this shoe is the finest selection of straight goat, made in the best manner possible in machine-sewed work. Can be worn with comfort and service in all ordinary wear and tear. The notion that all ready-made shoes arc about the same quality is a mistake. A shoe cannot be bought, on which you can depend, without paying a price in proportion to the cost of manu facture. This shoe will show the foot to the best possible advantage, anc' will jilease the eye in style and finish. Price, Sizes from 2 to 8 ; widths, Aa, A, B, C, D, E. RULES OF THE HOUSE. No goods sent out unless amount of purchase accompanies the order. Goods marked in plain figures ; sold at fixed prices. If goods do not meet with your approval after examining, return them and get your money. LADIES' TRAVELING AND SHOPPING BOOT. Called Good Understanding. Hand-sewed with straight goat uppers and Dongola tops. A stylish boot for high class of trade. l\Iade only on the Spanish Arch, square toe last, with moderately high heels. Sizes and half sizes from IJ^ to 7. Widths, Aaa, Aa, A, B, C, D, E. Notice the variety of different fittings or measurements, Aaa to E, enabling you to select what will exactly fit 3-our foot. Price, We never deviate from our prices, which are marked in plain figures. This shoe is intended for a high class out door walking boot. In the last, the natural shape of the foot is followed as closely as possible, and still a fashionable outline is retained, We aim to give a stylish appearance as well as to ensure comfort. The fronts of the shoe are straight goat, neat and tidy. At the heel and instep the Spanish Arch principles are followed. They are hand-sewed and stitched aloft. Very popular with young ladies wanting a moderately heavy street shoe. The tops are Dongola leather or lusterless kid, soft and yielding to every motion of the ankle joint, and, while extra pliable, it is wet-resisting and strong in wear. All goods have our name stamped on the lining. Goods can be returned for exchange. If sent by mail never put writing of any kind in package or seal the ends. It subjects package to regular letter rate of postage. A few Select Styles of Ladies' Slippers. The postage on any of these slippers, if sent by mail, is 1.5 cents in addition to price. Sixes and half sizes from IJ^ to 7. Widths, Aa, A, B, C, D, E. Ladies' Curso Kid Opera or Toe Slipper. Style 1. — Leather heel of moderate height, tasty, roti^- toe, excellent wearing qualities. With low heels. Price, Ladies' English Curso Kid Opera. gtyle 2. — The highest standard of curso kid, made on a shapely, slightly arched last, with wood heels, not too high for comfort. Price Ladies' French Kid Toilet. Style 3. — Made on a shapely last, with low heels, or leather, and reason- ably broad toes. Trimmed with a neat French kid bo a-. A very popular dress slipper for home comfort for middle-aged ladies. Price, Ladies' Fine French Kid. Style 4. — Very stylish shape, Spanish Arch last and French wood heels. Full dress slipper for young ladies for dancing and weddings. Price, Ladies' Fine French Kid. Style 5.— Made on the new London last. This slipper is the same quality as style 4, but the last is different. The heels are quite low, and of leather ; the toes stylish but not broad, while the sole is plenty broad at the ball or tread. The last is said to be the most perfect fitting of all modern lasts. Price, Ladies' French Kid — Paris Opera. Style 6.- This is the same shape as style 4. only trimmed with a neat satin bow, which ornamants it in a tasty manner. Price, 150 FOR PRICKS, EXAMIXE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. NOTIONS AND SMALL WARES, XHREJLIDS, EXC. AMERICA AHEAD I!! SIX CORD SPOOL COTTON A FULL ASSORTMENT. The Willimantic Six Cord Spool Sewing Cotton 200 yds. spools at eacli. Per doz 500 yds. spools at Per doz. . . 300 " basting at " ... 500 " " "... knitting " G. A. Clark's O. N. T. 200 yds. sewing spool Per doz 500 yds. sewi'ng spool Per doz 200 " basting " 500 " Kerrs' spools 200 yds. sewing spool each. Per doz 500 yds. sewing spool ' doz ■ 200 yds. basting spool Per doz 500 " D. M. C. Cotton. Comes in sticks of 3 doz in a box. per stick, per doz. Per box Darning Cottons. C. B. French Per doz Daisy Colored Per doz Embroidery turkey red, navy blue, and brown, skein. Per doz White skein. Per doz Knitting Dexter ball. Per lb Brook's Glace. Per doz Coates'. Per doz Cotton Welting Cord No, 5. Per doz. . . . No. 6. Per doz " 7. •' " Q. " ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'■'...'..'.'.'.'. " 10. " • Braids, Bindings, Tapes, etc. Mohair Dia- mond Braid, extra fine quality, real imported Mohair. No. 4. Line wide, per yard. Per doz No. 6. Line wide, per yd. Per doz ' 10. ' 12. ' 14. ' 10. ■ 18. ■ 20. 24. The above are in all colors, warranted full measure, 144 yards to the gross. We sell a Second quality of the above at 10c. on the dollar cheaper. Gold and Silver Braid comes in pieces of 10 yards and runs 120 to the gross. These braids are imported, are very finely woven and of superior quality. No. 3. Line price '■ 3. " 4. per yd. Per doz No. 821. Tinsel Braid in all colors of extra good qualit)', imported, 6 pieces to the gross, warranted full measure, 144 yards to the gross. No. 1. Price per piece. Per gross. . .12. " " " " 4! No. 700. Wave Braid, white, and of ex- cellent quality. No. 33. In boxes of 36 yds. Price per box " 37. " 45. '• ,53. Herring Bone Braid, finely woven, im- ported, and warranted full measure. Comes in sticks of 13 yards each, from Js to fg inches wide. Pattern Pattern Pattern Nos. 2204 2203 2213 " 2305 2200 3207 ■' 2206 2201 2208 " 2211 2213 2221 " 2217 2309 2223 " 2316 2215 3319 " 2218 2214 2320 " 2362 3210 Black Alpaca Braid for skirts, etc., comes in sticks of 3 yards each, at {jer stick or per doz Rolls or per doz Plaited Blk. Alpaca Braid in patterns of about 3 yards each at per pattern, comes in boxes of 6 in a box, is of extra quality and very elegantly plaited. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. NOTIONS, SMALL WARES, THREADS, ETC.— Continued. Colored Silk Braid in all shades per yard, per doz. yards, per gross of 133 yards. Sold also in pieces of 23 yards at per piece Colored Mohair Braid of extra fine quality imported. No. 1. Price per yard, or gross of 144 yards No. 3. Price per yard, or gross of 144 yards No. 828. Tubular Braid (black). All real Mohair of the finest quality. Im- ported. No. 2. Line. piece. Per gross.... " 3. ■' 4. " " " Cotton Rick Rack Braid ot very fine quality comes in 18 yard pieces, and 23 pieces to the box. No. 13. Price per stick. Per box.... " 15. ■■ 17. " " " •' 19. " 31. Cotton Rick Rack of the very finest quality ; imported. Comes in boxes of 36 yards. No. 13 Price per box " 15. ■' "17. " "19. " " 21. " "35. " Silk Lacing Cord, all colors, very fine quality, per yard Per doz Per gross of 133 yards No. 113 Black Silk Braids. No. 10. Line price per yd. Per doz.. " 13. " " .. " 14. " " •• " 16. " " •• " 18. " " .. " 20. " " •• " 23. " •• •• " 24. " '■ -. " 28. ■' ■' .. The above are all extra quality. Quality No. 3 comes 10c. on the dollar cheaper Hercules Braid. All Colors. Castle Braid Co's. Braid. Very fine quality. No. 2. Lines " 3. " 4. "10. " 12. "14. " 16. •• 18. " 20. " 32. " " 34. Titan Braid. Per j'd. I'er doz. Per gross. Per yd. Per dttz. Per gross. EXTii.v Qu.u.rry. No. 2. Lines " 4. " 6. " 8. "10. "13. •• .... "14. " "10. " "18. " "30. " "24. " The above are First Quality Goods. Our Second Quality sells for on the dollar cheaper Soutache Braid (black). In 34 yard pieces and 6 pieces to the gross — 144 yards. No. 3. Line per piece Per gross "9. " " "10. ■' " .... All real Mohair, imported braid. Mohair Binding Braid of the first quality. Imported and warranted to run full meas- ure, 34 yards in a piece, and 6 pieces to the gross. Per yd. Per doz. Per gross. No. 10. Lines "13. " " 14. " " 16. " " 18. " "20. " Cuff Ho'ders per pair. Crimpers, Madame Louie, per box Crimping Irons each. Montague, per doz Cushion Pins per box. Alpaca Braid (black). Extra quality in pieces of 24 yards, and 4 pieces to the gross. Per piece No. 2. Six pieces to gross, per piece The above are warranted full measure. Colored Alpaca Braid a piece of 34 yards, six pieces to the gross. 36 yard pieces per piece. Cable Cord, black and white, Nos. 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80,. 90, 100, 150, or sizes up to 170. Price per box of 144 yards. Cotton Batting in lib. rolls per roll. Beeswax, white and yellow, per stick Belting, Dress, serge, wliite and black, piece of 10 yards, per yard ; per piece Serge, watered silk, white and black, 10 yards, per yard ; per piece Glace Cotton, white, black and gray, 10 yards to a piece, per yard ; per piece. Binding, Carpet Binding, best quality 1}^ inch wide, piece of 13 yards, per piece. Flannel Binding, Silk, }^ inch wide, 10 yards in piece, per yard ; per piece. . Flannel Binding, Silk, Sg and J4 inch wide, 13 yards in piece, per yard ; per piece Bobbin, Cotton, piece of 2J^ yards, per piece ; per doz Linen, piece of SJ^ yards, per piece; per doz Galloon, all colors, J^ inch wide, piece of 12 yards Mattress Binding, all colors, Jg wide, 13 yards in piece, and per piece. Buckles, Pantaloon, per gross Button Fasteners, per box Button Hooks, Button Rings, per bos Darners Stockings, egg shape " with handle " Gloves, large Dress Extenders, single steels, without elastic, each, per doz Sets of throe steels, with elastic, each ; per doz Elastic, Cotton, flat, white and black, for garters, per yard Elastic, Super, white, J2 inch, per yard. . . . Elastic, Silk, flat for hats, black per 3d. . . " " wliite Elastic, Silk Cord, flat for garters, 1^ inch, per yard ; per piece Elastic, Silk Cord, flat for garters, fg inch, per yard ; per piece Elastic, Silk Cord, flat for garters, Jg inch, per yard ; per piece Elastic, Silk, fancy colors, 1 inch wide, per yard. Emeries. Strawberry. Price, per doz, ; each . . . Floss. Star, 1, 3, 3. and 4 stars. Price, per skein, ; per doz Sewing Machine Threads on Bobbins. Black and white, for Singer, Family and Domestic. Price, each Notions. 2. Brainardtt Armstrong'ssilk,100}-ards. Price, per doz. , ; per spool .... 3. Clark'sO.N.T. cotton. Price, perdoz, ; per spool 4. Brooks's cotton. Price, per doz, per spool . . 5. Coates's cotton. Price, per doz, per spool 6. 500 j'ards French cotton. Price, per doz., ; per spool 7. 200 yards 3-cord cotton. Price, per doz. , Per spool 8. Clark's crochet cotton, white or pink. Price, per spool 9. Ready-wound bobbins for Singer and Domestic machines. Price, per box. 152 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, NOTIONS, SMALL WARES, THREADS, ETC.— Continued. 10. French embroidery cotton, Avhite, all numbers. Price, per skein 11. French ditto, all colors. Price, per skein 12. German turkey red marking cotton. Price, per doz. , per skein 13. Darning cotton, C. B. best quality French ; in black, whitcand all colors. Price, per ball 14. Dexter knitting cotton, white, Nos. G to IS. Price, per ball, Nos. 20 to 30, per ball 15. Dexter knitting cotton, brown, blue, cardinal and drab, all numbers. Price, per ball Mending cotton on cards, all colors. Price, per doz. , per card Elastic cord, black or white. Price, per yard, and Elastic braid, black or white. Price, per yard Silk elastic cord, black or white. Price, per yard, and Silk elastic braid, black. Per yard, and Silk elastic braid, white. Price, per yard Milward's needles. Price, per paper. Machine needles, for all machines, in all sizes. Price, each Silk garter elastic, one inch wide, all colors, superfiue. Price, me- dium quality, cheaper quality . . Cotton garter elastic, % inches wide, all colors. Price Silk dress laces, all colors. Price "White silk flannel binding. Price, % inch wide, J 2 i°ch wide, % inch wide, oiie inch wide White cotton serpentine braid. No. 13, price. No. 15, No. 17, No. 21, " No. 25, No. 29, No. 33, No. 37, No. 41, No. 45 Novelty feather-edge braid. Nos. 0, 1, 2 and 3. Price, per dozen pieces, per box Wave serpentine braid . Nos. 33, 37, 41, 45, per piece, per doz. Loop serpentine braid. Price, per dozen pieces of 18 yards. No. 13, No. 17, No. 25, No. 29. . . Scarlet worsted serpentine braid. Price, per dozen pieces of 18 yards. No. 18, No. 17, No. 21, No. 25 Linen serpentine braid. Price, per dozen pieces of 18 yards, No. 13, No. 17, No. 21, No. 25, No. 29 Feather edge braid. Nos. 0. 1,2, 3, 4, per doz., per piece, Coronation braid, in 4-yard pieces. Price, per piece. No. 1, 4c. ; No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 Black and colored skirt braid. Price, per piece White cotton star braid, in five-yard pieces. Price, per piece. No. 0, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 38. Daggett's real alpaca braid, black and colors, superior quality, in 4-yard reels. Price, per do"., per piece 39. Alpaca braid, in black, white and colors, in 24-yard pieces. Price, per piece, No. 29, No. 65 40. Alpaca braid, fine black goods, 36- yard pieces. Price, No. 65, No. 73, No. 81. No. 93 41. Alpaca skirt braid, extra heavy. Price, per piece. No. 65, No. 73, No. 81 41rt. O. & A. Mohair braids, black, in all widths and qualities. Price, per yard, 44. Cotton corset lacing. Pi-ice, per 100- yard ball 45. Linen corset lacing. Price, per 100- . yard ball 48. Linen floss, white and colored. Price, per skein, per doz 49. Silk watch-guards. Price, fine, medium fine, medium, and heavy 50. White cotton tape. Price, per piece, 51. Linen tawe. Price, per piece, .52. Black cotton tape. Price, per piece, 53. Barbour's black or white linen thread, any number. Price, per spool 54. Cotton tape, J^ inch wide, black, white, drab, recT or blue. Price, per 30-yard piece 55. Button hooks. Price, each, 56. Black pins. Price, per box, 57. Pearl-headed lace pins. Price, doz 58. Shawl pins. Price, per doz., 59. Hat-pins. Price, 60. Clinton nickel safety pins, with catches on both sides ; superior to any other safety or nursery pin made. Price, per doz.. No. 2. per gross No. 3, per doz., per gross. 61. Stewart's nickel-plated safety pins, in papers of one doz., per doz. only. Price, per paper. No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 62. Minerva safety pins, silvered ; a first- class article. Price, per paper, of 1 doz. , Nos. 1 and 2, No. 3 63. Rowley's nursery pins. Price, per box of 36 pins, 64. American pins, all sizes. Price, per paper 65. English pins, Kirby's, all sizes. Price, per paper 66. American pins, best quality. Price, per paper 67. English liair-pius, Kirby's. Price, per paper 68. Tourney's or Taylor's best English book pins. Price, eacli 69. Kirby's hair pins, in boxes of 100. Price, per box 70. Kirby's invisible hair-pins, in boxes of 100. Price, per box 71 . Rubber hair-pins, waved or plain. Price, per box 71a. The American star hair-pin casket, containing 100 assorted hair-pins, waved, crimped, invisible and plain, of excellent quality. Price 72. French hair-pins. Price, per dozen papers 72a. Garter buckles. Price, per pair, 73. Fifth Avenue hair crimpers. Price, per pair 74. Fedora hair curlers. Price, each, per doz 75. Kid hair curlers. Price, per doz., Large, per doz 76. Common-sense hair crimpers. Price, per doz. , small, large 77. Tweezers. Price, 78. Pantaloon buckles. Price, per doz 79. jMohair nets, in all colors. Price. . . . 80. Silk hair. nets. Price, 81. Full-size double front hair-nets, of real hair, each, price, per doz 82. Rubber cloth dress-shields, alisolutely impervious. Price, per pair, small size, medium, large 83. Standard dress shield, made of sateen, lined with rubber. Price, per pair, small size, medium, large, extra large 84. Steel key rings. Price and 85. Steel thimbles. Price 86. German silver thimbles. Price 87. Coin silver thimbles. Price, plain round, round engraved, octagon engraved When ordering, please state size. 88. Rubber thimbles. Price 89. Celluloid thimbles. Price 90. Gentlemen's hose supporters. Price, per pair, cotton, silk 91. Gentlemen's sleeve supporters. Price, per pair, cotton, silk 92. Thirty-six inch tape measures, in brass box. Price 93. Five-feet tape measures, good quality. Price 94. Whalebone, ]4, inch wide, 36 inches long. Price, per piece Subject to change of price. 95. Shoe-button fasteners. Price, per box of 6 doz 96. Needle-book, Milward's best. Price. 97. Fancy cases, containing 4 papers good English needles. Price, per case, 98. Corset steels, 4 hook. Price, sateen- covered, kid-covered 99. Celluloid covered corset steels ; will not rust in washing. Price, per pair 100. Celluloid side steels. Price, per pair 101. Celluloid dress and corset bones, 7 to 12 inches long. Price, each 102. Muslin-covered side steels. Price, per pair 103. Kid-covered side steels. Price, per pair 104. Cotton corset laces. Price, per doz. 105. Linen corset laces Price, each 106. Silk corset laces. Price, each 107. Linen shoe laces. Price, per doz 108. Silk " " " per pair.... 110. Elastic corset lace, reduced to 111. Hooks and eyes, all numbers. Price, per card 112. Black and white ribbon wire. Price, per piece 113. Black and white bonnet wire. Price, per piece Ladies' Stocking- Supporters. (Postage, 3c.) 114. Ladies' belt "Hold-fast" or "Warren" stocking supporters. Clasps do not tear the stocking. A singvdarly wholesome and comforta- ble article of wear. Price 115. Stocking supporters, without belts. Price, children's misses' ladies' 116. Ladies' skirt supporters. Price, each FOR PRICES, KXAMIXE MEMUERS' SECRET KEY. 153 NOTIONS, SMALL WARES, THREADS, ETC. --Continued. WASH GOODS. We are showing a large assortment of uovelties in wasli fabrics for the fall of 1887, consisting of Ginghams, Seersuckers, Sateens, Cambrics, etc. A full line of samples of tbese goods will l)c sent on application. Ginghams. — Domestic Gingham (plain and broken check). . . Scotch " " " " Dress " (Scotch) Imjiorted Zephyrs (30 inches wide. SIO styles) Seersuckers. — Plain colors (all shades) Stripes and checks Sateens. — We are showing over 150 stj'les of these goods, both in domestic and foreign makes, in the new fall st3ies. Domestic, in figured and plain Foreign, " " Penangs, Percales and Cambrics. — White ground, black and colored figured French Penang, black and colored figured French Penang, dark colors, fancy figured Dress Cambric, dark ground, fall style PRINTS. Shirting Prints (stripes, checks and figured) Dress " (new fall .styles, best makes) " extra heavy, 30 inches wide Indigo Blues (warranted fast colors) wide and lieavy Comforter Prints, in fancy figured " " satine finish Turkey Red (oil-boiled colors) MUSLINS. We wish to call special attention to this department, as we always carry a full line of muslins, in all widths, which we offer at prices exceedingly low. We would be pleased to quote prices at any time. TICKINGS. We carry over 50 styles in fancy tickings suitalile for skirting. Book Fold, satin finish Plain Turkey Red Plain and Blue Stripes Fancy colored Stripes FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. Cotton Flannels. — L'nbleached Bleached Fancy colored plush (all shades) '■ " " (double face) Fancy figured, for draperies Double face, 54 inches wide "White Shaker. — (cotton and wool), plain colors, ^^ yd. wide (cotton and wool) Js yd. wide (cotton and wool) 1 yd. wide (very small percentage of cotton). White and Red Shaker. — (all wool), 1 yd wide (medicated) "White Flannel. — Plain, all wool, J^, all wool. . . Plain, all wool, Jg, all wool 1 yard wide 1 " silk warp Jg " linen" Blue and Red Twills. — 27 in. wide, all wool 30 " (California wool) SOLID COLORS. Scotch Mixtures. — (Shrunk from 32 inches to 28 inches); recom- mended for underwear, weighing SJ^, 6, 7 ounces, dark and light gray, tan and blue mixture Skirting Flannel. ^These goods are shrunk from 108 inches to 90 inches, and will positively shrink no more. Solid colors and stripes, stripes in black and cardinal, medium blue, two shades, gray, red and gray, and red and black Flannel Skirt Patterns. — These patterns are 2i^ yards wide and 30 inches long, with a cotton selvage on the bottom which re- quires no hemming. Stripes. — Black and red stripes, two shades of gray, two shades of red, blue and brown, With pat- ent bottom (having 12 inches of the bottom of the skirt wovm with a double thread, making the skirt drop much better). . . . FANCY FLANNEL. Jersey Stripe Flannel. — Elastic in weave, new designs and color- ings. 27 inches wide, per j'ard Striped Flannel. — For children's wear, ladies' wrappers, in rich ef- fects Checks and Plaids. — 27 and 30 inches wide, suitable for shirtings and children's dresses French Flannel. — 27 inches wide Eiderdown. — (Best quality only), soft, warm and light weight, espec- ially adapted for sacques, opera cloaks, afghans and child- ren's wear, 38 inches wide, per yard Malelasse or Basket Flannel. — Pure wool; 27 inches wide, white and colors Opera Flannel. — In great variety of shades Stripe and Check French Flannel. — Suitable for fine shirts and tenuis suitings, etc. 36 inches wide EMBROIDERED FLANNEL. Never before have we shown such an extensive line of Embroidered Flannels, both in quality of material and style of embroidery. We cannot cut samples, but great care will be taken in filling all orders. Silk Embroidery. — Scolloped, 33 inches wide Scolloped and Figured. — 36 inches wide Cream White. — 5 inch deep embroidery 7 " " 10 " " Scarlet Embroidery. — In .scarlet and black, 1 in. deep embroidery . 2 in. 3 in. 5 in. embroidery Gray Embroidery. — In scarlet and lilack, 5 inch Wool Embroidery. — Something new, 5 inches deep on white flan- nel, per yard BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS. "White Blankets. — V '"'oo^ blankets 11 " T •j' all wool, hand made, double thread y "7 pound English Blanket California. — V t Gray Blankets, ¥ wool blankets , all wool, hand made y " fancy borders, suitable for traveling and wrappers Scarlet Blankets. — V' f "st colors " Y all wool, 5 lbs V " 61bs If' finest fleece wool German Mixtures. — 6 lbs., recommended to boarding houses and hotels Crib Blankets.— 36x48, all wool 36x50 " COMFORTERS. Good Bed Size, wool filled Fancy Figured, 70x78 inches Chintz Figured (turkey red, lined), 70x78 Plain turkey red (fancy stitched) Oil Boiled, figured, fine cotton filled French Sateen, 70x80 (turkey red, lined) French (Jretoane, 70x80 (extra heavy) RUBBER GOODS. Ladies' Gossamers.— All lengths, arm holes, hood, cambric lining Newport.— All lengths, cambric lining, fancy stripes, very stylish. . . Walthron.— All lengths, fancy stripes and checks Newmarket.— All lengths, cape and collar, no hood, fancy stripes. . Children's Gossamers. — Mother Hubbards, back length, 34 to 48 in. . Boys' Gossamers.— Double rubber shoulder lining, single breasted length back, 24 to 30 inches Men's Coats.— Single breasted, cambric lining, 36 to 50 inches 154 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. LACES, Our laces are purchased iu the best markets of the world, principally, of course, in Europe: much care and experience are used in their selection, and the result is first-olass goods at low prices. It should be remembered that both the prices and patterns of laces are changing constantly. BRUSSELS POINT. (WHITE.) The oldest of laces, has a round mesh formed of the finest Brussels net; the design has a combination of, leaves and meaallions, to which is frequently added a double raised leaf, giving a general effect of the most delicate and filmy character; prices according to the amount of work in the pattern. li< inches wide. 3 4 inches wide. G ■' " . 8 " ■' . 13 ■' " ■ DUCHESSE. ; WHITE.) An elaborate lace, not quite so costly as the Brussels Point, the mesh being more open; the designs are roses, single and clustered daisies, blue-bells, leaves and forget-me-nots. Prices according to quality and design. 1 inch wide. l%- " . 3 " " . 3 " " . 4 " " . FOR FLOUNCn:. 9 inches wide 13 " " 18 '•' " Net for drapery, 37 inches wide. DUCHESSE AND POINT. (WHITE.) A combination of Duchess and Point, the body of the lace being principally Duchess, while here and there appear the Point roses and leaves; prices according to the amount of work in the pattern. Per Vard. 31.^ inches wide. 3 " '• . FOR FLOUNCING. 4 inches wide. VALENCIENNES. (WHITE.) A light, graceful-looking lace with a more open mesh than any of those described; the designs vary to a considerable extent, but arc principally of vines, small flowers and leaves; prices according to the amount of work iu the pattern. FOR TRIMMING. I4 inches wide. . FOTJ PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. LACES— Continued. g^^^it^ No. C. Sixinisli guipure. 41^ inches vridc; price, per yard. N.). 17. New design Chanlilly with Span- ish guipure filling, sample 73^ in. wide, Sin. 5 in.. Spanish guipure; :j in. \ 4\^ in., 6 in.. 7}-^ in., . 27 in. net 40 in. skirlini;-. No. 6. Spanish guipure; 6 in. wide, 37 in. net, . ..0 in. skirting, per yard. No. 13. Black Chantilly lace, D'Esprit filling, 51^ in., , 3^ in., 4J.07., LADIES' APRONS. p 1570 Nurses' Aprons, three tucked, 86 inches long, 50 inches wide. 1593 Nurses' Aprons, three tucked, all embroidered on end NOTICE. The^:: -sy' ^'"x- '''~x-' '1'^.-^ 'r*^-^ ^« \" '/iC* •'<'»V* '>|\'* ~/,>> No. 69. Hamburg skirting, 42 in. deep, to No. 67. Nainsook, fine, G inch, No. 863. Three row crepe lisse ruffling, silk edge, yard; per doz. EMBROIDERIES. No. 61. Hamburg, 3 inch, » r 'i^ '«"** 'La* No. 900. Very fine and handsome three row ruf- fling, yard ; per doz. ^\, »«, »«,^ j«> M* '•»* ',♦' '.»" '•• No. 9.5. Swiss skirting, 4 in. deep, to I/, ^Xf» ^\'/» ^J.'j. ^'^'L ^X'* «^ rC "/iV* '/i'^* '/|^ "/iv* '/jC */ No. 71. Hamburg, 9 inch, No. 73. Hamburg, 3 inch. 164 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, Etc.— Continued. Single Cambric Edge. Ko. 4828. % in. work, 3 in. total width, per yard. Single Cambric Edge. No. 4956. 1 in. work, 3I4 in. total width, per yard. Cambric Set. No. 4846. 1 in. work, inst., 2 in. total widDi. 4847. 1 In. work, edge, 24' in. total width, per yard. Cambric Set. No. 4846. 1 ill. work, inst., 2ii . total width. 4847. 1 in. work, inst., 2I4 in. total width, per yard. Swiss Set. No. 5043. 1 in. work, edge, 21^ in. total width. No. 5044. 21^ in. work, edge, 5>^ in. total width. 5045. 11 in. work, flounce," 23 in. total width. tc per yard. Xainsook Set. No. 4297. li| in. work, edge, 2i.^ in. total width. No. 4298. 4i^in. work, edge, 10 in. total width. 4299. 9i.°- wide, . per yard ; 2^4 in. wide, per yard ; 3J^ in. wide, per yard ; insertion to match, l^^' in. wide, per yard ; insertion to match, 4}^ in. wide, peryard ; net to match, 27 in. wide, ; skirting to match, 40 in. wide, per yard. The above described are a few of the hundreds of styles to be had in ths department. Our intention is always to keep in stock the exact styles ad- vertised, but it sometimes happens that some of those will be sold out, in which case we request the privilege of sending the nearest style in stock at the same price, which can be returned if not entirely suitable. All lists subject to fluctuations in prices. 8^° All Ladies who may desire to keep pace with the times, styles, assortments, etc., of rich Suits, Wraps, Household Furnishings, Notions, Kid Gloves, Kibbons, etc., would do well to communicate their wants to us, and every information will be given that lies in our power. 166 FOR PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. TORCHON, MEDICIS, VALENCIENNES AND FANCY WASH LACES.— Continued. The following cuts represent popular styles of the leading makes in wash laces. Our slock presents a much wider range of prices and grades than caB possibly be represented by illustrations. Our Torclion and iNIedicis Laces are all real and hand made. No. 5. Ko. 2. No. e. No. 14. ^o. 11. No. 15. No. 17. No. 23. No. 18. No. 4. No. 10. No. 16. No, 20. No. 25. No. 31. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 167 TORCHON, MEDICIS, VALENCIENNES AND FANCY LACES.— Continued. ■HHiiiH No. 24. No. 127. No. 31. No. 'jr,. No. 26. No. 128. No. 37 No. 34. E^i SB ^m IS ? • No. 28. No. 2y, 168 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CREPE LISSE, SKIRT RUFFLINGS, CHEMISETTES, LACE COLLARS, ETC. All Crepe Lisse, made in every desirable color, such as white, creme, black, pink, blue, cardinal, lavender. 1263. Three-row knife plaited Crepe Lisse, per yard. Fine Fedora Crepe Lisse, per yard. 1044. Three-row side-plaited Crepe Lisse. per yard. Per Doz. Yds. Three-row shelled Crepe Lisse, per yard. Per Doz. Yds. Three-row fine plaited Crepe Lisse, with satin beads, per yard. . Per Doz. Yds. Per Doz. Yds. Per Doz. Yds. Three row plaited and shelled Crepe Lisse, per yard $2 50 Three-row combination Crepe Lisse, per yard. Per Doz. Yds, FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CREPE LISSE, RUFFLINGS, ETC.— Continued. Two-row box plait and flute Crepe Lisse, per yard Per Doz. Yds. Rose Pattern Crepe Lisso with clienille dots. per } anl I'LT Doz. YdB- Skirt Ruffling, fine Organdy, per yard 460. Two-row silk miill, rose pattern, per yard, Per Doz. Yds. Two-row mull and lace, edge-plaited, per yard Per Doz. Yds. Two-row mull and lace, edge-fluted, per yard. Skirt Ruffling, two-row Brettone lace, per yard Per Doz. Yds. Per Doz. I'ds. Skirt Ruffling, wide plaite, Val. lace flouncing, ])cr yard. Her l>oz. Yds. 170 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. "V.i; \m\ \ u /f No. 100. CENTER TABLE COVER. A s'amptuous, rich, silk center piece, bordered ■with costly tapestry and fringed edges, represented by the accompanying illustration ; made in all shades ; size, 4-4. No. 101. SILK PLTTSH TABLE COVER. Embroidered with tapestry border, lined with canton flannel, frmged edges, etc., as illustrated; size 4-4. No. 4601. TOILET AND MANICURE CASE. Covered with silk plush and lint d with colored satm, containing: minor, comb, hairbrush, powder box, nail cleaner, nail polisher, etc., a complete toilet cabinet; durable, lasting and beautiful; it makes a superb article for presentation. No. 4607. COMBINED TOILET AND MANICURE SET. Extra fine finish and quality, with seven pieces: scissors, nail and hair brushes, nnil clennrr. powder bf-x, comb and mirror. Case with ornamental floral aee.orations on silk plush, lined throughout with satin. No. 4629. HER MAJESTY'S BOX. Manicure Toilet — a gem for any dressing case. Elaborate and eci-itly implements made of the finest materials with hand labor. Artistic patterns — the same assortment as set No. 4607, excepting: the scissors are substituted by a splendid tooth brush. No. 4506. THE PRACTICAL TOILET CASE. A handsome plush covered box, with hair brush, comb and mirror I'n satin padded and lined cushion, side and bottom. A useful and appropriate wedding, birthday or holiday gift. No. 4629 — Open. This illustration aflfords you a fair view of "Her Majesty's Box,'' described above, and it may be recommended as the "gem" among this collection of Toilet and Manicure sets. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 171 UPHOLSTERY AND LACE CURTAINS. Our Upholstery and Lace Curtain Dcpartnu'Dt has bucorae a very important branch of our business. The steady increase of our sales bears evidence of the approval of intelligent and discriminating people who have favored us with their patronage. We have done our utmost to preserve the very choicest novelties of both foreign and domestic manufacture, and everything suitable for household decorations can be found in this department, our large purchasing capacitj' insuring for us the right prices and the best discounts from manufacturers. NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS. SCOTCH GUIPURE EFFECT. - "^ "* illhi Ift "Afiilii i 172 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. POPULAR LACE CURTAINS. BARGAIN 'A. .<.v*,v .."/;«■ ss- ■ rf< No. 323. The cheapest and hest for the money ever oflfered, .Designed to fill the wants and requirements of many homes Size, 3}| yards long, 53 inches, ■wide. Sold in pairs. FOR PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, 173 POPULAR LACE CURTAINS. BARGAIN 'B.' No. 194. THE PARIiOR DECORATOR AND DRAPER. A superb hanging for a low price article, and often answers every demand made on a much more costly pair. A good quality of lace, and when m service effects a very tasteful appearance. 174 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. No. 1637.-33^ yards long, 53 inches wide. No. I'ci. 7. Chenille Ball Tassels 1-inch in diameter, silk cord pendant, each; per dozen... No. 8. Double Ball Chenille Tassels, large size in plain colors, each; per dozen No. 9- Long Silk Pendants for table scarfs, each ; per dozen No. 10. Silk Flossy Tassels, large, very pretty,, each; per dozen No. 11. Acorn Ornament or Drop, Tinsel cov- ered and Chenille, each; per dozen. . . No. 12. Silk Tassels 1 J. 2 inches long, each; per dozen FRINGES. No. 13. Silk Cut Tassel Fringe for curtains, tidies and draperies, all colors, peryard No. 14. Same style of goods but wider, per yard, No. 15. Fancy Ball Fringe all silk, 3 inches deep, all colors, per yard.. No. 16. A very large assort- ment of extreme nov- elties 3 to 5 in. wide, very elaborate in every color and in combina- tion of colors; per yd. No. 17. Silk Chenille Fringe, 5"^ in. wide, all colors, per yard. No. 18. Same Fringe in worsted, per yard, B.B.255 No. 19. Heavy Chenille Fringe, pure silk BJ^ in. deep, per yard Xo. 20, Silk Tassel Fringe, in assorted colors, for Jlantels and Lambre- quins, 61^ in. wide, per yard No. 21. Seine Twine, tine thread, all colors, for ^ lb. skein FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 177 FANCY ART AND EMBROIDERY DEPARTM ENT.