^ 4?% ^ » ^ THE HEART OF THINGS THE HEART OF THINGS WRITTEN DOWN BY EDWARD CLARENCE FARNSWORTH H PORTLAND, MAINE SMITH & SALE, PRINTERS MCMXIV fp COPYRIGHT BY EDWARD CLARENCE FARNSWORTH I914 OCT 3/ 1914 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE TRUE ORDER AND PURPOSE OF THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES SEERSHIP INDIVIDUAL RAYS FAMILY RAYS .... SEX EQUALIZATION THE HABITAT OF MEN AND MASTERS MAJOR AND MINOR CENTRES MAN'S HABITAT IN THE PLANETARY CHAIN SOLITARINESS AND FELLOWSHIP THE BACKWARD RACES . THE COMPOUND SOLAR GROUP-SOUL THE NATURE SPIRITS THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK . INITIATION PEACE ..... DEATH . . THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF A MASTER THE ELEVEN FIRES . . MATERIAL CIVILIZATION JOY GREAT AND SMALL . THE LANGUAGE OF INNER SPHERES DISCARNATE BODIES . THE PRALAYA AND REJUVENATION OF PLANETS PAGE ix 3 5 7 io 12 1 3 i7 20 22 23 25 30 32_ 37 40 43„ 45 48 5i 54 57 60 66 69 CONTENTS PAGE IN REPRO THE DIMENSIONS OF TIME DREAMS THE NEARNESS AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE DEAD MUSIC EARTHLY AND POSTHUMOUS WILL DEVACHAN .... THE CENTRAL MYSTERY ACQUISITIVENESS THE SPECIFIC OFFICE OF THE SEXES DUCTION .... IMAGES THE RESURRECTION . THE COMING AVATAR THE CHRISTOS .... LIFE THE UNVEILED CENTRE FALSE IMAGES HATHA YOGA .... MALE AND FEMALE THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM JEHOVAH .... SIX DIVISION AND REUNION SPURIOUS INCARNATIONS SEX IN MIND .... [DBAS .... EARTH S CONTRIBUTION TO HEAVEN THOUGHT FORMS . KNOWLEDGE OF PAST LIVES I IN I OSMIC WORD VI CONTENTS THE THREAD OF SPIRITUAL WILL THE CHAIN OF SUNS SUGGESTION .... THE PLANETARY AURAS THE RANGE OF LIFE IN THE SOLAR SYSTEMS OUR INTER-PLANETARY HELPERS CREATION IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM THE MYSTERY OF THE MOON FIRE AND WATER WAR THE KARMA OF WAR KOSMIC WILL PERSONAL WILL WHENCE AND WHITHER THE THREADS OF FOHAT . THE RELATIVITY OF GOOD AND HIGHER INITIATION . THE PYTHAGOREAN ORDERS . KARMA THE TRUE PANTHEISM . CONCERNING SECRET TEACHINGS CONCLUSION .... EVIL PAGE 186 189 192 198 201 204 208 212 215 217 219 221 222 226 228 232 236 241 244 248 250 252 Vll INTRODUCTION IN the flush and vigor of days that induce the hopeful outlook, rather than the habit of intro- spection, the question of the patriarch, "If a man die, shall he live again ? " is, to the young, one of slight interest and easy dismissal. As middle age is approached, that question gains moment until, for those prone to pierce beneath the surface of life and its issues, it may become unsilenceable. When years are with us, and their outward marks are upon us, and again and again we have given both friends and kin to the unanswering tomb, the silence grows appalling and with sorrow and dismay we realize, as never in youth or prime, the paucity, aye, the absence of such proofs of soul survival as would quite convince our doubting moments, or leave the sceptic without an argument. No longer do the majority look to the skies as the abode of the happy dead, for has not the astronomer assured them that in constitution all worlds are greatly alike, and fiery youth and desolate, frozen age are the beginning and end of every sphere ? As for inter- planetary and inter-stellar space, their temperature of absolute zero is no cheering prospect to whoever would people them with disembodied beings, the angelic host whose numbers the living yet shall swell. ix INTRODUCTION The evolutionist would lift all modern life from the protoplasm of the Cambrian ooze, but, if he grant to the human an immortal principle, he so admits a line of cleavage both arbitrary and unjust. That the creature of long ago, the man in the making, had a soul whereas his parents lacked, is the outcome of a theory whose weakness is patent to the uncompromising materialist, he who holds that as dies the brute, so man, for the stilling of a brain means the dreamless and unawake- able sleep of death. On the other hand, avoiding what he deems the shortcomings of these theories, the occultist will neither limit nor debar. He argues that the gift of life eternal is shared alike by molecule and man. Equals now in this, they shall in other ways be so since to the Supreme Giver the humblest thing reveals certain possibilities yet to eventuate in highest attainment. As to possibilities the occultist asks " What of man ? Is he indeed the masterpiece of God ; or, in the uni- versal consummation, will the Divine Fashioner cause some lesser creature to surpass the human ? " What is the nature of the unifying media in which the transient atoms of the physical body and brain exist seemingly disassociated, but somehow bound together as proved by the association of ideas and the continuity of memory ? Similarly, is not the Solar System a self-conscious group-soul in which the planets, though separate compo- nents, aru unified by the pervading ethers? Touching the soul itself, to what shall we liken it? What are its INTRODUCTION laws and what is its texture ? What is its condition and where its habitat when sundered from the physical ? We would show that some knowledge of the seven-fold constitution of both man and his planetary abode are necessary to the answering of these questions and a thousand others natural to the inquiring mind. As for planets other than this world; are their humanities wiser or more foolish, purer or more carnal than we ? While bound to the Sun their sovereign, are those planets separate each from other, or are they knit heart to heart by delicate though tenacious threads of sympathy ? Furthermore, when this Earth and all earths and the Sun itself waxes old as a garment, what of man and the children of men that flourish because of the light that bringeth the day ? What of Faith ? Is the unquestioning trust of the simple heart, at rest in the Master's assurances, a wis- dom more impregnable than the walled and buttressed doubt of the material philosopher ? What of Justice ? Is it ruler, or is it subordinate to mere sentiment ? What of human action and its effect on human destiny ? What of the man who, having striven worthily, leaves little impress on the world he would benefit ? What of him who from sin, or sloth, or untoward circum- stance makes shipwreck ? Aye, what of him ? Is the brief human span his all of earthly opportunity ? What of Deity ? Shall we, as extreme monotheists, bow to a giant man enthroned somewhere in central or outermost space ; or, as extreme pantheists, shall we reduce God to an impersonal principle ; or, as xi INTRODUCTION reasonable beings, shall we attain to a reasonable and intermediate conception ? What of Evil ? Is it an unmitigated curse ; or is it an unavoidable episode in the drama of the soul ; or may it be a permissible or even a necessary factor in human progress and final purification ? What of Time the mystery ? Is it a circle, or a spiral, or what it seems, a line without beginning and end ? What of Space the body of God ? Is it a nucleus of reality with a circumference of illusion, or is it indeed the shoreless sea of Being ? Finally, what is the ultimate Law of the Universe; in fact, the Law behind the persistence of force and the conservation of energy ? Is that Law sourced in what we call love, or in what we denominate hate ; or, transcending finite outlook, is that Law expressive of a purpose far removed from what man's heart and brain have ever pictured ? If so, does that purpose move on, indifferent to the clash and catastrophe of peopled worlds ? In short, is the consummation one in which insignificant man and beings seemingly more important can have no part ? These and many others are the vexed questions to be discussed in the chapters here introduced. If fall- ing far short of solution, may we not hope that a ray has been thrown upon certain problems. Sunburst or rushlight, it may be that, because of it, other seekers will penetrate deeper and others deeper still even to the I [eart of things. Xll THE HEART OF THINGS THE HEART OF THINGS THE TRUE ORDER AND PURPOSE OF THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES STUDENTS of the book "Teachings from the Arcane Science " have often been perplexed in their attempts to harmonize with the usual classifica- tion and exposition of the human principles, the one therein given. That argument may be stayed and the matter made plain, it should be said that our order and description is the esoteric one ; whereas certain others are substitutes or compromises necessary to conceal important truths once withheld from the public and even from students. When perfected the human principles will comprise four pairs of harmonized opposites. At present they comprise three pairs of opposites synthesized by a seventh principle, the physical body. In respect to the other six principles, the office of this basic body is to evolve a final model for their interior construction. In the first and seventh round, and in the first and seventh races of other rounds, its color is orange like that of Earth in her first and seventh rounds. The polar opposite of this principle is the (7) Orange Hierarchy of the Logos with which it is destined to unite, thus completing the four pairs of harmonized opposites. THE HEART OF THINGS Man's second principle, in ascending series, is the violet Astral body, vehicle of the personal will. At conception this personal will begins to draw to the ovum the physical atoms of the foetus and mould them into a copy of the Astral body. During after life the Astral body strives to preserve the integrity of the physical. This Astral is pliant to the dictates of a stronger will ; hence the efficacy of certain forms of suggestive therapeutics. The opposite pole of the Astral is the light blue human Atma ; the perfect and radiant sphere, vehicle of man's Spiritual Will. It is the true Auric Egg penetrating all other principles and bringing them eventually into that ideal of exterior form, the exact and radiant sphere. The chief office of the human Atma is to preside over the adminis- tration of Karmic justice. In this capacity it often inhibits the mischievous personal will of certain forms of mind "cure." The third principle is the red Kamic body, vehicle of those passions and desires which when purified will be invaluable assets of man the seven-fold being. The polar opposite of this body is the yellow Buddhi, vehicle of that love which looks upward and of itself knows nothing of human frailty, but which, when united with purified Kama, becomes the compassionate Saviour of man. Next in the series is the green Kama- Mimas or lower Manas. This body is the vehicle of the brain mind and the connecting link between the upper and the lower triad. Without that body, rea- son would be as deficient in us as in the beasts of THE HEART OF THINGS the field. The opposite of this body is the dark blue higher Manas, vehicle of that wisdom which tran- scends all of mere knowledge stored in Kama-Manas. Rising from the human to the planetary we there find the personal and the spiritual will more nearly unified. Physical science declares the Earth's rotun- dity due to axil revolution begun with the plastic condi- tion of matter. This is true, but, looking deeper, we find the origin of orbital and axil revolution of planets to be due to the dictate of their principle of Spiritual Will, obeyed by their principle of personal will. Planets having no axil revolution have lost the driving force of their will principles. The eccentricity of human progress down the centuries is due to lack of Spiritual Will guidance. " Let thy movements be ordered as those of a planet," is an ancient admonition which few obey. SEERSHIP FAITH has its confirmation as often as the human entity, dying on a plane and discarding a body, finds itself in a higher on a more interior plane ; but doubt has its inception at the construction of the first body on the downward path to reincarnation. Because, in that descent, the preceding plane and its appropiate body are hidden from the architect proper to a lower plane, the seed of doubt concerning the existence of the preceding plane and body is implanted in the body being constructed. The denser a body the more tangi- ble the doubt. To illustrate: the Kamic architect THE HEART OF THINGS remembers vaguely a former passing out and the pra- laya, the emptiness which for him supervened. The Astral architect also remembers, but more vaguely. The physical architect remembers not, but an unex- plained dread of death and the resulting silence of seeming annihilation is native to it, and manifests with the developing reasoning powers of the physical brain. On the other hand, during incarnation the higher triad knows its ability to bridge the chasm between any two earth lives ; which knowledge, if not inhibited, becomes faith and hope in terrestrial man. The weld- ing of Kama-Manas with the upper triad whereby man becomes a higher quarternary and a lower triad, is foreshadowed in those high representatives of the fifth sub-race who are passing into the new sixth sub-race. Real union of higher and lower Manas results in impregnable faith, but actual sight comes only with transformation of the Kamic principle. The explanation is not difficult : As Atma-Buddhi on the plane of Buddhi — the knower — discarnate man remembers of all his lives every deed appropriate to that high condition, because such deeds are in har- mony with the Universal ; that which is above all human limitations of time and place. As Atma- Huddhi-Manas on the plane of higher Manas, discar- nate man, though much superior to the average, is yet circumscribed by the deeds appropriate to that plane done in the last earth life. When incarnate man trans- forms his passional nature, that is, when he performs continually deeds in harmony with the Universal, then THE HEART OF THINGS in him the conjunction of Kama and Buddhi, its polar opposite, takes place. Because of the world-old bond between Kama, then transformed, and the man of flesh, Buddhi illuminates the physical brain and seership results. Not the inadequate seership of his former discarnate condition when divorced from matter and on the Bud- dhic plane, but adequate seership embracing all but the seventh or Atmic plane of our seven-fold world. The constitution of the physical brain enables it to cope with earth conditions whether good or evil ; in addition the illuminated seer throws upon the problem of evil the interior light of Buddhi. INDIVIDUAL RAYS THE following is a further exposition of the matter of Rays touched upon in the chapter, " Father Rays," p. 129, "Arcane Science." With the great majority of the human race, the characteristic Ray of any representative of its seven major divisions shall have been determined upon his reaching the age of forty-nine years. For the normal child of the Orange Ray, his family color gains ascendency during the first seven years. Prime physi- cal condition and mere animal life in superabundance, together with thoughtless good nature, distinguish him from his playmates. Orion and Tubal-Cain are types of the Orange Ray. For the normal child of the Violet Ray, the family color during his first fourteen years 7 THE HEART OF THINGS manifests as unusual childish determination to bend persons and events to his own interests. Napoleon was a child of the Violet Ray, although the Red Ray brought him into world prominence. Between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one, the normal child of the Red Ray is distinguished by pug- nacity as well as predominance of the sexual nature. Some of Earth's noblest souls are evolved children of the Red Ray. Between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-eight, distinguishing Kama-Manas develops a type of man and woman very common in our commer- cial and utilitarian civilization. The higher represent- atives of the Green Ray are however commanding and necessary forces in the ordinary life of the world. Between the ages of twenty-eight and thirty-five, philosophic aptitude develops rapidly in the children of higher Manas. These henceforth are regarded as ideal- ists, speculators, dreamers, by the children of lower Rays ; those whose minds lack the undergirding of philosophy. The representatives of the Dark Blue are of course such men as Plato whose pupil Aristotle showed the possibilities of the Green. The children of the Yellow Ray come into their own between the ages of thirty-five and forty-two. The battle with the lower personal self has then resulted either in conquest or in discomfiture of Kama; hence lapses are at most, infrequent. Searching for repre- sentatives of this Ray, we are at once drawn to St. Francis of Assisi. Had he not narrowed himself to mediaeval theological dogma and obeisance to fallible 8 THE HEART OF THINGS ecclesiastical authority, St. Francis would have devel- oped seership of a high type. With the exception of the physical body, the personal will is the most un- transmutable of man's lower principles : hence the successful struggle between his personal and Spiritual Will is the crowning victory of man as at present con- stituted. Necessarily the children of the Light Blue are not fixed in their proper color until between the ages of forty-two and forty-nine years. Abraham Lin- coln was a child of this Ray ; a worthy instrument in the hands of the great Master of the Light Blue. The above timal divisions are by no means arbitrary ; for instance, a Master's dominating Ray is from childhood usually a distinguishable one. Again, most advanced souls come into their proper color earlier than do the average. The anomaly of one well past middle life, and presumably of a high Ray, suddenly exhibiting the evil aspect of a lower, indicates the hypocrite, or else a sudden, unbalancing inrush of Karmic causes. In conclusion, higher Manas being essentially a masculine quality, the male representative of the Dark Blue should first exhibit its characteristics. Buddhi, being essentially a feminine quality, the female repre- sentative of the Yellow should first exhibit its charac- teristics. For like reason the male representative of Kama-Manas should be earlier, as also the female representative of Kama. THE HEART OF THINGS FAMILY RAYS IN the scheme of human evolution there is no soli- tary unit ; not one actually sundered from the permanent family group of seven. For wise reasons the units of a permanent family may be widely sepa- rated ; some discarnate, others incarnate in divers places and bound by what are impermanent family ties, to the units of another permanent family of another Ray. Were it otherwise, the permanent family would live to itself and the Ray group-soul and finally the Planetary group-soul could not be unified. The components of a permanent family are three positives and three negatives and the odd seventh member, the connecting link with another permanent family of seven. Parentage is not in the scheme of th e permanent family, for that fam ily will exist through- out the deathless and unreproductive seventh race of this round and the deathless and unreproductive sev- enth round. Therefore shall a man forsake father and mother and cleave to his wife, t hus acknowledging t he st ronger tie, type of the interior permanent one. Par- entage appertains to the unifying of otherwise separated families ; hence the parents should foster the child until he or she goes out to form another family. Whensoever their Karmic orbits touch, some posi- tive and some negative of the permanent double family, the fourteen grou p, are united in most happy marriage, or, even more ideal, two of the seven group come together; but, in this world-period, the union of real 10 THE HEART OF THINGS affinities is well-nigh prohibited, hence rare indeed. However, in the sixth and seventh^ sub-races __ such union will to some extent be permitted by those who guide th e progress of the world. Until the broadest altruism exists in the human heart, wholly ideal mar- riage would for any couple narrow the world to but two persons and so defeat the interior purpose of all marriage, which, we repeat, is not parentage, but group-soul unification. As the human principles comprise three pairs of opposites and on e odd principle ; or, as they comprise the l ight blue and the viole t, the yellow and the red, the i ndigo and the green , and, lastl y, the orange prin- ciple of the physical body — that visible link between man and his kind — and as these seven are tinted by that Ray of the great Seven to which the individual belongs ; so is it with the permanent family of seven. Through all separating incarnations, any positive color, the light blue for instance, and its opposite the violet expression of the family ray — in whatsoever race-Ray existing — are never sundered, but, some- how, amidst the intricate Karmic web, they are strengthened and assimilated for the final spinning into one enduring strand. So is it with the yellow and the red, or with the dark blue and the green. So is it with the orange, yet to blend with its octave in the uni ted family of fourteen. Had our physical eyes the power of true vision we should discover in every spectrum color — the red for instance — innumerable octaves of the seven colors, H ILlM — — feb -Ui^ Gfe*i THE HEART OF THINGS every one tinted by the prevailing red. The perma- nent family of fourteen is held within these minutely divided octaves. Seven such families within the lim- its of fourteen octaves comprise a minor division of a sub-ray. Using seven as a multiplier we arrive finally at the number of egos in a Great Ray. These, multi- plied by seven, give.- the total of egos connected with our planetary scheme, or, to express it differently, the number of tonal divisions in our planetary scale which is humanity's expression of the Word that is God. SEX EQUALIZATION IN the earliest root-races the earliest indication of sex resulted from the first faint activity of the Kamic principle, increasing Kam a afterwards pro- duced the androgyne race, that precursor of divided sex. In sex-division the female was the more ac tive c ause and throughout the ascendency of the Kam ic race hers was the dominating sex. At the apex of the race, therefore midway in its course, fcama-Manas, the male princi ple, asserting itself, soon began the long struggle in which the victors eventually reduced woman-kind to a slavery yet exist- ing among savage tribes. Jji those advanced civiliza - ti ons where higher Manas is asserting- itself, the ]ust I josition of woman is more and more recogni zed. >1 an's specific task is to unite in himself lower and higher Mana s ; woman's [o unite in herself K ama and Buddh i. Ignorant of this orderly procedure the "new 12 THE HEART OF THINGS woman " jvould unite in herself Kama, the basic fema le principle — always hers — and lower Manas, or, at most, higher Manas. The result is the self-satisfied, man- nish woman lacking the best qualities of manhood and womanhood ; in fact, the woman anomalous in com- munity, state and nation. Such women hinder the progress of their sex toward that consummation, Kama- Buddhi, wherein women again becomes the dominant world-force . \ 4 Although among the human principles Spiritual Wil l / V- 5 ^— » -, and personal will are positive and negative , these are 1 v* /4 7 t not sex principles, but in fact th e great ejjualiz ers in / wiiose union the four s exjprinciples are brought to th e so-called sexless condition. When woman comes into her heritage, then from the gentle governance of Love shall result that high companionship, that pure broth- erhood and sisterhood wherein Will accomplishes its perfecting work. THE HABITAT OF MEN AND MASTERS THROUGH her seven major orifices — whether visible or invisible cannot here be specified — Earth receives directly the influx of the seven positive Solar Rays and the seven negative planetary ones. While in general way these Rays contact Earth's entire surface, each Solar Ray and also its negative finds its appropriate orifice, or point of contact, at the rising of Sun or planet. The Ray energy culminates at meridian and decreases as the west is approached. 13 THE HEART OF THINGS The north and the south poles are not included in jfte seven orifices, or points of conta ct, or major cen- t res, since they belong to the division o f ten which i ncludes the Earth's Heart-C entre. The influence of each orifice of the seven has a radius of one-seventh of the terraqueous globe, but the magnetic field of each is not circular, but egg-shaped ; some magnetic fields, that of Atlantis for instance, being much elon- gated. In this division of seven the points of contact are quite equally divided, for, despite the submergence of old continents, their major centres have withstood the upheaval of fire and the deluge of waters. Ascertain portion of the Pacific coast line preser ves th ^ major centre proper to ancient Lemuria, y et to rise again, while the opposite shore of the Americas hold s i ntact the Atlantean centre situated perhaps as far north as New York State; possibly as far south as Yucatan, and destined to radiate its influence on lands now deep hidden in the eastern sea. The seven major divisio ns of humanity had each its origin in one of the seven major divisions of the globe, and each minor division of humanity is native to one of the seven minor divisions included in a major divi- sion of the globe. Thus before the segregation of the first root-race of this round, the human family was quite evenly distributed around t he seven major cen- tres and the forty-nine minor ones of the Earth's surface for, because of their loose texture^and watery substance, those primitive beings were adapted to life on both land and water. 14 THE HEART OF THINGS The primeval home of the Jews contains a centre toward which Moses led them through the wilderness of Sinai. As a sub-race the ancient Greeks won world renown in their original minor centre, for in a nation's true habitat it rises to greatest permissible heights. In their proper centre the Romans were achieving universal rulership, an abortion of the equalizing plan of the White Lodge. For this and other reasons they as a world power were brought to naught. That law which transfers the individual from his permanent family to an alien one has ever operated on tribes and nations ; hence those great migrations which begun in prehis- toric times and are destined to continue, for what is the history of the Americas — the old, old new world — if not that of a migration begun with the Spanish Conquest and yet to result in a vast population for our northern republic? Is it not significant that within the radius of a major centre whose diameter extends eastward to the Rockies and perhaps to the Mississippi, and westward to beyond the Hawaiian group ; is it not significant that within a country containing the unsubmerged western half of the old Atlantean area which extends perhaps to the great Father of Waters ; is it not, we repeat, significant that in such a country a nation for over a century and a third has been growing into prime importance and world renown ? Surely a fair percentage of our one hundred millions has found its eastern birthplace, and a still larger percentage, the western land of its origin. Let us believe in an abiding nucleus amidst the heter- THE HEART OF THINGS ogeneous elements here amalgamating into a sub-race that in some age of migration is to scatter like wind- wafted seeds to the four quarters of the globe. The more advanced a soul, the greater an inward urge to its rightful division of the Earth's surface. But advanced souls have duties and for such the voice of duty drowns or inhibits the home-calling of one's native land. Exempt from the Karmic urge that drives men hither and yon, major Masters are more and more susceptible to the influence of their appropriate major centres, and, it may be added, minor Masters are more and more drawn to their appropriate minor centres. Each of the great Seven often repairs to his proper centre, though not necessarily in the physical body. Going forth as duty calls, he ever returns to the undrainable fountain of mental and spiritual youth. In a decreasing degree the same is true of minor Masters. ^Somewhere in the Himalayas is a Budd hic m a j o r centre where the Kundalini is especially active ; hence the crude notion once obtaining that all Adepts and Masters are congregated in the inaccessible table-lands of Thibet. Evidently the seven great orifices or cen- tres on the Earth's surface have. a converging point, a place of unlimited power, a supreme council chamber, a sacred temple, a holy of holies, entered by no Mas- ter sine- in his more ethereal vestures. Every major Avatar is born at one of Earth's seven major centres, or principal sub-centres; thus Jesus was bom in a manner, in reality a cave. The birthplace of 16 THE HEART OF THINGS an Avatar is fixed by Karmic requirements and is foreknown to Masters capable of translating the most secret Akasic records. Misreadings by minor Masters and mere chelas often lead to confusion of dates and birthplaces. MAJOR AND MINOR CENTRES SUPPLEMENTING the preceding chapter, we shall to permissible extent lift the veil that protects the secret of Earth's major and minor centres. To begin with : touching the birth of an Avatar let it be explained that certain major centres are on high and in some instances well-nigh inaccessible mountain peaks. Hence the birth at some lesser place ; that of Gautama for instance occurring at a minor Buddhic centre. j"he ma jor centre of the Vio let Ray is Mt. Sin,ai whereon for forty days Moses communed with the Great Father of his Ray. Through the forty years of the Israelitic wandering that sacred mountain, like a huge loadstone, withheld a froward and idolatrous people from the Promise. Though originally a major division of the human f amily, jthe children of the Violet Ray, as led forth by Moses, were numerically but ji sub-rac e, and this from causes operative long before the time of their Egyptian bondage. Although the Atlantean centre is a Kama-Man asic .one,, the submergence of the great islands was brought about by human wickedness in which personal will as well as devilish cunning and blackest magic were para- i7 THE HEART OF THINGS mount. T hose who became black with sin were of th e Violet, the Green and the Red, the Violet greatly pre - dominating . The Jewish account of the Noahic deluge tells the catastrophe and decimation of their own race. The command " Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," is a warning to that remnant, that two-twelfths ; for the Xeal losing of the ten tribes was prehistoric , whatever may have happened later on. Of the forty-nine minor centres distributed over the Earth's surface, many are historic, but, from an exo- teric view-point, the basic cause of their reputation remains unseen. From Mt. Olympus and its Pantheon radiated to the Greeks the incentive to that philosophy and art which holds the retrospective eye of every cul- tured modern nation. The enduring pyramid of Gizeh is founded on something far more stable than stone, while the Eternal City of Romulus and Remus has ample warrant for its claims. The principle oracles of antiquity were founded on truth despite the super- structure of falsehood and evasion reared by a resource- ful priesthood. The far-spreading oceans hold in isolation many an ancient minor centre, for instance, the remnant known as Easter Island — now reduced to a penal colony, — but once a Lemurian extension of South America. The major centre of Lemuria is sacred to the Red Ray whose children through their overplus of Kama drew to i Lthc fiery element in the positive Solar and the neg a- tive Martian red . These uniting with the subterranea n fires, Earth's unperfected Kamic princip le, broke forth 18 THE HEART OF THINGS from many a minor centre and innumerable smaller ones. Thus did the western half of Lemuria become a veritable Sodom quenched only by the inrushing Pacific. Whether a people's major centre correspond with some principle of the upper triad, or with one of the lower quarternary of man, the influence of that centre in time becomes unbalancing ; thus at a Buddhic centre a nation grows unmindful of practical things necessary to physical well-being. On the other hand, at the major centre of the Orange Ray, somewhere in the midst of European civilization, a people will in time become wholly material. Furthermore, because not yet sufficiently spiritualized, the Greeks as a people could not assimilate the true characteristics of their minor higher Manasic centre. Hence their age of faith was followed by that of mere intellectuality tend- ing to a scepticism against which the White Lodge with but partial success instituted the Neo-Platonism of Plotinus and Porphyry, even as against nineteenth century Materialism they set the Secret Science of the Initiates. In conclusion, that love of mountains which an observer of his kind has placed among the cardinal virtues, is an inner yearning for some great magnetic centre perhaps familiar when in an early world-cycle mankind was far less submerged in matter. So that impulse which draws such as go down to the sea in ships, is at bottom a desire for those submerged centres that bide the cycle of their resurrection. THE HEART OF THINGS man's habitat in the planetary chain BEARING in mind that our planetary chain com- prises seven globes having a common seven-fold Heart-Centre, and that from the physical to the extremely tenuous Atmic globe diameters increase enormously, il becomes plain that Earth's seven and jorty-nine physical centres are duplicated on the other globes in such way that while these surface centres are more and more separated, the Solar and the planetary rays having found the surface centres of the Atmic globe, penetrate directly to the Earth's unifying Heart- Centre. In this descent these rays adapt themselves to every globe at the instant of contact with the appropriate globe centre. Hence the impossibility of discovering through physical sense, or with delicate scientific instruments, the real nature of Solar and planetary rays. Evidently all major and minor physical divisions due to physical centres, are duplicated by the increas- ingly spacious divisions of the other six globes. In addition to these divisions are those of density, the seven or forty-nine strata in the matter of every globe, the physical included. A fair conception of the planetary chain may be gotten by imagining seven concentric circles ; the whole divided into seven equal parts by seven equa-distant lines drawn from the largest circumference to the Heart-Centre. Each of the seven triangular divisions 20 THE HEART OF THINGS At is sacred to a Solar and planetary ray and is the nat- ural dominion of one of the seven supreme Masters. In the present heterogeneous condition of the seven major divisions of mankind, a condition necessary to final unification as seven races in one, no appreciable division of Earth's population finds its true habitat. Since the individual is Karmically bound to his family, community and nation, his posthumous place is deter- mined largely by those ties ; but whenever in their original habitat, the cycle of objective and subjective life for individual, community, nation and major divi- sion of mankind, is within the limits of a major division of the planetary chain. The Jews within the magnetic radius of Jerusalem their chief minor centre, the ancient Hellenes in Greece, the dwellers in the Nile valley during the great dynasties, all are notable instances of placement in conformity with the original order. To conclude : those manifestations of " super-natural " power whose absence from the modern world has caused them to be looked upon as pure fable, occur almost wholly in periods and at places when and where a nation occu- pies its original habitat, and therefore is in conjunc- tion with its division of the super-sensible realms of the planetary chain. Such a condition approaches in this land to which many advanced children of the Red Ray are returning from their world wandering. 21 THE HEART OF THINGS SOLITARINESS AND FELLOWSHIP APPLIED to man the word solitariness means visible separation from his kind, or it may signify that sense of isolation felt by the stranger in the midst of a world metropolis. Fellowship is visible association, or even that sense of association which annihilates the sundering miles of the physical globe. Selfishness is a separating force making for solitari- ness, whereas love is a unifier making for fellowship. The miser joined to his hoard is solitary, however crowded his environment. In the midst of his estates the haughty man of wealth is solitary in a way yet to be revealed to him. So the : ' superior " man, puffed up by his superiority, perhaps that of birth or social position. On the other hand, the lover of his kind shall in no wise lack fellowship both here and hereafter. In dungeon, desert, or voluntary retreat, innumerable strands of sympathy — fine but enduring — unite him with the wide and teeming world. It amounts to a truism that all separative forces are sourced in selfishness and all binding ones in love. Physical death is a separative process ; one repeated 00 the superphysical planes. Banish selfishness from the human race, and also from the environment by means of the race, and all separative forces become inoperative. In posthumous life selfishness manifests to the posthumous senses of the utterly selfish as complete isolation and in every instance as proportionate loss 22 THE HEART OF THINGS of desired fellowship. In the vast upper spaces of the Kama-Manasic globe the "Buddhas of Selfishness" live for ages in a sense of solitary and undisputed dominion. Such is their Nirvana ; dreadful from the view-point of a social being, but not so from that of those who during successive earth lives have delib- erately sundered one by one the ties that bound them to the brotherhood of normal beings. The wicked who in this world band together, how- ever closely, are held by ties selfish at bottom ; hence in the Astral, Kamic and Kama-Manasic regions, separating selfishness becomes operative, and the groups break into single entities held apart by mutual dislikes and jealousies. On the other hand, those who on Earth obeyed the law of love and service, are afterward drawn into sweet communion ; a foreshadow- ing and foretaste of the planetary group-soul condition. Returning to earth-life the wicked are often drawn into the old associations since the evil group must some- how be changed to the good group ; a task to test the patient purpose of humanity's dedicated Helpers. THE BACKWARD RACES ON the fifteenth page of "Special Teachings from the Arcane Science " we read that before the incarnation of the Egos from Venus, "the men of Earth had acquired Atma-Buddhi-Manas from the Moon Pitris or forefathers, but in a low degree of develop- ment ; hence, from the engrafting of the higher Ego on 23 THE HEART OF THINGS the backward tree of man's higher principles, came all the fruit of our present development." A well known peculiarity of occult teaching is that within the exoteric is hidden first the semi-esoteric, then the esoteric and finally the kernel of the mystery. The wide gulf now existing between the enlightened Angl o-Saxon for instance, and the Bushman of Austr a- ^ia is une xplainable if we grant like possibilities to < .b oth. The Atlanteans whose perverse intellectuality plunged them into the very abyss of wickedness, were afterwards inhibited in their mental centres, a Karmic justice necessary to their final well being. jBut all backward races are not degraded Atlanteans; neither are they degenerate Lemurians. ^Furthermore, beneath the lowest savages are those se/ ni-human creatures of the ape family originally begotten by the " mindless " Lemurian and the per- verted Atlantean males in unnatural union with females •■ — ■ — * of the highest four-footed race then existing . . These " delayed races " are said to possess " egos," inhibited until cyclic law allows them to expand and uplift the entire race . I j. P. B. distinguished between the Lunar and th e JSolar Pitris , but did not explain their real difference. Many students of the "Secret Doctrine" deem the Solar Pitris a more evolved type of the Lunar ones, and yet the words Solar and Lunar contain a clue to the truth as we purpose to show. The number of normal beings on every planet of the seven is fixed by geometrical law, for number is at 24 THE HEART OF THINGS the root of the entire scheme of things. The exact number of earth-bodies or principles adapted to receive the incoming host of six-principled Lunar Pitris wa s foreknown to and prepared by the Seventh Solar Hier - archy.