HISTORY LAND TITLES %^ii) f^'' HUDSON COUNTY N. J. 1609-1871, V ^<^ \ c * By CHARLES H. WINFIELD, COUNSELLOR- AT-LAW. "J. painfull ^votk it is, I'll assure you, and more than difficult, toherein what toyle hath been taken, and an no man Ihinlceth so no man believeth, but he hath made the triall." — Ant. a Wood. — Preface to the History of Oxford. NEW YORK: WYKKOOP & UALIiENBECK, PRINTERS, No. 113 Fulton Street. 1873. Eutered according to Act of CongTess, in the rear 1872, by CHARLES H. WIXFIELD, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. £jttJx0\Atx^ of ||itttl,$0« CHoutttj), NEW JEKSET, WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN KNOWING THE PAST HISTORY THEIR PRESENT REAL POSSESSIONS, THIS VOLUME I^KSPECTKULLY pEDlCATED. conte:n^ts. I'AOK. Chapter L— TITLES UNDER THE DUTCH, - - - 1 II.— TITLES UNDER THE KING, - - - 10 " III.— HISTORY OF THE COMMON LANDS, - 15 " IV.— FIELD-BOOK AND NOTES, - - - 27 v.— SECAUCUS COMMONS, - - - - 285 " VI.— NEW FIELD-BOOK AND NOTES, - - 311 " VII.— NEW BARBADOES NECK, - - 324 " VIII.— MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, AND DEATHS, - 329 MAPS AND DIAGRAMS. 1. VAN PURMERENT'S PATENT, - - - - 43 2. STOFFELSEN'S PATENT, .... 46 3. COS'S PATENT, ------ 49 4. DE BACKER'S PATENT, .... 51 5. HARTMAN'S FIRST PATENT, - - - - 54 6 HARTMAN'S SECOND PATENT, : - - 55 7. PARTITION OF MERSELIS'S PROPERTY (Greenville), - 63 8. PARTITION BETWEEN VREELAND AND VAN WINKLE (Pamrepaw), - - - - - 66 9. PARTITION OF GARRET VREELAND'S PROPERTY (Pam- repaw), ..... 67 10. PARTITION OF VAN BUSKIRK'S PROPERTY (Bayonne), - 71 11. PARTITION OF VREELAND'S PROPERTY (Centreville), 73 12. PARTITION OF CONSTABLE'S HOOK, - - .75 13. PARTITION OF PRIOR'S PROPERTY (Bergen), - 125 14. DUNHAM'S MAP OF BERGEN POINT, - - - 136 15. CHURCH AND MECHANICS' LOTS, - - - 146 16. SCHOOL LOT, - - - - - - 148 17. HARING'S MAP OF BAYARD'S COMMONS, - - 153 18. PARTITION OF BRINKERHOFF'S LOT (Greenville), - 160 19. LOTS AT SLONGA, ----- 163 20. MAP A, NEW FIELD-BOOK, - - - - 311 31. MAP B, NEW FIELD-BOOK, - - - - 314 22. PARTITION OF GAUTIER'S PROPERTY (near Five Cor- ners), ....-- 316 P REF AC E. The Field-Book, which is the foundation of this vohimo, comprises the boundaries of the okl township of Bergen and of the several lots therein patented to individuals, and of the com- mon lands allotted and partitioned by the Commission of 1704. It is the manuscript record of a survey which, though intricate, is accurate, exhaustive, and authoritative ; while the adjudications of ownership, as therein contained, have never been questioned. On questions of title it has always been held in high estimation, — in fact, final and conclusive. From much use, the maps are becom- ing somewhat defaced, and the book worn and confused through the inaccurate copying, ignorant arrangement, and careless bind- ing of several leaves which had become separated from the work. Impressed with these facts, the Board of Chosen Freeholders decided to do something for the preservation of these important documents. After mature reflection, the plan of simple reproduc- tion, which at first suggested itself, was abandoned, and the following commendable action taken by the Board on the 12th of January, 1871 : — yfUereai, The greatly increased values of land in tlie County are directing closer attention than formerly to titles ; and, Wliereas, The Field-Book and Maps made under the direction of the Com- mission of 1764 are regarded as quite conclusive upon questions of title up to that time, and are, from their great age and continual use, in such a ruinous con- dition that this Board should take prompt action for their preservation before it is too late ; and. Vlll P R K F A C E . WJicrenn, It would be of great value to the public generally, and land-owners in the County particularly, that the same should be edited and published in book form, instead of being copied ; therefore, Jti'solvcd, That a committee of three be appointed, with jiower to secure the services of some competent person to edit and publish the Field-Book, and Maps accompanying the same, in book form. The coinmittee, consisting- of Jeremiah B. Cleveland, Henry D. Van Nostrand, and John M. Wilson, appointed under these resolu- tions, requested the undersigned to undertake the work. This request was acceded to, with a fidl appreciation of the magnitude of the task, and with the consciousness that, if properly performed, the result would be of great utility, though it might not be pecuniarily i^rofitable, nor in a general sense popular. It cannot be denied that the tenacity with which, until a recent period, the descendants of the original owners had retained their ancestral acres, has rendered the work easier than it otherwise would have been. Nevertheless, the subject has grown much beyond what was originally contemplated. New matter has been found, unrecorded deeds and unproved wills have been brought from their hiding-places, and even a New Field-Book and Maps, complete and in good preservation, which, in their quiet sleep in the old garret, had outlived the memory of man, are now given to the inspection of the curious. Of the great assistance they will be to the conveyancer there can be no doubt. Much care has been taken to reproduce the text of the Field- Book without the slightest variation, even in orthography or punc- tuation. The original paging has been preserved in the margin of this volume, and all references in the body of the work are to the marginal pages. The object, from the beginning, has been to make the volume one of acciu-acy and usefulness, rather than of dis- play of antiquarian research. The opening chapters give a brief history of the titles under the Dutch, the King, and Lords Proprie- tors, as well as the disputes concerning the common lands which led to the intervention of the Legislatiu-e, and their allotment. The gxeater part of the labor performed in the preparation of the PREFACE. ix work has been expended in notes to the several lots described in the FlELD-BOOK. Though not within the scojie of the original plan, it has been , do, by these presents publish and declare, that on this day, the date umlerwritten, before us in their own proper persons, came and appeared, ItittltOauU) and ^larOUU), ^JtrfllUianS, Inhabitants and joint owners of the land named ^ijaSlllTttfii and the peninsula MvtU^ Slttt, as well for themselves 2&, mio cavcraidc, for ^[iJlinflm, 2121latl)' ttati) and CfauUJlUS, joint proprietors of the same parcels of land, and declared in the same quality that for and in consideration of certain parcels of goods, which they the appearers acknowledged before the passing of these presents to their full gratitude and satisfaction to have received into their possession, hands, and power in their right and free (unincumbered) ownership, and by virtue of the title and article of sale, they have sold, transported, ceded, and delivered, and by these presents they do transport, cede, and deliver to and for the behoof of the "XOtllC 2L0l*"iJ ^iCi)lCl JjJauU) (absent), and for whom we, ex-officio, accept the same with suitable stipulations, namely, the aforesaid land ^i)a£f(niUjS and SlrCSSlClt, by us named the SSllijOrCS ^^ Van Horne. His His CORNELUS K GeRREBRANTS. ^^^ ^ S'^- Mark. Mark. ^ Jacobus Van BusKiRK. Hendrick V Siggel«5. AnDRIES Van BoSKERCK. Mark. LowRENs Van Buskirk. Cornelius Van Woorst. His His Cornelius C. B. Blinkeroff. Jacob I. B. Brower. Mark. Mark. ^ ^^l\ ,^ ^,, Peter Marcelise. Jacob Gerre I. G. Van Wagener. His ^.^ Mark. Hendrick H. S. Spier, J^^°''' Malk '^^'' ^<^^^^' ArENT TOERt'"' Daniel Van Winkle. Gerret Roos. Abraham Sickels. Henderick Vanderoef. Hendrick Van Winckell. Leveynis" Winnen. JoHANNis Gerre Van Wagenen. Mark. Sealed and delivered in the presence of JOHANNIS VrEELANDT. Dirck Kadmus. So far as we can now learn the measures contemplated by this agreement were not pursued. Matters growing w-orse, the people petitioned the Legislature for relief. This petition resulted in the following : ^It ^Ct appointing Commissioners for finally settling and determin- ing the several Rights, Tides & Claims to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen ; and for making a Partition thereof in just & equitable Proportions, among them who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners, to be intitled to the same. 213]li)CtrC*lS sundry Persons claiming to be Inhabitants and Freehold- ers within the Township of Bergen aforesaid, by their Petition, presented to the General-Assembly of this Colony, do set forth, that Philip Carteret, Esq'' Governor of this Colony of Nova Cesarea, or New Jersey, under the Right Honorable Lord John Berkley, and Sir George Carteret the former Proprietors thereof, by a certain Deed or Instrument in writing purporting to be a Charter granted to the Town and Freeholders of Bergen, and to the Villages and Plantations thereunto belonging, bear- ing Date the twenty-second Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and sixty-eight, did therein and thereby with the Consent of his Council, grant and declare among other Things therein contained, that the Bounds and Limits of the aforesaid Town and Corporation of Bergen was and is to begin at the North End of LAND TITLES. 19 Mordani's Meadow, lying upon the West Side of Hudson's River, from thence to run upon a Northwest Line by a three Rail Fence that was then standing, to a place called Espatin, «&: from thence to a little Creek surrounding North North-West till it comes into Hackinsack River, containing in Breadth from the Top of the Hill one Mile and a Half or one hundred & twenty Chains From thence it runs alongst the said Hackinsack River upon a South South- West Line till it comes to the Point or Neck of Land that is over against Staten- Island and Shooter's Island in Arthur Cull Bay, containing in Length about twelve Miles, from thence to run Eastward, along the River called Kill Van Cull that parts Staten-Island and the Main, to a Point or Neck of Land called Constable's Point or Constable's Hook, and from thence to run up Northward all along the Bay up into Hudson's River till it comes to Mordani's Meadow aforesaid, so that the whole Tract of Upland and Meadow property belonging to the Jurisdiction of the said Town and Corporation of Bergen, is bounded at the North End by a Tract of Land belonging to Cap'" Nicholas Verlet and Mr. Samuel Edsall, on the East Side by Hudsons River, on the South End by the Kill Van Cull that parts Staten-Island and the Main, and on the West Side by Arthur Cull Bay and Hackinsack River; And did also among other things therein mentioned grant and declare that the Freeholders aforesaid, or the major Part of them, should have Power to chuse their own Magis- trates to be Assistants to the President or Judge of the Court and for the ordering all public Aftairs within the said Jurisdiction And that the Freeholders aforesaid, or the major Part of them, should have Power to admit of their own Inhabitants and to divide all Proportions of Lands as are within the Bounds and Limits aforesaid, that were not then al- ready appropriated and patented by particular Persons before the Day of the Date thereof, according to their Allotments and Estates, as the Justices & Magistrates should in their Wisdoms think fit, which Land being so divided every Man's Proportion should be surveyed, butted and bounded by the Surveyor, and recorded by the Secretary and Recorder General of this Colony and after two Years in Possession, should not be subject to any Re-Survey or Alteration, but should remain according to the first Survey forever, as by the said Charter more fully and at large may appear. And the said Petitioners further set forth that altho' cer- tain Letters-Patent of her late Majesty Queen Anne, issued under the Great Seal of this Colony, bearing Date the fourteenth Day of January in the twelfth Year of her Reign, confirming the aforesaid Incorporation of the said Township of Bergen ; and altho' the said Letters-Patent were confirmed by an Act of the Governor, Council and General Assembly of this Colony, passed the twenty-ninth Day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred thirteen, intituled an Act for Con- firmation of a Patent or Charter granted by His Excellency Robert Hunter, Esq"" Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief in and over the Provinces of New Jersey and New York, and all the Territories and Tracts of Land depending thereon in America, and Vice- Admiral of the same for the Incorporation of the Town of Bergen in the Eastern Divi- sion of the Province of Nova Cesarea or New Jersey : Yet neither the said Letters-Patent nor the said Act do prescribe any Method for the Division of the Common Lands of the said Township of Bergen, but leave the same subject to such Method as is above mentioned to be pre- scribed by the aforesaid Charter of Governor Philip Carteret : And that 20 l.AM) TITIvKS. altho' the Petition of the said Common Lands, is by the aforesaid Char- ter of Governor Philip Carteret directed to be made by the said Free- holders, in such Manner as the Justices and Magistrates shall think fit, yet that elective Magistrates having been a Provision in the Infancy of this Colony, and having long since been disused except in some particu- lar Incorporations, among which the said Township of Bergen is not to be ranked, a Partition of the aforesaid Common Lands in the Manner directed by the said Charter, is for that Reason become absolutely im- possible ; That besides, the Petitioners are not only at some Variai.ce among themselves, as well concerning what particular Tracts of Land patented before the Grant of the said Charter, are included within the above recited Bounds of the said Township of Bergen, and consequently concerning the Persons who may properly be deemed Freeholders of the said Township ; And who the Freeholders within the said Township are or are not intitled to Shares of the said Common Lands But it is also disputed among them in what Proportions the said Common Lands ought by Virtue of the said Charter to be divided among those who undoubt- edly are Freeholders within the Bounds of the said Township and are Intituled to Shares of the said Common Lands, which Reasons together with the great Number of the Persons Interested and the Infancy, Coverture and Absence beyond Seas of many of them render a Partition of the said Common Lands Impracticable by the Course of the Com- mon Law and Feasible only by Commissioners to be appointed by Act of Legislature as well for settling the several Claims to the Commons as the Respective Proportions in which the same ought to be Divided and that by Reason of the present Undivided State of the said Commons great and Unnecessary Waste is daily Committed by destroying the Timber growing on the same. By which means if the same be not pre- vented by a Speedy Partition of the said Commons, they w^ill be ren- dered of Little Value, and the Township of Bergen be reduced to great Distress for want of Timber and Fuel, the Petitioners therefore pray Relief in the Premises as by the said Petition may appear. iSt It ti)trfforC Cnactetr By his Excellency the Governor, the Council and General Assembly of this Colony, And it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same That Jacob Spicer of Cape May, Charles Clinton of Ulster County, William Donnaldson and Azariah Dunham of New Brunswick, John Berrien of Rocky Hill, Samuel Willis of Long Island, and Abraham Clark, Jun^' of Elizabethtov. n, be and hereby are appointed Commissioners for Making Partition of the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen aforesaid, And are hereby Authorized and Required to Divide the same in the Manner hereinafter Directed. ^ntr t)C it fUrti)er mactetr By the Authority aforesaid That the said Commissioners be and hereby are Impowered and required previous to any Partition of the said Common Lands to give at Least Four Weeks Public Notice in the New York Gazette and Mercury of the Time when and the Place where they will meet to Survey, run out, and ascer- tain as well the Bounds and Limits of the said Township of Bergen as the Bounds of Each and Every Patent and Grant Contained within the Bounds and Limits of the said Township. And the said Commissioners are hereby Impowered to go with their necessary Attendants and Imple- ments upon and Across any Lands or Meadow contained within the Bounds of the Township of Bergen aforesaid or Adjacent thereto in Order to make the said Survey or Surveys And the Partitions hereinafter LAND TITLES. 21 Mentioned Doing as Little Damage as may be to the Owners thereof, without being Liable to any Action for the same, Which said Survey of the said Township of Bergen and of the several Patents or Grants con- tained vvithin the Bounds and Limits thereof when made, shall Conclude all Persons whomsoever claiming under the said Township of Bergen or any Patent or Patents, Grant or Grants contained within the Bounds and Lmiits thereof MvCa iJt it tnuttfa By the Authority aforesaid That as soon as the said several Patents or Grants shall be Surveyed And the Bounds and Limits of the same ascertained as aforesaid, the said Commissioners shall set apart so much of the said Common Lands as they think will be suf- ficient to defray the Charges of Making a General Partition of the said Common Lands, And shall then proceed to make a General Partition of All the Residue of the said Common Lands and lay out and allot to such of the several Patents or Grants Contained within the Bounds and Limits of the Township of Bergen aforesaid as they shall Judge to be Intituled to the same, Such Proportions of the said Common Lands as they shall judge right, having Regard to the Right and Allotments due to the Church and Free-School as in said Charter specified. L^ntr iMljCrcas The Freeholders Inhabitants of the Town of Bergen claim a Large Part of the said Common Lands by Virtue of a purchase from the Indians bearing Date the Thirtieth day of January in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Eight And a Patent or Grant from Governor Stuyvesant in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty One And divers other Disputes and Controversies have Arisen and may Arise as well between the Freholders Inhabitants of the said Township of Bergen relating to their several Rights to the said Common Lands in Virtue to their Several Patents or Grants as between the Freholders of some of the Patents or Grants Con- tained within the Bounds and Limits of the Township of Bergen aforesaid. For the settling and Determining thereof. 3St ft CUaCtCtr By the Authority aforesaid That the said Commis- sioners shall and hereby are Authorized and ret|uired in a Summary Way to hear and finally Determine According to their discretion the said Claim of the said Freholders Inhabitants of the Town of Bergen, founded on the said Indian Purchase and Governor Stuyvesant's Patent or Grant aforesaid, and All other Disputes and Controversies arisen or which may arise as well between the Freholders Inhabitants of the Township of Bergen aforesaid, Relating to their Several Rights to the said Common Lands in Virtue of their several Patents or Grants as between the Fre holders of each particular Patent or Grant Contained within the Bounds and Limits of the Township of Bergen aforesaid Which Determination of the said Commissioners shall be Final & Conclude all persons whom- sovcr Claiming Under the said Township of Bergen or Under any Patents or Grants Contained within the Bounds and Limits of the said Town- ship. ^tl^ be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the said Commissioners shall within three months next after the said general Partition shall be completed, proceed to sell the said Lands so set apart to defray the Charges of the said general Partition as aforesaid, at public Vendue to the highest Bidder giving at least six Wrecks Notice of such Sale, by Advertisement to be affixed on the Court-House in Hackinsack and the Church in Bergen : And the Deed of the said Commissioners to 22 LAND TITLES. the Purchaser and Purchasers shall pass a good Title, both in Law and Eciuity to such Purchaser or Purchasers for the separate Enjoyment of the said Lands in Fee Simple, against all Persons whomsover claiming under thesaitl Townshi]) of Ik-rgen, or any Patent or Grant contained within the Bounds and Limits of the said Townshij) : And the said Commissioners shall keep and state a particular Account of the whole Charge attending the said general Partition and lay the same before the Justices of the Sessions for the County of Bergen, who are hereby authorized and re- quired to appoint by a Rule to be entered in the Minutes of the said Court of Sessions, Persons to audit the said Account : And the said Persons so appointed shall after fourteen Days Notice given by the said Commissioners, or any one or more of them, in Writing, to any three Persons interested in the said general Partition, of the Time and Place of auditing the same Account that all Persons interested may be heard in objecting to the same, proceed to the auditing of said Account : And out of the Monies arising from such Sale the s'* Commissioners shall detain in their Hands so much as the said Auditors shall report to be due for their Services and Disbursements in compleating the said general Partition And the Surplus, if any be, shall be paid to the Trustees of the Freholders, Inhabitants of the Township of Bergen for the Use of the said Corporation, and their Receipt for the same shall be a sufficient Discharge to the said Commissioners.* ^Ut( be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that after the said general Partition shall be made the said Commissioners shall proceed to make a Partition and Division of the said Common Lands allotted to each respective Patent or Grant within the Bounds and Limits of the said Township of Bergen to which a Share of the Common Lands shall have been allotted as aforesaid. And for that Purpose they are hereby authorized and required to give at least twelve Weeks Notice, by Adver- tisements to be published in one or more of the New y'ork News-Papers, of their meeting to proceed upon the Partition or Division of each and every of the said Tracts of Common Lands allotted to each of the said Patents or Grants respectively; By which said Advertisements all Persons interested in the said particular Tracts respectively shall be re- quired to produce their Titles and make out their Claims to the same, Copies of which Advertisements shall be affixed on the Court House in Hackinsack and the Church in Bergen ; And when the said Commis- sioners shall have informed themselves in manner aforesaid of the Rights of the respective Persons claiming Interests in the said Common Lands allotted to such particular Patents or Grants respectively, they shall pro- ceed to make a fair and equitable Partition and Division thereof among all the Persons whom they may adjudge to be interested in such Pro- portions as they may think Just and reasonable And in like Manner the said Commissioner shall proceed to make a Partition and Subdivision of each and every of the said Tracts of Common Lands allotted to each * The Commissioners submitted their accounts for dividing the Common Lands, to the Court at Hackensack, on the first Tuesday in October, 1764. They were referred to Peter Sobriskc, Tunis Day, and Johannis Deniarest for audit, with directions to send in their rejjort at the next Term. In January Term. 17fi5, tlie C'ommissiimers sub- mitted their accounts for subdividing the Connnon Lands. They were referred to the same persons for audit. I have not been successful in finding the accounts or reports thereon. LAND TITLES. 23 and every of the said Patents or Grants within the Bounds & Limits of the Township of Bergen aforesaid respectively to which a Share of the said Common Lands shall have been allotted as aforesaid : And the Charges of every of such Partition and Subdivision shall be defrayed, and the Accounts of the same respectively kept, stated and audited in the same manner as hereinbefore directed upon the general Partition aforesaid, provided always that the Overplus of the Moneys arising from the Sale of the respective Lands set apart to defray the Charges of each of the said particular Partitions and Subdivisions respectively, if any be shall upon Demand be paid to the respective Persons interested in such particular Tracts, or Proportions to their several Rights. ^Utl be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the said Com- missioners shall cause two several Field-Books and Maps to be made both of the general and of each particular Partition and Division of the said Common Lands, specifying the Bounds of the general Partition and of each and of every Lott of each particular Partition and Division respec- tively and to whom allotted particularly; Which said Maps and Field- Books shall be signed by the said Commissioners and their Surveyor or Surveyors, And one of the said Maps and Field-Books shall be filed in the Secretary's Office at Perth-Amboy and the other in the office of the Clerk of the County of Bergen to remain and be kept as Evidence, and shall be and hereby are made conclusive Evidence, of such Partition which said Partitions and Divisions and each and every of them shall be and hereby is and are declared good and valid in Law to divide and separate the said Lands. MvCti be it further enacted By the Authority aforesaid That the said Commissioners and their Surveyor shall be allowed each twenty shillings a Day, while actually employed in the said Service, And to each of the Chain-Bearers six shillings a Day, And to the Persons who audit the Accounts of the said Commissioners ten shillings for auditing the accounts of each of the said Partitions and Divisions, And for such other Charges as may accrue on the Service aforesaid the said Auditors may allow a reasonable Sum, And all Persons who shall be employed in the Service aforesaid shall also be provided with all Necessaries usually provided on such Occasions out of the Monies to arise by the Sale of the Land set apart for defraying the Charges of the said Partitions respectively — ||H*Oi)ttIftr always and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person whomsoever, who shall be employed upon the Service aforesaid, or any other in Trust for him or them, shall become Purchasers of the Lands to be sold by Virtue of this Act or any Part thereof — Provided also, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That such of the said Commissioners as may take upon them the Execution of this Act, and their Surveyor or Surveyors whom they are hereby author- ized to appoint, shall severally be sworn before one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, or before one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, for the County of Bergen, to execute and perform the Trust and Services required of them severally by this Act fairly and impartially according to the Directions thereof, and the best of their Skill and Judg- ment, And a Certificate of their being so sworn from the Person ad- ministering the Oath be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Bergen. §iVCti tic ft fltrti)Cr CnactCtr by the Authority aforesaid, That as well all & singular as any or either of the Powers hereby vested in the said Com- 2'i LAM) TITLES. missioners shall and may be executed by the Majority of them and the Survivors and Survivor of them and the Majority of such Survivors. — Ji)l*Ol)ltICUcllU)(l»S That NothingContainedinthis Act shall be Deemed, Construed ov Lliulerstood to Affect or destroy any Claim Right or Title of the Cieneral Proprietors of the Eastern Division of this Province to the premises or to any part thereof and Saving Also to His Majesty his Heirs and Successors all his Rights therein as if this Bill had not passed. Council Chamber. December yth, 1763. This Bill having been Three Times Read in Coun- cil Resolved that the same do pass By Order of the House L. M. ASHFIELD. November 29th, 1763. This Bill having been Three Times Read in the House of Representatives Resolved That the same do pass By Order of the House ROBERT OGDEN, Spea/cer. Decemb'' 7th, 1763. I Assent to this Bill Enacting the same & Order it to be Enrolled WM. FRANKLIN. The Commissioners appointed hj the foregoing act caused to be surveyed every foot of land lying east of the Haekensack in this county, and the result is recorded with great care and particular- ity in their Field Book and Maps, which were filed, as directed in the seventh section of the above act. By an act of the Legisla- ture approved March 3, 1848, the Field Book and Maps on file in the Clerk's office of Bergen County were required to be filed in the office of the Clerk of Hudson County. They were so filed. But the copy in the Secretary of State's office being in-better preser- vation, and of no particular utility in that place, there Avas a gen- eral desire among the people of the county to secure it, whereupon by an act of the Legislature, approved March 3, 1853, the Clerk of Hudson County returned the one then in his office to the Clerk of Bergen County, and received and filed the one then in the office of the Secretary of State. Note 1. — The reader is indebted to Delos E. Culver, of Jersey City, for the following observations on terrestrial magnetism and its effect on the magnetic needle. His long experience and well- known ability as a practical surveyor and civil engineer make him an authority on the subject. He says : LAND TITLES. 25 " Paradoxical as it may appear, many surveyors do not under- stand the action of the magnetic current upon the needle, and many others but imperfectly. In order to make the needle useful, the laws which govern its movements should be known. " The magnetic fluid or current sweeps continually from the south to the north magnetic pole, sometimes increasing in intensity, at others decreasing over the earth and beneath its surface on waving meridian lines. The direction of this current at any given point is the magnetic meridian. " The magnetic poles, however, are constantly moving around the true poles, changing the direction of the current, and with it the direction of the needle, thus accounting for its secular decli- nation. There is also an annular declination of the needle, caused by the revolution of the earth upon its axis, which is completed every day, and another declination, superimposed upon the others, caused apparently by the earth's nearing and receding from the sun each year, its maximum effect being exhibited in January when the earth is nearest the sun. " Of course, so far as land surveying with the needle is concerned, the secular declination only need be observed. The following extract from the American Encyclopaedia of observations made in London and Paris will illustrate this, showing how the north end of the needle travelled eastward at London until the year 1657 : '' From that time (105 7) the westerly declination began, and con- tinued until it began to be thought it would ever move in that direction, until it pointed south. In Paris the easterly declination did not disappear until 1663, and there also the needle travelled westerly until 1814, when it pointed 22^° towards the west. It then began to flag, and in 1817 the needle began to return towards the north. The same result was not noted in London untfl the year 1819, when the needle pointed N., 25*^ W. ;" this time, of about 162 years, marking one-half the period of the revolution of the magnetic pole around the true pole. There are two lines passing over the earth's surface upon its opposite sides, on which the needle will point due north and south. Such a line, at the present time, passes very near the City of Detroit in Michigan, and is steadily moving westward. On the east side of this line the variation of the needle is to the west, increasing in amount with the distance from it. On the other side of the line of no 4 26 LAND TITLES. variation the (locHnation of the needle is towards the cast. So, it will be seen that at any locality the course of the needle will not be exactly the same after the day upon which it is taken until about 160 years have passed by. " In Hudson County, according to my experience, and from the average of many surveys made from the monuments and courses laid doAvn on the map and field-book, made by the Commissioners in 1764, I determined, to my satisfaction, that here the easterly declination of the needle terminated in the year 1810, and that the average yearly movement before that time was at the rate of 3 3-10 minutes per annum. I found exceptional cases where it would require as much as 4 minutes per annum correction to make the courses agree with the monuments, and others again where less than two minutes would do it. But allowance must be made for imperfections of instruments, local attraction, errors made in observing or recording bearings, etc. '' I would advise surveyors and others, where the title of valuable land is to pass by description based upon needle courses, to care- fully note the date of the survey, and have the same go into the instrument conveying the title. The importance of this will at once be seen when it is stated that a variation of 3 3-10 minutes per year will swing the lines of a piece of land of 100 rods long in ten years 16 feet out of its former position unless the proper cor- rection for the time since the survey was made, is made. From an observation of the position of the North Star, made on the even- ing of May 29, 1871, at Jersey City, the declination of the needle from the true meridian was shown to be 7'^ 55', the course of a true north line being N., 7^ 55', W." Note 2. — The land in these grants was measured by the Morgen, containing nearly two acres. An explanation of this measure as it prevailed in the olden time may be useful for a fuU understand- ing of the Dutch Patents. A Ehineland rod was the Dutch measure for land. It contains 12 feet and 4f inches, English measure. Five of these made a Dutch chain, which consequently contained 61 feet and llf inches. Twenty-five such rods in length and twenty-four in breadth makes a Morgen, which consists of 600 square Dutch rods. — Moultoii's Hist, of N. Y., i. 334. Note 3. — The rod spoken of in the Notes to the Field Book is the Dutch rod. THIS IS ONE OF THE FIELD BOOKS Both of the GENERAL & of each PARTICULAR Partition and Division of the COMMON LANDS of the TOWNSHIP of BERGEN. Kn ^too l^atts* The FIRST com [The General Bounds and Limits of the) p prehends the ' I Township, the Location of the Patents t pj°"^ FTFT n WHRT? ^f I ^^d Grants, & The GENERAL PAR- [ f ^^^ FIELD WORK of '^ tITION of the COMMON LANDS. J ' ^^ '^'■ The SECOND comprehends the FIELD WORK of the PAR-) ^^ TITION and DIVISION (or SUBDIVISION) of the COM- 1 p°"^ MON LAND allotted to the respective PATENTS or ( . ^^ GRANTS. J ^^^ ^° 221. Filed in the Secretary's office at Perth Amboy, March 2d, 1765. John Smyth, Reg'r, Filed in the office of the Clerk of Hudson County, March 15, 1853. R. Gilchrist, Cl'k. As a caution to all who may hereafter be imployed in surveying within the Township of Bergen, the Commissioners have thought it necessary to Note that they found an attraction more or less in most Parts of the Town- ship, and more especially towards the Northern Bounds, where they found it in some Places near five Degrees. ^att iFitst. THIS IS ONE OF THE FIELD-BOOKS Of the General Partition of the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen Made in pursuance of a Law of the Province of New Jersey in Amer- ica pass'd in the fourth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the third, entitled " ^U :^Ct appointing Commissioners for finally setling and deter- mining the several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen, and for making a partition thereof in just and equitable Proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be entitled to the same." The General Partition by the said Act directed was performed by Six of the Seven Commissioners therein named, to wit, Jacob Spicer, Charles Clinton, William Donnaldson, Azariah Dunham, John Berrien and Abraham Clark Jun''; Samuel Willis the Seventh Commissioner declined and did not attend the Service.* Those Six Commissioners who * It is worthy of observation that not one of these commissioners lived in the county where the lands to be surveyed lay. Two of them were from Essex County ; two from Middlesex ; one from Somerset ; and two, with the surveyor, George Clin- ton, Governor of New York during the Revolutionary war, were from the State of New York. Jacob Spicer, The son of Col. Jacob Spicer, was born in Cape May County, in 1716. In 1744 he became a member of the General Assembly, which position he held for twenty-one years. He married (lst>, Judith, daughter of Humphrey Hughes ; (2) Deborah, widow of Christopher Leaming. In 1756 he purchased the interest of the West Jersey Society in Cape May County, constituting what has since been known as the Vacant Right. He was appointed with Aaron Leaming to revise the laws of the State. The result of their labors may be found in "Leaming and Spicer's Collection," published without date, " Printed at Philadelphia, by W. Bradford, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty for the Province of Neia Jersey." He was a mer- chant and surveyor, a man of exemplary habits, and strictly faithful in his business relations. He died in 1765, and was buried at Cold Spring. Charles Cllnton Was born in the County of Longford, Ireland, in 1690 ; died November 19, 1773, in the town of New Windsor, then in Ulster, now Orange Co., New York. His grand- 30 LAND TITLES. took upon them the execution of the said Act, were severaly duly sworn before one of tlie Justices of the Supreme Court to exercise and perform the Trust and Services recjuired of them severaly by that Act fairly and impartially according to the Directions thereof; and the best of their Skill & Judgment; as may appear by the certificates filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Eergen ; true copy's whereof are in the Words following, to wit, "These are to certify that on the Eighteenth Day of January one thou- sand seven hundred and sixty four personally appeared before me Samuel Nevill, Esq'', Second Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature for the Province of New Jersey, William Donnaldson, Azariah Dunham, John Berrien, and Abraham Clark Jun'', four of the Commissioners named and appointed by an Act of the General Assembly of the Prov- ince of New Jersey; pass'd the last sessions at Burlington, Entitled — an Act appointing Commissioners for finally setling and determining the several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Land of the Township of Bergen, and for making a Partition thereof in just and ecjuitable Proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Com- missioners, to be entitled to the same." father was an adherent of Charles I., and after the defeat of the Koyalists fled to the north of Ireland. His mother was the daughter of a captain in the Parliamentary army. He and a number of his Mends chartered a ship and sailed for America, May 20, 1729. This company in 1731 selected a place for a permanent settlement, and called it " Little Britain," in New Windsor. He was a farmer and land surveyor, and was appointed Surveyor-General, and Judge of the Common Pleas in Ulster. In 175G he was appointed lieutenant-colonel in the militia, and served under General Bradstreet in the expedition against Fort Frontenac (now Kingston), Canada. His sons James (father of DeWitt Clinton) and George accompanied him in this expe- dition. Vide Appletoii's Encyclopcedia and Eager' s History of Orange County. William Donnaij5Son. Concerning William Donnaldson nothing whatever has been learned, except (if he was the man) that he kept a tavern, and resided on the road between New Brunswick and Princeton, at the junction of the Eocky Hill road. This is ascertained by the map of the survey of the county line, made by Az. Dunham. Azariah Dunham. Col. Azariah Dunham was born in the township of Piscataway, N. J., in the early part of the eighteenth century. His family settled in the township as early as 1670. He married Mary Ford, of Morristown, and settled at New Brunswick, where be built a mansion on what was originally known as Main, then Burnet, and still later as Little Burnet or Water street. He was a very prominent man, and enjoyed a large share of the public confidence. He was rigidly just, extremely accurate, and highly intelligent. At an early day his name often appears in the minutes of the Courts of Middlesex County as arbitrator to settle matters in dispute or litigation. He was a civil engineer, in which capacity liis services Avere in great demand, both by private parties and public bodies. June 20, 17C5, he was appointed by the Legis- lature one of the commissioners " to view the grounds and make a straight and perfect survey from Bordentown to Kingston, and fi-om Trenton as near as may be, through Priuceton, Kingston, New Brunswick, Elizabethtown, and Newark to Second Eiver ; also from New Brunswick to Perth Amboy, and from Perth Amboy to LAND TITLES. 31 And each of them took an Oath to the following Purport, — That, they and each of them would execute and perform the Trust and Ser- vices required of them severally by the said Act fairly and impartially according to the Directions thereof, and the best of their Skill and Judgment. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand * the *2 Day and Year above mentioned : — Signed Samuel Nevill. These are to certify that on the Seventh Day of March one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four personally appeared before me John Ber- rien Esq"" third Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature for the Prov- ince of New Jersey Charles Clinton one of the Commissioners named & appointed by an Act of General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey Entitled, " An Act appointing Commissioners for finally setling and determin- ing the several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen, and for making a Partition thereof in just and equitable Proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be entitled to the same," And took An Oath, that, he would execute and perform the Trust and Services required by the said Act fairly and impartialy according Elizabethtown." May 20, 1765, he was selected by the Justices and Freeholders of Middlesex to run the division line between Somerset and Middlesex, which had be- come " dubious." 1 have seen a copy of the map of this survey comjileted May 9, 1766. It was accompanied by a field-book ; and the two accurately described the line and the public highway from New Brunswick to the Province line, west of Princeton. They preserve the names of all the inhabitants living along the roftd, and note the exact locality of their farms and houses ; and also exhibit the extent ot Princeton and New Brunswick at that day. In May, 177.5, he was elected to the General Assembly. In the autumn of that year he and other patriotic members of the Assembly absented themselves to meet and confer with patriots from the several colonies in the city of New York. Their absence was noticed by Governor Wm. Fraaklin, who sent a message to the Assembly complaining of it. Accordingly, November 17, 1775, the House passed the following resolution : " Several members of the House being absent, whereby the Public Business has been greatly retarded. Ordered, That the Sergeant at Arms do give Notice forthwith to Benjamin Holmes, Robert Friend Price, John Combs, John Wetherill, Azariah Dunham, and William Winds, Esquires, to attend their Service here immediately." The patriotic members of the Assembly were aware of, and s^'mpathized with the causes which led to their absence; and a few days later voted a leave of absence to them. In 1775-6 Colonel Dunham was a member of the Provincial Congress of this State, and by that body was appointed one of the Committee of Safety, which sat, with extraordinary powers, during its recess. He was an active member of the Pro- vincial Congi'ess, and was on committees to draft various important measures : among others, a " resolution respecting apprehending deserters from the Continental troops ;" an "ordinance to compel payment of tax of £10,000 in 1775, from such persons as have refused to pay the same;" also an " ordinance for emitting £30,000 of credit,'' and for the purchase of saltpetre, etc., in 1775. He was one of the Masters to review companies raised in the Province in 1775-6; and one of the committee "to adjust and settle the accounts of powder furnished to Earl Sterling by Somerset, Brunswick, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth" in 1775. In 1776 he was Lieat.-Colonel of the 2d Bat- 32 LAND TITLES. to the Directions thereof, and the best of his Skill and Judgment. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand the Day and Year above- said. Signed John Herrien. These are to certify that on the fifth Day of April one thousand seven hundred (S: sixty-four personally appeared before me John Berrien third Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature for the Province of New Jersey Jacob Spicer one of the Commissioners named and appointed by an Act of General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey pass'd the last Sessions at Burlington — Entitled, " An Act appointing Commissioners for finaly setling and determin- ing the several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen and for making a Partition thereof in just and eciuitable Proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be entitled to the same," and took an Oath to the following Purport, That, he would execute and perform the Trust and Services required of him by the said Act fairly and impartially accord- ing to the Directions thereof, and the best of his Skill and Judgment. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand the Day and Year above mentioned. Signed John Berrien. talion Middlesex Militia ; but resigned in order to devote himself to the duties of " Supeiintendent of Purchaees" for the Province, and of " Commissioner to raise troops" — positions to which he had been appointed by the Provincial Congress, and which he held until the close of the war. He was appointed one of the signers of the Jersey Bills of Credit foi- the Eastern Department of the State. He embarked a large part of his ample means in the cause of his country, and died at a ripe old age in 1790. John Berrien, The grandfather of the late John McPherson Berrien, of Georgia, was appointed Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province, February 20, 1764. He was a surveyor, as appears by the following sneer of the Tory historian of New York, William Smith. Referring to the death of Chief- Justice Morris, he says : " Frank- lin has put Charles Read in his place upon the bench, and filled up Read's with one John Berrien, a babbling country surveyor, not fit to be a deputy to any sheriff in England." — Contributions to East Jersey History, 180. Notwithstanding Smith's opinion, there can be no doubt that he was a man of integrity and ability, or the Legislature would not have associated him with such high-toned gentlemen as com- posed the Commission. He died in the latter part of April, 1772, leaving a widow and six children. Abraham Clabk Was born at Elizabethtown, February 15, 1726. He was the only child of Alder- man Thomas Clark. He married Sarah Hetfield in 1743. In early life his particular studies were mathematics and law, which fitted him for surveying and giving legal advice. He was not by profession a lawyer, but gave advice gratuitously. This procured for him the honorable title of the '' poor man's counsellor." His services were frequently sought as arbitrator in questions concerning land titles. Under the Colonial Goverinnent he was High Sheriff of Essex, and Clerk of the Assembly'. At the breaking out of the Revolution he became a member of the Committee of Public Safety. He was appointed a Delegate to the Provincial Congress, June 21, 1776. A few days after his appointment he affixed his name to the Declaration of LAND TITLES. 33 Sllltf 2l2Et the said William Donnaldson, Azariah Dunham, John Berrien and Abraham Clark, Juni" the four Commissioners first sworn as aforesaid did immediately thereafter make and subscribe a Notice in the Words following, to-wit, ** JTO all whom these Presents may concern and particularly to such as claim anv Interest in the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen in the County of Bergen in the Eastern Division of the Prov- ince of New Jersey. 212l!)tCeaS by a late Law of the said Province — Entitled an Act appointing Commissioners for finally seding and determining the several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen and for making a Partition thereof in just and equitable Propor- tions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be entitled to the same. Certain Persons are therein named as Com- missioners of whom we the subscribers are the Major Part ; And Whereas we have severally taken the Oath by the said Act required ; ISToU) ti^tCtfOtP towards the Execution of the Trust in the said Commissioners or the Major Part of them reposed ; we the (*) Subscribers Do hereby give '■ public Notice that at ten o'clock in the Forenoon of Tuesday the Sixth Day of March next at the House of Stephen Bourdett at Wehawken in the said Township of Bergen ; we or a Majority of the said Commis- sioners will meet to survey, run out and ascertain as well the Bounds and Limits of the said Township of Bergen as the Bounds of each and every Patent and Grant contained within the Bounds & Limits of the said Township ; And we do also request all Persons concerned or claim- ing Lands within the said Township to produce to us some or one of us their original Patents, Deeds or Grants or true attested Copies thereof within all convenient speed that we may be truly informed of their Rights and Claims in due Season, And also copies of all such Title Deeds whereon any Claims are grounded against the Extent of the General Bounds of the said Township; And all these we desire to have on or before the twenty-first Day of February next. Given under our Hands Independence. He was elected to the Provincial Congress of New Jersey, November 30, 1776, and with the exception of 1779, was annually re-elected until 1783. In 1783 he again had a seat in the National Legislature. In the mean time he was a frequent member of the State Legislature. While in this position he became known, though unjustly, as the " Father of the Paper Currency." In 1787 he was appointed a m amber of the State Convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States, but owing to ill health did not take his seat. In 1789 he was appointed a Commissioner to settle the accounts of the State with the United States. At the next election he was again chosen as representative in Congress, which position he held until a short time before his death. He retired from public life on the ad- journment of Congress, June 9, 1794. He died in the autumn of 1794 from the effects of coup de soleil, and was buried in the churchyard at Rahway. Over his grave is the following inscription : rirra and decided as a patriot, Zealous and faithful as a friend to the pablic, He loved his countrr, And adhered to her cause In the darkest hom- of her struggles Against oppression. 34 LAND TITLES. the Eighteenth Day of January in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-four. { Will. Donnaldson, c- J J Az. Dunham, ^^"^ j John Berrien, ( Abra Clark, Jun" As by the same original Notice filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Bergen may appear, a true copy of which said Notice was printed and published in two of the public News Papers commonly called the New York Gazette and Mercury, to wit, in the Gazette Num- bers 267, 268, 269, 270, and in the Mercury Numbers 639, 640,641, 642 as by the same News Papers refference being thereunto had may appear; And the said Commissioners so qualified having met pursuant to said notice did appoint Jonathan Hampton of Elizabeth Town in New Jersey and George Clinton* of Ulster County in the Province of New York to be Surveyors of the Lands so to be divided, and they were accordingly severally sworn to execute and perform the Trusts and Services required of them by the said Act in due Form of Law before Mr. Justice Berrien as may appear by the Certificates thereof filed in the office of the Clerk of the said County of Bergen true copies whereof are in the Words fol- lowing, to wit, " These are to certify that on the ninth Day of March one thousand " seven hundred and sixty four personally appeared before me John Ber- " rien Esqr. thiid Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature for the " Province of New Jersey, Jonathan Hampton one of the Surveyors " appointed by the Commissioners named and appointed by an Act of the " General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey pass'd the last Ses- " sions at Burlington entitled ' An Act appointing Commissioners for " finally setling and determining the several Rights, Titles and Claims to " the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen ; and for making a " Partition thereof in just and equitable Proportions among those who " shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be entitled to the * GEORGE CLrNTON Was the youngest sou of Charles Cliuton, one of the Commissioners for dividing the Common Lands. He was born in Ulster Co. (Little Britain), N. Y., July, 26, 1739, died at Washington, April 20, 1812. He joined his father in the expedition against Fort Frontenac, in tlie French war. He was a lawyer, and was elected to the Colonial Assembly in 1768. Here he soon became head of the Whigs. He was elected to the Continental Congress in 1775, voted for the Declaration of Independence, was appointed Brigadier-General in 1777, and in the same year, at the first election under the Constitution of N. Y., was chosen both Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. He held tiie office for eighteen years, being chosen at six si;cce«isive elections. He was energetic, and rendered his country great service during the revolution. In 1788 he was President of the State Convention to consider the Fedei-al Constitution, to the adoption of which he was opposed, not deeming it sufficiently decided in favor of the sovereignty of each State. In 1792, at Washington's second election. Clinton received fifty votes for the Vice-presidency. In 1 601 he was again elected Governor, and in 1804 Vice-president of the United States. In 1808 lie received six electoral votes for Piesident, in opposition to Madison, but was continued as Vice-president. By his casting vote in the senate, Jan. 24, 1811, the National Bank was not rechartered. Jonathan Hampton, though sworn did not serve. LAND TITLES. 35 *•' same' — And took an Oath to the following purport that he would exe- " cute and perform the Trust and Services required of him as Surveyor '• fairly and impartially according to the Directions which he shall from " Time to Time receive from the said Commissioners pursuant (*) to the ^ " said Act to the best of his Skill and Judgment. In Witness whereof I '• have hereunto set my Hand the Day and Year above menti med. "Signed John Berrien." " These are to certify that on the twenty Sixth Day of March one '• thousand seven hundred and sixty four personally appeared before me " John Berrien Esqr. third Justice of the Supreme Court of Judicature for '• the Province of New Jersey George Clinton one of the Surveyors " appointed by the Commissioners named' and appointed by an Act of " the General Assembly of the Province of New Jersey pass'd the last ' Sessions at Burlington entitled ' An Act appointing Commissioners for " finally setling and determining the several Rights, Titles and Claims to " the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen and for making a Par- " tition thereof in just and equitable Proportions among those who shall •' be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be entitled to the same' — " And took an Oath to the following Purport, that he would execute and • " perform the Trust and Services required of him as Surveyor fairly and " impartially according to the Directions which he shall from Time to " Time receive from the said Commissioners pursuant to the said Act to " the best of his Skill and Judgment. " In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand the Day and Year " above mentioned. " Signed John Berrien." And we the said Commissioners so qualified with our said Surveyors proceeded then to the Survey of the said Township of Bergen as by the said Act directed; And we the said Commissioners do adjudge the Bounds and Limits thereof to be as follows, to wit, The ]$OttntrSi and Hiimitll of the said Township of Bergen J^t^inU at the Northeastermost Corner thereof at a ^ijCSSUUtt-STrCt standing on the Easterly End of a small narrow high Ridge of land, the said STCf C is marked on the Northwest side thereof with a Blaze and three Notches and on its Southwest Side with the Letter B and the said Tree on a Course (from it) South forty nine Degrees East is thirty five Links distant from the Northwesterly Side of Mordainis Meadow ; and on a Course (from it) North Sixty Eight Degrees West is Seventy Seven Links distant from a large Rock mark'd with these four Figures 1764; And on a Course (from it) Southwest is fifty Links from the middle of a small Run of Water in a large Gully near the Head of a Creek ; and from which said ^}:tt these several 0h}tttU on the East Side of Hudson's River have the following Bearings, to wit, the Southermost Chimney of Humphreys Jones's House bears South sixty two Degrees and five Minutes East ; The single Chimney of Dennis Hicks's House bears South fifty Degrees and five Minutes East ; the Door in the Middle of Charles Ward Apthorp's New House bears South forty Degrees and fifty Minutes East ; And the Northeastermost Chimney of Bloomingdaal House date Mr. Oliver Delancey's) bears South seventeen Degrees East ; — And from the said (tf^tHnUtt^^ttt running upon a Course North forty nine Degrees West ninety seven Chains (by a Lineof mark't 36 MAUYN ADi;lAX.SEN. Trees) to a stake (niark't E & B) Standing by the side of the Eastermost Branch of a small Creek, and about one Chain and a Half from the Head of the said Branch, at or near a Place called Espatin — Thence running down the said Creek Northerly, Westerly and Southwesterly as . the same Creek runs, till it comes into Hackensack River — Thence (*) ' along Hackinsack River Southwesterly as the same River runs till it comes into New Ark or After Cul Bay — Thence Southwesterly along said New Ark Bay to Kill Van Cul (which parts Staten Island from the Main) — Thence Easterly along Kill Van Cull to New York Bay — Then Northerly along New York Bay to the Mouth of Hudson's River — — Then Northerly up along Hudson's River to the Southermost Point of Mordainis Meadow aforesaid — Then Northerly along the Edge of said Mordainis Meadow or Marsh where the same joins the Upland 'til it comes to bear South forty nine Degrees East from the aforesaid ot (being the House Lot mark'd on the Map No 3 as mentioned in the preceeding Patent) and from the said stake runs South eighty nine Degrees and forty Minutes West fourteen Chains and fifteen Links, Thence North five Degrees and fifty five Minutes West fourteen Chains and thirty two Links, Thence North P-ighty five Degrees and thirty five Minutes East twenty Chains and forty eight Links, Thence South seventeen Degrees and ten Minutes West six- teen Chains and sixty one Links to the Place of Beginning. ;{rOUtti), a Piece of Meadow (which on the Map is mark'd No. MtQinnUXQ at the Easterly End of a Ditch (that was formerly cut for a Fence from the Creek called Horsimus Creek, to a small Creek that runs up out of a Bay between Horsimus and Hobocken Creek) And from the said Easterly End of the said Ditch running as said Ditch runs Westward about four Chains 'till it comes to the Creek of Horsimus aforesaid, Thence rufiing up said Horsimus Creek as the same runs Northwardly following the Northward Branch of the same to a stake standing north fifteen Degrees and ten Minutes West fourteen Chains and sixty four Links from the Easterly End of the first mentioned Ditch the Place of Beginning (which stake is the southerly Comer of Meadow late possess'd by Sir Peter Warren) and from said stake running North sixty nine Degrees and ten Minutes East thirty four Chains and fifty two Links to said Hobocken Creek, Thence down the said Creek as the same runs to the Mouth thereof at the Bay ; Thence southwesterly along the said Bay to the Mouth of the second Creek above mentioned, Thence running up the same to the Place of Beginning. STiJt J^atCttt of Philip Carterett to Abraham Isaacson Plank dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand six hun- dred and sixty Eight for a Neck of Land call'd Paulus Hook. (BUV <^Ul'bCg whereof shews, and we adjudge to be a Tract (which on the Map is niarkt No. 5.)* * The history of the title to this tract is brief. The Dutch West India Company conveyed it as per following deed : " This day, date underwritten, before ine Cornelis Van Tienhoven, Secretary of New Netherland, appeared the Honorable, wise and prudent Mr. William Kieft Director- General of New Netherland (on the one part) and Abraham Isancsen Planck on tlie otlii-r part, and mutually agreed and contracted for the purchase of a certain parcel of land called Pouwels Hook, situate Westward of the Island Manhr.tes and eastward of Ahasinis, extending from tlie North River imto the valley [marsh] which runs around it there. Which land Mr. Kieft hath sold to Abraham Planck, who also acknowledges to have bought the aforesaid land for the sum of Four Hundi-ed and fifty Guilders cal- culated at 20 stivers the guilder, Avliich sum aforesaid Abraham Isaacsen Planck prom- ises to pay to the Honble Mr. Kieft, or his order, in three installments, the first at the Fair A° 1G38, 2d A» 1639, and the tliird and last installment on the Fair A"^ 1640; and in case lie remains in default of payment, Jacob Albertsen Planck, Sheriff ABRAHAM ISAACSON PLANCK. 45 . JSCfifltnfUrj at the Mouth of a small Creek on the south west side of said Hook and runs up the Creek north twenty seven Degrees and forty Minutes East twenty two Chains and thirty Links, Thence North eight Degrees West twelve Chains and ninety * five links to Hudson's # River, Thence down said River Easterly, Southerly and Westerly round " said Paulus Hook to the Mouth of said Creek the place of Beginning. in the Colonic of Renselaers Wyck substitutes himself as bail and principal for the purchaser, promising to pay the aforesaid fl. 450 free of costs and charges ; For all which aforesaid, the purchaser and bondsman aforesaid pledge their persons and prop- erty real and personal, present and future, without any exception, submitting to the Provincial Court of Holland, and to all other Courts, Judges and Justices, and in acknowledgment and token of the truth, these presents are signed by the parties respectively, and 2 copies hereof are made of the same tenor. Done on the Island Manhates in Fort Amsterdam this first of May, 1638. it<^' Carteret confirmed this patent for "all of a neck of land, heretofore granted unto him by the Dutch Governor Kieft, lying and being on the West side of Hudson River, and called by the Dutch Powlus Houck, separated from Aharsirausby a small creek to have and to hold the said neck of land and meadow," &c., «Sz;c., " as of the manner of East Greenwich in free and common socage." The patentee married Maria Koss, widow, daughter of Guleyn Vigne. His children were Abir/ail^ wife of Adrian Van Laer, Gehyn, Catelyn, wife of David Pietersen Schuyler, Isaac, Susanna, wife of Marten Ya,nVf&Qvi, Jacomyntje, Ariantje, Hillegond and Isaac. Planck died about 1680. The Hook remained in the possession of his family until 4ug. 2, 1699, when John Abeel, Attorney in fact of Planck's heirs, conveyed it to Cornelius Van Vorst. This deed is now in the possession of John Van Vorst. It has never been recorded. It was proved before Rynier Van Giesen, " one of his Majesties Judges," May 30, 1754. It was signed in presence of Brandt Schuyler and William Huddleston. The place remained in pos- session of the Van Vorst family until Maich 26, 1804. Tide Note to Tan Vorst' s Patent, p. 6. Then Cornelius Van Vorst sold it to Anthony Dey for an annuity of " Six thou- sand Spanish milled Dollars." This annuity was given in his will to his son John, who assigned it to Richard Varick, March 12, 1824. By him it was assigned to the Associates Nov. 18, 1830. Dey conveyed the tract to Abraham Varick, April 18, 1804 ; and he to Richard Varick, Jacob Radcliff and Anthony Day, April 20, 1804. They mapped out the place and entitled the Map "A Map of that part of the town of Jersey com- monly called Powles Hook." " The Associates of the Jersey Company" were incor- porated Nov. 10, 1804. To this body Varick, Radcliff and Dey conveyed the Hook, Feb. 1, 1805. From this company comes the title to the lots in old Jersey City. They were at first sold subject to a quit-rent. Only a few lots remain subject to this rent, the title to most of them having been perfected by payment of a sum in gross. 46 JACOIJ STOFFELSEN. JTIjC llJatCUt of Petrus Stuyvesant to Jacob Stofifelsen dated the Seventh Day of May One thousand six hundred and sixty four for a Piece of Land lying at Horsimus. ®UV eSUCUCi) whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a ^TCflCt (which on the Map is mark'd No. 9.)* * Stoffi'lsi'ii was born in 1601, Col. Hist, of N. Y.,\. 194, came fiom Zirickzee, the chief city of the Island of Scliowen, and the oldest city of Zeeland, to this country at an eai-ly date. — Powers of Atty. New Amst. 39. In 1633 he was " Comniissary of Stores," New Neth. Iteyister, 30, and overseer of the Company's negroes, N. Y. Col. MSS., i. 84 ; chosen one of the " Twelve" in 1641, Col. Hist, of N. T., i. 415 ; one of the " Eight" in 1645, in the same year one of the Directors' Council, pro hac vice, to con- sult on Indian affairs, New Neth. Register, 15. In 1656 he hired the Company's Bou- werie at Ahassiinus, where he continued to reside until his death in 1677. In 1639 he married the widow of Cornelis Van Voorst, and in 1657, being a widower, married Tryntje, the widow of Jacob Walingen VanHoorn, Val. Man. 1861, 648, by whom he liad two children, viz., Stoffel and Jacobus. — Ibid. 1863, 813. In the same year he was admitted to the rights of a Small Burgher, New Neth. Register, 183. He was an uneducated man, but greatly respected, and ofconsiderable influence with the Indians. This tract was taken out of the West India Company's Farm. It was irregular in shape, but this diagram will show its location. The lines between Hiram Gilbert, its then owner, and Cole's estate were straightened, Aug. 26, 1838, by an exchange of property. It was laid out, Sept. 20, 1677, and confirmed Nov. 10, 1677, to Casper Steinmets in right of Trintje Wal- ^ngs, his lately deceased wife, formerly widow of Jacob Stoffelsen, as land for a garden and orchard at Horse- mus, in length 15 chains, v^'dth in the middle 5 chains, at the ends 4 chains, bounded N. by a rail fence, E. by Van Vorst and Van Purmerent, S. & W. by the West India Company's Farm, " now belonging to the Lords Proprietors ''=6 acres. At an early date Mattys De • Mott became the owner, and by will, dated Dec. 13, 1755, proved June 8, 1756, gave it to his sons Michael and Joris, who held as joint tenants. Michael married Claesje Winne, but died Nov. 16, 1799, intes- tate, and without issue. His widow, by will dated the May 17, 1787, proved Jan. 27, 1789, gave to the children of her brother John Winne one-half of her property, and the other half to the children of her brother Levinus. What realty passed by her will I do not know. George died Sept. 9, 1800, unmarried. By will dated April 5, 1794, codicil Aug. 26, 1800, proved Oct. 9, 1804, he gave to Michael, son of his brother Hendrick of Pompton, all his real estate in the Township of Bergen. This devisee died seized. May 27, 1832. By will dated May 10, 1831, proved May 19, 184.5, he gave this tract to his children. Garret, George, Jane the wife of Peter Merselis, Margaret the wife of Richard Vreeland, Maria the wife of James Cadmus, Catherine the wife of Richard Cadmus, and Henry (dead before his father, leaving two sons, Henry B. and Michael H., and three daughters). These heirs and devisees by five several deeds in 1835, conveyed the same to Hiram Gilbert, Cyrus S. Browning, and Caleb E. Draper. By several deeds in 1838 the title passed to Gilbert, who mapped it out. Vide Note to Harmensen's Patent, p. 50. Note to Post's Fatent, p. 23. CLAAS PIETERSEN COS. 47 i^tQinnUXQ at the Northwest Corner of Ida Corneleson Van Yost's House Lot (which on the Map is mark'd No. 3) Thence running south seventeen Degrees and thirty minutes West four Chains and sixty seven Links along the Rear of said Van Vost's & Van Purmerant's House Lots, Thence North seventy eight Degrees and forty Minutes West six Chains and fifty two Links, Then south twenty seven Degrees and Thirty Minutes West four Chains and forty two Links, Thence North forty six Degrees West twelve Chains and sixty Links, thence North twenty nine Degrees and thirty Minutes East three Chains and fifty one Links, Then south seventy one Degrees and forty Minutes East two Chains and fifty three Links, Thence South eighty six degrees East seven chains, thence South sixty six degrees, East eight Chains and fifty Links to the Place of Beginning. K'^t l^atcnt of Philip Carterett to Petrus Stuyvesant dated the thirty first Day of July One thousand six hundred and sixty nine for a Piece of Meadow at Horsimus. ®UC .SUClJtg whereof shews & we adjudge it to be a Tract (which on the mao is mark'd No. 10.)* 3$fflfunfn0 at a stake standing on the East side of Horsimus Creek (being South eighty nine Degrees and twenty Minutes East Eight chains and ninety Links from the Northwest Corner of Ide Corneleson Van Vost's Farm Lot mark'd on the Map No. 6); And from the said stake runs South forty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East One Chain & sixty Links to the Upland, Thence North fifty two Degrees and twenty Minutes East three Chains and twenty one Links along the Upland, Thence North sixty five Degrees east Eight Chains and eighty Links along said Upland, Thence South forty seven Degrees east One Chain and Eighteen Links across a Ditch to the Head of a small Creek, Thence down the said small Creek as the same runs to where the said Creek empties into the first mentioned Horsimus Creek, Thence down the same as it runs to the Place of Beginning. STi^C 3P|attnt of Phillip Carteret to Claess Comptah (alias Claas Pieterson Cors) dated the third Day of June One thou- sand six hundred and seventy One for a Parcell of Upland and Meadow lying at Comunipan. #Ur .SUl'iJCg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract which on the Map is mark'd No. ii.t " ''A lot of Meadow N. of the upland Hahasetnes, butting on the W. sideof Com- niiinipaw Creek, N. and E. side by a small creek, =4 morgens, 288 rods." Tliis was Governor Stuyvesant. The tract lies S. of Newark avenue, at the foot of the hill, and N. of the Point of Rocks. The title seems to have descended until we find it in Peter Stuyvesant in 1764. He died Aug. 10, 1770. By will dated July 7, 1767, proved Sept. 2d, 1770, he gave all his realty to his son Peter, whose will was dated Nov. 20, 1821 ; proved Jan. 9, 1822. It is probable that he disposed of it during his lifetime. Vide Note to Varlet's Patent, p. 62. Was this an original patent, or had the governor some private claim to it pre- vious to the surrender? Again, have these Stuyvesants been recognized as among the governor's descendants? I think not. Whs, then, was the Pe^rits .S'h(7/resaw< of 1764, and how came he by the land as well as the name ? t This patentee was born in 1619. He came hither a soldier in the service of the West India Company. For an assault on Robert Piunoyer he was, Sept. 29, 1G44, 48 CLAAS I'lETEIiSEN COS. lo * ]Jr0tnittUg at a stone (on the Northwest side of York Bay or Hudson's River) in the Middle of a Road (which stone stands ninety- seven Links from the South Corner of Myndert Garabrant's House on a fined 50 guilders, and sentenced to " ride the wooden horse during parade." — Alb. Hec, iii. This patent calls for 182 acres, beginning " at ye Corner of his House Lott, run- ning along 3'e Higliway 200 Rodds to a black oak burnt stump, thence N. 30 chains, N. E. and E. to ye corner stake of Nicholas, the Baker, then E. along a small Creek to another creek where the Mill of Hossemus stands 30 chains, thence running as ye Creek between Hossemus «fe Communican Runs 45 Chains to the Mouth of the Creek, thence to the first mentioned Corner 24 Chains : Bounded on the Highway that goeth to Bergen, on the North by Nicholas, the Baker's Land, on the East by the Creek that parteth Hossemus and Comunipan, on the South by Hudson's River '' Its N. extremity was " where the Mill of Hossemus stands," afterwards known as "Prioi-'s Mill;" and the house lot refei-red to was S. of Communipaw avenue and fronting the river. It was afterwards owned by the Brinkerhofl's. Vide Hartnians lat Patent, p. 11. This is a part of the tract given to Jan Evertse Bout by the Dutch West India Company, and by him sold to the patentee prior to 1657 ; for on Jan. 23, 1657, Cos pledged it as security for the suppoi-t of his daughter by his first wife, " to teach her reading «fe writing, sewing «& some trade & give her 200 florins out of her mother's estate." Cos paid to Bout 1,444 guilders for the tract. By a survey made by James Alexender, Feb. 15, 1723, the " black oak burnt stump" was found to be 26 rods beyond the 200 rods named in the patent. In this survey the place is called " Pannonia alias Communipan." Cos's second wife was Grietje Maes, widow of Claas Teunissen, whom he married Dec. 31, 1656. By her he had no chil- dren, and at his death his property went to Maritje, his only child by his first wife, Neeltje Engels. ^«?n, Abraham, and Cornelius (who sold to Daniel Vreeland, Jan. 1, 1851). It is probable that Waldron sold E to Capt. Thomas Brown, as it was at one time in possession of his widow, who sold to Samuel Ten Eyck Gautier, Jan. 6, 1818. A colored servant of the Captain, known as Jack (John) Brown, received it as a gift from Samuel T. Gautier, Dec. 13, 1828. Michael Hartman Vreeland, grandson of the patentee, owned part of this tract in 1764. His will was dated March 19, 1762, proved Feb. 4, 1768. While there is not in it any particular devise of his interest in this lot to his son Claas, yet it is certain that Claas claimed and was in possession of F, O, P, Q, R, S, T. By his will dated July 23, 1801, proved May 21, 1803, he gave F to his grandson Daniel, who sold to Stephen Garretson, Oct. 22, 1844. To his grandsons Garret and Nicholas, he gave P, Q, R, S, T. They partitioned, June 1, 1332 ; Garret taking P, R, T, and Nicho- las taking Q, S. Michael Cornelise Vreeland sold M to John Vreeland (son of Helmus), June 8, 1776. (He and John held a release for this from Michael Vreeland, of Aquacknonck, dated June 25, 1737). It is probable that John Vreeland sold it to James Collerd. John Van Home sold G, H, I, K to Joseph Waldron, Nov. 1, 1803. What in- terest Peter Stuy vesant had therein I do not know, but whatever it was he quit-claimed it to Waldron, Oct. 31, 1803. Waldron sold C to John E. Post, May 11, 1813. James Collerd died seized, Aug. 11, 1791. By will dated Nov. 27, 1790, proved Dec. 6, 1791, he gave all his realty to his son John, who sold L to Post, April 4, 1776 56 DIRCK CLAASEN. nine Chains to a Stake (standing in the Line of the Lot of Jacob Luby mark'd on the Map No. 56) being the West Corner of a Lot in Nicholas Jansen Baker's Patent, mark d on the Map No. 12 ; And from said Stake runs South thirty five Degrees West Sixteen Chains and fifty Links to a Stake, Then South forty nine Degrees and twenty Minutes East forty two Chains and eighty four Links to the Brook or Creek first mentioned. Then up the same as it runs to the Place of Beginning. Cfjf first ]{)atCUt of Phillip Carteret to Dick Claasen, dated the twelfth Day of May, One thousand Six hundred and sixty Eight, for a Tract of Upland and Meadow called Kewan. d^UV cSUCUCg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract (which on the Map is mark'd No. 16.)* Garret Vreeland sold O to Post, March 21, 1823. Post sold G, L, O, to Dr. Val- entine Mott, July 19, 1826. Waldron sold H to Mott, Aug. 7, 1827, and I, K, Feb. 3, 1830. Mott sold G, H, I, K, h, O to Sarah Munns, Feb. 6, 1835, who sold G, H, K, L, O to Robert L. Smith, Oct. 15, 1835. Munns sold I to Mott, Jan. 1, 1850, and Mott to Jeremiah Jackson, Jan. 12, 1850. John Collerd sold M, N, to Jacob G. Out- water, April 1, 1810, who sold to Peter Van Home, May 15, 1824, who sold to Rob- ert L. Smith, April 20, 1836. Garret Vreeland sold P to Smith, Aug. 10, 1836. Smith sold G, H, K, L, N, O, P, Q to Jacob Brinkerhoff, May 1, 1843, who sold G, H, L, M, O, P, and half of K, to Jeremiah Jackson, June 10, 1844. * This patentee after the death of Teunisen received a lease from Kieft of Hoboken, in about 1(34(5. He shortly after abandoned it. Col. Hist. ofN. Y.,i. 329. He was at one time skipper of the Sloop Union, from which he was dismissed April 20, 1658, for dis- obedience of orders. N. Y. Col. MSS.,y\u.Q5i\. He was one of the commissioners to fortify " Gemoenepa " in 1663. New Neth. Beg. 159. The first grant of this tract was from Gov. Kieft to Egber^-'W'outerseD, a soldier in the service of the company, and the old occupant of Jan de Lacher's Houck, May 10, 1647. Land Papers (Albany) G. G. 16. It was then known by the Indian name Apopcalyck, and " extended from Dirck the paver's Kil to Gemoenepaen or Jan Evertz Kil." It is probable that Claasen purchased it from Woutersen. In Car- teret's Patent it is called Kewan, and its boundaries begin at the mouth of Sycan's Creek, which was the probable intention in Kieft's Patent. It included all the upland and meadow S. of Communipaw Creek and E. of Sycan's Creek=141 acres. The N. part was known as Reckpokus (now Raccocus) and the S. part as Kewan (now Cavan Point). Claasen's full name was Dirck Claasen Braecke. He had three daughters, viz : Maritje, who married Hartman Michielse Vreeland, Claesje, who married Johannis Michielse Vreeland, and Metje, who married Cornells Michielse Vreeland. Dirck Claasen died seized, March 26, 1693. His daughters inherited his property, and with their consent the same Avas divided among their husbands, Sept. 1, 1696, as follows : Hartman received the part beginning in the ''meadow in the byte by a poynt commonly called fish point at a small creek as it is staked out up to the upland of the island where it is divided by a fence, and running over said Island into a certain pond a little way from said Island, and from thence something S. to the E. edge of the great Kewan, and from thence W. to the river' side, then E. and N. along said river side to the Beginning." Hartman's widow for £450, July 13, 1723, sold to her youngest son Michael Hartmanse Vreeland, the same tract, including the " Home DIRCK CLAASEN. &/ 3S00tUUltt3 ^^ t^^ Mouth of Sycan's Creek, lying Northwest of Ke- wan Pouit (which Creek is the Northeasterly and Northerly Bounds of the Piece of Meadow in the Patent of Dick Sycan, mark'd on the Map No. i8); and then up along the said Creek the several courses thereof as it runs to the SoutherniDst Point of Hendrick Tanisess Meadow, mark'd on the Map No. 73 ; Then Easterly along a Ditch and small Creek (which is the Southerly Bounds of Fytje Hartman's Patent, mark'd on the Map No. 14), to the Mouth thereof on Hudson's River or York Bay ; Then Southwesterly round said Kewan Point ; Then North- westerly to the Mouth of the first mentioned Creek, the Place of Begin- ning. 2ri)0 Second PfltCUt of Phillip Carteret to Dick Claasen, dated the twelfth Day of May, One thousand Six hundred and sixty Eight, for a Tract of Land called Stony Point. (BUV ^UViitS whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract (which on the Map is mark'd No. 17).