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OF A Wttifit gPHf¥lelJJt» For the cure and prevention of the Yellow Fever, Plague, Malignant and Pestilential Fevers- WITH DOCUMENTS, Authenticated by the results of successful experiments, performed by order of the Government and Authorities of the city of Havana* y BY JOHN JAMES GIRAUD, M. D. OF BALTIMORE. Formerly Surgeon to the Royal Marines, and subsequently Brevet Surgeon Major to the King of France, for the Admiralty of Cape Francais. Non quaerit aeger medicum eloquentem sed sanantem. SENEC— Epist 76. -A Medicine Of rare and prov'd effects, such as his reading And manifest experience had collected, For general sovereignty. SHAKSPEARE. Itx-T FRINTEr \ "HO^OCb MEMOIR ON THE DISCOVERY OF A SPECIFIC FOR THE YELLOW FEVER, PLAGUE, MALIGNANT AND PESTILENTIAL FEVERS, Authenticated by the results of successful experiments, performed by order of the Government and Authorities of the City of Havana. JL HE destructive effects of the Yellow Fever and Plague to suf- fering humanity, present considerations sufficient to excite the feel- ings of the dullest sensibility. The first of these terrible scourges appears to have fixed on the new world for the theatre of its ravages; to the American public, therefore, it must be a subject vitally inter- woven with the best interests of society. In some respects, it seems to have limited its devastations to particular points of the continent, and of the adjacent islands; but it has shown itself capable of spread- ing over immense districts, and of visiting parts previously secure from its pestilence; and so great has been the terror which it inspired, that the report of its progress disturbed the most distant solitudes, like the echoes of far off thunder rolling among the mountains. — Those who have had the melancholy privilege of witnessing its deso- lating career have represented it as "Labes qua scevior usquam Nulla fuit, nulla unquam aliis spectabitur annis." The physician whose feelings are not bound up in the profits of his eraft, will often in the daily routine of ordinary practice, behold scenes revolting to humanity; what will therefore be his sensations when he, for the first time, contemplates the soul-harrowing specta- cle at the sight of which the reflecting bystanders may almost regret being endowed with animation, and may envy the very stones under their feet for their insensibility. If the compassionate beholder should attempt to imbody in words his ideas of the disease, his de- scription will be like a sepulchral romance, and the depth and ten- derness of his feelings will interfere with the expression of them, as the sight becomes blind with tears. The Yellow Fever proves most fatal to those who are not acclimat- ed (if I may be permitted the expression,) to tl ose who h;ive travell- ed from distant parts, and have for the tirst time come within the sphere of the fever's malignant activity. Individuals who had pre- viously enjoyed the most uninterrupted health, are often the first vic- tims to the new Minotaur. They had perhaps been accustomed at home, to the most luxurious indulgence of their inclinations, and had never, in any serious degree paid the forfeit of their sensuality. They had probably heard of the dangers to which they would be exposed in the country they were about to visit; but it was only when they touched on the fatal shores that they became sensible of the truth of the accounts which they had disregarded. The first impression caused by the disease is abject despair — the bravest are cast down — the i eart endowed with almost deathless energy, becomes daunted, and the unhappy patient casts his eyes in vain regret to those scenes which have been sanctified by the name of "home." — "Moritur — et moriens dulces reminiscitur Argos!" If such be the effects of the desolating pestilence which we have been describing, it will be apparent that tie physician who, by pa- tient investigation, discovers aji antidote to its baneful ravages, will deserve the gratitude of mankind, and that his invaluable discovery, will carry bis name to posterity embalmed in the tears of succes- sive generations. If any faith can be placed in a series of experiments made to elu- cidate this subject — experiments which, during three successive years, were accompanied with the most satisfactory results, the dis- covery to which 1 allude has at length rewarded my laborious exer- tions in the cause of benevolence. The Medicine which 1 have compounded, is known in Havana chiefly under the name of "■specific," bin is usually termed "Doctor Giraud's Anti-pestilential and Specific Liquors for the cure and prevention of the Plague, Yellow Fever,* 4*c" These "Liquors" are limpid, inodorous, and tasteless, and possess neither purgative nor emetic qualities. Their radical virtue is to recal the secretions through their proper emunctories, and the crisis usually takes place by perspiration, urine. &c. THE political disasters of St. Domingo (where I resided for ten years) obliged me to take refuge in the United States. During the prevalence of the Yellow Fever, I had occasion to make some researches and experiments on the best means of obviating the ter- rible Epidemic, whic' had eluded all the resources of the healing art. In the year 1800, when this disorder was making the most alarming progress, I had the good fortune to discover its antidote, the effects of which were satisfactorily proven on 103 patients, attacked with the worst symptoms of the disease. The result of my experiments was the cure of 99 patients, authenticated by all the public authorities * In warm