^ Hence the entire human race have received Atma-Buddhi-Manas. As the Unmanifest is positive to the manifest uni- verse, positive and negative exist and will continu e, however joined the two . This condition holds good for the human race. The Egos from V enus who incarnated in a certain root-race of this round were > • — — — — i ■ n e c essarily a minority as against th e entire human race incarnate an d discarnate. Hence only the more a dvanced septenary beings were the chosen vehicles of the Solar Pitris ? so-called because their Atma -Buddhi- Manas was positive to the Lunar trinity^ even as the ^un is positive to the Moon . As Absolute Justice requires a final equality of all components of the plan- etary group-soul, jhe negative ra ces — the delayed ones especially — will develop and contribute specia l ex cellencies while sharing through the heart-centre o f the group every contribution of the positive races. THE COMPOUND SOLAR GROUP-SOUL IN the chapter "The Planetary Process," page 10, of " Arcane Science," was outlined the origin and growth of man as a seven-fold group-soul. Supplementing that chapter let us now add a few paragraphs. 25 THE HEART OF THINGS While it is commonly granted that the human king- dom is a permanent one, inner teachings declare that the other three possess certain distinguishing and enduring characteristics. Despite the observed truth that these others tend toward the human, subtile lines of separation will ever exist. The lives emanated by the (i) Violet Hierarchy of the Logos to the seventh or Atmic globe of the Jupiter chain, ^were the beginnings of a four-fold evolution destined to continue down to and beyond our planet, the base and culmination of human development. Uniting with the Logos, the perfecting entities of the normal Jupiter evolution — one confined as we have seen to the seventh globe of the chain — exhibited characteristics which in highest way correspond to the human, animal, vegetable, and mineral Atma. The possibilities of evolution are not epitomized in the human family, for, on certain planetary chains of our solar system, the perfecting types of the other three kingdoms will evolve specific excellencies shared by the human only through the common Heart-Centre of the all-inclusive Solar Group. The failures, or rather the unadapted, who dropped to the sixth globe or plane of Jupiter, would later become the Atmic principle on lower planet s. The lives emanated by the (2) Red Hierarchy; those that carried the unadapted of Jupiter, as Atma-Buddhi, down to the united sixth and seventh globes of Mer- cury, contained the Buddhi proper to that planet and all others. Like that of its predecessor, the emanation 26 THE HEART OF THINGS from the (3) Green Hierarchy was four-fold since it contained the lower Manas proper to Saturn and all lower planets. Finally, the physical emanation of the (7) Orange Hierarchy contained the physical proper to man. As already said, from the (7) Orange Hierarchy was emanated the pure matter of the original physical body of man. Passing first through the highest phy s- ical globe of Jupiter, seventh in descent from his Atmic globe, next through the otherwise empty highest physical globe of Mercury, and eventually through the corresponding physical globe of the Moon-chain, these physical bodies or entities there amalgamated with the unadapted six-fold Lunar Pitris, those who had droppe d to the physical globe of the Lunar chain the norma l ^volution of which was Astral. Passing to our Eart h {he abnormal seven-fold Lunar evolution became t h e normal human of our planetary chain . Because human evolution extends only to our chain, the emanation of the (8) above Orange Hierarchy is an animal one. Seeking its appropriate globe this phys- ical emanation sweeps through the eighth globe of every chain to our own. Here it prepares the animal kingdom, destined for the eighth planetary chain where the animal men — the failures alluded to on page 116 of "Arcane Science" — will, after much preparation through suffering, become the foremost race of a planet outside our human evolution ; a planet whereon the animal kingdom will culminate in highly- evolved, eight-principled beings who nevertheless retain certain animal characteristics. 27 THE HEART OF THINGS The emanation from the (9) above Orange Hier- archy passes through the middle physical globe of every chain from Jupiter to that whereon the nine" principled vegetable kingdom will culminate in beings possessing certain distinguishing characteristics of their kind. In like manner the mineral emanation from the (10) above Orange Hierarchy passes through the lowest physical globe to the outmost planet whereon the ten-principled mineral kingdom, still preserving certain distinguishing characteristics, will culminate in beings quite beyond the comprehension of men as at present constituted. As for man, although a being of seven principles, he to some extent contacts through his physical senses the three lower globes of our chain and the life proper to them. Thus is he preparing for the time when through the Heart-Centre of the Solar Group he shall be unified with what are now the lowliest things of the so-called lower kingdoms. Touching the animal, vegetable and mineral king- doms, let us in a cursory way designate such as are adapted to long association with humanity upon this globe. The horse, whose anatomical structure much resembles that of the human species, through close association with man has proved his fitness for a closer fellowship. Naturally proud and spirited, the patient drudge is developing capacity for loving service excelling that of a race ever intellectually superior to his own. Returning in beggar disguise the long absent Ulysses is recognized only by his old friend the 28 THE HEART OF THINGS dog Argus. Though a cousin to the wolf, the dog is severing connection with certain animals destined to early translation to the eighth sphere evolution, and is strengthening ties of affection with the human species. Always the lamb has been the symbol of innocence, for which the occult reason is that more fully than any other animal he will develop certain ideal character- istics. With the Hindus the cow is a sacred animal, but every reason therefor is by no means a matter of general knowledge in India. On the other hand, the hog was to be held unclean by the Jewish people, but the Mosaic Law does not reveal the basic reason for this singling out. With Plato beauty was an integral part of the supreme Trinity ; and an American sage has well said, "Beauty is its own excuse for being." The rose and the lily have ever vindicated themselves. These types of beauty have been celebrated in speech and song since men first considered the summer fields and played upon the primitive harp. Many types of the vegetable kingdom give forth the beauty of use. Through their edible yield they minister to man. The higher types grow their fruits above the ground. Of this class many are necessary to our evolution. Mineral consciousness is yet so far removed from human consciousness, and after all so unlike it, that comparatively little can be foretold concerning the future condition of the occult minerals on this planet and the outer ones especially. Rigidity is not a true and abiding characteristic of the mineral kingdom. 29 THE HEART OF THINGS Gold the most ductile, and mercury the most fluid of the occult minerals, do in some faint degree foreshow the ideal conditions of the others. All of the seven occult minerals are to have representation on this planetary chain while occupied by man ; but of what are known as the baser metals, the vivifying lives of most will earlier pass to the outmost planet. Strictly speaking, there are ten occult minerals, the diamond being the tenth, and a product of tenth globe conditions. In conclusion : because certain of the twelve Zodiacal attributes can have adequate expression not in the human kingdom, but rather in the other three, the neces- sity of the compound Solar Group-Soul is apparent. THE NATURE SPIRITS AN outline of the compound group of this planet requires mention of certain evolutionary forces concerning which little should otherwise be said. Beneath the consciousness of all but the lower types of the animal kingdom, but above that of the vegetable and that of the mineral kingdom, thus making possible the future amalgamation of the three, is a host of entities incessantly active, and filled with desire and capacity for service. The ant and the bee, who have lessons for man himself, both well reflect the influence of these nature spirits who, lacking the physical principle, are invisible to man's normal eye, though not necessarily 3° THE HEART OF THINGS so to that of the lower creatures with whom they are in closer touch. By imitating that which is normal to the beast, but altogether degrading to man, certain sorcerers contact and, by the influence of compelling will, subject to their own use a class of nature spirits whose specific office is to aid the animal evolution. All nature spirits connected with the three kingdoms can be employed by man with good or evil intent, and such use is magic white or black. Misusing certain nature spirits of the three kingdoms, man has made them evil. Largely the result is the savage beast and the deadly reptile and the plant or mineral poison to man. Nature spirits have place in the folk lore of many a nation, while the peasantry of Europe still hold to what the " educated " have relegated to the realms of fairy- land and childish imagining. Near certain minor occult centres — in Ireland for instance — and there in the Astral light of the Moon, the Astral forms of crea- tures whose life is an alternation of work and play have been seen, not by the " educated " sceptic, but by the simple peasant whose belief, mingled with a certain awe, has for the moment induced in him semi- Astral vision. Such nature spirits as aid the vegetable world are well nigh devoid of the Kamic element. In woods where they prefer to congregate, these happy, harm- less creatures, who love not only the murmur of waters and winds and the bird notes from the branches, but also the shepherd's pipe and any plaintive instrument, 3 1 THE HEART OF THINGS always shun the sportsman, but, while not understand- ing him, they are drawn to the poet or the man of con- templative mind who in turn is made aware that for him the solitude somehow is peopled indeed. Returning to the opening idea of this chapter ; a complete outlining of our planetary group requires consideraton of its seven kingdoms in the following order : the human kingdom ; the animal kingdom ; the animal nature-spirit kingdom; the vegetable nature- spirit kingdom ; the vegetable kingdom ; the mineral nature-spirit kingdom and, finally, the mineral king- dom. Supremacy of intellect and will, qualities which in their acquiring have often brought man nigh to shipwreck, make him ruler of our evolution. Never- theless, from the Cosmic view-point he may have no title to supremacy over the other six kingdoms. THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK M OSES was the master mind of Israel, the leade r ^and lord of the Jewish n ation ; in truth their Avatar come, as usually happens, at the time of a people's direst need. Jor his own day a nd all suc- c eeding ones Moses wrote that Biblical history of the world's beginnings which Masters of high rank declare an interpretation of the Akasic records. Evidently that interpretation was not for the edifica- tion of the modern geologist and physicist and material evolutionist, but first of all for the immediate compre- hension and instruction of a people ignorant and dull through centuries of enslavement. Stripped of inter- 3 2 THE HEART OF THINGS polations and mis-translations, the Mosaic records, like the wisdom of other masters, hold precious kernels untouched by the modern wise ones who deal only with the husk of Pentateuchal truth. It was Moses and rightfully he that revealed to mankind the name Melchizedek, scarcely more than a name to countless generations since the patriarchal age. Ancient and enigmatic, majestic and lone save for one other in that surrounding of little men, Melchize- dek was modern ; in one great respect the most modern man of the elder world. Ere some of our major Mas- ters had conquered every defect inherent in certain MO^YA VY/AS aspects of their controlling Rays, Melchizedek had re- 7 ceived from the great Father of the Light Blue thar full initiation which a Planetary Rul er alone c an besto w on his earthly representativ e, that full initiation which wholly dedicates and holds the recipient to his place and use in the planetary, and finally in the Cosmic scheme. .. ^ ^ ^yfl 1 k' Melchizedek had seen no less a Ma s ter than Abram , / f his polar opposite , obliged to fight against aggressive tribal kings. Also he had seen kings the greatest warring because of that animal passion which hurls brute against brute, but which in man transfers the animus of the jungle and the lair to Earth's fairest places ; thus preparing for hell what was intended for heaven. Seeing all this and more, Melchizedek in the hearing of his Father Ray vowed to found a great order dedicated to the bringing about of universal peace. 33 THE HEART OF THINGS In those primitive times the king was largely his own counselor, but then, even as now, to the stubborn and headstrong, emergencies would come. At such times the king deigned to listen, especially if a diplo- matic counselor made it appear that his advice was but the bringing out and formulating of what the king knew interiorly to be for the best. Melchizedek saw that inasmuch as war had origin chiefly with kings, peace also should originate with them. How to get the ear and turn to peace the desire of kings without seeming to influence was a problem delicate and difficult in an age of tyrants and autocrats. Evidently an order having world-peace for its ultimate must be a profoundly secret one for, let it come to light that any counselor is in affiliation, straightway his diplomacy fails with the king who, of all mortals, will not be pliant to another's plans. As aid to secrecy the Master decided against out- ward forms of initiation. The several degrees between novitiate and full fellowship should be conferred on more and more interior planes. As the order would in time become universal, Melchizedek initiated for its nucleus the major members of the White Lodge. To those representing the upper triad of principles, initia- tion was of course wholly a matter of conformity. Not SO however, with the major Masters representing the lower quarternary. These were as yet unqualified for the higher degrees. To illustrate: when in his zeal against false gods, the fiery prophet confounded the priests of Baal, and then ordered their wholesale 34 THE HEART OF THINGS slaughter, he still had somewhat to learn of that peace which passeth all understanding, that peace revealed to him at the unexpected climax of the dramatic initi- ation when, after the fury of elemental forces — so ff/Jfl&jyAJ fitly symbolizing certain of his past incarnations and VV4^ somewhat of his present life — th e still, small voi ce tLjjAH m ade known to Elijah the pure nature of his Heaven ly I deal, supposedly Jehovah, but really the great plan e- tary Father of the Red R ay. Having established an abiding nucleus, Melchizedek with wise discrimination chose from among the great of Earth a possible membership of his order. Those skilled in state-craft and at the same time of mild and just views were highly desirable. But, above all others, kings themselves if naturally qualified were selected for future enrollment. For admission to such com- pany a standard of strict morality could not be required. Nevertheless those attaining that standard would be priests of the order, and this regardless of their position among men. All others, however exalted in the world, would be lay members. Such in brief was the inception of an order suppos- edly long defunct, but in truth still existing ; an order achieving more during the last fifty years than in any other half century of the Christian Era ; an order that in the near future will eclipse the brightest past recorded and preserved in the secret archives of a world-wide affiliation. Were those records accessible, the modern historian searching for motives should be wonderfully aided, 35 THE HEART OF THINGS since a thousand hidden springs of action would be laid bare to his psychology of human progress. He would see that, but for Melchizedek, however foul with plot or smeared with blood of carnage, fouler yet and far more crimson-dyed had been the truthful annals of those outworn days When Grascia fought and Xerxes failed, or when The legion spears of cruel Rome could push Her wide dominion wider far; or when One ruthless will, one later sword, could turn All Europe to a reeking slaughter field. Evidently an order like that here touched upon, would be guided by no such sentimental motto as " Peace at any price." The false peace of the cowed slave should be changed to revolt so that, through liberty and its higher standards of manhood, true peace shall finally be won. So when kings were evil and counselors corrupt, the initiators of the order fired the hearts of men capable of revolutionary lead- ership. Thus, unknown to his outer self, the pure patriot — but never the mere warrior — received the minor degrees. Hence a fraternity, necessarily restricted at the outset, came to encompass an ever-widening membership. By all precedent and by Karmic right the founder of the order is its supreme head, whereas the " Prince of Peace " is a priest therein, one however, next in dignity to the High Priest himself. During a certain degree the candidate is admonished to combine the 36 THE HEART OF THINGS wisdom of the serpent with the harmlessness of the dove. From this it would appear that those whom Jesus so charged, ere sending them forth, were by him initiated into that degree. On the order's lengthy roll, begun with history's dim beginnings and continued to contemporary times, are many names of undimmable renown, kings and queens among them, while many more of lesser worth, as the great world values, are there emblazoned ; names of those to whom Melchizedek and his order have signi- fied little indeed. But what matters it ? Having found the reward of the peacemaker, the Master desires not renown, but only the perpetuity and growing usefulness of what to him is unspeakably better than any praise from human lips. INITIATION HAD we the true Mosaic record, now strangely\ falsified and amended, it would be obvious I J:hat the day and generation of Abram and Me lchize- > dek antedated by thousands of years the period \ indicated in Genesis. The extreme antiquity of that patriarchal age and the Jewishness of its history appear from the fact that Genesis brings together certain as yet quite imperfect major Masters, claiming them to be of the House of Israel or, as with Ishmael, binding them thereto by ties of blood. In that remote world-period the benediction " Peace to all beings," originated with Melchizedek and, when 37 THE HEART OF THINGS used by his disciples, it indicated their initiation. His order possessed no outward badge of membership, no passwords and no grips ; neither had it a symbology peculiar to itself ; thus that most ancient of symbols, the circle and its central dot, meant for the order that from its originator and head, Peace would radiate to the ends of the Earth. It is peculiar that an enduring organization built on a foundation so simple, should be the original incentive of countless others with more or less elaborate ritual and ornate degrees and jealously-guarded signs, coun- tersigns, passwords and handclasps. Masonry, exist- ing in some form since the days of Solomon and the two Hirams, possessed and yet possesses in its symbol- ogy a clue to the Ancient Mysteries of India, Persia, Egypt and Greece ; but the idea of pure fraternal unity, that basic idea of all worthy fellowships of both yester- day and to-day, can be traced to an order the most ancient, the most secret, the most enduring of them all. Initiation as generally understood, originated in the Lesser Mysteries. None of their degrees required the candidate to be in other than normal waking conscious- ness. Not so with the Greater Mysteries, the lowest degree of which indicated the dividing line between normal and supernormal consciousness. The ancient halls of the Lesser Mysteries are discoverable by the archaeologist ; those of the Greater Mysteries will ever (lcf\- the; piek and the shovel. Earth's great occult centres alone are suited to those higher initiations in which every disciple must follow 38 THE HEART OF THINGS his Master ; whereas the minor degrees are conferable at minor centres. When Moses received the final ini- tiation his physical body was on Mt. Horeb, a min or centre not suited to that exalted degree, but his inner self was on the height sacred to Tehoyah . When about to receive a high degree, and especially the highest, the disciple, or even the Master, must for the time be severed from every human tie holding him to beings whose interests are to any extent centered on things lower than those to be revealed. Thus only is he strong to force the thin but resisting barrier shutting him from the greater light. This sudden and complete sundering of accustomed relations leaves the candidate as in a void between heaven and earth. A weak soul would shrink back to its old place in the lesser light, but, as if with the energy of despair, the determined candidate forces the barrier and instantly his soul is flooded with the glory of a larger day. Knowledge of that day is his initiation. Ere such an attainment, Moses must renounce the earthly Promise and sever connection with Israel, then filled with anticipation of entering the land of milk and honey. John the Baptist must become a prisoner close shut from the world. Jesus himself must feel a sudden aloneness, as if forsaken of the Father, ere the inner Light of the Logos could shine upon him. Death is a minor initiation universal to the race. As ^ - ■ - the moment approaches, one by one all ties are sev- ered that the soul may better burst the shut door of matter. Afterwards the cherishing of a selfish desire 39 THE HEART OF THINGS holds that door ajar and through it the common light of Earth dulls the brighter hues beyond. When by initiation a Master enters fully into the consciousness of a higher plane, he dies to the petty interests of the lower. Still alive in the midst of things outgrown, he labors thereafter to enlighten and uplift. So the ordinary man by overcoming a vice is initiated into its opposite virtue that for it he may labor perhaps more effectively than one never needing his experience. After all, initiation is but the passing from a lesser to a larger light. As powerful emphasizers of that change, ritual and ceremony have been endorsed and recom- mended and practiced by the highest authorities ; and yet, stripped of every accessory — as in the Order of Melchizedek — initiation is nevertheless all that the word indicates. PEACE LIKE the words love, wisdom, power, the word peace is one of graduated meanings. Those brief intervals, in the geological ages of the cooling globe, when quiet succeeded fiery upheaval, might be called the first intimations of world-peace. Among aboriginal savages every brief stay of strife between tribe and tribe accords with their notion of peaceful limes. The historic Roman world-peace inaugurated by Augustus C;esar was based on nothing worthier than the prudential policy of an overgrowing world- power. I5y real standards such peace is one of appear- ance only. True peace is not the lull of exhausted 40 , THE HEART OF THINGS war, nor is it a mere expedient, but rather is it a mature and healthful growth flowering white with inno- cence, or bearing fruit without blemish. True peace and its approximations are occu ltly ^related to the number seven ; whereas creative activ- ity is indicated by the first five digits and synthesized ^by the number six . So is it in the occult Mosaic alle- gory of creation, and so we find it in the constitution of man, the little world. So again in the White Lodge of the Elder Brothers of the human race where Mel- »» » chizedek, the seven th, is rightly the High Priest of perfecting and perfected peace. This Master is the great specialist in Karmic La w ; but every master of the seven has his specia lty ; for instance, Cosmic Evolution ; Sex in its widest mean- , %> », , » " i « mg ; or some other large mat ter. Melchizedek saw beyond the peace of nations and communities and families, that supreme desideratum, the peace of man with himself, that inmost peace which passeth all understanding. This peace is that altogether harmo- nious relation — each to the other — of man's six active principles, because of which the tangled skein of Kar- mic threads is untangled, and that of the individual is separated from the mass of racial, national, community and family threads so that it stretches a single strand of divers colors, each color an incarnation in the age- long series. As to the method by which the enlightened Seer separates the strands, the procedure is indeed simple. Every strand is known by its characteristic color ; ■ ■' 4i THE HEART OF THINGS besides it is insulated in a manner comparable to that of a strand in some huge cable ; personal will being in this case the insulator. But the real truth of the mat- ter is that the tangled skein of human lives is so in appearance only, for the most intricate mixings of life are, for man's necessary experience, illusory aspects of a Reality which in itself can never be otherwise than harmonious, and therefore unentangled. Hence the reading of one's past lives is but the reading of what to the disillusioned Seer, centered in the calm of truth, is as easy as the printed page. As the High Priest of universal peace, Melchize- dek, Master of the light blue Ray , is privileged to know not only the unified past, present and future of the race, but also to discern the possibilities of peace dormant or awakened in its every unit. As above said, peace is closely related to the number seven ; not the Roman peace of Augustus and his successors during whose reign the blood of the Christian martyrs flowed in the amphitheatres of the Empire, but that peace which exists for the universal good as does Love, or Wisdom, or any other Divine Attribute. ^A world-peace in many ways ideal cannot obtain on this planet before the inception of the seventh sub- ^ace of our fifth root-rac e, whereas the nucleus of th e r sixth sub-race is just formin g. Universal disarmament in its full sense is a mighty stride toward peace, one to be achieved only by the seventh sub-race; but between international and individual peace many such strides must then be taken. 42 THE HEART OF THINGS Individual peace being the consummation of individ- ual effort along all lines, not even the seventh sub-race of the sixth root-race can attain to a realization of world-peace deeper than what now appears in the closest intimacies of man with his neighbors. Noth- ing short of the seventh root-race, culminating in its seventh sub-race, can unify the outward peace of man with that of his inmost being which, not till then, enters into the neighboring of man with man. Every master of the White Lodge has his appropriate number indicating his special cycle of activity in the unfolding geometrical, planetary and cosmic process. Hence the seventh sub-race of this and the succeeding root-race, and the entire period of the seventh root- race, are under the administration of the Master of their appropriate Solar Ray; .whereas the sixth sub- r ace of the fifth, and al most the entire cycle of the sixth root-race are sacred to the activities of the ^frristos incarnate in the Avatas of those periods. DEATH IF water, olive oil and gasoline are poured into a vessel, they arrange themselves in three layers according to their specific gravity. If now the lightest of these, the gasoline, be agitated, it still remains apart from the others ; but should the olive oil at the same time be stirred, the two mix in a seeming one. Let now the water be stirred and the activity of all three causes a general mixing. 43 THE HEART OF THINGS These three fluids well illustrate that Pauline divi- sion, body, soul, spirit. The spirit is constantly in motion, likewise the soul ; thus the two are seemingly one. During man's physical life, the body's central dynamo forces the blood to every part. Thus he resembles the agitated water which, because holding within itself the other two fluids, is a temporary trinity, a three in one. With this illustration in mind let us turn to the more particularized and satisfactory seven-fold division of human principles ; that which corresponds to the seven Spirits of God mentioned in Revelations. We must now suppose seven fluids of less and less specific gravity. Let water represent the physical body; a lighter fluid the Astral body, and so on. While the physical heart circulates the physical blood, the seven are one. When that heart ceases and the blood stag- nates, at once the active six lighter principles begin to withdraw from it, first severing one by one the seven or forty-nine magnetic ties which hold them, but by no means rigidly, to the major and minor centres of that body. The last severed is that chief tie which holds them to the physical heart. When upon the Astral plane the Astral heart ceases and the Astral blood stagnates, at once the active five withdraw from the Astral body, first severing, in like manner as before, all magnetic ties including that of the Astral heart. In the human species the higher triad has attained to permanent activity; therefore is it always three in one. Hence death is ended for the 44 THE HEART OF THINGS posthumous entity once he reaches the higher Manasic plane. The separative process in man corresponds to the dissolution of a planetary chain. When the central fire of the Moon's physical body was quenched, that body became a corpse from which the evolved and therefore always active six Lunar principl e s, from the Astral upward , withdrew by the law of specific gravity, first, however, severing the magnetic ties binding them to the physical Moon. ^A certain residuum of thos e Lunar principles was brought here by the incomin g T host of six-fold Pitris . When on this planet the highest physical globe of the four connected therewith has attained to the pure golden orange, and the great Orange evolution of our humanity is completed, this radiant seven-fold plane- tary chain will sever all magnetic ties between itself and the lower globes of our complete ten ary chain. If endowed with telescopic vision, an observer on the outer planets, looking upon the three-fold residuum of this world, would afterward behold a death more com- plete than that of the four-fold physical Moon. THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF A MASTER WHEN first manifesting in our humanity, that aspect of Atma-Buddhi-Manas called the Venus trinity, was, in interior construction, quite sim- ple if compared with the complicated physical mechan- ism of man as he now is. Before its conjunction with 45 THE HEART OF THINGS Buddhi in the descent from the Jupiter evolution, Atma was the simplest principle of man's higher triad. Capa- ble of completeness on its own plane, it nevertheless possessed no organs for the purpose of uniting self- consciously with lower principles and planes. For a like reason Buddhi could unite self-consciously with nothing below itself ; higher Manas with nothing below itself. Finally, the six-fold Lunar Pitris could contact knowingly neither plane nor principle below the Astral. Desiring so to do they were drawn by that desire to the simple physical beings proper to this planet ; beings possessing organs wherewith to contact physical matter and nothing more. Receiving from these beings, the Lunar Pitris in turn imparted. Thus, ,. ere the incoming of the Venus tr inity or higher egos, physical man was conjoined, though very incompletely, I to his six higher principles. At its advent on this planet, the Venus trini ty could unite with nothing lower than the human Kama-Manas whi ch therefore b e came the bridge between the earthly and the spiritual man. The Atma of the Venus trinity long ago developed the organs and magnetic centres of both Buddhi and higher Manas. The interior con- struction of all three is quite similar, save that in each the organs peculiar to its principle and plane are the most perfect. The great office of our physical evolution is to duplicate on higher planes the physical organs unitin g mankind to the physical world. The human gene ra- /tive system being provisional and intermediate r-a y^r 4 6 THE HEART OF THINGS t han permanent, it follows that in the higher bodies it is represented by the bi-sexuaTcT eiiLivc p u'reegs ^ — -The chaste and temperate man and woman, but especially the celibate who, emulating St. Paul, is so fr om pure and wise choice, is uniting the creative powers of th e f Venus triad with those of the lower quarternary. With good representatives of the race, Atma-Buddhi- Manas are not merely bi-sexual. These principles have progressed appreciably toward that balance of positive and negative which is the ideal for each, and which, when found, is all powerful on the three higher planes of our planetary system . With high representa- tive men and women, Kama-Manas, while still some, - i what under the sway of sex, is striving toward th at t ideal balance which indicates the beginning of th e true , bi-sexual conditio n. With a higher type a similar con - edition obtains on the Kamic pla ne. With a type yet higher the Astral plane has been reached. A Master perfected as far as our present human and planetary development permits, is one in whom the physical body, — that most dense and unpliable of the seven — has attained the true bi-sexual condition in its progress toward that perfect balance which gives its owner full dominion not only over itself, but also over the higher of those aspects of matter which constitute the base of our seven-fold chain. During incarnation a perfected Master would possess seven vehicles interiorly alike ; hence the seven plan- etary chains would be seven open books wherein he could read at will. The physical relinquished, uponi 47 THE HEART OF THINGS the Astral plane a six-fold Nirmanakaya body holds a Master en rapport with the six-fold planetary scheme ; hence throughout his future incarnations such a one, if so inclined, would gravitate between the physical and the Astral planes only. When he is in the world and visible to men, the perfect Master's influence and authority are seven-fold . Evidently he then is more comprehensively useful and powerful than when a discarnate six-fold being. To our dull, unimaginative humanity the visible and the invisible presence of a Master differ greatly, however close the contact of the invisible. For this reason, if for no other, he must from time to time don the physical and become flesh. Finally, the least disciple can begin in himself that purification and uplifting of the matter of the human body and of the globe which will enable his Master to remain permanently upon the physical plane. THE ELEVEN FIRES ^ l ^HE normal condition of all substance is the fi ery X _^one. Th us the Sun is in normal condition. «■" — ■ — ■ 1 — — — . — ^nce fiery, and destined to return to fire, our seve n- fold planetary chain is now in the intermediate coo l condition which, with respect to the three lowest mate- ri al divisions of its complete ten-fold structure, pre- cedes that outbreak of gross fire in turn to precede •death. 