* Lott, Farme and Farme House, wherein she uow lives called Reckpokus." Michael by will dated March 19, 1732, proved Feb. 4,1768, gave the same "on the south side of Regpokes Island " to his son Nicholas. Nicholas by will dated July 23, 1801 proved May 21, 1803, gave to his son Stephen the whole of his land lying upon the Island Right-Coakkuss. Stephen died Aug. 31, 1865. His interest ii this tract he had previously given to his sons Nicholas S. and Stephen B. The balance of his lands he conveyed to Mandet Van Home June 25, 1858, in trust to be divided in accordance with his will previously executed. He executed another will Oct. 8, 1860. Controversies ai'ose among his heirs after his death, and compromise was effected March 27, 1866. Johannis received b}' the following description : The N. side is divided from the S. side in manner aforesaid until it come to the water side or river, thence W. and N. W. and sometimes N. along said river side and great (Sycan's) Creek to a small creek emptying into the great creek over against the brook or fall emptying into the great creek by Enoch Michielse's Stony Point. * This Patent calls for 59 acres 4 perches. It extendad from Svcan's Cree k, 100 rods W. to a Great Swamp (Ocean Ave.) In the division of Dirck Claiisn's ]a;id5, as mentioned in the note to the preceding Patent, this tract was allotted to Cornelius Michielse Vreeland by the description : " The wood or bush land is divided from the other two parts ; on the S. W. by Enoch Michielse, W. and N. by the Commons, with the upland and meadow = 25 raorgens, to which is added a piece of meadow beginning at a small creek over against the brook of Enoch Michielse's Stony Point, and along said creek, runs to the Edge of the Island, and along said Island until it comes to the bounds of Fitje Hartman's at the dam or double ditch, and so along her lands as far as it reaches." This is lot 73. Vide Note to Hartman's First Patent, p. 11, and Note to Teunise's Patent, p. 54. The " Stony Point" here referred to, is the bluff on which Garret R. Vreeland now lives, where the Central R R. crosses the Morris Canal. The tract was inherited by Cornelius's son Michael, who owned it in 1764. From him it went to his younger son Johannis. He by deed, Dec. 18, 1795, gave to his son Michael the west half of his farm = 40 acres, and on April 25, 1820, gave him the whole of it, with all his land at Raekpokus and the salt meadow belonging to the farm, and his wood lots at Slonga (204, 301). By his will dated Nov. 20, 1817, proved Sept. 27, 1823, he gave to his son Michael all his lands in the township. Michael, by will dated Oct. 30, 1824, proved March 18, 1828, gave the S. thi"d of his 58 DIRCK SYCAN. JJffllUUlHfl at a Stake (which Stake stands at the Edge of the Up- land bearing North fifty-three Degrees East two Chains and eighty-four Links from the East Corner of a large Rock before Michael Vreeland's Door; 'i'he Chimney of the Island Hospital bears from said Stake South forty Seven Degrees and fifteen Minutes East) ; And from the said Stake running South twenty Eight Degrees West twenty five Chains and ninety five Links, to the Mouth of a small Creek putting into a Creek called Sycans Creek, Thence North twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes West twenty four Chains and seventeen Links up into the Woods to a 13 Stake, Thence North twenty * Eight Degrees East, thirty nine Chains and twenty Links tc a Stake then South twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East twenty two Chains and thirty two Links to the Edge of the Meadow and Upland, Thence along Meadow Edge to the first mentioned Stake the Place of Beginning, STije first ^attnt of Philip Carteret to Dirck Sycan dated the twelfth Day of May, One thousand Six hundred and sixty Eight for a Tract of Upland and Meadow lying at Mingackqua. ©ttt cSlipbtg whereof shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract (which on the Map is mark'd No. 18).* faim 10 his son John M. Tlie other two-thiids he gave to his sons Mjiidert and Michael, wlio had not formally partitioned before selling to Edmund C. Bramhall in 1^52. This joint tract is now known as Clartmont, and hounded generally N. hy Forest Ft., E. hy the Monis Canal, S. hy Myrtle Ave., W. hy Ocean Ave. Thesliare of John M . lay between Myrtle Ave. on the N. and " the brook of Enoch Michielse's Stony Point," or Kichard Vreeland's line on the S. He sold the S. half of his share to Capt. George W. Howe, and it is yet held hy his heirs. He gave to his son Mi- chael J. 12J acres, boundtd N. by Myrtle Ave., who sold to Samuel Bostwick in March, 1859. * Seickan or Sycan was a soldier in the service of the company, and for insolence was sentenced to be shot, Feb. 21, 1647. He afterwards was pardoned and became a farmer, and lived in N. Y. in 1C64 ; was admitted to the rights of a small burgher, April 26, 1657. This lot consisted of two tracts; 1st, beginning at a creek coming out ot the woods ^this was Straatmaker's creek a little N. of the line of Chestnut Ave. in Green- ville), extending 100 Dutch rods up into the woods (to Ocean Ave.), and 300 rods along the river ^ 50 morgens ; 2d, a lot adjoining on the W. N. W. and N. E. to tlie creek still coming from the swamp and emptying into the Morris Canal by Enoch Michielse's Stony Point = 15 1-6 moi-gens. Dirck Straatmaker was the owner of this tract previous to 1643. He probably had his house on the bluff by the Central R. E. bridge, from which point he could see the field of the Communipaw massacre, ■where he was slain in February of that year. After his death the land probably re- verted to the Dutch West India Compan3^ It was given by Gov. Stuyvesant to Diick Sycan, June 16, 1654. He sold it to Enoch Micbielse Vreeland, Feb. 13, 1679, for 4,900 guilders. There must have been some claim, however, set up by the heirs of Dirck Straatmaker, for on March 18, 1()98, Vr-eeland obtained from Jan Dircksen Straatmaker, the son of Dirck, a quit-claim of all bis iirterest in the tract, for £20. The tract was known by the Indian name Kojacksick or Istyoyisich, to which some- limes was added '" alias Pemhrepogb." Vreeland, by will dated April 12, 171"', proved April 9, 1720, gave the tract to his CLAAS CARSTENSEN NORMAN. 59 ^CfllUltlltfl at the Mouth of a small Creek (putting into a Creek called Sycan's Creek, which small Creek is the Southeasterly Corner of Dirck Claasen's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 17); Thence North twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes West twenty four Chains and seventeen Links to a Stake (being the Westerly Corner of said Dirck Claasen's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 17), Thence South forty two Degrees West sixty Chains and forty Links to a Gum Sapling mark'd with a Blaze and three Notches on four sides and V on East side (which Sapling stands in the Line of Lawrence Andrieses"s Patent mark'd on the Map No. 19) And from said Sapling runs South twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East twenty nine Chains and forty eight Links to the Mouth of^ Straatamakers Creek on Hudsons River or York Bay; Then along the said Bay or River Northeasterly to the Mouth of Sycan s Creek (the Mouth of which Creek is the place of beginning of Dirck Claasens Patent mark'd on the Map No. 16) then up the said Creek the several Courses thereof to the Mouth of the first mentioned Creek the Place of Beginning. STijC llateitt of William Keift to Claas Carstensen Nor- man dated the twenty-fifth Day of March, One thousand six hundred and forty Seven, and coafirm'd (with an addition of Land) by Patent from Phillip Carteret to Lawrence Andrie- sen dated the twenty Sixth Day of March, One thousand six hundred & Sixty Seven for a Parcell of Land lying at Mln- gackqua. ®UC :SUt*b0g whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract (which on the Map is mark'd No. 19).* sons Jacob and Georcje. His widow, Aagtje, gave to Jacob and George a deed for the same, bounded S. W. by Andries Van Buskirk and up to near " Stoon Pint," while to her sons EUas and Banjamin she gave 320 acres on the Ra.ritan River, June 13, 1731. George's will, dated May 4, 1793, proved Aug. 14, 179'), he gave to liis son John the S. W. half of the tract = 149 acres 3 roods 33 perches, which John after- wards by will gave to his nephew. Col. Jacob, son of Garret, by whom it was in part sold to the New York Bay Cemetery Company. He also conveyed the old homestead E. of the Canal to B3njaraln H. Broomhed, April 16,1849. After several transfers the same came to Geo. W. Howe, by four deeds, in Oct. and Nov., 1854. Howe con- veyed the S. corner to Clement D. Hancox, Dec. 1, 1860 and July 7, 1863 ; he to Jo- seph W. Hancox, Jan 11, 18d6 ; he to Elizabeth G , wife of John N. Harriman, Aug. 25, 1868. Garret received the N. E. half of the tract = 165 acres 2 roods 33 perches. By will Garret gave to his son Jacob that part which lies S. of Woodlawn Ave.; the balance he gave to his sons George and Richard. Jacob sold to Matthew Armstrong, April 1, 1833, 16 acres S. of Woodlawn Ave., and 6 acres to Abraham Becker, Nov. 12, 1839, lying S. of Armstrong, part of which Becker sold to Henry D. Van Nostrand. George took the N. E. part Avhich he sold to his brother Richard, July 22, 1833, who still owns what he took under his fa- ther's will and what he bought from his brother George, extending from Woodlawn Ave. to the N E. bounds of the Patent ; except a small lot E. of the plank road, sold to Geo. W. Robeson, now owned by the heirs of Matthew Armstrong. *The Patent calls for 170 Acres. The first owner was Barent Jansen. This fact is recited in the Norman's Patent Land Papers {Albany) G. G. 197. Claas Carstensen the Norman (sometimes called Van Sant) after Jansen's death, received a GO CLAAS CAKSTENSEN NOKMAN. ]Sr0I1lUfU0 ^t a Stake on the Northwest side of Hudson's River or York J5ay (from which Stake the most P^asterly Corner of Jacob Van Wagenen's House bears South vSeventy Six Degrees and forty Minutes West Seven Chains and eighty Eight Links) And from the said Stake runs North twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes West Eighty two grant for it, May 25, 1647. He was a soldier in the service of the company. It is not known if he purchased from Jansen, or if Jansen abandoned it. It then con- tained 50 niorgens. The Norman sold it to Jan Vinge Jan. 19, l(i55. Vinge sold it to the " Virtuous Annetje Dircksen, widow of Pieter Cock," who oAvned it in 1662. Register of Van Der Veen, N. T. 34. It is probable that she sold it to Lawrens An- driesen, who added to it 18 niorgens as mentioned in his patent. It was probably added to by previous owners, so that witli the ISmorgens, it now contained 170 acres. It was the first tract going S. which extended from bay to bay on which it lay "elbow ways." This peculiar position was caused by the course of Straatmakers Creek to which the lines of the several Patents from this point S. were made to conform. Streets have been laid to suit property lines, property lines were laid to suit Straat- makers Creek, hence the absence of right angles — all of which it may be well for " Map Commissions" to bear in mind. By Andriesen's will dated Aug. 29, 1679, his sons Pieter and Thomas received this tract. In what manner Thomas' interest became vested in I'ieter I do not know, but Pieter became the sole owner, and bj' will dated Jan. 20, 1735, proved Sept. 8, 1738, left it to his sons Lawrence and Andries. I iird a deed from Andries Van Bus- kiik to Michael Andriesen of Communipaw, dated March 12, 1718, for a small lot adjoining Gerrit G. Van Wagenen, described as bounded at the middle by the divi- sion fence. By the same description Andriesen sold it to Cornelius Brinkerhoff by two deeds, March 1, 1729, and June 30, 1740. Whatever passed by these deeds lay within this patent and Brinkerhoff yet owned it in 1764, page 143. When or how the title thereto passed out of Brinkerhoff I have not discovered. Andries released to his brother Lawrence his interest in the farm, Oct. 14, 1723. The date of this deed seems to indicate that the two brothers owned the farm prior to their father's will, probably by gift. The father lived at Constable's Hook. This deed was proved before Robert Lettis Hooper, Chief Justice of New Jei«ey, April 7, 1731. Lawrence died, seized Dec. 13, 1752, leaving him surviving five children, viz: Cornelius, Metje, wife of Johannis La Grange, Jannetje, wife of Jacob Van Home, Fitje, wife of John Boll, and Anna, wife of Thomas Brown. By his will dated Nov. 7, 1750, codicil May 27, 1752, proved April 22, 1753. Cornelius received all his father's real estate. He died, seized Feb. 4, 1754, intestate and without issue. His four sis- ters inherited the tract in question in common. But Mrs. Brown being then dead her interest had passed to her only child Lawrence. Thomas Brown bought the interest of Metje, March 13, 1757. from her two child- ren, John and Fitje. Jacob Van Home et ux. sold an undivided quarter to George Vreeland, April 1, 1758. This quarter was afterwards located next to his own land and lay between the " middle of the mouth of Straatmaker's Creek" and the present Chestnut Ave. A deed for this purpose was given to Vreeland by Thomas Brown et ux., and John Koll et ux., June 5, 17iJH. It was said to contain 85 acres and extended from N. Y. Bay. 95 chains to Swainpy Creek. This quarter east of the new Bergen road, went to John Vreeland under his father's will. Vide Note to Si/can's Patent p. 13, and from John to his nephew Col. Jacob, and from him in pai t to the New York Bay Cemetery Company. Garret received all W. of the new Bergen road by the par- CLAAS CARSTENSEN NORMAN. ()l Chains and fifty Links, to New Ark Bay. Then * up along said New Ark *i4 Bay until it comes to the Mouth of a small Creek (that parts this Land from Meadow patented to Barnt Christian which is mark'd on the Map No. 122) Then up said Creek North forty Seven Degrees and fifty Minutes East four Chains and fifty four Links, Then South eighty nine Degrees tition of Feb. 5, 1796, Vide Note to Lot 212 p, 86. By Garret's will tliis was left to Lis sons George and liichard, who held in common until they sold to Samuel C. Nelson. John Koll et ux. took the quarter adjoining S. W. the quarter sold to George Vree- land. He died Feb. 2, 1761, and his widow married Andries Segaerd, a mariner. By will dated July 14, 1784, proved April 7, 18Ul, Fitje Segaerd gave this property to her grand daughter, Mary, wife of Thomas Cubberly, for life and after the testa- trix's death to Cubberly's children, viz : Jacob, Eliznbeth, wife of Paul Salter, Gitty, wife of Jacob Ackerman, Ann, Avife of Joseph Van Winkle, and Maria ; who sold to George Vreeland, July 22, 1833, that part of Fitje Segaerd's quarter lying E. of the old Bergen road, and also five acres of meadow at Droyer's Point, This quarter lay between Chestnut Ave. and Linden Ave. Thomas Brown et ux. had one child, viz : Lawrence, who was born May 18, 1751 and died July 4, 1767, intestate and unmarried. His father then purchased the inter- est of his son's three aunts, who had inherited his quarter. This gave him one half of the Patent. He married for his second wife, Mary, daughter of Samuel Ten Eyck, Jan. 23, 17.%. By this marriage was one child, Mary, born Oct. 17, 1756, married Andrew Gautier, Oct. 6, 1772. Capt. Brown died seized Oct. 30, 1782. Rj will dated Sept. 21, 1782. he gave all of his property to his two grandson's Thomas and Daniel Gautier ; to Thomas his N. Y. property and to Daniel his N. J. property. Daniel was born Feb. 7, 1776 and died Jan. 7, 1791, intestate and without issue. His prop- erty was inherited by his brother Thomas, who married Elizabeth, daughter of John Leary, April 28, 1796, and died, Oct. 17, 1802, leaving his widow and children, Thomas B., Helen D. and Samuel T. To carry the out will of Mary, the widow ot Thomas Brown, (who died Dec. 8,1818) the widow Elizabeth, Thomas B. and Helen D. released to Samuel T. that part of the patent lying S. of Linden Ave (owned by Capt. BroAvn) and 30 acres of meadow held in Common with the Cubberlysand the Vreelands, May 17, 1823. Samuel mortgaged to Thomas B. Gautier, May 8, 1824. This mortgage was foreclosed and the property sold by John Blauvelt, Sheritf, to his mother, Elizabeth Gautier, Feb. 27, 1829. She sold to George Vieeland Aug. 19, 1829, all lying E. of the old road. Vreeland con- veyed as follows : to John Sjths, 22 84-100 acres Jan. 2, 1837, bounded N. by Chest- nut Ave. E.by the Plank road, S. by Linden Ave. and W. by old Bergen road. That part of this tract which lies between Danforth and Linden Avenues, Syms conveyed to Matthew Armstrong, Jime 25, 1838, (Armstong died seized and his executors sold in lots at public auction in 1868) S3'ms sold a small part of his purchase lying N. of Danforth Ave. March 7, 1850 to Heniy Eosencamp (now owned by Thomas Musgi-ove) and a small lot^ to] Gilbert C.Smith. The residue Syms conveyed to Nicholas D. Danforth, Oct 6, 1855. Danforth mortgaged ; the mortgages were foreclosed, the property sold and (the most of it) purchased by the mortgagee, Jane Brinkerhoff. It is now owned in parcels by Julia A. wife of J. Otto Seymour, John Kennell, Matthew Ai-mstrong, Thomas Cary, Emma wife of Frederick M. Lockwood, Jacob J. Detwiller and Mr. Danforth (father of said N. D.) Vreeland conveyed to Peter Julius Lignot, John Jacobs, Cortlandt Smith and another all lying between the Plank road. Ocean Ave. Linden Ave. and the S. bounds of the patent. All between Ocean Ave. and the old Bergen road, is now owned in small 62 LUBERT GILBERTSE. East three chains & eighty five Links, Then South thirty two Degrees P2ast five chains and thirty six Links. Then North eighty three Degrees and thirty Minutes East nine Chains and ninety Seven Links to a stake standing in the said Creek (where it is called a Swampy Creek) And from the said Stake South twenty Seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East ninety three Chains and ninety four Links to the Mouth of Straatamakers Creek on said Hudson's River or York Bay; Then Southwesterly along said Bay or River to the Place of Beginning. K\)t J|)nttUt of Petrus Stuyvesant to Lubert Gilbertse dated the fifth Day of December One thousand six hundred and fifty four, for a piece of Land lying at Mingackqua. ^U)L* cSUCbC^ whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract (which on the Map is mark'd No. 20.)* plots. To the Centrsy6, for £600. He received from the Proprietors, April 27, 1696, a confirmatoiy deed for the same, said to contain 150 acres, bounded N. hy Jan Artse Van der Bilt, E. by Hudson's River, S. by Paul Douwesse, W. by Newark Bay. By will, dated Oct. 12, 1713, Vreeland gave his lands to his children, viz. : Fitje, Avife of Lawrence Van Buskirk ; Mctje, wife of Eynier Van Giesen Aagtje, wife of Roelof Van Houte ; Johanna, "wife of Daniel Van Winkle, and Michael. These agreed, Sept. 6, 1723, to sell the same to the highest bidder among themselves. It was bought, Nov. 29, 1723, by Michael Vreeland and Daniel Van Winkle, for £1,C00. Daniel Van Winkle died, Jan. 10, 17,57. His widow and her brother Michael par- titioned, Aug. 20, 1768. Johanna took the N. E. part, next to Van Wagenen's = 85 95-100 acres. Michael took the S. W. part = 75 28-100 acres, lying between his sistei''8 and Joris Cadmus' (now Richard's) line. Michael took also about two acres on the N. Y. Bay shore at the Bockie. The sketch here inserted shows the lines of division. The map from which it is taken was made by Jonathan Hampton and Ephraim Terril of Elizabethtown, Aug. 1, 1768, By Daniel Van Winkle's will, dated June 3, 1751, his wife, Johanna, received this property for life. Then it went to her daughter Antje, Avife of Henry Fielding. She sold, June 18, 1785, to Egbert Post a lot = 32 acres, 1 rood, 20 perches, lying W. of the pres- ent plank road, and including all her land there. She sold to Michael Vreeland, June 18, 1785, one acre on N. Y. Bay, at or near Avliere Gunther's house now is. She sold, March 27, 1787, to Michael Vreeland, all the rest of her land lying E. of the plank road. Michael now owned all the land E. of the plank road, from Cadmus' line to DIRCK SYCAN. 67 Degrees and thirty Minutes West seventy Chains and thirty one Links to a stake standing by the Edge of New Ark Bay Then along said New Ark Bay South thirty one Degrees and thirty Minutes West nine Chains and Seventy Links to a Stake standing on the Bank by the Edge of said New Ark Bay ; Thence South twenty Seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East Sixty nine Chains and Sixty five Links to a small Heap of Stones by the Side of York Bay (from which said Heap of Stones the Easterly Corner * of Henry Fielding's Stone Kitchin is distant one Chain and :*-i6 twenty Links on a Course south fifty three Degrees and ten Minutes West) and from said Heap of Stones running Northerly along said York Bay as the same runs to the Place of Beginning. Currie's line, and the S. W. halfof the farm W. of the plank road. By his will, dated July 16, 1802, proved Jan. 26, 1805, he gave all this land to his sons George and John. They partitioned. Jolni taking the S. half, lying between Cadmus' line and Si.lter's lane. Geoi-ge taking from Salter's lane to Currie's line. They also partitioned the lot W. ot the plank road. John held his half in tail ; and died July, 1830, without issue, when the remainder vested in the heirs of George, who was dead. These heirs con- veyed this land to Paul and David Salter, June 15, 1832. Paul quit-claimed to David, Nov. 16, 1835. George, by will, dated Nov. 6, 1822, proved Aug. 9, 1824, directed that his land E. of the plank road should be divided into four equal parts. 52d slreet (before right angling) became the division line N. E. and S. W. His son Michael received the W. quarter, also the S. half of the lot W. of the plank road. Hartman received the N. quarter, also the N. halfof the lot W. of the plank road. Garret received the S. quarter, also three acres of salt meadow near the Bockie, now owned by John Post. Garret died seized, Feb. 10, 1852, and his quarter was partitioned among his children, as per annexed sketch. John received the E. quarter, excepting the three acres of salt meadow. Hartman bought the E. and W. quarters, March, 1836. The land W. of the plank road, belonging to Egbert Post, was by him sold, Dec. 15, 1821, to Jasper Cadmus, excepting one acre which he gave to his daughter, the wife of Merseles Waters, where the mansion house lately stood. Cadmus sold the S. portion to Hartman Vreeland. By will, dated April 23, 1864, proved Feb. 17, 1883, Hartman gave to his adopted son, Hartman Vreeland, all his land between N. Y. Bay and the back road. The N. part, = 21 47 100 acres, Cadmus sold to William C. Vreeland, Sept. 17, 1836, who sold to Andrew Clerk. May 1 1854, who sold lo the Hudson County Land Improvement Company, June, 1, 1867. 68 TJIOMAS DAVISON. JTijC second JTrflCt (mark'd on the Map No. 24). iifjJtllS at a small Heap of Stones (which said Heap of Stones is distant from the easterly Corner of Henry Fielding's Stone Kitchin One Chain and twenty Links on a Course North fifty. three Degrees and ten Minutes East, and is the Southerly Corner of the last mentioned Lot) And from said Heap of Stones Runs North twenty Seven Degrees and thirty Minutes West Sixty nine Chains and sixty five Links to a Stake standing on the Bank ol New Ark Bay ; 'J'hence South forty Six Degrees and twenty Minutes West Eight Chains and sixty Links along the Edge of said Bay to a Stake standing in a small Gully; 1 hence South twenty Seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East Seventy two Chains and twenty one Links to a Stake standing on the side of York Bay ; Then North- easterly along said York Bay as the same runs to the Place of Beginning. STIjC first patent of Phillip Carteret to Thomas Davison dated the twenty second Day of December One thousand Six hundred & sixty, nine for a Parcel of Land lying at Pembrepogh. ©Ul* SUttJCg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract (which is mark"d on the Map No. 25).* i300l1t1tfnjj at a Stake Standing on the sideofYork Bay (which Stake is the Southerly Corner of the Second Tract of the last recited Patent of Dirck Sycan) and from said stake runs North twenty seven Degrees and Thirty Minutes West seventy two Chains and twenty one Links to a stake standing in a small Gully by the Edge of New Ark Bay; Thence down along said Bay South thirty six Degrees and forty five Minutes West nine Chains and eighteen Links to a Stake standing between a Black Beech & a white Oak Bush on the Bank of said Bay ; Then South twenty Seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East seventy two Chains and twenty Seven Links to a Rock mark'd C /V at the Edge of New York Bay ; Thence Northeasterly along said York Bay as the same runs to the Place of Beginning, JTI^e second PatfJtt of Philip Carteret to Thomas Davison dated the twelfth Day of December One thousand Six hun- dred and sixty nine for a parcell of Land lying at Pembre- pogh. #UC .SUl'tJtg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract (which on the Map is mark'd No. 26). t * Davison was an Englishman. In 1661 he purchased a sloop, and with a negro slave to assist him, did a freighting business between New Amsterdam and Albany. He lived in N. Y., and died in 1688. Fide Note to Sycan' s Patent, p. 15. t This tract was first given to Jan Cornelisen Crynnen, Dec. 5, 1654. Its only description was, as was the description of each Patent in this vicinity, " between Gemoenepaen and Kil von Kol." Crynnen sold it to Isaac DeForest, who received a Patent tor it, April 17, 1664. The size was 40x375 rods. He sold it to Thomas Davison, of New York, April 15, 1665. Davison sold to Sjoert Olphertz, of Hoo- boocken, Feb. 11, 1670, a strip 20 rods wide out of the S. W. side of the tract, which Olphertz sold to Cornells Steenwyck, July 29, 1681, and by him to Bartel Claesen, Oct. 5, 1681, and by Bartel Jacobs to Rutgert Van Home, March, 1702. Vide Note to Slott's Patent, p. 17. The N. E. half of the tract Davison sold to Jan PETER JANSEN SLA AT. 69 * ]$?StUUl1l0 at a Rock mark'd G/V on the West Side of York Bay (being the Southerly Corner of the immediate preceeding Patent; and from said Rock runs North twenty Seven Degrees and Thirty Min- utes West Seventy two Chains and twenty seven Links to a Stake stand- ing between a black Beach and a white Oak Bush on the Bank of New Ark Bay, Then down along the Edge of said Bay South forty two De- grees and thirty Minutes West Eight Chains and seventy six Links to a stake in a Gully ; Thence South twenty seven Degrees and thirty Min- utes East seventy one Chains and fifty Eight Links to a stake by the Edge of York Bay ; Thence Northeasterly along said York Bay as it runs to the Place of Beginning. 2rf)0 }f atfitt of Petrus Stuyvesant to Peter Jansen Slaat dated the fifth Day of December One thousand Six hundred and fifty four confirm'd by Patent from Philip Carteret to said Slaat dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty Eight, for a parcel of Land lying at Pem- brepogh. ©Ut cSUtbfg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract (which on the Map is mark'd No. 27).* Loosdregh, of Coiumunipaw, May 6, 1670, who sold to Simon Jansen Komeyn, at- torney of Poulesse Cornelisen, formerly of Pembrepock, Dec. 14, 1680, who sold to Jan Van der Lynden five morgens, Maj' 31. 1681, who sold to Cornells Steenwyck, July 29, 1681. Eomeyn sold the balance of his purchase to Poules Douwesse, ot Pembrepock, Dec. 6, 1682, who sold to Eutgert Van Home, March 18, 1702. The history of this tract henceforth is connected with that of the next Patent. " This tract was first granted to Gysbert Lubbertse, Dec. 5, 1654. Land Papers {Albany), H. H., 36, and not to Peter Jansen Slott as mentioned in the text. It may have been granted to Lubbertse by mistake, for on the original Patent which I have seen was endorsed, " This Patent must be in the name of Pieter Jansen Slott, by mee, Guysbert Lubbertse, May 14, 1657." By both it was treated as if made to Slott. The tract was 40x375 rods. Slott sold it to Joost Van der Linden, Jan. 30, 1671. Van der Linden's heirs, viz. : his children, Jan, Boelof, Jannetje, Hendrielje, and sons- in-law, Albert Zabbristke, and Laurens Laurens sold it to Cornells Steenwyck, July 29, 1681. On the same day Jan Van der Linden sold to Steenwyck the five morgens belonging to the preceding Patent, bought of Komeyn, May 31, 1681, also a piece of meadow lying between Constable's Hook and Bergen Point, bought by him of Samuel Edsall. Tide Map in Note to Lot 418, p. 155 ; also a house built by him on the land sold by Sjoert Olphertz to Steenwyck. Steenwyck sold this land and meadow and part of the preceding Patent bought of Olphertz to Bartel Claesen, of Midde- wout, L. I., Oct. 5, 1681, for 5,000 guilders of wampum, "in good and clean Long Isiland wheat or other winter wheat to be grown hereabout," deed to be given on date of first payment, Dec. 1682. It is probable that Claesen sold lo Bartel Jacobs, the son-in-law of William Douglas, who sold, March 1702, to Eutgert Van Home, a cordwainer, the land in Slott's Patent, also the five morgens of the preceding Patent, also the piece of meadow between Constable's Hook and Bergen Point, also the ten morgens formerly belonging to Olphertz. It is probable that Van Home was attracted hither from Hackensack by the widow of Jan Van d<;r Linden, whom he married, April 25, 1697. When he pur- chased the whole of Davison's 2d Patent I do not know, but it was probably in 1702. He purchased the Van Schalckwyck Patent, in 1735. Vide Note to Fan SchalcIcwycFs 70 IIENDRKMv .IA\SE\ VAN SCIIALCKWYCK. iiC0!nUIU0 at a Stake by the Edge of York Bay (being the Southerly Corner of tlie last recited Patent) and from said stake runs North twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes West Seventy one Chains and fifty Eight Links to a Stake standing in a (jully at the Edge of New Ark Bay ; Thence along the Edge of said Bay South thirty six Degrees West ten Chains and twenty Links to a Stake; Thence South twenty seven De- grees and thirty Minutes East Sixty five Chains and fifty Eight Links to a Stake standing by the Edge of York Bay, Thence Northeasterly along said York Bay as it runs to the Place of Beginning. ^i)C 3|)jltpnt of Petrus Stuyvesant to Hendrick Jansen Van Schalckwyck dated the fifth Day of December one thousand six hundred and fifty four, confirm'd by Patent from Philip Carteret to Hessel Veygerse dated the thirtieth Day of March One thousand Six hundred and Seventy five, for a Parcel of Land lying at Pembrepogh. ©UC * ^i)t jyiVUt is a Lot in the Town (mark'd on the Map No. 59.)* ]$CStUUin0 at a Stake near the Northerly Corner of Peter Hessel By several deeds from 1834 to 1836, the interest of these children became vested in Thomas E. Davis. John left his interest in the tract to his only son Jacobus, who died Aug. 12, 1832. By will dated Sept. 28, 1823, proved Dec. 27, 1823, he pave all his realty to his sons John, Nicholas and James, on condition that they should not sell but divide it among their children. They partitioned, and the map is now on file in the county clerk's office. James' will was dated July 14, 1854, proved Sept. 4, 1856. Vide Note to Lots 418 and 419, p. 155. *'■ These lots were sold to the patentees by Samuel Edsall, July 15, 1669. They were merchants in Barhadoes. Lot No. 59 lay in the N. W. corner of the town plot. On it was a kitchen, barn, and brew-house. Lots No. 32 and 33 : One lay on the N. W. side of the town adjoining the N. W. gate ; the other on the N. E. side, adjoining the highway. Lot No. 39 was composed ot two wood lots, each 14 rods wi-de, bounded S. W. by the N. E. lane " that goes into the woods." Lot No. 64. The five upland lots were wood lots, each 19x150 rods. The five meadow lots adjoined the N. W. end of the five wood lots, and extended to the Hackensack river. Joseph Hawkins owned part of this lot, and died seized. Casparus Prior died seized of part of it, which he gave to his grandchildren by will. J'ide Note to Farlet's Patent, p. 62. Jasper received this in the partition of his grand- father's estate, and sold 20 acres, extending from the E. end of the lot to a ditch to Pe ter Bentley and Stephen D. Harrison, March 1, 1856, the present owners. The balance of the upland was sold to Peter Bentley, Nov. 1, 1853, by the commissioners to divide the estate of Richard Van Eypen. RoelofVan Houten and Maritje ux, sold. May 2, 1745, to Cornelius Brinkerhofl'a part of this Patent, = 19 acres, 1 rood, 16 rods of upland, and 9^ acres of meadow, lying between Zachaiias Sickles and Hendrick Vanderhoof. This I take to be a part oi Lot 64, afterwards known as Brinkerhort"s "Brown's Ferry Lot." Tide Note to Baclers Patent, p. 10. It is probable that Johannis Van Eypen purchased Lot 39 shortly after 1764. His son. Garret — "Long Gat" — inherited it, and divided it by deed, Dec, 14, 1836 (vide also May 9, 1835), between his sons-in-law, viz. : John G. Van Home, who received the N. W. quarter; Daniel Van Eyjien, who received the quarter next S. E. of Van Home ; John Van Buslirlc, who received the quarter next S. E. of Van Kypen, which he sold to Aaron Sergeant, April 1, 1837 ; and Cornelius Van WinJcle, who received the S. E. quarter. Van Rypen's daughter, Catlyntje, wife of Helmigh Van Houten, died before her father. CASPAR STEINMETS. 77 Peterse's House (being the North Corner of the Town) and from said Stake runs along the Street on the Northeast Side of the Town South forty two Degrees East three Chains and twenty nine Links, Then South forty eight Degrees West two Chains and ninety three Links, Then North forty two Degrees West three Chains and twenty nine Links to the Street on the Northwest Side of the Town, Then along said Street North forty Eight Degrees East two Chains and ninety three Links to the Place of Beginning. 3ri)t cStCOUtJ Tract comprehends two Out Garden Plotts near the Town mark'd on the Map No. 32 & 33 Also two Lotts of Land adjoining together mark'd on the Map No. 39; Which Garden Plotts and Wood Lotts lying and adjoining together are comprehended in one Survey. 3tj0fifnnittfl at a stake on the Northerly Comer of the town bear- ing from the most Northerly Corner of Peter Hessel Peterse's House North three Degrees and fifty Minutes West Seventy four Links ; and from said Stake runs South forty eight Degrees West five Chains and fifty Links along the Street to a Road (commonly call'd the Middle Road) Thence along the said Road North eight Degrees West three Chains and ten Links, Then along said Road North five Degrees East Seven Chains and Sixty one Links to a Stake, Thence South Seventy five Degrees and fifty Minutes East twenty Eight Chains and Sixty Six Links to a Stake (standing in the Road that leads from the Town to the English Neighbourhood); Thence South forty one Degrees and thirty Minutes West Six Chains and forty Seven Links along said Road to a Stake (at the turn of the Road leading into the Town) ; Thence along said Road North Seventy four Degrees and thirty Minutes West Eighteen Chains and Sixty three Links to a Stake, Thence South forty Degrees West two Chains and sixty four Links to the Street, Then along the said Street North forty two Degrees West three Chains and Seventy Six Links to the Place of Beginning. 5rf}0 5ri)irtf JTtaCt comprehends five Lotts of Upland and five Lotts of Meadow ; which several Lotts lying and adjoining together are comprehended in our Survey (mark'd on the Map No. 64). ]iC0tttUtUjJ at a Stake standing in a Road (which Stake is the Southerly Corner of one of the Lots of Dow Harmanse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 65) And from said Stake runs North fifty four Degrees and ten Minutes West seventy Seven Chains and ninety Links to Hack- insack River, Then returning to the Stake the Place of Beginning and running from thence South thirty Seven Degrees * West Seventeen Chains ' and eighty Six Links along said Road to a Stake (being the Easterly Corner of one or the Lots of Fredrick Phillipse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 63) And fr.:m said Stake running North fifty four Degrees and ten Minutes West Seventy one Chains and fifty Links to said Hackinsack River, Then up alongsaid River as it runs till it reaches the first men- tioned Line STfje first 3|JatCnt of Philip Carteret to Casper Stymats dated the twelfth Day of May, One thousand Six hundred and sixty Eight for two Parcels of Land and Meadow near the town of Bergen. 78 CASPAR STEINMETS. ©UC .SUjL'iJffi whereof shews and we adjudge them to be two Tracts 2ri)C JiFtVJSt whereof is a Tract of Upland (mark'd on the Map No. 34 ).* ]I)Cnt')m(1^0 ^^ ^ stake (stanchng in the Road that leads from the Town of Bergen to the English Neighbourhood, which Stake is the Easterly Corner of the Lott of Mark Noble and Samuel Moore mark'd on the Map No. 39) And from said Stake runs along said Road North thirty one Degrees East seven Chains to a Stake Thence North seventy five Degrees and fifty Minutes West thirty one Chains and eighty four Links to a Stake by the Middle Road, Thence South four Degrees West Six Chains and Seventy nine Links to the Northerly Corner of the said Lott of Noble and Moore, Thence South Seventy five Degrees and fifty Minutes East twenty eight Chains and sixty Six Links (along the Norths erly Bounds of the Lott of said Noble and Moore) to the Place of Be- ginning. ^Ti^e second is a 2[!ract of JHOtfOU) (mark'd on the Map No. 137). i3C£tttntn0 at a stake (which is the Northerly Comer of a Lot of Meadow in Guert Garritse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 136) and from said stake runs North fifty one Degrees and fifty Minutes West seventeen Chains and seventy three Links to Pinhornes Creek, Thence returning to the Stake the Place of Beginning and running from thence South thirty eight Degrees and twenty Minutes West eight Chains and ten Links to a Stake in the Westerly Corner of the said Lott of Guert Garritse, thence North forty eight Degrees West eleven Chains and two Links to Hackinsack River, Then up along said River as it runs to the Mouth of Pinhornes Creek, Then up along said Creek the several Courses thereof as it runs till it reaches the first mentioned Line. * At what time Steinmets came to this country does not appear. In the spring of 1652, having lost liis first wife, he married Jaiinekin Gerrits, ofZutphen, probably living at Harsimus at that time. For his third wife, he married Tryntje, the widow of Jacob StofFelsen. He resided at Harsimus, and was driven out by the Indians in 1655. He went to New Amsterdam, where, on Feb. 22, 1656, he was licensed to tap beer and wine for the "accommodation of the Burghery and Strangers." I^ew Amst. Bee, ii., 85. He was admitted to the rights of a small burgher, April 11, 1657. Neio Neth. Beg., 175. On the 21st of June he was appointed lieutenant of the Bergen militia. N. Y. Col. MSS., x., 149 ; and on the 4th of September, 1673, was made captain. Col. Hist, of N. Y., ii., 597. In 1674 he was a deputy from Bergen in the Council of New Orange, Ibid, 702 ; and a representative from Bergen in the first and second General Assembly in New Jersey. Learning ds Spicer, 77, 85. After his mar- riage with Stoffelsen's widow, he took possession of the "West India Company's farm at Harsimus, and, as was always the case with the possessors of that farm, became involved in trouble with his neighbors, Van Vorst and others. Col. Hist, of N. Y., ii., 704, 716. He died in 1702. His descendants, at one time, were quite numerous in this county, but they have long since died out. Lot No. 34 was in the old maize land, 36x160 rods = 9 morgens, 360 rods. Lot No. 137 adjoined Geurt Gerritsen's, and extended from Gerritsen's to the Creek = 6 morgens. This Patent was owned by Peter Merselis in 17G4, who died April 1, 1770. CASPAR STEINMETS. 79 5ri)C second J^^tCIlt of Philip Carteret to Casper Stymats, dated the twelfth Day of May, One thousand six hundred and Sixty eight, for sundry Parcels of Land in and about the Town of Bergen. * ®Ul' cSUCbCg whereof shews and we adjudge them to be five *22 Tracts. ^i)t ftCSt whereof (being a Tract of Upland and Meadow mark'd on the Map No. 8i).* MtQiVm at a Stake standing by the Middle Road (being the east- erly Corner of a Lot of Dow Harmanse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 80) ; And from said Stake runs North Sixty Six Degrees and Thirty Minutes West to Hackinsack River, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and running thence along the said Road North twenty four Degrees East three Chains and Sixty one Links to a Stake (being the Southerly Corner of a Lot in Hendrick Teunise's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 82) ; And from said Stake runs North Sixty four Degrees and Ten Minutes West Sixty Chains and Sixty Links to said Hackinsack River, Then down said River as it runs 'til it reaches the first mentioned Line. 3ri)0 SiCCOtttr (being also a Tract of Upland and Meadow mark'd on the Map No. 66). MtQlMS at a Stake standing by a Road (being the Easterly Corner of a Lot in Dow Harmanse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 65), and from said Stake runs North fifty four Degrees and ten Minutes, West Seventy Eight Chains to Hackinsack River, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning, and from thence runs along said Road North thirty nine Degrees East Seven Chains and thirteen Links to a Stake (being the Southerly Corner of a Lot in Varlett and Bayard's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 68), and from said Stake runs North fifty four Degrees and Ten Minutes West Eighty Chains and eighty three Links to said Hackinsack River, Then down said River as it runs till it reaches the first mentioned Line. ~ Lot No. 81 was in the new maize land, between Douwe Harmensen and Hendrick de Backer, was 20 rods wide, and extended from the road to the river = 10 morgens. Lot No. 66 was a wood lot, between Douwe Harmensen and Nicholas Yarlet, 38 rods wide from the road to the creek =: 17^ morgens, owned by Johannis Van Houteu in 1764. Vide Note to Lot No. 25, Neto Field Bool: Lot No. 101 was a wood lot, and with meadow No. 5 in the original allotment = 16 morgens. It was sold by Steinmets to Elias Michielse Vreeland, May 2, 1678. Captain Thomas Brown owned this lot in 1764. Vide Note to Andriesen's Patent,^ p. 13. Lot No. 116 composed of two lots : 1st, a lot adjoining Harman Edwards, 7^x12^ rods ; 2d, a lot between Frederick Phiiipsen and Douwe Harmensen, 5x15 rods. Lot No. 95 was 8x20 rods, between Dirck Teunisen and Geurt Coerten. The Avhole = 100 acres. Lots 81, 95 and 116, were sold by the patentee to Siba Epsa Banta, and by him to Elias Michielse Vreeland, April 6th, 1693, and by him to MattysDe Mott, April 19, 1707. Vide Note to Sloffehen's Patent, p. 9, and Note to Harmansen's Patent, p. 50. Michael DeMott sold Lot 95 to Cornelius G. Van Rypen. Vide Note to Coerten's 1st Patent, p. 25. so ADRIAN POST. JTijC 2ri)lL*^ (being also a ^TlMCt of Upland and Meadow mark'd on the Map No. loi). iJCfllUS at a Stake standing by the Side of the Highway leading from the 'lown to Bergen Point (which Stake is the. Easterly Corner of a Lot in Guert (iarritse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 102) And from said Stake runs North fifty Degrees and ten Minutes West twenty three Chains and Sixty five Links, Then North fifty four Degrees and ten Minutes ^V■est Sixty four Chains and sixty Links to Hackinsack River. Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs along said Highway North forty three Degrees and thirty Minutes East four Chains and Eighty Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty De- grees and ten Minutes West twenty three Chains and fifty three Links to a Stake in a Road (which Stake is the Southerly Corner of a Lot in Jacob Luby's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 62) and from said Stake runs North fifty four Degrees and ten Minutes West Sixty Six Chains and Seventy Links to said Hackinsack River Then down along said River as it runs 'till it reaches the first mentioned Line that runs to said River. ''23 * 3ri)C fourth STpatCt (comprehends two Lots in the Town which being adjoining together are comprehended in one Survey mark'd on the Map No. 116.) MtQinniViQ at a Stake (standing on the Northwesterly Side of the Street near the Southerly Corner of Michael DeMott's new Barn) ; and from said Stake runs North forty two Degrees West three Chains and forty two Links, Thence North forty eight Degrees East two Chains and ninety two Links to a Street, Thence South forty two Degrees East ninety seven Links along said Street, Thence South forty eight Degrees West One Chain and forty six Links, Thence South forty two Degrees East two Chains and forty five Links to the first mentioned Street, Thence South forty eight Degrees West one Chain and forty Six Links to the Place of Beginning. 5ri)C fifth STtaCt (being an Out Garden Lot near the Town mark'd on the Map No. 95.) ]$C0tn£i at a Stake (standing on the Northwesterly Side of a Street South fifty Degrees West four Chains and Eight Links from a Stake ; which last Stake stands thirty Links from the Easterly Corner of the Widow Van Riper's House on a Course South fifty eight Degrees and thirty Minutes East) ; And from the first mentioned Stake runs North forty one Degrees and thirty Minutes West, four Chains and eighty Links to a Stake, Thence South forty nine Degrees and thirty Minutes West One Chain and twenty seven Links to a Stake, Then South forty Degrees East four Chains and eighty Links to the Street, Then along the Street North fifty Degrees East One Chain and thirty nine Links to the Place of Beginning. 2ri)e )|)atCnt of Philip Carteret to Adrian Post dated the twelfth Day of May, One thousand Six hundred and Sixty eight for sundry Parcels of Land lying in and about the Town of Bergen. <©Ul* <^Ut*t)?^ whereof shews and we adju'lge them to be five Tracts. ADRIAN POST. 81 5r^0 JiFipSt whereof (mark'd on the Map No. 35).* J^tQlMH at a Stake (standing on the West Side of the Road that leads from the Town to the Enghsh Neighbourhood, which Stake is the easterly Corner of a Lot of Casper Stymat's first Patent mark'd on the Map No. 34) and from said Stake runs North seventy five Degrees and fifty Minutes West thirty one Chains and Eighty four Links to a Stake standing by the Middle Road, Thence North nine Degrees «S: forty five Minutes East Seven Chains and fifty five Links along said Road to a Stake, Thence South Seventy * five Degrees and fifty Minutes East, *24 Thirty two Chains and Eighteen Links to the first mentioned Road, Then along said Road South twelve Degrees and twenty Minutes West seven Chains and fifty one Links to the Place of Beginning. 2C!i)0 Second KvSltt (mark'd on the Map No. 55). i^tQitlH at a Stake (which Stake is the Southerly Corner of one of the Lots of Guert Coerten's first Patent mark'd on the Map No 54). And from said Stake runs North fifty five Degrees West twenty nine Chains and ten Links to a Stake by a Road, Thence running along said Road South thirty nine Degrees West three Chains and sixty seven Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty five Degrees East, twenty nine Chains to ■'- Post was agent of the Baron van der Capellen, and in charge of his colonie on Staten Island, when the place was destroyed by the Indians in 1655. Col. Hist, of X. Y., i. 638. In October of that year he was appointed to treat with the Hack- ensack Indians for a i-elease of prisoners, New Neth. Reg. 153, and ensign in the Bergen Militia, Sept. 4, 1373. He was the ancestor of the Post family, and died Feb. 28, 1677. Lot No. 35, between Geurt Coerten and what did belong to Laurens Andriesen, 40x160 rods = lOf morgens. This lot was owned by Cornelius G. Van Rypen in 1764. From him it passed to his son Daniel, then to his grandson Cornelius, then to his great-grandsons, Daniel and Cornelius, who yet own part of it. Vide Note to Lot 411 p. 166. Lot No, 55 : A wood lot, between Geurt Coerten and Jacob Luby, 10x150, rods ^ 4f morgens, This lot was OAvned by the De Motts in 1764. Vide Note to Stoffcl- sen's Patent, p. 9, and Note to Harmensen's Patent, p. 50. Michael DeMott conveyed to Peter Bently, March 29, 18,o0, and he conveyed a part of his purchase to Stephen D. Harrison, Sept. 7th, 1850. They yet own it. Vide Note to Luhy's 1st Patent, p. 42. Lot No. 117 was meadow lot No. 1 in the original allotment, 48 rods wide, stretch- ing to the river = 21 acres. The patentee sold this lot to Jacob Jacobse Van Winckel, who sold it to Jan A. Sip, Oct. 16, 1707. Vide Note to Coerten's Ist Patent, p. 25. Lot No 164, on the corner by the N. W. gate, 7|xl2i rods : the whole = 55 acres. It was sold at an early date by the patentee to Cornells Steenwyck, who sold it to Gerrit Gei-ritse, Dec. 2, 1881, who died seized Feb. 28, 1697, and by his will left it to his son Johannis. Vide Note to Gerritsen's Patent, p. 58. It remains in the family, and is part of the homestead of Hartman Van Wagenen. Lot No. 100 was on the N. W. side of the town, on the corner S. of the wagon way. The patent calls for 55 acres in all. Vide Note to Spiers Patent, p. 15 ; Note to Stoffelsens Patent, p. 9. Lot 100 belonged to Garret Van Rypen in 1764. He died seized, and his son George, of Saddle Rirer, conveyed to Peter Sip, Sept. 5, 1838. Il is now the homestead lot of Col. Garret Sip's family. 1 1 82 GUERT COERTEN. a Red Oak Tree mark'd D. T. Thence North forty one Degrees and forty five Minutes East three Chains and sixty seven Links to the Place of Beginning. 5ri)C ijrijll'Tf (which is a Tract of Meadow mark"d on the Map No. 117). MtQUXU at a Stake standing by the Edge of Hackinsack River (which Stake is the West Corner of a Lot of Guert Garritse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 102) and from said Stake runs South fifty four Degrees and ten Minutes East eighteen Chains to the Edge of the Up- land, Thence South thirty Degrees West nine Chains and five Links along the Edge of the Upland to a Stake, Thence North fifty four Degrees and ten Minutes West eleven Chains and fifty Links to said Hackinsack River, Thence up said River as it runs to the Place of Beginning, ^^)f jFOUtti) (which is a Lot in the Town mark'd on the Map, No. 164). MtQinU ^t a Stake (being the West Comer of the North Quarter of the Town and is two Chains and eighty five Links Distant on a Course South forty eight Degrees West from the West comer of the House Lot of Noble and Moore mark'd on the Map No. 59,) and from said Stake runs South forty two Degrees East two Chains and thirty two Links along the street, Thence North forty eight Degrees East One Chain and forty three Links, Thence North forty two Degrees West two Chains and thirty two Links to a Street, Thence South forty eight Degrees West One Chain and forty three Links to the Place of Beginning. ^?)f jFlfti) (which is an Out Garden near the said Town mark'd on the Map No. 100). }3tQiVifi at a Stake (standing South fifty eight Degrees and thirty Minutes East thirty Links from the easterly Corner of the Widow Van Riper's House) and from said Stake runs South fifty Degrees West ninety three Links along a Street to a Stake, Thence North forty eight Degrees West four Chains and ninety Links to a Stake, Thence North forty nine Degrees and thirty Minutes East One Chain and twenty tour Links to a Stake, Thence South Seventy two Degrees East three Chains and nine- ^23 teen Links to a * Stake by the Middle Road, Then along said Road South seven Degrees and thirty five Minutes East two Chains and fifty six Links to the Place of Beginning. Kf^t first J^atfnt of Philip Carteret to Guert Corten dated the twelfth Day of May, One thousand six hundred and sixty eight for sundry Parcels of Land lying in, and about the Town of Bergen. #Ut VarJet's Patent, p. 62. 1 02 JACOB MHY. ffi!f)C 3ri)lVtI (being a Lot in the Town of Bergen mark'd on the Map No. 156) iStQiXlB at a Stake standing by a Street (which Stake is the North- erly Corner of the Town Lots in Paulus Pieterse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 155) and from said Stake runs South forty two Degrees East, two Chains and forty one Links to a Stake, Thence North forty eight Degrees East one Chain and thirty eight Links to a Stake, Thence North forty two Degrees West two Chains and forty one Links to a Stake by said Street, Thence South forty eight Degrees West One Chain and thirty eight Links along said Street to the Beginning. ^^t iJJtltCnt of Petrus Stuyvesant to Jacob Luby dated the fourteenth Day of September, One thousand six hund ed and Sixty two for sundry Parcels of Land lying in and about the Town of Bergen. ©UC cSUCiJCfi whereof shews and we adjudge them to be Six Tiacts. Wi^t jFitSt whereof (mark'd on the Map No. 56)* JitQinS at a Red Oak Tree mark'd D T (which Tree is the Southerly Corner of a Lot in Adrian Post's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 55) and from said Red Oak 'J'ree runs North fifty five Degrees West twenty nine Chains to a Stake by a Road, Thence South thirty seven Degrees West nine Chains and seventy five Links along said Road to a Stake, Thence South fifty one Degrees East twenty eight Chains and ninety Links to a " Luby was a sergeant in the army of the West India Company. On his own petition he was discharged from service Feb. 15, 1656. X. T. Col. .MSS., vi. 281. He was one of the commissioners to fortify Bergen in 1663, Xew Xeth. Beg., 158, and died June 11, 1691. Lot Xo. 56, 57x150 rods=14J morgens, owned by Arent Tuers in 1764. Vide Xote to Steenhuysen's Patent, p. 32. Aaron Tuers conveyed to John Welsh the N. part of this lot. May 17, 18:50, who conveyed the front part of his purchase to James W. Welsh, Sept. 17, 1S36 ; James to John Mead, Jan. 20, 1852 ; Mead to Levi Decker, March 29, 1853. John Welsh conveyed the rear part of his purchase to Alexander C. Mulford, Oct. 20, 1836 ; who reconve3'ed to Welsh, April 16, 1839 ; who conveyed to Benjamin F. Welsh, Jr., Dec. 21, 1852 ; they both conveyed to Levi Decker, June 12, 1854. Decker sold part of his purchase to John S. Sutphen, March 3, 1859 ; who conveyed to George W. Helm. Sept. 24, 1886. Bentley Av. is laid about 15 feet N. of the N. line of this lot, and through lot 55. Vide Xote to Post's Patent, p. 23. It ex- tended S. to about Oxford Ave. Lot Xo. 140, "in the new Indian corn field or new maize land,"__8 morgens. LotXo. 61, was part of lot No. 1 in the original aUotment=3f morgens, sold by the patentee to John Van Giesen, March 24, 1697, and by him to Jan A. Sip, April 19, 1698, This last deed was confirmed, June 13, 1712, by Claas and Jan Arentse Toers. Vide Xote to Van Vorst's Patent, p. 60. Lot Xo. 87, extended from the road to the Kill=12 morgens, 350 rods. Lot Xu. 108, was a garden between Jan Swaen and Capt. Varlet, 7x25 rods. Owned by Johannis Van Houten in 1764. Vide Xote to Lot 25 Xeiv Field Book. Lot Xo, 157 was 7^x12^ rods. Besides these there was a piece of woodland mentioned in the Patent, S. of Phillip- sen. 19 rods=9 morgens, 250 rods ; the whole=94 acres. JACOB LUBV. 103 Stake, Thence North thirty five Degrees East seven Chains and seventy one Links to a Stake, Thence North forty one Degrees and forty five Minutes East four Chains i^ two Links to the Place of Beginning. * 3ri)C ^CCOntl (being a Lot of Meadow mark'd on the Map No. *^3 140 ) JStQinU at a Stake (standing at the Mouth of a very small Creek or Worm which empties into Pinhorne's Creek) And from said Stake runs North sixty eight Degrees & thirty Minutes East five Chains and seventy four Links along said Worm, Thence South eighty eight Degrees and thirty Minutes East six Chains and sixteen Links along said Worm to a Stake (standing in the West Corner of a Lot of Meadow in Guert Coer- tens third Patent mark'd on the Map No. 139) Thence North fifty eight Degrees and forty Minutes East Seven Chains and eighty Links along said Worm to a Stake (standing in the Southerly Corner of a Lot of Meadow in Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 141,) Thence North forty Degrees and forty five Minutes West eighteen Chains and seventy eight Links to Pinhorne's Creek, Then down along the Creek as it runs to the Beginning. STijC 3ri)lttr (mark'd on the Map No. 61) MtQinU at a Stake standmg by the Middle Road (which Stake is the Northeast Corner of an Out Garden Plot in Adrian Post's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 100) and from said Stake runs North two Degrees East two Chains and eighty nine Links along said Road to a Stake, Thence North sixty nine Degrees and ten Minutes West twenty three Chains and forty four Links to a Stake, Thence South twenty eight Degrees and fifty Minutes West two Chains and ninety six Links to a Stake, Thence South Sixty nine Degrees and ten Minutes East twenty one Chains and Sixty Links to a Stake, Thence South Seventy two Degrees East three Chains and nineteen Links to the Place of Beginning. 5rt}C ;jF0UVtt) (being a Tract of Upland and Meadow mark'd on the Map No. 87) }3tQiViU at a Stake by the Middle Road (which Stake is the Easterly Corner of a Lot in Fredrick Philipse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 86) And from said Stake runs North forty eight Degrees West, thirty nine Chains and forty seven Links to Bridge Creek, and then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning; and from thence runs North thirty four Degrees and fifteen Minutes East five Chains and seventy five Links along said Road to a Stake, Thence North forty four Degrees and twenty Minutes West thirty four Chains and twenty Links to said Bridge Creek, Then down along the said Creek the several Courses thereof as it runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line. 2ri)0 jFlft!) (being an Out Garden Plot near the Town mark'd on the Map No. 108) ^CgtnSi at a Stake standing by a Street (which Stake is the Westerly Comer of an* Out-Garden Plot in Guert Garretse's Patent mark'd on *44 the Map No. 107) and from said Stake runs South forty Degrees East six Chains and ninety Links to a Stake, Thence South forty four Degrees West one Chain and thirty five Links to a Stake, Thence North forty Degrees West seven Chains to a Stake by said Street, Thence North forty eight Degrees East one Chain and thirty four Links along said Street to the Place of Beginning. 104 JACOH LUHY, 5rt)C 0 NK'IIOLAS VAKLKT AND MCIIOLAS I5AVARI). thousand six hundred and sixty three. Confirm'd by Patent from rhih'p Carteret to said Varlet and Bayard, dated the thirtyeth Day of October One thousand six hundred and sixty seven for a certain Plantation or Parcel of Land and Meadow call'd Sekakus, lying in the Kill Van Cul. ^Ur cSUtUC^ wherei f shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract (mark'd on the Map No. 146).* ** Sccaucus, Sikakes, an Indian woid, tignif3ing the place ukere the snale hides. The wording of Carteret's Patent is as follows: "Doe hereby Give, Grant and Confirnie unto Nicliolas Ver Lett Esqr. of the Towne of Bergen and Nicholas Bajard of New Yoike a Sartain Plantation or P'rcel of Land lying and btingin the Kill van Cole known in the Indian Language by the Ncine of Sickakus which was lawfully pv.r- cliastd from the Indians and Paid for as may appeare by the Bill of Sale made by the Indyans the 30th day of January in the Year of Our Lord 1658 Stila Nova, Which said Parcell of Land together with all the Land and Meadows round about it and an- nexed Thereunto with the Creek and Creeks, Ponds, Poules, Swamps and Isletts as far as it Readies to the Fine Land, Fishing, Fowling, Hunting, with all and Singular the Appurtenances " &c. " as of the Manner of East Greenwich in free and Common Socage, Yielding and Paying to the said Lord PrPrietors" &c "One half Penny of Lawfull Money of England for every Acre." "The said Plantation or Parcell of land is Estetmed and Valued according to the Survey and Agietment made to Contain, both of LTpland and Meadow the Sum of two thousand Acres English Measure." In 1674 the Indians raised a question as to the Dutch title to the Island. They contended that the deed to Stuyvesant included only "Espatingh and its dependen- cies." But the Dutch Council at Fort Willem Hendrick, having examined the deed and heard arguments, decided that the land was included in the sale. The Indians replied ihat they did not know this, and thought " they ought to have a present of an anker of rum." To extinguish their title this was given, Col. Hist, of y. Y. it, 707, and the simple ones were satisfied. While in possession of the patentees Varlet died, and Samuel Edsall and Peter Stoutenburgh were appointed his administrators. They joined Bayard in selling the tract, April 24, 1676, to Edward Earle, Jr., of Maryland. Earl sold to Judge William Pinhorne, March 26, 1679, for £500, one undivided half of the tract, also one half of all the stock, "Christian and negro servants." The fol- lowing schedule was annexed to the deed : " One dwelling house, containing two lower rooms and a lean-to below staires, and a loft above. Five tobacco houses, one hors, one mare and two Coults, eight oxen, ten Cows, one bull, foure yearlings, and seven Calves, between thirty and forty hoggs, foure negro men, five christian servants." Not long after this, Scott in his " Model of the government of East Jersey," calls the place "a brave plantation." Pinhorne and Earle held in common until April 15, 1682, when a division was made. Earle took the upper, and Pinhorne the lower portion of the Island. On the E. boundary of Pinhorne's land was a creek, which took its name from the Judge and to this day is known as Pinhorne's Creek. On the S. end of the Island is a bluff, known at different times as " Slangen Bergh," and " Snake Hill." " Mount Pinhorne" was the high land, a little N. E. of Snake Hill. It was for some time questioned whether or not thi.-? tract was within the old township of Bergen. To settle this question, the Proprietors directed a survey, Oct. 30, 1686; which was made by George Keith, and it was found to be within the township. Pinhorne claimed that his deed included the swamp E. of the creek and resisted the claim of the Freeholders that it was Com- mon Land. In 1694 he sued Caspar Steinmets in trespass for cutting timber in the NICHOLAS VARLET AND NICHOhAS IJAYARD. 131 iStQlnniVLQ at the Mouth of Pinhorne's Creek (on the Northeasterly side of Hackinsack River) And thence runs up along said Pinhorne's Creek the several Courses thereof as it runs to a Creek or Ditch (which communicates or joins said Pinhorne's Creek with another Creek call'd Crom, a- Kill) Then along said Creek or Ditch as it runs to said Crom, a- Kill Creek, Then down along said Crom, a- Kill Creek the several Courses thereof as it runs to said Hackinsack River, Then down along the said Hackinsack River the several Courses thereof as it runs to the Mouth of said Pinhorne's Creek the Place of Beginning. * iJeSitreS the several ^ateUtCtl ^Tracts foregoing 67 swamp, but I do not know that the case was ever brought to trial. On May 10, 1717, he executed a deed for his land to John Barclay, of Perth Atnboy, in trust for the grantor and his wife, and after their death to his children. But having some mis- givings about it he destroyed this deed. After his death his widow and children filed a bill in Chancery to prohibit the Freeholders of Bergen cutting timber in the swamp E. of the creek The trustees filed an answer. The result I do not know, but there can be no doubt that these pretentions were groundless, and the Field Book properly places the tract W. of the Creek. By Pinhorne's will, dated May 10, 1719, proved April 12, 1720, he gave his lands to his wife for life ; then to be divided between his grandson John Pinborne, Col. Edmund Kingsland, who married his daughter Mary ; his daughter Martha, widow of Chief Justice Mompesson (she afterward* mirrie:! Richard Warman), and Elizabeth who married Timothy Baglej'-, each one quarter. In the summer of 1729, Col. Kings- land advertised " Mount Pinborne" for sale -"600 acres of timber, 200 acres of cleared land, 1000 acres of meadow, with a new house and barn, two orchards of about 1200 bearing apple trees." The heirs of Pinhorne sold part of this tract to Thomas Alsop, of Long Island, Dec. 15, 1730. In this purchase John Bard afterwards became inter- ested. By Col. Kingsland's will, dated July 29, 1741, proved July 26, 1742, he left his interest in this tract to his children William Edmund, Roger, Isaac, Edmund, Mary, Anna, Hester, Catharine, and Elizabeth, wife of George Leslie. By will dated May 20, 1728 (1743?), proved Sept. 18, 1751, Leslie gave the property received from Kings- land to his children George W., John, Edmund, James, and Margaret. Earle's will, dated May 18, 1709, proved May 8, 1717, gave his lands to his wife for her life, then to his son Edward for his life, then to his grandson Edward in fee. This grandson's will was dated Oct. 18, 1750, proved May 12, 1755. His children were Edward, John, Philip, Anthebe, Robert, Elizabeth, Hester, and Mary, wife of John Nelson. Among these children he divided up his lands, but in what proportion I can- not say. Edward (4th), by will dated Nov. 2, 1787, proved Jan. 25, 1788, gave to his sons Richard and John all his Secaucus lands. His children were Richard, John, Ed- xoa'^d, Cecelia, wife of Rodman Fields, and Mary. The poor-house farm is on the S. part of tbe Pinhorne tract. Job Smith sold it to Albert A. Westervelt, 200 acres, March 15, 1820 ; Westervelt to Abel I. Smith, April 28, 1820 ; Abel to " The Trustees of the Freeholder's Inhabitants of the Township of Bergen," April 29, 1820. The trustees, &-c., sold the same to the " Overseers of the Poor of the Township of Bergen," May 3, 1833, who sold to the Board of chosen Freeholders of Hudson County. Andrew Tead et ux. owned a large tract at Secaucus. They sold to Robert Leake, of N. Y., 400 acres, March 27, 1762. Leake died seized, and his property was inherited by his eldest son Robert William, who empowered John George Leake, July 7, 1774, to sell. He sold this tract to John Stevens, March 10, 1795. 182 WKST INDIA company's FARM. SlSllC fOUUtr a ^TttlCt now in the possession of Captain Archibald Kennedy at Horsiiiius. The State of The Title to which (being neither Patent nor Cirant) we found to be very intricate. Jrt appCtirS, that, the States of Holland granted New Netherland to The West Indie Company of Amsterdam. That, the said West Indie Company by their Covernors in New Netherland purchas'd from Time to Time large Tracts from the Indians, and patented out the same in sev- eralty to Dutch Subjects. This Tract at Horsimus (in possession of Ken- nedy) appears to be a Part remaining unpatented of a Large Tract of Land, now the Township of Bergen, purchas'd of the Indians by Govern- or Petrus Stuyvesant for the Use of said West Indie Company. It appears probable that this Tract at Horsimus was peculiady reserv"d for said West Indie Company having been always call'd ^j|)0 SSECJSt It's presum'd, that, this Tract stood thus circumstanc'd at the Time of the Surrender of this Country by the Dutch in the Year One thousand six hundred and sixty four ; And, that, it remain'd secured to the said West Indie Company by the first Article of that Surrender; And as it was in their Possession by their Tenant at the Time of granting the Charter of Bergen ; We conceive, it did not pass, by that Charter, And therefore is no part of the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen. 3r!)Cn as to the Bounds, We find. That, Horsimus is a Tract nearly circumscrib'd by a natural Boundary. But as there has been laid before us several Patents hereafter men- tion'd for sundry Parcels of Land lying within that Boundary, and which we have run out, and ascertain'd there ; Thence we are of Opinion, That, (The West Indie Company's Farm or) The Tract now in Possession of Captain Kennedy is limited by that natural Boundary of Horsimus, lEpCtptllTfl autl f0BPri)l1Tfl those Lands granted by and mention'd in the said several Patents. (BXIV ^UtiytS therefore of the Land now in Possession of Cap- tain Kennedy at Horsimus Shews, and we Adjudge it (under the ^68 Exception «S: Reservation after * mention'd) to be a Tract mark'd on the Map No. 169 * '' Atter the purchase of Pauw's interest in Pavonia, this tract was held with great tenacity by the Dutch West India Compan}', and became known as their farm. By them it was regarded as the natural outlet for all the native commerce attracted to New Amsterdam from the vast country on this side of the Hudson. Its ownership was the main cause of Pauw's troubles, for the other directors were convinced that it gave him too much control of the Indian trade. Though for a long time diverted, commerce is returning to its first love, and old Ahasimus, with its surroundings, again becomes a depot for the great West and South of this country ; and, as the natural terminus of the Pacific lines of railway, of the trade of the Orient. It origin- ally included the whole of Ahasimus, but was reduced to about 383 acres by grants to Van Vorst and others. It was reserved to the Company by the first of the "Articles of Capitulation " in 1664 : " We consent that the States General, or West India Company, shall freely injoy all farms and houses (except such as are in the forts;" etc. O'Cal. \. X., ii, 532 But war between England and Holland having been declared Feb. 22, 1665, Gov. Nicolls, by proclamation in N. Y., June 15, 1665, WEST INDIA company's FARM 133 J5rrjinninfl at the Mouth of Horsimus Creek on the Northwest side of Hudson's River or York Bay (which Creek seperates Horsimus from Comunipan and other Lands of Bergen) And thence running up along the said Creek the several Courses thereof as it runs to the Westerly End of a Ditch (that was formerly cut to answer the Purpose of a Fence from said Horsimus Creek to a small Creek that runs up out cf the Bay or Cove betwixt Horsimus and Hoboken Creek) and then along said Ditch to the said small Creek, Then down along the said small Creek as it runs to the Mouth thereof in the said Cove betwixt Horsimus and Hoboken, Then down along said Cove to Hudson's River or York Bay, Then along said River or Bay as the same runs to the Place of Begin- ning. But specially excepting and reserving as included within the Limits and Survey above describ'd the sundry Parcels of Land following, to wit, jFitSt. A House Lot mark'd on the Map No. 3, and a Tract ot Upland and Meadow mark'd on the Map No. 6 both of which we have run out under the Patent of Philip Carteret to Tde Corneliese Van Vost dated the thirtieth Day of March One thousand six hundred and sixty eight. " after the usual ringing of the City Hall bell three times," declared confiscated to the king the real and personal property of the Dutch W. I. Co., "in consequence of the Company's inflicting all sorts of injury on his Royal Majestie's subjects." From this time the Governors of N. Y. claimed the tract for the Duke of York, and it was known as the " Duke's Farm." By them leases were given. On March 1, 1667, Jacob Stof- felsen and wife received a lease to run from Jan. 1, 1667, for and during the life of the '' longest liver." The wife survived Stoifelsen, and married Caspar Steinmets. He obtained a lease April 12, 1674, in right of his wife. Aug. 17, 1678, his wife being dead, he received a lease of the farm for life. Aug. 13, 1685, Gov. Dongan gave to John Palmer a lease for ninety-nine years of the reversion, " from the feast of St. Michael, the Archangel, next ensuing after the determination qf the estate" of Stein- mets. Deeds [Albany), vii, 170; Col. Hist, of N. Y., iii, 411. Feb. 5, 1686, John and Garret, sons of Caspar Steinmets, bought the Palmer lease, and, after the death of their father, divided the form ; John taking the S. half, and Garret taking the N. half. Feb. 24, 1708. John conveyed his interest in the farm to his wife for her life, then to his nephew, Jacob Prior. After John's death, his widow married Peter Van Woog- lem. They and Jacob Prior assigned to David Hennion, alias David Danielson, the remainder of the term under the Palmer lease. This was about 1715. In the mean- time the freeholders of Bergen claimed the farm as common land under Carteret's grant of 1668. This the propiietors denied, and claimed it for themselves. Acting upon this claim they disposed of it, and the following is the history of the title as derived from them. Robert West, one of the proprietors, by lease and release dated April 1 and 2, 1684, sold his interest in East Jersey to Thomas Cox. Cox sold to Sir Eugenius Cameron, of Lochiel,13-40ths of his interest of l-24th part, April 2 and 3, 1685. Sir Eugenius sold to Donald Cameron July 30, 1716. Donald Cameron sold to Evan Drummond, Nov. 17, 1721. Drummond sold one-half of said 13-40ths to James Alexander, July 17 and 18, 1723. Alexander reconveyed to Drummond 383 acres of unappropriated land, Feb. 22 and 23, 1724. On the 26th of the same month this amount of land was surveyed to Drummond by the Surveyor-General, " upon a tract of land fonnerly called the West India Company's Farm." This survey was endorsed, with the approval of 16-2nths of the proprietors. The • V ]84 WEST INDIA COMJ'AXY'S FAUM. ^CCOn). A House l.ot mark'd on the Map No. 4, A Garden and Orchard i.ot mark'd on the Map No. 7, And a Farm Lot mark'd on the Map No. 8, Which three Lots, we have run out under the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Claas Jansen Van Purmerant, dated the thirty first Day of January, One thousand six hundred and sixty two. ^TJjirtr. A Tract of Land call'd Paulus Hook mark'd on the Map No. 5, which we have run under the Patent of Phihp Carteret to Abra- ham Isaacsen Plank, dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand Six hundred and Sixty eight. .iFOUCt!). A Piece of Land mark'd on the Map No. 9, Which we have run out under the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Jacob Stoffel- money for the purchase and cost of location was furnished by Archibald Kennedy. Feb. 13, 1724, Drummond executed a declaration of trust that he lield the land for the use and benefit of Kennedy. In 1725 Drummond filed a bill in Chancery against Danielson for that part of the farm held by him. Gov. Burnet made a decree in ac- cordance with the prayer of the bill, Aug. 17, 1727. Sept. IS, 1727, Danielson acknowl- edged Kennedy as his landlord, and accepted from him a lease of the S. half of the farm until May 1, 1728. Oct. 10, 1727, Garret Steinmets, who was yet holding the N. half of the farm under the Palmer lease, surrendered to Kennedy, and accepted from him a lease for life at the reHt of one ear of Indian corn when demanded, and a proper proportion of the Quit-rents reserved to the proprietors. Steinmets assigned his interest in this lease to Mattys De Mott Feb. 20, 1729. On the expiration of Danielson's lease, Kennedy took possession of the S. half of the farm. The death of Garret Steinmets in 1733 gave Kennedy the possession of the N. half. Draramond's will was dated Dec. 13, 1736. Andrew Johnson, his surviving ex- ecutor, tiansferred the title to Kennedy, April 24, 1747. Thus his possession was complete, and his title as perfect as the proprietors could make it. He died June 14, 1763. By his will, his son Archibald, Earl of Casselis, received two-thirds of the prop- erty, and his daughter Catherine one-third. Catherine sold her interest in the farm to her brother, May 16, 1765, for £1333 6s. Sd. From the time that Kennedy took possession of the farm, there was a continual strife between him and the freeholders of Bergen. Trespasses, ejectments, injunc- tions, indictments, verdicts, and decrees followed each other for nearly three-quarters of a century. Kennedy filed a bill for quiet possession Sept. 8, 1783. This was dis- missed by Chancellor Paterson, March 6, 1793. The decree of dismissal was opened, and the cause reargued Feb. 11, 1794. A decree, dated Feb. 20, 1794, was made that the freeholders should bring a suit in ejectment in the Supreme Court, to be tried be- fore a special jury from Somerset County, and the verdict certified to the Chancellor. Such suit was brought, and the jury rendered a verdict In favor of the freeholders, Feb. 27, I80O. Kennedy still held on, and a bill was filed asking the court to give effect to the verdict. A compromise was at last effected, and both parties sold to John B. Coles, of N. Y., Feb. 4, 1804. Kennedy, Earl of Casselis, died Dec. 29, 1794, leaving two sons, John and liobert, who, by his will, dated Jan. 19, 1794, received all his lands in America. In 1803 they made Kobert Watts, of N. Y., their attorney in fact, to sell their lands, and he exe- cuted the deed to Coles. John B. Coles died seized, Jan. 2, 1827. His children were Hannah, Eliza F., Isaac W., Benjamin U., John B., and WiUiani F. WEST INDIA company's FARM. 135 5en dated the seventh Day of May, One thousand six hundred and sixty four. jFlfti)' A Piece of Meadow mark'd on the Map No. lo, Which we have run out under the Patent of Phihp Carteret to Petrus Stuy- vesant dated the thirty first Day of July, One thousand six hundred and sixty nine. * 212S0 also found a small Piece or Land lying southerly *6g from and near to the Town of Bergen, Which had been an- tiently, either by the Act, or the general Consent of the Free- holders, set apart for the Purpose of a Burying Ground. ©Ut* SUl'iJfg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract, mark'd on the Map No 170 * JJCfllUnUlfl at a Stake standing by a Street (which Stake is the East- erly Corner of an Out Garden Plot in Paulus Pieterse's Patent mark'd on the Map No. 103) And from said Stake runs South thirty nine Degrees West two Chains and two Links to a Stake, Then South forty eight De- grees East one Chain and forty four Links to a Stake, Then North forty eight Degrees East one Chain and seventy six Links, to the Corner of said Street, Then North forty two Degrees West One Chain and seventy five Links along said Street to, the Place of Beginning. 