climates there exists what the inhabitants call maladie dupays, to which strangers are subject on their arrival, if they had not been previously acclimated. It is a bilious inflammatory fever which takes on a putrid type. — My specific is the sole preventive of this endemic complaint. of Baltimore. Still I was not perfectly satisfied with the Medicine, as it was then administered; it was attended with an inconvenience which it was absolutely necessary to obviate: it was necessary, in order to prevent decomposition, that the medicine should be freshly compounded every time a new dose was called for. The difficulty was to do away this perplexing inconvenience without diminishing the inherent virtue of the compound. To this subject I devoted my attention for a number of years; at length, after the most patient investigation, I brought the composition to a degree of perfection which entirely satisfies my mind as to its antidotal powers and its indestructible nature. It can be kept a number of years in glass or glazed earthen vessels, or even in wooden vessels, without under- going the slightest alteration, from the most intense heat or in any climate And at the same time it possesses the advantages of a per- fect arcanum, as its composition cannot be discovered by the best conducted chemical analysis. The Yellow Fever is cured by this "Specific" "quasi carmine magico." It constantly yields to its operation in 3, 5, and at far- thest 7 days, and the patient returns to his usual occupations two days after being cured. Its prophylactic virtue is such, that a single dose, taken at the commencement of an epidemic, will be sufficient to shield a person exposed to the disease, from its destructive effects. In the year 1820, I sent a large quantity of the "Specific" to Havana, by my agent, A. Martin, in order that experiments might be made, under the inspection of the Medical Faculty and Authorities of the Spanish government in that city, and the result has been en- tirely satisfactory to the Governor and Authorities. I have collected authentic Documents relative to the different experiments performed during a period of three successive years, by a committee of Phy- sicians appointed by government, and duly attested by the different authorities. These incontestible Documents prove, that my "Specific" has been eminently successful in the cure of the Yellow Fever; that it has been invariable in its beneficial operation on individuals of every temperament and of every nation; and that it has remained undecomposed, in all the variations of the seasons, and in every tem- perature of the atmosphere. All these Documents were forwarded to the government at Madrid. But the Spanish revolution, and the death of the Governor of Havana, (Gen. Mahy,*) at the moment when the government was on the point of purchasing my secret Medicine, destroyed the fruits of all my labours, and subjected me to a considerable pecuniary loss, after I had expended vast sums to further my object. It was mentioned above, that, during the prevalence of the Yellow Fever in Baltimore, 103 patients attacked with the disorder, were treated with my "Specific," and that out of that number, 99 were perfectly cured. As, during the epoch of the epidemic, great con- fusion reigned in the city, and the novelty of the extraordinary cures * It was by the order of Gen. Maht, that the experiments were made, and be was an eye witness to the great success of the Medicine in the various cases subjected to its influence. performed by the medicine, excited considerable attention on all sides, I thought proper to note down the names and dwellings of all the persons who were treated and cured under my management. I at the time published a list of those persons, the greater number of whom are still alive, and I here give the names, in the same order as before. We the subscribers, residents of the city of Baltimore do hereby certify, thai Doctor John J. Giraud attended us during the prevalence of the yellow fever, which raged in this city in the year 1800 when labouring under that disorder, and cured us of it by his judicious and salutary treatment — And to testify our persuasion of the truth, and efficacy of his mode of treatment, we have hereto given our sig- natures. William Walker, Light st. Mary Baker, Thames st. F. P. Ebenezer Black, Bridge st. O. T. Jacob Myers, 11 Water st. William Manro, Exeter st. Constant Anna Spark, York st. Jacob Brown, Ruxton lane. Caleb Hannah, Market space. Theresa Wilson, S. Howard st. Jo n David, Head of Market st. Richard Thornton, Public alley. Martin Bangot, 12 Howard st. Susannah Tyson, Lancaster st F. P George Wilson, S. Howard st. Nancy Weaver, Sugar alley, and my daug' ter. James Loopol, Lemmon alley, my wife. Joseph Thomas, Lancaster st. Veronica Usher, Staff alley, F. P. my daughter. Thomas Scott, Head of Baltimore street. Thomas Ford, 57 Apple alley, my boy. Joseph Hampton, Market st. F. P, Martha Thomas, Head of Balti- more st. Sarah James, 40 Causeway Peter Bennet, Happy alley, F. P> Ann Robinson, Wolf st. John M'Nier, Lee st. Federal Hill Nicholas Allen, Market st. F. P. George Hussy, Causeway, for 3 persons in my family Jacob Miller, Jones st. O T. Conrod Bentzell, 21 Second st. Mary M'Uonnell, 35 Gay st. Isabella Freeman, 60 Gay st. George Adams, Strawberry alley, F. P. Stephen Moor, Hook's town road. Hraman Jarvis, Lee st Federal hill, for my son. Thomas Littlejohn, 6, F. P. for my I step-daughter, Market Space. James Cheyter, 59, Pitt st. for my wife. Richard Norris, Goodman st. Elizabeth Murry, Spear's wharf. Frederick Williams, Head of the Basin. John Brown 5 Spear's