LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0001373CH0S THE PHILOSOPHY OP m ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY; IN A COURSE OF TWELVE LECTURES. B-TJ JOHN BOVEE DODs. STEREOTYPE EDITION. NEW YOEK: 1'OWI^RS AND WELLS, PUBLISHERS, NO. 303 BROADWAY. Boston : ) ( Philadelphia : 142 Washington St. f 1854. \ Ho. 231 Arch Street. A^H^ So stern was the opposition, that some of the commit- ted skeptics, who sailed from New York to Albany in the steamboat that first tried the experiment, declared^ that it was impossible they had been conveyed a dis- tance of one hundred and fifty miles by steam power ' and that it must, after all, have been some power aside from steam, by which they had been enabled to reach Albany ! The impression of Fulton's genius is seen on all the machinery moved in our happy country by this subtile power. It is seen in railroad and steamboat communications, that bring the distant por- tions of the United States in conjunction. It is seen in the majestic steamships of England, that bring her and the transatlantic world into neigborhood with us, by a power that triumphs over all the stormy ele- ments of nature. Fulton, as a man of genius, is remembered as one of the great men of the universe, while his opposers are silent and forgotten. Thus far, I have spoken of the physical and me- chanical sciences only, involving the chemical proper- ties of material substances, and the general operations 44 ELECTRICAL PSYCH0L3GY. of nature. I now come to those chat relate to the im- provement of the mind. I come still nearer home. The science of Phrenology, so beautiful, elevating, and useful in its nature, and having so strong a bearing upon the character and destiny of man, as an intellec- tual, social, and moral being, and even involving the dearest interest of our race — has been, and by some still is, most shamefully abused. Gall, its discov- erer, was persecuted; and Spurziieim, Combe, and Fowler have received unmerited abuse. The two Fowlers, of New York, have for years withstood the storm of opposition. Thus far, they have most suc- cessfully met and repulsed the assaults of men — won the victory — gathered new accessions of strength, and still hold the field. They are business men, who never slumber at the post of duty. They have made new discoveries and improvements ; gathered an immense variety of cabinet specimens of skulls and busts, from the idiot up to the most brilliant intellect — from the cold-blooded murderer up to the melting soul of a be- nevolent and philanthropic Howard. They have made a righteous development of true character in the phre- nological examinations of thousands of human heads ; have directed the anxious parent how to train up the child of his affections ; have pointed out to the sighing lover how to choose a congenial spirit of companionship for life ; and have poured the light of mental and moral improvement in silvery streams on the grand empire . CCTLRK n. 45 of mind. Yet such a science as this lias been called a humbug ! and such men as these have been assailed. Their bones are worthy to repose with the great men of the universe, and their names shall live on the bright scroll of fame down to the last vibrating pendu- lum of time — shall live when the opposers of phreno- logical science shall have sunk from human remem- brance. Such has been the fate of ail sciences in the infancy of their existence. The moment they were born into life, the battle-axe was raised against them, and each in succession has fought its way up to manhood. The victory in favor of truth has always been sure, and millions of sycophants in the contest have perished. How lamentable is the consideration, that there are those in this clay of light, who, regardless of the warn- ing voice of past generations, coming up from ten thou- sand graves, still shut their ears and close their eyes — and even sacrifice principle, to keep popular with those on whom they depend for a momentary fame. But they are not the men whose names will stand imperish- able in the annals of history, to be handed down to future generations. They are destined to perish from human remembrance, and not a trace of them be left on earth. I would not be understood as dissuading you from the pursuit of true fame. I do not despise its noble glory ; but am fully sensible, that of all characters ever 46 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. formed and sustained by human beings, that of true fame stands unrivaled and supreme on the page of his- tory. Though man is mortal, and his present existence ephemeral, yet during the short span of three-score years and ten, to what a transcendent height in the cul- tivation of his powers is he capable of soaring ! True, his station is humble, yet he who, with an unstained hand, has honorably grasped the meed of righteous fame, has clothed himself with power, has wreathed his brow with undying laurels, and invested himself with the true majesty of his nature. Fame has been alter- nately assigned to the hero, the statesman, the philoso- pher, astronomer, theologian. But fame is not confined to any rank or pursuit in life. It can only exist in the breathings of righteousness. The philosopher and as- tronomer, though chained down to earth by the law of gravitation, and tabernacled rath the worm, may feel within a stirring greatness that allies them to higher intelligences in future worlds, and that bids them bear their brow aloft. They may station themselves on a mental elevation above the world, and lift their tower- ing heads to the stars. From this pinnacle of glory, they may range in loftiest thought the universe ef God . and even struggle to grasp the unbounded empire over which Jehovah reigns, with all its moving worlds, and yet, if this be all, true fame does not lie here. It is not the birthright of the philosopher or astronomer, un- LECTURE ilv 47 less they are in possession of something more than in- tellectual power. True fame is not the birthright of the hero. The blaze of glory that has for ages encircled his head, and with its brilliancy so long dazzled the world, is begin- ning to grow dim. The laurels that decorate his sullen brow have been gathered at the cannon's mouth, from a soil enriched with human gore, and watered by the tears of bereavement. That fancied pinnacle of glory on which he proudly stands, has been gained by con- quest and slaughter. His way to it lay over thousands of his fellow-creatures, whose warm hearts had ceased to throb ; and the music that followed his march, was the widow's moan and the orphan's wail. True fame does not lie here. It sounds not in the cannon's roar, the clashing steel, the rattling drum, nor in the fright- ful crash of resounding arms ! It is not heard in mar- tial thunder. It is not seen in villages on fire, nor in Moscow's conflagration — that ocean of flame ! True fame breathes not in the deep-heaving sigh of despair- ing love, nor draws its immortality from dying groans on fields of war. It has a higher origin — a nobler birth — a more elevated aim. True fame consists in the LOFTY ASPIRATIONS AFTER INTELLECTUAL AND moral truth ; and when these are found and cherish- ed, that so deep will be the convictions of duty, sus- tained by sterling honor, that no popularity — no bribes of wealth and splendor — no fear of frowns, nor even 48 FLECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. the- hazard of life exposed to wasting tortures shall deter that man from expressing and maintaining such truth. He who does this, possesses true and righteous fame. Should the scoffers of rising science challenge me to produce such an example of true fame ever being set on earth, I would point them to one perfect specimen on the sacred page. I would point them to the Son of Man, in the majesty of whose virtues, honor, and firm- ness in proclaiming truth, language is impoverished, all human description fails, and the living light of elo- quence is darkened forever LECTURE III. 49 LECTURE III Lat>ies and Gentlemen : Perhaps I have dwelt sufficiently long upon the pre- liminaries of my subject. I have done so to bring dis- tinctly before you its nature, and clearly state its incal- culable importance to the human family. I have done so to remind you of the opposition, sneers, and scorns that the noblest sciences have encountered in the infan- cy of their being, and in all ages of the world. I have reminded you that this has been done, not by men of genius, whose names are registered on the scroll of true fame, and have come down to future generations, but it has been done by that particular class of the learned who have so large a share of the love of appro- bation as to study public opinion, and follow it, right or wrong, and thus beg a momentary fame from the passing crowd, which is destined to expire in darkness, and vanish from human remembrance, before the break- ing light of truth . I have dwelt thus long upon these points, so that opposition to this science may xiot sur- prise you, nor the real character of the opponent be mistaken. 3 50 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Having removed every obstacle that might embarrass my course, and having plenty of sea-roorn, I am now ready to embark in defence of one of the greatest of causes. I stand before you to lecture upon the won- derful and mysterious science of Electrical Psychology, I stand here to exhibit by tangible experiments those wonderful phenomena that cluster around it, and philo- sophically to defend its paramount claims to immutable truth. The successful discharge of this incumbent duty, forces upon us the necessity of ranging the uni- verse, and summoning the vast works of earth and heaven to the bar of reason, in order to investigate their effects, and trace them back to their correspondent causes. You are the empannelcd jury to try this cause, and I rejoice that I have the honor to argue so interest- ing a point before the congregated talent and wis- dom of my country. However skeptical men may be in relation to any thing new, yet so far as stern -reality is in its nature concerned, we have this pleasing con- sideration, that the unbelief of men cannot frown truth into falsehood, nor can the belief 'of men smile false- hood into truth. Hence the belief or unbelief of mor- tals cannot in the least affect those truths that God has established inherent in nature, and with which his un- bounded universe swarms. I stand here to defend the electrical theory of the universe against the assaults of men, to notice the im- mense variety of material existences, to glance at the LECTURE III. 51 animated forms of liring beauty, to scrutinize Jie chem- ical properties of created substances, and to pour, if possible, the light of truth on rolling worlds. Let us even venture to step back beyond the threshold of crea- tion — venture to lift the dark curtains of primeval night, and muse upon that original, eternal material, that slumbered in the deep bosom of chaos, and out of which all the tangible substances we see and admire were made. That eternal substance is electricity ', and contains all the original properties of all things in be- ing. Hence all worlds and their splendid appendages were made out of electricity, and by that powerful, all- pervading agent, under Deity, they are kept in motion from age to age. Electricity actuates the whole frame of nature, and produces all the phenomena that trans- pire throughout the realms of unbounded space. It is the most powerful and subtile agent employed by the Creator in the government of the universe, and in car- rying on the multifarious operations of nature. Mak- ing a slight variation in the language of the poet, I may with propriety say — " It warms in the sun, reneshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees ; Lives through all life, extends through all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unspent; Breathes in our souls, informs our mortal part. As full, as perfect, in a hair as heart ; As full, as perfect, in vile man that mourns, As the rapt seraph, that adores and burns ; 52 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. It ciiims all high and low, all great and small ; It fills, it bounds, connects, and equals all." It is immaterial to what department of this globe and its surrounding elements we turn our attention, electricity is there. Wherever we witness convulsions in nature, the workings of this mighty, unseen power are there. It writes its path in lightning on the sul- len brow of the dark cloud, and breathes out rolling thunder. Though cold and invisible in its equalized and slumbering state, yet it is the cause of light and heat, which it creates by the inconceivable rapidity of its motion and friction on other particles of matter. It is the cause of evaporation from basined oceans and silvery lakes — from majestic rivers and rolling streams, and from the common humidity of the earth. It forms aerial conductors in the heavens, through which this moisture in vapory oceans is borne to the highest por- tions of our globe, and stored up in magazines of rain, and snow, and hail ! It is electricity that, by its cold- ness, condenses the storm, and opens these various magazines in mild beauty or awful terror on the world. It is electricity that, by the production of heat, rare- fies the air, gives wings to the wind, and directs their course. It is this unseen agent, that causes the gen- tle zephyrs of heaven to fan the human brow with a touch of delight — that moves the stirring gale — that arms the sweeping hurricane with power — that gives to the roaring tornado all its dreadful eloquence of LECTURE in. 53 vengeance and terror, and clothes the mid- {lay sun in light. It gives us the soft, pleasing touches of the evening twilight, and the crimson blushes of the rising morn. It is electricity that, by its effects of light and heat, produces the blossoms of spring, the fruits of summer, the laden bounties of autumn, and moves on the vast mass of vegetation in all the varieties and blended beauties of creation. It bids winter close the varied scene. It*is electricity that, by its most awful impressions, causes the earthquake to awake from its Tartarean den, to speak its rumbling thunder, convulse the globe, and mark out its path of ruin. If we turn to man, and investigate the secret stir- rings of his nature, Ave shall find, that he is but an epitome of the universe. The chemical properties of all the various substances in existence, and in the most exact proportions, are congregated and concen- trated in him, and form and constitute the very ele- ments of his being. In the composition of his body are involved all the mineral and vegetable substances of the globe, even from the grossest matter, step by step, up to the most rarefied and fine. And, lastly, to finish this masterpiece of creation, the brain is in- vested with a living spirit. This incomprehensible spirit, like an enthroned deity, presides over, and gov- erns through electricity, as its agent, all the voluntary motions of this organized, corporeal universe ; while its living presence, and its involuntary, self-moving 54 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. powers cause all the involuntary functions of life to proceed in their destined course. Hence human be- ings and all animated existences are subject to the same grand electrical law that pervades the universe, and moves all worlds under the superintendence of the involuntary powers of the infinite Spirit. On this principle, it will be plainly perceived, that as man is subjected to the same common law that per- vades the universe, so electricity is the connecting link between mind and matter. As it is co-eternal with spirit or mind, so it is the only substance in be- ing that mind can directly touch, or through which it can manifest its powers. It is the servant of the mind to obey its will and execute its commands. It is through electricity, that the mind conveys its vari- ous impressions and emotions to others, and through this same medium receives all its impressions from the external world. It is by electricity that the mind contracts the muscles, raises the arm, and performs all the voluntary motions of this organized body. This I will now proceed to prove. It will be readily perceived by every one acquainted with electrical science, that if I can find an individual standing in a negative relationship to myself, or by any process render him so, then I, being the positive power, can, by producing electrical impressions from my own mind upon his, control his muscles with the most perfect ease. This is evident, because the posi- LECTURE III. 55 five and negative forces electrically and magnetically blend, are equal in power, and paralyze each other ; or, on the contrary, produce motion. This great and interesting truth I will prove to a demonstration, by experiments upon ladies and gentlemen in this audi- ence, while they are entirely awake, and in perfect possession of ail their reasoning faculties. Before I proceed to produce these astonishing and even startling results, I will, in the first place, prove that electri- city is the connecting link between mind and inert matter, and is the agent that the mind employs to contract and relax the muscles, and to produce all the voluntary and involuntary motions of the body. To bring this before you in the most plain and intel- ligible manner, I would first remark that the brain is the fountain of the nervous system, from whence it sends out its millions of branches to every part of the body. Indeed, the brain is but a congeries of nerves, and is the immediate residence of the living spirit. This spirit or mind is the cause of all motion, whether that motion be voluntary or involuntary. It wills the arm to rise, and immediately the arm obeys the man- date; while the very presence of this mind in the brain, even though wrapped in the insensibility of sleep, produces all the involuntary motions of the vitals, and executes the functions of life. To establish the fact that electricity is, indeed, the connecting link between the mind and the body, I 56 ELECTRICAL PS: CHOLOGY. would in the first place distinctly remark, that mind cannot come in direct contact with gross matter. My mind can no more directly touch my hand, than it can the mountain rock. My mind cannot touch the bones of my arm, nor the sinews, the muscles, the blood-ves- sels, nor the blood that rolls in them. In proof of this position, let one hemisphere of the brain receive what is called a stroke of the palsy. Let the paralysis be complete, and one half of the system will be rendered motionless. In this case, the mind may will with all its energies — may exert all its mental powers — yet the arm will not rise, nor the foot stir. Yet the bones, sinews, muscles, and blood-vessels are all there, and the blood as usual continues to flow. Here then we have proof the most irresistible, that mind can touch none of these ; for what the mind can touch it can move, as easily as what the hand can physically touch it can move. Our proof is so far philosophically con- clusive. I would now remark, that it is equally certain my mind can touch some matter in my body, otherwise I could never raise my arm at all. The question, then, arises, What is that mysterious substance which the mind can touch, as its prime agent, by which it pro- duces muscular motion ? In the light our subject now stands, the answer is most simple. It is that very substance which was disturbed in this paralysis, and that is the nervous fluid, which is animal electricity. LI OTURE III. 57 and forms the connecting link between mind and mat- ter. Mind is the only substance in the universe that possesses inherent motion and living power as its two primeval efficients. These two seem to be insepa- rable, because there can be no manifestation of power except through motion. Hence mind is the first grand moving cause. It is the first link in the magnificent chain of existing substances. This mind wills. This mental energy, as the creative force, is the second link, and stirs the nervous force, which is electricity. This is the third link. This electricity causes the nerve to vibrate. This is the fourth link. The vibration of the nerve contracts the fibre of the muscle. This is the fifth link. The contraction of the muscle raises the bone or the arm. This is the sixth link. And the arm raises dead matter. This is the seventh link. So it is through a chain of seven links that mind comes in contact with dead matter ; that is, if we allow the creative force — the will — to be one link. This will, however, is not a substance, but a mere energy, or re- suit of mind. To be plain, it is mind that touches electricity — electricity touches nerve — nerve touches muscle — muscle touches bone — and bone raises dead matter. It is, therefore, through this concatenation or chain, link by link, that the mind gives motion to and controls living or dead matter, and not by direct con- tact with all substances. Hence the proof is clear and positive, that the mind can come in contact with, and 3* 58 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. by its volition control, the electricity of the body, and collect this subtile agent with fearful power upon any part of the system. It is evident that the mind holds its residence in the brain, and that it is not diffused over the whole system. Were it so, then our hands and feet would think, and in case they were amputated, we should lose part of our minds. If, then, the mind, invested with royal- ty, is enthroned in the brain — and if the mind com- mand the foot to move, or the hand to rise, then it must send forth from its presence an agent, as its prime minister, to execute this command. This prime minister is electricity, which passes from the brain through the nerves, as so many telegraphic wires, to give motion to the extremities. On this principle, how easy it is to understand the philosophy of a paral- ysis. The nerve, as the grand conductor of the motive power, is obstructed by some spasmodic collapse, and the prime minister cannot pass the barrier that ob- structs its path. In this case, the mind, as the en- throned monarch, may will the arm to rise, but the arm remains motionless. But remove that barrier, the agent passes, and the arm must rise. Hence it is easily seen, that all motion and power originate in mind. I have now brought before you the connecting link between mind and matter, and through this have shown you the philosophy of the contraction of the human LECTURE III. 59 muscles through mental energy. This has e\er been, and still is, considered an inscrutable mystery in Phys- iology. Whether it is now revealed or not, is submit- ted to your decision. To my mind, the argument in its defence is irresistible. Having clearly and philosophically established the truth, that electricity, in the form of nervous fluid, is indeed *the connecting link between mind and inert matter, the question now presents itself — If the mind continually throws off electricity from the brain by its mental operations, and by muscular motion, then how is the supply kept up in the brain — through what source is it introduced into the system, and how con- veyed to the brain? I answer, through the respira- tory organs eleetricity is taken into the blood at the lungs, and from the blood it is thrown to nerves and conducted to the brain, and is there secreted and pre- pared for the use of the mind. It will be impossible for me to argue this point fully unless I explain at the ■same instant the philosophy of the circulation of the blood. As I differ also with physiologists on this point, and as I do not believe that the heart circulates the blood at all, either on the hydraulic, or any other principle, so I will turn your attention to this subject. The philosophy of the circulation of the blood is ona of the grandest themes that can be presented for hu- man contemplation. While discussing this matter, it will be clearly mad 3 to appear how electricity is gath- 60 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. ered from the surrounding elements, carried into the system and stored up in the brain to feed the mind with impressions. I desire it to be distinctly under- stood, that when I speak of the electricity ', galvanism, and magnetism of the human system, or of the nerv- ous fluid, I mean one and the same thing. But before I proceed to notice the philosophy of the circulation of the blood, and the secretion of the nervous fluid, I will first make a few observations in relation to the nerves and blood-vessels, so that I may be distinctly under- stood. I have already stated, that the brain is the fountain of the nervous system, and that both its hemispheres are made up of a congeries of nerves. They both pass to the cerebellum ; and the spinal marrow, continued to the bottom of the trunk, is but the brain continued. In the spinal marrow, which is the grand conductor from the brain, is lodged the whole strength of the system. From this spinal marrow, branch out thirty- two pairs of nerves, embracing the nerves of motion and those of sensation. From these branch out others, and others again from these ; and so on till they are spread out over the human system in network so infi- nitely fine that we cannot put down the point of a nee- dle without feeling it — and we cannot feel, unless we touch a nerve. We see, therefore, how inconceivably fine the nervous system is. In all these millions of nerves there is no blood. They contain the electric LECTURE III. 61 fluid only, while the blood is confined to the veins and arteries. I am well aware that the blood-vessels pass round among the convolutions of the brain, and through them the blood freely flows to give that mighty organ action ; but in the nerves themselves there is no blood. They are the residence of the living mind, and its prime agent, the electric fluid. Though I have frequently, in my public lectures, touched upon the philosophy of the circulation of the blood, and hence those remarks were reported and published in my " Lectures on the Philosophy of Ani- mal Magnetism, in 1843, " in connection with my views of the connecting link between mind and matter, yet I have never taken up the subject in an exact, full, and connected detail of argument. This I will now proceed to do in connection with the secretion of the nervous fluid. I would, then, in the first instance remark, that the air we breathe, as to its component parts, is computed to consist of twenty-one parts oxygen, and seventy- nine parts nitrogen. Electricity, as a universal agent, pervades the entire atmosphere. We cannot turn the electric machine in any dry spot on earth without collecting it. Oxygen is that element which sustains flame and animal life. Neither can exist a moment without it, while nitrogen, on the contrary, just as suddenly extinguishes both. The atmosphere, in this compound state, is taken into the lungs. The t>2 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY, oxygen and electricity, having a strong affinity for moisture, instantly rush to the blood, while the nitro- gen is disengaged and expired. The blood, being oxy- genized and electrified, instantly assumes a bright cherry-red appearance, and by this energizing process has become purified and prepared for circulation. The lungs, and the blood they contain, are both rendered electrically positive ; and we know that in electrical science two positives resist each other and fly apart. Hence the lungs resist the blood and force it into the left ventricle of the heart. The valve closes and the blood passes into the arteries. Hence arterial blood is of a bright cherry-red hue. It is by the positive force of electric action, propelled through every possible ramification of the arterial system till all its thousands of minute capillary vessels are charged. Along these arteries and all their thousands of capillary branches are laid nerves of involuntary motion, but no nerves whatever attend the veins. Why is this so % Why is it, that nerves, like so many telegraphic wires, are laid along the whole arterial system in all its minute rami- ficationSj but that none are laid along the venous sys- tem? I press this question — Why do nerves attend the arteries, while none attend the veins 1 I answer, that nerves are laid along the arteries to receive the electric charge from the positive blood that rolls in them, wiiich charge the blood received from the air in- spired Ly the lungs. But as the venous blood is nega- LECTURE III. 63 five, it has no electricity to throw off, and hence needs no attendant nerves to receive a charge — because that very electric charge, which the blood receives from each inspiration at the lungs, is thrown off into the nerves by friction, as it rolls through its destined chan- nels in crimson streams. At the extremities of the arterial system — at the very terminus of its thousands of capillaries, the last item of the electric charge takes its departure from the positive blood, escapes into the attendant nerves, through them is instantly conducted to the brain, and is there basinecl up for the use of the mind. The arterial blood, having thrown off its electricity as above described, assumes a dark — a purplish hue. It enters the capillaries of the veins, which are as nu- merous as those of the arteries. The blood is now negative, and as the lungs, by new inspirations, are kept in a positive state, so the venous blood returns through the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs, on the same principle that the negative and positive forces rush together. There it is again electrified and oxygenized, changed to a bright cherry-red color, is again rendered positive, and is thus purified and pre- pared once more for arterial circulation. We now clearly perceive that it is electrically the blood circu- lates, and electrically it recedes from, and returns to 5 the lungs through the two ventricles of the heart. The heart does not circulate the blood at all, as phys- 64 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. iologists contend. The heart is the supreme regu- lator of this sublime and constantly ebbing and flow- ing ocean of crimson life, with all its majestic rivers and frolicking streams, and determines with exactness how rapidly the whole shall flow. LEC1URE IV. 65 LECTURE IV. Ladies and Gentlemen : I have in my last Lecture touched upon the philoso- phy of the circulation of the blood, the nervous sys- tem, and the secretion of electricity upon the brain, which I call the nervous fluid. As this part of my subject must, on account of its importance, possess peculiar interest to us all, I desire to dwell upon it a few moments longer. From the arguments already offered, it will be clearly perceived by every philosophic mind, that the circula- ting system is in reality two distinct systems-. The first is the arterial system, that carries the posi- tive blood, which is, as before stated, of a bright cherry-red color, and is ever flowing from the heart to the extremities. The second is the venous system, that carries the negative blood, which is of a purple color, and is ever flowing from the extremities to the heart. To these two circulating systems, the heart, with its two auricles, two ventricles, and valves, is exactly adapted, so as to keep the positive and nega-* five blood apart, and to regulate the motion of both 66 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY, And it will be perceived that the nervous system most perfectly corresponds with what I have said of the circulating system. I mean that nerves of involuntary motion are laid along the arteries to receive the charge of electricity from the positive blood that flows in them. These views of the circulation of the blood are strength- ened by the fact, that the blood contains a certain por- tion of iron ; and we well know that iron becomes a magnet only by induction, and loses its magnetic power the moment the electric current passes from it. Hence the blood, through the agency of the iron it contains, can easily assume a positive state at the instant it re- ceives the electric charge from the air at the lungs. It can then pass into the arteries, and by friction throw off its electricity into the nerves, and again assume a negative state as it enters the veins. I now consider the electric or magnetic circula- lation of the blood philosophically and irresistibly proved. Hence the position which many assume, that the heart circulates the blood on the hydraulic or vacuum principle, is utterly unfounded in truth. And that the heart, in accomplishing this, exerts a force, as they contend, of more than one hundred thousand pounds, is too preposterous to be believed. I grant that the heart is the strongest muscle in the human system ; but who can for one moment believe that its motive power is equal to fifty tons ? The heart, as I have alreaiy observed, does not circulate the blood at LECTURE IV. 67 all ; nor on the contrary does the blood cause the heart to throb. The heart and lungs both receive their mo- tions from the cerebellum, which is the fountain and origin of organic life and involuntary motion. Hence the involuntary nerves from the cerebellum throb the heart and heave the lungs, and the electricity contained in the air they inspire, circulates the blood and sup- plies the brain with nervous fluid, as I have already explained. Perhaps, however, the inquiry may here arise, What proof is there that the involuntary nerves from the cerebellum throb the heart and heave the lungs, and that the blood is not mado to circulate from the same cause 1 This double interrogatory is easily answered. In- sert, for instance, a surgical knife between the joints of the vertebrae, and cut off the spinal marrow below the lungs and heart — all the parts below this incision will be so completely paralyzed, and voluntary motion and sensation so entirely destroyed, that we have no power to move the limbs by any volition we may exert ; nor have we any power to feel, even though the paralyzed limbs should be broken to pieces by a hammer, or burned with fire. Yet in these immovable and un- feeling parts the blood continues to circulate as usual through the veins and arteries. This is proof positive that the blood is not made to flow by any pow T er what- ever invested in the cerebellum, but, as before proved^ 68 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. by the positive and negative forces of that electricity contained in the air inspired by the lungs. But let the spinal marrow be severed above the lungs and heart, and both will be instantly paralyzed and cease their motions ; yet the last inspiration taken in by the lungs will cause the blood to circulate till it floods the right ventricle of the heart with venous blood, and empties the left ventricle of its arterial blood. This is proof the most irresistible, that the heart and lungs ARE MOVED BY AN INVOLUNTARY NERVOUS FOROI ORIGINATING IN THE CEREBELLUM, while the blood circulated by the positive and negative forces of that electricity which is taken in with the air at the lungs. The lungs merely act as a double force-pump to bring in the surrounding atmosphere, extract from it proper supply of the vital principle to feed the bright and burning flame of life, and to reject and expire the dregs unfit for that end. This is perhaps as much it is necessary to say in relation to the circulation of the blood, and the constant secretion of the nervous fluid from the arterial blood to the brain. I now turn to the philosophy of disease, and will be brief as pos- sible. It is generally supposed by medical men, that there are innumerable causes for the various diseases in ex- istence, and that even one disease may have many causes in nature to produce it. But I contend, that there is but one grand cause for all diseases, and this LECTURE IV. 69 is the disturbing of the vital force of the body. There is in every human being a certain amount of electricity. This is, as I have said, the most subtile and fine mate- rial in the body ; is the power, as has been shown, that moves the blood ; and is the agent by which the mind, through the nerves, contracts the muscles and produces motion. And as all the convulsions and operations in nature and in man invariably begin in the invisible and finest substances in being, and end in the most gross, so electricity, in the human system, is the cause of all the eifects there produced, whether salutary or other- wise. When this electricity is equalized throughout the nervous system, the blood will also be equalized in its circulation, and the natural result is health. But when it is thrown out of balance, the blood will, in like manner, be also disturbed, and the natural result is disease ; and the disease will be severe or mild in the same ratio as the vital force is more or less dis- turbed. I am well aware that medical men are much inclined to examine the patient's pulse, and watch the move- ments of the blood. They seem to think that nearly all diseases originate in the blood, and hence, under this impression, hundreds of specifics, or nostrums, have arisen to purify the blood, as though it contained some foreign properties that rendered it impure, and that these, by some medical treatment, must be extracted or removed from the system. But all this is fallacious, 10 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. as the blood contains no foreign properties to render it impure. The blood becomes impure only through a disturbed circulation. It can be purified fey no other substances in being, except what are contained in the air at the lungs. These are oxygen and electricity. The whole blood in the body must, every few moments, be passed through the lungs to be purified and preserved from putrefaction. If the circulation, in any part of the body, be obstructed, or thrown out of balance, so that the blood cannot pay its timely visit to the lungs, it must become extravasated and impure. If, in any part of the body, there is a complete obstruction, so that the blood is entirely retained, then inflammation, ulceration, and corruption must ensue. I now turn directly to the subject, and call your un- divided attention to the philosophy of disease. The operations of the mind, and the nervous system of man, have been too much overlooked by medical men, who have paid great attention to the blood, and to the more gross and solid parts of the body. But it is evi- dent that disease begins in the electricity of the nerves, and not in the blood. Electricity is the starting point. From thence it is communicated to the blood, from the blood to the flesh, and from the flesh to the bones, which are the last effected. It begins in the finest, and ends in the grossest particles of the system. The un- seen are the starting powers. I have already remarked that the brain is the foun- LETURE IT. 71 tain of the nervous system, and sends forth its millions of branches to every possib.e part and extremity of the body. This nervous system is filled with electricity, which is the agent or servant of the royal mind, who, as monarch, holds his throne in the brain. From thence the mind, by its volitions, controls one half of the electricity of the system. It controls all that is contained in the voluntary nerves, but has no such control over the other half, which is confined to the in- voluntary nerves. Though there is but one grand cause of disease, which is the electricity of the system thrown out of balance ) yet there are, nevertheless, two modes by which this may be done. It may be done by mental impressions. And so it may be done by physical im- pressions