SEE*** ,tfv*vwwwu $S8WS!-' "V**A W& 'V\^ W » V v ^ VV" i^M^^KSi'SiS«l .'V;«r 1 v .w»W J &£m&P*yw yty*8ft I AN EXACT HISTORY OF THE BATTLE OF FLODDON: IN VERSE. WRITTEN ABOUT THE TIME OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. IN WHICH ARE RELATED MANY FACTS NOT TO BE FOUND IN THE ENGLISH HISTORY. PUBLISHED FROM A CURIOUS MS. IN THE LIBRARY OF JOHN ASKEW, ESQ. OF PALINSBURN, NORTHUMBERLAND; WITH NOTES, BY ROBERT LAMBE, VICAR OF NORHAM. Ti A7TCtVT6)V TTOXiUOf 7T#T)Jg. LUC NEWCASTLE: PRINTED BY AND FOR S.HODGSON; AND SOLD BY E. CHARNLEY AND SON, AND THE OTHER BOOKSELLERS IN NEWCASTLE J LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORMEJ AND CRADOCK AND JOY, LONDON. 1809- [ THE FOLLOWING POEM IS INSCRIBED TO JOHN ASKEW, ESQ. OF PALINSBURN, AS A TESTIMONY OF GRATITUDE FOR THE FRIENDSHIP WHICH HE HATH SHOWN TO THE EDITOR. Norham, January 30, 1773. THE BATTLE OF FLODDON, A POEM. THE BATTLE OF FLODDON. PART I. FIT I. TO A PLEASANT TUNE. I. -N ow will I cease for to recite King Henry's affairs in France so wide, And of domestic jars I'll write, That in his absence did betide. ii. A fearful field, in verse, I'll frame, If you'll be pleas'd to understand, O Floddon-Mount ! thy wonderous name Doth sore affright my trembling hand. 2 THE BATTLE III. Thou, God of war ! do me admit For to discourse, with sounding praise, This bloody field, this fearful fight, Fought in our old forefathers' days. IV. Pardon, ye poets all, I cry ! My simple, rude, and rugged rhyme ; Even though the hill, Parnassus high, Presumptuously I press to climb. v. For what is he, with haughty style, Such deeds of honour could contrive \ No, not the learned Virgil great, If that on earth he was alive. VI. That could reveal in volume short Great Howard's deeds, who did excel ; Though lovely print made no report, Fame would not fail the same to tell. VII. Or thou, O Stanley, wonderous man 1 Thou son of Mars, who can proclaim Thy matchless deeds ? Tell me, who can Paint thy just praise, on wings of fame f OF FLODDON. I VIII. Thy doleful day-work still shall be In Scotland cursed with an outcry : For Hector's match this man was he Who climbed the mount of Floddon high. IX. What banners bravely blazed and born, What standards stout brought he to ground, What worthy Lords by him forlorn, That sorrow in Scotland yet doth sound ! x. Ye heavenly powers, your aid I crave ; My slender muse help to awake; Grant, this work, which in hand I have, A fine and lucky end may make. XI. Before King Henry crost the seas, And e'er to France he did transfleet, He thought the Scots might him disease With constituted captains meet. XII. He knew that English Kings they fought, And by what might they were controuled ; Much more he in their absence thought, What damage had been done of old. 4 THE BATTLE XIII. And lest that they should work some teen f As they thought to have done indeed, He left his realm unto his Queen, To be ruled as there was need. XIV. Then for the Earl of Surrey sent And Regent of the North him made ; And bad him, " If the Scots were bent " The Northern borders to invade : xv. " That he should raise a royal band " In Bishoprick, and in Yorkshire ; " In Westmoreland and Cumberland, " In Cheshire, and in Lancashire." XVI. " And if thou need Northumberland," Quoth he, " there be strong men and stout, " That will not stick, if need they stand, H To fight on horseback, or on foot. XVII. " There is the valiant Dacres old, u Warden of the West-march is he: " There are the bows of Kendal bold, " Who fierce will fight, and never flee. OF FLODDON. XVIII. * There is Sir Edward Stanley stout, " For martial skill clear without mack, u From Latham-house his line came out, " Whose blood will never turn their back. XIX. " All Lancashire will live and die " With him, so chiefly w r ill Cheshire : " For through his father's force/' quoth he, " This kingdom first came to my sire. xx. " Lord Clifford too, a lusty troop " Will there conduct, a captain wise ; " And with the lusty knight, Lord Scroop, " The power of Richmondshire will rise. XXI. , " The wardens all look that you warn, " To hearken what the Scots forecast ; " If they the signs of wars discern, " Bid them the beacons fire fast." XXII. The Earl then with a sorry heart, Had drowned his face with trickling tears, When from his Prince he did depart, And from his royal country peers. THE BATTLE XXIII. " And thou," quoth he, " Almighty God, u Let him a death most shameful die, " Which is the cause of mine abode, " Bereaved of my king's company ." XXIV. Some thought to the king of Scots that he Did wish such sad untimely fate ; And some, to the Earl of Derby, With whom he had a great debate. XXV. The Earl did then his tenants all In musters fair, and brave elect; And on his way, by journeys small, To Pomfret-castle did direct. XXVI. Then did he send Sir William Bulmer, And bad him on the borders lie, With ordnance, and other geer, Each house of fence to fortify. XXVII. And bad him call the borderers bold, And hold with him in readiness ; And get him word, with speech he could, If that the Scots meant his distress. OF FLODDON. XXVIII. Then caused he watch in every street, And posts to run through downs and dales, So what was wrought, he knew of it, From Carlisle to the coast of Wales. XXIX. When flying Fame, that monstrous wight, With hundred wings was nimbly flown, And in the court of Scotland light, And all abroad, was blazed and blown, XXX. Of great King Henry's enterprize And how he forced was into France, With all his peers in princely wise, To bring that land to complaisance. XXXI. England to over-run with rage, The Scots then meant, as was their guise, Still as the king was under age, Or occupied some otherwise. XXXII. King James's courage did increase, And of his council craved to know, If he had better live in peace, Or fight against his brother-in-law. 8 THE BATTLE XXXIII. " Alas !" said he, " my heart is sore, " And care constraineth me to weep, " That ever I to England swore, " A league or love a day to keep. xxxiv. " Had I not entered in that band, " I swear now by this burnished blade, " England and Scotland both one land, " And kingdom one I could have made. XXXV. " That realm we should soon over-run, " That England, when this age is past, " As to our elders they have done, " Should homage do to us at last/' XXXVI. Then stood there up a baron stout, The lusty Lord of Douglas' blood, " My liege," quoth he, " have you no doubt, " But mark my words, with mirthful mood. XXXVII. " The league is broke, no doubt you need, " Believe me, liege, my words are true. " What was the English admiral's deed, " When Andrew Barton bold he slew ? OF FLODDON. 9 XXXVIII. " Your ships and armour too he took ; u And since, their King did nothing fear, u To send his aid, against the Duke " Of Gelders your own cousin dear. XXXIX. " Hath not the bastard Heron slain, " Your Warden with his spiteful spear ? " The league and peace therefore are vain, " My liege, you nothing have to fear." XL. Then manful Maxwell answered soon, " My liege, the league is broke by right ; " For the English King, ought not to have gone, " Against your friend, in France to fight. XLI. " Have you in league not entered late, " With Lewis chosen the French king ? " And now, you see, what great debate " Betwixt the king and him doth spring, XLII. " What greater kindness could you shew, " Unto your friend the King of France, " Than in English blood your blade to imbrue, " Against their land to lift your lance ? c 10 THE BATTLE XLIII. " You know what hurt to you was done, " By English kings in times of old ; u Your borders burned, and Berwick town, " Still by strong hand they from you hold. XLIV. " Wherefore more time let us not consume, " But fiercely fight that land again/' And then stood up the proud Lord Hume, Of Scotland, the Chief Chamberlain. XLV. " My liege," quoth he, " in all your life, " More lucky fate could never fall ; " For now that land, with little grief, " Unto your crown you conquer shall. XLVI. i( For England's king, you understand, " To France is past with all his peers ; " There is none at home, left in the land, " But joult-head monks, and bursten fryers XLVII. " 'Or ragged rustics, without rules, " Or priests prating for pudding-shives, " Or millners madder than their mules, " Or wanton clerks, waking their wives. OF FLODDON. 11 XLVIII. 44 There is not a lord left in England, " But all are gone beyond the sea ; " Both knight and baron with his band, " With ordnance, or artillery/' XLIX. The King then called to Dallamount, Which bodword out of France did bring ; Quoth he, " the nobles' names pray note, " Who are encamped with the English King." L. " That will I do, my liege," quoth he, " As many as I have at heart ; a First there is the great Earl of Derby, " With one that is called Lord Herbert. LI. " There is an Earl, of ancient race, " Plumed up in proud and rich array, " His banner casts a glittering grace, " A half-moon in a golden ray." L1I. u That is the noble Pierey plain," The King did say and gave a stamp, " There is not such a lord a^ain, " No, not in all King Henry's camp." 12 THE battll: LIII. " There is a Lord that bold doth bear " A Talbot brave, a burly tyke, " Whose Fathers struck France so with fear, " As made poor wives and children shriek." LIV. The King then answered at one word, " That is the Earl of Shrewsbury." " There is likewise a lusty lord, " Which called is the famed Darcy. LV. " There is Dudley and brave Delaware, " And Drury, great lords all three ; " The Duke of Buckingham is there, " Lord Cobham and Lord Willoughby. LVI. " There is the Earl of Essex gay, " And Stafford stout, Earl of Wiltshire \ " There is the Earl of Kent, Lord Gray, " With haughty Hastings, hot as fire. LVII. u There is the Marquis of Dorset brave, " Fitz- Water and Fitz-Leigh, lords most great ; " Of doughty knights, the lusty lave " I never could by name repeat. OF FLODDON. 13 LVIIJ. " There is a Knight of the North country, " Which leads a lusty plump of spears ; u I know not what his name should be, " A boisterous bull all black he bears/' LIX. Lord Hume then answered, loud on hight, " This same is Sir John Neville bold ; H King Harry hath not so hardy a knight, " In all his camp, my coat I will hold. LX. i{ He doth maintain, without all doubt, " The Earl of Westmoreland's estate, u I know of old his stomach stout ; " In England is not left his mate/' LXI. The King then asked his lords all round, " If wars or peace they did prefer ? ,r They cried, and made the hall to sound, " Let peace go back, and let us have war. LXII. " Our armour is for usage marred, " Both helmet, habergeon, and crest ; u Our startling naggs, in stable spared, 11 Are waxen wild with too much rest. 14 THE BATTLE I LXIII. " Our staves, that were both tall and streight, " Wax crooked, and are cast each where ; " Therefore in England let us go fight, " Our booties brave from them to bear." LXIV. The king rejoiced then to see His lords so lively hearts to have ; And to their words did soon agree, Complying to their pleasures brave. LXV. To Lyon, King at Arms, he cried, And took to him a letter broad, Quoth he, u no longer look thou bide, " But toward France soon take thy road. LXVI. " To Terwin town take thou thy way, " And greet well then my brother-in-law, " And bid him there no longer stay, " But homeward to his country draw. LXVII. " And bid him cease his furious force, " Against my friend, the king of France, " For fear domestick wars prove worse, " When in his kingdom 1 advance. OF FLODDON. 15 LXVII1. u And summon him soon to return, " Lest that our power we ply apace ; " With fire and sword, we beat and burn " His men and land in little space." LXIX. Then Lyon made him reverence, And with his coat of arms him deckt. He haled up sail, and towards France, He did his way with speed direct. 10 THE gATtLE FIT II. LXX. .Meanwhile. the King did letters write, Which swiftest post did nimbly bear, To all his lords which had delight, With him in England arms to wear. LXXI. Then every lord, and knight each where, And barons bold in musters met ; Each man had haste, to mend his gear, And some their rusty pikes did whet. LXXII. Some made a mell of massy lead, Which iron all about did bind ; Some made strong helmets for the head, And some their grisly gisarings grind. LXXIII. Some made their battle-axes bright ; Some from their bills did rub the rust ; Some made long pikes and lances light ; Some pikeforks for to join and thrust. OF FLODDON. 17 LXXIV. Some did a spear for weapon Wield ; Some did their lusty geldings try ; Some all with gold did gild their shield ; Some did with divers colours dye. LXXV. The ploughmen hard their teams could take, And to hard harness them convert, Their shares defensive armour make, To save the head, and shield the heart. LXXVl. Dame Ceres did unserved remain, The fertile fields did lie untilled ; Outrageous Mars so sore did reign, That Scotland was with fury filled. LXXVII. The king of Scots was much inflamed With joy to see himself obeyed, And did command his chamberlain, In England all this gang to lead. LXXVIII. The Chamberlain Lord Hume in haste, March-Warden over east also, Within the English border's breast With full eight thousand men did go. D 18 THE BATTLE LXXIX. And enter in Northumberland, With banners bravely blazed and born, And finding none them to withstand They straight destroyed both hay and corn, LXXX. They spoiled and ravaged all abroad, And on each side, in, booties brought, The coarser loons got geldings good, And droves of kine and cattle caught. LXXXI. Most stately halls and buildings gay, With sacrilegious hands they burn ; And this has always been their way, Whenever they could serve their turn. LXXXII. But happy Harwood-church on the hill, Thou always 'scaped their barbarous rage ; As thou wert once, so art thou still, The wonder of the present age. LXXXIII. There Judge Gascoigne, once wisely grave, With his fair dame entombed doth lie ; And there lies Rudimond so brave, In armour, by his family. OF FLODDON, 19 LXXXIV. With other noble persons too, For valour famed, and piety ; Their monuments you now may view, Most sweet and lovely to the eye. LXXXV. But to return, for I have digrest. The Scots thus having over-run The bordering parts, and filled with prey, They thought to Scotland to return, LXXXVI. Sir William Buhner being told Of this great road and wild array, Did strait forecast, all means he could, The Scots in their return to stay. LXXXVII. Two hundred men himself did lead, To him there came the borderers stout, And divers gentlemen with speed, Repaired to him with horse and foot. LXXXVIII. They were not all a thousand men, But knowing where the Scots would come, The borderers best their coast did ken, And hid them in a field of broom. 20 THE BATTLE LXXXIX. The Scots came scouring down so fast, And proudly pricked up with their prey ; Thinking their perils all were past, They straggling ran out of their way. xc. The English men burst out a pace, And skirmished with the Scots anon ; There was fierce fighting, face to face, And many geldings made to groan. xci. There men might see spears fly in spells, And tall men tumbling on the soil, And many a horse turned up his heels ; Outrageous Mars kept such a coil. xcn. The Scots their strength did long extend ; And broken ranks did still renew ; But the English archers, in the end, With arrows shot : most sore they flew. XCIII. The English spears, on the other side, Amongst the Scots did fiercely fling, And through their ranks did rattling ride, And chased them through moss, mire, and ling. OF FLODDON. 21 XCIV. The chamberlain, viewing this chance, And seeing his host all put to flight, Did with the foremost forth advance : But happy in his horse so light. xcv. Straightway he flew, when he perceived His banner-bearer down was beat : The English then their spoil received, Besides a store of geldings great. XCVI. Six hundred Scots were slain that day, And near that number prisoners ta'en, But of the English, brave and gay, There were no more than sixty slain. xcvu. In August month this broil befell, Wherein the Scots lost so much blood, That mournful when the tale they tell, They call it now, " The Devil's Road/' XCVIII. Thus while the Scots, both near and far, Were through all Scotland occupied, In framing weapons, fit for war, And mustering men on every side, 22 THE BATTLE XCIX. By this time came the herald sent, Before the town of Tervvin high ; There to King Henry soon he went, And bowing low upon his knee, c. He reverently the King did greet ; Who took from him his letters large $ And then, as ordered, what was writ, In open words he didjflischarge, ci. The letters soon were looked upon, And in King Henry's sight perused ; King James's mind he knew full soon, And found himself more sore abused. en. Who summoned him his seige to raise, And stay those wars he took in hand ; Or else with blood he would pave his ways, And straight invade his native land. cm. King Henry's heart began to rise, And to the herald he did say, " Thy master thus I did surmise, " Would in our absence partly play. OF FLODDON. 23 CIV. " Indeed he doth not now digress " From his old sires, never brave ; " But if he do my land distress, " I hope he welcome hard shall have. cv. " For in my land I left a lord, " Who aiding of my royal Queen, " Will stay your Prince at point of sword ; " His blade was ever fierce and keen* cvi. u Let him not deem so destitute " My land of lords and valiant knights ; " For if he dare to prosecute, " He there shall find some warlike wights. cvn. " Who will shed for me their purple gore, " And all his streaming standards rent : " They will send upon him many a shower " Of arrows, ere he pass the Trent. cvin. " Since perjured he now doth prove, " And doth so small esteem his oath ; " Our siege we will not cease to move, " Be he so never mad or wroth. 24 THE BATTLE CIX. " And here a valiant vow we will make, " At what time as we shall return, " All Scotland we will harrass and sacky- " And never cease to spoil and burn. ex. " Nor ever peace with him contrive, " Nor ever league nor union make, " AVhile one false Scot is left alive, " And till the land be brought to wrack." cxi. Then he to the King of Scots did write A letter, banishing all fears, That he, for all his ire and spight, In France would still proceed his wars, cxii. Then gave it to the herald's hand, Besides, with it, a rich reward ; Who hastened to his native land, To see how with his King had fared. cxin. And while he waited for the wind, And for his ships did things ordain r For all his haste he came behind, And never saw his Prince again. OF FLODDON. 25 CXIV. King Henry then the Scottish bill Unto the Earl of Surrey sent, To Pornfret, where abiding still, He bid him be for battle bent. cxv. The Earl did all things straight provide, The Scotch King's purpose to resist, Throughout all Scotland far and wide, And all was done that he did list. cxvi. Lord Dacres also did perceive, The Scots' intention manifest ; He knew their meetings, musters brave, And daily riding, without rest. cxvu. The truth whereof he sent straitway, And told the Earl of Surrey 9age ; That time was not for to delay, But soldiers raise for to engage. cXvm. Which when the Earl did understand, He letters sent both far and near, To all the nobles in the land, That they their forces might prepare. 26 THE BATTLE cxix. And tell what numbers they could make, Of valiant men, all well arrayed ; Then with Sir Philip Tilney spake, How they their wages might be paid. cxx. He, after this, for ordnance sent Unto Sir Nicholas Appleyard ; Who did accordingly consent, And towards him apace prepared. CXX1. With culverines, and portals great, And double cannons two or three ; Which he brought on by steed and cart, To Durham in the North country. cxxn. The noble Earl then letters wrote, Unto each castle, fort, and hold, That they should furnish them with shot, And fortify their bulwarks bold. CXXIIl. Who answered all, with stomachs stout, And every captain with his train, That they would keep the Scots quite out, Until the King, returned again. OF FLODDON. CXXIV. Which answer of the captains keen The noble Earl did much delight; But what the Scots this while did mean, And of King James I mean to write. cxxv. After he to his brother-in-law, Defiance into France had sent, His nobles all to him did draw, Well busked, and for battle bent. cxxvi. And thus arrayed in armour bright, They met in Edinborough town ; There was many a lord and many a knight, And baron brave, of high renown. CXXVII. Of prelates proud, a populous lave, And abbots boldly there were known- With Bishop of St. Andrew's brave, Who was King James's bastard son. CXXVIII. Surely it was an unseemly sight, And quite against our Christian laws, To see a prelate press to fight, And that too in a wicked cause. 28 THE BATTLE CXXIX. Were these the Scots' religious rules, Who taught the priests such pranks perverse, To march forth mustered on their mules, And soldier-like to sue God Mars ? cxxx. The messenger of Christ, St. Paul, Taught them to shoot at no such mark, Peter, and Christ's apostles all, Did never lead them in the dark. cxxxi. Their Patron so did not them learn, St. Andrew, with his shored cross, But rather Trimon of Quhytehorn, Or, Doffin, demi-god of Ross. cxxxn. This Bishop bold, this bastard blest, With other bishops in his band, And abbots bold, as all the rest, For beagle-rods, took bills in hand. pxxxiii. And every lord with him did lead A mighty band for battle prest ; lumbers so great, they did extend To a hundred thousand men at least. OF FLODDON. 29 CXXXIV. King James for joy began to smile, So great an army to behold ; Who for to serve him, thought no toil, But blazoned forth his banners bold, cxxxv. Each Lord went on then with his band, And every captain with his train, The music echoed through the land, And brazen trumpets blowed amain. cxxxvi. The drums did beat, with warlike sound, And banners bravely waved wide. Men scarce could view the fruitful ground, For soldiers armed on every side. cxxxvu. In midst of ranks, there rode the king, On stately steed, which graceful stampt ; A goodly sight to see him fling, And how his foaming bits he champt. cxxxvni. Thus did King James most gorgeous ride, A pleasure to his noble peers ; He had a heart puft up with pride, And w$s a prince that banished fears. SO THE BATTLE CXXXIX. ' Alas ! he thought himself too strong, Having so great a multitude : But Providence, when kings do wrong, Their mighty power can elude. CXL. He thought no king in Christendom, In field to meet him was of might ; No, nor an Emperor of Rome Had been of force with him to fight. CXLI. Nor Hercules, nor Hannibal, The Soldan, Sophy, nor the Turk ; None of the mighty monarchs all ; Such valiant blood did in him work. CXLII. But yet for all his armed host, His pufFed-up pride, and haughty heart, Full soon abated was his ghost; He was brought to London in a cart. CXLIII. It was in the midst of harvest-tide, August the two and twentieth day; That this great Prince, replete with pride^ To the English borders burst his way. OF FLODDON. CXLIV. Where piles he pulled down apace, And stately buildings brought to ground, The Scots, like loons, void of all grace, Religion's precepts sore did wound. CXLV. Fair matrons they did force each where, And ravished maidens sweet and mild ; In flames the houses made appear, And murdered many a man and child, CXLVI. But how the English did prepare, To fight the Scots, w r ith hand and heart, Their valour also will appear, If you will read the Second Part. THE BATTLE OF FLODDON. PART II. FIT III. CXLVII. It was the King's express command, To waste with cruel sword and flame, A field of blood he made the land, Till he to Norham Castle came. CXLVIII. Which soon with siege he did beset, And trenches digged without delay; With bombard-shot, the walls he beat, And to assault it did essay. CXL1X. The captain great, with courage stout. His fortress fiercely did defend ; But for a while he lashed out, Till he his ordnance did spend. 34 THE BATTLE CL. His powder he did profusely waste, His arrows he haled out every hour; So that he wanted at the last, And at the last had none to pour. €LI. But yet five days he did defend, Though with assaults they him assailed. Though all their strength they did extend ; Yet all their power had not prevailed, CLII. Had there not been a traiterous thief, Who came King James's face before, That in that hold had got relief^ The space of thirty years and more. a CLIII. I say," quoth he, " King James, my liege, " Your brave assaults are all in vain, " Long may you hold a tedious siege, " Yet all this while can get no gain. CLIV, " But what reward shall I receive," Quoth he, " express, and speak anon, " And I will let you plain perceive, " How that this castle may be won * OF FLODDON. CLV. " If that to pass you bring this can," The King did say, where he did stand, u I shall make you a gentleman, " And livings give thee in our land." CLVI. u O king," quoth he, " now quit this place, " And down to yonder vallies draw, " The walls then shall you rend and raze, " Your batteries will bring them low." - CLVII. Which, as he said, so did the King, And against the walls his ordnance bent ; It was a wretched dismal thing, To see how soon the walls were rent. CLVIII. Which made the captain sore afraid, Beholding the walls, how they reeled, His weapons all them down he laid, And to King James did humbly yield. CLIX. The Scots straitway did pour in, And plied apace unto their prey : Look what was worth one point or pin, You need not bid them take away, 36 THE BATTLE CLX. So when the Scots the walls had won, And rifled every nook and place, The traitor came to the King anon, But for reward met with disgrace. CLXI. The King then asked him by and by, " Where he was born and in what town i n " A Scot I am," he did reply, This answer gave the treacherous loon. CLXII. The King then asked him, meek and mild, " For how long time he lodged there ?" " Even," quoth he, " since but a child, " A good deal more than thirty year." CLXIII. " Why," quoth the King, " hast thou so w r roughfe " Unto thy friends this frantic rage, " Who in this castle thee up brought, " And always gave thee meat and wage r CLXIV. " But since thy heart is falsified " To them who gave thee meat and fee, 4i It is a token to be tried, " Thou never canst prove true to me. OF FLODDON. 37 CLXV. " Therefore, for this thy traiterous trick, " Thou shalt be tied in a trice ; * Hangman, therefore," quoth he, " be quick ; " The groom shall have no better place." CLXVI. What he did say, forthwith was wrought, The traitor had his just desert, Although the king himself was naught, And proved deceitful in the heart. clxvii. By this time came the flying posts, Which made the Earl to understand How that the King of Scotland's hosts, Already entered had the land. CLXVIII. Which when the Earl of Surrey knew, It was but vain to bid him haste : He sent to all his friends most true, That they their men should muster fast. CLXIX. And shortly sent to every shire, That on September the first day, Each gentleman, lord, knight, and squire, Should to Newcastle take their way. 33 THE BATTLE CLXX. Then with five hundred soldiers stout, Himself appearing in renown, He never stayed to rest his foot, Until he came to Durham town. CLXXI. There he devoutly did hear prayers, And worshipped God his Maker dear, Who banished from him cares and fears, St. Cuthbert's banner he did bear. CLXXII. Then straight he to Newcastle came, Of August, on the thirtieth day, There .many a nobleman of fame, To him repaired without delay. CLXXIII. There valiant Dacres him did meet, And brought with him a noble band, Of warlike men, right well compleat, From Westmoreland and Cumberland. CLXXIV. Sir Marmaduke Constable stout, Attended with his lovely sons ; Sir William Buhner, with his rout, Lord Clifford, with his clapping guns. OF FLODDON. 89 CLXXV. Then from Newcastle soon he went, And took his w r ay to Alnwick town. That weary men, with travel spent, And weather-beaten, might have room. CLXXVI. Then might you see on every side The ways all filled with men of war, With shining streamers, waving wide, And helmets glittering from afar. CLXXVII. From Lancashire and Cheshire too, To Stanley came a noble train, To Hornby, from whence he withdrew, And forward set with all his main. CLXXVIII. What banners brave before him blazed, The people mused where he did pass : Poor husbandmen were much amazed ; And women, wondering, cried, Alas ! CLXXIX* Young wives did weep with woeful chear, To see their friends in harness drest, Some rent their cloaths, some tore their hair. Some held their babes upon their breast* 40 THE BATTLE CLXXX. But who can plain express with pen, What prayers were said on hallowed stone, What tears came from religious men, What sacred service too was done ? CLXXXI. That Stanley might come safe away, And victor valiantly return : The bells did sound both night and day, And holy fires bright did burn. CLXXX1I. Men with grey beards, drew to their beds, And fast their prayers poured out. Old wives for woe did wag their heads, And saints were sought on naked foot* CLXXXI1I. But Stanley over Stainmore strait Did pass ; and resting there, did view A banner brave, born up on hight, Where underwent a warlike crew. CLXXXIV. " What lusty troop is yon I see ?" Sir Edward Stanley did enquire. A yeoman said, " It is, I see, " Bryan Tunstal, that bold esquire. OF FLODDON. 41 CLXXXV. " For in his banner I behold " A curling cock, as though he would crow; " He brings with him his tenants bold, " A hundred men at least I know." CLXXXVI. Then Stanley said, as there he stood, " Would Christ he would but take our part, " His clean and undefiled blood, " Good speed doth promise at my heart. CLXXXVII. " Blaze out therefore, I bid you soon, " The Earl of Darby's banner brave ; " By chance with us he will be one,- " When it in sight he shall perceive." CLXXXVIII. But Tunstall took no heed that tide, Without saluting forth he past ;« Upon the valiant Howard's side, His faithful heart he fixed fast. CLXXXIX. And then again, said Stanley brave, " O valiant lads, draw up your heart ; " Be not amazed, look not so grave, " Though Tunstall will not take our part. G 42 THE BATTLE t CXC. " But forward set without delay, " Unto the Howards let us make haste." Thus they, though wearied, kept their way, Till they to Alnwick came at last. cxci. Whose coming greatly did rejoice The Earl and all his company. None but the eagle bear the voice, With wrapping wings as he would fly. cxcn. There did the army much increase, Although there were the most extreams ; For rain down rattling never did cease, Till bubbling brooks burst mighty streams* cxcin. Such blustering winds besides there were, That day and night the air did sound ; Which put the Earl into great fear, Lest his son the Admiral should be drowned. cxciv. Who, at his parting, promised plight Unto his father, if alive, At Newcastle, with all his might, For his assistance, to arrive. OF FLODDON. 43 CXCV. Which promise he did fully keep : Such friendship Neptune did him show, As to conduct him over the deep, And his desires just bestow. cxcvi. Then soldiers soon he set on land, And to his father fast he hied ; Such warlike wights in worthy band, Two thousand men in arms well tried. cxcvii. With captains most courageous keen, At Alnwick they arrived at last : Whom, when the Earl's army had seen, With sudden fear they were aghast. cxcvin. But seeing their armour black as ink, Some said it was some Scottish band ; And divers did esteem and think, They were some force from foreign land. cxcix. Some took their harness, some their horse, And forward hasted as to fight, But when they saw St. George's cross, And English arms born up on hight, 44 THE BATTLE CC. Some said, it was a jolly crew, The king had sent from Fiance that tide. The southern men, the truth soon knew, And loud, " Lord Admiral ! they cried." cci. Whom, when the Earl of Surrey saw, He thanked God with heart so mild, And hands for joy to Heaven did throw, That his son was saved from waters wild. ecu. A merry meeting there was seen, For first they kist, and then embraced; For joy the tears fell from their eyhe, All forepast fears were then defaced. ccni. Then caused the Earl each captain count, Under their wings what soldiers were ; Which done, the number did but mount, To six and twenty thousand there. cciv. The Earl then called a council soon, Of prudent lords and captains wise, And how the battle might be done ; He bid them shew their best devise. OF FLODDON. 45 €CV. Some said too small their number was, To atchieve so great an enterprize, Some counselled posts back for to pass For aid, and cause the countries rise. ccvi. And from the South, the queen, some said, A band of soldiers soon would send ; And willed to stay, for while they staid, Their powers daily might amend. ccvu. Some said the Scots strait way would fly, And powers daily would diminish ; Wherefore to stay was their counsel, And thus the Earl they did admonish. ccvin. Then did the Admiral start in ire, And stamping stood with stomach hot : u Why, Sir," said he, unto his sire; " Hath cowardice lent you his coat ? CCIX» u Let never King Henry hear for shame " That you should act this dastard part j " Nor ever blown by trump of fame, " That you did bear a coward's heart. 46 THE BATTLE CCX. " Hath not King Henry left you here " His governour to rule the land; " Not doubting but, without all fear, " The treacherous Scots you would withstand. ccxi. u Think of your father, though his chance " It was to fall at Bosworth field, a Though he his life, by Stanley's lance, " With honourable wounds did yield. ccxii. " Would God that Edward, brother dear, " Were here alive this present day : " No armed foes, could make him fear, " Nor in a camp, like coward stay. ccxin. " What royal fame, what high renown, " Hath he left to his line and race, " What ample glory would him crown, " If life had lasted longer space ! CCXIV. u The seas he did both sweep and scour, " Not pyrate durst appear in sight, " Even Pyrate John, for all his power, " That great renowned Lothian knight. OF FLODDON. 47 CCXV. " How oft the royal fleet of France, " In conflicts fierce by him was grieved ? " If he had 'scaped that fatal chance, " He glorious acts might have atchieved. CCXVL " No multitudes made him dismayed, " Nor numbers great his stomach swage: " Great shame then would on us be laid, " And to our offspring in each age. ccxvu. " Your father's fame would soon be lost, " And all his worthy acts no more, " Your honour, flitting like a ghost, " Nor yet your sons could ever restore, CCXVIII. " If here ye loitering lie like loons, " And do not fight the Scots again: " For do not you hear how English towns " Are burnt, while suckling bathes are slain I ccxix. " They daily pilfer every place, " And spoil the people all about : " Wherefore let us stay no longer space, " But now step forth with stomachs stout." 48 THE BATTLE FIT IV. ccxx. The Earl of Surrey then replied, And to his warlike son did say, u No bashfulness doth make me bide, " Nor stomach faint doth make me stay, CCXXL " The cause is for no cowardice, " So long time here to make delay : " But yet I fear this enterprize " Will prove no childish sport or play* . ccxxn. " Great counsel then must be embraced ; " Then let us careful think upon, " Which way our cards to count and cast,. " For great is the business to be done. CCXXIII. u Too hardy oft good hap doth hazard, " And over-bold oft is not best ; " And that I have proved by my son Edward, " Who ever was too bold of breast. OF FLODDON. 49 CCXXIV. " He had been a living man this day, " If he with counsel wise had wrought; " But he w r as drowned in Bathrumb's bay, " His rashness to this end him brought. ccxxv. " My father, at King Richard's field, a Under great Stanley's lance lay slain ; u And I did there a captive yield ;- " Our manhood great got us this gain. ccxxvi. u We might have 'scaped that scurvy day, " If warning could our wits have beat ; " A friend of our's, to cause us stay ; " Upon my father's gate had set ccxxvu. a A certain scroll, whose scripture said, " ' Jocky of Norfolk, be not so bold/ a And underneath in verse was laid, " t For Dickon thy master is bought and sold.' CCXXVIII. " My father fighting fierce was slain, " King Richard lost both life and crown, " Some goodly guerdon oft they gain, " Who rashly run to get renown. H 50 THE BATTLE CCXXIX. " For see the Duke of York was brought, " At Wakefield to his fatal fall; " Who might have "scaped, if he had wrought " The counsel wise of David Hall. ccxxx* " I read of conquerors and kings " For lack of counsel cast away : " Now since at hand such danger springs, H Our council we had need to say. ccxxxi, " It is not I am fright with fear, " Nor for myself such thoughts I take, " But for young babes, and infants dear, u Which fathers sore I fear will lack. CCXXX1I. " Such fortunes fall, through fights doubtless, " Poor widows plenty shall be left ; u And many a servant masterless, " And mothers of their sons bereft. CCXXXIIl. " This is the cause I counsel crave, " The only cause I cast such doubts : " I had rather on€ English soldier save, " Than for to kill a thousand Scots, OF FLODDON. 51 CCXXXIV. " I can no kind of compass cast, " But many a life there must be lost ; " And many a tall man death must taste, " The Scots are such a mighty host. ccxxxy. a The Prince himself is there present, " With all his peers prepared for war ; a With barons, knights, and commons bent, " A hundred thousand men they are. ccxxxvi. " Put case our total English power " Were readj' drest and made in meat ; u At two meals they would us devour, " The Scottish army is so great. ccxxxvu. u Therefore let each man's mind be exprest, " How that the Scots we may convince, " And how to pass this peril best, " And save the honour of our Prince." ccxxxvin. Then spake Sir Edward Stanley stout, And fierce on the Earl he fixt his eyne, " What need have we thus for to doubt, " And be afraid of foes unseen \ 52 THE BATTLE CCXXXIX. " Shall we by loitering on this manner, " Thus still permit the Scots to rest? " Fye, let them see an English banner, " And view our soldiers seemly drest. CCXL. u What though our foes be five to one, " For that let not our stomachs fail. " God gives the stroke, when all is done, " If it please him we shall prevail. CCXLI. " If ancient books we do peruse, " Set forth by famous clerks of old, " Which both of Christians, Pagans, Jews, " Do plain describe the battles bold. CCXLII. u There may we certain see in sight, " Many a mighty prince and king, " With populous armies put to flight, a And vanquished by a little wing. CCXLIII. u AVith hundreds three, Judge Gideon, " The Midian host overcame in fight, H And Jonathan, Saul's valiant son, " The fierce Philistines put to flight. OF FLODDON. 53 CCXLIV. • So Judas Maccabeus, the man, " Of foremost fame among all knights, " Who can describe what fields he wan, " With handfuls small of warlike wights ? CCXLV. u The mighty Macedonian Prince, " With puissance small and power, " King Darius' host did all convince, " Who were for one in number four. CCXLVI. u The great renowned Roman peers, " Whose glorious praise can never blin ; " The fame, that daily fills men's ears, " By numbers great did never win. CCXLVII. * For Titus Livy doth protest, " The less their power, the more their gain. " When they were most, they wan the least ; " The greater press, the more were slain. CCXLVIII. " Example at Cannae's fierce conflict, " So many nobles there were slain, " That bushels three they did collect " Of rings from dead men's fingers drawn. 54< THE BATTLE CCXLIX. " Where Scipio, with numbers small, " Of warlike wights of Justy blood, " In field to flight put Hannibal, " And burnt with fire Carthage proud. CCL. " What further need I for to seek, " Of Christian Kings the manful acts ; " Since records of the same still speak, " Of Henry, and his famous facts. CCLI. " All Europe yet afresh doth sound, " Of his high prowess the report. " What standards stout he brought to ground " With numbers small at Agincourt. CCLII. " All France yet trembleth to hear talk, " By death what nobles took their flight, " Two thousand, beside vulgar folk, " Simplest of whom was squire or knight. CCLIII. u He never stint from war and strife, " Till the heir of France he was proclaimed ; " If fate had lent him longer life, " With English laws all France he had framd. OF FLODDON. 55 CCLIV. " Of Bedford too, his brother John, " The Dauphin beat with a small band ; " Lord Talbot, with his name alone, " To tremble forced all the French land. CCLV. " The Earl of Richmond, with small power, " Of England, wan both realm and crown, " At Bosworth, where the bragging Boar, " And all his host were overthrown. CCLVI. " So though the Scottish host be great, " Let us not stint, but them withstand ; " In battle bold we shall them beat, " For God will help us with his hand. CCLVII. " But if in fighting we are slain r " And in the battle brought to ground, " Perpetual praise we then shall gain, " Men will our fame for ages sound. CCLVIII. " The memory of our great manhood, " 'Mongst English men will ever last ; " And then, for vengeance of our blood, " King Henry home from France will haste. of) THE BATTLE CCLIX. u Our kinsfolks and our cousins free, " Will wreak our deaths with doleful dint; " Till time that they revenged be, i€ From sturdy strokes they will not stint. CCLX. " Our ghosts shall go to God on high, " Though bodies vile to death be dight ; " In better case we cannot die, " Than fighting for our country's right* CCLXI. " Put case the lot light contrary, " As firm by faith is fixed it shall, " And that to gain the victory, " Good fortune on our side shall fall. CCLXII. " And then to give our foes the foil, " What worthy praises shall we win F " What mighty prey, what plenteous spoil,. " What prisoners of princely kin ? CCLXIII. u The Prince is there himself, King James, " With prelates passing rich in pride ; " Fifty great lords there are of name, " With barons, knights, and squires beside. OI FLODDON, ,57 CCLXIV. u Their tents, if standing they be found, " When fight is done, I do not fear, " But for their entering English ground, " The charges shall pay us full dear. CCLXV. M Such fate shall fall to them I trust " As to their elders has before, " Who dared into our borders burst, " When they were beat in battle sore. CCLXVI. " Their mighty Mars, King Malcomy, " Did valiantly this land invade ; " At Tinmouth he was forced to fly, " And slain was by an English blade. CCLXVII. " King David unto Durham came, " Who with the Scots in pitched field, " For all their pride yet left the game, " King David there did captive yield. CCLXVIII. " What shall I further mention make " Of Henry the Fourth, how in his days, " The Earl of Murray and Lord Murdake, " Angus and Douglass pricked with praise, 58 ' THE BATTLE CCLXIX. " Did enter in Northumberland " And murdered without mercy. " Were they not beat by a small band, " In battle by Sir Henry Piercy ? CCLXX. " The story saith, who list may look, " Ten thousand Scots in field were slain, " And through the valiant Piercy's stroke, " All the Earls captives did remain. CCLXXI. " Such luck, I trust, to our foes will light, " And all that wars do raise in wrong ; " Wherefore against them let us fight, " It is a shame we loiter here so long. CCLXXII. " If any seem abased to be, " That we in battle shall be beat, " Cheshire and Lancashire with me, " Shall give the Scots the first onset * CCLXXIII. When this was said, then Stanley stout, All silent down did sit in place; The eyes of all the lords about, Were fixed upon his valiant face. OF FLODDON. 59 CCLXXIV. His wisdom great all wondered at, All did his manful proffer praise; All they that would have lingered late, Their courage keen did now upraise. CCLXXV. Now they that lately would have staid, With foremost cryed, " Forth to the field ! " With one voice all the Earl they prayed, " That Stanley might the vanguard wield." CCLXXVI. But on that side the Earl of Surrey Was deaf, for why, he could not hear ; For being moved with Stanley's glory, His rancour old then did appear. CCLXXVII. Quoth he, " The king's place I supply, " At pleasure mine each thing shall bide." Then on each captain he did cry, In presence to appear that tide,' CCLXXVIII. That done, straitway he did ordain His battle brief on this same sort, Whose order and array right plain, With pen I truly shall report. 60 THE BATTLR CCLXXIX. When Stanley did with stomach stout Valiantly the vanguard crave, The Earl of Surrey sore did doubt, That too much honour he should have, CCLXXX. If fortune good fell on his part, And valiant victor he did return. 'Gainst Stanley's blood such hateful heart In the Earl's blood did boiling burn. CCLXXXI. Wherefore in forward, first of all Chief Captain constituted he His loving son Lord Admiral, With soldiers such as came from sea. CCLXXXII. Whom valiant Lords accompanied, With barons bold, and hardy knights ; Lord Ogle one of courage tried, Who led a band of warlike wights. CCLXXXIII. In order, next to the Admiral, The lusty knight, Lord Clifford, went, Who was concealed in shepherd's coat, Till twice twelve years were gone and spent. OF FLO D DON. ()\ CCLXXXIV. For when his father at Wakefield, The Duke of York and his son had slain, He by a friend was thus concealed, Till Richmond's Earl began his reign. CCLXXXV. And him restored to all his right Seating him in his father's land ; Or else to death he had been dight, While the house of York had the uphand. CCLXXXVI. Now like a captain bold he brought A band of lusty lads elect, Whose curious coats, most cunning wrought, With dreadful dragons were bedeckt. CCLXXXVII. From Pennigent to Pendlehill, From Linton to Long Addingham, And they that Craven coasts did till, All with the lofty Clifford came, CCLXXXVIII. All StainclifF hundred went \\ith him, With striplings strong from Worledale^ And all that Haughton hills did climb, With Langs troth too, and Littondale. GQ, THE BATTLE CCLXXXIX. Whose milk-fed fellows, fleshly bred, Were fit the strongest bows to bend ; All such as Horton-fells had fed, On Clifford's banner did attend. ccxc. Lord Lumley next, and Latimer Were equal matched with all their power, With whom was next their neighbour near Lord Conyers stout, and stiff in stour. ccxci. With many a gentleman and squire, From Rippon, Ripley, and Rydale, With them marched forth all Massamshire, With Nosterfield and Netherdale. ccxcii. With Tillmen tough, in harness store, Who turned the furrows of Mittan-field, With Billmen bold from Blackamoore, Most warlike wights, these Lords did wield. CCXCIII. Next them was placed, with all his power, Lord Scroope of Upsall, aged knight. Sir Stephen Bull, with all his power, Was matched next him with all his might, OF FLODDON. 63 CCXCIV. Sir Walter Griffith, sage and grave, Was with Sir Henry Sherbourn bent, And under Buhner's banner brave, The whole bishoprick of Durham went. ccxcv. The Third Part it will more unfold The glorious train of heroes bright, Such as may please the sage and old, And yield to children sweet delight. THE BATTLE OF FLODBON. 65 PART III. FIT V. CCXCVI. Sir Christopher Ward the next ensued, With him Sir Edward Echingham ; Next were Sir Nicholas Appleyard, Sir Mettham, Sidney, Everingham. ccxcvu. All in the foremost battle bold, These knights who in the vanguard were Seven thousand men numbered and told, Simplest of whom bore bow or spear. ccxcvin. Then the Earl, Sir Edmund Howard Did call, and Marshall soon him made ; u My son," said he, " now soon set forward, " With valiant hearts the Scots invade. 66 THE BATTLE CCXCIX. " Chief captain of the right-hand wing, " To brother thine I thee ordain ; " Now surely see thou serve the King, " And for his sake never think it pain. ccc. " Of southern soldiers hundreds two, * Under thy wing shall go with thee ;" A thousand thanks Sir Edmund to His father dear did render free. ccci. With him was matched an equal mate, Bryan Tun stall, that trusty squire ; Whose stomach stout nought could abate, Nor ought could sway his bold desire. cccn. The glory of his grandsire old, The famous acts too of his sire ; His blood, unspotted, made him bold, And stirred his stomach hot as fire. cccm. For when debate did first begin, And rancour raised most rueful work, And ruffling ruled this realm within, Twixt Lancaster and the house of York. OF FLODDON. 67 CCCIV. During which hurly-burly strife, Were murdered many a mother's child ; Many a Lord bereaved of life, And noble house with blood defiled. cccv. But this man's father, void of fear While in this realm such ruffling was, To Henry the Sixth did still adhere, And for no pains did from him pass. cccvi. For he to York would never jdeld, For all the struggling stir and strife, Nine times he fiercely fought in field, So oft in danger was his life. cccvn. And when the king was captive caught, And the Earl of Warwick overthrown, To save his life best means he sought, And was in bark to Bretagne blown. cccvin. With Earl of Richmond he remained, And Lords of the Lancastrian kin ; When then the Earl the crown had gained, And England's empire fair did win, (58 THE BATTLE CCCIX. He rendered Tunstall all his right, Knowing his valiant blood unstained, The King he caused this trusty knight, Undefiled Tunstall to be named. cccx. Most fierce he fought at Thalian field, Where Martin Swart on ground lay slain, When rage did reign, he never reeled, But like a rock did still remain. cccxi. Now came this man amongst the rest, To match his father in manhood, For battle ready bent and prest, With him a band of lusty blood. cccxn. Next went Sir Bold, and Butler brave, Two valiant knights of Lancashire, Then Bruerton bold, and Bygod grave, With Warcop wild, a worthy squire. cccxin. Next Richard Chomley and Chiston stout, With men of Hatfield, and of Hull, Laurence of Dun, with all his rout, The people freest with them did pull. OF FLODDON. 69 CCCXIV. Job a Glarvis then was 'nexed near, With Stapleton of stomach stern ; Next whom Fitz-w illiams forth did fare, Who martial feats was not to learn. cccxv. These captains keen, with all their might, In right-hand wing did warlike wend : All these on Edmund Howard, knight, The Earl ordained to attend. cccxvi. Then next the left-hand wing did wield Sir Marmaduke Constable old, With him a troop well tried in field, And eke his sons and kinsfolk bold. cccxvu. Next him Sir William Percy stood, Who went with the Earl Piercy's power, From Lancashire of lusty blood, A thousand soldiers stiff in stour. cccxvin. Then the Earl himself did undertake Of the rearward the regiment ; Whom barons bold did bravely back, And southern soldiers seemly bent. 70 THE BATTLE CCCXIX. Next whom in place was 'nexed near Lord Scroope of Bolton stern and stout, On horseback, who had not his peer, No English man, Scots more did doubt. cccxx. With him did wend all Wensledale From Morton unto Morsdale-moor : All they that dwelt by the banks of Swale, With him were bent in harness-store. cccxxi. From Wensdale w r arlike wights did wend, From Bishopsdale went bowmen bold ; From Coverdale to Cotter End, And all to Kidson Causeway cold. cccxxn. From Mollerstang and Middleham, And all from Mask and Middletonby, And all that climb the mountain Cam, Whose crown from frost is seldom free. CCCXXIII. With lusty lads and large of length, Which dwelt on Seimer water-side ; All Richmondshire its total strength, The valiant Scroope did lead and guide. OF FLODDON. 71 CCCXXIV. Next went Sir Philip Tilney tall, With him Sir Thomas Barclay brave \ Sir John Ratcliff in arms royal, With Sir William Gascoyne grave. cccxxv. Next whom did pass, with all his rout, Sir Christopher Pickering proud; Sir Bryan Stapleton, most stout, Two valiant knights of noble blood. cccxxvi. Next with Sir John Stanley there came The Bishop of Ely's servant bold ; Sir Lionel Piercy, knight of fame, Did lead some hundred men well told. CCCXXV1I. Next went Sir Ninian Markanville, In armour-coat of cunning work ; The next went Sir John Normanville, With him the citizens of York. CCCXXVIII. Sir George Darcy, in banner bright, Did bear a bloody broken spear ; Next went Sir Magnus with his might, And Clapham bold of lusty chear. 72 THE BATTLE CCCXXIX. Sir Guy Dawney, with glorious rout, Then Mr. Dalby's servants bold ; Then Richard Tempest, with his rout. In rereward thus array did hold. cccxxx. The right-hand wing, with all his rout, The lusty Lord Dacres did lead ; With him the bows of Kendal stout, With milk-white coats and crosses red. cccxxxi. All Keswick eke, and Cockermouth, And all the Capeland craggy hills ; All Westmoreland, both north and south, Whose weapons were great weighty bills. cccxxxn. All Carlisle eke and Cumberland, With the Lord Dacres proud did pass, From Branton and from Broughly sands, From Grayston and from Ravenglass. cccxxxin. With striplings stout from Stainmoor side, And Austen-moor, men marched even ; And those that Gilsland grave did hide, With horsemen light from Heshan-Leven, OF FLODDON. 73 CCCXXXIV. All these did go in Dacres' band, All these ensued his banner broad ; No lustier Lord was in this land, Nor more might boast of birth and blood. cccxxxv. Many strong horses, huge of height, Were all his own to give or sell, A baron fair by his birthright, And heritage, which to him fell. cccxxxvi. These royal Lords thus ray did hold, With ranges, ranks, and warlike wings, But yet the man is left untold, From whom true valour fairly springs. CCCXXXVII. Whose worthy praise and prowess great, Whose glorious fame shall never blin ; Nor Neptune ever shall forget, What praise he hath left to his king. CCCXXXVIII. Sir Edward Stanley, stiff in stour, He is the man on whom I mean ; With him did pass a mighty power Of soldiers seemly to be seen. 74 THE BATTLE CCCXXXIX. Most lively lads in Lonsdale bred, With weapons of unwieldy weight ; All such as Tatham Fells had fed, Went under Stanley's streamer bright. CCCXL. From Bolland bill-men bold came on, With such as Botton Banks did hide; From Wharmore up to Whittington, And all to Wenning water-side. CCCXLI. From Silverdale and Kent Sand-side, Where soil is sown with cockle-shells ; From Cartmel eke and Conney-side, And fellows fierce from Furney's fells. CCCXLII. All Lancashire, for the most part, The lusty Stanley stout did lead, A stock of striplings strong of heart, Brought up from babes with beef and bread. CCCXLIII. From Warton unto Warrington, From Wiggan unto Wiresdale, From Wedicar to Waddington, From Ribchester unto Ratchdale. OF FLODDON, 75 CCCXLIV. From Poulton and Preston, with pikes, They with the valiant Stanley went, From Pemerton and Pilling-dikes, For battle bill-men bold were bent. CCCXLV. With fellows fresh, and fierce in fight, Which Horton-fields did turn in furs, With lusty lads hearty and light, From Blackbourn and Bolton in the moors. CCCXLVI. With youth elected from Cheshire, In armour bright for battle drest ; And many a gentleman and squire, Were under Stanley's streamer prest, CCCXLVII. Thus Stanley stout, the last of all Of the rereward, the rule did wield ; Which done to Bolton in Glendale, The total army took the field. CCCXLVIII. Where all the council did consent, That Rouge Croix to the Scottish King With strict instructions should be sent, To know for why these wars did spring. THE JJATTLE FIT VI. CCCXLIX. >V here as the castle too of Ford He threatened had to overthrow; Rouge Croix was charged word for word, The Earl's intent to let him know. CCCL. That if the king would so agree, To suffer that said fort to stand, And William Heron send home free, Who there w r as captive in Scotland ; CCCLI. If thus the king would condescend, The Earl promised to restore, And to the King immediate send, Of Scotsmen taken captives four, CCCLII. Lord Johnston and Sir Sandy Hume, Richard Hume and William Carr: But if King James w r ould yet presume, In wrongful sort to raise up war OF FLODDON. 77 CCCLIIT. Against King Henry his brother-in-law, And commons cruelly would kill, And piles and forts would fierce down draw, And English blood proceed to spill, CCCLIV. The Earl charged the heraldf strait, To certify the said Scots king, That he in the field with him would fight, On Friday then next following. CCCLV. And then ere Rouge Croix forth did fare, The Admiral took him aside, And bade him to the king declare, " His coming and access that tide. CCCLVI. u That he from sea descended was " With all his total power and might, " And that in forward with his Grace, " He would prepare himself to fight. CCCLVII. " And when the Scots for him did call " In days of March to make redress, " For Andrew Barton their Admiral, "-Whom he with blood v blade did bless, 78 THE BATTLE CCCLVIII. u Now he was come in person prest u The said Sir Andrew's death to vouch ; M And if it in his power doth rest," Quoth he, " I shall serve him with such. CCCLIX. u For there no Scot shall 'scape unslain, " The King in person sole except; " For so of Scots," quoth he again, " No other mercy I expect." CCCLX. And yet ere Rouge Croix went his way The Earl and counsel did expect, That the Scots King, without delay, An herald w r ould again direct. CCCLXI. Rouge Croix was yet commanded there No Scotchman near the field to bring, Lest he their conduct might declare, And thereby dangers great might spring. CCCLXII. Then Rouge Croix ready took his horse, Bedeckt with coat of arms most brave, With him did go a trumpet hoarse, That Scots their coming might perceive, OF FLODDON. 7£ CCCLXIII. Their geldings were both good and light, From galloping they seldom staid, Till at the length they viewed in sight, Whereas their enemy's army laid. CCCLXIV. The Scottish watch soon them descried, And them conveyed before the king, Where he with barons bold did bide, Whom Rouge Croix, on the ground kneeling, CCCLXV. With salutations did greet. He after, his instructions straight, Each one exprest, in order meet, And letters 'livered in their sight. CCCLXVI. Whom, when the King of Scots had heard, And also read his letters large, Even frantic-like he fuming fared, And bombard-like did boasts discharge. CCCLXVII. " If true/' quoth he, " let it be exprest, " Thou herald sent anon recite : " And was your Earl so bold of breast, " Thus proudly to a prince to write ? 80 THE BATTLE CCCLXVIII. u But since he seems to be so rough, " I swear by sceptre and by crown, " He shall have fighting fill enough, " On Friday, before sun go down, CCCLXIX. " Tor here to God I promise plight, " We never will part, from this same hill, " Till we have tried your Earl's whole might, 11 And given your folks fighting their fill. CCCLXX. " Because he vexed our land of late, " Perchance his stomach is extolled, " But now we will withstand his Grace, " Or thousand heads there shall be polled." CCCLXXI. To presence then he called his peers, To whom he read the Earl's whole bill ; Audience being given, with ireful ears, Some said it came of little skill. CCCLXXIl. An Earl of such a simple shire, To anointed king such words to write ! Some bad the schedule cast in fire, Some for to speak did spare for spite. OF FLODDON. 81 CCCLXXIII. Some said, the herald of his head, Such talk extempore did express, And counselled that they with speed, A Scottish herald should address, CCCLXXIV. To know of the Earl of Surrey plain, If he such message did procure ; And till the time he turned again, The English herald to make sure. CCCLXXV. Whereto the king did soon consent, That Rouge Croix should with them remain, And home with the English trumpet sent Their herald, Hay called by name. CCCLXXVl. Who was commanded for to know Of the Earl and his council sage, If Rouge Croix truth to him did show, Or if he had sent such message ? CCCLXXVII. And if true tidings he had brought, And to his Grace avouched no lie : The king in mind anon forethought, How he the Earl might terrify. M 82 THE BATTLE CCCLXXVIII. He Hay then instructed strait, With letters large and eloquent ; Which done, they soon set forth that night, And towards the English camp they went* CCCLXXIX. But at a little village poor Hay did light, and lodging take; The army was two miles off or more, Whilst clanging trumpets noise did make. CCCLXXX. The night was even at midst well near, And the English lords lying on grass, Till time the trumpet did appear ; And told Earl Surrey all the case, CCCLXXXI. " How that the Scotchmen did detain " Rouge Croix, and credit him would not, " And for to know the truth more plain, " The king himself had sent a Scot " CCCLXXXII. Which he constrained for to stay, And lodged then in a village mean, Lest he their order might display, And so the Scots advantage gain. OF FLODDON. 83 CCCLXXX1II, Which when the Earl had understood, And viewed the Scotchmen's dealings all, He, in a sound and sober mood, Upon his council strait did call. CCCLXXX1V. Where he in presence did repeat The total tale the trumpet told, The council mused with marvel great, Why Scots their herald did with-hold. CCCLXXXV. And causes none they could conjee t, But all surmises were deferred ; And sage advice was then defect, Till they the Scottish herald heard. CCCLXXXVI. Wherefore as soon as Phoebus fair Dame Luna's light and stars did stain, And burning in the fiery chair, His startling steeds haled forth amain, CCCLXXXVII. The Earl then called his council sage, Who soon on horseback did surround ; And every man did bring his page, To hold their horses in that stound. 84 THE BATTLE CCCLXXXVIII. But when they stept within the street, The Scot was scarce from cabbage got, Where he the English Earl did greet, With little courtesy, like a Scot. CCCLXXXIX. Which done, the Earl did then command His message he should manifest, Then Hay quickly out of hand, His chiefest charge anon exprest. cccxc. " My Sovereign Lord/' quoth he, " King James, " Would of your honour gladly hear, " If Rouge Croix was charged in your name, " Such bold words to his Grace to bear. cccxci. " My master doth mistrust his words, " They cannot well be understood ; " Likewise do all our peerless Lords," Then soon he told what Rouge Croix said. cccxcu. Quoth the Earl, " What does thy master mean " Of herald ours to make such dread, " He did not forge the same, nor feign, " Nor do we any favour need. OF FLODDON. 85 cecxcm. u Our herald's words, we will justify, " Who truly did the same reveal ; * His writings too the same will try, " Which of our arms do bear the seal. cccxciv. " Wherefore I of thy master muse, " Our herald why he handleth so. " And 'gainst all reason doth refuse, " Our message to make answer to," cccxcv. Then Hay to the Earl replied, " I say," quoth he, " so said my Lord, " And to your message at this tide, " I shall make answer word for word. cccxcvi. u And for Ford-castle first of all, " AVhich to preserve you make such suit, " To save the same from fire or fall, " My master thereto biddeth mute. cccxcvu. " And for the owner of the fort, " Who William Heron hath to name, " My master says, to show you short, " He will not answer to the same. 86 THE BATTLE CCCXCVIII. " For Johnston and Sir Sandy Hume, " Richard Hume and William Carr, " Our Prince himself in person is come, " Them to redeem by dint of war. cccxcix. " If you your message dare make good, " On Friday next in field to fight, u My master with a manful mood, " To mighty Jove hath promised plight cccc. " For to abide the battle bold, " And give your folks fighting their fill, " And that your Lordship show I should, " So grateful be his Grace until, cccci. " As any Earl all England thorough ; " For if you had such message sent, " To him at home in Edinborough, " He would have answered your intent. ccccn. " Now if with dint of sword you dare, " Abide his Grace in battle bold, " On Friday next, he craves no far, " My message whole now I have told." OF FLODDON. $7 CCCCIII. A thousand thanks, Earl Surrey there, Unto the Royal King did yield, Whose princely heart did not forbear, So simple a lord to meet in field. cccciv. And then a valiant vow he plight, That he the battle bold would bide, And on prefixed day would fight. Which done he did command that tide, ccccv. The Scottish herald Hay kept, Should for a season there sojourn, And in safe custody be kept, Till time that Rouge Croix did return. ccccvi. When this the herald Hay heard, He to the King his servant sent, Who to his Grace all things declared, With the Earl's answer and intent. ccccvu. The King then Rouge Croix did discharge, Who hied home to the Earl in haste, Then Hay was let go at large, When Rouge Croix came, who was kept fast 88 THE BATTLE CCCCVIIK Then Rouge Croix did make true report To the Earl and Captains in like case, As he had seen, and in what sort, The Scottish King encamped was, ccccix. Even on the height of Floddon Hill, Where down below his ordnance lay, So strong that no man's cunning skill To fight with him could find a way. €CCCX. Such mountains steep, such craggy hills, His army on one side did not lose, The other side, great grizzly gills, Did fence about with mire and moss. CCCCXI. Which, when the Earl had understood, He counsel craved of his captains all, Who bad «et forth with manful mood, And take such fortune as would falL CCCCXII. Whereto the Earl did soon consent, And quickly called for a guide, Lest by the way he harm might hent, But hark, what happened that tie. OF FLODDON. 89 CCCCXIII. The army pressed thus to proceed, And all prepared in ranks to fight, Came on a champion then indeed, With sword in hand, in armour bright. ccccxiv. At first his face his helmet hid, Thus plainly have I heard report, Who swiftly by the ranks did ride, And to the Earl did strait resort. ccccxv. The army marvelled at this man, To see him ride in such array, But what he was, or whence he came, None of them all could certain say. ccccxvi. When he the Earl of Surrey saw, From off his stead, he leaped there, And kneeling, gracefully did bow, Holding his horse and quivering spear. ccccxvu. In little time he silence brake, " My Lord," quoth he, " afford some grace ; " Pardon my life for pity's sake, " For now you are in King Henry's place. N 90 THE BATTLE CCCCXVIIT. u Mercy, my Lord, from you I crave, " Freely forgive me mine offence : " Perhaps you shortly may perceive, " Your kindness I shall recompence." ccccxix. Quoth the Earl then, " Tell us thy name : " Perhaps you have done some heinous deed, " And dare not shew thy face for shame, " What is thy fact, declare with speed. ccccxx. " If thou hast wrought some treason, tell r " Or English blood by murder spilt, H Or hast thou been some rude rebell, " Else we will pardon thee thy guilt." CCCCXXI. Then to the Earl he did reply, " My Lord, my crime it is not such ; " The total world I do defy, " No man for treason can me touch. ccccxxn. " I grant indeed I wrong have wrought, " Yet disobedience was the worst ; " Else I am clear from deed or thought, " And to extreams I have been forced. OF FLODDON. 91 CCCCXXIII. u And as for hurting English men, " I never hurt man, maid, or wife, " Howbeit, Scots some nine or ten, " At least, I have bereaved of life, ccccxxiv. " Else I, in time of wealth and want, " Unto my king persisted true, " Wherefore, good Lord, my life now grant, " And then my name I will shortly shew." ccccxxv. Quoth the Earl, then " Pluck up thy heart, " You seem to be a person brave ; u Stand up at once, lay dread apart, " Thy pardon freely thou shalt have. ccccxxvi. u Thou seemest to be a man indeed, " And of thy hands hardy and wight, " Of such a man we will stand in need, " Perchance at Friday next at night." ccccxxvu. Then on his feet he started strait, And thanked the Earl for that good tide, Then on his horse he leaped light, Sayijig, " My Lord, ye lack a guide, 92 THE BATTLE CCCCXXVIII. " But I shall you conduct full strait " To where the Scots encamped are; " I know of old the Scottish sleight, " And crafty stratagems of war. ccccxxix. " Thereto experience hath me taught, " Now I will shew you who I am ; " On borders here I was up brought, " And Bastard Heron is my name." ccccxxx. " What/' quoth the Earl, " Bastard Kferon, " He dyed at least now two years since, " Betwixt Newark and Northampton, " He perished through the pestilence. CCCCXXXI. H Our king to death had deemed the man, u 'Cause he the Scottish warden slew, H And on our borders first began " Those raging wars for to renew. ccccxxxn. " But God his purpose did prevent, " He died of the plague, to prove, " King Henry his death did since lament, " He wond'rous well the man did love. OF FLODDON. 93 CCCCXXXIII. u Would God thy tale were true this tide, " Thou Bastard Heron might be found, u Thou in this gate should be our guide, " I know right well you know the ground." ccccxxxiv. u I am the same," said he again, And therewith did unfold his face: Each person then perceived him plain, That done, he opened all the case. ccccxxxv. Quoth he " When I the Scots warden " Had with my blade bereaved of life, " I knew well I should get no pardon, " But sure I was to suffer death. CCCCXXXVI. " In haste King Henry for me sent, " To whom I durst not disobey : " So towards London strait I went, " But, hark, what I wrought by the way. CCCCXXXVII. " I nothing but the truth shall note : " That time in many a town and borough, " The pestilence was raging hot, " And raging, reigned all England thorough. 94 THE BATTLE CCCCXXXVIII. " So coming to a certain town, " I said I was infected sore ; " And in a lodge they laid me down, " Where company I had no more ; ccccxxxix. u But my own secret servants three, " AVho, fraid of townsmen, careful watched ; " So in that stead no more staid I, " But homeward by the dark dispatched. CCCCXL. u My servants secretly that night, " Did frame a corps in cunning sort; " And on the morning, soon as light, " My death did ruefully report. CCCCXLI. " And so my servants on that morn " The corps to bury soon were bound ; " Crying, Alas ! like men forlorn, " And seemed for sorrow to fall down. CCCCXLII. " The corps they cunningly conveyed, " And made the bell aloud be rung ; " And money to the priest they paid, u And service for my soul was sung. OF FLODDON. 95 CCCCXLIII. u Which done, they tidings strait did bring " Unto King Henry, I was dead ; " * Christ have his soul/ then said the king, " l For sure he should have lost his head. CCCCXLIV. " i If he up to the court had come, " ' I promised had so, by St. Paul, " i But since God did prevent our doom, " ' Almighty Christ forgive his saul/ CCCCXLV. " To mansion mine, I came at last, " By journeys nimbly, all by night; H And now two years or more are past " Since openly I came in sight. CCCCXLVI. " No wight did know but I was dead " Save my three servants and my wife ; " Now am I start up in this stead, " And come again from death to life." CCCCXLVII. So said, the lords and knights of fame, From laughing loud could not refrain ; To hear his Gando, had good game, And of his welfare all were fain. 90 THE BATTLE CCCCXLVIII. Whose policy they had perceived, And oftentimes his truth had tried, Which was the cause so sore they craved, This Heron grave to be their guide. CCCCXLIX. Read the Fourth Part, it makes an end Of Heron's story, and the fight. Let young and old to this attend, It will give instruction with delight. OF FLQDDQN. 97 PART IV FIT VIL CCCCL. Then forth before brave Heron flew, The borderers bold to him did draw, The total army did ensue, And came that night to Wooler-Haugh. CCCCLI. The English Lords there lodged their host, Because the place was plain and dry ; And was within six miles at most, Whereas their enemies did lie. CCCCLII. The morrow next they were removed, Though weather was both foul and ill, Along down by a pleasant flood, Which called is, the Water of Till. 98 THE BATTLE CCCCLIII. And all that day they viewed in sight. Whereas the Scots for battle stood, Because the day was spent, that night The army lodged at Barmoor-wood. CCCCLIV. Then valiantly, with the vanguard, The morrow next, with mature skill, The Admiral did march forward, And passed over the water of Till. CCCCLV. At Twizel-bridge, with ordnance, And other engines fit for war, His father eke did forth advance, And at Millfield from thence not far, CCCCLVI. With the rereward, the river past, All ready in ranks and battle-array, They had no need more time to waste, For victuals they had none that day. CCCCLVIl. But black fasting as they were born, From flesh or fish, or other food ; Drink had they none two days before, But water won in running flood. OF FLODDON. 99 CCCCLVIII. Yet they such stedful faiths did bear Unto their king and native land ; Each one to other then did swear, 'Gainst foes to fight while they could stand. CCCCLIX. And never flee, while life did last, But rather die by dint of sword : Thus over plains and hills they past, Until they came to Sandyford. CCCCLX. A brook, of breadth a taylor's yard, Where the Earl of Surrey thus did say, " Good fellow soldiers be not afraid, " But fight it out like men this day. CCCCLXI. " Like Englishmen now play your parts, " Bestow your strokes with stomach bold, " Ye know the Scottish toward hearts, " And how we have scourged them of old. CCCCLX1I. " Strike but three strokes with stomach stout, " And shoot each man sharp arrows three, ■" And you shall see without all doubt, " The scolding Scots begin to flee, 100 THE BATTLE CCCCLXIH. " Think on your country's commonwealth, " In what estate the same shall stand, " To Englishmen no hopes of health, " If Scotsmen gain the upper hand. CCCCLXIV. " If we should not them boldly bide, " But, cowards-like, froth them should turn ; " All England north, from Trent to Tweed, " The haughty Scots would harry and burn. CCCCLXV. " Your faithful wives, and daughters pure, " They would not stick for to defile ; " Of life none could be safe and sure, " But murdered be by villains vile. CCCCLXVI. " But if you will fight like souls most fierce, " So that by force we win the field, " My tongue cannot tell and rehearse " What plenteous soil we then shall wield. CCCCLXVII. w Besides all that, perpetual praise " Throughout all ages we shall gain, " And quietly pass out our da\'s ; " And in a lasting peace remain/' OF FLODDON. 101 CCCCLXVIII. u Agreed ;"— the soldiers then replied, And to the Earl they promised plight, " There on that bent boldly to bide, " And never flee, but fiercely fight;" CCCCLXIX. Then marched forth the men of war, And every band their banners shewed ; And trumpets hoarse were heard afar, And harness glittering was viewed. CCCCLXX. Thus they past forth along the plain, And strait forth by a valley low ; Whence up above, on the mountain, The Scotch army they clearly saw. CCCCLXXI. Which they did leave on the left hand, And past forth on the Surrey side, Till twixt the Scots and Scottish land, They were conducted by their guide. CCCCLXXII. Now all this while the King of Scots Beheld them fair before his eyne, Within his mind drove many doubts, Musing what the English did mean. 102 THE BATTLE CCCCLXXIII. Giles Musgrave, then, a gainful Greek, And friend familiar with the king, Said, " Now, Sir King, if you do seek, " To know the English men's meaning, CCCCLXXIV, u You better notice cannot have, " Than that which I to you shall tell, ■ u What they forecast, I full conceive, " I know their meaning passing well. CCCCLXXVv " Your marches they mean for to sack, *' And borders yours to harry and burn, u Wherefore it's best that we go back, u From such intent them for to turn." CCCCLXXVI. This Musgrave was a man of skill, And spake this for a policy, To cause the king come down the hill, That so the battle tried might be. CCCCLXXVII. The king gave credit to his words, Trusting his talk was void of train, He, with consent of all his lords, Did march with speed down to the plain. OF FLODDON. 103 CCCCLXXVIII. By north there was another hill, Which Branxton-hill is called by name, The Scots there scoured with right good will, Lest the English men should get the same. CCCCLXXIX. The litter which they left behind, And other filth on fire they set, Whose dusty smoak the light did blind, That both the armies soon they met* CCCCLXXX. For when the weather waxed clear And smoak consumed within a while, The armies both in distance were, Not past a quarter of a mile. CCCCLXXXI. Then the Admiral did plain aspect The Scots arrayed in battles four, The man was sage and circumspect, And soon perceived that his power CCCCLXXXII. So great a strength could not gainstand, Wherefore he to his father sent, Desiring him strait out of hand, With the rereward ready to be bent, 104 THE BATTLE CCCCLXXXIII. And join with him in equal ground : Whereto the Earl agreed anon, Then drums struck up with dreadful sounds And trumpets blew with doleful tune. cccclxxxiv. Then sounding bows were soon up bent, Some did their arrows sharp up take, Some did in hand their halbards hent, Some rusty bills did ruffling shake. OF FLODDON. 105 FIT VIIL CCCCLXXXV. Then ordnance great anon out-brast, On either side, with thundering thumps, And roaring guns with fire fast, Then levelled out great leaden lumps. CCCCLXXXVI. With rumbling rage thus Vulcan's art, Began this fierce and dreadful fight, But the arch-gunner on the English part, The master Scot did mark so right, CCCCLXXXVII. That he with bullet brust his brain, And hurled his heels his head above, Then piped he such a peal again, The Scots he from their ordnance drove. CCCCLXXXVIII. So by the Scots artillery, The Englishmen no harm did hend; But the English gunner grievously, Them tennis-balls did sousing send, 106 THE BATTLE CCCCLXXXIX. Into the midst of the enemies' ranks, Where they in furious rage down rushed, Some shouting laid with broken shanks, Some crying laid with numbers crushed. ccccxc. Thus Englishmen with bombard shot, Their enemies down thick they threw ; But yet the Scots, with stomach stout, Their broken ranks did still renew. ccccxci. And when the roaring guns did cease To handy strokes they hied apace ; And with their total power did press, To join with enemies face to face. ccccxcn. Then Englishmen, a feathered flight Sent out anon from sounding bow, Which wounded many a warlike wight ; And many a groom to ground did throw. ccccxcm. The gray-goose wings did work such grief And did the Scots so scour and skail ; For in their battle, to be brief, They rattling flew as rank as hail. OF FLODDON. 107 cccexciv. That many a soldier on the soil, Lay dead that day through dint of dart, The arrows keen kept such a coil, And wounded many to the heart. ccccxcv. They pierced the scalp of many a Scot, So that on ground they groaning fell, Some had his shoulder quite through shot, Some losing life, did loudly yelh CCCCXCVI. One from his leg the lance would pull, Another through his stomach stricked ; Some bleeding, bellowed like a bull, Some were through privy members pricked. ccccxcvu. But yet the Scots still stout did stand, Till arrow-shot at last was done, And then they went to strokes of hand, And at the last did battle join. ccccxcvin. Then on the English part with speed, The bills stept forth, and bows went back, The Moorish pikes, and mells of lead, Did deal there many a dreadful thwack. I OS THE JBATTLK CCCCXCIX The Englishmen stretcht east and west, And southward did their faces set; The Scotchmen northward proudly prest, And manfully their foes they met. d. First, westward of a wing there was Sir Edmund Howard, captain chief, With whom did pass, in equal mace, Sir Bryan Tunstall, to be brief. DI, With whom encountered a strong Scot, Who was the king's chief chamberlain, Lord Hume by name, of courage hot, Who manfully marched them again. DII. Ten thousand Scots, well tried and told, Under his standard stout he led ; When the Englishmen did him behold, For fear at first they would have fled, Dili. Had not the valiant Tunstall been Who still stept on with stomach stout, Crying, " Come on, good countrymen, " Now fiercely lot us fight it out. OF FLODDON. 10Q DIV. 44 Let not the number of our foes, 44 Your manful hearts minish or shake, " Nor never let the world suppose, * That Scotchmen made us turn our back. DV. 44 Like doughty lads, let us rather die, 44 And from our blood take all rebuke : " With edged tools now let us try ;" Then from the ground he mould up took, DVI. And did the same in mouth receive In token of his Maker dear ; Which, when his people did perceive, His r valiant heart renewed their chear. DVII. Then first before, in foremost ray, The trusty Tunstall bold forth sprung ; His stomach could no longer stay, But thundering thrust into the throng. DVIII. And as true men did make report In present place which did on look, He was the first for to be short, On the English part, that proffered stroke. HO THE BATTLE DIX. All those that he with halbert wrought, He made to stagger in that stound ; And many a man to ground he brought. And dealt there many a deadly wound. DX. And forward still 'gainst foes he flew, And threshing turned them all to teen ; Where he a noble Scotchman slew, Who called was Sir Malkin Keene. DXI. He still his foes pursued fast, And weapon in Scotch blood he warmed, And slaughter lashed, till at the last The Scots so thick about him swarmed, DXII. That he from succour covered was, And from his men which Scots had skailed, Yet for all that he kept his place, He fiercely fought, and never failed. DXIII. Till with an edged sword one came, And at his legs below did dash ; And near a score of Scots, the same, Upon his helmet high did clash. OF FLODDON. Ill DXIV. Though he could not withstand such strength, Yet never would he flee nor yield, Alas ! for want of aid, at length, He slain was fighting in the field. DXV. Down fell this valiant active knight, His body great, on ground did lie; But up to Heaven, with angels bright, His golden ghost did fluttering fly. DXVI. Who, now, intombed, lies at a church, Carved out in stone to shew his fate, That though, b)^ fate, left in the lurch, He died a death renowned and great. DXVII. After his fall the people fled, And all that wing did fall to wrack, Some fighting fierce died in the stead, The rest for terror turned their back. dxviii. Save Sir Edmund Howard all alone, Who with his standard-bearer yet, Seeing his folks all fled and gone ; In haste to vanguard hyed to get, 1 12 THE BATTLE DXIX. But he Scot-free had not so 'scaped, For why, right hot Sir David Hume, With troop of horse had him entrapped, Had not John Bastard Heron come DXX. With half a score of horsemen light, Crying, " Now Howard, have good heart, " For unto death till we be dight, " I promise here to take thy part." DXXI. Which heard then Howard's heart up drew, And with the spearmen forth he sprung, And fierce among their foes they flew, Where David Hume down dead they flung. J)XXII. Then many a Scot that stout did stand, With dreadful stroke they did reward ; So Howard, through bold Heron's hand, Came safe and sound to the vanguard. DXXIII. Where the Admiral, with strength extent, Then in the field fierce fighting was, 'Gainst whom in battle bold was bent, Two Scotch Earls of an ancient race. OF FLODDON. 113 DXXIV. One Crawford called, the other Montross, Who led twelve thousand Scotchmen strong, Who manfully met with their foes, With leaden mells and lances long. DXXV. Their battering blows made solid sound, There many a sturdy stroke was given ; And many a baron brought to ground, And many a banner broad was riven. DXXVI. But yet, in fine, through mighty force The Admiral quit himself so well, And wrought so, that the Scots had worst. For down in field both Earls they fell. DXXVII. Now the Earl Surrey next by east, Most fiercely 'gainst his foes he fought ; 'Gainst whom King James, in battle prest, With banners blazed, his battle brought. DXXVIII. Under which was many a baron bold, And many a lord of lusty blood ; And trusty knights well tried and told ; With mitred prelates passing proud, Q 114 THE BATTLE DXXIX. With the Earl of Caithness and Cassel, The Earl of Morton and of Mar ; With Errol, Addel], and Atholl, With Bothwell bold and of Glencalr. DXXX. Lord Lovett led a lusty power, So Clustone, Inderby, and Ross ; Lord Maxwell, with his brethern four, Lord Borthwick, Bargeny, and Forbes. DXXXI. Lord Erskine, Sinclair, and Sempel, With them well tried a mighty sum ; All with the king came down the hill, With Cawell, Kay, and Caddy Hume, DXXXII. With Captains great and commons stout, 'Bove twenty thousand men at least, All with the king most fierce on foot, Against their foes themselves addrest, DXXXIII. Now the Earl of Surrey on the English side Encouraged his soldiers keen, Crying, " Good fellows, strike this tide, " Let now your valiant acts be seen." OF FLODDON. 1 15 DXXXIV. Then spears and pikes to work were put, And blows with cutting axes dealt. Then towering helmets through were cut, That some their wounds scarce ever felt. DXXXV. On one side death triumphant reigned And stopt their pains as well as groans ; Of those who piercing wounds had gained, The hills did eccho with the moans. DXXXVI. Then on the Scottish part right proud The Earl of Bothwell did out-burst, And stepping forth with stomach good; Unto the English fierce did thrust. DXXXVII. And " Bothwell Bqthwell," cried bold, To cause his soldiers to ensue ; But there he catched a welcome cold ; A valiant Englishman him slew. DXXXVIII. Thus Herbert, through his haughty heart His fatal end in conflict found ; Now all this while, on either part, Was dealt full many a deadly wound. 116 THE BATTLE DXXX1X. On either side were soldiers slain And stricken down with strength of hand, That who should win, none could say plain, The victory in doubt did stand. Of FLODDON. 117 FJT IX. DXL. But at the last great Stanley stout, Came marching up the mountain steep; His folks could hardly fast their feet, Forced on hands and knees to creep. DXLI. Some from the leg the boot would draw, That loose it might take the better hold, Some from the foot the shoe would thraw ; Thus of true men I have been told. DXL1I. The sweat down from their bodies ran, And hearts did hop in panting breast, Until the mountain-top they wan, In warlike-wise ere Scotsmen wist. DXLIII. Where for a while brave Stanley staid, Until his folks had taken breath ;_ To whom at last even thus he said, " Most hardy mates, down from this heath, 118 THE BATTLE DXLIV. u Against our foes fast let us hye, " Our valiant countrymen to aid ; u With fighting fierce, much fear have I, " Lest that they should be overlaid. DXLV. " My Lancashire most lively wights, " And chosen men from Cheshire strong ; " With sounding bow your feathered flights " Let fiercely fly your foes among. DXLVI. " March down from this high mountain-top, " And brunt of battle let us bide " With stomach stout, let us make no stop, " Stanley will be to you a guide. DXLVII. " A scourge for Scots my father was, " He Berwick town from them did gain; u No doubt but ere this day shall pass, " His son like fortune shall obtain. DXLVIII. " And now the Earl of Surrey sore " The Scots, I see, beset this tide ; " But since with foes he fights before, " We will suddenly set on the side." OF FLODDON. 119 DXLIX. The noise then made the mountains ring, And " Stanley stout/' they all did cry : Out went anon the grey-goose wing, And amongst the Scots did fluttering fly. DL. And though the Scots at Stanley's name Were stonished sore, yet stout they stood ; And for defence did fiercely frame, A narrow dint of dangerous bode. DLL Lord Borthwick, Bargeny, and Forbes, With them ten thousand Scotsmen strong; Endured death through danger's force, Alas ! for them, they staid too long. DLII. Which when Lord Stanley stout did see, Into the throng, he thundering thrust; " My Lancashire brave lads," quoth he, " Down with the Scots this day we must." DL1II. Then foes he forced to break their ray, And many a life was lost that while, No voice was heard but kill and slay, Down goes the Scots Earl of Argyle. 100 THE BATTLE DL1V. The Earl of Lenox, luck had like, He slain was fighting fierce that tide t Lord Forbes, Bargeny, and Borthwick, Upon that bent did breathless bide. DLV. And so the Earl of Huntley's hap Had been resembled to the rest, But that through skill he made escape, AVith an English blade he had been blest. DLVI. For having near a horse at hand, On him he scouring 'scaped away, Else doubtless, as the case did stand, On Floddon-hill he had died that day. DLVII. After these Lords were dead or fled, And companies left captainless ; Their soldiers then did fly with speed : With souls of horror and distress. BLVI1I. Whom Stanley, with his total strength Swiftly pursues unto the plain, Where, on the king he light at kngth : Who fighting was with all his main. OF FLODDON. 121 DUX. When his approach the king perceived, With stomach stout he him withstood ; His Scots right bravely then behaved, And battle boldly there abode, DLX. Then showers of arrows fierce were shot, Which did each side so pierce and gaul, That ere they came to handy strokes, Great numbers on the ground did fall. DLXI* The king himself was wounded sore, An arrow in his forehead light, That he could scarce fight any more, The blood so blemished his sight, DLXII. " Fight on, my men," the king then said, " Yet fortune she may turn the scale, " And for my wounds be not dismayed, " Nor ever let your courage fail." DLXIII. Thus dying, did he brave appear Till shades of death did close his eyes. Till then he did his soldiers chear, And raise their courage to the skies, 122 THE BATTLE DLXIV. But what availed his valour great Or bold device, it was all in vain : His captains keen failed at his feet, And standard-bearer too was slain. DLXV. The archbishop of St. Andrews brave, King James his son in base begot, That doleful day did death receive, With many a lusty Lord-like Scot. DLXVI. Lord Erskine, Sinclair, and Sempel, Morton and Fair for all their power, The Earl of Erroll and Atholl, Lord Maxwell, with his brethren four. DLXVII. And last of all, amongst the lave, King James himself to death gave way, Yet by whose hands none could perceive, But Stanley still most like was he. DLXVIII. After the king and captains slain, The commons strait did fall to ground. The Englishmen pursued amain, And never ceased till sun went down. OF FLO D DON". BLXIX. Then the Earl Surrey caused to sound A trumpet to retreat anon ; And captains caused to keep their ground, Till morrow next while night was gone. DLXX. And the English soldiers all that night, Although they weary were with toil ; Of Scotsmen costly slain in fight, Of jewels rich spared not to spoil. DLXXI. The carcase of the king himself Naked was left as it was found, The Earl could not know it right, Searching the same upon the ground. DLXXII. Till the Lord Dacres, at the last, By certain signs did know the king ; His corps in a cart being placed They to Newcastle did it bring. DLXXIII. Twelve thousand Scots it seems were slain, Of English but five thousand fell; But fifteen hundred, others plain, As words can make it, to us tell. 124 THE BATTLE DLXXIV. Great store of guns were likewise taken, Amongst the rest seven culverines ; Seven sisters called, which do remain, To be talked of to latest times. DLXXV. King Janjes's body was embalmed, Sweet, like a king, and then was sent To Shene in Surrey, where intombed, Some say there is now a monument. DLXXVI. But Bryan Tunstall, that brave knight, A never-dying honour gains ; And will, as long as day and night, Or as this little book remains. DLXXVII. Thus have you heard of Floddon fight, Worthy of each to be commended ; Because that then old England's right Was bravely by her sons defended. NOTES TO THE BATTLE OF FLODDON N. denotes words that are spoken in the N'ortB. Page i. The First Fit, i. e. the First Division, or Part. See Dr. Percy's ingenious note in the Reliques of Anc. Eng. Poetry, Vol. II. p. 166. Stanza I. Cease. Perhaps the Author means omit > forbear. Cease, omitto. Litt. Diet. 6. Great Howard.] Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, was knighted for his remarkable courage at the battle of Barnet. He was made Knight of the Garter, i Ric. III. He was taken prison- er in the battle of Bosworth, and committed to the Tower by Hen. VII. and attainted by parliament. K. Henry asked him, how he durst bear arms in behalf of that tyrant Richard; to which he answered, " He was my crowned King, and if the parliamentary authority of England set the crown upon a stock, I will fight for that stock ; and as I fought then for him, I will fight for you, when you are established by the said authority." In the rebellion against the King, by the Earl of Lincoln, the Lieutenant of the Tower of- fered the Earl of Surrey the keys of the Tower, in order to set himself at liberty; but he replied, "That he would not be deli- vered by any power, but by that which had committed him/* After he had been in prison three years and a half, the King gave him his liberty ; and knowing his worth and nice sense of honour. 126 NOTES. he took him into favour, and delivered up to him all his estates. The Earl took all occasions of relieving the oppressed subjects; and was accounted one of the ablest and greatest men in the king- dom. The Scots made an irruption into England, and besieged Norham-castle : The Earl raised the siege, took the castle of Ay- ton, and made all the country round a desart. James IV. of Scot- land, incensed at this, sent a herald with a challenge to him, to which he made a sensible and spirited answer; u That his life be- longed to the King, whilst he had the command of his army ; but when that was ended, that he would fight the King on horseback, or on foot ; adding, that, if he took the King prisoner in the com- bat, he would release him without any ransom ; and that if the King should vanquish him, he would then pay such a sum for his liberty, as was competent for the degree of an Earl." A. 1501, the Earl was Lord High Treasurer. In June, 1502, Margaret, the King's daughter, a beautiful Princess, at the age of fourteen years, was attended by the Earl of Surrey, with a great company of Lords, Ladies, Knights, and Squires, to the town of Berwick, whence she was conveyed to St. Lambert's church in Lamyrmoor, where K. James, attended by the chief nobility, received her, and carried her to Edinburgh. The next day after her arrival there, she was with great solemnity married unto him, in the presence of all his nobles. The King gave great entertainments to the English, whom the Scotch noblemen and ladies far outshone, both in costly apparel, rich jewels, massy chains, habiliments set with goldsmith's work, garnished with pearl, and stones of price, and in gallant and well trapped horses. They made also great feasts for the English Lords and Ladies, and showed them just- ing, and other pleasant pastimes, as good as could be devised after the manner of Scotland. Diverse Ladies of (^Margaret's train remained in Scotland, and were afterwards well married to No- blemen. Les/y. Holinshed. Q^ Margaret's portion was io,oool. Her jointure from K. James 2000I. a year, and she received pin-money from him annu- ally, 331I. 6s. 8d. NOTES. 12J In 1507, two years before the death of Hen. VII. the Earl was Embassador to the K. of France. 1 Hen. VIII. He was made Earl Marshal for life. A. 1511, he was one of the Commissioners at the Court of Arragon. When Hen. VIII. heard, that the Scots were preparing to invade England, he said, " That he had left a Nobleman who would defend his subjects from insults." After the battle of Floddon, the Earl himself presented K. James's ar- mour to the Queen Regent. When the King returned from France, he gave the Earl an augmentation of his arms, viz. to bear on the bend the upper part of a Red Lion, depicted in the same manner as the arms of Scotland, pierced through the mouth with an arrow. A. 1514, the Earl was created Duke of Norfolk, and a grant was given him in special tail of several manors. He hated, and opposed Cardinal Wolsey, because he advised the King to pursue measures hurtful to the liberties of the people. Finding that this opposition availed nothing, he resigned his port, and reti- red from Court. He died A. 1524. 13. Teen. Harm ', injury, N. 18. Mack, or make. Match, equal. Mackless, matchless. N. 18. Latham-house, near Ormskirk, in Lancashire, is famous for sustaining a siege of two years, against the Parliament-army, being most gallantly defended by a lady, Charlotte, Countess of Derby; who never could be brought to capitulate, but maintained the place, till Prince Rupert came with the King's forces, and com- pelled the enemy to raise their siege, A. 1644. 37. In the old ballad, entitled Sir Andrew Barton, the bowman who shot Sir Andrew, is by a mistake called Horsely. It was a Yorkshire gentleman that killed him, of the name of Hustler. The last male descendant of that ancient and opulent family, James Hustler, Esq. of Acklam Hall, in Cleveland, near Stock- ton, was buried in a grand manner, A. 1768. 39. Tour warden,] Sir Robert Carr was made by James IV. his chief butler, engineer, and warden of the middle marches. He was much esteemed by the King for his virtuous qualities. He was a severe punisher of the English and Scotch border-robbers, 128 NOTES. therefore they were determined to destroy him. At a solemn meeting between the English and Scotch, in order to reclaim stolen goods, altercations arose, when three desperate Englishmen, John Heron the Bastard, Lilburn, and Starhed, fell upon him; one of whom stabbed him with a spear in the back, and the other two dispatched him. Henry VII. enraged at this villainous ac- tion, delivered John Heron, Laird of Ford, brother to the Bastard, and Lilburn to the Scots, who imprisoned them in Fastcastle Tower in the Mers, where the latter died. • The Bastard and Starhed hid themselves in the interior parts of England, until the reign of Henry VIII. when the Bastard, trusting to the power of his relations, appeared openly at his own house, and privately sent thieves into Scotland to disturb the peace. Starhed thought him- self safe, having built a house at the distance of ninety miles from the Border. But Andrew Carr, the son of Sir Robert, prevailed upon two of his dependants, of the name of Tate, to disguise themselves, who entered Starhed's house in the night, and brought away his head to Andrew, who fixed it in one of the most conspi- cuous places of the city of Edinburgh. The Bastard flourished many years, till A. t'5^4, when he, with 900 Englishmen entered the marches of Scotland. After a stout battle with the Scots, 300 Englishmen were taken prisoners, and the Bastard slain. Holinsbed. Others write, that 300 Scots were taken, ami that the rest fled. And that Sir Ralph Fenwick, Leonard Musgrave, and the Bastard, with thirty other horsemen, having pursued the Scots too far, were overcome by them. Fenwick, Musgrave, and six others being taken prisoners, and the Bastard killed: whose death the Scots thought to be a very ample recompence for the loss of their aoo men. Hall. Which of these two contrary accounts are we to believe ? If we estimate, by the price, the credit of the old chronicle of Holinshed printed in 1586, we shall have no mean opinion of it ; for his his- tory is sold by the booksellers for 61. 16s. 6d. 47. Millners. Millers are now so called about Leeds. NOTES. 129 49. Bodword. An ominous message, Bodwords are now used to express ill-natured errands, N. 51. A half moon , &c] The silver crescent is the badge of the Percys, supposed to have been assumed by one of that noble fami- ly, who had been in an expedition, against the Saracens, in the Holy Land. Vide Dr. Percy's note. Rel. of Anc. English Poetry. Vol. I. p. 227, 2d Edition. 57. Lave. The rest. N. 58. Dun bulls were the supporters of the arms of Nevil, Earl of Westmoreland. 60. Earl of Westmoreland.] It is remarkable that the last Nevil, Earl of Westmoreland, was one of the most unfortunate, and the first Earl one of the happiest men in the world; both with respect to his vast possessions, his grand alliance by marriage, the number of his children, and the high honours to which they arrived. Ralph, Lord Nevil, of Raby Castle, in the County of Durham, commonly called the great Earl of Westmoreland, obtained this title from Richard II. A. 1397. He had twenty children. By his first wife, Margaret, nine. 1. John, his eldest son, Lord Nevil, &c. 2. Ralph, in the right of Mary his wife, Lord Ferrars, of Ously. 3. Maud, married to Peter, Lord Mauley. 4. Alice, married to Sir Thomas Gray. 5. Philippa, married to Thomas, Lord Dacres, of Gilsland. 6. Margaret, married to the Lord Scroope, of Bolton. 7. Ann, married to Sir Gilbert Humfreville. 8. Margerie, Abbess of Barking. 9. Elizabeth, a Nun. By his second wife, Joan, daughter of John of Gaunt, sister of the Duke of Exeter, and the Bishop of Winchester, and half-sister of Hen. IV. he had eleven children. 1. Richard, Earl of Salisbury. % William, in the right of Joan his wife, Lord Faulconbridge. 3. George, Lord Latimer. 4. Edward, Lord Abergavenny. S IJ° NOTES. 5. Robert, Bishop of Durham. 6. Thomas, in the right of his wife, lord Seymour. 7. Catharine, married to Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. 8. Eleanor, married to Henry, Earl of Northumberland. 9. Ann, married to Humphrey, Duke of Buckingham. 10. Jane, a Nun. ii. Cicely, married to Richard, Duke of York, and mother to King Edward IV. Concerning the above-mentioned Bishop of Winchester, I shall give the reader an extract from a sermon of Bishop Latimer, preached before King Edward VI. A. 1549. " There was a bishop of Winchester, in King Henry VI.'s days, which King was but a child, and yet were there many good acts made in his childhood, and I do not read that they were broken. This Bishop was a great man born, and did bear such a stroke, that he was able to shoulder the Lord Protector. Well; it chanced, that the Lord Protector and he fell out, and the Bishop would bear nothing at all with him, but played me the Satrapa, so that the Regent of France was fain to be sent for, from beyond the seas, to set them at one, and to go between them. For the Bishop was as able to buckle with the Lord Protector, as he was with him. Was not this a good prelate ? He should have been at home a preaching in his Diocese in a wanian. This Protector was so noble and godly a man, that he was called of every man, the good Duke Humphrey. He kept such a house, as never was kept since in England, without any enhancing of rents I warrant you, or any such matter. And the Bishop, for standing so stiffly by the matter, and bearing up the order of our mother, the holy church, was made Cardinal at Calais, and thither the Bishop of Rome sent him a Cardinal's hat. He should have had a Tyburn-tippet, a half- penny halter, and all such proud prelates. These Romish hearts never brought good into England. " Upon this, the Bishop goeth me to the Queen Margaret, the King's wife, a proud woman, and a stout, and persuaded her, that if the Duke were in such authority still, and lived, the people NOTES. 131 would honour him more than they did the king, and the king should not be set by ; and so between them, I cannot tell how it came to pass, but at St. Edmunds Bury, in a parliament, the good Duke Humphrey was smothered." A. 1414, the Earl of Westmoreland was Warden of the Marches, and was said to have been a man of great gravity, wisdom, and ex- perience. He died A. 1425, and was buried in the Cathedral church of Durham, on the south side of it, between two pillars. On the top of a square tomb, lie the effigies of himseif and his lady in alabaster. On the four sides thereof are carved eighteen of his children ; one of which seems to represent Robert, Bishop of Dur- ham, by a canonical habit, and his hands elevated in a supplicating posture. This monument, and that of his son John, the second Earl of Westmoreland, near to it, were defaced by the Scots, of whom 4500 after the battle of Dunbar were imprisoned in the Cathedral. The Earl of Westmoreland earnestly petitioned the prior and convent, that they would suffer him to be buried under the same roof, with St. Cuthbert. This high honour was granted to him, the first layman, that ever obtained it, in consideration of the many magnificent presents given by him and his Countess to that saint. The grand Anthony Beck, who commonly had in his retinue 140 knights, was the first Bishop that was buried in the church of Durham. Charles, the last Earl of Westmoreland, of this name of Nevil, after his unsuccessful rebellion against Que?n Elizabeth, by which he forfeited an estate of 30,0001 per annum, fled into Flanders, where he lived in penury, upon a small, and ili-pail pension given to him by the King of Spain. He died miserably, according to Speed, affected with ulcers,rA. 1584. Pilkinton, Bishop of Durham, commenced a suit against Queen Elizabeth for the Earl of Westmoreland's goods and estate lying within his diocese. But the Queen prevailed, because, at a great expense, she had protected the Bishoprick, and the Bishop against 13^ NOTES. the rebels, who sought for his two infant daughters to kill them. But they escaped, being conveyed away in beggar's cloaths. The Princesses Mary and Elizabeth had each of them a portion of io,oool. left to them by the will of their father, Henry VIII. of which there is a MS. copy in the library of Caius and Gonville college in Cambridge. Queen Elizabeth being told that Dr. Pilkinton had given io,oocl. in marriage with his daughter, was highly offended, that a prelate's daughter should dare to have a portion equal to that of a Princess, and therefore she took away from the Bishoprick of Durham ioool. a year, and gave it to the garrison of Berwick, for their better maintenance. Of the above-named family of Nevil, it hath been observed, that there were six Earls of Westmoreland. Two Earls of Salis- bury and Warwick. An Earl of Kent. A Marquis of Montague. A Duke of Bedford, Baron Ferrars of Ously. Barons of Lati- mer, and Barons of Abergavenny. One Queen. Five Duchesses. Not to mention Countesses, Baronesses, and a numerous race of nobles. Of this family also was George Nevil, Archbishop of York, famous for the prodigious feast which he made at his instal- lation about the year 1470, In the bill of fare are 4000 woodcocks, 4000 cold venison pasties, 8 seals, and 4 porpoises. About seven years after, he made another feast for Edward IV. who seized on all his estate, and sent him over a prisoner to Calais, in France, where he was kept bound in extreme poverty. An ancestor of the Nevils was named Hugh, who attended Richard I. into the holy war, and was one of his great favourites. This Hugh Nevil slew a lion in the holy land, first driving an ar- row into his breast, and then running him through with a sword. This verse was made upon him : Viribus Hugonis, vires periere Leonis. The strength of Hugh A lion slew. NOTES. 133 He was buried about the year 1220, under a marble monument in the church of Waltham- Abbey in Essex. Amongst the Normans, who came into England with William the Conqucrer, we find the name of Nevil, in a roll of Battel Abby. After the account given of the felicity of the first Earl of West- moreland, I shall entertain the reader, with a short history, not less extraordinary, of a Countess of Shrewsbury, a beautiful, wise, and most fortunate Lady, Elizabeth, daughter of John Hardwick, of Hardwick, in Derbyshire, Esq. ; by the death of her brother a co-heiress. Before she was fourteen years of age, she married Robert Barley, in Derbyshire, Esq. a young gentleman of a large estate, all which he settled upon her, on their marriage. By his death, she continued a widow twelve years, and then married William Cavendish, of Chatsworth, Esq. by whom she had, — 1. Henry, who was possessed of considerable estates in Derbyshire, but settled at Tutbury, in Staffordshire. 2. William, the first Earl of Devonshire. 3. Charles, who was settled at Welbeck, in Nottinghamshire, father of William, Duke of Newcastle; and three daughters,— 1. Frances, who married Sir Henry Pierpoint, of Holm-Pierpoint, in Nottinghamshire, from whom the Dukes of Kingston are descended. 2. Elizabeth, who married Charles Stuart, Earl of Lenox, younger brother to the father of King James I. by whom she was the mother of that incomparable lady, Arabella, so nearly related to the crown, that she was sacrificed in the Tower. 3. Mary. After the death of Sir William Caven- dish, which happened, A. 1557, this lady rejected many offers, and then married Sir William St Lowe, captain of the guard to Queen Elizabeth, who had a large estate in Gloucestershire, which in the marriage- articles she took care should be settled on her, and her own heirs, in default of issue. And accordingly, having no child by him, she lived to enjoy his whole estate, excluding as v/ell his bro- thers, who were heirs-male, as his own female issue by a former lady. In this third widowhood, the charms of her wit and beau- ty captivated the greatest snbjedl in the kingdom, George Talbot, 134 NOTES. Earl of Shrewsbury, whom she brought to terms of the highest honour and advantage to herself and her children. For he not only gave her a large jointure, but also consented to an union of their families, by taking Mary her youngest daughter, to be the wife of Gilbert his second son, and afterwards his heir, and also by giving the Lady Grace, his youngest daughter, to Henry her eldest son. A. 1590, she was a fourth time left, and continued to her death a widow. Here was a change of conditions that never fell before to any one woman. She was four times a happy wife. She rose by each husband, into greater wealth and honours. She had an unani- mous issue by one husband only. All her six children, by her advice, were highly disposed of in marriage; and after all, she lived seventeen years a widow, in absolute power and abundance. This lady built three of the most elegant seats that ever were raised by one hand, in one county, Chatsworth, Hardwick, and Oldcotes. She was seventeen years keeper of Mary Queen of Scots. She died A. 1607, aged about fourscore and seven years, and was buried in Allhallows church in Derby, under a fair tomb, which she had erected in her own lifetime, and whereon a re- markable Latin epitaph was afterwards inscribed. St, Austin, Magnus Opinator, a maintainer of strange doctrines, says, " Successus humanse felicitatis aeternae damnationis indicium est ;" The success of human felicity is the sign of eternal damna- tion. With this opinion of the holy father, the poor, the miserable, and the afflicted, will try to comfort themselves, when they sur- vey the worldly prosperity of the great. 6a. Habergeon. The diminutive of Haubert, (French) a little coat of mail. 72. Gisarings. Halberts. Derived from the French Guharme, a kind of offensive long-handled, and long-headed weapon; or as the Spanish Visarma, a staff that hath within it two long pikes, which with a shoot or thrust forward, come forth. An ancient statute of William King of Scotland, " de Venientibus ad Guerram," ch. 23, saith, «« Et qui minus habet NOTES. 135 quam quadraginta solidos terrae, habeat Gysarum quod dicitur band-bill, arcum et sagittam." And a statute of Edward I. " Et que miens a de quarante sols de terre, soit jure a Fauchions, Every knight Twa javelins, spears, or than Gisarm staves. Gav. Douglass. Ducange, in his Glossary, renders this word by securis, and de- rives it from the Gesum of the Gauls. 75. Could take, an idiom or phrase for took, N. 79. In, for into. N. 80. Loons. Rascals. N. 83. Gascoign. Sir William Gascoign, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, committed the Prince of Wales, afterwards Hen- ry V. to prison, for insulting and, as it is said, for striking him on the Bench. See Shakespear, ad Part of Hen. IV. He died, Dec. 17, 1413, and lies buried in Harwood church in Yorkshire. His monument is still to be seen, on which is his ef- figy at length, in his judge's robes, with his hood on, and a large purse fastened to his girdle on his left side, and a long dagger on the right, near which is represented one of his wives. 86. Road; i. e. inroad. The word raid is now used in Scot- land in that sense. 121. Portals perhaps mean portcullices. Cannon were at first made of iron bars, soldered together, and encompassed with hoops. One of this kind, called Mons-meg, capable of holding within it tw$ persons, was lately carried from Edinburgh-castle to London. They were also made occassional!)- of leather, lined with plates of brass. Brass cannon were first founded by one Owen an Englishman. The cannon originally were very large ; the gun-powder in use at that time being weak. A French historian, who died about the year 140a, says, that they were fifty feet long. The size of them was greatly lessened, after the art of making strong gun-powder was found out. I36 NOTES There is in Norham an iron ball of sixty pound weight, which was dug out of the ground at Sandy-bank, probably left there by the English army, in their way from Barmoor-wood to Twiscl- bridge. With regard to muskets ; Brantome says, that the Spanish foot 6old»ers were the first who were armed with them, and that they were the best infantry in Europe. Muskets were then called band-cannon. The Duke of Orleans had many of them in his army, A. 1411. At the siege of Arras, A. 1414, the besieged killed a great number of men with leaden musket-shot. It is said that the first time that muskets were used in Britain was at the siege of Berwick, A. 1521. 125. Busked, dressed. N. 137. Lave, the rest", croud. N. 127. William, Archbishop of St Andrew's, was natural son of James IV. by Margaret daughter of Archibald Boyd, of Bonshaw, and born 1495. He was well educated by his father, who sent him abroad, attended with a travelling governor. Vid. Epist. Jac. IV. He was a most accomplished youth, handsome, tall, and genteel, endued with excellent parts, great sweetness of temper, virtue, prudence, liberality. He was skilled in the civil law, Latin, Greek, and music. The elegant pen of Erasmus, who was one of his pre- ceptors at Sienna in Italy, has set his incomparable character in such an amiable light, that tlje reader will be pleased with the sight of it here. Caesus est una cum fortissimo patre filius, et filius eo patre dignis- simus, Gulielmus Archiepiscopus, titulo DM Andreae, juvenis qui- dem viginti ferme natus annos, sed in quo nullum consummati viri laudem desiderares. Mira formse gratia, mira dignitas, heroica pro- ceritas, ingenium placidissimum quidem illud, sed tamen ad cog- nitionem omnium disciplinarum acerrimum. Nam mihi fuit cum eo quondam in urbe Senensi domestica consuetudo, quo tempore a nobis in rhetorum praeceptis, Graecanicisque Uteris ex- ercebatur. Deum Immortalem ? quam velox, quam felix, quam NOTES. 137 ad ^uodvis sequax ingenium, quam multa simul complecti poterat. Eodem tempore discebat jureconsultorum literas, nee eas admo- dum gratas, ob admixtam barbariem, et odiosam interpretum verbositatem. Audiebat dicendi praecepta, et praescripto themate declamabat, pariter et calamum exercens et linguam. Discebat Graece, et quotidie quod traditum fuerat, stato reddebat tempore. Horis pomeridianis, musicis operam dabat, monochordiis, tibiis, testudini. Modulabatur et voce nonnunquam. Ne ipsum quidem convivii tempus studiorum vacabat fructu. Sacrificus perpetuo salutarem aliquem librum recitabat, puta decreta pontificum, aut Divum Hieronymum aut Ambrosium. Nee unquam recitantis vox interrumpebatur, nisi si quid alteruter doctorum, inter quos medius accumbebat, admonuisset, aut ipse parum assequens, quod legebatur, sciscitatus esset aliquid. Rursum a convivio fabulae, sed breves, et hae quoque Uteris conditae. Proinde nulla omnino pars vacabat studio, nisi quae rei Divinas, somnoque daretur. Nam etiamsi quid superfuisset temporis, quod tarn variis studio- rum vicibus non suppetebat, tamen si quid forte supererat, id Historicorum lectioni dabat. Nam hac cognitione praccipue ca- piebatur. His itaque rebus fadlum est, ut adolescentulus, vix dum decimum odtavum egressus annum, tantum in omni litera- rum genere consecutus fuerit, quantum in quovis viro jure mire- ris. Nee illud in hoc usu venit, quod fere solet in aliis, ut ad lite- ras felix, ad bonos mores minus esset appositus. Verecundi mores erant, sic tamen ut miram agnosceres prudentiam. Animus sub- limis, et a sordidis istis affectibus procul semotus, sed ita, ut nihil adesset ferocitatis, nihil fastidii. Nihil non sentiebat, permulta dissimulabat,*nec unquam ad iracundiam poterat incitari. Tanta erat naturae lenitas, animique moderatio. Salibus impendio delec- tabatur, sed eruditis, ac minime dentatis. Hoc est non nigro Momi, sed candido Mercurii sale tindtis. Si quid turbas domi natum fuisset, inter famulos, mirum quanta dexteritate quantoque candore solitus sit componere. Denique religionis erat et pietatis plurimum, superstition! s nihil. In summa nemo fuit dignior qui ex Rege, et ex illo Rege nasceretur. Utinam autem in parentem T I38 NOTES. pietas quam fuit admirabilis, tarn fuisset et felix. Comitatus est in bellum, ne usquam patri deesset. Quaeso quid tibi cum Ma- vorte, omnium poeticorum Deorum stupidissimo, qui Musis, imo qui Christo eras initiatus ? Quid isti formae, quid isti aetati, quid naturae tarn mid, quid ingenio tarn candido, cum taratantaris, bombardis, et fetro? Denique quid erudito cum acie, quid Epis- copo cum armis ? Imposuit nimirum tibi immodica qusedam in parentem pietas, dumque nimium fortiter amas patrem, infeliciter cum patre csesus occubuisti. Tot naturae dotes, tot virtutes, tot eximias spes, unica pugnae procella absorbuit. Periit et nostrarum rerum nonnihil. Nempe quod in erudiendo te sumpsimus operae, quodque mea partum industria mihi in te vindico. At quantus felicitatis cumulus, nisi genius aliquis malus regem hue impulisset, utregni sui limites egressus, in alienis agris cum ferocissima gente Martem experiri vellet. By a dispensation from the Pope, the King created him Arch- bishop of St. Andrew's, 1509, and he made him his Chancellor, 151 1. He was also made the Pope's Legate a Latere. It was not unusual, in ancient times, for the dignitaries of the church to attend their King in the wars. They were bound to do it by the Feudal law. They held the temporalities of their be- nefices of the King, as barons, by the tenure of military service. It appears from many grants to the clergy, that, according to the establishment of the church of Scotland, the clerical and military character were not inconsistent. Edward III. 1368, ordered all the clergy to take up arms. 131. Shored cross, f. e . propped. Upon one of the Scotch flags is painted St. Andrew's Cross, with the saint standing behind it, supporting the upper part of the cross with his hands. Ibid. Trimon of Quhytehorn, read Ninian of Quhytehorn. Many pilgrims resorted on the 16th day of September to the se- pulchre of St. Ninian in the church of Whithorn. The Queen of James IIL undertook this pilgrimage, A. 1474. The following article is in the accounts of the Treasurer of Scot- land. Item, to Andrew Balfour, aoth August, 1474, for livery- NOTES. I39 gowns to six ladies of the Queen's chamber, at her passing to Quhytehorn, ai ells of gray, fra David Gill, price iol. 10s. Scots. The historian, Hawthornden, says, that James IV. upon his Queen being dangerously ill in childbed, 1507, went a pilgrimage on foot to St. Ninian's, at Whithorn, in Galloway. In this jour- ney he fell in love with Lady Jean Kennedy, a daughter of the Earl of Cassils; and he confined the Earl of Angus, for some time, to the island of Arran, for carrying her away. At Whithorn, which was a Bishop's see, there was a priory founded before the year 1 1 26, by Fergus, Lord of Galloway. Ibid. Doffin Demigod, &c. read Dutback, Demigod of Ross. He was a Bishop, and a Confessor, and lived at Tayne, in Ross- shire. In the old breviary of Aberdeen, there is an office and le- gend of this saint, which enumerates the miracles wrought by him; and mentions particularly that of his augmenting the quantity of victuals. There is a church dedicated to him, to which there was a great i resort of pilgrims on his feast-day, March 8, often spoken of by the Scotch historians. A. 1507. King James made many progresses through Scotland, holding courts, redressing grievances, punishing offenders ; so that the country became so peaceable, that he ventured to ride, without any attendant, 130 miles, August 30, in one day, from Stirling, by Perth, and Aberdeen to Elgin, where he lay all night, without going to bed, upon a bare table, at the house of Thomas Lesly, parson of Elgin. He rose early the next morning, and rode 40 miles to St. Duthack's, in Ross, and was there time enough to hear mass, and receive the sacrament, and to visit the saint's shrine. August 31st, according to Holinshed, was that saint's festival-day. In the Edinburgh almanack, March the 8th, is St. Duthack's feast ; but possibly, like St. Cuthbert, he might have had two feasts in the year. As the reader will not think this a matter of great conse- quence, we will enquire no farther about it. This King made other pilgrimages to holy places, if not alone, at least on foot. 140 NOTE;;. 132. William Bunch, Abbot of Kilwinning. Lawrence Oliphant, Abbot of Incheffray. The reader will observe, in abundance of places, how industri- ously the Poet brings into his verses, words which begin with the same letter, and here in this stanza, the frequent recurrence of the letter B. It is not easy to find out, nor is it worth while to inquire, at what time alliterative verses were first used. The Germans, or Goths, do not seem entitled to the honour of inventing them. Camerarius cites the following very old verse,— Fraxinu' fixa ferox infesta infunditur ossis. We read in Plautus, Optumo optume optumam operam das. Amphit. Nemo solus satis sapit. Mil. Glor. Optatianus Porphyrius wrote an epistle to the Emperor Con- stantine in alliterative metre, A. D. 326, which several poets of the middle age imitated. These alliterations fell into disuse in England, in the 16th cen- tury, so that we m3y reasonably conclude that this poem was not written later than the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Vide Stanza 3. See Dr. Percy's learned Essay on Alliterative Metre, Rel. of Anc. Eng. Poetry, Vol. II. p. 268. If we consider the very great difficulty of writing in this kind of metre, and at the same time in alternate rhyme, we shall find more harmony, and fewer improper, and unmeaning words, in this Poem than we could have expected. - We are told, that before Walker's time, men rhymed indeed, and that was all ; that their poetry was made up of monosyllables, that it was downright prose, tagged with rhymes ; that the verses ran all into one another, and hung together, like the hooked atoms of Des Cartes,— having no distinction of parts, no regular stops, nothing for the ear to rest upon; and that, if we are somewhat NOTES. " I4I dubious in this matter, we may read Dr. Donne, who will fully convince us of the truth of this assertion. We may easily grant that his lines are harsh, and untuneable ; — — a kind of hobbling prose, That limps along, and tinkles in the close. Dryden. But it is certainly ascribing too much to Waller, to say, that he removed all these faults, that he was the father of English verse, that he was the first that shewed us that our tongue had beauty, and numbers in it. For a great many copies of verses might be produced, written before Donne's time, little, if at all inferior in smoothness, to those which were made by Waller. Waller him- self owned, that he was indebted, for the harmony of his numbers, to Fairfax, who lived in the time of Queen Elizabeth, to whom he dedicated his translation of Tasso. I shall here divert the reader with a little Poem, printed about 200 years ago, by one Gifford, a servant to Edward Cope, of Edon, Esq. the measure and rhymes of which are so smooth and musU cal, that they may be very well tolerated by modern ears. Sometime in France a woman dwelt, Whose husband being dead, Within a yeere, or somewhat more, An other did her wed. This good wife had of wealth great store, Yet was her wit but thin : To shew what happe to her befell, My muse doth now begin. It chaunced that a scholler poore, Attirde in course arraye, To sec his friends, that dwelt farre thence, From Paris tooke his way. 14* NOTES. The garments were all rent and torne, Wherwith this wight was clad; And in his purse, to serve his neede, Not one deneere he had. He was constrainde to crave the alms Of those, which oft would give, His needy and his poore estate With something to relieve. This scholler, on a frostie morn, By chaunce came to the doore Of this old silly woman's house, Of whome wee spake before. The husband then was not at home : Hee craveth of the dame, Who had him in, and gave him meate, And askt from whence hee came. I came, quoth hee, from Paris' towne ; From Paradise ? quoth she ; Men call that Paradise, the place, Where all good soules ekal bee. Cham zure my vurst goodman is dere, Which died this other yeere ; Chould geve my friend a good gray groate, Some news of him to heare. Hee saw, she did mistake his wordes, And thought to make some glee, And said, your husband is in health, I lately did him see. 143 Now, by my troth, quoth shee, cham glad ; Good scholler, doe declare, Was not he wroth, because I sent Him from this world so bare. In deede, quoth he, he was disppleas'd, And thought it farre unmeete, You having all, to send him hence With nothing but a sheete. Quoth shee 5 good scholler, let me know When thou return'st agayne. He answer'd, Dame, I will be there Within this weeke, or twayne. Shee sayde, my friend, if that Iche durst Presume to be so bolde, Chould pray thee carrie him some clothes To keepe him from the colde. He said, he woulde. With all poste haste Into the towne shee hies ; Hat, doublet, shert, coate, hose, and shoes, Shee there for husband buyes. Shee praying him, in earnest sorte, Them safely to convey, Did geve him money in his purse : And so he went his way. Not halfe of halfe an howre was past, Ere husband hers was come. What newes shee heard from Paradise Shee told him all and some. 144 And farther, did to him declare, What tokens she had sent : Whereat her husband waxed wroth, And wond'rous ill content ; He calde her sotte, and doating foole ; And after him doth ride. The scholler was within a hedge, And him afarre espide. He was afrayde, and downe doth fling His fardell in a dike. The man came neere, and askt him newes Of one whom he did seeke, That bare a fardell at his backe ; The scholler musde a while, Then answering, said, such one I saw Passe over yonder stile. With hasty speede he down alightes And doth the scholler pray, Till he the man had overtane, So long the horse to stay. Untill he passed out of sight, Full still the scholler bides ; Who taking then his fardell on His horse, away he rides. When he returned, and saw himselfe By scholler flouted so, Yourselves may judge, what cheere he made. If he were wroth or no. NOTES. 145 He sware, I think, an hundred oathes, At length per mundum toots, For that he had no shoes to vveare He marcht home in his bootes. His wife did meete him at the doore, Hayee cought man ? quoth shee; No, Dame, he sayde, he caught my horse, The Divel take him and thee. With that she laught, and clapt her hands, And sayde, cham glad, ich sweare ; For now he hath a horse to ride, He will be quickly there. When that her husband well had wayde, That remedy there was none, He takes his fortune in good parte And makes no farther mone. Now whether that this honest wife, Did love her first goodman, To such as shall peruse this tale, The case I leave to scan. 132. Beagle-rods. Should be Bugle-rods, viz. the crosiers, or pastoral staves of Bishops, the heads of which are crooked like bugle, or hunting horns. 144. Piles. In Lancashire, there is an old fort, called the Pile of Fouldery. Peel, as it is called in Scotland, is a small castle, Bastillon, or Bastle; in French, Bicocque, which Cotgrave calls a little paltry town, hold, or fort, not strong enough to hold out a siege, nor so weak as to be given up for words. Thus John Barbour, Archdeacon of Aberdeen, who lived, A. 1329, in his life and acts of Rob. Bruce, U 146 And at Lithgow was then a Peel, Meikle, and stark, and stuffed weel. A small ruin, near Hawick, is now called Alan Haugh Peel, and one at Fouldon-mill, is called the Bastle. A. 1482, above thirty towns, with their Bastles, were destroyed upon the Scotch border. Hall. 145. It is apparent from history, that the wars between the English and Scotch were carried on with equal cruelty on both sides, so that they have no room to reproach each other on this subject. General invedlives, thrown out upon a whole nation, are odious and mean. They never served any good purpose. Though they are for the most part false, yet they produce mischievous efFedts : For the ignorant, who make the bulk of a people, believing every thing that they read in print, are deceived by them, and excited Unjustly to hate and injure those with whom their own safety, interest, and ease, require that they should live in friendship and peace. It is true, that men of sense despise those undistinguishing scur- rilities, and consider them as empty declamation, and always have a bad opinion of the honesty, capacity, or fidelity of a writer, who allows himself such rancorous liberties. 147. A. D. 1121, Ralph Flamberg, Bishop of Durham, built Norham Castle on the top of a steep rock, and moated it round. He finished also the present cathedral church of Durham, which was begun by his predecessor, William de Sanclo Carilepho, A. 1080, who died A. 1097. Flamberg also built Framwelgate-bridge, in Durham. He sate 29 years, and died A. 1128. The Keep or Tower of Norham was destroyed by the Scots, and afterwards rebuilt by Hugh Pudsey, by the command of his cousin* King Stephen. He was Bishop 42 years, and died A. 1195. King Richard I. purposing to make an expedition into the Holy Land, raised money in all parts of his kingdom. Amongst other things, he sold to Hugh Pudsey the Earldom of Northumberland, NOTES. 