48 THE HEART OF THINGS In the early rounds of our chain the crude, fiery state of the planetary principles corresponded to the crude condition of seven-principled humanity. Hence crude fire was the normal habitat of the world's primeval race. As the planet progresses from the crude, fiery condition through the cool condition toward the pure, fiery one, evolving humanity adapts itself to the change with the result that physical fire disintegrates the physical body as now constituted. Should the original, crude Astral fire now contact the Astral body, that too would be disintegrated. This result would obtain if the other five human principles each contacted the original crude fire of its planetary plane. On the other hand, should the seven as yet imperfect human principles contact the pure fire of the seventh round, all but the physical might survive the ordeal, but the purification would indeed be a try- ing one. The seven fires in man and their correspondents in the planetary chain are peculiar in that each is per- ceptibly operative on its own plane only. , The fire f that consumes the physical body leaves the Astral in- tact, A fire destructive to the Astral body might leav e t jae Kamic body unharmed, and so on . The lowest division of both the Astral and the Kamic planes still retains somewhat of its original crude fire condition, and thither certain discarnate beings naturally gravi- tate. Hence the idea of hell common to all peoples. But have we not shown that a state of existence natu- ral to a being cannot be distressful to it? Moreover, 49 THE HEART OF THINGS in respect to certain of its principles such a being was already in that infernal condition prior to quitting the physical body. As the bony skeleton of man now incorporates cer- tain elements peculiar to the lower globes of the ten- fold system, so, the physical expression of ordinary fire, while permeated by the six higher planetary fires, incorporates the three crude ones proper to the ten-fold chain. In the refining of human and plane- tary fires to occur in the seventh round, the three lower fires will separate from the bony frame of the human body and also from the planetary fires as now consti- tuted. After this separation these lower will become extinct, but, before complete pralaya, their better ele- ments will gravitate to the outer planets. To physical sense the interstellar regions are frigid with a temperature below that of liquid air, while beyond the telescopic Stars — the growing manifested universe being limited — extends the immeasureable emptiness of as yet unpeopled night. So much for human limitations ! Mankind has developed no sense wherewith to perceive that one positive and universal jldndler of every flaming Sun, the Eleventh Fire wherein all Constellations and Stars sweep and circle perhaps unconcerned as some Astral entity in the midst of a burning city. 5° THE HEART OF THINGS MATERIAL CIVILIZATION THE writings of H. P. Blavatsky and the Masters affiliated with her, touch upon great but now obliterated material civilizations, prehistoric as the world knows history. These civilizations, coupled with what the historic period reveals of the fallen and crumbled, induce in many theosophists the belief that material civilization will always contain self-destructive elements. The idealist of to-day laments the selfish and worldly view of very many who either build or occupy that which fills them with pride and the poor with envy. The idealist also laments that widening separateness of classes which stigmatizes a supposedly democratic land. The true occultist, inevitably an idealist, would himself have many misgivings were it not that in his wide and deep survey of high-directed cyclic progress, he discovers that at the bounds of permitted separation, now apparently reached, the drawing in toward unifica- tion must begin. As the gross and gigantic physical bodies of the Atlanteans were nevertheless the base and synthesizer of the human principals, so the gross material Atlantean civilization, requiring outward expression in the Cyclo- pean and crudely-builded, nevertheless contained the imperfect all of what has since developed into modern art and science. The Atlantean builders were followed by the Egyp- THE HEART OF THINGS tians who reared less hugely, but with more of symme- try and finish. Then came the Greeks, creating the proportionate and graceful at the expense of variety, utility and life ; then the Roman period closed the four ancient orders. The temples and palaces of olden days are superceded by our great cathedrals and secular structures, while the hanging gardens of Babylon, planted but to please a queen, give way to the beautified public parks of European capitals, and those of our own metropolitan cities. Among the externals of all ages, the modern is but the outward of our present material civilization, the contour and symmetry of its physical body which in some interior parts may be both malformed and corrupt. The Christian concept of the New Jerusalem is built on a material base of opulent splendor and towering magnificence ; nor would any other concept seem adequate. Every attempt to quite disconnect the material base from our idea of a thing is futile. For instance, the thing must be given a form, one derived from our apprehension of the physical environment. Lift the conception to the seventh or so-called formless plane and we have but etherialized the form. Much that is said concerning the " formless " condition of being is mere jugglery with words. Formlessness is in fact the group-soul condition in which forms are merged but not obliterated, for obliteration of form is complete loss of identity. One great object of man's advent on this planet was the acquisition of a new conception of form ; a conception perhaps to be 5 2 THE HEART OF THINGS enlarged, but certainly never to be abandoned. But we digress. While our modern civilization, both in its material and higher aspects, is greatly in advance of the Grasco- Roman one, it still contains certain self-destructive elements. Therefore must it suffer the fate of every predecessor. Seeking to perfect its basic body, future civilizations will build and embellish perhaps in richer and vaster way than has any thus far existing. Choosing the pyramidal form as the most enduring, the adept kings of Egypt erected those material structures which, if saved from the vandal hand of man, would connect the ancient civilization with that of a time when Egypt shall be great with a surpassing greatness, and the sandy Sahara and every waste place shall blossom in the universal garden of the world. In that millennial age a universal civilization shall rise wherein labor and recreation are justly balanced and every unit perceives his duty and indebtedness to the whole. That civilization shall be one of universal material well-being ; the magnificence of cities, the prosperity of towns, the calm restfulness of hamlets and the fruitfulness of unfenced fields. In that civilization the rich shall not idle, nor covet, nor hoard, nor lavish on themselves, neither shall the poor clamor for bread, for, having discovered her hidden resources, her available bounty, mankind has also discovered that with wise foresight the mother whom we call Nature has provided for her countless brood. 53 THE HEART OF THINGS JOY IF of penetrating vision, the endowed artist looking beneath the exterior of world life, knows in himself an interior joy, a high serenity, a sense of dedication to the truth that never the heart of things has lost its joy and sweetness. Of this mind is born that creative impulse called inspiration. Therefore does his canvas glow with a world-color and pulse with a world-life that makes mere imitation falsely cold and dead. Because of inspiration similarly born, the poet reproduces those joyful expressions of Nature, the toss and dash of oceans, the headlong torrent of Niagaras, the majestic sweep of Amazons, the unfetterable gales and even the delicate touch of zephyrs clouding not the mirrored mountain in the valley lake. Like his brothers in art, the musician, piercing the outward of life, discovers in the world and in himself an interior joy, a serene ideal of form and harmonic sequence which his genius must externalize. Of the unquenchable Spirit, that central fire in man and in the universe, the Hindu sages said that it sees and therefore it rejoices. Searching for truth the formulators of mediaeval theology rarely discovered real joy save as apart from the sin-blighted world; but with more intuition the great painters of the Renaissance shed celestial light and joy upon their landscape and central figures. There it flooded the features of their Madonnas, or it radiated from the person of the Holy Child. 54 THE HEART OF THINGS Like the other fine arts, music more or less ade- quately interprets both the seen and the unseen. Of the great musical composers of the classical period, Haydn most fully interpreted the pure joys of the heaven world. Human sorrow is well-nigh absent from his works. Hence his limitations. On the other hand, Tschaikovsky, that type of the modern, allows the sorrowful and the tragic too great preponderance. By rarely rising above these he also betrays his limitations. Whensoever breaking from the thrall of a gloomy theology, mediaeval Art attained the serene vision. Now that theology is reaching a hopeful, almost joyous survey, the fine arts are exploring not only the tragic, but even the pathological. Let us discover the mean- ing of the paradox. At the goal of every serious and thorough search for attainable truth, joy is to meet the seeker. Now there is an evolution of joy and of capacity to enjoy. The joy of an angel, or even an archangel, created pure and thereafter environed by purity, is a holy but nevertheless limited one. The manifold sorrows and heart-breaks of this world contain each a seed of joy yet to germinate. The blending of heavenly joy with that which this poor maligned Earth has contributed, and in ever-increasing quantity shall contribute, is to eventuate in joy vastly richer and more comprehensive than otherwise possible. That the elder artist-revealers of heavenly joy saw little more than its original and positive aspect is a fact which, if not grasped as a philosophic truth by the modern artist, is at least known intuitively by him. 55 THE HEART OF THINGS Understanding of what the modern arts largely reveal, to wit, the very reverse of heavenly joy, is preparation necessary to knowledge of that comprehensive joy which is compounded of pure heavenly bliss and transmuted earthly sorrow. Thus modern art occupies the necessary intermediate position in that interpreta- tion of life and progress which is the true object of all art ; an interpretation as yet unaccomplished. The general belief that to those whose earthly lives are easy and pleasurable, something will be lacking in the life to come, agrees with our exposition. With this class there is no widening and deepening of capacity to enjoy the worthiest ; these therefore cannot enter into the fulness prepared for the passer through fiery trials. The greatest joy attainable, both here and hereafter, is said to be that of service. Now while capacity to serve differs vastly in degree since one may raise a fellow being, while another may uplift a planet ; and while by analogy the joy of service is commensurate with the service, still there is no injustice in this difference of joy, because capacity for great service is acquired only by the doing of countless small acts of self-sacrificing charity. Of the " Man of Sorrows " we know the griefs, but of his compensating joys the world wots not. Overtaken by calamity, many a man is withheld from self-destruction by hope of something better here, or dread of something worse hereafter. Were not the joy of knowledge centered in the human heart, that THE HEART OF THINGS joy could never manifest outwardly as hope. If absolutely without hope, physical man would lose his personal " will to live," and so die from off the face of the Earth. Were it not for heart-certainty, man's Spiritual Will would relax its grasp and control, thus allowing his higher principles to separate and perhaps disintegrate. What is true of man is equally so of this planet and of every sphere in the universal heavens. Heavenly perception of color and sound is no doubt delicate enough to distinguish minute gradations un- known to as yet crude physical sense ; but additional range of lower octaves is the special contribution of this physical plane to the total. In an attempt to distinguish between earth life and that of higher spheres, this fact is of extreme significance. The heavenly life must come to include the special contri- bution of physical life experience and in so doing approach the earthly. Meanwhile the earthly is grow- ing heavenward. Some day the two shall meet and blend in that second Eden wherein the limited joys of our first parents shall be deepened and widened by the transmuted all of pain and sorrow which ages of travail shall have brought forth. GREAT AND SMALL THE astronomer deals with distances which figures only indicate ; appalling distances not to be grasped by the physical brain. He computes the miles to the Moon, the Sun, the nearest fixed Star, and so on to the sidereal system. Finally he guesses 57 THE HEART OF THINGS roughly as to the light-years separating our speck of earth from the nebulous clusters of the Galaxy. Look- ing afar the astronomer marvels at distance, immensity, and order, while the microscopist, looking at the very near, wonders at the perfection and arrangement of the infinitesimal. Both the astronomer and the microscopist are earn- est and valuable workers in no degree to be discounted by the occultist who nevertheless knows that the words near, far, great, small, but indicate the limitations of man the observer as at present constituted. Whatso- ever directly concerns man seems close at hand. This physical globe, the ground we tread, the oceans we navigate, the breathed air, all are very near. Yonder Moon once seemed as near. Having done with our Moon life, we have put that dead planet some hundreds of thousands of miles away. So with the other five planets. When in our down- ward evolution human consciousness was centered on a certain principle, the planetary representative of that principle was indeed near. As a negative aspect of the Great All, man the monad is beginningless, but at his advent in our solar scheme the Sun was his birth- place. Soon he put away the Sun that, contacting the planets and their principles, he might acquire ; and finally return prepared to understand and appreciate and utilize his birthright. Beyond our Sun are count- less others that little concern man ; so we have put them from us in the spacial deeps. Some day we shall draw them nearer. 58 THE HEART OF THINGS A friend leaves us, or a loved one. We deem him far away ; oceans intervene, or that narrow intangible line seemingly wider than all oceans. Then suddenly in dream the accustomed viewpoint is lost and we hold it no miracle that the so-called absent and the so-called dead are with us as of old. What is known as death is a supreme and concerted effort of man's princip les — first the A stral and then in turn the others up to the higher Triad — to put away lower conditions and planes. Should the attempt be wholly successful, the physical plane recedes and disappears, and the Astral plane approaches and contacts the Astral body. In turn the Astral body and plane are put away and by power of Kamic consciousness the next plane is made to appear. The process is repeated until the higher Manasic plane is contacted. We are endeavoring to show that mind according to its condition is the maker of great and small, far and near. To the Kosmic Builders, the manifest universe is only large and com- plex, whereas to man it is of well-nigh infinite magni- tude and variety. Of the microscopic world we have intimated that the little exhibits the finish of the large. A being function- ing on the Astral plane would disagree with physical man's idea of the small, for to Astral sight our little seems large enough. On the other hand, the Astral man hashis infinitesimal which in every part can be examined by a being possessing more interior vision. From all this it appears that what is telescopic to 59 THE HEART OF THINGS one order of mind is but large to another, and what is microscopic to one condition of mankind is ample to another. Is there then an absolute standard where- with to measure great and small, or far and near ? In the mind of the Solar Logos there must be a partial standard and in the mind of the Kosmic Logos a much more adequate one. Great and small, far and near, appertain to that mystery of the Unmanifest the "Everlasting Here;" hence they quite transcend the capacity or human mind as at present constituted. THE LANGUAGE OF INNER SPHERES WERE the human mind capable of exploring the deepest mysteries of sound and color and resulting form, or even the mystery of any one of this universal trinity, creation would become an open book of readable chapters. If seeking a first clue to the language of interior spheres, the student of the occult is referred to the book, " Special Teachings from the Arcane Science." In the chapter, " The Planetary Process," the simple and primary nature of th e Jupiter evolution is briefly shown, as also the process whereby the Jupiter beings contact seven shades of their planetary color, the Light Blue. In the teaching immediately preceding this it was shown that such distinctions as great and small originate and end in the limited conception of limited beings. It is for us now to say that in respect to sound, high and low have like origin and end. 60 THE HEART OF THINGS For the Jupiter beings, perception of sound is meas- ured by what we call an octave ; one subdivided into very many minute octaves. While by no means high to these beings, the lowest note of the series is yet far too acute for human ears. So the Light Blue normal to the Jupiter beings is equally beyond man's clearest vision. Furthermore, the planetary octave of Jupiter is one of sound-colof, since every sound is seen and every color is heard. Sound-color is the language of that most ethereal of planetary evolutions ; a sweetest vowel language with- out consonants and contrasting minors ; a language of unvaried color and sameness of sound ; in short, a deficient language. All this from our viewpoint ; still that language is eminently adapted to its one purpose, namely, expression of unvaried assent to truth as imparted by the Solar Hierarchy ruling the planet. In the above is a clue to the sound-color language of the Mercurians, those dual beings who combine a secondary state of Jovian Atma with a primary one o f Mercurian B uddhi. Losing both the highest notes of the Jovian tone-color octave and a keen sense of its lower divisions, these beings are compensated with an octave of sound-color beneath the other. In its lower notes this Mercurian octave emits at times a quality of sound less sweet, a hue of color less pure. Thus is indicated a possibility of difference not before sus- pected. The sound-color vowel-language of the Mer- curians, while expressing assent to truth as taught by their Solar Hierarchy, also expresses a somewhat 61 THE HEART OF THINGS imperfect Jovian view. The inevitable slight clashing of views is indicated by the coarser notes and duller colors. The Venus scheme adds an octave of sound-color below that proper to Mercury. This at the expense of exquisite perception of sound-color in the higher octaves. In the lower half of the Venus octave appears the first consonant sound, the first unduly accentuated color. Heard from a lower planet, all sound above that consonant would merge in a single delicate note ; seen, all color would be but one pure shining. That consonant and that peculiar color indi- cates the beginning of divergence before only hinted at. They signify that truth may be three-sided. So, when the Jupiter, the Mercury, and the Venus views are commingled, their language expression is no longer simple. Moreover, that single consonant means that hence- forth in the downward evolution, vowel assent is more and more to be interrupted by consonant dissent. Because of this, the unity of beings is gradually to become disrupted. Individuality will however be the compensation, and concretion of individuality is one great object of the cosmic scheme. Descending the octave proper to the Saturnian evolution, we find consonants frequently varying the smoothness of vowels. Language has come to be the vehicle of complex ideas and varied views. Truth is now four-sided, for the triangle is outgrown. Separa- tive influences are abroad ; the individual is more 62 THE HEART OF THINGS apart from his fellows, and with this separateness the searcher for truth lacks the momentum and force of unified minds. Thus begins the illusion of separateness. Forasmuch as the ear can not now hear what the eye sees, namely, the higher colors of the Venus scale ; neither can the eye see what the ear hears, to wit, the lower divisions of the Saturnian scale ; specialization of the organs of hearing and sight is at hand. This happens in the octave proper to Mars. Thus the organism becomes somewhat more complex, and com- plexity is a step toward that cosmic ideal, complexity in unity. Having but one sense, the Jupiter beings naturally have but one group of ideas and a language limited to their utterance. In the downward evolution of spheres, language gradually enlarges to express each new group of ideas; but with the divorce of hearing and sight comes apace a novel group. Now the desire of beings is d ownward rather than upward . Hence language is the garment of thoughts many of which are not unfamiliar to mankind. The Lunar evolution specialized the sense and organs of smell. That evolution being an Astral one , the Lunar body was nourished by odors. This special- ization gave rise to a new group of ideas peculiar to the Lunar octave. Thus the Lunar language came to be the most complex of the six touched upon. The lan- guage of Jupiter is common ,to its race, and the same is true of the Mercurian language, but the consonant 63 THE HEART OF THINGS in the Venus sound-color scale marks the beginning of separate tongues. The several consonants in the Saturn scale show the extent to which language has deviated from a common speech. Eventually the Lunar tongues foreshowed that earthly variety for which Babel is said to be alone responsible. The physical Earth's octave of sound, and its seem- ingly soundless octave of color, are those perceived by physical man. The modern musician has divided a portion of the octave of sound into seven, and sub- divided these in various ways. Every sound and every color would appeal to man's five senses were certain of these senses of perfected keenness. Since the physical body is nourished and maintained by material foods, the specialized sense of taste is this planet's contributio n to the five. Because of this sense, a before unknown • m group of ideas comes into Earth's octave of sound and of color, that flexible material from which the Protean vesture of thought is shaped. Lastly, differentiation of sex gave to the human race, to be expressed in language, a group of ideas wholly novel in our Solar system. Having discovered the origin and determined the nature of language on the chief evolutionary planes or globes of each planet, to wit, the highest plane of Jupiter, and of the others, in downward series, the successively lower planes to the physical plane of this Karth, we shall now indicate the nature of language in our planetary chain from the Astral upward. As already said, the Lunar evolution was at botto m 6 4 N.DON - $H\£JLt- THE HEART OF THINGS an Astral one; hence its language held no hint of p hysical experience. But Astral man has worn the garment of flesh and his language betrays the fact even when between incarnations he himself comes to regard earth life as something once dreamed and only dreamed. The written language of our Astral plane is one of symbols, and the speech of our higher planes, like that of corresponding planes of other planets, more and more tends to the symbolic as the highest planes are approached. That the exposition may be lucid, we shall now reveal the real significance of symbolism. Inhaled air reaches the lungs, but the successively finer ethers in breath penetrate more and more to every part of the corresponding bodies of seven-fold man. The finer ethers in his exhaled breath have each duplicated the form and internal structure of the bodies penetrated by it. Normally, speech is the utterance of what one actually thinks. Language is moulded speech. The ethers exhaled in the speech of the truthful and the untruthful duplicate the interior bodies as affected by actual motive. Thus every idea emanated with the speech, or even the thought has a distinguishing form. The symbology of the Astral plane represents the expressed ideas of Astral beings. Entering those higher planes where, as in the cor- responding ones of other planets, the sound-color languages obtain, we find the verification of this explanation of symbolism, for the uttered syllable, or word, or even the externalized thought, has now its 65 THE HEART OF THINGS visible color and form. The speech breath of physical man coming only from his lungs is not a duplication of himself ; hence his speech and his thought may differ. But on higher and higher planes of our planetary chain, speech-breath, or thought during breath, ema- nates more and more from all parts of the ethereal body, and cannot falsify the inward belief. That spiritual man cannot shape his utterance into a lie, Swedenborg discovered without perceiving the true cause. In conclusion : the philologist has for instance traced the Indo-European languages to a common parent lan- guage now extinct ; but the occultist tracing origins goes vastly further, even to the sound-color languages of other planets. Moreover, he knows that the shap- ing and the finished form of any language of any planet, like the shaping and the finished form of any user of language, depends upon the quality of sound and color employed in the shaping and finishing. DISCARNATE BODIES AS the human skeleton holds in shape the flesh of the physical body, so, as if a skeleton, that body as a whole supports intact the tenuous but fluid Astral body and the more and more ethereal bodies. What then is the condition of the Astral if deprived of its solid stay ? To begin with, the integrity, the conserving self-hood of a body, is determined by its characteristic principle ; 66 THE HEART OF THINGS one most pronounced if a being is functioning on the plane of that principle. When the race was more immersed in matter, the average material body was much larger and stronger. So there were giants in those days. A dominating personal will gives to the discarnate Astral both elasticity and cohesion despite of great fluidity. Thus is it enabled to dispense with the physical. Will is a great strengthener of bodies. Personal will permeates the lower quaternary and its effects remain when the Astral is discarded. Since the black magician has cultivated personal will at the expense of Spiritual Will and its vehicle, his seeming gain is a vital Astral body wherein for centu- ries he lives upon the Astral plane. If of inadequate personal will, a discarnate being suffers great shrinkage of the Astral, because in density must be found the stamina which adequate personal will would give. During life if a being cultivate the lower Kamic nature, his discarnate existence in the corresponding Kamic body must be a protracted one ; besides that body is vitalized and made persistent at the expense of its polar opposite, the Buddhic body. So the selfish, calculating, coldly intellectual man develops a Karaa- Manasic body which in his discarnate period holds him long from a Devachan beginning with the lowest consciousness of the higher Manasic body. The discarnate black magician fears for his future, knowing, as never while on Earth, that, from lack of Spiritual Will, his higher bodies have shrunken enor- mously, or else have become weak, flabby and charac- 6 7 THE HEART OF THINGS terless. To preserve his only real possession, the Astral and Kamic bodies, he becomes a vampire, in fact a practicer of various infernal arts which but defers a catastrophe worse for the waiting. Acting according to his light, the spiritually inclined man during life has subordinated personal to Spirit ual Will ; h ence he desires not, neither does his d iscarnate Astral permit more tha n a brief sojourn on the Astral pla ne. Having made Kama secondary to Buddhi, h e lingers not in th e sphere of red desir e. Seeking the higher vision he has turned from material conceptions a qfi interests^ hence the Dark Blue early draws him f yom all that the Kama-Manasic plane can offer. Probably he will yet ascend to a brief experience in the highest Devachanic regions. On the other hand, a Master of Wisdom has dis- covered and ever exemplifies in himself, that while in the vast procedure of the Kosmic scheme some things are subordinate to others, yet, in the final perfection, all things shall have been equalized. Having found a fair though not an absolute balance of his every power and principle, such a Master, if discarnate and awaiting rebirth, abides on the Astral plane, but with a consciousness of all other planes not possible to ordinary men even when functioning upon them. Knowing every plane of our planet, both as it is and as it shall be, such a Master finds his Nirvana of ser- vice on the four lower divisions of the seven peculiar to this world-scheme of evolution. 68 THE HEART OF THINGS THE PRALAYA AND REJUVENATION OF PLANETS THAT huge seven-fold being which ensouls our seven-fold planet and which is known as the " Spirit of the Earth" or the " Earth entity," will be perfected in seven incarnations, som e of them not yet entered upon. The usual teaching that the Moon entity has incarnated as that of our planet, is not the one now to be given. ^ To begin with : for every planet there are tw o entities ; one positive and male, the other negative and jemale. Of these two, th e ne gative entity is by far the less developed . Moreover, it cannot be perfected dur- ing the life-cycle of our Solar system ; but in a grander system wherein the female is to be the positive power , it will develop positive female characteristics . Even as the Moon evolution, the masculine Moon entity was six-fold . The lowest or Astral principle of the Moon then contacted the physical Moon now in pralaya like its informing female entity. As for the male principle, that is in Devachan ; in other words, in a certain way it is united with and negative to the more positive Astral principle of the great male Solar entity, who will be perfected during the life period of the Solar orb ; a life period without pralaya during the contin- uance of the planetary systems. Of the entities ensouling the other nine planets, some are more progressed than others; but in no respect can any of these compare with the male Solar 6 9 THE HEART OF THINGS entity whose negative and female companion will be perfected in Solar systems yet to be. The view of creation peculiar to these unique male beings is so unlike that of any humanity of any sphere in our system that understanding of the excellence toward which they unitedly move is perhaps impossible. A teaching exists to the effect that while as yet of low intelligence compared with that of their humanities, these entities are destined to surpass in certain respects the highest rulers of their most evolved races. Thus ^n its way the Solar Titan will surpass the ten rulers of the ten Hierarchies of the Solar Logos . It is the purpose of Divine Wisdom that every unit of every evolution of our Solar scheme come eventually into common possession. Hence one office of the great positive planetary entities, and their ruler the positive Solar entity, is eventually to communicate their peculiar attainments to the humanities or Hierarchies proper to each. These in turn will communicate ; hence resulting Wisdom shall be full ; also many-sided even as that symbol of perfection the circle, itself a succession of minute angles. We have said that the positive Moon entity is in his Devachan. This means that, his subjective cycle closed, he will descend to his physical body of old. S i aiullaneously the female Moon entity is to awak en . Then will Soma be a living seven -fold globe-ch ain prep ared for the inception of an Astral humanity sur- passing every predecessor. In the Moon's earlier evolutionary period, its four- 70 THE HEART OF THINGS fold physical globe, the body of the negative Lunar entity, was of larger girth than now ; but certain finer material elements were brought to our planet with that srreat efflux of Lunar pitris beginning with our first planetary round. Besides, certain other elements have passed down to the outer planets. As for the residuum, it contracted apace with the cessation of the central material fires. Our own four-fold physical planet, once larger than now, has likewise suffered loss. In past evolutionary periods Earth's perfected humanities, when unitin g with their Solar Hierarch y, have taken much of pu ri- fied finer material. At the close of the present period, Earth's contracted shell may become the satellite of the rekindled Moon. THE DIMENSIONS OF TIME APPROACHING the mystery of Time, eventually we come into a presence where the bowed head, the bended knee and the bared feet are indeed fitting. The mystery of Time is that of the Universe and its highest governing Intelligence. Moreover, the solution of that mystery will make the solver equal to and probably one with the original Knower. As apprehended in our Solar System, Time is three dimensional, whereas the synthesis of every dimension or aspect of Time is the seventh, the Everlasting Now. Because he holds the past by means of tradition, recorded history and retentive memory, and because 7i THE HEART OF THINGS of his larger, deeper and clearer forecast of what is to be, man, in the midst of a present more crowded and preoccupying than ever before, is progressing some- what toward necessary unification of past, present and future. Owing to the basic, universal and unvarying Law of Compensation, the one-principled beings of the Jupiter evolution are well-nigh perfected in that principle. Between them and Truth, as understood and imparted by their Solar Hierarchy, only a thin veil is drawn. Hence, in respect to the oneness of its first three dimensions, Time is perceived and attained to by the Jovian beings. Since these beings are of but one principle, their past, present and future are limited by and to that principle. From the viewpoint of imper- fect but complex beings like ourselves, every moment of their unified Time is wholly alike. Judged by our standard of variety, its division or its unity would seem to matter little. In fact, we might say that Jupiter Time is virtually of one dimension. Those merely physical creatures, the embryonic humanity proper to our planet, lived in strictly one- dimensional Time. To beings destitute of memory and foresight every moment is virtually a new existence. Such was the life of our remote progenitors until the incarnating Lunar pitris gave them memory that hence- forth they might live in Time of two dimensions. Even then were our fathers far from their destiny, since the forward look is necessary as the backward. Of fore- cast hope is born and high desire, parents in turn of 72 THE HEART OF THINGS all that makes the goodly here and the better hereafter.' So to this wishable consummation descended next those finishers of half-fashioned humanity, the higher Egos. In their bright planet, their radiant Venus world, the three Time dimensions, though not approaching the unity peculiar to the Jupiter scheme, had, as com- pensation, attained a variety of content adapted to the present and future needs of Cr world heretofore without a promise, without a hope. And what is hope in man if not the Ego's knowledge of reality existing in the unified trinity of past, present and future ? In our complex seven-fold world, where the physical plane bears the impress of every other, the past of the human race is so vastly varied, the present so crowded and the future so grand with promise of things as yet unmatchable, that unification of the three dimensions of Time is a problem and a process far exceeding those of the higher planets. From the Planetary Rulers and the Higher Kumaras, our Masters have learned t hat, the Sun, the central li fe of our system, is now in his third incarnation ; each of which was preceded first by disintegration and then by reconstruction of every planetary and solar residuum combined with certain residuums from dead systems drawn to a common center of contact and combustion. The first incarnation of our Solar System evolved for its humanities and minor creatures, and even its ruling- Hierarchies, a perception of but one dimension of Time, the present. 73 THE HEART OF THINGS The second incarnation evolved and finally unified the dual perception of present and past. This third incarnation has evolved those three perceptions, past, present, future, and will yet unify them for all humanity and perhaps for every creature. Our Solar Logos alone sees the fourth dimension of Time, but seeing as through a veil, can only surmise the nature of a Solar system next in order wherein that dimension shall give new force and meaning to universal Nature, her origin and destiny. That stupen- dous process accomplished, the Time riddle remains and will remain until the seventh incarnation of our system, when, having incorporated many diverse elements from the Kosmic expanse, it synthesizes all Time dimensions in the Everlasting Now. DREAMS OF Jesus and certain other world-teachers it is true that their every deliberate saying has a seven-fold meaning and interpretation. A more specific statement is that those sayings are adapted to each plane of our seven-fold planet, from the physical even to the Atmic; hence they verify the world-teachers' knowledge of those planes. Even the actions and sayings of ordinary men and women have interpreta- tions other than those received through eyes and ears. Thus on the physical plane an act or expression in words is something from which its Astral picture, or its Astral symbol, may differ in many and important 74 THE HEART OF THINGS particulars. The same holds for the Astral symbol of a thought. Evidently on the first remove from Earth conditions disguises begin to fall off and the real intent, whether beautiful or ugly, is revealing itself. The dying man leaves to some public institution or other interest, a generous sum whereat the world applauds, and his name and fame henceforth are linked with those of the endowed interest. The Astral picture of the donor making his bequest is an allegoric or symbolic one wherein motive will be more or less apparent. The purely philanthropic act has its picture and its symbol, which, reflected to higher and higher planes, ever grows in beauty and worth. Otherwise the lower planes alone will hold the symbolic picture, one deteriorating on each plane of the lower four. In respect to action, speech and thought, a single illustra- tion is of general application and need not be dupli- cated. So much for preliminaries to the understanding of our subject proper. It is largely true that remembered dreams can be connected with the occurrences of waking hours. As above said, the expression of our activity here below is pictured but by no means photo- graphed — as photography is at present understood and used — on one or more of the seven planetary planes. With each successive reproduction a picture loses somewhat of those externals which make for recognition on the physical plane, and shows forth somewhat of those internals which appertain to its essential truth. 