from external nature. I will first notice how diseases are produced by mental impressions. Millions of our race have been swept from the light of life, to the darkness of death by various diseases caused by mental impressions. Misfortune and dis- tress have fallen upon many a father, a mother, and many a child. They have shut up in their bosoms all these mental woes, and brooded over their misfortunes in secret, concealed grief. Melancholy took possession of the heart, the vital force was disturbed, the system was thrown out of balance, disease was engendered, and they went to their graves. I am now addressing this audience. The action of 72 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. my mini has called the electricity of the system from the extremities to the brain. The blood has followed it. My feet being robbed of their due proportion of the vital force, are, in the same ratio, cold, and hence, this is, so far, disease. And unless I ceased speaking, and suffered a reaction to take place, it would bring mc to my grave. A man accumulates a fortune of two hundred thou- sand dollars. He loses one half of it, and is hurled in distress. He broods over his misfortune. The mind is in trouble ; it shrinks back on itself. The electricity of the system, this servant of the mind, leaves the extremities and approaches the brain, the throne of the master. The blood follows on ; the ex- citement becomes great, and he believes he shall die in an almshouse. He is a monomaniac. Suppose he now loses the other half of his fortune, and his mind will become involved in still greater distress.' This mental action calls an increased quantity of electricity, that is, of nervous fluid, to the brain, and an equal amount of blood follows on. He is now entirely de- ranged, and his feet are incessantly cold, because the brain has robbed them of their due proportion of the vital force. Now do you not perceive, that if these forces are dispersed from the brain, and the circulation equal- ized, that his reason will be restored 1 There is not too much of blood and electricity in the system, but there may be toe much in any one department of the LECTURE IV. 73 system. I will now suppose him once more in posses- sion of his reason. Now bring him intelligence that his darling child is crushed to atoms. The mind sud- denly shrinks back on itself; the electric, or nervous fluid, instantly darts to the brain, like a faithful serv- ' ant to see what distresses the master. The blood as suddenly follows the servant. The storm rages, and a fit ensues. Let the news be still more startling, and the congregated forces will, in the same ratio, be in- creased upon the brain, and he drops a corpse ! So we perceive that, in all these instances, there is but one cause of disease. The only difference we have wit- nessed in the effects produced, was a gradually increas- ed action, occasioned by an increased power of the same cause, even from the slightest excitement, grad- ually up to that fearful point where it produced instant death. An instance analagous to this, transpired here among you, in the case of the distinguished statesman, John Quincy Adams. Perhaps too much anxiety and thought for the welfare of his country, at his advanced age, called the forces to the brain, and the brilliant lamp of reason and life was extinguished ! He has en- tered on other scenes ! I have thus far confined my remarks to effects pro- duced upon the brain by the electro-nervous fluid and blood, which were called there by the various emotions, passions, and sensations of the mind. But that these forces should invade the territory of the brain, and 4 /4 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. produce such results, depends, however, upon the con- dition of the brain as to its comparative physical strength with the other parts of the system. In this view of the subject, had the same misfortunes as to loss of property above stated been visited upon this same individual when his brain was firm, a different disease would have been the result. Suppose that his brain, as to its physical structure, had been strong and firm, but that his lungs had been weak. Now let the same misfortunes befall him. His mind again shrinks back on itself; the electro-nervous force, as before, starts for the brain, but is not allowed to enter this palace of the distressed monarch, and it stops at the lungs, the weakest and nearest post. The blood next follows on in pursuit of the servant, and takes up its abode with him. Inflammation sets in, and, if the trouble of the monarch continues, tubercles form, ulcer- ation takes place : and death ensues. It was consump- tion. But suppose tiki; lungs had been strong, and that the stomach had been, by some trivial circumstance, ren- dered the weakest part. The electro-nervous fluid and blood would, in this case, have gone there, and taken possession of that post. Inflammation, canker, with morbid secretions would have ensued, and even ulcers might have bee& formed. The digestive organs would have been weakened, and dyspepsia, with all its horror of horrors, would have been tne result. If the liver LECTURE IV. 75 had been the weaker spot, the same forces, under the same mental impressions, would have congregated there, and produced the liver complaint. If the stomach and liver had both been strong, and the spine weak, it would have been a spinal complaint. If all these had been physically firm, and the kidneys weak, the same forces would have produced a disease of the kidneys. And if all in the regions of the brain and trunk had been firm, and a mere blow had been inflicted upon the hip, knee, or any part of the lower limbs, the electro-nerv- ous force and the attendant blood would have gone there, and produced the white swelling, or any other species of inflammation and distress. So we perceive, that the same cause, under mental impressions, may produce any of these diseases. As to the character of the disease, it merely takes its name from the organ or place in the body where it may locate itself. Hence diseases differ one from another only as the various dis- eased organs, their motions, secretions, and functions may differ — or as the various located parts of the body invaded by disease may differ from each other. But the producing cause of all these diseases is one and the same. It is the electro-nervous fluid of the body. Having said all that I at present deem necessary in relation to the disturbing of the nervous force by men- tal impressions, I will now turn your attention to the disturbing of the nervous force by physical im- pressions* 76 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. As the mind in distress — in secret melancholy and grief — has disturbed the nervous force, which has en- gendered disease by calling the blood and other fluids of the body to its presence, and thus sent millions to their graves — as it has produced all the diseases we have mentioned and even hundreds more — so the same diseases and hundreds more are also produced by the nervous force when it is disturbed by physical impres- sions from external nature. I am well aware that mental and physical impres- sions may be termed causes of disease ; but it will be remembered, that medical men contend that there are remote and proximate causes of disease. I am on the latter, and contend that there are not thousands of proximate causes, but only one grand proximate cause of disease, and this is the disturbing of the nervous fluid, or throwing the electricity of the system out of balance ; and that diseases begin in the electric force of the nerves, and not in the blood. They begin in the invisible and finest substance of the body, and end in the gross. Hence the same cause that produces monomania, produces entire derangement, fits, head- ache, and even the common excitement of the brain in a public speaker. The same cause produces consump- tion, dyspepsia, liver complaint, spinal affections, pleu- risy, cholera, dysentery, inflammations, fevers, etc. This subtile, disease-causing principle, is the elec- tro-nervous fluid, When equalized throughout the LECTURE IT. 77 system, it is the cause of health, for it controls the blood and other fluids, and when thrown out of balance, it is the cause of disease. Hence the minister of health and sickness — of life and death — is within us, and is one and the same principle. As electricity is the effi- cient cause of all convulsions, calms, and storms in na- ture, and of all the pleasing or awful phenomena that transpire in earth, air, or ocean, or in the vegetable or mineral kingdom, so, as man is but an epitome of the universe, it is electricity in the form of nervous fluid that produces all the convulsions, calms, and storms in his own system. We have seen the various secret stirrings of electri- city in the human nerves under mental impressions, in producing insanity, fits, consumptions, etc. We wit- ness the same mournful results when that subtile power is moved by physical impressions. A wet foot, for instance, may throw the electro-nervous fluid out of balance, and this subtile force may suddenly check the lacteal or other secretions, and also produce insanity, or fits, or by locating itself upon the lungs, it may pro- duce consumption. The fact is, that the electro-nerv- ous fluid, when disturbed at the extremities, or on the surface of the body, always retires inward, and locates itself upon the weakest organ, or upon some weak por- tion of the vitals — the blood follows, and disease is the result. As I have fully explained this when noticing mental impressions, so there is no occasion of my par 78 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. ticularizing. I will merely say, that a sudden exposure to a damp air, sitting upon a cold rock, lying upon the ground and suddenly falling asleep, or sitting with the back to a current of air while in a perspiration — all, or any of these, may at times disturb the electro-nervous force, and arouse this disease-causing power from its slumberings. This may throw the blood out of balance, and by locating themselves upon the weakest organ or weakest part of the system, engender disease. Or the nervous force may be disturbed by eating or drinking too much or too little of wholesome substances, or by eating and drinking unwholesome or poisonous sub- stances, and all these correspondent diseases produced. It is now clearly seen how mental and physical im- pressions disturb the electricity of the system, which locates itself upon the weakest organ, calls the blood to its aid, and brings disease, pain, and death. So we perceive, that the same nervous fluid which, when equalized, produces health, is, when thrown out of bal- ance, the cause of disease. The whole electricity of the nerves is, of course, one hundred per cent. Fifty per cent, is under the voluntary control of the mind, and belongs to the voluntary nerves, and the other fifty per cent, is under the control of the involuntary powers of the mind, and belongs to the involuntary nerves. Now if the whole fifty per cent, of either of these forces, which when equalized is health, should be sud- denly collected up)n any one organ, it would be the LECTURE IV. 79 destruction of that organ. If the mind, on hearing bad news, or by some sudden distress, should call the whole fifty per cent, of electricity under its control to the brain, apoplexy and death must ensue. This would be done by a menial impression on the voluntary nerv- ous force, causing the mind to shrink back on itself and become passive. But the same melancholy result could be produced by eating, drinking, or some other physical impression on the involuntary force over which the mind has no such control. Hence it will be understood, that all diseases, originating under mental impressions, are produced by the fifty per cent, of voluntary nerv ous force. But those diseases, originating under physi- cal impressions, are produced by the fifty per cent, of involuntary nervous force, and over which the mind has no control. If either of these electro-nervous forces, to a certain amount, should be called to a muscle, it would be pain. If called to a still greater extent, it would be inflam- mation ; and if the whole fifty per cent, were called there, it would be mortification, and the ultimate and absolute destruction of the muscle. The same result would follow in case either of these forces were called to any organ in the system. It would be the destruc- tion of that organ. . There are three kinds of pain : First, a pain pro- duced by negative electricity, which attracts the blood to the spot, and is ever attended with inflammation. 80 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Second, a pain produced by positive electricity, which repels the blood, and, though equally severe, is never attended with inflammation. Third ', a pain produced by the confused mixture of the two forces, and consists in a burning, itching, or prickly sensation, and is often very distressing. I have now given you a few hints on the philosophy of disease, which are of course novel to you all ; but they are, nevertheless, as interesting and important to the welfare of our race, as they are novel and strange. Medical men have ever noticed the great effect that the mind has upon the body, both as it regards a disastrous or salutary result. Hence they keep up the brightest hopes of their patients as to recovery, and carefully guard every one against uttering to them a word of dis- couragement. These effects they have seen, but not understanding the connecting link between mind and matter, the true philosophy of disease has been by them entirely overlooked, and in relation to this science they may after all cry " humbug." But this will avail them nothing, for truth, after all, will stand unshaken, and be appreciated by after generations, when opposition shall have been interred, with no hope of its resurrec- tion. In view of our subject, so far as it regards men- tal impressions, we see the supreme importance of maintaining a reconciled state of mind. Equanimity of mind is the parent of health, peace, and happiness, and the noblest test of the true Christian. When wt LECTURE IV. 81 see thousands always restless, complaining of cold and heat, and wet and dry — complaining of their own con- dition, and finding fault with others, and dissatisfied with the events of Providence — we need not marvel that so many complain of indisposition and disease. This state of mind produces them. So beware. 8ii ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. LECTURE V. Ladies and Ca tlemen : When we reflect how extensive a field the philoso- phy of disease naturally occupies, and how vast a range we must take in order to inspect minutely its several parts, it will then be seen that my remarks, in my last Lecture, have been brief in comparison with the vastness of the subject. I flatter myself, however, that my views are understood^ and that the importance of the doctrine of mental and physical impressions, in relation to disease, is clearly seen, and fully appre- ciated by you all. I believe it to be founded in im- mutable truth, and that it will survive the crush of empires and the revolution of ages. Having brought forward the philosophy of dis- ease in my last Lecture, I now turn to the ration- ale of its cure in this. In discussing the doctrine of mental impressions, I have clearly and irresistibly proved that the mind by shrinking back on itself in fear, melancholy, and grief, in the day of adversity, misfortune, and distress, can disturb the electro-nervous fluid, and allow it to con- LECTURE V. 83 centrate itself upon any organ of the body and engen- der disease. If, then, the mind can disturb the equili- brium of the nervo-electric force and call it to some organ so as to produce disease, then the mind can also disperse it, equalize the circulation, and restore health. This it can do by a mental impression, admitting the impression to be sufficiently great. For example : A man in possession of five thousand dollars is riding homeward on horseback in the evening. He is within a mile of his house. He is weary and his head aches so severely that he is obliged to walk his horse. He is so indisposed and faint that he can but just keep his saddle. From a lonely dismal spot at the road side, a robber springs and seizes his horse's bridle — pre- sents a pistol, and exclaims, " Your money, or your life !" The rider, with a loaded whip, and at the im- pulse of the moment, suddenly strikes the robber's arm. This causes the pistol to discharge, and adds to the confusion of the moment. The rider, scarcely knowing what he is about, puts spurs to his horse. He darts off at the top of his speed. Before he is aware, he is at his own door. He dismounts and finds himself safe. The vital force is driven to the extrem- ities, and his hands and feet are warm. Where is his headache now ? It is gone. The supreme impression of his mind drove the electro-nervous fluid from his brain — -the blood followed it- — a reaction took place, an4 he was well. Is there any thing strange in this 1 84 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. No ! Then there is nothing strange in this science, for it is the curing of diseases by the doctrine of im- pressions. I desire it to be distinctly understood how this power operates. Remember mind touches the electro-nervous fluid, moves it — and this fluid moves the blood. Elec- trical Psychology is the doctrine of impressions, and the same disease that mind, or even physical impres- sions can cause, the mind can remove, if the patient be in the psychological state. Because mental impres- sions to any extent we please can be produced upon him. It is therefore immaterial from what source a disease may arise, or what kind of a disease it may be, the mind can, by its impressions, cause the nervous fluid to cure it, or at least to produce upon it a salu- tary influence. If exposure to heat or cold, dampness or dryness, or to any of the changing elements, should call the nervous fluid to the lungs, and disturb the cir- culation of the blood, so as to produce inflammation, the mind could disperse and equalize it, and thus effect a cure as readily as though this inflammation of the lungs had been brought on by melancholy and grief, or by any other mental distress. Or if these exposures had caused any other disease or pain in the system, the mind could have had the same power to remove it, as though it had been caused by mental distress. Or if by eating, drinking, or by sedentary habits, dyspep- sia had been produced, the mind could have had the LEC1VHE V. 85 same power to produce a salutary result, or even to cure it as though it had been caused by mental dis- tress. I do not mean that a cure can be effected by the electro -nervous force, through mental impressions , if there be any organic destruction of the parts dis- eased. The consumption, for instance, could not be cured if the lungs were ulcerated ; sight could not be restored if the optic nerve were destroyed 5 nor could deafness be removed if the auditory nerve were de- stroyed. In these cases, even, medical remedies, it must be granted, would be of no avail, because there is no foundation on which to build. In all I have said, or may say in regard to cures, I have reference only to curable cases. I mean, that the fifty per cent, of electro-nervous force, under the control of the mind, could effect a cure where there is no organic destruc- tion, and where there is, at the same time, a suffi- ciency of vital force left to build upon, so as to be able to produce a sanative result. Nor do I mean to be understood that this science alone can at all times cure. It may require medicines to co-operate with it. As diseases are produced through mental and physical impressions, so through mental and physical impres- sions they must be cured. Medicine produces a physical impression on the sys- tem, but never heals a disease. If a disease were ever healed through medicines, it was healed by the same sanative power as though it had been done by a 86 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. mental impression in accordance with the teachings of Electrical Psychology. This is evident ; because the sanative power is in the individual, and not in the medicine. Medicines and mental impressions only call that sanative principle to the right spot in the system so as to enable it to do its work. The following ex- ample will explain my meaning on this particular point : You enter a garden and see a peach-tree with its fruit not fully grown, but so heavily laden, that one of its limbs is partially split from the trunk. The gar- dener is aw^are that if* it be neglected till the fruit grows to maturity, the limb will be entirely parted from the tree and die. He carefully raises the limb till the split closes, and puts under it a prop to keep it to its place. He winds canvas around the wounded part, and over this he puts tar. Now there is cer- tainly no healing principle in the prop — there is none in the canvas — nor is there any in the tar. The prop merely sustains the weight of the limb, and keeps the split together ; the canvas is wound around it to pre- vent the tar from entering the split ; and the tar was applied to protect the whole from the air, rains, and external elements ; while the tree is left to the inhe- rent operations of its own sanative principles. The sanative principle being in the tree, it must heal itself. So the healing principle is in man, as much so as it is in the tree. The healing principle in the tree is the LECTURE V. 87 invisible electro -vegetative fluid. This moves and equalizes the sap, and the sap affects the wood. It is the electricity of the tree that does the work ; and this electricity is under the control of its vegetable life. So the healing principle in man is the invisible electro- nervous fluid. This moves and equalizes the blood, and the blood affects the flesh. It is the electricity of the system, under the control of the mind. The position is incontrovertible, that the healing principle is in man. Admitting it to be electricity, or what I call the electro-nervous fluid of the system, it is then easily seen that there is no healing principle in medicine, and it is also understood what effect medicine must have upon the system in order to produce a salu- tary influence. It must equalize the electricity, as before remarked, and call it to the proper spot, so as to enable it to do its healing work. Hence, if the mind can so operate upon the fifty per cent, of the electro-nervous force under its control, as to equalize it, then it follows, as a matter of course, that the same healing result will be obtained as is effected by medi cine. In either case there is no difference in the heal- ing power. In both instances it is the same. The only difference is, that in the one case the healing power was made to act by the mind, which produced its mental impression, and in the other case by the medicine, which produced its physical impression. It may now be asked, If medicine has no healing 88 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. property in it, then how can an emetic remove impuri- ties from the stomach by vomiting the patient ? In reply I would state, that it has never done so. In this I desire to be distinctly understood. I mean that an emetic is not the vomiting principle. The vomiting principle is in the man. It is the electricity of the system. The electro-nervous fluid of the brain is the vomiting principle. Let us understand the philosophy of this. Emetics, whether mineral or vegetable^ pos- sess those peculiar chemical properties that cause im- mense secretions. This effect is the whole secret of their power. An emetic, taken into the stomach, pro- duces secretions most freely from the glands of the stomach, from the mucous membrane of the lungs, from the glands of the trachse, and from the glands of the mouth and tongue. It robs them of their moisture which is continually accumulating upon the stomach. The parts being robbed of their moisture by this arti- ficial action, the electricity from the nerves follows it, because electricity has a strong affinity for moisture. When a sufficiency of the electric force is drawn from the brain, and the blood having in the same ratio fol- lowed it, the countenance becomes pale — an expansion and collapse of the stomach takes place, and vomiting is the result. This is its philosophy. In proof of the fact, electricity sannot be gathered in damp weather. The moisture, for which it has a strong affinity, holds it. LECTURE V. 89 After all I have said of medicine and its operations, it may yet be supposed that it possesses some healing principle, and that the emetic does vomit the patient. Why then will it not vomit a dead man? The answer is, because the vital force is gone, and the emetic is powerless. But why will it not vomit the man when he is worn out with disease and near his end ! 1 answer, because the vital force in the man, on which vomiting depends, is wasted ; and as it does not exist in the medicine, so the emetic, in its chemical action having no material to work upon, or to call to its aid, is powerless. If this is not satisfactory to your minds in the settle- ment of the question whether the vomiting principle is in the medicine or in the patient, I will pursue the subject still farther. Suppose while eating strawber- ries and cream, you tell a sensitive lady that she has taken into the stomach a worm, or even a fly— she stops eating, and in a minute she vomits freely. How is this, when she has swallowed, in fact, neither worm nor fly ? I answer, that the vomiting principle is in the brain. She believed that she had taken into the stomach what was stated ; she kept her attention steadily and most intently upon it — and the mind threw the electro-nervous force from the brain to the stomach, until there was a sufficient quantity to pro- duce an expansion and collapse of the stomach, and cause vomiting. Now the vomiting in this case and in the 90 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. case of the emetic was occasioned by one and the same thing, and that is the electro-nervous fluid. The only difference in the two cases is, that the emetic called it from the brain by a physical impression, and the mind forced it from the brain by a mental impression. If the vomiting principle is not in us, why then does it turn the stomach to see an animal eating any thing very filthy, like the dog returning to his vomit ? If this principle is not in us, how can it produce nausea ? How can the motion of a vessel, and sometimes even the motion of a carriage, produce vomiting, unless it exists in the nervous force of the brain ? Why will a fall, or blow upon the head, produce it. The same is true in relation to cathartics, which excite the secretions of the glands, but of other glands than those affected by an emetic. A cathartic excites the secretions of the mucous glands of the alimentary canal. This draws the electric action from the brain, but mostly from the nerves on the surface of the body there, and produces its results. I have been thus par- ticular upon the action and operation of emetics, as this one hint is sufficient to lead any reflecting mind to a correct impression of the relation in which medicines stand to the human system. They are the mere props and supports of some weak part, to aid nature in re- storing herself to health and vigor. A cathartic, taken into the stomach of a very sensitive individual, will produce the result of an emetic ; and an emetic, too LECTURE V. 91 loiig in effecting its end in the first stomach, will, after passing the duodenum, produce the result of a cathartic in the second stomach. I have now said all that is necessary in relation to the curing of diseases by the electro-nervous force, and have clearly shown how this force can be made to act by mind, or by medicine. I will now give advice in relation to avoiding disease and preserving health, which it will be well for every one to observe who is desirous of securing this inestimable blessing. -As life is dear to all, I shall be pardoned when I say that medical gentlemen are mad who administer medicine in silence to the patient without candidly informing him what the medicine is, and what effect or effects he in- tends it to produce. If the patient were thus instruct- ed by a physician in whom he had full confidence, then he would be in constant expectation of the anticipated effect ; and the mind, by its mental impressions, acting in concert with the physical impressions of the medi- cine, would produce a salutary and happy result. I grant that this information cannot be given to infants, nor to deranged persons ; but it should be done in all possible cases. In order to preserve health, the body should be kepi clean, and the mind pure and calm. There are ex- tremes in every thing, and these should be carefully avoided. The body should be carefully washed all over, or bathed, except the head, in water moderately 92 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. cool. No soap should be used in either case, and the process should not occupy more than three or four minutes. It should be briskly rubbed with a coarse towel, and mostly downward, so as not to disturb the minute scales that cover the pores. In cold weather, colder water should be used than in moderate weather. Indeed, the water should be about the temperature of the elements. But in freezing weather the body should be merely immersed, and almost immediately extri- cated, and the washing process should not occupy more than a moment of time. In cold weather, twice per week is sufficient ; and in warm weather, every alter- nate day is abundant, in ordinary cases. Too frequent washings and bathings, and of too long continuance, to persons in ordinary health, is deleterious, as it destroys too much of the natural oil of the skin, which the Creator has supplied to give it a soft and silky texture. The system of hydropathy has great force, if rightly managed. In cases of heat, or inflammation, warm water should be applied, and the reaction would be coolness ; and in cases of cold feet, they should be washed on going to bed each night in cold water, till they remain continually warm. The coldest water will extract the frost from a frozen hand, whereas if it were immersed in the warmest water that could be borne, it would perhaps destroy it, so as to render even amputation necessary. But if the hand be burned or scalded, immersing it in the warmest water that can be LECTURE V. 93 borne, or holding it to the fire, will produce a salutary result, even though the remedy be a harsh one. On this principle, you see the inconsistency of cold water applications, and even of ice to the head in brain fevers, or where there is a severe inflammation of the brain, occasioned by a fall, a blow, or any concussion. I now turn the attention of ladies and gentlemen to eating, drinking, and wearing apparel, and will en- deavor, in few words as possible, to show the bearing ^)f these upon the human constitution. Our bodies are made up of the elements, and, as I have already observed, are an epitome of the universe. In order to insure perfect health, we should subsist en- tirely upon the provisions, whether vegetable or animal, that are produced in that part of the earth where we were born and reared, or in that part of the earth where we intend to spend our days. And, moreover, our wearing apparel should also be the product of the same section where we live. Cotton should never be worn where the snow covers the earth, or in that part of the earth's latitude where it cannot be raised. Hemp, flax, cotton, wool, and silk may be worn with perfect safety in those latitudes of the earth's surface where they can be cultivated. The Creator's works are perfect. He has established complete harmony between the vegeta- bles, and the soil where they grow, and the climate that fostered their existence and warmed them into life. He, therefore, who eats the food belonging to his own 94 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY, latitude, who drinks the water that gushes from his own springs, and wears the clothing produced in his own climate, establishes a perfect harmony and apti- tude between his own body and the surrounding ele- ments. I mean that he does this in case he uses these blessings temperately, as not abusing them. The truth of this will appear perfectly clear, if we have a correct understanding of inuring ourselves to another climate, entirely different from the one to which we have been accustomed. I will therefore call your attention to the philosophy of becoming acci t - MATED. The mineral kingdom lays a foundation for the vege table, and the vegetable for the animal kingdom. It is therefore perfectly clear that no animals could have had an existence till there were vegetables, because an animal is but a vegetable of the second growth. Each latitude of the globe has vegetables peculiar to itself, and these make up ail the varieties that exist on earth. But the same species of vegetables differ from each other in different latitudes, as far as the climates and elements or soils may differ from each other. An apple, pear, or peach, grown in forty degrees north latitude, differs considerably from the same fruit raised in thirty degrees north latitude. This is certain, be- cause it is the result of surrounding elements that gave it being. The same may be said of corn, wheat, and rye in different latitudes. And as animals are but LECllTRE T> 95 vegetables of the second growth, hence the same ani- mals vary in accordance with tkeir latitudes. The beef, mutton, and pork, raised in thirty and forty de- grees north latitude, are therefore unlike, each being adapted to its own climate and the vegetables that sus- tained them. I have already stated, that our bodies are made of the water, the vegetables, and animals upon which we subsist, and are adapted to the climate and surrounding elements where we were born and reared. Our bodies are continually wasting away, and by food and drink are continually repaired. We lose the fleshy particles of our bodies about once a year, and the bones in about seven years. Hence in seven years we have possessed seven bodies of flesh and blood, and one frame of bones. We have not now, in all probability, a particle of flesh and bones we had seven years ago. The water we have drank, and the flesh and vegetables we have eaten, having made up the component parts of our bodies, cause us to hanker and long for the same substances of which our bodies are composed. Like substance in us calls for like substance without, to supply the waste of the system. This is habitude. Now suppose we suddenly change our climate from forty to thirty degrees north latitude. The air, water, fruits, vegetables, and flesh all differ. The old parti- cles composing our bodies, and brought from forty de- grees north latitude, fly off as usual. This produces 96 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. hunger and thirst, and we supply our wants by the water and food of thirty degrees north latitude, and continue for weeks to do so. This creates a conflict between the old substances of our bodies and the new flesh and blood continually forming, throws the electro- nervous force out of balance, and engenders disease. If we live and struggle on, for about seven years, we become acclimated, because our old flesh and bones, formed by the substances of one latitude, have disap- peared, and our entire systems are made up of the substances of another latitude. Hence we see the danger of changing our positions on the globe to any great extent, which may, however, in some instances, prove beneficial to the constitution. Such is the phi- losophy of being acclimated. In view of what I have now brought forward, it will be clearly perceived, by ladies and gentlemen, that we should confine ourselves to the water, fruits, grains, and animal food, and even to the medicines produced in that climate where we live, and reject those of dis- tant latitudes and foreign climates. To drink tea and coffee, and eat oranges, lemons, citrons, pineapples, and the productions of all parts of the globe, is like changing, in some measure, our climate for another, or for several others, and thus keeping up a continual conflict between the elementary particles that are con- stantly entering the composition of our bodies. There is an incessant war waged between the climate where LECTURE V. 97 we live, and the productions of another region, and those of our own. To all this, add the clothing of other distant climes to be worn by us, and who can marvel that almost every man, woman, and child is complaining of some indisposition, or else groaning under disease and pain % Abandon luxuries of foreign growth ; avoid dissipation ; keep your bodies clean ; your minds calm and contented ; eat the productions of your own climate ; drink the clear crystal water of your own spring ; wear the flax, hemp, cotton, or wool that is raised in your own latitude ; take all the rest of sleep that your nature and temperament require ; have your hours of study, labor, exercise, and serious contempla- tion all regulated : and be temperate in all things. Follow these directions, and no doctor will enter your house. If you must have tea, use sage, pennyroyal, and hemlock. These are wholesome, and habit will transform them into luxuries far transcending the nerve-destroying plant of China. It is impossible that the Creator could have erred in adapting all the fruits, grains, and other vegetable sub- stances to each latitude of the earth, so that man and other creatures can subsist there in health, peace, and happiness. And man no more requires the products of other climes to increase these blessings, than the animals around him, who find not only their food and drink, but even their medicines produced by the soil on which they tread, without resorting to foreign 5 98 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. importations. At tlie novelty of these ideas you may smile, but they are based upon immutable truth, and established, constituted, and sustained by Him who founded the pillars of strength and beauty that sup- port the fabric of nature, and must stand till they shall fall. lecture ri. 99 LECTURE VI. Ladies and Gentlemen: The nature and importance of Electrical Psycholo- gy I have clearly and philosophically argued, in a free, unchained, and fearless expression of my thoughts. For this, even if I have erred, I am entitled to your approbation, rather than your condemnation. For what is man, when he makes himself a cowering, cringing slave to the opinions of others, and tamely bows to win the momentary smiles of popular applause from the passing crowd 1 What I have said in relation to this science, has been the sincere breathings of my own convictions. I have, therefore, reasoned fearless of consequences ; and if I have in so doing met your approbation, I rejoice at it ; if I have met your disap- probation, I regret it — yet you will pardon me when I say that I cannot alter my course and accommodate myself to the opinions of others, however elevated may be their stations. Fully sensible of the duty I owe to my fellow-men, and to the Supreme Ruler of the uni- verse, and when I discharge this to the best of my ability, I little caro what men may think or even say of me. 100 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. If, however, what I have argued of the human system — the electro-nervous force — the connecting link be- tween mind and matter— the circulation of the blood — the philosophy of disease — the rationale of its cure — the laws of health, and the philosophy of being accli- mated — if these excite your surprise, ladies and gen- tlemen may then prepare themselves for still greater surprise in the arguments now to be offered on spirit, and the creation and government of the universe. Being myself perfectly unshackled and free, I shall exert myself in that freedom while pursuing this de- partment of my subject. In my introductory remarks in my third Lecture, I took a general survey of the powers and operations of electricity throughout the empire of nature. We saw its secret workings, and its alternately sublime or awful manifestations. But all these operations and convulsions, however magnificently grand, will appear but as the drop of the bucket to the fountain, when compared with the Unseen Power that stirs the uni- verse. Electricity, so swift in its movement as to rival the lightning glance of thought, and so inconceivably awful in its rending force as to convulse the globe to its centre, is yet as nothing, and less than nothing, com- pared with that Eternal One who arms it with power — who gives it all its expansive force, and who makes it the messenger of his attributes to both nature and man. With his finger he has wrtten the truth of this science LECTURE VI. 101 on ever\- object throughout the realms of nature. It is written in the beams of the mid-day sun — in the descending rains and gentle dews. It is written in the flowery field and shady grove. It is written in stars on the scroll of night. It is written in lightning on the bosom of the dark cloud. It is written deep in sympathy on the soul, and controls the most powerful affections and stormy passions of the human heart. In this Lecture I will turn your attention to spirit, or mind — by which I mean one and the same thing — and will endeavor to prove the existence of a,n Infinite Spirit. Though the powers of mind and its complicated operations can be seen, felt, and in a good degree com- prehended, yet, after all, we know but little of mind as it regards its properties, or substance. Some suppose it to be absolutely and positively immaterial, because it is purely spirit. Others believe mind to be, the re- sult of organism, and contend that it cannot exist with- out a brain, which is the grand organ that secretes thought, even as the liver secretes its bile, or the stom- ach its gastric juice ! The former of these supposi- tions is the one generally adopted by the Christian community who believe spirit to be an immateriality. The latter supposition is embraced by those Christians who wholly rely upon the resurrection of the body for the future existence of the spirit. They are called Materialists, because they make out the spirit to be no 102 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. substance at all, but merely the result cf organized matter. - Of this faith was the celebrated Dr. Priestly. This latter position is also adopted by the Atheists, who contend that spirit cannot exist independent of an organized brain ; and as they reject the Christian hope of the resurrection, so they contend that mind is extin- guished in the night of the grave, and sleeps in non- entity, to wake no more. Hence the idea of a God, as an intelligent Spirit, they regard as a freak of fancy — a mere chimera of the human brain. Both of these positions as it regards spirit I reject, and will give my reasons for doing so. I reject the immateriality of the spirit, because that which is positively and absolutely immaterial cannot of course possess either length, breadth, thick- ness, nor occupy any space. Indeed, it cannot, in this case, possess any form ; and that which possesses no form, cannot, in the nature of things, occupy any space. And to talk of a thing having an existence, which, at the same time, has no form, nor occupies space, is the most consummate nonsense. Hence an immateriality is a nonentity — a blank nothing. On the other hand, if mind is merely the result of organism, and if it can- not exist independent of an organized brain, then who made the first brain ? Did it not require an intelligent spirit to organize its several parts, and adapt the eye to light, the ear to sound, and make these organs the inlets of sensation to the inhabitant in that brain? LECTURE 71. 