I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I J JMe^Xsl J | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA f :'□AG— DIE D. Dagger sig. doctrines that destroy truth and good. Damsel, Girl, Maiden, sig. affection in which is innocence. Dance sig. the pleasantness and joy of spiritual good, or joy from the truth. Darkness sig. ignorance — want of truth. Dart sig. doctrine of truth: opposite, falsity. Daughter, Young Woman and Dam- sel. Daughter sig. affection in com- mon; young woman, affection in which is charity; damsel, affection in which is innocence. Day and Night. Day sig. truth and light; night, falsity and darkness. Deer, Male, natural affection of truth: Female, of good. Deep, Depth, sig. what is exterior — hell. Diamonds sig. spiritual truths. Diet, Meat and Drink sig., meat, good; drink, truth, i. e. affections and knowl- edges. BIO— BITS Dig sig. to investigate or search deep- ly into things. I>ip or Dye sig. to defile. Diseases correspond to the Insts and passions of the mind — hence these are the original causes of diseases. Distance sig. a difference of state or character. Ditch sig. doctrine, because it contains water, which sig. truth. ©0gS sig. those who are in all kinds of impure affections and false persuasions — because dogs eat unclean things, are cruel, contentious — bite and bark. Dooi* sig. hearing, Window, seeing — door sig. entrance, admission into. Dove sig. goodness and truth: faith. Draw Waters, sig. to be instructed in the truth. Drink sig. to perceive and appropriate truths. To Drink Blood sig. to appropriate falsified truths or falses. Drum, a, sig. spiritual good. Dust sig. the lowest natural things. EAG— ENT E. Eagle sig. intellectual sight and thought. .Ear, to hear, sig. obedience. Ear-Kings sig. obedience — consequent- ly, things in act. Ea^t sig. the Lord — Truth — great light. Eat sig. appropriation of truth and good; eat together, association and conjunc- tion, as of friends. Eighth, sig. a new beginning; seven, what is full and complete; eighth, the beginning of a new seven. Elder, the internal — superior — higher. Elephant sig. the natural man as to good. Elevation sig. advancement toward good — toward heaven. Empty sig. where there is nothing true or good; void. Enemies are evil and false principles, because these destroy the soul. Enter sig. to be prepared — to be in pos- session of. EVE— EYE Eve sig. life, which has relation to lore* Evening sig. ak obscure state — a state of darkness. Ewe-Li&mi>& sig. holiness of innocence, most innocent. Eye sig. understanding, because as the eye sees from natural light, so does the understanding from spiritual light. The right eye, the affection of good; the left eye, the affection of truth. Eye-Salve, that whereby the under- standing is corrected or healed. Eye, diseased, understanding hurt by false doctrines. FAC— FIE F, Face sig. the real person, the presence, the affection. Fair, to be, sig. to be wise. Fall sig. loss of good, descent; to fall on knees sig. submission, also, petition ; to fall prostrate sig. humiliation. Fan as wheat sig. separation of falses from good. Fast sig. to mourn on account of the defect of good and truth. Fat sig. good. Falling, fatlikg calf, good of the affec- tions. Father sig. the Lord as to the Divine Love. Father and Mother, which a Man - is to Leave sig. his natural will, which is evil, and his understanding, which is false. Fear. See Timidity. Feed sig. to teach. Feet sig. lowest, or natural principle. Female sig. good affections. 