I COMFLTEIi Copyright "N"- COPVRIGHT DEPOSnV SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER Copyright 1915 by J. Frank Smith Price, $1.50 Sold under a positive guarantee to give satisfaction or money refunded Published by J. FRANK SMITH Pleasanton, Kansas -o^^S Smith's Computers FORMERLY "Eby's Handy Tables" Pour special editions now publish- ed. Each especially adapted to the work intended. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money back after five days' trial. Sent anywhere in the world on receipt of price. If interest- ed in any of the editions write for special descriptive literature. Send all orders to J. FRANK SMITH, Publisher. Pleasanton, Kansas. Creamery and Produce edition of "Smith's Computer" for calculating butterfat and values, covers all cal- culating in creameries, cheese and ice crcan> factories; also commission merchants, wholesale and retail deal- ers in poultry, eggs and butter. Price, $2.50 Lumber and Grain edUion of "Smith's Computer," a quick and complete computer for retail lumber, hay, grain, coal, etc. Price, $2.50 Mercantile edition of "Smith's Computer," especially adapted for merchants in proving invoices, for hilling clerks in wholesale houses and railway freight offices and making out checks for all kinds of pay rolls. Price, $2.50 ■ Special Mercantile Edition of "Smith's Computer" contains 43 more pages of tables than are found in the regular Mercantile Edition. This edition was made for large factories where computations run high and into numerous fractions. Price, $5.00 All of the editions are bound in red Hiorocco with patent index. MAY 14 1915 --y %o , Publisher's Announcement The writer has been publishing ' ' Smith 's Com- puter" for nine years and its popularity has in- creased steadily each year. During these years the business of cream buying has grown wonder- fully. In almost every town, in most of the states, where there is no creamery, there are from two to four cream buyers for the large central creameries. These men usually buy cream, milk, butter, eggs and poiiltry. ]\Iany letters have come to the publisher of this computer asking if he had a small, compact set of tables at a small cost that would cover the needs of the creamery and the country "Cream Buyers." In response to these inquiries and suggestions "Smith's Butterfat Computer" has been publish- ed. The tables have been arranged in handy form, to meet every need of these busy men. The type is large and the tables are very simple and easily applied and when once used will prove a boon to the creameryman or the buyer of cream, milk, eggs, butter and butterfat. My faith in the correctness of every figure in this book is so strong that I will send a copy free to the first person reporting an error in the tables. If you find an error report at once. Hoping this computer will find a warm re- ception by those for whom it is intended, I am respectfully, J.. FRANK SMITH, Publisher, May, 1915. Pleasanton, Kansas. HOW TO APPLY THE TABLES. The success of the tables in this computer depends on the operator, and to get quick results, one should know how to apply them to the best advantage. The tables are simple and easy to understand and are capa- ble of a wide range of application. Here are a few rules and suggestions that will enable one not familiar with them to apply the tables. TO FIND BUTTERFAT IN CREAM. The tables have a wide range for tests of cream including all tests from 15% to 70% with the half frac- tion in each table. To find the fat in any lot of cream use the table representing the test and run to the num ber representing the number of pounds and the num- ber opposite is the pounds of fat. Example: 25 lbs cream test 27%. Use the 27 table and run to 25 and you have 6.75 lbs. fat. TO FIND PAT IN WHOLE MILK. The tables include the tests of whole milk from 1.5%. to 1% with all the tenths. To get the fat In any lot of milk, use the table representing the test and run to ihe number of pounds. Example, 75 lbs. milk test 3.4%. Use the 34 table and run to 76 and you have 25.84, but since the test is 3.4%> In place of 34% the decimal should be moved one place to the left and it leaves 2.58 lbs. fat. TO FIND VALUE OF FAT AT ANY PRICE. The tables may be transposed any way and the correct results obtained. Example, 34 lbs. fat at 25 cts. per lb. Use the 34 table and run to 25, or use the 25 table and run to 34. Another example, 34 1-2 lbs. fat at 25 cts. per lb. Use the 34 1-2 table and run to 25. Example, 34 lbs. fat at 25 1-2 cts. per lb. Use the 25 1-2 table and run to 34. Example, 9.8 lbs. fat at 25 cts. per lb. Use the 25 table and run to 98 and move the decimal one place to the left. Example, 45.8 lbs. fat at 25 1-2 cts. per lb. Use the 25 1-2 table and run to 45 and you have the value of the 45 lbs. Then run to 8 and move the decimal one place to the left and add to value of 45 lbs. TO FIND VALUE OF BUTTER. Apply the tables the same as in butterfat. TO FIND FAT IN MORE THAN 100 LBS. OP CREAM OR MILK. Since the tables only run to 100 it is well to knov/ how to compute the fat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk. To compute fat in 450 lbs. cream or milk, use the table representing the test and run to 45 and to the result add one cipher and move decimal one place to right. To compute fat in 567 lbs. milk or fat, use table giving test and run to 5 and add two ciphers and move decimal two places to right. Then compute 67 and add. If it is 6578 lbs. milk test 4.5%. First use the 45 table and run to 65 and move the decimal one place to right. Then run to 78 and move the deci- mal one place to left and add the two. By carefully studying this system and learning to shift the decimal point correctly one can compute cream and milk up to several thousand pounds with only one addition. TO FIND VALUE OF EGGS. Use the table representing the price of eggs and run to the number representing the number of dozen. The result will be the value. If you have parts of a dozen it is necessary to learn the decimal to represent the odd number of eggs to get the exact value. Here is a table that will enable one to compute value of eggs in broken lots: 1, (1-12 doz.) equals .08; 2, (1-6 doz.) ea.uals .17; 3, (1-4 doz.) equals .25; 4, (1-3 doz.) equals .33; 5, (5-12 doz.) equals .42; 6, (1-2 doz.) equals .50; 7, (7-12 doz.) equals .58; 8, (2-3 doz.) equals .67; 9, (3-4 doz.) equals .75; 10, (5-6 doz.) equals .83; 11, (11-12 doz.) equals .92. Example, 13 doz. and 7 eggs at 23 cts. per doz. Use the 23 table and run to 13 and you have $2.99 and to get the value of 7 eggs run to 58 and you have 13 cts. This is easy and correct and when once used will be very handy. TO FIND VALUE OF POULTRY. Apply the tables the same as in finding value of butter or butterfat. EACH TABLE MAY REPRESENT SEVERAL NUMBERS. Each table in the computer can be used to repre- sent five or more numbers very easily. Example, 22 1-2 table can represent milk test of 2.25% or cream test 22 1-2";^ or value of butter or butterfat at 22 1-2 cts. per lb., or any articles at $2.25 each or per pound, and also $22.50 per each or dozen or any other way. The varied number of uses to which the tables may be applied de- pends on the operator and his ability to shift the deci- mal point. With a little study there is hardly any limit to their application. If a user of the computer has any difficulty in ap- plying the tables, after reading the instructions, he is invited to write to the publisher, telling his troubles and enclosing a few examples. A reply will follow at once and a special effort made to explain the particular application of the tables. I SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 5 I 514 Eggs, doz. - - 5 cts. I Eggs, doz. - 51/2 cts. Poultry, lb. - - 5 cts.;' Poultry, lb. - 51/2 cts. 1. .05 51-2.55 H 1- .055 51-2.805 2- .10 52-2.60 II 2- .11 52-2.86 3- .15 53-2.65 || 3- .165 53-2.915 4r- .20 54-2.70 || 4- .22 54-2.97 5- .25 55-2.75 || 5- .275 55-3.025 6- .30 56-2.80 || 6- .33 56-3.08 7- .35 57-2.85 || 7- .385 57-3.135 8- .40 58-2.90 || 8- .44 58-3.19 9- .45 59-2.95 jj 9- .495 59-3.245 10- .50 60-3.00 II 10- .55 60-3.30 11- .55 61-3.05 II 11- .605 61-3.355 12- .60 62-3.10 II 12- .66 62-3.41 13- .65 63-3.15 || 13- .715 63-3.465 14- .70 64-3.20 jj 14- .77 64-3.52 15- .75 65-3.25 i| 15- .825 65-3.575 16- .80 66-3.30 || 16- .88 66-3.63 17- .85 67-3.35 || 17- .935 67-3.685 18- .90 68-3.40 || 18- .99 68-3.74 19- .95 69-3.45 || 19-1.045 69-3.795 20-1.00 70-3.50 II 20-1.10 70-3.85 21-1.05 71-3.55 II 21-1.155 71-3.905 22-1.10 72-3.60 || 22-1.21 72-3.96 23-1.15 73-3.65 || 23-1.265 73-4.015 24-1.20 74-3.70 || 24-1.32 74-4.07 25-1.25 75-3.75 || 25-1.375 75-4.125 26-1.30 76-3.80 jj 26-1.43 76-4.18 27-1.35 77-3.85 || 27-1.485 77-4.235 28-1.40 78-3.90 1| 28-1.54 78-4.29 29-1.45 79-3.95 || 29-1.595 79-4.345 30-1.50 80-4.00 II 30-1.65 80-4.40 31-1.55 81-4.05 II 31-1.705 81-4.455 32-1.60 82-4.10 | 32-1.76 82-4.51 33-1.65 83-4.15 |1 33-1.815 83-4.565 34-1.70 84-4.20 || 34-1.87 84-4.62 35-1.75 85-4.25 || 35-1.925 85-4.675 38-1.80 86-4.30 || 36-1.98 86-4.73 37-1.85 87-4.35 || 37-2.035 87-4.785 38-1.90 88-4.40 \\ 38-2.09 88-4.84 39-1.85 89-4.45 jj 39-2.145 89-4.895 40-2.00 90-4.50 |l 40-2.20 90-4.95 41-2.05 91-4.55 || 41-2.255 91-5.005 42-2.10 92-4.60 || 42-2.31 92-5.06 43-2.15 93-4.65 || 43-2.365 83-5.115 44-2.20 94-4.70 j] 44-2.42 94-5.17 45-2.25 95-4.75 || 45-2.475 95-5.225 46-2.30 96-4.80 [| 46-2.53 96-5.28 47-2.35 97-4.85 || 47-2.585 97-5.335 48-2.40 98-4.90 || 48-2.64 98-5.39 49-2.45 99-4.95 || 49-2.695 99-5.445 50-2.50 100-5.00 || 50-2.75 100-5.50 Tu find butterfat in cream or whole milk; Sec notes nut\ eiamples on pages 3 and 4. To find butterfat in more than ]00 lbs. of eream or milk : See notes and eiamples on pages 3 and 4. To find Talue of butter or butterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each tabic In tbis computer can represent five or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 6 Eggs, doz. - Poultry, lb. 6 cts. 6 cts. 61/4 Eggs, doz. - Poultry, lb. - 61/2 cts. 6V2 cts. 1- .06 51-3.06 1- .065 51-3.315 2- .12 52-3.12 2- .13 52-3.38 3- .18 53-3.18 3- .195 53-3.445 4- .24 54-3.24 4- .26 54-3.51 5- .30 55-3.30 5- .325 55-3.575 6- .36 56-3.36 6- .39 56-3.64 7- .42 57-3.42 7- .455 57-3.705 8- .48 58-3.48 8- .52 58-3.77 9- .54 59-3.54 9- .585 59-3.835 10- .60 60-3.60 10- .65 60-3.90 11- .66 61-3.66 11- .715 61-3.965 12- .72 62-3.72 12- .78 62-4.03 13- .78 63-3.78 13- .845 63-4.095 14- .84 64-3.84 14- .91 64-4.16 15- .90 65-3.90 15- .975 65-4.225 16- .96 66-3.96 16-1.04 66-4.29 17-1.02 67-4.02 17-1.105 67-4.355 18-1.08 68-4.08 18-1.17 68-4.42 19-1.14 69-4.14 19-1.235 69-4.485 20-1.20 70-4.20 20-1.30 70-4.55 21-1.26 71-4.26 21-1.365 71-4.615 22-1.32 72-4.32 22-1.43 72-4.68 23-1.38 73-4.38 23-1.495 73-4.745 24-1.44 74-4.44 24-1.56 74-4.81 25-1.50 75-4.50 125-1.625 75-4.875 26-1.56 76-4.56 26-1.69 76-4.94 27-1.62 77-4.62 27-1.755 77-5.005 28-1.68 78-4.68 28-1.82 78-5.07 29-1.74 79-4.74 29-1.885 79-5.135 30-1.80 80-4.80 30-1.95 80-5.20 31-1.86 81-4.86 31-2.015 81-5.265 32-1.92 82.4.92 32-2.08 82-5.33 33-1.98 83-4.98 33-2.145 83-5.395 34-2.04 84-5.04 34-2.21 84-5.46 35-2.10 85-5.10 35-2.275 85-5.525 36-2.16 86-5.16 36-2.34 86-5.59 37-2.22 87-5.22 37-2.405 87-5.655 38-2.28 88-5.28 38-2.47 88-5.72 39-2.34 89-5.34 39-2.535 89-5.785 40-2.40 90-5.40 40-2.60 90-5.85 41-2.46 91-5.46 41-2.665 91-5.915 42-2.52 92-5.52 42-2.73 92-5.98 43-2.58 93-5.58 43-2.795 93-6.045 44-2.64 94-5.64 44-2.86 94-6.11 45-2.70 95-5.70 45-2.925 95-6.175 46-2.76 96-5.76 46-2.99 96-6.24 47-2.82 97-5.82 47-3.055 97-6.305 48-2.88 98-5.88 48-3.12 98-6.37 49-2.94 99-5.94 49-3.185 99-6.435 50-3.00 100-6.00 50-3.25 100-6.50 Here Is a rule to compute value ot less thau dozeu eggs at any price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen ; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .33; 5, (5-12) equals .42; 6, (1-2) equals .50; 7, (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .07; 0, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .92. tJuder the table representing tlie price per dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you will always get correct value ot odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERPAT COMPUTER. 7 71/4 Eggs, doz - - 7 cts. Eggs, doz. - 71/2 cts. Poultry, lb. - 7 cts. Poultry, lb. - 71/2 cts. 1- .07 51-3.57 II 1- .075 51-3.825 2- .14 52-3.64 11 •2- .15 52-3.90 3- .21 53-3.71 3- .225 53-3.975 4- .28 54-3.78 4- .30 54-4.05 5- .35 55-3.85 1 5- .375 55-4.125 6- .42 56-3.92 6- .45 56-4.20 7- .49 57-3.99 II 7- .525 57-4.275 8- .56 58-4.06 jl 8- .60 58-4.35 ■ 9- .63 59-4.13 1 9- .675 59-4.425 10- .70 60-4.20 II 10- .75 60-4.50 11- .77 61-4.27 II 11- .825 61-4.575 12- .84 62-4.34 1 12- .90 62-4.65 13- .91 63-4.41 11 13- .975 63-4.725 14- .98 64-4.48 11 14-1.05 64-4.80 15-1.05 65-4.55 15-1.125 65-4.875 16-1.12 66-4.62 1 16-1.20 66-4.95 17-1.19 67-4.69 i 17-1.275 67-5.025 18-1.26 68-4.76 ii 18-1.35 68-5.10 19-1.33 69-4.83 19-1.425 69-5.175 20-1.40 70-4.90 11 20-1.50 70-5.25 21-1.47 71-4.97 11 21-1.575 71-5.325 22-1.54 72-5.04 11 22-1.65 72-5.40 23-1.61 73-5.11 1 23-1.725 73-5.475 24-1.68 74-5.18 jl 24-1.80 74-5.55 25-1.75 75-5.25 11 25-1.875 75-5.625 26-1.82 76-5.32 11 26-1.95 76-5.70 27-1.89 77-5.39 1 27-2.025 77-5.775 28-1.96 78-5.46 11 28-2.10 78-5.85 29-2.03 79-5.53 i 29-2.175 79-5.925 30-2.10 80-5.60 1 30-2.25 80-6.00 31-2.17 81-5.67 11 31-2.325 81-6.075 32-2.24 82-5.74 1 32-2.40 82-6.15 33-2.31 83-5.81 li 33-2.475 83-6.225 34-2.38 84-5.88 li 34-2.55 84-6.30 35-2.45 85-5.95 il 35-2.625 85-6.375 36-2.52 86-6.02 11 36-2.70 86-6.45 37-2.59 87-6.09 1 37-2.775 87-6.525 38-2.66 88-6.16 11 38-2.85 88-6.60 39-2.73 89-6.23 ii 39-2.925 89-6.675 40-2.80 90-6.30 i 40-3.00 90-6.75 41-2.87 91-6.37 il 41-3.075 91-6.825 42-2.94 92-6.44 1 42-3.15 92-6.90 43-3.01 93-6.51 11 43-3.225 93-6.975 44-3.08 94-6.58 11 44-3.30 94-7.05 45-3.15 95-6.65 It 45-3.375 95-7.125 46-3.22 96-6.72 11 46-3.45 96-7.20 47-3.29 97-6.79 1 47-3.525 97-7.275 48-3.36 98-6.86 II 48-3.60 98-7.35 49-3.43 99-6.93 11 49-3.675 99-7.425 50-3.50 100-7.00 1 50-3.75 100-7.50 To And butterfat in cream or whole milk; See notes nut! examples ou pages 3 and 4. To fiud butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of iro.im or milk; See notes and oiampies on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or butterfat ur poultry or egga: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table in this computer can represent Ave or more numbers. See notes ou pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. Eggs, doz. Poultry, lb. - 8 cts. - 8 cts. 81/4 Eggs, doz. - Poultry, lb. - 8V2 cts. 81/2 cts. 1- .08 51-4.08 1 1- .085 51-4.335 2- .16 52-4.16 2- .17 52-4.42 3- .24 53-4.24 3- .255 53-4.505 4- .32 54-4.32 4- .34 54-4.59 5- .40 55-4.40 5- .425 55-4.675 6- .48 56-4.48 6- .51 56-4.76 7- .56 57-4.56 7- .595 57-4.845 8- .64 58-4.64 8- .68 58-4.93 9- .72 59-4.72 9- .765 59-5.015 10- .80 60-4.80 10- .85 60-5.10 11- .88 61-4.88 11- .935 61-5.185 12. .96 62-4.96 12-1.02 62-5.27 13-1.04 63-5.04 13-1.105 63-5.355 14-1.12 64-5.12 14-1.19 64-5.44 15-1.20 65-5.20 15-1.275 65-5.525 16-1.28 66-5.28 16-1.36 66-5.61 17-1.36 67-5.36 17-1.445 67-5.695 18-1.44 68-5.44 18-1.53 68-5.78 19-1.52 69-5.52 19-1.615 69-5.865 20-1.60 70-5.60 20-1.70 70-5.95 21-1.68 71-5.68 21-1.785 71-6.035 22-1.76 72-5.76 22-1.87 72-6.12 23-1.84 73-5.84 23-1.955 73-6.205 24-1.92 74-5.92 24-2.04 74-6.29 25-2.00 75-6.00 25-2.125 75-6.375 26-2.08 76-6.08 26-2.21 76-6.46 27-2.16 77-6.16 27-2.295 77-6.545 28-2.24 78-6.24 28-2.38 78-6.63 29-2.32 79-6.32 29-2.465 79-6.715 30-2.40 80-6.40 30-2.55 80-6.80 31-2.48 81-6.48 31-2.635 81-6.885 32-2.56 82-6.56 32-2.72 82-6.97 33-2.64 83-6.64 33-2.805 83-7.055 34-2.72 84-6.72 34-2.89 84-7.14 35-2.80 85-6.80 35-2.975 85-7.225 36-2.88 86-6.88 36-3.06 86-7.31 37-2.96 87-6.96 37-3.145 87-7.395 38-3.04 88-7.04 38-3.23 88-7.48 39-3.12 89-7.12 39-3.315 89-7.565 40-3.20 90-7.20 40-3.40 90-7.65 41-3.28 91-7.28 41-3.485 91-7.735 42-3.38 92-7.36 42-3.57 92-7.82 43-3.44 93-7.44 i 43-3.655 93-7.905 44-3.52 94-7.52 44-3.74 94-7.99 45-3.60 95-7.60 45-3.825 95-8.075 46-3.68 96-7.68 46-3.91 96-8.16 47-3.76 97-7.76 47-3.995 97-8.245 48-3.84 98-7.84 1 48-4.08 98-8.33 49-3.92 99-7.92 49-4.165 99-8.415 50-4.00 100-8.00 50-4.25 100-8.50 Here is a rule to compute Talue ot less tli.in dozeu eggs at any rrice. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz.) equals .23; 4, (1-3) equals .33; 5, (5-12) equals .42; 6, (1-2) equals .50; 7, (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .07; 9, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-G) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .92. Under tlio table representing tlie price per dozeu of eggs, use tUese numbers as decimals and you will always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 9 91/2 Eggs, doz. - - 9 cts. Eggs, doz. - 91/2 cts. Poultry, lb. - - 9 cts. Poultry, lb. - 91/2 cts. 1- .09 51-4.59 1 1- .095 51-4.845 2- .18 52-4.68 1 2- .19 52-4.94 3- .27 53-4.77 3- .285 53-5.035 4- .36 54-4.86 4- .38 54-5.13 5- .45 55-4.95 5- .475 55-5.225 6- .54 56-5.04 6- .57 56-5.32 7- .63 57-5.13 7- .665 57-5.415 8- .72 58-5.22 8- .76 58-5.51 9- .81 59-5.31 9- .855 59-5.605 10- .90 60-5.40 10- .95 60-5.70 11- .99 61-5.49 11-1.045 61-5.795 12-1.08 62-5.58 12-1.14 62-5.89 13-1.17 63-5.67 13-1.235 63-5.985 14-1.26 64-5.76 14-1.33 64-6.08 15-1.35 65-5.85 15-1.425 65-6.175 16-1.44 66-5.94 16-1.52 66-6.27 17-1.53 67-6.03 17-1.615 67-6.365 18-1.62 68-6.12 18-1.71 68-6.46 19-1.71 69-6.21 19-1.805 69-6.555 20-1.80 70-6.30 20-1.90 70-6.65 21-1.89 71-6.39 21-1.995 71-6.745 22-1.98 72-6.48 22-2.09 72-6.84 23-2.07 73-6.57 23-2.185 73-6.935 24-2.16 74-6.66 24-2.28 74-7.03 25-2.25 75-6.75 1 25-2.375 75-7.125 26-2.34 76-6.84 26-2.47 76-7.22 27-2.43 77-6.93 27-2.565 77-7.315 28-2.52 78-7.02 28-2.66 78-7.41 29-2.61 79-7.11 29-2.755 79-7.505 30-2.70 80-7.20 30-2.85 80-7.60 31.2-79 81-7.29 31-2.945 81-7.695 32-2.88 82-7.38 32-3.04 82-7.79 33-2.97 83-7.47 33-3.135 83-7.885 34-3.06 84-7.56 34-3.23 84-7.98 35-3.15 85-7.65 35-3.325 85-8.075 36-3.24 86-7.74 36-3.42 86-8.17 37-3.33 87-7.83 37-3.515 87-8.265 38-3.42 88-7.92 38-3.61 88-8.36 39-3.51 89-8.01 39-3.705 89-8.455 40-3.60 90-8.10 40-3.80 90-8.55 41-3.69 91-8.19 41-3.895 91-8.645 42-3-78 92-8.28 42-3.99 92-8.74 43-3.87 93-8.37 43-4.085 93-8.835 44-3.96 94-8.46 44-4.18 94-8.93 45-4.05 95-8.55 45-4.275 95-9.025. 46-4.14 96-8.64 46-4.37 96-9.12 47-4,23 97-8.73 1 47-4.465 97-9.215 48-4.32 98-8.82 1 48-4.56 98-9.31 49-4.41 99-8.91 49-4.655 99-9.405 60-4.50 100-9.00 1 50-4.75 100-9.50 To And butterfat in cream or whole milk: See notes aud examples ou pages 3 and 4. To find butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes aud examples on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or butter fat or poultry or eggs: See notes aud examples on pages 3 aud 4. To And value of butter or butterfat or poultry or eggs: numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 10 '• 1014 Eggs, doz. - - 10 cts. Eggs, doz. - 101/2 cts. Poultry, lb. - - 10 cts. Poultry, lb. - 101/2 cts. 1- .10 51- 5.10 1- .105 51- 5.355 2- .20 52- 5.20 2- .21 52- 5.46 3- .30 53- 5.30 3- .315 53- 5.565 4- .40 54- 5.40 4- .42 54- 5.67 5- .50 55- 5.50 5- .525 55- 5.775 6- .60 56- 5.60 6- .63 56- 5.88 7- .70 57- 5.70 7- .735 57- 5.985 8- .80 58- 5.80 8- .84 58- 6.09 9- .90 59- 5.90 9- .945 59- 6.195 10-1.00 60- 6.00 10-1.05 60- 6.30 11-1.10 61- 6.10 11-1.155 61- 6.405 12-1.20 62- 6.20 12-1.26 62- 6.51 13-1.30 63- 6.30 13-1.365 63- 6.615 14-1.40 64- 6.40 14-1.47 64- 6.72 15-1.50 65- 6.50 15-1.575 65- 6.825 16-1.60 66- 6.60 16-1.68 66- 6.93 17-1.70 67- 6.70 17-1.785 67- 7.035 18-1.80 68- 6.80 18-1.89 68- 7.14 19-1.90 69- 6.90 19-1.995 69- 7.245 20-2.00 70- 7.00 20-2.10 70- 7.35 21-2.10 71- 7.10 21-2.205 71- 7.455 22-2.20 72- 7.20 22-2.31 72- 7.56 23-2.30 73- 7.30 23-2.415 73- 7.665 24-2.40 74- 7.40 24-2.52 74- 7.77 25-2.50 75- 7.50 25-2.625 75- 7.875 26-2.60 76- 7.60 26-2.73 76- 7.98 27-2.70 77- 7.70 27-2.835 77- 8.085 28-2.80 78- 7.80 28-2.94 78- 8.19 29-2.90 79- 7.90 29-3.045 79- 8.295 30-3.00 80- 8.00 30-3.15 80- 8.40 31-3.10 81- 8.10 31-3.255 81- 8.505 32-3.20 82- 8.20 32-3.36 82- 8.61 33-3.30 83- 8.30 33-3.465 83- 8.715 34-3.40 84- 8.40 34-3.57 84- 8.82 35-3.50 85- 8.50 35-3.675 85- 8.925 36-3.60 86- 8.60 36-3.78 86- 9.03 37-3.70 87- 8.70 37-3.885 87- 9.135 38-3.80 88- 8.80 38-3.99 88- 9.24 39-3.90 89- 8.90 39-4.095 89- 9.345 40-4.00 90- 9.00 40-4.20 90- 9.45 41-4.10 91- 9.10 41-4.305 91- 9.555 42-4.20 92- 9.20 42-4.41 92- 9.66 43-4.30 93- 9.30 43-4.515 93- 9.765 44-4.40 94- 9.40 44-4.62 94- 9.87 45-4.50 95- 9.50 45-4.725 95- 9.975 46-4.60 96- 9.60 46-4.83 98-10.08 47-4.70 97- 9.70 47-4.935 97-10.185 48-4.80 98- 9.80 48-5.04 98-10.29 49-4.90 99- 9.90 49-5.145 99-10.395 50-5.00 100-10.00 J_ 50-5.25 100-10.50 Here is a rule to compute Talue of less tban dozen eggs at any price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS ot a dozeu; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .33; 5, (5-12) equals .42; 6, (1-2) equals .50; 7, (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .67; ». (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-8) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Uuder the table representing tLe price per dozen of eggs, use these uumbers as decimals and you win always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 11 1^ iiy. Eggs, doz. - - 11 cts. Eggs, doz. - IIV2 cts. Poultry, lb. - 11 cts. Poultry, lb. - 111/2 cts. 1- .11 51- 5.61 II 1- .115 51- 5.865 2- .22 52- 5.72 1 2- .23 52- 5.98 3- .33 53- 5.83 3- .345 53- 6.095 4- .44 54- 5.94 1 4- .46 54- 6.21 5- .55 55- 6.05 5- .575 55- 6.325 6- .66 56- 6.16 6- .69 56- 6.44 7- .77 57- 6.27 7- .805 57- 6.555 8- .88 58- 6.38 8- .92 58- 6.67 9- .99 59- 6.49 9-1.035 59- 6.785 10-1.10 60- 6.60 10-1.15 60- 6.90 11-1.21 61- 6.71 11-1.265 61- 7.015 12-1.32 62- 6.82 12-1.38 62- 7.13 13-1.43 63- 6.93 13-1.495 63- 7.245 14-1.54 64- 7.04 14-1.61 64- 7.36 15-1.65 65- 7.15 15-1.725 65- 7.475 16-1.76 66- 7.26 16-1.84 66- 7.59 17-1.87 67- 7.37 17-1.955 67- 7.705 18-1.98 68- 7.48 18-2.07 68- 7.82 19-2.09 69- 7.59 19-2.185 69- 7.935 20-2.20 70. 7.70 20-2.30 70- 8.05 21-2.31 71- 7.81 21-2.415 71- 8.165 22-2.42 72- 7.92 22-2.53 72- 8.28 23-2.53 73- 8.03 23-2.645 73. 8.395 24-2.64 74- 8.14 24-2.76 74- 8.51 25-2.75 75- 8.25 25-2.875 75- 8.625 26-2.86 76- 8.36 26-2.99 76- 8.74 27-2.97 77- 8.47 27-3.105 77- 8.855 28-3.08 78- 8.58 28-3.22 78- 8.97 29-3.19 79- 8.69 29-3.335 79- 9.085 30-3.30 80- 8.80 30-3.45 80- 9.20 31-3.41 81- 8.91 31-3.565 81- 9.315 32-3.52 82- 9.02 32-3.68 82- 9.43 33-3.63 83- 9.13 33-3.795 83- 9.545 34-3.74 84- 9.24 34-3.91 84- 9.66 35-3.85 85- 9.35 35-4.025 85- 9.775 36-3.96 86- 9.46 36-4.14 86- 9.89 37-4.07 87- 9.57 37-4.255 87-10.005 38-4.18 88- 9.68 38-4.37 88-10.12 39-4.29 89- 9.79 39-4.485 89-10.235 40-4.40 90- 9.90 40-4.60 90-10.35 41-4.51 91-10.01 41-4.715 91-10.465 42-4.62 92-10.12 42-4.83 92-10.58 43-4.73 93-10.23 43-4.945 93-10.695 44-4.84 94-10.34 44-5.06 94-10.81 45-4.95 95-10.45 45-5.175 95-10.925 46-5.06 96-10.56 46-5.29 96-11.04 47-5.17 97-10.67 1 47-5.405 97-11.155 48-5.28 98-10.78 48-5.52 98-11.27 49-5.39 99-10.89 49-5.635 99-11.385 50-5.50 100-11.00 II 50-5.75 100-11.50 To find butterfat in cream or whole milU; See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or butterfat or poultry or tecs: 0^ See notes aud examples on pages 3 and 4. 68 Each table iu this computer can represent five or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERPAT COMPUTES. Here is n rule to cominite value of less tliau dozen eggs any price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .08 of a dozen; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz ) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .33; 5, (5-1:;) equals .42; C, (1-2) equals .50; 7, (7-12) equals .CS; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 9, (3-4) equals .75; in, (5-6) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .02. Under tlie table representing tbe price I er dozen of eggs, use tliese numbers us decimals and you will always get correct Talue of odd eggs. 8 12 [ 121/4 1 Eggs, doz. - - 12 cts. Eggs, doz. - 121/2 cts, f 1 ■ Poultry, lb. - - 12 cts. ! Poultry, lb. - 121/2 cts. 1 12 13 1- .12 51- 6.12 II 1- .125 51- 6.375 2- .24 52- 6.24 II 2- .25 52- 6.50 3- .36 53- 6.36 II 3- .375 53- 6.625 4- .48 54- 6.48 4- .50 54- 6.75 5- .60 55- 6.60 II 5- ,625 55- 6.875 6- .72 56- 6.72 6- .75 56- 7.00 7- .84 57- 6.84 7- .875 57- 7.125 8- .96 58- 6.96 1 8-1.00 58- 7.25 9-1.08 59- 7.08 II 9-1.125 59- 7.375 10-1.20 60- 7.20 II 10-1.25 60- 7,50 11-1.32 61- 7.32 II 11-1.375 61- 7,625 12-1.44 62- 7.44 12-1.50 62- 7,75 13-1.56 63- 7.56 13-1.625 63- 7,875 14-1.68 64- 7.68 1 14-1.75 64- 8.00 15-1.80 65- 7.80 15-1.875 65- 8,125 16-1.S2 66- 7,92 1 16-2,00 66- 8,25 17-2.04 67- 8.04 II 17-2.125 67- 8,375 18-2.16 68- 8.16 1 18-2.25 68- 8.50 19-2.28 69- 8.28 II 19-2.375 69- 8.625 20-2.40 70- 8.40 II 20-2,50 70- 8,75 21-2.52 71- 8.52 II 21-2.625 71- 8,875 22-2.64 72- 8.64 22-2,75 72- 9,00 23-2.76 73- 8.76 1 23-2,875 73- 9.125 24-2.88 74- 8.88 II 24-3,00 74- 9.25 25-3.00 75- 9.00 25-3,125 75- 9.375 25-3.12 76- 9.12 11 26-3,25 73- 9.50 27-3.24 77- 9.24 II 27-3.375 77- 9.625 28-3.36 78- 9.36 28-3,50 78- 9.75 29-3.48 79- 9.48 II 29-3,825 79- 9,875 30-3.60 80- 9.60 II 30-3,75 80-10.00 31-3.72 81- 9.72 31-3.875 81-10,125 32-3.84 82- 9.84 II 32-4.00 82-10,25 33-3.96 83- 9.96 11 33-4.125 83-10-375 34-4.0S 84-10.08 II 34-4.25 84-10.50 35-4.20 85-10.20 II 35-4.375 85-10.625 36-4.32 86-10.32 36-4.50 86-10.75 37-4.44 87-10.44 II 37-4.625 87-10.875 38-4.56 88- 10,56 II 38-4.75 88-11.00 39-4.68 89-10.68 39-4.875 89-11,125 40-4.80 90-10.80 II 40-5.00 90-11.25 i 41-4.92 91- 10,92 41-5.125 91-11,375 '' 42-5.04 92-11.04 II 42-5.25 92-11,50 43-5.18 93-11.16 II 43-5,375 93- 11,625 44-5.28 94-11.28 44-5,50 94-11.75 45-5.40 95-11.40 45-5,625 95-11.875 46-5.52 96-11.52 46-5,75 96-12.00 47-5.64 97-11.64 II 47-5.875 97-12.125 48-5.76 98-11.76 48-6,00 98-12.25 49-5.88 99. 11.88 1 49-6,125 99-12.375 50-6.00 100-12.00 II 50-6,25 100-12.50 SMITH'S BUTTEEPAT COMPUTER. Eggs, doz. - 131/2 cts. Poultry, lb. - 131/2 cts. 1- .13 51- 6.63 1 1- .135 51- 6.885 2- .26 52- 6.76 i 2- .27 52- 7.02 3- .39 53- 6.89 1 3- .405 53- 7.155 4- .52 54- 7.02 4- .54 54- 7.29 5- .65 55- 7.15 1 5- .675 55- 7.425 6- .78 56- 7.28 1 6- .81 56- 7.56 7- .91 57- 7.41 1 7- .945 57- 7.695 8-1.04 58- 7.54 8-1.08 58- 7.83 9-1.17 59- 7.67 9-1.215 59- 7.965 10-1.30 60- 7.80 1 10-1.35 60- 8.10 11-1.43 61- 7.93 1 11-1.485 61- 8.235 12-1.56 62- 8.06 1 12-1.62 62- 8.37 13-1.69 63- 8.19 13-1.755 63- 8.505 14-1.82 64- 8.32 14-1.89 64- 8.64 15-1.95 65- 8.45 15-2.025 65- 8.775 16-2.08 66- 8.58 16-2.16 66- 8.91 17-2.21 67- 8.71 17-2.295 67- 9.045 18-2.34 68- 8.84 18-2.43 68- 9.18 19-2.47 69- 8.97 19-2.565 69- 9.315 20-2.60 70- 9.10 20-2.70 70- 9.45 21-2.73 71- 9.23 21-2.835 71- 9.585 22-2.86 72- 9.36 22-2.97 72- 9.72 23-2.99 73- 9.49 23-3.105 73- 9.855 24-3.12 74- 9.62 24-3.24 74- 9.99 25-3.25 75- 9.75 25-3.375 75-10.125 26-3.38 76- 9.88 26-3.51 76-10.26 27-3.51 77.10.01 1 27-3.645 77-10.395 28-3.64 78-10.14 28-3.78 78-10.53 29-3.77 79-10.27 j 29-3.915 79-10.665 30-3.90 80-10.40 1 30-4.05 80-10.80 31-4.03 81-10.53 i 31-4.185 81-10.935 32-4.16 82-10.66 1 32-4.32 82-11.07 33-4.29 83-10.79 1 33-4.455 83-11.205 34-4.42 84-10.92 34-4.59 84-11.34 35-4.55 85-11.05 1 35-4.725 85-11.475 36-4.68 86-11.18 1 36-4.86 86-11.61 37-4.81 87-11.31 37-4.995 87-11.745 38-4.94 88-11.44 38-5.13 88-11.88 39-5.07 89-11.57 39-5.265 89-12.015 40-5.20 90-11.70 1 40-5.40 90-12.15 41-5.33 91-11.83 41-5.535 91-12.285 42-5.46 92-11.96 42-5.67 92-12.42 43-5.59 93-12.09 1 43-5.805 93-12.555 44-5.72 94-12.22 1 44-5.94 94-12.69 45-5.85 95-12.35 1 45-6.075 95-12.825 46-5.98 96-12.48 I 46-6.21 96-12.96 47-6.11 97-12.61 1 47-6.345 97-13.095 48-6.24 98-12.74 1 48-6.48 98-13.23 49-6.37 99-12.87 1 49-6.615 99-13.385 50-6.50 100-13.00 1 50-6.75 100-13.50 To fliul buttorfat In cream or whole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find Imttcrfnt in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes and ex.imples on pages 3 and 4. To find value ot liutler or liutterfat o See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4 r poultry or ejg Each table in this computer can represent five or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 nnd i. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 14 [ 1414 Eggs, doz. - - 14 cts. Eggs, doz. - 141/2 cts. Poultry, lb. - 14 cts. Poultry, lb. - 141/2 cts. 1- .14 51- 7.14 1 1- .145 51- 7.395 2- .28 52- 7.28 1 2- .29 52- 7.54 3- .42 53- 7.42 1 3- .435 53- 7.685 4- .56 54- 7.56 1 4- .58 54- 7.83 5- .70 55- 7.70 5- .725 55- 7.975 6- .84 56- 7.84 6- .87 56- 8-12 7- .98 57- 7.98 7-1.015 57- 8.265 8-1.12 58- 8.12 1 8-1.16 58- 8.41 9-1.26 59- 8.26 1 9-1.305 59- 8.555 10-1.40 60- 8.40 10-1.45 60- 8.70 11-1.54 61- 8.54 11-1.595 61- 8.845 12-1.68 62-. 8.68 1 12-1.74 62- 8.99 13-1.82 63- 8.82 13-1.885 63- 9.135 14-1.96 64- 8.96 14-2.03 64- 9.28 15-2.10 65- 9.10 15-2.175 65- 9.425 16-2.24 66- 9.24 16-2.32 66- 9.57 17-2.38 67- 9.38 17-2.465 67- 9.715 18-2.52 68- 9.52 18-2.61 68- 9.86 19-2.66 69- 9.66 19-2.755 69-10.005 20-2.80 70- 9.80 20-2.90 70-10.15 21-2.94 71- 9.94 21-3.045 71-10.295 22-3.08 72-10.08 22-3.19 72-10.44 23-3.22 73-10.22 23-3.335 73-10.585 24-3.36 74-10.36 24-3.48 74-10.73 25-3.50 75-10.50 25-3.625 75-10.875 26-3.64 76-10.64 ] 26-3.77 76-11.02 27-3.78 77-10.78 27-3.915 77-11.165 28-3.92 78-10.92 28-4.06 78-11.31 29-4.06 79-11.06 1 29-4.205 79-11.455 30-4.20 80-11.20 1 30-4.35 80-11.60 31-4.34 81-11.34 31-4.495 81-11.745 32-4.48 82-11.48 32-4.64 82-11.89 33-4.62 83-11.62 33-4.785 83-12.035 34-4.76 84-11.76 34-4.93 84-12.18 35-4.90 85-11.90 ! 35-5.075 85-12.325 36-5.04 86-12.04 36-5.22 86-12.47 37-5.18 87-12.18 I 37-5.365 87-12.615 38-5.32 88-12.32 38-5.51 88-12.76 39-5.46 89-12.46 1 39-5.655 89-12.905 40-5.60 90-12.60 1 40-5.80 90-13.05 41-5.74 91-12.74 i 41-5.945 91-13.195 42-5.88 92-12.88 42-6.09 92-13.34 43-6.02 93-13.02 1 43-6.235 93-13.485 44-6.16 94-13.16 1 44-6.38 94-13.63 45-6.30 95-13.30 1 45-6.525 95-13.775 46-6.44 96-13.44 ! 46-6.67 96-13.92 47-6.58 97-13.58 1 47-6.815 97-14.065 48-6.72 98-13.72 1 48-6.96 98-14-21 49-6.86 99-13.86 1 49-7.105 99-14.355 50-7.00 100-14.00 50-7.25 100-14.50 Here Is a rule to compute value of less tbau dozen esss at any price. 1 ess. (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; S, (1-4 doz.) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals ..13; 5, (5-12) equals .42; G, (1-2) equals .50; 7, (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 9, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .92. Uuder tlie table representiug the price per dozen of eggs, use tliese numbers as decimals and you will always get correct value of odd eggs. 15 Milk test - - 1.5% Cream test - - 15% Price - - - - 15 cts SMITH'S B UTTERFAT COMPUTER. 151^ Milk test - - 1.55% Cream test - 15^/2% Price - - - 151/2 cts. 1- .15 51- 7.65 II 1- .155 51- 7.905 2- .30 52- 7.80 || 2- .31 52- 8.06 3- .45 53- 7.95 || 3- .465 53- 8.215 4- .60 54-. 8.10 II 4- .62 54- 8.37 5- .75 55- 8.25 || 5- .775 55- 8.525 6- .90 56- 8.40 || 6- .93 56- 8.68 7-1.05 57- 8.55 || 7-1.085 57- 8.835 8-1.20 58- 8.70 j| 8-1.24 58- 8.99 9-1.35 59- 8.85 || 9-1.395 59- 9.145 10-1.50 60- 9.00 II 10-1.55 60- 9.30 11-1.65 61- 9.15 II 11-1.705 61- 9.455 12-1.80 62- 9.30 || 12-1.86 62- 9.61 13-1.95 63- 9.45 || 13-2.015 63- 9.765 14-2.10 64- 9.60 || 14-2.17 64- 9.92 15-2.25 65- 9.75 || 15-2.325 65-10.075 16-2.40 66- 9.90 || 16-2.48 66-10.23 17-2.55 67-10.05 || 17-2.635 67-10.385 18-2.70 68-10.20 !| 18-2.79 68-10.54 19-2.85 69-10.35 J! 19-2.945 69-10.695 20-3.00 70-10.50 || 20-3.10 70-10.85 21-3.15 71-10.65 I 21-3.255 71-11.005 22-3.30 72-10.80 || 22-3.41 72-11.16 23-3.45 73-10.95 || 23-3.565 73-11.315 24-3.60 74-11.10 || 24-3.72 74-11.47 25-3.75 75-11.25 || 25-3.875 75-11.625 26-3.90 76-11.40 || 26-4.03 76-11.78 27-4.05 77-11.55 || 27-4.185 77-11.935 28-4.20 78-11.70 || 28-4.34 78-12.09 29-4.35 79-11.85 || 29-4.495 79-12.245 30-4.50 80-12.00 || 30-4.65 80-12.40 31-4.65 81-12-15 || 31-4.805 81-12.555 32-4.80 82-12.30 || 32-4.96 82-12.71 33-4.95 83-12-45 || 33-5.115 83-12.865 34-5.10 84-12-60 || 34-5.27 84-13-02 35-5.25 85-12.75 || 35-5.425 85-13.175 36-5.40 86-12.90 || 36-5.58 86-13-33 37-5.55 87-13.05 || 37-5.735 87-13.485 38-5.70 88-13.20 ]| 38-5.89 88-13.64 39-5.85 89-13.35 |[ 39-6.045 89-13-795 40-6.00 90-13.50 |i 40-6.20 90-13.95 41-6.15 91-13.65 || 41-6.355 91-14.105 42-6.30 92-13.80 || 42-6.51 92-14.26 43-6.45 93-13.95 || 43-6.665 93-14.415 44-6.60 94-14.10 || 44-6.82 94-14.57 45-6.75 95-14.25 || 45-6.975 95-14.725 46-6.90 96-14.40 1| 46-7.13 96-14.88 47-7.05 97-14.55 || 47-7.285 97-15.035 48-7.20 98-14.70 || 48-7.44 98-15.19 49-7.35 99-14.85 || 49-7.595 99-15.345 50-7.50 100-15.00 || 50-7.75 100-15.50 To And biitterfat in cream or whole milk: See notes and e.x.ninples on p.ngos 3 and 4. To find iHitterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk : See notes and cianiplps on pages .■( and 4. To Burt valne of liutter or hutterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages :i and 4. Each table in this computer can represent five or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 16 ! 161/2 Milk tesi - - 1.6% ' Milk test - - 1.65% Cream test - - 16% Cream test - 161/2% Price - - - 16 cts. Price - - - 161/2 cts. 1- .16 51- 8.16 1- .165 51- 8.415 2- .32 52- 8.32 2- .33 52- 8.58 3- .48 53- 8.48 3- .495 53- 8.745 4- .64 51- 8.64 4- .66 54- 8.91 5- .80 55- 8.80 5- .825 55- 9.075 6- .96 56- 8.96 6- .99 56- 9.24 7-1.12 57- 9.12 j 7-1.155 57- 9.405 8-1.28 58- 9.28 8-1.32 58- 9.57 9-1.44 59- 9.44 9-1.485 59- 9.735 10-1.60 60- 9.60 10-1.65 60- 9.90 11-1.76 61- 9.78 11-1.815 61-10.065 12-1.92 62- 9.92 12-1.98 62-10.23 13-2.08 63-10.08 13-2.145 63-10.395 14-2.24 64-10.24 14-2.31 64-10.56 15-2.40 65-10.40 1 15-2.475 65-10.725 16-2.56 66-10.56 16-2.64 66-10.89 17-2.72 67-10.72 1 17-2.805 67-11.055 18-2.88 68-10.88 1 18-2.97 68-11.22 19-3.04 69-11.04 1 19-3.135 69-11.385 20-3.20 70-11.20 20-3.30 70-11.55 21-3.36 71-11.36 1 21-3.465 71-11.715 22-3.52 72-11-52 22-3.63 72-11.88 23-3.68 73-11.68 1 23-3.795 73-12.045 24-3.84 74-11.84 24-3.96 74-12.21 25-4.00 75-12.00 25-4.125 75-12.375 26-4.16 76-12.16 26-4.29 76-12.54 27-4.32 77-12.32 1 27-4.455 77-12.705 28-4.48 78-12.48 28-4.62 78-12.87 29-4.64 79-12.64 1 29-4.785 79-13.035 30-4.80 80-12.80 30-4.95 80-13.20 31-4.98 81-12.96 1 31-5.115 81-13.365 32-5.12 82-13.12 1 32-5.28 82-13.53 33-5.28 83-13.28 ! 33-5.445 83-13.695 34-5.44 84-13.44 ! 34-5.61 84-13.86 35-5.60 85-13.60 1 35-5.775 85-14.025 36-5.76 86-13.76 36-5.94 86-14.19 37-5.92 87-13.92 1 37-6.105 87-14-355 38-6.08 88-14.08 38-6.27 88-14.52 39-6.24 89-14.24 39-6.435 89-14.685 40-6.40 90-14.40 1 40-6.60 90-14.85 41-6.56 91-14.56 41-6-765 91-15.015 42-6.72 92-14.72 42-6.93 92-15.18 43-6.88 93-14.88 43-7.095 93-15.345 44-7.04 94-15.04 1 44-7.26 94-15.51 45-7.20 95-15.20 45-7.425 95-15.675 46-7.36 96-15.36 I 46-7.59 96-15.84 47-7.52 97-15.52 47-7.755 97-16.005 48-7.68 98-15.68 48-7.92 98-16.17 49-7.84 99-15.84 49-8.085 99-16.335 50-8.00 100-16.00 50-8.25 100-16.50 Here is a rule to oomimte value ot less than dozen eggs at any price. 1 ei;g, (1-12 duz.) equals .08 of a dozen; 2 eggs, (1-C doz.) equals .17; ."!. (1-4 doz ) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .Xi; .-), (,^-12) equals .42: C. (1-2) equals .50; 7. (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .07; !). (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Under tlie table representing tbe price lier dozen of eggs, use tliese numbers as decimals and you will always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 17 17 1/2 Milk test - - 1.7% Milk test - - 1.75% Cream test - - 17% Cream test - 171/2% Price - - - 17 cts. Price - - - 171/2 cts. 1- .17 51- 8.67 1 1- .175 51- 8.925 2- .34 52- 8.84 1 2- .35 52- 9.10 3- .51 53- 9.01 Ij 3- .525 53- 9.275 4- .68 54- 9.18 1 4- .70 54- 9.45 5- .85 55- 9.35 5- .875 55- 9.625 6-1.02 56- 9.52 6-1.05 56- 9.80 7-1.19 57- 9.69 7-1.225 57- 9.975 8-1.36 58- 9.86 1 8-1.40 58-10.15 9-1.53 59-10.03 1 9-1.575 59-10.325 10-1.70 60-10.20 10-1.75 60-10.50 11-1.87 61-10.37 11-1.925 61-10.675 12-2.04 62-10.54 1 12-2.10 62-10.85 13-2.21 63-10.71 1 13-2.275 63-11.025 14-2.38 64-10.88 14-2.45 64-11.20 15-2.55 65-11.05 15-2.625 65-11.375 16-2.72 66-11.22 16-2.80 66-11.55 17-2.89 67-11.39 1 17-2.975 67-11.725 18-3.06 68-11.56 1 18-3.15 68-11.90 19-3.23 69-11.73 1 19-3,325 69-12.075 20-3.40 70-11.90 20-3.50 70-12.25 21-3.57 71-12.07 21-2.675 71-12.425 22-3.74 72-12.24 22-3.85 72-12.60 23-3.91 73-12.41 23-4.025 73-12.775 24-4.08 74-12.58 24-4.20 74-12.95 25-4.25 75-12.75 25-4.375 75-13.125 26-4.42 76-12.92 1 26-4.55 76-13.30 27-4.59 77-13.09 27-4.725 77-13.475 28-4.76 78-13.26 28-4.90 78-13.65 29-4.93 79-13.43 29-5.075 79-13.825 30-5.10 80-13.60 30-5.25 80-14.00 31-5.27 81-13.77 31-5.425 81-14.175 32-5.44 82-13.94 32-5.60 82-14.35 33-5.61 83-14.11 33-5.775 83-14.525 34-5.78 84-14.28 1 34-5.95 84-14.70 35-5.95 85-14.45 1 35-6.125 85-14.875 36-6.12 86-14.62 1 36-6.30 86-15.05 37-6.29 87-14.79 37-6.475 87-15.225 38-6.46 88-14.96 38-6.65 88-15.40 39-6.63 89-15.13 1 39-6.825 89-15.575 40-6.80 90-15.30 1 40-7.00 90-15.75 41-6.97 91-15.47 1 41-7.175 91-15.925 42-7.14 92-15.64 1 42-7.35 92-16.10 43-7.31 93-15.81 43-7.525 93-16.275 44-7.48 94-15.98 44-7.70 94-16.45 45-7.65 95-16.15 45-7.875 95-16.625 46-7.82 96-16.32 46-8.05 96-16.80 47-7.99 97-16.49 1 47-8.225 97-16.975 48-8.16 98-16.66 II 48-8.40 98-17.15 49-8.33 99-16.83 1 49-8.575 99-17.325 50-8.50 100-17.00 1 50-8.75 100-17.50 To fllK i butterf.Tt in crea m or whole milk : See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4, To find butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk : See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or l>utterfat or poultry or eegf. See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table In this computer can represent flre or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. 8 B LO SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPl ITER. 18 ! 1814 1 Milk test - - 1.8 7f, Milk test - - 1.85% 12 Cream test - - 18';:;:, j Cream test - 181/2% 13 Price - - 18 cts. ; Price - - - 181/2 cts. 14 15 1- .18 51- 9.18 1 1- .185 51- 9.435 2- .36 52- 9.36 2- .37 52- 9.62 15 17 3- .54 53- 9.54 3- .555 53- 9.805 4. .72 54- 9.72 4- .74 54- 9.99 '■""18 5- .90 55- 9.90 5- .925 55-10.175 19 6-1.08 56-10.08 6-1.11 56-10.36 ^ 7-1.26 57-10.26 7-1.295 57-10.545 8-1.44 58-10.44 8-1.48 58-10.73 .9-1.62 59-10.62 9-1.665 59-10.915 10-1.80 60-10.80 10-1.85 60-11.10 11-1.98 61-10.98 11-2.035 61-11.285 12-2.16 62-11.16 1 12-2.22 62-11.47 13-2.34 63-11.34 13-2.405 63-11.655 14-2.52 64-11.52 14-2.50 64-11.84 15-2.70 65-11.70 15-2.775 65-12.025 16-2.88 66-11.88 16-2.96 66-12.21 17-3.06 67-12.06 17-3.145 67-12.395 18-3.24 68-12.24 18-3.33 68-12.58 19-3.42 69-12.42 19-3.515 69-12.765 20-3.60 70-12.60 20-3.70 70-12.95 21-3.78 71-12.78 21-3.885 71-13.135 22-3.96 72-12.96 22-4.07 72-13.32 23-4.14 73-13.14 1 23-4.255 73-13.505 24-4.32 74-13.32 24-4.44 74-13.69 25-4.50 75-13.50 25-4.625 75-13.875 26-4.68 76-13.68 1 26-4.81 76-14.06 27-4.85 77-13.86 27-4.995 77-14.245 28-5.04 78-14.04 28-5.18 78-14.43 29-5.22 79-14.22 29-5.365 79-14-615 30-5.40 80-14.40 1 30-5.55 80-14.80 31-5.58 81-14.58 1 31-5.735 81-14.985 32-5.76 82-14.76 32-5.92 82-15.17 33-5.94 83-14.94 33-6.105 83-15.355 34-6.12 84-15.12 34-6.29 84-15.54 35-6.30 85-15.30 1 35-6.475 85-15.725 36-6.48 86-15.48 36-6.66 86-15.91 37-6.66 87-15.66 1 37-6.845 87-16.095 38-6.84 88-15.84 38-7.03 88-16.28 39-7.02 89-16.02 39-7.215 89-16.465 40-7.20 90-16.20 1 40-7.40 90-16.65 41-7.38 91-16.38 1 41-7,585 91-16-835 42-7.56 92-16.56 42-7.77 92-17.02 43-7.74 93-16.74 43-7.955 93-17-205 44-7.92 94-16.92 44-8.14 94-17.39 45-8.10 95-17.10 i 45-8.325 95-17.575 46-8.28 96-17-28 1 46-8.51 96-17.76 47-8.46 97-17-46 47-8.695 97-17.945 48-8.64 98-17.64 1 48-8.88 98-18.13 49-8.82 99-17.82 1 49-9.065 99-18.315 50-9.00 100-18.00 50-9.25 100-18.50 Here i .iny price. {It; doz.) a rule to compute 1 etxs, (1-12 doz.) equals .IT; 3. (1-4 value of less tliau equals .OS of a f loz ) equals .25; 4 dozeu eggs at ozen ; 2 eggs, (1-3) equals '08;' 8,' (2-3)"equnls '.Gi;~0. (S-4) equals '.75 ;' lu! (5-6) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Uuder the table repre.seutiug the price |ier dozen of egg.s, use these luunbers as decimals and you will always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 19 191^ Milk test - - 1.9% Milk test - - 1.95% Cream test - - 19% Cream test - 191/2% Price - - - 19 cts. Price - - - 191/2 cts. 1- .19 51- 9.69 1 1- .195 51- 9.945 2- .38 52- 9.88 1 2- .39 52-10.11 3- .57 53-10.07 3- .585 53-10.335 4- .76 54-10.26 4- .78 54-10.53 5- .95 55-10.45 5- .975 55-10.725 6-1.14 56-10.64 6-1.17 56-10.92 7-1.33 57-10.83 7-1.365 57-11.115 8-1.52 58-11.02 8-1.56 58-11.31 9-1.71 59-11.21 9-1.755 59-11.505 10-1.90 60-11.40 10-1.95 60-11.70 11-2.09 61-11.59 11-2.145 61-11.895 12-2.28 62-11.78 12-2.34 62-12.09 13-2.47 63-11.97 13-2.535 63-12.285 14-2.66 64-12.16 14-2.73 64-12.48 15-2.85 65-12.35 15-2.925 65-12.675 16-3.04 66-12.54 16-3.12 66-12.87 17-3.23 67-12.73 1 17-3.315 67-13.065 18-3.42 68-12.92 18-3.51 68-13.26 19-3.61 69-13.11 19-3.705 69-13.455 20-3.80 70-13.30 20-3.90 70-13.65 21-3.99 71-13.49 21-4.095 71-13.845 22-4.18 72-13.68 22-4.29 72-14.04 23-4.37 73-13.87 23-4.485 73-14.235 24-4.56 74-14.06 24-4.68 74-14.43 25-4.75 75-14.25 25-4.875 75-14.625 26-4.94 76-14.44 26-5.07 76-14.82 27-5.13 77-14.63 27-5.265 77-15.016 28-5.32 78-14.82 28-5.46 78-15.21 29-5.51 79-15.01 29-5.655 79-15.405 30-5.70 80-15.20 30-5.85 80-15.60 31-5.89 81-15.39 31-6.045 81-15.795 32-6.08 82-15.58 32-6.24 82-15.99 33-6.27 83-15.77 33-6.435 83-16.185 34-6.46 84-15.96 34-6.63 84-16.38 35-6.65 85-16.15 35-6.825 85-16.575 36-6.84 86-16.34 36-7.02 86-16.77 37-7.03 87-16.53 37-7.215 87-16.965 38-7.22 88-16.72 38-7.41 88-17.16 39-7.41 89-16.91 39-7.605 89-17.355 40-7.60 90-17.10 40-7.80 90-17.55 41-7.79 91-17.29 41-7.995 91-17.745 42-7.98 92-17.48 42-8.19 92-17.94 43-8.17 93-17.67 1 43-8.385 93-18.135 44-8.36 94-17.86 1 44-8.58 94-18.33 45-8.55 95-18.05 1 45-8.775 95-18.525 46-8.74 96-18.24 1 46-8.97 96-18.72 47-8.93 97-18.43 1 47-9.165 97-18.915 48-9.12 98-18.62 1 48-9.36 98-19.11 49-9.31 99-18,81 1 49-9.555 99-19.305 50-9.50 100-19.00 1 50-9.75 100-19.50 To find butterfat in cream or whole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk : See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or butterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table In this com[)uter can represent Are or more uumbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. 8 B LO SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 20 201/^ 1 Milk test - - 2.0% Milk test - - 2.05% 12 Cream test - - 20% Cream test - 201/2% 13 Price - - - 20 cts. Price - - - 201/2 cts. 14 15 1- .20 51-10.20 [ 1- .205 51-10.455 2- .40 52-10.40 2- .41 52-10.66 IS 17 3- .60 53-10.60 3- .615 53-10.865 4- .80 54-10.80 4- .82 54-11.07 '""i 8 5- 1.00 55-11.00 5- 1.025 55-11.275 1 9 6- 1.20 56-11.20 6- 1.23 56-11.48 2 D 7- 1.40 57-11.40 [ 7- 1.435 57-11.685 2 1 8- 1.60 58-11.60 8- 1.64 58-11.89 i 9- 1.80 59-11.80 9- 1.845 59-12.095 10- 2.00 60-12.00 10- 2.05 60-12.30 11- 2.20 61-12.20 11- 2.255 61-12.505 12- 2.40 62-12.40 12- 2.46 62-12-71 13- 2.60 63-12.60 I 13- 2.665 63-12.915 14- 2.80 64-12.80 1 14- 2.87 64-13.12 15- 3.00 65-13.00 15- 3.075 65-13.325 16- 3.20 66-13.20 16- 3.28 66-13.53 17- 3.40 67-13.40 17- 3.485 67-13.735 18- 3.60 68-13.60 18- 3.69 68-13.94 19- 3.80 69-13.80 19- 3.895 69-14.145 20- 4.00 70-14.00 20- 4.10 70-14.35 21- 4.20 71-14.20 21- 4.305 71-14.555 22- 4.40 72-14.40 22- 4.51 72-14.76 23- 4.60 73-14.60 23- 4.715 73-14.965 24- 4.80 74-14.80 24- 4.92 74-15.17 25- 5.00 75-15.00 25- 5.125 75-15.375 26- 5.20 76-15.20 1 26- 5.33 76-15.58 27- 5.40 77-15.40 27- 5.535 77-15.785 28- 5.G0 78-15.60 28- 5.74 78-15.99 29- 5.80 79-15.80 29- 5.945 79-16.195 30- 6.00 80-16.00 30- 6.15 80-16.40 31- 6.20 81-16.20 31- 6.355 81-16.605 32- 6.40 82-16.40 32- 6.56 82-16.81 33- 6.60 83-16.60 33- 6.765 83-17.015 34- 6.80 84-16.80 34- 6.97 84-17.22 35- 7.00 85-17.00 35- 7.175 85-17.425 36- 7.20 86-17.20 36- 7.38 86-17.63 37- 7.40 87-17.40 37- 7.585 87-17.835 38- 7.60 88-17.60 38- 7.79 88-18.04 39- 7.80 89-17.80 39- 7.995 89-18.245 40- 8.00 90-18.00 40- 8.20 90-18.45 41- 8.20 91-18.20 41- 8.405 91-18.655 42- 8.40 92-18.40 1 42- 8.61 92-18.86 43- 8.60 93-18.60 43- 8.815 93-19.065 44- 8.80 94-18.80 44- 9.02 94-19.27 45- 9.00 95-19.00 45- 9.225 95-19.475 46- 9.20 96-19.20 46- 9.43 96-19.68 47- 9.40 97-19.40 47- 9.635 97-19.885 48- 9.60 98-19.60 48- 9.84 98-20.09 49- 9.80 99-19.80 1 49-10.015 99-20.295 50-10.00 100-20.00 j 50-10.25 100-20.50 Here is a rule to compute value of less than dozen eggs at any price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen ; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz.) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .33; 5, (5-12) equals .42; fi. (1-2) equals .50; 7. (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .07; tl, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-«) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Under the table representing the price per dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you ■will nl-rrnys get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTED. 21 Milk test - - 2.1% Cream test - - 21% Price - - - 21 cts. 2114 Milk test - - 2.15% Cream test - - 211/2% Price - - - 211/2 cts. 1- .21 51-10.71 1 1- .215 51-10.965 2- .42 52-10.92 2- .43 52-11-18 3- .63 53-11.13 3- .645 53-11.395 4- .84 54-11.34 4- .86 54-11.61 5- 1.05 55-11.55 5- 1.075 55-11.825 6- 1.26 56-11.76 6- 1.29 56-12.04 7- 1.47 57-11.97 7- 1.505 57-12.255 8- 1.68 58-12.18 8- 1.72 58-12.47 9- 1.89 59-12.39 9- 1.935 59-12.685 10- 2.10 60-12.60 10- 2.15 60-12.90 11- 2.31 61-12.81 1 11- 2.365 61-13.115 12- 2.52 62-13.02 1 12- 2.58 62-12.33 13- 2.73 63-13.23 1 13- 2.795 63-13.545 14- 2.94 64-13.44 1 14- 3.01 64-13.76 15- 3.15 65-13.65 1 15- 3.225 65-13.975 16- 3.36 66-13.86 1 16- 3.44 66-14.19 17- 3.57 67-14.07 17- 3.655 67-14.405 18- 3.78 68-14.28 18- 3.87 68-14.62 19- 3.99 69-14.49 19- 4.085 69-14.835 20- 4.20 70-14.70 20- 4.30 70-15.05 21- 4.41 71-14-91 21- 4.515 71-15-265 22- 4.62 72-15.12 1 22- 4.73 72-15.48 23- 4.83 73-15.33 1 23- 4.945 73-15.695 24- 5.04 74-15.54 1 24- 5.16 74-15.91 25- 5.25 75-15.75 25- 5.375 75-16.125 26- 5.46 76-15.96 26- 5.59 76-16.34 27- 5.67 77-16.17 27- 5.805 77-16.555 28- 5.88 78-16.38 28- 6.02 78-16.77 29- 6.09 79-16.59 i 29- 6.235 79-16.985 30- 6.30 80-16.80 1 30- 6.45 80-17.20 31- 6.51 81-17.01 31- 6.665 81-17.415 32- 6.72 82-17.22 32- 6.88 82-17.63 33- 6.93 83-17.43 33- 7.095 83-17.845 34- 7.14 84-17.64 1 34- 7.31 84-18.06 35- 7.35 85-17-85 35- 7.525 85-18.275 36- 7.56 86-18.06 36- 7.74 86-18.49 37- 7.77 87-18.27 37- 7.955 87-18.705 38- 7.98 88-18.48 38- 8.17 88-18.92 39- 8.19 89-18.69 39- 8.385 89-19.135 40- 8.40 90-18.90 40- 8.60 90-19.35 41- 8.61 91-19.11 41- 8.815 91-19.585 42- 8.82 92-19.32 42- 9.03 92-19.78 43- 9.03 93-19.53 43- 9.245 93-19.995 44- 9.24 94-19.74 44- 9.46 94-20.21 45- 9.45 95-19.95 45- 9.675 95-20.425 46- 9.66 96-20.16 46- 9.89 96-20.64 47- 9.87 97-20.37 47-10.105 97-20.855 48-10.08 98-20.58 48-10.32 98-21.07 49-10.29 99-20.79 49-10.535 99-21.285 50-10.50 100-21.00 50-10.75 100-21.50 To find buttertat in cream or whole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find valne of butter or butterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table in this computer can represent five or more numbers. See notes ou pages 3 and 4. 69 12 13 14 15 IS 17 IS 20 21 22 23 SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 22 Milk test - - 2.2% Cream test - - 22% Price - - - 22 cts. 221^ Milk test - - 2.25% Cream test - 221/2% Price - - - 221/2 cts. 1- .22 51-11.22 1- .225 5 2- .44 52-11.44 2- .45 5 3- .66 53-11.66 3- .675 5 4- .88 54-11.88 4- .90 5 5- 1.10 55-12.10 5- 1.125 5 6- 1.32 56-12.32 6- 1.35 5 7- 1.54 57-12.54 7- 1.575 5 8- 1.76 58-12.76 8- 1.80 5 9- 1.88 59-12.98 9- 2.025 5 10- 2.20 60-13.20 10- 2.25 6 11- 2.42 61-13.42 11- 2.475 6 12- 2.64 62-13.64 12- 2.70 6 13- 2.86 63-13-86 13- 2.925 6 14- 3.08 64-14.08 14- 3.15 6 15- 3.30 65-14.30 15- 3.375 6 16- 3.52 66-11.52 16- 3.60 6 17- 3.74 67-14.74 17- 3.825 6 18- 3.96 68-14.96 18- 4.05 6 19- 4.18 69-15.18 19- 4.275 6< 20- 4.40 70-15.40 20- 4.50 7( 21- 4.62 71-15.62 21- 4.725 7. 22- 4.81 72-15.84 22- 4.95 7i 23- 5.06 73-16.06 23- 5.175 7: 24- 5.28 74-16.28 24- 5.40 7^ 25- 5.50 75-16.50 25- 5.625 71 26- 5.72 78-16.72 26- 5.85 7( 27- 5.94 77-16.94 27- 6.075 T 28- 6.16 78-17.16 28- 6.30 7i 29- 6.38 79-17.38 29- 6.525 7£ 30- 6.60 80-17.60 30- 6.75 8( 31- 6.82 81-17.82 31- 6.975 8] 32- 7.04 82-18.04 32- 7.20 85 33- 7.26 83-18.26 33- 7.425 Si 34- 7.48 84-18.48 34- 7.65 84 35- 7.70 85-18.70 35- 7.875 8£ 36- 7.92 86-18.92 36- 8.10 86 37- 8.14 87-19.14 37- 8.325 87 38- 8.36 88-19.36 38- 8.55 88 39- 8.58 89-19.58 39- 8.775 8£ 40- 8.80 90-19.80 40- 9.00 9C 41- 9.02 91-20.02 41- 9.225 91 42- 9.24 92-20.24 42- 9.45 92 43- 9.46 93-20.46 43- 9.675 93 44- 9.68 94-20.68 44- 9.90 94 45- 9.90 95-20.90 45-10.125 95 46-10.12 96-21.12 46-10.35 96 47-10.34 97-21.34 47-10.575 97 48-10.56 98-21.56 1 48-10.80 98 49-10.78 99-21.78 49-11.025 99 50-11.00 100-22.00 50-11.25 100 Here is n rule to compute value of less than dozen eggs at any price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .08 of a dozen; 2 egKS, (1-0 (ioz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz.) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals 33; n, (5-12-) equals .42; 6, (1-2) equals .50; 7, (7-12) equals 58; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 'J. (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .02. Under tlie table representing the price per dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you ^vlU always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 23 231/^ Milk test - - 2.3% Milk test - - 2.35% Cream test - - 23% Cream test - 231/2% Price - - 23 cts. Price - - - 231/2 cts. 1- .23 51-11.73 1- .235 51-11.985 2- .46 52-11.96 2- .47 52-12.22 3- .69 53-12.19 3- .705 53-12.455 4- .92 54-12.42 4- .94 54-12.69 5- 1.15 55-12.65 1 5- 1.175 55-12.925 6- 1.38 56-12-88 1 6- 1.41 56-13.16 7- 1.61 57-13.11 7- 1.645 57-13.395 8- 1.84 58-13.34 8- 1.88 58-13.63 9- 2.07 59-13.57 9- 2.115 59-13.865 10- 2.30 60-13.80 10- 2.35 60-14.10 11- 2.53 61-14.03 11- 2.585 61-14.335 12- 2.76 62-14.26 12- 2.82 62-14.57 22 13- 2.99 63-14.49 1 13- 3.055 63-14.805 23 14- 3.22 64-14.72 14- 3.29 64-15.04 t 15- 3.45 65-14.95 15- 3.525 65-15.275 5rr 16- 3.68 66-15.18 1 16- 3.76 66-15.51 25 17- 3.91 67-15-41 17- 3.995 67-15.745 Z8 18- 4.14 68-15.64 1 18- 4.23 68-15.98 27 19- 4.37 69-15.87 1 19- 4.465 69-16.215 128 29 20- 4.60 70-16.10 1 20- 4.70 70-16.45 21- 4.83 71-16.33 1 21- 4.935 71-16.685 ^Or 22- 5.06 72-16.56 22- 5.17 72-16.92 31 23- 5.29 73-16.79 23- 5.405 73-17.155 152 24- 5.52 74-17.02 1 24- 5.64 74-17.39 33 25- 5.75 75-17-25 25- 5.875 75-17.625 ^3- 26- 5.98 76-17.48 26- 6.11 76-17.86 35 27- 6.21 77-17.71 1 27- 6.345 77-18.095 36 28- 6.44 78-17.94 1 28- 6.58 78-18.33 37 29- 6.67 79-18.17 29- 6.815 79-18.565 38 30- 6.90 80-18.40 1 30- 7.05 80-18.80 39 31- 7,13 81-18.63 1 31- 7.285 81-19.035 W 32- 7.36 82-18.86 1 32- 7.52 82-19.27 ■ 41 33- 7.59 83-19.09 33- 7.755 83-19.505 42' 34- 7.82 84-19.32 1 34- 7.99 84-19.74 43 35- 8.05 85-19.55 35- 8.225 85-19.975 of a dozeu ; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz.) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals 33; 5, (5-12) equals .42; 6, (1-2) equals .50; 7. (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .07; U, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-G) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .02. Uuder tUe table representing the price per dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you nill always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 29 291/4 Milk test - - 2.9% i Milk test - 2.95% Cream test - - 29%; Cream test - - 291/2% Price - - - 29 cts. Price - - - 291/2 cts. 1- .29 51-14.79 1- .295 51-15.045 2- .58 52-15.08 2- .59 52-15.34 3- .87 53-15-37 3- .885 53-15.635 4- 1.16 54-15.66 1 4- 1.18 54-15.93 5- 1.45 55-15.95 5- 1.475 55-16.225 6- 1.74 56-16.24 6- 1.77 56-16.52 7- 2.03 57-16.53 7- 2.065 57-16.815 8- 2.32 58-16.82 8- 2.36 58-17.11 9- 2.61 59-17.11 9- 2.655 59-17.405 10- 2.90 60-17.40 10- 2.95 60-17.70 11- 3.19 61-17.69 11- 3.245 61-17.995 12- 3.48 62-17.98 12- 3.54 62-18.29 13- 3.77 63-18.27 ! 13- 3.835 63-18.585 14- 4.06 64-18.56 1 14- 4.13 64-18.88 15- 4.35 65-18.85 15- 4.425 65-19.175 16- 4.64 66-19.14 16- 4.72 66-19.47. 17- 4.93 67-19.43 1 17- 5.015 67-19.765 18- 5.22 68-19.72 18- 5.31 68-20.06 19- 5.51 69-20.01 19- 5.605 69-20.355 20- 5.80 70-20.30 ! 20- 5.90 70-20.65 21- 6.09 71-20.59 ! 21- 6.195 71-20.945 22- 6.38 72-20.88 22- 6.49 72-21.24 23- 6.67 73-21.17 1 23- 6.785 73-21.535 24- 6.96 74-21.46 i 24- 7.08 74-21..83 25- 7.25 75-21.75 1 25- 7.375 75-22.125 26- 7.54 76-22.04 1 26- 7.67 76-22.42 27- 7.83 77-22.33 ! 27- 7.965 77-22.715 28- 8.12 78-22.62 1 28- 8.26 78-23.01 29- 8.41 79-22.91 29- 8.555 79-23.305 30- 8.70 80-23.20 1 30- 8.85 80-23.60 31- 8.99 81-23.49 |! 31- 9.145 81-23.895 32- 9.28 82-23-78 32- 9.44 82-24.19 33- 9.57 83-24.07 |l 33- 9.735 83-24.485 34- 9.86 84-24.36 34-10.03 84-24.78 35-10.15 85-24.65 !l 35-10.325 85-25.075 36-10.44 86-24.94 36-10.62 86-25.37 37-10.73 87-25.23 1 37-10.915 87-25.665 38-11.02 88-25.52 38-11.21 88-25.96 39-11.31 89-25.81 II 39-11.505 89-26.255 40-11.60 90-26.10 40-11.80 90-26.55 41-11.89 91-26.39 41-12.095 91-26.845 42-12.18 92-26.68 II 42-12.39 92-27.14 43-12.47 93-26.97 II 43-12.685 93-27.435 44-12.76 94-27.26 1 44-12.98 94-27.73 45-13.05 95-27.55 45-13.275 95-28.025 46-13.34 96-27.84 46-13.57 96-28.32 47-13.63 97-28.13 II 47-13.865 97-28.615 48-13.92 98-28.42 48-14.16 98-28.91 49-14.21 99-28.71 II 49-14.455 99-29.205 50-14.50 100-29.00 II 50-14.75 100-29.50 To whole milk: See notes .Tnil of cre.'im or milk : And biittorfMt in croam examples on page.s 3 and 4. To Und liutterfat in more than 100 Ihs See notes aiul eiamnles on pages 3 and 4 To find value of butler or butterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Koch table iu this computer can represent five or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERPAT COMPUTER. 14 15 1? 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 le 30 31 30 Milk test - - 3.0% Cream test - - 30% Price - . - 30 cts. 3014 Milk test - - 3.05% Cream test - - 30V2%' Price - - - 30 V2 cts. 1- .30 51-15.30 1 1- .305 51-15.555 2- .60 52-15.60 2- .61 52-15.86 3- .90 53-15.90 1 3- .915 53-16.165 4- 1.20 54-16.20 4- 1.22 54-16.47 5- 1.50 55-16.50 1 5- 1.525 55-16.775 6- 1.80 56-16.80 1 6- 1.83 56-17.08 7- 2.10 57-17.10 7- 2.135 57-17.385 8- 2.40 58-17.40 i 8- 2.44 58-17.69 9- 2.70 59-17.70 1 9- 2.745 59-17.995 10- 3.00 60-18.00 1 10- 3.05 60-18.30 11- 3.30 61-18.30 1 11- 3.355 61-18.605 12- 3.60 62-18.60 12- 3.66 62-18.91 13- 3.90 63-18.90 1 13- 3.965 63-19.215 14- 4.20 64-19.20 14- 4.27 64-19.52 15- 4.50 65-19.50 15- 4.575 65-19.825 16- 4.80 66-19.80 1 16- 4.88 66-20.13 17- 5.10 67-20.10 17- 5.185 67-20.435 18- 5.40 68-20.40 18- 5.49 68-20.74 19- 5.70 69-20.70 19- 5.795 69-21.045 20- 6.00 70-21.00 1 20- 6.10 70-21.35 21- 6.30 71-21.30 21- 6.405 71-21.655 22- 6.60 72-21.60 22- 6.71 72-21.96 23- 6.90 73-21.90 1 23- 7.015 73-22.265 24- 7.20 74-22.20 1 24- 7.32 74-22.57 25- 7.50 75-22.50 1 25- 7.625 75-22.875 26- 7.80 76-22.80 26- 7.93 76-23.18 27- 8.10 77-23.10 27- 8.235 77-23.485 28- 8.40 78-23.40 1 28- 8.54 78-23.79 29- 8.70 79-23.70 29- 8.845 79-24.095 30- 9.00 80-24.00 1 30- 9.15 80-24.40 31- 9.30 81-24.30 1 31- 9.455 81-24.705 32- 9.60 82-24.60 1 32- 9.76 82-25.01 33- 9.90 83-24.90 33-10.065 83-25.315 34-10.20 84-25.20 34-10.37 84-25.62 35-10.50 85-25.50 1 35-10.675 85-25.925 36-10.80 86-25.80 1 36-10.98 86-26.23 37-11.10 87-26.10 1 37-11.285 87-26.535 38-11.40 88-26.40 38-11.59 88-26.84 39-11.70 89-26.70 39-11.895 89-27.145 40-12.00 90-27.00 40-12.20 90-27.45 41-12.30 91-27.30 i 41-12,505 91-27.755 42-12.60 92-27.60 42-12.81 92-28.06 43-12.90 93-27.90 43-13.115 93-28.365 44-13.20 94-28.20 44-13.42 94-28.67 45-13.50 95-28.50 45-13.725 95-28.975 46-13.80 96-28.80 46-14.03 96-29.28 47-14.10 97-29.10 47-14.335 97-29.585 48-14.40 98-29.40 48-14.64 98-29.89 49-14.70 99-29.70 49-14.945 99-30.195 50-15.00 100-30.00 50-15.25 100-30.50 Here Is a rule to compute raliie of less than dozen eggs at any price. 1 e?g, (1-12 doz.) equals .08 of a dozen; 2 eggs, (l-e doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz ) equals .25: 4, a-3) equals 33; 5, (5-1-^) eqnaLs .42: C, (1-2) equals .50; 7, (i-12) equals 88: 8, (2-3) equals .67; 9, (3-4) equals .75: 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Under tlie table representing tUe price per dozen of eggs, use tliese numbers as decimals and you win always g«t correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 31 1' 311/4 Milk test - - 3.1% Milk test - - 3.15% Cream test - - 31% Cream test - - 311/2% Price - - - 31 cts Price - - - 3IV2 cts. 1- .31 51-15.81 ]P 1- .315 51-16.065 2- .62 52-16.12 li 2- .63 52-16.38 3- .93 53-16.43 3- .945 53-16.695 4- 1.24 54-16.74 Jl 4- 1.26 54-17.01 5- 1.55 55-17.05 Ij 5- 1.575 55-17.325 6- 1.86 56-17.36 ! 6- 1.89 56-17.64 7- 2.17 57-17.67 j] 7- 2.205 57-17.955 8- 2.48 58-17.98 j 8- 2.52 58-18.27 9- 2.79 59-18.29 II 9- 2.835 59-18.585 10- 3.10 60-18.60 10- 3.15 60-18.90 11- 3.41 61-18.91 1! 11- 3.465 61-19.215 12- 3.72 62-19.22 II 12- 3.78 62-19.53 13- 4.03 63-19.53 1! 13- 4.095 63-19.845 14- 4.34 64-19.84 14- 4.41 64-20.16 15- 4.65 65-20.15 15- 4.725 65-20.475 16- 4.96 66-20.46 II 16- 5.04 66-20.79 17- 5.27 67-20.77 II 17- 5.355 67-21.105 18- 5.58 68-21.08 II 18- 5.67 68-21-42 19- 5.89 69-21.39 II 19- 5.985 69-21-735 20- 6.20 70-21.70 II 20- 6.30 70-22.05 21- 6.51 71-22.01 21- 6.615 71-22.365 30 31 22- 6.82 72-22.32 II 22- 6.93 72-22-68 23- 7-13 73-22.63 23- 7.245 73-22.995 ^2 33 24- 7.44 74-22.94 II 24- 7.56 74-23.31 25- 7.75 75-23.25 25- 7.875 75-23.625 ~3r 35 26- 8.06 76-23.56 II 26- 8.19 76-23.94 27- 8.37 77-23.87 11 27- 8.505 77-24.255 36 37 28- 8.68 78-24.18 28- 8.82 78-24.57 29- 8.99 79-24.49 1 29- 9.135 79-24.885 38 39 30- 9.30 80-24.80 II 30- 9.45 80-25.20 31- 9.61 81-25.11 11 31- 9.765 81-25.515 40" 41 42 43 32- 9.92 82-25.42 32-10.08 82-25.83 33-10.23 83-25.73 1 33-10.395 83-26.145 34-10.54 84-26.04 11 34-10.71 84-26.46 35-10.85 85-26.35 11 35-11.025 85-26.775 44' 45 36-11.16 86-26.66 II 36-11.34 86-27.09 37-11.47 87-26.97 II 37-11.655 87-27.405 46 47 38-11.78 88-27.28 38-11.97 88-27.72 39-12.09 89-27.59 11 39-12.285 89-28.035 iS 40-12.40 90-27.90 40-12.60 90-28.35 49 41-12.71 91-28.21 11 41-12.915 91-28.665 60 51 42-13.02 92-28.52 II 42-13.23 92-28.98 43-13.33 93-28.83 II 43-13.545 93-29.295 52 44-13.64 94-29.14 II 44-13.86 94-29.61 53 45-13.95 95-29.45 II 45-14.175 95-29.925 54 55 46-14.26 96-29.76 |i 46-14.49 96-30.24 47-14.57 97-30.07 li 47-14.805 97-30.555 B6 57 48-14.88 98-30.38 II 48-15.12 98-30.87 49-15.19 99-30.69 11 49-15.435 99-31-185 68 50-15.50 100-31.00 11 50-15.75 100-31.50 60 To find buttertat in cream or wliole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find liutterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk : Sec notes and examples on pages S and 4. To find value ot butter or butterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table In this computer can represent Bve or more uumbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. 14 15 1§ 17 is 18 20 21 22 23 "^24 25 Ifl 30 _31 32 33 SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 32 3214 Milk test - - 3.2% Milk test - - 3.25% Cream test - - 32% Cream test - - 321/2% Price - - - 32 cts. Price - - - 32V2 cts. 1- .32 51-16.32 1 1- .325 51-16.575 2. .64 52-16.64 2- .65 52-16.90 3- .96 53-16.96 ! 3- .975 53-17.225 4- 1.28 54-17.28 4- 1.30 54-17.55 5- 1.60 55-17.60 5- 1,625 55-17.875 6- 1.92 56-17.92 1 6- 1.95 56-18.20 7- 2.24 57-18.24 1 7- 2.275 57-18.525 8- 2.56 58-18.56 i 8- 2.60 58-18.85 9- 2.88 59-18.88 1 9- 2.925 59-19.175 10- 3.20 60-19.20 j 10- 3.25 60-19.50 11- 3.52 61-19.52 I 11- 3.575 61-19.825 12- 3.84 62-19.84 I 12- 3.90 62-20.15 13- 4.16 63-20.16 13- 4.225 63-20.475 14- 4.48 64-20.48 14- 4.55 64-20.80 15- 4.80 65-20.80 15- 4.875 65-21.125 16- 5.12 66-21.12 16- 5.20 66-21.45 17- 5.44 67-21.44 17- 5.525 67-21.775 18- 5.76 68-21.76 18- 5.85 68-22.10 19- 6.08 69-22.08 1 19- 6.175 69-22.425 20- 6.40 70-22.40 20- 6.50 70-22.75 21- 6.72 71-22.72 21- 6.825 71-23.075 22- 7.04 72-23.04 22- 7.15 72-23.40 23- 7.36 73-23.36 1 23- 7.475 73-23.725 24- 7.68 74-23.68 1 24- 7.80 74-24.05 25- 8.00 75-24.00 25- 8.125 75-24-375 26- 8.32 76-24.32 26- 8.45 76-24.70 27- 8.64 77-24.64 27- 8.775 77-25.025 28- 8.96 78-24.96 1 28- 9.10 78-25.35 29- 9.28 79-25.28 1 29- 9.425 79-25.675 30- 9.60 80-25.60 30- 9.75 80-26.00 31- 9.92 81-25.92 31-10.075 81-26.325 32-10.24 82-26.24 1 32-10.40 82-26.65 33-10.56 83-26.56 33-10.725 83-26-975 34-10.88 84-26.88 34-11.05 84-27.30 35-11.20 85-27.20 1 35-11.375 85-27.625 3611.52 86-27.52 36-11.70 86-27.95 37-11.84 87-27.84 37-12.025 87-28.275 38-12.16 88-28.16 38-12.35 88-28-60 39-12.48 89-28.48 1 39-12.675 89-28.925 40-12.80 90-28.80 1 40-13.00 90-29.25 41-13.12 91-29.12 1 41-13.325 91-29.575 42-13.44 92-29.44 42-13.65 92-29.90 43-13.76 93-29.76 1 43-13.975 93-30.225 44-14.08 94-30.08 44-14.30 94-30.55 45-14.40 95-30.40 45-14.625 95-30.875 46-14.72 96-30.72 i 46-14.95 96-31.20 47-15.04 97-31.04 1 47-15.275 97-31.525 48-15.36 98-31.36 1 48-15.60 98-31.85 49-15.68 99-31.68 49-15.925 99-32.175 50-16.00 100-32.00 1 50-16.25 100-32.50 Here is a rule to compute, value of less than dozeu eggs at aiiv price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen: 2 eggs, (1-C doz.t equals .17; 3. (1-4 doz) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals r;3; 5, (,"i-12) equals .42; fi. (1-2) equals .50; 7. (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .C7; 9, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-C) equals .S3; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Uuder tlie table representiug the price per dozen of eggs, use tliese numbers as decimals and you will always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 33 Milk test - - 3.3% Cream test - - 33% Price - - - 33 cts. 331/4 Milk test - - 3.35% Cream test - - 33V2% Price - - - 331/2 cts. 1- .33 51-16.83 1 1- .335 51-17.085 2- .66 52-17.16 2- .67 52-17.42 3- .99 53-17.49 3- 1.005 53-17.755 4- 1.32 54-17.82 4- 1.34 54-18.09 5- 1.65 55-18.15 1 5- 1.675 55-18.425 6- 1.98 56-18.48 1 6- 2.01 56-18.76 7- 2.31 57-18.81 7- 2.345 57-19.095 8- 2.64 58-19.14 8- 2.68 58-19.43 9- 2.97 59-19.47 9- 3.015 59-19.765 0- 3.30 60-19.80 10- 3.35 60-20.10 1- 3.63 61-20.13 11- 3.685 61-20.435 2- 3.96 62-20-46 12- 4.02 62-20.77 3- 4.29 63-20.79 13- 4.355 63-21.105 4- 4.62 64-21.12 14- 4.69 64-21-44 5- 4.95 65-21.45 15- 5.025 65-21.775 6- 5.28 66-21.78 16- 5.36 66-22.11 7- 5.61 67-22.11 17- 5.695 67-22.445 8- 5.94 68-22.44 18- 6.03 68-22.78 9- 6.27 69-22.77 19- 6.365 69-23.115 0- 6.60 70-23.10 1 20- 6.70 70-23.45 1- 6.93 71-23.43 21- 7.035 71-23.785 '2- 7.26 72-23.76 22- 7.37 72-24.12 '3- 7.59 73-24.09 i 23- 7.705 73-24-455 54- 7.92 74-24.42 1 24- 8.04 74-24.79 55- 8.25 75-24.75 1 25- 8.375 75-25.125 56- 8.58 76-25.08 26- 8.71 76-25.46 27- 8.91 77-25.41 27- 9.045 77-25.795 58- 9.24 78-25.74 28- 9.38 78-26.13 29- 9.57 79-26.07 1 29- 9.715 79-26-465 JO- 9.90 80-26-40 1 30-10.05 80-26.80 31-10.23 81-26.73 1 31-10.385 81-27.135 32-10.56 82-27.06 1 32-10.72 82-27.47 33-10.89 83-27.39 33-11.055 83-27.805 34-11.22 84-27.72 1 34-11.39 84-28.14 35-11.55 85-28.05 35-11.725 85-28.475 36-11.88 86-28.38 1 36-12.06 86-28.81 37-12.21 87-28.71 37-12.395 87-29.145 38-12.54 88-29.04 38-12.73 88-29.48 39-12.87 89-29.37 39-13.065 89-29.815 40-13.20 90-29.70 1 40-13.40 90-30.15 41-13.53 91-30.03 1 41-13.735 91-30.485 42-13.86 92-30.36 II 42-14.07 92-30.82 43-14.19 93-30.69 1 43-14.405 93-31-155 44-14.52 94-31.02 1 44-14.74 94-31.49 45-14.85 95-31.35 !1 45-15.075 95-31.825 46-15.18 96-31.68 |l 46-15.41 96-32.16 47-15.51 97-32.01 11 47-15.745 97-32.495 48-15.84 98-32.34 II 48-16.08 98-32.83 49-16.17 99-32.67 II 49-16.415 99-33.165 50-16.50 100-33.00 II 50-16.75 100-33.50 To find butterfat in crea Ti or whole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes and examples on paj?es 3 and 4. To And valne of butter or butterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table in this computer can represent live or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. 12 13 14 15 15 17 IS 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 30 31 32 34 35 SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 34 341/4 Milk test - - 3A% Milk test - 3.45% Cream test - - 34% Cream test - - 341/2% Price - - - 34 cts. Price - - - 341/2 cts. 1- .34 51-17.34 1- .345 51-17.595 2- .68 52-17.68 2- .69 52-17.94 3- 1.02 53-18.02 1 3- 1.035 53-18.285 4- 1.36 54-18.36 4- 1.38 54-18.63 5- 1.70 55-18.70 5- 1.725 55-18.975 6- 2.04 56-19.04 6- 2.07 56-19.32 7- 2.38 57-19.38 1 7- 2.415 57-19.665 8- 2.72 58-19.72 ! 8- 2.76 58-20.01 9- 3.06 59-20.06 1 9- 3.105 59-20.355 10- 3.40 60-20.40 10- 3.45 60-20.70 11- 3.74 61-20.74 I 11- 3.795 61-21.045 12- 4.08 62-21.08 12- 4.14 62-21.39 13- 4.42 63-21-42 1 13- 4.485 63-21.735 14- 4.76 64-21.76 1 14- 4.83 64-22.08 15- 5.10 65-22-10 1 15- 5.175 65-22.425 16- 5.44 66-22.44 1 16- 5.52 66-22.77 17- 5.78 67-22.78 17- 5.865 67-23.115 18- 6.12 68-23.12 1 18- 6.21 68-23.46 19- 6.46 69-23.46 19- 6.555 69-23.805 20- 6.80 70-23.80 1 20- 6.90 70-24.15 21- 7.14 71-24.14 1 21- 7.245 71-24.495 22- 7.48 72-24.48 1 22- 7.59 72-24.84 23- 7.82 73-24.82 1 23- 7.935 73-25.185 24- 8.16 74-25.16 24- 8.28 74-25.53 25- 8.50 75-25.50 1 25- 8.625 75-25.875 26- 8.84 76-25.84 1 26- 8.97 76-26.22 27- 9.18 77-26.18 27- 9.315 77-26.565 28- 9.52 78-26.52 28- 9.66 78-26.91 29- 9.86 79-26.86 ! 29-10.005 79-27.255 30-10.20 80-27.20 i 30-10.35 80-27.60 31-10.54 81-27.54 31-10.695 81-27.945 32-10.88 82-27.88 i 32-11.04 82-28.29 33-11.22 83-28.22 33-11.385 83-28.635 34-11.56 84-28,56 i 34-11.73 84-28.98 35-11.90 85-28.90 35-12.075 85-29.325 36-12.24 86-29.24 36-12.42 86-29.67 37-12.58 87-29.58 37-12.765 87-30.015 38-12.92 88-29.92 38-13.11 88-30.36 39-13.26 89-30.26 39-13.455 89-30.705 40-13.60 90-30.60 1 40-13.80 90-31.05 41-13.94 91-30.94 ! 41-14.145 91-31.395 42-14.28 92-31.28 1 42-14.49 92-31.74 43-14.62 93-31.62 1 43-14.835 93-32.085 44-14.96 94-31.96 j 44-15.18 94-32.43 45-15.30 95-32.30 1 45-15-525 95-32.775 46-15.64 96-32.64 1 46-15.87 96-33.12 47-15.98 97-32.98 I 47-16.215 97.33.465 48-16.32 98-33.32 1 48-16.56 98-33.81 49-16.66 99-33.66 1 49-16.905 99-34.155 50-17.00 100-34.00 1 50-17.25 100-34.50 Here is n rule to compute vnliie of less tri.nn rinzeii esf-'s at .Tiiv price. 1 ess. (1-12 doz.) eqiuils OS of a dozeii : 2 esss. il-'e doz.i eciunls .17; .■!. (1-4 doz ) equals .25; 4. il-3) equals :«! ."i. (S-U'i equals .42: fi. ri-2l equals .5. (r.-lL' 8. (2-3) rule to compute ej;;;-, (1-VJ doz.) Hills .17; .■). (1-1 < Pdimls .42: (i. n aqiials .07; 0. (:i-4) •aliie of less tliai cruials .08 of a loz ) equals .25; -2) pqiials .50; - equals .75: 1", ( (lozeu e;^j:s at (lozon : 2 e?r.irs. 4. (l-.f) equals . (7-12) equals 3-6) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Uuder the talile reiireseutiiiR the price per dozen of csRs. H.se these iiumliers as decimals and you will alwa.vs Ret correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERPAT COMPUTER. 37 37 1/2 Milk test - - 3.7% Milk test - 3.75% Cream test - - 37% Cream test - - 371/2% Price - - - 37 ct£ Price - - - 371/2 cts. 1- .37 51-18.87 II 1- .375 51-19.125 2- .74 52-19.24 2- .75 52-19.50 3- 1.11 53-19.61 II 3- 1.125 53-19.875 4- 1.48 54-19.98 II 4- 1.50 54-20.25 5- 1.85 55-20.35 II 5- 1.875 55-20.625 6- 2.22 56-20.72 6- 2.25 56-21.00 7- 2.59 57-21.09 11 7- 2.625 57-21.375 8- 2.96 58-21.46 8- 3.00 58-21.75 9 -3.33 59-21.83 II 9- 3.375 59-22.125 10- 3.70 60-22.20 11 10- 3.75 60-22.50 11- 4.07 61-22.57 11- 4.125 61-22.875 12- 4.44 62-22.94 1 12- 4.50 62-23.25 13- 4.81 63-23.31 1 13- 4.875 63-23.625 14- 5.18 64-23.68 14- 5.25 64-24.00 15- 5.55 65-24-05 II 15- 5.625 65-24.375 16- 5.92 66-24.42 16- 6.00 66-24.75 17- 6.29 67-24.79 1 17- 6.375 67-25.125 18- 6.66 68-25.16 II 18- 6.75 68-25.50 19- 7.03 69-25.53 II 19- 7.125 69-25.875 20- 7.40 70-25.90 II 20- 7.50 70-26.25 21- 7.77 71-26.27 II 21- 7.875 71-26.625 22- 8.14 72-26.64 11 22- 8.25 72-27.00 23- 8.51 73-27.01 23- 8.625 73-27.375 24- 8.88 74-27.38 II 24- 9.00 74-27.75 25- 9.25 75-27.75 25- 9.375 75-28.125 26- 9.62 76-28.12 26- 9.75 76-28.50 27- 9.99 77-28.49 1 27-10.125 77-28.875 28-10.36 78-28.86 1 28-10.50 78-29.25 29-10.73 79-29.23 II 29-10.875 79-29.625 30-11.10 80-29.60 II 30-11.25 80-30.00 31-11.47 81-29-97 II 31-11.625 81-30.375 32-11.84 82-30.34 32-12.00 82-30.75 33-12.21 83-30.71 II 33-12.375 83-31.125 34-12.58 84-31.08 II 34-12.75 84-31.50 35-12.95 85-31.45 II 35-13.125 85-31.875 36-13.32 86-31.82 II 36-13.50 86-32.25 37-13.69 87-32.19 37-13.875 87-32-625 38-14.06 88-32-56 11 38-14.25 88-33.00 39-14.43 89-32.93 II 39-14.625 89-33.375 40-14.80 90-33.30 40-15.00 90-33.75 41-15.17 91-33.67 II 41-15.375 91-34.125 42-15.54 92-34.04 42-15.75 92-34.50 43-15.91 93-34.41 II 43-16.125 93-34.875 44-16.28 94-34.78 II 44-16.50 94-35-25 45-16.65 95-35.15 II 45-16.875 95-35-625 46-17.02 96-35.52 46-17.25 96-36.00 47-17.39 97-35-89 II 47-17.625 97-36.375 48-17.76 98-36.26 II 48-18.00 98-36.75 49-18.13 99-36.63 1 49-18.375 99-37.125 50-18.50 100-37.00 JL 50-18.75 100-37.50 Ti) tliid InitU'i-fiU ill cream or wliole milk: See notes and examples on pages ."! and 4. To Und linlterfat in more tUan 100 llis. of cream or milk: See notes and exaniMles on pages 3 and 4. To llnd value of lintter or butterfat or poultry or ej;:amples on pages 3 and 4. Kai-li table in tliis computer can represent Ave or mure uumbem. See uotes ou pages 3 and i. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 1? 18 20 21 22 23 34 35 38 39 38 Milk test - - 3.8% Cream test - - 38% Price - - - 38 cts. ; 381/2 Milk test - - 3.85% Cream test - - 381/2% Price - - - 331/2 cts. 1- .38 51-19.38 1- .385 2- .76 52-19.76 2- .77 3- 1.14 53-20.14 3- 1.155 4- 1.52 54-20.52 4- 1.54 5- 1.90 55-20.90 5- 1.925 6- 2.28 56-21.28 6- 2.31 7- 2.66 57-21.66 7- 2.695 8- 3.04 58-22.04 8- 3.08 9- 3.42 59-22.42 9- 3.465 10- 3.80 60-22.80 10- 3.85 11- 4.18 61-23.18 11- 4.235 12- 4.56 62-23.56 12- 4.62 13- 4.94 63-23.94 13- 5.005 14- 5.32 64-24.32 14- 5.39 15- 5.70 65-24.70 15- 5.775 16- 6.08 66-25.08 16- 6.16 17- 6.46 67-25.46 17- 6.545 18- 6.84 68-25.84 18- 6.93 19- 7.22 69-26.22 19- 7.315 20- 7.60 70-26.60 20- 7.70 21- 7.98 71-26.98 21- 8.085 22- 8.3C 72-27.36 22- 8.47 23- 8.74 73-27.74 23- 8.855 24- 9.12 74-28.12 24- 9.24 25- 9.50 75-28.50 25- 9.625 26- 9.88 76-28.88 26-10.01 27-10.26 77-29.26 27-10.395 28-10.64 78-29.64 28-10.78 29-11.02 79-30.02 29-11.165 30-11.40 80-30.40 30-11.55 31-11.78 81-30.78 31-11.935 32-12.16 82-31.16 32-12.32 33-12.54 83-31.54 33-12.705 34-12.92 84-31.92 34-13.09 35-13.30 85-32.30 35-13.475 36-13.68 86-32.68 36-13.86 37-14.06 87-33.06 37-14.245 38-14.44 88-33.44 38-14.63 39-14.82 89-33.82 39-15.015 40-15.20 90-34.20 40-15.40 41-15.58 91-34.58 41-15.785 42-15.96 92-34.96 42-16.17 43-16.34 93-35.34 43-16.555 44-16.72 94-35.72 44-16.94 45-17.10 95-36.10 45-17.325 46-17.48 96-36.48 46-17.71 47-17.86 97-36.86 [1 47-18.095 48-18.24 98-37.24 i 48-18.48 49-18.62 99-37.62 !i 49-18.865 50-19.00 100-38.00 11 50-19.25 Here is a rule to cominite value of less tlian dozen eggs at siiT price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen; '> eggs, lie doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz. J equals .25; 4, a-'A) equals :;3; 5, (5-12) e(|uals .42: C. (1-2) equals .5U; 7, (7-12) equals .58; S, (2-3) equals .G7; U, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; U, (11-12) equals .02. Under tUe table representing tlie price per dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you win always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 39 391/4 Milk test - - 3.9% Milk test - - 3.95% Cream test - - 39% Cream test - - 391/2% Price - - - 39 cts. Price - - - 391/2 cts. 1- .39 51-19.89 1 1- .395 51-20.145 2- .78 52-20.28 i 2- .79 52-20.54 3- 1.17 53-20.67 ! 3- 1.185 53-20.935 4- 1.56 54-21.06 4- 1.58 54-21.33 5- 1.95 55-21.45 5- 1.975 55-21.725 6- 2.34 56-21.84 1 6- 2.37 56-22.12 7- 2.73 57-22.23 7- 2.765 57-22.515 8- 3.12 58-22.62 8- 3.16 58-22.91 9- 3.51 59-23.01 9- 3.555 59-23.305 10- 3.90 60-23.40 10- 3.95 60-23.70 11- 4.29 61-23.79 11- 4.345 61-24.095 12- 4.68 62-24.18 12- 4.74 62-24.49 13- 5.07 63-24.57 1 13- 5.135 63-24.885 14- 5.46 64-24.96 14- 5.53 64-25.28 15- 5.85 65-25.35 15- 5.925 65-25.675 16- 6.24 66-25.74 16- 6.32 66-26.07 17- 6.63 67-26.13 17- 6.715 67-26.465 18- 7.02 68-26.52 18- 7.11 68-26.86 19- 7.41 69-26.91 19- 7.505 69-27.255 20- 7.80 70-27.30 1 20- 7.90 70-27.65 21- 8.19 71-27.69 1 21- 8.295 71-28.045 22- 8.58 72-28.08 22- 8.69 72-28.44 23- 8.97 73-28.47 1 23- 9.085 73-28.835 24- 9.36 74-28.86 1 24- 9.48 74-29.23 25- 9.75 75-29.25 25- 9.875 75-29.625 26-10.14 76-29.64 26-10.27 76-30.02 27-10.53 77-30.03 27-10.665 77-30.415 28-10.92 78-30.42 28-11.06 78-30.81 29-11.31 79-30.81 29-11.455 79-31.205 30-11.70 80-31.20 30-11.85 80-31.60 31-12.09 81-31.59 31-12.245 81-31.995 32-12.48 82-31.98 32-12.64 82-32.39 33-12.87 83-32.37 1 33-13.035 83-32.785 34-13.26 84-32.76 34-13.43 84-33.18 35-13.65 85-33.15 35-13.825 85-33.575 36-14.04 86-33.54 36-14.22 86-33.97 37-14.43 87-33.93 37-14.615 87-34.365 38-14.82 88-34.32 38-15.01 88-34.76 39-15.21 89-34.71 39.15.405 89-35.155 40-15.60 90-35.10 40-15.80 90-35.55 41-15.99 91-35.49 41-16.195 91-35.945 42-16.38 92-35.88 42-16.59 92-36.34 43-16.77 93-36.27 43-16.985 93-36.735 44-17.16 94-36.66 44-17.38 94-37-13 45-17.55 95-37.05 45-17.775 95-37.525 46-17.94 96-37.44 46-18.17 96-37.92 47-18.33 97-37.83 [ 47-18.565 97-38.315 48-18.72 98-38.22 t 48-18.96 98-38.71 49-19.11 99-38.61 49-19.355 99-39.105 50-19.50 100-39.00 50-19.75 100-39.50 To find Ijutrerfat in I'l'eam or whole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk; See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To tlnd value of butter or butterfat or poultry or esgs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table in this computer can represent Ave or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERPAT COMPUTER. 1? 19 20 21 22 23 34 35 87 41 40 40^ Milk test - - 4.0% Milk test - - 4.05% Cream test - - 40 % Cream test - - 401/2% Price - - - 40 cts. Price - - - 401/2 cts. 1- .40 51-20.40 1- .405 51-20.655 2- .80 52-20.80 2- .81 52-21.06 3- 1.20 53-21.20 3- 1.215 53-21.465 4- 1.60 54-21.60 4- 1.62 54-21.87 5- 2.00 55-22.00 5- 2.025 55-22.275 6- 2.40 56-22.40 6- 2.43 56-22.68 7- 2.80 57-22.80 7- 2.835 57-23.085 8- 3.20 58-23.20 8- 3.24 58-23.49 9- 3.60 59-23.60 9- 3.645 59-23.895 10- 4.00 60-24.00 10- 4.05 60-24.30 11- 4.40 61-24.40 11- 4.455 61-24.705 12- 4.80 62-24.80 12- 4.86 62-25.11 13- 5.20 63-25.20 13- 5.265 63-25.515 14- 5.60 64-25.60 14- 5.67 64-25.92 15- 6.00 65-26.00 15- 6.075 65-26.325 16- 6.40 66-26.40 16- 6.48 66-26.73 17- 6.80 67-26.80 17- 6.885 67-27.135 18- 7.20 68-27.20 18- 7.29 68-27.54 19- 7.60 69-27.60 19- 7.695 69-27.945 20- 8.00 70-28.00 20- 8.10 70-28.35 21- 8.40 71-28.40 21- 8.505 71-28.755 22- 8.80 72-28.80 22- 8.91 72-29.16 23- 9.20 73-29.20 1 23- 9.315 73-29.565 24- 9.60 74-29.60 1 24- 9.72 74-29.97 25-10.00 75-30.00 25-10.125 75-30.375 26-10.40 76-30.40 26-10.53 76-30.78 27-10.80 77-30.80 1 27-10.935 77-31.185 28-11.20 78-31.20 1 28-11.34 78-31.59 29-11.60 79-31.60 1 29-11.745 79-31.995 30-12.00 80-32.00 1 30-12.15 80-32.40 31-12.40 81-32.40 1 31-12.555 81-32.805 32-12.80 82-32.80 1 32-12.96 82-33.21 33-13.20 83-33.20 33-13.365 83-33.615 34-13.60 84-33.60 i 34-13.77 84-34.02 35-14.00 85-34.00 35-14.175 85-34-425 36-14.40 86-34.40 i 36-14.58 86-34.83 37-14.80 87-34.80 37-14.985 87-35.235 38-15.20 88-35.20 38-15.39 88-35.64 39-15.60 89-35.60 39-15.795 89-36.045 40-16.00 90-36.00 40-16.20 90-36.45 41-16.40 91-36.40 1 41-16.605 91-36.855 42-16.80 92-36.80 1 42-17.01 92-37.26 43-17.20 93-37.20 43-17.415 93-37.665 44-17.60 94-37.60 44-17.82 94-38.07 45-18.00 95-38.00 1 45-18.225 95-38.475 46-18.40 96-38.40 li 46-18.63 96-38.88 47-18.80 97-38.80 47-19.035 97-39.285 48-19.20 98-39.20 1 48-19.44 98-39.69 49-19.60 99-39.60 11 49-19.845 99-40.095 50-20.00 100-40.00 50-20.25 100-40.50 Here Is a rule to compute Talue of less tlian dozeu eggs at auy pilce. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-1 doz) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .33; 5, (5-lL") equals .42; 6. (1-2) equals .50; 7. (7-12) equals .68; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 9, (3-4) equals .75; lU, (5-6) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .92. Under tbe table represeutiug the price per dozeu of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you will alwayg get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 41 411/2 Milk test - - 4.1% Milk test - - 4.15% Cream test - - 41% Cream test - - 411/2% Price - - - 41 cts. Price - - - 411/2 cts. 1- .41 51-20.91 1 1- .415 51-21.165 2- .82 52-21.32 2- .83 52-21.58 3- 1.23 53-21.73 1 3- 1.245 53-21.995 4- 1.64 54-22.14 4- 1.66 54-22.41 5- 2.05 55-22.55 5- 2.075 55-22.825 6- 2.46 56-22.96 6- 2.49 56-23.24 7- 2.87 57-23.37 7- 2.905 57-23.655 8- 3.28 58-23.78 8- 3.32 58-24.07 9- 3.69 59-24.19 1 9- 3.735 59-24.485 10- 4.10 60-24.60 1 10- 4.15 60-24.90 11- 4.51 61-25.01 11- 4.565 61-25-315 12- 4.92 62-25.42 12- 4.98 62-25-73 13- 5.33 63-25.83 1 13- 5.395 63-26.145 14- 5.74 64-26.24 14- 5.81 64-26.56 15- 6.15 65-26.65 15- 6.225 65-26.975 16- 6.56 66-27.06 16- 6.64 66-27.39 17- 6.97 67-27.47 17- 7.055 67-27.805 18- 7.38 68-27.88 18- 7.47 68-28.22 19- 7.79 69-28.29 1 19- 7.885 69-28.635 20- 8.20 70-28.70 20- 8.30 70-29.05 21- 8.61 71-29.11 1 21- 8.715 71-29.465 22- 9.02 72-29.52 22- 9.13 72-29.88 23- 9.43 73-29.93 23- 9.545 73-30-295 24- 9.84 74-30.34 24- 9.96 74-30.71 25-10.25 75-30.75 25-10.375 75-31.125 26-10.66 76-31.16 1 26-10.79 76-31.54 27-11.07 77-31.57 1 27-11.205 77-31.955 28-11.48 78-31.98 28-11.62 78-32.37 29-11.89 79-32.39 1 29-12.035 79-32.785 30-12.30 80-32.80 ! 30-12.45 80-33.20 31-12.71 81-33.21 1 31-12.865 81-33.615 32-13.12 82-33.62 32-13.28 82-34.03 33-13.53 83-34.03 1 33-13.695 83-34.445 34-13.94 84-34.44 34-14.11 84-34.86 35-14.35 85-34.85 1 35-14.525 85-35.275 36-14.76 86-35.26 1 36-14.94 86-35.69 37-15.17 87-35.67 37-15.355 87-36.105 38-15.58 88-36.08 i 38-15.77 88-36.52 39-15.99 89-36.49 39-16.185 89-36.935 40-16.40 90-36.90 1 40-16.60 90-37.35 41-16.81 91-37.31 41-17.015 91-37.765 42-17.22 92-37.72 42-17.43 92-38.18 43-17.63 93-38-13 1 43-17.845 93-38.595 44-18.04 94-38.54 44-18.26 94-39.01 45-18.45 95-38.95 45-18.675 95-39.425 46-18.86 96-39.36 46-19.09 96-39.84 47-19.27 97-39.77 47-19.505 97-40.255 48-19.68 98-40.18 1 48-19.92 98-40.67 49-20.09 99-40.59 1 49-20.335 99-41.085 50-20.50 100-41.00 1 50-20.75 100-41.50 To flud buttertat iu cream or whole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find l)utteifat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To And value of butter or butter fat or poultry or eggs: See notes niid examples ou pages 3 and 4. To and value of butter ur butterfat or poultry or eggi; numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTEEFAT COMPUTER. 14 15 1? 19 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 "S8 38 40 42 43 42 421/4 Milk test - - 4.2% Milk test - - 4.25% Cream test - - 42% Cream test - - 421/2% Price - - - 42 cts. Price - - - 421/2 cts. 1- .42 51-21.42 1 1- .425 51-21.675 2- .84 52-21.84 1 2- .85 52-22.10 3- 1.26 53-22.26 3- 1.275 53-22.525 4- 1.68 54-22.68 1 4- 1.70 54-22.95 5- 2.10 55-23.10 1 5- 2.125 55-23.375 6- 2.52 56-23.52 1 6- 2.55 56-23.80 7- 2.94 57-23.94 i 7- 2.975 57-24.225 8- 3.36 58-24.36 i 8- 3.40 58-24.65 9- 3.78 59-24.78 1 9- 3.825 59-25.075 10- 4.20 60-25.20 i 10- 4.25 60-25.50 11- 4.62 61-25.62 i 11- 4.675 61-25.925 12- 5.04 62-26.04 1 12- 5.10 62-26.35 13- 5.46 63-26.46 13- 5.525 63-26.775 14- 5.88 64-26.88 14- 5.95 64-27.20 15- 6.30 65-27.30 15- 6.375 65-27.625 16- 6.72 66-27.72 16- 6.80 66-28.05 17- 7.14 67-28.14 17- 7.225 67-28.475 18- 7.56 68-28.56 18- 7.65 68-28.90 19- 7.98 69-28.98 19- 8.075 69-29.325 20- 8.40 70-29.40 20- 8.50 70.29-75 21- 8.82 71-29.82 21- 8.925 71-30.175 22- 9.24 72-30.24 22- 9.35 72-30.60 23- 9.66 73-30.66 23- 9.775 73-31.025 24-10.08 74-31.08 24-10.20 74-31.45 25-10.50 75-31.50 25-10.625 75-31.875 26-10.92 76-31.92 26-11.05 76-32.30 27-11.34 77-32.34 27-11.475 77-32.725 28-11.76 78-32.76 28-11.90 78-33.15 29-12.18 79-33.18 29-12.325 79-33.575 30-12.60 80-33.60 30-12.75 80-34.00 31-13.02 81-34.02 31-13.175 81-34.425 32-13.44 82-34.44 32-13.60 82-34.85 33-13.86 83-34.86 33-14.025 83-35.275 34-14.28 84-35.28 34-14.45 84-35.70 35-14.70 85-35.70 35-14.875 85-36.125 36-15.12 86-36.12 36-15.30 86-36.55 37-15.54 87-36.54 37-15.725 87-36.975 38-15.96 88-36-96 1 38-16.15 88-37.40 39-16.38 89-37.38 39-16.575 89-37.825 40-16.80 90-37.80 40-17.00 90-38.25 41-17.22 91-38.22 41-17.425 91-38.675 42-17.64 92-38.64 1 42-17.85 92-39.10 43-18.06 93-39.06 43-18.275 93-39.525 44-18.48 94-39.48 44-18.70 94-39.95 45-18.90 95-39.90 45-19.125 95-40.375 46-19.32 96-40.32 46-19.55 96-40.80 47-19.74 97-40.74 47-19.975 97-41.225 48-20.16 98-41.16 48-20.40 98-41.65 49-20.58 99-41.58 49-20.825 99-42.075 50-21.00 100-42.00 1 50-21.25 100-42.50 Here is a rule to compute value ot less than dozen eggs at any price. 1 eKg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen: 2 eggs. (1-6 doz.^ equals .17; ;i. (1-4 doz) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .."iS; 0, (ii-12) equals .42: 0. (1-2) equals .50; 7. (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .G"; 9, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Under tile table representing the price per dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you will always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 43 Milk test - - 4.3% Cream test - - 43% Price - - - 43 cts. 4314 Milk test - - 4.35% Cream test - - 431/2% Price - - - 431/2 cts. 1- .43 51-21.93 1 1- .435 51-22.185 2- .86 52-22.36 2- .87 52-22.62 3- 1.29 53-22.79 3- 1.305 53-23.055 4. 1.72 54-23.22 1 4- 1.74 54-23.49 5- 2.15 55-23.65 5- 2.175 55-23.925 6- 2.58 56-24.08 6- 2.61 56-24.36 7- 3.01 57-24.51 1 7- 3.045 57-24.795 8- 3.44 58-24.94 1 8- 3.48 58-25.23 9- 3.87 59-25.37 -1 9- 3.915 59-25.665 10- 4.30 60-25.80 1 10- 4.35 60-26.10 11- 4.73 61-26.23 11- 4.785 61-26.535 12- 5.16 62-26.66 1 12- 5.22 62-26.97 13- 5.59 63-27.09 1 13- 5.655 63-27.405 14- 6.02 64-27.52 14- 6.09 64-27.84 15- 6.45 65-27.95 t 15- 6.525 65-28.275 16- 6.88 66-28.38 16- 6.96 66-28.71 17- 7.31 67-28.81 17- 7.395 67-29.145 18- 7.74 68-29.24 1 18- 7.83 68-29.58 19- 8.17 69-29.67 19- 8.265 69-30.015 20- 8.60 70-30.10 20- 8.70 70-30.45 21- 9.03 71-30.53 [ 21- 9.135 71-30.885 22- 9.46 72-30.96 22- 9.57 72-31.32 23- 9.89 73-31.39 23-10.005 73-31.755 24-10.32 74-31.82 24-10.44 74-32-19 25-10.75 75-32.25 25-10.875 75-32.625 26-11.18 76-32.68 26-11-31 76-33.06 27-11.61 77-33.11 27-11.745 77-33.495 28-12.04 78-33.54 28-12.18 78-33.93 29-12.47 79-33.97 29-12.615 79-34.365 30-12.90 80-34.40 30-13.05 80-34.80 31-13.33 81-34.83 31-13.485 81-35.235 32-13.76 82-35-26 1 32-13.92 82-35.67 33-14.19 83-35.69 33-14.355 83-36.105 34-14.62 84-36.12 34-14.79 84-36.54 35-15.05 85-36.55 35-15.225 85-36-975 36-15.48 86-36.98 1 36-15.66 86-37.41 37-15.91 87-37.41 1 37-16.095 87-37.845 38-16.34 88-37.84 1 38-16.53 88-38.28 39-16.77 89-38.27 1 39-16.965 89-38.715 40-17.20 90-38.70 40-17.40 90-39.15 41-17.63 91-39.13 41-17.835 91-39.585 42-18.06 92-39.56 42-18.27 92-40.02 43-18.49 93-39.99 43-18.705 93-40-455 44-18.92 94-40.42 1 44-19.14 94-40.89 45-19.35 95-40.85 45-19.575 95-41-325 46-19.78 96-41.28 46-20.01 96-41.76 47-20.21 97-41.71 1 47-20.445 97-42.195 48-20.64 98-42.14 48-20.88 98-42.63 49-21.07 99-42.57 49-21.315 99-43.065 50-21.50 100-43.00 1 50-21.75 100-43.50 To find butterfut lu cream or whole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find buttertat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk; See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find value ut butter or butterfat or iioultry or eggs: See notes and eiianiples on pages 3 and 4. Each table iu this computer can represent five or mor« Dumbers. See Dotes on pages 3 and 4 42 43 68 14 15 IS 17 IE 19 20 21 22 23 26 21. 30 31 34 35 37 40 42 44 45 SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 44 441/2 Milk test - - 4.4% Milk test - 4.45% Cream test - - 44% Cream test - - 441/2% Price - - - 44 cts. Price - - - 441/2 cts. 1- .44 51-22.44 1- .445 51-22.695 2- .88 52-22.88 2- .89 52-23.14 3- 1.32 53-23.32 3- 1.335 53-23.585 4- 1.76 54-23.76 4- 1.78 54-24.03 5- 2.20 55-24.20 5- 2.225 55-24.475 6- 2.64 56-24.64 6- 2.67 56-24.92 7- 3.08 57-25.08 7- 3.115 57-25.365 8- 3.52 58-25-52 8- 3.56 58-25.81 9- 3.96 59-25.96 9- 4.005 59-26.255 10- 4.40 60-26.40 10- 4.45 60-26.70 11- 4.84 61-26.84 11- 4.895 61-27.145 12- 5.28 62-27.28 12- 5.34 62-27.59 13- 5.72 63-27.72 13- 5.785 63-28.035 14- 6.16 64-28.16 14- 6.23 64-28.48 15- 6.60 65-28.60 15- 6.675 65-28.925 16- 7.04 66-29.04 16- 7.12 66-29.37 17- 7.48 67-29.48 17- 7.565 67-29.815 18- 7.92 68-29.92 18- 8.01 68-30.26 19- 8.36 69-30.36 19- 8.455 69-30.705 20- 8.80 70-30.80 20- 8.90 70-31.15 21- 9.24 71-31.24 21- 9.345 71-31.595 22- 9.68 72-31.68 22- 9.79 72-32.04 23-10.12 73-32.12 23-10.235 73-32.485 24-10.56 74-32-56 24-10.68 74-32.93 25-11.00 75-33.00 25-11.125 75-33.375 26-11.44 76-33.44 26-11.57 76-33.82 27-11.88 77-33.88 27-12.015 77-34.265 28-12.32 78-34.32 28-12.46 78-34.71 29-12.76 79-34.76 29-12.905 79-35-155 30-13.20 80-35.20 30-13.35 80-35.60 31-13.64 81-35.64 31-13.795 81-36.045 32-14.08 82-36.08 32-14.24 82-36.49 33-14.52 83-36.52 33-14.685 83-36.935 34-14.96 84-36.96 34-15.13 84-37.38 35-15.40 85-37.40 35-15.575 85-37.825 36-15.84 86-37.84 36-16.02 86-38.27 37-16.28 87-38.28 37-16.465 87-38.715 38-16.72 88-38.72 38-16.91 88-39.16 39-17.16 89-39.16 39-17.355 89-39.605 40-17.60 90-39.60 40-17.80 90-40.05 41-18.04 91-40.04 41-18.245 91-40.495 42-18.48 92-40.48 42-18.69 92-40.94 43-18.92 93-40.92 43-19.135 93-41.385 44-10.36 94-41.36 44-19.58 94-41.83 45-19.80 95-41.80 45-20.025 95-42.275 46-20.24 96-42.24 46-20.47 96-42.72 47-20.68 97-42.68 47-20.915 97-43.165 48-21.12 98-43.12 48-21.36 98-43.61 49-21.56 99-43.56 49-21.805 99-44.055 50-22.00 100-44.00 50-22.25 100-44.50 Here l3 a rule to compute value of less tliau dozen eggs at any price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .08 of a dozen; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3, (1-4 doz.) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals 33; 5, (5-12) equals .42; 0, (1-2) equals .5U; 7, (7-12) equals 08; 8, (2-3) equals .07; 9, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .02. Under tlie table representing tlie price per dozeu of eggs, use tbese numbers as decimals aud you will always get correct yalue of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 45 i 45^2 Milk test - - 4.5% Milk test - 4.55% Cream test - - 45% Cream test - - 451/2% Price - - - 45 cts. Price - - - 451/2 cts. 1- .45 51-22.95 1 1- .455 51-23.205 2- .90 52-23.40 2- .91 52-23.66 3- 1.35 53-23.85 3- 1.365 53-24.115 4- 1.80 54-24.30 i 4- 1.82 54-24.57 5- 2.25 55-24.75 5- 2.275 55-25.025 6- 2.70 56-25.20 6- 2.73 56-25.48 7- 3.15 57-25.65 7- 3.185 57-25.935 8- 3.60 58-26.10 i 8- 3.64 58-26.39 9- 4.05 59-26.55 9- 4.095 59-26.845 10- 4.50 60-27.00 10- 4.55 60-27.30 11- 4.95 61-27.45 1 11- 5.005 61-27.755 12- 5.40 62-27.90 12- 5.46 62-28.21 13- 5.85 63-28.35 1 13- 5.915 63-28.665 14- 6.30 64-28.80 14- 6.37 64-29.12 15- 6.75 65-29.25 15- 6.825 65-29.575 16- 7.20 66-29.70 16- 7.28 66-30.03 17- 7.65 67-30.15 1 17- 7.735 67-30.485 18- 8.10 68-30.60 18- 8.19 68-30.94 19- 8.55 69-31.05 1 19- 8.645 69-31.395 20- 9.00 70-31.50 20- 9.10 70-31.85 21- 9.45 71-31.95 i 21- 9.555 71-32.305 22- 9.90 72-32.40 22-10.01 72-32.76 23-10.35 73-32.85 23-10.465 73-33.215 24-10.80 74-33.30 1 24-10.92 74-33.67 25-11.25 75-33.75 25-11.375 75-34.125 26-11.70 76-34.20 26-11.83 76-34.58 27-12.15 77-34.65 27-12.285 77-35.035 28-12.60 78-35.10 28-12.74 78-35.49 29-13.05 79-35.55 29-13.195 79-35.945 30-13.50 80-36.00 30-13.65 80-36.40 31-13.95 81-36.45 1 31-14.105 81-36.855 32-14.40 82-36.90 32-14.56 82-37.31 33-14.85 83-37.35 i 33-15.015 83-37.765 34-15.30 84-37.80 34-15.47 84-38.22 35-15.75 85-38.25 i 35-15.925 85-38.675 36-16.20 86-38.70 36-16.38 86-39.13 37-16.65 87-39.15 ! 37-16.835 87-39.585 38-17.10 88-39.60 38-17.29 88-40.04 39-17.55 89-40.05 I 39-17.745 89-40.495 40-18.00 90-40.50 40-18.20 90-40.95 41-18.45 91-40.95 1 41-18.655 91-41.405 42-18.90 92-41.40 i 42-19.11 92-41.86 43-19.35 93-41.85 1 43-19.565 93-42.315 44-19.80 94-42.30 44-20.02 94-42.77 45-20.25 95-42.75 1 45-20.475 95-43.225 46-20.70 96-43.20 ! 46-20.93 96-43.68 47-21.15 97-43.65 1 47-21.385 97-44.135 48-21.60 98-44.10 1 48-21.84 98-44.59 49-22.05 99-44.55 ! 49-22.295 99-45.045 50-22.50 100-45.00 50-22.75 100-45.50 whole milk: See Dotea and To find butterfnt in crea px.Tniples on pages .3 and 4. To find Imtterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk: Sec notes and examnles on pases ."! and 4. To litKl Tiilne of butler or Imtterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table in tliis computer can represent five or mors numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4 5Z 53 ra 14 15 16 17 18 IS 20 21 22 23 SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 30 31 34 35 "S6 37 40 44 _45 46 47 46 461/4 Milk test - - 4.6% Milk test - 4.65% Cream test - - 46% Cream test - - 461/2% Price - - - 46 cts. Price - - - 461/2 cts. 1- .46 51-23.46 1 1- .465 51-23.715 2- .92 52-23.92 1 2- .93 52-24.18 3- 1.38 53-24.38 1 3- 1.395 53-24.645 4- 1.84 54-24.84 4- 1.86 54-25.11 5- 2.30 55-25.30 1 5- 2.325 55-25.575 6- 2.76 56-25.76 1 6- 2.79 56-26.04 7- 3.22 57-26.22 1 7- 3.255 57-26.505 8- 3.68 58-26.68 I 8- 3.72 58-26.97 9. 4.14 59-27.14 II 9- 4.185 59-27.435 10- 4.60 60-27.60 1 10- 4.65 60-27.90 11- 5.06 61-28.06 11- 5.115 61-28.365 12- 5.52 62-28.52 12- 5.58 62-28.83 13- 5.98 63-28.98 13- 6.045 63-29.295 14- 6.44 64-29.44 1 14- 6.51 64-29.76 15- 6.90 65-29.90 1 15- 6.975 65-30.225 16- 7.36 66-30.36 II 16- 7.44 66-30.69 17- 7.82 67-30.82 1 17- 7.905 67-31.155 18- 8.28 68-31.28 18- 8.37 68-31.62 19- 8.74 69-31.74 1 19- 8.835 69-32.085 20- 9.20 70-32.20 20- 9.30 70-32.55 21- 9.66 71-32.66 i| 21- 9.765 71-33.015 22-10.12 72-33.12 22-10.23 72-33.48 23-10.58 73-33.58 1 23-10.695 73-33.945 24-11.04 74-34.04 1| 24-11.16 74-34.41 25-11.50 75-34.50 1 25-11.625 75-34.875 26-11.96 76-34.96 II 26-12.09 76-35.34 27-12.42 77-35.42 27-12.555 77-35.805 28-12.88 78-35.88 II 28-13.02 78-36.27 29-13.34 79-36.34 II 29-13.485 79-36.735 30-13.80 80-36.80 30-13.95 80-37.20 31-14.26 81-37.26 II 31-14.415 81-37.665 32-14.72 82-37.72 32-14.88 82-38.13 33-15.18 83-38.18 11 33-15.345 83-38.595 34-15.64 84-38.64 34-15.81 84-39.06 35-16.10 85-39.10 N 35-16.275 85-39.525 36-16.56 86-39.56 !| 36-16.74 86-39.99 37-17.02 87-40.02 1 37-17.205 87-40.455 38-17.48 88-40.48 jl 38-17.67 88-40.92 39-17.94 89-40.94 39-18.135 89-41.385 40-18.40 90-41.40 1 40-18.60 90-41.85 41-18.86 91-41.86 1 41-19.065 91-42.315 42-19.32 92-42.32 42-19.53 92-42.78 43-19.78 93-42.78 1 43-19.995 93-43.245 44-20.24 94-43.24 44-20.46 94-43.71 45-20.70 95-43.70 1 45-20.925 95-44.175 46-21.16 96-44.16 46-21.39 96-44.64 47-21.62 97-44.62 11 47-21.855 97-45.105 48-22.08 98-45.08 p 48-22.32 98-45.57 49-22.54 99-45.54 49-22.785 99-46.035 50-23.00 100-46.00 ii 50-23.25 100-46.50 Here is n rule to onmijute value of less tlian dozen eggs at «iiv prk'O. 1 egg, (1-]'J doz.) equals .08 of a dozen; 2 eggs. 11-6 doz.) ecin.ils .17: 3. (1-1 doz ) equals .25; 4. (l-3t equals .^'?; ."). (5-12) equals .42; C. (1-2| equals .DH; 7. (i-12) equals 58; 8, (2-3) eqnals .07; 0. (3-4) equals .75; 1". (3-6) equals .83: 11. (11-12) equals .!)2. Under tlie table representing the price per dozen of eggs, use tlie.se nnmliers as decimals and you will always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 47 471^ Milk test - - 4.7% Milk test - - 4.75% Cream test - - 47% Cream test - - 471/2% Price - - - 47 cts.l Price - - - 471/2 cts. 1- .47 51-23.97 1 1- .475 51-24.225 2- .94 52-24.44 i 2- .95 52-24.70 3- 1.41 53-24.91 1 3- 1.425 53-25.175 4- 1.88 54-25.38 4- 1.90 54-25.65 5- 2.35 55-25.85 5 -2.375 55-26.125 6- 2.82 56-26.32 i 6- 2.85 56-26-60 7- 3.29 57-26.79 7- 3.325 57-27.075 8- 3.76 58-27.26 8- 3.80 58-27.55 9- 4.23 59-27.73 1 9- 4.275 59-28.025 10- 4.70 60-28.20 10- 4.75 60-28.50 11- 5.17 61-28.67 . 11- 5.225 61-28.975 12- 5.64 62-29.14 1 12- 5.70 62-29.45 13- 6.11 63-29.61 1 13- 6.175 63-29.925 14- 6.58 64-30.08 ! 14- 6.65 64-30.40 15- 7.05 65-30.55 1 15- 7.125 65-30.875 16- 7.52 66-31.02 16- 7.60 66-31.35 17- 7.99 67-31.49 17- 8.075 67-31.825 18- 8.46 68-31.96 18- 8.55 68-32.30 19- 8.93 69-32.43 19- 9.025 69-32.775 20- 9.40 70-32.90 20- 9.50 70-33.25 21- 9.87 71-33.37 21- 9.975 71-33.725 22-10.24 72-33.84 22-10.45 72-34.20 23-10.81 73-34.31 23-10.925 73-34.675 24-11.28 74-34.78 24-11.40 74-35.15 25-11.75 75-35.25 I 25-11.875 75-35.625 26-12.22 76-35.72 26-12.35 76-36.10 27-12.69 77-36.19 ! 27-12.825 77-36.575 28-13.16 78-36.66 1 28-13.30 78-37.05 29-13.63 79-37.13 j 29-13.775 79-37.525 30-14.10 80-37.60 i 30-14.25 80-38.00 31-14.57 81-38.07 1 31-14.725 81-38.475 32-15.04 82-38.54 32-15.20 82-38.95 33-15.51 83-39.01 1 33-15.675 83-39.425 34-15.98 84-39.48 1 34-16.15 84-39.90 35-16.45 85-39.95 1 35-16.625 85-40.375 36-16.92 86-40.42 36-17.10 86-40.85 37-17.39 87-40.89 37-17.575 87-41.325 38-17.86 88-41.36 1 38-18.05 88-41.80 39-18.33 89-41.83 ! 39-18.525 89-42.275 40-18.80 90-42.30 ! 40-19.00 90-42.75 41-19.27 91-42.77 41-19.475 91-43.225 42-19.74 92-43.24 42-19.95 92-43.70 43-20.21 93-43.71 43-20.425 93-44.175 44-20.68 94-44.18 1 44-20.90 94-44.65 45-21.15 95-44.65 45-21.375 95-45.125 46-21.62 96-45.12 46-21.85 96-45.60 47-22.09 97-45.59 1 47-22.325 97-46.075 48-22.56 98-46.06 1 48-22.80 98-46.55 49-23.03 99-46.53 i 49-23.275 99-47.025 50-23.50 100-47.00 j 50-23.75 100-47.50 To Slid butterfnt in cream or whole milk: See notes and exjimples ou p.nges 3 and 4. To tiiid ImtterfMt in more tlmn 100 Ihs. of cream or milk Sfe notes and exaniplos on pnges R and 4. To find valne of butter or butter fat or i)onltry or egjrs See notes and examples on pa;?es :i and 4. To find valne of butter or bntterfat or poultry or eggs numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. IS 18 20 21 22 23 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 46 47 "48 49 SMITH'S B UTTERFAT COMPUTER. 48 I 481/4 Milk test - - 4.8 7o Milk test - - 4.85% Cream test - - 48%,, Cream test - - 48V2% Price - - - 48 cts. i Price - - - 48^2 cts. 1- .48 51-24.48 I 1- .485 51-24.735 2- .96 52-24.96 2- .97 52-25.22 3- 1.44 53-25.44 3- 1.455 53-25.705 4- 1.92 54-25.92 4- 1.94 54-26.19 5- 2.40 55-26.40 1 5- 2.425 55-26.675 6- 2.88 56-26.88 6- 2.91 56-27.16 7- 3.36 57-27.36 7- 3.395 57-27.645 8- 3.84 58-27.84 8- 3.88 58-28.13 9- 4.32 59-28.32 1 9- 4.365 59-28.615 10- 4.80 60-28.80 10- 4.85 60-29.10 11- 5.28 61-29.28 11- 5.335 61-29.585 12- 5.76 62-29.76 1 12- 5.82 62-30.07 13- 6.24 63-30.24 13- 6.305 63-30.555 14- 6.72 64-30.72 1 14- 6.79 64-31.04 15- 7.20 65-31.20 1 15- 7.275 65-31.525 16- 7.68 66-31.68 16- 7.76 66-32.01 17- 8.16 67-32.16 17- 8.245 67-32.495 18- 8.64 68-32.64 1 18- 8.73 68-32.98 19- 9.12 69-33.12 1 19- 9.215 69-33.465 20- 9.60 70-33.60 1 20- 9.70 70-33.95 21-10.08 71-34.08 21-10.185 71-34.435 22-10.56 72-34-56 22-10.67 72-34.92 23-11.04 73-35.04 1 23-11.155 73-35.405 24-11.52 74-35.52 24-11.64 74-35.89 25-12.00 75-36.00 1 25-12.125 75-36.375 26-12.48 76-36.48 1 26-12.61 76-36.86 27-12.96 77-36.96 1 27-13.095 77-37.345 28-13.44 78-37.44 1 28-13.58 78-37.83 29-13.92 79-37.92 1 29-14.065 79-38.315 30-14.40 80-38.40 30-14.55 80-38.80 31-14.88 81-38.88 31-15.035 81-39.285 32-15.36 82-39.36 32-15.52 82-39.77 33-15.84 83-39.84 33-16.005 83-40.255 34-16.32 84-40.32 34-16.49 84-40.74 35-16.80 85-40.80 1 35-16.975 85-41.225 36-17.28 86-41.28 1 36-17.46 86-41.71 37-17.76 87-41.76 1 37-17.945 87-42.195 38-18.24 88-42.24 1 38-18.43 88-42.68 39-18.72 89-42.72 39-18.915 89-43.165 40-19.20 90-43.20 1 40-19.40 90-43.65 41-19.68 91-43.68 1 41-19.885 91-44.135 42-20.16 92-44.16 42-20.37 92-44.62 43-20.64 93-44.64 43-20.855 93-45.105 44-21.12 94-45.12 1 44-21.34 94-45.59 45-21.60 95-45.60 i 45-21.825 95-46.075 46-22.08 96-46.08 1 46-22.31 96-46.56 47-22.56 97-46.56 I 47-22.795 97-47.045 48-23.04 98-47.04 48-23.28 98-47.53 49-23.52 99-47.52 ; 49-23.765 99-48.015 50-24.00 100-48.00 50-24.25 100-48.50 Here is n. rule to compute v.ihie of less than dozen eggs at any price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen; 2 eggs. (1-6 doz.) equals .17; .•!. (1-4 doz ) equals .25; 4. (1-3) equals .X^; r,, (.")-12) equals .42; 6. (1-2) equals .5U; 7. (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 9, (3-4) equals .75; 1», (5-6) equals .K?; 11. (11-12) equals .92. Under tlie table representing tlie price per dozen of eggs, use tijese numbers as decimals and you will always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 49 Milk test - - 4.9% Cream test - - 49% Price - - - 49 cts. 49^ Milk test - - 4.95% Cream test - - 491/2% Price - - - 491/2 cts. 1- .49 51-24.99 j 1- .495 51-25.245 2- .98 52-25.48 2- .99 52-25.74 3- 1.47 53-25.97 [ 3- 1.485 53-26.235 4- 1.96 54-26.46 4- 1.98 54-26.73 5- 2.45 55-26.95 5- 2.475 55-27.225 6- 2.94 56-27.44 6- 2.97 56-27.72 7- 3.43 57-27.93 7- 3.465 57-28.215 8- 3.92 58-28.42 1 8- 3.96 58-28.71 9- 4.41 59-28.91 9- 4.455 59-29.205 10- 4.90 60-29.40 1 10- 4.95 60-29.70 11- 5.39 61-29.89 11- 5.445 61-30.195 12- 5.88 62-30.38 1 12- 5.94 62-30.69 13- 6.37 63-30.87 1 13- 6.435 63-31.185 14- 6.86 64-31.36 1 14- 6.93 64-31.68 15- 7.35 65-31.85 15- 7.425 65-32.175 16- 7.84 66-32.34 16- 7.92 66-32.67 17- 8.33 67-32.83 1 17- 8.415 67-33.165 18- 8.82 68-33.32 I 18- 8.91 68-33.66 19- 9.31 69-33.81 1 19- 9.405 69-34.155 20- 9.80 70-34.30 1 20- 9.90 70-34.65 21-10.29 71-34.79 21-10.395 71-35.145 22-10.78 72-35.28 1 22-10.89 72-35.64 23-11.27 73-35.77 1 23-11.385 73-36.135 24-11.76 74-36.26 24-11.88 74-36.63 25-12.25 75-36.75 1 25-12.375 75-37.125 26-12.74 76-37.24 26-12.87 76-37.62 27-13.23 77-37.73 27-13.365 77-38.115 28-13.72 78-38.22 28-13.86 78-38.61 29-14.21 79-38.71 29-14.355 79-39.105 30-14.70 80-39.20 [ 30-14.85 80-39.60 31-15.19 81-39.69 31-15.345 81-40.095 32-15.68 82-40.18 32-15.84 82-40.59 33-16.17 83-40.67 33-16.335 83-41.085 34-16.66 84-41.16 1 34-16.83 84-41.58 35-17.15 85-41.65 35-17.325 85-42.075 36-17.64 86-42-14 36-17.82 86-42.57 37-18.13 87-42.63 1 37-18.315 87-43.065 38-18.62 88-43.12 38-18.81 88-43.56 39-19.11 89-43.61 i 39-19.305 89-44.055 40-19.60 90-44.10 ! 40-19.80 90-44.55 41-20.09 91-44.59 1 41-20.295 91-45.045 42-20.58 92-45.08 42-20.79 92-45.54 43-21.07 93-45.57 I 43-21.285 93-46.035 44-21.56 94-46.06 1 44-21.78 94-46.53 45-22.05 95-46.55 i 45-22.275 95-47.025 46-22.54 96-47.04 46-22.77 96-47.52 47-23.03 97-47.53 1 47-23.265 97-48.015 48-23.52 98-48.02 48-23.76 98-48.51 49-24.01 99-48.51 49-24.255 99-49.005 50-24.50 100-49.00 1 50-24.75 100-49.50 To find Initterfat in cream or wbole milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find Imtterfat in more tlian 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes and exami)les on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or bntterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Eacb table in this computer can represent five or more uumbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTEEFAT COMPUTER. IS 19 44 45 49 50 501^ Milk test - - 5.0% Milk test - - 5.05% Cream test - - 50% Creim test - - 50^/2% Price - - - 50 cts. Price - - - 5OV2 cts. .. 1- .50 51-25.50 II 1- .505 51-25.755 15 2- 1.00 52-26.00 || 2- 1.01 52-26.26 ^Q 3- 1.50 53-26.50 i| 3- 1.515 53-26.765 17 4- 2.00 54-27.00 'I 4- 2.02 54-27.27 5- 2.50 55-27.50 | 5- 2.525 55-27.775 6- 3.00 56-28.00 6- 3.03 56-28.28 7- 3.50 57-28.50 ;i 7- 3.535 57-28.785 20 8- 4.00 58-29.00 i| 8- 4.04 58-29.29 ^■' 9- 4.50 59-29.50 || 9- 4.545 59-29.795 22 10- 5.00 60-30.00 ij 10- 5.05 60-30.30 23 11- 5.50 61-30.50 i| 11- 5.555 61-30.805 24 12- 6.00 62-31.00 [j 12- 6.06 62-31.31 25 13- 6.50 63-31.50 1 13- 6.565 63-31.815 " 14- 7.00 64-32.00 '•' 14- 7.07 64-32.32 |2 15- 7.50 65-32.50 I 15- 7.575 65-32.825 16. 8.00 66-33.00 i! 16- 8.08 66-33.33 II 17- 8.50 67-33.50 |' 17- 8.585 67-33.835 18- 9.00 68-34.00 18- 9.09 68-34.34 31 19- 9.50 69-34.50 || 19- 9.595 69-34.845 — 20-10.00 70-35.00 || 20-10.10 70-35.35 32 21-10.50 71-35.50 || 21-10.605 71-35.855 -^ 22-11,00 72-36.00 || 22-11.11 72-36.36 3| 23-11.50 73-36.50 || 23-11.615 73-36.865 JZ 24-12.00 74-37.00 || 24-12.12 74-37.37 36 25-12.50 75-37.50 jj 25-12.625 75-37.875 — 26-13.00 76-38.00 l| 26-13.13 76-38.38 ^ 27-13.50 77-38.50 || 27-13.635 77-38.885 28-14.00 78-39.00 [j 28-14.14 78-39.39 40 29-14.50 79-39.50 jj 29-14.645 79-39.895 "*r 30-15.00 80-40.00 || 30-15.15 80-40.40 I? 31-15.50 81-40.50 || 31-15.655 81-40.905 32-16.00 82-41.00 || 32-16.16 82-41.41 33-16.50 83-41.50 || 33-16.665 83-41.915 34-17.00 84-42.00 || 34-17.17 84-42.42 J§ 35-17.50 85-42.50 !| 35-17.675 85-42.925 36-18.00 86-43.00 || 36-18.18 86-43.43 *S 37-18.50 87-43.50 | 37-18.685 87-43.935 _ 38-19.00 88-44.00 || 38-19.19 88-44.44 50 1 39-19.50 89-44.50 Ij 39-19.695 89-44.945 Bl 1 40-20.00 90-45.00 jj 40-20.20 90-45.45 41-20.50 91-45.50 ]| 41-20.705 91-45.955 42-21.00 92-46.00 || 42-21.21 92-46.46 43-21.50 93-46.50 jj 43-21.715 93-46.965 44-22.00 94-47.00 j| 44-22.22 94-47.47 45-22.50 95-47.50 \\ 45-22.725 95-47.975 46-23.00 96-48.00 || 46-23.23 96-48.48 47-23.50 97-48.50 l| 47-23.735 97-48.985 48-24.00 98-49.00 j 48-24.24 98-49.49 49-24.50 99-45.50 Ij 49-24.745 99-49.995 50-25.00 100-50.00 jj 50-25.25 100-50.50 Here is n mile to coininite vnlne of less tlian dozen egKS .it anv iiriue. 1 cl'^'. (l-li! ; 4, (l-S) ennals m; .'■> (."■Ii;) eipials .42: (i. (1-2i equals ..1": 7. (7-12) equals '.18: S.' (2-.1| e(iiials ,07; !>. (^-4) equals ,75: VK (o-C) equals .S-T: 11 (11-121 e(|iials ,'.12. Under the talile i-ejiresenling the price per dozen of e^KS. "W these nnmliei'S as dpcinial.s and yon will always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERPAT COMPUTER. 53 5sy2 Milk test - - 5.3%! Milk test - - 5.35% Cream test - - 53% Cream test - 531/2% Price - - - 53 cts. Price - - - 531/2 cts. 1- .53 51-27.03 j 1- .535 51-27.285 2- 1.06 52-27.56 1 2- 1.07 52-27.82 3- 1.59 53-28.09 3- 1.605 53-28.355 4- 2.12 54-28.62 4- 2.14 54-28.89 5- 2.65 55-29.15 1 5- 2.675 55-29.425 6- 3.18 56-29.68 6- 3.21 56-29.96 7- 3.71 57-30.21 1 7- 3.745 57-30.495 8- 4.24 58-30.74 8- 4.28 58-31.03 9- 4.77 59-31.27 1 9- 4.815 59-31.565 10- 5.30 60-31.80 1 10- 5.35 60-32.10 11- 5.83 61-32.33 11- 5.885 61-32.635 12- 6.36 62-32.86 12- 6.42 62-33.17 13- 6.89 63-33.39 13- 6.955 63-33.705 14- 7.42 64-33.92 14- 7.49 64-34.24 15- 7.95 65-34.45 1 15- 8.025 65-34.775 16- 8.48 66-34.98 16- 8.56 66-35.31 17- 9.01 67-35.51 17- 9.095 67-35.845 18- 9.54 68-36.04 18- 9.63 68-36.38 19-10.07 69-36.57 19-10.165 69-36.915 20-10.60 70-37.10 20-10.70 70-37.45 21-11.13 71-37.63 21-11.235 71-37.985 22-11.66 72-38.16 1 22-11.77 72-38.52 23-12.19 73-38.69 1 23-12.305 73-39.055 24-12.72 74-39.22 1 24-12.84 74-39.59 25-13.25 75-39.75 25-13.375 75-40.125 26-13.78 76-40.28 26-13.91 76-40.66 27-14.31 77-40.81 27-14.445 77-41.195 28-14.84 78-41.34 28-14.98 78-41.73 29-15.37 79-41.87 i 29-15.515 79-42.265 30-15.90 80-42.40 1 30-16.05 80-42.80 31-16.43 81-42.93 31-16.585 81-43.335 32-16.96 82-43.46 32-17.12 82-43.87 33-17.49 83-43.99 1 33-17.655 83-44.405 34-18.02 84-44.52 1 34-18.19 84-44.94 35-18.55 85-45.05 1 35-18.725 85-45.475 36-19.08 86-45.58 36-19.26 86-46.01 37-19.61 87-46.11 37-19.795 87-46.545 38-20.14 88-46.64 1 38-20.33 88-47.08 39-20.67 89-47.17 39-20.865 89-47.615 40-21.20 90-47.70 II 40-21.40 90-48.15 41-21.73 91-48.23 1 41-21.935 91-48.685 42-22.26 92-48.76 1 42-22.47 92-49.22 43-22.79 93-49.29 II 43-23.005 93-49.755 44-23.32 94-49.82 1 44-23.54 94-50.29 45-23.85 95-50.35 II 45-24.075 95-50.825 46-24.38 96-50.88 46-24.61 96-51.36 47-24.91 97-51.41 1 47-25.145 97-51.895 48-25.44 98-51.94 II 48-25.68 98-52.43 49-25.97 99-52.47 II 49-26.215 99-52.965 50-26.50 100-53.00 1 50-26.75 100-53.50 To And butteifat in cream or whole milk: See n examples on ijages 3 and 4. To find butterfat In more than 100 lbs. of cream See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or butterfat or poultry See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Eacli table in this computer can represent Ave numbari. See notes on pages 3 and 4. 14 IS 15 17 IE IS 20 21 22 23 SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 54 34 35 40 41 42 43- 46 47 48 49 50 _61 52 ^3 54^ 55 Milk test Cream test Price - - 5.4% - 54%: 54 cts.j 541/4 Milk test - - 5.45% Cream test - - 54V2% Price - - - 5414 cts. 1- .54 51-27.54 1- .545 51-27.795 2- 1.08 52-28.08 2- 1.09 52-28.34 3- 1.62 53-28.62 3- 1.635 53-28.885 4- 2.16 54-29.16 4- 2.18 54-29.43 5- 2.70 55-29.70 5- 2.725 55-29.975 6- 3.24 56-30.24 6- 3.27 56-30.52 7- 3.78 57-30.78 7- 3.815 57-31.065 8- 4.32 58-31.32 8- 4.36 58-31.61 9- 4.86 59-31.86 9- 4.905 59-32.155 10- 5.40 60-32.40 10- 5.45 60-32.70 11- 5.94 61-32.94 1 11- 5.995 61-33.245 12- 6.48 62-33.48 12- 6.54 62-33.79 13- 7.02 63-34.02 13- 7.085 63-34.335 14- 7.56 64-34.56 14- 7.63 64-34.88 15- 8.10 65-35.10 15- 8.175 65-35.425 16- 8.64 66-35.64 16- 8.72 66-35.97 17- 9.18 67-36.18 17- 9.265 67-36.515 18- 9.72 68-36.72 18- 9.81 68-37.06 19-10.26 69-37.26 19-10.355 69-37.605 20-10.80 70-37.80 20-10.90 70-38.15 21-11.34 71-38.34 21-11.445 71-38.695 22-11.88 72-38.88 22-11.99 72-39.24 23-12.42 73-39.42 23-12.535 73-39.785 24-12.96 74-39.96 24-13.08 74-40.33 25-13.50 75-40.50 25-13.625 75-40.875 26-14.04 76-41.04 26-14.17 76-41.42 27-14.58 77-41.58 27-14.715 77-41.965 28-15.12 78-42.12 28-15.26 78-42.51 29-15.66 79-42.66 29-15.805 79-43.055 30-16.20 80-43.20 30-16.35 80-43.60 31-16.74 81-43.74 31-16.895 81-44.145 32-17.28 82-44.28 1 32-17.44 82-44.69 33-17.82 83-44.82 1 33-17.985 83-45.235 34-18.36 84-45.36 34-18.53 84-45.78 35-18.90 85-45.90 35-19.075 85-46.325 36-19.44 86-46.44 1 36-19.62 86-46.87 37-19.98 87-46.98 37-20.165 87-47.415 38-20.52 88-47.52 - 38-20.71 88-47.96 39-21.06 89-48.06 1 39-21.255 89-48.505 40-21.60 90-48.60 40-21.80 90-49.05 41-22.14 91-49.14 41-22.345 91-49.595 42-22.68 92-49.68 42-22.89 92-50.14 43-23.22 93-50.22 43-23.435 93-50.685 44-23,76 94-50.76 1 44-23.98 94-51.23 45-24.30 95-51.30 45-24.525 95-51.775 46-24.84 96-51.84 46-25.07 96-52.32 47-25.38 97-52.38 47-25.615 97-52.865 48-25.92 98-52.92 48-26.16 98-53.41 49-26.46 99-53.46 49-26.705 99-53.955 50-27.00 100-54.00 50-27.25 100-54.50 Here is a rule to comiuite value of less than dozeu eggs at any [irice. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen: 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3. (1-4 doz.) equals .25; 4. (1-3) equals .33; r., (.-)-12) equals .42: (!. (1-2) equals .50; T. (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 0. (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .02. Under tlie table representing tlie price per dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you will always get correct Talue of odd eggs. SM ITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTE R. 55 Milk test - - 5.5% Cream test - - 55%, Price - - - 55 cts. 00^/2 Milk test - - 5.55% Cream test - - 551/2% Price - - - 55% cts. 1- .55 51-28.05 1 1- .555 51-28.305 2- 1.10 52-28.60 2- 1.11 52-28.86 3- 1.65 53-29.15 j 3- 1.665 53-29.415 4- 2.20 54-29.70 1 4- 2.22 54-29.97 5- 2.75 55-30.25 5- 2.775 55-30.525 6- 3.30 56-30.80 1 6- 3.33 56-31.08 7- 3.85 57-31.35 1 7- 3.885 57-31.635 8- 4.40 58-31.90 j 8- 4.44 58-32.19 9- 4.95 59-32.45 1 9- 4.995 59-32.745 10- 5.50 60-33.00 1 10- 5.55 60-33.30 11- 6.05 61-33.55 1 11- 6.105 61-33.855 12- 6.60 62-34.10 I 12- 6.66 62-34.41 13- 7.15 63-34.65 1 13- 7.215 63-34.965 14- 7.70 64-35.20 1 14- 7.77 64-35.52 15- 8.25 65-35.75 ! 15- 8.325 65-36.075 16- 8.80 66-36.30 I 16- 8.88 66-36.63 17- 9.35 67-36.85 17- 9.345 67-37.185 18- 9.90 68-37.40 1 18- 9.99 68-37.74 19-10.45 69-37.95 1 19-10.545 69-38.295 20-11.00 70-38.50 1 20-11.10 70-38.85 21-11.55 71-39.05 1 21-11.655 71-39.405 22-12.10 72-39.60 i 22-12.21 72-39.96 23-12.65 73-40.15 1 23-12.765 73-40.515 24-13.20 74-40.70 24-13.32 74-41.07 25-13.75 75-41.25 1 25-13.875 75-41.625 26-14.30 76-41.80 26-14.43 76-42-18 27-14.85 77-42.35 27-14.985 77-42.735 28-15.40 78-42.90 i 28-15.54 78-43-29 29-15.95 79-43.45 • 29-16.095 79-43.845 30-16.50 80-44.00 30-16.65 80-44.40 31-17.05 81-44.55 31-17.205 81-44.955 32-17.60 82-45.10 32-17.76 82-45.51 33-18.15 83-45.65 33-18.315 83-46.065 34-18.70 84-46.20 34-18.87 84-46.62 35-19.25 85-46.75 35-19.425 85-47.175 36-19.80 86-47.30 36-19.98 86-47.73 37-20.35 87-47.85 37-20.535 87-48.285 38-20.90 88-48.40 38-21.09 88-48.84 39-21.45 89-48.95 39-21.645 89-49.395 40-22.00 90-49.50 40-22.20 90-49.95 41-22.55 91-50.05 41-22.755 91-50.505 42-23.10 92-50.60 42-23.31 92-51.06 43-23.65 93-51.15 43-23.865 93-51.615 44-24.20 94-51.70 44-24.42 94-52.17 45-24.75 95-52.25 45-24.975 95-52.725 46-25.30 96-52.80 46-25.53 96-53.28 47-25.85 97-53.35 47-26.085 97-53.835 48-26.40 98-53.90 48-26.64 98-54.39 49-26.95 99-54.45 1 49-27.195 99-54.945 50-27.50 100-55.00 1 50-27.75 100-55.50 To find butterfat in creara or whole milk : Set' notes and examples on pages 3 nud 4. To find butterfat in more tban 100 lbs. of cream or milk : See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or butterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examplesi on pages 3 and 4. Each table in tUis computer can represent Ave or more aumbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 1? 18 46 47 48 49 50 55 53 56 57 56 5614 Milk test - - 5.6% Milk test ■ - 5.65% Cream test - - 56% Cream test - - 561/2% Price - - - 56 cts. Price - - - 561/2 cts. 1- .56 51-28.56 1 1- .565 51-28.815 2- 1.12 52-29.12 2- 1.13 52-29.38 3- 1.68 53-29.68 3- 1.695 53-29.945 4- 2.24 54-30.24 4- 2.26 54-30.51 5- 2.80 55-30.80 5- 2.825 55-31.075 6- 3.36 56-31.36 6- 3.39 56-31.64 7- 3.92 57-31.92 7- 3.955 57-32.205 8- 4.48 58-32.48 8- 4.52 58-32.77 9- 5.04 59-33.04 9- 5.085 59-33.335 10- 5.60 60-33.60 10- 5.65 60-33.90 11- 6.16 61-34.16 11- 6.215 61-34.465 12- 6.72 62-34.72 12- 6.78 62-35.03 13- 7.28 63-35.28 13- 7.345 63-35.595 14- 7.84 64-35.84 14- 7.91 64-36.16 15- 8.40 65-36.40 15- 8.475 65-36.725 16- 8.96 66-36.96 16- 9.04 66-37.29 17- 9.52 67-37.52 17- 9.605 67-37.855 18-10.08 68-38.08 18-10.17 68-38.42 19-10.64 69-38.64 19-10.735 69-38.985 20-11.20 70-39.20 20-11.30 70-39.55 21-11.76 71-39.76 21-11.865 71-40.115 22-12.32 72-40.32 22-12.43 72-40.68 23-12.88 73-40.88 23-12.995 73-41.245 24-13.44 74-41.44 24-13.56 74-41-81 25-14.00 75-42.00 25-14.125 75-42.375 26-14.56 76-42.56 26-14.69 76-42.94 27-15.12 77-43.12 27-15.255 77-43.505 28-15.68 78-43.68 28-15.82 78-44.07 29-16.24 79-44.24 29-16.385 79-44.635 30-16.80 80-44.80 30-16.95 80-45.20 31-17.36 81-45.36 31-17.515 81-45.765 32-17.92 82-45.92 32-18.08 82-46.33 33-18.48 83-46.48 33-18.645 83-46.895 34-19.04 84-47.04 34-19.21 84-47.46 35-19.60 85-47.60 35-19.775 85-48.025 36-20.16 56-48.16 36-20.34 86-48.59 37-20.72 87-48.72 37-20.905 87-49.155 38-21.28 88-49.28 38-21.47 88-49.72 39-21.84 89-49.84 39-22.035 89-50.285 40-22.40 90-50.40 40-22.60 90-50.85 41-22.96 91-50.96 41-23.165 91-51.415 42-23.52 92-51.52 42-23.73 92-51.98 43-24.08 93-52.08 43-24.295 93-52.545 44-24.64 94-52.64 44-24.86 94-53.11 45-25.20 95-53.20 45-25.425 95-53.675 46-25.76 96-53.76 46-25.99 96-54.24 47-26.32 97-54.32 47-26.555 97-54.805 48-26.88 98-54.88 48-27.12 98-55.37 49-27.44 99-55.44 49-27.685 99-55.935 50-28.00 100-56.00 50-28.25 100-56.50 lleve Is a rule to compute value of less than dozen eggs at auy pi-lce. 1 cb'g, (1-12 duz.) equals .08 of a dozen; 2 eggs, (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3. (1-4 doz ) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .33; 5, (5-12) equals .42; 0. (1-2) equals .50; 7, (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 9, (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11, (11-12) equals .02. Under tlie table representiuit the price per dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you win always get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 57 571^ Milk test - - 5.7% Milk test - - 5.75% Cream test - - 57% Cream test - - 571/2% Price - - - 57 cts. Price - - - 571/2 cts. 1- .57 51-29.07 1- .575 51-29.325 2- 1.14 52-29.64 2- 1.15 52-29.90 3- 1.71 53-30.21 1 3- 1.725 53-30.475 4- 2.28 54-30.78 4- 2.30 54-31.05 5- 2.85 55-31.35 1 5- 2.875 55-31.625 6- 3.42 56-31.92 1 6- 3.45 56-32.20 7- 3.99 57-32.49 7- 4.025 57-32.775 8- 4.56 58-33.06 8- 4.60 58-33.35 9- 5.13 59-33.63 1 9- 5.175 59-33.925 10- 5.70 60-34.20 1 10- 5.75 60-34.50 11- 6.27 61-34.77 1 11- 6.325 61-35.075 12- 6.84 62-35.34 12- 6.90 62-35.65 13- 7.41 63-35.91 13- 7.475 63-36.225 14- 7.98 64-36.48 1 14- 8.05 64-36.80 15- 8.55 65-37.05 15- 8.625 65-37.375 16- 9.12 66-37.62 1 16- 9.20 66-37.95 17- 9.69 67-38.19 17- 9.775 67-38.525 18-10.26 68-38.76 18-10.35 68-39.10 19-10.83 69-39.33 19-10.925 69-39.675 20-11.40 70-39.90 20-11.50 70-40.25 21-11.97 71-40.47 21-12.075 71-40.825 22-12.54 72-41.04 22-12.65 72-41.40 23-13.11 73-41.61 23-13.225 73-41.975 24-13.68 74-42.18 24-13.80 74-42.55 25-14.25 75-42.75 25-14.375 75-43.125 26-14.82 76-43.32 1 26-14.95 76-43.70 27-15.39 77-43.89 27-15.525 77-44.275 28-15.96 78-44.46 28-16.10 78-44.85 29-16.53 79-45.03 29-16.675 79-45.425 30-17.10 80-45.60 30-17.25 80-46.00 31-17.67 81-46.17 31-17.825 81-46.575 32-18.24 82-46.74 32-18.40 82-47.15 33-18.81 83-47.31 33-18.975 83-47.725 34-19.38 84-47.88 34-19.55 84-48.30 35-19.95 85-48.45 35-20.125 85-48.875 36-20.52 86-49.02 36-20.70 86-49.45 37-21.09 87-49.59 37-21.275 87-50.025 38-21.66 88-50.16 38-21.85 88-50.60 39-22.23 89-50.73 39-22.425 89-51.175 40-22.80 90-51.30 40-23.00 90-51.75 41-23.37 91-51.87 41-23.575 91-52.325 42-23.94 92-52.44 42-24.15 92-52.90 43-24.51 93-53.01 43-24.725 93-53.475 44-25.08 94-53.58 44-25.30 94-54.05 45-25.65 95-54.15 45-25.875 95-54.625 46-26.22 96-54.72 46-26.45 96-55.20 47-26.79 97-55.29 47-27.025 97-55.775 48-27.36 98-55.86 48-27.60 98-56.35 49-27.93 99-56.43 49-28.175 99-56.925 50-28.50 100-57.00 1 50-28.75 100-57.50 To flud butteifat iii cream or wliole milk: See notes aud examples ou pages 3 and 4. To find butteifat lu more tliau 100 lbs. ot cream or milk: See notes and examples on paijes :i and 4. To And value of butter ur butterfat or poultry or e(es: See notes and examples ou i>ages 3 and 4. Each table In tills computer can represent flTe or more Dumberg. See uuies on pages 3 and 4. 69 SMITH'S BUTTERFAf COMPUTER. 9 58 581^ ) Milk test - - 5.8% Milk test - - 5.85% - Cream test - - 58% Cream test - - 581/2% 2 L3 Price - - - 58 cts. Price - - - 581/2 cts. 4 K 1- .58 51-29.58 1- .585 51-29.835 IS 2- 1.16 52-30.16 2- 1.17 52-30.42 1ft 3- 1.74 53-30.74 3- 1.755 53-31.005 ^2 17 4- 2.32 54-31.32 4- 2.34 54-31.59 5- 2.90 55-31.90 5- 2.925 55-32.175 IS 19 6- 3.48 56-32.48 6- 3.51 56-32.76 iX 7- 4.06 57-33.06 7- 4.095 57-33.345 20 8- 4.64 58-33.64 8- 4.68 58-33.93 21 9- 5.22 59-34.22 9- 5.265 59-34.515 22 10- 5.80 60-34.80 10- 5.85 60-35.10 23 11- 6.38 61-35.38 11- 6.435 61-35.685 24 12- 6.96 62-35.96 1 12- 7.02 62-36.27 !5 13- 7.54 63-36.54 13- 7.605 63-36.855 14- 8.12 64-37.12 14- 8.19 64-37.44 6 >7 15- 8.70 65-37.70 15- 8.775 65-38.025 iiL. 16- 9.28 66-38.28 I 16- 9.36 66-38.61 28 79 17- 9.86 67-38.86 17- 9.945 67-39.195 uf. 18-10.44 68-39.44 i 18-10.53 68-39.78 JO w 19-11.02 69-40.02 19-11.115 69-40.365 20-11.60 70-40.60 [ 20-11.70 70-40.95 32 21-12.18 71-41.18 21-12.285 71-41.535 33- 22-12.76 72-41.76 j 22-12.87 72-42.12 34 23-13.34 73-42.34 i 23-13.455 73-42.705 dD 24-13.92 84-42.92 1 24-14.04 74-43.29 56 5r7 25-14.50 75-43.50 25-14.625 75-43.875 J7 26-15.08 76-44.08 26-15.21 76-44.46 38 27-15.66 77-44.66 1 27-15.795 77-45.045 {IM- 28-16.24 78-45.24 1 28-16.38 78-45.63 40 29-16.82 79-45.82 1 29-16.965 79-46.215 41 30-17.40 80-46.40 30-17.55 80-46.80 42 31-17.98 81-46.98 i 31-18.135 81-47.385 M- 32-18.56 82-47.56 1 32-18.72 82-47.97 i4 33-19.14 83-48.14 33-19.305 83-48.555 •fcU 34-19.72 84-48.72 34-19.89 84-49.14 46 47 35-20.30 85-49.30 35-20.475 85-49.725 38-20.88 86-49.88 1 36-21.06 86-50.31 48 49 37-21.46 87-50.46 1 37-21.645 87-50.895 38-22.04 88-51.04 38-22.23 88-51.48 BO 51 39-22.62 89-51.62 1 39-22.815 89-52.065 40-23.20 90-52.20 \ 40-23.40 90-52.65 5!; 52 41-23.78 91-52.78 1 41-23.985 91-53.235 42-24.36 92-53.36 1 42-24.57 92-53.82 fkk 43-24.94 93-53.94 43-25.155 93-54.405 04 55 44-25.52 94-54.52 44-25.74 94-54.99 45-26-10 95-55.10 li 45-26.325 95-55.575 56 67 46-26.68 96-55.68 46-26.91 96-56.16 47-27.26 97-56.26 11 4:7-27 A95 97-56.745 58 60 48-27.84 98-56.84 1 48-28.08 98-57.33 ■ 49-28.42 99-57.42 49-28.665 99-57.915 1 50-29.00 100-58.00 11 50-29.25 100-58.50 Here is a i-iile to oompiite value of less than dozen eggs at any in-ice. 1 egg. (1-12 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen; 2 eggs. (1-6 doz.) equals .17; 3. (1-4 doz.) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals m; 5, (5-12) eqinUs .42; G. (1-2) 'equals .50; 7. (7-12) equals 58; S, (2-3) equals .67; 9. (3-4) equ.ils .75; 10, (5-6) equals .Si: 11. (11-12) equals .92. Under the table i-eiiresentlng tlie iini-T per dozen ot eggs, use tliese numliers as decimals and you nill always get correct value ot odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 59 I Milk test - - 5.9% [ Cream test - - 59 70 Price - - - 59 cts. 60 Milk test - - 6.0% Cream test - - 60% Price - - - 60 cts. 1- .59 51-30.09 11 1- .60 51-30.60 2- 1.18 52-30.68 il 2- 1.20 52-31.20 3- 1.77 53-31.27 I'l II 3- 1.80 53-31.80 4- 2.36 54-31.86 4- 2.40 54-32.40 5- 2.95 55-32.45 11 5- 3.00 55-33.00 6- 3.54 56-33.04 6- 3.60 56-33.60 7- 4.13 57-33.63 11 7- 4.20 57-34.20 8- 4.72 58-34.22 11 8- 4.80 58-34.80 9- 5.31 59-34.81 11 9- 5.40 59-35.40 10- 5.90 60-35.40 10- 6.00 60-36.00 11- 6.49 61-35.99 1 11- 6.60 61-36.60 12- 7.08 62-36.58 1 12- 7.20 62-37.20 13- 7.67 63-37-17 II 13- 7.80 63-37.80 14- 8.26 64-37.76 II 14- 8.40 64-38.40 15- 8.85 65-38.35 II 15- 9.00 65-39.00 16- 9.44 66-38.94 16- 9.60 66-39.60 17-10.03 67-39.53 11 17-10.20 67-40.20 18-10.62 68-40.12 II 18-10.80 68-40.80 19-11.21 69-40.71 19-11.40 69-41.40 20-11.80 70-41.30 II 20-12.00 70-42.00 21-12.39 71-41.89 21-12.60 71-42.60 22-12.98 72-42.48 1 22-13.20 72-43.20 23-13.57 73-43.07 1 23-13.80 73-43.80 24-14.16 74-43.66 II 24-14.40 74-44.40 25-14.75 75-44.25 25-15.00 75-45.00 26-15.34 76-44.84 11 26-15.60 76.45.60 27-15.93 77-45.43 27-16.20 77-46.20 28-16.52 78-46.02 11 28-16.80 78-46.80 29-17.11 79-46.61 29-17.40 79-47.40 30-17.70 80-47.20 II 30-18.00 80-48.00 31-18.29 81-47.79 31-18.60 81-48.60 32-18.88 82-48.38 1 32-19.20 82-49.20 33-19.47 83-48.97 11 33-19.80 83.49.80 34-20.06 84-49.56 34-20.40 84-50.40 35-20.65 85-50.15 1 35-21.00 85-51.00 36-21.24 86-50.74 1 36-21.60 86-51.60 37-21.83 87-51.33 37-22.20 87-52.20 38-22.42 88-51.92 1 38-22.80 88-52.80 39-23.01 89-52.51 1 39-23.40 89-53.40 40-23.60 90-53.10 II 40-24.00 90-54.00 41-24.19 91-53.69 41-24.60 91-54.60 42-24.78 92-54.28 11 42-25.20 92-55.20 43-25.37 93-54.87 43-25.80 93-55.80 44-25.96 94-55.46 II 44-26.40 94-56.40 45-26.55 95-56.05 II 45-27.00 95-57.00 46-27.14 96-56.64 II li 46-27.60 96-57.60 47-27.73 97-57.23 1 47-28.20 97-58.20 48-28.32 98-57.82 48-28.80 98-58.80 49-28.91 99-58.41 II 49-29.40 99-59.40 50-29.50 100-59.00 50-30.00 100-60.00 or whole milk: See notes aim To find buttert;it in cre.ni examples on pages 3 and 4. To find butterfat in more than 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. To find value of butter or butterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Eacb table in this computer can represent five or more numbers. See uotes on pages 3 and 4. 58 60 61 64 SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 61 64 61 62 Milk test - - 6.1% Milk test - - 6.2% Cream test - - 61% Cream test - - 62% Price - - - 61 cts. Price - - - 62 cts. 1- .61 51-31.11 1 1- .62 51-31.62 2- 1.22 52-31.72 2- 1.24 52-32.24 3- 1.83 53-32.33 1 3- 1.86 53-32.86 4- 2.44 54-32.94 4- 2.48 54-33.48 5- 3.05 55-33.55 1 5- 3.10 55-34.10 6. 3.66 56-34.16 1 6- 3.72 56-34.72 7- 4.27 57-34.77 7- 4.34 57-35.34 8- 4.88 58-35.38 8- 4.96 58-35.96 9- 5.49 59-35.99 j 9- 5.58 59-36.58 10- 6.10 60-36.60 10- 6.20 60-37.20 11- 6.71 61-37.21 11- 6.82 61-37.82 12- 7.32 62-37.82 1 12- 7.44 62-38.44 13- 7.93 63-38.43 13- 8.06 63-39.06 14- 8.54 64-39.04 1 14- 8.68 64-39.68 15- 9.15 65-39.65 1 15- 9.30 65-40.30 16- 9.76 66-40.26 16- 9.92 66-40.92 17-10.37 67-40.87 1 17-10.54 67-41.54 18-10.98 68-41.48 1 18-11.16 68-42.16 19-11.59 69-42.09 1 19-11.78 69-42.78 20-12.20 70-42.70 1 20-12.40 70-43.40 21-12.81 71-43.31 1 21-13.02 71-44.02 22-13.42 72-43.92 22-13.64 72-44.64 23-14.03 73-44.53 23-14.26 73-45.26 24-14.64 74-45.14 1 24-14.88 74-45.88 25-15.25 75-45.75 1 25-15.50 75-46.50 26-15.86 76-46.36 26-16.12 76-47.12 27-16.47 77-46.97 27-16.74 77-47.74 28-17.08 78-47.58 28-17.36 78-48.36 29-17.69 79-48.19 29-17.98 79-48.98 30-18.30 80-48.80 30-18.60 80-49.60 31-18.91 81-49.41 31-19.22 81-50.22 32-19.52 82-50.02 32-19.84 82-50.84 33-20.13 83-50.63 33-20.46 83-51.46 34-20.74 84-51.24 34-21.08 84-52.08 35-21.35 85-51.85 1 35-21.70 85-52.70 36-21.96 86-52.46 36-22.32 86-53.32 37-22.57 87-53.07 37-22.94 87-53.94 38-23,18 88-53.68 1 38-23.56 88-54.56 39-23.79 89-54.29 39-24.18 89-55.18 40-24.40 90-54.90 40-24.80 90-55.80 41-25.01 91-55.51 1 41-25.42 91-56.42 42-25.62 92-56.12 42-26.04 92-57.04 43-26.23 93-56.73 43-26.66 93-57.66 44-26.84 94-57.34 I 44-27.28 94-58.28 45-27.45 95-57.95 45-27.90 95-58.90 46-28.06 96-58.56 1 46-28.52 96-59.52 47-28.67 97-59.17 47-29.14 97-60.14 48-29.28 98-58.78 1 48-29.76 98-60.76 49-29.89 99-60.39 1 49-30.38 99-61.38 50-30.50 100-61.00 50-31.00 100-62.00 Here is a rule to compute ralue of less tban dozen eggs at niiy price. 1 egg, (1-12 doz.) equals .08 of a dozen : 2 eggs, (1-C doz.) equals .17; li, (1-4 doz) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals :«: T) (.5-12) e(|iials .42: (i. (1-2) equals .5(J; 7. (7-12) equalH 58; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 9, (3-4) equals .75; 10. (5-8) equals ,83; 11, (11-12) equals .1)2. Under the table representing the price per dozen of eggs, u.se these numbers as decimal* aud you win always get correct Talue of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERPAT COMPUTER. 63 64 Milk test - - 6.3% Milk test - - 6.4% Cream test - - 63% Cream test - - 64% Price - - - 63 cts. Price - - 64 cts. 1- .63 51-32.13 1- .64 51-32.64 2- 1.26 52-32.76 2- 1.28 52-33.28 3- 1.89 53-33.39 3- 1.92 53-33.92 4- 2.52 54-34.02 4- 2.56 54-34.56 5- 3.15 55-34.65 5- 3.20 55-35.20 6- 3.78 56-35.28 6- 3.84 56-35.84 7- 4.41 57-35.91 7- 4.48 57-36.48 8- 5.04 58-36.54 8- 5.12 58-37.12 9- 5.67 59-37.17 9- 5.76 59-37.76 10- 6.30 60-37.80 10- 6.40 60-38.40 11- 6.93 61-38.43 11- 7.04 61-39.04 12- 7.56 62-39.06 12- 7.68 62-39.68 13- 8.19 63-39.69 13- 8.32 63-40.32 14- 8.82 64-40.32 14- 8.96 64-40.96 15- 9.45 65-40.95 15- 9.60 65-41.60 16-10.08 66-41.58 16-10.24 66-42.24 17-10.71 67-42.21 17-10.88 67-42.88 18-11.34 68-42.84 18-11.52 68-43.52 19-11.97 69-43.47 19-12.16 69-44.16 20-12.60 70-44.10 i 20-12.80 70-44.80 21-13.23 71-44.73 21-13.44 71-45.44 22-13.86 72-45.36 1 22-14.08 72-46.08 23-14.49 73-45.99 23-14.72 73-46.72 24-15.12 74-46.62 24-15.36 74-47.36 25-15.75 75-47.25 1 25-16.00 75-48.00 26-16.38 76-47.88 26-16.64 76-48.64 27-17.01 77-48.51 1 27-17.28 77-49.28 28-17.64 78-49.14 28-17.92 78-49.92 29-18.27 79-49.77 29-18.56 79-50.56 30-18.90 80-50.40 30-19.20 80-51.20 31-19.53 81-51.03 31-19.84 81-51.84 32-20.16 82-51-66 1 32-20.48 82-52.48 33-20.79 83-52.29 1 33-21.12 83-53.12 34-21.42 84-52.92 1 34-21.76 84-53.76 35-22.05 85-53.55 35-22.40 85-54.40 36-22.68 86-54.18 36-23.04 86-55.04 37-23.31 87-54.81 37-23.68 87-55.68 38-23.94 88-55.44 1 38-24-32 88-56.32 39-24.57 89-56.07 1 39-24.96 89-56.96 40-25.20 90-56.70 [ 40-25.60 90-57.60 41-25.83 91-57.33 [ 41-26.24 91-58.24 42-26.46 92-57.96 42-26.88 92-58.88 43-27.09 93-58.59 1 43-27.52 93-59.52 44-27.72 94-59.22 1 44-28.16 94-60.16 45-28.35 95-59.85 45-28.80 95-60.80 46-28.98 96-60.48 46-29.44 96.61.44 47-29.61 97-61.11 1 47-30.08 97.62.08 48-30-24 98-61.74 48-30.72 98-62.72 49-30.87 99-62.37 I 49-31.36 99-63.36 50-31.50 100-63.00 50-32.00 100-64.00 To And Imtterfnt in cream or whole milk: See notes and ciamples on i>n(res .3 and 4. To Hnd liutterfiit in more than 100 llis. of cream or milk: See notes and oxaniidos on pages .1 .and 4. To find vainc of Initlpr or Initterfat or ponltry or eggs: See notes and ex:iinples on pages 3 and 4. r'apli table In tLls computer can represent five or more numbers. See notes op pages 3 aud 4. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 65 Milk test - - 6.5^0 Cream test - - 65% Price - - - 65 cts. 66 Milk test - - 6.6% Cream test - - 66% Price - - - 66 cts. 1- .65 51-33.15 1 1- .66 51-33.66 2- 1.30 52-33.80 2- 1.32 52-34.32 3- 1.95 53-34.45 1 3- 1.98 53-34.98 4- 2.60 54-35.10 1 4- 2.64 54-35.64 5- 3.25 55-35.75 1 5- 3.30 55-36.30 6- 3.90 56-36.40 1 6- 3.96 56-36.96 7- 4.55 57-37.05 1 7- 4.62 57-37.62 8- 5.20 58-37.70 i 8- 5.28 58-38.28 9- 5.85 59-38.35 ! 9- 5.94 59-38.94 10- 6.50 60-39.00 I 10- 6.60 60-39.60 11- 7.15 61-39.65 11- 7.26 61-40.26 12- 7.80 62-40.30 [ 12- 7.92 62-40.92 13- 8.45 63-40.95 1 13- 8.58 63-41.58 14- 9.10 64-41.60 14- 9.24 64-42.24 15- 9.75 65-42.25 1 15- 9.90 65-42.90 16-10.40 66-42.90 16-10.56 66-43.56 17-11.05 67-43.55 1 17-11.22 67-44.22 18-11.70 68-44.20 [ 18-11.88 68-44.88 19-12.35 69-44.85 ] 19-12.54 69-45.54 20-13.00 70-45.50 1 20-13.20 70-46.20 21-13.65 71-46.15 ! 21-13.86 71-46.86 22-14.30 72-46.80 1 22-14.52 72-47.52 23-14.95 73-47.45 23-15.18 73-48.18 24-15.60 74-48.10 24-15.84 74-48.84 25-16.25 75-48.75 25-16.50 75-49.50 26-16.90 76-49.40 26-17-16 76-50.16 27-17.55 77-50.05 27-17.82 77-50.82 28-18.20 78-50.70 28-18.48 78-51.48 29-18.85 79-51.35 29-19.14 79-52.14 30-19.50 80-52.00 30-19.80 80-52.80 31-20.15 81-52.65 31-20.46 81-53.46 32-20.80 82-53.30 32-21.12 82-54.12 33-21.45 83-53.95 33-21.78 83-54.78 34-22.10 84-54.60 34-22.44 84-55.44 35-22.75 85-55.25 35-23.10 85-56.10 36-23.40 86-55.90 36-23.76 86-56.76 37-24.05 87-56.55 37-24.42 87-57.42 38-24.70 88-57.20 38-25.08 88-58.08 39-25.35 89-57.85 39-25-74 89-58.74 40-26.00 90-58.50 [ 40-26.40 90-59.40 41-26.65 91-59.15 1 41-27.06 91-60.06 42-27.30 92-59.80 1 42-27.72 92-60.72 43-27.95 93-60.45 43-28.38 93-61.38 44-28.60 94-61.10 1 44-29.04 94-62.04 45-29.25 95-61.75 45-29.70 95-62.70 46-29.90 96-62.40 i 46-30.33 96-63.36 47-30.55 97-63.05 47-31.02 97-64.02 48-31.20 98-63.70 1 48-31.68 98-64.68 49-31.85 99-64.35 1 49-32.34 99-65.34 50-32.50 100-65.00 50-33.00 100-66.00 Here Is a rule to compute T.iliie of less tlian dozen eggs at niiT price. 1 esg, (1-12 doz.) equals OS of a dozen: 2 eggs. (1-"C doz.) equals .17; S. (1-4 doz ) equals .2r,; 4. tl-?,) equals .X'i; r> (.=1-12) equals .42: fi. (1-2) equals .50; T. (7-12) equals 58; 8. (2-3) equals .67; 9. (.3-4) equals .75; W. (5-6) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Under tlie table representing the price per dozen of eggs, use these numhers as decimals aud you will always- get correct value of odd eggs. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 67 i 68 Milk test - - 6.7% Milk test - - 6.8% Cream test - - 67% Cream test - - 68% Price - - - 67 cts. Price - - - 68 cts. 1- .67 51-34.17 1 1- .68 51-34.68 2- 1.34 52-34.84 1 2- 1.36 52-35.36 3- 2.01 53-35.51 i 3- 2.04 53-36.04 4- 2.68 54-36.18 ! 4- 2.72 54-36.72 5- 3.35 55-36.85 1 5- 3.40 55-37.40 6- 4.02 56-37.52 6- 4.08 56-38.08 7- 4.69 57-38.19 1 7- 4.76 57-38.76 8- 5.36 58-38.86 8- 5.44 58-39.44 .9- 6.03 59-39.53 1 9- 6.12 59-40.12 10- 6.70 60-40.20 1 10- 6.80 60-40.80 11- 7.37 61-40.87 11- 7.48 61-41.48 12- 8.04 62-41.54 1 12- 8.16 62-42.16 13- 8.71 63-42.21 1 13- 8.84 63-42.84 14- 9.38 64-42.88 1 14- 9.52 64-43.52 15-10.05 65-43.55 1 15-10.20 65-44.20 16-10.72 66-44.22 16-10.88 66-44.88 17-11.39 67-44.89 1 17-11.56 67-45.56 18-12.06 68-45.56 1 18-12.24 68-46.24 19-12.73 69-46.23 19-12.92 69-46.92 20-13.40 70-46.90 20-13.60 70-47.60 21-14.07 71-47.57 21-14.28 71-48.28 22-14.74 72-48.24 22-14.96 72-48.96 23-15.41 73-48.91 1 23-15.64 73-49.64 24-16.08 74-49.58 24-16.32 74-50.32 25-16.75 75-50.25 i 25-17.00 75-51.00 26-17.42 76-50.92 1 26-17.68 76-51.68 27-18.09 77-51.59 1 27-18.36 77-52.36 28-18.76 78-52.26 28-19.04 78-53.04 29-19.43 79-52.93 i 29-19.72 79-53.72 30-20.10 80-53.60 1 30-20.40 80-54.40 31-20.77 81-54.27 31-21.08 81-55.08 32-21.44 82-54.94 32-21.76 82-55.76 33-22.11 83-55.61 1 33-22.44 83-56.44 34-22.78 84-56.28 1 34-23.12 84-57.12 35-23.45 85-56.95 35-23.80 85-57.80 36-24.12 86-57.62 Ij 36-24.48 86-58.48 37-24.79 87-58.29 II 37-25.16 87-59.16 38-25.46 88-58.96 II 38-25.84 88-59.84 39-26.13 89-59.63 II 39-26.52 89-60.52 40-26.80 90-50.30 II 40-27.20 90-61.20 41-27.47 91-60.97 1 41-27.88 91-61.88 42-28.14 92-61.64 l| 42-28.56 92-62.56 43-28.81 93-62.31 II 43-29.24 93-63.24 44-29-48 94-62.98 l| 44-29.92 94-63.92 45-30.15 95-63.65 |] 45-30.60 95-64.60 46-30.82 96-64.32 i 46-31.28 96-65.28 47-31.49 97-64.99 II 47-31.96 97-65.96 48-32.16 98-65.66 \\ 48-32.64 98-66.64 49-32.83 99-66.33 ![ 49-33.32 99-67.32 50-33.50 100-67.00 (l 50-34.00 100-68.00 To flud biitterfat in ere.Tm o e.Tani|iles on p.Tces 3 and 4. To find hutterf.nt in more tti r wliole mills: See notes and Tn 100 lbs. of cream or milk: See notes .nnd examples on p.nges X and 4. To find value of liutter or liutterfat or poultry or eggs: See notes and examples on pages 3 and 4. Each table in tliis computer can represent Ave or more numbers. See notes on pages 3 and 4. SMITH'S BUTTERFAT COMPUTER. 66 68 _ 69 70 69 70 Milk test - - 6.9% Milk test - - 7.0% Cream test - - 69% Cream test ■ 70% Price - - - 69 cts. Price - - - 70 cts. 1- .69 51-35.19 1 1- .70 51-35.70 2- 1.38 52-35.88 1 2- 1.40 52-36.40 3- 2.07 53-36.57 3- 2.10 53-37.10 4- 2.76 54-37.26 4- 2.80 54-37.80 5- 3.45 55-37.95 1 5- 3.50 55-38.50 6. 4.14 56-38.64 [ 6- 4.20 56-39.20 7- 4.83 57-39.33 1 7- 4.90 57-39.90 8- 5.52 58-40.02 1 8- 5.60 58-40.60 9- 6.21 59-40.71 ! 9- 6.30 59-41.30 10- 6.90 60-41.40 10- 7.00 60-42.00 11- 7.59 61-42.09 i 11- 7.70 61-42.70 12- 8.28 62-42.78 II 12- 8.40 62-43.40 13- 8.97 63-43.47 13- 9.10 63-44.10 14- 9.66 64-44.16 II 14- 9.80 64-44.80 15-10.35 65-44.85 1 15-10.50 65-45.50 16-11.04 66-45.54 1 16-11.20 66-46.20 17-11.73 67-46.23 1 17-11.90 67-46.90 18-12.42 68-46.92 1 18-12.60 68-47.60 19-13.11 69-47.61 1 19-13.30 69-48.30 20-13.80 70-48.30 1 20-14.00 70-49.00 21-14.49 71-48.99 II 21-14.70 71-49.70 22-15.15? 72-49.68 II 22-15.40 72-50.40 23-15.87 73-50.37 II 23-16.10 73-51.10 24-16.56 74-51.06 II 24-16.80 74-51.80 25-17.25 75-51.75 11 25-17.50 75-52.59 26-17.94 76-52.44 26-18.20 76-53.20 27-18.63 77-53.13 1 27-18.90 77-53.90 28-19.32 78-53.82 l| 28-19.60 78-54.60 29-20.01 79-54.51 |i 29-20.30 79-55.30 30-20.70 80-55.20 II 30-21.00 80-56.00 31-21.39 81-55.89 II 31-21.70 81-56.70 32-22.08 82-56.58 |l 32-22.40 82-57.40 33-22.77 83-57.27 11 33-23.10 83-58.10 34-23.46 84-57.96 II 34-23.80 84-58.80 35-24.15 85-58.65 35-24.50 85-59.50 36-24.84 86-59.34 1 36-25.20 86-60.20 37-25.53 87-60.03 i| 37-25.90 87-60.90 38-26.22 88-60.72 H 38-26.60 88-61.60 39-26.91 89-61.41 11 39-27.30 89-62.30 40-27.60 90-62.10 40-28.00 90-63.00 41-28.29 91-62.79 II 41-28.70 91-63.70 42-28.98 92-63.48 II 42-29.40 92-64.40 43-29.67 93-64.17 !| 43-30.10 93-65.10 44-30.36 94-64.86 [' 44-30.80 94-65.80 45-31.05 95-65.55 II 45-31.50 95-66.50 46-31.74 96-66.24 11 46-32.20 96-67.20 47-32.43 97-66.93 II 47-32.90 97-67.90 48-33.12 98-67.62 !l 48-33.60 98-68.60 49-33.81 99-68.31 11 49-34.30 99-69.30 50-34.50 100-69.00 II 50-35.00 100-70.00 Here Is n rule to compute value of less tbau dozen eggs at an.v price. 1 epg. (l-]2 doz.) equals .OS of a dozen ; 2 eges. (1-fi doz.) equals .]"; 3. (1-4 doz ) equals .25; 4, (1-3) equals .:'.3; .5. (ri-li;) equals .42: 6. (1-2) equals .50; 7. (7-12) equals .58; 8, (2-3) equals .67; 0. (3-4) equals .75; 10, (5-6) equals .83; 11. (11-12) equals .02. Under the table representing tlie price Iter dozen of eggs, use these numbers as decimals and you nil! always get correct value of odd eggs. 8 12 13 14 15 IS 17 ^IJ la 20 21 22 23 24 25 [20 28 30 31 32 34 35 86 _37 38 40 42 44 45^ 46 _47 ~4a 49 BO _51 5! 53 54 65 66 67^ 58 -CO. 65 ea 69 70