103 Surely the brain did not make itself, for this would only be saying, that the brain acted before it existed ! Having given my reasons for rejecting both these ideas of mind, I am now ready to introduce the ques- tion, What is mind 1 I answer, it is a substance — an element — as really so as air or water, but differs mate- rially from all inert substances in being. I regard mind as living and embodied form — as that incompre- hensible element whose nature it is to possess life and motion, as much so as it is the nature of other sub- stances to possess inertia. Hence, mind is, in these two respects — namely, life and motion — directly the opposite of dead matter. In the first pla^e I will start with the assertion that there must be in the universe an Infinite Mind. It is impossible, in the very nature and constitution of things, that an absolute perfection of substances can be philosophically maintained without this admission. For the truth of this position I rely upon motion. By motion, then, I am to prove the existence of an Eter- nal Mind. In the first place permit me to remark, that inher- ent motion is not an attribute common to all sub- stances in nature. This globe, as a body, is moved by the positive and negative forces of electrical action. And all the operations of nature in the earth and ele- ments are carried on by the same power* Whether it be crystalizations, or petrifactions, the growth of vege- 104 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. tatioiij or its decomposition — motions and changes in air and water — or the crumbling particles of the moun- tain rock — all the motions, visible and invisible, that transpire in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms, and in all their multifarious operations, are produced by electricity, which is the universal agent appointed to keep up the order and harmony of the universe. And yet it is certain that electricity does not possess in- herent motion as its attribute. Motion belongs to one substance only, and that is mind. There is certainly as much order in the universe as there is in the human body. Let us, then, look truth calmly in the face. Each organ of the body performs but one function. The eye sees — the ear hears — the olfactories smell — the glands taste — the heart throbs to regulate the blood — the hands handle — the feet walk, and the liver secretes its bile. The eye never hears, and the ear never sees. So there is but one substance in nature whose attribute is inherent mo- tion, and that is mind. Not one single part of the human body possesses independent motion. Electri- city is there also the grand agent to move the limbs and vitals, and the living mind is the only moving power. The point upon which I am now entering is one of most deep and thrilling interest. It is no less than to prove the existence of an Eternal Mind from motion and the absolute perfection of the chain of elementary LECTURE VI. 105 substances. But while accomplishing this, I must call to my aid the relative subtilties of different portions of matter with which we are surrounded. Let us, for a moment, turn our attention to a few of the most obvi- ous substances in nature, and then glance at her abso- lute perfection as a whole. Let us carefully notice the gradation these substances occupy toward each . other in their relation to motion, and then the intrin- sic beauty of the subject will appear. I will begin at the heaviest matter that may first suggest itself to my mind, and leisurely pass on, rising higher and still higher, through its various grades, up to that which is more and more rarefied, subtile, and light, till we ar- rive at that which must necessarily possess inherent motion, and therefore living power. The heaviest of gross substances in existence is the most difficult to move, and hence must be at the great- est possible distance from motion. Though there are several solid substances heavier than lead, yet I choose to begin at this, as the idea I wish to convey is all that is worthy of your consideration in the present argu- ment. Lead, then, on account of the density of its particles, is difficult to move. Were it the heaviest substance in nature, it would take its position farther distant from motion than any other substance. Rock being more easily moved than lead, takes its relative position nearer to motion. In like manner earth is more easily moved than rock. Water is more easily 5* 106 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. moved than earth. Air is more easily moved than water. The gaseous fluids are more easily moved than air, and electricity is more easily moved than the gase- ous fluids. It will now be perceived, by ladies and gentlemen, that as we mount the rounds of the ladder in the mag- nificent scale of material substances, there is a gradual approximation toward motion. Each substance as we rise, being more rarefied and light than the one below it, is of course nearer to motion than its grosser neigh- bor. And it will be perceived by every philosophic mind, that we camiot continually approximate motion without at last reaching motion, or that substance to which motion belongs. We have now mounted from lead up to electricity ; and though as we rose we found each successive sub- stance more easily moved than the one below it, still we have not as yet found a single material that pos- sesses inherent motion as its attribute. Lead, rock, earth, and water are moved by impulse. Air is moved by rarefication, and electricity is moved by the positive and negative forces. True we have mounted up, as be- fore remarked, to electricity, but even this cannot move, unless it is thrown out of balance in relation to quan- tity as to its positive and negative forces. In such cases it flies, equalizes itself, and again sinks to rest. I am fully sensible that electricity is a fluid most incon- ceivably subtile, rarefied ; and fine. It is computed to LECTURE VI. 107 take four million particles of our air to make a speck as large as the smallest visible grain of sand, and yet electricity is more than seven hundred thousand times finer than air ! It is almost unparticled matter, and is not only invisible, but, sc far as we can judge, it is im- ponderable. It cannot be seen — it cannot be weighed ! A thousand empty Leyden jars, capable of containing a gallon each, may be placed upon the nicest scale, and .most accurately weighed. Then let these be filled with electricity, and, so far as human sagacity can deter- mine, they will weigh no more. Hence to our percep- tion, a thousand gallons weigh nothing. As electricity, in regard to motion, stands upon the poise, being completely balanced by the positive and negative forces, that equalize each other, sc it is easily perceived, that if we mount one step higher, we must come to that substance whose nature it is to note, and the result of that motion is thought and power, It is mind. Hence it will be distinctly perceived, m view of the argument now offered, that we cannot, as phi- losophers, stop short of motion in the highest aiid most sublime substance in being. This conclusion, as the result of the argument, is absolutely and positively irresistible^ and challenges refutation. When we mount up in our contemplations through the various grades of matter, and see it continually brightening as we progress onward in our delightful career of rapture^ till we arrive at that sublimated 103 ELECTRICAL PSYCK LOGY. substance which can neither be seen nor weighed — which moves with a velocity of twelve million miles per minute, and can travel around this globe in the eighth part of a second, we are struck with astonish- ment and awe ! But as this is not the last link in the immeasurable chain, we are forced to proceed onward till we arrive at the finest, most sublime, and brilliant substance in being — a substance that possesses the attributes of inherent or self-motion and living power, and from which all other motion and power throughout the immeasurable universe are derived. This is the Infinite Mind, and possesses embodied form. He is a living being. This Infinite Mind comes in contact with electricity, gives to it motion, arms it with power, and, through this mighty unseen agent, moves the uni- verse, and carries on all the multifarious operations of nature, whether minute or grand. Hence there is not a motion that transpires amidst the immensity of his works, from rolling globes down to the falling leaf, but what originates in the Eternal Mind, and by Him is performed, through electricity as his agent. Mind is, therefore, the absolute perfection of all substances in being; and as it possesses self-motion as its grand attribute, so it is, in this respect, exactly the reverse of all other substances, which are, of themselves, mo- tionless. Mind, or spirit, is above all, and absolutely disposes of and control all. Hence mind and its agent, LECTURE VI. 109 electricity, are both imponderable — are both invisible, and coeternal. As the Eternal One wraps clouds and darkness round about him, and holds back the face of his throne, so many do not believe in his existence, because he is unseen, while all the visible objects of creation are to them so many realities. But the very position here assumed is an erroneous one. The very reverse of this is true. What is seen is not the reality, but is only the manifestation of the unseen, which is the real- ity. Let us carefully look at this point. There is an apple-tree ; it is plainly seen ; but is that tree the re- ality ? No ; but it is the result of an invisible cause, and that unseen cause is the reality. But what was it? I reply, that it was not even the seed, but the life of that seed was the reality ; and that unseen life pos- sessed the embodied form of that tree. All its shapes and colors were there. By coming in contact with the soil and moisture, in a proper temperature of climate, it was enabled to throw out its own invisible and living form. First, then, the life ; next the seed in which it dwells; next the trunk of the tree appears. Then its limbs and branches — its buds, leaves, blossoms, and fruit again end in living beauty. It began in life, and in seed or life it ended. It performed an electric circle. The tree, then, is nothing more than a visible outshoot — an ultimate of an invisible substance, which is the reality. 110 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. All the powers and operations of nature are lodged in the unseen and finest portions of matter — they pass on through every grade, and end in the gross and heav- iest parts. The unseen power that stirs the earth- quake and convulses the globe is the reality. It passes through every grade of matter, and ends in rend- ing the solid rocks and hurling cities in the vortex of ruin. The power that moves this globe in its orbit at the rate of sixty-eight thousand miles per hour, is an invisible agent, moved by omnipotent Power — for all operations and effects begin in the finest substance in being, which is the unseen cause, and therefore the reality. Hence it is the same in nature as in the hu • man system, as I have already shown in my arguments on the philosophy of disease. The disease begins in the finest substance of the body — in the electricity of the nerves — passes on to the blood and flesh, and ends in the bones. There is, indeed, but one common mode of operation in nature and in man. Ladies and Gentlemen — I desire now to turn your attention to one important point in relation to mind, which has been entirely overlooked by philosophers. I mean its- involuntary powers. To speak of the invol- untary powers of mind will certainly produce a singu- lar impression on your hearts ; and the strangeness of the idea may, perhaps, fill you with surprise. But strange as it may appear, it is nevertheless true that mind possesses the two grand attributes of voluntary LECTURE VI. Ill and involuntary power. These two constitute the mind as a living being of embodied form. If mind make use of electricity as its agent, then it must pos- sess the voluntary and involuntary powers to meet the positive and negative forces in electricity. If this be not so, then the Infinite Mind cannot be the Cre- ator and Governor of the universe ; because it is by his voluntary power that he creates a universe, but it is by his involuntary power that he sustains and gov- erns it. Each of these powers, from a philosophical necessity, and from the very nature of his being, per- form their own peculiar functions, and in perfect har- mony preside over their own respective departments. It is the peculiar province of the voluntary power of the Infinite Mind to plan, arrange, dispose, and create worlds and their inhabitants, and it is the peculiar province of his involuntary power to govern and con- trol these worlds and their inhabitants through the fixed laws of nature. Let us reason this point, and its consistency will appear. In the first place — if the voluntary power of the Cre- ator governed the universe, then no possible contingen- cies could happen — and nothing once commenced could ever perish prematurely. For instance : if God deter- mined to create a human pair, and by his voluntary power commenced the work, they could not perish when his work was but partially accomplished. They are destined to come to matirity, invested with the 112 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. true lineaments of form — and destined to gaze upon each other as perfect specimens of living beauty. If not, then God in his voluntary and absolute determin- ations can be thwarted and disappointed. The first male and female, at least, of each species, were produced, and the whole living chain of animated existence was placed upon this globe by the voluntary powers of God, without any previous parents from whom they received their being. They were not born, but created, for there is philosophically and strictly a very wide difference between being created and born. The former we call miracle, the latter, an order of nature. To produce a human pair without a previous father and mother, is not in the order or power of na- ture, for she never changes her mode of operation in the production of her animated existences. The same is true in relation to the vegetable king- dom. The whole species of vegetable life was pro- duced by the voluntary powers of God. In the order of nature there never was an acorn but what grew on an oak ; and there never was an oak but what came from an acorn. Geology proves that there has been a period when there were no vegetables or animals on this globe. Which then was first — the acorn or the oak ? If you reply that the acorn was first, then there was an acorn that did not grow on an oak. If you say that the oak was first, then there was an oak that did not come from an acorn. Whence then is the starting LECTURE VI. 113 point of creation , if there is no God ? for nature cannot start herself, as this would only be saying that she acted before she existed. Whether the Creator, in the first place, produced by his voluntary powers the seeds or the plants, is of no consequence to my present purpose. It is enough to say, that they were brought into existence without any parent stock, and in per- forming this work there could be no uncertainty, nor could any thing perish prematurely, because it was under the voluntary powers of the Infinite Mind. But after this globe was created, and the first link of every species of vegetable and animal life was moved into existence by the voluntary powers of the Creator, it then naturally and of philosophical necessity passed from the control of the voluntary powers to the control of the involuntary powers of the Infinite Mind, and by them to be governed through the established laws of nature. Here then casualties may naturally arise, but no where else under the government of the Supreme. This view of mind removes the many difficulties and perplexities we encounter, when we contemplate the unchangeable character of the Creator in the govern- ment of the world. Millions of our race are continu- ally perishing by premature birth ! The eye was most skillfully organized and adapted to see light, but saw it not. The ear was formed — all its vocal chambers were arranged, and the w T hole adapted to the reverber- ations of sound, but it never heard. It had hands, 114 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY but they never handled — feet, but they never walked — lungs, but they never breathed — and a mouth, but it never spoke, nor tasted food. Again— how many millions of our race die under ten years of age ! And though they were constituted, and ripening for the enjoyment of the social and domestic affections, and the multiplication of their race, yet they were prematurely cut off, and left no progeny on earth. Now if these events are under the government of the voluntary powers of the Creator, would he not, I ask, be arrested in the execution of his voluntary will, and would not his designs fail of being accomplished ? The conclusion is absolutely irresistible, for how can we judge of designs only as we see the adaptation of means to ends % If an eye and ear are formed, and adapted to light and sound, does not this prove the will and design of God, that the one shall see, and the other shall hear? It does. If then the infant pre- maturely dies and never sees an object, nor hears a sound, are not those two organs formed in vain, and are not the design and will of the Creator both frus- trated ? If the girl that died at ten years of age, and never bore nor nursed children — if it is admitted that she did not answer the full measure and end of her ex- istence, in common with her sex, is not then the will of God rendered abortive, and do not his designs in this case fail 1 It must be so, if the government of LECTURE VI. 115 the world is under the voluntary powers of the Infinite Mind. That this part of my subject may be understood, and its consistency clearly seen, I will endeavor to pre- sent it before you in a very plain and simple form. I will take for illustration the human mind in connection with this body. We have tw^o distinct brains — the cerebrum, with its two hemispheres and six lobes, com- mencing at the frontal part of the skull, and occupying the greater portion of the cavity ; and the cerebellum, which occupies the back portion of the skull. The spinal marrow, extending through the vertebrae to the bottom of the trunk,, is but the continuation of these two brains. From the spinal marrow branch out, as I have before stated, thirty-two pairs of nerves, em- bracing both the nerves of motion and those of sensa- tion. From these again branch out others, and in v thousands of ramifications carry out the full power of both brains into every part of the system. The cerebrum is the great fountain of the voluntary nerves, through which the . voluntary powers of the mind ever act. The cerebellum is the fountain of the involuntary nerves, through which the involuntary powers of the mind ever act. Though the voluntary and involuntary nerves from these two brains seem to blend in the spinal marrow, yet they preserve their distinct character, even to their final termination in the system, and execute the functions appertaining to 116 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY, their own office in producing voluntary and involuntary motion. Such is the residence of the living mind, which seems to hold its throne in the medulla ob- longata, at the fountain-head of the voluntary and in- voluntary nerves. From thence my mind, by its voli- tions, controls all the voluntary motions of my body, through the cerebrum. At will I move my hands in any possible direction I please to handle substances, and at will I move my feet to walk. But over the throbbings of my heart, the ultimate heaving of my lungs, the circulation of my blood, and the digestion of food by the stomach, I have no volun- tary control. Awake, asleep, at home, abroad, the heart continues its motions, and the functions of life are executed, whether I will it or not. These then receive their motions from the involuntary powers of my mind, acting through the cerebellum. That these are all moved by mind is certain — because, take the mind or spirit from the body, and all motions, whether voluntary or involuntary, instantly cease. I will now make an application of this to the Infi- nite Mind, in creating and' governing the universe. If, for instance, you make machinery of various kinds, these are your own creations, for they are made by the voluntary powers of your mind. If you cultivate the earth, and raise grain and the various vegetables, to sustain your existence, these again are your own creations, for they are produced by your voluntary LECTURE VI. 117 powers. You prepare them, by various processes, for your use — you cook and place them on the table. You eat them, and thus far they are under your voluntary action. But the moment they are eaten, your crea- tions are finished, and the whole, naturally and of philosophical necessity, passes beyond your direct voli- tion, and is subjected to the involuntary powers of your mind. These bow take charge of this new crea- tion, and govern it in all its involuntary motions and revolutions, according to the fixed laws of the organ- ized system. In like manner the voluntary powers of Deity are unchangeably employed in planning, arranging, and creating new worlds, and systems of worlds, and peo- pling them with inhabitants. When the whole of any such system is finished, and all its laws established for the rolling of worlds, and for the operations of the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, the whole naturally passes, according to the principles of philo- sophical necessity, from the action and control of his voluntary, miraculous power, and submits itself to be governed through the fixed laws of the universe, by the involuntary powers of the same Infinite Mind. As the bare presence of the human mind in the brain causes the heart to throb and the functions of life to proceed, even when that mind is wrapped in sleep so profound, that not a thought is stirring in its voluntary department, so the bare presence and majesty of the 118 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Infinite Mind, even if he should not exercise a thought, would cause all worlds to roll through immensity, and cause all the operations of nature in the mineral, vege- table, and animal kingdoms to proceed on in their ceaseless changes ; for these are under the control of the involuntary powers tff the Deity, acting through the laws of the universe. LECTURE VII. 119 LECTURE VII. Ladies and Gentlemen : In my last Lecture the momentous question was presented for our consideration — Where is the starting point of all motion and power, whether voluntary or involuntary, in both nature and man ? The transcend- ent importance of this question clothes it with the elo- quence of its own splendor. I have humbly endea- vored to answer it by showing that all motion and power originate in mind. And surely the idea that mind possesses the attribute of innate motion and liv- ing power, is both majestic and sublime. I have shown that mind has two grand forces. I mean its voluntary and involuntary powers, by which the world was created and is governed. I have proved the exist- ence of the Infinite Mind from motion and the absolute perfection of material existences. I have shown that mind must be some substance, and not the result of organism, nor an absolute immateriality ', which is but a nonentity. I am well aware that thought, reason, and under- standing are considered to be mind, and that these are 120 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. immaterial. But they are not mind, as I have clearly proved in my Lectures on the Philosophy of Mesmer- ism. Thought and reason are but the results of mind. What is it that thinks and reasons % It is the mind. Then mind is something distinct from these mental operations, which are only its effects. When the vol- untary powers of the mind are stilled in sleep, reason and thought are gone. Hence if these are mind, then the mind is annihilated in sleep. But if we admit mind to be a substance, a living and spiritually organ- ized being, then all is plain. Sleep stops its motion, and thought is gone. Remove that pressure, and re- lease the mind, and instantly it resumes its inherent motion, and the result of that motion is thought and power. On this point I add no more, but refer you to my Lectures on Mesmerism to learn my views more fully. I now turn your attention to the subject of creation. Entering upon this, I feel the incompetency of my fee- ble powers to do it justice. Like a drop to an ocean, or an atom to a universe, any possible representation of the intrinsic grandeur of this subject must fall so far short of its reality, as to render any attempt at an adequate description the unpardonable presumption of impotent folly. Yet, as we are endowed with reason, and as the inspiration of the Almighty hath given us understanding, so we are bound, by the very laws of our being, to extend our researches to the utmost LECTURE VII. 121 verge of our mental capacity. He who would curb the human intellect and say this or that is a subject with which we have no right to meddle, and into which we have no right to inquire, is not only recreant to duty as an intellectual and moral being, but betrays his own ignorance, and proves himself a scientific bigot. Give the mind full scope and sea-room — let it feel the deep stirrings of its own powers, and soar, if it can, into the light of eternity, and survey the very throne of God, and him who sitteth thereon ; and, if possible, let it scan the secret energies of his creating fiat, and even examine the raw material out of which worlds were manufactured. It is the most commonly received opinion in the Christian world, that God made all things out of no- thing. It is true the inspired book does not say, or even hint this. It simply says — " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ;" but it does not add the words — out of nothing* It is absolutely and philosophically impossible, in the very nature and constitution of things, that something can be made out of nothing. It implies, at the same time, a contradic- tion in terms. We cannot form even a notion in our imaginations how much of nothing it would take to make the least imaginable something. I am speaking of nothing in the strictest sense of the word. But using the word nothing in its common acceptation, we can easily perceive how all things could have been 6 122 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. made out of nothing. When all visible objects are removed from a room, Ave say there is nothing in it — it is empty. Yet we know that it is filled with air, because we continue to breathe. But if the air, by a force-pump, were removed from an air-tight room, we might, with much more propriety, say there is nothing in it; yet electricity would be there. If solid sub- stances were therefore made out of air, in an empty room, we could say that they were made out of nothing, for the room, according to the usual mode of expression, had nothing in it. But admitting the air to have been extracted from the room, and nothing but electricity left, and if solid substances were produced from this ethereal and invisible fluid, we could with much more apparent consistency say, that they were made out of nothing. In this sense, I grant that all things were made out of nothing. Paul says — " The things that are seen were not made of things that do appear." Here he plainly states, that the substances seen were made of invisible substances, or such as did not ap- pear — for by things he only means substances. If, however, it be said, to create must mean to bring into existence something from nothing, I have only to say, that this is not so ; for it says, " God created man out of the dust of the earth." Here he created him out of something — it was out of dust, and yet it was creation. The Hebrew word rendered create, more strictly means to gather together by concretion, or to LECTURE VII. 123 form by consolidation — but never can it mean to bring something into existence from absolutely and positively nothing* I therefore contend that all things were made out of electricity, which is not only an invisible and imponderable substance, but is primeval and eter- nal matter. It contains the invisible and impondera- ble properties of all things in being. That this is electricity is certain, because there is no other sub- stance with which the Infinite Mind could have come in direct contact, so as to have produced by his creat- ing power the solid and visible substances that compose the globe. It is, as I have already proved, in nry third and fourth Lectures, philosophically impossible for mind to come in direct contact with any substance in nature except electricity. Hence electricity contains the ele- mentary principles of all things in being, and contains them in their original, invisible, and imponderable state. There must be something eternal. God, duration, and space exist of philosophical necessity, and that space was eternally filled with primeval matter. When I say that they exist of necessity, I mean that the con- trary of space and duration cannot possibly be con- ceived. If infinite space were filled with an infinite globe, it would be space filled. If that globe were struck out of existence, it would be space empty. Fill- ed or empty, it would still be space. As space exists of necessity, it is absolutely and positively eternal, and 124 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. hence could never have been created nor changed. The game is true in relation to duration. Duration must have rolled on, even if there had been no revolutions of suns and worlds to mark its periods. The contrary cannot possibly be conceived. Hence duration and space both exist of philosophical necessity, and are ab- solutely eternal. Endless duration is the age of Jeho- vah, and space is the empire in which he dwells and reigns. This space was eternally filled with mind and invisible matter in its original state. They both exist of philosophical necessity. * Hence matter is eternal, because if there ever had been a period when there was nothing in existence as it regards matter, then nothing would now have been, for nothing cannot create itself into something. The same is true in relation to mind. If there ever had been a period when there was no mind in existence, then no mind could now have been, for mind could not have created itself, as this would be admitting mind to have acted before it existed. Hence mind and primeval matter are both coexistent and coeternal. Indeed, the one could not exist without the other, because that electricity, which is original and eternal matter, is the body of God. All other bodies are therefore emana- tions from his body, and all other spirits are emana- tions from his spirit. Hence all things are of God. He has poured himself throughout all his works. He lias poured spirit from spirit's awful fountain, and kin- LECTURE VII; 125 died into existence a worla of raaoca.s, j"l :!:is prin- ciple it van oe seen, mat tne Eternal Mind is not ab- solutely omnipresent, while his electrical body is, be- cause it pervades immensity of space. Mind must be enthroned, and not diffused over the whole body. And as the mind of Jehovah actuates his body, so he pro- duces impressions throughout the boundlessness of space, and makes himself instantly felt throughout the immensity of his works, even as the human mind, which is located in the brain, still makes its presence felt throughout the body, even to every possible extremity, and produces the impressions of its existence on ethers. Mind or spirit is of itself embodied and living form. It is spiritual organism in absolute perfection, and from mind itself all form and beauty emanate. The body of man is but an outshoot or manifestation of his mind. If I may be indulged the expression, it is the ultimate of his mind. Hence every creature in existence has a body which is the shape of its mind, admitting that the physical laws of the system were not interrupted in producing the natural form of the body from mind. The serpent is all length — is all concentration, and no wonder that he can charm the bird and other creatures around him. What a singular mind the lobster must have, for he has a singular body ! We touch the finger to any substance, and in the fin- ger we appear to feel it. But this is not so, because all feeling is in the mind. If we amputate the arm or 126 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. leg, yet the fingers and toes as usual can "be felt. For instance, we move a finger or wield the arm. How is this done? I answer this question bytsaying, that the mind has its spiritual fingers, arms, limbs, and all its lineaments of form corresponding to those of the body. The mind holds its throne in the brain, and possessing in itself the power of feeling and motion, it merely stirs its spiritual fingers, or wields its spiritual arm, and through the electric action of the nerves, which are laid, like so many telegraphic wires, between the two, the natural finger and the natural arm are compelled to make an exactly correspondent motion. This solves the mystery why the man who has his arm amputated, even up to the shoulder, yet feels his arm and his fin- gers as long as he lives, and often feels in them an itch- ing sensation, or even pain, and that, too, at the same distance from his body which the fingers and arm occu- pied before amputation took place. All operations, convulsions, and motions begin in the unseen substance of the body, and end in its gross and solid parts. These are last moved, and last affected. This is not only so in muscular motion, but throughout nature. « Having the great principles of mind and matter be- fore us, I will now proceed to notice the creation of worlds. I have already remarked, that all the chemi- cal properties of all substances in existence, belonging to our globe and its surrounding elements, were made out of electricity. Hence electricity contains all the LECTURE VII. 127 elementary principles of all tilings in being. The an- cients supposed there to be but four elements — namely, earthy air, Jire, and water. It so happens, however, that heat is no element at all, any more than cold. It is merely an effect of substances in motion, produced by their friction. Though the ancients supposed there to be but four elements, yet as the science of chemistry advances onward toward perfection, more elements are detected. I believe that about forty have been already discovered, yet we have no reason to believe that even these are all. I will suppose, however, that there are one hundred elements belonging to this globe. Then there are one hundred elements in electricity, out of which this globe w T as created. We will step back in our imaginations to that period when this globe, as such, had no existence. For the sake of perspicuity, We will suppose one hundred cords to be fastened on those one hundred elements in electricity. Please to bear this fact in mind. Now, as the Eternal Mind can come in direct con- tact with electricity only, so he exerted his voluntary powers that constitute his creative energy, and con- densed those one hundred elements that constitute electricity, down to a more gross and dense state, each element sliding down its own cord in its progress toward creation. Though mind can directly touch nothing but electricity, yet electricity, as the universal agent under Deity, can touch all substances in being. The Creator 128 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. again acts, through another volume of electricity u r :„ those one hundred partially condensed elements, ana moves them down a grade farther onward toward their ultimate, or created state. And thus the work pro- gresses ; wave successively following wave down its own cord, till they all become air. Hence air contains the one hundred elements'; and all the chemical prop- erties of all things in being are involved in it. And so the work of creation progresses, under the never- ceasing action of the Infinite Mind, from whom all mo- tion and power emanate, till those one hundred elements are made into water. Hence water contains all the chemical properties of all things in being. Matter, from its invisible electric state, has now become visible in the crystal, volatile, and colorless state called water. The whole one hundred elements are here in solution : and from water, which is the universal solvent of na- ture, earth, and all mineral and crystalized substances were made. Boyle has proved, that by transmutation, as he terms it, nature turns water into earth ; and Bishop Watson, in his "Chemical Essays," admits the same, and says, "it has never been disproved by any writer.' 