10 FIF— FLO Fenee 9 same as Wall. Ferment sig. to derive falsity from evil. Field sig. doctrine — the church. Fever, evil love. Fiery Chariot sig. doctrine of love and charity. Fiery Horses sig. doctrine of faith derived from L. and C. Fiery Flying Serpents sig faith alone — false faith. Fifteen sig. so few as scarcely any. Fig sig. natural good. Fig-lLeaf sig. natural good. Fig-Tree sig. natural good; Branches, its affection. Fig-Tree, barren, sig. one who is des- titute of good works, but has abundance of truths. Finger sig. power in the lowest degree, same as arm in a higher degree. Fir-Tree sig. the natural principle as to good. Fire sig. love both in a good and bad sense. First and Last sig. all — the whole. Fish sig. to teach. Fishes sig. sensual truth or scientifics. Fishing-Bod sig. the ability to instruct. Fishers sig. those who learn and teach natural truths and afterward spiritual truths. FIV-FRU Five sig. much, also little; Fifty, full. Flame sig. spiritual good — love. Flax sig. truth. Flies sig. falses. Flood sig. truths in abundance; and opposite, falses. Floor sig. the world of spirits which is between heaven and hell; also, the Word as to the good of charity. Flowers sig. truths and fruits; good. Flour, good, love, charity, which is spir- itual food. Food sig. what nourishes the soul. F©ot 9 the lowest principle in man — that which is external. Forebead cor. to heavenly love — love both good and evil. Forest, see Gkove. Fortification sig. truth as defences against falses and evils. Four-Square sig. what is just, because all sides are co-equal — a just man is square. Fox sig. cunning, self-derived intelli- gence. Frogs sig. reasonings from cupidities — because they croak. Frotli sig. what is evil and false. Fruit sig. good works. G AIj — GBA a. Gall sig. infernal falsity; great truth fal- sified. Garden, sig. the rational principle. Garments sig. truths that clothe good and higher truths. Gate sig. an entrance — as doctrine, into the church. Gift oisr a:kt Altar sig. worship — to friends, love. Girl© and Boys sig. g^oods and truths of innocence. Glass sig. Divine Wisdom; Truth, faith. Goat sig. the natural faculties of man. GoMets sig. scientifics of the memory containing truth. Gold, Divine Love. Grapes sig. goodness, and opp., evil. — To Gather Grapes sig. to collect for use. Grass sig. scientific truths: natural sci- ence. Grasshopper, the false principle which destroys the natural. GRA— GSU Grave sig. hell. Great Lights — Srar, M00.N", Stars, sig. love, faith and doctrines. Great Mei* sig. those who are good, and opp., evil. Great sig. good; Less, truth. Green sig. the scientific and sensual principle. Grove sig. intelligence. Grub, falses and evils of the external man. HAI-HAK Mall sig. the false principle destroying good and truth. Hmir sig. the natural or external, and the least of things; those of the least importance. Hair of the Head sig. the ultimate or most natural and external things of wis- dom; because wisdom is sig. by the head., gray hairs more especially so. Hand sig. ability, power; Hand sig. power; Arm greater power; Shoulder, all power. Hand, to hold up, sig. faith looking toward the Lord. Hastdniaid sig. the love of rational and scientific truth. Rang, Crucify, sig. to reject, to utterly cast away as cursed. Harps and all stringed instruments have reference to spiritual affections, hence heavenly joy as represented by harpers harping. Harrow the Earth sig. to commit to the memory, because grain is committed to the earth by harrowing. MAM-HEW HE&rt sig. the natural affections of truth. Harvest; sig. gathering in of goods and truths — consummation of the age. Hatchet, Axe, Chisel, etc., sig. the intellectual nature, or the faculty of shaping truth as it will. Hazel-Tree sig. natural truth. Mead sig. intelligence and wisdom. Healing sig. reformation by the truth. Hear sig. to receive and to perceive truth. Hearl^en sig. obedience from affection. Heart sig. the loves and affections. Heat eig. Love— Light, wisdom. Heavy. Falses are heavy from evils. Hedge and Wall sig. truth which pro- tects and defends. Heel sig. natural things of the lowest order. Heifer sig. natural truth; also innocence of ignorance. Higli sig. good in every degree; Breadth, Truth, the same; Inward, heaven. Hem, Skirt, Border, sig. the extremes, or the natural principle. Herb sig. scien titles; Herb-bearing Seed sig. truth in use. Herd sig. natural good and opp. Hewers, Cutters, etc., of Wood, sig. those who place merit in good works, and thus attribute to themselves the power