Wharf. James Childs, 59 Bond st. Elizabeth Lanaway, S. Howard st. Hugh Becker, Barrst. Thomas Henderson Matthew Taylor, Market space, for my wife. John Bond, S. Howard st. Sarah Park, Lexington st. and my sister. David Anderson, Gallows hill. Ann Fitsimmons, King George st, Mary Long, Pratt st. i Camden st. William Honman ) John Howard, Happy alley, F. P. James Robinson, Bond st. John Smith, Wolf st. F. P. Jacob Young, Happy alley. Hannah Thomson, Fleet st. Walter Johnson, William Jones, 41 George st. -Matthew M'Clorian. Corner of Market and Fleet sts. F P. William George, Duke st L Jol nston, King George st. Polly Thomas, Duke st. Anthony Gill, J Joseph Abram. \ 69 Apple alley Simon Amborg ) Peter Boduoin, 67 Camden st. Charles Green, Head of Market st. Flora Trimble, Whiskey alley. John Ward, North st. Julianna White, German st. Catharine Welsh, Eutaw st. and my boy. Henrietta Forest, Dutch alley, my brother. Elizabeth M ushers, Strawberry alley Jacob Fisher, 69 ^ Williom Gardner, 70 \ Caroline st Peter Hall 80 S Joseph Thomson, North st. Helena Smith; Forest alley. Thomas Gardner, Waggon alley, Ann Sanders, 80, Apple alley. James Taylor, Washington st. Margaret Shaw, 70 Causeway. Peter Feekes, 72 Waggon alley. Ann Pasket, 29 Thames st. Charles Stewart, 75 Waggon alley, and my daughter Peter James, Happy alley and my wife. Rose Walker, do John Patterson, Argyle alley. John Robinson, near the Semina^ ry, my two daughters John Porter, > York st. Federal Martha Smith, \ Hill. John Slere, Lancaster st. Jacob Stephen, Rogers alley. William Smith, North st. STATE OF MARYLAND. City of Baltimore, to wit: Be it remembered, that on this twenty sixth day of March, m the year of our Lord, eig teen hundred and six, personally appeared before me the subscriber, Mayor of the city of Baltimoie, Dr. John J. Giraud, of the city aforesaid, a citizen of the I nited States, who being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almig- ty God, deposeth and saith, that in the year 1800, during the prevalence of the yellow malignant fever in the said city of Baltimore, he did make the dis- covery of a medicine, which he is thoroughly persuaded is a certain, and specific remedy for the cure, and prevention of that disease; that during the period of five years past, he has always administered it to such patients labouring under the above mentioned disease, as were committed to his care, and by means of it has affected their cure, generally in the course of eight days, by using the remedy in the commencement of the disorder, and before the application of any •ther; that from the happy and uniform effects, which have constantly attended it, he verily believes it to be a certain and specific remedy for the said disease, and that it will stand the test of time and expe- rience: And moreover that he the deponent is ready at all times to submit it to such trial, and proof, as may be required to establish its efficacy. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name, and caused the corporate seal of the said city to be affixed, on the day and year first above written. THOROWGOOD SMITH. |Seal.] Mayor of the city of Baltimore 8 We the undersigned Merchants of the city of Baltimore, do hereby certify, that Dr. John J. Giraud, resident and practitioner of phy- sic, in the said city, for thirteen years past has always enjoyed general esteem and confidence; and we are of opinion, that his discovery of a Specific remedy for the Yellow Malignant Fever is far from being an imposition on the public; on the contrary, we deem him worthy of the greatest encouragement for the discove- ry; it being of the highest importance to the public welfare. ALBERT SEEK AMP, ANTHONY KIMMEL, EDWARD FENNEL, GEORGE REPOLD, MICHAEL KIMMEL, HENRY MESSONIER, LEWIS PASCAULT, JOHN BARRON, FRANCIS DUCHEMIN, P. A. GUESTIER, J. J St. MACARY, J. B. ALLEGRE, JOHN LATOUR, JOHN A. GUENNET. JOHN B. JAUFFRET, In the year 1806, my intentions were to render the discovery ot my "Specific" public. 1 wrote a treatise to that effect, embracing my remarks on the Yellow Fever, the Plague, Pestilential and Ma- lignant Fevers, and other disorders produced by a high temperature of the atmosphere. This work, which was to have been published by subscription, included a body of observations on the various phenom- ena that marked the progress of the epidemic on our continent I detailed the characteristic symptoms of the disease in its differ- ent changes and modifications, ascertained by careful observation at the bedside of the patient: after which I entered on the thorny question of the contagious nature of the epidemic; 1 then treated of its remote cause and its localities; finally I presented a series of analytical experiments, and a history of the effects produced on the disease by the different remedies usually recommended- — having ad- ministered them all in the most careful manner, without any favoura- ble result. Several considerations induced me to abandon my project of publication at that time; I had suffered considerable fatigue of mind and body, and I had not as yet improved my "Specific" to its present degree of perfection. I then (as I have already mentioned) devoted my exclusive attention to the subject of the "Specific" and gave it its present excellence. In consequence of its unprecedented success, during the epidemic which prevailed in Baltimore in 1819, I made a gratuitous offer of the "Specific" to the public, through the medium of the newspapers. I deposited" a certain quantity with the Mayor of the city (Edward Johnson, Esq.) to be delivered gratis to all the Physicians who should apply for