5 Boyle should not have said that nature, by transmutation, does this ; but that the Creator, by his own power of inherent motion, turns water into earth. I resume this interesting subject. The one hundred elements, having reached the lower extremity of the one hundred cords, have now attained LECTURE VII. 129 their ultimate created condition and form, and the fin- ished globe, in all its youth, beauty, and variety, ap- pears. At the top of those cords are the one hundred elements in their original electrical state, resting in their own invisibility ; and as we descend we see the continual change each successive wave passed through, as the whole one hundred substances were, under the action of the Creator, gradually ar preaching their cre- ated state, till at length they emerged from invisibility and chaotic night into the light of day, and rendered the variegated beauties of their created forms visible to the eye of the beholder. i The globe being finished, it required electricity, the original substance out of which it was made, to be brought upon it by the Creator, so that his infinite mind, through this agent, might come in contact with it, in order to move and govern it, not only in its revo- lutions by the attractive and repulsive forces, but in producing all the changes and operations in its mineral, • vegetable, and animal kingdoms. As this great work is submitted to the involuntary powers of the Infinite Mind, and as mind cannot come in direct contact with gross matter, so the beauty and simplicity of the sub- ject appear in the grandeur of the idea, that electricity, being uncreated and eternal matter, is the only sub- stance that mind can touch, and hence is the great physical agent the Creator employs in the government of all worlds. The unchanging laws of the universe 6* 130 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. are but the unchanging thoughts of God. Ladies and gentlemen, I desire you to bear in mind that it re- quires electricity, the very substance out of which the globe was made, to govern it by its positive and nega- tive forces under the energy of Infinite Power. As this subject is somewhat intricate, permit me to be very explicit in making myself understood. When I say that it requires electricity to govern the globe, I mean as follows : Electricity, being the uncreated sub- stance, is the positive force, and the globe, being the created substance, is the negative force. In the next place it will be clearly perceived, that ail the sub- stances existing in the globe as so many ultimates, exist in electricity as so many primates. For in- stance : If there is gold in the globe, then there is gold in electricity, out of which it was made. If there is phosphate of lime in the globe, out of which the shells of the ocean and bones are formed, then there is phos- phate of lime in electricity, out of which it was made. The gold in electricity is in a gaseous and invisible state, and is the -positive force, and the gold in the globe is in a solid and visible state, and is the nega- tive force. As the positive and negative forces always come together, so the gold in electricity entirely con- trols and mineralizes the gold in the globe, but lets its ninety-nine kindred elements alone. Each one keeps "its own cord of communication from top to bottom — from primate to ultimate — from positive to negative. LECTURE VII. 131 The same is true, not only of the gold, and of the phosphate of lime, but also of the ninety-eight remain- ing elements. The whole one hundred elements in electricity, as the positive forces, are brought to act upon the one hundred corresponding elements of the globe, as the negative forces, and thus not only move it on its axis, and in its revolutions around the sun, but produce all the changes and operations in these elementary substances of which the globe is composed. These ideas of the creation and government of the world are in reality sublime. And when we reflect that the Infinite Mind comes in contact with electri- city, and, through that eternal, invisible agent, governs all worlds by his involuntary powers, sublimity rises into infinite magnificence, and overwhelms the soul with awe ! The sun being pure electricity is, of course, a cold, invisible body. He is placed, as is supposed, in the centre of a retinue of worlds composing our planetary system, and that to these worlds he gives light, heat, and vegetation. But to my mind it is evident that there can be no light above our atmosphere which sur- rounds the globe to the height of about fifty miles. As electricity travels from the sun to the globe in never- ceasing streams, so when it strikes the top of our at- mosphere it becomes faintly visible, and not before. This is proved by the morning and evening twilight, ^hen the sun is so far below the eastern hills as to 132 ELECTRICAL . SYCHOLOG Y. strike the very top of our atmosphere, apparently on a level with our fields, and affords a feeble light on account of the thinness of our air at that height. But as it rises higher, its rays shoot deeper, and the air growing denser as they approach the earth where we stand, till they touch it, the friction on the particles of air is of course greater, and the light and heat are rendered more intense by this density of atmosphere, and by their final reflection and reaction from the globe. Hence could we rise to the top of our atmo- sphere, the sun would disappear, and we should there be shrouded in total darkness. Electricity is cold and invisible, and as it travels from the sun to the globe at the rate of twelve million miles per minute, so it sets the particles of the air on fire by the rapidity of its motion and friction. Such is the philosophy, of the morning and evening twilight, which never has been, and cannot be explained on any other principle than the electrical invisibility of our sun, and the absence of all light above our atmosphere. And electricity, thrown from the sun to the globe, is the mode em- ployed by the Creator to bring it to its full growth and perfection, as a meet habitation for man. As electricity is, in its one hundred elements, con- tinually pouring from the sun upon the globe, why does it not continue to increase it in bulk 1 I reply that it does, and hence its entire creation, as to its size, vege- tables, and animals, is not yet perfected, but will be in LECTURE VII. 138 future ages. Its distance from the sun, and its exact relation to surrounding worlds, will then forbid its in- crease in bulk. The human body, when completely developed by food and drink, ceases its growth, even though the same sustenance, both in quality and quan- tity, is continued. This I will more fully explain, and hence the cause of the variation of the compass, which in philosophy yet remains inscrutable, will be made to appear. Comets are declared by Newton and others to be melted globes, and he computed the heat of one to be several thousand times hotter than that of red-hot iron, and that it would take a comet the size of this globe, fifty thousand years to cool to its centre. Comets move in very elliptical orbits, and are deemed, on this account, to be very eccentric bodies. The cause of this is, that while they are chained by the attractive and repulsive forces to keep a circle, yet as they are propelled in a straight line, sky-rocket-like, by their own internal gaseous flames that stream in their course, so their orbits are elliptical. As they cool, their own internal force is lessened, and their orbits become more circular, because there is less trespassing on the attractive and repulsive forces, which, if left to their own operation, independent of foreign influences, would move all worlds in perfect circles. Immensity of space is not square, for then worlds would move in a square, but it is round, if I may be indulged in the expression in regard to that 134 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. boundless field, " whose centre is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere." Electricity, uninfluenced, always moves in circles. The globe yet moves in an elliptical orbit, because its bowels are melted lava, and perhaps not mere than one hundred miles in depth of its crust are as yet cool- ed. And the two hundred volcanoes now in existence, are so many spiracles to the subterranean furnace, and continually throw off the gaseous substances generated in its bosom, and cause it to transgress in some meas- ure the attractive and repulsive forces that move it. As it cools, it continually approximates, in its orbit, nearer to a circle. This will cause the variation of the compass to continue, till its own internal forces cease to affect its motion, and allow the law of attraction and repulsion to move it in a perfect circle around the sun. And when it shall perform an exact circle in its annual revolution, it will be perfectly finished as to its size, and yet the quantity of electricity thrown upon it from the sun, will be the same as it now is, and ever has been. But this redundancy will be thrown off at its north and south poles, and in such increased quantities as to warm and enlighten those extremities of the globe, and bring them into the fruitfulness and bloom of the garden of Eden. Then the variation of the compass will cease, inasmuch as the cause will be removed that produces it. The cause of its variation is the elliptical orbit in which cur globe mcves, and its continual and LECTURE VII. 135 •unceasing approach to a circle. And when that circle shall be obtained, the globe will be finished, and the variation of the compass will disappear. The globe is yet in its infancy — yes, in the embryo of its being — and it will require many thousand years to finish it. And this must be done, because under the voluntary powers of the Creator, nothing can per- ish prematurely. Many species of vegetables and ani- mals now in existence, will become extinct, and disap- pear from the page of the naturalist, and others of a more improved and superior character will be awakened . into being. They will be perfectly adapted to the fu- ture and ultimate perfection that this globe, under the energies of the Infinite Mind, is destined to attain. Its creation will then be perfected. The soil upon which we now stand, will then be- some deep stratum in its crust, containing our present vegetables and animals in a state of petrifaction. These will be pronounced, by coming generations, the strange nondescript remains of past centuries, and afford to the future geologist and naturalist abundant materials for their loftiest specu- lations. This subject, in connection with the bound- lessness of the universe, and the successive creation of worlds, I should like to pursue to a greater extent, but lest I weary your patience, I now turn your attention to the creation of the vegetable and animal species. As globes were successively produced, so vegetables and animals were not created at once, but successively 136 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. through a long series of intervening ages. Does not the Creator act through the established laws of gene- ration in producing the human species? He does. While I freely admit that God originally produced man by what we call miracle^ yet by miracle I only mean, that the first human beings were produced with- out any parent stock from whom they received their existence through ordinary . generation, as we witness in the present day. And they were evidently pro- duced full-grown, otherwise they could not have sus- tained their existence by procuring their own food, because the infant is helpless. But the miracle by which existence was thus conferred was not contrary to the laws of nature, but was effected by the volun- tary powers of Deity exerted through the laws of nature. It was thus he established both the vegetable and animal kingdoms, not simultaneously, but success- ively and progressively through various ages, from the lowest vegetable life up to man, w 7 ho is the glory of this lower world. While I contend that the Creator produced the whole vegetable and animal creation at first, without any parent stock or the ordinary mode of generation, yet I would not be understood to say that there were no germs of life existing as a primordial cause adequate to the effect produced. But while I contend that there were, for instance, no acorns, nor other seeds in being, yet it is evident that the germ necessary to produce an LECTURE VJI. 1^7 acorn or an oak eternally existed m God. Hence the spirit of all life, whether vegetable or animal, even from the highest reasoning powers, through every link of the animal chain down to the lowest creature, and through every link of the vegetable chain, eternally existed in God, and is absolutely immortal. The whole of this immense variety combined in Deity con- stitutes the fullness and .perfection of the Eternal Mind. Hence the lowest animal or vegetable life is but a part of the lowest life in God's spirit, which is the correspondent germ from whence it emanated. And the matter that forms the visible substance of all animal and vegetable bodies eternally existed in electricity, which is the original, invisible, and im- mortal condition of inert matter, and constitutes the body of God. Hence God and electricity are both immortal and eternal. From electricity, which is the invisible body of God, have emanated all the visible substances that constitute globes, and from the full- ness of his spirit have emanated all life, form 9 and motion. And as all organism exists in spirit, so each animal and vegetable have developed a physical body corresponding in form to the germ of life they received from the inexhaustible fountain of the Infinite Mind. If God does not create through the laws of nature, but by miracle, in the arbitrary sense it is generally under- stood by Christians, he would in this case have finished the globe before he produced the vegetable and animal 138 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. kingdoms, and then moved them both into existence at the same time. But he can not, from the very nature of his perfections, suspend the production of life while forming a globe of dead matter, because he pours forth simultaneously and unchangeably all his perfections which are transmitted through correspondent laws for the production of life, so far as a globe may be finish- ed. And as this globe was progressively forming through successive ages, and one elementary depart- ment finished before another, so the successive creation of plants and animals, as geology proves, is easily and rationally accounted for. God could not create a fish until there was water adapted to its existence. And the moment the water was perfected, it stood in a philosophical aptitude to the marine laws of the universe, and through these emanated from the Creator that portion only of his spirit which stood in aptitude to the aqueous depart ment, and this spirit became the living germ or life of that fish, and produced its body through the positive and negative forces of electric action. Hence the body of this fish w r as but the developed and visible shape of its mind. But as the water was progressively created, and for many ages covered the earth before dry land appeared, therefore, while in its turbid and unfinished state, many of the inferior species, from the lowest life up to shell-fish, and from thence up through every grade, existed before the most highly organized and LECTURE VII. 139 perfect fish was created. And each of these grades, in like manner, through the laws of nature received their life from the infinite fountain of spirit, which be- came the germ of their being. The various shapes of their organic structures were but visible manifestations of the various shapes of their minds, and the most perfectly organized fish in the ocean involves in his body the organism of all below him, and his intelligence is equal in amount to the intelligence in all. It is evident that vegetables, in some form, must have preceded animals, for an animal is but a vegeta- ble of the second growth. May there not be a marine vegetation of as great variety and abundance s in the caverned vales of the ocean as there is on earth ? Of this, however, we are certain, that terrestrial plants and trees could not have been created till the dry land appeared, because the Deity does not create by any arbitrary mode of procedure, but through the immuta- ble laws of nature. As soon as the dry land stood in a philosophical aptitude to the laws of the universe, and as the Spirit of the Creator gives out, like the sun, its unchangeable and never-ceasing emanations, so it communicated a portion of itself as the germinating principle of life, and vegetation appeared, commencing at the humblest and most imperfect formation of plants, and rising higher and still higher in the beauty of or- ganic perfection, till the noblest fruit-trees and most powerful sons of the forest stood erect, and the finest 140 ELECTRICAL .SVCHOIOGV. organized plants arid most beautiful flowers graced jreanon. and robed :he new-born eartn m smiles. As each of these vegetable tribes rose in succession, one above another with increasing splendor, so each superior tribe involved in its own perfection the per- fection and organism of all below T it. For instance, the first species of plants on the yet marshy earth was ordinary ; the second, more perfect, retained its own, and involved all contained in the first > the third, still advancing, retained its own perfection, and involved all contained in the one below it ; the fourth makes its appearance one grade higher, and involves all the or- ganic perfections of the three below it. And should we be able, in this vast range, to find the thousandth different species, that thousandth one would retain its ow T n, and involve all the complicated beauties of or- ganic structure and life contained in the 999 below it ; because, as the form of the earth, in its progressive creation, became more and more perfect and dense, each rising vegetable species, standing in a full and exact aptitude to all the laws of nature then in action, so far as the globe was finished, would avail itself of all the life from the Creator which thus far acted through, and filled these law T s. It was the same, as we have already noticed, with all animal life in the ocean. Each higher involved in itself the perfections of all below it. It was the same w T ith all animated beings in earth and air. The LECTURE VII. 141 amphibious animal is, of course, the connecting link between the aqueous and terrestrial race. From the humblest land animal up to man, the same grand law obtains. Each higher involves in its constitution the perfections of all below it, even up to man. When the earth was finished, man was produced. And all the laws of nature in relation to this globe being in action, so in man's organism was involved the organ- ism of the whole animal and vegetable creation, and in his spirit was involved the spirit of all life and intelli- gence in universal nature below him. And, standing in a complete relationship to the finished globe and all its perfect laws, he, of course, drank in a portion of all the perfections contained in the Infinite Spirit, and hence he was strictly in the image of God. Man is. therefore, in every sense, a perfect and grand epitome of the universe. As he is in the image of his God, he stands at the fountain-head of creation, and drinks in all the powers of universal nature, and is sustained by being fed with a due portion of both spiritual and physical sustenance. His mind is fed and developed with impressions as his body is with food. God is a spirit, and in his spirit are involved all life, all form, and the germinating principle of all ani- mal and vegetable spirit. And in his body, which is electricity, are involved the invisible and ethereal sub- stances of all inert matter, out of which all globes and the bodies of all creatures were produced. In God is. 142 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. therefore, involved the invisible and primal essence of all matter and spirit existing in all globes and their inhabitants. But, after all, what is spirit? It is that sub- stance which possesses self-motion, intelligence, sen- sation, and power. Spirit is a union of two grand forces. The first is voluntary ; the second is involun- tary. The first is the grand magazine in which are stored up all the voluntary powers of Infinite Intelli- gence. All the schemes, plans, and arrangements that appertain to all worlds and their countless inhabitants are there. The second contains all the involuntary powers of the Infinite Mind by which all worlds and their inhabitants, after having been created, are con- trolled through the fixed laws of nature. The first plans, arranges, and creates through the laws of its own omniscient being, which become the laws of the universe ; and the second controls, moves, and gov- erns all worlds and their inhabitants through the fixed laws of nature. The first is the positive force ; the second is the negative force. The first is male ; the second is female. Hence of the male and female we may say, that the one begins in the voluntary^ and the other in the involuntary power of the Infinite Spirit. They both run through every department of the uni- verse, and thread universal nature. There are likewise two electricities, called the post* live and negative. The positive is male, the negative LECTURE VII. 143 is female. The male electricity belongs to the heav- ens ; the female electricity belongs to the earth. The male and female also extend through every possible link of the immense vegetable chain, as well as through every link of the animal chain, and retain their sepa- rate existence and equal powers in the positive and negative electricities, which are the primeval, eternal, and invisible efficients of all visible matter. Nature, as a whole, is one entire and absolute per- fection, and stands in this beautiful relationship to the Creator, from whom she emanated. All the objects of creation, upon which we gaze with so much admira- tion — all the diversified glories of the landscape — the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, taken in one grand whole — are an exact and visible impression of the eternal perfections of his own character and in- visible being, even as the stamp impresses the wax and leaves its perfect image. Nature is the visible daguerreotype shadow of his own invisible being. She is the offspring of God. The poet breathes out, " Man, bear uiy brow aloft ! view every grace In God's great offspring, beauteous Nature's face." Creation is therefore no arbitrary act in God, but, like the ever-streaming rays of light frcm the sun, it is the natural result, the visible emanation and outshoot of his own invisible existence, and was progressively cre- ated through the laws of the universe, and as soon as that part of the globe in which life was to be produced 144 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. gtood in a finished relationship to those laws. Hence the laws of nature are but the result of the unchanging thoughts of God. One part of the globe was finished before another, and the creation of life, both vegetable and animal, was in like manner progressive, from the lowest grade and most imperfect organism, step by step, up to man, who is the perfection of all, and is in the image of God. In this view of our subject it will be perceived that spirit is a substance eternal in its nature, and not the result of an organized brain, and that man has not re- ceived his existence by climbing gradually from the lowest link of the vegetable or animal chain up to his present perfection and grandeur. He was never in his creation a vegetable, or even a lower animal; was never a mushroom or a plant, a tadpole or a horse, as some writers contend. His existence was never ingermed and involved in any one or all of the six grand links of the living chain below him, which naturalists divide into the vegetable, the pisces, the saurian, the aves, the mar- supial, and mammalia kingdoms, making man the seventh link. Throwing aside the useless technicalities of foreign language, these seven links of the living chain embraced in the seven grand kingdoms of nature can be expressed in plain English. Their rising order is as follows : First — The vegetable kingdom. Second — The fish kingdom. Third — The reptile kingdom, em- bracing lizards, turtles, crocodiles, etc. Fourth. — The L m ._■,:, VII. 145 bird kingdom. Fifth — The pouch kingdom, embrac- ing all who protect their young by carrying them in pouches. Sixth — The breast kingdom, or those that suckle their young ; and Seventh — Man. It will also be perceived, in view of my position, that gross, inert matter cannot be transmuted into mind — cannot possibly secrete mind — nor can it, in any sense whatever, become spirit through any refining process, as is contended for by some. In this case it must have preceded God, and henc'e on this principle God is not eternal. In the face of this theory, there must have been a period when there was nothing but inert matter in being, and if all motion originates in mind, how then was dead matter set in motion so as to produce spirit or mind through a successive series of elementary trans- mutations? The same is in like manner equally true of each and every link of the animal chain below man. The monkey was never a bird nor a fish, and the horse was never a snake nor an oyster. The horse-kind, for instance, however much they may have been improved by amalga- mation, have ever retained their circle, and have never broken from their link in the chain, and emerged into any other link above them. The same remarks are equally applicable to the vegetable chain. The rose-bush can never become an oak, nor the oak a peach-tree. The family involved in each link, however much they may be improved by amalgamation or culture, can never 7 146 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY, break their circle, nor emerge into another link above them. The individual life of every link of the whole animal and vegetable chain is an emanation from the Infinite Mind, and each acting through its correspondent law, and through that elementary department of the globe to which this law is unerringly adapted, has man- ifested its own invisible form in the visible body it pro- duced. What the life of the seed is to the production and shape of the plant, the mind of each creature is to the production and shape of its body. Hence the brain does not produce mind, as the atheist contends, but mind was the original germ that produced and developed the brain. All vegetable life, as well as animal, is therefore a species of mind. They are both emanations from the Creator, are both immortal, and will retain their separate existence and identity without end. Substances, in their infinite variety, pay a visit to time, assume visible forms, so as to manifest their in- trinsic beauties for a moment to the eye of the beholder, and then step back into eternity, and reassume their native invisibility in their own immortality. As man is now constituted, were there but one object presented for his contemplation, the mind would soon become wearied and disgusted with sameness. But the infinite variety and beauty of the animal and vegetable creation here presented by the Deity, open to the mind sources of inexpressible and never-ceasing delight. It seems irrational, therefore, to conclude that the whole chain LECTURE VII. 147 of being, which is perfect on earth, -will be struck out of existence (except man, who is the highest link), and leave a cheerless blank in the realms of glory. For one, I expect to meet the whole animated chain, and to witness immortal groves, unwithering plants, and never- fading flowers in that world whore death, and pain 5 and change shall be no more. 148 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. LECTURE VIII. Ladies and Gentlemen : The query may perhaps now arise in your minds, What bearing has the subject of the creation of this globe, and the original materials out of which it was made, advanced in the last Lecture, upon the science of Electrical Psychology? The answer to this query will be fully made to appear in the arguments I have to offer on the present occasion. I have already stated in my third Lecture, that man is an epitome of the uni- verse, and that the chemical properties of all the vari- ous substances in existence are congregated in him, and form and constitute the very elements of his being. I have stated, that in the composition of this body are involved all the mineral and vegetable substances of this globe, even from the grossest and heaviest matter up to the most rarefied and light. And lastly r , to finish this masterpiece of creation, I stated that the brain was invested with a living spirit, that, like an enthroned deity, presides over, and governs, through electricity as its agent, all the voluntary motions of this little, or- ganised, corporeal universe ; while its living presence. LECTURE VIII. 149 and involuntary self-moving powers, cause all the invol- untary functions of life to proceed in their destined course. Hence human beings, and all animated exist- ences, are subject to the same common electrical law that pervades the universe, and moves all worlds under the superintendence of the involuntary powers of the Infinite Spirit. That all substances are incorporated in the body of man is irresistibly true, otherwise he could not inure himself to all, even to the most deadly poisons, and ren- der them, in a good degree, harmless in his system. He may so accustom himself to the use of tobacco, rum, or even opium, that he can take into the stomach a quantity sufficient to produce the death of several individuals, while he himself will experience from it but a slight effect. He may even commence the use of arsenic in small quantities, gradually increasing the dose, till he gets incorporated into his system a suffi- cient quantity to kill, for instance, five men. As in this case it forms a part of his body, so it causes a longing for it in proportion to the quantity in the sys- tem. Should he now take a portion sufficient to kill five men, it would only produce a balance of power with that already in his system. It would meet the demand. This is habitude. But should he take one portion more, sufficient to kill any other man, he would die. Now it would be impossible for a man to inure himself to any such substances, unless there were some 150 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. small particle in the composition of his body on which to build. Hence it is philosophically true, that man is an epitome of the universe, and that all the elements, in. exact proportions, are most skillfully combined in his system, by the hand of the Creator ; and these pro- portions should never be disturbed and thrown out of balance by dissipation. Having these facts distinctly before us, I would now state, that if there are one hundred elements in the globe which was made out of the same number in elec- tricity, then there are one hundred in the composition of man's body, for he is but an epitome of the universe. As his body was created out of the dust of the earth, and is but a vegetable of the second growth, so it is the same as though it had been originally made out of elec- tricity. And as the globe, after its creation, required electricity, the original substance from whence, under Deity, it sprung, to move, control, and govern it, so, after man was organized, and his brain invested with a living spirit, it required electricity, the primeval sub- stance out of which he was made, to be inhaled with the air into his lungs, and carried to every part of his system, and by which, under the impulse of mind, it must be moved, controlled, and governed by the posi- tive and negative forces that move all worlds. You now perceive what connection Electrical Psychology has with the creation of our globe. It is a science that in- LECTURE VIII. 151 volves the electrical theory of the universe, and all the multifarious operations of nature. We know not, as yet, how many elements there may be in existence. I desire it, however, to be distinctly borne in mind, that if there are one hundred in elec- tricity, which is primal and eternal matter, then there are one hundred in the globe, one hundred in the vege- tables that the globe produces, and one hundred in the human body, which is sustained by, and, therefore, made up of vegetables. The stomach is the great workshop of the system, to manufacture new materials to supply the demand occasioned by its constant wastes. The food and water taken into the stomach contain the one hundred elements to meet the supply of the one hundred that are contained in the composition of the body. Electricity, containing also one hundred, is in- spired by the lungs, communicated to the blood, from the blood to the nerves, and conducted to the brain, and there laid up for the use of the mind, as I have explained in my third Lecture. This electricity is sent by the involuntary powers of the mind from the cerebellum through the pneumagastric and other invol- untary nerves to the stomach, to produce digestion. The one hundred elements in electricity "meet the one hundred corresponding elements in the food, and con- vert the whole mass into one homogeneous chyle. This is done by the positive and negative forces, without the least confusion or interference of one element with its 152 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY ■ kindred elements. The nutritious parts of this chyle are taken up by the absorbents, and, in the form of se- rum, are thrown into the circulating system, and trans- muted inxo blood. The blood is the universal solvent of the system, containing, in solution, ail the chemical properties that are to constitute the body, even from its finest particles down to the solid bones — the same as water is the universal solvent of nature, out of which all the constituent principles of this globe are formed, through electrical action. The finest particles of the blood are taken up, and. by the positive and negative forces of electricity, are transmuted into flesh, tendons, bones, and all the sub- stances that constitute the animal economy, and by the same forces the old particles of the body are thrown off, to mingle again with those of the globe. When I say that all this is effected by the one hundred electri- cal elements, each acting upon its own element in the food, without interfering with any of its ninety-nine kindred elements, I desire to be distinctly understood. In order to express clearly so intricate an idea, I will take one of these elements, and carry it through in all its principal bearings. Phosphate of lime is the substance that forms our bones. It may not be a simple element, but in order to convey my ideas on this point, I will consider it so. As our bones are continually wasting away, so this waste must be supplied ; and as they are often frac- LECTURE VIII. 153 tured, so they require new parities to reunite them by ossification. Hence there must be phosphate of lime in our food as well as in electricity. This is cer- tain, because that hard, bony-like substance collected on the teeth in the act of mastication, is from the phos- phate of lime in our food and water. Having these facts before us, I now turn to the point under consid- eration, and ask your undivided attention. The food is taken into the stomach. The phosphate of lime in electricity being the positive force, moves from the brain — from the cerebellum — through the in- voluntary nerves to the stomach. It takes hold of the phosphate of lime in the food, which is the negative force, and leaves the other ninety-nine elements of the food unmolested. This is perfectly philosophical, for the positive and negative invariably rush together. It converts this phosphate of lime into chyle, and takes it up through the absorbents, and transmutes it into se- rum and blood. This phosphate of lime from the food now forms a constituent part of the blood. In the next place, the phosphate of lime in electricity takes hold of the phosphate of lime in the blood, and moves it on through all its destined avenues till it reaches the liver, which, while it secretes the bile, seems to act as the bolter of the system, to separate these one hundred ele- ments to be distributed to their destined, correspondent parts of the body. The phosphate of lime in electricity extracts the like substance from the blood at the liver., 154 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. conveys it to the various bones of the body, transmute? it into an osseous substance, and lays it down, particle after particle, and thus forms anew the solid frame- work of the system, while the dregs are passed off through the urinary secretions. But before it lays down the nevj, it removes the old particle by its re- pulsive force, and compels it to fly off by insensible per- spiration. Fully sensible that I am now understood in reference to the operation of this one element, I am satisfied that you understand me also in relation to the operations of the other ninety-and-nine, in carrying on the work of digestion to keep up the repairs of the body. These ideas, though somewhat intricate, are never- theless interesting and sublime, as they unfold the relation in which man stands to the globe, to surround- ing worlds and his Creator, as an epitome of the uni- verse. If their novelty produce surprise in any breast, yet this is no reason that they should awaken resent- ment, or kindle indignation against the speaker. We are finite beings, can know but little, and we should ever be ready and willing to freely express our thoughts reciprocally to each other, independent of the opposition of men. By this mutual interchange of sen- timent and feeling we should increase in knowledge, and grow wiser and better. Indeed, we need not go, in our contemplations, out of ourselves to learn the great principles