8fcL ^^>\ " .-^^k < ■IK: Class S5S3 Dook > J (a SMITHSONIAN DKl'OSIT. [from the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, VOL. XXXII, SEPT. 1861.] AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY-SOIL-ANALYSIS. NOTICE OF THE AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY OF THE GEO- LOGICAL SURVEYS OF KENTUCKY- AND ARKANSAS* ~^^H> j7 BY PROF. S. W. JOHNSON. >^^^j^ OF YALE COLLEO'te. ^5, . In no country has there been so much popular appreciation of practical science as in the United States of America. Scarcely one of the States is without its volume or volumes of Geological and Natural History Reports, and though some of them have been content to conhne the work to the merest outline of the general and industrial geology of their territory, and have ex- pended but a few hundi^eds of dollars in the undertaking, others, like New York, have embraced all the branches of Natural Sci- ence in their survey, have prolonged the work of exploration or elaboration through many years, and have devoted money to these objects with unsparing hand. The results of these surveys as they stand recorded in the numerous volumes published by the States and by the General Government, are of very unequal merit, as might be expected from the wide range of country explored, from the various degrees of interest and appreciation governing the many Legislatures which have authorized these, labors and from the exceedingly unequal ability of the^dividuals charged with their execution. These explorations have originated in all cases with our scien- tific men. It is their influence either brought to^oear immediately upon the legislative bodies, or exerted less directly through cultivated and public spirited persons to whom the possible benefits of geological surveys have been explained — that has accomplished this vast work. The enterprises of which we speak being sustained pecuniarily at the expense of the people, and depending from year to year in many cases upon the popular vote, it has been not only politic but right to exhibit at the outset the prospects of pecuniary return for the required outlay of means, as an inducement to support such undertakings. It has been no less proper in pre- senting the results of the surveys, to lay stress on the discoveries having industrial bearings which are the fruits of the work. In those States where large quantities of metallic ores occur, the interest of capitalists engaged in mining has often sufiiced to * 1st, 2d. Sd and 4th Reports of the Geological Survey of Kentucky ] 854-60: 2d Report of the Geological Reconnoisance of Arkansas, 1860: Agricultural Chem- istry and Geology by Dr. D. D. Owen, principal Geologist, and Dr. Robert Pbteb, Chemical Assistant. Am. Joub. Sci.— Second Sbbies, Vol. XXXII, No. 95.— Sept., 1861. 30 2 >S. W. Johnson on the Soil-analyses of the [234] inaugurate a geological survey. In other states the agricultural sentiment has had to be operated upon. Great results have been promised to agriculture from the appli- cations of geology and chemistry, and a great deal of labor has been performed in the attempt to satisfy the hopes that have been thus excited. The chief object of the present notice is to inquire what has been really accomplished for the good of the farmer, by the sci- entific surveys that have been hitherto prosecuted in this country. The labors of Dr. Peter in connection with the Kentucky and Arkansas Surveys being the most recent and extended attempts of this kind, we shall make them the basis of our inquiries. If we except a few pages of general remarks on the theory of vegetable nutrition, &c., which while useful to the practical readers of the Keport contain no new facts or principles, — the whole effort of Dr. Peter has been concentrated on the analysis of soils, marls, rocks and ashes. He publishes in the four Kentucky Re- ports analyses of 375 soils, and in the Arkansas Report, 187, in all 662 soil analyses. Besitles, we find the results of examinations of 145 rocks, shales, &c., and of 38 ashes of plants, making a grand total of 795 agricultural analyses. The agricultural fruits of the surveys of Kentucky and Ar- kansas are then to be sought in these analyses. It certainly will strike all that the amount of work performed by Dr. Peter is unusually great. It is now but six years since the Kentucky survey was commenced and in that time the Dr. has not only analyzed 795 soils, but has executed 516 analyses of ores, slags, mineral waters and coals, making an average of two analyses for every three days of this whole period. This labor Dr. Peter states he has accomplished with the help of one intelli- gent assistant, and by a special organization of his laboratory and his operations whereby the