o !4ay 16, 1917, !Srs« C. F« !:aclc, Cabot, Vermont, Dear Ifadttn: The ^"arf-iVi !s in receipt of a book entitled 'TThe noya of •61 or Your Years of Kifc-htin^', by Charles Carleton Coffin, .70 ir 5onati«on to oiar refer- ence library, for v*;lch I thanX yon -ost horirtlly. Very tnaly jovrs, C(Mami 88 loner. • •^-e^n ,di x^h' f 'M-'Ci8Si;iT:;;o: CHARGE THROUGH AN ABATTIS THE BOYS OF 6u,,;% OR, " ^dj^ Four Years of Fighting. PERSONAL OBSERVATION WITH THE ARMY AND NAVY, PROM THE FIRST BATTLE OP BULL RUN TO THE PALL OP RICHMOND. BY CHARLES CARLETON COFFIN, AUTHOR OF "THE BOVS OF '76,- "THE STORY OF LIBERTY," "WINNING HIS WAY," " MY DAYS AND NIGHTS ON THE BATTLEFIELD," " FOLLOWING THE FLAG," "OUR NEW WAY ROUND THE WORLD." ETC. ILLUSTRATED. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY ESTES AND LAURlAT, 301-305 WASHINGTON STREET. 1885. \:4-70 Copyright, iSSi, by ESTES AND LAURIAT. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by CHARLES CARLETON COFFIN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Coiu-t of the District of Massachusetts. Transfer Pension O^ffce Library -*IIB- 2, 1933 PREFATORY NOTE. This volume, though historic, is not a history of the Rebel- lion, but a record of personal observations and experiences during the war, with an occasional look at affairs in general to give clearness to the narrative. The time has not arrived for the writing of an impartial history of the conflict between Slavery and Freedom in the United States. Reports of mili- tary operations are incomplete ; documents in the archives at Washington are inaccessible; much material remams to be gathered before the patient liistorian can sift the wheat from the chaflf. More than this, the war of ideas is not yet ended. Defeated Rebels in some parts of the South arc bent on exter- minating the African race. Few of those lately in rebellion plead guilty of having committed a crime ; taking up arms against the government they consider to have been a blunder only. Wo are, therefore, too near the great events to render proper judgment upon questions in which our prmciples and sympathies have been enlisted. The chapter concerning the Confederate Cotton Loan may seem to be out of place in a volume of which so large a portion is given to narrative, but I trust that it will be acceptable to the general reader, inasmuch as it reveals the efforts of the Rebels to array all Europe against the United States in the late struggle. The correspondence in my possession was picked up in the streets of Richmond, and will be of value to the fu ture historian. The chapter in question is but an outline of the operations of the Confederates abroad. IT PREFATORY NOTE. In loDking over the sheets as they came from the press, sev- oral errors relative to the organization and formation of troops in battle have been detected, which, however, will appear in but a few copies. Undoubtedly there are others, and the writer will esteem it a favor to be put right wherever he is in the wrong. Few oflScial reports of regimental and brigade officers have been published, while the reports of division and corps commanders are only general in their statements. The true history of battles cannot be given till the history of regi- ments is written. My stand-point as an observer is that of one whose instincts from early childhood have been on the side of Freedom. I have ever believed that Civil Liberty is the birthright of all men, and from the firing upon Sumter to the close of the contest had full faith that the people, under God, would sub- due the Rebellion, and give freedom to the slave. The four years have been worth a century of ordinary life ; for in the mighty contest Right has triumphed over Wrong, and the human race, with a clearer perception of Truth and Justice as the sure foundation of government, is moving on, to a higher civilization. c. c. c. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER. BEGINNING OF THE CONFLICT. r. Ideas and Principles. — Battles witnessed. — The Leaders State of Af- fairs. — Baltimore. — Dulness in the Streets. — Baltimore Women.— Raw Troops. — Visit to Fort McHenry. — Washington. — Material of the Army. Generals in Command. — General Scott. — His Position. — Newspaper Reports. — Troops organized. — The Gathering of the Rebels CHAPTER 1. AROUND WASHINGTON. Alexandria. — The Massachusetts Fifth. — A Song for Bunker Hill. — The Review. The Distant Gun. — The Affair at Vienna. — A Dinner in the Field. — Vallandigham and the Ohio Boys. — Patriotism of the Soldiers. The Rogues' March. — Mutiny of the Garibaldi Guard. — An Adventure. — Broken English. — Unpleasant Position. — General Mansfield's Wrath. — The Lager-Beer Business. — A Faded Aristocracy. — Living on a Name. — The Sirens of Virginia. — A South Carolina Chattel. — His Search for Chickens. — How he found Freedom . CHAPTER n. BULL RUN. The March. — The Second Maine. — The Pageant. — The Bivouac. — The Beehives. — Beauregard's Proclamation. — McDowell's Order. — The Contrast. — Virginia Unionism. — The First Shot. — The Artillery. — Retreat of the Rebels. — The Negro's Story. — Centre'ville. — Snuft' Dip- pers. — Affairs at Blackburn's Ford. — The Morning. — Progress of the Battle. — The Rebel Prisoner. — The Turning of the Tide. — At the Spring. The Panic. — The Teamsters. — The Rebels on the Point of Yl CONTENTS. Ketreating. — Richmond Dispatch. — Wonderful Stories of the Rebels Change of Sentiment. — General Butler. — Union Men of Virginia. — Bitterness of the Rebels. — Seductive Inflmences of Slavery . . .17 CHAPTER III. THE FALL OF 1861. Position of A&irs. — Disaster at Ball's Bluff. — The News in Washington. — How President Lincoln received it. — His tenderness of Heart. — Mr. Lincoln in his Springfield Home. — His Temperance Principles. — Poolsville. — Colonel Baker's Body Slavery in Western Maryland. — Visit to Eastern Maryland. — The " White Horse." — Character of the Country. — Our Host at Pamunkey. — His Family, .i— Visit to Annapo- lis. — Aristocratic Pride Secession in Washington. — The Spirit of Slavery in the Army. — The Hutchinson Family and General McClellan. — Whittier's " Eine feste Burg ist unser Gott." — Major Grould and his Scout A Rebel Minister. — Washington Jail and its Inmates. — Clcse of the Year . . . 8i CHAPTER IV. AFFAIRS IN THE WEST. Louisville. — Position of Kentucky. — The Opinions of a Loyal Tennes seean. — General Buell and his Policy. — Events in Missouri. — General Hallcck. — Order No. 3. — General Schofield and the Guerillas. — Negro Testimony. — Fremont's Army. — Visit to Rolla. — General Sigel Radical Sentiments of the Army. — Cairo. — Union Generals. — Intro- duction to General Grant. — Commodore Foote. — The Mississippi Flo- tilla. — Captain Porter and the Essex. — His Challenge to Captain Montgomery. — Major-Gencral Bishop Polk. — Reconnoissanco towards Colambns. — A Kentucky Farm-house. — Return to Cairo . . 47 CHAPTER V. CENTRAL KENTUCKY. Battle of Mill Springs. — A genuine Kentuckian. — Discussion of the Negro Question. — Kentucky Farmers Lexington. — Scenes at the Phenix Hotel. — Secession Ladies. — Anthony Trollope. — Tomb of Henry Clay. Clay's Opinion of Abolitionists. — How a Presbyterian Minister would conduct the War. — Buell's Right Wing. — Trip down the Ohio. — Pas- sengers on Board the Grey Eagle. — The People of Owensborough. — Up Green River. — Kentucky Unionists. — Visit to Calhoun. — A "first- class " Hotel. — Scenes on the Steamer . .59 CONTENTS. ni CHAPTER VI. THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE. Capture of Fort Henry. — Commodore Foote's Account of the Fight His Cnro for the Wounded. — His Preaching on Sunday. — Affairs in Missis- sippi. — Capture of Fort Donelson. — Movement of the Troops The Surrender. — The Appearance of the Rebels. — The Town of Dover. — Scenes in the Rebel Lines. — The formal Surrender of the Fort. — Ap- pearance of Buckner and Grant. — Rebel Officers on the Rampage. — Commodore Foote's Intentions. — His Plans frustrated by Halleck Nullification of Order No. 3. — Occupation of Columbus. — The Southern Muse. — Bombardment of Island No. 10. — Colonel BisseU's Canal. — Passage of Transports to New Madrid. — Running past the Batteries. — General Pope's Operations. — Capture of Rebels. — Surrender of Island No. 10 . 7« CHAPTER VII. PITTSBURG LANDING, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPHIS. The Opposing Forces. — The Battle-Field The Poor Whites of the South. — General Sherman. — Beauregard's Despatch. — Retreat of the Rebels. — Halleck's Advance upon Corinth. — The Mississippi Fleet. — Admiral Davis. — Captain Maynadier. — A Trap for the Rebels. — Movement of the Rams. — Fire of the Rebel Batteries. — Evacuation of Fort Pillow. — Gunboat Fight at Memphis. — Surrender of the City. — Commodore EUet ... . . . M CHAPTER VIII. INVASION OF MARYLAND. Battle of Manassas Colonel Broadhead. — Confidence of the Rebels. — Uprising in Pennsylvania. — Surrender of Harper's Ferry. — Escape of the Union Cavalry. — Negro Teamsters. — Excitement of the Citizens. — Hagerstown. — Antietam — Visit to the Right Wing. — Poffenberg's House. — Sumner's Movement The Corn-Field. — Bumside's Attack. — The Fight at the Bridge 110 CHAPTER IX. INVASION OF KENTUCKY The Opposing Forces. — Bragg's Advance. — Capture of Frankfort The Rebels in Lexington Inauguration of Governor Harris. — Bragg's Re- treat frim Frankfort. — Battle of Perryville. — President's Proclamation. ▼Hi CONTENTS. — The Eentackjr Policy. — General Gillmore's Order No. 5. — Twentj- Secood Wisconsin and Colonel Utley Judge Eobertson and his Boy Jo. — The Kentucky Policy reversed. — An Evening in Louisville ISS CHAPTER X. FBOM HARPER'S FERRY TO FREDERICKSBURG. Soldiers* Pete. — Removal of McClellan. — Bumside's Plans. — Army Cor- respondence. — Gold Speculators. — Expectations of the People 1 3? CHAPTER XI. BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. The Signal Guns. — Laying the Pontoons Bombardment of the City. - Hall's Brigade. — Rebel Sharpshooters. — Crossing the River. — Seventh Michigan. — Yankees in Fredericksburg. — Night Scene The Drum- mer-Boy. — Rev. Arthur B. Fuller. — His Funeral Obsequies. — Lee's Army. — Positions of the Troops. — Burnside's Orders to Franklin. — The Morning. — Movement of the Army. — Attack on the Left. — Franklin's Despatches. — Meade's Attack. — Jackson's Line broken — Franklin's Account. — "Wounded Soldiers. — Attack on the Right. — Eleventh New Hampshire. — Sturgis's Division. — The Last Attack. — Eecrossing the River . ....... 14 CHAPTER XII. THE WINTER AT FALMOUTH. Employment of the Men. — American Tract Society. — General Howard and the Secessionists. — Sanitary and Christian Commissions. — Re- ligion in the Army. — Chapels . . . . .174 CHAPTER XIII. CHANCELLORSVILLE. Geneial Hooker in Command. — Reorganization of the Army. — Hooker's Plan. — Movement of the Troops. — First and Sixth Corps. — Lee puzzled. — Hooker in Position. — Lee's Movement. — Jackson's March. — Howard's Position. — Sicklea's Advance. — Jackson's Attack. — The Eleventh Corps. — Sickles's Return. — Death of Jackson. — The Battle of Sunday — Best's Artillery. — Stewart's Attack. — The Second Corps. — Hooker's last Position. — Second Battle of Fredericksburg Sedg- " ick's Attack. — Maryee's Hill. — Barksdale's Retreat. — Battle of Sa- lem Church.. — Lost Opportunity . . .... 179 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XIV. CAVALRY OPERATIONS. Stoneman's Preparations Crossing the Rapidan. — Raid through Vir- ginia. — Kilpatrick's Audacity. — Shelling Richmond. — His Escape Stoneman's Return SIS CHAPTER XV. THE ATLANTIC COAST. Port Royal. — Sunday Services. — Rev. Mr. Murchison. — Visit to tlM Plantations Sancho's Address. — Negro Music. — Mitchelville. — Sojourner Truth. — Enlistment of Negro Troops. — Colonel Higginson. — Antipathy of White Soldiers First South Carolina Regiment. — Smith's Plantation S94 CHAPTER XVI. THE IRON-CLADS IN ACTION. Destruction of the Nashville. — Captain Worden. — Attack on Fort McAl- lister. — First Bombardment of Sumter. — Visit to the Fleet. — Captain Rodgers. — Damage to the Fort ..... S4t CHAPTER XVII. THE INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA General Lee's Movements. — Hooker on the Watch. — Bedlam in Pennsyl- vania. — Harrisburg. — Baltimore. — Colored Population. — Resignation of General Hooker. — General Meade. — Feelings of the Soldiers. — Advance to Gettysburg. — Organization of the Army. — Patriotism of the People. — Bread for the Soldiers. — Ride to Grettysburg. — Geo- graphical Features of the Place ... .... 851 CHAPTER XVIII. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. General Reynolds's Position Beginning of the Fight. — General How- ard's Account Weidreick's Battery. — General Slocnm at Two Tav- erns. — Howard's Messages. — General Hancock's Arrival. — Color- Bearers of the Nineteenth Indiana. — Arrival of the Third Corp''- — Z CONTENTS Second Day. — General Meade on the Field. — The Cemetery Major Howard. — Ride along the Lines. — Stannard's Brigade. — Meade's Head-Quarters. — Position of the Second Corps The Third Corps. — Sickles's Position at Noon Lee's Intentions. — Confidence of the Rebels. — Longstreet's Command. — His Plan. — Half past Three. — The Attack. — Resistance of the Third Corps. — McGilvery's Batteries. — The Ninth Massachusetts Battery. — Barnes's Division The Reg- ulars. — Resistance of the Pennsylvania Reserves. — Hood's Advance. — Colonel Chamberlain's Position. — Slocum's Movement. — Double- day and Williams Men of Vermont. — Fourteenth Maine. — Louis- iana Tigers. — Third Day. — The Morning Cannonade. — Rebel Prisoners. — Fight on Culp's Hill. — Cavalry Operations. — Lee's Prep- arations for the last Attack. — Position of the Troops. — Scene at Meade's Head-Quarters. — The Cannonade. — Hovrard's Batteries. — Hancock wounded. — The Vermont Regiments. — Repulse of the Rebels. — Scenes along the Lines. — In the Rebel Lines Midnight. — After the Battle. — Lee's Retreat. — Meade's Movements. — Lee at Williamsport. — Crossing the Potomac. — Battle at Falling Waters .... 269 CHAPTER XIX. FROM THE EAPIDAN TO COLD HARBOR. Opening of the Campaign. — Organization of the Army. — Grant's Plan. — The Ninth Corps President Lincoln reviewing the Colored Troops. — The Army in Motion. — Across the Rapidan. — Grant and Meade in Council. — The Wilderness Position of the Army First Day's Fight. — Arrival of the Ninth Corps. — Second Day Movement to Spottsylvania Sheridan's Fight. — Todd's Tavern. — Warren en- gaged. — Battle of Spottsylvania. — Song of the Wounded. — The Vermont Brigade Death of General Rice. — Attack of the Second Corps A Day in Fredericksburg. — Sanitary and Christian Commis- sions. — Getting Straw for the Hospitals. — Movement to the North Anna. — Battle of Jericho Bridge A Night in a Cabin. — Movement to Hanover. — Battle of Bethesda Church. — General Smith's Advance to Cold Harbor. — Sheridan's Movement. — Position of the two Armies. — First Battle of Cold Harbor. — Hospital Scene. — Second Battle. - McClellan at Cold Harbor and the Campaign of '62. — Grant's Opera- tions Caroline County. — The Planters and their Property. — The Day of Jubilee. — Breaking up of Society . . . . 30fl CHAPTER XX. TO PETERSBURG. Comments of the Rebel Newspapers. — Opinions of the Soldiers Discus- sion of Flans. — General Hunter's Advance to Lynchburg. — Sheridan's SM CONTENTS. Raid. — Butler and Gillmore. — Movement to James Eiver. — Gillmore's Failure. — Grant's Instructions to Smith. — Lee surprised. — General Hiuks's Di^-ision of Colored Troops. — Their First Engagement.— Smith's Advance. — First Battle in Front of Petersburg. — Capture of Rebel Intrenchments. — General Terry's Movement. — Lost Opportuni- ties. — Sentiments of the People. — President Lincoln. — Heroism of the Colored Soldiers. — Arrival of the Ninth Corps. — Second Battle in Front of Petersburg. — General Potter's Division. — Fifty-Seventh Mas- sachusetts. — Edward M. Schneider. — Third Battle in Front of Peters- burg. — Barbarism of Slavery. — Prejudice against Colored Troops. — The Christian Commission. — Hardships of the Campaign. — Religion in the Army CHAPTER XXI. SIEGE OPERATIONS. Lieutenant-Colonel Pleasants. — His Plan for a Mine to destroy the Work» before Petersburg. — Difficulties he encountered in constructing it. — Battle at Deep Bottom. — Completion of the Mine. — Preparations for springing it. — Fuse goes out. — Delay. —Relighted. — The Explosion. — Consternation of the Rebels. —Confusion of Union Troops. — Rebels return to their Guns. — Tenible Slaughter in the Crater. — Reasons for the Failure. — The Rebel Press. — The Fortunes of the Confederacy . S7» CHAPTER XXII. THIRD INVASION OF MARYLAND. General Situation of Affairs. — Early's Movement down the Valley.— Breckenridge sent to reinforce him. — The Sixth Corps. — Excitement in "Washington. — Early's Force. — Massachusetts Sixteenth Regiment Arrival of Nineteenth Corps. — Enthusiastic Reception. — Confidence restored. — Battle of Monocacy. — Alarming Reports. — Advance of Reb- els upon "Washington. — Their hasty Retreat 384 CHAPTER XXIII. SHERMAN'S ARMY. Review of Sherman's Campaign. — Jeff Davis's dislike of Jehnston. — Appointment of Hood. — Davis's Speech to Hood's Army. — Sher- man contemplates a Movement to Savannah. — Grant authorizes it. — Organization of Sherman's Army. — Comments of Rebel Press on his March to the Sea. — Complaints of Sherman's Inhumanity. — He is compared to Attila. — His Vindication of Himself. — The Bummers. — Their Humanity to Union Refugees .89! til CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXIV CHRISTIANITY AND BARBARISM. Sherman in Savannah. — Destitution of the People Humanity of the People of the North. — Steamer Greyhound. — Belle Boyd. — Voyage of the Greyhound. — Thunderbolt Battery Fifty-Fifth Massachusetts. — Distribution of Supplies. — Rebel Prisons. — Responsibility of Rebel Officials. — Amiability of General Lee. — Andersonrille . . 401 CHAPTER XXV. SCENES m SAVANNAH. Aunt Nellie and her Sister Inhumanity of Slavery. — Whittier's Lines — Burning of the Arsenal. — General Sherman's Order No. 15. — Abandoned Lands General Saxton. — Meeting of Freedmen. — Ad- dress of Rev. Mr. French. — Appearance of the Congregation. — Rev. Mr. Houston. — The Slave Market. — Commencing a Colony. — Plans of the Freedmen. — The Sexton. — The Dead from Manassas. — The Gospel of Si;.. cry. — Breaking up of Society. — Ladies of Savannah. — Poor Whites of Georgia. — Negro Dialect. — Freedmen in Council in the Slave Market. — Their Battle-Hymn. — Civilization. — Christianity at Work ... 4H CHAPTER XXVI. SHERMAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Instmctions of General Grant. — Sherman's Plan Expectation of the Rebels Grover's Division. — His Army in Motion. — Howard's Ad- vance to the Salkehatchie. — Crossing the River. — Hardee retires to Branchville. — Kilpatrick's Movement towards Augusta. — Consterna- tion of the Rebels. — Sherman moves to Orangeburg. — General Pot- ter's Division. — Hampton's and Wheeler's Cavalry. — Hampton's Home. — Columbia. — Burning of the City. — Sherman charges Hamp- ton with kindling the Fire. — Bitterness of South-Carolinians against General Sherman. — Responsibility of the Rebel Government for Out- rages . . 134 CHAPTER XXVIl. SOUTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE WAR. The Part taken by the State in the Political Affairs of the Nation. — Basis of Representation. — Classes of People. — Lowlanders and Uplanders. — CONTENTS. Xiii Climate. — Cotton. — Parish System. — Assembling of the Legislature in 1860. — Remarks of W. D. Porter. — Secession Principles. — Adjourn ment to Charleston. — Hibernia Hall. — Rev. Dr. Thomwell's Preach- ing The Teachings of the Bible The Province of History Negroes for Sale. — Women of South Carolina in Favor of Secession. — The Charleston 3/ercur^. — The " Patriarchal Institution " . . 444 CHAPTER XXVIII. SUMTER. Governor Pickens's Letter to President Buchanan. — Major Anderson tn Sumter. — Construction of Rebel Batteries. — Negotiations for the Sur- render of the Fort. — The Bombardment. — Scengs in Charleston after the Surrender. — Visit to the Fort. — Captured Blockade-Runners. — Condition of the Fort Scenes of the Morning .... 4&4 CHAPTER XXIX. CHARLESTON. A City of Ruins. — Our Welcome. — Charleston before the War. — The Seducer of States. — Siege of the City. — Removal of the People. — As- sertion of the Charleston Courier. — The Evacuation. — Blowing up of the Iron-clads. — Firing the City. — Bursting the Guns. — Twenty- First Colored Regiment. — Colonel Bennett occupies the City Fifty- Fourth Massachusetts extinguishing the Flames. — " Gillmore's Town." — The " Swamp Angel." — The Courier Office The Banks. — South Carolina Troops in Confederate Service. — The Mills House. — The Chu. -J The great Fire of 1861. — Devastation Slave Me» chants. — The Bell of St. Michael's. — The Guard-House. — The Sla>v)^ Mart. — Letters of the Slave-Traders. — Colonel Woodford in the Office of the Courier. — Sermon of Rev. Dr. Porter. — A Yankee in his Bed. — Joy of the Colored People. — " Rosa's" Mother. — Washington's Birth- day John Brown in Charleston. — Humiliation of the Rebels Union Men. — The Old Flag. — How the People were cheated . . 4«^ CHAPTER XXX. THE LAST CAMPAIGN. Position of Aflfkirs. — Grant's Letter to Sheridan Cavalry Raids. — Sher- idan's Movement to Waynesboro'. — Attack upon Early Advance to James River. — Moves to White House. — Joins Grant Alarm in Richmond. — Lee's last Offensive Movement. — Attack on Fort Stead- man Repulse of Gordon. — Grant's Order to " finish up " the Rebel- liv CONTENTS. lion. — Sherman's Visit to Grant. — Great Men in Council. — GrantV lane. — Sheridan on the Move. — Lee's Diversion against the Ninth Corps. — Night Attack. — A Kebel Prisoner. — A Look at the Oppos- ing Forces. — Hatcher's Run. — Lee's Line of Fortifications. — Grant feels like ending the Matter Battle of Dinwiddio Court-House. — Ad- Tance of the Fifth Corps. — Battle of Five Forks. — Charge of the Fifth Corps. — Merritt's Attack. — Rout of the Rebels . . . 485 CHAPTER XXXI. RICHMOND. Jeff Davis a Fugitive. — Blowing up of the Rebel Iron-clads. — Grant in Petersburg. — President Lincoln and the Soldiers. — Ride to Richmond. — Lee's Message to Davis. — Consternation in Richmond. — Rev. Messrs. Hoge and Duncan. — The last Slave Cofl3c. — Confederate Promises to Pay. — Scenes of Sunday Night. — Pillaging the City. — Flight of the Legislature. — General Ewell and the Mayor in regard to burning the City. — The Massacre at the Almshouse. — Firing the City. — Departure of the Rebel Troops. — Breckcnridge taking a last Look of the City. — Sunrise. — Major Stevens and the Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry. — Surrender of tlie City. — Raising Flags on the Capitol. — The Yankees putting out the Flames. — Entrance of General Weitzel. — Taking a Room at the Spottswood Hotel. — Scenes in the City on Mon- day. — General Devcns's Orders. — Visit to the Capitol. — Admiral Far- ragut. — President Lincoln's Arrival. — Joy of the Colored People. — Walk to Jeff Davis's Mansion. — Judge Campbell. — Admiral Porter. — The President's Visit to Libby Prison. — Opinions of the People. — Colored Soldiers in the Service of the Rebels. — Lee's Opinions. — An Abolitionist in Richmond. — A Newspaper Correspondent and a Rebel OflScer At the Capitol. — Scenes of the Past. — Christian Charity' . *^ CHAPTER XXXII. THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. Attitude of Great Britain. — Sympathies of Palmerston and Russell. — The English Press. — Operatives of Lancashire. — The London Times. — Opinions of Mr. Spence. — His Appointment as Financial Agent. — Ad- dress of the London Confederate Aid Association. — Whitticr's Lines to Englishmen. — Mr. Mason at St. James. — His Griefs. — Benjamin's IJetter to Mason. — Mr. De Leon appointed Agent to subsidize the Press of Europe. — Englishmen engaged in Blockade-Running. — English Shipbuilders at work for the Slaveholders. — Funds needed. — Benj*- min's Letter to Spence. — Rebel Coin shipped in British Vessels of War. — Slidell's Proposition for a Loan based on Cotton. — French intiij^ue CONTENTS. XT » sever Texas from the Confederacy. — Mr. Slidell recommends D'Er- langer as a suitable Agent to negotiate the Loan. — D'Erlanger offers it to the Bankers of London. — Mr. De Leon secures the Support of the Press Opening of the Correspondence. — D'Erlanger's Opinion of Mr. Spenee. — Mr. Spcnce's Proposal. — Rush for Subscriptions. — Mr. Spcnce's Letter to D'Erlanger. — Compliments of the Emperor to D'Erlanger on the Success o' K'. o I/ran. — Jeff Davis a Repndiaxut he had no hay, no oats, no corn, nothing but xhuc/cs (ov (Hir horses. Oni" supper consisted of fried pork, fried salt shatl. [)one, wheat-cakes, j)ea-cofVee, strawberry-leaf tea, sweet e:ied with damp brown sugar ! 1861.] THE FALL OF 1861. 87 *• We don't raise butter in tlii:; section of the State," said our host, in apology. The supper was relished after an afternoon ride of thirty miles. The evening being chilly, a roaring fire was kept up in the old- fashioned fireplace. The daughters put on their most attrac- tive attire, and left nothing untried to entertain their three vis- itors. Could wc dance ? Unfortunately we could not. It was a serious disappointment. They evidently had anticipated hav- ing " a good time." One of the ladies could play a violin, and troated us to jigs, reels, and hornpipes. " You must sing the gentlemen a song, Jane," said one. Jane turned scarlet at the suggestion, but finally, after polite requests and a little urging, turned her back to the company, faced the corner of the room, and sang a love-song. She could shig " Dixie," but knew nothing of the " Star-Spangled Ban- ner" or "Hail Columbia." The young ladies were in sym- pathy with the Rebellion. " It must be expected that Southern people should sympn thizc with the South," said our host. " You own some slaves ? " I said. " I have three i only, and tried to kcop himscH' warm by drawing around him a tattered blanket. A little fellow ten years old was all in rags. There was no chair or bed in the room. They must stand, or sit, or lie upon the briek and granite floor. There was no mat- tress or bedding ; each had his little bundle of rags, and that was all. They looked up mquiringly as 1 entered, as if to make out the object of my visit. One bright, inielligent boy belonged to Captain Dunnmgton, captain of the Caoitol police during Buchanan's administration, and then commanding a Rebel battery. When Dunnington went from Washington to join the Rebels he left the boy be- hind, and the police had arrested him under an old Maryland law, because he had no master, and kept him in jail five mouths. There was an old man from Fairfax Court-IIouse. When the army advanced to Falls Church, his master sold his wife and child, for fear they might escape. " You sec, sir, that broke me all up. 0, sir, it was hard to part with them, to see 'em chained up and taken off away down South to Carolina. My mind is almost gone. I don't want to die here ; I sha'n't live long. When your army fell back to Washington after the battle of Bull Run, I came to Washington, and the police took me up because I was a runaway." There was another, a free negro, imprisoned on the supposi- tion that lie was a fugitive, and kept liecause there was no one to pay his jail fees. Another had boon a hand on a Massa- chusetts schooner plying on the Potomac, and had been arrest- ed in the streets on the suspicion that he was a slave. Another had been employed on the fortifications, and govern- ment was his debtor. There was a little boy, ten years old, clothed in rags, arrested as a runaway. Women were there, sent in by their owners for safe keeping. There were about sixty chargeable with no crime whatever, incarcerated with felons, without hope of deliverance. They were imprisoned be- cause negroes about town, without a master, always had been dealt with in that manner. The police, when the slaves had been reclaimed, had beon sure of their pay, or if they were sold, their pay came from the auctioneer. When they saw me mak- ing notes, tlicy imagined that 1 was doing something for their liberation, and with eagerness they crowded round, saying, 46 THE ROYS OF '61. [Dec. " Plcaso put down uiy name, sir," " I do want to get out, sir," and similar expressions. They followed mo into the passage gazed through the grated door, and when I said " Good by, boys," there eame a chorus of " Good byes " and " God bless yous." Seeking Senator Wilson's room, 1 informed him of what 1 had witnessed, and read the memoranda taken in the jail. The eyes of that true-hearted man flashed with righteous indigna- tion. " Wo will see about this," said he, springing to his feet. lie visited the jail, saw the loathsome spectacle, heard the stories of the poor creatures, and the next day introduced a resolution into the Senate, which upset forever this system of tyranny, which had been protected by the national authority. The year closed gloomily. There were more than six hun- dred thousand troof)s under arms ready to subdue the Rebel- lion, biit General McClollan hesitated to move. But there were indications of an early advance in the West ; therefore on the last days of December I left Washington to be an olv server of wluitever might happen in Kentucky. ELIiSWOKTM ZOUAVE T>\IUA. 18H2. I AFFAIKS IM THE WJ-IST. 47 CUAPTER IV. AFFAIRS IN THE WEST. The church-bells of liouisvillc were ringing the now yeaif in as with the early morning we entered that city. There was little activity in the streets. The breaking out of the war had stopj)ed l)usincss. The city, with a better location than Cin- cinnati, has had a slow growth. Cassius M. Clay gave the reason, years ago. " Why," he asked, " does Louisville write on an hundred of her stores ' To let,' while Cincinnati advertises ' Wanted ' ? There is but oi:o answer, — Slavery." Many of the houses were tenantless. The people lounged in the streets. Few had any- thing to do. Thousands of former residents were away, many with the Southern army, more with the Union. There was divi- sion of feeling. Lines were shai'|)ly drawn. A dozen loyal Ken- tuckians had been killed in a skirmish on Green River ; among them Captain Bacon, a prominent citizen of Frankfort. His body was at tlie Gait House. Loyal Kentuckians were feeling these blows. Their temper was rising ; they were being edu- cated by such adversity to make a true estimate of Secession. Everything serves a purjjose in this world. Our vision is too limited to understand much of tlic governmental providence of Elim who notices the fall of a s[)arrow, and alike controls the destiny of nations ; but I could see in the emj)hatic utterances of men upon the street, that revenge might make mcji patriotic who otherwise might remain lukewarm in their loyalty. A friend introduciid a loyal Tennesseean, who was forced to tlee from Nashville wlicn tlie State seceded. The vigilance committee informed him that he must leave or take the conse- quences ; which meant, a suspension by the neck from the nearest tree. Ue was oirensive because of his outspoken loy- alty. Ho was severe in liis denunciations of the government, on accou^it of its slowness to put down the Rebellion. 48 THE ROYS OF '61. [Jau. " Sir," said he, " this government is not going to put down the UobcUion, because it is n't in earnest. You of the North are white-livered. Excuse me for saying it. No ; I won't ask to be excused for speaking the truth. You are afraid to touch the negro. You are afraid of Kentucky. The little province of the United States gets down on its knees to the nation of Kentucky. You are afraid that the State vv^ill go over to the Rebels, if anything is done about the negro. Now, sir, I know what slavery is ; I have lived among it all my days. 1 know what Secession is, — it means slavery. I know Avhat Kentucky is, — a proud old State, which has a great deal that is good about her and a great deal of sham. Kentucky politicians are no better or wiser than any other politicians. The State is liv- ing on the capital of Henry Clay. You think that the State is great because he was great. 0, you Northern men are a brave set ! (It was spoken with bitter sarcasm.) You handle this Rebellion as gingerly as if it were a glass doll. Go on, go on ; you will get whijjped. Ruell will get whipped at Bowling Green, Butler will get whii)ped at New Orleans. You got whipped at Big Bethel, Ball's Bluff, and Manassas. Why ? Because the Rebels are in earnest, and you are not. Every- thing is at stake with them. Tliey employ niggers, you don't. Tiiey seize, rob, burn, destroy; they do everything to strengthen their cause and weaken you, while you pick your way as dain- tily as a dandy crossing a nuid-puddle, afraid of offending some- body. No, sir, you arc not going to put down this Rebellion till you hit it in the tenderest spot, — the negro. You must take away its main support before it will fall." General Buell was in command of the department, with his head-quarters at the Gait House. He had a large army at Mumfordville and other ])oints. He issued his orders by tele- graph, but he had no plan of operations. There were no indi- cations of a movement. The Rebel sympathizers kept General Joluiston, in connnand at Bowling Green, well informed as to Buell's inaction. There was daily comnumication between Louisville and the Rebel camp. There was constant illicit trade in contraband goods. The policy of General McClellan was also the policy of General Buell, — to sit still. Events were more stirring in INlissouri, and 1 proceeded to 18G2.] AFFAIRS IN THE WEST. 45? rft. Louis, where General Halleck was in command, — a thick- set, dark-featured, black-haired man, sluggish, opmionatcd, and self-willed, arbitrary and cautious. Soon after his appointment to this department he issued, on the 20th of November, his Order No. 3, which roused the in- dignation of earnest loyal men throughout the country. Thus read the document : — " It has been represented that information respecting the numbers and condition of" our forces is conveyed to the enemy by means of fugi- tive slaves who are admitted within our lines. In order to remedy this evil, it is directed that no such persons be hereafter permitted to enter the lines of any camp, or of any forces on the march, and that any within our lines be immediately excluded therefrom." General Scliofield was in command of Northern Missouri, under General llalleck. The guerillas had burned nearly all the railroad bridges, and it was necessary to bring them to jus- tice. Tlie negroes along the line gave him the desired intel- ligence, and SIX of the leaders were in this way caught, tried by court-martial, and summarily shot. Yet General Halleck adhered to his infamous order. Diligent inquiries were made of ofiicers in regard to the lovalty of the negroes, and no in- stance was found of tlicir having given information to the enemy. In all of the slaveholding States a negro's testimony was of ]io account against a white man under civil law ; but General Schoficld had, under military law, inaugurated a new order of things, — a drum-head court, a speedy sentence, a quick execution, on negro testimony. The Secessionists and Rel)el svnipathizers were indignant, and called loudly for his removal. The fine army whicli Fremort had commanded, and from which lie hud been summarily dismissed because of his anti- slavery order, was at RoUa, at the terminus of the southwest brancii of the Pacific Railroad. This road, sixteen miles out from St. Louis, strikes the valley of the Maramec, — not the Merrimack, born of the White Hills, but a sluggish stream, tinged with blue and green, widening in graceful curves, with tall-trunked elms upon its banks, and acres of low lands, which are flooded in freshets. It is a pretty river, but not to be conr- pared in beauty to the stream which the muse of Whittier has 4 60 THE BOYS OF '6l, [Jan, made classic. Nearly all the residences in this section arc Missourian in architectural proportions and features, — logs and clay, with the mammoth outside chimneys, cow-yard anolis, bought a mighty nice farm. I know'd all the folks down round Paris. Thar 's old Spcers, who got shot down to Mill Springs, — he was a game un ; a white-haired old cuss who jined tiie Confederates. I know'd him. I 'tended his nigger sale sev'ral years ago, when he busted. He war a good old man, blame me if he want. He war crazy that ar day of the sale, and war down on the nigger-traders. He lost thousands of dollars that ar day, cause he hated 'em and run down his niggers, — said they wan't good when they war, just tor keep 'em out of the hands of the cussed traders. " Wal, thar 's Jim, — 1 remember him. He 's in Confed'- rate army, too. I lost a bet of tew hundred dollars with him on Letcher's 'lection, — that old drunken cuss who 's disgra- cing Old Virginia ; blow me if I did n't. That was hard on me, ca\isc on 'lection day artcr I 'd voted, I started with a drove of niuc/.v, four hundred on 'em nigh about, for Virginia. I felt mighty sick, I tell you, 'cause I had employed a drunken cuss to biiy 'em for me, and he paid more than they war wuth. Wal, 1 know'd I would lose, and I did, — ten hundred dollars. (Jusses, yer know, allcrs comes in liocks. Wal, only ges think of it, that ar drunken cuss is a kurncl in the Federal army. Blow me of I think it 's right. Mon that drink too much ar' n't tit to have control of soldiers. " Wal, I am a Kentuckian. I 've got lots of good friends in the Southern army, and lots in the Union army. My idee is that government ought to confiscate the property of the Rebels, and when the war is over give it back to their wives and chil- lireii. It 's mighty hard to take away everything from 'em. — 1862.] CENTRAL KENTUCKY 61 blow me if it a'n't. The Abolitionists want to confiscale the niggers. Wal, I know all about the niggers. Tliey are a lazy, stealing set of cusses, the hull lot of 'em. What can we do with 'em ? Tliat 's what I want to know. Now my wife, she wants niggers, but I don't. If Kentucky wants 'em, let her have 'em. It 's my opinion that Kentucky is better off with 'em, 'cause she has got used to 'em. " The people are talking about starving the Confederates, out I 'vc been through the South, and it can't be done. They can raise everything that we can, and it's my candid opinion that government is gwine to get licked." Tiie arrival of tlie omnibus at the depot put an end to the talk. The Licking Valley, tlirough which the railroad to Lexing- ton runs, is very beautiful. There are broad intervales fringed with hickory and elm, wood-crowned hills, warm, sunny vales and charming landscapes. Nature has done much to make it a paradise ; art very little. The farm-houses are in the Kentucky style, — piazzas, great cliimneys outside, negro cabins, — presenting at one view and in close contrast the ex- tremes of wealth and poverty, power and weakness, civilization and barbarism, freedom and slavery. The city of Lexington is a place of the past. Before rail- roads were projected, when Henry Clay was in the prime of manhood there, it was a place of enterprise and activity. The streets were alive with men. It was the great political and social centre of Central Kentucky. The city flourished in those days, but its glory has passed away. The great com moner on whose lips thousands hung in breathless admira tion, the circumstances of his time, the men of his generation, have departed never to return. Life has swept on to other centres. In the suburbs were beautifiri residences. Riches were disphiyed in lavish expenditure, but the town itself was wearing a seedy look. There was old rubbish every- where about the city ; there were buildings with crazy blinds, cracked walls, and leaning earthward ; while even a beautiful church edifice had broken panes in its windows. The troubles of the year, like care and anxiety to a strong man, plough- ing- deap furrows on his face, had closed many stores, and (52 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb written "To Bcut " on many dwellings. A sudden paralysis had fallen, business had drooped, and society had lost its life. The Phenix was the ancient aristocratic hotel of the place. It was in appearance all of the old time, — a three-story, stone, brick, and plaster building, with small windows, and a great bar-room or office, which in former days was the resort of politicians, men of the turf, and attendants at court. A crowd of unwashed men were in the hall, spattered with mud, wear- ing slouched hats, unshaven and unshorn, — a motley crew ; some tilted against the walls in chairs, fast asleep, some talking in low tones and filling the room with fumes of tobacco. A half-dozen were greasing their boots. Tlie proprietor apolo- gized for their presence, remarking that they were teamsters who had just arrived from Somerset, and were soon to go back with supplies for General Thomas's army. There were three hundred of them, rough, uncouth, dirty, but well behaved. There was no loud talking, no profanity^ indecency, or rude- ness, but a deportment through the day and night worthy of all commendation. While enjoying the fire in the reception-room two ladies entered, — one middle-aged, medium stature, having an oval face, dai'k hair, dark hazel eyes ; the other a young lady of nine- teen or twenty years, sharp features, black hair, and flashing black eyes. They were boarders at the hotel, were well dressed, though not with remarkable taste, but evidently were accus- tomed to move in the best circle of Lexington society. A regiment was passing the hotel. " There are some more Yankees going down to Mill Springs, I reckon," said the elder. " 0, is n't it too bad that Zollicoffer is killed ? I could have cried my eyes out when I heard of it," said the youngest. " he was so brave, and noble, and chivalrous ! " " He was a noble man," the other replied. " 0, I should so like to sec a battle ! " said the youngest. *' It might not be a pleasant sight, although we arc often willuig to forego pleasure for the sake of gratifying curiosity," we replied. '• T sliould want my side to whip," said the girl. 1862.] CENTRAL KENTUCKY. 68 " Yes. We all expect our side to be victorious, though we are sometimes disappointed, as was the case at Bull Run." " Then you were at Bull Run ? I take it that you belong to the army ? " '' I was there and saw the fight, although I was not connected with the army." " I am glad you were defeated. It was a good lesson to you. The Northerners have had some respect for the Southerners since then. The Southerners fought against great odds." " Indeed, I think it was the reverse." " No indeed, sir. The Federals numbered over sixty thou- sand, while Beauregard had less than thirty thousand. He did not have more than twelve thousand in the fight." " I can assure you it is a grave mistake. General McDowell had less than thirty thousand men, and not more than half were engaged." " Well, I worder what he was thinking of when he carried out those forty thousand handculTs ? " " I did not suppose any one gave credence to that absurd story." " Absurd ? Indeed, sir, it is not. I have seen some of the handcuffs. There are several pairs of them in this city. They were brought directly from the field by some of our citizens who went on as soon as they heard of the fight. I have sev- eral trophies of the fight which our men picked up." No doubt the young lady was sincere. It was universally believed throughout the South that McDowell had thousands of pairs of handcuffs in his train, which were to be clapped upon the wrists of the Southern soldiers. " We have some terrible uncompromising Union men in this State," said the eldest, " who would rather see every negro swept into the Gulf of Mexico, and the whole country sunk, than give up the Union. We have more Abolitionists here in this city than they have in Boston." It was spoken bitterly. She did not mean that the Union men of the State were committed to immediate emancipation, but that they would accept emancipation rather than have the Secessionists succeed. A gentleman came in, sat down by the fire, warmed his 64 THE BOYS OK '61. [Feu. hands, and joined in the conversation. Said be : "I am a Southerner. I have lived all my life among slaves. I own one slave, but I bate the system. There are counties in this State where there are but few slaves, and in all such counties you will find a great many Abolitionists. It is the brutalizing influence of slavery that makes me bate it, — brutalizing to whites and blacks alike. I hate this keeping niggers to raise human stock, — to sell, just as you do horses and sheep." In all places the theme of conversation was the war and the negroes. The ultra pro-slavery element was thoroughly seces- sion, and the Unionists were beginning to understand that slavery was at the bottom of the rebellion. As in the dim light of the morning we already behold the approach of the full day, so they saw that these which seemed the events of an hour might broaden into that which would overthrow the entire slave system. Anthony Trollope, an English traveller and novelist, was stopping at the hotel at the time, — a pleasant gentleman, thoroughly English in his personal appearance, with a plump face, indicative of good living and good cheer. In his work entitled " North America " he mentions the teamsters in the hall, and draws a contrast between English and American society. He says : — " While I was at supper the seventy-five teamsters were summoned into the common eating-room by a loud gong, and sat down to their meal at the public table. They were very dirty ; I doubt whether I ever saw dirtier men; but they were orderly and well-behaved, and but for their extreme dirt might have passed as the ordinary occupants of a well-filled hotel in the West. Such men in the States are less clumsy with their knives and forks, less astray in an unused position, more intelligent in adapting themselves to a new life, than are English- men of the same rank. It is always the same story. With us there is no level of society. Men stand on a long staircase, but the crowd congregates near the bottom, and the lower steps are very broad. In America, men stand on a common platform, but the platform is raised above the ground, though it does not approach in height the top of our staircase. If we take the average altitude in the two countries, we shall find that the American heads are the more elevated of the twa I conceived rather an affection for those dirty teamsters; they answered 1862.J CENTRAL KENTUCKY. 65 me civilly when I spoke to them, and sat in quietness smoking their pipes, with a dull and dirty but orderly demeanor." * If Mr. Trollope, who has a very just appreciation of the character of those quiet and orderly teamsters, will but wait a century or two, perhaps he will find that democracy can build a staircase as high and complete as that reared by the aristocracy of England. We have had but two centuries for the construction of our elevated common platform, while Eng- land has had a thousand years. There the base of the staircase, where the multitude stand, is either stationary or sinking ; but here the platform is always rising, and bearing the multitude to a higlicr plane. A short distance north of the city of the living is the city of the dead. It is a pleasant suburb, — one which is adding week by week to its population. It is laid out in beautiful avenues, grass bordered, and shaded by grand old forest-trees. It is the resting-place o^ the dust of Henry Clay. The monument to his memory is not yet finislicd. It is a tall, round column upon a broad base, with a capital, sucli as the Greeks never saw or dreamed of, surmounted by a figure intended to represent the great statesman as he stood when enchaining vast audiences by his matchless oratory. Within the chamber, exposed to view through the iron-latticed door, star-embellished and bronzed, lies the sarcophagus of purest marble. It is chaste in design, ornameutod with gathered rods and bonds emblematic of union, and wreathed with cypress around its sides. The pure white marble drapery is thrown partly back, exposing above the breast of the sleeper a wreath, and HENRY CLAY. Upon the slab beneath the sarcophagus is this simple inscrip- tion : — " I can, with unbroken confidence, appeal to the Divine Ar- biter for the truth of the declaration, that I have been influ- enced by no impure pvirpose, no personal motive, — have sought no personal aggrandizement, but that in all my public acts I have had a solo and single eye, and a warm devoted heart, » " North America," by Anthony Trollope, Vol. II. p. 86. ft 66 TUii BOYS OF '61. [Feb. diroctod and dedicated io what in my host judgment 1 believed to be the true interests of my cH)uutry." It is not a declaration which goes home to the heart as that simple recognition ol' the Christian religion which his compeer, Daniel Webster, directed should be placed above liis grave in the secluded churchyard at ]\[arshrield, but Mr. Clay was a remarkable man. 01" all Americans who have lived, he could hold completest sway of popular assemblies. Hating slavery in his early lile, ho at last became tolerant of its existence. He cast the whole trouble of the nation upon the Abolitionists. In some things he was far-sighted ; in others, obtuse. In 1843 he addressed a letter to a friend w^ho was about to write a pam- phlet against the Abolitionists, giving him an outline of the arji'ument to bo useil. Thus he wrote : — " The great aim and object of your tract should be to arouse the Uiboring classCvS in the Free States agaiust abolition. Depict the con- soquouces to them of immediate abolition. The slaves being free, would bo dispersed throughout the Union ; they would enter into com- petition witli tlie iVoe laborer, with the American, the Irish, the Ger- man ; reduce his wages ; be confounded with him, and at!ect his moral and si>cial standing. And as the ultras go for both abolition and amal- gamation, show that their object is to unite in marriage the laboring white man and the laboring black man, ai\d to reduce the white labor- ing man to the despised and degraded condition of the black man. "I would show their opposition to colonization. Show its liumane, religious, and patriotic aims, tliat tliey are to separate those whom God has separated. Why do the Abolitionists oppose colonization ? To keep and amalgamate togi>ther the two races in violation of God's will, and to keep the blacks here, that they may interfere with, degrade, and debase the laboring wliites. Show that the British nation is co-operat- ing with the Abt^litionists, for the purpose of dissolving the Union." * This was written by a re}nited statesman, who was supposed to uiulcrstand the principles of political economy. The slaves being made free would enter in competition with the free hi- horcr. But has not the free American laborer been forced to compete through all the years of the past with unrequited slave labor ? Without inquiring into the aims and purposes of the Abolitionists, — what they intended to do, and how they * North Anu-rio.'tn Ixoviow, ,Ii\mi:iry. IStW;. p. ISU 1862.J CENTRAL KENTUCKY. 67 were to do it, — Mr. Clay accepted the current talk of the day, aud shaped his course accordingly. That letter will read strangely fifty years hence. It reads strangely now, and goes far to lower our estimate of the real greatness of one who for half a century was the idol of a great political party, — whose words were taken as the utterances of an oracle. But ideas and principles have advanced since 1843. We stand upon a higher plane, and are moving on to one still higher. Returning to the hotel, I lell into conversation with a Pres- byterian minister, who began to deplore the war. " Wo should conduct it," said lie, " not as savages or barba- rians, but as Christians, as civilized beings, on human princi- ples." " In what way would you have our generals act to carry out what you conceive to be such principles ? " " Well, sir, the blockade is terribly severe on our friends in the South, wlio are our brothers. The innocent are suffering with the guilty. We should let them have food, and raiment, and medicines, but we should not let them have cannon, guns, and powder." " When do you tliink the war would end if such a plan was adopted ? " He took a new tack, not replying to the question, but said, — " The North began the trouble in an unchristian spirit." " Was not the first gun fired by the Rebels upon Fort Sumter ? " " That was not the beginning of the war. It was the elec- tion of Lincoln." " Then you would not have a majority of the people elect their officers in the constituted way ? " " Well, if Lincoln had been a wise man he would have re- signed, and saved this terrible conflict." Tliere is a point beyond which forbearance ceases to be a virtue, and 1 expressed the hope that the war would be waged with shot and shell, fire and sword, naval expeditions and block- ades, and every possible means, upon the men who had con- spired to subvert the government. There was no reply, and he soon left the room. BuelFs right wing under General Crittenden, was at Cal 68 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feh houn, on Green River. Intelligence arrived that it was to be put in motion. Leaving Lexington in the morning, and passing by cars through Frankfort, — an old town, the capital of the State, like Lexington, seedy and dilapidated, — we reached Louisville in season to take our choice of the two steamers, Gray Eagle and Eugene, to Henderson. They were both excellent boats, run- ning in opposition, carrying passengers one hundred and eighty miles, providing for them two excellent meals and a night's lodging, all for fifty cents ! People were patronizing both boats, because it was much cheaper than staying at home. Taking the Gray Eagle, — a large side-wheel steamer, — wo swept along with the speed of a railroad train. The water was very high and rising. The passengers were almost all from Kentucky. Some of the ladies thronging the saloon were accustomed to move in the " best society," which had not lit- erary culture and moral worth for its standards, but broad acres, wealth in lands and distilleries. They were " raised " in Lexington or Louisville or Frankfort. They spoke of the " right smart " crowd on board, nearly " tew " hundred, accord- ing to their idea. But there is another class of Kentuckians as distinct from these excellent ladies as chalk from cheese. They arc of that class to which David Crocket belonged in his early years, — born in a cane-brake and cradled in a trough. There were two in the saloon, seated upon an ottoman, — a brother and sister. The brother was more than six feet tall, had a sharp, thin, lank countenance, with a tuft of hair on his chin and on his upper lip. His face was of the color of milk and molasses. He wore a Kentucky home-spun suit, — coat, vest and pants of the same material, and colored with butternut bark. He had on, although in the saloon, a broad-brimmed, slouched hat, with an ornament of blotched mud. He was evidently more at home with his hat on than to sit bare- headed, — and so consulted his own pleasure, without mis- trusting that there was such a thing as politeness in the world. He had been plashing through the streets of Louis- ville. He had scraped off the thickest of the mud. There ho sat, the right foot thrown across the left knee, with as much 1862 J CENTRAL KENTUCKY. 69 complacency as it is possible for a mortal to manifest. In his own estimation he was all right, although there was a gap be- tween his pants and vest of about six inches, — a yellowish tawny streak of shirt. He sat in unconcerned silence, or stalked through the saloon with his hands in his pockets, or stretched himself at full length upon the sofa and took a com- fortable snooze. His sister, — a girl of eighteen, — had an oval face, arched eyebrows, and full cheeks, flowing, flaxen hair, and gray eyes. She wore a plain dress of gray homespun without hoops, and when standing, appeared as if she had encased herself in a meal-bag. There was no neat white collar or bit of ribbon, or cord, or tassel, — no attempt at feminine adornment. She was a " nut-brown maid,'' — bronzed by exposure, with a counte- nance as inexpressive as a piece of putty. A dozen ladies and gentlemen who came on board at a little town twenty miles below Louisville were enjoying themselves, in a circle of their own, with the play of " Consequences." The cabin rang with their merry laughter, and we who looked on enjoyed- their happiness ; but there was no sign of animation in her countenance, — a block of wood could not have been more unsympathetic. Among the ladies on l)oard was one a resident of Owens- boro', who, upon her marriage eight years before, had moved from the town of Auburn, New York, the home of Mr. Seward. " I was an Abolitionist," she said, " before I left home, but now that I know what slavery is, I like it. The slaveholders are so independent and live so easy ! They can get rich in a few years ; and there is no class in the world who can enjoy so much of life as they." It was evidently a sincere expression of her sentiments. She was for the Union, but wanted slavery let alone. The strife in Owensboro' had been exceedingly bitter. Nearly all her old friends and neighbors were rampant Secessionists. Secession, like a sharp sword, had cut through society and left it in two parts, as irreconcilable as vice and virtue. There was uncompromising hostility ready to flame out into war at any moment in all the Kentucky towns. There was also on board 70 THE BOYS OF '61. [FeO. a loud-talking man who walked the saloon with his hands in his pockets, .looking everybody square in the face ; he waa intensely loyal to the Union. " Why don't Buell move ? Why don't Halleck move ? It is my opinion that they are both of 'em old grannies. I want to see the Rebels licked. I have lived in Tophet for the last six months. I live in Henderson, and it has been a perfect hell ever since the Rebels fired on Fort Sumter. I have lost my property through the d — d scoundrels. I want a regi- ment of Union troops to go down there and clean out the devils." It was early morning when the scream of the Gray JWagle roused the usual crowd of loafers from their sleep and inan- ition at Owensboro'. A motley mob came down to the wharl' eager to hear the news. I had heen informed that the place was one where whiskey distilleries abound, and the information proved to be correct. The distillery buildings were distinctly recognized by their smoking chimneys, creaking pumps, and steaming vats. The crowd on the shore had whiskey in their looks and behavior. Among them was one enthusiastic admirer of Abraham Lincoln. He was bloated, blear-eyed, a tatterde- malion, with just enough whiskey in him to make him thick- spoken, reckless, and irresponsible in the eyes of his liquor- loving companions. While we were at a distance he swung his hat and gave a cheer for Old Abe ; as we came nearer he re- peated it ; and as the plank was being thrown ashore he fairly danced with ecstasy, shouting, " Hurrah for Old Abe ! He '11 fix 'em. Hurrah for Old Abe ! Hurrah for Old Abe ! " " Shet up, you drunken cuss. Hurrah for Jeff Davis ! " was the response of another blear-eyed, tipsy loafer. The steamer Storm was tolling its bell as the Gray Eagle came to the landing at Evansville, bound for Green River. Her decks were piled with bags of corn and coffee. A barge was tethered to her side, loaded with bundle hay and a half- dozen ambulances. We were just in time to reach the deck before the plank was drawn in. Then with hoarse puffs the heavily laden old craft swung into the stream and surged slow- ly against the swollen tide of tlie Ohio. Green River joins the Ohio ten miles above Evansville. It is a beautiful stream, with J 862.] CENTRAL KENTUCKY. 71 forest-bordered banks. At that season of tht year there waa nothing particularly inspiring to the muse along this stream, unless one can kindle a poetic flame in swamps, lagoons, creeks, and log-cabins standing on stilts, with water beneatli, around, and often within them. On the spit of land between the Ohio and Green rivers, on posts several feet under water, was a log- cabin ; a row-boat was tied to the steps, a woman and a half- dozen children stared at us from the open door. All around was forest. A gentleman on board said it was a fishing family. If so, the family, little ones and all, might ply the piscatory art from doors and windows. A more dreary, watery place can- not be imagined. The Storm was not a floating palace with gilded saloons, vel- vet tapestry carpets, French mirrors, and a grand piano, bu< an old wheezy tow-boat, with great capacity below and littk above. There was a room for the gentlemen, and a little box of a place for any ladies who might be under the necessity of patronizing the craft. There were no soldiers on board, but tliirty or forty passen- gers. We were a hard-looking set. Our clothes were muddy, our beards shaggy, our countenances far from being Caucasian in color, with sundry other peculiarities of dress, feature, and demeanor. There was one stout man with an enormous quantity of Drown hair, and a thick yellow beard, belonging to Hopkins- ville, near the Tennessee line, who had been compelled to flee for his life. " We got up a cannon company, and I was captain. We had as neat a little six-pounder as you ever saw ; but I was obliged to cut and run when the Rebels came in December ; but I buried the pup and the Secessionists don't know where she is ! If I ever get back there I '11 make some of them cusses — my old neighbors — bite the dust. I have just heard that they have tied my brother up and almost whipped him to death. They gouged out his eyes, stamped in his face, and have taken all his property." Here he was obliged to stop his narrative and give vent to a long string of oaths, consigning the Rebels to all the tortures and pains of the bottomless p t forever. Having disgorged his wrath, he said, — 72 THE ROYS OF '61. [Feb " Now, sir, there is a grave judicial question on my mind, and I would like your opinion upon it. If you owned a darkey who should get over into Indiana, a bright, intelligent darkey, and he should take with him ton niggers from your secession neighbors, and you sliould happen to know it, would you send them back ? " " No, sir ; I should not." " That is my mind 'zactly. I knew you was a good Union man the moment I sot my eyes on ye." Then came an inter- esting explanation. lie had one slave, a devoted fellow, who had become an active conductor on tlie underground railroad. The slave had been often to Evansville and knew the country, and had enticed away ten negroes belonging to the Secession- ists in the vicinity of Hopkinsville. He had seen them all that morning, and more, had given each of them a hearty break- fast ! " You see," said he, " if they belonged to Union men 1 would have sent 'em back ; but they belonged to the Secessionists who have driven me out, taken all my property, and do you think I 'd be mean enough to send the niggers back ? " On board the Storm were several other men who had been driven from their homes by the Secessionists. There was one gentleman, a slaveholder from the little town of Volney, between Uopkinsville and the Cumberland River. All of his property had been taken, his negroes, if they were not sold or seized, were roaming at will. He had two brothers in the Rebel army. He was a plain, sensible, well-informed farmer. He lived close upon the Tennessee line, and was acqiuxinted with the Southern country. " Slavery is a doomed institution," said he ; " from Ken- tucky, from Missouri, from Maryland and Virginia the slaves have been pouring southward. There has been a great con- densation of slaves at the South where they aro not wanted, and where they cannot be supported if the blockade continues. The South never has raised its own provisions. She could do it if she put forth her energies ; but she never has and she will not now. The time will come, if the blockade continues, when the master will be compelled to say to the slaves, ' Get your liv- ing where you can,' and then the system, being rolled back 1862.] CENTRAL KENTUCKY. 73 upon itself, will be broken up. As for myself, 1 would like to have kept my slaves, because I am getting along in years and I wanted tlicm to take care of me ; but as the Secessionists have taken them and driven me out, it won't make any differ- ence to me whether the system is continued or not." It is utterly impossible to convoy to a New-Englander who has never crossed the Hudson a correct idea of a Kentucky country village, like that of Calhoun, as seen from the deck of the steamer Storm, in the light of a beautiful morning, so mild and spring-like that the robins, bluebirds, jays, pewits, and sparrows were filling the air with their songs, having returned from their sojourn in a Southern clime. A senthiel was plash- ing through the mud along the bank, guarding the ferry to the town of Rumsey, on the opposite side of the river. The bank rises abruptly into the main street of the town. First we have the McLean House, the first-class hotel of the place, — a wood- en building two stories high, containing six or eight rooms. There is beyond it one brick building, then a number of smaller buildings containing a couple of rooms each, and forty rods distant a church, respectable in style and proportions. The land is undulating, and on the hillsides there are dwellings, a half-dozen of which you might call comfortable. The original forest oaks are still standing. A creek or bayou runs through the town, the receptacle of all the filth generated by ten thou- sand men, and thousands of mules, horses, and hogs. Rumsey, on the opposite side of the river, is of smaller di- mensions. Years ago it was a " riglit smart" town, but busi- ness has disappeared. The people have also gone, and now one sees a row of windowless, doorless, deserted houses, soaked in every flood of waters. Visiting the " first class " hotel of the place, we sat down in the parlor or reception-room, or whatever room it was, while the cook prepared breakfast. It was also the landlord's bed- room, occupied by himself and wife. Calling upon the landlord for a place for toilet operations, we were invited into the kitchen which was also tlie dining- room and pantry and Jim's bed-room, — Jim being a tall negro, who just now is washing dishes, with a tin pan of hot water, and without any soap. Dinah is rolling biscuit, and /4 THE BOYS OF '61, [Feu. tending the hoe-cake, which is cooking nicely on the stove. There is the flour-barrel close at hand. There is one dinner- pot, with two kettles, a pail of water, a lantern, the pepper-box, a dish of fat, a plate of butter, and a great heap of tin dishes on the table, where Dinah is moulding the biscuit, while Jim occupies the other end. The dining-table stands in the centre of the room. The plates are laid, and the whole is covered with a blue cloth, which at first sight seems to be a soldier's blanket, and which upon close inspection leaves us still in doubt whether it is a table-cloth or a bed-coverlet. There are some chairs, and an old desk which has lost its lid, in which are nails, a hammer, some old papers, and a deal of dust. It evidently " came down from a former generation." We have time to notice these things while the landlord is preparing for our washing exploit, which is to be performed near Jim, with a basin on a chair. Then we have breakfast, — beefsteak and porksteak, and buckwheat cakes, all fried in lard, sausages, potatoes, Dinah's hoe-cakes, hot flour biscuit, and a dish of hash, which will not go down at all, and coffee without milk, preferred to the water of Green Rivei", which in its natural state is some- what the color of yellow snuff, and which is drank by the inhabitants of Calhoun, notwithstanding thousands of horses are stabled on its banks. There was no movement of the troops, therefore nothing to detain us at Calhoun, and knowing that there was some- thing of interest up the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers, we went on board the Mattie Cook, the downward-bound steamer. While waiting for her departure we gazed at the sights upon the shore. There was a great deal of life, — wagons, soldiers, citizens floundering through the mud to the landing, transporting goods. There were ludicrous scenes of men and teams stuck in the mortar-bed ; but in the midst of life there was death. A squad of soldiers came down from camp to the hospital with a bier, and with the slow funeral dirge brought two of their comrades to the boat, — iwo who had just passed from tlie scenes of strife on earth to the eternal peace beyond. Those who bore them were by no means unaffected by the part they were called upon 1S62.] CENTRAL KENTUCKY. 75 to perform. There were sad countenances, too, on board the boat, — two ladies, both strangers to the dead, but not indiffer- ent to the scene. They had woman's tender sensibilities, and could not keep back the tears from their eyes, for they thought of their own sons whom they had just left, and who now stood upon the bank to say perhaps a last good-by. But how transitory are all the most solemn impressions of death ! Ter minutes later a company of soldiers appeared for a trip down the river to Stevensport to bag, if possible, the squad of Rebels which had been prowling about the town of Stevensport. They came on board with a hurrah, and made the welkin ring with the " Red, White, and Blue." It was a pleasure to them to leave the hateful place even for a night, and be in active service. BALTIMORE IN 1861. 76 THE BOYS OF '61. fFeb CHAPTER VI. THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE. At last the Rebel lines were broken. Commodore Foote had opened a gateway to the heart of the Confederacy by the cap- ture of Fort Henry on the 6th of February. While up Green River I learned of the intended movement, and hastened to bo present, but was delayed between Evansville and Paducah, and was not in season to see the engagement. Late on the Friday evening after I saw Commodore Foote in Cairo. He had just returned from Fort Henry. " Can you favor me with an account of the affair ? " I asked. " It will give me great pleasure to do so after I have pre- pared my despatches for Washington," he replied. It was past midnight when he came to my room. He sat down, and leaned back wearily in his chair. But soon recov- ering his usual energy, gave the full details of the action. He had prepared his instructions to his crews several days be- fore the battle, and upon mature thought, saw nothing to change. To the commanders and crews he said, that it was very necessary to success that they should keep cool. He desired them to fire with deliberate aim, and not to attempt rapid firing, for four reasons, viz. that with rapid firing there was always a waste of ammunition ; tliat their range would be wild ; that the enemy would be encouraged unless the fire was effectual ; that it was desirable not to heat the guns. With these instructions he led his fleet up the narrow chan nel under cover of Fine Island, thus avoiding long-range shot from the rifled guns which it was known the enemy had in position to sweep the main channel. He steamed slow, to allow the troops time to gain their position. He visited each vessel and gave personal directions. He took his own position in the pilot-house of the Cincinnati. The St. 1862.] THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE. 77 Louis was on his right hand and the Carondelet and Essex were on his left, with the Tyler, Connestoga, and Lexington in rear. There is an island a mile and a quarter below the fort. When the head of the island was reached the boats came into line and were witlihi easy range. " Do just as I do," was his last order to the commanders. The Cincinnati opened, and the other vessels were quick to follow the Commodore's example. " I had a definite purpose in view," said he, " to take the fort at all hazards. It was necessary for the success of the cause. We have had disaster upon disaster, and I intended, God helping me, to win a victory. It made me feel bad when I saw the Essex drop out of the line, but I know that the fort could n't stand it much longer. 1 should have opened my broadsides in a minute or two, if Tilghman had not surren- dered, and that I knew would settle the question. We were not more than four hundred yards distant." He said that when the Essex dropped behind the Rebels set up a tremendous cheer, and redoubled their fire ; but being excited their aim was bad. " There is nothing like keeping perfectly cool in battle," said he. " When Tilghman came into my cabin," said the Commo- dore, " he asked for terms, but I informed him that his surren- der must be final." " Well, sir, if I must surrender, it gives me pleasure to sur render to so brave an officer as you," said Tilghman. " You do perfectly right to surrender, sir ; but I should no* have surrendered on any condition." " Why so V I do not understand you-" " Because I was fully determined to capture the fort or go to the bottom." The Rebel general opened his eyes at this remark, but re- plied, " I thought I had you, Commodore, but you were too much for me." " But how could you fight against the old flag ? " " Well, it did come hard at first ; but if the North had only let us alone there would have been no trouble. But they would not abide by the Constitution." 78 THE BOYS OF '61. [PeD. " You are mistaken, sir. The North has maintained all of her Constitutional obligations. You of the South have per- jured yourselves. I talked to him faithfully," said the zealous officer. The Commodore was now nervously restless, but said : " 1 never slept better in my life than I did the night before going into the battle, and I never prayed more fervently than I did yesterday morning, that God would bless the undertaking, and he has signally answered my prayer. I don't deserve it, but I trust that I shall be grateful for it. But I could n't sleep last night for thinking of those poor fellows on board the Essex, who were wounded and scalded. I told the surgeons to do everything possible for them. Poor fellows ! I must go and see that they arc well cared for." It was one o'clock in the morning, yet exhausted as he was, he went to see that the sufferers were having every possible attention. This was on Saturday morning ; the next day he went to church as usual. The minister was not there, and after wait- ing awhile the audience one by one began to drop off, where- upon Commodore Foote entered the pulpit, and conducted the exercises, reading the fourteenth chapter of John's Gospel, and addressed the congregation, urging sinners to repentance, pic- turing the unspeakable love of Christ, and the rewards which await the righteous, and closing the services by a fervent prayer. It was as unostentatious as all his other acts, under- taken with a dutiful desire to benefit those about him, and to glorify God. That was his aim in life. The Rebel troops which were in and around Fort Henry fled in dismay soon after the opcnhig of the bombardment, leaving all their camp equipage. In the barracks the camp-fires were still blazmg, and dinners cooking, when our troops entered. Books, letters half written, trunks, carpet-bags, knives, pistols, were left behind, and were eagerly seized by the soldiers, who rent the air with shouts of laughter, mingled with the cheers of victory. Although not present, a letter fell into my hands written by a father in Mississippi to his sons, which gives an insight into tlie condition of affairs in the Confederacy at that time : — 1862. j THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN Dm TENNESSEE. 79 "Bear Creek, Miss., Dec. 16, 1861. •• To MT DEAR BOTS SaMMIE AND ThOMAS : — " Aftor a long silence I will tell you some little news. I told C. D Moore to tell you that paper was very scarce in this wooden world. I went to Vaidere to get this, and was glad to get it at 50 cents per quire. " The health of our country is pretty good. Crops are very short ; corn and cotton —7 especially cotton — not quite half a crop, though it does n't matter, as we can't get any money for it. For my part I know not what we are to do. I have n't a red cent. My intention now is to plant only about eight acres in cotton ; that will make enough to buy or barter my groceries. I fear, my children, we will not live to see as prosperous a time after this revolution as there was before it. I often think of the language of our Saviour : ' Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani,' — My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ? I verily believe all this calamity has come upon us for our wickedness. Religion is down like cotton, — not worth much; and by the actions of good brethren it might be bought for a mere trifle, though if we were to judge from its sparseness, like salt, it would be worth $ 40 per sack. " my God, what will become of us ? Go, if you please, to the churchyard, and you will hear nothing but secular affairs and war, war! Dull times everywhere. Money scarce; pork high, — 10 to 12^ cents per pound; salt the same; coffee $1.50 per pound, and none to be had at that ; calico 30 to 50 cents per yard ; domestics 20 to 25 cents per yard; sugar 6 to 12^ cents ; molasses 30 to 40 cents, and everything in the same ratio." The capture of Fort Donelson and the troops defending It, was the first great achievement of the Union armies. The affair at Mill Spring, and the taking of Roanoke Island by Burnside, were important, but minor engagements when com- pared with the breaking in of the Rebel Ime of defence on the Cumberland and Tennessee. The fighting on Saturday, the last day of the series of battles, was desperate and bloody. The ground on the right in the morning, when the Rebelis moved out and overwhelmed McCIernand, was hotly contest- ed. Grant's lines were so extended and necessarily thin that the Rebels were enabled to push McCIernand back nearly two miles. This was done by Pillow and Bushrod Johnson, who gained McCIernand' s flank. Buckner, however, who was to strike McClernand's left, was slow in advancing Had he 80 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. moved as rapidly as the other divisions, McClernand would have been utterly routed. It was then that W. H. L. Wallace, of Illi- nois, showed his great military ability. He had been in the Mexican war, was courageous, and had that power of presence which made every man feel that he was under the eye of his commander. Then, too. General Logan animated his men, and held them in close contact with the Rebels till wounded. The charge of General C. F. Smith's division on the left, in the afternoon of Saturday, was sublime. General Smith was an old soldier, who had served in Mexico. His hair was long and white, and as he rode along his lines, making arrangements fbr the advance, he was the most conspicuous of all men on the field. He paid no heed to the rifle and musket balls which were singing about his ears ; he sat firmly on his horse. "When his lines were ready, he led them, with his cap on the point of his sword. It was sunset or nearly that hour, when his division moved to the attack of the outer works, at the southwest angle of the fort. There was a steady advance through an open field, — a rush up the hill, — a cheer, — the rout of Hanson's brigade of Rebels, the Second Kentucky, Twentieth Mississippi, and Thirtieth Tennessee, — a long, loud shout of triumph, min- gled with the roar of cannon, and the rolls of musketry from the fort, pouring upon them a concentrated fire ! The scene at Donelson on Sunday morning, the day of sur- render, was exceedingly exhilarating, — the marching in of the notorious divisions, — the bands playing, their flags waving, the cheers of the troops, — the gunboats firing a salute, — the immense flotilla of river steamboats gayly decorated ! The New Uncle Sam was the boat on which General Grant had established his head-quarters. The Uncle Sam, at a signal from Commodore Foote, ranged ahead, came alongside one of the gunboats, and, followed by all the fleet, steamed up river past Fort Donelson, thick with Confederate soldiers, — past the intrenched camp of log-huts, past a school-house on a hill, above which waved the hospital flag, — and on to Dover, the gunboats thundering a national salute the while. A warp was thrown ashore, the plank run out. I sprang ap the bank, and mingled among the disconsolate creatures, — 1862.] THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEK 83 a care-worn, haggard, melancholy crowd which stood upon the heights above. They all told one story, claiming that they had fought well ; that we outnumbered them ; that there was a dis- agreement among their officers ; that we had got General Buck- ner ; that Floyd and Pillow had escaped ; that Floyd had taken four regiments of his brigade ; that there were four steamers ; that they went off crowded with soldiers, the guards sunk to the water's edge. The town of Dover is the county seat of Stewart, and a point where tlie farmers ship their produce. It is a straggling village on uneven ground, and contains perhaps five hundred inhabi- tants. There are a few buildings formerly used for stores, a doctor's office, a dilapidated church, a two-story square brick court-house, and a half-dozen decent dwellings. But the place had suffered greatly while occupied by the Secession forces. Nearly every building was a hospital. Trees had been cut down, fences burned, windows broken, and old buildings demolished for fuel. We came upon a squad of soldiers hovering around a fire. Some were wrapped in old patched bedquilts which had cov- ered them at home. Some had white blankets, made mostly Df cotton. Others wore briglit booking, which had evidently Deen furnished from a merchant's stock. One had a faded piece of threadbare carpet. Their guns were stacked, their equipments thrown aside, cartridge-boxes, belts, and ammuni- tion trampled in the mud. There were shot-guns, single and double-barreled, old heavy rifles, flint-lock muskets of 1828, some of them altered into percussion locks, with here and there an Enfield rifle. A few steps brought me to the main landing, where the Con federate stores were piled, and from which Floyd made his escape. The gunboats were lying off the landing, and a por- tion of McClernand's division was on the hills beyond, the stars and stripes and the regimental banners waving, and the bands playing. Away up on the hill Taylor's battery was firing a national salute. There were sacks of corn, tierces of rice, sides of bacon, barrels of flour, hogsheads of sugar, sufficient for several days' rations. Then there was a dense crowd of Secessionists, evi- 6 82 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. dently the rabble, or the debris of the army, belonging to all regiments. Some were sullen, some indifferent, some evidently felt a sense of relief, mingled with their apprehensions for the future. Among them were squads of our own soldiers, with smiling faces, feeling very much at home, but manifesting no disposition to add to the unhappiness of the captured. General McClernand's division had marched down to the outskirts of the village, and was keeping guard. A private ran into the court-house and threw the flag of the Union to the breeze from the belfry. Soldiers of our army were inspect- ing the shops of the place. In the basement of a store was the Confederate arsenal. There were piles of rifles, old shot-guns, many of them ticketed with the owner's name. There were many hunter's rifles, which had done good service in other days among the mountains and forests of Tennessee, but, for use in battle, of but little account. In another building was the Commissary department. There were hogsheads of sugar, barrels of rice, boxes of abominable soap, and a few barrels of flour. Later in the day we saw soldiers luxuriating like children in the hogsheads of sugar. Many a one filled his canteen with New Orleans molasses and his pockets with damp brown sugar. Looking into a store we found a squad of soldiers taking things of no earthly use. One had a looking-glass under his arm, one a paper of files, another several brass candlesticks, one a package of bonnets. The Mississippians and Texans were boiling over with rage against Floyd and Pfllow for having deserted them. " Floyd always was a d — d thief and sneak," said one. Just before sunset we took a ramble through the grounds and encampments of the Rebels, who were falling mto line preparatory to embarking upon the steamers. Standing on a hill beyond the village, we had at one view almost all their force. Hogarth never saw such a sight ; Shakespeare, in his conceptions of Falstaff 's tatterdemalions, could not have imag- ined the like, — not that they were deficient in intellect, or wanting in courage, for among them were noble men, brave fellows, who shed tears when they found they were prisoners of war, and who swore with round oaths that they would shoot BMoyd as they would a dog, if they could get a chance, but that 1862.] THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE. 83 for grotesque appearance they were never equalled, except by the London bagmen and chiffoniers of Paris. There were all sorts of uniforms, brown-colored predominat- ing, as if they were in the snuff business and had been rolled in tobacco-dust. There was sheep gray, iron gray, blue gray, dirty gray, with bed blankets, quilts, buffalo-robes, pieces of carpeting of all colors and figures, for blankets. Each had his pack on his shoulder. Judging by their garments, one would have thought that the last scrapings, the odds and ends of hu- manity and of dry goods, had been brought together. The formal surrender of the fort took place in the cabin of the New Uncle Sam in the evening. Buckner sat on one side of the table and General Grant on the other. Buckner was attended by two of his staff. The Rebel commander was in the prime of life, although his hair had turned iron gray. He wd-^ of medium stature, having a low forehead and thin checks, wore a moustache and meagre whiskers. He had on a light-blue kersey overcoat and a checked neckcloth. He was smoking a cigar, and talking in a low, quiet tone. He evidently felt that he was in a humiliating position, but his deportment was such as to command respect when contrasted with the course of Floyd and Pillow. His chief of staff sat by his side. Buckner freely gave information relative to his positions, his forces, their disposition, and his intentions. He expected to escape, and claimed that the engagements on Saturday wore all in favor of the Confederates. No opprobrious words wore used by any one. No discussions entered into. He asked for subsistence for his men, and said that he had only two days' provisions on hand. He had favors to ask for some of his wounded officers, all of which were readily acceded to by Gen- eral Grant, who was very much at ease, smoking a cigar, and conducting the business with dignity, yet with despatch. The prisoners were taken on board of the transports, the men on the lower deck, and the officers having the freedom of the boat. The saloons and cabins, berths and state-rooms were filled with the wounded of both armies. " The conditions of the surrender have been most shame- fully violated," said a tall, dark-haired, black-eyed Mississippi colonel, on board the Belle of Memphis. 84 THE BOYS OF 'Gi. [Feb " How so ? " I asked. " It was agreed that we should be treated like gentlemen, but the steward of the boat won't let us have seats at the table. He charges us a half-dollar a meal, and refuses Confederate money." "Well, sir, you fare no worse than the rest of us. I paid for a state-room, but the surgeon turned me out and put in a wounded man, which was all riglit and proper, and at which 1 have no complaint to make, and I shall think myself well off if I can get hard-tack." While conversing with him, a Mississippi captain came up, — a tall, red- whiskered, tobacco-chewing, ungainly fellow, with a swaggering air. " This is d — d pretty business. They talk of reconstructing the Union, and begin by rejecting our money. T don't get anything to eat," he said. I directed his attention to a barrel of bacon and several boxes of bread which had been opened for the prisoners, and from which they were helping themselves. He turned away in disgust, saying, — "Officers are to be treated according to their rank, — like gentlemen, — and I'll be d — d if I don't pitch in and give somebody a licking ! " Some of the officers on board conducted themselves with perfect decorum. One young physician gave his services to our wounded. Although Commodore Foote had been wounded in the gun- boat attack upon the fort, he intended to push up the river to Nashville, and intercept General Albert Sidney Johnston, who he knew must be falling back from Bowling Green, but he was stopped by a despatch from General Halleck to General Grant. " Don't let Foote go up the river." The gunboats could have reached Nashville in eight hours. Floyd and Pillow, who made their escape from Donelson at sun- rise, reached the city before noon, while the congregations were in the churches. Had Commodore Foote followed he would have been in the city by three o'clock, holding the bridges, patrolling the rivers, and cutting off Johnston's retreat, Buell had between thirty and forty thousand men, Johnston less than twenty. On the heel of tlie demoralization incident to the 1862. J THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE. 85 rout at Mill Springs, Fort Henry, and the loss at Donelson, the entire Rebel army in the West could have been destroyed, but for the dictation of General Halleck, sitting in the planter's house five hundred miles distant. " Had I been permitted to carry out my intention we should have put an end to the rebellion in the West," said Commo- dore Foote. General Halleck had endeavored to enforce his order No. 3, «?xcluding negroes from his lines, but before daybreak on Sun- day morning at Donelson a negro entered the lines, having made his way out from Dover, past the Rebel pickets. He reported that the Rebels were fleeing. Some of the officers suggested that he was sent out to lure Grant into a trap, and proposed to tie him up and give him a whipping. " You may hang me, shoot me, do anything to me, if it a'n't as I tell you," was his earnest reply. One hour later came the Rebel flag of truce from Buckner, asking for the appointment of Commissioners ; but the infor- mation already obtained enabled Grant to reply : " I propose to move immediately upon your works." The negro was a slave, who entered the Union lines in search of freedom, — that which his soul most longed for. General Grant did not exclude him. Like a sensible man, he took no action in the matter, gave no directions as to what should be done with him. The slave being at liberty to decide for himself, took passage on a transport for Cairo. The steamer stopped at a landing for wood, when the slave was recognized by some of the citizens, who said that he belonged to a Union man, and demanded that he should be put ofi" the boat. The captain of the steamer was inclined to accede to their demands ; but Jie officers on board, knowing what service he had ren- dered, informed the captain that he need not be under any apprehensions of arrest by civil process, as martial law was in force. They kept the negro under their protection, and gave him his liberty, thus setting at defiance General Halleck and his pro-slavery order. A great many negroes came into the lines, and were welcomed by the soldiers. Among them was a boy, black as anthracite, with large, lustrous eyes, and teeth as white as purest ivory. 