and operations of both mind and mat- LECTURE VIII. I5£ ter, of God and his works. As it regards human research, the words of the poet are unchangeably true, and must stand unshaken when thrones and kingdoms fall. He immortalized his verse when he breathed out 3 " Tho proper study of mankind is man." I now turn to another department of my subject, equally interesting. I mean the Doctrine of Im- pressions, by which both nature and man are thrown out of balance, made sick and cured. In this also we shall see the relation between man and nature. The philosophy of disease I have briefly, but faith- fully argued in my fourth Lecture, and shown how it may be produced by both mental and physical im- pressions. Hence there is no occasion that I should weary your attention by ranging that field of pestilence and death. I shall confine my observations principally to nature, and even in these I shall be brief. The law of equilibrium is the grand central law of the universe. It holds over nature the reins of govern- ment, and allows her, in her operations and changes, to stray, but not too far, from the central track. She may rise above, or fall below this law, but to* its man- date she must ever bow, and at stated periods resume her medium course. Electricity, being a universal agent, produces all the phenomena and changes that transpire in our globe and its surrounding elements. By heat, which is an 156 ELECTRICAL PSVCHOLOGTT electrical effect, the air is rarefied and water is evapo- rated. When the rarefication of the air is carried to an extreme, then that portion of the earth and its in- habitants suffer. Nature is diseased, and the denser portion of the atmosphere is, at length, aroused from its slumberings and armed with force. The sweeping hurricane rushes, or the dreadful tornado roars in its awful movement to fill up, and rescue that rarefied and diseased portion of the air, and continues its force till an equilibrium is attained in her aerial realms. At this point all action ceases, and nature is well. She was cured by her own impressions. In like manner evaporation may continue till the air is filled, in its upper regions, with vapors. As electricity has a strong affinity for moisture, it leaves the drier portions of the atmosphere near the earth, and ascends to the moist and vapory regions above. By this process electricity is thrown out of balance. The man who has had a broken bone, even years ago, or who is subject to rheumatism, will feel an inconve- nience in that spot, or in his system, as harbingers of the approaching storm. The cause of this is, that he does not inspire as much electricity as usual with the air into the lungs, and feels the inconvenience. And the storm will surely burst, if there are no upper cur- rents of air to disperse the vapor. The electricity being thrown out of balance condenses the vapors into thick clouds by its coldness, and thus darkens the LECTURE VIII. 157 heavens. The lightnings flash, the thunders roll, the rains descend, and the war of elements will continue till that subtile fluid is equally dispersed throughout the atmosphere. Nature having gained her equili- brium, in her electrical realms, is at rest. By these awful impressions of her voice she is cured. Here it is distinctly perceived that electricity is a cold body, because it condenses the storm, and w T hen its quantity is sufficiently great it produces hail, even in the warm- est weather in our southern climates. In these few ideas w T e see also the philosophy of storms. Even the globe may be sick. She may have a bowel complaint. By the confined air and continually gen- erating gases in the lava contained in her bowels she is thrown out of balance. The earthquake awakes from slumber, and springs from its dreadful couch. It starts to discharge its force at the nearest volcano. In its fearful march it sounds its rumbling thunders and convulses the globe. Flames start up through fissures of the opening earth, and from the bottom of the ocean burning islands arise ! Volcanoes bellow and disembogue. Their lava overwhelms devoted cit- ies, and their shock hurls others in crumbling ruins ! A reaction takes place, an equilibrium is produced in her subterranean realms, and she is well. By these awful impressions of her own power she is cured. I might extend my observations to every visible de- partment of nature, and notice her more minute opera- 158 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. tions, but these few remarks, in reference to her most stupendous and obvious convulsions, are sufficient to give you my ideas how she becomes diseased by being thrown out of her equilibrium, and how she is cured by the inherent force of her own impressions. As man, then, is an epitome of the universe, the full force of my arguments on the philosophy of disease and the rationale of its cure, advanced in my fourth and fifth Lectures, will be clearly seen, and the rela- tion in which man stands to the universe will be more distinctly understood. As I am now on the doctrine of impressions, I take the liberty to say, that we should endeavor, at all times, to keep ourselves positive to the surrounding impres- sions of nature. We take disease much more easily to fall asleep in an unhealthy spot than to keep awake. While traveling in stages through some low, damp, and unhealthy places in the southern states, and where the mail stage runs both night and day, the traveler unused to that climate should be careful to take short naps during the day, so as riv,t to fall asleep in the night stage. It renders him passive and negative to the sur- rounding impres'sions of nature, when she receives no salutary influence from the beams of the sun. These impressions become the positive force, and the electri- city of the air inspired by the lungs enters the system, disturbs the nervous force and the circulation, throws the whole out of balance, and disease ensues. LECTURE VIII. 159 A citizen of Charleston, South Carolina, may ride out, in warm weather, three or four miles into the country, and, returning the same day, will experience no inconvenience from the change. But should he re- main over night and sleep there, he would, in all prob- ability, have an attack of what is there called " the country fever " and in a few hours he might be a corpse, as it is considered to be even more fatal than the yellow fever. On the contrary, a person from the country visiting Charleston and returning the same day, receives no harm. But should he remain over night, and sleep there, the same mournful results might ensue. My views on the philosophy of becoming acclimated, in my sixth Lecture, will throw some light on this point. And when we reflect that a person, while awake, is active and positive to surrounding impressions, we can easily perceive that he resists them, and conse- . quently avoids disease. In view of the above, it will be readily perceived why one person, even in the wakeful state, will take disease much more easily than another. Those who are firm in mind as a rock, are immovably calm, and have no fear of disease, even when some startling mala- dy visits their neighborhood. These will not take it, even if they visit the bedside of the sick. This de- termined action of their minds throws a constant and powerful current of the electro-nervous force from their brains and systems, keeps them positive to surrounding 160 ELECTRICAL > SYCHOLOGY. impressions, md enables them to resist their force. But those -who are in constant fear of some disease, who are always complaining of their feelings, pains, and aches, keep themselves constantly unwell by thus concentrating their thoughts upon their own systems, and watching each movement. When fever or cholera visits their neighborhood, these are the very persons who are in danger of an attack. Even fleeing to an- other section will not save them, unless this circum- stance should be the means of changing their thoughts and removing their fears. The difficulty is, that fear, as Dr. Mason Good remarks, depresses the vital energy of the muscles, and slackens the motions of life. It causes the mind to shrink back on itself, and to render the system negative to the surrounding impressions of the elements, and thus engenders disease. More than one half the cases of cholera that have occurred during the past year, owe their existence to the fears and ex- citements of such persons, who, if they had not heard that it was in their midst, would not have been afflicted with it. The cholera is a sudden collapse of the whole cuti- cle, occasioned by the electricity of the nerves at the surface suddenly retiring to the stomach and bowels, ^he pores of the skin being closed, the blood and other fluids follow the electricity, and retire internally. The venous circulation is obstructed and weakened, and the fluids seem to rush to the stomach and bowels, and im- LECTURE 1 III. 161 tnense secretkns ensue. Intense fever and inflamma- tion in the entire alimentary canal aggravate the other difficulties, and the storm bursts in fearful terror. The external and internal parts of the system being thrown out of balance in their electrical action, and the arterial and venous circulation having lost their equilibrium, the most dreadful cramps and convulsions ensue. All that is necessary to effect a cure is, to procure a reaction from the centre to the surface, and thus restore the usual equilibrium between the arterial and venous cir- culation, by equalizing the electricity of the system. What I have now argued in relation to keeping the mind positive to surrounding impressions, will account for the well-known fact, that an individual sitting with his back to a current of air, while in a state of perspi- ration, will take cold much sooner than if he faced it. The causo is obvious. The front part of the brain contains tl c positive electro-nervous forces, under the control of the voluntary powers of the mind, and the back part contains the negative electro-nervous forces, under the C€i4rol of the involuntary powers of the mind. As the positive forces, under an absolute voli- tion of mind, reolst all external impression, so the fact is readily seen why they have more power than the neg- ative forces, to resist disease, or any encroachments that may be made upon the system. I would now remark, that the science of Electrical Psychology, being the doctrine of impressions, throw* 162 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. an immense flood of light on the human mind, and its susceptibility to the most strange and unreasonable im- pressions in the power of man to conceive. There are some minds so constituted, that it is absolutely impos- sible for them to resist the impressions that others may make upon them. This science unfolds what was con- sidered an inscrutable mystery in relation to the con- duct of several individuals who perished in the excite- ment of the Salem witchcraft. Persons of well-known character — yes, of a stainless moral reputation — were executed on their own confession ! They were charged with being bewitched, and with having bewitched others. They plead guilty to the charge, firmly be- lieved it to be true, and, on their own confession, were sentenced to die, and were cut off from the land of the living. They were in the psychological state. In my public experiments, I have taken persons who are natu tally in the psychological state , and have produced such impressions upon them. I have made them con- fess that they were bewitched, and that they had rode on broomsticks through the air to bewitch others, and deserved to die. Hundreds of instances have occurred in our world, where persons have been charged with murder, have confessed themselves guilty of the deed, and, on that confession, have been solemnly sentenced to die. And yet, before the day of execution arrived, the supposed murdered man was found alive in some distant section LECTURE VIII. .163 and hurried home just in time to save an innocent fel- low-creature from an ignominious death. Turn to the criminal calendar, and you will find some most striking instances of this character, and that, too, in our own country, and even in New England, tta boasted land of light and morals. All such persons were naturally in the psychological state, and really believed what they confessed. How many may have, through such means, innocently lost their lives, the opening scenes of eternity alone can disclose. Judges and jurors have yet to learn that no man should be hung on his own confession. If he must die, let it be in the face of the most indubitable evidence, and, even then, let him be recommended to mercy, for often murder, as well as suicide, is committed under some strange hallucination of mind. 164 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. LECTURE IX. Ladies and Gentlemen : Much has been advanced in relation to n^rad and matter, their various operations, powers, and manifes- tations, and the countless mental and physical impres- sions of which they are susceptible. I have also said not a little of the electro-nervous force, as the agent of the mind, and how the functions of every part of the system are executed under its energy. I have proved it to be the connecting link between mind and inert matter, and the agent by which the Creator moves all worlds through the boundless fields of space. I have shown the connection existing between man and nature, and the relationship he sustains to her as an epitome of the universe. As I have made electricity the grand agent that, under mind, moves on all the multifarious operations appertaining to the human system, it may be asked, what proof is there to establish this truth, inde- pendent of what has already been offered ? If the ar- guments already advanced to prove that mind touches and moves electricity as its prime agent, are not suffi- LECTURE IX. 165 cient and entirely satisfactory, I will then refer you to a visible and tangible experiment, the result of which you can witness, and thus test the truth of my position. Let any gentleman of eloquence, feeling, and pathos strip up his sleeve, and lay his bare arm on a table where it shall be perfectly at rest ; let him then repeat some impressive poetry, or any prose sentences of stir- ring eloquence, paying no attention to his arm till his feelings are moved, and at that instant he will see his arm covered with what are called goose-pimples. If he cease speaking, they will gradually disappear, as his mind sinks into calmness. Indeed, he can see them rise and fall with his feelings and emotions. These are occasioned by the redundant electricity which is thrown to the surface by the strong emotions and positive im- pulses of the excited mind. These pimples rise up at the root of each hair, and as hair is a non-conductor, and resists electricity, so the internal pressure of the electro-nervous force, propelled to the surface by the mind, causes these minute eminences to arise. Elec- tricity is, in its nature, a cold substance. Hence, when the weather is cold, the air, being dense, contains an excess of electricity and oxygen. These, being in- spired by the lungs in greater quantities than usual, brace the system, and render these pimples in the same ratio more prominent and visible than in warm weather. This circumstance confirms the proof that it is elec- tricity moved by mind, that causes these to rise when 166 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. the feelings are excited by an eloquence that causes even cold chills to pass over the body. The proof now produced I consider to be absolutely and positively irresistible, and abundant to satisfy any philosophic mind, that electricity is the connecting link between mind and inert matter, and is, therefore, the agent through which the mind manifests its motions and powers. But should this not be sufficient to send a bold and firm conviction to the mind of the greatest skeptic, then I will endeavor to carry the proof still farther, and firmly nail the matter beyond his power to remove it. I will show him how abundant the proof is by w^hich this position is sustained. Let the skeptic place himself on an insulated stool, with his arm en- tirely bare, and charge his body from a powerful elec- tric machine. The hairs and pimples will rise up even as they do under an intense action of the mind. When the body is electrically charged on an insulated stool, even the hairs of the head rise up erect, and the same result follows when the mind is greatly excited by fear or moved by strong and stormy emotions. If these evidences are not sufficient to strike the skeptic speechless in his opposition, then let him take a needle, and, after satisfying himself that it has no magnetic power to attract the smallest atom, let him insert it in the nerve of an animal, and it will become sufficiently magnetic to take up fine iron filings. In- deed, ladies and gentlemen, I have no doubt that the LECTURE IX. 167 naked arm, under sufficiently strong and stirring emo- tions of mind to raise those pimples, would, while in that condition, produce an effect upon the electrometer. We now perceive why the mind-, when involved in trouble and distress, has so powerfully affected the body, not only in bringing upon it various diseases, but often sudden, or even instant death. And we more- over see why the mind, when calm, serene, and happy, when buoyant with hope, and animated with confidence, faith, and joy, has produced such powerful and salutary results in removing pains and diseases. We see why, under the energy of such a favorable state of mind, w r arts, and even king's-evil, cancers, and various tu- mors have been made to disappear. Dr. John C. Warren, of Boston, Massachusetts, states, in his work on tumors, that a lady called upon him to ask his advice in relation to an experiment she thought of trying on a tumor with which she was afflicted. It was to rub it with the hand of a dead person ; and, as she had a good opportunity, she asked Dr. Warren whether she had not better improve it. He states, that he at first thought of dissuading her from it, but sensible of the power of the imagination, he advised her to try the experiment. She did so, and in a few weeks the tumor disappeared ! Dr. Warren calls it the imagination ; but it is the effect of a mental impression, as I have just stated, producing the result by the action of electricity through 168 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. the voluntary nerves. The philosophy of this is sim- ple, and in a few words I will notice it. The old particles of our flesh are thrown off through the electro-nervous force of the involuntary nerves, and by the same force the new particles from the blood are laid down in their stead. Hence the wastes and re- pairs of the system are about balanced. We change, as I have stated, the fleshy particles of our bodies about once per year, and the bones in seven years. While, therefore, the involuntarymerves are keeping up this balance of power between the wastes and re- pairs of the flesh, so the same tumor that is thrown off once per year with the other particles of the body, is gradually replaced each year by the same involuntary electro-nervous force from the new particles of the blood. Over this the mind has no direct control, be- cause it acts through the voluntary nerves. Hence when the mind is under the influence of confidence, faith, hope, and joy, organic activity is heightened, and by keeping the mind upon the tumor while in this happy state, and believing it will disappear, creates a surplus of action at that spot through the voluntary nerves, and this surplus action throws off this surplus protuberance to return no more. Such is the philoso- phy of what is called imagination. The point being understood how the electro-nervous fluid removes a tumor, the query may now arise in your minds, Why does it heal a wound or cure a dis- LECTURE IX. lG f 3 easel In answer to this question I would first re- mark, lhat I am well aware that the healing proper- ties are in the individual, or in the electricity of the system, and not in the medicine. And the question, Why does the electro -nervous fluid heal, has been in- directly considered in my last Lecture, when explain- ing the process of digestion. Because if all things were made out of electricity, then it is certain that electricity contains all the elementary principles, and therefore all the healing properties of all things in being. All the balms, oils, and minerals in existence are contained in electricity, and in their most skillfully combined proportions. This electricity is inspired with the air into the lungs, and passed through the blood into the nerves of the brain, and becomes the electro-nervous fluid. It is the positive, moving pow- er, in all its one hundred elements, and meets the same one hundred kindred elements that compose the body, and are the negative power. And the positive and negative forces coming together, and the one hundred elements in electricity meeting the one hundred of the same kind in the body, each tending to its own, pro- duce the healing result, on the same principle that they produce digestion, repair the system, and equal- ize circulation. For a full explanation of this point you will please call to mind my remarks on the diges- tive process in my last Lecture, and the whole will be easily comprehended. 170 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. I now leave this point and call jour attention to the brain, which is the palace and throne of the mind, where it dwells and reigns. I shall briefly notice its operations in its earthly house, point out the connec- tion between the voluntary and involuntary nerves through which the mind acts, and conclude by noticing the philosophy of sleep. I have stated in a former Lecture, that each indi- vidual has two distinct brains — namely, the cerebrum, which occupies the frontal part of the cranium, filling the principal part of its cavity, and the cerebellum, which occupies the back portion of the cranium. The voluntary nerves belong to the cerebrum, through which the voluntary powers of the mind act, and the involuntary nerves belong to the cerebellum, through which the involuntary powers of the mind act. And though in their intricate convolutions through every part of the cranium, they seem to interweave and blend in ten thousand ways, and both dive into the spine, and there combine to form the spinal marrow, yet by some secret charm they preserve their entirely distinct character as to their voluntary and involun- tary powers, and thus carry out the separate forces of both brains into every part of the entire system. Our voluntary powers by which we reason, and by which we move our limbs and bodies, being the posi- tive force during our wakeful moments, soon tire, and require the refreshment of sleep to restore them. But hLn LECTURE IX. 171 our involuntary powers, by which the heart and lungs are moved, and the functions of life performed, com- mence their career of action at birth, and often con- tinue it, without any apparent weariness, for seventy, eighty, or even a hundred years. They, however, tire at last, and also require sleep. But when they sleep, it is death. Natural sleep, which involves the sleep of the voluntary powers only in a state of entire insensibility, is so far on the road to death. It is the half-way house to the land of silence. By natural sleep our exhausted voluntary powers are restored, we wake up refreshed, our weariness has disappeared, and we are prepared for renewed action. There is at the same time another important end gained by our insen- sibility in sleep. The involuntary powers, being left free from the exciting action of the voluntary powers, were allowed to gradually slacken their movements, and regain their true and healthful equilibrium. In order that this part of my subject may be dis- tinctly understood, I must point out the connection between the voluntary and involuntary powers, and the manner in which they may reciprocally affect each other. Our pulsations are more frequent in the eve- ning than in the morning. This is owing to the men- tal and physical action of our voluntary powers during our wakeful moments. They, being the positive force, trespass upon the involuntary powers, which are the negative force, and hence one grand object of sleep is 172 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY* to allow the heart to come down to its due natural slowness of pulsation. The voluntary powers, being the positive force, can of course trespass upon the in- voluntary, till they become tired out and sink to rest in the sleep of death. This I will endeavor to make plain by the following circumstances. In the barbarous ages of the world, criminals have been, in some instances, doomed to die through depri- vation of sleep. Guards, who took charge of them by turns ? both night and day, were ordered to keep them incessantly awake. This they did do by touching them with some instrument of torture, and sometimes with fire, whenever exhausted nature would yield to repose. In such instances the pulsations of the heart are gradually increased above their usual throb, be- coming more and more frequent, till between the third and fourth day, when they rise to about one hundred and twenty per minute, which is a fever heat. And so on, gradually increasing, till the seventh or eighth day, when the pulse is only perceived by a tremulous motion, inconsistent with the continuance of life, and the sufferer expires. You now perceive that the vol- untary powers, by being kept awake, trespass upon the involuntary powers till they too are tired, and fall asleep ; but that sleep is death. I have already remarked, that when our voluntary powers are exhausted they fall asleep at night, and in the morning we wake up restored. This brought us LECTURE IX. 178 half way on our journey to the door of death, and well may sleep, in all ages, have been considered its em- blem. But when the involuntary powers are entirely exhausted by pain, by fevers, or by sickness in gen- eral, they also require rest, and therefore fall asleep. This is death. Now, if there were no positive organic destruction, and could the laws of chemistry that de- compose our bodies be suspended, and could the entire system, blood and all, be kept precisely in the same condition as it was when we expired, we should wake up after a few days in perfect health. This is no revery_of fancy, no chimera of the speaker's brain, but absolutely and positively true, and in perfect accord- ance with the principles of philosophy. As this sub- ject is new, I will take it into consideration, as it must be not only interesting, but vastly important to us all. In the first place, we know that the serpent and toad species, the alligator tribe, and nearly all insects, fall into torpidity in winter, and in the spring they are aroused from this state in perfect health, and with regenerated vigor. Not only their voluntary, but also their involuntary powers were asleep. The breathing lungs and throbbing heart were motionless, and the circulating blood was stilled. The raccoon and seve- ral other species of animals burrow, and fall into a torpid state as winter approaches, and remain till spring without any sustenance whatever, and then make their appearance without any loss of flesh- Tx) 114 EIECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. all these creatures the foramen ovale , an opening be- tween the auricles of the heart, never closes, and hence they can live without breathing. It may, however, be said, that this is by no means applicable to human beings, for they cannot live with- out breathing. How then do we live without breath- ing, or even without the throbbing- of the heart, or the circulation of the blood, till we were born into exist- ance 1 I answer by saying, that the foramen ovale was not closed, but generally closes soon after our birth takes place. We know that the new-born infant requires but little air, and can live where we should be smothered and perish. Again, there is occasionally an individual in whom this never closes. It is true, that these in- stances are exceedingly rare, and such persons are liable, when disease or pain exhausts the involuntary powers, to sink into a torpid state, which has been mistaken for death. The lungs and heart suspended their motions, the blood ceased to circulate, and the limbs grew stiff and cold. Thousands in this condition have been prematurely buried, came to life, struggled, turned over in their coffins, and perished. On being disinterred they have been found with the face down- ward. Some, placed in tombs, have revived, been accidentally heard, and fortunately rescued. And though they expired w T ith a distressing disease, yet they awoke to life in health. An instance of this kind occurred in New Jersey, LECTURE IX. 175 where an individual was apparently in a state of death. He was cold and nioti<#iless. The lungs heaved not ; the heart in its pulsations was stilled ; the blood was stagnated in its channels, and had ceased to flow. His funeral was two or three times appointed, the friends and neighbors assembled, and through the entreaties of the physician it was postponed to another time. He at length awoke from this state to life, and awoke in health. Some call this singular condition, where circu- lation is suspended, a trance ; but it is the sleep of the involuntary powers in those individuals only where the foramen ovale is not closed. In all other persons it would be death. In view of these facts we should be warned not to inter our friends too soon after we suppose they are dead. And as death is only the sleep of the involun- tary powers, so dying cannot be a painful process, but one that must afford the greatest pleasure and delight of which we can conceive. It must certainly afford as much real enjoyment to die as to lie down upon cur beds and sink into natural sleep. All sufferings arise from the nature of the disease that tires out the invol- untary powers, and not from the gasping struggles of the dying. The fatigues, toils, and sufferings of the day, that prepare our voluntary powers for a night 5 s repose, are not to be taxed upon j;he process of our dropping into natural sleep. This is of itself pleas- urable, and sc is also the process of dropping into the 176 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. sleep of death. In this respect it is not " the king of terrors/ 5 but the welcome angel of soothing smiles and crowning joys. You now perceive that though the voluntary and in- voluntary powers of the mind are entirely distinct, and seem to act independently of each other through two distinct sets of nerves, yet there must be some secret link between the two that unites them in one bond of everlasting and indissoluble union. That this point may be settled as accurately as possible, I must call your attention to the voluntary and involuntary nerves, to determine the connection between them, and also to ascertain the throne of the mind, or in what particular part of the brain it may be located. Though I have faithfully explained the philosophy of the circulation of the blood in my third Lecture, yet I am compelled to glance at the position in which the arterial and venous circulation stand in relation to each other, and notice the connection between them, and then see if this will not throw some light on the volun- tary and involuntary nervous forces of the brain. The circulating system is in reality two distinct systems. The arterial carries the cherry-red blood, which is positive^ and ever flows from the lungs and heart to the extremities, and the venous carries the dark blood, which is negative^ and ever flows from the extremities to the heart and lungs. The arterial sys- tem, commencing at the lungs and heart, divides into LECTURE IX. 177 various branches, and these again into others, and s should not be forgotten. Electricity is the agent of mind and the invisible power of matter. These three should be passed through different parts of the human system to ease pain, and remove nervous obstructions 186 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. and nrrvous diseases by thus equalizing the nervous force. This is Electropathy, and requires not only a familiar acquaintance with electrical science, but also great skill in its correct application to the diseased. But this alone is not sufficient. We must not be unmindful of our mother earth, nor wholly forget to lean upon her bosom. Our bodies take into their com- position, not only due portions of electricity ', air, and water j these three grand divisions of nature, but they also claim a large portion of earth, out of which they are said to have been formed*. We are, indeed, an epitome of the universe, and stand in an exact apti- tude and relationship to nature. This being so, per- mit me to remarkj that diseased persons, during the summer season or warm months, should seek some farmer's secluded plough-field or garden, expose their naked bodies, except the covered head, for several minutes to the rays of the sun. When well heated and rubbed, cover them up in the fresh earth for half an hour or more, then wash and rub briskly with a towel, dry well in the sun, and dress. At other times, and as often as convenient, let the invalid follow the ploughman, and as he turns up the fresh earth let him breathe the air while charged with the invisible life- giving substances that rise from the ground. As the above advantages can only be enjoyed by those in the country, what shall be done for those in cities ? In order to be more explicit on this interest- LECTURE X. 187 ing point, when you build you a house make provisions for a room that can admit the sun through its win- dows. It might be connected with your bathing establishment, and in the same room. Have at least three articles permanently constructed like the tub in which you lie down to bathe the body. Let one be filled with a pure, rich, fertile earth — another with a light, sandy soil, and a third with clay. Here let the invalid each day bury his body in one of the first two, and remain at least half an hour, after first having exposed it to the action of the sun. Then let him wash, rub well with a towel, and dry thoroughly in the sun before dressing. But in case of severe chron- ic diseases, apply pure water to the clay till it be- comes a mortar in which the body will sink, and let the patient bathe his body in this. If the disease is attended with inflammation, let the mortar be warm as can be conveniently borne, and then wash the body in w r ater of the same temperature. If there is no in- flammation, let the water be cold as its usual summer temperature, and wash the body in water of the same, rub briskly with a towel, and always dry thoroughly in the sun, if possible, before dressing. By this mode of treatment an empire over many diseases will be ob- tained, when all other modes have failed. This I will name Terrapathy. Simple internal medicines, of an animal or vegetable nature, may at times be taken into the stomach, but nothing of a poisonous charac- 138 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. ter. I therefore repeat, that Electrical Psychology is the doctrine of mental and physical impressions to cure the sick. This can often be done without any medicine at all, by simply a mental impression, which this science involves. But when I use phys- ical impressions, I can not restrict my action to the narrow sectarian " medical schools 55 set up by men, but avail myself of a free and untrammeled range in the extensive fields of nature. Hence I sum up the whole matter by re-affirming, that Allopathy, Thompsonianism, Homeopathy, Hydropathy, Electro- pathy, to which I add Aeripathy and Terrapathy, should never be established as so many separate med- ical schools. In the splendid science of Electrical Psychology I embrace the excellences of them all so far as they are applicable to the relief of human suffer- ings, and combine them in one grand system to cure, and call it Curapathy. I presume tliQ question will arise in some minds, wh) should Terrapathy, or the various applications of differ- ent kinds of earth to the body, have a tendency to cure 7 This question is somewhat difficult of solution, but no more so than to solve why water, air, or any medicine has a tendency to produce a sanative result upon the human system. If, however, you will recall my argu ments on the philosophy of digestion in my eighth lec- ture, and what I said on the philosophy of cure in my ninth, you will have my answer to the question, Why LECTURE X. 189 should Terr apathy have a tendency to cure ? No phy- sician pretends to explain why his medicines produce certain effects upon the system. He merely knows the fact, and acts accordingly. These facts, as to the medicinal virtues of certain substances, have in many cases, at least, been learned from the animal creation or been discovered by accident. When one rattlesnake bites another, the wounded one will invariably eat a certain plant and live. A negro, laboring in the Dismal Swamp, in North Carolina, observing this, ate the same on being bitten by a rattlesnake, and was cured. Others laboring there have practiced it with the same success. Indeed, nearly every useful vegetable medicine now in possession of doctors, has been discovered by some old woman in the country, or by old hunters and Indians, and, after much learned opposition and medical sneer- ing, it has been at length received as their adopted child, and one after another has been, after passing through a like ordeal, introduced into the medical family, and claimed as their lawful paternity. Even Peruvian bark was discovered by the Jesuits to be an excellent specific for ague and fever. For this they were persecuted by the medical profession, who sneered at the remedy, laughed its discoverers to scorn, and moved the clergy to fulminate their thunders against them and their medicine. But they have long ago adopted this perse • cuted child into the medical family and school. Now, they can not treat an intermittent fever without this 190 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. darling. You know that quinine, which is manufac- tured from Peruvian bark, is in our day "all the rage" in treating ague and fever. But setting aside the man- ner in which the medical properties of substances were first discovered, let us come directly to the subject under consideration. What evidence, we may now ask, is there that Teno- pathy possesses any power to cure 1 It will be remem- bered that I have contended throughout these Lectures that electricity is the power that controls matter, even from the smallest particle up to the most ponderous globes, and that mind is a self-moving substance that controls electricity, and that hence all power and motion consubstantially dwell in, and emanate from mind. I have contended that the sanative principle is in the man, and is involved in the electro-nervous fluid, which is the positive force breathed in from the atmosphere, and the food taken into the stomach is the negative force abstracted from the earth, and answering to it. These two forces in man, being the positive and nega- tive^ meet together and embrace each other. All the elements of the positive electro-nervotis force of the brain blend with all the corresponding elements of the negative electro-vegetative force of the food in the stomach, and digestion, which is but the transmutation of food into the elements of the system, proceeds. The body, being the medium between these two forces, is gradually and incessantly changing, by the old par- LECTURE X. 191 tides