' X;^^' /"■ m 1 t w % :^' ¥ P: Sfci k l5S 02- i l!ill!HtM>';f(llli!>1Mmfll|iiriH(t IlIbiurForwngiSsI' ||lmiJ.C..L5:2|oreri9M|o...l.... I ^ _, i i UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.! OBEKTEUFFER'S POCKET GUIDI OF THE Routes Traveled BY THB City Passenger Railway Go's, Fares of Hackney Coaches, &c. OF PHILADELPHIA. COMPILED ULRIC Z. ()BERTEUFFER. PHILADELPHIA : 1876. THE RATES OF FARE A Single Fare — Seven cents, or four tickets for twenty-five cents. Good on any line in the city. Children under twelve years of age, four cents. Exchange Tickets — Nine cents. Good on any of the lines that sell Exchange Tickets. Night Lines. — Fare* ten cents. No exchange. The letter (R) marked in the routes signifies return trip. Entered according to Act of Congre88,in the year 1875, by ULRIC Z. OBERTEUFFER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Right of Teanslatiom Resbrved. SECOND AND THIRD STREET LINE. MAIN LINE. White Cars. ..Green Light. From Depot (No 2453 Frankford Road) down Frankford Road. ..to Jefferson... to Second. ..to Mifflin. ..to Third. (R ) up Third... to German- town Avenue... to Oxford. ..to Front ...to Amber ...to Depot. FRANKFORD LINE White Cabs. ..Red Flag on Top of Car... Green Light. From Depot (No. 2453 Frankford Road) up Frankford Road. ..to Paul street... to the stand above Arrott street. (R.) down Main street.,. to Frankford Road, ..to Jefferson... to Second. ..to Mifflin... to Third. (R.) up Third. ..to German- town Avenue... to Oxford... to Front... to Amber ...to Depot. NORTH PENN. DEPOT. Geeen Cars. ..Orange Light. From Depot (No. 2453 Frankford Road) down Frankford Road. ..to Huntingdon. ..to Coral... to Cumberland... to Emerald. ..to Dauphin. ..to Third ...to Berks. ..to Second. ..to Dock. (R.) up Dock ...10 Third. ..to Germantown Avenue... to Oxford ...to Third... to Berks. ..to Second. ..to York. ..to Coral. ..to Cumberland. ..to Amber... to Depot. RICHMOND LINE. Red Cars, ..Red Light. From Depot (Lehigh and Edgemont street) out Lehigh Avenue... to Richmond street... down Richmond... to Frankford Road. ..to Manderson ...to Beach. ..to Laurel., to Delaware Avenue... to Fairmount Avenue. ..to Second. ..to Dock. (R.) up Dock. ..to Third... to Brown. ..to Beach... to Manderson... to Frankford Road. ..to Girard Ave- nue... to Norris...to Richmend...to Lehigh Ave- nue... to Depot. BRANCH OF RICHMOND LINE. Red Cars. ..Blue Flag on Top of Cars... Red Light. From Depot (Lehigh and Edgemont street) out Lehigh ...to Richmond street... to Front... to Laurel... to New Market... to Fairmount Avenue... to Second. ..to Dock. ..to Third. (R.) up Third... to Brown. ..to Beach... to Mander8on...to Frank- ford Road... to Girard Avenue. ..to Norri8...to Richmond. ..to Lehigh avenue... to Depot. BRIDESBURG LINE. White Cars. ..White Light. From Depot (Lehigh and Edgemont street) out Lehigh Avenue. ..to Richmond street. ..up Rich- mond. ..to Bridge. ..to Washington and return over the same route. FRONT STREET LINE. White Cars. ..One Horse... White Light. From Fairmount Avenue and New Market street... down New Market. ..to Vine. ..to Front... to Chestnut and return over the same route to Stand. CUMBERLAND STREET LINE. White Cars. ..One Horse. ..White Light. From the Stand (Richmond and Cumberland streets) on Cumberland... to Amber, and return over the same route to Stand. ALLEGHENY AVENUE LINE. Yellow Cars ...One Horse. ..White Light. From Stand (Lehigh and Richmond street) up Richmond. ..to Allegheny Avenue, and return over the same route to Stand. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes over their own lines. GERMANTOWN LINE. Fourth and Eighth Streets, GERMANTOWN, Yellow Cars. ..Green Light. From Depot (Eighth and Dauphin streets) to Germantown Avenue. ..to Depot at Church street, and return over the same route to Depot. DICKINSON STREET, Yellow Cars. ..Green Light. From Depot (Eighth and Dauphin streets) down Dauphin. ..to Germantown Avenue. ..to Fourth... to Dickinson... to Eighth. (R.) up Eighth. ..to Columbia... to Seventh... to Susque- hanna... to Eighth... to Depot. WALNUT STREET. Yellow Cars. ..Green Light. From Depot (Eighth and Dauphin streets) down Dauphin ... to Germantown Avenue ... to Fourth... to Walnut. (R.) up Walnut... to Eighth ...to Columbia... to Seventh... to Susquehanna... to Eighth... to Depot. GIRARD AVENUE Yellow Cars. ..Red Light. From Depot (Twenty sixth and Girard Ave- nue) down Girard Avenue... to Palmer... to Beach ...to Shackamaxon. (R ) on Shackamaxon...to Girard Avenue... to Fairmount Park... crossing the bridge, and passing the Zoological Garden to the Centennial Grounds, and return to Depot. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Transfer Passes at Fourth and Girard Avenue, and at Eighth and Girard Avenue. GREEN AND OOATES STREET LINE. \ DICKINSON STREET Green Cabs. ..Red Light. | From Fairmount Park... on Fairmount Avenue 1 to Twenty-second ... to Green. ..to Fourth. ..to j Dickinson... to Eighth. (R.) up Eighth. ..to Fair- : mount Avenue ... to Park, passing Depot at j Twenty-fourth street. i WALNUT STREET. i Green Cars. ..Red Light. From Fairmount Park. ..on Fairmount Ave- nue. ..to Twenty-second... to Green... to Fourth... to Walnut... to Eighth. (R.) up Eighth., to Fair- i mount Avenue. ..to Park. =< DELAWARE RIVER LINE. ■ Green Cars... One Horse... Red Light. From Stand (Green and Beach streets) up ; Beach ..to Fairmount Avenue. ..to Eighth. (R.J ; down Fairmount Avenue... to Fourth. ..to Green i ...to Stand. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes over their own branches. — , — 1 FRANKFORD AND SOUTHWARK LINE. \ Fifth and Sixth Streets. .| Yellow Cars... Red Light. i From Depot (Kensington Avenue and Cumber- ' land street) down Kensington Avenue... to Front ' ...to Berks... to Sixth. ..to Jackson... to Fifth. I (R.) up Fifth. ..to Berks. ..to Front... to Kensing- ' ton Avenue... to Depot. - LEHIGH AVENUE AND POWELL STREET. i Green Cars. ..Green Light. I From Depot (Kensington Avenue and Cumber- j land street) up Kensington Avenue. ..to Lehigh ; Avenue. ..to Sixth. ...to Powell... to Fifth. (R.) up Fifth. ..to Lehigh... to Kensington Avenue... to Leiterly...to Depot. FRANKFORD STEAM LINE. From Depot (Frankford and Arrott streets) down Frankford street... to Kensington Avenue ...to Main Depot at Cumberland street, and re- turn over the same route to Depot. Passengers from Frankford will receive passes good to Columbia Avenue for one fare. Also, from Fifth and Oxford, to Frankford for one fare. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes over their own lines. CITIZENS' LINE. Tenth and Eleventh Streets. Yellow Cabs... Red Light. From Depot (Tenth and Montgomery Avenue) down Tenth ... to Reed. (R.) up Reed ... to Eleventh... to Diamond. ..to Tenth. ..to Depot. NIGHT LINE. From Depot over same route as above, first car leaving Depot at 11.35 and the last car leav- ing Tenth and Mifflin at 6.00 A. M. SUNDAY NIGHT LINE First car leaves Depot at 11.00 P.M.. The last car leaves Tenth and Mifflin streets at 6.00 A. M. MIFFLIN STREET BRANCH Yellow Cars. ..One Horse. ..Red Light. From Tenth and Reed... down Tenth. ..to Miff- lin... to Twelfth. (R.) up Twelfth. ..to Wharton ...to Tenth. ..to Reed. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes over their own lines. 8 EMPIRE LINE. Twelfth and Sixteenth Streets Yellow Cars... Red Light. From Depot (Twelfth and Montgamery Ave- nue) down Twelfth... to Wharton. (R.) up Whar- ton ... to Seventeenth ... to Carpenter ... to Six- teenth. ..to Montgomery Avenue... to Depot. Sell Exchange Tickets; THIRTEENTH & PIFTEENTH ST. LINE. COLUMBIA AVENUE. Green Cars. ..Green Light. From Depot (Broad and Washington Avenue) up to Carpenter. ..to Fifteenth. ..to Master... to Ridge Avenue. ..to Columbia Avenue... to Thir- teenth. (R.) down Thirteenth. ..to Carpenter... to Broad. ..to Depot. NORRIS STREET. Yellow Cars... Red Light From Depot up Carpenter... to Fifteenth. ..to Columbia. ..to Broad. ..to Norris...to Thirteenth. (R.) down Thirteenth. ..to Carpenter. ..to Broad ...to Depot. SOUTH BROAD STREET. Yellow Cars... Red Light. From Depot down Broad. ..to Snyder Avenue, and return over the same route to Depot. NORTH BROAD STREET. Yellow Cars... Red Light. From Depot (Broad and Norris) up Broad to New York Junction Depot, and return over the same route to Depot. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes over their own lines. 9 SEVENTEENTH AND NINETEENTH ST. LINE. Yellow Cars... Red Light. From Depot (Nineteenth and Master streets) up Nineteenth. ..to Norri8...to Seventeenth... to Ridge Avenue. ..to Francis. ..to Seventeenth. ..to Carpenter. (R.) up Carpenter... to Nineteenth ...to Nineteenth... to Depot. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes from Depot to Norris street. EIDGE AVENUE, aiRARD COLLEGE & MANAYUNK LINE. MANAYUNK. Yellow Cars, ..Flag with white Star in cbntri ON Top. ..Yellow Light. From Depot (Thirty second and Ridge Ave- nue) to Manayunk...to Green Lane, .to Main street. ..to Ridge Avenue... to Tenth ..to Arch... to Second. (R.) up Arch. ..to Ninth. ..to Ridge Avenue... to Main street... to Green Lane. RIDGE AVENUE. Yellow Cars... Red Light. From Depot (Thirty-second and Ridge Ave- nue) down Ridge Avenue... to Tentli...to Arch... to Second. (R.) up Arch. ..to Ninth. ..to Ridge Avenue... to Depot. UNION LINE. Seventh and Ninth Streets FAIRMOUNT PARK AND NAVY YARD LINE. Yellow Cars... Red Light. Depot Twenty-third and Brown. From Brown street entrance of the Park ... on Brown. ..to Twenty-third ... to Wallace ... to Franklin... to 10 Race. ..to Seventh. ..to Federal ... to Front... to Wharton (R.) up Wharton ... to Ninth ... to Spring Garden. ..to Twenty-third. ..to Brown... to the Park entrance. Give Passes over their own lines. NIGHT LINE. Red Light. Do not give or take Passes. Over the same route as above. The first car leaves the depot at 11.48 P. M., and the last car leaves the Navy Yard at 5.22 A. M. SUNDAY NIGHT. First car leaves Depot at 11.03 P. M., and the last car leaves the Navy Yard at 2.50 A. M. RICHMOND AND BALTIMORE DEPOT LINE. Grebn Cars. ..Green Light. Depot, Thompson and Norris streets. On Thomp8on....to Marlborough....to Belgrade....to Frankford Road....to Ma8ter....to Franklin....to Race....to Seventh....to Passyunk Avenue....to Ellsworth....to Broad....to Baltimore Depot. (R.) up Broad....to Chri8tian....to Ninth....to Spring Garden....to Seventh....to Oxford....to Fourth.... to Norris....to Memphis....to York....to Thompson ....to Depot. Give Passes over their own lines. NIGHT LINE. Green Light. Do not give or take Passes. Over the same route as above. The first car leaves the Depot at 11.25 P. M., and the last car leaves the Baltimore Depot at 5.15 A. M. SUNDAY NIGHT. First car leaves the Depot at 10.40 P. M., and the last car leaves the