PRbGRAM Oluyal^nga-^ortagp (El^aptf r Nn. 335 Akron, (Dh'f lunB-inua i^^pi" M-n MM \, . .U i The best we can do for one another is to exchange our thoughts freely, and that after all, is but little. Proncle. 1 PROGRAM Qlugalj0ga-f nrtag^ (Uliaptrr No. 335 (..J^-^-.-v-Q 'y\. Akron. Ol^to 1300-1909 Motto : "Not for self, but for Country." . vDz.. A^b Wt6ttra Regent Vice Regent Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary, Registrar, Treasurer, Historian, Mrs. Ellen W. Morse Mrs. Jennie N. Clark Mrs. Harriet Durham Mrs. Julia L. Quillet Mrs. Alice D. Lyman Mrs. Eva J. Heintselman Mrs. Minnie W. Franz (Hammittfe of dafrty Mrs. Ada Allen Mrs. Jessie W. Otis Mrs. Helen Williams Vlrs. Ida W. Doyle Mrs. Marie E. 0!in Mrs. Rose B. Thomas Miss Sara C. Hart /^. !X . :-'2. ^-iZ^ Prngram and Printing (diimmittre Mrs, Lizzie U. Voris Mrs. Emma V, Chamberlain Mrs. Cynthia E. Bliss (EammitUe JEUbnluinnarg ^aUtirrja' (grabra Mrs. Minnie W. Franz Mrs. Ada Allen Andiling atxb Mabter (HammitUt Mrs. Ella Allen Mrs. Emily W. Rowe jJIuBiral (Hammitttt Mrs. Jessie W. Otis Mrs. Eva J. Heintselman Amrriran monttflQ fSadafinp (Sammittrr Mrs. Emma Chamberlain (i^r&rr of lExrrrispa Meeting First Monday of Each Month. 2:30 P. M. 1 Music. 2 Roll Call. 3 Reading of Minutes. 4 Reports of Committees. 5 Unfinished Business. 6 New Business, -9 October 5: Mrs. Pillmore. November 2: Mrs. L. U. Voris. December 7: Mrs. Burnett. January 4: Mrs. Chamberlain. February 1: Mrs. Guiilet. March 1: Mrs. Allison. April 4: Mrs. L. H. Voris. May 2: Mrs. Ada Allen. June 7: Mrs. Ella Allen. June 14: Mrs. Hart. If you cannot do work assigned you, please notify Program Committee. Some decent regulated pre-eminence, some preference (not exclusive appropria- tion) given to birth, is neither unnatural, nor impolitic. Burke. OCTOBER 5 Election of Delegates to Ohio State Conference. Reading: The Governor's Conference, and a New Patriotic , ,^^ _ - Mrs. Durham Impulse History hath triumphed over Time, which besides it, nothing but Eternity hath tri- umphed over. Sir Walter Ralei?h, NOVEMBER 2 Report of Delegates. Paper: Historic Trail in Western America .Mrs. Rowe Amrrtra My Country, 'tis of thee. Sweet land of liberty. Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died. Land of the pilgrim's pride, Trom every mountain side Let freedom ring. My native country, thee. Land of the noble, free. Thy name I love ; I love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and templed hills. My heart with rapture thrills. Like that above. Let music swell the breeze. And ring from all the trees Sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake. Let all that breathe partake. Let rocks their silence break. The sound prolong. Our fathers' God, to thee. Author of liberty ! To Thee we sing ; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light. Protect us by thy might. Great God, our King. Samuel Francis Smith. H^ritUn in i8j2. DECEMBER 7 The song on its mighty pinions took every living soul and lifted it gently to Heaven. Longfellow. Quotations: Old War Songs. Immortal Songs of Camp and Field Mrs. Heintselman Be merry; you have cause, so have we a", of joy. Shakespeare. JANUARY 25 Anniversary Social: Ci. A. R. Hall. Chairman, Mrs. Parshall. With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as Ood Rives lis to see the right. Ahraham Lincoln. FEBRUARY 1 Quotations from Lincoln Life of Lincoln Mrs. Wilcox Architecture is the work of nations, Riiskin. MARCH 1 Beginning of American Architecture . . , Mrs. Quillet Diogenes struck the father when the son swore. Burton. APRIL 5 Discussion: -'The Question of Cliild Labor." Leader, Mrs. Parshall. No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. I pro- pose to move immediately upon your works, U. S, Grant, MAY 3 Old Forts of America • : • ■ • Mrs. Ada Allen "You'll