of salvation. (JAI^-GBA ©all sig. infernal falsity ; great truth fal- sified. ©apd£n sig. the rational principle. ©iwnmeiiis sig. truths that clothe good and higher truths. ©ate sig. an entrance — as doctrine,, into the church. Gift osr aist Altar sig. worship — to friends, love. CSirig and Boys sig. goods and truths of innocence. ©lags sig. Divine Wisdom; Truth, faith. ©oat sig. the natural faculties of man. ©©Mets sig. scientifics of the memory containing truth. ©old, Divine Love. ©rapes sig. goodness, and opp., evil. — To Gather Grapes sig. to collect for use. ©•pass sig. scientific truths: natural sci- ence. ©passltopper, the false principle which destroys the natural. GSA— GRIT Grave sig. hell. Great Lights — Sun, Moon, Stars, sig. love, faith and doctrines. Great Men sig. those who are good, and opp., evil. Great sig. good; Less, truth. Careen sig. the scientific and sensual principle. Grove sig. intelligence. Grab, falses and evils of the external man. HAI-HAK H. Hail sig. the false principle destroying good and truth. Hair sig. the natural or external, and the least of things; those of the least importance. Hair of the Head sig. the ultimate or most natural and external things of wis- dom; because wisdom is sig. by the head, gray hairs more especially so. Hand sig. ability, power; Hand sig. power; Arm greater power; Shoulder, all power. Hand, to hold up, sig. faith looking toward the Lord. Handmaid sig. the love of rational and scientific truth. Hang, Crucify, sig. to reject, to utterly cast away as cursed. Harps and all stringed instruments have reference to spiritual affections, hence heavenly joy as represented by harpers harping. Harrow the Earth sig. to commit to the memory, because grain is committed to the earth by harrowing. MAR-HEW Mart sig. the natural affections of truth. Harvest sig. gathering in of goods and truths — consummation of the age. Hatchet, Axe, Chisel, etc., sig. the intellectual nature, or the faculty of shaping truth as it will. Hazel-Tree sig. natural truth. Mead sig. intelligence and wisdom. Healing sig. reformation by the truth. Hea? sig. to receive and to perceive truth. Hearken sig. obedience from affection. Heart sig. the loves and affections. Me^t rig. Love— Light, wisdom. Heavy. Falses are heavy from evils. Hedge and Wall sig. truth which pro- tects and defends. Heel sig. natural things of the lowest order. Heifer sig. natural truth; also innocence of ignorance. Higli sig. good in every degree; Breadth, Truth, the same; Inward, heaven. Hem, Skirt, Border, sig. the extremes, or the natural principle. Herb sig. scientifics; Herb-bearikg Seed sig. truth in use. Herd sig. natural good and opp. Hewers, Cutters, etc., of Wood, sig. those who place merit in good works, and thus attribute to themselves the power of salvation. BGtiL— HITS Hills sig. the good of charity. Hoar Fro^t sig. truth in the form of good. Hogs cor. to avarice, also sensuality. Honey sig. the delight from good and truth. Ho^f sig. truth in the lowest degree — natural truth. Horn sig. power and dominion. Hornets sig. falses of a tormenting kind. Horse sig. knowledges or understanding of the Word; Dead House, no under- standing: Red Horse, understanding destroyed as to good: Black Horse, understanding destroyed as to truth: White Horse, understanding of the "W ord as to truth and good. Horseman sig. intelligence, one who is intelligent. Hot sig. spiritual love, also infernal love. Hunger, Famine, sig. evils of life. To Hunger sig. to desire good, and to Thirst, truth. Hurt sig. to injure good or truth or power. Husband, sig. the rational or intellectual principle; Husband sig. truth, and Wife, good. INC-IVO I. Incense sig. worship of the Lord. Inebriation sig. truths falsified. Infant sig. love and innocence. Inferior sig. exterior and below. Inn sig. a place of instruction. Iron natural truth. Island, see Land. Ivory sig. natural truth. JAC— J0TT J. Jacinth sig. intelligence from spiritual love and opp. Jasper-Stone sig. the things of wisdom, because it is white and trans- lucent. Jaw-Bone or Cheek sig. the perception and understanding of interior truth — the right, the affection and perception, the left, the understanding of it. Journey sig. instruction and progres- sions in life. KEY— KNE K. Key denotes power. Kid sig. the truth of the church, also innocence and charity. Kine 9 Cattle, sig. good natural affec- tions. King sig. genuine truth; Prince, a prin- ciple truth, and opp. Kiss sig. union or conjunction from affec- tion. Knead sig. to fabricate doctrine accord- ing to self-will. Knee sig. love of good; to bend the knee sig. thanksgiving and adoration — worship. liAB— LEA L. IdBthov sig. temptations and resistance to evils — eiibrts to lead a good life. To Eat of the Labor of the Hands sig. to secure good by a life of obedience to the Lord. Ijae@ 9 scientific truths, because garments sig. external truths. JLadder, Stairs, etc., sig. a communica- tion between higher and lower things. J^aJke sig. abundance of truth — and opp. liUinh sig. innocence of infancy. lianie and Blind sig., the Lame, those who are in evil, and Blind, those who are in faises. liaiaes, see Road. ILanceg sig. truths combating. JLaneet sig. truth. !LaiLd, Earth, Island, sig. the natural man as to good. Xianteras sig. the light of reason. I^eaf sig. truth. Lead is to instruct and to direct the life to good or evil. Lean in Flesh, sig. where there is no charity. LEG— LUST Leg sig. the natural understanding, sup- porting the spiritual. See Foot. Lend sig. to teach, same as to give. Leprosy sig. the falsification of truth and good. Lice sig. evils in the sensual or external man. Lift sig. power; Lift up Hakd, power in spiritual things; Lift Foot, power in natural things. Light sig. Truth. Lightning, splendor of truth. Linen sig. Divine truth. Lines a:n t d Angles denote truth; Curves, Circles, good. Lion, in a good sense, the power of Di- vine Truth; in a bad sense, falsity destroying truth. Loeiagts and Caterpillars sig. falsities in the extremes, which consume the good and truth in men; in a good sense, truths of the most common nature. Look sig. to think, as to see sig. to un- derstand. Louse, see Lice. LmigS cor. to the understanding. MAI— MIL Maid-Servants sig. external affections serving the internal. Maidens^ see Damsel. Maim sig. to cripple or destroy power. Man sig. intelligence, wisdom, Truth. Manger sig. spiritual instruction for the understanding, for a horse sig. under- standing. Mantles sig. truths in general or com- mon. Meal, see Flour. Medicines sig. truths that heal, i. e., that remove falses and evils from the mind. Meat sig. good and pleasant truths. Merchandise sig. the knowledges of good. Merchants sig. those who disseminate knowledge of good and truth. Mice sig. the falses of the sensual man. Milk: sig. spiritual good. Mill, to grind at, sig. examination and confirmation of spiritual truth and of the Word. Millstone sig. truth producing faith. MIR— MUIi Mire sig, false doctrines. Miry Clay sig. evils of life — sins. Miry Places, Marshes, a life defiled with falsities and evils. Moat or Ditch sig. protection — doctrine in ultimates; opp., falses and defilement. Moles rep. those who study truths, not on account of truths, but for fame, glory, and gain. Money sig. truths and goods. Moon sig. spiritual truth, also, the Lord in reference to faith. Morning Star sig. intelligence and wis- dom. Mountains sig. celestial and spiritual love. Mule, rational truth; She-Mule, the af- fection thereof. N. Wail sig. truth supporting — from iron, Natural/Truth. Naked sig. innocence — and ignorance of good and truth. Name sig. the essential * quality of a thing. Near sig. presence and conjunction by love. Niglit sig. a state of ignorance— no faith; Nooifi. sig. wisdom in its highest state. No§e, Nostrils, sig. perception. Number sig. the quality of things. Number, to, sig. to know the nature and quality of anything. Nitrse 9 to, infants sig. innocence — the sice, the administration of good and truth. OAK— ©X o. Oak sig. sensual good and truth — the lowest of the