— Continued. No. 23. Seine Twine, in all principal colors, for % lb. skein of sizes 6, 9 and 13. . No. 33. Kismet or Tin- sel, for outlining, a ball, or per box of 8 balls. . . . aOLD FRINGE AND BRAIDS. No. 24. Gold or Silver BulUoa fringe } ^ "'■ ^'^'"- " '"■ ^i^ '"■ =^ '"• No. 2,"). Gold or Silver Tliread, per spool .No. 26. Gold or Silver Cord, per piece, Mo. 27. Gold or Silver Braid, per piece of C 3-ards; A complete assortment of all Pattern Books. STEEL PURSES, CLASPS AND RINGS. No. 1. Steel Purse, Rings and Fringe. vifi^^ No. ;i Steel Purse Rings, Tassel and Fringe 2. Steel Purse, Clasp and Fringe. No. 4. Cut Steel Purse Rings, Tassel and Fringe. ' No. ,5, Steel Purse Rings and Fringe, per set 178 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY FANCY ART AND EMBROIDERY MATERIALS —Continued. No. 6. Cut Steel Purse Rings, Tassel and Fringe. . . No. 7. Cut Steel Purse Bars and Chain, No. 8. Plain Purse Rings, per pair No. 9. Cut Steel Purse Rings, per pair. NEEDLES AND CROCHET HOOKS. llfli liiiiiiE iiiii iMiiiinr Willi' ill iiiii No. 11. Wood Afghan Needles and Hooks, each, No. 13. Embroidery Needles, Chenille and Tape, per paper. No. 13. Crewel Needles, per paper No. 14. Netting Needles, each No. 15. Netting Meshes, per paper No. 16. Rubber Shuttles, each No. 17. Bone Crochet Hooks, each. No. 18. Rubber Crochet Hooks, each, No. 19. Steel Crochet Hooks, each, 5c., No. 20. Wooden Crochet Hooks, extra long eii^h No. 31. Steel Knitting Needles, per set. .- No. 23. Bone Knitting Needles, per pair,. No. 23. Rubber Knitting Needles, per pair, No. 24. Wooden Knitting Needles, per pair, TRAY CLOTH. c~> / No. 1. Tray Cloth Fringe and assorted stamped designs, 23.K34. No, 2. Tray Cloth Fringe and assorted stamped designs, 21x30. No. 8. Tray Cloth, plain hemstitched, pure linen, 18x37 No. 4. Tray Cloth, plain hemstitched, 18x37 in., No. 5. Butcher Linen Tray Cloth, No. 6. Momie Tray Cloth," ~~""^ :,--,-. ■ - - - v-T ;'"•■"), \,vinv| SPLASHER. No. 7. Fringed Splasher, 23x34. No. 8. 'Plain Momie Splasher,-'"' Ni ii ;-iiitclier Linen Momie Splasliei; FOIl PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 179 ARTIST S' MAT ERIALS DEVOE & CO.'S TUBE PAINTS. No. 1. American Vermillion Ivory Black Antwerp Blue King's Yellow Asphaltum Lamp Black Bistre Light Ri-d Bitumen Light Raw Sienna Blue Black Megilp Bone Brown Mummy Brilliant Yellow Mauve LaVo Brown Ochre Naples Yellow, No. 1, Brown Pink Light Burnt Umber Naples Yellow, No. 2, Burnt Roman Ochre Medium Burnt Sienna Naples Y'ellow, No. 3, Burnt Terre Verte Deep Caledonian Brown Neutral Tint Cappah Brown New Blue Cassel Earth Olive Lake Cork Black Olive Tint Copal Megilp Orpiment Chrome Green, No. 1, Oxford Ochre Light Paris Blue Chrome Green, No. 3, Paris Green Medium Payne's Grey Chrome Green, No. 3, Permanent Blue Deep Permanent White Chrome Yellow, No. 1, Permanent Green Light Persian Bed Chrome Yellow, No, 2, Prussian Blue Medium Prussian Brown Chrome Yellow, No. 3, Prussian Green Deep Purple Lake Chrome Orange Raw Sienna Chrome Red Raw Umber Cologne Earth Roman Ochre China White Rose Pink Chinese Blue Rose Lake Cremnitz White Scarlet Lake Carmine Lake Silver White Crimson Lake Sugar of Lead Emerald Green Transparent Gold Ochre Flake White Terra Rosa French Green Terre Verte French Naples Yellow Vandyke Brown Flesh Ochre Venetian Red Gamboge Verdigris Gold Ochre Verona Brown Indian Lake Veronese Green Indian Red Yellow Ochre Indigo Y'ellow Lake Italian Pink Zinc White No. 2. Blue Verditer French Vermillion Burnt Lake Gaude Lake Citron Yellow Green Lake Cerulean Blue Imperial Orange Chinese Green Perfect Yellow Chinese Vermillion Sepia English Vermillion No. 3. Brown Madder Malachite Green Cobalt Green Oxide of Chromium Emeraude Green Pink Madder Extract of Gamboge Rose Madder Madder Lake Transparent Oxide of Madder Lake, Deep Chromium No. 4. Cobalt Blue Mars Yellow Cadmium, Lemon Mars Brown Cadmium, Pale Mars Red Cadmium, Light Mars Violet Cadmium, Yellow Orange Vermillion Cadmium, Deep Paul Veronese Green Cadmium, Orange Robert's Lake Cadmium, Red, Rubens' Madder Extract of Vermillion Scarlet Vermillion Indian Yellow Ultramarine Lemon Yellow No. 5. Antimony Yellow Purple Madder Capucine Madder Violet Carmine French Carmine No. 6. Burnt Carmine Madder Carmine Ultramarine Ash Mars Orange Scarlet Madder Yellow Madder No. 7. Robert's Lake, No. 1 Robert's Lake, No. 5 Robert's Lake, No. 2 Robert's Lake, No. G Robert's Lake, No. 3 Robert's Lake, No. 7 Robert's Lake, No. 4 Robert's Lake, No. 8 PALETTE KNIVES, ETC. No. 23— Artists' fine Palette Knives. 3 or 3^ inches, with ebony handles. No. 24 — The same, 4 inches, trowel shaped, with ebony handles. Curved steel Canvas Erasers, with Ebony handles. No. 25— 2-inch. No. 25}-a— 3-inch. BRUSHES, ETC. Postage on any brush, 3c. No. 58 — Red Sable Brushes, for oil painting; round and flat, with polished handles and nickel- plated ferrules. Size No. 1. Size No. 7. Size No. 2. Size No. 8. Size No. 3. Size No. 9. Size No. 4. Size No. 10. Size No. 5. Size No. 11. Size No. 6. Size No. 12. No, 59 — Badger Blenders. Size No. 1. Size No. 9. Size No. 6. Size No. 12. No. 60 — Superfine flat bristle brushes. Size No. 0. Size No. 6 Size No. 3. No. 61 — Full assortment of frosted and plate glass panels, water color panels, brass and china placques, picture easels, white, wire and gold plates. Prices on application. ACADESIT BOARDS. Postage, each dozen, 10c. No. 701— Size 6x9 in. No. 703— Size 12x18 in. No. 702— Size 9x12 in. No. 704— Size 18x24 in. WOODEN PALETTES. No. 18 — Oiled mahogany, square, 13x13 in. No. 19 — Oiled maple, oval, 16 inches long. No. 20- — Polished Walnut, square, 14x14 in. No. 21 — Polished satin wood, oval, 15 in. long. HARD PASTEL CRAYONS— First Qual- ity. No. 52 — Box of 12 crayons, assorted colors. No" 53 — Box of 30 crayons, assorted colors. No. 54 — -Box of 48 crayons, assorted colors, DRAWING PAPERS. Postage, 10c per quire. No. 55 — Whatman's ordinary surface. Size No. 1, 13x17 inches. Size No. 2, 17x23 inches. No. 56 — Whatman's perfectly smooth surface. Size No. 3, 22x30 inches. No. 57 — French white drawing paper. Size No. 4, 15}4x\9}4 inches. Size No. 5, 19x37 inches. Size No. 5, 26x40 inches. PASTEL CRAYONS. Extra soft French pastel crayons, each wrapped in tissue paper. No. 48 — Box No. 6, 28 crayons, assorted colors. No. 49 — Box No. 5 40 crayons, assorted colors. No. 50 — Box No. 3, 60 crayons, assorted colors. No. 51 — Box No. 2, 138 crayons, ass't'd colors. THE NEW PALETTE CHALK BOX. ForStuelents, Schools of Art, Etc., Etc. No. 40 — Tlie lid of this box is covered inside with chamois leather for stumping, and the thumb-hole is so arranged as to allow of the box being held on the hand as comfortably as a pal- ette. The box contains: 4 each Nos. 1, 2 and 3 square black Conte crayons; 2 each Nos. 1 and 2 Lemoine's round white crayons; 1 bottle stump- ing chalk (Sauce Velours); 1 each Nos. 4 and 6 white paper stumps; 1 No. 2 white leather stump; 4 white Tortillon stumps; 4 gray Tortil- lon stumps; 1 brass portcrayon. Weight, fitted complete, under 8 oz., or about the same as an ordinary 12inch mahogany palette. METALLIC LUSTRE PAINTS. For Painting on Plush, Velvet, Silk, Satin, Tap- estry and other Fabrics. The Metallic Lustre Paints should not be mixed with DRY POWDER COLORS, as it detracts from their brilliancy. Where colors other than metallic are required, F. W. Devoe & Cj's oil colors in tubes should be used with mixing medium, and high lights and lustres put on with metallic paints. The Metallic Lustre Paints are sold only in bottles, and bear F. W. Devoe & Go's trade mark. No. 42. Polished wood box, size 6}^x8J^ in., containing 16 bottles; light gold, deep gold, green gold, silver, brilliant silver, light green, dark green, scarlet, carmine, copper, flesh, orange, rich biown, bright blue, bright green, bright purple, bottle of mixing medium, 3 china saucers, 3 brushes and directions. No. 43 — Extra colors: Light gold, deep gold, green gold, brilliant gold, silver, brilliant silver, light green, dark green, light purple, scarlet, car- mine, crimson, copper, flesh, orange, brown, blue. No. 44 — Bright green, bright blue, bright crim- son, bright purple, bright mauve, bright sky blue, bright cobalt green, bright cobalt blue. No. 45 — Mixing medium. No. 46 — Plither powder, in half ounce bottles; silver and gold. No. 47 — The same, orange, crimson, coiTee, cashmere, Victoria Green, light blue, moss green, lilac, fire, old gold and dark blue. WATER COLOR BOX. No. 41 — The School of Art box of moist water; chrome yellow, gamboge, vermillion, lake, Prus- sian blue, ultramarine, yellow ochre, light red, burnt Sienna, Sepia, Vandyke brown, and emer- ald green. Twelve colors, with three brushes. Fitted according to the arrangement recommend- ed by the Department of Science and Art. Lon- don. In using observe the following directions: I. — Let the water used with the colors be always quite clear and free from grit, likewise the palette which is used to mix them on. II. — Do not touch the colors with a dirty brush, but use clean water with them. III. — Never leave the colors too wet after using them. IV. — Always wash the brushes clean after use, by rinsing them in water. V. — Never put the brush in (he mouth. VI. — Never leave the brush in the water. VII. — Dry the brushes on a sponge or linen. VIII. — Never place them flat on the table. Send 8 cents for a Sample Book. VERY LARGE DISCOUNTS — ON — Wall Paper and Ornainental Decorations^ Including all grades, qualities and prices, from the cheapest color prints to the most costly gold and embossed European papers. This line is represented by three sample books. No. 1, cheap. No. 2, medium. No. 3, costly grades. Send 8 cents for a sample book. 180 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. Fine Clotliingr Sit the Lo-wrest I'rices consistent 'writli S\iperior Q\iSLlities- MEN'S SUIT DEPARTMENT. We show over 200 styles of fine Suits, ranging in price from $8 00 to $40 00. Among the special bargains we offer this season is an all wool dark blue Sack Cheviot Suit, well worth $15 00, that we offer at the low price of $9.00; we have all sizes from 33 to 44. We offer choice of 1,000 fine all-wool suits, in .sacks and frocks, at $12 00 each, suits that are worth and are sold all over the United States at $15 00 to $16 00. We guarantee them the best wearing goods made. $15 00 is our price for a fine, all wool, imported corkscrew full Prince Albert Suit, the real value of which is fully $30 00. We can fit the tallest and stoutest men in our suit stock. Always send your correct measure, giving us as near as possible style of goods and color wanted, and we will send the goods by express with privil'ige of examination. MEN'S OVERCOATS. We are selling the best values in Overcoats ever seen in Chicago. This is told us nearly every day. We have all grades, from a good, every- day Overcoat at |3 90, to the finest fur-lined garment made, up to $100 00. Our special values are in the medium and fine grades — from $15 00 to $40 00. They are superior to most made-to-order wear, at about half the price. We are now offering good, all wool Beaver Overcoats, well worth $12 00, for the low price of $8.00. One of the greatest bargains ever seen is our fine, all wool fine Chinchilla Overcoats, lined throughout with fine satin, which we offer at the unprecedentedly low price of $18 00. We guarantee this garment well worth $25 00, but our price is only $18 00. We always keep in stock overcoats to fit extra large or fat men. We will express to any part of the United States, C. 0. D., any of our goods and allow you to examine the same. If not satisfactory, we will pay return charges. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRBIl' KET, 181 Our Boys' Clothing Business has increased so rapidly of late that we have heen obliged to add another and a separate department for this important branch of our business. BOYS' CLOTHING. We have an elegant stock of children's kilt suits in all fabrics, at prices from $1 94 to $r, for good qualities of cassimere and up to flo for the superior grade ; also finest tricots, fine cloths and worsteds. Always Cive the age olf your boy and stale if he is large or small for his age lu boys' short pants suits we have an immense variety for boys from 4 to 14 years old Prices range from 13 to $14, plain or plaited styles. For boys wearing long pants, from 13 to 18 years, we carry also an enormous variety, at prices from $4 to $30. We carry a full line of boys' extra knee pants or long pants, any size and quality desired. OVERCOATS. We are daily crowded with patrons for big and little boys' overcoats, for no stock in the city surpassesours in point of sizes, qualities and lowness of price. "Whether you want a kilt overcoat for little boys, from 3 to 10, or the longer ones for boys from 5 to 13 years, or for the big boys from 15 to 18 years, we can certainly please you in price and quality. We have boys' overcoats with capes or without and ulster or plain overcoats; all prices from $3 to $30. Always order your boys' overcoats full size, so they will last two years. SHIRT WAISTS. We carry a full stock of flannel and percale shirt waists, from 25 cents to $2. OUR HAT DEPARTMENT IS REPLE TE WITH E VER YTHING FOR MENS AND BO YS WEAR. Elegant Caps, Fine Pur Derby Hats, Our Derby can't be equaled for price anywhere in this country Silk hats. We Handle, at Factory Prices, all Goods carried by Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. 182 FOR PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Our stock of Dres8 and TJnlaundried Shirts is the best and most complete in this city, and by dealing directly with the manufacturers, with- f ut the intervention of middlemen, we are enabled to offer our goods at lower prices than are to be met with elsewhere. Comfort, ease and perfect fit are the distinguishing features of our Shirts, and we guarantee the excellence of the workmanship. In Gentlemen's Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, etc., etc., every novelty is added to our stock as soon as brought out, and the same scale of low prices prevails in this department as in all others, which means to those living in distant places. Men's Furnishing Goods at little more than one-half the regular furnishing-store prices. GENTLEMEN'S COLLARS AND CUFFS. We desire to call especial attention to our immense assortment of Collars, Cuffs and Shirts and can assure our patrons that they will receive well-made, good-wearing articles, there being'no more reliable and satisfactory goods manufactured. We carry a complete line of t'lc celebrated " M. & B." brand, and can supply members with any or all of them, at a discount of MEN'S SIZES, 14 TO 18 INCHES. BOYS' SIZES, 12, 12i.,, 13, ISV^' INCHES. STYLES CORRECT, Our illustrations represent the leading stj'les of the season. LINEN THE BEST. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 183 GENTLEMEN'S COLLARS AND CUFFS— Continued. The CRESCENT BRAND, 1900 Linen Collars, usually sold at 20 cents each, we sell at or a dozen. Cuffs, a pair. WOODBURY, CANNES M. & B. Collars, each ; 3 for for per dozen. M. & B. Cuffs, cents per pair; 3 pairs per dozen. 184 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. CRESCENT SHIRTS. These Shirts have patent facings, double back and front, and are warranted to give entire satisfaction, there being no better Shirt made. Xot 700, each, 6 for Lot 600, each, - 6 for I Lot 400. each, In addition to the above famous brand we beg to call special attention to our very large and choice assortments of Ready-made Shirts and Night- Bobes, both laundried and unlaundried, at exceptionally low prices, and in quality and style rivaling custom-made goods. In ordering ready-made Shirts it is necessary to give size of neck and length of sleeve from the middle of the back, as all other measurements are made proportionately. MEN'S SIZES, 14 to 18 inches. The following arj a few samples of these goods: YOUTHS' SIZES, 13 to 14 inches. BOYS' SIZES, 12 to 13 1-2 inches. Lot 1. Men's Unlaundried White Shirts, with re-enforced front and back, made from Lonsdale muslin; sizes, 14 to 18; price, " 2. Men's Unlaundried White Shirts, made from New York Mills mus- lin, re-enforced set-in bosom, continuous facinas in back and sleeves, and linen collar bands; sizes, 14 to 17; price, " 3. Men's Unlaundried White Shirts, made from best New York Mills muslin, re-enforced front and back, set-in bosom, and continuous facings in back and sleeves; sizes, 14i^ to ITJ.^ ; price, " 4. Jlcn's Unlaundried White Shirts, made from Utica Mills muslin, re-enforced front and back, or plain back with pointed French yoke, set-in bosom, and patent back and sleeves. These are made with plain wristband or cuffs; sizes, 14 to 17; price, " 5. Men's Unlaundried White Shirts, made from Utica Nonpareil mus- lin, re-enforced set-in bosom, pointed yoke and patent continuous facings, with bands or cuffs; sizes, 14 to 17; price, Men's Laundried Shirts, No. 1. The Monarch. Plaited Shirt, open in the front or back, with all the latest improvements-. Laundried. No. 2. Men's re-enforced front and back, with continuous facings: sizes, 14 to 17; 3. E.\tra fine finished, with best New York Mills muslin, with all the latest improvements; sizes, 14 to 17; Colored Shirts. No. 1. Heavy Gingham Working Shirts, with or without collars; sizes, 14 to 17; French Percale Shirts. No. 1. With two collars and one pair of cutTs; sizes, 14 to 16>^; Extra Heavy French Percales. No. 1. Two collars and one pair of cuffs; sizes, 14 to 16V<; Colored Shirts. No. 1. Heavy Seersucker Shirts, with two collars and one pair of ci^i; sizes, 14 to 17; FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. SHI RTS— Continued. 185 French Penang. Extra quality, three collars aud one pair of cuffs; sizes, 14 to 163^; Cuffs to match or different colors. Boys' White Shirts. No. 1. Strong, well sewed, re-enforced front and back, with continuous facings. Unlaundried; sizes, 13 to 14; 3. New York Mills muslin, set-in bosom and continuous facings; well laundried; sizes, 13 to 14. Men's Night-Shirts. Np. 1. Plain front, of Wamsutta mvislin, strong and well made; sizes 14 to 18; 2. Fancy front, good cotton, stayed seams and ^okes; sizes, 14 to 18; 3. Fancy trimmed front, Utica Mills muslin; sizes, 14 to 18; 4. Heavy Twilled Cotton Flannel Night-Shirts; sizes, 14 to 18-. Boys' Night-Shirts. These are made for boys of material that will stand the wear and tear boys give tJ all their garments. No. 1. The material is extra strong, heavy cotton; sizes, 12 to 14; Gentlemen's Fancy Flannel Shirts and Boys' Waists. These are assorted in grays and fancy colors, except where marked "blue." We get them manufactured for us, aud therefore have every confidence in recommending them for their excellent quality and work- manship. Five styles. No. 359. 17 318. 365. 256. 382. 251. 380. 258. 377. 378. 361. Style A. Men's Fancy Flannel Shirts, gray and fancy colors; sizes, 14 to price, each. Same sizes and quality, price, each " " extra " " " Boys' Shirts. -wool Blue Flannel Shirt; sizes, 13J^ to 14; price, wool Blue Flannel Shirt, good quality; sizes, 12i/to wool Blue Flannel Shirt; sizes, 13J^ to 14; price, ■wool Blue Flannel Shirt; extra good quality; sizes, 13^2 No. 322. Boys' All- 382. Boys' All- 14 price, 380. Boys' All- 378. Boys' All- to 14; price, Sl style B. No. 381. Men's Fancy Flannel Shirts, in gray and fancy colors; sizes, 14 to 17; price, each. 364. oame colors and .sizes, but of an improved quality; price, 367! 353. 370. Same as above, but excellent in quality 270. " '■ " 440. Very superior quality Boys' Shirts. No. 367B. Boys' All-wool Shirts, in gray and fancy colors; sizes, 13J^ to 14; price, 347B. Boys' Shirts, Blue Flannel; sizes, 12}^ to 14; price. Style C. No. 363. Men's All-wool Shirts, in gray and fancy colors; sizes, 14 to 17; price, 313C. Similar to above 486C. Men's All-wool Flannel Shirts, in blue only. 366C. 403C. 390. 313. 404. quality extra good FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. SHIRTS.— Continued. No. 149. 187. 148. 185. 189. 190. Style D. Boys' Flannel Waists; ages 4 to 13 years. Boys' All-wool Flannel Waists, in plain colors, price. in fancv colors. Style i-. No. 182. Boys' All-wool Flannel Waists, ages 4 to liiyeu-s, price, 184. 175. 181. Gray and fancy colors 153. " " " very superior The following are otlier samples of excellent quality we carry, and which we can highly recommend : No. 8. Men's All-wool Ladies' Cloth, of fine mi.xtures, , 10. Men's All-wool Flannel, gray and brown mixed, 13. Men's All-wool Flannel, in fancy and plain colors, 14. Men's All-wool Flannel Shirts, in plain colors, fine quality, 16. Men's Double-breasted Blue Flanuel Shirts, 18. Men's Double-bre;isted Blue Flannel Shirts, finer quality, 20. Men's Double-breasted Blue Flannel Shirts, extra fine quality, 32. Boys' All-wool Flannel Shirts, plain colors, good quality, 24. Boys' All-wool Flannel Shirts, plain colors, finer quality, 26. Boys' All-wool Flannel Shirts, plain and mixed colors, extra fine quality, 38. Boys' All-wool Flannel Waists, in plain colors, plaited back and front, 30. Boys' All-wool Flannel Waists, in plain and fancy colors, plaited back and front, fine quality, 33. Boys' All-wool Flannel Waists, in plain and fancy colors, plaited back and front, extra fine quality, 34. Boys' Superior Quality of Flannel Waists, in plain and fancy- colors. Plaited and Laced. These shirts are manufactured exclusively for us and of material we can gurantee to be fast in color. All wool and equal to any $3 00 Shirts in the market. Solid Color Checks and Stripes; size, 14 to 17. Price, Cocheco Flannel. No. 50. All Colors; plain and fancy fronts and binding; size, 14 to 17. Price, Tricot Flannel. No. 51. Solid Colors; plain and fancy checks and .stripes, as good in every respect as the best manufactured; size, 14 to 17. Price, Blue Flannel. No. 53. Double-breasted and Plaited; size, 14 to 17. Price, Blue D.-B. No. 53. Warranted Indigo Dye; best make, all wool; size, 14 to 17. Price, Extra Heavy D.-B. Solid Color, Indigo Dye; best make, all wool. Price, Neck measure : Collar measure : Yoke measure : Sleeve measure ; bone. Breast Measure : arms E to F. Close around the neck. Size worn. From A to B. From A to B to C on to wrist Aroimd the body imder the DIRECTIONS FOR MEASURING SHIRT Across from H to I (from armpit Breast measure : to armpit). Waist measure : Around the waist above hips. Length : From A to G. Wrist : Close around the wrist D. LENGTH OF BOSOM, From collar button. ETC. Buttons (on bosom). Fl;it stud (on bosom). Eyelets for screw, studs (on bosom). Button or stud at neck. Button or stud at wrist. Button or stud back of neck. Style of bosom No. Welt or corded. Open front or back. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 187 SUSPENDERS. Our stock of Suspenders is very extensive, and in it will be found every grade from the plain, strong brace to the silk, band-embroidered, jiewest novelties and improvements in the buckles, braids, etc., are added as soon as introduced. No. 1. A Strong, Durable, Heavily Woven Suspender, with patent buckle, 2. Extra Fine Cotton Web, witli silli twisted cord end, patent buckle, 3. Extra Fine, Silk AVoven Ends rich pattern, with silk twisted cord end, and dress supporter, 4. Heavy 1}^ inches wide,. Leather Ends, with silk twisted cord and dress supporter, 5. Excellent Web, with Silk Facings and Ends, 6. Finely Woven, Silk Web Ends, with patent clasp, 7. Plain Satin Suspender, iu glass covered box, 8. Men's Fine Silk Embroidered, in glass-covered box; a very desirable present; 9. Men's Satin. Plain or Embroidered, in box, handsomely orna- mented, Boys' Suspenders. 1. Good Durable Web, 3. Extra Quality Web, I CARDIGAN JACKETS. Our stock in Men's and Boys' Cardigan .Jackets this season surpasses any assortment we have ever before exhibited. We will guarantee our goods to be of the very best quality that can be found in any establishment in the Western States, and we hive sizes to suit any man or boy from 33 to 50 inclies. The following are a few of our specimens : Lot 1. Black and Brown, all fine woisted yarn, fast colors and perfect fit- ting. Prices Black and Blown, warranted all fine worsted yarn, full regular made, perfect fitting, fast colors. Prices NECKTIES. 5. The Avon, imported silk, neat patterns. 1. The Albion, imported The Ardsley novelty in Teek scarf Gents' Fine Silk aud Satin Four-in-hand Tecks, Genis' English Four in-hand, silk and satin, in black and fancies. Imported English Tecks. This is one of the latest Loudon shapes; the pattern of goods is very rich and the combination striking; Black. Silk aud Satin Four-in-hand Tecks; String Ties. In Oil Boiled Silk and Heavy Gros Grain. Width, K. |. Ja, i. I ' inches. Price, Magnificent line of Fancy Satiu .string Ties, 1 inch iu width, 35c. "White Satin Bows. 1 inch wide, with baud. Black and Fancy Bows. l.T, 30 and 3oc, also band dude bows. Black Folded Ties. Ko 1. Silk. y's inch wide X 29 inches long. ,. ., j' ., .. ^^33 .. est 3. The Amaranth, im- 9. The Ardmore, foi' rf. ported sills . 1 itesf stvle hand Teck, ricl' Teck scar terns, ^^^' Silk, 11,, iiich wide X 83 inches long. Satin '• x31 " 1 ■• x34 " Silk, h ■■ ■■ x39,31'' ■a 1 ■• x29,31" •• X 30, 82, 34, 36, 3s, 40 inches long l^a •■ ■• X 33, 34, 36, 38, 4(1 " 1'4 ■• ■■ X 33, 34, 36, 38, 40 , ,'8 " •■ x39, 31 ' " 1 •• X 30, 33, 34, 30, 38, 40 " " I's ■' • X 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 " 1'4 •■ • X 33, 34, 36. 38, 40 .•8 1 " x39, 31 " X 30, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40 •■ " 1^8 •• " X 33, 34, 36, 38, 40 ]l, " " X 33, 34, 36, 38, 40 Colored folded lies (prices according to quality). Silk, in a great variety of colors and patterns, " 1. l^s '°f'i wide X 33 inches long. " ill a variety of colors and patterns, such as small dots and fine stripes, " }s> 1. I's i"ch wide x 34 inches long. 188 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, ETC. A well-selected stock with latest designs and newest improvements. No. G D. No. G D, Leather covered Saratoga, best quality muslin lined, extra stayed and bound, excelsior lock, tray with bonnet box and parasol case, one extra dress tray. 30 inches long, 19 wide, 23 deep, 32 20 24 84 21 35 36 22 26 No. G D 3 X, leather covered, iron bound, strap hinges, heavy brass lock, steel corner clamps — has bonnet box, set up body tray, extra body tray and one dress tray. 28 inches long, 18 wide, 23 deep, 30 19 23 33 20 34 34 31 25 36 32 26 No. 2 G D, Canvas covered Saratoga with strap, iron bound, iron corners, sheet iron bottom, muslin lined, lift tray with bonnet box. 28 inches long, 30 33 34 36 38 inches lonji 30 32 84 deep. deep, wide, 20 181^ 21 191^ 33 30>^ 83 21M 24 No. 1 G D, Leather covered Saratoga with strap, muslin lined, iron bound, iron corners, sheet iron bottom, lift tray with bonnet box and parasol case, one extra dress tray. ~" ■ ' ■ "■ wide, 23 23 24 25 36 22 37 No. G D, 3, Leather covered, iron bound, sheet iron bottom, paper lined, one tray, for ladies' 36 inches long, 15}4 wide, 16i-^ deep, 38 16i| n}£ 30 171^ 20 33 18 21 34 19 321^ 36 20 23 No. 50, Leather covered Saratoga, sheet iron bound. Iron corners, paper lined, one tray, with bonnet box and parasol case, ,bootcase in top. 28 inches long, 18 wide, 23 deep, 23 24 25 26 No. 55, Same as No. 50, muslin lined instead of paper, |1 00 additional. 30 19 32 20 34 21 36 23 30 19 33 20 34 21 36 33 No. 70, Zink covered Saratoga, sheet iron bound, iron corners, paper lined, one tray with bonnet box and parasol case, bootcasein lop. 28 inches long, 18 wide, 22 deep, 33 24 35 36 No. 75, Same as No. 70, muslin lined instead of paper, $1 00 additional. No. 16, Leather covered, hat and bonnet bo.v, sheet iron bound, iron corner pieces, muslin lined, one tray. 18 iucbis lone, 15 wide, 17 deep, 20 " 16 18 26 17 19 No. 17, Canvas covered, sheet iron bo\ind, paper lined, one tray. 30 inches long, 19 wide, 21 deep, 32 20 22 34 21 23 36 23 24 No. 71, Canvas covered, tiat top for dresses, iron Ijnuiul, iron corners, tray with bonnet box, and one extra dress tray. 28 inches long, 18 wide, 20 deep, 30 19 21 33 20 22 21 No. 1. No. 1, Sole leather, muslin lined, one tray with bonnet box, loose canvas cover, for ladies' use. 33 inches long, 18 wide, 30 deep, 34 19 21 . 36 30 23 No. 3, Sole leather of a lighter make than the former one, riveted edge, twcv straps, one Iray, loose canvas cover, muslin lined, for gentlemen. 38 inches long, 16 wide, 16 deep, 30 17 17 32 18 18 34 19 19 No. 33, Canvas covered, leather bound, two straps, muslin lined, made veiy light for European travel, one tray with bonnet box. ■ - ■ - . - — jggp_ 28 inches long 18 wide, 22 30 19 33 32 20 24 34 31 35 36 22 26 Monitor, canvas covered, light weight, Belgium top, leather bound, galvan- ized iron mountings, excelsior lock, hat box, para.sol case, set up and dress tray. 28 inches long, 18 wide, 23 deep, 80 19 24 32 30 25 84 31 26 36 23 37 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 18{> TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, ETC.— Continued. No. 30, Canva.s covered, willowwork body for ocean travel, strongly bouud with leather aud made waterproof by a heavy coating of paint, chintz lined, two heavy straps, excelsior lock, one tray with bonnet box. 32 inches long, 22 wide, 26 deep, 34 23 27 36 24 38 Canvas bonnet boxes, leather bouud, brass lock, iron mountings, muslin lined, one tray. wide, Packinu 20 inches long, 16 22 17 24 18 ordinary. 28 inches long, 15 33 17 36 31 40 23 deep. 14i.< deep, 17 ■" 23 No. 11. .11, Leather covered, iron bound, iron corners, muslin lined, two trays — for gentlemen. 28 inches long, 15 30 16 32 17 34 18 deep. No. 10, Canvas covered, for steamer use, leather bouud, steel and iron clamps, muslin lined, one plain tray, sizes arranged to suit staterooms. 38 inches long, 17 wide, 13i^ deep, 30 18 131^ 33 19 131^ 34 20 131^ 36 31 131-^ No. 6, Canvas covered, for steamer use, leather bound, bras.s mountings, strap hinges, excelsior lock, linen lined. 28 inches long, 17 wide, 13i.< deep, 30 18 131? 32 19 13i| 34 20 131^ 36 21 131^ No. IX, Sole leather, riveted edge, two straps, excelsior lock, one tray, loose canvas cover, linen lined. 28 inches long, 16 wide, 14 deep, 30 17 17 32 18 13 34 19 19 No. IX, Sole leather, riveted edge, two straps, excelsior lock, leather lined, one morocco lined tray with bonnet box, loose canvas cover — for ladies' use. 32 inches long, 18 wide, 20 deep 34 19 21 3C 30 22 t'^o. 171, Canvas covered, flat top for dresses, extra strongly made with strap and excelsior lock, iron bound, steel corners, three plain dress trays. 32 inches long, 20 wide, 22 deep, 34 21 23 36 22 24 88 23 85 40 34 26 No. 128, Canvas covered, oval top, for gentlemen, leather bound with leather bands, galvanized iron mountings, excelsior lock, linen lined, one tray. 28 inches lone, 17 wide, 18 deep, 30 18 19 32 19 20 A larger size can he made to order. Canvas covered packing, one tray 32 inches long, 19 wide, 18 deep, 36 31 20 Cedar lined for packing furs, etc., iron bound, canvas painted cover, nc trays. 33 inches long, 30 wide 34 21 36 22 38 23 40 24 Theatrical. Canvas covered, adapted for either ladies' or gentlemen's usj, has extra heavy strips and corner irons and excelsior lock. 28 inches long, 17 wide, 18 deep, 21 deep, 22 23 24 35 30 18 19 33 19 20 34 20 31 36 21 23 Trunk straps, 11^ inches wide. 6 to Si.< feet 9 10 " VALISES. Canvas. No pocket. 14 inches long 7 wide 9i.i deep. 16 8 101.? 18 9 111,? 30 10 I^Jl Muslin lined, with pocket. 14 inches long 7 wide 932 deep 16 8 lOM 18 9 UK 20 10 123< 33 11 131, f 24 13 141,? Grain Leather. No. 13, muslin lined. 14 inches long. ^H wide 8i,< deep 16 9 9 ■ 18 ^% 91-2' 20 10 11 22 11 111^ 24 11 13 No. 105, muslin lined. 14 inches long, 1A 8^ 9K wide 8J^ deep, 9 13 20 10 11 22 11 iii.< 24 11 13 " No. 305 P, muslin lined. 14 inches long. «H wide. 81, < deep. 16 9 9- 18 9M 9J^ 20 10 11 23 11 11}^ 24 11 13 190 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. No. 305 P, leatlier lined. TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, ETC.— Continued Hand 14 inches long, S}4 wide, B14 deep, 16 9 " 9 18 9i.< 9}4 20 10 " 11 22 11 113^ 24 11 13 No. 6, leather lined. 14 inches long, 8}^ wide S}^ deep. 16 9 9 18 9M 93^ 20 10 11 22 11 11^ 24 11 13 No. 3X, leather lined. 14 inches long, 8V^ wide, 8}^ deep, 16 9 9 " 18 9i4 93^ 20 10 11 22 llj^ 11 24 13 11 No. a No. G, Alligator. 12 inches long, 5i.< wide, G^4 deep, 13 6 " 7 " 14 61.^ 7 15 7i| 71^ 16 73^ 7^ 17 8 8H 18 83^ 9 No. 4, Alligator club bag. 10 inches long, 4},^ wide, 11 5 12 5 13 5X 14 51^ 15 6 16 6^4 No. G, Grain leather. 6 deep, 6K n?, 12 inches long, 5}^ wide, 13 6 14 63^ 15 7>| 16 7^ 17 8 18 8K ; deep. 7^ 8j| Gunners' Bags. Gunners' Bag, Grain leather. 8 inches long, 9 10 11 1 deep. 10 inches long, 11 12 13 14 15 16 No. 6, muslin lined. 