75 THE HEART OF THINGS In dreams the physical plane recedes, while the Astral and often the higher planes draw near. Always the dreamer is in a world of symbols and correspond- ences with which he is unfamiliar unless especially instructed ; so to but limited degree he connects them with those originals familiar to his waking hours. Hence confusion common to ordinary dream. Despite this confusion, a certain truth is in the dream. . There- fore is it plausible ; but of that truth the awaking dreamer loses perception, and at once in the common light of day the dream is illogical to the point of absurdity ; so he concludes that after all it was only that mysterious condition of the sleeping brain which puts the wise man and the fool on one level of intelligence. Entire coherence of Astral dream demands thorough knowledge of Astral plane and subplane symbology ; a knowledge imparted by a Master to pledge disciples only. If Astral symbology confuses the dreamer, that of the next two planes and their subdivisions must bring chaos to his visions since more and more it departs from the phenomena of the natural world. In almost any distinctly remembered dream every plane of the quaternary may be contacted, for while the planes from the Astral to the Kama-Manasic are those proper to the remembered dream, its interest and excitement usually disturbs the dormant physical con- sciousness, thus giving it a semi-wakefulness and so no little share in the general distortion of daytime events and perceptions. Should the entire symbology of the three planes from the Astral upward be known to 7 6 THE HEART OF THINGS the inner man, that knowledge would little avail the dreaming physical man unless he were in the secret, for his waking consciousness would blunder while translating the inner in the terms of the outer, even as one blunders in translating an unfamiliar language. Belshazzar's famous dream required for its interpreta- tion a mastery of terrestrial and super-terrestrial sym- bology exceeding that of the ordinary soothsayers and astrologers of his court. In his objective terrestrial cycle of seventy or more years, seven-fold man ever conforms to the cycle of the rotating globe. So about one-fourth of ever y twenty-four hours he pass es in that dream^state which jaintly foreshows his posthumous condition . In one of its functions man's Astral body once conformed to the quarterings of the Moon. During three of these quarterings he was a progenitor. In the fourth, cor- responding to the nightly pralaya of the physical body and the activity of the Astral, he was in this respect incapable, for the Astral was drawn into relation with its high polar opposite, the Auric envelope . ^Even now .the female of human kind usually cannot conceive during one week of her every four. That week of barrenness corresponds to the condition of the Astral which, if highly developed, will then strive toward unity with its polar opposite. Originally man's higher principles were affected very markedly by the movements of the planets to which they were related, and from this once obvious fact Esoteric Astrology took rise. Development of human 77 THE HEART OF THINGS free-will and consequent individuality has much weakened planetary influences, but still they operate through delicate lines of force. In ages long past, ere the solidification of his physical body, man never slept as we understand sleep ; neither did he dream as now the human race. In lieu of these states, full outward activity and less inward alternated with states of opposite kinds. These successive states were due to a multiplicity of planetary influences, for man was then a child-like being in the leading of celestial guides. In his subjective state this primal Adam, dwelling in the morning of Earth's golden age, was near unto Beauty, Truth and Good, and these were ever his "dream" whose meaning was revealed by heavenly beings. As for the objective or full waking state, that too was necessary, for, otherwise, man would have remained a sky-dwelling dreamer and nothing more. Cast among the enticements of earth-life, he came ere long to love best the objective state ; he would be actively alive rather than a dreamer, and soon he would not dream at all. Then did the watchful Powers interpose. Whether he would or no, man should dream, that the gates of Heaven and the channels of its communion might not be closed against him. Therefore sleep came to this earth-loving Adam, and in deep slumber the old inter- course was reestablished. Then he awoke to a world no longer the same, for Eve was by his side that, look- ing into her eyes, he might dream again of Earth and Heaven united in the bonds of love. 73 THE HEART OF THINGS The deep sleep experiences of those primeval men comprised under the generic name Adam, were remem- bered, but fleshly veils have for ages hidden the dream mind of the race from the waking one. Whatsoever of special communion or general intercourse with angelic beings man now has, appertains to his upper Triad of principles when freed by sleep from the dominion of the body and separated therefrom by a bridge not easy to cross. Were the passage less diffi- cult, where could be found the agnostic or the materi- alist doubting, or else denying the actuality of realms into which he nightly enters ? Language, originally the vehicle of human thought, came to be the means of concealing it. Thus the words I love, might mean I hate. Again, the word God, or its equivalent in any language, came to express multitudinous conceptions, some high and pure, others the reverse. Such also was the fate of pure symbols, some of which are now deemed of grossly phallic origin. The language and symbology of the high spheres entered in dreamless sleep, or, more correctly, that sleep from which no recollections are brought, has never been subservient and never can be to false- hood. Plainly such language and symbology can have nothing in common with those of a world where truth and untruth exist side by side. Always this lower world has craved definite knowl- edge concerning higher states of existence, but such knowledge has largely eluded its utmost questioning. Prophets and seers and all other participators in the 79 THE HEART OF THINGS pure vision have not merely seen and heard, for they have understood. And yet the meagerness of their impartings is the disappointment and wonder of every seeker for life's verities. Was it because of the poverty of human language and symbols that tongues were tied and speech was withheld when enlighten- ment should have been ? We answer yes, but would add that the real deficiency is that earthly language and symbols, as the possible vehicles of falsehood, can have nothing in common with language and symbols and ideas peculiar to a region and condition where Truth alone obtains. What then is the solution of the problem ? Evi- dently this : Mankind should grow towards sincerity, meanwhile looking upon insincerity as the actual hider of all that most concerns us as immortal beings. Progressing in this world, the race will gradually mould language and symbols to the expression of unmixed Truth. As result, the truth of the lower plane will eventually conform to that of the highest. Then whatsoever things uncommon men have both visioned and remembered, and common men have known in dreamless sleep, will be the universal possession of the world's most wakeful hours. THE NEARNESS AND IDENTIFICATION OF THE DEAD ON the fifteenth page of " Special Teachings from the Arcane Science" and in the chapter "The Planetary Process," it is in substance stated that at the [ncarnation of the Lunar pitris, man became a THE HEART OF THINGS seven-fold being and, later, the incarnating Egos fro m yenus. the "Solar pitr is," duplicated his three higher principles. , The first root-race of this round was deathle ss^ because man had not descended deep into dense matter and therefore marked difference between his higher and lower components had not yet resulted. ffihen the first race had fully become the second, his upper Triad had already made some ascent, whereas his lower quarternary had evolved downward first to the point of strain and then to that of breaking. Tha t break, occurring necessarily in the human family, was .the fi rst death known to our planet. The severance — »— ■— — — — — was not however, permanent, for, despite of difference, certain mutual needs and attractions existed ; so, like children that quarrel to-day and kiss to-morrow, the principles afterwards coalesced, the result being the first incarnation in the long earthly series ; for whatsoever at times had occurred in earlier rounds only corre- sponded to death and rebirth. The first passing out was of course the precursor of an increasing number and the same was true of the first rebirth. Originally the one cycle of objective and subjected life was quite equally divided ; but increas- ing dissimilarity of the principles lengthened the sub- jective period, that of necessary readjustment. T^hg, yicarnation of the Venus trinity , while a matchless boon to the human race, augmented differences and, as result, the period of objective life at once became much shorter than that of readjustment. 81 THE HEART OF THINGS The earliest deaths ushered men into conditions by no means so unlike the earthly state as now they are. Moreover, the term of physical life, then far longer than in later ages, was divided into many brief objective and subjective states corresponding to sleep and waking, as was explained in the previous teaching. During the subjective state, the dead, or rather the discarnate, were seen and also recognized as being ip a state still more subjective ; one in which the physical principle alone was lacking. At the same time the physical principle of the living then seemed to them- selves to be of but secondary importance ; hence the departed were not really such, much less were they as the dead for whose loss many will mourn to-day. The great Archaic languages had not as yet their root beginnings, and human utterances were few and simple, the emanations rather of the heart than of the head ; hence intelligent communication with the dis- carnate was always possible especially during the subjective periods of the incarnate. When widening differences of condition had sufficiently severed the dead from the living, the former disappeared, were lost sight of, during the objective period of the latter. Prior to the incarnation of the higher Egos , imagination and memory in the human race were but faintly active ; hence the periodical disappearance of the dead signi- fied but little. Later it became a matter of regret mingled with anticipation, which in the subjective period gave place to joy as for those returned from a long and far journey. Nevertheless it was well under- 82 THE HEART OF THINGS stood that, whether visible or invisible, perceived or in no way perceived, the dead were ever present. When in a later root-race separation was complete, even in the subjective period of the living, memory of what had once obtained became that universal belief in immortality which down the historic ages has filled the human heart with hope and purpose. As for the d ead whom we of this day have known in the flesh, by all l ogic and analogy they are with us though unseen, ajid, in respect to di stance, they are as near as were the components of the earlier races and sub-races. So much for the existence and nearness of the dead concerning whose identification let us now enquire. Of that outcome of almost countless incarnations, the modern man or woman in the flesh, it should be said that while identification depends on physiognomy, bodily size, shape and carriage, together with timber and inflexion of voice, and then, beneath these, on personal idiosyncrasies and mental characteristics, and then, still deeper, on so much of the inner being as the closest intimacies of life reveal, yet oftentimes and perhaps almost universally, the real being — deeper yet — remains hidden and unknown. Simpler far was the make-up of Earth's incarnate primitive humanities with whom identification of the dead was of course correspondingly easy. Among the moderns, the sincere man who largely reveals his inner self, is daily making simple his posthumous identification. The hypocrite, that studious concealer of himself, is daily adding difficulties to such discovery. 83 THE HEART OF THINGS The conviction of the followers of Jesus that seeing him in the hereafter they shall at once know him, rests on a logical premise. His wonderful self-revelation as shown in the four Gospels should make future identifi- cation easier than in the case of the ordinary man however seemingly well-known on Earth. In this complex age of the world, identification of the dead would often be difficult to the verge of impos- sibility were it not for the intercourse possible during dreamless sleep. One surprise awaiting us in the hereafter is the fact, then apparent, that never have we been separated from those we love. In addition we shall with untold satisfaction discover that only the best in them and in us entered or could enter into the heart-communion of higher planes. Though deprived of the corporeal envelope, t he newly dead, on any of the three planetary planes beginning with the Astral, preserve at first a general l ikeness, and then a somewhat indefinite one, to that bpdily presence once familiar to our eye s. The laws of being require that as the dead recede from the lower planes, certain of their inner characteristics become outward ones. At the same time they have their own changed and changing viewpoint of the world and its incarnate dwellers ; first their Astral view of the Astral world of the living, then their Kamic view of our Kamic world, and so possibly even to the border of the seventh plane of the living. It must not be supposed that the seven planes exist each in duplicate. Certain differences in the ethereal 84 THE HEART OF THINGS bodies of the living and of the dead — differences which on the Astral and even on the Kamic plane are shared by other than the human species — cause an impression of duplication of planes, that illusion of their separateness which is a peculiarity of the posthu- mous life of man. This illusion, existing for all but the most spiritually enlightened beings, is however but partial and contains an idea of both nearness and afarness wholly unknown to this lower world. Existing on all but the physical plane of the plan- etary quaternary, discarnate humanity maintains a peculiar sense of nearness to the incarnate through general characteristics appertaining to the Astral, Kamic, and Kama-Manasic bodies of all concerned. For the discarnate on the levels of the planetary Triad, the sense of nearness or afarness of earthly friends and interests is due to a variety of causes. Thus lov- ing remembrance draws hearts very near. Some day they will touch, and that some day is a radiant hope in the Devachanic life. Harsh speech and ungenerous thoughts of the dead, or cold indifference, cannot penetrate their blissful abodes. Nevertheless they are as a veil, in extreme instances even that of oblivion, where no veil should separate. Surely from heart-wisdom we bury the defects of the dead and erect their inscribed memorials elo- quent with praise. For the ordinary Devachanee, earth interests end and the objective touch ceases with the passing of the last remaining relative or personal friend ; but entering into the heaven-life of the great 85 THE HEART OF THINGS man whose name and deeds for many generations are on the tongues and in the hearts of multitudes, many- new and high friendships make for an experience which, in its two-foldness, is the rich reward of human- ity's helpers. Through his lower quarternary the doer of devilish deeds, though in the body, is in continual and close fellowship with demoniac beings. Passing out, he readily finds in them his boon companions, the instiga- tors of his earthly misdoings. The doer of high and noble acts is companioned indeed and by those who on Earth were as worthy and even worthier. Passing out of the body, he too recognizes that encompassing fellowship of the higher planes with which in his best moments he was almost at-one-ment. Actual at-one-ment with higher discarnate beings is that Nirvana which a Master of Wisdom and Com- passion experiences throughout his dedicated earthly days. Those rare moments of Nirvanic consciousness during which the saints, not only of the Christian Church but of every worthy religion, have beheld what according to the creed of each was the Ineffable Vision, are explainable and wholly creditable in that full light, a ray of which we have endeavored to direct to the subject treated in this teaching. 86 THE HEART OF THINGS MUSIC THOUGH existing anciently, Music, from the usual viewpoint, is virtually a modern art. Based on tonal divisions which in its long history may be called recent, Music has come to express the heter- ogeneous elements in the total of modern world life. Turning from the music of the masses who largely outnumbered the wise and learned of the great extinct civilizations, let us say that the office of what a minority acknowledged to be music, and also the theory accord- ing to which it was composed, are virtually unknown to modern musicians. Otherwise they would understand why an art, seemingly so limited in resources, was by any one at any time deemed both rich and ample. The truth is that by the really capable among the older musicians, their art was deemed an unsurpassable means of communion with interior planes. Hence the most ancient and supposedly forgotten scales of Egypt, Babylonia, India and China, scales long antedating the Greek semi-occult modes, were constructed in accord- ance with the anciently known laws of those vibrations which obtain on the physical and more and more sub- jective planes whose total was said to be five, or, more secretly, even seven. Pythagoras, that Grecian imbiber of the Eastern Wisdom, was taught in the Greater Mysteries of Egypt, the true office of music. Having learned the occult relation of color and sound, he then with mathematical nicety constructed his whole-tone scale to conform to 87 THE HEART OF THINGS the Solar Spectrum. In that scale every note corre- sponded not only with a planet, but likewise with one of the seven planes of Earth's geometrically constructed sphere. Moreover, into the secret cosmogony taught to his most promising pupils, music was everywhere woven. The pentatonic scale of Orpheus was seemingly a defective one, though based on the flve-foldness of nature and man. But even as the five-fold Brahminical division of these can be made to include all claimed for the seven-fold division, so, by the insertion of a tone between each of two augmented intervals, this penta- tonic scale becomes a septenary. The story of Orpheus and his lute is plainly an allegory concerning the possi- bilities of sound which, if employed understandingly, is a power not only in the abode of the blessed, but even in the lowest divisions of the Kama-Loca. The chants of the Sama Veda were adapted to the Hindu scale and had each its occult potency, one that varied according to the several methods of division and accent. What we have touched upon, namely, the secret and most vital side of music, was explained with much detail in the occult schools of Egypt and India and, thanks to Pythagoras, also in those of Greece. But with the beginning of the Christian Era, the exoteric side of the art came gradually into great prominence. The semi-occult Greek modes prepared the way for the Ambrosian and the Gregorian chants, themselves precursors of the yet more exoteric modern scale on which the modern art is based. Because of all this, 8S THE HEART OF THINGS the ancient office of music has come to be discredited even to ridicule. On the other hand, the old occult scales and the music proper to them have lost much of their original office as will be shown. This earth plane is that of human activity, experience and progress ; whereas the more and more interior planes are properly those of assimilation, and preparation for a new earth-life. Action and reaction between the earth-plane and the other six have always been, and will continue. Because the earth-life of aboriginal man was simple, his after existence was correspondingly so. As that earth-life became complex, so did that of the more interior planes or spheres to which he gravitated periodically. As a means of communion with these inner regions, the old occult music was indeed effective, but within the last few centuries the enormous advance of Western civilization — an advance really dating from the Italian revival of art and letters — has reacted powerfully upon the Devachan of the dead of those centuries ; hence the old music fraught with the old associations is unable to affect very much the changed and ever changing life of the higher planes of our planet. Evidently, with the ancient occult music it is as with the contemporary arts of the nations that produced it. For the modern world, Egyptian, Hindu, and even Greek art has but little of its original appeal. This for several reasons ; first, because of the preponderance of the modern upon the higher planes, and, second because action and reaction between the interior prin- THE HEART OF THINGS ciples of the living and those of the present denizens of those planes, largely cause that feeling of remote- ness usually experienced when contemplating the old masterpieces. Other reasons are exterior and minor. The occultist should understand that while the now obsolete arts, including that of music, were founded largely on the Ancient Wisdom, any reversion to them would be actual retrogression. Moreover, while true for all time, the Ancient Wisdom in each successive cycle of world progress must have adequate interpreta- tion. The creative artist is ever intuitive ; hence such musicians as Richard Wagner — a genius with but scanty knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom — strive toward what is really an art based on that Wisdom as interpreted in this age of the world. Again, those musicians now experimenting with new scales and tonal progressions are groping toward the same goal. Music, by nature and from its inception the most occult of the arts, in comparatively recent times passed through the contrapuntal and classical periods, those wherein its true office was unsuspected. Nevertheless the intuitive geniuses of both periods did on occasions incorporate in its body much of the occult. Ministra- tion to Music's most essential need, to wit, this occult element, began for the modern world properly with the composers of the Romantic school ; but theirs was a service rendered unconsciously until such philosophis- ing musicians as Wagner put pen to paper. Certainly the predominance of the occult in the music of Roman- ticism affects the listener so strangely and interiorly 90 THE HEART OF THINGS that the Classics at times seem pale and cold. That certain occult influences peculiar to certain music can stir in the listener much that corresponds W from the first, higher and more increasingly delicate than the physical overtones ; besides, every interior expression has its own overtones. The exact vibration of these inner tones, and therefore their scale relation to the outer note, is a matter of most secret knowledge, and for a weighty reason : The Sacred Word, in what- soever language chanted, can be made truly effective on an interior plane or sub-plane, only by sounding mentally the note proper to that planetary division when the vocal organs give the physical equivalent. That in the best of our modern music far more of the occult exists than is generally suspected let us now exemplify; but first let it be understood that on the higher divisions of our planet, past and present time have for the discarnate undergone no little unification. With the beloved dead in mind, if certain music is heard or rendered, music in which as listener or per- former they had participated with those now listening 91 THE HEART OF THINGS or performing, the interior tones of that music reach the dead who at once are alive in the old earth moments, to the living a sweet memory but to them an idealized present. So is it with the music of worship, for again the departed seem to themselves to be within the hallowed walls, there listening to the anthems and joining in the hymns so familiar and so loved in former years. The inmost of all really great sacred music pene- trates or upreaches to those high divisions of the Buddhic plane where the foremost representatives of discarnate humanity have well-nigh attained that unifi- cation of past, present and future which is the peculiar prerogative of the Atmic condition. So these also are united with us by the bonds of harmonious sound which therefore is supposed to reach the throne of Supreme Being. If given with fervor upon one note, the chanted prayer acquires an insisting and penetrating power anciently known to the authors of the Sama Veda. We are but indicating the possibilities of music as it now is. The ancient occult music has well-nigh ceased to be effective and the new does not measure to the needs of an art that can bring into almost contiguous relation the sensible and the super-sensible planes of our world. That such an art is possible we firmly believe because music is ever an aspect of that Crea- tive Word which both builds and harmonizes, thus making for unity where diversity would otherwise be. Let us hope, aye, let us hold that our modern experi- 92 THE HEART OF THINGS menters with scales and tonal effects are to advance music toward that office for which especially it came to man as a gift of the gods. In other words, may the ideal be analagous to that of ancient days, but on a higher plane of power and use. EARTHLY AND POSTHUMOUS WILL THE materialist denies to man any will other than that presiding over the functional activities of brain and body, whereas the spiritualist often maintains that Spiritual Will in its cosmic ..aspect is the one reality. While compelled to regard the materialistic view as wholly inadequate and even shallow, we shall here acknowledge the other as true only in the ultimate unification of all wills which for evolutionary purposes throughout the great " Cycle of Necessity " must remain more or less separate. During objective life, man's personal will is inevitably strong since its natural field is here, whereas his Spirit- ual Will is inevitably the weaker since its natural field js in the posthumous life. The balancing of these two as pects of human will during earth-life is the most di fficult and yet the most necessary of h uman under- ta kings, and upon that end all ethical and religious in struction is centered. Were man's personal and Spiritual Will evenly balanced, or ap proximately so, he would be above th e n ecessity of death a nd rebirth and ther efore triumphan t over them . Jn short, he would on Earth possess the 93 THE HEART OF THINGS birthright said to have been lost by Adam. Co nsti- tuted as man now is, the gift of deathlessness in this world and body would result in the immortality of personal will gradually divided from its positive spiritual opposite. Were man now immortal in the heavens, the usual conception of the after death condition, he would be immortal in Spiritual Will more and more separated from its negative personal opposite, that which is necessary to his rounding out as a compas- sionate being, a joy to the heaven world and a helper in the great uplifting of planetary and cosmic life. Because when in earth-life man naturally under- estimates his principle of Spiritual Will, and with little sense of loss could quite lose sight of it, and because when a heavenly being he naturally under-estimates his principle of personal will and with little sense of loss could in turn dispense with that, therefore, through the operation of Karmic Law, the over-ruling Powers cause him to gravitate between the two states until he gives to each aspect of will its exact place in his seven- fold being. This accomplished, on whatever planetary plane man chooses to function — and choice he then will have — his usefulness is ever that of a being superior to divisions which in the main are but the veil of Maya, itself but the externalization of imperfect man's seven- fold consciousness. Ascendency of personal will results in one's over- estimation of his zealously guarded rights, and under- estimation and infringement of the rights of others. Hence in this world, man's administrations are largely 94 THE HEART OF THINGS unjust, whereas exact Justice is the basis of Divine government which therefore is a series of readjust- ments deemed by the narrow-visioned so unjust that they murmur and inveigh against, or altogether repudi- ate Divine Rule. The happiness of the dead on the higher planes would not be greatly disturbed could they come into knowledge of this life's inequalities, for, in their ascent, personal will was more and more in abeyance, and Spiritual Will was acquiring greater and greater promi- nence. This Spiritual Will when much enlightened, which occurs at the turn of the subjective arc of individual life, fully acquieses in the decrees of Karma as administered to the incarnate. Therefore for the Devachanee there would be the growing assurance that whatsoever the lot of those left behind, could he so regard them, they are in the keeping of Divine Justice which alone brings harmony from discordant Earth conditions. In the Devachanic period man is not a free agent, for freedom depends upon his personal will which , sourced in his Astral brain , perme ates his quarternary fif principles only , but cannot cross Antaskaran a the idge to his higher Triad, the source of Devacnanic consciousness. Amidst the multiplicity of experiences begun at physical birth, free-will and personality are necessary to man, but persistence of free-will would in the sub- jective period bring him into countless new experiences, most of them interfering with the chief object of 95 THE HEART OF THINGS Devachan, to wit, assimilation of the best contained in the last earth-life. As a Devachanee, man's loss of free-will and larger use of Spiritual Will are a real gain, because conducive to obedience to the requirements of humanity's Guardian Helpers. Such obedience is to the Devachanee but second nature ; so he realizes never that his every doing is ruled ; in fact, to himself he seems to act with all the independence of what we call free-will. When from countless incarnations man has become wholly wise, then with full realization of personal and Spiritual Will, he shall direct his every movement, earthly or post- humous, in the ways through which the Karmic guides would otherwise cause him to go. This is freedom, the freedom of God, the only freedom desirable or possible in a law-governed universe. DEVACHAN ALTHOUGH the Devachanee has a certain view of the corresponding world of the incarnate, that world is for him idealized far beyond the recogni- tion of mortals here below. Therefore into the assimi- lation of the worthy past to which the Devachanjc period is chiefly devoted, contemporaneous Earth hap- penings as such cannot be injected. However, though his Spiritual Will, conforming to that of the Devachanic rulers — sometimes called the Devars — holds the Devachanee largely to his idealized past, it is possible for the incarnate, conscious of present time and active 9 6 THE HEART OF THINGS in it, to maintain an inner union with the discarnate ; a union which, transcending the earthly sequence of what we call time, not only joins all concerned in the happy past of long ago, but colors it with something of the present. This returnable past, impossible to mere physical consciousness, is for the Devachanee an intimation of that attainable Reality, the Eternal Present as it exists in the Divine Consciousness. With the usual notion of Devachanic illusion we shall make issue, and that our dissent may have weight, let us examine the nature of Devachanic consciousness. First let it be said that when death sunders it from the physical brain, the human mind is out of relation with those ideas of time and space which originate in that brain. This radical change is indeed wonder-working, for now to concentrate attention on a given time and place is to be in them both. From the physical view- point, such consciousness is mere illusion ; nevertheless any past time and even the moment now with us, is but an illusory aspect of the Eternal Present. More- over, the most remote world is in the Eternal Here. From which it appears that our physical viewpoint is itself an illusory one. We would even contend that, dispite of its illusion, the Devachanic viewpoint is nearer to ultimate Truth. Because they possess the seven principles, the incar- nate are in many ways positive to the newly discarnate. To offset this, the latter are protected from obsession by separating conditions difficult to bridge. On the other hand, those of the discarnate who have concen- 97 THE HEART OF THINGS trated their consciousness in the higher triad, become positively but often unknowingly helpful — spiritually, mentally, and even physically — to such of the incar- nate as are willing to be helped. Thus the mother aids the child while it holds her in loving memory ; and, similarly, the wife aids the husband. These in turn contribute to the happiness of the discarnate, for, by concentrating on the happy past, they cause the discarnate to see and identify themselves with the old situations which, as already said, contain something of the present. This is well, for, as far as consistent with their dissimilar states, the dead and the living so maintain a progressive relation. The usually accepted occult teaching is that in these revivals of Earth situations the dead contact but the vitalized images of their loved ones. This is but a substitute teaching, for the real one is so recondite that, in the early days of Theosophy, few students could grasp it; and of this number not many would accept. As a final reality man exists in the Everlasting Now, whereas his long succession of Earth lives is but a continued striving toward that Reality. This strife has occurred during what to physical consciousness, are the consecutive ages of the world. Every earth- life, even the most remote, of a human being is an illusory aspect of the Eternal Now, and if wholly revivable by an effort of mind, is as real as ever it was. Hence the personal contact in the returned past of the Devachanee is even as the original earth-asso- 9 8 THE HEART OF THINGS ciation. It follows that if the loved of the Devachanee are but images, our loved ones here below are in the same category. Concerning this matter the interior teaching is that on any plane of consciousness our fellow men are not vitalized images, but realities seen through the veil of Maya which is no veil to the spiritually enlightened. We have endeavored to make clear the mysterious fact that with equal truth one may exist in the revived past of a friend long dead and at the same time in his own quite different present environment. When, ha v- ing" transcended certain time limitations, one views his fo rmer lives in panoramic succession , he knows that never has he lived un til that enlightenment. Those so-called lives were but attempts to live, efforts to realize the present disillusioned moment. And yet by a mental effort he can limit his consciousness to any of those lives and feel again that certainty of its great and varied activities which once he felt in the world of ordinary men. Always in the world's great religions, right doing results in life eternal and wrong doing in death. The ethical teaching is borne out by the philosophy of the above exposition. Right doing is progress toward the central Truth of Being awaiting man in the Eternal Here and Now. Therefore his every good deed is immortal in his higher life. Wrong doing is retrogres- sion toward those delusions of time and place, and that mental and moral darkness sometimes called death, which is the essence of the hells of every 99 THE HEART OF THINGS religion. For one whose days have been wholly evil, no revivable Devachanic associations exist ; but the gross lowest sub-planes are for him crowded with many occurrences which, always renewing themselves, are hued in dark or lurid colors whereinto no mitigating ray can penetrate. THE CENTRAL MYSTERY THE chapter dealing with Devachanic conscious- ness prepares us for some slight examination of that central mystery of Occultism, the Eternal Here and Now. In its ultimate the matter far transcends the reach of human mind as it yet is ; so a few meagre statements must suffice. Though having but one meaning, the expression "The Eternal Here," has many interpretations ; though having but one "location" — to use a necessarily inadequate word — the Eternal Here has many goals which in their succession prove but way stations in that stupendous journey toward perfection known as the Kosmic Cycle. Wheresoever man may be, whether incarnate on some physical division of the Earth, or discarnate on an unseen planetary plane, his inmost apprehen- sible being — that Atmic Heart-Centre within the other six — is held to the Solar Logos by a magnetic line delicate but indestructible. Therefore would it seem that his true self and centre, transcending the other six, is in the ten-fold Sun around which this planet ioo THE HEART OF THINGS turns, so making him a participant in the well-nigh endless spiral. Wherefore if enlightened he may solil- oquize thus, "Yonder bright Orb is my Father's house from which a prodigal I wandered down even to this dark world of death and decay. I will arise, for both my Father and my own true self await with welcome my late return." Meanwhile, in the consciousness of the Solar Logos is a feeling in some ways comparable to that of this earthly home-seeker who, if gaining his goal, would discover that his highest self still eludes him, that his line of force — his finest thread of Fohat — though connecting with the Solar Logos, stretches on to an even greater Logos which perhaps would prove the container of his essential being. Thus in his quest would the seeker be led from Star to Star, to greater and yet greater Centres, and finally to the revelation that ever he has lived and ever he shall continue in the Centre of Centres, the Eternal Here from which, in appearance only, he had separated himself. From this illustration we discover that, in respect to Space, the Eternal Here is the substantial and abiding nucleus around which revolves the phantasmagorial universe ; first the chief reflections of Reality, then the reflections of these, and so on; thus minimizing Truth and accentuating falsity until man himself is reached. Nevertheless, the man by men contacted is not all error, for, had we the eyes, we should see deep in him the Everlasting Here from which by Maya only are the worlds divided. IOI THE HEART OF THINGS In respect to Time, the full understanding of which implies participation in nothing less than Divine Wis- dom, its ultimate Truth we shall designate by that necessarily inadequate name, the Eternal Now. Spacial distances exist, or, more properly, seem to exist, only because of the opinion we launch toward the worlds there supposedly seen, and the opinion they in turn direct to us. Because of this bond of illusion between planet and planet, Star and Star, not one of them can attain Supreme Truth while the ignorance of others pulls it back. As the stellar universe is but the reflection of the original Here, so the time necessary to the orbit of a world is but its attempt to divide the indivisible Now. For the getting of necessary experience all worlds live and move, each in its own little here and now, and, in humbler wise, so does man himself, who as a fixed reality exists neither on this revolving planet, nor on any flaming and wheeling suns, nor yet in the unstable yesterday, to-day and to-morrow of these. What then is the outcome of our brief though some- what interior view ? Of man shall we conclude that his seven principles, the physical included, are non- existent ? Is our seven-fold world-chain, with all its complex evolution and involution, in the same category ? Are the sister planets and even the vast nocturnal assembly of the Suns but spots before the eyes of the star-gazer ? No ! most emphatically no ! All that man singly or collectively has passed through, or is yet to experience, 102 THE HEART OF THINGS together with what his eyes have seen or yet shall see of gloom or glory, worth or unworth, exists as unpre- destined and yet foreknown possibility in what from poverty of language we indicate as the Eternal Here and the Eternal Now. In every act of daily life, as in every Kosmic process, those possibilities are either moving toward or receding from fulfilment ; and whether we look to the north or the south, the east or the west of this Earth or the sky above, the line of our spiritual vision curves to the Centre of Centres where in essence all beings exist; the greatest consciously, all others unconsciously. After all, what adequate end is attained by the seemingly eternal Kosmic Process ? Evidently one, as we would presently show, and there may be others beyond human ken. No pure Monism can stand the test of logic ; hence a philosophic cosmogony demands the two-fold One, the " Same and the Other," the Being of Positive and Negative aspects. The Positive let us describe as the fulness of conscious Selfhood. As for the Negative, its primal condition is that of mere conscious existence. The difference between the two states is that of high and low, great and small, in their most conceivable unlikeness and separateness. Notwithstanding which, both Positive and Negative in respect to their very essence are inseparably unified. So then we have the problem of problems, that of Creation. This Negative lacking so much, and yet based on inmost Identity, must grow into that fulness 103 THE HEART OF THINGS of conscious Selfhood which will enable it to share in the attributes of the Positive. At the initial stage, the merely conscious realizes not its deficiencies and so rests in the Divine Unity. But with the first intimation of personal self, differences are instinctively felt and then expressed by a putting away of that from which it differs. This act and its every successor are called the illusion of separateness, for the Eternal Here can be put away only in the seeming. In normal procedure this illusion of separateness increases to the maximum which, for man, was reached in the middle of the fourth planetary round. Then, like a planet at aphelion, he began the long return to realized Unity. In contrast to the normal we would instance the unorbital course of certain stars which with their systems of worlds are supposed by some occultists to have encountered certain allurements perhaps destined to draw them into the very abysms of space and time ; a condition from which there may be no return. The Masters of the White Lodge hold that the "illusion of separateness" has for its limit the circum- ference of the Manifest Universe as to them revealed. On the other hand, certain "brothers of the shadow" claim knowledge of a universe beyond ; a universe having its own Here and Now ; a universe of ethical standards radically different from those toward which we strive. It is conceivable that a whole Solar System may be turning toward that region of "nothingness and night," and yet conditions culminating in a perverted 104 THE HEART OF THINGS Solar Logos are quite outside the known adjustments of Karmic Law. There is, however, another view; one to us more consistent with the unthwartable purpose of the Kosmic Logos. The Suns and their attendants are sentient beings whose evolution and destiny have little in common with those of man. Still, such beings share with him certain characteristics, one of which, in its primitive aspect, is curiosity. This in a mature man may become the moving spirit of that benefactor of his race, the intrepid explorer who opens up to others the unfamiliar regions of the globe. What are known as the runaway Suns are the would- be explorers of that deep wherein, according to our Masters, only Stars of this nature move. Few indeed are they and far sundered from each other, and farther still from the great stellar host. During every univer- sal period the Kosmic Logos by various means enlarges its vast domain. Hence such determined pioneers as Arcturus reestablis h, farther and farther in the abyss of the Unmanifest, the negative pole of the Manifest Universe. ACQUISITIVENESS WHILE necessary to all creatures, acquisitiveness has its noblest use and basest abuse in man alone. Hoarding against the unfruitful season the squirrel is actuated by the instinct of self-preservation ; whereas human acquisitiveness, though sourced in the same primal instinct, is enabled through the higher or J °5 THE HEART OF THINGS the lower mind, to develop, either normally or abnor- mally, until, in respect to results, the animal is far outstripped. Though providence is necessary to man, his getting of things material has proper bounds fixed by individual circumstances, since the superabundance of one may be insufficient for another's needs. For each there is a just mean to which the right-minded will agree, and for whose realization they should cooperate seeing that the few over-rich make for general poverty. On the other hand, to the getting of goods that weigh in God's balance, no moral limit is set since individual posses- sion of the world's wisdom and justice and love makes the multitude in no wise poorer. All this being axiomatic, how do we explain the intelligent man of inflexible purpose who devotes his commanding abilities to a getting which, could the squirrel emulate it and reason upon it, would be his shame ? Whence the tremendous momentum driving that man even over human hearts to his glittering but empty goal ? Certainly one life is inadequate ; the disgrace, aye, the infamy of it, begun in the long ago as did the glory of the sage and the saint. The very mainspring of human activity is acquisi- tiveness ; if lacking it, man would now be where once he was, on the brute level. Having not where to lay his head, the Master of Masters would acquire that desideratum, the love of all mankind. So in the begin- ning of his ministry he made the supreme exchange in renouncing the temporal kingship of the world then 1 06 THE HEART OF THINGS possible to him. / The real curse of riches is that w ith thei r covetous getting will grow that blind love of self wh ich opposes the desire for Wisdom, Justice, Love, or anything else shareable in equal measure by all others. Hence when the hand can no more clutch, neither can the eye gloat upon worldly riches, the soul-impoverished man, by death bereft, passes thence to be poor in'deed. The man of greatly developed acquisitiveness is the tenacious one able to contact this lower world for perhaps a considerable period after the death of his physical body. He is the man whose grappling irons have made fast and will not let go. Having sought and won the love of his followers left behind, Jesus was enabled to reveal himself as a physical being to the chosen few. This brightest of pictures has a dark opposite as will be explained. Soon after decease, the man who had lived but to accumulate money will find to his intense satisfaction that still he contacts those hoardings whereon his life- long energy and love were centered. Rarely is such wealth used as its gatherer would wish ; so presently he suffers the pangs of loss as if still in the body, and often he gives himself up to impotent rage. This picture, dark enough, can take on a deeper shadow. The man who in death would not renounce, but, instead, cursed the fate separating him from his gold, finds, to his present joy, his money bags all about him ; but too soon he sees with horror that the hands of spendthrifts have seized upon his wealth. So, with every wasted 107 THE HEART OF THINGS coin he lives again his struggle to gain it, but now with the painful knowledge that at last he is to lose. Has he hidden what was dearer than life ? If so, he now and henceforth agonizes over possible discovery, watching with dreadful misgiving every footstep in its vicinity. Thus for years is he held between the Astral and the physical planes until from the lethargy of utter exhaustion he wakes on a plane of consciousness where some good deed or generous impulse comes to brief fruition. To such depths does the perversion of one of his most noble and necessary qualities hurl a man, that the mere animal foresight of the unprogres- sive brute had been a better possession. We have described a getting which makes for the bitter poverty of the somewhat exceptional being. But for the few it is reserved either to reach the very heights of true possession, or to plunge into the lowest abyss of emptiness. Gaining the whole world, the rapacious conqueror loses his own soul through self- insulation, that repelling power of selfishness which can develop enormously in the chief centre of the lower quaternary. Such a condition means gradual shrinkage of the Kamic and Kama-Manasic bodies. It means a narrowing toward that mathematical point which was man's only possession aeons ago. On the other hand, universal possession is possible to one who, getting unselfishly, brings soul after soul to himself. The size and shape of living bodies, that of man included, is an inheritance from ancestors who them- selves received from those who acquired blindly much 1 08 THE HEART OF THINGS more than needed of size ; hence, with the growth of brain, at first ridiculously small, the various species discriminated gradually against mere bulk as inimical to agility, comfort and even self-preservation. This choice was instinctive rather than rational, but man with full knowledge of results has come to be a selfish or an unselfish getter. The brainless chooser of mere bulk merited no severity of adjusting Law. The types of the overgrown became extinct ; that was all. But enlightened man must pay the severe penalty of cov- etous getting. However huge with worldly possessions, he is stripped bare of them all to become in the other world a pauper and an outcast from men ; whereas, taking all of enduring value, the man of good choice leaves with benedictions the residue, perhaps of much use to others. THE SPECIFIC OFFICE OF THE SEXES IN REPRODUCTION CONCERNING the office of the male in the repro- duction of species, theosophical literature offers nothing more than what we must dominate crude and far-fetched theories based on vague hints given in instructions definite enough for the early days of The- osophy. In those semi-esoteric writings it was hinted that foods, perhaps of certain kinds, were necessary to the office of the male ; whereat conjecture, more or less clumsy, was in order. The usual theory is that, returning to incarnation, the Ego divides its principles so that the permanent physical atom, nucleus of the fcetal body, having incorporated itself with certain 109 THE HEART OF THINGS foods, enters the body of the father to reach eventually the seminal ducts. So much for a theory whose appli- cation we will examine briefly. Let us suppose the Ego now ready, or preparing to incarnate. Its methodical initiative act must be the choosing of suitable parents. As for the mother, when the father is prepared she will present no difficulties to the far-seeing Ego. As for the father, let us decide that the necessary vitalized physical atom has been placed in a grain of wheat, therefore a grain in a field of wheat. Next the crop is harvested, milled, bar- relled, and lastly, shipped to all sections to be eaten at once, or perhaps not for years, or perhaps to be destroyed by fire or water, or what not. That the vitalized kernel, whole, or most likely powdered and its parts separated in the general grinding, will ever enter the father's stomach and digestive tract, and through the blood find the ducts is a possibility too absurd for consideration. However, as our purpose is rather to construct than to demolish, let this single illustration suffice. It is commonly known that those fluids of the body, the saliva, the gastric juice and the pancreatic juice in the order named, gradually convert all but the ash of foods into blood which in turn rebuilds the always wasting bodily tissues. Man mirrors himself more or less faithfully both without and within his physical organism. In fact he is thus reproduced on the seven individual and planetary planes and their seven subdi- visions. The physical body is to some extent m irrored THE HEART OF THINGS Jn the saliva which, mixing with the contents of the mouth, be gins the process of stamping its image upon the food. When the great Initiate walked with men he once spat upon the ground and mixing clay with the spittle he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the image of his Own perfect organs of sight. To one skilled in the arts of sorcery, spitting upon another inflicts injury, for the spitter throws upon the object of his hatred and malice an image of himself distorted by or inoculated with any evil he chooses to impose upon a fellow being. / The gastric and the pancreatic juices each contain the image of physical man, and these i mages havi ng impressed themselves upon the digesting food, every red corpuscle of wh at has become blood holds of th e body an image in which some or gan_^r^ part is mor e perfectly shown than are the other s. Thus is indicated in what organ or part the corpuscle is to perform its office of reconstruction, and to that spot it is at once magnetically attracted from the blood stream. Man is imaged not only in the phy sical blood, but a [so in those pranas which are the bloods of his more and more ethe real bodies. Hence, if spitting upon a person tends to his injury, the giving of one's blood is to do him great service. For all who appreciate his sacrifice, the shed blood of Jesus impresses his image not merely in the physical blood, but also in the currents of the higher bodies which henceforth are reconstructed to resemble more and more those of the Master himself. in THE HEART OF THINGS Among the red blood corpuscles, those impressed with the most faithful pic tures of the human bo dy produce both the seminal fluid of the male and the ovum of the female, for the maki ng of which certain t foods are superior to others. Originally man was not carni vorous but, through an acquired taste, the debased i nternal images induced structural changes in b oth himself and his offspring. Fruits, vegetables and a g rains are nature's wise provision for man, but, fo r the i nternal images, especially those en tering into the_ reproductive process, wheat, that gift of bright Venus to our evolving race, is the food of foods. While the corpuscles which renew the bodily parts must have special excellencies adapting each to its specific work, the seminal fluid differs from every other in that its vital contents, the spermatozoa, must build -an entire body as an independent organism. Every spermatozoon carries an image of the male as an entirety, and this image obtains on more planes than the physical. Again, among the spermatozoa there exists a distinguishable difference in images. As for the human ovum, it is a marvelous picture gallery comparable to a crystal sphere which reflects the entire landscape and the sky above. It should, however, be said that the ovum pictures are not exterior, but on the inner walls like the pictures in the seven-fold human Egg. In the minute ovum is pictured vividly the woman in her various moods when that ovum was maturing in the ovary; and in a fainter way she is there as she seemed prior to that time. More- 1 12 THE HEART OF THINGS over, every picture is duplicated on a higher human plane, and may there hold somewhat of subjective characteristics inhibited in the woman because her Kama, moving along the lines of least resistance, has "turned From those characteristics as one turns from an obstacle in the highway. While both the obvious and the subjective character- istics of the female are assembled in the ovum, the male characteristics of every kind are scattered among t he spermatozoa ; to speak precisely, they are divided ^among many groups ; ea ch member of a group bearing the g roup i mag e. Because of the foregoing, nothing of which was discursive, we hope to make plain as much of the secret of procreation as it is the purpose of this writing to reveal. JDescending to rebirfh, man constructs on succ es- sively lowe r planes, the bodies appropriate to each ^until he is a six-fold being. This building is through the awakened activity of the central permanent atom proper to each plane ; in fact the chief atoms held in pralaya in the Auric Egg and never actually separated from the Ego. Arrived on the physical plane, the entity must submit to a procedure which the unyield- ing nature of physical matter in this age of the world has long rendered necessary. It is well to know that the higher principles of man expand when death releases them from the physical envelope, whereas in descent to Earth they undergo the contrary process. This because they are then in a negative condition to physical matter and so tend to IJ 3 THE HEART OF THINGS imitate its condensed condition. Owing to their con- traction, the reincarnating principles are enabled to enter the uterus of the future mother. To the great beings presiding over human rebirth, and even to the Ego, we must grant that foresight because of which the entity is in conjunction with the mother only when impregnation is to occur. Other- wise failure would be the rule, and success the rare exception. Of the spermatozoa deposited in the vagina, one enters the ovum ; thus giving to it an image of the father, which in the body of the child is to become inherited paternal characteristics, to wit, physical resemblances and even mental ones, for, as already said, the image exists on more planes than one. Should this paternal image show characteristics latent in the father, these in the child will become ancestral inheritance. Since magnetic attraction draws every spermatozoon toward the ovum, is the success of one predetermined ? No, with qualifications, for, since the ends of Karmic Justice require specific characteristics resident in a certain group, predetermination is for that group, any unit of which may gain the goal. The initial procedure of the spermatozoon in the ovum is a most mysterious one, wholly explainable should we enquire deeper than our present purpose warrants. Enough that such explanation would reveal the most secret methods of Universal Nature in her manifold operations. In the ovum the minute male plasm is drawn to a certain picture of the many; one which is more than a 114 THE HEART OF THINGS picture, for it throbs with a certain life which is of the mother, and yet not of her. Thus, immediately by the union of the positive male and the negative female im ages, the permanent physical foundation atoms ar e drawn m agnetically into the ovum and a trinity of reproduc tive forces resul ts. At the pralaya called death, the foundation physical atoms had lost their outer covering and, until conception, they had existed as matter on the higher subdivisions of the material plane. One office of the male plasm is to furnish, in the only way available, precisely the kind of matter needed at the initial stage of foetal growth. Growth henceforth will be more and more toward the composite r model derived not only from the male and the female images, but also from the model of the incarnating^ physical being himself. This model was impressed on his central physical atom during his previous earth lif e. What is known as the " astral model," a term used more to conceal, than to reveg.1 the^ procre atiye secret* i sjput the necessary fourth factor i n foetal shaping.. In addition to these there can be a fifth image exterior and accidental, if accident can occur in a matter so important as the formation of a being placed among his fellows to accomplish if .possible his. duty and his destiny. That image, in the shape of the repulsive and the horrible seen by the mother, unites with the images now creative within the womb, and the child comes forth malformed or otherwise abnormal. Every procedure in which man is a participant, may, for that reason, be overruled by Karmic Law in its THE HEART OF THINGS bringing about of justice beyond ordinary ken. So the reproductive act may result in what is known as "tubal pregnancy;" the reincarnating being having been drawn to the Fallopian tubes. This means failure to incarnate and perhaps death to the mother. Reproduction through the paternal, maternal and personal images and the astral model , obtains for all species ^save those produced parthenogenically. In certain low orders of life no males exist, so the male image is lacking; but the females themselves furnish a plasmic basis for the incarnations of the group-soul. IMAGES MANY readers, even among students of occultism, will discredit the doctrine of images touched upon in the preceding chapter. That these objectors and all others may know that images are at both the central Heart and the circumference of Creation, let us enquire concerning their origin and unversality. Images originated at the very dawn of that Mani- festation which succeeded the Kosmic Night. In the profound symbology of the Ancient Arcane Science, Creation begins with the Orphic or Brahma's Egg, the Archetype of every egg to be. It is said that Para- brahman, the Causeless Cause, or, in Western nomen- clature, the First Cause, is in every manifested thing. In the "Gita " we read, "All this universe is pervaded by me in my invisible form ; " and again, " All things exist in me, but I do not exist in them." 116 THE HEART OF THINGS The First Cause may be conceived of as the Father- Mother producing the primeval Egg, in the most occult sense the only Egg that is or that shall be during the Kosmic Day. In a way the human father and mother both are in the fertilized human egg since their images are there. So, m jm immeasurably greater way, the Fa ther-Mother i s in that Egg of Creation, the Central Sun, of which all others in lesser and lesser way are duplications. The Mother Principle is, so to speak, mirrored on the walls of the primeval Egg ; the Father's Image is in conjunction with it, and these Images are impressed indelibly upon all life reincarnating from a previous Kosmic period. But what is an image, and how does it gain the Golden Egg ? As the Infinite cannot be contained in the infinitesimal, the Divine Parents endow the Great Breath, in other words the blood of the body of Crea- tion, with their own attributes, and the sum of these is apprehensible to our minds only as an image. As the human blood-stream carries in vast numbers the human images from the heart to every part of the body, so the current of the Great Breath bears from the Kosmic Heart to every Star, each an organ in the Universal Body, the archetypal Images of Hiranygarbha, the Egg of eggs. As there is one Egg, separation being but illusory, so there is one composite Image from which all others are separated in appearance only. To touch upon a mystery, that Image is the apprehensible Three in One, the Father-Mother Image and that of Kosmos 117 THE HEART OF THINGS in its prior manifestation. It is Ishvara, the Christos, potential in the heart of every creature, and also in things seemingly inanimate. In our Solar system the image reproducing faculty is resident in the Logos whose seven Rays re-transmit the image-bearing light of greater and greater Logoi ; but what change, what deterioration occurs in the descending light and its images ere reaching our Logos is not for humanity to know. Enough if the image transmitted by our Logos is realized in man's entire being, since he then has become the seven-fold likeness of the Logos. The image-reproducing power of all creatures is located in the seven-fold heart, hence for the rebuild- ing of its own body and the perpetuation of its kind, all breathing things are lar gely indebted to Ishvara , without whom there could be no images. A seven - fold image in the heart of man, Ishvara is impre ssed as a perfect sphere upon each of the seven chief per- manent atoms, the nucleus of his seven principles. Failure to reproduce the sphere, both in himself and his offspring, constituted the fall of man . At the lowest level of failure, man, in imitation of the bru te, w alked on all fours ; nor will he regain the lost ima ge ifrptil the final round of his progress. Because of its divine lineage, the seven-fold human monad gives to the male spermatozoa and to the female ovum a vitalized, but, in this age of the world, a neces- sarily imperfect image of itself; a fact not fully stated in the previous chapter. To use most effectively the Creative Word is to duplicate and vitalize an image ; 118 THE HEART OF THINGS hence the self-duplication of species is such a use in which the humblest creature shares with the human race, since Ishvara is the common possession of all. The history of the human J^shvara or Christos lea ds back until lost in the mists of innumerable aeons. Retransmitted from an earlier Solar system, or perhaps from a previous Kosmic period, in descent from our Logos it has receive d a negative im age from every planet of the seven in downward series, and a positive one from every Solar Ray appropriate to each planet. This Ishvara is therefore a composite group-image of indi- vidual, solar and planetary impressions. Of this composite group-image, it should be said that notwithstanding its seeming independence, it is inoper- ative if separated from the Logos, that link in the chain of images begun with the primal image, the one Life of all others. In the fertilizing of the human ovum, the male spermatozoon, bearing from the father his compo site group-image made effective by the positive solar pranas , conjoins in the ovum with the mother's group-image vitalized by the negative planetary pranas . These united positives and negatives draw to themselves a third composite group, that of the reincarnating being. _ In this brief statement we have for the present spoken our last word on that great secret of Nature, the repro- duction of kind. Because the Logos has impressed its seven-fold Image on the seven principles of man through the per- manent atoms of each, the perfectability and immortality THE HEART OF THINGS of the physical is assured ; not however as it now is, but rather as a principle toward which the resurrected body of Jesus was an approach ; in fact a principle peculiar to our own planetary scheme, and eventually as fiery and yet unconsuming as the pure Astral of the s ix-fold Lunar sovereign who ap peared to Moses in the burning bush of Horeb. That most ephemeral of images, the one thrown upon a mirror either by a person or a thing, exists because of Ishvara and the Solar Rays, and fails to become a living entity only because the process is incomplete. Nevertheless, the image is seven-fold and, if endowed with super-normal vision, one may discover within it the Astral and the more and more ethereal counter- parts of the physical shadow. The procedure necessary to the permanence of the shadow is a modern discovery, one made practical by Daguerre, and is the first step toward the greatest of occult arts. Photography in all natural colors is another step sure to be taken. Photography of the interiors of opaque bodies by means of the ultra- spectrum rays is another step toward that duplication which occurred in the miracle of the loaves and fishes. S ome knowledge of the master secret of such dupli- cation will be revealed to the seventh sub-race of « ... tjie fifth and even more to the seventh sub-race o f the sixt h; but the full secret is reserved, for the se venth root-race in the Melchizedekian age of Universal Peace. • ; — . Then the physical body of man will have undergone those anatomical changes whereby the imaging power 120 THE HEART OF THINGS of the reproductive organs is transferred to the hea rt .Jtll^he^^nje^l^land. THE RESURRECTION THE two preceding chapters have prepared the student for a partial explanation of that pro- f ound mystery of the Christian Church, and that stumbling block of the sceptic, the physical resurre c- ti on and reappearance of the Planetary Ru ler, the Master of the Seven Rays, known exoterically a s Jesus Jhe Christ. yj|~ jj s a l Xe -3kM\gA . ^he specific duty of the Ruler of each planet of the se yen is to perfect for himself the type of body which th e highest evolution of his planet uses as the bas ic, outward principle. T fyus the Ruler of Venus, th e Master of the Three Rays, those which in man permeat e the upper Triad, must perfect for himself, that others may pattern, the higher Manasic Bo dy. Completed, that body will be the most excellent of its kind in the seven planetary systems. So the perfected Kamic b ody of the Martian Ruler will excel all o thers of its ffind on a ny planet of the lower th ree ; those in which t he^ Kamic principle is being evolve d. When the Moon was a world, one office of its Ruler was to finish for himself a permanent Astral, t he transcendent pattern t0 whose similitude the Lunar Chohans, now the grea t a ngels of Jehovah, should mould their outer vehicle s. On our Planet ary Sovereign devolved the supreme task of perfecting for himself the basic principle of the 121 THE HEART OF THINGS *■ seven, and so becoming the Word made flesh, the man unparalleled throughout the worlds of our Sun-ruled system. Because of this deed accomplished, man's ancient enemy will yet be overthrown, and death and passing, which came as a curse to primeval man and through him reached out to every lower creature, are to be done away with. The Word made flesh will renew gradually the image of perfection once bright on the permanent physical atoms of every human body, but duller and duller in the heart of many a fallen Adam since the golden age of long ago. Although the very crown of our septenary evolu- tion, physical immortality holds grave dangers for the aspirant . To live for the joy of a life free from pain and disquiet would be to ignore and even forget those obligations to the brotherhood of mankind and all lesser creatures which have little in common with ease and content and what is usually regarded as joy. Thus a boon, high indeed, would become a curse of selfishness counter to the Divine Purpose in respect to those toward whom sovereign man is supposed to act the serving uplifter. In his Jewish Avatar, the Planetary Ruler had both major and minor ends in view, the major ends being two. First he would perfect for h imself, that Jews and Gentiles and all others might copy, a permanent phys- ical p rinciple formed of the inner co mponents of that pTrysical vehicle his through the process of human generation. Second, as the world's exa mple, Jesus — called the Master of the Yellow Ray because the THE HEART OF THINGS supreme exhibito r of Euddhic compassion — would exemplify the sane and saving characteristics proper to all who yet shall attain to the deathless physical. This second end was the incentive to that full dis- charge of duty and that perfect patience in adversity making unique a life crowned by the sacrifice on Calvary. .With th at early sa cr ifice even t o seeming death, which was in fact a pralaya even to exhaustion of all but the foundation atoms of a physical body fit to endure for centuries, c ame a purification which added t o his six-fold Nirmanikaya bo dy a seventh whose like js unknown to the Vedas, or the other sacred books of the East ; in fact a body before unrealized in our various planetar y evolutions, and having no superior save in the archetypal Sevent h Hierarchy of the Logos, When seen by Mary and the others, the physical body of the newly-risen Lord, as_ revitalized through its foundation atom s, had not ascended to the Father ; in other words, it had not cast off; the coarse outer material particles whose like renders the ordinary man visible to ordinary sight. As an organism such phys- ical matter cannot endure ; impermanence is stamped on its every atom. That he might walk with men, the Avatar needs must clothe himself outwardly with the impermanent. Becau se of that necessity, man's plain d uty is to participate, in th e^ great pr oc ess of perfecting^ t he most intractable of all vehic les. He must raise physical matter to the lowest level of permanency . The Avatar has been and will yet b e the teacher ; man 123 THE HEART OF THINGS js the pupil and, we repeat, only in cooperation is suc- cess possible. Having now the seventh robal covering, Jesus the Christ is nearer to this plane of as yet unconqu ered o^eath than is any other discarnate Master of the White Lodg e. Near is he as when visible to the com- pany of the faithful from whose sight he seemed to ascend when no longer they could sustain the concen- tration necessary to super-normal sight. Near is he as when the saints of the church were granted the ineffable Vision, no figment of the brain, no delusion of ecstacy, but a reality perhaps nearer and more abiding had the attitude of these been one of simple love and reverence, rather than of worship as to a member of the Supreme Godhead. THE COMING AVATAR BECAUSE of a promise from the Master's lips ; one definite as to event so that mankind might be assured, but indefinite as to physical plane time so that his people might be ready through watchfulness, the faithful have from the first looked for the near advent of the Lord. Expectation has culminated in this day and generation, wherefore many earnest believers are debating the time and manner of his reappearance. Some favor the theory of the Lord's continual com- ing to individuals through conversion, that opening of the heart's door. Others believe in an outpouring of the spirit on all flesh, an immaterial Avatar such as described by the prophet Joel. Clinging to the mediaeval idea, 124 THE HEART OF THINGS others await with hope for themselves, but fear for their neighbors, the wrathful fiery day of the Lord, and its eternal separation of the sheep from the goats. Others there be who predict the near descent of the World-Teacher bearing a message of enlightenment to this age of large receptivity ; a message long withheld since God's giving is necessarily limited by man's capacity to receive. We shal l argue for a World- Teacher, and t hrow whatever light is ours, on the cause and manner and time of his advent. In discovering a basic cause for an xAvatar we shall in addition gather valuable data from which to shape more than a theory of the manner and time of his next appearance. The Wise men of old followed the Star, and we, knowing their secret and whence derived, shall now follow whatsoever Stars are dominant in this cycle of the world. In preceding chapters we have discoursed somewhat on images, and in images the primal cause of every Avatar is hidden. The One Archetypal Image we have identified with the Eternal Here, the Kosmic Sun. Also we have seen that Image duplicating itself in the many Suns which, whether single or constellated, ever strive to become even as the Centre and Source of them all. Each of the twelve Zodiacal Constellations, aye, every Star of each, has received an ideal of perfection, a reflection of the Divine Original. Because obedient to the universal law of service, Constellations and Stars alike must transmit to less favored Solar systems like I2 5 THE HEART OF THINGS our own, that ideal, again to be transmitted to the planets that look to the one Centre of their revolutions. Since in regard to the Sun and the Zodiacal Signs, the Earth in its orbit is continually changing its position, the Sun is said to move through the twelve Signs in a Solar year ; whereas, in the great year, over two thou- sand Solar years are necessary to the apparent back- ward progress of the Sun through a single Sign. When in a Solar year the Sun seems to enter a given Sign, a line of transmission is opened to our Earth. Then the Zodiacal Image passes down, the Sun acting as inter- mediary. As for the Sun, in its own vast orbit it receives directly certain Zodiacal images appropriate to the angle of reflection. These, retransmitted to Earth, produce certain great happenings outside the line of our present investigation. The twelve Heavenly Images reaching our planet in a twelve month are each composite, and every com- posite contains the individual Image pro per to each t Star of a Zodiacal Constellation . While productive of definite results on the higher planes, the monthly suc- cession of composite Images, has but little effect on physical matter in its present dense and unimpressional stage ; but, as happened in an earlier world period, so, in one to come, pliant physical matter, in the brief term allowed to the monthly Image, will receive large bene- fits. Meanwhile our physical Earth and the human race must somehow receive the impress of the Heavenly Twelve. This is possible because of the slow-mov ing /Great Year of over twenty-five thousand Solar years . THE HEART OF THINGS Like the Rulers of the other planets, our Planetary Sovereign is the Regent of the Logos, especially if he appear as an Avatar. Then rightly he speaks and acts as one having utmost authority. That authority is sourced in the profoundly esoteric truth that when in the great equinoctial procession the Sun enters a Si gn, the composi te Image transmitted through the Solar Logos to this Earth, is received by the Planetary Ruler as the only being to whom it is at once a com- prehensible ideal. That Image is the Christos incar- nating in the heart of the Planetary Ruler and so taking pos session of him that he yearns with a great yearning to reveal to all mankind the ineffable, inmost Glory. Hence incarnation in a body of flesh and human com- panionship and word of mouth and witnessed example, that the truth may become the good seed wisely and plenteously sown against the ripening and the harvest. t So much for Christ's reappearing, which for this age will be in the Sign of Aquarius now entered upon . As to the manner of that reappearing let us enquire. ^ Jesus was born of Mary because he had not as yet a per manent principle lower than the Astral, but, havmg ac quired such a garment woven of the finest substratum of ^ material substance, the formative pre-natal proces s is for him unnecessary . JsTevertheless, to become a veritable Avatar, a man among men, he must acquire, , the outer visible covering. This to one who said, " Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up," is no impossibility. If the great Master of phys- ical life, the raiser of Lazarus and the healer of all 127 THE HEART OF THINGS physical defects, could mend in the tomb the torn tissues and make whole the broken parts, surely he can now draw to himself the outward atoms necessary to visibility . It is in the choice of atoms that difficulty exists. As none but the exceptionally pure will avail, the process of upbuilding is slow ; but through some lofty aspiration or wholly self-sacrificing deed, it is pos- sible for every disciple to give an atom to one who will repay with full measure of blessing pressed down and running over. Jn an e xoteri c explanation the Master may be said t t o have descended already from inner planes to t he Astral level ^ Giving an esoteric touch to the state- ment we will say that in the process of human reincar- nation the consciousness of the greatest beings con- nected with this planetary scheme is gradually brought down and focused on the physical plane. Were it not for this focusing, physical matter, as now condensed, could not be manipulated by the more ethereal princi- ples. By the faithful watchers and waiters, this gradual descent to Earth of the Master's consciousness is experienced more and more as an overflow of his being, an influx, a personal touch almost akin to visible companionship with humanity's eldest brother. Because of this uplifting and purifying experience, a return current of earth force directe d to the Avatar himself, cannot but help and hasten the perfecting of fr is necessary seven-fold material bod y. In the above we have dealt with the types of what are known as Major Avatars ; those bringing the 128 THE HEART OF THINGS WW-N H£W Divine Likeness directly^the Sun enters the A Sign. As already said, this Likeness is a composite to which every Sun of the Sign contributes. Moreover, in entering our Solar system this Likeness receives a composite impress both from the seven Hierarchies of the Logos and the Planetary Rulers in downward series. When our Sun in its two thousand year pa s- s age contacts the Sign at a certain angle, the composite Image takes on a differing aspect due for instance to predominance of the Image proper to some individual component of the Sign. Thus a phase of many-sided Truth is seen as a special revelation by a major or even a minor Master of the Lodge, who, like the supreme Avatar, resolves to bring his truth to the world. So he c ome t s to a certain p eople in what will pro ve a min or Avatar. It may in passing be said that knowledge of images and their aspect at different angles of the macrocosm and the microcosm is knowledge of every procedure of Karmic law ; a knowledge indeed. At the time of the Pisces Avatar there had become centralized in the Roman West, a civilization destined to spread over-seas to a then unknown hemisphere. In that spreading civilization would be found compara- tively few peoples receptive of the metaphysical which characterizes the religio-philosophical systems of the East. Hence, for the West a religion so simple that the wayfaring man though a fool might not err therein, and yet a religion heart-deep for the wisest, was the gift of the last great Major Avatar to those whose descend- ants would become the Christian nations of the world. THE HEART OF THINGS Since the Image brought by the Chief Master of the White Lodge was necessarily a composite of Zodiacal, Solar and planetary Images, differences of opinion have from time to timeVapsen and every interpreter has maintained against all others a belief perhaps true from his viewpoint. That disintegrating process whic h must occur toward the end of a two thousand year T cycle A has resulted in a multiplicity of sects and indi- vidual expositions representing every shade of belief from the most rigid and circumscribed Trinitarianism to the most indefinite Unitarianism. Hence the crying need of the new Image-Bringer now approaching the threshold of this mortal life. As a whole the Kali Yuga presents peculiar stellar and planetary obstacles to the descent of the Divine Image. On the other hand, Satya Yuga is most favor- able to its free transmission. Unfortunately, in the preceding Satya Yuga our crude humanity could appro- priate only a fraction of such benefits as the next Satya Yuga is to offer, jividently the great Avatars are to occur in the next Yuga. The series will begin with the culminating Kali