utmost economy of time was secured. We have had such experience of the advantages of a similar system, that we are not prepared to doubt that the chemist who adopts a plan of analysis which fully satisfies him, and from which he never departs, may execute such an amount of work. At the same time we must bear in mind that the only control Dr. Peter offers for the accuracy of his results is, that the sum of the weights of the separated ingredients equals their original conjoined weight, no time being allowed to repeat a determina- tion, or to prove the purity of a precipitate. The Analytical Process followed in these analyses is not by any means so minute and full as we should be warranted to expect, when their author declares (4th Ky. Rep., p. 57) that "such a work to be eminently useful must be thorough and exhaustive ;" for soluble silica, chlorine, nitric acid and ammonia are not at all estimated, and the condition of the iron, whether protoxyd or peroxyd, is not noticed. It is worthy of notice that b [235] Geological Surveys of Kentucky and Arkansas. 3 carbonic acid and lime are always present in atomic proportions in the soils latterly analyzed, no excess of either ingredient being mentioned in the results. Carbonic acid however is not noticed in the description of the analytical process, and that figuring in the analyses does not appear to have been directly estimated, but to have come from the oxalic acid of the reagent shelf. If, as might easily happen, the contrary not being proved, a portion of the lime dissolved by hydrochloric acid exists in these soils as silicate, sulphate or phosphate, then the assumption that it is united to carbonic acid introduces an error into the summing up (which in many cases is exactly 100) and shows that a quan- tity of some other ingredient has been overlooked. For the estimation of phosphoric acid a highly modified form of Sonnenschein's process is employed, but our author does not give the figures which prove that his changes are improvements. Admitting however that the analyses are correct — we next inquire what is their value — what useful deductions from them appear in these Reports. In the introduction to Vol. i, Kentucky Survey, page 13, Dr. Owen says: " By consulting the numerous interesting results obtained by the chemical analyses of the soils embodied in the pages of this report, abundant evidence will be gathered of the vital necessity of wide dissemination amongst the farming com- munity, of the knowledge to be obtained by a correct insight into their chemical constitution." In the same volume, page 373, Dr. Peter remarks that he was impressed " that when the composition of our Kentucky soils and minerals in general, is once accurately established, their applications to our wants and uses would be obvious to all well informed persons. He has therefore consumed the time mainly in the analyses, and made up his report principally of the results." In the agricultural section of the Arkansas Survey, p. 47, Dr. Owen says: — "principally from chemical soil-analyses can the agriculturist form an intelligent opinion as to the comparative fertility of soils, and their suitability to the growth of certain plants, as well as judge what applications may be required in the way of lime, bone earth, plaster of Paris, ashes, or salts of pot- ash, soda, &c." Dr. Peter, in the same volume, page 166-7, observes: — "It is believed that by no other mode than by chemical analysis or by the more tedious and laborious method of actual experience, in cropping for a series of years and publishing a record of the same, can the actual nature, capabilities and value of the various soils of a State be presented to the public ; and that by institu- ting this Geologico- Agricultural Surve}', the State of Arkansas not only aids materially in the progress of the general science of the civilized world, and that of the soil in particular, but takes the most effectual mode of making known to the enlight- ened immigrant her agricultural riches. In this she has followed 4 S. W. Johnson on the Soil-analyses of the [236] the wise lead of the older state of Kentucky, in which, since the institution of her geological surve}', the value of the land in the regions examined and reported on has been very greatly enhanced." In the Agricultural Geology of Kentucky, Report 2d, p. 9, Dr. Owen says: " Placing implicit reliance on the capabilities of chemical science to indicate by the analyses of soils, the ingre- dients removed by the cultivation and harvesting of successive crops, it was hoped that by collecting samples of the virgin soil, and of the same soil from an adjacent old field, that not only the different substances assimilated out of the soil could be