10 inches long, 11 12 13 14 15 43.^ wide, 514 6 6K 41^ wide, 5 6 deep, 7 7 7 m 6 deep, No. 60, leather lined. 10 inches long, 11 12 13 14 15 16 6 43,^ wide, 5 5H 5% 6 6 deep, 6^ 7 7 7 No. 80, leather lined. No. 80. Alligator. 10 inches long, 4 wide, 63^ deep, 11 4 6i| 12 43.^ 63^ 13 43.1 63| 14 4t% 7 15 5 7 16 5 8 17 53^ 8 Opera Bags. 8 inches long, ^14 wide, 432 deep, 9 33I 41^ Grain leather. 8 inches long, Z)4 wide, 43^ deep. Specie Bags. 8 inches long, 7 inches deep, 10 8 Surgical Bags. Surgical Bag. 14 inches long, 5 wide, 4i^ deep, 10 51^ 5 " FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, ETC,— Continued. Tourist Bags. Tourist Bags Tourist Bag. inches long, 8 iuclies deep, Canvas. 13 95^ 14 10 10 8 11 8K 13 9 13 ^% 14 10 Telescope Bags. 12 inclies long 1U ■n'ide, &^i deep, 14 8 7 16 81. < 73^ 18 9;'-* 8 20 10 8i.< 22 11 9 24 12 91-^ Straps. Shawl and rug straps, leather handle. 2}^ feet long, 2 straps, 3 2 4 2 4 3 Shoulder straps for bags, clasp on each end. Grain leather. Alligator, brown and black, Trunk straps, 1}^ inch wide. 5}^ to 7 feet long, 7to9K and Valise straps, single. Light, MediuD\. Heavy, Satchels. I No. 650. Leather Bags in black, tan and Alligator, each 651. " " in the latest shapes and styles, all colors, each 652. Extra Long Bags in fancy shapes and colors, with long Book Attachments, each, ' . 653. Plush Bags in all colors, with cxti'usion bottom and fancy trimmings, all sizes, each 654. AH Leather Bags in black, with bottom and lop e.xten- .sion, each Purses. 500. All Leather Purses in black, tan and Alligator, eacli 501. _" ■' Books and Purses, long and short leuglhs and in all colors, each 502. Japanese and Fancy Leather, seal black, 6 inches long, each ' 503. All Leather and Leather lined, with fancy clasps, 7 niches long, each 504. Extra long Books, leather lined and in all colors, cacli. . . 50.5. Real Japanese, extra line, 6, 7 and 8 inches long, each. Cigar Cases. 300. Fancy Leather Cigar Cases, black and all colors, with nickel clasps, each. 301. All Leather Cigar Cases, with satin lining, each, 303. " " " " " " " and hand painted in all colors, eacli, 303. Embossed, All Leather, Leather lined or satin lined, very suitable for birthday or other presents to gentlemen, eacii Fans. 87. Black Satin Fan. each 54. " " '• hand painted, each 10. Silk Gauze Fans in all colors, each, 19. Satin Feather Tops on both sides in white, cream, blue, red, pink and lemon, hand painted, each ' 17. Ostrich Feather Fans, each, ] . 24. Black satin on both sides, with ebonj' sticks, eacli 25. White satin on both sides, each, 95. Black Silk Gauze Fans with lace top, and hand painted, 50. Satin Fans, painted in all colors, each .' 99. Mikado Fans in numerous designs, 85. Open Fine Feather Pans, each, 11. Quill Feather Fans with bone sticks, and in all colcrs. This catalogue enables parties living at any distance to buy to as good advan- tage as if present No attention can be paid to returned goods unless accompanied byname and address. Errors. "Write good-naturedly about them if you can. If you can't, write anyway. They may be your errors, they may be ours, but they should be set right. We guarantee lowest wholesale prices on Road Carts, Wind Mills, etc. Send for special list. 192 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. GROCERIES. Prices subject to market changes. This Department embraces such a -wide and varied class of Goods that space will only admit of our quoting the lead- ino- staples. These, moreover, are more or less subject to the fluctuations of the market, and therefore, on application, wb shall be glad to furnish our customers with the latest market prices, and can assure them that their Mail Orders will have the benefit of lowest quotations on the day of shipment. CURRENT PRICES. SUGARS. Owing to the frequent fluctuations in the mar- ket, we liave deemed it advisable to leave prices on Sugar blank, as anv prices that we might make would be misleading in most cases. AVc will, on application, gladly furnish the latest market, and can assure our customers that their mail orders will have the benefit of lowest quotations on day of shipment. Per lb. McCaham's dark jMolasses Sugar No. 1 " 3 " 4 '.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.....'. " 5 " 6 " 8 Windsor A Confectioners' A Granulated — fine medium ' ' coarse Powdered— jr. & W H. & E Cut Loaf— smooth JI. & W H. & E SYRTJPS AND MOLASSES. Per gal. Finest Table Syrup |0 40 Sugar Drips 35 Pure Susar 30 White Di-ips 32 Amber 26 Honey 24 Molasses — In barrels. New Orleans, open kettle 50 " " clioice 45 " " good 40 Cuba Baking Molasses 30 ■' " 25 Black Strap, extra heavy body 17 " lightbody 14 Above are prices per gallon in barrels; % ^^i''" rels cost 3 cents per gallon above barrel cost; 4, 43^, 5 and 10-gallon kegs cost 4 cents per gallon above barrel cost. Syrups in pails, 31^ or 2^{ gallons cost 6}^ cents per gallon aljove cost in barrels. GENUINE MAPLE SYRUPS. "Home Made"— Perdoz. V gal. cans, 1 doz. in case $4 00 i| " " 1 " " 7 00 1 " " 1^ " " 13 00 Per gal. 5 and 10-gal. kfegs 1 00 Half barrels 98 Barrels 95 "Vermont Brand" — Per doz. V gal. cans, 1 doz. in case 3 50 S " ■' 1 " " 6 00 1 " " 3^ " " 10 50 Per gal. 5 and IC-gal. kegs 80 Half barrels 78 Barrels 75 TEAS. We offer the following teas, selected for their superior cup qualities, guaranteeing satisfaction to purchasers. These prices are in original pack- ages. New Sun-Cured Japans, Season 1887 — Per lb. No. 1, Finest imported $0 45 2, Extra fancy 40 " 3, First pickings 35 " 4, Rich fine cup 30 " 5, Good tea 25 " C, Early tea, fair leaf, good draw. .. 20 Regular Japans — No. 7, May pickings, finest quality 40 " 8, Choice drinker 35 " 9, Fine leaf, excellent cup 30 ■■ 10, Good quality 25 " 11, A bargain at 32 " 13, A good tea 20 " 13, Fair style and good draw for price, 17 New Uncolored, Basket-Fired Japan, Season 1887— No. 14, Fancy needle leaf 45 " 15, Early tea 40 " 16, Choice cup 35 " 17, Fine style and draw 80 " 18, Fair style, good cup 25 " 19, Good leaf and draw for price 20 Japan Siftings — Fancy sun-cured siftings 13 to 14 Choice " " " 10 to 13 Good " " 8 to 9 New Gunpowder Teas — No. 1, Shotty, extra fine Nankin Moyune, 60 " 3, Fancy, small leaf Moyune 55 " 3, Excellent, true Moyune 50 " 4, Extra fine style, good draw 45 " 5, Good Moyune 40 " 6, Excellent style, well made, ^4 ch. . 35 " 7, Moytme tea of fair style 30 " 8, Pingsuey, }4 ch 25 " 9, Pingsuey 20 Imperials — No. 1, Fancy Moyune 40 ' ' 3, Choice " 35 " 3, Good " 30 " 4, Fair Pingsuey 35 Young Hyson — No. 1, Extra first bold-leaf Moyune 55 " 3, Full Moyune, fine style and cup. . 45 ' ' 3, Moyune, very fine cup 40 " 4, MojTine, fair leaf and excellent cup 35 " 5, Moyune, very fine cup, but poor style. 25 " 6, Moyune, good tea 20 " 7, Moyune, coarse leaf 15 Formosa Oolongs — No. 1, Very fancy, J4 ch 65 " 3, Very choice, }i ch 55 " 3, Excellent drinker, rich, full body, in i-.^ch 50 " 4, Fine Formosa, a bargain in }^ ch. 45 " 5, A star trade in I4 ch., at 40 6, Full Formosa, in 1^ ch., at 35 " 7, Formosa, in Ji^ ch 30 " 8, " MorJ.^ch 35 English Breakfast Teas — No. 1 Fancy Moning Congou, 1,,' ch. .. . 60 " 2, Choice " " 3.| ch 50 " 3, Pine " of high grade, }(^ ori2Ch.,at 40 •' 4, Good sweet draw, in Jl ch., at.. . . 35 " 5, Fine quality, in J.| ch 30 '■' 6, A bargain, in Jo c'' ^^ GREEN COFFEES. Rios — Per 11). No. 10, Good roaster, no style ^0 18fg' 9, " " some blacks 19 " 8, Choice " few •' 19}^ " 7, Select " nearly clean 20 " 6, Fancy " clean and dark 20J£ " 5, Very stylish and oily 21 " 4, Old crop, yellow 21 J^' " 3, Large, golden bean SljJ " 3, Fancy dark bean SIJ^^' " 1, Golden yellow 22'/£ Santos — No. 10, Considerable trash 18^^ " 9, Some ciuakers IS'''^ " 8, Roaster 19I4 " 7, Good roaster 19J^ " 6, Choice roaster 203J " 5, Bright, shotty bean 20V " 4, Clean and nice 21 jf' " 3, Old crop roaster 21^ " 2, Nammoth bean 32iJ " 1, Finest we ever saw 22|Sj Guatemala- No. 1, Waxy 23 ' ' 3, Very handsome 2i}.^ " 4, Clean and green 23 " Jamaicas — In barrels and bags. As to quality 19}i to 31i£ Bogotas — As to quality 20}^ to 22 Maracaibos — As to drinking quality 30}2 'o 22i.< Peaberry — Washed Santos 22 14 Javas — Star and Crescent G. Very fancy. 81 to 34i.< Mandhelings 28i^ to 29i|' Ankola 36}^ to 38i^ Interiors 25 to 26J^ Holland Dutch, in bags 24 to SSJ^ Mocha — Genuine, 40 and 80-pound bales 28 Arabian 25i< Akaba 23^1 ROASTED COFFEE. Electric — good drinker 22i^ jNIikado — very good 23 Peerless — bright and sound 23J4' Super Extra Rio — cheapest 22% Yum Yum — will suit anybody 24 French Santos — (.lava flavor) 25 jMexican Rio — very strong 26 Famous A — a perfect blend 26J^ IMaracaibo 37 Golden Santos 37 Holland Java 28 Nox All — in 50-pound square cans SO Berlin Java and Mocha 30 Pure Arabian ]Mocha 34 Genuine Coast Mocha 30 Premium Java 33 Superb Java 35 Roasted Coffee — In 1-pound packages. Grandma, 100 lbs. in case 253g Ariosa, 100 " " 35 Jj XXXX, 100 " " 35^8 Dilworth'slOO " " 25'g. Special attention is called to Grandma Coffee. Each 1-pound package contains a handsome pict- ure card. Qiiality is guaranteed better than 2i;y cofEee in the market at 1 cent above. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. GROUND COFFEE. p^^^. j^^ Ground, No. 1. Rio, not purt' colTee $0 16 ■■ 2, " " •• 17 " 3, " " ' 18 " 4, Santos, " " 10'.,' " 5, ■' " " 20 " "6, Santos and Rio, not pure. 20!"^! " " T, Pure coffee 23 We will grind any brand of roasted coffee for Ic. per pound extra. CHICORY. p^.,. „, Bulls., granulated English $0 OOJ^ Bulk, granulated German 08 Roll Pranks red 5 to lb 06^^; Roll Houswaldt red 5 to lb Oei^' COFFEE ESSENCE. P. C. Thomson's Hummel's — lib. impers, per lb. P'oil, i.,-gross boxes, per gross 1 50 Tins, i"^ -.^''''"^s boxes, per gross 2 50 SEEDS. Anise, any quantity Caraway, any quantity Cardamon, any quantity Coriander, any quantity Celery, any quantitj- Fennel, any quantity JFustard, any quantity Poppj', any quantity BLTJING— Liquid. Famous S. F. — Per gross. 4 oz. Oval, 3 doz. in liox 3 25 K " " 3 " ■• 6 00 10 •' ■• 2 '■ " 10 25 H ■ ' round. 3 " ■ ' 5 75 10 " •' 1 " " 9 75 Puritan— Per doz. In pint flasks, triple strength, 3 doz. in box, 1 00 Mrs. Cox— 14 oz., round, 2 doz 75 24 " " packed in barrels 1 10 Spanish — 11 oz., round, 11 doz. in barrel 65 24 ■' ■• 5 " •' 1 00 Bengal— Per gross. 8 oz., 3 doz. in bos 12 00 4 ■ 3 " " 9 50 Mrs. Bowers — Per box. 2 doz. ill box ... 3 66 Famous Spanish Float Liquid Bluing is the verj- best that can be made. BLUING— Dry. Pepper Box— Per gross. TAYLOR'S, No. 1,4 doz. in box 1 25 " 2, 3 " " 1 75 SAWYER'S," l! 4 ' •''.'.'.'.'..'.'. 2 75 ■' 2. 3 ' " 4 50 •■ 3, 1 " " 5 50 BENGAL, " 1 2 25 " 2 3 00 " 8 4 80 MAMMOTH,-' 3 9 00 PADDLE BLUE, large 8 00 small 4 00 BARLOW'S BLUE, large 6 00 " " small 3 00 Per lb. BALL BLUE, imported, i.f lb. boxes 20 Per gross. " American, 1-oz. packages. . 5 00 2 •■ " .. 8 00 4 " " .. 15 12 Per lb. ■' i^-lb. " .. 38 1 " " .. 30 Per cross. BAG BLUE - 6 00 GROCERIES— Continued, INDIGO. p^.rlb. EXTRA S. F., in 3-lb. boxes .liO 85 5 " " 80 S. F., in 3-lb. boxes 70 5 " " 65 Common 50 HOPS. Puritan, in papers I4 and 1.,, 10-lb. boxes, 25 Old, in papers I4' and i^. 10-lb. boxes. 15 to 20 GROUND SPICES. PRICE LIST GROUND SPICES. For drug uses our Puritan Spices have no equal, Pepper. Puritan — black " white . .. " cayenne. Famous "A" black " white " cayenne Bombay — black . . . " cayenne SCustard. Puritan Famfms"A" English Durham.. . Biimbay Ardenter, in 6 and 10-lb. boxes only. Coleman Cinnamon. Puritan faigon Puritan Famous **A" — ... liorabay Cloves. Puritan Famous "A" Bombay Ginger. Puritan Jamaica " Borneo " African .. Famous "A" Jam Famous "A" Afri- can Bombay Allspice. Puritan Famous "A" Bombay Cream Tartar. Puritan Famotis "A" Biimbay Mace. Puritan Ifutmeg-s. Puritan Sage. Ground Puritan Pressed 'i and ^ papers, new Pressed H and !4 papers, old Savory, ) Marjoram ^Puritan Thyme, ) .-) 20 3 00 3 80 1 70 3 20 1 50 3 80 1 35 2 60 1 00 1 SO 90 1 70 1001 30 9.1 1 70 801 50 We guarantee our Puritan brand of Ground Spices to be absolutely pure and unadulterated ; in fact, they are the finest whole spices powdered, and from this fact we commend them to the drug trade. Our Famous "A" brand is a second-grade of wholespice, ground, but not powdered. There is no adulteration in this grade, and the moderate prices named make it a staple brand. SPICES— 'WHOLE, Pjjj. ,^ Pepper, black Singapore 10 18 Pepper, black shot 19 Pepper, white 30 Pepper, cayenne pods 18 Mace, as to grades 05 to. . 85 Cinnamon, coarse Saigon, 3-lb. rolls 35 Cinnamon.'flne Saigon, 3-lb rolls 40 Long Roll Puritan Cinnamon 20 Cassia, China, 3-lb. rolls 07 Cassia buds, any amount 15 Cloves, Zanzibar 26 Cloves, Amboyna 29 Allspice (pimento) 06 Ginger Root, African 06 Ginger Root, Jamaica bleached 16 Laurel or bay leaves 09 Tonca Beans 4 00 Vanilla Beans, as to quality ^6 00 to 12 00 Puritan Pickling 30 Nutmegs — Large, 85 to lb 85 Medium, 110 to lb 75 Small, 125 to lb 70 Macassar 65 Small 130s 65 _, MUCILAGE. .„ , Famous— Per doz. 2-oz. cones, with brush, 3 doz. in box 55 3 " 05 4 '• 80 BIRD FOOD. Seeds— Mixed in 1 lb. packages. pcr lb. 60-lb. boxes common 04^^ 60 " 043^ 40 " 04Jg 60 " with Cuttle Bone 05}^ 60 " fancy Puritan 07 24 " " imported 10 Cuttle Bone, any quantity 22 Seeds— Bulk. Canary 04 Hemp '^^^ Rape 04 Millet 06 LiaUID GLUE. Positive— Per doz. 1 dozen in box 1 00 PosiTn'B Glue will mend china, glass, wood or any other material where the strongest cement is required. .„ BAKING POWDER. Pure — 1 ,-lb. cans, 3 doz. in box, per doz $1 10 1; •■ 3 " " " 2 00 i"" " 1 '■ " " 3 75 5-lb. round cans, per lb 27 Fancy square cans, 10 and 15 lbs, per lb. . 27 Bulk, in barrels, boxes and kegs, " " .. 25 Star— 14-lb. cans, 3 doz. in box, pcr doz 75 i^-lb. cans, 2 doz. in box, per doz 1 25 i-lb cans, 1 doz. in box, per doz 2 40 5, 10 and 15 lb. cans, per lb 23 I3ulk in boxes, per lb 20 Nox All 25c. Yeast Powder— 1-lb cans only, 1 and 2 doz. in case, per doz. 2 00 5-lb cans, pcr doz 9 00 We guarantee " Nox All "yeast powder to be the best and purest yeast powder in the market. Palace Baking Powder— Per doz. lib. cans |1 75 i.Mb. " 1 25 i^-lb. " '0 Lightning — Per lb. Bulk, any quantity 13 Globe Baking Powder— "Cyclone Scheme." 50 1-lb cans in each case, per case ^19 .50 Each purchaser of 1-lb. Globe Baking Powder receives a beautiful moss rose highly colored dish; no small pieces. ;i94 FOR PRICES, EXAMI2S:E MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. Globe Baking Powder— " Silver Spoon Scheme." 100 ;|-lb. cans and 100 silver-plated spoons, $12 00 Each purcliaser of a can receives a liandsome silver-plated spoon free. This is the latest scheme, and pays the retailer 25 per cent profit. Spot Cash Baking Powder — Guaranteed. Per doz. 1-lb. cans $1 00 i^-lb. " 6.5 j|-lb. " 45 Price's Baking Powder — Dime cans (in cases of 4, or 12 dozen) ... 90 i^-lb. cans (in cases of 3, 4 or 6 dozen) 1 33 6 oz. cans (in cases of 3, 4 or 6 dozen) 1 90 i^-lb. cans (in cases of 3, 3, 4 or 6 dozen). . 2 47 ■X-\h. cans (in cases of 1, 2, 3, 4 or C dozen) 3 70 1-lb. can.s(in cases of 1, 3, 3, 4 or 6 dozen) 4 75 Siri'-Ib. cans (in cases of 3^ dozen or 1 dozen) 11 40 4-lb. can.'s(in cases of 31 dozen or ] dozen). 17 80 5-lb. cans(iu cases of }|. }< or 1 dozen). . . 31 50 10-lb. square cans (in cases of }i or i| doz.) 41 75 Pearl Baking Powder — Dime cans 90 4-oz. " 1 35 6-oz. ■' 1 85 8-oz. " 245 12-oz. " 3 70 16-oz. " 4 70 Royal Baking Powder- Star Baking Powder is just as pure and good as Royal, and costs less. Per doz. Dime cans $0 90 4-oz. " 1 37 Coz. " 1 88 8oz. " 3 54 12-oz. " 3 75 16-oz. " 4 85 2Klb. " 11 45 34b. " 13 45 4-lb. " 17 54 5-!b. " 21 92 Snow Flake — In boxes and barrels, any quantity 12 BE,OOMS. In racks, -without charge for racks. 1 doz. No. 40, 3 sewed ) 3 " " 50,3 " - 13 00 2 '■ " 60,4 " ) 3 " " 50,3 " 1 1 " " 60,4 " I 14^5 1 " " 95,3 " ^ It iJ 1 " " 70,3 " J "WTiisks- Barber's, extra quality, very nice 3 00 No. 100, Velvet Shoulder 3 50 " 96, " Tip, extra large and fine. . 175 " 94, Black " medium and fine 175 93, Velvet " small and fine 150 " 90, " " ■' " " 1 25 " 88, Black Handle 1 10 " 87, Common " 90 Children's — No. 5 1 30 ■' 7 1 10 „, BRUSHES. Shoe- No. 41, Black Bristle 135 " 76, " '■ 1 50 " 20, " " 1 75 " 53, •' " 1 75 " 120, " " 3 50 '■ 130, " " 2 50 ■' 30, riorse Hair Butts 3 50 " 140, Black Honse Hair 3 00 •' 1.50, Dotted Edge Horse Hair 3 25 " 100, " " Bristle 4 00 •' 170, " " Horse Hair 4 00 •' 190, Black Horse Hair . 4 35 " 62, Russia Bristle 5 00 " 67, Dotted White Bristle 5 00 GROCERIES—Continued. Bi-ushes, Shoe — Continued. Per (^oz. No. 70, While outside Fancy $6 00 " 300. Fancy Black Back 6 00 " 33, Ru.ssia Brislle 7 00 " 44, •• " 8 00 Daubers — No. 3 85 • 5 1 25 Floor- All Bristle, 13 inch 15 00 14 " 16 00 Horse — No. 500, All Russian Bristle 12 00 " 435, " " '■ 9 00 " 109, Brislle and Tampico 6 00 '■ 540. Leather Back, Tampico 3 00 " 123, '■ " " 4 60 " 120, " " " 3 75 " 540, " ■' " 2 35 " 37, Wood " " 4 00 " 22, " " " 3 35 Dandy Root, No. 73 3 00 Dandy Hoof 3 25 Scrub — No. 52, All Bristle, single end 2 50 "50, " " 3 00 9, Black Tampico. double end 2 00 "8, " " 1 85 "16, " " 1 80 "17, " " 1 65 " 18, Gray 1 65 " 427, Black Tampico, double end 130 " 439, AVhile " " 1 35 4, Black " " 1 40 " 10, " " " 90 " 81, White " " 85 " 75, Mixed " " 75 " 434, Rice Root 1 75 " 430, " '• 1 40 " 100, " " patent 1 50 Rubber Deck 2 50 Mops, 13 in 3 50 Floor King 6 00 Stove — No. 8, Tampico 1 35 " 15, " 1 75 " 31, " curved end 185 " 34, Bristle, " " 5 50 Tooth- No. 301, 3 rows 40 " 335, 3 " good 75 " 401, 3 " " 65 " 441,4 " curved , 125 Standard, 4 rows, good assorted patterns.. 1 30 Monogram, 3 " fine " " . . 1 65 Paragon, 4 " extra fine assorted pat- terns 1 90 Florence, 4 rows, superfine assorted pat- terns 3 35 NaU— No. 3385, 5 5 rows 1 15 " 350, 6 6 " 1 50 " 205,5 5 " extra 175 " 206,5 6 " and nail cleaner 2 10 ■• 208, 6-8 " " " 3.75 Shaving — No. 14, Wood Handle 35 "30, " " 85 " 31, " " 1 05 "85, " " 1 55 " 35, Bone " 1 45 "9.5, " " 3 15 " 18, Wood " camel hair. ex. qual. 1 55 " 19, " " " " 1 65 " 64, " " ■• ■' 3 25 " 81, " " '• " 3 65 Whitewash — Russian Bristles— All Wiite. Per doz. I Per doz. 1-0, 8 in. block. |21 00 | 4-0, 9 in. block. $33 00 3-0, 8 " " 24 00 I 5-0, 9 " " 30 00 3-0, 8 " " 28 00 I Brushes, Whitewash — Continued. Imperial— All White Bristle. Per doz. | Per doz. No. 81, Oiuch. . ^4 00 No. 83, 8 inch. . . |7 50 " 83, 7 " .. 5 25 I ■• 84, 9 "... 9 00 TJnion— Tampico Block. Per doz. I Per doz. No. 97, 6 inch. . $2 00 No. 99, 8 inch. . . $3 .50 " 98, 7 " .. 3 90 I Winciow — Round head, all bristle ^4 .50 Car Washers 7 00 Hair — No. 100, 7 Rows 135 " 100, 6 " 2 00 " 108, 11 " 3 25 " 110, 14 " 2 35 " 118, 14 " 3 00 " 116, 9 " solid back 3 35 " 125, 11 " good 4 00 " 141,15 " solid back 5 00 " 1.55, 9 " extra bristle 7 00 " 22, 13 " rubber back,' ex. bristle. 5 50 " 24. 13 " Florence 10 30 " 26; 15 " " 14 00 BUTTER PLATES. The Deltas are solid oval wood plates. Per 1,000. Delta. Common. No. 1 |1 85 2 05 3 35 2 80 $1 25 " 2 1 40 " 3 1 55 " 5 1 80 BUTTER UTENSILS. Per doz. Spades, sm wood $0 50 medium 60 " Ig hand 1 25 Ladles, clay. ... 90 " eclipse.. 65 Spades, tin plated, each. Per Prinis f Moulds, Is Spoons, turned . . ' ' shaved . . Forks, wood Knives, " doz. 75 2 75 75 80 75 BUTTERWARE. Per doz. Butter Moulds, 1-lb. per doz §3 05 -lb. Ash Tubs, 3-in. 25, 40 and CO-lb. per nest. 70 " 25-lb. each 23 " 40-lb. " 25 " 60-lb. " 38 Spruce Tubs, 20-lb. each 18 " 30-lb. " 21 " 501b. " 34 " 3-in. 30 and 30-lb, per nest. 38 " 3-in. 20, 30 and 501b. per nest 60 Spruce Tubs, 2-in. 30 and 50-lb. per nest. . 42 Ash Pails, with cover, 30 lb. each 50 " 28 " " 3 75 Butter Boxes, plain, 9-lb. each, }^ doz. in rack 1 15 Butter Boxes, plain, 9 and 16-lb. each, racks, 6 nests, 2-in 1 40 Butter Boxes, plain, 16-lb. each, J.j doz. in rack 1 60 CARPET SWEEPERS. Parlor 15 00 No. 1, Paraxon, assorted patterns 18 00 "3, " hand decorated 24 00 CHEESE SAFES. Wire— Each. Round 1 50 Square, slide door, 23 inches wide, deep and high 2 50 Glass — Square, slide door, 23 inches wide, deep and high 3 00 Double docker, 23 inches wide and deep, and 40 inches high FOE PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 195 GROCERIES— Continued. CLOTHES LINES. All extra quiility and regular measure. Eacli package contains one dozen lines. Per dozen. Jute. Cotton. Sisal. Manilla. 75 50 " 1 35 1 55 1 75 "i'95' 2 25 60 •' 90 1 40 3 25 70 " 72 " 1 10 1 55 3 50 80 " 90 " 1 30 1 50 2 QO 4 00 100 " Wire, galvanized. 100 feet, per doz |3 15 CLOTHES PINS. Per box. Full count, 5 gros.s ()5 " 21^ " 45 Patent Wire Spring 1 25 CHURNS. Per doz. I Per do/.. No. 1, 6 gal. pine, |8 25 No. 1, Ggal. ash, |10 00 " 2, 5 " " 7 25I " 3, r, ■■ ■■ i) 25 ■' 3, 4 " "0 25| ■' 3, 4 •■ ■' 8 25 ■' 4, 3 " •• 25| Each. Union, 5 gal $3 25 Oval, 4 " 2 85 6 " 3 00 8 " 3 CHI COFFEE MILLS. p^^ ^„^ No. 118, Box 3Iill, Iron Hopper 3 75 " 104, " 4 75 " 16, " " Briflania Hopper 6 00 Freeport 6 00 No. 101, Side Bronze 7 00 " .50, " Mill, Britannia Hopper 4 50 •■ 135, 3 .50 " 360, " Kriiuzc 5 50 Al! the above aro for family use. CRACKERS. An advance of JjC. per lb. over following prices is charged for all goods in paper boxes and tin cans. Sanitarium — per Hi. Whole Wheat Wafers 10 (Made of Franklin Mills Entire Wheat Flour, with only water added, put up in J.i boxes hold- ing about 20 lbs. ) Avena Biscuit 10 (Made of tlie best oatmeal with flour enough to bake, sweetened with granulated sugar, short- ened with the best table butter, raised with com- pressed yeast, put up in Js^ boxes of about 20 lbs.) Avena Crackers 8^0 (Same as the biscuit, but are not raised or short- ened. In J^ lb. box of about 25 lbs.) Granula, 1 doz. in box $1 20 Infant's food, 1 doz. in box 3 75 Oysters- p^,^ j^ X Picnic 41,.^ X Pearl 41^ X Oyster 4}.< XXX Oyster 5 Butter— Eureka Butter 61.3 Luniir " (U.i Peck's Son fiij XXX Butters, box. 5 Family Boston. ... 7 Small Boston 8 Soda — X iK XXX 5 Fancy- Alphabet 12 Cornhills 10 Numerals 12 Per lb. XXX Cxem 83 XXX Bremner's Best Sea Foam XXX Tapios Tea The William... Kenosha Large Boston. . X Butter Lunch Aldrich. Cream 81., Select 7 Anim.als 13 Leaflets 12 Dominoes 10 Sundries- p^^ „^ p^,,, „, XXX Water 81.,' I Pretzels 12 Pilot Bread CJ? Cracker Meal Hard " 6 " I Biscuit — Cracknells 16 X Cream 71., XXX " 8 ' Cream Fro.sted. ... 9 " Vanilla 10 XXX Cr", Lemon. 8 Fruit 11 Cakes, Snaps, etc. — Cofl:ee, English Ginger 10 Assorted Cakes. . . .IIJ2 Jlolasscs Pina- fores 9 Spice Cake 10 Fingers — Ginger and Spice ..11 Sponge 12 Drops and Jumbles Cocoanut Drops. . .12 Currant " ....13 Spice and Ginger Jumbles 11 Assorted J u mbles. . 1 2 ■Wafers — Almond 14 I Vanilla, small 14 Butter Scotcli 14 " Snaps. ...14 Cocoanut 14 " large 14 Fruit, iced il}., Graham 8 ' Imperial 10^ , Oatmeal SJo X Sugar, IXL. 7i.i XXX " large. 8i;- XXX Milk 8" Sugar Pinafores. . . 9 Cocoanut Snaps.. .14 X Ginger Snaps 71., XXX " " 8 " XXX Lemon " 13 Rifle Nuts 10 .Telly 13I3 Chocolate, iced. ...IS}.; Cocoanut, Vienna, Nonpareil and Peerless Jumbles. 1 1;' Almond Macaroons . Cocoanut " N( r.\CK.\(ii:s. charge for barrels or boxes. Cans plain and fancy. . . . Case for 4 fancy tin cans. 6 " Each. 10 60 00 Patent Walnut Box covers with glass, at your risk of breakage (5 per cent off). . . 75 Shipped in of I4, J^' ?{ anil 1 '^o'^- each. No charge for cases. Fancy, Oval Front Tin Cans 50 Cases and cans returnable and will be crc 00 Half barrel, 90 lbs 3 15 Eureka Rolled Oats — Barrel, ISO lbs 5 ,50 Half barrel, 90 llis 2 75 American Flaked Groats — 36 2-lb. packages in case, per case 3 15 PEAS. Split, per lb 2i| Green, per bushel 1 10 GROCER IES~Continued. RICE. Pe,- lb. Royal Head |0 O?.^ Fancy Japan, bags 224 6 K!ing Carolina 6 Queen " 5^2 Deuce " 5I4 Less quantities than a barrel, I3 more. S^GO- Per lb. Pearl, in original sacks, of about 125 lbs. . H'-o " " less quantity 5^4 East India, fine, in bags 4 TAPIOCA p^^,,, Flake, in original sacks, of ai)out 125 lbs. . G'j " less quantities 6^4^ Pearl, in original sacks 6i^ " less quantities 6^4 WHEAT. Rolled, Cracked and Pearled — Barrels, 200 lbs 5 80 Half barrels, 100 lbs 3 05 Schumacher's 36 2-lb. in case, cracked, per case 3 25 Hornby, 24 2-lb. in case, per case 3 60 A B C, 24 21b. in case, per case 3 60 Schumacher's rolled, 36 2-lb. in case, per case 3 50 WHEAT GERM MEAL. Fould's Wheat Germ Meal — Boxes, 24 2-lb. packages in ease, per case. .2 50 AXE HANDLES. Two dozen in each r.ack. Turned- Extra No. 1 " 2 Per doz. ... ^2 00 . . . 1 75 . . . 1 20 Shaved — Per doz. X $1 80 XX 2 25 XXX 2 60 BARREL COVERS. Per dozen. Gem, grained Gem, plain Common, plain Common, grained... Patent, hinge top, grained IT inch. 19 inch. 21 inch $1 35 1 60 13 25 2 00 1 40 1 75 4 00 |2 .50 2 25 1 70 2 15 4 25 Per doz. Wire, oval, ligiit weight $2 .50 " flat, •• " 2 25 BASKETS, Fancy Dinner — No 1 Palm 4 50 " 2 " " 3 " 5 50 8 00 ■' 4 " 10 00 " 1 Sea Weed, 8 inch "3 " 11 " 2 25 4 00 " 3 " 12 " 5 50 "4 " 13 •' 6 00 "5 " 14 " S 00 " 2 French Lunch, small 2 75 " 3 " " large 3 75 Fancy — The following assortments of Fancy Baskets are packed 1 doz. in case. They are very nicely assorted. " D," per case of 1 doz ^7 .50 -H," " " 8 00 Fruit Stands — 3 round liaskets on an upright stand, each, 2 50 School or Dinner — Large. Medium. Small. Elm covered satchel 2 00 1 75 1 50 Elm P er doz. & 40 Laundry — Per doz. Willow Whole liattan Racine Narrow wood bottom. . . Wide Splint jplint, Larce. Jledium Small |5 75 18 00 5 50 |4 75 11 00 5 00 3 25 ifS 75 10 00 Market- Per doz. Large. Medium Small. Willow AVillow, covered Racine Splint, wood bot- ^3 25 5 50 2 40 |3 75 5 00 3 25 ^3 35 4 00 3 00 Cedar, extra, per doz y T5 Elm, common, per doz 45 Elm, extra, per doz So Per dozen. ii bu. ■"■-t '-•"• 1 bu. l^bu Stave $1 60 $1 65 $1 65 3 10 4 00 !?2 10 2 50 3 50 5 50 Grocers' Delivery - Per dozen. Large. Medium Small. Bamboo, end handles Splint, Chicago " Racine $5 50 1 65 1 85 $4 75 $4 85 1 20 1 65 BOWLS. Hardwood, extra quality. Per doz. I Per doz. 13 inch 75 17 inch $2 25 13 " 85 I 19 " 2 80 15 " 1 40 I 31 " 3 50 Assorted, 15, 17 and 19 inches 2 20 FBTJIT JARS. Mason Improved Porcelain Lined Top — Per irvoss. Pints 10 00 Quarts 11 00 1.2 gallon 14 00 Ilubbers 65 GUNPOWDER. Gunpowder cannot be shipped by express. Railroads ship only on certain days. Should there be any delay, our customers will under- stand that it is on this account. Kegs, Fg, FFg, FFFg, 25 lbs $5 00 i.,'kegs, •• " " 12K " 2 — ,^4 " " " " 61I'- 1-lb. cans, " " 25 cans in case, per can i^lb. cans, Fg, FFg, FFFg, 25 cans in case, per can 1 50 30 IS GTJN MATERIALS. Cartridges — Per M. 22, long . 22, short. Shot- Drop Shot. Buck " . Per bag. . . . 1 30 . . . 1 55 Per M. 33, long .|4 90 82. short 4 30 Per M. Chilled Shot. ... 1 55 Bar Lead, 25 lbs., 1 .50 Per doz. Eley Bros., Nos. 7 and 8 2 30 " 9 •• 10 2 00 " ." •' 11 and up 1 65 Gun Caps — Per JM. G. D., full count 30 Musket 60 Eley Bros., Waterproof 55 Gun Wadding- 198 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. GROCERIES— Continued. GUM. Per box. Adams' Trick $0 60 " Black Jack, 150 pieces 60 " TutiFruti, 150 " 85 Tolu Taffy 25 Mastic White 20 Spruce Roll, 200 pieces 20 Rubber, 100 pieces 25 200 ■' 35 Sweetheart, 150 pieces, with chromos 35 Queen, 150 " " " .... 75 Mammoth, 150 large pieces, large chromos, 90 LAMP BURNERS. No. 0, Banner Per doz. 55 55 70 0, Sun Hinge. 1, 1 00 " 3, " 1 25 Ai-gand 2 10 LAMP CHIMNEYS. The diameter of the bases of three sizes are as follows: No. is 3 inches across the base; No. 1, 21^ inches, and No. 2, 3 inches. Sold in cases only. Packed 6 doz. in case. Sizes Sun, crimped $0 27 " hinge, round 39 La Bastine Flint, Bessemer, crimped 34 " .sun. hinge oval. . . 36 Lantern Globes 46 Per doz. 1 $0 39 31 1 35 35 37 |0 39 41 1 50 45 47 Student. 21, 144 ' 300 21, 316 ' 200 31, 144 ' 200 31, 216 ' 200 30, 144 ' 300 LYE — Concentrated. Per case of 4 doz. Eureka, solid |3 50 Lewis' Powdered and Perfumed, 98 per cent 4 50 Saponitier, solid 3 25 American, " 3 25 Greenwich, " 3 25 Sterling 3 00 Puritan 3 50 Scrubbing 1 75 Babbitt's 3 60 LANTERNS. Per doz. O Tubular 6 00 O " Lift Wire 6 50 MATCHES. Oshkosh Brand — Per case. No. 2, 144 boxes, 200 matches in box .... 1 10 " .... 1 30 ■' .... 2 00 " .... 1 40 " .... 2 10 .... 3 10 " 33^ 100 in box, 9 boxes in caddy, 48 caddies in case 2 20 No. 33, 100 matches in box, 18 boxes in cad- dy. 24 caddies in case 2 20 No. 34, 144 boxes, .500 matches in box ... 3 25 '■ 36, 44 " 1,000 " " ... 2 10 " 37, assorted, 4i< gross, 20 boxes 1,000; 40 boxes 500; 80 boxes 300 3 15 Export Parlor — No. 200 in box, 5 gross in case, packed 1 doz. boxes in a package, per case 4 00 No. 80 in box, 5 gross in case, packed 1 doz. boxes in a package, per case 4 00 Bridal — Barber's — B, 200 Diamond, in slide box, 100 boxes in case, per case 1 15 Caddy— Clark's— Per caddy. Badger Caddy, }^ gross, 24 slide boxes to caddy, 200 square matches in box, per caddy No. 1 wood, }^^ gross, 34 upright boxes to caddy, 300 square matches in box, per caddy Rough and Ready Parlor- No. 200, 144 boxes, 200 matches in each box 1 45 30 30 Round — Per case. No. 3, 2 gross, 144 boxes, 200 matches in box, per case $1 40 No. 8, 3 gross, 144 flat boxes, 300 matches in box, per case 2 10 No. 9, 3 gross, 100 matches in box, 9 boxes in caddy, 48 caddies in case, per case. . . 2 20 No. 18, 3 gross, 100 matches in box, 18 boxes in caddy, 24 caddies in case, per case 2 20 Badger, 2 gross, 144 slide boxes, 200 matches in box, per case 1 40 OILS. Carbon — Subject to market. Per gal. llO'Test 08^4 Prime White, 150 test 08-'4 Snow " " 09i< Headlight, 175 test 11)^ Oleane 11 Eocene, 150 test 11 Michigan test, prime white lOJ^ " " water " lljf Wisconsin test, prime white 08 " " water " 09}.< Elaine 16i| Indiana, prime white 09J^ Lubricating — Cylinder — Capitol cylinder, amber color 35 Model " " " 33 Engine and Machinery — Eldorado engine, light color 30 Peerless machinery, light 19 Backus fine engine, amber 30 Challenge machinery, light 18 Black Diamond machinery, dark 22 Golden machinery, light 18 Caramels — No. 1 Chocolate, 5-lb. boxes 20 " 1 Maple, " " 20 " 1 Cream, " " 20 " 1 Vanilla, " " 20 " 1 Strawberry, " " 20 " 1 Lemon, " " 20 " 1 Walnut, " " 20 " 1 Assorted, " " 30 " 2 (Same as above assortment) 16 Bon Ton, 5c. packages, 30 in box 85 Opera, Ji( and 1-lb. boxes, in 5-lb. boxes, best." 25 Pan "Work- No. 1 Smooth Almonds, 5-lb. boxes "2 " " " " 23 French Burnt Almonds, hand made, 5-lb. boxes 23 Spanish Burnt Almonds, 5-lb. boxes 20 French " Peanuts " " 11 PId. Caraways, " " 17 Smooth Caraways " " 17 Pld. Mites, " " 17 Cassia Buds, " " 22 Pld. and Smooth Cloves, " " 23 Red Hots, " " 20 Sugar Plums, small, " " 15 Cream Marbles, 7 colors, " " 15 Fancy Marbles '' " 15 Checkerberries " " 15 Cachous, highly perfum'd, " " 18 Fruit Pellets, " " 15 Cream Peaches, " " 15 Almonds, " " 20 Imperials, all flavors, " " 13 T. T. Imperials, all flavors, " " 12 Printed Lozenges — Assorted Conversational Hearts, 51b. boxes, 13 Conversational Hearts, '• " 13 " Lozenges, " " 13 .Toking Lozenges, " " 13 Norwegian Lozenges, " " 13 German << << 3'-oz. cakes. . Famous, 100 12-oz. cakes German Olive, 60 bars, CO lbs Golden Bar, 20 bars, 80 lbs Golden Bar, 25 bars, 75 lbs Good Luck, 100 lOoz. cakes Half Moon, 60 cakes, 60 lbs Handy, 100 12oz cakes Ivory, 100 lOoz. cakes Ivory, 50 lO-oz. cakes Ivory, 6-oz. cakes, 100 in box Japan Olive, 60. 73, 80 bars, 60 lbs Lennox, 100 12-oz. cakes *Mottled German, 60 or 100 bars, 60 llis Norway, 20 3-lb. cakes Old Folks, 20 cakes, 60 lbs *01eine Oxide, 60 bars, 60 ll)s P. & G. Family. 60, 72 or 80 bars, 60 lbs Queen Olive, 100 10 oz. cakes Simon Pure, 60 bars, CO lbs Topaz, 100 12-oz. cakes Town Talk, 100 10i,<-oz. cakes Very Good, 100 12-oz. cakes Velvet, 60 cakes, 60 lbs Wash Well, 64 cakes, 60 ll)s White, 100 10-oz. cakes Wilton, 30 cakes, 60 lbs SOAPS.— Continued. $3 55 3 15 2 95 3 85 . 3 05 3 80 2 50 3 90 2 45 3 50 3 30 2 95 3 15 3 35 6 75 3 45 4 00 3 45 3 85 2 55 2 85 3 00 3 60 2 25 3 50 2 55 3 45 3 40 3 40 3 00 2 55 6 75 3 00 Jas. S. Kirk & Co. FuEE Deliveuy IN Illinois Only. .\jnerican Family. Blue India Emrlish Standard . Mottled German Oleinc Elaine Our Union Olive (Kirk's) P. German Queen of the Laundry Satinet Savon Imperial . WliiteCap Blue India Mechanic Magnolia Pink Satinet. . . AVhite Ru.ssian. Capital Standard Arcade Washboard . 60-60 * 60-60 f 60-00 * 60-60 * CO-60 + 60-60 t 60-60 X 20-60 * (;0-60 X 60-60 i 60-00 * 70-60 * 60-60 f 20-60 f 60-60 I 100-75 ■■ 100-75 * 100-75 * 100-75 * 100-75 * 100-75 - 100-021 , 100-021", 100-621., 100-50 « 100-70 * .Sfpq 16 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz. 16 oz. 3 1b. 13 sizes. 16 oz. 16 oz. 13^4 oz. 16 oz. 31b. 16 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. 13 oz. nil., oz, 101.