it — I likewise deposited with Messrs. Laroque and Milhau, Apothecaries, a certain quantity, for the use of the public. In doing this, I was guided by those feelings of humanity, without which no man can lay claim to the af- fection and esteem of his fellow beings. I went as far as 1 was war- ranted by the interests of society, and the slightest attention to my own; to have published the secret of my "Specific" would not have 9 materially advanced those of the former, and would have snatched, from me the reward of my unwearied and health-consuming labours. Had I inconsiderately divulged my arcanum, several fruitless en- deavours would probably have been made to improve a medicine, with which 1 alone (who had devoted a considerable part of my life time exclusively to it) could have been perfectly acquainted Dab- blers in experiment, and interested speculators, would have exhausted their restless activity in adding to, or subtracting from, the power of its ingredients. — Although, in the end, their efforts would only have produced (in Shakspeare's language) "wasteful and ridiculous ex ■ , .ess'*— Besides (as has occurred in other well-known cases,*) perhaps some stranger would have claimed the merit of the dis- covery, regardless of the impartial law of the Legislator of Parnassus, "Palmam qui meruit ferat." My views were now to assure myself positively of the effects of the "Specific" in all the varieties of the disease, and in the changes effected on it by the different seasons and climates I turned my attention to the city of Havana, where the disease is endemic, and prevails more or less constantly during the year, but principally in the months of July, August, September and October? This season is usually the most fatal to newly arrived strangers, and it is a rare thing for those who have not dwelt in warm countries to escape, in the months of November. December, January and February, the Malignant and Typhus Fever which prevail, often assume the type of the Yellow Fever, especially when many strangers arrive Dur- ing the months of March, April, May and June, when the Remittent, Intermittent and Bilious disorders reign, they preserve a putrid or maugnant character, from which the inhabitants themselves are not exempt Moreover these diseases take on a different type during the rainy ana windy seasons, especially when the wind blows in one particular direction, or in a high temperature of the atmosphere. — And often, during the winter months, the Yellow Fever is disguised under the symptoms of other maladies, such as the Dysentery, Cholera, 4*c I have already observed, that in the year 1820, I sent a quantity of the "Specific" to Havana, under the agency of A. Martin, and I alluded to the authentic documents published on the subject of the experiments instituted under the inspection of the competent author- ities. The experiments were conducted during the whole of three years; and that they were crowned with perfect success is proved by the subsequent documents. * The celebrated Harvey, in his Lectures, explained his doctrine of the cir culation of the blood, some time before he published it to the world: but, as soon as the "monstrous innovation" was divulged, the merit of the discovery was contested, and some envious wretches even maintained that Hippocrates had been perfectly well acquainted with the circulation!! The immortal fame which has accrued to Jenner, for conferring his secret of vaccination on mankind, has been assailed from the same sordid motives. — But, as Junius said cf Lord Chatham: "Recorded honours shall gather round their monument and thicken ever them, it is- a solid fabric, and will support the laurels that adorn it.'* o 10 0FFTCIAL REPORTS.* [Translated from the Spanish.] Observations and experiments which were made by Physicians commissioned by the Protomedicato, Don Nicolas del Valle, Presi- dent of the Board of Health, by order of the government and the most excellent assembly, relative to "Doctor Giraud's Antlpestilen- tial Liquors for the cure and prevention of the Yellow Fever, Plague, &c." (in the possession ot Mr. A. Martin) in order to ascertain its virtues and utility. Communicated by the said Physicians to the Tribunal of the Board of Health. The following is the attestation of Fr. Francisco Pacheco, Presi- dent and Surgeon Major of the National Monastic Hospital of S'an Juan de Dios. I do hereby certify that Mr. A. Martin began to administer the "Specific" for the Yellow Fever in this hospital, on the 4th of Sep- tember, to the patients labouring under the Yellow Fever or Black Vomit, as ascertained by Doctors Jose Bohorquez, and Pedro An- dreu, who were appointed for that purpose From the moment the patients began to use the "Specific" its good effects were immediately perceived; this was not only during the in- flammatory and first period of the malady, but during the whole state of the disease, which from the administration of the "Specific" gra- dually got better, until about the fifth day, when perfect health was restored For the purpose which it may concern, I give the present, in the most faithful city of Havana, 17th Oct. 1820 Signed, FR. FRANCISCO PACHECO. In virtue of the appointment which your excellency has thought proper to make, and of the official letter received from the Regent, Don Jose Piz irro, commissary under government, to observe the application and effects of the "Specific" for the cure of the Yellow F*ever or Black Vomit, we have personally attended, in the street of Obra-pia, No 12, conjointly with A. Martin, a number of pa- tients attacked with the symptoms which designate the Yellow