as- certained, but also the exact proportion of these so that the far- mer might know precisely what must be restored to the land to bring back its original fertility." These quotations sufficiently show what were the opinions which led our author to devote such an amount of labor to the analysis of soils, and indicate in general, what results were ex- pected. In the 2d Arkansas Report, p. 49 et seq., Dr. Owen " proceeds to explain in what way soil-analysis becomes of value to the farmer." He desires ^' to call particular attention to this subject, because the opinion has been expressed even in this year (1860), and by those having a high standing in the scientific world, that chemistry is incapable of conveying any useful information to the farmer by analyzing his soil." On the six following pages of the 2d Ark. Rep., and on page 80 of the 4th Ky. Rep., Dr. Owen gives the most complete resume of the teachings of soil-analysis which we are able to find in the fi.ve volumes before us, and as these are his latest writings on the subject, and as he then had the data of 389 analyses, viz. of 187 Arkansas soils and 202 in the three volumes of the Ken- tucky Report, — these being refrered to on the pages we are quoting from, — we are warranted in considering what he has here pre- sented, as embodying the strong points in favor of soil analysis. We will notice them separately as gathered from both Reports. 1st. " Any one who will take the trouble to inspect the analy- ses of the 187 Arkansas soils will see that the relative propor- tions of the eleven mineral constituents of these soils is very accurately given." — 2d Ark. Rej)., p. 49. If we admit fully that Dr. Peter's analyses represent with fair accuracy the composition of the two grammes of soil he ex- perimented with in each instance, we do not therefore allow that the composition of "these soils" considered as representing geological formations, or large agricultural districts, or even single fields, is "very accurately' given." Here at the outset the distinguished gentlemen who have con- ducted the 'geologico-' and 'chemico-agriculturai' part of the Kentucky and Arkansas surveys have taken for granted, what [237] Geological Surveys of Kentucky and Arkansas. 5 being an error, overturns their whole reasoning, and renders their soil-analyses comparatively worthless. Years ago, following the teachers of agricultural chemistry in this country and England, we believed that soil-analyses were adapted to be of exceeding use to farmers. Having practised analytical chemistry sufficiently to undertake the work, we pro- ceeded, when on a vacation visit, to collect some farm soils for the purpose of applying our skill and knowledge. On putting down the spade and post-augur into the drift overlying the low- est Silurian of Northern New York, we were at once struck with the difficulty of procuring an average specimen. The soil for a depth varying from two to six inches was quite fine, but below that depth largely mixed with gravel. On comparing different samples taken from a small area, it was plain that the «oil was not a fit subject for analysis. The relative quantities of organic matter as indicated by the color of the surface of small stones, — some quartz and granitic, others slate and limestone of several geological members, — were astonishingly variable. Here we found the soil sandy, there it was clay. To take a sample from one place was to do obvious injustice to the sixty- acre field. To take it from a dozen places would not render the selection of a fair sample any more certain. Then as to depth — was it proper to go down six inches, one foot, or how far? Had the field been a bed of iron ore, assays of a dozen samples taken from different parts would have indicated very satisfacto- rily the general value of the deposit, would have served as data for buying and selling the property, because the worth of an unworked bed of such ore depends less upon its content of iron than upon external circumstances which affect the extracting of the metal. Had the field been covered with rich dressed copper ore to the depth of six inches, it would have been necessary to divide it up into small parcels of a few tons, average these care- fully and as carefully assay each one. No one would risk pur- chasing a hundred thousand tons of copper ore on the analysis of one or of a dozen samples, because it is impracticable to in- termix or average such a mass of material as that a dozen sam- ples shall accurately represent it. We hold it therefore as the first objection to soil-analyses that to procure a specimen which accurately and certainly represent a field or district, is practically impossible in the majority of cases, and if possible^ requires a series