being dismissed from its service and new ones enlisted to supply the waste of this unceasing war. But the electricity inspired with the air into the lungs, in being secreted by the brain, undergoes a change from what it was in the atmosphere equal in degree and cor- responding to that of earth transmuted into vegetables. This is evidently so, because in order to enable it to act upon the negative electric fora of the food in the stomach, it must stand in the same positive relationship to this that the positive electricity of the atmosphere does to the negative electricity of the globe in order to transmute its earthy particles into vegetable substances. Should the electricity of the atmosphere, when taken into the lungs, remain in its unchanged state, it could never carry on a perfect digestion, so as to transmute food into flesh and bones, because a perfect aptitude between this electricity, the food, and the living body does not exist. This can only be done by electricity, after having been secreted and changed by the brain into an electro-nervous fluid. But, on the other hand, this electro-nervous fluid can not possibly transmute earthy particles into vegetables, because a perfect aptitude between these three changing properties does not exist. This can only be done by the elec- tricities of the atmosphere and globe acting in conjunc- tion. Having these general facts distinctly before us, we shall now be able to discover and appreciate the fact. 192 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. that Terrapathy possesses also, and that too in an eminent degree, its distinct powers to cure. To a candid consideration of this point I now invite your particular attention. In my Fourth Lecture I have argued the philosophy of health and disease, and trust that the ideas there advanced are retained by you all. When the mind is serene, and its mental and moral attributes are so bal- anced as to act in perfect unison ; when all the inter- nal circulating forces of the body are equalized so as to move on in one harmonious and beautiful round in their destined channels ; and when the body externally stands in the same well-balanced and beautiful relation to the air, water, vegetables, and earth, then health must be the natural result of this state of things, on the principle of the common law of equilibrium, in which all other laws are involved. But when any or all of these are thrown out of balance, disease ensues. How, then, are these difficulties to be overcome, the circu- lating forces equalized, the mind restored to its wonted serenity, and health and happiness regained ? In re- ply to these important and interesting queries, I would in the first place observe, that it is admitted by all who are acquainted with the principles of electrical science, that the atmosphere is charged with positive electricity, and the earth with negative electricity. Each of these electricities possess, of course, the at- tractive and repulsive forces LECTURE X. 193 Now, as all diseases are either of a positive or nega- tive character, so they must be cured by the positive or negative electricities, or by the application of sub- stances that contain them. We should first attempt a cure by the science of Electrical Psychology alone. Whether this, of itself, would prove successful or not, could be tested in a few moments, by an immediate trial of mental impressions upon the patient. If these were successful, the mind would resume the balance of its powers. Its peace and contentment would be restored, and by its mental energies the nervous, and other circulating forces .of the body would be equalized, and health and happiness ensue. But if the disease can not be psychologically cured by direct mental im- pressions, then we are compelled to resort to physical remedies, and make what I call physical impressions upon the body, and through these to reach the mind, because the mind and body intermutually and recipro cally affect each other. Suppose, then, the disease to be a positive one, oc- casioned by the positive electricity of the system being thrown out of balance. In "all diseases of this charac- ter, even though they may be attended with severe pain, yet there is never any inflammation. To these make cold applications, or the positive electric forces. Opposites should seldom be used, for they can not act as permanent alteratives. Or suppose the disease to be a negative one, occasioned by the negative electric- 194 ELECTKICAL PSYCHOLOGY. ity of the system being thrown out of balance. All diseases of this character will be attended, not only with pain, but inflammation. To these we should ap- ply the negative forces, which belong in a peculiar sense to the earth. Here permit me to exhibit this interesting subject in a more definite and orderly arrangement, so as to be readily understood. Now, do you not perceive that, according to the peculiar nature of the disease, we should apply electricity, galvanism, or magnetism, or else air in its various temperatures, from the coldest to the warmest that can be borne ? Do you not per- ceive that when the disease requires it, that water, in its various temperatures, should be applied, either ex- ternally or internally? And do you not perceive that herbs, in their various decocted combinations, or other- wise, should also, when the disease requires it, be taken internally or applied externally, and of such tempera- tures as to produce a salutary result ? We have now descended from electricity, the finest known inert sub- stance in being, through all the grand elementary de- partments of nature, down to the vegetable kingdom. Now, shall we stop here, or proceed down to Earth, the Mother of us all, and draw relief from her gener- ous bosom? Shall we stop at herbs, earth's eldest- born children, who forever hang upon her breast, or shall we approach the maternal germinating and gen- erating power and source from whence they draw their LECTURE X. 195 vital being 1 As the earth is electrically negative, and peculiarly so, how supreme must her powers be over all diseases attended with inflammation ! Earthy sub- stances, in various clayey or other combinations, and in the form of poultices, either cold or warm, as the caso may require, can be applied to the diseased part, and with the same convenience that we do any other sub- stance. Or, when necessary, let the whole body be buried in soils of various kinds, in their natural vege- tating temperature. Or should the disease require it, let the body be immersed in various mortars made of one or several kinds of clay, or other earthy compounds. The only thing requisite is a good knowledge of their chemical properties, and good judgment and skill how, and when, and in what manner to apply them to any given disease. Consistent and oven irresistible as all this may ap- pear, yet the question comes up — Can any facts be produced as evidence of the sanative results of Teno- pathy 1 Certainly; there are thousands of instances of its power. But as it has never occurred to any mind to bring it into practice as a system, so the in- stances of its power are merely incidental. I have made it my study occasionally for five years, and yet I am now only ready to introduce it into the service of my grand system of Electro-Psychological Curapathy, and commence its practice. But to the point. I might refer, with more force than many are aware, 196 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY* to the spittle and clay prepared by the Master, and put on the eyes of a blind man, whom he then ordered to go and wash in the Pool of Siloam, and on doing of which he received his sight. Most of Christians sup- pose that all this was useless, and that he employed some other agent to restore his sight besides the means he manifestly employed. But it is in vain for any one to contend that Christ practiced a fraud, by putting clay upon his eyes to produce no possible effect, and then secretly and deceptively restored his sight by some other power. It was done by the very means that he thus openly employed, and by which he pretended it was done, and without a shade of deception through fear of men. It was accomplished by the combined forces of Terrapathy, Hydropathy, and the faith and confidence inspired in the blind man's mind by a strong psychological impression. But without any reference whatever to the Master, I will, in as few words as possible, show that the various earths possess a most powerful electro-absorbent force to draw out inflammation from the human system, and with which no other known substances in existence can compare. The smallest effect we witness on earth is often pregnant with the greatest power, and portends the most salutary or awful results. A straw shows the direction of the current, however deep its waters, or secret its irresistible movement. Take then, for example, the sting of the bee, or the LECTURE X. 197 bite of any poisonous insect, where the pain, swelling, and inflammation would be great. The moment the circumstance occurs take almost any kind of earth at hand capable of producing vegetation, moisten it with spittle or blood-warm water, apply it to the wound, and in a' few moments the poison will be extracted, and every painful result arrested. But a blue or white clay soil, moistened with warm water or spittle, is prefera- ble, if it can be obtained without delay. As to the drawing and absorbent powers of clay and other earths, I might bring a few simple facts. For instance, let oil or* grease be spilled upon the floor, and remain till the board be saturated. No soap and water can remove it — no washings can make it disappear ; yet clay, rightly prepared, will extract it. Or suppose there are oil or grease spots upon a silk dress. Rub pulverized magnesia on the opposite or wrong side of the dress, then press a hot iron to the grease spot on the right side, and the whole will instantly disappear, and leave the silk as bright and fair as ever. The same result may be obtained by using pulverized French chalk on any beautiful woolen dresses or shawls. Now it is utterly impossible that these effects could be pro- duced unless these substances possessed a supreme electro-absorbent power. Or let clothing be saturated with any substance producing the strongest possible and the most pungent and enduring scent, even that of the skunk, and when no washing, no airing can remove it, 198 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. let it be buried in any soil capable of producing a free vegetation, and in three or four days the whole will entirely disappear. The question arises — What is the cause of this? I answer by saying, that the human stomach can not, neither can that of any other animal, digest any crea- ture swallowed alive, so long as it possesses animal life. It must die before the stomach can digest and appro- priate it to the elements that compose the body, and until then the creature must sustain its existence by drawing its sustenance from the vital force of the body. So the earth can not digest, that is, decompose, any substance while that substance has either animal or vegetable life. These both draw strength and substance from her. But the moment they are dead she can di- gest and appropriate them to her own use, and thus in- vigorate and fructify herself. Hence it is seen why Terrapathy can cure. It is because all substances in the human system that are adverse to animal life and health, the earth can appropriate to herself, and so she can all essences of the most pungent smell. She digests the whole, and manufactures and re-absorbs them again into the elements that compose her maternal body. She removes every substance from the human system adverse to the laws of animal life, and leaves perfect health. Hence the supremacy of Electro-Psychological Curapathy over all medical systems in being is clearly manifest, and I add no more. LECTURE XI 199 LECTURE XL PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CLASS. the secret revealed, Gentlemen : In my last Lecture I have argued the supremacy :£ Curapathy over all medical systems in existence, for in it are combined the excellences of them all ; and, in addition to these, it contains modes of treatment that no medical science as yet involves. In this peculiar position of my subject it will be perceived by all those who have paid any attention to the science of Electrical Psychology, that it is of most paramo ant importance to the human race, as a curative agent, and should, therefore, be understood by all, so far, at least, as to apply it successfully to the removal of disease and pain. It should be practically understood by all med- ical men. This will cost them only the trifling sum of ten dollars, and in the course of their practice it would be worth thousands to them, and at the same time afford them the supreme pleasure of having saved many a life, where medicine must have failed. To obtain a good knowledge of this science will require about five 200 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. lessons of tv\~o hours each ; and as I am now per- manently settled in New York city, I am ready to im- part these instructions to all persons of good moral character who may call. If persons at a distance will form a class sufficiently large to warrant the expense, and address me a letter at New York, I will visit them one week, and not only give private instructions to the class, but will deliver, in the mean time, five public- evening lectures besides, and perform most interesting experiments, of which the class may have the profit of the admission fee. This would generally pay their tui- tion, and in many instances exceed it. I make this proposal, because hundreds of ignorant individuals have undertaken to lecture upon, and even to teach this science, who have never received any in- struction from me, either verbal or written. These persons pretend to teach it, and that, too, for any price they can obtain, from five dollars down to twenty-five cents ! They had better receive " a penny for their thoughts," so as to adapt the price of tuition to the amount of information they impart. All the regular i students to whom I have taught the science of Elec- trical Psychology have been laid under written obliga- tions, and have seriously pledged their sacred honor never to teach it under ten dollars. Those, therefore, who are qualified teachers and honorable men do still continue to adhere to the obligations they signed, and charge the original fee. Those who vary from it have LECTURE XI. 201 either forfeited their obligations, 01 else never learned the science as they ought ; and hence the public will know who and what they are. It is due to myself to state, that some have changed the name of this science to that of " Electro Biol • ogy," and have claimed authorship as to its discovery, and have even stated that Electro Biology has no con- nection whatever with Electrical Psychology, but is an entirely distinct science. This I am compelled to give a most decided and unqualified denial. I have visited some of the principal places where the Biologists have lectured, and have gathered all the facts in relation to their proceedings and the character of their experi- ments. I am acquainted with its whole history, and the circumstances under which it received its name, and why Electrical Psychology was first called "Elec- tro Biology." Should I, in a future day, be compelled m sdlf-defense to take this subject in hand, I shall make all the necessary disclosures, which the interest and advancement of this science may require, or just- ice and duty demand. Fox the present they must rest in my bosom till circumstances shall call them forth. I would now only say, that the science of Electrical Psychology is identical with that of Electro Biology, and that the latter has no existence only what it draws from the former, unless it be the mere half of its name, I have already stated; that there are certain indi- 9* 202 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. viduals who have gone through, the country lecturing, and pretending to teach this science for one or two dol- lars, and even for twenty-five cents, when they could get no more, who are utterly ignorant of the human system — ignorant of those diseases that assail it, and ignorant of the common principles involved in any of the sciences. Such may be able to inform you how to close a man's eyes — how to paralyze or move his limbs, and how to make a psychological impression on his mind. But how can they teach any one its philosophical ap- plication to disease, or to any useful medical purpose 1 Every man of common sense must perceive that this is impossible without the knowledge of science in general. Such incompetent individuals have done Electrical Psychology a serious injury, and in several places have brought it into disrepute. Under all these circumstances, I feel it my duty to put an end to the worse than useless labors of such individuals, by fully explaining the secret mode of operation — how an individual may be controlled by mental and physical impressions. I would not be un- derstood that this can be wholly done by language. It requires a visible and personal application of what the theory involves — a practical illustration as to perform- ing experiments, and how to apply it successfully to disease. I will, however, do it faithfully, so far as language can accomplish it, and far beyond what any lecturer now in the field attempts to explain to his class LECTURE XI. 203 of pupils. The most have failed to give satisfaction to those whom they have undertaken to instruct, and in many cases serious difficulties have occurred in rela- tion to the sum paid for instruction. I have therefore come to the conclusion not to suffer odium in future to be brought upon this science, if in my power to prevent it. I proceed, therefore, to give the instructions to all, so that they may know how to experiment upon their fellow-men, as well as those generally who go about as lecturers and teachers of this science. In the accom- plishment of this I shall be brief as possible. What requires ten hours of instruction can not, by any means, be communicated fully in two lectures of half an hour each. Yet I will embody all, and even more than is generally given to any class of pupils by those claiming to be teachers. I would, in the first place, remark, that the Creator has stamped simplicity, as far as possible, upon each separate part of the human system. As I remarked in my sixth Lecture, each organ of the body performs but one function. The eye sees, the ear hears, the olfac- tories smell, the glands taste, the heart throbs to regu- late the blood, the hands handle, the feet walk, the liver secretes its bile, and the stomach digests its food. The eye never hears, and the ear never sees. So there evidently is but one nerve or set of nerves through which impressions from the external world are com- municated to the mind. This is certain, because the 204 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY mind can receive but one idea at a time. It is imma- terial how rapidly soever ideas may be transmitted to the mind, they are .nevertheless successive, and two ideas can not possibly be conceived, at the same in- stant, by the mind. One must succeed the other. But as there are millions of nerves in the human brain, and if it were alike the office of each to communicate ideas to the mind, then as many millions of ideas as there are nerves might be transmitted to the mind at the same instant. But we are conscious that .they are suc- cessively and not simultaneously conceived. We can not attend to two public speakers at once, so as to un- derstand their ideas, if both were before us, and each addressing us upon a different subject. With the same earnestness that we give heed to the one, we must neg- lect the other. Indeed, there can be no doubt in rela- tion to the fact of ideas being successively communi- cated to the mind, if we reflect that even one public speaker by too rapid a delivery often confuses the hearer. The mind, as a living being of embodied form, has its spiritual brain and spiritual organs answering to the correspondent phrenological organs of the physical brain through which it manifests itself. The latter are, indeed, a production from the former, as much so as the plant and its form are a production from the life of the seed. The nerve, or family of nerves, through which impression* are communicated to the mind, and LECTURE XI. 205 by the mind to the oody, to move its various parts, is located in the organ of Individuality. All the organs of the brain, and, indeed, of the whole system, are double, and so are the senses likewise. The brain has its two hemispheres, its two eyes, two ears, two glands of taste, and two olfactories of smell. We have two hands, two feet, and the heart has its two auricles and two ventricles. .The organ of Individuality is also double. It is located in the centre of the lower part of the forehead, sends off branches to the optic, audi- tory, and olfactory nerves — extends through both hem- ispheres of the brain, passes down the spinal marrow, and in its course sends off branches to the arms and lower limbs, and, indeed, to all the voluntary parts of the body. Hence all voluntary motion originating in mind is communicated to the organ of Individuality, and from thence is transmitted through correspondent nerves to that part of the body where the mind directs motion to be made. Hence the organ of Individuality is the one that constitutes our individualism, or personal identity, and by which we identify all individual objects in the external woild. And though this organ, like all the other phrenological organs of the brain, is made up of a congeries of nerves, yet I am satisfied that it has but one single identical nerve that is moved by a men- tal impression, and that one moves by sympathy the whole family of nerves dwelling in that organ; and thus motion is communicated to every voluntary de- 206 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. partment of the body where the mind, as the motive power, directs. For illustration of the above, suppose a pebble were thrown into the centre of Lake Superior. It would displace its waters, and produce a circle. That circle would produce a second, and that second would produce a third circle, and so on, each continuing to lessen in its action until it apparently died away. But though imperceptible to the naked eye, yet the successive ac- tion would be continued even to the distant shores, and move every drop of water from the centre to the cir- cumference. And not only so, but that pebble would displace, by sympathy, every particle of water in the basined lake, even to its greatest depth. This is evi- dent, because if a rock, half the size of that mighty lake, were thrown into its centre, the universal disturb- ance of every particle of water would be evident and perceptible. On the same principle, a pebble— yes, a single grain of sand — would produce the same result, only on a smaller scale. So the centre nerve (if I may so speak) of the organ of Individuality is moved by a mental impression, and this movement communicates motion by sympathetic impulse to each and every volun- tary part of the body where the mind directs. Is not this the true philosophy of what we call sympathy ex- isting between the different parts of the human body and the various attributes of the soul, and between one individual and another ? And is not this the true LECTURE XI. 207 philosophy of perscnal identity, on the mystery of which so much has been written ? Did not the mind of man possess a spiritual organ of Individuality cor- responding to the physical one of the brain, how then could either personal identity or sympathy be recog- nized, or even exist ? This one spiritual organ consti- tutes the unity of all the attributes of the mind, spirit, soul, or whatever you please to call that part of man which is to exist immortal in a future world. The phrenological organs of the human brain are but a daguerreotype manifestation — a result of the corre- spondent spiritual organs of the living mind. They constitute the physical apartments of the earthly house, which is fitted up as a temporary residence for the in- visible inhabitant within, during its continuance here. Having clearly placed before you those interesting points that involve the ever sweet and pleasing doctrine of sympathy, I will now proceed to instruct you how an individual can be electrically and psychologically con- trolled. This is a subject involving vast utility as a curative power to the sick and distressed, and is there- fore full of deep and stirring interest to every feeling heart. To control is to cure. In order to affect an individual, and to successfully control his mind and muscles, it is, in the first place, necessary that he should stand in a negative relation to the operator as to the doctrine of impressions. Some persons are naturally in this condition, were born in it, live in it ? 208 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. and will die in it. Others are not in this state, and hence means must be used to bring them there before they can be controlled. In order to determine whether an individual stands in this negative relation to your- self, as the operator, you must first proceed to take the communication, as we term it. This is inva- riably and philosophically done through the medium of two points. I care not whether it be effected by visible contact or otherwise, it is still done through the me- dium of two points, or the negative and positive electric forces, and through the same nerve, or family of nerves, that constitutes, phrenologically, our individualism or personal identity. Before I proceed to notice the most easy, sure, and direct mode by which an electro-psychological commu- nication may be established, I will, in the first place, speak of the philosophy of communication in general. It is evident that the positive and negative forces of the two electricities pervade all nature. These I call in my seventh Lecture the male and female electrici- ties. These two forces not only permeate, more or less, all substances in nature, but they also unceasingly emanate from them in electric circles. Hence, as man is a part of the universe, he constantly takes into his system large portions of electricity with the air he in- spires, with the water he drinks, and with the food he eats. And by mental and muscular action, and the common operations of anima". life, he unceasingly LECTURE XI. 209 throws it off through the nervous foioe. On passing from his system into the surrounding elements, it forms around him his electric or magnetic circle. How large this circle may be is as yet to us unknown. Hence 5 when two individuals come within a certain distance of each other,, their circles meet, and touch each other at two points. And if one of these individuals is in the electro-psychological state, the communication will be taken through the positive and negative forces. And though this communication was taken without personal contact, yet it was clone through the nerve that consti- tutes our individualism or personal identity. A com- munication in this manner can be established with those persons only who are very sensitive. As only about one in twenty-five is naturally in this state, so I can step before an audience of a thousand persons, state to them what I intend to do, so that all shall understand me ; then request them all to close their eyes firmly, and say, You can not open your eyes ! and forty out of the thousand will be unable to do so. All this can be performed in five minutes after entering the hall. It is, however, certain, that no effect can be produced till you establish a thorough communication between yourself and the subject through the nervous force of the organ of Individuality that constitutes his personal identity. And as the centre or moving nerve of this organ has sympathy with all the voluntary nerves ef the system, and as they reciprocally affect each other j 210 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. bo you can establish a psychological communication by touching any part of the system where voluntary nerves are located, and particularly of those individuals who are very sensitive and impressible. But the most nat- ural mode to get a good communication, and the one least liable to be detected by the audience, is to take the individual by the hand, and in the same manner as though you were going to shake hands. Press your thumb with moderate force upon the ulnar nerve, which spreads its branches to the ring and little finger of the hand. The pressure should be nearly an inch above the knuckle, and in range of the ring finger. Lay the ball of the thumb flat and partially crosswise, so as to cover the minute branches of this nerve of motion and sensation. The pressure, though firm, should not be so great as to produce pain or the least uneasiness to the subject. When you first take him by the hand, request him to place his eyes upon yours, and to keep them fixed, so that he may see every emo- tion of your mind expressed in the countenance. Con- tinue this position and also the pressure upon this cu- bital nerve for half a minute or more. Then request him to close his eyes, and with your fingers gently brush downward several times over the eyelids, as though fastening them firmly together. Throughout the whole process feel within yourself a fixed determina- tion to close them, so as to express that determination fully in your countenance and manner. Having done LECTURE XI. 211 this, place your hand on the top of his head and press your thumb firmly on the organ of Individuality, bear- ing partially downward, and with the other thumb still pressing the ulnar nerve, tell him — you can not open your eyes ! Remember, that your manner, your expression of countenance, your motions, and your lan- guage must all be of the most positive character. If he succeed in opening his eyes, try it once or twice more, because impressions, whether physical or mental, continue to deepen by repetition. In case, however, that you can not close his eyes, nor see any effect pro- duced upon them, you should cease making any further efforts, because you have now fairly tested that his mind and body both stand in a positive relation to yours as it regards the doctrine of impressions. There is yet another mode of communication that I have discovered, which is far preferable to the one just noticed, is supreme over all others, and will remain so till Omnipotence shall see fit to change the nervous system of man. This is the Median Nerve, which is the second of the brachial plexus. It is a compound nerve having the power of both motion and sensation. It is located in the centre of the upper part of the palm of the hand near where it joins the wrist. In order to take the communication through this medium, you must take the subject by the hand with the palm upward, and place the ball of your thumb in the centre of his hand near the root of his thumb, and give a moderate but 212 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY^ firm pressure. The astonishing nature of the impres- sion can only be equaled by the result produced. It is a nerve of voluntary motion as well as sensation, and therefore belongs to, and has its origin in, the cer- ebrum. True, like the other nerves, it can be traced directly no farther than the spinal cord, yet there is no difficulty in determining its origin to be in the cere- brum, because that is the organ of all voluntary mo- tion, even as the cerebellum is the organ of all invol- untary motion. This mode of communication trans- cends all others, and will answer in all possible cases, even upon persons the most difficult to control, as ^ell as upon those who are the most sensitive and impress- ible. I care not how you obtain the communication with an individual — whether it be without contact, or by touching any part of the body, yet the communi- cation must ultimately be established through the Me- dian Nerve as the centre telegraphic force from the organ of Individuality, through which -organ all ideas and all impressions are transmitted from the external world to the .mind, and through that same organ aro transmitted by the volitions of the mind to the different parts of the body. Even if the communication is taken by pressure on the ulnar nerve, yet it is neverthe- less communicated by sympathy to the Median Nerve, and through which alone the communication becomes perfect. There is no question, in my mind, that the optic, the auditory, and the olfactory nerves, as well LECTURE XI. 213 as those of taste, are but branches of the same com- mon nerve by wMcl* impressions or ideas are transmit- ted to the mind through the organ o£ Individuality, Those whom I have instructed, will please to remember this. I desire you, and all, in order to experiment with power, to keep up a perfect uniformity in taking the communication through the Median Nerve, and through this to transmit the electric current to the brain and electrify the body. I am aware that the exact location of this nerve is somewhat difficult to find, unless you are personally in- structed. If you succeed in closing the subject's eyes by the above mode, you may then request him to put his hands on his head, or in any other position you choose, and tell him, You can not stir them ! In case you succeed, request him to be seated, and tell him, You can not rise ! If you are successful in this, re- quest him to put his hands in motion, and tell him, You can not stop them ! If you succeed, request him to walk the floor, and tell him, You can not cease walking ! And so you may continue to perform ex- periments involving muscular motion and paralysis of any kind that may occur to your mind, till you can completely control him, in arresting or moving all the voluntary parts of his system. When this is accom- plished, we say, for the sake of convenience, he is in the electrical state. You may, perhaps, not be able to affect him any fur- 214 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. ther ; and as you can not know how this matter stands without the trial, so you will next proceed to produce mental impressions by operating upon his mind only. If he is entirely in the state, you can make him see that a cane is a living snake or eel : that a hat is a halibut or flounder ; a handkerchief is a bird, child, or rabbit ; or that the moon or a star falls on a person in the audience, and sets him on fire, and you can make him hasten to extinguish it. You can make him see a river, and on it a steamboat crowded with human beings. You can make him see the boiler burst, and the boat blow up, with his father or mother, brother or sister, or wife or child on board. You can lay out the lifeless corpse before him in state, cause him to kneel at its side, and to freely shed over it the tears of affection and bereavement. You can suddenly show him a boy or girl, and he sees in them the lost father or mother standing before him, and gives the warm embrace* You can change his own personal identity, and make him believe that he is a child two or three years old, and inspire him with the artless feelings of that age ; or that he is an aged man, or even a woman, or a negro, or some renowned statesman or hero. You can change the taste of water to that of vinegar, wormwood, honey, or of any liquors you please. In like manner you can operate on his hearing and smelling, as well as on his sight, feeling, and taste. When you can produce such mental hallucinations as these on all his senses, or LECTURE XI. 215 thousands of others that may suggest themselves to jour mind, we say, for the sake of convenience, that he is in the psychological state. I have thus far confined my remarks to that class of Individuals who are naturally in the electro-psycho- logical state, and shewn you clearly how a communica- tion in its various modes may be taken, so as to suc- cessfully control them both physically and mentally, The average number of persons in the United States who are naturally in the psychological state is about one in twenty-five. These can be cured of any func- tional diseases with which they may be assailed, by simply performing upon them the experiments I have just named, or any others of a like character. And not only so, but upon such any surgical operation may be performed without the slightest degree of pain, and that, too, while they are wide awake, and in perfect possession of all their reasoning faculties. But while only one in twenty-five is entirely in this state, and nat- urally so, yet there is, perhaps, one in twelve who is partially in the state, and on whom experiments can be performed to a greater or less extent. All these, in connection with those on whom you can produce no effect whatever, are to be subjected to a process to bring them into the electro-psychological state, and we see, too, how vastly important it is that this, if possi- ble, should be done. This, indeed, would be the no- blest triumph ever achieved by man. It would be a 216 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. triumph, over disease and pain, and prepare the human race to wear out with age. In order to bring about this result, I know, at pres- ent, of no better process than the following : Take pure zinc and silver, with a copper wire, as a conductor, passed through the zinc, so as to come in contact with the silver. For convenience, take a piece of zinc the size of a cent, but somewhat thicker, and imbed a five- cent piece in its centre, and pass a small copper wire, as a rivet, through both. , Place this coin in the palm of the hand, with the silver side^up, and request him to bring it within about a foot of his eyes. Let him take a position, either sitting or standing, which he can retain twenty minutes or more, without any motion of his feet, hands, lips, head, or any part of his body. He must remain motionless as a statue, except the nat- ural winking of the eye. His mind should be perfectly resigned and kept entirely passive to surrounding im- pressions. The eyes should be placed upon the coin as though they were riveted there, and during the whole twenty or twenty-five minutes they should, on no con- sideration, be raised to look at any person or object whatever, and the spectators should be still as the grave. If the eyes have a tendency to close, he should not strive to keep them open, but let them close. Fol- low nature. In a public audience, when lecturing, you should seat, if possible, a class of thirty persons. When the time has expired, collect your coin so as LECTURE XI. 217 relieve the class from their wearisome position, and then try each individual, always taking the communi- cation in the manner I have described, and proceed to experiment upon them the same as you do upon those who are naturally in the state. If one sitting do not bring them entirely into the psychological state, then let it be repeated on the next evening, and so continue on till the work is consummated. All, with few ex- ceptions, can be, by perseverance, brought into this state. Some are naturally in it— -some are brought into it by one sitting — some by two — some by three — and some may require a hundred sittings of half an hour each before they can be brought to the participa- tion of this inestimable blessing. No two individuals are alike impressible in any thing whatever, whether it be mental effort, moral power and moral suasion, or physical endurance. Hence we should not be sur- prised, that they all differ from each other as to nervous impressibility