219E0 also found another small Piece of Land lying South- westerly from, and near to the Town of Bergen ; Which it is said had been antiently appropriated either by the Actor gene- ral Consent of the Freeholders for the Incouragement of Me- chanicks setling near the Town. (©tltr pointed) to retain in their hands so much of the said surplus money, as will fully pay the whole charges of making the said Subdivisions of the said Common Lands, taking the said Commissioners receipts for eacli and every jiersons particular charge thereof, which receipts when pioduced shall be sufficient to discharge them, the said Trustees, and each of them, their, and each of their heirs, Executors and administrators of, and from so much of the said surplus money as the said receipt shall express to have been paid on account of the Subdivisions aforesaid. And we do hereby ratify & confirm whatsoever our said Trustees above named, any or either of them shall do in, and about the premises, pursuant to the power and directions above granted and prescribed, which shall be final and conclusive to us, and each of us our and each of our successors, heirs, executors and administrators, any act, mat- ter, or thing whatsoever heretofore done by us any or either of us to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. And we, the said Johannis Uriance, Hendricus Kuyper, and Helmigh Van Houte, Trustees aforesaid and subscribers in quality of Freeholders, inhabitants & members of the said Township and corporation of Bergen, having an interest in the said surplus money, do, on our part hereby agree as follows : Firstly, that so much of the said surplus money shall be applied to defray the charges of the said subdivisions of the said Common Lands as shall be sufficient for that purpose. Secondly, that we will punctually conform to the power and directions above granted and prescribed by the other members of the Corporation aforesaid, and to each of them will account and pay their several respective proportions of all the said surplus money that shall remain in our hands (after our own reasonable demands and the charges of making the Subdivisions aforesaid) shall be thereout fully paid and discharged ; if any part of the said surplus shall then so remain in our hands, not needed for the purposes aforesaid, and for the final ratification and true performance of these presents, We. the said Freeholders, Inhabitants, and Members of the Said Township and Corporation of Bergen (Trustees inclusive) have hereunto set our hands the Eleventh day of December, seventeen hundred and sixty-four. Reynier V. Giese, Hendrick Van Winkle, George Vreelandt, his Jacob I. G. Van Wagene, mark Arent Toers, Johannis Diedericks, Hendrick Sigells, his Jacobus X Van Boskerck, mark Joris Cadmus, Andries Seagaerd, Johannis Vreelandt, Johannis Van Wagenen, his Garret G. Al< Newkirk, mark Abraham Sickels, Mattheus Newkirk, his Gerrit Sip, Edward Earle, Henry Fielding, his Levinis x Winne, mark Abraham Diedericks, Cornelius Van Vorst, Zacharias Sickels, his Michael M Vreeland, mark John Van Horn, Job Smith, Hendrick Blinkerhof, Hartman Biinkerhoef, his Matthias x Evison, mark Cornelius Garrabrants, John Van Houte, Jacobus Vanderhoef, William Bayard, Daniel Diedericks, Gerrit Van Reipen, his Matthewwis R Van Nukerk, mark Hermanus Veeder, Seil Marselis, Philip Smith, his Johannis M. Wynner, mark. Mindert Garrabrants, Pieter Merselis, Cornelius Sip, Philip Earle, murck Michael AV Hartmanse Vreeland, scyn Margi ieta Van Boskerck, Daniel Van Keypen, Cornelius Jurre^anse, Johannis x Jurreyanse, Hendericus Kuyper, Helmigh Van Houte, Trustees. BERftEN POINT LOT 139 We do not find, That, there is, or ever was more than one Church in this Township, nor that, this Church is incorporated by any Charter, We, the Subscribers, do hereby certify that the above written and foregoing is a true copy of an Original instrument, now in our possession, signed by the Freehold- ers, Inhabitants of the Township of Bergen, and as their Act to us delivered in quality of their Trustees for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and by us also agreed to and signed, and by virtue and in pursuance thereof, we do hereby suffer, authorize and impower Charles Clinton, William Donaldson, Azariah Dunham, John Berrien, Abraham Clark jr. and Jacob Spicer and the major part of them to retain in their hands (as a fund for the purposes hereinafter mentioned) the sum of four thousand three hundred twenty-two pounds ten shillings and three pence, being'the surplus at present i-emaining ot the money produced by the sale of the land set apart and sold for defraying the charges of making a General Petition of the Common Lands of the said Township, after the said charges and one thousand pounds more advanced to the said Trustees for paying the Quit Rents, due from the said Township to the General Pro- prietors of the Eastern Division of New Jersey were thence deducted, which sd sur- plus so remaining and amounting to the sum of four thousand three hundred and twenty-two pounds ten shillings and three pence as aforesaid. We consent and agree shall by them the said Charles Clinton, William Donaldson, Azariah Dunham, John Berrien, Abraham Clark and Jacob Spicer (or the major part of them) be applied and deposited as follows : (that is to say) Firstly, that after our own reasonable demands against the said Freeholders In- habitants of the said Township of Bergen shall be adjusted between them and us so much of the surplus shall be applied to pay the same as shall be sufficient for that purpose. Secondly, that so much more of the said surplus shall be applied to defray the charges of making subdivisions of the C jmaun L mds of the said Township of Bergen as shall bie sufficient for that purpose, and if then any part of the said surplus shall remain the said part so remaining shall ba deposited in our hands for the use of the Corporation of Bergen, to be accounted for and paid to the members thereof in pro- portion to their several rights as we have already agreed to do, hereby giving and granting unto the said Charles Clinton, William Donaldson, Azariah Dunham, John Berrien, Abraham Clark, Jacob Spicer and the major part of them our full power and authority in and about the premises and ratifying and confirming whatsoever the}', or the major part of them shall do agreeable to the power and directions above granted and prescribed. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the Iftth day of December 1764. his JOHANNIS X JURYAXSE, true mark Hendericus Kuypen, Helmigh Vax HOtlTE." The tract was divided into 37 lots ; IS fronting on Newark Bay, and 18 on Kill Van Kull, besides one other lot for the use of a ferry to Staten Island. Kuyper's as- sociates received from him a deed for a lot on the bay, a lot on the kill, and l-18th of the ferry lot. These deeds were dated March 7, 1765, and to each was annexed an original map, made by Azariah Dunham, one of the Commissioners, showing the divi- sion of the tract. The map, which I have reproduced, was copied from the original annexed to the deed to Cornelius Van Vor.st. Only two deeds, viz., to Joris Cadmus and George Vrei^land, are on record. 140 HEKOEX POINT I/»T. «yi but is a Religious Society maintain'd from the first Settlement of the Country * according to the Mode of the protestant Churches in the KILL VAX KULL LOTS Nos. 1 and 2 were sold by Peter W.ird, Sheriff, to James Bard Jan. 2, 1789, on an execution against Catlierine Kuyper, administratrix of Henricus Knyper, deceased. Edward Nichol sold the same to Charles Henry Lambert-Preudhomme Du Pont Jan. 14, 1800, who sold Lot No. 1 to Peter Van Buskirk Oct. 17, 1800, which he probably gave to his son-in-law, Cornelius Vreeland. Hartman Vreeland, David M. Demarest, Jasper Cadmus, and William Vreeland, conveyed to Peter Crary by two deeds, Dec. 24 and 25, 1747, several acres which lay within this lot, and possibly within Lot No. 2. The land hereabouts seems to have been mapped by R. M. Cary, surveyor. Dec. 10, 1847. Crary conveyed to Samuel D. Ingham and Matthew C. Jenkins a strip 300 feet on Kill Van Kull, by 272 feet deep, May 4, 1848 ; also another strip May 23, 1848. Hartman Vreeland et al. to Ingham and Jenkins over six acres east of the church lot Jan. 5, 1848. Fide Note to Lot No. 418, p. 155, and JVbte to Lot No. 5, p. 70. Ingham and Jenkins to William B. Reed and Philip Van Wart March 5, 1851, who parti- tioned March 1, 1852. Reed to Charles H. Winfield and Frederick F. Betts the S. E. corner May 25, 1855. Betts quit-claimed to Winfield Oct. 6, 1855 ; Winfield to Reed Aug. 6, 1856 ; Reed to Henry Paret April 30, 1857. Lot No. 2 (?) seems to have been owned by Peter Van Buskirk, and by him given to his son in-law, William Vreeland, who conveyed to James L. Simonson, May 27, 1826, the whole lot, except half an acre in the S. W. corner, which he conveyed to Cornelius Simonson June 13, 1836. James L. Simonson conveyed to the Reformed Church of Bergen Neck Nov. 5, 1829 ; the church to Geo. W. Bruen Oct. 12, 1836 ; Bruen to the church Aug. 6, 1840 ; the church to John Paret Oct. 24, 1853. Paret also purchased the half-acre owned by Cornelius Simonson. Retaining this half-acre and some additional ground, he sold the residue of the lot to Samuel C. White, the present owner. Paret died seized of the S. W. corner Oct. 8, 1866, leaving children, Caroline, Mary E., tVilliam, Henry, and Thomas D. No 3 was owned by Thomas Brown, and was inherited by his grandson, Andrew Gautier. Thomas B. Gautier sold it to David Leary Nov. 7, 1798, who sold to James Van Zyle May 1, 1804. Abraham Bedell sold it to Geo. W. Bruen Oct. 10, 1836 except ^ acre in the S. W. corner sold to Wm. Stringham Dec. 27, 1831. Vide Note to Andriesen's Patent, p. 13. No. 4 was deeded by Kuyper to Garret Nevvkirk. Vide Note to Berry's Patent, p. 51. By Newkirk's heirs, viz. : John Van Dalson, Matthew G., and Henry New- kirk, it was sold to James Van Buskirk Feb. 7, 1795. He, by will, dated Sept. 8, 1823, proved Dec. 27, 1823, gave it to his son Nicholas, who conveyed it to James Van Buskirk, by whom it was reconveyed to Nicholas March 17, 1849. Jacob Van Horn sold two acres off of the rear end of this lot to George Mclntyre May 9, 1796. McTntyre's will, dated May 9, 1800, made his wife Dorcas his executrix. She sold all of her husband's lands at Bergen Point to Casparus or Jasper Zabriskie Jan. 1, 1802. No. 5 was deeded by Kuyper to Joris Cadmus. He sold the W. half to Wilhel- mus Vreeland. By will, dated Sept. 10, 1798, proved in Richmond Co , N. Y., Vree- land gave to his son Cornelius part of Lots Nos. 5 and 6 = 4 acres, who sold the same to Peter Vreeland July 17, 1818. On a partition of Cornelius' property, the whole of Lots Nos. 5 and 6 fell to his son Peter, who sold to Michael Zabi-iskie Aug. 8, 1833, who conveyed to Albert M. Zabriskie Feb. 19, 1834, who sold to Alexander M. Bruen May 25, 1835, who sold to George W. Bruen Oct. 10, 1835, who mortgaged to the BERGEN POINT LOT. 141 United Provinces from whence they have receiv'd their Ministers, and being now, and heretofore subject to, or a Part of the Classis of Amster- dam. Vreeland heirs separately, May 2, 1836. By Henry Newkirk, Sheriff, the same was sold on foreclosure, decree dated Aug. 2, 1841, to Hartman Vreeland, David M. Deniarest, William Vreeland, William Vreeland, jr., Jasper Cadmus etux., and Eliza- beth Cadmus, April 18, 1842. William Vreeland, jr., sold his interest to Hartman Vreeland and Jasper Cadmus, jr., Dec. 19, 1843. Peter Vreeland quit-claimed to its then owners Sept. 18, 1847, who sold to George W. Poillon Sept. 25, 1847, who sold to William P. Lee and James A. Williamson Sept. 1, 1860. Vide Note to Lot 418, p. 155. No. 6 was deeded by Kuyper to Claas Vreeland, by whose will, dated July 23, 1801, proved May 21, 1803, it was given to his son Stephen, who sold it to Cornelius Vreeland July 29, 1806. Vide Note to Lot No. 5, p. 70. No. 7 was deeded by Kuyper to Jacob Van Wagenen. Charles H. L Preudhomme du Pont sold it to John Butler April 12, 1804, excepting a sirip = half an acre, which had been sold by him to Wm. Harrington, and by him to Martin Woods April 15, 1815. At one time the lot belonged to Richard Laurence. Woods sold to Jasper Zabriskie May 22, 1818. Vide Note to Lot 13, p. 70. Michael and Albert M. Zabriskie sold this and half of Lot 8 to George W^. Bruen May 25, 1835. No. 8 was deeded by Kuyper to Job Smith, and by him devised to his son John, who sold it to John liutler Oct. 26, 1793, who sold the W. half of it to Du Pont April 12, 1804, and the E. half to Jasper Zabriskie June 18, 1808. Vide^Note to Lot 7, p. 70. No. 9 was, with Lot No. 15, deeded by Kuyper to Anthony White. He died seized of Lots Nos. 9, 14, and 15, and Lots Nos. 1, 5, and 15 on Newark Bay. He left three children, Johanna, wife of John Bayard ; Euphemia, wife of Wm. Paterson ; and Anthony W. On partition of his estate, Aug. 27, 1798, Lot 9 on the Kill, and Lot 1 on the bay fell to Johanna ; Lots 14 on the kill and 5 on the bay fell to Euphemia. Bayard et ux. sold No 9 to Peter Post Jan. 8, 1799, who sold to Du Pont Jan. 11, 1800, who sold to Elias Burger April 24, 1810, who sold to James R. Mullany, of the U. S. Navy, Jan. 14, 1824, who empowered his son James R. M. MuUaney, March 23, 1839, to sell. This attorney sold to Peter Vreeland and Michael Zabriskie May 7, 1839, that portion of the lot lying S. of Third Street. This deed is defective, be- cause it was not executed by him as attorney. This defect was cured by the heirs giving a deed, Dec. 6, 1865. Vreeland sold his undivided half to Michael Zabriskie Sept. 9, 1840, who sold to his son Albert M. Oct. 25, 1841. He mapped it in 1841, and filed his map April 2, 1842. All of the lots have since been sold That part of the lot lying N. of Third Street, Elias Burger held at the time of his death, and by his will it passed to his daughter Maria. Vide Note to Lot No. 1, p. 70. Her trustees sold it to William Stringham, Feb. 2, 1847. Her children, who were of age, also gave deeds. Stringham sold in parcels to Winfield Stringham March 1, 1850 ; to Mary M., wife of William H. Wolvern ; to James R. Stringham, to Sarah E, Earl, Jan. 2, 1862; and to John J. Van Buskirk. The kill end of the lot was divided on Zabriskie's map into two lots : one of them was conveyed by Albert M. to Michael Zabriskie Oct. 23, 1844, and by him to Rufus Story March 5, 1850. The other lot Albert M. con- veyed to Daniel Lockwood Aug. 18, 1846 ; Lockwood to George W. Sands Aug. 12, 1848 ; Sands to John T. Mercereau Sept., 1848 ; Mercereau to William B. Reed Sept. 29, 1849 ; Reed to Rufus Story March 5, 1850. No. 10 was deeded by Kuyper to Daniel Smith. He sold to Du Pont March 17, 142 BKRGEN POINT LOT. The present Minister is the Reverend M^ Wilham Jackson. The Elders are now Mess"- Jacob Van Wagenen, Gerrit Newkirk, Zachariah 179'), who sold to John Henry Beaureaiix Pntiiiy de Nemours Jan. U, 1800, who sold by Peter Samuel du Pont his attorney to Victor du Pont de Nemours May 11, 1802. This and the Ferry Lot lying E. comprise the land whereon the La Tourette House (then known as Bon Sejours, or Good Stay) now stands. Du Pont sold his interest in "Good Stay'" to Raphael Duplanty Jan. 24, 1806, who sold to Charles Cottinal Feb. 7, 1807. By Cottinal's will, dated May, 1806, proved July 3, 1807, Anthony Girard was named executor with power to sell. He sold " Good Stay " at public auction to Elias Burger April 11, 1808. Burger, by will dated March 1, 1816, proved March 17, 1827, gave the same to his daughter Maria, wife of James K. Mullany. She died seized in 1830, leaving seven children, viz. : Mary B., Jane A., James R., Elias B., Andrew J., John R. B., and Erena Arietta. By act of the Legislature, Jan. 20,1843, Mary B., James R., and Elias B. were authorized to sell the property. They sold to David La Tourette April 30, 1845. On the same day the children executed another deed to La Tourette, who died seized (will, dated Feb. 3, 1862, proved Jan. 21, 1835), and his children now own what they have not sold. No. 11 was deeded by Kuyper to George Vreeland. By his will, dated May 4, 1793, proved Aug. 14, 1795, he gave this lot and No. 2 on the Bay to his grandson George Vreeland, who sold No. 11 to James R. Mullany May 1, 1821, taking a con- sideration mortgage which was foreclosed and the lot sold by the sherift" to Albert M. Zabriskie May 26, 1837. Albert sold to Michael Zabriskie July 1, 1840, who sold to Jahiel Parmley Aug. 22, 1849, and Aug. 20, 1850 ; who sold to Edmund C. Bramhall Nov. 26, 1862. The deed of Aug. 20, 1850, was erroneous in description, but corrected by Zabriskie's executors Nov. 26, 1862. No. 12 was deeded by Kuyper to Cornelius Garrabrants, who by will, dated April 7, 1814, proved July 30. 1814, gave the same to his daughters, Jane, wife of John Van Home, and Lenah, wife of John G. Vreeland. Vide Note to Lot No. 417, p. 144. These devisees with their husbands by joint deed conveyed the same to Michael Za- briskie Aug. 13, 1822; who conveyed to his son, Albert M., Aug. 31, 1840. Michael's ■wife, Jane, did not join in this deed, hence they executed another Oct. 22, 1844. Albert M. Zabriskie conveyed it to Andrew D. Mellick April 26, 1854 ; Mellick to George D. Phelps May 5, 1357. Henry B. Beaty, sheriff, on execution, sold Mellick's interest in the lot to Abigail Ayres March 26, 1859, and Phelps conve^-ed to Ayres June 28, 1860 ; Ayres to Charles A. Sherman July 2, 1830 ; Sherman to Andi-ew D. Mellick, jr., April 2, 1866. No. 13 was known as the " Red House Lot. " It was sold by Charity Stockholme to Peter Samuel Du Pont de Nemours April 11, 1800 ; who sold to John Xavier Bureaux Pusy May 11, 1802 ; who, by his attorney Peter Samuel Du Pont de Ne- mours, sold to Victor Du Pont de Nemours May 11, 1802 ; who sold to Jasper Za- briskie May 31, 1802. Zabriskie, by will without date, codicil dated Oct. 27, 1828, proved Nov. 15, 1828, gave it to his son Michael for life, then to his lawful issue "by any after marriage." On failure of such issue, then to the children of his grandson Albert M. Under this will it came to the children of Albert M. His son Michael A. sold one undivided eighth to Elizabeth D., wife of Andrew D. Mellick, Feb. 25, 1856. David Zabriskie sold one-eighth to his father, Albert M., Dec. 27, 1856. Samuel T. Brown, Hanson Carragan, and Jasper G. Cadmus, Commissioners, sold to Robert Mackie Dec. 13, 1858. This last deed does not seem to have been satisfactory, hence Albert M. Zabriskie, and his children, Margaret Ann, Jane A., Gertrude L., Albert A., and Samuel S. (the last four infixnts), and Mellick deeded to Mackie. Mackie sold to BEKGEN POINT LOT. 143 Sickles and Abraham Dedricks. The Deacons are now Mess''^- Johannis Van Wagenen, George Cadmus, Abraham Prior, and Hendrick Kuyper. Elizabeth D. Mellick, April 28, 1859, a strip about 36 feet wide off of the E. side of this lot, which she sold to Abigail Ayres July 2, 1860 ; who sold to Charles A. Sher- man July 2, 1860 ; who sold to Andrew D. Mellick, jr., April 2, 1866. The following deeds were given by the Zabriskie children to Catherine, wife of Robert Mackie : Samuel S., April 18, 1866 ; Gertrude L., July 14, 1862 ; Jane A., July 7, 1800 ; Albert A., July 12, 1884. The following brief record of the Zabriskie family will be intei-esting in this con- nection, and of assistance in tracing out titles. Albert Zabriskie m. Machtelt Van der Linden Dec. 17, 1676. His son Joost was b. 1687, d. July 30, 1756. Albert, the son of Joost (?), was b. 1730, m. Geertruy Westervelt, and d. Sept., 1785. He had ch. I. Christiana, b. Dec. 13, 1752; II. Benjamin, b. Dec. 31, 1754 ; 111. Joost, b. March 8, 1757 ; IV. Casparus (or Jasper), b. Aug. 12, 1759 ; V. Hendrickje, b. Nov. 19, 1761 ; VI. Antje, b. Aug. 25, 1764 ; VII. Ossiltje, b. Dec. 27, 1766 ; VIII. Rachel, b. Dec. 28, 1768 ; IX. Jan, b. Nov. 19, 1770. Caspakus, m. 1st, Annetje Vreeland ; 2d, Jane, dau. of Henry Kipp of New Bar- badoes Neck, July 3, 1791 ; d. Oct. 19, 1828. By his first wife he had Michael, b. May 31, 1785, m. Jane, dau. Jan Ackerman, Sept. 6, 1807. By his 2d wife he had Ger- trude, b. June 26, 1792, m. Hermanns Gan-etson, of Staten Island, Feb. 20, 1808, d. Feb. 27, 1822. Michael had ch. Albert M., h. May 31, 1808, m. Ann M., dau. of Capt. David La Tourette, Oct. 9, 1828. Gertrude had ch. I. Jasper, b. Dec. 11, 1809, d. April 5, 1813 ; II. John, b. July 7, 1811, d. Aug. 18, 1811; IIL Albert, b. Feb. 22, 1813, d. Sept. 9, 1814 ; IV. Jasper, b. Nov. 10, 1816. Frangoise, the widow of Pusy, released to Elias Bui'ger her right of dower in Lots JVos. 11, 13, 14, and 15 Sept. 1, 1812. No. 14. Vide Note to Lot No. 9, p. 70. This lot and Lot No. 15 on the Kill and Lots Nos. 1 and 15 on the Bay were sold by John N. Cummings to Pusy Jan. 1, 1800, who by his attorney Samuel Du Pont sold to Victor Du Pont, who sold to Jasper Za- briskie. Vide Note to Lot No. 13, p. 70, and Note to Lot No. 413, p. 142. This lot formed part of the estate partitioned among Jasper Garretson's children. Alathea sold her allotment, plot A of share 6, to Benjamin F. Woolsey June 17, 1870. No. 15. Vide Notes to Lots Nos. 9 and 14, p. 70. No. 16 was, with Lot No. 16 on the Bay, deeded by Kuyper to Cornelius Van Vorst. No. 18 and Lot No. 18 on the Bay were owned by Michael and Abraham Van Tuyl. Michael joined "the Army of the King," in January, 1779, his property was confiscated, and his interest in these lots sold at public auction May 15, 1787. Cor- nelius Haring, agent for forfeited estates, gave to Andrew Van Tuyl and George Douglas, June 20, 1787, a deed for one-half of this lot, one-half of lot 18, on the Bay, and l-36th of the Ferry lot. It seems that Michael had sold the Kill lot to Eich- ard Vai-ick Sept. 12, 1774, and Varick's devisees, Abraham and Richard Varick, sold the same to George Mclntyre, May 1, 1790. I give these dates as I find them. Mclntyre died seized. By his will dated Sept. 19, 1800, he gave to his wife Dorcas one-third of his lands, and made her his executrix. In March term. 1801, the Court ordered the property sold. At auctioa Aug. 24, 1801, she sold to Casparus Zabriskie 8 24-lOOths acres on rear of lot No. 18, and 2 acres on rear of Bay lot No. 4. She, with her second husband, Moses Allen, sold 15 5-lOOths acres, including Lot No. 18. Elias Enyard sold one acre on the front ol this lot to 144 BERGEN POINT hOT. And as the Minister, P'.lders, and Deacons form a Consistory and have the Care both of the TemporaHties and Spiritual Government of the said John M. Enynril April 4, 1823. It had been conveyed to him by Nicholas Euyard. Jacob A. Van Home gave to David La Tourette a deed for it Jan. 19, 1833. NEWA/sK BAY LOTS. No. 1 was deeded by Kuyper to William Bayard. Anthony White died seized of it. Vide Note to Kili Lots Nos. 9 and lA. Fran(,-oise, widow of Jean Xavier Bureaux de Pusy, sold her interest in this and Bay lot No. 5 to Charles H. L. Preudhomme du Pont Feb. 10, 1807 ; who sold Lot No. 1 to Jacob Van Home Jan. 21, 1811 ; who sold to Hermanns Garretson Feb. 17, 1819. James Sinionson seems to have owned a part of this lot, and sold to Cornelias C. Van Buskirk, Jan. 12, 1820, one acre; who sold the same to Hermanns Garretson Oct. 2, 1820; who sold the whole lot to David La Tourette March 6, 1821. No. 2. Fide Note to Kill Lot No. 11. George Vreeland sold it to Andrew Van Home May IS, 1816. John G. Vreeland sold it to David La Tourette Oct. 9, 1820 (Andrew Van Home gave La Tourette a deed for it March 4, 1831). No. 4. The rear part of this lot was sold by Andrew Van Horne to David La Tourette, May 1, 1818. No. 5. Vide Note to Kill Lots Nos. 9 and 14. Sold by John N. Cummings to John H. L. Bureaux De Pusy Jan. 1, 1800. Vide Note to Bay Lot No. 1. Andrew Van Horne, jr., sold a part of this lot to David La Tourette March 29, 1820. Nos. 6 and 7, sold by Walter Clendenny to Cornelius Van Buskirk Oct. 18, 1809. Van Buskirk et al. sold the same in parcels to David La Tourette. (Deed for 13 6- 10th acres, dated Jan. 5, 1822.) No. 8 was deeded by Kuyper to Claas Vreeland. Vide Note to Kill Lot No. 6. It was sold by Nicholas Enyard to Cornelius C. Van Buskirk May 25, 1816. No. 9 was deeded by Kuyper to Jorvis Cadmus. Vide Note to Kill Lot No. 5. Peter, William, and Zebulon La Rosa sold it to David La Tourette March 22, 1817. They owned it as early as 1795. Lot 10. Nicholas Inyard sold 4 1-lOth acres of this lot to David La Tourette Aug. 18, 1819. No. 11. This was owned by Thomas Brown, probably deeded to him by Kuyper. In 1794 his widow was in possession. On her death it passed to her grandson Andi-ew Gautier, Vide Note to Andriessen's Patent, p. 13, who sold to Peter Post July 18,1796 ; who sold to Du Pont Jan. 11, 1800. Cornelius C. Van Buskii'k, sold 5 1-lOth acres of this and lot 10 to James Simonsoii Jan. 12, 1820 ; who sold to David La Tourette March 13, 1821. No. 12 was sold by Catherine Kuyper, widow and administratrix of Hendricus Kuyper, to Egbert Post Sept. 26, 1794, and by him to Henry Van Home April 28, 1813. No. 13. Vide Note to Kill Lot No. 1. John Van Dalson, a son-in-law of Hendrick Kuyper, Vide Note to Van Purinerent's Patent, p. 7, sold his interest in this lot to Egbert Post Sept. 26, 1794, who sold to Henry Van Horne April 28, 1813. No. 14 was deeded by Kuyper to Daniel Smith, who sold to Egbert Post Sept. 26, 1794 ; who sold to Henry Van Horne April 28, 1813. No. 15. Vide Note, to Kill Lot No. 9. No. 17. Sold in part by Ichabod Gruman to George Mclntyre May 1, 1787, and in part to Moses Van Ame July 18, 1788. Ichabod and Hannah Gruman and John Hol- der united in another deed to Van Ame, July 19, 1788. George Mclntyre owned it in 1790. CHURCH LOTS. 145 Church as they and the People of the said Church declare to us re- ferring for further Testimony of the Truth thereof to the. Books and Records of the said Church. 212E0 I30 set off, adjudge and allot to them the said Minister and Elders and Deacons and their successors in Office for- ever, The sundry Tracts or Lots of Land hereafter de- scrib'd being parcel of the said Common Lands, to be by them held and injoy'd for the Use of said Church and Congregation. ^UV .Surijeg of which sundry Tracts or Lots of Land, for said Church shews, and we do adjudge them to be four Tracts or Lots. 2Cf|t jpiVUt being that whereon the Church stands with the Burying Yard adjoining to it (mark'd on the Map No 173) * . JJCflfUS at a stake standing by the Northwest side of the Road lead- ing from the Town to Bergen Point (which Stake is the Easterly Corner of an Out Garden Plot in Tielman Van Vleck's Patent mark'd on the Map No 129) and from the said Stake runs North nineteen Degrees and forty Minutes East two Chains and thirty three Links to a Stake stand- ing at the Easterly Corner of the Church Yard. Thence North forty three Degrees and fifteen Minutes West One Chain to a Stake standing at the Northerly Corner of the Church Yard, Thence South forty De- grees and twenty Minutes West two Chains and seventy four links to a Stake, Thence South sixty three Degrees and ten Minutes East one Chain and eighty six Links to the Place of Beginning. 2rj)0 ^CCOnTf being that whereon the Parsonage House now .stands with the Garden and a small Piece of Pasture land adjoining thereto (mark'd on the Map No i74)t i$tQinH at a Stake standing by the Northwest side of the Road that leads from the Town to Bergen Point (which Stake is the Southerly Corner of an Out Garden Plot* in Tielman Van Vleck's Patent mark'd *72 on the Map No 129) and from said Stake runs South fourteen Degrees and twenty Minutes West six Chains and seventy five Links along said Road to a Post (which Post is the easterly Corner of the Piece of Land i* o. 18. Vide Note to Kill Lot No. 13. Forty acres, including nearly all of lots 15, 16, 17, and 18, were conveyed to Jacob Eabineau by Cornelius Van Home June 16, 1836. FERRY LOT. The interests of the different owners of this lot became consolidated in Charles Henry Lambert Preudhomme du Pont, in 1800. I will not attempt to trace the sev- eral transfers. At that time it lay E. of the road. He annexed it to Lot No. 10, by procuring a relocation of the road to the E. side of the Lot, Feb 17, 1801. Fide Note to Kill Lot No. 10. It is well to observe that the road as now in existence is entirely upon the Ferry lot, and that the road was opened to the water and there connected with the Ferry. For many years, however, its use to the water's edge has been abandoned. ° Yet owned by the Church. t This lot extended along the W. side of the road to Bergen Point, from a point about 100 feet N. of Highland ave., S. to Glenwood ave. On this lot the Church ^9 14G CHURCH LOTS. appropriated for Mechanicks mark'd on the Map No 171,) And from said Post runs North sixty seven Degrees and fifty Minutes West three Chains and twelve Links to a Stake, Thence South twenty six Degrees and thirty Minutes West six Chains and fifteen Links to a Stake, Thence North sixty nine Degrees and fifteen Minutes West One Chain and ninety Links to a Stake, Thence North thirty Degrees East thirteen Chains to a Stake (standing at the Westerly Comer of the said Out Garden Plot in Tielman Van Vleck's Patent mark'd on the Map No 129) and from said Stake runs South sixty three Degrees and ten Minutes East two Chains and eighty two Links to the Place of Beginning. STijC ffi'ljtttJ is a Farm Lot lying Southerly of the Town of Bergen and back of Comunipan mark'd on the Map No 175)* i^CQtnntUS at a stake standing by a Brook or Creek (which Stake is the Southerly Corner of Fytje Hartman's second Patent mark'd on the Map No 15) and from said Stake runs North forty nine Degrees and now stands. A strip N. of Highland ave., about 100 hundred feet iu width, was sold by the Church to Garret Sip, May 5, 1863. This is marked No. 1, in the ac- companying diagram. No. 2 is still OAved by the Church. No. 3 was sold to John Blinner Nov. 25, 1863. No. 4 was sold to Isaac S. Taylor Jan. 7, 1868. A is High- land ave., and B. is Glenwood ave. * Bergen Church was incorporated Dec. 20, 1771, by Act of the Legislature. On March 5, 1806, the Congregation determined to sell their lands, and the Consistory decided to sell this lot to the highest bidder. The E. part of the lot was sold to Jacob Prior April 30, 1806 (Elias Eai-1 bought a piece of the lot, which Abraham Vreeland afterwards purchased). These sales were confirmed Jan. 28, 1814. Owing to an in- accuracy in the description, a new deed was given to Prior Dec. 5, 1809. His pur- chase was on the E. end of the lot = 30f acres and six perches. By will, dated Aug. 14, 1830, Prior gave this lot to bis children Nicholas and Gitty, wife of Henry Allen. Allen et ux. sold their interest in the lot Oct. 2, 1833, and confirmed it by another deed July 16, 1850. Nearly half of the lot remained in possession of the Church. The Consistory re- solved, Sept. 21, 1835, to take the sense of the Congregation as to selling the lands of the Church. A paper was circulated for that purpose, and the result was 94 votes for the sale; 1 vote for the sale, "except the lands near where the church now is," and — votes for the sale, " except the old parsonage lot " ; nays, none. An act was passed in 1837 empowering the Church to sell lands. The W. half of the lot = 31 80-100 acres, bounded N. E. by the heirs of Clendenny and David Yreeland, S. E. by Nicholas Prior, S. W. by John E. Post, N. W. by the old road, was sold to Stephen Garretson Feb. 11, 1839. The grantee being a deacon in the Church at the time, a question was raised as to his title. A confirmatory deed was executed May 31, 1851. Garretson sold to Luman Sherwood June 10, 1851, and he to Edwin J. Brown Sept. 27, 1852. SCHOOL LOTS. 147 twenty Minutes West forty two Chains and eighty four Links to a Stake, Thence South thirty five Degrees West two Chains and sixty two Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty Degrees and ten Minutes ^^'est six Chains and seventy seven Links to a Stake, Then South forty three Degrees and thirty Minutes West thirteen Chains and eighty Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty Degrees East twenty five Chains and thirty four Links to a Stake (being the Northerly Corner of Dirck Classen's Patent mark'd on the Map No 17) and from said Stake runs South twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East twenty three Chains and eighty six Links along said Dirck Classen's Line to a Stake by the Edge of the Meadow which is the easterly Corner of said Dirck Classin's Patent No 17, Then North twenty seven Degrees and fifteen Minutes East Eleven Chains and four Links along the Edge of the Meadow to a Stake standing by the Head of a small Creek, Thence South forty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East two Chains and seventy five Links to where said small Creek falls into Dirck Sy can's Creek, Then up along said Sy can's Creek Northeast- erly as it runs to the Place of Beginning. Wf)t jFOttttI) is a Lot of timber'd Land mark'd on the Map No 176* MtQinnUlQ at a Stake (which Stake stands North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East ninety four Chains and fifty Links from large Stone mark'd M 1764 planted at a Corner of Wiehaken Commons) and from said * Stake runs North fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes West *>j^ thirty eight Chains to a Stake, Thence North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East three Chains and ninety five Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East thirty eight Chains to a Stake, Thence South thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes West three Chains and ninety five Links to the Place of Beginning. ^ntr for the JFC00 SCljOOl of the said Town of Ber- gen We have set apart sundry Tracts or Lots of Land hereafter describ'd being also Parcel of the said Common Land. #lir whereof shews and we adjudge them to be two Tracts ^f^t jFl'rSt whereof mark'd on the Map No 206* ]$CfiinS at a Stake (being the Northerly Corner of a Lot of Com- mon Land alloted to Fytje Hartman's Patent mark'd on the Map No 205 which Stake stands North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East, One hundred and thirteen Chains and forty five Links from a large Stone mark'd M 1764. standing in one of the Corners of Wiehaken Commons) And from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty eight Chains to the Edge of Slaugh's Meadow, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning ; and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East nine Chains and forty Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains and fifty Links to said Slaugh's Meadow, Then down along the same betwixt the Upland and Meadow 'til it meets the aforesaid Line that runs to said Meadow, containing (after an Allowance for the Hill) about forty Acres. 3ri}0 .SfCOUTl (mark'd on the Map No 259) t MtQinU at a Stake (standing in the Line of Dirck Sycan's Patent mark'd on the Map No 18 which Stake is the easterly Comer of a Lot * Vide Note to De Bachers Patent, p. 10. Adjudged to Cornelius Brinkerhoff, p. 131. Hendrick by will, dated Feb. 12, 1834, gave to bis grandchildren, Henry, Corne- lius, and John, the Lot in question, with Subdivision No. 305. John took the upper, Cornelius the middle, Henry the lower part of the two Lots. + Vide Note to De Backer's Patent, p. 10, and Lot No. 206, p. 82. In the N. W. corner of this Lot Hendrick conveyed one acre to Daniel Van Clief Dec. 26, 1815. ■ ^^^ jiaad. ' ^* ^^^® kno\Yn as the Long Bridge Lot, and was left by Hendrick to his grandsons ; Cor- nelius taking the N. part. He died seized June 13, 1850, and it was partitioned be- tween his two children, Cornelius and Eleanor C, as per annexed sketch, by Commissioners, whose report was confirmed by the Orplian's Court in Oct. Term, 1857. Eleanor C. con- veyed her portions to Jeremiah W. Dwight, by her guardian, April 1, 1864 (she was then an infant). Her husband, Wm. H. Speer, and her guardian executed another deed to Dwight on same day. Cornelius conveyed his portions of this tract to Esther A., wife of Edmund C. Bramhall, July 6, 1860. The lot not having been properly partitioned between John, Cornelius, and Henry Brin- kerhoff, their heirs released the above pur- chase to Mrs. Bramhall Nov. 24, 1865. The S. part of the Lot tell to Henry and John """"*' Brinkerhoff, who conveyed to David Gould These grantees mapped (map filed), and sold in lots. The Cfiiy //^Atf Cornt-ttu^ and Abraliam Morrell. Lot adjoins Woodlawn ave., in Greenville. COMMON LANDS. 161 of Common Land alloted to said Dirck Sycan's Patent mark'd on the Map No 258) and from said Stake runs along said Sycan's Patent North forty two Degrees East twenty Chains and forty six Links to a Stake, 'I'hence North forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes West thirty Chains and seventy five Links to a Stake, Thence South thirty six De- grees West seven Chains and sixty four Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty Degrees West twelve Chains and eighty seven Links to the Norther- most Corner of the aforesaid Common Land alloted to Dirck Sycan's Patent, Then along * the Line of the same South forty three Degrees and *S$ forty five Minutes East thirty one Chains and seventy five Links to the Place of Beginning ; containing about sixty two Acres. To the first Patent of Philip Carteret to Fytje Hartman dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty eight for a Tract of Land lying at Communipan. 21230 do allot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 205) ©UC SUCb05 whereof shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract J5f3inntnS at a Stake (bemg the Northermost Corner of a Parcel of Common Land allotted to Dirck Claasen's Patent mark'd on the Map No 204, whicli said Stake stands North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East eighty nine Chains from a large Stone mark'd ^ 1764 planted in one of the Corners of Wiehaken Commons) and from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains to a Stake in the Edge of Slaugh's Meadow where the same joins the Upland, Then returning to the first mentioned Stake the Place of Be- ginning and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Min- utes East twenty four Chains and forty five Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty eight Chains to the said Slaughs Meadow, Then along the same Southwesterly betwixt the Upland and Meadow to the aforesaid Stake in the Edge of the Meadow, Containing (after an Allowance for the Hill) about one hundred and tour Acres. To the Second Patent of Philip Carteret to Fytje Hartman dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand six hundred and sixty eight, for a Tract of Land lying behind Communipan SI2E0 do allot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 260) #Ut . Mellick and Thomas J. Jones, deed to be given in Nov., 1871 ; Lot No. 2, at Droyer's Point, now held by them in conmion. John received the S. half of Lot No. 212; 8 acres, 2 roods, and 14 rods ot Lot No. 265 ; part of Lot No. 2 at Droyer's Point = 4 acres, 3 roods, 7 rods ; and the whole ot Lots Nos. 417 and 427. OEORGE VREELANDT ET AL. ] 65 Map No 259, Thence along the Line thereof North forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes West thirty one Chains and seventy five Links to a Stake, Then South fifty Degrees West fourteen Chains and sixty six Links to the Line of Lawrens Andrieses Patent mark'd on the Map No 19, Thence along the Line thereof South twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East thirty five Chains and eighty Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about sixty four Acres. STijP 2rf)irTl (mark'd on the Map No 265) IStQiViU at a Stake standing in a Swampy Creek (being the North- erly Corner of Lawrence Andriese's Patent mark'd on the Map No 19) and from said Stake runs North twenty seven Degrees and thirty Min- utes West twenty four Chains and ninety Links to the Edge of the Meadow, Then along said Meadow Edge South twenty six Degrees and fifty Minutes West five Chains and seventy two Links to a Stake (being the Southerly Corner of a Lot of Meadow in Peter Jacobse's Patent * *o^ mark'd on the Map No 121) Then South six Degrees East five Chains and ten Links, Then South forty Degrees and thirty Minutes East two Chains and fifty nine Links to a large Red Oak Tree mark'd standing near the Meadow Edge, Then South forty Degrees West twelve Chains and forty eight Links to a Stone near the Mouth of a Creek call'd the swampy Creek, Then up along said swampy Creek as the same runs to the Place of Beginning, containing about eighteen Acres of Upland and Meadow. To the Patent of William Kieft to Claas Carstensen Norman dated the twenty fifth Day of March, One thousand six hun- dred and forty seven, and confirm'd (with an Addition of Land) by Patent from Philip Carteret to Lawrens Andriese, dated the twenty sixth Day of March One thousand six hun- dred and sixty seven for a Parcel of land lying at Mingack- qua. do dllot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 266) ^Ut tSutijCg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract iSCgtltUtUg at a Stake, (being the Southerly Comer of a Lot of Com- mon Land allotted to Lubert Gilbertse's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 267, which Stake stands South thirty nine Degrees West sixty three Chains and ninety seven Links from a Stone mark'd B planted in the Westermost Corner of a Lot of Common Land (allotted to Bamt Christian's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 277 ; And from said Stake (the Place of Begin- ning) runs North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to New Ark Bay, Then' returning to the first mentioned Stake ; and from thence runs South thirty nine Degrees West seventeen Chains and eighty eight Links to a Stake in the Line of a Tract of Land set apart for sale mark'd on the Map No 172, Thence along the Line thereof North eighty five Degrees West thirteen Chains and thirty seven Links to a Stake (being a Corner of said Land set apart for Sale), Then along the Line thereof North fifty one Degrees West thirty Chains to said New Ark Bay, Then along said Bay Northeasterly as the same runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line containing about one hundred Acres. l(i(i JACOH VAN WAGENEN. To the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Lubert Gilbertse dated the fifth Day of I)eceml)er, One thousand six hundred & fifty four for a Piece of Land lying at Mingackqua ; * 2!2ilC do allot the two several Parcels of Land following (But .SUtbCJ) whereof shews and we adjudge them to be two Tracts STfjC JpitUt whereof (mark'd on the Map No 278) * iStiJlllJEJ at New Ark Bay the Westermost Corner of said Lubert Gilbertse's Patent mark'd on the Map No 20 ; and from thence runs North sixty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East eighteen Chains and fifty six Links to the Northermost Corner of said Gilbertse's Patent (being in the Line of Lawrence Andrieses Patent mark'd on the Map No 19) Thence North twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes West thir- teen Chains and eighty six Links to said New Ark Bay, Then down the same as it runs to the Place of Beginning containing about twelve Acres. f fje .SeCOntf (mark'd on the Map No 267) t ^tQinU at a Stake being the Southerly Corner of a Lot of Common Land (allotted to Severin Lawrense's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 268 ; which Stake stands south thirty nine Degrees West forty five Chains and seventy five Links from a Stone mark'd B standing in the Westerm jst Corner of a Lot of Common Land (allotted to Barnt Christian's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 277, and from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains and twenty Links to New Ark Bay, Then re- turning to said Stake the Place of Beginning ; and from thence runs South thirty nine Degrees West eighteen Chains and twenty two Links to a Stake being the easterly Corner of a Lot of Common Land (allotted to Law- rence Andriese's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 266 Then along the Line thereof North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to said New Ark Bay, Then up along the same as it runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line containing about seventy three Acres. ''This Lot was adjudged to Jacob Van Wagenen, p. 144. Vide Note to Lubert Gilbertse's Patent, p. 14. t Adjudged to Jacob Van Wagenen, p. 144. He conveyed to liis grandson, Cor- nelius Van Buskirk, a strip, 1 chain and 25 links wide = 5 acres, out of the S. E. side of the lot, Dec. 10, 1794. Van Buskirk sold the same to John G. Vreeland and Lenah ux. Jan. 1, 1798. Of the balance of the Lot Van Wagenen died seized. Vide Note to Spier's Patent, p. 15. His surviving executor conveyed a strip next N. of Van Buskirk's, 6 chains and 35 links wide, to James R. Mullany May 15, 1824 ; who died siezed, and his heirs conveyed to David La Tom-ette March 30, 1848. The surviving executor conveyed to David La Tourette, Feb. 5, 1824, a strip 3 chains and 5 links wide next N. of the Van Buskirk sti'ip. About 1824 all of Van Wagenen's lands were sold in parcels. Of Lots Xos. 267 and 268 were sold to John Van Buskirk 8 34-100 acres May 1, 1824; 8 34-100 acres to James Van Buskirk May 1, 1824 ; 8 34-100 acres to William C. Vreeland May 1, 1824 ; 5 acres to Michael B. Terhune May 1, 1824 ; 13 acres I0 Michael Za- briskie Feb. 5, 1824 ; and 17 92-100 acres to Michael Zabriskie. These tracts have since been sold, and are now owned by Solon Humphreys, Jacob R. Schuyler/ Henry Meigs, General Morris, Charles Morris, Nehemiah B. Lane, and Alpha Phillips. Vide Note to Lot Xo. 417, p. 144. JACOB VAN WAGE N' EN WIDOW SPIER. 167 To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Severin Lawrens dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand six hundred and sixty eight for a Piece of Land at Mingackqua formerly granted by a Dutch Patent to Jan Corneliesen Puis 213E0 do allot the two several Parcels of Land following (But ^UV^tS whereof shews and we adjudge them to be two Tracts * ^l)f iFltSt whereof (mark'd on the Map No 279) * *8g 3SCgtniS at New Ark Bay, at the westermost Corner of Lubert Gil- bertse's Patent mark'd on the Map No 20, and thence runs along the Line thereof South twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes East twenty chains and seventeen Links to the Northermost Corner of said Severin Lawrens's Patent mark'd on the Map No 31, Then along the Line thereof South sixty two Degrees and thirty Minutes West twelve Chains and twenty five Links to a Stake being the westermost Corner of said Severin Lawrense's Patent, Thence North twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes West to said New Ark Bay, Then up along said Bay as it runs to the Place of Beginning, Containing about twenty three Acres. ^f)t ^ttOnti (mark'd on the Map No 268) t i$(QinH at the Southermost Corner of a Lot 01 Common Land (allotted to Hendrick Jansen Spier's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 269 which Stake stands South thirty nine Degrees West thirty seven Chains and Seventy three Links from a Stone mark'd B standing in the Wester- most Comer of a Lot of Common Land (allotted to Barnt Christian's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 277 and from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning ; and from thence runs South thirty nine Degrees West eight Chams and two Links to a Stake being the East- ermost Corner of a Lot of Common Land (allotted to Lubert Gilbertse's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 267, Thence North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains and twenty Links to said New Ark Bay, Then up said Bay as the same runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line containing about thirty two Acres. To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Hendrick Jansen Spier dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand six hundred and sixty-eight for a Piece of Land lying at Mingackqua. 2129^0 do allot the two several Parcels of Land following, #Ur .StltiJtg whereof shews, and we adjudge them to be two Tracts JTiftC jFitSt whereof (mark'd on the Map No 28o)| i$tQiVLU at the Northermost Corner of said Hendrick Jansen Spier's Patent mark'd on the Map No 22, and from thence runs North twenty seven Degrees * and thirty Minutes West to New Ark Bay, then return- ^ ing to the Place of Beginning and from thence runs South sixty two De- ^ grees and thirty Minutes West sixteen Chains and forty-two Links to the Westerly Corner of said Hendrick Jansen Spier's Patent, Thence North * Adjudged to Jacob Van Wagenen, p. 145. Vide Note to Spier's Patent, p. 15. t Adjudged to Jacob Van Wagenen, p. 145. Vide Note to Lot Xo. 27G, p. 88. t Adjudged to Widow Spier et al. p., 145, Vide Note to Spier's Patent, p. 15. 1G8 WIDOW SPIER ET AL. twenty seven Degrees and thirty Minutes West to said New Ark Bay, Then up said Jiay as the same runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line containing al)out fifty Acres, binding Southerly upon the Patent to Dirck Sycan mark'd on the Map No 23. JCIjC ScCOntf (mark'd on the Map No 269)* iiC0tUS at a Corner of a Tract of Common Land allotted to Jan- sen's cS: Edsal's Patent at Constable's Hook) mark'd on the Map No 270; Which Corner is South thirty nine Degrees West thirty two Chains and nine Links from a Stone mark'd B standing in the westermost Cor- ner of a Lot of Common Land (Allotted to Barn't Christian's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 277 and from said firs mention'd Corner runs North fifty one Degrees West forty one Chains to New Ark Bay, Then returning to said first mentioned Corner the Place of Beginning and from thence runs South thirty nine Degrees West five Chains and sixty four Links to a Stake (being the Easterly Corner of Lot No 268), Thence North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to said New Ark Bay, Then up said Bay as the same runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line, containing about twenty two Acres. To the Second Patent of Philip Carteret to Dirck Sycan dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand six hundred and sixty eight for two Parcels of Land lying at Pembre- pogh. 5l29tC do ^Kot a certain Parcel of Land mark'd on the Map No 271) (f^Ut ^ItViitS whereot shews and we adjudge to be a Tract i$C0tUntng at a stake standing North thirty nine Degrees East fifty Links from a Stone mark'd B standing in the Westermost Corner ot a Lot of Common Land (allotted to Barnt Christian's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 277 and from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East twenty Chains and sixty Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one De- grees West forty one Chains & forty nine Links to said New Ark Bay, Then down said Bay as the same runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line Containing about eighty four Acres. ''9^ * To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Thomas Davison dated the twenty second Day of December, One thousand six hundred and sixty nine for a Parcel of Land lying' at Pem- brepogh. 215E0 do ^llot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 272) ©III* rSUtbCg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract ]$C0t1intn0 at a Stake, being the Easterly Corner of a Lot of Com- mon Land (allotted to Dirck Sycan's Patent) mark'd on the Map No * Adjudged to the Widow Spier, et al., p. 145, Vide Note to Lot No. 423, p. 147, aniZot No. 423, p. 147. It was probably sold to Vreeland by the heirs of Spier, Fide Note to Spier's Patent, p. 15. aEORGE CADMUS. 169 271; Which Stake stands North thirty nine Degrees East twenty one Chains and twelve Links from a Stone niark'd B standing in the wester- most Corner of a Lot of Common Land (allotted to Barnt Christian's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 277 And from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty one Chains and forty nine Links to New Ark Bay then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East ten Chains and three Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West forty two Chains and twenty Links to said New Ark Bay, Then down said Bay as the same runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line, Containing about forty two Acres. To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Thomas Davison, da ted the twelfth Day of December One thousand six hundred & sixty nine for a Parcel of Land lying at Pembrepogh. 2123.0 do allot a certain Parcel of Land markM on the Map No 275)* ©lie .SurbeS whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract, Ut0inntUg at a Stake, being the Eastermost Corner of a Lot of Comon Land (allotted to Peter Jansen Slaat's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 274; which Stake stands North thirty nine Degrees East fifty three Chains & forty five Links from a Stone mark'd B standing in the westermost Corner of a Lot of Comon Land (allotted to Barnt Chris- tian's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 277; and from said Stake runs North fifty-one Degrees West forty two Chains & twenty Links to New Ark Bay, Then returning to the said Stake the Place of Beginning ; And from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East seven Chains & seventy Links to a Stake, Then North forty two Degrees West thirty nine Chains to New Ark Bay, Then down along said Bay 'til it meets the first mentioned Line, Containing about forty three Acres. * To the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Peter Jansen Slaat *q2 dated the fifth Day of December One thousand six hundred & fifty four confirmed by Patent from PhiUp Carteret to said Slaat dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand six hun- dred and sixty eight for a Parcel of Land lying at Pembre- pogh 21291c do allot a certain Parcel of Land mark'd on the Map No 274 t * This and Lot No. 274 were adjudged to George Cadmus, p. 149, Vide Note to Slott's Patent, p. 17. John Cadmus received from his father, Jasper, Jan. 20, 1820, 75 acres next S. of Lot No. 276, also 18 acres of meadow. He also bought from Rachel Yreeland five acres, April 26, 1831, and from Michael M. Vreeland, Feb. 7, 1832, Lot No. 2, on the Commissioners' Map of Cornelius Vreeland's estate. Of these tracts he died seized, in July, 1832, leaving his widow Elizabeth and children, Rachel, wife of Cornelius Van Buskirk, Jasper, jr., Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Woods, fVil- liam, Bichard, and Martha, among whom his estate was partitioned by commissioners in 1844. By deeds, in 1859, Jasper and William conveyed their interest in the tract to Peter Bently, et al. The village of Bayonne was laid out on this lot. t Vide Note to Slott's Patent, p. 17. Jasper sold to Jasper, jr., land and salt mea- dow = 75 acres, Jan. 21, 1820. Jasper, jr., by will, dated May 28, 1853, gave to his son Jasper the N. half of his farm and meadow, and of the upland adjoining the meadow of Stephen Terhune, and to his son William the S. half of his farm. 22 170 JOHN VAN IIOKNE. (?Dur cSutiJtS whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract 2$C(}tnUtU0 at a Stake, being the Eastermost Comer of a Lot of Common l.antl (allotted to Hendrick Jansen Van Schalckwyck's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 273 ; which Stake stands North thirty nine De- grees East forty three Chains and twenty seven Links from a Stone mark'd B standing in the westermost Corner of a Lot of Common Land (allotted to ]5anit Christian's Patent) mark'd on the Map No 277 ; And from said stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty four Chains and forty Links to New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East ten Chains and eighteen Links to a Stake, Then North fifty one Degrees West forty two Chains and twenty Links to said New Ark Bay, Then down said Bay as the same runs 'til it meets the first mention'd Line con- taining about forty three Acres. To the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Hendrick Jansen Van Schalckwyck dated the fifth Day of December One thousand six hundred and fifty four ; confirm'd by Patent from Philip Carteret to Hessel Vygerse dated the thirtieth day of March one thousand six hundred and seventy five, for a Parcel of Land lying at Pembrepogh. 213E0 do allot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 273)* (But whereof shews and we adjudge them to be two Tracts JTije JiFitSt whereof (mark'd on the Map No 209)* ]SC^tnS at a Stake . (being the Northerly Corner of a Lot of Common Land allotted to Claas Pietersen Cors's Patent mark'd on the Map No 208 and which Stake stands North thirty six Degrees & thirty Minutes East One hundred & forty four Chains & fifty-eight Links from a large Stone mark'd ^ 1764 planted in a Corner of Wiehaken Commons) And from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East fifty seven Chains to the Edge of Slaugh's Meadow (which Meadow is mark'd on the Map 145) And then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning & from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East two Chains & and fifty five Links to a Stake, Then South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East fifty eight Chains to the Edge of said Slaugh's Meadow, Then along betwixt the said Meadow & Up- land 'til it meets the first mentioned Line. Containing (after an Allow- ance for the Hill) about fourteen Acres. ^118 * ^fit .SeCOntr (mark'd on the Map No 239) iJCflfnS at a Stake (standing Souththirty three Degrees West one Chain (S: thirty eight Links from a large Stone mark'd ^Ei3 planted in the Westermost Corner of Wiehaken Commons; And which Stake is the wester- ly Corner of a Lot of Common Land allotted Abraham Isaacsen Plank's Patent mark'd on the Map No 238) And from said Stake runs South fifty seven Degrees East twenty seven Chains and ten Links to a Stake, Thence South thirty three Degrees West eight Chains and eighty four Links to a Stake, Thence South fifteen Degrees West seven Chains and twenty Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty seven Degrees West twenty nine Chains and fifty Links to a Stake, Thence North thirty three De- grees East fourteen Chains and forty four Links to the Place of Beginning. Containing about thirty nine Acres. To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Claas Jansen Vanpur- merant, dated the thirty first Day of March One thousand six * This lot was adjudged to Hendricus Kuyper, p. 208. Vide Note to Lot Xo. 240, p. 78. John Dey sold this and Lot A^o. 210 to Cornelius Garrabrants April 12, 1791. This conveyance recites a deed from Archibald Kennedy to Kuyper Oct. 10, 1767. Garrabrants devised these lots to his sons Cornelius and Peter. Peter died seized and intestate Dec. 24, 1825, and Cornelius Van Winkle and James Van Buskirk, administrators, sold his half, containing twentv-three acres, to Michael Carling June 3, 1828. HENDKICUS KUYPER — SIR PETER WAI{REN. 191 hundred and sixty eight for a Parcel of Upland and a Parcel of Meadow lying eastward of the Town of Bergen 3i2SC do allot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 210) * (But .SuriJCg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract, iJCfltliniHtJ at a Stake (standing North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East One hundred and forty seven Chains and thirteen Links from a large Stone mark'd M. 1764 planted in a Corner of Wieha- ken Commons ; and which Stake is the Northerly Corner of a Lot of Common Land allotted to Hendrick Van Ostrum's Patent mark'd on the Map No 209 ) And from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East fifty eight Chains to the Edge of Slaugh's Meadow, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East eight Chains and ninety nine Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East sixty two Chains and forty Links to Hudson's River, Then down along said River to said Slaugh's Meadow, then along betwixt said Mea- dow and the Upland 'till it meets the first mentioned Line that comes to said Meadow, Containing (after an Allowance for the Hlil) about fifty one Acres. * To the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Jan Vinge dated *jjq the fourth Day of June One thousand six hundred & sixty three for a Piece of Meadow lying Easterly of the Town of Bergen. 213E0 do allot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 218) (BUV SUtbtg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract, f^tQinninQ at a stake (being the Northerly Corner of a Lot of Common Land allotted to Petrus Stuyvesant's Patent mark'd on the Map No 217) and from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East twenty four Chains and forty Links to Hudson's River, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning ; and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East seven Chains and forty one Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East twenty four Chains to said Hudson's River, Then down along said River as it runs 'til it meets the first mentioned Line, Contain- ing (after an Allowance for the Hill ) about fifteen Acres. To the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Cornells Van Ruy ven-, Paulus Lindertz, Alerd Anthony & Johannis Verbruggen, Dated the twenty first Day of November, One thousand six hundred & sixty three. For a Meadow (of old call'd Jacob Slaugh's Meadow) lying upon the West Side of Hud- son's River. 213Ee do allot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 207J « This lot was adjudged to Hendricus Kuyper, p. 218. Vide Note to Lot 209, p. 117. This lot was owned by Cornelius Huyler in 1804. Vide Note to Lot No. 219, p. 77. 192 COMMON LANDS. (5)Ul* .Sucbtg whereof shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract JJfQlUUlUfl -^t a Stake (standing North thirty six Degrees & thirty- Minutes Kast One hundred (S: twenty two Chains & eighty five Links from a large Stone mark'd i^. 1764 j^lanted in a Corner of Wiehaken Com- mons and which Stake is the Northerly Corner of a Lot of Common Land allotted to Nicholas Jansen the Baker's Patent mark'd on the Map No 206) and from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains and fifty Links to the Edge of said Slaugh's Meadow, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning ; *I20 And from thence runs North thirty * six Degrees & thirty Minutes East five Chains and fifty nine Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two De- grees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains and seventy five Links to the Edge of said Slaugh's Meadow, Then along betwixt the Meadow and Upland 'til it meets the firSt mentioned Line that comes to said Mea- dow, Containing (after an Allowance for the Hill) about twenty four Acres. To the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Nicholas Varlet and Nicholas Bayard, Dated the tenth Day of December, One thousand six hundred and sixty three ; confirm'd by Patent from Philip Carteret to said Varlet and Bayard ; Dated the thirtieth Day of October One thousand six hundred and sixty seven. For a certain Plantation or Parcel of Land and Mea- dow called Sekakus, lying in the Kill Van Cull 2I2E0 do allot a certain Parcel of Land (mark'd on the Map No 283), ®UC 2 *=^ ^S the Commissioners have been necessarily led in the Course of this Work to make use ot a great multipHcity of Figures, in order thereby to distinguish the very great variety of seperate Locations, They think it proper here for the sake of Distinction to observe ; jf^iVUt — That All patented and other appropriated Lands are (in the Field Books and Maps) distinguished by the Numbers i — 2 — 3 and so on regularly upwards to Number 179. .SrCOntT — That all Lots of ^OmmOtt HantT as allotted to the respec- tive Patents upon the General Partition are (in the Field Books & Maps) distinguished by the Numbers 201 — 202 — 203 and so on regularly upwards to Number 287. 3ri)irtr— That all SUlltriblSlOltS of (tommon Hanti are (in the Field Books and Maps) distinguished by the Numbers 301 — 302 — 303 & so on regularly upwards to Number 431. tUCotC — The Lots of Common Laid out to the Patents upon the Gene- ral Partition are mark'd out and delineated on the schedules A & B by BLACK Lines, and the Subdivisions made of the said Lots are mark'd out & distmguish'd on both the said Schedules by prick'd Lines. part cSecontr. */23 This is one of the FlELD-BOOKS Of the Partition and Division of the Common Lands Which have been allotted to each respective Patent or Grant within the Bounds & Limits of the Township of IJptSCH — Made in pursuance oi a Law of the Province of New Jersey in America, pass'd in the fourth Year of the Reign of his present Majisty King George the third, — Entitled " An Act appointing Commissioners for finally setling and determining the several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Town- ship of Bergen and for making a Partition thereof in just & equitable Proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commission- ers to be Entitled to the same." The General Partition by the said Act directed having been compleated as the same is recorded in the First Part of this book. We Charles Clinton, William Donaldson, Azariah Dunham, John Berrien & Abraham Clark Junr., five of the Commissioners named in the said Act did make and subscribe a tlSfotiCf in the words following, to wit; " STO all whom these Presents may concern and particularly to such " as claim any Interest in the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen " in the County of Bergen in the Province of New Jersey : " SSEi^CrcaS by a late Law of the Colony of New Jersey entitled an " Act appointing Commissioners for finally setling and determining the " several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Town- " ship of Bergen and for making a Partition thereof in just & equitable " Proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commis- " sioners to be entitled to the same. Certains Persons are therein named " as Commissioners of whom we the Subscribers are the Major Part, And " whereas such of the Commissioners as took upon them the Execution " of said Law did meet in the said Township of Bergen pursuant to " public Notice thereof given agreeable to the Directions of the said Law " and did run out & ascertain as well the Bounds and Limits of the said " Township of Bergen as the Bounds and Limits of each and every " Patent and Grant contained within the Bounds and Limits of the said " Township as came to the Knowledge of the Commissioners. And also " allotted to each Patent & Grant so run out & ascertained such Propor- " tions of the Common Lands within said Township as the said Commis- " sioners judged Right, agreeable to the Directions of the said Law. " Now Therefore towards compleating the * Trust in the said Commis- " sioners or the Major Part of them reposed, We the subscribers do hereby " give public Notice That at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon of Tuesday " the sixteenth Day of October next at the House of Stephen Bourdet at " Wiehaken in the said Township of Bergen We or a majority of the said 124 ][H] LAND TITLES. " Commissioners will meet to make a Partition and Division of the ^aid " Common Lands allotted to each respective Patent or Grant within the " Bounds (S; Limits of the said 'J'ownship of Bergen, to which a Share of " the Common Lands have been allotted as aforesaid among all such " Persons who may be adjudged to be interested therein. And We do " hereby recjuest all Persons concerned or claiming Interest in the Com- " mon Lands allotted to the said respective Patents or Grants to produce " to us some or one of us their Titles and make out their Claims to the " same by the time above prefixed, in order that we may be truly informed " thereof and thereby be enabled to adjudge the same in the most just and " equitable Manner, " Given under our Hands the twenty first Day of July in the Year " one thousand seven hundred and sixty four." ^ Char Clinton I Will: Donaldson Sign'd<{ Az. Dunham I John Berrien [ Abra : Clark Junr. As by the same original Notice filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Bergen may appear — A true Copy of which said Notice was printed and published in two of the public News Papers commonly called the New York Gazette & Mercury, to wit, in the Gazette Numbers 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, & 305, and m the Mercury Numbers 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, & 676, as by the same News Papers refference being thereto had may appear. Copies of which said Notice were also affixed on the Court House in Hackinsack and the Church in Bergen. And we the said five Commissioners having met pursuant to the said Notice and before ent'ring upon the Execution of the Business being joined by Jacob Spicer We the said six Commissioners with George Clinton one of our Surveyors (Jonathan Hampton the other Surveyor having been notified and not attending) did proceed to the Subdivision of the Common Lands which have been allotted to each respective Patent or Grant within the Bounds and Limits of the said Township of Bergen. And here we think it needful to observe — That inasmuch as the Field Work or Surveys of the Subdivision which are to be recorded in this <^CCOntr }^att of the Field Book cannot be laid down and represented on the Schedule or Map of the General Partition without rendering (in many Respects) the whole Map unintelligible. We have therefore found it necessary to annex (to the Schedule of the General Partition) two other Schedules protracted from a larger Scale for the Purpose of the Subdivision. Which three Schedules together, do form and make up the one U)i)Ole map. One of these Schedules of the Subdivision we have distinguished by the Title *< Sci}ttlUle ^,'* and the other by the Tide ■125 " .SCljCTlUlt 15,'* And upon these * two Schedules we have laid down and represented the Surveys of the whole Subdivision. And We think it further necessary in Regard to these two Schedules of the Subdivision to observe once for all — That as each and every of the COMMON LANDS. 197 Lots of Common Land which have been allotted to the respective Patents upon the General Partition are represented on the Schedule or Map of the said General Partition, and are there respectively distinguished by a particular Number, So we have laid down each and every of these Lots in their Order upon the two Schedules of the Subdivision and have there distinguished them by the very same Numbers as they are respectively distinguished on the said Schedule or Map of the General Partition ex- cepting a few small Lots of Common Land lying in and about the Town which may be seen in the Town Plot on the Map of the General Partition. And these Things being premised We proceeded in the Business of the Subdivision and that in the Order following, to wit, With Respect to the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted, To the Patent of Wiehaken granted by William Kieft to Maryn Adrianse, dated the eleventh Day of May one thousand six hundred and forty seven, and confirm'd by patent from Philip Carteret to said Maryn Adrianse dated the eighteenth Day of April one thousand six hundred and seventy, being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 201. William Bayard Esq'' claimed the said Lot, and upon Examina- tion of his Title we conceive him to be the true Proprietor And do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to belong to him. With Respect to the three Lots of Common Land which have been allotted To the Patent of Hobocken granted by Petrus Stuyvesant to Nicholas Varlet dated the fifth Day of February one thousand six hundred and * sixty three, and *i26 confirm'd by Patent from Philip Carteret to said Nicholas Varlet dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand six hun- dred &: sixty eight, being these three Lots of Common Land, which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition are distinguished by the Numbers 233, 203 & 219. William Bayard Esqr claimed the said three Lots, and upon Examination of his Title, we conceive him to be the true Pro- prietor, And Do therefore adjudge the said three Allotments to belong to him. With Respect to the two Lots of Common Land, which have been allotted To the Patent granted by Philip Carteret to Ide Comeliese Van Vost dated the thirtieth Day of March one thousand six hundred & sixty eight, being these two Lots of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the Gen- eral Partition are distinguished by the Numbers 211 and 237 Cornelius Van A-'ost claimed the said two Lots, and no other Person or Persons claiming the same or a Subdivision thereof We upon Examination of his Title conceive him to be the true Pro- prietor, And Do therefore adjudge the said two Allotments to be- long to him. 198 COMMON LANDS. With Respect to the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted To the Patent granted by Petrus Stuyvesant to Closs '127 Jansen Vanpurmerant dated the thirty * first day of January One thousand six hundred and sixty two And confirnrei by Patent from Philip Carteret to said Vanpurmerant dated the thirtieth Day of March one thousand six hundred & sixty eight, being that Lot of Common Land which on the Field Book and Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 240. Hendericus Kuyper Esqr claimed the said Lot, and no other Person or Persons claiming the same or a Subdivision thereof, We upon Examination of his Title conceive him to be the true Proprietor, And do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to be- long to him. With respect to the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Abratiam Isaacsen Plank dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hun- dred and sixty eight being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition is distin- guished by the Number 238. Cornelius Van Vost claimed the said Lot, and no other Person or Persons claiming the same or a Subdivision thereof. We upon Examination of his Title conceive him to be the true Proprietor, And do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to belong to him. i^j28 * With Respect to the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted to the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Jacob Stoffelsen dated the seventh Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty four, being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 247. Michael De Mott & George De Mott claimed the same Lot as Tenants in Common thereof, and upon Examination of their Titles We conceive them to be the true Proprietors And do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to belong to them the said Michael & George De Mott in equal moietys. With Respect to the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Petrus Stuyvesant dated the thirty first Day of July One thousand six hundred and sixty nine, being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 217. Petrus Stuyvesant claimed the said Lot and no other Person or Persons claiming the same or a Subdivision thereof We upon Ex- amination of his Title conceive him to be the true Proprietor And Do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to belong to him. MYNDERT AND CORNELIUS GARRABRANTS. 199 * This is a Subdivision of the two Lots of Common Land *i29 which have been allotted To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Class Comptah ahas Class Pietersen Cors dated the third Day of June one thousand six hundred and seventy one, being these two Lots of Common Land which in the Field Book and Map of the General Partition are distinguished by the Numbers 208 &: 263 And upon Examination of the Titles of Myndert Gar- rabrants and Cornelius Garrabrants (no other Person claiming.) We adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 208 to be- long to said Myndert Garrabrants. a^UV SUCbCl? of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 306 * JStQinXlinQ at a Stake (standing North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East one hundred and twenty eight Chains and forty four Links from a large Stone mark'd ^ 1764 planted at one of the Corners of Wie- haken Commons) and from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains and seventy five Links to the Edge of Slaugh's Meadow, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Min- utes East eight Chains and forty two Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East fifty two Chains and forty Links to said Slaugh's Meadow, Then down along betwixt the Meadow and Upland 'till it meets with the above mentioned Line that runs to said Meadow, Containing (after an Allowance for the Hill) about forty one Acres. ^ntf toe adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 208 to belong to said Cornelius Garrabrants. <©UC .SurijeS of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews * and We adjudge it to be a #j-,q Tract mark'd No 307 t =• Mindert Garrabrants died seized May 5, 1781. Fide Note to Cos' Patent, p 9. Mindert 4th sold a part of this Lot to Samuel T. Moore in 1834, who sold to Michael Saunier and Joseph Danielson three acres and seventy-five one-hundredtlis of an acre Aug. 25, 1835, who sold to Francis Price Aug. 20, 1836. Mindert sold thirty-two acres to Thomas Biggs Aug. 4, 18.35, who sold to Justus E. Earle March 1, 1836, who sold to Francis Price. Vide Note to Lot No. 207, p 119. He also sold to Moore seven acres and seventy-five hundredths of an acre Oct. 6, 1835, who sold to Francis Price Aug. 8, 1836. t Cornelius died seized, and the Lot passed by will to his son Cornelius, and from him to his sons Cornelius and Peter. Vide Note to Cos' Patent, p. 9. Cornelius took the S. half and died seized. It was sold by Jane, his daughter and widow of Corne- lius Van Home, to Comstock, who sold to Niles. Peter took the north half and died seized. His administrators sold twenty-three and eighty-five one-hundredths acres to Michael Carling June 3, 1828. Vide also a deed to Cornelius Garrabrants of the same date for two Lots, one lying north of Cornelius and one south. 200 MYNDKliT AXI) CORNELIUS UARRABRAXTS. ]$PQfltntn0 ^i a Stake (being the Northermost Corner of the Tract No 306 adjudged to said Myndert Garrabrants last above described) and from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East fifty two Chains and forty Links to the Edge of Slaugh's Meadow ; Then re- turning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East seven Chains and seventy two Links to a Stake; Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East fifty seven Chains to said Slaugh's Meadow then down along betwixt the Upland and Meadow 'till it meets the first Line that runs to said Meadow Containing (after an Allowance for the Hill) about forty one Acres. ^Ittf toe adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 263 to belong to said Myndart Garrabrants. of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 407 * 33 eg tun fug at a Stake (being the Southermost Corner of a Lot of Common Land allotted to Frederick Philipse's Patent mark'd on the Map No 262) and from said Stake runs South thirty six Degrees West thirteen Chains and fifty Links to a Stake, Thence North forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes West sixty five Chains and thirty five Links to Hackin- sack River ; Then North thirty one Degrees East three Chains & forty one Links up along said River to a Stake (being a Corner of a Lot of Meadow in Paulus Pieterse's Patent mark'd on the Map No 120) Thence South fifty four Degrees and ten Minutes East Eleven Chains and twenty Links to a Stake between the Meadow and Upland ; Thence along the Edge of the Meadow North twenty two Degrees East eight Chains and seventy five Links to a Stake (being the westerly Corner of said Lot of Common Land allotted to P'rederick Philipse's Patent, Then along the Line thereof South forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes East fifty six Chains and fifty Links to the Place of Beginning. Containing about seventy seven Acres and a Half. SlUtf toe adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 263 To belong to said Cornelius Garrabrants. #Ur .SUCtlfS of which said Portion (as laid down on ♦ i-^i Subdivision Schedule B) * shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 408 t )3Cj|inittn0 at a Stake (being the Southermost Corner of the Tract No 407 adjudged to said Myndert Garrabrants last above described) and * This Lot lies in Greenville, S. of Myrtle avenue. Mindert died Sept. 20, 1814, leaving children, Mindert, Catherine, wife of Garret Van Home, and Hannah, Avife of Michael Vreeland. The two sisters bought out their brother July 3, 1815, and par- titioned by deed Oct. 20, 1815, Michael taking the N. E. half, and Catherine the S. W. half. Catherine left it to her sons John G. and Mindert. They partitioned April 14, 1838. Mindert sold his share to Jacob Stolz, who sold to Bi dwell. t Vide Note to Cos' Patent, p. 12, and Xote to Lot No. 307, p. 130. Jane, daughter oi Cornelius Garrabrants and widow of Cornelius Van Home, yet owns the part her father received. Peter died seized, and commissioners were appointed Jan. Term, 1837, who sold to Garret Vreeland 23 96-100 acres, who sold to Abraham Post July 5, 1837. CORNELIUS JOKSEX ULINKERHOF ET AL. 201 from said Stake runs South thirty six Degrees West ten Chains and twelve Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty Degrees West one Chain and eighty eight Links to a Stake, Thence North forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes West sixty eight Chains and twenty Links to a Stake by the Side of Hackinsack River, Then up along said River North sixty five De- grees and ten Minutes East five Chains and forty eight Links; Then North thirty one Degrees East six Chains and ninety three Links up along said River to a Stake ( being the Westerly Corner of the Tract No 407 last above described) Thence South forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes East sixty five Chains and thirty five Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about seventy seven Acres and a Half. With Respect to the two Lots of Common Land which have been allotted to the Patent of Philip Carteret to Nicho- las Jansen Baker, dated the twelfth Day of May One thou- sand six hundred and sixty eight, being these two Lots of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition are distinguished by the Numbers 206 & 259 Cornelius Jorsen Blinkerhof claimed the said two Lots and no other Person or Persons claiming the same or a Subdivision there- of We upon Examination of his Title conceive him to be the true Proprietor And do therefore adjudge the said two Allotments to belong to him. * This is a Subdivision of the Lot of Common Land which *i-72 has been allotted To the first Patent of Philip Carteret to Fytje Hartman dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty eight — being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Parti- tion is distinguished by the Number 205. And upon Examination of the Titles of the Several Persons claiming Parts and Shares thereof, 212SC do adjudge a certain Portion of said Allottment No 205 to belong to Michael Corneliese Vreelandt. ©lit cSurbt^ of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews and We adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 301 * ]$0gtnntttS at a Stake (being the westerly Corner of said Allot- ment No 205) and from said Stake runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains to Slaugh's Meadow, Then re- turning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East three Chains and twelve Links to a Stake ; Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains to said Slaugh's Meadow ; Then Southward along betwixt the Meadow and Upland 'til it meets the first mentioned Line running to said Meadow — Containg (after an Allowance for the Hill) about thirteen Acres and two Tenths. « Tide Note to Lot No. 204, p. 85. 