8b THE ROYS OF '61. [Marcn, He was thirteen years old, borji in Kentucky, but ibr several years had lived near Dover. His master, he said, was a gentle- man, owned twenty-four slaves. He had on a greasy shirt of snuff-colored jean, the genuine negro cloth, such as one half the Southern army was compelled to wear. His slouched hat was tipped back upon his head, showing a countenance indica- tive of intelligence. " Well, my boy, what is your name ? " I asked. " Dick, massa." " Where do you live ? " " About fourteen miles from Dover, massa, up near de roUin' mill." " Is your master a Secessionist ? " " He was Secesh, massa, but he be Union now." This was correct testimony, the master appearing with great boldness at General Grant's head-quarters to let it be known he was for the Union. "■ Are you a slave, Dick ? " " I was a slave, but 1 's free now ; 1 's 'fiscated." " Where were you when the fight was going on at Fort Don- elson ? " " At lioiue ; but when massa found de fort was took lie started us all off for de Souf, but we got away and come down to Dover, and was 'fiscated." The master was a Secessionist till his twenty-four chattels, which he was trying to run South, became perverse and veered to the North Avith much flcctncss. Not only were these twenty- four started South, but ten times twenty-four, from the vicinity of Dover, and an hundred times twenty-four from Clarkesvillc, Nashville, and all along the Cumberland. When Donelson fell, the edifice of the Secessionists became very shaky in one corner. Columbus was occupied on the 5th of March, the Rebels retiring to Island No. 10. Visiting the post-office, I secured several bushels of Southern newspapers, which revealed a state of general gloom and despondency throughout the Confeder- acy. Inspired by the events of 1861, — the battles of Bull Run, Belmont, and other engagements, — the Southern muse had struck its lyre. 1862.] THE 0PP:NING of the campaign in TENNESSEE. 87 The battle of Belmont had kindled a poetic flame in the breast of Jo. Augustine Signaigo, in the Memphis Appeal. The opening stanza is as follows : — •' Now glory to our Southern cause, and praises be to God, That He hath met the Southron's foe, and scourged him with his rod ; On the tented plains of Belmont, there in their might the Vandals cam*;. And gave unto Destruction all they found, with sword and ilame; But they met a stout resistance from a little band that day, Who Bwore that they would conquer, or return to mother clay." After a description of the fight, we have the following warn- iig in the tenth stanza : — '• Let the horrors of this day to the foe a warning be, That the Lord is with tlie South, that His arm is with the free; That her soil is pure and spotless as her clear and sunny sky. And he who dare pollute it on her soil shall basely die ; "''or His fiat hath gone forth, e'en among the Hessian horde, That the South has got His blessing, for the South is of the Lord." The New Orleans Picayune had an " Ode on the Meeting of the Southern Congress, by Henry Timrod," which opened in the following lofty lines : — " Hath not the morning dawned with added light I And will not evening call another star Out of the infinite regions of the night To mark this day in Heaven ? At last, we are A nation among nations ; and the world Shall soon behold, in many a distant port. Another flag unfurled I " This poet gave the following contrast between the North ana Soutli : — " Look where we will, we cannot find a ground For any mournful song ! Call up the clashing elements around, And test the right and wrong ! On one side, — pledges broken, creeds that lie, Religion sunk in vague philosophy ; Empty professions ; Pharisaic leaven ; Souls that would sell their birth-right in the sky ; Philanthropists wlio pass the beggar by, And laws wliich controvert the laws of Heaven I And, on tlie other, first, a righteous cause 1 Tlien, honor without flaws, " Cruth, Bible reverence, charitable wealth, 88 THE BOYS OF '61. [March, And for the poor and humble, laws which give Not the mean right to buy the right to live, But life, home and health. To doubt the issue were distrust in God ! If in his providence He had decreed That, to the peace for which we pray. Through the Red Sea of War must lie our way, Doubt not, O brothers, we shall find at need A Moses with his rod ! " The Vicksburg Citizen had thirty stanzas rehearsing the events of the year 1861. Two or three selections will be suf ficient to show that the muse halted a little now and then • — " Last year's holidays had scarcely passed, Before momentous events came thick and fast ; Mississippi on the 9th of January went out. Determined to stand strong, firm and stout. " Major Anderson would not evacuate Sumter, "When Gen. Beauregard made him surrender, — And sent him home to his abolition master, Upon a trot, if not a little faster. " Then Old Abe Lincoln got awful mad. Because his luck had turned out so bad ; And he grasped his old-fashioned steel pen, And ordered out seventy-five thousand men. " May the Almighty smile on our Southern race. May Liberty and Independence grow apace. May our Liberties this year be achieved. And our distress and sorrow graciously relieved." The bombardment of Island No. 10 commenced on the 9tb of March, and continued nearly a month. General Pope mov- ing overland, captured New Madrid, planted his guns, and had the Rebel steamboats in a trap. The naval action of March 17th was grand beyond description. The mortars were in full play. The Cincinnati, Benton, and St. Louis were lashed together, and anchored with their bows down stream. The Carondelet and Mound City were placed in position to give a cross-fire with the other three, while the Pittsburg was held in reserve. It was past one o'clock in the afternoon of as beautiful a 1862.J THE OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE. 89 day as ever dawned upon the earth, when a ball of bunting went up to the top of the Benton's flagstaff, and fluttered out into the battle signal. Then came a flash, a belching of smoke from her bows, a roar and reverberation rolling far away, — a screaming in the air, a tossing up of earth and an explosion in the Rebel works. The highest artistic skill cannot portray the scene of that afternoon, — the flashes and flames, — the great white clouds, mounting above the boats, and floating majestically away over the dark gray forests, — the mortars throwing up vast columns of sulphurous cloud, which widen, expand, and roll forward in fantastic folds, — the shells one after another in swift succession rising, rotating, rushing upward and onward, sailing a thou- sand feet high, their course tracking a light gossamer trail, which becomes a beautiful parabola, and then the terrific ex- plosion, — a flash, a handful of cloud, a strange whirring of the ragged fragments of iron hurled upwards, outwards, and downwards, crashing through the forests ! I was favored with a position on the Silver Wave steamer, lying just above the Benton, her wheels slowly turning to keep her in position to run down and help the gunboats if by chance they were disabled. The Rebel batteries on the main- land and on the Island, the Rebel steamers wandenng up and down like rats in a cage, were in full view. With my glass I could see all that took place in and around the nearest battery. Columns of water were thrown up by the shot from the gun- boats, like the first gush from the hose of a steam fire-engine, which falls in rainbow-colored spray. There were little splashes in the stream when the fragments of shell dropped from the sky. Round shot skipped along the surface of the river, tear- ing through the Rebel works, filling the air with sticks, timbers, earth, and branches of trees, as if a thunderbolt had fallen. There were explosions followed by volumes of smoke rising from the ground like the mists of a summer morning. There was a hissing, crackling, and thundering explosion in front and rear and overhead. But there were plucky men in the fort, who at intervals came out from their bomb-proof, and sent back a defiant answer. There was a flash, a volume of smoke, a hissing as if a flying fiery serpent were sailing through the 90 THE BOYS OF '61. [Marcn, dir, growing louder, clearer, nearer, more fearful and terrific, crashing into the Benton, tearing up the iron plating, cutting off beams, splintering planks, smashing the crockery in the pautry, and breaking up the Admiral's writing-desk. " Howling and screeching and whizzing, The bomb-sheUs arched on high, And then, like fiery meteors, Dropped swiftly from the sky." All through the sunny hours, till evening, the gunb';ats maintained their position. While around the bright flashes, clouds of smoke, and heavy thunderings brought to mind the gorgeous imagery of Revelation, descriptive of the last judg- ment. While the bombardment was at its height, I received a pack- age of letters, intrusted to my care. There was one post- marked from a town in Maine, directed to a sailor on the St. Louis. Jumping on board a tug, which was conveying ammu- nition to the gunboats, I visited the vessel to distribute the letters. A gun had burst during the action, killing and wound- ing several of the crew. It was a sad scene. There were the dead, — two of them killed instantly, and one of them the brave fellow from Maine. Captain Paulding opened the letter, and found it to be from one who had confided to the noble sailor her heart's affections, — who was looking forward to the time when the war would be over, and they would be happy together as husband and wife. " Poor girl ! I shall have to write her sad news," said the captain. Day after day and night after night the siege was kept up, till it grew exceedingly monotonous. I became so accustomed to the pounding that, though the thirteen-inch mortars were not thirty rods distant from my quarters, I was not wakened by the tremendous explosions. Commodore Foote found it very difficult to fight down stream, as the water was very high, flooding all the country. Colonel Bissell, of General Pope's army, proposed the cutting of a canal through the woods, to enable the gunboats to reach New Madrid. It was an Her- culean undertaking, A light-draft transport was rigged for 1862.] IHK OPENING OF THE CAMPAIGN TN TENNESSEE. 91 the enterprise. Macliincry was attached to the donkey-engine of the steamer by which immense cotton-wood trees were sawed off four feet nnder water. Tliere was sometliing very enchanting in tlie operation, — to steam out from tlio main river, over corn-fields and pasture lands, into the dark forests, threading a narrow and intricate channel, across the country, — past the Rebel batteries. A transport was taken through, and a tug-boat, but the channel was not deep enough for the gunboats. Captain Stembcl, commanding the Benton, — a brave and comi)etent officer, Commodore Foote's right-hand man, — pro- posed to run the batteries by night to New Madrid, capture the Rebel steamer which Pope had caught in a trap, then turn- ing head up stream take the Rebel batteries in reverse. The Commodore hesitated. He was cautious as well as brave. At length he accepted the plan, and sent the Pittsburg and Caron- delet past the batteries at night. It was a bold undertaking, but accomplishea without damage to the gunboats. Tlie cur- rent was swift and strong, and they went with the speed of I race-horse. Their presence at New Madrid was hailed with joy by the troops. Four steamboats had worked their way through the canal. A regiment was taken on board each boat. The Rebels had a battery on the other side of the river at Watr son's Landing, which was speedily silenced by the two gun- boats. The troops landed, and under General Paine drove the Rebels from their camp, who fled in confusion, throwing away their guns, knapsacks, and clothing. General Pope sent over the balance of his troops, and with his whole force moved upon General Mackall, the Rebel com- mander, who surrendered his entire command, consisting of nearly seven thousand prisoners, one hundred and twenty three guns, and an immense amount of supplies. Tlie troops of General Paine's brigade came across a farm yard which was well stocked with poultry, and helj)cd them- selves. Tlie farmer's wife visited the General's head-quarters to enter a complaint. "They are stealing all my chickens, General! I sha'iTt have one left," she exclaimed, excitedly. 92 THE BOYS OF '61. [March, " I am exceedingly borry, lua'ani," said the General, with great courtesy ; " but we are going to put down the rebellion if it takes every chicken in the State of Tennessee ! " The woman retired, evidently regarding the Yankees as a race of vandals. KA^V 'Al',.^^I^^^J'.h Ivh.h Ct; KKS lH(i±] PITTSBURG LANDING. FOBT PILLOW. AND MEMPHIS. 9v1 CHAPTER VII. PITTSBURG LANDING, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPHIS. The battle of Pittsburg Landing, or Shiloh as it is some- times called, was fought on the Gth and 7th of April. It was a contest which has scarcely been surpassed for manhood, pluck, endurance, and heroism. In proportion to the numbers en gaged the loss in killed and wounded was as great as that of any battle of the war. The disasters to the Rebel cause in Ten nessee moved Davis to hurry reinforcements to Corinth, which was the new base of Johnston's operations. Beauregard was sent into the department. He had the reputation of being a great conmiander, because he commanded the Rebel batteries in the attack on Sumter, and liad received the glory of winning the victory ai Bull Run. Time is the test of honor. Men, like the stars, have their hours of rising and setting. He was in the zenith of his fame. Albert Sydney Johnston was still in command, but he was induced to move from Corinth to Pittsburg Landing and attack Grant before Buell, who was slowly moving across the country from Nashville, could join him. Buell marched with great deliberation. He even gave ex- press orders that there should be six miles' space between the divisions of his army. The position at Pittsburg Landing was chosen by General Smith, as behig a convenient base for a movement upon Corinth. It had some natural advantages for defence, — Lick Creek and a ravine above the Landing, — but nothing was done towards erecting barricades or breastworks. There are writers who maintain that the attack of the Rebels was expected ; but if expected, would not prudence have dic- tated the slashing of trees, the erection of breastworks, and a regular disposition of the forces ? On Friday and Saturdaj the Rebel cavalry appeared in our front, but were easily driven back towavds Corinth. 94 THE BOYS OF '61. L^P^^i^s Nothing was done towards strengthening the line ; no orders wero issued in anticipation of a battle till the pickets were attacked on Sunday morning, while the troops were cooking their coffee, and while many of the officers were in bed. Pittsburg is the nearest point to Corinth on the river. The road winds up the bank, passes along the edge of a deep ravine, leading southwest. It forks a half-mile from the Landing, the left-hand path leading to Hamburg up the river, and the main road leading to Shiloh Church, four miles from the Landing. The accompanying sketch of the church was taken the week after the battle, with the head-quarter tents of General Sherman around it. I+;S architecture is exceedingly primitive. It is a fair type of the inertness of the people of that region at the time. It is about twenty-five or thirty feet square, built of logs, without pulpit or pews, with rude benches for seats. Once it was chinked with clay, but the rains have washed oui the mortar, and the wind comes in through all the crevices. It is thoroughly ventilated. It would make a good corn-crib for an Illinois farmer, A brook meanders through the forest, furnishing water for the worshipping assemblies. South of the church, and across the brook, is a clearing, — an old farm-house where Beauregard wrote his despatch to Jeff Davis on Sunday night, announcing a great victory. There are other little clearings, which have been long under cultivation. The people were too indolent to make new openings in the forest, where centuries of mould had accumulated. The country was but little further advanced than when Daniel Boone passed through the Cumberland Gap. Civilization came and made a beginning ; but the blight of slav- ery was there. How the tillage and culture of New England or Ohio would crown those swells of land with sheaves of grain ! What corn and clover fields, pastures of honeysuckle, gardens of roses ! Within four miles of one of the most beautiful rivers in the world, — in a country needing only industry to make it a paradise, — the mourning dove filled the air with its plaintive notes in the depths of an almost unbroken forest, while the few people, shiftless and destitute of the comforts of civiliza- tion, knew no better tlian to fight against their own best in- terests. 1862.] PITTSBURG LANDING, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPHIS. 96 The majority of the poor whites of the South are very igno- rant. Few of them have ever attended school. In Tennessee, by the census of 1850, there were more than seventy thousand native-born American adults who could not read. Not one half of the prisoners captured at Donelson could read or write. While the army was lying before Corinth, I visited a Missis- sippi school-house, — u log building chiuked with mud, covered with long split oak shingles. It had a huge fireplace, built of stones, and a chimney laid up with sticks and mud. There were openings for two windows, but frames, sash, and glass all were wanting. There was no floor but the beaten earth, — no desks. Stakes were driven into the ground, upon which slabs of oak were laid for seats. The teacher's desk was a large dry-goods box. The State of North Carolina, with a white population ot five Inmdred and fifty-tlu-ee thousand, had eighty thousand native whites, o^er twenty years of age, who had never at- tended school. In the State of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, aud Alabama, iive States having a population of two million six hundred and seventy thousand, there were two hundred aud sixty-two thousand native-born Americans, over twenty years of ago, uuable to read or write ! It will be no easy matter to awakeu aspirations in the minds of this class. They liave been so long inert, so long taught to believe that labor is degrading, that rapid progress of Southern society cannot be expected immediately, unless emigration in- fuses a new vitality into the community. Ignorance was on the hicrease throughout the South. Public schools were of little value where they existed, and the county was so sparsely settled in many places there were not scholars enough to form one. The school fund arising from the sale of public lands was often appropriated to other uses. In Arkan sas it had been squandered by worthless officials. Tlie planters and wealtliy larmcrs employed teachers in their families. Be- fore the war, thousands of young ladies from the North were thus engaged. They sat at the planter's tab'e aud associated with his daughters ; but, however inteUigeut, refined, or agree • able they might be, they were not admitted as their equals in society. Such teaching as they received, although the teacher 96 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, might be Mthful, was of little account. The children, proud and haughty, daily hearing of the inferiority of the people of the North, were not always disposed to receive instruction, much less to submit to correction, at the hands of a " Yankee schoolma'am." To be chivalrous, courteous, high-minded, and generous toward woman has ever been the boast of the men of the South ; but, during the months immediately preceding the outbreak of the Rebellion, insulting and abusive language was freely uttered in the presence of Northern ladies. There was rudeness not only of language, but in some instances of action. The young bloods of the aristocracy, learning to crow as they heard the old cocks, not unfrequently rose in rebellion against the authority of the teacher. Es*pecially was this the case with teachers employed in the public schools. A Yan kee schoolmaster or schoolmistress was one who could be in- sulted with impunity ; and so bitter was the hatred, that, weeks befoxe the first gun was fired at Sumter, Northern teachers were forced to leave their schools and retire from the Confed- eracy. To General Sherman more than to any division commander is credit due for the victory at Pittsburg Landing. When the first volley of musketry reverberated through the forest on Sun- day morning he leaped into his saddle. He was conspicuous e'p'erywhere, riding along the lines regardless of the bullets which riddled his clothes. Early in the battle he was wounded in the wrist, but wrapping a bandage round his arm, continued in the field. Three horses were shot under him. He was a conspicuous mark for the Rebel riflemen. His fearless example was inspiring to the men. And so through the long hours of the day he was able to hold his position by the church, till the giving way of Prentiss and Hurlburt, nearer the river, made it necessary to fall back. Here Grant first exhibited those quali- ties of character which have made him the great military com mander of the age. " We will beat them yet. They can't pass this ravine," were his words of encouragement as he selected the final line, leading to the landing. The contest was virtu- ally decided at five o'clock on Sunday afternoon, when Breck- enridge attempted to cross the gorge near the river and was liurled back wilu great loss. Johnston and Beauregard made A MISSISSIPPI SCHOOLHOUSB. 1862.] PITTSBUKG LANDING, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPfflS. 97 a great mistake in attacking at a point within reach of tho gunboats. Had they come in on the Purdy road, between Shiloh Church and Crump's Landing, in all human probability there would have been a far different record for the his- torians of the future. Had they attacked northwest of the church instead of south of it, they would have taken Grant in reverse, and forced him to change the whole front of his army ; they would have had no ravine to cross, would have been beyond reach of the gunboats, and would have stood a fair chance of cutting off Lewis Wallace, who was at Crump's Landing, from all connection with the main army. The defeat of the Rebels was decisive, and yet Beauregard sent the following despatch to Richmond : — " Corinth, April 8th, 1863. •* To THE SeCRBTAKT OF WaB AT RICHMOND : " We have gained a great and glorious victory. Eight to ten thou- sand prisoners, and thirty-six pieces of cannon. Buell reinforced Grant, and we retired to our entrenchments at Corinth, which we can hold. Loss heavy on both sides. " BEAUREGARD." On the same day he sent a flag of truce to General Grant with tho following message, also asking leave to bury the Confeder- ate dead : — " Sir, at the close of the conflict yesterday, my forces being exhausted by the extraordinary length of the time during which they were en gaged with yours on that and the preceding day, and it being apparent that you had received and were still receiving reinforcement, I felt it my duty to withdraw my troops from the immediate scene of the con- flict." From Shiloh to the close of the war, Beauregard's popularity was on the wane, and the Southern people lost confidence in him. I was at Island No. 10 when the battle was fought, but joined the army the week after. As the army moved towards Corinth, there was abundant evidence that the defeat of the Rebels was most disastrous, — that their retreat was hasty. Blankets, knapsacks, haversacks, here and there muskets, wagons, one overturned in a slough, one with its tongue broken, tents, harnesses, oats, corn, flour, tent-poles, were confusedly scattered along the way. The car- 7 98 THE BOYS OF '61 [April, casses of dead horses tainted the air. There were piles of earth newly heaped above those who died from their wounds. They fled in a fright on Monday night. I came unexpectedly upon a little log-hut, on a by-path leading toward Monterey. Two of McCook's cavalry rode up in advance of me. A widow woman, middle aged, with a little girl and two little boys occupied it. She kindly gave me a drink of water, and informed me that there were three Confederate wounded in the other room. 1 looked in upon them for a moment. Suffering hud wasted them, and they had no disposition to talk of the past or the future. The good woman had been kind to them, but she had 'een a great deal of sorrow. On Monday night one hundred wounded were brought to her house. Her two horses had been seized by the Rebels, her corn eaten, and no equivalent returned. She conversed unreservedly ; deplored the war, and wished it over. There were seven new-made graves in her garden, and in her dooryard a heap of cinders and ashes, and charred brands, — fragments of wagons and tent-poles. On the upper Corinth road fifty wounded were lying, cared for by our surgeons. I recall some of the scenes of the movement upon Corinth. Here is an open forest, undulating land with little or no under- brush ; thousands of wagons, all plodding on, not in slow, easy motion, but by fits and starts, with cutting, slashing, shouting, swearing, a chorus of profanity resounding through the forests. A mule sticks fast ; he tumbles ; his mate falls upon him. The drivers become enraged ; then follows a general melee, a long halt, frantic attempts to start again, an unloading and reloading. Other trains in the rear, tired of waiting, turn to the right or left, perhaps to pass the little slough safely, only to meet with a similar mishap ten rods farther along. A battery struggles along, with twelve horses attached to a single piece of artillery. The entire forest is cut up by passing teams. Mingled with the thousands of wagons are regiments. They, too, are in con- fusion. Buell's and Grant's forces have become mixed. The divisions have been ordered to move, but evidently with no pre- arranged system. As far as the eye can see it is one grand hurly-burly, — one frantic struggle to make headway, — and this for a half-dozen miles. What a waste of horse-flesh ! 18(52.] PITTSBURG LANDING, FORT PILLOW, AiVD MEMPfflS. 99 Here are six mules attempting to draw six boxes of bread, — weight perhaps six hundred pounds. The cavalry bring out their supplies on horses, each cavalryman bringing a bag of oats. There is cursing, swearing, pounding. The army in Flanders could not have been more profane. The brutality of the drivers is terrible. A miserable fellow, destitute of sense and humanity, strikes a mule over the head, felling the animal to the ground. Noble horses are remorselessly cut up by these fiendish beings in human form. There is no check upon their cruelty. You see doad horses everywhere. All the finer sensibilities become callous. One must see, but not feel. There would be pleasure in snatching a whip from the hands of these savages and giving them a dose of their own medicine. General Halleck advanced with extreme caution. He built four lines of breastworks, each line nearly ten miles long, so that if driven from one he could fall back to another. He sunk deep wells for water, he was preparing to be besieged instead of opening a siege. He doubted all the reports of his scouts, — disbelieved the stories of negroes who came to him, — issued Order No. 57, that all "unauthorized persons" in his lines should be sent out, especially fugitive slaves, — threw up redoubts, dragged his heavy siege-guns through the mud from the Landing, — planted them behind sodded earthworks, erected bomb- proof magazines, — issued his final orders to his army of an hundred thousand men, — opened fire from his heavy gims, — threw forward his skirmishers, and found — a deserted town ! Joining the fleet upon the Mississippi once more on the 3d of June, I found Commodore (now Admiral) Davis in com- mand, Admiral Foote having been relieved at his own request. His wound was painful, and he was so debilitated that he was unable to discharge his duties. The idea was generally enter- tained that the Rebels had evacuated Fort Pillow. The evacu- ation of Corinth was the basis for expectation of such an event. Fires were seen over the point on the bluffs and beyond, towai'd Randolph. Of course no one could say what was burning, but from the past conduct of Rebels, it was reasonable to suppose that t]\e evacuation had taken place, inasmuch as there was an LOO THE ROYS OF '61. [x\prii, ominous silence of Rebel batteries. But they suddenly waked up. Ascending to the pilot-house of the steamer, I could see handfuls of white cloud above and beyond the dense foliage of the forest. Then there came a dull, heavy roar, — boom — boom — boom, — and the nearer explosion of the shells which burst in the air above our gunboats. Not evacuated ! They were there lively as ever. This sudden and unexpected demonstration aroused Caj> tain Maynadier, and right merrily answered the mortars till noon. Then there was a respite, while the mortar crews sat down beneath the dark green foliage of the forest, sheltered from the burning sun, and ate their rations, and rested the while. Seven or eight miles below Craighead Point is Lanier's plan- tation. The proprietor being a Secessionist, burned his cotton, but for some cause he had lost faith, or pretended to lose faith, in the Confederacy, and desired to be permitted to return to his comfortable home, there to remain unmolested. He sent a note to Colonel Fitch, commanding the land forces, soliciting an interview. His request was granted, and he so ingratiated himself into Colonel Fitch's good feeling that he became again an occupant of his homestead. Subsequently it was ascertained that he was supplying the Rebel fleet with ice, spring chickens, garden vegetables, &c. It was decided to spring a trap upon the gentlemen of the Southern navy. A small party was sent out by Colonel Fitch, which reached the locality undiscovered. After a few minutes' reconnoissance, eight men were discovered helping themselves to ice in Mr. Lanier's ice-cellar. They were surprised. One resisted, but was shot, and the rest, after a short parleying, surrendered. They were brought to the Benton, but were very uncommunicative and sour. The loss of a lieutenant and seven men was not well relished at Fort Pillow. Soon after noon the guns on the blufl" com- menced a vigorous but random fire, as if ammunition cost nothing, and it were mere pastime to burn powder and hurl shell over the point at our fleet. It was very pleasant to see the round shot plump into the water all around our gun- boats, with an occasional shell puffing into cloud overhead, and 1S62.] PITTSBUKG LANDING, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPHIS. lv)l laining fragments of iron into the river, — for with such ran- Jom firing, there was but little danger of being hit. The day had been hot and sultry, but just before nightfall a huge bank of clouds rolled up in the western horizon, and burst with the fury of a tornado upon the fleet. Some of the trans- ports dragged their anchors before the gale, but all kept up steam ; they were not long in making head against the breeze. There was but little rain, but a dense cloud of dust was whirled up from the sandbars. I was surprised to see, when the storm was at its height, two of our rams steam rapidly down to the point and turn their prows towards the Rebel batteries. They disappeared in the whirling dust-cloud, vanishing from sight like ships at sea when night comes on. They steamed swiftly down the stream and turned Craighead Point. Their mission, at such a moment, was to take advantage of the storm, — of the enveloping dust-cloud, — to ascertain what the Rebels were doing. We could hear the sudden waking up of heavy guns, — those that had spoken to us in the past, — just as, in high party times, great orators hold forth the night before election. The rams were discovered, and at once the batteries were in a blaze. Then they quietly steamed across the bend, in face of the batteries, turned their prows up stream, and appeared in sight once more. Onward rolled the cloud, and the Rebel cannon belched and thundered, firing shot at random into the river. Bang — bang — bang, — two or three at a time, — roared the guns. It was amusing, laughable, to see the rams returning, and hear the uproar below. The dust-cloud, with its fine, misty rain, rolled away. The sun shone once more, and bridged the Mississippi with a gor- geous rainbow. While admiring it, a Rebel gunboat poked her nose around the point. Then, after a little hesitancy, her entire body, to see what we were up to. She was a black craft, bearing the flag of the Confederacy. Seeing how far oflf we were, she steamed boldly past the point, up stream far enough to get a sight of the entire Federal fleet ; turned slowly, placed her head downward, to be ready for a quick run home, if need be ; then turned her paddles against the current, and surveyed us leisurely. The Mound City and 102 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, Cairo being nearest, opened fire upon the craft. A signal was ran up from the Benton, and immediately from the chimneys of the entire fleet rose heavy columns of blackest smoke, which mingled with the white puffs of steam, and rolled away into the blackness of the receding storm. The sun had gone down. Unheeding the shot falling close at her bows, or whistling over her decks, the steamer took her own time and slowly de- scended the stream and disappeared beyond the jutting head- land. At sunset on the 4th of June, the Rebel batteries opened a fierce and sudden fire upon the gunboats. Then there came heavy explosions, rising columns of smoke, faint and white at first, but increasing in volume and blackness. Another, — a third, a fourth, — expanding into one broad column, all along the height occupied by the Rebel batteries. Daylight was fading away, the lurid flames filled the southern sky, and a heaving, surging bank of smoke and flame laid along the tree- tops of the intervening forest. Occasionally there were flashes and faint explosions, and sudden puffs of smoke, spreading out like flakes of cotton or fleeces of whitest wool. This was all we could see. We were ignorant of what was feeding the flames, whether steamers or bales of cotton, or barracks or tents or houses, but were sure that it was a burning of that which had cost a pile of Confederate notes. After taking possession of the works in the morning, the fleet pursued the retreating Rebels down the river. It was dark when we came to anchor four miles above the city of Memphis on the 5th of June. " I think that we shall have a lively time in the morning," said the Admiral. My own quarters were on board of the J. I£. Dickey, which lay a mile up stream. I was astir before daylight on the 6th. The air was clear, — the sky without a cloud. The stars were fading in the west, and tlie columns of light were rising in the east. The gunboats — five of them — were in a line across the stream, with the steam escaping from their pipes. The city was in full view. People were gathering upon the banks gazing upon the fleet. A daik column of smoke rose from above the green foliage of the 1862.] PITTSBURa LANDENQ, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPHIS. 103 forest opposite the city, but whether produced by burning buildings or by the Rebel fleet, was wholly a matter of con- jecture. The tugboat Jessie Benton, tender to the Admiral, came up to the advance boat, which was lying by our side. " The Admiral thinks that the Rebel fleet is below the city, and that we are to have a fight. You can go down if you want to," said the captain. I was on board in an instant, leaving the other gentlemen of the press asleep in their state-room. The soldiers were heav- mg the anchors as we approached the fleet, shouting in chorus, " Yeave ho ! yeave ho ! " The drummer-boys were beating to quarters, the marines were mustering, officers and sailors all were busy. The Admiral was standing on the upper deck with Captain Phelps, commanding the Benton, by his side. The Admiral is a tall, well-propo»'tioned man, about fifty years old, with gray hair and blue eyes. He is a perfect gentleman, — kind, cour- teous, and affable, not only to his officers, but to the crews. Captain Phelps is shorter, and smaller in stature. His features are sharply cut. He stands erect, looks upon the preparations with keen eyes, giving orders with precision and promptness. The Benton in a few moments is ready for action, so quickly are his orders executed. " Drop down toward the city, sir, and see if you can dis- cover the Rebel fleet," is the word of the Admiral to our captain. We pass through the fleet, and move slowly down stream, followed by the Benton and Carondelet, which drift with the current. The sun was beginning to gild the spires of the city, and its slant rays came streaming over the waters into our faces. Men, women, and children were gathering upon the levee, on foot, on horseback, and in carriages. The crowd became more dense. Were they assembling to welcome us ? Should we steam down to them, and ask them what they thought of the Rebellion ? The Rebel flag was flying from the cupola of the court-house, and from a tall flagstaff" on the levee. I remem- Wrod that on the 6th of May, thirteen months before, on thp 104 THE BOYS OF '61. [June, evening after the secession of the State, the people had torn down the stars and stripes, borne them out to the suburbs of the city, dug a grave, and buried the flag, trampling it in the mire! Suddenly a Rebel gunboat steamed out into the stream, from the shelter of the Arkansas vroods ; — another, — another, — till eight had ranged themselves in two lines of battle. " Helm aport ! " shouted our captain to the pilot, and we were rushing up stream again. The Admiral was not quite ready for action, and the Benton and Carondelet returned to their original position. The appearance of the Rebel fleet, — the orderly formation of the battle line, — looked like work. The affair of the 10th of May, when the Rebel gunboats stole round Craighead Point above Fort Pillow, and sunk the Cincinnati, was sufficiently spirited to warrant the supposition that an engagement would be desperate. Several of the Rebel boats were fitted out at Memphis, and were manned by the old rivermen of that city, who would fight with great bravery under the eyes of their fellow-citizens, their wives and sweethearts. " Let the sailors have breakfast," said the Admiral, who be- lieved in fighting on a full stomach. I took mine on deck, — a cup of coffee, hard-tack, and a slice of salt junk, — for the move- ments in front of the city were too interesting to be lost sight of. The Little Rebel, the flag-ship of Commodore Montgom- ery, was passing from boat to boat. With my glass I could see the officers of ^be vessels. Montgomery was issuing his final orders. Suddenly the Rebel fleet began to move up stream. A flag went up to the head of the Benton's flagstaff. It was the signal to be ready for action. Sailors dropped their plates, knives and forks, and sprang to their guns. The Benton was nearest the Tennessee shore, then the Carondelet, the St. Louis, Louisville, and Cairo. Our own little tug was close by the flag-ship, keeping its place in the stream by the slow working of its engine. The Rebel fleet was composed of the Van Dorn, General Price, General Bragg, Jeff Thompson, General Lovell, Gen- eral Beaui-egard, Sumter, and Little Rebel, — all gunboats 1862.] PITTSBURG LANDING, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPHIS. 105 and all rams, built expressly with a view of butting our fleet out of existence. The Beauregard was nearest the shore, next the Little Rebel, then the General Price, next the General Bragg and the General Beauregard, which composed the front line. Immediately in rear was the General Lovell, near the Memphis shore, her position being directly in front of the city wharf boat ; next the Van Dorn, then the Jeflf Thompson, and lastly the Sumter. now strange, peculiar, and indescribable are one's feelings when going into battle ! There is a light-heartedncss, — a quickening of all the springs of life. There is thrUl in every nerve,— an exhilaration of spirit, — a tension of every fibre. You see every movement, hear every sound, and. think not only of what is before you, but of home, of the loved ones there, — of the possibility that you may never behold them again. Some men review their lives, and ask themselves if they have left anything undone which ought to have boon done, — it their lives have been complete. The Little Rebel was opposite the Benton. There was u flash, — a puff of smoke from her side, — a screaming of some- thing unseen in the air over my head, — a frightful sound. The shot fell far in our rear. Another puff from the Beaure- gard, and the shot fell near the Benton. A third came from the General Price, aimed at the Carondclet, passed very near her larboard ports, and almost took our own boat in the bow. My fear was all gone. I was in the fight. There was no pos- sibility of escaping from it. Wherever the boat went I must go. I should be just as safe to keep cool as to be excited. Besides, it was a new experience, — a new sight, — a grand exhibition. Interest, curiosity, and reason mastered fear. I sat down in an arm-chair on the deck beside the pilot-house, and made rapid notes of all that I saw. I transcribe them : — 6.40 A. M. Cairo opens with a stern gun, — shot strikes close under hull of Little Rebel. Our boats' bows up stream. Rebels advancing slowly. Bang — bang — bang — bang from each of the vessels. A whole broadside from Cairo. Another from Louisville. Air full of strange noises. Shells burst overhead Pieces raining all round us. Columns of water tossed up Both fleets enveloped in smoke. Very little wind. Splinter.' 10(5 thp: boys of '61. [June, thrown out from General Price. Can see a shot-hole with my glass. Rebel fleet half-mile distant. Comes to a stand still. 6.00. Queen of the West cutting loose from shore. Monarch also. Great black clouds of smoke rolling up from their stacks. Steam hissing from their pipes. Commodore EUet on the Queen. Stands beside the pilot-house. Sharpshooters look- ing from loop-holes. Quccii wheels out into stream. Passes between Benton and Carondelet. Are near enough to say good morning to Commodore Ellet and wish him success. Monarch following Queen, passing between Cairo and St. Louis. G.25. Rebels moving down stream. 6.35. Signal from Benton to round to and come to close quarters. Queen surging ahead under full speed. Ploughs a wide furrow. Aim- ing for Beauregard. Rebel fleet all opening on her. Shot crash through her. Exciting scene. Sharpshooters at work. Beauregard puts her helm down. Sheers off". Queen rushes by. Has missed her aim. Coming round in a curve. Strikes the General Price, Tremendous crash. Men jumping into water. Beauregard falling upon Queen of the West. Another crash. Monarch close at hand. Smashes into Beauregard. Cracking of rifles and muskets. Queen of the West sinking. Monarch throwing out a warp. Towing her ashore. Benton close upon the General Lovell. Shot strikes Lovell in bow. Rips from stem to stern. Water full of timber and fragments. Lovell sinking. Man on deck. Left arm shattered, crying help ! help ! help ! Commotion on shore. Lovell goes down with a lurch. River full of poor wretches struggling for life. Throwing up tlieir arms. Stream sweeps them away. Little Rebel fleeing to Arkansas sliore. The Jefi" Thompson on fire. 7.05. Rebel fleet broken. Their guns all silent. Beauregard sinking. We run alongside. Rebel officers lay shattered. Sides of vessel spotted with blood. Pool of blood on deck. Crew fled. Taken oS" by Little Rebel. Help lift wounded Rebel Dfficer on our boat. Thanked us, and said, " You are kinder than my own comrades, for one of them was mean enough to steal my watch and pick my pocket." Little Rebel run ashore, (^rew fleeing into woods. Cairo gives them parting broadside. Rebels crawling up the bank dripping with water. 7.10. Boats • >f Benton and Carondelet picking up the wretches. Van 1862.] PITTSBURG LANDENG, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPHIS. 107 Dorn escaping down stream. 7.25. Fight over. Van Dora out of sight. Last gun fired. Jeff Thompson on fire in every paxt. Grand explosion. Whole interior of boat lifted five hun- dred feet high. Flames. Volumes of smoke. Bursting shells. Timbers, planks, fragments, raining all around us. It was a complete annihilation of the Rebel fleet. Not a man was lost on our gunboats, and Commodore Ellet was the only one wounded. The Rebel fleet began the action in good style, but mam- tained the line of battle a few minutes only. The appearance of the rams threw them into disorder. On the other hand, the line of battle taken by Commodore Davis was preserved to the end. Everything was as systematic and orderly as in a well- regulated household. The thought occurred, as I saw the steady onward movement of the fleet, which, after once start- ing to close in with the Rebels, did not for an instant slacken speed, that he was clearing the river of all Rebel obstructions with the same ease that a housewife sweeps dirt through a doorway. His orders were few. The main thing was to get to close quarters. Embracing an early opportunity to reach the shore, I min- gled freely with the crowd, to see how the thing was relished and to study the feelings of the people. Some looked exceed- ingly sour ; some disconsolate ; a few were defiant ; many of the people were evidently good-natured, but deeply hu- miliated. A gentleman, resident of the city, informed me that he did not think the people cared anything about the Union, or had any desire to return to it, but they had an intense hatred of the tyranny to which they had been subjected, and were ready to welcome anything which would relievo them. The Avalanche of that morning, hardly issued when the con- flict began, said : — " There was not a little excitement about the levee last night, occa- sioned by an officer coming down in a skiff announcing that three of the Federal gunboats were in the ' shute ' above the Island. The sig- nals and movements of the boats seemed to confirm the report, but we have no idea that it was true. " Yesterday was quite lively. All reports about Fort Pillow wen' 108 THE BOYS OF "(31. [Jime, listened to with interest, and they were not a few. By noon it was known that the fort was evacuated, and there was not a Uttle excitement in consequence. Nearly all the stores were closed, and those that were open, with few exceptions, were rather indisposed to sell. Even a spool of cotton could not be had yesterday in stores which the day before had plenty and to spare. Besides the soldiers from Fort Pillow a fleet made us a visit which attracted much attention and formed the subject of general conversation. All seemed to regret what had been done and wished it were otherwise. So prevailing was the excitement that the common mode of salutation on Main Street was, ' When do you think the Federals will be here ? * Each one made arrangements according to the tenor of the reply. Many persons were packing up to leave. " In a word, all who could began to consider anxiously the question whether to go or stay. There was much running about on the streets, and evidently more or less excitement on every countenance. Some took matters coolly, and still believe that the Federals will never go to Memphis by river. All obstructions to their progress have not been removed and probably will not be. In fact, the prospect is very good for a grand naval engagement, which shall eclipse anything ever seen before. There are many who would like the engagement to occur, who do not much relish the prospect of its occurring very near the city. They think deeper water and scope and verge enough for such an en- counter may be found farther up the river. All, however, are rejoiced that Memphis will not fall till conclusions are first tried on water and at the cannon's mouth." The " conclusions " had been tried and the people had seen their fleet unceremoniously knocked to pieces. There were thousands of negroes on tlie levee, mterested spectators of the scene. I asked one athletic man what he thought of it ? "0 massa, I tinks a good deal of it. Uncle Abe's boats mighty powerful. Dey go through our boats jus like dey was eggshells." Another one standing by at once be- came interested in the conversation. Said he, " Captain Jetf Thompson, he cotch it dis time ! He ; hi ! how de balls did whiz ! " There was an unmistakable sign of pleasure on the countenances of the colored population. In fifteen minutes after the occupation of the city, enter- prising news-boys accompanynig the fleet were crying, " Here 's the New York Herald ! Times and Tribune ! Chicago and St. Louis papers ! " 1862.] PITTSBURG LANDING, FORT PILLOW, AND MEMPHIS. 109 flow wonderfully had the upper Mississippi been repossessed ! One by one the Rebel obstructions had been remoYcd. flow often had we been told that they were impregnable ! flow often that the gunboats would be destroyed ! How often that never would the river be opened till the Confederacy was a recognized independent power ! One short year and their labors, — the ditch-digging, the cannon-casting, boat-building, their braggadocio, had come to naught. Tho part taken by Commodore EUet was glorious. Ho wass a brave, gallant, dashing officer, the son of a noble mother, who lived in Philadelphia. Mr. Stuart, President of the Chris tian Commission, relates that later in the war he called to see her, at her request, to receive a large donation. He found a lady eighty-four years of age. A grandson had been killed in battle, the body had been brought home, and was lying in the house. Said Mrs. Ellet: "I have given my two sons, Com- modore Ellet and General Ellet, and four grandchildren to my country. I don't regret this gift. If I had twenty sons I would give them all, for the country must be preserved. And if I was twenty years younger, 1 would go and fight myself to the last!" t;:?*^^^-'^^'^ 110 THE BOYS OF '61 [August* CHAPTER VIII. INVASION OF MARYLAND. Great events were transpiring in Virginia. The magnifi- cent army which passed down the Potomac in March, which had thrown up the tremendous fortifications at Yorktown, which had fought at Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Gaines's Mills, Savage Station, Glendale, and Malvern, was once more at Washington. Manassas was a bloody plain. Pope had been defeated, sacrificed by Fitz John Porter. Day after day the booming of cannon had been heard in Washington, borne by the breezes along the wooded valley of the Potomac ; far away at first, then nearer at Chantilly and Fairfax Court-House. Then came the stream of fugitives, and broken, dislieartened ranks back to Arlington. The streets of Washington were thick with hungry, war-worn men. Long lines of ambulances wended into the city, with wounded for the hospitals, already overcrowded. The soldiers had pitiful tales to tell of the scenes of the Peninsula, and of the gory field of Manassas, — how near they came to victory, — how Hooker and Heintzel- man rolled back the lines of Stonewall Jackson, — how Fitz John Porter lingered within an hour's march of the conflict, tardily coming into line, and moving away when lightly pressed by the enemy. There were curses loud and deep breathed against Porter, Pope, and McClellan. The partisans of Porter and McClellan called Pope a braggadocio, while the soldiers who had fought with obstinacy, who had doubled up Jackson in the first day's battle, retorted that McClellan was a coward, who, through all the engagements on the Peninsula took good care to be out of the reach of hostile bullets or cannon shot. The cause of the Union was gloomy. Burnside had been hurried up from North Carolina to aid in repelling the invad- er. The sun shone peacefully through the August days, — summer passed into autumn, GENERAL McCLELLAN AT WILLIAMSBURG. INVASION OF MARYLAND. Ill " And calm and patient Nature kept Her ancient promise well, Though o'er her bloom and greeimcss swept The battle's breath of hell." Adversity is a test of faith. In those darkest hours there was no faltering of hope. The heart of the nation was serene. The people believed that God would give them the victory. The soldiers believed it. Those who were passing away from eartli, who with quickened sight beheld the events of the hour in the light of eternity, trusted that Providence would give the victory to their companions in arms. Colonel Broadhcad, of Michigan, lying upon the battle-field of Manassas, with the shadow of death stealing over him, wrote a most touching farewell letter to his wife, in which he ex- pressed his convictions as to who was responsible for the defeat. " My dear Wife : — " I write to you mortally wounded, from the battle-field. "We have again been defeated, and ere this reaches you your children will bo fatherless. Before I die let me implore that in some way it may be stated that General has Keen outwitted, and that is a traitor. Had they done their duty as I did mine, and had led as I did, the dear old flag had waved in triumph. I wrote to you yesterday morning. To-day is Sunday, and to-day I sink to the green couch of our final rest. I have fought well, my darling ; and I was shot in the endeavor to lally our broken battalions. I could have escaped, but would not until all our hope was gone, and was shot, — about the only one of our forces left on the field. Our cause is just, and our gener- als, — not the enemy's, — have defeated us. In God's good time he will give us the victory. " And now, good by, wife and children. Bring them up — I know you will — in the fear of God and love for the Saviour. But for you and the dear ones dependent, I should die happy. I know the blow will fall with crushing weight on you. Trust in Ilim who gave manna in the wilderness. " Dr. North is with me. It is now after midnight, and I have spent most of the night in sending messages to you. Two bullets have gone through my chest, and directly through my lungs. I suffer little now. but at first the pain was acute. I have won the soldier's name, an! am ready to meet now, as I must, the soldier's fate. I hope that from heaven I may see the glorious old flag wave again over the undividc' country I have loved so well. " Farewell, wife and friends, we shall meet again." 112 THE ROYS OF '61. [AugUSt, The military authorities were ofteu indebted to newspaper correspondents for intelhgence concerning the movements of the Rebels. One of the most indefatigable of the corps was Mr. U. H. Painter, of the Philadelphia Inquirer. lie was at Bristow Station when Stuart made his first appearance in Pope's rear, capturing the baggage of that officer. Mr. Paint- er was taken prisoner, but, true to his profession, kept his eyes and ears open, listening to all that was said by Stuart and his subordinate officers. Being in citizen's dress, he managed to slip through the guard, but not till after he had obtained im- portant information relative to the movements of the enemy. Reaclung Washington, he at once sent an attach^ of the paper up the Potomac to Point of Rocks, also informed the govern- ment that the Rebels were intending to invade Maryland. No credence was given to his assertion ; the government believed that Washington was the point aimed at. The Rebels made their appearance at Point of Rocks, the messenger on watch gave Mr, Painter information by telegraph that Stuart was crossing. That gentleman informed the government of the fact, and forwarded a despatch to his paper. The Washington papers in the afternoon contained semi-official denials of the despatch to the Inquirer. But information from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company that the Rebels had possession of the road at Point of Rocks could not be disputed. Even then the government was slow to believe that the Rebels seriously intended a movement upon Maryland. General Lee was flushed with success. He had reason to think well of himself and of his troops. He had raised the siege of Richmond, transferred the war to the ^^cinity of Wash- ington, had defeated Pope on the old battle-ground of Manassas, and driven the Union forces into the defences of the capital. The troops believed that they could accomplish anything, — overcome all obstacles, — sweep away the Union army, and march to Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York ; and yet Lee had made a miscalculation of the power of endurance on the part of his troops, and the first invasion of the North failed, not only because of the courage and tenacity of the Union soldiers at Antietam, but also l^ccause the Rebel army had lost much of its aggressive power through hard marching, constant 1862.] INVASION OF MARYLAND. 113 fighting, and want of food. Jackson had so -WGrn down his troops that in the first day's fight at Manassas he was defeated by Hooker and Heintzelman, and had it not been for the timely arrival of Longstreet, would have been driven from the field. In the second day's fight he could only hold his own, while Longstreet, meeting with little opposition, was able to turn Pope's left flank, and win the victory. Lee entered Maryland as a liberator, believing that the peo- ple would rise ('n masse to welcome him ; but ho was greatly mistaken. Taking the train from Philadelphia, I went to Harrisburg, Lancaster, and York in Pennsylvania, and thence into western Maryland. Everywhere tlic people were arming. All the able- bodied men were drilling. All labor was at a stand-still. The fires of the founderies went out ; the farmers left their uncut grain in the field. Men worth millions of dollars were in the ranks as privates. Members of Congress, professors of colle- ges with their classes, iron-masters with their workmen, min- isters and the able-bodied men of their congregations, were hastening to the rendezvous. The State Capitol grounds were swarming with men, receiving arms and ammunition. It was a glorious exhibition of patriotism ; yet I could but think that they would offer a feeble resistance in the open field to well- drilled troops. At Bunker Hill raw militia stood the fire of British veterans ; but such instances of pluck are rare in history. Going up the Cumberland Valley I reached Greencastle on the 14th of September, ten miles from Hagerstown. I could hear a dull and heavy booming of cannon to the south, in the direction of South Mountain ; but the Rebels were at Hagers- town, and had made a dash almost up to Greencastle. The only troops in the place were a few companies watching the border, and momentarily expecting the Rebels to appear. Citi- zens of Maryland, some from Virginia, Union men, were there, ready to run farther North on the slightest alarm. The little village was suddenly excited by the cry, " They are coming ! " " They are coming ! " It was not a body of Rebels, however, but the Union cavalry, which had cut their way out from Harper's Ferry in the night before the pusillani- 114 THE BOYS OF '61. [Sept. mous surrender of Colonel Miles. They crossed the pontoon bridge, moved up the Potomac, through wood-paths and by- ways, twice coming in contact with the Rebel pickets, and falling in with Longstreet's ammunition trains between Hagers- town and Williamsport, consisting of one hundred wagons, which were captured. Many of the teamsters were slaves, who were very glad to see the Yankees. They were contented under their capture. " Were you not frightened when you saw the Yankees ? " 1 asked of one. " Not de leastest bit, massa. I was glad to see 'em. Ye see, we all wanted to get Norf. De captain of de guard, he tell me to whip up my horses and get away, but I done cut for de woods right towards de Norf." He chuckled merrily over it, and said, " I 's in de service of de Union now." lie was driving the horses with evident satisfaction at the sudden change in his fortunes. "When John Brown woke the world from its dreaming at Harper's Ferry, he had an accomplice named Cook, who escaped and concealed himself in the mountains of Pennsyl- vania, but who was hunted down by Fitz Hugh Miller of Chambersburg. Among the Rebel prisoners was this same Fitz Hugh, dressed in a suit of rusty gray, with a black ostrich plume in his hat, sun-burned, dusty, having a hang-dog look. He was a captain in the Rebel service. The Dutch blood of the citizens, usually as calm and steady in its flow as the rivers of their Fatherland, came up with a rush. " Hang him I Down with the traitor ! Kill him ! " they shouted. They rushed to seize him, but the guards kept the populace at bay. The excitement increased. Miller appealed to the guards to protect him. He was quickly hurried into the jail, which was strongly guarded. A great change had taken place in the opinions of the people. They had been in- different to the questions of the hour, but the Rebel raid, by which they had lost their horses, had taught them an excellent lesson. Self-interest is sometimes a stimulant to patriotism. They even oegan to look with complacency upon what John Brown had done -■:.:'NmmMm^^ '^ 18G2.J INVASION OF MARYLAND. 115 Tlio Rebels evacuated Hagerstown on the morning of the IGtli of September, and an hour later I entered it on the first train, which was greeted by the people with shouts and hurrahs and demonstrations of joy, as if it brought emancipation from long bondage. Some of the citizens had manifested sympathy with the Rebels. Still there were groups of excited men in the streets, shouting, " We '11 hang the cusses. We 've spotted them, and if they ever come back we '11 be the death of them^ as sure as there is a God." The battle of South Mountain had been fought, and the hos- tile armies were concentrating for a trial of strength along the peaceful banks of the Antietam. I was awakened at daylight on the morning of the 17th of September by tlie booming of cannon. It was a dull, leaden morning. The clouds hung low upon the mountains, and swept in drifts along the hillsides. The citizens of Hagerstown were astir, — some standing on the house-tops, listening to the increasing thunder of the cannonade, some in the church- steeples, others making haste to visit the field of battle. I had no horse, but finding a stable-keeper, was soon the owner of one. The horse-dealer was quite willing to dispose of his animals. " Horse-flesh is mighty ousartin these days," said he. " The Rebels took my best ones, and if they should come here again, I reckon they would clean me out." My first impulse was to push directly down the Sharpsburg turn])ike and gain the rear of the Rebels, enter their lines as a citizen, and see the battle from their side. " Don't do it, sir," said a citizen. Upon reflection, it appeared to l)e good advice, and so turn iiig about (for 1 had already gone a mile or more in that direc- tion) I took the Boonsboro pike and rode rapidly towards the battle-field. Two or three miles out I came across a Rebel soldier, — barefoot and bareheaded, pale, sallow, worn out by hard marching, lying under an oak-tree by the roadside. His gun was by his side. He raised his head and held up his hand, as if to implore me not to harm him. He belonged to a Georgia regiment, and had dropped by the way, too feeble to keep his place in the ranks. He was taken care of by two citizens. Striking off from the turnpike in a by-path, then across 11(5 THE BOYS OF '61, [Sepi. fields, tlirougli oak groves, directed by the roar of battle, descending a steep hill, and fording the Antietam, I gained the battle-field in rear of the right wing, where Ilooker was in command. Passhig beyond the field hospitals, I reached the hill, on Poffcnberg's farm. The fire was raging fearfully in front of Sumner ; but Hooker's and Mansfield's cannon were silent, cooling their brazen lips after the morning's fever. In the hollow behind the ridge, east of Poffcnberg's house, the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps — what was left of them — were lying, sad, yet not dis- heartened. How changed from what they were a year before, then fifteen thousand strong ! " We cannot lose many more," said one, as I talked of the morning's action. Gibbons's brigade, of Hooker's corps, had crossed the turnpike, and was holding the ground in the woods between it and the Potomac. Ascenduig the ridge, I came upon Battery B, Fourth Artil- lery, also Cooper's and Easton's Pennsylvania batteries, the New Hampshire Ninth and Rhode Island Fifth, — thirty pieces bearing on the cornfield and the wood-crowned hill, where, alas ! a thousand of as brave men as ever breathed were lying, who just before had moved to meet the enemy. The firing was hot and heavy a few rods south. The fight began with the pickets in the night, and was taken up by the artillery at daylight. The Rebels had concentrated a heavy force on their left, we on our right, because the lay of the land required it, the right being our strongest ground, and their left their weakest. The ridge behind PotTcnberg's house was the door-post on which our fortunes hinged. Not so with them, — theirs was a double door, its hinge being in the woods bordering the turnpike south of the toll-house. Hooker gave Meade, with the Pennsylvania Reserves, the right, Ricketts the left, and placed Doublcday in support in rear. Mansfield joined Hooker's left, but was an hour behind time. Sumner was slow to come into action. Hooker ad- vanced, drove in the Rebel pickets, found a Rebel battery on his extreme right, which, as soon as he came within its range began to plough him with a flanking fire. Meade obliqued to the right, poured in a few ■^Dlleys, and drove the enemy across 1862.] INVASION OF MARYLAND. 117 the turnpike. This was the extreme left of tlio onciuy's line Hooker crossed the turnpike a few rods north of Poflcnbcrg's, marched through the fields to tlic ridge by tlic cornfield. Hav- ing obtained possession of the ridge cast of Poffcnberg's, he planted his batteries and opened a fierce cannoiuidc upon the Rebels. The ground in front of Hooker was the scene of repeated struggles. In the afternoon tlie Rebels made a desperate at- tempt to regain wliat they had lost. They came down through the cornfield, west of the turnpike, under cover of their bat- teries. Hooker, Dana, Sedgwick, Hartsuff, Ricbardson, and Mansfield, all general officers, had been carried from the field wounded. General Howard was in command of the right wing. I was talking with liim, wlien an ofiiccr dashed up and said, " General, tbe Rebels are coming down on us." We were in tlie open field, a few rods southeast of PofTen- berg's barn. General Howard rode forward a few steps, looked through the leafy branches of the oaks along the turnpike. We could see the dark lines of the enemy moving through the cornfield. " Tell the batteries to give them the heaviest fire possible," he said. It was spoken as deliberately as if he had said to his servant, " Bring me a glass of water." How those thirty pieces of artillery opened ! Crack! crack! crack! and then a volley by artillery! How those gray lines wavered, swayed to and fro, and melted aAvay ! In Poffcnberg's dooi-yard, along the turnjnke, were two noble horses, both killed by the same cannon-shot, smashing the head of one and tearing the neck of the other. Tbe dead of the Pennsylvania Reserves laid under the palings of the garden fence. The gable of the house was torn to pieces by a shell. In the field in front dead men in blue and dead men in gray were thickly strown ; and still farther out, along the narrow lane which runs southwest from the house, they were as thick as the withered leaves in autumn. How the battle-storm howled through those woods, fiercer than the blasts of November! ll was a tornado which wrenched off the trunks of oaks large enough for a ship's keelson, — riving them, splintering them with the force of a tliunderbolt. If the blow which Hooker gave had been a little more power 118 THE BOYS OF '61. [Sept. ful, — if Mansfield had l)oeu ordered in at the same instant with Hooker, — if Sumner had fallen upon the Rebel centre at the same time, — there can be but little doubt as to what would have been the result. But the battle of Antietam was fought by piecemeal. Hooker exhausted his strength before Mansfield came up ; Mansfield was repulsed before Sumner came in ; while Buruside, who had the most difficult task of all, was censured by McClellan for not carrying the bridge early in the morning. Yet Franklin, who arrived at noon, was only partially engaged, while Porter was ordered to stand a silent spectator through the day. The several corps of the Union army were like untrained teams of horses, — each pulled with all its strength, but no two succeeded in pulling together. It was not far from twelve o'clock when the arrangements were completed for Sumner's movement. The artillery pre- pared the way for advance, by pouring in a heavy fire from all directions. The configuration of the ground admitted of this. The cornfield sloped toward the Antietam, and by care- ful scrutiny the Rebels could be seen lying down to avoid the shot and shells. It was a moment of anxious expectation to us who beheld the movement. The divisions moved past the cemetery, past Roulet's house, the left of French's and the right of Richardson's, joining in the ravine. A few rods beyond the house the Rebel skirmish- ers opened a galling fire. Our own advanced rapidly, drove them in through the nearest cornfield. They fled to the road, and the field beyond. The road is narrow, and by long usage and heavy rains, has become a trench, a natural rifle-pit about two and a half feet deep. The Rebels had thrown off" the top rails of the fence in front, and strengthened the position by making them into aiattij — imitating the example set by General Stark on the northeastern slope of Bunker Hill, in 1775. The roadway was their first line ; their second was in the corn, five or six rods farther west. The Union troops advanced in front of the road, when up rose the first Rebel line. The fence became a line of flame and smoke. The cornfield beyond, on higher ground, was a sheet of fire. With a rush and cheer, the men in blue moved up THE SUNKEN UOAD. 1862.J mvAsiON of Maryland. 119 to the foiico, ploughed tlirough and tlirough by tho batteries above, cut and gaslicd by tlio Icadon liail, thrust the muzzles of their guns into the laces of the Rebels and fired. The first Rebel lino was nearly annihilated, and the dead lying beneath the tasselled corn were almost as many as tho golden ears upon the stalks. Visiting the spot when the con- test was over, I judged IVom a little counting that a thousand of tbe enemy's dead were in the road and the adjoining field. A shell iiad thrown seven into one heap, — some on their faces, some on their backs, — fallen as a handful of straws would fall when dropped upon the ground. But not they alone suflered. The bloody tide which had surged through all the morning between the ridges above, along tho right, had flowed over the hill at this noontide hour. The yellow soil became crimson ; the russet corn-leaves turned to red, as if> autumn had put on in a moment her richest glory. IIow costly ! Fivo thousand men, — I think I do not exaggerate, — wounded and dead, lay along that pathway and in the adjoining field ! * To Burnsido was assigned the duty of carrying the stone bridge, two miles below the turnpike, and taking the batteries which were in position south of Sharpsburg. It was a difiicult task. A high-banked stream, bordered by willows ; a narrow bridge ; a steep hill ; cleared lands, with no shelter from tho batteries in front and on both his flanks, after he should have succeeded in crossing the stream. Burnside planted his cannon on the high hills or ridges east of the river, and kept them in play a long time before any attempt was made on the bridge by infantry. The Rebel bat- teries replied, and there was an incessant storm of shot and shell. The road on the eastern side winds down a ravine to tho river, which is an hundred feet below the summit of tho hills where his artillery was posted. It is a narrow path, with a natural embankment on *^ .gut hand, covered with oaks. * Tho accompanying illustration is an accurate representation drawn by Mr. Waud, who witnessed tho battle. Tho battery in the foreground is nortli of the house of Mr. Roulet, near tho centre of Sumner's line. French's and ]{ichard- son's divisions are seen in tho middle of tho picture, and tho Rebels under D. £L Hill and Longptreet beyond. 120 THE ROYS OF '61. [Sept. There is a piece of bottom land eight or ten rods wide on the eastern side of the river. The bridge is narrow and about seventy-five feet long. After crossing the stream the road runs diagonally up the bank toward the north. On the west- ern side are willows fringing the stream, their graceful branches bending down to the water, and covering the oppo- site shore. The bank is very abrupt. A small force on either side can hold the bridge against a large body of men. The bridge was carried in the afternoon by a desperate charge. I was watching operations in the centre at the time, and saw only the smoke of the contest on the left, and heard its deafening roar. Riding down there later in the day, I wit- nessed the last attack. Both parties had put on new vigor at the sunset hour. The fire kindled along the line. Far upon the right was the smoke of thirty cannon, rising in a white sulphurous cloud. The woods opposite, where the Rebel bat/- teries were, flamed like a furnace. A little nearer Sumner's artillery was thundering and hurling its bolts into the Rebels by the Dunker church. Ayers's battery was pouring a deadly fire into the cornfield, west of Roulet's, where the Rebel line was lying under cover. Above, on the highest hillock, a half- mile from Sharpsburg, a heavy Rebel battery boomed defiance. Richardson's artillery, immediately in front, was sending shells upon the hill and into Sharpsburg, where hay-stacks, houses ind barns were burning, rolling up tall pillars of cloud and flame to heaven. At our left Burnside's heavy guns worked mightily, answered by the opposing batteries. The musketry had ceased, save a few volleys rolling from beyond the willows in the valley, and a little dripping, like rain-drops after a shower. It was a continuous roll of thunder. The suu went down, reddened in the smoky haze. After the retreat of Lee, I rode over the ground occupied by the Rebels, and surveyed the field from every point. The dead were thickly strewn. A Rebel battery had occupied the ground around the Dunker church, a small brick building on the turnpike, a mile south of Poffenberg's. At its door-step lay a major, a captahi, and eleven men, all dead. A wounded , horse, unable to lie down, was standing near a dismantled cais- \ son. Almost human was the beseeching look of the dumb 1862.] INVASION OF JIARYLAND. 121 beast ! Near by was a soldier lying with his eyes fixed on heaven. He had died calmly. His pocket Bible was open upon his breast. Taking it up my eye fell upon the words : " Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me." All the turmoil of life was over. He had done his duty, and had passed on to his reward.* Lee recrosscd the Potomac without molestation from McClel- lan, and the two armies went into camp, as if mutually agreed upon having a season of rest after the hardships of the cam- paign. * Wunl of space coin()cIs inc to j,'ivc only a sketch of the battle ; but a full, cir- rumstaiitiul, and detailed lu-count of the positions and moveiucnts of the two armies in.iy be fouu t. Q^ — ^ 3 '~ J- ^ ^ ^- — »-^^— .. ?2 ^ > ii -t^ r P > 18()2.1 BATTLE OF FREDt.'RICKSBUEG. 147 " But yet the boats moved onward ; Through fire and lead they drove, With the dark, still mass within thnm, And the floating stars above. " Cheer after cheer we sent them. As only armies can, — Clieers for old Massachusetts, Cheers for young INIichigan ! " They formed in line of battle ; Not a man was out of place. Then with levelled steel they hurk-d their Straight in the Rebels' face. " ' O help me, help me, comrade ! For tears my eyelids drown, As I se'.-' their starry banners Stream up the smoking town.' " * When the bridge-builders saw tlie soldiers charge up tlie hill, thej too caught the enthusiasm of the moment, and finished their work. The other regiments of the brigade, before the last planks were laid, ruihed down the bank, ran out upon the bridge, dashed up the bank, joined their comrades, and drove the Rebels from the streets nearest the river. History furnishes but few records of more daring exploits than this action of the Seventh Michigan. Their work was thorough and complete. In fifteen minutes they cleared tho houses in front of them, and took more prisoners than their own party numbered . It was now half past four in the afternoon, one of the shortest days of winter. The sua was going down. The Rebels had de- layed the crossing througli the entire day. General Burnsido was severely censured by some Northern as well as Southern I)apcrs for bombarding the town ; he had no desire to do injury to the citizens in person or property, but the stubborn resist- ance of the Rebels made it necessary thus to use his artillery. When (xeneral Sumner arrived at Falmouth, three weeks befor*?, he demanded the surrender of the place ; but the citizens and the women begged tho officer in command not to give it up. " We would rather have the town burned thaji given up to the Yankees," f said they. * Boker's " Crossing at Fredericksbu; -g." t Ricbraond Examiner, December 15, '862. 14» THE ROYS OF "61. [Dec. But now the Yankees were there, marching through the streets. The houses were battered, torn, and rent. Some were in flames, and a battle was raging through the town. As soon as the bridge was completed, the other brigades of General Howard's division moved across the river. The Rebel batteries, which till now had kept silence', opened furiously with solid shot and shell, but the troops moved steadily over, and took shelter along the river bank. The Rebels were falling back from street to street, and the men from Michigan and Massachusetts were pressing on. I stood upon the bank of the river and watched the scene in the deepening twilight. Far up the streets there were bright flashes from the muskets of the Rebels, who fired from cellars, chamber windows, and from sheltered places. Nearer were dark masses of men in blue, who gave quick volleys as they moved steadily on, demolishing doors, crushing in windows, and searching every hiding-place. Cannon were flaming on all the hills, and the whole country was aglow with the camp fires of the two great armies. The Stafford hills were alive with men, — regiments, brigades, and divisions moving in col- umn from their encampments to cross the river. The sky was without a cloud. The town was lighted by lurid flames. The air was full of hissings, — the sharp cutting sounds of the leaden rain. The great twenty-pounder guns on the heights of Fal- mouth were roaring the while. There were shouts, hurrahs, yells, and groans from the streets. So the fight went on ti^i the Rebels were driven wholly from the town to their intrench- ments beyond. The Seventeenth Mississippi was the most actively engaged of the Rebel regiments. Its commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Fizer, in his report, says : — " The Yankees made nine desperate attempts to finish their bridges, but were repulsed at every attempt. They used their artillery inces- santly, with a heavy detachment of sharpshooters, for twelve hours, we holding our position firmly the whole time, until about half past four, P. M., when they increased their artillery and infantry, and their batterie? becoming so numerous and concentrated, we could not use our rifles. Being deprived of all protection, we were compelled to fall back to Car- •line Street, and from there were ordered from town. The casualtio* 1862.] BATTLE 01< PREDEnlCKSBURG. 149 of the regiment during the enpragement were one hundred and sixteen wounded, killed, and missing." * When the soldiers of the Seventh Michigan leaped into the boats, a drummer-boy joined them, — Robert Ileury Ilender- shot. He was only twelve years old, but his dark eyes flashed briglitly under the excitement of the moment. His drum was upon his neck. " Get out, you can't go," said an officer. " I want to go," said Robert, " No, you will get shot. Out with you." Robert jumped into the water, but instead of going ashore, remained to push off the boat ; and then, instead of letting go his hold, clung to the gunwale, and was taken across. As the boat grounded upon the other shore, a piece of shell tore through his drum. He threw it away, seized the gun of a fallen soldier, rushed up the hill, and came upon a Rebel sol- dier, slightly wounded. " Surrender ! " said Robert, pointing his gun at him. The Rebel gave up his gun, and Robert marched him to the rear. When he returned to the other °ide of the river, General Burnside saw him, and said, — " Boy, I glory in your spunk ! If you keep on in this way a few more years, you will be in my place." His regiment, after the battle, was sent West, and Robert was in the battles of Lebanon, Murfrcesboro, Chattanooga, and AIcMinniville, where he fought gallantly. As the Rebels had used the houses for a defence, the soldiers, now that they were in possession of the town, appropriated to their own use whatever suited their fancy. Their great desire was to obtain tobacco, and the tobacco shops were first broken open. A large quantity had been thrown into the river by the Rebel authorities to prevent its falling into the hands of the Yankees ; but the soldiers soon fished it up, dried it by their bivouac fires, and through the long night, while keeping watch, enjoyed their pipes at the expense of the enemy. Soldiers who .lid not care for tobacco helped themselves to flour, meat, po- tatoes, sugar, and molasses. They had a merry night cooking • Lieutenant-Colonel Fizer's Report. 150 Tin: BOYS or 'ci. [Dec. bacon aud eggs, frying pork, making hot cakes in the kitchens. The houses wore ransacked ; beds, blankets, carpets, sofas, rocking-chairs, settees, and lonnges were carried into the streets. Some dressed themselves in old-fashioned and anti- quated clothes which they found in the chambers. It was a carnival night. One fellow appropriated a heavy volume of Congressional documents, which he carried about several days. Another found a stutTed monkey in one of the houses, which he shouldered and bore away. One soldier had a dozen custard-cups on a string around his neck. Another, finding a nice beaver hat, threw aside his old cap and took his place again in the ranks, the s})ort of all his comrades, for being so nice a gentleman. It was not, however, an indiscriminate pil- lage of the whole town. A great many dwellings were not en- tered at all, and the owners, after the evacuation of the city, foimd their premises but little injured. In tlie houses nearest the river the soldiers felt that they were entitled to whatever they could lay their hands on. But those who had taken mat- tresses and bedding wore obliged to give them up. The surgeons in charge of the hospitals seized the articles for the benefit of the wounded. " Rev. Arthur B. Fuller is killed," said an acquaintance, as I stood upon the bank of the river. " His body is lying in thg street." He had been chaplain of the Massachusetts Sixteenth through all the Peninsula campaign, working hai'd day and night in the hospital, till liis health had given out, and he had been honor- ably discharged. lie had preached his last sermon on the Sunday before ; but although no longer in tlie service, kuow- ij^g tliat there was to be a great battle, so intense was his pa- triotism that he could not go away, but remained to do what he could. He took a musket, became a volunteer, and went over with the regiments. " I must do something for my country. Wliat shall I do ? " he asked of Captain Dunn in the streets of Fredericksburg on that fatal evening. " Now is a good time for you, — fiill in on the left," said the captain, who saw that he was cool and collected, although the bullets were falliiiir thick and fast around them. He stood in 180ir.] BATTLE OF KRKDEKICKSBURG. 151 front of a grocery store, loaded Ins musket and fired, and then coolly loaded again. He was taking aim once more when ho was shot by a sharpshooter. The Rebels advanced, and Cap- tain Dunn was obliged to fall back. Ue lay where he fell till the enemy were driven from tlic town, wlien his body was re- covered. The Rebels had })ickcd his pockets. They stabbed a wounded man who was lying by his side. The soldiers of his regiment who had listened to his teachings in life came ir« groups to gaze with silent sorrow upon the marble brow of him who had been a faithful teacher, and who gave his life ireely for his country. At his funeral obsequies in Boston, Rev. E. 0. Ilaven said of him : — " Could he whose mangled body now lies before you, from which the deadly bullet has expelled the noble Christian's soul, rise again and speak out as he was wont to do in rin' ". . . . To die thus, full of devotion to a noble cause, is not to die, — it is to live. It is rising into a higher life. It is passing up into the company of the true and noble, of the brave and generous, — it is going to join heroes and martyrs of all ages, who have not counted life dear when given to a good cause. Such devoted offerings by the young and brave surrendering up their lives raise us all above the fear of death. What matters it when we die, so that we live holy? — ' They are the dead, the buried. They who do still survive, In sin and sense interred ; — The dead ! — they are alive ! ' " Footliold having beoii secured on tho southern bank of tlio Rappahannock, the army began to cross. A third pontoon bridge was constructed at the lower end of the town. A thick fog hung over the river on the morning of the 12t]i. The air was cahn, and I couki distinctly hear tho confused hum of preparation for the great battle. Burnside's troops were mov 1862.] BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 1,')^ ing into position, and so were Lee's ; but all the movements of both armies were concealed by the fog. The Rebel pickets still clung to the outskirts of the town. At noon the fog disappeared, drifting up the Raj)pahannock. Suddenly the Rebel batteries on the hills above the town began to throw shells upon the Second Corps, which had crossed the upper bridge and was forming in the streets. Colonel Tyler, who commanded the heavy guns on the Falmouth hills, wag quick to reply. The batteries in the centre opened, also thoso on the left. The distance from the most remote battery on the right to the farthest on the left was five miles. Tlie Second and Nintli Corps were in the town, the front line was in the streets and the rear line along the bank of the river. Artillery trains and wagons loaded with ammunition were going over. Solid shot from the Rebel batteries tossed up the water in the river. Shells were bursting in the town. The First and Sixth Corps, under Franklin, had crossed at the lower bridge by the house of Mr. Bernard, and were mov- ing over the wide plain. The Bernard House, where Franklin had established his head-quarters, was a fine old mansion sur- rounded by trees. Beyond the house there was a smooth inter- vale, with here and there a hollow, where the troops could find shelter from the artillery-fire of the enemy. General Stoneman was moving down from the Falmouth hills with Birney's and Sicklcs's divisions. Opposite Falmouth, on the Rebel left, was Longstreet's corps, with Anderson's division on Stanislniry Ilill, — his pickets stationed along the canal, which winds around its base. Next to Anderson was Ransom's division, on Maryee's Hill, directly in rear of the town. Two roads run up the hill, leading west, — the Gordonsville plank- road and the Orange turnpike. Mr. Maryee's house stands between them. It is a fnie brick dwelling, with a stately por- tico before it, with a beautiful lawn sloping towards the city, shaded by oaks and adorned witli flowering shrubs. From the roof of the mansion General Longstreet can obtain a fail view of what is going on in the Union lines. He can see the troops gathering in the streets and behold the dark masses under Franklin moving out past the Bernard House. At the base of the hill he can see some of his own soldiers. 154 THE BOYS OF '61. • [Dec. sheltered behind a stone-wall aiong the Old Telegraph road, which is dug like a canal into the side of the hill. It is a shel- tered position, and their rifles and muskets will sweep the level field in front towards the town. His heaviest cannon and his largest howitzers are in position around Maryee's house, behind earthworks. The Washington Artillery, which was in the first battle of Manassas, and which fought throiigh all battles of the Peninsula, at Groveton and Antietam, is there. Ransom's division extends to Hazel Run, — a stream which comes down through a deep ravine from the west, gurgling over a rocky l)ed, and turning the great wheel of a grist-mill, just hid from sight as you look up the river from the town. An unfniished railroad embankment is thrown up in the run, — the Gordonsville road, — which was in coTistruction when the war broke out. There is a hollow in the smooth field in front of the telegraph road, — a place to be kept in remembrance. There is a higher elevation beyond Maryee's house, which over- looks the town, and all the plain below, called Lee's Hill, where Lee has placed his guns of longest range. Across the ravine is McLaw's division, behind an embankment which extends up the hill and into the woods along the Tel egraph road. Beyond McLaw's is Pickett's division ; then Hood's division, which forms the right of Longstreet's com mand, and readies to Deep Run. Longstreet's head-quarters are in rear of Hood. Across Deep Run are the head-quarters of Lee, who can stand by his tent and look down upon the battle-field. He can see what Couch and Wilcox are doing in the town. He is directly in front of Bernard's mansion, and can also behold all the movements of the Union troops on the plain. A. P. Hill's division of Jack- son's corps is in front of him, — Hill's left resting on Deep Ruji, and his right reaching to Captain Hamilton's house, where the railroad crosses the old Richmond road. Hill's troops are partially concealed in the woods. Behind Hill are the divisions of Early and Taliferro, — Taliferro being on the right, near Hamilton's house. Farther in the rear, on the hill, is D. H. Hill's division, which is held in reserve. There are fourteen guns — from Pegram's, McLitosh's, Crenshaw's, Latham's, and Joluison's batteries — on the hill near Hamilton's. 1862.] BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 155 •:7Q i^s cc B3 K Q '-'^ P3 s; ^ r- c; < o > !; c r C c« S 5 £ 5 ?= H t— CO 03 O rH .:j H' p. -^ ■X c (1. rr. 5; G ^. Oc/sc: r.; c4 CO ^ »a to 156 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec Mr. Bernard has been a largo slaveholder. His estate is known in the county round by the name of Mansfield. His negroes live in humble homes, — in cabins near the railroad, out towards Hamilton's. There, around the cabins, Jackson has placed twenty-one guns from Davidson's, Raines's, Caskie's, and Braxton's batteries. To the right of these, and between Bernard's and the railroad, are twelve guns, — Wooding's and Carpenter's batteries. The road from Fredericksburg to Port Royal runs parallel to the river, about half a mile distant from the stream. General Stuart, with two brigades of cavalry and his batteries of light artillery, hold the road. The Louisiana Guards are sent down to aid him. His line runs nearly at right angles with Jackson's infantry line, and extends from the railroad to the river. His batteries will have a cross-fire upon the First and Sixth Corps, whenever they attempt to move out from Ber- nard's to gain possession of the railroad at Hamilton's. Such is the field, — a smooth plain, a mile wide and two miles long, around Bernard's, reaching up to the town. Ber- nard's farm is cut across by the Port Royal road, the old road to Richmond, and by the railroad. The Port Royal road is bordered by cedars, thick-set hedges, and a deep ditch. There are fences dividing the intervale into fields. Deep Run is fnnged with alders. Maryee's Hill is quite steep. The Rebel cannon sweep all the plain, the field at the base of Maryee's, and the town itself. The Rebel troops have the protection of the sunken road, of the rifle-pits along the crests of the hills. They are sheltered by woods, by ravines, by the hedges and fences, but Burnside has no cover for his troops. They must march out upon the plain, charge up the hillsides, and receive the fire of a sheltered foe. To win a victory, even with a superior force, under such cir- cumstances, there must be not only great courage and self-pos- session, but a well-laid plan and harmonious action of all subor- dinate commanders. Burnside's plan was to make a vigorous movement with a large portion of his army to gain the railroad at Hamilton's bouse, and at the same time rout Longstreet from his position on Maryee's Hill. If he succeeded at Hamilton's, even if lie 1862.] RATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 157 failed at Maryeo's, Lee would be compelled to evacuate the town, because Burnside would liold the railroad over which Leo received his supplies. Li the council of officers, held on the night of the 11th, Gen eral Franklin, who had about sixty thousand men, urged such a movement on the left. There was delay in issuing the orders, which gave Lee ample time to strengthen his position. The plan adopted was substantially that which Franklin had urged. These were Burnside's directions to Franklin ; — ■* General Hardee will carry this despatch to you, and remain with you through the day. The general commanding directs that you keep your whole command in ' position ' for a rapid movement down the old Richmond road ; and you will send out at once a division at least, to pass below Smithfield, to seize, if possible, the heights near Captain Hamilton's, on this side of tlie Massaponax, taking care to keep it well supported and its line of retreat open. He has ordered another column of a division or more to be moved from General Sumner's command, up the Plank-road to its intersection with the Telegraph road, where they wUl divide, with a view of seizing the heights on both these roads. Hold ing these neights, with the heights near Captain Hamilton's, will, he hopes, compel the enemy to evacuate the whole ridge between these points." In a letter to General Halleck, written on the 19th, a week after the battle, General Burnside explains his plan more fully. " The enemy," he says, " had cut a road in rear of the line of heights where we made our attack, by means of which they connected the two wings of their army and avoided a long detour around through a bad country. I obtained from a colored man information in regard to this road, which proved to be correct. I wanted to obtain possession of this road, and that was my reason for making my attack on the extreme left. I did not intend to make an attack on the right till that position was taken, which I supposed would stagger the enemy, cutting their line in two ; and then I proposed to make a direct attack in front and drive them out of their works." The day (the 12th) passed, and night came on before the army was in position to make the attack. At sunset the batteries along the lines opened fire, but the shells for the most part burst harmlessly, and the soldiers, accustomed to danger, 158 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec. cooked their coffee by the glimmering bivouac fires, spread their blankets on the ground, and lay down to sleep, giving no heed to the cannon's roar or the constant firing along the picket lines. THE MORNING. The morning of the 13th dawned. A thick fog hung over the river, so dense that it was hardly possible to distinguish ol> jects a hundred yards distant. General Sumner's head-quar- ters were by the house of Mr. Phillips, north of the river. Gen- eral Burnside rode down from his own head-quarters, and met General Sumner and General Hooker, and other officers. He wore an anxious look, and justly, for it was the most respon- sible hour of his life. Up to that time all of his well-laid plans had failed. Ho had hoped to cross the river and surprise the Rebels, but two days liad passed since the beginning of the movement, giving Lee time to strengthen his defences. Now the fog hung over the river, and he was afraid of collision be- tween different divisions of his troops. But a password was whispered along the lines, and orders were issued to go for- ward. Wliile the troops were waiting for the advance the mails arrived. How eagerly were the letters and papers grasped by the soldiers! It was affecting to see them, as they read the words of love from home, dasli the tears from their eyes. Home was dear to them just then. The fog began to drift along the valley. It was like the drawing aside of a curtain. The entire battle-field was in view. Two signal-guns were fired in quick succession by the Rebels far down on the left in front of Franklin. There was a quick mounting of horses at Burnsidc's liead-quarters. The officers liad received their final orders, and dashed away to carry them into execution. The main attack was to be led by Franklin. He had his own two corps, numbering forty tliousand ; Stoneman was moving to his support with twenty thousand, and Butterfield, with the Fiftli Corps, could bo called to aid him if needed. Standhig where General Tyler had planted his guns, I had a fair view of the entire battle-field. The position was below the 1862.] BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 159 town, near the lower bridge, on the Washington farm. Rebel oflBcers were riding to and fro around Maryee's house. The gunners of the Washington Artillery were leaning upon their pieces, watching the movements in tlie town. The Second Corps had moved out from the streets past the old burying-ground, and was near the gas-works. The right of the line extended north of the Plank-road to the monument erected to the mem- ory of Washington's mother. General French's division of the Second Corps was on the right ; General Hancock's was next in the line, with Howard's division, as reserve, in the rear. The Second Corps batteries were standing in the streets of the town, the officers vainly seek- ing positions where they could fire upon the Rebel batteries which looked down upon them from Maryee's Hill. The Ninth Corps under Wilcox was joined to the Second Corpt>, and occupied the lower end of the town. General Sturgis's division was in front, with Whipple's, forming the second line. Burns's division was in reserve, near Deep Run. The Rebel ammunition trains were in sight far up Hazel Run, and on the distant hill there was a group of Rebel officers around Long- street's head-quarters. Troops and teams were passing to and fro between Hood's and Pickett's divisions. Wilcox's troops were taking position, marching and countermarching, closing in solid mass under the shelter of the banks of Hazel Run. The right of the Sixth Corps, under General Smith, rested on Deep Run, Brooks's division joining Burns's west of the run, almost up to the railroad. Howe's division was next in line, where the Rebel batteries had full sweep of the broad intervale. The ground is a dead level east of the run, extending from the river to the wooded hill, where Lee had established his head-quarters. Howe's troops were lying along the old Rich- mond road, where, beneath the cedars and sodded fences, the soldiers found shelter from the shells of the enemy. General Newton's division was on the left of Howe's, also lying imder cover. General Gibbon's division of Reynolds's corps, the First, was next in line. Meade stood next, directly in front of the railroad-crossing at Hamilton's, — the vital point, which, if seized and held, would force Lee out of his intrench men ts. Meade 160 THE BOYS OF '61 [DeC had crossed the old Richmond road, and was facing sonth ; Doublcday's division was on the extreme left, extending from Meade's left to the river, facing east, and standing nearly at right angles with Meade's division. The battle was begun by General Meade, his divisions hav- ing been selected to lead the advance towards the railroad- crossing. The Bucktails, who had been in nearly all the en gagements on the Peninsula, who first exhibited their valor at Drainsville, who were under Hooker at Antietam, were first engaged. They moved over the open field beyond Ber- nard's, and drove the enemy's skirmishers. The Rebel bat- teries — Latham's, Johnson's, Mcintosh's, Pegram's, and Crenshaw's — opened a heavy fire. Jackson knew the impor- tance of holding the position at Hamilton's, and had massed these batteries, which gave a concentrated fire upon the ad- vancing force. Reynolds's batteries galloped into position and replied ; and so for an hour the pounding of the batteries went on along the left. Meade's division was composed of three brigades. The First was commanded by Colonel Sinclair, and was composed of the First Rifles (Bucktails), the First, Second, and Sixth regi- ments of the Pennsylvania Reserves. The Second Brigade was commanded by Colonel Magilton, and consisted of the Third, Fourth, Seventh, and Eighth regiments of the Pennsyl- vania Reserves, and the One Hundred and Forty-Second Penn- sylvania Volunteers. The Third Brigade was commanded by General C. F. Jackson, and was composed of the Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth regiments of the Reserves. Attached to this division were four batteries of four guns each, Captain Ransom's Third United States artillery, Lieutenant Simpson's, Captain Amsden's, and Captain Cooper's of the First Pennsylvania regiment of artillery. Captain Ransom and Lieutenant Simpson had twelve-pounders, the others were three-inch rifled guns. Sinclair's brigade was in the front line, and Magilton's three hundred paces in rear of it. Jackson's was in rear of the left of the two lines, with his men in cohmm of regiments, about one hundred paces in rear of Magilton's line. These three brigades numbered about six thousand men. 1862.] BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. l61 THE ATTACK ON THE LEFT. It was just nine o'clock when Meade moved from his position near the Bernard House. A ravine comes down from the hills and forms the dividing line between the Bernard and Smithfield estates. As soon as Meade crossed the ravine, he turned the head of his column to the south, and moved to the Bowling Green or old Rich- mond road, where he was obliged to stop while the pioneers could cut away the hedges, level the sod fences, and bridge the ditches, in order that liis artillery could pass. Wliile he was doing tiiis, Stuart's batteries opened fire. They were on Meade's left flank and enfiladed his lines, throwing shells directly up the road. Meade apprehended an immediate attack on his left flank, and swung his second brigade towards Stuart, facing cast, while his first brigade was still facing south towards Hamilton's crossing. His line tlius made two sides of a squaro. There was a little knoll on the left of the first brigade. " That is the place for you," said Meade to Cooper and Ran- som. The batteries were quickly wheeled into the position indicated. The gunners bad a fair view of the Rebel batteries over the level plain. Simpson brought his battery up and placed it in front of the Third Brigade, and replied to Pegram. Such was tbe opening of the battle. Meanwhile, Doublcday was puslung down by the river. When the Rebel batteries opened fire, he brought his own into position and gave a cross-fire, which was so severe that Stuart's Rockbridge battery was quickly silenced and the guns withdrawn. While this was going on, a body of Rebel sharp- shooters crept up by the hedges and commenced firing ; but two companies of marksmen were sent out by General Jackson's brigade, which drove them back. An hour passed before Meade was ready to move again. Doublcday had advanced towards Stuart, but Gibbon was not yet upon Meade's right. Stonewall Jackson, seeing that Doublcday was moving down the river, thought that it was Franklin's intention to turn his right flank. D. H. Hill's division, which was close by Hamil- ton's liouse, was sent upon the double-quick to help Stuart hold 11 162 TIIK BOYS OF '61. [DoC. his lino * This weakcucd his centre. It was at this auspicious moment that Meade's division advanced alone to pierce the Rebel line. It was twelve o'clock, and Franklin's force was in the follow- ing position : Doubleday on the left, well down towards Stuart, his batteries in full play ; Meade thirty or forty rods beyond the Bowling Green road, in the open field ; Gibbon and Newton just over the road ; Howe up to it ; Birney and Sickles filing out from the bridges, a mile in rear of Meade. All of Franklin's batteries which were in position, one hun- dred and sixteen guns, commenced a rapid fire upon the woods beyond the railroad, to protect Meade in his advance. De Russey opened with his sixty pieces from the hills north of the Rappahannock, throwing shells over the heads of the advancing troops. Jackson's batteries were equally active. There were twenty- one guns by the negro cabins in front of Uowe, twelve in front of Newton, fourteen in front of Meade, while other single bat- teries under Stuart were playing on the left. More than two hundred and fifty pieces were roaring as Meade advanced. It was a magnificent spectacle ; but it was a moment of anxiety to Burnside, who could only judge of the progress of the battle by the following despatches, received from time to time. " Ueas-Quabters, Franklin's Grand Division, December 13, 7.40 A. M. General Burnside: *' General Meade's division is to make the movement from our left ; but it is just reported that the enemy's skirmishers are advancing, indi- cating an attack upon our position on the left." " 9 o'clock A. M. " General Meade just moved out. Doubleday supports him. JMeade's skirmishers engaged, however, at once with enemy's skirmishers. Bat- tery opening, on Meade probably, from position on old Richmond road." " 1 1 o'clock A. M. " Meade advanced half a mile, and holds on. Infantry of enemy in woods in front of extreme left, also in front of Howe. No loss, so far of great importance. General Vinton badly, but not dangerously wounded. • Jackson's Report. 1862.] BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 1(>H " Later. — Reynolds has been forced to develop his whole line, " An attack of some force of enemy's troops on our left seems probable, us far as can now be judged. Stoneman has been directed to cross one division to support our left. Report of cavalry pickets from the other side of the river, that enemy's troops were moving down the river on this side during the latter part of the night. Howe's pickets reported movements in their front, same direction. Still they have a strong brce well posted, with batteries, there." "12 o'clock M. " Birney's division is now getting into position. That done, Reynolds will order Meade to advance. Batteries over the river are to shell the enemy's position in the woods in front of Reynolds's left. He thinks the eflfect will be to protect Meade's advance. A column of the enemy's infantry is passing along the crest of the hills from right to left, as we look at it." " 12.5 P. M. " General Meade's line is advancing in the direction you prescribed this morning." " 1 o'clock P. U. " Enemy opened a battery on Reynolds, enfilading Meade. Reynolds has opened all his batteries on it ; no report yet. Reynolds hotly en- gaged at this moment. Will report in a few moments again." " 1.15 o'clock P. M. " Heavy engagements of infantry. Enemy in force where battery is. Meade is assaulting the hill. Will report in a few minutes again." " 1.25 o'clock P. M. ** Meade is in the woods in his front ; seems to be able to hold on. Reynolds will push Gibbon in, if necessary. The battery and woods referred to must be near Hamilton's house. The infantry firing is pro- longed and quite heavy. Things look well enough. Men in fine spirits." ." 1.40 o'clock P. M. •' Meade having carried a portion of the enemy's position in the woods, we have three hundred prisoners. Enemy's battery on extreme left retired. Tough work ; men fight well. Gibbon has advanced to Meade's right ; men fight well, driving the enemy. Meade has suflTered severely. Doubleday to Meade's left, — not engaged." " 2i o'clock P. M. " Gibbon and Meade driven back from the woods. Newton gone for- ward. Jackson's corps of the enemy attacks on the left. General 164 THE BOYS OF '61. [DeC. Gibbon slightly wounded. General Bayard mortally wounded by a shell. Things do not look as well on Reynolds's front; still, we 'U have new troops in soon." " 2.25 P. M. " Despatch received. Franklin will do his best. New troops gone in. Will report soon again." " 3 o'clock P. M. " Reynolds seems to be holding his own. Things look better, some- what." " 3.40 o'clock P. M. " Gibbon's and Meade's divisions are badly used up, and I fear another advance on the enemy on our left cannot be made this afternoon. Doubleday's division will replace Meade's, as soon as it can be collected, and, if it be done in time, of course another attack will be made. " The enemy are in force in the woods on our left, towards Hamilton's, and are threatening the safety of that portion of our line. They seem to have detached a portion of their force to our front, where Howe and Brooks are now engaged. Brooks has some prisoners, and is down to the railroad. Just as soon as the left is safe, our forces here will be prepared for a front attack, but it may be too late this afternoon. In- deed, we are engaged in front anyhow. Notwithstanding the unpleasant items I relate, the morale generally of the troops is good." " 4^ o'clock P. M. " The enemy is still in force on our left and front. An attack on our batteries in front has been repulsed. A new attack has just opened on our left, but the left is safe, though it is too late to advance either to the left or front." Such was the intelligence which reached General Burnside of the operations on the left. It was not very encouraging. Ho expected that Franklin, with sixty thousand men at his dis- posal, would sweep Jackson from his position by Hamilton's, and thus gain the rear of Lee's left flank, which would make it easy for Sumner with the right wing to break through the line • in rear of the town. Instead of throwing forty thousand men upon Jackson, as he could have done, dealing a blow which might have broken the Rebel lines, Meade's division alone was sent forward. The fire of the batteries was terrific as he ad- vanced, and so severe was the cannonade that tlie Rebel bat- teries which had been advanced from the main line wyro 1862.] BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 165 forced to retire, with two caissons blown up and several guns disabled.* As the troops moved on they came to a hollow before reach- ing the railroad. They halted a moment on the edge of the depression and corrected their lines. It was a clear field to the railroad embankment, behind which they could see the gleam- ing of the sunlight on the bayonets of A. P. Hill's division. Meade's three brigades were now in line, the first on the right, with the Sixth regiment of the Reserves thrown out as skirmishers ; the Second in the centre, and the Third on the left. The direction of Meade's advance brought him against Lane's and Archer's brigades. Lane's brigade was composed of five North Carolina regiments, — the Seventh, Eighteenth, Twenty-Eighth, Thirty-Third, and Thirty-Seventh. Archer's was composed of the First, Seventh, and Fourteenth Tennessee, and Nineteenth Georgia regiments, and Fifth Alabama battalion. They were on the railroad and in the woods. There was a gap between the brigades, and there Meade drove the entering wedge. It was a fierce and bloody contest along the rail- road, in the woods, upon the hillside, in the ravine, on the open plain, and on the crest of the ridge. The fourteen guns on the hill poured a murderous fire into Meade's left flank. The guns by Deep Run, in front of Pender's brigade, enfi- laded the line from the right, while in reserve were two full brigades, — Thomas's and Gregg's, — to fill the gap. But not- withstanding this, Meade, unsupported, charged down the slope, through the hollow, up to the railroad, and over it, routing the Fourteenth Tennessee and Nineteenth Georgia, of Archer's, and the whole of Lane's brigade. With a cheer the Pennsylvanians went up the hill, crawling through the thick underbrush, to the crest, doubling up Archer and knocking Lane completely out of the line. It was as if a Herculean destroyer had crumbled, with a sledge-hammer stroke, the key-stone of an arch, leaving the whole structure in danger of immediate and irretrievable ruin. Archer shifted the Fifth Alabama from his right to his loft, • Lee's Report 166 THE ROYS OF '61. [Dec. but was not able to stop the advancing Yankees, lie had already sent to Gregg for help, and that officer was putting his troops in motion. He had sent to Ewell, who was by Ilamil- ton's, and Trimble and Lawton were getting ready to move Lane was still running, and the gap was widening between Ai'chcr and Pender. Gibbon ought to have been Ibllowing Meade, driving up the hill through the gap, but he halted at the railroad ; his men were loath to move, for Pender's batteries were cutting across his flank, llowe and Newton and Brooks were by the Bowling Green road, showing no signs of advancing. Sickles and Bir- ney were almost back to Bernard's mansion. Doubleday was holding the flank against Stuart, and Meade was struggling alone. The latter officer thus speaks of his position at this moment : — " The first brigade to the right advanced several hundred yards over cleared ground, driving the enemy's skirmishers before them till they reached the woods in front of the railroad, which they entered, driving the enemy out of tliem to the railroad, where they were found strongly posted in ditches and beliind temporary defences. The brigade (First) drove them fiom there and up the heights in their front. Owing to a heavy llie being received on their right flank, they obliqued over to that side, but continued forcing the enemy back till they had crowned the crest of the hill, crossed a main road which runs along the crest, and reached open ground on tiie other side, where they were assailed by a very severe iu-e fi-oni a larger force in their front, and at the same time the enemy opened a battery which completely enfiladed them from the right flank. After holding their ground for some time, no support ar- riving, they were compelled to fall back to the railroad." * Gibbon, the nearest support to Meade, was nearly half a mile distant.! That officer was wounded while the fight was hot- test, but of the part which he was performing ho says : — " As soon as the enemy's guns slackened fire, I saw General Meade's troops moving forward into action, and I at once sent orders to my lead- ing brigade to advance and engage the enemy. Shortly afterwards I ordered up another brigade to support the first. The fire was very • General Meade's Testimony, Conduct of the War, Part I. p. 696. t See map acconipanjing; General Franklin's replj to Report of Committoe on Conduct of the War. 1862.] BATTLE OF FREDF.RICKSBURG. 167 heavy from the enemy's infantry, and I ordered up the Third Brif^ade and formed it in column on tlie right of my line, and directed them to take the position with the bayonet, having previously given that order to the leading brigade. But the general commanding that brigade told me tliat the noise and confusion was such that it was impossible to get the men to charge, or to get them to liear any order to charge. The Third Brigade — my last brigade — went in and took the position with the bayonet, and captured a considerable number of prisoners. During the fighting of the infantry I was establishing the batteries which l)e- longed to my division in position to assist in the assault. I liad just received the report of the success of this Tliird Brigade, when shortly after I saw a regiment of Rebel infantry come out on the left of my line between myself and General Meade. I rode up towards a battery that was on their left, and directed them to open fire upon that regi- ment. I was riding back towards the right of my line, when I was wounded, and left the field about half past two o'clock in the afternoon, I think."* It will be seen by Franklin's despatches that Meade had broken the line before Gibbon was engaged. At 1.15 P. M. he telcgraplied to Bnrnside, " Meade is assaulting the hill." Ten minutes later, at 1.25 P. M., '■'•Reynolds will push Gibbon in if necessarj/." At 1.40 P. M., " Meade has carried a por- tion of the enemy's position in the woods. We have three hundred prisoners. Gibbon has advanced to Meade's right." It was in this advance to the railroad, when Gibbon came in collision with Pender's and Thomas's brigades, that Gibbon was wounded. While this was going on in front, the Second and Third Brigades of Meade were enveloping Gregg's brigade of South Carolinians, which had been hurried up to retrieve the disaster to the line. There was a short but bloody contest. Tliree liun- dred South Carolinians fell in that struggle, including their commander, General Gregg, who was mortally wounded. It was a critical moment with Stonewall Jackson. The whole of Ewell's division, under the command of General Early, was brought up to regain the ground. Lawton's brigade came first upon tlie Pennsylvanians, followed by Ilayes's, Trimble's, and Field's brigades, with Early's own, commanded by Colonel Walker. * Testimony, Conduct of the War, Part I. p. 715. 168 THE BOYS OF '61 [Dec Had Newton, Howe, Brooks, Sickles, and Birney been near at hand, or had Gibbon been pushed promptly and effectively to Meade's s\ipport, the record of that l>loody day would have been far different from what it is. But they were not there. They had not even been ordered to advance ! Unable to withstand the onset of the whole of Jackson's force (with the exception of a portion of Taliferro's reserves), Meade was obliged to fall back, and give up the position won by such heroic valor. As his troops went to the rc;iv, they met Ward's brigade of Birney's division advancing. The Rebels were in full pursuit. Birney wheeled his batteries into position, and opened with canister, and the Rebels fled to the shelter of the woods. The divisions of Howe and Newton and Sickles were slightly engaged later in the day, but only in repulsing a second advance of the Rebels. The attack which Meade had opened so gallantly, and which was attended with such good success, had failed. Less than ten thousand men had broken the enemy's line, and opened the way to victory. Of the sixty thousand men at Franklin's disposal not more than sixteen or eighteen thousand were engaged during the day,* and of those not more than eight thousand at any one time. General Franklin, in vindicating himself from censure for not attacking with a larger force and more vigorously, falls back on the clause in Burnside's order, " to attack with ono division at least, and to keep it well supported." It would have been better if Burnside had given explicit instructions. There must be some latitude allowed to subordinates, but there are very few men who, without particular instructions, can enter fully into the plans and intentions of the commander- in-chief. Franklin was constitutionally sluggish in his move- ments. The attack on the left required boldness, energy, and perseverance, Sumner was the man for the place. Burnside was peculiarly unfortunate in the selecuon of commanders to carry out the particular features of his plan ; but Sumner hav- uig been first to arrive at Falmouth, and having taken position, it was not easy to make the change. While the battle was raging on the left 1 rode over the plain. * Testimony of Meade and other officers, Conduct of the Wur 1862.] BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBUKG. 169 Tlio cavalry under General Bayard was drawn up in rear of the grove surrounding the fnie old Bernard mansion. General Bayard was sitting at the foot of a tree, waiting for orders, and watching the advancing columns of Meade and Gibbon. There was a group of officers around General Franklin. Howe's and Newton's divisions were lying down to avoid the Rebel shells, hurled from the heights beyond the railroad. All of Fianklin's guns were in play. The earth shook with the deep concussion. Suddenly the Rebel batteries opened with redoubled fury. A shot went over my head, a second fell in front of my horse, and ploughed a furrow in the ground ; a third exploded at my right, a fourth went singing along the line of a regiment lying prostrate on the earth. McCartney's, Williston's, Hexamer's, Amsden's, Cooper's, Ransom's, and a dozen other batteries were replying. Meade was driving up the hill. Wounded men were creeping, crawling, and hobbling towards the hospital. Some, slightly wounded, were uttering fearful groans, while others, made of sterner stuff, though torn and mangled, bore their pains without a murmur. A soldier, with his arms around the necks of two of his com rades, was being brought in. " dear ! Lord ! my foot is torn all to pieces ! " he cried. There was a hole in the toe of his boot where the ball had Entered. " It has gone clear through to the heel, and smashed all the bones. dear! dear! I shall have to have it cut off!" he cried, moaning piteously as his comrades laid him upon the ground to rest. " Better cut off your boot before your foot swells." " Yes, — do so." I slipped my knife through the leather, and took the boot from his foot. The ball had passed through his stocking. There was but a drop or two of blood visible. I cut off the stocking, and the bullet was lying between his toes, having barely broken the skin. " I reckon I sha'n't help lug you any farther," said one of the men who had borne him. " Wal, if I had known that it was n't any worse than that 1 would n't have had my boot cut off," said the soldier. 170 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec. Returning to the Bernard mansion, I saw a commotion among the cavalry, and learned that their commander was mortally wounded. He had hcen struck hy a solid shot while sitting by the tree ; and they were bearing him to the hospital. He was a bravo and gallant officer. THE ATTACK ON TUE RIGHT. But while this was transpiring on the left there was a terri- ble sacrifice of life at the foot of Maryee's Hill. Soon after noon French's and Hancock's divisions of the Second Corps, with Sturgis's division of the Ninth, advanced over the open field in rear of the town to attack the heights. Officers walked along the lines giving the last words. " Advance and drive them out with the bayonet ! " were the orders. The fifteen thousand in a compact body move to the edge of the plateau. The hills are aflame. All of Longstreet's guns are thundering. Shells burst in the ranks. The Rebel skir- mishers, concealed in the houses and behind fences, fire a volley and fall back to the main line. Onward move the divisions. We who behold them from the rear, although we know that death stands ready to reap an abundant harvest, feel the blood rushing with quickened flow through our veins, when we see how gallantly they move forward, firing no shot in return. Now a sheet of flame bursts from the sunken road, and another from half-way up the slope, and yet another from the top of tlic hill. Hundreds fall ; but still on, nearer to the hill rolls the wave. Still, still it flows on ; but we can see that it is losing its power, and, though advancing, it will be broken. It begins to break. It is no longer a wave, but scattered rem- nants, thrown back like rifts of foam. A portion of Sturgis's division reaches the hollow in front of the hill and settles into it. The Eleventh New Hampshire, commanded by Colonel Harriman, is in the front line. They arc new troops, and this is their first battle ; but they fight so gallantly that they win the admiration of their general. " See!" said Sturgis to an old regiment which quailed before the fire. " See the Eleventh New Hampshire! a now regiment, etanding like posts driven into the ground." 1862. J BATTLE OF FRLi,ERlCKSBURG. l71 Hancock and French, unable to find any shelter, are driven back upon the town. The attack and repulse have not occupied fifteen minutes. It is a sad sight, that field tliickly strown with dying and dead men. But in battle there is no time for the wringing of hands over disaster. The bloody work must go on. Sturgis is in the hollow, so near the hill that the Rebel batteries on the crest cannot be depressed sufficiently to drive him out. He is ^vithin close musket-shot of Cobb's brigade, lying behind the stone-wall at the Ijase of the hill. Sturgis's men lie down, load and fire deliberately, watching their oppor- tunity to pick off the gunners on the hill. In vain are all the eflforts of Longstreet to dislodge them. Solid shot, shells, can- ister, and shrapnel are thrown towards the hollow, but without avail. A solitary oak-tree near is torn and broken by the artil- lery fire, and pitted with musket-balls, and the ground is fui- rowed with the deadly missiles ; but the men keep tlieir position through the weary hours. The division is composed of two brigades, — Naglcs's, containing the Sixth and Ninth New Hamp- shire, Seventh Rhode Island, Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania, and Second Maryland ; and Ferrero's, containing the Twenty-First and Thirty-Fifth Massachusetts, Eleventh New Hampshire, Fifty-First Pennsylvania, and Fifty-First New York, A second attempt is made upon the hill. Humphrey's divis- ion, composed of Tyler's and Briggs's brigade of Pcnnsylvan- ians, nearly all new troops, leads the advance, followed closely by Morrell's division of veterans. The lines move steadily over the field, under cover of the batteries which have been brought up and planted in the streets. Sturgis pours a con stant stream of fire upon the sunken road. Thus aided, they reach the base of the hill in front of Maryee's, deliver a few volleys, and then with thinned ranks retire once more to the shelter of the ridge. The day is waning. Franklin has failed. He telegraphs that it is too late to make another attack on the left. Not so does Sumner think on the right. He is a brave old man, fear- less in battle, counting human life of little value if victory can be won by its sacrifice. He walks to and fro by the Lacey House like a chained lion. Burnside will not let him cross 172 THE r.OYs OF CI. [Dec, the river. Time has ploughed deep I'lirrows on his face. His hair is white as the driven snow; lie is grim and gruff; his voice is deep, and he has rough words for those who falter in duty ; but he has a tender heart. He dotes upon his son, and calls him " Sammy " familiarly. He cannot bear to have him gone long from his side, but yet is ready to send him into the thickest of the fight. He cannot see the day lost without another struggle, and orders a third attack. Humphrey, Morrell, Getty, Sykes, and Howard, or portions of their divisions, are brought up. The troops have been under arms from early daylight. They have had no food. All day they have been exposed to the fire of the Rebel batteries, and have lost heavily. Brooks's division of the Sixth Corps moves up Deep Run to engage in the last attack. All the batteries on both sides of the river are once more brought into action. Getty moves up Hazel Run to take the Rebels in liank, who are protected by the sunken road at the base of the hill. THE LAST ATTACK. It is sunset. The troops move out once more upon the open plain, and cross the field vnth a clieer. The ground bo- neath them is already crimson with the blood of their fallen comrades. They reach the base of the hill. Longstreet brings down all his reserves. The hillside, the plain, the crest of the ridge, the groves and thickets, the second range of hills beyond INIaryee's, the hollow, the sunken road, are bright flashes. Two hundred cannon strike out fierce defiance, — forty thousand muskets and rifles flame ! The Rebels are driven from the stone-walls, and the sunken road, and the rifle-pit midway the hill. The blue wave mounts all but to the top of the crest. It threatens to overwhelm the Rebel batteries. But we who watch it behold its power de- creasing. Men begin to come down the hill singly and in squads, and at length in masses. The third and last attempt has failed. The divisions return, leaving the plain and the hillside strown with thousands of brave men who have fallen in the inetfectuftl struggle. There was no fighting on Sunday, the 14th, but General Burnside vras preparing to make another attack. He had eigh 1862,J BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. 178 teen of his old regiments in the Ninth Corps, who would go wherever he sent them. He thought that they would carry tlio heights. " I hope," said General Sumner, " that you will desist from an attack. I do not know of any general ofliccr who approver it, and 1 think it will prove disastrous to the army." The advice was followed, and it was then decided to withdraw the army. The wind on Tuesday night blew a gale from the southwest. Hay and straw were laid upon the bridges to deaden the sound of the artillery wheels. It began to rain before morning ; and the Rebels, little dreaming of what was taking place, remained in their quarters. Before daylight the whole army had recrossed the river, and the bridges were taken up. Great were their amazement and wonder when the Rebels looked down from the heights and saw the Union army once more on the northern bank, beyond the reach of their guns. General Burnside lost about ten thousand men, while the loss of the Rebels was about five thousand. The defeat was dis- heartening to the army. But thougli repulsed, the soldiers felt that they were not beaten ; they had failed l^ecause General Burnside's plans had not been heartily entered into by some of the officers. But the patriotic flame burned as brightly as ever, and they had no thought of giving up the contest. TATTOO. 174 THE BOYS OF '61. [DeC. CHAPTER Xll. THE WINTER AT FALMOUTH. After the battle of Fredericksburg, both armies prepared for the winter. Two great cities of log-huts sprang up in the dense forests on both sides of the Rappahannock, peopled by more than two hundred thousand men. It was surprising to see how quickly the soldiers made themselves comfortable in huts chinked with mud and roofed with split shingles. These rude dwellings had a fireplace at one end, doors hung on leathern hinges, and bunks one above another, like berths in a steam- boat. There the men told stories, played checkers and cards, read the newspapers, wrote letters to their friends far away, and kept close watch all the while upon the Rebels. But there were dark days and dreary nights. It tried their endurance and patriotism to stand all night upon picket, with the north-wind howling around them and the snow whirling into drifts. There were rainy days, and weeks of mud, when there was no drilling, and when there was nothing to do. Then chaplains, with books and papers under their arms, were wel- comed everywhere. General Howard thus bore testimony to the labors of one who was not a chaplain, but an agent of the American Tract Society from Boston, — Rev. Mr. Alvord : — •' There is a great and good man, — great because he is good and because he is practical, — who has followed the Army of the Potomac from the beginning. He takes his papers, and goes himself and circu- lates them as far as he is able, and, by the agency of others, gets them into nearly every regiment in the army. And you should see the soldiers cluster around him ! When his wagon drives up in front of a regiment, the soldiers pour out with life, circle round him, and beg for books and tracts, — for anything he has. Some of them want papers to read for themselves, and others to select pieces out of them to send home. I could hardly believe it, that there was such eagerness on the THE MAGIC LANTERN IN THE HOSPITAL. 1862.] THE WINTER AT FALMOUTIL 175 part of soldiers for such reading until I saw it with my own eyes. ' Give me a paper,' ' Give me a paper,' ' Give me a tract,' ' Give me a book,' is the impatient cry. Very fi'equently ladies liave sent tracts and books to my tent, and on the Sabbath-day I have taken them myself to distribute, and I have scarcely ever had to ask a soldier to receive one of them. Indeed, if you give to one or two, the others will feel jealous if neglected." * • Said a chaplain : — " 1 am besieged by those who want something good to read. In m^ rounds I am followed at my elbow. ' Please, sir, can you spare me one ? ' They hail me from a distance : ' Are you coming down this way, chaplain ? ' It is a pleasant thing to pause in these travels through the parish and look back upon the white waves that rise in the wake of one's course. Sports are hushed, swearing is charmed away, all are reading, — Sabbath has come." In some regiments, where the officers co-operated with chajn lains to elevate the morals of men, few oaths were heard. One day General EToward started out with a handful of leaflets on swearing, with the intention of giving one to every man whom he heard using profane language. He went from regiment to regiment and from brigade to brigade of his division, and returned to hi« tent without hearing an oath. " I have been all through my division to-day," he said* *' visiting the hospitals, and I have n't heard a single man swear. Is n't it strange ? " One of the citizens of Falmouth came to General Howard for a guard. " You favored secession, I suppose," said the General. " I stuck for the Union till Virginia went out of the Union I had to go with her" " You have a son in the Rebel army." " Yes, sir ; but he enlisted of his own accord." " The soldiers steal your chickens, you say ? " " Yes, they take everything they can lay their hands upon, and I want a guard to protect my property." " If you and all your neighbors had voted against seces- Bion, you would not need a guard. No, sir, you can't have * General Howard's Address at Washington. 17G THE BOYS OF '61. [DeC. one. When you have given as much to your country as I have I will give you one, but not till then," said the Gen eral, pointing to his empty sleeve. He lost his right arm at Fair Oaks. It was a gloomy winter, but the Sanitary and Christian Commissions gave their powerful aid towards maintaining the health and morals and spirits of the army. The Christian Commission opened six stations, from which they dispensed supplies of books and papers and food for the sick, not regu- larly furnished by the medical department. Religious meet- ings were held nightly, conducted by the soldiers, marked by deep solemnity. A^'eterans who had passed through all the trials and temptations of a soldier's life gave testimony of the peace and joy they had in believing in Jesus. Others asked what they should do to obtain the same comfort. Many who had faced death unflinchingly at Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Malvern, and Antietam, who had been ever indifferent to the claim of religion, became like little children as they listened to their comrades singing, " Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee." It was not sentimentalism. A soldier who has been through a half-dozen battles is the last person in the world to indulge in sentiment. He above all men understands reality. Thus led by the sweet music and the fervent prayers of their comrades, they rejoiced in the hope that they had found forgiveness of sins through the blood of the Son of God. At Falmouth, an old tobacco-warehouse on the bank of the river, within hail of the Rebel pickets, was cleared of rubbish, the broken ceiling and windows covered with canvas, a rude pulpit erected, where on Sabbath afternoons and every evening meetings were held, a Sabbath school was organized, also a day school. One of the soldiers established a school for the instruction of the children of the village. Often in the calm twi- light of the mild winter days the Rebel picket pacing his beat upon the opposite bank stoi)ped, and leaning upon his gun, 'istened to the hymns of devotion wafted on the evening air. He corJd have sent a bullet whistling through the building, THE CHRISTIAN COMMISSION IN THE FIKLD 18(J2.J THE WINTER AT FALMOUTH. 177 but there was u mutual understanding among the pickets not to fire, and so the meetings were undisturbed. In the Forty-Fourth Now York Regiment, known as tho Ellsworth Avengers, wore two young soldiers whose hearts were woven together with Christian zeal. They had no chap- lahi ; but they established a prayer-meeting, holding it besido a stump, in a retired place. They obtained permission of the colonel to build a log chapel. They had to draw tho logs a mile, but they had faith and energy, and laid out a building sixteen by thirty-two feet square. Rev. Mr. Alvord, the agent of a Tract Society, gives tho following account of their labors. " The first logs were heavy, and hardly any one to help. Their plan at first was not very definite. They would lay down a log and thon look and plan by the eye. Another log was wearily drawn and put on The crowd came round to quiz and joke. ' Are you to have it finisl"}d be- fore the world ends ? ' ' Fixing up to leave ? ' ' How does your saloon get on ? ' The more serious, in pity, tried to discourage. Thpre was * already an order out to move ; what 's the use ? ' ' Who want« meet- ings ? ' But these two Christian boys (S. and L.) toiled on lik« Noah, amidst the scoffs of the multitude. The edifice slowly rose; volunteers lent a hand. The Christian men of the regiment became interested. (There were forty or fifty in all, eijjhteen or twenty of whom at length aided in the work.) A sufficient height was reached, and fii'^t a roof of brush, and afterwards of j)at(li('d ponchos, was put on, ami meetings began, — or rather they began when it was only an open pen. In a few days Burnside's advance came, and the regiment left for the field. In their absence, plunderers btripf)cd the cabin, and carried off a por- tion of its material ; but on the return of our troops tho eame busy hands and hearts of faith were again at work. A sutler gave them the old canvas cover of liis large tent, which he was about to cut up to shelter his horses with, and lo, li precisely fitted the roof of the raeet- ing-liousc, — not an inch to spare I " Well, there it stands, to his glory and the credit of their persever- ance. (It took about one hundred logs to build it.) You should have Been their eyes shine, as, here in my tent for tracts, they were one day giving me its history, and you should have been with us last evening. The little pulpit made of empty box boards, two chandeliers suspended from the ridge-pole of cross-sticks, wreathed with ivy, and in the sock- eted ends four adamant candles, each burning brilliantly. Festoons of ivy and ' dead men's fingers ' (a species of woodbine called by this name), looped gracefully along the sides of tho room, and in the centre 12 178 THE ROYS OF '61. [Dec. from chandelier to chandelier, — their deep green, with the line brown bark of the pine logs, and white canvas above, striped with its rafters, sweetly contrasting. Below, a perfect pack of soldiers, in the 'Aveng- ers' ' uniform, squatted low upon the pole seats, beneath which was a carpet of evergreen sprays, — all silent, uncovered, respectful ; as the service opened, you could have heard a pin fall. There was nothing here to make a noise. Pew-doors, psalm-books, rustling silks, or groined arches reverberating the slightest sound of hand or footfall, there were none. Only the click of that wooden latch, and a gliding figure, like a stealthy vidette, squeezing in among the common mass, indicated the late comer. The song went up from the deep voices of men, — do you know the effect ? — and before our service closed, tears rolled down from the faces of men. To be short, every evening of the week this house is now filled with some service, four of which ai'c religious. When they can have no preaching, these soldiers meet for prayer. " I stole in one evening, lately, when they were at these devotions ; prayer after prayer successively ivas offered, in earnest, Immblest tones, before I'ising from their knees ; the impenitent looking on solemnly. Officers were present and took part, and seldom have I seen such mani- fest tokens that God is about to appear in power. Opposition there is none. The whole regiment looks upon the house now as a matter of pride, — encourage all the meetings. It is attractive to \'isitors, and, when not used for religious purposes, is occupied by lyceum debates, singing clubs, &c., «&c. How those two Christian boys do enjoy it ! Said one of them to me, ' We have been paid for all our labor a thou- sand times over.' " Thus, fighting, marching, singing, prayhig, teaching the igno- rant, trusting in God, never wavering m their faith of the ulti- mate triumph of right, they passed the weary winter. 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 17fl CHAPTER XIII. CHANCELLOR SVILLE. General Burnside having accepted the command of the armj with reluctance, was relieved at his own request, and General Hooker was appointed his successor. He made a thorough reorganization. The system of grand divisions was abolished, and the corps organization adopted. The First Corps was com- manded by General Sickles, the Fifth by General Meade, the Sixth by General Sedgwick, the Eleventh by General Howard, and the Twelfth by General Slocum. The cavalry was consoli dated into a single corps, under General Stoneman. General Hooker intended to use the cavalry as it had not been used up to that time. The vigor manifested by General Hooker in the rcorganiza tion, and the confidence of the soldiers in him as a commander, gave now hope to the army. He reduced the number of wag ous in the trains, and informed the officers that they would be allowed only a limited amount of baggage. He issued orders that the troops should have rations of fresh bread, cabbages, and onions, in abundance. Merit was commended. Officers and men who had proved themselves efficient were allowed leave of absence, before the opening of the spring campaign. Regiments which had shown incapacity and loose discipline were allowed no favors. Only eleven regiments in tlie wliole army were highly commended. Some were severely censured as wanting those qualities which make a good regiment. Tins administration of affiiirs soon produced a perceptible change in the spirits of the men. There were frequent rains, which prevented any movement during the winter ; but General Hooker was not idle. He was obtaining information, from scouts and spies, of Lee's position and the number of his troops. He kept liis designs so well to himself that even his most trusted officers were not aware of 180 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, them. But his plan embraced three features : a cavalry move- ment under Stoneman towards Richmond, from the Upper Rap- pahannock, to destroy Lee's communications, burning bridges and supplies ; the deploy of a portion of the army down the river to attract Lee's attention ; and, lastly, a sudden march of the main body up the river, to gain a position near Chanccllors- ville, southwest of Fredericksburg, which would compel Leo to come out and fight, or evacuate the place. If ho gained the position, he could stand on the defensive and wait Lee's move- ments. He decided that Lee should be the attacking party. Lee had sent two divisions of Longstreet's corps under that officer to North Carolina, and Hampton's cavalry was recruiting south of the James River. It was a favorable opportunity to strike a heavy blow. On the 27th of April the Eleventh Corps, under Howard, and the Twelfth, under Slocum, at half past five in the morning started for Kelley's Ford by the Hartwood Church road. The Third, under Sickles, and the Fifth, under Meade, moved at the same time, by a road nearer the river, in the same direc- tion. The Second, under Couch, went towards United States Ford, which is only three miles from Chancellorsville. A dense fog hung over the river, concealing the movement. The Elev- enth, Twelfth, and Fifth Corps marched fourteen miles during the day, and bivouacked at four o'clock in the afternoon a mile west of Hartwood Church. To Lee, who looked across the river from Fredericksburg, there was no change in the appear- ance of things on the Stafford hills. The camps of the Yankees were still there, dottmg the landscape, teams were movuig to and fro, soldiers were at drill, and the smoke of camp-fires was curling through the air. During the evening of the 27th the pontoons belonging to the Sixth Corps were taken from the wagons, carried by the soldiers down to the river, and put into the water so noise- lessly that the Rebel pickets stationed on the bank near Ber- nard's house had no suspicion of what was going on. The boats were manned by Russell's brigade. At a given signal they were pushed rapidly across the stream, and, before the Rebel pickets were aware of the movement, they found them- selves prisoners. The First Corps went a m'lc farther down, lo 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 181 Soutlificld. It was daylight before the cngmcers of this corps could get their boats into the water. The Rebel sharpshooters who were lying in rifle-pits along the bank commenced a deadly fire. To silence them, Colonel Warner placed forty pieces of artillery on the high bank overlooking the river, imder cover of which the boats crossed, and the soldiers, leaping ashore, charged up the bank and captured one hundred and fifty Reb- els. The engineers in a short time had both bridges complet- ed. General Wadsworth's division of the First Corps was the first to cross the lower bridge. General Wadsworth ' ad bo- come impatient, and, instead of waiting for the complcdon of tho Ktructure, swam his horse across the stream. General Brooks, of the Sixth Corps, was the first to cross tho bridge at Bernard's. It was now five o'clock in the morning. There was great commotion in Fredericksburg. A courier dashed into town on horseback, shouting, " The Yankees arc crossing down tho river."* The church-bells were rung. Tho people who had returned to tho town after the battle of tho 13th of December sprang from their beds. They went out and stood upon Mar- yee's Hill, looked across the river, and saw tho country alive with troops. " All through the day," wrote the correspondent of tho (^itihmond Examiner, " the Yankee balloons were in the air at a great height, and the opposite side of the river, as far as tho eye could reach, was blue with their crowded columns." f The drummers beat the long-roll. " Fall in ! fall in ! " was the cry, and the whole army was quickly under arms. Tho movement was a surprise to General Leo. The crossing of the First and Sixth Corps was slow and do- liberate. " They continued to cross," says tho same writer, "until two o'clock P. M., — infantry, artillery, and wagons. They swarmed irregularly over the fields and blufis, of which they had taken possession, seeming not to have fallen into ranks. About five P. M. a light rain commenced, when they pitched their tents, and seemed to make themselves at home." Li order to deceive General Lee, only Wadsworth's and Brooks's divisions were sent over in the forenoon ; but portions • Letter to Richmond Examiner. \ llichmond Examiner, May 1st 186.1 182 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, of the other divisions, which had been concealed behind a belt of woods, were put iu motion, and marched along the crest of the ridge, through an open field, in sight of the Rebels, as though on their way down the river ; but, instead of crossing, were marched up through a gully around the hill to their start- ing-point, and were again moved over the same ground, — a circus-march, calculated to deceive the Rebels into thinking that the whole army was moving in that direction. A part of Jackson's corps had been lying at Shinker's Neck, several miles below Fredericksburg, which Lee ordered to Hamilton's crossing, occupying the same position that it held in the first battle. It was night before the remainder of the Sixth Corps crosseu the stream, while the other two divisions of the First Corps still remained on the northern bank. Lee could not compre- hend this new state of affairs. The night of the 28th passed, and no advance was made by the Sixth Corps. The morning of the 29th saw them in the same position, evidently in no haste to make an attack. Meanwhile tlic main body of the army was making a rapid march up the river. The Eleventh Corps reached Kelley's Ford, twenty-eiglit miles above Falmouth, at half past four in the afternoon. The pontoons arrived at six o'clock. Four hun- dred men went over in the boats, and seized the Rebel rifle-pits, captiiring a few prisoners, who were stationed there to guard the Ford. As soon as the bridge was completed, the troops began to cross. The Seventeenth Pennsylvania cavalry preced- ed the infantry, pushed out on the road leading to Culpepper, and encountered a detachment of Stuart's cavalry. On the morning of the 29th, the Twelfth Corps, followed by the Eleventh, made a rapid march to Germanna Ford, on the Rapidan, while the Fifth Corps took the road leading to Ely's Ford. When the Twelfth Corps arrived at Germanna Ford at three o'clock in the afternoon, the Rebels were discovered build- ing a bridge. About one hundred of them were taken pris- oners. Listead of waiting for the pontoons to be laid, the Twelfth forded the stream, which was deep and swift ; but the men held their cartridge-boxes over their heads, and thus kept tlieir powder dry. 1863. J CHANOELLORSVILLE. 183 It was not till the afternoon of the 29th that Lee understood Hooker's movement. At sunset Stuart reported that a heavy column of Yankees was crosshig the Germamia Ford, that there was another at Ely's, and still another at United States Ford. Lee saw that the routes, after crossing the Rapidan, converged near Chancellorsville, from whence several roads led to the rear of his position at Fredericksburg. On the morning of the 30th, Hooker's army was in the fol- lowing position : The Eleventh and Twelfth Corps at Germanna Ford, moving southeast ; the Fifth Corps at Ely's Ford, moving south ; the Second Corps, followed by the Third, at United States Ford, marching southwest; the First Corps passing up the river from its position below Fredericksburg, making a rapid march to join the Second Corps at United States Ford ; the Sixth Corps, meanwhile, lying inactive on the plain by Ber- nard's house. The movement was admirably made, each corps coming into position at the appointed place and time, showing that the plan had been well matured in the mind of the commander-in-chief. Early on the morning of the 30th the Eleventh Corps, fol- lowed by the Twelfth, moved from Germanna Ford down the Stcvensburg plaiik-road to the Old Wilderness Tavern, which is about a mile and a half west of Chancellorsville. The latter place, at the time of the battle, consisted of one brick house. The country around Cliancellorsville is called " the Wilder- ness." Years ago a considerable portion of the land was cleared, but the system of cultivation carried on by the Vir- ginians quickly exhausted the soil, and the fields were left to grow up again to bushes. A short distance beyond the old tavern is Dowdal's Tavern, ntar the junction of the Stevensburg plank-road, and the Orange turnpike, leading to Gordonsville. Hunting Run has its head-waters near the Stevensburg plank- road, and flows north to the Rapidan. There is an old saw-mill on the creek, which was used as a hospital by the Twelfth Corps during the battle. Near Dowdal's tavern is an old church, and on the right-hand side of the road, as we go to- ward Chancellorsville from Dowdal's, there is a cleared field on elevated land, which was the centre of Hooker's line at the begiiming of the battle. Several roads diverge froni Chancel- 184 THE BOYS UF '61. [April, lorsville, — the Orange and Fredericksburg plank-road and tho Gordonsville turnpike, both leading to Fredericksburg ; also roads to United States and Ely's Fords ; also one leading south across Scott's Run. At noon of the 30th the Eleventh Corps reached its assigned position, between the Germanna road and Dowdal's tavern, forming the right flank of Ilooker's line. Tho Third Corps, which had crossed at Ely's Ford, came down through the woods across Hunting Run, and formed on the left of the Eleventh, by the tavern. The Twelfth Corps filed past the Eleventh, along the Stevensburg road, and the Third Corps passed Chan- cellorsville, and moved almost to Tabernacle Church, on the Orange and Fredericksburg plank-road. The Second Corps, having crossed at United States Ford, came into position a mile or more in rear of the Eleventh and Third, while the Fifth moved up and formed a Une facing southeast, reaching from Chancellorsville to Scott's Dam on the Rappahannock, a mile and a half north of Chancellorsville. Stuart, commanding tlic Rebel cavalry, had skirmished with the Eleventh Corps on its march, but when the Third, which crossed at Ely's, reached Chancellorsville, Stuart found that ho was cut off from direct communication with Lee, and was obliged to move to Todd's Tavern and Spottsylvania Court-IIouse, to put himself in connection with the infantry of the Rebel army. Lee was still undecided what to do, but finally determined to leave Early's division of Jackson's corps, and Barksdale's brigade of McLaw's division, and a part of the reserve artil- lery under Pendleton, to hold Fredericksburg, and move with the rest of the army to Chancellorsville and fight Hooker. Ho had already sent Anderson's division to watch tlic movement. Slocum's skirmishers met Anderson's at Chancellorsville and drove them back to Tabernacle Church. Anderson, finding that Slocum was advancing, formed across the roads, and was in this position at dark on the night of tlie 30th. On the morning of the 1st of May the whole Rebel army, except what was left to watch Sedgwick, was put in motion, with the intention of makhig a direct attack. Anderson ad- vanced upon Slocum, who fell back under instructions to Chan- cellorsville, and tilled tho gap between the Third and Fifth. 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 185 Lee followed, intending to give battle, but lie found Hooker in a position of such strength that he hesitated. Leo says : — •' The enemy had assumed a position of great natural strength, sur- rounded on all sides by a dense forest, filled with tangled undergrowth, in the midst of which breastworks of logs had been constructed, with trees felled in front so as to form an impenetrable abatis. His artillery swept the few narrow roads by which his position could be approached from the front, and commanded the adjacent woods. The left of his line extended from Chancellorsville towards the Rappahannock, cover- ing the Bark-Mill Ford, where he communicated with the north bank of the river by a pontoon bridge. His right stretched westward along the Germanna road more than two miles. " Darkness was approaching before the extent and strength of his lines could be ascertained, and, as the nature of the country rendered it hazardous to attack by night, our troops were halted, and formed in line of battle in front of Chancellorsville, at right angles to the plank- road It was evident that a direct attack upon the enemy would be attended with great difficulty and loss, in view of the strength of his Dosition and his superiority in numbers. It was therefore resolved to endeavor to turn his right flank, and gain his rear, leaving a force in front to hold him in check, and conceal the movement. The execution of this plan was intrusted to Lieutenant-General Jackson, with his three divisions." This movement of Lee's was very bold and hazardous. It divided his army into three parts, — one part watching the Sixth Corps at Fredericksburg, another between Chancellors- ville and Fredericksburg, and the force under Jackson, accom- panied by Stuart's cavalry, moving to get in the rear of Hooker. Jackson was obliged to make a long circuit by Todd's Tavern and the Furnace Road, moving first southwest toward Spottsyl- vania, then west toward Orange Court-Housc, then north toward the Rapidan, then east toward the old saw-mill on Hunting Run. Rodcs's division reached the Old Wilderness Tavern about four o'clock in the afternoon. As the different divisions arrived they were formed across the Stcvensburg plank- road, Rodes in front, Trimble's division under General Cols- ton in the second, and A. P. Hill in the third line. General Hooker, having decided to fight a defensive battle, ordered the construction of rifle-pits, and while Jackson was making this detour the position was strongly fortified against 186 THE BOYS OF '61. [May, an attack from the direction of Fredericksburg. Early in the day it was reported that Lee was retreating rapidly toward Cul- pepper Court-IIouse. From the cleared field occupied by Sickles the Rebel column could be seen moving southwest, — artillery, baggage-train, and infantry. It was generally believed in Hooker's ai'my that Lt,e, finding the position too impregnable, was retiring. Sickles and Howard thought differently. "•Lee has divided his army, and now is the time to strike," said General Sickles to Hooker. General Hooker hesitated. His plan was to stand wholly on the defensive. Still the column filed by. " The enemy is on my flank," was the message from Howard. " "We can hear the sound of their axes in the woods." * " Now is the time to double up Lee," said Sickles, again urging an at tack, f " You may go out and feel the enemy, but don't go too fast, -lor too far," said Hooker, at last yielding. It is nearly two miles southwest from Chancellorsville to Wellford's iron furnace, which is situated on the Ny River, tho north branch of the Mattapony. Tho road which passes tho furnace, and along which Jackson was hastening, is a byroad from the plank-road east of Chancellorsville, to the Brock Road, which runs from Todd's Tavern northwest to the Old Wilder- ness Tavern. Archer's and Thomas's brigades of A. P. Hill's di^ision were at the furnace when Sickles received permission to move out. They were the rear brigades of Jackson's column. Sickles lost no time in putting his divisions in motion. Ber- dan's sharpshooters were thrown out in advance as skirmishers, and the infantry with artillery followed ; but the artillery was compelled to halt till a bridge could be constructed across a small creek. It was about four o'clock when the head of the column reached the road over which Jackson had marched. Archer was nearly a mile west of the furnace when tho sharp- shooters reached the road, where they suddenly fell upon tho Twenty-Third Georgia. This regiment had been detached from Colquitt's brigade of D. H. Hill's division, and was posted ou Howard's Report. t General Sickles's statement. 1863.] CIIANCELLOKSVILLK. 187 tho uoi-tli side of the road, as a flanking party, to cover the march of the troops. There was a sudden commotion in Archer's and Thomas's brigades. Brown's battery was wheekKl into position, and, with the Twenty-Third Georgia and Foiirtecntli Tennessee, opened fire upon Sickles. The teamsters of the Rebel baggage-trains fled into the woods. A courier dashed up the road to inform Archer what had happened, but before the news reached him the Twenty-Third Georgia was in tlie hands of Sickles. Ai'cher faced a))out, and formed his lines. Anderson all the while was skirmishing with Slocum, to attract Hooker's attention, while Jackson was getting into position, but he was now obliged to send Wright, Posey, and Ma- han to the assistance of Archer and Thomas. They attacked Sickles's left flank, while Archer and Thomas attacked his right. The contest waxed warm. " Don't go too fast," was Hooker's injunction again to Sickles. " I want a brigade to fill the gap between myself and How- ard," was Sickles's reply, and Barlow's brigade was sent. It was the best of the Eleventh Corps. Howard had placed it in reserve just where he could use it to advantage, on either flank, in front, or centre. The Eleventh Corps was formed in the following order : General Devens's division on the right, between the Stevensburg road and the old saw-mill, facing northwest ; General Schurz's division south of the plank-road, facing southwest; General Schimmclfennig's brigade of Steinwehr's division also south of the road, reaching to Dowdal's Tavern ; Barlow's brigade north of the road, in rear of the centre. There was no want of precaution on the part of General Howard. General Hooker rode along the line with Howard on Saturday forenoon. Howard says : — " At one point a regiment was not deployed and at another a gap in the woods was not filled. The corrections were made and the position strengthened. The front was covered by a good line of skirmishers. 1 should have stated that just at evening of the 1st the enemy made a reconnoissauce on our front with a small force of artillery and infantry General Schimmelfenni"r moved out with a battalion and drove him 188 THE BOYS OF '61. [Maj, ^ G d Q H P- .2 '> " S •- S *^« ^ "" iJ z^ ■>- § £ :s ^ g cc fe S H .^ -"" '^ J» to >1 ai S .2 ^ r3 -« o ci 3 > o _c 0) 5 oj CC c/} S U '^ iii :o t^ 00 "^ - Q Q «3 c/D ca i-l CO M >* 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLK 189 back. During Saturday, the 2d, the same general made frequent recon- noissances. Infantry scouts and cavalry patrols were constantly pushed out on every road. The unvarying report was, ' The enemy is crossing the plank-road and moving towards Culpepper.' At 4 P. M. I was directed to send a brigade to the support of General Sickles. I im- mediately took Barlow's brigade by a short r^ute to General Sickles's right, some two and a half miles from the plank-road to the front." * It was six o'clock. There was a gap from Dowdal's Tavern almost to Chancellorsvillo, from which Sickles had moved. Slocum had advanced beyond Chancellorsville southeast. The sending out of Sickles and Barlow, the advance of Slocum, and the position of the Second Corps, so far away to the rear, left Howard without any supports. Jackson came through the woods upon Iloward's skirmishers, who fired and fell back. The firing attracted the attention of the men along the lines, who were cooking their suppers. Occa- sional shots had been fired during the afternoon, and there was no alarm till the skirmishers came out of the woods upon tho run, followed by the Rebels. The men seized tlieir arms ; but, before Devens could get his regiments into position, the Rebels were approaching his right flank, firing quick volleys and yelling like savages. Some of Devens's command fled, throwing away their guns and equipments. Others fought bravely. Devens, while endeavoring to rally his men, was wounded ; several of his officers fell ; yet he held his ground till the Rebels gained his rear and began firing into the backs of the men who stood behind the breastwork. Then tho line gave way, abandonmg five guns. Howard was at his head-quarters, by Dowdal's. Schurz also was there when the attack commenced. He says : — " I sent my chief of staff to the front when firing was heard. Gen- eral Schurz, who was with me, left at once to take command of his line. It was not three minutes before I followed. When I reached General Schurz's command, I saw that the enemy had enveloped my right, and that the first division [Devens's] was giving way. I first tried to change front with the deployed regiments. I next directed the artillery where to go ; then formed a line, by deploying some of the reserve reg- iments, near tho church. By this time the whole front, on the north of • Iloward's Keport. 190 THE BOYS OF '61. [May, the plank-road, had given way. Colonel Burshbeck's brigade was faced about, and, lying on the other side of the rifle-pit embankment, held on with praiseworthy firmness. A part of General Schimmelfennig's and a part of Colonel Krzyzanouski's brigades moved gradually back to the north of the plank-road, and kept up their fire. At the centre, and near the plank-road, there was a blind panic and great confusion. By the assistance of my staflf and some other officers, one of whom was Colonel Dickinson, of General Hooker's staff, the rout was considerably checked, and all the artillery except eight pieces withdrawn. Some of the artil- lery was well served, and told effectively on the advancing enemy. Captain Dilger kept up a continuous fire, till we reached General Birney's position." * Tho Rebel troops which first made their appearance, and which enveloped Howard's right, were commanded by General Doles, who says : — " At five o'clock P. M. the order was given to advance against the enemy. The brigade moved as rapidly as possible through a very thick wood, and skirmishers were immediately engaged by those of the ene- my. Our forces marching rapidly forward assisted in driving in the enemy's sharpshooters, when we were subjected to a heavy rausket fire, and grape, canister, and shell. The command was ordered to attack the enemy in his intrenched position, drive him from it, and take his bat- teries. The order was promptly obeyed ; the Fourth and Forty-Fourth Georgia assaulted his position in front ; the Twenty-First Georgia was ordered to flank him so as to enfilade his intrenchments ; the Twelfth Georgia was ordered forward, and to the rigl)t, to attack a force of tlie enemy on the right. After a resistance of about ten minutes we drove him from his position on the left, and carried his battery of two guns, cais- sons, and horses. The movement of the Twelfth Georgia on the right was successful. The order to forward was given, when the command moved forward at the ' double-quick ' to assault the enemy who had taken up a strong position on the crest of a hill in the open field. He was soon driven from this position, the command pursuing him. He made a stubborn resistance from behind a wattling fence, on a hill thick- ly covered with pine. The whole command moved gallantly against this position, the Fourth and Forty- Fourth Georgia in front, and the Twenty- First and Twelfth on his left flank and rear. Here we cap- tured one gun, — a rifled piece. We pursued his retreating forces about three hundred yards over an open field, receiving a severe fire from • IIo ward's Report. I 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 191 musketry and a battery of four pieces on the crest of the hill that com- manded the field below ; his infantry was in large force, and well pro- tected by rifle-pits and intrenchments. The command was ordered to take the intrenchments and the battery, which was done after a resist- ance of about twenty minutes. The enemy fled in utter confusion, leav- ing:; his battery of four pieces, his wounded, and many prisoners. The Twelfth Georgia and the larger portion of the other regiments was formed in good order, and pursued him through the pine forest, mov- ing some five hundred yards to the front, and holding that position until after dark. Fresh troops having been placed in that position after dark, I ordered the command to retire for the purpose of replenishing ammunitions, the men being entirely out. During this engagement, which lasted from about 5^ to 9 P. M., the command captured eight pieces of artillery and many prisoners."* It is manifest, that while a portion of the Eleventh Corps be- came panic-stricken, a large number of Howard's troops fought with great bravery. The corps numbered about thirteen thou- sand five hundred on the morning of May 1st. The force under Howard at the time of the attack did not ex- ceed eleven thousand, mainly raw German troops. Howard's total loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners was two thousand five hundred and twenty-eight. Twenty-five officers and one hundred and fifty-three men were killed, seventy-eight officers and eight hundred and forty-two wounded, — a total loss of one thousand and ninety-eight killed and wounded, which shows the severity of this brief confliict. The Eleventh Corps has been severely censured for pusillan- imous conduct in this battle ; but when all of the facts aro taken into consideration, — that Howard had no supports to call upon ; that the Third Corps was two miles and a half from its position in the line ; that Barlow's Drigade had been sent away ; that the attack was a surprise ; that Jackson's force exceeded thirty thousand ; that, notwithstanding these disadvantages, a " stubborn resistance" was offered, — praise instead of censure is due to those of the Eleventh who thus held their ground, till one fourth of their number were killed, wounded, or taken prisoners. Almost at the beginning of the attack Devens was woimded. General Doles's Report, p. 631 ,192 THE BOYS OF 'CI. [May, In tho confusion and panic, there was no one to take his place till Howard arrived. Hooker was at once in his saddle. " The enemy have attacked Howard and driven him in," was his word to Sickles. " That can't he," said Sickles, incredulous. " Return at once," was the order from Hooker, by a second messenger. The heavy firing, constantly growing nearer, gave fbrce to the instruction. It was now quite dark. Sickles set out to return with all possible haste, but soon found that he had got to fight his way back. Jackson's left wing had swept round, till it rested upon the road, over which he had marched on his way out to tho Furnace. Berry's division came first upon the enemy. A se- vere contest ensued, lasting till nine o'clock, when he suc- ceeded in re-establishing his connection with Howard, who had thus far fought the battle almost alone. Lee, with Ander- son's command, all the while was making a demonstratiou against the Twelfth and Fifth Corps east of Chanccllorsville, and the Second was too far in rear to be of any service to Howard before the return of Sickles and Barlow. Jackson gained no advantage after his first attack, but on the other hand came near experiencing a panic in his own lines. General Colston says : — " We continued to drive the enemy until darkness prevented oui farther advance. The firing now ceased, owing to the difficult and tangled nature of tho ground over which the troops had advanced, and the mingling of my first and second lines of battle. The formation of the troops became very much confused, and different regiments, brigades, and divisions were mixed up together. . . . Tho troops were hardly re- formed and placed in position when the enemy opened, about ten o'clock, a furious fire of shot, shell, and canister, sweeping down the plank-road and the woods on each side. A number of artillery horses, some of them without drivers, and a gi-eat many infantry soldiers, belonging to other commands, rushed down the road in wild disorder ; but, although many casualties occurred at this time in my division, the troops occupied their position with the utmost steadiness. It was at this time that General Nichols, of the Louisiana Brigade (Fourth), a gallant and accomplished officer, had his leg torn off by a shell, and was carried off the Held. It was also about tho same tim(» that our great, and good. 1863.] CIIANCELLORSVILLE. 19^ and ever to be lamented corps commander fell under the fire of some of the men of General Lane's brigade." * Under cover of tlio firo of the artillery, Berry's division of the Third Corps attacked Jackson. The Rebel commander had just placed A. P. HiU's division in the front line, and was con templating an attack upon Sickles, when Berry advanced. His biographer says : — " Such was his ardor at this critical moment, and his anxiety to pen- etrate the movements of the enemy, doubly screened as they were by the dense forest and gathering darkness, that he rode ahead of the skir- mishers, and exposed himself to a close and dangerous fire from the enemy's sharpshooters, posted in the timber. So great was the dan<>-er which he ran, that one of his staff said, ' General, don't you think this is the wrong place for you ? ' He replied, quickly, ' The danger is all over ; the enemy is routed. Go back and tell A. P. Hill to press right on!' Soon after giving this order. General Jackson turned, and, accompanied by his staff and escort, rode back at a trot on his well- known ' Old Sorrel ' toward his own men. Unhappily, in the dark- ness, — it was now nine or ten o'clock at night, — the little body of horsemen was mistaken for Federal cavalry charging, and the regiments on the right and left of the road fired a sudden volley into them with the most lamentable results. Captain Boswell, of Jackson's staff, was killed, and borne into our lines by his horse. Colonel Crutchfield, chief of artillery, was wounded, and two couriers killed. General Jackson received one ball in his left arm, two inches below the shoulder-jomt, shattering the bone and severing the chief artery ; a second passed through the same arm, between the elbow and wrist, making its exit through tlie palm of tlie hand ; a third entered the palm of his right hand, about the middle, and, passing through, broke two of the bones. " He fell from his horse, and was caught by Captain "Wormly, to whom he said, ' All my wounds are by my own men.' " The firing was responded to by the enemy, who made a sudden advance, and, the Confederates falling back, their foes actually charged over Jackson's body. He was not discovered, however, and the Federals being driven in turn, he was rescued. Ready hands placed him upon a litter, and he was borne to the rear under a heavy fire from the enemy. One of the litter-bearers was shot down ; the General fell from the shoulders of the- men, receiving a severe contusion, adding to the injury of the arm and injuring the side severely. The enemy's fire of artillery • Colston's Report, p. 43. 13 194 TiiK BOYS OF '61. [May, at this point was terrible. General Jackson was left for five minutes until the fire slackened, then placed in an ambulance and carried to the ticld hospital at Wilderness Run." * Tims fell a commander endowed with qualities calculated to stir the warmest enthusiasm of the people of the South. He was brave, daring, energetic, impulsive, — the most competent of all the Rebel generals to lead a charge, — but not esteemed so able as Lee to conduct a campaign. He was deeply relig- ious, but espoused Treason with all his heart. lie was educat- ed at the expense of the United States, and had sworn to bear faithful allegiance to his country ; yet he joined the Rebels at the outset, and did what he could to uiaugurate and carry to a successful issue a civil war for the overthrow of the national government and the establishing of another with slavery for its corner-stone ! He prayed and fought for a system of servitude which was the sum of all villanies, and which has received the condemnation of every civilized nation of modern times. Not according to the measure of his military prowess, nor by his sincerity of heart or religious convictions and exercises, will History judge him, but, connecting the man with the cause which he espoused, will hold him accountable for blood shed in a war waged to sustain human slavery, under the specious doctrine of the Rights of States. When the assault was made on Howard, the first move on the part of Hooker was to arrange for a new line. Captain Best, commanding the artillery of the Twelfth Corps, brought thirty-six guns into jK)sition between Chancellorsville and Dowdal's, sweeping tlie fields to the south and southwest, the Orangeburg plank-road, and the breastworks which Busch- beck had abandoned, and behind which the Rebels were form- ing for a second attack. Under cover of this fire, Birney and Whipple came back from Scott's Creek ; Williams's division, which had been pushed out southeast of Chancellorsville, on the road to Fredericksburg, was drawn in. When the Twelfth Corps got back to its place in the line, jaost of Howard's works were in possession of the enemy. ♦ Life of Stonewall Jackson, by Daniels, of Richmond, p. 'J54. 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 1% Williams now crossed his own intrcnchments, and formed in the field, facing westward. " Stand steady, old Third Brigade. Stand steady, old Second Massacliusetts," was the address of the Brigadier. So stood the lino, while Best poured in his tremendous artil- lery fire, and while Berry j)ushcd the Rebels back into the woods. Jackson and A. P. Elill having been wounded, the command devolved on General Stuart, who arrived at midnight and made a rcconnoissance of the lines. East of Chancellorsville Slocum and Meado were having a se- vere fight with the Rebels under Lee, who says in his report : — " As soon as the sound of cannon gave notice of Jackson's attack on the enemy's right, our troops in front of Chancellorsville were ordered to press him strongly on the left, to prevent reinforcements being sent to the point assailed. They were directed not to attack in force, unless a favorable opportunity should present itself, and while continuing to cover the roaas leading from their respective positions, toward Chan- cellor.sville, to incline to the left so as to connect with Jackson's right as he closed in upon the centre. These orders were well executed, our troops advancing up to the enemy's intrcnchments, while several bat- teries played with good effect upon his lines, until prevented by in- creasing darkness." * Anderson's division advanced rapidly up the Fredericksburg road, charging upon Kane's brigade of Geary's division, com- posed of new troops, which, after a short resistance, retreated in confusion. An aid from Slocum came down to Ilookcr for reinforcements. " No," said Uooker, " he must hold his own. Let Geary's division, however, be thrown to the right of the road, that the artillery may be able to sweep the enemy on the left." This was done, and the heavy fire that was given by Knapp's and other batteries checked Anderson's advance. A constant demonstration was kept up by Anderson to deceive Hooker as to Lee's intentions. Thus the night passed. TUE BATTLE OF SUNDAY, Both armies were busy through the night, preparing for tlic ^reat struggle, — Lee to attack and Hooker to defend. The • Lee's Report. W6 THE BOYS OF '61. [MilJ, wounded were sent to tlie roar, aljo the baggage trains, and the cavalry, and everything which could impede operations. Hooker's line was in the form ol' the letter V. The Second Corps, which had followed Berry up the night before, oc- cupied the right of the line, reaching nearly down to the river, joining the left flank upon Berry's division of the Third Corps, which extended to the plank-road, west of Chan- cellorsville. Whipple's and Birney's divisions of the Third, and Geary's division of the Twelfth, formed the point of the letter V, wliich enclosed Chancellorsville. The other divisions of the Tweilth Corps and the Fifth Corps forming the other side of tho letter, extended from Chancellorsville to the Rap pahannock. The Eleventh Corps was placed in position to support the Fifth on the extreme left of the line. During the day the First Corps under Reynolds came up the river, crossed at United States Ford, and wheeled into position on the right of the Second Corps, thus forming the extreme right of the line. Tlie troops had been busy through the night erecting breastworks, while a large number of guns were placed in position to sweep all the roads. Stuart renewed the fight at daylight, with Hill in the front line, Colston in the second, and Rodes in the third. He advanced with tho intention of break ing the line near Chancellorsville. His troops were cxasper ated by the loss of their leader, and were animated by revenge. They came through the woods almost in solid mass. Colston's and Rodes's men, pressing eagerly forward, and closing up tho spaces between tho lines. They received, without flinching, the terrible fire which flamed from Berry's and Birney's and Whipple's lines. They charged upon Sicklos's outer works, and carried them. They advanced upon the second line, but were cut up by Best's artillery. Companies and regiments melted away. Berry and Birney advance to meet them. The living waves rolled against each other like the billows of a stormy sea. The Rebels, as if maddened by tho obstinacy of those who held the position, rushed up to the muzzles of the cannon. Sickles sent for reinforcements. Hooker ordered French and Hancock of the Second Corps to advance and attack Stuart in flank. It was seven o'clock in the morning. The battle had been 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 197 raging since da /light. The two divisions of the Second Corps swung out from the main line, faced southwest, and moved upon Stuart. South of Chancellorsville there is an elevation higher than that occupied by Best's artillery. When the fog which had hung over the battle-field all the morning lifted, Stuart sent his artillery to occupy the position. Thirty pieces were planted there, which enfiladed both of Hooker's lines. A heavy artil- lery duel was kept up, but, notwithstanding the severity of the fire, the Union troops held the position. Stuart, instead of breaking through Sickles, found the Second Corps turning his own left flank. He says : — " The enemy was pressing our left with infantry, and all the rein forcements I could obtain were sent tliore. Colquitt's brigade of Trimble's division, ordered first to the right, was directed to the left to support Pender. Iverson's brigade of the second line was also engaged there, and the three lines were more or less merged into one line of battle, and reported hard pressed. Urgent requests were sent for rein- forcements, and notices that the troops were out of ammunition. I ordered that the ground must be held at all hazards, if necessary with the bayonet." * All of the efforts of Stuart to break the line by a direct in fantry attack failed. But his batteries massed Oi* the hill were doing great damage. The shells swept down Birney's and Whipple's and Berry's ranks on the one hand, and Geary's and Williams's on the other. Hooker saw that the position could not be held without great loss of life. Preparations were accordingly made to fall back to a stronger position, where his army would be more concentrated, the lines shorter and thicker, in the form of a semi-circle. Meanwhile Lee swung Anderson round and joined Stuart, making a simulta- neous advance of both wings of his army, under cover of a heavy fire from all his available artillery, — pouring a storm of shells upon Chancellorsville, firing the buildings. Hooker had begun to retire before Lee advanced, withdrawing his artil- lery, removing his wounded, losing no prisoners. Every attack of Anderson upon Slocum had been repulsed with great loss. A South Carolina regiment came against the * Stuart's Report. 198 THE BOYS OF '61. [May Sccoud Massachusetts. Tliree times the men from the Pal- metto state charged upon the men of Massachusetts. Three times the flag from the Old Bay State changed hands. But, before the Rebels could carry it from the field, it was rescued, and at the close of the fight was still in the hands of the regi- ment. "When Slocum's troops had exhausted their ammuni- tion they emptied the cartridge-boxes of the fallen. When that was gone they held the ground by the bayonet till ordered to retire.* General Leo says : — " By ten A. M. we were in full possession of the field. The troops, having become somewhat scattered, by the difficulties of the ground, and the ardor of the contest, were immediately reformed, preparatory to renewing the attack. The enemy had retired to a strong position near the Rappahannock, which he had previously fortified. His supe- riority of numbers, the unfavorable nature of the ground, which was densely wooded, and the condition of our troops, after the arduous and sanguinary conflict in which they had been engaged, rendered great caution necessary. Our preparations were just completed, when further operations were suspended by intelligence received from Fredericks- burg."t The new line taken by Ilooker was one of great strength. No assault, with the intention of carrying it, was made by Lee. News of disaster from Fredericksburg, where Sedgwick was driving all before him, made it necessary for him to send rein- forcements in that direction. SECOND BATTLE OF FEEDEEICKSBURG. An important part of General Hooker's plan was Sedgwick's movement on Fredericksburg, but the battle fought there on Sunday, the 3d of May, was wholly distinct from Chancellors ville. Early on the morning of the 2d, Professor Lowe went up in his balloon from the Falmouth hills, and looked down upon the city. He reported the Rebels moving towards Chancellorsville. Looking closely into the intrcnchmcnts behind Fredericksburg ho discovered that the Rebeis intended to hold them. The * " From tho Potomac to the Rapidan," by Quint, t Leo's Report. 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. lyy Washington Artillery was behind the breastworks by Maryee's house. " Ten thousand of the enemy, I should judge, still there," was his report to General Butterfield, Hooker's chief of staff, who remained with Sedgwick. During the day Reynolds withdrew and moved up the Fal- mouth side to United States Ford. The Rebels saw the move- ment, and thought that the Yankees did not dare to make a second attempt to drive them from their intrenchments. " Now is the time for Sedgwick to attack them," was Hook- er's despatch from Chancellorsville, Saturday afternoon, to General Butterfield. As soon as night came on, Sedgwick began his preparations. The engineers were directed to take up the lower pontoons and lay a new bridge opposite the Lacy House, at the point where the Seventh Michigan and Nineteenth and Twentieth Massa- chusetts won for themselves great honor on the 11th of De- cember. " Kindle no fires ; let there be no loud talking," were Sedg- wick's orders to his troops on the plain by Bernard's house, below Deep Run. The men ate their suppers of hard-tack and cold meat in silence, threw themselves upon the ground, and slept soundly in the calm moonlight. At midnight an aide rode along the lines, saying to each officer, " Get your men in readiness at once." The men sprang to their feet, folded their blankets, and were ready. It was half past twelve Sunday morning before the forward movement began. The United States Chasseurs were in ad- vance as skirmishers, deployed on both sides of the Bowling Green road. Shalor's brigade followed, then Wheaton's and Brown's brigades. They crossed Deep Run, where the skir- mishers had a few shots with the Rebel pickets, and moved into the town. The engineers soon had the bridge completed, and Gibbon's division of the Second Corps, which had been waiting by the Lacy House, crossed the stream. Early stationed Barksdale, with seven companies of the Twenty-First Mississippi, between Maryee's house and the plank-road, with the Seventeenth and Tliirteenth Mississippi 200 THE BOYS OF '61, [May, on tlio hills by the Howisou house, and the Eighteenth and the remainder of the Twenty-First behind the stone-wall at the base of the hill. Hayes's brigade, consisting of the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Louisianians, was on the hill near the monument, with Wilcox's brigade in its rear, guarding Banks's Ford. Early himself was by Hazel Run, with Gordon's, Hoke's, and Smith's brigades. Sedgwick's divisions were formed in the following order : Gibbon above the town in front of the. monument, Newton in front of Maryee's Hill, Howe at the lower end of the town, and Brooks on the plain below. The morning dawned. The fog prevented the Rebels from seeing the movements of Sedgwick, though Barksdale's pickets reported the town full of Yankees. From Chancellorsville came the roar of battle, the constant thunder of the cannonade. It was half past five when Shaler's brigade of Newton's division moved over the field where so many thousands fell on the 13th of December. It was a reconnoissance to ascertain the position and number of the force holding the place. The men marched on gallantly, but wore forced to retire before the Mississippians and the artillery on the hill. Sedgwick brought Hcarn's, Martin's, Adams's, and Hazard's batteries, and Battery D of the Second United States regi- ment of artillery, into position in the town and above it, while Hcxamcr's, the First Maryland, and McCartney's First Massa- chusetts occupied the ground below Hazel Run. McCart- ney was on the same spot which ho occupied in the first battle. It was a day of peace everywhere except at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. The air was laden with the fragrance of flowers blooming in the gardens of the town. Thousands of spectators stood upon the Falmouth hills watching the contest. All the batteries were at work, — the heavy guns at Falmouth, at the Lacy House, and farther down, throwing shells and solid shot over the town into the Rebel lines. Gibbon, instead of advancing directly up the hill towards the monument, where Hayes was lying behind the intrenchments, moved up the river road, intending to turn Hayes's right flank. Hayes moved his men farther up, and sent a courier to WU- 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLK. 201 Union Positions. 1. Gibbon's Division. 2. Newton's " 3. Howe's " 4. Brooks's ** RunEL Positions. A. ILayes's Brigade. B. Barksdule's Brigade. C. Early's Division. Gordon's, Hokes's, and Smith's Bri- gades. D. Wilcox's Brigade. 202 THE BOYS OF '61. [May, cox with the message, " The Yankees are coming up the river road." * Wilcox left; fifty men to guard the ford, and went upon tho run towards tho town. It was an anxious moment to the Rebels. Barksdale and Ilayes and Wilcox all met at Stanis- bcrry's house, and consulted as to what should be done. Early their commander, was down on the Telegraph road, looking after matters in that direction. " Tho Yankees are in full force below the town," said Barksdale. I That was the first information Wilcox had re- ceived of the startling fact. They had been outgcneralled. They supposed that the movement below the town was a feint. They had seen Reynolds withdraw and march up stream to- wards Chancellorsville, but had not seen Gibbon cross the stream. Yet he was there, moving to the attack. " Put your batteries into position and play upon them," said Barksdale. J Iluger's battery galloped up, chose a fine position on the hill near Dr. Taylor's house, and began to fire upon the Massachusetts Twentieth, which was in the road, compel- ling it to seek shelter under the hill. So efiectual was the firo that Gibbon's advance was checked. Brooks and Ilowe moved against the Rebels below the town, but found them strongly posted. Twice Newton advanced upon Maryee's Ilill, and was driven back. The forenoon was waning. But though baffled, Sedg- wick was not disposed to give up the attempt. He watched the contest closely, reconnoitring all the positions of the Rebels, and determined to make an attack with his whole force at once. But while Sedgwick was making preparations. Early endeav- ored to drive Brooks and Howe into the river. lie advanced from the position occupied by Pender and Ilood in the first battle, emerged from the woods and crossed the open field. It is about ten o'clock. McCartney's battery, the First Massa- chusetts, is on a hillock, where it has full sweep of all the plain, right and left, and in front. There arc five batteries of tho Rebel reserve artillery, under Pendleton, in front, which havo • Wilcox's Report, p. 98. t Wilcox's Report, t Barksdale's Report. 1 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 203 tried in vain to drive McCartney from the spot. A solid shot kills two horses and a man ; McCartney is struck by a frag- ment of shell ; yet the battery maintains its position north of the Bowling Green road, in Bernard's field. A regiment which never before has been under fire is lying in front of tJie bat- tery, sheltered by the hedges along the road, — soldiers that have enlisted for nine months. They arc wanting in pluck, and as the Rebels advance, run straight up the hill towards the battery. " Get out of the way, or I '11 fire through you," shouts Lieu- tenant Green, who impatiently holds his artillerists in check till the fugitives are past him. He cuts at them right and left with his sword, indignant at their cowardly conduct, anxious to have the coast clear, that he may pour a torrent of canister into tlio advancing foe, now close at hand. The whole battery — six pieces — opens by a volley, sending streams of canister down the slope ! But the Rebels are in earnest. Still they advance. " Give them double-shotted canister," shouts Green to his gunners, and they ram home the charges with a will. Tho guns leap from the ground with the recoil ! Nearer, — across the road, — up the hill, — they come. " Give it to them ! Give it to them ! Quick ! " are the ener- getic shouts of Green, and the canister tears through the ranks. No troops can face such a destructive fire. The Rebels fleo down the hill, across the road, over the field, to tlie shelter of the woods. " The repulse of the enemy on the extreme left was effected almost entirely by McCartney's battery," said General Brooks.* General Sedgwick determined to carry Maryee's Ilill at tho point of the bayonet. Some of the officers thought it an im- possibility. It had been tried three times in the first battle and twice during that morning, and all attempts had failed. But Sedgwick converged his forces upon one point. He formed his columns in three lines, witli the intention of moving his whole force at once, — tluis preventing Early from sending any reinforcements from other parts of the lines. • Brooks's Report. 204 THE BOYS OF '61. [May, Tlic troops selected for the attack upon Marjce's Hill were the Sixty-First Pennsylvania and Forty-Third New York in the front line, north of the plank-road, and the First Long Island and Eighty-Second Pennsylvania hi the second line, under Gen- eral Shaler. South of the plank-road were the Sixth Maine and Thirty-First New York in the front line, with the Fifth Wis- consin acting as skirmishers. Next in line were the Seventh Massachusetts and Thirty-Sixth New York, Second New York and Twenty-Sixth New Jersey, of Neil's brigade. Still farther down, by Ilazel Run, was the Vermont brigade. Gibbon moved against Hayes and Wilcox, while Brooks still held the ground, and made a demonstration against Early. It is past eleven o'clock before all the dispositions are made " Go upon the double-quick. Don't fire a shot. Give them the bayonet. Carry the rifle-pits, charge up the hill, and cap- ture the guns," are the instructions. The men throw aside everything which will hinder them, fiy their bayonets, and prepare for the work. Their blood is up. They know that it is to be a desperate struggle. But it is not death that they are thinking of, but victory ! The Sixty-First Pennsylvania and Forty-Third New York move over the bridge across the canal. Their advance is the signal for all the lines. The men rise from the ground where they have been lying sheltered from the Rebel shells. The Rebel batteries above them are in a blaze. The stone-wall at the base of the hill is aflame. Barksdale sees the threatening aspect. " I am hard pressed," is his message to Wilcox. " Send me reinforcements." But Gibbon is moving on Wilcox, and tlie latter cannot respond. Cool and steady the advance. The hills rain canister. The sunken road is a sheet of flame. But onward into the storm, with a cheer, heard above the roar of battle upon the distant Falmouth hills, they leap into the sunken road and capture the Rebels defending it. They climb the hill. Steep the ascent. They feel the hot breath of the cannon in their faces. Some roll to the bottom of the hill, the lamp of life extinguished for- ever ; but their surviving comrades do not falter. They reach the crest, leap over the breastworks, and seize the guns ! Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, and Wisconsin meet in the intrcnchments and rend the air with victorious cheers ! LEADING A CHARGE. 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 205 Barksdale puts tspurs to his horse and rides to the rear, leav- ing half of his brigade and eight guns in the hands of the victors. Barksdale says : — "The distance from town to the points assailed was so short, the attack so suddenly made, and the difficulty of removing troops from one part of the line to another was so great, that it was utterly impossible for either General Wilcox or General Hayes to reach the scene of action in time to afford any assistance whatever." * There was consternation in the Rebel linos. Early fled down the Telegraph road. Hayes also ran. Wilcox, who was not aware of the disaster, remained in position on Taylor's Hill, wondering what had happened. Had Sedgwick known his position, the whole of Wilcox's brigade might have been cap- tured ; but it required time to reform the lines, and Wilcos made his escape. Long and loud and joyous were the shouts of the victors. The stronghold had been wrested from the Rebels at last. It was Sunday noon. Hooker had just fallen back from Chancellorsville, and the Rcl)els were rejoicing over their suc- cess, when a messenger reached Leo with the tidings of disaster. Fredericksburg was lost, after all. It must be recovered, or the victory at Chancellorsville would be only a disastrous defeat. Sedgwick telegraphed his success to Hooker. " Move and attack Lee in rear," was Hooker's order. Lee sent McLaws to hold Sedgwick in check. Tho time had come when Hooker siiould have assumed the ofifensive. The First Corps had arrived, but had taken no part in the battle. The Third Corps, Meade's, was in good condition ; so was the Second, Hancock's, although it had fought during the forenoon. Barlow's brigade of the Eleventh was fresh ; the Twelfth had fought bravely, had lost heavily, but was not de- moralized. The Third Corps had suffered most of all, yet it could be relied upon for another contest. The withdrawal of McLaws left Lee's line thin towards Fredericksburg, the place to break through, and open communication with Sedgwick. • Barksdale's Report. 206 THE BOYS OF '61. [Muj, Tho hour had come when he ought not to stand longer on tho defensive, but gathering his forces in mass overwhelm Lee by a sudden and mighty onset. It was an auspicious moment, — a golden opportunity, such as does not often come to military commanders. But having formed his plan of fighting a defen- sive battle, he did not depart from it, and lost the victory which lay within his grasp. Sedgwick having carried the heights of Fredericksburg, instead of following Early down the Telegraph road, made prep- arations to move towards Chancellorsville, and join Hooker. Wilcox, meanwhile, brought two of Hugcr's rifle-guns into position near Dr. Taylor's house, and opened fire. He also threw out his skirmishers, made a display of his force, and looked round to see what could be done to escape from his perilous position. Sedgwick brought up a battery, and moved for- ward his lines. Wilcox fled, and succeeded, by rapid marching under the shelter of a pine thicket, in gaining tho plank-road, near Salem Church, where he was joined by General McLaws, and where also Barksdale rallied his troops. The church is a brick building, without any steeple, stand- ing on the south side of the road, about four miles out from Fredericksburg, and about a mile and a half south of the Rap- pahannock at Banks's Ford. There was an oak grove near the church, and in front of it an open field, but west of it there were thick woods, which effectually concealed the Rebels. It was about five o'clock in the afternoon when Sedgwick ad- vanced up the plank-road, with Brooks's division in the road, Newton north of it, and Howe on the south side. Sedgwick's skirmishers sent back word that tlie Rebels were in strong force in the woods. At the same moment the Rebel batteries opened fire. One of their first shells killed a mounted orderly and his horse, and wounded Captain Reed, of General Brooks's staff. Sedgwick brought up his artillery and commenced a firo upon the church, and the woods beyond it. Wilcox had formed his line across the plank-road. His sharpshooters were in the cliurch. lie had four pieces of artillery in the road and on each side of it. He also threw a company of sharp- Bhooters mto a school-house near the church. Kershaw's and 1863.] CHANCELLORSVILLE. 207 Woflbrd's brigades were ou the right of the road ; Semmes's and Mahono's on the other side. Sedgwick's batteries were in position near the toll-gate, and so accurate and destructive was the fire of his guns that the Rebel batteries by the church were driven from their position. Russell's and Bartlett's brigades moved forward to rout the enemy from the woods, Sedgwick supposing there was but a small force to oppose him. The advance was over ground slightly ascending, through an open field, towards the woods, where tlie Rebel skirmishers were lying. It is a narrow belt of woods. Behind it were the church and school-house, and beyond the church the woods where tlio main body of the Rebels were lying. They drove the skirmish- ers from the belt of woods, halted a moment to reform their lines, gave throe cheers, charged through the grove, routing the Rebels there concealed. They surrounded the school house, captured the entire company of the Ninth Alabama stationed in it, put to flight a regiment lying behind the house.* But the remainder of the Ninth Alabama, with other regiments, came to the rescue, succeeded in recapturing a portion of their comrades, and forced Russell and Bartlett to retire. It was now nearly six o'clock in the afternoon, and till night set in there was heavy fighting along the whole line. Wilcox and Semmes several times advanced upon Sedgwick, but were repulsed. So far as numbers were concerned the contest was about equal. But the Rebels were on commanding ground, and protected by the woods, while Sedgwick was in the open field. In this contest Wilcox lost four hundred and ninety-fivo men. He had six officers killed and twenty-three wounded. Semmes lost six hundred and eighty-three killed and wounded, Wafford five hundred and sixty-two. The whole loss of th& Rebels in the fight at Salem Church was nearly two thousand. Sedgwick, instead of advancing again, waited for the Rebels to attack him, but they did not choose to come out from their strong position in the woods, and try it a second time in the field. Thus the day closed. Sedgwick's success endangered Lee, and, unless Fredericks- burg were regained, the battle was lost to the Rebels. Lee says : — * General Wilcox's Report. 208 THE BOYS OF '61. [May, Union Positions. 1. Newton's Division. 2. Broolis's " 3. Howe's " Rebel Positions. A. Semmes and Mahone. B. Wilcox. C. Kershaw and Woflford. D. Barlcsdale. E. Reinforcements. F. Dr. Taylor's. G. Route of Wilcox's Retreat Id63.] CHANCELLOKSVILLE. 209 " The enemy had so strengthened his position near Chancellorsvillo that it was deemed inexpedient to assail it with less than our whole force, which could not be concentrated until wo were relieved from the danger that menaced our rear. It was accordingly resolved still further to reinforce the troops in front of General Sedgwick, in order, if possi- ble, to dnvo him across the Rappahannock, Accordingly, on the 4th, General Anderson was directed to proceed with his remaining brigades to join General McLaws, the three divisions of Jackson's corps holding our position at Chancellorsville. Anderson reached Salem Church about noon, and was directed to gain the left flank of the enemy and form a junction with Early." * Half of the Rebel army was arrayed against Sedgwick, who held his ground through the 4th till night. Early, during the day, retraced his steps up the Telegraph road, and, finding that Sedgwick had moved out to Salem Church, and that the forti- fications were unoccupied, took possession, and thus cut Sedg- wick's communications with Falmouth. When Anderson arrived he had no alternative but to retreat by Banks's Ford, where he crossed the river without loss during the night. Hooker also recrossed, took up his bridges, and tho army ro- turned again to its camp. In reviewing this battle, it is apparent that Hooker's move- ment to Chancellorsville was a surprise to Leo. It was excel- lently planned and efficiently executed, — each corps reaching its assigned position at the time appointed by tho Commander- in-Chief. It is plain that Hooker's departure from his original intention — to await an attack from Lee — was tho cause ol the disaster at the beginning of the engagement. Sickles's corps and Barlow's brigade being absent, the balance of tho Eleventh Corps had no supports ; and yet by Bushbeck's brig- ade and Dilgcr's battery, with such assistance as was given by a few brave men of the other brigades, Jackson's right was not only held in check, but thrown into confusion. Howard's state- ment of the case presents the matter in its true light. Thus reads his report : — " Now, as to the cause of this disaster to my corps. " 1st. Though constantly threatened, and apprised of the moving of the enemy, yet the woods were so dense that he was able to mass a largip * Lee's Report, p. 12. 210 iiiE BUYS OF '61. [May, force, whose exact whereabouts neither patrols, reconnoissancers, nor scouts ascertained. He succeeded in forming a column to and outflank- ing my right. " 2d. By the panic produced by the enemy's reverse Are, regiments and artillery were thrown suddenly upon those in position " 3d. The absence of General Barlow's brigade, which I had pre- viously located in reserve and en echelon, with Colonel Vcn Gilsa's, so as to cover his right flank. " My corps was very soon reorganized, near Chancellorsville, and relieved General Meade's corps on the left of the line, where it remained till Thursday morning." * Had Sicklcs's corps and Barlow's brigade been in the lino, there would have been not only no disaster, but Jackson would have been defeated at the outset ; for, upon the return of those troops from Scott's Run, he was driven with great loss. Jackson was driven by Sickles when the Third Corps re- turned to the line ; and had Sickles and Barlow been in their proper positions wlicn the attack was made, they could have repulsed him with greater ease. Though Jackson's attack was successful, it is not therefore conclusively evident that Lee's plan was wise. His army was divided into three parts, — Early at Fredericksburg, Lee east of Chancellorsville, and Jackson northwest of it. Being thor- oughly acquainted with the country, he was able to take his position unobserved. There were several opportunities during the battle when' Ilooker could have broken Lee's lines. The battle virtually was lost to Lee on Sunday noon. Ilooker had fallen back from Chancellorsville, but Sedgwick had taken Fredericksburg. Had Hooker, when he ordered Sedgwick to attack Lee in the rear, on Sunday afternoon, himself advanced, Lee would have been forced to abandon the contest ; but, having resolved at the outset to stand on the defensive, the Union commander adhered to the idea, and thus Lee was able to retrieve the disaster at Fredericksburg, — far more serious than that which liad happened to the Eleventh Corps. Could we but comprehend the ways of God, we might per haps discover that the failure of the Union army at Chancellors * Howard's Report, p. 9. 1863.] OHANCELLORSVILLE. 211 rillo was not owing to the prowess of the Rebels, the valor of Stonewall Jackson, nor the strategy of Lee, but to another cause. When the army came into position at Chancelloisvillc, the commanding general is reported to have said that the Al- mighty could not prevent him from winning a victory. God is not mocked with impunity. There is one anthem rescundiiij,' through all the ages, — " Te Deum Laudarnvs ! " 'KEEP OUT OF THE DRAFT. 212 THE BOYS OF 'til. L ^^J' CHAPTER XIV. CAVALRY OPERATIONS. " The Yankees can't ride horses ; they were made to go on foot and dig in the dirt ; but the men of the South are true- born cavaliers, accustomed from their childhood to the sports of the field," said a Richmond newspaper at the beginning of the war ; but Zagoni's charge at Springfield, Pleasanton's at Barber's Cross-Roads, and Dahlgren's at Fredericksburg showed that the men of the North could ride to some purpose. Up to this time the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac had taken little part in the great battles which liad been fought. It had been divided by McClellan into squadrons, and attached to brigades of infantry ; but Burnside, before his resignation, had begun a reorganization of the cavalry. Hooker completed the work by forming a cavalry corps, consisting of three divisions, commanded by Major-Gcneral Stoneman. The division com- manders were Generals Pleasanton, Gregg, and Averill. In the month of March, Stoneman, wishing to ascertain the position ol" the Rebel cavalry, sent Averill's division across the Rappahan- nock, at Kelley's Ford. The Rebels guarding the crossing were nearly all captured. Averill pushed out towards Culpepper, but met Stuart, and after a sharp engagement retired across the river. March and April were muddy ; but Stoneman's squadrons were busy foraging the country north of the Rappahannock, while his scouts were finding their way through Stuart's lines, reaching James River, entering Richmond, ascertaining where supplies for the Rebel army were accumulated, and what troops guarded the bridges in rear of Lee's army. They discovered tliat the main body of the Rebel cavalry was in the vicinity of Culpepper and Orange Court-House, under Fitz-Hugh and Custis Lee. One feature of General Hooker's plan, m the movement to 1863.] CAv^ALRY OPKRATIONS. 213 Chancellorsville, was the destruction of Lee's supplies and his communications with Richmond. This part was assigned to the cavahy. Averill was sent to Bealton, on the Orange and Alex- andria Railroad, as if intending a movement upon Gcrdons- ville. Stuart sent the two Lees up the river to keep watch, which left a door open at Germanna Ford. Stonemar. sent aU his unserviceable horses and men to Fal mouth Men who could not endure hardship and exposure were detailed to remain and guard the camp. The cavalrymen only knew that there was to be a movement somewhere, so well kept were Hooker's intentions. Pleasanton was ordered to accompany Hooker to Chancellors- ville, Averill was directed to cross the river at Rappahannock Station, and move towards Gordonsville, while Gregg's division was selected to strike the blow which would cripple Lee. On the 29th of April, when the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps reached Kelley's Ford, on the Rappahannock, Gregg, who was lying there, crossed in advance, and moved west towards Cul- pepper. Averill at the same time forded the river at Rappahau nock Station, four miles above, and moved also towards Cul- pepper. There was a small force of Rebel cavalry in that town, but Averill charged tlirough the streets. The Rebels made a hasty retreat towards Gordonsville, crossing the Rapidan at the railroad and burning the bridge behind them. Averill followed, and the Lees thought that Gordonsville was the point aimed at. Gregg, instead of going to Culpepper, turned soutli through Stcvensburg ; and, while the Eleventh and Twelfth Corj)S were crossing the Rapidan at Germanna Ford, his troops were fora^ng the same stream eight miles higher up. When Gregg arrived at Raccoon Ford, he found it guarded by a strong force on the opposite side, intrenched around the house of Colonel Porter, which overlooks the ford. Gregg halted his column in the field and woods, near the house of Mr. Stringfellow, on the northern bank, and made demonstra- tions as if to cross. He opened with his artillery, which was replied to by the Rebels. While the enemy was thus diverted, a small force was sent to Morton's Ford, two miles below, which crossed without opposition, dashed up the road, and came upon the Rebels in rear of Colonel Porter's house. They fled to 214 THE BOYS OF 01. [May, wards Orange Court-Houso. Lieutenant Gaskell, with a por- tion of the Fifth United States Cavahy, followed them five miles, capturing an officer and several men. The di-sision crossed, and bivouacked on the hills around Colonel Porter's house for the night. This movement of Gregg's compelled the Lees, who intended to light Averill at Rapidan Station, to make a hasty retreat towards Gordonsville, for Gregg was on their flank. A-verill crossed the stream, driving back the Rebels, and by his movement deceiving the enemy. He followed them nearly to Gordonsville, remained till Gregg's division was well on its way, then recrossed the stream, and rejoined Hooker. The night of the oOth of April was cold and the ground damp, but no lires were allowed. At two o'clock in the morning the men were roused from sleep, not by the bugle-call, but by low- spoken words. They were soon ready to move, but were obliged to wait till daylight for a guide. Four hours of valuable time were lost by this delay. The column moved along the road which runs south from Raccoon Ford to Louisa Court-House, at Greenwood. It crossed Mountain Run soon after daylight, reached the Fredericksburg plank-road, and moved on the north fork of the North Anna. A. small body dashed into Orange Spring early in the morning, and captured a lieutenant of Jackson's staff, and a wagon loaded \^ath intrenching tools. Squadrons were sent out in all directions, — on the side-roads and by-paths, through the fields and fcrests, — telling the people everywhere that Hooker's whole army was on the march, creating the impression among the people that Hooker was making a swift descent upon Richmond. Tlie soldiers helped themselves to chickens, tur- keys, lambs, and obtained breakfasts in the houses of the farmers, who were astonished at their sudden appearance, and tlicir unceremonious way of sitting down to breakfast without being asked. They visited stables, seized or exchanged horses without paying any boot. Great was the excitement among the negroes, who poured out from the cabins with wild expres- sions of joy. Hundreds of them joined the column, without saying good by to their masters. The citizens were sullen, but the women gave free uttei'ance to their feelings. Gregg reached Louisa Court-House, twenty miles from Rac- A NIGHT MARCH OF CAVALRY 1863.] CAVALRY OI'KRATIONS. 215 jooii Ford, at two o'clock in tlio afternoon. The Virginia Cen- tral Railroad, from Richmond to Gordonsville, passes throngh tiic town. A large qnantity of supplies was in store there, guarded by several hundred Rebel cavalry, who, when tlwy heard tliat the " Yankees " were coming, sent off what they could on a train of cars, and then fled to Gordonsville. GregL' sent out a regiment in pui'suit, while the main body of hit. command bivoiuicked in tlic field west of the Court-House. Small bodies were detailed east and west along the railroad, tearing up the track, burning the ties, and destroying all the culverts and bridges in the vicinity. It was the first time that the ])cof>le of Louisa Court-House had been visited by the Yankees, 'fhey had lived in security, never entertaining the thought that the "Yankees" could pen- etrate so far into the interior. They wanted high pay for all they had to sell, but were ready to make a great discount between Confederate currency and greenbacks. Gregg was now east of Gordonsville and Averill north of it. Gregg sent a portion of the First Maine Cavalry towards the place, as if intending to proceed in that dirccti(jn. Three or four miles west of the Court-House the Maine men encountered a large force, which had been sent hy Fitz-Hugh Lee. The officer command- ing the party sent woixl to Gregg, and fell back slowly ; but the Rebels charged upon liim, killed two, and captured twenty- eight. Gregg formed his division for battle, and the Rebels retreated towards Gordonsville. At five o'clock in the afternoon, the railroad and depot build- ings having been destroyed, the column turned southeast, crossed the South Anna, passing through Yancyville, a little village on that stream, moved down the river, and reached Thompson's Cross-Roads at eleven o'clock. Up to tiiis time General Stoneman had not informed hif: officers of his intentions. He called them together at midnight and gave them their instructions. " You are to destroy the bridges over the North Auna, and break up Lee's communications in that direction," were hib uistructions to Gregg. ''Colonel Davis will destroy the bridges over the South Anna, south of the Fredericksburg Railroad." 21b THE BOYS OF '61. [May '' Colonel Wyndluim, with details of" regimeutb from hif brigade, will reach the James River at Columbia, and destroy the bridge there and break up the canal." " Colonel Kilpatrick, -vvitli the Harris Light Cavalry, will move to the Chickahominj, and burn the bridges across that stream.'" Stonemau himsell'. with tlie main force, was to remain there, and cover the movcjnent. When the object each commander had iu view was accomplished, they were allowed the widest latitude for other operations. At half past *,wo o'clock Sunday morniug, May 3d, the various columns are in motiou. It is a bright moonlight night. Gregg moves northeast, Dads east, Kilpatrick southeast, and Wynd- ham south. At this moment, Lee at Chancellors ville is arranging for his second attack on Hooker ; Sedgwick preparing to storm the heights of Fredericksburg ; Stonewall Jackson is mortally wounded, and lying in a house at Guinea's Station. Averill is hastening to withdraw from the ncinity of Orange Court- House, when he should be moving on towards Gordonsville. Couriers ai'e flying through the country, along the roads lead- ing to Richmond, with the astounding intelligence that " the Yankees are coming I " General Gregg has the First Maine and Tenth New York, with two pieces of artillery. He moves rapidly up the Central Railroad. There are no troops to oppose him. He burns the station at Beaver Dam, and Anderson's bridge across the North Anna, about three miles north of the station. He sends out detachments along the railroad, burning all the bridges iu the vicinity. Another detachment moves to the South Anna, along the Richmond and Gordonsville turnpike, and destroys the bridge called the Ground-Squirrel bridge, over that stream. Having accomplished the object of the expedition, without any loss, Gregg returns and rejoins Stoneman at Thompson's Cross- Roads the 5th of May having made a forced march of seventy miles, and doing great damage. Kilpatrick and Davis are near together in their movements, going east and southeast. Kilpatrick makes his first halt thir- teen miles from Richmond. There are bodies of Rebel troops 1868, J CAVALRY OPERATIONS. 217 around liim, — a large force at Hanover Junction, other troops in the vicinity of A.shland, and others moving out from the city to intercept him. His only safety is in a rapid, auda- cious movement. At daylight on Monday morning, May 4th, after a short rest for his men and horses, he is again in motion, directly towavd Richmond. He strikes the Fredericksburg railroad at Hungary Station, five miles from the city, burns the depot, tears up the track, pushes directly down the Brooke pike, till he can see the spires of the city, only two miles distant. There is great excitement in the city, — riding to and fro of oflficers and couriers, mustering of militia, turning out of clerks from the departments, shouldering of muskets and hasty buck- ling on of cartridge-boxes, forming lines and hastening out to the intrenchments. Frightened farmers ride in from all direc- tions with the intelligence that the country is swarming with Yankees. A company of artillery and a considerable force of infantry, with cavalry pickets and scouts, which are moving out on the Brooke pike, are seized with a panic and rush uuck *o the city. The bells are rung. The confusion and consterna- tion increase. Men hide their valuables. Women and children cross the river to Manchester. The Union prisoners, who have been suffering the horrors of Libby Prison for many months, looking through their iron-grated windows, behold the commo- tion. They can hear the booming of Kilpatrick's guns. Their hearts bound with indescribable joy. They are thrilled with the thought that deliverance is at hand. Kilpatrick captures Lieutenant Brown, an aide-de-camp of General Winder, and an escort accompanyuig him, within the fortifications. He paroles him, dating the parole at the city of Rishmond. " You are a mighty daring sort of fellows, but you '11 cer- tainly be captured before sundown," said the aide. " That may all be, but we intend to do a mighty deal of mis- chief first," replied Kilpatrick.* He leaves a portion of the troops with his artillery, which engages the Rebel batteries, while, guided by a negro, with a small detachment he moves through the fields to the rail- Kilpatrick and Our Cavalry, p. 49. 218 THE BOYS OF '61. [M;iy. road, burus Meadow bridge, ruuning- a train of cai*s iuto the stream. With one regiment of cavalry he reaches the Rebel fortifications, captures Rebels inside them, plants his batteries, and throws shells almost iuto the city of Richmond, iu face of their own batteries, destroys communication with Leo, burning bridges, tearing up railroad tracks, pulling down telegraph wire, running a train of cars into the river, with rebel troops all around him. Having accomplished this he moves northeast, for he can see Rebel columns moving up the Brooke pike and Mechauicsville road, to cut off his retreat. He dismisses all hope of returning to Stoneman. It is a critical moment. He must move iji some direction at once. He consults his map. " To horse, men ! We are all right ! We are safe yet." * With a faithfid negro to guide him, he moves through woods and fields, along by-patlis and cross roads, going east and north- east, to Hanover Town, on the Pamunkey. His horses are jaded, but he makes a hard ride, reaches the place in safetj, crosses the stream, sets fire to the bridge, halts his men upon the northern bank. The Rebels, ui hot pursuit, come down to the other bank, mortified and chagrined and enraged at his escape. The Yankees throw up their caps, and greet them with a hearty cheer. Scouts come in and report a train of thirty wagons loaded with corn for the Rebel army near by. Kilpatrick captures them, feeds his horses with what corn he needs, destroys the rest, moves five miles up the river, bivouacks for the night, remains till one o'clock m the morning of the otli, then moving rapidly north to Aylett's, near Mattiipony River, surprises three hundred Rebel cavalry, capturing two officers, thirty-three men, burning fifty-six wagons and a build ing containing twenty thousand barrels of corn and wheat, quantities of clothing and commissary stores, saieiy crossing the Mattapony in season to escape the advance of the Rebel cavalry in pursuit. Pushing on, later in the evening, he de eti'oys a third wagon train, bui-ns buildings containing a lai'ge lunount of corn, near Tappahannock, then turning southeast, making a forced march of twenty miles, reaches King and • Kilpatrick aiid our Cavaln.-. p. 50. 1863.] OAVALRY OPERATIONS. 219 Queeu Court-llouso, where he finds a body of cavalry diawn up to dispute his passage. He prepares to charge, but sudden- ly discovers that it is a portion of the Twelfth Illinois of Colonel Davis's command. The meeting is a joyful one. The two commands move on together, marching southeast, reaching Gloucester Point at ten o'clock on the morning of the Tth, where they find rest and safety under the guns of the Union fortifications, making a march of nearly two hundred miles iu less than five days, with a loss of only one officer and thirty- seven men, having captured and paroled upward of three hun- dred of the enemy.* " Who will convey news to Uookcr of our success ? " was the question put l)y Kilpatrick when at Aylett's, after routin;^ the Rebels there. " I am ready to go," was the quick response of Lieutenant Estes of the First Maine, who was acting as aide to Kilpatrick. T^ 1 men were detailed to accompany him. They struck across the cou itry north, and reached the Rappahannock at Tappahaunock Court-Ilouse, dashing into that place, and capturing a lieutenant and fifteen men ! whom they paroled. The river was swollen, and they could not cross. The whole country was alarmed. The militia were assembling. There were three hundred on tlie north side of the river. The officer in command sent over a flag of truce demanding the Lieutenant to surrender ; but Lieutenant Estes liad no inten- tion of giving up just then. Finding that he could not go north, he turned south. In his flight he came upon a Rebel major, two ca[)tains, and three privates, who were captured and paroled. But the militia were close upon the brave Lieuten- ant, who found himself and party caught in a trap between the river and the Great Dragon Swamp. Seeing that they could not escape on horseback, they abajidoned their horses and took to the swamp. The militia surrounded it, and set bloodhounds on the track of the fugitives, wiio were finally captured, and sent otT towards Richmond, under a strong guard ; l)ut before they readied Liic Mattapony, Kilpatrick set them at liberty and took the Rebsl guard along with him to Gloucester, accompa- * Kilpatrick's Report. 220 THE BOYS OF '61. [May, iiied by thousands of negroes, on foot, in carts, wagons, and old family carriages, drawn by mules, oxen, and sometimes by cows, — packed full, and loaded down on top, by the dark-liued but light-hearted creatures, who had heard of the proclamation of President Lincoln, and were ready to accept freedom at the hands of the Yankees. After resting a few days, Kilpatrick crossed the river on transports, marched up the tongue of land between the Rappahannock and Potomac, and joined Hooker at Falmouth, having made a complete circuit of the Rebel army. When Colonel Wyndham left Thompson's Cross-Roads on the morning of the od, he moved rapidly southwest towards the James, striking it at Columbia. The distance was about twen- ty miles. There were many small creeks to cross, but Wynd- ham reached Columbia at eight o'clock. The people had just finished breakfast when a man, riding furiously, his hair wet with foam, came dashing down the street, shouting " The Yan- kees are coming ! the Yankees are coming ! " The people laughed ; some thought him crazy. The Yan- Kees coming ? Impossible ! But a column of men in blue, with gleaming sabres, dashed down the road into the village. Tbere were no Rebel soldiers in the vicinity to oppose Wynd- ham. Some of the citizens fled in consternation across the James, giving the alarm. But the people over the river woidd not believe their stories. " 1 '11 go and see for myself," said an old farmer, who mount- ed his horse and took one of his best servants with him. He went on till he was in sight of the Yankees, then stopped and looked at them in amazement. Suddenly his servant dashed away straight towards the Yankees. *• Stop ! come back I " he shouted, but the negro galloped boldly into Wyudham's lines, bringing an excellent horse, while his late master turned the other way, more amazed than ever. Some of the soldiers told the inhabitants that they belonged to Stuart's, command ; and the word spread that they were not Yankees after all. A young fellow, the son of a rich farmer, rode boldly into the lines to see Stuart's cavalry. " Has Lee licked tlie Yankees ? " he asked. " I reckon," said a cavalryman. " Good ! " said the boy. 1863.] CAVALRY OPERATIONS. ii21 " See liere, my Irioiid, my horse has gi'n out. I am on im- portant business ; 1 should like to exchange horses with you. General Stuart will make it all right with you when he comes this way," said the soldier, who, without further ceremony, put iiis saddle upon the noble-blooded animal, while the young man looked on in amazement. Many of the Rebel cavalrymen were dressed in blue cloth- ing, which had been stripped from prisoners, and that was the reason why the inhabitants were at a loss to know whether they were Yankees or Rebels. Colonel Wyndham burned the bridge across the James, de- stroyed several canal-boats loaded with supplies, burned a ware- house filled with corn and medical stores, dug sluices in the banks of the canal, and attempted to destroy the locks, but did not succeed. He remained till four o'clock in the afternoon, then pushed down the river five miles, moved north, then north- west, and reached Stoneman at ten o'clock in the evening, ac- companied by hundreds of negroes. When the alarm was given on a plantation that the Yankees were coming, the farmers made all haste to secrete their horses. " Here 1 Jim, Sam, Cuffee, take the horses into the woods. Quick ! " There was a grand commotion in all the stables, the negroes mounting the horses and riding into the thick bushes ; but as soon as they were out of their masters' sight, they made for the Yankees by the shortest route ! They were ready to do anything for their deliverers. They kept close watch while the soldiers rested ; visited plantations, bringing in chickens, turkeys, calves, and lambs, and cooked delicious suppers for the whole command. They kept Stoneman in- formed of what was going on. He learned that in two hours after Wyndham left Columbia, a large body of cavalry entered the place in pursuit, but Wyndham moved so rapidly they could not overtake him. A portion of Buford's brigade, the First Regulars, dashed along the Virginia Central Railroad, and tore up the track. A. company went to the North Anna, drove off a guard of in- fantry from a bridge, captured five prisoners, burned the bridge, and returned to Stoneman without losing a man. The Fifth Regulars went down the Jamss to Cartersville 'I'l"^ THE BOYS OF '61. L^^J? twelve miles below Columbia, to destroy a bridge. They met a portion of Lee's brigade. There was skirmishing ; but while one portion of the Regulars was holding the Rebels in check, another party reached the bridge, set it on fire, and then the whole force returned to Stoneman. The Rebels all the while were hovering round Stoneman on the southwest, but did not dare to attack him. They did not know what to make of the conflicting stories. " The Yankees are at Frederickshall, at Ashland, at Columbia, at Thompson's Cross-Roads, at Louisa, at Richmond," were the reports. The country swarmed with Yankees ; every farmer had his story of woe, of stolen horses and runaway negroes ; the farmers' wives and daughters mourned over lost chickens, of meat-houses bro- ken open, jars of jelly and preserves carried away. Few of the Virginia farmers had ever seen a regiment of cavalry, and when the lines filed down the narrow roads, a squadron was magni- fied to a regiment, and a hundred men became a thousand. On Tuesday afternoon, all of the detachments except Kilpat- rick's and a portion of Davis's having returned, Stoneman commenced his homeward march, and recrossed the Rapidan at Raccoon Ford, in safety, though he was obliged to swim his horses through the swollen stream. There was no enemy to molest him, none to hang upon his rear. He recrossed the Rappahannock at Kelley's Ford, and rejoined Hooker at Fal- mouth, having successfully acoomplished what he had under- taken. The Rebels were mortified, chagrined, and exasperated. The success which they had achieved in compelling Hooker to re- tire from Chancellorsville was in a measure counterbalanced by Stoneman's operations, especially by Kilpatrick's audacious exploits. This cavalry movement was the first great raid of the war. It was not only a success, but it toughened the soldiers and prepared them for the hardships and battles which followed on the Upper Rappahannock, at Aldie, Middleburg, and Gettys- burg. It gave confidence. The men felt that they were no longer the laughing-stock of the army. Tliey had other em- ployment now than guarding teams or keeping watch on the picket line. There was pleasurable excitement in lid 1 863. J CAVALRY OPERATIONS. 223 ing through the enemy's country, making dashes into villages, charging upon the enemy, riding through the dense forests, and finding good living at every farm-house. There were plenty of volunteers for any enterprise. A few days later Stuart attempted a counter raid in rear of the army, but was driven across the Rappahannock witli case. Then came the severe sti-uggle at Brandy Station. Lee had started on his Gettysburg campaign, and Stuart was kept on the flank to conceal the movement, but Kilpatrick and Gregg unmasked it. Then as Stuart swung along the base of the Blue Ridge, while Lee went down the Shenandoah with the infantry, the contest was renewed in a running fight from Aldie to Snicker's Gap. In all of these engagements the su- periority of the Union cavalry was fully established. The Union soldiers had learned to ride horses ; and from Stone- man's raid to the capture of Jeff Davis they rode to some purpose 224 THE EOYS OF '61. I MarcH, CHAPTER XV. THE ATLANTIC COAST The encounter between the Merrimack and the Monitor had set the world agog on the matter of armored vessels. A fleet of ironclads had been prepared, with the special object in view of recapturing Fort Sumter. It was an event looked forward to with intense interest, not only in the North, but throughout the civilized world. Having a desire to witness that attack, I proceeded South, leaving New York on the 7th of February, 1863, on board the steamer Augusta Dinsmore, belonging to Adams's Express. Captain Crowell, her commander, was a sharp-eyed Connecticut Yankee, who kept the lead constantly going as we ran down the coast, and who was as well acquaint- ed with all the soundings as the skipper of Nantucket immor talized by Mr. Fields, who detected the soil of Marm Hackett's garden by smell and taste, although Nantucket had sunk. The harbor of Port Royal was crowded with shipping. Gen- eral Foster's force from North Carolina had just arrived, to participate in a land movement. General Hunter was in com- mand of the department, and there arose at once a question of jurisdiction, which paralyzed the operations of the army. The officers and soldiers at Port Royal, weary with doing noth- ing, had fitted up a theatre. The building was used for church services on Siniday. Attending the morning service the day after our arrival, I found an audience of about one hundred persons, among them General Hunter and staff. The clergy- man, an Episcopalian, in a rusty black gown, stood upon the stage. A soldier played a melodeon and conducted the sing- ing. In the afternoon there was a business meeting in the African Baptist church, which I also attended. Rev. Abraham Murchison, a tall copper-hued negro, was pastor, and presided over the deliberations. He had been a slave in Savannali, but made his way to our lines, was a storekeeper or huckster on 18(>.'>.] THE ATLANTIC COAST. 22S week-days, and preached on Sunday. The church was a plain wooden building, erected by order of General Mitchell for an African church. There were two rows of benches, a plain pine pulpit, a ventilated ceiling, from which three or four glass lamps were suspended, — all being very mucli like the rude churches to be found in the thinly-settled prairies of Illinois. The con- gregation were singing when we entered, — " Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dressed in living green, So to the Jews fair Canaan stood, While Jordan rolled between." The leader was a round-headed, compact, energetic negro twenty-five years of age, wliose zeal was bounded only by tho capacity of his lungs. It was the well-known tune "• Jordan," sung by millions in times past and present. The women oc- cupied one side of the house, the men sitting opposite. It was a dusky view, looking down the aisle from my seat at the right of the pulpit. They were countenances not types of beauty, not attractive intellectually. But there was perfect decorum and solemnity. All heads were bowed when the preacher addressed the Throne of Grace. It was a prayer full of supplications and thanksgiving, expressed in fitting words. The church had a case of discipline. Their sexton had been remiss in lighting the lamps, and was arraigned for trial. The pastor called the sexton to the front, and thus indicted him : — "• Joini, my son, you are arraigned for not doing as you have agreed, and covenanted to do. We pay you one hundred and twenty dollars a year for lighting these ycre l)eautiful lamps which the church have so generously provided, and, sir, you have been remiss in your duty. On Thursday night, when we were assembled for holy prayer, we were in darkness. You did wrong. You broke your obligations. You must be punished. What say you ? Brethren, we will hear what he has to say." " I lighted the lamps, sah, but they went out ; de oil wa? bad, I reckon," said the sexton. The pastor called upon one of the deacons to take the chair. He was of middle age, black as anthracite coal, bald-headed. 226 • THE BOYS OF "61. [March, aud was dressed in paiits and coat made of old sail-cloth. By his side sat his colleague, wearing a United States soldiers' blue overcoat. The preacher, taking his stand in the aisle, laid aside his clerical authority, and became one of the breth- ren. " Brother cheerman, our brother am presump^j^s. Ho say he light de lamps and dey go out. How does he know dey go out ? He ought to stay aiid see dey don't go out. He am presumptus and should be punished. I move, sir, dat our brother be set aside from commin to de Lord's table till he make satisfaction." A brother seconded the motion, and tlie question was put by the deacon. Two or three voted aflfirmatively, but nearly all negatively. The question was not understood. The preacher- explained : " You is discomposed in your minds. You do not understand de question. Can any of you tell me how you voted?" The question was put a second time, and the offending mem- ber was unanimously debarred the privileges of the church. After the discipline a candidate for admission was presented, a stout young man, named Jonas. " Well, my son, where are you from ? " said the pastor. " From Charleston, sir." " Was you a member of the church there, my son ? " " Yes, sir, I was a member of the church." " Does any one here know anything about Jonas ? " A half-dozen responded " Yes," all agreeing that his deport- ment was correct. " Did you bring your 'stificate with you ? " " No, sir; I came away in a hurry, and hadn't any time to get one." " Yes, my son ; we understand that you were obliged to leave in a hurry or not at all. But what made you become a Christian ? " " Because I felt I was a sinner." " Did you pray, my son ? " " Yes, sir ; aud I feel that through the mercy of Jesus Christ my sins arc pardoned." It was a simple narrative, and expressed with evident con- sciousness of the solemnity of the declaration. It was plain 1853.1 THE ATLANTIC COAST. 22'? that in spiritual things these people were further advanced than in business matters. The evidence was satisfactory, and the member received by an extension of right hand of fel- lowship on the part of the pastor. In the evening Rev. Mr. Murchison preached from the text, " And they shall call upon the rocks and mountains to fall upon them," &c. It was a crude, disjointed discourse, having very little logic, a great many largo words, some of them ludicrously misap- plied, yet contained striking thoughts, and appropriate similes. This was a congregation standing on the lowest step of civili- zation. Minister and people were but a twelvemonth out of bondage. All behind them was barbarism. Before them \s us a future, unrevealed, but infinitely better than what their past had been. Their meeting was orderly, and I have seen grave legislative bodies in quite as much of a muddle over a simple question as that congregation of black men emerging from their long night of darkness. On the following Sunday I was present at a service on Ladies' Island. The owner of tlie plantation where the meeting w&? held erected his house in full view of Beaufort, and near the bank of the stream where the tide ebbs and flows upon the sandy beach. It was a mean mansion, standing on posts, to give free circulation to the air underneath. In hot summer days the shade beneath the house was the resort of all the poultry of the promises. Thousands of hard-working New England mechanics live in better houses, yet from Beaufort the place made an imposing show, surrounded by orange and mag- nolia trees. The sandy acres of the plantation stretched to- wards St. Helena. A short distance from the planter's house were the weatlier-beaten cabins of the negroes, mere hovels, without window-panes, with mud chimneys, — the homes of generations who had gone from the darkness and hopeless- ness of a wearying life to the rest and quiet of the grave. On that morning when Admiral Dupont shelled the Rebels out of the forts at Hilton Head and Bay Point, the owner of these acres made a hasty exit from his house. He sent his overseer to the cabins to hurry up the negroes, but to his sur- prise not a negro was to be found. Tho colored people had heard the thundering down the bay. They knew its meaning 228 THE BOYS OF '61. |^ March, It set their hearts beating as they never had throbbed before. It was the sweetest music they ever had heaid. A horseman came riding furiously up to the house, with terror in his coun tenance. The master hastened out to know how the battle was going. " The Yankees have taken the forts ! " said the messenger. Tlie master became pale. " You had better get your negroes together, and be ready for a move," said the messenger. Sharp ears had heard all this, — the ears of Sam, a colored man, who, seeing the herald arrive in hot haste, had the curi- osity to hear what he had to say, then bounded like a deer to the cabins, running from door to door, whispering to the Inmates, " To the woods ! to the woods ! De Yankees hab taken de forts, — massa is going to de mainland, and is going to take us wid him." The cabins were deserted in an instant ; and five minutes later, when the overseer came round to gather his drove of human cattle, he found empty hovels. The planter and his overseer were obliged to do their own hasty packing up. The plantation was in the hands of a warm-hearted Christian gentleman from Massachusetts, Mr. Norton. The people of the estate gathered for worship in the large parlor of the house. The i-oom was eighteen or twenty feet square, and had a wide-mouthed fireplace, in which a cheerful fire of pitch knots was blazing. There was a settee, a mahogany sideboard, where the former owner was accustomed to quaff his wines and liq- uors. Seats and chairs were brought in. The big dinner-bell was rung, and the people, thirty or forty in number, came in, men, women, and children. Some of the women brought their infants. Uncle Jim, the patriarch of the plantation, was too feeble to attend. The superintendent, Mr. Norton, com- forted his heart by reading to him a chapter in the Bible and offering prayers in the miserable cabin, where the old man was lying on a pile of rags. Uncle Jim was a sincere Christian The word of God was sweet to him. His heart overflowed with thanks and praise, foi- the display of God's great goodnesp to him and his people. 1863.] THE ATLANTIC COAST. 229 A hymn was lined off by Mr. Norton, after the fashion of oiir fathers. William, a stout, middle-aged man, struck into St. Martin's, and the congregation joined, not reading the music exactly as good old Tansur composed it, for there were crooks, turns, slurs, and appoggiaturas, not to be found in any printed copy. It was sung harshly, nasally, and dragged out in long, slow notes. A pure-blooded negro, Sancho, offered prayer. Lie had seen great hai"dship in life and had suffered more than his name- sake, the squire, who was once unceremoniously tossed in a blanket. His prayer was the free utterance of a warm heart. It was a familiar talk with Jesus, his best friend. He improved the opportunity to mingle an exhortation with his supplication. He thus addressed the unconverted : — " 0, my poor, impenitent fellow-sinner, what you think you are doing? Where you think you are going? Death will ride u]) soon in a big black carriage and take you wid him down to de regions of deep darkness. Why don't you repent now, and den he will carry you up into de light of paradise ! " Looking forward to the hour of the Christian's release frum the bondage of this life, he said, in conclusion, "And now, good Lord, when we have done chaw all de hard bones and swallowed all de bitter pills, we trust de good Lord will take us to himself." After an address from the superintendent, Sancho rose. "My belobed friends," said he, "I neber 'spected to see such a day as dis yero. For twenty years, I hired my time of old massa, I was 'blccged to pay him twelve dollars a month in ad- vance, and if I did n't hab de money ready, he wollopped me. But I 's a free man now. De good Lord hab done it all. I can't read. It is de great desire ob my heart to learn to read, so dat I can read de Bible all my own self; but I 's too old to learn. But I rejoice dat my chillen can hab de opportunity to study de precious word. Do Lord is doin great tings for us in dese yere days. Ole massa, was a purty good massa, and I prays de Lord to make him lay down his weapons ob rebellion and become a good Union man and a disciple ob de Lord Jesus, for Jesus tells us dat we must lub our enemies." Vfter the exercises of the religious meeting were concluded, 230 THE BOYS OF '61. [Marcii, the chairs were set aside, and they began a " praise meeting," or singing meeting. Most of their music is plaintive. The piece frequently commences with a recitative by one voice, and at the end of the first lino the chorus joins. The words are often improvised to suit the occasion. A favorite song is " Roll, Jordan, roll," in which the pro- gression of the melody is very descriptive of the rolling of waves upon the beach. There are many variations of the mel- ody, but that here given is as I heard it sung by the negroes of Bythewood. ROLL JORDAN s ^^ m§m^m Little children sitting on the tree of life To liear the Jordan roll ; V^ -0- -9- -0- -^ -^ I - — y- P ^=P= -t— 1 — h ^m rr r roll, Jordan roll, Jordan roll, Jordan roll. J^ m We march the angel march, O ■-^^^ E^-3-£EHE ■**; ■* r~r -rrfp^:iVr^f-r-r-f-f=-S 1 r-f-rn^rnrr. march the angel march, my soul is rising heavenward To hear the Jordan roll. V. V^ V I I I N I N I ■♦ V -» V. N I I ^ 1^=^ -t— t- pp _^_^ 1 — \ — t- The verses vary only in recitation. If Mr. Jones is pres- ent he will hear, " Mr. Jones is sitting on the tree of life." There is no pause, and before the last roll is ended the one giving the recitative places another personage on the tree, and liuis Jordan rolls along. As ihc song goes on the enthusiasm rises. Tliey sing loudei 18G3.] THE ATLANTIC COAST. 231 aiid stronger. The recitative is given with increased vigor, and the chorus swells with increasing volume. They beat time, at first, with their hands, then their feet. They rise from their seats. William begins to shuffle his feet. Anna, a short, thick-set woman, wearing a checkered dress, and an apron, which once was a window-curtain, claps her hands, makes a short, quick jerk of her body, stamps her feet on the unac- cented part of the measure, keeping exact syncopation. Cath- erine and Sancho catch the inspiration. They go round in a circle, shuffling, jerking, shouting louder and louder, while those outside of the circle respond with increasing vigor, all stamping, clapping their hands, and rolling out the chorus. William seems to be in a trance, his eyes are fixed, yet he goes on with a double-sluiffle, till the perspiration stands in beads upon his face. Every joint seems hung on wires. Feet, legs, arms, head, body, and hands swing and jump like a child's dancing Dandy Jim. Sancho enters into it with all his heart, soul, mind, and might, clapping his hands, rolling his eyes, looking upward in ecstasy and outward upon the crowd, as if he were their spiritual father and guardian. Thus it went on till nature was exhausted. When the meet ing broke up, they all came round in procession, shaking lianda with the superintendent and the strangers present, and singing a parting song, " Tliere 's a meeting here to-night I " The superintendent informed me that the children who at- tended school could not be coaxed to take part in those praise meetings. They had learned tc sing Sunday-school songs, and evidently looked upon tiio plantation songs of their fathers and mothers as belonging to their bondage and not worthy to be sung now that they were free. A short distance from Hilton Head is the town of Mitchel- ville, laid out by the lamented astronomer. General Mitchell, who fell a victim to the yellow-fever in the summer of 1862. The town is on a broad sandy plain, bordered by groves and thickets of live-oak, palmetto, and the coast pine. At that time there were about seventy houses, — or cabins rather, — of the rudest description, built of logs, chinked with clay brought up from the beach, roofs of long split shingles, 232 THE BOYS OF '61. [March, board floors, windows with shutters, — plain board blinds, without sash or glass. Each house had a quarter of an acre of land attached. There was no paint or lime, not even whitewash, about them. It was just such a place as might be expected in a new country, where there were no saw-mills or brick-kilns, — a step in advance of a hole in the ground or a bark wigwam. It was the beginning of the experiment of civilization on the part of a semi-barbarous people ;ust released from abject bondage, and far from being free men. I looked into the first cabin, and seeing an old man sitting before the fire, greeted him with " How do you do, Uncle ? " the sobriquet of all middle-aged negro men. " 'Pears how I 'm rather poorly, — I 's got de chills, boss." He was a slave in Florida, made his escape from his master's plantation fifty miles inland, reached Fernandina, and entered the lines of the Union army. He was dressed in pants made of old sailcloth, and the tattered cast-off blouse of a Union soldier. The room was twelve feet square. I could see through the chinking in a hundred places. At the coping of the roof, where it should have joined the wall, tliere was a wide opening all around, which allowed all the warmth to escape. The furniture consisted of three tables, four chairs, a mahog- any wash-stand, all of which once stood in the mansion of some island planter. There was a Dutch-oven on the hearth, the sight of which made my mouth water for tlie delicious tea- cakes of childhood. There were pots, kettles, baskets, and bags, and a pil'^ of rags, old blankets which the soldiers had thrown aside. It required but a few words to thaw out Uncle Jacob, who at once commenced fumbling in liis pockets, producmg, after a studious search, a brown paper, carefully folded, en- closing the name of a gentleman in New York who had taken home Uncle Jacob's nephew. He wanted me to read it to him, — the name, the street, the number, — that he might learn it by heart. " He is learning to write, boss, and I shall have a letter from him by and by," said the old man, in glee. He handed me three letters, all from men who once were slaves, not written by them individually, but by amanuenses. One was a sailor on the gunboat Ottawa, off Charleston ; one was in New York city, and the third in Ohio. I 1863.] THE ATLANTIC COAST. 233 " Please, boss, I should like to hab you read 'em," he said. It was a pleasure to gratify the kind-hearted man, "who lis- tened with satisfaction beaming from every line of his counte- nance. Uncle Jacob had been five months in the employ of the United States, unloading vessels at Hilton Head, and had re- ceived only his rations and a little clothing. " Weil, Uncle Jacob, which would you rather be, a freeman or a slave ? " I asked. " 0, Lor' bless you, boss, I would n't like to be a slave again." " Do you think you can take care of yourself ? " " Jes let gubberment pay me, boss, and see if I can't." It was spoken with great earnestness. In the next cabin I found Peter, who had taken the name of Brown, that of his former master. Slavery gave its victims but one name. General Mitchell said that they were entitled to another name, and he ordered that they should take that of their former masters ; hence there are Peter Beauregards, James Trenholms, Susan Rhetts, Julia Barnwells, on the plan- tations of the Sea Islands. " Mr. Brown, did you ever hear about the Abolitionists ? " 1 asked. ^ Yes, sir, tank you, I 's he'd of 'em." '■ What did you hear about them ? " " 0, dey is a worry bad sort of people, sir. Old raassa said dat if dey could get a chance dey would take all our picka- ainnies and smash der brains out agin de trees ! " " Did you ever see an Abolitionist ? " " No, sir, tank you, nebber saw one." " Well, Mr. Brown, I am one." Mr. Brown started involuntarily. He looked me all over from head to feet, giving a keen search. " 'Pears how I sliould n't tink you could hab de heart to do it, sir." " Do I look as though I should like to kill your little ones ? " " No, sir, I don't tink you would." I told him who the Abolitionists were, and what they wished 234 THE BOYS OF '61. [March, to do, — that they were friends of the slaves, and always had been. He grasped my hand, and said, " God bless you, sir." And then burst into hearty laughter. Having been informed that it would be impossible to ol> cain a fowl of the negroes at that season of the year, I made the attempt ; but though I offered treble the value, not on- would part with a hen. They were looking forward to broods of chickens which would bring them in "heaps" of money in the fall of the year. The negro race understands tlie value of money quite as well as we who boast of Anglo Saxon blood. Entering the head-quarters of the commanding officer one day, I saw a thin, spare colored woman sitting before the fire. She nodded and smiled, ran her eyes over me, as if to take in every feature or peculiarity of my person and dress, then gazed into the fire and seemed absorbed in her own thoughts. A friend said, " That is our Sojourner Truth." She had brought ofi" several companies of negroes from the mainland, and had given a great deal of information concern- ing the movements of the Rebels. She had penetrated swamps, endured hardships, eluded Rebel pickets, visiting the planta tions at midnight, and conversing with the slaves. " I can travel all through the South, I reckon," she said. " Are you not afraid that the Rebels will catch you ? " " Well, honey, I reckon they could n't keep me," she said, with a smile. She had exhibited such remarkable shrewdness and finesse in her exploits, and had rendered such valuable services to the department, that she was held in high esteem. At that time, Mrs. Frances D. Gage, favorably known as a writer for the press, was residing on Paris Island. Seated one evening by the bright fire blazing on her hearth, 1 listened to her narrative of Sojourner Truth, who had been a slave, who had penetrated the far South in search of her lost children, who had run off" many slaves to Canada, and who went round the country, impelled by the conviction tliat she had been called of God to testify against the sins of the people ; lience lu;i- name, " Sojourner Truth." Til.; narration revealed traits of character, not unfrequontlj 1863.] THE ATLANTIC COAST. 235 seen in the negro race, and it will not be out of place in this chapter, which is intended to give the position of a race at its lowest plane of life. This wonderful woman lives in modern art. She is the original Libyan Sibyl, a statue by Mr. Story, which was more impressive than all others in the gallery of the World's Exliibi-' tion in London in 1862. Sojourner once called upon Mrs. Stowe, who has given us this account of tlie interview: * — On her head she wore a bright Madras handkerchief, arranged as a turban, after the manner of her race. She seemed perfectly self-possessed and at her ease, — in fact, there was almost an uncoji scious superiority, not unmixed with a solemn twinkle of humor, ii. the odd, composed manner in which she looked down on me. Hei whole air had at times a gloomy sort of drollery which impressed cue strangely. " So, this is yoti" she said. " Yes," I answered. " Well, hoL3y, de Lord bless ye ! I jes' thought I 'd like to come an' have a look at ye. You 's heerd o' me, I reckon ? " she added. " Yes, I think I have. You go about lecturing, do you not ? " " Yes, honey, that 's what I do. The Lord has made me a sign unto this nation, an' I go round a-testifyin', an' showin' on 'em their sins agin my people." So saying, she took a seat, and, stooping over and crossing her arms on her knees, she looked down on the floor, and appeared to fall into a sort of revery. Her great gloomy eyes and her dark face seemed to work with some undercurrent of feeling ; she sighed deeply, and occa- sionally broke out, — " O Lord ! Lord ! Oh, the tears, an' the groans, an* the moans ! O Lord ! " By this time I thought her manner so original that it might be worth while to call down my friends ; and she seemed perfectly well pleased with the idea. An audience was what she wanted, — it mattered not whether high or low, learned or ignorant. She had things to say, and was ready to say them at all times, and to any one. I called down Dr. Beecher, Professor Allen, and two or three other clergymen, who, together with my husband and family, made a roomful. Ko princess could have received a drawing-room with more composed * Atlantic Monthly, April, 1863. 235 THE BOYS OF '61. [Maroh, dignity than Sojourner her audience. She stood among them calm and erect as one of her own native palm-trees waving alone in the dcsi-rt I presented one after another to her. and at last said, — '• Sojourner, this is Dr. Beecher. lie is a very celebrated preacher." " 7s he ?" she said, offering her hand in a condescending manner, and looking down on his white head. " Ye dear lamb, I 'm glad to see ye I De Lord bless ye ! I loves preachers. I 'm a kind o' preacher my- •^elf." '• You are ? " said Dr. Beecher. " Do you preach from the Bible ? " " No, honey, can't preach from de Bible. — cjvn't read a letter." " Why, Sojourner, what do you preach from, then ? " Her answer was given with a solemn power of voice, peculiar to her- self, that hushed every one in the room. " When I preaches, I has jest one text to preach from, an' I always preaches from this one. My text is, ' When I found Jesus.'" " Well, you could n't have a better one," said one of the ministers. She paid no attention to him, but stood and seemed swelling with her own thousrht^i, and then becan this narration : — " Well, now, I '11 jest have to go back, an' tell ye all about it. Ye jee, we was all brought over from Africa, father an' mother an' I, an' a lot more of us : an' we was sold up an' down, an' hither an' yon ; an' I can 'member, when I was a little thing, not bigger than this 'ere," point- ing to her grandson, *' how my ole mammy would sit out o' doors in the evenin', an* look up at the stars an' groan. She 'd groan an' groan, an' says I to her, — " ' Mammy, what makes you groan so ? ' " An' she 'd say, — " ' Matter enough, chile ! I 'm groanin* to think o' my poor children : they don't know where I be, an' I don't know where they be : they looks up at the stars, an' I looks up at the stars, but I can't tell where they be. '* ' Now,' she said, ' chile, when you 're grown up, }ou may be sold away from your mother an' all your ole friends, an' have great troubles come on ye : an' when you has these troubles come on ye, ye jes' go to God, an' He '11 help ye.' " An' says I to her, — " ' Who is God, anyhow, mammy ? ' " An' says she, — "'Why, chile, you jes' look up dar ! It 's lliin that mudi all J''tn ! ' "Well, I did n't mind much 'bout God in them days. I l:!< w up [)i"etty lively an' strong, an' could row a boat, or ride a horse, or work round, an' do 'most any'^hiug. 1863.] THE ATLANTIC COAST. 237 •' At last I got sold away to a real hard massa an' missis. Oh, I tell you, they was hard ! 'Peared like I could n't please 'em nohow. An' then I thought o' what my old mammy told me about God; an' I thought I 'd got into trouble, sure enough, an' I wanted to find God, an' I heerd some one tell a story about a man that met God on a threshin'-floor, an' I thought, ' Well an' good, I '11 have a threshin'-floor, too.' So I went down in the lot, an' I threshed down a place real hard, an' I used to go down there every day, an' pray an' cry with all my might, a-pray- ui' to the Lord to make my massa an' missis better, but it did n't seem to do no good ; an' so says I, one day, — " ' O God, I been a-askin' ye, an' askiu' ye, an askin' ye, for all this long time, to make my massa an' missis better, an' you don't do it, an' what ca7i be the reason ? Why, maybe you can't. Well, I should n'l wonder ef you could n't. Well, now, I tell you, I '11 make a bargain with you. Ef you '11 help me git away from my massa an' missis, I '11 agree to be good ; but ef you don't help me, I really don't think I can be. Now,' says I, * I want to git away ; but the trouble 's jest here : ef I try to git away in the night, I can't see ; an' ef I try to git away in the daytime, Miey '11 see me, an' be after me.' " Then the Lord said to me, ' Get up two or three hours afore day- light, an' start off.' " An' says I, ' Thank 'ee. Lord ! that 's a good thought.' " So up I got, about three o'clock in the mornin', an' I started an' trav- elled pretty fast, till, when the sun rose, I was clear away from our place an' our folks, an' out o' sight. An' then I begun to think I did n't know nothin' where to go. So I kneeled down, an' says I, — " ' Well, Lord, you 've started me out, an' now please to show me where to go.' " Then the Lord made a house appear to me, an' He said to me that T was to walk on till I saw that house, an' then go in an' ask the people to take me. An' I travelled all day, an' did n't come to the house till late at night ; but when I saw it, sure enough, I went in, an' I told the folks the Lord sent me ; an' they was Quakers, an' real kind they was to me. They jes' took me in, an' did for me as kind as ef I 'd been one of 'em ; an' after they 'd giv me supper, they took me into a room where there was a great, tall, white bed ; an' they told me to sleep there. Well, honey, I was kind o' skeered when they left me alone with that great white bed ; 'cause I never had been in a bed in my life. It never came into my mind they could mean me to sleep in it. An' so I jes' camped down under it, on the floor, an' then I slep' pretty well. In the mornin', when they came in, they asked me ef I had n't been asleep ; an' I said, ' Yes I never slep' better.' An' they said. '2Sii THE BOYS OF '61. [M^' y y .--ftj'WESTMlNSTER U i / A ir// /yl^ (ffTREDERICK 264 THE BOYS OF '61. [June, »ngs. The First Corps moved up the Eminettsburg road, and irmed the left of the Ime ; the Eleventh Corps marched up _ parallel road a little farther east, through Griegerstown. The Third and Twelfth Corps moved on parallel roads leading to Taneytown. The Second and Fifth moved still farther east, through Liberty and Uniontown, while the Sixth, with Gregg's division of cavalry, went to Westminster, forming the right of the line. The lines of march were like the sticks of a fan, Frederick being the point of divergence. On this same Sunday afternoon Lee was at Chambersburg, directing Ewell, who was at York, to move to Gettysburg. A. P. Hill was moving east from Chambersburg towards the same point, while Longstreet's, the last corps to cross the Pole mac, was moving through Waynesboro' and Fairfield, marching north- east towards the same point. It was a glorious spectacle, that movement of the army north from Frederick. I left the town accompanying the Second and Fifth Corps. Long lines of men and innumerable wagons were visible in every direction. The people of Maryland welcomed the soldiers hospitably. When the Fifth Corps passed through the town of Liberty, I farmer rode into the village, mounted on his farm-wagon. lis load was covered by white table-cloths, " What have ye got to sell, old fellow ? Bread, eh ? " said a soldier, raising a corner of the cloth, and revealing loaves of (SW^et soft plain bread, of the finest wheat, with several bushels of ginger-cakes. " What do you ask for a loaf? " " I have n't any to sell," said the farmer. " Have n't any to sell ? What are ye here for ? " The farmer made no reply. " See here, old fellow, won't ye sell me a hunk of yoTU gingerbread ? " said the soldier, producing an old wallet. "No." " Well, you are a mean old cuss. It would be serving you right to tip you out of your old bread-cart. Here we are march- ing all night and all day to protect your property, and fight the Rebs. We have n't had any breakfast, and may not have anj 1863.] THE INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA. 265 dinner. Yon are a set of mean cusses round here, I reckon," said tlie soldier. A crowd of soldiers had gathered, and others expressed their indignation. The old farmer stood up on his wagon-seat, took off the table-cloths, and replied, — " I did n't bring my bread here to sell. My wife and daugh- ters set up all night to bake it for you, and you are welcome to all I 've got, and wish I had ten times as much. Help your selves, hoys." " Ilurrali ! hurrah ! hurrah ! " " Bully for you ! " " You 're a brick ! " "Three cheers for the old man ! " " Three more for the old woman ! " " Three more for the girls ! " They threw up their caps, and fairly danced with joy. The bread and cakes were gone in a twinkling. " See here, my friend, I take back all the hard words I said about you," said tlie soldier, shaking hands with the farmer, who sat on his wagon overcome with emotion. On Tuesday evening, General Reynolds, who was at Emmctts- burg, sent word to General Meade that the Rebels were evi- dently approaching Gettysburg. At the same time, the Rebel General Stuart, with his cavalry, appeared at Westminster. He had tarried east of the Blue Ridge till Lee was across the Poto- mac, — till Meade had started from Frederick, — then crossing the Potomac at Edwards's Ferry, he pushed directly northeast of the Monocacy, cast of Meade's army, through Westminster, whore he had a slight skirmish with some of the Union cavalry, moved up the pike to Littlestown and Hanover and joined Lee. Riding to Westminster I overtook General Gregg's division of cavalry, and on Wednesday moved forward with it to Han- over Junction, which is thirty miles east of Gettysburg. There, while our liorses were eating their corn at noon, I heard the distant cannonade, the opening of the great battle. Striking directly across the country, I rejoined tho Fifth Corps at Hanover. There were dead horses and dead soldiers in the streets lying where they fell. The wounded had been gatliercd into a school-house, and the warm-hearted women of the place were ministering to tlicir comfort. It was evening. The bivouac fires of the Fiflli Corps were gleaming in the 266 THE BOYS OF '61. [June, meadows west of the town, and the worn and weary soldiers were asleep, catching a few hours of repose before moving on to the place where they were to lay down their lives for their country. It was past eight o'clock on Thursday morning, July 2d, be- fore we reached the field. The Fifth Corps, turning off from the Ilanover road, east of Rock Creek, passed over to the Bal- timore pike, crossed Rock Creek, filed through the field on the left hand and moved towards Little Round-top, or Weed's Hill as it is now called. Riding directly up the pike towards the cemetery, I saw the Twelfth Corps on my right, in the thick woods crowning Culp's Hill. Beyond, north of the pike, was the First Corps. Ammu- nition wagons were going up, and the artillerymen were filling their limber chests. Pioneers were cutting down the trees. Reaching the top of the hill in front of the cemetery gate the battle-field was in view. To understand a battle, the movements of the opposing forces, and what they attempt to accomplish, it is necessary first to comprehend the ground, its features, the hills, hollows, woods, ravines, ledges, roads, — how they are related. A rocky hill is frequently a fortress of itself. Rail fen- ces and stone walls are of value, and a ravine may be equiva- lent to ten thousand men. Tying my horse and ascending the stairs to the top of the gateway building, 1 could look directly down upon the town. The houses were not forty rods distant. Northeast, three fourths of a mile, was Culp's Hill. On the northern side of the Baltimore pike were newly mown fields, the grass springing fresh and green since the mower had swept over it. In those fields were batteries with breastworks thrown up by Howard on Wednesday night, — light affairs, not intended to resist cannon-shot, but to protect the cannoneers from sharpshooters. Howard's lines of infantry were behind stone-walls. The cannoneers were lying beside their pieces, — sleeping perhaps, but at any rate keeping close, for, occasionally, a bullet came singing past them. Looking north over the fields, a mile or two, we saw a beautiful farming country, — fields of ripened grain, — russet mingled with the ¥Teen in the landscape. 1863.] THE INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA. 26T Conspicuous among the buildings is the almshouse, with its brick walls, great barn, and numerous out-buildings, on tho flarrisburg road. Beyond are tlic houses of Da^^d and John Blocher, — John Blociier's being at the junction of the Car- lisle and Newville roads. Lookinfr over the town, the buildmgs of Pennsylvania College arc in full view, between the road leadhig northwest to Mummasburg, and the unfinished track of a railroad running west through a deep excavation a half-mile from the college. The Chambersburg turnpike runs parallel to the railroad. South of this is the Lutheran Theological Seminary, beautifully situated, in front of a shady grove of oaks. West and southwest we look upon wheat, clover, and corn fields, on both sides of the road leading to Emmettsburg. A half-mile west of this road is an elevated ridge of land, crowned with apple-orchards and groves of oaks. Turning to the southeast, two miles distant, is Round-top, shaped like a sugar-loaf, rocky, steep, hard to climb, on its western face, easy to be held by those who have possession, clad with oaks and pines. Nearer, a little east of the meridian, is Weed's Hill, with Plum Run at its western base, flowing through a rocky ravine. From the sides of the hill, and on its top, great boulders bulge, like plums in a pudding. It is very stony west of the hill, as if Nature in making up the mould had dumped the debris there. Between Round-top and Weed's there is a gap, where men bejit on a desperate enterprise might find a passway. Between Weed's and the cemetery the ridge is broken down and smoothed out into fields and pastures. The road to Taney- town runs east of this low ridge, the road to Emmettsburg west of it. A small house stands on the west side of the Taneytown road, with the American flag flying in front of it. There are horses hitched to the fences, while others are nib- bling the grass in the fields. Officers with stars on their shoul- ders arc examining maps, writing, and sending oS" cavalrymen. It is General Meade's liead-quarters. When the Rebel batteries 0]>en it will be a warm ])lace. [laving taken a general look at the field, 1 rode forward towards the town, between Stewart's and Taft's batteries, iu position on either side of the road. Soldiers in blue weie ly- ing behind the garden fences. 268 THE BOYS OF '61. [Juiie^ " Where are you going ? " said oue. ~ " Into the town." " I reckon not. The Rebs hold it, and I advise you to turn about. It is rather dangerous where you are. The Rebels are right over there in that brick house." Right over there was not thirty rods distant. " Ping ! " — and there was the sharp ring of a bullet over our heads. General Howard was in the cemetery with his maps and plans spread upon the ground. '' We are just taking a lunch, and there is room for one more," was his kind and courteous welcome. Then removing his hat, he asked God to bless the repast. The bullets were .'Ccasionally singing over us. Soldiers were taking up the headstones and removing the monuments from their pedes- tals. " I want to preserve them, besides, if a shot should strike a stone, the pieces of marble would be likely to do injury," said the General. The flowers were blooming around us. I gathered a hand- ful as a memento of the hour. Preparations were rapidly going on for the approaching struggle. North, west, and southwest the whole country was alive with Rebels, — long lines of men deploying in various directions, tents going up, with yellow flags above them on the distant hills, thousands of canvas-covered wagons, slowly winding along the roads, reach- ing as far as the eye could see towards Chambersburg, Car- lisle, and Fairfield, — turning into the fields and taking positions in park. There were batteries of artillery, the cannon gleam- ing in the noonday sun, and hundreds of horsemen riding in hot haste on many a desperate errand. While partaking of our refreshment, General Howard nar rated the operations of the preceding day. 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 260 CHAPTER XYIII. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. On Tuesday evening, the 30th of June, General Reynoldi was in camp on Marsh Run, a short distance from Emmetts- burg, while General Howard, with the Eleventh Corps, was in that town. Instructions were received from General Meade as- signing General Reynolds to the command of the First, Eleventh, and Third Corps. General Reynolds moved early in the morn ing to Gettysburg, and sent orders to General Howard to fol- low. General Howard received the orders at 8 o'clock in the morning. General Barlow's division of tlie Eleventh followed the First Corps by the most direct road while General Schurz's and General Steinwehr's divisions went by Horner's Mills, the distance being thirteen miles. General Howard, with his staff, pushed on in advance of his troops. Buford's division of cavalry passed through Gettysburg on Tuesday and went into camp a mile and a half west of the town on the Chambersburg pike. At 9.30 A. M. on Wednesday, the Rebels of A. P. Hill's division appeared in front of him, and skirmishing commenced on the farm of Hon. Edward McPher- son. General Reynolds rode into Gettysburg about 10 o'clock in advance of his troops, turned up the Chambersburg road, reconnoitred the position, rode back again, met the head of his column a mile down the Emmettsburg road, turned it di- rectly across the fields, towards the seminary, and deployed his divisions across the Chambersburg road. General Archer's brigade of Heth's division of A. P. Hill's corps was advancing eastward, unaware of Reynolds's movement. He had passed Herr's tavern, two miles beyond the town, when he found him- self face to face with General Meredith's brigade of Reynolds'; command. The fight opened at once. Archer and several hun dred of his men were captured. General Cutler, pushing ou from tlie town between the half-finished railroad and the Cham- 270 THE BOYS OF '61. [J^lj, bersburg road, came in contact "vritb Davis's brigade of Missis- Bippians. Tlie contest ino'oased. General Reynolds, while riding along the line, was killed in the field beyond the Sem- inary, and the command devolved on General Doubleday. General Howard heard the cannonade, and riding rapidly up he Enimettsburg road entered the town, sent messengers in iearch of General Reynolds, asking for instructions, not know- ng that he had been killed. While waiting the return of his aids, he went to the top of the college to reconnoitre the surrounding country. His aid, Major Biddle, soon came back, with the sad intelligence that General Reynolds had fallen, and that the command devolved on himself. It was half past eleven. The Rebels were appearing in in- creased force. The prisoners taken said that the whole of A. P. Uill's corps was near by. " You will have your hands full before night. Longstrcet is near, and Ewell is coming," said one, boastingly. " After an examination of the general features of the coun- try," said General Howard, " I came to the conclusion that the only tenable position for my limited force was on this ridge. 1 saw that this was the highest point. You will notice that it commands all the other eminences. My artillery can sweep the fields completely." He pointed towards the north, where across tlie pike, just beyond the gateway, were Colonel Wainwright's batteries of the First Corps, and around us were Colonel Osborn's of the Eleventh. Behind us, east of the cemetery, was some of the reserve artillery. The head of the Eleventh Corps reached Gettysburg about twelve o'clock. The first and third division passed through the town, moved out beyond the college, and joined the right of the First Corps. Howard sent three batteries and his second division, Steinwehr's, to take possession of the cemetery and tlie hill north of the Baltimore pike. Thus far success had attended the Union arms. A largo number of prisoners had been taken with but little loss, and tlie troops were holding their own against a superior force. About half past twelve cavalry scouts reported that Ewull was 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 271 coming down the York road, and was not more than four miles distant. General Howard sent an aid to General Sickles, who was at Emmottsburg, requesting him to come on with all haste. Another was sent down the Baltimore pike to the Two Tav- erns, three miles distant, with a similar message to General Slocum. The Second Corps was there, — resting in the fields. They had heard the roar of the battle, and could see the clouds of smoke rising over the intervening hills. General Slocum was the senior officer. He received the message, but did not, for reasons best known to himself, see fit to accede to the re- quest. He could have put the Twelfth Corps upon the ground in season to meet Ewell, but remained where he was till after the contest for the day was over. It was a quarter before three when Ewell's lines began to deploy by John Blocher's house on the York road. The Rebel batteries were wheeled into position, and opened on Wads- worth. Weiderick's battery in the cemetery replied. Again a messenger went in haste to the delinquent officer. " I sent again to General Slocum, stating that my right flank was attacked ; that it was in danger of being turned, and ask ing him if ho was coming up," said General Howard. The message was delivered to Slocum, who was still at the Two Taverns, where he had been through the day. Weider- ick's battery was in plain view from that position, but Gen- eral Slocum did not move. This officer on Thursday and Friday did hard service. He afterward commanded acceptably one of Sherman's wings in the march from Atlanta to the sea, but on the first day at Gettysburg his inaction, unless satisfactorily explained, will compel the impartial historian to assign him a lower place on the scroll of fame than would otherwise have been ac- corded him. Sickles was too far off to render assistance. Meanwhile Ewell was pressing on towards the college. Another division of Rebels under General Pender came in from the southwest, and began to enfold the left of Howard's line. " I want a brigade to help me ! " was the word from Schurz, commanding the two divisions in front of Ewell, beyond the college. 272 THE BOYS OF '61. [Julji " Send out Costa's brigade," said Howard to his chief of staff. The brigade went down through the town accompanied by a battery, and joined the line, upon the double-quick. An hour passed oi close, desperate fighting. It wanted a quarter to four. Howard confronted by four times his own force, was still holding his ground, waiting for Slocum. Another messen- ger rode to the Two Taverns, urging Slocum to advance. " I must have reinforcements ! " was the message from Doubleday on the left. " You must reinforce me ! " was the word from Wads worth in the centre. " Hold out a little longer, if possible ; I am expectmg Gen- eral Slocum every moment," was Howard's reply. Still another despatch was sent to the Two Taverns, but General Slo- cum had not moved. The Rebel cannon were cutting Wads- worth's Ime. Pender was sweeping round Doubleday ; Ewell was enclosing Scliurz. Sickles was five miles distant, advan- cing as fast as he could. Slocum was where he had been from early morning, three miles distant. The tide was turning. The only alternative was a retreat. It was past four o'clock. For six hours the ground had been held against a greatly supe- rior force. Major Howard, the General's brother, a member of his staff, dashed down the pike in search of Slocum, with a request that he would move at once, and send one division to the right and the other to the left of Gettysburg. Slocum declined to go up to the front and take any responsibility, as he understood that General Meade did not wish to bring on a general engagement. He was willing, however, to send forward his troops as General Howard desired, and issued his orders accordingly. Under military law the question might be raised whether a senior officer had a right to throw off the responsibility which circum- stances had forced upon him ; also whether he could turn over his troops to a subordinate. But before the divisions of the Twelfth Corps could get in motion, the Rebels had completely enfolded both flanks of Howard's line. The order to retreat was given. The two corps came crowding through the town. The Rebels pressed on with cheers. Most of the First Corps reached the cemetery ridge, and were rallied by Howard, Steinwehr, and Hancock. This officer THE COLOR-BEARER. 18G3.J THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 278 had just arri ^ed. Tlio troops were streaming over the hill, Whon ho reined up his steed in the cemetery. Ho camo, under diroo- tiou of General Meade, to take charge of all the troops in front. The Eleventh Corps was hard pressed, and lost between two and three thousand prisoners in the town. The Rebels of Ewell's command pushed up the northern slope, through the hay-fields, flushed -with victory ; but Wciderick's battery poured canister in quick discharges into the advancing ranks, breaking the line. The retreat was so orderly and the resistance so steady that the Rebels gave utterance to their admii'ation. Said General mil,— " A Yankee color-bearer floated his standard in the field and the regiment fought around it ; and when at last it was obliged to retreat, the color-bearer retired last of all, turn- ing round now and then to shako his fist in the face of the advancing Rebels. He was sorry when he saw him meet his doom." * Three color-bearers of the Nineteenth Indiana wore shot. The Sergeant-Major, Asa Blanchard, ran and took the flag when the third man fell, waved it, and cried " Rally, boys ! " The next moment he fell. His comrades stopped to carry him off. The Rebels wore close at hand. " Don't stop for me," he cried. " Don't let them have the flag. Toll mother I never faltered." They were his parting words to his comrades, who saved the flag. General Ilancoek met General Howard and informed him of his instructions, saying, " General Meade undoubtedly supposed that I was your senior, but you outrank me." " It is no time to talk about rank. I shall most cheerfully obey your instructions and do all in my power to co-operate with you," was Iloward's reply, thus waiving the command which was his by right. They perfectly agreed in what was to be done. General Howard took charge of the troops and bat- teries on the right of the line, while General Hancock brought order out of confusion on the left. The Rebels having been repulsed by the batteries, and satis- • Lientenant Freemantle. — Blackwood's Magazine, September, 1863. 18 274 THE BOYS OF '61, [J^uly, fied with the work of the day, made no further attack, although they greatly outnumbered the Union force. General Sickles arrived at seven o'clock, and General Slocum also came up, he being the senior officer, General Howard turned over the command to him, while General Hancock went back to see General Meade at Taney town, to inform him of the state of affairs. The Third Corps filed into position on the left of the First, south of the cemetery, while the Twelfth took possession of Gulp's Hill. 80 closed the first day at Gettysburg. SECOND DAY. Thursday, July 2. General Meade arrived on the battle-field at three o'clock on the morning of the 2d, and had an interview with General Howard soon after by the cemetery gate. They rode along the lines together. " I am confident that we can hold this position," said Gen- eral Howard. " I am glad to hear you say so, for it is too late to leave it," fiaid Meade. The cannonade began at daybreak, the guns in the cemetery and those of the Rebels near Blocher's house keeping up a steady fire for an hour, when both parties, as if by mutnil orsn- Bent, became silent; but the pickets were at it all along tlie lines. While I was conversing with General Howard, his brother, Major Howard, who was keeping a sharp look upon the Rebels, came running up. " There is a splendid chance to cut them up, General ; just see them ! " A column of Rebels was moving along the Chambersburg road, and stood out in bold relief. " Let Osborn pitch in the shells from his rifled pieces," said the Major. General Howard surveyed them a moment and replied : " We might do them some damage, but we are not quite ready to bring on a general engagement. It is n't best to hurry. Wo shall have enough fighting before night." The battle had not commenced in earnest. Lee was moving 18G3.] THE BATTLE OP GETTYSBURG. 275 his troops towards the left. The Union pickets were posted along the Emmettsburg road ; some were lying down in the wheat-fields beyond it, keeping up a steady interchange of shots with the Rebels. It was a favorable time to ride over the ground where the great contest was to take place. The first division, General Ames's, of the Eleventh Corps, was north of the Baltimore pike, the third division, Schurz's, was on both sides of it, and the second division, Steinwehr's, in the cemetery, lying behind the stone wall, which forms its western boundary. Colonel Osborn's batteries were on the crest of the ridge, in position to fire over the heads of the infantry. Rob- inson's division of the First Corps was posted at the left of Steinwehr's, crossing the Taneytown road. Wadsworth's and Doubleday's divisions of the First were north of the Baltimore pike, to the right of General Ames, reaching to Gulp's Hill, where they joined the Twelfth Corps. Riding down the road tovvards Taneytown, I came upon Gen- eral Stannard'B brigade of nine months' Vermont boys, lying in the open field in rear of the cemetery. Occasionally a shell came over them from the Rebel batteries, by Bloclier's. It was their first experience under fire. They were in reserve, know- ing nothing of what was going on the other side of the hill, yet tantalized by a flank fire from the distant batteries. A short distance farther I came to General Meade's head-quarters, in the house of Mrs. Leister. General Meade was there sur- rounded by his staff, consulting maps and issuing orders. General Hancock's head-quarters' flag, — the tree-foil of the Second Corps, — was waving on the ridge southwest of the house. General Slocum's, — the star-flag, — was in sight, on a conical hill a half-mile eastward. The crescent flag of the Eleventh was proudly planted on the highest elevation of the cemetery. The Maltese cross of the Fifth Corps was a half- mile south, toward Round-top. Turnuig into the field and riding to the top of the ridge, I came upon Hayes's division of the Second Corps, joining Rob- inson's of the First ; then Gibbons's and Caldwell's of the Sec- ond, reaching to a narrow roadway running west from the Taneytown road to the house of Abraham Trestle, where, a half-mile in advance of the main line, was planted the di 276 THE BOYS OF '61. LJ'ulv, amond flag of the Third Corps, General Sickles. Pushing directly west, through a field where the grass was ripenmg foi tlie scythe, I approached the house of Mr. Codori, on the Emmettsburg road. But it was a dangerous place just then to a man on horseback, for the pickets of both armies were lying in the wheat-field west of the road. General Carr's brigade of the Third Corps was lying behind the ridge near the house of Peter Rogers. Soldiers were filling their canteens from the brook in the hollow. Further down by the house of Mr. Wentz, at the comer of the narrow road leading east from the Emmetts- burg road, and in the peach-orchards on both sides of it, were ti'oops and batteries. The Second New Ilampsliire, the First Maine, and the Third Michigan were there, holding the angle of the line, which here turned east from the Emmettsburg road. Thompson's battery was behind Wentz's house. Gen- eral Sickles had his other batteries in position along the nar- row road, the muzzles of the guns pointing southwest. Ames's New York battery was in the orchard, and the gunners were lying beneath the peach-trees, enjoying the leafy shade. Clark's New Jersey battery, Phillips's Fifth Massachusetts, and Bigclow's Ninth Massachusetts were on the loft of Ames. Bigelow's was in front of Trestle's house, having complete command and the full sweep of a beautiful slope beyond the road for sixty rods. The slope descends to a wooded ravine through which winds a brook, gurgling over a rocky bed. Beyond the brook are the stone farm-house and capacious barn of John Rose, m whose door-yard were the Union pickets, exchanging a shot now and then with the Rebe^§ of Longstreet's corps, south of Rose's, who were lying along the Emmettsbm*g road. General Barnes's division of the Third Corps was in the woods south of the narrow road, and among the rocks in front of Weed's Hill. Sickles had advanced to the position upon his own judgment of the fitness of the movement. He believed that it was neces- sary to hold the ravine, down to Round-top, to prevent the enemy from passing tln-ough the gap between that eminence and Weed's Ilill. General Meade had called his corps commanders to his head 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 277 quarters for consultation. Sickles did not attend, deeming it of vital importance to prepare for the advance of the enemy, and his soldiers were levelling fences and removing obstruc- tions. A peremptory order reached Sickles requiring his presence.' Ue rode to the head-quarters of the army, but the conference was over, and he went back to his command followed by Ge-n eral Meade. " Are you not too much extended ? Can you hold your front V " asked the Commander-in-Chief. " Yes, only I shall want more troops." " I will send you the Fifth Corps, and you may call on Han- coclc for support." " I shall need more artillery." " Send for all you want. Call on General Ilunt of the Artil- lery Reserve. I will direct him to send you all you want." The pickets were keeping up a lively fire. " I think that the Rebels will soon make their appearance," eaid Sickles. A moment later and the scattering fire became a volley. General Meade took another look at the troops in position, and galloped back to his head-quarters. General Lee, in his report, has given an outline of his inten- tions. He says : — " It had not been intended to fight a general battle at such a distance from our base, unless attacked by the enemy; but, fi:nding ourselves unexpectedly confronted by the F'ederal army, it became a matter of difficulty to withdraw through the mountains with our large trains. At the same time the country was unfavorable for^llecting supplies while in the presence of the enemy's main body., as he was enabled to restrain our foraging parties by occupying the passes of the mountains with regular and local troops. A battle thus became, in a measure, unavoid- able. Encouraged by the successful issue of the engagement of the first day, and in view of the valuable results that would ensue from the defeat of the army of General Meade, it was thought advisable to re- new the attack. " The remainder of Ewell's and Hill's corps having arrived, and two divisions of Longstreet's, our preparations were made accordingly During the afternoon intelligence was received of the arrival of Gen- eral Stuart ai Carlisle, and he was ordered to march to Gettysburg, 278 THE BOYS OF '61. [Julj, and take position on the left. A full account of these engagements cannot be given until the reports of the several commanding officers ehall have been received, and I shall only offer a general description. " The preparations for attack were not completed until the afternoon of the 2d. " The enemy held a high and commanding ridge, along which he had massed a large amount of artillery. General Ewell occupied the left of our line, General Hill the centre, and General Longstreet the right. In front of General Longstreet the enemy held a position from which, if he could be driven, it was thought that our array could be used to advantage in assailing the more elevated ground beyond, and thus en- able us to reach the crest of the ridge. That officer was directed to endeavor to carry this position, while General Ewell attacked directly the high ground on the enemy's right, which had already been partially fortified. General Hill was instructed to threaten the centre of the Federal line, in order to prevent reinforcements being sent to either wing, and to avail himself of any opportunity that might present itself to attack." Lee had been all day perfecting his plans. He was riding along his lines at sunrise, reconnoitring Meade's position. His head-quarters were near the Theological Seminary, where, at five o'clock in the morning, Lee, Hill, Longstreet, Hood, and Heth were engaged in conversation. The conference lasted till seven o'clock, when Longstreet rode down to his corps to make arrangements for the attack. Hood had the extreme right, and McLaws stood next in Ime. Pickett, commanding his other division, had not arrived. It was to be held in reserve.* * The accompanying plan of the battle-field accurately represents the general positions of the troops engaged. On the right of the Union line is the Twelfth Corps ; then two divisions of the ' First ; then the Eleventh in and around the cemetery ; then Robinson's division of the First ; then the Second and the Fifth on tJie left, occupying "Weed's Hill. The Third Corps is in the position it occupied at the beginning of the battle on the afternoon of the second day. It was forced back to Ti-ostle's house. The Sixth Corps is in the position it occupied at sunset on the second day. On the third day it was in line along Weed's Hill. When Slocum went over from the right to aid in repulsing Longstreet on the second day, he passed near the two houses standing on the Taneytown road. Meade's quarters were in the ht/use over which a flag is flying. Longstreet is in the position which he occupied at three o'clock on the afternoon of the second day, and to which he retired after failing to push Sickles beyond Trostlc's. Pickett commanded a division and not a corps. But as his division took the lead 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBUBG. 279 Lee chose, as his first point of attack, the position occupied by Sickles. The ground by Wentz's house is highei than the ridge, where Hancock had established his head-quarto\*s. If he could drive Sickles from the peach-orchard by turning his loft flank, and gain Weed's Hill, Meade would be compelled to re- treat, and the nature of the ground was such in rear of the cemetery that a retreat might be turned into a complete rout. Meade's position was a very fair one for defence, but one from which an army could not well retire before a victorious enemy. The trains m park along Rock Creek would have been in the way. Baggage trains are exceedingly useful, but there are times when commanders do not know what to do with them. A battery in the hands of the enemy, planted on the ridge, or in the cemetery, if those places had fallen into the hands of the Rebels, would have produced confusion in Meade's rear among the teamsters, who are not always cool under fire, especially if they have refractory mules to manage. General Meade would have chosen a position fifteen or twenty miles in rear, nearer to his base of supplies, and had he been at Gettysburg on Wednesday evening, doubtless would have ordered a retreat. The question, whether to fall back or to hold the position, was seriously debated. But Howard had made the stand. He be- lieved that the position could be held, and Lee defeated there. He did not calculate for a defeat, but for victory. Had Meade fallen back, Lee would have been wary of moving on. It was not his intention, he says, to fight a general battle so far from his base. He would have followed cautiously, if at all. Through in the last attack, on the third day, and as his repulse was seeminglj the ttiming- point of the Rebellion, especial mention has been made of the part taken by the troops under his command. Hill supported him. A portion of Hill's troops were with Longstreet in the attack of the second day. Ewell is in the position he occupied at dark on the second day, while two of Slo- cum's divisions were aiding the left of Meade's line. Lee's head-quarters were near Smucker's house. The fight on the first day began on Willoughby's Run. The Union lines on that day extended from the Middletown road along the semicircle occupied by the Rebel cannon in the diagram, to the railroad east of Blocher's. The map is reduced from an accurate survey. The best plan of this battle extant is the isometrical picture of Gettysburg, by Colonel J. B. Batchelder, who has devoted many months to the study of the field It will ever be standard authority for the historian. 280 THE BOYS OF '61 [July, the foresight, faith, and courage of Howard, therefore, Gettys- burg has become a turning-point in history. And yet, not that alone, for the warp and woof of history are made up of mnu- merable threads. The Rebels, on that afternoon of Thursday, as they moved out from the woods into the fields south of the house of John Rose, had a thorough contempt for the troops in blue, standing beneath the peach-trees in Sherfy's orchard, and along the road towards Trostle's. Big Bethel, Bull Run, Richmond, Manassas, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Cedar Mountain, Harper's Ferry they remembered as victories ; and even Antietam and South Mountain were called drawn battles by the Rebel commander-in-chief. They had already achieved one victory on the soil of Pennsylvania. Five thou sand Yankees had been captured. The troops of the Confed- eracy were invincible, not only while fighting at their own doors, but as invaders of the North. Such was the feeling of the soldiers. But the Rebel officers were not quite so sanguine of success as the men. An Englishman, who saw the fight from the Rebel side, says : — *' At 4.30 P. M. ("Wednesday) we came in sight of Gettysburg, and joined General Lee and General Hill, who were on the top of one of the ridges which form the peculiar feature of the country round Gettys- burg. We could see the enemy retreating up one of the opposite ridges, pursued by the Confederates with loud yells. " The position into which the enemy had been driven was evidently a strong one. General Hill now came up, and told me he had been very unwell all day, and in fact he looks very delicate. He said he had two of his divisions engaged, and had driven the enemy four miles into his present position, capturing a great many prisoners, some cannon, and some colors ; he said, however, that the Yankees had fought with a determination unusual to them. He pointed out a railway cutting in which they had made a good stand ; also a field, in the centre of which he had seen a man plant the regimental colors, round which the regiment had fought for some time with much obstinacy ; and when at last it was obliged to retreat, the color-bearer retired last of all, turning round every now and then to shake his fist at the advancing Rebels. General Hill said he felt quite sorry when he saw this gallant Yankee meet his doom. " General Ewell had come up at 3.30 on the enemy's right and com- pleted his discomfiture. 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 281 " General Reynolds, one of the best Yankee generals, was reported killed. Whilst we were talking, a message arrived from General Ewell, requesting Hill to press the enemy in front, whilst he performed the same operation on his right. The pressure was accordingly applied in a mild degree, but the enemy were too strongly posted, and it was too late in the evening for a regular attack." * General Hill and General Lee had been observant of the " determination unusual to the Yankees." The " pressure " brought upon Howard in the cemetery, at nightfall, was resisted by men who had suffered defeat, who had left a third of their comrades dead or wounded on the field, or as prisoners in the hands of the enemy. But the Rebel rank-and-file, remember- ing only the victories they had already won, did not for a moment doubt their ability to win another. They were flushed with the enthusiasm of repeated successes. On the other hand, the soldiers of the Union believed, with Howard, Hancock, Sickles, and other officers, that they could hold the position against the assaults of Lee. It was not a calculation of advantages, — of the value of hills, ravines, fields, and meadows, — or of numbers, but a determination to win the day or to die on the spot. Such were the feelings of the opposing parties on that simny afternoon, as they appeared in line of battle. The Rebel forces moving to the attack south of Wentz's were wholly under Longstreet's command. Anderson's divis- ion of Hill's corps was joined to McLaw's and Hood's, to form the attacking column. The Washington Artillery of New Orleans was in the woods southwest of Wentz's house. Barks- dale's Mississippians were behind artillery. A few rods west of the same house, on a narrow road leading towards Hagers- town, is the residence of Mr. Warfield. A third of a mile north of Wentz's, on the Emmettsburg road, is the house of Philip Snyder. Between Warfield's and Snyder's, Longstreet planted fifty or sixty guns to bear on the peach-orchard and the batteries which Sickles had stationed along the road lead- ing past Trestle's, and upon the woods east of the house of Mr. Rose. Longstreet's plan was to attack with all the vigor possible, — • Freemantle. 282 THE BOYS OF '61. - [July, to bear down all opposition in the outset. Commanders fre- quently begin an engagement by feeling of the enemy's posi- tion, — advancing a few skirmishers, a regiment, or a brigade ; but in this instance Longstrcet advanced all but his reserve. It was half past three. Riding rapidly to the right to see if there were signs of activity in that direction, dismounting in rear of the line, and tying my horse to a tree, I took a look northward. A mile to the north Rebel officers were in view, gallopmg furiously over the fields, disappearing in groves, dash- ing down tlie road to the town, and again returning. Thero was a battery in position beyond the railroad, and as I looked narrowly at an opening between two groves, I saw the glis- tening of bayonets, and a line as if a colunm of men were marching east toward the thick forest on Rock Creek. It was surmised Uiat they were to attack our right upon Culp's Hill by advancing directly down Rock Creek through the woods. Prisoners captui'ed said that Ewell had sworn a terrible oath to turn our flank, if it took his last man. To guard against such a movement, Slocum was throwing up breastworks from the crest of the hiU down to Rock Creek. Two batteries were placed in position on hillocks south of the turnpike, to throw shells up the creek, should such an attempt be made. The Union Cavalry in long lines was east of the creek, and the Reserve Artillery, in parks, with horses harnessed, was in the open field south of Slocum's head-quarters. * As near as I can make out, the Rebels have got a lino of batteries in that piece of woods," said an officer who had been looking steadily across the ravine to Blocher's Ilill. Laying my glass upon the breastwork, I could see the guns and the artillerymen beside their pieces, as if ready to begin the action. Suddenly there came the roar of a gun from the south. It was Longstreet's signal. Another, another, and the fire ran from Snyder's to the Seminary, then round to Blocher's Hill. I was at the moment near the cemetery. There came a storm of shot and shell. Marble slabs were broken, iron fences shat- tered, horses disembowelled. The air was full of wild, hideous noises, — the low buzz of round shot, the whizzing of elongated bolts, and the stunning explosions of shells, overhead and all around. 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 28b There was a quick response from the Union batteries. In three minutes the earth shook with the tremendous concus- sion of two hundred pieces of artillery. The missiles of the Rebels came from the northeast, north, northwest, west, and southwest. The position occupied by the Vermont nine months' men was one of great exposure, as the ground in rear of the cemetery was the centre of a converging fire. " Lie close," said General Stannard to tlio men. They obeyed him, but ho walked to the top of the ridge and watched the coming on of the storm in the southwest. The Fifth Corps had not moved into position, but was resting after the sixteen miles' march from Hanover. The Rebels of Longstreet's command first in sight come out from the woods behind Warfield's house, a long line in the form of a crescent, reaching almost to Round-top. Ames's battery was the first to open upon them. Thompson, Clark, and Phil- lips began to thunder almost simultaneously. Bigelow, from his position, could not get a sight at them till two or three minutes later. The Third Michigan, Second New Ilampshire, and Third Maine were the first regiments engaged. The fire ran down the line towards Rose's house. The regiments in the woods along the ravine south of the house, — the Seven- teenth Maine, Third Michigan, and others, — were soon in the fight. A portion of the Seventeenth Maine had been skirmish- ing all the morning. Ward's brigade on the rocky ridge in front of Weed's Ilill was assailed by Hood. How fearful the fight ! Sickles's front line, after an obstinate struggle, was forced back. He was obliged to withdraw his batteries by Wentz's house. Bigelow retired firing by prologne, over the rocky ground. The contest in the peach-orchard and around Rose's house was exceed- ingly bloody. Sickles sent his aide for reinforcements: "] want batteries and men ! " said he. " I want you to hold on where you are imtil I can get a line of batteries in rear of you," said Colonel McGilvery, com- manding the artillery of the Third Corps, to Bigelow. " Give them canister ! " he added as he rode away. Bigclow's men never had been under fire, but they held on till every charge 284 THE BOYS OF '61. [July, of canister was spent, and then commenced on spherical case. Bigelow was just west of Trostle's barn. A Rebel battery has- tened up and unlimbered in the field. He opened with all his guns, and they limbered up again. McGilvery's batteries were not in position, and the gallant captain and his brave men would not leave. The Rebels rushed upon the guns, and were blown from the muzzles. Others came with demoniac yells, climbing upon the limbers and shooting horses. Sergeant Dodge went down, killed instantly; also Sergeant Gilson. Lip- man, Ferris, and Nutting, three of the cannoneers, were gone, twenty-two of the men wounded, and Bigelow shot through the side ; also four men missing, yet they held on till McGil- very had his batteries in position ! It was a heroic resistance. Gun after gun was abandoned to the advancing Rebels. But the cannoneers were thoughtful to retain the rammers, and though the Rebels seized the pieces they could not turn them upon the slowly-retreating handful of men, who with two pieces still growled defiance. Back to Trostle's door-yard, into the garden, halting by the barn, deliv- ering a steady fire, they held the enemy at bay till the batteries of the Fifth Corps, a little east of Trostle's, and the arrival of reinforcements of infantry, permitted their withdrawal. More than sixty horses belonging to this one battery were killed in this brief struggle at the commencement of the battle. With the seizure of each piece the Rebels cheered, and advanced with confident expectation of driving Sickles over the ridge. But new actors came. Barnes's division of the Fifth went down through Trostle's garden and through the grove south of the house, crossed the road, and entered the woods. The Rebels were in the ravine by Rose's house. Winslow's New York battery was in a wheat-field south of Trostle's, holding them in check, while Hazlitt's battery on Weed's Hill rained a tor- rent of shells from its rocky fortress. Ayer's division of Regulars, which had been lying east of Weed's Hill, moved upon the double-quick through the woods, up to the summit. The whole scene was before them : the tur- moil and commotion in the woods below, — Barnes going in and the shattered regiments of the Third Corps coming out. Some batteries were in retreat and others were taking new 1 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 285 positions. They dashed down the hillside, became a little dis- organized in crossing Plum Run, but formed again and went up the ridge among the boulders, disappeared in the woods, stayed a few minutes, and then, like a shattered wreck upon the foaming sea, came drifting to the rear. After the battle, an officer of the Seventeenth Regulars pointed out to me the line of advance. " We went down the hill upon the run," said he. "It was like going down into hell! The Rebels were yelling like devils - Our men were falling back. It was terrible confusion : smoke, dust, the rattle of musketry, the roaring of cannon, the burst- ing of shells." The Pennsylvania Reserves, under Crawford, went in. They were fighting on their own soil. Among them were soldiers whose homes were in Gettysburg. Sickles called upon Hancock for help. Caldwell's division went down, sweeping past Trostle's into the wheat-field, dash- ing through Barnes's men, who were falling back. Regiments from three corps and from eight or ten brigades were fighting promiscuously. The Rebel lines were also in confusion, — advancing, retreating, gaining, and losing. It was like the writhing of two wrestlers. Seventy thousand men were contending for the mastery on a territory scarcely a mile square ! It has been called the battle of Little Round- top, but most of the fighting at this point took place between Little Round-top on Weed's Hill and the house of Mr. Rose. But there was also a contest around and upon the hill. The advance of Hood enveloped the Union force below. The men on Hood's extreme right skirted the base of tlie hill, clam- bered over the rocks by the " Devil's Den," — a rocky gorge, — and began to pour into the gap between Weed's and Round-top. Vincent's and Weed's brigades were holding the hill. The Twentieth Maine, Colonel Chamberlain, was on the extreme left. The Eighty-Third Pennsylvania, Forty-Fourth New York, and Sixteenth Michigan were farther north. The Twen- tieth Maine stood almost alone. There began to be a dropping of bullets along the line from the Rebel skirmishers creeping into the gap, and Colonel Chamberlain saw the enemy moving past his flank. He immediately extended his own left flank. 286 THE BOYS OF 'tJl. [Jul7, by forming his men in single rank. The fight was fierce. The Rebels greatly outnumbered Chamberlain, but he had the ad- vantage of position. He was on the crest of the hill, and at every lull in the strife his men piled the loose stones into a rude breastwork. He sent for assistance, but before the arrival of reinforcements Hood's troops had gained the eastern side of the hill, and the Twentieth Maine stood in the form of the letter U, with Rebels in front, on theu" flank, and in rear. It was nearly six o'clock. I was at Meade's head-quarters. The roar of battle was louder and grew nearer. Hill was threat- ening the centre. A cloud of dust could be seen down the Baltimore pike. Had Stuart suddenly gained our rear ? There were anxious countenances around the cottage where the flag of the Commander-in-Chief was flying. Officers gazed with their field-glasses. " It is not cavalry, but infantry," said one. " There is the flag. It is the Sixth Corps." We could see the advancing bayonets gloaming in the sotting sun. Faces which a moment before were grave became cheer- ful. It was an inspiring sight. The troops of that corps had marched thirty-two miles during tlie day. They crossed Rock Creek, filed into the licld, past the ammunition train, threw themselves upon the ground, tossed aside their knapsacks, and wiped the sweat from their sun-burnt checks. " We want remforcements. They are flanking us," said an officer, riding up to Meade. Word was sent to Slocum, and Williams's division of the Twelfth left their breastwork on Gulp's Uill, came down upon the double-quick, leaping the stone walls between Slocum's head-quarters and the cemetery, and moved into the field west of the Taneytown road. Stannard's brigade was attached to the First Corps, com mandcd by Doubleday. The Vermont boys had been lying on their faces through the long, tormenting hours. They were ready for desperate work. Doubleday dashed down to General Stamiard. There is a strong contrast between these two offi- cers. Doubleday is tall, broad-shouldered, a little stooping. He was in Sumter with Anderson when the Rebels fired the first gun at the old flag. He is cool and courageous. Stan nard is short, straight, compactly built. Ho was a private citi- zen at St. Albans, Vermont, when the war began. He is a thorough citizen-soldier, as undaunted as his superior. 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 287 " You are wanted over there. Eeport to Hancock," said Doubleday. The men of Vermont sprang to their feet, and went up the ridge toward the southwest upon the run. At the same time an officer rode down to the Sixth Corps. I saw the tired and weary men rise from the ground and fall into line. They also moved off upon the run toward Weed's mil, which was all aflame. Ilazlitt was firing canister from the top. Nearly all the Third, Fifth, and Second Corps batteries were at work. The sun was just setting. Sickles had been forced back from the peach-orchard, and from Rose's house, but he was still hold- ing Trestle's. The dark Imes of the Sixth Corps became lost to sight, as they moved into the woods crowning the hill. There were quicker volleys, a lighting up of the sky by sudden flashes, followed by a cheer, — not the wild yell peculiar to the Rebels, but a sharp, clear hurrah, from the men who had held the hill, Longstreet was giving up the struggle, and his men were falling back. Colonel Randall, with five companies of the Thirteenth Vermont, led the advance of General Stannard's column. Hancock had been forced to leave the guns of one of his bat- eries on the field near Codori's house. The Rebel sharpshooters were lying along the Emmettsburg road, pouring in a deadly fire, under cover of which a largo body of Rebels was advancing to take possession of the pieces. " Can you retake that battery ? " was Hancock's question to Randall. " We '11 do it or die, sir ! " " Then go in." " Forward ! " said Randall, turning in his saddle and wavmg his sword. His men gave a cheer, and broke into a run. The Colonel's horse fell, shot through the shoulder, but the Colonel dashed ahead on foot. They reached the guns, drew them to the rear. The Rebels came on with a rush. But help was at hand, — the Fourteenth Maine joined the Vormonters. Leav- ing the guns the soldiers faced about, charged upon the Rob- els, captured eighty-three prisoners, and two Rebel cannon, and then returned ! Long and loud were the cheers that greeted them. " You must be green, or you would n't have gone down 288 THE BOYS OF '61 [July, there," said a Peunsylvanian, who had been in a dozen battles. The blood of the Vermont boys was up, and they had not cal- culated the consequences of such a movement. So closed the day on the left. But just as the contest was coming to an end around Weed's Hill, it suddenly commenced on the north side of the cemetery. Hayes's brigade of Louis- iana Tigers, and Hoke's North Carolinians, belonging to Early's division of Ewell's corps, had been creeping across Spangler's farm, up the northern slope of the cemetery hill. Suddenly, with a shout they sprang upon Barlow's division, commanded by Ames. It was a sliort, fierce, but decisive con- test. The attack was sudden, but the men of Ames's com- mand were fully prepared. There was a struggle over the guns of two Pennsylvania batteries. The Fifth Maine battery was in an exceedingly favorable position, at an angle of the earthworks, east of the hill, and cut down the Rebels with a destructive enfilading fire. Tlie struggle lasted scarcely five minutes, — the Rebels retreating in confusion to the town. When Slocum went with Williams to the left there were no mdications of an attack on Gulp's Hill, but unexpectedly Ewell made his appearance in the woods along Rock Creek. General Green, who had been left in command, extended his line east and made a gallant fight, but not having men enough to occupy all the ground, Ewell was able to take possession of the hollow along the Creek. Wlien Williams returned, he found his entrenchments in possession cf the enemy. The men of the Twelfth threw themselves on the ground in the fields on both sides of the Baltimore pike, for rest till day- break. " We are doing well," was Longstreet's report to Lee at seven o'clock in the evening, from the left.* Ewell himself rode down through the town, to report his success on the right. At a later hour Longstreet reported that he had carried everytliing before him for some time, capturing several batter- ies, and driving the Yankees ; but when Hill's Florida brigade and some other troops gave way, he was forced to abandon a smaU portion of the gromid he had won, together with all the captured guns except three. * Blackwood's Magazine, September, 1863. 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 289 It was late in the evening when I threw myself upon a pile of straw in an old farm-house, near the Baltimore pike, for a few hours' rest, expecting that with the early morning there would be a renewal of the battle. There was the constant rumble of artillery moving into po- sition, of ammunition and supply wagons going up to the troops. Lights were gleaming in the hollows, beneath the shade of oaks and pines, where the surgeons were at work, and whore, through the dreary hours wailings and moanings rent the air ; yet though within musket-shot of the enemy, and surrounded with dying and dead, I found refreshing sleep. THIRD DAY. Fkidat, July 3. Boom ! boom ! Two guns, dco[> and heavy, at four o'clock. It was a sultry morning. The clouds hung low upon the hills. Two more ! and then more rapidly than the tick of a pendu- lum came the concussions. There were flashes from all the hills, — flashes in the woods along Rock Creek. The cemetery was aflame. The door which had been opened against Slocum was to be closed, and this was the begiiining of the eflbrt. The cannonade broke the stillness of the morning, and drowned all other sounds. Riding up the turnpike to the bat- teries, I had a good view of the battle-ground. General Sickles was being carried to the rear on a stretcher. He had suffered amputation. Following him was a large number of prisoners, taken in the fight upon the left. Some were haggard and care- worn, — others indifferent, or sulky, and some very jolly. " I have got into the Union after hard fighting," said one, " and I intend to stay there." There were a few musket-shots in the woods upon the hiU, from the pickets in advance. Slocum was preparing to regain what had been lost. It was seven o'clock before he was ready to move. The men moved slowly, but determinedly. The Rebels were in the rifle-pits, and opened a furious fire. A thin veil of smoke rose above the trees, and floated away before the morning breeze. Rapid the fire of musketry, — terrific the cannonade. Ewell was determined not to be driven back. Ho held on with dogged pertinacity. He had sworn profanely to 19 290 THE BOYS OF '61. [J^^Jt hold tho position, but in vain his effort. The rifld-pits wore regained, and ho was driven, inch by inch, up Rock Creek. It took four hours to do it, however. Ewell, well knowing the importance of holding the position, brought in all of his available force. Johnson's, Rhodes's, and Early's divisions, all were engaged. To meet these General Shaler's brigade of the Sixth Corps was brought up to Culp's Hill, while Neil's brigade of the same corps was thrown in upon Early's flank east of Rock Creek, and the work was accomplished. The men fovight from behind trees and rocks, with great tenacity. It was the last attempt of Lee upon Meade's right. Gregg's and Kilpatrick's divisions of cavalry wero east of Rock Creek. An orderly came dashing down the Hanover road. " Stuart is coming round on our right ! " said he. " General Pleasanton sends his compliments to General Gregg, desiring him to go out immediately and hold Stuart in check. Ilis compliments also to General Kilpatrick, desiring him to go down beyond Roimd-top, and pitch in with all his might on Longstrcet's left." I was conversing with the two officers at the time. " Good ! come on, boys ! " shouted Kilpatrick, rubbing his hands with pleasure. The notes of the bugle rang loud and clear above the rumble of the passing army wagons, and Eol- patrick's column swept down the hill, crossed the creek, and disappeared beyond Round-top. A half-hour later I saw tho smoke of his artillery, and heard the wild shout of his men as they dashed recklessly upon the Rebel lines. It was tho charge in which General Farnsworth and a score of gallant officers gave up their lives. General Gregg's division formed in tho fields east of Wolf Hill. Stuart had already extended his Ime along tho Bon- noughtown road. There was a brisk cannonade between the light batteries, and Stuart retu-ed, without attempting to cut out the ammunition trains parked along the pike. Through the forenoon it was evident that Lee was prepar- mg for another attack. He had reconnoitred the ground with Longstreet in the morning, and decided to assault Meade's line between the cemetery and Weed's Hill with a strong force. 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 291 lie could form the attacking column out of sight, in the woods ■west of Codori's bouse. In advancing the troops would be sheltered till they reached the Emmettsburg road. Howard's guns in the cemetery would trouble them most by enfilading the lines. Howard must be silenced by a concentrated artil- lery fire. The cemetery could be seen from every part of the line occupied by the Rebels, and all the available batteries were brought into position to play upon it, and upon the position occupied by the Second Corps. The arrangements were intrusted to Longstreet. He select- ed Pickett's, Pender's, Heth's, and Anderson's divisions. Pick- ett's were fresh troops. Hcth had been wounded, and Pettigrew was in command of the division. Wilcox's and Perry's brigades of Anderson's division had the right of the first Rebel line. Pickett's division occupied the centre of the first line, followed by Pender's. Heth's division, followed by Wright's brigade of Anderson's, had the left of the line. Wilcox and Perry's line of advance was past Klingel's house. Pickett's right swept across the Emmettsburg road by the house of Peter Rogers ; his left reached to Codori's, where it joined Pettigrew's. Rhodcs's division of Ewell's corps was brought down from the woods by Smucker's house, and put in position south of the town, to support Pettigrew's left. The attack- ing column numbered from twenty to twenty-five thousand men, but the force in support gave nearly thirty-five thou- sand men which Longstreet had in hand. The movements of the Rebels, as seen from the Union lines, indicated an attack upon our extreme left. The Fifth, Third, and Sixth Corps therefore were placed well down toward Round-top. Commencing at the Taneytown road and walking south, wo have the following disposition of the troops resisting this attack. Robinson's division of the First Corps, reaching from the road along an oak grove, past a small house occupied by a colored man. Hays's division lay behind a stone wall, and a small grove of shrub-oaks. Gibbon had no protection except a few rails gathered from the fences. There are three oak-trees which mark the spot occupied by Hall's brigade. Harrow's was just beyond it, south. In front of Barrow's, six or eight 292 THE BOYS OF 'CI. [July, rods, were three regiments of Stannard's Vermont brigade, — the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Sixteenth, — lying in a shallow trench. Caldwell's division extended from Gibbon's to the nar- row road leading past Trostle's house. The ridge in rear of the troops bristled with artillery. The infantry line was thin, but the artillery was compact and powerful. Longstreet having made his disposition for the attack, and tlie Rebel artillery not being ready, threw himself on the ground and went to sleep.* Lee reconnoitred the position from the cupola of the college, over which the Confederate hospital-flag was flying, — thus violating what has been deemed even by half-civilized races a principle of honor. Visiting General Meade's head-quarters in the house of Mrs. Leister, in the forenoon, I saw the Commander-in-Chief seated at a table with a map of Gettysburg spread out before him. General "Warren, chief engineer, was by his side. General Williams, his Adjutant-General, who knew the strength of every regiment, was sitting on the bed, ready to answer any question. General Hunt, chief of artillery, was lying on the grass beneath a peach-tree in the yard. General Pleasantou, chief of the cavalry, neat and trim in dress and person, with a riding-whip tucked into his cavalry boots, was walking unear sily about. Aids were coming and going ; a signal-officer in the yard was waving his flags in response to one on Round-top. " Signal-officer on Round-top reports Rebels moving towards our loft," said the officer to General Meade. It was five minutes past one when the signal-gun for the opening of the battle was given by the Rebels on Seminary Hill. Instantly the whole line of Rebel batteries, an hundred and fifty guns, joined in the cannonade. All of the guns north- east, north, and northwest of the town concentrated their fire upon the cemetery. Those west and southwest opened on Hancock's position. Solid shot and shells poured incessantly upon the cemetery and along the ridge. The intention of Lee was soon understood, — to silence Howard's batteries bo- cause they enfiladed the attacking force ready to move over * Blackwood's Magazine, September, 1864. — Freemantle. 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 293 the fields toward the centre, our weakest point. If they could give to the living who held the burial-place a quiet as pro found as that of the sleepers beneath the ground, then they might hope to break through the thin line of men composing the Second Corps. But Howard was not a man to be kept quiet at such a time wichout especial cause. Ilis horses were knocked to pieces, the tombstones shivered, iron railings torn, shrubs and trees cut down, here and there men killed, but his batteries were not silenced. Mr. "Wilkenson of the Now York Tribune, who was at Gen- eral Meade's head-quarters when the fire was severest, thus describes the scene : — " In the shadow cast by the tiny farm-house, sixteen by twenty, which General Meade had made his head-quarters, lay wearied staff officers and tired correspondents. There was not wanting to the peacefulness of the scene the singing of a bird, which had a nest in a peach-tree within the tiny yard of the whitewashed cottage. In the midst of its warbling a shell screamed over the house, instantly followed by another, and another, and in a moment the air was full of the most complete artillery-prelude to an infantry battle that was ever exhibited. Every size and form of shell known to British and to American gunnery shrieked, whirled, moaned, and whistled, and wrathfully fluttered over our ground. As many as six in a second, constantly two in a second, bursting and screaming over and around the head-quarters, made a very hell of fire that amazed the oldest officers. They burst in the yard, — burst next to the fence on both sides, garnished as usual with the hitched horses of aides and orderlies. The fastened animals reared and plunged with terror. Then one fell, then another, — sixteen lay dead and mangled before the fire ceased, still fastened by their halters, which gave the expression of being wickedly tied up to die painfully. These brute victims of a cruel war touched all hearts. Through the midst of the storm of screaming and exploding shells an ambulance, driven by its frenzied conductor at full speed, presented to all of us the marvellous spectacle of a horse going rapidly on three legs. A hinder one had been shot off at the hock. A shell tore up the little step at the head-quarters cottage, and ripped bags of oats as with a knife. Another soon carried off one of its two pillars. Soon a spherical case burst opposite the open door, — another ripped tlirough the low garret. The remaining pillar went almost immediately to the howl of a fixed shot that Whitworth must have made. During this fire, the horses at 294 THE BOYS OF '61. [Julj, twenty and thirty feet distant were receiving their death, and soldiers in Federal blue were torn to pieces in the road, and died with the peculiar yells that blend the extorted cry of pain with horror and de- spair. Not an orderly, not an ambulance, not a straggler was to be seen upon the plain swept by this tempest of orchestral death, thirty minutes after it commenced. Were not one hundred and twenty pieces of artillery trying to cut from the field every battery we had in position to resist their purposed infantry attack, and to sweep away the slight defences behind which our infantry were waiting ? Forty minutes, — fifty minutes, — counted watches that ran, O so languidly ! Shells through the two lower rooms. A shell into the chimney, that daringly did not explode. Shells in the yard. The air thicker, and fuller, and more deafening with the howling and whirring of these infernal missiles. The Chief of Staff struck, — Seth Williams, — loved and respected through the army, separated from instant death by two inches of space vertically measured. An aide bored with a fragment of iron through the bone of the arm. And the time measured on the sluggish watches was one hour and forty minutes." A soldier was lying on the ground a few rods distant from where I was sitting. There was a shriek, such as I hope never again to hear, and his body was whirling in the air, a mangled mass of flesh, blood, and bones ! A shell exploding in the cemetery, killed and wounded twenty-seven men in one regiment ! * and yet the troops, lying under the fences, — stimulated and encouraged by General Howard, who walked coolly along the line, — kept their places and awaited the attack. It was half past two o'clock. " We will let them think that they have silenced us," said General Howard to Major Osborne. The artillerists throw themselves upon the ground beside their pieces. Suddenly there was a shout, — " Here they come ! " Every man was on the alert. The cannoneers sprang to their feet. The long lines emerged from the woods, and moved rapidly but steadily over the fields, towards the Emmettsburg road. Howard's batteries burst into flame, throwing shells with the utmost rapidity. There are gaps in the Rebel ranks, but on * General Howard's Report. 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBUBG. 296 ward still they como. Thoy reach the Emmettsburg road. Pickett's division appears by Klingel's house. All of Iloward's giiiis are at work now. Pickett turns to the right, moving north, driven in part by the lire rolling in upon his flank from "Weed's Hill, and from the Third, Fifth, and Sixth Corps bat- teries. Suddenly ho faces east, descends the gentle slope from the road behind Codori's, crosses the meadow, comes in reach of the muskets of the Vermonters. The three regiments rise from their shallow trench. The men beneath the oak-trees leap from their low breastwork of rails. There is a ripple, a roll, a deafening roar. Yet the momentum of the Rebel col- umn carries it on. It is becoming thinner and weaker, but they still advance. The Second Corps is like a thin blue ribbon. "Will it with- stand the shock ? " Give thorn canister ! Pour it into them ! " shouts Major Charles Howard, running from battery to battery. The Rebel line is almost up to the grove in front of Robin- son's. It has reached the clump of shrub-oaks. It has drifted past the Vermont boys. Onward still. " Break their third line! Smash their supports!" cries General Howard, and Os- borne and Wainwright send the fire of fifty guns into the col- umn, each piece fired three times a minute ! The cemetery is lost to view, — covered with sulphurous clouds, flaming and smoking and thundering like Sinai on the great day of the Lord ! The front line of Rebels is melting away, — the second is advancing to take its place ; but beyond the first and second is the third, which reels, breaks, and flies to the woods from whence it came, unable to withstand the storm. Hancock is wounded, and Gibbon is in command of the Second Corps. " Hold your fire, boys ; they are not near enough yet," says Gibbon, as Pickett comes on. The first volley staggers, but does not stop them. They move upon the run, — up to the breastwork of rails, — bearing Hancock's line to the top of the ridge, — so powerful their momentum. Men fire into each other's faces, not five feet apart. There are bayonet-thrusts, sabre-strokes, pistol-shots ; cool, deliberate movements on the part of some, — hot, passionate, desperate efforts with others ; hand-to-hand contests ; recklessness of life ; tenacity of purpose ; fiery determination ; oaths, yells, curses, 296 THE BOYS OF '61. [J^lj) hurrahs, shoutings ; men going down on their hands and knees, spinning round like tops, throwing out their arms, gulping up blood, falling; legless, armless, headless. There are ghastly heaps of dead men. Seconds are centuries ; minutes, ages ; but the thin line does not break! The Rebels have swept past the Vermont regiments. " Take them in flank," says General Stannard. The Thirteenth and Sixteenth swing out from the trench, turn a right angle to the main line, and face the north. They move forward a few steps, pour a deadly volley into the backs of Kemper's troops. With a hurrah they rush on, to drive home the bayonet. The Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth Mas- sachusetts, and Seventh Michigan, Twentieth New York, Nino- teenth Maine, One Hundred Fifty-First Pennsylvania, and other regiments catch the enthusiasm of the moment, and close upon the foe. The Rebel column has lost its power. The lines waver. The soldiers of the front rank look round for their supports. They are gone, — fleeing over the field, broken, shattered, thrown into confusion by the remorseless fire from the cemetery and from the cannon on the ridge. The lines have disappeared like a straw in a candle's flame. The ground is thick with dead, and the wounded are like the withered leaves of autumn. Thousands of Rebels throw down their arms and give them- selves up as prisoners. How inspiring the moment! How thrilling the hour! It is the high-water mark of the Rebellion, — a turning-point of history and of human destiny ! Treason had wielded its mightiest blow. From that time the Rebellion began to wane. An account of the battle, written on the following day, and published on the 6th of July in the Boston Journal, contains the following passage : — " The invasion of the North was over, — the power of the Southeni Confederacy broken. There at that sunset hour I could discern the future; no longer an overcast sky, but the clear, unclouded starlight, — a country redeemed, saved, baptized, consecrated anew to the coming ages. " All honor to the heroic living, all glory to the gallant dead I They have not fought in vain, they have not died for naught. No man liveth to himself alone. Not for themselves, but for their children ; for those 1863.] THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. 297 who may never hear of them in their nameless graves, how they yielded life ; for the future ; for all that is good, pure, holy, just, true ; for humanity, righteousness, peace ; for Paradise on earth ; for Christ and for God, they have given themselves a willing sacrifice. Blessed be their memory forevermore ! '* I rode along tho lines, and beheld the field by the light ot the gleaming stars. The dead were everywhere thickly strown. How changed the cemetery ! Three days before, its gravelled walks were smooth and clean ; flowers were in bloom ; birds carolled their songs amid the trees ; the monuments were undo- faced ; the marble slabs pure and white. Now there were broken wheels and splintered caissons; dead horses, shot in tho neck, in the head, through the body, disembowelled by exploding sliells, legs broken, flesh mangled and torn ; pools of blood, scarlet stains on the headstones, green grass changed to crimson ; marble slabs shivered ; the ground ploughed by solid shot, holes blown out by bursting shells ; dead men lying where they had fallen, wounded men creeping to the rear ; cries and groans all around me ! Fifty shells a minute had fallen upon that small enclosure. Not for a moment was there thought of abandoning the position. How those batteries of Osborne and Wainwright, of the Eleventh and First Corps, had lightened and thundered ! There were scores of dead by the small house where the left of the Rebel line advanced, lying just as they were smitten down, as if a thunderbolt had fallen upon the once living mass ! An English officer, who saw the battle from tho Rebel lines, - peared as much at ease as most young ladies who are accus- tomed to the amenities of society. Aunt Nellie called me by name. *• I saw you yesterday at church," she said. She placed a chair for mo before the fire, which burned cheerfully on the hearth. There was a vase of amaranths od the mantel, and lithographs on the walls. A clock ticked m one corner. There were cushioned arm-chairs. The room was neat and tidy, and had an air of cheerfulness. A little boy, four or five years old, was sitting by the side of Aunt Nellie, — her grand-nephew. He looked up wonderingly at the stranger, tlien gazed steadily into the fire with comical gravity. " You are from Boston, I understand," said Aunt Nelho. " I never have been to Boston, but I have been to New York several times with mv master." 1864.J SCENES IN SAVANNAH. 415 " Did you have any desire to stay North ? " " No, sir, I can't say that I had. This was my home ; my children and friends, and my husband were all here." " But did you not wish to be free ? " " That is a very different thing, sir. God only knows how I longed to be free ; but my master was very kind. They used to tell me in New York that I could be free ; but I could n't make up my mind to leave master, and my husband. Perhaps if I had been abused as some of my people have, I should have thought differently about it." " Well, you are free now. I suppose that you never expected to see such a day as this ! " " I can't say that I expected to see it, but I knew it would come. I have prayed for it. I did n't hardly think it would come in my time, but I knew it must come, for God is just." " Did you not sometimes despair ? " " Never ! sir ; never ! But 0, it has been a terrible mystery, to know why the good Lord should so long afflict my people, and keep them in bondage, — to be abused, and trampled down, without any rights of their own, — with no ray of light in tho future. Some of my folks said there was n't any God, for if there was he would n't let white folks do as they have done for so many years ; but I told them to wait, — and now they see what they have got oy waiting. I told them that we were all of one blood, — white folks and black folks all come from one man and one woman, and that there was only one Jesus for all. I knew it, — / knew it ! " She spoke as if it were an in- disputable fact which had come by intuition. Ilcre Aunt Nellie's sister and her husband came in. " I hope to make your better acquaintance," she said, cour- tesying. It is a common form of expression among the colored people of some parts of the South. She was larger, taller, and stouter than Aunt Nellie, younger in years, less refined, — a field hand, — one who had drunk deeply of the terrible cup which slavery had held to her lips. She wore a long gray dress of coarse clotli, — a frock with sleeves, gathered round the neck with a string, — the cheapest possible contrivance foi a dress, her only garment, I judged. " These are new times to you," I said. 416 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec " It is a dream, sir, — a dream ! Tears liko 1 don't know where I am. When General Sherman come and said we were free, I did n't believe it, and I would n't believe it till the min- ister (Rev. Ml'. French) told us that we were free. It don't seem as if I was free, sir." She looked into the fire a moment, and sat as if in a dream, but roused herself as I said, — " Yes, you are free." "But that don't give me back my children, — my children, that I brought forth with pains such as white women have, — that have been torn from my breast, and sold from me ; and when I cried for them was tied up and had my back cut to pieces ! " She stopped talking to me, raised her eyes as if looking into heaven, — reached up her hands imploringly, and cried in agony, — " Lord Jesus, have mercy ! How long, Lord ? Come, Jesus, and help me. 'Pears like I can't bear it, dear Lord. They is all taken from me, Lord. 'Pears like as if my heart would break. blessed Jesus, they say that I am free, but where are my children ! — my children ! — my children ! " Her hands fell, — tears rolled down her cheeks. She bowed her head, and sat moaning, wailing, and sobbing. " You would n't believe me," said Aunt Nellie, speaking to her. " You said that there was no use in praying for deliv- erance ; that it was no use to trust God, — that he had for- gotten us ! " She rose and approached her sister, evidently to call her mind from the terrible reality of the past. " You used to come in here and go worry, worry, worry all day and all night, and say it was no use ; that you might as well die ; that you would bo a great deal better off if you were dead. You would n't believe me when I said that the Lord would give de- liverance. You would n't believe that the Lord was good ; but just see what he has done for you, — made you free. Ai-en't you willing to trust him now ? " The sister made no reply, but sat wiping away her tears, and sighing over the fate of her children. " Did you not feel sometimes like rising against your mas- ters ? " I asked of the husband. 18(54.] SCENES IN SAVANNAH. 4Ti " Well, sir, I did feel hard sometimes, and I reckon that if it had n't been for the grace which Jesus gave us we should have done so ; but he had compassion on us, and helped us to bear it. We knew that he would hear us some time." " Did you ever try to escape ? " " No, sir. I was once interested in colonization, and talkea of going to Africa, — of buying myself, and go there and be free. Rev. Mr. Gurley came here and gave a lecture. IIo was the agent of the Colonization Society, I reckon ; but just then there was so much excitement among the slaves about it, that our masters put a stop to it." " The good people of Boston are heaping coals of fire on tho heads of the slaveholders and Rebels," said Aunt Nellie. " now so ? " I asked. " Why, as soon as General Sherman took possession of the city, you send down ship-loads of provisions to them. They have fought you with all their might, and you whip them, and then go to feeding them." " I 'spect you intended that black and white folks bhould have them alike," said her sister. " Yes, that was the intention." " Not a mouthful have I had. I am as poor as white folks. All my life I have worked for them. I have given them houses and lands ; they have rode in their fine carriages, sat in their nice parlors, taken voyages over the waters, and had money enough, which I and my people earned for them. I have had my back cut up. I have been sent to jail because I cried for my children, which were stolen from me. I have been stripped of my clothing, exposed before men. My daughters liave been compelled to break God's commandment, — they could n't help themselves, — I could n't help them ; white men have done with us just as they pleased. Now they turn me out of my poor old cabin, and say they own it. dear Jesus, help me ! " " Come, come, sister, don't take on ; but you just give thanks for what tho Lord has done for you," said Aunt Nellie. Her sister rose, stately as a queen, and said, — " I thank you, sir, for your kind words to mo to-night. 1 thank all the good people in the North for what they have done for mo and my people. The good Lord be with you." 27 418 THE BOYS OF '61. [DeC. As she and her husband left the room, Aunt Nellie said, — " Poor girl ! she can't forget her children. She 's cried for them day and night." Never till then had I felt the full force of Whittier's burning lines : — " A groan from Eutaw's haunted wood, — A wail where Camden's martyrs fell, — By every shrine of patriot blood, From Moultrie's waU and Jasper's well 1 " By storied hill and hallowed grot, By mossy wood and marshy glen, WTience rang of old the rifle-shot, And hurrying shout of Marion's men, The groan of breaking hearts is there, — The falling lash, the fetter's clank ! Slaves, SLAVES are breathing in that air Which old De Kalb and Sumter drank 1 " What, ho ! our countrymen in chains 1 The whip on woman's shrinking flesh 1 Our soil yet reddening with the stains Caught from her scourging, warm and fresh ! What I mothers from their children riven ! What ! God's own image bought and sold I Americans to market driven. And bartered, as the brute, for gold 1 " The night of the 28th of January was a fearful one in Savan- nah. The inhabitants experienced all the terror of a bombard- ment combined with the horror of a great conflagration. A fire broke out a little before midnight in a long row of wooden build- ings at the west end of the city. The wind was fresh from the northwest, and the night exceedingly cold. My rooms were in the Pulaski House. I was awakened by a sudden explosion, which jarred the house, and heard the cry that the arsenal was on fire. There was another explosion, — then a volley of shells, and large fragments came whirring through the air, striking the walls, or falling with a heavy plunge into the street. " There are three thousand shells in the building," said a soldier running past, fleeing as if for his life. " There are fifty tons of powder, which will go off presently," said another, in breathless haste. Fifty tons of powder ! Savan- 1864.] SCENES IN SAVANNAH 419 nail would be racked to its foundations ! There would bo a general crumbling of "walls. Men, women, and children wero running, — crying, and in fear of being crushed beneath the ruins of falling buildings. It was the Rebel arsenal. I could not believe that the Rebels would store fifty tons of powder in the city, and waited for the general explosion. It did not come. Gradually I worked my way, under the shelter of buildings, towards the fire. The fire- engines were deserted, and the fire was having its own way, licking up the buildings, one after another, remorselessly. It was a gorgeous sight, — the flames leaping high in air, thrown up in columns by the thirtccn-inch shells, fillhig the air \dtli burning timbers, cinders, and myriads of sparks. The t:treets were filled with fugitivcb. The hospitals wero being cleared of sick and wounded, the houses of furniture. It was grand, but terrible. General Grovcr at once took measures to arrest the progress of the flames, by tearing down buildings, and bringing up several regiments, which, with the citizens and negroes, succeeded in mastering the destroying element. In the morning there was a wilderness of chimneys, and the streets were strewn with furniture. It was amusing to see with what good humor and nonchalance the colored people and the soldiers regarded the conflagration. Two negro women passed me, carrying great bundles on their heads. " I 's clean burned out," said one. " So is I " ; and they both laughed as if it was very funny. " Let 'em burn : who cares ? " said one soldier. " They have fought us, and now let 'em suffer," " We have got to do guard duty, and it is a little more com- fortable to be quartered in a house than to sleep in a shelter- tent, so let us save the place," said another ; and the two went to work with a will to subdue the flames. General Sherman's Special Field Order No. 15, dated Janu- ary IG, 18G5, permitted the frccdmen to take possession of the abandoned lands. A meeting — called by General Saxton, who had been appointed Inspector — was held in the Second 420 THE BOYS OF '61. [DeC. African Baptist Church, a large building, which was crowded to its utmost capacity by the colored people. It was the first meeting ever held in Savannah having in view the exclusive interests of the colored people. The organist was playing a voluntary when I entered the church. He was a free colored man, a native of Charles- ton, having a bullet-shaped head, bright, sparkling eyes, and a pleasant voice. lie had lived in Savannah nine years, and was a music-teacher, — giving instruction on the violin, piano-forte, and organ, also vocal music, to persons of his own race. He was in the habit of putting in clandestinely some of the rudi- ments of the English language, although it was against the peace and dignity of the State. He dared to open a school, and taught in secret in the evening ; but a policeman discov- ered that he was an incendiary, and he was compelled to hide till the matter was forgotten. When the voluntary was completed, the choir sung Rev. Mr. Smith's American hymn, — " My country, *t is of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing." Their country ! Their liberty ! The words were no longer meaningless. By request of General Saxton, they also sang Bishop Ho- ber's Missionary hymn, — " From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand, From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain." General Saxton addressed them. " I have come to toll you what the President of the United States has done for you," said he. " God bless Massa Linkum ! " was the response of a thou- sand voices. " You are all free." "Glory to God! Hallelujah! Amen!" they shouted in tvmiultuous chorus. 1864.] SCENES m savannah. 421 lie explained the cause of the war : how the Rebels fired upon the flag, how they hated freedom, and wished to per- petuate slavery, which produced the war, that, in turn, under God's providence, had made them free men. They were free, but they must labor to live. Their relations to their masters had all been changed. They could go where they pleased, do what they pleased, provided they did that which was right ; but they had no claim upon their masters, — they must work for themselves. All wealth came from the soil, and by cultivating the ground they could obtain food, and thus increase their wealth, ne read and explained General Sherman's order, and told them of the advancement which the freedmen had made at Beaufort. They had comfortable homes, their children were attending school, and the men and women had almost forgot- ten that they had been slaves. One man had accumulated ten thousand dollars in four years ; another was worth five thousand. . lie advised them to go upon the islands and take possession of the abandoned lands. lie also advised the young and able-bodied to enlist in the service of the United States. They were citizens, and they must begin to do their part as citizens. They were free, but there was still some fighting to be done to secure their liberty. Rev. Mr. French also addressed them. " Your freedom," said he, "is the gift of God. The Pres- ident has proclaimed it, and the brave men of General Sher- man's army have brought it to you." " God bless General Sherman ! Amen ! That 's so ! " were the enthusiastic responses. They clapped their hands and gave expression to their joy in emphatic demonstrations. It was a strange sight, — a sea of turbaned heads in the body of the house, occupied by the women, wearing brightest colored handkerchiefs, or bonnets with flaming ribbons ; wliile above, in the galleries, were two sable clouds of faces. Every window was filled by a joyous, enthusiastic crowd. " You are to show your late masters that you can take care of yourselves. If I were in your place I would go, if I had to live on roots and water, and take possession of the islands," said Mr. French. " Yes, sir, dat is what we will do. "We 're gwine." 422 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec " Show your old masters that you can work as hard to keep out of slavery as they did to keep you in bondage. And you must haTO but one wife, instead of two or three, as you used to do." There was a great sensation at this point, — an outburst of laughter echoing and re-echoing from floor to ceiling. I was utterly unable to understand how the remark was received, but the sable audience evidently looked upon it as a very funny ajffair. The negro race has a quick and natural appreciation of anything bordering upon the ridiculous. They boil over with uncontrollable merriment at a very small matter. " Treat your old masters with all respect ; be generous and kind to them. This is your day of rejoicing, and they are drinking their cup of sorrow. Do them good, — help them. Break off bad habits, — be good citizens, truthful and honest. Now, all of you who are ready to scratch for a living, — who are resolved to make your own way in the world, — hold up your hands." Up went a thousand hands. " You owe your liberty to the men of the North, to Presi- dent Lincoln, to the thousands who have died, — to Jesus Christ." Deep and solemn was the Amen, — a spontaneous outburst of gratitude, welling up from their sympathetic and affectionate natures. A prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Houston, of the Third African Baptist Church. It was impassioned, fervent, and earnest, in which there were thanksgiving, confession of sin, and a pleading for God's help. The President, the Union army, the Federal government, were remembered. He prayed also that God would bring the Rebels to see that they ought to lay down their arms and be at peace. Then in conclusion they sang the hymn, — " Eternal are thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends thy word." How gloriously the grand old choral of Luther rang ! Old men sang, — tottering upon the verge of the grave, their heads white, their voices tremulous, their sight dim ; women with scarred backs sang, — who had toiled unrequited in the mala- 1864.] SCENES IN SAVANNAH. 423 rious rice-swamps, who had prayed in dungeons and prisons, who had wept and moaned for their stolen babes, — fctf- their husbands, mangled and torn by bloodhounds. But that was all of the past. The day of jubilee had dawned. They had cried day and night, " Lord, how long ! " But now they had only thanksgiving and praise. After the meeting there was a general shaking of _ands. " Bless de Lord for dis yere day." " May de good Lord be wid you." " I never 'spected to see dis yere day ; but de praise belongs to de good Lord ; he be wid you, brudder." Such were the congratulations. There were none of the white people of Savannah present. Before the men of the West entered the city, such a gathering, even for religious worship, would have been incendiary unless attended by white men. But it was an inauguration of a new era, — a beginning of the settlement of the question over which philanthropists, politicians, and statesmen had puzzled their philosophic brains : '* What shall we do with them ? " Rev. Mr. Ilouston accompanied me to my room, and gave me a history of his life. He was forty-one years old, had always been a slave, and received his freedom at the liauds of General Sherman. When a boy his master hired him out to the Marine Hospital. Waiting upon the sailors, he had an opportunity to hear a great deal about the world. They had books and papers. He had a desire to learn to read, and they, not having the black laws of Georgia before their eyes, taught him his letters. Then obtaining a Bible, and other books, he read with great zeal. He wanted to be a preacher, and after examination by the Bap- tist Association, was ordained to preach by white men. He purchased his time before the war, paying fifty dollars a month to his master, and became a provision-dealer, yet preaching on Sundays. He leased the lower story of a building fronting the market, where he sold his meat and where he lived. Above him, up two flights, was the slave-mart of Savannah. He used to go into the country, up the railroad to the centre of the State, to purchase cattle, and became well acquainted with the planters. He heard their discussions on current affairs, and thus received information upon the politics of the country. Ho gave an account of the state of affairs, of opinions held in the 424 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec. North and in the South at the time when Fremont was a can- didate for the Presidency. " We knew that he was our friend," said Mr. Ilouston, " and we wanted him elected. We were very much disappointed at the result of that election ; but we kept hoping and praying that God would have mercy on us as a race." " Did your people understand the points at issue between the South and the North, when the war begun ? " I asked. " Yes, sir, I think we did. When South Carolina fired on Sumter we understood that the North was fighting for the CTnion. The flag had been insulted, and we thought that you of the North would have spunk enough to resent the insult. Tlioso of us who could read the papers knew that the points at issue really were between Freedom and Slavery." " What did you think when we were defeated at Manassas ? Did you not despair ? " " No, sir. I knew that the North would not give in for one defeat. Some of our people were down-hearted, but I had faith in God, sir. I felt that the war must go on till we were made free. Besides, we prayed, sir ! There have been a great many prayers, sir, ofibrcd up from broken-hearted men and women, — from negro cabins, not in public, — for the success of the North. They could not offer such supplications at church ; they were ofiered to a God who sees in secret, but who rewards openly. We are receiving all we ever asked for. Bless his holy name." " You have seen people sold in the market, I suppose ? " " yes, sir, thousands of them. 0, sir, it seems as if I now could hear the groans and cries of motliers and fathers as they marched down those stairs out into the street in gangs, — their chains rattling and clanking on the stairs. It was hell, sir ! The wailings of the damned can never be more heart-rending, as they were driven out, crying, ' Lord ! have mercy ! massa, don't! don't! my poor children!' " His eyes shone with a strange light. The muscles of his hands tightened. lie arose and walked the room, wiped the tears from his eyes, but composing himself sat down, and saidr " Iniquity was at its height when the war began, and it con- tinued till General Sherman came. 0, it was terrible ! terri- 1864.] SCENES m savannah. 425 ble ! to be there in that room on the lower floor, and see the hundreds taken out, — to see them nabbed in the streets, or taken from their beds at dead of night by the sheriff, and sold at once ; for since the war began wliite men have been obligccf often to raise money suddenly, and slave property being espe- cially insecure, we were liable to be sold at any moment. Run- away slaves were whipped unmercifully. Last summer I saw one receive five hundred lashes out on the Gulf Railroad, bo- cause he could n't give an account of himself. The man who kept the slave-market left the city with a large number of slaves just before Sherman came, taking them South ; but he is back in the city. He is a bitter old Rebel." Mr. Houston and a party of freedmen had been to Skidaway Island to take possession of lands under General Sherman's order, and commence a colony. They laid out a village, also farm lots of forty acres, set asido one central lot for a church, another for a school-house ; then placing numbers in a hat, made the allotment. It was Plymouth Colony repeating itself. They agreed that if any others came to join them they should have equal privileges. So the May- flower was blooming on the islands of the South Atlantic ! " We shall build our cabins and organize our town govern- ment for the maintenance of order," said Mr. Uouston. '• I told you that I hired my time of my master," said he. " My master hired my money, and when I asked him for it he refused to pay me ; and as I had no power before the law, 1 could not compel him, and have lost it. I have about five hundred hides, which I would like to send North. I want to purchase a portable saw-mill. We shall need lumber, — must have it to build our houses and our church." Such was his plan, — indicating a foresight which gave prom- ise of a prosperous future. Passing by a church, I saw the sexton, with brush in hand, sweeping the aisles. The edifice was a substantial, ancient struc- ture, with a mahogany pulpit of the old style, a broad aisle, chandelier pendent from the arched roof, filagree and panel- work around the galleries. Old and aristocratic families had sat in the cushioned pews, — men of vast wealth, owuiag 426 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec. houses, lands, and slaves. A great organ loomed high up m the gallery, its gilt pipes fronting the pulpit. Marriages and funerals had been solemnized at the altar. For fifteen years, Sunday after Sunday, this sexton had faithfully dis- charged his duties at the church. Ho was stout, thick-set, strong, with well-developed muscles and a clear eye. He was gentlemanly in his deportment, and his voice was one of the most musical I ever heard. " Shall I take a look at the church ? " " Certainly, sir. Walk in." His words were as if he had chanted them, so faultless the tone, inflection, and cadence. His features were well formed, but anthracite coal is not blacker than his complexion. I was interested in him at once. He leaning upon his broom, and sitting in one of the pews, had a free conversation upon the events of his life. He was born in Norfolk, Virginia, in 1829. " My old master died," said he, " and I fell to his son, who went off to college and got to spreeing it, lost all his property, and of course I had to be sold. I brought twelve hundred dol- lars, — that was in 1849, — but another man offered the man who bought me a hundred and fifty dollars bonus for his bar- gain, which was accepted, and I was brought to Charleston. I have always been a slave." " But you are a free man now ; just as free as I am." " Yes, sir, so General Sherman told me. I had a talk with him ; and he talked just as free with me as if I was his own brother. But I don't feel it m my heart, sir, to go away and leave my old master, now that he is poor, and calamity has come upon him." " Has he always treated you well ? " " Yes, sir, — that is, he never scarred my back. Some mas- ters are mighty hard, sir. I don't blame some negroes for running away from their masters now that they can, for they have been treated mighty bad, sir; but my master has had great calamity come upon him, sir. When I was brought here from Norfolk, master's son Bob, who is in Texas, — a captain in the Southern army now, — saw me, and liked me, and I liked him, and his father bought me for Bob, and Bob and I have 1864.] SCENES m savannah. 427 been like brothers to each other. I have no complaint to make. But master has lost two sons in Virginia. One of them was killed in the first battle of Manassas." " I suppose you have heard many prayers here for Jefl" Davis ? " " Yes, sir, and mighty fine sermons for the Southern army, sir ; and there have been solemn scenes in this church, sir. Six bodies, one Sunday, after the first battle of Manassas, were hero in this broad aisle. I had the communion-table set out here, right in front of the pulpit, and there they lay, — six of 'em. I could n't help crying when I saw 'em, for they were just like old friends to me. They used to attend the Sunday school when they were boys, and used to cut up a little wild, and it was my business to keep 'em straight. They belonged to the Oglethorpe Light Infantry, and went with Colonel Bar- tow. They went away gayly, and thought they were going to Richmond to have a nice time. Their mothers and sisters told them to go and fight the Yankees. They did n't expect to see them brought back dead, I reckon. It was a sad day, sir." " Then the women were as eager as the men for the war ? " " Yes, sir, — more. They wore crazy about fighting the Yankees. I know that some of the boys did n't want to fight against the flag, but the women made 'em. The men had to wear Secession badges, as something to show that they were for the South. If it had n't been for the ladies, I reckon we would n't have had the war." " What do the women think now ? " " Well, sir, some of them are as bitter as ever they were against the Yankees, but I reckon they don't care to say much ; and then there are others who see it ain't no use to try to hold out any longer. There are lots of 'em who have lost their husbands and brothers and sons. I reckon there are very few of the Light Infantry left. I know 'em all, for I took care of their hall, — their armory, — and they made me hoist the flag one day union down. That made mo feel very bad, sir. I always loved the flag, and I love it now better than over. It makes me feel bad to think that my boys fought against it (he meant the boys who attended the Sunday school). But I reckon it is the Lord's doing, sir, and that it will be a blessing to us in the end." 428 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec " Can YOU read and write ? " I asked. " A little, sir. I never had any one to show me, but I used to sit down hero in the pews and take up the hymn-book, and spell out the words, and one day master Bob set me a copy in writing, and so I have learned a little. I can read the newspapers, sir, and have kept track of the war." Tpon the first battle of Manassas, the Peninsular campaigns, the blowing up of the Merrimac, the battles of Aiitietam, Gettys- burg, Yicksburg, New Orleans, and Sherman's campaign, he was well informed. IIo had a brotlier who was fighting for tho Union. " no is a bravo fellow, and I know ho won't show tho whito feather," said he. Wo talked upon the prospects of tlie colored people now that they were free. " I reckon, sir," said he, " that a good many of 'em will bo disappointed. They don't know what freedom is. But they will find that they have got to work, or else they won't get aiiy- tliing to eat. They are poor, ignorant creatures; but I reckon, sir, that after a while, when things get settled, they will learn how to take care of themselves. But I think they are mighty foolish to clear out and leave their old masters, when they can have good situations, and good pay, and little to do. Then, sir, it is kind of ungrateful like, to go away and leave their old masters when the day of calamity comes. I could not do it. sir ; besides, I reckon I will be better off to stay here for the present, sir." I informed him that I was from Massachusetts. " I know something about Massachusetts, and I reckon it is a mighty fine State, sir. I have heard you abused, and the people of Boston also. Savannah people said hard things about you: that you wero abolitionists, and wanted the negroes to have equal privileges with tlio whito men. My father, when I was in Norfolk, midertook to get to Massachusetts, but ho was hunted down in the swamps and sold South, away down to Alabama, and that is the last I have heai-d of him. I have always liked Massachusetts. I reckon you are a liberal people up there. I heai' you have sent a ship-load of provisions to us poor people." 1864.] SCENES IN SAVANNAH. 429 I gave him information upon the subject, and spoke of Mr Everett, who made a speech at the meeting in Faneuil Ilall. " Mr. Everett ! I reckon I heard him talk about General Washington once here, five or six years ago. lie was a mighty fine speaker, sir. The house was crowded." The sun was setting, and the sexton had other duties. As I left the church, he said : " Come round, sir, some after- noon, and I will take you up to the steeple, so that you can get a sight of the city, and may be you play the organ. I love to hear music, sir." . How strangely this will read fifty years hence ! The words slave^ — master, — sold^ — hunted doivn, will make this present time seem an impossibility to those who live after us. This sexton — a slave — heard the minister preach of the loosing of the bonds of the oppressed, and of doing unto others as they would be done by, yet he found in his own experience such a Gospel a lie. His bonds were not loosened ; and the boys of the Sunday school, the petted sous of Savannali, went out from their aristocratic homes to perpetuate that lie. At last through war came deliverance ; and yet there was so much gentleness in th J heart of tins man, that in the day of calamity which came to his master, when his sons one by one were killed in their endeavors to sustain that lie ; when his property disappeared like dew before the morning sun ; when his pride was humili- ated ; when his daughters, who were expectants of immense fortunes, were compelled to do menial service, — this servant, though a free man, could not find it in his heart to leave them, and take the liberty he loved ! It may have been an excep- tional case ; but it shows an interesting feature of Southern life. The words of this sexton of Savannah will adorn the historic page. "I reckon, sir, that it is the Lord's doing, and that it will bo a blessing to us in the end." Society in the South, and especially in Savannah, had under- gone a great change. The extremes of social life were very wide apart before the war; they were no nearer the night before Sherman marched into the city ; but the morning after there was a convulsion, an upheaval, a shaking up and a settling down of all the discordant elements. The tread of that army of the West, as it moved in solid column through 430 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec tho streets, was like a moral earthquake, overturning aristocratic pride, privilege, and power. Old houses, with foundations laid deep and strong in the cen- turies, fortified bj wealth, name, and influence, went down be- neath the shock. The general disruption of the former rela- tions of master and slave, and forced submission to the Union arms, produced a common level. A reversal of the poles of the earth would hardly have produced a greater physical con- vulsion than this sudden and unexpected change in the social condition of the people of tho city. On the night befc^e Sherman entered the place there were citizens who could enumerate their wealth by millions ; at sun- rise the next morning they wore worth scarcely a dime. Theii property had been in cotton, negroes, houses, land. Confederate bonds and currency, railroad and bank stocks. Government had seized their cotton ; the negroes had possession of their lands ; their slaves had become freemen ; their houses were occupied by troops ; Confederate bonds were waste paper ; their railroads were destroyed ; their banks insolvent. They had not only lost wealth, but they had lost their cause A: d thero were some who were willing to confess that they haa jeen fighting for a system of iniquity. One could not ask for more courteous treatment than I received during my stay in Savannah. I am indebted to many ladies and gentlemen of that city for kind invitations to pass an evening with them. There was no concealment of opinion on either side, but with the utmost good feeling full expression was given to our differing sentiments. -' "We went into the war in good faith ; we thought we were right ; we confidently expected to establish our independence ; but we are whipped, and have got to make the best of it," was tlie frank acknowledgment of several gentlemen. " I hate you of the North," said a young lady. It came squarely, and the tone indicated a little irritation. " I am very sorry for it. I can liardly think that you really hate us. You don't hate me individually ? " "• no. You come here as a gentleman. I should indeed be rude and unladylike to say that I hated you ; but I mean the Yankees in general. We never can live together in peace again. For one, I hope to leave the country." 1864.] SCENES m savannah. 431 " K I were to reside here, you of course would treat mo courteously so long as I was a gentleman in my deportment ? " " Certainly ; but you are an individual." " But if two individuals can live peacefully, why not ten, — or a hundred, — a thousand, — all ? " She hesitated a moment ; and then, with flashing eyes and flushed countenance, which added charms to her beauty, said, " Well, it is hard — and you will not think any worse of me for saying it — to have your friends killed, your servants all taken away, your lands confiscated ; and then know that you have failed, — that you have been whipped. I wish that we had the power to whip you ; but we have n't, and must make the best of it. "What we are to do I don't know. We have been able to have everything that money could buy, and now we have n't a dollar. I don't care anything about keeping the negroes in slavery ; but there is one feeling which we Southern- ers have that you cannot enter into. My old mamma who nursed me is just like a mother to me ; but there is one thing that I never will submit to, — that the negro is our equal, lie belongs to an inferior race." She laid down the argument in the palm of her hand with a great deal of emphasis. " Your energy, boldness, and candor are admirable, if under defeat and disaster you sat down supinely and folded your hands, there would be little hope of your rising again ; but your deter- mination to make the best of it shows that you will adapt your- self readily to the new order of things. There never will be com- plete equality in society. Political and social equality are separate and distinct. Rowdies and ragamuffins have natural rights : they may have a right to vote, they may be citizens ; but that does not necessarily entitle them to free entrance into our homes." The idea was evidently new to the young lady, — and not only to her, but to all in the room. To them the abolition of slavery was the breaking down of all social distinctions. So long as the negro was compelled to enter the parlor as a ser- vant, they could endure his presence ; but freedom implied the possibility, they imagined, of his entrance as an equal, entitled to a place at their firesides and a seat at their tables. The thought was intolerable. 432 THE BOYS OF '(31. [Dec. Tlio poor whites of tho South are far below the colored people ill ability and force of character. They arc a class from which there is little to hope. Nothing rouses their am- bition. Like tho Indians, they are content with food for to- day ; to-morrow will take care of itself. In the cities they swarm along the sides of buildings on sunny days, and at night crawl into their miserable cabins with little more aspira- tion than dogs that seek their kennels. Undoubtedly there is far less sullering among the poor of the Southern cities than among tho poor of New York, where life is ever a struggle with want. The South has a milder climate, nature requires less labor for production, and the commercial centres are not overcrowded. The poor wliites of the South maintain no battle with starvation, but surrender resignedly to poverty. They can exist without much labor, and are too indolent to strive to rise to a higher level of existence. The war has taken their best blood. Only shreds and dregs remain. " "What can be done for the poor whites ? " It is a momentous question for the consideration of pliilan- tbropists and statesmen. They aro very ignorant. Their dialect is a mixture of English and African, having words and phrases belonging to neither language ; though the patois is not confmed to this class, but is sometimes heard in sumptuously furnished parlors. "• I suppose that you will not be sorry when tho war is over," I remarked to a lady in Savannah. " No, sir. I reckon the Confederacy is done gone for," was tho reply. It is reported that a North Carolina colonel of cavalry was heard to address his command thus, — " 'Tention, battalion. Prepare to gen orto yer critter. Git ! " The order to ride rapidly was, " Dust right smart ! " You hear young ladies say, Paw, for Pa, Maiv, for Ma, and then, curiously adding another vowel soimd, they say Jcear for ^ar, thear for there. Tho poor whites of the country are called " poor white crash," '*■ crackers," "clay-eaters,'' " sand-hillers," and "swamp angels," by the educated whites. There is no homogeneity of white society. The planters, as a rule, have quite as much respect for the negroes as for the shiftless wliites. 1864] SCENES m savannah. 438 Yot these miserable wretches are exceedingly bitter against the North: it is the bitterness of ignorance, — brutal, cruel, fiendish, produced by caste, by the spirit of slavery. There is more hope, therefore, of the blacks, in the future, than of this degraded class. The colored people believe that the people of the North are their friends. Freedom, food, schools, all were given by the Yankees ; hence gratitude and confidence on the part of the freedmen ; hence, on the part of the poor whites, hatred of the North and cruelty toward the negro. Idleness, not occupation, has been, and is, their normal con- dition. It is ingrained in their nature to despise work. In- dolence is a virtue, laziness no reproach. Thus slavery arrayed society against every law of God, moral and physical. The poor whites were in bondage as well as the blacks, and to all appearance will remain so, while the natural buoyancy of the negro makes him rise readily to new exigencies ; with freedom he is at once eager to obtain knowledge and acquire landed estates. The colored people who had taken up lands on the islands under General Sherman's order met for consultation in the Slave Market, at the corner of St. Julian Street and Market Square. I pasLcd up the two fliglits of stairs down which thou- sanr'.s of slaves had been dragged, chained in coflle, and entered a large hall. At the farther end was an elevated platform about eight feet square, — the auctioneer 's block. The windows were grated with iron. In an anteroom at the right women had been stripped and exposed to the gaze of brutal men. A col- ored man was praying when I entered, giving thanks to God for the freedom of his race, and asking for a blessing on their undertaking. After prayers they broke out into singing. Lieutenant Ketclmm of General Saxton's staff, who had been placed in charge of the confiscated lands, was present, to an- swer their questions. " I would like to know what title we shall have to our lands, or to the improvements we shall make ? " was the plain ques- tion of a tall black man. " You will have the faith and honor of the United States," was the reply. Rev. Mr. French informed them that the government could not give them deeds of the land, but thax General Sherman had 28 434 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec. issued tlie order, and without doubt President Lincoln would see it was carried out. " Can't you trust the President who gave you your freedom ? " he asked. A stout man, with a yellow complexion, rose in the centre of the house : " I have a house here in the city. I can get a good living here, and I don't want to go to the islands unless 1 can be assured of a title to the land ; and I think that is the feeling of four fifths present." " That 's so ! " " Yes, brother ! " was responded. There was evidently a reluctance to becoming pioneers in such an enterprise, — to leaving the city unless the guaranty were sure. Another man rose. " My bredren, I want to raise cotton, and I 'm gwine." It was a short but effective speech. "With keen, sharp in tellect, he had comprehended the great commercial question of the day. He knew that it would pay to raise cotton on lands which had been held at fabulous prices when the staple was worth but ten or fifteen cents. He was going to improve the opportunity to raise cotton, even if he did not become a holder of the estate. " I 'm gwine ye, brudder ! " " So will I ! " and there was a general shakmg of hands as if that were scaling a contract. Elaving determined to go, they joined in singing " The Freed- men's Battle-IIymn," sung as a solo and repeated in chorus : - FREEDMEN'S BATTLE-HYMN. ^ z^U^^^ ^i^ ^ r ^ r r r T'j *• I'll flght for Lib - er - ty, I I I I rr r r r I'U flght for Lib - cr- ^=: ii S^ ^ T-f^ ty, I'U flght — J I flgbt ^•-1? f i^JSAMA^ for Lib er - ty. ^^^ 1 h ^ rW=f =:3 ?• 1864.] SCENES m savannah. 436 Soto. — I '11 figbt for Liberty, I '11 fight for Liberty, I 'U fight — I 'U fight for Liberty. Chorxis. — In the New Jerusalem, In the New Jerusalem, In the New — the New Jerusalem. I 'm not afraid to die, I 'm not afraid to die, I 'm not — I 'm not afraid to die. Chorxis. — In the New, &c I shall meet my Saviour there, I shall meet my Saviour there, I shall meet — shall meet my Saviour there. Chorus. — In the New, &c. I shall wear a starry crown, I shall wear a starry crown, I shall wear — I shall wear a starry crown. Chorus. — In the New, &c. The colored soldiers of Foster's army sang it at the battle of Honey Hill, while preparing to go into the fight. How gloriously it sounded now, sung by five hundred freedmon in the Savannah slave-mart, where some of the singers had been bOld in days gone by ! It was worth a trip from Boston to Savannah to hear it. Tlie next morning, in the same room, I saw a school of one hundred colored children assembled, taught by colored teachers, who sat on the auctioneer's platform, from which had risen voices of despair instead of accents of love, brutal cursing instead of Christian teaching. I listened to the recitations, and heard their songs of jubilee. The slave-mart transformed to a school-house ! Civilization and Cliristianity had indeed begun their beneficent work. 436 THE BOYS OF '61. fDeo. CHAPTER XXVI. SHERMAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA. General Sherman receired, soon after his arrival in Sayan* nab, iustruotious from General Grant to hasten with his army to James River. Transports were sent down for the ship- ment of tho troops. Grant desired to combine the two great armies, throw Sherman upon his own left flank, and sever Lee's communications with the South, and also prevent his escape. Through all the long months of summer, autumn, and winter, — from Jime to February, — Grant had put forth his energies to accomphsh this object, but had not been able to cut tho Danville road, Lee's chief line of supply or retreat. The arrival of Sherman upon tlie sea-coast made the plan feasible. But that officer thought it better to march northward, driv- ing the enemy before him, and finish up the entire Rebel forces on the Atlantic coast ; besides. South Carolina deserved a retribution as severe as that which had been meted out to Georgia. He also believed that he could thus join Grant quite as soon as by the more circuitous route by water. Grant assented to the proposition, and having full confidence in the ability of his lieutenant, left him to co-operate in the manner he thought most advisable. The Rebels expected that Sherman would move upon Charles- ton, but such was not his intention. He determined to make i movement which would compel its evacuation, while at the same time he could drive the forces of the Rebels in the interior of the State northward, and by destroying all the railroads in his progi'ess, and severmg Lee from the agricultural regions of tlio South, so cripple his resources as to paralyze the Rebel army before Richmond, and bring the war to a speedy close. He wished to preserve his army entire, and accordingly a division of the Nineteenth Corps, which had fought under 1864.] SHERMAN IN SOUTH CABOLINA. 437 Emory in tho Southwest and under Grover in tlio Shenan- doah, having no enemy to pursue after the annihilation of Early, was sent down to garrison Savannah, Grover being made commandant of the post. General Howard, commanding the right wing, took trans- ports with the Seventeenth Corps, Blair's, for Beaufort, whence he pushed into the interior, striking the Charleston and Savan- nah Railroad at Pocatoligo, and establishing there a depot of supplies. The Fifteenth Corps, Logan's, followed, except Corse's division, which, being prevented by freshets from marching direct to Pocatoligo, moved with the left wing, com- manded by Williams, joining tho Twentieth Corps, and cross- ing the Savannah marched to Ilardeeville, on the Charleston Railroad, and opened communication with Howard. " Come with me," was tho kind invitation of General Wil- liams ; " you will see high old times, I reckon. My soldiers are crazy to get into South Carolina." But believing that Sherman's movement would necessitate the evacuation of Charleston, I preferred to enter that city at the hour of her deepest humiliation. Davis's corpr, tho Fourteenth, with Geary's division of the Twentieth, crossed at Sister's Ferry, fifty miles above Savan- nah This detour was necessary on account of tho flooding of the country by ft-eshets. The gunboat Pontiac was sent up to cover the crossing. When Slocum reached the river at Sister's Ferry he found it three miles in width, and too deep to ford, and was obliged to wait till the 7th of Febru- ary before he could cross. This movement deceived Hardee and Beauregard. The presence of Howard at Pocatoligo looked like an advance upon Charleston, while Slocum being at Sis- ter's Ferry indicated an attack upon Augusta. The Rebel commanders therefore undertook to hold a line a hundred miles in length. D. H. Hill was hurried to Augusta, Hardee look position at Branchville, while Beauregard rcmamed at Charleston. This scattering of the Rebel forces made Sher- man's task comparatively easy, as their combined army would bardly have been a match for Sherman in a pitched battlo on a fair field. His troops had entire confidence in themselves and in their commander. Having fought their way from Chat i88 THE BOYS OF ol. [Dec tanooga to Atlanta, having marched to the sea and taken Fort McAllister and Savannah, thev believed tliere was no obstacle which they could not overcome in marching or fighting. Wilmington had been captured, and Sherman proposed to receive his next supplies from tlie coast. " I shall reach Goldsboro' about the loth of March," said Sherman to his chief quartermasters, who at once made prep- arations to forward supplies from Morehead City in North Carolina. Sherman held a conference with Admiral Dahlgren on the '2'2d of January, and with General Foster, commanding the Department of the South. All the troops in that quarter were to be employed in a movement against Charleston. General Foster being m feeble health, Major-General Gillmore, who had charge of the department during the summer, and who had conducted the engineering operations against TVaguer and Sumter, again took command. The march of the right wing, under Howard, commenced on the 1st of February. Howard fomid obstructions on all the roads. The negroes from tlie plantations had been impressed into the Rebel service to burn bridges, fell trees, and open sluice-ways ; but his Pioneer Corps was so tlioroughly organ- ized tlia' such obstacles did not greatly impede his progress. The Salkehatchie River nms southeast, and reaches the Atliuitic midway between Charleston and Savannah. Howard moved up its southern bank, northwest, till he reached River's bridge, thirty-five miles above Pocatoligo. It was a weary march, through swamps, mud, and pine-barrens. River's bridge and Beaufort bridge were held by the Rebels, who were strongly posted. Blair, with the Seventeenth Corps, was ordei'ed to carry the first, and Logan, with the Fifteenth, the latter. Blair detailed Mower's and Corse's divisions for the work. The troops saw before them a swamp three miles wide, overflowed, with soft mire beneath, filled with gnarled roots of gigantic trees. It was mid-winter. The air was keen. They knew not the depth of tlie water. The forest was gloomy. Above them waved the long gray tresses of moss. There was notliing of pomp and circumstance to inspire them. It was an un- dertaking full of hazard. Thev must shiver an hotir in tlie 1864.] SHERMAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA. 439 water, breast deep, before they could reach the enemy. But they hesitated not an instant when the order was given to more. They stepped into the water jocosely, as if upon a holiday ex- cursion. A Rebel brigade guarded the farther shore ; flanking it, and reaching the firm land below the bridge, the troops rushed reck- lessly forward, and quickly drove the enemy from his strong position, losing but seventeen killed and seventy wounded. Thus by one dash the Rebel line of the Salkehatchio was broken, and Hardee retired behind the Edisto to Branchville. The railroad from Charleston to Augusta was reached the next day, and D. H. Hill at Augusta, with one third of the Rebel force, was severed from Hardee and Beauregard. For three days Howard's men were engaged in destroying the railroad west of the Edisto, — waiting also for the left wing, which had been detained by freshets. Kilpatrick, meanwhile, had pushed well up towards Augusta, driving Wheeler, burnmg and destroying property, and threat- ening Hill. The Rebels everywhere were in a state of conster- nation. They could not divine Sherman's intentions. The people of Charleston, who for four years had heard the thunder of cannon day and night down the harbor, and had come to the coni^lusion that it was impossible the city could ever be taken, now thought Sherman Avas intending to knock for admission at the back door. The people of Augusta saw that their fair town was threatened. It had been an important place to the Confed- erates through the war, contributing largely to help on the Re- bellion by its manufacturhig industry. Citizens fled from Charleston to Cheraw, Columbia, Winsboro', and other towns up the Santee and Catawba, little thinking that they were jumping from the '• frying-pan into the fire." Branchville is sixty-two miles northwest of Charleston, on the north bank of the Edisto. Hardee expected to see Sher- man at that place, and made elaborate preparations to defend it, as it lay in the path to Charleston. But Sherman, instead of turning southeast, kept his eye on the north star, and moved on Orangeburg, thirteen miles north of Branchville, where also the Rebels were prepared to make a stand ; but the Seventeenth Corps made one dash, and the enemy fled from a long breast 440 THE BOYS OF '61. [DeC. work of cotton-bales. This was on the 12th of February. Meanwliile General Hatch, with a portion of Gillmore's troops, wai threatening Charleston along the coast. A division under General Potter, accompanied by a large number of gunboats, went to Bull's Bay, north of Charleston, as if to approach the city from that quarter. The monitors were inside the bar. There were Union troops on jMorris's Isl- and, ready to move, while the batteries kept up their fire, send- ing shells into the city. Thus from every point except on tlie northern side Charleston was threatened. It was not till Howard was well up towards Columbia that Hardee saw he had been completely flanked, and that Sherman had no intention of going to Charleston. The only force in front of Sherman was Wheeler's and Wade Hampton's cavalry, with straggling bands of infantry. Hampton's home was Co- lumbia. He was ricli, and had a palatial residence. He was an aristocrat, in principle and action. He was bitter in his lia- tred of the Union and the men of the North. He had fought upon nearly all the battle-fields of Virginia, and doubtless, in common with most of the people of his State, had not thought it possible the war should reach his own door. But Sherman was there, and behig powerless to defend the capital cf the State, he was reckless to destroy. Columbia had been a depot of supplies through the war. In view of its occupation, Sherman gave written orders to How- ard to spare all dwellings, colleges, schools, churches, and [)rivate property, but to destroy the arsenals and machinery for the manufacture of war material. Howard threw a bridge across the river three miles above iho city, and Stone's brigade of Wood's division of the Fif- teenth Corps was sent across. The Mayor came out in liis carriage, and made a formal surrender to Colonel Stone, who marched up the streets, where huge piles of cotton were burn- mg. Hampton, in anticipation of the giving up of tho city, had caused the cotton to be gathered, public as well as private, that it might be burned. There were thousands of bales. Negroes were employed to cut the ropes that bound them, and apply the torch. As Stone marched in the last of Hampton's troops moved out. The wind was high, and flakes 1864.] SHERMAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA. 'l41 of burning cotton were blown about the streets, setting fire to tlic buildings. The soldiers used their utmost exertions to extinguish the flames, working under the direction of their officers. The whole of Wood's division was sent in for the purpose, but very little could be done towards saving the city. The fire raged through the day and night. Hundreds of fam- ilies were burned out, and reduced from opulence, or at least competency, to penury. It was a terrible scene of suflfering and woe, — men, women, and children fleeing from the flames, surrounded by a hostile army, composed of men whom they had called vandals, ruffians, the slime of the North, the pests of society, and whom they had looked upon with haughty con- tempt, as belonging to an inferior race. Indescribable their anguish ; and yet no violence was committed, no insulting language or action given by those soldiers. Sh.'.rman, Howard, Logan, Hazen, "Woods, — nearly all of Sherman's officers, — did what they could to stay the flames and alleviate the distress. They experienced no pleasure in beholding the agony of the people of Columbia. General Sherman thus vindicates himself in his official re- port, and charges the atrocity upon Wade Hampton : — " I disclaim on the part of my army any agency in this fire, but, on the contrary, claim that we saved what of Columbia remains uncon- sumed. And without hesitation I charge General Wade Hampton with having burned his own city of Columbia, — not with a malicious intent, or as the manifestation of a silly ' Roman stoicism,' but from folly and want of sense, in filling it with lint, cotton, and tinder. Our officers and men on duty worked well to extinguish the flames ; but others not on duty, including the officers who had long been imprisoned there, rescued by us, may have assisted in spreading the fire after it had once begun, and may have indulged in unconcealed joy to see the ruin of the capital of South Carolina." * Thus Columbia, the beautiful capital of a once haughty State, became a blackened waste. The convention which passed the ordinance of Secession, when called together on the 17th of December, 1860, met in Columbia, but after organizing ad- journed to Charleston, as the city was infected with small- * Sherman's Keport. 44ii THE BOYS OF "61. [jJeC. pox. But it was the more poisonous virus of Secession which finally laid their proud city low. The people of South Carolina are bitter in their hatred of General Sherman. They charge all the devastation commi^ ted during his march from Atlanta to Goldsboro' upon him. In their estimation he is " a fiend," and his conduct not merely '' inhuman," but '' devilish." Yet he only adopted the policy which the Rebel leaders urged upon their adherents, and which was vehemently advocated by the Southern press. Rebel, not loyal torches, fired Charleston, Orangeburg, and Columbia. It is claimed that Sherman did not regard private property, out destroyed it indiscriminately with that belonging to the Confederate government. Was there any respect shown by the Rebel authorities ? Cotton, resin, turpentine, stores owned by private individuals, were remorselessly given to the flames by the Rebels themselves, and their acts were applauded by the people of the South as evincing heroic self-sacrifice. Great stress is laid upon the suffering occasioned by the pil- laging and burning by Sherman's troops ; but in Pennsylvania yet remain tlie ruins of Chambersburg as evidence of the ten- der mercy of the Rebels, who not only destroyed public prop- erty, but gave dwelling-houses and stores to the torch. What act so malignant, bloody, ghastly, and fiendish as the sackhig, burning, and massacre at Lawrence ! What deed so damning since the barbarities of Scio or Wyoming I What woe so deep! — men, children, murdered, butchered, scalped, the bodies of the dead tossed into the flames I No relentuig on the part of the Rebels, but savage, infuriate joy at the sight of the warm heart's blood of their victims ! Woman's prayeis and tears availed not to stay their murderous hands or move their brutal hearts. The responsibility cannot be evaded by saying that Quantrd was only a guerilla. If not holding a commission fi'om the Rebel government, he was fighting for the Confederacy, and was ranked with Morgan and Mosby. He was an ally of Jeff Davis and General Lee. Wlien were his acts disavowed by the Rebel government ? What restraint was ever laid upon him ? He passed from the scene of massacre, lighted by the flames of 1864.] SIIKRMAN IN SOUTH CAROLINA. 448 the burning town, safely into the Rebel lines, where instead of outlawry he found protection and favor. On what page of Con- federate history shall we read the remonstrance of Lee, Davis, Stephens, Toombs, or Breckenridge ? Where is the protest of the "chivalrous" gentlemen of the South? What action was taken by the Rebel Congress ? Vain the search for disavowal of or protest against the act. The historian of another generation will be able to pass right judgment upon all that has transpired during these dark years of anarchy and revolution, sorrow, tears, and anguish. The verdict of posterity will be just, and will endure through tlie ages. MISSISSIPPI RIVER HOSPITAL Sl'EAMEH. k 444 THE BOYS OF '61. "Dec CHAPTER XXYII. 50UTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE WAR. To fully comprehend the fitting punishment of South Caro- lina wo must keep in remembrance her position before the war. We must behold her as she appeai*ed in 1860, — the leader and chief conspirator against the Republic. She had always taken a prominent part in the political affairs of the nation. Although a State, she was hardly a re- publican commonwealth, and very far from being a democracy. The State was ruled by a clique, composed of wealthy men, of ancient name, who secured privileges and prerogatives for themselves at the expense of the people, who had but little voice in electing their lawgivers. The basis of representation in the Legislature was exceed- ingly complex. In the 'House of Representatives it was a mix- ture of property, population, white inhabitants, taxation, and slaves. In the Senate it consisted of geographical extent, white and slave population, taxation, and property. The Senate was constituted after the " Parish system," which gave the whole control of political affairs in the State into the hands of a few wealthy men from the sea-coast. There are two distinct classes of people in South Carolina, — the lowlanders and the uplanders. The settlers of the low- lands were emigrants from England and France, gentlemen with aristocratic ideas. The settlers of the uplands, in the western counties, were pioneers from Virginia and North Caro- lina, — small farmers, cultivating their own lands. During the Revolutionary war the uplanders were Whigs, the lowlanders Tories. The lowlanders had wealth, the uplanders were poor. "When the Constitution was formed, organizing a State govern- ment, the lowlanders took care of their own interests. The lowlands in Colonial times were divided into parishes, and vrith the forming of the Constitution each parish was to have a BATTLE Ob' FORT SUMTEIl p 18(34.] SOUTH CAKOLENA BEFORE THE WAR. 445 Senator. The uplands, not being parishes, were districts of much larger territorial area, hence political power fell into the hands of a few individuals along the coast. As white pop- ulation increased in the districts, and decreased or remained stationary in the parishes, the up-country men tried to emanci- pate themselves from political serfdom, but there was no rem- edy except by an amendment to the Constitution, through a Convention called by the Legislature ; and as the lowlanders had control of that body, there was no redress. The State, therefore, became an engine of political power, managed and worked by a few men from Charleston, Beaufort, St. Helena, Edisto, Colleton, and other parishes along the sea-coast. Nature gave South Carolina sunny skies and a genial clime. The sea contributed an atmosphere which gained for Edisto and St. Helena islands the monopoly in the world's markets for cotton of finest fibre. Wealth increased with the gathering in of each new crop, and with wealth came additional power. Superiority of political privilege made the few impatient of restraint and ambitious not only to control State, but national affairs. South Carolina attempted defiance of national law in 1832, and was defeated. The parislies governed the State solely in the interests of slavery. It gave them power, to perpetuate which they made slavery aggressive. Here is exposed the root from which Se- cession sprung. Free labor in the North was a plant of vigorous growth. Slavery was slow. It left worn-out lands in its track. Hard work, brutality, and sin sent its rictims to an early grave. Freedom was gaining ground. Slavery must be carried into the Territories and secure a foothold in advance of fico labor. So the struggle began, and through pride, passion, and malignant hatred of the North Secession was at last ac- complished. Upon the assembling of the Legislature for the choice of Presidential electors, the President of the Senate, W. D. Por- ter, of Charleston, said to his fellow-legislators : — " All that ia dear and precious to this people, — life, fortune, name, and history, — all is committed to our keeping for weal or for woe, for honor or for shame. Let us do our part, so that those who come after us shall acknowledge that we were not unworthy of the great trusts 446 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec. devolved upon us, and not unequal to the great ezig&ncieR by which we were tried. .... No human power can witlislund or break down a nnited people, standing upon their own soil and defending their own firesides." * Thoy mado thoir election. Tliey tliought it to be weal, but uudor God's providence it proved to be woe. A Hcnator said : — * We have two ways before us, — in one, whether we will or not, we muHt tread ; for, in the event of this issue, there would be no repose. In both lie dangers, difficulties, and troubles, which no human foresight can foreshadow or perceive ; but they are not equal in magnitude. One is beset with humiliation, dishonor, cotcm/m, rebellion, — with submis- sion in the beginning to all, and at all times, and confiscation and slavery in the end. Tlie other, it is true, has its difficulties and trials, but no disgrace. Hope, duty, and honor shine along the path. Hope beacons you to the end For himself he would unfurl the Pal- metto ilag, fling it to the breeze, and with the spirit of a brave man determine to live and die as became our glorious ancestors, and ring the clarion notes of defiance in the face of an insolent foe."* When assembled in Hibernia Hall, in Charleston, since called Secession Hall, the delegates gave free utterance to their senti- ments. Said Mr. Parker : — " It is no spasmodic cflbrt that has come suddenly upon us ; it has been gradually culminating for a long period of thirty years. At last it has come to that point where one may say the matter is entirely right." " I have been engaged in this movement ever since I entered political life," said Lawrence M. Koitt. " It is not anything produced by Mr. Lincoln's election or by the non-execution of the Fugitive Slave Law. It has been a matter which has been gathering head for thirty years," said II. Barnwell Rhett. It was the fire of 1832 flaming anew. No rights had been invaded. That Secession was inaugurated without cause must ever be the verdict of history. And history will forever hold John C. Calhoun, R. Barnwell Rhett, Right Rev. Bishop Elliott, • Proceedings of Sonth Caroliaa Legislatare. t Speech of Senator Chestnut. [864.] SOUTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE WAR. 447 Rev. Dr. Tliomwell, and otlier statesmen, editors, ministers,— members of the slaveholding forum, bar, and pulpit, — respon- sible for all the suffering, bloodshed, and desolation which have come to the country. Proud in spirit was South Carolina just then. The cotton crop was luxuriant. Planters were plethoric with money. The internal slave-trade established its marts of human flesh all through the South. Virginia became slave-breeding, and South Carolina slave-consuming. In former years slavery was deemed an evil, a curse ; but the call for cotton, its rise in mar- ket value, with increased profit of culture and a consequent demand for labor, transformed it into a blessing, to be perpet uated for the best good of the human race. It was found to be in perfect accordance with the teachings of the Bible. The system itself was right; the abuse of the good was only evil. Rev. Dr. Thornwell, Professor of The- ology in the Presbyterian Seminary at Columbia, came boldly forward to advocate slavery as a Divine institution, ordained of God for the welfare of the human race. He preached thus : — " Our slaves are our solemn trust, and while we have a right to use and direct their labors, we are bound to feed, clothe, and protect them, to give them the comforts of this life, and to introduce them to the hope of a blessed immortality. They are moral beings, and it will be found that in the culture of their moral nature we reap the largest reward from their service. The relation itself is moral, and in the tender affections and endearing sympathies it evokes it gives scope for the most attractive graces of human character. Strange as it may sound to those who are not familiar with the system, slavery is a school of virtue, and no class of men have furnished sublimer instances of heroic devotion than slaves in their loyalty and love to their masters. We have seen them rejoice at the cradle of the infant, and weep at the bier of the dead ; and there are few among us who have not drawn their nourishment from their generous breastfl." • Such was the teaching from those who called themselves appointed of God to preach the Gospel of purity and peace. Church and State, morals and religion, everything that could give strength and respectibility to their cause, were brought in • Son them Presbtfterian Review, January, 1861. 448 TllK HOYS OF "61. [D'iC. to aid tho work of the ooiispirators. So thorough were the teachings, that South Carolina hecamo almost a unit on the question of Secession. The poophi of the South charge the Union army with dese- crating their church edifices. Is it a wonder that soUliers, reasoning from cause to effect, conchided that tho religion which was foremost in precipitating a Rebellion which sus- tained such an iphuman system was not worth serious consid- eration ? Is it a wonder that, after experiencing the horrors of Rebel prisons, they lost reverence for a religion which could uphold a government guilty of such fiendish cruelties ? Slavery was tho corner-stone and foundation of tlio Confed- eracy. Never was the trade in slaves between States so thriv- ing as during the winter of 18G0. And the leaders of the Rebellion were looking forward to the time when the commerce with Africa would be reopened. }t[r. Lamar of Savannah, who during the Rebellion was agent of the Confederacy in London for the purchase of army supplies, imported m tlie bark Wan- derer a cargo of native Atricans, some of whom were sold in Charleston. There was a large party in the Confederate Con- gress which advocated the resumption of tlio foreign trade, tho abolition of which in 1808 was set down as one of the griev ances of the South. It is the province of history to make a record of the bad as well as the good, shameful and humiliating though it may be. Sin and wickedness are horrible facts. To view them as such, to contemplate them in contrast with hoUncss and righteous- ness, and draw useful lessons from such contemplation, is far better than to say that they have no place in history. Poster- ity will wonder that a Church which called itself Christian ever gave its support and advocacy to aii institution which daily brought its victims, like cattle, to the auction-block, which made no distinction of age, which was remorseless as death, and which from the cradle to the grave held its victim as with a tiger's gripe. On the opposite page is presented a sample of an auctioneer's handbill, which I found upon the tioor of the slave-mart, with tlio prices paid by the buyers marked in pencil against the names of the " chattels," and now appeai'ing in parentheses. 1864.] SOUTH CAKOLINA BKl'DBE THE WAR. 449 Administrator's Sale, by Order of the Ordinary. A PRIME AND ORDERLY GANG OF 68 Long Cotton Field Negroes, Bolonging to the Estiite of tlio Into Christopher J. Whaloy. WILBUR & SON Will sell ut PUBLIC AUCTION in Charleston, At the Mart in Chalmers Street, On Thiansdajr, l^eb. ad, I860, OOMMENOINQAT ELEVEN O'CLOCK, THE FOLLOWING GANG OF LONG COTTON NEGROES, Who are said to be remarkably prime, and will be sold as per Catalogue. NAMK8. AQES. NAMES. AQBB. Jimmy, driver. 30 Carter, 86 Flora, seamstress. 24 Tafly, 18 James, . 5 Rachel, (» 720,) 8 Charles, (S 125,) 1 Jannett, 18 AufTiist, 62 rhebe. (*.^ (!0,) 40 Mathias, (S 1,220,) 18 Judy, 8 Sandy, 16 Major, 40 John, 18 Lavinia, SO Tom, 70 Billy, (8650,) 10 Jack, 88 Tamor, C James, 6 Jimmy, 52 Leah, 6 Kate, 46 Flora, 2 Susan, 26 Andrew, 42 Thomas, (« 880,) 6 Binah, 40 Kate, 1 Pbillis, 20 Edward, coachman, 49 Mary, 16 Amey, 22 Lynius, 10 Teneh, washer, 80 Abram, (S 275,) 2 Josephin e, 9 Binah, 2 mos. Sam, 11 Andrew, 29 Isaac, 6 Ilagar, 26 William, 1 Dayman » 4 Amey, 27 CuiFy, 21 Louisa, (« 760,) 8 Hagar, ($ 1,820,) 20 Joe, 8 Margaret, 85 Sam, ruptured. 66 Lucy, cripple, 60 Andrew, dropsical. 61 John, 22 Daniel, 70 Ellick, ($1,160,) 18 Lymus, 80 Libby, 19 Lucy, nurse. 68 TERMS. One-third Cash; balauoe in one and two years, Nccurod by bond, and mortgage of the negroes, with approTed personiil securitv I'urchasers to pay as for papem. 29 450 THE BOYS OF '61. [DeC. Tlie Charleston Mercury was the organ of the Secessionists from the start. It not only advocated Secession as a political principle, but filled its colnnins with articles holding up to ridi- cule and contempt the people of the North. The spirit of hate i-cemed to seize the whole community, in which women even exceeded their husbands. Thus wrote a Southern lady : — " I would rather die than hold a position of inferiority and vassalage to the North, and the dominant feeling of my heart is to leave a State where men are too cowardly to protect their women and too mercenary to risk their money." * " The question has thrust itself into our domestic fireside, and you find all classes, — men, women, and children, — ask- ing what they must do to be saved," said W. F. Cullock, Col lector of Charleston, in a speech at the Pulaski House, Savan nail, on the opening of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. " Fight ! Secede ! " was the response from the drunken crowd. The South Carolina Muse tuned her lyre and sang, - " We '11 unfurl the Lone-Star banner, And we '11 keep it waving high ; For Secession we are pledged, For Secession we will die." The city of Charleston was foremost for Secession. Wlien the news was received that Mr. Lincoln was elected President, a red flag, with the palmetto-tree and a lone star wrought upon it, was raised. Says the Mercury : " A shout and twice three cheers greeted its appearance. The Association of 1860 assem- bled. The feeling was for prompt action." The Legislature was in session at Columbia. On the 11th of the month a bill was passed calling a State convention. " Gentlemen, hats off! " said the Mercury. " Then hip-hip hip-hurrah ! — and hip-hip-hip-hurrah — hurrah — hurrah — hurrah — for the homes welove!"t Then more soberly the editor added : — " The news of the passage of the convention resolutions by an almost unanimous vote, at Columbia, was received in this city on Sat- • Charleston Mercury, November 3, 1860 t Mercury, November 12, 1860. 1864.] SOUTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE WAR. 461 •jrday night with demonstrations which have, perhaps, never been equalled in the political history of the country. Our whole commu- nity seemed to breathe freer and deeper, and upon every brow sat confidence and hope. It was as though the glorious sun had suddenly dispersed cloud and mist and vapor, and sent its illuminating rajs to every heart and home. Men looked each other in the face as men should do who feel that under Grod their destinies are in their own hands." Thus a " daughter of South Carolina " inflamed her sisters : - - " Listen, daughters of South Carolina, to the voice of a faithful sister Should our State back out now she would be disgraced forever Shrink now, and we are crushed forever. Then there will be no end of the trouble you fear. Abolition emissaries will be at work all over the South, inciting the negroes in every direction. Trials must come, but let them come in the right way, and all will be well. Secede, put ourselves in a state of defence ; be ready for any emergency. Should the government coerce, our sister States will come to the rescue. Let it be so. Better perish beneath the shock than to live degraded. . . . women of South Carolina ! Mothers, sisters, wives ! do not wear the white feather now, unless, like that gallant king of old, it waves on our men to the war." • Said another : — " Let us women of Carolina prove that the same noble spirit which visited the mothers and maidens of '76 is alive, and glowing in the spirits of their descendants. I am myself a widowed mother, but 1 have said to my three sons, that if any one of them shall be craven enough to desert the State now, to temporize in her councils, or be backward if her honor calls them to the field, let him never look upon my face again." t What had transpired to produce this white heat of passion ? Simply that a party was coming into power opposed to the ex- tension of slavery over free territory. True this party had also disavowed any intention of interference with slavery in the States ; but restriction was loss of power, — paralysis and death at last. The grievance of South Carolina arose wholly from slavery. She claimed the right to traflic in human be- mgs. She believed it was a natural right, authorized by the • Mercury, November 9, 1860. t Charleston Mercury, Ncvember 17, I860. •452 THE BOYS OF '61. [Dec. Creatoi ot the universe, ha^diig the sanction and solemnity of the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and Christ himself. It was a natural, moral, and scriptural right for a master to rob his brother in the Lord of his earnings during the week, commune with him on Sunday, whip him on Monday, and sell him on Tuesday. The institution being missionary in its nature, and designed to carry the Gospel to Africa, he had a right to sepa- rate husbands and wives, parents and children, break the marriage relation, and establish new alliances at will. No doubt they were sincere in their belief that the system was not only good in itself, but that it was a beneficent arrange- ment for the well-being of the human race. Certainly it was beneficial to the master ; why should it not be to the slave ? Men can be as sincerely zealous for Wrong as for Right. Eighteen hundred years ago a man zealous for the truth filled the prisons of Syria with Christians, and thought he was doing righteously in the sight of God ; and human nature is the same now as then. Men and women who advocated the righteousness of slavery were scrupulous to a penny in their dealings with one another, and with colored people who were free, — but the loss of freedom gave the right to commit robbery ! Strange, also, the confusion and delusion of moral ideas. Society prided itself on its virtue. Men and women of Caucasian blood de- parting from morality found the door of society shut against them ; but slavery being patriarchal it was not a crime, not even an offence against morality, for a planter to choose a Bagar from his slaves. Society placed no bar in his way, the Church no ban upon his action. Hagar could be taken into the master's household, appear in silks and satins, with Isli- mael for the pet of the family, or both could be knocked otf to the highest bidder in the mart, separated and sent one to the rice-swamps of Georgia and the other to the cane-brakes of Louisiana, Hagar weeping and mournhig for her child, and the planter, with the price of blood in his pocket, be received in any parlor in Charleston, or made Governor of the State I There were patriarchs in the convention which carried South Carolina out of the Union, who were urged on to treason by the women of the South. Ishmael would not rise in insurrec- tion, even if his brother Isaac and father A.braliam went to war. 1864.] SOUTH CABOLINA BEFORE THE WAB. 453 Said another " daughter of South Carolina " : — " Arming the State will keep the negroes in check. They are arrant cowards, those dear dark friends of ours. [?] Some of you can remem- ber how in '22 they would shrink away at the gleam of their master's sword as he armed for the nightly patrol, and the creaking of the horseman's saddles as they paraded the streets sent them hiding in every hole and comer." * Isaac was eager for the fray ; he burned to fight the Yankees. Hence the consummation of the treason. • CbarlMton Mercury, November 9, 1860. 454 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feo. CHAPTER XXVIII. SUMTER. Fort Sdmteb was evacuated by the Rebels and occupied by Lhc Union troops on the 18th of February, 1865 ; but before entering upon the events of that ever-memorable morning it will give breadth and color to the picture to glance at the scenes witnessed there at the beginning and during the Re- bellion. On the 17th of December, 1860, Governor Pickens sent a strictly confidential letter to President Buchanan. " To spare the effusion of blood," said he, " which no human power may be able to prevent, I earnestly beg your immediate consideration of all the points I call your attention to I would most respect- fully, and from a sincere devotion to the public peace, request that you will allow me to send a small force, not exceeding twenty-five men and an oflBcer, to take possession of Fort Sumter immediately, in order to give a feeling of safety to the community. There are no United States troops in that fort whatever, or perhaps only four or five at present, besides some additional workmen or laborers lately employed to put the guns in order If Fort Sumter could be given to me as Giovernor, I think the public mind would be quieted, under a feeling of safety." The State seceded on the 20th. Major Anderson with a handful of men was at Fort Moultrie. "The garrison wiD not be strengthened. The people will obey the call for war, and take the forts," said the Charleston Mercury of the 22d. Five days later, on the 27th, the people of Charleston looked seaward and saw Moultrie in flames, and the stars and stripes waving over Sumter. They were indignant. They consid- ered it a breach of faith. " Anderson has opened civil war," said the Courier* • Courier, December 29, 1860. 1865.] suMTEE. 466 " His act must be repudiated by the governmout/' said the Mercury * '■'• Unless you order Anderson back, I cannot, under my con- victions of patriotism and honor, continue to hold office," said the Secretary of War, John B. Floyd, of Virginia, f Charleston was intensely excited. " Assemble the Light Infantry and the Meagher Guards at ihe Citadel. Arm them and take possession of Castle Pinck- ney. Proceed immediately to Fort Moultrie ; send troops to Morris Iskind," were the orders of Governor Pickens to Colonel Pettigrew. " Our line of operations embraces four points : Fort Moultrie, Castle Pinckney, Fort Johnson, and Morris Island. You are indebted to the forbearance of the enemy for the liberty of transporting the reinforcements and supplies, which you ordered at midnight, and which are to be sent to your battery now in course of erection on Morris Island. A single gun from Fort Sumter would sink your transports and destroy your troops and «}upplies," reported General Simmons to the Governor on the Ist of Januaiy. It was the language of war. The United States was an enemy. The guns of Moultrie were already trained on Sumter. The battery on Morris Island was for the destruction of that fort. South Carolina had begun the war in intention and in fact. The erection of the battery was war. On the 9th of January the same battery opened fire on the Star of the West, steaming into the harbor, bearing the United States flag. " You are asked to surrender the fort to the constituted authorities of South Carolina," was the demand of Governor Pickens on the 11th. " I cannot comply with your request," was the response from Anderson. Then came the negotiations between Charleston and Wash- ington, — the demands upon Buchanan, the shuffling and indecision of the two-faced, unprincipled politician, who had written himself down as an " Old Public Functionary." Mayor * Merewy, December 29, 1860. t Floyd's Letter to Buchanan 456 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. Anderson was watched day and night, cut off from intercourse with the shore, deprived of fresh provisions, treated as an enemy, and compelled to see the preparations on Morris Island and on the floating battery for the reduction of the fort. Thus February and March passed away. His provisions were nearly gone. Troops were pouring into Charleston from all parts of the State and from other States. Savannah sent a company early m December. They were under the command of General Beauregard, — a small, brown, thin, wiry man, forty years old, born upon the banks of the Mississippi, in Louisiana, yet more of a Frenchman than an American. Mr. Lincoln could not consent that Miyor Anderson should starve. The people of the North would not permit it. Its sentiment was for sustaining an officer who had been true to his oath, amid a general breaking down of loyalty. Sunday dawned, the 7th of April, and Major Anderson, look- ing out from his prison, saw the Rebels hard at work to com- plete the batteries on Morris Island. " An attempt will be made to supply Fort Sumter with pro- visions only," was the official notice from President Lincoln to Pickens on the 8th. " Demand the surrender of the fort ; if refused, reduce it," was the order from Montgomery. " Surrender," was the message of Beauregard to Anderson '' I cannot ; but I shall soon be starved out imless relieved," was the courteous reply. '' When will you evacuate ? " '*■ At noon on the 15th, if I receive no supplies," wrote Anderson on tlie 11th. '' I shall open fire in one hour," was the last message of Beauregard, at twenty minutes past three on tlie morning of the 12th. Then came the roar of the first gun, fired by old Mr. Ruffin. gi-ay-haired, nearly fourscore. Not the young bloods of the South alone, but men and women of all ages and classes were crazy for the contest. Shells burst in the fort, phmgiug tlirough the wooden bar- racks and officers' quarters. Solid shot from Morris Island were hurled point-blank against the walls. All day the batter ies flamed, and Sumter leisurely replied. DEFENOK OP FORT SUMTER. 1865.] SUMTER. 457 When darkness came on Sumter closed its port-holes and rested, but the Rebels, like spirits of evil, were at work through the night. The second day dawned, and all the cannon were roaring again. The barracks were on fire, the smoke curling into the casemates, the hot stifling air reaching the gunners, who, wrapping themselves in wet cloths, and covering their faces, crept along the passages, rolling casks of powder into the sea. What delight on shore to see the flames mount above the walls ! With what energy Moultrie, Pinckney, and Morris Island and the floating battery redoubled their fire. All but three of Anderson's cartridges were gone. The flagstaff was shot away. " The flag is down ! " is the cry within the fort. Up into the storm, where the shot and shell arc falling, walks Lieutenant Hall, planting the flag upon the parapet, where it waves till Wigfall appears at a port-hole. Then the parley, — the surrender, — and Charleston was excited as never before or since. Men and women on the house-tops, and gathered in church-steeples ; business at a stand still, champagne flowing like water, costliest wines quaffed at the expense of merchants of New York ; bells ringing, guns firing, ladies waving their handkerchiefs, — the city all aglow with bonfires in the even- ing ; crowds surging through the streets, or drinking whiskey in the bar-rooms : Beauregard the Napoleon of the new era. Governor Pickens addressed the mob from the balcony of the Charleston Hotel : — " It is a glorious and exultant occasion. Fellow-citizens, I clearly saw that the day was coming when we would triumph beyond the power of man to put us down. Thank God the day has come, — thank God the war is open, and we will conquer or perish ! We have defeated their twenty millions, and we have made the proud flag of the stars and stripes, that never was lowered before to any nation on this earth, — we have lowered it in humility before the glori- ous little State of South Carolina 1 " * Intoxicated with wine and whiskey, delirous with success, insane with Secession, the jubilant crowd cheer and drink, and shout again, bidding defiance to the government, and cursing the Yankees. • Speech of Governor Pickenw. 468 THE HOYS OF "61. [Fcb. Four years pass, and Sumter is repossessed by the troops of the Union. How cheering the sight to behold once more the crimson folds and fadeless stars of our coimtry's flag wav- ing in the sunlight over the crumbled walls ! Early in the morning wo entered the harbor, — General Gillmore and staff. General Webster, chief of General Sher- man's staff, with several gentlemen and ladies from Port Royal. The blockaduig fleet and the monitors were steaming in, their long watch through the sweltering days of summer and the stormy nights of winter at an end. They were feel- ing their way up the channel searching for torpedoes. The steamer Deer, built on the Clyde, a few hours from Nassau, with an assorted cargo, — alow, rakish, fast-running craft, with steam escaping from her pipes, — was lying under the guns of a monitor. She had worked her way in during the night. The crestfallen captain was chewing the cud of disappointment on the quarter-deck, looking gloomily seaward the while, and doubtless wishing himself in the harbor of Nassau. Two nights before the Syren had passed in. The wreck of a third blockade-runner was lying on the sands of Sullivan's Island, near Moultrie, wliich months before had been run ashore by the fleet. The tide was surging through the cabin windows. Bai-nacles had fastened upon the hull, and long tresses of green, dank seaweed hung trailing from the iron paddle-wheels. It was a satisfaction to know that the time was at hand when Englishmen at Nassau would have lo shut up shop. We glided along the shore of Morris Island, white with tents. What heroic valor on tliose sands, — the assault upon Wagner, the slow, persistent excavation of the trenches, the unremitting vigilance and energy, the endurance which had forced the evacuation of Morris Island, — the turning of the guns of Wagner iipon Sumter, the planting of the " Swamp- Angel " battery, — the first shell sent streaming into the city, startling the inhabitants, and awaking the unpleasant con- viction that the Yankees were at their doors ! So memory ran over the historic events, as we swept up the channel. The steamer could not approach near tlie landing, and we were taken to the fort in small boats. We reached the interior through a low, narrow passage. 1865.] SUMTEB. 459 The fort bore little resemblance to its forraer appearance, externally or internally. None of the original face of the wall was to be seen, except on the side towards Charleston and a portion of that facing Moultrie. From the harbor and from Wagner it appeared only a tumulus, — the debris of an old ruin. All the casemates, arches, pillars, and parapets were torn up and utterly demolished. The great guns which two years be- fore kept the monitors at bay, which flamed and thundered awhile upon Wagner, were dismounted, broken, and partially buried beneath the mountain of brick, dust, concrete, sand, and mortar. Ai'ter Dupont's attack, in April, 18G3, a reinrorct> ment of palmetto-logs was made on the harbor side, and against half of the wall facing Moultrie, and the lower casemates wore filled with sand-bags ; but when General Gillmore obtained pos- session of Wagner, his fire began to crumble the parapet. The Rebels endeavored to maintain its original height by gabions filled with sand, but this compelled a widening of the base in- side by sand-bags, thousands of which were brought to the fort at night. Day after day, week after week, the pounding from Wagner was maintained so eflbctually that it was impossible to keep a gun in position on the side of Sumter fronting it, and the only guns remaining mounted were five or six on the side towards Moultrie, in the middle tier of casemates. Five how- itzers were kept on the walls to repel an attack by small boats, the garrison keeping under cover, or seeking shelter whenever the lookout cried, " A shot ! " Cheveaux-de-frise of pointed sticks protected the fort from a scaling narty. At the base outside was a barrier of interlaced wire, supported by iron posts. There was also a submerged network of wii'e and chains, kept in place by floating buoys. I had the cui'iosity to make an inspection of the wall nearest Moultrie, to see what had been the effect of the fire of the iron- clads in Dupont's attack. With my glass at that time I could see that the wall was badly honeycombed ; a close inspection now proved that the fire was very damaging. There were seams in the masonry, and great gashes where the solid bolts crumbled the bricks to dust. It was evident that if the fire had been continued any considerable length of time the wall would have fallen. Its effect suggested the necessity of filling up the lowei casemates. 460 THE BOYS OF '61. [FeD. All hour was passed in the fort, the band playing national airs, and the party inspecting the ruins and gathering relics. Captain James of the Massachusetts Fifty-Fourth, aide to General Gillmore, was wounded in the assault on Wagner. He gazed at the ruins with a satisfaction not unmixed with mel- ancholy, for beneath the sands of Morris Island was lying his beloved commander, Colonel Shaw. The Rebels had refused to give up his body. " Let him lie buried beneath his niggers," was their answer to the request. And there he lies beside the brave men who followed him to death and glory, having won an immortal name no less as the commander of the first negro regiment sent to the war than by his gentle bearing as a man and bravery as a soldier. His acceptance of the command of the despised men who gladly enlisted when called to the field required at the time a devo- tion to principle and a decision of character, to face the gibes and sneers flimg at him by negro-haters in his rear, greater than the courage to meet the enemy at the front. But he nobly led the way, and silenced every carping tongue. For four long years the cannon of Sumter had hurled defi- ance at the rights of man ; but the contest now was ended. Eternal principles had prevailed against every efibrt of Rebei hate to crush them. The strong earthworks on Sullivan's and Johnson's islands, the batteries in the harbor, Castie Pinckney and Fort Ripley, and those in the city erected by slaves, were useless forever, except as monuments of folly and wickedness. As I stood there upon the ruins of Sumter, look- ing down into the crater, the past like a panorama was unrolled, exhibiting the mighty events which will forever make it memo- rable. The silent landing of Major Anderson at the postern gate, the midnight prayer and solemn consecration of the little baud to defend the flag till the last, the long weeks of prepara- ation by the Rebels, the Star of the West turning her bow sea- ward, the 12th of April, the barracks on fire, the supplies ex- hausted, the hopelessness of success, the surrender, and all that had followed, were vivid memories of the moment. How inspiring to hear the music of the band, to behold the numerous vessels of the fleet decorated from bowsprit to yard- arm and topmast with flags and streamers, to recall the heroic 1865.] SUMTER. 461 Bacrifices of those who had fought through tho weary years, to know that Sumter, Moultrie, the city, and the State were redeemed from the worst system of vassalage, that our country was still a nation, renewed and regenerated by its baptism of fire and blood, that truth and right were vindicated before the world ; and to look down the coming years, and know that Freedom was secured to all beneath the folds of the flag that had withstood the intrigues of cabals and the shock of battle, and that Christianity and civilization, twin agents of human progress, had received an impetus that would forever keep us in the van of nations. Looking at that flag, involuntarily I repeated the words of the song which I heard when the shadows of night fell upon the gory field of Antietam, sung by our wounded in one of the hospitals : — " Our flag is there 1 our flag is there 1 We hail it with three loud huzzas ! Our flag is there I our flag is there ! Behold the glorious stripes and stars 1 Stout hearts have fought for that bright flag, Strong hands sustained it masthead high, iind O, to see how proud it waves, Brings tears of joy to every eyo 1 " %^^^ V/). ^>V^ ili^4^' y /!>»(? I) u 1 462 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. CHAPTER XXIX. CHARLESTON. A CITT of ruins, — silent, mournful, in deepest humiliatio It was early morning when we reached the wharf, piled with merchandise, not busy with commercial activity as in other days, but deserted, its timbers rotting, its planks decayed, its sheds tumbling in and reeling earthward. The slips, once crowded with steam and sailing vessels, were now vacant, ex- cept that an old sloop with a worm-eaten gunwale, tattered sails, and rigging hanging in shreds, alone remained. A few fishermen's dories only were rocking on the waves, tethered to the wharves by rotten ropes, wliere the great cotton Argosies in former years had shipped or landed their cargoes. Before the sailors had time to make fast the steamer, myself and friend * were up the pier. The band was playing "• Hail, Columbia," and the strains floated through the desolate city, awakening wild enthusiasm in the hearts of the colored peo- ple, who came rushing down the grass-grown streets to wel- come us. When near the upper end of the pier we encountered an old man bending beneath the weight of seventy years, — such years as slavery alone can pile upon the soul. He bowed very low. " Are you not afraid of us Yankees ? " "No, massa, God bless you. I have prayed many a night for you to come, and now you are here. Bless the Lord ! Bless the Lord!" He kneeled, clasped my hand, and with streaming eyes poured out his thanks to God. Let us, before entering upon a narrative of military inci dents, look at Charleston as she was at the beginning of the • James Redpath. 1865.] CHARLESTON. 46d Rebellion, when tlie great cotton mart of the Atlantic coast, with lines of Bteamships to New York and Boston. Then her wharves not only were piled with bales of cotton and tierces of rice, or with goods from the warehouses and manufactories of New England and Great Britain, but, next to New Orleans, she was the most populous city of the South, and, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, the wealthiest. Her banks and insurance offices were as stable as those of Wall Street. She aspired to be the commercial emporium of the South. The newspapers of Charleston taught the people to believe that Secession and non-intercourse with the North would make the city the rival of New York. She first adopted the vagaries of her own son, Calhoun, on the rights of States. She proclaimed cotton king, not of America, but of the world, and in her pride believed that all nations could be brought to do her homage. She was rich and aristocratic, and looked upon the people of the North with contempt. " The Cavaliers, Jacobites, and Huguenots," wrote De Bow, " who settled the South, naturally hate, contemn, and despise the Puritans, who settled the North. The former are master races ; the latter a slave race, descendants of the Anglo-Saxon serfs." Through ignorance and vanity such assertions were accepted as truths. Boys and girls of the common schools of the North could have shown that, in the contests between the Cavaliers and Puritans, the Cavaliers were defeated ; that the Jacobites went down before the party which placed William of Orange on the throne. Charleston called the people of South Carolina into council. The Mercuri/ — that able but wicked advocate of Secession — threw out from its windows this motto : " One voice and mil- lions of strong arms to uphold the honor of South Carolina ! " Not the honor of the nation or of the people, but of South Carolina, — the Mephistopheles of the Confederacy, the seducer of States. With honeyed words, and well-timed flattery she detached State after State from the Union. " Whilst constituting a portion of the United States," said South Carolina, in her address to the slaveholding States, " it has been your statesmanship which has guided it in its mighty 464 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. strides to power aud expansion. In the field and in the cabinet you have led the way to renown and grandeur." The ministers of her churches were foremost in abetting the RebelUon. Church and State, merchant and planter, all from high to low of the white population, brought themselves to believe that their iufluence was world-wide, through King Cotton and his prime minister, African Slavery. Hence the arrogance, fierce intolerance, and mad hate which had tiicir only prototypes in the Rebellion of the Devil and his angels against Beneficent Goodness. The siege of Charleston was commenced on the 21st of August, 1863, by the opening of the " Swamp-Angel " battery. On the 7th of September Fort Wagner was taken, and other guns were trained upon the city, compelUng the evacuation of the lower half. For fourteen months it had been contmued ; not a furious bombardment, but a slow, steady fire from day to day. About thirteen thousand shells had been thrown into the town, — nearly a thousand a month. They were fired at a great elevation, and were plunging shots, — striking houses on the roof and passing down from attic to basement, exploding in the chambers, cellars, or in the walls. The efiect was a complete riddling of the houses. Brick walls were blown into millions of fragments, roofs were torn to pieces ; rafters, beams, braces, scantlings, were splin- tered mto jack-straws. Churches, hotels, stores, dwellings, public buildings, and stables, all were shattered. There were great holes in the ground, where cart-loads of earth had been excavated in a twinkling. In 1860 the population of the city was 48,509, — 26,969 whites, 17,655 slaves, and 3,885 free colored. The first flight from the city was in December, 1861, when Port Royal fell into the hands of Dupont ; but when it was found that the oppor- tunity aflbrded at that time for an advance inland was not improved, most of those who had moved away returned. The attack of Dupont upon Sumter sent some flying again ; but not till the messengers of the "Swamp Angel" dropped among them did the inhabitants think seriously of leaving. Some went to Augusta, others to Columbia, others to Cheraw. Many wealthy men bought homes in the country. The upper 1865.] CHAELESTON. ' 465 part of the city was crowded. Men of fortune who had lived in princely style were compelled to put up with one room. Des- olation had been coming on apace. The city grew old rapidly, and had become the completest ruin on the continent. There were from ten to fifteen thousand people still remaining in it, two thirds of whom were colored. When Sherman flanked Orangeburg, Hardee, who com- manded the Rebels in Charleston, saw that he must evacuate the place. There was no alternative ; he must give up Sumter, Moulti-ie, and the proud old city to the Yankees. It was bitter as death ! A few of the heavy guns were sent off to North Carolina, all the trains which could be run on the rail- road were loaded with ammunition and commissary supplies, the guns in the forts were spiked, and the troops withdrawn. The inhabitants had been assured that the place should be defended to the last; and in the Courier office we found the following sentence in type, which had been set up not twenty- four hours before the evacuation : " There are no indications that our authorities have the first intention of abandoning Charleston, as I have ascertained from careful inquiry ! " Du- plicity to the end. The Rebellion was inaugurated through deception, and had been sustained by an utter disregard of truth. Friday and Saturday were terrible days. Carts, carriages, wagons, horses, mules, all were brought into use. The rail- road trains were crowded. Men, women, and children fled, terror-stricken, broken-hearted, humbled in spirit, from their homes. How different from the 12th of April, 1861, when they stood upon the esplanade of the battery, sat upon the house-tops, clustered in the steeples, looking seaward, shouting and waving their handkerchiefs as the clouds of smoke and forked flames rolled up from Sumter ! " God don't pay at the end of every week, but he pays at last, my Lord Cardinal," said Anne of Austria. General Hardee remained in the city till Friday night, the 17th instant, when he retired with the army, leaving a de- tachment of cavalry to destroy what he could not remove. Every building and shed in which cotton had been stored was fired on Saturday morning. The ironclads " Palmetto State," so 466 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb '' Chicora," aiid " Charleston " were also given to llie flames. They lay at the wharves, and had each large quantities of pow- der and shell on board. General Hardee knew that the explo- sions of the magazines would send a storm of fire upon the city. He knew it would endanger the lives of thousands ; but what cared he ? Governor McGrath called upon the people to destroy their houses. The newspapers pointed to Moscow as a sublime instance of heroic devotion. Human life, the wailing of infants, the feebleness of old age, weighed nothing with Hampton, Hardee, McGrath, General Lee, or Jeff Davis. The torch was applied early on the morning of the 18th. The citizens sprang to the fire-engines and succeeded in extinguish- ing the flames in several places ; but in other parts of the city the fire had its own way, burning till there was nothing more to devour. On the wharf of the Savannah Railroad depot were several hundred bales of cotton and several thousand bushels of rice. On Lucas Street, in a shed, were twelve hundred bales of cotton. There were numerous other sheds all filled. Near by was the Lucas mill, containing thirty thousand bushels of rice, and Walker's warehouse, with a large amoimt of com- missary stores, all of which were licked up by the fire so re- morselessly kindled. At the Northeastern Railroad depot there was an immense amount of cotton which was fired. The depot was full of com- missary supplies and ammunition, powder in kegs, shells, and cartridges. The people rushed in to obtain the supplies. Sev- eral hundred men, women, and children were in the building when the flames reached the ammunition and the fearful explo- sion took place, lifting up the roof and bursting out the walls, and scattering bricks, timbers, tiles, beams, through the air; shells crashed through the panic-stricken crowd, followed by the shrieks and groans of the mangled victims lying helpless in the flames, burning to cinders in the all-devouring element. Nor was this all. At the wharves were the ironclads, burning, torn, rent, scattered over the water and land, — their shells and solid shot, iron braces, red-hot iron plates, falling in an infernal shower, firing the wharves, the buildings, and all that could burn. There was more than this. Two magnificent Blakely guns— 1865.J CHAiiLESTON. 467 one at the battery, the other near the gas-works on Cooper River — were loaded to the muzzle and trains laid to burst them. The concussion shattered all the houses in the immediate vicinity. The buUdings near the Northeastern depot were swept away. All the houses embraced in the area of four squares disappeared. The new bridge leading to James Island was destroyed, the fire eating its way slowly from pier to pier through the day. The citizens did their utmost to stay the flames, but from sunrise to sunset on Saturday, all tlirough Saturday night, Sunday, and Monday, the fire burned. How fearful this retribution for crime ! Abandoned by those who had cajoled and deceived them, who had brought about their calamity, while swearing to defend them to the last, humbled, reduced from affluence to poverty, the people of Charleston were compelled to endure the indescribable agony of those days. Colonel Bennett, commanding the Twenty-First United States Colored Troops on Morris Island, seeing signs of evacuation on Saturday morning, the 18th, hastened up the harbor in boats with his regiment, landing at the South Atlantic wharf. " In the name of the United States government," was his note to the Mayor, " I demand the surrender of the city of which you are the executive officer. Until further orders, all citizens will remain in their houses." The mayor, meanwhile, had despatched a deputation to Mor- ris Island with formal intelligence of the evacuation. " My command," wrote Colonel Bennett, " will render every possible assistance to your well-disposed citizens in extinguish- ing the flames." The Twenty-First United States Colored Troops was made up of the old Third and Fourth South Carolina regiments, and many of them were formerly slaves in the city of Charleston. They were enlisted at a time when public sentiment was against them, in the winter of 1862-63. I was at Port Royal then, and they were employed in the quartermaster's department. They were sneered at and abused by officers and men belonging to white regiments; but Colonel Bennett continued steadfast in his determination, obtained arms after a long struggle, in which he was seconded by Colonel Littiefield, Inspector- General 468 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. of colored troops in the department. Colonel Bennett had organized four companies of the Third and Colonel Littlefield four companies of the Fourth. The two commands were united and numbered as the Twenty-First United States Colored Troops. They went to Morris Island in 1863, took part in two or three engagements, and proved themselves good soldiers of the Union. It was their high privilege to be first in the city. The stone which the builders rejected once in the history of the world became the head stone of the corner ; and in like man- ner the poor, despised, rejected African race, which had no rights, against whom the city of Charleston plotted iniquity and inaugurated treason, marched into the city to save it from destruction ! Following the Twenty-First was a detach- ment of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts. " Let him lie buried beneath his niggers ! " Stung by the insult to the memory of their lamented commander and by the sneer at themselves, will they not now wreak their vengeance on the ill-fated city ? It is their hour for retaliation. But they harbor in their hearts no malice or revenge. Conscious of their manhood, they are glad of another opportunity of showing it. The soldiers of the Fifty-Fourth have proved their prowess on the field of battle ; the}'^ have met the chivalry of South Carolina face to face, and shown their equalit}^ in courage and heroism, and on this ever-memorable day they make manifest to the world their superiority in honor and humanity. Let the painter picture it. Let the poet rehearse it. With the old flag above them, keeping step to freedom's drum-beat, up the grass-grown streets, past the slave-marts where their fami- lies and themselves have been sold in the public shambles, laying aside their arms, working the fire-engines to extinguish the flames, and, in the spirit of the Redeemer of men, saving that which was lost. " It was the intention of some of our officers to destroy the city," said one of the citizens ; " they not only set it on fire, but they double-shotted the guns of the iron-clads, and turned them upon the town, but fortunately no one was injured when they exploded." The lower half of the city was called Gillmore's town by the inhabitants. 1866.] CHAKLESTON. 46i We visited the old office of the Mercury , in Broad Street. A messenger sent by the " Swamp Angel " had preceded us, en- tering the roof, exploding within the chimney, dumping severaJ cart-loads of brickbats and soot into the editorial room, break- ing the windows and splintering the doors. It was the room in which Secession had its incubation. The leading rebellious spirits once sat there in their arm-chairs and enthroned Kin g Cotton. They demanded homage to his majesty from all nar tions. The first shell sent the Mercury up town to a safer locality, but when Sherman began his march into the interior, the Mercury fled into the country to Cheraw, right into hit line of advance ! The Courier office in Bay Street had not escaped damage. A shell went down through the floors, ripping up the boards, jarring the plaster from the walls, and exploded in the second story, rattling all the tiles from the roof, bursting out the windows, smashing the composing-stone, opening the whole building to the winds. Another shell had dashed the sidewalk to pieces and blown a passage into the cellar, wide enough to admit a six-horse wagon. Near the Courier office were the Union Bank, Farmers' and Exchange Bank, and Charleston Bank, costly buildings, fitted up with marble mantels, floors of terrarcotta tiles, counters elaborate in carved work, and with gorgeous frescoing on the walls. There, five years ago, the merchants of the city, the planters of the country, the slave- traders, assembled on exchange, talked treason, and indulged in extravagant day-dreams of the future glory of Charleston. The rooms were silent now, the oaken doors splintered, the frescoing washed from the walls by the rains which dripped from the shattered roof; the desks were kindling-wood, the highly- wrought cornice-work had dropped to the ground, the tiles were ploughed up, the marble mantles shivered, the beautifid plate- glass of the windows was in fragments upon the floor. The banks helped on the Rebellion, — contributed their funds to inaugurate it, and invested largely in the State securitios to place the State on a war footing. The three banks named held on January 6, 1862, six hundred and ten thousand dol- lars' worth of the seven per cent State stock, issued under the act of December, 1861. 470 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. The entire amount of the State loan of one million eight himdred thousand dollars issued under that act was taken by the banks of the State. Every bank with the exception of the Bank of Camden and the Commercial Bank of Columbia subscribed to the stock. The seven Charleston banks at this early stage of the war had loaned the State permanently eleven hundred and forty-two thousand dollars.* At this period of the war the State had twenty-seven thousand three hundred and sixty-two troops f in the field, out of a white population of two hundred and ninety-one thousand, by the census of 1860, — nearly one half of the voting population, so fiercely burned the fires of Secession. But the flames had reached their whitest heat. Even at that time the people had grown weary of the war, and refused to enlist. " The activity and energy had been already abstracted," writes the chief of the Military Department of the State ; " they had stricken at the sovereignty of the State ; ignorance, indolence, selfishness, disaffection, and to some extent disap- pointed ambition, were combined and made unwittingly to aid and abet the enemy, and to become the coadjutors of Lincoln and all the hosts of abolition myrmidons." :j: Passing from the banks to the hotels, we found a like scene of destruction. The doors of the Mills House were open. The windows had lost their glazing and were boarded up. Sixteen shots had struck the building. The rooms where Secession had been rampant in the beginning, where bottles of wine had been drunk over the fall of Sumter, echoed only to our footsteps. The Charleston Hotel, where Governor Pickens had uttered his proud, exultant, defiant words, was pierced in many places. Dining-halls, parlors, and chambers had been visited by mes- sengers from Wagner. I gathered strawberry flowers and dandelions from the grass-green pavement in front of the hotel, trodden by the drunken multitude on that night when the flag of the Union was humbled in the dust. No wild, tumultuous shoutings now, but silence deep, pain- * Report of Treasurer and Finance, South Carolina, 1862. t Report of James Chestnut, Chief Military Department, South Carolina, Jaa- lary 1, 1862, p. 47. t Ibid., p. 24. 1865.] CHARLESTON. 471 fill, sorrowful. Our own voices only echoed along the corridors and balconies where surged the lunatics of that hour. We passed at will along the streets, wanderers in a desolate city. Along the Battery, a beautiful promenade of the city, shaded by magnolias, and fragrant with the bloom of roses and syrin gas, overlooking the harbor, stood the residences of the " chiv- alric" men of South Carolina. From their balconies and win- dows the occupants had watched the first bombardment of Sumter. They had seen with joyful eyes the flames lick up the barracks, and the lowering of the flag of the Union. But now their palatial homes were wrecks, and they were fugitives. Doorless and windowless the houses. The elaborate centre pie- ces of stucco-work in the drawing-rooms crumbled ; the bed- rooms filled with bricks, the white marble steps and mahogany balusters shattered ; owls and bats might build their nests in the coming spring-time undisturbed in the deserted mansions the esplanade of the Battery, the pleasure-ground of the Charles- tonians, their delight and pride, was now merely a huge em- bankment of earth, — a magazine of shot and shell. The churches — where slavery had been preached as a mis sionary institudon, where Secession had been prayed for, where Te Deums had been sung over the fall of Sumter and hosannas shouted for the great victory of Manassas — were, like the houses, wrecks. The pavements were strewn with the glass shattered from the windows of old St. Michael's, the pride and reverence of Charleston ; and St. Philip's, where worshipped the rich men, where the great apostle of Secession and devotee of slavery, Calhoun, lies in his narrow cell, resembled an an- cient ruin. His grave, marked by a white marble slab, was unharmed, but the bones of his fellow-sleepers had been dis- turbed by the shells. The yard was overnm with weeds and briers. Bombs had torn through the church. Pigeons had free access. Buzzards might roost there undisturbed. In 1861 the heart of the city was burned out by a great firo, which swept from the Cooper River to the Ashley. How it ignited no one has told. The colored people are fully imbued with the belief that it was sent of the Lord. No attempt had been made to rebuild the waste. All the energy of the people had been given to prosecuting the war. There had been no sound of trowel, liamnior, or saw, except upon the ironclads. 