natural principle. Odors correspond to the affections — to the sphere of any one. Offerings sig. worship. Oil sig. love — good affections. Ointment, same as Oil. Olive sig. love and charity. ©id Men, and Elders, sig. wisdom. ©lie sig. good, and what is perfect— from the Oxe Lord. Onions sig. such things as are of the lowest natural. Organ sig. spiritual good. Orphans sig. those who are in a state of innocence and charity, and desire to know and do what is good, but are not able. Overcome sig. to conquer. Owls sig. falsification of truth — because thev see in night. Ox sig. natural good — and affections. 11 FAXr— FLA Paleil8§S sig. absence of spiritual life. Parents sig, goods and truths spiritual, from which come affection and knowl- edges. P&tns sig. truths, because they lead to good and blessedness. Pearls sig. knowledges of truth, also truths. Peael of Great Peioe (Matt, xiii, 45, 48) sig. the knowledge and ac- knowledgment of the Lord. Penny sig. so little as to be scarcely any- thing. Physician, Medicine, etc., sig. preser- vation from evils and falses, for these are spiritual diseases. Pillars sig. support. Pilots sig. those who are wise by knowl- edge from the Word. Pine-Tree sig. natural truth of an in- ferior order. Pit sig. what is false— eallikg Dffro the pit, tailing into error. Pi tell. sig. lusts, from its filth and con- tamination. Flams of Eaeth sig. doctrines of the church, truth. PIiA— POW Plaiae-Tree sig. natural truth. Plant sig. to obtain and appropriate truth. Plowing, preparation to receive truth. Pomegranates sig. doctrines or scien- tific truths of the church, or of religion. Pools sig. intelligence derived from knowledge of good and truth; and opp. Poor sig. one who has no knowledge of truth and good, but desires to learn. Poplar-Tree sig. the natural good and truth that one has before it is made spir- itual; also, the same falsified. Porelt sig. outward things joined to in- ward as an approach or entrance. Port sig. the boundary of scientific truths, because seas sig. scientific truths. Pogl§ op the Doon sig. natural truths, because they are the approach to spirit- ual truths. Pot sig. doctrine, containing good and truth; because the pot contains what is boiled therein, which cor. to good and truth; and opp. Pour Out sig. to communicate. Poverty sig. same as Pook, viz., without good and truth. Powder or Dust sig. the lowest natural things of self and the world, as dust is 'tender the feet, which sig. the extremes of the natural man. PBE— PRU Precious Wood sig. good and at the same time truth; Wood sig. good, and Precious, truth. Premium or Reward sig. the delight in well doing. Present, to give a, sig. the giving of self, or what is of the affection, to another; thus it sig. love. Price sig. gratis from divine love. Pride sig. self-love. Prie§t rep. the Lord as to divine Good. Princes or Chiefs sig. the primary tilings of truth, which are precepts: Kisras, truth itself. Prineesses sig. good, or those who are in good. Prison, to be rs", sig. to be somewhat in the power of evils and falses, because those who are so cannot think anything but evil when yet they wili what is good. Prophets sig. all whom the Lord teaches; also, all who teach truth from tlij Word. Prophets and Priests. Prophets, those who teach; and Priests, those who live what is taught. Prune and Weed sig. to prepare for re- ception by abstaining from evils, to cut off b id habits, etc. Pruning-Hooks sig. truths of doctrine, because by them evils are removed, PUN— PUB Pimislimeni. Every evil carries along with it its own punishment. Pustish- mext is also reformatory. Purple cor. to Divine Celestial Good. Purse sig. same as money; good from gold, and truth from silver. QIJA-QUI Quails sig. natural delight. Queen sig. the church as a wife. Quiver sig. the Word — the doctrines of truth, because arrow sig. truths. RAI— RED Raiment sig. truths; Raimekt of Cam- el's Hair sig. the Word in its natural sense. Rain denotes blessing; and opp., damna- tion. Main and Sisrow. Raix sig. sphitual