Fever or Black Vomit, in the first period of the disease, and having follow- ed and observed the administration of the said '-Specific" to the said patients, we observed that the disease was cured the third or fourth day after using the "Specific. ' This was effected by a copious dis- charge of urine and perspiration, the cure terminating by a slight purgation. To the patients in the Hospital of St. John of God, with the same disease and symptoms, it has proved equally beneficial as it did to the others. Notwithstanding these experiments, we did not consider them sufficient to induce us to declare our opinion of this "Specific," it was our intention not to reply until we should have made new ex- periments in another season, in order that we might form a correct * All the official papers, reports, letters,&jc. contained in the subsequent pages, are extracts from original authentic documents, in the Spanish language, which were sent by the governor of Cuba to the court of Madrid; a copy of which, signed, countersigned a«-d approved by the authorities of the city of Havana, was shew.) to the consuls of fhe^different nations in Baltimore, and was authen- tically recognised by the Chevalier Bernabeu, Spanish Consul. 11 idea of it. As, however, we have received a new official letter from the aforesaid Commissary Regent, requesting us to certify what we had observed concerning the "Specific;" we comply by sending yoa the following note We take the liberty to request your excellency to order that the new experiments to be performed next year, be made when the fever rages with its greatest intensity, and then, by making new obser- vations, we shall be enabled to judge of the true value of the "Spe- cific" and to pronounce decisively on its good effects. — This is all the information which we can at present, and incompliance with our trust, give your excellency; however your excellency can act ac- cording to the light that is within your mind — this we send you in answer to the official letter which you transmitted to us. God pre- serve your life many years! Havana. Oct. 26, 1820. (Signed) Dr. JOSE BOHORQUEZ, Dr. PEDRO ANDREU. The President of the Tribunal of the Board of Health, Dr. Don N. del Valle, hiving thought proper (when the most excellent Assem- bly recommended to his attention the Anti-pestilential Liquors) to trust the examination, and to the high celebrity and extensive practice of Doctors Jose Bohorquez and Pedro Andreu, — these two phy- sicians expressed their opinions in the written testimony of the 2* th October, 1820, in favour of the "Specific, " and they said that, con- sidering the number of patients cured in presence of Dr. Juan Bau- tista Bocruz, delegate of the Tribunal of the Board of Health, sup- ported by Dr. Pedro Andreu, they decide in favour of, the great eft ficacy of the said "Specific" communicated to the Board, the 18th October, 1820. The constant success of the "Specific," and the unqualified com- mendations, bestowed on it by unbiassed judges, excited the rancor- ous jealousy and quprulous snarimgs of certain envious wretches, who did their utmost to mildew the harvest of a well-deserved celeb- rity Nothing material interposed, however, to cloud the brilliant success of the invaluable medicine: on the contrary, the cures were multiplied on all sides — and it was soon made known that 150 pa- tients attacked by the destructive fever, were snatched by it from the jaws of a certain death, as if by enchantment. A remedy endowed with such admirable properties, and presenting such unquestionable proofs of its power in annihilating the horrible scourge which had paralyzed commerce, and presented the most unsurmountable ob- stacles to the effective display of national resources, — merits the most profound attention from Governments, and from every class of individuals, who are in effect the greatest suff- rers from its ravages, and who ought therefore to rejoice in the success of an antidote to its further progress. The above remarks were suggested by Jie subject of the follow- ing address: Gentlemen of the Board of Health of the City of Havana, Mr. A. Martin has understood that the document he addressed to 12 ihe government, together with that to prove that he has in his pos- session a "Specific" for the Yellow Fever, have been transmitted to the two Physicians who compose a part of the Poard of Health, in order that they should give their respective opinions; these physi- cians, as was expected, spoke favourably of the beneficial effects of the said "Specific;" however, notwithstanding the experiments made, the Memorialist has learned that certain envious persons have ex- pressed some doubts, which may possibly frustrate the favourable expectations entertained by him concerning those who may be at- tacked with this terrible disorder: he thinks it therefore his duty again to request the honourable members of the Assembly, to ap- point the most distinguished physicians, who may attend in person to all the experiments they have a right to exact from the memorialist, in the cure of the Yeilow Fever; Impressed with this consideration, and being anxious that the experiments be instituted forthwith, your memorialist most humbly entreats you to name the physicians whose duty it shall be to certify the result of the experiments he shall per- form, in order that no further doubt remain of t e favourable result of the "Specific." The application of what is enclosed is tor the information of the Board, who will be pleased to communicate it to the gentlemen whom they shall appoint for the purpose of attending to the exact adminis- tration