26 ^33 202 iMICIIAEL II. AND JOHANNIS VREELANDT. .3[ntr \3)t adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 205 to belong to Michael Hartman Vreelandt. (BXtV .SUtbC^ of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 302 * * JJccfnUtUfl at a Stake (being the Northerly Corner of the Tract No 301 adjudged to Michael Corneliese Vreelandt last above describ"d) And from thence runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East iorty seven Chains to Slaugh's Meadow, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning, and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East three Chains and twelve Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two Degrees & thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains to said Slaugh's Meadow ; Then Southward along betwixt the Meadow and Upland 'til it meets the first mentioned Line running to said Meadow •— Containing (after an Allowance for the Hill) about thirteen Acres & two Tenths ^Utf U30 adjudge a certain Portition of said Allotment No 205 To belong to Johannis Vreelandt. ©Ut ,SUtiJ0S of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 303 t IJegfnniltfl at a stake being the Northerly Corner of the Tract No 302 adjudged to Michael Hartman Vreelandt last above describ'd) And from thence runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains to Slaugh's Meadow, Then returning to said Stake the * Until ihe title comes to Stephen Vreeland. Vide Note to Dirch Claesen's 1st Patev.t, p. 12. Stephen sold the Lot to Michael Saunier and Joseph Danielson Oct. 7, 1835, who sold to Joseph Alphonse l>oubat May 4, 1836, who sold to Francis Cot- tenet May 28, 1836, who sold to John W. Leavitt Feb. 28, 1841, the same lot, also eighty-eight one-hundredths of an acre. Vide Note to Lot No. 204. t Viviland died seized and intestate, and this lot passed by descent to his daugh- ter Antje, wife of Johannis Van Wagenen. By his will, dated Nov. 24, 1792, and by her will, dated May 27, 1794, proved Sept. 1, 1794, they gave all their property to their two children, Leah, wife of David Lozier, and Antje, wife of Guilliam Outwater, for life equally, and then to the children of each. These devisees partitioned by mutual release Nov. 28, 1799 ; Lozier taking the north half, containing seven acres, one rood, and sixteen perches, and Outwater the south half. Leah Lozier died in 1809, leaving children, Altje, wife of Simon Campbell ; Jane, wife of William A. Ackerman ; and Antje, wife of Jacob H. Brinkeihoff. Antje Outwater died, leaving children, Jacob G., John G., Matilda, wife of Abraham Sickels, and Altje, wife of Michael G. Vreeland. Vreeland et ux. sold all their interest to Abraham Sickles Sept. 12, 1809. William A. Ackerman and wife sold their interest (one undivided third) in Lozier's half to Cornelius Bogert June 25, 1833. Bogert, Campbell, and Brinker- hoff sold the Lozier half to Michael Saunier June 17, 1835, who sold to Loubat Oct. 24, 1835. Jacob G. Outwater sold three and a-half acres (of the Outwater half) to Henry Drayton Dec. 30, 1835, who sold to Ebenezer Deas June 1, 1835 (deed unre- corded), who sold to Joseph Alphonse Loubat Oct. 7, 1835. The partition between Lozier and Outwater was confirmed by the Orphan's Court Nov. 26, 1799. Vide Note to Lot No. 399, p. 140. JOHN VAN HORNE ET AL. 208 Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes East three Chains and twelve Liiiks to a Stake, Thence South tifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East forty seven Chains to said Slaugh's Meadow, Then Southward along betwixt the Meadow and Upland 'till it meets the first mentioned Line running to said Meadow, Containing (after an Allowance for the Hill about thirteen Acres and two Tenths. MXXti toe adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 205 To belong to John Van Home ©III* of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and We adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 396 t JSCflinniUfl at a stake (being the Easterly Corner of the Tract No 397 adjudged to Michael Hartman Vrelandt last above described) and from thence runs South forty six Degrees and fifteen Minutes West five Chains and sixty Links to a Stake, Thence South forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes East twelve Chains and sixty nine Links to a Stake, Thence North twenty eight Degrees East five Chains and ninety Links to a Stake (being the Eastermost Corner of said Allotment No 260) Thence North forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes West ten Chains and eighty one Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about six Acres and six Tenths. " Until the title comes to Stephen Vreeland. V He Note to Claesen's 1st Patent, p. 12. T Vide Xotc to Lot No. 2f 4, p. 85 GEORGE AM) JolIANNIS VKEELAXDT — JOHN VAN HORNK. 205 ffUtl U)C adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 260 To belong to George Vreelandt Esqr. ©Ill* of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No. 390! iJeflinniUg at a stake (being the Southerly Corner of the Tract No 393 adjudged to John Vanhorne above described) and from said Stake runs South forty two Degrees West four Chains and sixty three Links to a Stake (being the Southerly Corner of said Allotment No 260), Thence North forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes West ten Chains and thirty four Links to a Stake, Thence North forty six Degrees and fifteen Minutes East four Chains and sixty two Links to a Stake, Thence South forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes East ten Chains to the Place of Beginning, Containing about four Acres and nine Tenths. * And as to the remaining Part or Portion of said Allotment ^^ No 260 being the Proportion which we adjudge to one equal fourteenth Part of this Patent Michael Van Veghten deceased (son of Dirck Van Veghten and Jannitje Michielse) was the per- son we find last seized of said one fourteenth Part of the Patent *^" Waldron sold this lot to Coruelius Garrabrants May 23, 1769. Vide Note to Cos' Patent, p. 15. Cornelius and Peter partitioned, Cornelius taking the south halt, which his daughter Jane, widow of Cornelius Van Home, sold to Harrison. Peter took the north half, wliich he sold to Isaac Van Wart Nov. 6, 1819. t Collerd by will, dated Nov. 27, 1790, proved Dec. 6, 1791, gave all his realty to his son John. John sold this lot to John E. Post April 1, 1810. MICHAEL H. AND JOHANNIS VREELANDT. 207 but it not appearing satisfactorily to us in whom the same is now vested We declare not to whom the said remaining Part or Por- tion of Common Land does now belong. a^UV ^XtVijtS of which said remaining Part or Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews and we ad- judged it to be a Tract mark'd No 391 3Sfflinninfl at a stake (being the Northerly Corner of the Tract No 390 adjudg'd to James Collard last above described) And from the said Stake runs South forty six Degrees and fifteen Minutes West four Chains and sixty two Links to a Stake, Thence North forty three De- grees and forty five Minutes West Ten Chains and fourteen Links to a Stake, Thence North forty six Degrees and fifteen Minutes East four Chains and sixty two Links to a Stake, Thence South forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes East ten Chains and fourteen Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about four Acres and nine Tenths. This is a Subdivision of the Lots of Common Land which have been allotted to the first Patent of Philip Carteret to Dirck Clossen dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred & sixty eight, being these two Lots of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Par- tition are distinguished by the Numbers 213 and 261. And upon Examination of the Titles of Michaelse Hartman Vreelandt and Johannis Vreelandt. * 213E0 adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 213 to *i39 belong to said Michielse Hartman Vreelandt. (But ) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 413* iJrOt'nUlUjJ at a stake by New Ark Bay (being the northwester- most Corner of the Lot of Common Land at bergen Point No 17^ sold for defraying the Expences of the General Partition) and from said Stake runs South fifty one Degrees t^ast thirty Chains (along the Line of said Lot No 172 to a Stake being a Corner of said Lot No 172, Thence South eighty five Degrees East thirteen Chains and thirty seven Links ( along the Line of. said Lot No 172') to a Stake, I'hence North thirty nine De- grees East twenty six Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains and eighty three Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay; Thence down along the said Bay to the Place of Beginning, Containing about twenty seven Acres and seven Tenths. ^nTf U)C adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 266 to belong to Lawrence Brown, the only Son of Thomas Brown by his former Wife Anna. ©Ur cSUttJC^ of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shew's, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 414 f IJC^tntTtng at a Stake (being the Eastermost Corner of the Tract No 413 adjudged to Thomas Brown last above described) And from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains and eighty three Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay. Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning And from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East five Chains and ninety eight Links to a Stake,; Thence North fifty one De- grees West forty Chains and fifty six Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then down along said Bay 'till it meets the first mentioned Line, Contain-- ing about twenty four Acres and seven Tenths. 143 * ^tttJ Ujr adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 266 To belong to Fytje the wife of Andries Seegaerd. (But .Surttg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 415! * Andrew Gautier and Thomas Gautier sold tliis and Lots Xos. 414 and 415 to Jasper Zabriskie April 12, 1798. Jacob Zabriskie conveyed the same to Hermanus Garreison Sept. 14, 1820, who conveyed it Jasper Zabiiskie April 2, 1823. Zabriskie by will, without date, codicil dated Oct. 27, 1828, gave to his son Michael the " Eed House" and lot at Bergen Point, containing about twelve acres ; also seventeen acres between Mullaiiy and Peter Vreeland, and to his grandson, Albert M., about fifty acres north of lienjamin Zabriskie. Vide Note to Lot Xo. 419, p. ICS. To his grandson, Jasper Garretson, the remainder of bis lands, including a lot at Bergen Point for life, then to the issue of his body. Vide Note to Andriesen's Patent, p. 13. This latter de- vise included the easterly portion oi Lots Nos. 413, 414, 415. Garretson held posses- sion until his death, Sept. 1. 1861. He left the following children as heirs of this property, viz., Hartman, John H. K., Alathea W., Perciral, Mary Ann, and Martha, all minors. Guardians were appointed and the property partitioned by commission- ers, report confirmed Oct. Term, 1861. Vide Note to Lot No. 14, p. 70. t Vide Note to Lot No. 413, p. 142. CORNELIUS JORSEN BLINKERHOF — GEORGE VKEELAXDT. 211 iJpfllllUltTfl at a Stake (being the Eastermost Corner of the Tract No 414 adjudged to Lawrence Brown last above described) And from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West fortv Chains and fifty six Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, 'i hen returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East five Chains and eight Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West six Chains to a Stake, Thence North thirty nine Degrees East one Chain to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West thirty four Chains and twenty six Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Thence down along said Bay 'till it meets the first mentioned Line, Containing about twenty four Acres and seven Tenths. ^Utf ilJC adjudge a certain Portion ot said Allotment No 266 to belong to Cornelius Jorsen Blinkerhoof (But cSuttJCl) of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Scnedule Bj shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 416 * i$00tnnttt0 at a Stake (being the Eastermost Corner of the Tract No 415 adjudged to Fytje Seegaerd last above described) And from said Stake runs North thirty nine Degrees East two Chains to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West six Chains to a Stake. Thence South thirty nine Degrees West two Chains to a Stake, Thence South fifty one Degrees East six Chains to the Place of Beginning, Containing about One Acre & two Tenths. ^ntf tot adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 266 To belong to George Vreelandt Esq^ * ©Ut StttiJCg 01 whichsaid Portion (as laid down on *i44 Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 417 t iS^gCnntn^ at a stake (being the Eastermost Corner of the Tract No 416 adjudged to Cornelius Jorsen Blinkerhoof last above described) And from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West six Chains to a Stake, Thence South thirty nine Degrees West one Chain to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West thirty four Chains and twenty six Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Begin- ning and from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East four Chains and fifty six Links to a Stake (being the Eastermost Corner of said Allotment No 266,) Thence. North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then down along said Bay 'till it meets the above mention'd Line that runs to said Bay, Containing about twenty one Acres and seven Tenths. * Vide Not; to De Backer's Patent, p. 10 t Vide Note to Lot No. 212, p. 83. On the partition this and lot 427 fell to John . He died seized, and Henry Newkirk et al. were appointed commissioners to sell his lands. They sold this lot to David La Tourette April 19, 1347 ; who conveyed part of it to Ellen, wife of Solon Humphreys, March 28, 1863, and pait of it, witli the ad- joining lot (being part of Lot No. 267 sold to John G. Vreeland by Cornelius Van Bus- kirk). Vide Note to Lot No. 267, p. 88. Abraham B. Warner and Maitin R. Cook now own part of Lots Nos. 414 and 415. 212 MICHAEL rOKNELIESE VREELANDT. With respect to the two Lots of Common Land which have been allotted to the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Lubert Gilbertse dated the fifth Day of December One thou- sand six hundred and fifty four, being these two Lots of Com- mon Land which in the Field Book «S: Map of the General Partition are distinguished by the Numbers 278 & 267. Jacob Van Wagenen claimed the said two Lots and no other Person or Persons claiming the same or a Subdivision thereof We upon Examination of his Title conceive him to be the true Pro- prietor and do therefor adjudge the said two Allotments to belong to him. * 1 4 c * With respect to the two Lots of Common Land allotted to the Patent of Philip Carteret to Severin Lawrence dated the twelfth Day of May One thousand six hundred and sixty eight, being these two Lots of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition are distinguished by the Numbers 279 and 268. Jacob Van Wagenen claimed the said two Lots and upon Examination of his Title we conceive him to be the true Proprietor and do therefor adjudge the said two Allotments to belong to him. With respect to the two Lots of Common Land which have been allotted To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Hendrick Jansen Spier dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty eight, being these two Lots of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Par- tition are distinguished by the numbers 280 & 269. 3EpOU Examination of the Titles of the several Per- sons claiming being the Descendents of the Patentee, 2123.0 do adjudge the said two Allotments to Catalintje Spier Widow for her Use during her natural Life ; and in Trust for the Purposes mentioned and directed in the last Will and Testament of her Husband Barendt Spier dated the eighth Day of April one thousand seven hun- dred and forty two duly proved and recorded in the Prerogative Office at Perth Amboy. *^.^ * JJTI^tS is a Subdivision of the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted To the second Patent of Philip Car- teret to Derick Sycan dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty eight, being that Lot of Com- mon Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 271. And upon Examination of the Titles of the several Persons claiming Parts and Shares thereof, 2!23r do adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 271 To belong to Michael Corneliese Vreelandt. #111* SutiJCg of which said Portion (as laid down on MICHAEL C. VREELANDT— JANNETJE VAN WINKLE. 213 Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 422 * 15C0lUm'nf| at a Stake (being the Southermost Corner of said Allot- ment No 271) and from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning, And from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East ten Chains and thirty one Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then down along said Bay 'til it meets the first mentioned Line, Containing about forty one Acres. Mnti UJP adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 271 to Jannitje Widow of Daniel Van Winkle during her Life, and after her Decease to her Daughter Antje now the Wife of Henry Fielding agreable to the Tenor of said Daniel Van Winkle's last Will and Testament, dated the third Day of June one thousand seven hundred and fifty one, * ©Ut .SUtbeg of which said Portion (as laid down on *i47 Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 423 * * Vide Note to Sycan's 2d Patent, p. 15. On partition between George and John Vreeland, John took the south half of this lot, and George the north half (the same then containing sixty acres). The partition was not formal. George died seized of part, devising the same to his children. His heirs divided the same into three parts, each containing ten acres and sixty-six one-hiindredths of an acre ; the north third was conveyed to Jacob Van Home (?) ; the middle third to Thomas McDonald June 15, 1832 ; the southerly third to John Carragan. McDonald conveyed part of his third to Sebastian Jaclard July 17, 1854. Jaclard died seized, and his executors conveyed to Adele Buchanan Oct. 19, 1859. She died seized and the lot was inherited by her infant children, and by order in chancery was sold to Edward A. Willard. t Vide Note to Sycan's 2d Patent, p. 15. Jan. 29, 1820, John Vreeland conveyed to Ann, Cornelia, Maria, Isabella, and Eliza, children of his daughter Jannetje, wife of Stephen Vreeland, 19 acres out of this lot and Lot Xo. 424, and eight acres out of Lot Xo. 269. He conveyed seven acres of Lot Xo. 269 to Cornelia Van Winkle Jan. H, 1820. He also conveyed to her 23 acres of Lots Xos. 423 and 424. He also conveyed to his daughter Jane, wife of Aaron Newkirk, Jan. 29, 1820, seven acres out ofLotXo. 269, and nineteen acres out of Lots Xos. 423 and 424. Jane Newkirk left her sur- viving her husband and Cornelia, wife of Daniel Vreeland, Catherine, wife of Cor- nelius Vreeland, and Catelina, wife of Cornelius Van Rypen. Catelina died before her father, leaving one child, Jane, who married Garrabrant Ryerson. The two daughters and granddaughter took Jane Newkirk's share in common. Aaron Newkirk gave his life estate to his two daughters by separate deeds July 1, 1832, who seem to have taken as by partition the land described in these deeds. Cornelia took the north part, and quit-claimed the south part to Catherine April 22, 1857, who sold to William Frost Aug. 16, 1859, who sold to Sidney L. Carragan June 8, 1863. Abraham Van Buskirk owned about 3 acres in this tract adjoining the Plank road. He died in 1849, leaving Jane, wife of Henry Osborn, Abraham and Cornelius {Peter died before his father) who partitioned by deed Dec 15, 1849. Cornelius sold his share to Sidney L. Carragan Nov. 7, 1861. Garrabrant Ryerson et ux. sold half an acre to Thomas C. Crips June 1, 1838, near the present Station House. Crips sold to Jasper Cadmus Sept. 15, 1838, who sold to Elizabeth Cadmus Oct. 29, 1838. 214 MH'IIAKL ('. VKKKLAN'DT .lAXNETJK VAN WINKLE. ]ir0lUUlU0 at a Stake (being the Eastermost Corner ot the Tract No 422 adjudged to Michael CorneUese Vreelandt last above described) And from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty Chains to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stake the Idace ot Be- ginning ; And from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees East ten c;!hains and thirty one Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West forty one Chains and forty nine Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then down along said Bay 'till it meets the first mentioned Line, Con- taining about forty one Acres. STijlS is a Subdivision of the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted to the Patent of Philip "Carteret to Thomas Davison, dated the twenty second Day of December one thousand six hundred and sixty nine, being that Lot of Com- mon Land wiiich in the Field Book and Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 272. And upon Examination of the Titles of sundry Persons claiming parts and Shares thereof 21211c adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 272 to belong to Michael Corneliese Vreelandt 0\lt .StlViJfg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 425 * * iSftjittUfUg at a Stake (being the Eastermost Corner of said Al- 148 lotment No 272) And from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty two Chains and twenty Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stake the Place ot Beginning, and from thence runs South thirty nine Degrees West five Chains and one Link to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West forty one Chains and eighty four Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then up along said Bay 'till it meets the first mentioned Line containing about twenty one Acres. Mwti U)C adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 272 to Jannitje Widow of Daniel Van Winkle during her Life, and at her Decease to her daughter Antje now the Wife of Henry Field- ing agreable to the Tenor of said Daniel Van Winkle's last Will and Testament dated the third Day of June one thousand seven hundred and fifty one. ®Ur ,SUl*i)f2 ^^ which said Portion as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 424 + ]3C(}tnUinj3 at a Stake (being the Southermost Corner of the Tract No 425 adjudg'd to Michael Corneliese Vreelandt last above described) and from said Stake runs North fifty one Degrees West forty one Chains and eighty four Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning, and from thence runs South thirty nine Degrees West five Chains and two Links to a Stake (being the ■'■' Vide Xote to Sycan's 2d Patent, p. 15. Michael Vreeland sold tins lot to Egbert Post July 9, 1787. By will, dated Feb. 11, 1822, proved May 8, 1822, Post gave this lot to his grandson Garret Wauters. t Fide Xoie to Lot Xo. 423, p. 147. GEORGE CADMUS — JACOB VAN HORNE. 215 Southerly Corner of said Allotment No 272) Thence North fifty one De- grees West forty one Chains and forty nine Links to a Stake by New Ark Bay, Then up along said Bay 'till it meets the first mentioned Line, Containing about twenty one Acres. * With Respect to the Lot of Common Land which has ^49 been allotted to the Patent of Philip Carteret to Thomas Davison dated the twelfth Day of December One thousand six hundred and sixty nine, being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book and Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 275. George Cadmus claimed the said Lot and upon Examination of his Title we conceive him to be the true Proprietor thereof, and do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to belong to him. With Respect to the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted to the Patent of Petrus Saiyvesant to Peter Jansen Slaat dated the fifth Day of December One thousand six hundred and fifty four, confirm'd by Patent from Philip . Carteret to said Slaat dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty eight, being that Lot of Com- mon Land which in the Field Book and Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 274. George Cadmus claimed the said Lot and upon Examination of his Tide, we conceive him to be the true Proprietor thereof and do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to belong to him. * With respect to the Lot of Common Land which has *jrQ been allotted to the Patent of Petrus Stuyvesant to Hendrick Jansen Van Schalckwyck dated the fifth Day of December one thousand six hundred & fifty four, confirmed by Patent from Philip Carteret to Hessel Vygerse dated the thirteenth Day of March one thousand six hundred and seventy five ; being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Num- ber 273. John Van Home claimed the said Lot and upon Examination of his Title We conceive him to be the true Proprietor thereof and do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to belong to him. With respect to the Lot of Common Land which has been allotted to the Patent of Philip Carteret To Catharine for- merly the Widow of Jacob Wallingen Van Home, then the Widow of Jacob Stoffelsen dated the thirty first Day of March one thousand six hundred and sixty eight, being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book & Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 276. Jacob Van Home claimed the said Lot, and no other Person or Persons claiming the same, or a Subdivision thereof We upon Examination of his Title, conceive him to be the true Proprietor and do therefore adjudge the said Allotment to belong to him, * ^f)iU is a Subdivision of the Lot of Common Land*^^^ which has been allotted to the Patent of Philip Carteret To 21() FYT.Ili SEEGAEUI) ET AL. Barnt Christian, dated the twenty sixth day of March one thousand six hundred and sixty seven, being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book and Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 277. And upon Examination of the Titles of the several Persons claiming Parts and Shares thereof, 215Er do adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 277 To belong to Fytje the wife of Andries Seegaerd. ©Ul* ,SUCi)0g of which said Portion (^as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B.) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 426 * jl9r0inU!U() at a Stone mark'd B (being the westermost Corner of said Allotment No 277) and from said Stone runs North thirty nine De- grees East four Chains and twelve Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty one Degrees East thirteen Chains and seventeen Links to a Stake, Thence South twenty eight Degrees & thirty Minutes West four Chains and eigh- teen Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West thirteen Chains and ninety five Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about five Acres and a Half. ^ntf tD0 do adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 277 To belong to George Vreelandt Esq'' :j,r2 * ®UC Surijfg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and We adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 427 t ]9Cgtnnin0 at a stake (being the Northerly Corner of the Tract No 426 adjudg'd to Fytje the wife of Andries Seegaerd last above described and from said Stake runs North thirty nine Degrees East four Chains and ninety four Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty one Degrees East twelve Chains and fifteen Links to a Stake, Thence South twenty eight Degrees and thirty Minutes West five Chains and two Links to a Stake ; Thence North fifty one Degrees West thirteen Chains and seventeen Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about six Acres and two Tenths. ^Ittf ilJt adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 277 To belong to Lawrence Brovvn the only Son of Thomas Brown by his former Wife Anna. d^UV .SllViJCg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 428 1 JBCfllUniUfl at a Stake (being the Northermost Corner of the Tract No 427 adjudged to George Vreelandt Esq'' last above described) and from said Stake runs North thirty nine Degrees East five Chains and ^' Vide Note to Andriesen's Patent, p. 13. t Vide Note to Lot No. 212, p. 86. t Vide Note to Andriesen's Patent, p. 13. Lawrence died seized, intestate and without issue. Shortly after the allotment, Peter Cole was in possession of this lot. He sold it to Cornelius "Van Buskirk March 27, 1797 (deed unrecorded). Vide Note to Stoffelsen's Patent, p. 18. THOMAS BROWN JACOB VAX HORNE. 217 thirty seven Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty one Degrees East eleven Chains and twenty four Links to a Stake standing in the Line of Barnt Christian's Patent, Thence South twenty eight Degrees and thirty Min- utes West five Chains and forty nine Links to a Stake, Then North fifty one Degrees West twelve Chains and fifteen Links to the Place of Begin- ning, Containing about six Acres and two Tenths. ^ntJ top adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 277 to belong to Thomas Brown. * ©lie cSllCbtS o^ which said Portion (as laid down on *i53 Subdivision Schedule B) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 429 * i^rsntitinU at a Stake (being the northermost Corner of the Tract No 428 adjudged to his son Lawrence Brown last above described) and from said Stake runs North thirty nine Degrees East five Chains and six- teen Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty one Degrees East ten Chains and thirty one Links to a Stake standing in the Line of Barnt Christian's Patent, Thence South twenty eight Degrees and thirty Minutes West five Chains and twenty two Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West eleven Chains and twenty four Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about five Acres & a Half. ^ntf to? adjudge the two following Portions of said Allotment No 277 To belong to Jacob Vanhorne, (BUV ph B. Close Jan. 20, 1854, anJonsam? day was appointed special guardian for his children. The executors sold three and a half acres to Henry Vresland Feb. 12, 1-JJ2. 220 .TA('01$ VAN HORNE (iEOKGE CADMUS. one Degrees West forty Chains to New Ark Bay, Then returning to said Stone mark'd 13 the Place of Beginning, and from thence runs South thirty nine I )egrees \\'est eleven Chains and four Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty one Degrees East twenty three Chains and twenty Links to a Stake by the Meadow Kdge, Thence South forty six Degrees West five Chains and sixty eight Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty one Degrees West twenty two Chains and eighty Links to a Stake (being the northerly Cor- ner of the Tract No 418 adjudged to Jacobus Van Buskirk last above described (Thence South thirty nine Degrees West fifteen Chains and thirty nine Links to a Stake (being the Easterly Corner of the Allotment of Common Land No 269) Thence along the Line of said Allotment No 269 North fifty one Degrees west forty one Chains to said New Ark Bay, Then up along the said Bay Northerly 'till it meets the above mei.tioned Line that runs to said Bay, Containing about One hundred & forty three Acres. icg * Mnti U)P adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 270 To belong to Jacob Van Home, (BXIV cSUUbCg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule B) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 420 * ]$tSinn(nS at a stake (standing South thirty Degrees west four Chains from a Stone mark'd B standing in the westerly Corner of the Al- lotment of Common Land No 277) And from said Stake runs South fifty one Degrees East eleven Chains and thirty seven Links to a Stake, Thence North thirty nine Degrees East four Chains to a Stake, Thence South fifty one Degrees East fifteen Chains and twenty five Links to a Stake by the Meadow Edge, Then returning to the first mentioned Stake the Place of Beginning ; And from thence runs South thirty nine Degrees west seven Chains & four Links to a Stake f being a Corner of the Tract No 419 adjudged to Widow Van Buskirk last above described) Thence along the Line of said Tract No 419 South fifty one Degrees East twenty three Chains and twenty Links to a Stake by the Meadow Edge, Then Northeasterly along between the Meadow and Copland 'til it meets the above mention'd Line that runs to said Meadow, Containing about twenty one Acres & two Tenths. ^nXi iat adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 270 To belong to George Cadmus. ®Ur SUVi)Cl> of which said Portion (as laid down en Subdivision Schedule K) shews, And we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 406 * JiCflinnfltfl at a Stake (being the westermost Corner of the Tract No 404 adjudged to Abraham Dedericks above described) And from thence runs North thirty nine Degrees and filty Minutes east ten Chains and eighty three Links to a Stake (standing in the Line of the Tract No 401 adjudged to Peter Marsehes above described) thence North fifty Degrees and ten Minutes west thirty two Chains to a Stake in the Edge of the Meadow, Thence south thirty Degrees & fifty Minutes west seven Chains and sixty eight Links to a Stake, Thence South forty three Degrees and forty five Minutes East thirty Chains and seventy nine Links to the Place of Beginning, containing about twenty eight Acres. 2ri)lS is a .SlliJlJilJlSlCn of the two Lots of Common Land which have been allotted to the Patent of Philip Car- teret to Angleburt Steii huysen dated the tw^enty second Day of July one thousand six hundred & seventy, being these two Lots of Common Land which in the Field Book and Map oi the General Partition are distinguished by the Numbeis 216 & 244. And upon Examination of the Titles of the several Persons claiming Parts & Shares thereof 212UP do adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 216 To belong to Hendrick Sickles Xij.g * (BXIV SuriJfg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 316 t 2SC0tUntni} at a Stake (being the westermost Corner of said Allot- ment No 216) And from thence runs South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East fifty four Chains to Hudson's River, Then returning to said Stake the Place of Beginning and from thence runs North thirty six De- grees and thirty Minutes East four Chains and twenty one Links to a * Diediicks died Dec. 6, 1775. By will, dated Nov. 29, 1775, proved March 25, 1784, he gave to his granddaughter Antje, daughter of John Winne, and Aeltje Die- dricks his dwelling house and garden. To Daniel, son of his brother Jacob, Antje, Jamietje, and Martin, children of John Winne, the residue of his lands. Antje married Daniel Van Winkle, and Jannetje married Garret Van Eypen. Vide Note to Lot 2\'o. 401, p. 172. t This lot was near the Block House. Sickles died Jan. 20, 1777. By will dated June 22, 1776, proved May 12, 1783, he gave all his realty to his sons, Derrick and JoJin. John sold to Jacob Brower fourteen acres on the front, bounded north by Daniel Diedricks, east by the river, south b}^ Garret Van Ej-pen, and west by the grantor, Api-il 29, 1786. Vide Xote to Steenhiiyscn's Patent, p. 32. Sickles sold a little over three acres to John McDonald Sept. 20, 1815, who sold to George Suckley Feb. 2, 1839. I tliink Suckley owned the wliole lot in 1840. John Meeks now owns it. Vide Notes to Lots Nos. 314 and 315, p. 167. DANIEL DIEDIilCKS ET AL. 235 Sta'ce, Tnsiic;; SDUth fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East fifty two Chains to said Hudson's River, Thence down along said River as it runs 'till it m3ets the first mentioned Line, Containing after an Allowance for the Hill about twenty one Acres. 'MxiH U)P adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 216 To belong to Daniel Dedericks of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A ; shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 358.* i$r0tUUtU(); at a Stake (being the southermost Corner of the Tract No 359 adjudged to Arent Toers last above described) And from thence runs South thirty three Degrees v/est three Chains and twelve Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty seven Degrees west thirty one Chains and twenty five Links to a Stake, Thence North forty five Degrees East three Chains and thirty six Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty seven Degrees east thirty Chains and sixty Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about nine Acres and two Tenths. ^ntf Ujf adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 244 To belong to Michael De Mott & George De Mott in equal Moieties. 0Vit .SlirbCg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 357 t 3300lttUtn0 at a Stake (being the westermost Corner of the Tract No 358 adjudged to Abraham Sickles last above described) And from thence runs South forty five Degrees west one Chain and ninety three Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty seven Degrees east five Chains and forty eight Links to a Stake, Thence North thirty three Degrees east one Chain and seventy Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty seven Degrees west five Chains to the Place of Beginning, containing about six Tenths of an Acre. * ^S To the remaining Part or Portion of said Allotment No *i8o 244 being the Proportion which we adjudge To the Proprietor or Propri- etors of the Patented Lot No 130, sundry Persons (as Freeholders and In- habitants of the Town of Bergen) claimed the same but the Allegations upon which they founded their Claims not appearing satisfactory to us U)f declare not to whom the said remaining Part or Portion does now belong. (But of which said Portion as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 341 1 JSCfltnUlltfl at a Stake (being the eastermost Corner of the Tract No 340 adjudged to Levinus Winne last above described) And from thence runs North thirty six Degrees thirty Minutes East three Chains and fifty Links to a Stake (being the eastermost Corner of said Allotment No 230) Thence North fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes west ten Chains to a Stake, Thence South thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes west three Chains and fifty Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two De- « Vide Note to Lot Xo. 363, p. 192. John S. Winne sold the westerly part of this lot to William Danielson, and the halance to Westerfield. In 1840, the latter family owned the whole of it, and yet own part of it. Danielson sold his purchase, contain- ing twelve acres and ninety-five one-hundredths of an acre, to Henry Westerfield April 1, 1834. Elizabeth Westerfield sold the easterly part to William Cooper March 3, 1834, excepting three-quarters of an acre sold by John Eapp to Henry Eapp May 14, 1819. The village of Guttenberg is on this part of the lot, and the lots between it and the river. On Aug. 11, 1821, the executors of Thaddens Goodyear sold to Jasper B. Westervelt sixteen acres, which I take to lie within this lot. Jasper conveyed it to Benjamin C. Westervelt (Westerfield ? ) Feb. 5, 1823, This was the southerly part ot the lot. t Richard Earle owned this lot, and sold it to Esther Tysen, the present owner. MICHAEL H. VKEELAKDT— HENDRICK VAN WINKLE. 255 grees and thirty Minutes east ten Chains to the Place of Beginning, con- taining about three Acres and one Half. * Fiji's is a SUilfflijlSlOn of the two Lots of Common *2o6 Land which have been allotted To the Patent of Philip Carteret to Hendrick Teunisse dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty eight, being these two Lots of Common Land which in the Field Book and Map of the General Partition are distinguished by the Numbers 220 and 255. And upon Examination of the Titles of the several Persons claiming Parts & shares thereof, 212Ut do adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 220 To belong to Michael Hartman Vreelandt. (But .SUtiJtg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 318 * J50fj;iUninfJ at a large Stone (mark'd A 1764 planted in a Corner of Wiehaken Commons) And from thence runs North thirty six Degrees & thirty Minutes east eighteen Chains and forty three Links to a Stake, 1 hence North fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes West seven Chains and thirty Links to a Stake, Thence South thirty three Degrees west eighteen Chains and forty six Links to a Stake, 1 hence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes east six Chains and thirty Links to the Place of Beginning, containing about twelve Acres & a Half * 'Mxiti U)0 adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No *2o'j 220 To belong to Hendrick Van Winkle. ©Ut Stttbfg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 319 1 JSCSinufnS at a Stake (being the westermost Corner of the Tract No 318 adjudg'd to Michael Hartman Vreelandt last above described) And from thence runs North thirty three Degrees east eighteen Chains and forty six Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes west thirty Chains and seventy Links to a Stake (being the northermost Corner of said Allotment No 220) Thence South thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes West eighteen Chains & forty three Links to a Stake (being the westermost Corner of said Allotment No 220) Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes eart thirty one Chains and seventy Links to the Place of Beginning, containing about fifty seven Acres & a Half. * Vide Note to Lot No. 308, p. 139. t Vide Note to Teunisse's Patent, p. 54. Joseph Van Winkle's nephews, John and Jacob, conveyed to Frederick Grosclaude and Edward Dubois? six acres and forty one- hundredths of an acre Dec. 8, 1840. His nejdiew, Abraham, died intestate Nov. 4, 1823, seized of about six acres, whicli his heirs conveyed to Peter Ferine June 4, 1824 ; he to Mary Jones March 16, 1827 ; she to Grosclaude Sept. 22, 1841 ; and he to Dubois Apiil 1, 1853. Joseph's nephcAV, Daniel, received a portion, Avhich was afterwards o\\nied by his eldest son, Cornelius, who conveyed six acres to Grosclaude and Dubois Aug. 29, 1840, who pai titioned May 18, 1843. 256 hendkick van winkle et al. ^nti tot adjudge the said Allotment No 255 (as the same Al- lotment is described butted and bounded in the Field Book of the General Partition) To belong to the said Hendrick Van Winkle. ^208 * STijlS is a SUtJtrilJlSlOn of the Lot of Common Land which hath been allotted To the Patent of Phili[) Carteret to Hans Dedericks dated the twelfth Day of May one thousand six hundred and sixty eight, being that Lot of Common Land which in the Field Book and Map of the General Partition is distinguished by the Number 214. And upon Examination of the Titles of the several Persons claiming Parts & Shares thereof, 512EP do adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 114 To belong to Arent Toers. ©Ut -SUCljtg of which said Portion (as laid down on Subdivision Schedule A) shews, and we adjudge it to be a Tract mark'd No 311* i^PSlUnitlfl at a Stake (being the westermost Corner of said Allot- ment No 214) And from thence runs North thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutss east two Chains and eighty two Links to a Stake, Thence South fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East eight Chains and eighty eight Links to a Stake, Thence South thirty six Degrees and thirty Minutes west two Chains and eighty two Links to a Stake, Thence North fifty two Degrees and thirty Minutes west eight Chains and eighty eight Links to the Place of Beginning, Containing about two Acres and a Half. '2og * ^VCa tot adjudge a certain Portion of said Allotment No 214 To belong to Johannis Dedericks. (BUV -> w pi M rorO'^hTfu-j VD tC . . ... _ O w ^ rh u-jVO t--°0 ^ O ^ t^ l-lN^^r^"^C^'-'|-|'^|-l•-'lH^^|-<|-<^^^^(^ ooooooooOooooooooo ;2;:2::z;;z;z:z;;z;z:z;z:2;2:;:2;?^h/'. 2;?^?; w N CO '^ iJ^'O 1^00 ON O 11 N fO ^ "^VO r-CO 2G8 INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. V t • o "^ rt 'Ei M [1. JC > rt ft. S ft. lOVO VO *"* t^OO 00 o\ M N N N N M N 00 M "+^0 00 O 11 c^ ro rO rO rO •^ ""i- m rf- o o ON r-» CN ON ro lOVO ^00 ON O M oooooooo rOvo poo «-- = 2 2 Tl- .. ^ fO ro U-) i_i On ^ >-i "-^^ ^ •^ -c f^ cTo ^ M lOOO ro fO M w "^ ;^ fOVD '5^ ^ ^ ^ o o o M '^f "^ "^ LO >-0^ y ro\j-i t)- _;. w- T-i- :z;^^^Z^:z;^ o o o o o o O o t-l bC O _oooooo><_^^ S ;^^ o ; o o *^ o o o -P -^ ;-! -t; c • ^ , o • H > -C O "" OJ o G C ^ I o • H c 1^ o o o o o GH 3QQQ OJ o :^ « PL, c *^ a; (/2 'O o go > c Q g rt I— O ^ CJ > c en CC c o ^s =:^ ^Ji gU H -G (U Kupq a; O Ph -i-> . >-( f^ § 2 ^ ^ >^ O qj O O Ph ■55 TS 'Tj oj oj C "G " t; -G ^ « "C O O . . ^ *-( t-l J-l FT-* sr ST n oj ^ a -^ £ G ti^ qj .4^ fij C-.aJ Ph M o C JS o PuQ On O M N ro t1- utO t^ 00 On O »-i N fO Th N N ro rO fO fO fO u-)VO t^OO C\ O rO rO ro ro Tj- INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. 269 N -^ vovo 00 O M to ThVO *-~00 O O N fO -"i- Ti- u-jvo 00 o o o o VO M 1-1 M -. .. ON 00 00 ON ^ IT) \J-) O M P-1 „ l-l VO . '-O „ M ONOO O ^ HI ^\0 "^ ii JJ-) (-C VO - o „ ^ t-- M 00 O >^ ^M3 00 , ,, ON ^ ^ N 1 lo r<0 CNVO >■ M 00 t^ >H o in ro lo rh •-1 VO '-' N On ^ r. fO ^ H N ro -^^ 00 M '-' rF - O N M l-l -. M 00 ^^ ON "-I ON - ^^ \J-i f>\ ^ rO CN >-< rO M M tOVO t~.0O N N rO fO 'it rj- Th O O oooooooooooooo o o G o H (U J3 : ^ ; o ^-^ Q^ ooooooooo PQQQQQQQH -< c o "IJ c ^ Ci _ ?! T3 t/5 rC oj bO 3 pq o W <1o (U 1-1 ^ C bc > .— ,-^ 3 rt M N ro t}- vcvo t^oo ON O M N fO Tj- in*0 t^oo On O 270 INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. A List in numerical Order of all the particular JTtclCtB or ILotS contained in the respective Patents within the Township oi i^tVQtW. Number of Kach Tract or Lot mark'd on said Map I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ID II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 In whose Patent contain'd Maryn Adrianse Nicholas Varlet Ide Cornelieson Van Vost Claas Jansen Van Purmerant Abraham Isaacsen Plank Ide Cornelison Van Vost , Claas Jansen Van Purmerant , Claas Jansen Van Purmerant , Jacob Stoffelsen Petrus Stuy vesant Claas Comptah alias Claas Pieterson Cors , Nicholas Jansen Baker Nicholas Jansen Baker Fytje Hartman Fytje Hartman Dirck Claasen Dirck Claasen Dirck Sycan Lawrens Andrieson Gilbert Lubertse Severin Laurens Hendrick Jansen Spier Dirck Sycan Dirck Sycan Thomas Davison Thomas Davison , Peter Jansen Slaat Hendrick Jansen Van Schalkwyck ....... Catharine Stoftelsen Barnt Christian Nicholas Jansen & Samuel Edsal. Mark Noble & Samuel Moore , Mark Noble & Samuel Moore Caspar Stymets Adrian Post Guert Coerten Fredrick Philipse Englebert Steinhuysen Mark Noble & Samuel Moore Englebert Steinhuysen Numr. of the Patent in which contained I 2 3 4 5 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 27 28 30 31 34 35 27 35 Page in the Jfum UooU where the smttinof each particular Cracl begins INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. 271 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 S3 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 16 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Fredrick Philipse Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper. . , . Harman Edward. , Guert Gerritse Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper. . . . Paulus Fieterse Fredrick Philipse Guert Coerten Dirck Garretse Harman Edward Guert Garritse Paulus Pieterse Fredrick Philipse Guert Coerten Adrian Post Jacob Luby : Jan Lubertse Pieter Jacobse Mark Noble & Samuel Moore Fredrick Philipse Jacob Luby Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper. . . Fredrick Philipse Mark Noble & Samuel Moore Dow Harmense Casper Stymets Dirck Garretse Nicholas Varlet & Balthazar Bayard. Herman Edward John Berry .'.... Jan Lubertse Tielman Van Vleck Hendrick Tunisse Fredrick Philipse Hans Dederick Dirck Tunisse Garret Garretse Garret Garretse Dow Harmense Dow Harmense Casjier Stymets Hendrick Tunise Nicholas Varlet & Balthazar Bayard, Hans Dederick Peter Jacobse Fredrick PhiUpse 34 36 37 38 36 39 34 31 40 37 38 39 34 31 30 41 43 44 27 34 41 36 34 27 46 29 40 45 37 47 43 48 49 34 50 51 52 52 46 46 29 49 45 50 44 34 31 35 36 38 35 40 30 25 41 36 38 40 3° 25 24 42 45 47 20 29 43 34 29 20 50 22 42 49 36 52 45 53 55 29 56 57 58 59 50 50 22 54 48 56 47 30 272 INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. Number of Each Tract or Lot mark'd on said Map 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 [00 [03 [04 to5 [06 [07 [08 [09 10 11 12 •13 14 15 16 17 18 19 [20 23 [24 t25 [26 [27 ;28 29 [30 t3i [32 In whose Patent contain'd Page in the 1 Jficll) Book Numr. of the where the Jacob Luby Ide Cornelise Englebert Steinheysen Englebert Steinheysen Guert Coerten Arent Lawrense Dow Harmense Guert Coerten Casper Stymets Guert Coerten Guert Coerten Garret Garretse Arent Lawrense Adrian Post Caspar Stymets Guert Garretse Paulus Pieterse Nicholas Varlet Peter Jacobse Hendrick Tunise Guert Garretse Jacob Luby Nicholas Varlet & Balthazar Bayard. Hans Dederick Herman Edward Arent Lawrence . Arent Lawrence Hans Dedrick Jan Lubertse Casper Stymets Adrian Post Herman Edward Jan Lubertse Paulus Pieterse Peter Jacobse Barnt Christian , , Arent Lawrense Guert Coerten , J ohn Berry Nicholas Varlet , Nicholas Varlet Nicholas Varlet Tielman Van Vleck Englebert Steinhuysen Hendrick Van Ostrum Claas Jansen Van Purmerant. ....... Patent in which contained 41 53 35 35 31 54 46 31 29 32 31 52 54 30 29 38 39 55 44 49 38 41 45 50 37 54 54 50 43 29 30 37 43 39 44 25 54 32 47 55 55 55 48 35 56 57 stirbcjj of each particular (TLiacl begins INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. 273 Number ofi Each Tract or Lot mark'd on said Map In whose Patent contain'd Claas Jansen Van Purmerant Tielman Van VIeck . Ide Cornelise Guert Garretse Caspar Stymets Englebert Steinhuysen Guert Coerten Jacob Luby. Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper Fredrick PhiHpse ... Jan Vinge Jacob Luby Van Ruyven, Lindertz Anthony & Van Bruggen Nicholas Varlet & Nicholas Bayard ... . Guert Coerten Guert Coerten Fredrick Philipse , Fredrick Philipse Fredrick Philipse Englebert Steinheysen Herman Edward Guert Garretse Paulus Pieterse Dirck Garretse . Jacob Luby Jan Lubertse Peter Jacobse Nicholas Varlet & Balthazar Bayard Dow Harmense John Berry Dirck Tunise Adrian Post Hendrick Tunisse Hans Dederick Garret Garretse Nicholas Varlet Page in the JficlB J3ooK Numr. of the where the Patent in aurbtg of each which particular contained Eract begins 4 8 48 54 53 60 38 39 28 21 35 33 33 28 41 43 36 35 34 30 58 64 42 44 59 65 60 66 31 27 32 27 34 31 34 31 34 31 35 34 37 37 38 39 39 4' 40 42 41 44 43 46 44 46 45 49 46 51 47 51 51 58 30 24 49 55 50 57 52 59 55 63 35 274 INDEX TO FIKLI) l$OOK. JJfSltrC the foregoing ^cltCUtS, and before making tTlijlSlOn of the (^OntlUOU ILtintJS The Commissioners run out and ascertain'd the Bounds & Limits of the following STttlCtB or ILOtS of Land viz : Numr. of Each Tract as mark'd on the Map 169 170 171 17: 173. 174 i75> 176 177,178 179 I Page in the JFirin Book I where the Surveys of j these Tracts are recorded. I Being a Tract of Land & Meadow at Horsi- mus, in the Possession of Cap'- Archibald Kennedy Being a small Piece of Land lying south'y from, and near the Town anciently appropriated for the Purpose of a Burying Ground Being another small Piece of Land lying south- westerly from, and near the Town, anciently ap- propriated as a Settlement for Mechanicks Being a Tract at Bergen Point, set apart by the Commissioners for Sale for defraying the Charges of the General Partition Being four Lots of Land, Allotted. to the Use of the Church of Bergen Being three Lots of Land, Allotted to the Use of the Free School at Bergen 67 69 69 70 71-73 73-74 INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. 275 Tracts or Lots of Common Land allotted to the n.b. The Lots of common Lands respective Patents. Vizt. ''^k'" "'■''> ^° ^°' I Allotted 2 do ^ do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 ' do lO do II do 12 do I.^ do 14 do IS do i6 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 2,^ do 24 do 2=; do 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 do 30 do .^i do 32 do 33 do 34 do 3.S do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 40 do 41 do 42 do 43 do 44 do Number of each Tract or Lot of common Land as mark'd on the Map No 201 233> 203, 219 211, 237 240 238 247 217 208, 263 206, 259 .. 205 260 213, 261 . 204 212, 258, 265. ... 266 278, 267. ...... 279, 268 280, 269. 271 272 275 274 273 276 277 270 227, 251 , 225 223 264 215 243 235 234, 262 . 216, 244. 232, 284 249 221 252, 253, 281. . 226. .... . . . . 231 202. 248, 282 236 Page in the Field Book where the Survey of the respective Lots of Common Land begii\s. 75 76, 76, 77 77> 78 78 79 80 80 81, 81 82^ 82 83 83 . 84, 84 85 86, 86, 86 87 88, 88 89, 89 89, 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 94 95 95' 96 96 97 97 98 99 99 100, 100 101, lOI 102, 102 103 103 104, 104, 104 105 106 106 107, 107 108 276 INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Allotted do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Number of each Tract cr Lot of commor. Land as mark'd on the Map. 250- 285, 286, 224, 241, 287 246 228 230 220, 255 214 245 222 229, 256. 254 242, 257 209, 239. 210 218 207 283 ■ Page in the Field Book where the Survey of the respective Lots of Common Land begin. 108, 109 109, 109, 110, no no III III 112, 1X2 113 113 114 114, 115 115 116, 117 117, 118 118 119 119 120 INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. 277 A List in numerical Order of all the particular Tracts or Lots of Common Lands As allotted to the respective Patents. Numr. of each Numr. of the Numr. of each Numr. of the Tractor Lot Patent Tract or Lot Patent of Common to which j of Common to which Land. Allotted. ! Land. Allotted. No 20I Allotted to I No 245 Allotted to 51 202 do .... 42 246 do .... 46 203 do .... 2 247 do .... 6 204 do .... 13 248 do .... 43 205 do .... ID 249 do .... 37 206 do .... 9 250 do .... 45 207 do .... 59 ' 251 do .... 27 208 do .... 8 252 do ... 39 209 do .... 56 253 do .... 39 210 do .... 57 254 do .... 54 211 do .... 3 255 • do .... 49 212 do .... H 256 do .... 53 213 do .... 12 257 do .... 55 214 do .... 50 258 do .... 14 215 do .... 31 i 259 do .... 9 216 do .... 35 i 260 do .... II 217 do .... 7 261 do .... 12 218 do .... 58 262 do .... 34 219 do .... 2 263 do .... 8 220 do .... 49 264 do .... 30 221 do .... 38 265 do .... 14 222 do 52 266 do .... 15 223 do .... 29 267 do .... 16 224 do .... 45 268 do .... 17 225 do ... 28 269 do .... 18 226 do .... 40 270 do .... 26 227 do .... 27 271 do .... 19 228 do .... 47 272 do .... 20 229 do .... 53 273 do .... 23 230 do .... 48 274 do .... 22 231 do .... 41 275 do .... 21 232 do .... 36 276 do ... 24 233 do .... 2 277 do .... 25 234 do .... 34 278 do .... 16 235 do .... 33 279 do 17 236 do .... 44 280 do .... 18 237 do .... 3 281 do .... 39 238 do .... 5 282 do .... 43 239 do .... 56 283 do .... 60 240 do ... 4 284 do .... 36 241 do .... 45 285 do .... 45 242 do ... 55 286 do .... 45 243 do .... 32 287 do .... 45 244 do .... 35 27i INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. u Oh o O B B o o ri4 O o fi^ <: u s ■c o *' e o o U « E « £ >J •O f! 2 >-.-c c .2 u S&'S ° s « ^ 3 > E - CU 7j -S o Hm o Z [_ o o .2 O O O tH M rO ro fO O O O O COCO Tl- tJ- ri PO fO fO t)- fO rO fO fO fO M N ro •* u^ O O O O O ro fO fO fO fO J3 u U j3 f 2" " « J3 !* O 5 '^ « T3 ', a. « , ■g iJ u oi w J3 i'^ c S c " .2 „ O O lu rt 3 ^ E " a- - -B E ° £ u S " § u ^ i' ^ - f5 w O w M' o -J -■ _a; < ,r fl a (J rt .s^ (U s^ ■^3 M M r^ O ;^ V dj ,(U >^ r^ ^ t/5 rt ^ o c! O u eu u P^ INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. 279 >-< *-t «' a S'5 § c ■73 , T3 si^ o S:; xJ 2 c3 ^: rt u:: C >^ v. rri Z>- r \ Tt V: tAl "^ c tJ c3 C c fe o o o g c a^ T3 C S rt ra C =1 1-1 2 - C tu c rt c ^ C ^ bD lO L0\0 VO VO r^ 1-^00 ON OS O O „ o o ^ iD ^ ^ 8:2. a _aj ^ .OJ O Ph 'oj ti a; ^^ ^ ^ •XT' tj '-C^ O GU5 C 'If = § ° J? C o f^ N ro ro Tf Ti- Tj- Tl- Tl- Tf t^vO rr "^ fO N O M 00 OnOO On OnOnOnOsOnOnOnOnO O OnOn CO Th u-jvo t-^ l-l M W M M '^ T}- Tt Th Tf- l~-00 CO 't '^ Tt- M ro lo •* M N M N Th T)- Tf rh fO M tJ- vo M <0 O NO t-.00 On m VO vo VO t-- N N N N OO" ON o" C< N ?< 1/7 tJ- fOVO t-^ t^ r~. r^ N N fS N 17? 'S ^ C^ M t/3 c; c-:^ (U C s I- '^ 5 M M N 280 INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. V c JC o Ji 0- E H a ^- 2 ? ^o ^ O 8 ^^ 5^ ^^ rt '^■^Cl.SJ^^ c rt rt O rt >>> rt rt >. rt 2 >^-= ^^ c ■- : J< o A.-'. u -g 'u: 3 u ^'SrtOrt'^rt'^ I l-O lO LO LO UO lO LO >-0 >-0 l-O l-O^ OJ ii o u -a S.U a CO t/3 rt 0) ^ H- » 2 rt o c O -^ pq s S >> >-> ai CO >H <:i a Ch O^ (/} en rt rt U u JO jaquinfj INDEX TO B'lELD BOOK. 281 <3J OJ c75 oj _l; 1^ "-J rt ty, CA! C/} rH, ^ ►> .i2 3 3 O 2 J2 C <1^ IJ -i D L- '-' "^ ^ til '^ = ' a; ■qj O OJ -* bo C 03 ■►C ^ Td -^ -n O -<»-ivo^M3uo>JOiJOio ■^T^T^TfTt•T^■^^O^O^orOfOrOfOfOfO «0 3 U ■4-> Xi -o >-. 'rt HH fl fO ID U 1^ 'bb -U 3 3 3 c j3 < fe W H f > M M ro Tt- VO vo ^ (^ fO t^ »o *0 fO 36 282 INDEX TO FIELD BOOK. V e J= o if ■2S„ ," o -o t- ii ffi a. ID Oh ^^ 3:^^o c^ 11 r3 to 3 '5 ^ '^ ,^ t« (-1 X ^ O .=■ ^ .. '=i "y ^ S a- o W = C rt rt O >- .Si > rt O " j3 J< O « B< u •- o 00 00 00 00 CO t^ O C •^ ~^ 'P r* o -O C S 'r^i =! t-~00 00 00 00 00 0^ O O " 00 On On On i-iONOOi-iMrf-fO »-OV£3 t~.VO t^ P) P) C-l M PI M M fO rO PO •* ■* Tt- rO fO PO PO rO fO .S-^o rt fe E n X3 E c P c c 2 -a a. 0. g u > 'u. •3 •« J? a. C HJ il S JO jsquiniii •c ■£ t/3 hJ 3 h-1 ■^ 3 -i^ ^ -0 3 Ph 3 Q 1 — . 1 — . 00 CN M N fO iH U. (U 'w V3 ^ !; c >^ >ii N rO fO -Th Tt- 10 On On 0\ On On ON vo VO >0 VO NO NO rO n fO ro ro to 00 On N 00 *-- fO Tf- »OsO NO J^OO ON O 1-1 00 On rOrOrOfOfOrOfOrO NO fO 00 M 00 •* r» f^ r) N in r^ o Q pq c o > > 00 c a W ON 284 INDEX. TO FIELD BOOK. JS o " B E e o o I" to " M C v. -5 tlA CL g u u E S 0< rt h " t/) > t3 rt rt V, t/3 (/3 :£ ,o c/, p: >S O O o >-. rt 2 -g^ ■p5 ^ c %-i %-> (U bfi ^ dJ (D *- rt *J (/^ a, Ci-^* > rt U 3^1-, 5 Van lar'd erritse Leake TJ^C '^^2-^-^ o i-i r3 3 3 O b ^ H 'C 'C S =-^ ^ a; *^ *- -S O rt o iH o O oj a; a; o o H2,:z;opi!<^:zffiffiGZZ -a >,J5 is > «"o fa a "c.S " "^ "o ■" "c " ^ a- i-J i; t^^u o ° U U > " _ L> ft« 15 .3 o ^§-=" Hoa o 00 0^ On O O O O w r» cs N N N ro rt- "^i- uovo vo r^ *~- MtHMMI-IMMMM M N O fO *~-VO UOOO Qs fD N w O CXDOOCOOOOO LOiOU^iO CHAPTER V. S E C A U C U S CO M M N S . The preceding Field Book disposes of all the Land in the old Township of Bergen, and settles th3 ownership of nearly all the Common Lands except the Tract allotted to the Patent of Se- caucus. This was not subdivided by the first commission and the rea- son therefor probably lay in the fact that many of the owners were non-residents who had, by inheritance, become owners of consider- able parts of this Patent, which Avere undivided. This confusion of ownership practically prevented an allotment, until finally the political troubles between England and the Colonies intervened. As soon as peace was re-established efforts were made to obtain a subdivision of the allotment. But for several reasons furtlier leg- islation was necessary to secure this object. Thereupon the Leg- islature of New Jersey enacted as follows : CHAP. XLVIII. A Supple7ne7itary act to an Act, intitled, An Act appointing Commission- ers for finally settling atid determining the several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen, and for maki?ig Partition thereof in fust and equitable Proportions among those who shall be adfudgcd by the said Commissioners to be entitled to the same. Whereas an Act of the Legislature of New Jersey Avas passed in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-three, intitled, An Act appointing Commissioners for finally settling and determining the several Rights, Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Township ofPei'gen, and for making Partitioji thereof in fust and equitable Proportiotis among those who shall be adfudged by the said CommissioJiers to be entitled to the same, by which said Act Jacob Spicer, Charles Clinton, William Donald- son, Azariah Dunham, J'ohn Berrien, Samuel Willis and Abraham Clark, jun. Esquires, and the Majority of them, and the Survivors and Survivor of them, and the Majority of such Survivors, were appointed Commission- ers for making Partition of the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen aforesaid, according to the Directions of the said Act : And where- as the said Commissioners, or the Majority of them, in or about the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-four, proceeded to execute the said Trust, and having first surveyed the Outlines of the said Township and the several Patents, and allotted them their respective Proportions of the common Land, made the Subdivisions thereof, and located to each and every Proprietor his and their respective Shares, according as the said Commissioners judged agreeably to Right, except in the single Instance herein particularly provided for : And whereas in making the Subdivisions aforesaid, a Patent was produced to them, called the Patent of Secaucus, dated the tenth Day o( December in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-three, granted by Peter Stuyvesant, the then Dutch Governor, to Nicholas Varlet and Nicholas Bayard, and confirmed to the said Varlet and Bayard by Governor Philip Carteret on the Thirteenth Day of October, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred and 283 SECAUCUS COM ON Sixty-seven, to which Patent the Commissioners set apart a certain Lot of Land, called the common Lands allotted to. the Patent of Sccaiicus, in the Corporation of Bergefi, and which said Lot is distinguished by the said Commissioners' Field-Books and Maps of the General Division by the Number Two Hundred and Kighty-three ; Duplicates of both which said Books and Maps are said to be iiled as of Record in the Secretary's Office in Fert/i Amboy, and in the Clerk's Office in the County oi Bergen : And whereas a great Number of Persons did put in their Claims forthe said Common Lands, in considering of which Claims many Difficulties occurred, and the Commissioners then present being equally divided in Opinion, were prevented from finally determining to Avhom the said Lot of Land did belong, as appears by the Record thereof made by the said Commissioners in their said Books : And whereas all of the said Com- missioners appointed by the said Act, except two, are since deceased : And whereas many Difficulties and Inconveniencies have arisen in and about the Execution of the said Act, in the determining the Claims to the Lands allotted to the Patent of Secaucus, so that a total Obstruction is put to the Commissioners' further proceeding ; Sect. I. Be IT therefore enacted by the Conncil and General As- sembly of this H-tate, and it is hereby Enacted'by the Anthotity of the same, That Abraham Clark, Azariah Dunham, Silas Condict, J-ohn Carle, and Daniel Marsh, Esquires, shall be, and are hereby appointed Commissioners for settling and finally determining in whom the Right or Rights of the said common Lands allotted to the Patent of Secaucus is or ar-e vested ; and if it shall appear to the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, that a Division or Subdivision of the said common Lands is necessary, then the said Commissioners shall proceed to make Division thereof, and shall cause two Field-Books and Maps to be made, specify- ing the Bounds of each and every Lot, and to whom allotted, which said Maps and Field-Books shall be signed by the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them, and their Surveyor or Surveyors : And if the Com- missioners shall be of Opinion that the Right of the said common Land isvestedin one Person, they shall certify the same under their Hands; and one of the Field-Books and one Map of the AUottment with its Subdivisions, if such Subdivision is found necessary, or Certificate, shall be filed of Record in the Secretary's Office ; and one other Field-Book, Map or Certificate, shall be filed in the Clerk's Office of the County of Bergen, to be kept and remain as Evidence, and shall be, and are hereby made conclusive Evidence of the Transactions of said Commissioners, and such Opinion of the said Commissioners shall be deemed good and valid in Law to establish the Right and Title of the Proprietor or Proprietors of the said common Lands. 2. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Commissioners hereby appointed, before they enter on the Execution of any Part of the Trust reposed in them by this Act, shall severally take an Oath, and qualify in the same Manner and Form as the Commis- sioners named in the above recited Act were required to do ; and there- after they, and their Surveyors and Chain-Bearers, shall be vested with the same Powers and Privileges respecting the said Lot of common Land allotted to the said Patent of Secaucus, and be entitled to the same Reward for theii- Services, and subject to the same Restrictions and Reg- ulations, as the Commissioners appointed by the above recited Act, their Surveyors and Chain-Bearers were respectively entitled and subject SECAUCUS COMMONS. 287 to, and the whole Expence which shall or may accrue by the Execution of this Act shall be paid and defrayed out of the Surplus or remaining Money appertaining to the Proprietors of the common Lands of the Cor- poration of the Township of Bergen, provided the same, or a sufficient Part thereof for defraying the Expence of the said Subdivision, can be obtained by the said Commissioners upon Demand of the Persons who were Trustees of the Freeholders of the Township of Bcrgeti, at the Time the other Parts of the Commons of Bcrgcm were divided, or of their Executors or administrators, to which Trustees at that 7 ime the Surplus aforesaid is said to have been paid by their Commissioneis ; and in case the said Commissioners, upon their entering upon the Execution of the Business to which by this Act they are appointed, shall not be able to obtain from said Trustees or their Representatives upon Demand the Whole, or so much of the Money appertaining to the Proprietors of the common Land of Bergen, which was paid to the said Trustees by the former Commissioners, as in their Opinion will be sufficient to defray the Expence attending the Business to which by this Act, they are appointed ; that then, and in such Case, the said Commissioners, or the major Part of them shall be, and they hereby are authorized, directed and em- powered, to set apart so much of the common Land allotted to the Patent of Secaiicns, as in their Opinion will be sufficient to complete the Settlement and Division of the said Commons ; and the said Commis- sioners herein named, and the major Part of them, shall be, and they hereby are invested with all the Powers granted to the Commissioners named in and by the before recited Act for granting, conveying and assuring, the Land they may set apart as aforesaid ; and' any Sale or Sales by them to be made of such Land shall be good and valid, and entitle the Purchaser or Purchasers to an absolute Estate in Fee-Simple for the same, in which said Sale or Sales the said Commissioners shall be Governed by the same Rules, and in all Things conduct themselves in the same Manner, as the Commissioners named and appointed in the be- fore recited Act were directed to govern and conduct themselves. 3. AND, to the End that the Trustees of the Freeholders and In- habitants of Bergen, or their Executors or Administrators, may not on any Pretence whatever withhold any Part of the Money deposited in their Hands which remained of the Sale of Lands made by the Commis- sioners named and appointed in and by the before recited Act, after de- fraying thereout the Expence of the Division and Subdivision of said Commons, as far as they proceeded therein, together with other Dis- bursements made thereout by said Commissioners upon Request of the Trustees and Freeholders of said Township, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Trustees of the Freeholders of the Township of Bergen, in whose Hands the aforesaid Money was deposited, their Ex- ecutors and Administrators respectively, shall be liable and account for all the Surplus Money deposited in their, or either of their Hands, which re- mained unexpended at the Time of closing the Field-Books by the Com- missioners named and appointed in and by the before recited Act, which was raised by the Sale of a Tract of Land, Part of the common Lands of Bergen which was made by said Commissioners pursuant to said recited Act, which Money, deposited as aforesaid, the said Trustees of Bergen, their Executors and Administrators, are hereby required and enjoyned to pay to the Commissioners herein named, or the major Part of them, upon their demanding the same. 288 SECAUCUS COMMONS. 4. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Case any Money received by the Commissioners herein appointed, either of the Trustees oi Ber^i;en, or by the Sale of Lands pursuant to the Direction of this Act, may remain unexpended by said Commissioners in the due Execution of the Business for which they are appointed, the said Commis- sioners shall deposit so much of the said Money as they may find belongs to the Township oi Bergen, in the Hands of the said Trustees of said Township, and the Remainder in the Hands of some Freeholder who they shall judge to be intitled to a Share of said common Lands, with an Account of the Part thereof each Person interested in said Commons is entided to, taking a Receipt for the Money so deposited, with an Account of the Division to be made of the same, which Receipts shall discharge the said Commissioners, their Executors and Administrators, and the Person receiving the same shall be answerable therefor to the several Persons entided thereto. 5. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That, for the more easy and ready acquiring Possession of such common Lands as shall be allotted and adjudged by Virtue of this Act, it shall and may be lawful for the said Commissioners, or the Majority of them, or the Sur- vivors or Survivor of them, to issue a Precept under their hands and Seals, directed to the Sheriff of Bergen County, commanding him to cause full and actual Possession to be delivered to such Person or Persons to whom such common Lands shall be allotted as aforesaid, which said Sheriff is hereby required to execute said Precept, and if the Sherift' shall find it necessary, he may raise the Fosse Comitatus, and exercise the same Power and Authority with which by Law he is invested in the Execution of a Writ of Possession in an Action of Ejectment. Provided always. That Nothing contained in this Act shall be deemed, construed, or understood to effect or destroy any Claim, Right or Tide of the General Proprietors of the Eastern Division of this State to the Premises, or to any Part there- of, and saving also to this State all its Rights therein as if this Act had not passed. Provided also, That the Commissioners herein appointed shall meet and enter upon the Execution of this Act, as soon as they con- veniently can after the passing thereof, having previously given one Month's Notice in the New York Gazette of the Time and Place of such their intended Meeting. /'<7.y.f(?^ rt'^ New-Brunswick, August 26, 1784. Thus empowered, the new Commission proceeded Avith the work of subdividing the Secaucus Commons. The following is a copy of their Field-Book and Map, showing the result of their work. Thej were filed as directed in the Act, but strange to say, no evidence appears on them of their having been filed in the office of the Secretary of State. As to how they came to be filed in the Hudson County Clerk's office the reader is referred to what was said on i)age 24. There is no doubt that this work is marked with the same care and accuracy which are so characteristic of the work of the first Commissioners. BERGEN COMMON LANDS. FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF HUDSON COUNTY, MARCH 15, 1853. R. GILCHRIST, GlerL 37 *THis IS ONE OF THE FIELD BOOKS i* Of the Partition and Division of Common Land allotted to the Patent of Secaucus in the Township of Bergen, made in pursuance of a Law of the State of New Jersey passed at New Brunswick the Twenty sixth Day of August in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand seven Hun- dred and Eighty four, Intitled " A Supplementary Act to an Act intitled, an Act appointing Commis- sioners for finally settling and Determining the several Rights, Tides and Claims, to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen and for making partition thereof in Just and Equitable proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be intitled to the same " The Commissioners named and appointed in and by the said Act taking upon them the Execution of the trust thereby reposed three of them (to wit) Azariah Dunham Silas Condit and Daniel Marsh, were duly sworn as foUoweth New Survey ss : Be it Remembered that on the fifteenth day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand * seven Hundred and Eighty four Personally *2 appeared before me John Cleves Symms Esq''- one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey, Azariah Dunham Silas Condit and Daniel Marsh Esquires three of the Commissioners appointed in and by an Act passed at New Brunswick the 26th day of August 1784 intitled, an Act appointing Commissioners for Finally Settling and De- termining the several rights and claims to the Common Lands in the Township of Bergen and for making partition thereof in Just and Equit- able proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Com- missioners to be intitled to the same, Passed in the fourth Year of George the third ; and severally took the Oath required in and by the said recited Acts. Taken and sworn at Solitude the day Az : Dunham and Year first aforesaid before me Silas Condit John Cleves Symms Daniel Marsh The other two of the said Commmissioners (to wit) Abraham Clark and John Carle were duly sworn as follows. New Jersey ss. Abraham Clark and John Carle Esquires two of the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of the Legislature of New Jersey intided * A Supplementary Act intitled an Act appointing Commissioners *^ for Finally Settling and Determining the several Rights Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen, and for making parti- 202 SECAUCUS COMMONS. tion thereof in Just and Equitable proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be intitled to the same passed the twenty sixth day of August last ; Personally appeared before me Isaac Smith Esqf- second Justice of the Supreme Court, and being sev- erally sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God did depose that they would respectively execute and perform the trust and services re- quired of them severally by the before recited Act fairly and impartially according to the directions thereof and the best of their Skill and Judg- ment Sworn before me this 22d Albra: Clark day of December 1784 John Carle Isaac Smith as by the aforementioned Original despositions filed in the Office of the clerk of the County of Bergen may appear. The said Azariah Dunham Silas Condit and Daniel Marsh being sev- erally sworn as aforesaid did make and publish in the New York Gazet- #. teer from the 21st day of December 1784 to the 21st day * of January 1785 a Notification in the words following (there being no New York Paper by the name of Gazette published in New York at that time) TJCotlCC is hereby given to all persons concerned, that the Commis- sioners appointed to and by an Act intitled a Supplementary Act to an Act intitled an Act appointing Commissioners for finally Settling and De- termining the several Rights, Titles and Claims, to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen, and for making partition thereof in Just and Equitable proportions among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be intitled to the same (passed the 26th day of August 1784) Will meet on Monday the 24th day of January next at the House of Sylvanus Lawrence at Hobucken in the said Township of Bergen for the purpose of Settling and Finally determining in whom the Right or Rights to the Common Lands allotted to the Patent of Secaucus is or are Vested agreeable to the directions of the said Act. December 20th 1784 Azariah Dunham Silas Condit Dan'l Marsh the Commissioners named in said Act having met Pursuant to the above Notification did appoint Thomas Clark to be Surveyor, who thereupon took the following Oath *^ *Bergen County ss. Thomas Clark of the County of Essex appointed Surveyor for Divi- ding the Common Lands allotted to the Patent of Secaucus by the Commis- sioners named and appointed by an Act intitled " A Supplementary Act to an Act intitled an Act appointing Commissioners for finally Settling and Determining the several Rights Titles and Claims to the Common Lands of the Township of Bergen and for making partition thereof in Just and Equitable proportion among those who shall be adjudged by the said Commissioners to be intitled to the same" being duly sworn deposeth that he will well and Truly execute and perform the trust and services required of him as Surveyor by the above said Act fairly and impartially SECAUCUS COMMONS. 