m THE ^^^ 1 *r A HISTORY OF wumn IN 11 mmm. / ARTHUR HOOPER, LATE MEMBER OF THE THIRD AND FIFTY-EIGHTH REGIMENTS MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS. ^^ 5l^A8m«$S^ BOSTON: F. W. BARRY, PRINTER AND STATIONER, Corner Washington and Elm Streets. 1880. J0V ,7^' PREFACE. To those wlio should read this history I would say that it is written with no desire to attain note as a historian, but simply to give an account of the action taken by the town, and a brief record of its citizens who served in the Army and Navy during the great Rebellion. There may be some omissions i-n the record, as it has been very difficult to obtain a correct list of those who entered the service ; in several cases names were discovered by mere accident, and in some cases information obtained from town and State records were found to be in fault. After the most careful investigation I have not been able to give, in several instances, the date of birth or date of discharge ; this is owing to the imperfect condition of the regimental rolls, and also in not being able to communicate with the parties or their relatives. If I have succeeded in giving a truthful history of "Bridgewater in the Rebellion," — something that will be of value to the future historian, — I shall feel amply paid for the time spent in preparing it. ARTHUR HOOPER. Bridgewater, Mass., September, 1880. ^*- INTRODUCTION WAK— 1861, I SHALL not attempt to discuss the causes of the war, but shall commence with the opening of the rebellion. The first call for troops from Massachusetts was by a telegram from Senator Wilson to Governor Andrew, dated at Wash- ington, April 15, 1861, requesting twenty companies to be sent to Washington immediately, and there mustered into the United States service. In the course of the day orders were received from the Secretary of War and Adjutant- General of the United States, for two full regiments of the Massachusetts militia. Special Order No. 14 was issued by Gov. Andrew the same day, directing Col. Jones of the Sixth Regiment, Col. Packard of the Fourth, Col. Wardrop of the Third, and Col. Monroe of the Eighth, to muster their respective commands on the Common, in Boston, at once, "in compliance with a requisition from the President of the United States." This order was sent by mail, and also by messengers, to the several colonels, who resided at Lowell, New Bedford, Quincy, and Lynn. The companies composing these regiments were scattered through the cities and towns of Plymouth, Bristol, Norfolk, Essex, and Middlesex counties. Col. Wardrop, of the Tliird Regi- ment, notified his compafiy connnanders, who, with the aid 6 BRIDGEWATER of their officers, notified their men. Sergt. O. F. Mitchell (now Sergt.-at-Arms of the Massachusetts Legislature) rallied the men of Co. A, of Halifax, that lived in Bridge- water, calling them from their beds at three o'clock in the morning, to report in Boston as soon as possible. In obedience to orders the regiment arrived in Boston on the early train on the morning of the 16th, and were welcomed by a multitude of people, who cheered the gallant and de- voted men as they marched to their quarters in Faneuil Hall, through the rain and sleet, to the music of " Yankee Doodle." During the entire day tioops arrived in Boston by the different railroad trains. The Third was one of the oldest of the militia regiments of Massachusetts. Co. A, of Halifax, was organized as early as 1792. One of its past commanders, Capt. Asa Thompson, of Halifax, who was living at the breaking out of the war, and who joined it when it was first formed, commanded the com- pany in the war of 1812. We do not propose to give a complete history of the regiment, but it is a fact worthy of notice, that it rendered some of the most important service performed by any regiment of troops sent into the war from Massachusetts. Arrangements having been com- pleted, on the evening of the 17th the regiment took the cars at the Old Colony depot, and proceeded to Fall River, where it went on board the steamer *S'. R. Sj^aulding, and arrived at Fortress Monroe, April 20. At that time there were no open hostilities on the part of the rebels in that department, but they were everywhere active. A battery of seven guns had been placed at Sewell's Point, at the mouth of the Elizabeth River, and obstructions had been placed in the channel. Forts Norfolk and Nelson, Avhich commanded the approaches to the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, were in the hands of the rebels . but still lying in the river near these cities, were the United States vessels Pennsylvania, Cumberland, Merrimac, Gcrmantoivn, IK THE REBELLION. 7 Dolphin, Raritan, Columbia, and Plymouth. The Norfolk Navy Yard was one of the most valuable and extensive naval depots in the United States. The grounds, three- fourths of a mile long and about one-fourth mile wide, were covered with machine shops, foundries, storehouses, and dwellings of the officers, — the whole property valued at about nine millions of dollars. On the 18th of April, the confederate general, Taliaferro, took command of the rebel forces, whereupon a large number of the naval officers resigned their commissions, and at once entered the Con- federate navy. Commander McCauly, who commanded the 3'ard, was wavering and uncertain in his convictions to duty, but Commander Pendegrast and Capt. Marston, of the Cumherlmid, were fixed in their determination to serve the government. At, about six o'clock in the afternoon of April 20, the Third Regiment, which had just arrived at Fortress Mon- roe, was ordered on board the United States gunboat Pawnee, commanded by Commodore Paulding. After passing Sewell's Point in safet}^, the steamer neared Fort Norfolk, then in the hands of the enemy. The channel lay near the shore, and as it was expected the enemy would fire on the gunboat, the soldiers were ordered to lie down on the deck, the marines paraded the quarter, and the sailors were at the guns. The moon was shining brightly, and the fort could be plainly seen. When just abreast the fort some one called out from the parapet, " What ship is that ? " No reply was made, and the soldiers who heard the hail said, " Now it will come," expecting ever}^ instant to hear the crashing of the guns. But it did not come, and the Pawnee passed tlie fort, but was soon hailed by the ship-of-war Pennsylvania, which was lying in the stream. The hail was answered but not heard, and in an instant the black sides of the Pennsylvania were bright. The jxjrls having been opened, at the same time a voice was licard, 8 BEIDGEWATER saying, " Shall I fire, sir ? " An officer at once leaped into the rigging, and with his trnmpet, shouted, " Pawnee, Pawnee r"" in a yoice that was heard far and near, and then loud cheers and cries of welcome came from the open ports of the Pennsylvania. Upon arriving at Norfolk, about nine o'clock, the whole regiment was ordered on shore into the navy yard, and, under orders of the officers, commenced the work of de- stroying everything possible. Twenty men were detailed to mine the dry dock, while the balance of the force, aided by the sailors, went to work throwing into the river shot, shell, revolvers, carbines, and muskets. There were also some three thousand heavy guns in the yard ; these were spiked as best they could. At midnight the barracks were set on fire, and then the storehouses. The Pawnee, taking the Oumberland in tow, and having the Third Regiment on board, and also the men from the yard, with the exception of the men left to fire the trains, started down the river, and sent up a rocket ; this was a signal to fire the trains. Instantly fire was seen running over the decks of the de- serted ships Pennsylvania, Merrimae, Dolphin, Gei'man- town, Plymouth, Maritan, and Columbia, and in a few sec- onds they were Avrapped in flames. The Merrimae having sunk before the fire did much damage, was afterwards raised by the rebels, and converted into an iron-clad ram, as is well known. The Pawnee reached Fortress Monroe at six o'clock Sunday morning, April 21, having in tow the Cumberland, which was afterwards sunk off Newport News by the Merrimae. The men of the Third Regiment had a very hard time on this expedition, having been eighteen hours without food, and worked all night; this was followed by three weeks of privation, caused by the scanty supply of food at the fortress, and by three months of almost ceaseless toil ; on the 16th of July the regiment was ordered home, their IN THE REBELLION. 9 term of enlistment having expired. The reception ten- dered this regiment upon its arrival in Boston, proved that its sei'vices were appreciated by the people of Massachu- setts. The members of the regiment from Bridgewater were as follows : OREB F. MITCHELL, Sergeant, Co. A; son of Leonard; born Sept. 22, 1838. Mitchell enlisted from Middleboro', but has been a citizen of the town since 1865, and was elected Sergt.-at-Arms of the State Legislature, from Bridgewater, in 1875, which office he now holds. (See Fortieth Regiment). CHARLES LEONARD BRYANT, Corporal, Co. A ; son of Lewis ; born Aug. 1, 1838. LEWIS JAMES HOLMES, Private, Co. A ; son of Lewis ; born May 27, 1831. FREEMAN HOLMES, Private, Co. A ; son of Charles; born March 27, 1840. (See Twenty-Sixth Regiment). BENJAMIN HARDEN, Private, Co. A; son of Jabez; born March 23, 1832, GEORGE HARRISON LEE, Private, Co. A ; son of James E. ; born April 25, 1810. Lee did not go out with the regiment, but joined it at Fortress Monroe, and was mustered in May G, and mustered out with the regiment. "^¥^If^'^^^* ® CHAPTER I. The outbreak of the war, and the sudden call for troops, was a surprise to most of the people of the Commonwealth, but means were at once taken, by cities and towns, to raise men and money for the support of the government. The first legal town meeting held in Bridgewater, to consider matters relating to the war, was held April 26, 1861, at which time it was voted to hold in reserve fourteen hun- dred dollars, appropriated at a previous meeting for the improvement of highways ; that the selectmen request the county commissioners not to lay out any new roads in the county until such time as we shall be able to see, with rea- sonable certainty, to what extent we shall be obliged to exert ourselves for the defence of the country.. That the treasurer be authorized to borrow six thousand dollars, as it shall be from time to time needed. Voted, to pay to each volunteer belonging to the town ten dollars a month while in the military service ; also to provide aid for his family ; and if any volunteer shall be killed in battle, or die of disease, his children shall receive proper education, and be put to some honorable calling or pursuit, "not as a charity, but as a debt due." Voted, that each volunteer be furnished with a revolver and a bowie-knife. (The vote was afterwards reconsidered as far as related to revolver IN THE REBELLION. 11 and bowie-knife.) Artemas Hale, Joseph A. Hyde, Mitch- ell Hooper, Lafayette Keith, and Joshua E. Crane, were appointed a committee to carry the foregoing votes into effect. Rev. Mr. Douglas was invited to close the meeting with prayer. May 20, further provision was made for soldiers' fam- ilies, and the committee (E. H. Keith, F. D. King, Arthur Byrnes, and Benj. F. Winslow,) appointed at a previous meeting to recruit a company, reported that eighty -five na- tive citizens had signed a roll : but as no more three months' men would be accepted, many of the men enlisted for three years, and were sent to Fortress Monroe, under command of Capt, Libeas Leach, of East Bridgewater, and afterwards were part of the Twenty-Ninth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. On the 3d of May, 1861, the President of the United States issued an order calling for a force of men to serve for three years, unless sooner discharged. At this time the town authorities were endeavoring to raise a company of three months' men ; but as the government would not ac- cept them, many enlisted for three years, some in the Twenty- Ninth Regiment, as stated above, and some in other regi- ments. During the year every exertion was made by the citi- zens and town authorities to raise men to meet the demands made upon them by the government. Every one seemed to feel the importance of doing their full duty in carrying on the great work, and by the greatest exertions the several quotas were filled. No attempt was made to raise a full company, but men enlisted in the different regiments which were being recruited at that time. No town meetings of particular importance were held during the year, but war- meetings were held by the citizens, and the result was that fifty-eight men enlisted from the town. Li making a le- cord of the different regiments, we shall take those in which Bridgewater men served, and commence with the 12 bridgewater First Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was recruited in Boston and its vicinity, and left Camp Cameron, Cambridge, for the seat of war, June 15, 1861, and was the first three years' regiment to reach Washington, and served in the Army of the Poto- mac. It took part in the following engagements : Bull Run, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Glendale, Kettle Run, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Chancellors- ville, Gettysburg, Locust Grove, Wilderness, and Spottsyl- vania. At the battle of Chancellorsville it had a very advanced position in front of the Plank Road, so far, in- deed, that two or three rebel officers came down, supposing it was a part of their own army. They were taken prison- ers, and sent to the rear. It is believed that the rebel general Stonewall Jackson received his death wound at this lime, as will be seen by the following report of Col. McLaughlin : " During the early part of the night a rebel came down the Plank Road, driving a pair of mules. He was halted, and asked where he w^as going, when he replied that he was ordered by Capt. Stewart (C. S. A.) to go and get a caisson that had been left by the Yanks alongside of the road. He was immediately arrested, and sent to the rear. At half-past eight o'clock, P. M., a party of a dozen or more horsemen drove down the Plank Road, when my men opened fire on them ; they turned about and rode furiously back up the road. From the official report of the rebel general Lee, I am led to believe that Stonewall Jackson was one of the part}^, and was killed by my men." The regiment was mustered out of the service May 23, 1864. Only one man enlisted in this regiment from Bridgewater. AVERY F. KEITH, Private, Co. C ; son of A^assel ; born Oct. 10, 1888 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Feb. IN THE REBELLION. 13 13, 1862. Discharged for disability, Oct. 10, 1862. (See Sixtieth Regiment). Seventh Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was recruited principally in Bristol Coun- ty, and was mustered into the United States service, June 15, 1861. Left Camp Old Colony, near Taunton, July 11, 1861, and arrived in Washington July 15, 1861, and was assigned to the Army of the Potomac ; it took part in the following engagements : Battles of the Peninsular, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, and Coal Harbor. Mus- tered out of the service, June 24, 1864. The following men, from Bridgewater, served in this regiment : A. BARTLETT KEITH, Corporal, Co. I ; son of Ambrose ; born Sept. 20, 1843 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, June 15, 1861 ; wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, and died at Washington, D. C, June 2, 1863. Buried at Mt. Prospect Cemetery, Bridgewater, ISAAC DUNHAM, Jr., Private, Co. A ; son of Rev. Isaac ; born at Dennis, Mass., July 19, 1842 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, June 15, 1861 ; wounded accidentally at Camp Brightwood, near Washington, D. C. Dis- charged for disability, Oct. 28, 1861 ; died Dec. 23, 1861. Dunham did not enlist from Bridgewater ; his father's family moved to town after his death, and his body was removed to the family lot in Mt. Prospect Cemetery. GEORGE C. ALDEN, Private Co. K ; son of Amanda ; born Sept. 27, 1844 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, June 14 BEIDGEWATER. 