^ oz lOiJ oz 8oz. 11 oz. |3 15 3 09 2 70 2 70 3 64 2 55 3 45 3 15 2 70 2 70 3 15 3 15 3 00 3 00 2 70 6 50 3 35 3 50 3 60 4 05 4 00 3 50 3 30 3 20 2 85 3 10 ■ Xot wro.ppcd; all others are wrapped. Note. — * Pressed and wrapped. f Pressed not wrapped. | Not wrapped. || Wrapped. Oberne, Hosick & Co., Mfrs. Linen, 60 bars. 60 lbs per box $2 50 German Family, " " 2 70 Silver Brick, " " 3 25 " Sweet 16," 100 bars, 80 lbs. ... " 3 60 Country Talk, 100 bars. 75 lbs. . ' 3 50 Hard Water, CO bars, 60 lbs 3 00 Mermaid (Floating), 100 bars, 75 lbs. ... C 00 White Satin, 100 bars, 75 lbs 4 50 Obem, Hosick & Co — Linen, Is, 30, 60 and 80 per lb. $0 O4I4 Royal, Is, wrapped " 4I4 Olive, Is, wrapped " 3''4 Pure German, Is " 4'^^ Old English Blue, Is " Wz German Family, Is " 434 Silver Brick, Is " 4 White Prussian, %-Vo. cake per box, 4 00 Pink Prus.sian, 3^-lb. cake " 4 00 Napkin, 60-lb. 20 bars " 4 00 Scourene Simond's — 100 cakes in box per box, 3 75 50 cakes in box " 1 90 Scouring — Kitchen Crystal per bar, 06 Sapolio — ^4 gross per box, 2 35 i|° • " 4 65 i " lot per gross, 9 25 5 " lot " 9 00 Miscellaneous — Anti-Washboard 100 bars, 4 75 Wonderful , G. A. Shoudy Soap Co. , 36 bars, with ehromos per box, 2 52 McCulIoiigh's Magnetic " 3 10 Frank Siddal's, 36 bars " 3 00 Babbitt's Best " 5 25 New York City " 4 20 Dish Rag, 60 lb. , 20 bars " 4 25 Day's, 60 bars, with ehromos ... " 4 20 Werk's Mottled German per lb., 4I4' Old Country, Wrisley's A B " 4I4 Dobbins' per box, 4 95 Gillett's Laundry Castile " 2 88 Electro Magic, 72 bars " 3 00 Allan B. -Wrisley, Mfr— Per lb. Old Country, Mb. bars, 80 in box $0 41.4 White Borax, 1 " 60 " 6 Lather, 1 " 60 " 6 Hamburg Olive, 1-lb. bars, 75 in box. . . •i Fine Bath, 12 oz. bars, lOO '■ ... 4 White Bath, 12 " ICO '■ ... 5 SOAPS— Toilet. 5 Cents Per Cake- Low's Wild Rose, 1 doz. in box, 1 gross in case per, 5 00 Ah There, H doz. in box " 3 50 Japanese Honey, '-4 doz. in box, " 5 50 .lapanese Glyc, J4 doz. in box, " 5 50 Japanese Brown Windsor, I4 doz. in box " 5 50 Paula per doz. 45 Three Maids " 45 Delightful ' ■ 45 Sylvan per gross, 3 00 Turkish Bath, A. B. Wrisley's, per doz. 45 Oberne, Hosick & Co.'s Toilet Soaps — Pr. doz. Sweet Cream, 2 cakes in paper box 1 00 Jasmine Bouquet, 3 cakes in paper box . 2 00 Clover Leaf Bouquet, 3 cakes in paper box 75 Wheat Bran, 3 cakes in paper box 75 WASHING POWDER. Miscellaneous — Ivoriue, 36 lib per box, 4 50 Boraxine " 3 50 Pearline, 36 1-lb. pkgs in box. . . " 4 00 73 i.Mb " " ..." 4 30 Babbitt's 1776," Is per lb lOJ^ " " C oz. 100 packages 3 75 California Soap Plant, 3C lbs. per box . . 3 00 Golden State, 36 Mb. packages, per lb. . 7J£ Gillett's, per lb 7 Soapine — Per box. No. 1 , lib packages 3 60 ■' 3, 7-oz. " 3 84 ■' 3, 13-oz. " 4 20 WASHING CRYSTAL. Gillett's, 1 gross in a box, per gross 1 40 mammoth size, % gross in box, per gross 8 00- STARCH. Gloss— Per lb. 48-lb boxes, Mb. packages, large lump 5% " " 16 3-lb. paper boxes, large lump 5I4 40-lb. boxes, in bulk, large lumps SJ^ 721b. crates, 13 6-lb. wood boxes, large lump 6 Barrels, 150 to 180 lb., large lump 3 Com — 40-lb. boxes, l-lli. packages 5^ 20-lb. " •■ " 6 Kingsford — Silver Gloss, 401b. boxes, 6-lb. packages. . 7 " " " " assorted J.< and li lbs "• • • ■ ''?i Silver Gloss, 40-lb. boxes, 10 4-lb. paper boxes '' Silver Gloss, C-lb. boxes with sliding cov- ers, 13 boxes in each crate '7}£ Corn, 40-lb. boxes, 1-Ib. packages 7 Corn, 20-lb. boxes, " " 7I4 Muzzy's — Corn, 1-lb. package, 40-lb. boxes 6 Gloss, 31b. paper boxes, 48-lb. box CJ^ Sun Gloss, 1-lb. packages, 40-lb. boxes ... 5^£ " " 6-lb. packages, crates 6,1^ Electric Lustre — 4-II1. boxes, 1 lb 8 200 FOR PBICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, GROCERIES— Continued. FISH. Keep fish out of the sun and in as cool a place as possible. Packages of fisli in pickle are liable to leakage from rouffh handling while in transit, and in such cacss should be filled up with " strong brine not water." "We are careful that they leave us in good order and cannot be responsible for an.v damagc afterward ; in no case can we make" good any fish that become spoiled from extreme heat, or " sun-cooked." II .a — |l KITS Oil PAILS. K.VltE OF FISn. 20 lbs. 15 lbs. 13 lbs. 10 lbs. Mackerel, 1886— 26 00 23 00 23 00 18 00 16 00 li 00 13 50 11 50 11 .50 9 50 8 50 7 50 13 20 10 40 10 40 8 60 7 70 6 80 6 80 5 80 5 80 4 80 4 30 3 80 5 50 4 70 4 70 3 90 3 60 3 10 3 80 2 40 2 40 3 00 1 80 1 60 2 15 1 85 1 85 1 55 1 40 1 35 i 76 1 52 1 52 1 28 1 16 1 04 i 50 1 30 1 30 1 10 1 00 90 Herring, 1886— 11 00 7 50 6 00 4 25 5 40 3 87 3 05 2 19 2 50 1 80 1 30 95 1 03 76 86 65 75 58 Mnun's Genuine Split Labrador 7 7,5 4 37 4 00 2 23 1 85 98 78 67 50 Split Magdalen, large, No. 1 Salmon, 1886— California C. K. (Blood Red) I.ake rish, 1887. No 1 Whitelisli 9 00 U 00 5 00 7 50 7 00 4 55 6 80 6 30 2 55 3 80 3 80 2 10 3 10 3 10 i iu 1 60 1 60 88 1 35 1 35 74 1 04 1 04 65 90 90 5 00 4 50 2 80 3 30 1 20 95 80 70 FISH. Cod— Per lb. Pamous A, strips, all fine Grand Bank Fish, 40-lb. boxes $ 06^^ Famous A, bricks, all fine Grand Bank, 40- lb. boxes ^M Eureka, strips, all best Georges, 60-lb. bxs. 6% " bricks, " " 40-lb. " 7 Sardines— Per can. ^s, Domestic, small fish, French label. . . 6 ^s, French, Billet, fanciest in market 16 ^s, Domestic, small fish, French label. . . 8J2 iks, French 13 jjs, " 20 %s, Billett's fanciest 38 Mustards, large boxes. Eagle 9 Spiced Sardines 9 Miscellaneous — Per doz. 1-lb. Mackerel, 3 doz. in case 1 70 3-lb. Mackerel, in mustard, new pack, very fine, 2 doz. in case 3 00 :S-lb. Mackerel, in tomato sauce 3 00 5-lb. Mackerel, Minot's Lights, choicest, 1 doz. in case 6 00 3-lb. Brook Trout, new pack, 3 doz. Incase. 3 .50 i-lb. Salmon 3 90 1-lb. Columbia River Salmon, 1887 pack, IXL. brand, 4 doz. in case, fancy goods. 3 00 Shell Fish— 3-lb. Clam Chowder 2 30 Clams, B. & M., lib., 3 doz. in case 1 30 " " 2-lb. cans, 3 doz. in case. . 190 1-lb., Doxee's Little Neck, 3 doz. in case 1 55 Clams, 3-lb. Doxee's, Little Neck, 3 doz. in case 3 45 iobsters, 1-lb. , B. & M. , 1887, 3 doz. In case 1 85 3-lb., " " pack 2 85 Oysters, 1-lb., 5-oz 1 00 3-lb., 10-oz., 2 doz. in case 1 ■IS FISH— Smoked and Dried. Halibut — New Smoked, 30-lb. boxes, per lb $0 113^ New Smoked, 30 lb. boxes, 1-lb. bricks. . 12 Herring — Scaled, No. 1 per box, 23 " large " 30 Holland, Crown brand, imported, kegs, new, 1886 per keg, Domestic " 50 Mess " ••■• Sardines — Russian per keg, 40 Fancy " 60 Anchovies— Per doz. 14'kegs 4 00 Glass, quarts 3 00 X£ kegs 4 50 Kegs .. 5 00 CODFISH. ■Whole— Per lb. George's, genuine new 5 Grand Bank, George's, cured, new 4% Medium Bank, new George's Pollock Cases 450 lbs., I5 less. Boneless — OLD OCEAN, selected middles, all thick pieces, very fancy, 40-lb. boxes I}.^ DIAMOND." fancy George's 40-lb. boxes 7 GOLD LEAF, fancy blocks, 2-lb. each. 7 IMPERIAL BLOCKS, 2-lb. each, 40-lb. boxes ' 6 A. A. medium George's, 40-lb. boxes. . . 6I3 THISTLE, medium bank, 40-lb. boxes. AVIIITE STAR, selected George's Hake, 40-lb. boxes SALT. Dairy, in bulk per bbl., $3 20 •• 100 3-lb. bags " 2 90 " 28 10" " " 3 60 " 60 5 " " " 2 75 Table, 100 3 " " " 2 20 " 60 5 " " " 2 00 " 28 10 " " " 1 85 Fine, car lots " 90 Ashton's Dairj', imported, 226-lb. sacks, 3 90 .56 " •■ 75 Rice's " 224" " 2 40 " 56" " 60 Iliggins' " imported 3 75 " " 56-lb. sacks, 73 Young Americas, per lb 1 Z14 Full cream cheddars, per lb ISJ^ Full cream Twin Flats, " 123| Edam, Van Rossem, 1 doz. in case, in foil, per case 11 00 Edam, American, 12 in case, per case Parmesan, 20 oz. bottles, packed by Crosse 6c Blackwell, 6 doz. in bbl, per doz 5 25 Pineapple, mediums, 4 in box, per box. . 3 60 Pineapple, miniature, 7 in box, per box, 3 60 Sap Sago, 3 to the lb 20 Limburger, per lb 13 SODA. Bi-Carbpnate — Per lb. Bengal, jia'ckagcs 5J^ Deland's, 1-lb papers 51-^ Dwight's, Church's, Babbitt's, 51/g Sal- Sal Soda, kegs, bulk IJ-^ bbls m " granulated, boxes 1% Kegs, B. C, 112 each 2% " English 4% Natrona, B. C Soda 4}| LARD. Tierces Barrels Half bbls - Tubs, 60 lbs Butter tubs Buckets, 20 lbs Buckets, 10 lbs 3-lb. flaring pails 5-lb. " 10-lb. " 50-lb., 50-lb. tins, 2 in case, . . 6^ 7 7 TEAST CAKES. „ , Per box. Comet, 3 doz. in a box. Best 5-cent yeast made 1 00 Warner's Safe, 5c. packages 1 00 Warner's Safe 1 75 Twin Brothers 1 50 National, 3 doz, in box 1 65 5c. pkgs, 3 doz. in box 1 08 Yeast Foam 1 08 Gillett's Magic, large. 1 75 6 doz., small 1 90 Home, large 1 50 " small 1 00 WICKING. (We charge the same p-ice for lamp wicking whether in rolls or single pieces.) Candle, extra, 5 and 10-lb bales, per lb 25 ' ' com. " " " . . . . 20 Lamp, kerosene, No. 0, per gross 16 " 2, " '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 30 " 3. " 60 Oil Stove, 4-inch, per doz 50 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, 201 KEATS. All damaged or inferior goods should be re- ported to us promptly. Meats will be billed at the lowest market price on day of shipment. Hams— Plain — Per lb. California |0 09 Sugar-cured, IT-lb. average 13 Hams — Boneless — In boxes of 100 lbs 12 Less quantities I'Zlo This ham is so perishable that we will only sell it at purchaser's risk. We cannot guarantee it for a moment. Bacon — Breakfast, sugar-cured, boneless 13 ribbed 131^' Clear sides, long, smoked " " short, " " " long, dry salt " " short, " Shoulders — Standard grade 8J2 Dried Beef — Sugar-cured, all ham pieces 13 VINEGARS. No charge for barrels. New York Cider — Per gal. Absolutely jmre cider vinegar, 45 grains in strength 14 White Wine- so grains 10 45 ". 12 60 " 14 BARLEY— PEARL. Common — Kegs,l 258 " 3 2=3 " 3 21^ " 4 21 J Fancy White Pearled (Acme) — Kegs, 00 6 " Oand 1 5i< " 3 4^1 " 3aud4 m BEANS. Choice Medium, new per bushel, 2 50 Lima " lb., 4 CEREALINE. Per box. Cases, 24 2-lb. packages 3 24 (Prepared from pure white maize; will cook in one minute.) GROCERIES— Continued. CANNED GOODS. Table Peaches — In cases 2 doz. pg,. (Jq7_ 3-lb. Seconds $2 00 3-lb. Standards 2 75 3-lb. Fanciest , . 3 00 Pie Peaches — 3-II1., 2 doz. incase i 50 Berries — In cases 2 doz. 2-lb. Strawlierries, 1887 1 60 2II1. Blackberries 1 15 2-lb. 1 50 2-lb. Blueberries 115 Miscellaneous — In cases 2 doz. 3-lb. Bartiett Pears 1 40 3-lb. " " 2 00 2-lb. Pineap|3les, Standard 1 40 2-lb. Sugar Loaf Pineapples 3 25 1 gal. Apples, new pack 3 00 California Fruits — 1887 packing — 3 doz. in case. 2i.^-lb. Apricots 2 35 m lb. Bartiett Pears 2 50 2K-lb. White Cherries 3 20 2i|-lb. Green Gages 2 10 2V|-lb. Egg Plums 2 10 21^-lb. Golden Drop Plums 2 10 21^ lb. Yellow Peaches 3 00 Meats — 2 doz. in case. i.,-ll). Potted Ham 1 50 1^11). '■ Tongue 170 3-lb. Boneless Pigs' Feet, 2 lbs. net 2 35 1-lb. Lambs' Tongue 3 25 Mb. Lunch " 2 50 Corned Beef — 2 lb. Libby, McNeill & Libby's, 1 doz. in case 2 10 VEGETABLES. Corn — In cases 2 doz. 2-lb 1 15 2-lb. Elgin, 1887 1 50 Miscellaneous — In cases 2 doz. 2-lb. Succotash 1 45 3-lb. Pumpkin, Standard, 1886 1 45 3-lb. Tomatoes, 1887, Hudson's 1 00 3-lb. " .solid pack 1 15 1-gal. Tomatoes 3 00 3-lb. Boston Baked Beans, Curtice Bros. . . 1 30 2-lb. String Beans 75 2-lb. Lima Beans, soaked. Chase & Swain. 70 3-lb. Spinach, something new, each can holds about a peck of the green article. . 3 50 2-lb. Peas, soaked. Fink, Dwyer & Co 65 2-lh. Marrowfat Peas 1 25 2-lb. Early June " 125 2-lb. Extra Sifted Early June Peas, very fancy 1 00 3-lb. Sifted Early June Peas 2 20 2-lb. Sweet Potatoes, baked. Diamond Pack- ing Co., N.J 1 50 CORN MEAL. Per bbl. Gold Dust Granulated, yellow, bbl. 200 lbs. 3 30 Pearline " white, ' " 3 40 Roller Process, yellow, " " 2 45 white, " " 2 45 DOMESTIC DRIED FRUITS. Apples- p,.r 1,,. }4S and Sliced. 5Iicbigan, bags or barrels; (no new fruit in market yet) $0 07 New Evaporated Apples, choicest, dry, Michigan, bright fruit, boxes 50 lbs. each. 10 New Evaporated Apples, choicest New York, ring cut, nice dry fruit; barrels or 50-lb. boxes 13 Peaches — Choice Georgia Halves, in bags 60 to 80 lbs. ; only 71^ Fancy Bleached, Unpeeled Californias, in bags 18 Clioice Peeled Miscellaneous — Choicest Evaporated Apricots, Fleming it Co. s pack, boxes 25 lbs 18 Apricots, choicest bleached, 1887, extra large fruit, amber color, bags 80 to 100 lbs 18 Blackberries, choice, new, 50 lb. boxes . . . SJa Evaporated Raspberries, Aldeu, 1887, choicest , 28 FOREIGN FRUITS. Raisins — Per box. Valencias, 1887, 10 lbs. net Choicest new ^Malaga Loose Muscatels, 3 crown, 30 lbs. net 1 75 Choicest Malaga London Layers, 3 crown, 1886 2 30 Choicest California Loose Muscatels, 3 crown, 20 lbs. net 1 05 Choicest Imperial Cabinets, 4 crown, fan- cy papers, nice, fresh, blue fruit, 20 lbs. net 2 50 Currants — Per lb. Fancy new Patras, 1887, barrels 7)^ Prunes — Our stock is all choicest, 1886, firm and free from worms. Turkish, genuine, choicest, barrels 5 Less quantities, l^c. more. Miscellaneous — Choicest new Black Fard Dates, in layers, boxes about 50 lbs 8 Choicest new Persian Dates, in layers, boxes about 50 lbs 6 Citron, Leghorn, 25-lb. boxes 25 Orange Peel, 25-lb. boxes 20 Lemon Peel, 35-lb. boxes 20 AVENA— Rolled. Schumacher's— 26 2-lb., per case 3 50 1,,' barrel 3 15 Barrel. 6 00 202 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. PERFUMERY, DRUG AND TOILET ARTICLE DEPARTMENT.- Our assortment also comprises a full liue of the celebrated perfumes and toilet soaps of the Oakley Soap and Pferfamery Company, of which the following are a few of the best known samples. SOAPS. No. 90. Transparent glycerine soap, per cake Distilled, per cake No. 415. Standard toilet soap, per cake These soaps are all remelled goods of the best quality, and will keep in any climate without losing their perfume or growing rancid. No.'415. " Queen of the Bath," a great favorite, 9c. a cake, or, per dozen Superfine Milled Soaps, Flower Perfumed. Ylang-Ylang, small size, per cake ' ' large " " White Rose, small " " " large " " West End, small " " " large " " Heliotrope, small " " ' ' large " " , Musk, small " " " large " " Violet, small " " , '■ large " " Jacque Roses, small " " " large " " Standard Milled Soaps, Apple Blossom, 9c. per cake, or a box of 3 cakes Spring Flowers, 5c. per cake, or a box of 12 cakes Cream White Honey, per cake, or a box of 3 cakes. . . . " Glycerine, per cake, or a box of 3 cakes. Italian Castile No. 1, per cake, or a box of 6 cakes. . . . Extra Fine Milled Soaps. ^0. 220. Aromatic Honey, per cake, box ■' 225. " Glycerine, " " 330. Brown Windsor " " 235. " Wild Rose, per cake " " 240. Elder Flower, " '■ 245. Honey Suckle, " " " 250. " Sweet Clover, " " 255. Turtle Oil " 250. Medium Honey " " 203. Oatmeal, " " ': 304. Glycerine, " " " 500. Savoir de Guimauve, Spermaceti and oatmeal, " " of '4 doz. Superfine Milled Bouquet Soaps. Seventh Regimer t. per cake. per box of }.^ doz AlDine Roses, " ^4 Carnation Fink, " a Sweet Violets, " u Queen Bouquet, H Magnolia Blossom, " H Camelia Bouquet, % Florida Water Bouquet' ' ¥2 Cory lopsis of Japan, " % Lettuce, " M Perennial Heliotrope, " }i Violet Water Soap, " M PERFUMES The following celebrated perfumes are triple extracts of the highest possible concentration, and are remarkable for the delicacy and lasting properties of the perfumes. White Rose, per ounce, Jacque Roses, " Patchouly, Lily of the Valley, " White Heliotrope, Stephanotis, " Jasmin, " Lilac, " Marie Antoinette, " Ylang-Ylang, " Peruvian Heliotrope," Queen Bouquet, " New Mown Hay, " Opoponax, " Woodland Bells, Olive Blossom, " Corylopsis, " West End, Jockey Club, " Eed Letter Bouquet, " per pint. Violette. per ounce. Wood Violet, Ess. Bouquet, " Musk, Frangipane, ' ' Yum- Yum. " per pint. A new Japanese perfume. Standard Perfumes. 1-oz. Standard perfumes 2-oz. " " 4oz. " " Triple extract, 123>^c. per 02., by the bulk, or per pound in bottle. Standard bay rum, per quart FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 303 PERFUMERY, DRUG AND TOILET ARTICLE DEPARTMENT. — Continued. Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Perfumes and other liquids cau be sent by express only. No. 335. No. 236. No. 337. No. 338. No. 339. No. 240. No. 341. No. 343. No. 343. No. 244. No. 345. No. 346. No. 247. No. 348. No. 249. No. 350. No. 351. No. 353. No. 353. No. 254. No. 355. No. 356. No. 357. No. 3.59. No. 361. No. 363. No. 363. No. 364. No. 365. No. 366. No. 367. No. 368. No. 369. No. 370. No. 371. No. 373. No. 278. No. 274. No. 275. No. 276. Colgate's extracts, all odors. Price, per bottle, 1-oz., 2-oz Atkinson's extracts, all odors. Price, per 1-oz. bottle Lundborg's popular extracts, all odors. Price per bottle with glass stopper ; }-^-oz. 1-oz., 2-oz Bradley's extracts, all odors, in fancy bottles, with cut- glass stoppers. 1-oz., 2-oz., 4-oz., 8-oz. Oakley's double extracts, all odors, in glass stoppered bot- tles. Price, 1 J4 -oz Oakley's triple extracts, all odors. In glass stoppered bot- tles. Price, 134-oz Lubin's extracts, all odors. In4oz. glass stoppered bottles. Price Bayley's extracts, all odors. In 1-oz. glass stoppered bot- tles. Price Piesse & Lubin's extracts, all odors. In 1 oz. glass stop- pered bottles. Price Hoyt's German Cologne; small or trial size. Price, per bottle The same, larger size, price ; 8-oz. bottles Bradley's Persian cologne. Price, per 1-oz. bottle Colgate's cologne. Price per bottle, 4-oz., ;8-oz. ..... Genuine "Farina" cologne, in square glass bottles. Price, per bottle, 3oz., ; 4-oz Genuine "Farina" cologne, in half-pint wicker bottles. Price, per bottle Lundborg's Rhenish cologne. Price, per 4-oz. bottle TOILET WATERS. Lubin's lavender water, distilled. Price, per 8-oz. bottle. . The same, extra quality, amber. Price, per 8-oz. bottle. . . Coudray's lavender water, light colored. Price, per 8-oz. bottle The same, dark colored, extra quality. Price, per 8-oz. bottle Colgate's lavender water. Price, per bottle Oakley's lavender water. Price, per bottle Lundborg's lavender water. Price, per bottle, dark colored, iight colored Colgate's bay rum. Price, per bottle Murray & Lanman's Florida water. Price, per bottle Bradley's Venetian water, a very cooling and refreshing perfume, in 8-oz. bottles. Price, per bottle Bradley's toilet waters ; Delicia, Rosabel, Florida Blossom, and Violet ; excellent for the toilet. Per 3-oz. bottle, 8-oz Bradley's lavender water. Price, per 3-oz. bottle, 8-oz DENTIFRICES. Dr. Pierre's dentifrice. Price, per bottle, small, large. Gallup's floriline. Express only. Price, per bottle Sozodont. Express only. Price, per bottle Thurston's tooth-powder. Price, small- large Calder's dentine. Postage, Price Lyon's tooth-powder. Postage, Price Lyon's tooth tablets. Postage, Price Jewsbury 6c Brown's tooth pa.ste. Postage, Price. . . . FACE PREPARATIONS. Saunders' face powder, white or pink. Postage Price Lubin's powder, rose or violet. Postage Lewenberg pastilles, white or pink. Postage, Price. . " Meen Fun." Postage, Price No. 277. No. 278. No. 280. No. 381. No. 383. No. 383. No. 384. No. 285. No. 386. No. 287 No. 288 No. 289 No. 290 No 291 No 293 No 393 No. 394 No. 395. No. 396. No. 397. No. 298. No. 299. No. 300. No. 301. No. 303. No. 303. No. 304. Nc "^05. IN a. 306. No. 307. No. 310. No. 311. No. 312. No. 313. No. 314. Fay's velontine. Postage, Price Hiker's face powder, pink or white. Postage. Price. . Hunter's powder, pink or white. Postage, Price Cascarilla face powder. Postage, Price "Lily White" powder, in ijrtUy boxes. Postage, Price, Combination boxes of "Lily White" and rouge, with pen- cil, Satiua face powder ; un improved preparation for the re- moval of freckles. In white, blond, and brunette. Post- age, Price • Dorina rouge. Postage, Price Dorina " Blanc de perle. " Price Hagan's Magnolia balm. Express only. Price Laird's Bloom of Youth. Express only. Price Oriental cream. Price Vanola, for softening and whitening the hands and skin. Price Ongoline, for finger nails Price Rosaline, a paste preparation for pinking nails, lips and cheeks ; put up in small porcelain box. Coudray's vinegar rouge. Express only. Price The magic depilater, for removing superfluous hairs. Price HAIR PREPARATIONS. Colgate's pomade. Price Barry's Tricopherous. Express only. Price Burnett's Cocoaine. Express only. Price Ursina pomade. Price Philocome oil. Express only. Price. Ayer's hair vigor. Express only. Price Chevalier's life for the hair. Express only. Price Italian cosmetique. Price i Coudray's eosmetique. Price J Plush nail sets. Price .- • ' An imitation leather case, lined with richly colored satin and velvet, and furnished with a bottle of nail powder, an ivory brush, tile and cleaner, and a fine wooden headed chamois polisher. Price for the set complete ; I Leather nail sets, satin lined. Price Small nail set, consisting of nail polisher, combination nail- brush and file and bottle powder; inclosed in neat card- board box. Price Diamond nailenarnel, the most brilliant nail polish known. Price PUFF BOXES. Puff-box of burnished metal, 5% inches high. Price Same, with puff. Price Metal puff-boxes, in various pretty designs, caq be fur- nished PulTs of various sizes. White porcelain puff-box, with hinged cover, and gilt metal mountings. Price ■ ■ • The same, with handsome decorations. Postage 10c. Price, TOOTH-BRUSHES. (Postage 5c.) No. 328a. Children's tooth-brushes. No. 3286. Best English tooth-brushes, 4 row, wax back No. 3380. Best quality French tooth-brushes, 4 row. Price No. 338(?. Good quality tooth-brushes, 5 row. Price NEEDLES. Worsted needles, with or without points. Price, per paper No. 135. No. 136. Wooden afghan needles, all sizes. Price, per pair No. 137. Bone afghan needles. Price, per pair. Rubber afghan needles. Price, per pair, < . Steel crochet needles. Price, each. 5c. and Bone crochet needles. Price, each. Steel macrame needles. Price, each Emerys. Price, small, medium, large No. 128 No. 129 No. 130 No. 131. No. 132. 204 FOE PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. PERFUMERY, DRUG AND TOILET ARTICLE DEPARTMENT.— Continued. No. 151. No. 153. No. 153. No. 154. No. 155. No. 156. No. 157. No. 158. No. 159. No. 160. No. 161. CANVAS. (Postage, 5c. per yard.) 18 in. 23 in. 37 in. 36 in. Java canvas, white, per yard Java canvas, buff, drab, brown, black Java canvas, scarlet Honey-comb canvas, white Honey -comb canvas, buff and drab. Honejr-comb canvas, scarlet Penelope canvas Panama canvas, buff, drab and white Railroad canvas, white and black. . . All wool Java canvas Felt cloth, 8-4 size. In all colors. Price, ver yard > 1 # No. 7. No. 13. PINCUSHIONS, ETC. No. 196. Toilet sets, in various styles, with square or oblong cushions and bottles, decorated to match, in pink, cardinal or blue. Can be furnished No. 197. Pincushions, covered with good quality cloth or drill, and flllod with sawdust. Price, 8x8 inches, 19c.; 10x10 inche.s, 12x13 inches. No. 198. The same style, filled with pure bran. Price, 8x8 inches, 10x10 inches-, 13x13 inches No. 199. The same style, filled with pure bran, oblong. Price, 10x8 inches 13x9 inches, 14x11 inches No. 300. The same, covered with silesia, in cardinal, blue and pink. Price, 8x8 inches, 10x10 inches, 13x13 inches. No. 301. The same stvle, oblong shape. Price, 6x9 inches, 9x13 inches, 11x14 inches The same style, covered with iine quality satin, in cardinal, blue and pink. Price, 6x6 inches 8x8 inches 9x13 inches, 13x13 inches No. 203. The same style, oblong shape. Price, 6x9 inches, 9x13 inches, 11x14 inches No. 304. Satin pincushions embroidered and decorated. Price, each. No. 203. No. 305. Plam bottles, for decorations. By express only. Price, No. 226. No. 227. No. 238. No. 339. No. 231. No. 232. SCISSORS AND CUTLERY. Owl brand, made of best Sheffield steel, very highly pol- ished, and warranted to keep their edge. Price, 4 in. 4,}4 in., 34c.; 5 in., 39c.; 6 in., 50c.; GU in., 7in ". Embroidery scissors. Price, per pair, and Nail scissors. Postage, 10c. Price, per pair, Button-hole scissors. Postage, 10c. Price,, per pair, with regulating screw Ladies' penknives, pearl or shell handles. Postage, Price, 3 blades, 4 blades Boys' jack-knives. Postage, 10c. Price, single bladed, 3 blades Rogers' penknives, a full assortment. Postage, 10c. Price, No. 333. Folding scissors. Price, per pair, Dorcas' True Violet Toilet Perfumes. No. 1. Price 2. Triple Extracts. l-oz. bottle, stopper, each " " " " per doz 2-oz. " " " each " " " " per doz " extra fine quality, price, each. . . . " " " " perdoz.. " glass stopper, " each. . . . " " " " perdoz.. 2-oz. 4-oz. SOAPS. Low's Toilet Soap, Fine Quality. No. 1. Price, per cake, 3 cakes in box.. . . " 2. Finest quality, per cake Low's Toilet Waters. No. 1. Pint bottles with glass stoppers, each . " 3. No. 100. These goods are all of the finest description, remarkable alike for richness of perfume and its lasting properties. They need but a trial to be appreciated. THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW ADDlTIOnAL ADVAfiTAGES WHICH THE ASSOCIATION HAS SECURED FOR ITS MEMBERS. Everything pertaining to the requirements of book readers, scholars and students. Special catalogue and wholesale quotations will be furnished on Books of all kinds, and embracing every branch of Literature (excepting that of immoral reading.) Dictionary Holders, all makes, Hanging Book Shelves, Globes of all sizes and costs, Cabinet Letter Files, Office Sundries and Supplies, Labor Saving Devices, etc. BOOK CASES AND DESKS. .%t the request of many meinl>ers we have added this feature to our catalogue. The Cases and Desks handled are all first-class in make and finish, and the latest designs. The mahogany cases are all made of cherry or birch, fin.ished to imitate mahogany, with genuine San Domingo mahogany veneering. The veneering on the walnut cases is [•'rench walnut. The shelves are adjustable. The prices quoted include packing, and delivering on board the cais. All claims for errors must be made on receipt of goods. We do not insure safe arrival of goods. Our responsibility ceases after goods have been receipted for by transportation comjiany. Cash must accompany all orders. JOB BINDING. We have special facilities for binding magazines, music, Periodicals ,jand old books in any style, plain or ornate. It would occupy many pages of this catalogue to enumerate all the sizes and styles, but prices will be quoted to members on application — and we guarantee that our quotations will be at least 25 PER CENT. I.RSS than prices charged elsewhere for the same grade of work. This feature alone is worth to many in one year even more than the cost of membership. NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, ETC. Subscriptions for any newspaper, ni.ig.izine or pL'riodical published in this country or in Europe may be placed by members through the Home Supply Association. It is impossible here to give a complete list, but information as to prices, etc., will be cheer- . fully furnished on application, accompanied by .stamp for reply. With but few exceptions, we can effect a saving on every news- paper or periodical published. SCHOOL BOOKS. By special arrangements, recently perfected, we are enabled to furnish all the School, College and Text Books now in use ia the United States, at the publishers' "net" (wholesale) prices. Information will be cheerfully given on inquiry, which should be plainly written, and accompanied by postage for reply. Correspondents should be particular to state whether OLD or revise* editions are wanted, and should in all cases give full name and grade of the books desired. A complete catalogue of educational works, giving in compact form the publications of 101 publishing hniises, will be mailed to members on receipt of 10 cents in stamps. GERMAN AND FOREIGN BOOKS. While it is impossible, in this catalogue, to give an adequate list of German, Krench and other foreign books, we have great pleasure in offering our services to those members wi.shing anything in this line. On this class of works, the trade discounts are apt to be small, owing to the expenses of importation, including duties, and to the comparatively small demand, whereby the cost of handling is materially increased. Still, they vary considerably. Memliers can rely upon us to procure for them any desired work that is to be found in the American market, and at the very best rates possible. B@,x,Correspondents should give exact titles of books wanted, if possible, in English, as well as in the other tongue. Inquiries should be written very plaiidy, and stamp for reply should always lie enclosed. THE H. L A BOOK EXCHANGE. I This department of The Home Libr.\ry Associ.ation ofl'ers a reliable medium for the sale or exchange of such books as ^ members may wish to dispose of. By means of our Book Exchange we are often enabled to place in the hands of members valuable g works not to be found in the book trade, and which heretofore could only be purchased through middlemen at prices far above those at ji which they can be procured direct from the original owners. Very often a member has a set of valuable encyclopedias, or some other \ expensive or rare works, which he would like to sell at a reasonable price. In such case, on proper application, the name of the / member and the book or liooks offered will be placed on rile at the office, or the books may be sent to us on consignment, freight pre- i paid. The large and constantly increasing membership of the Association, and the numerous inquiries for all kinds of books con- £• stantly coming in, offer exceptional advantages in this way for purchase and sale or exchange, nt a merely nominal wte of commission. \ FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, BOOK DEPARTMENT. INSTRUCTIONS TO PURCHASERS. You ■will notice that the figures given in parentheses, thus- ($8 75), are the prices put on tlie books by the publishers; the prices in black figures, tjus: $5 75, are the prices at which the books are furnished to members of the Association. SHIPPING. As freight is lowest wlien over fifty pounds, it i ; wiser to make a large order when possible, and tlnis save considerable. If no instructions are given as to how to ship goods the Associalion for.vards bj' the cheapest way. When books are to be sent by mail, the cost of postage must be added to the remittance. BOOKS OUT OF PRINT. We want to impress on our members that books get out of print in spite of publishers and printers. When books are out of print it does not mean that the book willm>t be printed again. On the contrary, it simply means that that certain book cannot be procured until a new edition is printed. In the interval we beg our members to have patience. FICTION. The Complete "Works of J. FeDimore Cooper. Printed from new plates in large, clear type, and handsomely bound in cloth, gilt. 1. Last of the Mohicans. 2. The Deerslayer. 3. The Pathfinder 4 The Pioneers, r,. The Prairie. 6. Tlie Spy. 7. The Pilot. 8. The Ked Rover. 9. The Water Witch. 10. The Two Admirals. 11. Wing and-Wing. 12. Jack Tier. 13. The Sea Lions. 14. Afloat and Ashore 15. Miles Wallingford. 16. The Crater. 17. Lionel Lincoln. 18. The Wept of Wishton-Wish. 19. The Bravo. 20. Mercedes of Castile. 31 Oak Openings. 33. Satanstoe. 33. The Chain-Bearer. 24. The Red Skins. 35. Homeward Bound. 26. Home as found. 27. Heidenmauer 28. The Headsman. 39. Wyandotte. 30. The ]\Ionikins. 31. Precaution, 32. AVays of the Hour. LIBRARY EDITION.— 33 volumes, cloth, gilt ($32 00), $17 40. Half calf or morocco (.■i;64 00), $42 60. By mail, $3 20 extra. $10 50. By mail, POPULAR EDITION.— 16 volumes, cloth, gilt {$24 00), Half calf (is;48 00), $25 40. Half Morocco ($48 00), $23 80. $1 93 extra. Also, published seiiarately, and put up in neat paper boxes: THE LEATHER-STOCKING TALES, containing: 1. The Deer- slayer. 2. Tlie Pathfinder. 3. The Last of the Slohicans. 4. The Pioneers. 5. The Prairie. 5 volumes, 13mo, cloth, gilt ($5 00), $2 85. Half calf ($13 50), $6 80. By mail, 48 cents extra. THE SEA TALES, containing: 1. Tlie Pilot. 2. The Red Rover. 3. The Water Witch. 4. Wing-and-Wing 5. Tlie Two Admirals. 5 vol- umes, 12mo, cloth, gilt ($5 00), $2 85. Half calf ($13 50), $6 80. By mail, 48 ceuts extra. Charles Dickens' Com.plete Works. Entirely new edition, printed from new electrotype plate.s, in large, clear type, handsomely illustrated and bound in cloth, gilt. It contains all of Dickens' writings, as far as the pulili.'ihers have been able to collect them; and in this respect, it is believed, it will be found the most complete edition published. The beauty of the type and illustrations will commend it to all desiring a fine and at the same time cheap edition of Dickens' works. 1. Pickwick Papers. 2. David Copperfield. 3. JIartin Chuzzlewit. 4. Nicholas Nickleby. 5. Bleak House. 0. Little Dorrit. 7. Dombev and Son. 8. Our Mutual Friend. 9. Oliver Twist, Pictures from Laiy, and American Notes. 10. Old Curiosity Shop, and Hard Times. 11. Tale of Two Cities, and Sketches by Boz. 12. Barnaby Rudge, and M3'stery of Edwin Drood. 13. Great Expectations, Uncommercial Traveler, and Jlis- cellaueous. 14. Christmas Stories, and Reprinted Pieces. 15. Child's His- tory of England, and Miscellaneous. The set of 15 volumes, cloth ($18 75), $6 00. Half calf or half morocco ($45 00), $15 00. By mail, $1 80 extra. The Complete Works of Willianx Black. Printed from entirely new electrotype plates, handsomely bound in cloth, black and gold. 1. A Princess of Thule. 2. A Daughter of Heth. 3. Strange Advent- ures of a Phfeton. 4. Madcap Violet. 5. White Wings, and Marriage of Jloira F'ergus. 6. Kilmeny and An Adventure in Thule. 7. Sunrise. 8. That Beautiful Wretch, Lady Sil verdale's Sweetheart, and Mr. Pisistratus Brown, M.P. 9. In Silk Attire, and The Four JIaeuicols. 10. The Three Feathers, and Life of Goldsmith. 11. Green Pastures and Piccadilly. 13. Macleod of Dare. 13. Shandon Bells. 14. Yolande. 15. Monarch of Jlinciug Laue. LIBRARY EDITION.