F 127 .63 L2 Copy 1 ^^^^^.mMMMMm^^ !.-?. LAKE GEORGE AND Fort William Henry Hotel i 8 9 i A DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL SKETCH. * "•' -^x^w^- "^x© In Exch. Wis. Hist,S©<* N. Y. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING CO. 320 & 322 Pearl Street, New York. \ 1 MF^P JL-I ; * 1 ■KS^tfj ■ rafl •*>*■ m — Tgfe*- H s^^g 1 i&3HBMIMLm4iJtJ"*^"j' n ^ ri11 " p pa li\ n\ild o\d j(orn\y wd|o> cnl en (JO W Mt»» M — O tO Q)|-J Ol ir n_J |Qi|xi| |i p|o I - I M I Co jjj I -fr | en | <" | N | 3 | IP | o | - oo o o» »k ^» o !? » «> IO 01 IB 00 o | t »|ru-| o|m'oo^i'cr. | cn|j^|i ^|ro l -|o l io|cx)|-si I o->_^ 1 pflL eo;: '802 j eoe I 013 I 115 I gig '£15 ■H3 _L ro] pStHcQ a|a|a|fc|a|ais s|&|m|8 Is l&|8|s|3 ? mh^|5 ? ^FlWJ *.$'#% RED SULPHUR SPRINGS, MONROE CO., W. VA. In the water of Red Sulphur Springs, of Monroe County, West Virginia, we have a natural remedy, which is endorsed hy the highest medical authority as a cure for catarrh in all its forms, bronchitis, the early stage of lung disease or consumption, nervous debility, dyspepsia, heart disease, rheumatism, asthma, hay fever, and diseases of the urinary organs. Located in the Allegheny range of mountains, at an elevation of over sixteen hundred (1,600) feet, it is a happy medium between extremes, and the climate is delightful, the scenery varied and attractive, making it a most desirable resort for invalids. This is the only water of the kind known on this continent, and there is no question as to its great efficacy in the class of diseases above mentioned, as hundreds of people can testify. The Red Sulphur Springs Water Company has recently pur- chased this property, and extensive improvements are being made looking to the comfort and convenience of the many invalids and others who come to gain health and strength from its healing waters. The hotel will be open for the reception of guests June 1st. For circulars, terms, references, etc. , write to Main Offices of the Company, at the Grenoble, 57th Street and 7th Avenue, New York. William Noble, President. THE HANDSOMEST APARTMENT BUILDING IN THE CITY. 1VAT. MOBL.SL PROPRIETOR . 12 ROY BOATS. CITIZENS' LINE. ?0Dular Hudson e FOR LAKE GEORGE. STEAMERS: "SARATOGA"^ "CITY OF TROY," Leave Pier 46, N. R., foot West lOth St., daily, exept Saturday, at 6 P M. Connecting with morning trains for the North. THESE STEAMERS HAVE UNSURPASSED ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PASSENGERS. STATEROOMS MAY BE ENGAGED IN ADVANCE. CARDEZA, GILLIAMS & CO., DEALERS IN FINE WHISKIES AND IMPORTERS, 126 WALNUT STREET, and 21 GRANITE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK OFFICE: 14 STATE STREET. " The Largest Establishment in this Country at which to procure Hotel, Club and Restaurant China and Glassware ; all varieties at low rates." L. STRAUS & SONS, Manufacturers and Importers, 42, 44, 46 & 48 WARREN STREET. NEW YORK. J. Kurtz. W. W. Graham. KURTZ & GRAHAM, FINE FURNITURE, WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS, STAINED GLASS, WOODWORK, DRAPERIES, 17 WEST 34th STREET, Cabinet Shops, 321-323 East 64th Street, NEW YORK. D. PECK & CO., Wholesale Grocers, GLENS RALLS, N. Y. A specialty of our House has been, for many years, the sup- plying of Hotels, Collages, Camping Parties, etc., etc., with GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, TABLE SUPPLIES, DELICACIES, Etc., and our facilities for so doing at all points on Lake George, the Adirondacks and vicinity are unsurpassed. Situated, as we are, in the immediate vicinity of these noted resorts, with connection every day by mail and boat, we can deliver at nominal lates of freight promptly. Using, as we do, so many goods to supply each day our numirous patrons, enables us to make arrangements with manufacturers for frequent delivery, securing and handling only CLEAN, NEW and FRESH GOODS. Canvassed Meats and Fish, Canned Goods, French and Italian Goods, all of the best, and fiom first-class manufacturers. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. A PROMINENT ATTRACTION IN THE CITY OF ALBANY IS THE WELL-KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT OF Van Hensen, Charles& Co. ON BROADWAY, Where may be found everything pertaining to their line of business as dealers in CHIR^GLASS^ SlLyER^nATEp^/^ GAS FIXTURES^ BRK>AJ3RAC 1 EARTHENWARE. A display that is not excelled by any other in the United States, and is worth seeing. Van Heusen, Charles & Co., 468 & 470 BROADWAY and ii JAMES ST. A. B. VAN GAASBEEK & CO. THE LARGEST CARPETS RUG HOUSE North of New York City. Oriental Carpets and Rugs of our own importation, At Lower Prices than can be obtained in New York or elsewhere. 69 NORTH PEARL STREET, Two minutes' walk from Delavan House, Albany, N. Y. The celebrated^S)^^ HOLLYWOOD RYE WHISKEY ORDERS RECEIVED AT THE COMPANY'S offices: No. 47 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. M OET & CHANDON WHITE SEAL BRUT IMPERIAL • Champagne. GONZALEZ BY ASS & CO., Fine Sherries. HUNT, ROOP, TEAGE & CO., Old Ports. POWER DRURY & CO., Choice Madeiras. JULE CLAVELLE, Clarets and Sauterns. KESSLER BEHRINGER & CO., Sole Agents in the United States, No. 20 Beaver Street, New York. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 107 605 ft