15, 1861. Discharged at expiration of service, June 24, 1864. ELEASER C. ALDEN, Private, Co. K ; son of Amanda ; born Aug. 5, 1842 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, June 15, 1861. Discliarged at expiration of service, June 24> 1864. JOHN B. COBB, Private, Co. A ; son of David ; born ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, June 15, 1861. Discharged for disability, Dec. 31, 1862. GEOEGE F. GRAVES, Private, Co. K ; son of Osgood ; born April 8, 1842 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, June 15, 1861. Died at North Bridgewater, March 13, 1862 ; buried at Episcopal Cemetery, Bridgewater. Eleventh Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was recruited in Boston and vicinity. It was ordered to Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, May 4, 1861, and left the State, for Washington, June 24, 1861, where it joined the Army of the Potomac. It took part in the fol- lowing engagements : Bull Run, Yorktown, Williams- burg, Fair Oaks, Savage Station, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Bristow Station, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericks- burg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Kelly's Ford, Locust Grove, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Tol- opotomy. Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Strawberry Plain, Deep Bottom, Poplar Spring Church, and Boydton Road. The following men from Bridgewater served in this regiment : DAVID RICHMOND, Corporal, Co. F ; son of Enoch ; born ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Sept. 25, IN THE REBELLION. 15 1861. Wounded at Fair Oaks and Second Bull Run, also at Gettysburg, and discharged on account of said wounds, Dec. 4, 1863. JOSEPH A. WHITE, Private, Co. A ; son of Asa ; born in Raynham, 1822 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Jan. 13, 1862. Died at Washington, D. C, March 11, 1864. Twelfth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was familiarly known as the " Webster Regiment," its commander being Col. Fletcher Webster, (son of Daniel Webster), who was killed at Bull Run, Aug. 30, 1862. The regiment left the State July 31, 1861, for Washington, and joined the Army of the Potomac. It took part in the following engagements : Cedar Moun- tain, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chan- cellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. Mustered out July 8, 1864. The following men from Bridgewater served in this regiment : ALEXANDER DOVE, Jr., Private, Co. F ; son of Alexander ; born Feb. 18, 1839 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, July 22, 1861 ; detailed in Signal Corps, Sept., 1861 ; transferred to Signal Corps, United States Army, Nov. 1863 ; discharged, to re-enlist, Feb. 13, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service. May 10, 1866. Dove was with Gen. Sherman in his March to the Sea, and did very effi- cient service, being able not only to transmit messages, but also to read messages sent by the enemy's signal coips. MARTIN M. KEITH, Private, Co F; son of William; born May 12, 1839; mustered into the United States service, for three years, 16 BEIDGEWATEE, June 26, 1861 ; wounded at Second Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862, transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, May 4, 1862. Discharged January 31, 1866. WILLIAM W. HAYDEN, Private, Co. F ; son of Lewis ; born Dec. 27, 1845 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, July 5, 1861. Discharged for disability, June 28, 1862. (See Fifty-Eighth Regiment). BENJAMIN J. KEITH, Private, Co. F; son of William ; born Dec. 22, 1842 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, June 26, 1861. Discharged for disability, Dec. 28, 1861. HENRY B. ROGERS, Private, Co. F ; son of Peleg ; born ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, July 5, 1861. Discharged for disability, March 4, 1864. Thirteenth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was mustered into the United States ser- vice July 16, 1861 ; left the State July 30, for Washington, where it joined the Army of the Potomac, and was en- gaged in the following battles : Second Bull Run, Antie- tam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilder- ness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg, and was mustered out Aug. 1, 1864. Bridge- water furnished but one man for this regiment : EDGAR PARKER, Asst. Surgeon ; son of Charles ; born at Framingham, Mass., June 7, 1840 ; received degree of B. S., Norwich University, 1859, and degree of M. D. from Harvard Uni- versity, March, 1863 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 13, 1863 ; wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. Discharged by reason •-of wound, Sept. 18, 1863. in the rebellion, 17 Sixteenth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was composed of companies raised in Mid- dlesex County. It was ordered to Camp Cameron, Cam- bridge, June 25, 1861, and left for the seat of war, Aug. 17, 1861, where it joined the Army of the Potomac. It was engaged as follows : Fair Oaks, Glendale, Malvern Hill, Kettle Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Locust Grove, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. Mus- tered out of the service, July 27, 1864. Bridge water fur- nished but one man for this regiment : HOMER S. LEACH, Private, Co. I ; son of Peleg ; born March, 1844 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, July 31, 1861. Discharged, to re-enlist, Dec. 26, 1863. Mis- sing in action, in front of Petersburg, Va., June 11, 1864. Eighteenth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was recruited at Camp Brigham, Read- ville, Mass., and left the State for Washington in command of Col. James Barnes, (who graduated from West Point in the same class with Jefferson Davis), and arrived at Wash- ington, Sept. 1, 1861. The regiment attained a high de- gree of discipline and proficiency in drill, and was compli- mented by the commanding general of the division with a complete outfit of uniforms, etft., imported from France by the general government, being the same as worn by the Chasseurs a pied. The Eighteenth took part in the follow- ing engagements : Battles of the Peninsular, Second Bull Run, Sheppardstown, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, Wilderness, Spottsylva- nia, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, and Weldon Railroad. Mus- tered out Sept. 2, 1864. The following men from Bridge- water served in this reiximent : 18 BKIDGE WATER WILLIAM HOLMES, Private, Co. D ; son of Cornelius ; born April 1, 1843 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861 ; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., in the ankle ; his leg was afterwards amputated. Discharged April 12, 1864. MARCUS M. ALDEN, Private, Co. D ; son of ; born ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861 ; discharged, to re-enlist, Jan. 1, 1864 ; trans- ferred to Thirty-Second Regiment, Oct. 21, 1864. Dis- charged June 28, 1865. JESSIE H. BRIGGS, Private, Co. D; son of Thomas ; born Aug. 15, 1841 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861. Discharged for disability, Jan. 4, 1864. JOHN ELLIOT, Private, Co. E ; son of Joseph ; born in Ireland, March 1, 1839; came to this country in May, 1855; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861 ; wounded Aug. SO, 1862, at Second Bull Run. He was wounded three times, — once in the foot, about 11 A. M., and afterwards twice in the hip ; he lay on the field till near sunset, Aug. 31, when he was taken to Wash- ington, where he remained in the hospital until discharged, Jan. 23, 1863. GEORGE F. DUNBAR, Private, Co. D ; son of Darius ; born July 30, 1843 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861 ; wounded at battle of Second Bull Run ; dis- charged, to re-enlist, Feb. 15, 1864 ; wounded in battle of Wilderness, May 5, 1864; transferred to Co. C, Thirty- IN THE REBELLION. 19 Second Regiment, Oct. 26, 1864. Discharged July 11, 1865. CHARLES W. WILBAR, Private, Co. D ; son of Seth ; born May 6, 1839 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861. Discharged Sept. 2, 1864. JARIUS GAMMONS, Private, Co. D ; son of Rufus ; born ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861. Discharged for disability, April 15, 1863. C. BRADFORD HOLMES, Private, Co. D ; son of Cornelius ; born May 20, 1840 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861 ; discharged, to re-enhst, Teh. 15, 1864 ; transferred to Co. E, Thirty-Second Regiment, Oct. 28, 1864. Discharged June 29, 1865. MARCUS HOLMES, Private, Co. D ; son of Charles ; born July 3, 1843 ; mus- tered into the United States service for three years, Aug. 24, 1861 ; discharged, to re-enlist, Feb. 8, 1864 ; transferred to Co. E, Thirty-Second Regiment, Oct. 26, 1864. Dis- charged June 29, 1865. JERAD ROBINSON, Private, Co. K ; son of Gad ; born Nov. 1823 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861. Discharged for disability, Oct. 3, 1862. HENRY H. LAWTON, Musician, Co. D ; son of Howland ; born July 20, 1837 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861. Discharged at expiration of service, Sept. 2. 1864. 20 BRIDGEWATER RUFUS W, WOOD, Musician ; son of Willard ; born July 27, 1827 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861 ; died at Harrison's Landing, Aug. 6, 1862. He was taken sick with typhoid fever, and put on board a trans- port for Fortress Monroe, but died before the vessel sailed. His body was buried at Harrison's Landing. ROBERT E. SMITH, Musician ; son of Nelson ; born Jan. 18, 1832 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861. Discharged Aug. 11, 1862, by order of the War Department discharging regimental bands. (See Fifty- Eighth Regiment). CHARLES S. WENTWORTH, Private, Co. D ; son of Horace ; born Jan. 17, 1839 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 24, 1861 ; transferred to Co. A, Twenty-Fourth Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 10, 1863. Discharged July 27, 1864 ; died at Bridgewater, April 13, 1866 ; buried at Scotland Cemetery. Twenty-Fourth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was recruited at Camp Massasoit, Read- ville. Left the State for Annapolis, Md., Dec. 9, 1861, where it remained till Jan. 6, 1862, when it went on board transports as a part of Burnside's Expedition, and was en- gaged at Roanoke Island, Newberne, and Goldsboro'. Remained in North Carolina till Jan. 22, 1863, when it was ordered to St. Helena Island, South Carolina. The regiment remained in this department till April, 1864, when it was ordered north and joined the Army of the James, under Gen. B. F. Butler, where it remained till the date of muster-out, Jan. 20, 1866. The regiment took IN THE REBELLION. 21 part in the following battles : Roanoke Island, Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro', Tranter's Creek, Newberne, James Island, Morris Island, Fort Wagner, Green Valley, Drury's Bluff, Richmond & Petersburg Railroad, Wier Bottom Church, Deep Bottom, Deep River, Fussell's Mills, Siege of Petersburg, Four Mile Run Church, and Darby Town Road. The following men from Bridgewater served in this regiment : WILLIAM B. WRIGHTINGTON, Private, Co. H ; son of Asa ; born in Carver, Mass., March, 1837 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Sept. 8, 1861 ; discharged, to re-enlist, Jan. 3, 1864 ; wounded at Deep Bottom, and died at An- napolis, Md., Sept. 8, 1864. Wrightington lived at Hiram Wentworth's several years before he enlisted, and a head- stone has been erected to his memory in Mr. Wentworth's lot at Mt. Prospect Cemetery. WILLIAM Y. TUTTLE, Private, Co. F ; son of Reuben ; born in Maine, in 1800 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Oct. 14, 1861. Discharged at expiration of service, Oct. 14, 1864 ; died at Bridgewater, Nov. 3, 1877. EDWARD S. JACOBS, Private, Co. H ; son of ; born ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Sept. 8, 1861 ; discharged, to re-enlist, Jan. 3, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Jan. 20, 1866. JEREMIAH SULLIVAN, Private, Co. H ; son of ; born ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Sept. 20, 1861. Discharged at expiration of service, Sept. 4, 1864. 22 BRIDGEWATER EDWARD GRAVES, Private, Co. H ; son of Osgood ; born Sept. 13, 1844 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Oct. 18, 1861; discharged, to re-enlist, Jan. 3, 1864; promoted corporal, May 1, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Jan. 20, 1866. Twenty-Sixth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was recruited at Camp Chase, Lowell, and sailed from Boston, Nov. 21, 1861, on the Constitution, for Ship Island, La. Remained in this department till July, 1864, when it was ordered north, and served in the Army of the James, and Army of the Shenandoah, till June, 1865, when it was ordered to Savannah, Ga., for which place it sailed on steamer Louishurg, and remained till Aug. 26, 1865, when it was mustered out and ordered home. The regiment took part in the battles of Winches- ter, Cedar Creek, and Fisher's Hill. The following men from Bridgewater served in this regiment : freeman holmes, Corporal, Co. C; son of Charles; born March 27, 1840; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Oct. 16, 1861 ; wounded at Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Nov. 7, 1864. (See Third Regiment, three months' men). CHARLES PORCHERON, Corporal, Co. C ; son of Charles E. ; born Oct. 27, 1837 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Oct. 11, 1861 ; wounded at Winchester, Sept. 19, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Nov. 7, 1864. Twenty-Ninth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was the second organization to be mus- tered into the United States service, from Massachusetts, IN THE KEBELLION. 23 for three years. The first seven companies left the State at different times, (Capt. Leach's company leaving May 22, 1861), and joined the Third and Fourth regiments of three months' men at Fortress Monroe, Va. At the expiration of the three months' men's term of service, the seven com- panies were recruited to a full regiment, and called the Twenty-Ninth. It remained in the department near For- tress Monroe till about June, 1862, when it joined the Army of the Potomac, then near Fair Oaks, Va., and was assigned to the first brigade, in Richardson's Division of Sumner's Corps. Remained in this corps till March, 1863, when it was ordered to Kentucky, in the ninth corps, under Gen. A. E. Burnside. While in this department the regiment re- enlisted and came home on furlough. On its return it joined the Army of the Potomac, and remained with it till the date of its muster-out of the service, July 29, 1865. The regiment took part in the battles of Hampton Roads, Gaines' Mills, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Vicks- burg, Jackson, Blue Spring, Cambell Station, Siege of Knoxville, Coal Harbor, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, and Fort Stedman, The following men from Bridgewater served in this regiment : SILAS N. GROSVENOR, Sergeant, Co. C ; son of Silas N. ; born at Paxton, Mass., June 23, 1840, and at the time of his enlistment was a student in the Normal School ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, May 22, 1861 ; discharged, to re-enlist, Jan. 1, 1864. Killed in action, June 17, 1864 ; buried in Poplar Grove National Cemetery, Di- vision D, Section D, Number of Grave, 215. The follow- ing account of his death, which was a tragic one, is from Comrade W. H. Osborne's " History of the Twenty-Ninth Regiment:" " Color-Sergt. Tighe was at home on furlough, and dur- 24 BRTDGEWATER ing his absence Sergt. Grosvenor had carried the national colors. As the regiment was preparing to move out of the ravine, to charge the works of the enemy, Tighe, who had just that moment reached the front, fresh from home, came up, and being color-bearer of the regiment, demanded the colors. Grosvenor had carried the calors from Bull's Plain to Petersburg, and being a high-spirited soldier, declined to give them up, whereupon a contention arose between the two brave men, and the matter was left to Col. Barnes ; the decision was that Grosvenor should carry the colors during this battle. The regiment moved out on the field. At the first fire a musket ball pierced the brain of the val- orous Grosvenor, and he fell a bleeding corpse upon the ground. The colors had hardly touched the earth before the hands of Tighe, who was in the color-guard, grasped the staff, and proud of his soldier-trust, shook them defi- antly towards the enemy. His exultations were short- lived, for a moment later another well-aimed ball laid low in death the gallant color-bearer. Again the flag went down, but only for an instant, for it was seized by Sergt.