of the "Specific." All this the memorialist requests, as in duty bound. Havana, Dec 18, 1820 Signed, A. MARTIN. Official documents from the Professors of the Proto-medicato (Royal Medical College) in conformity with the notice of Doctors Jose Bohorquez and Pedro Andreu Relying on the information which these two physicians have given to the Protomedicato concerning the utility of the "Specific" for the Yellow Fever, in the possession oi A. Martin; in order that the pub- lic may not be deprived of said medicine until the following sum- mer, A. Martin is hereby permitted to use and continue the adminis- tration of the anti pestilential medicine for the cure of the Yellow Fever, on the advice of another physician whose opinion he must Consult. Rut, that from this time until the above mentioned period, the Protomedicato remain sure with regard to the preservation of the public health, we request of you doses of said "Specific," to analyze it, in order to become acquainted, not with the simples of which it is composed, but to see whether the effects of the medi- cine, although beneficial for the cure of the Yeilow Fever, might not in the main be followed by injurious consequences. In the event that this should be the case, it will become our duty to declare it. We agree with the observations made by the above mentioned gentlemen of the faculty, concerning the "Specific," as we repose unlimited confidence in them, and appoint them superintendents of this affair. God preserve your life many years! Havana, Oct. 26, 1820. Signed, Dr. NICHOLAS DEL VALLE, Dr. JUAN PEREZ DELGADO, frentlemen of the Commission of the Most Excellent Meeting. Mr. JOSE ^IZMiKO and LLDO, Mr. MARIANO HERNANDEZ. IS In virtue of the commission of the Board of Health, and at your request in the name of the most excellent assembly, I have visited, in company with Mr. A. Martin, a number of patients presented to me by him, to whom he administered the "Specific" in his pos- session for the Yellow Fever The result I have communicated to you and to the Regent Physician. Since that time, I visited seve- ral patients affected with that disease, at the request ot said Mar- tin; and those are the patients mentioned in the report of Doctor J. B. Bocruz, which speaks most favourably of the invaluable "Specific." God preserve your life many years! Havana, Nov. 20, 1820. Signed, Dr. PEDRO ANDREU. Report to the Board of Health. Mr. Jose Pizarro — Since the 24th of October last, until the 19th instant, 1 visited in company with Mr. A. Martin, several sick per- sons, to whom he administered the "Specific" which he has in his possession to cure the Yellow Fever or Black Vomit. In these patients I perceived the salutiferous effects of the "Specific." Of this you may judge by the subjoined list which I sent you, and by the official letter which you desired me to return, &c. This is all I can communicate to you at present. God preserve your life many years! Havana. Aug. 20, 1820. Signed, JUAN BAUTISTA BOCRUZ. List of persons whom I visited in conjunction with Mr. A Martin, and to whom he administered the "Specific" for the Yellow Fever. Mrs. Maria Carman, wife of Mr. Juan de Castro, in the house of Mr. Antonio Rodriguez, in front of the Marine Auditors, commenc- ed to use the "Specific' 1 on the 24th October, and re-embarked 12th November;she came here with the convoy of the frigate La Pronta. Mr. J.uan del Rio, Lieutenant of the National Marine Frigate, Commander of the sloop of war The Galga, in the house of Madam Lachaisey in Obrapia street, No. 12; entered the 2d of November, and departed the 7th of the same month. The captain of the brig Conception, Mr. Antonio Qiiintero, entered the same house on the 7th, and departed the 1 6th November. Sebastian Perez, marine of the same vessel, entered the same house, the same day, and departed thp 9th of the same month. Pierre Michel, of the brig Minerva, entered the same house the 7th and departed the 9th November. — Santiago Marentin of the same brig, entered the 8th, and departed the 16th November. The captain of the vessel Sardo Jason, entered the same house, the 8th and departed the 11th of November. Val- entin Francisco Fontana, nephew of the same captain, entered the 13th and departed the 16th November. Andres Costa, entered the 14th and departed the 17th November. Francisco Batavmo, second captain of the bri^ Jason, entered the 16th September, and departed the 19th November. All these individuals were visited by Doctor Andreu and myself; they were all restored to health, and those few whose fever was in 14 aay measure obstinate, were relieved at farthest in forty-eight hours, the greater part of them from thirty-six to forty-eight hours, and several from twenty-four to thirty hours. In all I have observed a secretion of the urine and perspiration, and their convalescence was fey no means laborious. Signed, JUAN BAUTISTA BOCRUZ. I have visited in a private house, a great many individuals attacked with said malady (the yellow fever,) and who have been cured in my presence by Martin, and with the "Specific;" all saying that the effects in all have been favourable. God preserve your life many years! Havana, March 23, 1821. Signed, FR. FRANCISCO PACHECO. The principal merchants of the city of Havana, perceiving with sentiments of deep.sorrow, that the crews of vessels to their con- signment, for the most part fell victims to the destructive epidemic which raged in that port, drew up and presented a petition to gov- ernment, praying that Mr. A. Martin be permitted to administer ex- clusively the 'Specific" for the Yellow Fever. This petition was complied with