truth; Skow, natural truth, which is as snow when in the memory, but becomes spiritual by love, as snow becomes rain- water by heat. Rainbow sig. spiritual truth in the nat- ural mind of man, — a sign of the cove- nant of God Yvdth man (Gen. ix, 12, 27). Rains sig. natural good— charity. Raniparts sig. doctrines. Rats and Mice sig. the sordidly avaricious* Raven sig. falsities; because birds sig. thoughts, and black false. Reap sig. the reception of truth* and good; also to receive the reward or con- sequence of deeds. Red, Crimson, sig. good, and opp., evil. Red, in the Hebrew, is called Adam, rdiich sig. good, hence the name Adam, also Edoin; also, man is called Adam, and also the ground is called Adam. bei>— bob Bed Sea sig. hell, from evil, red; and fal- sity, sea. Bedeem sig. liberation. Meed or Cake sig. feeble power. Itemit sig. to remove sins or keep from evil. Remit Seven Times sig. to remit at all times. Bepa j sig. emendation or restoration. Beptile sig. the sensual principle. fitiels.es sig. the knowledges of good and truth. Bide sig. to be elevated as to the intel- lect. Bight is concerning good; Left, truth. Bight Hand sig. highest degree of power. Bings sig. conjunction of good and truth — hence the marriage-ring, because man rep. truth and woman rep. good. Bipe sig. that which is perfected, thus the regenerate. Kise sig. elevation of state. Bivers sig. truths in abundance, and opp. Boads sig. Truths, doctrines, precepts, that lead to good or evils. Boast and Boiled. By Roast is sig. prepared by good because by fire; and by Boiled is by truth because by water. Bol>e, Mantles, and Cloaks sig. truths in common, because they cover the whole body. BOC— BUS Soek sig. the Lord as to divine truth. Bod and Staff sig. power. Hod of Iron sig. power of natural truths. Boe or Roebuck sig. affection of good and truth. Boll AWAY THE STONE FROM THB- Well sig. to open interior truth, because stone sig. natural truth, and natural truth covers and protects spiritual truth. Boof sig. what is higher, thus interior, same as head. Boom ? Place, sig. state or condition. Boot sig. charity or love, because love is the life and the inmost principle from which thought and action springs. Bope, Cord, sig. conjunction because it unites or binds together. Boses, bed of, sig. the delights of Wis- dom. Bound. "What is round is predicated of good; what is angular of truth. Bowers sig. those who are intelligent. But>y sig. the truth of celestial good, because red like fire, which sig. love. Buddiness is predicated of good, as white of truth. Buler sig. one who has truths or knowl- edge. Bushes and Reeds sig. science, because they grow in the water, which sig. truth or knowledge. SAL- SEA S. Salt sig. the affection of truth, and opp., the loss of that affection. Salve, Eye, sig. a medicine whereby the understanding is healed. Sand sig. scientifics, because of the little stones of which it is composed, and stones are truths. Say sig. to perceive; and to speak sig. to think. Scales of a Fish sig. scientifics of the lowest order, such as the fallacies of the senses. Scarlet sig. truth derived from good, Scent sig. perception. Sceptre and Staff. Sceptre sig. divine truth as a governor; and staff, as to power. Scorpion sig. deadly persuasion; for the sting of a scorpion induces stupor upon the limbs, and, if it be not cured, death. Scum sig. what is evil and false. Sea sig. divine truth in its terminations. Seal iisr the Forehead sig. to distinguish and separate one from the other, accord- ing to love. SEA— SHE Search sig. to see. Secret or Hidden sig. inwardly in man; the secret place sig. where the Lord is. Sediment sig. to persuade; faises. Seduce sig. to pervert. See sig. to understand. Seed sig. incipient good and truth from the Lord — also evil and faises. Seelc? to, is of the understanding; and to desire is of the will. Seethe or Boil sig. to destroy good and truth by evil and faises. Sell sig. to reject, cast off, put away; also, to teach. Send Away sig. to be separated. Senses, the five