- Maj. William F. Willis. A short advance in the hurry and tumult, and a third shot brought both flag and bearer to the ground. Now the gallant old regiment, for the first time in its history, left the flag on the field, but in the terrible confusion of the moment, the loss was not discovered. When the fact became known, a moment later, a lojid cry arose along the ranks, ' We've lost our flag, we've lost our flag ! ' Maj. Chipman called for volunteers to rescue the colors. Corp. Nathaniel Burgess, of Co. E, and Pri- vate Patrick Muldoon, of Co. A, quickly responded, and the brave men, under the fire of thousands of muskets, dashed out of the line and over the field. The prostrate flag was seen just before them ; but can they reach it ? It is said that the enemy, filled with admiration for the daring of our men, slackened their fire, and, when the lit- tle squad bore off the flag in triumph, mingled their cheers IN THE REBELLION. 25 with those of our men. The hands of poor Willis were found clutching the staff so firmly that his comrades were obliged to pry open his fingers in order to loosen his death- like grasp, while the folds of the silken banner completely encircled his body." PRESTON HOOPER, Private, Co. C ; son of Thomas ; born Feb. 24, 1839 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, May 22, 1861 ; promoted corporal . Discharged at expiration of service, May 22, 1864. JOSHUA RAMSDELL, Private, Co. C ; son of Nathaniel; born June 16, 1832; mustered into the United States service, for three years, May 22, 1861. Died at Mill Creek Hospital, of disease, Oct. 26, 1862 ; buried at the National Cemetery, at Hampton, Va., Ro\T 3, Section D, Number of Grave, 4. CHARLES W. CLIFFORD, Private, Co. C ; son of Luther ; born Aug 16, 1844 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Nov. 19, 1861. Came home on furlough, sick, and died at Bridge water, of consumption, July 20, 1862 ; buried at Mt. Prospect Cemetery. AMOS L. DORR, Private, Co. C; son of Sylas ; born Sept. 9,1824; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 18, 1862. Discharged for disability (hip disease), March 9, 1863. GRANVILLE GOULD, Private, Co. C ; son of Petriah ; born Sept. 21, 1843 ; (en- listed May 16, 1861, but on account of his father's death, did not enter the service) ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Dec. 19, 1861. Discharged for disability, Sept., 1863 ; in Feb., 1864, enUsted in the Fifty-Sixth Brooklyn (N. Y.) Regiment, and served three 26 BRIDGEWATER months in Pennsylvania ; was discharged, and returned to Bridge water. (See Navy.) THEODORE RODMAN, Private, Co. C ; son of Tliomas S. ; born Jan. 11, 1841 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 15, 1862. Discharged at expiration of service, Sept., 1865 ; afterwards enlisted in Hancock's Veteran Corps, for one year. Discharged at expiration of service, Feb., 1866. JOHN C. LAMBERT, Private, Co. C ; son of E. H. Lambert ; born Jan. 31, 1843 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Sept. 18, 1861 ; discharged, to re-enlist, Jan. 1, 1864. Killed in battle at Bethesda Church, Va., June 1, 1864. The death of Lambert was a shocking affair : he was wounded in the legs while in the edge of sor^e woods, and left in that position by his comrades, who had no op- portunity to move him Later in the day the woods were set on fire by exploding shells, and the poor fellow was actually burned to death, his crisp and lifeless body being found after the battle. Thirty-First Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was raised in the western part of the State, and sailed from Boston on the steamer Mississippi, Feb. 21, 1862, and arrived at Ship Island, March 20, 1862. It was the first regiment to land after New Orleans had been captured. It remained in this department during its term of service, and took part in the following engage- ments: Bisland, Port Hudson, Brashear City, Sabine Cross Roads, Cane River Crossing, Alexandria, Gov. Mor- ris' Plantation, Yellow Bayou, and Siege of Mobile. Mus- tered out June 11, 1865. Bridgewater furnished one man for this regiment. IN THE REBELLION, 27 FRANCIS A. TUTTLE, Private, Co. K ; son of William Y. ; born Nov. 29, 1842 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Feb. 10, 1862. Died at Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 8, 1863. Thirty-Second Regiment Mass, Volunteers. This regiment left the State, May, 1862, or six companies did, and afterwards received four companies to form its regimental organization. The regiment re-enlisted as an organization, and was mustered out June 29, 1865 ; it was a part of the Army of the Potomac, and was engaged as follows : Malvern Hill, Gainsville, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Get- tysburg, Rappahannock Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Tolopotomy, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Vaughan Road, Dabney's Mills, Boydton Road, and White Oak Road. The following men from Bridgewater served in this regiment : JAMES ELLIS, Private, Co. F ; son of Cyrus ; born April 4, 1845 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, March 11, 1862 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, March 11,1864. Discharged March 18, 1865; died at Bridge- water, Aug, 29, 1876 ; buried at cemetery in Titicut. HORACE WILBAR, Private, Co. F ; son of Sanford ; born May 15, 1843 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, March 3, 1862; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Nov. 15, 1863. Discharged March 13, 1865. FRANKLIN W. RIPLEY, Private, Co. F ; son of Joseph S. ; born March 21, 1840 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, 28 BRIDGEWATEB > Feb. 22, 1862. On march to Antietam, in Sept., 1862, received sun stroke, and was sent to 9th Street Hospital, Washington, D. C, where he remained till date of his dis- charge, Oct. 26, 1862. Died at Rockland, Mass., March 24, 1880. First Mass. Battery. This battery was recruited at Camp Cameron, and was sent to Washington, Oct. 3, 1861, and was connected with the Army of the Potomac during its entire term of service. It took part in the battles of West Point, Me- chanicsville, Gaines' Mills, Charles City Cross Roads, Mal- vern Hill, Bull Run, Crampton's Pass, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Sander's House, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Winchester, and Fisher's Hill. Mustered out Oct. 19, 1864. Bridgewater furnished one man for this battery. BENJAMIN r. WINSLOW, Private; son of Kenelon ; born Nov. 17, 1823; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 28, 1861. Discharged for disability, Dec. 15, 1862 ; died at Bridgewater, April 4, 1864 ; buried at Elmwood, Mass. First Regiment Mass. Heavy Artillery. This regiment was organized as the Fourteenth Regiment of Infantry, and was recruited in Essex County. On the 1st of January, 1862, in accordance with orders from the War Department, it was changed to a regiment of heavy artil- lery ; it served in the Army of the Potomac, and was engaged as follows: Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Tolopotomy, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Strawberry Plain, Deep Bottom, Poplar Spring Church, Boydton Road, Hatche's Run, Duncan's Run, Vaughn's Road. Bridgewa- ter furnislied two men for this regiment. IN THE REBELLION. 29 ENOCH PRATT, Private, Co. M ; son of Anthony ; Lorn Oct. 4, 184'i ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 14, 1862. Discharged at expiration of service, July 8, 1864. WILLIAM D. BURTCH, Private, Co. M ; son of Stanton ; born May 30, 18 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, March 3, 1862 ; discharged, to re-enlist, March 30, 1864. Discharged Aug. 16, 1865 ; died in Providence, R. I., Sept. 19, 1879; buried at Jenning's Hill, Bridgewater. First Regiment Mass. Cavalry. This regiment was organized, and went into Camp Brigham, on the 9th of September, 1861, and left the State, by battalions, on the 25th, 27th, and 29th of Decem- ber, 1861. The regiment was mustered out June 26, 1865. It was engaged in the following battles : Poolsville, South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Brandy Station, Aldie, Upperville, Gettysburg, Williams- port, Culpepper, Auburn, Todds' Tavern, Fortifications of Richmond, Vaughn's Road, St. Mary's Church, Cold Har- bor, and Bellfield. The following Bridgewater men served in this regiment : JOHN H. LEONARD, Corporal, Co. I ; son of ; born ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Sept. 14, 1861 ; transferred to Co. I, Fourth Mass. Cavalry. Dis- charged at expiration of service, Sept. 24, 1864. GILES R. ALEXANDER, Private, Co. I ; son of ; born ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Sept. 14, 1861 ; di-scharged, to re-enlist, Dec. 31, 1863 ; trans- ferred to Fourth Mass. Cavalry. Discharged Nov. 14, 1865. 30 BRIDGEWATER MARTIN EAGAN, Private, Co. I ; son of John ; born , 1833 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Oct. 9, 1861 ; transferred to Co. I, Fortieth Mass. Cavalry; dis- charged, to re-enlist, Dec. 31, 1863. Discharged at expira- tion of service, July 2, 1865. AMBROSE COPELAND, Private, Co. K; son of Ralph; born Jan. 8, 1827; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, March 18, 1862; transferred to Co. K, Fourth Mass. Cavalry. Discharged at expiration of service, Oct. 4, 1864 ; died Dec. 17, 1878 ; buried at Taunton, Mass. HIRAM M. WHEELER, Private, Co. I ; son of Eli ; born in Hillsboro', N. H., June 11, 1828 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Oct. 19, 1861. Discharged for disability, Nov. 20, 1861. ROSCOE TUCKER, Private, Co. I ; son of Samuel ; born Jan. 28, 1838 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Oct. 23, 1861 ; transferred to Fourth Mass. Cavalry ; taken prisoner in Florida, in March, 1864. Died at Florence, S. C, Jan. 29, 1865. RUFUS H. WILLIS, Private, Co. I ; son of Rufus ; born March 11, 1838 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Sept. 11, 1861 ; transferred to Co. I, Fourth Mass. Cavalry ; discharged, to re-enlist, Jan. 1, 1864 ; promoted to second lieutenant, Jan. 1, 1865. Discharged June 15, 1865. Willis was present at the surrender of Gen. Lee, at Appomatox, being on the staff of Maj.-Gen. John Gib- bon, and had charge of a party of cavalry, who went into the Confederate lines and collected the battle flags, seventy- three in number. CHAPTEE II. On the 4th day of July, 1862, the President of the United States issued an order for 300,000 men, to serve for three years or during the war. The quota for Massachu- setts was 15,000 men. July 7, General Order No. 26, was issued by Gov. Andrew, calling for that number to form new regiments, and also to fill up the ranks of the regi- ments already in the field. At this time the Thirty- Second, Thirty-Third, Thirty-Fourth, and Thirty-Fifth regiments were being recruited in the State ; they were filled and sent to the seat of war, and also the Thirty- Sixth, Thirty-Seventh, Thirty-Eighth, Thirty-Ninth, For- tieth, Forty-First, Forty-Second, Fifty-Fourth, and Fifty- Fifth regiments. The necessity of filling the quota of the State, in the shortest possible time, was strongly impressed on the people, both by the President and the Governor. To illustrate the interest felt by the people to recruit and send forward men, we would state that the Adjutant-General of the State wrote over five hundred letters, in answer to letters received from different parts of the State, in regard to re- cruiting and matters connected with tlie army ; among others was one written on the 10th of July, to our venera- ble townsman, Hon. Artemas Hale. He says: "The term of enlistment is for three years, or the end of the war, which I think we may see before winter comes in, if we only prepare now to send on our quota. I have great en- couragement ; the towns are taking hold in great spirit ; 32 BEIDGEWATER - some of them have already furnished their quotas. The President is extremely anxious to have the Governor for- ward our Massachusetts men ; we want to be first in this, as at the beginning." A town meeting was called July 17, 1862, and the following vote passed : Voted, "That the town of Bridgewater will raise thirty-six volunteers for the war, as her share of the number called for by the Governor, in his recent Order No. 26, and to pay to each volunteer the sum of one hundred and sixty dollars, as soon as sworn into the service of the United States ; providf^d, he enlist within sixty days." The men enlisting under this call served in the following regiments : TniRTY-THmD Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was mustered into the United States ser- vice, Aug. 13, 1862, and left the State Aug. 14, for Wash- ington, and joined the Army of the Potomac, and was assigned to the 11th Corps, with which it remained till Sept. 24, 1863, when it was ordered to join the Army of the Cumberland, then near Bridgeport, Ala. The regi- ment remained in this army till its discharge from the ser- vice. It was with Gen. Sherman in his grand March to the Sea, It took part in the following battles : Freder- icksburg, Chancellorsville, Bevelry Ford, Gettysburg, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, and the battles of Gen. Sherman's Grand Army. The following men from Bridgewater served in this regiment : JOSEPH L. LOCKE, Sergeant, Co. I ; son of William S. ; born Feb. 20, 1841, and at the time of enlistment was a student in the Nor- mal School ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 5, 1862 ; promoted commissary ser- geant of regiment, April 3, 1863 ; promoted to first lieu- tenant, September, 27, 1864, Discharged at expiration of service, June 11, 1865. IK THE REBELLION. 33 SUMNER KEITH, Private, Co. K ; son of Solomon ; born Feb. 17, 1826 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 12, 1862 ; wounded May 29, 1864, near Dallas, Ga. Discharged by order of the War Department, May 18, 1865. SIDNEY KEITH, Private, Co. K ; son of Solomon (and nephew of Sumner, who was in the same company) ; born June 2, 1844 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 12, 1862. Discharged at expiration of service, June 11, 1865. CALVIN M. PERKINS, Private, Co. I ; son of Calvin ; born in Plymouth, Mass., July 18, 1839 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 5, 1862. Died at Lookout Mountain Hospital, Tenn., of chronic diarrhoea, July 22, 1864. Thirty-Eighth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment left Camp Stanton, Lynnfield, Aug. 26, 1862, for Baltimore, Md., where it remained till Nov. 10, 1862, when it sailed for New Orleans, on steamer Baltic. Remained in this department till July 20, 1864, when it embarked on steamer Karnak, for Washington, D. C, where it joined the Army of the Shenandoah, under Gen. Sheridan. Remained in this department till Jan. 13, 1865, when it was ordered to Savannah, Ga. ; went on board steamer Oriental, and arrived at Savannah on the 22d. Was ordered to North Carolina, March 7, and re- mained in that State till June 30, 1865, when it was sent to Boston, where it arrived July 6. The next morning it went into camp at Gallop's Island, Boston Harbor, July 13, paid off and discharged; after which the regiment, by invitation of the City of Cambridge, marched to that city, and received a glorious welcome home. The regiment 3 34 BRIDGEWATEE took part in the following battles : Cane River, Mansma, Port Hudson, Opequan, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek. The following men, from Bridgewater, served in this regiment : ALBERT HARDEN, Corporal, Co. D ; son of Jabez ; born Feb. 22, 1842 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Discharged for disability, at Mower Hospital, Philadelphia, Penn., May 25, 1865. ARTHUR BYRNES, Private, Co. D ; son of Thomas ; born in Lakeville, Mass. July 20, 1833; mustered into the United States service for three years, Aug. 22, 1862 ; promoted corporal, Oct. 8 1862 ; sergeant, Sept. 1, 1863 ; first sergeant, June 7 1864; received a commission as first lieutenant, Oct. 26 1864, but was not mustered, on account of the regiment being so reduced in numbers. Mustered out at expiration of service, July 11, 1865. ALVIN CONANT, Private, Co. E; son of Seth W. ; born Sept. 17, 1846; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862 ; wounded at battle of Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, 1864; discharged at Hilton Head, by order of the War Department, June 28, 1865. Died at Bridgewater, Mass., May 3, 1870; buried at cemetery on Conant Street, Bridgewater. WOODBRIDGE BRYANT, Private, Co. E ; son of Sally Bryant ; born Oct. 29, 1841 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Died at Carrollton, near New Orleans, La., of typhoid fever, Jan. 14, 1863. EDWIN A. HAYWARD, Private, Co. I ; son of Daniel L. ; born Jan. 17, 1844 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, IN THE REBELLION. 35 Aug 21, 1862. Died Aug. 21, 1863, at Church Hospital, Baton Rouge, La. BENJAMIN W. PRICE, Private, Co. E ; son of Benjamin H. ; born Aug. 16, 1834 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 30, 1863. Discharged April 18, 1864; died at Bridgewater, April 26, 1870 ; buried at Easton, Mass. PHILO CARVER, Private, Co. E ; son of John ; born Ma}"" 4, 1838 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Died at Baton Rouge, La., of chronic diarrhcea, Sept. 14, 1863. GRANVILLE HARTWELL, Private, Co. E ; son of Charles ; born April 12, 1843 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Discharged for disability, Feb. 17, 1863. MAURICE M. KEITH, Private, Co. E ; son of William ; born Feb. 5, 1833 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862 ; promoted corporal, July 1, 1863. Died at New- Orleans, of chronic diarrhcea, July 19, 1864. FRANK E. LEE, Private, Co. D ; son of James E. ; born Oct. 14, 1845 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 20, 1862. Discharged for disability at Opelonsas, La., May 3, 1863 ; died at Bridgewater, March 6, 1864 ; buried at Mt. Prospect Cemeter}-. CHARLES H. NESMITH, Private, Co. E ; son of ; born ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Discharged at expiration of service, June 3, 1865. 36 ■ BRIDGEWATER URIAH PHELPS, Private, Co. E ; son of ; born Sept. 20, 1803 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Discharged Sept. 15, 1862. HENRY W. PRICE, Private, Co. D ; son of Benjamin H. ; born July 19, 1844; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 20, 1862. Discharged for disability, Nov. 20, 1863. ISRAEL RICHMOND, Private, Co. E ; son of Enoch ; born Aug, 24, 1828 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, April 10, 1864. Discharged JAMES BRENNON, Private, Co. E ; son of ; born ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862; wounded at battle of Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, June 30, 1865. V. JUSTIN KEITH, Private, Co. I ; son of Vassel ; born Dec. 5, 1843 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 1, 1862. Discharged for disability, Sept. 11, 1862. JAMES L. KEITH, Private, Co. D ; son of Howe ; born Sept. 26, 1846 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 20, 1862 ; promoted corporal, Sept. 1, 1863 ; sergeant, March 4, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, June 30, 1865 ; lost at sea, off Cape Hatteras, April 29, 1877, in schooner G. P. Pomroy, Capt. Bryant. RICHARD WELCH, Private, Co. I ; son of ; born ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 21, 1862. Discharged at expiration of service, July 1, 1865. est the rebellion. 37 Thirty-Ninth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment left Camp Stanton, Boxford, Sept. 6, 1862, for Washington, and joined the Army of the Potomac, with which it remained during its term of service, and took part in the following battles : Mine Run, Wilderness, Spottsyl- vania. North Anna River, Tolopotomy, Bethesda Church, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Dobney's Mills, Gravelly Run, and Five Forks. Mustered out June 2, 1865. The following men, from Bridgewater, served in this regiment : NATHAN MITCHELL, Private, Co. F; son of Bela; born June 26,1841; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Died at Poolsville, Md., of congestion of the lungs, Sept. 26, 1862; buried at Mt. Prospect Cemetery, Bridgewater. EDWARD MITCHELL, Private, Co. F; son of Edward; born Oct. 30,1842; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Discharged for disability, Oct. 13, 1863. JESSE H. JEWETT, Private, Co. F; son of Thomas G. ; born Oct. 9, 1840; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862; discharged, for promotion, Dec. 19, 1863; commissioned second lieutenant, in the Seventy-Seventh Regiment, U .S. Colored Troops; promoted first lieutenant, March 8, 1864, and served as aid-de-camp on staff of Gen- erals Hurlburt, Banks, Canby, and T. W. Sherman. Dis- charged June 14, 1866. LUCIUS crooker. Private, Co. F; son of Benjamin; born Nov. 18, 1838; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862 ; discharged, for promotion, Dec. 16, 1863 ; commissioned first lieutenant, in Seventy-Seventh Regi- ment, U. S. Colored Troops. Discharged in Dec, 1866. 38 bridgewater Fortieth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment left Camp Stanton, Lynnfield, Sept. 8, 1862, for Washington, D. C. ; remained in this department till April 15, 1863, when it was ordered to Suffolk, Va. On the 7th of August the regiment embarked on steamer for Charleston, S. C, and remained near that place till about Feb. 4, 1864, when it was ordered to Florida, having been organized as mounted infantry. About March 24, they were re-organized as infantry, and sailed from Hilton Head for the Army of the James, then near Gloucester Point, and on the 1st of June joined the Army of the Po- tomac, where it remained till March, 1865, when it was ordered to White House Landing, to make a base of sup- plies for Gen. Sheridan. Left this place on the 18th of March, and arrived at Richmond, Va., April 3 ; remained near the city till June 17, when it was ordered home. Mustered out, June 30, 1865. The regiment took part in the following battles : Blackwater, Bombardment of Sump- ter and Wagner, Siege of Charleston, Oulster, Cedar Creek, Ten Mile Run, Jacksonville, Drury's Bluff, Coal Harbor, Fort Harrison, Fair Oaks, and the several battles before Petersburg and Richmond. Bridgewater furnished the following men for this regiment : FREEMAN JONES, Private, Co, E; son of Samuel; born March 27, 1827; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 22, 1862. Discharged at expiration of service, June 30, 1865. OREB F. MITCHELL, Enlisted as private, but was mustered as first lieutenant in Co. E, Aug. 20,1862; promoted captain, Nov. 7, 1863; wounded, and lost his left arm in battle at Drury's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864. Discharged on account of said wounds, Oct. 25, 1864. (See Third Regiment, three months' men). IN THE REBELLION. 39 NAHUM LEONARD, Jr., Private, Co. I ; son of Nahiim ; born Sept. 24, 1825 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Aug. 31, 1862 ; commissioned and mustered second lieutenant, March 23, 186-4; transferred to Fifty-Eighth Regiment, April, 1864. (See Fifty-Eighth Regiment). CHAPTER III. The call of July 4, 1862, was not more than half filled, when President Lincoln issued an order, of the 4th of August, 1862, for 300,000 more men, to serve for nine months. These men were to be raised " by draft, in ac- cordance with orders from the War Department, and the laws of the several States." A town meeting was held, Aug. 26, to raise volunteers under this call, instead of wait- ing for the draft, and it was voted that a committee of seven be chosen by the town, to take in charge the busi- ness of raising the number of volunteers necessary ; that they use all lawful means to effect this object, and that the treasurer pay all necessary expenses attending the same ; also to pay a bounty of one hundred and fifty dollars to each volunteer, who shall enlist to the credit of the town for nine months' service. The committee chosen at this meeting was F. D. King, Ed. W. Bassett, Nathan Fobes, Almansor Osborne, Lewis Holmes, and Holden W. Keith. The result of the action of the town, at this time, was the enlistment of a large part of Co. K, Capt. Samuel Bates, in the Third Regiment Mass. Volunteers, Col. S. P. Rich- mond, which was then being organized, for nine months' service, at Camp Joe Hooker, Lakeville, Mass. Third Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was recruited at Camp Joe Hooker, and was mustered into the United States service, Sept. 22, 1862 ; left IN THE REBELLION. 41 camp, Oct. 22, 1862, for Boston.where it embarked on steam- ers Merrimac and Mississippi, with the Fifth and Forty- Fourth Mass. regiments, for Newberne, N. C, where it ar- rived, Oct. 22, and reported to Gen. Foster. The regiment remained in this department during its term of service. In giving its history, we can do no better than copy the following from Col. Richmond's report to the Adjutant- General of the State : " Oct. 30, two companies detached for picket duty, at Newport barracks, remaining there more than a month, during which time they made an expedition to Peltier's Mills, and also came to Newberne, as reinforce- ments, on the night of Nov. 11. Nov. 5, thirty-five men sent to do picket duty at Creek No. 1 ; that station was picketed by the Third Regiment more than three months. Nov. 30, Co. I detached for garrison duty at Plymouth, N. C, where they remained nearly five months, having an en- gagement with the enemy, and losing two men killed, sev- eral men wounded, and fourteen taken prisoners. Dec. 11, the regiment started on the expedition to Goldsboro' ; this expedition lasted eleven days, and the troops marched more than one hundred and fifty miles. The regiment took part in the battles of Kinston, Whitehall, and Goldsboro', and, by order of Gen. Foster, had those names inscribed on its banner. The regiment was complimented, at the last- named battle, by its brigade commander, for its bravery in tearing up the railroad track while under the fire of the enemy, and its steadiness in supporting Belger's and Mor- rison's batteries, while repelling the brilliant charge of the rebels, under Gen. Pettigrew, and also for its coolness while re-crossing the creek, which had been flowed by the enemy. Jan. 14, 1863, regiment attached to Jourdan's Brigade, with which it remained during the remainder of its term of service." It had now gained an excellent reputation for drill and discipline. Gen. Foster says : " The Third Massachusetts 42 BRIDGEWATER is always ready for duty ; " and Gen. Joiirdan says : " The Third Massachusetts always obeys orders, and per- forms all its duty promptly and without grumbling." March 6, the regiment went with Gen. Prince's divi- sion, on an expedition to Onslow and Jones counties, occupying five days. April 8, joined a column under Gen. Spinola ; made a forced march to Blont's Creek ; had an engagement with the enemy, and returned to Newberne on the 16th. April 16, joined Gen. Prince's division, and marched to Coir Creek, and remained six days, during which time it had several skirmishes with the rebels ; it was this movement, combined with a move- ment by another column, on the other side of the Neuse River, that caused the enemy to evacuate Washington, N. C, and thus release the Forty-Fourth Mass. Regiment from their very uncomfortable position. June 6, escorted the Forty-Fourth Regiment to the depot, they being about to depart for home. June 11, being ordered to Boston, the regiment left Newberne ; three companies, with the sick, went on board the Tillie, at Newberne, and seven compa- nies went by rail to Morehead City, and there embarked on board the steamer S. R. Spaulding. The regiment was escorted to the depot by the One Hundred and Fifty- Eighth New York, and the band of the Forty-Sixth Massa- chusetts, Gen. Foster and Gen. Jourdan reviewing the xegiment as it passed. Arrived in. Boston June 16, and met with an enthusiastic Teception, Were escorted to the Common by the Forty- Fourth Regiment and the Massachusetts Rifle Club. Gov. Andrew feeing absent, Adjt.-Gen. Schouler reviewed the Teginaent, as it passed the State House. At one o'clock took th-e ^ars at the Old Colony depot for Camp Joe Hooker, but were furloughed on the cars, being ordered to i-epoit at eamp, June 22. A public reception was given to do, K, -on Saturday, the 20th inst., at the Agricultural IN THE EEBELLION. 43 Hall, by citizens of Bridgewater, East and West Bridge- water. The company met at the Town Hall, Bridgewater, and were escorted to the Fair Grounds by the Bridgewater Cornet Band, under the marshalship of Dr. Asa Millett, where 1,200 or 1,500 people had assembled to receive them. For the gratification of their friends, the soldiers spent about half an hour in drilling. At about half-past two o'clock, after stacking arms, the company was drawn up in front of the judge's stand, on the track, to listen to the speech of welcome. The President of the day, James Howard, esq., of West Bridgewater, after stating the ob- ject of the meeting, introduced Hon. B. W. Harris, of East Bridgewater, who, in an appropriate speech in behalf of the citizens, welcomed the soldiers on their return home. A procession was then formed, which marched to the hall, to partake of a coUation, which had been prepared by the la- dies of the several towns. After the repast, the company adjourned to the upper hall to listen to speeches. This hall, as well as the lower one, was tastefully decorated with flags and pendants, under the direction of Mr Thomas Hooper. The soldiers occupied seats directly in front of the speakers, and were here presented each with a bouquet of flowers by the school children, the presentation speech having l^een made by one of the young ladies. Speeches were made by Hon. John A. Shaw, Hon. Benjamin W. Harris, and others. Later in the afternoon, Maj. Morrisey entered the hall, and taking his seat on the platform, was received with great applause, Co. K giving him three hearty cheers. He was then introduced, and addressed the sol- diers. The entertainment was closed by singing " Ameri- ca " by the whole audience, under the direction of Mr. Wilde. The reception was in all respects a success, and will be remembered with pleasure l)y all wlio joined in it. The following Monday the company joined the regiment at 44 BRIDGEWATER camp, and were mustered out of the service by Capt. J. K. Lawrence, U. S. A., and were dismissed by a complimen- tary and affecting order from the colonel. The following members of the regiment were from Bridgewater : NATHAN FOBES, First Lieutenant, Co. K ; son of Aretas ; born Jan. 12, 1841. SAMUEL E. HA WES, Sergeant, Co. K ; son of Samuel ; born April 19, 1837. NAHUM WASHBURN, Jr., Corporal, Co. K ; son of Nahum ; born July 30, 1839. MARCELLUS G. HOWARD, Corporal, Co. K ; son of Frank ; born JOSEPH C. NORTON, Fifer, Co. K ; son of Thaxter ; born Aug. 24, 1820. (See Fifty-Sixth Regiment). ISAAC R. ALDEN, Drummer, Co. K ; son of James S. ; born May 31, 1844. (See Fifty-Sixth Regiment). WILLIAM S. ALDEN, Private, Co. K ; son of William ; born Dec. 24, 1843. HORACE WENTWORTH, Private, Co. K; son of John; born Oct. 15, 1817. HORACE E. WENTWORTH, Private, Co. K ; son of Horace ; born Oct, 8, 1843. LUCIAN F. WENTWORTH, Private, Co. K; son of Horace; born April 6, 1845. M. LLOYD ANDREWS, Private, Co. K ; son of Manasseh ; born May 7, 1844. IN THE REBELLION. 45 CALEB ALDEN, Private, Co. K ; son of Oliver ; bora Aug. 22, 1820. GEORGE D. BRIGGS, Private, Co. K ; son of Thomas C. ; born March 15, 1843. RIAL BARNEY, Private, Co. K ; son of Jecleiah ; born March 12, 1836. FRANCIS T. CRAFTS, Private, Co. K ; son of Frederick ; born Oct. 27, 1841. NEWELL F. CUSHMAN, Private, Co. K ; son of Oliver ; born SETH W. CONANT, Private, Co. K ; son of Seth ; born March 15, 1822. (See Fifty-Eighth Regiment). JOHN HOLMES, Private, Co. K ; son of Howland ; born Oct. 8, 1824. EDWIN HAYWARD, Private, Co. K ; son of Charles ; born April 10, 1840. BEZA HAYAVARD, Private, Co. K ; son of Otis ; bom WILLIAM V. HINSMAN, Private, Co. K ; son of ; born ARTHUR HOOPER, Private, Co. K ; son of Thomas; born May 18, 1843 ; pro- moted to regimental commissary sergeant, Oct. 28, 1862. (See Fifty-Eighth Regiment.) GEORGE T. KEITH, Private, Co. K ; son of Thomas M. ; born Feb. 4, 1843. 46 BRIDGEWATEE. FRANCIS D. KING, Private, Co. K ; son of Artemas ; born May 21, 1823. HOSEA KINGMAN, Private, Co. K; son of Philip D. ; born Aug. 11, 1843; detailed on signal service in December, 1862, and served at Newberne, N. C, and also in South Carolina. Mustered out with the regiment. EDGAR D. KEITH, Private, Co. K ; son of John A. ; born Oct. 25, 1828. WILLIAM T. MURPHY, Private, Co. K ; son of Thomas ; born Jan. 3. 1843. (See Fifty-Eighth Regiment.) E. HERBERT RIPLEY, Private, Co. K; son of Molbry ; born Nov. 5, 1839. SAMUEL JONES, Private, Co. K; son of Samuel; born April 16,1823. Died at Newberne, N. C, May 26, 1863 ; buried at Hillside Cem- etery, Bridgewater, Mass. DEXTER M. STURTEVANT, Private, Co. K ; son of Sylvanus ; born Aug. 9, 1823. JOHN p. TOWNSEND, Private, Co. K ; son of Jeremiah ; born Oct. 23, 1836. (See Fifty-Eighth Regiment.) JOHN A. WINSLOW, Private, Co. K ; son of John B. ; born Nov. 26, 1837. (See Fifty-Eighth Regiment). NATHAN II. WASHBURN, Private, Co. K ; son of Asel ; born Dec. 31, 1835. JOHN M. WASHBURN, Private, Co. K ; son of Asel ; born May 4, 1843. IN THE REBELLION. 47 ALFRED H. PERKINS, Private, Co. K ; son of Solomon ; born Oct. 12, 1830. FRED. A. FULLER, Private, Co. A; son of Ebenezar; born Aug. 30, 1815, at Halifax, Mass. Died at Newberne, N. C, Dec. 1, 1862. FRANCIS M. LAMBERT, Private, Co. A ; son of ; born Discharged for disability. May 27, 1863. ZACHEUS LAMBERT, Private, Co. A ; son of ; born (Fuller and the Lamberts came from Halifax.) ALMANZOR OSBORNE, Private, Co. A ; son of Willard; born May 29, 1841. Under General Order No. 26, calling for nine months' men, were raised the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Forty-Third, Forty-Fourth, Forty-Fifth, Forty-Sixth, For- ty-Seventh, Forty-Eighth, Forty-Ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty- First, Fifty-Second, Fifty-Third regiments, and the Elev- enth Battery. Fourth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment served in the three months' service, and re-organized under Col. Henry Walker, at Camp Joe Hooker, Lakeville, and on the 17th of December, 1862, was ordered to join Gen. Banks, in the Department of the Gulf. Left camp Dec. 27, and arrived at New York on the 28th. After waiting nearly a week in New York, seven companies, and part of another, sailed on ship George Peabody, Jan. 3, and arrived at New Orleans, Feb. 7, 1863 ; then proceeded to Carrolton, and landed on the 13tli, hav- ing been on board ship forty-seven daj^s. The remainder 48 BRIDGEWATER of the regiment arrived soon aftet. It remained in this department during its term of service, and took part in the battles at Port Hudson, and was mustered out, Aug, 28, 1863, having been in the service over eleven months. The following men, from Bridgewater, served in this regiment : LYSANDER W. MITCHELL, Private, Co. C ; son of Simeon ; born May 17, 1844 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for nine months, Sept. 23, 1862. Died from sun stroke, at Port Hudson, July 31, 1863. WILLIAM MITCHELL, Private, Co. C ; son of Simeon ; born Feb. 4, 1834 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for nine months, Sept. 23, 1862 ; mustered out, Aug. 28, 1863. Died at Bridge- water, Mass., Jan. 8, 1866. He was sick with measles while in the service, and never fully recovered his health ; buried at Hillside Cemetery, Bridgewater. Forty-Third Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was recruited from what was generally known as the " Tiger Regiment," and was organized at Camp Meigs, Readville, Mass. Left camp, Oct. 24, 1862, for Newberne, N. C, where it remained during its term of service, and was engaged at Kinston and Whitehall. Mus- tered out, July 21, 1863. Bridgewater furnished one man for this regiment. JAMES W. LEE, Private, Co. E ; son of James E. ; born Nov. 4, 1838 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for nine months, Sept. 2, 1862. Discliarged July 21, 1863 ; died at Bridgewater, May 14, 1868 ; buried at Mt. Prospect Cemetery. CHAPTER IV. On the 17th of October, 1863, President Lincoln called for 300,000 more volunteers. Among the regiments formed in consequence of this call were the Fifty-Sixth, Fifty-Sev- enth, Fifty-Eighth, and Fifty-Ninth, called " Veteran Regi- ments," as it was intended to recruit them largely from the nine months' troops, which had returned home but a few months before. Quite a number of the Third Regiment enlisted in the Fifty-Eighth Regiment. Co. D, of that regiment, was commanded by Capt. Charles E. Churchill, (formerly lieutenant of Co. K, Third Regiment), and was called the Bridgewater company. Some of the men of the Third Regiment enlisted in the Fifty-Sixth Regiment. Fifty-Sixth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment was organized at Cam^^ Meigs, Readville, and left the State, for the seat of war, March 21, 1864, and joined the Army of the Potomac ; assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, Ninth Corps, Gen. Burnside, in which it remained during its term of service, and took part in the battles of the Wilderness, Spotlsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Poplar Spring Church, Hatche's Run, and Siege of Petersburg. Mustered out July 12, 1865. The following Bridgewater men served in this rci^fiment : 50 BRIDGEWATER JOSEPH C. NORTON, Musician (fifer), Co. K ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Jan. 12, 1864. Discharged at ex- piration of service, July 12, 1865. (See Third Regiment.) JOSEPH C. NORTON, Jr., Musician, Co. B; son of Joseph; born Jan. 8, 1845; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, Dec. 26, 1863. Discharged at expiration of service, July 12, 1865. ISAAC R. ALDEN, Musician (drummer), Co. F; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Jan. 12, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, July 12, 1865. The above men were detailed in regimental band. (See Third Regiment.) Fifty-Eighth Regiment Mass. Volunteers. This regiment commenced to recruit on or about Sept. 15, 1863. Eight companies left the State, April 28, 1864, in command of Lieut. -Col. John C. Whiton, (late of the Forty-Third Mass. Volunteers.) Col. Richmond, of the Third Mass. Volunteers, was commissioned colonel, but was never mustered ; for at the time the other two compa- nies joined the regiment, in the summer of 1864, the organ- ization was so reduced in numbers, that it would not be mustered as a regiment. After leaving camp, the regi- ment proceeded to Alexandria, Va., and from there to Bristow Station, where it joined the First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, Gen. A. E. Burnside. May 6, one week from camp, it took part in the battle of the Wilderness, and lost seven men killed, twenty-three wounded, and four missing. The regiment remained in the Ninth Corps during its term of service, and was en- gaged at the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, Poplar Spring IN THE EEBELLION. 51' Church, Fort Sedgewick, Fort Mahone, and was mustered out July 14, 1865, The following men, from Bridgewater, served in this regiment : JOHN P. TOWNSEND, Second lieutenant; mustered into the United States ser- vice, for three years, March 2, 1861 ; promoted first lieuten- ant. Aug. 8, 1864; captain, May 3, 1865. Was taken prisoner with seven officers and ninety-one men, Sept. 30, 1864, in battle near Poplar Spring Church; taken to Petersburg, Va., where he remained till Oct. 2 ; was then sent to Libby Prison, Richmond, and remained about ten days ; was then sent to Salisbury, N. C, and from there to Danville, Ya., where he was confined till about a week be- fore his exchange, when he was sent back to Richmond; released Feb. 22, 1865; received a furlough, and came home ; returned to the regiment, at Farmville, Va., April 9, 1865. Was mustered out with the regiment, July 14, 1865. (See Third Regiment.) NAHUM LEONARD, Mustered into Co. C, April, 1864 ; commissioned and mus- tered first lieutenant, Aug. 8, 1864 ; captain, in Co. I, Nov. 1, 1864; appointed Judge Advocate Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, in May, 1865, and held the appoint- ment till the muster-out of regiment, July 14, 1865. Is now Superintendent of State Workhouse, in Bridgewater. (See Fortieth Regiment.) SETH W. CONANT, Private, Co. D ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864. Killed in front of Peters- burg, Va., July 30, 1864. (See Third Regiment.) LUCIUS CONANT, Private, Co. D ; son of Seth W. ; born Nov. 5, 1847 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, April 52 BRIDGEWATER 2, 1864. Killed in battle at Spottsylvania, Va., May 12, 1864. After the battle his father, who was in the same company, was detailed, with others, to bury the dead; the first one found and buried was his son Lucius, HENRY A. WASHBURN, Private, Co. D ; son of John B. ; born Nov. 20, 1844 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864. Killed in front of Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. JAMES K. P. CHAMBERLAIN, Private, Co. D ; son of Nathan ; born Feb. 18, 1847 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864. Missing in action in front of Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. JONAH BENSON, Jr., Musician ; son of Jonah ; born Nov. 16, 1827 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, May 31, 1864. Died of disease, July, 30, 1864, on steamer going from City Point to Fortress Monroe ; buried at Fortress Monroe. ANDREW H. HAYWARD, Private, Co. D ; son of Beza ; born Oct. 1, 1846 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 4, 1864 ; wounded in battle, July 30, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, July 14, 1865 ; died at Bridgewater, Aug. 28, 1871 ; buried at cemetery near Episcopal church. JOHN A. WINSLOW, Private, Co. D ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864 ; wounded in the head, in battle of Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864 ; was sent to Wash- ington, D. C, where he remained about two months ; re- turned to his regiment, and served faithfully till he was taken prisoner, Sept. 30, 1864, in battle near Poplar Spring Church, with about one hundred men of the regiment ; was taken to Richmond, Va., and from there to Salisbury, IN THE REBELLION. • 53 N. C, where he was confined about four months ; returned to Richmond, and was released Feb. 22, 1865, and went to Annapolis, Md. Winslow was a man six feet four inches tall, and weighed one hundred and sixty-five pounds, at the time of his capture, but was reduced to seventy-five pounds while in rebel prisons. He remained at Annapolis about a month, when he was able to come home on a fur- lough, where he remained till April 9, 1865 ; returning to his regiment, he remained till the regiment was ordered home, and mustered out of the service, July 14, 1865. (See Third Regiment.) ARTHUR HOOPER, Commissary sergeant; mustered into the United States service, for three years, Jan. 14, 1864; came home on fur- lough, December, 1864, and was detailed in Commissary Department, at United States General Hospital, Readville, Mass., at which place he remained till his discharge, by order of the War Department, June 14, 1865. (See Third Regiment.) WILLIAM T. MURPHY, Private, Co. D ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864 ; taken prisoner in battle in front of Petersburg, July 30, 1864. Died at Danville, Va., Nov. 27, 1864. (See Third Regiment.) ADNA P. KEITH, Private, Co. D; son of John A.; born Nov. -13, 1821; mustered into the United States service, for three years, April 2, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, July 14, 1865. NATHAN DUNBAR, Private, Co. D ; son of Lewis B. ; born June 26, 1847 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1865. Discharged at expiration of service, July 14, 1865. 54 , . BRTDGEWATER ZEPHANIAH DUNBAR, Private, Co. D ; son of Lewis B. ; born Ma}' 17, 1846 ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864; wounded at the battle of Weldon Rail- road. Discharged at expiration of service, July 14, 1865. W. W. HAYDEN, Private, Co. D ; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, July 14, 1865. (See Twelfth Regiment.) DANIEL W. LEAVITT, Private, Co. D ; son of Calvin ; born Sept. 6, 1846 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864. Discharged for disability, May 17, 1865. WILLIAM S. HARLOW, Private, Co. I; son of Lewis; born April 17, 1842; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years. May 18, 1864; taken prisoner in battle in front of Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. Died at Danville, Va., Nov. 11, 1864. ELIAS FRAWLEY, Recrait for Fifty-Eighth Regiment ; son of Patrick ; born May 17, 1849; enlisted about Jan. 25, 1865, and went to Galloup's Island, Boston Harbor, to await transportation to the regiment, which was then in front of Petersburg, Va. Was taken sick with measles, and died Feb. 15, 1865; buried at Catholic Cemetery, near the church, Bridgewater. JOHN FRAWLEY, Private, Co. D ; son of Michael ; born ; mus- tered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864; wounded at battle of Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864 ; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 2, 1865. Dis- charged IN THE REBELLION. 