147 merrily laughing when he invested him, and saying, The Holy Moon. The remarks upon the above Latin words, isca, and Saltus Pyr- ricbius, I had from a particular friend, a learned and worthy gen- tleman in the parish of Norham. I shall here give an inscription, I believe hitherto unprinted, upon a Roman altar. Silvano invicflo sacrum. C. Tetius Veturius Micianus Praef. Alat Sebosi-nae, ob aprum eximiae formse captum, quern multi an- tecessors ejus prasdari non potuerunt. Votum solvens, lubenter, posuit. Sacred to the invincible Mars Silvanus, erected by C. T. V. Micianus, general of the Seb. auxiliary horse, upon the account of his taking a very large boar, which many of his predecessors could not destroy. This altar was found, not long since, in a rivulet, in the bottom of a dean, in Weardale ; probably near the^place where this mon- strous boar was killed. To return to the above said dictionary. It would be the more necessary, at this time, as the English tongue is generally taught in the schools of Scotland, and perhaps will be universally spoken there. Why might not our poets, who strain hard to find words, l66 NOTES. who for the sake of measure and rhime, load their lines with use- less ones, borrow some old English terms from the North ? We have abundance of them, the sense of which must be expressed by several words, in modern English. The Scotch writers can vary their stile by such words as these, — bent, cooser, mouse-mark, hemp, fend, coggle, gimmer, glamour, cleugh, yeld, stour, bye, a Saxon word in Alfric's grammar, written 700 years ago, goivpen, glen, loof. The meaning of the three last can hardly be explained by a circumlo- cution. The present Scotch is very little altered from the ancient English or Saxon language, which may be accounted for, from the migra- tions of the English into Scotland. A. 855, the Picts who lay in Northumberland, with the Saxons and Britons their auxiliaries, made an irruption into Scotland. Donald V. met them near Jed- burgh, and put them to flight. The enemy being informed of the neglecSl of order in the Scotch army, the next night after the vic- tory, at midnight, returned and attacked them unguarded, drunk, and asleep ; and killed 20,000 of them, and took the king and his nobles prisoners. Donald, in order to recover his liberty, gave to the Picts all the country between Stirling and Clyde. The Saxons and Britons expelled the Pi<5ts, and drove the Scots into the High- lands ; and at that time they settled themselves in the low coun- try, and also their language and customs, most, of which seem to be such as were in use before the Normans inv aded England. William the Conqueror wasted the northern counties, in so cruel a manner, that between York and Durham, for sixty miles toge- ther, there was not a single house left standing. The lands lay untilled for nine years; and so great a famine ensued, that the people died in heaps. King Malcolm kindly received numbers of them, who fled into Scotland, and there introduced their language and customs. Simeon, of Durham, says, that in his time, Scotland was so stocked with English men and maidens, that they were to be found in all the farm-houses, and even in the cottages. These spread the Saxon tongue quite through the country. What perhaps will make the reader the most sensible of the NOTES. I67 utility of a Scotch dictionary, is, that by the help of it, he will be the better able to understand the old English writers. To prove this, I shall mention a difficult place in the ancient ballad of Chevy Chace, and afterwards several passages in our much-esteemed poet, Shakespeare, which have been misinterpreted, or altered by our learned southern criticks. Relics of ancient English Poetry, ad edition, p. 10. Thorowe riche male, and myne-ye-ple, Many sterne the stroke downe streght. Monyple, a N. C. word. For the meaning of the word sterne, we may seek in vain in glossaries, but it may be had from a vulgar phrase here : For example,— Have you a shilling in your pocket ? Answer ; sham a sterne, i. e. not one. The sense then of this quo- tation will be thus, — They struck down straight many sterne, u e. many a one, through rich coat of mail, and many folds. Brooch, in Shakespeare. Buckles, set with stones, with which shirt bosoms and handkerchiefs are clasped, in the North are call- ed brooches. Sir Thomas Hanmer, in his edition of Shakespeare, says, that a brooch is an ornament of gold, worn sometimes about the neck, and sometimes about the arm. Shakespeare, Henry IV. act 4, scene 3. Eating draff and husks. Draff, in the North, is malt-grains, with which swine and cows are fed. Draff. Wash for hogs. Hanmer. Draff. Any thing thrown away. Johnsons Dictionary. Merry Wives of Windsor, act 3, scene 9. Look how you drum- ble ; l. e. hoiv confused you are. The ale is drumbled. N. i. e. dis- turbed, muddy. To drumble. To drone. To be sluggish. Hanmer. Midsummer's Night's Dream, act 3, scene 2. I can gleek upon occasion; i. e. lean deceive, or beguile; in this sense, gleek is used in the North. 168 NOTES. The reply made to Bottom by the Queen proves this to be the meaning of it, viz. Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful. To gleek. To joke, or scoff. Hanmer. Pope, A fool may utter rustic jokes, or scoffs, but it requires some small share of art or wisdom to beguile or deceive. To grime , in Shakespeare, is to mark or spot ivitb soot ; and this is the meaning of this word in the North. Grime. Dirt, filth. Hanmer. Togrime. To dirt, to sully deeply. Johnson's Dictionary. Love's Labour Lost, song at the end. « While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.' i. e. cool the pot. It is a common thing here, for a maid servant to take out of a boiling pot a tubeen ; r. e. a small quantity, viz. a porringer or two of broth, and then fill up the pot with cold water. The broth, thus taken out, is called the keeling nvbeen. In this manner greasy Joan keeled the pot. Gie me beer, and gie me grots, And lumps of beef to swum abeen ; And ilka time, that I stir the pot, He's hae frae me the keeling ivbeen. Old Song. To keel, seems here to mean, to drink so deep, as to turn up the bottom of the pot, like turning up the keel of a ship. Hanmer. Twelfth Night, adl I, scene 3. A kestrel is a stone-hawk, a well known bird. A little kind of bastard hawk. Hanmer* Merry Wives of Windsor, act 1, scene 3. Latten bilboe. Lat- ten is a common word for tin in the North. Latten t a factitious metal. Hanmer. All's well that Ends well, act 4, scene 5. Men are to mell with ; 1. e. to meddle ivitb ; this is the meaning of this word in the North. Mell; to mix, to mingle. Hanmer. Paddock j in Shakespeare, is a frog, commonly so named in the N. NOTES. 169 Hanmer says it is a toad. Twelfth Night, act 2, scene 8. The stanyel checks at it. The stanyel is the common stone-hawk, which inhabits rocks and old buildings, in the North called stanchiL A stanyel, otherwise called a ring-tail, a kind of buzzard or kite. Hanmer. Second Part of Henry IV. act 2, scene 10. Sweet knight, I kiss thy nief; i. e. thy fist. N. C. Nief here is from nativa, i. e. a woman slave that is born in one's house. Pistol wanted to kiss Falstaff's domestick mistress, Doll Tearsheet. Pope, 1st edition. Lear, act 4, scene 2. She that herself will sliver. Sliver is a common word in the North, and means to cut off a slice. Mr. Pope altered it to shiver ; and the monthly reviewers, March 1771, read sever ; because, as they say, Shakespeare would certainly use the properest word. Measure for Measure, act 1, scene 8. To teeming foy son. This French word Foison, is in common use in the North ; it means plenty, abundance, store, substance. Foison. Harvest. Pope. Midsummer's Night's Dream, act 4, scene 2. — An idle gawd, Which in my childhood I did doat upon. A gawd is a child's toy. The children here call their playthings gowdys, and their baby-house a gowdy-house, Gaude. A bauble. Pope. Richard III. act 1, scene 4. Out Devil / Out, is an interjection of abhorrence or contempt, most frequent in the mouths of the common people in the North. It occurs again, act 4, scene 6. Out on ye owls ! Read— No, Devil ! Dr. Warburton. Coriolanus, act 4, scene 8. As is the osprey to the fish. Shakespeare wrote aspray, and it is so named in the North. The oil of asprays is recommended to anglers. Mr. Theobald Z 170 NOTES. hath altered this word to osprey. He and Sir Thomas Hanmer have given nonsensical notes upon it. The osprey is the sea-eagle, of which it is reported, that when he hovers in the air, all the fish in the water underneath, turn up their bellies, and lie still, for him to seize which he pleases. The name in Pliny is haliaeetos. Hanmer. From Pliny, the transcriber here of Aristotle, we have nothing but fables. He says, that the sea-eagle is generated from eagles, of a differ* ent species. Haliseeti suum genus non habent, sed ex diverso Aquilarum coitu nascuntur. Osprey, a kind of eagle. Ossifraga. Pope. The osprey is a rare, large, blackish hawk, with a long neck and blue legs. Its prey is fish. It is sometimes seen hovering over the Tweed ; on the banks of which river, one was shot a few years ago near Berwick. An osprey built its nest, for time immemorial, in one particular tree, in Whinfield Park, in Westmoreland, till it was dislodged, by the cutting down of this, and of almost all the other trees in this park, not long since, by the noble owner thereof. Antony and Cleopatra, act 4, scene 8. But being charged, &c. But here signifies 'without, in which sense it is often used in the North. Boots but spurs* Vulg. Sic nonsense ! love" tak root but tocher-good Tween a herd's bairn and ane of gentle blood. Gentle Shepherd. Sir Thomas Hanmer hath altered the text, and the sense of it, without assigning any reason for so so doing. He reads the pas- sage thus,— Not being charged, we will be still by land, which as I take it, we shall not. NOTES. i;i Coriolanus, act 1, scene 2. Menenius. I shall tell you A pretty tale ; it may be you have heard it; But, since it serves my purpose, I will venture To scale it a little more. To scale here, means, to open, or spread it a little more. In the North, they say, you scale the corn. Vulg. i. e. scatter it. Scale the muck well. Vulg. i. e. spread it. All the editors of Shakespeare have been ignorant of the sense of this word. Air Theobald, unable to loose the knot, cuts it — He expunges scale, and inserts into the text the word state, for which he gives a wise reason, viz. That he can find no sense in the common reading. Hanmer adopts Theobald's emendation. Dr. W. says, to scale it, signifies to tueigh, examine, and apply it. That Menenius uses this word scale, in the sense which I have given of it, and also very properly, is evident. For he largely dilates his tale. He makes it the subject of thirty-four lines. A studious search would find many more instances of expres- sions, in Shakespeare, the sense of which is unknown to, or mis- taken by the south-country English reader; but the citations, given above, are sufficient for my purpose. As there is nothing which we are so forward to give as advice ; the interpreters, and enraptured admirers of Shakespeare, must allow me to recommend to them a seven year's residence on the north side of the Tweed ; in which time, if they are diligent, they may acquire a competent knowledge of the old English tongue. Since the invention of printing, many commentators have ad- ventured to alter the text of ancient books, and for their so doing, have alledged these two strange reasons, that, where they them- selves do not understand a passage in an author, that passage is al- together unintelligible; and that good writers always chuse the properest words. Hence they practise upon them, as rash sur- geons do upon their patients, who cut out, and lop off those parts, which skill and experience could have saved. 17* NOTES. The following censure was passed upon Taneguy le Fevre, bet- ter known by the Latin name which he assumed of Tanaquillas Faber, father of Madame Dacier. This famous critick pretended to shew great defects in Livy, Terence, Aristotle, Horace, Taci- tus, Eusebius, Eustathius, &c. and to prove, that they frequently did not understand the language in which they wrote ; nor is he contented with correcting historians and poets, but he has even corrupted the Bible itself, in many places, changing the words, transposing the periods, and sometimes cutting off entire lines ; all this he hath done, without bringing any proof for what he ad- vances, except that, in his own opinion, the sense would be better and clearer. Dr. Bentley, A. 1716, printed an account of an edition, which he intended to give of the New Testament, in Greek ; and in 1721, he published proposals for printing it by subscription, together with the Latin version of S. Jerom. The opposition, which was made to this design, particularly by Dr. Middleton, forced this great critick to drop it. The Doctor published remarks upon the proposals, and prefixed to them the following motto, taken from an oration of Burman. Without doubt, Bentley's bold and innu- merable corrections of Horace, and of other writers, unsupported by manuscripts, evinced the propriety of it. Doctus criticus, et adsuetus urere, secare, inclementer omnis generis libros tractare, apices, syllabas, voces, dictiones confodere, et stylo exigere, con- tinebitne ille ab integro et intaminato divine sapientias monumento crudeles ungues ? The learned critick, accustomed to burn, to cut, to handle un- mercifully all kind of books, to stab, and murder with hi3 pen, points, syllables, words, sentences, will he withhold his cruel nails from the entire and uncontaminated monument of Divine wis- dom ? Dr. Middleton tells us, that he wrote his pamphlet, not from resentment, but from a serious conviction, that Dr. Bentley wanted talents, and materials, for the work which he had under- taken. NOTES. I73 How the Doctor proceeded in this employment, and what kind of abilities and materials he had for it, the reader may, in some degree, be enabled to judge, from a very curious letter in the Ap- pendix, No. III. printed from a manuscript. Having no date or superscription, I do not certainly know to whom it was addressed. The terminations of adjectives, in some and ly, were used indif- ferently in old times. Lonely and lonesome are still retained. In the North we say, ugsome, livesome, lonesome, and for loathsome, loathly, a word in Shakespeare ; this last is also pronounced loadly or laidly, as the laidly-ivorm. Tb is frequently changed into d; as, for father, we say fader ; for girth, gird; for Rothbury, a town in Northumberland, Rodbury ; for Lothian, Loudon. The true name of Robin Hood was Robin Fitz-ooth. The ad- dition of Fitz, common to many Norman names, was afterwards often omitted, or dropped. The two last letters tb being turned into d, he was called by the common people, Ood, cr Hood. This famous outlaw and deer-stealer, who robbed the rich, and spared the poor, was a man of quality: grandson to Ralph Fitz-ooth, Earl of Kyme, a Norman, whose name is in a roll of Battle Abby, amongst the Normans there. He came into England with Wil- liam Rufus. Robin Hood's maternal grandfather, was Gilbert de Gaunt, Earl of Lincoln ; his grandmother, was the Lady Roisia de Vere, sister to the Earl of Oxford, and Countess of Essex, from whom the town of Royston, where she was buried, takes its name. Robin Hood's father William, was under the guardianship of Robert Earl of Oxford, who, by the King's order, gave to him in marriage the third daughter of Lady Roisia. Robin Hood bore in his coat-of-arms, Gules. Two bends en- grailed, Or. At Kirklees, in Yorkshire, the seat of the Armitage family, for- merly a benedictine nunnery, Robin Hood lies buried under a grave-stone, which still remains there, near the park. The in- scription upon it is not now legible. But Mr. Thoresby in his Ducat. Leod. gives us, from the papers of Dr. Gales, Dean of York, the following epitaph: — i?4 Hear, undernead dis laitl stean, Laiz Robert Earl of Huntingtun. Nea arcir ver az hie sa geud : An pipl kauld im Robin Heud. Sick utlawz az hi, an iz men, Vil England nivr si agen. Obiit 24 Kal. Dekembris. 1347. It appears, by the pedigree of Robin Hood, that he had some title to the Earldom of Huntingdon. Before I end these rambling observations, I shall offer to the reader, a solution of a difficult passage in Homer's Odyssey, Lib. XIII. 102, and seq. Homer says, that, u at the head of a harbour in Ithaca was a long-leaved olive ; and near to it a lovely cavern, sa- cred to the nymphs, who are called Naiades. Within, were cups, and pitchers of stone. The bees also make honey there. Within it also were very long stone-rolls ; and there the nymphs weave robes of a sea-purple colour, wonderful to be seen. Within this cave also were ever-running waters. It had two gates, one to- wards the north, through which men passed, and another to the south, more divine, through which the Gods only went, being im- pervious to men." Neither writers, ancient or modern, have given any satisfactory reason, why the gods enter this fairy-cave at the south, and men at the north door. The conjecture of Dr. Broome is improbable, and unsupported by any authority. Pope's Odyssey, 1. XIII. v. 134. Without doubt, the most certain way of finding out the sense of an obscure place in an author, is by comparing with it parallel places in his works. An excellent French critic observes, that, cette voie d'interpreter un autheur, par lui meme, est plus sure que tous les commentaires. This difficulty, I imagine, may be cleared up by this method. Iliad, 1. XX. v. 74, a Trojan river is called Xanthus by the gods, namely, by the Greeks, and Scamander by men, that is by the Phrygians. Xanthus is Greek for yellow. Another river in NOTES. 175 Lycia is thus named by the Greeks from its yellow sand. Strabo, 1. XIV. Scamander was so called from Scamandrius, King of Phrygia. Strabo and Pausanius. It was a common thing for the ancients to call rivers by the name of the princes through whose country they ran. Diodorus Siculus and Zenophon testify, that the ancient name of the Nile, was iEgyptus. Homer, in his Odyssey, knows it by no other name ; it was afterwards called Nilus, from Nileus King of Mgypt. The river Adonis was so named from Adonis, son of Cynara, King of the Cyprians. In all the places, where Homer mentions the language of the gods, and that of men, he means, by the first, the Greek tongue, and by the latter the Phrygian. The Phrygians spoke a different language from the Greeks, according to Strabo, 1. XIII. Homer's Iliad, 1. XIV. v. 291, mentions a hawk, called chalcis by the gods, that is by the Greeks, because, as Eustathius says, in its colour it resembled brass, in Greek chalchos ; and named by men, that is, in the Phrygian tongue, Cymindis, it being an inhabitant of Mount Ida, in Troas, otherwise called Phrygfa. Iliad II. v. 813. Batieia, being a mount in Phrygia, is so called by men, 1. e. by the Phrygians ; but by the gods, i. e. by the Greeks^ the tomb of the swift-footed amazon, Myrinne. Homer dwelt for some time in iEgypt, and introduced thence the religion of that country into Greece. His gods are named from the first ^Egyptian kings. Diodorus Siculus. Herodotus. The ^Egyptians assert, that the gods reigned over iEgypt thirty four thousand two hundred and one years. In the scripture, their princes are called gods. Exodus xii 12 and xxii 28, The Greeks contemned all other nations, and styled them barbarians, and mere mortals. Homer flattered their vanity, and bestowed the title of gods upon them, imitating herein the extravagance and servility of the ^Egyptians and Orientals. The conclusion I would draw from all this, is, that the northern door of the grotto of the nymphs, looking towards the sea, and the southern towards 1)6 NOTES. the city of Ithaca, strangers and sailor?, the barbarians, and mor- tals would therefore most conveniently go through the first, and the Ithacensians, namely the gods, through the latter. Porphyry, in the third century, explained this cave allegorically. Vide Dr. Broome's note. Od. 1. XIII. 124. His treatise in Greek, of twenty-six pages, was first printed, by the order of that great re- storer of learning, Pope Leo X. at Rome, together with his Ho- merical questions, and also with the Scholia upon Sophocles, A. 1518, in one volume in quarto, from manuscripts. The Scholia of Sophocles, abounding in later editions with tri- fling grammatical interpolations, and in many places erroneous, might be made more valuable if they were reprinted from this Roman copy. This allegory of Porphyry was translated by Holstenius into Latin, and printed at Cambridge 1655. But allegories never entered into Homer's head. The Odyssey is a romance, filled with tales of giants, fairies, living ships, magi- cians, witches, and such like fictions, the idea of which he got from the Orientals, For the writings, and even the religion and history of the Persians and Arabs, are adorned with stories of genies, fai- ries, enchanters, and dragons. After Homer returned from his travels, he compiled his romances and sung detached pieces of them, in various cities of Greece ; without doubt, being quite agreeable to the taste of the Greeks, they procured him a pretty good livelihood. But, what he gained from them he spent. Being a lover of good cheer, he died poor. Mseonides nullas ipse reliquit opes. Ovid. The Greeks were strangely delighted with wild, monstrous, and unnatural fidions. Demades the famous Athenian orator, two thousand years ago, convened the Athenians, in order that they might hear an oration from him. After a great crowd of them were assembled, and very attentive, Demades thus began : — " The goddess Ceres, a swallow, and an eel, travelling together, arrived upon the banks of a river. NOTES. -I77 The swallow flew over to the other side, the eel swam through under the water.'* Having thus said, the orator held his peace. After waiting a while, the Athenians eagerly called to him, to proceed in his speech, and to tell them in what manner Ceres crossed the river. He replied, " All that I know concerning her, is, that she is exceedingly angry at you, for negledling the affairs of your city, and giving ear to fables." They were no wiser in the days of St. Paul, who tells us, " That the Athenians spent their time in nothing else but either to tell or to hear some new thing." According to the accounts of travellers, they are still of the same disposition. Let us now venture to look a little nearly into Pope's Grotto of the Nymphs. Salvini, of Florence, justly called his version of Homer, a para- phrase. His greatest admirers must also be forced to confess it to be a very licentious one. The numerous omissions, variations* and misinterpretations which appear in it, are altogether indefen- sible, whatever allowances we may give to a long and difficult poetical performance. The Horace of Mr Francis is a convincing proof, that the sense of an ancient poet may be closely preserved, in an English metrical version, notwithstanding that it may be greatly embarrassed by the fetters of rhyme. But if a faithful verse-translation of Homer is not to be expected, why may not a literal one in prose be acceptable to us ? We read the adventures of Telemachus with pleasure. Mr. Pope received from the subscribers to his Iliad, 6ocol. the copy of which he sold for iaool. and that of the Odyssey for 6ocl. This translation of Homer employed him twelve years. Ani- mated, and encouraged as he was, by his exceedingly generous patrons, surely, in that length of time which he took, he ought to have attended to the original Greek, and not to have translated an erroneous Latin version, which in general he seems to have done. The following few lines will suffice to shew his want of care. Let the reader compare them with the literal translation given above. A a 173 High at the head a branching olive grows, And crowns the pointed cliffs with shady boughs. Beneath, a gloomy grotto's cool recess Delights the Nereides of the neighbouring seas ; Where bowls and urns were form'd of living stone; And massy beams in native marble shone ; On which the labours of the nymphs were roird, Their webs divine of purple mix'd with gold. Within the cave, the clust'ring bees attend Their waxen works or from the roof depend. Perpetual waters o'er the pavement glide ; Two marble doors unfqld on either side; Sacred the south by which the Gods descend, But mortals enter at the northern end. Verse i. Branching olive. This is translated from the false Latin version, passis ramis, i. e. with spreading branches. Homer's word is tanuphullos) long leaved, which is significant, and expressive of a distinguishing property of the olive, bearing long and narrow leaves like the willow. Verse a is Pope's own addition. Verse 4 is a false translation. The Nereids are sea-fairies, who, wearing no cloaths, would never fatigue themselves at a loom, in a dark cave, in order to weave webs, which could be of no use to them. But Homer calls the ladies of this cave, Naiades, the fountain- fairies, who presided over the perennial springs that were therein. Verse 5. Living-stone. This epithet inserted by Pope, is highly figurative, and quite unintelligible to the mere English reader, and therefore it ought not to have had a place here. It does not seem to be very clear to men of letters. Pope borrowed it from Virgil: Intus aquse dulces, vivoque sedilia saxo; Nympharum domus. NOTES. I79 Servius in loc. explains vivo by naturali natural. Virgil, I sup- pose, means here, natural seats, unformed by art, unsevered from the rock. Verse 6, ia. The iveaver-beams, by Homer called long, but by Pope massy, and the cavern-doors, verse 12, are formed all of shining marble by Pope, but by Homer only of plain stone. Verse 8. Their nvebs. This is a false version, taken from the Latin interpreter. In Homer it is Pharea, which signifies vestes ; garments, not lintea, linen webs, as it is in the Latin. Verse 8. Mix'd zuith gold. The webs in Homer are made sim- ply of purple threads ; Pope has mixed with them threads of gold. Homer, if I may personify his works, thus stripped of his old plain attire, and cloathed in a fashionable, modern, richly-orna- mented dress, jingling in continual rhymes, is like a daughter of Zion, who, bedecked with ear-rings, and nose-jewels, wimples, and crisping pins, minces as she goes, and makes a tinkling with her feet. Is. iii. Homer's Grotto of the Nymphs is not to be found in the island of Ithaca. Strabo tells us that it was entirely a fiction of the poet. In the anatomy room at Leyden, there is the hand of a sea- nymph, and also an Indian ape with wings. 296. Sir Thomas Meetham, Sir William Sidney, Sir John Everingham. 301. Sir Brian Tunstal, of Thurland Castle, in Lancashire. I have heard, from a worthy gentleman of this family, that this Sir Brian was the father of Cuthbert, who was twenty-eight years Bishop of Durham, and who was esteemed to be one of the wisest, best, and most learned men of his time. He was employed in several embassies abroad, and preferred by Henry VIII. of whom it was remarked, that he was so great a lover of learned men, that, during his long reign, he made not one dunce a bishop. He also left to this Tunstal 300I. in his will. In Queen Mary's reign, Tunstal would not suffer any man in his diocese, to be persecuted for the sake of his religion. He used l80 NOTES. to say, that he would not imbrue his hands in Protestant blood. He was very chearful and lively in conversation, and lived to the age of eighty-five. He was the last Bishop of Durham that treated with the Scots upon the borders. Thomas Earl of Northumber- land, William Lord Dacres, of Gilsland, this Bishop, and James Croft, captain of the town and castle of Berwick; the Earls of Morton and Hume, and Sinclair Dean of Glasgow, met at Upset- linton, near Norham, and agreed to articles, concerning the grant- ing of a safe conduct to murderers, thieves, border-robbers, and deserters, A. 1559, in which year Tunstal died. As this prelate was attending Henry VIII. in his progress, towards the city of York, upon the hill beyond Barnesly, about four miles from Doncaster, he took an occasion to speak to him of the pleasures of Yorkshire ; requiring his Grace, to look upon the country before him, affirming, " that he should see the greatest and fairest valley that was in all Europe, from end to end; and that he never saw the like as that was, for all pleasures and com- modities, which he could well testify. And therefore he desired his Highness to behold, upon his right hand, the great hills, the Yorkswolds and Blakemore hills ; and likewise to behold those great mountains and fells, which were upon the left hand ; the breadth of which valley is some thirty or sixty miles wide, in the most places, and in length some eighty and an hundred miles; wherein for cities and towns, castles and manor-houses, famous rivers and brooks, parks and woods, corn, grass and cattle, fairs and markets, fish and fowl, mines and quarries of coal and stone, and likewise mines of lead, iron, and other metals, he never saw the like in all his travels. And for the truth thereof, as it may, and doth plainly appear, some miles west of Tadcaster, there are within the circuit of seven or eight miles, seventy-seven manor houses, whereof the worst of them were of esquires of an ancient continuance. There be also within the same circuit, twenty-five woods, thirty-two parks, sixteen rivers, eight market towns; and in them, and in other villages, there be as many fairs in the year, as in any other place in England. There be also NOTES. l8l twenty-four coal mines, and diverse furnaces both for melting and drawing forth iron into bars. There be also much other metals, if they were sought for; and for corn, grass, and cattle, fish and fowl, this place is not inferior to the best in all England. And there is one thing here, more worthy to be spoken of, than all the rest; which is, the great abundance of freestone and lime that is to be found within that circuit ; as much lime and free-stone, as would build as many churches, cities, castles, towns, and houses as are in all England, if need were. And for the pleasures of hunt- ing and hawking, fishing and fowling, it is as delicate a place as any there is in all England." The descendants of Sir Brian are Roman Catholics, of great property, seated at WyclifF, near the river Tees. Their coat of arms is, Sable, 3 combs Argent. Godwyn de Pracsulibus Angliae says, that the first person of note of this name was a barber to "William the Conqueror; and that, upon his being raised to a bet- ter fortune, he, in memory of his former condition, took for his arms, S. 3 combs A. Many bear in their arms a device alluding to their profession. Thus, in the island of Fionia, belonging to Denmark, the ancient family of Trool, which signifies a sorcerer, bears a devil. Sable, upon a field gules. 310. Thalian field. I do not know what is meant by Thalian field. 1 take the author to have been a Yorkshire schoolmaster. Vide Sir Edward Stanley's speech, stanza 238, et seq. having his head, perhaps, full of rhetorical figures, he uses the word Thalian for Thessalian, per Syncopen, alluding to the plains of Thessaly, where a battle was fought in the Roman civil wars between Caesar and Pompey. Martin Swart, a German colonel, and others under the com- mand of John Earl of Lincoln, were defeated by Henry VII. at a place called Stoke, about three miles from Newark. 312. Sir Richard Bold, Sir Thomas Butler, Ralph Bruerton, John Bigod, Robert Warcop. 313. John Lawrence. l82 NOTES. 314. Brian Stapleton, Thomas Fitz Williams. 320. Wend. To go. Obsolete. The past time went is only now in use. 328. Christopher Clapham. 329. Sir Richard Tempest. 337. Blin ; cease. 349. There is a tradition here, that King James, returning from a visit to Mrs. Heron, at Ford Castle, found himself in danger of drowning, in his passage through the Tweed, near Norham, at the West Ford, which is pretty deep on the Scotch side. Upon which he made a vow to the Virgin Mary, that if she would carry him safe to land, he would erect and dedicate a church to her upon the bank of the Tweed ; which he performed in the Jubilee year, A. 1500, according to an old inscription upon the church, mostly now defaced. This gothic structure is much admired. It is entirely of stone ; the roof of it rests, upon what the masons call here, point-cast arches, which are supported by nineteen buttresses. William Robertson, Esq. proprietor of a large estate in the parish of Lady- kirk, added to this church a handsome steeple, A. 1743, and A. 1769, paved the greatest part of it with stone, all at his own ex- pense. From his worthy son, I have received, amongst many other favours, the substance of some of these notes. 350. See note 39. 353. Piles. Vide Supra. 357. Bless. Wound. From the French, JBIessir. 372. Bad cast. A North idiom. 402. No far; a North-country phrase. 405. Hay kept. Should be clept ; i. e. called; from the obsolete verb, clepe. 410. Gills. Narrow vallies. N. 412. Hent. Catch. 426, Wight. Nimble ; aftive, stout, N. 429. This story of Bastard Heron is not to be found in the English History. See note 39. NOTES. l8j 431. Deemed. Judged, From the Saxon deman. This word is used in this sense in old Scotch writings. 433. Gate. Way. N. 436. King Henry VII. 444. Doom. 'Judicial sentence* 447. Gando. The text may be here erroneous, and the poet perhaps wrote Gano y which is a Spanish word, used at the game of Ombre. When one of the two defenders of the pool, wants the other to let his card pass, and win the trick, he cries, Gano, I win. Or our author may allude to a ball, with which the Lapland wizards divert themselves, called by them Gand, which for the sake of his metre, he hath lengthened to Gando. Of this, Reg- nard, a celebrated comic poet, in his voyage to Lapland, gives us the following history, which, he says, that he had heard from so many credible people, that he could not possibly disbelieve it, " A magician, who wants to inflict evil, disease, or death upon any one, uses, for this purpose, a ball, of the size of a pigeon-egg, which is called in Lapland, Gand; this he sends through all quarters, to a certain distance, as far as his power extends ; and if this fiery ball meets either man or animal in its way, it goes no farther ; it has the same effect upon it, that it would have had upon the person, it was intended to annoy. " A Frenchman, our interpreter in Lapland, who had lived 30 years at Suvapara, assured us, that he had often seen it pass around him. He told us, that it was impossible to know its figure, and that it flew, with extreme velocity, and left behind it a small blue train of light, very distinguishable. He added, that one day, as he was travelling upon a mountain, his dog, following him close, was struck with a Gand, and died instantly. Upon his seeking for the wound, he saw a hole under his throat, but could not find in his body the instrument of death. The enchanters keep these Gands in leathern bags ; and some of the wickedest of them, almost every day, in wanton sport, let fly one of them into the air, to do mischief, when they mean no harm to any particular person. When one of these magicians, in his wrath, encounters 184 NOTES. another, his Gand has no power, if his adversary is more expert in his art, and is a greater devil than himself." For, when a weaker sorcerer plays with a stronger, his enchantment always fail. Hence comes the following proverb amongst the French, when a cunning man is outwitted by one more cunning than him- self; viz. The devil of this last man is stronger than the devil of the first. Tacitus says, that the Finlanders, from whom the Laplanders are descended, have been always addicted to magick. 457. Black fasting. A North-country phrase. 459. Sandyford. A rivulet near Crookham, in the parish of Ford. 464. Harry. Plunder, North. 468. Bent. Field, A long kind of grass, which grows in Nor- thumberland, near the sea, and is used for thatch, is called bent. 471. Surrey-side. Should be the Sunny-side,— viz. on the north side. 473. A gainful Greek. A fraudulent man. The Greeks were infamous for their perfidy. Cicero says of them, Testimoniorum religionem, et fidem nunquam ista natio coluit. And Graecorum ingenia ad fallendum parata sunt. 481. Battle four ; i. e.four wings. 484. Hent. To lay bold on. Jog on, jog on the foot-path-way, And merrily bent the stile-a. A merry heart goes all the day ; Your sad tires in a mile-a. Shakespeare's Winter Tale. 492. Groom. A young man. Valet, which in French means a groom, was formerly an honourable title, given to young gentle- men, until they arrived at the age of 18 years. 493. Skail. Disperse. North. 500. Mace. Perhaps should be pace ; 1. e. Tunstal accompa- nied Sir Edward Howard. NOTES. I85 501. Again. Against. N. 510. Teen. Sorrow. N. 516. It is said, that there is a monument of Bryan Tunstal, in the north-west of Yorkshire, upon which is his effigy, lying in armour. 517. Stead. Place. 524. John Lindsay, Earl of Crawford ; William Graham, Earl of Montrose. 528. Mitred prelates. George Hepburn, Bishop of the Isles, and another Bishop whose name is unknown. 529. William Sinclair, Earl of Caithness ; David Kennedy, Earl of Cassils ; John Douglas, Earl of Morton ; William Hay, Earl of Errol; John Stuart, Earl of Athol; Patrick Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell; Cuthbert Cunningham, Earl of Glencairn; Thomas Fraser, master of Lovat; Sir Patrick Houston, of Houston; Thomas Stuart, Lord Innermeath; John, Lord Ross. Sir James Ross, the chief of a Highland clan, was at this battle, as we are told in a fine song called the Buchanshire tragedy, writ- ten by a very ingenious young lady, Miss Christian Edwards, daughter of a gentleman in Stirlingshire, author also of several other poetical pieces. Vide Appendix, No IV. John, Lord Maxwel; William, Lord Borthwick; John, Lord Forbes ; Robert, Lord Erskine ; Henry, Lord Sinclair; John, Lord Sempil ; Mr Cawell, Clerk of the Chancery ; Sir Cuthbert Hume, Lord of Fastcastle. 536. Patrick Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell. 538. Herbert, should be Hepburn. 541. Verse 4. It should seem by this verse, and by the lan- guage of this poem, that it was not written long after the battle of Floddon. 54a. Wan; gained. Wist; knew. N. 554. Malcolm Stuart, Earl of Lennox. 564. The Scots cast themselves into a ring, who were all slain with the king, except Sir William Scot, his chancellor, and Sir Bb l86 NOTES. John Forman, his serjeant-porter, who were taken prisoners and with great difficulty saved. The battle lasted three hours. 566. Fair perhaps should be Ker. 5J% The next day after the battle, the body of King James was found. He had received many wounds, most of them mortal. He was wounded in diverse places with arrows, his neck was opened to the middle, and his left hand in two places almost cut off, so that it scarcely hung to his arm. A great number of no- blemen lay dead round the king, whose body, though much de- faced, was known at the first sight, by some private marks, by Lord Dacres, Sir William Scot, Sir John Forman, and other Scotch prisoners. 574. The Scots had twenty-two large brass cannon, and parti- cularly seven of a very wide bore, all of the same size and make, called the Seven Sisters, which the Earl of Surrey sent down to Berwick. 575. The king's body was brought to Berwick, and there em- bowelled, embalmed, and cered, and inclosed in lead, and secretly amongst other things conveyed to Newcastle, thence it was carried to London, and by the General presented to Queen Catharine, at Richmond, who, with the gauntlet of King James, sent the news of the victory unto King Henry, lying at the siege, before the town of Terwin. From Richmond the body of the king was brought unto the adjoining monastery of Sheene. Stow saith, that at the dissolution of this house, in the time of King Edward VI. it was thrown into a waste-room, amongst old timber, lead, and stone. On Tuesday, September 9th, 1513, 5 Henry VIII. in Crookham West-field, belonging to John Askew, of Palinsburn, Esq. this battle was ended; in memory whereof, a stone, which now stands there, was erected. Vide stanza 558. King James was killed in the 25th year of his reign, and the 39th of his age : He was of a majestic countenance, of a middle size, and a strong body. By the use of exercise, a slender diet, and much watching, he could easily bear the extremities of NOTES. l87 weather, fatigue, and scarcity. He excelled in fencing, shooting, and riding. He delighted in fine horses, the breed of which he endeavoured to propagate, in his own country, as it appears from several letters still extant, which he wrote to the Kings of Spain and Poland, entreating them, that they would suffer his servants to buy such horses and mares, as their respective dominions afford- ed. In return, he made them presents of hunting dogs, and of the famous little ambling horses, called galloways, bred in the moun- tains and isles of Scotland. About the year 1508, the Lord of Campvere sent him many large Flanders horses ; and also Henry VII. several fine horses and rich furniture. He was of a quick wit, which by the negligence of those times was uncultivated with letters. He had great skill in the art of curing wounds, which was then common to the Scotch nobles, always in arms. He was of a high spirit, of easy access, courteous and mild. Just in his judicial decisions, merciful in his punishments, which he inflicted upon offenders always unwillingly. He was poor, from his pro- fusion in sumptuous buildings, public shows, entertainments, and gifts. As long as he lived, he wore an iron chain-girdle, to which he, every year, added one link, in testimony of his sorrow, for his having appeared at the head of the rebels, who killed his father, James III. A. 1488, contrary to his express orders. Bishop Lesly concludes the life written by him of James, with telling us, that the Scotch nation lost in him a king most warlike, just, and holy. Certain it is, that he was so dear to his subjects, that his death was more lamented, than that of any of his predecessors ever was. The following epitaph was made upon him : Fama orbem replet, mortem sors occulit ; at tu Desine scrutari quod tegit ossa solum. Si mihi dent animo non impar, fata, sepulcrum, Angusta est tumulo terra Britanna meo. He married Margaret, the eldest daughter of Henry VII. by whom he left two sons, the eldest not two years old. About a l88 NOTES. year after King James's death, she married Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus, by whom she had a beautiful daughter, Margaret, born A. 1516, at Harbottle Castle, in Northumberland, afterwards the wife of Matthew Stuart, Earl of Lennox, and by him mother to Henry, Lord Darnley, father to James I. Margaret and the Earl of Angus could not agree, upon which the marriage was dissolved by a bull from the Pope, a precontract having been proved against him. A. 1528, she married Francis Stuart, and had by him a son, created Lord Methven by James V. To divert her from her intended marriage with Stuart, Henry VIII. wrote several letters to her, in one of which, he told her, that he thought it was pardonable for men to do some things, which it was quite shameful for women to do. Queen Margaret died A 1539, aged 51, and was buried at the Charter House, at Perth, near the tomb of James I. The natural children of James were, by Mary Boyd, daughter of Archbishop Boyd, of Bonshaw, Alexander, Archbishop of St. Andrew's, and Catharine, wife of James, Earl of Morton. By Jean Kennedy, daughter of the Earl of Cassils, James, Earl of Murray. By Margaret, daughter of John, Lord Drummond, Margaret, wife of John, master of Huntly. By Isabel, daughter of James Stuart, Earl of Buchan, Jean, wife of Malcolm, Lord Fleming, Great Chamberlain of Scotland. I shall end this account of King James, with his character, written by Erasmus. Jacobus Rex Scotorum absolutam felicitatem absolute laudi adjunxerat, si perpetuo suis se finibus continuisset. Erat ea cor- poris specie, ut vel procul Regem posses agnoscere. Ingenii vis mira, incredibilis rerum omnium cognitio, invicta animi magni- tudo vere regia, pectoris sublimitas, summa comitas, effusissima liberalitas. Denique nulla virtus erat, quae magnum deceret principem, in qua ille non sic excelleret, ut inimicorum quoque suffragio, laudaretur. Contigerat uxor Margareta, Serenissimi Anglorum Regis Henrici Oclavi soror, ea forma, ea prudentia, ea in maritum charitate, ut non aliam e superis optare potuisset. Regnum Scotia quod multis, et opibus, et celebritate incolarum NOTES. I89 et splendore fertur cedcre, sic suis virtutibus illustrarat, sic auxe- rat, sic ornarat, lit veram egregii principis laudem meruerit, si intra hoc glorias suae stadium constitisset. Sed O nunquam feli- cem regno, raro principi, regis discessum ! Dum nimium amico in Gallorum regem animo, quo Britannia Regem magnis rerum mi- nis Gallias impetentem averteret, et ad insulse suae defensionem revocaret, egressus regni sui fines, Anglos bello lacessit. Quid multis? Fortiter quidem, sed infeliciter, periit; non tarn sibi, quam regno. Periit adhuc, aevo vigens. Diu Scotia tanto prin- cipe, diu Margareta tali marito, diu filius, nam filium ex ea sustu- lerat, tali patrc frui potuisset, atque ipse vicissim, et his omnibus, et sua gloria, nisi sibi vitam invidisset. Regibus proprius ac pulcherrimus laudum campus intra regni fines est. In apum gente, caeterae quidem hue, et illuc volatu diva- gantur, solus Rex, ut aculeo caret, ita, pro portione corporis, alas habet multo minores, ut ad volatum parum sit idoneus. Veteres ita veHerem fingebant, ut pedibus testudinem premeret, id innu- entes, matrem familias ab aedibus nusquam oportere discedere ; quippe cujus omne officium intra domesticos parietes contineatur. Atqui multo magis ad rem pertinebat, principem hoc admoneri symbolo, qui, si quid peccat, non unius familiae, sed orbis totius malo peccat. APPENDIX. No. I. THE VALUATION OF THE BISHOPRICK OF DURHAM, A. 1534. £. *. J. 1 he scite of the castle of Durham, with the coinage of money 868 Rents, farms, and office of coroner, in Chester-ward 486 6 5 Rents in Darlington-ward, and office of coroner . . aia 15 1 Rents, &c. in Easington 396 % 4 Ditto, in Stockton . 214 4 5 Ditto, in Sadbergh 290 1% 8 Ditto, &c. in Auckland, Gateshead, Whickham, &c. about 630 o o Spirituals 87 13 4 In Norhamshire* the scite of the castle^ &c. of Nor- ham , . 120 o o In Allerton, and Allertonshire, the scite of the man- sion, &c 241 n 3 Spirituals in Allerton and Allertonshire . ... 18 o o In the liberty of Crayke, the scite of the castle, &c. 48 % o In Hoveden and Hovedenshire 584 10 3 The mansion of the Bishop in London 18 1 4 Sum total 3056 5 9 jgT. NOTES. £. s. d. Brought over . . . 3056 5 9 Dedud: reprises . . . 307 6 3 Clear value .... £2748 19 6 The Bishop of Durham retained the privilege of coining money in his mint, from the year 1196 in the reign of Richard I. to the year 1540. 193 APPENDIX, No. II. The manours of Norham and Norhamshire, Allerton and Al- lertonshire, Sadbergh, Middleham, Easington-ward, Easington- coronater, Cotton Menville, and Gateshead, taken away from the see of Durham, A. 1560, by Queen Elizabeth, and excepted out of the restitution of the temporalities, on James Pilkington's being made Bishop. Teste, March 25, 1561. A. 1556, restitution to James Pilkington, Bishop of Durham, of the temporalities of Durham, with all these manours, except Norham and Norhamshire. Teste, June 13, 1566. A. 1581, Queen Elizabeth recites, that Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham, granted to her the manour of Middleridge, in the county of Durham, for 80 years ; now the Queen grants the said manour, and her interest to Richard Franklin. Teste, March 23, A. regni 24. A. 1582, the Queen recites, that Richard Barnes, Bishop of Dur- ham A. regni 23d, June 20, granted her for 79 years, the lordship and borough of Gateshead; now the Queen grants her interest to Hen. Andrew and Will. Selby, Aldermen of Newcastle, Novem- ber 12, A. regni 25. A. 1587, the Queen recites, that Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham, A. regni 28, September 29, demised to her the manour and advowson of Crayke, for 80 years. The Queen grants the same to Sir Francis Walsingham, Teste, March 22, A. regni 30. The Queen recites, that Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham, July 13, A. regni 27, granted her his manor-house, &c. at Hove- den, in the County of York, for 99 years. The Queen grants the premisses to John Gates, of Holden, Esq. Teste, May 20. The Queen recites, that Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham, April, A. regni 20, demised to her his mills in Darlington and C C 194 NOTES. Blackwell for 40 years. She grants them to William App. Teste, June 19. The Queen recites, that Richard Barnes, Bishop of Durham, May 31, A. regni 19, granted her his fisheries in the water of Tweed, and his franchises of Norham and Norhamshire, in the county of Northumberland. She grants the same to Thomas Leighton, Esq. Teste, August 21. Tobias Matthews, Bishop of Durham, demised to King James I. the castle of Norham, and the fisheries on the Tweed, and the manor of Norham and Islandshire, which the Dean and Chapter confirmed, April a, 1604. But he had some recompence made to him, by the confirmation of Durham-house in London to his see, and an abatement of the thousand pounds a-year which had been paid out of the Bishoprick, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, to the garrison at Berwick. This Dr. Matthews was an indefatigable preacher. In the eleven years that he was Dean of Durham, he preached 721 ser- mons. He was Bishop twelve years, and in that time he preached 550 sermons. '95 APPENDIX, No. III. DOCTOR BENTLEY's LETTER. Rev. Sir, I received your very obliging letter. It would make my long tedious work much more easy and light to me, if all the persons, whose courtesy I am forced to make address to, were as frank and forward as yourself. You will be sensible, that the effect of this labour of mine depends upon authority, not reason and criticism. I could sit still in my study, and with little trouble make Greek and Latin agree, and tally together, with plausible, if not certain, nay, even with certain emendations. How many such, when I collated my first manuscript, have I written in the bottom of the page, as conjectures of the true Latin reading ? These, in the pro- gress of more and older manuscripts, I have since found to have been plain, and from the first hand, in the old Saxon exemplars. You know the difference of these two propositions. I guess, I argue, I persuade, that it was once so written, though all the copies go against it; and I show you, that it is yet actually so, in an old manuscript of King Athelstan's, St. Cedda's, St. Cuthbert's of the age of 1200 years. The one pleases, and convinces ingenuous men, and well-willers to the Scriptures, and the other stops the mouths even of Pagans and Freethinkers. This consideration makes me resolve to spare no labour, nor any charge, to have all the books that our own country, and even foreign countries, can afford to me. I have advanced fifty pounds to an able foreigner, to go to Paris, and to collate some manuscripts of equal, or greater anti- quity than our own. For I have never yet used one old book, if it were but of twenty scattered sheets, that I did not get I96 NOTES. something particular by it. It is odd and pleasant, to see how the readings lie scattered through the copies. There shall be three true readings against the present Pope's text, within the compass of three verses, and these shall be fetched out of three several manuscripts ; what hits in one failing in the other two. There- fore I am encouraged by success; all that I meet with help some- what. Give me then number enough, and I am sure all will ex- actly tally. And for this reason, I must intreat you to send me down those other manuscripts, that contain the A<5ts and the Epistles, though they do not reach to the age desired; I mean those, which you take to be the best of them, and which are in square, rather than in oblong volumes, caeteris paribus. It is but a small addition of carrier's charge, and I am glad to pay it, both hither, and back again. I think, that I told you before, that I am comparatively poor in the Acts and the Epistles, which makes me send for help out of France. I have but two copies that reach 800 years, and these do not always come up to that which I seek for. But what is odd, junior books supply that sometimes, which the ancient ones fail in. Colossians ii. 4. Hoc autem dico ut nemo nos decipiat en pithanologia in sublimitate sermonum. For so the Popes, so the former editions, so both my old manuscripts read. And yet it is plain, that nobody could so translate it. Sublimitas sermonum is upsilogia, or meteorologia, never pithanologia. 