— 15 volumes, cloth, gilt ($15 00), $7 10. By mail, $1 50 extra. The Cruise of the Black Prince, Privateer. By CoMSlAXBER C.\JiEKON. Published by arrangement from advance sheets ($1 00), 65c. Postage, 10 cents. "The story is graphically told. It will afford both pleasure and infor- mation." — Evening Neirs, Newark, N. J. " The action of the story never flags. There is a flavor of the sea and a smell of gunpowder about the incidents that could only have been imparted to them by one who had lived among stirring scenes, and caught the inspi- ration that comes from contact \' ith the restless sea." — Philacldphia Record. Her Desperate Victory. By Mrs. M. L. Rayne, author of "Against Fate," " What a Woman Can Do," etc Illustrated by True W. Williams. In this work Mrs. Rayne deals in her own effective and treuchant manner with the power of a gentle life to overcome the greatest dilfieulties. Every mother and daughter in America should read this book. 13mo, clotfi, black and gold ($1 00), 65c. Postage, 10 cents. A Boston Girl. At Boston, Bar Harbor, and Paris. 12mo, cloth ($1 00), 65c. Postage, 10 cents. "Never was a more ingenious plot devised than is that of this book."- — BoHoii Globe. ' ' A very vivacious and entertaining story." — Winona (Minn.) Repuhlican. Two Women in Black. By John L. Postgate. No. 2 Mooney & Boland Detective Series. Pro- fusely illustrated by True W. Williams. 13mo, cloth ($1 00), 65c. Postage, 10 cents. Les Miserables. By Victor Hugo. Illustrated. 12mo, clolh ($1 501, 85c. By mail, 13 cents extra. 3 vols., cloth, boxed ($3 00), $1 80. 3 vols., % calf or "^ morocco ($9 00), $4 80. By mail, 35 cents extra. 206 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. FICTION— Continued. A Tramp Actor. By Elliott BjUines, author of " Onlv a Farmer's Daughter." Cloth ($1 00), 65c. Postage, 10c. extra. Paper"(r)Oc.), 19c. Postage, 5c. extra. "Mr. Barnes has made a very readable book out of a subject which is manifestly hard to handle, and his incidents, whether drawn from real life or of his own creation, are moved with skill and naturalness. Ills besides brimful of wit and humor." — Ilarrisburg Independent. The Count of Monte Cristo. By Alexander Dum.\s. Illustrated. 13mo, cloth ($1 50), 85c. By mail, 16 cents extra. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. By William Carleton. Large 12mo. Bound in cloth, gold and red ($1 25), 85c. By mail, 15 cents extra. Ten Thousand a Year. A Novel bj' Samiiel Warrex. Large 12mo. Bound in cloth, gold and red (|1 25), 85c. By mail, 15 cents extra. The Waverly Novels. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Pojiular illustrated editions. Printed from large, clear iype, new electrotype plates, uniform in style with Dick- ens and Thackeray; very handsomely illustrated with full-page engravings, vignettes, head and tail pieces, etc. 1. Waverly. 2. Woodstock. 3. Quentin Durward. 4. Black Dwarf, and Old Mortality. 5. Bride of Lammermoor, and Legend of Montrose. 6. Chronicles of the Canongate, etc. 7. Kenilworth. 8. St. Ronan's AVell. 9. Guy Mannering. 10. Anne of Geierstein. 11. Rob Roy. 12. Heart of "Midlothian. 13. Ivanhoe. 14. The Talisman. 15. The Abbot. 16. The Monastery. 17. Fortunes of Nigel. 18. Count Robert of Paris. 19. Red Gauntlet. 20. The Pirate. 21. The Fair Maid of Perth. 22. The Antiquary. 23. Peveril of the Peak. 24. The Betrothed. LIBRARY EDITION.— 24 volumes. The set, cloth, gilt (|24 00). $9 00. Half calf (.$60 00), $28 70. By mail, $2 40 extra. The text for these editions is from the latest revised Edinburgh edition (the celebrated Centenary Edition, published by A. & C. Black, Edinburgh), and contains many notes and last alterations by the author, not foimd in any edition printed in this country. 1. Waverly, and Woodstock. 3. Black Dwarf, Old Mortality, and Quentin Durward. 3. Bride of Lammermoor, Legend of Montrose, and Chronicles of the Canongate, etc. 4. Kenilworth, and St. Ronan's Well. 5. Guy Mannering, and Anne of Geierstein. 6. Rob Roy, and Heart of Midlothian. 7. Ivanhoe, and The Talisman. 8. The Abbot, and The Monastery. 9. Fortunes of Nigel, and Count Robeit of Paris. 10. Red Gauntlet, and The Pirate. 11. The Fair Maid of Perth, and the Antiquary. 12. Peveril of the Peak, and The Betrothed. POPULAR EDITION.— 12 volumes. The set, cloth, gilt ($18 00), $5 45. Half calf ($!36 00), $13 80. Half morocco (.$36 00), $11 00. By mail, $1 44 extra. The Complete "Works of Lord Lytton. Printed from entirely new electrotype plates, handsomely bound in clutb, gilt. These are the most desirable editions of the writings of this celebrated and favorite author, the type being large and clear. 1. My Novel, Vol. I. 2. My Novel, Vol. II. 3. Last Days of Jompeii. 4. Harold. 5. A Strange Story, and The Haunted House. 6. Zanoni. 7. Ernest Maltravcrs. 8. Alice. 9. Paul Clifford. 10. Eugene Aram. 11. Night and Morning. 12. Last of the Barons. 13. Devereux. 14. The Disowned. 15. Pelham. 16. Lucretia. 17. What Will He Do with It? Vol. I. 18. What Will He Do with It? Vol. II. 19. Kenelm Chillingly. 20. Rienzi. 21. The Caxtons. 22, The Parisians. 23. The Coming Race, and Lelia. 24. Godolphin, and Calderon the Courtier. 25. Pausanias, and Pilgrims of the Rhine. LIBRARY EDITION.— 25 volumes. The .set, cloth, gilt ($31 25), $15 00. Half calf ($62 50), $29 50. By mail, $2 50 extra. 1. l\Iy Novel. 2. Last Days of Pompeii, and Harold. 3. A Strange Story, The Haunted House, and Zanoni. 4. Ernest Maltravers, and Alice. 5. Paul Clifford, and Eugene Aram. 6. Night and Morning, and Godol- phin. 7. Last of the Barons, Pausanias, and Calderon the Courtier. 8. Devereux, and The Disowned. 9. Pelham, and Lucretia. 10. What Will He Do with It? 11. Kenelm Chillingly, and Rienzi. 12. The Cax- tons, The Coming Race, and Lelia. 13. The Parisians, and Pilgrims of the Rhine. POPULAR EDITION.— 13 volumes. The set, cloth, gilt ($19 50), $7 75. Half calf ($39 00), $15 40. Half morocco (|39 00), $13 10. By mail, $1 64 extra. The Complete Works of George Eliot. Beautifully printed from large, clear type, on good paper and hand- somelj' bound in cloth. 1. Adam Bede. 2. The Mill on the Floss. 8. Silas Marner, and Scents from Clerical Life. 4. Romola. 5. Felix Holt. 6. Mlddlemarcli. 7. Dan- iel Deronda. 8. Theophrastus Such, and Poems. As a novelist, George Eliot occupies a position peculiarly her own. Her fictions are as delightful and life-like as those of Dickens or Thackcraj'; her delineations of character are so complete, so sharp and so clearly drawn, that we feel toward the meu and women of her novels as though we had known them, loved them, feared them, or despised them, for years; and through all her works there runs a vein of philosophic thouglit, convey- ing almost insensibly to the reader the author's well-considered views of right and wrong, and of the problems of life. Her novels should be fovmd in every library and every house. • LIBRARY EDITION.— 8 volumes. The .set, cloth, gilt ($12 00), $3 75. Half calf ($34 00), $9 20. Half morocco ($24 00), $7 90. By mail, 96 cents extra. "Wm. M. Thackeray's Complete Works. A popular illustrated edition. This i.s an entirely new edition of Mr. Thackeray's writings. It is beautifully printed from new electrotype plates, in large, clear type, on fine paper, handsomely illustrated with over 200 full-page illustrations, and bound in cloth, gilt. 1. Vanity Fair. 3. The History of Pendennis. 3. The Newcomes. 4. The Virginians. 5. The Adventures of Philip, to which is prefixed A Shabby Genteel Story. 6. Henry Esmond, Catherine, Dennis Duval, and Lovel the Widower. 7. Paris, Irish, and Eastern Sketches. 8. Barry Lyndon, Great Hoggaity Diamonds, etc. 9. Roundabout Papers, The Four Georges, etc. 10. Burlesques, Yellowplush Papers, etc. 11. Christmas Books, Book of Snobs, and Ballads. POPULAR EDITION.— 10 volumes. The set, cloth, gilt ($15 00), $5 50. iSalf calf or half more ceo ($30 00), $11 50. Bymail, $1 30 extra. The Complete Romances of Wm. Gilmore Simms. 17 volumes, with illustrations by D^vrlet. Cloth, black and gold. Each volume sold separately. 1. The Partisan: A Romance of the Revolution. 2. Mellichampe: A Legend of the Santee. 3. Katherine Walton; or. The Rebel of Dorchester. 5. The Scout; or. The Black Riders of the Congaree. 5. Woodcraft; or. The Hawks About the Dovecote. 6. The Foraycrs; or. The Raid of the Dog Days. 7. Eutaw: ASequel to the Forayers. 8. Gi.y Rivers; A Tale of Georgia. 9. Richard Hurdis; A Tale of Alabama. 10. Border Beagles; A Tale of Mississippi. 11. Charlemont: A Tale of Kentucky. 12. Beau- champe; or. The Kentucky Tragedy. 13. Confession; or. The Blind Heart. 11. The Yemassee: A Romance of South Carolina. 15. Southward, Ho! A Spell of Sunshine. 16. The Wigwam and Cabin. 17. Vasconseloa: A Romance of the New World. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 207 FiCTlON— Continued. Simms' TJnmanrcs are historical in the true sense of the word. Under a pleasins guise of fiction he presents his readers with striking and faithful pictures of life in the Southern and Southwestern Slates at several critical and highlj' interesting periods: the early Spanish invasions, the colonial times, the days of the Revolution, and the years following the cession of Louisiana, when the newly-acquired territory was overrun by outlaws from the older States. His style is a peculiarly pleasing one, equal to Cooper's when Cooper was at bis best, and without that ponderous didacticism which so often disfigures Cooper's pages. His stories are full of incident and excitement; his descriptions of scenery and places are vigorous and lifelike; his dialogue never drags, and from the first page to the last the interest of his stories never falters. Elegantly bound in cloth, black and gold, per volume ($1 2.5), 55c. The set of '^17 volumes (|30 00), $8 90. The set of 17 volumes in half calf ($50 00), $24 00. Emile Gaboriau's Works. The works of this celebrated French writer, now first is.sued in uniform 12mo volumes, printed from large, clear type, attractively bound. Per volume, cloth, gilt (^1 00), 40c. By mail, 10 cents per volume extra. 1. Monsieur Lecoq. 2. The Lerouge Case. 3. The Gilded Clique. 4. File No. 113. .5. In Peril of His Life. 6. Other People's Money. 7. The Mystery of Orcival. The Complete Works of "The Duchess." An attractive, uniform edition of this popular writer's works, printed from entirely new plates, handsomely bound. Per volume, cloth, gilt ($1 00), 40c. By mail, 10 cents per volume extra. 1. :Molly Bawn. 2. Phyllis. 3. Airy Fairy Lillian. 4. Faith and Uufaith. 5. Beauty's Daughters. 6. Portia; or. By Passions Rocked. 7. Mrs. Geoffrey. 8. Loys, Lord Beresford. 9. Rossmoyne. 10. Dori.s. 11. Lady Brauksmere. 12. Dick's Sweetheart. 13. A Mental Struggle. The Novels of Bertha M. Clay. Author of "Dora Thorne." Printed from new plates, in large, clear type, and attractively bound. Per volume, cloth, gilt ($1 00), 40c. By mail, 10 cents per volume extra. 1. Dora Thorne. 3. Beyond Pardon. 3. Her Mother's Sin. 4. A Broken Wedding Ring. 5. Repented at Leisure. 6. Sunshine and Roses. 7. The Earl's Atonement. 8. A Woman's Temptation. 9. Love Works Wonders. Shadowed to Europe. A Chicago Detective on Two Cantinents, By Le Jemxys. No. 1 liloonev & Boland Detective Series. Si.xteen full page illustrations by True W. Williams. 12mo, cloth (fl 00). 65c. Postage, 10 cents. Paper (.50 ■cents), 30c. Postage, 5 cents. E. P. Boa's Works. Barriers Burned Away. A Face Illumined. A Day of Fate. Near to Nature's Heart. From .Jest to Earnest. An Original Belle. Driven Back to Eden. Nature's Serial Story. Without a Home. A Young Girl's Wooing. What Ciin She Do? He Fell in Love with His Wife. The Opening of a Chestnut Burr. A Knight of the 19th Century. His Sombre Rivals. The Earth Trembled. 13mo, cloth, each (.f 1 50), 95c. By mail, 10 cents per volume extra. "Victor Hugo's Works. — Containing By Order of the King. Les Miserables. (Two vols.) The Toilers of the Sea. ' Notre Dame. Ninety -Three. The History of a Crime. 7 vols., 12mo, cloth, (ifO 00), $5 95. By mail, $1 00 extra. Lovell's Household Library. These books are printed on large paper so that they can be easily read, the binding not interfering with the page of reading. They are the best 25 cent jiaper books in the market. Our price, 19c each. No extra charge for mailing. 1 A Wicked Girl. By M. Cecil Hay. 3 The Moonstone. By Collins. 3 Mother. By Ouida. 4 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll. By R. L. Stevenson and Faust. 5 Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa. By Geo. W. Peck. 6 Jane Eyre. By Charlotte Bronte. 7 Peck's Sunshine. By Geo. W. Peck. 8 Adam Bede. By George Eliot. 9 Bill Nye and Boomerang. 10 What Will the World Say ? 11 Lime Kiln Club. By M. Quad. 13 She. By H. Rider Haggard. 13 Dora Thorne. By Bertha M. Clay. 14 File No. 113. By E. Gaboriau. 15 Phyllis. By '•' The Duchess." 16 Lady Valworth's Diamonds and The Haunted Otamber. "The Duchess.'' 17 A House Party and a Rainy June. By Ouida. 18 Set in Diamonds. B. M. Clay. 19 Her Mother's Sin. B. M. Clay. 20 Other People's Money. Gaboriau. 21 Airy Fairy Lilian. " The Duchess." 23 In Peril of His Life. By Gaboriau. 23 Tlie Old Mam'selle's Secret. By E. JIarlitt. 24 The Guilty River and the New Magdalen. By AVilkie Collins. 25 John Halifax. By Miss Jlulock. 26 Majorie. By B. M. Clay. 27 Lady Audley's Secret. Braddon. 28 Peck'.s Fun. By G. W. Peck. 29 Thorns and Grange Blossoms. By Bertha M. Clay. 30 East Lynne. By Mrs. Wood. 31 King Solomon's Mines. By H. R. Haggard. 33 The Witch's Head. By Haggard. 33 The Master Passion. By Marryat. 34 By H. Rider Haggard. 35 Molly Bawn. By " The Duchess." 36 Fair Women. By Mrs. Forrester. 37 The Merry Men. By Stevenson. 38 Old Myddleton's Money. By JIary Cecil Hay. 39 Mrs. Geoffrey. By "The Duchess." 40 Hypatia. By Rev. Chas. Kingsley. 41 Wliat Would You Do, Love V 42 Eli Perkins, Wit, Humor and Pathos. 43 Heart and Science. By Collins. 44 Baled Hay. By Bill Nye. 45 Harry Lorrcquer. By Lever. 46 Called Back and Dark Days. By Hugh Conway. 47 Endymion. By Benj. Disraeli. 48 Claribel's Love Story. By B. M. Clay. 49 Forty Liars. By Bill Nye. 50 Dawn. By H. Rider Haggard. 51 Shadow of a Sin and Wedded and Parted. By Bertha M. Clay. .52 Wee Wifie. By Rosa N. Carey. 53 The Dead Secret. By Collins. 64 A Tramp Actor. 65 Tour of the World in 80 Days. By Jules Verne. 66 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. B.y Jules Verne. 67 The Golden Hope. By W. Clark Russell. 68 Oliver Twist. By Charles Dickens. 69 Lovell's Whim. By Shirley Smith. 70 Allan Quatermain. H. R. Haggard. 71 The Great Hesper. By P. Barrett. 73 As in a Looking-Glass. By F. C. Philips. 73 This Man's Wife. By G. Manville Fenu. 74 Zabina Zembra. By Wm. Black. 75 The Bag of Diamonds. By G. U. Fenn. 76 £10,000. By T. E. Wilson. 77 Red Spider. By S. Baring Gould. 78 On the Scent. By Lady Margaret JIajendle. 79 Beforehand. By T. L. Meade. 80 The Dean and His Daughter. By the author of "As in a Looking- Glass." :' 81 A Modern Circe. By "The Duchess." 82 Scheherazade. By Florence Warden. 83 The Duchess. By ' The Dueluss " 208 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. SELECTED FICTION. IN BEAUTIFUL CLOTH BINDINOS. These are all printed in large, clear type, on good paper, handsomely and durably bound. By mail, 12 cents per volume extra. Adam Bede. By George Eliot. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (Toe), 29c. Admiral's "Ward. By JMrs. Alexander. Large 13mo, cloth extra(!{!l 25), 45c. iEsop's Fables. Literally translated from the Greek by the Rev. Geo. Tyler Townsend, il.A. With 114 illustrations designed by Harrison Weir and engraved by J. Greenaway. 13mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Airy Fairy Lilian. By "The Duchess." Large 13mo, cloth extra (75c), 29c. All in a Garden Fair. By Walter Besant. Large 13mo cloth extra (7oc), 29c. Andersen's (Hans) Fairy Tales. A new tran.?lation by Mrs. H. B. Paull, specially adapted and arranged for young people, with original illustrations. 12mo. cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. The Thousand and One Nights; or. The Araliian Nights' F.iiterliiiiinients. A new edition, illustrated. 13rao, cloth, black and g(>ly the author. Large 12nio, cloth extra (|1 25), 45c. Pelham ; or, Adventures of A Gentleman. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. Complete in one volume. Large 12mo, cloth extra (|1 25), 45c. Paul and Virginia. By Bernardin de Saint Pierre. With a memoir o. the author. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Round the World. A Talc. By AV. II. G. Kingston. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Romola. By George Eliot. New edition. Complete in one volume. !2mc cloth, lilack and gold (75c), 29c. Rory O'More. I5y Samuel Lover. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c). 29c Red Eric ; or, The Whaler's Last Cruise. A Tale. By R. M. Ballan- tyne. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Sunrise. By William Black. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Swiss Family Robinson (The); or, Adventures of a Father and Jlother and Four Sons in a Desert Island. With maps and rations. The two parts complete in one volume. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c I. 29c. Strange Adventures of a Phaeton (The). By William Black. 12mc, cloth, lilack and gold (75c), 29c. Spy (The). By J. Fenimore Cooper. Large 12mo, cloth extra (75c), 29c. Shandon Bells. A Novel. By AVilliam Black. 12mo, cloth, black ana gold extra (75c), 29c. Shadows and Sunbeams. By Fanny Fern. 12mo, cloth, black auc gold (75c), 29c. Scottish Chiefs (The). By Miss Jane Porter. Illustrated. 12cio, clotn, Idack and gold (7.5c), 29c. Salt Water ; or. The Sea Life and Adventures of Neil D'Arcy, the Mid- shipman. By W. H. G. Kingston. 12mo, cloth, black and l'ci, (7.5c), 29c. She. By 11. Rider Ha.egard. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (7.5c), 29c. Two on a Tower. i3y Thomas Hardy. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. By Jules Verne. 12mo. cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Tour of the World in Eighty Days. By Jules Verne. 12mo, cloth black and gold (75c), 29c. To the Bitter End. By M. E. Braddon. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75cl, 29c. Tom Cringle's Log. By Michael Scott. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Three Feathers. By William Black. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Thaddeus of Warsaw. By Jane Porter. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. The Partisan. A Romance of the Revolution. By W. Gilmore Simms. Large 12mo, beautifully bound in cloth, black and gold, (75c), 29c. Vanity Fair. A Novel without a Hero. By William Makepeace Thack- eray. With illustrations by the author. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c), 29c. Twice-Told Tales. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Large 12mo, cloth extra (,*! 25), 45c. That Beautiful Wretch. By William Black. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (7.5(), 29c. Under Two Flags. By Ouida. Large 12mo, cloth extra (75e), 29c. Willy Reilly and Dear Colleen Bawn. By William Carleton. Illus- trated. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (7.5c), 29c. Waverly. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (7.5c), 29c! Wanda, Countess Von Szalras. A Novel. By Ouida. Large 12mo, cloth extra (75c), 29c. Young Foresters (The), and Other Tales. By W. H. G. Kingston. Il- lustrated. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75e)", 29c. Yolande. By William Black. Large 12mo, cloth extra (75c), 29c. Manon Lescaut. From the French of Alibe Prevost. A new translation by Arthur AV. Gundry. Over 300 photogravures, wood, and process illustrations, by Maurice Lcloir and others. Small 4to (in box), cloth (!?3 00), $2 00. Postage, 20. It has all the beauties of illustration of the $20,000 French edition de luxe, and the tran.slation far excels any other. It loses none of the esprit, piquancy, sprightliness and vivacity of the original. Julian Hawthorne says of this edition in Tlie World: "The illustra- tions are particularly noticeable: perhaps no better illustrations of a novel were ever made. ... It is an immortal love story, and the character of Alanon is as real and unforgctable as anything in fiction. . . . (You) cannot do~better than procure this excellent edition; so charming a romance could scarcely be presented in a more attractive form." — The World, January 16. 1887. 210 FOE PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY HISTORY. A History of France. From the earliest times to 1848. By M. Guizot and bis daugliter, Mme. Guizot De Witt. Translated by Robert Black. With over 400 fine illusitrations. Complete iu eig-lit volumes, 12mo, of about 500 pages each, bour-eois tvpi', leaded. Cloth, gilt (|10 00), $5 50. Half calf ($24 00), $13 00." By mail or by e.'cpress, 81 00 extra. This is the only complete American edition of this magnificent work, ■which is known as the best popular history of France. The cost of impor- tation of the English edition, at the time of this announcement, is !f.36 00; and the cost of the only American edition (which is incomplete, covering- only five of the eiglit volumes here given, and not including even the French Revolution) is, at this time, ^'d'i 00. The present edition is un- abridged, and includes the more thau four hundred really superb illustra- tions of the English edition; and in convenience of form, for reading and the library shelves, it is much superior to any other edition published. Guizot is the father of the philosophy of history. His work is not a mere chronicle of events, a simple expansion of a chronological table, but a profound and exhaustive study of the causes of events, an endeayor to fiud out why things happened as they did. But his philosophy is disguised in the charming lucidity of his style, and brightness of his thoughts and illustrations; and the rea'ler laying down a volume of his history is aston- ished to fiud that he has imbibed an immense amount of information, and a perfect comprehension of causes, while conscious only of amusing himself witli an interesting book. History of England. From the accession of James the Second. By Tiiomas Babixgtox Mac.\ulay. Tliis new edition of Lord Macaulay's unique and magnificent histoiy has been made in order to correct the text of previous American editions, and to be able to issue the complete series of Macaulay's works in uniform style, large type, and with illustrations which harmonize with their lumi- nous pages. The Life and Letters are not publislwd in any other edition of his history, and are here shorn, for the first time, of those redundancies of political and family reminiscences which impair their general interest, and have restricted their circulation among American readers. It is a fact, not generally known, that Macaulay's Histoky op Eng- land has a wider circulation than any novel ever printed. Wherever the English language is spoken, the history is read, admired, and re-read by scores of thousands iu every walk of life. The marvelous bt-auty of its style, the clear logic of its arguments, the masterly comprehensiveness of its construction, have rendered it alike the model and the despair of two generations of writers. LIBRARY BDITION.-o volumes, cloth (^n 00), $1 40. Cloth, beveled boards, gilt top, Roxburglie style, illustrated (§6 00), $3 10. Sheep ($7 .50), $4 25. Half calf (1?12 50), $7 45. By mail, 40 cents per set extra. Popular History of England. From the lauding of .Julius Cffisar to the death of Prince Albert. By Charles Knight. Printed iu large, clear type, with numerous full-page illustrations, and handsomely bound. Knight's History of England has taken its place among the stand- ard chronicles of the world. The critics pronounced the author, in consid- eration of his valuable work, " one of the first literar}- benefactors of the age." The style is easy and graceful, and free from all the ponderousness and dryness of description which renders so many histories unreadable. POPULAR EDITION —8 volumes, ..13mo, cloth ($13 00), $4 50. Bound in half calf or half morocco ($24 00), $11 00. By mail, 52 cents extra. The History of the French Revolution. By Thomas Carlyle. Well printed, in large, clear type, and neatly bound. 2 volumes, 12mo, cloth, gilt top, in a neat box ($3 00), $1 30. Bound in half calf or half morocco ($5 00), $2 85. By mail, 24 cents extra. History of the English People. By John Richard Green. Printed from new plates, in large, clear type, on good paper, and tastefullv bound. 4 volumes, large 12mo, cloth ($6 00), $2 45. Half calf (ijia OO"), $5 50. By mail, 40 cents extra. The author's position in the foremost rank of modern historians has been gained chiefly by this work, and we count it not the least among the triumphs of the Home Library system of book distribution, that it enables us to popularize standard books of this class, by offering them at prices which bring them within the reach of all. History of Our Own Times. By Justin McCarthy. The only edition with index. Printed from new plates on fine laid paper, in large, clear type, with complete index. 2 volumes, cloth ($3 00), $1 30. Half calf ($6 00), $3 00. By mail, 28 cents extra. These books commend themselves to the American reader for several important reasons. Mr. McCarthy gives a faithful and imvarnislied account of the true state of English feeling toward America during her tenible struggle for the maintenance of the Union. He proceeds on lUc principle tluvt a true historian ought to be willing to tell the worst about his own country; and while he is quite willing to bUune the blaniewni-thy, he is just as anxious that only the blameworthy should be blamed. If anj' American is interested to know what was the exact position assumed by the great mass of the English people toward Amei-ica in this historic crisis, he will find his inquiries honestly answered in these pages. The story of the silent but none the less marvelous social changes which have taken place in Great Britain during the present generation is comprehensively and clearly told; and the reader will rise from the perusal of this work with an insight into the various social and economic cjuestions of the day which he could have gained in no other way. Eollin's Ancient History Of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians, jNIacedonians. B^' Charles Rollin. This edition is well printed and very neatly bound, and, though clieai)er in price, will be found equal, if not superior, to anv other published. 4 volumes, 12mn, 789 pages, neatly bound in cloth, gilt ($8 00), $3 10. Half calf ($14 00), $5 95. Bj' mail, 56 cents extra. Rollin's History is invaluable, whether as a text-book for experience, or as a medium for the study of the time with which it deals. It is to the dark past what Gibbon's work was to Rome, and what Hume, Macaulay. Knight and Green are to English history. The indorsement of years of acceptance as a standard academic authority is the best tribute to its worth. A cheap edition, complete in every particular, of these heretofore costly volumes is indeed a boon to the lover of learning. They throw the clear- est and fullest light on a period most interesting to every scholar, but until now the radiance was only available for those who could afford to secure it at a classical price, or who had time and patience to gain it through the inconvenient channel of the public libraiy. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. By Edward Gibbon. With Dean ]\Iii,jian's Notes. Complete in five volumes, containing over 2,000 pages. Popular edition. 5 volumes, 12mo, cloth (|5 00). $2 20. Half calf ($15 00), $6 75. By mail, 48 cents extra. The Works of Flavins Josephus. Translated from the original Greek by William Whiston, A. M. 8vo, sheep, marbled edges, librarj' style ($3 50), $1 55. By mail, 34 cents extra. History of the Thirty Years' "War. By Frederick Schiller. Translated from the German. Large 13rao, cloth extra ($1 25), 45c. By mail, 15 cents extra. Ireland Since the TTnion. 1800—1886. By JnsTTN H. McCarthy. M. P Published by arrangement simul- taneously in London and Chicago. 350 pages, large 12nio, cloth ($1 50), 80c. By mail, 10 cents extra. The latest, the most concise and comprehensive book ever published in the cause of Ireland. American History. B.^ncroft's (George) history of the colonization of the United States. Abridged by the author. Two volumes in one, with 15 full-page illustra- tions on plate paper. Large 13nio, clolh, handsomely embossed in black and gold ($3 00), 75c. By mail, 16 cents extra. This abridged edition of the author's famous work was prepared by him specially with reference to the requirements of the young. It narrates, in the pleasing, flowing style of which Jlr. Bancroft is so renowned a mas- ter, the story of the la3"ing of the foundation of our country — of the first settlement, the early struggles, the perils and privations, and the social and political development of "the thirteen colonies. As interesting as any fiction, the book will euchaiu the attention of the young reader, and assist in developing in him a taste for literature and study. A History of the TJnited States. In chronological order from A.D. 433 to the present day (1887). Illus- trated. ($1 25), 55c. By mail, 10 cents extra. ■' No previous work that has come to our notice contains so detailed a record of events in so brief and condensed a form. As a book of reference it is preeminent of its kind." — Binghnmpton Rcpuhlican. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, iill POETRY. Household Editions of the Poets. Elegant 12mo, handsomely bouu J iu clotii, extra. Made specially for those who want a neat, plain book at a moderate price. volumes. Per vohmie ($1 50), 50c. By mail, 13 cents extra. Browning, Elizabeth B. Hemans. Poe, Browning, Robert. Iliad. Pope, Bryant, Early Poems. Ingelow. Procter, Burns. Longfellow, Earlv Poems. Schiller. B3T0U. Lucile. Scott. Dante. Meredith Shakespeare. Favorite Poems. Milton. Swinburne. Goethe. Moore. Tennyson. Goethe's Faust. Odyssey. Whittier, Early Poems Gilt-Edge Editions of the Poets. Without doubt the finest and most complete editions of the poets ever issued in this country at a low price. Sixty-six 12mo volumes, illustrated, hand- somely bound iu cloth, black and gold, gilt edges. Per volume (^1 2.5), 50c. By mail, 13 cents extra. Arnold, Edwin. Aurora Leigh. Aytoun. Browning, Elizabetli B. Browning, Robert. Bryant, Early Poems. Burns. Byron Campbell. Chaucer. Coleridge. Cowper. Crabbe. Dante. Dryden. Eliot. Favorite Poems. Goethe. Goethe's Faust. Goldsmith. Havergal and Sigourney. Heaven iu Song. Hemans. Herbert. Hood. Iliad. Ingelow. Kciits. Kirke White. Lady of tlie Lake. Lalla Rookh. Longfellow, Early Poems. Lucile. Macaulay. Meredith, Milton. Moore. Odyssey. Ossian. Paradise Lost. Poe, Poetry of Flowers. Pope. Procter. Rogers. Rossetti, Dante. Schiller. Scott. Shakespeare. Shelley. Songs, Sacred and Devotional. Swinburne. Taylor's Philip Van Artevelde. Tennyson. Thackeray. Thomson. Tupper. Virgil. Wesley. Whittier, Early Poems. Willis. Wordsworth. MILTON S 1 5 POEMS JMILTONS'I -7 ^^y/^^iF,XM Presentation Editions of the Poets. Aurora Leigh. Browning, Elizabeth B Handsomely bound in leather padded sides, full gilt edges, in a neat box. Per volume (.fS .50), $1 15, By mail, 16 cents extra. Goethe. Longfellow, Early Poems. Procter. Schiller. Goethe's Faust. Lucile. Bryant, Early Poems, Burns, Byron. Dante. Favorite Poems. Hemans. Jean Ingelow. Lady of the Lake. Lalla Rookh. Meredith. Milton. Moore. Poe. Scott. Shakespeare. Tennyson. Whittier, Early Poems. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.'s Family Poets. The volumes in this popular edition are uniform in .size and style. Large 8vo, handsomely illustrated, bound in cloth, full gilt edges ($2 50), $1 50. Postage, 16 cents extra. Longfellow. Holmes. Shakespeare's 'Works. Library edition, complete with life, glossary, explanatory notes, concordance, etc. Illustrated with steel engravings and photogravures. 4 volumes octavo, cioth (|10 00), $6 00. By mail, 60 cents extra. Poems of Passion. By Ella Wheeler, author of " Maurine," and other Poeras. 15th edition. Square. 16mo, red cloth (.|1 00), 70c. By mail, 10 cents extra. The most salable book of poems issued this century. Monte Rosa. The Epic of an Alp. By Starr H. Nichols. Small 4to, illustrated, cloth (%i 00), $1 25. By mail, 15 cents extra. "... gives us pictures of Alpine scenes, which ave remarkable for the color infused into them, and for the dramatic vigor and rugged strength of verse." — Philadelphia Times. 