55 ALBERT FRAZIER, Private, Co. D; son of Ruben; born Dec. 23, 1829; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 1, 1864. Discharged for disability. May 23, 1865. ROBERT E. SMITH, Musician; mustered into the United States service, for three years, May 13, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, July 14, 1865. (See Eighteenth Regiment.) ELIAB F. DUNBAR, U. S. Signal Service; son of Darius; born Aug. 18, 1841; mustered into the United States service, for three years, March 30, 1864, and served under Gen. Conners, in De- partment of Missouri. Discharged at expiration of service, Dec. 9, 1865. CHAPTER Y. The Draft. Early in the year 1863 it was found very difficult to fill the quotas of the State by volunteers, and a draft was ordered. The first one took place about July 15, at Taunton, that being the headquarters of the Second Con- gressional District, to which Bridge water belonged. Printed notictis were sent to each drafted man, who had ten days to report to headquarters for examination, furnish a substi- tute, or pay $300 ; if they entered the service they were to serve for the war, not exceeding three years, having the same pay as volunteers. This draft did not amount to much, as the quota of the town was filled by the nine months' men. The second draft took place about May 20, 1864, and was much more formidable in its character. In anticipation of the draft, a meeting of the citizens w^as called at the Town Hall, Feb. 23, 1864, and a " Mutual Draft Protection Society " formed, for the purpose of filling the town's quota, under the call of the President. A com- mittee was chosen to procure the number of men necessary, a committee to raise funds, and a treasurer to receive and pay out the same. It was understood that if any surplus remained, after the purpose was accomplished, it should be returned to the subscribers, in pro})ortion to the amount paid by each The members of the society were persons liable to be drafted, and, as most of them were men of IN THE REBELLION. 57 means, preferred to pay their money and raise the men called for, rather than go themselves. During the year 1864, the society raised $4,198, the subscriptions amount- ing from $l,to $125; amount expended, $2,187.35; surplus over expenses, $2,070.80, a part of which was returned to the subscribers, and the balance used as directed by the subscribers. The following persons furnished substitutes voluntarily : A. G. Boyden, Sumner Keith, 2d, Oliver C. Wilbar, Samuel D. Keith, Rev. J. J. Putnam, Joseph Howard, Theo. C. Wilbar, H. W. Church, Caleb i^lden, Geo. B. Stetson, Josiah L. Bassett, Samuel P. Gates, James F. Witherell. The Last Call. On the 1st of July, 1864, the Secretary of War, in order to relieve veteran troops, on garrison duty at various points, and send them into active service, called for militia regiments, for one hundred days' service, to take their places and perform their duties. Massachusetts furnished five regiments under this call ; they were the Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Forty-Second, and Sixtieth. Men from Bridge- V ater served in the Forty-Second and Sixtieth. Forty-Second Regiment Mass. Volunteers, This regiment left the State, for Washington, July 24, 1864, under command of Lieut.-Col. Steadman, and was stationed at Alexandria, Va , and remained until its mus- ter-out. Bridgewater furnished but one man for this regi- ment. NATHAN WASHBURN, Private, Co. C ; son of Thomas ; born June 22, 1844 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for one hundred days, July 14, 1864. Discharged for disability, Sept. 17, 1864 ; died at Bridgewater, Dec. 11, 18G6, of consumption ; buried at Mount Prospect Cemetery. 58 bridge water Sixtieth Regiment Mass, Volunteers. This regiment left the State, under command of Col. Wass, for Washington, Aug. 1, 1864, and was afterwards sent to Indianapolis, Ind., where it remained until its muster- out. The following men, from Bridgewater, were in this regiment : beriah t. hillman, First sergeant, Co, C ; son of Owen ; born in Chilmark, Mass., Jan. 28, 1843. At the time of this enlistment he was a student in the Normal School ; mustered into the United States service, for one hundred days, July 14, 1864 ; promoted second lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Nov. 30, 1864. GEORGE B. SMITH, Private, Co. C ; son of James W. ; born July 4, 1847 ; mustered into the United States service, for one hundred days, July 14, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Nov. 30, 1864. CHARLES H. THOMPSON, Private, Co. C ; son of Marshall ; born April 30, 1843 ; mustered into the United States service, for one hundred days, July 14, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Nov. 30, 1864. FRANK D. MILLET, Musician (drummer), Co. C ; son of Asa ; born Nov. 3, 1846 ; mustered into the United States service, for one hundred days, July 14, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Nov. 30, 1864. HENRY V. HOWES, Private, Co. C ; son of Phineas ; born Jan. 1, 1847 ; mus- tered into the United States service, for one hundred days, July 14, 1864. Discharged at expiration of service, Nov. 30, 1864 ; died of consumption, Aug. 14, 1865 ; buried at Mount Prospect Cemetery, IN THE REBELLION. 59 A. E. WINSHIP, Private, Co. C ; son of Isaac ; born Feb. 24, 1845 ; mustered into the United States service, for one hundred days. Dis- charged at expiration of service, Nov. 30, 1864. CHAPTER YI. In addition to the list already mentioned, who served in the War of the Rebellion, from Bridgewater, are the fol- lowing; some enlisted as a part of the town's quota, and some went from other places, but were either citizens of the town, or their bodies are buried in the town : GEORGE L. ANDREWS, Son of Manasseh ; born Aug. 31, 1828 ; appointed cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1847 ; graduated first in his class ; appointed brevet second lieutenant, U. S. Corps of Engineers, July 1, 1851 ; second lieutenant, Feb. 2, 1854 ; resigned Sept. 1, 1855 ; appointed lieutenant-colonel. Second Regiment Mass. Volunteers, May 25, 1861 ; colonel, June 18, I860; brigadier-general, Nov. 10, 1862, "for gal- lant and highly meritorious services in the battles of Win- chester, Cedar Mountain, and Antietam ; " brevet major- general, March 26, 1865, "for faithful and meritorious ser- vices during the campaign against the city of Mobile and its defences;" served with the command of Gen. Patterson, on the upper Potomac ; with Gen. Banks, in the Shenandoah Valley, being engaged in several skirmishes, and the battle of Winchester, May 25, 1862; with the Army of Virginia, under Gen. Pope, being engaged in the battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. 9, 1862 ; with the Army of the Potomac, under Gen. McClellan, in the Maryland campaign of 1862, being engaged in the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862 ; IN THE REBELLION. 61 forwarding troops and supplies for the expedition of Gen. Banks to New Orleans, in the early part of 1863 ; chief of staff to Gen. Banks, March 6 to July 9, 1863, serving in the department of the Gulf, being engaged in the opera- tions of the Teche campaign, including the combat at Fort Bisland, April 13-14, 1863, siege of Port Hudson, May 25 to July 9, 1863 ; in command of U. S. Colored Troops, Department of the Gulf, July 10, 1863, to Feb. 13, 1865, and of District of Baton Rouge and Port Hudson, Dec. 28, 1864, to Feb. 13, 1865 ; provost marshal-general of the Army of the Gulf, Feb. 27 to June 6, 1865, being engaged in the attack on Mobile and its defences, March 26 to April 12, 1875 ; chief of staff of Maj.-Gen. Canby, June 6 to Aug. 24, 1865, when he was mustered out of service. Appointed professor of French language, at the U. S. Military Academy, Feb. 28, 1871 ; to the department of instruction imder his charge has since been added English studies ; the professorship he still holds. SAMUEL BRECK, Son of Samuel ; born Feb. 25, 1834 ; entered the Military Academj'^, at West Point, July 1, 1851 ; graduated and ap- pointed second lieutenant First Artillery, July 1, 1855 ; first lieutenant, April 1, 1861 ; captain, staff — assistant adjutant-general, Nov. 29, 1861; major, staff — additional aide-de-camp. May 23, 1862; assistant adjutant-general, July 17, 1862; brevet lieutenant-colonel, Sept. 24, 1864, " for meritorious and faithful services during the rebel- lion;" colonel, March 13, 1865, "for diligent, faithful, and meritorious services in the adjutant-general's department during the rebellion ; " brevet brigadier-general U. S. Army, March 13, 1865, " for diligent, faithful, and meritorious ser- vice in adjutant-general's department during the rebellion." Breck served in Florida, against the Indians, 1855-56 ; in garrison at Fort Moultrie, S. C, 1856-57 ; at Fort Henry, Md., 1857-59 ; en route to Texas, marching from Helena, 62 BRIDGEWATEE Ark., to Fort Clark, Texas, 1859 ; in garrison at Fort Moultrie, S. C, 1859-60, and at Military Academy, 1860- 61 ; as assistant professor of geography, history, and ethics, Sept. 14, 1860, to April 26, 1861, and principal as- sistant till Dec. 3, 1861 ; served against the rebellion of the seceding States, 1861-66, as assistant adjutant-general of Gen. McDowell's Division (Army of the Potomac), in the defences of Washington, D. C, Dec. 9, 1861, to March 24, 1862; as assistant adjutant-general. First Army Corps, March 24, 1862, and of the Department of the Rappahan- nock, April 14 to June 20, 1862, being engaged in the oc- cupation of Fredericksburg, Va., April 18, 1862, and expe- dition to the Shenandoah Valley, to intercept the retreat of the rebel forces, under Gen. Jackson, May and June, 1862 ; as assistant in the adjutant-general's office, at Washington, D. C. ; since July 2, 1862, in charge cf rolls, returns, books, blanks, and business pertaining to the en- listed men of the regular and volunteer forces, and of the records of discontinued commands, and the preparation and publication of the Volunteer Army Register, which position he now holds. SAMUEL P. GATES, Son of Pearly Gates; born in Ashby, Mass., June 8, 1837 ; mustered into the United States regular arni}^, for five years, as sergeant. May 2, 1863, and detailed as clerk in adjutant-general's office, Washington, D. C. ; mustered out by special order of the War Department, March 31, 1864. Gates also furnished a substitute. JOSEPH H. KEITH, Son of Edwin ; born April 23, 1886 ; mustered into the United States regular army, for five years, as sergeant, Dec. 31, 1863, and detailed in adjutant-general's office, at Washington, D. C. ; mustered out by special order of the War Department, Aug. 20, 1866. Died at New Orleans, of yellow fever, Sept. 4, 1878, IN THE REBELLION. 63 JAMES H. SCHNIDER, Chaplain, Second Regiment United States Colored Troops ; son of Rev. Dr. Benjamin ; born at Brusa, Asia Minor, March 14, 1839 ; drafted July, 1863, and appointed chap- lain. Died at Fort Taylor, Key West, Florida, of yellow- fever, April 25, 1864 ; buried at Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y. At the time he was drafted he was a teacher in the Normal School. EDGAR H. LEONARD, Private, Co. H., Eleventh Regiment Vermont Volunteers ; son of Orville ; born Aug. 13, 1845; mustered into the United States service, for three years, (from Hartland, Vt), Sept. 1, 1862 ; promoted corporal, Jan. 23, 1864. Died from wounds received at battle of Weldon Railroad, June 24, 1864 ; buried at Jennings Hill Cemetery. WILLIAM D. MITCHELL, Private, Co. B, Second Regiment Kansas Volunteers ; son of Daniel ; born at Hopewell, Taunton, Mass., July 31, 1841. His father's family moved to Bridgewater about 1847, and moved to Kansas in 1857, w4ien William was sixteen years old. In 1860 he joined a, company, for home protection, in which he served till the war broke out, when he enlisted as above stated. In the summer of 1862, his regiment was ordered to report to Gen. Halleck, who was pursuing Beauregard through Kentucky and Tennessee, they being at that time mounted sharpshooters. In May, 1863, Mitchell was promoted to first lieutenant in the Fifth Kentucky Cavalry. In March, 1864, he was trans- ferred to the Third Brigade, Third Division, Kilpatrick's Cavalry, and was, through the summer of 1864, with Gen. Sherman. After the fall of Atlanta, a battle took place with Wade Hampton's forces, near Lafayettcville, N. C, in which our troops were victorious, and, going some twenty 64 BRIDGEWATER miles, camped for the night. In the morning (March 10, 1865), they were surprised by the enemy, who captured some of their artillery. Mitchell (now captain) rallied his men and attempted to retake the guns, when he was shot through the heart. His men, with whom he was a favor- ite, avenged his death in their way, and again defeated the rebels. Mitchell was buried near where he -fell, but after the war his body was removed to Mount Prospect Ceme- tery, Bridgewater, and a headstone erected to his memory. In addition to the list of men already mentioned, who served in the service of their country, from Bridgewater, are the following, who did efficient service in the medical department of the army : BENJAMIN T. CROOKER, Son of Benjamin ; born June 20, 1834 ; appointed acting assistant surgeon, U. S. Army, May 22, 1862, and served at U. S. General Hospital, at Mill Creek, near Fortress Monroe, Va., from May, 1862, till Jan. 1863 ; was surgeon-in-charge from Oct., 1862, till Jan., 1863 ; medical director of trans- portation, at Fortress Monroe, till July, 1863 ; surgeon-in- charge and executive officer at Balfour, U. S. General Hos- pital, at Portsmouth, Va., till July, 1865; inspecting offi- cer at U. S. General Hospital, Hampton, Va., till Jan., 1866 ; post surgeon at Norfolk, Va., till the date of his discharge, Aug. 20, 1866. LEWIS G. LOWE, Son of Abraham T. ; born Aug. 17, 1828 ; appointed acting medical cadet, Aug., 1862, and ordered to report to Judi- ciary Square Hospital, Wasliington, D. C. ; resigned Nov., 1862. IN THE REBELLION. 65 CALVIN PRATT, Son of Calvin B. ; born March 24, 1842 ; appointed acting medical cadet, Aug. 30, 1862, and reported to Judiciary Square Hospital, Washington, D. C. ; resigned Nov. 13, 1862 ; came home, but returned in ten days ; was re-ap- pointed, and served in the same capacity four months longer. Navy. I have not been able to obtain much information in re- gard to the men who served in the navy, and can find the names of but four men, who entered this branch of the ser- vice from Bridgewater. E. HARRISON KEITH, Son of Edwin ; born July 19, 1830 ; entered the United States Navy, Sept. 19, 1862, as acting third assistant engi- neer ; served on board United States steamer Augusta till about September, 1863 ; then as fleet engineer's assistant ; was promoted, June 6, 1864, to acting second assistant en- gineer, and had command, for about three months, of ships Edward, and India, which was the repair shop of the squadron ; afterwards in charge of stores for South Atlantic squadron, which position he held till the date of his resig- nation, June 23, 1866. GRANVILL GOULD, Enlisted in navy in June, 1864, and served on board United States steamer Fort Donalson, first as yeoman, then as pay- master's steward, and afterwards as paymaster's clerk ; was engaged in both battles at Fort Fisher. Discharged July 20, 1865. (See Twenty-Ninth Regiment.) LUCIUS PIERCE, Son of Albert; born Dec. 19, 1843. He went to New York, and shipped on a coasting yessel, and in his travels 66 BRIDGEWATER arrived at New Orleans, at which place he enlisted in the navy, but at what time I am unable to ascertain. He served on a gunboat, and was killed near New Orleans, La., by the explosion of the boiler, June 16, 1866. A head- stone has been erected to his memory, at Mount Prospect Cemetery. TIMOTHY DRISCOLL, Son of Daniel. I have not been able to find date of birth or date of enlistment. He was discharged from United States steamer Ladona, as landsman. May 9, 1865. Died at Bridgewater, March 27, 1868 ; buried at Catholic Cem- etery, near the church. He served in the army before he entered the navy, but I cannot tell in what regiment. CHAPTEH YII. We have now reached the culminating point in the war. For four long and weary years had the nation used its ut- most energies to put down the most gigantic rebellion known in the history of Christian nations. On the 3d of April, 1865, Gov. Andrew received the following telegram from Secretary Stanton : *' The following telegram from the President, announcing the evacuation of Petersburg, and probably Richmond, has just been received at this department : ' City Point, Va., 3d, 8 :30 a. m. 