293 according to the Directions he miy receive from the Commissioners named in said Act, to the best of his Skill and Judgment Sworn the 25th day of ' Tho'^ Clark- January 1785 Before me John Benson One of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in said County. As by the deposition filed in the Clerks Office of the County of Ber- gen may appear * 212EC then caused an actual Survey to be taken of the Commons *^ after which we proceeded to consider the Claim put in by the Agent of Forfeited Estates for the County of Bergen, to all the Common Lands allotted to the Patent of Secaucus as formerly claimed and forfeited to the State by WiUiam Bayard, the said William Bayard having claimed the same as Heir at Law to Nicholas Bayard one of the Original Pat- entees of Secaucus and survivor to Nicholas Varlet the other Patentee ;* which Patented Premises after the Decease of the said Nicholas Varlet was with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging. Granted and Con- veyed by the Administrators of said Varlet and Nicholas Bayard, to Ed- ward Earle by Deed dated the twenty fourth day of April in the Year One Thousand six hundred and seventy six Pursuant to Written Articles entered into by the said administrators and Nicholas Bayard on the one part, and Edward Earle on the other part dated the sixteenth day of October in the year One Thousand Six Hundred and seventy three, wherein the said administrators and Bayard agree to sell and convey to said Earle the Island Secaucus with Meadows &:c according to the Patent, with such further Right and Interest as the same Island hath been possessed by the said Administrators and said Bayard * 2199li)iCi) Claim with the writings and Evidence produced for and *7 against the same being fully Considered, SSJc do adjudge that all the Right to the Commons belonging to the Patent of Secaucus passed with the Island of Secaucus by the grant from the administrators of Nicholas Varlet and from Nicholas Bayard to Edward Earle. And whereas divers Persons Claimed a Right in the Commons of Secaucus under the said Edward Earle and fearing such Claimers had not exhibited all their Papers in support of their Rights we judging it proper to give a further time to produce the same did on the 26th day of February 1785 adjourn all further proceedings until the first Monday in April fol- lowing and thereupon Published in the New York Gazetteer Weekly, for four weeks the following Advertisement. The Subscribers Commissioners appointed by Law for adjusting and finally settling the Titles of the Claimants to the Common Lands Allotted to the Patent of Secaucus in the Township of Bergen having same time attended for the Purpose of their Appointment and being desirous of giv- ing all Claimants sufficient time to produce their Claims hereby give ^g Notice that they have * adjourned until the first Monday in April next to meet at this place, at which time they will be ready to receive any further Claims and Evidences to support the same ; Claims not produced at the above said time will necessarily be Excluded. Hobucken February 26th 1785 Silas Condit Abraham Clark John Carle Azariah Dunham Daniel Marsh. As to the claim of William ayard, vide Field Boole, p. 221. 294 DANIEL SMITH EDMUND W. KINGSLAND. Mjclbtltfl nict agreal:)ly to the foregoing Notice we proceeded first in making a Valuation of the several parts of the said Commons in Order to Divide the same according to Value after which we set apart a Certain parcel thereof to be sold towards defraying the exjienses of the Division. The Lot set apart to be sold is marked A on the Map, and is twenty two chains in width extending across the Common Land from the Eastermost Bounds of the Commons to Pinhornes Creek between Parallel Lines run- ning North fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West. The Souther- most of which Lines is the Southermost Bounds of the said Common Land, the said Lot so set apart Contains by Estimation about One Hun- dred and Twenty Acres '^g * 21230 then proceeded to the Examination of the Titles of the sev- eral Persons Claiming parts and shares of the said Common Land, allot- ted to Secaucus, and upon the Examination thereof 213E0 adjudge a Certain Portion or share of said Lands to be- long to Daniel Smith Our Survey of Avhicli said Portion as laid down on the Map shews, and tOC adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No i * JJffllUniUfl at a Stake standing the south side of a run of water in a Gully, by the edge of the water Being the Eastermost Corner of the lot set apart for sale, standing also in the line of the Bergen Lots formerly subdivided and from said Stake runs North fifty eight de- grees and thirty minutes west fifty five chains and fifty links to Pinhorns Creek, then returning to said stake the Place of Beginning and from thence running North thirty one degrees and thirty minutes east five chains and forty links to a stake in the line of the Bergen Lots, thence north fifty eight degrees and thirty minutes west fifty five chains and fifty links to said Pinhorns Creek, thence down said Creek as it runs to meet the first line running to the same containing about thirty acres. :o * ^tttr Xat at(|UTfflC a Certain Portion or share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to Edmund William Kingsland of New Barbadoes Neck Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and iQJC Adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 2t SSC^Cnntttfi at the Eastermost Corner of the Last mentioned Lot No I, from thence Running along the Line of said Lot north fifty eight degrees and thirty minutes west fifty five chains and fifty links to Pin- horns Creek, then returning to the place of Beginning from thence Run- ning along the Bergen Lots North thirty one degrees and thirty minutes * Daniel Smith left this lot to his son Daniel, who conveyed it to David Hennion July 25, 1815. Charles Watt3 owned part olit in 1819, and Garret Newkirk part of it in 1839. t The interest of Kingsland in Secaucus came through his marriage with Mary, daughter of Judge Pinhorne. Tide Note to Secaucus Patent, p. 66. He conveyed this lot to Garret J. Van Eypen and Lcvinus Wiune May 23, 1738. George Hillj-er conveyed it to Samuel Fan shaw Aug. 28, 1839. MA1?Y MOORP: — JOHN BARD. 295 east eleven chains and ten links to a stake, thence north fifty eight de- grees and thirty minutes west fifty eight chains to Pinhorns Creek, thence down said Creek as it runs till it meets the first line running to the same containing about sixty two Acres and a half Acre. .^ntf tor atJjUtige a Certain Portion or share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to Mary Moore Widow of Austin Moore Esq^ deceased. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and tOe adjudge it to be a Tract of Land marked No 3.* * Beginning at a stake being the Eastermost Corner of the last men- tioned Lot No 2 from thence running along the line thereof north fifty eight degrees and thirty minutes west fifty eight chains to Pinhorns Creek, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running along the Bergen Lots north thirty one degrees and thirty minutes east twenty eight chains and ninety nine links to a stake, thence north fifty eight de- grees and thirty minutes west seventy one chains and fifty links to Pin- horns Creek, thence down said Creek as it runs, till it meets the first line running to the same, Containing about One Hundred and Eighty four Acres. Mnti \33t atfJUtlSC a Certain Portion or share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to John Bard of the City of New York Doctor of Physick, Our Survey of which said portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and to J adjudge it to be a Tract of Land marked No 4. t Beginning at a stake being the Eastermost Corner of the last men- tioned Lot No 3 from thence running * along the line thereof north fifty ' eight degrees and thirty minutes west seventy one chains and fifty links to Pinhorns Creek, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running north thirty one degrees and thirty minutes east five chains and sixty eight links to a stake being the Northerly Corner of a lot of Common Land Allotted to Herman Edwards Patent Marked on the Map of the General Division of the Commons of Bergen No 249, thence ^' The widow Moore, and her son William Augustin Moore, conveyed this tract Nov. 6, 16S3, in parcels, as follows : To Nicholas Vreeland, forty-five acres ; to Jacob Van Wagenen, forty acres ; to Helmigh Van Hoiiten, fifty acres ; to Jasper Prior, twenty-five acres ; and to Jacob Newkirk, tw.^nty-five acres. Tiiesj strips extended northwest and southeast from the line of the " Bergen Lots " to Pinhorne Creek, and were in order, beginning on the northerly bounds of the tract. Van Houten died seized. Fide Note to Lot No. 4, New Field Booh. Part of his purchase was partitioned April 6, 1831, among the children of his grandson Helmigh, viz.. Garret. Catherine, wife of John Vreeland, J^it, Elizj., wife of Jacob Grejullef, an I Rt^.hzl, wife of Gr.ir- ret Newkirk. t Bard conveyed this lot to Jacobus Van Buskirk July 29, 1733. Vide Note to Jansen and EdsaU's Patent, p. 19. Part of this lot, containing fifty-four acres and six- tenths of an acre, he had bought in 1831 from Thomas Alsop ; Alsop bought from the heirs of Pinhorne Dec. 15, 1730. It was a strip from the northerly side of Pinhorne's farm. 29G EVERT ]{ANKEr: EDMOND KIXGSLANI). north fifty four degrees west one chain and seventy links to a stake being the westerly Corner of a Lot of Common Land Allotted to Hendrick Teunison's Patent marked on the Map of the General Division of the Commons No 220, thence north thirty five degrees east seven chains and eighty two links to a stake, thence north fifty eight degrees and thirty minutes west forty nine chains and forty five links to a Cedar Tree mark- ed for a Corner in the Cedar Swamp, thence north thirty one degrees and thirty minutes east twenty six chains and sixty three links to Pin- horns Creek, thence down the said (]!reek as it runs till it meets with the first line running to the same. Containing about One Hundred and fifty four Acres. i^ * ^ntf U)C aU|i)tIfJ0 a Certain Portion or share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to Evert Banker of New York, Merchant. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and ttJC adjudge it to be a Tract of Land marked No 5 * Beginning at a stake being the Eastermost Corner of the last men- tioned Lot No 4 from thence running north fifty eight degrees and thirty minutes west forty nine chains and forty five links to a Cedar Tree Mark- ed in the Cedar Swamp being a Corner of the last mentioned Lot, thence north thirty one degrees and thirty minutes East twenty six chains and sixty three links to Pinhorns Creek, then returning to the place of Begin- ning and from thence running along the line of the Bergen Lots north thirty five degrees east thirty three chains and fifty four links to a stake, thence north fifty eight degrees and thirty minutes West twenty six chains and sixty links to a stake by Cromkill on the North side of the mouth of Pinhorn's Ditch, thence along said Ditch northwest twelve chains to said Pinhorns Creek, then down the same as it runs till it meets with the last mentioned line that runs to said Creek, Containing about One Hundred and sixty five Acres. '14 * ^tttl \33t atJjUtJflf a Certain Portion or share of said Com- mon Land to belong to Edmond Kingsland. Our Survey of which said portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and iJJt adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 6.t Beginning at a stake being the Eastermost Corner of the last men- tioned Lot No 5, from thence running along the line thereof North fifty eight degrees and thirty minutes west twenty six chains and sixty links to a stake by the Cromkill on the north ' side of the mouth of Pinhorn's Ditch, then returning to the place of Beginning, from thence running along the line of the Bergen Lots north thirty five degrees east eight chains and forty two links to a stake, thence north fifty eight degrees and thirty minutes west twenty six chains and sixty three links to said Crom- « IJanker conveyed this lot to John E. Earle June 7, 1792. Earle conveyed the southwesterly part of it to Peter Sip June 25, 1800, and thirteen acres and eleven one- hundredths of an acre of it to Peter Wilson April 20, 1804. Jasper Cadmus sold one hundred and thirty acres aud eleven one-hundredths of an acre to John Sturge, jr., Sept. 17, 1833 (July 30, 1829?), who conveyed to his son John Oct. 22, 1835. t Kingshuid conveyed this lot to Deborah, wife of James Outwater, Nov. 7, 1785. GEORGE LEISLIE ET AL. 297 kill, thence up said Kill as it runs till it meets with the first line from the Beginning that runs to the same Containing about Twenty two Acres and three Tenths of an Acre. 'M\iti U30 atHjUtrtJt a certain Portion or share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to George Leislie. Our Survey of which said portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and iD0 adjudge it to be a Tract of Land marked No 7.* * Beginning at a Stake being the Eastermost Corner of the last men- *ic tioned Lot No 6, from thence Running North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty Minutes West Twenty six Chains and sixty three Links to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence run- ning along the line of the Bergen Lots North Thirty five Degrees East seven Chains and sixty seven links to a Stake, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Twenty seven Chains and seventy links to said Cromkill, Thence up said kill as it runs, till it meets with the first line from the Beginning that runs to the same, Containing about Twenty Acres and seven tenths of an Acre. ^Utf iat atJjtttfflt a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to Josiah Hornblower Esq''- of Essex County. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and tDC adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 8.t Beginning at a Stake being the Eastermost Corner of the last men- tioned Lot No- 7, from thence running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Twenty seven Chains and seventy hnks to the * *i6 Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence Run- ning along the line of the Bergen Lots North Thirty five Degrees East seven Chains alnd twenty one Links to a stake, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Thirty one Chains to Cromkill, thence up said kill as it runs till it meets with the first line running from the Beginning to said kill, Containing about twenty Acres and seven tenths of an Acre. ^ntf tOf a'iJjU'530 a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to William Earle late deceased. Garret Hopper and John Earle equally among them as Tenants in Common, the said William Earie's part thereof to be held and possessed by his Children in such proportion that each son have twice or double the share of each Daughter agreeably to a late Law directing the descent of Real Estate. ~ Leslie's interest in Secaucus came through his marriage with Colonel Kingsland's daughter. He conveyed this lot to Helmigh Van Houten Aug. 13, 1785. Vide Note to Lot No. 3, of Secaucus Commons, p. 11. t Hornblower 's interest in Secaucus came through his niai-riage witli FAizaheth, daughter of William Kingsland. He conveyed this lot to Helmigh Van Houten Oct. 15, 1785. Vide Note to Lot No. 3, of Secaucus Commons, p. 11. 38 298 JOB SMITH ET AL. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the the Map, shews, and UJC adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marke(] No 9.* Beginning at a Stake, being the Easteimost Corner of the last men- tioned Lot No 8 from thence rurning North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West three Chains and forty two links to a stake, thence ♦ 17 North six Degrees and fifteen minutes East * fourteen Chains and forty nine links to a Stake, thence South Fifty eight Degrees and thirty min- utes East Ten Chains and thirty six links to a stake, in the line of the Bergen Lots, thence along said line South Thirty five Degrees West thir- teen Chains and ten links to the place of Beginning, Containing about Nine Acres. MXiti UJ0 atJ|UtrflCa certain Portion or share of said Common Lands to belong to Job Smith of Secaucus. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and il30 adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No lof Beginning at a Stake standing in the line of Lot No 8 adjudged to Josiah Hornblower at Three Chains and fifty two links from the Easter- most Comer of said Lot which stake is a Corner of the last mentioned Lot No 9, and from thence running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Twenty seven chains and fifty eight links to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning, and from thence running North six Degrees and fifteen minutes East Five Chains and twenty links to a *i8 stake standing in the line of Lot No 9, thence North Fifty eight * De- grees and thirty minutes West twenty seven Chains and five Hnks to said Cromkill, thence up the said Kill as it runs till it meets with the first hne from the Beginning running to the said Kill Containing about Twelve Acres and eight tenths of an Acre. ^IXtf UJC atJlUTTflf a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to and among all the Children of Philip Smith late of Secaucus, deceased (which he left at the time of his de- cease) to be held and possessed by said Children in such propor- tion that each soa have twice or double the share of each Daugh- ter agreeably to a late Law directing the descents of Real Estates. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and UJP adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No II Beginning at a Stake being the Northeastermost Comer of the last mentioned Lot No 10 standing in the line of Lot No 9 and from said stake running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Twenty seven Chains and fifty eight links to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running North six Degrees and * Abraham Lozier and Mary, his wife, conveyed one-third of this lot to Cornelius Doremus Nov. — , 1796. t Smith by will devised this lot to Cornelia, widow of John Smith, Avho conveyed it to Morris Ackerman Aug. 4, 1812. ANTLEBE EARLE ET AL. 299 fifteen minutes East six Chains and forty one * Links to the Stake stand- ing in the line of Lot No 9, thence North fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Twenty six Chains and thirty two links to said Cro.Tikill, thence up said Kill as it runs till it m;ets with the first line from the be- ^^rg ginning that runs to the same, Containing about Fifteen Acres and seven tenths of an Acre. Slntr tut a"tf|UlJUC a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to Antlebe Earle Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and tOf adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No J2 * Beginning at a stake being the Northeastermost Corner of the last mentioned Lot No 11 standing in the line of Lot No 9 and from said Stake running North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes West Twen- ty six Chains and thirty two links to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running North six Degrees and fif- teen minutes East four Chains and Eighty five links to a stake standing in the line of Lot No 5, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes West twenty three Chains and sixty eight links to said Cromkill where the same makes a short bend, thence up said kill as it runs till it meets with the first line from the Beginning that runs to the same. Con- taining about Eleven Acres. *^ntl iOt atJjUtfgC a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to the Heirs or Devisees of Joseph Hawkens for- merly of New York deceased or such as may Legally Claim the same under him as we adjudge the right and Title to the said Portion *2o of Commons was Vested in said Hawkens at the time of his de- cease but we know not who is or are now entitled thereto under him. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and i)Or adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No Beginning at a Stake being the North East Corner of the last men- tioned Lot No 12 standing in the line of Lot No 15 and from said Stake running North Fifty Eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Twenty three Chains and sixty Eight links to the Cromkill where the same makes a short bend, then returning to the place of Beginning, and from thence running North six Degrees and fifteen minutes East five Chains and thirty seven Links to a stake, thence North Thirty two Degrees and forty five minutes East Eight Chains and ten links to a stake in the Road, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes West thirty Chains and forty links to said Cromkill, thence up said Kill as it runs till it meets • Antlebe Earle's interest in Secaucus (at least in parts came through two deeds from Edward Earle, grandson of the original Earle, dated Sept. 20, 1755, and May 10, 1757, Vide Note to Secaucus Patent, p. 66. t William Hawkins, of Kiuderhook, conveyed this lot to Enoch Smith, Dec. 12, 1792. 30 JAMES SACKET ET AL. *2i with the first line from * the Beginning that runs to the same, Containing about Thirty eight Acres. ^Utl U)t atJl'Utfflf the Right and Title to a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands was Legally Vested in John Kings- land immediately after the decease of his Father PMmond Kings- land by Vertue of the last will and Testament of the said Edmond Bearing date the twenty ninth day of July in the year One Thou- sand seven hundred and forty one ; But as no Person appeared to Claim said Portion or Share, we do not determine to whom the same doth now belong. Our survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, sheweth, and U)0 adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 14. Beginning at a Stake standing in the Road being the Eastermost Cor- ner of the last mentioned Lot No 13 and from thence Running North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes West Thirty Chains and forty Hnks to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning, and from thence running North Thirty two Degrees and forty five minutes East *22 Thirteen Chains and twenty eight links * to a Stake, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Thirty Chains and Eighty links to said Cromkill, thence up said Kill as it runs till it meets with the first line running to the same from the Beginning, Containing about Forty one Acres. Sltttf tor fll(ftltl|j;0 a Certain Portion or Share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to the Heirs or Devisees of James Sacket deceased ; as We adjudge the Right and Title to said Portion of Commons was Legally Vested in said James Sacket at the time of his decease. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and tUf adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No IS-* Beginning at a Stake planted in the line of the Bergen Lots, being the Eastermost Corner of Lot No 9 adjudged to Garret Hopper, John Earle and the Heirs of William Earle deceased, and from thence Run- ning North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes ^^'est Ten chains and Thirty six links to a Stake being the Northermost Corner of Lot No 9, thence North six degrees and fifteen minutes East seven Chains *2-y and thirty five links to a stake, thence North Thirty two * Degrees and forty five minutes East seventy four links to a stake in the Road standing in the line of Lot No 13, thence South Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes East thirteen Chains and Eighty eight links to a Stake in the line of the Bergen Lots, thence along said line South Thirty five degrees West seven Chains and forty one links to the place of beginning, Containing about Nine Acres and one tenth of an Acre. * This lot was conveyed by William Sackett to Enoch Smith Nov. 3, 1787, and by John G. Leake to Cornelius Doremus, of Slotterdam, April 4, 1790. Sacket's interest in Secaucus arose by a deed from Joseph Sacket to him, July 21, 1762, for one- eighteenth of twenty acres he had bought of Edward Earle July 20, 1762. WILLIAM, JOHN, AND SAMUEL SACKET. 301 ^nti tDC atr|Utfflt a Certain Portion or Share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to the Heirs or Devisees of WilHam Sacket deceased ; as We adjudge the Right and I'itle to said Portion of Commons was Legally Vested in said \\'illiam Sacket at the time of his decease. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and toe adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No i6 * Beginning at a Stake planted in the line of the Bergen Lots being the Eastermost Corner of the last mentioned Lot No 15 and from thence Running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West thirteen Chains and eighty eight links to a stake in the Road be- ing the Northermost Corner of Lot No 15, thence North thirty two De- grees and * Forty five Minutes East six Chains and fifty links to a stake #24 in the road, thence south Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes East, fourteen Chains and seventeen hnks to a stake in the line of the Bergen Lots, thence along said line South thirty five Degrees West six Chains and fifty one Links to the place of Beginning, Containing about Nine Acres and one tenth of an Acre. Mnti tor atr|UtrrjC a certain Portion or Share of Said Com- mon Lands to belong to the Heirs or Devisees of John Sacket de- ceased ; as We adjudge the Right and Title to said Portion of Commons was Legally Vested in said John Sacket at the time of his decease. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and U30 adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 17. Beginning at a stake planted in the Line of the Bergen Lots, being the Eastermost Corner of the last mentioned Lot No 16, and from thence Running North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes West Fourteen Chains and seventeen links to a stake in the road, thence North Thirty two Degrees and forty five minutes East six Chains and thirty seven links to a stake in the Road ; thence south Fifty eight * Degrees and Thirty : minutes East Fourteen Chains and Thirty eight links to a stake in the line of theBergen Lots, thence along said line south Thirty five Degrees West six Chains and Thirty Eight links to the place of beginning ; Containing about nine Acres and one tenth of an Acre. ^tt^ lUt atI|UTfflC a Certain Portion or Share of said Com mon Lands to belong to the Heirs or Devisees of Samuel Sacket deceased ; as We adjudge the Right and Title to said Portion of Commons was Legally Vested in said Samuel Sacket at the time of his decease Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews the same in two Lots and iUC adjudge them to be the Two Tracts of Land Marked No 18 and No 23 1 * Sacket conveyed this lot to Enoch Smith Nov. 3, 1787. t Lot 18. These two lots were sold by Samuel and Augustus Sacket to Paul Saunier June 3, 1780. Lot No. 18 forms part of the present MacpeUh Cemetery, and "25 '602 SAMUEL SACKET. The first of which said Lots No i8 Begins at a Stake standing in the line of the Bergen Lots Being the Eastermost Corner of the last men- tioned Lot Marked No 17 and from thence running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Fourteen Chains and thirty eight links to a stake in the road, thence North Thirty two Degrees and forty five #26 minutes East six * Chains and twenty six links to another stake in the Road, thence South Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes East Four- teen Chains and seventy links to a stake in the line of the Bergen Lots, thence along said line South thirty five Degrees West six Chains and Twenty seven links to the place of Beginning ; Containing about Nine Acres and One tenth of an Acre, The other of which said Lots Marked No 23 begins at a stake planted for a Corner in the line of the Bergen Lots, the said Stake being the Eastermost of a Lot or Portion of said Common Land hereinafter mentioned and adjudged to belong to Doctor Joseph Sacket, and from said Stake to the place of Beginning Running North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes West Fifty two Chains to the Cromkill, thence re- turning to the place of Beginning and from thence running along the Hills in the line of the Bergen Lots North Thirty five Degrees East, six was a part of the " Frenchman's Garden." Concerning this garden I have met with the following poetic and somewhat sonoi-ous accounts. "In a wild and romantic situation on Bergen Creek, nearly opposite the City of New York, thirty acres of land were purcliased for a garden and fruitery by the un- fortunate Louis XVI., who as proprietor became a naturalized citizen, by act of the Legislature." Warden's History of the United States, il., 53. This .statement of War- den seems to have been based on a notice relating to tliis garden in the Xew Jersey Journal, June 27, 1787, in which il is said, "Part of this space is at present enclosing with a stone wall, and a universal collection of exotic, as well as domestic plants, trees and flowers are already begun to be introduced to this elegant spot, which in time must rival if not excel the most celebrated gardens of Europe. The situation is naturally wild and romantic, between two considerable rivers, in view of the main ocean, th^ city of New York, the heights of Staten Island, and a vast extent of distant mountains on the western side of the landscape." As "tall oaks from little ftcorns grow," so these exaggerated statements had their origin in the following simple fact. On March 3, 1786, Andre Michaux, in his petition to the Legislature of this State, set forth that the king of France had commissioned him as his Botanist to travel through the United States, that he had power to import from France any tree plant or vegetable that might be wanting in this country, that he wished to establish near Bergen a Botanical Garden ot about thirty acres, to experiment in agriculture and gardening, and which he intended to stock with French and American plants, as also plant* from all over the world. The Legislature granted his petition, and per- mitted him as an alien to hold not exceeding two hundred acres of land in this State, He came to this country fortified with a flattering letter of introduction, dated at Vienna, Sept, 3, 1785, from the Marquis de La Fayette to Washington. Correspond dence of the American Mevolution, iv., 116. He was attached to the Jardin des Plants in Paris. He brought with him the gardener, Paul Saunier, who took the title to the ground bought for the garden. The place was stocked with many plants and trees, among which was the Lombard poplar. From this garden this once celebrated tree was spread abroad through the country and pronounced an exotic of priceless valqe. —Old New York, 23, CATHARINE DE HART NICHOLAS FISH. 303 Chains and fifty four links on a Horizontal or level line to a stake planted for a Corner, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West, Fifty three Chains to said Cromkill, then up said Kill as it Runs till it meets with the first line running to the same from the beginning; Containing about Thirty two Acres. * ^Xltf U)C tltlfUlJflC a Certain Portion or share of said Com- *2-j mon Lands to belong to the Heirs of Catharine De Hart deceased late Widow of Doctor Matthias De Hart deceased, as We ad- judge the Right and Title to said Portion of Commons was Legally Vested in the said Catharine De Hart at the time of her decease Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and U)C adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 19 * Beginning at a Stake standing in the line of the Bergen Lots, being the Easternmost Corner of the Lot No 18 adjudged to the Heirs or De- visees of Samuel Sacket deceased and from thence running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Fourteen Chains and seventy links to a stake in the Road, thence North Thirty two Degrees and forty five minutes East, one Chain and Thirty eight links to a stake being the Easter- most Corner of a Lot Marked No 14 laid out to the Right of John Kingsland, thence along the hne of said Lot North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West, Thirty Chains and Eighty links to the Crom- kill, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running along the line of the Bergen Lots North Thirty five Degrees East seven Chains * and Eighty eight links to a Stake, thence North Fifty eight *28 Degrees and thirty minutes West, Forty five Chains and forty links to said Cromkill then up the said Kill as it runs till it meets with the above mentioned line running to the same; Containing about Thirty one Acres. ^Iltf toe atfJUtrflC a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to Colonel Nicholas Fish of New York Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and toC adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 20 Beginning at a Stake in the line of the Bergen Lots, being a Comer of the last mentioned Lot No 19 and from thence running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Forty five Chains and forty links to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning, and from thence running along the Hills in the Line of the Bergen Lots, North Thirty five Degrees East, six Chains and thirty nine Links on a Horizontal or level line to a Stake, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Fifty three Chains and twenty links to the said Cromkill, thence up the said Kill as it runs till it meets with the above mentioned line * running to the same from the Beginning Containing about Twenty Nine #29 Acres. * Catherine De Hart was a Kingsland. Job Hedden conveyed tliis lot to Enoch Smith April 11, 1783, and by Enocli Earle (who seenis to have been an heir of Smith) to Robert Greenlief Aug. 16, 1803. 304 WILLIAM DOBBS ET AL. SlnlJ lUC tltJIU^flC a Certain Portion or Share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to the Heirs or Devisees of WiUiam Dobbs deceased; as we adjudge the Right and Tide to said Portion of Commons was Legally Vested in the said William Dobbs at the time of his decease. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and tot adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 21 * Beginning at a Stake Planted in the Line of the Bergen Lots, being the Eastermost Corner of the last mentioned Lot No 20 and from thence running along the line of the same North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West, Fifty three Chains and twenty links to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning, and from thence Running on the Hills in the line of the Bergen Lots North Thirty five Degrees East Five Chains and Eleven links on a Horizontal or level line to a stake, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West, Fifty one Chains and fifty links to said Cromkill, thence up the said Kill as it runs ^30 * till it meets with the aforementioned line running to the same from the Beginning, Containing about Twenty five Acres. MXlti iSit atfJUtTflP a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to Joseph Sacket Doctor of Physick Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down the Map, shews, and U30 adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 22. t Beginning at a Stake planted for a Corner in the line of the Bergen Lots, being the Eastermost Corner of the last mentioned Lot No 21, and from thence running along the Line of the same. North Fifty eight De- grees and thirty minutes West Fifty one Chains and fifty links to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running on the Hills in the line of the Bergen Lots, North Thirty five Degrees East Three Chains and Eighty three Links on a Horizontal or level line to a stake being a Corner of a Lot hereinbefore adjudged to the Heirs or Devisees of Samuel Sacket deceased and Marked No 23 and from thence Running North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes *3' West Fifty two Chains to said Cromkill, * thence up the said Kill as it runs till it meets with the aforementioned line running to the same from the Beginning, Containing about Nineteen Acres. ^ntr toe aTr|U^|je the Right and Title to a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands was Legally Vested in Isaac Kingsland immediately after the decease of his Father Edmond * Edward Earle, jr., conveyed to William Dobbs, June 10, 1763, one-third of his interest in twenty acres which he and Joseph Sackett, M.D., bought of Edward Earle July 20, 17(52. On same day he conveyed one-third to Jonathan Fish, who conveyed to Dobbs Dec. 1 0, 1763. This accounts for Dobbs' interest in the Commons. This lot seems to have been owned by Joseph Van Winkle, as his executors, Jerry, Henry, and Abraham Van Winkle, conveyed it to Cornelius Smith May 24, 1810. t This lot was conveyed by Nathaniel Wade to Enoch Smith Sept. 8, 1789, and by Henry Earle (probably an heir of Smith) to Nathaniel Earle July 20, 1792. HESTER EMOT HENDRICK BRINKERHOOF. 305 Kingsland by Virtue of the last Will and Testament of the said Edmon bearing date the Twenty ninth day of July, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty one, But as no Person appeared to Claim said Portion or share we do not determine to whom the same doth now belong. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and tut adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 24 Beginning at a Stake planted in the line of the Bergen Lots, being the Eastermost Corner of a Lot hereinbefore adjudged to the Heirs or De- visees of Samuel Sacket deceased and marked No 23 and from said Be- ginning running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Fifty three Chains to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence Running on the * Hills in the line of the Bergen Lots #,2 North Thirty Five Degrees East Six Chains aad three links in a Hori- zontal or level hne, to a stake thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Fifty two Chains to said Cromkill then up the said Kill as it runs till it meets with the above mentioned line, running to the same from the Beginning ; Containing about Thirty Acres. ^ntf UJC atflUtfgC the Right and Tide to a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands was Legally Vested in Hester Emot deceased Widow of William Emot immediately after the de- cease of her Father Edmond Kingsland by Virtue of the last Will and Testament of the said Edmon Kingsland bearing date the twenty ninth day of July in the Year One Thousand seven Hun- dred and forty one, But as no Person appeared to Claim said Portion or Share UJ0 do not determine to whom the same doth now belong. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and UJf adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 25* Beginning at a Stake planted for a Corner in the line of the Bergen Lots, being the Eastermost * Corner of the last mentioned Lot No 24 ^ and from said Stake Running North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty min- ^^ utes West Fifty two Chains to the Cromkill then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running on the Hills in the line of the Bergen Lots, North Thirty five Degrees East, seven Chains and sixty six links on a Horizontal or level line to a Stake, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Fifty two Chains to said Cromkill, thence up the said Kill as it Runs till it meets with the above mentioned Line run- ning to the same from the Beginning; Containing about Thirty Eight Acres. ^Utr to0 atr|U"trfle a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to Hartman Brinkerhoof and Hendrick Brinker- hoof equally between them as Tenants in Common * This lot was conveyed by John Brinkcrhoff to John J. Williams June 6, 1799. It is quite probable that this may refer to lot 2(5. 39 306 EDWARD AND PHILIP EARLE. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map shews and iUC adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 26 Beginning at a Stake standing in the Line of the Bergen Lots, Being the Kastermost Corner of the last mentioned Lot Marked No 25 and from thence running North Fifty eight Degrees and Thirty minutes West *,- Fifty two Chains to the Cromkill * then returning to the place of Be- ginning and from thence Running on the Hills in the Line of the Bergen Lots, North Thirty five Degrees East seven Chains and thirteen links on a Horizontal or level line to a Stake, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West Fifty six Chains and fifty links to said Cromkill, thence up the said Kill as it runs till it meets with the above mentioned line running to the same from the Beginning, Containing about Thirty six Acres. ^tltf UJ0 attftltfAf a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to Edward Earle of Newark in the County of Essex in Right of his Father deceased. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and \S}t adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Mark- ed No 27 * Beginning at a Stake planted in the Line of the Bergen Lots, being the Eastermost Corner of the last mentioned Lot marked No 26 and frcm thence Running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty Minutes West Fifty six Chains and fifty Link's to the Cromkill, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running on the Hills in the Line of *35 the Bergen Lots, North Thirty five Degrees * East Twenty one Chains and thirty seven Links on a Horizontal or level Hne to a Stake, thence North fifty eight Degrees and thirty Minutes West about Fifty two Chains to a Cove putting out of Hackensack River, thence Westerly along said Cove on the South side thereof untill it comes to the Mouth of the said Cromkill, thence up the said Kill as it Runs 'till it meets with the above mentioned Line running to the same from the Beginning, Contain- ing about One Hundred a!;d fourteen Acres. ^tltf lUt atl|Utl0f a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to Philip Earle of Secaucus. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on said Map, shews, and iuc adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Mark- ed No 28 1 Beginning at a Stake planted for a Corner in the Line of the Bergen Lots, Being the Eastermost Corner of the last mentioned Lot Marked No 27 and from thence Running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty min- utes West about Fifty two Chains to a Cove putting out of Hackensack River, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running * Part of this lot was sold by Nathaniel Earle to John J. Williams April 17, ITb'G. Edward Earle conveyed (part of it) to Daniel Earle April 10, 1796. t This lot was conveyed by Caspar Bogert, sheriff, to CasparustJadmus Aug. 18, 1810. It is now owned by his son Richard. GARRET VAN GESEN ET AL. 307 along the line of the Bergen Lots * North Thirty five Degrees East Forty *36 five Chains & Twenty four links to a stake planted in the Line of a Lot of Common Land allotted in the Division of the Bergen Commons to Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper's Patent Marked on the Map of that Division No 232 which last mentioned Stake standeth five Chains and seventy three links fi-om the Northermost Corner of the said Lot of Com- mon Land, thence from said Stake Running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West about Eighty Chains to Hackensack River, thence down said River as it runs to the above said Cove thence up said Cove on a direct line to the North Corner of the last mentioned Lot laid out to Edward Earle and No 27, thence along the Line of the same South Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes East about Fifty two Chains to the place of Beginning, Containing about Three Hundred Acres. ^ntJ U)0 aitflUtJflf a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands, to belong to Garret Van Gesen, Isaac Van Gesen and George Van Gesen equally among them as Tenants in Common. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and iup adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Mark- ed No 29* * Beginning at a Stake planted for a Corner in the Line of a Lot of *37 Common Land allotted in the Division of the Bergen Commons to Tho- mas Fredrick alias De Cuyper's Patent marked on the Map of that Di- vision No 232 the said Stake is the Eastermost Corner of the above men- tioned Lot laid out to Philip Earle No 28 and from said Stake running North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes west about Eighty Chains to Hackensack River, then returning to the place of Beginning and from thence running North Thirty five Degrees East five Chains and seventy three links to the Northermost Corner of the above said Lot allotted to the Patent of Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper, thence along the line thereof South Fifty four Degrees East Twenty six Chains and Thirty eight links to a Stake, thence North Thirty one Degrees and thirty minutes East Forty Chains and fifty links to the line of the Northermost bounds of the Township of Bergen, thence along said Line North Fifty Degrees and thirty minutes West Twenty six Chains and fifty five links to a Stake which standeth in a Course directly North Thirty one Degrees and thirty minutes East from the North Corner of the above said Lot allotted to the Patent of Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper, thence south thirty one Degrees and thirty minutes West Eight Chains and sixty links to a Stake, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes * West Sixty four #28 Chains and fifty links 10 the Creek that surrounds the Neck, thence down said Creek and Hackensack River, 'till it meets with the first line in this Survey Running to said River, Containing about Three Hundred and Fifty seven Acres. 'MvCO iMf atriUtffie a Certain Portion or Share of said Common Lands to belong to the Heirs or Devisees of the Rev^ John Ogle- vie Deceased as we adjudge the Right and Tide to said Portion of Commons was legally vested in the said John Oglevie at the time of his decease. * Isaac Vau Giesen died seized of an undivided third of this lot, leaving children, Harriet, wife of Eiias Earle, Tkomas and Bynier I., who conveyed it to David Day June 14, 1809. ;]0S JOHN (XilLVIK R0I5I-:i{T LEAKE. Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and UJC adjudge it to be a Tract ol Land Mark- ed No 30 * Beginning at a Stake planted in the line of the Northermost bounds of the Township of Bergen being a Corner of the last mentioned Lot laid out to Garret, Isaac and George Van Gesen and marked No 29 which said Stake standeth in a Course directly North thirty one Degrees and Thirty minutes East from the Northermost Corner of a Lot of Land al- lotted in the Division of the Bergen Commons to the Patent of Thomas Fredrick alias De Cuyper and Numbered 232 and from said Beginning, *,Q Running south thirty one * Degrees and thirty minutes West Eight Chains and sixty hnks to a Stake Being another Corner of the said Van Gesens Lot, thence North Fifty eight Degrees and thirty minutes West, Sixty four Chains and fifty links to the Creek surrounding the Neck, thence up said Creek as the same Runs North Easterly, Easterly and South Easterly "till it comes to the Line of the Northermost Bounds of the Township of Bergen, thence along said line south Fifty Degrees and thirty minutes East, to the place of Beginning, Containing about One Hundred and Thirty nine Acres. Sln"& iM0 cltll'UtfflC a Certain Portion or Share of said Com- mon Lands to belong to the Heirs or Devisees of Robert Leake late of New York deceased or to such as may Legally Claim the same under him as \3)t adjudge the Right and Title to said Portion of Commons was Legally Vested in the said Robert Leake at the time of his Decease Our Survey of which said Portion as laid down on the Map, shews, and U)0 adjudge it to be a Tract of Land Marked No 31 t *4o * Beginning at a Stake standing in the line of Northermost bounds of the Township of Bergen being the Eastermost Comer of a Lot of Land laid out to Garret, Isaac and George Van Gesons Numbered 29 and from said Stake running South Thirty one Degrees and thirty minutes West Forty Chains and Fifty links to a Lot laid out in the Division of the Commons of Bergen and Numbered in said Division 232, thence along the line thereof South Fifty four Degrees East Eleven Chains and sixty two links to the Eastermost Corner of said Lot, thence South Thirty five Degrees West, six Chains and ten links to a Stake being the North- erly Corner of a Lot of Land formerly laid out and Numbered 253, * Ogilvie's widow, Margaret, George Ogilvie, and Mary, wife of Barent Ogilvie, devisees of Eev. John Ogilvie, D.D., conveyed this lot to Kichard and John Earle July 1, 1788. Ogilvie was Assistant Minister of Trinity Church, New York, and died on Saturday, Nov. 23, 1774 He was stricken with apoplexy, Nov. 18tli, while in the pulpit, having just given out his text, Ps. xcii. 15. Robert Grunti owned the lot in 1793. t Leake's tnterest in Secaucus probably came through a deed to him from Andrew Teed, dated March 7, 1762. Vide Note to Varlct's Patent, p. 62. A tract which seems to answer to tiiis lot was sold by John George Leake to Aaron Devoe, by two deeds dated July 7, 1789, and Nov. 15, 1794. Leake also conveyed to John Stevens, March 10, 1795, four hundred and twenty five acres in the Secaucus Commons, but where this tract lies I have not ascertained. ROBEUT LEAKE. 309 thence along the hne thereof South Fifty four Degrees East Twenty seven Chains and forty links to a Stake being the Easterly Corner of said Lot No 253, thence North Thirty five Degrees East Twenty four Chains and Eighty five Links to a Stake in a Swamp being the Northermost Corner of a Lot of Land formerly laid out and Numbered 219, thence vSouth Fifty four Degrees East Nineteen Chains and ninety Links to Mordainis Meadow, thence along the edge of said Meadow', where the same joins the upland till it comes to bear South Fifty Degrees and thirty minutes East from a Chesnut Tree standing upon a point of a narrow ridge of Land projecting towards the meadow which * Tree is the Place of Be- 4i ginning of the General Bounds of the Township of Bergen, thence North Fifty l3egrees and thirty minutes West Thirty five links to said Chesnut Tree, thence Continuing the same Course along the Line of the Northern Bounds of the Township of Bergen until it comes to the first mentioned Stake, the place of Beginning, Containing about One Hundred and Eighty nine Acres. IJ^aiJlttfl gone through the Division of the Common Land allotted to the Patent of Secaucus we think it proper as a greater Certainty to the Courses mentioned in the several surveys to give this information that the Magnetical Course with which all the lines are laid down and Run Varies from the true Course Three Degrees and forty minutes to the left Hand, so that a Meridian line North would be North Three Degrees and forty minutes East as the Magnet now Points. That since the time the Common Land of Bergen was Divided we find a Variation of the Compass of one Degree and Thirty minutes which will account for the Difference of the Courses now given along the former Lines from what the surveys of the former Division mention. * We think it proper also to remark that an attraction of the Needle *a2 is found more or less in every part of the Commons of Secaucus except on the Meadow at a distance from the upland which will render Lines run by the Compass on the upland very uncertain. Our lines are mostly run by Courses taken on the Meadow and Parallels thereto made on the upland. Kn 212EitnCSS that this is one of the Field Books of the Division of the Common Lands allotted to the Patent of Secaucus made pursuant to a Law of the State of New Jersey hereinbefore recited, We together with the Surveyor have hereunto set our Hands this fifteenth day of June in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty five. Abraham Clark Az. Dunham Silas Condit )> Commissrs John Earle Dan. Marsh Thos. Clark Surveyor. u '^(^^m^nA-y CHAPTER VL NEW FIELD BOOK. It is with great pleasure that I submit to tlie public Avhat I have named the New Field Book, and the Maps accompanying the same. They are six years younger than the old Field Book, and yet, I do not doubt, have been for years wholly anknown. Controversies concerning certain lands lying in the vicinity of Newark avenue between Mill Creek and the old Bergen road seem to have arisen, and the parties in the dispute submitted all questions of title and boundary to the award of Johannis Demarest, Albert Zabrowsky, of Hackensack, and John Haring of " Orange Town." The submission I have not seen ; the Survey and Maps (containing the award) were found in the possession of Dr John M. Cornelison. They are originals, in a good state of preservation, exact copies of which are here inserted. It may, I think, be taken for granted that they are the only ones in existence, and are now for the first time given to the inspection of the curious. They came to the present owner among the papers of Henry D. Van Winkle, owner of a portion of the land therein referred to. They throw much light on the title to the lands between the Five Corners and Mill Creek, and to Lots Nos. 355 and 389, the owners of Avhich the Commissioners of Common Lands did not declare. It is a matter of some curiosity to know how this Book and these Maps came into the possession of the Van Winkle family. In a deed, dated Dec. 20, 1774, given by the Van Idersteins (de- scendants of Tades Michielse) for some of the land included in the New Field Book, there is a reference to the same, and it is spoken of as " lodged in the hands of the Town Clerk." There is no mark upon either Book or Maps to show that they ever were filed. This recital, I presume, is conclusive that but one copy was made, and that it was considered public property. It is probable that Daniel Van Winkle, or some one of the family, was Town-clerk, and so came to the possession of the Book and Maps. nZ fho c'uyvJuri^c/)~J do C^'lc/u- M^ -fAc cJ-ox^ i/noJo, L^yiAy>^ Y/^^' /^ ^ ^. %,.<.///.. ^^^ Oyr-i/rii 312 ABRAHAM SICKELS. ^TO Sill Christian People to whom these Presents shall come Greeting : Whereas there is a Reference to us John Demarest, Albert Sabriskea and John Haring, by a certain written Instrument or Articles of Agree- ment, bearing Date the ninth Day of April last, of certain Controversies and Disputes between certain Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Cor- poration of Bergen in the County of iiergen and Province of New Jersey, touching and concerning the Rights and Titles to, and Division of cer- tain Lands and Meadows lying in the Corporation of Bergen aforesaid, as by the said Written Instrument or Articles of Agreement doth more at large Appear, Reference being thereunto had. We therefore the Arbitra- tors named and appointed as aforesaid, having examined the Titles and heard the Proofs and Alligations of the Parties, tJO in pursuance of the said Written Instrument or Articles of Agreement and Power thereby given us, Award, Order and Adjudge as followeth. With respect to a certain Tract of Land laid down on Map A, Be- ginning at the Northerly Corner of a Tract of Land belonging to Altie Van Winkel and from thence Running South fifty four Degrees and forty seven Minutes East Eleven Chains and thirty three Links to Hendrick Kuypers Line, Thence along said Kuypers Line North thirty four De- grees East twenty six Chains and eighty nine Links to the Southermost Comer of a certain Tract of Land belonging to Abraham Sickels, Thence North fifty seven Degrees and fifty Minutes West twenty six Chains and twenty five Links to the Eastermost Corner of a small Lot of Land be- longing to Michael and George Demoet, Thence South thirty two Degrees West one Chain and seventy five Links to the Southermost Corner of said small Lot, Thence North fifty eight Degrees and thirty Minutes West to the Kings High Road, Then along the several Courses of said Road until it comes to the aforesaid Tract of the above Named Altie Van Winkel, Thence North thirty three Degrees East two Chains and seventeen Links to the place of Beginning Containing about sixty three Acres. Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the before mentioned Tract of Land) marked No i on Map A aforesaid, to belong to Abraham Sickels The said Part or Portion, Beginning at a Stake being the Easter- most Corner of the above said Tract of Land, and from thence Running North fifty seven Degrees and fifty minutes West twenty six Chains and twenty five Links to the Eastermost Corner of the aforesaid small Lot of Land belonging to Michael and George Demoet, Thence South thirty two Degrees West two Chains and thirteen Links, to a Stake, Thence South fifty seven Degrees and fifty Minutes East to said Kuypers Line, Thence along said Kuypers Line two Chains and thirteen Links to the Place of Beginning Containing five Acres, two Roods and fourteen Perches.* 212Ei2 adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the before mentioned Tract of Land.) marked No 2 on Map A aforesaid to belong to Michael and George Demoet, The said Part or Portion No 2 Beginning at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of Portion No i aforesaid, and from thence Running South thirty four Degrees West four Chains and sixteen Links « Fide Note to Lot No. 317, p. 176, and Ut No. 358, p. 179. DOUWE TALLMA ET AL. 313 to a Stake in the before described Kuypers Line, and from thence Runs North fifty seven Degrees and fifty Minutes West to the said Kings Road, Thence along said Road to a Stake in the Line of the aforesaid small Lot belonging to Michael and George Demoet, Thence along said small Lot to Portion No i, Thence to the Westermost Corner of said Portion No I, and thence to the Place of Beginning Containing twelve Acres three Roods and twelve Perches.* Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the before mentioned Tract of Land,) marked No 3 on Map A aforesaid, to belong to Douwe Tallma The said Part or Portion No 3 Beginning at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of Portion No 2 aforesaid, and from Thence Running South thirty four Degrees West four Chains and five Links to a Stake in the before mentioned Kuypers Line, Thence North fifty seven De- grees and fifty Minutes West to the aforesaid Kings Road Thence Northerly along said Road to the Southwest Corner of Portion Number 2 aforesaid, thence along said Portion No 2 to the Place of Beginning, Containing eleven Acres eighteen Perches. t 5!2EP Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the before mentioned tract of Land) marked No 4 on Map A to be the full Proportion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Geurt Coerten, The said Part or Portion Beginning at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of Portion No 3 aforesaid, and from thence Runs South thirty four Degrees West four Chains and fifty three Links to a Stake in the before mentioned Kuypers Line, thence North fifty seven Degrees and fifty Minutes \\'est to the aforesaid Kings Road, thence Northerly along said Road to the Southwest Corner of the aforesaid Portion No 3 thence along said Portion No 3 to the Place of Beginning, Containing eleven Acres, two Roods and five Perches.^ Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the before mentioned Tract of Land) marked No 5 on Map A to be in part of the Proportion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Jurian Thomason, The said Part or Portion Beginning at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of Portion No. 4 aforesaid, and from thence Runs South thirty four Degrees * Fide Note to Stoffelsen's Patent, p. 9. Michael De Mott sold this lot to Albert and John V. H. Zabriskie April 10, 184L John quit-claimed to Albert Oct. 24, 1844. Albert sold this with other lands to Edmund C. Bramhall April 1, 1835. This and Lot No. 3 were united in tlie De Motts. Vide Note to Harinetisen's Patent, p. 50. It is probable that the above sales took only the south portion of Lot No. 2. He sold to Ann Collerd May 5, 1840, and to James Ken-igan Dec. 24, 1840. t Fide Note to Karmensen' s Patent, p. 50. X This lot belonged to the Van Rypens. Vide Note to Coerten s first Patent, p. 25. Daniel Van Rypen sold seven acres of it to Helmigh Van Houten, who, by will dated Oct. 18, 1803, proved Dec. 3, 1803, gave the front half of it to his two daughters, Catherine, wife of Jacob Zabriskie, and Effie, wife of Myndert Garrabrants (afterward wife of Richard Lyon). His grandson Helmagh, gave to them a deed for the same Nov. 24, 1818. Lyon and Zabriskie partitioned (f) Nov 24, 1818. Catherine had two sons, John V. H., and Albert Zabriskie. John released to Albert his interest in the three and a half acres Oct. 24. 1844, who sold to Edmund C. Bramhall April 1 . 1865. Fide Note tj Lot A'o. 2. 40 314 FREDERICK THOMAS ET Ah. West two Chains and tliirty seven Links to a Stake in the before men- tioned Kuypers Line, thence North fifty seven Degrees and fifty minutes West to the aforesaid Kings Road, thence Northerly along said Road to the !-'oiith\vest Coiner of the aforesaid Portion No 4, thence along said Portion No 4 to the Place of Beginning, Containing three Acres two Rood and twenty Perches. 2I2Ur Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the before mentioned Tract of Land) marked No 6 on Map A. to be the full Proportion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Frederick Thomase, The said Part or Portion Beginning at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of Portion No 5 aforesaid, and from thence Runs South thirty four Degrees West three Chains and fifty five Links to a Stake in the before men- tioned Kuy])ers Line, thence North fifty seven Degrees and fifty minutes West to the aforesaid Kings Road, thence Northerly along said Road to the Southwest Corner of the aforesaid Portion No 5 thence along said Portion No 5 to the Place of Beginning, Containing seven Acres two Rood and twenty Perches. 212!l0 Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the before mentioned Tract of Land) marked No 7 on Map A. to be the full Portion and Divi- dend for the Purchase Money paid by Adrian Post, the said Part or Por- tion Beginn'ng at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of Portion No 6 afores'd and from thence Runs South thirty four Degrees West three Chains and five Links to a Stake in the before mentioned Kuypers Line, thence North fifty seven Degrees and fifty Minutes West to the aforesaid Kings Road thence Northerly along said Road to the Southwest Comer of the aforesaid Portion No 6 thence along said Portion No 6 to the Place of Beginning, Containing five Acres two Rood and thirty Perches. 312Ut Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the before mentioned Tract of Land) marked No 8 on Map A. to be the full Portion and Divi- dend Purchased by Belitie Dirks from Hendrick Ostrum, the said Part or Portion Beginning at a Stake being the Southermost Comer of Portion No 7 aforesaid, and from thence Runs South thirty four Degrees A\'est two Chains and eighty two Links to a Stake in the Eastermost Comer of the before mentioned Tract of the before named Altie Van Winkel, thence North fifty four Degrees and forty seven Minutes West to a Stake being the Northermost Corner of said Altie Van Winkel's Tract, thence South thirty three Degrees West to the aforesaid Kings Road, thence Northerly along said Road to the Southwest Corner of the aforesaid Portion No 7 thence along said Portion No 7 to the Place of Beginning, Containing iour x'\cres and twelve Perches. SSliti) respect to a Certain Tract of Land and Meadows laid down on Map B. PJeginning at a Stake being the Southerly Comer of a Lot in John Berry's Patent and from thence Runs South thirty five Degrees and fifty five Minutes East ten Chains and forty Links to a Rock, thence North seventy two Degrees East six Chains and fifty Links to a Stake thence South fourteen Degrees and thirty five Minutes East five Chains and ten Links to a Stake, thence South sixty nine Degrees twenty Minutes West ten Chains and sixty seven Links to a Stake, thence South forty seven Degrees East three Chains and six Links, thence North forty two Degrees and thirty minutes East two Chains and seventy Links, thence / LAUliENCE ARTEJ^SE — ARENT TOERS. 3J5 South fifty four Dj2;rees and fifteen Minutes East one Chain and fifty- Links, thence South seventy three Degrees and twenty Minutes East five Chains and ninety Links to the edge of the Meadows, thence the several Courses betweei said Meadows and Upland 'till it comes to where a cer- tain Run of Water (commonly known or called by the Dutch Name of Oude Boomse Val)* empties into Horsimus Creek, thence along the said Creek Northerly and Easterly 'till it comes to the Meadows of the before mentioned Kuyper, thence North fifty Degrees and five Minutes West thirty nine Chains and forty three Links to the Westermost Corner of said Kuypers Land, thence North thirty nine Degrees and thirty Minutes East seven Chains and eight Links to a Stake, thence North fifty one Degrees and forty minutes West twenty two Chains and forty Links to the Kings Road, thence Southerly along the said Road 'till it comes to the School- Lot, thence South thirty eight Degrees and forty five Minutes East twenty Chains and fifty Links to the Eastermost Corner of the said School-Lot, thence South twenty nine Degrees West five Chains and thirty Links to the Southermost Corner of said School-Lot, thence South fifty one Degrees and thirty Minutes West nine Chains and ninety three Links to a Stake, thence South fifty Degrees and fifteen Minutes West eighteen Chains and thirty seven Links to the Place of Beginning Containing about ona hun- dred and seventy nine Acres 219Et Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No g on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Laurence Arentse, the said part or portion Beginning at a Stake being the Northermost Corner of said Last ' mentioned Tract, from thence South fifty one Degrees and forty Minutes East twenty two Chains and forty Links to a stake in said Kuypers Line, thence South thirty nine Degrees and thirty Minutes West two Chains and thirty Links to a Stake in said Kuypers Line, thence North fifty one De- grees and forty Minutes West to the said Kings Road, thence along said Road 'till it comes to the place of Beginning, Containing about four Acres two Rood and eighteen Perches. Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No lo on Map B. to belong to Arent Toers. the said part or Portion Beginning at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of No 9 aforesaid, and from thence Runs South thirty nine Degrees and thirty Minutes West four Chains and seventy eight Links to the aforesaid West- ermost Corner of Kuypers Land, thence North fifty Degrees and five Minutes West to the aforesaid Kings Road, thence Northerly along said " This creek (if such it could be called) took its rise in a spring near the Beacon Race Course, and draining the surface between that point and the brow of the hill, passed down on the north side of Newark Avenue to.the Mill Creek. It took its name from the okl Tree yet standing on the top of the hill south of Prospect Avenue, known among the old people as the '■ oude boom" or old Tree. The bridge in Newark Avenue which spanned Mill Creek before it was filled in, was known as the " oude boom bridge." As a stream the " val " long since became insignificant. As the table lands above were improved and drainage attended to, the soil refused its tribute to the old creek, until final]}-, in the year of grace 1871, having nothing left but its mighty niwne, of which the present generation had not heard, and which they could not understand, it hid away in the sewer which is here constructed in Newark Avenue. f B- «*»' *• ^ /" *.??; tl^9*-{'^*-^n-l4.y «rV w«?. f'' /^ ^: < / r ^^ . /-^^^.^ ^' u/^^^ k \t^ OH V v' ^ V A N i^ ,V'J/ I \ 31G MEIiSELES MERSEI^ESE. Road to the Southwest Corner of Portion No 9 aforesaid, from thence along said Portion No 9 to the Place of Beginning, Containing about nine Acres one Rood. 2123c Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 11 on Map 13. to belong to Merseles Merselese, the said Part or Portion Beginning at the Distance of two Chains from the Kings Road at a Stake, said Stake being a litde to the Southeast of a Spring (which is laid out for the common Use of the Town) and in the Southwest side of the aforesaid Portion No 10 and from thence Runs South fifty Degrees and five minutes Plast to Horsimus Creek, then Run- ning Southwesterly along said Creek to a Stake, which Stake (at Right- Angles) trom the first Line of this said Portion No 11 is six Chains and fifty six Links, thence North fifty Degrees and five Minutes West to the aforesaid Kings Road, then Northerly along said Road five Chains and fifty Links, and from thence on a Straight Line to the place of Beginning, Containing about thirty five Acres one Rood.'" * Merselis must have bought lots 12 and 15 shortly after this allotment, but from whom I have not learned. The northwest corner of Lot No. 15, separated from the lot by Newark Avenue was sold by him to William Coulter April 22, 1797. By Mereelis' will, dated March 15, 1799, proved Dec. 5, 1800, he gave to his sou John, the south- west half of a lot in Bergen Woods, and tliree acres between the Paulus Hook and Hoboken roads ; also the land where tlie null stood (on Bridge Creek) ; to Jacob and Peter, he gave laud in Harrington township in Bergen County ; to Jannetje, wife of Walter Cleudenny, he gave one quarter of the wood lot, and one quarter of the Vlackie creupel bosch ; and to Anne, wife of Josiah Hornblower, he gave the platty creupel bosch, between said two roads. Cleudenny sold three acres to Peter Stuyvesant May 12. 1802. Part of the Hornblower tract, with what he aded by purchase, w^as inher- ited by his daughter, wife of Thomas B. Gautier, and Avas partitioned among his children, April '^b, 1848, as per annexed sketch. John Merselis sold to Corne- lius Merselis, Sept. 2, 1799, the east half of the Lutchie {Lot Xo. 11?), bounded northeast by Tuers and Stuyvesant, east by Stevens southwest by Hoboken road, northwest by grantor. Two acres of this Cornelius sold to William Coulter, Oct. 10, 1801, and the balance to Michael Sim- mons, March 24, 1802, and July 4, 1802. The Avest half of the Lutrhie John Merselis sold to his daughter Altje May 21, 1801. She afterwards mar- ried James Parks. This half lay between lot 10 and the Hoboken road. She deeded it to Altje, wife of John Merselis June 14, 1805. Coulter bought of Merselis Merselis, Aug. 4, 1807, a tract on top of the hill. Coulter sold it to Walter Cleudenny, Sept. 21. 1807, who sold to John B. Coles, eighteen and one- half acres, Oct. 7, 1811. Peter Stuyvesant sold fifty and sixty-four oue-hundredths acres to Philip Williams, Aug. 11. 1807, who sold to John B. Coles Oct. 1, 1807. John Merselis sold to John Heav- enor May 27, 1719, three aci-es between the two roads, which, on execution, was after- wards sold to William Coulter. JOHANNES STEINMETS ET AL. 317 W3it Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 12 on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money Paid by Johannes Steymets, the said Part or Portion Beginning at the Westermost Corner of the above described Portion No 11, from thence Runs South fifty Degrees five Minutes East 'till it comes to a Line which Runs from the Eastermost Corner of the aforesaid School-Lot (on a Course North forty Degrees East) thence South forty Degrees West five Chains twenty five Links to a Stake, thence North fifty Degrees and five Minutes West to the aforesaid Kings Road, and then Northerly along said Road to the place of Beginning, Contain- ing about thirteen Acres one Rood and thirty eight Perches. WSSit Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 13 on Map B to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money Paid by Adrian Peterson, the said Part or Portion Beginning at the Eastermost Corner of the last above described Portion No 12 thence Runs South forty Degrees West five Chains twenty five Links to a Stake, thence South fifty Degrees five Minutes F2ast to Horsi- mus Creek, thence Easterly along said Creek to the Southermost Corner of the before described Portion No 11, thence along the said Portion No 1 1 to the place of Beginning, Containing ten Acres two Rood and twenty four Perches. Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 14 on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money Paid by Derick Gerritse, the said Part or Portion Begining at the Westermost Corner of the before described Portion No 13, from thence South forty Degrees West five Chains twenty one Links to a Stake, thence South fifty Degrees and five Minutes East to Horsimus Creek, thence along said Creek 'till it comes to the afore described Por- tion No 13, and from thence on a direct Line to the Place of Beginning, Containing eight Acres one Rood * 2I2E0 Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 15 on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money Paid by Harme Eduards, the said Part or Portion Begining at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of the before de- scribed Portion No 12, thence Running South forty Degrees West five Chains and forty four Links to a Stake, thence North fifty Degrees and five Minutes West to the aforesaid Kings-Road, thence Northerly along said Road to the Westermost Corner of said Portion No 1 2, and from thence on a Direct Line to the place of Begining, Containing about thirteen Acres one Rood and thirty eight Perches 212U0 Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No x6 on Map B. to Peter H. Peterse, the said Part or Portion Begining at the Westermost Corner of the before described Por- - The half of this lot next to lot 13, Daniel Van Kypen sold to Jasper Prior Aug. 12, 1788. On the same day he sold to the same Prior the otlier half. Prior sold to Na- thaniel Budd, who sold to John B. Coles March 27, 1806, who sold five acres, begin- ning at the southwest comer of lot 13, to the United States June 23, 1S12. Tlie United States sold it at public auction to John Halliard in April, 1871. This was known as the Arsenal property. 318 .7AC(»1} VAN WJNKLI-: ET AL. tion No 14, thence Running South forty Degrees West five Chains and seventy Links to a Stake, thence South forty nine Degrees East to Horsi- mus Creek, thence Northerly along said Creek to the Southermost Cor- ner of the aforesaid Portion No 14, and from thence on a direct Line to the place of Begining Containing about nine Acres three Roods * 212EC Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 17 on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Jacob Jacobse Van Winkel, said Part or Portion Begining at a Stake being the Westernmost Corner of the before described Portion No 16 and from thence Runs South forty Degrees West forty four Links, thence South twenty nine Degrees West fifty one Links to a Stake, thence South forty nine Degrees East to Horsimus Creek, thence Northerly along the said Creek 'till it comes to the South- ermost Corner of said Portion No 16, and from thence on a direct Line to the place of Begining, Containing about one Acre and two Roods. Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 18 on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Hendrick Teunese, said Part or Portion Begining at a Stake being the Westermost Corner of the above described Portion No 17 and from thence Running South twenty nine Degrees West four Chains and seventy Links to a Stake, thence South thirty nine Degrees East to Horsimus Creek, thence the several Courses of said Creek 'till it strikes the Southermost Corner of said Portion No 17, and from thence on a Direct Line to the place of Beginning, Containing about nine Acres, two Rood and seventeen Perches t 2123c Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 19 on Map B. to belong to Garret Newkerk said Part or Portion Begining at the Westermost Corner of the above described Portion No 18, and from thence Runing South fifty one Degrees and thirty Minutes West three Chains and Sixty six Links to a Stake, thence South thirty nine Degrees East to the edge of the Meadow^s, thence Northerly along said Meadow to the Southermost Corner of said Portion No 18, and from thence in a direct Line to the place of Begining, Con- taining about six Acres and twenty eight Perches. " Thomas Gautier sold to Patrick Jackson, April 4, 1800, a lot bounded north by Lot Ko. 14 ; south by Daniel Van Winkle ; west by a one rod road. This sale I take to include this lot. Henry Jackscn owned ten acres bounded northwest by Newark Avenue, and adjoined Henry D. Van Winkle, the Aistnal property, and John B. Coles. It was sold for United States taxes, May 14, 1817, by Nathan Price, Collector, to Eeuben D. Tucker, and Evan Evans, under an Act passed Jan. 9, 1815, and deed given Sept. 13, 1819. Benj. McGuinness sold the same to Henry D. Van Winkle, May 2, 1820. I take this to be Lot No. 16. Van Winkle afterwards gave lip his purchase owing to some defect in the tax sale. Vide Note to Lot Xo. 201, p. 75. Henry Jackson sold it to John Ackland, May 1, 1834, who scld it to Geiard W. Monis May 23, 1838. t Cornelius and Eichard Van Eypen sold eight eight-tenths acres of this lot to John Burnet June 10, 1605. It Avas bounded E. by John Stevens, S. E. by Jacob Everson, S. W. by Cornelius Van Vorst, and N. W. by Peter Stuyvesant. Burnet sold to John Haynes Feb. 28, 1811. MATTHEUS CORNELIUSK ET AL. 310 212Ut Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned 7>ar.t) marked No 20 on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Mattheus Corneliuse, said Part or Portion marked No 20 Begining at a Stake being the Westernmost Corner of the before described Portion No 19, and from thence Running South fifty one Degrees and thirty Minutes West to a Stake, thence S^uth thirty nine Degrees Kast to the Edge of the Meadows, thence Northerly along said Meadow to the Southermost Corner of said Portion No 19, and from thence in a direct Line to the place of Beginniug, Containmg six Acres two Roods and seventeen Perches. N. B. The above described Portion No 20 is in Breadth (being the Length of the first Line above described) three Chains and sixty Links. 5I9HC Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 21 on MapB. to belong to Cornelius Van Vourst, said Part or Portion Begining at the Northerly Corner of Pryer's Meadow, from thence Running South seventy five Degrees and fifty Minutes West to a Stake in the Road, thence South fourteen Degrees and thirty five Minutes East five Chains and ten Links to a Stake, thence South sixty nine Degrees and twenty Minutes West two Chains and sixty seven Links to a Stake, thence South forty seven Degrees East three Chains and six Links, thence North forty two Degrees and thirty Minutes East two Chains and seventy Links, thence South fifty four Degrees and fifteen Minutes East one Chain and fifty Links, thence South seventy three De- grees and twenty Minutes East five Chains and ninety Links to the edge of the Meadow, thence the several Courses between Up Land and Mea- dows to the place of Begining, Containing about eleven Acres and three Rood * 2!9E0 Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 22 on Map B. to belong to Johannes Dedrix and Daniel Dedrix, said Part or Portion Begining at the Westermost Corner of the before described Portion No 20 and from thence Runs South fifty one Degrees and fifty Minutes West three Chains and sixty two Links to a Stake, thence South thirty nine Degrees East 'till it comes to the before described Portion No 21 thence along said Portion No 21 'till it comes to the edge of the Meadow, thence along the edge of the Meadows to the Southermost Corner of said Portion No 20 and from thence in a direct Line to the place of Beginning, Containing about seven Acres + 219EC Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 23 on Map B. to belong to John Van Blarkum, said Part or Portion Begining at the Westermost Corner of the above described Portion No 22 and from thence Runing about South fifty Degrees and sixteen Minutes West five Chains and fifty eight Links to a Stake, thence South thirty nine Degrees East 'till it comes to the Line of the before des- cribed Portion No 21, thence along said Line to the Southermost Corner of Portion No 22 aforesaid, and from thence on a direct Line to the place of Begining, Containing about nine Acres and eighteen Perches | * Van Vorst sold this lot to Jacob Prior, April 20, 1787. t Johannis Diedricks owned about 24 acres, Iving on the W. end of this lot. This he sold to Daniel Diedricks, Dec. 27, 1771. t Vide Note to Luhbertsc's Patent, p. 45. Van Blarcotn, it is probable, sold it to Cornelius Van Vorst ; as he was the owner in 1774, as appears in a recital in the deed mentioned in the Note to the Lot Xo. 24. 