of analyses to prove the fact. This argument applies with the greater force when we con- sider how small a proportion of the ingredients of a soil are of any immediate use in feeding crops. The really active nutrient matters of a soil are not reckoned by per cents nor by tenths of per cents, but by the minutest fractions, A heavy crop of thirtj^-seven bushels of wheat, grain and straw included, removes from an acre of land but 300 lbs. total 6 'S'. W. Johnson on the Soit-analyses of the [238] of mineral matters. According to Dr. Peter's weighings on some of the Kentucky soils, we may assume, that taken to the depth of a foot, an acre of soil weighs 3,000,000 lbs. All that is re- moved by the heaviest wheat crop then in one year is but ^-^ lo-o, or 0-0038+ per cent. It follows that the annual removal of the heaviest crop of wheat from a soil for 100 years diminishes its mineral matters by less than 04 per cent. If then, in the selection of a sample, the aveVage composition is departed from to the amount of 4 parts in 1000, the analysis may misrepresent the soil, by the value of 3700 bushels of wheat per acre, or by what represents, so far as mineral ingredients can, the fertility of a century. What freaks and accidents is not the soil-analyst the sport of? A bird, squirrel, or dog relieving nature at the spot where he collects his sample, innocently magnifies the phosphoric acid or alkalies of the surrounding thousand acres a hundred fold. The soil gathered toward the end of a long rain, whereby its soluble matters are carried deep into the subsoil, is declared poor, by analysis, whereas if taken after a fortnight of drought it might appear extraordinarily fertile. Boussingauit found in his rich garden soil in June, during wet weather, 00003-1 per cent of nitric acid. In the following September, after a period of dryness, it contained 0*0093 per cent, or twenty-seven times as much as in June. This ingredient is indeed more liable to fluc- tuation in amount than any other, both because it is formed in the soil, and because it is not subject to the absorbent action which the soil exercises over most other of its soluble constitu- ents ; but the same variation occurs among the other ingredients according to the direction of the capillary movement of the soil- water, though in less degree. Independently however of all considerations and calculations like the above, we have proof — evidence at least that supports these considerations, and has never been publicly refuted — that it is practically impossible to obtain average specimens of the soil. I refer to investigations made as long ago as 1846-9 under the direction of the Prussian " Landes Oekonomie Collegium,^'' and reported by the distinguished Magnus. The account of these experiments is given in detail in Erdmann's Journal fiir Praktische Chemie, vol. xlviii, pp. 447 et seq. The ^''Landes Oekonomie CoUegiian" at that time carried on systematic experiments in agriculture at fourteen distinct stations scattered through the Prussian domain. The trials which we now speak of, were made for the ostensible purpose of studying the exhaustion of the soil by cropping. The plan was to analyze the fourteen soils, the history of which for years previous was accurately known, then crop them with rape until "exhausted," then compare together the original composition of the soils with their composition after exhaustion, taking into account as well, [239] Geological Surveys of KentucJcy and Arkansas. 7 the composition of the crops removed. The research began with collecting and analyzing the soils. In order to meet as far as possible the difficulties of securing average specimens, equal portions of the soil of each field were taken with the spade at ten or twelve different points, and thoroughly intermixed ; each sample was then passed through a sieve, the holes of which were two square lines in area, so as to remove all coarser stones, then again well worked over to complete the mixture. Of each sam- ple three separate portions were analyzed, in most cases by dif- ferent operators. The analyses were made by, or under the guidance of, the ablest chemists of Germany. They were made according to a prescribed scheme, and that there should be no reason to slight the work, the work was paid for. It is true that analytical chemistry was not so advanced in 1846 as now. It is true that the methods then practised for estimating phosphoric acid and some other substances were not as perfect as they now are ; but for the most part the analyses then made are as accu- rate as any that could be executed to-day. It cannot be sup- posed for a moment that analysts like Eammelsberg, Bodecker, Genth, Debus, Knop, Heintz, Krocker, Marchand, VV^eidenbusch, Sonnenschein, Varrentrap, Weber, &c. &c., would by fault of method or by carelessness return anything but results that were accurate, as far as it was possible to make them such. We cannot suppose that their determinations of lime, oxyd of iron, potash and sulphuric acid, substances estimated then by the same meth- ods that are now employed, would vary if they were supplied with homogeneous material to operate upon. But let us look at some of their figures. We tabulate a number of them taken at ran- dom: Soil of Eldena, !? Lime. 0-39 0-75 0-25 Potash. 0-93 2-06 0-12 Sulphuric acid. 0-08 Phosphoric acid. 0-06 0-17 0-40 0-02 fa. - b. c. 0-802 0039 0-715 3-825 0-490 0-792 0-042 0-046 0-007 Beesdau, 0-004 Neuensund, t 1-692 0-614 0-728 3-531 1-289 1-243 0-050 0-038 0-241 0-051 0-010 0-121 Turwe, \l 2312 2-67 3-391 1-112 1-14 0-201 0-040 0-03 0-022 0-057 0-20 0-014 Frankenfelde, \l 0-420 1-081 0-461 1-155 0-016 0-004 0-418 0-071 1-456 0-015 If we run over these figures and those of the entire series of analyses, we find that different determinations disagree to such an extent as to make it the sheerest folly to base any calculation 8 S. W. Johnson on the Soil-analyses of the [240] of the value of the soil upon analysis. Some of the analyses agree sufficiently to show that accordant results are possible if uniform material be taken ; but the grand result of the investi- gation is that the difficulties of getting a uniform material are exceedingly great. Again, we must remember that in the case before us, the three examinations of each soil were made upon portions of one carefully mixed sample. What would have been the result had each chemist received a sample collected separately from all the others, and from different parts of the field ! Dr. Peter mentions these analyses of the Landes Collegium, and quotes a few of the results on page 187 of the 3d Kentucky Beport. He believes however that these discordant results do not invalidate soil analyses when made as they may be made with " means and appliances now at the service of the analytical chemist" and thinks "this statement however hazardous it may seem will be found to be sustained" in his Report. In the Report before us however we do not lind anything to sustain Dr. Peter's view. He gives, so far as we have discovered, no duplicate analyses, to show what accuracy his methods admit of on the same sample, much less does he prove by analyses of specimens separately gathered from the same field, that it is easy to procure an average material for analysis. Until this proof is produced the evidence is in favor of our view. Having shown how small an error in sampling may affect the chemist's estimate of a soil, it is not out of place to insist for a moment, that a similar error in the analysis itself, must have the same result. In running over 200 pages of Dr. Peters 4th Ken- tucky Report, we find five analyses of soil in which there is a gain of from five to eight tenths per cent; we find twenty -three in which there is a loss exceeding five tenths per cent. In thirteen of the latter the loss is eight or more tenths, in eight instances the loss is one per cent or more, and in one case is one and eight- tenths per cent. We should scorn to notice little matters like these, errors which are inseparable from the best manipulation and the best processes, were it not that in soil analysis it is pre- cisely the small quantities which alone have any importance. We find in Dr. Peter's work, as in the work of all who have preceded him in the analysis of soils from Davy and Sprengel down, evidence that the best endeavors in this line of research are entirely incommensurate with the desired results. It may be objected to this criticism of the analyses that the loss or gain must be distributed among the twelve ingredients determined. It is true that there is a probability that such dis- tribution would be just; but this is by no means certain^ and it is equally true that this being done there is still force in the criticism — for the four-tenths per cent of the soil which a cen- [241] Geological Surveys of Kentucky and Arkansas. 9 tury of wheat crops would remove, likewise consists of twelve ingredients. The 2d result of these analyses, according to Drs. Owen and Peter, is what the former (4th Ky. Eep., p. 33) declares to_ be "a general law" " now established," viz., "that soil-analysis is capable of showing the exhaustion in land of the mineral food of plants by continual cropping.'''' To show the removal of soil-ingredients by cropping, the plan was followed of collecting soils from contiguous fields, one of which had been " cultivated" while the other was in its virgin state. On comparing the analyses it was found that in seventy- one* cases out of seventy-nine, a loss had occurred in the soil which had been in use without manure from ten to fifty years. In eight instances, however, the analysis failed to show such a result, owing to local causes, the soil of the old field being based on a sub-soil richer than was the virgin field, or the old field having received washings of more elevated lands, &c. The admitted richness of the old over the new soil in these eight exceptional cases, is expressed by hundredths of per cent, e.g., soil Nos. 982, virgin, and 983, cultivated, differ by 0'066 per cent of potash. Soils 1144 and 1146 by 0-032 per cent of phos- phoric acid. Soils 1204 and 1205 by 0*092 per cent phosphoric acid. Soils 1207 and 1208 by 033 per cent potash. Similar fractions likewise show the amount of deterioration in the other seventy -one cases. We adduce two instances pointed out by Dr. Peter in the 3d Kentucky Keport, p. 207, and one given on p. 176 of the 2d Arkansas Peport : Carb. of lime. Magnesia. Phosphoric acid. Potash. Virgin soil, No. 557, 0-345 0-335 O'lSlf 0-156 Old soil, No. 558, 0-215 0-465 O-lOSf 0-101 Difference, 0-130 0-130 gain. 0-078f 0-055 Virgin soil, No. 738, 0-180 0-444 0-179 0256 Old field, No. 739, 0-145 0-388 0-163 0-179 Difference, 0-035 0-056 0016 0077 Virgin soil. No. 288, 0-121 0-371 0-127 O'llS Old field, No. 289, 0-021 0-371 0-053 0-097 Difference, 0-100 0000 0'074 0-019 We were prepared to find these differences much larger. It is seen at a glance that they fall within the errors of Dr. Peter's own manipulation, and when we assert that of ten analyses of the most homogeneous material made by the same analyst under the most favorable circumstances, five would differ among each other by an amount equal to the quantities upon which this " natural law " is supported, we assert what every competent * Misprinted twenty-one, on p. 31, 4th Kentucky Report. f Misprinted on p. 207, 3d Ky. Rep, wliere the difference is made 0-045 instead of 078, as given above frona the tabulated analyses. Am. Jour. Sci.— Second Series, Vol. XXXII, No. 95.— Sept., 1861. 31 10 S. W. Johnson on the Soil-analyses of the [242] analyst knows to be true, and what moreover pronounces most emphatically upon the value of such investigations. It is therefore our conclusion, that while, as has long been known, the soil loses in mineral matter what the crop gains, it is doubtful if in any given case chemical analysis can indicate this difference with certainty, for the reasons that the accidents which affect analysis make the limits of inaccuracy, to cover more than the loss by years of cropping. When we take into account the changes that are constantly progressing in the soil when under cultivation — changes by which the disintegration is hastened, changes by which it is made in many instances more retentive of soluble matters — when we remember that most cultivated crops, although they carry oif in seed, stem and foliage a quan- tity of mineral matters, yet derive these in part from a depth below the range of analysis, and in their roots or stubble, leave upon the surface, salts brought up from a considerable depth — we perceive that the problem is so complicated with compensa- tions and variable quantities as to put it beyond the reach of quantitative chemical analysis. If, in any case, soil-analysis does show or appear to show the exhaustion of the soil, it is however, the appeal to experience which proves it, and as this is the first, most obvious, and an entirely sufficient proof, we do not see the value of the " law " that has 10 per cent (eight-seventy-ninths) of exceptions, the existence of which like that of the rule itself, is only to be established by comparison with the plain agricultural fact. In short, if we admit the result as Drs. Owen and Peter would have it — of what use or interest is it? The 3d point, is that analysis shows " the peculiarities of the soils derived from different geological formations." Says Dr. Owen, "these analyses most distinctly show that certain geolog- ical formations impart to the soil more of the important mine- ral fertilizers than others." The reader will be able "to see that it is those formations which are composed of easily disin- tegrating materials, which, all other things being equal, yield the soils richest in phosphoric acid, lime and potash; and at the same time contain the quantity of alumina and oxyd of iron necessary to render them sufficiently retentive and attractive of atmospheric water and ammonia; therefore these soils are the best adapted for those grains and crops which require the largest proportion of these ingredients." "He will moreover be able to trace the gradual diminution in the proportion of the more important mineral ingredients, down from these extraordinarily fertile soils derived from the highly fossiliferous, argillo-calca- reous beds of the lower Silurian, the Cretaceous and the Tertiary systems of the West; through the silico-calcareous soils of the upper Silurian, Devonian and Sub-Carboniferous limestone strata, in which fossils are either more sparingly distributed or, in some [243] Geological Surveys of Kentucky and Arkansas. 1 1 cases almost wanting, and which are far less easy of decomposi- tion; thence through the argillo-silicious soils of the Coal meas- ures with only locally organic remains, and these chiefly of plants, down to the more purely silicious soils prevalent where the non-fossiliferous sandstones of the Coal measures and of the Millstone Grit, prevail to the exclusion of either shales or lime- stones and wfiich afford the most unproductive soils as yet an- alyzed." While it is to be expected that rocks of complex origin rich in organic remains — which are evidences that the rocks them- selves originally resulted from the deposition of the washings of fertile lands — should yield richer soils than sandstones or lime- stones, w^e do not see that analysis of the soil makes the fact more evident Knowledge of the composition of a rock enables us to judge in a general way of the value of the soil, so far as this depends upon chemical characters. We do not see what is gained by further analyses of the soil. It would appear that the cheap mental processes of deduction or inference may accomplish here in a moment all that an expensive analysis can show. We fail moreover to perceive that analysis shows " the pecu- liarities of the soils derived from the different geological forma- tions." In a cretaceous or limestone soil we of course expect to find much carbonate of lime, and in a sandstone or millstone grit soil much insoluble silica or silicates, but the quantities of phos- phoric acid, potash and sulphuric acid do not appear to bear any definite relation to their geological origin. It is impossible to represent the composition of the soil of any geological formation by a typical statement of percentages, or to point out its pecu- liarities further than by an undefinable more or less. Although Kentucky and Arkansas lie mostly or altogether beyond the influence of drift, yet the action of running water in its con- stant passage from hill-top to valley has to a great degree oblite- rated from the soils those peculiar differences to be found among the rocks from which they have been derived. A careful examination of the analyses recorded in the Arkan- sas survey shows that the average composition of the eight soils analyzed from the Lower Silurian and of the fourteen from the millstone grit, compare as follows, in regard to the more im- portant ingredients : Phosplioric Sulphuric Carb. lime. Ma;^nesia. acid. acid. Potash. Lower Silurian, average of 8 soils, 0-533 0-485 0184 0-052 0-355 Millstone grit, " 14 " 0-215 0531 0180 0-057 0-148 Here we see that the soils of the poorest formation are inferior to those of the richest only in carbonate of lime and potash. Of the soils of the millstone grit, nine are richer in carb. lime than the poorest of the Silurian, and five of the former contain more potash than the poorest of the latter. On the other hand but two of the Silurian soils have higher percentages of either carb. 12 -S. W. Johnson on the Soil-analyses of the [244] lime or potash, than the richest soil of the millstone grit. If these figures demonstrate anything, it is the fact, that no geolog- ical formation has the absolute monopoly of either barren or fertile soils. If the analyses of Dr. Peter show the "peculiari- ties" of the soils of any geological age, then certainly these peculiarities are not remarkably peculiar! On page 50 of the 2cl Ark. Rep., Dr. Owen remarks as follows : " With the table of the composition of the ashes of plants to refer to, appended to this Report, and after becoming acquainted with the usual proportions of mineral constituents in an average soil, information which is easily acquired by looking over the table of soil analyses in this Report, it is easy for any individual to see, when he is provided with a reliable analysis of his soil, not only to what crop it is best adapted, but what kind of min- eral fertilizers, if any, it requires as a manure, and how it com- pares in fertility to the various grades of soils from other farms and other states. Is not this knowledge of some value to the farmer?" The above, we are of opinion, proceeded rather from the generous heart than from the critical brain of its lamented author. Had he attempted to do the things which he believed to be so easy, we are sure his statements would have lost somewhat of their directness and would have appeared in a form highly modi- fied from the above. " The usual proportion of ingredients in an average soil." What is an average soil? Our only way of deciding what is such a soil consists in noting the average yield of soils. But the yield depends not alone on the soil, but upon climate, weather, tillage and various incidents and accidents. It depends not on the composition of the soil — not on the "propor- tion of ingredients" alone, but likewise on the condition of those ingredients, their state of combination, their solubility. It depends also on the physical characters of the soil, which deter- mine the relations of the crop to the essential conditions of reg- ulated heat and moisture. The soil is not less important to the plant in its function of home than in its function of food, the lodg- ings are of equal influence with the board. It is a nice work to balance these varying circumstances, many of which have as yet in our science, no shadow of a numerical expression, and then to say how many thousandths of a per cent of potash, lime, phos- phoric acid, &c., belong to the "average soil." Dr. Peter has indeed attempted to show the degree of availa- bility of the elements of the soil by the following process. "A quantity, generally thirty grammes of the air-dried soil is placed in an eiglit-ounce strong vial, with a close fitting stopper, and the bottle is filled up with distilled water which has been charged with pure carbonic acid gas, under a pressure of about two atmospheres. The bottle is allowed to remain for about a [245] Geological Surveys of Kentucky and Arkansas. 13 month at a temperature about that of summer heat." The matters thus dissolved were then analyzed as usual. These results have this value, they show that the water of the soil is capable of dissolving all the elements of the food of plants. They furnish moreover a rough comparative view of the availa- ble matters in different soils. Beyond this we cannot attach any value to them. We now come to Dr. Owen's 4th result of soil-analyses, embodied in the above quotation, and repeated on p. 30 of the 4th Ky. Kep., viz: its power of indicating "the suitabilit}^ of the soil for any particular crop." Closely related to this is the 5th item, viz., that anaWsis can show " what addition any soil, either uncultivated or cultivated, requires to render it productive and remunerative for any given crop; and, of course, the deficiency in the soil of one or more of the eleven elements determined by chemical analysis." We cannot help feeling that the above assertions which are here made unqualifiedly, were intended to be understood with a large amount of reserve and subject to various conditions. Oth- erwise we must regard them quite unjustified, if not absurd. The chemical analysis of soil reveals nothing as to its tenacity or lightness, its porosity or retentiveness for water, j9t these phys- ical and mechanical conditions more than anything else determine the adaptation of a soil for any particular crop. The best grass lands are not the best wheat lands — and although it would scarcely be questioned that wheat requires a richer soil than grass in order to produce an average crop, and although as we know, it often happens that many successive hay crops may be removed from a meadow without sensible diminution of the yield, while uninterrupted cropping with wheat nearly always reduces the capacity of the soil in a very few years below a profitable point; yet each average hay crop removes from a field more of every ingredient of vegetation than the grain and straw together of an average harvest of wheat. Such at least is the testimony borne by the most recent and trustworthy data. Dr. Anderson of Glasgow basing his calcula- tions on the best analyses and on the extensive agricultural statistics gathered in late years by the Highland and Ag. Society of Scotland, makes the following estimate of the amount of the principal ingredients removed from an acre by average crops of seven staple British farm products. See table on next page. — Trans. Highland and Ag. Soc.., 1861, p. 568, On comparing the amount of matters removed from an acre by the wheat and hay crops, we find that the latter requires four times as much potash, lime and sulphuric acid ; twice as much silica and one-fifth more nitrogen. Again we know that oats are raised on soils which are consid- ered too poor for the profitable production of wheat, and the 14 iS. W. Johnson on the Soil-analyses of the [246] s = o CO CO 03 00 CO 05 O o ^ o lO r-( CD O O) r-< GO 00 CO o o ._ 0) 05 to - CO CO CO o l-H r-H «0 '-' — 'C-d CM lO CO »Ci 00 iC O OO —1 05 • 00 • F-H 00 CD l^ CO 00 O ^IS O CO CO O .-1 l-H ! 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