313 FOE PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY BIOGRAPHY. Dr. Smiles's Three Famous Books of Biography. Life of George Stephenson. Brief Biographies. Industrial Biography. Tliree volumes, 12mo, in a neat box (|4 50) $1 80. Any volume sepa- rately {$1 50), 60c. By mail, 13 cents per volume extra. Dr. Smiles has inaugurated a new era in literature for the young. I would be all but impossible to estimate the good be has accomplished in the field which he has chosen, and it would be utterly impossible to gauge the wide-.spread harvests that yet may wave their golden fruitage as the result of the sowing of such good seed. There has been too much mere talk about the deleterious influence of light literature, and Ico little well-directed effort to check (ho evil. It is much more to the purpose to provide good literature than to decry the bad. One .such book as " Tom Brown's Scbool- Da3's," " Self-Help,"or " Duty " will do more to destroy the "Dime-Novel" influence than all the talking since Babel. The aim of our best authors and publishers is to write aad publish vigorous, manly, healthful literature for the young ; and in following this ambition they will most effectively stem the tide of pernicious literature. Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Men, with a Life of Plutarch. Translated from the Greek by John Dryden and others. The whole carefully revised and corrected. Printed from new stereotype plates, in large, clear type, on good paper, and tastefully bound. 3 volumes, 12mo, 1600 pages, cloth, gilt in box (|4 50), $2 00. Half calf ($9 00), $4 70. By mail, 36 cents extra. Plutakch's Lives is one of thefew truly great books of the world. No other one work among the classics has contributed to English literature so much from the rich stores of ancient lore. Shakespeare obtained from it the material for several of his greatest plays ; and innumerable authors, great and small, in ever}' age, have made large drafts upon it for knowledge and inspiration. " His business was not to please the ear, but to instruct and charm the mind ; and in this none ever excelled him. The work which immortalized Plutarch is his lives of forty-six Greeks and Romans," — Encyclopadia Bri- tannica. Life cf Washington and Marion. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By mail, 12 cents exti'a. Life, Speeches and Memorials of Daniel "Webster. By Samuel M. Smucker, LL. D. r3rao, cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By mail, 13 cents extra. American Men of Letters. A series of biographies of eminent American authors. Edited b}' Charles Dudlej' Warner. In uniform IGmo volumes, gilt tops, each containing a portrait of the subject of the biography. Per volume ($1 35), 90e. By mail, 10 cents per volume extra. Others to be announced hereafter. Washington Irving. By Charles Dudley Warner. Noah Webster. By Horace E. Scuddci'. Henry D. Thoroau. By Prank B. Sanborn George Ripley. By 0. 13. Frothingham. .1. Fenimore Cooper. By T. R. Lounsbury. Edmund Quincy. By Sydney Howard Gay. Nathaniel Hawthorne. By James Russell Lowell. William CuUen Bryant. By John Bigelow. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. By T. W. Higginson. Ralph Waldo Emerson. By Oliver Wendell Homes. Edgar Allan Poe. By G. E. Woodberry. Nathaniel Parker Willis. By Henry A. Beers. Bayard Taylor. By John R. G. Hassard. William Gilmore Simms. By George W. Cable. Benjamin Franklin. By John Bach JlcMaster. American Statesmen. A series of biographies of men famous in the political history of the United States. Edited by John T. Morse, Jr. In uniform llmo volumes, cloth, gilt top. Per volume ($1 25), 90c. By mail 10 cents per volume extra. John Quincy Adams. By John T. Morse Jr. Alexander Hamilton. By Henry Cabot Lodge. John C. Calhoun. By H. vou Hoist. Andrew Jackson. By W. G Sumner. John Randolph. By Henry Adams. James Monroe. By D. C. Gilman. Samuel Adams. By James K. Hosmer. Thomas Jefferson. By John T. Morse, Jr. Daniel Webster. By Henry Cabot Lodge. Albert Gallatin. By John Austin Stevens. James Madison. By Sydney Howard Gay. John Adams. By John T. Morse Jr. John Marshall. By Allan A. Magruder, Thomas Benton. B3' Theodore Roosevelt. Memories of the Men Who Saved the Union. By Donn Piatt. With photogravures or other engravings of Lincoln, Gen. Thomas, Stanton, Seward and Chase. Extra cloth, gilt top (§1 50), 95c. By mail, 13 cents extra. Donn Piatt, who was on terms of the closest intimacy with these great men during the Rebellion, and with most of them before and after, had superior advantages for obtaining the materials for such a work as the pres- ent, which his natural gifts of insight into character and honestj' of heart, coupled with a strong and clear style, have turned to the best account. He has thus presented his countrymen with the clearest, most truthful, and fascinating pictuses of the true heroes of the war. He found them men — noble men — and as such he paints them. The Vanderbilts. By W. A. Crofutt. Illustrated with portraits of the Vanderbill family, and with pictures of their various residences. (%\ 50), 85c. By mail. 10 cents extra. The work reads almost like a fairy tale, giving as it does an accurate his- tory drawn from authoritative sources of the methods by which the great Vanderbilt fortune was built up. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRE'L KEY, 213 RELIGIOUS AND THEOLOGICAL WORKS, The Life and "Words of Christ. By Cunningham Geikip, P. D. Now edition, the Liandsomest yet issued at a low price. One volume, 838 pages, brevier type, cloth, gilt (|1 25). 60c. By mail, 12 centy extra. "A great and noble work, rich in information, eloquent and scholarly instyle, earnestly devout in feeling." — Literary Wo)-ld. Archdeacon Farrar's Works. Seekers after God. By F. W. Farrar, D. D, One volume, 13mo, cloth, gilt ($1 25), 60c. Early days of Christianity. By F. W. Farrar, D. I). One volume, 12mo, ■cloth, gilt ($1 35), 60c. The Life of Christ. By F. W. Farrar, D. D. One volume, 8vo, cloth {%1 00). 60c. » ne Life and Work of St. Paul. By F. W. Farrar, D. D. One volume, Svo, with maps and index, cloth {| 1 50), $1 20. By mail, 12 cents per volume extra. The Pilgrim's Progress. From this world to that which i.s to come. By John Bunyan. 13mo, •cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By mail, 12 cents extra. The Imitation of Christ. By Thomas i\ Kempis. With an introductor}' essay by Thomas Chalmers, D. D. A new, improved edition, with a life of the author, by C. Ullmann, D. D. 13mo, cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By mail, 12 cents extra. The Prince of the House of David ; or Three Years in the Holy City. By Rev. .J. H. Ingraham. A series of letters of Ardina, a Jewess of Alexandria, .supposed to be sojourning in Jerusalem in the days of Herod, addressed to her father, a wealthy Jew in Egypt, and relating, as if by an eye-witness, all the scenes and wonderful incidents in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, from His baptism in Jordan to His crucitixion on Calvary. 13mo <$3 00), $1 40. By mail, 13 cents extra. The Pillar of Fire ; or Israel in Bondage. By Rev. J. H. Ingrahani. An account of the wonderful scenes in the life of the son of Pharaoli's daughter (Moses), together with picturesque sketches of the Hebrews under their taskmasters. 13mo (|3 00), $1 40. By mail, 13 cents extra. The Throne of David, From the Consecration of tlie Slicpherd of Bethlehem to the Rebellion ■of Prince Absalom. By Rev. J. H. Ingraham. An illustration of the splendor, power and dominion of the reign of tlie shepherd, poet, warrior, king and prophet, ancestor and type of Jesus; in a series of letters ad- dressed by an Assyrian ambassador to his lord and king on the throne of Nineveh, 12mo (i;2 00), $1 40. By mail, 12 cents extra. These three books cover the whole field of Hebraic history from the bondage in Egypt to the reign of Solomon, and thence to the crucifixion of Jesus. There is no necessary connection between the books. They may be read in chronological order (which is best), or separately, or the last named first. The Doctrine of Sacred Scripture. By Prof. George T. Ladd, D. D. A critical, historical and dogmatic inquiry Into the origin and nature of the Old and New Testaments. Two volumes, 8vo ($7 00), $5 35. By mail, 48 cents extra. Young's Analytical Bible Concordance. Revised edition. Analytical concordance to the Bilile on an entirely new plan. Containing every word in alphal)etical order, arranged under its Hebrew or Greek original, with the literal meaning of each, and its pronun- ciation. Exhibiting about 311,000 references, marking SO.OnO various read- ings in the New Testament. With the latest information on Biblical .geography and antiquities. De.signed for the simplest reader of i\w English Bible. By Robert Young, LL. D., author of '• A New Literal Translation of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures," etc. Fourth revised, aulliorized ed- ition. Printed on heavy paper. One large volume, 4to, cloth ($5 00), $3 85. By mail, 64 cents extra. Cruden's Concordance to the Bible. 8vo, cloth (|3 00), $1 25. By mail, 20 cents extra. Another Edition. Edited by John Eadie, D. D., LL. D. 12mo, cloth (|1 00), 70c. By mail, 12 eents extra. Lange's Commentary. A critical, doctrinal, and bomiletieal commentar}' on the Old and New Testaments. Specially designed and adapted for the use of ministers and students. By Prof. John Peter Lange, D. D., in connection with a num- ber of eminent European divines. Translated, enlarged and revised under the general editorship of Philip Schaff, D. D., assisted by leading divines of the various evangelical denominations. New edition, without abridg- ment. 25 volumes. Per volume, in sheep {%A 75), $3 35. Half calf (15 .50), $3 85. Cloth ($3 00), $2 10. By mail, 35 cents per volume extra. Systematic Theology. By Charles Hodge, D. D., LL. D. Complete in three volumes, includ- ing index, 8vo, cloth (ij;13 00), $9 00. By mail, 00 cents extra. The Principles of Church Polity. By Prof. George T. Ladd, D. D. Crown 8vo, cloth ($3 50), $1 75. .By mail, 34 cents extra. Spices for Easter Incense. Collected and arranged by Alice L. Williams. The choicest thoughts and sweetest strains that have ever been uttered concerning the great festival of the Resurrection. 8vo, full leather, gilt edges (.*! ,50), 40c. By mail, 10 cents extra. The "Works of Horace Bushnell, D. D. Nature and the Supernatural, as together constituting the one system of God. ]3mo(.|l 50), $1 15. Christian Nurture. 12mo (|1 .50), $1 15. Sermons for the New Life. 13mo (.f 1 .50),$! 15. Christ and His Salvation. In sermons variously related thereto. 12mo ($1 50), $1 15. Sermons on Living Subjects. 13mo (.|1 50), $1 15. The Vicarious Sacrifice. Grounded on principles of universal obliga- tions. 2 volumes, 12mo ($3 f 0), $2 20. God in Christ. 13mo (.|1 50), $1 15. Work and Plav. 13mo (.$1 50), $1 15. Moral Uses of b.ark Things. ]3mo (|1 50). $1 15. Building Eras in Religi(m. 13mo ($1 50). $1 15. Woman's Suffrages ; The Reform against Nature. 13mo ($1 50), $1 15. By mail, 13 cents per volume extra. The Works of Philip Schaff, D. D. History of the Chri«tinn Clnireh. New edition, rewritten, and enlarged. In four volumes, cloth, 8vo (j|4 00), $3 00. History of the Apostolic Church, with a General Introduction to Church History. Translated by Edward D. Yeomans. Cloth, 8vo ($3 75), $3 00. By mail, 20 cents per volume extra. Christ and Christianity. Studies on Christology, Creeds and Confes- sions, Protestantism and Romanism, Reformation Principles, etc. 8vo ($2 50), $1 85. By mail, 18 cents extra. The Person of Chri-st. The Miracle of History. With a Reply to Strauss and Renan, and a collection of testimonies of rnbelievers. 12mo {$1 00), 75c. By mail, 12 cents extra. The Works of W. M. Taylor. Daniel, the Beloved. 12mo ($1 50). $1 15. David, Kini; of Israel. ]2mo (!j;l 50). $1 15. Elijah, the Prophet. 13 mo (f 1 .50), $115. Moses, the Law-Giver. 12mo ($1 50), $1 15. Paul, the Missionary. Illustrated. 12mo ($1 50), $1 15. Peter, the Apostle. 13mo(fl .50), $1 15. B_v mail, 10 eents per volume extra. The Theological Works of Thomas Paine (Co^rPLETE). Containing "The Ase of Reason," '■ I]xamination of the Prophecies," "Letter to the Bishop of Llaudall," etc. (!?! ."-(l). $1 00. By mail, 13 cents extra. The Age of Reason. By Thomas Payne. Cloth (.50c.), 30c. By mail, 8 cents extra. (25c.), 15c. By mail, 5 cents exlra. Paper FOR PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. WORKS OF REFERENCE. Chambers's Eacyclopsedia. Unabridged aud unaltered ; containing nil the illustrations of the English work, reprinted from the 188-4 edition (the latest), with an elaborate and carefully prepared American Supplement, and 40 full-page maps, beautifully printed in 7 colors. In 6 large volumes, extra imperial 4to, 13 inches by 9. Bound in cloth (^slS 00) $11 00. Sheep, library style ($36 00), $14 40. Half morocco {^m 00), $18 50. By express. This is the best edition of this great work now published. The Ameri- can additions render it more valuable than either the American reprint or the imported English edition ; while the large type aud numerous illustra- tions make it equally desirable with the English edition, and place it in the front rank as the g'reat standard edition for this country. Each of these volumes is larger than the Eucycloptedia Britannica volume. Probably no other work has ever been produced of such universal utility as this Ency- cloptedia. The long experience, extendinn; over more than fifty years, of its original publishers, in the preparation of works for the diffusion of popu- lar knowledge, peculiarly fitted them for this, the crowning effort of their publishing career ; and it is not too much to say that Chambers's Encyclo- paedia contains a greater mass of useful information, digested into more accessible form, than any other publication of its kind ever issued from the press. While its copiousness and accuracy render it useful to the student, its simplicity of arrangement, its clearness'of description, and its avoidance of technical terms, give it a special value as a household work of reference — a fund of information which can be drawn upon to any extent, at any time, without trouble. In every respect it well fulfils the promise of its name, and it is a liljrary of universal knowledge, which no student, no pro- fessional man, no merchant, no fanner, no incclianic, and nofamily can afford todo without. At the end of tlielii^l \nlniiii' will be found a copious cross- reference index, showing the various (itks under which each subject is inci- dentally mentioned. This edition consists of six large 4to volumes. It is printed in clear, readable type, with well-displayed headings, on excellent quality white paper. Special attention has been paid to the binding, which is of a solid and durable kind, to withstand the constant wear to which volumes of reference are inevitably subject, and contains all the maps and elaborate illustrations. "We do not fear contradiction from any purchaser when we sav that this is (without any exception, even at the regular retail price of .$36 00), the best as well as by far the cheapest edition to be found in the United States. Chambers's Manual. A compendium of commercial and social information, and a treasury of useful and entertaining knowledge. Its contents include : A complete Digest of Mercantile Law ; Forms of Legal Documents and Government Bonds; Dictionary of Law Terms; Bookkeeping in All Its Branches ; Arithmetic and Algebra ; A Lightning Calculator ; A Complete Letter-Writer ; Selections of English Prose and Verse ; Self-Teaching of French and German ; Self-Instructor for the Piano and Singing ; The Golden Rules of Etiquette ; The Laws of Health ; Indoor Games, Parlor Magic, Etc. One magnificent quarto volume of 750 pages, printed on fine paper, beautifully bound ($4 00), $3 50. By mail, 25c. extra. Webster's tTnabridged. The latest edition, -vnXh. supplement, and all the new features, Library style, marbled edges ($12 00), $8 50. This work will be supplied with Denison's patent index at "tnc. extra per copy. By mail, 96c. extra. "The best practical English dictionary extant." — London Quarterly Bemew. Worcester's ftuarto Dictionary. The new edition of Worcester's Quarto Dictionary. With supplement, containing 12..'500 new words. Library, marbled edges (%Vi GO), $7 90. Half morocco, marbled edges ($14 00), $9 35. By mail 90c. extra. Stormonth's English Dictionary. Imperial 8vo, cloth ($6 00), $4 20. Half r< sheep ($T '>()), $5 25. By mail, 40c. extra. an (.$: 00), $4 90. Full The Popular American Dictionary. A small library in itself. An illustrated dictionary of the English languugfr from the latest and best English and American authorities, comprising, besides the dictionary proper, a mass of useful information. 12mo, cloth, embossed side and back ($1 00), 35c. By mail, 10 cents extra. The Favorite Illustrated Dictionary. A Dictionary of the English Language, from the -latest English and American authorities, containing over 32,000 words, and ilhislrated with 670 engravings ; also, an appendix of foreign words and phrases. 33ma (pocket size), cloth, embossed side and back ('25r.), 12c. By mail 2.5 cents- extra. AUibone's Great Authors. The great Authors of all Ages. Being selections from the prose works of emiueut writers from the time of Pericles to the present day. 8vo, e^tra cloth ($3 00>, $2 10. Cloth, gilt (3 50), $2 45. By mail, 2.5 cents extra. AUibone's Poetical Quotations. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Covering the entire field of Biitish and American poetry from the time of Chaucer to the present day. With a variety of useful indexes of authors and subjects alphabetically arranged. 8vo, extra cloth ($3 00), $2 10. Illustrated, cloth, gilt (|3 50), $2 45. By mail, 25 cents extra. AUibone's Prose Quotations. Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaula}'. With indexes. Authors,. 544 ; subjects, 571 ; quotations, 8,810. By S. Austin Allibone, author of ' ' A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors," "Poetical Quotations from Cliaucer to Tennyson," etc. 8vo, extra cloth ($3 00), $2 10. Cloth, gilt ($3 50), $2 45. By mail, 25 cents extra. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. With American additions. Svo (,|5 00), $3 50. By mail, 35 centa extra. Chambers's English Literature. Chambers's Cyclopsedia of English Literature. Being a history, critical and biographical, of British authors, from the earliest to the present times, with specimens of their writings. Edited by Robert Chambers, LL. D., and Robert Carruthers, LL. D. New style, printed and gilt cloth. 2 vol- umes. Royal Svo, cloth (|8 00), $5 60. Library sheep ($9 50), $6 65. By mail, 40 cents extra. Two Thousand and Ten Choice Quotations. In Poetry and Prose,'f rom the Master Minds of all Ages. Arranged for daily use by Thomas W. Handford ("Elmo"). Large 12mo, cloth, extra ($1 2.5), 60c. Postage, 12c. Boget's Thesaurus. Thesaurus of English Words aud Phrases. So classified and arranged as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition. By Peter Mark Roget. Revised and edited, with a list of foreign words defined in English, and other additions, by Barn as Sears, D.D., LL. D., President of Brown University. New American, from the last London edition. With additions and ituprovemcnts. Crown 8vo, .cloth ($3 00), $1 20. By mail, 30 cents extra. Robert's Rules of Order. For Deliberative A.ssemblies. By Maj. H. M. Robert, Corps of Engi- eers, U. S. A. Forty-fifth thousand. Pocket size, cloth (7.5c.), 57c By mail, 6 cents extra. " The standard parliamentary authority." " Superior to any of the manuals now in use." — Speaker Coicgill, Ohio State Legislature, 1881 . FOB PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, GENERAL LITERATURE. The "Works of John Ruskin. Uniformly printed from new phitcs, iu large, clear type, and attractively bound. LIBRARY EDITION.— 24 volumes. With all the colored plates and wood-engravings. Tlie set, oloth, gilt (.$43 00), $22 50. Half calf (73 00). $41 00. By mail, $2 88 extra. 1. Modern Painters, Vol. I. 3. Modern Painters, Vol. II. 3. Modern Painters, Vol. III. 4. Modern Painters, Vol. IV. 5. Modern Painters, Vol. V. 6. Modern Painters, Vol. VI. 7. Stones of Venice, Vol. I. 8. Stones of Venice, Vol. II. 9. Stones of Venice, Vol. III. 10. Seven Lamps of Architecture, and Lectures on Architecture and Painting. 11. Sesame of Lilies, Crown of Wild Olives, Ethics of the Dust, and Queen of the Air. 13. Unto this Last, Munera Pulveris. The Two Paths, Notes on the Con- sti'iictiou of Sheep-Folds, and King of the Golden River. 13. Lectures on Art, Aratra Pentelici, and Time and Tide. 14. Pre-Raphaelitism. The Political Economy of Art, and Eagle's Nest. 15. Ariadne Florentina, Elements of Drawing, and Elements of Perspective. 16 to 19. Pors Clavi- gera, and Poetry of Architecture. 30. Deucalion, Proserpina, and Val d'- Arno. 31. Mornings in Florence, St. Mark's Rest, and Love's Meinie. 33. Arrows of the Chace. 23. " A Joy Forever," Art of England, " Our Fath- ers Have Told Us." 24. Laws of Fesole, Pleasures of England, and Mis- cellaneous. POPULAR EDITION.— 13 volumes. The same~as~the^Library Edition, but printed on somewhat lighter paper, containing, however, all the colored plates and engravings. The set, cloth, gilt (.|24 00), $12 00. Half calf ($43 00), $23 00. By mail, $1.33 e.xtra. 1. Modern Painters, Vols, I. and II. 3. Modern Printers, Vols, III. and IV. 3. Modern Painters, Vols. V. and VI. 4. Stones of Venice, Vols. I. and II. 5. Stones of Venice, Vol. III., Seven Lamps of Architecture, Lec- tures on Architecture and Painting. 6. Sesame and Lillies, Crown of Wild Olives, Unto This Last. Munera Pulveris. Ethics of the Dust, Queen of the Air, The Two Paths, Notes on the Construction of Sheep-Folds, King of the Golden River. 7. Lectures on Art, Aratra Pentelici, Time and Tide, Pre-Raphaelitism, Political Economy of Art, Eagle's Nest. 8 and 9. Fors Clavigera. 10. Ariadne Florentina, Elements of Drawing, Elements of Perspective, Deucalion, Proserpina, Val d'Arno. 11. Mornings in Flor- ence, St. Mark's Rest, Love's Meinie, and Arrows of the Chace^ 13. "A Joy Fore%'er," Art of England, " Our Fathers Have Told Us," Laws of Fesole, the Pleasures of England, and Miscellaneous. To a very great many people, these first low-priced editions of Ruskin's works will be a .genuine godsend : and to all who care to cultivate a taste for the beautiful and graceful, not only in what is ordinarily termed " art," but in evei'y detail of life as well, they will prove themselves alike useful and welcome. No man's writings have ever been more fiercely attacked than Ruskin's. Argument, invective, satire, have been unsparingly hurled at him from every side. But in spite of all, his teachings have forced their way, his " silly sentences " have been proved golden truths, and the univer- sal verdict, tardily rendered, but all the more valuable on that account, is that he is, beyond compare, the greatest art teacher the world has ever seen. The amazingly low prices at which these editions are issued may raise a doubt as to their e.x'cellence ; but such a doubt has no foundation. The colored plates and illustrations are exact and faithful duplicates from an English set whose cost was $600 00, and the typography, paper and bind- ing are all worthy of the work. The "Works of "Washington Irving. Printed from new jilates, in large, clear type, and very tastefully bound. 1. Life of Christopher Columbus. 3. Life of Christopher Columbus, and Moorish Chronicles, 3. Bracebridge Hall, and Wolfert's Roost. 4. Astoria. 5. Crayon Papers, and Salmagundi, 6. Knickerbocker's New York, and Tour of the Prairies. 7. Sketch-Book. 8. Tales of a Traveller, and Life of Goldsmith. 9. Life of Mahomet, 10, Capt. Bonneville, Ab- botsford, and Newstead Abbey. 11. Tales of the Alhambra, and Spanish Voyages. 13. Conquest of Granada, and Conquest of Spain. LIBRARY EDITION.— 10 volumes. The set. cloth, gilt, in box f$15 00), $4 75. Half calf ($30 00), $11 50. Half morocco ($30 00), 10 50. By mail, $1 20 extra. Thackeray, the keenest and most appreciative of literary men, has aptly called Irving "the Goldsmith of our time:" and no man can read the pages of Geoffrey Crayon, of Knickerbocker, or of the more solid his- torical works, without recognizing the justness of the comparison. The clear, melodious style, the playful humor, never forced, and often half suppressed, the strict impartiality of comment — all these lend a charm to Irving's writings possessed by the works of no other author of the present century. The Complete "Works of Thomas Carlyle. Entirely new editions, uniformly printed from new plates, in large, clear type. LIBRARY EDITION.— 33 volumes. The .set. cloth, gilt top ($38 00), $18 50. Half calf ($.5.5 00). $37 00. By mail, $2 40 extra. 1. Sartor Resartus, and Hero Worship. 2. John Sterling, and Latter- Day Pamphlets. 3. French Revolution, Vol. I. 4. French Revolution, Vol. II. r>. Frederick the Great, Vol. I. 6. Frederick the Great, Vol. II. 7. Frederick the Great, Vol. III. 3. Frederick the Great, Vol. IV. 9. Frederick the Great, Vol. V. 10. Frederickthe Great, Vol. VI. 11. Fred- erick the Great, Vol. VII. 12. Frederick the Great, Vol. VIII. 13. Early Kings of Norway. 14. Past and Present, .John Knox, and Jliscellaneous. l.j. Oliver Cromwell, Vol. I. 16. Oliver Cromwell, Vol. II. 17. Oliver Cromwell, Vol. III. 18. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, Vol. I. 19. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, Vol. II. 20. Critical and Mi.scellaueous Essays, Vol. III. 31. Critical and Miscellaneous E.ssays, Vol. IV. 23. Life of Schiller. POPULAR EDITION.— 11 volumes. The set, cloth, gilt (Mf, 50), $7 50. Half Calf ($33 00), $15 25. By mail. $1 50 extra. 1. French Revolution. 3. Frederick the Great. Vols. I. and II. 3. Frederick the Great, Vols. III. and IV. 4. Frederick the Great, Vols, V. and VI. 5. Frederick the Great, Vol. VII. and VIH. 6. Early Kings of Norway, Past and Present, John Knox, etc. 7. Sartor Resartus, Hero Worship, John Sterling, and Latter-Day Pamphlets. 8. Critical and Jlis- cellaneous Essays, Vols. I. and II. 9. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, Vols. III. and IV. 10. Oliver Cromwell, Vols. I. and II. 11. Oliver Crom- well, Vol. III., and Life of Schiller. Do you own a set of Carlyle? If not, your library lacks one of its foun- dation-stones, which you should lose no time in putting into its place. If you would enjoy pure humor, read his pages and mark tl.'C grim and terrible pleasantry with which he strips the rags of pageantry from some of the so called "great ones" of the earth, and holds them up naked to ridicule and scorn, if you are fond of history, you will find no more trustworthy teacher of it than Carlyle. If you want your children to learn to love the right and resist the wrong, let them read the pages of Carlyle, and mark the awful earnestne.«s with which he lashes and rages against oppression and vice. And if you are a lover of nervous, incisive language, you will find in the pages of Carlisle whole passages of which every word is as weighty and forcible as a hammer wielded by a giant. The Complete "Works of Thomas Paine. (Political and Theological.) With Portrait. 900 pp., 8vo. (|3 00), $1 35. By mail, 15 cents extra. Self-Help, Character, Duty, and Thrift. Dr. Samuel Smiles' four most popular works. 4 volumes, 13mo, cloth extra, black and gold, new side designs, in a neat box ($6 00), $2 40. Any volume separately ($1 50), 60c. By mail, 13 cents per volume extra. We cordially recommend these books to parents of boys. Unlike most works intended to enforce and illustrate principles of life and conduct, there is nothing dr_y or uninteresting about them. Written in a vigorous cheer- ful and lively style, they abound in anecdotes, which are none the less interesting to the young reader because they point a moial and illustrate high and noble aims in life. No boy ever yet failed to be interested in reading them ; and no boy ever finished their persual without making a firm determination to be guided in his life-work by the pure and lofty prin- ciples which they so strongly inculcate. Smiles' books have, in fact, made their way by sheer force of their own intrinsic merit, and are ranked as classics wherever the English language is spoken. Schiller's "Works. Including the Historical Works, Romances, Dramas, Poems, Essays, etc. Printed from entirely new plates, in large, clear type, with numerous illustrations. 1. History of the Thirty Years' War and the Revolt of the Netherlands. 2. Romances and Early Dramas. 3. Historical Dramas. 4. Poems and ^"Esthetical and Philosophical Essays. POPULAR EDITION— 4 volumes, per set, cloth, gilt ($6 00), $4 00. By mail, 56 cents extra. Goethe's "Works. Edited from the best English translations by the Rev. F. H. Hedge, D.D., author of "The Prose Writers of Germany." and Prof. Leopold Noa. Printed from entirely new, large, handsome type, with numerous illustrations. 1. Autobiogrpahy. 2. Wilhelm Meister, and Recreations of German Emigrants. 3. Sorrows of Werther, Elective Affinities, Letters from Switzerland, and Travels in Italy. 4. Faust, and Dramas. 5. Poems, Iphigenia, and Torquato Ta.sso. POPULAR EDITION,— 5 volumes, per set, cloth, gilt ($7 50), .$4 75. By mail, 70 cents extra. 216 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. GENERAL LITERATURE.— Continued. Mill on Liberty. On Liberty. By John Stuart Mill. Complete in one handsome volume. Bound in fine cloth, 12mo, (.§1 00), 60c. By mail, 13 cents extra. By Herbert Spencer. 274 pages, bourgeois type, leaded. 1 volume, 12ino, cloth, gilt ($1 00), 57c. By mail, 8 cents extra. It is doubtful whether any other volume written in the pre&ent century can be named which has exerted a deeper, wider, healthier influence than this little work. It has served as a chief corner .stone upon which the edu- cational literature of the world within the past twenty-live years has been built, and has been a vital force in molding the lives and shaping the methods of thousands of our chief educators, and through them has power- fully influenced the character of millions of the best cultured of the human race. History of English Literature. By H. A. Taine, D. C. L. Translated from the French by H. Van Lauu, one of the masters of the Edinburgh academy. New edition, with the author's and translator's last additions and corrections. 1 volume. 13mo. 730 pages, beautifully printed and bound in cloth, gilt ($1 35). 60c. By mail, 14 cents extra. Taine's " History of English Literature " is one of those works which mark an era in the intelligence of the world. It is the most picturesque book ever penued by a philosopher. In style and diction it is .superb. Its subject is so clearly defined, and so logically traced out, that it possesses a marvelous charm. It is a history which one reads as one would a no\'( 1, -without desiring to lay it by until it is done. Is Life "Worth Living ? By W. H. Mallock, author of " The New Republic." etc. 12mo, cloth, gilt side and back (|1 00), 60c. Paper covers (50c. ), 30c. By mail, 13 •cents extra. Irving's Sketch-Book. By Washington Irving. Reprinted from the original edition. 13mi , 'Cloth, black and gokl (75c\), 29c. By mail, 13 cents extra. The Intellectual Life. B3' Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Bourgeois type, leatled. 553 volume, 13mo, cloth, gilt {^l 00), 57c. By mail, 8 cents extra. One of the most charming volumes in the language, and wise and help- ful as it is delightful to that class of readers who appreciate what is finest and noblest in literature. ' ' 7'/" // " ni/Jixl sn/ixrri'her in a mechanic's institute has eaner access to soundleariii nil ilni II Inul 1 itlnr Solomon or Aristotle. yVhc- ever reads English is rkJur in tin oiih lomltiirc ilmn Plato was." This quo- tation is a " gem," characteristic of the " mine " which the thougthful will find in this volume. By Ralph Waldo Emerson mail, 13 cents extra. Emerson's Essays. Large 13mo, cloth extra ($1 25), 45o. By Macaulay's Essays and Poems. Fine large type, new electrotype plates, printed on good paper, neatly bound. 3 volumes, 13mo, 830 pages each, cloth ($3 75), $1 50. Half calf {|9 00), $4 30. By mail, 36 cents extra. " They rank among the finest artistic products of the century. The amount of knowledge each of them includes can only b" estimated by those who have patiently read the many volumes they so brilliantly con- dense." — Edwin P. Wuipple. Bacon's Essays. With the notes of Joseph Devcy. Brevier type, leaded, cloth, gilt ($1 00), 60c. By mail, 13 cents extra. Lord Bacon was one of the most extraordinary men of which any age can boast. A scholar, a wit, a lawyer, a .iudge, a statesman, a philosopliLM', his writings will endure as long as the languages in which they were writ- ten can be read. His univrisnl i^ciiius made him master of all the sciences, and his immoratal wvilin^s hiiil ilic foundations of the scientific method which has changed tlic |iliilns..iiliy of the world. Prof. Playfair said of him : " The power and compass of such a mind must be an object of admir- ation to all succeeding ages." His Essays arc a treasury of the deepest knowledge, conveyed in a gorgeous and energetic style. They continue to be the chosen companions of all students and thinkers. Seneca's Morals. Translated by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Printed in large type from new electrotype plates. Large 13mo, cloth (^1 35), 60c. By mail, 12 cents extra. Sartor Resai-tus. By Thomas Carlyle. 