Baltimore Depot at 8.15 A. M. I 11 COLUMBIA AVENUE AND MARKET STREEl ' FERRY LINE. Red Caes....Orange Light. From Depot (Twenty-third and Columbia Ave- nue) down Columbia Avenue....to Franklin....to Race....to Seventli....to Market....to Ferry. (R.) up Market....to Ninth....to Spring Garden....to Seventh....to Columbia Avenue....to Twenty-third i....to Depot. Give Passes over their own lines. NIGHT LINE. Orange Light. Do not give or take Passes. Over the same route as above. The first car leaves the Depot at 11.35 P. M., and the last car (leaves Front and Market at 5.35 A. M. SUNDAY NIGHT. First car leaves the Depot at 10 55 P. M., and the last car leaves Front and Market at 5.38 A. M. SPRING GARDEN AND POPLAR ST. LINE. Red Cars. ..One Horse....Red Light. Depot, Twenty- third and Brown streets. From the Brown street Park entranee....on Brown..,.to Twenty-third....to Wallace....to Twenty- second.... to Spring Garden....to Seventh (R.) up Seventh ....to Poplar....to Twenty-ninth .... to Brown....to Park entrance on Brown street. Give Passes on their own lines. CEDAR STREET LINE. Green Car8....Grben Light. From Stand (York and Cedar streets) up Ce- dar... to Somerset... to Richmond street, and re- turn over the same route. Give Passes over their own lines. 12 R' CHRISTIAN STREET LINE. Yellow Cars. ..One Horse... Red Light. b'rom Depot (S'-venth and McKean streets) out \IcKeHn...to Ninth ..to Ellsworth. ..to Twen- ty third. ..to (-brislian. (R ) down Christian... to 8eventh....to Depot. Give Passes over their own lines. .JEKFEKSON AND MASTER STREETS. Yellow (^ars...One Horse. ..Green Light From Tweniyfourth and JeflFer8on...down Jef- . fersou...to Franklin. ..to Thompson... to Front. ) (R. ) up Front... to Columbia Avenue. ..to Frank- lin ...to Master... to Twenty-third. ..to Depot. Give Passes on their own lines. WEST PHILADELPHIA LINE. Market Street Yellow Caks....Red Light. From Depot (Forty-first and Haverford streets) down Forty-tir8t...to Market... to Front, and re- turn over ttie same route to Depot HADDINGTON AND MARKET STREET. Green Cars. ..White Light. Prom Haddington, Sixty seventh street... on Haverfor l...to Forty first... to Market... to Front. (R.) up Market... to Forty-first... to Haverford... to Haddington. DIRECT LINE TO CENTENNIAL GROUNDS. Blub Cars... Blub Flag on top or Cars ..Yel- low Light. From Machinery Hall, down Elm Avenue. ..to Fortieth....to Market....to Front. (R.) up Mar* ket....to Forty-first, passing depot to Elm Ave- nue....to Machinery Hall. Sell Exchange Tickets. 13 HESTONVILLE, MANTUA AND PAIR- MOUNT LINE. Race and Vine Streets. Yellow Cars,...Rei) Light From Depot (Forty-third and Lancaster Ave- nue) on Lanca8ter....to Haverford....to Thirtieth ....to the Bri'lge....across the Bridge....to Spring Garden....fo Twenty second. ..to R!ice....to Second ....to Walnut. ..to Dock. (R.) up Dock....to Third ....to Vine....to Twenty-third....to Spring Garden ...to Bridge... across the Bridge. ..to Spring Gar- den. ..to Lancaster Avenue, passing Depot. ..to Belmont Avenue... to Centennial Grounds. HESTONVILLE & CATHEDRAL CEMETERY. Green Cars....One Horse....Red Light From Depot (Forty third and Lancaster Ave- nue) out Lancaster Avenue, passing Cathedral Cemetery ...to Fifty second street, Hestonville, and return over the same route to Depot. ARCH STREET LINE. Yellow Cars....Green Light From Twenty-sixth and Callowhill streets out Biddle....to Twenty fifih....to Spring Garden....to Twentieih....to Arch....to Second. (R.) up Arch ....to Twenty first....to Callowhill....to Depot, Give Passes over the Race and Vine street line to Centennial Grounds. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes ovei their own lines. PEOPLE'S LINE. Callowhill Street. Yellow Car8....0range Light. From Depot (Broad and Callowhill streets) to Fairmount Bridge ... start from Bridge ... down Callowhill... to Front... to Vine. ..to Ferry. (R.) 14 up Vine. ..to Front, and return over the same route to the Bridge. Intend running over the Bridge to the Cen- tennial Grounds. Sell Exchange Tickets. PHILADELPHIA OITY LINE. Chestnut and Walnut Streets. Green Cars — Red Light. From Depot (Forty second and Chestnut Sts.) down Chestnut — to Front — to Walnut. (R.) up Walnut — to Twenty-second — to Chestnut — to Depot. NIGHT LINE. Over the same route as above. The first car leaves Depot 12 o'clock, and last car leaves Front and Walnut 5.40 A. M. (No exchange.) CENTENNIAL GROUNDS. Yellow Cars — Orange Light. Prom Depot (Belmont and Columbia Avenues) down Belmont — to Lancaster — to Thirty-second — to Chestnut — to Front. (R.) down Front — to Walnut — to twenty- second — to Chestnut — to Thirty-second — to Lancaster — to Belmont Av. — to Centennial Grounds — to Depot. DARBY LINE. Red Cars — White Light. From Darby, on Darby Road — -to Woodland Avenue — to Chestnut — to Front — to Walnut. (R.) up Walnut— to Twenty second — to Chestnut — to Woodland Avenue — to Darby. MOUNT MORIAH CEMETERY. Blub Cars — White Light. From Mt. Moriah Cemetery, on Mt. Moriah Lane — to Darby Road — to Woodland Avenue — to Chestnut — to Front — to Walnut. (R.) up 15 Walnut — to Twenty-second — to Chestnut — to Woodland Avenue — to Darby Road — to Mount Moriah Lane — to Cemetery. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes on main line and branches at Thirty-second and Chestnut and Thirty third and Chestnut, good on any of their lines to Depot PHILADELPHIA AND GEAY'S FEREY LIME. Spruce and Pine Street GRAY'S FERRY BRIDGE. White Cars...Rbd Light. From Gray's Ferry Bridge up Gray's Ferry Road ... to Christian ... to Twenty-second ... to Spruce... to Third... to Walnut... to Dock. (R.) down Dock. ..to Second. ..to Pine... to Twenty- third... to Gray's Ferry Road... to Gray's Ferry Bridge. FAIRMOUNT PARK LINE. White Cars. ..Red Light. From Green street entrance of Park down Twenty-fifth... to Hamilton....to Twenty-second.... to Filbert .... to Twenty-ihird ...to Walnut....to Twenty-8econd....to Spruce....to Third....to Wal- nut....to Dock. (R.) down Dock....to Second.... to Pine.... to Twenty-third....to Callowhill...to Twenty fifth... to Green... to Park entrance. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes over their own lines. LOMBARD AND SOUTH STREET LIUE. Yellow Cars. ..Red Light. From Depot (Twenty fifth and South streets) down Lombard... to Front. ..to Dock. ..to Dela- ware Avenue. (R.) up Dock ... to Front ... to South... to Depot. Sell Exchange Tickets. 16 WEST END LINE. ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN. White Cabs — Green Light. From Woodlands Cemetery, on Baltimore Ave- nue — to Fortieth — to Locui^t — to Thirty sixth — to Powelton Avenue — to Thirty fifth — to Zoologi- cal Garden. (R.) on Thirty fifth— to Eadline— to Thirty-third — to Walnut — to Tliirty sixth — to Locust— to Thirty-eighth — to Woodland Ave- nue — to Baltimore Avenue. Intend having branch lines from South Street Bridge for travel from that portion of the city south of Pine and East of the Schuylkill. Also from the Zoological Garden via Eadline street to the Fairmount line on Forty first street. CENTENNIAL GROUNDS. White Cars— Green Light. From Woodlands Cemetery, on Baltimore Ave- nue — to Fortieth — to Lancaster