'This morning Gen. Grant reports Petersburg evacuated, and he is confident Richmond also is. He is pushing forward to cut off, if possible, the retreating army. A. LINCOLN.'" Later. — "It appears by the despatch just received at this department, from Gen. Weitzell, that our forces, under his com- mand, are in Richmond, having taken it at 8:35 this morning. EDWIN M. STANTON." Immediately upon the receipt of this important news, Gov. Andrew telegraphed to Secretary Stanton : "I give you joy on the triumphant victories. Our people, by a common impulse, abandoned business to-day for thanksgiving and rejoicing." The information of the fall of Richmond, the advance of the Union army, and the retreat of Lee, was everywhere received with the wildest demonstrations of delight. In 68 BRIDGEWATER. Bridgewater, as well as in other places, business was sus- pended, guns fired, bells rung, and ever^^one seemed to feel that at last the war was over, and peace would once more return to our distracted country. On the 9th of April, Gen. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant, which virtually closed the war. On the 11th of April, Gov. Andrew tele- graphed to President Lincoln : — "Will you proclaim a national thanksgiving, April 19? The anniversary of the battle of Lexington, and the attack on our troops in Baltimore, would be appropriate, if sufficient time re- mains." The suggestion was not adopted by the President, and it is well that it was not, for in a few days our rejoicing was turned to mourning. On the morning of April 15, came the terrible news that President Lincoln had been shot by the assassin Booth. Never had there been so sud- den a cliange from joy to grief. In commemoration of our late President, a meeting was held at the Unitarian Church, Wednesday, April 19, tlie several choirs uniting in the singing, and the ministers of the town joining in the ser- vice, each making an address of ten minutes. The house was packed with a most solemn and affected people. In the evening a meeting of committees, from the four Bridge- waters, was held at the Town Hall, Bridgewater, to make arrangements for a suitable commemoration service, and it was decided to hold such a meeting at the Agricultural Plall, June 1 ; and in accordance with that arrangement, a memorial service was held, with the following programme : At 10 o'clock, A. M., a procession was formed at the Town Hall, under the direction of Dr. Asa Millet, assisted by Capt C. E. Churchill, Capt. Thomas Ripley, Sergt. George H. Morse, Cliarles Colwell, Timothy O'Leary, of West Bridgewater, Sumner Keith, Hosea Kingman, E. C. Alden, Patrick Frawley, Samuel Bostick, of Bridgewater, J. E. IN THE REBELLION, 69 Hayward, George E. Luzarder, Tolman French, C. C. Whit- man, of East Bridgewater, accompanied by the Bridge- water Cornet Band, and marched to the hall, which was filled to its utmost capacity. Tlie meeting was called to order by A. G. Boyden, esq., and organized by the choice of the following officers : President, Hon. J. A. Shaw ; Vice-Presidents, Hon. Artemas Hale, Hon. J. E. Crane, of Bridgewater, Austin Packard, James Howard, of West Bridgewater, Hon. James H. Mitchell, Ezra Kingman, of East Bridgewater. Mr. Shaw, on taking the chair, made an appropriate ad- dress, after which Rev. Ebenezar Gay offered a fervent and eloquent prayer. The president then introduced the Hon. Thomas Russell, of Boston, who at once had the earnest attention of the audience, and held it for more than an hour and a half. The difficult task of saying anything new of Mr. Lincoln did not seem to embarrass the speaker in the least ; he left the audience in a condition to listen pa- tiently another hour. The band discoursed appropriate music, and after singing " Old Hundred," by the people, the services were closed by a benediction by Rev. Mr. Gay, The meeting was the largest ever held in the hall, and had the citizens of North Bridgewater joined in the meeting, as was proposed, no building in town would have held the people. COI^CLUSIOI^. The following town meetings were held during the years 1865 and 1866, on matters pertaining to the war : June 17, 1865, a meeting was held, and it was voted "to refund to in- dividuals the amount subscribed, paid, and expended by them, for the purpose of raising recruits to fill the quota of the town, under the call of the President or order of the War Department, during the year 1864 ; provided, also, that those persons who have furnished substitutes, shall be paid by the town the amount which the agents of the town were at that time paying for recruits." Voted, "That the whole matter be referred to the auditors of accounts, with instructions to investigate all the facts relating to the sub- ject, such as the whole amount expended, in accordance with the act of the legislature, and the amount individually subscribed, also the amount which should be refunded to each subscriber." Voted, "To adjourn to Sept. 2." The next meeting called was one to meet Aug. 19, 1865, to act on the following articles : 1. To choose a modera- tor. 2. To see if the town will take any measures to give a public reception to our returned soldiers, in testimony of our gratitude and respect to them, for services rendered in the subjugations of the late rebellion. The following is the report of the meeting under the above call : IN THE REBELLION. 71 Town Meeting, Aug. 19, 1865. A meeting was held, in accordance with the above warrant- 1. Chose Eli Washburn, moderator. 2. Voted to adjourn sine die. A true copy of this meeting. Attest: LEWIS HOLMES, Town Clerk. The citizens present, however, appointed a committee of nine, supposed to be in favor of having a reception, and a meeting was called on the following Monday evening. At that time four of the nine were present, and remained together about two hours, and decided it was inexpedient to have a reception. The meeting which was adjourned to Sept. 2, met on that day, and on motion to reconsider the vote passed June 17, to refund to subscribers, etc., decided in the negative, 87 yeas to 128 nays. The last meeting held, in relation to the war, was held April 7, 1866, and it was voted " That the following vote, passed by the town, be rescinded, viz. : The vote of the town, passed June 17, 1865, recorded on page 381, when it was voted 'to refund to individuals the amount subscribed, paid, and expended by them, for the purpose of raising re- cruits to fill the quota of the town, under the call of the President, or order of the War Department, during the year 1864, etc., etc.'" On motion to adjourn this meet- ing sine die, it was voted, " That the question be taken by the yeas and nays." The roll of the voters was called, and the result declared by the moderator to be 239 yeas and 189 nays. At a meeting held April 23, 1866, the following resolu- tions, offered by Samuel Breck, esq., were read, and the meeting voted that they be accepted and placed on record : "1, That the people of Bridgewater, yielding to no body of men on earth, in deep devotion to the interest and honor of the country, will not raise, by taxation or other- 72 BRIDGE WATER IN THE REBELLION. wise, any sum of money whatever to refund monies con- tributed by individuals to release themselves, or others, from the military service of the country, in the time of great public danger. " 2. That the people of Bridgewater hold it to be the highest and most solemn duty of every citizen, when law- fully called upon, to maintain the rights and honor of his country with arms in his hands. " 3. That the gallant men of Bridgewater, who, during the late rebellion, in scorching sunshine and drenching storm, in the muddy camp by night and in the toilsome march by day, in the fierce assault and furious battle, with constancy and courage faced the enemies of their country, 'we tender our heartiest thanks — our warmest admira- tions.' " 4. That to those men who, by their own and the char- itable contributions of their neighbors, obtained exemption from the same glorious service, ' we tender our conditional silence.' " Bridgewater furnished about four hundred and eleven men for the war, which was a surplus of forty over and above all demands ; ten were commissioned officers. The total amount of money api^ropriated and expended by the town, for war purposes, exclusive of State aid, was twenty- nine thousand and nine hundred dollars ($29,900.00.) The amount of money raised and expended during the war for State aid, and repaid by the State, was $15,683.07. Fifteen years have nearly passed since the soldiers of the rebellion returned to their homes, and resumed their duties as citizens. They have settled in different parts of the country, and are engaged in all the various branches of in- dustry. Not one of them has brought discredit upon the fair name of the town, or proved that he is less capable of being a good citizen, because he was a soldier. APPENDIX. MEMORIAL DAY. The services of Memorial Day have been observed nearly every year since the close of the war, either by a commit- tee appointed at the annual town meeting, or by the citi- zens. In the year 1878, the town appropriated a liberal sum, for the purpose of erecting suitable headstones for all unmarked soldiers' graves, some twenty in number. The day was observed, in 1880, as usual, with the following programme, by a committee appointed by the town, at the March meeting, consisting of Arthur Hooper, Isaac R. Alden, Robert E. Smith, Alexander Dove, jr., and Sumner Keith. At sunrise the American flag was run up at half-mast on the staff on the common ; soon after a detail of the committee started to decorate the graves in the cem- eteries at Jennings Hill, Prattown, Cherry Street, Hillside, Conant Street, South Street, Titicut, Scotland, and the Catholic and Episcopal cemeteries. Large contributions of flowers were received by the committee, from ladies and children near each cemetery. At half-past two o'clock, P. M., on the arrival of Justin Demick Post 124, Grand Army of the Republic, of East Bridgewater, headed by the Campello band, services were held in the Central Square Church, as follows : 74 APPENDIX. Singing by the Choir. Reading of Scriptures, by Rev. J. C. Bodwell, Prayer by Rev. Isaac Dunham. Music — Decoration Hymn. God of the living and the dead, We bow before Thy face ; Pleading Thy goodness and our need, We supplicate Thy grace. As in the days that once were ours, In camp, on march, in field, Our strength was in Thy mighty arm — Thy guardian love our shield ; As when the storm of battle lowered. Our courage was in Thee, And for one country and one flag. We fought on land and sea ; As we have mourned with aching hearts The love of comrades brave. And gather here to scatter flowers Upon each cherished grave ; So muster back our dead, that they With us our ranks may fill. And stand in glad fraternity, Shoulder to shoulder still ; So give us faith in human right, In justice and in Thee, That we may hold those once our foes In Christian charity. So make each patriot soldier's grave A sacred shrine to be, That a high altar it may prove Of stalwart loyalty. Then, when the great inspection day Shall sound its bugle call. May we, in Heaven's grand parade, Give answer one and all. MEMORIAL DAY. 75 AtWress by Rev. D. W. Waldron, of Boston. Benediction. At the conclusion of the services at the church, a pro- cession was formed, in the following order, and marched to Mount Prospect Cemetery : Campello Band. Post 124, G. A. R., of East Bridgewater. Public Schools. Citizens. Arriving at the cemetery the graves were decorated, which closed the services of the day. EXTRACTS FROM REV. D. W. WALDRON'S ADDRESS. But I must not detain you to review the years of war. The hand of the historian has placed them in enduring col- ors upon time's canvass. I now turn to the practical question, "Are we going to perpetuate our heritage ? " Do we intend to carry out the designs of the generations of the past and of Providence ? It is a debt we owe to our fathers, and to our posterity, to convey the treasures, accumulated through all these years of sacrifice and blood, to the generations yet to come. It is for us to decide whether this country, in whose earth re- pose so many brave men, whose past history has been vocal with the song of glories yet in reserve for her, shall con- tinue to be the channel of happiness to man and glory to God. A few years ago it seemed we might be recreant to the tremendous charge. It seemed tliat the nation was about to abdicate its imperial sovereignty, bare its bosom to the assassin's dagger, and die in shame. Its authority was defied by those whom it had brought up as children, and crowned with the fairest honors ; its forts were seized ; its renowned flag was trampled in the dust, and all the world echoed the exclamation, " The Republic has burst ! " The correspondent of the London Times, passing through New York, found, as he said, the people in a state of indif- ference. But, as we know, that was an illusion, or at least the dead calm that precedes the whirlwind. BEV. I). W. WALDRON's ADDRESS. 77 And now, having, by the blessing of Almighty God, put down the rebellion, liberated the people of the South from its despotism, planted the Stars and Stripes over every city from the Chesapeake to the Rio Grande, and shown that the fires of patriotic devotion never burned with a purer or more intense Hame in the palmiest days of Greece or Rome, or any other land rendered classic by struggle for freedom and national existence, let us regard it as a debt we owe to the past and the future — a debt of grati- tude to our honored forefathers, and a debt of service to our posterity, to perpetuate this nation ; for we form the mystic bridge, across which, if at all, its untold treasures, accumulated by the toil, the blood, and the wisdom of many ages, must be conveyed, to bless and enrich the gen- erations yet to come. It is for us to decide whether this country, in whose earth sleeps the dust of so many wise and good men, whose air has been vocal from the landing of the pilgrims until now, with the prayer and praises of innumerable saints, whose history has been so full of prov- idence, and so prophetic of a grand future, whii^h has al- ready sent out its boughs unto the sea and its branches unto the river, whether it shall be handed down to those who shall come after us, in unshorn beauty and thought. Assembled here on Memorial Day, I would impress upon you this thought, in reference to the work to be done. What an immense power is here for its accomplishment. We smile at the man who stood by Niagara, as, gathering her waters from a hundred lakes, she rolled them over the falls with the roar of a hundred thunders, and who, instead of being filled with a sublime admiration of the scene, began to calculate how much machinery the water power would turn. But it is a solemn, inspiring thought to think how much moral machinery all this power now before me could turn foi' the perpetuity of this nation, were every scheming brain, and busy hand, and willing 78 APPENDIX. heart, engaged in the noble service. What glory would accrue to God, what benefit to humanity ! What power was latent in steam till it was made to turn the iron arms of machinery. What power was latent in the skies till science climbed their heights, and, seizing the spirit of thunder, chained it to our earth, abolishing space, outstripping the. wings of time, and flashing our thoughts across rolling seas to distant continents. Yet what are these to the moral power that lies latent in this audience? And why latent ? Because you do not appre- ciate your individual influence nor estimate your individual responsibilities. You cannot do everything, so you do nothing. You cannot blaze like /a star, so you will not shine like the glow worm. The few do all the work. The many look on. The woods are clothed in green by each leaf expanding its own form. The fields are covered with golden grain by every stalk ripening its own head. The coral reef uprises from the depths of ocean by every little insect building its own rocky cell. Look at the coral reef, where it encircles the fair isles of the Pacific, or, b}^ Australian shores, stretches its unbroken walls for a thousand leagues along the sea. How contemptible the builders. The aggregate of their labors, how colossal. So would it be among you and throughout the nation, did all feel their individual responsibilities. The greatest things ever done on earth have been done by littles. The wall was restored around Jerusalem by each man building the breach over against his own door. From an humble birthplace and a lowly family came forth the mightiest of all deliverers, whose dominion shall be from the river to the ends of the earth. The soil of our world was redeemed from gloomy forests by each emigrant culti- vating the land around his own log cabin. The greatest battles have not been won by generals, who got their breasts blazoned with stars and their brows crowned with honors, EEV. D. w. waldron's addeess. 