1 soon guessed it to be an error of the Scribes, for subtilitate sermonum. For thus the old glossaries at Paris, printed by Stephens, from a copy of a thousand years of age, subtilitate pithanologia; and in Gloss. Graecolat. peithanologia, subtilitas verborum. But after this, I found in four manuscripts, of the king's library, not one of which is above 600 years old, subtilitate verborum, from the very first hand. This I also impute to some useful criticks in the western countries, about 700 years ago, who then collated the present manuscripts of the bible with the oldest copies then extant, and rectified the innovations : These emendations they published, under the title of Corredlorium Biblise, n^ of which have been NOTES. 197 yet printed, but quoted occasionally by Zergerus and Lucas. I shall get transcripts of them from abroad. If you meet with any such in your library, they make but few sheets, I pray that you would communicate them to me. This I say is the reason why a true reading shall be in a manuscript of 600, that is now wanting in those of now a thousand years of age. Because these cor- rectors, 700 years ago, had still older books, and the following transcribers, if learned, adjusted their copies, according to their directions. Of your two old books I shall give, as of all the rest, which are a thousand years old, a specimen of the writing in a copper-plate, that posterity may see, what good authorities I fol- low. I wish that you would look, what comments of Bede, or of the other tradtators, Austin, Ambrose, &c you have, of a compe- tent age; for I shall give you the trouble to examine particular places therein, when I begin to build ; for, at present, I am but digging my stones out of the quarries. I am glad, that your son put it into my power to oblige you; and that I shall more rejoice, if he gives me a farther occasion to show, that I am, Sir, Your obliged, humble servant, RICHARD BENTLEY. My service and thanks to Mr. Dean*. * Dr. Montague, Dean of Durham 198 APPENDIX, No. IV. THE BUCHANSHIRE TRAGEDY; OR, SIR JAMES THE ROSS. AN HISTORICAL BALLAD. Tune, GUI Morice. Of all the Scottish Northern chiefs^ Of high and warlike name, The bravest was Sir James the Ross, A knight of meikle fame. His growth was as the tufted firr, That crowns the mountain's brow ; And waving o'er his shoulders broad, His locks of yellow flew. The chieftain of that brave clan, Ross, A firm undaunted band ; Five hundred warriors drew the sword, Beneath his high command : In bloody fight thrice has he stood, Against the English keen, Ere two and twenty opening springs This blooming youth bad seen. i 9 9 The fair Matilda, dear he lov'd, A maid of beauty rare ; Even Margaret on the Scottish throne, Was never half so fair. Lang had he woo'd, lang she refus'd, With seeming scorn and pride, Yet aft her eyes confess'd the love Her fearful words deny'd. At last, she bless'd his well-try 'd faith, Allow'd his tender claim ; She vow'd to him her virgin heart, And own'd an equal flame ; Her father, Buchan's cruel Lord, Their passion disapprove, And bid her wed Sir John the Grsme, And leave the youth she lov'd. Ae night they met, as they were wont Deep in a shady wood ; Where on a bank beside the burn, A blooming saugh-tree stood. Concealed among the under-wood, The crafty Donald lay, The brother of Sir John the Graeme, To hear what they might say. When thus the maid began : My sire Your passion disapproves ; And bids me wed Sir John the Graeme, So here must end our loves : NOTES. My father's will must be obey d, Nought boots me to withstand, Some fairer maid in beauty's bloom, Shall bless thee with her hand. Matilda soon shall be forgot, And from thy mind defac'd, But may that happiness be thine, Which I can never taste. What do I hear ? Is this thy vow, Sir James the Ross reply'd : And will Matilda wed the Graeme, Though sworn to be my bride. His sword shall sooner pierce my heart, Than reave me of thy charms, Then clasp'd her to his beating breast, Fast lock'd into his arms. 1 speak to try thy love, she said, I'll ne'er wed man but thee ; My grave shall be my bridal-bed, Ere Graeme my husband be. Take then, dear youth, this faithful kiss, In witness of my troth, And every pledge become my lot, That day I break my oath. They parted thus, the sun was set, Up hasty Donald flies, Come, turn thee, turn thee, beardless youth, He, loud insulting, cries. NOTES. Soon turn'd about the fearless chief, And soon his sword he drew, For Donald's blade before his breast, Had pierc'd his tartans through : This for my brother's slighted love, His wrongs sit on my arm. Three paces back the youth retir'd, And sav'd himself from harm. Returning swift his hand he rear'd, From Donald's head above, And through the brain and crashing bones, His sharp-edg'd weapon drove. He stagg'ring reel'd, then tumbled down, A lump of breathless clay, So fall my foes, quoth valiant Ross, And stately strode away. Through the green wood he quickly hy'd- Unto Lord Buchan's hall, And at Matilda's window stood, And thus began to call : Art thou asleep, Matilda dear, Awake, my love, awake, Thy luckless lover calls on thee, A long farewell to take, For I have slain fierce Donald Graeme, His blood is on my sword, And distant are my faithful men, That should assist their Lord. Dd 202 To Sky I'll now direct my way, Where my brave brothers bide, And raise the valiant of the Isles, To combat on my side. do not so the maid replies, With me till morning stay, For dark and dreary is the night, And dangerous the way. All night I'll watch thee in the park, My faithful page Til send, To run and raise the Ross's clan, Their master to defend. Beneath a bush he laid him down, And wrapt him in his plaid, While trembling for her lover's fate, At distance stood the maid. Swift ran the page o'er hill and dale, Till in a lonely glen He met the furious Sir John Graeme, With twenty of his men. Where goest thou, little page, he said, So late, who did thee send ? 1 go to raise the Ross's clan, Their master to defend. For he hath slain fierce Donald Graeme, His blood is on his sword, And far, far distant are his men That should assist their Lord, ao3 And has he slain my brother dear ? The furious Graeme replies ; Dishonour blast my name ! but he By me ere morning dies. Tell me whercis Sir James the Ross, I will thee well reward; He sleeps into Lord Buchan's park, Matilda is his guard. They spurr'd their steeds in furious mood, And scour'd along the lee, They reach'd Lord Buchan's lofty towers, , By dawning of the day. Matilda stood without the gate, To whom thus Orseme did say, Saw ye Sir James the Ross last night, Or did he pass this way ? Last day at noon, Matilda said, Sir James the Ross pass'd by, He, furious, prick'd his sweaty steed, And onward fast did hy ; By this he is at Edinburgh town, If horse and man hold good. Your page then lied, who said he was Now sleeping in the wood. She wrung her hands and tore her hair, Brave Ross thou art betray 'd ; And ruin'd by those means, she cried, From whence I hop'd thine aid. 304 "NOTES. By this the valiant knight awak'd, This virgin's cry he heard ; And up he rose and drew his sword, When the fierce band appear'd. Your sword last night my brother slew, His blood yet dims its shine ; And ere the rising of the sun, Your blood shall reek on mine. You word it well, the chief return'd, But deeds approve the man, Set by your men, and hand to hand, We'll try what valour can : Oft boasting hides a coward's heart, My weighty sword you fear, Which shone in front, in Floddon Field, When you kept in the rear. With dauntless step he forward strode, And dar'd him to the fight, Then Graeme gave back and fear'd his arm, For well he knew its might. Four of his men, the bravest four, Sunk down beneath his sword, But still he scorn'd the poor revenge, And sought their haughty Lord. Behind him basely came the Graeme, And wounded him in the side. Out spouting came the purple gore, And all his tartans dy'd. *35 But yet his sword quitted not the gripe, Nor dropt he to the ground ; Till through his enemy's heart his steel Had forc'd a mortal wound. Graeme like a tree with wind overthrown, Fell breathless on the clay ; And down beside him sunk the Ross, And fainting, dying lay. The sad Matilda saw him fall, spare his life she cry'd, Lord Buchan's daughter begs his life, Let her not be deny'd. Her well-known voice the hero heard, He rais'd his death-clos'd eyes, And fix'd them on the weeping maid, And weakly thus replies ; In vain Matilda begs the life, By death's arrest deny'd, My race is run— adieu, my love ! Then clos'd his eyes and dy'd. The sword yet warm from his left side, With frantic hand she drew, I come, Sir James the Ross, she cry'd, 1 come to follow you. She lean'd the hilt against the ground, And bar'd her snowy breast, Then fell upon her lover's sword, And sunk to endless rest. 206 Then by this fatal tragedy, Let parents warning take; And ne'er entice their children dear, Their secret vows to break. toy APPENDIX, No. V. AN OLD SCOTCH SONG ON THE BATTLE OF FLODDON, FOUGHT A. 1513. 1 have heard of a lilting, at our ewes' milking, Lasses a lilting, before the break of day ; But now there's a moaning, on ilka green loaning, That our braw forresters are a' wede away. At boughts, in the morning, nae blyth lads are scorning ; The lasses are lonely, dowie, and wae ; Nae daffin, nae gabbin, but sighing and sabbing, Ilka ane lifts her leglen, and hies her away. At e'en at the gloming, nae swankies are roaming, 'Mong stacks, with the lasses, at bogle to play ; But ilka ane sits dreary, lamenting her deary, The Flowers of the Forest that are a' wede away. At harrest, at the shearing, nae youngsters a-re jeering^ The bansters are runkled, lyart, and grey. At a fair, or a preaching, nae wooing, nae fleeching, Since our braw forresters are a' wede away. O dool for the order, sent our lads to the border : The English for anes by guile gat the day. The Flowers of the Forest, that ay shone the foremost, The prime of our land, lies cauld in the clay. 208 NOTES. We'll hear nae mair lilting, at our ewes' milking, The women and bairns are dowie, and wae. Sighing and moaning, on ilka green loaning, Since our braw forresters are a' wede away. AN EXPLANATION OF THE SCOTCH WORDS. Line I. Lilting; singing in a brisk lively manner. Line 3. Ilka ; every. Line 3. Loaning ; a little oemmon near country villages , where cows are milked. Line 4. Braw ; brave, finely apparelled. Line 4. A' wede ; all cut away, Shakespeare, Richard III. A weeder out of his proud adversaries. Line 5. Bought ; the little fold, where the ewes are inclosed at milk- ing time. Line 5. Scorning ; jeering the losses about their sweethearts. To scorn is often now used in this sense in the North. Line 6. Dowie ; melancholy. Wae ; sorrowful. Line 7. Daffin; waggery. Gabbing; prating pertly. Sabbing; sobbing. Line 8. Ilka ane ; every one. Leglen ; a milking-pail, with one lug or handle. The hasty, silent, and disconsolate departure of the milk-maids, is natural and affecting. Line 9. doming ; at even, in the twilight, or evening gloom. Line 9. Swankies; young countrymen. This is an old English word, derived from the Saxon swang, a country swain. Line 10. Bogle ; hobgoblin, speclre. Bogle bo about the stack, is th£ diversion of young folks in a stack-yard. / Line 11. Dreary; «k/. notes. 209 Line 14. Bansters; binders up of the sheaves of corn. Runkled ; wrinkled. Lyart ; hoary. The binders were now all old men. Line 15. Fleeching ; flattering. Line 17. Dool; grief Line 18. Vide stanza 473, et seq. Line 19. Ay ; ever, always. Line 20. Cauld ; cold. There was hardly a genteel family in Scotland, but what lost one or more of their nearest relations in this battle. Line 22. Bairns ; children. The tune to this song, called, ' The Flowers of the Forest/ is a pretty, melancholy one. e e 310 APPENDIX, No. VI. THE BATAILE OF BRANXTON, OR FLODDON- FIELD ; Faught in the yeare of our Redeemer 1513, and in the 5th yeare of the reign of that victorious Prince, King Henry the Eyght. [Copied from an edition of " The Mir r our for Magistrates" printed in 1587.] O Rex Regum in thy realme Celestiall, Glorified with joies of Gabriel's company, King James is dead, have mercy on us all, For thou haste him prostrate so suddenly, (Which was our noble Prince his enemy) That us to withstand he had no might : So thy helpe, O Lord, preservde King Henry's right. Into England this Prince prowdly did come, With fourscore thousand in goodly aray: And the castle of Norham first he had won, Prospering victoriously from day to day ; But against him is gone the Earle of Surrey With him manfully for to fight, By the helpe of God, and in his Prince's right. This noble Earle full wisely hath wrought, And with thirty thousande forwarde is gone ; After wisedome and policy wondrously hee sought, 211 How by the Scottish ordinaunce he might well come, Thereto helped well Bastard Heyron, On the Scots he did harme both day and night, So thy helpe, O Lord, preservde our Prince's right. Our Herald of Armes to King Jemy did say : My Lord of Surrey greetes you well by mee, Marvailing greatly of this your aray, And what you make here in this countrey, Peace you have broken and old amity ; Wherefore if yee abide he will with you fight, By the helpe of God, and in his Prince's right. Abide ? (he sayde) els were it great dishonoure hye, That a King crowned an Earle durst not abide : Yf Surrey bee so bolde to gieve battayle to mee, I shall him tarry on Floddon-hill side ; Open warre then soon was there cryde, And our doughty men were readily dight, By the helpe of God, and in theyr Prince's right. St. Cuthberd's banner with the Byshop's men bolde, In the vauntgard forwarde fast did hye, That Royal Relyke more precious than golde, And Sir William Bowmer nere stood it by, Adjura Pater, then fast did they cry, Pray wee that God will graunt us his might, That wee may have the powre to save our Prince's right. The Lord Clifford and the Lord Latimer also, With the Lord Coniers of the north countrey, And the Lord Scroope of Upsalle, forward did goe, With the Lord Howarde Admirall of the see, Of noble hearte and courage goode was hee, 212 As any went that time agaynst the Scots to fight, By the helpe of God, and in theyr Prince's right. Sir William Percy and Lord Ogle both same, And Sir William Gascoyne theyr cosyn nere was hee, The Shryve of Yorkshire Sir John Everinghame, And the nobles of Cheshyre in theyr degree, The Lord Dacres and Bastard Heyron with hearte free, Which harme the Scots by day and by night, By the helpe of God, and in theyr Prince's right. Sir Edmond Haward of lusty franke courage Boldly advaunced himselfe eke in that stounde, To the Scots our enemies he did great hurte and damage Which were right greedy him and his blood to confound, But theyr mischievous intent on themselves did rebound, And many a deadly stroke on them there did light, So the helpe of God preservde our Prince's right. The Baron of Killerton and both Astones were there, With Sir John Booth, and many knights moe, Sir John Gower and Sir Walter Griffin drewe nere, With Sir Thomas Butler and Maister Warcop also, Sir Christopher Warde and Sir Wm. Midylton both two, And Sir William Maliver all did manly fight By the helpe of God, and in theyr Prince's right. In the mydle warde was the Earle of Surrey, That noble man, stoute, bolde, and hardy, The father of wit wee call him may, The Deputy of England most truly was he With him Lord Scroope of Bolton and Sir George Darcye, And Sir Richard Maliver with Buck's heades bright, By the helpe of God, and in theyr Prince's right. 213 Sir Philip Tylncy was there ready and prest, In the same warde with all his mighty powre, And Sir John Willowghby as ready as the best, With Sir Nicholas Aplyard his helpe, ayde, and succour. O what joy was it to see that same howre, How valiauntly our noblemen with the Scots did fight, By the helpe of God, and in theyr Prince's right. Yong Sir William Gascoyne was there indede, With Sir Richard Aldburgh and Sir Christofer Danebe, Sir William Scarkell, and M. Frost's helpe at nede, With Sir Ralph Ellarkar and M. Thomas Lee, M. Raphe Beeston and M. Hopton men might see, Full well, perdy, they quite themselves in that fight, By the helpe of God, and in theyr Prince's right. Sir Edward Stanley in the rerewarde was hee, A noble knight both wise and hardy, With many a nobleman of the West Countrey, And the whole powre of the Earle of Darby, With a right retinue of the Byshop Elye, And of Lankffshire men, manly did fight By the helpe of God, and in theyr Prince's right. Soone then the gunnes began a new play, And the vaunt-garde together are gone ; But our gunnes dissevered them out of aray, And our bolde bilmen of them slewe many a one, So that of them scarce returned none, Thus were they punished by helpe of God Almight, So thy helpe, O Lord, preservde our Prince's right. Then they sought embushments, but with small cherc, And in fowle manner brake theyr aray, 214 Yet some of our men by policy fled »vere, That sawe King Jeray on the hill where he lay, They flee (hee sayes) folow fast I you pray : But by that fit of flying, wee wan the fight, So the helpe of God preservde our Prince's right. To the Earle of Surrey King Jemy is gone With as comely a company as ever man did see, Full boldly their big men against us did come, Down the hill, with great mirth and melody : And our men marked them to the Trinity, Beseeching him there to shew his might, In theyr whole defence, and in theyr Prince's right. The Red Lyon, with his owne father's bloud inclynate Came towards the White Lyon both meeke and mylde, And there, by the hand of God he was prostrate, By the helpe of th* Eagle with her swadled Chylde, The Buckesheads also the Scots has beguilde, And with theyr gray goose wings doulfully them dight, By the helpe of God, and in our Prince's right. The Moone that day did shine full bright, And the Luce-head that day was full bent, The Red Cressent did blinde the Scots sight, And the ship with her ancre many Scots spent, But (alas) the good White Griffin was felde on Floddon-hill, Yet escape he did, not vanquisht in the fight, So thy helpe, O Lord, preservde our Prince's right. The Treyfell was true, and that did well appeare, And boldly the Great Griffin up the hill is gone, The antlet did lace them with arrows so neare, That buffits the Scots bare, they lacked none, «5 The Cinquefoile also was stedfast as the stone, And slewe of the Scots like a worthy wight, So thy helpe, O Lord, preservde our Prince's right. The yong White Lyon was angry in that stounde, And with his merry mariners the myrth him made, His bells rang lay couched in the grounde, Whereof the Scots were right sore affrayde, And round about rydeing evermore he sayde, Go to my fellowes, all shall be all or night, By the helpe of God we save our Prince's right. The Cornish Choughe did pick them in the face, And the crab them blinded that they might not see, They flew and fell, they had no other grace, With theyr new conquerour : but where now is hee ? Caryed in a cart, to his rebuke and his posterity, And his bullies so bonnye are all put to flight, So thy helpe, O Lord, preservde our Prince's right. Of Scots lay slayne full twelve thousande, And eleven Earles, the sooth for to say, Thirteen Lordes, and three Byshops as I understand, With two Abbots, which have learnde a new play, They should have bene at home for peace to pray : Wherefore they were thus wise punished by right, So thy helpe, O Lord, preservde our Prince his right. Theyr ordinaunce is lost, and theyr royalty, We have theyr riches, God have the prayseing, What ech man would take, he had his liberty. Wherefore laude and honour to such a King, From doulfull daunger us so defending : He has graunted unto us now his might, And by his only ayde preservde our Prince's right. 2l6 O Rex Regum, Ruler of us all, As thou for us sufferedst thy passion, Gieve the Scots grace, by King Jemye's fall, For to eschue ever like transgression, Preserve the Red Rose, and be his protection. Laude, honoure, prayse be unto God Almight, Who thus suppreste our foes, preservde our Prince's right, yee noble Lordes, and Knights vidtorius, I you beseech to have me excused, Your noble acts no better that I discusse, And that my simple saying be not refused, Wherein any thing I have me missused, 1 mee submit to your charitable correction : And in this manner shall be my conclusion. Qd. FRAUNCIS DINGLEY. Finis. Red Lion. The King of Scots. White Lion. The Earl of Surrey. Young White Lion. The Lord Admiral. The Moon. Percy. The Red Crescent. Lord Ogle. The Luce. Sir William Gascoign. The Cinquefoil. Sir George Darcy. Eagle and Child. Sir Edward Stanley. 217 APPENDIX, No. VII. SKELTON, LAUREATE, AGAINST THE SCOTTES. Against the proud Scottes' clattering That never wyll leave theyr tratlyng, Wan they the felde, and lost their kynge, They may wel say, Fye on that winning ! Lo, these fond sottes and tratlyng Scottes, How they are blind in their own minde, And will not know their overthrow At Branxton More, they are so stowre, So frantike mad. They say they had And wan the felde, with speare and shield ; That is as trew, as blacke is blew And grene is gray. Whatever they say, Jemmy is dead and closed in leade, That was theyr own kynge. Fye on that winning ! At Floddon-hilles our bowes our bylles Slewe all the floure of theyr honoure. Are not these Scottes foles and sottes Such boste to make, to prate and crake, To face, to brace, all voyd of grace ? So proud of heart, so overthwart, So out of frame, so voyd of shame, As it is enrold, wrytten, and told, Within this quaire ? Who list to repair And therein reed, shall finde, in deed, Ff 318 A mad rekening, considering all thing That the Scottes may sin. Fye on the winning ! * When the Scotte lyved. Joly Jemmy, ye scorneful Scotte, Is it come unto your lot A solempne summer for to be ? It greeth nought for your degree Our kyng of England for to fight Your Soveraine Lord, our Prince of might Ye for to send such a citacion ! It shameth al your noughty nacion In comparison, but king Koppyng Unto our Prince, anointed kyng Ye play Hop Lobbyn of Lowdean Ye shew ryght wel, what good ye can, Ye may be Lord of Locrian Christ sence you with a frying pan Of Edingborrow, and SaincSte Jonis Towne. Adieu ! Syr Sommer, cast off your crowne. When the Scotte was slayne. Continually I shall remember The mery moneth of September With the eleventh day of the same, For than began our mirth and game. So that now I have devised And in my minde I have comprised, Of the proude Scotte, Kyng Jemmy, To write some little tragedy, For no manner consideration Of any sorowful lamentation, But for the special consolacion Of al our Royal Erglysh nacion, Melpomene, O muse tragedial, 219 Unto your grace, for grace now I call To guyde my pen and my pen to enbibe, Illumine me, your poet and your scribe, That with mixture of aloes and bitter gall I may compounde, confedlures for accordial To angre the Scottes and Irish kiteringes withal That late were discomfect, with battaile marcial. Thalia, my muse, for you also cal I To touche them with tauntes of your armory, A medley to make of mirth with sadnes The hartes of England to comfort with gladnes. And now to begyn, I will me adres To your rehersying, the somme of my proces. Kynge Jamy, Jemmy, Jocky my jo Summoned our kyng. Why did ye so ? To you, nothing it did accord To summon our kynge, your Soveraine Lorde, A kynge, a summer, it was great wonder, Know ye not suger and salt asonder ? Your summer too saucye, too malapert Your harrold in armes, not yet half expert, Ye thought ye did yet valiantlye, Not worth three skippes of a pye, Syr Skyr Galyard, ye were so skit Your wil than ran before your wyt. Your lege ye layd, and your aly Your franticke fable not worth a fly, Frenche Kynge, or one or other Regarded you shold your Lord your brother, Trowed ye Sir Jemy his nobel Grace From you Sir Scotte, wold tourne his face With gup Sir Scotte of Galawey Now is your bride fall to decay. 220 NOTES. Male brid was your fals entent For to offende your President, Your Soveraigne Lord most reverente, Your Lord, your brother, and your regent. In him is figured Melchisedecke, And ye were disloyal Amalecke. He is our noble Scipione, Annoynted kynge, and ye were none. Thoughe ye untrulye your father have slayne His tytle is true, in Fraunce to raygne. And ye proude Scot, Dunde, Dunbar Pardy ye were his homager And suter to his parliament For your untruthe, nowe are ye shent Ye bare yourself somewhat to bold, Therefore ye lost your copyhold Ye were bonde tenant to his estate Lost is your game, ye are checke mate. Unto the castell of Norram 1 understande too sone ye came, At Branxton-more and Floddon-hilles, Our English bowes our English bylles Against you gave so sharpe a shower, That of Scotland ye lost the flower. The White Lyon, there rampante of moode He raged and rente out your harte bloude, He the White, and you the Red ; The White there slew the Red starke ded. Thus for your Guerdon quyt are ye, Thanked be God in Trinite And swete Sain