take it all calmly, we want you to see What a peaceable fight such a contest can be, And of one thing be certain, however it ends, You will find that our votes have elected your friends." JUNE 7 Ele ction and Report of Officers. Paper; Historic Highways of America Mrs. Franz We join ourselves to no party that does not carry the flag and keep step to the musig pf the union, Rufus Choate, JUNE 14 Flag Day. Chairman, Mrs. ReploRle, Hostess. Airs. Hart. (Enmmtttrr fur 3Jnuuaru Mrs. Porshall, Clianiiian. Mrs. Ada Allen Mrs. Pouser Mrs. Olin Mrs. Allison Miss Griffith Mrs. Pillmore Mrs. Bliss Mrs. Houghton Mrs. Rabe Mrs. Baird Miss Sara Hart Mrs. Rowe Mrs. Bruner Mrs. Ingersoll Mrs. Rundell Mrs. Chamberlain Mrs. Jackson MissE. Sisler Mrs. Clarke Mrs. Knight Mrs. Lizzie Slade Voris Mrs. Durham Mrs. Lyman Mrs. Wheeler Mrs. Doyle Mrs. Morse Mrs. Wright Miss Durfee (Enmmittrr fur iFlag i3ai|. HJuur 14 Mrs. Miner Allen Mrs. Ella Allen Miss Cynthia Allen Mrs. Burnett Airs. Barton Mrs. Earnhardt Mrs. Cole Mrs. Conger Mrs. Cory Mrs. Durfee Mrs. Replogle. Chairman Mrs. Ebright Mrs. Franz Mrs. French Mrs. Quillet Mrs. Heintselman Mrs. Hart Mrs. Kirn Mrs. AlcNeil Mrs. Musser Mrs. Morrison Mrs. Otis Mrs. Owen Mrs. Sawyer Mrs. Stillson Miss Fannie Sisler Mrs. Thomas Mrs. Lizzie Ladd Voris Mrs. Williams Mrs. Wilcox lilST OF 3IEMJiEUS. Mrs. Frances DeWolf Allen 30 Bowery Mrs. Caroline Augusta Hine Allison 839 E. Market Mrs. Ella Shepard Allen S7 8 W. Market Mrs. Ada E. Allen 274 Crosby Miss Cynthia Allen 30 Bowery Mrs. Lucy Voris Baird 4 59 E. Market Mrs. Freelove Lillian Ayers Burnett 518 W. Market Mrs. Cynthia Esther French Bliss 69 N. Forge Miss Irane L. Bissell 67 8 E. Market Mrs. Jane Sargent Barnhardt 29 N. Fir Mrs. Nellie Pettit Bruner 27 Arch Mrs. Jeannette Allen Barton 647 S. Main Mrs. Lucy Jeanette Cole 18 Bowery St, Mrs. Emily Bronson Conger Irving Lawn Mrs. Helen R. Carter Bennington, Vt. Mrs. Emma Virginia Fay Chamberlain 443 E. Market Mrs. Kate Whipple Corry, M. D Barberton, Ohio Mrs. Jennie Noland Clark 165 S. Forge Mrs. Ida May Westfall Doyle 510 W. Market Mrs. Kate Norton Durfee 79 Kirkwood St. Miss Anna Durfee 79 Kirkwood St. Mrs. Harriett Louise Baldwin Durham 333 Park St. Mrs. Julia Blssell Ebright 678 E. Market Mrs. Minnie Weston Franz 759 E. Buchtel Mrs. Pamelia Feeter French 102 Adolph Mrs. Franc Nestelle Fouser 67 S,. Broadway Mrs. Henrietta Dall Sanford Ganter Irvington, N. Y. Mrs. Julia Louisa Miner Guillet 24 N. Union Miss Mary Griffiths 325 E. Market Mrs. Phoebe Hart S. Arlington Mrs. Minnie Wheeler Hayne Jersey City, N. J. Mrs. Eva Josephine Heintselman 99 S. Union Mrs. Elizabeth C. Hendricks Cambridgeburg Pa. Mrs. Jessie Hern Omaha, Nebraska Mrs. Lottie Melissa Merriam Houghton 165 E. Market Miss Sara Cordelia Hart S. Arlington Mrs. Adelaide Ingersoll 158 S. Broadway Mrs. Ethel Snowden Jackson 79 Hamilton Ave. Mrs. Lora Standish Alden Kohler 655 W. Market Mrs. S. May Acomb Knight 129 S. Union Mrs. Hla Noland Kirn 194 Beck Ave. Mrs. Alice Delia Bierce Lyman 75 Adolph Ave. Mrs. Emma E. Ladd McNeil 698 Diagonal Road Mrs. Elizabeth Hammond Huston Musser 234 Asli Miss Elizabeth Barker Morrison 213 Park Place Mrs. Ellen White Morse 261 Spicer Mrs. Elinor S. Mills Denver, Col, Mrs. Jessie Wolf Otis 65 Adolph Mrs. Minnie Owen 1232 E. Market Mrs. Marie B. Olin 476 Orchard Court Mrs. Harriett Pardee Parshall 50 Fay Mrs. Gertrude Feeter French Fillmore 102 Adolph Mrs. Jennie E. Hine Replogle 7 81 E. Buchtel Ave. Mrs. Helen Beebe Raymond 104 N. Prospect Mrs. Minnie Maud Nash Rabe 275 E. Market Mrs. Emily Weegar Rowe 978 Brown Mrs. Lina Rundell 608 E. Buchtel Ave. Mrs. Bessie Coe Voris Sawyer Frederick Ave. Miss Fannie Sisler 351 B. Buchtel Ave. Miss Elizabeth F. Sisler 351 E. Buchtel Ave. Mrs. Adelaide Carpenter Stillson 197 Bowery Mrs. Hattie Van Derveer Turner Amsterdam, N. Y. Mrs. Rose