79 but by the rank and file — every man holding his own fort and ready to die on the field of battle. They won the victory. It was achieved by the blood and the courage of the many. And if this nation is to continue, it is by every man and woman doing their individual work ; this nation so full of sore places for you and me to heal, dark places for you and me to brighten, rough places for you and me to smooth, sad places for you and me to cheer, and wicked places for you and me to fill with the saving love of the gospel of our dear Lord. For your encouragement I wish to say, that your ability to do your part in this work does not depend on great intel- lectual attainments. With much or little intellect you can fulfil your mission to your country. The dewdrop will bend the violet to the earth, while the giant oak can defy the wind, the storm, and the hurri- cane. But one is alive as much as the other, one is as beautiful as the other. So the most humble man, who with energy, affection, and obedience, toils in a narrow path, using his one talent for the benefit of his fellow-men, does his appointed work as well as would a Milton or a Bacon, a Franklin or a Webster, with all their mighty powers. In the eye of Jehovah, the elephant is no better than an insect, the Atlantic ocean no better than yonder lake, Niagara no better than a Kttle rill. The Hudson may be of far more importance, because of its deeper channel, broader bosom, and larger course, than a little brook that meanders through the meadows of some country valley. One is a broad highway over which passes the commerce of great States; the other gives grass to the meadows, drink to the cattle, and beauty to the landscape. But the Hudson is entitled to no special praise for being what it is, and is no more beautiful in divine estimation than the brook. God hath made every thing beautiful in his season. All He 80 APPENDIX. requires is that every man shall be faithful to himself, his fellow-men, and his Creator. The name of Luther or of Paul is of no account before the King of Kings, nor the office of reformer or apostle, only as meaning mighty labor accomplished for the cause of Christ. One stood alone before a corrupt church, the other before a sinful world ; and although their influence has been wide-spread, and the result of their work most glorious, I do not believe that they receive any more honor in the presence of God than he who wrestles bravely and successfully with a sin- ful habit, than he who humbly labors, bearing the heat and burden of the day in some hidden corner of our national vineyard, and labors faithfully to tjie end. Our heavenly Father will give his heartiest heavenly welcomes to those who have lived according to their intellectual capacity. I wish also to say that your ability to do your part in this work does not depend upon your social position. A man cannot excuse himself from responsibility on the ground that he has no influence. That farmer, or mechanic, or clerk, says, few know me ; those who do, regard me of very little importance : but if I was a minister, a physician, a lawyer, or a prominent merchant ; if I could talk with the eloquence of the orator ; if I held the pen of a ready writer, then I should feel that I had some responsibility. And yet there is a work for him. No one else can do it. In Maryland in the summer they have an abundance of little winged creatures, resembling bees in their power to sting and in their appearance, which they call yellow jackets. During the late war, while a battle was in progress, a bat- tery of field artiller}^ was ordered to a certain hill top, where it soon planted itself and opened a destructive fire upon the enemy. Unfortunately for the parties concerned there was a nest of yellow jackets in the grass which covered the eminence ; and as the guns thundered, each little fellow who was provoked at the situation said within himself, "I am ready to do all I can to capture this artillery." REV. D. W. WALDRON'S ADDRESS. 81 Not one of the swarm was afraid of the cannon ; not one appalled by the magnitude of the undertaking; not one depressed by the apprehension of his own comparative insignificance. Every atom in the mass of winged life went to work in such a lively fashion that in a few moments officers, men, and horses were gone, and the yellow jackets held the guns. It might have taken several regiments of soldiers to capture the battery ; but, owing to the fact that each httle fellow devoted himself completely to the task, the band was soon victorious. Every assailant did his best, and the battery was silenced. If each one were to do his own work, how many bat- teries in our country, that now flame and smoke against the best interests of humanity, would be silenced. If every one would do his best for his fellow-men, how much greater progress would be made. Let each one do what he can. Suppose the sunbeam were to refuse to shine upon the far Atlantic and Pacific, because, only here and there, at remotest intervals, a white sail reveals the presence of animate intelligence, because it has no social position, and is in danger of being unknown. The naturalist tells us that if the solar ray were thus lifted from the sea, the immense evaporation from its surface, amounting to the literal skimming of the ocean, to the depth of three-fourths of an inch daily, would cease, all the atmospheric phe- nomena would become deranged, fertile climates would be rendered barren and unsupportable, and the whole earth would be out of joint. In nature everything has a useful and a vital part to perform. It is so with men. The com- mander of an ocean steamer is a very important person, but it is seldom that his skill is called into exercise. Were it not for the importance of there being some one person on board the steamer invested with supreme authority, and from whose decision there is no appeal, the subordinate officers and crew could navigate the vessel, load and unload 6 82 APPENDIX. her . cargo, and in every other way meet the demands of the voyage. The commander is the man whose name is advertised and meets the public eye and possesses the public confidence. But the men who sweat before the hot and roaring fires, the men who climb the icy rigging, who with stiffening limbs battle with the frozen rails, and watch hour after hour amid cold and darkness for danger, are little thought of. We see a notorious leader of armies surrounded in the hour of triumph by a brilliant staff, music bursts and rattles upon the air, proud horses paw the ground, the multi- tudes shout and cheer. How few think at such a time of the thousands of graves where men lie who paid the costly price of life for this hour of their leader's triumph. Few think of the lonely watch on the distant picket line, the desperate charge on fortification, the carnage of the battle field. Few think of the hospitals, with their long rows of narrow beds, like so many graves, their inmates just escaped. Few think of the homes where they mourn in the very bitterness of grief for those who went and never returned and never shall. We crown the leaders, their names are on all lips, their praises are sung everywhere and by all, but the men are forgotten whose heroic courage gave them triumph. The common soldier is just as essential to the conquering army as the commander-in-chief, The day laborer, who, with sweaty hand and sweaty brow, split out of the quarries yonder monumental shaft, did a work as essential to its graceful beauty, as did the sculptor who brought out the designs upon it and engraved the names it will bear for ages to come. Thus every man's position is influentiaL It was a clerk, a postmaster, and a few farmers who were the illustrious founders of this republic. It was an unlettered man who gave us Pilgrim's Progress, one not found among the distinguished writers of his time, but one whose thoughts have shed their light through the ages. KEV. D. W. WALDRON's ADDRESS. 83 And when God wanted to bring out the power of prayer and effort, He called Harlan Page, a house carpenter, who won more than one hundred souls to Christ, and the value of whose efforts eternity will alone disclose. The final reckoning will be according to what a man hath. As Napoleon sent the same grand cross of knighthood to the general commanding his own army in the Crimea, and to a common soldier in the English rank and file, in testimony of the admiration entertained by the French people for their respective bravery, so the estimate and reward we receive in the great day will not be effected by our social position. 1 wish also to say that your ability to do your part of this work does not depend upon a long life. It is recorded that Xerxes, the Persian monarch, reviewing the mighty host, numbering more than two millions of men, with whom he was then invading Greece, burst into tears at the thought that in less than a century no one of that teeming multi- tude would then be alive. Our hearts are often made sad because so many of those who fought the battles of our country were early taken home. But the brief time of labor with one may equal the more extended service of another. Not how long, but how much ; not in what position or with how many talents, but how faithfully, are the questions that will be asked when we seek rewards. ♦* Oh ! not by hours, or full or few, Our gracious Lord the toil computes, — Some, ere exhales the early dew, At morn retire with sheaves of fruit." Oh, fellow citizens, how much is comprehended in the years, be they few or many, we spend here, the time of earth's pilgrimage ; its years and months, and weeks, and days, and moments ; the means of grace granted to us ; the Bible, with its doctrines, its precepts, and promises, its invitations and threatenings, Sabbaths and sermons, and 84 APPENDIX. sacramental seasons ; the instructions of parents, the counsels of friends, the words of the living preacher and the books of the author ; the strivings of God's spirit, the remonstrances of conscience, and all the opportunities for doing good. Oh, my soul ! wliat a landscape to look upon, what a scene to review, what a history to read ! And all these are bestowed that religion may enlarge and purify our hearts, that grace and glory may come in beauty upon us to give us that elevation and grandeur of soul, that sacred heroism imparted to prophets, apostles, and martyrs, to make us mighty instruments of power for the well-being of others, that we may help in hastening on the day when the deepest groans of creation shall be hushed, the bitterest tears of humanity shall be wiped away, the beauties of holiness shall cover every region, and the song of salvation float on every breeze. Fellow citizens, you live in an age of perils arising from the temptations to intemperance, dishonesty, and extrava- gance. You live in one of the most eventful eras in the history of the world. Whatever valor has done, science explored, art contrived, labor achieved, has come down to you. For you heroes have bled in the field, martyrs suffered at the stake, statesmen legislated, and the traveller crossed the desert and the ocean You receive the benefit of reformation and of revolution. Bible, tract, and mis- sionary societies have been made ready to receive your treasures. You enter into the labors of all nations, ages, and generations. You are surrounded by the spoils of time, the wealth of nations, the achievements of men, and the gifts of Providence, Oh, then, in your generation, help to emancipate our country and the whole earth from the thraldom of misery under which they have so long been groaning. Labor for the glorious freedom of truth, holi- ness, and happiness. REV. D. W. WALDEON's ADDRESS. 85 But I must not trespass farther on your time. You are waiting to deck yonder graves with flowers. I will delay the coronation no longer. " strew the fair garlands where slumber the dead ; Ring out the strains like the swell of the sea; Heartfelt the tribute we lay on each bed, — Sound o'er the brave the refrain of the free; Sound the refrain of the loyal and free, Visit each sleeper and hallow each bed ; Waves the starred banner from seacoast to sea ; Grateful the living and honored the dead. Dear to each heart are the names of the brave ; Resting in glory, how sweetly they sleep ; Dewdrops of evening fall softly on each grave, Kindred and strangers bend fondly to weep, — Kindred bend fondly and drooping eyes weep Tears of affection o'er eveiy green grave ; Fresh are their laurels and peaceful their sleep; Love still shall cherish the noble and brave." SOLDIERS' GRAVES DECORATED, MEMORIAL DAY, 1880. Mt. Prospect. Nathan Washburn 42d Mass. Regt. Nathan Mitchell 39th „ A. Bartlett Keith 7th Rufus W. Wood 18th „ Chas. W. Clifford 29th „ Wm. B. Wrightington 24th „ Isaac Dunham, jr 7th ,, Philo Carver, 39th ,, Henry V. Howes 60th ,, Joseph H. Keith U. S. Regulars. S. N. Grosveuor 29tli Mass. Regt. Roscoe Tucker 4th ,, Cav. Lucius Pierce Navy. James W. Lee 48d ,, Regt. Frank E. Lee 38th ,, ,, W. D. Mitchell 5th Ky. Cav. Jennings Hill. Joshua S. Ramsdell 29th Mass. Regt. Woodbridge Bryant 38th j, ,, Jerome B. Shaw . . . , 20th ,, ,, Edgar H. Leonard 11th Vt. ,, Wm. D. Burtch 1st Mass. Heavy Art. Orange Street. Francis A. Tuttle 31st Mass. Regt. J. K. P. Chamberlain 58th „ „ Henry A. Washburn 58th ,, ,, William J. Tuttle 24th „ „ James L. Keith 38th ,, Cherky Street. William S. Harlow 58th Mass. Regt. Samuel Jones 3d ,, ,, Hillside. Jonah Benson 58th Mass. Regt. William Mitchell 4tli ,, „ Lysander W.Mitchell 4th ,, ,, CoNANT Street. Seth W. Conant 58th Mass. Regt. Lucius Conant 58th ,, ,, Alvin Conant 38th ,, ,, (Father and two sons.) South Street. James Ellis . . . . • 32d Mass. Regt. Vernon Street. Homer S. Leach l(>th Mass. Regt. Edwin A. Hayward 38th „ ,, Scotland. Charles S. Wentworth 18th Mass. Regt. Joseph A. White 11th „ „ Episcopal Church. John C. Lambert 29th Mass. Regt. Andrew H. Hayward 58lh ,, „ Geo. F. Graves 7th ,, „ Catholic Church. Elias Frawley 58th Mass. Regt. Timothy Driscoll Navy. New Catholic. Wm. T. Murphy 58th Mass. Regt. Bart. Coughlin 3d ,, ,, Cornelius Splaine 41st ,, ,, William Shechan 175th N. Y. „ Patrick Frawley, 2d 29th Mass. ,,