external, cor. to the five internal, and sig. them. Sent sig. to go forth; also, to teach. Serpent sig. evil of every kind; also, man, when he turns from the Lord to himself : the sensual principle. Servant sig. what is inferior and subser- vient to another; what serves. Seven sig. what is holy, from the six days of creation, and the seventh after the work was completed: this from the six stages of man's regeneration, and - the seventh, when it is complete. Sheaf sig. doctrine, because field is the v harch, and corn or wheat is truth; and truths gathered in bundles 13 doctrine. SHE— SUIT She&F 9 to, the Flock sig. doing useful work because thereby wool is procured, for sheep sig. good; and wool, external good, or good in act, or good work, or works of use. S!i3ep sig. good, also those who are in a goo J. life. SneepxFelds sig. knowledges and sci- ences natural. Shepherd sig. the Lord; also one who teaches and leads the flock to good and truth. Shew, to instruct. Shield sig. defence — confidence in the Lord's protection. Ship sig. doctrine — the scientifics and doctrines of what is true. Shoe sig. the lowest natural principle of man; the corporeal. Shoot sig. to put forth the truth, because by arrow is sig. doctrine; and opp. Shoulder sig. all power or the greatest power; by Arm, less power; by Hand, less still; and by Finger, least or most external; by Right Shoulder, the power of good or love; by Left Shoulder, the power of truth or faith. Shruh sig. the knowledge of the truth; also, very little of perception. Shut or Close the Door sig. to cut off communication. SIC -SLA Sick sig. those who are in evil — also those who acknowledge that in them- selves there is nothing but evil. Sickle sig. the divine truth of the Word, because by the harvest is sig. the church or those gathered by the truth, which reaps and gathers. Side sig. good — spiritual love: Side and Shoulder sig. ail the soul and all the power. Silk sig. celestial good and truth: good from its softness, and truth from its shining, Silver sig. truth, and opp., falsity. Silver, Iro^, Tor, Lead, truths in their order, from the highest to the lowest. Sin sig. evils arising from the love of self and the world. Sinew or Nerte sig. truth, for truths in good are like sinews in flesh. Sing, to, sig. glorification of the Lord. Sister sig. intellectual truth. Sit sig. to remain and dwell. Six sig. all, complete, full; same as Three. Sixteen sig. same as four, because four multiplied into itself is sixteen. Skin sig. things external. Skirt sig. external truths, hence the most external. Slain sig. those who perish by falses and evils. Sl^Te Big. tllOSG act from themselves, but from others. Sill, very consists in being under the do- minion of evil and evil spirits. Sfej or Kill sig. to destroy souls. To Slay a Mast sig. to extinguish faith, and To Slay a Little Child, to extin- guish charity. Sleep sig. obscurity of faith and quies- cence of love or charity. Sleight of Hand sig. deception and fal- sification of the truth. Slltmll and Great sig., Small, those who know, or are but little in the truths and goods of the church; and Great, those who know, and are much in them. Smell sig. perceiving. Ssnite sig. to condemn — to destroy. Sstiiiit sig. same as Iron, external or nat- ural truth. Ssiiofee sig. same as cloud, external truths ; because fire, from which it comes, sig. love; also, falses proceeding from self-love. Smooth has reference to truth and opp. ; Smooth Speech, what is plausible, and apparently true. Siiake, see Serpent. ^ §kiar© 9 to be in A, sig. to be taken and seduced by one's own evil desires and falsities. SNO— SPE Snortiiig of Hoeses sig. reasonings and disputations concerning truth. Snow sig. external truth, because from water; also truth without good or faith without charity, consequently without heat. Soap sig. good by which purification is effected. Soldiers sig. those who fight for divine truth. Soles of the Feet cor. to the natural an.d sensual principle of man. Sons and Daughters sig. truths and goods. Sor