4 o o > J* * .°-n*. ** v O. : ; ** v \ \1&K : J"\ °°y$w. ; *+ '-Mm/ 33 in 1549. He is also mentioned in the inquisition held in 1607, after the death of his son Richard, respecting the tenure of the estates. His manor house at Bagbere was standing until a few years since [1870], when it was demolished, and a smaller building, occupied as a farm house, erected upon its site. A small portion of the ancient building incorporated in the walls of the modern dwelling, is the only vestige of the original building. Mr. Arnold made his last will and testa- ment on the 15th of May, 1593, which was proved July 9, 1595. He desires "to be buried in the Parishe Churche of Milton in the He called Jesus He as we goe to the Tower." The church of Milton was restored a few years since, and many of the ancient memorials removed. The early parish registers have also been lost, the oldest now in possession of the Vicar dating from 1650. Mr. Arnold was twice married. By his first wife he had, besides a daughter Repentance, who became the wife of her cousin William Arnold * * * * four sons, namely: 1. Richard Arnold of Alton Pancras. [2 Thomas.] 3. Robert, of Armswell. 4. John, the elder by first wife, [etc.]* * * * * THOMAS 19 ARNOLD, the second son of Richards Arnold, of Bagbere, is mentioned in the will of his father. He resided some time at Melcombe Horsey, as appears from the Subsidy Rolls, of the year 1598, from which place he removed to Cheselbourne, and seated himself on an estate previously be- longing to his father. The earliest parish registers now extant of Cheselbourne date only from 1 644, and those of Melcombe Horsey from 1 690. Fortunately, however, this branch of the family possessed a private record of the baptisms of their children, which was preserved and brought to America. Mr. Arnold was twice married. His first wife was Alice, daugh- ter of John Gulley, of North Over, in the parish of Tolpuddle, a short distance from Cheselbourne. By this marriage he had 1. Thomazine, whose husband was Hooker, by whom she had Rob- ert, bapt. Jan. 23, 1^97; Julian, Jan. 24, 1599; John, Oct. 25, 1601; William, Oct. 31, 1604; Alice, born Aug. 27, 1607 j Mary, March 4, 1609; Thomas, April 7, 1616. 2. Joanna, bapt. Nov. 30, 1577. Her husband was Hopkins, by whom she had Francis, bant. May 23, 1614; Thomas, April 7, 1616; Elizabeth, July 3, 1619. 8. Margery, bapt. Aug. 30, 1581. 4. Robert, bapt. , 1583. 5. John, born 1585. He resided at CTieselbourne, where he died in 1616, leaving children — John, 18 William.,, Edith n