Avenue — to Forty-first — to Elm Avenue — to Centennial Grounds — around the Centennial Grounds — to George's Hill. (R.) down Elm Avenue — to Fortieth — to Lancaster Avenue — to Thirty eighth — to Woodland Avenue — to place of starting. This line has the exclusive right to construct and operate a double track, narrow guage rail- w&y within the exhibition grounds. Sell Exchange Tickets and give Passes over their own lines CONTINENTAL LINE. Eighteenth and Twentieth Streets. From Depot, Eighteenth and Montgomery Av- enue, on Montgomery Avenue — to Twentieth — 17 to Ridge Avenue — to South College Avenue — to Corinthian Avenue — to Parrisli — to Twentieth — to Federal— to Eighteenth. (R.) up Eighteenth — to Frances — to Perkiomen — to Vineyard — to Ridge Avenue — to Eighteenth — to Depot. FARES OF HACKNEY COACHES. [Extract from an Ordinance approved July 23, 1872.J The prices or rates of fare to be taken by, or paid to, the owner or owners, or drivers of any hackney carriage or carriages, for the convey- ance of passengers for hire, unless otherwise expressly and mutually agreed upon between passenger or employer, and owner or driver, before the entering of the passenger into the vehicle, shall be as follows, to wit: — For carrying one passenger any distance not exceeding one mile, the sum of seventy-five cents; two passengers, one dollar and twenty- five cents; and for every additional passenger, twenty-five cents. For conveying one passenger any distance more than a mile, and not exceeding two miles, . one dollar and a quarter ; two passengers, one dollar and seventy- five cents, and for every ad- ditional passenger, twenty five cents. For carrying a passenger any distance over two miles, for any additional mile or part of a mile, the sum of fifty cents in addition to the fare for the first two miles, and for every addi- tional passenger, fifty cents. For the use of a carriage by the hour, with one or two passengers, for the purpose of g- ing 18 from place to place, and stopping as often as may be required, one dollar and a half per hour, and for each additional passenger, twenty-five cents. Where the hiring of a hackney carriage or carriages is not at the time specified to be by the hour, it shall be deemed to be by the mile ; but in case the distance shall be more than foar miles, the rate to be charged for each additional mile shall be fifteen cents for each passenger, as herein provided, A mile shall be taken and construed to mean twelve blocks of one hundred numbers on numbered streets. Whenever any hackney carriage or carriages, not engaged by the hour, shall be detained by the passenger or passengers, the owner or owners, or driver, shall be allowed at the rate of 75 cents per hour, in addition to the rates hereby established. For children between five and fourteen years of age, half price is only to be charged, and for children under five years of age, no charge is to be made, if not more than one such child to two adults. Every driver or owner or owners of a hackney carriage shall carry, transport and convey in, and upon his carringe, in addition to the per- son or person therein, one trunk, valise, saddle- bag, carpet-bag, portmanteau, or box, not ex- ceeding 100 pounds in weight, if requested to do so, without charge or compensation therefor; but for every additional trunk or other articles above enumerated, shall be entitled to demand and receive ten cents There shall be placed within every hackney coach, in a conspicuous place, at all times, a card, which shall contain the registered number 19 of such coach, and the name and residence of