Avatar, known exoterically ^is the tenth and final Avatar of Vishnu whose white jhorse symbolizes the new Satya period . THE CHRISTOS * * ^T^HERE dwelleth in the heart of every creature A O Arjuna, the Master — Ishvara — who by his magic power causeth all things to revolve mounted upon the universal wheel of time." Thus, from that 3o THE HEART OF THINGS unmatchable epitome of the Secret Science, the "Gita" we learn that, independent of all Avatars, the living and reproductive Divine Likeness is a universal gift. Now as that possession exists in uncountable degrees of faithfulness, the office of an Avatar is to transform in the human heart, by means of a new likeness, the old one perhaps as ancient as time itself. This more adequate likeness is the new creature born of _ water — t he light that conveys the image — and the Spirit, the source in which the image o riginated. ^.This transformation of the man whereby the old Ada m, the former likeness, becomes the new Adam , the similitude of the Master in his office as Chri st- exe mplifier, is in truth a mysterious process on high planes ; one having material counterpart in the dupli- cation of loaves and fishes which were first formed as an image, then fixed, and then filled with material substance by a procedure necessitating thorough knowl- edge of that central secret of Nature, her reproductive processes. As conceivable by man, the Christos is a transmitt ed glory from the ce ntral Spiritua l Sun of the Universe ; where fore the Avat ar i s the Light of the world . For the salvation of the many the Christos is a trinity of Beauty, Truth and Good , and fortunate are the few who can accept it as such. That reputed saint, the man of many austerities, has wholly missed it as Beauty, and hardly has he known it as Wisdom. On the other hand, the artist, following it as Beauty, but often fail- ing to perceive it as Good, exhibits to the world that Kt a tttidti y of— b&uTV -Tfofe - Gab THE HEART OF THINGS compound of incongruities said to be peculiar to the artistic temperament. As for the philosopher, so enamoured of Truth is he that it seems a pearl worth the ransom of many kingdoms, whereas, in the kingdo m of God, Beauty and Good must have equal place wit h JVisdom. Hence the Avatar, that revealer of the true king- dom, establishes the balance. No phase of Beauty escapes his eye. The lilies of the field furnish topic for ever-memorable discourse. Good is everywhere preached and exemplified, and, to all time, Truth is bequeathed in simple precepts embodying the gist of deepest philosophies. What then is the result ? Inevi- tably this ; the world in swift opposite motion slackens and stays to listen, and soon in changed orbit follows the new Sun. So that Greek inheritance, the pursuit of Beauty for itself alone, is gradually transformed until we have "The Madonna and Child" and "The Holy Family" and "The Last Supper" and such supreme examples of dedicated art ; while the music of the Bacchanal and the pleasure-seeking throng takes on dignity that the Church may perform her office of song. Moreover, the eyes of the Epicurean and Pagan world of Venus and Bacchus and their votaries are turned to those ideals which move from Bethlehem to Golgotha. As said, for the salvation of the many the Christos is a trinity of Beauty, Truth and Good. Because few can receive it as such, the office of certain major Mas- ters of the Lodge is apparent. The noble ambition of a certain Master is to perfect in himself and his 132 THE HEART OF THINGS / disciples, and finally in that division of the human family for which in respect to Wisdom he is the eter- nally pledged sponsor, a perfect Image of the Wisdom aspect of the Christos. Another's equally laudable desire is to perfect for himself, that his disciples and ultimately his division of mankind may possess it, a perfect image of the Beauty aspect of the Christos. The true disciple of Wisdom surely will discover its Good and its Beauty. The true follower of Beauty comes to know the wisdom of his choice and whether an artist, a poet, or what not, he, the lover of nature, like the great English Bard who voiced himself through the mouth of another, will find Good in everything. Lastly, the pure in heart, the good, greatly desire th e Beauty of the Christ and a Wisdom which is not of this world That men may not lack for opportunity, three royal highways are open to them ; that of Good being the most direct ; that of Beauty the most circuitous. To speak more definitely, Good is the central road into which,, at a certain stage of the journey, the others lead. Henceforth the aspirant must travel the three roads merged in one. Therefore the prominence of Good in the teachings and example of every World Avatar. For this reason we see in the teachings of Jesus as preserved for us,^the purely philosophical and the aesthetic subordinated to the^ great central attribute of Good. The disciples of th? Master of Beauty are by him brought into touch with the Master of Wisdom , and I 33 THE HEART OF THINGS eventually they must find the Master of Good . The disciples of the Master of Wisdom are led" to the Master of Good and then to the Master of Beauty, while those of the Master of Good are led, either knowingly or unknowingly, to the Master of Wisdom, and eventually to the Master of Beauty. This being led unknowingly is necessary to certain of this last named class who imagine the great central road to be the only one ; whereas all beings must sometime travel the three merged in one. This broadening and sweet- ening process may continue necessarily for several incarnations. In fact the traveller on the three-fold path is always, an old soul long disciplined to his present discernment. The above procedure is a gen- eral one admitting of certain deviations dependent on the personnel of the disciple. The Master of Goo d for the Ori ental nations is Gautama Buddha, but,"in~7ne .Occident, Jesus the Christ will ever be supreme . Among the trinity of attributes which constitute the Christos, masculine Wis dom or Truth is represented in flur Solar system by the planet Vphik • feminine Beau ty ^represented by Mercury, while Good, the balanc e principle s ometimes known as Divine Love, is re pre- sented by the Sun th e Source and Centre, th e giver forth and the final receiver and assimilator of all. *34 WVSaMiNtWlgto^lfatl PoLar opposite Sm'iIRM fsAooN THE HEART OF THINGS LIFE IN dealing with Life we deal with that Universal Principle which contains all others. No Life, no manifestation. So Life is the beginning, the middle and the end. But there is also a Life ceaselessly active. Having no waxings and wanings, without flood and ebb, always unaffected by lunar or stellar attrac- tions, its even current is not apprehensible by beings subject to the laws of change, those laws which, because of Karma, react on the unstable worlds and all that dwell therein. This basic Life is called the Unmanifest Root of Manifest Life ; and of it can be posited only that it would transform Manifest Life into a kindred Perfection. Life in toto is a duality always approaching Unity ; but in the beginning — to use an understandable expression — Manifest Life was dull and lethargic, preferring inaction to motion. Devoid of Wisdom, it knew not nor cared for the joys of experience born of activity. Loveless, it desired no cooperation, that gathering together whereat the Morning Stars should yet uplift their mighty paeans of praise. Every marvel springing from manifest Life was once a seed ungermi- nating, and forever so had not Life Unmanifest, the Father Principle, fertilized with his image the dark and cold womb of Manifest Life, the Mother Principle. Thus in the scheme of existence originated the Life- Trinity of Father, Mother, Son ; the latter being the embodied Life of all creatures in all worlds. Singling man from this countless progeny, we find in him the i35 THE HEART OF THINGS three-fold life. Hence, as the recipient of the Father Life, he is deathless should the Universe be rolled together as a scroll. As the Son, man's life is individ- ual, but with a personal aspect which is an attempt to realize that individual life. For this result manifold incarnations are necessary. The individual life is in the direct line of reflections of the original Image derived from the Father-Mother, but the personal lives are side reflections. Should man lose the individual life, the Mother life would continue in his separated atoms until the close of the Great Day. It is said that the Manifest cannot understand the Unmanifest Life. This is quite true if " That " be considered apart from all else. In knowing more and more of the human child we know more and more of his earthly parents ; so, in knowing more and more of the real man, the Christos, we discover gradually the divine Mother and also somewhat of the " dark, hidden Father." As stated, Life in toto once exhibited opposite char- acteristics. Ceaseless act ivity pertains to the Positive, Unmanifest Life, but inertia, equivalent to profound p ralaya or what we call death, pertain ed to negative, Manifest Life . The problem of problems is the refore th e transformation of this lethargic life through tha t third life, the Son. He is the Redeemer who shall raise Manifest Life to the likeness of the Father of whom he was begotten before all worlds. The Son is Light of Light, the linage and the Image- Hearer to every sphere within the radius of the emanations of the Central Logos 136 THE HEART OF THINGS or Creative Word. So we see that as original Image and reflection, the Christos is Life Eternal, apprehen- sible to the highest intelligence as the Archetypal Image. Thus the universe is what it is by virtue of the Imag e which on examination proves to be Will, Wisdom and Love implanted in the heart of things as an ideal wor thy of all striving. ^Eons innumerable have passed, and still in abyssmal space there remain regions of dor- mant life whereto the Christos shall bring that which swings the slow-moving masses of condensing nebulae. Manifest Life is the one great obstinacy in the uni- verse. Even now it tends at intervals toward the primal inactivity. This because it exhausts itself by needless friction until rest seems necessary. Hence those small and large cycles, the Devia days and nights, the Devia years, the Yugas, the days and nights of Brahma, the Manvantaras, and finally the day and night of Parabrahman, the fourteen eternities. ^ince the Christos is Life Eternal, full attainment by any of its vehicles is the immortality there of. Every approach to that attainment means increased ability to withstand the assault of death. As the Christos is Pivine Will, Wisdom and Love, the striver toward th ese sh ould in this world outlive him who turns both fa ce a nd feet another wa y. That this is by no means the general result of just living is due to the fact that the Christos is the great physician who, ere building up, would, through the Karmic Law, first eradicate the disease ; hence that chastening whereat fools laugh, deeming themselves more fortunate. 137 T THE HEART OF THINGS THE UNVEILED CENTRE HAT most hidden source of manifested life known in th e East as Ishvara , the sacred and creative OM, but in the _West as the C hrist, the Word made flesh, is seen by man as through a glass darkly, for many veils must be raised ere that clear vision, that face to face beholding promised by the Initiate Apostle. The teaching now to be given will remove but a single protection of many which baffle the pryings of the curious and other would-be rushers in even to the Holy of Holies centered and concealed in the human temple. In that temple the individual Christos is man in miniature, the model of his seven principles, for God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our like- ness." This likeness was not that of a creature who, because fallen into physical generation, must have legs and arms, feet and hands, those means of locomotion and self-help once needless, as again they shall be when the seventh round has perfected certain means of locomotion and self-help which in a primitive way were possessed by the first, the deathless race. In his physical aspect this minute man is the micro- cosm of the macrocosm, the physical body as it shall be after ages of progress. As an atom on each human plane, the prototypal man illustrates the occult truth that size is no criterion of power and use. The Reality of Kosmos is in the Central Sun ; whereas bulk or extension is but the illusionary result of the illusionary raying forth of Kosmic attributes. While one image >38 THE HEART OF THINGS in a series ever approaching the one Original, the Christos of man, is the individual sun of his being. His every principle is built up and maintained as a living organism by the images rayed from this sun. The pranic energy in the orange ray of the individual sun, or Creative Word, gives to the physical heart that life-long force which drives the image-bearing blood- stream through the entire body. The violet ray of the individual Word moves the prana in the Astral body. The red ray performs a like office for the Kamic body, and so on for the seven bodies of man. As in man, so in Kosmos. The seven Rays of the Universal Heart circulate the seven currents — one within the other — of the Great Image-Bearing Breath through the heart of every lesser Sun. These in turn send forth the Rays — one within the other — which bear to the planetary hearts the solar images. The brain of the individual Christos informs not only the physical brain, but also the brain of every higher and higher body still that of man in the post- humous condition. The creative process which in physical man is devoted to the reproduction of species, has origin in this little brain which is ever in conjunc- iion with Atma, Buddhi and Manas. Departure from this ideal square, corresponding to the Kosmic T et- raktis, the " Holy Four ," was the fall into generation because of which the organs of sex were evolved in ■ . ft .i ii • the trunk. In our Solar System the Sun is the heart, but the dual brain to which the cerebrum and the cerebellum 139 <& ^Oi t?*u. cy ^on\a THE HEART OF THINGS of the human brain correspond, is found in the mascu- line Venus and the feminine Mercury whose esoteric names alone indicate their real functions. In an earlier incarnation, the Moon was the fourth compo- nent of a brain to which it served as exterior model, whereas Jupiter was the internal archetype. As with the moon in man, so with the planet Moon. In a period anterior to man's advent on this Earth, that planet fell from his high place and the violet sphere found a position from which in a future incarnation he shall rise more glorious than of old. In a certain secret instruction, not without its alle- gorical blinds, it is said that King Soma, once numbered with the brightest archangels, became wilful and rebel- lious, and, separating himself as a lesser sphere from the great orb of Jupiter, he drew into his downfall a third of the heavenly host, because of which both Venus and Mercury were divided, the first greatly so. Then as a debased trinity the Moon with Saturn and Mars were hurled toward that dark sphere known to us as Earth. Because in the Divine Likeness hands and feet have no existence as such, these ultimates — the physiolog- ical results of man's fall into gross matter — must be crucified. And yet from the cunning and the general use of which the hands are capable, it appears that this fall was not without purpose. The true office of the hands is ministration toward human uplifting and to actual need ; that of the feet is to walk untiringly in the ways of service. This is ;i crucifixion emblematic of their transformation into the vastly better; acruci- 140 THE HEART OF THINGS fixion which with the Master occurred long before the , driving of the nails . Our Solar System is the Grand Man, the Adam Kadmon, crucified in space that through suffering he may attain to the Perfect Likeness los t by the fall ^of Soma. Venus and Mercury are the thorn-crowned brows and Jupiter is the halo of obedience to the Divine Will . Mars, Saturn and the Moon are the in - verted creative Triad of urging desire, constructive .mind and personal will that holj^s the organism intact. Earth is indicated by the crucified hands and feet, while the Sun is the pierced side, the compassionate heart of the Logos that must behold and know the inevitable- ness of it all. FALSE IMAGES IN imparting somewhat of the Eastern Wisdom we have usually followed Eastern methods. Having viewed Truth from standpoints each in some particular more interior than its predecessor, let us so continue by resuming the study of images in a way made possi- ble by preceding chapters. In our explanation of the reproduction of species, the images necessary thereto were all supposedly mentioned. Nevertheless, a very important image was omitted pending the reader's knowledge of certain matters indispensable to the understanding of one of Nature's most hidden doings. In the book, "Special Teachings from the Arcane Science," the chapter, "The Planetary Process," 141 THE HEART OF THINGS describes the descent of man through the six planeta ry c hains prior to his advent here. D uring his sojourn on the Buddhic planet, the Divine Likeness became fixed in the heart. On the higher Manasic planet this likeness in many respects duplicated itself quite faith- fully in the "third eye," now the pineal gland. D esce n ding from the hi gher Triad to the l o w e r q uarternaryof planets, man began to fashion for him- sel i a third image deviating more and more from th e original. During man's sojourn on the Moon-chain, the lower self became fixed in what is now the " solar plexus," a misnomer as will be seen. A vitalized image, the lower self from its beginning has received from the Higher Self — the Christos — that by which it lives. Jrlence this creation of man is not to be killed as some teach, but rather is it to be redeemed by the, ^ Christos and then made one with the original . This is just since the individual Christos is but a reflection of the Kosmic Christos, and man in creating a false Christos but followed imperfectly the initiative of his Divine Progenitors. This thing of man's shaping is a dweller on every human threshold, and, however mal- formed and hideous, it must in some experience be encountered face to face. Thus man has an object lesson, an opportunity to improve by self-knowledge. While the Christos is a likeness of the Highest, the false Christos is a protean shape showing every new selfishness or debasement of its creator. In the venomous it seems a snake, in the cruel a cruel beast, in the utterly selfish a solitary animal which with 142 THE HEART OF THINGS Eastern peoples is the rhinoceros. Being but the minute model of the fallen Adam, the lower self eludes physical sight, but, freed by the death of the physical, it expands until a palpable self, to some extent a body shaped to its creator when on the Astral plane. Next it becomes his Kamic and next his Kama-Manasic self to be exchanged for the true self and shape when the threshold of Devachan is crossed. The facts in regard to shape were known to Swedenborg, but his reasons therefor were inadequate since he failed to divine the true nature either of the Christos or its counterfeit. While the lower self cannot work radical change in the anatomy of the unpliant physical body, Initiates can instance extreme cases where the Astral and the Kamic bodies have in shape been unfitted for association with the human physical principle, because of which the discarnate entity, by the laws governing reproduc- tion, is inhibited from entering a body proper to either the human or the animal kingdom. That woman-kind is unable to bring forth offspring fashioned after the true model is due in part to the effect of the false model on the spermatozoon image and those proper to the ovum. These images in con- junction with the Astral model of the reincarnating being, result in the type peculiar to this age of the world. ^In the Grand Man, the Adam Kadmon of the Kabala, the Sun is the heart containing the Divine Ima ge which, bequeathed to J upiter, becomes the ^spherical model of th e othe r planets.. In' Mercury is a !43 THE HEART OF THINGS ^ freness less faithful, but slightly more comple x. In Venus the likeness gains in complexity at the expense r of faithfulness. I n Saturn, Mars, and the Moon, is foe false likeness which centres in the Moon, the solar plexus or false heart of the Grand Man. For the better understanding of what is to follow, it should be borne in mind that all vibration is light and sound, and that these to physical beings are cogniz- able through but a few of their innumerable octaves. Also, it should be added that even these octaves are known primarily only because of the heart image, the Christos — that immortal epitome of light and sound — and, secondly, because of the brain image, and, thirdly, because of the solar plexus image, and, lastly, because of the physical organs of sight and hearing. In fact, were it not for the internal images or reflectors, the Sun itself would make no impression on any retina in the Solar System. As in man the false image is bright only because of light borrowed from the sun of the body, so, in the Grand Man, the false image shines only because of the Sun. Again, as man is led now by good and now by evil, so by day the Sun of heaven lights his way and the Moon by night. W Jien the moon in man is Redeemed and merged in the true light, a two-fold glory | will be hi s, ^o when the Moon of the Grand Man is restored to its lost estate, there will be no nig ht, but e verlasting day is to shine upon the purifie d and trans- parent planets of the system . It is recorded that in the last days of Atlantis, when 144 THE HEART OF THINGS her judgment was about to fall, the Christos in the hearts of her evil magicians became wholly obscured and its light was in a way transferred to the counter- feit. Since the Christos is that inmost light because of which the eye sees, the Sun in heaven became to these wicked ones a dark sphere, and the Moon, visible because of the evil moon in the body, seemed blood red. . Moreover, because of this perverted vision, the planets which had shared in that debasement of Kino: ^Soma a lready alluded to, seemed to fall and meet the Earth. On the other hand, to the good magicians victorious in the long battle with the JSatanic powers , the sun in the body caused the Sun overhead to shine with a pure lustre unequalled before or since, while the Moon took on a violet beauty whic h yet shall be hers. These events in the guise of allegory have been handed down from remote times ; hence the origin of those names, white magician and black magician ; brother of the shine and brother of the shadow. Furthermore, the great Initiate foretold a condition of mental and physical blindness, or rather of distorted vision, to be suffered ere his next appearing. In conclusion, a few facts in regard to man as a thinking being. The human brain represents a ment al .growth beginning with the Venus evolution . Structural changes radical indeed have taken place since the pitu itary body, the optic thalamus, and the pineal ^gland constituted the entire brain, that of the spjriUi al jnind. With th e Saturn evolution, those organs of d ie material mind, the cerebrum and the cerebellu m, began 145 THE HEART OF THINGS their growth at the expense_of the highe r org ans. These shrunk gradually, until, at the separation of sexes on this Earth, the human brain much resembled its present shape and structure. The Christos controls the small spiritual b ra i n , while the false image controls the larger one, that dedi- cated to material uses. In many instances the man is controlled wholly from the epigastric plexus, but, with t he best examples of the race, those spiritual and m aterial organs, the heart, the brain and the solar pl exus, are blended in an approach to that ideal trini ty w hich will yet justify the false image by proving it to fre in the Divine Plan for our seven-fold evolutio n. HATHA YOGA CONCENTRATION on the solar plexus is a form of yoga condemned by all true occultists ; one, the secret of whose harmfulness can be gathered from the last two chapters. When in man the heart image and those of the brain and the solar plexus have wholly become a trinity in unity, that sacred trinity or creative word will correspond with the seven-fold Creative Word of the Logos and will therefore draw to itself the posi- tive Cosmic Kundalini, the Fohatic energy which ignited that huge magnet, the Sun. Could the union of the human and the Cosmic Kundalini occur in a physical body not wholly purified of the lower n ature, t he Sacred Fire would inevit ably reduce that body to ashes. 146 THE HEART OF THINGS This then is the force with one of whose aspects the disciples of Hatha Yoga are tampering. Many Hatha Yoga practices but add fuel to the infernal fire which, comp ounded of dominating personal will, se lfish desire, and schemin g mind, is the life of that demon in ma n, the impure and malformed negative image. From the facts concerning the negative image was derived the dogma of Satan and man's damnation in hell-fire, a fire discovered by Swedenborg to be that of perverted good. The true image and the false image in man, Hatha Yoga more and more separates until the false reduces him to the lowest sub-plane of the Astral realm, and even drives him to an outer planet referred to in " Special Teachings." That Ishvara exists in all things is equiva- lent to the truth that before its separation into positive and negative in the lower kingdoms, its unity meant the purity of those kingdoms ; the purity of ignorance rather than the purity of wisdom. The division of t jie two-fold Ishvara was the fall of the animal, the vegetable, and the mineral kingdoms, and this fall was induced by man's dominating will in its person al aspect. To illustrate : the malevolent and selfish human will which certain Hatha Yoga practices are peculiarly suited to strengthen, has long controlled the negativ e Ishvara in certain non-human species, and lo ! the ti ger and the venomous snake where lamb-like qualities would otherwise have continued. Thus resulted the poison species of the vegetable kingdom, while in the mineral 147 THE HEART OF THINGS division the "malicious magnetism" of Christian Science has done its work. On the other hand, Raja Yoga is the strengthener of human spiritual will, that force which strives for the » ... . ^balance found only in the unification of the positive image and the negative image, the higher Self and the lower sel f, gince through the personal will of man , separation in the lower kingdoms was brought abou t, it follows that through his spiritual will — which ine vi- tably seeks unity with the Divine W ill — every creature is to be lifted into that peace visioned by the Hebrew prophet, when " They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord"— -the unified Christos — "as the waters cover the sea." MALE AND FEMALE IN the chapter " Sex " in " Special Teachings from the Arcane Science," it is stated that as a rule, with c ertain exceptions there given, sex in this age of th e vy orld is a fixed condit i o n. The reason beneath the statement could not at that stage of our exposition be made clear, and even now, after several chapters deal- ing with images, there are basic facts for which the reader is unprepared. In this Solar System the Sun in its aspect as Logos is the balance of positive and negative; the ideal for whose full attainment sex exists and toward which it ever strives. Among planets, Jupiter is the balance since it receives the Divine prototypal Image in its T 4 cS THE HEART OF THINGS first reflection from the Solar Logos. While the ideal attained by the one-principal Jupiter evolution is the purest in the planetary schemes, the possibilities of the Christos are there known and realized only in respect to Divine Will. The six-fold Luna evolution is based on personal will, that opposite of Divine Will, and only through the union of the Luna and the Jupi- ter aspects of will can the supreme balancing power of that 'principle be assured among the seven planetary principles. ^he Moon is the planet of generation because sexj ^gi,^ /3 begun in the Martian sch eme, assumed on the Moon ^ c haracteristics approachin g those of this world . In the human family, sex has received not only an expres- sion somewhat different from the Lunar one, but also_ a physical vehicle unknown to an evolution based .cm the Astral body . Qi thelowerjr^ it should be said that while they lost not from their hearts the Divine Image, it nevertheless became pro- portionately obscured as the false image waxed in importance. ,InJthe_ Lunar evolution that self-created im age was distinctly a sex one showing now male and now female. Our humanity inher ite d fr om the Pitris of th e viole t plan et a tendency toward sex a nd sex v^l££E^i°_ n J a tendency not at first realized, for, in the development of the Earth races, certain features of the Lunar scheme, even from its inception, were hurriedly gone over. Sex alternation on this planet has been outgrown 149 THE HEART OF THINGS gradually so that, barring the exceptions noted in " Special Teachings, " sex for the individual is fixed and w il l as a rule obtain until the "sexles s" c onditio n — in reality the balanced one — is reac hed. _This fixity is due to the presence of the female image in the s olar plexus of womankind, and the male image in the solar plexus of man. The Sun will shine for aeons because th e positive, creative male aspect and the negative, creative fem ale aspect of the Christos are there unifie d. Receiving this positive and negative light, the planets originally were self-luminous throughout their principles with a cool shining even as the Sun in its true nature. * C^V' "Separation of Lights afterward occurring in all the ^♦7 < u y planets, the negative light became crude Satanic fire! \/J^ y fi ) which tends to die out. The pure, positive fire is / V ^-unquenchable on the seventh plane of Jupiter, on the \£> f sixth and seventh of Mercury, and on the fifth, sixth and seventh of Venus. The negative light must under- C,J-^ fl 1 go purification on the fourth plane of Saturn, on the flft*^ \ third and fourth of Mars, and on the entire quarternary of this Earth which alone of the seven planets will con- tain the positive and the negative light as a seven-fold brightness much resembling that of the Sun. vX Complete union of the positive and the neg ative aspects of the Christos in incarnated man will be the glorification of his principles from the physic al upward . Then shall the righteous shine forth with that light which kindled and maintains the Sun itself. In Deva- chan the radiations of the positive image in man unite %h •1* 5° THE HEART OF THINGS with whatever of true brightness was acquired by the negative image through good deeds accomplished and weaknesses of the flesh triumphed over in the previous incarnation. Notwithstanding every merit achieved by man in the last Earth-life, the purified energy of the negative image — that sure possession of his upper Triad of principles — cannot give permanence to the personality as a discarnate existence. Nothing short of actual balance, that sev enth round attainment, can do this,. Hence, for every being connected with our E arth- evolution, reincarnation is still necessary . Evidently the balance will be gained in some culminating Earth- life. Having found the balance while in the physical principle, its possessor will have no occasion to discard that which has become immortal. THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM CONCERNING the Star of Bethlehem, one fact can be set against many theories. From time to time, astrologers of the exoteric school have claimed knowledge of the Star in the East and its periodical appearance. Popular fancy often has associated this Star with some great comet suddenly visible, for instance, that of Donati or of Halley. Searching the sky and mapping its widest-known circumference, the astronomer is convinced that, if no fiction, the Christ Star seen by. the Magi was in truth the sudden flaming forth of two colliding Suns and their systems. The THE HEART OF THINGS ancient teaching is the one fact against the above suppositions and others which could be mentioned. As already explained, the Central Sun or Kosmic Heart co ntains the original Ishvara or Christ os, th e Divine Image in w hich allother images live and move a nd have their being . Had man but clarified sight, that chief Sun would be visible always. As in moments of spiritual uplifting the Christian saints have beheld the ever-present Christ Jesus, so, on other occasions of which but one is openly known, some have been granted the true ineffable Vision, that of the Christ Star. When a Major Avatar takes on his garment of flesh, at once is opened a line of communication between the original Christos and its reflection through the descending series of Suns even to our Sun and planet. Spreading over the entire globe, the influx then raises in the scale of spiritual growth all normal creatures. This was the Christmas gift of the babe of Bethlehem. On the other hand, the c elestial outpouring is repug- nant to the Kamic nature of the wicked, and arouses many a Herod to bloodthirsty deeds. The Magi were the first true unsectarian Christians, and to these holy men, learned in the Ancient Wisdom and therefore receptive of Truth, was vouchsafed a vision of import even greater than that to the company from whose presence the Master ascended into the upper realms. It is significant that in the Gospel nar- rative the Magi alone are mentioned as followers or even observers of the Star. To the shepherds who, '52 THE HEART OF THINGS like their Chaldean predecessors, knew the heavenly geography, it was m granted to behold the angel mes- sengers of the Lord and to hear the never-ceasing hosannas of the sky, but no unusual Star rose upon their vision. Inasmuch as the time approaches wherein the Star of Stars again will make itself seen, a query as to the qualified is natural. The simple truth and the deep philosophy of the answer is contained in that beatitude, " Blessed are the pure in heart : for they shall see God." When again between the Heart of Hearts and our Earth the line of communication is opened, the Divine Original will find the heart of him in whom the Christos is an unclouded purity. Let us hope that in the good time coming the pure in heart will outnumber the three Wise Masters of the White Lodge to whom the Star of Bethlehem was an exceeding great joy. JEHOVAH AS Infinite Positive Life can be counterparted by negative life only when the latter is perfected as infinite variety, it follows that in the Kosmic scheme for each Sun and planet, as well as for each individual being, some distinguishing excellence is ever in the making or finishing. Among the planets of our system, the supremacy of Spiritual Will — the great balance — is imperative; hence the normal evolution of the largest of the system is wholly devoted to that end. The necessary *53 THE HEART OF THINGS perfecting of Divine Love has caused the evolution o f another planet to concentrate thereon ; t ^ut as Divine Love needs the control of Spiritual Will, that princip le rs included as a secondary consideration in the Mer^ curian_sche_me. As Wisdom is an invaluab le co-worker with Divine Love, the energies of another plane t are directed__ chiefly toward Wisdom, with Divine Love as secondary a nd Spiritual Will as tertiary en ds. B ecause of this sche me, the higher Triad of planets is endurin gly in ified in the bonds of reciprocity . That the perfec- tion of greater variety might result, this high trinity o f attributes and planets was divided. Hence the lower trinity of planets, each having its specialty, the polar opposite of that of the planet from which it wa g divided. Further variety required an additional planet, our own , on_ which t he basic physical principle is u ndergoing age-long purification . The planetary rulers were perfected .at differe nt pe riods in the life of the seven pl anets. " Jhe ruler of our world was the last , whereas the ruler of Jupiter.. w as the first to attain spiritual majo rity. Prior to the _ attain m ent of the Jovian ruler, the. Violet Hierarc hy jj£^ the Logos acted as regen t. The ruler of Mercury was next perfected, but, until so, the ruler of Jupiter offici-^ ated for him. Following the procedure above shown, Jehovah, t he perfected Lunar sovereign — now in a way united with the Sixth Hierarchy of the Logos — acted as ruler of o ur planet until its rightful sovereign had attain ed *54 THE HEART OF THINGS spiritual majority. This cpnsummation wa s the pro- foun dly esoteric p urpose of the Pisces Avatar for whose advent the Hebrew mouthpieces of Jehovah had long sought to prepare the " Chosen People." The knowledge and exoteric purpose of that advent were by Paul communicated to the Gentile world. The false image in the solar plexus, man is prone to externalize as an idol. Therefore idolatry was ever the besetting sin of ancient peoples. Those mon- strosities of wood and brass and stone, caricatures of human kind and the lesser orders, before which the heathen in all ages have humbled themselves, repre- sent quite faithfully the composite lower selves of their worshippers. Hence the stern command of Jehovah to a nation prone to such lapses as the setting up of the golden calf ; a nation that must needs worship ; a nation quite incapable of the nice distinction between worship and reverent love. Surely it was far better to worship Jehovah as a pure and lofty ideal than to grovel before any counterfeit of man or beast or reptile. Jesus prayed not to Jehovah, but to the F ather in Heaven, that Divine Archetypal One whom he as Avatar had brought even from the Star that shone upon his manger cradle . In this new dispensation it is not to Jehovah, but to the Christos, by the Maste r vitalized in every willing heart, that we should look for strength and guidance. The altogether conservative Israelitish people cling to Jehovah of the old dispensa- t ion, for he is the great Father of the Violet Ray in its negative, Lunar aspect. On the other hand, the Chris- 155 THE HEART OF THINGS tian Church, almost from Apostolic times, has confused Jesus with Jehova h. In this respect, Swedenborg has eclipsed every other interpreter of the "Word." Jehovah never appeared in the flesh on this Eart h ^or any ot her ; b ut as the six principles, from the Astral upward, largely control the physical body, so, throug h fris perfected six-fold being, Jehovah guided the affair s gf this physical globe until the reign of his necessar y successor whose kingdom is an everlasting one . Since J ehovah was never the Word made flesh, he was never the brother man, but rather the Divine Ruler and La w Giver more or less remove d. Onlfc the Word made flesh could bring to human ity t he Christos in its basic manifestation to wit, tha t which, while in contact with every infirmity and sedu c- t ion of the flesh, is yet proof against them all. The redemptive power of Jesus the Christ is in his ability to give of his own strength to every disciple. That he might bequeath to them all a heart-image enabling every possessor to resist sore temptation and endure fiery trial, he underwent the greatest testing experiences possible to his time. The Lunar evolution having been that of personal will, the perfection of this principle for our entire planetary series is in Jehovah whose every command and "Thus saith the Lord," reveals personal will united with Spiritual Will, but yet shows personal will to be his characteristic attribute. Our planet has no polar opposite in the ser ies, i ts evolution is synthetic with the physical as basis. The polar opposite of that •56 THE HEART OF