without the slightest hesitation; and all vessels to the consignments of the said merchant*, (who composed the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Havana) having on board persons attack- ed with the Yellow Fever, have invariably been attended by the said Mr. A. Martin; and in 'every case the usual success has accompanied the administration of the said "Specific " Most Excellent Sir — We the undersigned, resident merchants in this city, to your Excellency respectfully state: That we see with unfeigned sorrow, a vast number of individuals of the crews of ves- sels that arrive at this port from Europe, consigned to us, carried off by that horrible disease, the Yellow Fever, in spite of the prompt and methodical administration of the medicines commonly used for this disease. We call your Excellency's attention to this subject, convinced by repeated successful experiments, that the "Specific" for the Yellow Fever, in the possession of Mr. A. Martin, administered by him with the assistance of a physician, operates more powerfully and effectu- ally against that dreadful malady than the method and medicines gen- erally adopted. We would not correspond to the confidence placed in us as con- signees, if in a case of such vital impoitance, we did not contribute to the diminution of the risk to which those persons under our care are exposed. This consideration prompts us to recommend the use of the above "Specific;" and although we could here relate a long list of cures effected by the timely application of said "Specific," and of the unfortunate result in cases wherein the ordinary medicines have been used, we omit a recital that would occupy too much of your Excellency's attention, which we beg leave to call to the princi- pal object of our solicitude. We, therefore pray your Excellency, as the authority of the province, and the most interested in its prosperity, to order in the manner which may be most proper, that Don A. Martin be author- 15 ized to administer the "Specific" with the assistance of a Physician, to every person belonging to vessels from Europe consigned to us, who may be attacked with Yellow Fever. Final!}', convinced of the singular virtues of that remedy, we feel bound in conscience to procure it in behali oi those unfortunate be- ings, who under the above circumstances have been consigned to our care and attention. It is a favour which we have reason to expect from your Excel- lency's goodness and justice. (Signed) Havana, February 7, 1822. Manuel Roig y Mila — Vila y Puig — JuanGuelly Ferrer — Manuel Presas — Narciso Pusarnisile — Antonio Pasqual y Soler — Juan Maria Melszet — Acebal, Pacheco y Ca. — A. Autrau — Blain, Aizpuruay Ca. Jose Maria Chacon — Juara, Gov y Ca - — Blakely y Pontinelly — Juan Cantegril — Antonio Font — Martin Lamy — Felipe A Canes y Ca. Antonio Rodriguez — Juan Soler — Juan Alba — Jose Anet — Castillo y Compa. — Benito Vila — Aureau — Antonio de Frias y Compa. — Juan Bta. Ycara — John Carrera Dmosutt. Don Joaquin Jose Garcia, second Interpreter of the National Navy, by Royal appointment of the most excellent constitutional Council of this ^ity, and of the Board of Health, here certifies, that the fore- going translation is faithfully done from its original in the Spanish Language, to which 1 refer — Havana, March 19, 1822 — (Signed) JOAQUIN JOSE GARCIA. Certificate. I, John Warner, commercial agent of the United States of America for Havana, do hereby certify, that Joaquin Jose Garcia, whose sig- nature is affixed to the preceding instrument in writing, is a regular commissioned interpreter of this city, and that to his acts as such, full faith and credit is due. 1 also certify, that I know many of the Merchants signing the annexed recommendation to his excellency the Governor, and that they are Gentlemen of respectabilitj^. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office, at Havana, this tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight ' undred and twenty two, and of the Independence of the said United States, of America, the iorty sixth. — (Signed) JOHN WARNER. * SEAL OF THE # a Frenchman; constitution very robust; fifteen years old; sanguine temperament; taken the preceding night with a very high fever; pulse full and hard; severe headach; pains in the loins and extremities; dryness, aridity and heat in the skin; intense thirst; tongue scarlet and bilious; face very much inflamed; eyes almost ophthalmic; urine very scarce from the commencement; drowsiness. This patient, whose symptoms designate the Yellow Fever, began immediately to take the "Specific." The 12th in the morning, second day of the disease, some dimi- nution of the fever observed; he had twice passed water in a small quantity; symptoms of the same intensity. Second visit in the morn- ing; same situation. In the evening sensible diminution of the fever; little urine; equal vehemence in all the other symptoms; belly cos- tive. The 13th, third day of the disease; more diminution of the fever; no thirst; tongue a little moist; but still bilious; skin red, but the co- lour disappearing to yellow; some heaviness; little urine. Second visii in the morning, pulse less hard; less full and less frequent; pros- tration of strength; involuntary sighs; eyes injected; little urine; five bilious passages in the evening: apyrexia; heaviness The 14th, in the morning, fourth day of the disease, apyrexia; tongue moister; skin rather soft: natural heat; more urine: less heavi- ness, increase of strength. In the evening, apyrexia; abundant per- spiration; urine as in health; slight headach; eyes of a more natural colour; cessation