13mo, cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By maU, 10 cents extra. The Veteran and His Pipe. Being the famous Articles from the Chicago Inter-Ocean. Cloth (§1 00), 60c. By mail, 13 cents extra. Paper (50c.), 30c. By mail, 5 cents extra. " Of even more importance than many of the more pretentious volumes which aim to set right the stor}' of a campaign."— Chicago 7'imes. IngersoUia. Gems of Thought from the Lectures, Speeches, and Conversations of Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, With Portraits of lugersoll, Garfield, Paine. Comte, Spencer, Haeckel, Fourier, and Swedenborg. Cloth ($1 00), 60c. By mail, 10 cents extra. Paper cover (50c.) 30c. 15y mail, 5 cents e.ctra. The "Works of Flavius Josephus. (Complete.) 1vol., sheep, ($3 00), $1 50. By mail, 15 cents extra. A necessary book for the library of every student of theology, history, antiquities, ethnology or sociology. Ten-Minute Sketches. Essays ; Humorous, Satirical, Sentimental, and Burlesque. By Charles H. Ham. ($1 00), 60c. By mail. 13 cents extra, • Legends and Superstitions of the Sea. By Lieut. Basset, cf the U. S. Navy. Numerous fine illustrations. {^\ 50) 90c. By mail, 12 cents extra. Elmo's Model Speaker. For Platform, School and Home. Edited by Elmo. Large 13mo clothi black, and gold ($1 35), 65c. By mail, 10 cents extra. A compilation of extraordinary merit, which has little in common with the ordinary school "Speaker" except its name. The book is arranged in twelve programmes for evening or other cntcrlainnients, each programme containing a careful selection of humorous, iiatluiic, narrative, oratorical and poetical extracts. Besides these, the volume contains a series of original speeches, adapted to weddings, presentations, farewells and welcomes ; all so suggestively written that the veriest t3'ro in oratory, after reading them, will find his tongue unloosened to the utterance of original and appropriate ideas. The book is magnificently got up, well printed in good, clear type, on fine paper, and is strongl}' bound In cloth, embossed in black and gold. Tommy's First Speaker. For Little Boys and Girls. Edited by Tommy himself. The best and most popular collection of selections for juvenile orators, adapted for the school-room and the family circle. 13mo, boards (50c)), 35c. By mail, 6 cents extra. Readings and Recitations From Modern Authors. Being pearls gathered from the fields of poetry and romance. By R. H. and Elizabeth Stoddard. 13mo, cloth, black and gold (75e.), 29c. By mail, 10 cents extra. Half-Hours "With Great Novelists. Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope, William Black, Charles Lever and others. 13mo, cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By mail, 10 cents extra. Half-Hours "With Great Story-Tellers. Artemus Ward, George Macdonald, Jlax Adelcr, Samuel Lover and others. 13mo, cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By mail, 10 cents extra. Half-Hours "With Great Authors. Wm. M. Thackeray, T. B. :\[aeaul,iy. Bret Ilarfe, Thomas Hood and others. 13mo, cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By mail. 10 cents extra. Half-Hours "With Great Humorists. The Choicest Humor of Great Writers. By Charles Lamb, Tom Hood, F. C. Burnard, JIark Twain and others. 12mo, cloth, black and gold, (75c.), 29c. By mail, 10 cents extra. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 217 GENERAL LITERATURE.— Continued. Nathaniel Hawthorne's Works. "With 11 original etchings, 13 vignetto wood cuts, and a new portrait. With Bibliographical notes bj' George P. Latbrop. 13 volumes. Crown Svo, gilt top. 1. Twice-Told Tales. 2. Mosses from an Old Manse. 3, The House of the Seven Gables, aud The Snow-Image. 4. The Wonder Book, Tangle- wood Tales, and Grandfather's Chair. .5. The Scarlet Letter, and The Blithedale Romance. 6. The Marble Faun. 7 and 8. Our Old Home, and English Note-Books. it. American Note-Books. 10. French and Italian Note-Books. 11. The Dolliver Romance. Fan.shawe, Septimus Felton, aud, in an appendi.x. The Ancestral Footstep. 12. Tales, Sketches and other Papers, with Biographical Sketch by G. P. Lathrop, and Indexes. Riverside edition — 13 volumes, per vol. ($3.00). $1 40. The set, 13 vols. ($24 00), $16 80. By mail, 1.5 cents per volume extra. The Scarlet Letter. New popular edition ($1 00), 60c. By mail, 13 cents extra. Emerson's Complete Works. Containing papers hitherto unpublished. 11 volumes, With two portraits. 13mo, gilt top. 1. Nature, Addresses, and Lectures (formerly known as Miscellanies), with portrait. 3. Essays (first series). 3. Essays (second series). 4. Rep- resentative Men. 5. English Traits. 6. Conduct of Life. 7. Society and Solitude. 8. Letters and Social Aims. 9. Poems, with portrait. 10. Lec- tures and Biographical Sketches (a new volume). 11. jNiiscellanics (a uew volume). Riverside edition. — 11 volumes, per vol. (11 75). $1 35. The set, 11 vols. ($19 25), $14 85. By mail 10 cents per volume extra. Complete Letter- Writer. A Comprehensive and Practical Guide and Assistant to Letter- Writing. . Compiled by Thomas W. Handford. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c."), 29c. By mail, 10 cents extra. Iiadies' Etiquette. The Lady's Guide to Complete Eti(iuette in manners, dress and conver- sation, in the family, in company, at the pianoforte, the table. In the street and in gentlemen's society. By Emily Thornwell. 12mo, cloth, black and gold (75c.), 29c. By mail, 10 cents extra. Card Essays, Clay's Decisions, and Card-Table Talk. By " Cavendish." 1 volume, 16mo, cloth, gilt (7.")C.), 45c. By mail, 6 cents extra. The Laws and Principles of Whist. Carefully revised, with diagram cards, printed in two colors; to which are added Card Essays, Clay's Decisions, and Card-Table Talk. 1 volume, 16mo, cloth, black and gold (|1 50), 85c. By mail, 8 cents extra. The Theory of the Modern Scientific Game of Whist. By AVilliam Pole, F. R. S., iMus. Doc, Oxon. ; to which is added Rules of the Portland Club. 1 volume, 16mo, cloth, gilt (75c.), 45c. By mail, 6 cents extra. The text-books on games are common enough, but when a game assumes the dignity of a science, as whist does, they are a necessity. Pole's Treatise ■on Whist is an autlioritj' which no lover of the game can afford to be without. The Every-Day Cook-Book. An Encyclopedia of practical recipes. By Miss M. E. Neil. Econom- ical, reliable, excellent. 12mo, substantially bound in oil cloth (kitchen 5tyle) ($1 00), 62c. By mail, 10 cents extra. A book like this is the housekeeper's best friend, saving her an incalcu- lable amount of worry and anxiety, and standing in the stead of years of practical experience. The recipes and instructions are adapted to the needs and means of an every-daj' American familv, and will neither disappoint a housekeeper by suggesting an interminable line of too expensive dishes, nor puzzle her by the employment of foreign or technical terms. The vol- ume is a handsome 12nio. substantially bound in oil cloth, so that it can be used in the kitchen without soiling. Sophia- Adelaide . Illustrated with portraits of the Princess. Paper covers (50c.), 30c. Postage, 5 cents. "The Deserted Daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert." An awful story of romantic life by a Princess. The Politics of Labor. By PhilHps Thompson. Cloth, gilt top (,f 1 35), 85c. Po.stagc, 10 cents extra. "An original and masterly work on the great question of the hour, the relations between capital and labor." This book is written on the lines of Henry George's "Progress and Poverty," and the author of that wonder- fully successful work heartily endorses it. It treats the subject more broadly and exhaustively than George has in his "Progress and Poverty." Written for workingmen in a clear, plain, and forcible style. Competent critics predict that it will be the hand-book for laboringmeu wherever the English language is spoken. The Kentucky Housekeeper. A collection of recipes for cooking, nati). Large 12mo cloth ($1 00), $60c. By :Mrs. Peter A. White (Cinciu- Ay mail, 10 cents extra. Sociology, Politics, Jurisprudence, Political Economy, the Labor Question, Finance. Man and Labor. A Series of Short and Simple Studies. By Cyrus Elder. Cloth (.$ 00), 60c. Postage, 10 cents. Paper cover (50c.), 30c. Postage 5 cents. " So excellent a manual of sound economic philosophy ought to be widely circulated. . . . It is not a book written by a capitalist or a workingman. But it gives good advice to all classes, and gives it in a most attractive manner." — Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Studies in Social Life. A Review of the Principles, Practice, and Problems of Society. By George G. Lorimer, LL. D. ($1 00), 60e. Postage 10 cents. " The author's fairness of discussion and clearness of treatment commend the work to a careful reading." — Binyhampton liepiibliean. "He is vigorous and aggressive, logical in argument and sound in theory." — Philadelphia Reconl. Why We Are Democrats ; Or, The Principles and Policies of' the American Democracy. By S. S. Bloom. Containing a concise statement of the leading principles of the Democratic Party of the United States, as taught by the Fathers of the Republic, enunciated in the National Platforms, and proclaimed by repre- sentative Democrats from the Foundation of the Government to the present day. Cloth (|1 00), 60c. Postage 10 cents. Paper cover (50c.), 30c. Postage, 5 cents. A Man of Destiny. Letters to Grover Cleveland, Presidentelect. By "Siva." Reprinted from the Chicago Inter Octan. Cloth (ifl 00), 60c. Postage, 10 cents. Paper cover (.50c.), 30c. Postage, (i cents. The Political Works of Thomas Paine. (Complete) Containing "The Rights of Jlan," "Common-Sense,' " The Crisis." ($1 50), $1 00. Postage 13 cents. aud The Rights of Man. By Thomas Paine. Cloth (■50c.), 30c. Post.age, 6 cents. Paper (3.5c.), 15c. Postage, 6 cents. The Truth About Alcohol. cloth (40c.), 25c. By Robert x\.lesander Gunn, M.D. Square Postage 5 cents. " There is much common-sense in 'The Truth About Alcohol.' The author is a well-known New York physician who has made a specialty of the subject of stimulants. He demonstrates by conclusive evidence that spirits are of great value in many cases, and that the temperance advocates willfully pervert the truth. Increasing age brings with it less capacity for enduring mental strain and worrj', and spirits act as a recuperative influ- ence. The same is true in regard to taking of wine or liquors by braiu- workers with their meals. Digestion is aided and the lassitude .so fre- quently experienced is removed. The little book demands a wide circulation, as it contains information vouched for by the best medical authorities, both here and abroad, which is of great practical value." — San Francisco Chron- icle. 318 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE >IEMBBRS' SECRET KEY. HUMOROUS BOOKS. Lime Kila Club. By M. Quad (C. B. Lewis). With graphic ilkistrations of Bro. Gf.rd- ner and other noted members of the club, by Gean Smith. 12mo, clotli (siil.OO), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Eli Perkins' Wit, Humor and Pathos. By Eli Perkins (the champion liar). With nuiltiform illustrations by Uncle Considek. 12mo, cloth ($1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents e.xtra. Work of the Wits. A choice collection of sparkling wit and humor from the best American and English writers. By A. Cr.«g. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth (§1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. How Private Geo. W. Peck Pvit Down the Rebellion, Or the Funny Experience of a Raw Recruit. With 16 full-page illustra- tions by True Williams. 13mo, cloth (|1.00), 60c. Paper covers (oOc), 30c. By mail, 10 cents extra. Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa. By George W. Peck (editor of Peck's Milwaukee Sun). Illustrated by Ge.w Smith. 13mo, cloth, black and gold ($1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Peck's Groceryman and Bad Boy. (Peck's Bad Boy, No. 2.) By George W. Peck. Illustrated by Louis Brunholdt. 12mo, cloth, black and gold '$1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Peck's Fun. By George W. Peck. 12mo, cloth, black and gold ($1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Peck's Sunshine. By George W. Peck. Numerous illustrations, 12mo, cloth, black ami gold ($1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Peck's Boss Book. By George W. Peck. Illustrated by H. E. Patterson. 12mo, cloth, black and gold ($1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Peck's Irish Friend, Phelan Geoheagan. By George W. Peck, ,Ir. Illustrated by True Williams. 12mo, paper covers (2.5c), 18c. Bill Nye and Boomerang. By Bill Nye himself. With illustra*-'ons. 12mo. cloth ($1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Baled Hay. By Bill Nye. Illustrated by F. Opper (of Puck). 13mo, cloth ($1.00), OOc. By mail, 8 cents extra Forty liiars and Other Lies. By Bill Nye. Numerous Illustrations. ]2mo, cloth ($1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Widow Bedott Papers. By Mrs. Witcher. Large 12mo, beautifully bound in cloth cxtr: ($1.25), 45c. By mail, 12 cents extra. Essays : Humorous, Satirical, Sentimental and Burlesque. By Charles H. Ham. 12mo, cloth ($1.00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Josiah Allen's Wife as a P. A. and P. I. Samantha at the Centennial. 12mo, cloth ($2.50). $1.55. By mail, 12 cents extra. My Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's. By the author of Josiah Allen's Wife. 12mo, cloth ($2.50), $1.55. By mail, 12 cents extra. MARK TWAIN'S WORKS. (S.\muel L. Clemens.) ♦ Innocents Abroad. Illustrated, 8vo, cloth ($3.50), $2.10. Slieep ($4.00), $3.00. By maV. 20 cents extra. Roughing It. Fully illustrated. 8vo, cloth ($3.50), $2.10. Sheep (.$4.00), $3.00. By mail, 20 cents extra. Mark Twain's Sketches, New and Old. Fully illustrated. 4to, cloth ($3.00), $2.00. By mail, 18 cents extra. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Fully illustrated. 4to, cloth ($2.75), $1.65. By mail, 15 cents extra. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (Tom Sawyer's comrade.) With 174 illustrations and a heliotype bust of the author. 4to, cloth ($2.75), $1.45. Sheep ($3.25), $1.95. Half morocco ($4.25), $2.00. B}^ mail, 15 cents extra. The Gilded Age. A Tale of To-day. By Mark; Twain and Charles Dudley Warner,. Fully illustrated. 8vo, cloth ($3.50), $2.00. By mail, 20 cents extra. A Tramp Abroad. 328 ill tiations. 8vo, cloth ($3..50), $2.00. By mail, 20 cents extra. The Prince and the Pauper. A Talc for Yoimg People of All Ages. 4to, cloth ($3.00), $1.80. By mail, 16 cents extra. Life on the Mississippi. With more than 300 illustrations. 8vn, cloth ($3.50), $2.00. Sheep (.$4.00), $2.40. By mail, 20 cents extra. FOn PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY, 219 GIFT BOOKS. Milton's Paradise Lost. By John Milton. Edited, with notes uud a Life of Milton, by Robert Vaughan, D. D. With tlie celebrated illustrations of Giistave Dore, lifty in number. Large folio, richly bound, extra cloth, gilt edges, gold title -and ornamentation ($0 00), $2 35. Full morocco, ($10 00), $4 00. By mail, 40 cents extra. Atala. By Chateaubriand. Translated by James Spcnce Harr}', from Firmin Didofs edition of the Viscount's works. Illustrated with 30 magniflcant full page illustrations and a large number of smaller ones, liy Gustavo Dore. Quarto. New edition, very fuiely printed, and tastefully bound in extra cloth, gilt edges, gold title and ornamentation (§6 00), $2 35. Full morocco (.f 10 00), $4.00. By mail, 40 cents extra. The Dore Gallery of Bible Illustrations. One large quarto volume, including 101 cartoons and a portait of Dore. New edition, folio, 11x14, ver.v finely printed and richly bound. Extra cloth, gilt edges, gold title and ornamentation (S!G 00). $2 35. Full morocco ($10 00), $4 00." By mail, 48 cents extra. Painters of the Italian Renaissance. By Edith Healy. Illustrated by 25 original coppe?--plate engravings of choice masterpieces of the leading (lainters. executed in the highest style of art by the famous French engraver, M. de Mare. Small quarto, richly bound, extra cloth, gold title and ornamentation ($.5 00), $1 95. Full morocco ($8 00), $3 90. School edition, cloth ($1 50) 75c. By mail. 16 cents extra. The Legend of the "Wandering Jew. A series of Twelve Designs, by Gustavo Dore, with explanatory intro- duction. One imperial quarto volume. New edition, very finely printed and richly bound, extra cloth, gilt edges, gold title and ornamentation ($4 00), $1 75. By mail, 40 cents e.\tra. Laurel Leaves. Poems, Stories and Essays. By Henry W. Longfellow and others. With 75 illustrations, by Eytinge Jr., Birket Foster, and others. One handsome volume, 4to, cloth extra, full gilt, gilt edges ($4 00), $1 75. By mail, 24 cents extra. Dante's Purgatery and Paradise. Translated by the Rev. H. F. Gary. M. A., with critical and explana- tory notes. Illustrated with magnificent full-page illustrations by Gustave Dore. Imperial 4to. Richlv bound, extra cloth, gilt edges, gold title and ornamentation ($6 00), $2 35. Full morocco ($10 00), $4 00. Dante's Inferno. Translated by the Rev. Henry Francis Gary, M.A., from the original of Dante's Alighieri, with critical and explanatory notes. Life of Dante and Ghroflology. Illustrated with TO magnificent full-page illustrations by Gustave Dore. Imperial quarto, richly bound, extra cloth, gilt edges, |old title and ornamentation ($6 00), $2 35. Full morocco ($10 00), $4 00. By mail, 40 cents extra. Lotos Leaves. Original Stories, Essays, and Poems. By some of the most popular American and English Authors. Edited by W. F. Gill. New and im- proved edition. Beautifully illustrated with engravings from designs by Fredericks, Lumley, Lyell, and others. Oue handsome volume, 4to, cloth extra, full gilt, gilt edg'es ($4 00), $1 75. By mail, 24 cents extra. Papyrus Leaves. A companion to "Laurel Leaves" and "Lotos Leaves," comprising Poems, Stories, and Essays. By Longfellow, O, W. Holmes, Whittier, Bryant, Lowell, Wilkie Collins, Edward Eggleston, James T. Fields, and other eminent authors. Fully illustrated wUh fine engravings by eminent artists. One hand.some volume, 4to, cloth extra, full gilt, gilt edges ($4 00), $1 75. By mail, 24 cents extra. America Illustrated. A perfect Panorama of American Scenery. Full of splendid illustra- tions. Edited bv J. David Williams. Large imperial quarto, cloth extra, gilt edges, gilt sides ($3 00). $1 08. By niail, 18 cents extra. Cne Year's Sketch-Book. A series of illustrations of the scenes and flowers of sprin autumn, and winter. By Irene E. Jerome, gravings by John Andrew & Son. 4to, cloth I cents extra. summer, 46 full-page pictures. En- 16 00), $4 35. By mail, 10 Choice Quotations. 2,010 Choice Quotations, in Poetry and Prose, from the master minds of all ages. Arranged for daily use by Thomas W. Handford (" Elmo"). An entirely new book. Handsomely and durably bound in cloth, black and gold, 392 pages, 12mo ($1 .50), 60c. By mail, 13 cents extra. Treasures New and Old. Or, Many Thoughts for JIany Hours. Selections in Prose and Poetry. by Alice L. Williams. Illustrated with 54 full page illustrations by Irene Jerome. Quarto, richly bound, extra cloth, gold title and ornamentation ($6 00), $3 00. By mail, 40 cents extra. A magnificent presentation volume of selections from such authors as Matthew Arnold, Louisa M. Alcott, Richard Baxter, Emily Bronte, Loid Byron, Robert Burns, George Elioi, Ralph Waldo Emerson, etc. The book is got up in the very ricliest style, a positive edition de luxe. The paper usud is of the finest quality, the typography is of the very best, and the nuniL-i- ous illustrations which adorn the 700 quarto pages have been designed liy tlie best artists of the day and executed by skilled engravers. The binding is cloth, richly embossed in black and gold, with full gilt edges. Monte Rosa. The Epic of an Alp. By Starr H. Nichols. Small 4to, illustrated, cloth (.^2 (10), $1 25. By mail, 13 cents extra. "... gives us pictures of Ali)ine scenes, which are remarkable for the color infused into them and for the dramatic vigor and rugged strength of verse." — Philadelphia Times. Birthday-Books. Tennyson's Birthday-Book. Edited l)v Emily Shakespeare, 32mo, cloth, full gilt edges ($1 00), 50c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Browning Birthday-Book. Selected from Mrs. E. B. Browning's poems. Illustrated. Square 18mo, cloth ($1 00), 70c. By mail, 8 cents extra. The Sands of Time. A book of Birthday Gems, containing a text, a proverb, and a sentiment for every day in the year. Compiled by Thomas W. Handford. In cloth binding, beautiful design, full gilt edges ($1 00), 50c. In full seal morocco, flexible ($2 00), 60c. By mail, 8 cents extra! Bryant Birthday-Book. With portrait and 13 engravings illustrative of the mouths. Printed with red lines. 16mo, cloth, red or gilt edges (.$1 25), 88c. By mail. 8 cents extra. Dickens Birthday-Book. Selected from the writings of Charles Dickens. Compiled and edited by his eldest, with five illustrations by his youngest, daughter. Square 18mo, cloth, plain edges ($1 00), 70c. By mail. 8 cents extra. Longfellow Birthday-Book. Arranged by Charlotte Fiske Bates. Por- trait ancl 12 illustrations. Square 18mo, cloth ($1 00), 70c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Lowell Birthday-Book. Portrait and 22 illustrations. Square 18mo, cloth ($1 00), 70. By mail, 8 cents extra. Shakespeare Birthday-Book. Edited by Mary E. Dunbar. Square :32mo, clcitb, plain edges (75c.), 53c. By mail, 8 cents extra. "Whittier Birthday-Book. With portrait and 12 illustrations. Square ISmo, cloth ($1 00), 70c. By mail, 8 cents extra. Manon Lescaut. From the Frencii of Abbe Prevost. A new translation by Arthur W. Gundrj'. Over 200 photogravures, wood, and process illustrations, by Maurice Leioir and others. Small 4to, in box, cloth ($3 00), $2. By mail, 20 cents extra. It has all the beauties of Illustration of the $20 00 French edition de luxe. and the translation far excels an.v other. It loses none of the enprit, piquanc}', sprightliness, and vivacity of the original. Julian Hawthorne says of this edition in the World: "The illustra- tions are particularly noticeable ; perhaps no better illustrations of a novel were over made. ... It is an immortal love story, and the character of Manon is as real and unforgetable as anything in fiction. . . . (You) cannot do better than to procure this excellent edition ; so charming a ro- mance could scarcely be presented in a more attractive form." — The World Jan. 16, 1887. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC BLANK BOOKS. In ordering blank books, be particular !o men- tion the catalogue number, and the ^a"MBEU of QUiEES wanted iu each, and wbetlier Day Books, Journal, Record, Single or Double Entry Ledger, etc. FULL DUCK. Leather corners, stamped sides, spring back, good white paper, 48 pages to the quire, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 8 and 10 quires. rCap Broad Day Books, SUxlS'] Per D.B. Ledgers " I Q"'^''- ^^■'A •' leLls," •' [ " Long Day Books, 63^x16 I [ " " S. E. Ledgers "" J Full Duck, American Russia ends and bands, spring back, superfine paper, 60 pages to the quire, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 quires. fCap, Broad Journals, 8-V.xl2i,'l Per Day Books, ' " '| Q""'*'- No 18 J " D.E. Ledgers, " [ ^°-^^i " Cash Book, " f " Records, " [Cap, Long Day Book, " J Full Duck, American Russia ends and bands, stamped sides, sp.iing back, superfine paper, 60 pages to the quire, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 quires. f Crown, Journals, 91^x141 Per " Day Books, ' " ^""•e- No. 19- " D.E. Ledgers,. " [ Cash Books, '■ [ " Records, " J Full Duck, stamped sides, leather corners, fine white paper, 48 pages to the quire, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 quires. PerQuu-c. ■NT^ 10 i Two-third Day Book 6x12 I JNO. lU-^ " S. E. Ledger,.., " f FULL LEATHER BOUND. Full Bound, Sheep, American Russia ends and bauds, superfine paper, 72 pages to the quire, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 quires. f Cap, Broad Journals, . .85oXl2=g 1 Per ■^^ \ " Day Books, ' - ' I 0'"rfi. 180'. 'I I Full Bound, Sheep, American Russia ends and bands, superfine paper, 72 pages to the quire, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 quires. f Crown , Broad Journals, 9!<'xl4V 1 Per I " Dav Books, "I Q""'e- -! " D.E. Ledger" j- I " Cash Books, " I " Records, D. E. Ledgers, ' Cash Books, Records, . . . Full Bound, Sheep, American Russia ends and liands, superfine paper, 73 pagesto the quire, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 13 quires. iDeiny, Broad Journals, lOJ^xlSVl Per Day Book '■ | Q""-^- " D.E. Ledgers," Cash Books, " " Records. " No. 190. A NEAT, NEW AND ATTRACTIVE LINE OF GREEN AND GOLD HALF BOUND BOOKS. American Russia backs and corners, dark green cloth sides, with gold rolled corners and backs, superfine animal sized paper, 72 pages to the quire, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 quires. ( Crown, Broad Journals,85oxl4i» ) ,-,?!?!"„ No. 29- " D.E. Ledgers," ' .'••'"" <^- ( " Records, " ) American Russia backs and corners, dark green cloth sides, with gold rolled corners and backs, superfine animal sized paper, 72 pages to the quire, 3, 4, 5, G, 8 and 10 quires, f Cap, Broad Dav's 83-^x13] Per ATo 07J " D. E. Ledgers, " I Q""-e- "^°-"''l " Records " f [ " LongDays 7xl6J American Russia backs and corners, dark green cloth sides, with gold rolled corners and backs, superfine animal sized paper, 72 pages to the quire, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 quires. Per Quire No. 26. Two-third Cap, Day B'ks., 51^x12, American Russia backs and corners, dark green cloth sides, with gold rolled corners and backs, superfine animal sized paper, 73 pages to the quire, 3, 3, 4, 5 and 6 quires. f Demy Quarto, Broad Day Books 1 Per .8x101 «"'!•'=• ■vr„ ot;J DemvQuarto,BroadD. E. Ledg- I "^"■~''j ers , 8x10 ( Demv Quarto, Broad Records, I ..." Sxioj American Russia backs and corners, dark green cloth sides, with gold rolled corners and backs, superfine animal sized paper, 72 pages to the quire, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 quires. No. \ Crown Q'to, Broad Days, 71^x853 | qP?;_ og •) D. E. Legrs " ( " " Records, " \ American Russia backs and corners, dark green cloth sides, with gold rolled corners and backs, superfine animal sized paper, 72 pages to the quire, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 quires. Per Quire. No 21 -S C-'iP Quarto, Day Book, 61.^x73^ / '" ( " Records. " j COUNTER BOOKS. Flexible pressboard covers, cloth backs, labeled on side, manilla paper, ruled dollars and cents. No. Pajres. Size. PerDoz. 40 96 4i^x S}4 90 180 4Kx 8K 91 180 4 'x 9K '. 91K 144 4 X 91? 72 " 144 .5i.(xlli? 94 180 5i.?xlli| 93 180 7C'xlli.< 294iir 180Stiffcover6 xl3 " TALLY BOOKS. Stiff cover, round-cornered, marbled paper, cut flush, cloth backs, superfine paper. No. Paares. Size. PerDoz. 4.TO ...8vo. long....96 3 x7% 453 " broad.. 96 i%x6 4.i4... " long... .96 S-'g^S 4.j6 " " ....96 y'_t.\9 GROCERS' AND BUTCHERS' PASS BOOKS. With Printed Pressboard Covers. No. Pages. Size. Per Gross. 180 Grocers' 36 3}^xoV 190 Butchers' 36 SJ^soJI 193 General store. .36 3j|x3ig. . . 180a Grocers' 72 'dHx5%. . . . 190.\ Butchers' 72 33^x5^. . . . 190.\ General store. .72 3^4x5% Sheep cover, superfine paper, plain and printed covers. No. Pages. Size. PerDorf 180x Grocers' 80 35g.\.5i^ 190x Butchers' 80 3»3X.')i.i 191x Plain 80 SSjX.ii^ 192x General .store. .80 S^g.x.-)!'' VEST-POCKET MEMORANDUM BOOKS. White pressboard cover, gilt stamp, quadrille ruling. No. Pages. Size. PerDoz. 401 40 2%x5 402 72 2)^x5 Red Persian Russia, red edges. No. Pages. Size. Per Doz. 1301 Pencil 80 2i^x.")i^ 981 Indexed through. .80 ^igxiii^ 1303 Open end 80 Si^.x.?!^. . .. POCKET LEDGERS. Indexed, ruled dollars and cents, etc., superfine paper. No. Pases. Size. PerDoz. 433 Pressboard cover. 96. .. .35^x555. .. . 419 Canvas cover 120 S^jx.^i^. . . . 421 Leather cover 120 3-'4x5i^ DUCK FLAP MEMORANDUMS. Heavy duck covers, with flaj), pencil-holder, superfine paper, printed cover. No. Pages. Size. PerDoz. 1.500 13mo. broad 144 3i4.\.5i^. . . 1502 12mo. long 144 Si^.xo'g 1.504 8vo. broad 144 3'8x6i^ 1.506 8vo. long 144 314x71^ WORKMEN'S TIME BOOKS, WITH IM- PRO"\rED WAGE TABLE. Pressboard covers, printed, superfine paper, WEEKLY. No. Leaves. Size. Per. Doz. 1467 8vo 24 S'gxei^ 1469 8vo 34 o^s^'^h .MOKTflLY. 1468 8vo 24 3?8-x6i4- 1470 8vo 24 5i8x7:'4 SHEEP MEMORANDUMS. Red edges, superfine paper. No. Per Doz. 700 Open side, 100 pages, size 45^x7!^. . 703 " 200 " " i%x7]4... 640 Open side, 100 pages, size 2"g x7i j. . . 682 ' 200 " " 3:'sx8i3.., 628 " 100 " '• 3\x.55^... 668 ■• 100 " " 4i„x6=g. .. 930 Indexed through, open side, 100 pages, size 4i8x6;''g 952 Indexed through, open side, 300 pages, size 4-5i:x7j4 FOR PRICKS, KX AMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 221 BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC=-^" BTTTCHEB'S FLAP MEMORANDTJM BOOKS WITH POCKET. Slicep, boxed. No. Paa-i'S. Size. Per Dc 1900 100 3i4.\.') 1903 200 S^x.") 1904 100 314x0 1906 200 3(4x6 1910 200 4 x6 ... 2912 100 3-\x6-4 1920 200 4-sX()?4 1922 .300 ■l--oX6''4 1926 200 3i,..,x8 1928 300 3I3XS I RUSSIA MEMORANDUM BOOKS. | With lUii) ami pocket. Mo Piijiu^. Size. Per Doz 1942 200 314.X5 1946 200 31.4X6 19.")0 200 4 .x6 19r)4 200 3-'^8x63.4: 1960 200 4:'8x634 1962 300 43sx6J^ 1966 200 3i.;x8 1968 300 3i.,x8 WHITE WRITING PADS. UNUliLKD. Eis;Uty sheets each, colored cement edges. No. Size, Per 100. 248 2'^x 4 249 3 'x 45^ 2.50 S'igX 6 2.51 41.,'x 7 2.52 5 "x 8 2.53 55^x9 2.54 8 xlO "THE B. P. C." TABLET. We carry these both ruled and plain. No. Size. Per lOO 8.50 Octavo, 4i^x 7 8.53 Note, -5 x 8 854 Packet, .5'sX 9 .. 8.56 Letter, 7=gX O^g 8.58 Cap, 8 xl2i,i 860 Legal Cap,.. 8 xl2U THE "JOCKEY" PENCIL TABLET. Handsomely lithographed cover, in four shades. The finest line of pencil tablets ever offered to the trade. No. No. Plain. Ruled. Sheets. Per 100. 100 ..101 ..Penny 40 100>;,'.. 1011^.. Billet, 33.... 102 '..103 "..Billet, thick, 63 ... 106 ..107 ..Octavo, 63 110 ..111 ..Note, 40 114 ..115 ..Note, thick, 6.5 118 ..119 ..Packet, 40 133 . .123 . .Packet, thick, 65 136 ..127 ..Letter, 35 130 ..131 . .Letter, thick, 65... 134 ..135 ..Cap, 65... "SEASIDE" PENCIL TABLET. Four beautiful assorted lithograph covers. Spe- cial pencil paper, ruled. No. Sheets. Size. Per 100. 360 Note, 36 .5x8 361 " 80 .5.x8 THE CLOVER 10 CENT TABLET. Has a finely engraved ideal head on cover, and contains cream-tinted ruled linen paper. A GOOD ONE. No. Sheets, Size. Per 100. 710 Com. Note, . .80 5 x8 711 Packet Note,. 60 5=^x9 712 Letter, .50 7J^x 9% 713 Cap, 34 7%xn^ 714 Legal, 24 SMxll-V .... "THE CLOVER" BLOTTER TABLET. With lithographed cover, ruled, imitation Huen paper, with blotter. No. Sheets. Size. Per !U). 715 Note, thin,... 32 5 x8 716 Packet, thin, .24 5%x 9 720 Note, thick,.. 80 5 ^c 8 721 Packet, thick, 60 534 x 9 723 Letter, thick,. 45 8 xlO JUST OUT! THE AUTHOR'S AND POET'S TABLETS. These tablets are new, and in point of beauty and finish surpass anything yet introduced. They are both beautiful and instructive. FIRST SERIES. Each package contains ten tablets, with one por- trait each of the following named poets beauti- fully lithographed on the covers, namely; By- ron, Burns, Bhy.vnt, Emerson, Holmes, Longfellow, Scott, Sii.\kespe.\r, Tennyson and Wuittiek. SECOND series. In addition to the poi;traits on the covers, these tablets have the homes of the poets neatly litho- graphed on the corner of each sheet of paper. Series Nos. 1 and 3 are printed on superfine, cream-laid paper, with blotters, thick and double thick. third series. Have portraits of authors on the covers and con- tain our new patent water-marked quadrille linen paper in five choice tints. fourth series. On patent white quadrille water-marked linen paper, have portraits of authors on covers. first series. No Per 100 Pads. .500 Thick Note 501 Double Thick Note 502 Thick Packet 503 Double Thick Packet SECOND SERIES. With lithograph of Holmes. No Per 100 Pads. 510 Thick Note 511 Double Thick Note 513 Thick Packet 513 Double Thick Packet THIRD SERIES. Tinted linen quadrille, water marked. No Per 100 Pads. .520 Thick Note 521 Double Thick Note 522 Thick Packet .523 Double Thick Packet fourth SERIES. White linen quadrille water-marked paper. No Per 100 Pads. .524 Thick Note 525 Double Thick Note .526 Thick Packet 527 Double Thick Packet "THE ORIENTAL" LINEN TABLETS. The finest tablet in the market, gold and black lithographed cover on green bristol board, with extra quality antique linen paper, eighty sheets each, ruled. No Size. Per 100 887 Note 5 x 8 886 Packet 6^,^x9 .... 885 Letter 8 xlO "ORIENTAL" BILL HEADS. Superfine liilioLn-aplieil bill beads, suitable for ijeneral use, with blotter. No " Size. Per 100 890 Thick 7 x 8%. . . . 891 Double Thick 7 x 8J.< "ACADEMY" DRAWING TABLETS. Ochrs tinted paper, printed covers. No Size. Per 100. 900 4I2X 7 901 5-:'4X 9 ARTISTS' DRAWING BLOCKS. Superior drawing paper, heavy backs, strongly bound. No Inches. PerDoz. BIsrks. 