THINGS basis is the great Seventh Hierarchy of the Logos. Th e Image or Archetype to which the humanity of this g lobe is t o att ain is in the Hiera rchy repres ented by t he Pi sces and the A quarius Avatars, whereas the Archetype represe nted by Jehovah, ere the turning point of this planet's progress, was that of the Sixth Hierarchy of the Logos, the g oal of the L unar evolution. Every planet has its chief problem ; one wholly s o lvable by its rightful ruler rather than by its regen t . The problem for this world began with man's inevi- table loss of negative purity. That problem continues through this middle period of sin and consequent misery. The s olution can be looked to, but its^ttajn - m ent is only throu gh the Avatar and his redempti ve wor k. Man must be born again; in other words, the Divine I deal peculiar to the physical evolution must b e implaneted in his heart. This being the work of Jesus rather than of Jehovah , theologians have evolved and tl^e Church has accepted dogmas suited to a superficial conception of God's plan for the entire race. SEX DIVISION AND REUNION THE teaching "Family Rays" dealt with the permanent family of seven of which it was said, "The components of a permanent family are three positives and three negatives and the odd seventh member, the connecting link with another permanent family of seven." The statement was in some ways an exoteric one ; a substitute for the real inner mystery 157 THE HEART OF THINGS which at this stage of our explanation is to be revealed in an unveiling of Isis not permitted during the infant days of the theosophical movement. Esoterically speaking, the perfect Kosmic and Zo d i a- _ca l number is ten rather than twelve. In past, ages the signs Virgo. Libra and Scorpio, the Lunar A. U. M . '.were the Lunar OM, the Word of one syllable . .That is, the three signs were then much less separate d i-_and in fact were by the Epoptai accounted one. The pulling, away of positive Scorpio and negative Virgo from the balance, the Moon sign Libra, corresponde d t o the separation of sexes on this Earth many millio n years ago. "As above, so below," say the disciples of Hermes; hence the separation of "sexless" humanity into male and female was sourced in the Zodiacal Archetype, the Grand Man of the Stellar Heavens. The occult teaching is that the perfected Libra_influence < o f personal will is yet to draw Virgo and Scorpio t o i tself, wherefore the Zodiacal circle of ten shall then b e a more compact and perfect model for all life within j^ts far-reaching influence. So much for preliminary to an occult teaching long withheld since imperfect grasp or inadequate statement might seem to excuse laxity, or even sanction license, in matters of sex. Separation of sexes occurred age s before the incarnation of the higher Egos, but, as »■ B g ma explained in "Teachings from the Arcane Science," prior to that incarnation the race possessed the incipi- ent seven principles. To be exact : in every permanent family of seven --to whichever of the seven Solar 5s THE HEART OF THINGS Rays belonging — every entity possessed positive and . / q negative Buddhi, higher Manas, lower Manas, and /Sft& W&tAk . personal will, also the sexless physical body and the sexless principle of Spiritual Will. Moreover, these were enclosed in one Auric Egg of pure Akasa. Of this family of seven, whose every component, we repeat, embodied both the positive and the negative of every divisible principle, three were as units positive to the other three, while the seventh was either posi- tive or negative to the seventh of another group of the same color or Ray. When Virgo of the Zodiac drew away from Scorpio , Aries-Lib ra the great balancing axis, felt the strain. As Spiritual Will, Aries remained intact, but the power of personal will became portioned between Lib ra i t original possessor, and both Virgo and ^S corpi o. Henceforth the Zodiac was to some extent two hemi spheres, m ale and female, positive and negative. Thus was prefigured an occurrence in the human zodiac. Through preponderance of either Kama or lower Manas, came loss of balance in the compound sexless human being. Then loss of unity caused that drifting apart whi ch, rent the enveloping spheric al egg figy Libra to Aries. Thus were produced two eggs held together at their infinitely minute northern points by the finest elastic thread of that Kosmic Will which thus unites every Sun to the Central Sphere. >, XkS _JP^l e e gg received positive higher and low er Manas and personal will ; also negative Buddhi and Kama and an equal share of sexless Spiritual Will. J 59 :•; THE HEART OF THINGS Fro m the combination resulted the male physical body. The female egg received positive Euddhi and Ka ma ; also negative higher and lower Manas and pers onal will, and an equal share of Spiritual Wi ll. Hence the female physical body. Thus, for the acquisition of experience in all other families of all other Rays, every family of seven in the entire seven great divisions of humanity became a family of fourteen. In every seventh incarnation the twins are brought together in a union theoretically as ideal as though the twain were one flesh like Adam and Eve ere the separa- t ion allegorized in the Bible stor y. Because of the connecting thread, twin-souls can and do meet more frequently during Devachanic life in regions above the thralldom of lower sex attraction . Often they meet in earth-lives other than the sevent h, and of such meet- ings history holds notable instances whose melancholy or tragic outcome puzzles those not having the key. Michelangelo and Colonna, souls strong to resist ; Dante and Beatrice sundered by her marriage and early death ; Paolo and Francesca da Rimini paying the dreadful price ! What is the import of it all ? £ i In every seventh incarnation of twin-souls their sex jv 1 *^ S Karma, if delayed, must bear its long-maturing fruit. ljT\J\h J Have the twins been chaste in their former meetings? ^ If so, their marriage will now be ideal. But, as often happens, if they have ignored the barrier imposed by the great Lords of Karma, then to the extent of their transgression will the shadow be upon their permitted union. Thousands have wept for Francesca, and Uante 160 \ THE HEART OF THINGS gives the crude, pitiless, mediaeval view ; but those who know the good Law lament not since the swift steel-thrust of Karma paid the price and ended a situa- tion which, if prolonged, would have blighted the entire seventh incarnation, perhaps the next in order. The termination of such affairs, either by discovery, or separation, or even by the death of one or both actors in the heart-drama, is a deed of mercy reaching toward that seventh life in which every series supposedly culminates ere the separation for the varied experiences acquirable only in the six of another and higher series. Because t he doctrine' of soul-mates has been much misunderstood, it s attempted application is usually either curious or calamitous. Certain over-emotional ones, women mostly, seek for continually and often seem to find their other selves for whom, in the appointed time, search is unnecessary since meeting is then inevitable. Aside from wide error in the matter, quite a company can be selected from, for, in the origi- nal family of seven, the three positives and the three negatives and the odd seventh divided into three posi- tive and three negative couples and the seventh couple, positive or negative to the seventh couple of another family. Any masculine of the three positive couples would easily mistake for his mate any feminine of the three negative couples ; while the masculine of the odd seventh could with conviction choose any feminine of the double family of twenty-eight. Of complications we indicate a few, but, in the present mixed condition of the race, they are almost innumerable. 161 THE HEART OF THINGS Two members of the permanent seven-fourteen group are often associated as parent and child in a family of several children ; if partiality is not then guarded against, the association is broken up. So the oppor- tunity for a valuable life-lesson is deferred. Originally the members of every group of seven possessed only the possibility of sex. Apace with their general development, sex asserted itself ever until the androgy- nous condition. Continued general development meant specialization into sex, hence division of the Auric Egg. The Divine Androgyne will complete the circle o r rather the spiral of sex. With the Divine Andr o- gyne, the Christos model for this planet is attained. In this finished being the lower creative Triad or Word — the transmuted creative potency — sh all have r egained its former throne in the common brain of the united Adam and Eve. Meanwhile, greatly disturb ed balance of the positives or negatives proper to a hem i- sphere of the Auric Egg, may produce temporary ^change of sex. The Garden of Eden was the undivided Auric Egg in which lived the sexless Adam. Eve's creation was ^the attained androgyne state ; while the fall and expulsion from Paradise was the inevitable division of th e Egg into actual male and female, the outer wo rl d being the place o f their progress toward the new Ede n ; i n other words, the perfected and reunited E gg. The S e venth race of this round will in some ways approac h t he androgyne state, but the Divine Androgyne is the pr oduct of the culminating seventh round . For tha t 162 THE HEART OF THINGS being the long-div ided hemispheres of the original Eg g are to unite perma nently. This is the true marriage o f which every other is but a typ e. It is a mar- r iage beyond and forever free from lower sex attrac - tion, and yet a marriage conserving the purified go ld of all that is sweet an d precious in ea rt hly unio n. In conclusion : the separation of the planets from the Solar Sphere and their final reunion therewith described in "The Planetary Process" in "Arcane Science," is counterparted by the division and final coming together of the human male-female Auric Egg. The Zodiac itself is a temporary separation from its invisible Positive Centre. ■i ' ii* SPURIOUS INCARNATIONS IT is a familiar occult teaching that any group-soul proper to any species of the insect family puts forth innumerable simultaneous incarnations. A single insect life counts for almost nothing, but the collective lives furnish an experience which finally lifts the group- soul intelligence far above that of the single life. In downward evolution through the planetary chains, man has become a seven-fold group-soul that on no planet of the seven has experienced simultaneous multiple incarnations. That in a previous solar system he was on a level with what the insect group-soul here has been, or else now is, would appear from certain powers proper to man ; powers evidently the outgrowth of multiple incarnations in a most humble condition 163 THE HEART OF THINGS aeons ago. The early " sweat-born " races were thus produced because of partial reversion to a method older than any planet of our system. As the preceding chapter revealed, the human Auric Egg, dividing, became two. This that its future unity might be more complexly perfect. Further division has not since occurred. Nevertheless, human mind- will-desire ever shapes and makes cohesive and sends forth countless duplicates of the man or woman entire. Not real entities these, and formed around a permanent nucleus, but in fact thought forms mind- shaped, will-strengthened and then desire-propelled even as the sunbeams from the Logos. Let it be said that every beam of human origin^ and so of quite limited reach, is traceable to the sun i n the hfeart and its high reflection in the pineal gland and also its lower reflection in t he solar plexus. Whereso- ever seen, every human self-duplication lacks the coarser material base ; still, through concentrated will and desire, such thought forms acquire a persistency almost warranting for them the name " spurious incar- nations." To abnormal vision these counterfeits seem often so real that, seeing their own duplications in widely different localities, some psychics have been misled to believe in simultaneous multiple incarnations of the human Ego. The ability of certain vehicles to separate more or less from the material human body during sleep or trance, probably is an evolved inheritance from the ancient conditions alluded to. 164 THE HEART OF THINGS The discarnate have by no means lost the power of self-multiplication ; but, having relaxed their grasp of physical matter, they reproduce in finer substance ; yet, by uniting whatever of personal will is now their own, with the combined personal will of the seance room, a certain stratum of physical matter is manipu- lated into a coh^ing and satisfactory likeness of the dead. Because universal and quite obvious on the Devachanic levels, self-multiplication there excites no more of interest and comment than do the most ordi- nary occurrences of the material world in its denizens. SEX IN MIND W g have seen that in the division of the huma n Auric Egg, the male and the female each received positive and negative aspects of the compoun d Ijiuman principles . With total separation of sexes, gradually occurred in both male and female a sub- division of these principles. After this sub-division, the male principles were as follows : positive and negative higher and lower Manas, personal will and physical body in their dominant aspects ; also positive and negative Buddhi and Kama in their subordinate aspects. These four dominant positives coupled with their negatives, together with the two subordinate positives and their negatives, plus sexless Spiritual Will, make the male complement of thirteen. In the female sub-division the principles are positive i6 S THE HEART OF THINGS and negative higher and lower Manas, personal will and physical body, all in their subordinate aspects ; also positive and negative Buddhi and Kama in their dominant aspects. These four subordinate positives coupled with their negatives, together with the two dominant positives and their negatives, plus sexless Spiritual Will, make the female component of thirteen. Union of the two thirteens is indicated by the num- ber twenty-six which in fact represents the creative potency of male and female. Exoterically speaking, this number represents Y H V H, the male-female Jod-Hevah. Esoterically the number is that of the Divine Androgyne not yet actually united with the Logos. A superficial view would Indicate that in the apportion- ing of positives and negatives the man was favored. This view is strengthened by the fact that the prepon- derance of positives in him has resulted in the inferior position of women. However, analysis will show that the great principle of Buddhi in its dominant aspect, plus the possibilities in positive Kama, equalize the seemingly unfair division. The dominant positive and negative higher and lower Manas of man are the originators in him of every thought whatsoever, while his subordinate positive and negative Buddhi and Kama each, according to the nature of the thought, is the matrix in which gestation occurs. With women thought originates in subordinate higher or lower Manas, and finds its matrix in dominant positive and negative Buddhi or Kama. 166 THE HEART OF THINGS The great positive thoughts whose expression stirs the planet and moulds and remoulds for good or evil the nations thereon, originate in dominant higher or lower Manas, but mature in dominant Buddhi or Kama. Thus is indicated the province of the feminine mind in the shaping of the world. Search deep enough and woman's personality is in all history; her figure is indispensable to the vast panorama ; but, even as she hides in her womb the future man, so, in the mighty sweep of events, instinctively she chooses the back- ground. Becaus e o f dominant higher M anas, the great crea- tions of imaginat ive art h ave originated almost univer- sally in the m ale mind, but their gestation was in the dominant Buddhi of women. To the sonnets of Petrarch, Laura was necessary. They were hers as much as any child of the flesh could be. What is true of these two is largely so of Dante and Beatrice. The death of the latter was no great impediment to the marriage of true minds since Manas and Buddhi, whether incarnate or discarnate, are ever on their proper levels. Now, while the discarnate condition of these is that of concentration on those high levels, it is the province of genius to rise to them, thus overcoming many but not all obstacles to perfect union. Much in the creative imagination of men like Dante and Shakespeare cannot germinate in the positive Buddhi of ordinary or even extraordinary women. Soaring beyond the limitations of these, certain ideas of a world-genius find their womb in the Buddhic planet, 167 THE HEART OF THINGS or, more precisely, in some hierarchy thereof. But, for the greater part, it is the imperfect seven-fold woman, human in her faults and excellences, that must receive and mature that of which her ordinary consciousness may know nothing. The "new woman " is prone to ignore, or else make light of, a sex law existing before the birth of this planet, or even of the Sun, that Creative Word to which all planets look for light. This woman over-estimates that masculine belonging, positive higher Manas, and under-estimates her own heavenly gift, dominant posi- tive Buddhi. In all reasonable ways let woman culti- vate every positive possession and balance negative ones, but after all is done she is Buddhi, whereas man, striving toward Divine Love is, in the outcome, higher Manas. By cultivating subordinate, positive higher Manas and dominant, positive Buddhi, the great, balanced intellec- tual women of every age have exhibited the peculiar charm of feminine genius; while, by working along lines of least resistance, the gifted males have exhib- ited the characteristics of the anylitical masculine mind. IDEAS THE preceding chapter, together with the several given to the study of images, prepares the way for a chapter dealing with ideas. The world teems with ideas broadly divisible into two classes: those indicating a worthy, or even a high 168 THE HEART OF THINGS origin, and those whose source is unworthy, or even base. In a general distinction, all in the first class are sub-divisions of that one Original the Supreme Arche- type, the Christos, the Divine Idea emanated from the Heart of the Kosmic Logos. In progress from Sun to Sun, and eventually through our planetary series to this Earth, the Divine Idea is divided and sub-divided and changed by hosts of intelligences in descending series. This procedure is inevitable since, in passage from its origin in Unity, the Idea more and more encounters complexity until on this planet its variants are well-nigh uncountable. Evil ideas have also their Archetype ; not however an evil one, but in fact an Archetype containing what in downward division and sub-division and alteration becomes unmistakable evil on the lower planes of this world. In the chapter " False Images " was discove red the^proc essjwhereby in the Saturn evolution the imag e proper to the higher Tri ad of planets was duplicated i n/lower way. This Saturn image or idea is the origi- nal to which is traceable every evil idea existing among men. Ideas originate in the male division of the human brain no more than the child originates in the seminal fluid. Ideas originate in the female division of the brain no more than does the child in the ovum. The male division already has an idea, a positive one acquired previously. The female division has also an acquired idea, a negative one. Through the union of this positive and this negative, an extraneous idea 169 THE HEART OF THINGS is drawn to the female division of the brain, there to be brought forth as the new-born idea. While between the birth of the child and the birth of an idea a profound correspondence exists, an important after difference should be noted. The child comes forth an individual being ; one destined for duties which more or less are to separate him from his parents. As for the idea, it remains with the parent brain or brains as one of a group of ideas undergoing unification in a way analogous to the unification of the planetary group-soul. With the reembodiment of the individual comes the reembodiment of the individual idea. At the beginning of a round occurs the rebirth of the round idea, due to the return of the world-group of beings. These posi- tive and these negative beings draw to themselves the extraneous idea, a variant of the world idea, and the resulting three-fold idea proves a higher expression of the previous round idea. This procedure holds for the race and the sub-race idea ; also for that of any returning group. The progressive rebirths of the individual, family, community, national and race ideas constitute the progress of the world. That which causes men of kindred genius to appear in groups, as in the age of Pericles or Elizabeth, is no caprice of nature, but a stable law. At such times the Divine Image in its beauty aspect is allowed free descent to this world. If born in a time of sterility, the Divine Image being then impeded, genius is more or less handicapped and rarely attains possibilities. 170 THE HEART OF THINGS Fortunately the good Karma of genius often permits birth under favorable planetary and stellar conditions. Physical parentage is a great and obvious means whereby men and women are drawn together in a bond destined to eventuate in the physical aspect of the planetary group-soul. Mental parentage is a means far more subtile, therefore one rarely recognized on the physical plane, but more and more obvious in post- humous life. Because of this, such parents are drawn together in that after condition, and eventually in a future reembodiment, that the parent tie may exist on both the physical and the mental planes. Master minds that group in themselves ideas worthy of a matrix in the higher planets, have joined the com- pany of those who make for the future compound Solar Group-Soul. On the other hand, those whose minds group evil ideas, become parents of other evil ideas. Such men and women are joining or have joined the company that makes for an infernal group-soul ; one to be disintegrated by its own interior force of selfishness. Because as originally emanated, the Divine Idea was simple, and because in downward passage it became more and more compound, we must conclude that infinite variety is to be the ordered outcome. Furthermore, those kingdoms of life which man deems beneath him, contain possibilities of complexity unat- tainable by the human save through the compound Solar Group-Soul. Though much simpler than our own, the Lemurian civilization reached a stage when complexity took on a THE HEART OF THINGS decadent expression. The more intricate Atlantean civilization underwent a similar experience. The danger, aye, the destruction threatening our own great material civilization is indicated by the decadence and the catastrophe of its predecessors. That decadence is the insidious foe of complexity is illustrated by " Modernism " and " Futurism " in the fine arts, notably Music, Poetry, and Painting. Evidently these schools have created a Kama Manasic obsessor whose condition is a pathological one. Since humanity's task is to bring to the planetary group, and eventually to the Solar one, a complex but wholly pure expression of the Divine Idea, it follows that the world of multitudinous interests is not to be shunned. Those so doing from sloth or fancied superiority, are without excuse. The Idealist and the Thinker withdrawn from the crowd, and the Saint in his retreat, are striving, consciously or unconsciously, to preserve the balance against the disturbing pull of a gross materialism. But the place of what Whitman called the " divine average " is in the work-a-day world, there to give the idea a varied expression worthy of the times in which their lot is cast. earth's contribution to heaven A SHALLOW Pessimism complains that, without his volition, man is here and beset by tempta- tions too strong for his weak will, or too alluring for the flesh, or too insidious for his imperfect wisdom. 172 THE HEART OF THINGS Besides, misfortunes many and pain both mental and physical shorten his days which, after all, are but vanity. To this indictment of the ordering Power, an equally shallow Theology is wont to reply that man is God- placed in this earth-valley ; and here undergoes prepara- tion for the pure, high, complete, and uninterrupted life of Heaven his true home. In the Religio-Philosophical scheme which in both "Arcane Science" and "The Heart of Things" we have sought to unfold, it is explained that to this planet man came from choice ; in fact, because of an inner urge toward that which alone could make him what already he is, and what eventually he is to be. Strong temptations overcome shall strengthen his too pliant will. Alluring ones put down shall purify the flesh. Insidious ones revealed in their true colors shall widen and deepen his wisdom. Finally, dedicated service to the world's needs shall make Christ-like his love. Then shall the perfected trinity in man corre- spond with the Divine Attributes. Although for ages misfortune and pain have been man's portion, his human heritage, they originated with himself alone. Even death and passing were his own bringing about. The physical of man was at one time pure and transparent and undecaying ; but to his outer body gradually he drew atoms of grosser and grosser clay, atoms of impermanence that nevertheless con- tained possibilities which, if realized through him, would make of Heaven a fulness complete. The claim of the Theologian that already the 173 THE HEART OF THINGS heavenly condition is full and perfect, narrows the Divine Purpose touching the human race. This we would show. Love manifests in the mother's endured parturition pains, those soon forgotten in the pure love of mother- hood. Even as the babe, that mother-love is a new birth. It is one whose parents are the love natural to the woman and the love manifest as suffering endured for the babe. This third love, which remains with the woman, contains a purified lower element yet to become a distinct contribution to heavenly love. The love of the sexes contains a dominant lower element, one to undergo high transformation, after which shall be born from male love and female love, a third, that meant by Jesus when he said, " they neither marry nor are given in marriage ; but are as the angels which are in heaven." This love, requiring ages for its perfecting and in which the entire human family is to share, shall be Earth's chiefest contribution to heavenly love. Strictly speaking, heavenly wisdom concerns and compasses heavenly things. But, from material condi- tions arise complexities naturally foreign to heavenly experience. Because of these complexities, evil came into our world ; but, in the transformation of evil the human agent acquires a wisdom necessary to the com- pleteness of heavenly wisdom. ^We are told that much of heavenly wisdom already attained, was gotten i n the t ransmuting of certain evils peculiar to remo te auons of the Solar System. 174 THE HEART OF THINGS Spiritual Will is a heavenly possession requiring, for its perfect balance, personal will, that opposite whose purification is a formidable task for earthly beings . Thus we see that the human race was not " created " that God might have suitable objects of Love such as the Father would bestow on his children. The humani- m< i " ' h i ■ i ■ ■■ ii ,m ^ies of this planet, and of all others wheresoev er existing, are to become components of that perf ect fulness of Manifest being which eventually is to measure itself by the fulness of the Unmanifest. THOUGHT FORMS BECAUSE of Will, Desire, Mind, the trinity of potencies, man and all other creatures have continual being. In the chapter "Sex in Mind" we found that in their totality of positives and negatives, the human principles for either sex are thirteen. In the construction and maintenance of seven-fold man, these have all their specific offices which should be explained prior to any description of thought forms. That the atoms of the physical body are in continual flux and efflux is commonly known. But to this meagre knowledge much can be added concerning the atomic movements proper to the higher bodies. Thu s, while the Atmic or Spiritual Will body of man h as attained permanence , his Buddhic body, and also the higher Manasic, receives, through the positive aspect of Buddhi, a certain accession of atoms which the nega- tive aspect of Buddhi eventually repels. While the i7S THE HEART OF THINGS office of the positive higher Manas, that architect of the higher Triad, is to shape, the office of the negative higher Manas, is to tear down that better rebuilding may follow. Spiritual Will is the cement which, per- meating the higher Triad, gives it permanency. Descending to the lower quaternary, we discover that in the Kama Manasic and the Kamic bodies the atomic flux and efflux have greatly increased. This because positive Kama is ever drawing the atoms to the four lower bodies, whereas negative Kama is equally active in repelling those that have fulfilled their office. In normal man, this means better and better rebuilding by positive Kama Manas. In degen- erate man, negative Kama Manas indeed tears down, but the positive rebuilds in a way more and more inferior. The positive Astral personal will holds the quater- nary intact ; but the great output of energy necessary to maintain the physical body as such, eventually exhausts the physical aspect of positive personal will, whereat negative personal will causes the death of the physical body. For corresponding reasons the death of the Astral occurs later. Every atom radiated from seven-fold man has been impressed with his likeness. Thus the physical aspect of the atoms bears a likeness to his physical charac- teristics ; the Astral aspect bears a likeness to his Astral, and so on. By the law of magnetic attraction these atoms find such beings as most resemble the original likeness. However, not all atoms observe this rule. Hence thought forms. 176 THE HEART OF THINGS The seven-fold bodies of the human species and those of the higher mammals each contains a nucleus of permanent atoms differentiated from the Cosmic ocean during periods perhaps anterior to the incep- tion of our Solar System. On the other hand, every thought form lacks that abiding nucleus which in common parlance is called the soul. Also it lacks the material body since nothing short of a permanent Astral nucleus can hold physical atoms in an active group. Besides the thought form has no Atmic Egg, that Spiritual Will which in man permeates all lower principles and could forever hold them intact were it not for the opposition of unpurified personal will. Because the brains of the great majority are cast in conventional mold, their mind-impressed atoms find ready acceptance in the minds of the multitude. Not so with the mentally endowed atoms radiated from an original and active brain ; one whose possessor inevi- tably stands unique. Finding no suitable and so no welcoming brain, such atoms are drawn each to other and, because of tendencies theirs for ages, they dupli- cate the human form. Wherefore results a highly vitalized thought form on the higher Manasic plane or thereabout. Because the disciples of such a thinker contribute to that thought form, it easily outlives his earth life and thereafter works for him. Such in fact is the " Time Spirit " which eventually brings him into his own. The founders of worthy religions have fashioned, and their disciples have vitalized, those thought forms 177 THE HEART OF THINGS which, on the Buddhic plane or thereabout, have endured for thousands of years, ever laboring for the perpetuity of the original idea. Because of certain high thought forms old as Christianity, the liturgy of the Church in the language of the times during which those forms took shape, is a vitalizer efficient now almost as in the first centuries. Since their notions are peculiar to themselves, deranged minds are prolific of thought forms all of them fantastic ; most of them ephemeral. Those pro- duced by monomania are, however, strangely vital and persistent. The evil-minded man of original bent is a producer of vital thought forms of an inimical type. The most malign thought forms ever known were con- structed deliberately and with infernal art by the old Atlantean magicians. To the people of Atlantis the Astral plane was always semi-visible and at times quite real, the lower sub-divisions especially. Skilled in diabolical magic, the black brotherhood of the fourth or Atlantean race fashioned from Astral, Kamic and Kama-Manasic atoms, hideous caricatures of the human species. These they vitalized by a process secret then and now fortunately lost. Such thought forms would cohere for centuries, moreover, during the natural life of their creators and long afterwards they would wage war on the White Brotherhood who, in turn, had constructed thought forms even more vital, but appropriate to the higher planes. The conflicts and clashings of these airy opponents, resulting in the discomfiture of the .78 THE HEART OF THINGS lower, is one explanation of those wars in Heaven of which the Good Book tells. Again, the widespread belief in demons is an inheritance from the world's elder civilizations, rather than from its outworn savagery. Concentrating on another, a person impresses on his own radiated atoms an image of himself and that other. Because like requires like, those atoms then unite as a thought form and seek that other. Should they find him, the result is thought transference. Hypnotism is due to the forcible transference of a thought form — compounded of personally impressed atoms — to one or more bodies of the subject. Success presupposes that the bodies so obsessed are negative to those stamping on the atoms the mental likeness of the operator. Success means that for the time being the operator annexes somewhat of the subject whose per- sonal will and perhaps certain other principles are now the mere toy of the positive operator. Thought forms all lack the Spiritual Will aura, an d evil ones lack the three higher principles ; hence no hypnoti st controls the man entire. If grounded in virtue, he will, through his higher Triad, resist success- fully every evil attempt of the operator. Finally, if one is obsessed by evil thought forms, let him make the sign of the Cross and repeat mentally or audibly, but always with reverence, the name of the great Initiate. No evil phantom can stand against what it wholly lacks ; against that of which the Cross and the name of Christ are symbols. 179 THE HEART OF THINGS KNOWLEDGE OF PAST LIVES CONCERNING the morrow, curiosity is natural to the human mind. Were it otherwise, sooth- sayers of every stripe would perforce seek other employment. Knowledge of the outcome of some money venture, rather than forecast of life's real issues, is fortunately the object of the majority of those who would peer into the future. Indeed, this turn of curiosity is fortunate since a moment's consideration reveals that adequate knowledge of the morrow includes that of its reverses and calamities and the death which perhaps delays not till even. All this is trite enough and only preliminary, for there are reasons, not gen- erally known, why the future should remain sealed. In our study of thought forms, many were traced to peculiar mental conditions. Were man's future an open book, a most objectionable class of thought forms would result. That to-morrow, or next week, or in a year, one is to be injured, or maimed, or worse, would cause the mind of any but the stoical, or the deeply religious, or the wholly wise, to centre on that occurrence ; the result being a thought form ever growing from its source and quite capable of becoming to it what his obsessing creations are to the drunkard or the drug habitue. Having imbibed somewhat of the philosophy of recmbodiment, many grow curious concerning their former earth-lives. Such questioners of themselves and others will readily grant the truth of our statements 180 THE HEART OF THINGS touching the future. Still, of this class, the greater number will argue for the harmlessness of knowing their pre-natal past, or even for the benefit of knowledge. As a series of lives, life is comparable to an undu- lating country whose alternating hills and valleys rise gradually toward the region of heaven-piercing sum- mits. It is a significant but regrettable fact, not with- out a ludicrous element, that those professing to know their past, in most instances claim to have been illus- trious, or even historic personages. We knew of a man to whom it was revealed (?) that long ago he was Hiram Abiff. Because he made no converts to his absurdity, his brain energy found employment in the construction and maintenance of an obsessing thought form quite imposing to Kama-Manasic vision. As result he came more and more to neglect his present humble though honorable business of small grocer. From some valley of the life series, few could look with equipoise upon the heights whence they have descended to pay in the hollow some old Karmic debt. That for this payment many are in present abasement there can be no doubt. Hence the folly of knowledge and the wisdom of ignorance respecting the past. Again, a life taken in a former birth must be offset by a life forfeited perhaps in the near future. That knowledge of murder or any other grave offence would result in an obsessing thought form few will gainsay. Those who best understand the operation of Karmic law, advise that we leave behind us the faulty past of this life, and strive for a better present. The rationale 181 THE HEART OF THINGS of such admonition is that, creating no thought forms compounded of vain regrets and enfeebling fears, we give our unhampered powers to the present good purpose. Again, every occultist knows that the living "Guardian Wall" around humanity breaks the tidal wave of world and race Karma and, save in rarest instances, allows them passage only as a moderate flow. A like mercy preserves the individual from the Karma of past lives, ignorance of which is itself a barrier, whereas knowledge means destruction of barriers. Hence, until old Karma is well-nigh exhausted, revela- tion would be cruel rather than kind. Knowing from deep insight and wide experience that, for various reasons, knowledge of one's past life is undesirable, no Master of Wisdom will impart such information save under circumstances the most excep- tional. In due time enlightenment comes since the past is preserved in both the individual and the Cosmic Book of Remembrance which to the world is sealed with seven seals, but which the pure in heart shall both unseal and read. This privilege is in fact that seeing of God concerning which Jesus spake. THE COSMIC WORD WE have seen that the human principles for this planet are synthesized in the double thirteen or twenty-six, which male-female number represents the creative potencies of the Word on the terrestrial plane. A T wenty-six is ttu: niunber proper to our plane- tary ruler, Master of the Seven Rays . He alone of 182 THE HEART OF THINGS all humanity has risen to full command of every syllable and intonation of the Planetary Word. The Solar Word toward which henceforth he strives, the Supreme Positive of the Planetary Word, is that of the Seventh Hierarchy of the Solar Logos. The Word for r the Tupiter evoluti on, and in posses- sion of its ruler, is an indivisible monosyllable represented by the figure i. It emanated from the Supreme Positive one of the Violet Solar Hierarchy. Union of the planetary and the Solar one gives the Cosmic Word of two syllables. I T he Word for th e Mercury evolution , and in possession of its ruler, is represented by the ftgure 3 and contains the one of Spiritual W ill an d the one each of positiv e and negative^ Buddhi . r fchese, united with their S upreme Posi tive, t jie three of the Red Solar Hierar chy, give the Cos mic JVord of six syllables. The Word for the Venu s evolution, and in possession of its ruler, is represented by the fi gure < and contains the one of Spiritual Wil l, and the .one each jof p ositive and negative Buddhi and higher Manas. These, jmited with their Supreme Positive, the five of the Gre en S^ar Hierarchy, give the Cosmic Word of ten syllables, The Word for the Saturn evolution, and in possession of its ruler, is represented by the figure 7 , and contains the one of Spiritual Wi ll and the one each of positive t and negative Buddhi and higher and lower Manas . These, un ited with the Supreme Positive seven of the Indigo Hierarchy, give the Cosmic Word of fourteen syllables. 183 .\{ r THE HEART OF THINGS The Word for the Martian evolution, and in posses- sion of its ruler, is represented by the figure 9 and contains the one of Spiritual Will and the one each of positive and negative Buddhi, higher and lower Manas and Kama. These, united with their Supreme Positive, the nine of the Yellow Solar Hierarchy, give the Cos- mic Word of eighteen syllables. When occurring in the Mercury scheme, the "one each " indicated possibility of sex division. Possibility became a probabilit y in the Saturn scheme and a fact in the Lunar chain.] Hence the Word for the Lunar evolution is represented by the figure 22 and contains the one each of Spiritual Will apportioned to male and female, and the four ones of masculine and feminine positive and negative Buddhi, higher and lower Manas, Kama and personal will. These, united with the Supreme Positive twenty-two of the Light Blue Solar Hierarchy, give the Cosmic Word of fo rty-four syllables. The Word proper to our planet, that of twenty-six syllables, united with the Supreme Positive twenty-six of the Orange Solar Hierarchy, gives the Cosmic Word of fifty-two syllables. ' The division of the human Auric Egg which occurred »i fin i n the early root-races of this fourth round, had pre- cedent in the Lunar evolution. Th e reunion of sepa- rate d h emispheres, said to be the goa l o f sex evoluti on w ith us, had pr ece dent at the culmination of the Lun ar rounds . As on this Earth, sex separation on the Moon chain was foreordained, since both the Sixth and the Seventh Solar Hierarchies contained that which required 184 THE HEART OF THINGS of their planetary correspondents those characteristics whose cultivation could be brought about only through sex separation. To put it differently, the sudde n increase to twenty-two syllables of the Word proper t o t fre Sixth Solar Hierarchy, and the further developme nt of Jhe Word to twenty-six in the Seventh, indicated sub - divisions not found in preceding Solar Hierarchies. l Hence sex separation in the Lunar and the Earth humanities. Sub-division in the great Solar Hierarchies, extending from the Sixth to the Tenth inclusive, no jioubt originated in separated Virgo, Libra and Scorp io of the Zodiacal Circle . The eighth planet of the series of ten ruled by our Solar Logos — see page 20, "Arcane Science" — is that of the animal kingdom, and those failures of this seventh planet, the animal men. In the great Eighth Solar Hierarchy, further sub-division indicates neces- sary sex sub-division in the eighth evolution, the scheme of which necessitates first, the division of aurors into male and female and then sub-division into positive male and female, and negative male and female. Based on material conditions denser than those of our evolution, that of Neptune in the planetary series is one degree further removed from the unifying Spiritual Will of Jupiter ; hence increasingly disturbed balance, and then inevitable sex sub-division. The result is indicated by the figure 60 which contains the four ones of Spiritual Will and the eight ones of male and female positive and negative Buddhi, higher and lower Manas, Kama, personal will, physical body, and a 185 THE HEART OF THINGS physical principle unknown to our planet. These, united with the Supreme Positive sixty of the Eighth Solar Hierarchy, constitute the Cosmic Word of one hundred and twenty syllables. Like procedure gives for the ninth planet, that of the vegetable kingdom, the figure 68 which, with the sixty-eight of the Ninth Solar Hierarchy, gives the Cosmic Word of one hun- dred and fifty-two syllables. Our Masters have learned from the Higher Kumaras, and they in turn from a higher Source, that in the crowning Tenth Solar Hierarchy occurs another sub- division affecting the outmost and as yet " undiscovered " world ; that the farthest from the unifying Will of Jupiter. On the remote home of the mineral evolution the outcome of final sex sub-division is indicated by the figure 152 which, united with the Supreme Positive of the Tenth Solar Hierarchy, gives, for our Solar System, the all-inclusive Word of three hundred and four syllables. Strictly speaking, the great Word is of three hundred syllables plus the four connectives, those of Spiritual Will which link our Sun and planets to the system next higher in the Kosmic Chain. THE THREAD OK SPIRITUAL WILL THE slight overplus in the great Cosmic Word of three hundred and four syllables gives a clue to be followed in the present chapter. The extra four are the thread uniting, at its positive pole, our Solar Logos with the negative pole of the Logos next in the 186 THE HEART OF THINGS series whose utmost link is the Christ Star of a preced- ing chapter. While the occult number of male-female for our planet is twenty-six, a small fraction thereof represents the elastic thread of Spiritual Will connecting the divided hemispheres of the Auric Egg. There exist other threads by which the race is as yet loosely bound ; threads whose strengthening and tightening are to produce the unified group-soul of collective humanity. Obedient to Divine Purpose, separated twin-souls4 fl their every incarnation spin connecting threads. These hold together not only husband and wife, and mother and child, but many others not in the obvious relations of earthly consanguinity. As none of these threads^ is ever_ quite sundered, the twin-soul thread especially , there has resulted from the general mixing a vast and complicated web whose unraveling would be the supreme achievement of human mind. Since death stretches but fails to sever a single thread, the intricate meshes connect both the incarnate and the discarnate units of Earth's full quota of rational beings. The co nstan t sp inning of connecting threads b y /separated twin-souls has incentive in the heart-hunge r ; of every soul for its true mate. With each new friend c omes a hope, and with each closer tie comes more or less of belief — usually more with the imaginative — t;hat the haunting ideal at last is found. Th us the realizable ever draws the nation toward brotherhood and the race closer and closer in preparation for the i8 7 THE HEART OF THINGS seventh round, that of the compact human family in which the twin-soul ideal shall have effected its real purpose by including the entire humanity of the globe. Because incapable as yet of spinning enduring strands, the young easily forget absent friends and relatives and even dead parents. Where the memory of father or mother is cherished by the young, the parent strand holds the child to the past. Life for the young is new and absorbing; besides they feel in no degree the pull of ties formed in previous lives. No wonder then that they look lightly on death and its mystery. Retrospection, that habit which comes and grows with years, is more than the gathering up of strands spun during the three score and ten years behind. Jts real source is the Ego that in the quiet eventime of life would convey to the mind some recollection of strands spun before the present brain was fashioned in the womb. The aged have come to feel the upward pull of many a strand uniting them to the invisible world. In a future race those gossamer threads are to become tangible as breathed air and even visualized, first by the few and afterwards by the many ; thus set- tling forever the now debatable question of soul-survival. The simultaneous birth of one generation, the matur- ing of another and the passing of a third suggest the similitude of a many-spoked wheel whose one half is hidden in Heaven, but the other half is seen on Earth. In the morning of their day, things visible suffice for the many who at noontime are prone to forget or 188 THE HEART OF THINGS else to ignore the night of life. Later, some bereave- ment touches them heart-close ; then with wistful eyes they behold the divided wheel disappearing in the sky and lo ! the mystery of death is heavy upon them. To a certain Initiate, a Master of the calm seership, the entire wheel of life is a visible reality, or, to change the figure, human existence to him is a continuous chain moving from Earth to Heaven and back to Earth — a chain whose very link is a life incarnate and discarnate,; a l ife bound to others by a thread of Spi rit- u al Wi ll. r His faculty of sight is an acquisition and a specialty to Melchizedek the Silent Watcher of world life, the Master p eaceful as the accomplishing Sun in Heaven. Nevertheless, for us all is the possibility of standing not far below him on the mount of clarified vision. THE CHAIN OF SUNS T its Positive Pole our Sun is united by an elastic thread of Spiritual Will to the Negative Pole of /h < £~Z± of the Sun or link next above ; also at its Negative Pole it is held to the Positive of the link next beneath ; for, while one of the lower, our luminary is not the lowest in the chain of Living Light whose links as such are much separated at the beginning, but draw closer and closer until a Constellation like that of the Pleiades is reached and included. iP'+*- It should not be assumed that our Sun's Positive Pole but equals the Negative of the Sun next above ; nor is it true that our Sun's Negative equals the Posi- 189 THE HEART OF THINGS tive of the Sun next in descent. In ascending series, the status of each Sun and its attendant planets — all considered as a group — is but a degree higher than that of its predecessor. The determining of that degree is a matter of abstruse occult mathematics not here to be touched upon ; but, in respect to the Hierarchies, their arrangement makes possible the acquisition of Kosmic knowledge which otherwise would for aeons transcend the capacity of growing mind. As explained in "Sex Division and Reunion " the f perfect Kosmic and Zodiacal number is 10, which number enters into all esoteric computations. The ten Hierarchies of our Logos are counterparted by the ten Hierarchies of every other Logos ; hence, if in any other Solar System the number 12 seems warranted, for instance, by twelve major planets and twelve Hierarchies in the Logos, the division is but temporary since unification of the lower three planets and Hier- archies is foreordained. As explained in the chapter "The Planetary Pro- cess " page 10, "Arcane Science," the Negative Pol e of our Solar Logos is the (1) Violet Hierarchy repr e- senting the individualizing: Personal Will of the Logos, a Will never to be surrendered however closely united with its Positive, the Spiritual Will. This Person al Will which emanated the Spiritual Will of Jupiter — thus proving itself a co-worker with the Spiritual Will of the Logos — is bound by a Kosmic thread to both Jupiter and the (10) beyond Orange Hierarchy of the Logos next below in the Great Chain. 190 THE HEART OF THINGS Other connections are as follows : the (2) Red Hierarchy is bound to both the yellow Mercury and the (9) beyond Orange Hier archy of the Logos below. The (3) Green Hierarchy connects with the indigo Venus and the (8) beyond Ora ng e Hierarchy below . The (4) Indigo Hierarchy connects with the green Saturn and the (7) Orange Hierarchy below, f The (5) Yellow Hierarchy connects with the red Mars and the (6) Light Blue Hierarchy below, j The (6) Light Blue Hierarchy connects with the violet Moon and the (5) Yellow Hierarch y below. $ The (7) Orange Hierarchy connects with the orange Earth and the (4) Indigo Hierarchy below, j The (8) beyond Orange Hierarchy connects with the below orange of Neptune and the (3) Green Hierarchy below. The (9) beyond Orange Hierarchy connects with the below orange of Uranus and the (2) Red Hierarchy below, j The (10) beyond Orange Hierarchy connects with the below orange outmost planet and the (1) Violet Hierarchy below. Our Logos is bound to the next above as follows : The (10) beyond Orange to the (1) Violet. The (9) beyond Orange to the (2) Red. The (8) beyond Orange to the (3) Green. The (7) Orange to the (4) Indigo. The (6) Light Blue to the (5) Yellow. The (5) Yellow to the (6) Light Blue. The (4) Indigo to the (7) Orange. The (3) Green to the (8) beyond Orange. The (2) Red to the (9) beyond Orange. The (1) Violet to the (10) beyond Orange. The above color scheme for a trinity of Logoi is of universal application. The thirty planets proper to every trinity of Suns 191 THE HEART OF THINGS are united by Kosmic threads ; thus the thread from our (i) Violet Hierarchy to Jupiter extends down to the corresponding planet of the Sun next below, while the thread from the (i) Violet Hierarchy of the Sun next above reaches first to the highest planet of the group and then to its correspondent, our planet of the light blue. These infinitely delicate but indestructible strands are unapprehensible to beings not yet united with the Logos. SUGGESTION I A HE Planetary Process," page 10 of "Arcane A Science " explains the building of our ten planets and the emanation of the ten principles evolv- ing thereon. That no planet as an entirety, and no planetary process save one, should be guided wholly by its positive Solar Hierarchy, this upbuilding and emanating became the common duty of the ten Hier- archies. Thus, for example, the Supreme Tenth built the physicial sub-stratum of the series of ten planets and afterwards emanated those purely physical germs which, passing through the nine planetary chains beginning with that of Jupiter, found appropriate home on the outmost. The Spiritual Will evolution of Jupiter is guided by the (i) Violet Hierarchy because this concentrated Will is the balance for the planetary series of seven. Like the magnetic needle, the Jupiter Will is single- pointed ; moreover, singleness of object protects this Will from every deflection. As for the evolution of 192 THE HEART OF THINGS Mercury, next below Jupiter — that fixed pole of the planetary principles — this evolution is with safety allowed somewhat of latitude. Although its Buddhic principle is sourced in the (2) Red Hierarchy, Mercury as Buddhi-Atma gives a secondary allegiance to the Violet Hierarchy. Allowed still more of latitude, the Venus evolution as Manas-Buddhi-Atma, makes the (3) Green Hierarchy first, the Red second and the Violet third in its allegiance. Descending to our planet of seven allegiances"" ancf seven lines of development, we find the (7) Orange Hierarchy, source of man's physical principle, to be of prime importance, with the (6) Light' Blue, source of personal will, as second, the (5) Yellow, source of Kama, as third, the (4) Indigo, source of lower Manas, as fourth, the (3) Green, source of higher Manas, as fifth, the (2) Red, source of Buddhi, as sixth and the (1) Violet, source of Spiritual Will as seventh. There- fore of man's principles, Spiritual Will is least capable of attaining the highest Cosmic standard. Because each of the seven great divisions of the race, whether incarnate or discarnate, has its dominat- ing color and principle, it follows that with a member of the Light Blue Ray division, Spiritual Will is domi- nant, but in strength this sexless principle varies much among the members or children of the Light Blue. With these Buddhi is second, higher Manas third, physical body fourth, personal will fifth, Kama sixth _With the children of the Yellow, Buddhi is first, Spiritual Will second, higher r 93 THE HEART OF THINGS Manas third, physical body fourth, K ama fifth, personal will sixth, and lower Manas seventh. | With the Indigo, higher Manas is first, Buddhi second, Spiritual Will third, physical body fourth, lower Manas fifth, Kama sixth and personal will seventh. With the Green, lower Manas is first, physical body second, Kama third, personal will fourth, higher Manas fifth, Buddhi sixth and Spiritual Will seventh.) With the Red, Kama is first, physical body second, personal will third, lower Manas fourth, Buddhi fifth, Spiritual Will sixth and higher Manas seventh. ) With the Violet, personal will is first, physical body second, Kama third, lower Manas fourth, Spiritu al Will fi f th, Buddhi sixth and higher Manas seventh. \ With the Orange, physical body is first, personal will second, Kama third, lower Manas fourth, higher Manas fifth, Buddhi sixth and Spiritual Will seventh. Thus only in the children of the Orange R ay do the principles conform to the planetary order. \ The above scheme is a theoretical one, whereas in practice the order of the Violet, Red and Green are frequently transposed. Moreover, in power and intensity the dominant color varies greatly with the units of a Ray division. Besides, in each division are present those distinguishing positive and negative sex colors already described. Spiritual Will being naturally dominant in any mem- ber of the Light Blue, it follows that, for instance, through suggestion he controls a member of the Yellow by pitting his Spiritual Will against the secondary Spir- itual Will of the other. He controls an Indigo by 194 THE HEART OF THINGS pitting against his tertiary Spiritual Will. Thus the member of the Light Blue should most easily control one of the Orange in whom Spiritual Will is but the seventh, therefore the least resisting of his principles. Now at this juncture another law becomes operative and straightway the dominant Orange asserts itself against the Light Blue. This resistance is in the wise order of things ; as suggestion is a universal force lending itself to angel or demon, no being is allowed to become the yielding possession of another. Whether one's good angel be visible friend or invisible helper, if he would serve, he must lift the entire man. Let now that man be of the Orange. To lift him the Light Blue helper must over- come the prime resistance of the Orange, the secondary of the Violet, the tertiary of the Red and so forth. On the other hand, a Red, one exhibiting its lowest aspect, seeks to debase a Yellow. At once he pits his dominant principle against the same in the other, with whom the Red is but fifth. Then the aroused and well-nigh incorruptible Yellow- is to the rescue, and the Red to conquer must undermine the higher nature which has Buddhi as prime, Spiritual Will as second and higher Manas as third. ^As Master of the Yellow Ray, Jesus work ed on that of a people with whom in resistance Buddhi was but sixth ; but, ere he could penetrate to the racial prime of personal will, that aroused and combative principle, in the shape of the Scribes and Pharisees, rose up and slew him. Nevertheless, of those in whom, during his 195 THE HEART OF THINGS brief ministry, he gained control of the Violet, he made apostles, saints and martyrs of their new-found faith. Our brief outline gives that clue to certain powers of the Great Physician for which many healing cults are seeking. In his mission of cure, whether of sin or mental or physical ailment, Jesus the Christ ever wrought upon the yellow Buddhic principle of his patients in whom obedience always, and personal will enmity or obstinacy never, was the attitude. Because of their receptivity, the needy in no way hindered the descent of Spiritual Will-Compassion, the human Kundalini power, to the principle in which disease had taken root. Was the lower mind — that fourth principle with his Jewish patients — obsessed by devils? At once a positive power, unendurable to these raging Kama- Manasic creatures, proceeded from unified Buddhi and Spiritual Will to the lower mind in the lower quater- nary. Again, was the evil more materially sourced and therefore largely in the physical organism ? Then did the healing power descend through lower Manas to Kama, and then, since the dominant personal will opposed not, it at once touched the physical and lo ! the blind saw and the lame leaped for joy. In the healing of sin — conversion — the descending Spiritual Will-Compassion by the same route reached the festering sore corrupting lower Manas or Kama. The great healing and purifying power is in the world to-day, and it existed before the advent of the Christ its Master. Like the electric current that blasts and 196 THE HEART OF THINGS destroys, or else in innumerable ways lends itself to our daily use, Suggestion may be personal will-Kama, or Spiritual Will-Compassion, the black or the white potency. Jesus knew what was in man wheresoever met ; that is, he knew his dominant and subordinate principles and their condition of health or disease. Accordingly in his healing he touched every principle as the musician touches the harp-strings. Not with deft fingers, but with the appropriate syllable of the Creative Word did Jesus touch the seven-stringed harp of human life until it vibrated in unison with the well-being of Nature. Would the healer of to-day do as was done of old ? Would he wield the human Kundalini, the Christ power, even as in their lofty station the Builders wield the Kosmic Kundalini, the Universal Creative Word ? Then let him purge himself of every selfish ambition and mercenary motive. Otherwise he uses the nega- tive or night side of the Word, and, debasing others, shares their downfall, he himself being underneath in the dreadful descent. Though his motive be of the purest, the mental healer's success has its degrees, for there are opposing forces of which, unless an initiated occultist, he can have but scanty knowledge. 197 THE HEART OF THINGS THE PLANETARY AURAS IN certain instructions by H. P. B. the planet Jupiter is said to correspond with the human Auric Egg, that enveloping sphere which, as Atma, is almost incon- ceivably tenuous and is therefore capable of penetrating every lower principle, the physical of course included. On the meagre information concerning planetary auras given out in H. P. B.'s time, let us enlarge a little, but adequate treatment would far exceed our present space and purpose. While that seventh principle of Jupiter, the Atma or Spiritual Will, has its correspondent in the seventh chief division of every planet from Mercury down, that principle is increasingly dense and circumscribed, and decreasingly pure and refined on each planet in descend- ing series. As result, in the most refined of its seven divisions, the Jupiter light blue exceeds in diameter the seventh division of its correspondent on Mercury the planet next below. In fact the highest division of Jupiter Will envelops in its vast circumference the out- most planet of our system. Hence as Auric Egg, Jupiter is second only to the Solar Orb whose aura extends far into the spacial deeps. Examining the circumference and condition of the Spiritual Will principle on the planetary chains, we discover the sixth division of Jupiter Will to be co-ex- tensive with the seventh division on the Mercury chain. The fifth Jupiter division equals the seventh on Venus ; the fourth of Jupiter equals the seventh on Saturn; 198 THE HEART OF THINGS the third of Jupiter equals the seventh on Mars ; the second of Jupiter equaled the seventh on the Lunar chain ; while the first of Jupiter equals the seventh on this Earth. Because concentrated on its own evolution and the Spiritual Will evolution of the other six planets, the Jupiter principle with full self-consciousness permeates only the seventh principle and its divisions existing upon them. Hence Jupiter Will is as unconscious of physical man as is he of it ; but while, as seer, seven- fold man can rise toward Jupiter Will, this one-principle evolution has only semi-self-conscious contact with the Mercury principle, and a contact even less satisfactory with the Venus principle of higher Manas. In its seventh division the characteristic Mercury principle is the largest of the yellow auras. Its sixth division is co-extensive with the seventh on Venus, while the fifth division is co-extensive with the fourth on Saturn, and so forth. In its seventh division the higher Manas of Venus is the most extensive of the indigo auras. Its sixth division is co-extensive with the seventh on Saturn, while its fifth division equals the fourth on Mars and so forth. This is the general scheme to be worked out by the student who will find the physical principle of this Earth, in its seventh division, to be the largest of the orange auras. In its sixth division this aura is co-extensive with the seventh on Neptune. Its fifth division equals the seventh on Uranus, while its fourth equals the seventh on the outmost planet. In addition, its third division would 199 THE HEART OF THINGS equal the seventh on the old Lunar chain. The second equals the seventh on Mars. The first equals the seventh on Saturn, while on the three higher planets the physical auras are small indeed. The below orange is the characteristic aura of the outer planets. In its highest division the Spiritual Will aura of the eighth planet, that dedicated to the perfecting of the animal kingdom, corresponds in area with the division of Jupiter Will next below the first recognized in the septenary scheme. To make this statement clear it must be said that every planetary principle divides into ten, the three lowest of which, because outside of the septenary human evolution, are unrecognized in theo- sophical text books. In its highest division the Spiritual Will of the planet proper to the plant king- dom corresponds in area with the ninth division of Jupiter Will. Finally, in its highest the Spiritual Will aura of the tenth planet, that proper to the mineral kingdom, corresponds in area with the lowest possible division of Jupiter Will. c & Itb \QtU \M . The eigh th, ninth and tenth divisions of Spirit ual Will on e ach of the seven planets, and the entire princip le on each o f the outer ones, are in care of the Violet Solar Hierar chy which, with the other Divine Hierarchies , is r eally divided into ten, thus making for the Logo s one hundred divisions. That full number is counterparted by the outmost planet which, more than our perfected globe, will resemble the Sun itself. The eighth, nint h and tenth divisions of B uddhi on each of the seven plan- ets, and the entire principle on the three outer p lanets, THE HEART OF THINGS are in ca re of the Red Solar Hierar chy. For the outer planets, entire higher Manas is in cha rge of the Green S olar Hierarchy. In fact every principle proper to these planets is guided wholly by its Solar Opposite. Hence the exoteric statement that the planets below the seventh are outside our planetary scheme. In conclusion : orbital motion for the planets has three objects, first, protection from the Sun's mighty gathering in, which, for them in their present condition, would be premature ; second, production of the seasons ; and, third, an object unknown to physical science, to wit, the blending of all planetary auras in one vast compound aura. The Earth's axial motion not only produces alternating day and night, but it blends the seven auric principles. When the physical moon lost its axial motion, the auras, from the Astral upward, became separated from it. Meanwhile, bereft of its guiding principles, the physical moon drew ever nearer to the Earth's orbit and so became our satellite. From its condition as such it is to break at the dawning of its next day of evolution. THE RANGE OF LIFE IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM IN its highest division the Spiritual Will aura of Jupiter gives to the ethereal beings of the light blue the range of our septenary system of planets. This range, extensive in one way, is very limited in another, since the exceedingly subtle bodies of these pure entities, and the concentrated faculty of Will 201 &£ S,M«/? S9-S1 THE HEART OF THINGS proper to their office, cause them to penetrate unknow- ingly all conditions of substance below the densest division of the higher Manasic plane of the Venus scheme. As Buddhi is a principle somewhat denser than Spiritual Will or Atma, the Mercury beings in their less ethereal bodies traverse an aura in circumference smaller than that of Jupiter, but, as compensation, they penetrate knowingly to the lowest division of the Kama Manas of Saturn. Similarly the four-fold Saturn beings penetrate knowingly to the lowest division of the red aura of Mars, an aura less dense and much purer than the red of our planet. The more circumscribed Martian beings penetrate knowingly the entire seven divisions of the Astral aura of the Lunar mystery sphere. The highest Lunar evolution itself penetrated knowingly to at least the fourth division of the material principle of our planet. At present, man is associated with the animal evolu- // jf ° tion of which theoretically he is helper, and to which, in more enlightened days, he shall render valuable aid. Through his lesser brethren he shall then reach down to some broadening knowledge of the eighth planetary evolution. Thus reciprocal benefit shall come to man and animal through man's concurrence with the Divine Plan of mutual assistance. Because of the eighth principle peculiar to the animal kingdom, animal intelligence on its own planet shall come to understand in part what to man must remain a mystery, to wit, evolved plant intelligence. *■% THE HEART OF THINGS Similarly, plant intelligence on its own planet shall come to understand in part what to animal mind must remain sealed, to wit, mineral intelligence evolved on the tenth planet. For the seven planetary schemes, limitation of the power of locomotion culminates on this physical globe and properly in its human evolution. In respect to movement, the animal kingdom on Neptune shall be restricted physically more than is man. On its proper planet the plant kingdom must outgrow the immature structure and other limitations familiar to our observa- tion. While never rooted in the soil, the plant is then to be far more restricted in movement than is the animal on his own planet. On the last planet the mineral kingdom shall be at rest, but, as compensa- tion shared in just degree by plant, animal and man, certain great powers are to be its own. Absolute motion and absolute rest have been declared identical ; nevertheless the statement contains a blind. The great Centre of Centres, the Everlasting Here is necessarily local ; but its all-reaching, all-seeing and all-ruling attributes come and go with a velocity past all following. Hence they seem present and at rest at any point where concentrated mind would fix them. For all that the eye sees, the Buddhi beneath the Bo tree is in every respect motionless ; and yet his mind, a shuttle in the loom of creation, flies in and out among the Stars and instantly back to Earth, this speck in our obscure corner of the Universe. 203 THE HEART OF THINGS OUR INTER-PLANETARY HELPERS ALTHOUGH the Jupiter beings penetrate know- ingly the entire characteristic principles of both Mercury and Venus, they have neither desire nor ability to influence those principles directly. Intent on their Will evolution, these high entities are besides imbued with the divine spirit of helpfulness ; but their direct aid is limited to the principle of Spiritual Will on the planets in descending series. To speak with precision ; they influence directly all but the lowest of the seven divisions of Spiritual Will on the yellow planet ; all but the two lowest on the indigo planet and all but the three lowest on the green. On the red Mars they influence directly only the three upper divisions, and on this Earth only the one highest. Evidently Spiritual Will on the three outer planets is beyond the circle of their influence and under the government of the Violet Solar Hierarchy. Also it is evident that, if below mastership, incarnate man is unaware of Jupiter Will around and within him. Still, in the posthumous life of Devachan, the Jupiter influence, then more and more apprehensible, con- tributes largely to the perfect peace of the heavenly condition. While centered in Buddhi-Atma, the Mercurians, because of Divine Love, are among the most active of helpers. Their direct influence extends to all but the lowest division of Buddhi on Venus, to all but the two 204 THE HEART OF THINGS lowest on Saturn, to all but the three lowest on Mars, while on our world they influence but the two upper divisions of Buddhi in man. The Devachanee is more and more susceptible to their Love principle, hence the sweet communion of which Jesus said " they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God." Some occultists claim to have visited Mercury. But why visit Mercury when its offering of pure Buddhi is here and in the higher man awaits his recognition ? To visit yonder planet is to contact, on its lower planes, conditions with which spiritual, mental and physical man has nothing in common. Though intent on their higher Manas, the Venus beings are yet filled with desire to impart the rich results of their wonderful mental growth. These ideas are comprehensible in all but the lowest division of higher Manas as it exists on Saturn, and in all but the lower two as it exists on Mars, and in all but the lower four as existing on this Earth. In Devachan the three higher human divisions of Manas are always open to the influx of the " Sons of mind," and are freed from the drag of man's lower principles. Hence pure intelli- gence presents itself to the Devachanee as nowhere else. If a highly evolved being, gravitating to those upper levels where Buddhi influences, he now sees, as active love and wisdom, the operation of Karmic Law. Hence, because poised in understanding, he is enabled to review those things of Earth which perplex and make skeptical the ignorant. 205 THE HEART OF THINGS ^The Saturn beings ha ve much purified their principle of lower Manas, or brain mind, and they would impart that which aids indirectly our physical evolution. Their pure uplift of what is prone to the downward look and action, is felt in all but the lowest division of Kama Manas on Mars, and is a helper in all but the three low- est of its seven divisions on our planet. During its progress inward, the posthumous Kama Manas of man suffers division. The lower portions sink to pralaya on the three lower divisions of the planetary Kama Manas. The better remnant, united with higher Manas, is the link between the Devachanic condition and the life last lived on Earth. This better remnant feels perceptibly the influence of the Saturn Kama Manas ; hence another excellence is added to the Devachanic condition. The Martians have greatly purified their principle of Kama and their red is a great regenerator of Kama both in this world and in man himself, for its ability is over all but the two lowest divisions of the red as known to us. The posthumous Kama of man suffers division as did his Kama Manas. The lower part sinks to pralaya on the two lowest divisions of the planetary Kama Manas. The better portion is united with Buddhi and, in Devachan, becomes that angelic quality, Love-compassion. As stated in our previous teachings, the violet Astral principle of personal will peculiar to the Lunar scheme, was perfected by the great lords of the Moon. This violet principle is very near the Astral evolution of our 206 THE HEART OF THINGS septenary planet, and so aids directly in all but the lowest division of that evolution. In due course, man's posthumous personal will is divided as are his Kamic and Kama Manasic principles. The baser part sinks to pralaya, but the remnant unites with his Spiritual Will to the great advantage of the heavenly condition. The physical principle of neither this Earth nor its humanity has its planetary helpers. No highly evolved orange from any of the other six planets can by influx aid the purification of man's fleshly body. Moreover, the greatly refined Orange of the Eighth Solar Hier- archy can influence material man only in his two highest divisions. Our brief analysis reveals that by no Solar and by no planetary Hierarchy is man wholly influenced in every division of his principles. Evidently the lowest divisions of the seven principles are left to his own upbuilding or destruction. That he may become individual rather than automatic this is necessary ; there is no other way. The Spiritual Will, Buddhi, higher Manas and lower Manas of man are far less ethereal than their corre- spondents in the planetary Hierarchies proper to them. Hence to the uplifting of the bases of man's lower principles, the human upper Triad or Ego is naturally more adapted than are all the potencies of the plane- tary spheres. So much for theory ; but, in practice, the vast majority of mankind finds the higher nature inadequate to the task. Hence the need of human 207 THE HEART OF THINGS help from some supreme man in whom the upper three ,have altogether triumphed. Because Jesus the Chris t i s that pinnacle of human evolution, and because in addition he has that heavenly persuader the Divine Image, the Christian church — missing the philosophy but grasping the outward facts — has often builded upon them inadequate and even misleading dogmas of salvation. In conclusion, what are the great souls worshipped by the peoples of the past if not the helpers above described ? As for those pure beings, how often man has re-fashioned them in his own sin-debased likeness ! Thus Tehovah, the nearest of them all, became an angry and jealous God, the always-parti al protector of a people among the proudest and mos t exclusive that the world has known. CREATION IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM • ' I ^HE Planetary Process," page 10 of "Arcane A Science," is but a semi-esoteric teaching definite enough for the early stage of our exposition of the Ancient Wisdom. We are now to submit the real esoteric doctrine prepared for through many chapters. The Sun is the womb from which the planets, and 4he life there evolving, have issued as reincarnations ^>i the unassimilated residuum of former systems . Thus Jupiter originated and to some extent matured in the division of the Solar Sphere peculiar to the Violet Ray. To the embryonic Jupiter every Hierarchy of the Logos contributed ; the Violet giving so much of the 208 THE HEART OF THINGS principle in its keeping that the gift became the pre- dominating principle of its offspring. This gift of the Hierarchy of pure Personal Will proved to be the unperfected ' Spiritual Will of the child, whereas the gift of the Hierarchy of Spiritual Will was originally the personal will of Jupiter. The explanation of this anomaly is simple. The most tractable of the planetary principles are always in charge of the lower Solar Hierarchies 1 while thejnore and mo re intractable are naturally in care of the more and more powerful ; thus that most obstinate of principles, the physical, is in care of the great Hier- archies from the Seventh to the Tenth inclusive. In Jupiter the existence of Spiritual Will and pe r- sonal will in their most pronounced manifestations inevitably led to disruption. Hence the Moon was s cast forth to become a world with independent 'orbit. Next the Red division of Father-Mother gave birth to _ an orb, the Euddhic Mercur y, contributed to by every Hierarchy, but in which the gift of Kama from the Buddhic Hierarchy was a disrupting fire. As result, Mars was debased from the pure upper yellow to traverse alone the inter-planetary ethers. * • : MBk\ ***** :£^>>>° *-.<* "^ SU > *'f.V A ^ ^^ a<>* ,, % •" 6^ ... > ^ **. ' 4> °o 4^ ' •^•o* .* .4- h °o *♦: APR 82