Buhl Thomas 600 E. Buchtel Ave. Mrs. Lizzie H. Ladd Voris 698 Diagonal Road Mrs. Lizzie U. Slade Voris 77 Fir Mrs. Delia May Doyle Wilcox 64 Hawthorne Mrs. Etta Wilcox Work Perkins Hill Mrs. Calista Williard Wheeler 107 Hamilton Ave. Mrs. Harriet Sperry Wright 384 W^est Market Mrs, Helen Weston Williams 91 Kirkwood ARTICLE I. Name. The name of this Chapter shall be "Cuyahoga Portage Chapter of The Daughters of the American Revolution." ARTICLE 11. Membership. Section 1. Every application for membersL'ip must be signed by three members of the Chapter, 'vho can vouch for the acceptability of the applicant, before being presented to the Registrar. Sec. 2. The Registrar shall then present the application to the Committee of Safety. Sec. 3. If elected by the Committee of Safety, the applicant shall make a written proof of qualification in the form pre- scribed by the National Society to the Registrar, accompanied by the entrance fees and dues for the current year with post- age. The application shall then be endorsed by the Regent, Secretary and Registrar and transmitted to the National Soci- ety for final action. Sec. 4. The membership fee shall be that prescribed by the National Society. ARTICLE III. Officers, Sec. 1. The officers of the Chapter shall consist of a Regent, Vice-Regent, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Historian and Committee of Safety, who shall hold their offices during the term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified, and be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the Chapter. Sec. 2. The Regent shall be the chief executive officer of this Chapter, and shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter and of the Committee of Safety. She shall have such powers and perform such duties as usually appertain to the presiding officer of educational and patriotic organizations. She shall sign all warrants drawn on the Treasurer for moneys duly ap- propriated; execute all iDStruments authorized by the Chapter; enforce the constitution of the National Society, and the by- lav/s, rules and regulations of this Chapter; appoint auditing and program committees and all committees not otherwise provided for; and make full reports and recommendations at the regular meetings of the Chapter and at the end of her term of office. Sec. 3 In case of the absence of the Regent or inability to discharge the powers and duties of her office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-Regent. And in case of the resignation or death of the Regent, the Vice-Regent becomes Regent, and a Viee-Regent shall be appointed by the Safety Comniittee. Sec. 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of all the proceed- ings of the Chapter and of the Committee of Safety in separate bocks; keep a registrar of its members; give notice of meet- ings when duly elected so to do; notify officers of orders and votes pertaining to them; have charge of the charter, by-laws and papers on file; draw and sign all warrants on the treas- urer for moneys duly appropriated, present them to the Re- gent for her signature, and sign all documents properly au- thorized or ordered. She shall make a full report of the ad- ministration of her office to the Chapter at the end of her term, and deliver to her successor all of the books, records, documents, vouchers and property of the Chapter in her charge and take a receipt therefor. S,ec. 