910 5x7 911 6x9 912 7x10 413 9x12 914 lOxU 915 14x20 Continued. WRITING PAPER. We are in a po.sition to oiler exceptional Ij' low prices in writing papers, and invite comparison with other brands sold at higher figures than those named in this catalogue. "BROCTON." Fine quality white wove paper, high finish animal sized. Per Ream. 4 Hi. Com. Note Quarter R'm. . Legal Fokl. 6 " 5 " 6 " " " " " . . S " Letter Half " .. 10 " " " " .. 12 " " Quarter " .. 10 " Cap Half " .. 12 " " " " .. 14" " Quarter " .. 12 " Legal Cap Half " .. 14" " Quarter " .. 10" Broad and Long Bill.. Half " .. 12 " " " .. " " .. 14 " Ledger Crown, unit ruled, Half " .. 14 " Journal " " " " . . "RIP VAN WINKLE." A beautiful, white, superfine, tub sized and loft dried paper. Per Ream. 5 Ih . Note Quarter R'm . . 6 " " " " .. 5 " " Legal fold " " .. Letter Half " Quarter Cap Half " Quarter Legal Cap Half ENVELOPE. For convenience of the trade we give herewith exact dimensions of each number of envelope. No. 3. 3=8x4^8 inches I No. 4. Baronial No. 4. 21ixn}4 " . .4i4'x5i4 inches. No. .5. 31^x51^ " I No. 6. 3?8x6 Low cut, quarter thousand in box. No. f'olor. Wciglit. Size. Per .M. 105i.< Corn XX 5 1061? <■ XX 6 108 " XX 5 109 " XX 6 134V^ White XX 5 135i| " XX 6 137 " XX 4 138 " XX 5 139 " XX 6 High cut, cjuarter thousand in box. 373 White XXX 3 274 " XXX 4 275 " XXX 5 276 " XXX... . 6 BARONIAL ENVELOPES. High cut. quarter thousand in box. 149 1.50 WeiKlit. ,.XX 4. .XXX 4. LEAD PENCILS. JOCKEY. This pencil buyers will find equal to anything in the market at the price. Rosewood, with rub- ber eraser, encased in nickel tips. No. PevGr. 343 DOMESTIC PENCILS. No. Per Gr. A. Plain Cedar No. 2 42 Red " " 2 76 " " hexagon... " 2 140 Perfection Cedar, inserted rubber. . . CARPENTERS' PENCILS. No. Per Gr. 430 Carpenters', white wood, oval 435 " polished cedar, " 222 FOTl PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC.— Continued. SOMETHING NEW. Eagle Pilot Pencil with Patented Clasp Protector. This pencil consists of a metal tip; hinged in the 1 the pencil by simply pressing the end where ,„,.,, ., ;, ,„,! the rubber is held, as cut illustrates. center, one end of which clasps the pencil and | ^ ^^^^^, ^^.^^^ ^^ ^^^j^^^. ^.^^^ ^^^.^ ^.^^5,^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ the other the rubber eraser. The tip or 1 tuted, if so desired, by placing the metal ends " Clasp Protector " can be removed from \ together. No. 337. 338. .No. 2 lead ,. '• 3 " Per Gr. I No. 339 small No. 3 lead. 340 •• " 3 " . Mercantile pencils, with erasers encased in nickel Mercantile pencils, win; erasers encased in tips, stamped iu gold. Packed half gross in nickel tips, stamped in gold. Packed half No. Jledium, Falcon Pen. 9. Commercial Pen 14. Bank Pcu. 048. Falcon l'^ 048. Falcon Pen, gold plaled. a box. No. 313. Black, No. 3 321. Silk, No. 2 323. Rosewood, No. 3. gross in a box. No. 313. Black, No. 3 333. Silk, No. 3 324. Rosewood, No. 3. Recorder, small, natural cedar, eraser encased in nickel tips. No. Per Gr. >677 , ffffffPffg^'^'S^^Mg Recorder, small, rosewood, eraser encased in nickel tips. No. Per Gr. 679 SLATE PENCILS. IN HIGHLY POLISHED CEDAR WOOD. Seven Ikcues Long. No. PevGr. 927 Small black 928 " red 946 Large black 947 " red COLORED SLATE CRAYONS. Every dozen contains 3 each of the following colors ; No. PerGr. 9.1.5 Blue 9m Red 9.57 Green 9.58 Yellow PENCIL-HOLDERS. 505 " Champion," nickel plated Finer, 126 Double Spring Pen 128. E.xtraFiiii- Ela.Mic IVi 135. Double Elastic Pen 161. Engrossing Short Nib . 182. Ladies' Falcon P.n 232. Swan Quill P. 239. Chancellor Entjrossing Pen. 312. The Judge's Quill Pen Champion Double Adjustible. Nickel plated. The latest and best. 507. 333. Extra Fine School Pen 444. School Pen. 1170. The Ladit's' Pen FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 233 THOMAS INK CO.'S CELEBRATED Writing and Copying Inks, LKlUID GLUE, BLUING and Ml'ClLAGE. Tbis celebrated Thomas Ink is used throughout the country S in theprincipal National Banks, ' Courts of Record, Colleges, !^ Railroad otliccs, etc. , etc. The manufacturers have ar- > ranged to supply members with "^ a complete assortment of their goods (excepting the colored iidcs), put up in patent paper bottles, which insures absolute safety against breakage. Thomas' Celebrated Black School Ink — No. 20 — 2-oz. size, price per bottle. No. 21 — Price per dozen bottles. No. 22 — 3-oz. boltle price, each. No, 23 — Price per dozen bottles. No. 24 — ^-pint bottles, price each. No. 25 — Price per dozen. No. 26 — 1 pint bottles, price each. No. 27— Price per dozen. No. 28 — 3 gallon keg, with faucet, price. No. 29 — 5 gallon keg. Thomas' Blue-Black Writing and Copying Fluid — No. 30 — 3-oz. bot- tles, price each. No. 31 — Price per dozen bottles. No. 32 — l-pint bottles, price each. No. 33 — Price per dozen bottles. Thomas' Bed Ink — No. 34 — 3-oz. bottles, price each. No. 35 — Price per dozen bottles. Thomas' Violet Copying Ink— No. 36 — 2-oz. bottles, price each. No. 37 — Price per dozen. No. 38 — i-pint bottles, price each. No. 39 — Price per dozen. No. 40— Quart bottles, price each. No. 41 — Price per dozen. Thomas' Green Copying Ink — No. 42 — 2oz. bottle, price each. No. 48 — Price per dozen bottles. Payson's Indelible Ink. For marking clothing with a. pen. No. 44 — Price per bottle. No. 45 — Price per dozen. Thomas' Carmine Ink. Genuine pure carmine and permanent. Square flint glass stopper and bottle. No. 46 — 1-oz. bottle, price each. No. 47 — Price per dozen. No. 48— 2-oz. bottles, price each. No. 49 — Price per dozen. No. 50 — 4-oz. bottles, price each. No. 51 — Price per dozen. Thomas' Stylographic Ink — No. 52 — 4-oz. bottles, price each. THOMAS' MUCILAGE. The Great Sticker — A pure gum mucil- age of unusual strength. It will not mould or sour in any climate. Flint glass bottles with wide mouths, bell cones. No. 54—3- oz. bottles, price each. No. 56 — 4-oz. bot- tles, price each. No. 58 — 8-oz. bottles, price each. No. 60 — Regular pint bottles, price each. No. 6J— Quart bottles, price each. Thomas' Oriental Mucilage. A good gum mucilage warranted to stick. Glass cone bottle with wide mouth. No. 64 — 4-oz. bottle, price each. No 65 — Price per doz. Thomas' Liquid Glue. The strongest liquid glue known, always ready for use. It mends everything, even family jars. No. 66 — l-oz. bottle, price each. No. 68 — 2-oz. bottle, price each. The above include caps and brushes. BLUING. Thomas' Sprinkling Top Liquid Bluing. No break- age, no loss, convenient and of the best quality, always ready for use. It contains no acid or other ingredient to discolor or otherwise injure the clothes (see cut). No. '70 — 3-oz. bottle, price each. No. 72 — 4-oz. bottle, price each. No. 74 — 8oz. bottle, price each. Thomas' Laundry Blu- ing, Sifting Box. The stand- ard brand, quality unsur- passed, and each box holding a full quantity. Printers' Materials of all Kinds, Outfits, Supplies, etc., at Large Reductions. Special Lists sent on Application. CAXTONETTE PRESS. No. 1— Weighing 24 lbs., strong, compact and thoroughly built, with four impression scrc'ws on back of betl, for adjustment of the impression. The two rollers pass entirely over the form twice at each impression, and a revolving ink disc in- sures good distribu- tion. It is quickly op- erated and is capable of doing excellent work. For printing cards, tags, envelopes, etc., it is unequaled. eluded in price. Boxing 75c extra. Two rollers and one chase in- CAXTON PRESS. No. 2 — The same as ''Caxtonette," weighing 38 lbs. ; chase 4x6 Inches ; two rollers and one chase included in price. Boxing 75c extra. No. 2J the same, but hand inker for $5 less. THE FAVORITE PRESS. No. 4 — Self inking hand lever and a reliable worker. Always approved by the purchaser who wants a mod- erately low-priced practical job printer, with chase 4^x6^ inches, strong and durable, and a great favorite. Box- ing 75c extra. Price includes one chase, two rollers and a key wrench. BOSTON PRESS. No. 13— A hand press for small work, with capacity of 3ix5i inches; or, No. 14 size 5x8 inches. Boxing 50c ex- tra. Roller 25c extra. COLUMBIA ROTARY PRESS. No. 3 — A first class job-printer, simple in construction and will not readily get out of order, strongly built and will print a full form of matter without strain or spring to bed or platen; perfect rest to platen, giving am- ple time for feeding the sheets ; impression easily adjusted; grip- pers convenient for setting, and a perfect distribution of ink. It is the best cheap press in the market and always gives satis- faction. Size of chase 5x8 in. Accompanying the press and without extra charge are two chases, two rollers and a wrench. Boxing $3 extra. COLUMBIAN PRESS. Lever power, made of the very best materials after the latest altered and improved patterns, and adapted for all kinds of business jobs. Two rollers and one chase are fur- nished without charge. Boxing 75c extra. This press is made in three sizes. No. 81 has chase 5x7^ inches. No. 83, 6x9 inches. No. 83, 8x12 inches. 224 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. /T\/iRK T^Pir5 PATENT %m Booh. THe ONLY ADHESIVE PAGE SCRAP BOOK IN THE WORLD. (T)arK T^aii^'s Deseriptiop of jHis '^^rzy Bool^. Hartfoud, Monday Evening. My Dear Slote: — I have invented and patented a new Scrap Book — not to makt- money out of it, but to economize the profanity of this country. You know that vr-hen the average man wants to put something in his scrap book he can't find his paste — then he swears; or, if he finds it, it is dried so hard tliat it is only fit to eat — then he swears; if he uses mucilage it mingles with the ink, and ne.\t year he can't read his scrap — Uie result is barrels and barrels of profanity. This can all be saved and devoted to irritating things, where it will do more real and lasting good, simply by substituting my self -pasting Scrap Book for the old-fashioned one. If Messrs. Slote & Co. wish to publish this Scrap Book of mine, I shall be willing. You sec by the above paragraph that it is a sound moral work, and this will commend it to editors and clergymen, and in fact to all right-feeling people. If you want testimonials, I can get them, and of the best sort, and from the best people. One of the most refined and cultivated young ladies in Hartford (daughter of a clergyman) told me herself, with grateful tears standing in her eyes, that since she began using my Scrap Book she has not sworn a single oath. Yours truly, MARK TWAIN. Pkice lEW No. No. PER Book. 33000 100 33004 IIU 33020 3302S 115 33030 33032 (K) 83037 33038 83039 83040 33041 2 33042 10 33050 88 33052 89 33056 120 33060 33062 33063 33064 33066 33067 33068 33070 33071 33074 1 33075 33076 8 33077 33080 40 33082 50 33086 m 83087 33089 33090 «■/, 33091 33092 33093 5 33094 18 33095 33096 33097 23098 33099 83100 2a 33102 24 33104 2fi r.3106 28 Binding and Description. ■WEAPPED, 14 Doz. Pkgr. For the Pocket. Marble Paper, Flexible Readers' and Writers' Ed. Marble Paper, Flexible ■WRAPPED SINGLY. Patent Flat Backs. Half Cloth, Paper iHalf Eoan, Antique, Paper! f Sides. 1 [ Half Roan, Black, Cloth Sides ] BOXED. Paged and Indexed. With Pocket. I Half Russia, Cloth ( i Library Style, Eieveled 1 AUTHORS' BOOK. I Halt Russia, Cloth ( (Library Style, Beveled 1 WRAPPED SINGLY. Patent Round Backs. Half Cloth, Stamped " " Paper Paged and Indexed. Half Cloth, Paper Full Cloth, Stamped '.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. " " Extra, Stamped Cloth and Gold, Fancy, St'mp'd • Half Roan, Black, Cloth Sides ■ Not Paged or Indexed. Full Cloth, Fan and Butterfly J Design. | No. No. OB OF COLS. Pgs. 1 48 3 48 2 48 3 48 2 64 3 64 2 150 3 150 150 3 150 2 150 3 150 2 1.W 2 150 „ 80 2 100 2 150 200 3 100 3 150 3 250 3 100 3 150 3 250 o 100 2 150 3 100 150 2 64 3 64 2 76 2 100 2 150 3 76 3 lOO 3 l.W 2 76 3 76 3 76 2 160 3 1.50 2 150 3 150 1 56 2 56 2 .56 8 64 8Hxll 79^x10 10)^x12 7MxlO 10)1x12 10J^xl2 10Hxl2 7>iix 5!;i 8!4xl0 8j|.vlO 8^4x10 10 xn% 10 xll§^ 10 xn% 11 xl6 11 xl6 11 xl6 7MxlO 7-MxlO 10>ixl2 10'/2Xl2 B54x !1^ 9 xU 7MxlO lUxlO 79^x10 10)4x12 10',4xl2 10)^x12 iriXlO 9 xll 10!^xl2 794X10 10'/.xl2 794x10 10'/3Xl2 6Hx 8 Tjlx 9 8!.i.vl0 10)^x12 33110 33112 33114 33120 33124 33128 33132 33140 33142 33150 33152 33160 83170 33200 33202 33208 33210 33216 33218 33S24 33226 33250 33252 33254 33260 33262 33264 33270 33272 33274 33280 33282 33284 33290 33292 33294 33300 33302 33304 33306 33308 33310 33340 33342 33350 33352 87)^ Price PER Book. Binding and Description. W^RAPPED SINGLY. Patent Hound Back— Paged and Indexed. Eagle and Hare design BOXED. Paged and Indexed. With Pockets. Cloth and Gold, Fancy Stamped I Full Morocco, Fancy Stamped f Beveled. I Full Russia, Richly Finished, I" Beveled. Half Roan, Cloth " Russia, " Full aoth: Embossediii Gold, Silver ajid Colors. Designs Seasons, Spring " " Summer " " Autumn " " Winter Stag design Boy and Bubbles design Peacock design Cat and Parrot design Frog design Daisies and Buttercups design. No. No. op OF Cols. Pgs. 56 3 76 3 76 2 100 2 150 3 100 3 150 150 3 150 150 3 1,50 3 150 3 150 3 76 H 76 3 76 3 76 3 76 3 76 3 76 3 76 2 .56 8 76 3 76 2 56 3 76 3 76 2 56 3 76 3 76 1 40 2 56 a 56 2 76 3 76 3 76 1 40 2 66 2 56 3 76 3 76 3 76 DRUGGISTS' PRESCRIPTION BOOKS. 8^x10 9 xll 9->ixl2 794x10 794x10 10^x12 10)4x12 794x10 10)^x12 794x10 10!4.xl2 U xl6 11 xl6 10,^x12^ llHxl3?i loaxm 11)1x1394 lO'/jxm llHxl^ lOVSxl^ llJ4.\]39i StJxlC 9 xll 994x12 8)4X10 9 xll 9?4xl2 8)4x10 9 xll 994x12 7Hx 9 8}|xl0 73^x10 9 xll 10)^x12 6)4 X 8 7Wx9 8j|xl0 9 xU 10)4x12^ Old No, PerBook. BINDING AND DESCRIPTION. Half Cloth, Paper Roan No. of Pages. 300 lOxllSfi lOxllJi^ ADHESIVE PACE INVOICE BOOKS. PerBook. Binding &Descrip, Duck Backs and Corners. No. Pages, 200 Ruling, Quality Paper lOVixie 10)-4xl6 12t,^xl8 ASK FOR MARK TWAIN'S SCRAP BOOK AND TAKE NO OTHER. FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 22S PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PLUSH WITH BRONZE. No. 316G. No. 216R. No. 216G. Silk plush, assorted colors, embossed blank, "Album " in bronze ; each No. 216R. Silk plush, assorted colors, " Rose " in bronze; each ROYAL QUARTOS. Four Cabinets to Page. No. 1106. Silk plusli, clover-Ieat plate; size, 12i^xl6i4; each No. 1107. " plain; size, 12i^xl6><; each ~ No. 1139. Morocco, plain padded covers, Oxford back; size, 12}^x 16J^; each No. 416L. No. 436B. No. 416L. Silk plush, Victoria size, photograph in back, six leaves, 12 cabinets, bronze lily on front cover, 11}^ wide by 12 high; each Silk plush, Victoria size, bronze base, and birds on front; 16 leaves, 32 cabinets; 8 wide by 12}^ high; each MEDIUM AND EXTRA OBLONGS. No. 1285N. No. 1285N. Silk plush, half back, bronze plaque, front cover cm- bossed blank, 12 wide by 14 V^ high, each Silk plush, scroll back, bronze front landscape, bronze ornaments on base; size, 12 wide by 15 high: each No. 980. Silk, plain, size 9I4XI3 cacli. No. 1080. •' •• •• 10-'iXl3>^ ■• No. 907. Extra silk, plain, size 93^x13 No. 1007. " ■• •■ '■ 103^x13}^ ■■ No. 1015N. No. 901 R. No. lOOlR. No. 915N. Silk plush, embossed blank, word "Album," size 91^x13, each Silk plush, embossed blank, word "Album," size 10?^xl3i^, each Silk plush, gilt monogram "Album," size 9J^xl3, each. Silk plush, gilt monogram "Album," size \(S%x\Z}^. each No. 1428. No. 201s. No. 2018. Silk plush album, a.ssorted colors, nickel monogram.. each No. 227B. No. 227B. Silk plush album, assorted colors, bronze plaque, "JFargarite." 226 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS.— Continued. No. 21 8S. Silk plush album, assorted colors, perpendicular bronze bar. Price, each No. 237A. Silk plush album, assorted colors, bronze plaque front, "Pygmalion aad Galatea." Price, each No. 237F. No 327F. Silk plush album, "Arab," bronze plaque front. Price, each No. 226 Silk plush album, assorted colors, lands(ai)e center, panel pond leaves, flowers, etc. Price, each No. 239. No. 839 Morocco, seal grain, O.xford back. Price, each. No, 368S. Leather corners, embossed, diagonal plush, center band, gilt monogram. Price, each FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 227 No. 2332. Silk plush, assorted colors, satin lined, imitation ivory top, horse-shoe shape, furnislied with square amber fittinjjs, twisted haudies, hrush, comb, mirror, glove stretcher, manicure set and odor bottles, 13 pieces; size, iOJ^.\14Jo: price, eacli ; can be had with white fittings at the same price. Description of " Patent Back " scrap buuks illustrated above. No. 559. Leatherette, birds, vines, etc., embossed in black and gilt, while paper ; size, ii%xll% inches. Price, each. No. 874. " Golden" series, imitation leather, embo,5Scdin full gilt, chromo medallions, birds, etc., inlaid, title " Album" in colors, white paper; size, O'.jxlS inches. Price, each. No. 905. " Silver Lily" .series, leatherette, emlnissed lilies in silver, leaves and border gilt, beautiful chromo, tinted paper ; size, lOJ^x 12p^ inches. Price, ' each. No. 91."). The "Vignette" series, leatherette, gilt circle, rich chromo center on black background ; size, 1014x12^4 inches. Price, each. No. 936. The "Belle" .series, leatherette, embossed gilt, and colors, full chromo, white paper ; size, 113^^.xl4 inches. Price, each. No. 9.i(). The "Favorite" .series, leatherette, full gilt ))ackground, large ideal heads, white paper ; size, 11 J^^ld inches. Price, each. No. 966. The "Daisy" series, full cloth, cmbo.s.scd in silver and gold, daisias, leaves, etc., elegant chmmo panel, white paper; size, 111^x14 inches. Price, each. No. 1004. The "Morning Glory" series, full clolh, embo.ssed gold and black, center panel, morning glories in chromo, word " Album," very elegant, white paper; size, OJjXl^ in. Price, each. No. 1025. The " Murray Hill " series, full cloth, a.ssorted colors, embossed, gilt center, silver flowers, word "Album" in black, tinted paper, very chaste ; size, 10)^x12^4^ inches. Price, each. No. 1064. The " Owl" series, full extra cloth, assorted colors, embo.ssed in black and gold, heavy cream paper ; size, Q^xi'i, inches. Price, each. TOILET CASES. No. 2;j2S. Silk plush, assorted colors, satin lined, bronze head and base, furnishec! amber fittings, squiie, twisted handles, brush, comb am mirror, size ji^xl^ pi ice eich, can be had wit) whit( tittmi^s it fhc sunt piicc No. 2339. No. 23:31. Silk plush ibsoittd colors raised emlti iiauel, octagon shape, satin lined, bronze base, furnished square amber fittings, twisted handles, 3 pieces, brush, comb and mirror; size, e'i^xll; price, each, can be had in white fittings at the same price. Silk plash, assorted colors, satin lined, swinging sides, hinge top with mirror, jewelry drawer in base, furnished with square amber fittings, twisted handles, 4 brushes, comb and manicure set, 3 odor bottles, 16 pieces; price, each ; can be had with white fittings at tlie same price. 14 inches high, 11 inches wide, 7 inches deep. No. 2339. No. 2340. No. 2356. No. 2339. Bilk plush, satin lined, assorted colors, bronze ornaments oB base, drop front, swinging sides and top, furnished with 3 brushes, mirror and glove stretcher, manicure set, white cel- luloid, 15 pieces, 13 ins. high, 13 ins. wide; jirice, each, can be had with amber at the same price. Silk plush, assorted colors, satin lined, bronze head on top, 13 inch bevelled mirror in top, movable tray, toilet, manicure, glove, handkerchief and jewel combination, furnished with white celluloid fillings, 16 pieces, 17 ins. long, 16 ins. wide, 9 ins. high; price, each, can be had in amber at the same price. Silk plush, satin lined, imitation ivory head, furnished vdth 4 brushes, comb, mirror and shoe horn, twisted handles, white celluloid, square; size, 10x13; price, each, can be had with iiinber at the same price. JEWEL CASES. No. 991—10 No. 991—11 No. 991—12 No. 991—13 No. 992—10 No. 992—11 No. 992—12 No. 992—13 Nos. 991 and 992. Silk Plush, Satin Lined, Lock and Key, Movable Tray. Plain Toi Imit.Htioii Ivo 5I4X7 ; each. . . . 6x81,; each 6;<.x9; each Top. size, 5}^x7 51^x8- GxSij'; 6i4'xl5i^ ; each No. 73!, Imitation leather, red and black squares, gilt lines, and gilt border ; size, 15x1 0/4 ; each No. 73','. Imitation leather, red and black squares, gilt lines, and gilt border ; size, lOi aXlGSj ; each No. 733. Imitation leather, red and black squares, gilt lines and border, fancy iusides ; size, 15}^xl6J<^ ; each No. 734. Imitation leather, red and black squares, gilt lines and border, fancy insides ; size, 17x181^ ; each No. 737. Imitation leather top, black walnut frame, brass hinges, red and black squares ; size, 15i4xl5J^ ; each COLLAR AND CUFF COMBINATION. No. 2a3. Fancy leatherette, flat base, medallion head, blank; size. tt.xoi^j; per set No. 293. Fancy leatherette, flat base, medallion head, imitation ivory; size, OxoJ^; per set No. 333. Silk plush, sateeu lined, flat base, embossed "Collars," " Cuffs; " size, 9x5J^; per set No. 343. No No No. No No 500. 502. 504. 506. 508. No. 526. No 528. No. 530. No. 532. No. 534. No. 536. No. 538. No. 343. Silk plush, satin lined, octagon shape, bronze ornaments, top and base; size, 81^x7; each MUSIC WRAPPERS. No. 536, Glazed cloth, lined, stick, and ribbon; each " " " flap, strap, and fastenings; each " ' stick, and fastenings; each. Leatherette, strap, nickel buckle, no handle; each " muslin lined, strap, nickel buckle, flat handle; each Seal grain morocco, unlined, flat handle, covered buckle; each American Russia, smooth, sateen lined, flat handle, cov- ered buckle; each American Russia, sateen lined, embossed black and gold, fancy catch; each Silk plush, assorted colors, satin lined, calf strap and handle, nickel buckle; each Seal grain morocco, black and red, sateen lined, flat handle, covered buckle, edges bound ; each Calf, light colors, elegantly embossed "pansies,"etc., satin lined, flat handle, covered buckle, edges bound. JVeto and elegant. Each Silk plush, assorted colors, satin lined, edges bound with calf, calf handle and strap, nickel catch; each MUSIC CASES. Nos. 600, 604, 606. No. 600. Imitation cloth, flat handle, lettered "Music; " each. . . No. 602. " " bands of pansies. etc., flat handle; each. No. 604. " leather, flat handle; each No. 606. Morocco cloth, flat handle; each FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. 22» PRICE LIST OF= -r (Utu0ic 0^0060, (piano arii> Organ ^tuUu, Membirs Includes Postage Special List. PIANO STUDIES, ETC. PIANO METHODS. Retail Price. Prices to Mem- bers. Brainard'8 Dollar Method. Bound in Boards Bertini'9 Piano Method. Bound In Boards Karl Merz' Piano Method. Bound in Boards Plardy'a Technical Studies. Bound in Boards 1 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 1 25 3 00 1 00 1 50 3 00 50 1 25 2 25 62 72 1 25 02 78 1 25 18 Lebert & Stark's Piano Method. Bound in Boards. Parts l,:i and 3 Each Clzorney's Etudes de Velocite. Bound in Boards.. Urbach's Pri/.e Piano Method. Bound In Boards . . Winner's Primary Method. Bound In Paper ORGAN METHODS. Peerless Organ Method. Bound in Boards Bralnard's Dollar Method. Bound in Boards Merz' New Organ Method. Bound in Boards Winner's Primary Method. Bound in Paper 2 50 1 00 2 50 .50 75 60 93 18 GDITAR METHODS. Carcassi's Guitar Method. Bound in Boards Holland's Guitar Method. Bound in Boards Winner's Primary Method. Bound in Paper 2 ,50 2 50 .50 1 .50 1 7". 18 BOOKS OF VOCAL MDSIC. 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 55 55 &•> 55 55 Fireside Favorites. Bounrl in Boards Ideal Gems of Enj? Hsh Song. Bound in Boards ... Books of iDstromental Mnsic. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 on .■iS 55 65 55 55 55 55 Musical Evenings (Violin and Piano). Bound In Heed Organ Companion. Bound in Boards Two Musical Friends (Piano Duets). Bound In Boards By purchasing the foregoinsr list of Music Books in large quantities we are able to furnish them at the special prices quoted. Many of these are duplicated in the list which follows, but the correct prices to members appear on the *' Special List." Larks. By R. E. Henninges Katie Dean. By Karl Merz Easter Morning. By Dudley Buck Miriam's Song of Triumph. By Karl Merz Nightingale's Nest. Reichardt Runaway Flirt. By Karl Merz Cliristian's Prayer. (Spohr.) Bound In Boards Bound in Paper Gipsy Girls. Chorus. By Karl Merz Spring. Cantata. By R. E. Henninges Tower of Babel. Rubinstein Stabat Mater. Palestrina Gems from Roslta Acme Quartette Book. Male Voices Herbert's Male Quartette an 1 Chorus Book Quartette Club Mixed Voices. Boards Bound lu Cloth War Songs. Qraud Army War Songs Bound lu Paper- Bound In Boards... Bound in Cloth Oui National \\ ar Songs. Bound in Paper. Bound in Boards Bound In Cloth Words only » Bertinl. Arpeggio Exercises , " Scales and Exercises Op. 29. Twenty-five Studies. Op. 32. Tweuty-flve Studies. Op. 100. Twenty-five Studies. dementi's Preludes and Exercises Couppey. 25 Studies. "L'Agilite." 6 Books. Eacii Complete Cramer's Forty-two Studies Book 1 ** *' •* tl...,!^ .1 Book 2 " Useful Extracts Crolsez. Op. (io, Studies on Rhythm and Expression in four books Each Complete Crolsez. Op. 100. Twenty-flve Studies. "in "three books Each Complete Czerny. "Recreation Musicale." 100 easy aiiii pro gressive lessons. In four books Each Czerny. Op. 139. 100 Finger Exercises. In three books Each Czerny. Op. 299 "Etudes de Velocite," American lingering. In three books Each Bound in Cloth. Complete Bound in Boards. '' Czerny. Op. 299. "Etudes de Velocite." Elegant plate edition, with German Fingering. In three books Each Czerny. Op. 337. Forty Daily Studies. In two books Each Complete Czerny. Op. 409. Fifty Grand Finishing Studies In six books Each Czerny. 101 Preparatory Lessons, in three books. Each Complete Czerny. Op. 453. 110 Easy and Progressive Exer- cises. In six books Each Czerny. Op. 500. Grand Exercises of the Scale Czerny. Pianists' Daily and Indispensable Exer- cises Czerny. Op. 636. Twenty-four Short and Progres sive Studies. In three books Each Czerny. Op. 718. Twenty-four Studies for the Left Hand. In three books Each Czerny. Op. 740. Fifty Studies. (Sequel to "Etudes de Velocite.") In six books Each Czerny. Op. 802. Practical Flve-Finger Exercises.. Czerny. Op. 821. 160 Exercises in Eight Measures Each. In four books Each Czerny. Op. 849. Thirty New Studies in .Mechan- isme. Amer. Fingering. In six books. ..iSach Bound in Boards. Complete Bound in Cloth. Czerny. Op. 849. Thirty New Studies in Mechan isme. Elegant engraved edition, witli Ger- man Fingering. In six books Each Duvernoy. Op. 120. Ecole du Mechanisme, Amer- ican Fingering. In three books Each Bound in Boards. Complete Bound in Cloth. '> Duvernoy. Op. 120. Ecole du Mechanisme. Eie fant plate edition, with German Fingering, n three books Each Duvernoy. Op. 168. Ecole du Style. In three books Each Complete Evers' Octave Study Goldbeck. Harmonized Progressive Finger Exer clses. In three books Each Complete Goldbeck. Fifty Piano Studies. Ten series ...Each Goldbeck, Fundamental Technics of Piano-Forte Playing. Paper Goldbeck. High Technics for the Piano. Four series Each Complete Grund's Twelve Etudes, Op. 24, (with notes by Rob ert Schumann). In two books Each Complete Heller. Op. 16. Art of Phrasing. In two books Book 1 Book 2 Heller. Op. 45. Twenty-five Studies. Introduc- tory to "Art of Phrasing." In two books Each Heller. Op. 46. Thirty Progressive Studies. In two books Each Heller. Op. 47. Twenty-five Studies on Rhythm Qd Expression. In two books Each Henninges' Twelve IJtudes Characteristiques. Henninges' Twelve Studies and Sketches. Book 1. Book 2 1 00 Henninges' Forty Melodious Exercises. Book 1 1 00 Book 2 1 00 Complete 1 75 Jansen. Op. 32. Twenty-five "Klavier Studies." German Fingering. In three books Each! 1 25 Kappe's First Steps on the Piano I 75 Kappe's Pupil's Progressive ^Lessons. In four books Eacjl 75 1 50 FOR PRICKS, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. MUSIC BOOKS, PIANO AND ORGAN STUDIES — Conimued. Knorr. Pupil's Daily Exercises Knorr. Fitty-six Elementary Lessons Knorr. Guide to YoungPlanists Knorr. Materialsfoi the Mechanical 1'i.rt of Piaiin Forte Playing Knorr. Pianists' Daily Studies Kobler. Op. 50. The First Studies. In two bool 63 25 ■m 1 00 8.3 231 — r We are prepared to supply to members of the Association any piece of sheet mnsio, vocal and instramental, domestic or foreign, at fifty (50) per cent. Inquiries should be accompanied by postage for reply. A graded catalogue of nearly 8,000 selections will be sent on receipt of 10 cents to cover postage and cost of printing. This catalogue embraces : English Songs and Ballads. German Songs and Ballads. French Songs and Ballads. Italian Songs and Ballads. Sacred Mnsic. Daets, Trios and Quarettes. Pianoforte Compositions. Waltzes. Polkas. Galops. Mazurkas. Redowas. Schottisches. Baritone and Bass Songs. Glees, Chomses, Etc. Concert, Waltz and Mazurka Original Part Songs. Songs German Part Songs. Comic and Character Songs. Operatic Choruses and Airs. Operatic Selections. Oratorio Chomses. Vocal Studies. Operas. Quadrilles. Lancers. Marches. Qnicksteps. Exhibition and Concert Pieces. Easy pieces for beginners. Collections of Pianoforte Mnsic. Foar, Six and Eight-hand Pieces. Gems from the Operas. Organ Compositions. Pianoforte Stndies. Oratorios, Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Con- tralto and Tenor Songs. Masses, Etc., Etc. Violin and Flnte Mtisio. Cornet Music. Guitar Music. Banjo Mnsic. Concertina Music. Orchestra and Brass Band Mnsic, Etc., Etc. KTOTIOE. Some publishers offer to send sheet mnsic of their own PUBLICATION with the privilege of returning if not wanted after giving it a trial, but as we do not publish music, we must decline to take back or exchange any piece which has been sent as ordered. 232 FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KEY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DEPARTMENT. In calling the attention of our members to this branch of our business, we would particularly remind them that our space is too limited even to simply name the tenth part of what we can supply them with. We must, therefore, content ourselves witli giving descriptions and illus- trations of a few, and ask our patrons to write us for full descriptive catalogues. WITH PATENT HEAD.— Small Sizes. GERMAN ACCORDEONS. KALBE'S IMPERIAL. Carved Mouldings, Keys aud Guard, enameled cloth-covered case and bel- lows, nickel corners and clasps, double bellows. WITH GERMAN SILVER REEDS. No. 235. 10 keys, 3 stops, 3 sets of reeds, light wood frame, tuned in thirds (chords), each !No. 231)1^. Same as No. 335, in ebonized frame, each GUITARS. 9. I., -Size, Dark-red color, inlaid around sound-hole aud edges. Good quality, each 11. ;3:i-size, dark-red color, inlaid around sound-hole and edges. Good quality, each Regular Size. 131-^. Dark-red color, inlaid sound-hole and edges. Good finish. Each \Z%. Imitation rosewood, inlaid sound-hole and edges. Good flnish. Each 13. Imitation rosewood, fancy decalcomanle sound-hole, inlaid edges. Good finish. Each MUSICAL BOXES. Imitation Rosewood Cases, wth Interior Glass Covers. Sprinsj Movements, with Ratchet Lever. No. 204. •• 306. ■• 207. " 208. •' 309, •' 310. 6 Airs, 43g-inch Cylinder, each. 6 ' ~ ■ 6 8 6 " with Zither Attachment, each. '■ " each with Zither Attachment, each. " " each The Zither Attachment, consisting of an Ornamental Nickel Bar, with rolls of light paper attached, is placed above the comli, which, by means of an adjustable fixture, can be pressed against the teeth, producing the effect of a Zither played in unison with the box. It can be detached at will, leaving the box to play in its natural tone, For boxes not already having the Attachment, we can supply them. HARMONICAS. No. 50. ! " 50. I " 50. IN PASTEBOARD BOXES. 8 Double Holes, Zinc Reed Plates, Tin Covers, each. 10 ' 13 •■ •: No. IJ^. Maple, reddish brown color ; shaded, inlaid sound-hole and edges, each Nn. 33, Single. RICHTER. No. 33. 10 single hc'es, brass reed plates, nickel covers, each. •■ 33. 13 " " '■ ■' ■ •• 33. 30 •■ " •• ■' 33. 24 '■ " " " Note.— The prices of Richter Harmonicas are subject to change with the fluctuations of the market, CONCERT. No. 43. 10 double holes, 'u-ass reed plates, eii.itraved Orrmau silver covers, each FOR PRICES, EXAMINE MEMBERS' SECRET KET. 233 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT DE PARTMENT.-Continued. BANJOS. No. OENUINE EMMETT— RICHTER PATTERN. Ko. ar) — 10 single holes white reed plates, uickel covers eacli, THE STAGE HARMONICA. 3fo. 28 — 10 single boles, white reed plates, nickel covers each, SILVER-TONGUED RICHTER. 3io. 33 — l(t doidjle holes, brass reed plates, nickel covers each, ST. JAMES-LONDON, PROFESSIONAL. "No. '.'i^> — 10 sin!;lc lioles. brass reed plates, (xcnnan .silver covers, each. MINSTREL PROFESSIONAL. 3io. 55 — 10 doul)le lioles. brass plates, nickel covers, new model, each. MANDOLINS. Nos. 34-36. WITH PEG HEAD. "So. 10 — Maple, 4 double strings, inlaid sound hole and edges WITH PATENT HEADS. E.\CH. No. 20. Maple, ribbed, 4 double strings, inlaid sound hole and edges No. 22. Maple, ribbed, 4 double springs, inlaid sound-hole and edges Uo. 24. Maple, ribbed, 4 double strings, pearl ornamented sound- hole, inlaid edges No. 26- Maple, ribbed, 4 double strings, pearl ornamented sound- bqRD ©ATALOeUE WORK A SPeeiy^LTY. •" ^^- - CHICAGO PRINTING CO.. 1 58 & 1 60 CLARK ST. •>^1X$^/