of pains in the loins and extremities; slight heavi- ness. The 15th, in the morning, fifth day of the disease; apyrexia; pulse soft; profuse perspiration; urine as in health; tongue moist and loaded; eyes clearer. In the evening, some state of alleviation The 16th, sixth day of the disease. Same state; took the above mentioned purge. In the evening he had four bilious evacuations. The 17th, convalescence; good appetite; natural gayety. The 18th, cured and went on board. On the 14th of August, in the morning, we visited for the first time Francisco Dwimer, belonging to the Dutch brig Correo, of a con- stitution most athletic; twenty-two years of age; sanguineous con- stitution; taken the preceding night with the symptoms of Yellow Fever. The 17th died at half past eleven at night, at the beginning 21 of the fourth day of the disease * The same day, the 14th, in the morning, we visited Joseph Mollicer, belonging to the same brig, fifteen years old: constitution robust, sanguino-bilious; was taken sick with all the symptoms of Yellow Fever. On the 18th, at half past two in the morning died, seven days after the commencement of the at- tack.* The 1 1th of September, we visited Carlos Duale, Frenchman, officer of the ship Two Stars, twenty-two years old; robust consti- tution; sanguino-bilious temperament, whs taken ill the preceding night with all the symptoms of Yellow Fever. The 17th, was cured and went on board. Tiie 12ti of Sep ember, we visited in the afternoon Joaquin Olive- ra, Portuguese, on board the brig Buen-Jin. Sound constitution; thirty five years old, and bilious disposition; lately arrived at this port; on the same day he was taken ill with the most violent symp- toms of Yellow Fever. The 17th was cured, and the 18th went on board, five days after the attack. The 14th of September, we visited in the afternoon Don Sebastian Silva, Portuguese, captain of the ship Minerva, of a sound constitu- tion; thirty-two years old; bilious habit. This patient was taken on the same morning very ill, with very strong symptoms of Yellow Fe- ver. The loth, he was cured and went on board. r. The 21st of September, in the evening, we visited Bernardo Viol, French sailor, on board the ship Two Stars, twenty-one years old; ro- bust constitution; sanguino-bilious habit: took sick the preceding day with the strongest symptoms of the Yellow Fever. On the 24th, was cured and weat on board. Havana, Feb. 18, 1822. Signed, Dr. LUIS GENEBRIERA, Dr. PEDRO ANDREU. 1 here present a small number of cases which occurred in a very critical, though advanced season, all of which were cured in the most satisiactory manner; the longest treatment only occupying five days; and each case was well characterized. * To those who were perfectly well acqainted with the virtues of the "Spe« cific," the death of anyone to whom it had been administered, was a matter of considerable surprise; in as much as out of two hundred and more patients, who were treated exclusively by this remedy, only four cases ended mortally. This fatal termination was attributed, not to the intensity of the disease, but to the bad constitution of the individuals, and the complication of diseases under which they laboured. The death of the two patients mentioned above, caused so much astonish- ment, that researches were made to discover, if possible, what might be the cause of the fatal event. These two fellows, in their anxiety to shield them- selves from the attack of the pestilence (the very idea of which is so awful to the imagination,) imprudently followed the advice of some officious person, who perhaps thought he was rendering the greatest service; they swallowed, on going to bed, a large bowl of strong hot tea made stiff, with one quarter of its volume of brandy. The disease declared itself in both of them the same night. The supposed prophylactic which they took, is one of the greatest ex- citers of this disease; so that the inflammatory and nervous state which imme- diately declared itself was borne rapidly to the highest degree of intensity; fhereby rendering the "Specific" perfectly inert. 22 September 9th, the Captain of the Portuguese brig Buen-fin — 10th, Jaques, sailor of the brig Aimiable Julia — 2 1st, Lwutenait of the ship Neptune — 21st, Alexandre* Ferrera, sailor of the r'ortu^uese ship Minerva — 23d, Mancoz Ckauvel, Spanish sailor— I lib, Peim Sane, sailor of the ship Three Sisters — 25th, Antonio, sailor of the Fortunate Star—* 25th, Peter, sailor of the ship Neptune — 26th, Panckit Biscay- en, sailor — 27th, Prevost, sailor of the Fortunate Star. The experiments made at Gibraltar, during the most violent epoch of the prevalence of the plague, were sufficient to prove mcontesti- bly the prophylactic virtue of this " Specific," against that horrid dis- ease. The reason why it was not used as a curative, was the difficulty experienced in procuring a sufficient quantity of it; but is it* propuy- lactic virtues were recognized on all hands, no doubt was entertained of its curative qualities. All the experiments of which we have spoken in these pages, were performed in such a manner as to leave no vestige of doubt on the unbiassed observer. They were made during all the seasons and months of the year, and from one year to anot ' 33 3 » 3 > 0>3 » *> 3 > > > >j> ^ y 3 3 y > 3j> ■ > >3 >3 3> >3 :» 3 • » -y 3* 3> 3* •>;>:> ■.> y> 3-3 33 3 > > 3> ^ x>j> j> » J, 3 33 > » } ) ; » ) > 3> _> ,) )X) 3 ) 33 N > >? :> y> » » 3 j3 > >-j> ^» n »-» 3>-.'03^ > > 3 3) os> > y> > > 3 j> o 33 1> o> 11 3> J> 3> >.>>> > » i » 3 _J» 3 , >» J>jy:3> \3 i? 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