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the cor- respondence of the Chapter, except that within the duty of another ofticer. She shall have charge and distribution of all pamphlets, rosettes and supplies. She shall preserve a copy of all letters transmitted and keep on file the letters and com- munications received by her, and perform such other duties as the Committee of Safety may order. Shall notify the Corres- ponding Secretary General and State Regent of the election of the Chapter officers and delegates. Sec. 6. The Treasurer shall collect the funds; send prompt- ly all fees and dues to the Treasurer General. She shall pay out moneys only upon written order countersigned by the Re- gent and Secretary. She shall keep a just and accurate ac- count of all her receipts and disbursements, and at each an- nual meeting shall render the same to the Chapter, when a committee shall be appointed to audit her accounts. Sec. 7. The Registrar shall keep a book in which to register the names, dates of election, resignation and death of mem- bers; have supervision and custody of applications for mem- bership, accompanying fees and proofs of qualifications. SJtie shall refer to the Committee of Safety all applications, and for- ward to the Registrar of the National Society applications ap- proved by the Committee of Safety. She shall notify applicants of their election or rejection, and deposit with the Treasurer the fees of each elected applicant for transmission to the Treas- urer General. Sec. 8. The Historian shall keep a record of all historical and commemorative and social meetings of the Chapter; and shall prepare for official publication historical and biographi- cal sketches of members, and such other historical papers as the objects of the Chapter demand. She shall be provided with a book in which the members shall register the names of each revolutionary patriot represented in the Chapter, together with the family line traced to the member claiming descent, the names of the member's children, dates and places of birth, residence, and all historical particulars necessary to keep a record reference for future generations. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. The Committee of Safety shall consist of all officers of the Chapter, together v/ith seven other members. This committee shall pass upon the qualifications of a candi- date for membership and take action upon the same by bal- lot. Three negative ballots reject the application. The mem- bers of this committee shall not disclose to each other, nor any member of the Chapter, the nature of their ballots. Sec. 2. It shall recommend plans for promoting the object of the Society, consider and prepare business, and may auth- orize the expenditure and disbursement of unappropriated moneys in the treasury of the Chapter. This committee shall have the power to fill vacancies in olfice until the annual meet- ing; shall exercise a supervisory care over the affairs of the Chapter, and perform such other duties as may be intrusted to it. Sec. 3. Five members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE V. Meetings. Section 1. The annual meeting of this Chapter shall be held on the first Monday in June of each year, and a Social Anniversary Meeting on the 25th of January, at which time the dues shall be paid. Sec. 2. The regular meeting of this Chapter shall be held on the first Monday of each month, except July, August and September. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Regent or by the Committee of Safety. Delegates and Alternates shall be elected at the January meeting. Sec. 3. At any meeting of this Chapter, seven members shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI. Amendments. Section 1. These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein, written notice of the proposed amendment having been given at a previous regular meeting, and written notice thereof having been mailed by the Corresponding Sec- retary to each member of the Chapter, at least five days before the meeting at which action on the proposed amendment is to be taken. Sec. 2. On vote of two-thirds of the members present, the by-laws may be set aside and officers or applicants elected by acclamation.