320 TIIAUDA MICHEALSON ET AL. 51211 C Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 24 on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for for the Purchase Money Paid by Thauda Michealson, said Part or Por- tion Hegining at a Stake being the Westermost Corner of the above des- cribed Portion No 23, thence Running about South sixteen Degrees West eleven Chains and ninety lour Links to a Stake being the Westermost Corner of the said last mentioned Tract, thence South thirty five Degrees and fifty five Minutes Past ten Chains and forty Links to a Rock, thence North seventy two Degrees East six Chains and fifty Links to a Stake, being the Northwesterly Corner of the before described Portion No 21, thence along said Portion No 21, to the Southermost Corner of Portion No ?3 aforesaid, and from thence with a direct Course to the place of Beginning, Containing about fifteen Acres one Rood and thirty two Perches * WHttt Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 25 on Map B. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money Paid by Helmich Roelefse, said Part or Portion Begining at a Stake being the Westermost Corner of the before described Portion No 15, and from thence Running Southerly along the said Road to the Northermost Corner of the aforesaid School-Lot, thence South thirty eight Degrees and forty five minutes East nine Chains and seventy two Links to a Stake, thence North forty Degrees East to said Portion No 15, and from thence in a direct Course to the place of Begining, Containing about two Acres two Roods. + 2!2HC Adjudge that certain Part or Portion (of the last mentioned Tract) marked No 26 on Map B. to belong to Arent Toers, said Part or Portion Begining at a Stake being the Southermost Corner of the above described Portion No 25, and from thence Runs South thirty eight De- grees and forty five minutes East four Chains and fifteen Links to a Stake, ■"- Michielse's heirs, viz., Tadnus Johannis, Teunis, and Tadens Van Iderstein of New Barbadoes, sold this lot to Abraham Prior, Dec. 20, 1774. t This lot was the south part of Subdivision Xo. 350, adjoining the School Lot. The arbitrators declare that it was a dividend for the money paid by Helmigli Roelofse (Van H()uten>, hut do not adjudge to whom it belonged in 1770. Henry La Tonrette Cole owned it in 179L Peter Cole sold it to Joseph Simonson, May 11, 1797 ; who sold it to John Van Winkle, June 1, 1809; who sold it to John Priestly Peteis, June 2.3, 1837; Peters sold it to Mortimer A. F. Harrison, April 19, 1811. This deed is lost and the record omits words of inheritance. It has since been sold in parcels to several persons. In 1870, Benj. Sisson bought the reversion of Peter's heir and brought an ejectment suit against the present occupants. The suit is now pending. The lot lies between the Court House property and Bergen Avenue. As to the Van Houten family, I have gathered the following : Hehnigh Eoelofse married Jannetje Pi( terse, Sept. 1676. The " Van Houten " was afterwards added as a family name. TToute or Houten, means wooden ; from Hout, wood. Iloelofse had ten children among whom was Johannis, born Oct. 28, 1693, married Helena, daughter of Johan- nis Vreeland, and died Dec. 18, 1763. This is the Van Houten named in the Field Book. He left one son, Johannis, baptized June 17, 1735,'married (1st) Altje, daughter of Hendrick Sic'des, (2nd) Rachel De Maree, and died Oct. 31, 1807, leaving Johan- nis, Sara, Helmiy, Catrintje and Aegie. Catrintje married Jacob Zabriskje, Dec. 12, 1801, and had two sons, Albert and John H. JUlilAN THOMASON ET AL. 321 thence North forty Degrees East to the aforesaid Portion No 15 thence along said Portion No 15 to the Eastermost Corner of said Portion No 25, and from thence in a direct Course to the place of Begining, Contain- ing about one Acre and two Roods.* 91211? Adjudge all the remaining part of the last mentioned Tract, be- ing the Portions marked No 27, No 28, No 29, No 30, No 31, and No 32 on Map B. to be with the before described Portion No 5, the full Pro- portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Jurian Thomason, the said Portions marked No 27, No 28, No 29, No 30, No 31, and No 32 Begining at the Southermost Corner of the above described Portion No 26 and from thence Runs South thirty eight Degrees and forty five minutes East to the Eastermost Corner of the School-Lot, thence North forty Degrees East to the Southermost Corner of said Portion No 15, thence North fifty Degrees and five minutes West to the Eastermost Cor- ner of said Portion No 26, thence in a direct Course to the place of Be- gining, Containing about three Acres + Award and Order that the Owner or Owners for the Time be- ing of the before described Portions No 12, No 13, No 14, No 15, No 16, No 17, No 18, No 19, No 20, No 22, No 23, No 25, No 26, No 27, No 28, No 29, No 30, No 31, No 32, shall have the Liberty and Privilidge of Passing and Repassing to and from his, her, or their respective Portion or Portions, as often and at such Times as the said Owner or Owners shall think fit, such Owner or Owners confineing him, her, or themselves in such Passing and Repassing to the Lane or Passage hereafter particularly described, to wit : Begining at the Road at the Northermost Corner of the aforesaid School-Lot, and Running from thence along the Northeasterly side of said School-Lot to the Eastermost Corner of said School-Lot, thence North forty Degrees East about eleven Chains and sixty Links, thence Returning to the said Eastermost Corner of the said School-Lot and Running along the Southeasterly side of said School-Lot and Lands belonging to the Newkerks 'till it comes into the aforesaid Portion No 23, the said Lane or Passage being in BreaJth twenty five Links. Mnti with respect to a certain Tract of Land Begining at a Stake be- "~" This lot was inherited by Nicholas, the son of Arent, and by him sold to Joseph Simonson (deed unrecorded). Simonson sold to Henry Speer the east end of the lot (now in part owned by Marcus Beach and Thomas E. Bray), and the west end (north of Newark Avenue^ to Benjamin Thorp, who sold to Patrick Jackson, Jan. 21, 1802. The lot sold to Jackson was triangular, being tbirty-two feet on its base, or east side, and eighty feet on Newark Avenue. The west end of the lot lying south of Newark Avenue, Simonson sold to John C. F. Rummel, Dec 15, 1823, Rummel died seized, Jan. 13, 1840. Garret Sip et al. were appointed Commissioner, and sold his lands in pa-cels to John W. and Joseph H. Rummel, John Tice, Abel I. Smith, James Harrison and J. Dickinson Miller, at public auction, March 27, 1840. Har- rison bought out some of the other purchaser;:, and sold to the Board of Chosen Free- holders the plot where the Court House and Jail now stand, April 7, 1841. t The Thomasen here nam ed was the ancester of the Van Rypen family. Daniel Van Rypen et al., sold to John L. Cole one acre and thirty one-hundredths of an acre, bounded northeast by the i-oad, southeast by Daniel Van Winkle, southwest by the scliool-lot, northwest by Simonson, Aug 10, 1803. 41 322 CORNELIUS AND GARliET SIP ET AL. ing the Southeast Comer of a Lot of Land belonging to Johannes Van Wagenen, and from thence Runs South eighty one Degrees West thirteen Chains and seven Links to a Stake, thence South forty nine Degrees and fifty minutes East eighteen Chains and eighty Links, thence North thirty nine Degrees and forty Minutes East thirteen Chains and fifty six Links to a Stake, thence North forty one Degrees and forty five Minutes West fourteen Chains and twenty one Links to a Stake, thence South eight Degrees and ten minutes East five Chains and fifty Links to the place of Begining, Containing eighteen Acres one Rood. Note this last described Tract of Land is laid down on Map C. 21211c adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the last described Tract) marked No 33 on Map C. to belong to Cornelius Sip and Garret Sip, said Part or Portion Begining at the above said Southeast Corner of the aforesaid Jol annes Van Wagenen's Land, and from thence Runs South thirty six Degrees and forty five Minutes East 'till it strikes the outward Boundary Line of the said Tract, thence North thirty nine De- grees and forty Minutes East five Chains and eighty Links being the Eastermost Corner of said Tract, thence North forty one Degrees and forty five Minutes West fourteen Chains and twelve Links to a Stake, Thence on a direct Course to the place of Begining, Containing about five Acres one Rood.* ^tlti We Adjudge that Certain Part or Portion (of the last described Tract) marked No 34 on Map C. to be the full Portion and Dividend for the Purchase Money paid by Garret Garretse, said Part or Portion Begining at a Stake being the Southeast Corner of the before men- tioned Johannis Van Wagenen's Land, and from thence Runs South eighty one Degrees West thirteen Chains and seven Links to a Stake being the Westermost Corner of said Tract, thence South forty nine De- grees and fifty minutes East eighteen Chains and eighty Links to the Southermost Corner of the said last described Tract, thence North thirty nine Degrees and forty minutes East seven Chains and seventy six Links to a Stake being the Southermost of the before described Portion No ;^^ and from thence in a direct Course to the place of Begining, Containing about thirteen Acres.t ^ItOag^S Provided, and it is our Intent, Meaning and Order, that if it shall be made Appear that neither the aforesaid Douwe Tallma, nor his Father Harme Douwse Tallma is or were the legal Heir at Law of Douwe Harmse, that then our Judgment of and concerning the before described Portion marked No 3 on Map A. shall be Void and Reversed, any thing herein before to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding.! * This lot was afterwards owned by Jacob Everson, it is said, through exchange of Lota Xo. 168 and 257 in the town. Vide Note to Varlet's Patent, p. 62. Everson conveyed to Cornelius Sip, July 7, 1791. t Gan-et Garretse named in the above description was the ancestor of the Van Wagenen family. Fide Note to Lot No. 389, p. 215. t The expenses incuiTed in completing the foregoing work were borne by the in- di^^dualB to whom portions of the land in controversy were adjudged. John Haring, one of the arbitrators, was a surveyor, and probably executed the survey. The fol- lowing receipts, signed by the arbitrators, will give the reader an idea as to the man- ner in which the expenses were paid : NEW FIELD BOOK. 323 Kit 2i2EftntSS whereof We hereunto set our Hands and Seals this ninth Day of July in the tenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, King of Great Britain &c. and in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy. Sealed and Delivered in Johannis Demarest [l.s.] the presence of Albert Zabrowsky [l.s.] Harmanies Veeder John Haring [l.s.] Rob' Morris "Recered the 10 day of July the sum of three pound & nine pens for the cost of the de vision of said plantations for Lott No 2 being the full portion or devadent of said Lott for the cost and also Two pound Eleven shillings & six pens in full for the portion No 3 the full Cost of said portion we have Receved this of uiachiel De niott & Joris de mott in fall for the above said perportion of said plantition and de- visious I say Receved per me." " Receved of Hendrick Sickels the 10 day of July the sum of one pound thirteen shillings & six pens being the full portion for the Lott No G for the cost of the Deri- sion of said Lott out of the platation for the Devision I say receved by us," " Receved of Daniel Dederick the 10 day of July the sum of three pounds & nine pens for the cost of the devision of the Lott No 22 being the full portion for said Lott for the Devision of said Lot We say Receved per me.'' CHAPTER VII. NEW B A R B A D O E S NECK. Having passed in review the title of many tracts in the old Township of Bergen, it will not be out of place, though not as a part of the Field Book, to take a glance at that portion of ''New Barbadoes Neck " now comprising the townships of Harrison and Kearney. This neck was known among the Indians by the name of Jitighgecticock. It was estimated to contain five thousand three hundred and eight acres of upland and ten thousand ajcres of mead- ow. On the 4th of July, 16ti8, Captain William Sandfoi'd, of the Island of Barbadoes, purchased this tract from the Proprietors, on condition that he should settle thereon six or eight families or more within three years, and pay, in lieu of the half penny per acre quit rent, the yearly sura of £'20 sterling, on every 25th of March ; the first payment to be made March 25th, 1670. On the 20th of July, 1GG8, he purchased the claim of the Indians to the same tract ; be- ginning at the mouth of the Ha(5keusack and Pissawack Rivers, then "to goe up Northward into the Countrey about seaven Miles till it comes to a certain Brook or Spring now called Sandford's Spring." The consideration paid was: ^'170 fathoms of Black Wampam, 200 fathoms White Wampem, 19 Match Coates, 16 Guns, 60 double hands of powder. 10 pairs of Breetches, 60 Knives, 67 Barrs of Lead, One Anker of Brandy, three half Fats of Beer, Eleven Blankets, ?0 Axes, 20 howes, and two Cookes of dozens."* This deed was signed by Tantaqua, Tamack, Anaren, Hanya- ham, H. Gosque, and Ws Kenarenawack, who represented the Indian claimants. Sanford's purchase seems to have been made in the interest of Major Nathaniel Kingsland, of the Parish of Christ Church in the Is- land of Barbadoes. On June 1, 1 6 7 1 , Kingsland conveyed to Sandford one-third of the whole tract, measuring from the junction of the rivers northward, for =£200. Kingsland having extinguish- ed the Indians' title, now took measures to perfect his omti. On the 26th of March, 1673, Peter Watson and Ralph Wyatt, residents in England, for a consideration of .£200 and '' one Indian arrow " yearly, purchased of Berkley and Carteret that portion of the same tract which lies between a point opposite Newark and * This last item is supposed to be a clerical eiTor. It should probably read " two coats of duffels.'' Proc. X. J. Hist. Soc, vii, 6. Duffels was a coarse kind of clotii. Sandford's Spring was afterwards known as Boiling Spring, now Rutherfurd Par'.c, OK the Hue of the Erie Railway. 2y will, dated Feb. 24, 1732, proved April IG, 1733, William Sandford, 2d, gave to his son Richard one-half of the Cedar Swamp, and the other half to his daughters, Frances, Jennie, and Anne. By will, dated Feb. 22, 1749, proved April 7, 1750, William Sandford, 3d, gave to his only son, William, all his lands, con- sisting of three hundred aci'cs, and one hundred and fifty acres of meadow. This was the farm mentioned in his grandmother's will, and in all probability lay where East Newark now is. Peregrine Sandford (son of William, 2d), by will dated Nov. 6, 1740, proved June 14, 1750, gave his lands to his children, Enoch, William, Jane, Aghie, and Elizahtth. A part of the Sandford tract, which I take to be the farm and meadow named in Sarah Sandford's will, was purchased by Col. Peter Schuyler, and thenceforth called Petersborough. By his will, dated March 21, 1761, proved May 2^, 1762, Schuyler gave it to his only child Catharine, wife of Archibald Kennedy, Earl of Casselis. Kennedy and wife conveyed to James Duane, June 13, 1765, the farm on New Barbadoes Neck (Petersborough) ; also two tracts near Secaucus, between the line of the Bergen lots and Pin- horne's Creek and Cromkill, also Col. Schu^der's interest in the commons (?) in trust for themselves. Duane reconveyed to them and to the survivor June 15, 1765. The earl outlived his wife, and, by v\ill dated Jan. 19, 1794, left his property in America to his sons, John and Robert. I do not know how the interest > ;' John passed to Eobert, but in 1803 he sold the tract where East Newark now is, to William Halsey. It was then a part of what was known as "Kennedy's Farm." In 1804, the name was changed to '^ Lodi." Halsey laid out a part of his purchase into ninety building plots, of at least one acre each. Arent Schuyler, by will dated Dec. 17, 1724, proved July 6, 1732, gave his lands on New Barbadoes Neck to his son JohPf who left them to his son Arcnt, from whom they have descended to his grandchildren, Arent, Jacob R., etc. CHAPTER VIII. List of Marriages, Births, and Deaths, taken prom the Record op the Reformed Church in Bergen. MARRIAGES. MALE. FEMALE. MAUUIAGE DATE. Ackerman Abraham Aeltje Van Lone May 13, 1603 Ackerman Garret Maria Shepherd April 25, 1813 Ackernaan Garret H Hannah Van Houten July 29, 1819 Ackei-man Jacob Gitty Cubberly April 10, 181 9 Ackerman Jacob Eunice Slurge Sept. 1, 1822 Ackerman John C Leah Lozier April 19, 1808 Ackerman Koobes Betje Belser Nov. 27, 1782 Ackerman Levinus Geei'tje Egberts Aug. 3, 1679 Albertse Aert Catharine Vreeland June 26, 1692 Albertse Frans Annetje Gysbertse Nov. 12, 1683 Allen Moses Dorcas Hubbins, widoio of Geo. McIntyre.Oct. 12, 1810 Anderson Andrew Jatnnetje Cadmus May 23, 1801 Anderson John Jane E vertson April 14, 1805 Archer Joseph Jane Earle Jan. 6, 1806 Armington Abel Sophia Eraser, widoio of Sam'l Clark May 26, 1816 Arselse Joseph Elysabet Walings May 6, 1678 Avery William Mary Day June 30, 1799 Aymar Peter Ann Hunt March 5, 1797 Ayniar Peter Elizabeth Van Antwerp Aug. 11, 1802 Baker Samuel Eliza Ann Farr Feb. 29, 1823 Baldwin Jacobus Jansen. . Peterje Claes Dec. 12, 1696 Bandt Johannis Jansen. . .Willemyntje June 27, 1787 Banker Obed Catharine Anderson April 4, 1824 Barentsen Dirck Elysabet Gerrits April 11, 1704 Bartholomew Louis Margaret Post, widozu of Gifford Bryant. .July 1, 1826 Baten Peter Helena Catharine Coops Dec. 27, 1795 Beadle Joseph Martha Trail April 6, 1811 Bedell John Mary Smith May 10, 1800 Beekman Christopher Maria Hunt July 6, 1799 Belton Thomas Margaret Gentleman, xvidow of James Bay. Aug. 25, 1805 Benson Robert Charlotte Boyd May 4, 1822 Berdolf Lourens Hester Van Blercom Aug. 24, 1707 Betts John Mary Perry June 9, 1822 42 330 MARRIAGE RECORD. MALE. IT.MAI.E. . MAHKIAGE DATE. Bishop Seth Ann, window of John Millard Oct. 5, 1^09 Bortoii Jan Hillegond Jacobs Sept. 8, 1G90 Boyd Thomas Eleanor Coulter Aug. 7, 1796 Boyd William Leah Zabriskie Sept. 27, 1827 Braambush David Rachel Van Home March 20, 1795 Brewer David Catharine Cadmus June 22, 1824 Brinkerhoff Cornelis Hen- drickaen Aagtje Hartmans Vreeland May 24, 1708 Brinkerhoff Hartman Claesje Van Houten Oct. 20, 1744 Brinkerhoff Hartman Elizabeth Van Houten Oct. 21, 1797 Brinkerhoff Hartman Eleanor Clendenny Nov. 6, 1802 Brinkerhoff Hendrick Leah Van Wagenen June 19, 1779 Brinkerhoff Henry Jane Van Horn Jan. 18, 1827 Britain Abraham Gitty Van Clief Dec. 22, 1825 Britain Cornelius Sarah Prior Jan. 2, 1802 Britain Isaac Mary Welsh June 13, 1815 Bronson Jacob Leah Slot March 28, 1730 Brouwer Uldi ick Maria Van der Vorst Oct. 8, 1738 Brower James Ann Rapp June 25, 1804 Brower Peter Catherine Post April 10, 1796 Bush David Eliza Simmons Feb. 20, 1819 Bush Jesse Mary Barber Oct. 12, 1812 Butts William W Mary Earle July 6, 1816 Buys Arien Pieterse Tryntje Hendrickse Oosteroom Sept. 30, 1672 Cadmus Andries Hen- dricksen Grietje Claesen Kuyper Oct. 22, 1725 Cadmus George Elizabeth Vreeland Nov. 14, 1812 Cadmus James Maria De Mott Feb. 28, 1828 Cadmns Jasper Margaret Vreeland Dec. 17, 1817 Cadmus John Elizabeth Vreeland Dec. 3, 1814 Cadmus Michael Ann Sickles June 9, 1827 Car John Charlotte Hunt Feb. 13, 1802 Carhart Isaac Elizabeth Bowers Dec. 1, 1806 Carlock George Elizabeth Lozier Aug. 8, 1801 Carlock Matthias Ruth Ludlow Oct. 7, 1797 Carlton John Margaret Cozine Jan. 23, 1812 Cassedy Quintilian Sarah Vincent April 10, 1814 Christianse Evertse Lydia Meeker, widow ol Geo. Abbot March 31, 1816 Churchill John Rosanna B. Lyon Nov. 9, 1819 Claesen Andries Pryntje Michielsen March 25, 1668 Claesen Cornelis Aeltje Teunise Dec. 20, 1681 Claesen Gerbrand Maritje Claas Aug. 25, 1674 Claesen Jan Tryntje Straatmaker Oct. 8, 1694 Clark Moses A Sarah Lee Aug. 7, 1824 Clark William Sarah Bridgart June 6, 1820 Clendenny Merselis Clara Brinkerhoff Nov. 3, 1803 Gierke Charles Susan Thorp Nov. 6, 1798 Clintock Matthew Gertrude Van der Beek Dec. 23, 1809 Clugston John Rachel Watson April — , 1824 MARRIAGE RECORD. 831 MALE. FEMALE. MARRIAGE DATE. Coddington John Camilla Skinner Aug 31,1819 Cole Cornelius Eleanor Speer April 5, 1817 Collerd Abraham Ann Vreeland March 14, 1813 Collerd Jacobus Aegie Diedricks Nov. 29, 1789 Collerd Johannis Geertje Prior Dec. 19, 1782 Collerd John T Gertrude Collerd May 14, 1814 Corayn Dirck Cornelise. . . Rachel Andriese Oct. 21, 1707 Conkliug John, Julia Bond Nov. 30, 1803 Conkling Josiah Patty Earle Jan. 22, 1822 Conkling Matthew Sally Budd Nov. 30, 1803 Cook Daniel Phebe Tucker Oct. 18, 1807 Corle Edward Peggy Dezer, widow of John Compton . . . April 12, 1798 Cornelise Hendrick Neeltje Cornelis June 9, 1G69 Cornelison Abraham Catharine Du Bois Feb 13, 1795 Cornelison John M Aletta Van Winkle May 22, 1826 Cornelison Nathaniel Hannah Van Blarcom Dec. 26, 1804 Co wenhoven Peter Elsie Lee March 23, 1805 Coyeman Hendrick Maritje Gerbrands May 5, 1738 Cozine Abraham B Hannah Vreeland Jan. 12. 182S Crane Moses Phebe Hunt Jan. 1, 1803 Cubberly Jacob Mary Prior Jan. 4, 1806 Curtenius Fred'k Wm Elizabeth Fowler Feb. 15 1826 Day John Lucretia Westervelt Dec. 15, 1798 Day Tbomas Mary Deser July 20, 1802 Day Willem Annatje Jacohse April 14, 1691 De Green Christopher Eliza Stilwell May 31, 1819 De Groot Peter Eleanor Brower, ivkloio of John Mersereau,Oct 24 1801 De Mott Garret Margareth Mandeville Jan. 16, 1813 De Mott George Jane Vreeland Oct. 1, 1808 De Mott George Ellen Ann Smith Jan. 18, 1827 De Molt Hendrick Jannetje Van Wagenen Oct. 30, 1740 De Mott Henry Clara Brinkerhoff Jan. 25, 1806 De Mott Jacob, Fitje Van Houten Oct. 11, 1747 De Mott Mattys Margrietje Blinckerhof May 6, 1705 De Witt Gasharie Christiana Hornblower Nov. 13, 1819 De Wolff Haybrecht Maria Bear Sept. 23, 1798 Decker Abraham Jane Ayres July 29, 1815 Decker Benjamin Jane Metsgar June 3, 1816 Denniston John Rachel Van der Beek April 30, 1818 Denniston Lucas Cyntje Evertson Oct. 8, 1807 Dezer Nathaniel Clara Earle Nov. 12, 1799 Diedricks Cornelius Antje Roos June 7, 1735 Diedricks Garret Jannetje Van Nieuwkercke April 21, 1733 Diedricks Jacob Jannetje Van Winckel Nov. 26, 1738 Diedricks Johannis Geesje Van Winckel May 2, 1724 Diedricks Johannis .Hester Vreeland April 14, 1739 Diedricks Johannis Antje Van Wagenen Dec. 17, 1763 Diedricks Wander Aeltje Gerrits Nov. 27, 1693 Dixon Alexander Abby Gregory Jan. 2, 1802 f>.;^9 MARRIAGE RECORD. MALE. IF.MALK. MAUEIAGE DATE. Dixon Jonathan Hannah Burnet Dec. 13, 1794 Dixon Waltei- Elizabeth Cole Dec. 26, 1803 Dodd Joseph jr Nancy Clark June 5, 1813 Doremus Cornelis Corne- lis8e Rachel Pieterse, Aug. 12, 1710 Dorstan John Widow Jones Aug. 6, 1794 Douwesen Paulus Fitj*^ Hendricks, loidow May 3, 1702 Druyts Levinus Grietje Jans June 1, 1665 Earle Cornelius Hannah Nagle July 28, 1804 Earle Daniel Charlotte Nicolls Oct. 21, 1800 Earle David Polly De Gray Aug. 24, 1800 Earle Edward jr Elsje A^'reeland Feb. 13, 1688 Earle Edward Johanna Day Feb. 13, 1800 Earle Enoch Mary Van Home July 29, 1804 EarleJohnW Elizabeth Earle April 4, 1809 Earle Justus Ann Matilda Stagg Oct. 5, 1822 Earle Morris Peggy Metsger Nov. 17, 1804 Earle Nathaniel Geertje Duryee, widow of Jacob Post . . . .April 0, 1829 EarlePeter Letta Van Houten July 28, 1816 Earle Peter Susan Ackerman July 4, 1823 Earle Philip I Margaret Shepherd Jan. 13, 1823 Earle Philip R Adriana Van Rypen March 6, 1812 Earle Rynier Leah Earle, widow of James Van Home. .Feb. 24, 1805 Earle RynierH Mary Lee Nov. 24, 1810 Earle William Charity Earle March 10, 1804 Edsal Johannis Charity Smith May 3, 1691 Edwards John Mary Armstrong, widow of Henry Young. July 26, 1811 Emerson James Ann J. Wier Sept. 5, 1822 Everse Johannis Scytje Sr)eer Aug. 20, 1744 Everse Johannis Sally Griffin Dec. 21, 1782 Evertson Abraham Elizabeth Harrison May 6, 1797 E vertson John Hannah Van Houten Feb. 3, 1818 Evertson John Sarah Smith Oct. 19, 1822 Fidler Thomas Louise Holden Jan. 10, 1799 Folkner Abraham Mary M. Waling June 20, 1827 Ford William Catherine Sanford March 17, 1808 Fransen Tomas Neeltje Pieters Sept. 29, 1706 Fredricksen Andries April 11, 1704 Gardner James Mary Earle Dec. 30, 1807 Garrabrants James Sarah Williamson tvidow o/ Vincent HudsonApril 19, 1815 Garrabrants Myndert Aegie Van Houten Nov. 13, 1800 Garrabrants Peter Catharine Van Boskercke Feb. 1, 1800 Garrabrants Peter Jane Clendenny Dec. 14, 1805 Garrabrants Peter Ann Van Winkle Feb. 15, 1814 Garrabrants Peter N Caroline Gardner, widoic of John Winans .Dec. 25, 1823 Garretson John Cathaiine Ann Riker Feb. 15, 1825 Garretson Nicholas Elizabeth Durant May 25, 1823 MARRIAGE RECORD. 383 MALE. FEJrALE MAKRIAGE DATE. Garretson Stephen Hetty Fairchild Feb. 16, 1824 Gautier Thomas B. Elizabeth Hornblower Oct. 15, 1816 Gerbrantse Claas Maritje Jurianse April 11, 1704 Gei-brantse Herpeit Hiilegond Merselis May 29, 1707 Gerbrantse Myndert Treiutje Jacobse Van Winckel May 7, 1715 Gerbrantse Pieter Chrystintje Jurianse Aug. 1, 1698 Geriitse Johannis Anna Walingse Oct. 6 1690 Gerritse Gerrit jr Kiesje Pieters May 11, 1681 Gerritse Pietei* Constantia Van der Swalin June 25, 1688 Gerritsen Cornelius Aeltje van Winckel June 29, 1728 Gerritsen Hendrick Margrietje Straatmaker April 3, 1701 Geriitsen Johannis Catelyntje Helmigse Nov. 4, 1703 Gilchrist Robert Frances Vasher Oct. — , 1812 Giileland Thomas T Elizabeth Halenbeck April 9, 1802 Guines Patrick Ann Bagtmens, vndoiv Feb. 3, 1796 Golden Valentine Rachel Van Houten Oct. 16, 1825 Goodman John K Frances A. Stewart Dec. 15, 1822 Goodwin Daniel Mary S. Pray Aug. 24, 1812 Gough Edward Eliza Fairchild July 10, 1829 Gi-aham John Catharine Ann Gray July 20, 1817 Gray James. Eleanor Meadow March 26, 1822 Greenlief Evert Jane Danielson June 4, 1827 Greenlief John Rachel Sickles Dec. 27, 1801 Greenlief Pieter Mary Halenbeck Dec. 25, 1804 Hadley James Esther Day June 24, 1797 Haif Uriah Mary Garrabrants Aug. 1, 1818 Halenbeck Joseph Eleanor Earle Feb. 7, 1802 Harrison Hiram Mary Farrel Jan. 21, 1829 Harsin Wassel Susan Stagg June 10, 1815 Hartmanse Claas Elsje Pieters Aug. 19, 1699 Hartmanse David Annetje Straatmaker March 29, 1692 Hartnet John Ann Day Aug. 10, 1822 Hebbe Jan Annetje Cornells March 5, 1693 Helmigse Dirck Metje Gerrebrantse Sept. 9, 1711 Helmigse Peter Claretje Post April 8, 1703 Helmigse Roelof Aagtje Cornells Vreelant April 21, 1701 Helmigse Roelof Syntje Sickels Dec. 15, 1711 Helmlgsen Cornells Aagtje Johannissen Vreelandt April 19, 1711 Hendrickse Hans 'i'reintje Pieters July 31, 1683 Hendrickse Jan Magliteltje Roelofse July 22, 1683 Hendrickse Jan Neeltje Janse Buys June 23, 1684 Hendrickse Tomas Susanna Lewn May 20, 1683 Hennlon David Catlyntje Evertse Dec. 21, 1782 Heimion Isaac Margrietje Van Vorst , 1726 Hoagland Aaron Esther Van Houten Oct. 12, 1794 Hollinge Hendrlck Teunis- sen Styntje Jans June 30, 1700 Holmes James Catharine Van "Winkle Oct. 6, 1827 Hoof Frederick Helen Vincent April 24, 1819 334 MARRIAGE RECORD. MALE. FKMALE. SIARItlAGE DATE. Hoppe Himdrick Marit je Toers March 14, 1680 Hoppe Mattys Atlolphus . . Anna Pieterse April 15, 1683 • Hornblower Josiali jr Hannah Town Oct. 15, 1812 Howell Ih'nrv Eliza Greenlief Jan. 23, 1826 Huntley Noheiniah Phebe Pollard May 21, 1805 Ido Robert Annetje Roome Sept. 24, 1739 Ingles John Mary Day Nov. 26, 18U8 Jackson Patrick Mary Wright Feb. 10, 1802 Jacobse Bartel Eleanor Douglas April 14, 1695 Jacobusse Thomas Saertje Toers Jan. 13, 1771 Junse Johunnis Anna Mary Van Gjesen March 21, 1686 Janse Pieter Elysabet June 22, 1685 Jansen Kutger Annetje Gerrits April 10, 1699 Jeffreys Edward Mary Tanisen , 1720 Johnson Elias H Joanna H. Durant March 10, 1821 Jones Joseph Rebecca Clarke Jan. 13, 1825 Joost Hendrick Grietje Jacobs , May 23, 1665 Josi Pieter , . . . . Cornelia Daniels April 6, 1686 Jurianse Aelt Gerritje Mattheqse ,,. July 7, 1695 Jurijtnse Gen-it Beelitje Dircks (Van Noyer) . . , , June 6, 1693 Jurianse Johannis Sarah Kuyper Dec. 2, 1740 Jurianse Johannis (ivid'er) Margretje Van Winkle Sept. 5, 1742 Jurianse Tomas Jannetje Straatmaker , June 2, 1691 Juriansen Harman , , . Maritje Fredrickse June 20, 1709 Juriansen Jan . , Neeltje Gerbrands, , ,...,... April 7, 1702 Kealy Edward , , Susan Sturge ...,. Dec, 24, 1808 Kingsland Wiliianj. ...... Leah Brown , May 20, 1813 Kip Peter , . . Mary Stuy vesant Feb. 27, 1802 Kittletnan Valentine Janse Taylor, widow o/ Jonas Tompkins, ..Oct, 3, 1805 Lamb Samuel Jane Clendenny , - Jan, 26, 1812 Lamberson Garret Phebe Ann Scharit , Jan. 1, 1825 Lane James B Sarah Van Buskirk Oct. 1, 1828 Lawson Samuel Jane La Tourette , Oct. 9, 1824 Layman William Maria Shepherd March 17, 1824 Lee James Margaret Cooper May 8, 1813 Lee William Rachel Eaton , Oct. 22, 1808 Lee William Sarah La Tourette Aug, 5, 1815 Lewis Jotham Catharine Van Ziel..., Dec. 30, 1804 Lisk John Catreintje Huysuian June 20, 1767 Littlefield Daniel jr Melvina Morris , Oct, 24, 1824 Lubbers Roelof Weseleena Steinmets March 25, 1688 Lubbertse Lubbert Hilletje Pouluse , March 14, 1080 Lubi Jacob Gerritje Cornells Sept, 4, 1672 Ludlow James Nancy Lee , July 14, 1810 Ludlow Henry Rachel Wright Dec. 15, 1810 Ludlow Hugh Elizabeth Sturge Dec. 10, 1808 MARRIAGE RECORD. 335 MALK. FEMALE. MAURIAGE DATE. Lyon Henry Ann Eliza Mar.sh Jan. 6, 1818 Lyon Richard Aegie Van Houten Feb. 13, 1811 Machelsen Sjarel Catrina Tomas March 26, 1678 Mandeville Henry Ann Outwater April 23, 1817 Marselis Pieter (?) Maritje Andriese , 1730 Marselisse Ide Ariant je Sip April 11, 1754 Marsh William Phebe Heathorne Oct. 9, 1824 Martin Merrit Hannah Wauters Aug. 4, 1829 Mattheu.se Jacob Sara Cornells May 15, 1707 Maybee Jasper Catharine Edsall Jan. 2, 1802 McCrindell Thomas Elizabeth R. Cornelison June 12, 1827 McCubberry Robert Chanty Prior, widoiv of Wm. Coulter Oct. 30, 1825 McDonald Isaac Ann Taylor Dec. 25, 1824 McDonald Matthias Hannah Brinkerhoff Sept. 23, 1809 McElroy Mary Ann Trim May 16, 1822 McKey William Mary Jenkins Dec. 31, 1803 McLoughlin John Phebe Britain Dec. 25, 1828 McNeil Jacobus Antje Lisk May 15, 1768 McTavlan Robert Eliza Coulter..^ April 8,1818 Mead Peter T Leah Mandeville July 3, 1813 Mecolen Benjamin Hannah Van Vorst July 25, 1812 Meeker Hiram L Mariah F. Randall April 26, 1819 Meeker Samuel C Maria Chadwick • Dec. 3, 1818 Merselis Jacob Sally Merselis Sept. 13, 1828 Merselis Merselis Gertrude Prior July 26, 1800 Merselis Peter Jane De Mott May 28, 1822 Mersei'eau John Esther, wjc?oio of Christopher Garretson.. Aug. 3, 1794 Mersereau John Arm Waldron Sept. 26, 1818 Mesier Peter D Mary Van Wyck Nov. 1, 1800 Meyers Andries Vrouwtje Van de Vorst Nov. 1, 1671 Mej^ers Johannis Annetje Van de Vorst June 12. 1677 Michielse Johannis Neeltje Femens July 23, 1670 Michielse Tades Anna Steinmets Sept. 21, 1679 Miet John Annetje Baldwin April 28, 1793 Mindell Conrad Margaret Baker Sept. 4, 1793 Mix Marvin P Ann Maine Jan. 10, 1815 Moore Abraham Maria Van Gelder Jan. 25, 1794 Moore James Sally Moore Sept . 17, 1795 Moore Samuel Margaret Moore Sept. 10, 1803 Moore Thomas Elizabeth Lee July 29, 1803 Morehouse Chauncey Ann T. Crane Feb. 16, 1822 Mulford David Phebe Vincent Feb. 6, 1808 Myers Garret Jane Bogert Dec. 18, 1799 Neesje Johannis Antje Gerritsen Van Wagenen Oct. 9, 1710 Negles Caleb Julian Crane April 24, 1817 Newkirk Aaron Jannet je Vreeland Nov. — , 1791 Newkirk Garret Rachel Shepherd Feb. 22, 1806 Newkirk Garret Rachel Van Houten Oct. 25, 1828 336 MARRIAGE RECORD. MALK. KKMALE. MAKIUAGE DATE. Newkirk (Seorge Sully Van Derhoof Feb. 9,1805 Nowkiik Ileniy Eliza Provost July 23, 1818 Newkirk John Maritje Newkirk Feb. 1, 1806 Nicoll Robert 8arah V. D. Mesier April 14, 1812 Nieuwkerck Jacob Fitje Hennion Feb. 13, 1769 O'Donoghue Cornelius. ..Maiy Ann Willey, widow of Parknmn Townsend July 28, 1819 O'Eeily John S Isabella Chambers July 13, 1819 Opilyke Sibi Maritje Adrianse Sip Oct. 13, 1678 Osborn Samuel Maria Shepherd Dec. 1, 1804 Cutwater Garret Maria Van Winkle Dec. 25, 1822 Outwater Jacob Maritje Van Derhoof Sept. 30, 1797 Outwater John Eleanor Prior Jan. 25, 1800 Palmer Peregrine Susanna Wright Aug. 20, 1817 Paulmier Stephen Caroline Halsey Dec. 7, 1824 Pelor George Euphemia Deas, ividoiv of Thos. Reed May 13, 1805 Pieterse Andries Johannis Steinmets May 13, 1688 Pieterse Hessel Lysbet Claes June 24, 1690 Pieterse Merselis Peterje Van de Voorst May 12, 1G81 Pieterse Pieter Dirckje Egberts Nov. 18, 1683 Pieterse Pieter Treintje Hans Jacobse Oct. 3, 1687 Pest Abraham EfBe Metsger Jan. 27, 1798 Post Abraham Jane Anderson Nov. 27, 1819 Post Adrian Catrintje Gerrits... April 17, 1677 Post Adrian Elysabet Merselis April 21, 1701 Post Egbert Saertje Stuy vesant Nov . 9, 1765 Post Frans Maritje Cobus April 22, 1690 Post Gerrit Lea Straet Dec. 25, 1704 Post Jacob Elizabeth Maybee April 5, 1797 Post Jacob Keziah Duryee May 20, 1817 Post Johannis Elizabet Helmigse Van Houte , 1713 Post John E Abby Prior May 9, 1794 Post Peter Catelyntje Beekman Nov. 17, 1710 Post Peter Jannetje Diedricks Feb. 7, 1795 Poulusen Dirck Fitje Hartmans Vreeland '... Aug. 19, 1699 Poulusen Martin Margrietje Wester velt March 25, 1694 Prier Casparus Sarah Andriesen March 13, 1714 Prier Teunis Janse Catelyntje Tomase Oct. 6, 1684 Prine Abraham Peggy Coulter Dec. 27, 1796 Prine Daniel Helena Evertse July 25, 1791 Prine Peier Rachel Van Winkle Fab. 11, 1819 Prior Abraham Ann Waldron Dec. 20, 1796 Prior Andries Geertruy Sickles Oct. 8, 1750 Prior Asa Sarah H. Lyon Sept. 12, 1820 Prior Nicholas Martha Cadmas Dec. 18, 1817 Prior Nicholas Eleanor Garrabrants Sept. 20, 1827 Prior Nicholas C Hannah Vreeland Dec. 30, 1818 Pryer Abraham Maritje Sickels Dec 18, 1746 MARRIAOE RECORD. 337 MALE. FEMALE. MAREIAGE DATE. Pryer Johannis Geertje Siggelse June 14, 1745 Puker William Christiana Renny Nov. 16, 1800 Randolph Absalom F Hannah Budd Nov. 21, 1812 Randolph Lewis F Mary Meyer May 26, 1824 Rapp Andrew Catherine Britain Oct. 2, 1823 Rapp John Mary Van Clief Dec. 16, 1813 Reddenhaus Abel Catrina Janse Van Burger July 26, 1696 Remsey M ango Adriana Veder, widow of Coi-'s Hennion . . . Feb. 8, 1803 Rodgers Joseph Eliza O'Brien July 26, 1811 Roelofse Cornelius Magdaleena Van Giesen Nov. 14, 1677 Roelofse Hehnigh Jannetje Pieterse Sept. 3, 1676 Roelofse Tadeus Treintje Claes Jan. 8, 1678 Rosman Thomas Ann Hennion July 12, 1820 Ryder John Clara Steinmets Feb. 19, 1804 Ryerson Samuel C Rachel Compton June 15, 1805 Salter Paul Elizabeth Cubberly June 14, 1812 Scott William Ann Lyon April 2, 1799 Seaman Isaac Sarah Crane Jan. 30, 1819 Seaman James G Mary Cronk June 29, 1822 Seaman Stephen Jane Mills June 3, 1819 Seely John Keziah Van Ziel June 23, 1800 Seely William Ann Sickles Aug. 8, 1802 Shay John Dolly McWilliams Feb. 20, 1819 Shieffer Nicholas Lucretia Sisco Oct. 16, 1825 Shepherd Abraham Mary Earle Sept. 12, 1812 Shepherd Joseph Fanny Tuers June 6, 1813 Shepherd Samuel Ann Smith Dec. 29, 1793 Sheplierd Thomas Rachel Banta June 29, 1824 Sickles Abraham Aegie Blinkerhoff April 1, 1739 Sickles Abraham Catherine Outwater Dec. 8, 1798 Sickles Hendrick Jenneke Stuy vesant Feb. 1, 1767 Sickles Peter Eva Van Derhoof Oct. 8, 1791 Sickles Robert Antje Winne Oct 8, 1749 Sickles Willem Elysabet Kuyper Aug. 10, 1732 Sickles Zacharias Ariantje Hartmanse Vieeland Nov. 7, 1719 Simmons Michael Rachel Van Wart Oct. 17, 1829 Simmons Stephen Eliza Smith, tvidow of Asa Leonai-d May 30, 1807 Simse James Maritje Janse Daanie, widow of Jan Remse.Sept. 10, 1697 Sip Arie Grietje Helmigseu , 17fl Sip Garret Margaret Newkirk Nov. 10, 1811 Sip Henricus Annette Bayard Nov. 22, 1691 Sip Ide Antje Van Wagenen May 23, 1725 Sip Jan Ariantse Johanna Van de Voorst April 22, 1684 Sip Peter Elizabeth Vreeland No v. 1, 1789 Slingerland George H Eliza Simonson Feb. 19, 1825 Slot Jan Andries April 2, 1700 Smeeman Harman Annetje Daniels Dec. 9, 1668 Smith Abel Jane Lozier Oct. 6, 1802 43 338 MARRIAGE RECORD. MALE. FEMALE. MARRIAGE DATE. Smith Heeknian Elizabeth Sickles June 1, 1803 Smith Cornelius Peggy Shepherd Oct, 21, 1797 Smith James Rachel Huyler Jan. 28, 1809 Smith John E Altje Van Kypen March 27, 1811 Smith rhilip Jane Ackennan March 27, 1802 Speer John Mary Hennion July 30, 1803 Speer John G Hannah Riker Feb. 12, 1829 Speer William Keziah Stagg .1 June 5, 1796 Spier Albertus Orseltje Westervelt June 5, 1744 Spier Barent Hendrickse.Catalyntje Hendricks Aug. 6, 1698 Spier Johannis Meya Franse Aug. 12, 1679 Spier Johannis Geertruy Roome April 29, 1739 Stagg Abraham Rachel Town Feb. 1, 1800 Steinmets Casparus Margrietje Hendricksen Aug. 5, 1727 Steinmets Caspar Treintje Jacobs March 15, 1671 Steinmets Christophel Joannetje Gerrits Oct. 6, 1684 Steinmets Christophel Sarah Van Neste , 1699 Steinmets Gerrit Vrouwtje Claes March 11, 1684 Steinmets Gerrit Catrina Gerrits, widoiv of Adrian Post July 31, 1691 Steinmets Johannis Annetje Jacobse Van Winckel Nov. 30, 1676 Stelting Roelof Jacomyntje Nov. 24, 1672 Stephens Nehemiah Mary Beemau June 25, 1808 Stillwell Ezekiel Polly Carl, widoio of Toby Smith Nov. 18, 1798 Straatmaker Dirck Treintje Buys Nov. 27, 1698 Straatmaker Jan Neeltje Buys, widow of Jacob Vygerse . . . Jan. 27, 1707 Straatmaker Jan Dirckse.GeesjeGeriits Jan. 14, 1665 Stuy vesant Petrus Pryntje Preyer Oct. 27, 1733 Sutphen John Jane Spader June 17, 1814 Swartwout Roelof Fransyntje Andries Nov. 22, 1691 Svpeet Antonio Jannetje Cobus May 8, 1693 Swiney John Rachel Compton June 15, 1805 Syckelse Hendrick Maritje Lubbertse Dec. 27, 1678 Tades Michiel Treintje Jacobs June 8, 1667 Tallnian Anthony Catherine Coulter Oct. 21, 1829 Taylor Oliver Margaret Van Home Feb. 20, 1811 Terhune Stephen Eliza Vreeland June 1, 1815 Terhune Stephen Jane Terhune June 9, 1821 Thomas Arie 1 . Eliza Hill Sept. 28, 1801 Thompson Nathaniel Catherine Maseker Dec. 29, 1798 Thorp Garrett Helen Bond Oct. 3, 1804 Tise Martin Nancy Van Rypen Dec. 24, 1829 Toers Abraham Eleanor Van Winkle Jan. 29, 1809 Toers Arent Annetje Spier July 19, 1730 Toers Claes Arentse Jacomyntje Van Neste July 8, 1684 Toers Lourens Arentse. . . Fransyntie Tomas Aug. 15, 1672 Toers Nicholas Jannetje Van Rj^pen May 11, 1766 Tomase Arieu Maritje Cobusje June 21, 1686 Tomase Johannis Maritje Van Deusen, widoio of Tymen Van Valen Dec. 24, 1705 MARRIAGE RECORD. ?539 ^f^^^- FEMALE. MARRIAGE DATE. Tomase Frederick Catlieriua Hoppe Oct . 13, 1672 Toniase Tomas Sara Van Dueselten Sep. 17, 1701 Tompkins Abraham Elizabeth Budd May 12, 1805 Traphagen Henry Neeltje Van Vorst Jan. 25, 1803 Travis Simeon Eliza Tompkins Oct. 17, 1813 Tuers Aaron Effie Van Winkle Nov. 30, 1826 Tilers Abraham A Sarah Vanderbilt Jan. 1, 1827 Vail Aaron Elizabeth Gellard, wid. of Peter Robertson, April 18, 1813 Van Antwerp William Mary Clendenny Jan. 13 1821 Van Barkelow Hartmansen, Maria Cortelyoii April 1, 1697 Van Blarcom Gysbei-t Jan- sen Magdaleena La Komba Jan. 16, 1706 Van Blarcom Johannis Janse Metje Jans July 16, 1693 Van Borekelaer Evert Ev- ertson Hillegond Jacobse June 7, 1707 Van Boskerck Abraham. . . Elizabeth Cole May 1, 1805 Van Boskerck Cornelius . . Peggy Van Home Dec. 24, 1800 Van Boskerck James Jr. . . Jane Garrabrants Dec. 20, 1821 Van Boskerck John Isabella Van Eypen Nov. 20, 1814 Van Boskerck Lourens. . . Fitje Cornelise Vreeland Sept. 18, 1709 Van Boskerck Nicholas. . . Jane Cadmus Dec. 15, 1814 Van Buren Beekman Ann Ackerman Dec. 4, 1819 Van Buren Sylvester Ann Amanda Vander Poel, widow of James Wrangle Jan. 1, 1801 Van Clief Daniel A.ltje Diedricks June 24, 1797 Van Clief Jacob Maria Post Dec. 25, 1823 Van Clief John Ann Brown, widow of James Welsh Aug. 13, 1809 Van Clift Gideon Mary Harris Oct. 24, 1802 Van Dalson Abraham Sophia Cole Dec. 1, 1814 Van Dalson Henry Jr. ... Mary Ann Lyon Oct. 19, 1818 Van Dalson John Elsje Carlock, widow of Tunis Quinn Nov. 10, 1800 Van den Bos Hendrick Janse Maria Boas Oct. 17, 1635 Van der Beek Abraham A., Elizabeth Cole Feb. 11, 1817 Van der Bilt Jan Aertsen.Magdaleentje Hanse Dec 10, 1681 Van Derhoof Henry Naomi Day May 6, 1797 Van Derhoof Johannis Maria Bertsie April 22, 1738 Van der Heyden Wni. An- thony Henrietta W. E. Van Holten Aug. 16, 1800 Van der Koeren Hendrick, Eva Jacoben Slot — , 1723 Van der Linda Koelof Susanna Hendrickse Oct. 2, 1682 Van Giesen Abraham Fitje Andriese Oct. 4, 1691 Van Giesen Bastiaen Aeltje Hendrickse June 25, 1688 Van Giesen Isaac Cornelia Aug. 10, 1690 Van Giesen Jacob Busje Pluvier June 1, 1693 Van Giesen Jacob Hillegont Claesen Kuyper Sept. 26, 1708 Van Giesen Johannis Aeltje Schopmous July 13^ 1687 Van Giesen Ryuier Hendrickje Janse Buys Oct. 17. 1699 ?)40 MARKIAGK RECORD. MAI.K. FEMALE. MAHHIAGE DATK Van Gieseii Rynier Catieiiitje Merselis April 17, 1737 Van Uooren Kutgert Neeltjo Diedricks, widow of Jan Van Der- li nden April 25, 1697 Van Hooren Barent Ba- rentsen Pic4ers Feb. 23, 1712 Van Home Andrew Hannah Osborn April 10, 1802 Van Home Burger Anna Boskerck Feb. 12, 1801 Van Home Cornelius Sally Clendenny Nov. 16, 1799 Van Home Cornelius Jane Garrabrants Jan. 21, 1810 Van Home Garret Margaret T. Gautier Jan. 5, 1812 Van Home Henry Catherine Vreeland Dec. 17, 1809 Van Horne Jacob Catherine lioskerck Feb. 18, 1826 Van Home John Mary Prior Dec. 27, 1805 Van Home John G Hannah Van Rypen Dec. 19, 1812 Van Horne Myndert Mary Sickles Oct. 12, 1816 Van Horne Peter Mary Jerolamon Oct. 4, 1824 Van Houten Helmigh Catherine Van Eypen Dec. 7, 1799 Van Houten Johannis Annatje Collerd Dec. 19, 1782 Van Houten John Jr Sally Mandeville Dec. 20, 1821 Van Houten Joseph Catherine Garretson Sept. 20, 1801 Van Houten Michael Altje Van Home Dec. 15, 1793 Van Houten Peter Ann Winne Feb. 26, 1815 Van Nieuwkercke Garrit Mattheusen Catreintje Kuyper Sept. 5, 1730 Van Nieuwkercke Mat- theus Corneliese Anna Lubi Dec. 14, 1670 Van Nieuwkercke Poulus, Helena Spier June 18, 1728 Van Pelt Tunis Ann Vreeland Sept. 21, 1826 Van Rypen Christopher . . Gertrude Van Houten Dec. 27, 1 802 Van Rypeu Cornelius Altje Van Horne, ividow of Michael Van Houten May 31, 1807 Van Rypen Cornelius Catherine Newkirk Nov. 7, 1813 Van Rypen Cornelius R. . . Mary Sickles Sept. 15, 1827 Van Rypen Daniel Elizabeth Van Rypen Sept. 19, 1811 Van Rypen Daniel Jannetje Winne Nov. 19, 1785 Van Rypen Daniel Jane Post Sept. 7, 1826 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland Oct. — , 1792 Van Rypen Garret Jane Hennion Aug. 9, 1805 Van Rypen Garret Elizabeth Simonson Jan. 14, 1815 Van Rypen Garret C Hannah Evans May 28, 1817 Van Rypen Garret C Eliza Van Wart April 28, 1819 Van Rypen George Clara Vreeland July 23, 1814 Van Rj'pen Gerrit Cati-eintje Van Rypen March 2, 1799 Van Rypen Jerry Aegie Diedricks, ividow of Jacob Collerd . . Sept. 13, 1807 Van Rypen Jurrie Neeltje Van Hooni Dec. 18, 1790 Van Rypen Michael Celia Cadnuis Dec. 21, 1816 Van Rypen Peter Maria Vreeland Dec. 13, 1828 Van Rypen Richard Margaret Cadmus Oct. 15, 1825 Van Steenwyck Peter Cor- nelise Hendrickje Arentse July 31, 1670 MARRIAGE RECORD. 841 MALE. FEMALE. MAUUIAGE DATE. Van Tuyl Abraham Metje Vreeland Dec. 8, 1738 Van Tuyl Michael Saertje Hooper Aug. 3, 1766 Van Tuyl Michael Sophia Cubberly Dec. 9, 1797 Van Voorst Cornells Fitje Gerrits April 6, 1685 Van Voorst Cornells Claesie De Mott 1726 Van Vorst Garret Cynthia Hennion Dec. 25, 1810 Van Vorst Jacob Styntje E vei tson Jan. 21, 1809 Van Wagenen Cornelius . . Catrina Sickles Oct. 7 1742 Van Wagenen Gerrit Margrietje Van Winckel March 22, 1746 Van Wagenen Gerrit Har- niansen Antje Sip Oct 3, 1713 Van Wagenen Hartnian . . Catherine Newkirk Aug. 16, 1812 Van Wagenen Helmigh. . . Maritje Blinckerhof Sept. 26, 1736 Van Wagenen Jacob Jannetje Van Houten Oct. 7, 1742 Van Wagenen Jacob Ger- ritsen Leah Gerrits May 2, 1719 Van Wagenen Johannis . . Aeltje Vreeland Oct. 17, 1748 Van Wagenen Johannis . . Neeltje Van Wagenen Nov. 8, 1750 Van Wart Isaac Sarah Van der Beek June 15, 1816 Van Winckel Daniel Rachel Straatmaker May 15, 1707 Van Winckel Daniel Jannetje Cornelise Vreeland Sept. 3, 1709 Van Winckel Hendrick. . . Catreintje Waldron May — , 1726 Van Winckel Henry Catharine Van Wagenen Jan. 10, 1801 Van Winckel Jacob Ja- cobse Aeltje Daniels Dec. 15, 1675 Van Winckel Jacob Ja- cobse Grietje Hendricks Hollinge March 26, 1695 Van Winckel Jacob Ja- cobsen Jr Fitje Poulus March 26, 1703 Van Winckel Jacob Sy- monsen Jacomynlje Mattheuse April 21, 1701 Van Winckel Johannis Wa- lingse Hillegont Sippe Sept. 30, 1710 Van Winckel Joseph Janneke Vreeland, widow of Henry New- kirk May 26, 1798 Van Winckel Syiuon Ja- cobse Annetje Adrianse Sip Dec. 15, 1675 Van Winckel Synion Ja- cobsen Jannetje Alger May 27, 1710 Van Winckel Waling Ja- cobse Catherina Michielse March 15, 1671 Van Winkle Abraham Helen Evertson, wic^ow of Daniel Perrine.. Sept. 8, 1818 Van Winkle Cornelius Margaret Van Rypen Aug. 16, 1807 Van Winkle Garret ...:.. Cornelia Vreeland Oct. 3, 1601 Van Winkle Jacob A Sally Cadmus Feb. 7, 1808 Van Winkle Jacob D Ann Vreeland Dec. 31, 1812 Van Winkle John G Ann Van Winkle April 6, lb26 Van Winkle Joseph Ann Cubberly Nov. 23, 1805 Van Winkle Peter Hannah Van Rypen May 20, 1820 Van Winkle Walter Phebe Tuers May 21, 1807 842 MARRIAGE RECORD. MALE. FEMALE. MARKIAGE DATE- A''an Woeglin Arie Selytje Preyer March 2o, 1715 Vaveira Louis Maria Macliado March 22, 1812 Vernieule Adriaen Cathelyiitje Hundrickse July 1, 1708 Vreelaud Abraham Margrietje Jacobse Van Winckei Oct, 28, 1699 Vreelaiid Abraham Hannah Van Rype n Nov. 30, 1816 Vroehmd Claas Catleintje Sip Nov. 13, 1757 Vreeland Claas Hartmanse Annetje Harmensen May 24, 1697 A^reeland Cornelis Michi- eLse Metje Dirckse Braccke May 12, 1681 Vreeland Cornelius C Catherine Outwater Dec. 23, 1825 Vreeland Cornelius M Catherine Newkirk Nov. 28, 1822 Vreeland Daniel Cornelia Newkirk Jan. 23, 1813 Vreeland Dirck Hartnian8e,Margrietje Diedricks Banta Oct. 20, 1702 Vreeland Elias Johannisen, Maritje Van Hooren May 11, 1723 Vreeland Enoch J Sophia Ackeriuan Jan. 23, 1828 ^ Vreeland Enoch Michielse, Dirckje Meyers June 20, 1670 •^ Vreeland Enoch Michielse, Grietje Wessels Aug. 23, 1691 V Vreeland Enoch Michielse, Aagtje Van Hooren Jan. 13, 1705 Vreeland Garret Jane Winne July 21, 1814 Vreeland Garret Mary Smith May 15, 1824 Vreeland Garret J Jane Vreeland Dec. 19, 1822 Vreeland George Catherine Newkirk June 17, 1809 Vreeland Hartnian Maritje Gerbrant Nov. 20, 1739 Vreeland Hartman Eliza B. Gautier Dec. 17, 1808 Vreeland Henry Margaret Vreeland Dec. 24, 1825 Vreeland Jacob Catharine Brinkei-hofl' Jan. 24, 1801 Vreeland Johannis Helena Gerbrantse June 21, 1778 Vreeland Johannis Johan- nisen Antje Diedricks , 1726 Vreeland Johannis Michi- else Claesje Dirckse Braecke May 14, 1682 Vreeland John Polly Westervelt July 30, 1796 Vreeland John Hester Cadmus Mai-ch 17, 1804 Vreeland John Eachel Mandeville Nov. 19, 1818 Vreeland John G Catharine Van Houten Feb. 1, 1817 Vreeland Michael Maritje Toers Nov. 27, 1691 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Sept. 16, 1781 Vreeland Michael Eachel De Groot Feb. 13, 1796 Vreeland Michael Annetje Garrabrants Nov. 5, 1789 Vreeland Michael Jane Van Derhoof May 11, 1799 Vreeland Michael Altje Outwater Nov. 29, 1801 Vreeland Michael Hart- manse Elysabet Gerrits May 30, 1719 Vreeland Mindert Catharine Cadmus Jan. 18, 1823 Vreeland Nicholas Hannah Winne March 15, 1814 Vreeland Peter Ann Vreeland March 16, 1816 Vreeland Richard Margaret De Mott Dec. 9, 1815 Vreelan 1 Stephen Janneke Vreeland Dec. 10, 1797 Vreeland Stephen Altje Van Winkle, widow of John Mande- ville Nov. 29, 1828 \ MARRIAGE RECORD. 343 MALE. FEMALE. MARKIAGE DATE. Vreeland Stephen Elizabeth Van Rypen Oct. 14, 1817 Vreeland William Cornelia Vreeland Jan. 30, 1814 Vreeland William Catharine Sickles, widow of Leonard John- son Oct. 2, 1822 Wade Matthias Eliza Ludlow Sept. 28, 1823 Waldron Joseph Antje Diedricks Dec. 3, 1757 Waldron Joseph Jemima Chambers Dec. 27, 1807 Waldron Joseph Sarah Van Derbeek, u-idoiv of Isaac Van Wart Jan. 15, 1826 Wannamaker Abraham . . .Maria Wannamaker April 5, 1817 Wannamaker Richard Eliza Seely June 10, 1820 Ward Al vah Fanny Haff July 4, 1818 Ward Peter Maria Colfax April 9, 1802 Warner Jacob Hannah L. Farrington Dec. 7, 1823 Wauters Garret Cornelia Vreeland Jan. 29, 1825 Webb, Dr. Edwin Anna E. Hornblower April 27, 1829 Welsh Alexander Eliza G. Lynch April 15, 1816 Welsh Archer G. Margaret Stager Dec. 25, 1823 Welsh Benjamin F Elizabeth Rapp Jan. 3, 1810 Welsh Benjamin F Isabella Lewis Feb. 26, 1820 Welsh Daniel Catharine Van Winkle Feb. 13, 1815 W^elsh John Leentje Steinmets June 25, 1797 Welsh John Gertrude Rapp Aug. 7, 1811 West William Hannah M. Tunis Dec. 21, 1818 Wester velt Peter Claesie Van Wagenen Oct. 30, 1796 Westervelt William Catherine Decker Sept. 14, 1800 Wilbur Benjamin Winckie Vreeland April 15, 1797 WUbur William Eliza Osbom Dec. 20, 1827 Wilhams John Rebecca Smith July 26, 1795 Willis Barney Eliza Bryant Nov. 21, 1813 Wilmarth William M Margaret Lyon Feb. 10, 1818 Wilson John Alexander. . .Eliza Rose July 22, 1818 Winne Edo Aeltje Toers Nov. 6, 1790 Wiune Johannis Aeltje Diedricks Dec. 10, 1753 Winne John Maria Mandeville Dec. 11, 1790 Winne John S Mary Smith Sept. 5, 1816 Winne Levinus Annetje Sip Oct. 8, 1749 Winne Martin Rachel Van Winkle. April 1, 1797 Wood Abraham Roeta Clendenny Oct. 12, 1783 Woods Walter Sarah Post March 6, 1818 Woods William Mary Waldron Feb. 28, 1820 Wright Daniel T Mary Field May 11, 1806 Youmans Jeremiah Letitia Oldis, widow of Lawrence Van Or- den Nov. 8, 1801 Zahriskie Albert Machtelt Van de Linden Dec. 17, 1676 Zabriskie Albert Catharine Van Rypen Nov. 7, 1822 Zabriskie Jacob ......... Catharine Van Houten Dec. 12, 1801 3 44 MARRIAGE RECORD. MALE. FEMALE. MARRIAGE DATE. Zabriskie Jacob Catherine, ividow of Helmigh Van Houten, Jan. 3, 1829 Zabriskie John Aegie Diechiciks June 11, 1805 Zabriskie John H Ann Winne April 11, 1820 FEMALE. MALE. Ackerman Ann Beeknian Van Buren Dec 4, 1819 Ackernian Jane Pliilip Smith March 27, 1822 Ackerman Sophia Enocli J. Vreeland Jan. 23, 18i!8 Ackerman Susan Peter Earle July 4, 1823 Alger Jannetje Symon Jacobsen Van Winckel May 27, 1710 Anderson Catherine Obed Banker April 4, 1824 Anderson Jane Abraham Post Nov. 27, 1819 Andries ...Jan Slot April 2, 1700 Andries Fransyntje Roelof Swartvvout Xov. 22, 1691 Andriese Maritje Pieter Marselis (?) , 1730 Andriese Rachel Dirck Cornelise Comyn Oct. 21, 1707 Andi'iesen Sarah Casparus Prier March 13, 1814 Arentje Hendrickje Peter Cornelise Van Steenwyck July 30, 1670 Armstrong Mary, ividoio of Henry Young John Edwards July 26, 1811 Ayres Jane Abraham Decker July 29, 1815 Bagtmens Ann, widoiv Patrick Grimes Feb. 3, 1796 Baker Margaret Conrad Mindell Sept. 4, 1793 Baldwin Annat je John Miet April 28, 1793 Banta Margrietje Die- dricks Dirck Hartmanse Vreeland Oct. 20, 1702 Banta Eachel Thomas Shepherd June 29, 1824 Barber Mary Jesse Bush Oct. 12, 1812 Bayard Annetje Henricus Sip Nov. 22, 1691 Bear Maria Haybrecht De Wolf Sept. 23, 1798 Beekman Catelyntje Peter Post Nov. 17, 1710 Beeman Mary Nehemiah Stephens June 25, 1808 Belser Betje Koobes Ackerman Nov. 27, 1782 Bertse Maria Johannis Vanderhoof April 22, 1738 Blinkerhof Aegie Abraham Sickles April 1, 1739 Blinkerhof Margrietje Mattys De Mott May 6, 1705 Boas Maria Hendrick Janse Van den Bos Oct. 17, 1685 Bogert Jane Garret Meyers Dec. 18, 1799 Bond Helen Garret Thorp Oct. 3, 1804 Bond Julia John Conkling Nov, 30, 1803 Boskerck Anna Burger Van Home Feb. 12, 1801 Boskerck Catherine Jacob Van Home Feb. 18, 1826 Bowers Elizabeth Isaac Carhart Dec. 1, 1806 Boyd Charlotte Robort Benson May 4, 1822 Braecke Claesje Dirckse . . Johannis Michielse Vreeland May 14, 1682 Braecke Metje Dirckse . . . Cornelis Michielse Vreelr nd May 12, 1681 Bridgart Sarah William Clark June 6, 1820 BrinkerhoflF Catherine Jacob Vreeland Jan. 24, 1802 Brinkerhoff Clara Merselis Clendeuny Nov. 3, 1803 MARRIAGE RECORD. 345 FEMALE. MALE. MARRIAGE UATE. Brinkerhoff Clara Henry De Mott Jan. 2.5, 1806 Brinkerhoff Hannah Matthias McDonald Sept. 23, 1809 Brinkerhoff Maritje Helmigli Van Wagenen Sept. 26, 1736 Britain Catherine Andrew Rapp Oct. 2, 1823 Britain Pliebe John McLoughlin Dec. 25, 1828 Brower Eleanor, loidow of John Mersereau Peter De Groot Oct. 24, 1801 Brown Ann, widow of James' Welsh John Van Clief Aug. 13, 1809 Brown Leah William Kingsland May 20, 1813 Budd Elizabeth Abraham Tompkins May 12, 1805 Budd Hannah Absalom F. Randolph Nov. 21, 1812 Budd Sally Matthew Conkling Nov. 30, 1803 Burnet Hannah Jonathan Dixon Dec. 13, 1794 Buys Hendrickje Janse. . . Rynier Van Giesen Oct. 17, 1699 Buys Neeltje, wldoto of Ja- cob Vygerse.... Jan Straatniaker : Jan. 27, 1707 Buys Neeltje Janse Jan Hendrickse June 23, 1684 BuysTreintje Dirck Straatmaker Nov. 27, 1698 Cadmus Catherine David Brewer June 22, 1824 Cadmus Catherine » Mindert Vreeland Jan. 18, 1823 Cadmus Celia Michael Van Rypen Dec. 21, 1816 Cadmus Hester John Vreeland March 17, 1804 Cadmus Jane Nicholas Van Buskirk Dec. 15, 1814 Cadmus Jannetje Andrew Anderson May 23, 1801 Cadmus Margaret Richard Van Rypen Oct. 15, 1825 Cadmus Martha Nicholas Pi-ior Dec. 18, 1817 Cadmus Sally Jacob A. Van Winkle Feb. 7, 1808 Carl Polly, widow of Toby Smith Ezekiel Stillwell Nov. 18, 1798 Carlock Elsje, ividow of Tu- nis Quinn John Van Dalson Nov. 16, 1800 Chadwack Maria Samuel C. Meeker Dec. 3, 1818 Chambers Isabella John S. O'Reily July 13, 1819 Chambers Jemima Joseph Waldron Dec. 27, 1807 Claas Maritje Gerbrand Claesen Aug. 25, 1674 Claes Lysbet Hessel Pieterse June 24, 1690 Claes Pieterje Jacobus Jansen Baldwin Dec. 12, 1696 Claes Treintje Tadeus Roelofse Jan. 8, 1678 Claes Vrouwtje Gerrit Steinmets March 11, 1684 Clarke Nancy Joseph Dodd, jr June 5, 1813 Claike Rebecca Joseph Jones Jan. 13, 1825 Clendenny Eleanor Hartman Brinkerhoff Nov. 6, 1802 Clendenny Jane Peter Garrabrauts Dec. 14, 1 805 Clendenny Jane Samuel Lamb Jan. 26, 1812 Clendenny Mary William Van Antwerp Jan. 13, 1821 Clendenny Roeta Abraham Wood Oct. 12, 1783 Clendenny Sally Cornelius Van Home Nov. 16, 1799 Cobus Jannetje Antonio Sweet May 8, 1693 44 346 MARRIAGE RECORD. FEMALE. MALE. MAHRIAGE DATE. Cobus Mai itje Frans Pest April 22, 1690 Cobiisjc! Maiit je Alien Tomase June 21, 1(586 Cole Elizabeth Walter Dixon Dec. 26, 1803 Cole Elizabeth Abraham Van Boskerck May 1, 1805 Cole Elizabeth Abiaham A. Van der Beek Feb. 11, 1817 Cole Sophia Abraham Van Dalson Dec. 1, 1814 Colfax Maria Peter Ward April 9, 1802 Collerd Annatje Johannis Van Houten Dec. 19, 1782 Collerd Gertrude John T. Collerd May 14, 1814 Compton Rachel Samuel C. Ryerson June 15, 1805 Cooper Margaret James Lee jNIay 8, 1813 Coops Helena Catherine. . Peter Baten Dec 27, 1795 Cornells Annetje Jan Hebbe March 5, 1693 Cornells Gerritje Jacob Lubi Sept. 4, 1672 Cornells Neeltje Hendrick Cornelise June 9, 1669 Cornelis Sara Jacob Mattheuse May 15, 1707 Cornelison Elizabeth R. . . Thomas McCrindell June 12, 1827 Coulter Catherine Anthony Tallman Oct. 21, 1829 Coulter Eleanor Thomas Boyd Aug. 7, 1796 Coulter Eliza Robert McFarlan April 8. 1818 Coulter Peggy Abraham Prine Dec. 27, 1796 Cozine Margaret John Carlton Jan. 23. 1812 Crane Ann T Chauncey Moreliouse Feb. 16, 1822 Crane Julian Caleb Negles Api-il 24, 1817 Crane Sarah Isaac Seaman Jan. 30, 1819 Cronk Mary James G. Seaman June 29, 1822 Cubberly Ann Joseph Van Winkle Nov. 23, 1805 Cubberly Elizabeth Paul Salter June 14, 1812 Cubberly Gitty Jacob Ackerman April 10, 1819 Cubberly Sophia Michael Van Tuyl Dec. 9, 1797 Daame Marit je Ja,vse,widoiu of Jan Remse James Simse Sept. 10, 1697 Daniels Aeltje Jacob Jacobse Van Winckel Dec. 15, 1575 Daniels Annetje Harman Smeeman Dec. 9, 1668 Daniels Cornelia Pieter Josi April 6, 1686 Danielson Jane Evert Greenlief June 4, 1827 Day Ann John Hartnet Aug. 10, 1822 Day Esther James Hadley June 24, 1797 Day Johanna Edward Earle Feb. 13, 1800 Day Mary William Avery June 30, 1799 Day Mary John Ingles Nov. 26, 1808 Day Naomi Henry Van Derhoof May 6, 1797 Deas Euphemia, widoio ol Thomas Reed George Pelor May 13, 1805 De Gray Polly David Earle Aug. 24, 1800 De G'-oot Rachel Michael Vreeland Feb. 13, 1796 DeMott Claesie Cornelis Van Vorst , 1726 De Mott Jane Peter Merselis May 28, 1822 De Mott Margaret Richard Vreeland Dec. 9, 1815 MARRIAGE RECORD. 847 FEMALE. MALE. MARRIAOE BATE. De Mott Maria James Cadmus Feb. 28, 1H28 Decker Catherine William Westervelt .Sept. 14, 1800 Dezer jNIary Thomas Da,v July 20, 1302 Dezer Peggy, widow of Jolin Compton Edward Corle April 12, 1798 Diedricks Aegie John Zahriskie June 11, 1805 Diedricks Aegie, widoiv of Jacob Collerd Jerry Van Eypen Sept. 13, 1807 Diedricks Aegie Jacobus Collerd Nov. 29, 1829 Diedricks Aeltje Johannis Winne Dec. 10, 1758 Diedricks Altje Daniel Van Clief June 24, 1797 Diedricks Antje Johannis Johannisen Vreeland , 1726 Diedricks Antje Joseph Waldron Dec. 3, 1757 Diedricks Jannetje Peter Post Feb. 7, 1795 Diedricks Neeltje, widow of Jan Van der Linden Riitgert Van Hooren April 25, 1597 Dircks (Van Noyer) Bee- litje Gerrit Jurianse June 6, 1693 Douglas Eleanor Bartel Jacobse April 14, 1695 Du Bois Catharine Abraham Cornelison Feb. 13, 1795 Durant Elizabeth Nicholas Garretson May 2.5, 1823 Durant Johanna H Elias H. Johnson March 10, 1821 Duvyee Geertje, widow of Jacob Post Nathaniel Earle April 6, 1829 Duryee Keziah Jacob Post May 20, 1817 Earle Charity William Earle March 10, 1804 Earle Clara Nathaniel Dezer Nov. 12, 1799 Earle Elizabeth John W. Earle April 4, 1809 Eai'le Eleanor Joseph Halenbeck Feb. 7, 1802 Earle Jane Joseph Archer Jan. 6, 1806 Earle Leah, widow of Jame s Van Home Rynier Earle Feb. 24, 1805 Earle Mary James Gardner Dec. 30, 1807 Earle Mai'y Abraham Shepherd Sept. 12, 1812 Earle Mary William W. Butts July 6, 1816 Earle Patty Josiah Conkling Jan. 22, 1822 Eaton Rachel William Lee Oct. 22, 1808 Edsall Catharine Jasper Maybee Jan. 2, 1802 Egberts Dirckje Pieter Pieterse Nov. 18, 1683 Egberts Geertje Levinus Ackerman Aug. 3, 1679 Evans Hannah Garret C. Van Eypen May 28, 1817 E vertse Catlyntje David Hennion Dec. 21, 1782 E vertse Helena Daniel Priue July 25, 1791 Evertse Helena, widow of Daniel Prine Abraham Van Winkle ..Sept. 8, 1818 Evertson Cyutje Lucas Denniston Oct. 8, 1807 Evertson Jane John Anderson April 14, 1805 Evertson Styntje Jacob Van Vorst Jan. 21, 1809 348 aLAURIAGK RECORD. FEMAU:. MALE. MARUIAGE DATE. Faiichild Eliza Edward Gough July 10, 1829 Kaircliild Hetty Stephen Garretson Feb. IG, 1824 Fan- Eliza Ann Samuel Baker Feb. 29, 1823 Fairell Mary Hiram Harrison Jan. 21, 1829 Farrington Hannah L Jacob Warner Dec. 7, 1823 Femens Neeltje Johannis Michielso July 23, 1670 Field Mary Daniel T. Wright May 11, 180G Fowler Elizabeth Frederick William Curtenius Feb. 15. 1826 Franse Mey a Johannis Spier Aug. 12, 1679 Eraser Sophia, widow of Samuel Clark Abel Armington May 26, 1816 Fredrickse Maritje... Harnian Juriansen June 20, 1709 Gardner Caroline, ividotv ot John Winans Peter N. Gai-rabrants Dec. 25, 1823 Garrabrants Annetje Michael Vreeland Nov. 5, 1789 Garrabrants Eleanor Nicholas Prior Sept. 20,1827 Garrabrants Jane James Van Buskirk, jr Dec. 20, 1821 Garrabrants Jane Cornelius Van Home Jan. 21, 1810 Garrabrants Mary Uriah Haff Aug. 1, 1818 Garretson Catherine Joseph Van Houten Sept. 20, 1801 Garretson Esther, wid. of Christopher John Mersereau Aug. 3, 1794 Gautier Eliza B Hartman Vreeland Dec. 17, 1808 Gautier Margaret T Garret Van Home Jan. 5, 1812 Gellard Elizabeth, widow of Peter Robertson Aaron Vail April 18, 1813 Gentleman Margaret, wid. of James Bay Thomas Belton Aug. 25, 1805 Gerbrands Maritje Hendrick Coyeman May 5, 1738 Gerbrands Neeltje Jan Juriansen April 7, 1702 Gerbrant Maritje Hartman Vreeland No v . 20, 1739 Gerbrantse Helena Johannis Vreeland June 21, 1778 Gerbrantse Metje Dirck Helmigse Sept. 9, 1711 Gerrits Aeltje Wander Diedricks Nov. 27, 1693 Gerrits Annetje Eutger Jansen April 10, 1699 Gerrits Catrintje Adrian Post April 17, 1677 Gerrits Catrintje, widoio of Adrian Post Gerrit Steinmets July 31, 1691 Gerrits Elysabet Dirck Barentsen April 11, 1704 Gerrits Elysabet Michael Hai'tmanse Vreeland May 30, 1719 Gerrits Fitje Cornells Van Vorst April 6, 1685 Gerrits Jannetje Christophel Steinmets Oct. 6, 1684 Gerrits Leah Jacob Gerritsen Van Wagenen May 2, 1719 Gray Catharine Ann John Gi-aham July 20, 1817 Greenlief Eliza Henry Howell Jan. 23, 1826 Gregory Abby Alexander Dixon Jan. 2, 1802 Griffin Sally Johannis Everse Dec. 21, 1782 Gysbeitse Annetje Frans Albertse Nov. 12, 1683 MARRIAGE RECORD. 849 FEMALE. MALE MAURI AGE DATE. Haff Fauay Alvah Ward July 4, 1818 Halenbeck Elizabeth Thomas T. Gilleland April 9, 1802 Halenbeck Mary Pieter Greenlief Dec. 25, 1804 Halsey Caroline Stephen Paulmier Dec. 7, 1824 Hause Magdaleentje Jan Aertsen Van der Bilt Dec. 10, 1081 Hamiensen Annetje Claas Hartnianse Vreeland May 24, 1697 Harris Mary Gideon Van Clift Oct. 24, 1802 Harrison Elizabeth Abraham Evertsou May 6, 1797 Heathorne Phebe William Marsh Oct. 9, 1824 Helmigse Catelyntje Johannis Gerritsen Nov. 4, 1703 Helmigsen Grietje Arie Sip , 1711 Hendricks Catalyntje Barent Hendrickse Spier Aug. 6, 1698 Hendricks Fitje, ividow . . .'Pa.u\ns Douwesen May 3, 1702 Hendrickse Aeltje Bastiaen Van Giesen June 25, 1688 Hendi'ickse Cathelyntje. . . Adriaen Vermeule July 1, 1708 Hendricksen Margrietje. . Casparus Steiumets Aug. 5, 1727 Henniou Ann Thomas Rosman July 12, 1820 Hennion Cynthia Garret Van Vorst Dec. 25, 1810 Hennion Fitje Jacob Nieuwkerck Feb. 13, 1769 Hennion Jane Garret Van Eypen Aug. 9, 1805 Hennion Mary John Speer July 30, 1803 Hill Eliza Arie Thomas Sept. 28, 1801 Hoeper Saertje Michael Van Tuyl Aug. 3, 1766 Holden Louise Thomas Fidler Jan. 10, 1799 Hollinge Grietje Hendricks Jacob Jacobse Van Winckel. March 26, 1695 Hoppe Catherina Frederick Tomase Oct. 13, 1672 Hornblower Anna E Edwin Webb, M. D April 27, 1829 Hornblower Christiana... Gasharie De Witt Nov. 13, 1819 Hornblower Elizabeth Thomas B. Gautier Oct. 15, 1816 Hubbins Dorcas, widow of George Mclntyre Moses Allen Oct. 12, 1810 Hunt Ann Peter Aymar March .5, 1797 Hunt Charlotte John Car Feb. 13, 1802 Hunt Maria Christopher Beekman July 6, 1799 Hunt Phebe Moses Crane Jan. 1, 1803 Huyler Rachel James Smith Jan. 28, 1809 Huysman Catreintje John Lisk June 20, 1767 Jacobs Grietje Hendrick Joost May 23, 1665 Jacobs Hillegond Jan Borton Sept. 8, 1690 Jacobs Treintje Caspar Steinmets March 15, 1671 Jacobs Treintje Michael Tades June 8, 1667 Jacobse Annatje Willem Day April 14, 1691 Jacobse Hillegond Evert Evertsen Van Borekelaer June 7, 1707 Jacobse Treintje Hans... Pieter Pieterse Oct. 3, 1687 Jans Grietje Levinus Druyts June 1, 1665 Jans Metje Johannis J anse Van Blarcom July 16, 1693 Jans Styntje Hendrick Teunissen Hollinge June 30, 1700 Jenkins Mary William McKey Dec. 31, 1803 Jerolamon Mary Peter Van Home Oct. 4, 1824 350 MARRIAGE RECORD. FEMALE. MALE. MABRIAGE DATE Jones, widow Jolin Dorstaii Aug. 6, 1794 Juriaiise Clirjstiiitje Pietcr Gerbraiitse Aug. 1, 1698 Jurianso Muritje Claas Geibrantse April 11, 1704 Knypcr Catreiiitje Garret Mattlieusen Van Nieuwkerck Sept. .5, 1730 Kiivper El vsabet Willeni Sickles Aug. 10, 1732 Kujper Grietje Claesen . . - Andries Ilendricksen Cadmus Oct. 22, 1725 Kuyper Sarah Johannis Juriansen Dec. 2, 1740 La Komba Magdaleena. ..Gysbert Jansen Van Blarcom Jan. 16, 1706 La Tourette Jane Samuel Lawson Oct. 9, 1824 La Tourettf' Sarah William Lee Aug. 5, 1815 Lee Elizabeth Thomas Moore July 29, 1803 Lee Elsie Peter Cowenhoven March 23, 1805 Lee Mary Kynier H. Earle Nov. 24, 1810 Lee Nancy James Ludlow July 14, 1810 Lee Sarah Moses A. Clark Aug. 7, 1824 Lewis Isabella Benjamin F. Welsh Feb. 26, 1820 Lewn Susanna Touias Hendrickse May 20, 1683 Lisk Antje Jacobus McNeil May 15, 1768 Lozier Elizabeth George Carlock Aug. 8, 1801 Lozier Jaiie Abel Smith Oct. 6, 1802 Lozier Leah John C. Ackerman April 19, 1808 Lubbertse Maritje Hendrick Syckelse Dec. 27, 1678 Lubi Anna Mattheus Cornelise Van Nieuwkercke Dec. 14, 1670 Ludlow Eliza Matthias Wade Sept. 28, 1822 Ludlow Euth Matthias Carlock Oct. 7, 1797 Lynch Eliza G Alexander Welsh Ap'ril 15, 1816 Lyon Ann William Scott April 2, 1799 Lyon Margaret William M. Wilmarth Feb. 10, 1818 Lyon Mary Ann Henry Van Dalson, jr Oct. 19, 1818 Lyon Eosanna B John Churchill Nov. 9, 1819 Lyon Sarah H Asa Prior Sept. 12, 1820 Machado Maria Louis Vaveira March 22, 1812 Maine Ann Marvin P. Mix Jan. 10, 1815 Mandeville Leah Peter T. Mead July 3, 1S13 Mandeville Margaret Garret De Mott Jan. 16, 1813 Mandeville Eachel John Vreeland Nov. 19, 1818 Mandeville Sally John Van Houten, jr Dec. 20, 1821 Maseker Catherine Nathaniel Thompson Dec 29, 1798 Maybee Elizabeth Jacob Post April 5, 1797 Marsh Ann Eliza Henry Lyon Jan. 6, 1818 Mattheuse Gerritje Aelt Jurianse July 7, 1695 McWilliams Dolly John Shay Feb. 20, 1819 Meadow Eleanor James Gray March 26, 1822 Meeker Lydia, widoiv of George Abbot E vertse Christianse March 31, 1816 Merselis Catreintje Eynier Van Giesen April 17, 1737 Merselis Elysabet Adrian Post April 21, 1701 Merselis Hillegond Herpert Gerbrantse May 29, 1707 MAKRIAGE RECORD. 351 FEMALE. MALE. MAIIKIAGE DATE. Merselis Sally Jacob Merselis Sept. 13,1828 Mesier Sarali V. D Robert Nicoll April 14, 1812 Metsger Jane Benjamin Decker June 3, 1816 Metsger Peggy .Morris Earle Nov. 17, 1804 Meyer Mary Lewis F. Randolph May 26, 1824 Meyers Dirck je Enoch Michielse Vreeland June 20, 1670 Michielse Catheriiia Waling Jacobse Van Winckel March If), 1671 Michielse Pryntje Andries Claesen March 25,1668 Millard Ann, tvido7v of John Seth Bishop Oct. 5, 1809 Mills Jane Stephen Seaman June 3, 1819 Moore Margaret Samuel Moore Sept. 10, 1803 Moore Sally James Moore Sept. 17, 1796 Morris Melvina Daniel Littlefield, jr Oct. 24, 1824 Nagle Hannah E Cornelius Earle July 28, 1804 Newkirk Catherine George Vreeland June 17, 1809 Newkirk Catherine Hartnian Van Wagenen Aug. 16, 1812 Newkirk Catherine Cornelius Van Rypen Nov. 7, 1813 Newkirk Catherine Cornelius M. Vreeland Nov. 28, 1822 Newkirk Cornelia Daniel Vreeland Jan. 23, 1813 Newkirk Maritje John Newkirk Feb. 1, 1806 Nicolls Charlotte Daniel Earle Oct. 21, 1800 O'Brien Eliza Joseph Rogers July 26, 1811 Oldis Letitia, widow of Lawrence Van Orden . . Jeremiah Youmans Nov. 8, 1801 Oosteroom Tryntje Hen- drickse Ariaen Pieterse Buys Sept. 30, 1672 Osborn Eliza William Wilbur Dec. 20, 1827 Osborn Hannah Andrew Van Home April 10, 1802 Outwater Altje Michael Vreeland Nov. 29, 1801 Outwater Ann Henry Mandeville April 23, 1817 Outwater Catherine Abraham Sickles ■- Dec. 8, 1798 Outwater Catherine Cornelius C. Vreeland Dec. 23, 1825 Perry Mary John Betts June 9, 1822 Pieters Barent Barentsen Van Hooren Feb. 23, 1712 Pieters Elsje Claas Hartmanse Aug. 19, 1699 Pieters Kiesje Gerrit Gerritse, jr. May 11, 1681 Pieters Neeltje Tomas Fransen Sept. 29, 1706 Pieters Treintje Hans Hendrickse July 31, 1683 Pieterse Anna Mattys Adolphus Hoppe April 15, 1683 Pieterse Jannet je Helmigh Roelofse - - Sept. 3, 1676 Pieterse Rachel Cornelis Cornelise Doremus Aug. 12, 1710 PluvierBusje Jacob Van Giesen June 1, 1693 Post Catherine Peter Brower April 10, 1796 Post Claretje Peter Helmigse April 8, 1703 Post Margaret, widow of GifFord Bryant Louis Bartholomew July 1, 1826 352 MARRIAGE RECORD. FEMALE. MALE. MARRIAGE DATE. Post Jane Daniel Van Rypen Sept. 7, 1826 Post Maria Jacob Van Clief Dec. 25, lf<23 Post Sarah Walter Woods March 6, 1818 Poulus Fitje Jacob Jacobseu Van Winckel, jr March 2G, 1703 Pouluse Hilletje Lubbert Lubbertse March 14, 1680 Pray Mary S Daniel Goodwin Aug. 24, 1812 Preyer Pryntje Petrus Stuy vesant Oct. 27, 1733 Preyer Sely tje Arie Van Woeglin March 25, 1715 Prior Abby John E. Post May i), 1794 Prior Charity, widoio of AVilliam Coulter Eobert McCubberry Oct. 30, 1825 Prior Eleanor John Outwater Jan 25, 1800 Prior Geert je Johannis CoDerd Dec. 19, 1782 Prior Gertrude Merselis Merselis July 26, 1800 Prior Mary John Van Home Dec. 27, 1805 Prior Mary Jacob Cubberly Jan. 4, 1806 Prior Sarah Cornelius Britain Jan. 2, 1802 Provost Eliza Henry Newkirk July 23, 1818 Eandall Maria F Hiram L. Meeker April 26,1819 Rapp Ann James Brower June 25, 1304 Rapp Elizabeth Benjamin F. Welsh Jan. 3, 1810 Eapp Gertrude John Welsh Aug. 7, 1811 Renny Christiana Wilham Puker Nov. 16,1800 Riker Catharine Ann John Garretson Feb. 1.5, 1825 Riker Hannah John G. Speer Feb. 12, 1829 Roelofse Magliteltje Jan Hendrickse July 22, 1683 Roome Annetje Robert Ido Sept. 24, 1739 Roome Geertruy Johannis Spier April 29, 1739 Roos Antje Cornelius Diedricks June 7, 1735 Rose Eliza John Alexander Wilson July 22, 1818 Sanford Catherine .William Ford March 17, 1808 Scharit Phebe Ann Garret Lamberson Jan. 1, 1825 Seely Eliza Richard Wanhamaker June 10, 1820 Shepherd Margaret Philip I. Earle Jan. 13, 1823 Shepherd Maria Samuel Osborn Dec. 1, 1804 Shepherd Maria Garret Ackerman April 25, 1813 Shepherd Maria William Layman March 17, 1824 Shepherd Peggy Cornelius Smith Oct. 21, 1797 Shepherd Rachel Garret Newkirk Feb. 22, 1806 Sickles Ann Michael Gadmus June 9, 1827 Sickles Ann William Seely Aug. 8, 1802 Sickles Catharine, widow of Leonard Johnson William Vreeland Oct. 2, 1822 Sickles Catrina Cornelius Van Wagenen Oct. 7, 1742 Sickles Elizabeth Beekman Smith June 1, 1803 Sickles Geertje Michael Vreeland Sept. 16, 1781 Sickles Geertruy Andries Prior Oct. 8, 1750 Sickles Maritje Abraham Pryer Dec. 18, 1746 MARRIAGE RECORD. 353 FEMALE. MAL^ MARRIAGE DATE. Sickles Mary Mindert Van Home Oct. 12, ISlfi Sickles Mary Cornelius Van Kypen Sept. 15, 1827 Sickles Rachel John Greenlief Dec. 27, 1801 Sickles Synt je Eoelof Hehnigse Dec. 15, 1711 Siggelse Geertje Johannis Pryer June 14, 1745 Simonson Eliza David Bnsh Feb. 20, 1819 Simoason Eliza George H. SUngerland Feb. 19, 1825 Simonson Elizabeth Garret Van Ry pen Jan. 14, 1815 Sip Annetje Levinus Winne Oct. 8, 1749 Sip Annetje Adrianse Symon Jacobsa Van Winckel Dec. 15, 1675 Sip Antje Gerrit Harmansen Van "Wagenen Oct. 3, 1713 Sip Ariantje IdeMarselisse April 11, 17.54 Sip Catreintje Claas Vreeland Nov. 13, 1757 Sip Maritje Adrianse Sibi Opdyke Oct. 13, 1678 Sippe Hiliegont Johannis Walingse Van Winckel Sept. 30, 1710 Sisco Lucretia Nicholas Shifler Oct. 16, 1825 Skinner Camilla John Coddington Aug. 31, 1819 Slot Eva Jacobsen Hendrick Van der Koeren 1723 Slot Leah Jacob Brouson March 28, 1730 Smith Ann Samuel Shepherd Dec. 29, 1793 Smith Charity Johannis Edsal May 3, 1691 Smith Eliza, tvidow of Asa Leonard Stephen Simmons May 30, 1807 Smith Ellen Ann George De Mott Jan. 18, 1827 Smith Mary John Bedell May 10, 1800 Smith Mary John S. Winne Sept. 5, 1816 Smith Mary Garret Vreeland May 15, 1824 Smith Rebecca John Williams July 26, 1795 Smith Sarah John Evertson Oct. 19, 1822 Spader Jane John Sutpheu June 17, 1814 Speer Eleanor Cornelius Cole April 5, 1817 Speer Scytje Johannis Everse Aug. 20, 1744 Spier Annetje Arent Toers July 19, 1730 Spier Helena Poulus Van Nieuwkercke June 18, 1728 Stager Margaret Archer G. Welsh Dec. 25, 1823 Stagg Ann Matilda Justus Earle Oct. 5, 1822 Stagg Keziah William Speer June 5, 1796 Stagg Susan Wassel Harsin June 10, 1815 Steinmets Anna .Tades Michielse Sept. 21, 1079 Steinmets Clara John Rider Feb. 19, 1804 Steinmets Johanna Andries Pieterse May 13, 1688 Steinmets Leentje John Welsh June 25, 1797 Steinmets Wes^leena Roelof Lubbers March 25, 1688 Stewart Frances A John K. Goodman Dec. 15, 1822 Stilwell Eliza Christopher De Green May 31, 1819 Straatmaker Annetje David Hartmanse March 29,1692 Straatmaker Jannetje Tomas Jurianse June 2, 1691 Straatmaker Margrietje . . Hendrick Gerritsen April 3, 1701 Straatmaker Rachel Daniel Van Winckel May 15, 1707 Straatmaker Tryntje Jan Claesen Oct. 8, 1694 45 354 MARRIAGE RECORD. FKMALE. MALE. MAHHIAGE DATE. Straet Lea Gerret Post Dec. 2.5, 1704 Sturge Elizabeth Hugh Ludlow Dec. 10, 1808 Sturge Einiice Jacob Ackeiiuan Sept. 1, 1822 Stuige Susan Edward Kealy Dec. 24, 1808 Stuy vesant Jenneke Hendi'ick Sickles Feb. 1, 1767 Stuy vesant Mary Peter Kip Feb. 27, 1802 Stuyvesaut Saertje Egbert Post Nov. 9, 1765 Tamsen Mar^- Edward Jeffreys 1720 Taylor Ann Isaac McDonald Dec. 25, 1824 Taylor Janse, widoiv of Jonas Tomkins Valentine Kittleman Oct. 3, 1805 Terhune Jane Stephen Terhune June 9, 1821 Teunise Aeltje Cornells Claesen Dec. 20, 1681 Thorp Susan... Charles Clerke Nov. 6, 1798 Toers Aeltje Edo Winne , Nov. 6, 1790 Toers Maritje Hendrick Hoppe March 14, 1680 Toers Maritje Michael Vreeland Nov. 27, 1691 Toers Saertje Tomas Jacobusse Jan. 13, 1771 Tomas Catrina Sjarel Machelsen March 26, 1678 Tomas Fransyntje Laurens Arentse Toers Aug. 15, 1672 'J'omase Catelyntje Tenuis Janse Prier Oct. 6, 1684 Tomkins Eliza Simeon Travis Oct. 17, 1813 Town Hannah Josiah Hornblower, jr Oct. 15, 1812 Town Rachel Abraham Slagg Feb. 1, 1800 Trail Martha Joseph Beadle April 6, 1811 Trim Mary Ann McElroy May 16, 1822 Tucker Phebe Daniel Cook Oct. 18, 1807 Tuers Fanny Joseph Shepherd June 6, 1813 Tuers Phebe Walter Van Winkle May 21, 1807 Tunis Hannah M William West 1 Dec. 21, 1818 Van Antwerp Elizabeth . . Peter Aymar Aug. 11, 1802 Van Blarconi Hannah Nathaniel Cornelison Dec. 26, 1804 Van Blercom Hester Lourens Berdolf Aug. 24, 1707 Van Boskercke Catharine, Peter Garrabrants Feb. 11, 1800 Van Burger Catrina Janse, Abel Eeddenhaus July 26 1696 Van Buskirk Sarah James B. Lane Oct. 1, 1828 Van Clief Gitty Abraham Britain Dec. 22, 1825 Van Clief Mary John Eapp Dec. 16, 1813 Van de Vorst Annetje Joliannis Meyers June 12, 1677 Van de Vorst Johanna. . . Jan Ariantje Sip April 22, 1684 Van de Vorst Peterje Merselis Pieterse May 12, 1681 Van de Vorst Vrouwtje.-Andries Meyers Nov. 1, 1671 Van der Beek Gertrude. . . Matthew Clintock : Dec. 23, 1809 Van der Beek Rachel John Denniston April 30, 1813 Van der Beek Sarah, widoiv of Isaac Van Wart Joseph Waldron Jan. 15, 1828 MARRIAGE RECORD. 355 FEMALE. MAt.E. MARIUAGE DATE. Van der Bilt Sarah Abraham A. Tuers Jan. 1, 1827 Van der Linden Alachtelt, Albert Zabriskie Dec. 17 1676 Van der Poel Ann Amanda, widow of JamesWrangle, Sylvester Van Buren Jan. ] , 1801 Van der Swalin Constantia.Pieter Gerritse June 25, 1688 Van der Vorst ISIaria Uldrick Brouwer Oct. 8, 1738 Van Derhoof Eva Peter Sickels Oct. 8, 1791 Van Derhoof Jane Michael Vreeland May 11, 1790 Van Derhoof Maritje Jacob Outwater Sept. 30, 1797 Van Derhoof Sally George Newkirk Feb. 9, 1805 Van Deusen Maritje, wid. of Tjnneu Van Valen . . Johannis Tomase Dec. 24, 1705 Van Dueselten Sarah Tomas Tomase Sept. 17, 1701 A''an Gelder Mariah Abi-aham Moore Jan. 25, 1794 Van Giesen Anna Mary.. Johannis Janse March 21, 1G86 Van Giesen Magdaleena .. Cornells Roelofse Nov. 14,1677 VanHoltonHenriettaW.E.,Wni. Anthony A^an der Heyden Aug. 16, 1800 Van Hooren Aagtje Enoch Michielse Vreeland Jan. 13, 1705 Van Hooren Maritje Elias Johannisen Vreeland May 11, 1723 Van Hoorn Neelt je Jurrie Van Rypen Dec. 18, 1790 Van Home Altje Michael Van Houten Dec. 15, 1793 Van Home Altje, widoio of Michael Van Houten - . . Cornelius Van Rypen May 31, 1807 Van Home Jane Henry Brinkerhoff Jan. 18, 1827 Van Home Margaret Oliver Taylor Feb. 20, 1811 Van Home Mary Enoch Earle July 29, 1804 Van Home Peggy Cornelius Van Bnskirk Dec. 24, 1800 Van Home Rachel David Braambush March 26, 1795 Van Houte Elysabet Hel- migse Johannis Post , 1713 Van Houten Aegie Myndert Garrabrants Nov. 13, 1800 Van Houten Aegie Richard Lyon Feb. 13, 1811 Van Houten Catharine. . .Jacob Zabriskie Dec. 12, 1801 Van Houten Catharine. . . John G. Vreeland Feb. 1, 1817 Van Houten Catherine, widow of Helmigh Jacob Zabriskie Jan. 3, 1829 Van Houten Claesje Hartman Brinkerhoff Oct. 21, 1744 Van Houten Elizabeth.. .Hartman Brinkerhoff Oct. 21, 1797 Van Houten Esther Aaron Hoagland Oct. 12, 1794 Van Houten Fitje Jacob De Mott Oct. 11, 1747 Van Houten Gertrude Christopher Van Rypen Dec. 27, 1802 Van Houten Hannah Garret H. Ackerman July 29, 1819 Van Houten Hannah John Evertson Oct. 19, 1822 Van Houten Jannetje Jacob Van Wagenen Feb. 3, 1818 Van Houten Letta Peter Earle July 28, 1816 Van Houten Rachel Valentine Golden Oct. 16, 1825 Van Houten Rachel Garret Newkirk Oct. 25, 1828 Van Lone Aeltje Abraham Ackerman May 13, 1683 Van Neste Sarah Christophel Steinmets , 1699 Vaij Neste Jacomyntje Claes Arentse Toers July 8, 1684 35() MAKRIAGK RECOKD. FEMALE. MALE. MAKHIAGE DAI E. VanNicuwkeicke Jaiinetjt'Garret Diedricks April 21, 1733 Van Rypen Adriana Philip R. Earlo March G, 1812 Van Ryptn Altje John E. Smith March 27, 1811 Van liypen Catharine Albert Zabriskie Nov. 7, 1822 Van Rypen Cathuine Helmigii Van Houten Dec. 7, 1799 Van Rypen Catreintje Gerrit Van Rypen March 2, 1799 Van R^-pen Elizabeth Daniel Van Rypen Sept, 19, l&ll Van Rypen Elizabeth Stephen Vreeland Oct. 14, 1817 Van Rypen Hannah John G. Van Home Dec. 19, 1812 Van Rypen Hannah Abraham Vreeland Nov. 30, 1816 Van Rypen Hannah Peter Van Winkle May 20, 1820 Van Rypen Isabella John Van Buskirk Nov. 20, 1814 Van Rypen Jannetje Nicholas Toers May 11, 1766 Van Rypen Margaret Cornelius Van Winkle Aug. 16, 1807 Van Rypen Nancy Martin Tise Dec. 24, 1829 Van Vorst Hannah Benjamin Mecolen July 25, 1812 Van Vorst Margrietje Isaac Hennion , 1726 Van Vorst Neeltje Henry Traphagen Jan. 25, 1803 Van Wagenen Antje Ide Sip May 23, 1725 Van Wagenen Antje Johannis Diedricks Dec. 17, 1768 Van Wagenen Antje Ger- ritsen Johannis Neesje Oct. 9, 1710 Van Wagenen Catharine. . Henry Van Winckel Jan 10, 1801 Van Wagenen Claesie Peter Westervelt Oct. 30, 1796 Van Wagenen Jannetje... Hendrick De Mott Oct. 30, 1740 Van Wagenen Leah Hendrick BrinkerhoflF June 19, 1779 Van Wagenen Neeltje Johannis Van Wagenen Nov. 8, 1750 Van Wart Eliza Garret C. Van Rypen April 28, 1819 Van Wart Rachel Michael Simmons Oct. 17, 1829 Van Winckel Aeltje Cornelius Gerritsen June 29, 1728 Van Wiuckel Annetje Jacobse Johannis Steinmets Nov. 30, 1676 Van AVinckel Geesje Johannis Diedricks May 2, 1724 Van Wi nckel Margrietje . . Gerrit Van Wagenen March 22, 1746 Van Winckel Margrietje Jacobse Abraham Vreeland Oct. 28, 1699 Van Winckel Trientje Jacobse Myndert Gerbrantse May 7, 1715 Van Winkle Aletta John M. Cornelisen May 22, 1826 Van Winkle Altje, widow of John Mandeville Stephen Vreeland No v. 29, 1828 Van Winkle Ann Peter Garrabrants Feb. 15, 1814 Van Winkle Ann John G. Van Winkle April 6, 1826 Van Winkle Catharine. . . Daniel Welsh Feb. 13, 1815 Van W^inkle Catharine. . -James Holmes Oct. 6, 1827 Van Winkle Effie Aaron Tuers Nov. 30, 1826 Van Winkle Eleanor Abraham Toers Jan. 29, 1809 Van Winkle Jannetje Jacob Diedricks Nov. 26, 1738 A^an Winkle Margrietje. ..Johannis Jurianse, widower Sept. 5, 1742 Van Winkle Maria Garret Oiitwater Dec. 25. 1822 MAR RIACrE RECORD. 