the owner thereof. That if the owner, or owners, or driver of any hackney carriage or carriages, shall ask or demand or receive any greater sum than he or they may be entitled to demand, he or they phall forfeit all claim for compensation for the services for which such greater sum shall have been demanded ; and no owner or owners or driver aforesaid shall offer for employment any carriage or carriages wherein the card men- tioned in the seventh section hereof shall not be placed as therein provided. In case of dispute, apply at the Mayor's oflSce. LOCATION OF PUBLIC OFFICES. Mayor's, S. W. cor. Fifth and Chestnut sts. Police Department, " " " " Detective " " " •' " Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph, " " City Treasurer's, Girard Bank, 3d bel. Chestnut, City Controller's, 2d floor " " " City Commissioner's, (up stairs,) 212 S. 5th st. City Solicitor's, " •* Receiver of Taxes, 723 Arch street. Collector of Delinquent Taxes, 723 Arch street. Board of Revision Taxes, " " «' Recorder of Deeds, 425 Chestnut street. Clerk of Orphans' Court, 3, State House Row. Sheriff, 4, " " ♦* Register of Wills, 6, " '« ♦' Prothon'y Supreme Court, 7, *• '* '' Prothon'y Common Pleas, 9, " '< '* Prothon'y District Court, 12, «' " '* 20 Clerk of Quarter Sessions, New Court House. District Attorney's " " " Coroner's, (Morgue,) Beach and Noble sts. Recorder's, 521 Chestnut street. Highway Department, S.E. cor. 6th and Chestnut Survey " 224 South Fifth street. Registry " " " " *' Fire ** Broad and Race streets. Water Dep't, N.W. cor 13th and Spring Garden Commission's of Fairmount Park, 251 S. Fourth " Pub. Build's, 1408 S. Penn Sq. Guardians of Poor, 42 North Seventh street. Girard Estate, 19 South Fifth street. Board of Directors City Trusts. 19 S. 5th st. Trustees of City Ice Boat, 115 Walnut street. Port Wardens, 119 Walnut street. Board of Public Charities, 737 Walnut street. U. S. Pension Widows' Agency, 716 Walnut st. Centennial Board of Finance, 904 Walnut st. '* Bureau of Revenue, " " *• Board of Health, S. W. cor. Sixth and Sansom. Registry Bureau of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 604 Sansom street. U. S. Pension, 718 Sansom street. Building Inspectors, 709 Sansom street. Board Control's Pub. Schools, 6lh and Adelphi. " Education, " " " Department of Markets, City Property and Wharves and Public Landings, 221 S. Sixth. Philadelphia Gas Works, 20 South Seventh st. North'n Liberties Gas Works, Laurel, ab. Front. House of Correction, 51 North Sixth street. House of Refuge, 21 North Seventh street. 21 DISTANCES TO VARIOUS POINTS IN THE PARK. The distances measured below are understood to be along the main drive. There are nume- rous by-paths and short cuts by which pedes- trians may shorten the distance, except along the Wissahickon : From the Green street gate — miles. To the east end of Girard Ave. Bridge. 1 *« '♦ Lansdowne entrance 1^ •* «♦ Belmont Avenue 3 «' " George's Hill (direct) 3^ •♦ " George's Hill (via Belmont) 4^ " *' Belmont (direct) 3^ «« '» Belmont (via George's Hill 4^ ♦« " Falls Bridge (via West Park)... 6| " " Wissahickon Pike (via W. Park) 7| The distances along the Wissahickon are as follows : From the mouth of Wissahickon — milks. To Livezey's Mills 3 ♦' Valley Green 4 '* Indian Rock 4 " Thorp's Mill lane 5 The total distance along the drive from the Green street gate, through the Western Park and over the Falls Bridge to the terminus of the Wissahickon drive, is twelve and a quarter miles, five miles of which are on the direct road through the beautiful valley of the Wissahickon. 22 PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Academy of Music — Broad and Locust. Horticultural Hall Broad and Locust. Arch St. Theatre— Arch, ab. 6th. Chestnut St. Theatre— Chestnut, ab. 12th. Walnut St. Theatre— N. E. Cor. 9th & Walnut. Fox's Mammoth Theatre — Chestnut, ab. 10th, Grand Central Theatre Walnut, ab. 8th. St. James Theatre— Tenth and Callowhill. Concert Hall— Chestnut, ab. 12th. Carncross & Dixey's — Eleventh, ab. Chestnut. Simmons & Slocum's — Arch, ab. 10th. Wood's City Museum— N. W. Cor. 9th & Arch. Enoch's Varieties — Seventh, below Arch. Zoological Garden — West Fairmount Park, be- low Girard Avenue Bridge. Anatomical Museum — 807 Chestnut. Mgennerchor Garden — Franklin & Fairmount Avenue. Academy of Natural Science — Broad, bolow Chestnut. PLACES OF INTEREST. Blind Asylum — Twentieth and Race. Deaf and Dumb Asylum — Broad and Pine. Girard College — Ridge ave. ab. 19th. House of Refuge — Twenty-second & Parrish. Philadelphia Library — Fifth and Library. Mercantile Library— Tenth above Chestnut. United States Mint — Chestnut, below Broad. Penitentiary — Fairmount ave. ab 2l8t. 23 STREET NUMBERS. By the decimal system of numbering streets adopted in this city, one hundred numbers are allowed to each square, commencing at the Del- aware running west, and at Market street, running North and South Market street the dividing line between north and south. NORTH. STREET NO. Arch 100 Race 200 Tiny 300 C-Uowhill 40' Buttonwood 500 Green 600 Pairmoan' Avenu^' 700 B'rowu 800 Poplar 900 Giriird ^ venue I'-iOO Thomps'm 1300 Master 1400 Jefferson 1500 Oxford IfiOO Columbia Avenup 1700 Montgomery Avpnue...l8no Berks 1900 Norris W^O Diiimond 2100 Susquehanna AVf-uue..2 00 Daunhin 2.300 York 2400 Cumberland 2500 Huntingdon 260ii Leh.gh 2700 SomfTS t 2S00 CHmbria 2900 Indiana 3000 Cbarfield 3 00 Allegheny 3200 Westmoreland 3300 Ontario 3400 Tiojja 3500 Tenango 3600 Erie 3700 The names of the streets are on the corner street lamps. i^OUTH. STREET. NO, Chestnut 100 Walnut 200 Spruce 300 Pine 400 Lombard 500 South 600 Bainbridge 700 Catharine 800' Christian 900 Carpenter 1000 Washington HOC Federal 1200 Wharton 1300 Reed 140a Dickinson 1500 Tasker 1600 Morris 1700 Moore ISOO Mifflin 1900 McKeaij 2000 Snvder 2 00 Jackson 220a Wolf 2300 Ritner 2400 Porter 2500 Shnnk '600 Oregon Avenue 27ti0 Johnson 2800 Bigler 2900 P.>llock 30' 10 Packer 3100 Curtin 3200 Geary 3300 Hartranft 3400 24 CONTENTS. VAGE. The Rate of Fares of Passenger Railway Companies.. . . 2 Explanation of the Letter (R) in the Routes 2 Second and Third Street Line 3 Oermantown (Fourth and Eighth Street) Line 5 Gaeen and Goates Street Line 6 Frankford and Southwark (Fifth and Sixth St ) Line. . . 6 Citizen's (Tenth and Eleventh Street) Line 7 Empire (Twelfth and Sixteenth Street) Line 8 Thirteenth and Fifteenth Street Line 8 Seventeenth and Nineteenth Street Line 9 Ridge Avenue and Manayunk Line 9 Union (Seventh and Ninth Street) Line 9 West Philadelphia (Market Street) Line 12 Hestonville, Mantua and Fairmount (Race and Vine St.) Line L3 People's (Callowhill Street) Line 13 Philadelphia City (Chestnut and Walnut Street) Linel.. 14 Philadelphia and Gray's Ferry (Spruce and Pine Street; Line 15 Lombard and South Street Line 15 West End Line (West Philadelphia) 16 Continental (Eighteenth and Twentieth Street^ Line.. . . 16 Fares of Hackney Coaches 17 Street Numbers 23 Location of Public Offices 19 Places of Amusement 22 Places of Interest 22 Distances to Various Points in the Park 21 3477-251 Lot-3d V "-^ y- o .Tr.-* ^0 ' ■ ♦' 4 ^^ > ^Su.u\\\s» * LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 311 922 1