in this science, and that, too, in the same ratio as they may differ in their phrenological develop- ments and cerebral excitability. It is enough for us to know on this point that no two individuals are in any respect exactly alike. Having described the electro-magnetic coin which I conceive to be the best, under all circumstances, to produce the result, and having directed you how to use it, I would now apprise you, that this state may be in- duced by other substances as agents in nature. It 218 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. may be induced by fixing the eyes upon a piece of zinc alone, and observing the directions already given. It may be induced b} T a piece of silver, or a piece of cop- per, iron, lead, or any other metal. It may be induced by a piece of wood, or any other substance in nature. Or it may be done by a mere mental abstraction, with no substance, only the surrounding elements. But when no substance is used, the process to the state is slow and tedious. Then, again, there is every possible grade of power from the feeblest substance placed in the hand up to the galvanic battery, which is more powerful than the coin I have adopted as a matter of convenience and utility. The galvanic battery I should prefer, if it could be carried in the pocket, or be ac- cessible to all. If thirty persons should join hands, and the two individuals at the extremes of the line each take a handle of a galvanic battery, and let the current be so graduated as to be but faintly felt, and a greater number would be affected than by any other agent that could be employed. In this case, as in all others, it is to be understood, that the same stillness of muscles, the same fixed position of the eye upon some object or spot, and the same passivity of mind are to be strictly observed. The query may now arise in the minds of some of the class — Why should all substances in existence have a greater or less tendency to produce this state 1 I answer, that electricity is the great and universal LECTURE XI. 219 agent ordained by the Creator to form, to transmute, or to decompose all substances that swarm in the em- pire of nature. Hence all substances in existence throw off a never-ceasing electro- atmospheric emana- tion in a greater or less degree, otherwise they could never change. And these emanations by their impres- sions more or less affect all human beings according to the relative position in which they may be placed to receive and feel the force of such impressions. There- fore sleep and wakefulness, health and sickness, pain and ease, and all the various sensations and changes to which the human system is subject, are experienced. Hence when we fix our attention upon one substance, and become mentally and physically passive to surround- ing impressions, we render ourselves, by this volition, relatively negative , as far as in our power, to the pos- itive force of the substance with which we are engaged, and drowsiness, or some other cerebral change or phe- nomenon ensues, because by passivity the electro-nerv- ous fluid is supplied through the lungs and stomach for the brain more freely than it is thrown off. But when we resume the activity of our mental and physical energies, we, by this volition and action, become rela- tively positive to the surrounding impressions of all substances in nature, and wakefulness, with all its at- tendant delights, is the result, because by mental and muscular action we throw off from the brain the electro- 220 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. nervous fluid more rapidly than it is supplied through the lungs and stomach. In order, therefore, to render the subject as simple as possible, and to establish and perpetuate a uniform- ity of procedure in the use of a substance to be placed in the hand, I desire you to insist upon the electro- magnetic coin as being alone sufficient, under the direc- tions given, to induce the state. And I desire you to insist that the pressure on the Median Nerve is alone sufficient to establish a communication between the operator and the subject to perform all the experiments, both electrical and psychological, that this science may involve. Indeed, all substances, so far as their electro- emanating power extends, produce the same effect in degree as the coin I recommend. Hence, strictly and philosophically speaking, the electro-magnetic coin, as the true mode of inducing the state, is all in all. And as all possible modes of obtaining communication, whether by contact or otherwise, must meet in the organ of In- dividuality, through which ail impressions are trans- mitted to the mind, and from the mind, through that same organ, to all the voluntary parts of the body, so there is strictly and philosophically speaking but one mode of taking communication, and hence the Median Nerve is all in all. If, however, you could remember the exposition I have given you on this intricate and interesting subject, you would then find no difficulty in defending yourself against tin assaults of skeptical LECTURE XI. 221 men. But as it is, 1 must leave you with the two sim- ple forms I recommend — the Electro-magnetic Coin and the Median Nerve. As the general points of the subject are now dis- tinctly before you, I would next state, that we divide this science, for the sake of perspicuity, into five plans. The first three regard the mediums through which persons are brought into the electro-psycholog- ical state. The first is through Mesmerism. Hence you will call Mesmerism plan number one. The sec- ond is the pressure on the nerve by which we detect those who are naturally in the electro-psychological state. This you will call plan number two. The third is the coin by which others are to be brought-into this state. The coin you will therefore call plan num- ber three. The fourth involves all the experiments, whether electrical or psychological, as a sanative agent, by which those who are already in this estate are to be relieved of pain, cured of disease, or prepared for any surgical operation without suffering. This you will call plan number four. And the fifth, in order to cure the diseases of those who are not in the state> involves the application of physical impressions upon their bodies, and the administering of remedies, whether externally or internally applied. This you will call plan number five. On each of these five plans I now proceed to impart all the necessary information, and in as clear and c jncise a manner as possible. 222 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. In regard to Mesmerism, which is plan number one, I would say, that if you desire to mesmerize a person, who has never been put into the state, nor in the least affected, I know of no better mode than to seat him in an easy posture, and request him to be calm and re- signed. Take him by both hands, or else by one hand and place your other gently on his forehead. But with whatever part of his body you may choose to come in contact, be sure to always touch two points, answering to the positive and negative forces. Having taken him by both hands, fix your eyes firmly upon his, and, if possible, let him contentedly and steadily look you in the face. Remain in this position till his eyes close. Then place both your hands on his head, gently pass them to his shoulders, down the arms, and off at the ends of his fingers. Throw your hands outward as you re- turn them to his head, and continue these passes till he can hear no voice but yours. He is then entirely in the mesmeric state. The reason why I desire you to throw your hands outward on returning them to his head when making the passes is, to avoid waking him by passing them up- ward in front and near to his body. It is a well-known fact, that by the downward passes of an electro-magnet, attached to a galvanic battery, the steel magnet becomes instantly charged so as to lift a pound of iron. But by the upward passes it becomes instantly demagnet- ized so that it will lift nothing. By the downward LECTURE Xi. 223 passes I mean from the bow or centre of the magnet to the extremities, and by upward passes I mean the reverse, regardless of the position in which the magnet may be held. The same applies to the human being when his mind is left uninfluenced. But if you apprise the subject when in the magnetic state, that the upward passes will not awake him, then by the force of his own mind he can retain his condition, in defiance of all the passes you may make. The mind, when in the mes- meric state, has the power of appropriating electri- city or magnetism to itself, or of rejecting it, at pleasure. In case, however, that the person whom you seat to be mesmerized is not affected, and feels no inclination whatever to close his eyes after fifteen or twenty min- utes' trial, you will still proceed, as directed, to make the passes, and continue them also for fifteen or twenty minutes. Then take him again by the hands, as at first, and continue this position about the same length of time, then resume the passes, as before directed, and continue these two modes of operation alternately till about an hour is consumed at a sitting. Before you leave him, reverse the passes for the space of a minute or so, as though waking him up, even though you see no visible effect produced. On the next day, give him another sitting of an hour ; and so on, day after day, till you get him into the mesmeric state. Romember, that all the influence you produce upon him 224 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. at one sitting, however minute or imperceptible it may be, lie fully retains to all subsequent daily sittings. When a person is in the mesmeric state, whether put there by yourself or by some other one, take the communication by number two and awake him by the upward passes ; or else do it by an impression, as fol- lows : Tell him, " I will count three, and at the same instant I say three I will ^lap my hands together, and you will be wide awake and in your perfect senses. Are you ready?" If he answer in the affirmative, you will proceed to count — " One, two, THREE !" The word three should be spoken suddenly, and in a very loud voice, and at the same instant the palms of the hands should be smitten together. This will in- stantly awake him. Those who are thus aroused from mesmeric slumber to wakefulness are, with fev excep- tions, in the electro-psychological state, and you can immediately proceed to experiment upon them. Here, then, is an individual who was brought into this state through number one, and he stands in a negative re- lation to you as it regards the doctrine of impressions, and his body is principally charged with negative elec- tricity, which is from the earth, and which alone is sus- ceptible of being successfully controlled. Having given you all the necessary directions how to mesmerize, and how to bring a person into the electro- psychological state through number one, and shown the relation in which he stands to you as the operator, LECTURE XI. 225 1 now proceed to instruct you in relation to number two. This can be done in a very few words, as it has been already pretty fully noticed. In the first place, you may go into a public audience, or among your social friends, and take one individual after another by the hand, press the Median Nerve, as I have directed, and if you succeed in controlling some one, both physically and mentally, then such individual is recognized as in the electro-psychological state through number two. Though this person has never been mesmerized, nor operated upon, yet he is found to be naturally in the same state, through number two, as is the individual who was brought into it through number one. Seat them side by side, and they both feel the same nervous sympathy toward each other, are both charged with the same negative electricity, and both stand in a negative relation to you as it regards the doctrine of impressions. Take number three, w T hich is the electro-magnetic coin, and place it in the hand of an individual whom you can not affect, as you did either of the persons men- tioned, and subject him to the process of looking at it as T have directed. When the time of the sitting has expired, take the usual communication, number two, and in case you can control him, both physically and mentally, he is recognized as brought into the electro- psychological state through number three. Here, then, are three individuals in the same state of nerv- ous impressibility, charged with the same negative 10* 226 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. electricity, stand in the same negative relation to you, as it regards the doctrine of impressions, and by the same impression they can all be controlled, collectively or separately. They are all in the electro-psychologi- cal state, but were brought there through three differ- ent plans. But by whatever means individuals may be brought into this state, yet bear in mind, that through number two, either with or without contact, you take the communication, which is the secret, invisible, and subtile link of controlling power, and without which no effect whatever can be produced. Every principle of philosophy is based upon cause, medium, and effect Even the Creator himself, were he completely isolated from this globe, could produce no possible effect upon it, nor upon the inhabitants of its surface, because there would be, in such case, no medium of communication by which he could come in contact with it, or in the least affect its animal and vegetable kingdoms. Touch what nerve you please, or obtain the communication, with or without contact, as you may — I care not how, yet it must be transmitted to the brain through the Median Nerve to the organ of Individuality, and from thence to the mind. Even if you press the ulnar nerve yet it must be by sympathy communicated from this to the Median Nerve, which is much larger, runs paral- lel along the arm with it to the spinal cord, and from thence they both unquestionably pass to the organ of Individuality in the cerebrum. They are both com- LECTURE XI. 227 pound nerves, by which we mean, that they are both susceptible of voluntary motion and sensation, being connected with the mind as its agents to transmit the electro-nervous fluid to and from it, and through which it holds a correspondence with the external world. Through this it receives by impressions its messages, and through this by impressions it returns its answers. To take the communication, therefore, by acting directly upon the Median Nerve is far preferable to any other mode, and particularly so upon persons who are not very sensitive or impressible. The more remote we take our communication from this nerve, the longer we must labor to get control, and perhaps often fail, and the more feeble will be our action and impression in producing any interesting, brilliant, and startling ex- periments. The next best mode to get a communica- tion is, as I have uniformly taught, through th§ ulnar nerve, and is the best mode to conceal the secret from others. I have now briefly noticed the first three plans, through which individuals may be brought into the psy- chological state, and the subtile medium of communica- tion through which they may be controlled by mental impressions. In regard to plan number four I would remark, that as it involves all the experiments, both electrical and psychological, and as I have already suffi- ciently noticed these in giving directions how to perform them, so this part of my subject has been anticipated^ 228 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. and is fully before you. Permit ine, however, to re- mark, that it may be well for you to know why these experiments are conducive to health, and how it is pos- sible to perform an operation "without pain, when the patient is wide awake and in his perfect senses. These two points I will now philosophically explain, Why the experiments, when properly conducted, are conducive to health, is because the mind, by coming in contact with the electricity of the nerves, moves it with a force equal to the impression which the operator makes on the patient, and sends it to that part of the system to which the patient's attention is direct^. Under its energy the limbs are paralyzed, so that the subject, by all his exertions, is unable to walk, nor when walking is he able to stop, and when seated it is not in his power to rise. His arms, in an instant, are paralyzed, so that he can not move them, or they are set in motion, and he has no power to stop them. By a men- tal impression he is made to see his clothes on fire, or the house falling, and his limbs crushed to pieces. Or he is made to see a lion, a tiger, or a huge serpent close in pursuit to devour him. Or, at pleasure, he may be wrought up to the most supreme ecstasy of joy and delight, or be made to feel, in the extreme, any other emotion or passion of the soul. These various impres- sions throw the electricity of the nerves to every part of the system with such power as to burst through all functional obstructions, equalize the nervous force, and LECTURE Xf. . 229 also the circulation of the blood, and thus remove dis- ease and still pain. It is a well-known fact in medical jurisprudence, that such supreme and sudden excite- ments have often cured rheumatism, and made even the lame walk. On plan number five, which involves the cure of persons who are not in this state, I can say but little. It embraces physical action upon their bodies, accord- ing to the nature of the disease, and impressions upon their minds so far as it is possible to produce them. It involves external applications or internal remedies, as the case may require. In a word, it involves the excel- lences of all medical systems in being, and sums them all up in the supreme beauties of one bright and glo- rious system, and that system is Electro-Curapathy. I now turn to the consideration of the last point I prom • ised to notice. The true philosophical cause, why a tooth can be ex- tracted, or a surgical operation performed, without pain, is, that all feeling or sensation is in the mind, which holds its residence in the brain, and which, as a living being of immortal form, has its spiritual hands, feet, and organs corresponding to those of the body. In- deed, the body, in ail its complicated organism, is but a visible daguerreotype picture of the invisible spirit in the brain, and from which it has drawn all its linea ments of form. Strictly speaking, the body itself has no feeling. If you touch, for instance, the point of a 230 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY needle to the forefinger, it irritates some minute branch of a nerve of sensation. This irritation disturbs the electricity of the nerve that serves as a telegraph wire along which the disturbed electricity passes, and a shock is produced upon the identical correspondent spot of the forefinger of the spirit, disturbs the harmony of its own beautiful movements in its spiritual sphere, and this impression produces pain. If, then, the communication between the mind and the electricity of the nerve to which you touched the needle could be cut off — if the telegraph wire should be so impaired, that the electricity could not pass to the mind to shock it, then no pain could be felt. This is always the case in palsy, when the nerves of sensation are paralyzed. Amputation could then be performed without pain. Now, excitement will cause the same insensibility to suffering and pain, if the impression be sufficiently great to produce it. This is evident, be- cause as there is, in the human system, but a certain amount of feeling, therefore in the same ratio that you excite one part to sensibility the other parts are so far robbed. The following anecdote related to me of Henry Clay will illustrate this. It is as follows : A gentleman on the floor in Congress, in his speech, made a severe personal attack on Henry Clay. Mr. Clay was, at the time, very much indisposed, and considered unable to speak. He whispered to the gentleman who sat next to him, and said, I must answer him, but beg of you LECTURE XI. 231 not to let me speak over half an hour. He commenced, and was soon on wing — soaring, and uniting the lan- guage of earth and heaven in his defense, till every period seemed to shake the universe. He was aroused — was excited — his brain stirred proudly. His half hour expired, and the gentleman pulled his coat, but Clay paid no attention to the signal. He kicked his limbs, but it made no impression. He run a pin sev- eral times half its length into the calf of his leg. Clay heeded it not, spoke two hours, sunk exhausted into his seat, and upbraided the sentinel for not stopping him ! He had felt nothing. Excitement called the electricity of his system to his brain, and he threw it off by men- tal effort. In the same degree that sensation was called to his brain the limbs were robbed. Dr. Channing, in his sermon on the burning of the steamboat Lexington, when so many lives were lost, most eloquently explains this very point. He says : . u We are created with a susceptibility of pain, and severe pain. This is a part of our nature, as truly as our susceptibility of enjoyment. God has implanted it, and has thus opened in the very centre of our being a fountain of suffering. We carry it within us, and can no more escape it than we can our power of thought. We are apt to throw our pains on outward things as their causes. It is the fire, the sea, the sword, or hu- man enmity, w T hich gives us pain. But there is no pain in the fire or the sword, which passes thence into 232 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY our souls. The pain begins and ends in the soul itself. Outward things are only the occasions. Even the body has no pain in it, which it infuses into the mind. Of itself it is incapable of suffering. This hand may be cracked, crushed in the rack of the inquisitor, and that burnt in a slow fire ; but in these cases it is not the fibres, the blood-vessels, the bones of the hand which endure pain. These are merely connected, by the will of the Creator, with the springs of pain in the soul. Here, here is the only origin and seat of suffering. If God so willed, the gashing of the flesh with a knife, the piercing of the heart with a dagger, might be the occasion of exquisite delight. We know that, in the heat of battle, a wound is not felt, and that men, dying for their faith by instruments of torture, have expired with triumph on their lips. In these cases, the spring of suffering in the mind is not touched by the lacera- tions of the body, in consequence of the absorbing action of other principles of the soul. All suffering is to be traced to the susceptibility, the capacity of pain, which belongs to our nature, and which the Creator has implanted ineradicably within us." I close by remarking, that as the science of Electri- cal Psychology is the doctrine of supreme impressions, so you will readily perceive why a surgical operation can be performed without pain. LECTURE XII. 233 LECTURE XII. owing Lecture upon the science of Gen-etology, which was then called Natalology, was delivered, by request, to the La- dies of Troy, N. Y., in the Morris Place Hall, in February, 1844. A.nd, as it belongs to the subject of Electrical Psychology and the great doctrine of impressions that this science involves, it is here inserted in its appropriate place. The Author has generally de- livered it as the last lecture of the course, to his private classes, when giving them instructions in Electrical Psychology.] Ladies : The purpose for which we are now assembled is to take into consideration the science of Genetology or Human Beauty, as founded upon the doctrine of im- pressions. I contend that the human species can be gradually improved through the harmonious operation of mental impressions, exercised by the mother, and that the time will come when they will be born into existence with just such lineaments of form as we may choose. This is no idle dream — no infatuation of a disturbed brain, but sober reality. Human Beauty has been, in all ages, admired, praised, loved, and desired by the millions of our race. Its charms have been sung by the poet in thoughts that burn ; have taxed the finest conceptions of the artist and the ^sculptor, and have 284 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. been made to breathe upon the canvas, and to speak in the marble. The charms of Beauty have been dwelt upon, anl painted by the eloquent orator, and have moved the hearts of all human kind. All know and feel the power of Beauty, and ardently covet the gem. The subject now to be considered is, w r hether, through the power of the mental impressions of the mother, her unborn child, during the period from con- ception to birth, can be moulded into beauty, and born into existence with those admirable lineaments of form that so much delight the beholder. To the candid consideration of this interesting subject I now invite attention. That the mother can greatly affect her unborn child is unquestionably true. No one will deny, that by some sudden impulse of mind — such as extreme fear or joy, she has often produced abortion, or else greatly injured her offspring. I know of one w T ell-authenti« cated case, where the mother was extremely terrified at a young cub when she was about three months en- ciente. It was her twelfth child, and was born an idiot, while her other eleven children were intelligent and active. It was a boy. He lived to fourteen years of age, and had many actions peculiar to the bear. There are instances, too numerous to mention^ where human beings have not only acted like, but even resembled, some species of the brute cr bird race. LECTURE Xll. 235 And as the uniform testimony of mothers is, that they were frightened during pregnancy by the creature to which the offspring was likened, so no other satisfactory cause ever has been assigned for the effect produced. A wealthy lady, in Boston, was frightened by a par- rot. Her daughter, now ten or twelve years of age, is a mediocre, and her voice and manner of speaking re- semble those of this bird. A lady of my acquaint- ance, on seeing the head of her cosset lamb suddenly crushed, brought forth a son, about six months after this occurrence, whose temples were much pressed in, and the forehead protruded as did that of the injured lamb, yet his intellect was not in the least impaired. A singular circumstance occurred a few years ago in Bunkum County, N. C. A girl was there exhibited, who was born with only one leg and one arm. A lady who was about two months advanced in her time, had a strong desire to see this girl. Her curiosity being great, she examined the deformed object with long and unwearied attention. Her friends had to force her ? as it were, from the exhibition. She went home, but the image of the unfortunate girl was but too deeply impressed upon her mind to be forgotten. She con- versed about it by day, and it was the subject of her dreams by night. She at length got an impression that her child would be born like the object that haunted her brain. Her time of delivery came, and 236 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. her fears were realized. She brought forth a (laugh ter with only one leg and one arm ! How often it lias occurred, where a lady has had a strong desire, or longing for wine, that she has com- municated the color of the liquor by impression to her child. In like manner, through strong mental impres- sions, she has stamped upon the unborn child a straw- berry, blackberry, grape, or any fruit for which she had an ardent longing, and made it perfect both as it regards its color and shape. Endless instances of this character can be produced, and also the uniform testi- mony of the mother that she had a longing desire for what appears upon the child. Against this, the argu- ments and objections of some medical writers and their adherents are of no weight, as they are evidently en- tirely ignorant of the electrical philosophy of this sub- ject. The mental impression, or longing of the moth- er must, however, far exceed bar usual impressions in order to produce this result upon her offspring. I am not arguing any new truth, nor the discovery of any new principle of action, but what has been known from the earliest of human records. The Bible history admits the principle even in its application to the brute race. Laban deceived Jacob by giving to him Leah for a wife instead of Rachel, for whom he had served him seven years, by tending his flocks. He then proposed, that he should serve him seven years more for Rachel. To pacify Jacob, Laban offered him what he supposed to be LECTURE XII. 237 a poor chance for wages. He told him, that all the speckled cattle should be his. But Jacob resorted to a plan by which he sufficiently punished the selfish spirit of Laban. He put speckled rods at the bottom of the watering troughs. He kept the male and female cattle apart. There is no question, «£hat he allowed the males to have free access to water, but kept the fe- males away till they were very thirsty, even bellowing and bleating for water. In this condition he allowed them to mingle only at the troughs. And as water is colorless, nothing but the speckled rods could be seen by the thirsty and drinking females, and under this strong impression they conceived. But this is not all- Jacob understood his subject sufficiently well to go over the same ground again the next day, and keep up the female herd till the same great thirst returned. This would bring to their minds what seemed to them a speckled fluid, and to those already conceived the im- pression would continue to deepen. True, Laban re- peatedly changed the wages even up to ten times ; but this was of no avail, because Jacob as often changed the scene of action by preparing the causes that must philosophically produce their corresponding results in the animal economy. Hence I again assert that I am not arguing any new principle of action. I claim no such discovery, but merely claim the discovery of its philosophy, and of having reduced it to a system capa- ble of improving and ennobling our race. 238 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Such are its facts, and I now turn to its philosophy. Gold can be dissolved in aqua regia. A five-dollar gold piece thrown into this liquid dissolves and soon disappears, only as the whole liquid assumes the color of the gold. Let this liquid be properly prepared, and dip the ends of thettwo wires of a galvanic battery into it. In this liquid you may then immerse any metallic article you please. Take, for instance, a silver watch- case with your own name engraved upon it, and many curiously wrought characters and devices ; immerse this in the liquid, and the positive and negative forces of galvanic action passing from the battery through these two wires into the solution will seize the incon- ceivably fine particles of gold and lay them upon the watch-case as solid as though they had been melted there. You may continue this process until every par- ticle of the half-eagle shall be placed upon the watch- case, and yet the perfect identity of your name, and all the marks and characters engraved upon it, will be retained. This is called galvanizing metals. A second copper bank-plate can be made from the original by galvanism, so that every letter and mark shall be exact, and the plate be a perfect fac -simile of the original. Hence we perceive that through the positive and nega- tive forces of galvanism, which is but one form of elec- tricity, a perfect identity is preserved. We will now apply this great principle to the argu- ment under consideration. The monthly evacuations • ECTURE XII. 239 of the female are a universal solvent in which are in- volved exact proportions of all the constituent elements of her body. This redundancy is given her by the Creator for the propagation of her race. As soon as she conceives, the womb closes up, and this same re- dundant compound of her being 4s secreted in the womb, as the fluid in which the foetus is immersed and swims, and is the raw material out of which its body is to be manufactured. And while I am upon this point, permit me to remark, that as soon as the child is born this same redundant substance is carried through the lacteal secretions and manufactured into nourish- ment which the infant draws from its mother's bosom. Hence the menses are the prepared substance to pro- duce the child's body in the womb, and to sustain it at the breast. - Through the galvanic action of the positive and neg- ative forces of her involuntary nerves the foetus is formed. These forces seize the elementary particles of this solution, and convey them to the conception, which is the nebulo-centre or nucleus to which they all tend, similar to the particles of gold in solution to the watch-case. Hence if a woman were to conceive while wrapped in total darkness, and never see the man by whom she conceived, nor get the most distant impres- sion of his image, and could she, at the moment of conception, be consigned to a sleep of profound insen- sibility till the time of her delivery came, she would 240 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. unquestionably bring forth an offspring exactly in her own image. It would be as perfect a fac-simile of her own organism, form, and features as the second bank- plate was of the first from which by galvanic action it w T as produced. But while the galvanic powers of her involuntary nerves, through the positive forces, are form- ing the new being in her own image, the voluntary nerves, through which the voluntary powers of her mind act, are also producing their effects by moulding the new being in the image of the person on whom her mind is most powerfully placed. Hence if her self- esteem is great, and she fancies herself superior to her husband, and has great self-love, and but little regard for him, she will often consult her mirror, and her child will most resemble herself notwithstanding the im- pression of her husband's countenance and the features of all others around her. But if she, on the contrary, cherishes a warm and generous affection to her husband, and if he be far dis- tant from home and exposed to dangers on land or ocean, her mind goes with him and lingers in imagina- tion upon his image. The child is born, but it is in the likeness of its father. If her love and esteem to- ward herself and husband are about equally divided and balanced, the child will be a blended picture of the two. The opposite passions of hatred and dislike will produce the same result as it regards form of features and personal appearance. Or if the mother should LECTURE XII. 241 entertain a very high regard for her minister, doctor, or any friend, and circumstances should occur to bring him frequently to her mind, her child would resemble him. Suppose her husband should be jealous of any of these, or of some boarder in the family whom she even hated, and charge her with conjugal infidelity, she would be inclined, under such circumstances, to keep her mind upon him in detestation, fear that her child might re- semble him, and when born all her fears would be real- ized. Such circumstances have separated many a hus- band and wife, and broken up many a family when the wife was virtuous, and her honor unsullied and pure as the snowflake ere it falls • In this view of the subject it will be seen that every countenance upon wdiich the enciente mother gazes, and every object, whether animate or inanimate, presented to her view, has a tendency to produce an impression, either favorable or unfavorable, upon the foetus. And as all form, motion, and power belong to, and exist in, mind, and can be communicated through electric actior from the mother's mind to the foetus, so when beautiful forms and pleasing sights are presented to her with suf- ficient power, she transmits them by a mental impres-* sion to the embryo being as a part of its future beauty. So, on the other hand, when horrid forms and fearful sights are presented to her mind with sufficient power, and as her mind now contains these deformities she 11 242 ELECTRICAL I 3YCH0L0GY. transmits them also by mental impression to her child, and perchance effects its ruin. If we contemplate all form, motion, and power as existing in mind, and if the mind has, indeed, its spir- itual arms, hands, and fingers, and limbs, feet, and toes, and of which the natural ones are only correspond- ent manifestations, may not, then, the withdrawing of the spiritual arm from action in the mother's mind be the cause of preventing the natural one in the foetus from being developed and produced 7 She deeply con- templates a girl without an arm, and hence sends no motion from her spiritual arm, and therefore produces no electric action through the corresponding nerves to organize the natural arm of the foetus, and hence her child is born without an arm. The voluntary impres- sion of her mind may be sufficiently great to overpower all involuntary action in that part. This would ac- count for the crush of the lamb's head, before stated, and for all mishaps being transmitted by a deep im- pression from the mother's mind to the corresponding part of the foetus. It would account for the color of Jacob's cattle, because all colors exist only in the rays of light which are but a result of electric action. It would account philosophically for the fact how the col- or of wine and the colors and shapes of berries are in like manner stamped upon the unborn being. It would account for the fact how even the mother's disposition xoay be phrenologically and hereditarily communicated LECTURE XI. 243 to her offspring. By exercising too much her acquisi- tiveness or secretiveness — or by exciting too deeply her combativeness, destructiveness, or revengeful feelings, she may communicate these hereditarily to her child, and thus sow, in the embryo, the seeds of the future robber, liar, or even murderer. The lady, while en- ceinte, walks upon enchanted ground. She can not stir without touching some string that may vibrate either harmony or discord in her offspring's soul long after her head shall have been laid in the dust. Phre- nology must take one step farther back. She must commence her instructions at the commencement of our embryo being. She must there take her stand at the fountain- head of existence, and thunder her lessons of eloquence as she moves down the stream of human life to the silent grave, nor cease her warning voice till the finger of death shall touch her lip. The subject, Ladies, of Human Beauty is now fairly open before us, and its vast importance seems to awaken in your minds, as we proceed, an increasing interest. I am now ready to have the grand question introduced — How are our children to be born into existence with just such lineaments of form, or Human Beauty, as we may desire % To answer this question understanding^, I will take into consideration the general directions to be pur- sued, and the means to be used in order to produco the noblest specimen of Human Beauty. I desire, at 214 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY, the very onset; to introduce the subject to you in its highest perfection, so far as I am able. To this end I must select a lady of brilliant talents, and who is highly educated and accomplished as an ornament of her sex. but whose features and form are but of ordi- nary mould. I merely desire one who is capable of producing the strongest possible mental impression. Let this lady select, before she conceives,, a portrait:, bust, miniature, or picture of some beautiful, talented, and