357 FE.MAT.E MALE, MAUUlAtiE DATE. Van Winkle Eacliel Martin Winne April 1, 1797 Van Winkle Rachel Peter Prine Feb. 11, 1819 Van Wyck Mary Peter D. Mesier Nov. 1, 1800 Van Ziel Catliarine ..Jotham Lewis Dec. 30, 1804 Van Ziel Keziah John Seely June 23, 1800 Vasher Frances Robert Gilchrist Oct. — , 1812 Veder Adiiana, widow of Cornelius Hennion Mungo Renisey Feb. 8, 1803 Vincent Helen Frederick Hoof April 24, 1819 Alncent Phebe David Mulford Feb. 6, 1808 Vincent Sarah Quintilian Cassedy April 10, 1814 Vreeland Aagtje Cornells .Roelof Helniigse April 21, 1701 Vreeland Aagtje HartniansCornelis Hendricksen Brinkerhoff May 24, 1708 Vreeland Aagtje Johan- nissen Cornelis Helmigsen April 19, 1711 Vreeland Aeltje Johannis Van Wagenen Oct. 17, 1748 Vreeland Ann Jacob D. Van Winkle Dec. 31, 1812 Vreeland Ann Abraham Collerd March 14, 1813 Vreeland Ann Peter Vreeland March 16, 1816 Vreeland Ann Tunis Van Pelt Sept. 21, 1826 Vreeland Ariantje Hart- manse Zacharias Sickles Nov. 7, 1719 Vreeland Catharine Aert Albertse June 26, 1692 Vreeland Catherine Henry Van Home Dec. 17, 1809 Vreeland Clara George Van Rypen July 23, 1814 Vreeland Cornelia Garret Van Winkle Oct. 3, 1801 Vreeland Cornelia William Vreeland Jan. 30, 1814 Vreeland Cornelia Garret Wauters Jan. 29, 1825 Vreeland Eliza Stephen Terhune June 1, 1815 Vreeland Elizabeth Peter Sip Nov. 1, 1789 Vreeland Elizabeth George Cadmus Nov. 14, 1812 Vreeland Elizabeth John Cadmus r>ec. 3, 1814 Vreeland Elsje Edward Earle, jr Feb. 13, 1688 Vreeland Fitje Cornelise. .Lourens Van Boskerck Sept. 18, 1709 Vreeland Fitje Hartmans.Dirck Poulusen Aug. 19 1699 Vreeland Hannah Nicholas C. Prior Dec. 30, 1818 Vreeland Hannah Abraham B. Cozine Jan, 12, 1826 Vreeland Hester Johannis Diedricks April 14, 1739 A'reeland Jane George De Mott Oct. 1, 1808 Vreeland Jane Garret J. Vreeland Dec. 19, 1822 Vreeland Janneke Stephen Vreeland Dec. 16, 1797 Vreeland Jannetje Aaron Newkirk Nov. — , 1791 N'reeland Jannetje Cor- nelise Daniel Van Winckel Sept. 3, 1709 Vreeland Jenneke Derrick Van Rypen Oct. — , 1792 Vreeland Jenneke, widow of Henry Newkirk Joseph Van Winckel May 26, 1798 Vreeland Margaret Jasper Cadmus D«c. 17, 1817 Vreeland Margaret Henry Vreeland Dec. 24, 1825 Vreeland Maria Peter Van Rypen Dec. 13, 1828 358 MARRIAGE RECORD. FEMALE. MALE. MARRIAGE DATE- Vreehiiul Mctje Abnvliam Van Tuyl Dec. 8, 1738 Waldron Ann Abniliani Prior Dec. 20, 1796 Waldroii Ann lohn Mersereau .Sept. 26, 1818 Waldron Catreintje Hendrick Van Winckel May — , 1726 Waldron Mary William Woods Feb. 28, 1820 Waling Mary M Abialiam Folkner June 20, 1827 Walings Elysabet Joseph Arselse May 6, 1678 Walingse Anna Joliannis Gerritse Oct. 6, 1690 Wannamaker Maria Abraham Wannaniaker April 5, 1817 Watson Rachel John Clugston April — , 1824 Wauters Hannah Merrit Martin Aug. 4, 1829 Welsh Mary Isaac Britain June 13, 1815 Wessels Grietje Enoch Michielse Vreeland • Aug. 23, 1691 Westervelt Lucretia John Day Dec. 15, 1798 W^estervelt Margrietje Martin Poukisen March 25, 1694 Westervelt Polly John Vreeland July 30, 1796 Westervelt Orseltje Albertus Spier June 5, 1744 Wier Ann J James Emerson Sept. 5, 1822 Wiley Mary Ann, loidow of Parkman Townsend Cornelius O'Donoghae July 28, 1819 Williamson Sarah, ividoio of Vincent Hudson James Garrabrants April 19, 1815 Winne Ann Peter Van Houten Feb. 26, 1815 Winne Ann John H. Zabriskie April 11, 1820 Winne Ant je Robert Sickles , Oct. 8, 1749 Winne Hannah Nicholas Vreeland March 15, 1814 Winne Jane Garret Vreeland July 21, 1814 Winne Jannetje Daniel Van Rypen , Nov. 19, 1785 Wright Mary Patrick Jackson Feb. 10,1802 AVright Rachel Henry Ludlow Dec. 15, 1810 Wright Susanna Peregrine Palmer Aug. 20, 1817 Zabriskie Leah William Boyd Sept. 27, 1827 BIRTHS. FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Aarsen Matthew Sophia Van Vorst Johannis July 28, 1744 Ackerraan Abraham Aeltje Van Laer Adrian March 26, 1695 Ackerman Garret Maria Shepherd John June 1, 1814 Ackerman Garret Mari a Shepherd Catharine V. W Feb. 24, 1817 Ackerman Garret ]\Iaria Shepherd Gitty K Dec. 14, 1819 Afkerinan Garret Maria Shepherd George Sep. 19, 1821 Ackennan Garret Maria Shepherd Jacob Dec. 22, 1824 Ackerraan Garret H Hannah Van Houten . . . Eebecca Ann July 3, 1820 Ackerman Garret H Hannah Van Houten . . . Elizabeth Sept. 5, 1822 Ackerman Garret H Hannah Van Houten . . . Edward Aug . 9, 1824 Ackerman Hendrick .... Rebecca Halenbeck Johannis Sept. 10, 1780 BIRTH RECORD. 359 FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Ackerinan Hendrick Rebecca Halenbeck Edward May 2, 1783 Ackerinan Heudrick Rebecca Halenbeck Mary Jan. 12, 1794 Ackerman Jacob Gitty Cubbeily John ; March :?(>, 1820 Ackerinan Jacob Gitty Cubberly Thomas Oct. 24, 1821 Ackerman Jacob Gitty Cubberly Mary July 21, 1823 Ackerman Jacob Gitty Cubberly Peter April 30, 1825 Ackerman John Ant je Dempsey John Nov . 20, 1778 Ackerman Lourens Geertje Egberts Jannetje (bap) April 18, 1682 Ackerman Morris Cornelia Smith Lena Oct. 12,1806 Ackerinan Morris Cornelia Smith John March 17, 1808 Allen Samuel Maria Shepherd Allen D June 29, 1821 Anderson Andrew Jannetje Cadmus Jane April 6, 1802 Anderson Andrew Jannetje Cadmus George Dec. 7, 1803 Anderson Andrew Jannetje Cadmus Mary Jan. 1, 1806 Anderson AndreAV Jannetje Cadmus Catherine Sept. 21, 1807 Anderson Andrew Jannetje Cadmus John March 30, 1810 Anderson Andrew Jannetje Cadmus Joanna Elizabeth... July 25, 1812 Anderson Andrew Jannetje Cadmus William Aug. 14, 1814 Anderson Andrew Jannetje Cadmus EfBe Sept. 13, 1818 Anderson Andrew Sally Van Ry pen Jane May 6, 1807 Anderson John Jannetje Evertson Catherine March 29, 1809 Andersou John Jannetje Evertson Elizabeth Nov. 10, 1811 Anderson John Jannetje Evertson Christina > Anderson John , Jannetje Evertson Rachel V. R > ' ' Anderson William Sarah Van Rypen Mary Aug. 24, 1802 Anderson William Sarah Van Rypen John Dec. 25, 1803 Anderson AVilliam Sarah Van Rypen Mary July 29, 1805 Anderson William Sarah Van Rypen Thomas Sept. 9, 1809 Anderson William Sarah Van Rypen Elizabeth V Sept. 18, 1811 Anderson William Sarah Van Rypen Ann D Sept. 13, 1814 Anderson William Sarah Van Rypen Catherine March 3, 1817 Anderson William Sarah Van Rypen Catherine April 22, 1820 Andriesen Lourens Jannetje Jans Pieter (bap) Jan. 1, 1666 Banta Arie Leena Westervelt Aegie April 2, 1786 Banta Gerrit Neeltje Gerbrantse Cornells Aug. 8, 1766 Banta Hendrick Margrietje Diedricks... Hendrick Nov. 21,1785 Banta Wiert Leah De Groot Pieter Feb. 16, 1766 Barentse Cornelis Corneha Hendrickse Barent (bap) April 17, 1677 Barley Samuel Mary Woods Ruth Ann Dec. 9, 1819 Barr David Maria Meyers Jane Jan. 10, 1805 Barr David Maria Meyers David Aug. 19, 1808 Bertholf Guilliara Mareteintje Hendricks.. Hendrick (bap) April 6, 1686 Bertings Jan Hillegont Jacobs Annetje (bap) March 20, 1695 BlinkerhofF Cornelis . . . Aagtje Vreeland Maritje Feb. 27, 1709 Blinkerhoff Cornelis... Aagtje Vreeland Claesje Dec. 31, 1710 Blinkerhoff Cornelis... Aagtje Vreeland Hendrick Dec. 13, 1713 Blinkerhoff Cornelis . . . Aagtje Vreeland Aegie March 23, 1715 Blinkerhoff Cornelis. ..Janneke Kip Hendrick Dec. 31, 1770 Blinkerhoff Hendrick . . Leah Van Wagenen Hartman April 15, 1781 360 BIRTH RECORD. FATHKK. MOTHElt. CHTI.D. DATE OE BIRTH. Blinkerlioff Hendrick . . Leali Van Wagenen Catleyntje July 13, 1784 Blinkerhoft' Hendrick . . Leah Van Wagenen Claesje April 8, 1788 Blinkerhoff John Sally Smith Sara Feb. 17, 1787 Bly Yorgwells Roos Gilbert Abigail Oct 8, 1775 Bokee Abraham Janneke Jacobse Tanneke (bap) April 2, 16S3 Bokee Abraham Janneke Jacobse Jacob (bap) April 22, 1690 Bosch Michael Antje Smith Jannetje June 19, 1798 Bougert Jan Cornelise.-Angemitje Streickers. .: Jacob (bap) Tune 23, 1G79 Bougert Jan Cornelise.-Angemitje Streickers Rachel (bap) April 18,1682 Boyd Thomas Nellie Coulter Andrew Nov. 30, 1798 Boyd Thomas Nellie Coulter.. John Jan. 10, 1810 Braembush David Rachel Van Home Catrina Sept. 29, 1795 Braman John Ann Agnes Beauman. ..Eliza L June 14, 1815 Brinkerhoff Hartman. ..Neeltje Clendenny Hendrick Aug. 23, 1803 BrinkerhofF Hartman . . . Neeltje Clendenny Walter C Aug. 8, 1805 Brinkerhoff Hartman ...Neeltje Clendenny Cornelius Aug. 26, 1806 Brinkerhoff Hartman... Neeltje Clendenny John V. W Sept. 27, 1812 Brinkerhoff Hartman. ..Neeltje Clendenny Janet M Feb. 27, 1816 Brinkerhoff Hartman . . . Neeltje Clendenny Leah Ann April 29, 1819 Brisday Berney Polly Berdet Louise June 20, 1772 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Abraham March 12, 1803 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Catherine Nov. 25, 1804 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Phebe July 21, 1807 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Phebe July 21, 1809 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Mary March 27, 1811 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Eleanor P Maixh 21, 1813 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Cornelias Feb. 13, 1815 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Andrew Nov. 5, 1816 Britain Cornelius Sally Prior Nathaniel Oct. 9, 1818 Brooks Richard Sarah Brooks Yardes April 27, 1777 Brouwer Jacob Lea Slop Johannis Feb. 6, 1731 Brou wer Jacob Lea Slop Coobis Sept. 30, 1735 Brouwer Jacob Lea Slop Hester Sept. 6, 1739 Brouwer Uldrick Hester Du Bois Abraham March 9, 1701 Brouwer Uldrick Hester Du Bois Isaac Jan. 30, 1703 Brouwer Uldrick Hester Du Bois Jacob Sept. 11, 1705 Brower Jacobus Jannetje Van Saen Jannetje Dec. 30, 1770 Brower Jacobus Jannetje Van Saen Jacobus Aug. 7, 1783 Brower Johannis Catrina Waldron Jacob April 13, 1762 Brower Johannis Catrina Waldron Joseph Sept. 16, 1763 Brower Johannis '. .Catrina Waldron Leah Dec. 25, 1765 Brower Uldrick Maria Van deVorst Johannis June 19, 1739 Brower Uldrick Maria Van de Vorst Abraham July 26, 1743 Brower Uldrick Maria Van de Vorst Thomas Feb. 3, 1746 Browning William Mary Ann Garretson... Elizabeth Ann Oct. 23, 1821 Browning William Mary Ann Garretson . . .Mary Oct. 26, 1822 Browning William Mary Ann Garretson ... William G March 26, 1825 Bush David Eliza Simmons Elizabeth Jane April 20, 1820 Bush David Eliza Simmons Garret Jan. 12, 1823 Buish David Eliza Simmons Eleanor Maria Dec. 10, 1824 BIRTH RECCED. 361 FATHEH. MOTHEll. CHILD. DATE OF HIKTH. Buys Arieii Pieterse Treiutje Heudrickse (Oostrum) Gertriiyt'(bap) Jan. 15, 1678 Buys Arien Pieterse Treintje Hendrickse (Oostrum) Pieter (bap) Dec. 12, 1679 Buys Arieu Pieterse Treintje Hendric kse (Oostrum) Geertrujt April 24, 1682 Buys Arien Pieterse Treintje Hendrickse (Oostrum) Hendrick (bap) April 2, 1684 Buys Arien Pieterse Treintje Hendrickse (Oostrum ) Jacob (bap) Oct. 11, 1688 Buys Arieu Pieterse Treintje Hendrickse (Oostrum) Johannis (bap) April 2, 1689 Bnys John Annatje Merselis Daniel June 10, 1775 Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Saertje Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Joris Dec. 4, 1789 Cadtnus Casparus Catlyntje Dod John Feb. 21, 1792 Cadmns Casparus Catlyntje Dod Casparus Jan, 10, 1794 Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Jenneke Dec. 22, 1795 Cadmus Casparus Catlynt je Dod Seelitje Oct. 24, 1797 Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Martha Dec. 7, 1799 Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Michael Oct. 27, 1801 Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Richard Nov. 22, 1803 Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Catherine Jan. 15, 1806 Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Andrew March 14, 180 Cadmus Casparus Catlyntje Dod Eleanor May 21, 1810 Cadmus Dirck Jannetje Van Hooren . . Neeltje June 23, 1736 Cadmus Dirck Jannetje Van Hooren . . Catharina May 27, 1738 Cadmus Dirck Jannetje Van Hooren . . Andries Oct. 28, 1733 Cadmus George Elizabeth Vreeland Jasper Oct. 30,1813 Cadmus John Elizabeth Vreeland Rachel Sept. 6, 1816 Cadmus John Elizabeth Vreeland Catherine Nov. 28, 1818 Cadmus John Elizabeth Vreeland.. ..Jasper Oct. 30,1321 Cadmus John Elizabeth Vreeland Elizabeth Dec. 8, 1823 Cadmus Joris Jannetje Vreeland Jenneke June 17, 1753 Cadmus Joris Jannetje Vreeland Jannetje Jan 7, 1758 Cadmus Joris Jannetje Vreeland Jannetje March 17, 1759 Cadmus Joris Jannetje Vreeland Joris Oct. 10, 1761 Cadmus Joris Jannetje Vreeland Metje Dec. 22, 1764 Cadmus Joris Jenneke Preyer Dirck March 16, 1769 Cadmus Joris Jenneke Preyer Casparus Aug. 16, 1770 Cadmus Joris Aegie Fielding Jannetje Feb. — , 1780 Cadmus Joris Aegie Fielding Aegie Jan. — , 1784 Cadmus Joris Aegie Fielding Margrietje Sept. 14^ 1795 Cadmus Joris Aegie Fielding Henry Aug. 19,1796 Cadmus Peter Blandina Kip Elisabet March 3, 1776 Keetje Caelden Margrietje Van Win- kle May2, 1779 Cain James Maritje Van Tuyl Sarah March 3, 1797 Caljer Jacobus Geertje Diedricks Jacobus Oct. 9, 1765 46 362 BIRTH RECORD. FATHEU. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Car David Antje Wesfervelt Polly Feb. 10, 1799 Cassedy Satnuel Eliza H. Straclian William S June 8, 1819 Cassedy Samuel Eliza 11. Straclian Caroline Jan. 2, 1822 Cavalier Joliannis Catlyntje Margrietje Sept. 24, 1733 Ceunnel Christian Dirckje Verveule Sara July 17, 1767 Ceunnel Christian Dirckje Verveule Elisabet Oct. 13,1770 Christianse Barrent Claesje Dircks Jannetje May 25, 1627 Claesen Andries Pryntje Michielse Sarah Sept. 16, 1691 Claesen Cornelis Aeltje Teunise Bougert.Claas April 2,1689 Claesen Cornelis Aeltje Teunise Bougert.Hillegont June 6, 1700 Claesen Gerbrand Maiitje Claes Herpert Nov. 12, 1679 Claesen Gerbrand Maiitje Claes Cornelis Jan. 24, 1689 Claesen Gerbrand Maiitje Claes Meyndert June 12, 1691 Claesen Gerbrand Maritje Claes Gertrude April 16, 1696 Claesen Hendrick Jannetje Catrina , 1710 Claesen Hendrick Jannetje Annetje April 13, 1712 Claesen Jan Treintje Straat maker Giesje March 26, 1695 Claesen Jan Treintje Straatmaker. . . Claas Nov. 30, 1696 Claesen Jan Treintje Straatmaker Annetje June 30, 1698 Clendenny Merselis Elizabeth Herring Walter June 11, 1805 Clendenny Merselis Elizabeth Herring Abraham Jan. 4, 1807 Clendenny Merselis Clara BrinkerhofF Hartman B May 28, 1810 Clendenny Merselis Clara Brinkerhoff John B Oct. 23, 1811 Clendenny Merselis Elizabeth Van Home.. John V. H Dec. 22, 1818 Clendenny Walter Jenneke Merselis ...... Merselis Nov. 24, 1778 Clendenny Walter Jenneke Merselis Neltje July 9, 1781 Clendenny Walter Jenneke Merselis Jannetje March 4, 1787 Clendenny Walter Jenneke Merselis Elizabeth June 24, 1789 Clendenny Walter Jenneke Merselis Nancy Jan 27, 1792 Clendenny Walter jr. . . Osseltje Duryee Sally Nov. 10, 1793 Clendenny Walter jr. . . Osseltje Duryee Jane Nov. 7, 1796 Clendenny Walter jr. .. Osseltje Duryee Eebecca Feb. 11, 1801 Clendenny Walter jr. . . Osseltje Duryee Walter Jan. 16, 1803 Clendenny Walter jr. . . Osseltje Duryee James P. M Aug. 3, 1805 Cocks Robert Mary Lee Mary Jane Jan. 1, 1807 Cole John Dosie Fulwood Sophia Aug. 19, 1793 Cole John Dosie Fulwood Susanna Sept. 8, 1795 Cole John Dosie Fulwood Charlotte Sept. 1, 1803 Cole John Dosie Fulwood Esther P April 24, 1806 Collerd Abraham Ann Vreeland Jacob Jan. 30, 1820 Collerd Abraham Ann Vreeland Abraham June 25, 1822 Collerd Jacobus Aegie Diedricks Abraham Oct. 17, 1790 Collerd Jacobus Aegie Diedricks Jacobus June 20, 1793 Collerd Jacobus Aegie Diedricks Geertje Nov. 11, 1795 Collerd Joliannis Geertr.iy Prior Johannis Sept. 9, 1783 Collerd Johannis Geertruy Prior Jacobus Dec. 19, 1785 Collerd Johannis Geertruy Prior Geertruy June 15, 1788 Collerd Johannis Geertruy Prior Hendrick Oct. 23, 1790 Collerd Juri ie Polly Tolder Annatje March 21, 1776 Cornelise Mattheus Anna Lubi Grietje (bap) July 23, 1673 BIUTII RECORD. 863 FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Cornelise Mattheus Anna Lubi Jacomyiitje (bap) April 2, 1678 Cornelise Mattheus Anna IhiI)! Cornelis (bap) March 11, 1G80 Cornelise Mattheus Anna Lubi Jacob (bap) Nov. 21, 1682 Cornelise Mattheus -Catrina Poulus Jannetje July 8, 1687 Cornelise Mattheus Catrina Poulus Treintje Dec. 17, 1688 Cornelise Mattheus Catrina Poulus Jan April 22, 1690 Cornelise Mattheus Catrina Poulus Jannetje (bap) March 17, 1692 Cornelise Mattheus Catrina Poulus Pieter Aug. 26, 1694 Cornelise Mattheus Catrina Poulus Gerrit Nov. 18, 1696 Cornelise Mattheus Catrina Poulus Poulus Aug. 21, 1699 Cornelise Mattheus Catrina Poulus Cornelis Sept. 3, 1703 Cornelise Pieter Hendrickje Aerts Cornelis April 18, 1670 Cornelise Pieter Hendrickje Aerts Arent (bap) Oct, 7, 1678 Cornelise Pieter Hendrickje Aerts Andries (bap) Aug. 21, 1681 Cornelise Pieter Hendrickje Aerts Andries (bap) June 30, 1684 Cornelison Rev. John . . Catherine Mesier John Feb. 24, 1794 Cornelison Rev. John . . Catherine Mesier Mary M July 31, 1797 Cornelison Rev. John . . Catherine Mesier John M April 29, 1802 Cornelison Rev. John ..Catherine Mesier Elizabeth Aug. 6, 1804 Cornelison Rev. John . . Catherine Mesier William Henry April 23, 1807 Cornelison Rev. John . . Catherine Mesier Helen Amelia Jan. 8, 1811 Cornelison Michael Rachel Bearniore Elizabeth Feb. 6, 1794 Coulter Andrew Isabella Gamble William Sept. 8, 1820 Coulter William Geertje Prior Mary Nov. 11, 1795 Coulter William Geertje Prior Andrew May 19, 1798 Coulter William Geertje Prior Catherine Sept. 21, 1800 Coulter William Geertje Prior Elizabeth Jan. 16, 1802 Coulter William Geertje Prior Harriet May 10, 1804 Coulter William Geertje Prior Catherine Dec. 1, 1806 Coulter William Geertje Prior William Henry Feb. 20, 1809 Coulter William Geertje Prior Walter June 4, 1811 Coulter WilHam Geertje Prior Jacob April 4. 1813 Coulter William Geertje Prior Julia Ann Aug. 27, 1814 Coulter William Geertje Prior Jacob ) Coulter William Geertje Prior Mary 5 ^"' ' Coulter William Geertje Prior Charity April 21, 1819 Craig Andrew Catherine Ferguson Mary Elizabeth Nov. 14, 1814 Craig Andrew Catherine Ferguson Helen July 9, 1816 Creeven Tomas Jannetje Anna (bap) April 14, 1691 Crum Henry Mary Mesier Elizabeth July 31, 1801 Crystyn Jan Helena Been Margrietje (bap) April 14, 1691 Cubberly Jacob Polly Prior Thomas Nov. 6,1806 Cubberly Jacob Polly Prior Catherine Dec. 19, 1807 Cubberly Jacob Polly Prior Ann Feb. 11, 1810 Cubberly Jacob Polly Prior Thomas Feb. 11, 1812 Cubberly Jacob Polly Prior Mary M Dec. 24, 1813 Cubberiy Jacob Polly Prior Eleanor May 28, 1816 Cubberly Jacob Polly Prior Jasper Aug. 13, 1818 Cubberly Jacob Polly Prior Eliza Jan. 22, 1822 Cubberly Thomas Mary Mersereau Ann Nov. 14, 1780 ?)64 BIRTH RECORD. FATnEK. MOTUEK. CHILD. DATE OK BIUTH. Cubberly Tliomas Mary Mersereau SopLia Nov. 10, 1782 Cubberly Thomas Mary Mersereau Tliomas March 7, 1794 Cubberl}' Thomas Mary Mereereau Gitty March 12, 1798 Curtenius Peter Mary Lozier John April 1, 1801 Cuzzy Joseph Mary Wannamaker William June 23, 1812 Day Barnabas Mary Burdet Davit June 5, 1767 Day Willem Annetje Jacobs Hester (b^P) June 2, 1691 Day Willem Annetje Jacobs Jacob May 11, 1695 Day Willem Annetje Jacobs Jobannis Nov. 3, 1697 Day Willem Annetje Jacobs Jobannis 8ept. 26, 1699 Day Willem Annetje Jacolis Hendrick Feb. 20, 1704 Day Willem Annetje Jacobs Jenneke Sept. 17, 1706 Day William Margaret Herring Phebe July 30, 1806 De Grau Abel Maayke Van Eiderstyn. Casparus Oct. 15, 1758 De Grau Abel Maayke Van Eiderstyn .Jobannis April 30, 1762 De Grau Abel Maayke Van Eiderstyn . Cornells June 9, 1770 De Groot Berber Caspers Metje tbap) June 24, 1678 De Groot Pieter Hester Brouwer Leya June — , 1759 De Maree Davit, Jr Kache) Lerson Susanna (bap) April 7, 1679 De Maree Davit, Jr Eaehel Lerson Rachel (bap) June 21, 1680 De Maree Jan Jacobmyntje Douwen . . Lea (bap) April 18, 1682 De Maree Samuel Mary Davison Davit i,bap) Oct. 3, 1681 De Maree Smit Fra)i9ois, Catelyntje Cortens Pryntje (bap) April 6, 1686 De Mott Garret Margaret Mandeville. ..Elizabeth March 14,1814 De Mott Garret Margaret Mandeville. . .Michael June 15, 1816 De Mott Garret Margaret Mandeville . . . Mary M March 3, 1820 De Mott Garret Margaret Mandeville. . . Margaret Elizabeth. Sept. 23, 1824 De Mott George Jane Vreeland Maria M Aug. 11, 1816 De Mott Geoi-ge Jane Vreeland Garret Jan. 7, 1820 De Mott George Jane Vreeland George April 27, 1822 De MottHendrick Claesje Brinkerhoff . . . . Lea Nov. 23, 1806 De Mott H endrick Claesje Brinkerhoff Michael March 31, 1809 De Mott Hendrick Claesje Brinkerhoff Henry B Dec. 1, 1813 De Mott Mattys Margiietje Blinkerhoff. . Michael Aug. 7, 1708 De Mott Mattys Margrietje Blinkerhoff.. Antje Dec. 24, 1711 De Mott Mattys Margrietje Blinkerhoff. .Jobannis Aug. 7, 1716 De Mott Mattys Margrietje Blinkerhoff. .Joris Nov. 3, 1718 De Mott Mattys Margrietje Blinkerhoff- . Jacob Feb. 22, 1720 De Mott Mattys Margrietje Blinkerhoff. . Maritje April 15, 1723 De Mott Michael Maritje Mandeville Joris June 1, 1787 De Mott Michael Maritje Mandeville Garret Nov. 4, 1789 De Mott Michael Maritje Mandeville Jobannis July 8, 1792 De Mott Michael. Maritje Mandeville Margrietje March 27, 1795 De Mott Michael Maritje Mandeville Jannetje Dec. 31, 1797 De Mott Michael Maritje Mandeville Maria April 23, 1802 De Mott Michael Maritje Mandeville Cathelina May 6, 1807 De Vael Ned Nancy Emma , 1786 De Vouw Nicola Mary Esi Susanna (bap) Oct. 11, 1680 De Witt Gasherie Christiana Hornblower. Anna Maria Aug. 29, 1820 BIRTH RECORD. 365 FATHER. MOTHER. CHILfl. DATE OF IlIRTH. De Witt Gasherie Christiana Hornblower.Gasherie June 10, 1822 Denniston Lucas Cjnthia E vertson Elizabeth July 21, 181 3 Denniston Lucas Cynthia Evertson James >,, ^_ ,oio T^ • * T r, .-, • -r^ ■. i May 2o, 1818 Denniston Lucas Cynthia Evertson Isaac ) Denniston Lucas Cynthia Evertson Hannah Maria May 14, 1821 Denniston Lucas Cynthia Evertson EHzabetli Jane Feb. 6, 1825 Dewing Michael Ruth Cabwin Jared Sept. 29, 1790 Dey John Feiumetje Crein Benjamin Sept. 22, 1788 Dey John Femmetje Crein Peter Oct. 2, 1790 Diedricks Abraham Geertruy Bow Antje Sept. 11,1740 Diedricks Abraham Geertruy Bow Johannis April 9, 1743 Diedricks Abraham Geertruy Bow Aeltje March 20, 1747 Diedricks Abraham Geertruy Bow Margrietje April 1, 1751 Diedricks Cornells Antje Eoos Aeltje (bap) Sept. 28, 1735 Diedricks Daniel Aegie Sickles Jannet je June 16, 1769 Diedricks Daniel Aegie Sickles Aegie Jan. 9, 1772 Diedricks Daniel Aegie Sickles Antje Nov. 15, 1779 Diedricks Jacob Jannetje Van Winkle. . Jannetje Nov. 16, 1745 Diedricks Jacob Fitje Verveel Geertruy May 1, 1769 Diedricks Jacob Fitje Verveel Daniel Dec. 20, 1770 Diedricks Jacob i itje Verveel Aeltje May 28, 1775 Diedricks Johannis Geertruy Van Winkle.. Antje March 19, 1733 Diedricks Johannis Hester Vreeland Margrietje April 7, 1741 Diedricks Johannis Hester Vreeland Maritje March 26, 1743 Diedricks Johannis Hester Vreeland Lea Oct . 30, 1745 Diedricks Johannis Hester A''reeland Aeltje June 2, 1753 Diedricks Johannis Antje Van Wagenen Aegie Nov. 23, 1769 Diedricks Johannis Antje Van Wagenen Aegie Dec. 21, 1774 Diedi-icks Johannis Antje Van Wagenen Geertje July 1, 1778 Diedricks Wander Aeltje Gerrits Annetje Oct . 7, 1695 Diedricks Wander Aeltje Gerrits Gerrit July 22, 1697 Diedricks Wander Aeltje Gerrits (daughter) Oct. 27, 1700 Diedricks Wander Aeltje Gerrits (son) Dec 8, 1/02 Diedricks Wander Aeltje Gerrits Margrietje Oct. 7, 1705 Diedricks Wander Aeltje Gerrits Jacob (bap) Dec. 3, 1708 Dietivet Abraham Jannetje Bokee Eagel (bap) April 6, 1686 Dietivet Abraham Jannetje Bokee Magdelena (bap) Oct. 1, 1688 Dod James Maritje Van Schy ver . . . Thomas Aug. 28, 1783 Dod James Maritje Van Schy ver. . .Johannis Feb. 14, 1788 Dod James Maritje Van Schy ver. ..Hendrick Feb. 22, 1790 Doele Rutgert Elysabet Doele Andries (bap) Nov. 4, 1666 Doremus Cornells Jannetje Joas Jannetje ^bap) June 2, 1 691 Dorem us William Geertruy Van Houten .. Sally Feb. 3, 1805 Dreyts Lourens Grietje Jans Catryn (bap) March 10, 1667 Duryea John Frances Demarest James Dec. 3, 1813 Duryea John Frances Demarest Maria D Oct. 23, 1816 Duryea John Frances Demarest lane ilay 7, 1820 Duryea John Frances Demarest Sarah Nov. 17, 1821 Duryee John Annatje • Geesje June 5, 1797 3 6 G HIRTH RECORD. FATHER. MOTIII511. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Earle Anthilbe Elizabet Edsall Edward Dec. 23, 1778 Earle Billi Catrcintje IJos Elsjc June 25?; 1 701) Earle Cornelius Elizubetli Duncan Maritje Aug. 9, 1771 Earle Daniel Maritje Williams Saertje Feb. 26, 1771 Earle Edward jr Elsje Vieeland Edward (bap) April 22, 1690 Earle Edward jr Elsje Vreeland (son ) May 28, 1692 Earle Edward jr Elsje Vreeland Hannah March 26, 1695 Earle Edward jr Elsje Vreeland Maanf dirck Oct. 6, 1696 Earle Edward jr Elsje Vreeland Johannis Sept. 8, 1698 Earle Edward jr Elsje Vreeland (son) May 1, 1703 Earle Edward jr Elsje Vreeland (daughter) Oct. — , 1704 Earle Enoch Phebe Smith Morris Aug. 29, 1793 Earle Hendrick Hendrick July 17, 1784 Earle Nathaniel Polly Neeltje Feb. — , 1773 Earle Philip R Adriana Van Rypen Elizabeth Ann Dec. 12, 1812 Earle Philip R Adriana Van Rypen Thomas D Feb. 8, 1814 Earle Philip R Adriana Van Rypen John Jan. 20, 1817 Earle Philip R Adriana Van Rypen.... Mary B Oct. 26, 1817 Earle Philip R Adriana Van Rypen Alexander July 26, 1819 Earle Philip R Adriana Van Rypen Aletta Jane Dec. 9, 1821 Edsall Samuel Jenneke Edsall Joanna (bap) Sept. 4, 1667 Edsall Samuel Jenneke Edsall Sara (bap) Oct. 9, 1673 Edsall Samuel Jenneke Edsall Benjamin (bap) .. . . Oct. 22, 1674 Edsall Samuel Jenneke Edsall Rutje (bap) April 2, 1687 Ellen Tamml Elisabet Pouelse Rachel March 3, 1706 Epke Hendrick Maritje Lubbertse Angemitje (bap) April 18, 1682 Epke Hendrick Maritje Lubbertse Roelof (bap) Aug. 25, 1683 Eth Benjamin Pt^ggy Brower Keetje March 1, 1786 Everse Barent Jennie McDonald Barent March 12, 1783 Everse Barent Jennie McDonald Jacob Sept. 5, 1784 Everse Barent Jennie McDonald Barent March J2, 1786 Everse Barent Jennie McDonald Jenneke Dec. 18, 1788 Everse Johannis Fitje Spier Johannis June 2, 1745 Everse Johannis Fitje Spier Barent May 30, 1747 Everse Johannis Fitje Spier Jacob Dec. 16, 1749 Everse Johannis Fitje Spier Catlyntje March 11, 1760 Everse Johannis Styntje Eiderstein Elisabet Oct. 9, 1777 Everse Johannis Styntje Eiderstein Johannis Oct. 14, 1780 Everse Mattheus Helena Spier Maritje March 27,1755 Everse Mattheus Helena Spier Catlyntje May 12, 1758 Everse Mattheus Helena Spier Barent Dec. — , 1760 Everse Mattheus Helena Spier Leena Aug. 29, 1763 Everse Mattheus Helena Spier Leah July 5, 1768 Evertse Evert Hillegont Jacobse Evert Feb. 12, 1708 Evertse Jacob Catreintje Smith Jannetje March 20,1782 Evertse Jacob Catreintje Smith Eitje April 17, 1787 Evertse Jacob Catreintje Smith Catreintje March 28, 1792 Evertse Johannis Sara Griffins Styntje Jan. 4, 1784 Evertse Johannis Sara Griffins Fitje April 13, 1785 Evertse Johannis Sara Griffins Johannis Feb. 18, 1788 BIRTH RECORD. 367 FATHER. MOTHEU. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Fielding Hendrick Aagtje Van Winckel ...Catreina June 24, 1759 Fielding Hendricl^r Aagtje Van Winckel .. .Aegie Oct. 19, 1761 Fielding Hendrick Aagtje Van Winckel . . .ISIargrietje Aug. 29, 1763 Fielding Henry Martha Dunn Daniel June 23, 1821 Fransen Jan Fitje Vreeland Elias Dec. , 1694 Fransen Thomas Treintje Jans Breested-.Maritje (bap) June 14, 1691 Fransen Thomas Treintje Jans Breested . . Jan Oct. — , 1694 Fransen Thomas Treintje Jans Breested . . (son) Oct. 26, 1696 Fransen Thomas Treintje Jans Breested.. (dau., 8th ch.) Oct. 9, 1705 Fredricksen Andries.. .Neeltje Dircks Maritje March 21, 1704 Fredricksen Thomas . . . Maritje Ariaens Jannet je July 8, 1668 Gardner Harraans Maria Retan Leah April 14, 1777 Garrabrants Cornelius . . Jannetje Kip Pieter Sept. 12, 1779 Garrabrants Jacob Keetje Earle Mvndert Oct. 11, 1783 Garrabrants James Sarah Williamson Albert W June 2, 1816 Garrabrants Myndert ..Elizabeth Treintje May 29, 1773 Garrabrants Myndert . . Aegie Van Houten Myndert Sept. 29, 1801 Garrabrants Myndert . . Aegie Van Houten John July 1, 1804 Garrabrants Myndert ..Rachel Jerolamon EfEe V. H March 7, 1822 Garrabrants Peter Catrina Van Buskirk . . Cornelius Feb. 8, 1802 Garrabrants Peter Catrina Van Buskirk ..Jannetje June 26, 1803 Garrabrants Peter Jannetje Clendenny Eleanor Oct. 25, 1807 Garrabrants Peter Jannetje Clendenny Cornelius Sept. 24, 1810 Garrabrants Peter Ann Van Winkle Catherine V. B Sept. 19, 1814 Gari-abrants Peter Ann Van Winkle Abraham May 3, 1819 Gautier Andrew Hannah Turner Hannah Oct. 20, 1800 Gautier Samuel T. E.. Hannah Augusta Stagg. Samuel Ten Eyck ..April 13, 1823 Gautier Thomas B Elizabeth Hornblower.. Josiah H Nov. 12, 1818 Gerbrands Cornelius.. .Jannetje Prier Maritje Nov. 9, 1717 Gerbrands Cornelius Jannetje Prier Calherina Oct. 13, 1721 Gerbrands Cornelius . . . Jannetje Prier Gerrebrand Sept. 10, 1723 Gerbrands Cornelius . . . Jannetje Prier Tennis April 8, 1728 Gerbrands Cornelius . . . Jannetje Prier Cornells Oct. 27, 1728 Gerbrands Cornell us . . . Jannetje Prier Neeltje June 6, 1733 Gerbrantse Claas Maritje Jurians Gei-brants Jan. 7, 1705 Gerbrantse Cornelius... Jannetje Van Hooren .. Helena Dec. 11, 1757 Gerbrantse Cornelius... Jannetje Van Hooren.. Cornelius • Gei'brantse Cornelius.. .Jannetje Van Hooren .. Jannetje Gerbrantse Cornelius.. .Jannetje Van Hooren .. Neeltje Nov. 28, 1769 Gerbrantse Cornelius... Leena Van Hooren Jannetje March 5, 1788 Gerbrantse Gerbrand... Catreina Spier Jannetje March 1, 1760 Garbrantse Herpert Hellegont Merselis Maritje May 12, 1708 Gerbrantse Myndert. ..Treintje Van Winckel.. Maritje March 9,1715 Gerbrantse Myndert... Treintje Van Winckel.. Jacob Nov. 4, 1717 Gerbrantse Myndert... Treintje Van Winckel.. Gerrebrand Feb. 19, 1719 Gerbrantse Myndert- . . Treintje Van Winckel. . Grietje Feb. 19, 1721 Gerbrantse Myndert... Treintje Van Winckel.. Metje March 30, 1724 Gerbrantse Myndert. . . Treintje Van AVinckel . . Jannetje April 3, 1726 Gerbrantse Myndert . . . Treintje Van Winckel . . Myndert Sept. 1, 1740 368 BIRTH RECORD. FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Gerritse Gerrit Annetje Harmans Hermanns (bap) Mtirch 10, 1667 Gerritse Gerrit Annetje Harmans Hendrick (bap) Oct. 25, 1675 Gerritse Gerrit Annetje Harmans Joliannis Jan. 11, 1678 Gerritse Gerrit jr Neesje Pieters Eiysabet Marcli 3, 1882 Gerritse Gerrit jr Neesje Pieters Pieter Oct. 4, 1684 Gerritse Gerrit jr Neesje Pieters Eva April 14, 1687 Gerritse Gerrit jr Neesje Pieters Abraham (6tli cli.)..Feb. 22, 1695 Gerritse Gerrit jr Neesje Pieters Oct. 14, 1699 Gerritse John Metje Cadmus Jainietje March 25,1782 Gerritsen Cornelius Aeltje Van Winkle Cornelius May 26, 1740 Gerritsen Cornelius Aeltje Van Winkle Geurt May 16, 1729 Gerritsen Juriaen Margrietje Diedricks . . . Gerrit Sept. 14, 1729 Gerritsen Juriaen Margrietje Diedricks... Oct. 7, 1733 Gerritsen Juriaen Margrietje Diedricks.. .Aeltje' March 4, 1735 Gerritsen Juriaen Margrietje Diedricks . . . Beelitje April 24, 1737 Gerritsen Juriaen Margrietje Diedricks. . .Gerrit April 6, 1739 Gilchrist Robert Frances Vasher Fanny Sept. 25, 1817 Gilchrist Robert Frances Vasher Sarah Aug. 22, 1819 Gould Lebbeus Sarah Van Orden Sarah Aug. 20, 1818 Hanna James Sarah Deas James D July 29, 1812 Hai'ding James J Christiana Brown Christiana Gertrude, June 29, 1822 Harmansen Jan Neeltje Jans Aertje (bap) April 14, 1691 Heathorne John Margaret Kirk Elizabeth S. K May 7, 1810 Hedden James Elizabeth Ball Sarah Ann Dec. 6, 1805 Helmigse Pieter Claesje Post Jannetje Feb. 16, 1704 Helmigse Roelof Aegtje Cornelise Vree- ..^^^ land Helmigh March 11,1704 Helmigse Kselof -A-egtje Cornelise Vree- land Aegtje Oct. 18,1708 Hendrickse Claas Willemyntje Hendrickje Spier Hendrick (bap) June 25, 1683 Hendrickse Claas Willemyntje Hendrickje Spier Fransyntje (bap) . . . April 14, 1691 Hendricksen Jan Annetje Pi'eyer Johannis (bap) March 19,1733 Hennion David Catelyntje E verse Maritje March 13, 1783 Hennion David Catelyntje E verse Fitje Dec. 23, 1785 Hennion David CateVyntje Everse Antje Feb. 24, 1794 Hennion Gerrit Ide April 3, 1736 Hesselse Pieter Elysabet Gerrits Maritje (bap) Oct. 8, 1777 Hesselse Pieter Elysabet Gerrits Johannis (bap) March 25, 1 680 Hesselse Pieter Elysabet Gerrits Ragel Sept. 14, 1682 Hesselse Pieter Elysabet Gerrits Ai-iantje (bap) April 6, 1685 Hesselse Pieter Elysabet Gerrits Jannetje (bap) Oct. 3, 1687 Hesselse Pieter Elysabet Gerrits Vrouwtje (bap) Oct. 5, 1691 Hoppe Andries Abigail Hoppe ( A cker- man ?) Hendrick May 21, 1708 Hoppe Andries Abigail Hoppe (Acker- man ?) (daughter) April 28, 1710 Hoppe Hendrick Maritje Jans Andries Dec. 21, 1681 BIRTH RECORD. 369 FATHEU. MOTHER. CHILD. DATB OF BIUTH. Hoppe Hendrick Maritje Jans Jan (bap) June 26, 16S2 Hoppe Hendrick Maritje Jans Willeni (bap) April 2, 1684 Hoppe Hendi-ick Maritje Jans Treintje (bap) Oct. 5, 1685 Hoppe Mateys Adolt ..Annetjo Poulus Andries (bap) April 2, 1684 HoiTibiower Josiali Annetje Merselis Elizabeth Dec. 23, 1793 Horn blower Josiah Annetje Merselis Christiana Nov. 10, 1795 Hornblower Josiah Annetje Merselis Merselis Henry Nov. 2, 1797 Hornblower Josiah Annetje Merselis James K Sept. 11, 1806 Hornblower Josiah Annetje Merselis William J. V. H Oct. 22, 1809 Hornblower Josiah Annetje Merselis Jane Oct. 3, 1811 Hornblower Josiah Hannah Town Anna Elizabeth ....Aug. 21, 1813 Hornblower Josiah Hannah Town Josiah Henry April — , 1817 Howard Thomas Maria Moffat Thomas H Dec. 20, 1815 Howard Thomas Maria Moffat William H Nov. 18, 1820 HoAvard William Charity Greenlief Jane Aug. 17, 1795 Huysraan Sjarel Adriantje Dirckse Mary (bap) March 25, 1680 Huysraan Sjarel Adriantje Dirckse Crystyn (bap) June 26, 1682 Jackson Rev. William.. Annetje Freelinghuysen.Wiiliam Aug. 14, 1758 Jackson Rev. William.. Annetje Freelinghuysen.Theodorus Dec. 26, 1760 Jackson Rev. William. .Annetje Freelinghuysen, Hannah Jan. 27, 1763 Jackson Rev. William. .Annetje Freelinghuysen,Hendrick Feb. 9, 1765 Jackson Rev. William.. Annetje Freelinghuysen,Peterick April 17, 1767 Jackson Rev. William.. Annetje Freelinghuysen, Johannis June 8, 1768 Jackson Rev. William . . Annetje Freelinghuysen,Patrick April 28, 1770 Jackson Rev. William.. Annetje Free]inghuysen,Ferdinandus Sept. 15, 1771 Jackson Rev. William .. Annetje Freelinghuysen,Eva Sept. 17, 1774 Jackson Rev. William ..Annetje Free]inghnysen,Robert Dec. 21, 1778 Jacobs Bartel Eleanor Douglas (son) Aug. 27, 1695 Jacobs Bartel Eleanor Douglas Waling July—, 1705 JansePieter Maritje Jacobs Jacob (bap) Feb. 17, 1669 Janse Willem Beehtje Tysen Hendrick (bap I April 17, 1677 Jansen Claes Annetje Cornells Elysabet (bap) March 10, 1667 Jansen Claes Annetje Cornelis Hendrick (bap) April 22, 1676 Jansen Claes Annetje CorneJis Geertje July 21, 1678 Jansen Claes Annetje Cornelis Jacob (bap) Oct. 11, 1680 Jansen Claes Annetje Cornelis Hillegontje (bap). ..Dec. 4, 1683 Jansen Isaac Jannetje Boerum Johannis Aug. 7, 1775 Jorise Hendrick Claesje Cornelis Geertje Feb. 20, 1679 Jorise Hendrick Claesje Cornelis Margrietje June 13, 1681 Jurianse Alt Gerritje Mattheus .\nnetje May 1, 1696 Jurianse Cornelis Aeltje Van Winckel Belia Oct. 10, 1741 Jurianse Cornelis Aeltje Van Winckel Jannetje (bap) April 16, 1745 Jurianse Cornelis Aeltje Van Winckel Aeltje June 7, 1748 Jurianse Cornelis Aeltje Van Winckel Cornelius Dec. 8, 1750 Jurianse Gerrit Beelitje Dircks Elysabet May 14, 1694 Jurianse Gerrit Beelitje Dircks Lea Sept. 11, 1697 Jurianse Gerrit Beelitje Dircks Jin-iaen Aug. 15, 1699 Jurianse Gerrit Beelitje Dircks (son) Dec. 4, 1701 Jurianse Gerrit Beelitje Dircks (son) Jan. 17, 1704 47 370 BIRTH RECORD. FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE OF BIKTH. Juriansc Gerrit Beelitje Dircks Aeltje.-.i March 29, 1705 Juriaiifee Gen it IJeelitje Dircks Cornells (bap) Oct. 6, 1707 Jurianse Gerrit Beelitje Dircks Johannis June 3, 1710 Jurianse Tonias Janiietje Straatmaker- ..Genit (bap) March 29, 1692 Jurianse Tomas Jannetje Straatmaker . . Juriaen (bap) Oct. — , 1692 Karseboom Jan Dirckse, Grietje Jasperse Annetje (bap) Oct. 19, 1667 Karseboom Jan Dirckse, Grietje Jasperse Annetje (bap) Feb. 17, 1669 Karseboom Jan Dirckse, Grietje Jasperse Annetje (bap) Oct. 9, 1673 Kells James Elizabeth Pearson Susanna July 27, 1795 Kells James Elizabeth Pearson William F Dec. 15, 1799 Kells James Elizabeth Pearson James March 3, 1802 Kells James Elizabeth Pearson John April 23, 1805 Kells James Elizabeth Pearson Thomas Sept. 30, 1808 Kells James Elizabeth Pearson Susanna March 21, 1812 Kells James Elizabeth Pearson Phebe April 8, 1815 Kelly John Lea Diedricks John May 23, 1784 Ker David Antje Westervelt Cornelius Aug. 26, 1802 Kip Peter Polly Stuy vesant Abraham Sept . 8, 1802 Kool Pieter Susanna La Tourette. ..Elizabet Oct. 7, 1772 Kool Pieter Susanna La Tourette. . . Isaac July 4, 1774 Lasomba Anthoin Styntje Jans Catrina (bap) April 6, 1686 Lasomba Anthoin Styntje Jans Magdaleena (bap) ..April 2, 1688 Lewe Jacob Elysabet Hendrickse . . . Jannetje (bap) April 18, 1682 Lozier Nicholas Maritje Kroese Jacob March 10, 1775 Lubbertse Jan Maddaleentje Jans Johannis (bap) Nov. 3, 1667 Lubbertse Jan Maddaleentje Jans Willem (bap) April 7, 1679 Lubbertse Jan Maddaleentje Jans Gysbert May 21, 1682 Lubbertse Lubbert jr Hilletje Pouluse Pieter ibap) April 18, 1682 Lubbertse Lubbert jr... .Hilletje Pouluse Aeltje (bap) April 6, 1685 Lubbertse Tys Treintje Jans Annetje (bap) Oct. 4, 1668 Lyon Eichard Sarah Hendricks Moses Feb. 25, 1802 Lyon Eichai'd Sarah Hendricks John Joseph Nov. 15, 1809 Lyon Richard Aegie Van Houten. .., .Mary H Feb. 24, 1812 Lyon Eichard Aegie Van Houten David March 26, 1814 Lyon Eichard Aegie Van Houten Anson G Feb. 9, 1816' Macheleyn Sjarel Catrina Tomas Annetje (bap) April 14, 1691 Macheleyn Sjarel Catrina Tomas Solomon May 27, 1696 Macheleyn Sjarel Elizabeth Mandeville.. .Frona Ann Nov. 24, 1819 Mandeville John Altje Van Winkle Henry Feb. 7, 1811 Mandeville John Altje Van Winkle John V. W March 31, 1813 Mandeville John Altje Van Winkle John May 23, 1815 Marleen Sjarel Catrina Tomas Sara (bap) April 18, 1682 Marleen Sjarel Margi-ietje Martin James Feb. 12, 1760 McCubbery Mary Boudell Alexander Nov. 8, 1821 McDaniel Thomas Antje Van Scheyve John May 23, 1787 McDaniel Thomas Antje Van Scheyve Matthewes Aug. 27, 1789 McDonald Eandall Ann Cameron Adeline Margaretta, April 29, 1815 BIRTn RECORD. 371 FATHER. JIOTIIER. CHILD. DATE OF BIUTH. McDonald Eaiulall Ann Cameron Amelia Susan Dec. 10, 1817 McDonald Richanl Margaret Cadmus John April 2. 1822 McDonald Thomas Hannah Yreeland Racliel Sept. 8, 181G Men-it Willem -Catrina Hendricks Lena May 13, 1696 Merseiis Tde Ariantjc- Sip Pieter May 24, 1759 Merselis Jolin Aeltje Van Eypen Merseiis Jan. 8, 1776 Mereelis John Aeltje Vau Rypen Cornelius Oct. 15. 1778 Merseiis John Aeltje Van Rypen Aeltje Dec. 29, 1780 Merseiis John Aeltje Van Rypen Elisabet Jan. 19,1784 Merseiis John Catrina Tomas Margaret Feb. 23, 1809 Merseiis Merseiis Elisabet Vliereboom Johannis Sept. 13, 1754 Merseiis Merseiis Elisabet Vliereboom Aeltje March 19, 1759 Merseiis Merseiis Elisabet Vliereboom Pieter Feb. 18, 1762 Merseiis Merseiis Elisabet Vliereboom Jacob Dec. 29, 1764 Merseiis Merseiis Elisabet Vliereboom Aeltje Dec. 16, 1769 Merseiis Merseiis Elisabet Vliereboom Annetje Nov. 26, 1773 Merseiis Merseiis Geertje Prior Jolni Nov. 14, 1800 Merseiis Merseiis Geertje Prior Jacob Dec. 25, 1801 Merseiis Merseiis Geertje Prior Elizabeth Jan. 23, 1804 Merseiis Merseiis Geertje Prior Sarah Feb. 20, 1807 Merseiis Peter Maritje Andries Andries Maj' 31, 1732 Merseiis Peter Jannetje Duryee Elisabet Aug. 13, 1787 Merseiis Peter C Jane De Mott Mary M May 21, 1823 Merselissen Pieter Jenneke Pi-eyer Pieter (bap) April 11, 1723 Merselissen Pieter Jenneke Preyer Andries Feb. 4, 1725 Merselissen Pieter Jenneke Preyer (9th ch.) Oct. 15, 1732 Merselissen Pieter Jenneke Preyer Antje (bap) March 4, 1735 Merselissen Pieter Jenneke Preyer Johanna Jan. 17, 1737 Mersereau John T Ann Waldron Joseph March 4, 1821 Mersereau John T Ann Waldron Stephen Aug. 19, 1822 Mersereau John T Ann Waldron Helen Dec. 18, 1823 Metzger Johannis Jannetje Fielding Jacob Feb. 15, 1775 Meyer John Elizabet Elizabet Nov. 7, 1773 MichielseTades Annetje Steinmets Michiel Oct. 11, 1680 Michielse Tades , Annetje Steinmets Jannetje Oct. 12, 1682 Michielse Tades Annetje Steinmets Annetje Aug. 6, 1684 MichielseTades Annetje Steinmets Johannis (bap) April 2, 1689 Miller John Elizabet Bertholf Wyburg Oct. 28, 1776 Moore Abraham Sarah BrinkerhofF Sarah S June 29, 1808 Musker John Elizabeth Post John Feb. 6, 1804 Neefie Gerrit Eva Van Houten Robert Sept. 27, 1804 Newkirk Arent Jannetje Vreeland Catlyntje Nov. 6, 1792 Newkirk Arent Jannetje Vreeland Kneelia Oct. 2, 1794 Newkirk Arent Jannetje Vreeland Matthevis May 22, 1799 Newkirk Arent Jannetje Vreeknd Catherina May 15, 1 807 Newkirk Barent Antje Toers Arent Sept. 1, 1768 Newkirk Barent Antje Toers Januatje Nov, 15, 1777 Newkirk Gerrit Catrina Cuyper Heudrick April 4, 1741 Newkirk Gerrit Polly Ackerman Catlyntje Oct. 10, 1788 372 BIRTH RECORD. KATHEIl. MOTUER. CHILD. DATE «F BIKTH. Newkirk Gerrit Polly Ackeiman Margrietje May 22, 1796 Newkirk Goiiit Polly Ackerman >Sally June 25, 1793 Newkiik Geiiit Polly Ackerman Sally Dec. 18, 1796 Newkirk Geriit Polly Ackerman ilendrick Dec. — , 1799 Newkirk Gerrit Polly Ackerman Gerrit Oct. 17. 1»:08 Newkirk Gerrit Rachel Shepherd Jacob Nov. 20, 1807 Newkirk Gerrit Racliel Shepherd Matthew July 4, 1811 Newkirk Gerrit Rachel Shepherd Sophia Nov. 24, 1812 Newkirk Gerrit Rachel Shepherd Garret March 18, 1815 Newkii'k Gerrit Racliel Shepherd Catherine March 14, 1817 Newkirk Heiidrick Jenneke Vreeland Gerrit Jan. 8, 1781 Newkirk Hendrick Jenneke Vreeland Joris Nov. 28, 1783 Newkirk Hendrick Jenneke Vreeland Catreintje Sept. 7, 1791 Newkirk Henry Eliza Provost James M June 27, 1819 Newkirk Jacob Pitje Hennion Maritje July 18, 1770 Newkirk Jacob Fitje Hennion Poulus April 15, 1776 Newkirk Jacob Fitje Hennion Jacob April 28, 1778 Newkirk Jacob Fitje Hennion Maritje July 13, 1782 Newkirk Jacob Fitje Hennion Johannis Oct. 23, 1786 Newkirk John : Mary Newkirk John Oct. 20,1810 Newkirk John Mary Newkirk Sophia May 31, 1813 Newkirk Jolin Mary Newkirk Matthew June 20, 1816 Newkirk John J Gertrude Collerd Jacob May 29, 1815 Newkirk John J Gertrude Collerd Abraham Oct. 3, 1817 Newkirk John J Gertrude Collerd Garret Aug. 29, 1821 Newkirk John J Gertrude Collerd Sophia Sept. 25, 1823 Newkirk Joris Sarah Van Derhoof Jane Dec. 6, 1805 Newkirk Joris Sarah Van Derhoof ....Henry Dec. 19, 1808 Newkii'k Joris Sarah Van Derhoof Garret Sept. 28, 1812 Newkirk Joris Sarah Van Derhoof Jane Maria Feb. 17, 1816 Newkirk Joris Sarah Van Derhoof Abraham P Dec. 21, 1819 Newkirk Mattevis ..Catlyntje Toers Gerrit April 9, 1766 Newkirk Mattevis Catlyntje Toers Arent Oct. 22, 1768 Newkirk Mattevis ...... Geertje Kog Johannis May 18, 1781 Olcott John S Sarah Batchelor Mary May 9, 1822 Olphertz Sjoert Fitje Roels Annetje (bap) June 10, 1666 Oosterum Jan Ilendrick, Morchteltje Roelof Treintje June 20, 1684 Osborn Samuel Maria Shepherd Elizabeth Oct. 3, 1806 Osborn Samuel Maria Shepherd John Sept. 20, 1808 Osborn Samuel Maria Shepherd Jacob Jan. 31, 1813 Osborn Samuel Maria Shepherd Rachel Catherine June 24, 1815 Osborn Samuel Maria Shepherd Anna D May 4, 1825 Outwater Garret Ann Van Winkle Jacob April 9, 1824 Outwater Guilliam Antje Vreeland Johannis Nov. 5, 1775 Outwater Guilliam Antje Vreeland Aeltje Dec. 11, 1781 Outwater Jacob Maiitje Van Derhoof.. .Gerrit July 22, 1801 Outwater Jacob Maritje Van Derhoof. . .John May 11, 1807 Outwater John Neeltje Prior Anne Sept. 25, 1800 Outwater John Neeltje Prior Catherine Oct. 20, 1806 ~^ FATHER. MOTHER. CHIt.n. DATE Ol" ISIRTH. Spier Johannis Gertruy Roonio Jolianiii.s Feb. 11, 1746 Spier John Maritje Hemiioii Hendrick May 18, 1804 Spier John Maritje Hennion David Aug. G, 1805 Spier John ..Maritje Hennion John May 31, 1807 Spier John Maritje Hennion Garret Sept. 22, 1809 Spier John Maritje Hennion Robert June 15, 1816 Spier John Maritje Hennion Garret Oct. 29, 1820 Spier Tomas Janse Catrina Tonias Maritje (bap) April 6, 1686 Stager Richard Elizabeth Kingsland . ..William M Dec. 25, 1815 Steinmets Casjjer Jannetje Gerrits Joanna (bap) Dec. 29, 1667 Steiumets Christopher.. Jannetje Gerrits Casparus (bap) Oct 11,1683 Steinmets Christopher.. Jannetje Gerrits Annetje (bap) Oct. 1, 1688 Steinmets Christopher.. Jannetje Gerrits (hap) April 14, 1691 Steinmets Christopher.. Jannetje Gerrits Jannetje (bap) Oct. — , 1692 Steinmets Gerrit Vrouwtje Claes Annetje June 25, 1686 Steinmets Gerrit Vrouwtje Claes Annetje Oct. 1, 1688 Steinmets Gerrit Catrina Gerrits Ariantje March 15, 1695 Steinmets Gerrit Catrina Gerrits Casper June 12, 1693 Steinmets Gerrit Catrina Gerrits Hermanns (bap) May 10, 1698 Steinmets Gen-it Catrina Gerrits Helena (5th ch.) Feb. 25, 1703 Steinmets Hermanns . . .Elsje Antje Jan. — , 1731 Stevenson Albert Jesitje Ryniers Antje (bap) April 22, 1690 Straatmaker Jan Geesje Gerrits Janjnete (bap) Dec. 26, 1665 Straatmaker Jan Geesje Gerrits Annetje (bay) Feb. 17, 1669 Straatmaker Jan Geesje Gerrits Gerrit (bap) Oct 2, 1676 Stuy vesant Casparus . . . Sara Cowenhoven Pieter Nov. 6, 1761 Stuy vesant Casparus. . . Sara Cowenhoven Samuel Oct. 8, 1766 Stuyvesant Casparus. . . Sara Cowenhoven Johannis April 22, 1770 Stuy vesant Casparus . ..Sara Cowenhoven Saara Nov. 15, 1773 Stuyvesant Casparus... Sara Cowenhoven Ned Dec. 12, 1778 Stuyvesant Petrus Pryntje Preyer Pieter (bap) March 4, 1735 Stuyvesant Petrus Pryntje Preyer Kasper March 1, 1736 Stuyvesant Petrus . Pryntje Preyer Jenneke Nov. 28, 1737 Stuyvesant Petrus Pryntje Preyer Pieter Oct. 17, 1739 Stuyvesant Petrus Pryntje Preyer Sara Nov. 1, 1741 Stuyvesant Petrus Pryntje Preyer Catrina April 15, 1744 Stuyvesant Petrus Pryntje Preyer Johannis Jan. 2, 1746 Stuyvesant Pieter Lena De Mare Pieter Sept. 20, 1770 Stuyvesant Pieter Lena De Mare Maria Nov. 22, 1780 Terheun Albert Alberts. Hendrickje Stevens Rachel (bap) April 22, 1690 Terx Tomas Margrietje Terx Willem (bap) March 25, 1680 Toers Abraham Frenkye Santfort Cornelius June 11, 1769 Toers Abraham Eleanor Van Winkle . . .Ann Dec. 1, 1809 Toers Abraham Eleanor Van Winkle . . .Esther Aug. 30, 1811 Toers Abraham Eleanor Van Winkle . . . AValter May 27, 1814 Toers Abraham Eleanor Van Winkle . . .Joseph Sept. 25, 1816 Toers Arent Annetje Spier Jacomy n tje April 2, 1731 Toers Arent Annetje Spier Jacomyntje (bap). ..March 19, 1733 Toers Arent Annetje Spier Catelyntje March 4, 1735 SfiO lUKTH HECORD. KATUEIl. MOTHBK. CHILD. KATE OF DTKTH. Toers Arent Aiiiietjc Spiei' Nicholas March '23, 1737 Toors Arent Aiuietio Spier Catreintje Sept. 30, 1739 Toers Claas Arentse Jaconiyiitje Van Neste. . Annetje June 27, 168.5 Toers Claas Arentse Jacomyntje Van Neste .Juditli (htip) April 11, 1687 Toers Claas Arentse Jacomy ntje Van Neste . (daughter) Feb 4, 1694 Toers Claas Arentse Jacorayntje Van Neste .Pietertje Sep. 6, 1696 Toers Class Arentse Jacomyntje Van Neste .Arent June 10, 1699 Toers Class Arentse Jacomyntje Van Ne.te .Nicholas (7th ch.).. May 11, 1703 Toers Claas Arentse Jacomyntje Van Neste .Joris May 16, 1707 Toers Lourcns Arentse. Fransyntje Tonias Johannis (bap) April 6, 1685 Toers Lourens Arentse. Fransyntje Tomas Toraas (bap) April 11, 1687 Toers Lourens Arentse. Fransyntje Tomas Maritje (bap) Sept. 30, 1869 Toers Lourens Arentse. Fi-ansyntje Tomas Ariaen (bap) May 29, 1694 Toers Lourens Arentse.Fransyntje Tomas (12tli ch., 8th son).. Sept. 20,1696 Toers Nicholas Jannetje Van Kypen Annetje April 3, 1770 Toers Nicholas Jannetje Van Eypen Arent Jan. 27,1784 Tolem an James Phebe Garrison Eliza G March 26,1824 Tomase Arien Maritje Cobose Maritje (bap) April 2, 1688 Tomase Frederick Catrina Hoppe Andries (bap) Jan. 1, 1679 Tomase Frederick Catrina Hoppe Cristina (bap) Aug. 5, 1681 Tomase Frederick Catrina Hoppe Maritje (bap) Nov. 11, 1684 Tomase Frederick Catrina Hoppe Dirck(bap) April 14, 1691 Tomase Johannis Maritje Van Deusen Thomas May 7, 1707 Tomase Johannis Maritje Van Deusen Abraham Sept. 29, 1708 Tomase Johannis Maritje Van Deusen Arie Dec. 17, 1711 Tomase Juriaen Reykje Hermans Aeltje (bap) April 2, 1684 Tomase Juriaen Reykje Hermans Grietje Oct. 5, 1691 Tomase Tomas Saertje Duesler Jannetje Aug. 27, 1702 Tonise Hendrick Gi'ietje Saannels Trintje (bap) Aug. 15, 1667 Traphagen Henry Neeltje Van Vorst Anna V. H Nov. 28, 1803 Traphagen Henry Neeltje Van Vorst Cornelius V Aug. 5, 1805 Traphagen Henry Neeltje Van Vorst Hannah Maria Sept. 27, 1807 Traphagen Henry Neeltje Van Vorst Henry M June 8, 1809 Tysen Geriit Hannetje Harmans Pieter (bap) Nov. 3, 1667 Tysen Toniss Gerritje Gerrits Hendrickje May 22, 1676 Van Benthuysen Pieter, Margrietje Olpertz Isaac Oct 14, 1741 Van Buren Beekman . . . Ann Ackerman Ann D Aug. 28, 1820 Van Buren Beekman . . . Ann Ackerman John Aug. 22, 1822 A' an Buren Beekman Ann Ackerman ('itty K July 25, 1824 Van Buren Sylvester. ..Ann Doughty William D Nov. 13, 1799 Van Buskirk Cornelius, Beelitje Van Wagenen . . Cornells Sept. 15, 1747 Van Buskirk Cornelius, Maria Demarest Esther July 7, 1808 Van Buskirk Jacobus . . Sara Vreeland Antje March 19, 1790 Van Buskirk Jacobus.. Sara Vreeland Jacobus Oct. 21 1797 Van Buskirk Jeremiah, Ann Garritse Eliza Ann Oct. 17,1817 Van Buskirk John Eleanor Banta Jane June 16, 1821 Van Buskirk Nicholas.. Jane Cadmus James Sept. 10, 1815 Van Buskirk Nicholas.. Jane Cadmus Jasper Oct. 17, 1817 Van Clief Daniel Elizabeth Vanderbeek . . Gertrude June 29, 1612 BIRTH RECORD. 881 KATHEU. MOTHEU. CHILD. UATK OF IIIKTH. Van Clief Daniel Elizabeth Vanderbeek . . Adrian V Jan. 5, 1816 Van Clief Daniel Elizabeth Vanderbeek.. Maria Nov. 13, 1817 Van Clief Daniel Elizabeth Vanderbeek.. Helen Nov. 29, 1819 Van Clief Daniel .Elizabeth Vanderbeek... John March 27, 1823 Van Clief Daniel Elizabeth Vanderbeek.. Eliza May 5, 1824 Van Clief Daniel Aellje Diedricks Daniel March 2, 1798 Van Clief John Geertruy Diedricks Fitje May 19, 1793 Van Clief John Geertrny Diedricks Fitje July 17, 1795 Van Clief John Geertruy Diedricks Mary Dec. 4, 1797 Van Clief John Geertruy Diedricks Jacob Aug. 25, 1800 Van Clief John Geertruy Diedricks John July 9, 1802 Van Clief John Geertruy Diedricks Jane May 1, 1805 Van Clief John Geertruy Diedricks Gitty Sept. 18, 1806 Van Clief John Geertruy Diedricks Jane Oct. 24, 1808 Van de Linden Koelof . . Susannah Hendricks . . . Claesje (bap) June 22, 1685 Van de Walin Hendrick.Grietje Maiy (bap. ) Nov. 3, 1667 Van der Beek Abraham. Hannah Terhune Abraham June 21, 1810 Van der Beek Abraham .Hannah Terhune Stephen July 27, 1812 Van der Bilt Aaron Ariantje Van der Hoof. . Beelitje March 2, 1796 Van der Bilt Aaron Ariantje Van der Hoof. . Gerrit Oct. 4. 1800 Van der Bilt Aanm Ariantje Van der Hoof. .Catherine Jan. 3, 1811 Van der Bilt Aaron Ariantje Van der Hoof. . Maria Oct. 6, 1812 Van der Bilt Aaron Ariantje Van der Hoof. . Elizabeth Dec. 27, 1815 Van der Bilt Aaron Ariantje Van der Hoof. .Nancy June 9, 1817 Van der Hoof Gerrit . . . Saertje Preyer Mai-itje July 3, 1769 Van der Hoof Gerrit . . . Saertje Preyer Eva April 25, 1771 Van der Hoof Gerrit Saertje Preyer Hendrick June 18, 1774 Van der Hoof Gerrit . . . Saertje Preyer Ariantje Oct. 23, 1778 Van der Hoof Gerrit Saertje Preyer Sai-a Sept. 9, 1782 Van der Hoof Hendrick. Eva Slot Johannis (bap) March 30, 1724 Van der Hoof Hendrick. Eva Slot Maritje June 30, 1732 Van der Hoof Hendrick. Eva Slot Sara ...'. May 19, 1741 Van der Hoof Petrus. . . Rachael Van Clerk Hendrick Oct. 22, 1770 Van der Veren Johannis. Doretea Jans Hendrick May 12, 1697 Van der Veren Johannis. Doretea Jans Abraham April 2, 1700 Van der Veren Johannis. Doretea Jans Gerrit (9th ch,, 7th son) July 12, 1705 Van Galen Lourens Trintje Vreeland Joanna Aug. 21, 1701 Van Galen Loui-ens Trintje Vreeland (son) Oct. 12, 1703 Van Galen Lourens Trintje Vreeland (daughter) Feb. 4, 1706 Van Galen Lourens Trintje Vreeland Maria May 31, 1708 Van Galen Lourens Trintje Vreeland Catrina (bap) April 3, 1711 Van Gelder Cobus Sara Ackerman Isaac Oct. 1, 1778 Van Gelder Cobus Sara Ackerman John Feb. 16, 1780 A^'an Gelder Cobus Sara Ackerman Samuel March 23, 1784 Van Gelder Isaac Elisabet Wekken , Isaac June 15, 1774 Van Giesen Abraham . . .Fitje Andries Rynier Aug. 7, 1694 Van Giesen Abraham . . . Fitje Andries (daughter) Sept. 19, 1696 Van Giesen Abraham . . Fitje Andries Abraham (6th ch.) . .Nov. 18, 1702 Van Giesen Bastian Aeltje Hendricks ,. .Hendrick (bap) Oct. —, 1690 ?)82 BIRTH RECOKD. I'ATnF.lt. JIOTHKU. CHILD. HATE (IF BIUTII. Van Gicst'ii ]}:isti:m Aeltjo llendricks Rynier(bap) Oct. — , 1692 Van fiiesen Hiistian Adtje Hendricks Dirck (7th ch. 6th son). Aug. 3, 1705 Van ( liesen Isaac Cornelia Hendricks Rjnier Dec. 10, 1602 Van Giesen Isaac Cornelia Hendricks.. . .Rynier March 5, 1694 Van Giesen Isaac Cornelia Hendricks. .. .Joris Sept. 22, 1696 Van Giesen Isaac Cornelia Hendricks . . . .Dirckje Aug. la, 1699 Van Giesen Isaac Cornelia Hendricks ... .Claesje April 13, 1702 Van Giesen Isaac Cornelia Hendricks Kjnier Nov. 17, 1704 Van Giesen Rynier Dirckje Cornells Abraham (bap) Dec. 26, 1666 Van Hooren Jacob Catreintje Stuy vesant . . Raeggel Oct. 25, 1775 Van Hooren Jacob Catreintje Stuy vesant ..Catreintje June 21, 1780 Van Hooren Jan Helena Sip Jannetje Fel). 25, 1736 Van Hooren Jan Helena Sip Joliannis Aug. 2, 1742 Van Hooren Johannis . . Beelitje Van Rypen Johannis March 30, 1765 Van Hooren Johannis . . Beelitje Van Rypen .... Aeltje Sept. 7. 1769 Van Hooren Johannis . . Beelitje Van Rypen .... Neeltje Dec. 28, 1771 Van Hooren Johannis . . Beelitje Van Rypen .... Gerrit June 28, 1774 Van Hooren John Jannetje Garrabrants John June 23, 1785 Van Hooren John Jannetje Garrabrants . . . Cornelius Feb. 3, 1787 Van Hooren Rutgert . . .Neeltje Diedricks Joris Feb. 8, 1700 Van Hooren Rutgert . . .Neeltje Diedricks Jan Feb. 23, 1702 Van Hooren Rutgert Neeltje Diedricks Maritje March 21, 1704 Van Hooren Rutgert . . .Neeltje Diedricks Annetje Feb. 6, 1707 Van Home Cornelius . . Sally Clendenny Barent March 11, 1800 Van Home Cornelius Jane Garrabrants Cornelius G March 9, 1811 Van Home Cornelius Jane Garrabrants John April 18, 1813 Van Home Cornelius . . Jane Garrabrants Helen Nov. 1, 1815 Van Home Cornelius.. Jane Garrabrants Cornelius Oct. 14, 1820 Van Home Cornelius.. Jane Garrabrants Belina Dec. 14, 1822 Van Home Garret Margaret Gautier Eliza March 31,1816 Van Horne Garret Margaret Gautier John April 4, 1819 Van Home Garret Margaret Gautier Stephen S Dec. 9, 1823 Van Home Gerrit Trintje Garrabrants Myndert July 21, 1795 Van Home Henry Catherine Vreeland Gertrude March 17, 1811 Van Home Henry Catherine Vreeland Jacob Sept. 18, 1813 Van Horne Jacob Leah Earle Jacobus Dec. 15, 1793 Van Horne John Jannetje Garrabrants. ..Gerrit Sept. 11, 1790 Van Horne John Jannetje Garrabrants.. .Peter March 26, 1793 Van Horne John Jannetje Garrabrants. ..Daniel March 22. 1795 Van Home John Polly Preyer Jane June 10, 1810 Van Horne John Polly Preyer Jacob Tune 8, 1814 Van Horne John Polly Preyer Sarah Dec. 2, 1818 Van Home John G Hannah Van Rypen Catherine July 15, 1814 Van Horne Jolui G Hannah Van Rypen Garret April 20, 1820 Van Horne Myndert . . . ^Mary Sickles Garret. Sept. 26, 1817 Van Home Myndert. ..Mary Sickles Mary Feb. 10,1822 Van Horne Peter Ann Ross Agnes Nov. 3, 1818 Van Horne Peter Ann Ross Jane Jan. 12, 1821 Van Horne Peter Ann Ross John Jan. 23, 1823 Van Houten Annetje. ..Matje (bap) March 10, 1667 BIRTH RECORD. 383 FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. VanHouten Helmigli..Aagtje A'reeland Jenneke Nov. 13, 1756 Van Houten Helmigh.. Aagtje Vreeland.- Michael March 9,1761 Van Houten Hehiiigh . . Aagtje Vreeland Jenneke Oct. 16, 1762 Van Houten Helmigh . . Aagtje Vreeland Michael Dec. 17, 1768 Van Houten Helmigh.. Catherine Van Rypen.. Catherine Sept. 20, 1800 Van Houten Helmigh . . Catherine Van E ypen . . John Au". 27, 1803 Van Houten Helmigh . . Catherine Van R vpen . . Gerrit Sept 10, 1803 Van Houten Helmigh.. Catherine Van Rypen.. Elizabeth V. R July 23, 1611 Van Houten Helmigh.. Catherine Van Rypen..John April 29, 1814 VanHouten Helmigh.. Catherine Van Rypen.. Jane Nov. 7, 1816 VanHouten Helmigh.. Catherine Van Rypen.. Helmigh Jan. 12,1821 Van Houten Johannis Helmigsen Helena Johannise Vree- land Johannis (bap) June 17, 1735 Van Houten Johannis. .Aeltje Sickles Johannis Jan. 22, 1763 VanHouten Johannis.. Aeltje Sickles Sara Feb. 15, 1775 VanHouten Johannis.. Rachel De Maree Helmigh Aug 1, 1779 Van Houten Johannis.. Rachel De Maree Catrintje Nov. 14, 1781 Van Houten Johannis . . Rachel De Maree Aegie Aug. 27, 1783 Van Houten John Annatje Collerd Geertje Feb. 10, 1784 Van Houten John Annatje Collerd Johannis Feb. 11, 1789 Van Houten John Annatje Collerd Aeltje Jan. 9, 1791 Van Houten John Annatje Collerd Sara June 25, 1795 Van Houten John Annatje Collerd Annatje March 15, 1793 Van Houten John Annatje Collerd Johannis Aug. 27, 1802 Van Houten John Sarah Mandeville Nicholas M March 11, 1822 Van Houten John Sarah Mandeville John April 13, 1825 Van Kleeck Baltus Bar- entse Trintje Janse Buys Pieter (bap) Oct. 5, 1685 Van Kleeck Baltus Bar- entse Trintje Janse Buys Pieter (bap) Oct. 1, 1688 Van Laer Adrian Abigail Ver Planck Abraham Nov. 3, 1667 A'an Naamen Evert ....Wyntje Van Name Elysabet (bap) April 3, 1711 Van Nieuwkirk Gerret Mattheusen Catrintje Catrintje Aug. 9, 1731 Van Nieuwkii'k Paulus Mattheusen Helena Spier Catrina May 10, 1729 A'^an Nieuwkirk Paulus Mattheusen Helena Spier Catelyntje (bap) May 7, 1733 Van Nieuwkirk Paulus Mattheusen Helena Spier Barent (bap) March 12, 1738 Van Nieuwkirk Paulus Mattheusen Helena Spier Jannetje May 26, 1740 Van Ooglem Dirck Janse Elysabet Cornells Beelitje March 24, 1673 Van Reenan Gerrit Eltje Everts Evert (bap) Oct. 7, 1678 Van Reenan Gerrit Eltje Everts Jan (bap) April 2, 1683 Van Roon Rynier Josi- asen Constantine Van de Swaliii Josias (bap) April 6, 1686 384 BIRTH RECORD. FATHICR. MOTIIEK. CUILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Van R^'pen Cliristoplier,Geertje Van Houten.. ..Annatje April 10, 1803 Van Rypen Cliristopher,Geertje Van Houten Nancy July 23, 1804 Van Kvpen Chiistopher.Geertje Van Houten Henry Sept. 12, 1806 Van Rypen C'lirist()j)lier,Geei'tje A'an Houten John July 22, 1808 Van Rvpen Clirist()])liei-,Geertje Van Houten.. .. Alexander Nov. 25, 1812 Van Rypen C'bristo])lier,Geertje Van Houten Elizabeth Nov. 28, 1817 Van Kypen Chri.*toplier,Geert je Van Houten Gitty Sept. 15, 1820 Van Rypen Cliristopher,Geertje Van Houten Jane Dec. 8, 1823 Van Rypen Cornelis Elisabet Vreeland Daniel March 7, 1788 Van Rypen Cornelius . . Vrouwtje Gerritse Gerrit July 20, 1797 Van Rypen Cornelius . . Vrouwtje Gerritse Helena Sept. 24, 1799 Van Rypen Cornelius . . Vrouwtje Gerritse Derrick Sept. 10, 1801 Van Rypen Cornelius . . Aeltje Van Home John May 4, 1808 Van Rypen Cornelius . . Aeltje Van Home Cornelius April 8, 1813 Van Rypen Daniel Elisabet Ter Heun Catrintje Dec. 2, 17G2 Van Rypen Daniel Elisabet Ter Heun Cornelis May 23, 1767 Van Rypen Daniel Elizabeth Van Rypen ..Elizabeth Ann April 3, 1822 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland Michael Nov. 8, 1793 Van Rypen Derrick .... Jenneke Vreeland Elizabeth Nov. 22, 1795 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland Annatje June 25, 1797 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vi'eeland Aegle Dec. 19, 1801 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland Daniel Sept. 7, 1803 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland Cornelius March 17, 1805 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland Catherine Sept. 24, 1807 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland lane Dec. 27, 1809 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland George Sept. 23, 1811 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland Helena April 20, 1813 Van Rypen Derrick Jenneke Vreeland Letta Oct. 16, 1819 Van Rypen Garret Jannetje Winne Johannis May 10, 1783 A'^an Rypen Garret Jannetje Diedricks Jurrie July 20, 1767 Van Rypen Garret Eliza Van Wart Fanny G Oct. 3, 1820 Van Rypen Garret Eliza Van Wart Henry G Aug. 4, 1823 Van Rypen Garret C Hannah Evans Ann Elizabeth Feb. 19, 1818 Van Rypen Garret C. . . Hannah Evans Benjamin E May 9, 1820 Van Rypen Garret C. . . Hannah Evans Harriet E March 29, 1822 Van Rypen Garret C. . . Hannah Evans Benjamin June 23, 1824 Van Rypen Garret J Elizabeth Simonsou Eleanor V. H March 10,1819 Van Rypen Gerrit Catrintje Van Wagenen, Margrietje Oct. 10, 1775 Van Rypen Gerrit Catrintje Van Wagenen, Grietje Dec. 31, 1780 Van Rypen Gerrit Catrintje Van Wagenen, Catlyntje Nov. 29, 1782 Van Rypen Gerrit Catrintje Van Wagenen, Elisabet July 13, 1785 Van Rypen Gerrit Catrintje Van Wagenen, Margrietje Oct. 30, 1788 Van Rypen Gerrit Leena Vreeland Joris June 3, 1787 Van Rypen Gerrit Catrintje Van Rypen . . Annatje July 12, 1794 Van Rypen Michael Ceila Cadmus Catherine Sept. 22, 1817 Van Rypen Michael Celia Cadmus Richard Sept. 25, 1818 Van Rypen Michael Celia Cadmus Jasper Sept. 28, 1820 Van Rypen Michael Celia Cadmus Jane Jan. 4, 1823 Van Rypen Michael Celia Cadmus Catherine April 25, 1825 Van Vaert Benjamin Mary Wilson James W Dec. 8, 1809 BIRTH RECORD. 385 FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE OF UIKTH. Van Vaert Benjamin .... Mary Wilson Jacob March 20, 1812 Van A^aert Benjamin.... Mary Wilson Banj^imin Henry.... March 3, 1814 Van Vor.st Cornells Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag- enen) Me July 9, 1687 Van Vorst Cornelia Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag - enen) Hillegont ( bap) April 14, 1691 Van Vorst Cornel is Fi^je Gerrits (Van Wag- enen) Annetje Jan. 5, 1693 Van Vorst Cornelis Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag- enen) Ide (5th ch.) Dec. 24,1695 Van Voi'st Cornelis Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag- enen) Johannis May 7, 1697 Van Vorst Cornelis Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag- enen ) Hendrick Jan. 29, 1699 Van Vorst Cornelis Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag- enen) Cornelis March 8, 1700 Van Vorst Cornelis Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag- enen) Jacob May 7, 1702 Van Vorst Cornelis Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag- enen) Jeuneke March 8, 1704 Van Vorst Cornelis Fitje Gerrits (Van Wag- enen) Maritje May 22, 1706 Van Vorst Coi'uelius ...Annatje Van Hoorn Cornelius Sept. 6, 1753 Van Vorst Cornelius . . . Annatje A'^an Hoorn Johannis March 3. 1761 Van Vorst Corneli us . . . Annatje Van Hoorn Claesje Aug. 31, 1765 Van Vorst Cornelius Annatje Van Hoorn Neeltje Sept. 16, 1768 Van Vorst Cornelius .. .Hannah Gilbert Cornelius Aug. 6, 1794 Van Vorst Cornelius . . . Hannah Gilbert Susan Oct. 15, 1798 Van Vorst Cornelius Hannah Gilbert Anna March 26, 1803 Van Vorst Cornelius . . . Sarah S. Brower Elizabeth B Nov. 3, 1817 Van Vorst Cornelius Sarah S. Brower Susan Aug. 22, 1819 Van Vorst Cornelius Sarah S. Brower Cornelius March 7, 1822 Van Vorst Garret Cynthia Hennion Elizabeth Nov. 6, 1811 Van Vorst Garret Cynthia Hennion David Feb. 20, 1823 Van Vorst Ide Hilletje Jans Joanna (bap) April 16,1666 Van Vorst Jacob Christiua Evertson Sarah Feb.22, 1822 Van Vorst John Sarah Vasher Ann Eliza June 2, 1817 Van Vorst John Sarah Vasher Cornelia Nov. 15, 1818 Van Vorst John Sarah Vasher Sarah Frances Sept. 12, 1820 Van Vorst John Sarah Vasher John Sept 25, 1822 Van Wagenen Cornelius . Helena Bow Annatje Dec. 17, 1749 Van Wagenen Helmigh. Maritje BlinkerhofF AefRe Aug. 9, 1737 Van Wagenen Helmigh. Maritje Biinkerhoff Catlyntje Dec. 25, 1738 Van Wagenen Helmigh. Maritje Biinkerhoff Maritje April 7, 1741 Van Wagenen Jacob . . . Jannetje Van Houten. . .Jacobus (bap) March 8, 1736 Van Wagenen Jacob Jannetje Van Houten . . . Catlyntje July 23, 1744 Van Wagenen Jacob Jannetje Van Houten... Helena April 22, 1747 Van Wagenen Jacob . . . Aagtje Vreeland Annatje Dec. 31, 1757 Van Wagenen Jacob . . . Aegie Blinkerhof Claesje March 17, 1778 Van Wagenen Jacob . . .Aegie Blinkerhof Catlyntje Aug. 3, 1872 49 I >Ma 386 BIRTH RECORD. FATHER. MOrilEU. CHILD. DATE OF BIKTH. Van Wafrciien Jacob .. .Acfrie Blinkerliof Johannis July 27, 1785 Van Wa^'eiicn Jacob . ..Aegie Blinkerliof Hartman Nov. 15, 1790 Van A\'agenen Jacob Ger- ritse Lea Gerrits Gerrit May — , 1720 Van ^Vagenen Jacob Ger- ritse Lea Gerrits Neesje Sept. 2, 1724 Van Wagenen Jacob Ger- ritse Lea Gerrits Johannis Van Wagenen Jacob Ger- J> March 11,1727 ritse Lea Gerrits..^ Beelitje Van AVagenen Johannis. Neesje Van Wagenen. . .Jacob Oct. 7, 1751 Van Wagenen Johannis. Neesje Van Wagenen.. .Catlyntje Jan. 4, 1754 Van Wagenen Johannis. Neesje Van Wagenen.. .Leya Dec. 17, 1756 Van Wagenen Joliannis . Neesje Van Wagenen . . . Antje Sept. 25, 1761 Van Wagenen Johannis. Aeltje Vreeland Lea ...Dec. 4, 1759 Van Wagenen Johannis Gerritse Catlyntje Helmigse Aeltje Sept. 6, 1705 Van Wagenen Johannis Gerritse Catlyntje Helmigse .... Helmigh Feb. 18, 1708 Van Wagenen Johannis Gerritse Catlyntje Helmigse Gerrit Oct. 7, 1710 Van Wagenen Johannis Gerritse Catlyntje Helmigse .... Jannetje (6th ch.) ..Feb. 22, 1821 Van Winkle Abraham . . Antje Clendenny Walter Oct. 4, 1785 Van Winkle Abraham . . Antje Clendenny Walter March 26, 1787 Van Winkle Abraham . . Antje Clendenny Abraham Feb. 18, 1789 Van Winkle Abraham . . Antje Clendenny Eleanor Feb. 6, 1791 Van Winkle Abi'aham . . Antje Clendenny Rachel July 22, 1793 Van Winkle Abraham.. Antje Clendenny Nancy July 16, 1795 Van Winkle Abraham .. Antje Clendenny Catherine Jan. 11, 1798 Van Wi nkle Abraham . . Mary Gordon Joseph July 9, 1810 Van Winkle Abraham . . Mary Gordon Hannah July 29, 1811 Van Winkle Abraham.. Mary Gordon William G Jan. 27, 1815 Van Winkle Cornelius, Margrietje Van Rypen .. Garret V. E Dec. 30, 1807 Van Winkle Cornelius, Margrietje Van Rypen.. Ann Dec. 24, 1809 Van AVinkle Cornelius, Margrietje Van Rypen . . John July 3, 1812 Van Winkle Cornelius, Margrietje Van Rypen . . Daniel April 19, 1817 Van Winkle Cornelius, Margrietje Van Rypen . . Cornelius Dec. 25, 1819 Van Winkle Cornelius, Margrietje Van Rypen.. Catherine V. R Jan. 22, 1823 Van Winkle Daniel Jannetje Cornelise Vree- land Metje Dec. 31, 1710 Van Winkle Daniel Jannetje Cornelise Vree- land Aeltje April 13, 1712 Van Winkle Daniel Aeltje Juriaensen Juriaen Feb. 22, 1761 Van Winkle Daniel Aeltje Juriaensen Catrintje Jan. 30, 1765 Van Winkle Daniel Aeltje Juriaensen Hendrick Nov. 27, 1774 Van Winkle Daniel Antje Winne Cornelius Aug. 6, 1783 Van Winkle Daniel Antje Winne Aeltje April 11,1786 Van Winkle Daniel Antje Winne Jacob Oct. 28, 1788 Van Winkle Daniel Antje Winne Rachel Jan. 25, 1791 BIRTH RECORD. B87 FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATK OK BIRTH. Van Winkle Daniel Antje Winne Johannis Jan. 10, 1795 Van Winkle Daniel Autje Winne Daniel May 18, 1798 Van Winkle Garret Cornelia A^reelanil Daniel Feb. 21), 1802 Van Winkle Garret Cornelia Vreelaud John Nov. 25, 1804 Van AVinkle Garret Cornelia Vreeland Garret June 4, 1^07 Van Winkle Garret Cornelia Vreeland Michael Jan. 1(5, 1810 Van Winkle Garret Cornelia Vreeland Stephen June 15, 18i;{ Van Winkle Hendrick-.Catrintje Waldron Daniel (bap) March 4,1735 Van Winkle Hendrick. . Catrintje Waldron Johannis May 9, 1739 Van Winkle Hendrick.. Catrintje Waldron Joseph June 4, 1740 Van Winkle Hendrick .. Jannetj e Brouwer Catrina Jan. 26, 1772 Van Winkle Hendrick . . Sara Spier Raegel March 29, 1775 Van Winkle Hendrick . . Sara Spier Raegel Feb. 13, 1777 Van Winkle Hendrick . . Sara Spier Johannis Nov. 7, 1778 Van Winkle Hendrick . . Sara Spier Jacob Feb. 20, 1789 Van Winkle Hendrick.. Catelyntje Van Wagen- en Aeltje March 21, 1805 Van Winkle Hendrick.. Catelyntje Van Wagen- en Jacob Sept. 27. 1803 Van Winkle Hendrick.. Catelyntje Van Wagen- en Effie Sept. 11, 1818 Van Winkle Jacob Rachel Commegaer Daniel July 21, 1758 Van Winkle Jacob Rachel Commegaer Catrintje June 1, 1763 Van Winkle Jacob Rachel Commegaer Joseph May 18, 1768 Van Winkle Jacob Rachel Commegaer Lea Nov. 7, 1770 Van Winkle Jacob A. ..Sara Cadmus Abraham June 11, 1808 Van Winkle Jacob A. . . Sara Cadmus Catherine Feb. 11, 1810 A^'an Winkle Jacob A. . . Sara Cadmus Jasper May 24, 1812 Van Winkle Jacob A.. .Sara Cadmus Rachel Ann Feb. 2, 1814 Van Winkle Jacob D. . . Ann Vreeland Michael March 27, 1817 Van Winkle Jacob D. . . Ann Vreeland Ann W March 7, 1820 Van Winkle Jacob D. . . Aim Vreeland Daniel June 27, 1822 Van Winkle Jacob D...Ann Vreelaud Gitty Oct. 15, 1823 Van Winkle Jacob H. . . Mary Smith Sarah Ann Feb. 3, 1816 Van Winkle Jacob H. . . Mary Smith Fanny Aug. 5, 1817 Van Winkle Jacob H. . . Mary Smith Gloriana Feb. 20, 1824 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse Aeltje Daniels Jacob Sept. 19, 1676 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse Aeltje Daniels Margrietje Oct. 22, 1678 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse Aeltje Daniels Daniel July 28, 1681 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse Aeltje Daniels Johannis June 25, 1686 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse. Aeltje Daniels Simon Jan. 22, 1689 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse Aeltje Daniels (son) April 10, 1692 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse- Grietje Hendricks Hendrick Jan. 20, 1696 3SS MIUTH RECORD. FATHER. MOTHEU. CHILD. HATE OF UIKTH. Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse (iiietji! Jlentlricks Treitje Jan. 4, WJ7 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse Gi'ictjc Hendricks Tennis Dec. 21, 1698 Van Winkle Jacob Ja- cobse Grietjo Hendricks Samuel (bap) Jan. .5, 170.5 Van Winkle Joliu Geertje Diedricks Antje March 2, 1801 Van Winkle John Geertje Diedricks Hendrick Feb. 26, 1802 Van Winkle John Geertje Diedricks Sally April 27, 1805 Van Winkle John Geertje Diedricks Geertje March 29, 1807 Van Winkle John Geertje Diedricks John D March 7, 1810 Van Winkle Jolin Geertje Diedricks Jacob Feb. 26, 1815 Van Winkle John Geertje Diedricks Abraham April 6, 1818 Van Winkle John Geertje Diedricks Eachel July 30, 1820 Van Winkle Jurrie Antje Sip Garret Dec. 16, 1783 Van Winkle Jurrie Antje Sip Daniel May 13, 1787 Van Winkle Syuion Ja- cobse Annetje Arianse Sip Margrietje (bap) . . . . , 1676 Van Winkle Symon Ja- cobse Annetje Arianse Sip Jacob (bap) April 18, 1682 Van Winkle Symon Ja- cobse Annetje Arianse Sip Symon (bap) April 6, 1686 Van Winkle Symon Ja- cobse Annetje Arianse Sip Trintje (bap) April 2, 1C88 Van Winkle Symon Ja- cobse Annetje Arianse Sip Rachel (bap) Oct. — , 1690 Van Winkle Waling Ja- cobse Catrina Michielse Michael (bap) April 27, 1677 Van Winkle Waling Ja- cobse Catrina Michielse Trintje (bap) March 25, 1680 Van Winkle Waling Ja- cobse Catrina Michielse Johannis (bap) Oct. 2, 1682 Van Winkle Waling Ja- cobse Catrina Michielse Trintje (bap) June 27, 1687 Van Winkle Waling Ja- cobse Catrina Michielse Abraham (bap) April 22, 1690 Van Winkle Walter Phebe Tuers Cornelius March 19, 1809 Veder Harmanus Antje Hennion Garret Oct. 26, 1749 Veder Harmanus Antje Hennion Jacob Dec. 4, 1754 Veder Harmanus Antje Hennion Cornelius Feb. 27, 1758 Veder Harmanus Antje Hennion ....Maritje Dec. 27, 1760 Veder Harmanus Antje Hennion Ariantje May 12, 1763 Veder Harmanus Antje Hennion Cornelius Aug. 25, 1766 Ver Meule Adinan Christina Fredricks Fredrick , 1709 Ver Meule Adrian Christina Fredricks Lennitje April 8, 1712 Vernoy Cornells Hendrickje Jans .Dieuwer (bap) Oct. 5, 1685 Vreeland Abraham Margrietje Van Winckel,Enoch March 14, 1700 Vreeland Claas Catlyntje Sip Michael July 31, 1758 Vreeland Claas Antje Bassett Antje Feb. 28, 1762 Vreeland Claas Antje Bassett Elisabet May 30, 1764 BIRTH RECORD. 389 KATHEK. MOTHEll. CHILD. DATE OF MIRTH. Vreeland Claas Ant je Bassett Saara Oct. 1, 1766 Vreeland Claas Antje Basselt Beelitje April 17, 17' 4 Vreeland Claas Antje Bassett Stephen.. L May 31, 1778 Vreeland Claas Hart- manse 1 Annetje Harmans Hartnian March 10, 1698 Vreeland Cornells Catrina Cadmus Michael Nov. 24, 1757 Vreeland Cornells Catrina Cadmus Dirck May 25, 1760 Vreeland Cornells Catrina Cadmus Cornelius Sept. 20, 1762 Vreeland Cornells Mi- chielse Metje Dirckse (Braecke),Aeltje (,bap) April 18, 1682 Vreeland Cornells Mi- chielse Metje Dirckse (Braecke),i4th ch.) Sept. 18, 1694 Vreeland Cornells Mi- chielse Metje Dirckse (Braecke),Metje Oct. 3, 1698 Vreeland Cornelius Elizabeth Van Buskirk. Peter V. B Aug. 27, 1795 Vreeland Daniel Cornelia Newkirk Jane Nov. 5, 1813 Vreeland Daniel Coimelia Newkirk Michael Jan. 31, 1817 Vreeland Daniel Cornelia Newkirk Aaron N Dec. 4, 1819 Vreeland Daniel Cornelia Newkirk Gitty S April 17, 1822 Vreeland Dirck Neesje NeiflFe Fitje Aug. 16, 1751 Vreeland Dirck Neesje Neifle Metje Oct. 31, 1754 Vreeland Dirck Neesje Neiffe Leya Sept. 17, 1758 Vreeland EUasMichielse,Grietje Jacobs Ragel March 8, 1676 VreeiandEliasMichielse,Grietje Jacobs Jacob Aug. 9, 1678 Vreeland Enoch Keetje Kip Jons Aug. 16, 1771 Vreeland Enoch Mi- chielse Aagtje Van Hooren (son) March 6, 1705 Vi'eeland Enoch Mi- chielse Aagt^je Van Hooren Fit je Feb. 2, 1707 Vreeland Enoch Mi- cbielse Aagtje Van Hooren Joris (bap) Oct. 18, 1708 Vi-eeland Enoch Mi- cliielse Aagtje Van Hooren Joris Sept. 25, 1710 Vreeland Garret Jannetje Cadmus Jacob June 25, 1781 Vreeland Garret Jannetje Cadmus Annat je Feb. 15, 1784 Vreeland Garret Jannetje Cadmus Joris July 12, 1787 Vreeland Garret Jannetje Cadmus Jannetje April 5, 1790 Vreeland Garret M Jane Wiune Jane V. K July 9, 1818 Vreeland Garret M Jane Winne Gitty Jan. 7, 1820 Vreeland Garret M Jane Winne Anna Jane Jan. 27, 1822 Vreeland George Catherine Newkirk Garret Oct. 31, 1809 Vreeland George Catherine Newkirk Jane April 7, 1812 Vreeland George Catherine Newki rk Maria Jan. 28, 1814 Vreeland George Catherine Newkirk George Oct. 8, 1816 Vreeland George Catherine Newkirk Margaret July 23, 1818 Vreeland George Catherine Newkirk Hannah Jan 10, 1820 Vreeland George Catherine Newkirk Henry Dec. 'ZS, 1821 Vreeland George Catherine Newkirk Helen Dec. 22, 1823 Vreeland Hartman Mi- chielse Maritje Dirkse (Braecke) Aeltje (bap) Oct. 8, 1677 390 IHRTH RECOHD. FATHEU. MOTllEK. CHILD. DATE OF BIKTII. Vreeland Hartinan Mi-- chielse Maritje 1 )ii'ckse (Biaecke) Michael Dec. 31, 1678 Vrei'laiid Ilurtinaii Mi- thielse ..Maritje Dirckse (Braecke) Dirck April 3, 1681 A'^reeland Hartman Mi- cbielse Maritje Dirckse (Braecke) Fitje Feb. 21, 1633 Vreeland Hartmau Mi- chielse Mai-itje Dirckse (Braecke) Aeltje Oct. 19, 1685 Vreeland Hartman Mi- cliielse Maritje Dirckse (Braecke) Jannetje Sept. 14, 1692 Vreeland Hartman Mi- cliielse Maritje Dirckse (Braecke) Jan. 19, 1696 Vreeland Hartman Mi- chielse .....Maritje Dirckse (Braecke) Ariant je July 19, 1698 Vreeland Hartman Mi- chielse Maritje Dirckse (Braecke) Claas (bap) April 6, 1675 Vreeland He! magh :Eacbel Van Buskirk. ..Elizabeth Dec. 16, 1794 Vreeland Helmagh '. Rachel Van Buskirk Jannetje May 29, 1797 Vreeland Helmigh. ....Neeltje VaiiHoorn Michael Jan. 14, 1759 Vreeland Jacob Maritje Banta '. . Maritje , Dec. 5, 1768 Vreeland Jacob ........ Wyntje Der See Michael Oct . 11 , 1770 Vreeland Jacob Catlyntje Blinkerhof Henry March 23, 1804 Vreeland Jacob.. ...... Catlyntje Blinkerhof George Aug. 3, 1807 Vreeland Jacob Catlyntje Blinkerhof John Jan . 4, 1810 Vreeland Jacob ...Catlyntje Blinkerhof Cornelius Aug. 26, 1812 Vreeland Jacob ...Catlyntje Blinkerhof. . .Jacob ..Sept. 29, 1817 Vreeland Johannis ..Neeltje Hooglandt Michael April 18, 1768 Vreeland Johannis . .Neeltje Hooglandt Jannetje June 23, 1774 Vreeland Johannis Neeltje Hooglandt Keetje — , 1782 Veeeland Johannis Lena Garrabrants Joris Jan 10, 1779 Vreeland Johannis Jo- hannissen Annetje Diedricks Johannis July 30, 1731 Vreeland Johannis Mi- chielse Claesje Di rckse (Braecke) Dirck (bap) Oct. 11, 1686 Vreeland Johannis Mi- chielse Claesje Dirckse (Braecke) Aegtje (bap) April 22, 1690 Vreeland Johannis Mi- chielse Claesje Dirckse (Braecke) June 28, 1697 Vreeland Johannis Mi- chielse .Claesje Dirckse (Braecke)Johannis (5th son, 10th ch.).July 1, 1705 BIRTH RECORD. 391 FATHER. MOTHEU. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Vreeland John Keet je De Maree Neeltje July 20, 177G Vreeland John Keetje De Maree Catreintje March 8, 1780 Vreeland John Keetje De Maree Jannetje June 22, 1682 Vreeland John .Keetje De Maree (daughter) March 17, 1784 Vreeland John G Catherine Van Houten .Jane Tune 14, 1818 Vreeland John G Catherine Van Houten . Catalina May 18, 1824 Vreeland Joris Jannetje BlinkerhofF . . . Michael Oct. 31, 1781 Vreeland Joris Jannetje Blinkerhoff . . . Hartmau March 15, 1784 Vreeland Joris Jannetje Blinkerhoff .. .Annatje July 30, 1786 Vreeland Joris Jannetje BlinkerhofF .. .Cornelius Feb. 25, 1789 Vreeland Joris Jannetje BlinkerhofF. ..John Jan. 3, 1792 Vreeland Joris Jannetje Blinkerhofi". . . Clae.'sje Dec. 26, 1794 Vreeland Joris Jannetje BlinkerhofF. . .Hendrick ) ,^ ^ ,, ,_r..v . >• Oct. 11, 1797 Vreeland Joris Jannetje BlinkerhofF. . .Jacob ' Vreeland Joris Jannetje BlinkerhofF. . .Jacob July 5, 1800 Vreeland Joris ..Jannetje BlinkerhofF. . .Garret June 26, 1803 Vreeland Joris Jannetje BlinkerhofF. . . Jacob March 9, 1809 Vreeland Joris Enoch- sen Annetje Van Winkle . . . Aagtje Sept. 18, 1733 Vreeland Joris Enoch- sen ..Annetje Van Wagenen .. Enoch jSept. 22, 1737 Vreeland Joris Enoch- sen I Annetje Van Wagenen . . Gerrit May 18, 1739 Vreeland Joris Enoch- sen Annetje Van Wagenen . . Enoch Feb. 18, 1741 Vreeland Joris Enoch- sen Annetje Van Wagenen.. Johannis Sept. 21, 1749 Vreeland Joris Enoch- sen Annetje Van Wagenen . . Gerrit Nov. 1 , 1751 Vreeland Joris Enoch- sen Annetje Van Wagenen . . Jenneke Dec. 1, 1758 Vreeland Michael Annatje Vreeland Joris Jan. 31, 1762 Vreeland Michael Annatje Vreeland Annatje July 19, 1764 Vreeland Michael Annatje Vreeland John May 1, 1780 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Catley ntje Aug. 28, 1782 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Catleyntje Jan. 9, 1785 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Antje Dec. 14, 1786 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Nicholas Feb. 20, 1789 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Daniel Feb. 27, 1791 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Gerrit Jan. 31, 1793 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Abraham June 27, 1795 Vreeland Michael Geertje Sickles Geertruy Feb. 23, 1805 Vreeland Michael Annatje Garrabrants. ..Lybertje Aug. 14,1790 Vreeland Michael Annatje Garrabrants . . . Johannis , 1792 Vreeland Michael Annatje Garrabrants.. .Cornelia Dec. 24, 1794 Vreeland Michael Annatje Garrabrants. . . Annatje March 4, 1797 Vreeland Michael...... Annatje Garrabrants. ..Myndert July 1, 1800 Vreeland Michael Annatje Garrabrants... Michael Dec. 22, 1806 Vreeland Michael Aeltje Outwater Joris Jan. 25, 1802 Vreeland Michael Aeltje Outwater Anna Feb. 7, 1805 302 BIRTH RECORD. FATHER. MOTIIKU. CHILD. DATE OF BIRTH. Vreeland .Michael Aeltje Outwater Guilliam Feb. 19, 1807 yrccliiiHl Mii'liael Apltje Outwater Jacob June 10, 1808 Vreeland Micliael Aeltje Outwater Jane Aug. 2'1, •-10 Vreeland Michael Aeltje Outwater Matilda Jan. 6, 1813 Vreeland Micliael Aeltje Outwater Cornelius June 5, 1816 Vreeland Michael Aeltje Outwater Hartman Nov. 8, 1823 Vreeland Michael Cor- nelise Jenneke Heimigse Van Houten Helmigh Jan. 29, 1730 A' reel and Michael Cor- nelise Jenneke Heimigse Van Houten Aagtje Feb. 14, 1732 Vreeland Michael Cor- nelise Jenneke Heimigse Van Houten Dirck ~j Vreeland Michael Cor- I , , ,, ,^„„ -,,„,.„ > March 11, 1/37 nelise Jenneke Heimigse Van Houten Jacob J Vreeland Michael Cor- nelise Jenneke Heimigse Van Houten Johannis March 2, 1742 Vreeland Michael Hart- manse Elysabet Gerrits . . . (bap) March 30, 1724 Vreeland Michael Hart- manse Elysabet Gerrits Beeltje March 19, 1733 Vreeland Nicholas Hannah Winne Nicholas Aug. 7, 1816 Vreeland Peter Ann Vreeland Cornelius June 28, 1821 Vreeland Peter Ann Vreeland Janet July 31, 1823 Vreeland Stephen Jenneke Vreeland Antje Feb. 4, 1799 Vreeland Stephen Jenneke Vreeland Cornelia Nov. 15, 1801 Vreeland Stephen Jenneke Vreeland Elizabeth May 28, 1803 Vreeland Stephen Jenneke Vreeland Maria Dec. 10, 1809 Vreeland Stephen Jenneke Vreeland Isabella Jan. 26, 1813 Vreeland Stephen Jenneke Vreeland Eliza Feb. 18, 1816 Vreeland William Catherine Sickles Jane Maria Sept. 23, 1823 Waldron Joseph Aeffie Heilsaaken Antje Feb. 27, 1740 Waldron Joseph Aeffie Heilsaaken Sara Jan. 14, 1742 Waldron Joseph Aeffie Heilsaaken Benjamin Aug. 3, 1745 Waldron Joseph Antje Diedricks Geertruy Nov. 11,1759 Waldron Joseph Antje Diedricks Joseph Jan . 25, 1764 Waldron Joseph Antje Diedricks Geertruy Feb. 11, 1766 Waldron Joseph Antje Diedricks Johannis Nov. 17, 1769 Waldron Joseph Helena Ryerson John Aug. 19, 1792 Waldron Joseph Helena Ryerson Joseph Dec 29, 1693 Waldron Joseph Helena Ryerson Teunis Aug. 10, 1795 Waldron Joseph Helena Ryerson Antje March 23, 1797 Waldron Joseph Helena Ryerson Richard Dec. 28, 1798 Waldron Joseph Helena Ryerson Martin Jan. 4, 1800 Waldron Joseph Helena Ryerson Johannis July 5, 1801 BIRTH RECORD. 393 FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. D.VTK OF HIRTH Waldron Joseph Helena Ryerson Jacob June 23, 1804 Waldron Joseph Jacomynt je Chambers . . Annat je Oct. 20, 1803 Waldron Joseph Jacomyntje Chambers.. Daniel Aug. 19, 1810 Waldron Joseph Jacomyntje Chambers.. Helen Aug. 20, 1815 Wauters Merselis Penelope Post Egbert Sept. 21, 180G Wauters Merselis Penelope Post Sarah P April 13,1811 Wauters Merselis Penelope Post John Dec. 28, 1813 Wauters Merselis Penelope Post Elizabeth Sept. 6, 1821 Welsh Archer G Margaret Stager Alexander F Dec. 1, 1824 Welsh Benjamin F Elizabeth Rapp Adriana Aug. 27, 1810 Welsh Benjamin F Elizabeth Rapp Hannah Aug. 14, 1812 Welsh Benjamin F Elizabeth Rapp James May 14, 1814 Welsh Benjamin F Elizabeth Rapp Hannah June 27, 1816 Welsh Benjamin F Elizabeth Rapp Gertrude R Nov. 17, 1818 Welsh Benjamin F Isabella Lewis John Dec. 28, 1820 Welsh Benjamin F Isabella Lewis Daniel March 2, 1823 Welsh Daniel Catherine Van Winkle . . Mai-y Ann C July 23, 1818 Welsh Daniel Catherine Van Winkle.. Hannah March 19, 1821 Welsh Daniel Catherine Van Winkle. . Benjamin F Sept. 1, 1823 Welsh Daniel Catherine Van Winkle.. Catherine W Sept. 30, 1824 Welsh James Annatje Brown Alexander May 21, 1794 Welsh James: Annatje Brown Mary March 17, 1796 Welsh James Annatje Brown Archer G July 18, 1798 Welsh John Gertrude Rapp Elizabeth Dec. 30, 1810 Welsh John Gertrude Rapp James W Sept. 17, 1812 Welsh John Gertrude Rapp Henry R May 23, 1814 Welsh John Gertrude Rapp John F July 21, 1816 Welsh John Gertrude Rapp Adam R April 16, 1818 AVelsh John Gertrude Rapp Benjamin F Oct. 2, 1820 Welsh John Gertrude Rapp Abner B Sept. 14, 1822 Welsh Jolm Gertrude Rapp Hannah M. G. L. . . . Nov. 19, 1824 Welsh John Annetje Wilson Gerrit May 29, 1784 . Williams William Margaret Heaton Margaret Jan. 31, 1805 WinneEdo Aeltje Toers Annatje Nov. 30, 1794 WinneEdo Aeltje Toers Jannetje June 8, 1797 Winne Edo Aeltje Toers Antje Dec. 17, 1799 WinneEdo Aeltje Toers Nicholas Feb. 1, 1809 Winne Johannis Aeltje Diedricks Antje Nov. 11, 1759 Winne Johannis Aeltje Diedricks Jannetje Feb. 5, 1762 Winne Johannis Aeltje Diedricks Martin Nov. 24, 1766 Winne John S 1 .Mary Smith John July 17, 1817 Winne John S Mary Smith Eleanor P April 23, 1822 Winne Levinus Aimetje Sip Antje May 18, 1754 Winne Levinus Annetje Sip Martin Sept. 25, 1758 Winne Levinus Annetje Sip Ide May 22, 1763 Winne Levinus Annetje -Sij) Ide May 3, 1767 Wimie Martin Jannetje Johannisen Vreeland Antje (3d ch ) Apriri5, 1723 Winne Martin Jannetje Johannisen Vreeland Marit je (5th ch.) March 6, 1730 5° 394 BIRTH EECOED. FATHER. MOTHER. CHILD. DATE CF BlITH. Winiie Martin Margrictje Bauta Joliannis July 8, 1789 Winne ^Marliii Margi iot jc Banta Aeltje June 18, 1792 Winne Martin Margrictje Banta Aeltje June 27, 1794 Winne Martin Geertrny Sickles Joliannis ) ^ Winne Martin Geertrny Sickles Elizabeth ) ^ ' Winne Martin Geertrny Sickles Levinus Jan. 7, 1796 Winne Martin Geertruy Sickles Levinus June 24,1799 Winne Martin Rachel Van Winkle .... Sally Dec. 22, 1797 Winjie Martin Eachel Van Winkle Cornelius Nov. 18, 1799 Winne Martin Eachel Van Winkle Aeltje April 4, 1804 Winne Mai tin K acliel Van Winkle Henry Oct. 5, 1807 Winjie Martin Eachel Van Winkle William June 23, 1811 Winne Martin Rachel Van Winkle Jacob Feb. 20, 1813 Wood Abram Rhenty Clendenny Mary July 31, 1794 Wood Abram Rhenty Clendenny Walter May 3, 1796 Wood Walter Sarah Post Abram P Jan. 7, 1819 Wood Walter Sarah Post Jane D Feb. 1, 1821 Wood Walter :Sarah Post Peter Aug. 13, 1823 Wood William Mary Waldron Helen Feb. 28, 1811 Wood William Mary Waldron John B June 15, 1815 Wood William Mary Waldron Anna Maria Sept. 15, 1818 Wood William Mary W^aldron Eliza AUg. 13, 1820 York Jan Elisabet Coenmoef Hendrick Feb. 8. 1754 York John Ariantje Smith John Feb. 8, 1775 Young John Martha De Mott John W June 9, 1824 Zabriskie Albert Catherina Van Houten. .Albert Feb. 7, 1805 . Zabriskie Casparus Annetje Vreeland .Michael May 31, 1785 Zabriskie Jacob Caty Van Houten John Aug. 28, 1807 Zabriskie John Aegie Diedricks Albert July 6, 1806 Zabriskie John Aegie Diedricks Albert June 21, 1811 DEATHS. NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Abrahamse Cornells, of Pemmerpook Jan. 3, 1677 Ackermaii Jacob July 19, 1825 Ackerman Peter May 8, 1S25 Aerts Hilletje, icife of Bartel Claesen (?) March 2, 1698 Airess Eliza, daughter of Elisba June 16, 1805 Allen Jacob P July 7, 1836 Anderson Catherine Aug. 23, 1819 Anderson Jane May 6, 1804 Anderson John March 24, 1837 Anderson John, son of W^illiam . . : Aug. 12, 1804 Anderson Mary Nov. 1, 1827 Anderson Mary, daughter of William Oct. 3, 1802 Andrews Joel Dec. 16, 1835 Andries Michael April 22, 1748 BIRTH RECORD. 895 NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Andriesen Catrina April 8, 1735 Arabia Jolm June 7, 1807 AtkiiLS Jolm Dec. 21, 1804 Avery Olivia June 26, 1831 Baker Benjiiiuin Feb. 14, 1832 Baldwin Catreintje, wife of Peter Post May 6, 1733 Baldwin Cornelia Jans, loife of Jan Willemse Gessiger May 18, 1696 Baldwin EJias Dec. 31, 1825 Baldwin Hendrick Jansen Feb. 18, 1694 Baldwin Keetje, wife of Jolin Sipper Dec. 19. 1789 Balld Jane Jan. 13, 1825 Bannister Joseph April 3, 1813 Ban ta' Aelt je April 16, 1803 Banta Margrietje, %cife of Mai-tin Winne Jan. 5, 1795 Barret James Dec. 3, 1779 Barrow Dr. William Aug 1, 1846 Bedle William June 24, 182 Beekman Christopher Sept. 26, 1799 Bell Harriet M Nov. 8, 1825 Bend Eoswell D Aug. 3, 1835 Benson Jolm A Jan. 28, 1835 Benson Maiy Aug. 15, 1838 Bent Emelia March 17, 181 Blach John Nov. 27, 1822 Boesteen Corneli us Jan. 26, 1807 Bokkenove Keetje Sept. 29, 1779 Bond Joseph Nov. 27, 1808 Boutou William Nov. 9, 1822 Bow Geertruy, xcife of Abraham Diedricks June 7, 1777 Bow Johu Sept. 6, 1781 Boyd Eleanor March 21, 1840 Boyd Maria, widow of Andrew Feb. 11, 1850 Boyd Thomas Feb. 13, 1825 Boyd William July— 1831 Braambush William March 18, 1797 Brant Nathan May 14, 1837 Brestede Treintje, wife of Tomas Fransen April 8, 1706 Bridget Mrs Sept. 2, 1819 BrinkerhofiF Aagtje Feb. 20, 1761 Brinkerhoif Claesje, loife of Gerrit Croese March 21, 1787 Brinkerhoff Cornelius (97 years old) Sept. 1, 1770 Brinkerhoff Cornelias, son of Hartman Dec. 9, 1772 Brinkerhoff Cornelius June 13, 1850 Brinkerhoff Eleanor Jan. 28, 1834 Brinkerhoff Geesje, xoife of Cornelius Bogert May 3, 1783 Brinkerhoff Hartman Ju'j 1^' 1^32 Brinkerhoff Hendrick ^"S- 12. 1 ' 95 Brinkerhoff Henry *^larch 12, 1833 Brinkerhoff Jane J«ne 2, 1834 396 DEATH EECOKD. NA>IK. DATB OF DEATir. Bniikcrlioff- Jiiiiet Pec. 30. 1817 ]{) iiikonioff Leali Jub' 7, 1821 Urinki'ihoft" Mnigiietje, wife of Mattys De Mott Dec. 12, 1754 lirinkerhoff Walter, son of Hartraan Sept 22, 1805 Brinkerhoff Walter C March 11, 1613 Britain Cornelius Sept. 30, 1832 Brooks William Oct. 27, 1778 ' Brouwer Leah, dauyliter of Jacobus Nov. 7. 1778 Brown Daniel Feb. 9, 1817 Brown Eliza July IG, 1814 Brown Lawrence, son of Thomas July 4, 1767 Brown Thomas Oct. 31, 1782 Broyn John Jan. 22, 1816 Bryant Mrs Jan. 19, 1825 Budd Harriet Feb. 28, 1809 Budd Joseph May 11, 1812 Bush Ann July 20, 1818 Bush Ellen Jane Aug. 3, 1825 Butler Louisa A Sept. 26, 1822 Bujs Daniel, son of Johannis Dec. 31, 1775 Cadmus Andrew Aug. 27, 1832 Cadmus Catalina Aug. 2, 1831 Cadmus Catherine Aug. 11, 1822 Cadmus Catherine Nov. 20, 1835 Cadmus Catreintje, damjliter of Dirck Fredricksen Oct. 22, 1732 Cadmus Derrick, son of Joris Sept. 6, 1804 Cadmus Dirck Oct. 5, 1746 Cadmus Dirck, son of Joris July 16, 1767 Cadmus Fredrick. Nov. 8, 1745 Cadmus Fredrick (young man) Jan. 12, 1753 Cadmus Henry Aug. 30, 1819 Cadmus Jannetje May 27, 1760 Cadmus Jenneke June 29, 1795 Cadmus Johannis, son of Dirck Sept. 28, 1746 Cadmus John July 26, 1832 Cadmus Joris April 2, 1781 Cadmus Michael Sept. 3, 1772 Cadmus Eichard March 12, 1839 Cadmus Rutgert (buried at Tappan) Sept. 17, 1746 Call Solomon S March 16, 1820 Car John Jan. 9, 1807 Carelse Carel Jan. 5, 1684 Carmer Nicholas May 4, 1820 Carmichael David Aug. 22, 1747 Carpenter Theodore July 6, 1825 Carr David..... Feb. 5, 1809 Castle Mary, daughter of William Sept. 5, 1803 Chay A Aug. 10, 1822 Claes Anna, wife of Arent Lourens Toers Oct. 19, 1681 DKATIl RECORD. 397 NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Claes Maritje, widow of Gerbrnnd Claesen Oct. — , 1714 Claes , son of Jan Claesen Dec. 14, 1698 Claes Vrouwt je wife of Gerrit Steinmets Nov. 8, 1686 Claesen Andries Aug. 7, 1710 Claesen Arien, brother of Capt. Gerbrand Claesen April 9, 1703 Claesen Battel Nov. 11, 1700 Claesen Christina Oct. 12, 1668 Claesen Dirck (Breacke) March 26, 1693 Claesen Capt. Gerbrand June 19, 1703 Claeseii Jan July 9, 1705 Clark Abraham Aug. 21, 1799 Clendenny Abraham Dec. 2, 1813 Clendenny Aeltje, dauyhter of Walter Nov. 6, 1786 Clendenny Claesie Sept. 28, 1814 Clendenny Elysabet, daughter of Walter June 25, 1778 Clendenny Elizabeth, wife of Merselis Clendenny Jan. 28, 1807 Clendenny Hartman B Nov. 12, 1810 Clendenny John, son of Walter Sept. 24, 1793 Clendenny Merselis Oct. 10, 1820 Clendenny Neeltje, daughter of Moses Sept. 3, 1793 Clendenny Walter Aug. 7, 1822 Clendenny Walter J Dec. 31, 1818 Clintock John Dec. 3, 1814 Coerten Geurt Aug. 27, 1701 Cole Thomas Jan. 13, 1815 Cole William April 9, 1812 Coleman Wilham July 17,1832 Collerd Abraham March 5, 1831 Collerd Edward Oct. 5, 1830 Collerd Jacob : Sept. 24, 1796 Collerd Jacob Sept. 17, 1842 Collerd Jacobus, son of Jacob Nov. 27, 1795 Collerd James Aug. 11, 1791 Collerd John, son. of Johannis Sept. 27, 1792 •Collerd John Dec. 6, 1829 Collerd John A Feb. 9, 1826 Collerd Mary Sept. 4, 1837 Colony Peter July 22, 1822 Conk John April 12, 1842 Cook Daniel Aug. 12, 1841 Cook Margaret Sept. 10, 1827 Cooper Ann Letitia May — , 1835 Cooper William Aug. 12, 1834 Cornelis Dirckje, wife of Hendrick Teunise Hollinge Oct. 22, 1698 Cornells Elysabet, widoio of James Van Kossen Nov. 9. 1689 Cornelis Grietje, loife of Jacob Lubi May 11, 1670 Cornelise Jannetje, daughter of Mattheus May 15, 1691 Cornelison Catherine C Sept. 15,1821 Cornelison Helen Oct. 18, 1836 Cornelison John, son of Rev. Johannis Feb. 26, 1796 898 i>i:atii kecohd. NAME. DATE OF DEATU. Cornelisoii h'ov. John Marcli '20, 1828 Cornoli.soii Mattlii-iis May 12, 1705 Cornelison William May 14, 1828 Cos Claes Pieterson ^^-pt. 21, 1704 Coulter Catharine, daughter of William Dec. 21, 1800 Coulter Chariottc Dec. 30, 1824 Coulter Harriet Sept. 4, 1823 Coulter Jacob April 23, 1813 Coulter Mary Oct. 1, 1814 Coulter Mary Dec- 2, 1820 Coulter Mary March 17, 1831 Coulter William Oct. 23, 1818 Cozine Phebe Aug. 1, 1835 Cram Rachel Ann Sept. 1, 1811 Crane James, son of Morris Aug. 17, 1809 Crane William Aug. 7, 1818 Crosby Mrs Oct. 15, 1825 Cubberly John Nov. 4, 1821 Cubberly Mary Oct. 14,1832 Cubberly Thomas, son of Isaac Feb. 1, 1807 Cubberiy Thomas - May 31, 1836 Cubberiy Thomas jr Jan. 24, 1812 Cully George Jan. 23, 1812 Cuper Mary Jan. 20, 1605 Curry Joseph - - - - Dec. 20, 1814 Daken Sarah Oct. 25, 1813 Daniels Aeltje, wife of Jacob Jacobse Van Winkle June 2, 1692 Daniels John June 1, 1846 Daniels Mrs Jan. 18, 1838 Darcy Augustine June 28, 1811 Davison Elizabeth Aug 4, 1813 Davison John June 11, 1813 Day Hannah July 3, 1845 Day Keziah Nov. 22, 1836 De Graw Jacob Aug. 17, 1831 De Graw Mayeke, wife of Abel May 23, 1774 De La Grange Johannis Maj' 6, 1748 De Ija Grange Metje, widow of Johannis .- Feb. 1, 1753 De Mott Claesje, wife of Cornelius Van Vorst March 4, 1788 DeMott Elizabeth V. R Feb. 2, 1815 De Mott Esther G April 4, 1840 DeMott Garret Sept. 19,1833 De Mott Garret G March 30, 1822 DeMott Jane July 14, 1826 De Mott Johannis, son of Mattys Dec. 8, 1740 De Mott John, son of Michael March 27, 1740 De Mott Joris Sept. 9, 1800 De Mott Margaret E Aug. 26, 1826 DeMott, daughter of Mattys [gesie (gelyd) op't Oude Kerck bos].. April 11, 1744 DEATH RECORD. 399 ^A-MB. DATE OP DFATH. De Mott Matt js March 18, 1755 De Mott Michael Nov. 16, 1779 De Mott Micliael May i , 1832 De Sniit Francois Oct. 20, 1686 De Sue John Aj)! il 12, 1820 De Witt Jan, (of N. Y.) Oct. 14, 1747 De Witt Louis May 18, 1837 De Witt Mary Dec. 20, 1889 De Witt Mrs Jan. 6, 1834 De Young John April 2, 1813 Dennison Elizabeth Jan. 7, 1834 Dennison Isaac May 13, 1834 Dennison James March 30, 1822 Denny Elizabeth Sept. 14, 1811 Diedricks Abraham Feb. 6, 1799 Diedricks Aegie, daughter of Johannis July 30. 1774 Diedricks Aeltje, n-ife of Johannis Winne June 2, 1771 Diedricks Aeltje Jan. 23, 1753 Diedricks Ann March 1, 1816 Diedricks Annetje, daughter of Hendrick Dec. 26, 1699 Diedricks Antje, wife of Johannis Yreeland Sept. 19, 1780 Diedricks Antje, daughter of Daniel Oct. 2, 1781 Diedricks Cornelius Dec. 6, 1775 Diedricks Daniel May 24, 1795 Diedricks Daniel April 8, 1822 Diedricks Gertrude, wife of James Collerd Sept. 25, 1794 Diedricks Hans Sept. 30, 1698 Diedricks Hester, 2d wife of Johannis June 9, 1777 Diedricks Jacob June 14, 1746 Diedricks Johannis Nov. 3, 1772 Diedricks Margrietje, wife of Johannis July 11, 1772 Diedricks Wander Aug. 13, 1732 Dircks Beelitje, zcife of Gerrit Juriansen May 20, 1745 Dircks Elisabet Oct. 4, 1668 Dircks Mr Feb. 12, 1815 Dixon Eleanor Nov. 12, 1808 Dod Eva, daughter of Thomas Aug. 5, 1767 Doegg Mrs March 20, 1833 Dorenius Cornelius Jan. 23, 1831 Doremus Helmigh, son of Hendrick Feb. 7, 1778 Doremus Henry Nov. 15, 1834 Doughty Ann, wife of Sylvester Van Buren Aug. 22, 1800 Douglas Mr Feb. 27, 1822 Douglas , wife of Wilhum Aug. 6, 1683 Druyts Lourens - Jan. 16, 1668 Dunlap Mr. I'«l»- 7, 1824 Eagles Mr Dec. 13, 1824 Fares Samuel I>ec. 27, 1819 Earle Edward sen., of Secaucus l^^c lo, 1/11 400 DEATH RECORD. NAME. DATE OF DEATH, Earle Enoch J"n« 12, 1803 Earle Enocli March 8, 1849 Earle Henry July 4, 1809 Earle James Jan. 3, 1816 Earle Mar^'aret Feb. 2, 1838 Earle Mrs Dec. 27, 1810 Earle Kynier Sept. 21, 1834 Earle William Dec. 5, 1815 Ebhyen Elizabeth March 16,1801 Edgar William Sept. 21, 1815 Edge Fanny Feb. 12, 1824 Edge Mary Feb. 10, 1815 Eiderstein Styntje, wife of Johannis E verse July 19, 1781 Ellis Mrs ...Oct. 30, 1810 Elsworth Mr Dec. 13, 1824 EastisMary Jan. 28, 1841 E verse Barbara, 2d wife of Johannis Sept. 13, 1766 E verse Barent, son of Barent April 7, 1783 Everse Barent, son of Barent March 7, 1788 Everse Barent Jan.' 16, 1793 E verson Catherine, widow of Jacob Oct. 9, 1842 E verson Helen Dec. 27, 1830 Everson Jacob Aug. 15, 1832 E verson James Sept. 7, 1832 E vei-son Johannis, son of Johannis Oct. 26, 1780 Everson Johannis Sept. 18, 1802 Everson Sarah Jan. 8, 1834 Everson Scytje Dec. 1, 1795 FanshawMr Feb. 10, 1842 Farr John Aug. 25, 1819 FarrMrs Feb. 16,1826 Fielding Effie Feb. 24, 1813 Fielding Henry Oct. 3, 1779 Fleishman Mary Arm July 1, 1825 Floyd Dr. Samuel Aug. 18, 1822 Foster John Feb. 2, 1825 FranseDirck Oct. 25, 1691 Fransen Gerrit, son of Geertruy t Gerrits of Pemerpo May 8, 1679 FuhrMrs July 29, 1840 Garrabrants Caterina July 31, 1803 Garrabrants Cornelius Feb. 20, 1774 Garrabrants Cornelius, son of Peter Feb. 25, 1802 Garrabrants Cornelius June 21, 1814 Garrabrants Cornelius March 22, 1845 Garrabrants Cornelius P May 5, 1841 Garrabrants Garrabrant, son of Gerbrand Claesen Sept. 7, 1697 Garrabrants Garrabrant March 29, 1791 Garrabrants Garrabrant, son of Cornelius Dec. 29, 1786 DEATH RECORD. 401 NAME. DATE OP DEATH. Garrabrants James Aug. 9 1816 Garrabrants James Sept. 10, 1822 Garrabrants Jane Jan. 1 1812 Garrabrants Jane April 9, 1826 Garrabrants Jannetje, %vife of Cornelius Nov. 26 1771 Garrabrants Jannetje, wife of Cornelius Oct. 28, 1772 Garrabrants John, son of Myndert Au^ . 28, 1804 Garrabrants Lybertje May 3, 1803 Garrabrants Maritje March 6, 1794 Garrabrants Myndert Maj'' 5 1781 Garrabrants Myndert I Sept. 20, 1814 Garrabrants Myndert July 29, 1825 Garrabrants Myndert Sept. 3, 1846 Garrabrants Myndert jr May 1, 1837 Garrabrants Neeltje, daughter of Cornelius Aug. 3, 1776 Garrabrants Peter Jan. 13, 1807 Garrabrants Peter .Dec. 24, 1825 Garrabrants Tunis May 15, 1760 Garrabrants Trintje, loife of Myndert July 21, 17 53 Garretson Garret July 28, 1811 Garretson Hessel Jan. 19, 1831 Garretson Ren S Sept. 11, 1833 Garretson Stephen J Sept. 13, 1841 Garrit William Oct. 14, 1836 Gerrits Elisabet, icidow of Peter Heselse Feb. — , 1728 Gerrits Geertruy, loidow of Cornelius Abrahamse Oct. 11, 1680 Gerrits Geesje, loife of Jan Straatmaker Feb. 11, 1700 Gerrits Jannetje, loife of Casper Steinmets Jan. 12, 1670 Gerrits Jurian July 29, 1739 Gerrits Lysbet, ividow of Gerrit Gerrits, of Bergen Jan. 24, 1707 Gerritse Gerrit Feb. 28, 1697 Gerritsen Gerrit, 2vidower of Annetje Herman April 6, 1703 Gerritsen Gei-rit jr Dec. 4, 1803 Gerritsen Hessel -Aug. 23, 1803 Greenlief Joseph Nov. 6, 1840 Griffin Engeltje Sept. 29, 1800 Griffin Mary Ann Sept. 2, 1824 Grimes Elizabeth , Nov. 24, 1795 Hansem Annetje, wife of Claas Hartmansen Vreeland Dec. — , 1698 HarmanseHans Oct. 26, 1700 Harpis Mary, wife of Michael Dirckse, son of Dirck Teunise and Jannetje Michielse Vreelant J"ly 22, 1690 Harrison Hannah E Sept. 2, 1839 Hartmans Fitze, widow of Michiel Jansen Oct. 17, 1697 Harvey Capt July 7, 1819 Hasket Elizabeth Jan- 29, 1817 Heath Mary Ann Jan. 22, 1837 Hedden Barney Jan- '*; 1^15 Hendrick Cornelia, wife of Isaac Van Giesen ^^pt • 7, 1707 SI 402 DEATH RECORD. NAME DATE OF DEATH, Hendrickse Joris, son of Hcndrick Jorise Feb. 5, 1692 Hendrickse Samuel Jan. 24, 1694 Hcndiicksen Maritje Aiianse, widoiv of Thomas Dec. 10, 1702 Hendiicksen Tliomas May 19, 1702 HennellJohn March 5, 1830 Hcnnion Cathelina July 22, 1832 Henuioi) David June 30, 1819 Hennion Garret Oct. 9, 1795 Herman Annetje, wife of Gerrit Gerritsen Sept. 7, 1696 Herrington Phebc Ann Aug. 16, 1813 Hesselse Pieter Aug. 30, 1688 HineEffie Oct. 27, 1819 HineeMr Dec. 29, 1832 Holmes Catherine Oct. 10, 1843 Holmes Martha Aug. 30, 1829 Holmes Patty Feb. 5, 1826 Holmes Samuel Nov. 15, 1812 Hoogland Fitje Jan. 20, 1796 Hopper Catrina, ^oife of Fredrick Thomasen May 8, 1716 Hornblower Elizabeth, loife of Thomas B. Gautier May 29, 1844 Homblower James. ^--. June 21, 1828 ' Hornblower John . !T'-' Nov. 8, 1833 , Hornblower Merselis Henry Aug. 8, 1814 Hornblower Dr. Josiah May 7, 1848 Hornblower Dr Josiah jr Jan. 24, 1824 Howland John C -.-.... Sept. 1, 1817 Hudson Harriet, daughter of George Sept. 28, 1805 Huflf George Nov. 23, 1820 Hyre Walter Sept. 23, 1813 Jackson Abram Aug. 20,1831 Jackson Ann May 3, 1810 Jackson Annatje, daughter of Eev. William Sept. 30, 1767 Jackson Annatje, wife of Patrick Sept, 13, 1 779 Jackson Annatje Jan. 13, 1758 Jackson Eva, daughter of Rev. William Sept. 27, 1774 Jackson Fernandas, son of Rev. William Jan. 7, 1772 Jackson Jemima July 11, 1813 Jackson Patrick July — , 1829 Jackson Robert, son of Eev. William May 1, 1779 Jackson Rev. W illiam July 25, 1813 Jacobs Aeltje, ivife of Poulus Douweson June 8, 1698 Jacobs Neesje, wife of Dirck Claesen Braecke Dec. 23, 1668 Jacobs Tryntje, wife of Casper Steinmets May 11, 1677 Jacobus George Aug. 21, 1836 Jacobus Marj"- Aug. 15, 1819 Jans Catrina, daughter of Jan Lubbertse .April 11, 1695 Jans Hilletje, ividow of Cornelis Van Yorst July 18, 1705 Jans Metje, wife of Jan Janse Van Blerrekom Oct. 22, 1706 Janse Maddaleentje, widow of Hendrick Janse Spier June 12, 1679 DEATH RECORD. 403 NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Jansen Joris, son of Jannetje Jansen Aii"-. 17, 1776 Jerolamou Anna Aii"-; 13 1334 Jerolaiuon James Au". 24 18:54 Jerolanion Leonora April 18, 1832 Johnson Isabella July 21, 1836 Johnson Joan Aug, 11, 1822 Jones Abraliam Nov. 10, 1810 Jones David Nov. 25, 1821 Juriansen Aeltje, daughter of Gerrit Sept. 30, 1710 Jurianseu Aeltje May 13 1746 Juriansen Beeiitje, daughter of Margrietje Sept. 8, 1748 Kear Charlotte Tan. 3, 1804 Kear Cornelius, son of David Sept. 10, 1803 Kells Elizabeth; ividow of James ilay 25, 1844 Kells James, son of James June 9, 1796 Kells James Aug. 20, 1824 Kells John Jan. 15, 1835 Kells Susanna, daughter of James Aug. 2, 1795 Kells Susanna Jlay 16, 1808 Kelly Lea .' Sept. 26, 1800 Kiersted Cornelius Aug. 23, 1757 Kip Abraham, son of Peter No v. 8, 1802 Kuyper Annetje, widow of Claas Jansen Jan. 12, 1725 Kuyper Claas Jansen Nov. 30, 1688 Kuyper Dirck Claesen, son of Claas Jansen Jan. 28, 1G92 Ku\7)er Hendrick March 16, 1755 Kuyper Jannetje, 2d wife of Hendrick Ap ril 1, 1772 Kuyper Sarah, icife of Johannis Jurianse July 2, 1741 Lamb Samuel Feb. 7, 1825 Lamar Anna - - - - Sept. 15, 1799 Lary John May 25, 1832 Layman George Sept. 17, 1822 Layman Maria Feb. 26, 1834 Le Grange Margrietje, 2d wife of Jacobus Van Buskirk Jan. 6, 1774 Lewis Timothy June 13, 1777 Linderman Alexander Aug. 20, 1818 Linzi Ballje, loife of John Van Derhoof Dec. 10, 1789 Little Joseph Nov. 5, 1814 Lozier Albert, son. of Dirck Jan 10, 1777 Lozier Christopher , Ju'ie 3, 1848 Lozier Maritje Aug. 29, 1797 Lozier Moses ^^^- "> 1""^" Lubbertse Jan, son of Lubbert Lubbertse of Ne w York Aug. 23, 1674 Lubi Anna, wife of Mattheus Cornelise Dec. 20, 1685 Lubi Jacob June 11, 1691 Luttje Antje, daughter of Hendrick Jan. 10 , 1779 Lyon Joseph W Dec. 13,1825 Lyon Levi Nov. 23, 1817 404 DKATH UKfORI). NAME. DATE OP DEATH. Lyon Richanl Dec. 9, 1821 Mack Edwin, son of Daniel Oct. 9, 1805 Macrtcns Trintje, tvife of Polus Pietersen May 19, 1702 Maltby John June 3, 1848 Mandeville Catherine Jane '■. Aug. 25, 1832 Mandeville Diadanie Aug 9, 1832 Mandeville Garret Aug. 21, 1846 Mandeville John : March 28, 1815 Mandeville John V. W June 22, 1814 Mandeville Nicliolas Aug. 5, 1832 Matlheuse Cornelis, son of Mattheus Cornelise June 7, 1691 McCall Robert June 9, 1805 McCalvy Abby Aug. 2, 1822 McCrindle Eliza May 9, 1834 McCuberry Mary Feb. 9, 1822 McCuberry Robert Jan. 12, 1821 Mc CuenMr Sept. 4, 1836 McDonald David, son of Thomas Nov. 3, 1806 McDonald Thomas Aug. 29, 1813 McDonnell Hannah Aug. 29, 1823 McDonnell Jane Oct. 7, 1815 McDonnell Mrs Jan. 14, 1826 McElvoy John Sept. 23, 1824 McFarlane Robert March 21, 1847 McLoughlin Mary C Aug. 6, 1841 Mc^yilliams Thomas July 4, 1818 Meach Elisha Feb. 16, 1839 Meeker Caroline June 1, 1825 Merselis Altje Dec. 15, 1827 Merselis Altje, daughter of Merselis Merselis Aug. 10, 1776 Merselis Catharine Feb. 10, 1825 Merselis Eliza Nov. 18, 1812 Merselis Elizabetn Feb. 16, 1823 Merselis Elizabeth, daughter of Jo hn June 23, 1786 Merselis John Aug. 26, 1804 Merselis Merselis Oct. 28, 1800 Merselis J. Merselis March 21, 1837 Merselise Annatje, daughter of Pieter Aug. 6, 1746 Merselise Catrina June 16, 1747 Merselise Jenneke, 2d wife of Pieter Oct. 3, 1779 Merselise Pieter Sept. 4, 1681 Merselise Pieter April 1, 1770 Merselise tvife of Pieter Aug. 1, 1680 Mersereau Abrara Nov. 4, 1811 Mersereau Ann Sept. 17, 1829 Mesker Jacob Aug. 20, 1841 Meyers Cornelis, son of John Oct. 12, 1699 Meyers Dircksje, wife of Enoch Michielse Vreeland Oct. 5, 1688 Meyner Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen Aug. 5, 1797 DEATH RECORD. 405 NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Monday Mrs Oct. 25, 1805 Moore William May 13, 1818 Moore William April 18, 1819 Morehouse Chauncey Dec. 25 1823 Morf?an Mr Aug. 30, 1819 Morrison Peter 8ept. 18 1811 Mulford Calvin Dec. 19, 1847 Mulford David Feb. 15, 1811 Nafie Hannah Nov. 9, 1814 Needham Catherine Dec. 28 1816 Needham William March 2, 1807 Neefie Elizabeth Aug. 7, 1805 Newkirk Aaron April 1, 1849 Newkirk Ann Aug. 14, 1821 Newkirk Caroline Aug. 22, 1819 Newkirk Catrina, ^cife of Gerrit Sept. 12. 1751 Newkirk Catrina (young woman) Sept. 18, 1759 Newkirk Catrintje, daughter of Garret Sept. 17, 1779 Newkirk Cornelius Sept. 10, 1781 Newkirk Fitje Jan. 23, 1808 Newkirk Garret April 23, 1785 Newkirk Garret Aug. 29, 1832 Newkirk Garret J Aug. 22, 1818 Newkirk Gertrude March 5, 1828 Newkirk Helena April 6, 1801 Newkirk Hendrick July 8, 1795 Newkirk Jacob Dec. 5, 1796 Newkirk Jacob June 9, 1818 Newkirk Jane June 4, 1830 Newkirk Jane, daughter of Joris April 17, 1806 Newkirk Jannet je, daughter of Barent Nov. 10, 1779 Newkirk Jannetje, daughter of Garret Sept. 17, 1779 Newkirk John Dec. 28, 1847 Newkirk Lea, wife of Cornelius March 17, 1757 Newkirk Lena, daughter of Jacob July 25, 1776 Newkirk Maria Oct. 8, 1833 Newkirk Maritje, daughter of Jacob Aug. 1, 1776 Newkirk ISIattheus, son of Areul Nov. 10, 1799 Newkirk Matthew May 29, 1812 Newkirk Matthew Nov. 12, 1818 Newkirk Matthew G July 10, 1811 Newkirk Poulus Feb 5, 1763 Newkirk Poulus, son of Jacob Nov. 1, 1778 Newkirk Poulus, son of Jacob Aug. 27, 1776 Newkirk Eachel Dec. 1, 1835 Newkirk Sally, daughter of Garret Dec. 9, 1794 Newkirk Sally, daughter of Garret Aug. 15, 1797 Newkirk Sophia Feb. 14, 1815 Nicol Eleanor Oct. 7, 1802 406 i)?:ath record. NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Osborii Allen D Oct. 3, 1839 Osborn Ann D June 16, 1325 Osborn Maria, ividoto of Samuel April 30, 1844 Osborn Samuel Oct. 26, 1834 Outwater Ann Nov. 23, 1803 Outwater Garret June 2, 1829 Outwater Guilliam Aug. 17, 1811 Outwater Jacob Nov. 28, 1829 Outwater Maria July 1, 1829 Parine Samuel April 30, 1812 Parks Aletta Jane Aug. 13, 1839 Parks John Aug. 27, 1839 Parks John H Aug. 12, 1839 Patchen Andrew Sept. 29, 1802 Paulinson John Henry Sept. 15, 1837 PhilUpsWillera March 14, 1790 Pieterse Antje July 15, 1737 Pieterse Marcelis (91 years old) Oct. 23, 1747 Pietersea Gerrit, son of Pieter Hesselsen Aug. 7, 1695 Pieterspn Johannis April 29, 1733 Pietersen Poulus, widoiver of Trintje Maertens Dec. 18, 1702 Piper Gysbert Jan. 18, 1707 Post Capt. Adrian Feb. 28, 1677 Post Adrian Sept . 22, 1787 Post Adrian March 19, 183 Post Catherine May 26, 1815 Post Cornelius, son of Adrian Dec 31, 1802 Post Cornelius, son of Egbert Nov. 8, 1780 Post Cornelius, son of Peter Sept. 5, 1804 Post Egbert March 3, 1822 Post Elizabeth Jan. 29, 1824 Post Henry Aug. 13, 1823 Post Jacob April 10, 1827 Post Jane Nov. 17, 1818 Post Jane Dec. 22, 1819 Post Jane Aug. 2, 1823 Post Jannetje, daughter of Peter Sept. 2, 1804 Post John '. March 12, 1840 Post Peter March 26, 1824 Post Phebe Ann Sept. 28, 1841 Post Pryntje, daughter of Egbert May 14, 1775 Post Kuchel May 1, 1839 Post Samuel, son of Pieter March 30, 1732 Post Sara July 9, 1821 Potter Mrs Feb. 26, 1823 Preyer Abraham Oct. 29, 1800 Preyer Altje, daughter of Jacob Oct. 25, 1800 Preyer Andries Nov. 16, 1698 Preyer Andries March 4, 1792 DEATH RECORD. 407 NAME. DATE OP DEATH. Preyer Andries, son of Hartman Dec. 8 1787 Prej'er Ariantje, daughter of Abraham Feb. 3, 1786 Preyer Casparus Feb. 2C, 1755 Preyer Casper ]May G, 1733 Preyer Geeitruy, wife of Andries Dec. 14, 1783 Preyer Hester Sept. 1 4, 1795 Preyer Jacob, of Constapels Hoeck (young man) Jan. 30, 1.705 Preyer Jacob, son of Casparus Oct. 15, 1741 Preyer Johannis Sept. 28, 17(53 Preyer Maiitje, tcife of Abraham March 12, 1777 Prej'er Sai-a, 2d tcife of Casparus Aug. 25, 1774 Preyer Zacharias, son of Andries Sept. 4, 1772 Prine Catherine Ann Jan. 19, 1831 Prine Jacob V. W Nov. 3, 1826 Prior Abraham Sept. 18, 1830 Prior Adriana, icidoiv of Adam Rapp Oct. 9, 1842 Prior Ann Feb. 7, 1837 Prior Ann V.W Dec. 28, 1822 Prior Ann, widoiu of Casparus No v. 16, 1843 Prior Catherine Oct. 12, 1841 Prior Charity Oct. 15, 1819 Prior Jacob '. Feb. 8, 1826 Prior Jacob Oct. 2, 1830 Prior Jasper March 30, 1828 Prior Col. Jasper Sept. 8, 1832 Prior John April 18, 1820 Prior Martha May 11, 1826 Prior Nicholas May 22, 1840 Prior Pietertje Jan. 6, 1814 Prior Sarah April 20, 1833 Provost James Jan. 24, 1842 Provost Mary C June 3, 18^1 Provost Sophia, ivife of James July 11, 1845 Puffer Adeline Aug. 19, 1811 Eapp Adam Oct. 3, 1820 Eapp Daniel Aug. 14, 1819 Rapp Elizabeth Oct. 6, 1791 Rapp John A Aug. 18, 1819 Rapp John A Jan. 30, 1850 Rappleye Joris, Jr May 28, 1787 Ray Daniel, Jr May 24, 1813 Ray George Feb. 27, 1815 Ray William Aug. 26, 1820, Read Henry, son of Henry Jan. 12, 1804 Reddenhaus Fitje, daughter of Abel Oct. 14, 1703 Reddenhaus Hendrick, son of Abel Nov. 24. 1703 Reed Maeking Aug. 27, 1803 Reeder Ursula March 25, 1827 Richardson Mrs March 2, 1816 408 DEATH RECORD. NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Eiker Henry Sept, 21, 18:M Riker John May 25, 1826 Roelofs Fitje, ividow of Joost Van Derlinden March -i, IGBl Roll Jan (of Constable's Hook) Feb. 2, 1761 Roos Antje, wife of Cornelises Diedricks June 29, 1702 Roos Gerrit Sept. 10, 1779 Roos Joliannis, son of Garrite Sept, 30, 17)^0 Roos Judith, icife of Garrit Oct. 8, 1748 Roos Peter June 26, 1787 Rossman Ann Aug. 22, 1832 Rowley Jolin Feb. 14, 1814 Runimel Frances Sept. 30, 1822 Rummel John C. F July 4, 1832 Rummel Joseph B July 10, 1832 Saegaerd Fitje '. Feb. 28, 1801 Salter Mary M Sept. 10, 1819 Samuels Grietje, wife of Hendrick Tunise Hollinge Oct. 22, 1698 Schofield Jolm (young man from Connecticut) Feb. 16, 1753 Schoonmaker Ellen, wife of Stephen Vreeland Feb. 14, 1849 Schuyler Eliot Sept. 22, 1821 Selyns Rev. (Saturday, P. M.) July 19, 1701 Shepherd Catherine Sept. 15, 1835 Shepherd Fanny Aug. 25, 1832 Shepherd George March 26, 1843 Shepherd Hannah Aug. 30, 1818 Shepherd Jacob G Aug. 18, 1832 Shepherd John March 17, 1828 Shepherd Joseph Jan. 5, 1831 Shepherd Lea, daur/hter of George A.ug. 28, 1799 Shepherd Margaret Jane April 15, 1837 Shepherd Peggy, daughter of George Sept. 13, 1799 Shepherd Samuel Jan 10, 1817 Shepherd Samuel Sept. 16, 1834 Shepherd Thomas, son of George Sept. 2, 1799 Shields Elizabeth Oct 30, 1810 Sickles Abraham Feb. 16, 1804 Sickles Abraham March 2, 1836 Sickles Aegie Oct 3, 1802 Sickles Antje, daughter of Abraham Nov. 8, 1803 Sickles Antje D Oct 19, 1808 Sickles Antje P April 19, 1807 Sickles Ariantje, daughter of Robert Oct. 18, 1775 Sickles Daniel Oct. 23, 1813 Sickles Effie Aug. 10, 1826 Sickles Elizabeth, m/e of Casparus Zabriskie Nov. 10, 1790 Sickles Frederick Nov. 19, 1781 Sickles Geertruy Feb. 13, 1754 Sickles Geertruy, wife of Hendrick Oct. 27, 1731 Sickles Geertruy t, daughter of Robert Oct. 7, 1703 DEATH RECORD. 409 NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Sickles Hartman Oct. 8, 1807 Sickles Helena Oct! 30, 1805 Sickles Hendrick Jan. 20, 1777 Sickles Hendrick April 29, 1795 Sickles Henry Jan. 15, 1839 Sickles Jenny, wife of Hendrick March 28, 1781 Sickles Johannis March 11, 1734 Sickles Johannis Sept. 25, 1784 Sickles John ]\Iay 2, 1822 Sickles Martin, son of Eobert May 24, 1772 Sickles Mary May 11, 1835 Sickles Matilda Jan. 17, 1823 Sickles Rachel, luife of Zacharias Oct. 1, 1778 Sickles Rachel May 8. 1816 Sickles Robert Dec. 27, 1729 Sickles Robert Sept. 24, 1802 Sickles Sara, 2d wife of Hendrick April 22, 1783 Sickles Sarah April 30, 1819 Sickles Zacharias, son of Robert Aug. 18, 1775 Sickles Zacharias, son of Daniel Aug. 3, 1776 Sickles Zacharias Aug. 13, 1776 Simkins Aaron May 2, 1813 Simkins Elizabeth Jan. 16, 1S25 Simmons Aaron, son of Michael Dec. 12, 1793 Simmons Eleanor Oct. 6, 1841 Simmons Isaac, son of Joseph July 12, 1804 Simmons John March 14, 1845 Simmons Michael Sept. 23, 1831 Simmons Rachel Sept. 7, 1832 Simmons Stephen March 2, 1827 Simmons Susan Sept. 16, 1833 Simmons William Sept. 28, 1830 Simonson Jane Dec. 3, 1839 Simonson Stephen Aug. 31, 1842 Sip Antje, wife of Ide Jan. 25, 1749 Sip Antje, daughter of Cornelius July 3, 1763 Sip Catlyntje, wife of Claas Vreeland Sept. 25, 1759 Sip Cornelius May 9, 1793 Sip Elizabeth March 2, 1827 Sip Gerrit Oct. 1, 1775 Sip Ide Feb. 26, 1762 Sip Ide, sow of Cornelius May 23, 1772 Sip Jan Aug. 12, 1729 Sip Jenneke, wife of Cornelius Vreeland Dec. 5, 1788 Sip Maritje, daughter of Peter March 5, 1797 Sip Neeltje Adriause, widovj March 17, 1691 Skidmore John Sept. 29, 1819 SloatMrs Sept. 9, 1832 Slot Eva, iC(/eofJacob Brouwer May 3, 1776 Smith Ann Sept. 17, 1834 52 410 DEATH RECORD. NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Smith Bcnjaniin March 17, 1820 Smith Colnis Dec. 21, 1778 Smith Cornelius Feb. 1, 1835 Smitli Jane March 25, 1828 Smith John July 25, 1614 Smith John Feb. 1, 1843 Smiht Lea Nov. 10, 1792 Smitli Mare^'a, daughter of Cornelius Oct. 27, 1798 Smith Prudence Feb. 13, 1849 Smith Sarah Nov. 15, 1796 Smith Thomas Sept. 2, 1819 Solder Annatje, daughter of Daniel May 9, 1775 Solder Daniel May 6, 1775 Solder Sara, daughter of Daniel May 10, 1775 Speer Ellen Aug. 8, 1816 Speer Ellen Anna March 5, 1842 Speer Hannah No v. 22, 1820 Speer John May 21, 1827 Speer Maria July 13, 1833 Spier Abraham July 27, 1788 Spier Catlyna, daughter of Geertruy Sept. 8, 1748 Spier Catlyntje, tvife of Barent (91 years old) Dec. 16, 1767 Spier Catrina (?) April 27, 1748 Spier Johannis July 2, 1746 Spier Rachel April 7, 1748 Stager Jane Aug. 12, 1827 Stager Rachel April — , 1828 Stager William Henry Nov. 21, 1811 Steinmets Gerrit Nov. 9, 1736 Steinmets Joanna, widow of Audries Prayer Sept. 18, 1702 Stevens Isabella Sept. 2, 1825 Stewart Cornelia Ann April 7, 1843 Stivers Peter Dec. 23, 1821 Story Merselis W Feb. 16, 1843 Straatmaker Gerrit Dirckse, son of Jan Dirckse. . ., Sept. 23, 1686 Straatmaker Rachel, ^vife of Daniel Van Winckel March 12, 1708 Strange Mary July 31, 1818 Strange Mary April 28, 1837 Sturge Joseph Nov. 11, 1825 Stuy vesant C atrintje, wife of Jacob Van Hooren June 21, 1780 Stuy vesant Janneka, wife of Hendrick Sickles Feb. 13, 1774 Stuy vesant John, son of Peter March 6, 1777 Stuy vesant Ned, sou of Casparus Sept. 20, 1779 Stuy vesant Pieter Aug. 10, 1770 Stuyvesant Pryntje, wife of Piete;- June22, 1763 Stuy vesant Sara, daughter of Casparus Feb. 26, 1774 Swords John, son of Thomas Dec. 3, 1778 Tadcs Katje, wife of Morgan Smith Feb. 21, 1743 Tallman James Feb. 4, 1837 DEATH KECORD. 4] 1 N-^M^- DATE OF DEATH. Tallraan Mrs May 9, 1833 Taylor Anna Maria V Feb. 24, 1836 Taylor Anna K Jan. 20, 1842 Taylor Catherine Oct. 22 1821 Taylor Charles Tu„e 28, 1825 Taylor Harriet Sept. 15, 1840 Taylor Mary Aug. 2, 1825 Tallyon Molly Feb. 14, 1804 Thomasen Arien Oct. 11, 1689 Thompkins Abraham Aug. 17, 1819 Thompkins Elizabeth July 7^ 1818 Thompkins George Nov. 9, 1816 Thompkins Radbridge Sept. 8, 1819 Thorp Garret July 9, 1823 Thorp Mary Nov. 10, 1814 Thorp Thomas Feb. 2, 1822 rise Abraham Oct. 6, 1835 Tise George jr Sept. 6, 1826 Toers Anna, daughter of Claas Arentse June 28, 1702 Toers Arent, son of Claas Ai-entse May 26, 1694 Toers Catelyntje, daughter of Claas Arentse June 7, 1702 Toers Claas Arentse Oct, 10, 1724 Toers Jacomyntje Dec. 10, 1742 Toers Jan A Aug. 14, 1729 Toers Johannis, son of Lourens Arentse Oct. 10, 1686 Toers Nicholas Arentse (young man) Nov. 13, 1829 Toers Thomas Lourens, son of Lourens Arentse Oct. 1, 1686 Tomasen Arien May 25, 1702 Tomasen Jurian Sept. 12, 1695 Tovra John May 7, 1812 Trail Mary May 22, 1813 Traphagen Eleanor March 4, 1823 Tread well David Oct. 5, 1816 Tucker John April 6, 1831 Tucker Mrs May 17, 1830 Tuers Aaron Sept. 17,1835 Tuers Abraham C Sept. 3, 1825 Tuers Annatje June 6, 1796 Tuers Annetje, 2d wife of Arent Sept. 7, 1781 Tuers Arent, Sen Sept. 17, 1779 Tuers Esther June 2, 1822 Tuers Jacomyntje, vnfe of Hendrick Solders May 5, 1790 Tuers Jane March 27, 1834 Tuers Nicholas Feb. 26, 1815 Tuttle Havens March 24, 1848 Tuttle Joel May 7, 1849 Tuttle Walter ..May 8, 1845 Tuxbury Moses Feb. 17, 1701 Van Blercom Jan Lubbertsen's wife, Maddaleena i^ept. 4, 1711 412 DEATH RECORD. NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Van Biiien Layton Sept. 22, 1822 Vau Buren Mary Sept. 26, 1839 Van Buren Mrs Jan. 12, 1834 Van Buren Sylvester July 3, 1836 Van Buren William, son of Sylvester July 27, 1800 Van Buskirk Andries Aug. 25, 1761 Van Buskirk Ann Aug. 24, 1825 Van Buskirk Cornelius Feb. 4, 1753 Van Buskirk Cornelius March 2, 1814 Van Buskirk Elizabeth Sept. 10, 1614 Van Buskirk Geertruy, wife of Pieter Corsen Jan. 10, 1774 Van Buskirk Jacobus Jan. 3, 1767 Van Buskirk Jane, wife of Jacob Van Hoorn Jan. 10, 1792 Van Buskirk Jane Oct. 24, 1736 NVan Buskirk Jenneke Sept. 20, 1711 vVan Buskirk Lourens Dec. 13, 1752. Van Buskirk Lucas March 20, 1831 Van Buskiik Margrietje, icife of Andries June 3, 1775 Van Buskirk Trintje, wife of Pieter Nov. 7, 1736 Van Clief Arie July 16, 1831 Van Clief Daniel jr Aug. 3, 1831 Van Clief Eliza July 28, 1831 Van Clief Fitje, damjhter of John Oct. 14, 1796 Van Clief Gertrude Feb. 6, 1810 Van Clief Jacob Sept. 22, 1827 Van Clief Jane, daughter of John May 4, 1805 Van Clief John May 16, 1826 Van Dalson Henry jr May 10, 1816 Van de Voorst Cornells (buried in New York) Dec. 28, 1683 Van Derbeek Abraham jr July 6, 1811 Van Derbeek Hannah July 15, 1815 Van Derbilt Aaron Oct. 3, 1831 Van Derbilt Garret April 15, 1813 Van Derbilt" Jan Arentse, of Bergen Feb. 2, 1705 Van Derbilt John, son of Jacob Aug. 15, 1776 Van Derhaen Metje May 10, 1802 Van Derhoof Gerrit Oct. 4, 1797 Van Derhoof Hendrick Jan. 20, 1747 Van Derhoof Hendrick, son of Gerrit Sept. 3, 1777 Van Derhoof Petrus Dec. 25, 1783 Van Derhoof Sarah May 9, 1825 Van Deusen Hester Oct. 7, 1778 Van Giesen Isaac, son of Eynier March 26, 1703 Van Giesen Jacob April 17, 1704 Van Emburgh John T March 14, 1838 Van Giesen Bastiaense May 15, 1707 Van Giesen Rynier May 18, 1693 Van Hooren Jan May 19 1750 Van Hooren Rut May 15, 1741 Van Hoorn Barent Oct. 22, 1779 DEATH RECORD. 413 '^•*^*'^- DATK OF DEATH. Van Hoorn Cornelius, son of Jolm j nly 27 177(i Van Hoorn Eva, 2d wife of Barent May 25, 1781 Van Hoorn Jfcob April 14, 1757 Van Hoorn Jan Dec. 12, 1757 Van Hoorn Jannetje, daughter of Jan Dec. iJ, 1777 Van Hoorn John Oct. 10, 1786 Van Hoorn Marjrietje, daughter of Jan May 14, 1753 Van Hoorn Eaegel, daughter of Jacob Oct. 6 1777 Van Home Ann Sept. 21, 1823 Van Horne Beelitje, daughter of Garret Dec. 25 1807 Van Horne Belina Feb. 20, 1826 Van Horne Cornelius jr Kn". 10 1819 Van Horne Cornelius C Dec. 9, 1822 Van Horne Cornelius J Feb. 28, 1841 Van Horne Daniel, son of John April 24, 1795 Van Home Eliza July—, 1831 Van Horne Eliza Aujr. 21, 1835 Van Horne Garret April 7, 1809 Van Horne Garret Sept. 22, 1838 Van Horne Garret J Nov. 28, 1826 A''an Horne Jacob.... Oct. 4, 1813 Van Horne Jane C Dec. 14, 1836 Van Horne John Aug 29, 1843 Van Horns Margaret Dec. 27, 1828 Van Horne Peter Nov. 21, 1841 Van Houten Aegie Sept. 26, 1803 Van Houten Aeltje May 6, 1796 Van Houten Cornelius, son of Helmigh Oct. 4, 1748 Van Houten Garret Sept, 8, 1832 Van Houten Hannah Jan. 17, 1846 Van Houten Helmigh Oct. 23, 1803 Van Houten Helmigh March 4, 1822 Van Houten Helmigh Koelofsen Oct 7, 1729 Van Houten Jenneke Nov. 24, 1795 Van Houten Johannis Dec. 18, 1768 Van Houten John, son of Helmigh Oct. 31, 1807 Van Houten John Aug. 10, 1814 Van Houten John July 19. 1840 Van Houten John jr Feb. 17, 1837 Van Houten John H Ang. 5, 1818 Van Houten Joseph Sept. 15, 1831 Van Houten Michael -I»ne 1, 1803 Van Houten Mortimer , March 4, 1822 Van Houten Eachel, widow of John Feb. 11, 1843 Van Kleeck Pieter, son of Baltus Barentsen July 8, 1683 Van Nes Grietje Cornells, wife of Jacob Lubi Sept. 11, 1689 Van Norman Oliver ^^^J 26, 1817 Von Orden John, son of Abraham March 24, 1807 VanEypen Aeltje Feb. 10, 1796 Van Eypen Aletta, widow of Cornelius July 2, 1846 414 DEATH RECORD. NAME. DATE OP DEATH. Van Kypen Akxandcr ! ^^S- 30, 1817 Van Kypen Ann July 20, 1813 Van Kypen Ant je, dawjhter of Jurrie July 29. 179G Van Kypen Benjamin Oct. 7, 1821 Van Kypen Catherine Sept. 10, 1819 Van Kypen Catherine March 28,1833 Van Kypen Celia ' Feb. 27, 1842 Van Kypen Christopher March 8, 1840 Van Kyj)en Cornelius, son of Cornelius Aug. 30, 1767 Van Kypen Cornelius Jan. 17, 1771 Van Kypen Cornelius Jan. 6, 18-12 Van Kypen Daniel July 23, 1818 Van Kypen Derrick Jan. 11, 1777 Van Kypen Derrick, son of Cornelius Aug 31, 1803 Van Kypen Effie Aug. 27, 1836 Van Kypen Elizabeth, daughter of Derrick Sept. 3, 1796 Van Kypen Elizabeth May 6, 1813 Van Kypen Elizabeth Ann Dec. 3, 1824 Van Kypen Garret Aug. 31, 1837 Van Kypen Garret J Oct. 3, 1833 Van Kypen Gerrit Aug. 30, 1795 Van Kypen Gerrit, son of Cornelius Aug. 24, 1796 Van Kypen Harman Aug. 23, 1828 Van Kypen Harriet E Oct. 9,1824 Van Kypen Helen May 6, 1813 Van Kypen Henry C April 15, 1849 Van Kypen Jannetje, 2fZ icife of Johannis July 21, 1783 Van Kypen Jannetje, ivife of Gerrit Oct. 13, 1784 Van Kypen Jannetje, daughter of Gerrit jr Sept. 14, 1793 Van Kypen Jasper Oct. 25, 1849 Van Kypen Jeremiah • April 4, 1826 Van Kypen Johannis Aug. 24, 1776 Van Kypen John May 14. 1828 Van Kypen Margrietje, daughter of Gerrit July 26, 1776 Van Kypen Margrietje, daughter of Gerrit Ma^' 31, 1781 Van Kypen Metje Sept. 20, 1899 Van Kypen Neeltje Oct. 28, 1801 Van Kypen Richard M March 9, 1819 Van Kypen Thomas May 26, 1846 Van Kypen Vrouwtje Feb. 19, 1806 Van Tassel Rachel Dec. 2, 1846 Van Varick Richard '. July 7, 1794 Van Vechten Neeltje, wife of Rut. Van Hooren June 15, 1738 Van Voorheseu Nancy Feb. 8, 1806 Van Voorst Hillegont, daughter of Cornelius Jan. 31, 1710 Van Vorst Annatje Jan. 20, 1804 Van Vorst Claesje, daughter of Cornelius Oct. 9, 1773 Van Vorst Cornelius Dec. 25, 1760 Van Vorst Cornelius, son of Jobannis Oct. 7, 1761 Van Vorst Cornelius Sept, 30, 1818 DEATH RECORD. 415 ^■*™^- . BATE OF DKATir. Van Vorst Hannah March 24 1821 Van Vorst Hannah March 14 1822 Van Vorst John J Jan. 6, 1820 Van Vorst Pietertje wife of Merselis Pieterse, Sept, — , 1744 Van Vorst Susanna March 26, 1815 Van Wagenen Aeltje, wife of AVander Diedricks Dec, 22, 1754 Van Wagenen Annatje. dauhgtcr of Jacob March 20, 1778 Van Wagenen Annetje, uife of Joris Vreeland Feb. 23, 1782 Van Wagenen Catlyntje, daiujhter of Jacob Aug. 11, 1748 Van Wagenen Catlyntje, itz/e of Gerrit Van Kypcn Oct. 22, 1775 Van Wagenen Catlyntje, wife of Johannis Sept. 6, 1777 Van Wagenen Effie Jan. G, 1820 Van Wagenen Fitje Gerrits, ivife of Cornelius Van Voorst May 19, 1734 Van Wagenen Gerrit, son of Johannis Aug. 24, 1738 Van Wagenen Helraigh July 19, 1747 Van Wagenen Jacob Sept. 23, 1775 Van Wagenen Jacob Jan. 27, 1783 Van Wagenen Jacob June 14, 1839 Van Wagenen Johannis ^March 29, 1797 Van Wagenen Johannis Gerritse Oct. 6, 1756 Van Wagenen John Sept. 7, 1827 Van Wagenen Lea, 2d wife of Jacob Dec. 19, 1775 Van Wagenen Neeltje May 24, 1810 Van Wagening Gemt Gerritsen Oct. 9, 1732 Van Wart Betsey, daughter of Abraham Aug 29, 1776 Van Wart Isaac V June 2, 1825 Van Wart Jacob Sept. 28, 1813 Van Wart Sara Jan. 18, 1783 Van Winkle Abraham Xov. 4, 1823 Van Winkle Abraham jr Aug. 8, 1832 Van WinkleAltje July 19, 1776 . Van Winkle Altje, daughter of Hendrick ---Oct. 1, 1801 V an Winkle Ann Nov. 28, 1817 Van Winkle Ann, icidow of Daniel Aug. 25, 1843 Van Winkle Antje, wife of Jacob Diedricks Nov. 11, 1744 Van Winkle Ann C I'eb. 25, 1822 Van Winkle Asa T Nov. 7, 1834 Van Winkle Catherine Amelia Oct. 21, 1835 Van Winkle Catrintje Sept. 8, 1793 Van Winkle Cornelia July 26, 1826 Van Winkle Cornelius Sept. 29, 1821 Van Winkle Cornelius J Jan 22, 1837 Vna Winkle Cornelius T July ^> 1*^22 Van Winkle Daniel Jan- l^. 1757 Van Winkle Daniel, son of Jurrie J"ly 3, 1798 Van Winkle Daniel, son of Hendrick Oct. 1, 1801 Van Winkle Daniel Dec. 19,1823 Van Winkle Daniel June 24, 1830 Van Winkle Daniel jr April 24, 1818 Van Winkle Garret ^"?- ^' ^^^^ 416 DEATH RECORD. NAME. DATE OF DEATH. Van Winkle Garret G July 9, 1839 Van Winkle Geertje Jan. 1, 1796 Van Winkle Geertruy, wife of Johannis Diedricks Auf^. 22, 1736 Van Winkle George L Dec. 18, 1837 Van Winkle Gitty, wife of John Oct. 24, 1843 Van Winkle Hannah Oct. 4, 1811 Van Winkle Hendrick May 28, 1767 Van Winkle Heniy Dec. 19, 1827 Van Winkle Henry D Dec. 13, 1848 Van Winkle Jacob Dec. 17, 1778 Van Winkle Jacob H Aug. 17, 1819 Van Winkle Jacob Jacobsen No v. 20, 1724 Van Winkle Jocob Jacobsen's widoio Sept. 20, 1732 Van Winkle Jacob V. N Nov. — , 1837 Van Winkle Jane June 4, 1840 Van Winkle Jane, widow of Joseph June 28, 1847 Van Winkle Jannetje April 12, 1769 Van Winkle Jeremiah May 3, 1837 Van Winkle John, so7i of Daniel Aug. 1 , 1801 Van Winkle John C March 14, 1835 Van Winkle John G Jan. 8,1846 Van Winkle John J June 15, 1840 Van Winkle Joseph, son of Hendrick (de erste op het nieuwe kerk hos) Nov. 22, 1738 Van Winkle Joseph, son of Jacob Jan. 27, 1775 Van Winkle Joseph Aug. 4, 1809 A^an Winkle Joseph Nov. 28, 1827 Van Winkle Joseph jr Oct. 27, 1810 Van Winkle Larry Nov. 26, 1830 Van Winkle Lea, daughter of Jacob Sept. 18, 1772 Van Winkle Margrietje Oct. 10, 1814 Van Winkle Mary, ivife of Johannis Jurianse Sept. 18, 1754 Van Winkle Mary Aug. 15, 1831 Van Winkle Michael July 22, 1828 Van AVinkle Phebe -. March 12, 1826 Van Winkle Rachel, wife of Jacob Sept. 18, 1772 Van Winkle Eachel Jan. 12, 1815 Van Winkle Rachel Oct. 20, 1821 Van Winkle Sally Dec. 6, 1827 Van Winkle Samuel May 2, 1754 Van Winkle Sarah Aug. 18, 1814 Van Winkle Stephen Sept. 17,1813 Van Winkle Susan Ann Nov. 19,1835 Van Winkle Walter, son of Abraham Sept. 18, 1783 Vasher Frances April 29, 1824 VasherMrs Dec. 20, 1833 Veeder Cornelius, son of Harmanus Sept. 10, 1763 Veeder Jacob, son of Harmanus Sept. 2, 1767 Vincent Benjamin July 23, 1818 Vincent Mrs Sept. 7, 1832 DEATH RECORD. 417 NAME. DATE OP DEATH. \niereboom Geertniy, of Constable's Hook April 22, 1759 Vreeland Aagtje, icife of Roelof Helniigsen Aug. 14, 1708 Vreehind Altje, wife of Stephen Marcli 4, 1846 Vreeland Ann .... Feb. 28, 1819 Vreeland Annatje March 11, 1803 Vreeland Antje, daughter of Gerri t April 8, 1788 Vreeland Ariantje Hartmanse, wife of Zacharias Sickles Dec. 2, 1731 Vreeland Beelitje, wife of Cornelius Sip Oct. 2(5, 1789 Vreeland Benjamin, son of Enoch Aug. 26, 1736 Vreeland Catharine Oct. 22, 1835 Vreeland Catherine, daughter of Myndert Oct. 12, 1840 Vreeland Charity July 2, 1814 Vreeland Claesje March 29, 1748 Vreeland Cornelia, daughter of Stephen May, 23, 1802 Vreeland Cornelia Sept. 24, 1822 Vreeland Cornelius Jan. 16, 1813 Vreeland Cornelius Michielse's wife Aug. 17, 1724 Vreeland Effie -Sept. 19, 1822 Vreeland Elias April 2, 1748 Vreeland Elizabeth Feb. 21, 1816 Vreeland Elizabeth Dec. 17, 1827 Vreeland Elizabeth, loife of Michael Hartmanse Nov. 18, 1767 Vreeland Elizabeth, w(/e of Cornelius Van Rypen April 8, 1788 Vreeland Enoch Michielse Aug. 17, 1714 Vreeland Fitje, daughter of Johannis Michielse Jan. 27, 1710 Vreeland Garret Feb. 13, 1825 Vreeland Geertje, daughter of Michael Oct. — , 1806 Vreeland George July 19, 1824 Vreeland Gerrit, son of Joris Jan. 26, 1751 Vreeland Gerrit Feb. 8, 1784 Vreeland Guilliam, son of Michael March 30, 1807 Vreeland Hannah July 9, 1833 V^reeland Hartman Michielse Tan. 18, 1707 Vreeland Helen (88 years old) March 7, 1846 Vreeland Helena, xcife of Johannis Van Houten March 15, 1774 Vreeland Hessel Dec. 8, 1804 Vreeland Jacob, soj), of Gerrit ^fov. 7,1786 Vreeland Jacob, son of Joris T>qc. 9, 1797 Vreeland Jacob, son of Joris Sept. 1 1, 1804 Vreeland Jacob Enochsen March 6, 1732 Vreeland Jacob G Feb. 1, 1811 Vreeland Jacob Henry March 8, 1835 Vreeland Jane ^"g- l^, 1816 Vreeland Jane J^"- 16,1827 Vreeland Jane T Aug. 16, 1819 Vreeland Janet Sept. 17, 1823 Vreeland Jannetje, wife of Joris Cadmus Nov. 12, 1766 Vreeland Johannis, son of Johannis Jan. 25, 1753 Vreeland Johannis Feb. 11, 1783 Vreeland Johannis Michielse. June 26, 1713 53 418 DEATH RECORD. NAJTE. BATE OP DEATH. Vreelaiul John March 22, 1797 Vreeland John July 31, 1823 Vreeland John G Oct. 27, 1824 Vreeland John G July 16, 1832 Vreeland John M April 1, 1832 Vreeland Joris June 21, 1795 Vreeland Michael, son of Johannis Michielse Jan. 27, 1710 Vreeland Michael Dec. 5, 1804 Vreeland Michael March 10, 1825 Vreeland Michael No%'. 29, 1827 Vreeland Michael A March 19, 1849 Vreeland Michael G April 10, 1823 Vreeland Michael Hartmanse April 6, 1766 Vreeland Nicholas Feb. 9, 1802 Vreeland Nicholas jr Aug 15, 1817 Vreeland Nicholas March 18, 1837 Vreeland Nicholas Feb. 14, 1847 Vreeland Nicholas Sept. 17, 1847 Vreeland Pryntje Michielse, zoirfow of Andries Claesen April 21, 1711 Vreeland Richard A Sept. 3, 1818 Vreeland William M July 31, 1837 Wade Matthias July 23, 1803 Waernaerse Willeratje, wife of Hans Harmans Oct. 28, 1697 Wakcman Mr June 4, 1841 Waldron Aegie Oct. 4, 1792 Waldron Autje Sept. 30, 1756 Waldron Helena Jan. 3, 1805 Waldron Jacob July 23, 1822 Waldron James Aug. 17, 1834 Waldron Jemima May 31, 1824 Waldron Joseph Oct. 14, 1779 Waldron Joseph Jan. 4, 1838 Waldron Joseph July 4, 1795 Waldron Marlin, son of Joseph July 25, 1800 Waldron Richard Sept. 25, 1805 Waldron Sarah July 3, 1839 Waldron Tunis Feb. 9, 1832 Walker William July 6, 1814 Wannamaker Richard Abraham March 25, 1843 Ward Matilda Sept. 4, 1820 Weait Polly Dec. 6, 1771 Weaver Mrs March 7, 1839 Weere Ann Aug. 8, 1820 Welsch James March 13, 1807 Welsh Abner, son of James Dec. 16, 1801 Welsh AbnerB Sept, 3, 1817 Welsh Elizabeth Nov. 12, 1819 Welsh Hannah B July 24, 1813 Welsh Isabella Feb. 2, 1829 DEATH RECORD. 410 *^-^''^- DATE OF DEATH. Welsh John jr Oct. 28, IBM Welsh John B April 21, 1831 Welsh Mary • April 17, 1832 Wessels Grietje, wife of Enoch Michielse Vreeland Nov. 20, 1697 Westervelt John C July 17, 1843 AVestervelt Susanna, wife of Jacob Van Winkle '. April 23, 1787 Wiley Thomas P July 28, 1820 Wilks Catherine Oct. 18, 181 Wilmouth William July 6 1814 Winne Aeltje, daughter of Martin Oct. G 1794 Winne Claesje, 2d wife of Michael De Mott Oct. 27, 1787 Winne Elizabeth, daughter of Martin Sept. 23, 1806 Winne Hannah N„v. 17, 1811 Winne Ide, son of Levinus Oct. 27, 1765 Winne Jannetje Sept. 11, 1762 Winne Levinus, son of Martin Feb. 6, 1790 Winne Levinus May 31, 1802 Winne Levinus, son of Martin Oct. 2, 1805 Winne Martin July 8, 1737 Winne Martin L Aug. 10, 1808 Winner Aletta April 30, 1823 W i nner Edo Dec. 23, 1829 Winner Eleanor V^ P., daughter of John S May 17, 1843 Winner Gitty Jan. 14, 1837 Winner Jacob Sept. 27, 1813 Winner John July 19, 1813 Wood Catherine April 16, 1817 Wood Egbert July 29, 1831 Wood Jane April 19, 1832 Wood Nancy Feb. 28, 1822 WoodKebecca Oct. 19, 1819 Wood Euth - Feb. 24, 1817 Wright Asa July 19, 1846 Wright John, son of John Aug. 12, 1807 Yokeham Daniel Jan. 21, 1821 Zabriskie Albert Sept. 1,1801 Zabriskie Albert Aug. 31, 1819 Zabriskie Catherine Dec. 21, 1821 Zabriskie Charity June 5, 1813 Zabriskie John Sept. 14, 1848 I K D E X. THE REFERENCES IN THE INDEX ARE TO THE FOLIO-PAGING. PAas. Abesl John, sells Paulus Hook 45 Ackerman Jacob 61 , 63 Ackerman Morris 298 Ackerman William A 202, 208 Ackland John 318 Acres, number of patented 15 Acres, number of lying in common 15 Act relating to Secaucus Commons 285 Act relating to the common lands 18 Adolph Peter 105 Adriaensen Maryn .• . 36 Aeschman Albert 222 Aeschman John A 222 Allen Henry 143 Allen Moses 146 Alsop Thomas 295 Anderson Thomas 63 Anderson William 62 Andriesen Loarens 60 Anness John 87 Annett Robert 129 Anthony AUerd 129 Arch Bridge Lot 231 Armstrong Matthew 59, 01, 63 Arsenal property 317 Assembly of XIX, 1, encourage settlements 2 Associates of the Jersey Company 45 Aukins Douwe "^^ Ayres Abigail 14~ Baker's Patent, history of 50 Baldwin Daniel 1'52, 153 Baldwin David '^ Banker Evert. 296 Banta Siba Epsa "^^ Barclay Henry A . W ^^^ Barclay John ^^^ Bard James 422 INDEX. PAGE, Bard John 295 Bayard Baltliazar 108 Bayard John 141 Bayard Nicholas 37, 129 Bayard Robert 38 Bayard Samuel 38, 39, 104 Bayard Stephen 38, 39 Bayard William 38,40, 136,138, 144,151,197,264 Beach Marcus 321 Beacon Race-course 157 Becker Abraham 59 Becker Louis 253 Becket Claudius 223 Bedell Abraham 140 Benson Garret 119 Bentley Peter 76, 81, 169 Bergen, bounds of in Carteret's Charter 14 Bergen Church 88 Bergen lots 151 Bergen, map of lost 8 Bergen, owners of lots in to perform guard duty 9 Bergen, patents to be taken out for lots in 9 Bergen Point Lot, history of. 136 Bergen, the Freeholders of own the common land under the Dutch 7 Bergen Township, lands within purchased of the Indians 5 Bergen, when, how, and by whom laid out 8 Bergen Woods 151 Berrien John, one of the Commissioners 32, 137, 139, 193 Berry's Patent, history of. 113 Bertholf Abraham 207 Betts Frederick F 140 Bidwell Albert G 200, 205 Biggs Thomas 199 Block House 228 Board of Chosen Freeholders of Hudson County 131 , 149, 331 Bogert Cornelius 202, 208 Bon Sejours 142 Booraem Henry Augustus 41 Booraem Toler 155 Bostwick Samuel 58, 126 Botts, Alexander L 175 Boudinot Elisha 135 Bramhall Edmond C 58, 142, 100, 205, 209, 318 Bramhall Moses B 126, 260 Branker William 232 Bray Thomas E 149, 331 BrinkerhoflF Cornelius 50, 53, 60, 76, 160, 301, 203, 211, 231, 232 Brinkerhoflf Eleanor C 51, 160 BrinkerhoflF Garret 53 INDEX. 423 PAGE. Brinkerhoff Hartman 50, 138, 305 Brinkerhoff Hendrick 50, 53, 138, 160, 305 Brinkerhoff Hendrick Joris 50 Brinkerhoff Henry 50, 53, IGO, 203 Brinkerhoff Jacob 56 Brinkerhoff Jacob H 202, 208 Brinkerhoff John 50, 160, 203, 305 Brower Ann 257 Brower Jacob 234 Brower John 228 Brown Albert A. (in text Edwin J.) 63 Brown Edwin J 146 Brown Jack 55 Brown James 153, 1G3, 225 Brown Lawrence 210, 216 Brown Thomas 55, 60, 61, 79, 136, 140, 144, 209, 217, 224 Brown' s Ferry Lot 231 Browning Cyrus S 46, 154, 157, 230, 248 Bruen Alexander M. 140 Bruen George W 140, 141, 218 Buchanan Adele 213 Budd Nathaniel 135, 371 Bull Michael 228 Burger Elias 141, 142, 143 Burnet John 318 Butler John 141 Cadmus Andrew 70, 219 Cadmus Andrew L 149, 184 Cadmus Dederick 70 Cadmus Elizabeth 213 Cadmus George 70, 136. 138, 140, 144, 169, 215, 220 Cadmus Jasper 65, 67, 70, 140, 141, 169, 213, 218, 219, 220, 296, 306 Cadmus John 169, 218 Cadmus Michael 65 Cadmus Richard 46, 70, 306 Cadmus William. 169 Campbell Simeon 202, 208 Cantello William J , 153 Carle John, Commissioner for Secaucus Commons 309 Carling Michael 129, 190, 199 Carnes John H : 87 Carragan John 213 Carragan Sidney L 213 Carsebom Jan Everse 127 Cary Thomas 61 Castle Hill 228 Cavan Point 56 Central Railroad Company of N.J ......... 48, 62 424 INDEX. FA OB. Centre Hill 2B6 Carter from Carteret 14 Carter from Queen Anne 15 Christian's Patent, history of 73 Church Lots, history of 145, 146 Claesen Bartel 08, 69 Claesen Dirck 54, 56 Claesen's First Patent, history of 56 Claesen's Second Patent, history of 57 Clark Abraham, one of the Commissioners 32, 137, 139, 193, 309 Clark Daniel 105 Clausen Klip 231 Clendenny Walter 55, 105, 107, 144, 173, 231, 248, 316 Clerk Andrew 55, 67 Clinton Charles, one of the Commissioners 29, 137, 139, 193 Clinton George, Surveyor to the Commissioners 34, 193 Close Joseph B 219 Coerten Geurt 83, 313 Coerten's First Patent, history of 82 Coerten's Second Patent, history of. 85 Coerten's Third Patent, history of 86 Coghill George 148 Cole Henry L 820, 321 Cole Peter 216, 320 Coles John B 134, 316, 317 Colgate William 123 Collerd Abraham 87, 157, 235, 251 Collerd Ann 313 Collerd Jacob 235, 251 Collerd Jacobus 235 Collerd James 55,56,206 Collerd John 206, 251 Columbia Academy 147 Commissioners of Bergen County Loan Office 153 Common Lands 151 Common Lands, agreement among the freeholders, concerning 16 Common Lands, survey and allotment of 18 Communipaw — Gemoenepan, 7 ; Communican, 48 ; Comunipan, 48 ; Communipan, 48; Gamoenepaen, 52 ; Gemoenepaen, 56; Gemoe- nepa 56 Communipaw in Pauw's Colonie 5, 54 Condit Silas 309 Constable's Hook Patent, history of 73 Cook Martin R 211 Cooper William 164, 207, 208, 254 Corbin Abel R 121 Corey Ashbel W 123 Cornelison Dr. John M 149 Cornelison Rev. John 107 INDEX. 425 PAGE. Cos Claas Pietersen 47 Cos's Patent, history of 47 Coster John G 40 Cottenet Francis. 203 Cottinal Charles 14S Coulter William 316 Court House, on what lot standin g 321 Coatant Ebun H 219 Crane Jasper 325 Crary Peter 140 Crips Thomas C 213 Cubberly Taom as 61 Culver Delos E .^ 232 Culver Delos E., observations on terrestrial magnetism 24 Culver Isaac B 232 Cummings John N , 143, 144 Currie James 64, 65 D ally William 173 Danforth Nicholas D 61 Danielson David 133 Danielson Joseph 147, 163, 164, 177, 199, 202, 205, 225, 253 Danielson William 254 Darcy J ohn S , 123 Davis Thomas E 76 Davison Thomas 68 Davison's First Patent, history of 06 Davison's Second Patent, history of 68 Day David 307 Day William 91,101,228 De Cuyper's Patent, history of 94 De Forest Isaac "° De Forest John 109 De Groot John IS''^ De Hart Catherine • ^03 De Kay George C ^57 De Mott Edward 158 De Mott Garrett 111,158,226 De Mott George Ill, 155, 158, 177, 184, 224, 225, 226, 237, 238, 242, 252. 312 De Mott George V 112, 158, 198 De Mott Henson ^^8 Do Mott Henry ^58 De Mott Huyler ^58 De Mott James 87, 158 De Mott John H ^^^ De Mott Joris ^^' ^^''^^^ De Mott Josephine H DeMottMattys 46,79,91,94.101,110 De Mott Michael 46. 79, 81, 110, 119, 158, 177, 184, 198, 224-6.237-8, 242, 252, 312 54 42G INDEX. PAQE. De Mott Thomas 158 De Neniouis John Henry Beaureaux Pusey 142, 144, 145 De Nemours Peter Samuel du Pont 142 De Nemours Victor du Pont 142, 143 Deas David 153 Deas Ebenezer 202 Deas James 153 Decker Levi 2C2 Deed of Indians for Aliasimus 5 Deed of Indians for Aressick 4 Deed of Indians for Hohoken 3 Deed of Indians to Gov. Stuyvesant 5 Deeds from the Dutch respected by the English ^ 13 Deeds, where recorded 13 Demarest David M 91, 140, 141, 218 Detwiller Jacob J Gl Devoe Aaron 308 Dey Anthony purchases Poulus Hook 45 Dey John 42, 127, 156, 157, 190 Dezarmauld Louis 155 Diedricks Abraham 87, 118, 138, 232, 246, 257 Diedricks Cornelius 87, 118, 234, 246, 256 Diedricks Daniel 87, 91 , 118, 138, 233, 234, 235, 237, 319 Diedricks Garret 118 Diedricks Hans 117 Diedricks Johannis 118, 138, 240, 246, 256, 319 Diedricks John 233 Diedricks Wander 91, 118 Diedricks' Patent, history of 117 Dilloway George W 62 Dobbs William 304 Dole Nathaniel 129 Dounaldson William, one of the Commissioners 30, 137, 139, 193 Doremus Cornelius 222, 298, 300 Doiiglas George 143 Douglas William , 66 Douwesse Paul 53 Drake Robert. 63 Drayton Henry 202 Du Bois Edward 255 Du Pont Charles H. L. Preudhomme ...140, 141, 144 Duke of York conveys New Jersey to Berkeley and Carteret 10 Duke of York obtains grant from Charles II 10 Duke's Farm, history of 132 Dunham Azariah, one of the Commissioners, 30, 136, 137, 139, 193, 309 Duplanty Raphael 142 Durar Enoch 153 Dutch grants without pecuniary consideration 10 Dyckman Jacob G ' 207 INDEX. 427 PAGE. iiarie Anthebe 131 099 Earle Daniel ' ' 243^ 306 Earle Edward 131^ 138, 299, 300, 306 Earle Edward jr ..... I30 304 Earle Elias 14g Earle Enoch. , ^ 3Q3 Earle Henry 394 Earle John 131 096 Earle Justus E I99 Earle Nathaniel 394 39(5 Earle Philip I3I jgg^ 153' 399 Earle Richard " I3I .254 Earle Sarah E 141 East Newark, named " Petersborough " 328 East Newark, named " Santfort " 327 Edsall Samuel 69. 73, 74 Edward Harman 95^ 317 Edwards William W 53 Ellingwood Nathan Dale 232, 257 Elsworth 73 Emot William 305 Enyard Elias 143 Enyard John M 143 Enyard Nicholas. . 143 Evans Evan 318 Everson Jacob 126, 261 322 Faber Conrad W 232 Fanshaw Daniel 184 Fanshaw Samuel 294 Field-Books and Maps, history of 24 Field-Book, title page of 27 Fielding Henry QQ, 138, 213, 214 Fish Jonathan 304 Fish Nicholas 303 Fisher Michael 253 Fleming James 63 Forfeited Estates, act providing for 38 Freedoms and Exemptions 3 Freeman Stephen 325 Freemason's Island 155 French Philip 88, 176, 231 Frogtown 253 Frost William 213 Gafney John J 1^9 Gardner Charles E 153 Gardner Elijah ^ J^ Gardner James 1^3, 177 428 INDEX. PAGE. Gardner James F I53 . Gardner John 1 87, 225, 242, 253 Gardner Robert 153^ 177^ 187_ 225, 253 Garrabrants Cornelius 48, 55, 136, 138, 140, 190, l'J9, 200, 206 Garrabrants Myndert 48, 49, 138, 199, 200, 313 Garrabrants Peter 48, 54,55, 190, 199,206 Garrabrants Smith 112, 184 Garretsc's (Dirck) Patent, history of. 101, vide also 317 Garretson Hermanns 144, 210 Garretson Jasper 143, 210 Garretson Stephen 55, 146 Garritse's (Geurt) Patent, history of, 97 Gautier Andrew 61, 140, 144, 210 Gautier Daniel 61 Gautier Francis 6, 112 Gautier Samuel T .'...55, 61, 224 Gautier Thomas B 61, 140, 184, 210, 224, 316, 318 Gerritse's (Geurt) Patent, history of 120 Gifford George 83 Gilbert Hiram 46, 154, 157, 230 Gilbert John C 123 Gilbert William S 123 Giltertse's Patent, history of 63 Godyn and Blommaert at Cape May, etc 3 Goodstay. . . . , 142 Gould Da-vad , 160 Graves Jared W 148 Graves Roswell * 219 Greenlief Jacob. ; 295 Greenlief Robert 303 Gregory Dudley S 129, 155 Grier James 153 Grosclaude Frederick , 255 Grove Reformed Church 325 Gruman Ichabod 144 Grunti Robert 308 Guillame Samuel 323 Guttenbergh, village of ^ 207, 208, 254 Hall Willis 135 Halladay John R 48,49, 170 Halliard John 317 Halsey William „ 328 Hampton Jonathan, surveyor 34, 66 Hanna James 153 Harding Elizabeth 91 Haring Cornelius, agent for forfeited estates 38, 40 Harmanse Hans 75 Harmense Douwe 110 INDEX. 429 PAGE. Harmense's Patent, history of 110 Harriman Elizabeth Q 59 Harrimaii William 170 Harrington William. 141 Harrison James 321 Harrison Mortimer A. T 320 Harrison Stephen D 76, 81 Harsimus, 40 ; Ahasimus, 4 ; Haasemus, 40 ; Hassemus, 41 ; Harsi- mus, 41 ; Ahasymus, 43 ; Haassemus, 42 ; Aharsimus, 45 ; Hahascmes, 47 ; Hossemus 48 Harsimus, Indian deed for 4 Hartman's First Patent, history of 51 Hartman's Second Patent, history of 54 Hawkins Joseph 7G, 222, 299 Haynes John 318 Hazard Thomas 75 Heavenor John 316 Hedden Job 303 Helm George W 103 Hennion David , 133, 152, 294 Hespe Charles 233 Hexamer William 236 Hickman Robert sells Hoboken 39 Hillyer George 394 Hillyer Maurice 333 Hoboken (Hobocan-Hacking, 3 ; Hooboocken, 39 ; Hoboocken 43 Hoboken, Indian deed for 3 Hoboken Land Improvement Company 152, 154 Hoboken Patent, history of 39 Hoboken sold by Haring to Stevens 40 Hoboken sold by Hickman to Bayard 39 Hopkins Samuel 335 Hornblower Josiah 173. 248, 297, 316 Howe George W 58, 50 Hudson County Land Improvement Co - 62, 67 Hudson County Real Estate Co 158 Humphreys Solon 166, 170, 2il Huyler Abraham 155, 179, 208, 244 Huyler Corneli us 154, 155, 191 Inch William Spencer 203 Indian Ratification of Stuyvesant's Deed 7 Indian Spring Lot 325 Ingham Samuel D 140, 219 Inness George B 248 Isaacs Moses 153 Jackson Henry 153, 154, 318 Jackson Jeremiah 56 430 IXDKX. PAGE. Jackson John 62 Jackson John F 153 Jackson Patrick 318, 331 J ackson Thomas 62 Jackson William 15'^, 154 Jaclard Sebastian 213 Jacobs Bartel 68, 69 Jacobs John 61 Jan de Lacher's Hook 41 Jenkins Matthew C 140, 219 Jessup Silas H 149 Jones Mary 255 Jones Thomas J 164 J urianse Johannis 137, 138, 139 Keeny William 48, 49, 170 Kelly John -. . . 55 Kennedy Archibald 133, 134, 190, 328 Kennedy John 134, 328 Kennedy Robert 134, 328 Kennedy's Farm 328 Kennel John 61 Kerrigan James 313 King James G 152, 153 King of England claims the country 10 King of England grants to tlie Duke of York 10 Kingsland Edmund 131. 296, 326 Kingsland Isaac 131, 304. 320 Kingsland John 300, 327 Kingsland Nathaniel 324, 325 Kingslan'l Roger 131 Kingsland William Edmund 131, 294, 327 Klinck Leonard G 222, 225 Kuyper Claas Jansen 42, 127 Kuyper Cornelius 127 Kuyper Hendrick 42, 127, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 144, 156, 190, 191, 198, 263 La Grange Johannis GO La Rosa Peter 144 La Tourette David 142, 144, 166, 211 La Tourette House 142 Laidlaw Marian B. and Isabel F 157 Lane Nehemiah B 166 Laurens Patent, history of 64 Laurense Arent 123 Laurense's Patent, history of 123 Lawrence Richard. 141 Leake John George 125, 131, 179, 244, 300, 306 Leake Robert 125, 131, 261, 308 INDEX. J 31 PAGE. Leake Robert William 125, 131 Leary David 140 Leavitt John W 1G3, 203 Leavitt Samuel. 1(J3 Lee William P 141 Leslie George i;jl, 207 Lester John P 154, 157 Lienau Michael 41 Lignot Peter Julius (Jl Lilliendahl Gustavus A G3 Lindertz Paulus 128 Lock wood Daniel 141 Lockwood Frederick M Gl Lodi 328 Lombard poplar, origin of in America 303 Long Bridge Lot IGO Loosdregh Jan 68 Loss's Map of Hoboken 40 Loubat Joseph Alphonse 203 Lozier Abraham 298 Lozier David 202, 209 Lozier Leah 203, 308 Lubertse Jan 105 Lubertse's Patent, history of 105 Luby Jacob 103,104,109 Luby' s Patent, history of 103 Ludlam Henry 153 Ludlam Matthias 153 Lutchie 316 Mabon Kev. William V 177 Mackie Uobert 143, 143 Macpelah Cemetery 301 Magaw Dr 83 Mandeville Henry J 75 Marins Peter Jacobse 336 Marion Building Company HI Marsh Daniel 309 Masons' Laud ... 231 Masters Joseph 243 McCarter Arthur 129 McDonald John 234 McDonald Matthias - 238 McDonald Thomas 213, 244 McFarland Robert 105 McGregor Coll 1~^ McGuinness Benjamin , ''1° Mclntyre George 143, 144 McKnia-ht Andrew ^^ 4P.2 INDEX. TAGB McPherson John R 149 Mead John 103 Mechanics" Lot, history of 135 Mechaux Audre 302 Meeks John .' 238, 234, 257 Mellick Andrew D l42, 143, 104 Mellick Elizabeth D 143 Melyu Jacob 325 Merselis Cornelius 316 Merselis Edo 183 Merselis Jacob 63, 83, 173 Merselis M 63, 126, 360 Merselis John 173, 848, 350, 310 Merselis Merselis 107, 138, 173, 348, 316 Merselis Merselis J 49, 63, 133 Merselis Peter 78, 87, 106, 138, 173. 334, 331, 248 Mersereau John 136, 141 Michielsen Tadeus 109 Midmer John H 63 Miegs Henry 166 Mighgecticock, aboriginal name of New Barbadoes Neck 333 Miller J. Dickinson , , . . . 41 Minack Thomas 338 Minnit Peter, Director-General 3 Mitchell Abraham 155 Mompesson Roger. 131 Montague Ebeuezer 157 Montgomery James. 251 Moore Mary 295 Moore Samuel T 199 Mordainis Meadow 129 Morgan Jolin 235 Morgen, a land measure 26 Morrell Abraham 160 Morrell Agnes 62 Morris Charles 166 Morris Gerard W 318 Morton John W .... 183 Mosher Nathan R 219 Mott Dr. Valentine 56 Mulford Alexander C 103 Mullany James R 141, 143, 166 Mullany John R. B 141 MurthaPeterJ 333 Musgrove Thomas 61 Myerhotf Francis 153 Najacksick 58 Neil Robert 153, 154 INDEX. 483 Nelson Samuel C CA, 2'27 Now Barbadoes Neck -324 New Field-Book , y 12 New Jersey conveyed to Berkeley and Carteret, 11 ; recaptured by the Dutch, 11 ; Berkeley conveys to Billinge, 11 ; divided into East and "West Jersey, 12 ; East Jersey sold, 13 ; the Twenty-four Proprietors.. • 13 New Jersey Harbor Company 135 New Jersey Stock Yard and Market Company 54 New York Bay Cemetery Company 59, GO Newark owns New Barbadoes Neck 325 Newhara Charles E , . , 91 Newkirk Aaron 87, 99, 179, 180, 213 Ne wkirk Abraham 14'j Newkirk Abram P G, 180 Newkirk Cornelius 231, 238 Newkirk Garret 43, 83, 87, 99, 112, 186,; 138, 148, 179, 180, 231. 235, 23G, 240, 242, 252, 253, 294, 295, 318 Newkirk Garret G 112 Newkirk Garret H '. 87, 99, 109, 112, 179 Newkirk Garret J 148 Newkirk George 87, 99, 112, 123. 148, 179, 180, 222, 231, 236, 238, 252, 253 Newkirk Hendrick 99, 109, 112, 179, 180, 231. 240, 251 Newkirk Henry 112, 231, 353 Newkirk Henry H 112 Newkirk Jacob 42, ll2, 148, 149, 157, 253, 236, 238, 295 Newkirk James M 112 Newkirk John = 112 Newkirk John J 43, 157, 238, 253 Newkirk John M 112, 238, 253 Newkirk Mathevis .99, 112, 138, 179, 180, 231, 24U, 252, 253 Newkirk Matthew P 157 Newkirk Poulus 112 Neyonsick 58 Noble and Moore's Patent, history of 7G Norman's Patent, history of 59 Oakley Israel '^ Ogden John 325 Ogilvie Rev. John 308 Olphertz Sjoert 68, 69 Oratum, Sagamore of the Hackingsacks 74 Osborn Henry ~''3 Osborn Samuel 148, 149 O^trum Hendrick "^l* Oude Boomse Val 315 Outwater Guilliam -^*2' ~^^' -^^ Cutwater Jacob G 56,123,202,222.259 296 Outwater James. 55 ■^ 434 INDEX. PAGE. Outwater John G 202, 256 Overseers of the Poor of Bergen 131 Pahncr John 133 Pamrepaw — Pembrepog, 50 ; Pembrepogh, 52 ; Najacksick, 58 ; Pamre- pegh, 70 ; Pembrepock, 70 ; Pemmerpook, 394 ; Pemerpo 400 Paret Henry 140 Paret John 140 Parks Altje 87 Parmily Jahiel 142 Pasman Catherine , 137 Paterson William 141 Paulus Hook (Poiiwels Hook, 44 ; Powlus Houck) 45 Paulus Hook, Indian deed for. ... 4 Paulus Hook Patent, history of 44 Paulus Hook sold to Van Vorst 45 Pauw Michael conveys Pavonia to the Company 5 Pauw Michael purchases Hoboken 3 Pauw Michael purchases Paulus Hook, etc 4 Pavonia, the name of Pauw's Colonic 5 Pearsall Nelson B. . „ 63 Pembrepogh 58 Perine Peter 255 Peters John Priestly 320 Petersborough, name of East Newark 328 Peterse Peter H 317 Petersen Peter 221, 223 Peterson Adrian 317 Peyton Josiah 110 Pfeffel Peter Charles 232 Phelps George D . 142 Philipse Frederick 87 Philipse's Patent, history of 87 Phillips Alpha 166 Pierce Robert 163 Pierson Abraham, sen 325 Pieterse Paulus 99 Pieterse's Patent, history of 99 Pinhorne John 131 Pinhorne William 130 Planck Abraham Isaacsen 45 Piatt Jacob S 155 Plummer William G 149 Poillon George W 141 Post Abraham 300 Post Adrian 81, 314 Post Egbert G6, 144, 214 Post John 67 Post John E .55, 62, 206, 208 INDEX. 435 I'AGK Post Peter 141,144 Post's Patent, history of ^^ Powers William P ^^^ Price Francis 163, 199 Price Rodman M 163 Prior Abraham .133, 223, 247, 259 Prior Aiidries 101, 105, 247 Prior Casparus 76, 101, 126, 148, 222, 247, 359, 260 Prior Hartman 247 Prior Jacob 123, 133, 146, 209, 249, 319 Prior Jasper 76, 126, 295, 317 Prior Michael 126, 259 Prior Nicholas 101, 126, 146, 233, 243 Prosser Thomas 256 Provost James 148, 336, 253 Pusy John Xavier Bureaux. 142, 143, 144 Quit Rents, lands in East Jersey subject to 13, 14, 15 Rabineau Jacob 1*^ Raccocus (Reckpokus, 56 ; R^gpokes, 57 ; Right-Coakkass, 57 ; Rackpo- kus) ^3 Rapp Adam 24< Rapp Conrad ^^'^ Rapp Henry 2^^ Rapp John 354, 257 Reed William B 140, 141, 219 Richardson, J. P '^^^ Rod, as used in the patents ^^ Roll John • • • • 60, 61 Romaine John 105, 246 Romeyn Simon Jansen • ""^ Rosencamp Henry • "1 Rowe Norman L '*^'^" Rowe Peter 62, 226 Roy Jacob Jacobsen '^ Rummel John C. F ^21 Ryerson Garrabrant '^'^^ Sacket Augustus ^^^ Sacket James ^^^ Sacket Joseph 300,304 Sacket Samuel f^^ Sacket William • 300,301 Salter Da\ad ,. 67 Salter Paul 61,65,67 Sanford Peregrine Sandford William 324,327. 328 14l Sands George W 436 INDEX. TAOE. Saunier Michael l(j:3, 1G4, l'J9, 202, 203, 205 Saunier Paul 301 Schneider Henry 222 Scliool Lots, history of 147, 149 Schuyler Arent 327 Schuyler Jacob R IGO, 328 Schuyler John 328 Schuyler Peter 328 Secaucus— Sitkakes, 6 ; Sickakus 1 30 Secaucus Commons .... 291 Secaucus Patent, history of loO Seely John 154 Segaerd Andries 138 Segaerd Fitje Gl, 02, 210, 216 Serrel John 72 Sewell Robert 155 Seymour Julia A Gl Shepherd Joseph IIG Sherman Charles A 142, 143 Sherwood Luman 146 Showhank Brook 40. 157 Sickles Abraham 54, 138, 202, 209, 233, 236, 240, 312 Sickles Daniel 55 Sickles Derrick 234 Sickles Hendrick 91, 138, 234, 236 Sickles John 91, 234, 251 Sickles Peter 123, 184, 259 Sickles Robert 2G1 Sickles Zacharias 13S, 184, 221, 251 Simmons Michael 125, 248, 316 Simmons William 248 Simonson Cornelius 1 40 Simonson Daniel 91 , 251 Simonson James L 140, 144 Simonson Joseph 148, S20, 321 Simonson Stephen 234, 251 Sip Cornelius, 87, 97,122, 138, 183, 187, 188, 221,232, 238, 241, 243,249, 251, 258, 261,322 Sip Garret.. 81, 87, 97, 112, 188, 146,183, 187, 187,188,221,232,238,241, 243, 249,251,258,261,322 Sip Ide 88, 122 Sip Jan Adrian 81,83, 91, 102, 109, 122 Sip Peter 114, 122, 12G, 183, 296, Sip Richard 109, 122, 126, 183 Sisson Benjamin 320 Sisson Mary Elizabeth 49 Sistarc Delia A 232 Slaight Nathaniel C 87 Slaugh's Meadow Patent, history of 128 INDEX. 437 PAGE. Slonga 40, 49, 50, 57, 152 Slot's Patent, history of ^ . . . 09 Smith Abel J 83, 131, 321 Smith Cornelius 304 Smith Cortlandt Gl Smith Daniel I44, 452, 223, 294 Smith Enoch 299, 300, 303, 304 Smith Gilbert C 01 Smith Job 83, 131, 138, 141, 223, 298 Smith John 141 Smith John E I44 Smith Philip 138, 298 Smith Robert L. 50 Snake Hill 130 Somerindyke John 129 Southmayd Henry 123 Speer Abraham 119 Speer Henry 321 Speer John 238 Speer William H 51, 100 Spengenian Conrad C 223 Spicer Jacob, one of the Commissioners 29, 137, 159, 193 Spier Hendrick Jansen 05 Spiers Patent, history of 05 Stager Richard 148, 149 Stainer Edward 232 Staten Island belonged to Pauw 5 Steenhuysen Englebert 91 Steenhuysen's Patent, history of 91 Steenwyck Cornells G8, G9, 81 Steinmets Caspar 46, 78, 79, 133 Stefnraets Garret 133 Steinmets Johaunis , 317 Steinmets John 133 Stevens James 53 Stevens John 38, 40, 43, 128, 131, 154, 308 Stockholms Charity 143 StofFelscn's Catharine Patent, history of 71 Stoffelsen Jacob 40 Stoffelsen's Jacob Patent, history of. 40 S tolz Jacob 200, 205 Story Rufus 141 Straatmaker's Creek = ■■ ^ •'58 Stringham James R 141 Stringham William , 140, 141 Stringham Winfield 141 Sturge John • 290 Stuyvesant Peter 125, 12G, 135 Stuyvesant Petrus 198, 2G0, 310 438 INDEX. PAGE. Stuyvesant's Patent, history of. 47 Stuyvesant's purchase from the Indians 5 Subdivision of the Common Lands 195 Suckley George • 334, 257 Suckley Kutzen 228 Sutphen John S 102 Swartwout Samuel 40 Sycan Dirck 58, 66 Sycan's First Patent, history of 58 Sycan's Second Patent, history of 65 Syms John 61, 248 Taylor Rev. Benjamin C • • 183 Taylor Isaac S 146 Taylor Noah D 63 Taylor Thomas 63, 183 Tead Andrew 131, 308 Terhuue Michael B 75, 166 Terhune Stephen , 75, 169 Teunisse Dirck's Patent, history of 1'19 Teunisse Hendrick's Patent, history of 114 Vide also 318 Thorp Benjamin 321 Thomas William 149 Thompson Robert 65 Tise George 1-^5 TiseJohn 148,321 Tise Richard 148 Timson Charles J 183 Toers Arent .91, 92, 102, 105, 109, 118, 123, 125. 138, 181,236, 239, 244, 246, 247, 249, 256, 258, 262, 315, 320 Toers Claas Arentse 91, 102 Toers Laurent Arentse 91, 315 Toers Nicholas 91, 92, 125, 245, 250, 321 Tonele John 157 Townsend William R 129 Traphagen Henry 43, 154 Tucker Reuben D 318 Tuttle John S 227 Tysen Esther '• 254 United Netherland Company 1 United States Watch Company 121 Urianse Altje 230 Van Ame Moses 144 Van Blarcom Gysbert 105, 247 Van Blarcom John = = « • 105, 319 Van Borsum Cornelius 129 ./ INDEX. 430 PAGE. Van Buskirk Abraham 71, 75. 213 Van Buskirk Andries CO, 75, 219 Van Buskirk Cornelius 60, fiS, 71, 144, 1G6, 169, 211, 213, 216, 217 Van Buskirk David. 71 Van Buskirk Effie, icife of James 49 Van Buskirk Jacobus 75, 76, 218, 295 Van Buskirk James 71, 78, 160,218 Van Buskirk Johannis 75, 138 Van Buskirk John 76, 108,218 Van Buskirk John J 141 Van Buskirk Laurens Andriesen 60 Van Buskirk Lawrence 60, 66, 75 Van Buskirk Nicholas 76, 218 Van Clief Daniel 160 Van Dalson John 136, 144 Van Derbilt Aaron 123, 222, 259 Van Derhoof Garret 222,259 , / Van Derhoof Jacobus 138, 222, 224 ^ Van Derhoof Sarah 123 Van dcr Linden Jan 69, 74 Van der Linden Joost 69 Van Gelder Jesse 244 Van Giesen Isaac 307 Van Giesen John 102 Van Giesen Rynier 66, 138 Van Glahn Henry. ; . 173 Van Glahn Lawrence 53, 55 Van Horne Andrew 62, 75,144 Van Horne Cornelius 48, 55, 71, 72, 126, 145, 199, 200, 206, 213 Van Home David L 62, 126 Van Horne Garret 48, 43, 200, 203, 205 Van Home Henry 144 Van Horne Jacob 54, 60, 136, 144, 171, 213, 215, 217, 220 Van Home Jacob Barentzen 71 Van Horne James 152 Van Horne John 48, 53, 54, 55, 71, 138, 142, 170, 203, 205, 215 Van Horne John G 49, 52, 53, 76, 108, 166, 170, 200, 203, 205 Van Horne John J 173. 203, 205 Van Horne Mindert 49, 53, 57, 170, 200, 203, 205 Van Horne Peter 1 170, 200, 203, 205 Van Horne Rutgert 53. 53, 68, C9, 71 Van Horne Stephen 203 Van Houten Abraham *'*'* Van Hoiiten Helmigh 4D, 137, 138, 139, 156, 249, 259, 295, 297, 313, 320 Van Houten Johannis 79, 102, 108, 123, 225, 239, 244, 249, 252. 253, 259 Van Houten John 49, 138,157, 225, 244, 249, 259 Van Houten Roelof ^^•'^^ Van Iderstein '^^^ Van Kleek Baltus Barentsen ^^^ 440 INDEX. PAOE. Van XieuwkiTck Mattlieus Cornelise 109 Van Nostrand Henry D 59 Van Niikirk Matthevvvvis 138 Van Ostrum's Patent, history of 127 Van Piinnerant Claaa Jansen 42, 06, 127 Van Purmcrant's Patent, history of 42, 127 Van Rensselaer Kiliaen, takes up land at Fort Orange 3 Vau.Riiyven Cornelius 128 Van Rypcn Christopher 245 Van Rypen Cornelius 81, 83, 213, 227, 228, 242, 318 Van Rypen Cornelius C 85, 227, 228, 243 Van Rypen Cornelius G 79, 81, 83, 85, 97, 108, 227, 250 Van Rypcin Cornell us R 227 Van Rypen Daniel. . 76, 81, 83, 101, 108, 138, 227, 228, 342, 250, 259, 313, 317, 321 Van Rypen Daniel R 227 Van Rypen Derrick 228 Van Rypen Garret 70, 81, 83, 126, 138, 227, 228, 230, 234, 242, 250, 261 Van Rypen Garret J 294 Van Rypon George 81, 83, 228 Van Rypen Johannis 70, 85, 97, 108, 183, 330, 341, 350, 251 Van Rypen Michael 327 Van Rypen Richard 76, 83, 101, 148, 227, 228, 242, 318 Van Rypen Thomas Jurianse 83 Van Schalckvvyck's Patent, history of 70 Van Tuyl Abraham 143 Van Tuyl Andrew 143 Van Tuyl Michael 143 Van Vleck Isaac 254 Van Vleck Tielman 114, 123 Van Vleck's Patent, history of 114 Van Vorst Cornelius, 40, 45, 122, 136, 138, 143, 154, 155, 156, 157, 197, 198, 324, 241,245,319 Van Vorst Garret 324, 341, 245 Van Vorst Ide Cornelison 40, 114 Van Vorst John , . 40, 155 Van Vorst William B 155 Van Vorst's Patent at Harsimus, history of 40 Van Vorst's Patent at Bergen, history of. 123 Van Wagenen Cornelius 121 Van Wagenen Gerrit G.jr / 64,81, 123, 322 Van Wagenen Hartman ,81, 87, 99, 119, 121, 123, 180, 187, 331, 260 Van Wagenen Jacob, 63, 64, 65, 91, 97, 120, 121, 136, 138, 141, 166, 167, 187, 213, 226, 247, 360, 295 Van Wagenen Johannis. , , ,53, 91, 119, 120, 138, 187, 303, 236, 235, 353,258, 260 Van Wagenen John 131 Van Wart Isaac 206 Van Wart Philip 140 Van Winkle Abraham 116, 355 Van Winkle Altje 83 INDKX. 441 PAGE. Van Winkle Cornelia 213 Van Winkle Cornelius 76, 108, 255, 257 Van Winkle DanieL . . 06, 109, 116, 149, 313, 314, 329, 230, 234, 245, 251. 257, 331 Van Winkle Daniel G 116 Van Winkle Garret 148 Van Winkle Garret S „ 116 Van Winkle Heudrick 91, 116, 138, 186, 235, 238, 255 Van Winkle Henry 116 Van Winkle Henry D 83, 116, 149, 230, 318 Van Winkle Jacob 83, 116 Van Winkle Jacob D 107, 116,248, 257 Van Winkle Jacob Jacobse 81, 91, 116, 318 Van Winkle Jeremiah 83, 109, 116, 183, 230 Van Winkle John 333, 340, 330 Van Winkle John D 107, 116 Van Winkle John G 116 Van Winkle Joseph 61, 116, 335, 338, 355, 304 Van Winkle Samuel . ." 116 Van Zyle James 140 Varick Abraham . , 45, 143 Varick Richard 45, 143 Varlet Nicholas 39, 127 Varlet's Patent, history of 185 Varlet and Bayard's Patent, history of 108 Varlet and Bayard's Patent (Secaucus), history of 130 Veeder Hermanns 138, 333 Ver Bruggen Johannis 139 Vetterlein Bernhard 51 Vinge Jan 138 Vinge's Patent, history of 138 Voorhis Charles F 133 Vreeland Abraham 146, 337, 232 Vreeland Claas , 54, 57, 136, 141, i i ' Vreeland Cornelius Michielse 52, 53, 50, 57, w ' Vreeland Cornelius 63, 75, 105, 140, 141. 21 s Vreeland Cornelius M 87, !*<> Vreeland Daniel 55, 1 J • Vreeland Elias Michielse 53, 79 Vreeland Enoch Michielse , 53, 58 Vreeland Garret 54, 55, 56, 59, 00, 03, 07, 93, 104, 170, 200, 332 Vreeland Garret J 75 Vreeland Garret M 54 Vreeland George 59, 00, 01, 03, 07, 136, 138, 143, 148, 104, 205, 209, 211, 213 210, 330, 253 Vreeland Hartman 07, 140, 141, 208, 218 Vreeland Hartman Michielse 52,*54, 56 Vreeland Helmus 105, 140, 219 Vreeland Henry <'3. 75, 21 9 Vreeland Jacob 59, 00, 230 SO 442 INDEX. PAGB. Vrceland Janctjc Micliielse 52 Vreeland Joliannis 53, 1 18, 138, 202, 205, 207, 208 Vreeland Joliannis Micliielse 52, 50, 57 Vreeland John 59, GO, G7, 105, 136, 142, 164, 211, 213, 226, 295 Vreeland John M 58, 162, 163 Vreeland Michael ... 49, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 66, 67, 105, 138, 162, 163, 164, 183, 200, 205, 208, 214, 219 Vreeland Michael Cornelise 136, 162, 201, 204, 209, 212, 214 Vreeland Michael G 65, 202, 208, 209 Vreeland Michael Hartmanse 116, 138, 202, 204, 207, 208, 255 Vreeland Mindert 58, 162, 163 Vreeland Nicholas 54, 55, 222, 295 Vreeland Nicholas S 57, 62, 208 Vreeland Peter 140, 141, 218 Vreeland Peter V. B 53 Vreeland Pryntje Micliielse 52 Vreeland Richard 46, 58, 59, 61, 114, 164 Vreeland Stephen 57, 62, 141, 170, 179, 202, 204, 207, 208, 213 Vreeland Stephen B 57, 63, 208 Vreeland Thomas 138 Vreeland William 75, 140. 141, 218 Vreeland William C 67, 75, 166 Wade Nathaniel 304 Waldron Charles 155 Waldron Joseph , 55, 206 Waldron Joseph J 155 Ward John 325 Ward Jonas 153, 154 Warman Richard 131 Warner Abraham B ■ . . 211 Warren Sir Peter 128, 263 Watts Charles 152, 294 Wauters Egbert 227 Wauters Garret... 214 Wauters John 62 Wauters Merselis 67 Weehawken (Wiehacken, 6 ; Awiehaken, 36 ; Wiehaken) 151 Weehawken Patent, history of 36 Weldon Walter 224 Welsh Benjamin F 55, 102 Welsh Daniel 54 Welsh James W 102 Welsh John 102 Wescott Samuel 62, 126 West Bergen 232 West Hoboken Land Association, No. 2 236 W'est India Company incorporated 1 West India Couij)any'.s Farm, history of 42, 46, 132 INDEX. 443 PACE. Westerfield Benjamin C 254 Westerfield Elizabeth 254 Westerfield Henry 254 Westervelt Albert A 131 Westervelt Jasper B 254 Wetherby Mrs 244 White Anthony 136, 141, 144 White Samuel C 140 Willard Edward A 213 Willemer Adolphus 223 Williams John J 305, 306 Williams Philip 31G Williamson James A 141 Wilson Blakely 112, 149 Wilson Peter 296 Winfield Charles H 62, 140 Winfield Harriet M 63 Winne Edo 92, 245 WinneJohn 46,135,138,146,234 Winne John S 114,244,254 Winne Levinus 46, 105, 114, 138, 183, 245, 254, 294 Winne Martin 105, 114, 345, 257 Winner Nicholas T 223 Wolvern William H 141 Woods Martin 141 Woods Walter 63 Woolmington John 173 Woolsey Benjamin F 143 Wright Edwin R. V 157 Wright William 136 Wyman Aaron 153 Young Edward F. C 87 Youmans Jonathan ~'^ ' Zabriskie Albert » 69, 227 Zabriskie Albert M 140,141,143,319,313 Zabriskie Benjamin "'■^ Zabriskie David l"*-^ Zabriskie family 1'*'^ Zabriskie Jacob 153,310,325,313 Zabriskie Jasper 141,143,143,310,319 Zabriskie John 333,233,246,313 Zabriskie John H. 93 Zabriskie Michael 140,141,143,166,310 Zabriskie Peter. 152 Zule John ^•'•^ '^ 928 (D LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iri!Mll!iili:i I 014 224 977 7 ^ 4 i