472 THE BOYS OF '61 [Feb. The blackened area was overgrown with fire-weeds. Lean and hungry curs barked at us from the tenantless houses. Cats which once purred by pleasant firesides ran from their old haunts at our approach. The rats had deserted the wharvea and moved up town with the people. The buzzards, which once picked up the garbage of the markets, had disappeared. A solitary rook cawed to us, perched on the vane of the court- house steeple. Spiders were spinning their webs in the count' ing-houses. It was an indescribable scene of desolation, — of roofleES houses, cannon-battered walls, crumbling ruins, upheaved pave- ment, and grass-grown streets ; silent to all sounds of business, voiceless only to a few haggard men and women wandering amid the ruins, reflecting upon a jubilant past, a disappointed present, and a hopeless future ! " Her merchants were the great men of the earth ; for by their sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints." Charleston was one of the great slave-marts of the South. She was the boldest advocate for the reopening of the slavo- trade. Her statesmen legislated for it ; her ministers of the Gospel upheld it as the best means for Christianizing Africa and for the ultimate benefit of the whole human race. Being thus sustained, the slave-traders set up their auction-block in no out- of-the-way place. A score of men opened ofiices and dealt in the bodies and souls of men. Among them were T. Ryan & Son, M. M. McBride, J. E. Bowers, J. B. Oaks, J. B. Baker, Wilbur & Son, on State and Chalmers Streets. Twenty paces distant from Baker's was a building bearing the sign, " Theological Library, Protestant Episcopal Church." Standing by Baker's door, and looking up Chalmers Street to King Street, I read another sign, " Sunday-School Depository." Also, "Hibernian Hall," the building in which the ordinance of Secession was signed. Li another building on the opposite corner was the Registry of Deeds. Near by was the guard-house with its grated windows, its iron bars being an appropriate design of double-edged swords and spears. Thousands of slaves had been incarcerated there for no crime whatever, except for being out after nine o'clock, or for meeting in some secret chamber to tell 1865 ] CHARLESTON. 473 Grod their wrongs, with no white man present. They disobeyed the law by not listening to the bell of old St. Michael's, which at half past eight in the evening, in its high and venerable tower, opened its trembling lips and shouted, " Got you home ! Get you home ! " Always that ; always of command ; always of arrogance, superiority, and caste ; never of love, good-will, and fellowship. On Sunday morning it said, " Come and sit in your old-fashioned, velvet-cushioned pews, you rich ones! Go up stairs, you niggers ! " The guard-house doors were wide open. The jailer had lost his occupation. The last slave had been immured within its walls, and St. Michael's curfew was to be sweetest music thenceforth and forever. It shall ring the glad chimes of free- dom, — freedom to come, to go, or to tarry by the way ; free- dom from sad partings of wife and husband, father and son, mother and chUd. The brokers in flesh and olood took good care to be well but- tressed. They set up their market in a reputable quarter, with St. Michael's and the guard-house, the Registry of Deeds and the Simday-School Depository, the Court-House and the Theological Library around them to make their calling re- spectable. But the " Swamp Augel " had splintered the pews of St.. Michael's, demolished the pulpit, and made a record of its domgs in the Registry building. At one stroke it opened the entire front of the Sunday-School Depository to the light of heaven. There was also a mass of evidence in the court- room — several cart-loads of brick and plaster, introduced by General Gillmore — against the right of a State to secede. I entered the Theological Library building through a window from which General Gillmore had removed the sash by a solid shot. A pile of old rubbish lay upon the floor, — sermons, tracts, magazines, books, papers, musty and mouldy, turning into pulp beneath the rain-drops which came down through the shattered roof. Amid these surroundings was the Slave-Mart, — a building with a large iron gate in front, above which, in large gilt letters, was the word MART. The outer iron gate opened into a hall about sixty feet long 474 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. bj twenty broad, flanked on one side by a long table running the entire length of the hall, and on the other by benches. At the farther end a door, opening through a brick wall, gave entrance to a yard. The door was locked. I tried my boot- heel, but it would not yield. I called a freedman to my aid. Unitedly we took up a great stone, and gave a blow. Another, and the door of the Bastile went into splinters. Across the yard was a four-story brick building, with grated windows and iron doors, — a prison. The yard was waUed by high buildings. He who entered there left all hope behind. A small room adjoining the hall was the place where women were subjected to the lascivious gaze of brutal men. There were the steps, up which thousands of men, women, and children had walked to their places on the table, to be knocked off to the highest bidder. The thought occurred to me that perhaps Governor Andrew, or Wendell Phillips, or William Lloyd Garrison would like to make a speech from those steps. I determined to secure them. While there a colored woman came into the hall to see the two Yankees. " 1 was sold there upon that table two years ago," said she. " You never will be sold again ; you are free now and for- ever I " I replied. " Thank God ! the blessed Jesus, he has heard my prayer. I am so glad ; only I wish I could see my husband. He was sold at the same time into the country, and has gone I don't know where." Thus spake Dinah More. In front of the mart was a gilt star. I climbed the post and wrenched it from its spike to secure it as a trophy. A freed- man took down the gilt letters for me, and knocked ofl" the great lock from the outer iron gate, and the smaller lock from the inner door. The key of the French Bastile hangs at Mount Vernon ; and as relics of the American prison-house then be- ing broken up, I secured these. Entering the brokers' offices, — prisons rather, — we walked along the grated corridors, looked into the rooms where the slaves had been kept. In the cellar was the dungeon for the refractory, — bolts and staples in the floors, manacles for the hands and feet, chains to make all sure. There had evidently f 1865.] CHARLESTON. 475 been a sudden evacuation of the premises. Books, letters, bills of sale, were lying on the floor. Let us take our last look of the Divine missionary institu- tion. Thus writes James H. Whiteside to Z. B. Oakes : — " I know of five very likely young negroes for sale. They are held at high prices, but I know the owner is compelled to sell next week, and they may be bought low enough so as to pay. Four of the negroes are young men, about twenty years old, and the other a very likely young woman about twenty-two. I have never stripped them, but they seem to be all right." C. A. Merrill writes from Franklin : — " If I can I will come and buy some of your fancy girls and other negi'oes, if I can get them at a discount." A. J. McElveen writes from Sumterville : — " I send a woman, age twenty-two. She leaves two children, and her owner will not let her have them. She will run away. I pay for her in notes, $ 650. She is a house woman, handy with the needle, in fact she does nothing but sew and knit, and attend to house business." Another letter from the same : — " I met a man who offered me four negroes, — one woman and three girls, all likely and fine size for the ages, — thirty-six, thirteen, twelve, and nine. The two oldest girls are the same size ; all right as to teeth and person." I cannot transfer to these pages what follows ; decency forbids. Thomas Otey writes from Richmond : — " This market is fine. They are selling from twenty-five to fifty per day, and at fine prices. A yellow girl sold this morning for $1,820. No qualifications; black ones at $1,150; men at $1,400. Small ones in the ratio." There was no longer a manifestation of lordly insolence and assumed superiority over the Yankees on the part of the whites. They spoke respectfully, but were reticent except when questioned. Once they asked questions of Yankees : " What is your occupation ? What brought you to the South ? What are you doing here? I believe you are a Abo- litionist, and the quicker you get out of this town the bet- ter." Such was formerly their language. So they talked to 476 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. Judge Hoar, a citizen of Massachusetts. So they talked to Colonel Woodford in 1860. In 1860, in the month of December, Lieutenant-Colonel Woodford, of the One Hundred and Twenty-Seventh New York volunteers, was in Charleston on business. He was waited on one day by a committee of citizens and informed that he had better leave the city, inasmuch as he was a North- erner, and besides was suspected of being an Abolitionist. He was put on board a steamer, and compelled to go North. He was now Provost Marshal of the Department. On the morning of the 20th he visited the office of the Charleston Courier. Tlie editors had fled the city, but the business man of the establishment remained to protect it. Colonel Wood- ford was received very graciously. The following conversar tion passed between them : — Colonel W. " Whom have I the pleasure of addressing ? " Business man. " Mr. L , sir." Col. W. " Will you do me the favor to loan me a piece of " Certainly, certainly, sir." " Shall I also trouble you for a pen and ink ? " " With pleasure, sir." The ink was muddy and the pen poor, but the business man, with great alacrity, obtained another bottle and a better pen. Colonel W. commenced writing agam : — " Office Provost Marshal, Charleston, February 20, 1865. " Special Order, No. 1. " The Charleston Courier establishment is hereby taken possession of by the United States." Mr. L. had been overlooking the writing, forgetful of cour- tesy in his curiosity. He could hold in no longer. " Colonel, surely you don't mean to confiscate my property ! Whj/, I opposed nullification in 1830 ! " " That may be, sir, but you have done what you could to oppose the United States since 1860. If you will show me by your files that you have uttered one loyal word since January I, 1865, I will take your case into consideration." He could not, and the Courier passed into other hands. The ricli men of the city — those who had begun and sus- paper' ? " Mr. L. Col. W. Mr. L. 1865-] CHARLESTON. 477 Uiiied the Rebellion — fled -when they saw that the place was ro fall into the hands of the Yankees. But how bitter the (lumiliation ! On the Sunday preceding, Rev. Dr. Porter, of the Church of the Holy Communion, preached upon the duty of fighting the Yankees to the last. " Fight ! fight, my friends, till the streets run blood ! Perish in the last ditch rather than Dermit the enemy to obtain possession of your homes ! " But on Monday morning Dr. Porter was hastening to Ch©- raw, to avoid being caught in Sherman's trap. The people of Charleston expected that Sherman would swing round upon Branchville, and come into the city, and therefore hastened to Columbia, Cheraw, and other northern towns of the interior, where not a few of them became acquainted with the " Bum- mers." Rev. Dr. Porter owned a fine residence, which he turned over to an English lady. As there were no hotel accommoda- tions, my friend and I were obliged to find private lodgings, and were directed to the house of the Rev. Doctor. We were courteously received by Mrs. , a lady in middle life, still wearing the bloom of old England on her cheeks, although several years a resident of the sunny South. Rising early in the morning, for a stroll through the city before breakfast, I found the cook and chambermaid breaking out in boisterous laughter. The cook danced, clapped her hands, sat down in a chair, and reeled backward and forward in unrestrained ecstasy. " What pleases you. Aunty ? " I asked. " O massa ! I 's tickled to tink dat massa Dr. Porter, who said dat no Yankee eber would set his foot in dis yar city, had to cut for his life, and dat a Yankee slept in his bed last night ! Bless de Lord for dat ! " The white women manifested their hatred to the bitter end. " I '11 set fire to my house before the Yankees shall have possession of the city ! " was the exclamation of one excited lady, when it was whispered that the place was to be evacu- ated ; but her Rebel friends saved her the trouble by applying the torch themselves. The colored people looked upon the Yankees as their deliT- erers from bondage. They spoke of their coming as the advent of the Messiah. Passing along King Street, near the citadel. 478 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb with my fellow-correspondent, we met an old negress with a basket on her arm, a broad-brimmed straw hat on her heaa, wearing a brown dress and roundabout. She saw that wo were Yankees, and made a profound courtesy. '' How do you do, Aimty ? " " bless de Lord, I 's very well, tank you,'' grasping my hand, and dancing for joy. " I am sixty-nine years old, bux I feel as if I wan't but sixteen." She broke into a chant — " Ye 's long been a-comin, Ye 's long been a-comin, Ye 's long been a-comin, For to take de land " And now ye 's a-oomin, And now ye *s a-comin, And now ye 's a-comin, For to rule de land." And then, clappmg her hands, said, " Bless de Lord ! Bless de dear Jesus ! " " Then you are glad the Yankees are here ? " '"• chile ! I can't bress de Lord enough ; but I does n't call you Yankees." "■ What do you call us ? " '* I call you Jesus's aids, and I call you head man de Mes- dali." She burst out into a rhapsody of hallelujah and thanksgivings. " I can't bress de Lord enough ; and bress you, chile : I can't love you enough for comin." " Were you not afraid. Aunty, when the shells fell into the town ? " She straightened up, raised her eyes, and with a look of tri- umphant joy, exclaimed, — •' When Mr. Gillmore fired de big gun and I hear de shell a-rushin ober my head, I say, Come dear Jesus, and I feel nearer to Heaben dan I eber feel before ! " My laundress at Port Royal was Rosa, a yoimg colored wo- man, who escaped from Charleston in 1862, with her husband and four other persons, in a small boat. On that occasion Rcsa dressed herself in men's clothes, and the whole partj* early one morning rowed past Sumter, and made for the E^unboats. 1865.] CHARLESTON. 479 " If you go to Charleston I wish you would see if my mother is there," said Rosa. " Governor Aiken's head man knows where she lives." We went up King Street to Governor Aiken's. We found his " head man " in the yard, — a courteous black, who, as soon as he learned that we were Yankees, and had a message from Rosa to her mother, dropped all work and started with us, eager to do anything for a Yankee. A walk to John Street, an entrance through a yard to the rear of a dwelling-house, brought us to the mother, in a small room, cluttered with pots, kettles, tables, and chairs. She was sitting on a stool before the fire, cooking her scanty breakfast of corn-cake. She had a little rice meal in a bag given her by a Rebel ofiicer. She was past sixty years of age, — a large, strong woman, with a wide, high forehead and intellectual features. She was clothed in a skirt of dingy negro cloth, a sack of old red car- peting, and poor, thin canvas shoes of her own make. Such an introduction ! " Here comes de great Messiah, wid news of Rosa ! " said my introducer, with an indescribable dramatic flourish. The mother sprang from the stool with a cry of joy. " From Rosa ? From Rosa ? 0, thank the Lord ! " She took hold of my hands, looked at me with intense earnestness and joy, and yet with a shade of doubt, as if it could not be true. " From Rosa ? " " Yes, Aunty." She kneeled upon the floor and looked up to heaven. She saw not us, but God and Jesus. The tears streamed from her eyes. She recounted in prayer all her long years of slavery, of suffering, of unrequited toil, and achings of the heart. " You have heard me, dear Jesus ! blessed Lamb ! " It was a conversation between herself and the Saviour. She told him the story of her life, of all its sorrows, of his good- ness, kindness, and love, the tears rolling down her cheeks the while and falling in great drops upon the floor. She wanted us to stay and partake of her humble fare, pressed my hands again and again ; and when we told her we must go, she asked for God's best blessing and for Jesus' love to follow us. It was a prayer from the heart. We had carried to her the news 480 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb that she was free, and that her Rosa was still alive. The long looked-for jubilee morning had dawned, and we were to her God's messengers, bringing the glad tidings. It was one of the most thrilling moments I ever experienced. This woman had been a slave, had been sold, exposed to insult, had no rights which a white man was bound to respect. So said the Chief Justice of the United States, Roger B. Ta- ney. God ordained her, in his beneficent goodness, to be a slave. So preached Rev, Dr. Thornwell, the great South Car- olina theologian ; so said the Southern Presbyteries, by solemn resolutions. Remembering these things, I went out from that humble dwelling with my convictions deepened that it was God's war, and that the nation was passing through the fire in just punishment for its crimes against humanity. The 22d of February, Washington's birthday, was celebrated in Charleston as never before. In the afternoon a small party of gentlemen from the North sat down to a dinner. Among them were Colonel Webster, Chief of General Sherman's staff. Colonel Mai'kland of the Post-Office Department, several officers of the army and navy, and four journalists, all guests of a patriotic gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Getty. Oiu' table was spread in the house of a caterer who for- merly had provided sumptuous dmners for the Charlestonians. He was a mulatto, and well understood his art ; for, notwith- standing the scarcity of provisions in the city, he was able to provide an excellent entertainment, set off with canned fruits, which had been put up in England, and had run the gaimtlet of the blockade. Sentiments were offered and speeches made, which in other days would have been called incendiary. Five yearg before if they had been uttered there the speakers would have made the acquaintance of Judge Lynch, and been treated to a gratuitous coat of tai" and feathers, or received some such chivalric atten- tion, if they had not dangled from a lamp-post or the nearest tree. Lloyd's Concert Band, colored musicians, were in at- tendance, and "Hail Columbia," the "Star-Spangled Banner," and "Yankee Doodle," — songs which had not been heard for years in that city, — were sung with enthusiasm. To stand thei'e, with open doors and windows, and speak freely without L865.] CHARLESTON. 481 fear of mob violence, was worth all the precious boon had cost, — to feel that our words, our actions, our thoughts even, were not subject to the misinterpretation of irresponsible in- quisitors, — that we were not under Venetian espionage, but in free America, answerable to God alone for our thoughts, and to no man for our actions, so long as they did not in- fringe the rights of others. Henceforth there shall be free speech in Charleston. A party of twenty gentlemen began the new era on the 22d of February, and to me it will ever be a pleasant reflection that 1 was one of the privileged number. While dining we heard the sound of drums and a chorus of voices. Looking down the broad avenue we saw a column of troops advancmg with steady step and even ranks. It was nearly sunset, and their bayonets were gleaming in the level rays. It was General Potter's brigade, led by the Fifty-Fifth Massachusetts, — a regiment recruited froni the ranks of slavery. Sharp and shrill the notes of the fife, stirring the drum-beat, deep and resonant the thousand voices singing their most soul-thrilling war-song, — " Jolm Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave." Mingling with the chorus were cheers for Governor Andrew and Abraham Lnicoln ! They raised their caps, hung them upon their bayonets. Proud their bearing. They came as conquerors. Some of them liad walked those streets before as slaves. Now they were freemen, — soldiers of the Union, defenders of its flag. Around them gathered a dusky crowd of men, women, and children, dancing, shouting, mad with very joy. Mothers held up their little ones to see the men in blue, to catch a sight of the starry flag, with its crimson folds and tassels of gold. " O dark, sad millions, patiently and dumb, Waiting for God, your hour at last has come. And freedom's song Breaks the long silence of ymir night of wrong." Up the avenue, past the citadel, with unbroken ranks, they marched, ofiering no insult, uttering no epithet, mani- festing no revenge, for all the wrongs of centuries heaped upon them by a people now humbled and at their mercy. 31 482 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. While walking down the street an hour later 1 inquired my way of a white woman. She was going in the same direction, and kindly volunteered to direct me. " How do the Yankees behave ? " I asked. " 0, they behave well enough, hut the niggers are dreadful sassy." " Tliey have not insulted you, I hope." " no, they have n't uisulted me, but they have other folks. They don't turn out when we meet them ; they smoke cigars and go right up to a gentleman and ask him for a light ! " The deepest humiliation to the Charlestonians was the pres- ence of negro soldiers. They were the provost guard of the city, with their head-quarters in the citadel. Whoever desired protection papers or passes, whoever had business with the marshal or the general commanding the city, rich or poor, high-born or low-born, white or black, man or woman, must meet a colored sentinel face to face and obtain from a colored sergeant permission to enter the gate. They were first in the city, and it was their privilege to guard it, their duty to main- tain law and order. A Rebel officer who had given his parole, but who was indiscreet enough to curse the Yankees, was quietly marched off to the guard-house by these colored soldiers. It was gall- ing to his pride, and he walked with downcast eyes and sub- dued demeanor. The gorgeous spectacle of the numerous war vessels in the harbor flaming with bunting from yardarm and topmast, and thundering forth a national salute in double honor of the day and the victory, deeply impressed the minds of the colored population with the invincibility of the Yankees. " gosh a mighty ! It is no use for de Rebs to think of standing out against de Yankees any longer. I 'U go home and bring Dinah down to see de sight ! " cried an old freed- man as he beheld the fleet. Bright colors are the delight of the African race, and a grand display of any kind has a won- derful effect on their imagination. Neither the white nor the colored people comprehended the change which had taken place in their fortunes. The wliites 1865.] CHAELESTON. 483 forgot that they were no longer slave-drivers. Passing down Rutledge Street one morning I saw a crowd around the door of a building. A friend who was there in advance of me said that he heard an outcry, looked in, and found a white man whipping a colored woman. Her outcries brought a colored sergeant of the Provost Guard and a squad of men, who quietly took the woman away, told her to go where she pleased, and informed the man that that sort of thing was " played out." Two white women were passing at the time. " my God ! To think that we should ever come to this ! " was the excla- mation of one. " Yes, madam, you have come to it, and will have to come to a good deal more," was the reply of my friend. There were a few Union men in the city, who through the long struggle had been true to the old flag. They were mostly Germans. Many Union oflBcers escaping from prison had been kindly cared for by these faithful friends, who had been sub- jected to such close surveillance that secretiveness had become a marked trait of character. I saw a small flag waving from a window, and wishing to find out what sort of a Union man resided there, rang the bell. A man came to tue door, of middle age, light hair, and an honest German face. " I saw the stars and stripes thrown out from your window, and have called to shake hands with a Union man, for I am a Yankee." He grasped my profiered hand and shook it till it ached. " Come in, sir. God bless you, sir ! " Then suddenly checking himself, he lowered his voice, looked into the adjoining rooms, peeped behind doors, to see if there were a listener near. " We have to be careful ; spies all about us," said he, not fully realizing that the soldiers of the Union had possession of the city. He showed me a large flag. " Shice the fall of Sumter," said he, " my wife and I have slept on it every night. We have had it sewed into a feather- bed." He gazed upon it as if it were the most blessed thing in the world. He had aided several soldiers in escaping from prison ; and 484 THE BOYS OF '61. [Feb. on ono o(;oaslon had kept two officers secreted several weeks, till an t)p{)ortunity offered to send them out to the blockading fleet. During the bombardment of the city, the newspapers had published their daily bulletins, — " So many shells fired. No damage." From the proud beginning to the humiliating breaking up of the rule of Secession, the people were cheated, deluded, and deceived by false promises and lying reports. It was sad to walk amid the ruins of what had been once so fair. It seemed a city of a past age and of an extinct generation. And it was. The Charleston of former days was dead as Pal- myra. Old things had passed away ; a new generation will behold a wondrous change. " Along that dreary waste where lately rung The festal lay whicli smiling virgins sung, \Vhere rapture echoed from the warbling lute, And the gay dance resounded, all was mute." 1865.] THE LAST CAMPAIGN. 485 CHAPTER XXX. THE LAST CAMPAIGN. Hastening northward, I joined the Army of the Potomac iu season to be an observer of Grant's last campaign. It was evident that the power of the Rebellion to resist was rajiidly on the wane. In the West there were several small Rebel forces, but no large organized body. Hood's defeat at Nashville had paralyzed operations east of the Mississippi. Johnston was falling back before Sherman, without ability to check his ad- vance. Grant had strengthened his own army. Schofield was at Wilmington, preparing to co-operate with Sherman. Sheridan was in the Valley, at Winchester, — his cavalry in excellent condition for a move. The cavalry arm of the service had been growing in importance. Grant had fostered it, and now held it in his hand, as Jove his thunderbolts. His letter to Sheridan, written on the 20th of February, shows how thoroughly ho had prepared for the finishing work. "As soon as it is possible to travel," he writes, " I think you wiU have no difficulty about reaching Lynchburg with a cavalry force alone. From thence you could destroy the railroad and canal in every direction, so as to be of no further use to the Rebellion. Sufficient cavalry should be left behind to look after Mosby's gang. From Lynchburg, if information you might get there would justify it, you could strike south, head- ing the streams in Virginia to the westward of Danville, and push on and join Sherman. This additional raid, with one now about starting from East Tennessee, under Stoneman, numbering four or five thousand cavalry ; one from Eastport, Mississippi, numbering ten thousand cavalry ; Canby from Mobile Bay, numbering thirty-eight thousand mixed troops, — these three latter pushing for Tuscaloosa, Selma, and Mont- gomery, and Sherman with a large army eating out the vitals 48U THE BOYS OF '61. [March, of South Carolina, is all that will be wanted to leave nothing for the Rebellion to stand upon. I would advise you to over- come great obstacles to accomplish this. Charleston was evacu- ated on Tuesday last." Sheridan started on the 27th of February with two divis ions of cavalry, numbering about ten thousand men, reached Staunton on the 2d of March, fell upon Early at Waynesboro', capturing sixteen hundred prisoners, eleven guns, seventeen battle-flags, and two hundred wagons ; occupied Charlottesville on the 3d, destroyed the railroad, and burned the bridge on the Rivanna River. A ram-storm delaying his trains, and obliging him to wait two days, he abandoned the attempt to reach Sherman ; then dividing his force, he sent one division towards Lynchburg, which broke up the railroad, while the other went down James River, cutting the canal. He in- tended to cross the James at New Market, move southeast to Appomattox Court-House, strike the South Side Railroad, tear it up, and join Grant's left flank ; but a freshet on the James prevented the accomplishment of his purpose. He therefore sent scouts through the Rebel lines to Grant, to inform him of the difficulties he had encountered and consequent change of plan. " I am going to White House, and shall want supplies at that point," said he. The scouts left him on the 10th at Co- lumbia, and reached Grant on the 12th, Sheridan made a rapid march, passing quite near Richmond on the north, and raising a midnight alarm in the Rebel capital. " Couriers reported that the enemy were at the outer fortifi- cations, and had burned Ben Green's house," writes a citizen of Richmond. " Mr. Secretary Mallory and Postmaster-General Regan were in the saddle, and rumor says the President and the remainder of the cabinet had their horses saddled, in readiness for flight."* Sheridan was not quite so near, and had no thought of attacking the city. He passed quietly down the north bank of the Pamunkey to the White House, where supplies were in wait- • Rel)cl Wiir Clerk's Diarr, Vol. U p. 446. 1865.] THE LAST CAMPAIGN. 487 ing. He rested his horses a day or two, and then moved to Petersburg. At daylight on the morning of the 25th of March Lee made his last offensive movement. He conceived the idea of breaking Grant's line east of Pe- tersburg, and destroying his supplies at City Point. The first part he successfully accomplished, but the last could not have been carried out. He massed Gordon's and Bushrod John- son's divisions in front of the Ninth Corps, for an attack upon Fort Steadman and the batteries adjoining. The fort was held by the Fourteenth New York Heavy Artillery. It was a square redoubt, covering about one acre, and mounted nine guns, and was not more than five hundred feet from the Rebel line. The Rebels tore away their own abatis, and in less than a minute were inside the fort. Almost the whole garrison was captured, and the guns turned upon the batteries. Colonel Tidball, commanding the artillery in the Ninth Corps, quickly had his men at work. General Parke, com- manding the Ninth, threw Hartranft's and "Wilcox's divisions in rear of Fort Steadman. They fell like a thunderbolt upon Gordon's front line, taking eighteen hundred prisoners, forcing the enemy out of the fort, and recapturing the guns. Long and loud the huzzas which went up when the guns were wheeled once more upon the discomfited foe. President Lincoln saw the battle from the high ground near the house of Mr. Dunn. During the forenoon Gordon sent in a flag of truce, asking permission to bury his dead, which was granted. The Union loss was not far from eight hundred and thirty, mostly in prisoners, while Lee's exceeded three thousand. General Meade ordered a general attack. Ho thought that there must be a weak place in some portion of the Rebel line. The Second and Sixth Corps succeeded in taking the in- trenched picket line, and holding it. Great efforts were made by Lee to regain it, but in vain. Nine hundred prisoners were captured during tlie afternoon. I rode to City Point in the evening, and visited Grant's head- quarters. General Grant was well satisfied with the results of the day. " It will tell upon the next great battle," said he. " Lee haa 488 THE ROYS OF '61. [March, made a desperate attempt and failed. The new recruits fought like veterans." He had already issued his order for the grand movement wliich was to give the finishing blow to the Rebellion. Ho had been impelled to this by various causes, not the least of which was the unjust course pursued by some of the newspapers of the West, which lauded Sherman and his men, but nneered at the Army of the Potomac. The soldiers of the East had accomplished nothing, they said, and the soldiers of the West would have to finish the Rebellion. Sherman had fought his way from Chattanooga to the sea. He was driving all before him. He would come in on Grant's left flank and rout Lee. These taunts and inuendoes were keenly felt by the men who had won the fields of Gettysburg, Antietam, Wilderness, Spott- sylvania, and who had lost eighty thousand of their comrades in forty days. Grant felt it. He saw the dangerous tendency of such jealousy. He knew what the Eastern soldiers could do ; that they had fought with imsurpassed bravery and hero- ism. To avoid sectional animosity between the East and the West, he determined to strike Lee before Sherman's arrival, and accordingly issued his order on the 24th. But Sherman meanwhile visited Grant in person. I was sitting in the office of General Grant's Adjutant-General on the morning of the 28th of March, and saw President Lincoln, with Generals Grant, Sherman, Meade, and Sheridan, coming up the walk. Look at the men whose names are to have a con- spicuous place in the annals of America. Lincoln, tall, round- shouldered, loose-jointed, large-featured, deep-eyed, with a smile upon his face. He is dressed in black, and wears a fash- ionable silk hat. Grant is at Lincoln's right, shorter, stouter, more compact ; wears a military hat with a stiff, broad hrira. has his hands in his pantaloons' pockets, and is puffing away at a cigar while listening to Sherman. Slierman, tall, with high, commanding forehead, is almost as loosely built as Lin- coln ; has sandy whiskers, closely cropped, and sharp, twink- ling eyes, long arms and legs, shabby coat, slouch hat. his pants tucked into his boots. He is talking hurriedly, gesticulating now to Lincoln, now to Grant, his eyes wandering everywhere. Meade, also tall, with thin, sharp features, a gray beai-d. and 1865.] THE LAST CAMPAIGN. 48f' spectacles, is a little stooping in his gait. Sheridan, the shortest of all, quick and energetic in all his movements, with a face bronzed by sun and wind ; courteous, affable, a thorough sol- dier. I had not met him for many months, but he at once remembered me, and spoke of Pittsburg Landing, where I first made his acquaintance. The plan of the Lieutenant-Genera) was then made known to his subordinates, and each departed during the day, to carry into execution the respective parts assigned them. Grant's line was nearly forty miles long, extending from the north side of the James to Hatcher's Run. General Ord, who had succeeded Butler in command of the Army of the James, left Weitzel to maintain the position north of James River, and moved with two divisions of the Twenty-Fourth Corps under Gibbon, and one of the Twenty-Fifth under Birney, with a division of cavalry under McKenzie, to Hatcher's Run, arriving there on the morning of the 29th. On the afternoon of the 28th Sheridan started with Crook's and Merritt's divisions of cavalry for Dinwiddie Court-House, while Warren with the Fifth Corps crossed Hatcher's Run, and marched towards the same point. " We have four days' rations in our haversacks, and twelve days' in our wagons," said Colonel Batcliclder, Quartermastcr- in-chief of tlie Army of the Potomac. Lee discovered the movement, and during the evening of the 29th made a diversion against the Nintli Corps. Precisely at ten o'clock there was a signal-gun, a yell, a volley of mus- ketry as the Re))els attacked Parke's picket-line. Then came the roar of the cannonade. The Ninth Corps was prepared. Through the afternoon there had been suspicious movements along the Rebel lines, and Parke was on the watch. It waf surmised that Lee would endeavor to compel Grant to r call the Fifth and Second Corps. Parke strengthened his picket line, and brought up his reserve artillery, to be ready in cast of emergency. In three minutes nearly two hundred gun: and mortars were in play. The night was dark, the win< south, and rain falling, but the battle increased in inten sity. I stood upon the hill in rear of the Ninth Corps, and witnessed the display. Thirty shells were in the air at the 490 THE BOYS OF '61. [March, same instant. The horizon was bright with fiery arches, cross- ing each other at all angles, cut horizontally by streams of fire from rifled cannon. Beneath the arches thousands of muskets were flashing. It surpassed in sublimity anything I had witr nessed during the war. The slightly wounded in the hospitals of the Ninth Corps who could walk went out with me to see the fight. " I wish I was down there with the boys," said one who the day before had received a bullet through his right hand. After two hours of terrific cannonade the uproar ceased, Lee having found that Grant's lines were as strong as ever. The demonstration cost him several hundred soldiers. I talked with one of the wounded Rebels. " You can't subdue us even if you take Richmond," said he ; "we '11 fight it out in the mountains." " Undoubtedly you feel like fighting it out, but you may think better of it one of these days." A delegate of the Christian Commission sat down to write a letter for him to his wife, to be sent by a flag of truce. " Tell her," said he, " that I am kindly treated." His voice choked and tears rolled down his cheeks. A nurse stood over him bathing his wounds to cool the fever, combing his hair, and anticipating all his wants. I recalled the words of a citizen of Savannah, who said, " I went to the stockade when your prisoners were brought down from Millen, with a basket of oranges to give to the sick and dying, but was told by the officer in command that his orders were imperative to allow no one to give anything to the prisoners." Observe the contrast. Here were good beds, nourisliing food, delicacies from the stores of the Christian and Sanitary Com- missions, and kind attention. There see a crowd of wretches in rags, exposed to the winds, the rains, the broiling heat or the biting cold, eating corn-meal and water, and meat alive with maggots, — stinted till starved, held captive till hope died, 'till the mind wandered, and the victims became drivelling imbeciles or walking skeletons, and greeted death as a wel- ;ome release from the horrors of their prison-pen. But I have idverted to this before ; still commentary is ever provoked. Hatcher's Run, an affluent of Rowanty Creek, has a gen- 1865.] THE LAST CAMPAIGN. 49] eral southeast course. It is crossed by three main highways, which lead out of Petersburg towards the southwest, — the Vaughn road farthest east, Squirrel Level road next, and last the Boydtown plank-road. The Squirrel Level road forks seven miles out, one fork running to the Vaughn road and the other to the plank-road. It is nine miles from Petersburg to the toll gate on the plank-road, which is situated a few rods south of the run. The stream above this crossing of the plank-road tends west and southwest, so that if a fisherman with his rod and fly were to start at the head-waters of the creek he would travel northeast, then east, then at the bridge on the plank-road south- east, and after reaching the Vaughn road, south. Were we lo stand upon the bridge where the plank-road crosses the stream, and look northeast, we would obtain a view of the inside of the Rebel lines. The bridge was in Lee's pos- session, also the toll-gate on the south side, also a portion of the White Oak road, which branches from the plank road, near the toll-gate, and leads west, midway between the run and the plank-road. The country is densely wooded, mostly with pine, with occa- sional clearings. Several steam saw-mills have been erected in this vicinity, which cut timber for the Petersburg market. The plank-road leads to Dinwiddle Court-House, which is fifteen miles from Petersburg. Just beyond the Court-House is Stony Creek, which has a southeast course, with a branch called Chamberlain's Bed, coming down from the north, having its rise in a swamp near the head of Hatcher's Run. Now to understand the direction of the Rebel line of fortifi- cations, let us in imagination start from Petersburg and walk down the plank-road. We face southwest, and walk in rear of fort after fort nine miles to Hatcher's Run, where a strong work has been erected on the north bank of the stream. We cross the bridge and find another on the south bank near the toll-house and Burgess's tavern. Here we leave the plank- road, and turning west walk along the White Oak road with Hatcher's Run north of us a mile distant. Four miles from the town we come to " Five Forks," where five roads meet, midway the head of Chamberlain's Bed and Hatcher's Run. This is an important point, — the key of Petersburg, — which. 492 THE BOYS OF '61. [Marcli, although so far away from the town, and apparently of no im portancc, is in reality the most vital point of all. There is no stream immediately behind or before it, but a mile south is the swamp of Chamberlain's Run ; a mile north the low lands of Hatcher's Run, but here firm, hard grovmd. If Grant can break through this gateway he can tear up the rails of the South Side road, have unobstructed passage to the Danvillt. road, and Richmond and Petersburg are his. It is six miles from the Forks, north, to the railroad, but that is the best place for Lee to fight, and there he establishes a strong line of works. Grant's movement was that of fishermen stretching a seine. He kept one end of the net firmly fastened to the bank of the Appomattox, while Sheridan drew the other past Dinwiddle Court-House to Five Forks, with the intention of reaching the railroad west of Petersburg, to enclose, if possible, Lee's entire ai-my. Such the plan, — noble in conception, grand in exe- cution. Sheridan had started to cut the South Side road at Burkes ville, but Grant, upon deliberation, decided to strike nearer. " I feel like ending the matter, if it is possible to do so, be- fore going back," wrote Grant, from Gravelly Run, — three miles west of Hatcher's Run. " I do not want you to cut loose and go after the enemy's roads at present. In the morn- mg push round the enemy if you can, and get on to his right rear." The rain which commenced falling at midnight on the 29th continued through the 30th and the forenoon of the olst, but Sheridan kept in motion, reached Dinwiddle at five o'clock on the 29th, where he bivouacked. On the morning of the 30th he came in contact with the Rebels a mile beyond the Court-House, posted on the west bank of Chamberlain's Run. W. H. F. Lee's cavalry held the right of the Rebel line, witli Pickett's division of infantry on the left. During the forenoon Bushrod Johnson's division of infantry came down from Five Forks and formed on Pickett's left. Sheridan reconnoitred the position during the foronoon, and began the attack about two P. M., but the ground wt»s marshy, and his horses could not be used. Johnson's and Pickett's 1865.] THE LAST CAMPAIGN. 493 divisions, and Wise's brigade, which also had arrived, crossed the run about half past two. The fight was severe. Sheri- dan dismounted his men, deployed them as infantry, and con- tested the ground, falling back on Dinwiddle Court-House, where the battle ended at eight o'clock in the evening. Meade ordered McKenzie's division of cavalry to hasten to the assistance of Sheridan, and at five o'clock directed Warren to push a small force down the White Oak road to commuui- cate with that officer, and Bartlett's brigade was sent. During the night Warren's whole force moved towards Dinwiddie to attack Pickett and Johnson in the rear, and at daylight was ready for the assault ; but the Rebels had decamped, and were once more in position at Five Forks. On the morning of the 1st of April, Sheridan, having com mand of the Fifth Corps, as well as the cavalry, moved cau- tiously towards Five Forks. The forenoon was passed in re- connoitring the position, which was defended by the whole of Pickett's division, Wise's independent brigade of infantry, Fitz Hugh Lee's, W. H. Lee's, and Ross's divisions of cavalry, and Johnson's division of infantry. Sheridan's oidcr was to form, the whole corps before advan- cing, so that all the troops should move simultaneously. Following the Fifth Corps, we came to the Gravelly Run church, which is about one and a half miles southeast of Five Forks. A quarter of a mile northwest of the church is the house of Mr. Bass, a landmark for the future historian, for there Sheridan's line turned a right angle. Ayers's division of the Fifth marching past the church, wheeled on the north side of the house and faced west. Crawford's division passed on, and came into line north of Ayers's, while Griffin's stood in reserve on the White Oak road, in rear of Ayers's. McKenzie's cavalry, which had been some time on the ground, deflected to the right and held the ground to Hatcher's Run, which here has a course due east. McKenzie, Crawford, Ayers, and Grif- fin therefore faced west. Taking the other leg of the angle, we find Stagg's division of cavalry nearest the house of Mr. Bass, then Gibbs's and Fitzhugh's, Pennington's and Wells's, all facing north, and on the extreme left. Coppinger's facing northeast. Fitzhugh's division was directly south of Five 494 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, Forks. This powerful body of cavalry was all under the com- raand of Major-Geiieral Merritt. The woods were dense, with here and there an opening. " Keep the sun shining over your left shoulders," was War- ren's order to his troops. The length of his front was about one thousand yards, and his divisions were in three lines, — numbering about twelve thousand. While the troops wore forming he drew a sketch of the enemy's position for each di- vision commander, and instructed them to explain it to each brigade commander, that there might bo no mistake in the movement. The cavalry, through the afternoon, while Warren was get- ting into position, kept Tip a skirmish fire. Sheridan was impatient. The sun was going down and he must attack at once or retire. He could not think of doing the latter, as it would give Pickett and Johnson time to make their intrenchments exceedingly strong. He ordered Merritt to make a demonstration. That officer advanced Wells and Coppinger against Johnson's extreme right. '' I am going to strike their left flank with the Fifth Corps, and when you hear the musketry, assault all along the line," were his insti'uctions to Merritt. Tlie Fifth advanced in excellent order, sweeping round Pick- ett's left flank, and falling on his rear. For a half-hour there was a heavy tire, but the woods bemg dense the loss was not very great. When the order to charge bayonet was given, the men rushed forward, leaped over tlie intrenclmients, and cap- tured Pickett's front line. Pickett formed a new line, which he endeavored to hold against the Fifth. Warren ordered Crawford to take them once more in flank, and sent one of McKenzie's brigades to aid him. Ayers's and Griffin's divisions had become disorganized by the success, but reforming they advanced along the White Oak road, but were checked by Pickett's new line. Officers were urging the men forward, but there was faltering. Warren, accompanied by Captain Ben- vaud, rode to tlie front, and called upon liis officers to follow his example. Quick the response. Officers of all ranks, from generals to subalterns and the color-bearers, sprang forward. In an instant the line rallied, and with fixed bayonets leaped 1866.] THE LAST CAMPAIGN. 495 upon the enemy and captured the whole force opposing tliem. Warren's horse fell, fatally shot, and an orderly by his side was killed, within a few paces of the intrenchment. When Mer- ritt heard the roll of musketry he ordered the attack. His cavalrymen rode fearlessly through the woods, dashed up to the intrenchments, leaped over them and carried the entire line along his front in the first grand charge. " The enemy," says Sheridan, " were driven from their strong line of works, completely routed ; the Fifth Corps doubling up their left flank in confusion, and the cavalry of General Merritt dashing on to the White Oak road, capturing their artillery, turning it upon them, and riding into their broken ranks, so demoralized them that they made no serious stand after their line was carried, but took flight in dis- order."* It was now nearly dark, but Merritt and McKenzie followed the enemy, who threw away their guns and knapsacks, and sought safety in flight, or finding themselves hard pressed, sur- rendered. Between five and six thousand prisoners and eighteen pieces of artillery were captured. The way was open to the South Side Railroad. Grant determined to turn the success to quick account. " Attack along the whole line," was his message to the corps commanders. At ten o'clock Saturday evening the cannonade began. All the batteries joined, all the forts, the gunboats in the Appo- mattox, the batteries west of Bermuda Hundred, and the mon- itors by the Howlet House. There was a continual succession of flashes and an unbroken roll of thunder. The Rebels had no peace during the night. " Send up the provost brigade," was Grant's despatch sent to City Point. The Sixty-First Massachusetts, One Hundred and Fourteenth New York, and other regiments, and Sheridan's dismounted cavalry, were out at daybreak and on the march. " Send up the marines to guard the prisoners," was his sec- ond despatch, and the blue-jackets from the gunboats, with carbines, were sent ashore. The time had come for the mus- * Sheridan's Report. 496 THE BOYS OF "61. [April, teriiig of every available man. The sailors took cars at City Point, and sang all the way to Hatcher's Run, as if they were having a lark. Lee was in trouble. He sent a message to Longstreet, who was north of the James, to hurry to Petersburg. Longstreet put Ewell in command and hastened across the James, with Fields's division. Lee had three bridges, besides those in Richmond, — one at Warwick's, another at Knight's farm, and the third at Chaffin's Bluff. Longstreet, Lee's ablest general, stout, robust, with heavy black whiskers, with his staff, galloped across the middle bridge toward Petersburg, leaving his troops to follow. The Richmond bells were ringing, not the paean of victory, as after some of their successful battles, but for the assembling of the militia to man the fortiiications from wliich Longstreet's troops were retiring. " The beat of the alarming drum Roused up the soldier ere the morning star, ^VTiile thronged the citizens with terror dumb, Or whispering, with white lips, ' The foe 1 They come I they come I ' ' Let us look at Lee's lines at midnight, Saturday, April 1st. Johnson, Pickett, Wise, and W. H. F. Lee's cavalry are fleeing towards the Appomattox, beyond Hatcher's Run ; A. P. Hill is holding the line east of the Run ; Gordon occupies the fortifica- tions from the Jerusalem road to the Appomattox ; Longstreet is hastening down from Richmond ; Ewell is north of the James, and the citizens of Richmond are jumping from their beds to shoulder muskets for service in the trenches. Lee has not yet decided to evacuate Petersburg. He will wait and see what a day may bring forth. He had not long to wait. Parke, commanding the Ninth Corps, during the night, prepared to assault. It was precisely four o'clock when the divisions leaped from their intrench- ments, and with bayonets fixed, without firing a gun, tore away the abatis in front of the forts, swarmed over the embankments, crawled into tlie embrasures, and climbed the parapet. It was tlie work of five minutes only, but four forts, mounting between twenty and thirty gims, were taken, with seven hundred pris- oners. 1865.] THE LAST CAMPAIGN. 497 Grant began early on Sunday morning to draw tho farther end of the net toward Petersburg. Sheridan, with the cavalry and two divisions of the Fifth, moved upon Sutherland's Station on the South Side Railroad, eleven miles from Petersburg. Grant sent him Miles's division of tho Second Corps. Wright and Ord, east of the run, at nine o'clock assaulted tho works hi their front, and after a severe struggle carried them, captur- ing all the guns and several thousand prisoners. Humphrey, who was west of the run, now was ablo to lea^e his position and join Wright and Ord. By noon we see the net drawn close. Sheridan at Sutherland's, with the Fifth Corps, then Humphrey, Ord, and Wright ; all swinging to- wards the city, taking fort after fort and contracting the lines. In the morning I watched the movements on the left, but as the line advanced, hastened east in season to see the last at- tack on Forts Mahone and Gregg, the two Rebel strongholds south of the town. These forts were in rear of the main Rebel line, on higher ground. The troops, in columns of brigades, moved steadily over tho field, drove m the Rebel pickets, received the fire of the bat- teries without breaking, leaped over the breastworks with a huzza, which rang shrill and clear above the cannonade. Ma- hone was an embrasured battery of three guns ; Gregg, a strong fort with sally-ports, embrasures for six guns, and surrounded by a deep ditch. Mahone was carried with a rush, the men mounting the escarpment and jumping into it, regardless of the fire poured upon them by the Rebels. There was a long struggle for the possession of Gregg. Heth and Wilcox were there, animating the garrison. The attack- ing columns moved in excellent order over the field swept by the guns of the fort, and even received the canister without staggering. The fort was enveloped in smoke, showing that the defence was heroic, as well as the assault. The lines move on. The soldiers spring into tho ditch and climb the embankment. The foremost, as they reach the top. roll back upon their comrades. They are lost from sight in smoke and flame ; but from the cloud there comes a hurrah, and the old flag waves in the siinlight ahove the stronghold which, throiigh all the weary months, lias thundered defiance. 32 498 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, Lee's line was broken at the centre, and Petersburg was no longer tenable. It was inspiriting to stand there, and watch the tide of vic- tory rolling up the hill. With that Sunday's sun the hopes of the Rebels set, never to rise again. The C. S. A., — the Con- federate Slave Argosy, — freighted with blood and groans and tears, the death's-head and cross-bones at her masthead, hailed as a rightful belligerent, furnished with guns, ammunition, and iill needful supplies by sympathetic England and France, was a shattered, helpless wreck. HKK AMBULANCE. «8«5.1 RICHMOND. 49fl CHAPTER XXXI. RICHMOND There was no longer the semblance of a Confederacy. Jeff Davis and Breckenridgc were fugitives, without country or home. The Rebel army was flying. Richmond was in flames. The Rebellion had gone down in a night, — in darkness as it originated, and as it ought to die. At three o'clock, Monday morning, an explosion took place which shook Richmond to its foundations, and made even the beds in the hospital at City Point heave as if by an earth- quake. It was occasioned by the blowing up of the Rebel iron- clads. Semmes was again without a command, for the Rebel navy was no more. If not swept from the ocean by Union cruisers, as the Alabama was by the Kearsarge, it was crushed by the ponderous blows of Grant and his victorious legions, as the result of his successes in the field. The shock roused the army from slumber. The hosts surrounding Petersburg needed no other reveille. The soldiers were on their feet in an instant, and General Wilcox (commanding the first divis- ion of the Ninth Corps) accepted it as a signal to advance. He was lying east of the city, his right resting on the Appo- mattox. His men sprang forward, but found only deserted works. The last body of Rebels — the lingerers who were re- maining to plunder the people of Petersburg — took to their aeels, and the division entered the town without opposition. The entire army was in motion. Engineers hurried up with pontoons, strung them across the Appomattox, and Grant began the pursuit. I entered the town soon after sunrise, and found troops pouring in from all quarters, cheering, swinging their caps, helping themselves to tobacco, rushing upon the double- quick, eager to overtake Lee. The colored population thronged the streets, swinging their old hats, bowing low, and shouting " Glory! " " Bless de Lord! " 600 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, " I 's been a praying for dis yere to happen, but did n't 'spect it quite so soon." " It is ges like a clap of thunder," said an ild negro. " I 's glad to see you. I 'm been trying and wishing and praying dat de Lord would help me get to de Yankees, and now dey has come into dis yere city," said another. The citizens of the place, also, were in the streets, amazed and confounded at what had happened. Provost General Macy, of Massachusetts, established a guard to prevent depredations and to save the army from demoralization. The Rebels, before retreating, destroyed their commissary stores and set all the tobacco warehouses on fire. I took a hurried survey of the Rebel works in front of Fort Steadman, and found them very strong. The ground was honeycombed by the shells which had been thrown from the mortars of the Ninth Corps. General Grant was early in the town, cool, calm, and evi- dently well pleased with the aspect of affairs ; and President Lincohi, who was at City Point, visited Petersburg during the day. He went up in a special car. The soldiers at Meade Station caught a sight of him, and cheered most heartily. He acknowledged the enthusiasm and devotion of the soldiers by bowing and thanking them for the glorious achievement of their arms. On Friday he looked careworn, but the great vic- tory had smoothed the deep wrinkles on his brow. Reaching City Point at noon, I was soon in the saddle, galloping towards Richmond ; crossing the Appomattox at Broadway, riding to Yarina, crossing the James on the pon- toons, and approaching the city by the New Market road, overtaking a division of the Twenty-Fifth Corps on the out- skirts of the city. It was a hard, exhausting ride. Two miles out from the city my horse fell, and I foimd myself turning a summersault into the ditch ; without broken bones, however, •>ut I was obliged to moderate my speed Ibr the remainder of die distance. Before entering upon the narrative of my own observa tions, let us take a look at events transpiring in the city on Sim day. " We are," said tlie Sentinel of Saturday evening, " very hope- ful of the campaign which is opening, and trust that we are to 1865.] RICHMOND. 501 reap a large advantage from the operations evidently near at hand We have only to resolve that we never will sur- render, and it will be impossible that we shall ever be taken." " My line is broken in three places, and Richmond must be evacuated," was Lee's despatch to Jeflf Davis. The messenger found him in Rev. Dr. Minnegerode's church. He read the despatch, hurried to tlie Executive Mansion, passed up the winding stairway to his business apartment, sat down by a small table, wrote an order for the removal of the coin in the banks to Danville, for the burning of the public documents, and for the evacuation of the city. Mrs. Davis had left the city several days previous. Rev. Dr. Minnegerode, before closing the forenoon service, gave notice that General Ewell desired the local forces to assem- ble at 3 P. M. There was no evening service. Ministers and congregations were otherwise employed. Rev. Mr. Hoge, a fierce advocate for slavery as a beneficent institution, packed his carpet-bag. Rev. Mr. Duncan was moved to do likewise. Mr. Lumpkin, who for many years had kept a slave-trader's jail, had a work of necessity on this Lord's day, — the tem- poral salvation of fifty men, women, and children ! He made up his coffle in the jail-yard, within pistol-shot of Jeff Davis's parlor window, and a stone's throw from the Monumental Church. The poor creatures were hurried to the Danville depot. This sad and weeping fifty, in handcuffs and chains, was the last slave coffle that shall tread the soil of America. Slavery being the corner-stone of the Confederacy, it was fitting that this gang, keeping step to the music of their clank- ing chains, sliould accompany Jeff Davis, his secretaries Ben jamin and Trenholm, and the Reverend Messrs. Hoge and Duncan, in their flight. The whole Rebel government was on the move, and all Richmond desired to be. No thoughts now of taking Washington, or of the flag of the Confederacy flaunting in the breeze from the dome of the national Capitol ! Hundreds of officials were at the depot, waiting to get away from the doomed city. Public documents, the archives of the Confederacy, were hastily gatliered up, tumbled into boxes and barrels, and taken to the trains, or carried into the streets and set on fire. Coaches, carriages, wagons, carts, wheelbarrows, 502 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, everything in the shape of a Tehicle, was pressed into use. There was a jumble of boxes, chests, trunks, valises, ca^pe^ bags, — a crowd of excited men sweating as never before : wo- men with dishevelled hair, unmindful of their wardrobes, wringing their hands, children crying in the crowd, sentinels guarding each entrance to the train, pushing b ick at the point of the bayonet the panic-stricken multitude, giving precedence to Davis and the high officials, and informing Mr. Lumpkin that his niggers could not be taken. 0, what a loss was there ! It would have been fifty thousand dollars out of somebody's pocket in 1861, and millions now of Confederate promises to pay, which the hurrying multitude and that chained slave gang were treading under foot, — trampling the bonds of the Con- federate States of America in the mire, as they marched to the station ; for the oozy streets were as thickly strewn with four per cents, six per cents, eight per cents, as forest streams with autumn leaves. " The faith of the Confederate States is pledged to provide and establish sufficient revenues for the regular payment of the interest, and for the redemption of the principal," read the bonds ; but there was a sudden eclipse of faith, a collapse of confidence, a shrivelling up like a parched scroll of the entire Confederacy, which was a base counterfeit of the Ameri- can Union it sought to overturn and supplant, now an exploded concern, and wound up by Grant's orders, its bonds, notes, and certificates of indebtedness worth less than the paper on which they were printed. Soon after dark the commissaries, having loaded all the ai'my wagons with supplies, began the destruction of what they could not carry away. Li the medical purveyor's department were several hundred barrels of whiskey, which were rolled into the street and stove in by soldiers with axes. As the liquor "an down the gutter, officers and ^(i Hers filled their flasks and canteens, while those who had no canteen threw them- selves upon the ground and drank from the fiery stream. The rabble -with pitchers, basins, dipped it up and drank as if it were the wine of Ufb. The liquor soon began to show its effects. The crowd became a mob, and rushed upon the stores and government warehouses. The soldiers on guard at first kept 1864.] RICHMOND. 503 them at bay, but as the darkness deepened the whiskey-mad- dened crowd became more furious. By midnight there was a grand saturnalia. The flour in the government stores was seized. Men were seen rolling hogsheads of bacon through the streets. Women filled their aprons with meal, their arms with candles. Later in the night the floating debris of the army reached the city, — the teamsters, servants, ambulance-drivers, with strag- glers from the ranks, who pillaged the stores. First attack- ing the clothing, boot, and hat stores, then the jewellers' shops and the saloons, and lastly the dry-goods establishments. Costly panes of glass were shivered by the butts of their muskets, and the reckless crowd poured in to seize whatever for the moment pleased their fancy, to be thrown aside the next instant for something more attractive. " As I passed the old market-house," writes a Rebel soldier, " I met a tall fellow with both arms full of sticks of candy, dropping part of his sweet burden at every step," " Stranger," said he, " have you got a sweet tooth ? " " I told liim that I did not object to candy." " Then go up to Antoni's and get your belly full, and all for nothing." " A citizen passed me with an armful of hats and caps. ' It is every man for himself and the Devil for us all to-night,' he said, as he rushed past me." * The train which bore JefF Davis from the city left at eight o'clock in the evening. He took his horses and coach on board for a flight across the country, in case Sheridan stopped tho cars. He was greatly depressed in spirits, and his countO' nance was haggard and care-worn. At the station there was a crowd of men who had fawned upon him, — office-holders, legislators, and publi^'.-spirited citizens who had made great sacrifices for the Rebellion, — who, now that they wi&hed to obtain standing room upon the train, found themselves rudely thrust aside by tho orders of the President. They were of no more account than the rest of the excited populace that knew Davis but to execrate him. In the Sabbath evening twilight, the train, with the fugitive * A Rebel Courier's Experience. 604 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, government, its stolen bullion, and its Doctors of Divinity on board, moved out from the city. At the same hour the Governor of Virginia, William Smith, and the Legislature, embarked in a canal-boat, on the James River and Kiuiawha Canal, for Lynchburg. On all tlie roads were men, women, and children, in cai'riages of every descrip- tion, with multitudes on horseback and on foot, flying from the Rebel capital. Men who could not get away were secretly at work, during those night-hours, burying plate and money in gardens ; ladies secreted their jewels, barred and bolted their doors, and passed a sleepless night, fearful of the morrow, which would bring in the despised " Yaudal horde of Yankee ruffians " ; for such were the epithets they had persistently ap- plied to the soldiers of the Union throughout the war. But tlie government was not quite through witli its opera- tions in Richmond. General Ewell remained till daylight on Monday morning to clear up things, — not to burn public archives in order to destroy evidence of Confederate villany, but to add to the crime already committed another so atrocious that the staiichest friends of the Confederacy recoiled with hor- ror even from its contemplation. It was past midnight when the Mayor learned that Ewell had issued orders for tiring the government buildings and the tobacco wai'chouses. He sent a deputation of prominent citi- feus to remonstrate. They were referred to Major Melton, who was to apply the torch. " It is a cowardly pretext on the part of the citizens, trumped up to save their property for the Yankees," said he. The committee endeavored to dissuade him from the act. " I shall execute my ordei*s," said he. They went to General Ewell, who with an oath informed them that the torch would be applied at daylight. Brecken- ridge was there, who said tliat it would be a disgrace to the Confederate government to endanger the destruction of the entire city. He was Secretary of War, and could have coun- termanded the order. Will not history hold him accountable? To prevent the United States from obtaining possession of a few thoiisand hogsheads of tobacco, a thousand houses were destroyed by fire, the heart of the city burnt out, — all of the 1865.] RICHMOND. 505 business poi-tion, all the banks and insurance-offices, half of the newspapers, with mills, depots, bridges, fouudcries, work- shops, dwellings, churches, — thirty squares in all, swept clean by the devouring flames. It was the final work of the Confed- erate government. Inaugurated in heat and passion, carried on by hate and prejudice, its end was but in keeping with its career, — the total disregard of the rights of person and prop- erty. In the outskirts of the city, on the Mechanicsville road, was the almsliouse, filled with the lame, the blind, the halt, poor, sick, bed-ridden creatures. Ten rods distant was a magazine containing fifteen or twenty kegs of powder, which might have been rolled into the creek near at hand, and was of little value to a victorious army with full supplies of ammunition ; but the order of Jeff Davis to blow up the magazines was peremptory and must be executed. '' We give you fifteen minutes to get out of the way," was the sole notice to that crowd of helpless beings lying in their cots, at three o'clock in the morning. Men and women begged for mercy ; but their cries were in vain. The officer in charge of the matter was inexorable. Clotlieless and shoeless, the in- mates ran in terror from the spot to seek shelter in the ravines ; but those who could not run wliile the train to fire it was being laid, rent the air with shrieks of agony. The match was ap- plied at tlio time. The concussion crushed in the broad side of the house as if it had been pasteboard. "Windows flew into flinders. Bricks, stones, timbers, beams, and boards were whirled through the air. Trees were twisted off like withes in the hands of a giant. The city was wrenched and rocked as by a volcanic convulsion. The dozen poor wretches whose infirmi- ties prevented their leaving the house wore horribly mangled ; and when the fugitives who had sought shelter in the fields re- turned to the ruins they found only the bruised and blackened remains of their fellow-inmates. Let us take a parting glance at the Rebel army as it leaves the city. The day is brightening in the east. The long line of bag- gage-wagons and the artillery has been rumbling over the bridges all night. The railroad trains have been busy in con- 506 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, vejing the persons and property of both the government and the people ; but the last has departed, and still a disappointed crowd is left at the depot. The roads leading west are filled with fugitives in all sorts of vehicles, and on horseback and on foot. Men arc rolling barrels of tar and turpentine upon the bridges. Guards stand upon the Manchester side to prevent the return of any soldier belonging to Richmond. Custis Lee's division has crossed, and Kershaw's division, mainly of South Carolinians, follows. The troops march silently; they are depressed in spirit. The rabble of Manchester have found out what fine times their friends in Richmond are having, and old women and girls are streaming across the bridges laden with plunder, — webs of cloth, blankets, overcoats, and food from the government storehouses. The war-worn soldiers, ragged and barefoot, behold it, and utter curses against the Confeder- ate government for having deprived them of clothing and food. General Ewell crosses the bridge, riding an iron-gray horse. He wears an old faded cloak and slouch hat. He is brutal and profane, mingling oaths with his orders. Following him is John Cabel Breckcnridge, the long, black, glossy hair of other days changed to gray, his high, broad forehead wrinked and furrowed. He is in plain black, with a talma thrown over his shoulders. He talks with Ewell, and gazes upon the scene. Suddenly a broad flash of light leaps up beyond the city, accom- panied with a dull, heavy roar, and he sees the air filled with flying timbers of the hospital, whose inmates, almost without warning, and without cause or crime, are blown into eternity. The last division has crossed the river. The smi is up. A match is touched to the turpentine spread along the timbers, and the bridges are in flames ; also the tobacco warehouses, the flouring-mills, the arsenals, and laboratory. The Rebel troops behold the conflagration as they wind along the roads and through the green fields towards the southwest, and memory brings back the scenes of their earlier rejoicing. It is the 2d of April, four years lacking two weeks since the drunken carousal over the passage of the ordinance of Secession. It was a little past four o'clock when Major A. H. Stevens of tl\e Fourth Massachusetts cavalry, and Provost Marshal ol 1865.] RICHMOND. 507 the Twenty-Fifth Army Corps, with detachments from compa nies E and H, started upon a reconnoissance of the enemy's intrenchments. He found them evacuated and the guns spiked. A deserter piloted the detachment safely over the tor- pedoes which had been planted in front of them. A mile and a half out from the city, Major Stevens met a barouche and five men mounted bearing a white flag. The party consisted of the Mayor, Judge Meredith of the Confederate States Court, and other gentlemen, who tendered the surrender of the city. He went into the city and was received with joy by the col- ored people, who shouted their thanks to the Lord that the Yankees had come. He proceeded to the Capitol, ascended the roof, pulled down the State flag which was flying, and raised the guidons of the two companies upon the building. The flames were spreading, and the people, horror-struck and stupefied by the events of the night, were powerless to arrest them. On, on, from dwelling to warehouse, from store to hotel, from hotel to banks, to the newspaper offices, to churches, all along Main Street from near the Spottswood Hotel to the eastern end of the town ; then back to the river, to the bridges across the James, up to the large stone fire-proof building, erected by the United States for a post-office, full of Confed- erate shinplasters, around this, on both sides of it, up to Cap- itol Square, the flames roared and leaped and crackled, con- suming all the business part of the city. In the arsenal were several thousand shells, which exploded at intervals, throwing fragments of iron, burning timbers, and blazing brands and cinders over the surrounding buildings, and driving the people from their homes. Major Stevens ordered the fire-engines into position, posted his soldiers to preserve order, and called upon the citizens to work the engines, and did what he could to stop the progress of the devouring element. General Weitzel triumphantly entered the city at eight o'clock, the colored soldiers singing the John Brown song. With even ranks and steady step, colors waving, drums beat- ing, bauds playing, the columns passed up the streets, flanked with fire, to the Capitol. Then stacking their guns, and laying aside their knapsacks, they sprang to the engines, or mounted 508 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, the roofs and poured in buckets of water, or tore down build ings, to stop the ravages of the fire kindled by the departing Rebels, — emulating the noble example of their comrades in arms at Charleston ; like them manifesting no vindictiveness of spirit, but forgetting self in their devotion to duty, forgetr ting wrong and insult and outrage in their desire to serve their oppressors in their hour of extremity. The business portion was a sea of flame when I entered the city in the afternoon. I tried to pass through Main Street, but on both sides the fire was roaring and walls were tumbling. I turned into a side street, rode up to the Capitol, and then to the Spottswood Hotel. Dr. Reed's church in front was in flames. On the three sides of the hotel the fire had been raging, but was now subdued, and there was a fair prospect that it would be saved. " Can you accommodate me with a room ? " *' I reckon we can, sir, but like enough you will be burnt out before morning. You can have any room you choose. No- body here." I registeio^* my name on a page which bore the names of a score of Rebel ofiicers who had left in the morning, and took a room on the first floor, from which I could easily spring to the ground in case the hotel should be again endangered by the fire. Throwing up the sash I looked out upon the scene. There were swaying chimneys, tottering walls, streets impassable from piles of brick, stones, and rubbish. Capitol Square was filled with furniture, beds, clothmg, crockery, chairs, tables, looking- glasses. Women were weeping, children crying. Men stood speechless, haggard, wobegone, gazing at the desolation. In Charleston the streets echoed only to the sound of my own footsteps or the snarling of hungry curs. There I walked through weeds, and trod upon flowers in the grassy streets ; l)ut in Richmond I waded through Confederate promises to }/ay, public documents, and broken furniture and crockery. Granite columns, iron pillars, marble facades, broken into thousands of pieces, blocked the streets. The Bank of Rich- mond, Bank of the Commonwealth, Traders' Bank, Bank of Virginia, Farmers' Bank, a score of private banking-houses, the American Hotel, the Columbian Hotel, the Enquirer and 1865.] BICHMOND 509 the Dispatch prin ting-offices, the Confederate Post-Office De- partment, the State Court-House, the Mechanics' Institute, all the insurance offices, the Confederate War Department, the Confederate Aisenal, the Laboratory, Dr. Reed's church, sev- eral founderies and machine-shops, the Henrico County Court House, the Danville and the Petersburg depots, the three bridges across the James, the great flouring-mills, and all the best stores of the city, were destroyed. Soldiers from General Devens's command were on the roof of the Capitol, Governor's house, and other buildings, ready to extinguish the flames. The Capitol several times caught fire from cinders. "If it had not been for the soldiers the whole city would have gone," said a citizen. The colored soldiers in Capitol Square were dividing their rations with the houseless women and children, giving them hot coffee, sweetened with sugar, — such as they had not tasted for many months. There were ludicrous scenes. One negro had three Dutch-ovens on his head, piled one above another, a stew-pan in one hand and a skillet in the other. Women had bags of flour m their arms, baskets of salt and pails of molas- ses, or sides of bacon. No miser ever gloated over his gold so eagerly as they over their supply of provisions. They had all but starved, but now they could eat till satisfied. How stirring the events of that day ! Lee retreating. Grant pursuing ; Davis a fugitive ; the Governor and Legislature of Virginia seeking safety in a canal-boat ; Doctors of Divinity fleeing from the wrath they feared ; the troops of the Union marching up the streets ; the old flag waving over the Capitol ; Rebel iron-clads blowing up ; Richmond on fire ; the billows rolling from square to square, unopposed in their progress by the bewildered crowd ; and the Northern Vandals laying down their arms, not to the enemy in the field, but the better to battle with a foe not more relentless, but less controllable with the weapons of war. Weird the scenes of that strange, eventful night, — the glimmering flames, the clouds of smoke hanging like a funeral pall above the ruins, the crowd of homeless crea- tures wandering the streets. " Such resting found the soles of unblest feet ! " 610 THE BOYS OF '61 [-A-prU, In the morning I visitod the Capitol building, which, like tho Confederacy, had become exceedingly dilapidated, the windows broken, the carpets faded, the paint dingy. General Weitzel was in tlie Senate Chamber issuing his orders ; also General Shepley, Military Governor, and General Devens. The door opened, and a smooth-faced man, with a keen eye, firm, quick, resolute step, entered. He wore a plain blue blouse with three stars on the collar. It was the hero who opened the way to New Orleans, and who fought the battle of the Mobile forts from the mast-head of his vessel, — Admiral Par- ragut. He was accompanied by General Gordon of Massachu- setts, commanding the Department of Norfolk. They heard the news Monday noon, and made all haste up the James, landing at Varina and taking horses to the city. It was a pleasure to take the brave Admiral's hand, and answer his eager questions as to what Grant had done. Being latest of all present from Petersburg, I could give him the desired information. " Thank God, it is about over," said he of the Rebellion. It was a little past noon when I walked down to the river bank to view the desolation. While there I saw a boat pulled by twelve rowers coming up stream, containing President Lin- coln and his little son. Admiral Porter, and three oflScers. Forty or fifty freedmen — sole possessors of themselves for twenty-four hours — were at work on the bank of the canal, under the direction of a lieutenant, securing some floating timber ; they crowded round the President, forgetting work in their wild joy at beholding the face of the author of the great Emancipation Proclamation. As he approached I said to a colored woman, — " There is the man who made you free." " What, massa ? " "That is President Lincoln." " Dat President Linkum ? " " Yes." She gazed at him a moment in amazement, joy, rapture, as if in supernal presence, then clapped her hands, jumped and shouted, " Glory ! glory ! glory I " FARIIAGUT AT MOBILE. 1865.] RICHMOND. 611 " God bless you, Sah ! " said one, taking off his cap and bowing very low. " Hurrah ! hurrah ! President Linkum hab come ! Presi- dent Linkum hab come ! " rang through the street. The lieutenant found himself without men. What cared those freodmen, fresh from the house of bondage, for floating timber or military commands ? Their deliverer had come, — he who, next to the Lord Jesus, was their best friend ! It was not a hurrah that they gave so mucli as a wild, jubilant cry o^" inexpressible joy. They pressed round the President, ran ahead, and hovered upon the flanks and rear of the little company. Men, women, and children joined the constantly increasing throng. They came from all the streets, running in breathless haste, shout ing and hallooing, and dancing with delight. The men threw up their hats, the women waved their bonnets and handker chiefs, clapped their hands, and shouted, " Glory to God ! glory! glory! glory! " — rendering all the praise to God, who had given them freedom, after long years of weary waiting, and had permitted them thus unexpectedly to meet their great benefactor. " I thank you, dear Jesus, that I behold President Linkum ! " was the exclamation of a woman who stood upon the thresh- old of her humble home, and with streaming eyes and clasped hands, gave thanks aloud to the Saviour of men. Another, more demonstrative, was jumping and swinging her arms, crying, " Bless de Lord ! Bless de Lord ! Bless de Lord ! " as if there could be no end of her thankfulness. No carriage was to be had, so the President, leading his son, walked to General Weitzel's head-quarters, — Jeff Davis's mansion. Six sailors, wearing their round blue caps and short jackets and baggy pants, with navy carbines, formed the guard. Next came the President and Admiral Porter, flanked by the officers accompanying him, and the writer, then six more sail- ors with carbines, — twenty of us in all. The walk was long, and the President halted a moment to rest. " May de good Lord bless you, President Linkum I " said an old negro, removing his hat and bowing, with tears of joy rolling down his cheeks. The President removed his own hat. 612 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, and bovrcd in cilence : it was a bow which upset the forms, laws, customs, and ceremonies of centuries of slavery. It was a death-shock to chivalry, and a mortal wound to caste. Rec- ognize a nigger ! Disgusting. A woman in an adjoining house beheld it, and turned from the scene with unspeakable cod- tempt. There were men in the surging mass who looked dag- gers from their eyes, and felt murder in their hearts, if they did not breathe it from their lips. But the hour of sacrifice had not yet come ; the chosen assassin was not there ; the crowning work of treason and traitors yet remained to be per- formed. Not the capital of the defunct slave Confederacy, but of the restored nation, was to be the scene of the last bruta' act in the tragedy of horrors perpetrated in the name of Chris tianity. The great-hearted, noble-minded, wise-headed man, whom Providence had placed in the Executive chair to carry successfully through the Dloody war of freedom against slavery to its glorious consummation, passed on to the mansion from whence the usurping President had fled. Wlien the soldiers saw him amid the noisy crowd they cheered lustily. It was an unexpected ovation. Such a wel- come, such homage, true, heartfelt, deep, impassioned, no prince or prelate ever received. The streets becoming impassable on account of the increas- ing multitude, soldiers were summoned to clear the way. How strange the event ! The President of the United States — he who had been hated, despised, maligned above all other men living by the people of Richmond — was walking its streets, receiving every evidence of love and honor ! How bitter the reflections of that moment to some who beheld him, who re- membered, perhaps, that day in May, 1861, when Jefferson Davis entered the city, — the pageant of that hour, his speech, his promise to smite the smiter, to drench the fields of Virginia with richer blood than that shed at Buena Vista ! How that part of the promise had been kept ; how their sons, brothers, and friends had fallen ; how all else predicted had failed ; how the land had been filled with mourning; how the State had become a desolation ; how their property, wealth, had disap- peared ! They had been invited to a gorgeous banquet ; the fruit was fair to the eye, golden and beautiful, but it had l^^^O RICHMOND. 513 turned to ashes. They had been promised a high place among the nations. Cotton was the king of kings ; and England, France, and the whole civilized world would bow in humble submission to his majesty. That was the promise ; but now their king was dethroned, their government overthrown, their President and his cabinet vagrants. They had been promised affluence, Richmond was to be the metropolis of the Confeder- acy, and Virginia the all-powerful State of the new nation. How terrible the cheat ! Their thousand-dollar bonds were not worth a penny. A million dollars would not purchase a dmner. Their money was valueless, their slaves were freemen, the heart of their city was in ashes. They had been deluded m everything. Those whom they had most trusted had most abused their confidence ; and at last, in the most unfeeling and mhuman manner, had fired their dwellings, destroying property they could no longer use or levy upon, thus addmg arson and robbery to the already long list of their crimes. The people of Richmond were in despair, having no means for present subsistence, or to rebuild or commence business again. AJl their heroism, hardship, suffering, expenditure of treasure, and sacrifice ot blood liad availed them nothing. There could be no comfort in their mournmg, no alleviation to their sorrow. All had been lost in an unrighteous cause, which God had not prospered, and no satisfaction could be derived from their par- ticipation in it. For try to deceive themselves as they might into a belief that the conflict was unavoidable by the encroach- ments of the North upon the South, they could but remember the security and peace they enjoyed m the Union, little of which they had felt or dared hope for in their Utopion scheme of slavery. At length we reached the house from which Jefif Davis hud so recently departed, where General Weitzel had established his head-quarters. The President entered and sat wearily down in an arm-chair which stood in the fugitive President's recep- tion-room. General Weitzel introduced the officers present. Judge Campbell entered. At the beginning of the war he was on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States, after- wards espoused Secession, and was appointed assistant Secre- tary of War under Seddon. He was tall, and looked pale as * 0l4 THE BOYS OF '61. " [April, care-worn, agitated, and bowed very low to the President, who received him with dignity, and yet cordially. President Lincoln, accompanied by Admiral Porter, General Weitzel, and General Shepley, rode through the city, escorted by a squadron of cavalry, followed by thousands of colored people, shouting " Glory to God ! " They had seen great hard- ship and suffering. A few were well dressed. Some wore pants of Union blue and coats of Confederate gray. Others were in rags. The President was much affected as they crowded around the carriage to touch his hands, and pour out their thanks. " They that walked in darkness had seen a great light." Their great deliverer was among them. He came not as a conqueror, not as the head of a mighty nation, — " Not with the roll of the stirring drum, Nor the trumpet that singe of fame," — but as a plain, unpretending American citizen, a representative republican Chief Magistrate, unheralded, almost unattended, with " malice towards none, with charity for all," as he had but a few weeks previously proclaimed from the steps of the Capitol at Washington. He visited Libby prison, breathed fbr a moment its fetid air, gazed upon the iron-grated vtdndows and the reeking filth upon the slippery floors, and gave way to uncontrollable emotions. Libby Prison ! What horrors it recalls ! What sighs and groans ! What prayers and tears ! What dying out of hope ! What wasting away of body and mind 1 What nights of dark- ness settling on human souls ! Its door an entrance to a living charnel-house, its iron-barred windows but the outlook of hell ! It was the Inferno of the slave Confederacy. Well might have been written over its portal, " All hope abandon, ye who enter here." Visiting the prison the next morning, I foimd it occupied by several hundred Rebels, who were peering from the grated windows, looking sadly upon the desolation around them. A large nimiber were upon the roof, breathing the fresh air, and gazing upon the fields beyond the James, now green with the verdure of spring. Such liberty was never granted Union pris- oners. Whoever approached the prison bars, or laid his hand upon them, became the victim of a Rebel bullet. ^^r:^m^-^n 1865.] RICHMOND. 515 There was a crowd of women with pails and buckets at the windows, giving the prisoners provisions and talking freely with their friends, who came not only to the windows, but to the door, where the good-natured sentinel allowed conversation without restraint. The officer in charge conducted our party through the wards The air was saturated with vile odors, arising from the un- washed crowd, — from old rags and dirty garments, froiu puddles of fdthy water which dripped through the floor, ran down the walls, sickening to all the senses. From this prisoix fifteen hundred men were hurried to the flag-of-truce boat on Sunday, that they might be exchanged before the evacuation of the city. Many thousands had lived there mouth after month, wasting away, starving, dying of fever, of consumption, of all diseases known to medical science, — from insanity, de- spair, idiocy, — having no communication with the outer world, no food from friends, no sympathy, no compassion, — tortured to death through rigor of imprisonment, by men whose hearts grew harder from day to day by the brutality they practised. " Please give mo a bit of bread, Aunty, I am starving," wa^ the plea one day of a young soldier who saw a negro womaL passing the window. He thrust his emaciated hand between the bars and clutched the bit which she cheerfully gave him ; but before it had passed between his teeth he saw the brauis of his benefactress spattered upon the sidewalk by the sentinel ! Although the city was in possession of the Union forces, there were many residents who believed that Lee would re- trieve the disaster. " I was sorry," said a citizen, " to see the Stars and Stripes torn down in 1861. It is the prettiest flag in the world, but 1 shed tears when I saw it raised over the Capitol of Virgmia on Sunday morning." " Why so ? " I asked. " Because it was done without the consent of the State of Virginia." " Then you still cling to the idea that a State is more than the nation." " Yes ; State rights above everything." " Don't you think the war is almost over, — that it is uselefv? lor Lee to contend further ? " 516 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, " No. He will fight another battle, and he will win. He can fight for twenty-five years in the mountains ? " " Do you think that men can live in the mountains ? " " Yes ; on roots and herbs, and fight you till you are weary of it, and whip you out." A friend called upon one of the most aristocratic families of *.he place. He found that men and women alike were exceed- aigly bitter and defiant. They never would yield. They would fight through a generation, and defeat the Yankees at last. They were proud of the Old Dominion, the mother of States and of Presidents, proud of their ancestry, of the chivalry of Virginia, and gave free expression to their hatred. Having heard that a brigade of colored troops had been enlisted in Richmond for the Rebel army, I made inquiries to ascertain the facts. All through the war the Rebel author- ities had engaged a large number of slaves as teamsters and laborers. The immense fortifications thrown up around Rich- mond, Yorktown, Petersburg, Wilmington, Charleston, and Savannah were the work of slaves. The Rebels said that slavery, mstead of being a weakness, was an element of strength. Slaves built the fortifications and raised the corn and wheat, which enabled the Confederacy to send all of its white fighting population to the field. But the fighting material was used up. Men were wanted. An unsparing conscription failed to fill up the ranks. Then came the agitation of the question of employing negro soldiers. General Lee advocated the measure. " They possess," said he, " all the physical qualifications, and their habits of obedi- ence constitute a good foundation for discipline. I think those who are employed should be freed. It would neither be just nor wise, in my opinion, to require them to serve as slaves. The best course to pursue, it seems to me, would be to call for such as are willing to come, — willing to come, with the con- sent of their owners. An impressment or draft would not be likely to bring out the best class, and the use of coercion would make the measure distasteful to them and to their owners." The subject was debated in secret session in Congress, and a bill enacted authorizing their employment. A great meeting was held in the African church to " fire the 18oo.] RICHMOND. 517 Southern heart," and speeches were made. A recruiting-office was opened. The newspapers spoke of the success of the movement. Regiments were organizing. " I fear there will soon be a great scarcity of arms when the negroes are drilled," wrote the Rebel war clerk in his diary on the 11th of March ; and five days later, on the 17th, " We shall have a negro army. Letters are pouring into the department from men of military skill and character, asking authority to raise companies, battalions, and regiments of negro troops. It is the desperate remedy for the very desperate case, and may be successful. If three hundred thousand efficient soldiers can be made of this material, there is no conjecturing when the next campaign may end." A week later the colored troops had a parade in Capitol Square. There were so few, that the war clerk said it was " rather a ridiculous affair." " How many colored men enlisted ? " I asked of a negro. " 'Bout fifty, I reckon, sir. Dey was mostly poor Souf Car- olina darkies, — poor heathen fellers, who didn't know no better." " Would you have fought against the Yankees ? " " No, sir. Doy might have shot me through de body wid ninety thousand balls, before I would have fired a gim at my friends." " Then you look upon us as your friends ? " " Yes, sir. I have prayed for you to come ; and do you think that I would have prayed one way and fit de other ? " " I '11 tell you, massa, what I would have done," said an- other, taking off his hat and bowing : " I would have taken de gun, and when I cotched a chance I 'd a shooted it at de Rebs and den run for de Yankees." This brought a general explosion from the crowd, and ar- rested the attention of some white men passing. We were in the street west of the Capitol. I had but to raise my eyes to see the Stars and Stripes waving in the even- ing breeze. A few paces distant were the ruins of the Rebel War Department, from whence were issued the orders to starve our prisoners at Belle Isle, Salisbury, and Andersonville. Not far were the walls of Dr. Reed's church, where a specious 518 THE BOYS OF '61. [Apfil, Gospel had been preached, and near by was the church of Dr. Mmucgerodo. The street was full of people. I was a stranger to them all, but I ventured to make this inquiry, — " Did you ever see an Abolitionist ? " " No, massa, I reckon I neber did," was the reply. " "What kind of people do you think they are ? " " Well, massa, I specs dey is a good kind of people." " Why do you think so ? " " 'Case when I hear bad white folks swearing and cursing about 'em, I reckon dar must be something good about 'em." " Well, my friends, I am an Abolitionist ; I believe that all men have equal rights, and that I have no more right to make a slave of you than you have of me." Every hat came off in an instant. Hands were reached out toward me, and I heard from a dozen tongues a hearty " God bless you, sir ! " White men heard me and scowled. Had I uttered those words in Richmond twenty-four hours earlier I should have had nc opportunity to repeat them, but paid for my temerity with a halter or a knife ; but now those men who stretched out their hands to me would have given the last drop of their blood be- fore they would have seen a hair of my head iiyured, after that declaration. The slaves were the true loyal men of the South. They did what they could to help put down tlio Rebellion by aiding Union prisoners to escape, by giving trustworthy information. The Stars and Stripes was their banner of hope. What a life they led ! I met a young colored man, with features more Anglo- Saxon than African, who asked, — " Do you think, sir, that I could obtain employment in the North ? " " What can you do ? " " Well, sir, I have been an assistant in a drug store. I can put up prescriptions. I paid forty dollars a month for my time before the Confederate money became worthless, but my master thought that I was going to rmi away to the Yankees, and sold me awhile ago ; and he was my own father, sir." " Your own father ? " " Yes, sir ! They often sell their own flesh and blood, sir I " 1865.] RICHMOND. 619 Among the correspondents accompanying the army was a gentleman connected with the Philadelphia Press, Mr. Chester, tall, stout, and muscular. God had given him a colored skin, but beneath it lay a courageous heart. Visiting the Capitol, he entered the Senate chamber and sat down in the Speaker's chair to write a letter. A paroled Rebel ofl&cer entered the room. " Come out of there, you black cuss! " shouted the officer, clenching his fist. Mr. Chester raised his eyes, calmly surveyed the intruder, and went on with his writing. " Get out of there, or I '11 knock your brains out ! " the offi- cer bellowed, pouring out a torrent of oaths ; and rushing up the steps to execute his threat, found himself tumbling over chairs and benches, knocked down by one well-planted blow between his eyes. Mr. Chester sat down as if nothing had happened. Tlie Rebel sprang to his feet and called upon Captain Hutchius of General Devens's staff for a sword. " I '11 cut the fellow's heart out," said he. " no, I guess not. I can't let you have my sword for any such purpose. If you want to fight, I will clear a space here, and see that you have fair play, but let me tell you that you will get a tremendous thrashing," said Captain Hutchins. The officer left the hall in disgust. " I thought I would ex- ercise my rights as a belligerent," said Mr. Chester. I ascended the steps of the Capitol and stood on the roof of the building to gaze upon the panorama, hardly surpassed in beauty anywhere, — a lovely combination of city, country, val- ley, hill, plain, field, forest, and foaming river. The events of four years came to remembrance. First, the secession of the State on the 17th of April, 1861, by the convention which sat with closed doors in the hall below, the threats of violence ut- tered against the Union delegates from the western counties, the wild tumult of the " People's Convention," so called, in Metropolitan Hall, — a body of Jacobins assembling to brow- beat the convention in the Capitol ; and when the ordinance was passed, the appearance of John Tyler, once President of the United States, with Governor Wise, among the fire-eaters, 620 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, welcomed with noisy cheers ; it seemed as if I could hear the voice of Tyler as he said that Virginia and the people of the South had submitted to aggression till secession was a duty, and that the Almighty would smile upon the work of that day. They were the words of a feeble old man, whose every official act was in the interest of slavery. Vehement the words of Wise, who imagined that the Yankees had seized one of his children as a hostage for himself. " If they suppose," said he, " that hostages of my own heart's blood will stay my hand in a contest for the maintenance of sacred rights, they are mistaken. Affection for kindred, prop- erty, and life itself sink into insignificance in comparison with the overwhelming importance of public duty in such a crisis as this." Mason, the lordly senator, and Governor Letcher, the drunk- en executive of the State, also addressed the crazy crowd, fired to a burning heat of madness by passion and whiskey. On that occasion the Confederate flag was raised upon the flagstaff springing from the roof of the Capitol, although the State had not joined the Confederacy.^ The people were to vote on the question, and yet the Convention had enjoined that the act of secession should be kept a secret till Norfolk Navy Yard and Harper's Ferry Arsenal could be seized.* The newspapers of Richmond had no announcement to make the next morning that the State was no longer a member of the Union. What honorable, high-minded, " chivalrous" proceedings! Then came the volunteers thronging the streets. Professor Jackson (Stonewall) was drillmg the cadets. Three days after tlie passage of the ordinance of secession, troops were swarming in the yard around the Capitol, and A. H. Stephens, Vice- President of the Confederacy, and Ex-President Tyler, and the drunken Letcher were negotiating an alliance offensive and defensive between the sovereign State of Virginia and the States already confederated to establish a slaveholding republic. Next m order was the arrival of Jeff Davis and the peram- bulating government of the Confederacy, to tarry a few days in Richmond before proceeding to Washington. Davis and hia • Rebel War Clerk's Diary, Vol. I. p. 24. 1865.] RICHMOND. 621 followers made boastful promises of what they could and would do, breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the hated Yankees. Then the hurly-burly, — the rush of volunteers, the arrival of troops, welcomed with cheers and smiles, the streets through which they passed strewn with flowers by the ladies of Richmond. The Confederate Congress and heads of depart- ments came, — Stephens, Toombs, Cobb, Floyd, Wigfall, Mem- minger, Mallory, — with thousands of place-hunters, filling the city to overflowing, putting money into the pockets of the citi- zens, — not gold and silver, but Confederate currency, to be redeemed two years after the ratification of the treaty of peace with the United States. Beauregard, the rising star of the South, came from Charleston, to reap fresh laurels at Manassas. Richmond was solemn on that memorable Sabbath, the 21st of June, 1861, for through the forenoon the reports were that the Yankees were winning the day ; but at night, when the news came from Davis that the " cowardly horde " was flying, panic- stricken, to Washington, how jubilant the crowd ! A year later there were pale faces, when the army of McClellan swept through Williamsburg. JeS" Davis packed up his furniture, and made preparations to leave the city. There was another fright when the Rebels came back discomfited from Fair Oaks. From the roof of the Capitol anxious eyes watched the war- clouds rolling up from Mechanicsville and Cold Harbor. Those were mournful days. Long lines of ambulances, wagons, coaches, and carts, filled with wounded, filed through the streets. How fearful the slaughter to the Rebels in those mem- orable seven days' fighting ! Deep the maledictions heaped upon the drunken Magruder for the carnage at Malvern Hill. Beneath the roof on which I stood Stuart, Gregg, and Stone- wall Jackson, — dead heroes of the Rebellion, — had reposed in state, mourned by the weeping multitude. Before me were Libby Prison and Belle Isle. What wretch- edness and sufiering there ! Starvation for soldiers of the Un- ion, within sight of the fertile fields of Manchester, waving with grain and alive with flocks and herds ! Nearer the Cap- itol was the mansion of Jeff Davis, the slave-trader's jail and the slave-market. What agony and cries of distress within the 522 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, hearing of the Chief Magistrate of the Coufederacj, as mothers pressed their infants to their breasts for the last time. In front of the Capitol was the stone building erected by the United States, where for four years Jeff Davis had played the sovereign, where Benjamin, Memminger, Toombs, Mallory, Sedden, Trenholm, and Breckenridge had exercised authority, dispensing places of profit to their friends, who came in crowds to find exemption from conscription. Beyond, and on either side, was the forest of blackened chimneys, tottering walls, and smoking ruins of the . re which had swept away the accumu- lated wealth of years in a day. How terrible tlie retribution ! Before the war there was quiet in the city, but there came a reign of terror, when ruffians ruled, when peaceful citizens dared not be abroad after dark. There was sorrow in every household for friends fallen in battle, and Poverty sat by many a hearthstone. Hardest of all to bear was the charity of their enemies. Under the shadow of the Capitol the Cliristian and Sanitary Commissions were giving bread to the needy. Standing there upon the roof I could look down upon a throng of men, wo- men, and children receivhig food from the kind-hearted dele- gates, upon whose lips were no words of bitterness, but only the sons: of the angels, — " Peace on earth, good-will to men ! " ^^M^:^ 1865.] THE CONFEDEKATE LOAN. 623 CHAPTER XXXII. THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. The attitude of Great Britain towards the United States during the Rebellion will make a strange chapter in history. The first steamship returning from that country after the firmg upon Fort Sumter brought the intelligence that the British government had recognized the Rebels as belligerents. Mr. Adams, the newly appointed Minister to the Court of St. James, was on his way to London, but without waiting to hear what representations he might have to make, the ministry with unseemly haste gave encouragement to the Rebels. Palmerston, Russell, the chief dignitaries of state, and of the Church also, with the London Times and Morning Post, espoused the cause of the slaveholders, while the weavers of Lancashire, though thrown out of employment by the blockade, gave their sympathies to the North. They were ignorant of the causes which led to hostilities. The English press informed them that it was the tariff ; that the people of the South had a right to secede ; that the United States had no right to re- strain them ; that the South was fighting for liberty : but not- withstanding this, the operatives, from the beginning, ranged themselves on the side of the Union. They stood in opposition to Palmerston and the peers of the realm, — the press, the aristocracy, and the mill-owners. In this they were guided, perhaps, more by instinct than by reason. They knew that in the North labor was free, but that the South had made slavery the corner-stone of their Confederacy. Their life was ever a battle, for Labor was the slave of Capital. They knew nothing of State rights, or the rights of belligerents, or of American tariffs, but instinct by a short road led them to the conclusion that the conflict was not merely national, bul world-wide, and that the freemen of the North were fighting for the rights of men everywhere. 624 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, The London Times was foremost among the newspapers to prophesy the disruption of the Union. Its utterances were oracular. It claimed superior knowledge and a deeper insight of the Ainerican question than any of its contemporaries, and its opinions were accepted as truth by all Englishmen who approved the slaveholders' war. Ship-builders, cotton-brokers, and capitalists regulated their faith and works by the leading articles of tliat journal, and loaned their money to the South. " The great republic is gone, and no serious attempt will be made by the North to save it," wrote Mr. W. H. RusseU to the THmes in April, 1861. " General bankruptcy is inevitable, and agrarian and social- ist riots may be expected very soon," was the despatch of that individual immediately after the battle of Bull Run. The tradespeople of Engbnrl believed him. The South was victor ; the Confederacy was become a nation. The agents of the South were already iu England purchasing supplies, paying liberal prices. They found that Englishmen were ready to engage in any scheme of profit, — in running the blockade, building war-ships for the Confederate government, or selling arms and ammunition, in violation of the laws of the realm. As a large number of letters written by Rebel agents and emissaries in England and France have fallen into my hands, I purpose in this chapter to give a r^sumS of their contents, wliich expose the secret history of the Cotton Loan. Soon after the beginning of hostilities tlie Liverpool corre- spondent of the Times, Mr. James Spence, entered heartily into the support of the cause of the South. He was engaged in com- mercial pursuits, but found leisure not only to keep up his cor- respondence with the Times, but to write a book entitled the *' American Union," in which he advocated the right of the South to secede, and extolled slavery as a superior condition of life for the laboring man. " The negroes," said he, " have at all times abundant food : Uie sufferings of fireless winters are unknown to them, medi- cal attendance is always at command ; in old age there is no fear of a workhouse ; their children are never a burden or a curse ; their labor, though long, is neither difficult nor im lioalthy. As a rule, they have their own ground and fowls and 1865.] THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. 525 vegetables, of which they sell a surplus. So far, then, as merely animal comforts extend, their lot is more free from suf- fering than those of many classes of European laborers." Sucli sympathy with slavery received its reward in the ap- pointment of Mr. Spence as financial agent of tlie Confederacy. Large sums of money were sent from Charleston, Savannah, and Richmond to England. Vessels found little difficulty in running the blockade during the first year of the war, and Nassau became the half-way station, and thousands of English- men counted up their gains from blockade-running with glee. Societies were formed in London and other principal cities, called " Confederate Aid Associations." An address to the British public was issued, setting forth the barbarism of the North against the South, struggling for her rights. " The women of the South," reads the address, " have been insulted, imprisoned, flogged, violated, and outraged in a most inhuman and sav- age manner. Their homes and goods have been destroyed, their houses forcibly entered, the helpless and unresisting inmates murdered, the fleeing overtaken and cut down in cold blood by the savage soldiery of the North They are now glutting their hellish rage against the people they seek to destroy in inflicting every kind of torture, punishment, and misery that their fruitful minds can invent upon thoee that they would fain call fellow-citizens The atrocities, cruelties, crimes, and outrages committed against the South in this war are with- out a parallel in the history of the world "In the name of suffering Lancashire, civilization, justice, peace, liberty, humanity, Christianity, and a candid world ; and by the highest considerations that can call men into action, we beg you to come for- ward to aid, contribute, and support a brave and valiant people that are fighting for their homes, firesides, birthright, lives, independence, sacred honor, and all that is dear to mankind. By all the sorrows, deprivations, bereavements, losses, hardships, and suffering that now ingulf the Confederate people, we appeal to you to arouse, and rush to their aid with your pence, shillings, and pounds ; give them your sympathy, countenance, and influence, to hurl the tyrants from their country, and obtain the greatest boon to man, — self-government. Fairest and best of earth, for the sake of violated innocence, insulted virtue, and the honor of your sex, — come in woman's majesty and omnipo- tence, and give strength to a cause that has for its object the highest human aims, the amelioration and exaltation of humanity." &26 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, The address was issued by Englishmeu, had a wide circula- tion, and undoubtedly was accepted as a true representation of affairs. Then "Whittier sent his stinging words, "To Englishmen," across the Atlantic : — " But yesterday you scarce could shake, In slave-abhorring rigor, Our Northern palms, for conscience' sake ; To-day you clasp the hands that ache With ' walloping the nigger ' 1 " And is it Christian England cheers The bruiser, not the bruised ? And must she run, despite the tears And prayers of eighteen hundred years, A-muck in Slavery's crusade ? " black disgrace I O shame and loss Too deep for tongue to phrase on I Tear from your flag its holy cross, And in your van of battle toss The pirate's skull-bone blazon ! " Tlie Trent affair had inflamed the British public, and Rebel sympatliizers were fierce for war, that the South might reap the advantage ; but Mason and Slidell had been given up by President Lincoln, and Mr. Mason stood hat in hand at the gate of St. James. But Earl Russell could not conveniently see him just then. Lancashire had spoken. Men upon whose humble hearths no fire warmed the wintry air, in whose homes poverty was ever a guest, around whose doors the wolf of want was always prowling, — the bone and muscle of England, with whom the instinct of Liberty was stronger to persuade than distress and famine to subdue, — they, the hardy workers of England, were with the North. At home, in the valley of the Shenandoah, Mr. Mason had been a Virginia lord. It was his nature to be proud, imperi- ous, and haughty. He lived in the greatness of an ancient family name. He expected ready admittance at St. James; but though he rang the bell early and often, and sent in his card. Earl Russell was not "■ at home " to him. He was ready to turn away in disgust, but the wants of the 1865.] THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. 527 Confederacy compelled him to submit to whatever humiliation Earl Russell might choose to administer. He told his griefs to Mr. Benjamin, the Confederate Secretary of State, and received condolence. " Your correspondence with Lord Russell," wrote the Secretary, " shows with what scant courtesy you have been treated, and exhibits a marked contrast between the conduct of the English and French statesmen now in oflBce, in their intercourse with foreign agents, emi- nently discreditable to the former. It is lamentable that at this lato period of the nineteenth century, a nation so enlightened as Great Britain should have failed yet to discover that a principal cause of the dislike and hatred towards England, of which complaints are rife, in her Parliament and press, is the offensive arrogance of some of her public men. The contrast is striking between the polished courtesy of M. Thouvenal and the rude incivility of Lord Russell. " Your determination to submit to these annoyances in the service of your country, and to overlook personal slights, while hope remains that your continued presence in England may benefit our cause, cannot fail to command the approval of your government." * Englishmen wanted to see the great republic broken to pieces, but there were repulsive features in that system of civilization which the South was attempting to establish. The Union dead were mangled at Manassas ; their bones were carved into charms and amulets. Among the mountains of Tennessee old men were dragged from their beds at midnight, and hung without judge or jury, because they loved the flag of their country. In Missouri bridges were burned at night, and men, women, and children upon railroad trains were precipitated into yawning gulfs by their neighbors ! This was the work of the " master race," too " refined," " chivalric," and " gentle- manly " to associate with the laboring men of the North. Were the workingmen of Old England any more worthy than they of New England to associate with the slave-masters of the South ? British operatives and mechanics understood the ques- tion, — that it was a conflict between two systems of labor, — and they rejected with disdain all overtures from the South. The intervention of England and France was necessary to insure the success of the Rebel cause, and English and Euro- ♦ Benjamia's letter to Mason, October 28, 1862. '>28 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, [)ean public sentiment must be brought round to the Southern side by the power of the press. Mr. Edwm De Leon therefore was made an agent of the Confederacy to subsidize the press of Europe. The wires were pulled by Mr. Bergamin, who TTote thus to Mr. De Leon : — •' I will take measures to forward you additional means to enable you to extend the field of your operations, and to embrace, if possible, the press of Central Europe in your campaign. Austria and Prussia, as well as the smaller Germanic powers, seem to require intelligence of the true condition of our affairs, and the nature of our struggle ; and it is to be hoped that you may find means to act with efficiency in moulding public opinion in those countries." • That this scheme of bribery was successful will appear further on. The British government having with precipitate haste recognized the Rebels as belligerents, English merchants were quick to follow in the track of Palmerstou and Russell. Merchants, bankers, admirals of the navy, officers of the army, speculators, spendthrifts, adventurers from the slums and stews of London and Liverpool, in common with members of Parlia- ment and peers of the realm, engaged in blockade-running, not only to enrich themselves, but to aid in establishing a govern- ment based on human slavery. The agents of the Confeder- acy in England found hearty welcome from all classes, espe- cially the ship-builders. Soon after the attack upon Sumter Mr. Mallory, Secretary of the Confederate Navy, sent Captain Bullock of Savannah to England, to engage sliipbuilders to fit out privateers. He found W. C. Miller & Son of Liverpool, and the Lairds of Birkenhead, ready to engage in the work of destroying Ameri- can commerce. He contracted with the first for the building of the Oreto, or Florida, and with the Lairds for the " 290," or Alabama. He also found warm welcome from Roebuck, ijrregory, and other members of Parliament, and from capital- ists, who subscribed liberally in aid of the enterprise. Funds were needed for the payment of Rebel debts in Eng- land, and the Confederate Congress passed a bill in AprU, 1862, authorizing the exchange of bonds for articles in kind, * Beniamin's letter to Mr. De Leon, December 13, 1862. CAPTAIN WINSLOW ANJJ THE KBARSARGB. ADMIRAL FARRAOUT, 1865.] THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. (529 and Mr. Benjamin thereupon wrote to Mr. Mason, advising him of the financial arrangements which had been made. " At your susgestion," said Mr. Benjamin, '• I have appointed Mr. James Spence of Liverpool financial agent, and have requested him to negotiate for the sale of five million dollars of our eight per cent bonds, if he can realize fifty per cent on them. I have already sent over two millions of bonds, and will send another million in a week or ten days. Mr. Spence is directed to confer with Messrs. Fraser, Trenholm & Co.. who had previously been made our depositaries at Liverpool I have also directed Mr. Spence to endeavor to negotiate for the applica- tion of two and a half millions of coin, which I have here, for the pur- chase of supplies and munitions for our army. I hope that this coin will be accepted by British houses in payment at the rate of sterling in England, less freight and insurance. It seems to me that upon its transfer to British owners, they could obtain transportation for it on their vessels of war from any Confederate port, inasmuch as it would be bo7ia Jide British property, and in any event the holder of the tranS' fer would have a certain security."* This scheme of an alliance between British naval officers and the Rebel government was carried out, and a portion of the coin shipped in a British man-of-war, the Vesuvius, from Ba- hama, by the English consul. f. The bonds referred to by Mr. Benjamin were the regularly issued bonds of the Confederacy. Cotton certificates were also issued ; but in addition to these means, the Rebel govern- ment deemed it advisable to bring out a loan based exclusively on cotton. The proposition came from Mr. Slidell, who was in Paris, envoy to the Court of France, but who, instead of attending the receptions of the Emperor at the Tuileries, was endeavor- ing to obtain social and political recognition by giving luxuri- ous entertainments. Napoleon was ready to recognize the Confederacy, but Palmerston and Russell hesitated, and he was not quite prepared to move alone in the matter. He was anxious to see the great republic broken up, not that he particularly desired the establishment of the Confed- eracy, but for the furtherance of his own designs in Mexico. • Benjamin's Letter, October 24, 1862. > Earl Russell's letter to Mr. Adams, Diplo. Cor. 1863, Part I p 12^ 34 630 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, While professing to Mr. Slidell good-will, and a readiness to give substantial aid to the Rebellion, his agents, M. de Sa ligny, French minister in Mexico, M. Th^ron, Frenoh consul at Galveston, and M. Tabouelle, French vice-consul at Richmond, were intriguing to dismember Texas from the Confederacy. " The Emperor of the French," wrote Mr. Beiyamin to Mr. Slidell, " has determined to conquer and hold Mexico as a col- ony, and is desirous of interposing a weak power between his new colony and the Confederate States, in order that he may feel secure against interference with his designs on Mexico. .... The evidence thiis afforded of a disposition on the part of France to seize on this crisis of our fate as her occasion for tlie promotion of selfish interests, and this too after the assur- ances of friendly disposition, or, at worst, impartial neutrality, which you have received from the leading public men of France, cannot but awaken solicitude." * The French consuls at Galveston and Richmond were dis- missed by Jeff Davis, but that did not outwardly ruffle the temper of the Emperor, nor stop the cotton loan, as will pres- ently be seen. The Rebel congressmen looked upon Slidell's scheme with distrust, but the bill was eventually passed in se- cret session. The finances of the Confederacy were going to wreck. Tliero were heavy debts in Europe, and, unless the bills were promptly paid, there would be an end of supplies. Eng- land was suffering for cotton, and the time had come for the successful negotiation of a loan, based on cotton, with great apparent advantages to the subscribers. The mill-owners of Manchester were ready to enter upon any speculation which would start their machinery ; the aristocracy would subscribe out of sympathy for the slaveholders ; the Liverpool shippers would take stock, as it would give employment to their" block- ade-runners ; while the unusual risks and great chances of j.rofit would make it attractive to the multitude with whom the Derby is the whitest day of the year. Mr. Slidell had made the acquaintance of Baron Ermile d'Erlanger of Paris, a Jewish banker, who had a branch house in Frankfort conducted by his brother, Raphael d'Erlanger. * Benjamin to Slidell, October 17, 1862. 1865.] THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. £>31 This firm was recommended by Slidell as a suitable agency for bringing out the loan, and the contract was given them by Mr. Memminger. D'Erlanger began preparations for putting it on the market in February, 1863. He desired to issue it in Eng- land, France, Holland, and Germany at the same time, to bring to the Confederacy the financial support of Europe. The con- siderations were political as well as financial. He found some difficulty, however, in obtaining English agents. The Barings and Rothschilds stood aloof. He offered the London manage- ment to Messrs. John H. Gilliat & Co., but that firm declined having anything to do with it. It was ofiered to other bankers, but refused. He found willing agents at last in Messrs. John Henry Schroeder & Co., and the firm of Messrs. Lawrence, Son, and Pearce. Li Liverpool Messrs. Frazor, Trenholm, & Co. had been acting as agents of the Confederacy, and the management was placed in their hands. Schroeder's agents in Amsterdam managed it there, while D'Erlanger's branch house in Frankfort brought it out in that city. D'Erlanger himself manipulated it in Paris. D'Erlanger and Mr. Beer, of his firm, visited England, and arranged matters with Mason and Spence, and with Frazer, Trenholm, & Co., all of whom were acting as agents of the Confederacy. A special agent had been appointed by the Rebel government to take charge of the loan, — General C. J. McRae, — who was on his way from Richmond to Paris ; but as the needs of the Confederacy were urgent, the loan was opened before his arrival. The support of the press was secured, — all but two or three papers being brought, through the agency of Mr. De Leon, Mr. Mason, and Mr. Spence, to praise the Confederacy, cry down the Union, and urge recognition by France and England as the surest way to put an end to the war. The correspondence in my possession between the parties- opens on the 1st of March. Mr. Spence, sitting in his parloi in the Burlington Hotel, Old Burlington Street, London, writer to Baron d'Erlanger, who is in Paris, asking for a copy of the contract. D'Erlanger did not place a very high estimate on the ability of Mr. Spence as a financial manager ; but as he was the cor 532 THE BOYS OF '61. [Aprilj rospoudent of the Times, and commercial agent of the Confed- eracy, thought best not to ofiend him. Spence, on the other hand, saw an opportunity to make money. A week later, on the 6th of March, he wrote thus to D'Erlanger : — " You said something in the last interview of £ 50,000 of the stock. If it had occurred to you to put down to me that quantity at the gross price of seventy-seven, I should be disposed to consider it, looking to the advantage to aU concerned of having a common interest." As the loan was issued at 90, this proposal of Mr. Spence to take it at 77, — giving him a margin of 13 per cent under the contract price, — was, in the language of bankers, " a shave " for his services as correspondent of the Times, — a transaction upon which more light will be thrown further on in this history. The loan was put upon the market on the 19th of March. Fifteen per cent was to be paid at the time of suliscribing. The stock was limited to three million pounds sterling ($15,000,000) ; but so desirous were Englishmen to take it, the appUcations were for £9,000,000 ($45,000,000). On the evening of the 19th Mr. Spence wrote to D'Erlanger of its success in Liverpool : — *' All goes well here. The cotton trade take it up with strong inter- est, and it will come out for large sums. I applied very early for £ 20,000, and thought I should have been first, but found P was before me, with his £ 100,000. You will have a lot of applications in London from the storgs, — that is, those who join to sell at the premium. Here we have no class of that kind, and our applicants, as in Manches- ter, being more bona Jide, will, as a rule, take a day or two to digest its merits. The market closed here at 4^, — quite high enough for the first day." On the next day, the 20th, Mr. Spence writes : — " We shall very much exceed a million here, I think, by noon to- morrow. The political effect will be enormous. It is the recognition of the South by the intelligence of Europe." On the 21st, congratulations were received by D'Erlanger from Slidell, who was in London. " Allow me to congratulate you," said he, " on your magnifie success. Apart from the direct advantages of the affair, it can- not fail tc give great prestige to your house." 1865.] THE CONFEDERATE LOAN, 633 " The Emperor himself^ through the medium of his Chef de Cabinet,'^ wrote D'Erlanger to Memmmger, " complimented us upon the great success; a proof with what interest the operation had been received by all friends of the South." Notwithstanding the " intelligence of Europe " had rushed to secure it, bankers of respectability — men who prized honor and integrity above poimds and pence — stood aloof, for they remembered that Mr. Jefferson Davis, President of tho slave- holding Confederacy, was a repudiator. No allegation against him had been made through the press, but the Times came to the rescue before the attack. On the 19th, the day on which the loan was issued, Mr. Sampson, editor of the city article, said: — " Those among the English people who are still suffering from Mis- sissippi repudiation will perhaps view with wonder and regret the ne- gotiation of a loan for a government of which Mr. Jefferson Davis, by whom that repudiation was defended in his place in Congress, is the head. But the Southern Confederacy includes Virginia, Greorgia, and other honorable States, and it is by the prospect of what the Confed- eracy will do as a whole that people will make their calculation. The reasoning that \^ould exclude the South from a loan on account of the conduct of Mississippi, would apply equally to the North, since the North embraces Michigan. It would also have applied to the United States loans negotiated while Mississippi was a State of the Union, and especially while Mr. Jefferson Davis was an influential member of the Federal government, and regarded with high favor by aU the North- ern population, by whom the remarks of the 7\mes on his financial vi«ws were then declared to be nothing but the outpourings of British rancor." * Turning to the Times of July 13th, of 1849, we find a letter written by Jeff Davis, copied from the Washington Union, in which the repudiator says : — " The crocodile tears which have been shed over ruined creditors are on a par with the lawless denunciations which have been heaped upon that State." To this the Times replied : — *' Taking its principles and its tone together, it is a doctrine which has never been paralleled. Let it circulate throughout Europe, that a • Times, March 19, 1863. 534 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, member of the United States Senate in 1849 has openly proclaimed that at a recent period the Governor and Legislative assemblies of his own State deliberately issued fraudulent bonds for five million dollara to sustain the credit of a rickety bank, that the bonds in question hav- ing been hypothecated abroad to innocent holders, such holders have not only no claim against the community by whose Executive and Representatives this act was committed, but that they are to be taunted for appealing to the verdict of the civilized world, rather than to the judgment of the legal officers of the State by whose functionaries they have been robbed, and that the ruin of toil-worn men, of women and of children, and the crocodile tears which that ruin has occasioned, is a subject of jest on the part of those by whom it has been accomplished, and then let it be asked if any foreigner ever penned a libel on the American character equal to that against the people of Mississippi by their own Senator." * Mr. Davis published a rejoinder, dated at Briarfield, Miss., August 29, 1849, addressed to the editor of the 3fississippian, " It is a foreigner's slander," said he, " against the govern- ment, tlio judiciary, and the people of the Mississippi, It is an attack upon our republican government, the hypocritical cant of stock-jobbers and pensioned presses, — by the hired advocates of the innocent stock dealers of London change. It is a calumnious imputation." The State of Mississippi had obtained the money in London on the solemn pledge of the faith of the State, and loaned it to the citizens ; but the State had broken its pledge, repudiated the debt, and Mr. Jeff Davis eulogized the proceeding ! The courts of the State decreed in 1842 that the debt was valid, and the decision was reaffirmed in 1853. Jeff Davis was then Secretary of War, and through his efforts and influence the State continued to repudiate the claims of the British bond- holders. In 1863 Mississippi was indebted to Englishmen not only for the prhicipal, 15,000,000, but for twenty-five years of unpaid interest ; yet, notwithstanding this, the Times, eating its words of other days, came before the English people with a certificate of character for the repudiator, also publishing one from Slidell. " I am inclined to think," wrote Slidell, '' that the people in London confound Mr. Reuben Davis, whom 1 • Tivies, July 13, 1849. 1865.] THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. i>8ft have always understood to have taken the lead on th« question of repudiation, with President Jefferson Davis. I am not aware that the latter was ever identified with the question." The Times, commenting upon Slideil's letter, said : — " It is satisfactory to find that the friends of the President of the Confederate States are anxious to free him from the charge of having been an advocate of the repudiation which has now been practised for exactly a quarter of a century by the State of Mississippi " Should it turn out that there has been a mistake, the announce- ment will be hailed with warm gratification, — not from any idle feeling of partisanship for the South, on the one hand, or the merely sordid consideration of the prospects of the bondholders on the other, brt because there can be no question, whether his course be judged by Northerners or Southerners, that in his conduct of the existing war Mr. Jefierson Davis has displayed such qualities as to give the world an interest in wishing that the dishonorable classes who are to be found in every nation should not, either now or in the future, be able to point to him as an instance of the possibility of a heartless dis- regard of pecuniary rights being compatible with real greatness of character. It is to be apprehended, however, that the solution will not come in the manner contemplated. Nevertheless, in another way it is not out of reach, and the best probability is that the unhappy blot upon Mr. Davis's reputation was caused by the influence of an unscru- pulous community upon a then young and aspiring politician, deriving his views, perhaps, from the sophistical perversions of fraudulent law- yers, and that he has since discovered his mistake, and learnt to feel and acknowledge that if he had again to act in the matter, it would be in a very different spirit." * It was necessary, for the. success of the loan, to show that the South was sure of obtaining its independence, and while the editor of the city article was whitewashing Jeff Davis, the editor in chief was assuring the public that the Union was for- ever broken up. Thus wrote Mr. Delaine, the editor in chief, on the 19th : — " So far as it is concerned, the once United States are a mere heap of loose materials, a caldron of molten stuff, ready to receive what- ever form fortune may determine. In that vast melie are two cen- tres, which severally strive to give law and order to the whole. At • Times, March 23, 1863. 63b THE BOYS OF '61, [April, Washington a body of men, not without courage, ability, and enterprise, are laboring, not to restore the Union, — they might as well try to re- store the Heptarchy, — but to reconquer what has been lost, and, let the worst come to worst, to establish a military power." On tbo 27tb another leader was given to American affairs, rfaid the editor : — *' As to the final issue of the war, all the world, except some politi- cians, soldiers, and contractors at Washington and New York, have made up their minds, .... excepting a few disappointed gentlemen of Republican tendencies, we all expect, we nearly all wish, success to the Confederate cause." And again, on the 28th : — " There was room enough for two states on one continent, could the Americans but have believed it. We do not ajBTect to be surprised at the course they have taken. It was natural that a blow should be struck for the Union ; but aU Europe has long seen that the Union could never be restored." That men act from motives is a fundamental truth of moral philosophy. Why the Times gave such earnest advocacy to the slaveholders may be inferred from what foljows. Opening now the correspondence of D'Erlanger with the Rebel Secretary of the Treasury, we read, under date of June 6, 1863 : — "-4 great margin had to he given to interest the newspapers, pay commissions, and captivate the opinions of those who treated the loan and its support as a question of profit and ?oss." And further on, in the same letter : — " Thanks to great pecuniary sacrifices made, AND THE support OP ALL THE NEWSPAPERS, the Subscriptions for the loan surpassed our own expectations. It reached five times the amount of the loan, and success made everybody friends^ At a later date, J. Henry Scbroeder & Co., in a note marked " private," writes to D'Erlanger : — " For the advertisements in the Times, through Mr. Samp- son, and later on in the Index, concerning the payment of the coupons, we shall do the needfuV^ Thus we learn, from the statement of D'Erlanger, that the Tiines, upon which John Bull pins his faith, was not only by sympathy, but through interest, the advocate of the loan and 1865.] THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. 537 of the slave-lords' Confederacy. Its financial articles and its leaders were written to the order of D'Erlanger. By the aid of the Times, a Parisian Jew, taking advantage of the sympathy expressed for the South by lords, members of Parliament, bankers, business men, and adventurers, and of the general gullibility of the British public, was able to secure a subscrip- tion of forty-five million dollars, — or thirty million in excess of the loan ! On page 532 we have seen that the Liverpool correspondent of the Times had been quieted by a commission of £ 6,500 (130,000), not for services rendered, but to secure liis interest, as explained in D'Erlanger's letter to Memminger, written on the 8th of July, 1863. The banker says : — " When our loan contract w.as coming back from America, this gen- tleman [Mr. Spence] wanted to interfere in the matter, by all means, and claimed a partnership to the contract of one sixth, under the pre- tence that he was the financial agent of the Confederate government in England, and that our making the loan had put him out of business which lie might otherwise have transacted for the South. We knew that Mr. Spence wrote frequently for the Times, that as a public writei he could do a great deal of harm if not any good. We suc- ceeded in escaping his intrusion, and when I had made arrangements to bring out the loan in England, I followed his invitation to arrange mat- ters with him in Liverpool, and went down there myself. I gave him £50,000 of the loan at seventy-seven, taking them back at ninety, which gave him a commission as profit of £ 6,500." These extracts from D'Erlanger's correspondence will serve to show the American people that the London Times was in the service and pay of Jeff Davis during the Rebellion. On the evening of the 23d Lord Campbell called up the American question in Parliament, making a speech in favor of recognizing the Confederacy. He spoke of the remarkable suc- cess of the loan as a proof that the English public were ready to aid the South. The loan being thus bolstered up rose to four and a half per cent premium. Mr. McRae having arrived in France, there was a meeting of distinguished Rebels in Paris on the 4th of Jime, at D'Er- langer's banking-house. Mason, Slidell, and L. J. C. Lamar,- who had been purchasing supplies in London for the Confed eracy, — and McRae were present. The object of the meet 538 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, ing way to consider the financial condition of the Confederate government in Europe. The indebtedness of the Confederacy abroad, for cannon, arms, ships, and supplies, at that time, was put down at X 1,741,000 ($8,705,000). " At the same time," i-eads the correspondence, '' Ermile d'Erlanger &: Co. furnished the meeting with a full statement concerning the loan. Accord- mg to which, X 1,850,000 (19,250,000) of the loan is in circu- lation ; a part of which is full paid, having been subscribed for by the creditors of the government." The balance of £ 1,150,000 was in the hands of D'Ei-langer for disposal. In a letter written two days later, on the 6th. by D'Erlanger to Memminger, we learn how there happened to be so lai-ge an amount of the stock on hand. Unfavorable news from America caused a feeling of uneasiness, and speculative holders began to sell at depreciated rates. "An arrangement," says D'Erlanger, "was thereupon entered mto with Mr. Mason, and heartily approved by Mr. Slidell. which enabled us to buy for the government £ 1,000,000 of the stock; but so eager was the speculation, that tliis did not suffice, ajid the sum had to be extended to X 1,500.000. This operation had its eflfect, and better tidings helped the market." Upon this amount purchased by D'Erlanger to sustain the price of the loan, 35 per cent had been paid in by the sub- scribers. " Wo would not," writes the banker, " have recommended tlie course of buying back part of the loan for the government, but for its peculiar character. The first Confederate loan was as much a political as a commercial transaction, and we have done everything that it may be regarded in both ways We, as well as our friends Messrs. Sclu-oeder, are happy to have been able to lend our names and credit to the first fmancial operation of the South." On the loth of June McRae wrote to D'Erlanger a sharp let- ter, charging him with " unauthorized proceedings." D'Erlan- ger was playing a good game for himself. ** These important modifications of tlie contract," wrote McRae, ^'' have m evert/ case inured to the benefit of the am- iractiyrs." D'Erlanger replied on the same day, saying, " The opera- 1865. J THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. 6H9 tioii [the repurchase of the stock] was not couducted on any selfish ground, but for the political feeling attached to the loan." It made no difference to D'Erlanger whether he bought or sold on government account, so long as he received his commissions. He objected, however, to receiving the full amount of his com- mission in bonds ; he must have part cash. " We should," wrote he, " be under too heavy an outlay it wc had to take the X 150,000 commission in bonds." This commission, therefore, up to the 15th of June, 1863, had reached the nice little sum of $750,000! D'Erlanger having disposed of the stock to good advantage, was anxious to bring out a second loan on the same terms. In a letter written to Memminger on the 8th of July we discover what those terms were. " We are ready," said he, " to make a new loan contract, taking exactly the terms of the old contract, and engaging to divide with the government the profits to be realized, between the rate of 77 and the issue price." The loan then on the market was issued at 90, which gave D'Erlanger a commission of 6^ per cent, — a portion of which doubtless went into the pocket of Slidell. D'Erlanger was fearful that the success of the loan would bring proposals from other banking-houses. " We wish," said he, " that the circum- stance of our names being the first connected with a large financial transaction for the government in Europe shall tell in our favor, and that a preference shall be granted to us, which we are quite ready to merit, .by making better terms to the government than any otlier respectable house may offer." This proposition was indorsed by McRae, who the following week accompanied D'Erlanger to Rippaldson, where " a charm- ing company " had gathered, and " an agreeable week was passed in the society of Madame Caroline and Miss Theresa." McRae, in a letter written on the 17th, urges a new loan, but the news from Gettysburg and Vicksburg had " lessened the appetite," and we hear no more of the proposition for a second loan. At a later date, in December, the correspondence is in regard to the purchase of boats for the government, in which the Paris banker takes the part of Shylock : — 640 THE BOYS OF 'Gi. [April, '* Well then, it now appears you need n v help : Go to then ; you come to me, and you say, Skt/lock% toe tcould have monei/s." McRao wanted £ 200,000 ou govcrumeut account, and ap- plied to D'Erlaugcr, whose terms will be seen from the following extract from McRae's letter: — " Your proposition amounts to this : That the government should pay 100 per cent for the use of £200,000, for probably less than six mcMiths, with no risk on the part of the lenders, as the £ 650,000 of bonds deposited, and the lien on the boats purchased with the sura lent, would protect them against loss in any event. My proposition was to pay 33^ for £200,000. for a period of probably ten or twelve mouths. This I considered sufficiently favorable for the lenders, as they would have been secured by the deposit of £333,333 of bonds, and a lien on the boats." The American people, doubtless, cai*e very little who among Rebel agents and manipulators of the loan, or who of the bond- holders, made or lost money, and I pass over the details of the interesting correspondence. That D'Erlanger managed it shrewdly for his own benefit is very evident. He chai'ged in- terest, commission, and exchange on all the stock passing through his hands. In the transaction £ 140,000, raised from the sale of bonds, was set aside as " caution money" by Mason and Slidell, who wished, for political considemtious, to keep tlie stock at par. D'Erlauger charged commission on the re- purchase of this stock, altliough he held it in his own name, aiid received interest ou tlie same I McRae was not then hi Europe, but upon arriving he refused to ratify the act of Mason and Slidell. but made a proposition to D'Erlanger that the banker should place £ 704,000 of imsold stock. It is not stated what commission he was to receive. The agreement was verbal, and D'Erlanger was to forfeit £ 140,000 if the stock was not placed at the end of six months. The months rolled away, and the stock was not placed, and D'Erlanger, instead of paying his forfeiture, held on to the £ 140,000 of caution money, and helped himself to the interest from gov- ernment funds iu his hands I McRae had no redress except to appeal to Memminger. D'Erlanger wrote a honeyed letter to the Rebel Secretary of Treasury, and offered to " compro- 1865.] THE CONFEDERATE LOAN. Ml mise " by giving up one half! McRae finally accepted terms from D'Erlangcr ; what they were is not stated, but McRae writes a doleful letter to the banker, saying that ho is afraid Menmiinger and Davis w^ill censure him. D'Erlanger seems to have wound McRae round his finger at will. Schroeder & Co. were in the "ring" with D'Erlangcr, and received commission and brokerage on the entire amount of the loan, X 3,000,000. D'Erlanger, Schroeder, and McRae each took £ 50,000 of stock in the " Franco-English Steam Navigation Company," which was to bring out cotton on gov- ernment account. D'Erlanger fixed the date of issuing the bonds, and thus brought advantage to himself. Among the payments made through Mr. Mason were £55,000 to Captain Crenshaw, X 26,000 to Captain North, X 38,000 to Captain Maury, £ 31,000 to Captain Bullock and Mr. Spencc. A por- tion of these sums went into the hands of the Lairds for the rams which they were building. Isaac Campbell & Co. received £515,000 ($2,575,000). This firm took X 150,000 of the loan. Bonds to the amount of £ 117,000 were converted into cotton.- It appears that D'Erlanger endeavored to sweep these into his drag-net, and obtain commission and brokerage wholly unauthorized. Since the close of the war the British holders of the loan have called upon D'Erlanger for an account of his operations, but can obtain no satisfaction. They have despatched an agent to the United States, appealing to the magnanimity of the Federal government for an adjustment and payment of their claims ! Such insolent audacity has been promptly rebuked by Mr. Seward. Marvellous their stupidity and eflfrontery, — to ask pay for the coals on which they sought to roast us, for the rope that was to strangle the young giant of the West, whose growth they had beheld with alarm, and whose power they feared ! As is evident from the correspondence in my posses- sion, the whole scheme was well contrived and manipulated by Slidell and D'Erlanger for the benefit of themselves, and also of Campbell & Co., Schroeder & Co., Spence, the Lairds, and McRae, who, by the aid of the London Times, and " all the papers,^'' were able to fleece the English aristocracy out of liflccn million dollars. 542 THE BOYS OF '61, [AprU, From mercenary motives they enlisted in the cause of slavery to destroy a friendly republican government. They had persistently asserted that a constitutional democracy like ours must ultimately fail to secure the rights and liberties of the people, — that internal war would crumble it into ruins like the ancient republics ; and now they thought the fulfilment of their prophecy so near at hand it was unnecessary longer to disguise their hatred, and openly gave their " aid and comfort" to the enemy, jeering at our efforts and denouncing our meas- ures to maintain our existence among the nations. They ven- tured their money on the doubtful issue and lost, and now so Lugubriously bewail their folly as to make themselves ridicu- lous in the eyes of the world, and the laughing-stock of the Ajuerican people. PATRIOT ORPHAN IIQME, FLUSHING, L. L lydO.] SURRENDER OF LEE. 543 CHAPTER XXXIII. SURRENDER OF LEE. At three o'clock Monday morning, April 3d, Wilcox's divls ion of the Ninth Corps entered Petersbui>c just in season to see the rear guard of i^'^e's army disappear over the hills on the north bank of the Appomattox, having burned the bridges and destroyed all the supplies which could not be transported. Lee's army was divided, — Longstreet, Pickett, and Johnson being south of the stream, fifteen miles west of the city. Gor- don, Mahone, Ewell, and Elzy, with the immense trains of sup- plies and batteries from Richmond, were north of the river, — all moving southwest, towards Danville, with the intention of joining Johnston in North Carolina. " Good bj^, boys," said the women of Petersburg, some sor- rowfully ; others more joyful cried, " We '11 drink pure coffee, with sugar in it, to-morrow. No more hard times."* They were weary of war. The troops passed through the town in silence and dejection. It was a sorrowful march. The succes- sive disasters of Sunday, the sudden breaking up, the destruc- tion of property, the scenes of the night, soon had their effect upon the spirits of the army. Soldiers slipped from the ranks, disappeared in the woods, and threw away their muskets, sick at heart, and disgusted with war. Virginia soldiers had little in- clination to abandon the Old Dominion and fight in North Car- olina. They were State-rights men, — each State for itself. If Secession could cut loose from the Union, why not from the Confederacy ? Before noon the troops moving from Petersburg, and those retreatuig from Richmond, with all the baggage-trains and fly- ing citizens, came together on the Chesterfield road, producing confusion and delay. Had Lee thrown his supply trains upon ♦ Lee's Last Campaign, p. 26. 644 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, the Lynchburg road, and made a day's march fai'ther west with his army, instead of takmg the nearest road to Danville, he probably would have escaped ; but his progress was very slow. The roads were soft, the wagons overloaded. The stalling of a single horse in the advance delayed tlie whole army. The teamsters were quite as unwilling to go south as the sol- diers. They were expecting every moment to hear the ringing shouts of Sheridan's men charging upon their flank or rear. There were frequent panics, which set them into a fever of excitement, and added to the confusion. Grant determined to prevent Lee's escape if possible. The Ninth Corps was detailed to hold the town, guai-d the railroad, reconstruct it, and follow the other corps as a reserve. The Second, Fifth, and Sixth Corps, instead of crossing the river were sent upon the double-quick along the road which nms between the Appomattox and the South Side Railroad. Ord, with the divisions of the Twenty-Fourth and Twenty- Fifth Corps, marched for BurkesN'ille Junction. Sheridan, being in advance with the cavalry, reached Jettersville, on the Rich- mond and Danville road, forty-four miles from Riclmiond, on the 4th, tore up the track, inti'enched his position, and waited for the infantry. Meade joined him on the monmig of the 6th, while Ord, by a forced march, i-eached Burkes^'ille, soutli of Sheridan. Lee crossed the Appomattox at Clemenstown, moved soutli- west to Amelia Court-House, where he was joined by Long- street's, Pickett's, and Johnson's troops. The Appomattox has its rise in Prince Edward county, runs northeast, approaching within fifteen miles of the James, then turns southeast, and jouis the James at Petersburg. The bridge at Clemenstown, on which Lee crossed was nar- row and unsal'e, and the army was much hindered. Had he not crossed at all, but mai'ched round the bend instead, he might have slipped past Sheridan while that officer was waiting at Jettei-svillo for Meade to join him. On the 5th Meade, find- ing that he was ahead of Lee, instead of mai-chmg west, turned northeast, and swept up the railroad towai'd Amelia, with the Fifth Corps on the right, the Cocond in the centi'O, and the Sixth on tlie left with the cavalry. Lee, seeing that he could 1865.] SURRENDER OF LEE. > 645 not go down the railroad, instead of marching southwest, as he had done the day before, moved directly west, to give Meade the slip if possible. He abandoned wagons, caissons, and for- age, and everything that impeded his march. Tlie Rebels had reached their Bull Run. Tlie trains from Richmond were crossing the bridge when a panic set in. " While we were gazing," says a Rebel writer, " at the wagons moving up from the bridge and entering the road leading to tlic Coiirt-House, our ears caught the sound of five or six shots in succession ; and, looking in the direction whence the sound came, we perceived two or three horsemen emerge from a wood about half a mile distant, and as quickly retire. We could not discern their uniform, but the supposition was, of course, that they were a part of Sheridan's cavalry. There was a slight confusion at the head of the train, and then a halt. * The Yankees ! Sheridan ! ' As the cry echoed from man to man, the teamsters began to turn their mules towards the river, many involving themselves with those in their rear, while others dismounted and sought the nearest wood. In five minutes the scene had been changed from quiet to the utmost disorder. The wagons were turned back with astonishing rapidity, each teamster unmercifully lashing his jaded animals, as anxious to reach the other side as an hour before he had been to get to this. The cavalry, who had been scattered over the fields cooking or eating their breakfasts, now caught the alarm, and leaving their rations grasped their bridles, mount- ed, and spurred theu' horses towards the bridge. For this point all were aiming, and the foot-sore infantry now seemed to have but a poor chance of life in the road now jammed with wagons, mules, and mounted men. The narrow defile, bounded on either side by tall rocks, was filled with horses, wagons, and men, all unable to advance a foot toward the desired point. .... Upon the other side (north) the panic was even greater, , the rumor prevailing that five hundred Yankees were in our front, and that a large numtfer of our wagons had been cap- tured and burned. Vainly plunging their sharp spurs into the steaming flanks of the poor mules, and still unable to make them trot through the mud and up the steep hills, ^he team- sters cut loose the traces, and remounting would gallop away, 35 640 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, flourishing their long whips, yeUiug, and urging their horses to the utmost speed. Forsaking the road, they leaped the fences, thronged the fields, and sought the wood for hiding- places Scores of broken-down and wrecked wagons and ambulances were overturned and abandoned, their contents being strewed over the road ; corn and oats, meal and flour, covered the ground, while quartermaster's papers were scat- tered in every direction. Clothmg and even medicinal stores had been in like manner thrown away." * When General Meade discovered Lee's new movement, he wheeled toward the left, and faced the Second and Fifth Corps northwest. The Fifth Corps moved up to Fainesville, which is northwest of Amelia ; but Griffin, commandmg, was too late to strike Lee, whose rear-guard had passed that point. The Second Corps moved through Deatonville, which is five miles west of JettorsviUe, whOe the Sixth Corps, moving southwest, came upon the Rebels on Little Sailor's Creek, a small tribu- tary of the Appomattox, running north. The Twenty-Fourth Corps meanwhile, mai'ching from Burkesville up the railroad, joined the Sixth Corps at the head of the creek. Early in the morning of the 6th General Ord directed that the Petersburg and Lynchburg Railroad bridge across the Appomattox V seized and held if possible ; if not able to hold it, the troops were to destroy it. The Fifty-Fourth Pennsyl- vania and One Hundred and Twenty-Third Ohio were sent to do the work. They moved toward the river, but suddenly found themselves on the right flank of Lee's ai'my, which was in line of battle, between SaUor's Creek and the Appo- mattox. Lee made a stand at this point to save his trains. He was still hoping to reach Danville. If he could 'ight a successful battle, his wagons would have time to sUp away from Sheridan. He had already been forced ten miles out of his direct line of march, and if he failed here he must give up aU expectation of reaching Danville, and strike west towards Lynchburg. His army stood on the west bank of Sailors' Creek, facing oast and soutlieast, behind intrenchments, with the Appomat- tox, which ^ere runs northeast, behind him. • Rebel Courier's Experience. 1865.] SURRENDER OF LEE. 647 Walking along the Union lines we see that the Fifth Corps is not yet up from its long detour north toward Painesville, but the Second Corps is approaching the creek four miles above its junction with the Appomattox. One division of cavalry is on its right flank, reaching down to the river. The Sixth Corps is on the left of the Second, facing west. There is a break in the line as we go towards Ord's command, which is near Burkesville, facing northwest, with Sheridan's cavalry on both flanks. The forenoon was passed in skirmishing on the part of the Union troops. The regiments sent to seize the bridge were not able to accomplish the task, and were driven with severe loss. But now the Second Corps came up, a foothold was gained across the creek, and Lee's left flank was forced towards the river. It was nearly four o'clock in the afternoon before the Sixth Corps came up with the Rebels. This corps had been march- ing southwest ; but when the skirmishers discovered the enemy, Wright halted Seymour's division, which was in advance, faced it west, while Wheaton's division filed past Seymour's and took position oil the left. The third division was in reserve. The cavalry was on the left of Wheaton. Sheridan found himself confronted by Ewell's and Kershaw's divisions, which were strongly intrenched. Seymour and Wheaton moved from the road west, went down the steep declivity into the ravine, receiving the fire of the Rebels without flinching, crossed the creek, ascended the other bank, and dashed upon the intrenchments. At the same moment Custar's division of cavalry advanced with sabres drawn, their horses upon the run, goaded with spur and quickened by shout, till they caught the wild enthusiasm of their riders, and horses and men unitedly became as fiery Centaurs, the earth trem- bling beneath the tread of the thousands of hoofs, the air re- sounding with bugle-blasts and thrilling cheers ! The charge of this division was heroic. The Rebel artillery opened with shells, followed by canister. The infantry, protect- ed by breastworks, were able to give a galling fire, but the squadrons swept everything before them, leaping the intrench- ments, sabring all who resisted, crushing the wl ole of Lee's 648 THE BOYS OF '61. [A-pril, right wing by a single blow, gathering up thousands of pris- oners, who stood as if paralyzed by the tremendous shock. Entire regiments threw down their arms. Miles of wagons, caissons, ambulances, forges, arms, ammunition, — all that be- longed to that portion of the line, was lost to Lee in a moment. Generals Ewell, Kershaw, Defoe, Barton, Custis Lee, Borden, and Corse were prisoners almost before they knew it. " Further fighting is useless ; it will be a waste of life," said Ewell to Custar " Bravely done, Custar," said Sheridan, riding up, and com- plimenting his lieutenant in the presence of the whole division. It was through the co-operation of the other cavalry divis- ions, Crook's and Devens's and Merritt's, and of the Sixth Corps, that Custar was enabled to strike such a crushing blow. Honor is due to all. Custar had his horse killed ; Lieu- tenant Harwell, Captain Bamhart, Lieutenant Narvall, Lieu- tenant Main, and Lieutenant Custar, all belonging to his staff, also had their horses shot in the splendid charge, which of itself proves that it was gallant and desperate. Officers and men alike rushed upon the enemy, rivalling each other in deeds of daring. After receiving this paralyzing blow Lee gave up all hope of reaching Danville. He could move only in the direction of Lynchburg. Caissons, wagons, and ambulances were burned, cannon abandoned, commissary supplies left by the roadside. It was a day of jubilee to the colored people, who swarmed out from their cabins and appropriated the plunder. " 'Pears like as if we were spiling the Egyptians," said an old man who had gathered an immense pile of blankets and coats. There was a skirmish at Farmville the next morning, between the cavalry and the left wing of Lee's army. The centre, and what remained of the right wing, crossed the Appomattox ten miles above Farmville, — both columns moving to Appomattox Court-House, where Lee hoped to unite his scattered forces. Grrant and Meade, with the Second and Sixth Corps, crossed at Farmville, and followed Lee along the Petersburg and Lynch- burg turnpike. Ord, joined by the Fifth, starting from Burkes- vUle, took the shortest road to Appomattox Court-House, nearly I 1865.] SUERENDER OF LEE. 549 fifty miles distant, while Sheridan, with the main body of the cavalry, made a rapid movement southwest to cut off Lee's re- treat. The pursuit from Sailors' Creek commenced on Friday morning, and Lee was brought to bay Saturday noon. It was an exciting race. There were frequent interchanges of shots between the cavalry, hovering like a cloud upon Lee's flank, also captures of abandoned wagons, ambulances, caissons, pieces of artillery, and picking up of stragglers. Glimpses of the Rebel forces were sometimes had across the ravines. As a sight of the flying deer quickens the pursuit of the hound, so an occasional view of the flying enemy roused the soldiers to a wild and irrepressible enthusiasm, and their shouts and cheers rang long and loud through the surrounding woodlands. Appomattox Court-House is at the head-waters of the Appo- mattox River, on the table-land between the rivulets which give rise to that stream and the James River, which makes its great southern bend at Lynchburg. The place is sometimes called Clover Hill. It is a small village, — such as are to be seen throughout the Old Dominion, — one or two good, substantial houses, surrounded by a dozen or twenty miserable cabins. Lee succeeded in reuniting his troops, numbering not more than a division, such as once marched under his direction up the heights of Gettysburg, or moved into the fight in the Wil- derness ; but when reunited and ready to move upon Lynch- burg, he found the cloud which had hung upon his flank and rear now enveloping him on the north, the east, the south, the west. Sheridan had swung past him, Ord and Griffin were south of him, holding the road leading to Danville, while Wright and Humphrey, east and north, were preparing to drive him over against Sheridan, who in turn would toss him down towards Ord and Griffm. Great was the consternation in the Rebel ranks when, on Saturday morning, the Rebels discovered that Sheridan was cutting off their retreat to Lynchburg. " Yankees at Appomattox ! Sheridan ! " * was the cry of a party of Rebel officers on a locomotive, hastening to Lynchburj: in season to escape the Union cavalrymen then advancing to • Rebel C/Ourier's Exj)ericnce. 650 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, tear up the rails. Sheridan pounced upon the artillery, and on the afternoon of the 8th captured twenty-five pieces. Meade at the same time came upon the rear of the Rehels a mile east of the Court-House, and captured a battery. Lee's men were melting away, worn down by hard marchmg and fighting, and discouraged by defeat and disaster. His provisions were getting low, as the larger part of the supplies had been aban- doned. His condition was critical. It was a gloomy night. A courier brought intelligence that Sheridan had possession of Concord Station. " We all felt," says a Rebel writer, " our hearts chilled by this new rumor. Concord Station was between us and Lynch- burg, and we had no knowledge of any other road to that place than that which we were pursuing. Turning back, our capture was inevitable. The generals withdrew to consult, the staff ofiicers conversed in low tones, while the soldiers, teamsters, the cause being unknown, did not hesitate to declare their im- patience at the delay."' * Lee called his last council of war, summoning Longstreet, Pickett, Gordon, and Hill. The condition of aflairs was dis- cussed. It was a sad hour. Lee was much depressed. He did not know that the infantry under Ord and Grifiin were south of him, but supposed that his way was disputed only by Sheri- dan. It was decided to force a passage. The attack was made ; but the volleys of musketry and the vigor of the cannonade, and the long lines of men in blue, convinced him that he had Uttle chance of escaping. The skirmishing was kept up through the day, — both parties too wearied and exhausted to fight a general battle, — yet each moment of delay made Lee's condition more hopeless. Grant had despatched a letter to Lee on the 7th, from Farm- ville, asking the surrender of the army of Northern Tu'ginia. Lee replied the same day, asking for terms. On the 8th Grant sent a second letter, insisting upon one condition only : " That the men and officers shall be disqualified for taking up arms agamst the United States until properly exchanged." Rebel Courier's Experience. 1865.] SURRENDER OF LEE. 551 •' I do not think the emergency has arisen to call for the surrender of this army," Lee answered ; but at the same time asked for an interview at ten o'clock next morning. Sheri- dan had not closed all the roads to Lynchburg, but was in such a position that it was impossible for Lee to get away with his army. Breckenridge, with a large number of officers and many thousands of privates, struck northwest, through by-roads and fields, crossed James River, reached Lynchburg and passed into North Carolina. The Second Corps was in position on Sunday morning, wait- ing the order to advance, when a flag of truce was displayed in front of Miles's division. Captain J. D. Cook, of General Miles's staff, was sent to receive it. He was met by Colonel Taylor, of Lee's staff, who brought a note from Lee, wishing for a suspension of hostilities to take into consideration the terms offered by General Grant on Saturday. General Meade signified by note that he had no authority to enter into an armistice, but would wait two hours before making an attack, and would communicate with General Grant. Before the expiration of the time General Grant arrived, and a correspondence with Lee followed, which resulted in the ap- pointment of a place of meeting for a more full consideration of the terms proposed by General Grant. In the little village of Appomattox Court-House there is a large, square brick house, with a portico in front, the residence of Wilmer McLean. Roses were budding in the garden on that Sabbath morning, violets and daffodils were already in bloom, and the trees which shaded the dwelling were green with the verdure of spring. General Lee designated it as the place for meeting General Grant. It was a little past two o'clock in the afternoon when General Lee, accompanied by General Mar- shall, his chief of staff, entered the house. A few minutes later General Grant arrived, accompanied only by Colonel Parker, of his staff, chief of the Six Nations. The meeting was in the parlor, — a square room, carpeted, furnished with a sofa and centre-table. Lee, dressed in a suit of gray, was sitting by the table when Grant entered. Time had silvered his hair and beard. He wore an elegant sword, a gift from liis friends. 562 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, General Grant had left his sword behind, and appeared in the same suit he had worn in the field through the eventful days, — a plain blue frock, with double row of buttons, and shoulder-straps bearing the three silver stars, the insignia of his rank as Lieutenant-General. The meeting was cordial. After salutations the two com- manders sat down, placed their hats on the table, and conversed as freely as in other days when both were in the service of the United States. General Lee alluded to the correspondence which had passed between them. " General, I have requested this interview, to know more full) the terms which you propose," said General Lee. General Grant replied that he would grant a parole to offi- cers and men, and that the officers might retain their side-arms and their personal effijcts. General Lee assented to the propo- sition, and did not ask for any modification of the terms, which were then engrossed. The paper was signed by General Lee at half past three o'clock. After he had affixed his signature. General Lee asked for General Grant's understanding of the term " personal effects " which had been used in the instrument. " Many of my cavalrymen own their horses," he said. " I think that the horses must be turned over to the United States," was the reply. " I coincide in that opinion," was Lee's rejoinder. " But," said General Grant, " I will instruct the officers who are appointed to carry out the capitulation to allow those who own horses to take them home. They will need them to do their spring ploughing and to till their farms." " Allow me to express my thanks for such consideration and generosity on your part. It cannot fail of having a good effect," General Lee replied with emotion. After further conversation General Lee expressed a hope that each soldier of his army might be furnished with a cer- tificate, or some other evidence of parole, to prevent them from being forced into further service by Confederate conscripting officers. " I will order such certificates to be issued to every man," said General Grant ; and as soon as the preliminaries were 65.] SURRENDER OF LEE. 55^ settled, the head-quarters printing-press was put to work striking off blanks for that purpose. " My army is short of rations," said Lee. " You shall be supplied," and an order was at once issued to the commissary to furnish rations to the prisoners. The question of terms had been discussed the evening pre- vious around Grant's camp-fire. Grant stated that he wanted such a surrender as would break down the positions which Prance and England had taken in recognizing the Rebels as bel- ligerents. He did not wish for humiliating terms. He would not require a formal grounding of arms. The Rebels were Americans, and his object was to restore them to the Union and not to degrade them. Lee returned to his army and stated the terms of capitula- tion, which were received with great satisfaction, especially by those who owned horses. They cheered loudly, and no doubt heartily. The terms were such as they had not expected. The newspapers of the South had persistently represented the men of the North as bloodthirsty and vindictive, — as vandals, rob- bers, and murderers, — capable of doing the work of fiends, and the remarkable leniency of Grant surprised them. The terms were not altogether acceptable to Grant's army. Many of the officers remembered that General Pickett never had resigned his commission in the United States service, but that he had taken up arms against the country without any scru ple& of conscience. He was a deserter and a traitor, found in arms. The soldiers remembered that scores of their comrades had been shot or hung for deserting the ranks ; the utmost leni- ency of the government was a long term of imprisonment in a penitentiary or confinement on the Dry Tortugas. Sentinels had been shot for falling asleep while on duty ; yet General Pickett and his fellow-traitors were, by the terms of the parole, granted an indulgence which was equivalent to a pardon. It was Gen- eral Pickett who hung the Union men of North Carolina who had enlisted in the service of the Union, but who, under the fortunes of war, had fallen into his hands. Li General Pick- ett's estimation they had committed an unpardonable crime. He considered them as citizens of the Confederacy, and hung them upon the nearest tree. It was cold-blooded murder. 554 THE BOYS OF '61. [April, But Ins desertion, treason, inhumanity, and murders were off- set by the plea that the North could afford to be magnanimous to a conquered foe ! The soldiers idolized Grant as a command- er. They had no objection to his terms with the privates of Lee's army, but there was dissent from including Pickett and Ewell, and other Rebel officers who had been notoriously inhu- man to Union soldiers. The Rebel soldiers were generally humane towards prisoners, especially after the first year of the war. Many instances might be cited of their kindness to the wounded on the battle-field and to prisoners in their hands. The officers in the field were also kind, but the political lead- ers, the women, and officers in charge of prisons were cruel and vindictive. The hour came for Lee to part with his officers. He re- tained his calmness and composure, but they could not refrain from shedding tears. It was to be their last meeting. He was to lead them no more in battle. The occasion brought before them an acute sense that all was over, — all lost ; their sacrifices, sufferings, heroism, had been in vain ; their pride was humbled ; instead of being victors, they were vanquished ; history and the impartial verdict of mankind perhaps would hold them responsible for the blood which had been shed. It was a sad hour to that body of men in gray, wearing the stars of a perished Confederacy. The intelligence of the capitulation was communicated to Grant's army by bulletin. As the news flew along the lines on that Sabbath morning, the cheering was prolonged and vocifer ous. For the first time in four years the veterans who had toiled in the mud of the Peninsula, who had been beaten back from Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, who had stood like a wall of adamant on the banks of the Antietam, and the heights of Gettysburg, who had pressed Lee from the Wilder- ness to Five Forks, who had brought him to bay at last, were to have a peaceful night. Their fighting was over, and there was to be no more charg- ing of batteries ; nor long watchings in the trenches, drenched by rains, parched by summer heat, or numbed by the frosts of winter ; no more scenes of blood, of wasting away in hospitals, or murders and starvation in Rebel prisons. It was the hour J 865.] SURRENDER OF LEE. 5.'>fi ot peace. In the radiant light of that Sabbath san they could rejoice in the thought that they had once more a reunited country; that an abject people had been redeemed from slavery ; that the honor of the nation had been vindicated • that the flag which traitors had trailed in the dust at the be- ginning of the conflict was more than ever the emblem of the world's best hopes. 566 THE BOYS OF '61. [A-prU, CHAPTER XXXIY. CONCLUSION. Day was breaking on the 12th of April, when General Grant, accompanied by his staif, alighted from the cars at City Point, after a tedious night ride from Burkesrille. He walked slowly up the steep bank to his head-quarters, not with the air of a conqueror, but as if sleep and rest would be far more accept- able than the congratulations of a noisy crowd. Four years had passed since he left his quiet home in Illinois, a humble citizen, unknown beyond his village borders ; but now his name was in- separably connected with a great moral convulsion, world-wiuo m its influence, enduring as time in its results. The mighty conflict of ideas had swept round the globe like a tidal wave of the ocean. Lidustry had been quickened m every land, and new channels of trade opened among the nations. Wherever human language was spoken, men talked of the war between Slavery and Freedom, and aspirations for good were awakened in the hearts of toihng millions in Eiu'ope, on the burning sands of Africa, and m the jimgles of Hindostan, to whom life was bare existence and the future ever hopeless. The four years of fighting were over ; the Rebellion was sub- dued. On the first of April Lee had a large army, but sud- uenly he had been overwhelmed. That which seemed so formi- dable had disappeared like a bubble in the sunshine. Though the Rebels saw that the Confederacy was threatened as it had not been at any other period of the war, there were few. if any, who, up to the latest hour, dreamed that there could be such an overturning of affairs. That Lee had held his groimd so long was a warranty that he could successfully resist all Grant's efibrts to take Richmond. The Confederate Congress met daily in the capital, passed resolutions, enacted laws, and debated questions of state, as if the Confederacy had a place among the nations, with centuries of prosperity and glory in 1865.] 'CONCLUSION. 657 prospect. But their performance came to an unexpected end. The last act of the tragedy was given on the 14th, — the assas- sination of the President. What drama surpasses it in interest ? What period of tlio world's history is more replete with great events affecting the welfare of the human race ? In 1861, when the curtain rose, th« world beheld a nation, peaceful, happy, prosperous. Then came the spectacle, — the procession of seceding States, with bugles sounding, colors flying, the bombardment of Sumter; the uprising of the people of the North, the drum-beat heard in every village, flags floating from all the steeples, streamers and banners from all the house-tops, great battles, defeat, and victory ; a ploughman and splitter of rails the liberator of the enslaved, their enlistment as soldiers of the Republic ; the pa- triotism of the people ; woman's work of love and mercy ; the ghastly scenes in Southern prisons, the conflagration of cities set on fire by the Rebels, the breaking up of the Confed- eracy, the assassination, the capture of the Rebel chief, the return of tlic victorious armies, the last grand military pageant at Washington, and then the retirement of the soldiers to peaceful life ! Sublime the picture ! The conflict commenced as a rebellion, but ended in revo- lution. Slavery has disappeared. Civil liberty is stronger than in 1861. Four millions of freedmen are candidates for citizenship, who at the beginning of the Rebellion had no rights under the flag of the Union. " Slaves rise up men ; the olive waves, With roots deep set in battle graves." The Rebellion was an attempt to suppress Truth and Justice by tyranny. The effort might have been successful m earlier ages, but not in the nineteenth century, and never will the at- tempt be repeated on American soil, for the tendency of mind is towards a clearer perception of the rights of man. America uttered her protest against despotic power in 1776. " It was an experiment," said the aristocracies of Europe. The "republi- can bubble has burst," said Earl Russell in 1861 ; but the Re- public lives, and the false and ignoble distinctions in the society of the Old World, which slavery attempted to establish in the New, have been reversed. America teaches this truth to 558 THE BOYS OF '61 [April. the wondering nations, — that the strongest government rests, not on the few, not on property, never on injustice, but on the people, on diffused wealth and enlightened mind, on obligation to man and God. Kings will yet lay aside their sceptres, and subjects will be- come sovereigns, because the people of America, by example, have shown the world that civil and religious liberty for all, as well as for the few, is of more value than human life. How lavish the expenditure of blood ! How generous the outpouring of the wine of life by the heroic dead ! " Song of peace, nor battle's roar, Ne'er shall break their slumbers more ; Death shall keep his solemn trust, • Earth to earth, and dust to dust.' " Dead, yet living. Their patriotism, sacrifice, endurancr' , pa- tience, faith, and hope can never die. Loved and lamented, but immortal. Paeans for the living, dirges for the dead. Their work is done, not for an hour, a day, a year, but for all time ; not for fame or ambition, but for the poor, the degraded, the oppressed of all lands, for civilization and Christianity, for ihe welfare of the human race through Time and Eternity I ^^\;/.^ ■^ %,-^>-;-^ ^*^? ^-- ^-- jS