distinguished individual, or the living person, she would desire her child to be like both in appearance and character. Let it be a picture that she greatly admires for its fine proportions and beauty of person. Let her keep her mind upon it until she entirely fa- miliarizes herself with its features and form. Let her now conceive wdth this deep impression on her mind ; and after this, let her still continue to gaze upon, and daily contemplate, the admirable grace of its form, and the charming expression of its countenance. Let her place it where it can be readily seen. Let her imbibe for this image a sentimental passion, indelibly im- press it upon the heart, and interweave and blend it ? as it were, with her being. Let her contemplate it by day with such intense interest and devotion as to transplant, if possible, its image to her midnight dreams. And let her constantly long and desire, and ardently hope and expect, that her child shall be like LECTURE XII. 245 this in form and soul. These are to be her constant feelings and impressions till the day of delivery. In addition to this, let the most admirable order, arrangement, and comfort pervade her house, and par- ticularly her own apartment. Let its furniture be beautiful. Let it be adorned with pictures of the most, pleasing and delightful landscapes embracing all the beauties and varieties of nature, and such life-like scenery as shall awaken and rouse the noblest powers of her ideality, sublimity, and imagination. Let her frequently go out to gaze upon, and contemplate nature as she is, whether on the earth beneath, or in the starry fields that mantle the bosom of night. By these means she will keep her mind in balance, and bring it into harmony with all that is grand and beau- tiful in the works of the Creator. And not only so, but let her soul be kept serene. Let her passions not be excited. Let her anger, jealousy, and vengeance remain in slumber, and no language be used to ruffle her tranquillity. I am speaking of a highly educated, accomplished, and talented woman. And, lastly, let her food be wholesome, plain, and prepared to her wishes, and adapted to her appetite. Let these direc- tions be faithfully observed during her entire period of gestation, and her child will be moulded in the image of the picture, or living person she contemplated, and be born into existence a noble specimen of Human Beauty ; and under proper phrenological culture it can 246 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. be borne on in the path of improvement, and finally elevated to the highest physical beauty, and intellectual and moral perfection of our nature. I have now considered what I call a perfect case, the noblest specimen of man. And in order to pro- duce this happy result, we perceive that the mother must be highly educated, enlightened, and refined. It depends more upon her than the father. If the father should possess the talents of an angel, and the mother be deficient in intellect, her offspring, particularly the sons, would never rise above mediocrity. In such case the best intellect is in favor of the daughters. But reverse it, and let the father be deficient, and the mother highly talented, and she will produce intelli- gent children of both sexes, but this intelligence will be far more strongly developed in the sons than in the daughters. An instance can not be found where an imbecile mother ever produced a man of sterling tal- ents, even though the father, as such, were most emi nently distinguished. All talented and great men have had great mothers who, even if they were unedu- cated, stilt possessed the elements of original great ness. Owing, therefore, to this great diversity of intellec tual, moral, and physical beauty and deformity in females, it can not be expected, that the grand period will soon arrive when all these difficulties will be sur- mounted, and when our race shall attain that physical, LECTLRE XII. 247 mental, and moral beauty which our subject involves, foreshadows, and insures. Comparatively but few fe- males are as yet qualified to successfully introduce their offspring into existence in Human Beauty, yet the most deformed and ignorant female can be in- structed and directed how to improve her progeny. Her children again can be still farther improved and elevated, and so on to succeeding generations till the end, we contemplate, shall be obtained, and the highest hopes, and the brightest mid-day dream of the philan- thropist, as to the perfection of humanity, shall be consummated. My argument, thus far, relates to those of the fe- male race who are not yet in the electro-psychological state, but who are still capable of gradually perfecting their progeny in proportion to the strength and power of their impressions, and thus moving them onward to the fair fields of Human Beauty. But in all these cases it can be effected by the wife only, independent of her husband. But there are many who are nat- urally m the psychological state, and millions more who, by a slight exertion, can be brought into it. Upon all such a mental and moral impression can be made to any extent we choose. In all these instances it would be in the power of the husband to select the portrait or picture in the likeness and beauty of which he would desire his child to be moulded. And by pro- ducing the impression psychologically upon the mind 248 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. of his companion once or twice per day, the end would be obtained, and in all such cases the finest specimens of Human Beauty could now be produced. How im- portant, then, that the science of Electrical Psychology should be thoroughly learned and understood by all, so that, through their assistance, as many as possible may be, by perseverance, brought into the state, and that the great work of producing these sublime im- pressions may now be understanding^ commenced, and some rare specimens of Human Beauty, under the energy of this science, be presented to the world. We see then, Ladies, the supreme importance of woman being highly educated and accomplished. Col- leges should be dedicated to her, and all the great and useful sciences, that strengthen, expand, and elevate the mind, should be laid at her feet. Her mind should be early imbued with political science, and taught the value of liberty, and the deep-toned love of country. She should be taught the history of fallen empires, kingdoms, and republics, and be made acquainted with the hardships, toils, and sufferings of our revolutionary heroes. She should be taught the lofty dignity, honor, and heroism of George Washington, the cradled son of Columbia. She should be educated in every sense equal to the man. It has been generally supposed, in by-gone days, that if woman could barely read and write, it was abundant, as she had nothing to do but attend to her domestic concerns, and to take care of LECTURE XII, * 249 children. Bat the arrest of her progress in science has but proved to be an arrest of the intellectual, moral, and social advancement of the world. Her sta- tion, so far from being insignificant, is indeed a most responsible one. She holds in her silken grasp the destiny of empires, and the weal and woe of our race, She has not only a moulding power over her unborn offspring, but during the first ten years of its exist- ence, as it is almost exclusively confined to her soci- ety, so from her it still continues to draw, in a great measure, its cast of character. Hence she should be educated and qualified to breathe to her child the purest thoughts and noblest principles, and to inspire its tender bosom with the deep-toned love of country* She should be qualified to impress upon it a high sense *of honor and true greatness, and the most patriotic and exalted sentiments. And, in order to do this suc- cessfully, she should be well acquainted with phreno- logical science and human nature, so as to make her impressions understanding^ and forcibly upon the proper organs of the brain. These organs would then be more and more harmoniously developed, and the child would continue to improve in beauty of person, and in intellectual and moral greatness, as he advanced to maturity. In the light our subject now stands, how lamentable, and how awful is the consideration, that our childreu should be committed to the care of ignorant, degraded. 250 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. and too often of wicked and unprincipled servants, to be almost exclusively reared by them! There the seeds of ignorance, if not of vice, are early sown. How elevated and responsible is the mother's station ! How fatal to the character and welfare of her offspring are ignorance and vice ! How dreadful, how alarming and fearful, to see her resign her fond charge, and commit its destiny, for weal or woe, to such unskilled hands ! She had better resign her child to the silent grave, where, even though her lids are filled with tears, she can yet smile, that its pains are o'er, that its beating pulse is still, its spirit unstained, and its burning brow is cold ! Yes, Ladies, the contempla- tion of this subject is so painful, that I choose to leave you to draw your own conclusions rather than to ex- press my thoughts. True, the pulpit insists on her social and religious rights, because this is popular. But by neglecting to plead in behalf of her civil, her political, and in- tellectual rights it has forgotten her elevated sta- tion and high destiny, fallen from heaven to earth, and, by its fall, crushed the dearest hopes of the philan- thropist for the speedy, intellectual, and moral advance- ment of our race. It will not, and dare not, speak in a bold, firm, and untrembling voice in defense of those rising sciences and improvements of the age, however useful, against which the current of popular opinion strongly sets. It has ceased to breathe the pure, LECTURE XII. 251 healthful, and invigorafing breezes of Paradise, that inspire an independent and godlike heroism. Woman is thus, in a voice of pretended mercy, oppressed, and it dare not even rebuke oppression and crime, when clothed in gold and sustained by popular impulse. The pulpit is the great engine of moral power and moral reform. But by neglecting the science of Hu- man Beauty, and the general and extensive education of woman, its energies are in a great degree para- lyzed. But it is destined, by the decree of the Ruling Heavens, to be aroused from its dreadful slumberings upon the monster Popularity, whose breath is con- suming it, and to thunder its energizing and regenera- ting powers for the accomplishment of this great end which involves the moral elevation and the intellectual grandeur of man. The science of Genetology, em- bracing the doctrine of psychological impressions, in connection with the gospel of Jesus Christ, is destined to renovate the world and usher in the millennial morn. Extensive combinations are formed, and the most untiring exertions are constantly made to improve, not only the animal, but even the vegetable race. Fruits and grains, in a few years, have been brought to great perfection, by man simply co-operating with nature so as to enable her to make the most favorable im- pressions to produce what is beautiful in her vegetable department. So also in the animal kingdom. Horses* sheep, and oxen, and even the race of swine, are annu- 2§2 ELECTRICAL PSYCHOLOGY. all}' improving in form and beauty, and premiums are offered for the finest specimens, both as to symmetry and size. But not a single thought is bestowed as to improving and beautifying the godlike lineaments of the human form. To improve these through the edu- cating of woman, and enlightening her how to make a psychological impression upon her embryo-child, is but to improve the morals of our race. The theme is a great one, and it will require future generations to move it on, and to develop and present it perfect to the world. It will be the scroll of Human Beauty unrolled. This is indeed a sublime hope. " Eternal hope ! when yonder spheres sublime Peal'd their first notes to sound the march of time, Thy joyous "birth began ; but not to fade When all the sister planets have decayed. When wrapt in fire, the realms of ether glow, And heaven's last thunder shakes the earth below. Thou, undismayed, shalt o'er the ruin smile, And light thy torch at nature's funeral pile." % Kht of ~fM$ on ■ Canton Hall, ^#E^F^^' 131 Nassau St. NEW YORK. bf order to accommodate "The People, " residing in all parts of the United States, the Publishers will forward, by return of the First Matt,, any book named in the following List. The postage will be pre-paid by them, at the Hew York Office. By this arrangement of pre-paying postage in advance, fifty per cent, is saved to the purchaser. 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With Plain Receipts for Preparing all Appropriate Dishes for Hydropathic EstalJishments, Vegetarian Boarding-Houses, Private Families, etc., etc. It is the Cook's Complete Guide for all who " Eat to Live.'' 12mo. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Children ; Their Hydropathic Management in Health and Disease. A descriptive and practical work, designed as a guide for families and physicians. With numerous cases described. By Joel Shew, M. D. 12mo. 432 pp. Miislin, $1.25. This work has b,?en written expressly for the people, and it aims to present the whole subject of the treatment of children in a plain, practical manner, that every parent may understand and apply its principle in the restoration and preservation of the health of their offspring. It should be in the hands of every mother in the land. — [Mirror of Temperance, Port Jervia, N. Y. Consumption ; Its Prevention and Cure by the Water Treatment. 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With an Explanation of Water-Cure Processes, Advice on Diet and Regimen, and Particu- lar Directions to Women in the Treatment of Female Diseases, Water Treatment in Child- birth, and the Diseases of Infancy. Illustrated by Numerous Cases in the Practice of the Author. By Mrs- Mary S. Gove Nichols. 12mo. 108 pp. Price, 80 cts. Fowlers and Wells' Publications. Errors of Physicians and Others in the Practice of the Water- Cure. By J. H. Sausse. Translated by Dr. C. H. Meeker. 12mo. 91 pp. Price, 30 cts. Hydropathic Encyclopedia : A System of Hydropathy and Hygiene. In Eight Parts : I. Outline of Anatomy. II. Physiology of the Human Body. IH. Hygienic Agencies, and the Preservation of Health. IV. Dietetics, and Hydropathic Cookery. V. Theory and Practice of "Water Treatment. VI. Special Pathology, and Hydro- Therapeutics, including the Nature, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of all known Dis- eases. VDX Application of Hydropathy to Midwifery and the Nursery. Designed as a Guide to Families and Students, and a text-Book for Physicians. By. R. T. Trail, M. D. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings and Colored Plates. Di Two large Volumes. 12mo., with 985 pp. Price, pre-paid by Mail, in Muslin, $3.00. This is the most comprehensive and popular work yet published on the subject of Hydropathy. The title of the book does no justice to the extent and variety of the information which it contains. In preparing it, no pains have been spared in collecting and consulting the most valuable authorities. For popular reference, we know of no work which can fill its place. Without any parade of technical terms, it is strictly scientific ; the language is plain and simple ; the points explained are of great importance ; devoted to progress, the editor is no 6lave to theory; he does not shock the general reader by medical ultraisms; while he forcibly demonstrates the benefits of modern improvements. Of all the numerous publications which have attained such a wide popularity, as issued by Fowlers and Wells, perhaps none are more adapted to general utility than this rich, comprehensive, and well-arranged Encyclopedia. — [X. Y. Tribune. Hydropathy for the People. With Plain Observations on Drmrs. Diet. "Water, Air, and Exercise. Bv Wm. Horsell, of London. With Xotes and Ob- servations by R. T. Trail, M. D. 12mo. 250 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Hydropathy; or, The Water-Cure. Its Principles, Processes, and Modes of Treatment. Compiled, in part, from the most Eminent Authors, Ancient and Modern, on the Subject. Together with an Account of the Latest Methods Adopted by Priessnitz. Numerous Cases Described. By Dr. Shew. 12mo. 360 pp. Muslin, $1.25. Home Treatment for Sexual Abuses. A Practical Treatise for Both Sexes, on the Xature and Causes of Excessive and Unnatural Indulgence, the Diseases and Injuries resulting thereform. with their Symptoms and Hydropathic Manage- ment. By R, T. Trail, M. D. 12mo. 118 pp. Price, 30 cts. Hygiene and Hydropathy, Three Lectures on. By E. S. Houghton, A. M., M. D. 12mo. 132 pp. Price, 30 cts Introduction to the Water-Cure. Founded in Nature, and Adapted to the Wants of Man. By Thomas L. Nichols, M. D. 12mo. 46 pp. Price, 15 cts. Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women. A Descriptive and Practical Work, showing the Superiority of Water-Treatment in Menstruation, and its Dis- orders. Chlorosis. Leucorrhoea, Fluor Albus, Prolapsus Uteri, Hysteria, Spinal Diseases, and other Weaknesses of Females ; in Pregnancy, and its Diseases, Abortion, Uterine Haemor- rhage, and the General Management of Childbirth, Xursing, etc., etc. With Numerous Cases of Treatment. By Joel Shew, M. D. 12mo. 432 pp. Muslin, $1.25. A valuable work, and one which, should be in the hands of every married woman. Milk-Trade, in New York and Vicinity. Giving an Account of the Sale of Pure and Adulterated Milk ; the Daily and Yearly Consumption ; the Amount of Property Invested in the Business ; the Milk Dealers and Dairymen of Orange and other Counties ; Injurious Effects of Impure Milk en Children ; Advice to Country Dairymen. By John Mullaly. With an Introduction by R. T. Trail, M. D. 12mo. 118 pp. Price, 30 cts. Parents' Guide for the Transmission of Desired Qualities to Offspring, and Childbirth made Easy. By Mrs. Hester Pendleton. 12mo. 212 pp. Paper, 60 cts. Another valuable work for mothers. A good work i'cr Fowlers and Wells' Publications. Pregnancy and Childbirth. Illustrated with Cases, showing the Remarkable Effects of Water in Mitigating the Pains and Perils of the Parturient State. By Joel Shew, M. D. 12mo. 124 pp. Price, 30 cents. Principles of Hydropathy ; or, the Invalid's Gruide to Health and Happiness. By David A. Harsha. 12mo. 48 pp. Price, 15 cents. Practice of Water-Cure. With Authenticated Evidence of its Efficacy and Safety. Containing a Detailed Account of the Various Processes used in the Water Treatment, etc. By James Wilson, M. D., and James M. Gully, M. D. 12mo. 144 pp. Price, 30 cts. Science of Swimming. Giving a History of Swimming, and Instructions to Learners. By an Experienced Swimmer. 16mo. 36 pp. Price, 15 cts. Every boy in the nation should have a copy, and learn to swim. Illustrated with Engravings. Water-Cnre Library. In Seven 12mo Yolumes. Embracing : Vol. I. Hydropathy ; or, The Water-Cure. Vol. II- Introduction to the Water-Cure ; Ex- perience in Water-Cnre ; Parents' Guide, and Childbirth made Easy. Vol. HI. Hydropathy for the People ; Curiosities of Common Water. Vol. IV. Water-Cure Manual ; Cholera. Vol. V. Water and Vegetable Diet ; Tobacco, its Effects on Body and Mind. Vol. VI. Water- Cure in every known Disease ; Errors of Physicians and Others in the Practice of Water- Cure. Vol. VHI. Consumption, its Causes. Prevention, and Cure ; Water-Cure in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Bound in Embossed Muslin. Price only $6.00. This Library comprises all the most important works oi the subject of Hydropathy. The volumes are of uniform size and binding, and the whole form a most valuable medical library for the family. Water-Cure in America. Over Three Hundred Cases of Various Diseases Treated with Water by Drs. Wesselhceft, Shew, Bedortha, Shieferdecker, Trail, Nichols, and Others. With Cases of Domestic Practice. Designed for Popular as well as Professional Pleading. Edited by a Water Patient. 12mo. 380 pp. Muslin, $1.25. Water and Vegetable Diet in Consumption, Scrofula, Cancer, Asthma, and other Chronic Diseases. In which the Advantages of Pure and Soft Water over that which is Hard, are particularly Considered. By William Lambe, M. D. With Xotes and Additions by Joel Shew, M. D. 12mo. 258 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Water-Cure Applied to every known Disease. A Complete Demonstration of the Advantages of the Hydropathic System of Curing Diseases ; show- ing also the fallacy of the Medicinal Method, and its Utter Inability to Effect a Permanent Cure. With an Appendix, containing a Water Diet, and Rules for Bathing. By J. H. Rausse. 12mo. 272 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Water-Cure Manual. A Popular Work, Embracing Descrip- tions of the Various Modes of Bathing, the Hygienic and Curative Effects of Air, Exercise, Clothing. Occupation, Diet, Water-Drinking, etc. Together with Descriptions of Diseases, and the Hydropathic Means to be Employed therein. By Joel Shew, M. D. 12mo. 282 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. 'Water-Cure Almanac ; An Annual, containing much Impor- tant and Valuable Matter relative to the Water-Cure System. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings. Every individual should have a copy. 48 -pp. Price, 6 cts. 'Water-Cure Journal, and Herald of Eeforms. Devoted to Physiology, Hydropathy, and the Laws of Life. Illustrated with Numerous Engravings. Quarto. 288 pp. a Year. Published Monthly, at $1.00 a Year. The Water-Cure Journal holds a high rank in the science of health ; always ready, straightforward, and plain- spoken, it unfolds the law of our physical nature, without any pretensions to the technicalities of science, but in a form as attractive and refreshing as the sparkling element of which it treats. We know of no American periodical which presents a greater abundance of valuable information on all subjects relating to human progress and welfare. — fN. Y. Tribune. This is, unquestionably, the most popular health Journal in the world. — [N. Y. Evening Post. Every man, woman, and child, who loves health, who desires happiness, its direct result, who wants to " live while he does live,"-" live till he dies," and really live, instead of being a mere walking corpse, should become at once a reader of this Jvurnal, and practise its precepts.— [Fountain Journal. Fowlers and Wells' Publications. Amativeness ; or, Evils and Eemedies of Excessive and Per- verted Sexuality, including Warning and Advice to the Married and Single. By 0. S. Fowler. 12mo. 48 pp. Price 15 cts. Combe on Infancy ; or, the Physiological and Moral Manage- ment of Children. By Andrew Combe, M. D. 12mo. 307 pp. With Illustrations. A valua- ble work for Parents. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Combe's Phj^siology. Applied to the Preservation of Health, and to the Improvement of Physical and Mental Education. By Andrew Combe, M. D. With Xotes and Observations byO. S. Fowler. Octavo. 320 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Dr. Combe has done more to spread abroad a knowledge of this most useful science than any other author we can name.— [Christian Intelligencer, N. Y. Chronic Diseases ; Especially the Nervous Diseases of Women. ByD.Rosch. Translated from the German by Charles Dummig. An important work for the Married of both sexes. 12mo. 61 pp. Paper, 30 cts. Digestion, Physiology of. Considered with Eelation to the Principles of Dietetics. By Andrew Combe, M. D. Illustrated with Engravings. 18mo. 310 pp. Paper, 30 cts. Food and Diet. With Observations on the Dietetic Eegimen suited for Disordered States of the Digestive Organs ; and an account of the Dietaries of some of the Principal Metropolitan and other Establishments for Paupers. Lunatics, Crimi- nals, Children, the Sick. &c. Bv Jonathan Pereira. M. D.. F. R. S. Edited by Charles A. Lee, M. D. Octavo. 31S pp. Paper, 87 cts. ; Muslin, $1.25. Generation, Philosophy of. Its Abuses, with their Causes, Prevention and Cure. By John B. Xewman, M. D. 12mo. 118 pp. Paper, 30 cts. Hereditary Descent : Its Laws and Facts Applied to Human Improvement. By 0. S. Fowler. 12mo. 288 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Maternity; or, The Bearing and Nursing of Children. In- cluding Female Education and Beauty. By 0. S. Fowler. 12mo. With Engraved Illustra- tions. 221 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Natural Laws of Man. A Philosophical Catechism. By J. G. Spurzheim, M. D. An important work. 18mo. 171 pp. Paper, 30 cts. Natural History of Man. Showing his Three Aspects of Plant, Beast and Angel. Plant Life, comprising the Nutritive Apparatus. Beast Life, or Soul, the Phrenological Faculties. Angel Life, or Spirit, Jehovah's Likeness in Man. By John B. Newman, M. D. With Engravings. 12mo. 295 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Organic Laws ; or, The Laws which Govern the Human Or- ganism. By J- Bradford Sax. 12rr.o. 261pp. In this work the author tells us of the physical laws which govern us, what and when we should eat and drink, and how to live and obey those lawe, that health may be enjoyed. Physiology, Animal and Mental. Applied to the Preserva- % tion and Restoration of Health of Body and Power of Mind. By 0. S. Fowler. Illustrated with Engravings. 12mo. 812 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Fowlers and Wells' Publications. Keproductive Organs, Hints on the. Their Diseases, Causes, and Cure on Hydropathic Principles. By James C. Jackson. 12mo. 48 pp. Paper, 15 cts. Sexual Diseases ; Their Causes, Prevention, and Cure, on Physiological Principles. Embracing : Home Treatment for Sexual Abuses ; Chronic Dis- eases, Especially the Nervous Diseases of Women ; The Philosophy of Generation ; Ama- tiveness ; Hints on the Reproductive Organs. In One Vol. 12mo. 417 pp. Muslin, $1.25. Sober and Temperate Life. The Discourses and Letters of Louis Cornaro. With a Biography of the Author. By Piero Maroncelli. With Notes, and an Appendix by John Burden 1 . 18mo. 228 pp. Paper, 30 cts. Twenty-five thousand copies of this excellent work have been sold. It is translated into several languages. Tobacco : Its History, Nature, and Effects on the Body and Mind. With the Opinions of Rev. Dr. Nott, L. X. Fowler, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Hon. Horace Greeley, Dr. Jennings, 0. S. Fowler, Dr. R. T. 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With a Lecture on the Voltaic Mechanism of Man. By Alfred Smee, F. R. S. 12mo. 61 pp. Illustrated. Price, 30 cts. Electrical Psychology, Philosophy of. In a Course of Twelve Lectures. By John Bovee Dods. 12mo. 252 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Elements of Animal Magnetism ; or, Process and Applica- tion for Relieving Human Suffering. By Charles Morley. 12mo. 24 pp. Price, 15 cts. Fascination ; or, The Philosophy of Charming. Illustrating the Principles of Life in connection with Spirit and Matter. By John B. Newman, M. D. 12mo. 176 pp. Paper, 15 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Mental Alchemy. A Treatise on the Mind, Nervous Sys- tem, Psychology, Magnetism, Mesmerism., and Diseases. By B, Brown Williams, M. D. 12mo. 180 pp. Priced cts. 10 Fowlers and Wells' Publications. Macrocosm and Microcosm ; or, The Universe Without and the Universe Within. Being an Unfolding of the Plan of Creation, and the Correspondence of Truths, both in the World of Sense and the World of Soul. In Two Parts. By William FisMfoough. 12mo. 259 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. It is written with, unquestionable ability, and by a thinker and student. — [Boston Transcript. Philosophy of Mesmerism. Six Lectures. With an Intro- duction. By J. Bovee Dods. 12mo. 82 pp. Paper, 30 cts. Psychology ; or, the Science of the Soul. Considered Phy- siologically and Philosophically. With an Appendix containing Xotes of Mesmeric and Psychical Experience. By Joseph Haddock, M. D. With Engravings of the Nervous Sys- tem. 12mo. 112 pp. Price, 30 cts. Spiritual Intercourse, Philosophy of. 'Being an Explanation of Modern Mysteries. By Andrew Jackson Davis. Octavo. 176 pp. Price, 62 cts. „ Supernal Theology, and Life in the Sphere. Deduced from Alleged Spiritual Manifestations. By Owen G. Warren. Octavo. 112 pp. Price, 30 cts. Among the many publications on the subject of spiritual manifestations this is. one of the most entertaining.— [Boston Commonwealth. imlhutm. .Botany for all Classes. Containing a Floral Dictionary, and a Glossary of Scientific Terms. Illustrated with numerous, beautiful, and appropriate En- gravings. By John B. Newman, M. D. 12mo. 226 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. In this work the subject is presented in a series of interesting conversations. Chemistry, and its Applications to Physiology, Agriculture, and Commerce. By Justus Liebig, M. D., F. R. S. Octavo. 54 pp. Price, 25 cts. Delia's Doctors; or, A Grlance Behind the Scenes, By Hannah Gardner Creamer. 12mo. 262 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Intended to show the folly of going: to physicians for every ailment, instead of consulting the laws of nature, and obeying them. Full of important suggestions to invalids. Essay on Wages, Discussing the Means now Employed for Upholding them, and showing the Necessity of a "Working Man's Tariff, founded on the Principled" Graduating Import Duties, in Inverse Proportion to the Rate of "Wages Paid in the Manufacture of the Imported Goods. By Philip C Friese. 12mo. 35 pp. Price, 15 cts. Familiar Lessons on Astronomy ; Designed for the Use -of Cluldren and Youth in Schools and Families. By Mrs. L. N. Fowler. With Illustrations. 12mo. 165 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Future of Nations : In what Consists its Security. A Lec- ture Delivered in the Broadway Tabernacle, New York, on Monday Evening, June 21, 1852. By Louis Kossuth. With a Likeness. 12mo. 44 pp. Prrce, 12 cts. Hints Toward Eeforms : In Lectures, Addresses, and other Writings. Together with the Crystal Palace, and its Lessons. By Horace Greeley. 12mo. 425 pp. Muslin, $1.25. Horace Greeley is abont as well known in the United States as Dr. Franklin. In the purity, simplicity, and straightforwardness of his style, no writer of this age is his superior. — [X. Y: Independent. No manor woman who has an interest in this world should be without this work. Greeley always gives us a clear, common-sense view of things, in strong, brief, and frequentlv eloquent language. He is "himself in this book. It is full of the spirit of life-. If you are a reformer, read it, if you need reforming, read it.— [Williamsburgh Times. Fowleks axd Wells' Publications. 11 Hopes and Helps for the Young of Both Sexes. Belating to the Formation of Character, Choice of Avocation, Health, Amusement, Music, Conver- sation, Cultivation of Intellect, Moral Sentiment, Social Affection, Courtship and Marriage. By Rev. G-. S. Weaver. 12mo. 216 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Every parent should place this book in the hands of his children. Every youth who reads it -will feel inspired with new resolutions for a nobler and purer life, be his occupation what it may. Human Eights, and their Political Guaranties. Essays. By E. P. Hurlbut. With Notes by Geo. Combe. 12mo. 249 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. Home For All. New, Cheap, Convenient, and Superior Mode of Building - , containing full Directions for Constructing Gravel Walls. 12 mo. pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. New Edition, Revised, with Additions. Immortality Triumphant. The Existence of a God, and Human Immortality, Practically Considered, and the Truth of Divine Revelation Substan- tiated. By John Bovee Dods. 12mo. 216 pp. Paper, 62 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. The talented author has opened a new and beautiful field, rich in thought, and of vast importance to the theolo- gian, and placed within the reach of the Christian world at large, an immense mass of materials, and in a condensed form, by which any one of ordinary capacity may briefly and successfully meet the arguments of the Atheist and Deist.— [Ithaca Chronicle. Innovation, Entitled to a Full and Candid Hearing. By John Patterson. 12mo. 61 pp. Price, 15 cts. Literature and Art. By S. Margaret Fuller. Two Parts in One Volume. Containing : A Short Essay on Critics ; A Dialogue ; The Two Herberts ; Prose "Works of Milton, with a Biographical Introduction ; Life of Sir James Mackintosh ; Modern British Poets ; Modern Drama ; Dialogue, containing Sundry Glosses on Poetic Texts ; Poet3 of the People ; Miss Barrett's Poems ; Lives of Haydn, Mozart, Handel, Bach, Beethoven ; Record of Impressions Produced by Mr. Allston's Pictures ; American Literature ; Sweden- borgianism ; Methodism at the Fountain ; The Tragedy of Witchcraft. With an Introduction by Horace Greeley. 12mo. 347 pp. Muslin, $1.25. No woman in America has ever equalled her for bold, vigorous, original thoughts. Literature and Art contain some of her productions, of the greatest merit and interest. — [Wyoming Mirror. Labor; Its History and Prospects. By Eobert Dale Owen. An Address Delivered before the Young Men's Mercantile Association of Cincinnati. 12mo. 76 pp. Paper, 30 cts. Power of Kindness ; Inculcating the Principles of Benevo- lence and Love. By Charles Morley. 12mo. 72 pp. Paper, 30 cts. ; Muslin, 50 cts. Population, Theory of. Deduced from the General Law of Animal Fertility. Republished from the Westminster Review. With an Introduction by R. T. Trail, M. D. Price, 15 cts. Temperance Eeformation ; Its History, from the Organiza- tion of the first Temperance Society, to the 'adoption of the Liquor Law of Maine, 1851 ; and the Consequent Influence of the Promulgation of that Law on the Political Interest of the State of New York, 1852. By Rev. Lebbeus Armstrong. New Edition. Enlarged. With a Portrait of the Author. 12mo. 465 pp. Muslin, $1.25. A much more clever book than the title would lead one to expect. It is full of historic reminiscences, anecdotes, and information, spicily served up. — [N. Y. Mirror. The Student : A Family Miscellany, and Monthly School- Reader. Devoted to Physical Moral, and Intellectual Improvement. Edited by N. A. Calkins. Monthly. Octavo. 32 pp. 384 pp. a Year. $1.00. The Plan of the Student is Original : having a department for the older members of the family, one for the youth, and another for children, and another for parents and teachers. It contains history, biography , travels, science, &c, with numerous illustrations. In short, it is a Historian, an Orator, a Botanist, a Chemist, a Geologist, an Astronomer, a Philosopher, a Physiologist, a Poet, a Teacher, a Story-Teller, and is just the work for Girls and Boys, young Men and young Women, Parents and Teachers. Woman : Her Education and Influence. By Mrs. Hugo Reid. With an Introduction by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland. With Portraits of Several Distinguished Women. 12mo. 192 pp. Paper, 50 cts. ; Muslin, 87 cts. FOWLERS AND WELLS' PUBLICATIONS. The Retail, or Office Prices. PHRENOLOGY. Combe'3 Lectures on Phrenology, Chart for Recording Developments, - Constitution of Man, - paper 5 " " School Edition, Defence of Phrenology, - paper 5' Domestic Life, ... Education Complete, Education. By Spurzheim, paper 5 Familiar Lessons on Phrenology and Phy Love and Parentage, " " and Amativeness, Marriage: Its History, etc., paper 3' Memory, - - paper Moral and Intellectual Science, Mental Science — Lectures, paper Matrimony, - Phrenology Proved, Illustrated, and Appl: Phrenological Journal, Popular Phrenology, Phrenology and the Scriptures, Phrenological Guide, Phrenological Almanac, Phrenological Bust, Religion, Natural and Revealed, paper 50, Self-Culture, - - paper , Self-Instructor, - - paper Synopsis of Phrenology and Physiology, Symbolical Head and Phrenological Chart, Temperance and Tight Lacing, HYDROPATHY, OR WATER Accidents and Emergencies, Bulwer, Forbes and Houghton, Cook-Book, Hydropathic, Children : Their Hydropathic Management. Consumption, ... paper 50. Curiosities of Common "Water, Cholera, - Confessions of a "Water Patient, Errors of Physicians, Experience in Water -Cure, Hydropathic Encyclopaedia, 2 vols., Hydropathy for the People, paper 50. Home Treatment for Sexual Abuses, Hygiene and Hydropathy, Introduction to the AVater-Cure, Midwifery, and Diseases of Women, Milk Trade in New York and Vicinity, Parent's Guide, and Childbirth made Easy. Philosophy of Water-Cure, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Principles of Hydropathy, - Practice of Water-Care, Science of Swimming, Water-Care Library, 7 vols., Water-Cure in America, Water and Vegetable Diet, Water-Cure in Every Disease, Water-Cure Manual, Water-Cure Almanac, Water-Cure Journal, 5 47 7 • $1 00 6% 12% , muslin 75 ^logy, 00 - 25 - 62% , muslin 62% muslin 75 ■ - 2 00 muslin 75 - 25 ed, - 1 00 - ] 00 - 25 - 12% . 12% - 06M - 1 00 muslin 75 muslin 75 muslin 50 12% 12% • 12% - 1 00 paper 50 12% 12% 1 00 - . 25 . - 12% . • 25 - - 12% * 5 00 I 00 paper 50 muslin 75 paper 50 muslin 75 paper 50 muslin 75 06% I 00 PHYSIOLOGY. Amativeness, Combe on Infancy, Combe's Physiology, Chronic Diseases, Digestion, Physiology of, Food and Diet, Generation, Philosophy of, Hereditary Descent, Maternity, Natural Laws of Man, Natural History of Man, Organic Laws. paper 50, muslin paper 50, muslin 12% 25 paper 75, muslin 1 00 25 paper 50, muslin 75 paper 50, muslin 75 paper 50. muslin paper 50, muslin To Physiology, Animal and Mental, paper 50, muslin 75 Reproductive Organs, Sexual Diseases, Sober and Temperate Life, « • • Tobacco : Its Effects, - . . - Teeth : Their Structure and Disease, Tobacco : Its Use and Abuse, - . Tea and Coffee, ..... Tobacco, Use of, • - - - Vegetable Diet, - - paper 50, muslin MESMERISM AND PSYCHOLOGY. Biology; or, the Principles of the Human Mind, Electrical Psychology, - paper 50, muslin Elements of Animal Magnetism, - - Fascination, - - paper 40, muslin Mental Alchemy, - - Macrocosm and Microcosm, paper 50, muslin Philosophy of Mesmerism, - - Psychology ; or, the Science of the Soul, - Spiritual Intercourse, • • * Supernal Theology, - - « PHONOGRAPHY. Constitution of the United States, * - Declaration of Independence, • « • Phonographic Teacher, • • » Phonographic Envelopes, Phonographic Alphabet, Phonographic Word Signs, MISCELLANEOUS. Botany for all Classes, paper 50, muslin 75 Chemistry, Applied to Physiology. Agriculture, &c, 20 Delia's Doctors, paper 50, muslin 75 Essay on Wages, - - 12j Familiar Lessons on Astronomy, paper 40, muslin 60 Future of Nations, - - 10 Hints Toward Reforms. By Greeley, - - 1 00 Hopes and Helps for the Young, paper 50, muslin 75 Human Rights, paper 50, muslin 75 Home For All, - - - - - 75 Immortality Triumphant, paper 50, muslin 75 Innovation, Literature and Art, Labor : Its History and Prospects, Power of Kindness, paper 95, muslin Population. Theory of, - - 12% Temperance Reformation, - • - 1 00 The Student— A Monthly Magazine, - - 1 00 Woman : Her Education, - paper 40, muslin 75 Office, Clinton Hall, 131 Nassau-street, New York. | 12% i 00 12% 06M 12% 12% 12% 25 50 10 40 per hundred 3 00 " 2 00 " 3 00 1 00 Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: Nov. 2004 PreservationTechnologies A V/ORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 1 1 1 Thomson F Cranberry Towr (724)779-2111 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive II